Duck River Valley Chronicle 1807 - 1859

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• Maury •


Spring – Alexander Henderson builds a “Tub Mill” one mile East of present day Columbia on south bank of Duck River, one quarter mile above mouth of Lytles Creek, later called the “Horsley place.”

Spring – Remaining Zion settlers from South Carolina arrive at new settlement.

Spring – Williams Ferry Est. across Duck River near present day Williamsport.

Spring – Laird Boyd settles 1.5 miles East of Columbia on south side of Duck River, home later owned by heirs of William Pillow.

May 29 – Clan J. Grese, a traveling Englishman from New Orleans to Philadelphia on Natchez Trace reports in his diary he stayed at “Smith’s Tavern” some 16 miles southwest of Franklin.

Summer – Jonathan Webster, Revolutionary War veteran settles on banks of Big Bigby Creek near present day Cross Bridges.

Summer - Mr. Benjamin Thomas builds log cabin home on present day Mooresville road (Doublehead Trace) He later erects a brick home on the site.

Summer – John Spence, first Sheriff of Maury County builds log cabin in Southeast section of old Columbia, Spencer also builds a Saw Mill on Lytles Creek near mouth of Creek, and later builds a Grist mill there.

Summer – William Bradshaw, 2nd Sheriff of Maury County, builds log home 1 mile Southeast of Columbia on Lytles Creek.

July 26 – Heirs of Nicholas Long Jr. convey his interest in 5000 acre land grant of his fathers estate to Anthony Bledsoe for money his father owed Bledsoe.

Sept – Several new members of Zion Society move on land set aside for log cabin construction in Maury County.

Fall – Columbia Post office est., Post Master was Dr. L. B. Ester.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Federal Govt. abandons Tellico blockhouse.

Feb – Andrew Jackson in fight runs his sword through Samuel Jackson.

March – Gallatin Jockey Club Est. at Clover Botttom in Gallatin.

Spring – Williamson County builds first brick court house in Franklin.

June – Chief Doublehead assassinated by fellow Cherokee’s at Hiawassee for signing treaty.

Summer – Fort Southwest Point at Kingston abandoned.

Summer – Bank of Nashville chartered, Tennessee's first bank.

Summer – Belle Meade plantation Est. by John Harding with 250 acre purchase on old “Natchez Trace”, 7 miles from Nashville.

Sept 21 – Capital moved to Kingston. Tn.

Sept – Sam Houston and family moved from Virginia to Blount County, Tn., he later taught school at Maryville.

Nov 4 – Gov. John Sevier re-elected governor.

Nov 16 – Maury County Est., named to honor Abram Maury, portion taken from part of Williamson and Dickson Counties. Columbia is County seat. Bledsoe County created, Pikesville is county seat. Warren County created, McMinnville is county seat.

Dec – Hickman, Rhea, Bedford and Franklin Counties created.

Dec 20 – First Maury County Court meets in Joseph Brown log home on Lytles Creek, 4 miles south of present day Columbia. •


• United States •


Feb 11 – First Anthracite coal discovered at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and used as heat source.

April 6 – John Jacob Astor incorporates the American Fur Company.

April 14 – First Temperance Society founded in Moreau, New York.

May 21 – Eston Hemmings , born to slave Sally Hemmings, owned by Thomas Jefferson. (Later shown by DNA in 1998 to be child of Jefferson.)

July – St Louis incorporated as city.

Nov – Osage Indian Treaty signed, allows Cherokee to move to Arkansas.

Dec 7 – James Madison re-elected President.

Dec 29 – Andrew Johnson, future 17th President of US, born in Raleigh, North Carolina.

• World •

Jan 1 – Serra Leone becomes British Colony.

Feb 2 – French troops occupy Papal States.

Feb 16 – Napoleon troops invade Portugal.

Feb – Napoleon invades Spain.

March 2 – Russian troops invade Finland.

March 23 – King Charles IV forced to abdicate by Napoleon Bonaparte, Josef Bonaparte made King. Of Spain by Napoleon.

May 30 – Napoleon annexes Tuscany.

July 20 – Napoleon decreed all Jews must adopt a family name.

Nov – Prussia introduces Municipal governments at local level.


• Maury


Feb – Wm. Bond, son-in-Law of Major Geo. Doherty, a Revolutionary War veteran awarded 5000 acres land grant in Spring Hill area arrived with widow Doherty and daughter in area.

March 7 – Anthony Bledsoe heirs convey 843 acres of 5000 acre land grant in Maury County to John White.

March 21 – Maury County Court meets in Colonel Joseph Brown log home on Lytle Creek, Isaac Roberts Chairman. Orders Edmond Harris to oversee road construction from Duck River , near mouth of Fountain Creek to dividing ridge between Hurricane Creek and the Mead branch, south and west of McCutchan’s Trace.

Spring – Samuel Oliphant builds first flatboat to take crop down Duck River to New Orleans.

Spring – Sara Fly died, earliest marked grave in Maury County, buried in Water Valley.

May 30 – John White sells 150 acres of his newly acquired land to Maury County Commissioners to Est. City of Columbia.

Summer – James Dooley and son, William settled at large spring on old Shandon site. Present day site of Grace Church of Nazarene built in 1955 on Highland Ave., or old Campbellville Pike, “Shandon built in 1850’s tore down.

Summer – First “Wheat Fan” made and used in Maury County by Reuben Rieves and Michael Lancaster near Fountain Creek. Prior farmers “Threshed” wheat with whale pole, then fanned chafe from wheat with a sheet..

Summer – Abram Hamon builds log home on present site of Spring Hill.

Aug – City lots in Columbia auctioned, 109 lots sold for total of $20,153.25 . Number 17 on south side of west 7th street sold to Nortum Gunn for $905, later occupied by Rosenthals and Phoenix National Bank. Number 19, sold for $500 on corner later occupied by Woldridge Company and Anderson Brothers & Foster, B A Satterfield & Company and Herald office. Other purchases made by Abner Pillow, William Frierson, John M Goodloe and A.O.P. Nicholson.

Aug 31 – Alfred Osborne Pope Nicholson Jr. born near Carter’s Creek. (Elected state Representative 1833-37, State Senator 1843-45, appointed US Senator by James K Polk following death of Felix Grundy 1840-42, Editor, Chief Justice Tennessee Supreme Court.)

Sept 2 – Contract to build new 30x60 Maury County brick courthouse on Columbia Square awarded to Nicholson & Goodloe.

Dec 20 – Maury County Court meets in log house on Columbia public square, appoints town Marshal for Columbia.

• Tennessee

Fly cemetery

Summer – Davy Crocket and wife, Polly Finley move to Moore County, near present day Lynchburg., Tn.


• United States


Feb 3 – Congress creates Illinois Territory.

Feb 12 – Abraham Lincoln born in Hardin County, Ky.

Feb 20 - US Supreme Court rules Pennsylvania’s nullification of Federal law unconstitutional.

March 1 – Congress repeals unpopular Embargo Act.

March 4 – James Madison inaugurated.

April – James Audubon begins banding birds near Pittsburg to follow migration patterns.

• •

June – First steam powered ocean ship, Phoenix, sails from New York City to Chesapeake Bay, built by John Stevens.

• World •

Jan 19 – Edgar Allen Poe , American writer and Poet born in Boston, Mass.

Feb 12 – Charles Darwin born in England.

April 10 – Austria declares war on France.

April 20 – Napoleon defeats Austria in Battle of Ebensburg, Bavaria.

May 31 – Composer Franz Joseph Haydn died, 77

June 6 – King Gustavus IV disposed, Sweden declared independent, Est. Constitutional monarchy.

July 5 – Pope Pius VII taken prisoner in France.

Aug – Russians begin settlement of Alaska.

Dec 16 – Napoleon divorces Josephine

June 8 – Thomas Paine died in obscurity in New York City, 72, writer of essay “Common Sense”, “Rights of Man” and “Age of Reason.”

Aug 17 – Alexander Campbell, former Presbyterian minister organizes new Christian sect, “Campbellites.”

Sept 30 – Indian tribes of Northwest sign treaty of Fort Wayne with Governor William Henry Harrison, cedes land on Wabash River to United States.

Oct 2 – Tecumseh and his brother, the Prophet, begin organizing campaign to unite Indian tribes against white man.

Oct 27 – President Madison orders annexation of West Florida


• Maury


• Tennessee

Spring – Colonel James Turner Sanford settled on Cathy’s Creek, (Rutherford Creek)

Spring – “Chattanooga Road” opened between Nashville and Ross’s landing.

Spring – Griffin Ferry Est. to cross Duck River at mouth of Snow Creek.

April – Tennessee legislature creates Humphrey, Giles and Lincoln Counties.

April 11 – Jenkins Whiteside elected to US Senate to replace Daniel Smith.

Summer – Franklin Masonic hall est.

Fall – Tennessee legislature passes law requiring Circuit Court in each county.

Sept – Jeremiah Cherry appointed Constable in Maury County

Oct 11 – Meriwether Lewis commits suicide at Grinder’s Stand on Natchez Trace, then in Maury County.

Nov 14 – Greenwood cemetery Est. on 2 acres of land in Columbia.

Nov 5 – Willie Blount elected Governor of Tennessee.

Nov 16 – Maury County Circuit Court est. by State legislature.

Nov 23 – Woodward Academy chartered for Columbia, East of Burns Spring.

Dec – Maury County Court numbers 14 districts based on militia companies formed in area. (By 1819 there were 26 districts.)

Dec – Maury County Court elects Samuel H Williams Sheriff. •


• United States


Feb 4 – Cumberland Presbytery

March 16 – US Supreme Court overturns Georgia state law on sale of Yazoo land to Tennessee land company.

• World

March 11 – Napoleon Bonaparte married Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria by proxy.

April 19 Venezuela declared independence from Spain.

July 9 – Napoleon annexes Holland.

July 20 – Columbia declares independence from Spain.

Sept 18 – Chile declared independence from Spain.

June – Bermuda grass first grown in US.

July 5 – PT Barnum born, founder of Barnum & Bailey circus.

Aug – US population set at 7.2 million, 16 percent slaves.

Sept 26 – West Florida Americans seize Baton Rouge, declare a Republic and petition US for annexation.

Oct 27 – President Madison claims Western Florida as US possession.


• Maury •


Jan – Hugh and Sarah McCain settled south of Columbia, Cumberland Presbyterian church organized.

Spring – “Upper Duck River” settlement on Rutherford Creek petition Maury County Court for road from Sanford’s Cotton gin to Columbia. (Sanford road built)

Spring – New brick Maury County jail erected with stocks and bonds on East 6th street between north main and Embargo street. (Woodland street today)

Spring – Jeremiah Cherry erected large two story frame house on North Main in Columbia to operate as Tavern on lot #7, later Son-in Law Pleasant Nelson erected Nelson House on the site in 1828. (AKA: Columbia Inn and Wayside Inn)

June 21 – Orphan, Nathan Vaught, age 10 bound to James Purcell to learn cabinet making trade by Maury County Court, also he was to be instructed to read, write and cipher by “Rule of Three.”

Summer – Maury County’s first newspaper, “The Western Chronicle” Est. by James Walker and Thomas Easton.

Summer – Maury County begins construction of first brick court house on public square.

Aug 5 – First stone foundation laid for 2nd Zion Church.

Sept 26 – Peter R. Booker granted license by Maury County Court to operate Cotton Gin.

Oct 26 – Eleazer Alexander died, came to Maury County in 1808, settled on land granted to Revolutionary war veteran, Benjamin Carter.

Nov 25 – First Circuit Court held in Columbia.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Andrew Jackson and Rachel received new born baby they adopted from Severin Donelson, a twin named Andrew Jackson Jr.

Feb 4 – Cumberland Presbyterian Church founded in Dickson, Tn. by Finus Ewing, Samuel King and Samuel McAdow.

Spring – Davy Crocket moved to Franklin County on Bean’s Creek near present day Winchester, Tn.



• United States •


• World

Jan 10 – 400 slaves revolt in New Orleans, led by free mulatto, Charles Deslonde from Haiti, revolt fails. •

Feb 5 – King George III son, Prince George of United Kingdom, becomes Prince Regent because of the insanity of king George III.

Feb 20 – President Madison signs proclamation to make Baton Rogue part of Territory of Orleans.

Feb 20 – Austria declares bankruptcy.

March 4 – Congress votes to close Bank of United States.

March 13 – British defeat French in Battle of Lissa.

March 25 – Great Comet of 1811 discovered by Honore Flaugergues, French Astronomer.

March 27 – British defeat Denmark in naval battle of Anholt.

May 14 – Paraguay declares independence from Spain.

May 16 – Portugal, Spain and Great Britain defeat French in Battle of Albuera.


Spring – Tecumseh begins journey south to win allegiance of Cherokee, Creek and Choctaw Indians to support war against whites.

Oct 20 – Nicholas J Roosevelt arrives at Louisville, Ky. from Pittsburgh on wood burner steamboat “New Orleans”, sails down Ohio River and Mississippi River to New Orleans, arrives in Dec.

Nov 6 – General William Henry Harrison defeated Tecumseh and his brother , “The Prophet” in Battle of Tippecanoe Creek” on Wabash River in Indiana.

• Maury


Jan – General Richard Winn, famous Revolutionary War soldier moved to Maury County on 5000 acre land grant named Winnsboro, later renamed “Blocker’s Shop” and then “Sawdust” because of large sawdust pile created by S.P. Jones and W.R. McKennon saw mill there in 1858.

Feb 17 – Jones Kendrick’s son, Olsimus donated one acre of land to Fountain Creek Church, 3/4 mile west of present day Culleoka. Jones Kendrick was Revolutionary War veteran who received 5000 acre land grant that included present day Culleoka area

March – Duck River has first recorded disastrous flood.

March 28 – Columbia First Presbyterian church organized, Pastor Gideon Blackburn, church met in court house until 1823.

Spring – Old Brick Presbyterian Church built on Rutherford Creek on land donated by Ezekiel Polk. (Sanford Church)

April 23 – Nathaniel Cheairs Jr. purchased 300 acres on Sam Johnson branch of Rutherford Creek from Leroy Pope, land formally owned by Ezekiel Polk.

Spring – John Blanton settled along Wally's Creek, off Rutherford Creek. (Blanton Chapel area off Greens Mill road)

June 2 – Patrick McGuire settled in Maury County on old Santa Fe pike. (present day Bellaire Nursing Home site)

June 29 – Rev. John Hunter, Primitive Baptist church minister dedicated 2.75 acres as cemetery near Mt Pleasant., Salem Presbyterian Baptist Church and Hunter’s Meeting house erected ½ mile south of Mt. Pleasant.

Summer – Holland Ferry Est. above Columbia on Duck River by James Holland, a Revolutionary War Veteran.

Aug 11- Caroline O Reilly born, daughter of Dr. James C Reilly, on upper Bear Creek highland.

Sept 30 – Isaac Roberts and Joseph Brown organized Corporation named Columbia Power and Water company.

Nov 28 – Felix Grundy admitted for law practice in Maury County.

Dec 17 – William Bradshaw elected Sheriff by Maury County Court.

Dec 27 – Second big New Madrid earthquake felt in Maury County.

• Tennessee •

March 30 – Great Comet of 1811 appears over Tennessee and remains visible for 268 days.

Spring – Davy Crocket and wife Polly and two sons , John and William, settled in Lincoln County, Tn.

May – City of Murfreesboro chartered.

Aug – First city lots of Pulaski, Giles County sold.

Dec 16 – New Madrid earthquake creates Reelfoot Lake, backs Mississippi river up, shakes entire mid-west.


• United States


Jan 12 – First cargo from Natchez shipped by Steamboat arrives in New Orleans.

Feb 11 – President Madison bans trade with Great Britain.

• World •

Jan 9 – Napoleon seized Pomerania, (Germany).

March 15 – Russians Est. first settlement in California.

