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Wealth management refers to products and services available through the operating subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation, of which there are important differences, including, but not limited to, the type of advice and assistance provided, fees charged, and the rights and obligations of the parties. It is important to understand the differences when determining which products and/or services to select.
If you are not completely satisfied for any reason, at your request Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab") or Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank"), as applicable, will refund any eligible fee related to your concern. Refund requests must be received within 90 days of the date the fee was charged. Schwab reserves the right to change or terminate the guarantee at any time. Go to schwab.com/satisfaction to learn what’s included and how it works.
©2021 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC CC1787869 (1119-9W1J) ADP106777NFC-00 (12/21)
President — Scott Arthur
IGS Energy
President Elect — Mark Flesch
Gordon Flesch Company Inc.
Vice President — Alicia Nesline Shaw
Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP
Treasurer — Greg Lesperance
Veeva Systems
Chief Operating Officer — Jennifer Amorose
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Paul G. Ghidotti
The Daimler Group, Inc.
Lisa Gutierrez
Dos Hermanos Taco Truck LLC
Adam Holderman
The Holderman Group
Randy Leite, PhD Ohio University, Dean Emeritus
Blaire Luciano
The Wendy's Company
Kyle Lugg
PNC Bank
John Marschhausen, PhD
Dublin City Schools, Ex-officio
Hollis Mignogno
Cardinal Health
Asch Mikhail
Sunny Street Café
Brad Moore, DDS
Smiley Dental Group
Megan O'Callaghan
City of Dublin, Ex-officio
Armin Rahmanian
Melissa Reilly
Quantum Health
As someone who has spent my entire career working in Dublin, it is an extraordinary honor to now serve as the president of the Dublin Chamber Board of Directors.
I first started working at IGS Energy after graduating from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, in 1998. In 2016, I joined the Chamber board where I have served as treasurer and vice president before being elected to my current role.
It's through these opportunities that I have had a front-row seat and been able to witness the value the Chamber adds to our members, employees and the community. I can’t think of another local organization that does more for businesses in our community than the Dublin Chamber of Commerce.
In addition to advocating on behalf of businesses, the Chamber provides opportunities for leadership development at all levels of an organization through Leadership Dublin, the Leadership Academy and the iCare, iServe, iLead youth program. In today’s economy, I recognize how important the Chamber’s educational programming is in supporting the workforce, whether you are in human resources, sales, professional services or another field.
One of the most valuable aspects of being a Chamber member is the opportunity to attend networking events where you can meet other Dublinarea professionals, bond with your team members and get to know members of the community through events like Taste of Dublin, the Golf Classic and the Dublin Corporate Charity Cup, not to mention the extremely popular Off-the-Clock events.
This year, we remodeled and expanded the Chamber building at 129 S. High St., in Dublin to provide gathering suites, classroom and conference space, and a casual café area offering Wi-Fi to further address the needs of today’s businesses.
If you would like to learn more about joining the Chamber or increasing your involvement, please call us at 614-889-2001.
We look forward to working with you to continue to keep our community and our businesses going strong and growing stronger.
Scott Arthur President Dublin Chamber of Commerce Scott Arthur Dublin Chamber of Commerce PresidentThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center is opening the doors to a new way to get personalized, comprehensive health care in one convenient setting, right in your community. Nagging cough? Walk through our doors for immediate care. You can also see your family doctor or have your physical therapy right here. Need more advanced care? We can handle that, too, including advanced imaging and outpatient procedures in our surgery center. It’s Ohio State’s nationally ranked care, now more accessible than ever.
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
129 S. High Street, Dublin, Ohio 43017
Tel: 614-889-2001 Fax: 614-889-2888 info@DublinChamber.org www.DublinChamber.org
The Dublin Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following organizations for contributing information and photos to this Directory:
City of Dublin, Cory Klein Photography, Crawford Hoying, Dos Hermanos Food Truck LLC, Dublin Arts Council, Dublin City Schools, Kona Craft Kitchen + Bar, OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital, Ruscilli Construction and Washington Township.
The Business Directory & Community Guide of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce has been established for the use and benefit of its dues paying membership and for individuals requesting a copy of the publication. Its purpose is to enhance communication within the community. There is no guarantee, either stated or implied, for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided herein.
The Dublin Chamber of Commerce, its Board of Directors, and the Chamber staff do not specifically endorse the members listed in the Business Directory. The Business Directory is for communication and advertising purposes only, and any person or organization using the Directory should do their own due diligence evaluation of prospective business relationships.
Additionally, the listings and information contained in the Membership Directory in part are an accumulation and assimilation of data from various sources. As verification of all of these independent sources would be impossible, the Chamber does not warrant the accuracy of information contained in the Membership Directory. Users of the Membership Directory should conduct their own due diligence evaluation of the accuracy of the data contained in the Directory. Therefore, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, its members, staff and board members assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce.
twitter.com/dublinchamber facebook.com/dublinohiochamber linkedin.com/in/dublinchamber @dublinohiochamber
Since 1975, the Dublin Chamber has focused on improving the economic climate and fostering the relationships between businesses, schools, and government for the good of the community. A 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, the Chamber serves as the voice of the business community. Dublin Chamber members enjoy a host of benefits including:
• Networking and education for business owners and their employees
• Low-cost and no-cost marketing opportunities
• Social media and online promotional programs
• Partnership opportunities in various community and business events
• Special discount programs
• Leadership development programs
• Members-only referrals
• Increased visibility locally and regionally
Let the Chamber Introduce and Promote
Your New Business!
If you are looking to launch a new business, the Dublin Chamber can help you get started. Schedule a meeting today to discuss ways to target your specific industry. We also offer specific assistance to new businesses including:
• Ribbon-cutting and grand opening assistance
• Social media promotion
• Marketing and promotional programs
• Workforce development assistance
• Online Job Board postings
• Conference room rental for off-site meetings and events
Engage customers with a special offer in the Dublin Chamber’s NEW flipbooks! Ads featured in the Chamber's flipbooks will be promoted all year long to business owners and residents through emails, social media and on DublinChamber.org.
One of the best ways to reach Dublin area businesses is by advertising in the Chamber’s bi-monthly magazine, Dublin Chamber News. This high-quality publication is mailed to nearly 2,000 business professionals. Ads start at only $175 per issue.
Generate more traffic to your website through a Dublin Chamber banner ad, enhanced business listing and digital flipbook ad, which can be viewed by the more than 65,000 unique visitors to Dublinchamber.org every year. Advertising on the Dublin Chamber’s website allows you to:
• Boost your Search Engine Optimization Rankings;
• Lend credibility to your name by partnering with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce;
• Tailor your message to speak specifically to decision-makers in our community!
The Chamber’s Business Directory & Community Guide is an established marketing tool that reaches 5,000 individuals and companies each year! The Directory highlights member businesses alphabetically and by business category. It remains one of the best resources for Dublin’s business and residential community.
It’s the go-to community reference guide for businesses and residents working and living in our community. Ads in this widely used resource start at only $249 per year.
Put your business in the spotlight! Sponsoring a Chamber event allows you to reach specific target audiences including Chamber members, business professionals, students, community members and young professionals.
The Dublin Chamber receives thousands of requests annually from individuals looking for business referrals. We only refer Dublin Chamber members.
There’s no easier way to drive customers to your business than with a special offer on the Dublin Chamber’s Online Coupon Deals. And, posting a coupon is so simple, you’ll be able to get started today!
As a well-known and trusted site, DublinChamber.org offers weight not just in the community, but also with online search engines. By adding the Chamber’s member logo to your website and linking it back to DublinChamber.org, you are boosting your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings. Call the Chamber at 614-889-2001 for a logo use agreement form and the Chamber's member logo will be emailed to you.
We’d love to help you celebrate company news in the Chamber's printed magazine and online. Email press releases to info@DublinChamber.org.
Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. The Chamber uses its digital media to promote its member businesses, important business and community news, leadership development programs, and networking events. Send your news releases to info@DublinChamber.org.
a meeting today with a Chamber staff member to review programs that can benefit your business. Call 614-889-2001 today.
www.DublinChamber.org 7
The Dublin Chamber is known for providing its members with unique and memorable opportunities to connect with businesses, community leaders, and elected officials. It is networking and access you may not find anywhere else. From our Sales Connection Breakfast Series to our Dublin Off-the-Clock After Hours gatherings, there is an event at the Chamber for you!
Build awareness of Chamber member services and become an Ambassador. Join this exclusive group of business professionals and increase your visibility while serving in a Chamber leadership role.
Held monthly, Off-the-Clock After Hours events provide you an opportunity to get to know other members of the business community in a relaxed setting. Call the Chamber today to learn how you can promote your own business by hosting one of these extremely popular after-work gatherings.
Join hundreds of Chamber members and meet new contacts and showcase your products and services. Booth space is available to Chamber members on a first-come, first-served basis.
Held in partnership with Dublin City Schools, the DublinWorks! Student Job Fair matches Dublin businesses like yours with students looking for summer employment, internships or volunteer opportunities. Meet with students, review resumes and conduct interviews at this event.
This popular breakfast brings area business and civic leaders together to learn about the area's economic and demographic trends and how these trends could affect local businesses.
This group comes together to help keep Chamber members informed on local legislation and on important community topics such as the US-33 Smart Mobility Corridor, U.S. Department of Transportation Grants and businesses looking to expand or locate to our community.
Human Resources professionals are invited to join this group that meets every other month over lunch to discuss timely HR issues. Members network with peers in the industry and select topics for discussion including health care, employee retention, succession planning, and more.
Start your morning with your business in mind. These events offer guest speakers, networking, new member introductions and breakfast. Start making connections before your competition gets in the office.
NextGen Dublin is the Chamber’s organization that works to develop, connect, and empower young professionals through volunteer opportunities, networking, fun social events, and educational seminars.
Held the first Friday of the month, special guest speakers discuss topics of great importance to the professional development of sales professionals such as sales training, prospecting, closing the deal and marketing.
Share information about your business and develop new relationships at these luncheons that feature speakers who encourage professional development and personal empowerment. This is a diverse group of savvy business leaders that includes professionals from all industries.
The Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation and Dublin City Schools partner to honor students and staff of Dublin City Schools who exemplify the best of volunteerism, character, and a sense of caring and responsibility for others. The Community Champion Awards aim to nurture those who participate in the community through leadership and service.
Volunteers help area senior citizens, Dublin schools and non-profit organizations with spring clean-up and outdoor projects on this special day. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get involved in the community individually or with a group from your office, neighborhood or organization.
The Dublin Chamber Corporate Challenge is all about fitness, team-building and friendly competition! Reward your employees’ efforts to stay healthy, support your community and have a great time while doing it. Your employees will be able to compete in fun events such as corn hole, a football toss, bingo, volleyball, an obstacle course, relay races, a basketball shootout, pickleball, and more!
At this popular annual event, golfers are treated to lunch on the course and dinner in the clubhouse while socializing with other business professionals. With chances to win door prizes and bid on silent auction items, you will be sure to impress your clients, so invite them to spend a day with you hitting the links!
Taste of Dublin is an upscale community event that allows you to sample delicious specialty items from the area’s top restaurants and catering firms while mingling in the community. General admission and VIP tickets are available for anyone age 21 and older.
Ring in the holiday season at this elegant and festive luncheon. It offers a great way to show appreciation for your employees, clients and friends. Individual tickets and corporate tables are available. for event details and to register!
The Dublin Chamber’s Leadership Development Track provides individuals at various stages in their education and career the opportunity to expand their leadership skills through traditional instruction, civic engagement and community-wide networking events.
The Chamber’s Leadership Dublin Executive Program is an eight-month program designed to cultivate, connect, and engage seasoned professionals from cross-sectors of the community. Designed for those wanting to take the next step in their civic journey, Leadership Dublin has grown to be one of the premier community leadership development programs in the country.
Participants in this exclusive program will be given the opportunity to:
• Refresh and Recharge — Through various sessions with business experts, corporate leaders, and elected officials, you will learn innovative new ideas.
Establish your presence in our community by interacting with leaders from the city, schools, and local government as well as from other area businesses.
The Dublin Chamber’s Leadership Academy is one of the best leadership development programs in central Ohio for young, working professionals. This six-session program features dynamic speakers and is an essential resource for young professionals looking to distinguish themselves from their peers, and taking an active role in their careers and community.
This Youth Leadership Program helps to prepare the next generation of leaders for community involvement and to discover their leadership potential. Aimed at middle school students, this unique program takes place each summer.
for more information on how to start your leadership journey today!
Chamber members with 2-50 employees have options for discount health plans through Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield or a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) through the Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance.
Dublin Chamber Member Logo Program
You may request the Dublin Chamber’s membership logo to use on your website and on your business cards. This will let your customers know you are a Chamber member which provides your company with added credibility and because of our many years in business, will boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) too!
Office Depot Discount Program
You, your business AND your employees can save on office supplies, printing, toner, paper, furniture, and technology with the Office Depot Discount Program. Includes free nextday delivery with qualifying orders in the local delivery area.
Dublin Chamber Online Coupon Deals and Digital Flipbook. Click and $ave!
Take advantage of some of the best savings in town. Dublin Chamber members can also offer Coupon Deals at no cost to increase your visibility or promote a product or service. A great way to promote your business and gain new customers! And so many other benefits to your Chamber membership!
Some might say 48 hours in Dublin just isn’t enough time as there’s never a shortage of things to see and do here. Whether you prefer the nightlife, exploring the great outdoors, or a casual stroll ending with a visit to a local ice cream parlor, you can find all of the above and more in Ohio’s Emerald City. Here are a few of our favorites!
Start your busy day with a visit to Sunny Street Café to taste their famous pumpkin pancakes and grab a fresh cup of coffee. Then it’s off to Historic Dublin where you’ll see original buildings from when the village was platted in 1810. Here, you’ll find shops like the Dublin Toy Emporium to see their unique selection of toys for kids of all ages.
Take in the breathtaking view as you walk across the Scioto River via the Dublin Link pedestrian bridge to Bridge Park, Dublin’s premier entertainment, dining, and retail destination, where you can explore the many shops there.
It’s time for lunch — who wants what? You CAN please everyone when you gather at North Market Bridge Park, a public market with roughly twenty of the finest tastemakers in the region. How about an authentic Mexican street taco, burrito and more prepared by the team at Dos Hermanos Taco Truck followed by a refreshing beverage from the Market Bar. You could spend a whole day taking in the sights and sounds of the Bridge Street District but there are still so many places to go!
Grab a frisbee and head to one of more than 60 parks that make Dublin their home including Ballantrae Community Park which includes a splash-pad and larger-than-life dancing hares, nature trails and miles and miles of bike paths.
Wrap up your busy day at Scene75, the #1 entertainment center in North America with 200 arcade games, three bars and restaurants, and 20 attractions. You’ll have a blast!
One of the best authentic New York bagels you may have ever eaten can be found at Bruegger’s Bagels right here in Dublin, so begin your second day adventures there. Just down the road, located in a small park, you’ll find Indian Run Falls — Dublin’s very own outdoor oasis. Revel in the tranquility of the waterfalls while discovering the abundance of wildlife living there. There’s a viewing deck and hiking trails that will take you upstream where you’ll find a 10-foot cascade with a creek flowing through a scenic gorge. An urban wonder — just minutes away!
You can’t visit Dublin without experiencing its world-renowned Art in Public Places, a joint venture between the City of Dublin and Dublin Arts Council. There’s a Field of Corn (with Osage Orange Trees), an installation of 109 human-sized concrete stalks of corn, and Leatherlips, a 12-foot-high limestone portrait of the Wyandot Native American Chief who once roamed early Dublin.
Have you ever wondered how a pro-grade baseball bat is crafted from start to finish? Take a one-hour tour at Phoenix Bats where wood baseball and softball bats for every level from little league and beyond are made. Approved by pro players since 2000, you’ll get to see the process firsthand and even take home a miniature bat souvenir.
African lions, Amur tigers and polar bears! Oh my! Discover those and more among the 10,000 animals at the famed Columbus Zoo & Aquarium. You’ll feel like you’re on safari in the Heart of Africa, or down under in the Australia and Islands exhibit. It’s all here for you to explore. And on those hot, summer days, visit the adjacent Zoombezi Bay where you can cool off on 17 water slides, dodge the waves in the pool or settle in with a refreshment at Crocktail Creek!
The evening is yours to enjoy however you please! Grab a cold beer at Getaway Brewing Co. or North High Brewing Company to start. Then select from 30 restaurants within walking distance of downtown Dublin. There are fine steaks and tavern fare on the menu at The Avenue, fresh seafood at Kona Craft Kitchen + Bar, or Corned Beef and Cabbage at Fado Irish Pub. Wherever you choose, you’re sure to have a world-class dining experience. Bon Appétit!
The City of Dublin’s business community is one of the strongest economic engines in the Columbus metropolitan square area and is responsible for more than $7.8 billion in economic activity each year. Expanding into portions of three counties, Franklin, Delaware, and Union, Dublin is home to 4,300+ businesses including Cardinal Health, ranked #15 on the 2022 Fortune 500 list and Ohio’s largest company. More than 20 companies make their corporate headquarters here such as The Wendy’s Company, Quantum Health, and IGS Energy.
Dublin’s diverse and sound economic base provides the foundation for the present and future stability of the city. The continued economic vitality is the result of quality development, strategic planning, and aggressive efforts to attract and retain high-quality commercial development.
Dublin is a city of nearly 50,000 residents who enjoy amazing housing options, access to world-class health care and superior public education where Dublin City Schools students are prepared to thrive in a globally competitive workforce. Dublin City Schools is the 9th largest district in Ohio and one of the most diverse and inclusive with 70 languages spoken here!
Consistently ranked one of the safest cities in the nation, Dublin is host to Jack Nicklaus’ PGA Tour Memorial Tournament and one of the nation’s largest Irish cultural events — the Dublin Irish Festival and has been recognized as the “Most Outstanding Global Festival and Event City in the World” by the International Festivals and Events Association!
Dive into the past by exploring Historic Downtown Dublin’s landmarks or pay a visit to Dublin Veterans Park featuring the Grounds of Remembrance Memorial. Cross the scenic Dublin Link pedestrian bridge to Bridge Park, Dublin’s newest upscale development. Meet up with friends or family for exclusive dining, shopping, nightlife, and entertainment.
Experience Glacier Ridge Metro Park with its restored 150-acre wetland area and climb a 25-foot observation tower there or enjoy any of the over 60 developed parks in the area, including Nando’s Dog Park! Softball, volleyball, and pickleball are just a few of the organized adult leagues you can join or explore Dublin's first-class bike path systems with nearly 100+ miles of recreational trails.
All this and so much more contribute to a dynamic life in a city long recognized as a premier community, locally and internationally.
for more information on Dublin area parks.
The City of Dublin’s business community is one of the strongest economic engines in central Ohio and offers a robust selection of many of the greatest, most recognized “Best Places to Work” in the state and beyond!
Cardinal Health, OSU Wexner Medical Center, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Medical Mutual, and OhioHealth were all named America’s Best Employers by Forbes in 2022 and there is a long list of other award-winning businesses too! With a highly diversified corporate base of companies from Fortune 1000 headquarters to data centers to IT and beyond, Dublin’s extensive list of local, regional, national, and international industries provides an environment rich in opportunity to achieve your career success.
Dublin is a remarkable place to work for many reasons beyond the healthy job market and hundreds of industries seeking employees here. There’s a certain lifestyle afforded to our residents that is second to none! Dublin is a safe, friendly community with an abundance of social, recreational, and cultural activities for people of all ages and interests. And Dublin is consistently recognized nationally as one of the best places to live AND work!
Are you looking to land your perfect job in the city of Dublin or surrounding areas? The Dublin Chamber wants to help with your search by offering two great tools to aid in your employment quest. The Work in Dublin Job & Internship Fair which is open to Dublin students and employers and the Chamber’s Online Job Board postings showcasing career opportunities posted by member businesses. The Chamber helps promote these open jobs in email and on social media too!
to see career opportunities in Dublin posted on the Chamber’s Online Job Board!
Cardinal Health Inc., 4,800 Employees
Dublin City Schools, 2,265 Employees
OhioHealth (& Dublin Methodist Hospital), 2,000 Employees
Sedgwick, 1,622 Employees
OCLC, 750 Employees
The Wendy’s Company, 725 Employees
Quantum Health, 600 Employees
Fiserv Corporation, 600 Employees
Univar Solutions, 550 Employees
Express Scripts, 500 Employees
UnitedHealthcare, 450 Employees
IGS Energy, 450 Employees
LabCorp, 430 Employees
City of Dublin, 400 Employees
XPO Logistics, 400 Employees
Epiq, 295 Employees
ICU Medical, 280 Employees
Covetrus, 259 Employees
Community Choice Financial, 250 Employees
Columbus Springs, 250 Employees
Bold = HQ in Dublin
Building Permit Assistance — The City of Dublin has formed a cross-functional team to complete commercial plan reviews in a coordinated manner for compliance with building, fire, engineering, landscape, and zoning standards. The Economic Development team attends permit review meetings to help facilitate the approval process — saving companies time and money.
Dublink Fiber Optics — Dublin’s city-owned 125-mile underground looped fiber-optic highway provides your business with significant choices of networks, speed, cost, and services.
Grants — Companies take on substantial expenses related to start-up or moving and/or upgrading office space technology, the City may provide a technology grant or relocation grant to offset some of these costs.
Green Incentives — The City encourages companies to build “green” by providing a Green Building Grant. This cash grant is payable upon receipt of LEED certification.
Infrastructure — Our corporate growth and success have resulted in a vigorous capital improvement budget which provides investments in roads, utilities, and Dublink Broadband.
Land — The City of Dublin works with companies to acquire land necessary for their projects.
Performance Incentives — The City may offer growing companies annual performance-based cash incentives based upon a percentage of actual payroll withholdings (2% of wages).
Here are just a few of the many incentives the City of Dublin and its partners may offer to help your business succeed!
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
614-889-2001, www.DublinChamber.org
City of Dublin – General Information
614-410-4400, www.DublinOhioUSA.gov
City of Dublin Economic Development 614-410-4618
Dublin Entrepreneurial Center 614-989-2429, www.decindublin.com
1st Stop Business Connection
614-466-2711, 800-248-4040 business.ohio.gov/wps/portal/ gateway/business/start
Columbus Small Business Development Center
614-287-5294, https://sbdccolumbus.com
Governor’s Office
614-466-3555, www.governor.ohio.gov
614-644-3020, www.epa.ohio.gov
Ohio Secretary of State 877-767-6446, www.ohiosos.gov
Ohio Statewide Development Corporation
614-481-3214, www.osdc.net
Better Business Bureau
The Columbus Region - One Columbus 614-225-6063, www.columbusregion.com
Community Capital Development Corporation
614-645-6171, www.ccdcorp.org
NAWBO Columbus
Ohio Chamber of Commerce 614-228-4201, www.ohiochamber.com
SCORE Columbus
614-664-7267, columbusoh.score.org
Women’s Business Center of Ohio 614-732-0897, www.wbcohio.org
Central Region – Columbus 2020 614-559-5052, www.ohiomeansjobs.com
Minority Business Development Division 614-466-5700
Ohio Attorney General 800-282-0515
Ohio Auditor of the State 614-466-4514, 800-282-0370, www.ohioauditor.gov
Ohio Development Services Agency Central Ohio Office: 800-848-1300 www.development.ohio.gov
Ohio Department of Taxation 888-405-4039 - business line, www.tax.ohio.gov
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
800-644-6292, www.bwc.ohio.gov
Internal Revenue Service
614-280-8691, www.irs.gov
Small Business Administration
The SBA has multiple programs that can help small businesses gain access to capital and bonding. For more information, visit www.sba.gov/services.
Delaware County Commissioners
Jeff Benton, Barb Lewis, and Gary Merrell
Franklin County Commissioners commissioners.franklincountyohio.gov
Kevin Boyce, Erica Crawley, and John O’Grady
Union County Commissioners
Dave Burke, Christiane Schmenk, and Steve Robinson
Washington Township Trustees
Charles W. Kranstuber, Jan Rozanski, and Stu Harris
Jerome Township Trustees
Barry Adler, Wezlynn Davis, and Megan Sloat
Ohio Governor
Mike DeWine (R) 614-644-4357
Ohio Senators
3rd District – Tina Maharath (D) 614-466-8064
16th District – Stephanie Kunze (R) 614-466-5981
19th District – Andrew Brenner (R) 614-466-8086
26th District – Bill Reineke (R) 614-466-8049
Ohio House of Representatives
21st District – Beth Liston (D) 614-644-6030
22nd District – David Leland (D) 614-466-2473
23rd District – Laura Lanese (R) 614-466-9690
24th District – C. Allison Russo (D) 614-466-8012
67th District – Kris Jordan (R) 614-644-6711
86th District – Tracy Richardson (R) 614-466-8147
to find your polling location.
Sherrod Brown (D)
U.S. House of Representatives
15th Congressional District –Mike Carey (R)
Charles W. Kranstuber, ckranstuber@wtwp.com
Jan Rozanski, jrozanski@wtwp.com
Stu Harris, sharris@wtwp.com
Joyce Robinson, jrobinson@wtwp.com
Eric Richter, erichter@wtwp.com
Alec O’Connell, aoconnell@wtwp.com
(614) 652-3920
6200 Eiterman Road Dublin, Ohio 43016
Station 91: 6255 Shier Rings Road
Station 92: 4497 Hard Road
Station 93: 5825 Brand Road
Station 95: 5750 Blazer Parkway
EMS • Fire Suppression • Rescue Operations
Fire Prevention • Safety Education
care, every day. Washington.Township.Dublin.Ohio www.wtwp.com
www.DublinChamber.org 21
The Council is comprised of seven members – three elected at large and four elected from each of the four wards of Dublin. All Council members serve a term of four years. As Dublin’s governing body, City Council adopts policies and passes legislation, establishes city goals and oversees and approves the annual budget. City Manager Megan O'Callaghan is responsible for day-to-day administration and operations.
Megan O’Callaghan
Dublin City Manager
Dublin City Council –City Hall 5555 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-410-4400
Chris Amorose Groomes (At Large) cagroomes@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2023
Vice Mayor Cathy De Rosa (Ward 4) cderosa@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2025
Christina Alutto (At Large) calutto@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2023
Mayor Jane Fox (Ward 2) jfox@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2025
Andy Keeler (At Large) akeeler@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2023
Amy Kramb (Ward 1) akramb@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2025
John Reiner (Ward 3) jreiner@dublin.oh.us, Term Expires 12/31/2025
Back Row: Vice Mayor Cathy De Rosa (Ward 4), Mayor Jane Fox (Ward 2), John Reiner (Ward 3), Amy Kramb (Ward 1) Front Row: Christina A. Alutto (At-Large), Andy Keeler (At-Large), Chris Amorose Groomes (At-Large)
Standing Committee Appointments
Administrative Committee –
Christina Alutto, Cathy De Rosa, Amy Kramb
Community Development Committee –Chris Amorose Groomes, Andy Keeler, John Reiner Finance Committee –
Christina Alutto, Chris Amorose Groomes, Andy Keeler Public Services Committee –
Cathy De Rosa, Amy Kramb, John Reiner
Municipal Building
5555 Perimeter Dr.
Dublin, OH 43017, 614-410-4400
Office of the City Manager, Clerk of Council, Communications and Public Information, Finance, Tax Administration
Department of Development
5200 Emerald Pkwy.
Dublin, OH 43017, 614-410-4600
Planning, Building Standards, Information
Technology, Economic Development
Dublin Justice Center
6565 Commerce Pkwy.
Dublin, OH 43017
614-410-4800 Police, 614-410-4920 Court
Dublin Service Center
6555 Shier Rings Rd.
Dublin, OH 43016, 614-410-4750
City Forester, Events Administration, Human Resources, Parks and Open Space, Streets and Utilities, Recycling, Street
Maintenance, Trash Collection, Outreach and Engagement, Engineering, IT
Dublin Community Recreation Center & Abbey Theater
5600 Post Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017, 614-410-4550
Recreation Services, Theater Supervisor, Dublin Municipal Pools (Seasonal)
City Manager
Megan O’Callaghan mocallaghan@dublin.oh.us
Deputy City Manager & Chief Operating Officer
Robert Ranc, Jr. rranc@dublin.oh.us
Assistant City Manager & Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer
Homer Rogers hrogers@dublin.oh.us
Building Standards
Bradley Fagrell, Director bfagrell@dublin.oh.us
City Council
Jenny Delgado, Clerk of Council jdelgado@dublin.oh.us
Communications & Public Information
Lindsay Weisenauer, Director lweisenauer@dublin.oh.us
Court Services
Lisa Schoening, Director lschoening@dublin.oh.us
Economic Development
Jennifer Klus, Director jklus@dublin.oh.us
Paul Hammersmith, Director phammersmith@dublin.oh.us
Events Administration
Alison LeRoy aleroy@dublin.oh.us
Finance Administration
Matt Stiffler, Director of Finance mstiffler@dublin.oh.us
Brian Goodall bgoodall@dublin.oh.us
Scott Moncrief smoncrief@dublin.oh.us
Human Resources
Jennifer Miglietti, Director jmiglietti@dublin.oh.us
Outreach & Engagement
Christine Nardecchia, Director cnardecchia@dublin.oh.us
Parks & Recreation
Matt Earman, Director mearman@dublin.oh.us
Jennifer Rauch, Director jrauch@dublin.oh.us
Justin Paez, Chief jpaez@dublin.oh.us
Recreation Services
Tracey Gee, Director tgee@dublin.oh.us
Streets & Utilities
Gary David Browning gbrowning@dublin.oh.us
Kevin Robison, Director krobison@dublin.oh.us
Central Office
5175 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017
614-764-5913 (p)
614-761-5856 (f)
John Marschhausen, PhD, Superintendent Brian Kern, Treasurer
Ann Simpson Davis Middle School
Jaime Stewart, Principal 2400 Sutter Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-5820
Dublin Coffman High School
Matthew Parrill, Principal 6780 Coffman Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017, 614-764-5900
Dublin Scioto High School
Thomas Cochran, Principal 4000 Hard Rd. Dublin, OH 43016, 614-717-2464
Eversole Run Middle School
Kyle Gibson, Principal 9015 Gardenia Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-718-8448
Mary Emma Bailey Elementary
Shawn Ritter, Principal 4900 Brandonway Dr. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-717-6611
Centralized Preschool
Vanessa Ohlinger
Student Services Coordinator 7030 Coffman Road
Dublin, OH 43017
Albert Chapman Elementary
Scott Zeoli, Principal 8450 Sawmill Rd. Powell, OH 43065, 614-761-5864
Deer Run Elementary
Porsha Robinson-Ervin, Principal 8815 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-764-5932
Dublin Jerome High School
Mike Aurin, Principal 8300 Hyland-Croy Rd. Dublin, OH 43016, 614-873-7377
Emerald Campus 5175 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-761-5857
Williard Grizzell Middle School
Andy Wilkinson, Principal 8705 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-3569
Abraham Depp Elementary
Troy Ehrsam, Principal 9001 Gardenia Drive
Plain City, OH 43064
Glacier Ridge Elementary
Peter Kurty, Principal 7175 Glacier Ridge Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-733-0012
Hopewell Elementary
Susann Wittig, Principal 4303 Bright Road Dublin, OH 43016
Indian Run Elementary
Marty Assmann, Principal 80 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-764-5928
Dr. Henry W. Karrer Middle School Brooke Menduni, Principal 7245 Tullymore Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-873-0459
Olde Sawmill Elementary
Martha Barley, Principal 2485 Olde Sawmill Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016, 614-764-5936
Eli Pinney Elementary
Joshua Page, Principal 9989 Concord Rd. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-798-3570
Riverside Elementary
Jaclyn Palone, Principal 3260 Riverside Green Dr. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-764-5940
Scottish Corners Elementary
Lauren Windham, Principal 5950 Sells Mill Dr. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-764-5963
John Sells Middle School Matthew Sachtleben, Principal 150 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-5919
Griffith Thomas Elementary
Jenny Davis, Principal 4671 Tuttle Road Dublin, OH 43017, 614-764-5970
Daniel Wright Elementary
Lucas Bauer, Principal 2335 West Case Rd. Columbus, OH 43235, 614-538-0464
Wyandot Elementary
Renae Schwartz, Principal 5620 Dublinshire Dr. Dublin, OH 43017, 614-761-5840
Located 16 miles north and northwest of Columbus, the district encompasses 47 square miles in most of Dublin and parts of Columbus, Hilliard, Upper Arlington, Delaware County and Union County.
Three high schools, Emerald Campus, five middle schools, 14 elementary schools and one preschool.
