AIESEC Vietnam Newsletter Quarter 3

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AIESEC Vietnam


Hi AIESEC members, How is your holiday season? Hope you all enjoy your time with whatever your friends, family , study and maybe some AIESEC works. MC team is having a good feeling right now because we see the spirit and the development of entire AIESEC Viet Nam. All the time, what keep us motivated is knowing that members, somewhere in the organization, are working very hard to develop themselves and develop the organization. We are happy whenever another meeting with company has just been set, an event has just been run successfully or a new member has just been recruited by LCs around the country. These important things from LCs put a smile on our face every day and that is just what we need to overcome all challenges on the way we go. So that I want to say thanks to all the things you have done as an AIESECer to make the change possible and make our days meaningful. Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer! From MC with love,

NEWSLETTER date Quarter 3, 2011



LC Update


AIESEC Bonding


AIESECer’s Stories


Click here to send feedback


Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer!


President’s address

Consider for a moment what you are currently a part of. Right now an organisation

run entirely by youth has set itself the objective of engaging and developing every young person in the world. Imagine what this would look like in your university, your city, Vietnam as a country! The greatest thing for us is that we are the ones who are driving this organisation to achieve this goal. So ask yourself, how am I contributing to this goal? Are you truly living AIESEC’s values on a daily basis? Do you share with your friends your dreams of making the world a better place and getting them excited about making a difference also? No doubt these are not easy things to do, but it will surely make the difference to AIESEC’s success in the long term. I am proud to be an AIESECer and I hope you are too.

Quarterly review The MC and the LC EBs have been conducting a review of our results in July-September. In the first 3 months of 11-12 we have 120 exchange realisations, 21% of our 585 goal. With AIESEC’s global focus now clearly on AIESEC 2015, the MC has adjusted some of our plans to ensure that AIESEC Vietnam moves strongly toward engaging an increasing number of Vietnamese students into our 4 Experiential Leadership Development programs. Tranings

Get to know how to use new! Are you finding it difficult to use the new system? Then this should not be the case! The new is actually easy to use! you just need to know how it works! This week we will be having entire week webinar trainings on how to use for various processes you have. For a schedule on the Trainings you can click here

MC Update


MC and LC start implementing new financial model

effectively. Critical financial processes and documents are standardized nationally. Upcoming event Finance leader team will conduct internal financial auditing for all full-member LCs in October


Every element like: NFA, FFA, KPIs, KPIs Measurements in the planning process are connected with each

others. Hence, the higher KIPs Measurements the better above elements like: KPIs, FFA, NFA will be. Your most basic objective for this term is to achieve goals of the four KPIs Measurements: ‘Most basic’ means you must do it beside all else. You can have other objectives and goal for your LC but achieving these four is a must because they are national measures of success

GCDP Planning Process and Result National Focus Areas Increasing High Quality Exchange Experience

Capitalizing on Markets Networks, and Issues

Local Committee Developments

FunctionalFocus Areas Exchange Growth

Exchange Quality


Management Capality

Project Sustainability

KPIs Measurement TN overall satisfaction score EP overall satisfaction score Member engagement score Exchange pipeline GCDP Exchange Realized

KPIs TNs Satisfaction EPs Satisfaction

# Realize

#MCVP ICX Applicants

Goals 4/5 4/5 4/5 185

#LCVP ICX Applicants

Great Exp. for LCVP ICX

Profit per project

GCDP Exchange Realized



KPIs Measurements TN OSS




Profit/Loss Report





Initiatives Initiative 1

Initiative 2

Initiative 3



Next Quarter Plan Each quarter has a set of initiatives. Initiatives are strategic actions to achieve or improve KPIs Measurement. Next quarter initiatives from MC INITIATIVES EXPECTED FINISHED TIME EP Pool Segmentation Oct (end) National promotion package to EP Before Unleash (beginning) GCDP Vietnam TN market positioning Oct (end) GCDP Vietnam TN market segmentation Oct (end) Develop project management tool Oct-Dec VPP talent profile & selection method Nov (end)

MC Update


Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer!