May 11 – The Waltz, introduced to English Ballrooms.

June 12 – Napoleon invades Russia.

April 1 – Congress passes trade Embargo Act to forbid trade with Britain, France and Spain.

April 30 – Louisiana admitted to union as slave state.

June 4 – President Madison signs bill to rename remaining portion of Louisiana Purchase land north of 33rd parallel, The Missouri Territory, includes District of Arkansas.

June 18 – US Congress declares war on Britain, War of 1812 begins.

July 12 – General William Hull marched 200 miles with 1500 men from Ohio to Detroit, invades Canada.

July 22 – The Duke of Wellington troops defeat the French in Battle of Salamanca, Spain.

July 17 – British force garrison at Fort Michilimackinac, Mich. to surrender.

July 23 – Napoleon attacks Czar Alexander I in Battle of Mogilev.

Aug 16 – British capture Fort Detroit,

Aug 19 – USS Constitution sinks British Frigate “Guerriere” on St. Lawrence waterway.

Sept 10 – Commodore Perry defeats British fleet at Put-in Bay on Lake Erie.

Sept 14 – Napoleon occupies Moscow, sets fire to city, 90 percent destroyed.

Oct 19 – Napoleon retreats from Moscow.

Oct 23 – Coup against Napoleon fails in France.

Oct 16 – American forces defeated at Queenstown, Ontario.

Nov 23 – General Henry Dearborn defeated in Battle of Montreal.

Dec 2 – President Madison re-elected president.


• Maury


Jan 23 – New Madrid earthquake shakes Maury County.

Feb 4 – Fourth Madrid earthquake shakes Maury County.

March – John Cook returns to Maury County with first wagon load of salt from Shawneetown, Illinois.

March 28 – Giles County man sounds alarm that 2000 killed 25 families on Bradshaw’s Creek and moving on Columbia, General Isaac Roberts calls up Militia, proves to be false alarm.

Spring – Bishop Francis Asbury (Methodist) visits Franklin and visits home of Nathaniel Cheairs in Spring Hill.

May 19 – Felix K Zollicoffer born in Bigbyville.

May – Samuel Polk, father of James K Polk ,17 after long sickly childhood took him to Danville, Kentucky where Dr. Ephraim McDowell preformed a surgical procedure to remove kidney stones from his bladder without anesthesia , probably resulting infertility.

Sept – General Richard Winn & family move into Maury County on 5000 acre tract one mile north of Williamsport.

Fall – Joseph Brown donates land to est. Lytes Creek Meeting House, adjacent to old Brown cemetery.

Nov – Hunter’s Cemetery near present day Mt. Pleasant register’s first burial with Ruth Pickard, wife of John Pickard.

Nov 25 – Band of Creek Indians attack Joseph Underwood near Bear Creek.

Dec – First McCain’s Cumberland Presbyterian Church erected of logs, Hugh McCain donates land. Church also served as school.

Dec 12 – James Reese sold 2 acres land from his 5,000 acre military land grant for construction of Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, AKA: Reese’s Church, Trustee’s Silas Alexander, Samuel Ashmore & Samuel McKnight.

• Tennessee

April – Red Stick Creek Indians kill several settlers at mouth of Duck River. (Waverly)

May - Tennessee legislature meets in Nashville.

Nov – Bishop McKendree and Ashbury organize Tennessee Methodist conference at old Fountain Head Church in Portland, TN.

Dec 10 – Cumberland River froze over, below zero temperatures


• United States


Jan 22 – British and Indian allies defeated near Frenchtown, Michigan on Raisin River.

March 4 – James Monroe inaugurated for second term.

April – John Audubon reports that a large flock of Passenger Pigeons took three days to migrate past Louisville, Ky.

April 27 – American forces capture York, Ontario , but withdraw, General Zebulon Pike killed.

April 29 – Rubber is patented.

May 9 – General William Henry Harrison breaks 10 day siege by British at Fort Meigs, Ohio.

May 27 – Colonel Winfield Scott defeats British at Fort George, Ontario.

Aug 2 – American forces defeat British in Battle of Fort Stephenson, near Sandusky, Ohio.

Aug 30 – Red Stick Creeks led by Chief Red Eagle (AKA: William Weatherford), a half breed attacks Fort Mims, $0 mile north of Mobile, killing 300 whites.

Sept 7 – “Uncle Sam” term first used to refer to US Govt. used in New York Post newspaper.

Sept 10 – Commodore Oliver Perry defeats British fleet on Lake Erie.

Sept – Nathaniel Stevens produced first Flannel fabric in north Andore, Mass.

Oct 5 – General William Henry Harrison defeats British in Battle of Thames in Ontario, kills Chief Tecumseh.

Nov 7 – General Andrew Jackson and Colonel John Coffee attack and defeat Red Stick Indians at Tallussahatchee, Alabama, killing 186.

Nov 9 – General Jackson attacks Creeks at Talladega, Al, killing 300, Jackson takes 3 year old Creek orphan.

Dec 29 – British burn Buffalo, New York.

• World •

Jan 11 – First pineapples planted in Hawaii.

Jan 28 – Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” novel published in England.

March 29 - Mexican War of Independence begins.

May 2 – Napoleon wins Battle of Lutzen in Germany.

May 20 – Napoleon wins Battle of Bautzen against Austria, Russia and British.

June 21 – Duke of Wellington with British, Spanish and Portuguese troops wins Battle of Vitonia.

Aug 23 – Napoleon defeats Russian, and Prussian in Battle of Katzbach.

Aug 26 – Napoleon defeats Russian, Prussian and Austrians in Battle of Kulm.

Oct 14 – Simon Bolivar declared liberator of Venezuela.

Oct 16 – Napoleon defeated at Battle of Leipzig.

Oct 24 – Persia and Russia sign Treaty of Gulistan to end war, Persia (Iran) cedes all territory north of Aras River.


1813 • Maury •

Feb 14 – Rev. John Crane, Methodist Circuit rider died from pneumonia at Goshen church after swimming Duck River to preach at the church.

March – John Campbell and wife, Sarah Kimbrough build large yellow Popular log home at present day Campbell’s Station site.

April 9 – General Andrew Jackson and Tennessee volunteer’s return to Columbia from Natchez to “Muster Out”, Jackson earns “Ole Hickory” title.

May – Williamsport Methodist meeting house Est.

Summer – Maury County has first “Black tongue” epidemic (Yellow fever) , General Isaac Roberts (Father of Maury County) died from disease. First Chairman of Maury County court, served in Revolutionary war, Indian fighter, War of 1812, buried off Rogers Ford road (near present day Sam Johnson and Baker road in American trailer park)

July 13 – Samuel Polk enrolled his son, James K Polk in Zion Academy, taught by Rev. Robert Henderson.

• Tennessee •

Jan 8 – Colonel Thomas Hart Benton and William Hall depart Nashville by flatboat down the Cumberland and Mississippi Rivers with two regiments of Tennessee Volunteers to meet General Andrew Jackson in Natchez.

Jan 15 – General John Coffee depart Nashville with Calvary and Tennessee Volunteers marching south on “Columbia Highway” (Natchez Trace) through Maury County enroute to Natchez , General Jackson and two Regiments travel by flat boat to Natchez, await orders.

Feb 4 – General Andrew Jackson and Tennessee volunteer’s arrive in Natchez and informed to disband and return to Nashville.

Spring – Polly Crocket, wife of Davy Crocket died. Giving birth to daughter, Margaret in Franklin county, Tn.

Spring – Franklin population reported at 1500.

June – Davy Crocket and family move to Franklin County, Tn. Davy enlists twice as volunteer in Creek Indian War.

Sept 4 – Andrew Jackson and John Coffee involved in gunfight with Benton brother’s in Nashville Inn, Jackson severely wounded.

Sept – John Ross and John Miegs Est. “Trading post” at Ross’s landing on Tennessee River with contract from US Govt. to trade with Indians. (Chattanooga)

Oct 7 – General Andrew Jackson assumes command of Tennessee militia at Fayetteville, Tn.

Dec 8 – Capt. William Kirk from Maury County forms “Spy Company” joins General Jackson in first Seminole war, Samuel Spencer writes in diary marching up Fountain Creek to “Lin Creek” , crossed Richland Creek, followed Richland Creek to Pulaski, camped 4 miles from Elk river, marched to Huntsville to join General Jackson.


• United States •


Jan 22 – Red Stick Creek Indians attack General Jackson forces near Tohopeka, Jackson withdraws to Fort Strothers.

March 27 – General Jackson attacks and defeats Red Stick Creeks at Horseshoe Bend (Tohopeka0, killing over 600 and capturing 300 in Northern Alabama. Spring – Francis C. Lowell builds power loom in Waltham, Mass. , first powered American cotton factory.

June 18 – Andrew Jackson appointed as Major General of US Army by President Madison, William Carroll appointed as General of Tennessee militia.

July – First American circular saw invented by Benjamin Cummings.

July 22 – Shawnee, Delaware, Seneca's, Wyandot and Miami Indians in Ohio agree to join British in War against US.

• World •

Jan 14 – Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden in exchange for West Pomerania as part of Treaty of Kiel.

Jan 29 – Napoleon’s French Army wins battle of Bienne.

Feb 11 – Norway proclaims independence.

March 30 – Six European coalition forces (Spain, Portugal, Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Netherlands) march into Paris.

April 10 – Duke of Wellington wins battle of Toulouse.

April 11 – Emperor Napoleon I abdicates, Louis XVII becomes King of France.

May 30 – First Treaty of Paris signed, return’s France’s border’s to original 1792 location, Napoleon I exiled to island of Elba.

Aug 13 – British and Netherlands sign treaty.

Dec 24 – Treaty of Ghent signed by British and john Quincy Adams in Belgium to officially end War of 1812.

Aug 9 – General Jackson forces Creek Indians to cede millions of acres of land in Alabama and Florida in Treaty of Fort Jackson.

Aug 22 – General Andrew Jackson captures Mobile, Alabama.

Aug 25 – British sail up Chesapeake Bay, land troops, capture Washington DC, burn Capital and White house.

Sept 14 – Fort McHenry attacked by British in Baltimore, Francis Scott keys witnesses defense of fort and writes poem “O say can you see” which becomes national anthem “Star Spangled Banner”

Oct 21 – Congress authorizes purchase of Thomas Jefferson library of 7000 books for $23,950

Nov 7 – General Andrew Jackson defying orders, captures Pensacola, Fl. From Spanish and drives British off.

Dec 23 - General Jackson with 2000 men and pirate, Jean LaFite prepare defenses at New Orleans.


• Maury


Spring – James Peter’s erected log Methodist Church in Spring Hill, established Peter’s Camp Ground.

April – Major John Bullock, J.O. Cook and James Blakely brought salt on keelboat from Shawneetown, Ill.

• Tennessee •

Feb 9 – Tennessee Senator George Washington Campbell appointed Sec. of Treasury by President James Madison.

Aug 9 – General Andrew Jackson and Creeks sign treaty ceding 2/5 of Georgia and ¾ of present day Alabama., 23 million acres.

Sept 1 – James Robertson died at Chickasaw Agency in West Tennessee on land survey, 72. (Memphis)

Nov 4 – Joseph McMinn elected Governor of Tennessee.

Dec 21 – General William Carroll and Tennessee militia arrive in New Orleans to re-enforce General Jackson.

Dec – Manumission Society of Tennessee founded by Quakers, Charles Osborn of Greene County.

James Robertson

Nov 22 – William Brown surrenders his license for ferrying at Northeast corner of Columbia.


• United States •


• World

Jan 8 – Battle of New Orleans fought, 700 British killed, 13 Americans killed, three Maury County citizens killed, James Moore, Elias Hossell and James H Smith.

Spring – Gold discovered in northern Georgia along Chestatee River on Cherokee land, starts gold rush and move to displace Cherokee Indians from their home lands.

Feb 26 – Napoleon and 1200 supporters escape Elba, return to France.

March 20 – Napoleon re-enters Paris with 200,000 soldiers, king Louis XVII flees Paris.

April 5 – Mount Tombora in Dutch East Indies blows its top, killing 96,000. Event caused year without summer in 1816.

April 10 – Austria declares war on Naples.

June 8 – 39 German states unite into Confederation.

June 16 – Napoleon defeats Prussian's in Battle of Ligny.

June 18 – Duke of Wellington defeats napoleon in Battle of Waterloo.

June 22 – Napoleon abdicates 2nd time.

July 8 – King Louis XVII returns to Paris.

July 17 – Napoleon surrenders at Rochefort to British.

Oct 15 – Napoleon exiled to St Helena in Atlantic.

General Andrew Jackson at Battle of New Orleans

Aug – First Catholic Cathedral in US completed, “Cathedral of the Assumption” in Baltimore, Maryland.


• Maury


Spring – Moses Frierson builds Grist mill on Lick Creek.

April 15 – Thomas Jones Hardeman married daughter of Ezekial Polk and bought 200 acres on Hurricane Creek branch of Carter’s Creek in Maury County adjoining land of Ezekial, William and Samuel Polk.

May 24 – William H Polk, brother of James K Polk born in Columbia, US Congressman- 1851-53, died Dec 16, 1862, buried in Greenwood cemetery.

Summer – Woodward academy built, two story brick school on two acres, just east of Burns spring, later renamed Columbia Academy, Male Brick academy, and Columbia college.

Aug – James K Polk enters University of North Carolina as sophomore.

Sept. – Ebenezer Smith, one of Mt Pleasants earliest setters erected a Chestnut log cabin that later serves Hat store and today serves as the Breckenridge Antique store at 205 N. Main Street in Mt. Pleasant.

• Tennessee

March – Polly Crockett, wife of David Crockett died, near Morristown, TN ;age 26, leaving three children, John 7, William 6 and Polly 3.

July – David Crockett married widow, Elizabeth Patton.,Age 29

Sept 24 – John Sevier died surveying Creek Treaty boundaries, 70, died near Fort Decatur on East bank of Tallapoosa River.

Oct 9 – City of Franklin incorporated.

Nov 4 – Joseph McMinn elected governor of Tennessee, served three terms.

Dec 25 – David and Elizabeth Crockett gave birth to daughter, Rebecca on Shoal Creek in Lawrence County, TN.


• United States


March – Methodist Bishop , Francis Asbury died, Father of American Methodism.

April 2 – Second Bank of US created by Congress

May – “Year without Summer” , frost, sleet and hail ravage crops, killing corn as result of volcanic eruption at Mt. Tamboro in Bali in 1815.

May 20 -

July 27 – 270 runaway fugitive slaves killed by self ignited powder stores explosion after 10 day siege at Fort Apalachicola, Fla.

Sept 14 – Chickasaw Indians cede claims to land south of Tennessee River.

Dec 4 – James Monroe elected President.

Dec 11- Indiana becomes 19th state in union.

• World

Spring – First photographic negative developed by French chemist, Joseph H Niepce.

July 9 – Argentina declares independence from Spain.

Nov – Java restored to Netherlands control.

Dec 10 – Dutch regain Sumatra.


• Maury


Feb 19 – General Isaac Roberts died of Black tongue.

Spring – Jones Kendrick, a Revolutionary War veteran died at his 500 acre land grant farm that included present day Culleoka.

Spring – Samuel Polk begins construction of “Polk Ancestral Home” in Columbia.

April 23 – William Stuart Fleming born in Maury County, noted Maury County lawyer, Judge and historian.

Aug 1 – “Western Chronicle” published first Maury County newspaper.

Aug 29 – William L Williford opens Manuel Labor school near Martin T Cheairs place and Colonel Sanford’s place at William Winters Tan yard location. Later becomes site of Jackson College built in 1833, and renamed “Union Seminary school” after Jackson College moved to Columbia.

• Tennessee •

Jan – John Eaton begins writing “The Life of Andrew Jackson”, following the death of John Reid who started the effort and wrote the first four chapters.