Enrollment continues to grow each year. The current enrollment is now nearly 17,000 students.
More than 1,700 English Language Learners students speaking approximately 70 different languages are enrolled in the district.
School Business Connection
The Dublin City Schools received 23 percent of its local revenues from local businesses in tax year 2021.
Local businesses contribute 20 percent of the cost to educate each child in the Dublin City School District ($2,946 of the $14,730 Cost Per Pupil).
Business executives founded the Dublin Education Foundation in 1999, which supports philanthropic and educational endeavors.
Total Employees: 2,265 1,399 teachers, 771 support personnel, 95 administrators
Teacher’s Salary/Experience
Average Teacher’s Salary: $86,707 Teacher’s starting salary: $49,088 – Bachelor, $53,997 – Master
Average classroom teacher experience: 14 years
Certified employees with master’s degree or beyond: 73 percent
Per Pupil Expenditure
Per equivalent pupil expenditure, all funds per Ohio Department of Education: Total: $14,730, Instruction: $9,666, Operations: $1,979, Pupil Support: $962, Administration: $1,551, Staff Support: $572
General Fund revenue for Fiscal Year 2022: $251,154,872
Scott Melody, President — Term expires Dec. 31, 2023
Chris Valentine, Vice President — Term expires Dec. 31, 2023
Tiffany DeSilva — Term expires Dec. 31, 2025
Lindsay Gillis — Term expires Dec. 31, 2025
Diana Rigby — Term expires Dec. 31, 2025
4-H Clubs OSU Extension Program 614-292-4444, www.ohio4h.org
Boy Scouts, Simon Kenton Council 614-436-7200, skcscouts.org
Business Advisory Council
Kristy Venne, 614-764-5913
Camp Wyandot 614-481-8227, campwyandot.org
City of Dublin - Volunteer Resources
Christine Nardecchia, 614-410-4406 www.dublinohiousa.gov/volunteer
Dublin American Legion
Jeff Noble, 614-214-6451 ltcjeffnoble@gmail.com
Dublin AM Rotary
Dublin Area Art League www.dublinartleague.org
Dublin Arts Council
David S. Guion, 614-889-7444 www.dublinarts.org
Dublin Bridges
www.neighborhoodbridges.org/ community/dublin-OH
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation
Leadership Dublin iCare...iServe...iLead
Youth Leadership Program
Jennifer Amorose, 614-889-2001 www.DublinChamber.org
Dublin City Schools
Erick Starkey, 614-764-5913 www.dublinschools.net
Dublin City Schools Alumni Association 614-760-4413
Dublin Community Bands www.dublinbands.com
Dublin Community Senior Citizens 614-410-4550
Dublin Community Recreation Center 614-410-4550
Dublin Community Swim Team Lynn Bowers lynnbowers86@gmail.com
Visit Dublin 614-792-7666, www.irishisanattitude.com
Dublin Dolphins Swim Team www.dublindolphins.com
Dublin Food Pantry
614-889-6590, www.dublinfoodpantry.org
Dublin Football League www.dublinfootball.org
The Dublin Foundation www.dublinfoundation.org
Dublin Historical Society 614-716-9149, www.dublinohiohistory.org
Dublin Irish Festival 614-410-4545
Dublin Latchkey 614-793-0871, www.dublinlatchkey.org
Dublin Lions Club http://e-clubhouse.org/sites/dublin_oh/
The Dublin Singers www.dublinsingers.org
Dublin Special Olympics 614-718-8437
Dublin Soccer League 614-793-8320, www.dublinsoccer.net
Dublin VFW Post 2398 137 E. Dublin Granville Road, Dublin 614-882-9549
Dublin-Worthington Rotary www.dublinworthingtonrotary.org
Dublin Women’s Philanthropic Club www.dublinwomensclub.org
Dublin Youth Athletics www.DYA.com
Emerald City Players jodyhepp@yahoo.com www.emeraldcityplayers.weebly.com
Friends of the Library https://columubslibrary.org/friends/ Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland 614-487-8101, www.gsooh.org
Greater Dublin Realty Association www.gdraweb.org
Historic Dublin Business Association www.historicdublin.org
Japan America Society of Central Ohio 614-300-3054, Jas-Co.org
Kiwanis Club of Dublin dublin-oh-kiwanisone.org
League of Women Voters State Office 614-469-1505, www.lwvohio.org
the Memorial Tournament 614-889-6712
Miracle League of Central Ohio www.ohiomiracleleague.org miracleleaguecentraloh.org
MOMS Club of Dublin Central https://momsclubdublincentral.wordpress.com
MOMS Club of Dublin West momsclubofdublinwest@gmail.com
MOMS Club of Dublin SE https://momsclubofdublinse.webs.com
The Muirfield Association
614-889-0922, www.muirfieldassociation.com
Muirfins Swim Team Mike Brengartner, President www.muirfins.com
NextGen Dublin
Young Professionals Organization
614-889-2001, www.DublinChamber.org/NextGen
OCLC Toastmasters https://oclc.toastmastersclubs.org
Parents Encouraging Responsible Choices www.percdublin.org
Scioto Valley Chorus www.sciotovalleychorus.com
614-791-3003, www.sportsohio.org
614-889-5722, www.syntero.org
One Dublin Heather Heins, Executive Director 614-726-6958, www.one-dublin.org
Y-Tribe – YMCA North 614-389-4707, www.ymcacolumbus.org/north
If you would like to add your organization to this list, please call the Chamber at 614-889-2001.
2020 Accord Sedan 2020 Honda Odyssey 2020 TalonThere is growing evidence supporting the link between the environments where people live, learn, work, and play and healthcare outcomes. When it comes to medical care, Dublin has lots to offer! Dublin is home to Central Ohio’s major hospital systems and healthcare networks — OhioHealth, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Reunion Rehabilitation Hospital and Columbus Springs Changes.
Within Dublin’s borders, residents have access to hospitals, 24-hour emergency medical care, state-of-the-art rehabilitation facilities, and hundreds of physicians, dentists, mental health professionals, chiropractors... and more! We are fortunate to have Dublin’s accomplished healthcare professionals on hand to help keep us healthy!
AMAI Angeline
Robin Agler
1191 E. College Ave. Westerville, OH 43081 614-615-2070
Convalarium at Dublin, The Jennifer Matteson 6430 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-1188 theconvalarium.com
Danbury of Columbus
Cara Crossetti 2870 Snouffer Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-339-0459 www.danburyseniorliving.com/places/ columbus-danbury
Glenwood Alzheimer's Special Care Center
Julie Wise
6355 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-9200 sinceriseniorliving.com
Sunrise of Dublin
Fran Herrick
4175 Stoneridge Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-718-2062
The CentreChiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Lundeberg 6678 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-660-5560 centrechiroandwellness.com
Alix ChiroRehab
Matthew Alix, DC 6880 Perimeter Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-0077 alixchirorehab.com
Columbus Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center
Brad Muse
6077 Frantz Rd., Ste. 103 Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-4473 columbuscrc.com
Foundation Chiropractic, P.C.
Marie Hoying
6245 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-5271 foundationchirodublin.com
Huffer Chiropractic
Lisa Adams 6631 Commerce Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-401-2021 hufferchiropractic.com
Kowalski Chiropractic and Wellness
Patty O'Haver 6151 Avery Rd., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-8050 kowalskichiropractic.com
Rise Chiropractic & Nutrition
Nicole Short 84 N. High St., Ste. 1A Dublin, OH 43017 614-681-0195 risechiropracticandnutrition.com
The Winchester Institute of Chiropractic Health and Wellness
Dana Winchester 6425 Post Rd., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43016 614-760-5555 thewinchesterinstitute.com
Dr. Robert Gordon and Associates
Barbara Peterson 5174 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-9104 drgordonandassociates.com
Kaela Rae Vance, LPCC-S
Kaela Vance 555 Metro Pl. N., Ste. 100, Office 108 Dublin, OH 43017 614-647-4357 kaelaraevance.com
McGloshen, Thomas H. Ph.D.
Thomas McGloshen, PhD 248 Old Spring Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2223
Sea Glass Counseling and Consultation
Erin Pritchard 545 Metro Pl. S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-398-0558 seaglassohio.com
Syntero, Inc.
Julie Erwin Rinaldi, CEO 299 Cramer Creek Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-5722 syntero.org
True North Counseling Group
Sonya Slater 6209 Riverside Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-310-4940 beyourtruenorth.com
ViaQuest, Inc.
Emily Stickley 525 Metro Pl. N., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-5837 viaquestinc.com
Capital Endodontics
Mark O'Banion, DMD 6670 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 250 Dublin, OH 43016 614-659-7491 capendocolumbus.com
Daily Dental & Bracesbar
Ali Vernon 7713 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-336-0800 bracesbar.com
Dental Reflections Dublin Rudi As-Sanie 5080 Bradenton Ave., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-5576 dentalreflectionsdublin.com
Distinctive Smiles of Dublin
Eric Buck
5142 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-1800 distinctive-smiles.com
Dublin Dental Associates
Karen Amerine 200 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-9661 dublindentalassociates.com
Dublin Metro Dental Aparna Sadineni, DDS, FAACD, MAGD, FICOI 572 Metro Pl. N. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-5600 dublinmetrodental.com
(Dentist continued on next page)
This Healthcare Guide will direct you to some of Dublin’s providers offering a wide range of specialties and disciplines to help keep you and your family healthy.
Edwards Family Dental
Timothy Edwards, DDS 6600 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-7666 edwardsfamilydental.com
Ford Family Dental
Robin Capaldi Ford, DDS 6890 Perimeter Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-1974 fordfamilydental.com
Haid Dental
Tara Haid, DDS 6455 Post Rd., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-7661 haiddentalassociates.com
Haring Pediatric Dental Dr. Robert Haring, DDS, MS 4395 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-3361 haringpediatricdental.com
Jennifer J. Miller, DDSDentistry of Dublin
Jennifer Miller, DDS
106 N. High St., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-1500 jjmillerdds.com
See ad on page 31
Nemcik Family Dentistry Nemcik, DDS
6251 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0002 bauerandnemcik.com
Perimeter Dental Group
David Scurria, DDS
6780 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-5277 perimeterdentalgroup.com
River Park Dental
Phing Saurer
6605 Longshore St., Ste. 220 Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-8686 riverparkdental.com
Schneider Family Dental
Matt Schneider
5150 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2211 schneiderfamilydental.com
Smiley Dental Group
Jeff Holowicki, DDS 5156 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0726 smileydentalgroup.com
See ad on page 35
Diagnostic Reference Lab
Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings
Amy Rhine-Pallas 6370 Wilcox Rd., Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-1061 labcorp.com
Health & Wellness
Columbus Wellness Medicine, LLC
Elizabeth Tuttle 3807 Attucks Dr. Powell, OH 43065 614-420-2063 columbuswellnessmedicine.com
Health Care
Carbon Health
Laurie O’Neill 6313 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 355 Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-3627 Carbonhealth.com
Forward Health, LLC
Timothy Yoder 6020 Groveport Rd. Groveport, OH 43125 614-567-6274 forwardhealthohio.com
Medication Therapy Management Solutions, LLC
Karen H. Wooten, RPh 1567 Weiskopf Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-306-5375 mtmservices4u.com
Mindpath Health
Kristina Smith 6880 Perimeter Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 888-966-8973 vertavahealth.com/locations/oh/dublin/
Reunion Rehabilitation Hospitals are dedicated to individualized patient treatment and recovery.
Our new Dublin facility provides patients with 40 private suites, large common areas for visitors, and a 2,900-square-foot therapy gym featuring the latest equipment and technology.
Since our 2021 opening, over 100 patients treated at our hospital have given Reunion Dublin a five-star Google review for our commitment to quality care. Once you are admitted to the hospital, our Dublin CEO will personally welcome you and your family to the facility. In the meantime, our interdisciplinary team will work together to create an individualized treatment plan to help you meet your goals.
Mount Carmel Health System
Alicia Rausch 6150 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43213 614-546-3410 mountcarmelhealth.com
See ad on page 33
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, The Kathleen Kemp 3900 Stoneridge Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-366-9324 wexnermedical.osu.edu/locations/ outpatient-care-stoneridge-dublin
See ad on page 4
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, The 6700 University Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-739-0777 wexnermedical.osu.edu/Dublin
See ad on page 4
One Medical
Jennifer Ryan 6515 Longshore Loop, Ste 1A Dublin, OH 43017 888-663-6331 onemedical.com
Star Health & Aesthetics
Toshia Ridings 7601 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-636-3036 startherapy.us
Learn more about our state-of-the-art facilities, visit our website for more information.
Ashley Rippeth
5475 Rings Rd., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-763-8649 advocatercm.com
Clinix Healthcare
Olga Magyar
5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Ste 300 Dublin, OH 43016 614-792-5422 clinix.org
Doctors Consulting Service, Inc.
Terrence Fickel
200 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-1980
Health Care - Diagnostic Imaging
Solis Mammography - Dublin
Erica Sycks-Greear
5156 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 120 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-9355 solismammo.com
SV Diagnostic Labs, LLC
Chandrashekar Chalumalla 485 Metro Pl. S., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43017 614-327-7348 svdiagnosticlab.com
Capital Health Home Care Concierge
Kendra Thomas 6479 Reflections Dr., Ste. 160 Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-8845 homecareconcierge.net
Compassionate Caregivers
Home Care
Debbie DeLuca Ely RN 6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. C Dublin, OH 43017 614-710-0078
Friendship at Home
Scott Emch
90 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-2167 friendshipathome.org
Primary Care Nursing Services Inc.
Elvina Pettus 3140 Lilly Mar Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-0960 pcnsohio.com
Alison Yeager 800 Cheshire Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 740-363-6677 Mysourcepoint.org
See ad on page 35
Quantum Health
Melissa Reilly 5200 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 800-257-2038 x13893 quantum-health.com
Health Care - Products & Services
BlueOrange Compliance
Joan Elewski 2500 Farmers Dr., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43235 614-783-9619 blueorangecompliance.com
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Hollis Mignogno 7000 Cardinal Pl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-757-2993 cardinalhealth.com
Lynn McNabb 5000 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-760-5000 sarnova.com
Health Care – Sales
ICU Medical
Lori Sylvia 5200 Upper Metro Pl., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-210-7300 icumed.com
Health Care – Speech & Hearing
Beltone Hearing Care Center
Kristina Fassett 7454 OH -161 Plain City, OH 43064 614-504-5066 locations.beltone.com/oh/plaincity/0050991000/
Columbus Speech & Hearing Center
Jennifer Thomson 5155 Bradenton Ave., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-261-5789 columbusspeech.org
Excalibur Hearing and Audiology
Douglas Lewis 2698 Billingsley Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-389-3013 excaliburaudiology.com
McKibben & Monte Pediatric Speech and Occupational Therapy
Jennifer Monte 7947 Tartan Fields Drive Dublin, OH 43017 614-323-9469 mckibbenandmonte.com
Adecco Dublin
Jeremy Hunsinger
6250 Shier Rings Rd.
Dublin, OH 43016 903-715-9178
Tim Ninke
4950 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-457-4359 einformatics.com
Healthy Roster, Inc.
Nathan Heerdt P.O. Box 1114 Dublin, OH 43017 healthyroster.com
Loren Lynn, Inc.
Frank Russell 7263 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-2620 aedresults.com
Jayne Frilling 7720 Rivers Edge Dr., Ste. 101 Columbus, OH 43235 614-519-7225
Vitas Healthcare
Michele Casey
655 Metro Pl. S., Ste. 770 Dublin, OH 43017 614-822-2700 vitas.com
Columbus Springs Dublin
Tina Colter 7625 Hospital Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-717-1800 columbussprings.com
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Kent Weakley 700 Childrens Dr. Columbus, OH 43205 614-722-2000 nationwidechildrens.org
See ad below
Dublin Methodist Hospital
Debbie Donahey 7500 Hospital Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-544-8000 ohiohealth.com
See ad on Back Cover
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, The 6700 University Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-739-0777 wexnermedical.osu.edu/Dublin
See ad on page 4
Reunion Rehabilitation HospitalDublin
Eric Mueller 3805 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-515-7676 reunionrehabhospital.com/dublin
See ad on page 30
Omnilife Systems, Inc. Robert Banasik 50 W. Fifth Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 614-299-3100 omnilife.org
Sanctuary at Tuttle Crossing, The Laura Solaiman 4880 Tuttle Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-8870 ahfohio.com
The Grand of Dublin Kim Fullerton 4500 John Shields Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8585 grandofdublin.com
Columbus Ophthalmology Assoc., LLC Danielle Crans 5155 Bradenton Ave., 2nd Floor Dublin, OH 43017 614-526-6209 coavision.com
The Ohio State University Department of Ophthalmology
Laura Sladoje 6435 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-293-8116 eye.osu.edu
Clarkson Eyecare
Lisa Bailey Dyer 6732 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-9940 rinkoveyecare.com
Emerald EyeCare, LLC Emerald EyeCare 6285 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-8956 emeraldeyecare.com
Kenneth D. Boltz, OD, LLC Kenneth Boltz 5775 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 160 Dublin, OH 43017 614-763-5775 drkenboltz.com
The urgent care experts at the Dublin Close To HomeSM Center with Urgent Care on Hospital Drive provide the kind of care you won’t find at any other urgent care facility. That’s because our doctors and nurses have received special training. And they’ve been nationally recognized for the advanced care they deliver to children. For more information, visit NationwideChildrens.org/Dublin.
Dublin Close To HomeSM Center 7450 Hospital Dr. Suite 100 Dublin, OH 43016 Phone: (614) 355-7000
Monday – Friday: 3 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: Noon - 8 p.m.
Always call your pediatrician or family doctor first.
Lentechs LLC
Robin Sears
7720 Rivers Edge Dr., Ste. 101 Columbus, OH 43235 614-340-3349 x1118
Shamrock Family Eyecare Bryan Delmore, O.D.
5151 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8331 shamrockeye.com
Associated Orthodontics, Inc.
Gregory Anderson, DDS
6620 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-9000 www.buckeyebraces.com
See ad on page 35
Buckeye Orthodontics
Camie Tibbs
4437 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-362-2440 buckeye-orthodontics.com
Cook Orthodontics - Dublin
Brandon D. Cook, DDS
5152 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-9000 huttasmiles.com
Karpac, DDS, MA, MS, James R. James Karpac, DDS
5 W. Bridge St., Ste. 203 Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0330 jameskarpacortho.com
Stoner Periodontic Specialists
Dr. Jason Stoner
5152 Blazer Memorial Pkwy., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8222 stonerperio.com
Pharmacy – Retail
Plain City Druggist
Robin Craft 480 S. Jefferson Ave. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-0880 druggist4u.com
Pharmacy – Benefits Manager
RxBridge, LLC Pete Shearer 6077 Frantz Rd., Ste. 206 Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-1851 rxbridge.com
Affiliated Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dwight Scarborough, M.D.
650 Shawan Falls Dr., Ste. 105 Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1711 affiliated-dermatology.com
Columbus Arthritis Center
Nan Irwin
1211 Dublin Rd. Columbus, OH 43215 614-485-2665 columbusarthritis.com
Columbus Surgical Associates
Courtney Hainline
7450 Hospital Dr., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-5050 columbussurgicalassociates.com
Innovative Family Medicine
Marvin Im
6425 Post Road, Ste. 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-813-0883 mdvip.com/doctors
Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute
4975 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0773
Physical Medicine Associates
Kendra Yahns
7269 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-591-0020 pmaohio.com
Premier Allergy
Dr. Summit Shah
6565 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 (740) 304-0151 premierallergyohio.com/GL-dublin
Summerhill Family Medicine, Inc.
Wendy Summerhill
6680 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 120 Dublin, OH 43016 614-792-5200 summerhillmedicine.com
Physicians - Dermatology
Columbus Skin Surgery Center, Inc. Sharon Thornton, MD
6670 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 260 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-2200 columbusskinsurgery.com
Physicians – Medi-Spa
Rejuvenate You, LLC
Paula Jones 5960 Venture Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-562-0047 rejuvenateyouohio.com
Timeless Skin Solutions Megan Schmidt 31 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-5100 timelessskinsolutions.com
It’s a commitment we make to all the patients and communities we serve. Including Dublin, where we’ll be building our newest hospital campus over the next few years. It’s a project we’re as excited about as we are for the opportunity to continue growing alongside this incredible community.
At Mount Carmel, we’re dedicated to providing safe, high-quality care to central Ohio.
Physicians - Orthopedics
Heather Benjamin 6785 Bobcat Way, Ste. 300 Columbus, OH 43016 614-890-6555 orthoneuro.com
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center
Renee Reynolds
5060 Bradenton Ave., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-895-8747 orthofootankle.com
Orthopedic ONE
Laura Fagert
6840 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-827-8700 orthopedicone.com
Physicians – Pediatrics
Emerald Pediatrics
Donna Keller
5695 Innovation Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-932-5050 emeraldpediatrics.com
Evolve Health | Dr. Misha Yajnik
Anne Flanery
5050 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 201 Dublin, OH 43017 614-495-8428 evolvehealth.com
Hand In Hand Pediatrics
Marsha Justus 6051 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-6044 handinhandpediatrics.com
River's Edge Pediatrics, Inc.
Christine Pope 4335 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-7772 repkids.net
Physicians – Plastic Surgery
Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solutions
Ed Stange
92 North High St., Ste. 260 Dublin, OH 43017 614-442-7610 donaldsonplasticsurgery.com
Dorner Plastic Surgery
Brian Dorner, MD 4930 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-9000 dornerplasticsurgery.com
Sumit Bapna, MD
Sumit Bapna 6325 Emerald Pkwy., Ste. 1B Dublin, OH 43016 614-876-6673 ohioface.com
Physicians – Podiatry
Dublin Foot & Ankle
Linda Raber
6850 Perimeter Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-1466 dublinfootandankle.com
See adjacent ad
Step Lively Foot & Ankle Centers
Melissa Tran
6670 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 240 Dublin, OH 43016 614-339-2000 steplivelyfootandankle.com
Physicians – Psychiatry
Unified Health and Wellness
Michelle Meyer
7243 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 105 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-3814 unifiedhw.com
Retirement Community
Abbington of Powell Assisted Living
Katie Taylor 3971 Bradford Ct. Powell, OH 43065 614-789-9868 abbingtononline.com
See adjacent ad
Dublin Retirement Village
Dionne Nicol 6470 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-2800 seniorstar.com
Friendship Village of Dublin
Angela Vogan
6000 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1600
See ad below
National Church ResidencesAvondale Senior Village
Megan Kepler 5215 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-319-3353
Verena at Hilliard
Ray Tyo
4522 Hickory Chase Way Hilliard, OH 43026 614-964-0105
Urgent Care Treatment Facility
Nationwide Children's Dublin Close to Home - Hospital Dr. 7450 Hospital Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-355-7000 nationwidechildrens.org/dublin
See ad on page 32
Nationwide Children's Dublin Close to Home - Venture Dr. Kent Weakley 5675 Venture Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-355-8407
See ad on page 32
Anderson Neesley CPAs, LLC
David Anderson, CPA
5970 Wilcox Pl., Ste. G Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-9898 andersonneesleycpas.com
Blue & Co., LLC
Alan Baker 9200 Worthington Rd., Ste. 200 Westerville, OH 43082 614-220-4037 blueandco.com
Bottom Line CPA, LLC
Tim Cistone 53 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-408-8354 bottomlinecpa.com
Brixey and Meyer
Carla Rider
485 Metro Place S., Ste. 400 Dublin, OH 43017 866-760-0940 brixeyandmeyer.com
Dale Saylor & Associates, CPAs
Dale Saylor 5640 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-4224
Dublin Advisors, LLC, CPAs
David Bentz
5990 Venture Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-674-1482 dublinadvisorscpa.com
Farwick, Curran & Horgan, CPAs
Ray Horgan
7287 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-734-9294 fchcpas.com
Fidler & Fidler, Tax and Accounting
Richard Fidler 6077 Frantz Rd., Ste. 106 Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-8222 fidlerfidler.com
Holbrook & Manter, CPAs
Stephen Smith 545 Metro Place S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-3696 HolbrookManter.com
Katie Cox & Co, LLC
Katie Cox, EA 6605 Longshore St., Ste. 240 Dublin, OH 43017 614-403-8619 boutique-tax.com
Lecorchick Group
Holly Lecorchick PO Box 3968 Dublin, OH 43016 614-902-2361 lecorchickgroup.com
Nartker, Grunewald, Eschleman & Cooper, LLC
Stan Nartker, CPA 6253 Riverside Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-1333
Payne & Company CPAs, LLC
Kent Payne 4630 Sawmill Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 614-458-1101 payneandcompany.com
Plante & Moran, LLC
Keith Martinez 250 S. High St., Ste. 100 Columbus, OH 43215 614-849-3000 plantemoran.com
Rea & Associates, Inc., CPAs
Derek Mohr 5775 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8725 reacpa.com
Amy Heck 475 Metro Place S., Ste. 110 Dublin, OH 43017 614-344-9381 rhwcpas.com
Supporting Strategies
Larry Kirkpatrick 605 Heron Dr. Galloway, OH 43119 614-580-6639 supportingstrategies.com
Sycamore Growth Group, LLC
Rick Kleban 6241 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-975-1280 sycamoregrowthgroup.com
Van Krevel & Company
Patricia ‘’Kit’’ Van Krevel 5201 Indian Hill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-3743
American Outdoor Advertising
Chris Neary 4900 Reed Rd., Ste. 129 Columbus, OH 43220 614-451-3772 americanoutdoor.us
Bravura Advertising & Design
Jennifer Ballinger 25 North St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-339-3421 x700 BravuraAD.com
CityScene Media Group
Jamie Armistead 1335 Dublin Rd., Ste. 101C Columbus, OH 43215 614-572-1240 cityscenecolumbus.com
Columbus CEO Magazine
Susan Kendall 62 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-410-0692 columbusceo.com
Dispatch Media Group
Katie Hinch 5300 Crosswind Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 440-465-1460 advertisecolumbus.com
Harbor Wraps
Christopher Merz 7780 Corporate Blvd., Ste. 8101 Plain City, OH 43064 614-664-6004 harborwraps.com
Honest Advertising
Brad Webb 39 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-580-8708 honestadv.com
Advertising Specialties
Jeffrey Wasserstrom 5798 Killiney Ln. Dublin, OH 43016 614-760-0026 jawenterprises.net
Outreach Promotional Solutions
Nevin Bansal 214 Hoff Rd., Unit J Westerville, OH 43082 614-484-7329 outreachpromos.com
Performance Printing, Inc.
Grace Gushue 7652 Sawmill Rd., PMB 349 Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-9808 performanceprintingoh.com
See ad on page 60
Agriculture - Equipment
John Deere Training Center
Kyle Barry 9005 Heritage Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-733-3100 deere.com
Air & Water Purification
QleanAir Scandinavia Tami Sines 8445 Rausch Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-954-1040 qleanair.com
Air Duct Cleaning
Atlas Butler Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
Brian Bertke 4849 Evanswood Dr. Columbus, OH 43229 614-294-8600 atlasbutler.com
Asherton of Dublin
Debra Dewees 5400 Asherton Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-0222 LiveAsherton.com
Berkley House
Jenny Donnellon 6700 Allister Way Columbus, OH 43235 614-766-1685 championpm.biz/sawmillcrossing
Bridge Park Apartments
Shannon Krouse 6741 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-335-2001 bridgeparkliving.com
Karric Place of Dublin
Sindy Loox
3970 Brelsford Ln. Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-0722 borrorproperties.com
Orchard Apartments, The Maria Kirchner
5353 Wilcox Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-921-9000 livetheorchard.com
Redwood Apartment
Neighborhood Dublin
Holly Collins
5464 Eagle River Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-270-4500 byredwood.com
Sawmill Commons Apartments
Deann Gibbs
2555 Summer Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-7878 castocommunities.com
The Highlands
Beth Sexton
2350 Sawmill Place Blvd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-901-2400 thehighlandscolumbus.com
Apartments - Temporary Living
Corporate Housing Systems, Inc.
Mac Lawless
4338 Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-4700 corporatehousingsystems.com
Celebrity Hats & T-Shirts
Clayton Moore 620 S. Maple St. Marysville, OH 43040 937-738-7014 celebrityon-line.com
See ad below
Andrews Architects, Inc.
William Andrews
130 East Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 50 Worthington, OH 43085 614-766-1117 x230 andrewsarchitects.com
See ad below
Collaborative Design, Ltd.
Dellos Morrison
4150 Tuller Rd., Ste. 204 Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-1515 cdlarchitects.com
Garmann Miller Architects & Engineers
Ted Musielewicz
555 Metro Place N., Ste. 320 Dublin, OH 43017 614-502-4240 garmannmiller.com
Horne & King Architects
Dave King 5027 Lakeview Dr. Powell, OH 43065 614-361-5300 horneandking.com
Richard Taylor Architects
Richard Taylor, AIA 48 S. High St., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-7257 rtastudio.com
Schorr Architects, Inc.
Tony Schorr
230 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-2096 schorrarchitects.com
SPGB Architects, LLC
Tom Gates
4333-A Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-771-8963 spgbarchitects.com
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
AMAI Angeline
Robin Agler 1191 E. College Ave. Westerville, OH 43081 614-615-2070 AmaiAngeline.com
Convalarium at Dublin, The Jennifer Matteson 6430 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-1188 theconvalarium.com
Danbury of Columbus
Cara Crossetti 2870 Snouffer Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-339-0459 danburyseniorliving.com/places/ columbus-danbury
Glenwood Alzheimer’s Special Care Center
Julie Wise
6355 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-9200 sinceriseniorliving.com
Sunrise of Dublin
Fran Herrick
4175 Stoneridge Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-718-2062 sunriseDublin.com
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Florence Flowers
6205 Emerald Pkwy., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-3600 flexiblepavements.org
for Dublin Chamber Online Coupon Deals and Digital Flipbook. Click and Save!
Allen Stovall Neuman & Ashton LLP
Betsy Riddle
17 South High St., Ste. 1220 Columbus, OH 43215 614-221-8500 asnfa.com
Arenstein & Andersen Co., LPA
Nicholas Andersen
6740 Avery Muirfield Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-602-6550 aacolpa.com
Barrett, Easterday, Cunningham & Eselgroth, LLP
Troy Callicoat 7259 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-210-1840 ohiocounsel.com
Brandon Shroy, Attorney at Law
Brandon Shroy 772 South Front St., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43206 614-601-1456 shroylaw.com
Brenner Law Offices
Todd Brenner 555 Metro Place N., Ste. 225 Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-2222 insurancelawyerohio.com
Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP
Alicia Nesline Shaw 535 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-228-6135 cpmlaw.com
See ad below
Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP
Vanessa Botts 535 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-228-6135 cpmlaw.com
See ad below
David L. Duren, LLC / DLD Lectures, LLC
David L. Duren 445 Hutchinson Ave., Ste. 250 Columbus, OH 43235 614-792-7740 davidduren.com
Doucet Gerling Co., LPA
Holly Hughes 655 Metro Place S., Ste. 600 Dublin, OH 43017 614-221-9800 loanlawyer.law
Edward F. Whipps & Associates, LLC
Sylvia Stevens 6457 Reflections Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-461-6006 efwhipps.com
Farlow & Associates, LLC
Beverly Farlow P.O. Box 2054 Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-1270 farlowlaw.com
See ad below
Frost Brown Todd, LLC
Jennifer Readler
10 W. Broad St., Ste. 2300 Columbus, OH 43215 614-559-7253 fbtlaw.com
See adjacent ad
Gerber & Mitchell
Rick Gerber 109 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-8801 gem-law.com
Gillespie Law, LLC
Ross Gillespie 5650 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-8416 gillespielawohio.com
Jarvis Law Office
Sara Acocks 5100 Bradenton Ave., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-495-4185 jarvisfirm.com
Joslyn Law Firm
Brian Joslyn 501 S. High St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-444-1900 criminalattorneycolumbus.com
Kidder Law Firm, LLC
Michelle (Shelley) Davis 5131 Post Rd., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-1788 kidderlegal.com
Kisling, Nestico & Redick
Carolyn Bell
1105 Schrock Rd., Ste. 600 Columbus, OH 43229 614-487-8669 knrlegal.com/columbus-office
Law Offices of Charles Kranstuber
Charles Kranstuber 495 S. High St., Ste. 400 Columbus, OH 43215 614-255-6135 kranstuberlaw.com
Long Law Offices
Timothy C. Long 4877 Galway Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-205-4544
Luftman, Heck & Associates, LLP Ben Luftman 6253 Riverside Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-500-3836 columbuscriminalattorney.com/ dublin-office
Mowery, Youell & Galeano, Ltd.