GIP Planning Process and Result National Focus Areas Increasing High Quality Exchange Experience

Capitalizing on Markets Networks, and Issues

Local Committee Developments

Functional Focus Areas Exchange Growth

Exchange Quality

Member Development

Leadership Pipeline

KPIs Measurement TN overall satisfaction score EP overall satisfaction score Member engagement score Exchange pipeline

KPIs TN Satisfaction

EP Satisfaction

# Realize

#MCVP ICX Applicants

#LCVP ICX Applicants

GIP Exchange Realized

Great Exp. for LCVP ICX

GIP Exchange Realized MC

KPIs Measurements TN OSS




Initiatives Initiative 2

MC Update

15 10


Initiative 3


Next Quarter Plan Next quarter initiatives from MC INITIATIVES VP ICX talent profile and selection methods GIP positioning Vietnam TN market customer segmentation EP pool segmentation GIP TN Sales strategy GIP TN Sales guide Promotion package for GIP TN and EP EP Selection Skills Training GIP in 2015 context education



Initiative 1

Goals 4/5 4/5 4/5 50

EXPECTED FINISHED TIME Nov (end) Oct (end) Oct (end) Oct (end) Oct (end) Oct (end) Oct (end) Nov (end) Dec (end)

13 12


Major functional information All LCs have just finished their recruitment successfully (except from LC Da Nang) and are in preparation for induction and allocation. A promising new AIESEC generation with start their journey with AIESEC by the 1st Inducion to AIESEC seminar this Sunday. Wish all LCs successful I2A seminars.

Upcoming events In this November, AIESEC Vietnam

OGX Major functional information Focus of last quarter LC Partnership Building Till now most of country partnership are finalised with Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Thailand and India. However, LC partnerships are currently falling behind a bit in some LCs, this is the field all LC OGXs will need to work on along with Recruitment coming month. Main Recruitment preparation and selection During September, the selection of EP was well-organized, however the number of candidates are too few compare to what is expected. The lesson withdraw from this Recruitment is clear

MC Update

would like to hold 5 year anniversary for celebrating our development and achievements in the past 5 years. This is where AIESEC VIETNAM Partners, Alumni and Leaders get together, where we honor significant contributions and move forward to the future. HIGHLIGHTS: Networking Recognition & Reward Special Performance Buffet

Other cool national things

communication and expectation between OGX, TM & Com inside LC, and across LC. In next month, OGX is going to run another pocket Recruitment for EP.

Market Segmentation

National Exchange Participant Pocket Recruitment: Acknowledge the need and potential of taking more Internship opportunities for Vietnamese students during December - January, Outgoing Exchange Department of AIESEC Vietnam decided to run another National Pocket Recruitment for Exchange Participant. Promotion period is from 12/10/2011 to 30/10/2011, with ambition of recruiting more 90 EPs nationwide. If you can support OGX&Com introducing this chance to your friend/ college, please refer them to your local exchange website/promotion channels.

1st National Alumni newsletter will be released soon to all alumni in AIESEC Vietnam in this October. More than that, AIESEC Vietnam alumni association and alumni engagement calendar will be launched in very next quarter ( November). MC will communicate with LCs clearly about alumni management direction for long and short term, about MC - LC role in managing alumni in this October.

To make sure the fairness between LCs of AIESEC Vietnam about potential of growth and scaling-up the operation, national leadership group decided to divide the market of Universities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City as following: FTU HN: Membership & EP from FTU HN, FPT HN HN: Membership & EP from NEU, HANU, VNU and other out-focus Universities FTU HCM: Membership & EP from FTU HCM, BUH, UEL, FPT, Saigon Tech HCM: Membership & EP from UEH, USSH, IU, Hoa Sen, Bach Khoa University, Ton Duc Thang, Viet Nam Aviation & other out-focus Universities


Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer!

National Conferences and Events ILEAD 2012

OC ILEAD is working hard to make the most memorable conference ever. Stay

stunned with ILEAD!!! Survey (Important) (Please support OC to make it): Facebook: Website: Video:

Ignite 2012

Congratulate LC FTU HCM for being host of Ignite 2012. We firmly believe that you will make it extremely successful. Congratulate Tran Thi Ngoan - current VPF of FTU HCM for being selected as OCP of Ignite 2012. The full OC will be formed in coming time.