Spring – Nashville Female Academy founded.

Sept 14 – Cherokee Indians sign treaty with General Jackson and cede millions of acres of tribal lands in Georgia and Alabama.

Sept 16 – Davy and Elizabeth Crocket gave birth to son, Robert in Lawrence County, TN.

Sept 20 - Chickasaw Indians sign treaty with General Jackson and cede millions of acres of Mississippi territory.

Sept 24 – Choctaw Indians sign treaty with General Jackson and cede millions of acres of land in Mississippi and Tennessee.

Oct – Brainerd Mission School Est. near present day Chattanooga to teach Cherokee Indians.


• United States •


• World

Jan – President Monroe pardons pirate Jean Laffite for his support of General Andrew Jackson in Battle of New Orleans., Laffite moves to Texas and begins pirating again.

March 3 – Alabama territory created from Mississippi Territory by Congress.

March 4 – James Monroe inaugurated as president of US.

March 15 – New York legislature authorizes construction of Erie Canal, linking Buffalo to Albany.

April 10 – US and Britain agree to treaty limiting number and size of warships on Great Lakes.

June – Thomas Gilpin of Wilmington, Del. Produces first machine made paper in US.

June – General Andrew Jackson, Governor McMinn and General David Meriwether negotiate a treaty with lower town Cherokee Indians to cede Sequatchie Valley in Georgia and land in northern Alabama in exchange for small annual annuity and land in Arkansas territory on White River.

Summer – First steamboat sails up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers from New Orleans to Cincinnati.

July – First section of National Highway (Cumberland road) from old Fort Cumberland to Baltimore, MD. completed.

July – Henry Clay of Kentucky imports first Hereford cattle into US.

Sept – First rolled Iron produced in Plumstock Rolling Mill in Pennsylvania.

Sept – Harvard opens law school.

Dec 10 – Mississippi becomes 20th state of union.

Dec 26 – President Monroe orders General Andrew Jackson to drive Seminole Indians from Western Florida, First Seminole War begins.

Feb 12 – Argentine/Chilean Army defeat Spanish in Battle of Chacaburo.

June 24 – First Coffee planted in Hawaii (Kona).


• Maury


Jan – Samuel Polk and family move from northern Maury County to new Polk brick home in Columbia.

Spring – Mt Pleasant area settlers begin construction of road leading south toward Campbell’s Ferry on Tennessee River, near present day Florence, Ala. Road later became Jackson military road.

Summer – Williamsport first platted and incorporated.

July – Construction of first bridge across Duck River at Columbia begins, contractor is Mr. Coltart is killed from fall from bridge while working on it.

Nov 17 – City of Columbia chartered and incorporated.

• Tennessee

Spring – Tennessee legislature Est. Overton, Morgan, Marion and Lawrence Counties, one district in southwest Maury County given to Lawrence county.

Spring – Davy Crocket moves to Lawrence County with wife, Elizabeth Patton.

• •

Columbia City lots plotted Nov 25 – Davy Crockett named as one of 12 magistrates by state legislature for newly formed Lawrence County, TN.


• United States •


Jan 5 – First regular scheduled Trans-Atlantic passenger ship from new York City to London begins on Black Ball line.

March 18 – Congress passes Pension Act for veterans of Revolutionary War.

April 4 – Congress adopts US flag with 13 red and white stripes and one star for each state.

April 7 – General Andrew Jackson captures St. Marks. Florida with Tennessee volunteers, executes two British citizens Alexander Arbuthnot and John Armbrister for helping Seminoles.

April – Brooks brothers clothing store opens in New York City.

Spring – Fredrick Douglas, black civil rights leader born , (original name Bailey)

May 25 – General Andrew Jackson captures Pensacola, Fl.

July – Golf introduced in US by Scotch.

July – Free Negros of Philadelphia organize the “Pennsylvania Augustine society” to educate people of color.

Aug 23 – Steamboat service begins on Great Lakes.

Oct – Cumberland road opened between Baltimore and Wheeling , Virginia for wagons.

Oct 19 – General Andrew Jackson and Isaac Shelby negotiate treaty with Chickasaw Indians that cedes all claims in Tennessee and Kentucky by bribing mixed blood Chief, Levi Colbert and his brothers to gain 10,700 sq miles of Western Tennessee and Kentucky land.

Oct 20 – US and British agree to 49th parallel as US/Canadian border in west.

Nov – Florence, Alabama surveyed and platted by Cypress land company after purchase of land from US.

Dec 3 – Illinois becomes 21st state in union.

• World •

Jan 1 – Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein” published

Feb 12 – Chile declares independence from Spain.

May 5 – Karl Marx, author of communist manifesto born in Prussia.

May 11 – Charles XIV crowned King of Norway.

Nov 21 – Russian Czar Alexander I petitions for Jewish state in Palestine.

Dec 24 – Song “Silent Night "composed by Franz Xaver Grube and Josef Mohr.


• Maury


Jan 26 – Maury County Court authorized $200 to build bridge over Little Bigby Creek to Hunter’s cemetery. (Mt Pleasant)

Jan 31 – Tennessee volunteers rally in Columbia to enlist in first Seminole War.

March 2 – Capt. John Gordon builds log home at Gordon's Ferry on Duck River near Natchez Trace.

Spring – Nathaniel Cheairs Jr. purchased additional 130 acres near Sam Johnson branch from William H. Winter of Madison City, Alabama. (father of Major Nathaniel Cheairs)

May 16 – Isaac R Hawkins born near Columbia, becomes US Congressman 7th district, 1865-1871

June 30 – Soldier’s of Capt. John Gordon’s Maury County Spy Company commended in Indian War discharged at Columbia.

Summer – James K Polk returns to Columbia after studying law under Felix Grundy, after graduating from University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

Summer – Pleasant Grove Methodist Church organized.

Nov 21 – General Richard Winn registered lots of “Winnsbrough”, AKA: Sawdust, lots selling for $140.

Nov 28 – Osborne Nicholson purchased 300 acres from James Trimble near present day Spring Hill.

Dec 6 – Nathaniel Cheairs III born to Nathaniel and Sarah Cheairs on Cheairs homestead near Spring Hill.

Dec 18 – General Richard Winn, Revolutionary War veteran died near present day Sawdust.

• Tennessee

March – Montgomery Bell constructs 290 foot tunnel with slave labor to provide water power to Bell’s/Patterson forge.

March 27 - Davy Crockett commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel commandant of 57th regiment of Militia in Lawrence County, TN.

Spring – Franklin faces first Smallpox epidemic.

Oct 18 – The Philadelphia, New York & Baltimore Circus arrived in Nashville, a grand display of horsemanship and military maneuvers can be expected. Tickets $1.00


• United States •


Feb 8 – General Andrew Jackson wins House of Representative Censure vote for his unauthorized campaign against Spanish in Florida, charges brought by Henry Clay, Sec of War.

Feb 22 – Spain cedes all of Florida land claims West of Mississippi River and its claim to Oregon in exchange for $5 million. (Adams-Oris Treaty)

March 6 – US Supreme Court rules states do not have power to tax Bank of US in McCulloch vs. Maryland.

May 22 – “SS Savannah” first steamship to sail across Atlantic from Savannah, Ga. to Liverpool, England, 22 day trip.

Aug – Odd Fellows Est. in US by Thomas Widely in Baltimore, Md.

Sept – William Underwood founded nations first successful food canning business.

Oct – Financial panic hits US.

Oct 22 – First barge to travel on Erie Canal arrives in Utica, New York.

• World •

Jan 17 – Simon Bolivar Proclaims Republic of Columbia.

Jan – British Est. settlement in Singapore.

Feb 6 – British negotiate Treaty to create Singapore.

Nov – Simon Bolivar elected President of Columbia.

Dec 14 – Alabama becomes 22nd state in union.


1819 • Maury •

Jan – James Peters purchased 230 acres on “Spring Hill.”

• Tennessee •

Jan – James K Polk elected to Chief Clerk of Tennessee Senate with help of Felix Grundy.

.Feb – Breckenridge Hatter’s Shop constructed in present day Mt Pleasant.

• •

Spring – Columbia Bank organized, D.N. Sansom, President; Wm Frierson, Samuel Polk, Horatio DePriest, Wm. McNeil, Pat McGuire, Sam McDowell, Wm. Bradshaw and Jos. Brown directors. Bank closed in 1821.

March 11 – First Steamboat “General Jackson” arrives in Nashville.

Spring – General Andrew Jackson begins construction on first home named “Hermitage”, made of log, burned in 1834, rebuilt 1835.

May – General Jackson and Judge John Overton platted and named new city of Memphis on lower Chickasaw bluffs, purchased 2500 acres.

Fall – President James Monroe visits Nashville.

Oct 25 Tennessee legislature creates Shelby, Perry, Monroe, McMinn, Hardin and Hamilton counties.

Nov - Davy Crockett resigns as Justice of Peace in Lawrence County, Tn. and builds Grist Mill on Shoal Creek near present day Lawrenceburg, TN.

June 16 – Capt. John Gordon died at his home of pneumonia.

Summer – Columbia Bank Est., first in Maury County.

Nov – Williamsport incorporated by Tennessee legislature.

Nov 10 – Columbia Masonic lodge #31, F&AM organized, oldest in Maury County.


• United States


Feb 6 – 86 free African-Americans colonists sail from New York City in ship “Mayflower of Liberia” to Sierra Leon to found “Freetown” settlement.

March 15 – Congress passes “Missouri Compromise”, setting 36degrees 30 minutes North latitude as boundary of free or slave states to be admitted to the union, bill also allowed Maine to become 23rd state of union.

Spring – Cherokee Indian tribes voted to convert tribal system into republican form of govt. at New Echota, Georgia. Constitution calls for President and 8 districts to be represented.

April 6 – Joseph Smith, 14 founder of Church of Latter Day Saints, struck by vision and visit by God and Jesus in New York wilderness.

April 20 – Public land Act of 1820 passed by Congress, sets price of public land at $1.25 per acre with 80 acre minimum.

June – James K Polk admitted to Maury County Bar Association.

July – “Trousers” permanently replace Knee breeches as men's fashion dress.

Aug – US population set at 9.6 million,

Sept 21 – Daniel Boone died in Missouri, 86.

Nov 18 – US Navy Capt. Nathaniel Palmer discovers Antarctica.

Dec 6 – President James Monroe re-elected President of US.

Dec – President Monroe reserves land grant for Decatur land company on south bank of Tennessee River in Alabama.

• World •

Jan 29 – Britain’s King George III died, 81.

Jan 30 – Edward Bransfield of Britain discovers Antarctica.


• Maury


Jan – Beaver Creek renamed Rutherford Creek

Jan – Williamsport Post officer Est.

Feb – First Christian Church of Isom Est. , said to be oldest in Maury County, David Sowell preacher.

March 9 – Methodist Trustee’s in Columbia vote to build frame church on South main street.

Spring – Meredith Helm begins operation of tannery at 8th and Glade streets, plant burned in 1902.

Spring – Lyman D Brewster est. store on military road leading south out of Columbia. (present day site of Mt Pleasant) Store known as Hurricane store.

April – Cathy’s Creek Church of Christ organized.

• Tennessee •

Feb 2 – Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina reach agreement in convention on northern boundary line of Tennessee called the “Walker Line”, Felix Grundy and William Brown represented Tennessee.

March 9 – Nashville City cemetery chartered.

Spring – Ann Rogers Grundy begins first Sunday school classes in Nashville.

April – Elisha Embree, abolitionist and son of Quaker minister begins publishing “The Emancipator” in Jonesborough, Tn. The first publication in US devoted exclusively to antislavery cause.

Summer – Nashville Medical Society founded., first medical society in Tennessee.

Aug – Tennessee population set at 422,823.

Fall – Kasper Mansker, Long Hunter and Tennessee pioneer died in Sumner County.


June 20 – James K Polk admitted to Maury County Bar Association to begin practicing law in Columbia with law partner Aaron Brown.

Summer – Matthew Rhea, Cartographer, Geologist and Educator moved to Maury County where surveying and Cartography became a major interest as he published his major work in map of Tennessee of 1832. He moved to Fayette County in 1833.

Aug – Maury County population set at 15,620, 9 post offices of Mooresville, Williamsport, Isom’s Store, Pleasant Grove, Spring Hill, Cedar Springs, Hurt’s Cross roads, Mt Pleasant and Columbia.

Aug – Construction of first bridge over Duck River at Columbia begins with contract awarded to Edward B Littlefield, Peter S Booker and David Craighead. Bridge Collapsed while under construction, killing William Coltart. Bridge washed away in 1848 flood. (Note: Stone Pier still visible east of Riverside bridge)

Fall – Dr. Robert Hardin and Prof. William Williford establish Manual Labor School near Spring Hill. (Near old Jackson College site, present day UT experimental station)

• United States

1821 •

Jan 17 – Spanish governor of Mexico grants Moses Austin a patent to settle 300 families in Tejas. (Texas)

March 25 – Greece declares independence from Ottoman Empire.

April 15 – President Monroe appoints General Andrew Jackson governor of Florida Territory.

April 16 – Czar Alexander claims southern Alaskan Territory to 51st parallel, including Oregon.

April – First steamboat “Osage” travels from Ohio River to Florence, Alabama.

May 5 – Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on St Helena from arsenic poisoning.

June 24 – Simon Bolivar defeats Spanish forces in Battle of Carabobo, Venezuela.

July 18 – Peru declares independence from Spain.

July 19 – George IV crowned King of Great Britain.

Sept 15 – Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica win independence from Spain.

Sept 27 – Mexico gains independence from Spain.

Nov 28 – Panama declares independence from Spain.

March 5 – James Monroe inaugurated President of US

June – Saturday Evening Post magazine founded.

Aug 10 – Missouri becomes

Sept – Mrs. Emma Willard of Troy, New York founded 2nd college for women, the first being Waterford Academy in Waterford, New York.

• World

24th state

in union.

Nov – Sequoyah develops 86 letter Cherokee alphabet in Oklahoma. Nov 16 – Santa Fe Trail into west opened.


• Maury •


Jan 15 – Edwin Winn, son of General Richard Winn removed as administrator of estate. Edward B Littlefield appointed to replace him.

Dec 5 – “Old Flax”, Major L Miller born on Little Flat Creek in Maury County.

• Tennessee

July 13 – Nathan Bedford Forrest born in Chapel Hill, Tn.

Sept 17 - David Crockett takes his seat as State Representative in 14th General Assembly in Murfreesboro from Lawrence and Hickman County, Tn.

Sept 29 - Flood on Shoal Creek destroyed David Crockett grist mill and gun powder factory in Lawrence County, Tn.

Nov 7 – Tennessee legislature creates Carroll, Henderson, Henry, and Madison counties.

Dec – William Carroll elected Governor of Tennessee, Davy Crocket elected Tennessee state representative.


• United States


Feb 23 – Boston incorporated as city.

March 8 – President Monroe recognizes independence of Argentina.

March 30 – Congress votes to make Florida a Territory.

April 27 – Ulysses S Grant born in Illinois, 18th President of US.

June – American Colonization Society purchased land in West Africa to Est. colony of free Negro’s from America called Monrovia, Liberia.

Summer – Graham Cracker developed by Sylvester Graham, Presbyterian minister in New Jersey.

Sept – Stephen F Austin , son of Moses Austin inherits his fathers Texas land grant of 200,000 acres in Texas.

Oct – Stephen F Austin Est. first American settlement in Texas on San Antonio River.

Oct 4 - Rutherford B Hayes born, 19th President of US

Oct 27 – Erie Canal opened from Rochester to Albany, NY.

• World

Summer – Hieroglyphs deciphered by Thomas Young and Jean-Francisco Champollion using Rosetta stone discovered by Napoleon.

July 13 – Greeks defeat Ottoman forces at Thermopylae.

