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Let me begin exactly where I finished my previous newsletter with an update of our wonderful ICC team and our quest to finally win that coveted trophy. We won our league and joined our fellow Dubai Golf teams and The Montgomerie in the final, which was held this year at The National Course in Abu Dhabi. Unfortunately, after some great individual performances it wasn’t to be our year and once again we had to settle with 2nd place, but I’ve no doubt with our strong squad and fantastic team spirit we will be ready to compete again next year under the guidance of Evelyn our very capable Vice-Captain.

ICC disappointments were quickly brushed over by far more pressing thoughts… securing dresses for our inaugural Member’s Party. Massive congratulations to all involved in organizing what was a memorable night of fun and I’m sure one that will be a highlight on our social calendar for years to come. The culinary choices presented on the evening were exceptional and gave us a taste of what is to come at JGE over the coming months. With raffle prizes, speeches and entertaining music by Sean Gavin and his band the evening was definitely one of the best. Our Park Hyatt Stableford on the 30th March was won by Valerie Darnault, Juliette Castell, Rim Sun Lee and Evelyn Downham with NTP vouchers going to myself and Rim Sun Lee. Our Lounge Spa Ladies which was played on Earth, where the greens were enough to test any established pro was won by Claudia Kilcullen, Myself in 2nd and Gill Stevens in 3rd place with Evelyn & Vicks winning NTP. Once again massive thanks to Tara and all at the Lounge Spa for providing us with their fabulous vouchers.

With the longer evenings we organized a social event and were joined by the ladies group from the Peter Cowen Academy. The scramble format was popular choice and a wonderful evening was enjoyed by our 32 ladies who finished off with prize giving at Kasturi. The winning team of Trudi McMullan, Lisa Schofield, Sunny Raymond and Rachel Ewin with NTP prizes going to Valerie Darnault and Sara Chadwick.

Last Wednesday, we said goodbye to our wonderful, always positive Pro Anneke Strobach. She will be greatly missed by her students, colleagues and the Ladies group whom she played with on a Wednesday morning. Her positive, relaxed cheerful manner is a wonderful gift that will take her far and we look forward to following her career. Our Park Hyatt winners on the day were Sylvia van Der Tol and Sara Chadwick in a pairs scramble format.

Until next time stay well hydrated and enjoy your golf.

Sheila McIlroy Lady Captain

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