Judith Galeano, Esq. 485 Metro Place S. Ste. 220 Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1444 myglaw.com
Nesbitt Law Firm, LLC, The Laura Nesbitt 6037 Frantz Rd., Ste. 102 Dublin, OH 43017 614-800-0262 TheNesbittLawFirm.com
Oliver Law Office
Jami Oliver 7240 Muirfield Dr., Ste. 120 Dublin, OH 43017 614-220-9100 jamioliver.com
Petty-Devlin Law Group, LLC.
Kyle Petty 752 N. State St., #201 Westerville, OH 43082 740-503-6088 pd-attorneys.com
Pollock Law, LLC Stacy Pollock 6765 Baronet Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-746-8524 spollocklaw.com
The residents and businesses of Dublin can access legal professionals who strive to offer the representation you expect.
Resch, Root, Philipps & Graham, LLC
Melissa Feldman
5115 Parkcenter Ave., Ste. 275 Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-1801 rrpg-law.com
Rinehart Law Office, LLC
Adam Rinehart PO Box 490 Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-9701
Routte Law, LLC
Jennifer Routte 123 S High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-475-7008 routtelaw.com
Sam Shihab & Associates, LLC
Sharon E. Cox 565 Metro Place S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-0500 shihablawfirm.com
Starkey & Waid, LLC
Phil Waid 425 Metro Place N., Ste. 460 Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-1733 mswlawoffices.com
Strip, Hoppers, Leithart, McGrath and Terlecky Co., LPA
A.C. Strip, Esq. 48 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-228-6345 columbuslawyer.net See ad below
Thomas Law Group Cheryl DeVore 5148 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-7701 thomaslawgroup.com
Tompkins, Selph & Associates
Janine Selph 6047 Frantz Rd., Ste. 201 Dublin, OH 43017 614-453-0971 selphlaw.com
Black Diamond Casino Events
John Marsh
4858 Provident Dr., Ste. B Cincinnati, OH 45246 614-799-2355
See ad below
Busy Bees Pottery & Arts Studio
Beth Brinton
6685 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-602-1802 dublin.busybeesart.com
City of Dublin - Dublin Skate Park 6565 Commerce Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614- 410-4600 dublinohiousa.gov
See ad on page 1
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Nicolle Gomez Racey
4850 West Powell Rd. Powell, OH 43065 614-724-3405 columbuszoo.org
Deep Stack Poker & Card Room
Karam Dhillon
3814 Fishinger Blvd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-743-5978
OhioHealth Chiller Ice Rink
Mazin Habash
7001 Dublin Park Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-1000 thechiller.com
Old North Arcade
Benjamin Morgan
2591 North High St. Columbus, OH 43202 614-598-0821 oldnortharcade.com
Kim Martin 5033 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-495-8660 scene75.com/columbus
Throw Nation Columbus, LLC
David Dratwa 6649 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 740-701-6266 thrownation.com
Urban Air Dublin
Tina Huynh 7679 Dublin-Plain City Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 380-204-6390 urbanairdublin.com
Auto Dealers
Acura Columbus
John Connelly 4340 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-763-2101 acuracolumbus.com
Bob-Boyd Lincoln of Columbus
Mary Beth Culbertson
2445 Billingsley Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-863-2800 lincolnofcolumbus.com
Cadillac of Dublin
Sandi Oehlenschlager 4300 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-9494 cadillacofdublin.com
Crown Automotive
Marc Wigler 6500 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-4666 crownmercedes.com
Germain Honda of Dublin Rich Newsome 6715 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-9449 germainhondaofdublin.com
Honda Marysville and Honda Marysville Motorsports
Lavona See 640 Coleman’s Crossing Blvd. Marysville, OH 43040 937-645-4080 hondamarysville.com
See ad on page 27
Infiniti of Columbus
Gene Hilston 3890 Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-1000 infinitiofcolumbus.com
Midwestern Auto Group
John Nestor 6335 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2571 magcars.com
Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Ted Johnson 1130 Automall Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-272-0000 columbuscjd.com
Route 36 MotorCars
John Sanders 7630 Fishel Dr. N. Dublin, OH 43016 800-852-9928 route36motorcars.com
Super Deal Auto Group, LLC
Michael Ming 3021 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43202 614-648-1971 superdealcars.com
Toy Barn
Alex Zabonik 5016 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-5000 toybarncars.com
DENSO International America, Inc. Ohio
Elizabeth Schapker 260 Cramer Creek Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-707-4615 densocorp-na.com
Automotive - Service & Repair
AAA Car Care Plus
Scott Fogle 6600 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-336-3200 ohio.aaa.com
Denise Kestner 545 Metro Place S., Ste. 240 Dublin, OH 43017 614-774-0106 collisionright.com
Curbside Mobile Detailing
D.J. Mathys Dublin, OH 43017 937-539-0335 curbsidemobiledetailing.com
Taylor Tire Company, Ltd.
Nick Botsko 8070 Corporate Blvd. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-7107 taylortirecompany.com
See ad below Aviation
Capital City Aviation, Inc.
Thomas Baxter 2160 West Case Rd., Mailbox 15 Columbus, OH 43235 614-459-2541 capitalcityaviation.com
Awards, Engraving & Trophies
Rieser Trophy Company
Freddie Rieser 3852 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, OH 43228 614-571-3245 rayriesertrophy.com
Bakle the Baker
Ellen Bakle 5516 Stockton Way Dublin, OH 43016 614-619-8484 baklethebaker.com
Nothing Bundt Cakes
P.J. Coffland 6560 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-8074 nothingbundtcakes.com
The Cheesecake Girl
Samantha Strange 4345 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-940-2583 thecheesecakegirl.com
Barber Shop
Dublin Barber Shoppe, LLC
Craig Price 24 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8328 dublinbarbershoppe.com
Roosters Men’s Grooming Center of Dublin
Lisa Groome 6455 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-4247 roostersmgc.com
Beverage Supplier
G & J Pepsi-Cola of Columbus
Scott Brewer 1241 Gibbard Ave. Columbus, OH 43219 614-255-6674 iwantpop.com
Heidelberg Distributing Victoria Bork 3801 Parkwest Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-308-0400
Andelyn Biosciences
Pamela Backus-Diggs 5185 Blazer Pkwy., Suite 102 Dublin, OH 43017 614-360-8053 andelynbio.com
Navidea Biopharmaceuticals
Karen Canterbury 4995 Bradenton Ave., Ste. 240 Dublin, OH 43017 614-822-2394 navidea.com
Building Industry Association
Building Industry Association of Central Ohio
Edna Berkey 445 Hutchinson Ave., Ste. 280 Columbus, OH 43235 614-891-0575 biahomebuilders.com
Oasis Building Services, LLC
Lela Midgley 2669 Sawbury Blvd. Columbus, OH 43235 937-869-5462
The Brewer-Garrett Company
Mike Nutter
6037 Frantz Rd., Ste. 105 Dublin, OH 43017 614-369-2664 brewer-garrett.com
Business Brokerage
International Resource Group, Inc. Emmet Apolinario, CEPA 20 Northwoods Blvd., Ste. B Columbus, OH 43235 614-792-7770 x71 confidentialsale.com
Business Consulting & Coaching
ActionCOACH Columbus
Julie Easterling 2459 Dorset Rd Upper Arlington, OH 43221 614-306-7922 actioncoachcolumbus.com
John Aman 7727 Wryneck Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-554-0733 johnamancfo.com
BrightPoint Coaching
Liz Whisler
155 South High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-989-3145 brightpointcoaching.com
Castelli Consulting, LLC
Michael Castelli 5760 Banavie Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 832-757-1648 castelliconsulting.net
Cooler Management Mark Inkrott 25 North St. Dublin, OH 43017 847-847-7100 coolermanagement.com
Englefield Business Advisors, LLC
Cindi Englefield 10716 Campden Lakes Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-561-6286 englefieldbusinessadvisors.com
Excalibur Business Consultants
Douglas Lewis 6639 Baronscourt Lp. Dublin, OH 43016 740-438-2791 excaliburconsultants.com
Geese Group, LLC, The Ronald Geese 5584 Brand Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-571-1232 geese-group.com
Langmers, LLC
David Merwin 2324 Middlesex Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 614-795-1727 amway.com/davidmerwin
Ops Solutions, LLC
Naveen Rathi 7742 Quetzal Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 317-902-6358
Renzelli Coaching & Consulting, LLC
Christina Renzelli P.O. Box 1303 Hilliard, OH 43026 773-710-3453 christinarenzelli.com
Thrive Purpose Valerie Biehl 248-506-5316 thrivepurpose.com
Waina & Company
Gregory Waina 6157 Avocet Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-460-0882 wainaco.com
You By Design, LLC
Gabe Hoover 6936 Gray Gables Ln. Columbus, OH 43235 614-403-8167 youbydesign.us
Ross Buhrdorf 5511 Parkcrest Dr., Ste. 103 Austin, TX 78731 844-493-6249 zenbusiness.com/ohio-llc
Business Technology
Algorithm, Inc.
Michael Oswalt 6724 Perimeter Loop Rd., Ste. 332 Dublin, OH 43017 888-522-8588 algorithmInc.com
Woodhull, LLC
Robert Woodhull 485 Metro Place S., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-376-0263 woodhullusa.com
Candy, Cookies & Gifts
Kilwins Dublin
Stephanie Malas 4549 Bridge Park Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-0575 kilwins.com/dublin
Car Wash
Moo Moo Express Car Wash
Beth Martin 7630 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-4693 moomoocarwash.com
Career Development
American Society of Quality (ASQ) Columbus Section 801
Rita Stepp PO Box 1187 Westerville, OH 43086 614-638-9639 my.asq.org/communities/home/265
Leadership Dublin
Jennifer Amorose 129 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2001 dublinchamber.org/leadershipdublin
Carpet Cleaning
Stanley Steemer International Steve Bass 5800 Innovation Dr., Dublin, OH 43016 800-STEEMER stanleysteemer.com
Corporate Caterers of Dublin
Jim Riley 6665 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-3222 corpcaterersohio.com
Subway Tej Patel 6385 Perimeter Dr., Room #01030 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-0014 See ad below
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Amorose
129 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017
614-889-2001 dublinchamber.org
See ad on pages 37, 41, 66, 68
Ammat Technology Company
John Foo
555 Metro Place N., Ste. 330 Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-8881 ammatgroup.com
ASK Chemicals
Ashley Dixon 495 Metro Place S., Ste. 250 Dublin, OH 43017 614-763-0250 ask-chemicals.com/home
INEOS Composites
Susie Drye
5220 Blazer Pkwy., Dublin, OH 43017 614-790-5428 ineos.com
Univar Solutions USA, Inc.
David Lundin
6000 Parkwood Pl. Dublin, OH 43016 614-613-3350 univarsolutions.com
Balanced Family Academy of Dublin
Erin Miller
5900 Innovation Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-6205 balancedfamilyacademy.com/dublin
Balanced Family Academy of Dublin
Erin Miller
6033 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-6323 balancedfamilyacademy.com/dublin
Barrington School, The
Karen Richardson
6046 Tara Hill Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-3000 barringtonschool.com
Dublin Latchkey, Inc.
Jeff Polhemus 5970 Venture Dr., Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-0871 dublinlatchkey.com
Goddard School, The
Seema Patel
6239 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-8870 goddardschool.com/columbus/dublinperimeter-drive-OH
Ivybrook Academy Evan Lee 3755 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-681-0001 ivybrookacademy.com/dublin-oh-campus-old
Kiddie Academy of Dublin
David Conley 6055 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-504-6637 kiddieacademy.com/dublin
Nest School of Dublin, The Rochelle Kiner 5700 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-2220 thenestschool.com
Prep Academy Schools - Dublin
Laurie Beard 5720 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-799-9395 prepacademyschools.org
Primrose School of Dublin
Mike Bahr 6415 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-408-3732 primrosedublin.com
Primrose School of Dublin
Annie Lichtinger 6445 Abbey Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-812-6800 primrosedublinriverside.com
Sunny Day Academy
Kendra Clark 255 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-718-1717 sunnydayacademy.com
The Centre - Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Lundeberg
6678 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-660-5560 centrechiroandwellness.com
Alix ChiroRehab
Matthew Alix, DC 6880 Perimeter Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-0077 alixchirorehab.com
Columbus Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center
Brad Muse
6077 Frantz Rd., Ste. 103 Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-4473 columbuscrc.com
Foundation Chiropractic, P.C.
Marie Hoying
6245 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-5271 foundationchirodublin.com
Huffer Chiropractic
Lisa Adams
6631 Commerce Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-401-2021 hufferchiropractic.com
Kowalski Chiropractic and Wellness
Patty O’Haver 6151 Avery Rd., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-8050 kowalskichiropractic.com
Rise Chiropractic & Nutrition
Nicole Short
84 N. High St., Ste. 1A Dublin, OH 43017 614-681-0195 risechiropracticandnutrition.com
Winchester Institute of Chiropractic Health and Wellness, The Dana Winchester 6425 Post Rd., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43016 614-760-5555 thewinchesterinstitute.com
Day & Night Building Services, LLC
Duke Hatcher
4647 Northwest Pkwy. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-319-3286 day-nightservices.com See ad below
Jarvis Cleaning, Inc.
Michael McElligot 511 E. Jeffrey Pl. Columbus, OH 43214 614-843-2228 jarviscleaning.com
Legacy Maintenance Services, LLC
Jovanna Matheny 2475 Scioto Harper Dr. Columbus, OH 43204 614-473-8400 lmsoh.com
Lux Cleaning Co.
Destiny Layton
6173 Parkview Crossing Dublin, OH 43016 614-967-9420 luxcleaningco.co
Ohio Cleaning Experts, LLC Lanell Madison 6371 Riverside Dr., Ste. 1000 Dublin, OH 43017 614-726-9565 ohiocleaningexperts.com
Coffee, Tea & Baked Goods
Duck Donuts Dublin
Krista Sparks 7717 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-477-6453 duckdonuts.com
Sharetea Columbus Hung Truong 2752 Festival Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 801-703-0399 Shareteacolumbus.com
Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea
Alice McKeever 4587 Bridge Park Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-6119 sweetwaterscafe.com/locations/bridge-park
Computer Consulting
Brown Enterprise Solutions
George Brown 5935 Wilcox Pl., Ste. E Dublin, OH 43016 614-588-0248 besolutions.org
Terry Payne 920 Michigan Ave. Columbus, OH 43215 614-224-5193 mapsysinc.com
Computer Services
Computer Advisors, LLC
Mark Mason 8400 Priestley Dr. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614-751-8191 computeradvisors.com
Grasp Technologies, Inc.
Bob Bellas 6465 Reflections Dr., Ste. 250 Dublin, OH 43017 614-583-0041 grasptech.com
Microman, Inc.
Bob Rankin 4393-A Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-0645 microman.com
Mobile Technical Service
Andy Lawhorn 4140 Tuller Road, Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43017 937-206-6475 mobiletekservice.com
Computer Software Consulting
Abstra, LLC
Nicholas Harder 6059 Frantz Rd. Suite 204 Dublin, OH 43017 614-499-5389 abstraconsulting.com
EDI Matrix, LLC
Shafiullah Syed 4700 Lakehurst Ct., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-467-4001 edimatrix.com
Benjamin Karam
5695 Avery Rd., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-1974 renaissancetech.com
Strat-Tek, LLC
Erol Eraybar
7802 Westbury Ct. Dublin, OH 43016 614-874-6257 strat-tek.com
Computer Training
Computer Workshop, Inc., The Terri Williams Davy
5200 Upper Metro Place, Ste. 140 Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-9505 tcworkshop.com
See ad on page 18
3 Pillar Homes
Rachael Durant
50 South Liberty St., Ste. 200 Powell, OH 43065 614-845-6055 3pillar.com
Andrews Builders, Inc. Steve Andrews
6225 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-400-4076 andrewsbuilders.com
Cahill Construction, Inc.
Trey Cahill
6331 Fiesta Dr. Columbus, OH 43235 614-442-8570 cahillconstruction.com
Columbus Backflow Testing Company & Fire
Kim Madden
1491 Polaris Pkwy., Ste. 177 Columbus, OH 43240 614-654-3569 columbusbackflowtestingcompanies. com/online-scheduling
Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal
Ed Vargo
8345 Green Meadows Dr., N. Lewis Center, OH 43035 614-623-8797 krsm.net
Miles McCellan Construction
Ted Tinkler
2100 Builders Pl. Columbus, OH 43204 614-487-7744 mmbuildings.com
Pro Exterior Installations, LLC
Rob Welch 7600 Industrial Pkwy. Plain City, OH 43064 330-590-8021
Quality Pool Supply Co
Diana Roemensky
7658 Fishel Dr.. N. Dublin, OH 43016 810-686-3010 qualitypool.com
Construction & Highway Material
State Highway Supply, Inc.
Michael Lowe PO Box 3098
Dublin, OH 43016 614-799-9811 statehighwaysupply.com
See adjacent ad
American Negotiation Institute
Stephanie Pallai 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd. Columbus, OH 43220 330-718-7413
BNI Central Ohio Wayne Horowitz
3984 Russell Rd. Ostrander, OH 43061 440-521-9090 bnicentralohio.com
Clemans, Nelson & Associates, Inc. Brian Butcher 485 Metro Place S., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-923-7700 clemansnelson.com
Dream Write Creative Dan Kirchner 6400 Braxmar Pl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-365-1318 dreamwritecreative.com
Henderson Consulting
Sean Henderson 5160 Old Field Ct. Westerville, OH 43082 561-346-9204
Heritage Land Services, Inc.
Christopher Howard 4150 Tuller Rd., Ste. 214 Dublin, OH 43017 614-918-2999 wearehls.com
Michael D. Smith & Associates, LLC
Michael Smith 4469 Cemetery Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-565-4318 fastsigns.com/2255
Ramboll US Consulting, Inc.
Kori McCollum 5747 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 220 Dublin, OH 43017 614-408-0910 ramboll-environ.com
Schooley Mitchell John O’Connell 6641 Buttonbush Ct. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-526-9797 schooleymitchell.com/joconnell
SCORE - Front St. David Youkers 401 N. Front St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-526-4142 columbusoh.score.org
Jeff Heyer-Jones PO Box 186 Powell, OH 43065 614-407-6204 sparkevolve.com
Consulting - Fundraising
Cramer & Associates, Inc.
Michelle Cramer, CFRE 18 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-787-5473 cramerphilanthropy.com
Consulting - Sales & Marketing
Driscoll Learning Bryan Driscoll 2457 Charles Mill Dr. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-370-8400 driscolllearning.com
Page M. Vornbrock & Associates, LLC
Page Vornbrock 8863 Vineyard Haven Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-595-6320
Sales Xceleration
David Jones Dublin, OH 43016 614-364-0698 salesxceleration.com
Summit Sales Consulting, LLC.
Tim Byrd 5952 Trafalgar Ct. Dublin, OH 43016 609-577-4090 salesxceleration.com/advisors/tim-byrd
Consulting - Third Party Admin.
Bob Ochall 4789 Rings Rd. Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-8351 mycarefactor.com
Consulting - Workforce Development
AM Coaching and Consulting Ltd.
Adam McCampbell 5900 Mcintyre Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-571-8181 adammccampbell.com
Contractor - General
Dublin Building Systems
Rich Irelan 5600 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 110 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-1445 dublinbuilding.com
Hamilton Contractors
Erin Bennett 3999 Parkway Ln., Ste. 2 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-586-8995 hamiltongrp-ohio.com
Heinlen - Follmer, Inc.
Stephen Heinlen 8941 Dublin Rd. Powell, OH 43065 614-889-9415 heinlenfollmer.com
JDS Associate Services, Inc.
Chad Parker 447 East Main St., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43215 614-224-7237
Pressure Wash Co., The Debra Wilcox
5781 Wilcox Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-873-1696 thepressurewashco.com
Rite Way Restoration
Nikki Davis 2001 Courtright Rd., Ste. L Columbus, OH 43232 614-295-8135 rwrestoration.com
Shaffer Construction
Greg Callaghan 3675 Trabue Rd. Columbus, OH 43228 614-488-4681 shafferconstruction.com
Total Line Refrigeration
Ron Trapper 655 Dearborn Park Pl. Worthington, OH 43085 614-426-4900 totallinerefrigeration.com
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
Gioffre Companies, Inc.
John Gioffre 6262 Eiterman Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-0032 gioffrecompanies.com
McHugh Construction, LLC Mark McHugh PO Box 1507 Dublin, OH 43017 614-679-6049 mchughconstructionsite.com
Pepper Construction Company of Ohio
Paul Francois 5185 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-4477 pepperconstruction.com
Renier Construction
Bill Plesich 2164 City Gate Dr. Columbus, OH 43219 614-866-4580 renier.com
Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc. Lisa Vonk 5815 Wall St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-876-9484 ruscilli.com
See ad on page 25
Copier & Fax Dealer
ComDoc, Inc.
Drew Howdyshell 330 W Spring St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-628-8400 comdoc.com
Gordon Flesch Company, Inc. Mark Flesch 5655 Venture Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-789-5700 gflesch.com
Counseling - Mental Health
Dr. Robert Gordon and Associates Barbara Peterson 5174 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-9104 drgordonandassociates.com
Kaela Rae Vance, LPCC-S
Kaela Vance 555 Metro Place N., Ste. 100, Office 108 Dublin, OH 43017 614-647-4357 kaelaraevance.com
McGloshen, Thomas H. Ph.D. Thomas McGloshen, PhD 248 Old Spring Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2223
Sea Glass Counseling and Consultation
Erin Pritchard 545 Metro Place S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-398-0558 seaglassohio.com
Syntero, Inc. Julie Erwin Rinaldi, CEO 299 Cramer Creek Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-5722 syntero.org
True North Counseling Group
Sonya Slater 6209 Riverside Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-310-4940 beyourtruenorth.com
ViaQuest, Inc. Emily Stickley 525 Metro Place N., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-5837 viaquestinc.com
Daso Custom Cabinetry
Jeff Daso
13 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-309-3622 dasocustomcabinetry.com
Dance Center
Dublin Dance Centre & Gymnastics
Teresa Crye
2665 Farmers Dr. Columbus, OH 43235 614-761-2882 dublindance.com
Data Center
Cloud Propeller, Inc.
Petar Smilajkov
565 Metro Place S., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-505-9555 cloudpropeller.com
Metro Data Center, LLC
Niles Overly
565 Metro Place S., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-285-4019 metrodatacenter.com
Woodhouse Day Spa, The
Alan Reuter
19 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-790-8822 columbus.woodhousespas.com
See ad below
Bonnie Speed Delivery of Columbus, LLC
Jerry Miller
8205 Estates Pkwy., Ste. A Plain City, OH 43064 614-889-1444 bonniespeed.com
Capital Endodontics
Mark O’Banion, DMD 6670 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 250 Dublin, OH 43016 614-659-7491 capendocolumbus.com
Daily Dental & Bracesbar
Ali Vernon 7713 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-336-0800 bracesbar.com
Dental Reflections Dublin
Rudi As-Sanie
5080 Bradenton Ave., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-5576 dentalreflectionsdublin.com
Distinctive Smiles of Dublin
Eric Buck
5142 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-1800 distinctive-smiles.com
Dublin Dental Associates
Karen Amerine 200 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-9661 dublindentalassociates.com
Dublin Metro Dental
Aparna Sadineni, DDS, FAACD, MAGD, FICOI
572 Metro Place N. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-5600 dublinmetrodental.com
Edwards Family Dental
Timothy Edwards, DDS 6600 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-7666 edwardsfamilydental.com
Ford Family Dental
Robin Capaldi Ford, DDS 6890 Perimeter Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-1974 fordfamilydental.com
Haid Dental
Tara Haid, DDS 6455 Post Rd., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-7661 haiddentalassociates.com
Haring Pediatric Dental
Robert Haring, DDS, MS 4395 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-3361 haringpediatricdental.com
Jennifer J. Miller, DDSDentistry of Dublin
Jennifer Miller, DDS 106 N. High St., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-1500 jjmillerdds.com
See ad on page 31
Nemcik & Beers Family Dentistry
Michael Nemcik, DDS 6251 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0002 bauerandnemcik.com
River Park Dental
Phing Saurer 6605 Longshore St., Ste. 220 Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-8686 riverparkdental.com
Schneider Family Dental
Matt Schneider 5150 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2211 schneiderfamilydental.com
Smiley Dental Group
Brad Moore, DDS 5156 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0726 smileydentalgroup.com
See ad on page 35
Smiley Dental Group
Jeff Holowicki, DDS 5156 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0726 smileydentalgroup.com
See ad on page 35
Perimeter Dental Group
David Scurria, DDS 6780 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-5277 perimeterdentalgroup.com
Diagnostic Reference Lab
Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings
Amy Rhine-Pallas 6370 Wilcox Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-1061 labcorp.com
Disaster Recovery Facility
NetGain Information Systems
Kelly Jones PO Box 500 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 937-593-7177 netgainis.com
Distributor - Gourmet Meats
Central Ohio Provisions, Inc.
Bill Rigney
1745 Westbelt Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-771-9980 boarshead.com
Dog Boarding & Training
All About Pet Services, LLC
Sandy Gerace, ABCDT, CPPS 8201 Farm Crossing Cir. Powell, OH 43065 614-305-5112 allaboutpetservices.com
Jeff Swaddling 2768 Festival Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-639-6555 dogtopia.com/columbus-dublin
Pawsitive Behavior, LLC
Lauren Ober 2697 Billingsley Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-402-9263 pawsitivek9behavior.com
Dry Cleaners
Dublin Cleaners Brian Butler 6845 Caine Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-764-9934 dublincleaners.com
Acton Academy Columbus Varun Bhatia 6543 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. E Dublin, OH 43017 614-603-7227 actonacademycolumbus.com
Baybrook and Associates, LLC
William McKinney 5120 Godown Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 614-210-0830 hclc.us
Columbus School of Medical Massage Bill Tahy 4936 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-5500 massageschools.com
Columbus State Community College
Teresa Lister 6805 Bobcat Way Dublin, OH 43016 614-287-7050 cscc.edu/about/locations
Compass College Advisory Pamela Ellis 2783 Martin Rd., Ste. 215 Columbus, OH 43017 614-992-6551
Dublin City Schools
Dr. John Marschhausen 5175 Emerald Pkwy., 4th Fl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-5913 dublinschools.net
Girl Thriving
Mandy Fontaine 7551 Balfoure Cir. Dublin, OH 43017 614-602-2460 girlthriving.com
Sarah Hudson PO Box 1245 Westerville, OH 43086 614-291-6122 grooveu.edu
Indiana Wesleyan UniversityColumbus Ohio Education and Conference Center
Jim Drazdik
3455 Mill Run Dr., Ste. 550 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-529-7550 indwes.edu
Learning InspirED, LLC
Mike Nicholson
7378 Linden Ln. Dublin, OH 43016 614-815-6608
Matrix College Consulting
Diane Steiger 8415 Tibbermore Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-499-2585 matrixcollegeconsulting.com
Ohio University Dublin - College of Health Sciences and Professions
Amanda Mikkelson 6805 Bobcat Way Dublin, OH 43016 614-793-5634 ohio.edu/chsp
Tolles Career & Technical Center
Todd Hoadley
7877 US Highway 42 S. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-4666 tollestech.com
Education - Swim School
Goldfish Swim School
Lisa Armitage 6175 Shamrock Ct., Ste. G Dublin, OH 43017 614-407-3474 goldfishswimschool.com
Education - Tutoring
BWS Education Consulting
Caitlin Stewart 2296 Satterbury Ct. Dublin, OH 43016 614-353-4725 bwseducationconsulting.com
Fit Learning Columbus
Kate Wallace 6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. G Dublin, OH 43017 614-254-4809 fitlearners.com
Mathnasium Dublin
Paul Kelly
6716 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-664-6024 mathnasium.com/dublinoh
R&T Yoder Electric
Rod Yoder
7927 Memorial Dr., Ste. A Plain City, OH 43064 614-206-5401 yoderelectric.com
Balance Employee Assistance Provider
Susan Lear 614-451-9401 ThriveWithBalance.com
Bruce Johnson Insurance Agency, LLC
Bruce Johnson PO Box 315 Dublin, OH 43017 614-395-1286 brucejohnsoninsurance.com
See ad below
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services
Todd Bollinger 5450 Frantz Rd., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43016 614-793-7770 cbiz.com
McGohan Brabender
Jim Gehrt 475 Metro Place S., Ste.300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-210-1124 mcgohanbrabender.com
Mosaic Employee Benefits, LLC
Eric O’Brien
75 S High St., Ste. 4 Dublin, OH 43017 614-323-4494 mosaicemployeebenefits.com
Siekman Company, The Aaron Siekmann 9000 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-5200 siekmannco.com
U.S. Employee Benefits Services Group
Mike Franks 5880 Venture Dr., Ste. C Dublin, OH 43017 614-659-9710 usebsg.com/dublin
Level D&I Solutions
Chelsea Akers 4900 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-429-7858 leveldi.com
Energy Consulting
Ananta Energy Source
Merrill Mangalasseril 5759 Middleham Ln. New Albany, OH 43054 630-677-7499 goananta.com
IGS Energy Scott Arthur 6100 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-659-5000 igs.com
Adsorption Research, Inc.
Kent Knaebel 6175 Shamrock Ct., Ste. D Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-9090 adsorption.com
Patrick Soller 565 Metro Place S., Ste. 420 Dublin, OH 43017 614-408-3330 cresttek.com
Blue Heron Engineering Services, Ltd.
Laurie Chase 4784 Donegal Cliffs Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-425-7462 blueheronengineering.com
Center for Reliable Energy Systems
Julia Harrington 5858 Innovation Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-376-0834 cres-americas.com
Cetitec USA, Inc.
Joe Nguyen 555 Metro Place N., Ste. 185 Dublin, OH 43017 614-329-4005 cetitec-usa.com
DGL Consulting Engineers, LLC
Mark Smith 5940 Venture Dr., Ste. D Dublin, OH 43017 614-356-7150 dgl-ltd.com
Goken America
Michelle Henriques 5100 Parkcenter Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-495-8100 goken-global.com
Jezerinac Geers & Associates
Robert Johnson 5640 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0066 jgaeng.com
TotalSim, LLC
Raymond Leto 4960 Blazer PKwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-255-7426 totalsim.us
Engineering - Environmental
FDC National Headquarters Fred Circle PO Box 189 New Albany, OH 43054 866-270-4833 fdcenterprises.com
Engineering - Mechanical Design
John W. Danforth
Jason Strickle 5532 Shier Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 937-238-5189 jwdanforth.com
Engineering - Research Lab
Tiffany Leatherwood 5777 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-1214 dnvgl.com
Event Facilities
Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center
Marla Ruoff
10561 Sawmill Pkwy. Powell, OH 43065 614-734-9800 bridgewaterbanquetcenter.com
The Exchange at Bridge Park
Abby Antonick 6520 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-2263 cameronmitchellpremierevents.com
WatersEdge Event & Conference Center
Rachel Hellerman 4643 Trueman Blvd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-876-2200 watersedgeevents.biz
Executive Office Space
Brick House Blue Cid Rhomberg 6605 Longshore St., Ste. 240 Dublin, OH 43017 614-505-5431 brickhouseblue.com
Executive Search Consultants
Ability Professional Network, LLC
Ken Lazar 565 Metro Place S., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-403-6079 abilityprofessional.com
Harris Search Associates
Jodi Harris 4236 Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-8500 harrissearch.com
O’Brien Business Holdings, LLC
Kevin O’Brien 6605 Longshore St., Unit 240 Dublin, OH 43017 614-205-4213
We realized Dublin needs a bank that understands you and our community. So we planted our roots right here. From personal checking and savings to home loans, interest-bearing accounts and business financing, we’re here to help you succeed. Contact us today and join a bank that understands you and your financial needs. Right here. Where Dublin banks.
Are you thinking about retiring or need help preparing for your future? Is there a new home on the horizon? Dublin’s financial industry listings can be found below.
