Dubli Network | The Challenges of Working from Home and How to Overcome Them

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Isolation and Loneliness Working from home has many advantages however it can get lonely when you are stuck in the house all day without any human interaction. Talking on the phone or communicating through social media is wonderful but it doesn’t replace the significance of eye contact or body language, it is just a voice on the other end of a device. Being alone all day is terrific when you have a large assignment to accomplish and need the solitude to think without distraction. Combat the isolation with a trip to your local Starbucks or a lunch meeting at a restaurant.

We have all met those people who say “I would love to work from home” and then, on the other hand, “I don’t have the discipline to do that.” While there is always an upside and a downside to every scenario, for network marketers, working from home is a way of life… a way of life we chose for ourselves. Working from home as a network marketer is quite different than a “remote” worker who has an office boss they need to check in with daily. Regardless, the home-based setting does present several obstacles. With some ingenuity and the following suggestions, you should be able to master the art of the home-based business environment.

DubLi Network | 2016.07.19


Get Dressed How many times have you heard “I would love to work in my pajamas”? In theory, this sounds great, in practice, not so much. We are not suggesting you put on a suit to walk down the hall but do get dressed; don’t sit around in your pajamas all day. Sleepwear suggests sleep, you are trying to work so act like it. Setting this boundary and putting yourself in a professional mindset will make you more productive. Most offices are casual these days anyway so by putting on clothes you are promoting an attitude of professionalism (even if it’s just to walk down the hall).

You Never Leave the Office One of the challenges with a home-based business is that you are always in the office: before breakfast, after school, after dinner, and before bed. You don’t have the opportunity to walk away from work because your work is always there. It’s easy to fall into the trap of “just five more minutes” or “I’ll just work on the computer while I help the kids with their homework.” When trying to manage your work/life balance, it’s important that you set a schedule with a definitive start and end time every day. Put the computer down and leave it where it is. We also recommend you set up an office in a different room where you can shut the door. In the office means working hours, out of the office means finished. Stay out of the office after work hours and make sure your family knows that when you are in the office; do not disturb. Only you can set these boundaries and they are important to uphold. Flip the switch off when you are done for the day.


DubLi Network | 2016.07.19

DubLi Network | 2016.07.19


The Self-Imposed Guilt Trip You’re Left to your Own Devices Working from home gives us flexibility, which is great if you can discipline yourself properly. If you don’t you may begin to wander, get distracted, search the Internet or play on your phone or tablet. There is no one watching over you, and no boss checking your time or productivity so you are free to manage yourself. It is no wonder people drift off into cyberspace reading endless Facebook posts or watching a new video on YouTube. Manage your time and your use of devices conscientiously. Spending 15 minutes on Facebook each hour or browsing your favorite flash sale shop for the latest specials isn’t efficient and doesn’t yield good results.

Many find working from home a privilege or an honor. Expectations breed a guilty conscience. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have the most productive day or “could have accomplished more.” If you are able to produce an income in a home-based business you have already proven you have the self-control to be successful and industrious. Not every day in an office environment is constructive; it’s not going to be any different when working from home. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of creativity and trial and error to find your flow on the best practices that work for you.

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