Dubli Network | It’s Time to Maximize Your Dubli Network Business

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Time Management Tips for a Better You We all claim that there are never enough hours in a day, weekends are too short and that we have a tough time with the ever present work/life balance. Fret no more; we are here to offer some guidelines for maximizing your time in your DubLi Network business, minimizing the associated stress and becoming more productive in your professional life. These time management tips might all strike a chord with you initially and some, maybe not. Regardless, put those tips that you are most comfortable with into action initially and then come back at a later time to review those that might take some more planning or implementation. There are clearly a wealth of these lists all over the Internet and a vast array of books have been written on the subject but these are designed exclusively for the network marketing professional or those who manage a home-based business.

1. Make Time to Save Time Before implementing any new strategy in work or life, it’s important you assess your current situation. This type of evaluation is used by everyone from CEO’s to Executive Assistants alike and become a priceless tool in your time management skill set. You can’t possibly determine how and where you can save time if you don’t currently know where this time is being spent.

end of the week, break down each primary activity into specific categories, i.e. phone calls, webinars, presentations, answering emails, writing a proposal. Tally up how many hours you spent on each category to identify which is the most time-consuming and most important. This will also help you track which of your precious hours are most productive.

To start, select one week of your life and record how each hour is spent. We suggest you stop at the top or bottom of each hour and jot down on a calendar or notebook what you achieved, prepared, organized or completed. Be sure to include all phone calls, answering of emails, drafting of documents and taking a snack break. At the

Following this initial assessment, plan your time management strategy for the following week so that you know which category you should be focused on at which time of the day. By doing this, you create a better sense of planning which will reduce stress in your life. The unknown causes stress; planning in advance alleviates it.

DubLi Network | 2016.07.19


2. Are You Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed or a Night Owl? If you’re the type of person who finds greater clarity in the morning and tend to feel burnt out after lunch, schedule all critical thinking exercises for the morning hours. It is silly to think you could accomplish your best work product during a time period where you are sleepy or focused on children coming home from school. Use your energy and focus where it’s maximized. On the contrary, if you are a night owl, schedule your critical thinking assignments for after the kids have gone to bed.

4. Duty Calls For Disengagement Depending on your initial assessment, take 30-60 minutes each day to turn off the phone and review your email. In this digital age we live in, it’s hard to get anything done with emails beeping every two minutes. Take the time each day dedicated exclusively to answering emails. This way you won’t miss anything important and everyone who has emailed you will receive a response within, at most, 24 hours.

5. Disconnect and Detach Similar to #3, we also suggest you take an hour or so each day to shut down the email. Email can be highly distracting, especially when you “don’t want to miss anything important.” We understand, really, we do. It is humanly impossible to create documents or anything thought provoking while you are reading emails. If you have critical thinking items you must accomplish; this hour will give you the time you need you think clearly, thoughtfully and productively. Some take more than an hour each day without email, but you know your productivity best, use your time wisely.

3. Proper Planning Prevents Procrastination; Provides Productivity

6. Take a Breather

First thing in the morning, spend five minutes planning your day. What do you need to accomplish today? What are your goals for the day? What important assignments must be completed? If you set daily goals and have expectations, you will accomplish more and be productive. Believe it or not, most people just turn on the computer each day without any thought as to what they need to be doing and end up getting lost in the shuffle without any plan. This is what causes procrastination. Proper planning prevents procrastination and provides productivity.


Take breaks. Not enough can be said about taking a few minutes throughout the day to clear your head and reassess your productivity. Also note; there is nothing wrong with taking several breaks throughout each day if it helps you perform better. When we say “breaks” we are not talking about a 30-minute break every hour but rather 5-10 minutes every few hours is healthy and beneficial. Some might use the time to take a get some fresh air, make a cup of coffee or check your Facebook account. Whatever floats your boat, removing yourself from thinking about work will help you come back to your tasks with a renewed vigor and focus. DubLi Network | 2016.07.19

DubLi Network | 2016.07.19


7. Be Your Own Reminder Keep a blotter or notepad with you at all times or use the notepad app on your phone. Between email, cell phones, and kids, it is very easy to get distracted in this day and age. While we might think we live in our own self-imposed clock that requires everything to be completed instantly, it is not, in fact, the case. Many of our thoughts or projects can wait until later. Keeping a notepad with you allows you to jot down your thoughts, so you don’t forget them once you do, finally, have the time to address them. The life we live doesn’t require us to stop everything at the drop of a dime and tackle them immediately but with all the distractions it is no wonder that we can feel forgetful. Typically, people become more concerned about forgetting something important than they are on the actual task at hand.

9. Know When Enough is Enough Set a hard stop for yourself each day. When you are planning your day each morning, determine how many hours you will work. Does it depend on your son’s soccer game or a doctor’s appointment? By setting a stop time, you know how much time you have to achieve each daily task. When you establish this in advance, it allows you to maximize the time you do have and minimize any unnecessary distractions or interruptions.

10. Kindness Matters

8. Beware of the Social Media Trap Beware of the social media trap. We can all attest to the fact that social media is fun, engaging and important. However, too much time spent on Facebook can be implicitly unproductive. Of course, many use social media channels as a vehicle for promoting their business, which we highly encourage, but it is important you are honest with yourself about whether you are spending time on Instagram to promote your business or to see who your friend is having lunch with and at what hot new restaurant. We encourage you to schedule time each day for your business related social media engagement. If you find you aren’t able to accomplish all that you set out to within that time frame, review for yourself if this time was spent for business or pleasure.

Be gentle with yourself. Chances are that you are not going to meet all your daily goals. This happens to the best of us. No one is 100% effective each day. This doesn’t give us the right to beat ourselves up or take it out on our families.

a foundation for even more success with DubLi Network. Time spent wisely is time well spent. It is not enough to just know what needs to get accomplished but how we spend our time and whether or not that time is spent productively. Time management is critical to maximizing and We hope we have helped you create a achieving goals with a minimum amount proper time management plan and laid of stress.

© 2016 DUBLI NETWORK All rights reserved worldwide.

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