Financial Institutions
BMI Federal Credit Union
Karen Hejmanowski
6165 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-707-4000 bmifcu.org
See ad on page 48
Chase Bank
Kathryn Fitzcharles 460 Polaris Pkwy. Westerville, OH 43085 614-523-5049 chase.com
Chase Bank
Jonathan Hackney 6275 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-523-5049 chase.com
Chase Bank
Ayesha Rinehard 7675 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-2025 chase.com
Chase Bank
Nick Snyder 6515 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-248-2700 chase.com
Civista Bank
Glen Noggle 6400 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-210-2439 civistabank.com
See ad below
Fifth Third Bank
Karen Sengelmann 5079 Cemetery Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-771-4307 53.com
Fifth Third Bank
Amanda Hall 3800 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-932-5353 53.com
Fifth Third Bank
Brian Frank 420 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-5115 53.com
Fifth Third Bank
Callie McClellan 6260 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-2999 53.com
Fifth Third Bank
Alicia Spidd 7625 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614- 793-2820 53.com
First Citizens National Bank, The Calvin Gebhart PO Box 1888, 9595 Sawmill Pkwy. Powell, OH 43065 614-789-9595 firstcitizensnational.com
See ad on page 48
First Commonwealth Bank
Jutta Reinold PO Box 1001 Lewis Center, OH 43035 740-657-7200 fcbanking.com
First Federal Lakewood
Michael Lamping 6601 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-246-8042 ffl.net
See ad on Inside Back Cover
First Financial Bank
Kathy Oman 150 W. Wilson Bridge Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 614-715-7423 bankatfirst.com
First Merchants Bank 5811 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-408-0274 firstmerchants.com
Heartland Bank
Scott Baxter 6500 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-8818 heartland.bank
George Crandell 7460 Sawmill Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-467-4372 keybank.com
Daniel Hartman 5775 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-467-4514 keybank.com
Middlefield Banking Company, The Charles Moore
6215 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-4631 middlefieldbank.com
See ad on page 49
PNC Bank
Rima Mounayer 6680 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-3385 pnc.com
PNC Bank
Kelly C. Leonard 155 E. Broad St., 7th Fl. Columbus, OH 43215 614-463-7341 pnc.com
PNC Bank
Al Ruggiero 221 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-3380 pnc.com
PNC Bank
Kyle Lugg 221 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-3380 pnc.com
Premier Bank - Longshore Loop Dave Dygert 6515 Longshore Loop Dublin, OH 43017 614-876-8775
See ad on page 49
Premier Bank - Longshore St. Denise Beall 6599 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-932-2179
See ad on page 49
Riverside Bank of Dublin Bill Daily 555 Metro Place N., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-482-1300 riverside.bank See adjacent ad
(Financial Institutions continued on next page)
State Bank
Raub Warner 4080 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-7779 yourstatebank.com
Union Savings Bank
Joe Loudenslager 3550 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-761-9700 usavingsbank.com
United Midwest Savings Bank, N.A.
Blessing Wilhelmsen 6460 Busch Blvd., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43229 614-538-2443 umwsb.com
Wells Fargo Advisors
Andrew Cuprisin
6515 Longshore Loop Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-825-4338
US Bank
January Howe 6320 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-8622 usbank.com
Advanced Retirement Design, LLC
John Deitrick 7263 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-602-6506 advancedretirementdesign.com
Alpha Financial Planning
Steve McElroy 6241 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-384-0499 alphafinancial.com See adjacent ad
Andrew J. DeVantier
Andrew DeVantier 4136 Macduff Way Dublin, OH 43016 614-793-1916
Ascend Advisory Group, LLC
Jackie McNeely 6760 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-784-6000 ascendadvisory.com
Beacon Hill Investment Advisory
Meredith Stoudt 5500 Frantz Rd., Ste. 153 Dublin, OH 43017 614-469-4685 beaconhilladvisory.com
Cardinal Wealth Partners
Jason Gaylor 5990 Venture Dr., Ste. C Dublin, OH 43017 614-334-9440 cardinalwealthohio.com
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Matt Watson, CFP®, CWS®, MBA 6634 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-698-3350
See ad on page 2
Columbus Financial Concepts
Cap Clegg
5500 Frantz Rd., Ste. 151 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-1599 columbusfinancialconcepts.com
See ad on page 50
Dublin Capital Management, LLC
Jerod Cook 5990 Venture Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-883-0389 dublincapm.com
EGSI Financial Inc.
Leanne Siddell 6001 Tain Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-526-4118 egsifinancial.com
Everhart Advisors
Scott Everhart 535 Metro Pl. S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-9705 everhartadvisors.com
Frazier Financial Advisors, LLC
Josh Frazier 1690 W. Lane Avenue Upper Arlington, OH 43221 614-793-8297 frazierfinancial.com
Granite Capital Management
Mitchell Grant 7650 Rivers Edge Dr., Ste. 250 Columbus, OH 43235 614-296-6029
See ad below
Richard Clemens 555 Metro Place. N., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-4295 hawk100.com
Investment Partners, Ltd.
Doug Feller, CFP, CFA 5775 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 110 Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-9087 invp.com
Keeler and Nadler Family Wealth
Andrew Keeler 485 Metro Place S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-4123 keelernadler.com
Legacy Retirement Group
Gregory A. Taylor
6315 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-336-7660 legacyretirementgroup.com
Libertas Wealth Management Group, Inc.
Gina Howard 5003 Horizons Dr., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43220 614-543-1350 libertaswealth.com
See ad below
LPL Financial - Dublin
Mark Farnham 115 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-3672 investwithmark.com
Meeder Investment Management, Inc.
Debbie Harris 6125 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-7000 meederinvestment.com
New York Life
William Kidd 5455 Rings Rd., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017, 567-371-1783 newyorklife.com
PDS Planning, Inc.
Jamie Menges, CFP, CPA 475 Metro Place S., Ste. 460 Dublin, OH 43017 614-481-8449 pdsplanning.com
Principal® Financial Network of Ohio
Craig Hagkull 5600 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-8085 principal.com/ohio
Safe Harbor Retirement Group, LLC
Cory Sickles 6099 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-0670 safeharboroh.com
Sanfillipo Financial
Amy Chaney
5100 Bradenton Ave., Ste. E Dublin, OH 43017 614-659-7302
Shaffer Capital, LLC
Matthew Shaffer
550 Polaris Pkwy., Ste. 130 Westerville, OH 43082 614-891-1200 shaffercapital.net
Skylight Financial Group
Mark Owens
5455 Rings Rd., Ste. 125 Dublin, OH 43017 614-790-9800 skylightfinancialgroup.com
Steele Investment Counsel, Ltd.
Michael Steele
138 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-8890 steeleinvestment.com
Stoneburner Wealth Management
Mark Stoneburner 5131 Post Rd., Ste. 340 Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-9900 stoneburnerwealth.com
True North Wealth Partners Eric Susi, LUTCF, CMFC 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Ste. 250 Dublin, OH 43016 614-929-2703 mytruenorthwp.com
UBS Financial Services -
Muirfield Wealth Partners
Bill Cseplo
5007 Horizons Dr. Columbus, OH 43220 614-793-3165 ubs.com/team/muirfieldwealth See adjacent ad
WealthBridge Capital Management
Robyn Kinford
579 Executive Campus Dr., Ste. 375 Westerville, OH 43082 614-964-9600
Williamson Financial Group
John R. Williamson, CPA/PFS 7650 Rivers Edge Dr. Columbus, OH 43235 614-431-4361
Zickau & McCormick, LLC
Thomas Zickau
545 Metro Place S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-8350 zickaumccormick.com
5003 Horizons Dr., Suite 200 Columbus, Ohio 43220 (614) 543-1350 Office (614) 734-7266 Fax LibertasWealth.com Financial
Cell (614) 296-6029
The combination of Grové Parks Hegarty Wealth Advisors and Muirfield Wealth Partners brings together decades of experience to help us better serve our clients.
Muirfield Wealth Partners Planning+4®
A relationship built around multigenerational financial and life planning.
UBS Financial Services Inc.
5007 Horizons Drive
Columbus, OH 43220 614 442-6240
Entrusted by clients with over $1.5 billion.
As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, UBS Financial Services Inc. offers investment advisory services in its capacity as an SEC-registered investment adviser and brokerage services in its capacity as an SEC-registered broker-dealer. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. It is important that clients understand the ways in which we conduct business, that they carefully read the agreements and disclosures that we provide to them about the products or services we offer. For more information, please review the PDF document at ubs.com/relationshipsummary. © UBS 2021. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. CJ-UBS-451725410 Exp.: 10/31/2022
Fire Apparatus Manufacturing
Sutphen Corporation
Daniel Sutphen 6450 Eiterman Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-1005 sutphencorp.com
Fitness - Athletic Facility
City of Dublin - FitBiz
Mollie Steiner
5600 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614- 410-4600 dublinohiousa.gov
See ad below
Anne White
331 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-376-0189 hotworx.net/studio/dublin
Athletic Republic Inc.
Andrew Coutts
6175 Shamrock Ct., Ste. I Dublin, OH 43016 614-718-9855 dublin.athleticrepublic.com
Black Belt Pro Fitness
Ashley Meyer
6100 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-601-8682 blackbeltprofitness.com
Body Performance
Lisa Pricher c/o Good Bodies Fitness
4353 Tuller Rd., Ste. K Dublin, OH 43017 614-551-9323 bodyperformance4life.com
City of Dublin - Dublin Community Recreation Center
Tracey Gee 5600 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-410-4550 dublinohiousa.gov/recreation-services
See ad on Page 1
Club at Corazon, The Kelly Bohanan
7155 Corazon Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-504-5250 clubatcorazon.com
Club Pilates NW Dublin
Caitlin McTigue
7404 OH 161
Plain City, OH 43064 614-923-0940 clubpilates.com/location/nwdublin
Friendship Fitness Grant Christman 6625 Reflections Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-816-0514 friendshipfitness.com
Good Bodies Personal Fitness Training
Greg Baughman 4353 Tuller Rd., Ste. K Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2282 goodbodiesfitness.com
Individual Fitness Solutions
Talitha Helmling 9246 Dublin Rd. Powell, OH 43065 614-793-1185 ifs24hourgym.com
Integrity Athletics
Chris Serpico 8185 Business Way Plain City, OH 43064 614-733-0818 integritygym.com
Ninja Generations
Sean Noel 9375 Dublin Rd. Shawnee Hills, OH 43065 614-389-2424 ninjagenerations.com
Melissa Carlson 4140 Tuller Rd., Ste. 110 Dublin, OH 43017 614-595-2871 pdnextsteps.dom
Peak Human Performance
Alex White 7920 Corporate Blvd., Ste. C Plain City, OH 43064 614-918-7476 peakhumanperformance.us
Spot Athletics, The JL Holdsworth 6740 Holt Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-653-3140 TheSpotAthletics.com
(Fitness - Athletic Facility continued on next page)
Achieve a healthier workforce and healthier bottom line with FitBiz, a complimentary wellness consulting service for Dublin businesses.
Starting Strength Columbus
Pete Yeh
6083 Parkcenter Cir. Dublin, OH 43017 614-618-4868 columbus.ssgyms.com
Peggy Mills
6631 Commerce Pkwy., Unit L Dublin, OH 43017 614-937-8309 valemee.com
YogaSix Dublin
Brett Stahl
6784 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-548-1120 yogasix.com/dublin
Food / Beverage Ingredient Supplier
Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients, Inc.
Sarah Gurr 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Ste. 400 Dublin, OH 43016 614-652-1111 mifiusa.com/
Nestlé Quality Assurance Center
Joseph Walter 6625 Eiterman Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-526-5204 nqacdublin.com
Food Broker
Quality Supply Chain Co-op, Inc.
Samantha Johnston
1 Dave Thomas Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-3100 wqscc.com
Fraternal Organizations
32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons, Valley of Columbus
Fred Kile
290 Cramer Creek Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-2272 valleyofcolumbus.com See ad below
Funeral Home
Neptune Society
Ashley Sayed 4558 Cemetery Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-529-5088 neptunesociety.com/location/ columbus-cremation
Rutherford Funeral Home at Powell
Joe Hayes 450 W. Olentangy St. Powell, OH 43065 614-792-1471 rutherfordfuneralhomes.com
Brookside Golf & Country Club
Laurie Steller 2770 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-889-2581 brooksidegcc.com
Country Club at Muirfield Village, The
Jenna Johnson 8715 Muirfield Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1714 tccmv.com
See adjacent ad
Heritage Golf Club
Nicole Zumpano 3525 Heritage Club Dr. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-684-7112 heritagegc.com
Muirfield Village Golf Club
Nicholas LaRocca 5750 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6700 thememorialtournament.com
Safari Golf Club
Ty Day 4850 W. Powell Rd. Powell, OH 43065 614-645-3444 safarigc.com
The Club at Tartan Fields
Mike Wendel 8070 Tartan Fields Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-0900 tartanfields.com
The Golf Room
Kyle Morris 6807 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-747-5006 thegolfroom.com
The Memorial Tournament
Chris Stiffler 5770 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6700 thememorialtournament.com
See adjacent ad
City of Dublin Megan O’Callaghan 5555 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-410-4400
See ad on page 1
Jerome Township Barry Adler 9777 Industrial Pkwy. Plain City, OH 43064 614-738-9559 jerometownship.us
Kunze, Stephanie, State Senator Maggie Wolf
1 Capitol Sq., Room 137 Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-5981 ohiosenate.gov/kunze
See ad on page 20
Ohio Tuition Trust AuthorityOhio’s 529 Plan Janet Smith 35 E. Chestnut St., 8th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 614-949-9472 collegeadvantage.com
32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a fraternity of Brothers committed to going deeper into the highest principles, teachings, and ideals of the Masonic craft. It is open to all Master Masons looking to continue the journey of selfdiscovery and finding a deeper sense of purpose.
As Freemasons, we believe in something greater than ourselves, and strive to be good men who want to be better.
Richardson, Tracy, State Representative
Rep. Tracy Richardson 77 S. High St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-8147 ohiohouse.gov/members/ tracy-m-richardson
See ad on page 21
Washington Township Eric Richter
6200 Eiterman Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-652-3920 wtwp.com
See ad on page 21
Granite & Marble Fabricator
Distinctive Marble & Granite
Kathy Schnetzler 7635 Commerce Pl. Plain City, OH 43064 614-760-0003 distinctivemarbleandgranite.com
See ad below
Graphic Design
Romo Design
Stephanie Romo 4445 Fry Rd. Ostrander, OH 43061 614-906-7666
Hair Salon
MY SALON Suite Rashmi Nemade 6065 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-407-6470 mysalonsuite.com/dublin
Studio on Bridge, The Courtney Spies 41 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-5767 thestudioonbridge.com
The Color Bar Dublin
Andrea Simmons
6630 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-8851 thecolorbarsalons.com
Health & Wellness
Columbus Wellness Medicine, LLC
Elizabeth Tuttle 3807 Attucks Dr. Powell, OH 43065 614-420-2063 columbuswellnessmedicine.com
Hybrid Performance and Wellness
Tyrel Detweiler 8500 Warner Rd., Ste. 200 Plain City, OH 43064 614-400-5327 hybridpw.com
Lillian Roberts
3136 Kingsdale Cntr. Columbus, OH 43221 614-452-2088 melaleuca.com
Options Medical Weight Loss
Brittany Leport 7537 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-333-6040 optionsmedicalweightloss.com
Pranamyra, LLC
Eszter Gozon 7287 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-369-0664 pranamyra.com
Restore Hyper Wellness Dublin
Dan Rogovin 6780 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-553-7207 restore.com
Solutions IV Boutique & MediSpa
Jacqueline Graham 4375 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-6194 solutionsivmedispa.com
Stretch Lab Dublin
Jason Pfaff 6435 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 1060 Dublin, OH 43016 614-763-6606
The NOW Massage
Tiffany Blevins 5863 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-467-8732 thenowmassage.com
Health Care
Carbon Health
Laurie O’Neill 6313 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 355 Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-3627 Carbonhealth.com
Forward Health, LLC
Timothy Yoder 6020 Groveport Rd. Groveport, OH 43125 614-567-6274 forwardhealthohio.com
Medication Therapy Management Solutions, LLC
Karen H. Wooten, RPh 1567 Weiskopf Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-306-5375 mtmservices4u.com
Mindpath Health
6880 Perimeter Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 888-966-8973 vertavahealth.com/locations/oh/dublin
Mount Carmel Health System
Alicia Rausch 6150 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43213 614-546-3410 mountcarmelhealth.com
See ad on page 33
Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, The Kathleen Kemp 3900 Stoneridge Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-366-9324 wexnermedical.osu.edu/locations/ outpatient-care-stoneridge-dublin
See ad on page 4
Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, The 6700 University Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-739-0777 wexnermedical.osu.edu/Dublin
See ad on page 4
One Medical
Jennifer Ryan
6515 Longshore Loop, Ste 1A Dublin, OH 43017 888-663-6331 onemedical.com
Perimeter Dental Group
David Scurria, DDS
6780 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-5277 perimeterdentalgroup.com
Health Care - Diagnostic Imaging
Solis Mammography - Dublin
Erica Sycks-Greear
5156 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 120 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-9355 solismammo.com
SV Diagnostic Labs, LLC
Chandrashekar Chalumalla 485 Metro Place S., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43017 614-327-7348 svdiagnosticlab.com
Health Care - In Home
Capital Health Home Care Concierge
Kendra Thomas 6479 Reflections Dr., Ste. 160 Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-8845 homecareconcierge.net
Compassionate Caregivers Home Care
Debbie DeLuca Ely, RN 6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. C Dublin, OH 43017 614-710-0078 compassionatecaregivershc.com
Friendship at Home
Scott Emch 90 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-2167 friendshipathome.org
Primary Care Nursing Services, Inc.
Elvina Pettus 3140 Lilly Mar Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-0960 pcnsohio.com
Alison Yeager 800 Cheshire Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 740-363-6677 MySourcePoint.org
See ad on page 35
Health Care - Management
Quantum Health
Melissa Reilly 5200 Blazer Pkwy., Dublin, OH 43017 800-257-2038 x13893 quantum-health.com
Health Care - Sales
ICU Medical
Lori Sylvia 5200 Upper Metro Place, Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-210-7300 icumed.com
Health Care - Speech & Hearing
Beltone Hearing Care Center
Kristina Fassett 7454 OH -161 Plain City, OH 43064 614-504-5066 locations.beltone.com/oh/ plain-city/0050991000
Columbus Speech & Hearing Center
Jennifer Thomson
5155 Bradenton Ave., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-261-5789 columbusspeech.org
Excalibur Hearing and Audiology
Douglas Lewis 2698 Billingsley Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-389-3013 excaliburaudiology.com
McKibben & Monte Pediatric Speech and Occupational Therapy
Jennifer Monte 7947 Tartan Fields Drive Dublin, OH 43017 614-323-9469 mckibbenandmonte.com
Health Care Billing & Mgt.
Ashley Rippeth
5475 Rings Rd., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-763-8649 advocatercm.com
Clinix Healthcare
Olga Magyar
5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Ste 300 Dublin, OH 43016 614-792-5422 clinix.org
Doctors Consulting Service, Inc.
Terrence Fickel 200 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-1980
Health Care Products & Services
BlueOrange Compliance
Joan Elewski
2500 Farmers Dr., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43235 614-783-9619 blueorangecompliance.com
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Hollis Mignogno 7000 Cardinal Pl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-757-2993 cardinalhealth.com
Sarnova Lynn McNabb 5000 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-760-5000 sarnova.com
Health Care Technology
Tim Ninke 4950 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-457-4359 einformatics.com
Healthy Roster, Inc.
Nathan Heerdt P.O. Box 1114 Dublin, OH 43017 healthyroster.com
Loren Lynn, Inc.
Frank Russell
7263 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-2620 aedresults.com
Jayne Frilling
7720 Rivers Edge Dr., Ste. 101 Columbus, OH 43235 614-519-7225
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.
Air Force One, Inc.
Valerie Pemberton
5800 Shier Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-408-1728 airforceone.com
Atlas Butler Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
Brian Bertke
4849 Evanswood Dr. Columbus, OH 43229 614-294-8600 atlasbutler.com
Buckeye Heating & Cooling
Steve Price
1018 Proprietors Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 614-647-5306 buckeyeheat.com
Environmental Air, Inc.
Eric Medici
125 W. Main St. Plain City, OH 43064 614-336-2838 env-air.com
Trinity Heating & Cooling
Nabeel Alsharaiha
6200 Wilcox Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-323-2064 trinityheatcool.com
Home Improvement
CR Concrete Services, LLC
Sheli Mudrinich
8055 Corporate Blvd., Ste. C Plain City, OH 43064 1-614-325-3750 crconcreteservices.com
Garage Experts of Columbus
Mike Lipaj 8631 Hirst Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-343-9033 garageexperts.com
Mr. Handyman of West Columbus
Mark Kollath
5491 Scioto Darby Rd., Ste. 2 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-612-0871 mrhandyman.com
Renewal by Andersen
Steve Armstrong
5850 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-602-8100 weloveournewwindows.com
United Window, Inc.
Holly Richert
2945 Westerville Rd. Columbus, OH 43224 614-471-7412 aunitedwindow.com
See ad below
Homeowners’ Association
Muirfield Association, Inc.
Walter Zeier 8372 Muirfield Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0922 muirfieldassociation.com
Hospice Care
Vitas Healthcare Michele Casey 655 Metro Place S., Ste. 770 Dublin, OH 43017 614-822-2700 vitas.com
Columbus Springs Dublin Tina Colter 7625 Hospital Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-717-1800 columbussprings.com
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Kent Weakley 700 Childrens Dr. Columbus, OH 43205 614-722-2000 nationwidechildrens.org
See ad on page 32
OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital Casey Liddy 7500 Hospital Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-544-8000 ohiohealth.com
See ad on Back Cover Visit
OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital
Armin Rahmanian 7500 Hospital Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-544-8000 ohiohealth.com
See ad on Back Cover
Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, The 6700 University Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-739-0777 wexnermedical.osu.edu/Dublin
See ad on page 4
Reunion Rehabilitation Hospital - Dublin
Eric Mueller
3805 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-515-7676
See ad on page 30
AC Hotel Columbus Dublin
Orcun Turkay 6540 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-8652 marriott.com/cmhac
Cloverleaf Suites Columbus Dublin
Monica Nelsen 4130 Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-7762 cloverleafsuites.com
Columbus Marriott Northwest
Jessica Cowger
5605 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-1000 columbusmarriottnorthwest.com
DoubleTree by Hilton Columbus Dublin
Candice Turner
600 Metro Place N. Dublin, OH 43017 614-956-3400 columbusdublin.doubletree.com
Embassy Suites Columbus Dublin
Rachel Stuart
5100 Upper Metro Place
Dublin, OH 43017 614-790-9000 columbusdublin.embassysuites.com See adjacent ad
Hampton Inn Columbus Dublin
Zach Norris
3920 Tuller Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0573 columbusdublin.hamptoninn.com
Holiday Inn Express Columbus-Dublin
David Conely
5500 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-793-5500 hiexpress.com/dublinoh
Home2 Suites - Dublin
Stacey Somerville 5000 Upper Metro Place Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-7540 columbusdublin.home2suitesbyhilton.com
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Cathy Smith
5300 Parkcenter Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-8675 columbusdublin.homewoodsuites.com
Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center
Sue Bellan
100 Green Meadows Dr. Lewis Center, OH 43035 614-880-4300 nwhotelandconferencecenter.com
Residence Inn - Dublin
John Stevenson
6364 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-6600 marriott.com/cmhcd
Sonesta ES Suites Dublin
Malak Markus 435 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-0403 sonesta.com/dublin
See adjacent ad
Springhill Suites Dublin
Stacey Somerville 4475 Bridge Park Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-7255
Staybridge Suites
Mica Breese 6095 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-734-9882 staybridge.com/columbusdublin
TownePlace Suites by Marriott
Columbus Dublin
Ryan Blake
5155 Upper Metro Place Dublin, OH 43017 614-689-2900 marriott.com/cmhtd
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
Sarah James 7150 Sawmill Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235 614-389-3036 fairfieldinn.com/CMHDF
See ad below
Employers Resource Association
Rebecca Jacobs
1554 Polaris Pkwy., Ste. 325 Columbus, OH 43240 614-569-3578 erahr.org
Global Recruiters Network of Dublin
William Owad 5995 Wilcox Pl., Ste. H Dublin, OH 43016 380-204-6777 grndublin.com
My Business Resource Rachel Kutay 4104 Broadway, Suite E Grove City, OH 43123 380-799-5280 mybusinessresource.com
At Fairfield by Marriott Columbus Dublin you can count on a friendly welcome, clean and comfortable room, great features, amenities and service that will make you want to return. Jump-start your day with a hot and healthy free breakfast. Enjoy our indoor heated pool and our 24-hour fitness center. We’ll help you get it done with the courteous service you deserve and smartly designed lobby and guest rooms with free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.
Amorose, David
David Amorose
8150 Winchcombe Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-203-5143
Beery, Bruce
Bruce Beery
25934 Sandusky Rd. Richwood, OH 43344 740-943-3078
Industrial Distribution
Advanced Industrial Products
Mike Scott 9901 Industrial Pkwy. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-4602 aipoh.com
Information Security
Biometric Information Management
Benjamin Powers 6059 Frantz Rd., Ste. 102 Dublin, OH 43017 614-456-1296 bioinfomgt.com
Certitude Security®
Lowell Bowdle 5910 Wilcox Pl, Ste A Dublin, OH 43016 614-408-0900 certitudesecurity.com
Rob Michels 25 North St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-212-4821 aerify.io See ad below
Affiliated Resource Group, Inc.
Robin Moran
5700 Perimeter Dr., Ste. H Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6555 aresgrp.com
Amaxx, Inc.
Nicole Hall 5975 Wilcox Pl., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-923-6651 amaxx.com
Astute Technology Management
Anna Madden 6890 Perimeter Dr. Unit C Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-4102 astutetm.com
Blueteam Networks
Mark Goodson 4694 Cemetery Rd Ste.305 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-721-2921 blueteamnetworks.com
Clarity Technology Solutions
Jason Comstock 8182 Business Way Plain City, OH 43064 937-303-4033 clarityts.com
Echelle Resources, Inc.
Chris Berry 545 Metro Place S., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 937-243-0697 echelleresources.com
ERP Analysts, Inc.
Srikanth Gaddam 425 Metro Place N., Ste. 510 Dublin, OH 43017 614-718-9222 erpanalysts.com
Flairsoft Ltd.
Nick Kulshrestha 7720 Rivers Edge Dr., Ste. 200 Columbus, OH 43235 614-888-0700 flairsoft.net
Halcyon Solutions, Inc.
Alan Day 5910 Venture Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-322-3959 halcyonit.com
JASStek, Inc.
JASStek Sales and Connections 555 Metro Place N., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-808-3600 jasstek.com
KTech Solutions, LLC
Bobby Kneisel 4081 Main St. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-398-0999 ktechsolutionsllc.com
Lightwell, Inc.
Karen Pfriem
565 Metro Place S., Ste. 220 Dublin, OH 43017 614-310-2700 lightwellinc.com
Logic Soft, Inc.
Kavi Punetha 5900 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-884-5544 logicsoftusa.com
Mission Control IT Services, LLC
Joseph Kim
615 Hilliard Rome Rd., Ste. D Columbus, OH 43228 614-618-2000 mscix.com
NetSteady Communications, Ltd
Christopher Hutchison
6385 Shier Rings Rd., Ste. 3 Dublin, OH 43016 614-345-5000 netsteady.com
Laurel Keegan 6565 Kilgour Pl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-6000 oclc.org
Revel IT, Inc.
Kristin Griffith 4900 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-1122 revelit.com
Steinert Analytics, LLC
Christian Steinert 409 Oak St., Unit 504 Columbus, OH 43215 920-287-8388
Strategic Systems, Inc.
Sankar Mangapuram
475 Metro Place S., Ste. 450 Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-4774 strsi.com
T-Cetra, LLC
Zach Thompson 7240 Muirfield Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-344-0037 tcetra.com
Nishad Kuttykrishnan 5475 Rings Rd., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 949-315-1071 ust.com
WideStream Solutions, Inc.
Dave Panek 8294 Altair St. Columbus, OH 43240 614-581-5814
American Share Insurance
Dennis Adams 5656 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1900 americanshare.com
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Erin Gatto 110 W. Wilson Bridge Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 614-889-0250 chambersaver.com/cocc
Brian L. Wetzel, Insurance Agency
Brian Wetzel 6805 Avery Muirfield Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-0968 brianwetzel.com
Business Risk Services of Ohio, Inc.
B. Scott Shadoan 6195 Emerald Pkwy., Ste. 1 Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-0300 brsoh.com
Jeffrey Lemichuk 3455 Mill Run Dr., Ste. 200 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-507-9430 caresource.com
Dean Insurance Group
Rachel Dean-Haas Dublin, OH 43017 614-881-1616 Deaninsurancegroup.com
Griffin-Lantz Insurance Agency, LLC
Bart Griffin 6047 Frantz Rd., Ste. 202 Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-1217 griffinlantzinsurance.com See adjacent ad
Laura Charney 6767 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 877-922-9701 hagerty.com
Horan Chris Huggard 6805 Avery-Muirfield Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-376-0901 horanassoc.com
Hosket Ulen Insurance Solutions Bill Hosket 6640 Riverside Dr., Ste. 400 Dublin, OH 43017 614-339-1771 hosketulen.com
Hylant Chris Godley 565 Metro Place S., Ste. 450 Dublin, OH 43017 614-932-1226 hylant.com
John Dawson Associates Kelly Endicott 6025 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43231 614-764-0966 johndawsoninsurance.com
Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC
Chuck Murlin 655 Metro Place Ste. 380 Dublin, OH 43017 614-215-8018 mma-mw.com
McCaffrey Insurance Agency
Lynn McCaffrey 5114 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-9300 mccaffreyinsurance.com
McCrabb-Goosehead Insurance Consulting Agency
Susan McCrabb 10230 Archer Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-787-7967 goosehead.com
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Amber Hulme
One Columbus, 10 W. Broad St., Ste. 1400 Columbus, OH 43215 614-621-6901 mmoh.com
Mitchell Insurance Agency, Inc.
Kelly Ray
7450 Industrial Pkwy. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-1088 insurance-mitchell.com
Nationwide Insurance - James Gaddy
James Gaddy
One Nationwide Plaza, MC-1-03-301 Columbus, OH 43215 614-249-4465 nationwide.com
Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc.
Frank Harmon PO Box 1136 Dublin, OH 43017 614-873-2906 ohioinsuranceservices.com
See ad on page 24
One Source Advisors, Inc. Stacie Hoover 555 Metro Place N., Ste. 480 Dublin, OH 43017 614-822-0212 osadvise.com
PM Financial Group
Jason Lohnes
670 Meridian Way, Ste. 123 Westerville, OH 43082 614-889-0030 pmfinancial.com
ProtectALL Insurance
Judy Sivy 545 Metro Place S., Ste. 250 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0701 protectallinsurance.com
Ronald S. Mooney dba RHK Group
Ron Mooney 5960 Venture Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-457-1236 rhkgroup.com
Shawan-Marquis Agency, Inc.
Marty Vaughan 110 E. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 260 Worthington, OH 43085 614-450-1073 chambersaver.com/cocc
Spiralight Group Benefits
Matthew Byrne
565 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-372-6377 grouphealthohio.com/dublin
State Farm Insurance - Gary Wheeler
Karen Davis
260 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-8500 garywheeleragency.com
Tri-Wood Insurance Agency, Inc.
Trisha DeLong 5965 Wilcox Pl., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-408-9220 tri-wood.com
See adjacent ad
Waypoint Benefit Solutions
Brian Savage 4230 Tuller Rd., Ste. 101 Dublin, OH 43017 614-375-1788 waypointbenefits.com
Insurance - Dental
Delta Dental of Ohio
Jason Nickoloff
5600 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-776-2308 deltadentaloh.com
Dental Care Plus Group, The Rebecca Hetzer
555 Metro Place N., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-4378 dentalcareplus.com
Insurance Brokerage
Companion Insurance Agency, A Liberty Mutual Company
Brent Blackwell
440 Polaris Pkwy., Ste. 150 Westerville, OH 43082 614-701-6853 companioninsurance.com
Michele Mercer, Licensed Insurance Agent
Michele Mercer
5935 Wilcox Pl., Unit F Dublin, OH 43016 614-563-9900 LocalHealthResource.com
Interior Decorating
Casa Decor
Vanessa Maloof
18 E. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-313-1589 casadecor.co
IT Services & Staffing
Megan O’Hara
4150 Tuller Rd., Ste. 234 Dublin, OH 43017 614-339-4986 easyit.com
Fast Switch, Ltd.
Kristin Griffith 4900 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-1122 fastswitch.com
Buck & Sons Landscape Service, Inc.
Jared Buck 7147 Hayden Run Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-876-2825 buckandsons.com
Central Liberty Landscaping
Kenneth Hamilton 4694 Cemetery Rd., Ste. 312 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-507-4901 centralscapes.com
Commercial Land Management Systems, Inc.
Tyler Armbruster 7693 Corporate Blvd. Plain City, OH 43064 614-558-5132 clmslandscapes.com
Endless Summer Pool and Spa Service, LLC
Tom Mader 8205 Estates Pkwy., Ste. D Plain City, OH 43064 614-530-3541 endlesssummerpool.com
Grass Groomers
Ryan Frymyer 8101 Corporate Blvd. Plain City, OH 43064 614-284-7254
Landfare, Ltd.