Sept 7 – Brazil declares independence from Portugal.

Dec 1 – Franz Liszt debuted as pianist.

Dec – first group of blacks arrive in Monrovia, Liberia.

• •

Dec 27 – Louis Pasteur, French biologist born in France. 98

• Maury


March 4 – First session of Tennessee Supreme Court opened in Columbia by Judges John Haywood, Thomas Emerson and Robert Whyte.

Spring – First Presbyterian congregation of Columbia purchased lot on North Garden and 6th street to build church.

Spring – Mr. Durant lays first iron pipe for water supply from Whites Spring to Columbia town square.

Summer – Bridge across Duck River at Columbia completed.

Summer – Nashville land speculators advertised 1000 acres for sale, 11 miles south of Columbia on Big Bigby Creek to be known as “Mount Pleasant.”

• Tennessee •

Jan – Nashville Gazette endorses General Andrew Jackson for President.

Feb 4 – Steamboat “Rocket” steamed up Tennessee River to Florence, Alabama to begin regular trips between Trinity at mouth of Ohio river and Florence, Alabama.

Summer – Nancy Ward died, “Nan-yehe Ghigham” or “Beloved women” as called by Cherokee.

July 20 – Tennessee Democrats begin campaign to elect General Andrew Jackson President.

Sept – James K Polk runs for State legislature, wins


• United States


March 11 – First US “Normal School” opens in Concord, Vermont.

April – Sour mash corn distilling begins in “Bourbon” County, Ky. on commercial scale.

April 22 – R.J. Tyers patents roller skates.

June – Samuel Pennock patents revolving hay rake.

Aug – Brigham Young joins Methodist Church in New York.

Sept 18 – Seminole War ends with treaty of Moultre Creek.

Sept 21 – 18 year old Joseph Smith begins claiming angel named “Moroni” appeared to him in forest near Palmyra, NY and revealed hidden religious book telling of lose tribes of Israel and true nature of Christen church.

Dec 2 – President Monroe issues policy called the “Monroe Doctrine” to prohibit European nations from interfering in Western Hemisphere affairs.

Dec 19 – Georgia passes first law requiring record of birth certificates

Dec 23 – Poem “A visit from St Nicholas” published by Clement Moore in “Sentinel” in Troy, NY.

• World

May - King Ferdinand VII of Spain revokes Spanish Constitution and restores absolute monarchy.

Aug 20 – Pope Pius VII died.

Sept 10 – Simon Bolivar named President of Peru.

Sept 28 – Pope Leo XII succeeds Pope Pious VII as 252nd Pope.


• Maury


Jan 20 – David Love authorized by Maury County Court to operate a toll bridge at Fountain Creek.

March 4 – James T Sanford of Maury County takes House of Representative office in 18th Congress

May 19 – Major James Holland 72, died. Revolutionary War Veteran, member of North Carolina legislature, buried in Holland cemetery. (Note: other source says buried in Ben Turner cemetery 9 miles above Columbia on Holland bend.)

June – First Presbyterian Church in Columbia completed.

Summer – Annoatuck house constructed south of Columbia for Major John Brown by Nathan Vaught and Levi Ketchum.

Fall – James k Polk elected to Tennessee state legislature.

• Tennessee

Spring – Franklin Masonic lodge #7 constructs three story Temple in Franklin.

Oct – Tennessee legislature creates Mc Nary, Fentress, Haywood, Gibson, Weakley, Obion, Hardeman, Tipton, and Dyer Counties.

Dec – Andrew Jackson elected US Senator of Tennessee, resigns in 1825.


• United States


Jan 21 – Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson born near Clarksburg, Virginia. (West Virginia)

Feb 4 – J.W. Goodrich introduces “Galoshes” to US public.

March 2 – US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Marshall upholds Federal Governments right to regulate interstate commerce.

March 11 – US War Department creates Bureau of Indian Affairs.

April – Florida’s new Capital of Tallahassee Est. by Benjamin Cheairs, cousin of Nathaniel Cheairs in Spring Hill.

April – US and Russian Czar Alexander agree to treaty on northern border dispute, Russia cedes all claims south of 54 degrees 40 minutes north latitude in North America.

May 25 – American Sunday school union formed to organize and advance Sunday school activities in America.

May 26 – US recognizes Brazilian Government.

• World •

Feb 16 – Athenaeum Social Club of London founded.

May 7 – Beethoven Symphony #9 premiered in Vienna.

June 8 – Washing Machine patented by Noah Cushion of Quebec.

Aug 15 – Country of Liberia founded by freed US slaves in West Africa.

Sept 16 – King Louis XVII of France died, succeeded by Charles X.

Oct 4 – Mexico adopts new Republic Constitution.

Dec 9 – Peruvian forces defeat Spanish in Battle of Ayacucho


Aug 14 – Marquis de Lafayette and his son , George Washington Lafayette arrive in New York City to begin year long tour of America.

Nov 2 – Andrew Jackson wins popular vote for President but fails to obtain majority of electoral votes.

Dec – General William Ashley’s scout’s discover huge salt lake west of Rocky mountains.

Dec – US House of Representative debates who should be President, John Quincy Adams or Andrew Jackson.

• Maury


Jan 1 – James K Polk and Sarah Childress of Murfreesboro were married.

Jan 10 – Thomas and Francis Gill Shane donated land to build Shane’s meeting house, a pioneer Methodist church, near present day Campbell’s station.

Jan 20 – William Covey Sr. deeds property to Pleasant Garden church trustees, Methodist Episcopal church. (1st Methodist Church) Trustees are Robert Dock, Nathaniel Moore, John Myrick, Temple Tombley and Levin Covey.

• Tennessee

April – Nashville “Clarion” begins publication.

June – Music publishing first begins in Nashville with publication of “Western Harmony” hymn book.

Sept 29 – Fayette County Est. by Tennessee state legislature.

Oct – Tennessee state legislature passes law restricting sale of liquor near churches.

Spring – “Pleasant Grove” community settled, later name changed to “Culleoka”.

May – Spring Hill first incorporated, Spivey McKissack elected first mayor.

June – Mt Pleasant first incorporated, Breckenridge hatter store built.

Sept 14 – Last session of Tennessee Supreme Court held in Columbia.

Fall – Bigbyville Methodist church organized.


• United States


Jan 3 – Robert Owen, a Scot, purchased 20,000 acres on Wabash river to Est. “Harmony”, to be a utopian community commune in Indiana.

Feb 9 – US House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams President over Andrew Jackson after Henry Clay supports Adams.

Feb 12 – Creek Indians sign Treaty ceding lands in Georgia.

March 4 – John Quincy Adams inaugurated President.

April – Joel R Poinsett, Ambassador to Mexico, returns to US with cuttings of scarlet flower, botanists called “Poinsettia” named after him.

May 21 – John McIntosh, Chief of Creek Indians assassinated for signing treaty ceding land of Georgia.

June – John Stevens invents steam locomotive for rail line in Hoboken, N.J.

June 13 – Walter Hunt patents safety pin.

Sept – US schools begin adopting John Pierpont’s “Readers” book for teaching.

Oct 25 – Erie Canal completed.

Nov – Thomas Kensett patents first tin can in America, although invented in England.

Dec – Federalist party dissolved.

• World

May 20 – Charles X crowned King of France.

July 18 – Uruguay declares independence form Brazil.

Aug 6 – Bolivia gains Independence from Spain.

Sept 7 – Brazil gains independence from Portugal.

Sept 27 – Worlds first passenger railroad begins operation in England, the Stockton & Darlington Railroad.


• Maury


Jan – Royal Arch Mason s, Lafayette Chapter #4 chartered in Columbia.

Feb – Washington C Whitthorne born in Tennessee, US Congressman from Maury County 1871-73, US Senator 1886-87.

March 4 – James K Polk sworn into US House of Representatives.

April 13 – “Columbia Blues” organized by former Revolutionary War veterans, Capt. Wm K Hill chaired meeting, Committee of Capt. W.B. Shappard, Alexander Kilpatrick, William Hardin , Capt. Wm. Hill and Irvin J Frierson to go to Nashville to meet and attend Gen. Lafayette welcome and celebration .

Spring – Young Andrew Johnson arrived in Columbia from Decatur, Ala., hired as Taylor apprentice by James R Shelton. Johnson believed to have lived in log home behind house at 207 west 6th street.

May – Fountain Creek Male Academy chartered in Pleasant Grove.

May – “Columbia Blues”, Revolutionary War veteran organization attended Marquis de Lafayette welcoming ceremony in Nashville as honor guards.

Summer – Knob Creek Baptist church organized.

Summer – Henry Whitman est. an ordinary as stage stop in Mt Pleasant.

Oct 24 – Augustine Hardin and brother, Benjamin Hardin gun down William H Williamson and Isaac N Porter on Columbia public square, fled to Texas.

Nov – James K Polk elected US Congress, defeated James Sanford, served in congress until 1839.

• Tennessee

March – Remains of James Robertson moved from Memphis to Nashville for re -interment.

March – “Nashville Republican” newspaper begins publishing.

May – Marquis de Lafayette and son George Washington Lafayette visit Nashville.

Nov – Hugh Lawson White, elected US Senator from Tennessee, helped Est. Whig party.

Nov – 30,000 bales cotton shipped from Nashville to New Orleans via steamboat.

Nov 12 – New Echota named as capital of Cherokee nation.


• United States


Jan 24 – Creek Indians sign Treaty of Washington, offering smaller tract of land in Georgia than originally agreed upon.

Feb 4 – James Fennimore Cooper publishes “last of the Mohicans”.

Feb 13 – American Temperance society founded in Boston, Mass.

March 3 – “Nashoba”, a commune colony of free slaves founded west of Nashville by Scottish woman, Francis Wright, radical anti-slavery activist , closed in 1829.

May 13 – Colonel John Stevens “Steam Wagon” travels 12 MPH in Hoboken, N.J.

June 13 – Anti-Masonic political party founded.

July 4 – Former US Presidents, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died.

• World •

Feb 13 – London University founded.

March – King John VI of Portugal died, succeeded by King Peter IV.

May 2 – US recognizes Peru as Republic.

Aug – Russia declares War on Persia.

Nov 27 – John Walker invents friction match.


• Maury •


• Tennessee

Jan – Booker Place built by Merritt Booker, later known as Ingram Place located on present day Scott Hollow road off Pulaski Pike.

Spring – Wm. Horsley erected a mill one mile NE of Columbia on Duck River at Ashton Mill site. Mill sold in 1845 to Davis & Kittrell, mill burned in 1862 by federals,

Summer – John Scott Mayes builds “Fairfield” on old Hampshire Pike, near Cross Bridges.

Sept – Knob Creek Baptist Church organized, Elijah Hanks first minister.

Sept 26 – James Bennett found guilty of murder of Thomas Callahan of Mt Pleasant, hanged in public square, 1st in execution n Maury County.

Nov – Mt Nebo Society founded near Hampshire.

Nov – First mules brought to Columbia for sales.

March 3 – “Nashoba”, a commune community for freed slaves founded west of Nashville by Scottish woman, Francis Wright. Closed in 1829.

Spring – Timothy Demonbreum ,79, a early Nashville pioneer and Long Hunter died in Nashville.

Summer – Carnton Plantation built by Randal McGavock near Franklin, Tn.

Summer – Tennessee legislature makes Nashville permanent state capital.

Summer – Tennessee state legislature charters University of Nashville.

Nov – John Bell, Franklin Attorney defeats Felix Grundy for Congress. Davy Crocket elected to Congress.


• United States


Jan – Cherokee ratify new democratic constitution.

Feb 2- US Supreme court rules states cannot withhold militia from Federal service.

Feb 27 – Mardi Gras introduced in New Orleans.

Feb 28 – First commercial Railroad in America incorporated, Baltimore and Ohio.

March – “New Harmony”, commune in Indiana dissolved by founder, Robert Owen.

Spring – Governor of Michigan Territory, Lewis Cass puts down Winnebago Indian uprising at Prairie de Chien, near Green Bay, Wisconsin.

July 4 – New York state abolishes slavery, 10,000 slaves freed.

July 4 – Leonidus Polk graduated from West Point as 2nd Lieut.

Aug – Joseph Dixon opens first pencil factory in Salem, Mass.

Aug 10 – Race riot in Cincinnati, forces 1000 blacks to flee to Canada.

Sept 19 – Jim Bowie killed Major Morris Wright with “Bowie Knife” in dual on a sandbar in Mississippi River near Natchez, Ms.

• World

Feb 20 – Brazil forces defeated by combined forces of Argentina/Urugayan troops in battle of Ituzaingo.

March 26 – Ludwig Von Beethoven died.

April 24 – Ottoman Empire defeats Greek forces in Battle of Phaleron.

Oct 1 – Russians defeat Persians in Battle of Yerevan in Armenia.

Oct 20 – British, French and Russian combined navy's destroy Ottoman fleet in Greece in Battle of Navarino.


• Maury


Jan – Lasting Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church organized at Carter’s Creek, church destroyed by Federals in 1863, also known as Lockridge campground.

Jan – Pleasant Grove Post Office est., Jonathan S Hunt postmaster.

April 2 – Sheriff Nimrod Porter conducts Maury County ‘s first recorded hanging with James Bennett, found guilty of killing old beggar man Thomas Callahan in Mt Pleasant, gallows erected at foot of 2ndand Garden streets.

June 1 – Samuel Polk completes building brick house on present day West 7th and High streets for daughter, Naomi, who married Adlai O Harris at 16. House torn down in 1915 for construction of First Presbyterian Church.

June 16 – Columbia Free Masonic Lodge 31 F&AM lays corner stone of first building.

Summer – Lodebar (Kinderhook) settled by man named “Kersey”.

Aug 17 – Scott Mayes wife, Rebecca Witherspoon of Mississippi, died at “Fairfield’, 28.

Aug 22 – Henry Cooper born in Columbia, graduate of Jackson College, elected US Senator of Tennessee, 1871-77, died Feb 3, 1884, killed by Mexican bandits at Terra Blanca, Mexico.

Nov 3 – Samuel Polk, father of James k Polk died.

• Tennessee •

Jan 6 – John Calvin Brown, younger brother of Neill S Brown, both governors of Tennessee born in Giles Country, graduated from Jackson College in 1847, Colonel of 3rd Tennessee infantry, Confederate General, leader of Ku Klux Klan, elected Governor Tn. 1871-75.

Aug 5 – David Crockett elected to 20th US Congress from 9th district in westTennessee

Aug 25 – St Paul's Episcopal church in Franklin organized.

Dec – Sam Houston elected Governor of Tennessee, reelected 1829, then resigned after bride Eliza Allen of Gallatin left him.


• United States


• World

Feb – Gold discovered in Cherokee lands at Wards Creek near Dalhoga, Georgia.

Feb 22 – Russia and Persia sign peace treaty of Turkmantsjai.

April 14 - 1st. edition of Noah Webster’s dictionary published.

April 26 – Russia declares war on Ottoman Empire.

April 28 – US and Mexico sign treaty designating Sabine river as common border, ratified by US Senate. •

May 18 – Uruguay forces defeats brazil in battle of Las Piedras ending conflict and winning independence.

Nov – Revolt in Mexico over throws democratic Govt.

Dec 18 – Earthquake in Japan kills 30,000.

June – White comedian, Thomas Rice introduces “Blackface” and song “Jim Crow” to American audiences.

July 4 – Construction on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad begins.

July – Cherokee elect their own National council.

Dec 3 – Andrew Jackson elected President of US.

Dec 19 – South Carolina declares right to nullify Federal law.

Dec 20 – Cherokee Indians cede lands in Arkansas Territory to move to new lands in Oklahoma.


• Maury


Jan – The old Nelson House Hotel built on north main street in Columbia by Nathan Vaught, also known as the “Columbia Inn”.

Spring – Rev. Daniel Stephens est. Stephens School for Girls in Columbia, later known as “Columbia Institute for Girls “on West 7th street.