5 year Anniversary AIESEC has been operating in Vietnam for 5 years and an anniversary will be organized

in HCM city November this year to celebrate our achievements in past 5 years, as well as recognize the contribution of alumni and partners of AIESEC Vietnam. The participants of the event are partners, alumni and National Leadership Team (MC + EBs) Let’s give a big hand for OC of 5 year anniversary who have been chosen from 14 talented candidates.

OCP - Hoai Phuong OC P&D - Khanh Chi, Thanh Nga OC Logistics - Xuan Quynh, Nhu Ngoc

International Congress 2011

AIESEC Vietnam had 3 representatives at this year’s International Congress in Nairobi, Kenya. Scott (MCP), Giang (MCVP OGX) and Duong (LCP Hanoi) had the honour of joining 500 delegates from all of AIESEC’s 107 countries in learning more about AIESEC 2015. We also worked hard to build country partnerships for OGX and Projects which will greatly help us realise our 585 exchange goal.

Finally we gained a lot of inspiration and friendships through meeting amazing AIESEC leaders from around the world, definitely one of the great benefits of taking up a leadership role. If you’d like to know more you can read the MC IC report here MC Update


LC FTU Hanoi

Local Chapter Hanoi Foreign Trade University


From 5 - 14/7, AIESEC FTU HN

OGX team’s result in Quarter 3 Raised 5 Matched 2 Realized 16 July Pocket Recruitment: Application Form: 17 Recruited: 7

of “global citizenship” in children. In camp, children used English to co-operating with Lieu Giai High communicate to each other, which school has organized a summer gave them an ideal environment to camp named: “Global Summer camp - a 10-days event develop their language Citizen” for teenagers with the attendance of 123 skill. children and 8 interns from aged 12 - 18 in Ha Noi counreis around the world ended 123 children participatsuccessfully in Lieu Giai high with a participation of school ing in summer camp had 8 interns from USA, the chances to learn and Czech Republic, Poland, develop in an multi-cultural fun, Russia, China, Indonesia. In one day, dynamic, creative environment. children had activities relating to It has party brought to children a an extremely useful and interesting subject, focusing on building a sense summer full of difference and significance. n August 27th, Global Leadership including Vietnam. The characteristics of each culture is clearly shown Activating Day – GLAD was held by in their booth displaying their AIESEC FTU HN in Hanoi Towers . traditional clothes, games, souveThe event GLAD offered young people a big nirs, books, maps, magazines took place opportunity to meet big leaders in a multi-cultural environment ,etc, which contributing to with 2 main with various activities about leadership as well as culture a colorful global fair and sessions exchange. GLAD attracted over 600 students and 20 foreign enhancing the unity of young including: interns around the world people all over the world. Global Young The event ended successfully Leaders Conwith the attendance of over ference and 600 students and 20 foreign interns, Global Fair. Young people had the which polished AIESEC image in chance to experience different cultures from 20 countries in the world the eyes of both national and international students.

Recruitment Promotion Campaign ended successfully with 2347 form downloaded, 130 forms Member, 77 forms EP, Mem + EP Keep updating @News video monthly as a traditional internal channel of AIESEC FTU HN

Recruitment 155 forms submitted Final result: 20 candidates recruited for membership, no EP + mem LCM Local Training Seminar for newbies on 16/10 LCM for Activating Leadership Program on 16/10


Team’s new structure 3 sub teams: Sales, International Relation, Intern Service. Number of members: 8 New JD after LC restructure: ICX takes charge of Project’s GCDP exchange since September 20th Result in quarter 3 Raised 7 Matched 5 Realized 4


Comm & IM



LC Update

Training Regional skill training: Problem solving skill for oldies (October), Team work skill for newbies (November) Main program Activating Leadership Program (from September to December) Induction: RTS, LTS, First-step conference, PACA, functional training


LC Danang Local Chapter in Danang



In quarter 3, ER got 2 venue partners which support effectively team meetings and recruitment center. Got 1 sponsor for the recruitment, many potential partners for upcoming events of the LC. A pool of learning partners ready to transfer knowledge to the young talented members

Set up partnership with UPM Malaysia. All members are equipped with adequate knowledge to do their task independently