Julie Letizia 909 West 3rd Ave. Columbus, OH 43212 614-299-1111 landfareltd.com
Landscapes By Terra, Inc.
Heather Odenweller 11301 Watkins California Rd. Marysville, OH 43040 614-873-6242 LandscapesByTerra.com
M.J. Design Associates, Inc.
Molly John 8463 Estates Ct. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-7333 mjdesignassociates.com
Outdoor-FX, Inc.
Lucas Greiner 142 Church St. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-7270 outdoor-fx.net/GL-columbus
Timberwood Landscape Co., Inc.
Samuel Duff 9095 Muirkirk Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-0555 timberwoodlandscape.net
Lawncare - Fertilization
Bio Green Ohio
Lori Throndsen 6724 Perimeter Lp., PMB 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-2260 biogreenohio.com
Weed Man Columbus North Corbin Schlatter 7400 Industrial Pkwy., Ste. 2 Plain City, OH 43064 614-733-3747 columbus-north.weedmanusa.com
Columbus Metropolitan LibraryDublin Branch
Joe Yersavich
75 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-645-2275 columbuslibrary.org
Lighting Design
Evolved Lighting Solutions
Zack Griffin
1850 Dividend Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-867-5747 evolvedls.com
Light Up Columbus
Chris Aprelstadt
5269 Reserve Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-832-3139 lightupcolumbus.com
Locksmith & Safe
Golden Bear Lock & Safe, Inc.
Tim Moore
7445 Daron Ct. Plain City, OH 43064 614-733-5625 goldenbearlock.com
EASE Logistics
Heidi Davis 5725 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-553-7007 easelogistics.com
FST Logistics
Alexandra Schmidt 5025 Bradenton Ave., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-529-7900 fstlogistics.com
Redhawk Global, LLC
Erach Deboo
2642 Fisher Rd. Columbus, OH 43204 866-411-4295 RedhawkGlobal.com
STG Logistics
Paul Smith
5165 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-923-1400 stgusa.com
Benchmark Medical
Matt Elliott
7453 Coventry Woods Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-441-6434
Herbert & Associates, Inc.
Brenda Herbert
8400 Industrial Pkwy., Bldg. B Plain City, OH 43064 614-476-2501 herbertsales.com
Daishin Industrial USA Co., Inc.
Shinichi Okamura
6490 Shier-Rings Rd., Ste. E Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-9535 daishinusa.com
Kathy Richardson 6605 Longshore St., Ste. 240, #190 Dublin, OH 43017 614-504-3803 evunited.com
Hidaka USA, Inc.
Yoshihiro Hidaka
5761 Shier Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-8611 hidakausainc.com
Phoenix Bats
Joel Armbruster 7801 Corporate Blvd., Ste. E Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-7776 phoenixbats.com
Marketing Communications
Big Fish Local Karen Cleaver 565 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-945-4544 bigfishlocal.org
Bolder & Co. Creative Studios
Mark Bloemhard 112 South Main St. Urbana, OH 43078 937-508-4352 boldercreative.com
CPMedia & Marketing, LLC
Betty Clark 6479 Reflections Dr., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-4910 cpmedia.com
Kindred Strategy
Carissa Richardson 356 Stonewall Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 773-332-7737 kindred-strategy.com
MJ2 Marketing
Megan James 90 South High St., Ste. D Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-5559 mj2marketing.com
Questline, Inc.
Kathleen Forrest
5500 Frantz Rd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 800-242-3654 questline.com
Mark Adams
4880 Lower Roswell Rd. Marietta, GA 30068, 770-453-0334 Scenalnd.com
Sixth City Marketing
John Sammon 35 E. Gay St., #324 Columbus, OH 43215 614-404-5414 sixthcitymarketing.com
Sullivan Solutions, LLC
Karen Sullivan 6059 Frantz Rd., Ste. 203 Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-1670 sullivansolutions.com
Sunbridge Consulting, LLC
Shawna Mehta 6747 Carson Way Dublin, OH 43017 773-251-6681 hellosunbridge.com
Whiteboard Marketing
Sean White 5950 Venture Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-562-1912 whiteboard-mktg.com
Marketing Promotions
Zilla, LLC
Chris Russell 6728 Liggett Rd., Ste. 110 Dublin, OH 43016 614-763-5311 zilla.art
Merchant Services
Stratton Mortgage, LLC
William Seach 6221 Riverside Dr. Ste. 1 Dublin, OH 43017 614-610-1600 strattonmortgage.com
Moving & Storage Company
Moving Ahead Services
Keith Koprowski 6500 Shier Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-352-6444 movingaheadservices.com
One Old Man and a Van Josh Wheeler 3982 Powell Rd., PMB 238 Powell, OH 43065 614-893-7582 oneoldmanandavan.com
Two Men and a Truck
Brooke Hokes 5083 Westerville Rd. Columbus, OH 43231 614-901-1570 x110
Music Instruction
Kindermusik with Emily Emily Chitkara 28 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 330-685-5209 LearnSingAndGrow.com
Red School of Music
Chelsea Melcher 433 Allenby Dr. Marysville, OH 43040 517-677-2556 redschoolofmusic.com
School of Rock
Dave Gonzalez 6727 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-7200 dublin.schoolofrock.com
Noise & Vibration Control
Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.
Laura Jacobs 7355 California Ave. Boardman, OH 44512 330-702-8415 finet.net
Get Beyond
Mindy Haning 509 Ross Rd. Lancaster, OH 43130 440-829-3714 getbeyond.com
Jamie Barlett
3592 Sacramento Dr., Ste. 170 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-592-2700 polypay.com
Mortgage Services
Equitable Mortgage Corporation
Do you love Dublin? Like making new friends and having fun? Want to strengthen our community and make the world a better place? Then you should be a Rotarian!
Join us for breakfast and learn how we are making a difference here in Dublin and around the globe.
on Fridays at the Country Club at Muirfield Village. www.dublinam.org
Todd Reigle 655 Metro Place S., Ste. 500 Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1232 equitablemortgage.com
Nathan Redman 6300 Irelan Pl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0480 kineticsnoise.com/
Non-Profit Organization
Adaptive Sports Connection
Sharon Schreiber 6000 Harriott Dr. Powell, OH 43065 614-389-3921 adaptivesportsconnection.org
Alpha Group, The Morgan Mellen 4333 Tuller Rd., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 740-368-5810 alphagroup.net
Appalachian Children Coalition
Randy Leite 4704 Carrington Way Hilliard, OH 43026 740-856-6031 appalachianchildrencoalition.org
Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio
Melissa Rogner 1169 Dublin Rd. Columbus, OH 43215 614-754-4561 centralohio.bbb.org
Community Capital Development Corporation
Laura Frum 5475 Rings Rd., Ste. 110 Dublin, OH 43017 614-645-3937 ccdcorp.org
Dublin A.M. Rotary Club
Claudia Trusty PO Box 671 Dublin, OH 43017 dublinam.org See adjacent ad
Dublin Arts Council
David Guion
7125 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-7444 dublinarts.org
Dublin Bridges
Jill Kranstuber 5512 Caplestone Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-315-9019 neighborhoodbridges.org/Dublin-OH
Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation
Jennifer Amorose 129 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2001
Dublin Community Foundation
Michelle Cramer, CFRE PO Box 709 Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-3275 dublinfoundation.org
Dublin Food Pantry
Denise ‘’Dinky’’ Youngsteadt-Parrish 81 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6590 dublinfoodpantry.org
Dublin Historical Society
Rich Weber PO Box 2 Dublin, OH 43017 614-716-9149 dublinohiohistory.org
Dublin Team 4 THE Cure
Dale Darnell 50 Longview Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-980-3601
Dublin Women’s Philanthropic Club
Kimberly Penzone PO Box 294 Dublin, OH 43017 614-325-8550 dublinwomensclub.com
Japan-America Society of Central Ohio (JASCO)
Benjamin Pachter
565 Metro Place S., Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-300-3054 jas-co.org
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Kari Kittrell Poole
6640 Riverside Dr., 2nd Fl. Dublin, OH 43017 614-228-6515 kappa.org
Little Hercules Foundation
Kelly Maynard
5522 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-361-4537 littleherculesfoundation.org
One Dublin Heather Heins 6305 Brand Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-726-6958 one-dublin.org
Open Arms Adoptions
Jackie Smigel
11 N. High St.
Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-349-1510 openarmsadopt.com
Osteopathic Heritage Foundation
Jeffrey Fortkamp
6785 Bobcat Way, Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43016 614-737-4370 osteopathicheritage.org
The Jeffries Family Office
Gavin Derryberry 3000 E Main St., Ste. B367 Columbus, OH 43209 614-458-1630
Nursing Care Facility
Omnilife Systems, Inc.
Robert Banasik 50 W. Fifth Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 614-299-3100 omnilife.org
The Grand of Dublin
Kim Fullerton 4500 John Shields Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8585 grandofdublin.com
The Sanctuary at Tuttle Crossing
Laura Solaiman 4880 Tuttle Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-8870 ahfohio.com
Office Furniture
Continental Office
Mandy Wolford 5061 Freeway Dr. E. Columbus, OH 43229 614-262-5010 continentaloffice.com
Executive Interiors, LLC
Jeffrey Hohman 6427 Busch Blvd Columbus, OH 43229 614-389-3002 executiveinteriorsco.com
Columbus Ophthalmology Assoc., LLC
Danielle Crans 5155 Bradenton Ave., 2nd Floor Dublin, OH 43017 614-526-6209 coavision.com
The Ohio State University
Department of Ophthalmology
Laura Sladoje 6435 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-293-8116 eye.osu.edu
Clarkson Eyecare
Lisa Bailey Dyer 6732 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-798-9940 rinkoveyecare.com
Emerald EyeCare, LLC
Emerald EyeCare 6285 Emerald Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-8956 emeraldeyecare.com
Kenneth D. Boltz, OD, LLC
Kenneth Boltz 5775 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 160 Dublin, OH 43017 614-763-5775 drkenboltz.com
Lentechs, LLC
Robin Sears 7720 Rivers Edge Dr., Ste. 101 Columbus, OH 43235 614-340-3349 x1118
Shamrock Family Eyecare
Bryan Delmore, O.D.
5151 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8331 shamrockeye.com
Associated Orthodontics, Inc.
Gregory Anderson, DDS, MS 6620 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-9000 buckeyebraces.com
See ad on page 35
Buckeye Orthodontics
Camie Tibbs
4437 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-362-2440 buckeye-orthodontics.com
Cook Orthodontics - Dublin
Brandon D. Cook, DDS
5152 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-9000 huttasmiles.com
Karpac, DDS, MA, MS, James R. James Karpac, DDS
5 W. Bridge St., Ste. 203 Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0330 jameskarpacortho.com
Painting - Contractor
Sharper Impressions Painting
Geoff Sharp 7801 Corporate Blvd., Ste. D Plain City, OH 43064 614-889-8383 sharperpainting.com
Stoner Periodontic Specialists
Dr. Jason Stoner 5152 Blazer Memorial Pkwy., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8222 stonerperio.com
Pest Control
Ohio Wildlife Center / SCRAM! Wildlife Control
Lolita Haverlock 6131 Cook Rd. Powell, OH 43065 614-734-9453 ohiowildlifecenter.org
Pharmacy - Retail
Plain City Druggist
Robin Craft 480 S. Jefferson Ave. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-0880 druggist4u.com
Pharmacy Benefits Manager
RxBridge, LLC
Pete Shearer 6077 Frantz Rd., Ste. 206 Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-1851 rxbridge.com
Affiliated Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dwight Scarborough, M.D. 650 Shawan Falls Dr., Ste. 105 Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1711 affiliated-dermatology.com
Columbus Arthritis Center
Nan Irwin 1211 Dublin Rd. Columbus, OH 43215 614-485-2665 columbusarthritis.com
Columbus Surgical Associates
Courtney Hainline 7450 Hospital Dr., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-5050 columbussurgicalassociates.com
Innovative Family Medicine
Marvin Im 6425 Post Road, Ste. 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-813-0883 mdvip.com/doctors
Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute
Asim Roy 4975 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-0773
Physical Medicine Associates
Kendra Yahns 7269 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-591-0020 pmaohio.com
Premier Allergy Summit Shah, MD 6565 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 740-304-0151 premierallergyohio.com/GL-dublin
Summerhill Family Medicine, Inc. Wendy Summerhill 6680 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 120 Dublin, OH 43016 614-792-5200 summerhillmedicine.com
Physicians - Dermatology
Columbus Skin Surgery Center, Inc.
Sharon Thornton, MD 6670 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 260 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-2200 columbusskinsurgery.com
Physicians - Medi-Spa
Rejuvenate You, LLC
Paula Jones 5960 Venture Dr., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-562-0047 rejuvenateyouohio.com
Timeless Skin Solutions
Megan Schmidt 31 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-5100 timelessskinsolutions.com
Physicians - Orthopedics
Heather Benjamin 6785 Bobcat Way, Ste. 300 Columbus, OH 43016 614-890-6555 orthoneuro.com
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center
Renee Reynolds 5060 Bradenton Ave., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43017 614-895-8747 orthofootankle.com
Orthopedic ONE
Laura Fagert
6840 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-827-8700 orthopedicone.com
Physicians - Pediatrics
Emerald Pediatrics
Donna Keller
5695 Innovation Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-932-5050 emeraldpediatrics.com
Evolve Health | Dr. Misha Yajnik
Anne Flanery 5050 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 201 Dublin, OH 43017 614-495-8428 evolvehealth.com
Hand In Hand Pediatrics
Marsha Justus
6051 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-6044 handinhandpediatrics.com
River’s Edge Pediatrics, Inc.
Christine Pope 4335 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-7772 repkids.net
Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solutions
Ed Stange 92 North High St., Ste. 260 Dublin, OH 43017 614-442-7610 donaldsonplasticsurgery.com
Dorner Plastic Surgery
Brian Dorner, MD 4930 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-9000 dornerplasticsurgery.com
Sumit Bapna, MD
Sumit Bapna 6325 Emerald Pkwy., Ste. 1B Dublin, OH 43016 614-876-6673 ohioface.com
Physicians - Podiatry
Dublin Foot & Ankle
Linda Raber
6850 Perimeter Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-1466 dublinfootandankle.com
See ad on page 35
Step Lively Foot & Ankle Centers
Melissa Tran
6670 Perimeter Dr., Ste. 240 Dublin, OH 43016 614-339-2000 steplivelyfootandankle.com
Physicians - Psychiatry
Unified Health and Wellness
Michelle Meyer
7243 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 105 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-3814 unifiedhw.com
Atlas Butler Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
Brian Bertke
4849 Evanswood Dr. Columbus, OH 43229 614-294-8600 atlasbutler.com
Bindery & Specialties Pressworks, Inc.
Doug Izzard 351 W. Bigelow Ave. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-8129
See ad below
Copy Right Printing
Craig Annette 7445-B Montgomery Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-431-1303
Minuteman Press of Dublin
Ken Barton 4874 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-3399 dublin.minutemanpress.com
Performance Printing, Inc.
Grace Gushue
7652 Sawmill Rd., PMB 349 Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-9808 performanceprintingoh.com
See ad below
ProForma Graphic Services
Jim Shindler 6341 Nicholas Dr. Columbus, OH 43235 614-760-5800 proforma.com
YesPress Graphics, LLC
Meena Patel 515 S. State St. Westerville, OH 43081 614-899-1403 yespress.com
See ad on page 14
Promotional Products
Artina Promotional Products
Art Bouzounis 50 S. Liberty St., Ste.250 Powell, OH 43065 614-635-8865 artina.com
See ad on page 15
Embroidery Design Group, LLC Mary Bandeen 2564 Billingsley Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-798-8152 embroiderydesigngroup.com
Performance Printing, Inc.
Grace Gushue
7652 Sawmill Rd., PMB 349 Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-9808 performanceprintingoh.com
See ad below
Property Management
Associa - Real Property Management, Inc.
Aimee Myers 5550 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 175 Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-6500 rpmanagement.com
Clayman Enterprises Inc. DBA
Clayman Property Services
Susan Bilon
6754 Heatherstone Loop Dublin, OH 43017 614-842-1922 claymanpropertyservices.com
Kreber Group, Ltd.
Tom Kreber 5985 Wilcox Pl., Ste. E Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-3300 krebergroup.com
Twenty Seven Group, The Erin Logsdon 6059 Frantz Rd., Ste. 202 Dublin, OH 43017 614-957-0027 the27grp.com
Vaughan Group, Ltd.
Brenda Kerber 6099 Riverside Dr., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6600 vglltd.com
Real Estate
3 Degrees Realty
Jeanetta Caradonna 965 High St., Ste. 205 Worthington, OH 43085 614-989-3182
Antritt Craven Realty
Kayleen Antritt 25 North St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-946-5173 kayleensellsohio.com
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Calhoon Co., REALTORS/BBM Premier Home Group
Mandy Morrow 123 South High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-205-9893 BBM-premierhomegroup.com
Coldwell Banker King ThompsonKathy Butler & Partners
Kathy Butler 4535 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-602-1664 kathybutler.com
Cutler Real Estate
Lisa Borthwick 7240 Muirfield Dr., Suite 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-401-5353 cutlerhomes.com
Cutler Real Estate
The Mathias Team
Neil Mathias 7240 Muirfield Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-580-1662 realestatedublin.com
Cutler Real Estate / Conley & Partners
Jean Ann Conley 11 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-595-4712 conleyandpartners.com
Grabill & Company
Patrick Grabill 1071 Fishinger Rd., Ste. 122 Columbus, OH 43221 614-761-8702
Greater Dublin Realty Association Nick Attalla 4030 N. Hampton Dr. Powell, OH 43065 gdraweb.org
HER Realtors - Keith Sharick
Keith Sharick
5725 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-390-9317 KeithSharick.com
Howard Hanna
Jeanne Cousino
6702 Vineyard Haven Loop Dublin, OH 43016 614-832-6165 jeannecousino.com
Jack Curtis and AssociatesKeller Williams Consultants Realty
Jack Curtis
5400 Frantz Rd., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43016 614-893-8337 jackcurtis.com
Joe and Patty Evans, Inc.RE/MAX Town Center
Joe Evans 9963 Morris Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-975-7355
JT Stinchfield & Associates
Jackie Stinchfield
655 Metro Place S., Ste. 600-JTS Dublin, OH 43017 614-296-0453 ColumbusDreamHomes.com
Keller Williams Capital PartnersSunderman Group
Mary Sunderman
100 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 614-935-5572 thesundermangroup.com
RE/MAX Partners
Brandon Prewitt 106 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-504-0014 DublinHomes247.com
RE/MAX Affiliates - Jeff Gongwer
Jeff Gongwer 7239 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 210 Dublin, OH 43016 614-766-5330 reaffiliates.com
RE/MAX Premier Choice
Bob Miller, GRI 5658 Loch Broom Cir. Dublin, OH 43017 614-436-0330
ReAlpha Tech Corporation
Mike Logozzo
6515 Longshore Loop, Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-633-7155 realpha.com
One Home At A Time, LLC
Rima Bazerbashi
1 Easton Oval, Ste. 100 Columbus, OH 43219 614-288-3768 rimabazerbashi.kw.com
Roby Realty
Joel Roby 7100 Muirfield Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-0050 robyrealty.com
Shannon Grimm & PartnersHoward Hanna
Shannon Grimm
5725 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-401-5077 ShannonGrimm.com
Sue Berg, Inc. Sue Berg
5178 River Forest Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-582-4335 SueBerg.com
The Close Connection-KW Consultants Realty
Alli Close
14 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-726-9070 thecloseconnection.com
The Holderman Group - RE/MAX Premier Choice
Adam Holderman
1560 Fishinger Rd., Ste. 150 Columbus, OH 43221 614-993-3094 theholdermangroup.com
The Styer Group with Red 1 Realty
Jon Styer 96 E. Wyandotte Dr. Powell, OH 43065 614-843-5656 thestyergroup.com
See ad on page 17
Real Estate - Appraisals
Brian W. Barnes & Co., Inc.
Brian Barnes
6860 Perimeter Dr., Ste. B Dublin, OH 43016 614-761-0067 bwbarnesinc.com
Integra Realty Resources - Columbus
Brad Johnson 6233 Riverside Dr., Ste. 2N Dublin, OH 43017 614-398-4307 irr.com
Koenig & Associates, Inc.
Mik Koenig, MAI 6295 Emerald Pkwy., Ste. 102 Dublin, OH 43016 614-203-6900 koenigandassociates.com
Specialty Valuation Group
Aaron Wright 425 Metro Place N., Ste. 620 Dublin, OH 43017 614-496-5908 specialtyvaluation.com
Real Estate - Commercial
DRK & Company Realtors
Jaimine Johnson 470 Olde Worthington Rd., Ste. 101 Westerville, OH 43082 614-540-2404 drkrealtors.com
Paradigm Properties
Aaron Dorsch 2600 Corporate Exchange Dr., Ste. 175 Columbus, OH 43231 614-882-4142 paradigmprop.com
PS Offices
Meggin Reese 655 Metro Place S., Ste. 600 Dublin, OH 43017 614-789-1600 psoffices.com
Rj Boll Realty, Ltd.
Ray Boll 5880 Sawmill Rd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-2100 rjboll.com
Real Estate - Home Inspection Services
Home & Commercial Inspections
James Jones 715 Shawan Falls Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-702-6824 HCinspectors.com
4 Points Companies
Kaitlyn Willette 48 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-707-4444 4ptsdev.com; 4ptsproperties.com
Natalie Smith 250 Civic Center Dr., Ste. 500 Columbus, OH 43215 614-228-5331 castoinfo.com
Collective House
Brooke Stuart 8792 Eliot Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-470-5560 collectivehouse.com
Daimler Group, Inc., The Paul Ghidotti 1533 Lake Shore Dr. Columbus, OH 43204 614-488-4424 daimlergroup.com
Edwards Land Co.
Charles Driscoll 495 S. High St., Ste. 150 Columbus, OH 43215 614-241-2070
Epcon Communities, Inc.
Pam Vallette 500 Stonehenge Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-1010 epconcommunities.com
Hawthorne Commons, a Treplus Community
Paige Fletcher 4050 Hawthorne Ln. Dublin, OH 43016 614-899-8869 trepluscommunities.com
Spire Development, Inc.
Thomas Grywalski
115 S. High St., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-350-0391 livespired.com
Stavroff Land and Development, Inc.
Cristina Dionne 6689 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-9981 stavroff.com
T & R Properties, Inc.
P. Ronald Sabatino 3895 Stoneridge Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-923-4055 trprop.com
Crawford Hoying Ted Orr 6640 Riverside Dr., Ste. 500 Dublin, OH 43017 614-325-2020 crawfordhoying.com
Thurber Gate Investment, LLC
Carrie Murrin 684 Thurber Dr., W. Columbus, OH 43215 614-221-8335 thurberliving.com
New Perspective Asset Management
Dana Milligan 37 W. Bridge St., Ste. 200 C Dublin, OH 43017 614-790-0855 newperspectiveassetmanagement.com
Religious Facility
Discover Christian Church
Steve Murphy 2900 Martin Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-1572 discovercc.org
Dublin Baptist Church
Jason Lehotsky 7195 Coffman Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2307 dublinbaptist.com
New Hope Reformed Church
Sarah Palsma 4739 W. Powell Rd. Powell, OH 43065 614-766-5445 newhopeworship.com
Northwest Chapel
Don Emerick 6700 Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 1-614-761-0363 northwestchapel.org
Northwest Presbyterian Church
David Schutter 6400 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-799-2300 x104 npcdublin.org
Radiant Life Church
Dawn Chafins 7100 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-8364 rlc@radiant.family
Vineyard - Tuttle Crossing
John Lieb 5400 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-876-0258 vineyardtc.org
The Cleary Company
Aaron Enfinger 989A Old Henderson Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 614-459-4000 ClearyCompany.com
Looking for culinary adventures, family-friendly eateries, a romantic dinner for two or comfort food? Look no further! Dublin’s selection of diners, hot spots, casual cafes, and foodie emporiums offer something for everyone.
Bakle the Baker
Ellen Bakle Dublin, OH 43016 614-619-8484 baklethebaker.com
Nothing Bundt Cakes
P.J. Coffland 6560 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-8074 nothingbundtcakes.com
The Cheesecake Girl
Samantha Strange
4345 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-940-2583 thecheesecakegirl.com
Candy, Cookies & Gifts
Kilwins Dublin
Stephanie Malas 4549 Bridge Park Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-0575 kilwins.com/dublin
Corporate Caterers of Dublin
Jim Riley 6665 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-3222 corpcaterersohio.com
Tej Patel 6385 Perimeter Dr., Room #01030 Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-0014
See ad on page 41
101 Beer Kitchen Tod Spinosi 7509 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-210-1010 101beerkitchen.com
BIBIBOP Asian Grill Greg Bladecki 7286 OH-161 E. Plain City, OH 43064 614-504-5253 bibibop.com
BIBIBOP Asian Grill
Brian Henderson 6469 Sawmill Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-623-2716 bibibop.com
Bruegger’s Bagels
Mike Salcone 4425 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-3730 buckeyebagels.com
See ad on page 64
Cap City Fine Diner & Bar
Lauren Klempay 6644 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-7865 cameronmitchell.com
Brian Siktberg 6051 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-9404 cfasawmill.com
Brian Siktberg 6105 Parkcenter Cir. Dublin, OH 43017 614-568-4057 Chick-fil-a.com
City Barbeque, Inc.
Randy Potts 5168 Blazer Pkwy., Ste. A Dublin, OH 43017 614-583-0999 citybbq.com
Clean Eatz
Casey Schroeder 7571 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-553-7012 cleaneatz.com
Der Dutchman Restaurant
Victor Meleshchuk 445 S. Jefferson, Rt. 42 Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-3414 derdutchman.com
Dos Hermanos Taco Truck, LLC
Lisa Gutierrez 6750 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-226-5286 doshermanoscolumbus.com
See ad on page 64
Dublin Village Tavern, The Tim Picciano 27 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-6250 thedublinvillagetavern.com
See ad below
Fado Pub & Kitchen
Ian Montgomery
6642 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-408-1500 fadopubandkitchen.com
Firehouse Subs
Paul D. Belle
6454 Sawmill Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-889-1000 firehousesubs.com
Holowicki Enterprises, Inc.-
Jim Holowicki
5049 Cemetery Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 614-876-3509
Kitchen Social
Sara Baker 6791 Longshore St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-332-1564 ourkitchensocial.com
Kona Craft Kitchen + Bar
Stacy Leary 6757 Longshore St., Unit 413 Dublin, OH 43017 614-502-5400 Konacraftkitchen.com
See ad on Inside Front Cover
LongHorn Steakhouse
Anthony Wharton 6035 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-5560 longhornsteakhouse.com
Matt the Miller’s Tavern, LLC
Patty Quaranto 6725 Avery-Muirfield Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-9100 mtmtavern.com
See ad below
McAlister’s Deli
Amy Cotterman
764 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 937-979-7059 mcalistersdeli.com
Mezzo Restaurant & Bar
Abby Greene
12 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6100 mezzodublin.com
Morgan House Restaurant, The Shannon Terry 5300 Glick Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-5703 morganhse.com
Napa Kitchen & Bar
Akishia Moore 7148 Muirfield Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-726-9799 napakitchenandbar.com
North Market Bridge Park
Peggy Outcalt 59 Spruce St., Business Office 2nd Fl. Columbus, OH 43215 614-463-9664 northmarket.com
Pint Room, The Emily Reynard 4415 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6558 pintroomdublin.com
Seas Kim 7561 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-726-9818 pokebap.com
Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen
Nate Baker 5150 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-588-8680 Popeyes.com
Refectory Restaurant & Bistro
Kamal Boulos 1092 Bethel Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 614-451-9774 refectory.com
Rusty Bucket Tavern
Jim Sauter 6726 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2594 myrustybucket.com
Bob Patel 345 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-1540 subway.com
Sunny Street Café
Asch & Kate Mikhail 7042 Hospital Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-3640 sunnystreetcafe.com
Sunny Street Cafe
Maria Swallie 7573 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-932-7008 sunnystreetcafe.com
The Avenue Steak Tavern
Kristen Luff 94 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-591-9000 cameronmitchell.com
The Goat Haley Bateson 5730 Silver Falls St. Dublin, OH 43016 614-876-1427 lcgoat.com
The Pearl Jill Armstrong 88 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-695-6255 thepearlrestaurant.com
(Restaurants continued on next page)
Restaurants - Cont.
The Rail
Gary Petroff 5839 Frantz Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-725-3200 therailburger.com
Tucci’s Patty Quaranto 35 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-3466 tuccisdublin.com
See ad on page 63
Wendy’s Company, The Blaire Luciano
One Dave Thomas Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-3100 wendys.com
See ad on page 16
Zaki Food Truck Ahmed Qaraja 614-377-1274
Restaurants - Breweries & Bars
Getaway Brewing Co. Collin Castore 108 N High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-0137 getawaybrewing.com
Market Bar Bridge Park Pete Volker 6750 Longshore St., Unit 1 Dublin, OH 43017 614-332-8586 marketbarbridgepark.com
North High Brewing
Tim Ward 56 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-639-8800 northhighbrewing.com
Restaurants - Coffee, Tea & Baked Goods
Duck Donuts Dublin Krista Sparks 7717 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-477-6453 duckdonuts.com
Sharetea Columbus Hung Truong 2752 Festival Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 801-703-0399 shareteacolumbus.com
Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea
Alice McKeever 4587 Bridge Park Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-6119 sweetwaterscafe.com/locations/bridge-park
Restaurants - Ice Cream & Yogurt
Dell’s Homemade Ice Cream & Coffee
Adrienne Delligatti 9345 Dublin Rd. Shawnee Hills, OH 43065 740-993-0106 dellsicecream.com
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams
Michele Holmes 1 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-5364 jenis.com
Johnson’s Real Ice Cream Chris Van Horn 55 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-328-5827 johnsonsrealicecream.com
Restaurants - Pizza
Donatos Pizza 6810 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614- 659-0797 donatos.com
Donatos Pizza Lianne McGlade 6 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-1100 donatos.com
Jet’s Pizza Alex Buck 3864 Hard Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-659-0075 jetspizza.com
Jet’s Pizza Nick Rigney 5691 Woerner Temple Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-4500 jetspizza.com
Whether you’re looking to find cutting-edge fashion, unique décor for your home, or the perfect gift for a special occasion, you’re in luck! Dublin has a variety of retail outlets for your shopping enjoyment and the best part? They’re located close to home. And studies show when you support locally owned and operated businesses, you strengthen your local economy. In a world where you can shop anywhere, choose to shop local!
Garden Center & Gift Shop
Oakland Nursery
Paul Reiner 4261 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-874-2400 oaklandnursery.com
Retail - Consignment/Resale
OUAC, Inc.
Susan Riley 6215 Enterprise Ct., Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-0000 yousave.com
Trading Places
Michelle Renda 6561 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-717-9221 TradingPlacesOH.com
Retail - Fashion
Le Flair Boutique
Jill Richey 241 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-8508 leflairboutique.com
Wendy’s Bridal
Mardi Hull 6339 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-9100 wendysbridal.com
Retail - Flag Store
Flag Lady USA
Mary Leavitt 4567 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43214 614-263-1776 flagladyusa.com
Retail - Furniture
Studio J Home
June Sedlak Mooney 4505 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-2054 studiojhome.com
Retail - Gifts
Dublin Rocks & Minerals
Jamil Seddiqi 5911 Karric Square Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-636-8435 dublinrocksandminerals.com
Michele Alvarez 24 N High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-4803 extravagifts.com
Morgan House, The Kendra Heinlen 5300 Glick Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-0037 morganhse.com
Retail - Jewelers
CDI Diamonds & Jewelry
Matt Carlozzi 6752 Perimeter Loop Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-401-6677 cdidia.com
Dublin Village Jewelers
Annie Verbitsky 251 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-726-9944 dublinvillagejewelers.com See ad below
Leo Alfred Jewelers, Inc.
Jason Laudick 4115 W. Dublin Granville Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-5888 leoalfred.com
Scott’s Custom Jewelers
Scott Cevasco 6365 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43016 614-336-4111 scottscustomjewelers.com
Retail - Nature Store
Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop
Chris Sheley 6654 Sawmill Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-766-2103 wbu.com/columbusoh
Retail - Non-Profit Organization
Goodwill Columbus
Josh Moening 6525 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-583-0352 goodwillcolumbus.org
Retail - Office Supplies
Staples, Inc.