April 1 – Robert Lockridge donated land near present day Carter’s Station to build “Lasting Hope” meeting house for all religions.

June 16 – St Peters Church organized in Columbia.

Summer – Ravenwood Male Academy Est. in home of Rector James Otey on 5 acres land on West 7th street, former site of James White log home, opposite McDowell school. (corner of present day Blackburn lane)

Aug 26 – The law partnership of J.W. Egnew, MT Polk and S.P. Frierson formed in Columbia.

Sept – Columbia College opens.

Fall – First Mt Joy Cumberland Presbyterian Church est. near Mt Pleasant by George Mitchell, Caleb Williams, James King, John Shaw, David Nelson, James Shaw, William Craig and Richard Stockard.

Nov – Williams-Harris-Frierson house completed near Mt Pleasant, later became Mt Pleasant Housing Authority office.

Dec 20 – Columbia Female Academy ad in Western Mercury announces commencement of next session under charge of Mr. James M’Bath, Miss Lucy Lanier and others.

• Tennessee

March – Fountain Branch Carter begins construction on home in Franklin, Tn.

April – Steamboat “Atlas” passes Muscle Shoals to arrive at Ross’s Landing

Dec 22 – Rachel Jackson, wife of President elect Andrew Jackson died in Nashville.


• United States


Feb 26 – Levi Strauss born.

March 2 – Dr. John Dix Fisher opens nation’s first school for the blind in Boston.

March 4 – Andrew Jackson inaugurated President.

March 9 – President Jackson appoints John Eaton Sec. of War, Felix Grundy appointed US Senator.

Summer – First American war ship “Vincennes” sailed around the world.

June 27 – James Smithson died, leaves 100,000 pounds to found Smithsonian Institute.

July 23 – William Burt receives patent on Typewriter.

Oct – US Stock Market crashes.

Oct 16 – New hotel Tremont in Boston features first indoor water closets and Forks as silverware

Dec . Former Governor of Tennessee plans liberation of Texas in Washington, Arkansas.

• World •

Feb 10 – Pope Leo XII died.

March – Ottoman Empire agrees to Greece independence.

March 31 – Pope Pius VIII succeeds Pope Leo XII.

May 15 – Accordion patented in Germany.

Sept 15 - President Guerrero of Mexico issues proclamation abolishing slavery in Mexico and Texas.

Sept 16 - Russia and Turkey sign peace treaty of Adrianople to end war.

Dec 2 – President of Mexico exempts Texas from proclamation to abolish slavery after American settlers rebel.

Dec 22 – Baltimore and Ohio Railroad open first passenger rail service in America. •


• Maury


Jan 1 – First annual commencement of Columbia College, James H Piper President, Rev. John H Edmiston, Tutor of Language; E.W. Dale , Secretary; Wm. L Williford, Prof. of Mathematics and Philosophy.

Jan – First Chancery Court held in Columbia.

Jan 5 – Columbia College has 1st commencement.

March 10 – Daddy Ben, Royal Prince, slave to Colonel Scott, Revolutionary War soldier, gift to his daughter, Mrs. Mayes, died age 90.

Spring – Construction begins on “Hamilton Place”, 1400 acre plantation built by Lucius Polk, son of William Polk of North Carolina, completed in 1831.

Spring – St Peters Episcopal church Est. in Columbia.

Nov 16 – Jackson College chartered by Tennessee state legislature.

Manual Labor Academy est. by Prof Hardin near John Cheairs farm on Johnson branch.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Franklin Turnpike Company chartered to build turnpike from Nashville to Franklin, first macadamized road built in Tennessee, completed in 1834.

Jan 18 – President–elect Andrew Jackson departs Hermitage for Washington DC aboard steamship Pennsylvania via Louisville, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh.

March – First steamboat “Atlas” reaches Knoxville.

March 4 – Governor Sam Houston resigns as Governor after new wife leaves him. William Hall appointed to fill remaining term.

Spring – Tennessee legislature passes reform penal code to halt whippings and cutting off ears as punishment, also approved $25,000 to build state prison in Nashville on Church street.


• United States


Jan 11 – LaGrange College (University of Northern Alabama) chartered.

Jan 13 – Slave uprising in New Orleans leaves city burned to ground.

April 6 – Joseph Smith and 5 others founded Church of Latter Day Saints in Fayette, New York, Book of Mormon published.

May 28 – Congress passed Indian Removal Act.

July 15 – Sioux, Sauk and Fox Indians sign peace treaty ceding most of Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri lands.

• World

May 13 – Ecuador separates from Columbia.

June 26 – King George IV of England died, William IV becomes King.

July 5 – French invades Algeria.

July 18 – Uruguay adopts constitution.

Aug – Fort Dearborn, Illinois renamed City of Chicago.

July 27 – French revolt overthrows King Charles X.

Aug – US population at 13 million.

Aug – Edwin Budding patents first lawn mower in England.

Aug 9 – Louis Philippe made King of France.

Aug 25 – Belgium revolution for independence from Netherlands begins.

Oct 4 – Provisional Govt. of Brussels declares Belgium independence.

Dec 20 – European powers recognize Belgium independence.

Sept – Choctaw Indians sign Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, ceding remaining land s in Tennessee.


• Maury


Jan – Maury County Court Est. “Poor house” on Mooresville Pike.

March 23 – Gideon J Pillow opens attorney at law office on SW corner of Columbia square in Cobbs & Dillahunty building.

April – New Hope Methodist Episcopal Church organized at Hurts X Roads on land donated by Bird Hurt. (AKA: Elks Trace or Highway 431)

Summer – Arnold Zellner constructs rude water wheel at White’s Spring to lift water for cistern system in Columbia.

Summer – Last stage coach holdup recorded in Maury County on Columbia/Marshall County/ Murfreesboro road running through Cranford Hollow just south of present day highway 412.

Aug – Maury County population set at 18,200

Aug 15 – Attorney William E Gillespie opens office on West side of Columbia public square in former office of Dr. Groves.

Fall – Maury County Court est. Poor farm.

Nov 30 – Colonel James Sanford donates 11 acres of land to 39 trustees of newly chartered Jackson College to build school.

Dec – Major Thomas Leftwich constructs Cotton Gin on Bear Creek.

• Tennessee

May 3 – 47 physicians join to form the Medical Society of Tennessee in Nashville.

Aug – Tennessee population at 681,704.

Aug 31 – President Jackson meets with Chickasaw Indian Chiefs in Franklin to negotiate treaty, ceding lands east of Mississippi River and move Indians to Arkansas and Missouri.


1831 • United States •

Jan 31 – William Lloyd Garrison publishes first abolitionist Journal, “The Liberator” in Boston and calls for the immediate emancipation of slaves. Jan – Joseph Smith and 70 followers flee persecution in New York and move to Ohio where they plan to build a new Zion.

March 18 – US Supreme court decides Cherokee Indians are “domestic dependents” and they have no rights under US constitution.

May – Historian & political science writer, Alexis de Tocqueville arrived from France at Newport, Rhode Island to study Democracy and the American prison system. His book Democracy in America became a classic.

May – John and Peter Delmonico open European style dining room café in New York city called, “Restaurant”, where customer orders food from “Menu”.

June 1 – John Bell Hood born in Kentucky.

June – “Cowcatcher” invented for locomotive use.

June 11 – First annual convention of people of color meet in Philadelphia to oppose resettlement to Africa and work to promote education of blacks.

Summer – John Eaton – resigns as Sec. of War over controversy about his wife.

July 4 – James Monroe , 5th President of US died.

Aug 21 – Slaves in Virginia revolt under leadership of Nat Turner, 55 whites killed.

Nov 11 – Slave revolt leader, Nat Turner hanged.

Dec 25 – Louisiana and Arkansas become first states to recognize Christmas as holiday.

• World •

Feb 2 – Pope Gregory XVI succeeds Pope Pius XII.

Feb 7 – Belgium adopts constitution.

Feb 20 - Polish rebels defeat Russian troops in Battle of Growchow.

March 10 – French Foreign Legion founded.

March 29 – Bosnian’s revolt against Ottoman Empire.

March 31 – Quebec and Montreal incorporated.

April 7 – Dom Pedro abdicates in Brazil, Dom Pedro II crowned Emperor of Brazil.

June 21 – Netherlands grants Belgium independence, Leopold I made king.

Aug 1 – London bridge opened for traffic.

Sept 6-7 – Battle of Warsaw, Russians crush Polish rebels.

Dec 27 – Charles Darwin embarks on historic journey aboard HMS Beagle where he develops his Theory of Evolution. 116

• Maury


Spring – State Representative James K Polk introduces bill to incorporate Williamsport.

Spring – “Fairmont” built by John Smiser on Mooresville Pike.

Summer – Lucius J Polk begins construction of Ashwood Hall.

July 2 – St Peter’s Church corner stone laid.

• Tennessee

Spring – St Paul's Episcopal church completed in Franklin, oldest in Continual use west of Allegheny mountains.

Summer – First Tennessee state prison opened in Nashville.

Aug 7 – Davy Crockett defeated for congress by Andrew Jackson and Democrats as man without a party.

Sept – Gerald P Troost appointed first Tennessee state geologist to begin complete Geological survey of Tennessee for University of Tennessee.

Dec – Governor William Carroll re-elected governor.


1832 • United States •

• World

Jan 1 – Alexander Campbell and Barton W Stone Est. “Disciples of Christ” (Christen Church) in Lexington, Ky. (Later renamed Church of Christ) •

Feb – Cholera breaks out in London, 3000 dead.

Feb 12 – Ecuador annexes Galapagos Islands.

May 7 – Otto of Bavaria chosen King of Greece.

June 26 – Battle of Verasco fought in Texas, first bloodshed between Texans and Mexicans.

Dec 4 – French troops begin liberation of Belgium from Dutch, capture Antwerp.

Dec 25 – Charles Darwin celebrates Christmas in St Martin.

May 21 – First Democratic party convention held in Baltimore.

July – Cholera kills 4000 in New York City.

July 10 – President Jackson vetoes bill to re-charter 2nd National Bank of US.

July 13 – Henry Schoolcraft discovers source of Mississippi River near lake Itasca, Minn.

Sept – Oregon Trail opens, runs from Independence, Mo. to Portland, Oregon.

Sept 21 – Chief Black Hawk defeated at Bad Axe, Wisconsin, over 300 men, women and children gunned down.

Nov 14 – First horse drawn Street car begins operation in New York City.

Nov 24 – South Carolina votes to nullify Tariff Act passed by congress.

Dec – Skull and Bones secret society of Yale founded.

Dec 5 – President Jackson re-elected.

Dec 28 – Vice-President John C Calhoun resigned over differences with President Jackson.


• Maury


Spring – John Claybrooke opened Pleasant Grove Academy at Hardeman’s Cross Roads.

April 17 – P. Nelson announces that Columbia House Hotel to be renamed Nelson & Walker House, as Jas. A Walker is now a partner.

April 17 – Western Mercury newspaper first published by A.O.P. Nicholson and S.D. Frierson.

Spring – Bolling Gordon, fourth son of Capt. John Gordon builds “Cottage Hill” plantation house, 3 miles west of Williamsport.

June 5 – Henry M Watterson married Tilithacumi Black in Maury County in James Black home on Kleburne Lane, one mile west of Columbia Pike near Spring Hill.

July – Union Bank Est. in Columbia.

Aug – James R Plummer elected mayor of Columbia, served until 1838.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Tennessee legislature Est. the first state “Lunatic Asylum.”

Spring – French writer Alex de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont visit Nashville before departing for Memphis.

Summer – Beaver Springs Hotel built by Joseph Jones.

Dec – Montgomery Bell constructed the Patterson Forge at the “Narrows” on the Harpeth.

Fall – First United Methodist Church organized in Mt Pleasant on land donated by Hugh McCabe, former Revolutionary War veteran.


• United States


March 2 – President Jackson signs “Force bill” that authorizes force if South Carolina secedes.

March – South Carolina votes to repeal “Nullification Act.”

April – First soda fountain patented.

May 6 – John Deere develops first steel plow.

June – Samuel Colt develops first revolver.

June 6 – President Jackson becomes first President to ride on train.

July 10 – Lucius E Polk born in North Carolina, son of Dr. William J and Mary R (Long) Polk, grandson of William Polk.

July – The Life and Adventures of Colonel David Crockett of West Tennessee book published by unknown author in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sept 26 - President Jackson withdraws all US funds from 2nd US Bank.

Nov 13 – Night the stars fell on Alabama and Tennessee (Leonid meteor shower).

Dec – John Bell, US congressman from Tennessee elected Speaker of the House despite president Jackson’s opposition.

• World •

Jan 3 – British seize Falkland Islands.

April 3 – American settlers in Texas led by Stephen p Austin agree by convention at San Felpe de Austin, Tx. To declare Texas independent.

July 5 – Russian’s and Turks sign defense Treaty.

Aug 13 – British abolish slavery in all colonies, 700,000 slaves to be freed.

Sept 29 – Three year old Isabella II becomes queen of Spain under regency of mother, Maria Christina.

Nov 15 – Netherlands and Belgium sign peace treaty.

• •

Dec 25 – Charles Darwin celebrates Christmas in Patagonia. 120

• Maury


Jan – Henry Barrett Fussel built cedar log house on present day 1028 Maple Ash Ave in Columbia

Spring – Jackson College built at Tanyard Springs near Rutherford Creek.

Spring – “Western chronicle” newspaper in Columbia sold, renamed “Western Mercury”.

Spring – First recorded tornado hits western Maury County, several killed.

April – Dr T M Boyd sets up medical practice in Rally Hill.

May 3 – Samuel Mayes Arnell born near Zion Church, US Congressman ® 1865-1871, Prof. at Jackson College, Columbia Post Master, TN. State Representative & US Congressman.

June – Circus visits Mt Pleasant and Williamsport , brings Cholera epidemic, over 50 died.

Summer - Leonidas Polk and 2nd wife, Francis Devereux move to Maury County and build “Ashwood” Hall, brother of Lucicus J Polk who resides at “Hamilton place.”

Summer – John Catron sells Iron works on Natchez Trace at Buffalo River to Felix Cantron and G F Napier of Lawrence County for $1800.

July – Nashville’s first public owned Water works completed.

Aug – David Crockett re-elected to 23rd Congress.

Dec – Felix Grundy elected US Senator on 55th ballot over Hubbard Foster in Tennessee legislature.


July 3 – Deed for 4 million acres of land in state of Coahuila (Texas), Mexico to Mr. William Hill with full power of attorney filed in Maury county court for land grant issued to Thomas j Chambers, Feb 12, 1832.

Summer – Hurts Cross roads post office Est.

Fall – St. Peter’s Episcopal church organized by Rev. Jas. H. Otey in Columbia.

Oct 22 – 1st Turnpike Chartered in Maury County, Franklin to Columbia, completed in 10 years.

Nov 13 – Stars fall across south and Maury County, many people believe its end of world.

• Tennessee

Dec 12 – Dr. William McNeill married Mary Crockett, daughter of Davey Crockett.

• United States


March 18 – First Railroad tunnel completed in Pennsylvania.

March 28 – US Senate censures President Jackson for removing US funds from 2nd National Bank.

April 14 – Whig party formed by Henry Clay, opposes Andrew Jackson.

June 21 – Cyrus McCormick patents Reaping machine.

June 30 – Congress creates “Indian Territory” (Oklahoma).

• World •

Jan 3 – Mexican government imprisons Stephen F Austin.

March 6 – York incorporated as City of Toronto.

May 20 – Marquis de Lafayette , American Revolutionary hero, died.

Aug 15 – British South Australia Act allows Est. of Colony.

Oct 16 – Westminster palace and Parliament building destroyed by Fire in London.

Dec 25 – Charles Darwin celebrated Christmas at Tres Montes, Chili.