Comm & IM

Achievement Promote AIESEC DN programs successfully via FB Way forward Comm is on the way to build a website to promote Exchange



Way forward Focus mostly on recent graduates to promote and encourage them to go before Tet

Way forward

Achievement Run a sustainable operation on a low budget with high effectiveness Way forward Run project, event to get sponsorship. Realize as many EP as possible

In next quarter, ER is keep looking for more venue partners. Need to reinforce members to ER




Achievement Finish master plan with timeline and ready to upload TN form Way forward Convince MC to accept 3 matched interns instead of 3 realized interns in the 3 criteria

LC Update

ICX got training on sale

Achievement Learning event, LC Meetings, LC bondings, 100% members involve in the Recruitment operation

Way forward Running more cross-team bondings, Buddy system, learning event which involves members from different team


Local Chapter RMIT University


We have just run Pocket Recruitment with 17 applicants and

14 newbie recruited. LCM is held every month at RMIT. This upcoming LCM is aimed at motivating oldies by sharing and rewarding; introducing newbies and enhancing LC connection. We also invited alumni to come so that they wil not get lost and update about LC as well as communicate with current members.




“I - think” seminar

Sponsor raise: 0 Learning partner: 1 Venue partner: RMIT Campus District 7

Result of OGX team in quarter 3 Raised 6 Matched 1 Realized 1

“I – think Seminar” – a seminar on creativity will take place on 12 November at RMIT. This project consists of 3 phases and the Project team is now in phase 3: Sponsor and promotion.

Babel This project aims at teaching foreign languages for university students. Its current stage is finalizing proposal and forming project team.

LC Update


LC Hanoi Local Chapter in Hanoi

TM Number of application form in total for 3 categories: 193 forms Number of new member: 30 Successful RTS on 9th, October


Learning partner: VEF, Capstone, CSip, Live and Learn, Pathways Venue partner: CFVG, BUV, CnR Financial sponsor: 2,200$ AIESEC Hanoi hosted an extremely successful event in September: Consultancy Breakfast.


Result of OGX team in Quarter 3 Raised 5 Matched 10 Realized 20

Comm & IM Run promotion campaign for

recruitment: the most effective channel is Facebook and email Internal channel: effective email

Project Earth and me project

The very first project of 2011 has successfully ended its run by this August, leaving many impressive figures. At the end, there were totally over 1000 applications, with 600 to be selected, the website received nearly 10000 hits and fan-page reached almost 1500 followers

Green Planet Day

Taking place on August 28th, Green Planet Day is the biggest event of Earth & Me project, a successor edition of last year’s Global Village. Beside elaborating on saving environment, the event was also a celebration of mixed cultures from all over the world. We were proud to have Ms. Akane Hanai, UNDP Program Specialist, deliver a speech about some specific matters of the climate changes. The event was a huge hit with 250+ attendees out of 760+ registered and 18 countries in total.

Spark project

Corporate with SPARK (NGO) to run project social enterprise capacity development LC Update

AIESEC Bonding

We work hard, we play even harder

In this quarter, AIESECers in Vietnam did hold many secret bonding between LCs and LC vs MC as well. Here comes just a littile of these funny bonding

OGX Bonding (Hanoi Region)

On August, 27th OGX team of LC FTU HN and LC HN held a delicious cooking day in LC HN VP OGX Duc Nguyen’s House.

MC Mid - Autumn hang out

Be jealous with LCs, MC team also had a Mid-Autumn hang out with alumnus of AIESEC.

AIESEC Bonding

AIESEC Bonding

We work hard, we play even harder

ICX Bonding (FTU HN) On September 23th, ICX FTU HN held a bonding party called “ICX, quintessence and more�. The party attracted the whole team and an intern from Poland. Bonding did refresh all members and raise team bond among members

AIESEC Bonding

AIESECer’s Stories Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tram

I love sharing my story. It’s endlessly healing.