Alan Walters 3680 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-766-6744 staples.com
Retail - Quilts
Quilt Beginnings
Cathy Daum 6591 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-799-2688 quiltbeginnings.com
Red Rooster Quilts
Karen O’Connor 48 Corbins Mill Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-734-9007 redroosterquilts.com
Retail - Sporting Goods
Billiards Plus
Kenny Rupp 6655 Dublin Center Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-9797 billiards-plus.com
Roll Bicycle Company Taylor Williams 317 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-698-0038 rollbicycles.com
Retail - Superstore
Sam’s Club - Sawmill Rd. Joseph Dumas 5870 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-760-7771 samsclub.com
Retail - Toys
Dublin Toy Emporium Enas Lanham 28 N. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-1467 See ad below
Retail - Wine & Spirits
Chateau Wine & Spirits Sunny Patel 6665 Sawmill Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-389-3937 chateaupolaris.com
Shopping Center - Malls
Mall at Tuttle Crossing, The Lisa Chapman 5043 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43016 614-798-3023 shoptuttlecrossing.com
FINE JEWELRY AND WATCHES GIA AJP YURY & ANNIE VERBITSKY 251 West Bridge Street Dublin, Ohio 43017 614.726.9944
Dublin Village Jewelers
Abbington of Powell Assisted Living
Katie Taylor
3971 Bradford Ct. Powell, OH 43065 614-789-9868 abbingtononline.com
See ad on page 35
Dublin Retirement Village
Dionne Nicol 6470 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-2800 seniorstar.com
Friendship Village of Dublin
Angela Vogan
6000 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-764-1600 fvdublin.org
See ad on page 34
National Church ResidencesAvondale Senior Village
Megan Kepler
5215 Avery Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-319-3353 nationalchurchresidences.org
Verena at Hilliard
Ray Tyo
4522 Hickory Chase Way Hilliard, OH 43026 614-964-0105
AC Roofing & Siding
Andrew Christensen
3985 Main St. Ste. 200 Hilliard, OH 43026 614-505-9605 roofsbyac.com
Cotterman & Company, Inc.
Jacob Gasser
1745 Atlas St. Columbus, OH 43228 800-713-3190 cottermanroofing.com
Exterior Alliance
Daniel Blanton
6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. S Dublin, OH 43017 614-363-5012 exterioralliance.com
Kerrigan Roofing and Restoration, LLC
Tyler Larson
6055 Tain Dr., Ste. 201 Dublin, OH 43017 614-373-2519 kerriganroofing.com
The Roof Detective
Shane Kaylor 4438 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43224 614-500-9005
Ultimate Technology & Security Solutions, LLC
Doug Benaman PO Box 328 Sunbury, OH 43074 614-932-1444 beawaresecurity.com
Security, Monitoring & Mass Notification
Citywide Solutions, Inc.
Mike Tominc PO Box 310 Dublin, OH 43017 844-395-4101 citywidesolutionsinc.com
Shredding - Document Destruction
File 13 at UCO Industries
Dave Amerine 16900 Square Dr., Ste. 110 Marysville, OH 43040 937-645-6767 ucoindustries.com See ad below
Scott Kern 2829 Festival Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-1996 fastsigns.com/86
MDSolutions, Inc.
Sheetal Bajoria 8225 Estates Pkwy. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-2222 md-signs.com
Paul Lyda
175 S. 3rd St., Ste. 219 Columbus, OH 43215 614-869-4000 signaffects.com
Software Development & Consulting
E Space Communications, Inc.
Keith Hardin P.O. 4122 Dublin, OH 43016 614-764-7303 espacecommunications.com
Leading EDJE, LLC
Dan Krumlauf 6515 Longshore Loop, Ste. 300 Dublin, OH 43017 614-636-3353 leadingedje.com
Micware North America, Inc.
Takashi Harishima
6543 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. L Dublin, OH 43017 614-974-2222 micwarena.com
Mark Abate
5200 Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-781-7800 teamnorthwoods.com
Persistent Systems, Inc.
Ambrish Srivastava
5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43016 614-763-6500 persistent.com
TCS Software, Inc.
TIm Rorris 425 Metro Place N., Ste. 400 Dublin, OH 43017 614-451-5010 AssociationSoftware.com
United Software Group, Inc.
Uma Vajjala 6000 Venture Dr., Ste. C&D Dublin, OH 43017 614-495-9222
Briarwood Sporting Club
Drew McCartt 2001 Township Rd. 55 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 614-403-4886 briarwoodclub.com
SportsOhio, Inc.
Allen Shepherd, III 6314 Cosgray Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-791-3003 sportsohio.org
Buckeye Volleyball Club, LLC
Mike Kundla 6810 Oak Creek Dr. Columbus, OH 43229 614-397-0056 buckeyevolleyballclub.com
Dublin Soccer League
Patrice Kelley 6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. Q Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-8320 dublinsoccer.net
HNS Sports Group
Daniel Sullivan 5750 Memorial Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-6781 hnssports.com
Prep Baseball Report Ohio
Chris Valentine 5592 Fawnbrook Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-370-6147 PrepBaseballReport.com
Staffing & Insourcing
Adecco Dublin
Jeremy Hunsinger 6250 Shier Rings Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 903-715-9178
Crown Staffing
Tara McCoy 576 Metro Place N. Dublin, OH 43017 614-388-9848 crownstaffing.com
Terri Vesely 655 Metro Place S., Ste. 650 Dublin, OH 43017 614-588-0446 ettaingroup.com
InnoSource, Inc.
Steve Gellerstedt 5600 Blazer Pkwy. Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43017 614-775-1400 innosource.com
ProLink Staffing
Brent Wallace 4700 Lakehurst Ct., Ste. 200 Dublin, OH 43016 614-405-9810 prolinkstaff.com
Robert Half Rachel Birkmeier 5550 Paul Blazer Pkwy., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-706-5789 roberthalf.com
Vaco Columbus, LLC
Dan Saas 4215 Worth Ave. Ste. 210 Columbus, OH 43219 614-498-9000 vaco.com
Cybervation, Inc. Purba Majumder 485 Metro Place S., Ste. 320 Dublin, OH 43017 614-818-9061 cybervationinc.com
Calvin Kirkland
5235 Avery Run Rd. Columbus, OH 43016 614-495-1000
Storage Block, The
Jeff MacRae
8392 Industrial Pkwy. Plain City, OH 43064 614-963-3888 thestorageblock.com
Adapted Tech
Stephan Mertik
288 Cramer Creek Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-402-4585 adaptedtech.com
Allen, Williams, and Hughes
Jerricha Holcomb
495 Metro Place S. , Ste. 340 Dublin, OH 43017 614-203-2212
Kloud9 IT
Helena Marcic 4449 Easton Way, Ste. 2050 Columbus, OH 43219 844-556-8394 kloud9it.com
StormImpact, Inc.
Jamie McKee 7510 Heatherwood Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 415-839-6903 stormimpact.net
Veeva Systems
Greg Lesperance
5555 Parkcenter Cir. Dublin, OH 43017 614-789-0758 veeva.com
Loquantur, Inc.
John Farhat 565 Metro Place S. Dublin, OH 43017 614-324-4660 loquantur.com
Jerry Haines 790 Windmiller Dr. Pickerington, OH 43147 844-466-3854 netlines.com
Tamara Howard 3640 W Dublin Granville Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 855-707-7328 spectrum.com
Textile Rental
Buckeye Linen Service
Evolution Theatre Company
Mark Phillips Schwamberger
The Abbey Theatre of Dublin 5600 Post Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 614-233-1124 evolutiontheatre.org
Third Party Administrator
Capital Administrative Professionals, LLC
Vickie Pifer, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
565 Metro Place S., Ste. 480 Dublin, OH 43017 888-785-9736 capadminpros.com
Dimension Service Corporation
Michelle DeFouw 5500 Frantz Rd., Ste. 120 Dublin, OH 43017 380-204-7889
National Administrative Service Co., LLC
Michelle DeFouw 5500 Frantz Rd., Ste. 170 Dublin, OH 43017 308-204-7889
Title Agency
Access Title Agency Sherry Long 5650 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH 43017 740-908-5001 accesstitle247.com
ACS Title Dublin Jennifer Routte 123 S High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-475-0144 gahannatitle.com/
PM Title Mark Miller 76 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-991-0827 PM-Title.com
Tourism Promotion
Visit Dublin Ohio Scott Dring
9 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-7666 visitdublinohio.com
Training - Web Based
Morningstar Consultants, Inc.
Karen Nemcek 2053 N. 4th St. Columbus, OH 43201 614-253-2762 Alearna.com
Central Ohio Transit Authority, The Casey Blazer 33 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-275-5888 cota.com
Columbus Charter Bus Company Hala Faruqi Downtown Columbus, OH 43215 614-352-2664 universitycharterbus.com/ columbus-charter-bus
Compassionate Care Transportation
Cassie DeLuca 6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. C-1 Dublin, OH 43017 614-967-9887 compassionatecaretransportation.com
Trash Hauling & Recycling
Mid Ohio Dumpsters & Construction
Carrie Kauser
50 Burnham St., Ste. A West Jefferson, OH 43162 614-721-7777 midohiodumpsters.com
Tree Service
Ahlum & Arbor Tree Preservation
Chris Ahlum 1740 Walcutt Rd. Columbus, OH 43228 614-876-5622 ahlumarbor.com
Underground Utilities
Danbert, Inc. Matt Lemon 8077 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-4677 danbertinc.com
Urgent Care Treatment Facility
Nationwide Children’s Dublin Close to Home
Kent Weakley 7450 Hospital Dr., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-355-7000 nationwidechildrens.org/dublin
See ad on page 32
Nationwide Children’s Dublin Close to Home Kent Weakley 5675 Venture Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-355-8407 nationwidechildrens.org/dublin
See ad on page 32
Ohio Energy Ratings
Lindsey Bodker 341 S. 3rd St.,, Ste. 100 Columbus, OH 43215 866-301-6759 ohenergyratings.com
Union Rural Electric Cooperative
Michael Aquillo 15461 U.S. Rt. 36 Marysville, OH 43040 937-642-1826 ure.com
See ad on page 19
Vehicle Service Contract Pvdr.
Renascent Protection Solutions
Sonia Singh 5500 Frantz Rd., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 614-358-3607 allegianceadministrators.com
Animal Care Unlimited
Christy Johnson 2665 Billingsley Rd. Columbus, OH 43235 614-766-2317 animalcareunlimited.com
Faithful Friends Veterinary Clinic
Michael Henricks 5625 Woerner Temple Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 614-389-0997 faithfulfriendsvetclinic.com
Good Life Veterinary Care Laurel Beck 6051 Perimeter Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-791-9191 goodlifevetcare.com
Riverside Drive Animal Care Center David McGuffin, DVM 6924 Riverside Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 614-766-1222 riversideanimalcare.com
The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center at Dublin
Joanne Fleming 5020 Bradenton Ave. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-8070 vet.osu.edu/vmc-dublin
Mike Perez 76 Jefferson St. Newark, OH 43055 740-345-4045 yourlinenservice.com/buckeyelinen
Xcelerate Media, Inc.
Nicole Sprouse 61 W. Bridge St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-336-9722 xceleratemedia.com
Veterinary Distribution
Aimee Maguire
400 Metro Place N., Ste. 100 Dublin, OH 43017 855-724-3461 northamerica.covetrus.com
Video Productions
Shared Vision Communications
John Nichols
6001 Craughwell Ln. Dublin, OH 43017 614-545-0064 svcvideo.com
See ad below
Website Design/Development
Studio Spiral, Inc.
Kyle Musch 8410 Tibbermore Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-937-8621 studiospiral.com
Centre Wellness
Christina Frey 8510 Warner Rd., Ste. 300 Plain City, OH 43064 614-526-4997 thecentrewellness.com
Wholesale Distributor
Retail Service Systems, Inc.
Amy Bowen 6221 Riverside Dr., Ste. 2N Dublin, OH 43017 614-203-6126 retailservicesystems.com
Window Coverings - Shutters & Shades
Budget Blinds of Columbus
Nancy Morabeto 6631 Commerce Pkwy., Ste. J Dublin, OH 43017 614-792-9230 budgetblinds.com
Window Treatments
Solar Tint
Brendan Jenkins 5605 Westerville Rd., Ste. E Westerville, OH 43081 614-949-7590 solartint.com
Workers’ Compensation
Compensation Solutions, Inc.
Jeff Kidney
470 Village Park Dr. Powell, OH 43064 614-799-8439 x207 compensation-solutions.com
Matrix Companies, The David Kiley 6479 Reflections Dr., Ste. 220 Dublin, OH 43017 614-210-1196 matrixtpa.com
Sedgwick Rejeana Woolum-Napier 5500 Glendon Ct. Dublin, OH 43016 614-359-2403 sedgwick.com
See ad below
Young Professionals Group
NextGen DublinA Dublin Chamber Program
Jennifer Amorose 129 S. High St. Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2001
See ad on below
101 Beer Kitchen
Tod Spinosi, 614-210-1010
3 Degrees Realty
Jeanetta Caradonna, 614-989-3182
Real Estate
3 Pillar Homes
Rachael Durant, 614-845-6055
32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons, Valley of Columbus
Fred Kile, 614-766-2272
Fraternal Organizations
See ad on page 52
4 Points Companies
Kaitlyn Willette, 614-707-4444
Real Estate Development
AAA Car Care Plus
Scott Fogle, 614-336-3200
Automotive - Service & Repair
Abbington of Powell Assisted Living
Katie Taylor, 614-789-9868
Retirement Community
See ad on page 35
Ability Professional Network, LLC
Ken Lazar, 614-403-6079
Executive Search Consultants
Abstra, LLC
Nicholas Harder, 614-499-5389
Computer Software Consulting
AC Hotel Columbus Dublin
Orcun Turkay, 614-798-8652
AC Roofing & Siding
Andrew Christensen, 614-505-9605
Access Title Agency
Sherry Long, 740-908-5001
Title Agency
ACS Title Dublin
Jennifer Routte, 614-475-0144
Title Agency
ActionCOACH Columbus
Julie Easterling, 614-306-7922
Business Consulting & Coaching
Acton Academy Columbus
Varun Bhatia, 614-603-7227
Acura Columbus
John Connelly, 614-763-2101
Auto Dealers
Adapted Tech
Stephan Mertik, 614-402-4585
Adaptive Sports Connection
Sharon Schreiber, 614-389-3921
Non-Profit Organization
Adecco Dublin
Jeremy Hunsinger, 903-715-9178
Staffing & Insourcing
Adsorption Research, Inc.
Kent Knaebel, 614-798-9090
Engineering - Consulting
Advanced Industrial Products
Mike Scott, 614-873-4602
Industrial Distribution
Advanced Retirement Design, LLC
John Deitrick, 614-602-6506
Financial Planning & Services
Ashley Rippeth, 614-763-8649
Health Care Billing & Mgt.
Rob Michels, 614-212-4821
Information Technology
See ad on page 56
Affiliated Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dwight Scarborough, M.D.
Affiliated Resource Group, Inc.
Robin Moran, 614-889-6555
Information Technology
Ahlum & Arbor Tree Preservation
Chris Ahlum, 614-876-5622
Tree Service
Air Force One, Inc.
Valerie Pemberton, 614-408-1728
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.
Algorithm, Inc.
Michael Oswalt, 888-522-8588
Business Technology
Alix ChiroRehab
Matthew Alix, DC, 614-791-0077
Chiropractic Services
All About Pet Services, LLC
Sandy Gerace, ABCDT, CPPS 614-305-5112
Dog Boarding & Training
Allen Stovall Neuman & Ashton LLP
Betsy Riddle, 614-221-8500
Allen, Williams, and Hughes
Jerricha Holcomb, 614-203-2212 Technology
Alpha Financial Planning
Steve McElroy, 614-384-0499
Financial Planning & Services
See ad on page 49
Alpha Group, The Morgan Mellen, 740-368-5810 Non-Profit Organization
Patrick Soller, 614-408-3330
Engineering - Consulting
AM Coaching and Consulting Ltd.
Adam McCampbell, 614-571-8181
Consulting - Workforce Development
AMAI Angeline
Robin Agler, 614-615-2070
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
Amaxx, Inc.
Nicole Hall, 614-923-6651
Information Technology
American Negotiation Institute
Stephanie Pallai, 330-718-7413
American Outdoor Advertising
Chris Neary, 614-451-3772
American Share Insurance
Dennis Adams, 614-764-1900
American Society of Quality (ASQ)
Columbus Section 801
Rita Stepp, 614-638-9639
Career Development
Ammat Technology Company
John Foo, 614-761-8881
Chemical Distributor
Amorose, David
David Amorose, 614-203-5143
Individual Membership
Ananta Energy Source
Merrill Mangalasseril, 630-677-7499
Energy Consulting
Andelyn Biosciences
Pamela Backus-Diggs, 614-360-8053
Anderson Neesley CPAs, LLC
David Anderson, CPA, 614-791-9898
Accounting Services
Andrew J. DeVantier
Andrew DeVantier, 614-793-1916
Financial Planning & Services
Andrews Architects, Inc.
William Andrews, 614-766-1117 x230
See ad on page 37
Andrews Builders, Inc.
Steve Andrews, 614-400-4076
Animal Care Unlimited
Christy Johnson, 614-766-2317
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Erin Gatto, 614-889-0250
Antritt Craven Realty
Kayleen Antritt, 614-946-5173
Real Estate
Appalachian Children Coalition
Randy Leite, 740-856-6031
Non-Profit Organization
Arenstein & Andersen Co., LPA
Nicholas Andersen, 614-602-6550
Artina Promotional Products
Art Bouzounis, 614-635-8865
Promotional Products
See ad on page 15
Ascend Advisory Group, LLC
Jackie McNeely, 614-784-6000
Financial Planning & Services
Asherton of Dublin
Debra Dewees, 614-761-0222
ASK Chemicals
Ashley Dixon, 614-763-0250
Chemical Distributor
Associa - Real Property Management, Inc.
Aimee Myers, 614-766-6500
Property Management
Associated Orthodontics, Inc.
Gregory Anderson, DDS, MS 614-889-9000
See ad on page 35
Astute Technology Management
Anna Madden, 614-389-4102
Information Technology
Athletic Republic Inc.
Andrew Coutts, 614-718-9855
Fitness & Personal Training
Atlas Butler Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
Brian Bertke, 614-294-8600
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.,
Air Duct Cleaning, Plumbing
John Aman, 614-554-0733
Business Consulting & Coaching
Bakle the Baker
Ellen Bakle, 614-619-8484
Balance Employee Assistance Provider
Susan Lear, 614-451-9401
Employee Benefits
Balanced Family Academy of Dublin
Erin Miller, 614-389-6205
Child Care - Pre-School
Balanced Family Academy of Dublin
Erin MIller, 614-389-6323
Child Care - Pre-School
Barrett, Easterday, Cunningham & Eselgroth, LLP
Troy Callicoat, 614-210-1840
Barrington School, The
Karen Richardson, 614-336-3000
Child Care - Pre-School
Baybrook and Associates, LLC
William McKinney, 614-210-0830
Beacon Hill Investment Advisory
Meredith Stoudt, 614-469-4685
Financial Planning & Services
Beery, Bruce
Bruce Beery, 740-943-3078
Individual Membership
Beltone Hearing Care Center
Kristina Fassett, 614-504-5066
Health Care - Speech & Hearing
Benchmark Medical
Matt Elliott, 614-441-6434
Manufacturer's Representative
Berkley House
Jenny Donnellon, 614-766-1685
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Premier Home Group
Mandy Morrow, 614-205-9893
Real Estate
Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio
Melissa Rogner, 614-754-4561
Non-Profit Organization
BIBIBOP Asian Grill - Dublin Green
Greg Bladecki, 614-504-5253
BIBIBOP Asian Grill - Sawmill Rd.
Brian Henderson, 614-623-2716
Big Fish Local
Karen Cleaver, 614-945-4544
Marketing Communications
Billiards Plus
Kenny Rupp, 614-760-9797
Retail - Sporting Goods
Bindery & Specialties Pressworks, Inc.
Doug Izzard, 614-873-8129
See ad on page 60
Bio Green Ohio
Lori Throndsen, 614-764-2260
Lawncare - Fertilization
Biometric Information Management
Benjamin Powers, 614-456-1296
Information Security
Black Belt Pro Fitness
Ashley Meyer, 614-601-8682
Fitness & Personal Training
Black Diamond Casino Events
John Marsh, 614-799-2355
Attractions & Entertainment
See ad on page 40
Blue & Co., LLC
Alan Baker, 614-220-4037
Accounting Services
Blue Heron Engineering Services, Ltd.
Laurie Chase, 614-425-7462
Engineering - Consulting
BlueOrange Compliance
Joan Elewski, 614-783-9619
Health Care Products & Services
Blueteam Networks
Mark Goodson, 614-721-2921
Information Technology
BMI Federal Credit Union
Karen Hejmanowski, 614-707-4000
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 48
BNI Central Ohio Wayne Horowitz, 440-521-9090
Bob-Boyd Lincoln of Columbus
Mary Beth Culbertson, 614-863-2800
Auto Dealers
Body Performance
Lisa Pricher, 614-551-9323
Fitness & Personal Training
Bolder & Co. Creative Studios
Mark Bloemhard, 937-508-4352
Marketing Communications
Bonnie Speed Delivery of Columbus, LLC
Jerry Miller, 614-889-1444
Delivery & Storage Service
Bottom Line CPA, LLC
Tim Cistone, 614-408-8354
Accounting Services
Brandon Shroy, Attorney at Law
Brandon Shroy, 614-601-1456 Attorneys
Bravura Advertising & Design
Jennifer Ballinger, 614-339-3421 x700 Advertising
Brenner Law Offices
Todd Brenner, 614-799-2222 Attorneys
Brian L. Wetzel, Insurance Agency
Brian Wetzel, 614-798-0968 Insurance
Brian W. Barnes & Co., Inc.
Brian Barnes, 614-761-0067
Real Estate Appraisals
Briarwood Sporting Club
Drew McCartt, 614-403-4886
Brick House Blue
Cid Rhomberg, 614-505-5431 Executive Office Space
Bridge Park Apartments
Shannon Krouse, 614-335-2001 Apartments
Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center
Marla Ruoff, 614-734-9800
Event Facilities
BrightPoint Coaching
Liz Whisler, 614-989-3145
Business Consulting & Coaching
Brixey and Meyer
Carla Rider, 866-760-0940
Accounting Services
Brookside Golf & Country Club
Laurie Steller, 614-889-2581
Brown Enterprise Solutions
George Brown, 614-588-0248
Computer Consulting
Bruce Johnson Insurance Agency, LLC
Bruce Johnson, 614-395-1286
Employee Benefits
See ad on page 45
Bruegger's Bagels
Mike Salcone, 614-761-3730
See ad on page 64
Buck & Sons Landscape Service, Inc.
Jared Buck, 614-876-2825
Buckeye Heating & Cooling
Steve Price, 614-647-5306
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.
Buckeye Linen Service
Mike Perez, 740-345-4045
Textile Rental Service
Buckeye Orthodontics
Camie Tibbs, 614-362-2440
Buckeye Volleyball Club, LLC
Mike Kundla, 614-397-0056
Budget Blinds of Columbus
Nancy Morabeto, 614-792-9230
Window Coverings - Shutters & Shades
Building Industry Association of Central Ohio
Edna Berkey, 614-891-0575
Building Industry Association
Business Risk Services of Ohio, Inc.
B. Scott Shadoan, 614-791-0300
Busy Bees Pottery & Arts Studio
Beth Brinton, 614-602-1802
BWS Education Consulting
Caitlin Stewart, 614-353-4725
Education - Tutoring
Cadillac of Dublin
Sandi Oehlenschlager, 614-717-9494
Auto Dealers
Cahill Construction, Inc.
Trey Cahill, 614-442-8570
Cap City Fine Diner & Bar
Lauren Klempay, 614-889-7865
Capital Administrative Professionals, LLC
Vickie Pifer, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Third Party Administrator
Capital City Aviation, Inc.
Thomas Baxter, 614-459-2541
Capital Endodontics
Mark O'Banion, DMD, 614-659-7491
Capital Health Home Care Concierge
Kendra Thomas, 614-793-8845
Health Care - In Home
Carbon Health
Laurie O’Neill, 614-689-3627
Health Care
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Hollis Mignogno, 614-757-2993
Health Care Products & Services
Cardinal Wealth Partners
Jason Gaylor, 614-334-9440
Financial Planning & Services
Bob Ochall, 614-766-8351
Consulting - Third Party Admin
Jeffrey Lemichuk, 614-507-9430
Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP
Alicia Nesline Shaw, 614-228-6135
See ad on page 38
Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP
Vanessa Botts, 614-228-6135
See ad on page 38
Casa Decor
Vanessa Maloof, 614-313-1589
Interior Decorating
Castelli Consulting, LLC
Michael Castelli, 832-757-1648
Business Consulting & Coaching
Natalie Smith, 614-228-5331
Real Estate Development
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services
Todd Bollinger, 614-793-7770
Employee Benefits
CDI Diamonds & Jewelry
Matt Carlozzi, 614-401-6677
Retail - Jewelers
Celebrity Hats & T-Shirts
Clayton Moore, 937-738-7014
Apparel - Corporate & School
See ad on page 37
Center for Reliable Energy Systems
Julia Harrington, 614-376-0834
Engineering - Consulting
Central Liberty Landscaping
Kenneth Hamilton, 614-507-4901
Central Ohio Provisions, Inc.
Bill Rigney, 614-771-9980
Distributor - Gourmet Meats
Central Ohio Transit Authority, The Casey Blazer, 614-275-5888
Centre Wellness
Christina Frey, 614-526-4997
Certitude Security®
Lowell Bowdle, 614-408-0900
Information Security
Cetitec USA, Inc.
Joe Nguyen, 614-329-4005
Engineering - Consulting
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Matt Watson, CFP®, CWS®, MBA 614-698-3350
Financial Planning & Services
See ad on page 2
Chase Bank
Kathryn Fitzcharles, 614-523-5049
Financial Institutions
Chase Bank
Jonathan Hackney, 614-523-5049
Financial Institutions
Chase Bank
Ayesha Rinehard, 614-791-2025
Financial Institutions
Chase Bank
Nick Snyder, 614-248-2700
Financial Institutions
Chateau Wine & Spirits
Sunny Patel, 614-389-3937
Retail - Wine & Spirits
Brian Siktberg, 614-717-9404
City Barbeque, Inc.
Randy Potts, 614-583-0999
City of Dublin
Megan O'Callaghan, 614-410-4400
See ad on page 1
City of Dublin - Dublin Community
Recreation Center
Tracey Gee, 614-410-4550
Fitness & Personal Training
See ad on page 1
City of Dublin - Dublin Skate Park 614-410-4600
Attractions & Entertainment
See ad on page 1
City of Dublin - FitBiz
Mollie Steiner, 614-410-4600
Fitness - Athletic Facility
See ad on page 51
CityScene Media Group
Jamie Armistead, 614-572-1240
Citywide Solutions Inc
Mike Tominc, 844-395-4101
Security, Monitoring & Mass Notification
Civista Bank
Glen Noggle, 614-210-2439
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 47
Clarity Technology Solutions
Jason Comstock, 937-303-4033
Information Technology
Clarkson Eyecare
Lisa Bailey Dyer, 614-798-9940
Clayman Property Services
Susan Bilon, 614-842-1922
Property Management
Clean Eatz
Casey Schroeder, 614-553-7012
Clemans, Nelson & Associates, Inc. Brian Butcher, 614-923-7700
Clinix Healthcare
Olga Magyar, 614-792-5422
Health Care Billing & Mgt.
Cloud Propeller, Inc.
Petar Smilajkov, 614-505-9555
Data Center
Cloverleaf Suites Columbus Dublin Monica Nelsen, 614-766-7762
Club at Corazon, The Kelly Bohanan, 614-504-5250
Fitness & Personal Training
Club Pilates NW Dublin
Caitlin McTigue, 614-923-0940
Fitness & Personal Training
Coldwell Banker King ThompsonKathy Butler & Partners Kathy Butler, 614-602-1664
Real Estate
Collaborative Design, Ltd.
Dellos Morrison, 614-798-1515
Collective House
Brooke Stuart, 614-470-5560
Real Estate Development
Denise Kestner, 614-774-0106
Automotive - Service & Repair
Columbus Arthritis Center
Nan Irwin, 614-485-2665
Columbus Backflow Testing Company & Fire
Kim Madden, 614-654-3569
Columbus CEO Magazine
Susan Kendall, 614-410-0692
Columbus Charter Bus Company
Hala Faruqi, 614-352-2664
Columbus Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center
Brad Muse, 614-389-4473
Chiropractic Services
Columbus Financial Concepts Cap Clegg, 614-791-1599
Financial Planning & Services
See ad on page 50
Columbus Marriott Northwest Jessica Cowger, 614-791-1000
Columbus Metropolitan LibraryDublin Branch
Joe Yersavich, 614-645-2275
Library Services
Columbus Ophthalmology Assoc., LLC
Danielle Crans, 614-526-6209
Columbus School of Medical Massage
Bill Tahy, 614-760-5500
Columbus Skin Surgery Center, Inc.
Sharon Thornton, MD, 614-389-2200
Columbus Speech & Hearing Center
Jennifer Thomson, 614-261-5789
Health Care - Speech & Hearing
Columbus Springs Dublin
Tina Colter, 614-717-1800
Columbus State Community College
Teresa Lister, 614-287-7050
Columbus Surgical Associates
Courtney Hainline, 614-766-5050
Columbus Wellness Medicine, LLC
Elizabeth Tuttle, 614-420-2063
Health & Wellness
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Nicolle Gomez Racey, 614-724-3405
Attractions & Entertainment
ComDoc, Inc.
Drew Howdyshell, 614-628-8400
Copier & Fax Dealer
Commercial Land Management Systems, Inc.
Tyler Armbruster, 614-558-5132
Community Capital Development Corporation
Laura Frum, 614-645-3937
Non-Profit Organization
Compass College Advisory
Pamela Ellis, 614-992-6551
Compassionate Care Transportation
Cassie DeLuca, 614-967-9887
Caregivers Home Care
Debbie DeLuca Ely, RN, 614-710-0078
Health Care - In Home
Compensation Solutions Inc.
Jeff Kidney, 614-799-8439 x207
Workers' Compensation
Computer Advisors, LLC
Mark Mason, 614-751-8191
Computer Services
Computer Workshop, Inc., The Terri Williams Davy, 614-798-9505
Computer Training
See ad on page 18
Continental Office
Mandy Wolford, 614-262-5010
Office Furniture
Convalarium at Dublin, The
Jennifer Matteson, 614-761-1188
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
Cook Orthodontics - Dublin
Brandon D. Cook, DDS, 614-734-9000
Cooler Management
Mark Inkrott, 847-847-7100
Business Consulting & Coaching
Copy Right Printing
Craig Annette, 614-431-1303
Corporate Caterers of Dublin
Jim Riley, 614-336-3222
Corporate Housing Systems, Inc.
Mac Lawless, 614-764-4700
Apartments - Temporary Living
Cotterman & Company, Inc.
Jacob Gasser, 800-713-3190
Country Club at Muirfield Village, The Jenna Johnson, 614-764-1714
See ad on page 53
Aimee Maguire, 855-724-3461
Veterinary Distribution
CPMedia & Marketing, LLC
Betty Clark, 614-717-4910
Marketing Communications
CR Concrete Services, LLC
Sheli Mudrinich, 614-325-3750
Home Improvement
Cramer & Associates, Inc.
Michelle Cramer, CFRE, 614-787-5473
Consulting - Fundraising
Crawford Hoying
Ted Orr, 614-325-2020
Real Estate Management
Crown Automotive
Marc Wigler, 614-799-4666
Auto Dealers
Crown Staffing
Tara McCoy, 614-388-9848
Staffing & Insourcing
Curbside Mobile Detailing
D.J. Mathys, 937-539-0335
Automotive - Service & Repair
Cutler Real Estate
Lisa Borthwick, 614-401-5353
Real Estate
Cutler Real Estate
The Mathias Team
Neil Mathias, 614-580-1662
Real Estate
Cutler Real Estate / Conley & Partners
Jean Ann Conley, 614-595-4712
Real Estate
Cybervation, Inc.
Purba Majumder, 614-818-9061
Staffing & Insourcing
Daily Dental & Bracesbar
Ali Vernon, 614-336-0800
Daimler Group, Inc., The Paul Ghidotti, 614-488-4424
Real Estate Development
Daishin Industrial USA Co., Inc.
Shinichi Okamura, 614-766-9535
Dale Saylor & Associates, CPAs
Dale Saylor, 614-766-4224
Accounting Services
Danbert, Inc.