Dec – Abraham Lincoln elected to Illinois state legislature.


• Maury •


Jan – Cholera epidemic continues in Mt Pleasant and Williamsport, over 50 died. Jan – Columbia “Observer” newspaper Est. by Felix K Zollercoffer.

Spring – Episcopal Bishop, James H Otey and Rev. Leonidas Polk charter Columbia Female Institute.

April 18 – Columbia has first bank robbery at the Union Bank.

May – St Peter’s Episcopal church erected on North Garden street directly behind Masonic Lodge.

Summer – Fire destroys several building in downtown Columbia.

July 4 – Colonel P. Gordon read declaration of Independence at Williamsport celebration.

Aug 29 – Mr. BB DeGraffenraid advertizes to sell 1000 acres on Big Bigby Creek, adjoining Jonathan Webster’s land, includes house, Gin house, Grist Mill and formally known as the McMurray’s Mill.

Sept 14 – Dr. John Baptist Alexander Thevenot died of Cholera Mt. Pleasant, age 41, former surgeon of Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Army

Sept 14 – Tennessee Democrat published by Thomas Maddin in Columbia.

Nov 12 – Great Southern and Western Circus arrived in Columbia.

• Tennessee •

Jan 28 – Davy Crockett published his own autobiography book entitled, “A narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the state of Tennessee. Six editions printed.

Spring – The Forrest family, with Nathan Bedford Forrest, 13 moved from Chapel Hill, Tn. to Tippah County, in northern Mississippi , near Salem, Ms.

May 19 - Tennessee state constitutional convention meets in Nashville.

Summer – Tennessee state Grange organized.

Aug – First Farm Journal printed in Tennessee, “The Tennessee Farmer”.

Aug 30 – Tennessee new state constitution ratified and adopted.

Davy Crockett


• United States


Jan 30 – Unsuccessful assassination attempt made on President Jackson.

March 17 – Winnebago meeting site becomes City of Milwaukee.

June 1 – PT Barnum begins first Circus tours.

July 8 – Liberty Bell cracks 2nd time , tolling death of US Supreme court Justice John Marshall.

Nov 2 – 2nd Seminole War begins as Chief Osceola leads Indian revolt against relocation.

• World

March 2 – Ferdinand I made Emperor of Austria.

Sept 15 – Charles Darwin reaches Galapagos Islands.

Nov – Haley's Comet reaches Perihelion, closest point to sun.

Dec 1 – Hans Christian Anderson publishes first fairy tales.

Dec 9 – Army of Republic of Texas captures San Antonio.

Dec 16 – Great fire of New York destroys 700 buildings.

Dec 20 – Sam Houston named General of Texas Army.

Dec 29 – Treaty of new Echota signed by Cherokee, cedes all lands east of Mississippi and finalizes move to Oklahoma for $5 million.

Dec 25 – Charles Darwin celebrate Christmas in New Zealand.

Dec 30 – Gold rush in Georgia forces Cherokee off tribal lands.

• •

Dec 28 – Second Seminole war breaks out in Florida. 124

• Maury


• Tennessee

Jan – Pleasant Grove Post office opened at Ballanfant homestead, one-half mile north of Culleoka.

Feb. – A.O.P Nicholson purchased old cedar log home located on present day Hillcrest Ave. in Columbia. He later builds main house in 1844. (Later known as Park Place after William Park purchased it.)

March 13 – Dr. Robert M Wynne opens office in JJ Goodman's Hotel in Mt Pleasant.

March 20 – DeGraffenreid tornado hits Hampshire, kills Mrs. Basil Graffenreid, two sons and daughter and kills Mr. and Mrs. Elias Lusk., 8 people in all.

Spring – Fountain Creek Male Academy Est.

Spring – Mt Pleasant Academy Est.

April 17 – St Peters Church on Garden Street consecrated by Bishop Otey.

April 27 – Mrs. Hugh Jackson to open a female seminary in Columbia, assisted by Miss Sheppard of Nashville Academy.

May – First Goshen United Methodist Church erected near Santa Fe.

Summer – Old Lasea Church of Christ organized two miles North of Hardison Mill

Summer – John Blair Jackson house built at 207 West 6th Street (Free street). Later owned by W.S. Fleming in 1854. (Note: Mrs. A.O.P. Nicholson wrote, “a tailor named Johnson once lived in old log home on the site. Many believe it to be President Andrew Johnson.)

Summer – Absalom Thompson begins construction of “Oaklawn” near Spring Hill.

Fall – Pleasant Grove Academy chartered in Culleoka, with Merrit H Booker, Elisha Uzzell, Joseph Bellafont, James Kerr and Dr. J.H. Hunt5 as trustee’s. Two acres of land purchased from Mr. Booker to build 48 X 24 foot building, 25 families live within 5 miles. First teacher’s were William Kerr and Newton bills. AKA: Fountain creek Male Academy.

• •

Oct – Financial panic hits Tennessee.

Nov – Athenaeum Rectory house construction begins, Nathan Vaught builder for Samuel Polk Walker, nephew of James k Polk.

Nov – Newton Cannon (Whig) elected Governor of Tennessee.

Nov. Bethel Christian Church organized by William S Gooch near Bigbyville.

Dec – Governor Cannon calls for Tennessee volunteers to fight Seminoles in Florida.

Dec – 150 Maury County militia volunteers enlist in Capt. William J Frierson’s Cavalry to fight Seminoles in Florida.(Two survivor’s identified in Daily Herald dated 2-71900 as S.D. Herndon and Samuel Guilett) Second Company from Maury county to join Seminole War fight was Capt. Geo. Lipscomb from Williamsport.

Feb 5 – Tennessee blizzard kills hundreds of cattle and hogs, called “Cold Friday.”

• •

Summer – Tennessee legislature Est. Benton and Lauderdale counties.



1836 • United States

Jan 5 – Davy Crocket arrives in Texas.

Feb 23 – Alamo surrounded by Santa Anna’s Mexican army of 1600., 13 day siege.

March 2 – Republic of Texas officially declares independence from Mexico.

March 6 – Battle of Alamo, 189 Texans killed.

April 21 – Battle of San Jacinto, Mexican forces under Santa Anna defeated by Sam Houston and Texas army.

April 22 – President Santa Anna captured by General Sam Houston and Texans.

Sept 5 – Sam Houston elected President of Texas, Referendum calls for annexation of Texas by US.

Oct 2 – Charles Darwin returns to England.

Nov 6 – King Charles X of France died.

Dec 27 – Stephen F Austin died

• •

Dec 28 – Spain recognizes Mexican independence.

Feb 25 – Samuel Colt receives patent on Colt revolver.

April 14 – Congress Est. Territory of Wisconsin.

May – group of Cherokee sign treaty of new Echota and begin Trail of Tears.

June 15 – Arkansas becomes 25th state of union.

June - “McGuffey Reader” introduced to American schools.

• World


Sept 14 – Aaron Burr died in France.

Nov – Seminole Indians stage uprising in Florida.

Dec 7 – Martin Van Buren elected President of US.


• Maury


• Tennessee •

Spring – The first brick Methodist church built in Columbia.

Spring – Ashwood Hall construction completed.

May 8 – Jackson College moved to Columbia into three story building on old Campbellsville road between 12th and 13th Streets, building had 36 classrooms, 9 Halls, a Chapel, Library and Scientific Laboratory. Operated by Presbyterian Church until 1848 when it was sold to Mason’s, also served as hospital during Civil war, burned by Federals in 1863.

May 14 – Patrick Maguire sold 4 acres land on West 7th street to Trustee’s of Columbia Female Institute to construct school.

Jan 31 – Tennessee legislature creates Cannon, Bradley, Coffee, Marshall, Johnson and Miegs Counties.

Ashwood Hall

Nov – Columbia population set at 1500.


• United States •


• World

Jan 26 – Michigan becomes 26th state in union.

Feb – Charles Dickens publishes “Oliver Twist”.

March 3 – President Jackson recognizes Republic of Texas.

March – Congress votes to raise number of US Supreme court justices from 7 to 9.

March 4 – Martin Van Buren inaugurated as 8th president.

March 4 – City of Chicago incorporated.

May 10 – Panic of 37 hits New York stock exchange.

June 5 – City of Houston incorporated.

June 18 – Spain gets new constitution.

June 17 – Charles Goodyear wins first patent on Rubber.

June 20 – Queen Vitoria 18, assumes crown of United Kingdom.

Aug 25 – US Govt. rejects annexation of Texas. •

Aug 28 – Pharmacists John Lea and William Perrin manufacture “Worchester Sauce”.

Dec – Boer farmers move north across Orange River away from British into Transvaal, founding Transvaal and Orange Free State. 128

Sept 4 – Samuel Morse applies for patent on Telegraph.

Sept 21 – Charles Tiffany founded Jewelry store in New York City.

Oct 21 – American troops seize Chief Osceola of Seminole tribe at peace talks.

Oct 31 – William Procter and James Gamble form partnership in Cincinnati, Ohio.

• Maury


Jan 16 – Thomas A Kercherval born in Maury County, Mayor of Nashville 1871-1883, 1886-1888, resigned in 1888, died March 22, 1915.

Spring – Fairmont house built by John Smiser on Mooresville Pike, later purchased in 1931 by Lex Watson to raise miniature mules.

Spring – Athenaeum Rectory house completed, home of Prof. Franklin Gillette Smith, new headmaster of Columbia Institute.

Spring – Elm Springs constructed by Nathan Vaught for James Dick and his Sarah Dick, Sarah who married Christopher Todd, home later purchased by A.M. Looney.

Spring – New Methodist church in Columbia dedicated. (present day First United Methodist Church on West 7th street.)

May – “Southern Cultivator” farm publication published in Columbia by David Clayton.

May - James Andrews from Ireland opened his Dry Goods store in Columbia, became local civic leader, Mayor of Columbia, organizer of public schools.

Summer – Jim Andrews opens hardware store in Columbia.

Sept 14 – Union Seminary, formally Jackson College near Spring Hill purchased by Prof. William L Williford with 53 acres, includes College building, boarding house, and good spring for $6000, President of school is Robert Hardin.

Nov 5 – First Mt Nebo log church erected on 7.5 acres donated by John Alexander, Trustee’s are John McBride, James Russell and Michael Kinzer.

Dec – Portion of western Maury County given to Hickman County.

• Tennessee

Elm Springs

July 4 – In Benton, the Declaration of Independence was read on the public square by William Bobbitt Esq. AOP Nicholson gave eloquent speech and 27 toasts.

• •

Dec – Tennessee legislature creates DeKalb County.

Dec 23 – Tennessee state legislature approves first charter to incorporate Spring Hill.


• United States •


• World

Jan 6 – Samuel Morse makes first public demonstration of Telegraph.

April 23 – English steamship “Great Western” crosses Atlantic from New York to Bristol. Steamship “Sirius” sailed from Bristol to New York City for inaugural regular passenger and freight service.

April 30 – Nicaragua declares itself independent from Central American Federation.

June – Battle of Blood River in Natal, Boer’s defeat Zulu.

Nov 30 – Mexico declares war on France.

• •

Dec – France invades Mexico.

May 10 – John Wilkes Booth born.

June 12 – Iowa Territory created by Congress.

Summer – “Underground Railroad” founded by Robert Purvis to smuggle slaves north.

Sept 1 – Capt. William Clark of Lewis and Clark died.

Sept 3 – Slave named “Bailey” escaped from Maryland plantation to north, changed his name to Fredrick Douglas.

Fall – Race riots and lynching sweep US.


• Maury


Jan – St Mark’s Episcopal church organized at Williamsport.

Jan – William Kennedy made a motion at Zion church to circulate a subscription to found Stephenson Academy, 2nd by James M Arnell

• Tennessee •

Jan 26 – Tennessee votes to prohibit alcohol, first state to do so.

Jan 28 – Tennessee legislature grants charter to Western and Atlantic Railroad to build line from Western South Carolina and Georgia to Tennessee River at Ross’s landing. Construction halted due to financial panic.

Spring – State Bank of Tennessee organized with branch office to be in Columbia on SW corner of 7th street and Garden.

Spring – Cherokee Indians departed Fort Payne, Alabama on “Benge’s Route” of Trail of Tears to Pulaski , thence Columbia , to Reynoldsburg, Tn.

May – Ross’s landing changed name to “Chattanooga”, Cherokee name for “Lookout Mountain.”

May 26 – “Trail of Tears” forced march begins for Cherokee Indians in Georgia under supervision of General Winfield Scott and armed guards with relocation of 18,000 Cherokee Indians, to Oklahoma, 4000 died on march.

Summer – Felix Grundy appointed US Attorney General by President Martin Van Buren.

Spring – Bigbyville Post office Est.

Summer – Columbia Female Institute opened, building is 120 feet long, three stories and built by Nathan Vaught.

July 7 – The stockholder’s of the Columbia, Pulaski and Elkton Turnpike elected A.M. Ballentine, Thomas Martin, Spencer Clack, John Gordon, Elisha White, Jos. S Brownlow and C.P. read as directors.

July 19 – Henry Knowles establishes Tin and Sheet Iron business at old stand on SE corner of Columbia square.

Summer – Clifton Place built by Nathan Vaught for Gideon Pillow.

Summer – Planters Bank opened in Columbia on South Main, near Polk House hotel.

Oct – William H Polk, younger brother of President Kames K Polk, killed Richard Hayes in shootout in Columbia after disagreement in Nelson House. Gideon Pillow represented him. Fined $750 and served 6 months in jail for killing.


1839 • United States

• World •

Jan 9 – French Academy announces Daguerre type photography process.

Jan 10 – First Tea from India arrives in London.

Feb – Uruguay declares war against Argentina.

March 29 – Charles Darwin marries cousin, Emma Wedgewood in England.

May 4 – Cunard steam ship company formed in England.

June 22 – Louis Daguerre receives patent for photography process.

Feb 24 – William Otis receives patent for Steam shovel.

April – Abner Doubleday, 20 year old West Point Cadet writes rules of Baseball.

June – Two row Corn planter invented by DS Rockwell.

June 12 – First official baseball game played at Cooperstown, New York.

Summer – Charles Goodyear accidently discovers Vulcanization of rubber in New Haven, Conn.

• •

July 1 – Slaves on Amistad rebel and capture ship and begin quest for freedom.

Summer – Independent state of Natal founded by Boer’s.

Aug 23 – British seize Hong Kong.

Oct 10 – British capture Beirut.

Nov 3 – First battle of Opium War occurred .

Nov 11 – Virginia Military Institute founded in Lexington, Virginia.

Dec – Major Ridge, Cherokee Chief assassinated for signing Treaty of Echota. •


• Maury


March – Construction on new state bank of Tennessee begins, Nathan Vaught builder.

March – Stephenson Academy constructed next to Zion Church completed by Alfred brooks for $850 on 2.5 acres purchased from J.B. Frieson, burned in 1868, brick school built 1869.

Spring – Construction of St John’s Episcopal church begins. Designed by Rev. Leonidas Polk, Gothic Revival architecture.

April – First steamboat “Madison” reaches Columbia on Duck River.

Summer – Mt Pleasant jockey club Est.

July 24 – William J Armstrong born 6 miles west of Columbia and 1 mile east of Zion Presbyterian Church in Ada Armstrong cabin.

Fall – Arnold Zeller, constructs Columbia Water System from White’s Spring to cisterns at street corners on Columbia public square and other locations.

Fall – James Love sold 26 acres to est. the village of Hampshire.

Oct 29 – Ashland Jockey Club races for first time on new track, two miles West of Columbia on Mt Pleasant Pike, built on Robert Love property.

• Tennessee

May – Chattanooga incorporated.

Nov – James k Polk elected governor of Tennessee.

Nov 28 – Tennessee legislature Est. Polk County.


1840 • United States •

Jan 1 – First recorded bowling match held in US, Knickerbockers Alley, New York City.

