Dubli Network | Social Media 101 for Dubli Network Business Associates

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It’s no secret that we have a digital economy based on a digital world. A world consumed with endless hours of texting, Facebook and Instagram. If you haven’t yet joined the social media train, it’s time to get onboard. Like it or not, social media is here to stay and those who learn to use it have effectively strengthened their network marketing business exponentially. In fact, more than 95% of marketers are using social media outlets as a primary vehicle for communicating with their audiences regarding products and services.

What you post is just as important as how frequently Your posts must be as inspirational as they are engaging. You must learn how to complement your personal posts with those about your DubLi Network business. “All work and no play, makes John a dull boy.” People still want to read about your personal life, thus, the term “friends” and “likes”,

but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your personal experience to showcase your success in business. It bears mentioning, while social media is fun and allows us to stay in touch, it can also be quite damaging to your business if not used properly as shared posts can live on the Internet forever.

Why? It’s instant, it’s concise, and it reaches a broad and varied audience quickly. If you are not using social media properly, you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity. For network marketers, social media marketing is not only a means for communicating with your existing team but also as a source of lead generation. Traditional advertising is a thing of the past. Today, YOU are the advertisement. Never in the history of marketing has referrals or recommendations meant as much as they do today. People trust the opinions and recommendations from friends and family and today social media is the vehicle. Social media provides the platform for increasing engagement with both people you already know and taking your message viral through the sentiments of these same people.

Don’t do or say anything on a social media post that you wouldn’t say if you were face-to-face with someone Remember, network marketing is about win-win relationships so keep your integrity, manners, and dignity high. Of course, we encourage lots of humor as long as it’s

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politically correct. In any new relationship, you must get to know someone first so be mindful about being too promotional too soon.


Use social media to become acquainted with before you turn on your selling engine If your social media audience or followers are interested or engaged, they will let you know. Share your knowledge, your interests and add value to people’s lives. Also, remember that relationships are mutually rewarding and based on give and take. Don’t expect people to engage with you if you are not engaging with them. Acknowledge, recognize, like andshare other people’s posts that you enjoy, and they will likely do the same in return.

With the recent updates to Facebook’s algorithm, not everyone will see your posts just as you won’t see theirs The way to ensure better visibility of your posts is to make certain your followers are reading, engaging and sharing your posts. Passive followers no longer matter. Your followers must take an action on your posts in order for you to be seen and heard.


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It is possible to spread yourself too thin with social media Keep in mind, you can’t be all things to all people so choose two or three outlets and maximize these channels. Prioritize so you get more out of your day. Network marketing is still a business based on relationships, and if you spread yourself too thin, you will be unable to maintain each outlet with diligence.

Set realistic and achievable goals for remaining active and thoughtful on your social media outlets Create personas for the types of people you would like to attract as partners in your business and then engage on those channels where those personas spend the most time. Chances are you are not going to find too many moms posting videos to YouTube, so focus on targeting where your potential partners live. Be consistent and committed to your business priorities. For example, we would not expect a DubLi Network Business Associate to upload photos of them at their local mall as it directly conflicts with the business they are trying to promote—online shopping.

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Be sure to always portray how you want people to see you If you are trying to promote to your team that you are serious about knowledge and education, share with them the latest book you read or the online course you are taking, i.e. practice what you preach. Almost daily, DubLi Network posts inspirational quotes by world leaders. Share these posts on your own page as a means for motivating people and showing them where your head is. People appreciate positive reinforcement and will likely follow the leader.

Create a calendar of business-related social media posts At the beginning of each week or each month, create a calendar of business-related social media posts to include in addition to your personal posts. This will prevent you wasting time trying to think of new ideas on a daily basis. For DubLi Network, there are a myriad of topics to focus on but make sure to focus on the product first, i.e. Cash Back, online shopping.

DubLi.com is an outstanding product that speaks for itself and offers consumers, regardless of where in the world they live, a valuable opportunity to save money for themselves and their families. Don’t focus on the business opportunity initially. Let your followers engage with the product and, when they use it, they will come back to you for more information.

Proper planning prevents procrastination Think about the key messages you wish to communicate with your audience and spread them over the course of the month, so they are not too repetitive but more so add value to your mission. Whatever you do, don’t spend too much time on social media. If you are spending too much time posting and chatting, you will likely have time for little else, i.e. building your DubLi Network business. Most importantly, keep your content fresh, new and inspiring. Be sure to always recognize new team members and have them share why they joined, how they are using the product, and share the love. Recognition goes a long way towards building relationships, and an attitude of gratitude is encouraged toward building lifelong partnerships and relationships.

© 2016 DUBLI NETWORK All rights reserved worldwide.

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