Matt Lemon, 614-873-4677
Underground Utilities
Danbury of Columbus
Cara Crossetti, 614-339-0459
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
Daso Custom Cabinetry
Jeff Daso, 614-309-3622
Custom Cabinetry
David L. Duren, LLC / DLD Lectures, LLC
David L. Duren, 614-792-7740
Day & Night Building Services, LLC
Duke Hatcher, 614-319-3286
Cleaning Service
See ad on page 42
Dean Insurance Group
Rachel Dean-Haas, 614-881-1616
Deep Stack Poker & Card Room
Karam Dhillon, 614-743-5978
Attractions & Entertainment
Dell's Homemade Ice Cream & Coffee
Adrienne Delligatti, 740-993-0106
Restaurants - Ice Cream & Yogurt
Delta Dental of Ohio
Jason Nickoloff, 614-776-2308
Insurance - Dental
DENSO International America, Inc. Ohio
Elizabeth Schapker, 614-707-4615
Automotive - Manufacturing
Dental Care Plus Group, The Rebecca Hetzer, 614-389-4378
Insurance - Dental
Dental Reflections Dublin
Rudi As-Sanie, 614-799-5576
Der Dutchman Restaurant
Victor Meleshchuk, 614-873-3414
DGL Consulting Engineers, LLC
Mark Smith, 614-356-7150
Engineering - Consulting
Dimension Service Corporation
Michelle DeFouw, 380-204-7889
Third Party Administrator
Discover Christian Church
Steve Murphy, 614-889-1572
Religious Facility
Dispatch Media Group
Katie Hinch, 440-465-1460
Distinctive Marble & Granite
Kathy Schnetzler, 614-760-0003
Granite & Marble Fabricator
See ad on page 53
Distinctive Smiles of Dublin
Eric Buck, 614-792-1800 Dentist
Tiffany Leatherwood, 614-761-1214
Engineering - Research Lab
Doctors Consulting Service, Inc.
Terrence Fickel, 614-793-1980
Health Care Billing & Mgt.
Jeff Swaddling, 614-639-6555
Dog Boarding & Training
Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solutions
Ed Stange, 614-442-7610
Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Donatos Pizza
Lianne McGlade, 614-793-1100
Donatos Pizza - Perimeter 614-659-0797
Dorner Plastic Surgery
Brian Dorner, MD, 614-336-9000
Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Dos Hermanos Taco Truck, LLC
Lisa Gutierrez, 614-226-5286
See ad on page 64
DoubleTree by Hilton Columbus Dublin Candice Turner, 614-956-3400
Doucet Gerling Co., LPA
Holly Hughes, 614-221-9800
Dr. Robert Gordon and Associates
Barbara Peterson, 614-792-9104
Counseling - Mental Health
Dream Write Creative
Dan Kirchner, 614-365-1318
Driscoll Learning
Bryan Driscoll, 614-370-8400
Consulting - Sales & Marketing
DRK & Company Realtors
Jaimine Johnson, 614-540-2404
Real Estate - Commercial
Dublin A.M. Rotary Club
Claudia Trusty, Non-Profit Organization
See ad on page 58
Dublin Advisors, LLC, CPAs
David Bentz, 614-674-1482
Accounting Services
Dublin Arts Council
David Guion, 614-889-7444
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Baptist Church
Jason Lehotsky, 614-889-2307
Religious Facility
Dublin Barber Shoppe, LLC
Craig Price, 614-889-8328
Barber Shop
Dublin Bridges
Jill Kranstuber, 614-315-9019
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Building Systems
Rich Irelan, 614-889-1445
Contractor - General
Dublin Capital Management, LLC
Jerod Cook, 614-883-0389
Financial Planning & Services
Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation
Jennifer Amorose, 614-889-2001
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Amorose, 614-889-2001
Chamber of Commerce
See ad on pages 37, 41, 66, 68
Dublin City Schools
Dr. John Marschhausen, 614-764-5913
Dublin Cleaners
Brian Butler, 614-764-9934
Dry Cleaners
Dublin Community Foundation
Michelle Cramer, CFRE, 614-791-3275
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Dance Centre & Gymnastics
Teresa Crye, 614-761-2882
Dance Center
Dublin Dental Associates
Karen Amerine, 614-889-9661
Dublin Food Pantry
Denise ''Dinky'' Youngsteadt-Parrish 614-889-6590
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Foot & Ankle
Linda Raber, 614-761-1466
Physicians - Podiatry
See ad on page 35
Dublin Historical Society
Rich Weber, 614-716-9149
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Latchkey, Inc.
Jeff Polhemus, 614-793-0871
Child Care - Pre-School
Dublin Metro Dental
Aparna Sadineni, DDS, FAACD, MAGD, FICOI, 614-766-5600
Dublin Retirement Village
Dionne Nicol, 614-764-2800
Retirement Community
Dublin Rocks & Minerals
Jamil Seddiqi, 614-636-8435
Retail - Gifts
Dublin Soccer League
Patrice Kelley, 614-793-8320
Dublin Team 4 THE Cure
Dale Darnell, 614-980-3601
Non-Profit Organization
Dublin Toy Emporium
Enas Lanham, 614-389-1467
Retail - Toys
See ad on page 65
Dublin Village Jewelers
Annie Verbitsky, 614-726-9944
Retail - Jewelers
See ad on page 65
Dublin Village Tavern, The Tim Picciano, 614-766-6250
See ad on page 62
Dublin Women's Philanthropic Club
Kimberly Penzone, 614-325-8550
Non-Profit Organization
Duck Donuts Dublin
Krista Sparks, 614-477-6453
Coffee & Baked Goods
E Space Communications, Inc. Keith Hardin, 614-764-7303
Software Development & Consulting
EASE Logistics Heidi Davis, 614-553-7007
EasyIT Megan O'Hara, 614-339-4986
IT Services & Staffing
Echelle Resources, Inc. Chris Berry, 937-243-0697
Information Technology
EDI Matrix, LLC
Shafiullah Syed, 614-467-4001
Computer Software Consulting
Edward F. Whipps & Associates, LLC Sylvia Stevens, 614-461-6006 Attorneys
Edwards Family Dental
Timothy Edwards, DDS, 614-761-7666 Dentist
Edwards Land Co.
Charles Driscoll, 614-241-2070
Real Estate Development
EGSI Financial Inc.
Leanne Siddell, 614-526-4118
Financial Planning & Services
Tim Ninke, 614-457-4359
Health Care Technology
Embassy Suites Columbus Dublin
Rachel Stuart, 614-790-9000
See ad on page 54
Embroidery Design Group, LLC
Mary Bandeen, 614-798-8152
Promotional Products
Emerald EyeCare, LLC
Emerald EyeCare, 614-764-8956
Emerald Pediatrics
Donna Keller, 614-932-5050
Physicians - Pediatrics
Employers Resource Association
Rebecca Jacobs, 614-569-3578
Human Resources
Endless Summer Pool and Spa Service, LLC
Tom Mader, 614-530-3541
Englefield Business Advisors, LLC
Cindi Englefield, 614-561-6286
Business Consulting & Coaching
Environmental Air, Inc.
Eric Medici, 614-336-2838
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.
Epcon Communities, Inc.
Pam Vallette, 614-761-1010
Real Estate Development
Equitable Mortgage Corporation
Todd Reigle, 614-764-1232
Mortgage Services
ERP Analysts, Inc.
Srikanth Gaddam, 614-718-9222
Information Technology
Everhart Advisors
Scott Everhart, 614-717-9705
Financial Planning & Services
Evolution Theatre Company
Mark Phillips Schwamberger
Evolve Health |
Dr. Misha Yajnik
Anne Flanery, 614-495-8428
Physicians - Pediatrics
Evolved Lighting Solutions
Zack Griffin, 614-867-5747
Lighting Design
Kathy Richardson, 614-504-3803
Excalibur Business Consultants
Douglas Lewis, 740-438-2791
Business Consulting & Coaching
Excalibur Hearing and Audiology
Douglas Lewis, 614-389-3013
Health Care - Speech & Hearing
Executive Interiors, LLC
Jeffrey Hohman, 614-389-3002
Office Furniture
Terri Vesely, 614-588-0446
Staffing & Insourcing
Exterior Alliance
Daniel Blanton, 614-363-5012
Michele Alvarez, 614-389-4803
Retail - Gifts
Fado Pub & Kitchen
Ian Montgomery, 614-408-1500
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
Sarah James, 614-389-3036
See ad on page 55
Faithful Friends Veterinary Clinic
Michael Henricks, 614-389-0997
Farlow & Associates, LLC
Beverly Farlow, 614-734-1270
See ad on page 38
Farwick, Curran & Horgan, CPAs
Ray Horgan, 614-734-9294
Accounting Services
Fast Switch, Ltd.
Kristin Griffith, 614-336-1122
IT Services & Staffing
Scott Kern, 614-793-1996
FDC National Headquarters
Fred Circle, 866-270-4833
Engineering - Environmental
Fidler & Fidler, Tax and Accounting
Richard Fidler, 614-793-8222
Accounting Services
Fifth Third Bank
Karen Sengelmann, 614-771-4307
Financial Institutions
Fifth Third Bank
Amanda Hall, 614-932-5353
Financial Institutions
Fifth Third Bank
Brian Frank, 614-792-5115
Financial Institutions
Fifth Third Bank
Callie McClellan, 614-793-2999
Financial Institutions
Fifth Third Bank
Alicia Spidd, 614- 793-2820
Financial Institutions
File 13 at UCO Industries
Dave Amerine, 937-645-6767
Shredding - Document Destruction
See ad on page 66
Laura Jacobs, 330-702-8415
Merchant Services
Firehouse Subs
Paul D. Belle, 614-889-1000
First Citizens National Bank, The Calvin Gebhart, 614-789-9595
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 48
First Commonwealth Bank Jutta Reinold, 740-657-7200
Financial Institutions
First Federal Lakewood
Michael Lamping, 614-246-8042
Financial Institutions
See ad on Inside Back Cover
First Financial Bank
Kathy Oman, 614-715-7423
Financial Institutions
First Merchants Bank
Financial Institutions
Fit Learning Columbus
Kate Wallace, 614-254-4809
Education - Tutoring
Flag Lady USA
Mary Leavitt, 614-263-1776
Retail - Flag Store
Flairsoft Ltd.
Nick Kulshrestha, 614-888-0700
Information Technology
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Florence Flowers, 614-791-3600
Ford Family Dental
Robin Capaldi Ford, DDS, 614-761-1974
Forward Health, LLC
Timothy Yoder, 614-567-6274
Health Care
Foundation Chiropractic, P.C.
Marie Hoying, 614-389-5271
Chiropractic Services
Frazier Financial Advisors, LLC
Josh Frazier, 614-793-8297
Financial Planning & Services
Friendship at Home
Scott Emch, 614-734-2167
Health Care - In Home
Friendship Fitness
Grant Christman, 614-816-0514
Fitness & Personal Training
Friendship Village of Dublin
Angela Vogan, 614-764-1600
Retirement Community
See ad on page 34
Frost Brown Todd, LLC
Jennifer Readler, 614-559-7253
See ad on page 39
FST Logistics
Alexandra Schmidt, 614-529-7900
G & J Pepsi-Cola of Columbus
Scott Brewer, 614-255-6674
Beverage Supplier
Garage Experts of Columbus
Mike Lipaj, 740-343-9033
Home Improvement
Garmann Miller
Architects & Engineers
Ted Musielewicz, 614-502-4240
Geese Group, LLC, The Ronald Geese, 614-571-1232
Business Consulting
Gerber & Mitchell
Rick Gerber, 614-389-8801
Germain Honda of Dublin
Rich Newsome, 614-764-9449
Auto Dealers
Get Beyond
Mindy Haning, 440-829-3714
Merchant Services
Getaway Brewing Co.
Collin Castore, 614-389-0137
Restaurants - Breweries & Bars
Gillespie Law, LLC
Ross Gillespie, 614-734-8416
Gioffre Companies, Inc.
John Gioffre, 614-764-0032
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
Girl Thriving
Mandy Fontaine, 614-602-2460
Glenwood Alzheimer's Special Care Center
Julie Wise, 614-761-9200
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
Global Recruiters Network of Dublin
William Owad, 380-204-6777
Human Resources
Goddard School, The
Seema Patel, 614-799-8870
Child Care - Pre-School
Goken America
Michelle Henriques, 614-495-8100
Engineering - Consulting
Golden Bear Lock & Safe, Inc.
Tim Moore, 614-733-5625
Locksmith & Safe
Goldfish Swim School
Lisa Armitage, 614-407-3474
Education - Swim School
Good Bodies Personal Fitness Training
Greg Baughman, 614-889-2282
Fitness & Personal Training
Good Life Veterinary Care
Laurel Beck, 614-791-9191
Goodwill Columbus
Josh Moening, 614-583-0352
Retail - Non-Profit Organization
Gordon Flesch Company, Inc.
Mark Flesch, 614-789-5700
Copier & Fax Dealer
Calvin Kirkland, 614-495-1000
Grabill & Company
Patrick Grabill, 614-761-8702
Real Estate
Granite Capital Management
Mitchell Grant, 614-296-6029
Financial Planning & Services
See ad on page 50
Grasp Technologies, Inc.
Bob Bellas, 614-583-0041
Computer Services
Grass Groomers
Ryan Frymyer, 614-284-7254
Greater Dublin Realty Association
Nick Attalla, Real Estate
Griffin-Lantz Insurance Agency, LLC
Bart Griffin, 614-799-1217
See ad on page 57
Sarah Hudson, 614-291-6122
Laura Charney, 877-922-9701
Haid Dental
Tara Haid, DDS, 614-889-7661 Dentist
Halcyon Solutions, Inc.
Alan Day, 614-322-3959
Information Technology
Hamilton Contractors
Erin Bennett, 614-586-8995
Contractor - General
Hampton Inn Columbus Dublin
Zach Norris, 614-889-0573
Hand In Hand Pediatrics
Marsha Justus, 614-799-6044
Physicians - Pediatrics
Harbor Wraps
Christopher Merz, 614-664-6004
Haring Pediatric Dental
Robert Haring, DDS, MS, 614-761-3361 Dentist
Harris Search Associates
Jodi Harris, 614-798-8500
Executive Search Consultants
Richard Clemens, 614-791-4295
Financial Planning & Services
Hawthorne Commons, a Treplus Community
Paige Fletcher, 614-899-8869
Real Estate Development
Healthy Roster, Inc.
Nathan Heerdt, Health Care Technology
Heartland Bank
Scott Baxter, 614-798-8818
Financial Institutions
Heidelberg Distributing
Victoria Bork, 614-308-0400
Beverage Supplier
Heinlen - Follmer, Inc.
Stephen Heinlen, 614-889-9415
Contractor - General
Henderson Consulting
Sean Henderson, 561-346-9204
HER Realtors - Keith Sharick
Keith Sharick, 614-390-9317
Real Estate
Herbert & Associates, Inc.
Brenda Herbert, 614-476-2501
Manufacturer's Representative
Heritage Golf Club
Nicole Zumpano, 614-684-7112
Heritage Land Services, Inc.
Christopher Howard, 614-918-2999
Hidaka USA, Inc.
Yoshihiro Hidaka, 614-889-8611
HNS Sports Group
Daniel Sullivan, 614-889-6781
Holbrook & Manter, CPAs
Stephen Smith, 614-766-3696
Accounting Services
Holiday Inn Express Columbus-Dublin
David Conely, 614-793-5500
Holowicki Enterprises, Inc.-
Jim Holowicki, 614-876-3509
Home & Commercial Inspections
James Jones, 614-702-6824
Real Estate - Home Inspection Services
Home2 Suites - Dublin
Stacey Somerville, 614-889-7540
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Cathy Smith, 614-791-8675
Honda Marysville and Honda
Marysville Motorsports
Lavona See, 937-645-4080
Auto Dealers
See ad on page 27
Honest Advertising
Brad Webb, 614-580-8708
Horan Chris Huggard, 614-376-0901
Horne & King Architects
Dave King, 614-361-5300 Architects
Hosket Ulen Insurance Solutions
Bill Hosket, 614-339-1771
Anne White, 614-376-0189
Fitness - Athletic Facility
Howard Hanna
Jeanne Cousino, 614-832-6165
Real Estate
Huffer Chiropractic
Lisa Adams, 614-401-2021
Chiropractic Services
Hybrid Performance and Wellness
Tyrel Detweiler, 614-400-5327
Health & Wellness
Chris Godley, 614-932-1226
ICU Medical
Lori Sylvia, 614-210-7300
Health Care - Sales
IGS Energy
Scott Arthur, 614-659-5000
Energy Consulting
Indiana Wesleyan UniversityColumbus Ohio Education and Conference Center
Jim Drazdik, 614-529-7550
Individual Fitness Solutions
Talitha Helmling, 614-793-1185
Fitness & Personal Training
INEOS Composites
Susie Drye, 614-790-5428
Chemical Distributor
Infiniti of Columbus
Gene Hilston, 614-793-1000
Auto Dealers
InnoSource, Inc.
Steve Gellerstedt, 614-775-1400
Staffing & Insourcing
Innovative Family Medicine
Marvin Im, 614-813-0883 Physicians
Integra Realty Resources - Columbus
Brad Johnson, 614-398-4307
Real Estate - Appraisals
Integrity Athletics
Chris Serpico, 614-733-0818
Fitness & Personal Training
International Resource Group, Inc.
Emmet Apolinario, CEPA 614-792-7770 x71
Business Brokerage
Investment Partners, Ltd.
Doug Feller, CFP, CFA, 614-761-9087
Financial Planning & Services
Ivybrook Academy Evan Lee, 614-681-0001
Child Care - Pre-School
Jack Curtis and AssociatesKeller Williams Consultants Realty
Jack Curtis, 614-893-8337
Real Estate
Japan-America Society of Central Ohio (JASCO)
Benjamin Pachter, 614-300-3054 Non-Profit Organization
Jarvis Cleaning Inc.
Michael McElligot, 614-843-2228
Cleaning Service
Jarvis Law Office
Sara Acocks, 614-495-4185
JASStek, Inc.
JASStek Sales and Connections 614-808-3600
Information Technology
Jeffrey Wasserstrom, 614-760-0026
Advertising Specialties
JDS Associate Services, Inc.
Chad Parker, 614-224-7237
Contractor - General
Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams
Michele Holmes, 614-792-5364
Restaurants - Ice Cream & Yogurt
Jennifer J. Miller, DDSDentistry of Dublin
Jennifer Miller, DDS, 614-689-1500
See ad on page 31
Jerome Township
Barry Adler, 614-738-9559
Jet's Pizza
Alex Buck, 614-659-0075
Restaurants - Pizza
Jet's Pizza
Nick Rigney, 614-764-4500
Restaurants - Pizza
Jezerinac Geers & Associates
Robert Johnson, 614-766-0066
Engineering - Consulting
Joe and Patty Evans, Inc.RE/MAX Town Center
Joe Evans, 614-975-7355
Real Estate
John Dawson Associates
Kelly Endicott, 614-764-0966
John Deere Training Center
Kyle Barry, 614-733-3100
Agriculture - Equipment
John W. Danforth
Jason Strickle, 937-238-5189
Engineering - Mechanical Design
Johnson's Real Ice Cream
Chris Van Horn, 614-328-5827
Restaurants - Ice Cream & Yogurt
Joslyn Law Firm
Brian Joslyn, 614-444-1900
JT Stinchfield & Associates
Jackie Stinchfield, 614-296-0453
Real Estate
Kaela Rae Vance, LPCC-S
Kaela Vance, 614-647-4357
Counseling - Mental Health
Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal
Ed Vargo, 614-623-8797
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Kari Kittrell Poole, 614-228-6515
Non-Profit Organization
Karpac, DDS, MA, MS, James R.
James Karpac, DDS, 614-766-0330
Karric Place of Dublin
Sindy Loox, 614-766-0722
Katie Cox & Co, LLC
Katie Cox, EA, 614-403-8619
Accounting Services
Keeler and Nadler Family Wealth
Andrew Keeler, 614-791-4123
Financial Planning & Services
Keller Mortgage, LLC
Christina Charles, 614-768-1148
Mortgage Services
Keller Williams Capital PartnersSunderman Group
Mary Sunderman, 614-935-5572
Real Estate
Kenneth D. Boltz, OD, LLC
Kenneth Boltz, 614-763-5775
Kerrigan Roofing and Restoration, LLC
Tyler Larson, 614-373-2519
George Crandell, 614-467-4372
Financial Institutions
Daniel Hartman, 614-467-4514
Financial Institutions
Kidder Law Firm, LLC
Michelle (Shelley) Davis, 614-717-1788
Kiddie Academy of Dublin
David Conley, 614-504-6637
Child Care - Pre-School
Kilwins Dublin
Stephanie Malas, 614-389-0575
Candy, Cookies & Gifts
Kindermusik with Emily
Emily Chitkara, 330-685-5209
Music Instruction
Kindred Strategy
Carissa Richardson, 773-332-7737
Marketing Communications
Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.
Nathan Redman, 614-889-0480
Noise & Vibration Control
Kisling, Nestico & Redick
Carolyn Bell, 614-487-8669
Kitchen Social
Sara Baker, 614-332-1564
Kloud9 IT
Helena Marcic, 844-556-8394
Koenig & Associates, Inc.
Mik Koenig, MAI, 614-203-6900
Real Estate Appraisals
Kona Craft Kitchen + Bar
Stacy Leary, 614-502-5400
See ad on Inside Front Cover
Kowalski Chiropractic and Wellness
Patty O'Haver, 614-798-8050
Chiropractic Services
Kreber Group, Ltd.
Tom Kreber, 614-761-3300
Property Management
KTech Solutions, LLC
Bobby Kneisel, 614-398-0999
Information Technology
Kunze, Stephanie, State Senator
Maggie Wolf, 614-466-5981
See ad on page 20
Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings
Amy Rhine-Pallas, 614-889-1061
Diagnostic Reference Lab
Landfare, Ltd.
Julie Letizia, 614-299-1111
Landscapes By Terra, Inc.
Heather Odenweller, 614-873-6242
Langmers, LLC
David Merwin, 614-795-1727
Business Consulting & Coaching
LaRosa's Pizza - Family Pizzeria
Brian Monterosso, 888-527-6727
Restaurants - Pizza
Law Offices of Charles Kranstuber
Charles Kranstuber, 614-255-6135
Le Flair Boutique
Jill Richey, 614-764-8508
Retail - Fashion
Leadership Dublin
Jennifer Amorose, 614-889-2001
Career Development
Leading EDJE, LLC
Dan Krumlauf, 614-636-3353
Software Development & Consulting
Learning InspirED, LLC
Mike Nicholson, 614-815-6608
Lecorchick Group
Holly Lecorchick, 614-902-2361
Accounting Services
Legacy Maintenance Services, LLC
Jovanna Matheny, 614-473-8400
Cleaning Service
Legacy Retirement Group
Gregory A. Taylor, 614-336-7660
Financial Planning & Services
Lentechs, LLC
Robin Sears, 614-340-3349 x1118
Leo Alfred Jewelers, Inc.
Jason Laudick, 614-889-5888
Retail - Jewelers
Level D&I Solutions
Chelsea Akers, 614-429-7858
Employment Services
Libertas Wealth Management Group, Inc.
Gina Howard, 614-543-1350
Financial Planning & Services
See ad on page 50
Companion Insurance Agency, A Liberty Mutual Company
Brent Blackwell, 614-701-6853
Insurance Brokerage
Light Up Columbus
Chris Aprelstadt, 614-832-3139
Lighting Design
Lightwell, Inc.
Karen Pfriem, 614-310-2700
Information Technology
Little Hercules Foundation
Kelly Maynard, 614-361-4537
Non-Profit Organization
Logic Soft, Inc.
Kavi Punetha, 614-884-5544
Information Technology
Long Law Offices
Timothy C. Long, 614-205-4544
LongHorn Steakhouse
Anthony Wharton, 614-760-5560
Loquantur, Inc.
John Farhat, 614-324-4660
Loren Lynn, Inc.
Frank Russell, 614-389-2620
Health Care Technology
LPL Financial - Dublin
Mark Farnham, 614-389-3672
Financial Planning & Services
Luftman, Heck & Associates, LLP
Ben Luftman, 614-500-3836 Attorneys
Lux Cleaning Co.
Destiny Layton, 614-967-9420
Cleaning Service
M.J. Design Associates, Inc.
Molly John, 614-873-7333
Mall at Tuttle Crossing, The Lisa Chapman, 614-798-3023
Shopping Center - Malls
Terry Payne, 614-224-5193
Computer Consulting
Market Bar Bridge Park
Pete Volker, 614-332-8586
Restaurants - Breweries & Bars
Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC
Chuck Murlin, 614-215-8018
Mathnasium Dublin
Paul Kelly, 614-664-6024
Education - Tutoring
Matrix College Consulting
Diane Steiger, 614-499-2585
Matrix Companies, The David Kiley, 614-210-1196
Workers' Compensation
Matt the Miller's Tavern, LLC
Patty Quaranto, 614-799-9100
See ad on page 63
McAlister's Deli
Amy Cotterman, 937-979-7059
McCaffrey Insurance Agency
Lynn McCaffrey, 614-761-9300
McCrabb-Goosehead Insurance
Consulting Agency
Susan McCrabb, 614-787-7967
McGloshen, Thomas H. Ph.D.
Thomas McGloshen, PhD, 614-889-2223
Counseling - Mental Health
McGohan Brabender
Jim Gehrt, 614-210-1124
Employee Benefits
McHugh Construction, LLC
Mark McHugh, 614-679-6049
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
McKibben & Monte Pediatric
Speech and Occupational Therapy
Jennifer Monte, 614-323-9469
Health Care - Speech & Hearing
MDSolutions, Inc.
Sheetal Bajoria, 614-873-2222
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Amber Hulme, 614-621-6901
Medication Therapy Management
Solutions, LLC
Karen H. Wooten, RPh, 614-306-5375
Health Care
Meeder Investment Management, Inc.
Debbie Harris, 614-766-7000
Financial Planning & Services
Lillian Roberts, 614-452-2088
Health & Wellness
Metro Data Center, LLC
Niles Overly, 614-285-4019
Data Center
Mezzo Restaurant & Bar
Abby Greene, 614-889-6100
Michael D. Smith & Associates, LLC
Michael Smith, 614-565-4318
Michele Mercer, Licensed Insurance Agent
Michele Mercer, 614-563-9900
Insurance Brokerage
Microman, Inc.
Bob Rankin, 614-792-0645
Computer Services
Micware North America, Inc.
Takashi Harishima, 614-974-2222
Software Development & Consulting
Mid Ohio Dumpsters & Construction
Carrie Kauser, 614-721-7777
Trash Hauling & Recycling
Middlefield Banking Company, The Charles Moore, 614-793-4631
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 49
Midwestern Auto Group
John Nestor, 614-889-2571
Auto Dealers
Miles McCellan Construction
Ted Tinkler, 614-487-7744
Mindpath Health
Kristina Smith, 888-966-8973
Health Care
Minuteman Press of Dublin
Ken Barton, 614-792-3399
Mission Control IT Services, LLC
Joseph Kim, 614-618-2000
Information Technology
Mitchell Insurance Agency, Inc.
Kelly Ray, 614-873-1088
Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients, Inc.
Sarah Gurr, 614-652-1111
Food / Beverage Ingredient Supplier
MJ2 Marketing
Megan James, 614-760-5559
Marketing Communications
Mobile Technical Service
Andy Lawhorn, 937-206-6475
Computer Services
Moo Moo Express Car Wash
Beth Martin, 614-389-4693
Car Wash
Morgan House Restaurant, The Shannon Terry, 614-889-5703
Morgan House, The
Kendra Heinlen, 614-889-0037
Retail - Gifts
Morningstar Consultants, Inc.
Karen Nemcek, 614-253-2762
Training - Web Based
Mosaic Employee Benefits, LLC
Eric O'Brien, 614-323-4494
Employee Benefits
Mount Carmel Health System
Alicia Rausch, 614-546-3410
Health Care
See ad on page 33
Moving Ahead Services
Keith Koprowski, 614-352-6444
Moving & Storage Company
Mowery, Youell & Galeano, Ltd.
Judith Galeano, Esq., 614-764-1444
Mr. Handyman of West Columbus
Mark Kollath, 614-612-0871
Home Improvement
Muirfield Association, Inc.
Walter Zeier, 614-889-0922
Homeowners' Association
Muirfield Village Golf Club
Nicholas LaRocca, 614-889-6700
My Business Resource
Rachel Kutay, 380-799-5280
Human Resources
Rashmi Nemade, 614-407-6470
Hair Salon
Napa Kitchen & Bar
Akishia Moore, 614-726-9799
Nartker, Grunewald, Eschleman & Cooper, LLC
Stan Nartker, CPA, 614-793-1333
Accounting Services
National Administrative Service Co., LLC
Michelle DeFouw, 308-204-7889
Third Party Administrator
National Church ResidencesAvondale Senior Village
Megan Kepler, 614-319-3353
Retirement Community
Nationwide Children's Dublin Close to Home
Kent Weakley, 614-355-7000
Urgent Care Treatment Facility
See ad on page 32
Nationwide Children's Dublin Close to Home
Kent Weakley, 614-355-8407
Urgent Care Treatment Facility
See ad on page 32
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Kent Weakley, 614-722-2000
See ad on page 32
Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center
Sue Bellan, 614-880-4300
Nationwide Insurance - James Gaddy
James Gaddy, 614-249-4465
Navidea Biopharmaceuticals
Karen Canterbury, 614-822-2394
Nemcik & Beers Family Dentistry
Michael Nemcik, DDS, 614-766-0002
Neptune Society
Ashley Sayed, 614-529-5088
Funeral Home
Nesbitt Law Firm, LLC, The Laura Nesbitt, 614-800-0262
Nest School of Dublin, The Rochelle Kiner, 614-792-2220
Child Care - Pre-School
Nestlé Quality Assurance Center
Joseph Walter, 614-526-5204
Food / Beverage Ingredient Supplier
NetGain Information Systems
Kelly Jones, 937-593-7177
Disaster Recovery Facility
Jerry Haines, 844-466-3854
NetSteady Communications, Ltd
Christopher Hutchison, 614-345-5000
Information Technology
New Hope Reformed Church
Sarah Palsma, 614-766-5445
Religious Facility
New Perspective Asset Management
Dana Milligan, 614-790-0855
New York Life
William Kidd, 567-371-1783 Financial Planning & Services
NextGen DublinA Dublin Chamber Program
Jennifer Amorose, 614-889-2001
Young Professionals Group
Ninja Generations Sean Noel, 614-389-2424
Fitness & Personal Training
North High Brewing
Tim Ward, 614-639-8800
Restaurants - Breweries & Bars
North Market Bridge Park
Peggy Outcalt, 614-463-9664
Northwest Chapel
Don Emerick, 1-614-761-0363
Religious Facility
Northwest Presbyterian Church David Schutter, 614-799-2300 x104
Religious Facility
Mark Abate, 614-781-7800
Software Development & Consulting
Nothing Bundt Cakes P.J. Coffland, 614-798-8074
Oakland Nursery Paul Reiner, 614-874-2400
Garden Center & Gift Shop
Oasis Building Services, LLC
Lela Midgley, 937-869-5462 Building Services
O'Brien Business Holdings, LLC
Kevin O'Brien, 614-205-4213
Executive Search Consultants
Laurel Keegan, 614-764-6000
Information Technology
Ohio Cleaning Experts, LLC
Lanell Madison, 614-726-9565
Cleaning Service
Ohio Energy Ratings
Lindsey Bodker, 866-301-6759
Ohio Insurance Services Agency, Inc.
Frank Harmon, 614-873-2906
See ad on page 24
Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute
Asim Roy, 614-766-0773
Ohio Tuition Trust AuthorityOhio's 529 Plan
Janet Smith, 614-949-9472
Ohio University Dublin - College of Health Sciences and Professions
Amanda Mikkelson, 614-793-5634
Ohio Wildlife Center / SCRAM! Wildlife Control
Lolita Haverlock, 614-734-9453
Pest Control
Scott Estep, MBOE, BSN, RN, CSSBB 614-544-8000 Hospital
See ad on Back Cover
OhioHealth Chiller Ice Rink
Mazin Habash, 614-764-1000
Attractions & Entertainment
OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital
Armin Rahmanian, 614-544-8000 Hospital
See ad on Back Cover
OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital
Debbie Donahey, 614-544-8000 Hospital
See ad on Back Cover
Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, The 614-739-0777
Health Care
See ad on page 4
Old North Arcade
Benjamin Morgan, 614-598-0821
Attractions & Entertainment
Oliver Law Office
Jami Oliver, 614-220-9100
Omnilife Systems, Inc.