Jan 19 – Capt Charles Wilkes circumnavigates Antarctica, claiming Wilkes Island for US.

Jan 19 – Texas chooses Austin as capital.

May 17 – Tornado hits Natchez, Ms, killing 317, injuring 1000.

June – Daguerre type studios open across US.

• World •

Jan 10 – First penny postage (Penney black) introduced in United Kingdom.

Jan 22 – British colonists found Wellington, New Zealand.

Feb 10 – Queen Vitoria marries cousin , Prince Albert of Saxe Cobourg-Gotha.

April – King of Prussia, Fredrick William III died, replaced by son Fredrick William IV.

Fall – Afghan forces surrender to British, ends Afghan war.

Dec 2 – David Livingstone leaves England for Africa.

Nov 7 – William Henry Harrison elected President of US.


• Maury


Jan –Clifton Place , home of General Gideon Pillow (18061877) completed by Nathan Vaught.

Jan – Carter’s Creek post office Est.

Feb – James B Childress bought old Jug Inn on old military road in Spring Hill, later became Childress stage stop.

March – Williamsport Methodist Episcopal brick church erected.

Spring – Central Turnpike Company chartered to run operate Pike from Columbia through Mt Pleasant to Clifton, Ala. On Tennessee River.

Spring – Hamner Mill built on Duck River. (Later sold to William Sowell)

May – Union Seminary school founded on old Jackson College site.

June – New jail and Columbia city hall erected at corner of North Main and East 6th street.

Summer – First bridge over Duck River at Williamsport completed.

Summer – Pleasant Grove Baptist church organized near Cathy’s Creek.

Summer – Dr. Samuel Shaw Porter, build’s his home in Williamsport.

Fall – Sharp’s school est., named for T.A. Sharp

Aug – Maury County population set at 17,090.

Fall – Mt Pleasant free barbecue given for General Jackson and James K Polk at Smith’s Camp ground, by people opposed to election of Van Buren.

Fall – President Martin Van Buren (Democrat) visits Columbia and Mt Pleasant.

Oct 26 – First known triplets born in Maury County: Joseph B, Joshua T, and Margaret Erwin.

• Tennessee •

Jan 17 – Tennessee legislature creates Van Buren County.

Spring – Nashville to Franklin Pike completed.

Aug – Tennessee population set at 829,210, US Population at 17 million.

Fall – Tennessee Silk Society founded, Tennessee farmer begin silk manufacturing, plant mulberry and Chinese “Morus Morticanis” trees for silk worm production, production in 1840 at 1000 lbs.

Fall – President Martin Van Buren visits Nashville.

Dec 25 – Upon death of Felix Grundy, A.O.P. Nicholson appointed US Senator, served until summer 1842.


• United States


March 4 – William Henry Harrison inaugurated President of US.

March – President Harrison appoints John Bell of Tennessee Sec. of War.

March 9 – US Supreme Court rules Africans and leader, Cinque, aboard Amistad were illegally impressed into slavery and freed.

March 22 – Corn starch patented by Orlando Jones.

April 4 – President William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia, 68. John Tyler becomes President.

• World. •

Jan 21 – China cedes Island of Hong Kong to Britain.

May – Texas President Sam Houston, creates Port of Houston.

June 14 - First full Canadian Parliament opens in Kingston, Ontario. (Upper and Lower Canada)

Fall – New Zealand becomes British colony.

Summer – First steam fire engine put into operation in New York City.

June 20 – Samuel Morse receives patent for Telegraph.

Aug – Five days of race riots erupt in Cincinnati.

Nov 4 – First wagon train from independence, Mo arrives in California.

Nov 25 – 35 Amistad slaves, including Cinque, returns to Africa. •


• Maury


Jan 1 – First issue of “The Guardian” magazine published by Rev. Franklin G Smith, director of the Columbia Girls Institute.

Jan – St John’s Episcopal church completed, Leonidas Polk first rector.

Jan – Vine Hill built by Jonathan Webster, son of James Webster.

Feb – Leonidas Polk made Bishop of Louisiana Episcopal church.

Feb – Nathaniel F Cheairs married Susan McKissack, daughter of William and Jennette (Thompson) Mckissack of spring Hill.

March 25 – Tennessee Democrat first published in Columbia by Andrew M Kerr.

Spring – First Southeast Maury County Methodist Circuit Rider, John McKelvey appointed on Duck River Circuit, having a round of appointments from Lewisburg to Bigbyville, which occupied all bur 4 days if each month. He served 11 years.

Summer – Merrett Sedberry donated land to erect Robert’s Chapel, congregation later divided over political issues in 1846, M.E. south formed by 25 members.

Oct 4 – Columbia Odd Fellows Lodge #3 organized at 809 South Main street.

• Tennessee

Bishop Leonidas Polk

Nov 5- James K Polk defeated by James Chamberlain Jones for governor.

Dec – Tennessee legislature fails to elect two US Senators b from Tennessee because of political infighting.


1842 • United States •

Jan 2 – First wire suspension bridge opened across Schuylkill River in Fairmont, Pennsylvania.

March 30 – Ether used for first time in surgery by Dr. Crawford long.

April 12 – First of its kind, Mutual Life Insurance company of New York chartered.

June – America’s first grain elevator built in Buffalo, NY.

June 16 – Natchez hit by Tornado, 500 killed.

Summer – Matthew Maury, Naval officer begins scientific ocean research,

Aug – Lieut. John C Fremont conducts first scientific expedition into Rocky Mountains, Fremont is son-in-law of Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri, formally of Williamson County.

Aug 14 – 2nd Seminole War ends, Indians moved to Oklahoma.

Nov 4 – Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd in Springfield, Ill

Dec 19 – US recognizes Hawaiian Independence.

• World •

Jan 6 – 4500 British and Indian troops massacred in Afghanistan's Khyber pass by rebels, only one man survived.

Feb 21 – John Greennough patents first Sewing machine in England.

May – Orange Free state Est. by Boer’s

Aug 29 – Treaty of Nanking ends Opium War, Est. Hong Kong as British colony.

Aug 30 – Micah Rugg patents nut and bolt machine in England.

Oct 21 – Mexican Troops invade Texas and massacre dozens of people in San Antonio.


• Maury


May – Former President Martin Van Buren visits Columbia, stays in Eagle Hotel on South Main street. James K Polk rallied a couple of thousand Democrats in non-political rally in Columbia for his benefit.

Aug 15 – Alfred S Horsely born in Maury County.

Aug 25 – Mr. William Cayce sets up watch making and repair shop at Cayce’s Sulpher Springs.

Sept 4 – St John’s Church consecrated by Bishop Otey and Rev. Polk.

• Tennessee

May – Tennessee legislature creates Macon and Putman Counties.

Summer – Cumberland University founded in Lebanon, Tn. By Presbyterian church.

Oct 6 – Sam Davis, confederate hero, born near Smyrna, Tn.


St John’s Church

• United States •


• World

Jan 11 – Francis Scott Keyes died in Baltimore.

March – military revolt restores Isabella II as queen of Spain.

May 4 – Britain annexes Natal.

Summer – First propeller driven ship to cross Atlantic, SS Great Britain launched in Bristol, England.

Dec – First Christmas cards published in England.

• •

Dec 19 – Charles Dickens publishes “A Christmas Carol”. 140

May 28 – Noah Webster died, 84

Aug 1 – Robert Todd Lincoln born, 1st child of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln.

Sept – B’nai B’rith Society founded in New York City.

Sept – Yellow Fever sweeps Mississippi Valley, killing over 13,000.

Nov – Kit Carson guides John C Fremont through Rocky Mountains to California.

Nov – Edgar Allen Poe published “A Tell-Tale Heart”.

Dec – Sequoyah, Cherokee author of written alphabet and language died, 73, aka: George Gist.

• Maury


Jan – Thomas Hyatt made Postmaster of Southport.

March 15 – Maury County blizzard leaves 20 to 30 inches of snow on ground, stays until April.

Spring – “Ashwood Hall” construction completed.

Spring – “Clifton Place” construction completed.

Spring – Construction on “Rattle n Snap” begins.

April – Post Office est. at Southport, Thomas Hyatt Postmaster.

June – Stanly Matthews married Mary A Black at Black home near later est. Cleburne Station near Spring Hill. Matthews taught school in Columbia and was member of Maury County Bar Association. Later served as US senator from Ohio and US Supreme Court Justice.

Summer – First steam engine in Maury County used by Gideon J Pillow on his estate near Ashwood for making rope and twine from Hemp, also used to weave bagging.

Fall – St James Masonic Lodge #105 est. at Williamsport.

Oct 20 – Two slaves, Edmund Kelly and Dyer Johnson, with 5 free blacks: Rev. Richard Sanderson, Ruben Polk, Dempsey (Demps) Cherry, Anna “Annie” Cherry and Eliza Cherry, a daughter, met with First Baptist minister Elisha Hanks to form their own church, The Mount Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church, originally located at 1120 Mapleash Ave, Columbia. Nov – State legislature awards portion of Maury County to Lewis County.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Charlotte Reeves Robertson, wife of General James Robertson, died 92. Charlotte , Tn. named in her honor.

April – Tennessee legislature creates Lewis County, portion of southeast Maury Country added to Lewis County.

Summer – Peyton Stakes horse race occurred in Cumberland River bottom below Nashville, Bailey Peyton promoter paid $35,000 to winner Glumdalditch.

Summer – Copper discovered near Potato Creek in Southwest Polk County, Tn.

• •

Mt Lebanon Missionary Church in Columbia Nov – James K Polk defeated 2nd time for governor of Tennessee by James C Jones, aka: “Lean Jimmy Jones.”

Dec 11 – George Washington Campbell, former Sec of Treasury and US Senator sells “Campbell Hill” to city of Nashville for $30,000 to transfer to state for new permanent state capital.


• United States


Jan 15 – University of Notre Dame chartered in Indiana.

Feb 28 – Cannon demonstration aboard USS Princeton explodes the gun, killing Sec. of state, Abel Upshur, Secretary of Navy, Thomas Gilmer, President Tyler’s fiancé and her father and others.

April 12 – US and Texas sign annexation treaty making Texas US Territory.

May 1 – Henry Clay nominated for President by Whig Party in Baltimore, MD.

May 24 – Samuel Morse sends telegraph message from Baltimore to Washington DC.

June 1 – Democratic Party convention in Baltimore, MD. nominates James K Polk as President after 8th ballot as compromise candidate over President Martin Van Buren over Texas annexation issue.

June 8 – US Senate rejects Texas Treaty and annexation because of slave or free state issue.

June 27 – Mob kills Joseph Smith and his brother in Carthage, Illinois'.

Aug 8 – Brigham Young chosen to succeed Joseph Smith as head of Church of Latter Day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois.

Sept 5 – Iron Ore discovered in Minnesota.

• World •

Feb 27 – Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti.

March 8 – King Oscar I ascends throne of Sweden-Norway with death of King Charles XIV.

June 6 – George Williams founded Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in London, England.

Aug – Treaty of Tangiers ends French war in Morocco.

Dec 4 – James K Polk elected 11th President of US.


• Maury


• Tennessee

Jan – Professor’s J.T. Wheat and Donald McLeod, college educated Professor’s, begin teaching at Ravenscroft Institute in Rev. Otey’s home “Mercer Hall”.

Jan – First Columbia “Herald” newspaper starts publishing but closes after a few months.

Feb – Mt Olivet M.E. Church organized on Bear Creek Pike.

Jan – Maury County Court approves $15,000 to build new two story brick court house, Nimrod Porter contracted.

Spring – Dr. Aaron White constructs “White Hall” in Spring Hill.

Spring – 2nd brick Maury County Court house construction begins with Nimrod Porter as contractor.

May – J.A. Dugger opened store in Stiverville.

May 5 – Gideon Pillow leaves Columbia for Washington DC to begin campaign strategy to nominate James K Polk as President.

Summer – Tennessee legislature creates Grundy and Hancock Counties.

2nd Brick Maury Court House

Summer – Black Tongue epidemic kills dozens in Maury County.

Summer – Hardison Mill /store and post office Est.

Aug 3 – Evergreen Cumberland Presbyterian church founded on land donated by Eli Bradshaw, Rev . Joseph Brown held first meeting and was first pastor.

Aug 15 – Southern Democrats meet in Nashville to unify party for James K Polk.

Aug 14 – Jackson College holds annual commencement at First Presbyterian church.

Fall – Construction begins on St Mary’s Catholic church in Nashville.

Sept 13 – George W McQuiddy, merchant; James R Shelton, tailor; Charles Brandon, carpenter; James M White, saddler; and Leo Holman, shoemaker traveled to Nashville and were initiated into Tennessee lodge #1 of Odd Fellows and issued a charter for lodge #3 in Columbia.

Fall – Fountain Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church organized.

Oct 17 – Laurel Hill Female Institute founded by W.S. Speer, 9 miles east of Columbia on Shelbyville road, 5 miles south of Hurts Crossing.

Nov – “Liberty Hall” construction completed by George P Webster at Cross Bridges. (AKA: Webster house)

Nov 16 – James K Polk receives word in Columbia of his election as President from horse rider sent from Nashville post master, Robert Armstrong.


1845 • United States •

Jan 23 – Congress passes Election Act to designate first Tuesday after first Monday in November as election day for President and vice-President.

Jan 29 – Edgar Allen Poe published poem “The Raven”.

Feb 28 – Congress approved annexation of Texas.

March 3 – Florida and Iowa become states of un ion.

March 4 – James K Polk inaugurated as President.

March 18 - Johnny Appleseed died, 71.

Spring – Sarah Childress Polk, introduces “Ruffles and Flourishes” and “Hail To the Chief” introduction to President.

June 4 – Congress declares war on Mexico.

• World

March 3 – Rubber band invented in England.

Summer – First submarine cable laid across English Channel.

Nov 20 – Argentine Confederation defeated by AngloFrench fleet in Battle of Vuelta de Obligado.

Dec 23 – British defeat Sikhs in Punjab in Battle of Ferozeshah.

July 1 – Henry David Thoreau moves into log cabin on Walden pond.

July 4 – Texas convention approves annexation to US.

July – Congress votes to annex Texas.

Aug 17 – Robert Stockton, Texas intriguer in Los Angles claims all of California as US territory.

Aug 18 – General Stephen W Kearny with 3 divisions of mounted dragoons marched into Santa Fe, New Mexico and declared it a US possession.

Sept 23 – First professional baseball team organized, New York Knickerbockers.

Oct 10 – US Naval Academy opens in Annapolis, Md.

Nov – Scientific American magazine first published.

Dec 29 – Congress votes to make Texas 29th state.


• Maury •


Jan 28 – President Elect James K Polk and wife, Sarah, with private secretary, Knox Walker leave Columbia for Washington.

Spring – William McKissack completes first brick house in Spring Hill.

Spring – “Rattle and Snap” construction completed for George Washington Polk, sold in 1867 to J.T. Granberry who renamed it “Oakwood Hall.”

Spring – “Lily of West” last steamboat up the Duck River to Columbia.

April 4 – William Pillow and Granville A Pillow born at “Rose Hill”, recently completed residence of Gideon Pillow in Columbia.

Spring – Marshall & Maury Mill and Dam erected on Duck River by Ned Harris, later sold to Chas. & Calvin Hardison

June – Judge William E Kennedy of Maury County grants manumission to his 30 slaves and offers financial assistance to return to Liberia, one named Cyrus returned.

Summer – Ashwood school for young ladies opened by Rev. E.H. Cressly and Prof. Donald McLeod.

Summer – Carter’s Creek Baptist church organized by Elijah Hanks at Loco.

Fall – “White Hall” , home of Dr. Aaron White completed in Spring Hill.

Oct – Meriwether Lewis Masonic lodge # 192 F& AM in Hampshire Est. , formally known as “Love’s Cross roads.’