It is still in difficulty status in term of LC development, LC members are

still busy with their operational works, some of them is supporting VP, other team members to finish team plan and get results for team, some of them are working hard for not only improving themselves but also getting achievements for functional team, OC and LC... Now, almost time which whole LC is focusing on recruitment and preparing for newbies coming, I am so happy, motivated and proud of LC HCMC members who are working hard days and nights to get achievements for LC. I can see huge potentials in them. They are smart, talented, cheerful and possess a heart of gold. They believe in miracles, like discovery, understand the values of compassion, giving, sharing, change and wish the best for people. Deep down, they do support positive impact and do wanna do something great for them, LC and community. I strongly believe that LC HCMC members will develop more than their potential to contribute more for AIESEC Viet Nam development

Dinh Anh Thu Huong

Alumni LC FTU HN

Landed in Helsinki - Finland at mid night, first time going abroad seems a bit difficult for a

20 years-old girl. I went for study in Finland. Everything was different. Finland’s streets are quiet while streets in Vietnam are busy with people walking everywhere from early until late. Even I prepared a lot for being in a totally different culture, the first feeling was a bit shock. The way my class mates take part in party, the way they tell joke, the way they eat the way they learn are different. I still feel lonely until I know AIESEC Tampere Finland. I found that I’m home. I joined AIESEC FTU Hanoi for 1 year. It’s not a long time but long enough to make many significant impact to my attitude. I joined AIESEC again in LC Tampere-Finland. I started working for next national conference, preparing for LCM, working with LCP from Germany, VP TM from India, VP ICX from Finland, VP OGX from Russia, VP Com&IM from Vietnam and other members from all over the world… I saw how amazing AIESEC is. I felt like a newbie again in First step confernce in warm cottage in the middle of forest, continuing white night doing AIESEC stuff, enjoy AIESEC dance in each two-week LCM. Working in a multiculture team is not a easy work but after work done, we will learn a lot. The culture is not just somethings like national clothes, food or sourvenirs. Culture is also the way people behave, their attitude, believe and desire which you just can learn when you talk, work, eat and live with them in their daily life. The multiculture experience will be a part of you and make impact to your attitude for the rest of your life. AIESECer Stories

AIESECer’s From AIESECers Stories Vu Anh Kha

I love sharing my story. It’s endlessly healing.


The past August has been a mix of excitement, reflection and action. Coming back from

Ignite, the spirit and motivation still echoed in our mind, the powerful emotion and wonderful moments we had still lingered and somehow make us think deeper about our path in AIESEC. Followed by a brief summer vacation, we had time to reflect and to prepare for what is to come - the AIESEC Recruitment. Time flies so quickly, another generation is about to come, and everything seems just like yesterday. Only 4 months to go before the end of this term, and for so many of us, this is the last miles of our AIESEC journey, while there are still so much we want to accomplish. T his was w hen we decided we must not hesitate anymore. This was the time for action. Every functions straightened themselves out, focus on their responsibility, trying to achieve something that can be legacy for the next term, whatever small or big that legacy can be. In August, we killed every deadlines, we make things happen.

Phan Thao My (chuoi)


When it comes to July 2011, you properly know what happened then: Ignite

Conference. Things went so great! As any AIESECer here, I met, learnt, shared, get inspired and grew a lot. Ignite empowered me with enough vigour to rock my August to cook the biggest external event of AIESEC FTU Hanoi of 2011. I was OC Event of GLAD – Global Leadeship Activating Day. Things didn’t go as smoothly as we expected. Two weeks before the main event, we still got into troubles with offline promotion and legality, financial difficulties, venue finding and even some conflicts with interns. I got demotivated and even thought of breaking off the event. However, it was a miracle that we made it: GLAD was successfully held on August 27th, with the attendance of more than 600 students and international friends from more than 20 countries. I almost burst into tears at the closing plenery of the event: I was happy at GLAD’s success, but the last week of GLAD was also the first promotion week of X+L Fall Recruitment – and I was OCP of FTU Hanoi LC. As in GLAD, offline promotion in the campus these days was something out of reach. Also, leading a team of 6 members, in which everyone was older than me and no one had more than 6 months of AIESEC XP, was a real challenge for me. I tried my best to learn how to become a real leader, supporting OC members at my best in organizing a huge series of events along September: Regional IS, Local IS, AC, Pre-interview, Group work week, SRB and Final interview. After several months working together, we proudly brought 21 newbies and … new EPs to AIESEC FTU Hanoi. Living AIESECly to the fullest everyday is not something difficult. AIESECer Stories

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