Robert Banasik, 614-299-3100
Nursing Care Facility
One Dublin
Heather Heins, 614-726-6958
Non-Profit Organization
One Home At A Time, LLC
Rima Bazerbashi, 614-288-3768
Real Estate
One Medical
Jennifer Ryan, 888-663-6331
Health Care
One Old Man and a Van
Josh Wheeler, 614-893-7582
Moving & Storage Company
One Source Advisors, Inc.
Stacie Hoover, 614-822-0212
Open Arms Adoptions
Jackie Smigel, 614-349-1510
Non-Profit Organization
Ops Solutions, LLC
Naveen Rathi, 317-902-6358
Business Consulting & Coaching
Options Medical Weight Loss
Sean Janezic, 614-333-6040
Health & Wellness
Orchard Apartments, The Maria Kirchner, 614-921-9000
Heather Benjamin, 614-890-6555
Physicians - Orthopedics
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center
Renee Reynolds, 614-895-8747
Physicians - Orthopedics
Orthopedic ONE
Laura Fagert, 614-827-8700
Physicians - Orthopedics
Osteopathic Heritage Foundation
Jeffrey Fortkamp, 614-737-4370
Non-Profit Organization
OUAC, Inc.
Susan Riley, 614-791-0000
Retail - Consignment/Resale
Outdoor-FX, Inc.
Lucas Greiner, 614-873-7270
Outreach Promotional Solutions
Nevin Bansal, 614-484-7329
Advertising Specialties
Page M. Vornbrock & Associates, LLC
Page Vornbrock, 614-595-6320
Consulting - Sales & Marketing
Paradigm Properties
Aaron Dorsch, 614-882-4142
Real Estate - Commercial
Pawsitive Behavior, LLC
Lauren Ober, 614-402-9263
Dog Boarding & Training
Payne & Company CPAs, LLC
Kent Payne, 614-458-1101
Accounting Services
Melissa Carlson, 614-595-2871
Fitness & Personal Training
PDS Planning, Inc.
Jamie Menges, CFP, CPA, 614-481-8449
Financial Planning & Services
Peak Human Performance
Alex White, 614-918-7476
Fitness & Personal Training
Pepper Construction Company of Ohio
Paul Francois, 614-793-4477
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Ted Johnson, 614-272-0000
Auto Dealers
Performance Printing, Inc.
Grace Gushue, 614-798-9808
Printing, Advertising Specialities, Promotional Products
See ad on page 60
Perimeter Dental Group
David Scurria, DDS, 614-766-5277
Dentist, Health Care
Persistent Systems, Inc.
Ambrish Srivastava, 614-763-6500
Software Development & Consulting
Petty-Devlin Law Group, LLC.
Kyle Petty, 740-503-6088
Phoenix Bats
Joel Armbruster, 614-873-7776
Physical Medicine Associates
Kendra Yahns, 614-591-0020
Pint Room, The Emily Reynard, 614-889-6558
Plain City Druggist
Robin Craft, 614-873-0880
Pharmacy - Retail
Plante & Moran, LLC
Keith Martinez, 614-849-3000
Accounting Services
PM Financial Group
Jason Lohnes, 614-889-0030
PM Title
Mark Miller, 614-991-0827
Title Agency
PNC Bank
Kelly C. Leonard, 614-463-7341
Financial Institutions
PNC Bank
Kyle Lugg, 614-766-3380
Financial Institutions
PNC Bank
Rima Mounayer, 614-766-3385
Financial Institutions
PNC Bank
Al Ruggiero, 614-766-3380
Financial Institutions
Seas Kim, 614-726-9818
Pollock Law, LLC
Stacy Pollock, 614-746-8524
Jamie Barlett, 805-592-2700
Merchant Services
Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen
Nate Baker, 614-588-8680
Pranamyra, LLC
Eszter Gozon, 614-369-0664
Health & Wellness
Premier Allergy
Summit Shah, MD, 740-304-0151
Premier Bank
Dave Dygert, 614-876-8775
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 49
Premier Bank
Denise Beall, 614-932-2179
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 49
Prep Academy Schools - Dublin
Laurie Beard, 614-799-9395
Child Care - Pre-School
Prep Baseball Report Ohio
Chris Valentine, 614-370-6147
Pressure Wash Co., The
Debra Wilcox, 614-873-1696
Contractor - General
Primary Care Nursing Services, Inc.
Elvina Pettus, 614-764-0960
Health Care - In Home
Primrose School of Dublin
Mike Bahr, 614-408-3732
Child Care - Pre-School
Primrose School of Dublin - Riverside
Annie Lichtinger, 614-812-6800
Child Care - Pre-School
Principal® Financial Network of Ohio
Craig Hagkull, 614-792-8085
Financial Planning & Services
Pro Exterior Installations, LLC
Rob Welch, 330-590-8021
ProForma Graphic Services
Jim Shindler, 614-760-5800
ProLink Staffing
Brent Wallace, 614-405-9810
Staffing & Insourcing
ProtectALL Insurance
Judy Sivy, 614-889-0701
PS Offices
Meggin Reese, 614-789-1600
Real Estate - Commercial
QleanAir Scandinavia
Tami Sines, 614-954-1040
Air & Water Purification
Quality Pool Supply Co
Diana Roemensky, 810-686-3010
Quality Supply Chain Co-op, Inc.
Samantha Johnston, 614-764-3100
Food Broker
Quantum Health
Melissa Reilly, 800-257-2038 x13893
Health Care - Management
Questline, Inc.
Kathleen Forrest, 800-242-3654
Marketing Communications
Quilt Beginnings
Cathy Daum, 614-799-2688
Retail - Quilts
R&T Yoder Electric
Rod Yoder, 614-206-5401
Electrical Contractor
Radiant Life Church
Dawn Chafins, 614-889-8364
Religious Facility
Ramboll US Consulting, Inc.
Kori McCollum, 614-408-0910
RE/MAX Partners
Brandon Prewitt, 614-504-0014
Real Estate
RE/MAX Affiliates - Jeff Gongwer
Jeff Gongwer, 614-766-5330
Real Estate
RE/MAX Premier Choice
Bob Miller, GRI, 614-436-0330
Real Estate
Rea & Associates, Inc., CPAs
Derek Mohr, 614-889-8725
Accounting Services
ReAlpha Tech Corporation
Mike Logozzo, 614-633-7155
Real Estate
Red Rooster Quilts
Karen O'Connor, 614-734-9007
Retail - Quilts
Red School of Music
Chelsea Melcher, 517-677-2556 Music Instruction
Redhawk Global, LLC
Erach Deboo, 866-411-4295 Logistics
Redwood Apartment
Neighborhood Dublin
Holly Collins, 614-270-4500 Apartments
Refectory Restaurant & Bistro
Kamal Boulos, 614-451-9774 Restaurants
Rejuvenate You, LLC
Paula Jones, 614-562-0047
Physicians - Medi-Spa
Benjamin Karam, 614-389-1974
Computer Software Consulting
Renascent Protection Solutions
Sonia Singh, 614-358-3607 Vehicle Service Contract Pvdr.
Renewal by Andersen
Steve Armstrong, 614-602-8100
Home Improvement
Renier Construction
Bill Plesich, 614-866-4580
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
Renzelli Coaching & Consulting, LLC
Christina Renzelli, 773-710-3453
Business Consulting & Coaching
Resch, Root, Philipps & Graham, LLC
Melissa Feldman, 614-760-1801
Residence Inn - Dublin
John Stevenson, 614-389-6600
Restore Hyper Wellness Dublin
Dan Rogovin, 614-553-7207
Health & Wellness
Retail Service Systems, Inc.
Amy Bowen, 614-203-6126
Wholesale Distributor
Reunion Rehabilitation Hospital
Eric Mueller, 614-515-7676
See ad on page 30
Revel IT, Inc.
Kristin Griffith, 614-336-1122
Information Technology
Amy Heck, 614-344-9381
Accounting Services
Richard Taylor Architects
Richard Taylor, AIA, 614-766-7257
Richardson, Tracy, State Representative
Rep. Tracy Richardson, 614-466-8147
See ad on page 21
Rieser Trophy Company
Freddie Rieser, 614-571-3245
Awards, Engraving & Trophies
Rinehart Law Office, LLC
Adam Rinehart, 614-717-9701
Rise Chiropractic & Nutrition
Nicole Short, 614-681-0195
Chiropractic Services
Rite Way Restoration
Nikki Davis, 614-295-8135
Contractor - General
River Park Dental
Phing Saurer, 614-689-8686
River's Edge Pediatrics, Inc.
Christine Pope, 614-889-7772
Physicians - Pediatrics
Riverside Bank of Dublin
Bill Daily, 614-482-1300
Financial Institutions
See ad on page 46
Riverside Drive Animal Care Center
David McGuffin, DVM, 614-766-1222
Rj Boll Realty, Ltd.
Ray Boll, 614-799-2100
Real Estate - Commercial
Robert Half
Rachel Birkmeier, 614-706-5789
Staffing & Insourcing
Roby Realty
Joel Roby, 614-791-0050
Real Estate
Roll Bicycle Company
Taylor Williams, 614-698-0038
Retail - Sporting Goods
Romo Design
Stephanie Romo, 614-906-7666
Graphic Design
RHK Group
Ron Mooney, 614-457-1236
Roosters Men's Grooming Center of Dublin
Lisa Groome, 614-766-4247
Barber Shop
Route 36 MotorCars
John Sanders, 800-852-9928
Auto Dealers
Routte Law, LLC
Jennifer Routte, 614-475-7008
Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc.
Lisa Vonk, 614-876-9484
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
See ad on page 25
Rusty Bucket Tavern
Jim Sauter, 614-889-2594
Rutherford Funeral Home at Powell
Joe Hayes, 614-792-1471
Funeral Home
RxBridge, LLC
Pete Shearer, 614-389-1851
Pharmacy Benefits Manager
Safari Golf Club
Ty Day, 614-645-3444
Safe Harbor Retirement Group, LLC
Cory Sickles, 614-760-0670
Financial Planning & Services
Sales Xceleration
David Jones, 614-364-0698
Consulting - Sales & Marketing
Sam Shihab & Associates, LLC
Sharon E. Cox, 614-791-0500
Sam's Club - Sawmill Rd.
Joseph Dumas, 614-760-7771
Retail - Superstore
Sanfillipo Financial
Amy Chaney, 614-659-7302
Financial Planning & Services
Jayne Frilling, 614-519-7225
Health Care Technology
Lynn McNabb, 614-760-5000
Health Care Products & Services
Sawmill Commons Apartments
Deann Gibbs, 614-764-7878
Mark Adams, 770-453-0334
Marketing Communications
Kim Martin, 614-495-8660
Attractions & Entertainment
Schneider Family Dental
Matt Schneider, 614-889-2211
School of Rock
Dave Gonzalez, 614-766-7200
Music Instruction
Schooley Mitchell
John O'Connell, 614-526-9797
Schorr Architects, Inc.
Tony Schorr, 614-798-2096
SCORE - Front St.
David Youkers, 614-526-4142
Scott's Custom Jewelers
Scott Cevasco, 614-336-4111
Retail - Jewelers
Sea Glass Counseling and Consultation
Erin Pritchard, 614-398-0558
Counseling - Mental Health
Rejeana Woolum-Napier, 614-359-2403
Workers' Compensation
See ad on page 68
Shaffer Capital, LLC
Matthew Shaffer, 614-891-1200
Financial Planning & Services
Shaffer Construction
Greg Callaghan, 614-488-4681
Contractor - General
Shamrock Family Eyecare
Bryan Delmore, O.D., 614-889-8331
Shannon Grimm & Partners -
Howard Hanna
Shannon Grimm, 614-401-5077
Real Estate
Shared Vision Communications
John Nichols, 614-545-0064
Video Productions
See ad on page 68
Sharetea Columbus
Hung Truong, 801-703-0399
Coffee, Tea & Baked Goods
Sharper Impressions Painting
Geoff Sharp, 614-889-8383
Painting - Contractor
Shawan-Marquis Agency, Inc.
Marty Vaughan, 614-450-1073
Siekman Company, The Aaron Siekmann, 614-873-5200
Employee Benefits
Paul Lyda, 614-869-4000
Sixth City Marketing
John Sammon, 614-404-5414
Marketing Communications
Skylight Financial Group
Mark Owens, 614-790-9800
Financial Planning & Services
Smiley Dental Group
Brad Moore, DDS, 614-889-0726
See ad on page 35
Smiley Dental Group
Jeff Holowicki, DDS, 614-889-0726
See ad on page 35
Solar Tint
Brendan Jenkins, 614-949-7590
Window Treatments
Solis Mammography
Erica Sycks-Greear, 614-791-9355
Health Care - Diagnostic Imaging
Solutions IV Boutique & MediSpa
Jacqueline Graham, 614-389-6194
Health & Wellness
Sonesta ES Suites Dublin
Malak Markus, 614-791-0403
See ad on page 54
Alison Yeager, 740-363-6677
Health Care - In Home
See ad on page 35
Jeff Heyer-Jones, 614-407-6204
Specialty Valuation Group
Aaron Wright, 614-496-5908
Real Estate Appraisals
Spectrum Tamara Howard, 855-707-7328
SPGB Architects, LLC
Tom Gates, 614-771-8963
Spiralight Group Benefits
Matthew Byrne, 614-372-6377
Spire Development, Inc.
Thomas Grywalski, 614-350-0391
Real Estate Development
SportsOhio, Inc.
Allen Shepherd, III, 614-791-3003
Spot Athletics, The JL Holdsworth, 614-653-3140
Fitness & Personal Training
Springhill Suites Dublin
Stacey Somerville, 614-766-7255
Stanley Steemer International
Steve Bass, 800-STEEMER
Carpet Cleaning
Staples, Inc.
Alan Walters, 614-766-6744
Retail - Office Supply
Starkey & Waid, LLC
Phil Waid, 614-761-1733
Starting Strength Columbus
Pete Yeh, 614-618-4868
Fitness & Personal Training
State Bank
Raub Warner, 614-336-7779
Financial Institutions
State Farm Insurance - Gary Wheeler
Karen Davis, 614-764-8500
State Highway Supply, Inc.
Michael Lowe, 614-799-9811
Construction & Highway Material
See ad on page 42
Stavroff Land and Development, Inc.
Cristina Dionne, 614-764-9981
Real Estate Development
Staybridge Suites
Mica Breese, 614-734-9882
Steele Investment Counsel, Ltd.
Michael Steele, 614-793-8890
Financial Planning & Services
Steinert Analytics, LLC
Christian Steinert, 920-287-8388
Information Technology
Step Lively Foot & Ankle Centers
Melissa Tran, 614-339-2000
Physicians - Podiatry
STG Logistics
Paul Smith, 614-923-1400
Stoneburner Wealth Management
Mark Stoneburner, 614-793-9900
Financial Planning & Services
Stoner Periodontic Specialists
Dr. Jason Stoner, 614-889-8222
Storage Block, The Jeff MacRae, 614-963-3888
StormImpact, Inc.
Jamie McKee, 415-839-6903
Strategic Systems, Inc.
Sankar Mangapuram, 614-717-4774
Information Technology
Strat-Tek, LLC
Erol Eraybar, 614-874-6257
Computer Software Consulting
Stratton Mortgage, LLC
William Seach, 614-610-1600
Mortgage Services
Stretch Lab Dublin
Jason Pfaff, 614-763-6606
Health & Wellness
Strip, Hoppers, Leithart, McGrath and Terlecky Co., LPA
A.C. Strip, Esq., 614-228-6345
See ad on page 39
Studio J Home
June Sedlak Mooney, 614-389-2054
Retail - Furniture
Studio on Bridge, The Courtney Spies, 614-792-5767
Hair Salon
Studio Spiral, Inc.
Kyle Musch, 614-937-8621
Website Design/Development
Tej Patel, 614-389-0014
See ad on page 41
Bob Patel, 614-734-1540
Sue Berg, Inc.
Sue Berg, 614-582-4335
Real Estate
Sullivan Solutions, LLC
Karen Sullivan, 614-799-1670
Marketing Communications
Sumit Bapna, MD
Sumit Bapna, 614-876-6673
Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Summerhill Family Medicine, Inc.
Wendy Summerhill, 614-792-5200
Summit Sales Consulting, LLC.
Tim Byrd, 609-577-4090
Consulting - Sales & Marketing
Sunbridge Consulting, LLC
Shawna Mehta, 773-251-6681
Marketing Communications
Sunny Day Academy
Kendra Clark, 614-718-1717
Child Care - Pre-School
Sunny Street Café
Asch & Kate Mikhail, 614-389-3640
Sunny Street Cafe
Maria Swallie, 614-932-7008
Sunrise of Dublin
Fran Herrick, 614-718-2062
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
Super Deal Auto Group, LLC
Michael Ming, 614-648-1971
Auto Dealers
Supporting Strategies
Larry Kirkpatrick, 614-580-6639
Accounting Services
Sutphen Corporation
Daniel Sutphen, 614-889-1005
Fire Apparatus Manufacturing
SV Diagnostic Labs, LLC
Chandrashekar Chalumalla 614-327-7348
Health Care - Diagnostic Imaging
Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea
Alice McKeever, 614-389-6119
Coffee, Tea & Baked Goods
Sycamore Growth Group, LLC
Rick Kleban, 614-975-1280
Accounting Services
Syntero, Inc.
Julie Erwin Rinaldi, CEO, 614-889-5722
Counseling - Mental Health
T & R Properties, Inc.
P. Ronald Sabatino, 614-923-4055
Real Estate Development
Taylor Tire Company, Ltd.
Nick Botsko, 614-873-7107
Automotive - Service & Repair
See ad on page 40
T-Cetra, LLC
Zach Thompson, 614-344-0037 Information Technology
TCS Software, Inc.
TIm Rorris, 614-451-5010 Software Development & Consulting
The Avenue Steak Tavern
Kristen Luff, 614-591-9000 Restaurants
The Brewer-Garrett Company
Mike Nutter, 614-369-2664 Building Services
The CentreChiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Lundeberg, 614-660-5560 Chiropractic Services
The Cheesecake Girl
Samantha Strange, 614-940-2583 Bakery
The Cleary Company Aaron Enfinger, 614-459-4000 Remodeling
The Close ConnectionKW Consultants Realty Alli Close, 614-726-9070 Real Estate
The Club at Tartan Fields Mike Wendel, 614-792-0900 Golf
The Color Bar Dublin
Andrea Simmons, 614-389-8851 Hair Salon
The Exchange at Bridge Park Abby Antonick, 614-793-2263 Event Facilities
The Goat Haley Bateson, 614-876-1427 Restaurants
The Golf Room Kyle Morris, 614-747-5006 Golf
The Grand of Dublin
Kim Fullerton, 614-889-8585 Nursing Care Facility
The Highlands
Beth Sexton, 614-901-2400 Apartments
The Holderman GroupRE/MAX Premier Choice
Adam Holderman, 614-993-3094 Real Estate
The Jeffries Family Office
Gavin Derryberry, 614-458-1630 Non-Profit Organization
The Memorial Tournament
Chris Stiffler, 614-889-6700 Golf
See ad on page 53
The NOW Massage
Tiffany Blevins, 614-467-8732 Health & Wellness
The Ohio State University Department of Ophthalmology
Laura Sladoje, 614-293-8116
The Ohio State University
Veterinary Medical Center at Dublin
Joanne Fleming, 614-889-8070
The Pearl Dublin
Jill Armstrong, 614-695-6255
The Rail
Gary Petroff, 614-725-3200
The Roof Detective
Shane Kaylor, 614-500-9005
The Sanctuary at Tuttle Crossing
Laura Solaiman, 614-760-8870
Nursing Care Facility
The Styer Group with Red 1 Realty
Jon Styer, 614-843-5656
Real Estate
See ad on page 17
Thomas Law Group
Cheryl DeVore, 614-761-7701
Thrive Purpose
Valerie Biehl, 248-506-5316
Business Consulting & Coaching
Throw Nation Columbus, LLC
David Dratwa, 740-701-6266
Attractions & Entertainment
Thurber Gate Investment, LLC
Carrie Murrin, 614-221-8335
Real Estate Management
Timberwood Landscape Co., Inc.
Samuel Duff, 614-799-0555
Timeless Skin Solutions
Megan Schmidt, 614-799-5100
Physicians - Medi-Spa
Tolles Career & Technical Center
Todd Hoadley, 614-873-4666
Tompkins, Selph & Associates
Janine Selph, 614-453-0971
Total Line Refrigeration
Ron Trapper, 614-426-4900
Contractor - General
TotalSim, LLC
Raymond Leto, 614-255-7426
Engineering - Consulting
TownePlace Suites by Marriott
Columbus Dublin
Ryan Blake, 614-689-2900
Toy Barn
Alex Zabonik, 614-799-5000
Auto Dealers
Trading Places
Michelle Renda, 614-717-9221
Retail - Consignment/Resale
Trinity Heating & Cooling
Nabeel Alsharaiha, 614-323-2064
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.
Tri-Wood Insurance Agency, Inc.
Trisha DeLong, 614-408-9220
See ad on page 56
True North Counseling Group
Sonya Slater, 614-310-4940
Counseling - Mental Health
True North Wealth Partners
Eric Susi, LUTCF, CMFC, 614-929-2703
Financial Planning & Services
Patty Quaranto, 614-792-3466
See ad on page 63
Twenty Seven Group, The Erin Logsdon, 614-957-0027
Property Management
Two Men and a Truck
Brooke Hokes, 614-901-1570 x110
Moving & Storage Company
U.S. Employee Benefits Services Group
Mike Franks, 614-659-9710
Employee Benefits
UBS Financial ServicesMuirfield Wealth Partners
Bill Cseplo, 614-793-3165
Financial Planning & Services
See ad on page 51
Ultimate Technology & Security Solutions, LLC
Doug Benaman, 614-932-1444
Unified Health and Wellness
Michelle Meyer, 614-389-3814
Physicians - Psychiatry
Union Rural Electric Cooperative
Michael Aquillo, 937-642-1826
See ad on page 19
Union Savings Bank
Joe Loudenslager, 614-761-9700
Financial Institutions
United Midwest Savings Bank, N.A.
Blessing Wilhelmsen, 614-538-2443
Financial Institutions
United Software Group, Inc.
Uma Vajjala, 614-495-9222
Software Development & Consulting
United Window, Inc.
Holly Richert, 614-471-7412
Home Improvement
See ad on page 54
Univar Solutions USA, Inc.
David Lundin, 614-613-3350
Chemical Distributor
Urban Air Dublin
Tina Huynh, 380-204-6390
Attractions & Entertainment
US Bank
January Howe, 614-764-8622
Financial Institutions
Nishad Kuttykrishnan, 949-315-1071
Information Technology
Vaco Columbus, LLC
Dan Saas, 614-498-9000
Staffing & Insourcing
Peggy Mills, 614-937-8309
Fitness & Personal Training
Van Krevel & Company
Patricia ''Kit'' Van Krevel, 614-761-3743
Accounting Services
Vaughan Group, Ltd.
Brenda Kerber, 614-889-6600
Property Management
Veeva Systems
Greg Lesperance, 614-789-0758
Verena at Hilliard
Ray Tyo, 614-964-0105
Retirement Community
ViaQuest, Inc.
Emily Stickley, 614-889-5837
Counseling - Mental Health
Vineyard - Tuttle Crossing
John Lieb, 614-876-0258
Religious Facility
Visit Dublin Ohio
Scott Dring, 614-792-7666
Tourism Promotion
Vitas Healthcare
Michele Casey, 614-822-2700
Hospice Care
Waina & Company
Gregory Waina, 614-460-0882
Business Consulting & Coaching
Washington Township
Eric Richter, 614-652-3920
See ad on page 21
WatersEdge Event & Conference Center
Rachel Hellerman, 614-876-2200
Event Facilities
Waypoint Benefit Solutions
Brian Savage, 614-375-1788
WealthBridge Capital Management
Robyn Kinford, 614-964-9600
Financial Planning & Services
Weed Man Columbus North Corbin Schlatter, 614-733-3747
Lawncare - Fertilization
Wells Fargo Advisors
Andrew Cuprisin, 614-825-4338
Financial Institutions
Wendy's Bridal Mardi Hull, 614-336-9100
Retail - Fashion
Wendy's Company, The Blaire Luciano, 614-764-3100
See ad on page 16
Whiteboard Marketing
Sean White, 614-562-1912
Marketing Communications
WideStream Solutions, Inc.
Dave Panek, 614-581-5814
Information Technology
Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop
Chris Sheley, 614-766-2103
Retail - Nature Store
Williamson Financial Group
John R. Williamson, CPA/PFS 614-431-4361
Financial Planning & Services
Winchester Institute of Chiropractic Health and Wellness, The Dana Winchester, 614-760-5555
Chiropractic Services
Woodhouse Day Spa, The Alan Reuter, 614-790-8822
Day Spa
See ad on page 44
Woodhull, LLC
Robert Woodhull, 614-376-0263
Business Technology
Xcelerate Media, Inc.
Nicole Sprouse, 614-336-9722
Training - Web Based
YesPress Graphics, LLC
Meena Patel, 614-899-1403
See ad on page 14
YogaSix Dublin
Brett Stahl, 614-548-1120
Fitness & Personal Training
You By Design, LLC
Gabe Hoover, 614-403-8167
Business Consulting & Coaching
Zaki Food Truck
Ahmed Qaraja, 614-377-1274
Ross Buhrdorf, 844-493-6249
Business Consulting & Coaching
Zickau & McCormick, LLC
Thomas Zickau, 614-734-8350
Financial Planning & Services
Zilla, LLC
Chris Russell, 614-763-5311
Marketing Promotions
Accounting Services
Advertising Specialties
Agriculture - Equipment
Air & Water Purification
Air Duct Cleaning
Apartments - Temporary Living
Apparel - Corporate & School
Assisted Living & Nursing Care
Attractions & Entertainment
Auto Dealers
Automotive - Manufacturing
Automotive - Service & Repair
Awards, Engraving & Trophies
Barber Shop
Beverage Supplier
Building Industry Association
Building Services
Business Brokerage
Business Consulting & Coaching
Business Technology
Candy, Cookies & Gifts
Car Wash
Career Development
Carpet Cleaning
Chamber of Commerce
Chemical Distributor
Child Care - Pre-School
Chiropractic Services
Cleaning Service
Coffee, Tea & Baked Goods
Computer Consulting
Computer Services
Computer Software Consulting
Computer Training
Construction & Highway Material
Consulting - Fundraising
Consulting - Sales & Marketing
Consulting - Third Party Admin.
Consulting - Workforce Development
Contractor - General
Contractors - Gen. Const. Mgt.
Copier & Fax Dealer
Counseling - Mental Health
Custom Cabinetry
Dance Center
Data Center
Day Spa
Delivery & Storage Service
Diagnostic Reference Lab
Disaster Recovery Facility
Distributor - Gourmet Meats
Dog Boarding & Training
Dry Cleaners
Education - Swim School
Education - Tutoring
Electrical Contractor
Employee Benefits
Employment Services
Energy Consulting
Engineering - Consulting
Engineering - Environmental
Engineering - Mechanical Design
Engineering - Research Lab
Event Facilities
Executive Office Space
Executive Search Consultants
Financial Institutions
Financial Planning & Services
Fire Apparatus Manufacturing
Fitness - Athletic Facility
Food / Beverage Ingredient Supplier
Food Broker
Fraternal Organizations
Funeral Home
Garden Center & Gift Shop
Golf Government
Granite & Marble Fabricator
Graphic Design
Hair Salon
Health & Wellness
Health Care
Health Care - Diagnostic Imaging
Health Care - In Home
Health Care - Management
Health Care - Sales
Health Care - Speech & Hearing
Health Care Billing & Mgt.
Health Care Products & Services
Health Care Technology
Heating, Cooling & Refrig.
Home Improvement
Homeowners' Association
Hospice Care
Human Resources
Individual Membership
Industrial Distribution
Information Technology
Insurance - Dental
Insurance Brokerage
Interior Decorating
IT Services & Staffing
Lawncare - Fertilization
Library Services
Lighting Design
Locksmith & Safe
Manufacturer's Representative
Marketing Communications
Marketing Promotions
Merchant Services
Mortgage Services
Moving & Storage Company
Music Instruction
Noise & Vibration Control
Non-Profit Organization
Nursing Care Facility
Office Furniture
Painting - Contractor
Pest Control
Pharmacy - Retail
Pharmacy Benefits Manager
Physicians - Dermatology
Physicians - Medi-Spa
Physicians - Orthopedics
Physicians - Pediatrics
Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Physicians - Podiatry
Physicians - Psychiatry
Promotional Products
Property Management
Real Estate
Real Estate - Appraisals
Real Estate - Commercial
Real Estate - Home Inspection Services
Real Estate Development
Real Estate Management
Religious Facility
Restaurants - Bakery
Restaurants - Breweries & Bars
Restaurants - Candy, Cookies & Gifts
Restaurants - Catering
Restaurants - Coffee, Tea & Baked Goods
Restaurants - Ice Cream & Yogurt
Restaurants - Pizza
Retail - Consignment/Resale
Retail - Fashion
Retail - Flag Store
Retail - Furniture
Retail - Gifts
Retail - Jewelers
Retail - Nature Store
Retail - Non-Profit Organization
Retail - Office Supplies
Retail - Quilts
Retail - Sporting Goods
Retail - Superstore
Retail - Toys
Retail - Wine & Spirits
Retirement Community
Security, Monitoring & Mass Notification
Shopping Center - Malls
Shredding - Document Destruction
Software Development & Consulting
Staffing & Insourcing
Textile Rental Service
Third Party Administrator
Title Agency
Tourism Promotion
Training - Web Based
Trash Hauling & Recycling
Tree Service
Underground Utilities
Urgent Care Treatment Facility
Vehicle Service Contract Pvdr.
Veterinary Distribution
Video Productions
Website Design/Development
Wholesale Distributor
Window Coverings - Shutters & Shades
Window Treatments
Wireless Communications
Workers' Compensation
Young Professionals Group
Please print clearly, as the information you provide will be used for Chamber communications, and business promotion through the Chamber’s membership directory, referral program and website. You can also join the Chamber online at DublinChamber.org/Join.
Thursday, June 15, 2023 & Friday, June 16, 2023
The Dublin Chamber Corporate Charity Cup is all about fitness, team building and friendly competition!
Join the fun by putting together a team and take part in a variety of challenges throughout the event.
This is your opportunity to reward your employees’ efforts to stay healthy, support your community and have a great time while doing it!
Team competitions include corn hole, bingo, yoga, a football toss, 3-on-3 basketball, pickleball, volleyball, obstacle course, soccer, relay races and more!
Competitions are broken down by division based on the number of people employed by your company.
To register your team or to learn more visit DublinChamber.org/CharityCup23.
Questions? Call 614-889-2001.
Membership is active for 12 full months from your anniversary date. Business membership is based on the number of full-time equivalent employees, and may be a tax-deductible business expense.
Business Membership Levels (check appropriate box)
❑ Shamrock (1-9 employees) $295
❑ Limerick (10-49 employees) $540
❑ Emerald (50-99 employees) $760
❑ Waterford (100+ employees) $1,299
Would you like to display a membership plaque? ❑ YES ❑ NO
I would like to receive emails on the following:
❑ Educational Programming
❑ Job Posting
❑ Group Purchasing Programs
❑ Coupon Deals
Payment ❑ Check ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express (Make check payable to Dublin Chamber of Commerce)
Membership Agreement (must be signed)
I understand that membership in the Dublin Chamber of Commerce constitutes my express permission for the Chamber to transmit via facsimile, email, text messages or US mail, at the addresses and numbers I provide, from time to time, information and correspondence, including but not limited to those relating to property, goods, services, events, meetings or notices, and the availability thereof. I understand that my mailing and email addresses and phone numbers will, from time to time, be made available to other members of the Chamber and that there is not an “opt out” procedure for the same. If I attend Dublin Chamber events or meetings, I grant permission to the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, the Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation and anyone authorized by the Chamber to have unlimited right, without charge, to use my likeness in photos, videos, recordings and in all media now known or hereafter created to be used and distributed in perpetuity for promotional and publicity purposes. also agree to abide by the Chamber’s bylaws and membership policies, as amended from time to time. No refunds. Benefits and dues are subject to change without notice.
Return completed application and membership dues to: Dublin Chamber of Commerce, 129 S. High St., Dublin, OH 43017. Questions? Call the Chamber at 614-889-2001 or visit www.DublinChamber.org.