• Tennessee •

Jan – Tennessee legislature creates Decatur County.

Jan 31 – President elect James K Polk and wife, Sarah leave Hermitage for Washington DC by steamboat called “China” via Cumberland and Ohio Rivers to Wheeling, Virginia, then by carriage over mountains to Cumberland, MD. and rail into Washington.

March – Construction on new Tennessee state capital building begins, designed by William Strickland.

McKissack Home in Spring Hill today

June 8 – Former President Andrew Jackson died at Hermitage, 78.

July 4 – Corner stone of Tennessee capital building laid.

• •

Rattle & Snap Nov – Aaron Vail Brown of Giles County, law partner of James K Polk, elected governor of Tennessee.


• United States •


• World •

Feb – Treaty of Lahore ends first Sikh war in India with British.

Feb 26 – William F Cody (Buffalo Bill) born.

March 10 – Prince Osahito crowned Emperor of Japan.

May 17 – Adolphe Sax patented Saxophone in Germany.

June – Potato crop failure forces thousands of Irish to emigrates to US.

Feb 10 – Brigham Young leads 150 Mormons on migration west from Nauvoo, Illinois to Great Salt Lake.

May 9 – General Zachary Taylor defeats Mexican forces in Texas in Battle of Resaca.

May 13 – US declares war on Mexico, Tennessee earns nickname “Volunteer State”.

June 15 – Oregon Treaty between US and Britain Est. 49th parallel as Canadian/US border from Rocky Mountains to Pacific.

June 19 – First professional baseball game played between New York Knickerbockers and New York Niner’s on Elysian Fields under new set of baseball rules.

June 10 – California declares independence from Mexico.

June 16 – Pope Pius IX succeeds Pope Gregory XVI.

July 7 – US annexes California.

July 5 – American rebels in California elect John C Fremont, President of the Republic of California.

Aug 10 – Congress charters Smithsonian Institute.

Aug 22 – US annexes New Mexico.

Sept 23 – German Astronomers discover planet Neptune.

Nov 25 – Carrie Nation born.

Sept 10 – Elias Howe patents new Sewing machine.

Sept 27 – General Zachary Taylor captures Monterey.

Oct 16 – Dr. William T Morton used ether gas on patient for dental surgery in Boston, Mass.

Nov 16 – Gen. Taylor seizes Saltillo, Mexico.

Dec 28 – Iowa becomes 29th state in union.


• Maury


Jan 14 – Andrew Jackson Polk married Rebecca Van Leer Polk in Nashville.

Feb – Eagle Hotel in Columbia on South Main street burned.

Feb – Spring Hill lodge 124 F & AM organized.

Spring – Methodist Episcopal Church Est. Columbia Female Seminary, Rev. P. Neely head master, construction completed in 1851.

Spring – William Galloway house constructed in Columbia at present day 401 West 9th street, often used as headquarters of General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

• Tennessee •

June 6 – Maury County men sworn into service for Mexican War by W.G. Harding on West Market street near square.

Summer – H.L. Crutcher deeded lot for Spring Hill Methodist church to trustees N.F. Cheairs, J.W. Cheairs, Sol Bunch, T.B. Bond, J.L. Moran, C.A. Roundtree, Sherwood Galloway and C.A. Cartwright.

July 23 – S. L. Shaw announces in “Maury Democrat” newspaper in Columbia he will take Daguerrian type likenesses of citizens at Columbia Inn.

Aug – Saint Paul’s Church founded in Columbia, blacks met at foot of 2nd street & Garden street on rock ledge of Duck River.

Aug 25 – Spring Hill Methodist brick church erected.

Fall – “Pinhook” renamed “Santa Fe”, area carried bad reputation for more than 20 years, had two saloons.

Oct 2 – Nathaniel Chearis Sr. of Spring Hill died, 82.

Nov 25 – Columbia Beacon published, W.S. Pollard publisher and W.J. Sykes, editor.

Dec 1 – New Maury County Court house completed.

Jan – Tennessee legislature creates Hancock County.

Galloway home today

Spring – Tennessee General Assembly passes law allowing saloons to sell liquor by the drink, but could not sell to minors without written permission of parents.

Spring Hill Methodist church today


• United States


Jan 13 – Mexicans surrender California to John C Fremont, sign Treaty of Cahuenga to end war in California.

Jan 16 – John C Fremont appointed Governor of California by President James K Polk.

Feb 11 – Thomas Alva Edison born in Ohio.

Feb 22 – General Zachery Taylor defeats 15,000 Mexicans with 5,000 US troops in battle of Buena Vista.

Feb 28 – Mexican army defeated in Battle of Sacramento.

March 3 – Congress authorizes US Post Office to issue postage stamps.

March 29 – Gen. Winfield Scott captures Vera Cruz.

May 1 – Smithsonian Institute building dedicated.

May 7 – American Medical Association founded in Philadelphia.

June 22 – First “Doughnut” created.

July 24 – Brigham Young & 147 Mormons Est. Salt Lake City.

Sept 5 – Jesse James born in Missouri.

Oct – First steam powered Cotton Mill begins operation in Salem, Mass.

Oct 12 – Gen. Winfield Scott captures Mexico City.

Oct 28 – Donner party of settlers stranded in “Donner Pass” by snow storm, cannibalize dead.

• World

March 3 – Alexander Graham Bell born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

June 1 – First Communist League meeting held in London.

July 26 – Liberia proclaimed a republic.

Nov 4 – Felix Mendelssohn, German composer died, 36

Dec - Tin cans first manufactured to preserve food in Easton, Pennsylvania. •


• Maury


Jan – Ashwood school for girls est. west of St John’s.

Jan 15 – Robert G Walker born in Columbia.

Feb 9 – Bethel Academy opens 9 miles east of Columbia on old Murfreesboro road, near Joshua H Speer place, school under headmaster, Isaac N Smith.

March 12 – H.S. Matthews announces new four horse post coach line from Columbia to Nashville, cost $1 one way.

March 26 – J. H. Webster Est. “Goshen Female Academy” , 10 miles west of Columbia.

March 26 – Columbia Beacon first published by Pollard and Woodson.

April – Columbia attempts to annex “Nazareth” district, area south of 9th street, great opposition.

May 21 – General Gideon Pillow return to Columbia and gave a brief history of his perils in the Mexican War and wounds received. He returned to Clifton Place to recover.

June 19 – Daily Morning Herald first published in Columbia by Messrs. Hubbard & Hutton.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Franklin Female Academy begins operation at Five Points.

Gideon Pillow

June 25 – Rock Springs Baptist church founded by Elijah Hanks and W E Meacham in log school building.

July 26 – Cornerstone of Brick Presbyterian Church on Sanford’s donated land laid.

Aug – Entire village of Rally Hill burned down.

Sept 3 – Columbia to Bolivar stage coach route opens, 32 hour trip, connects to LaGrange , Tn. and Holly Springs, Ms.

Oct – Cumberland University opened.

Oct 12 – Riverside Church of Christ organized.

Oct 22 – Powder magazine in Nashville explodes, killing several and destroys several houses.

Oct 31 – Old 1st Presbyterian church in Columbia burned, it stood on Garden and 6th street on present day Regions Bank site.

Nov – Neill S Brown (Whig) elected Governor of Tennessee, born in Giles County, attended Manual Labor school and Jackson College in Maury County. John Bell elected US Senator, Tn.

Dec 3 – Mr. Harvey M Watterson Esq. of Nashville met with Columbia citizens to explain the Telegraph operation and discuss construction of a line from Nashville to Florence, through Columbia.

Dec 14 – Duck River floods, washes Columbia bridge out, several homes and mills swept away.


• United States •


Jan 24 – James Marshall discovers gold in Sutter’s Mill, California.

Jan 31 – John C Fremont found guilty of mutiny, disobedience and usurping power in California court martial, Freemont dismissed from army.

Feb 2 – Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed to end Mexican/US war, US acquires Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona and parts of Wyoming and Colorado for $15 million.

Feb 14 – James K Polk becomes first President to have Photograph taken.

Feb 23 – Former President John Quincy Adams collapsed on House of Representative floor and died.

March 10 – Senate ratifies treaty with Mexico.

May 19 – Alexander Stewart opens first Department store in New York City.

May 29 – Wisconsin becomes 29th state of union.

May 30 – William Young patents first hand crank ice cream machine.

June 1 – First Telegraph link between New York City and Chicago made.

June 19 – Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott open first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, “Bloomers” introduced at convention.

Aug 14 – Oregon Territory created by Congress.

Sept – Construction of Washington Monument begins.

Nov 7 – General Zachary Taylor elected President.

• World •

Feb 8 – Revolution in Rome brings 2nd Roman Republic.

Feb 21 – Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels publish “Communist Manifesto.”

Feb 24 – King Louis Philippe of France abdicates, 2nd revolution declared.

March 15 – Revolt breaks out in Hungary, Hapsburgs forced to make reforms.

March 20 – Serfdom abolished in Austria

March 29 – Ice jam stops water flow over Niagara Falls.

Aug 17 – Yucatan annexed by Mexico.

Nov 4 – France ratified new constitution, 2nd Republic formed.

Dec 2 – Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I abdicates, Franz Josef I assumes crown. as Emperor of Austria and king of Hungary.

Dec 20 – Prince Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte elected President of France, 2nd Republic.

• •

Dec 29 – Gas lights installed in White House.


• Maury


Jan 14 – Old Columbia Inn repaired and remodeled.

Jan 21 – Construction on new bridge across Duck River at Columbia begins.

Jan 28 – Joseph A Walker erected new house on corner of Free and High street , (212 West 6th street) called “Halcyon Hall” to board by day, week or month.

Jan 28 – Columbia divided into Wards, annexes “Nazareth” suburb south of 9th street between Embargo and S Garden streets.

Spring – Columbia Masons offer to buy Jackson College.

Feb 11 – Charter for Duck River Slackwater Navigation company issued, capital stock $650,000, proposed building locks and dams on Duck River.

April – Small congregation erected Columbia’s first Christian church at corner of South Main and 9th street, portion still standing as Craig’s Grocery store, where Alexander Campbell pearched.

Aug 2 – William J Polk advertizes land for sale near Spring Hill on the Pike (Present day site of Haynes Haven). He is moving to Arkansas.

Aug 11 – Thomas Church donated land for construction of Bethel Methodist Church near present day Santa Fe.

Sept – New Lasea Church of Christ organized.

Oct 5 – Pleasant Grove F & AM Masonic Lodge #138 organized.

Nov 2 – Joshua B Frierson conveyed to Duncan Brown, James M Arnell, Leonidas Polk, E.W. Dale, James S Fleming, S.H. Armstrong and John W Frierson 2 acre’s of land for $133 to construct Stephenson Academy just west of Zion Church.

• Tennessee •

Jan – State of Tennessee erects monument at Grinder’s Stand to mark death of Meriwether Lewis.

March – First Telegraph message received in Nashville.


• United States


• World

Jan 11 – Associated Press founded.

Jan 13 – 2nd Anglo-Sikh War erupts in India.

Jan 23 – Elizabeth Blackwell becomes first woman MD in US.

Jan 31 – “Corn Laws’ abolished in United Kingdom, opens free trade in England.

Feb 28 – Regular steamboat service from East coast of US to West coast via Cape Horn Est., 49er’s rush to California.

Feb 8 – New Roman Republic Est. in Papal states.

March 3 – Frankfurt Parliament elects Fredrick William IV Emperor of new German state.

March – US Congress authorizes $20 gold coin, double eagle.

March – congress authorizes US Department of Interior.

March 3 – Minnesota becomes US Territory.

March 29 – Britain annexes Punjab, India.

March 5 – Zachary Taylor inaugurated President.

April 14 – Hungary declares independence from Austria.

April 10 – Walter Hunt patents Safety pin.

May 3 – New Orleans flooded when Levee breaks. •

May – Irish potato famine rages.

June 5 – Denmark adopts constitutional monarchy.

July 3 – French troops occupy Rome, Republic collapses.

Aug 8 – Austria crushes Hungarian revolt, after 4 month siege in Budapest.

Oct 7 – Edgar Allen Poe, author and poet died.

Nov 14 – Longest suspension bridge in world opens across Ohio river at Wheeling, West Virginia.

Dec 6 – Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery in Maryland. •


1849 • Maury •

Jan 4 – Jackson College sold to Maury County Masons, 40 X 140 foot, 3 story Hall, 2000 book library. Professors are : Edmund Dillahunty, on Political Economy & the Law of Nations, Rev. B.H. Ragsdale, Prof. of Mental and Moral Philosophy; O.H.P. Bennett, Prof. of Math.; Rev. Joseph Sherman, Prof. of Ancient Languages; W.A. Steuzzi, Prof of Modern Languages, and Prof. James O Griffith, Principal.

• Tennessee •

Spring – Construction of Nashville Presbyterian church begins, designed by William F Strickland, completed in 1851.

Jan – Columbia named “Athens of Tennessee” and Maury County named “Garden Spot of Tennessee.”

Jan 11 – Cholera epidemic hits Columbia.

March – Manor Hall constructed in Mount Pleasant by Martin l Stockard.

April – Tennessee legislature creates Scott County.

March 18 – Spring Hill Presbyterian Church dedicated.

May – Last recorded Elk killing occurs in Tennessee.

Spring – First Telegraph office Est. on 3rd floor of Maury County Court House, first telegraph received by Dr. Frank G Smith, Director of Columbia Institute.

Spring – Colonel Adolphus Heiman and R.H. Drury, engineers, surveyed the Duck River and reported navigable waters with a series of Locks and Dams.

April 5 – President James K Polk visits Columbia for last time. Gideon Pillow and Jackson College military company brass band escort him into town.

April 17 – Bishop James T Otey purchases additional 10 acres for Ravenscroft College from Patrick Maguire to construct school building.

June 15 – President James K Polk died of Cholera in Nashville, 51.

April 26 – “Sons of Temperance”, parade through Columbia from Court House to Jackson College grove.

June – 3rd all brick Zion church completed, 1st sermon by Rev. N.A. Penlan.

June – First telegraph message received in Mt Pleasant.

July 26 – Duck River Slackwater Navigation company announces it will build 8 locks and Dams on Duck River.

Aug – Columbia Beacon reports Maury County slaves numbered 13,972 and were valued at $4.9 million, 15,000 horses and mules, 25,000 cattle, 30,000 sheep, 125,175 hogs and manufacturing capital at $59,555.

• •

Spring Hill Presbyterian Church painting (Located on Rutherford Creek near Jackson College)

Nov – William Trousdale (D) elected governor Tennessee.

Aug 23 – New Drug store, “Polk & Green” opens in Columbia.

Sept 15 – Ashwood division of Sons of Temperance held convention near Zion church.

Fall – Dyer Johnson, carpenter (Grandfather of Lyman Teft Johnson) purchased his own freedom for $1300.

Oct 3 – Bigbyville Masonic Lodge #167 chartered


1850 • United States •

Jan 29 – Henry Clay introduces “Great Compromise” bill of 1850 into Senate, compromise on slavery in exchange for admitting California as state, calls for equal number of free and slave states.

March – US population set at 23 million , 3.6 million slaves (15.7 percent )

March 19 – American Express company founded by Henry Wells and William Fargo.

March 31 – Senator John C Calhoun died.

April 4 – City of Los Angles incorporated.

Spring – Western & Atlantic Railroad from Atlanta to Chattanooga completed.

June 3 – Kansas City, Missouri chartered.

June 6 – Levi Strauss makes first “Blue Jean.”

July 9 – President Zachery Taylor died in office, Millard Fillmore sworn in as president.

Summer – Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes “The Scarlet Letter.”

Sept 9 – Congress creates New Mexico and Utah Territories.

Sept 12 – Jenny Lind , “Swedish Nightengale” arrives in New York for national tour.

Sept 20 – “Great Compromise” bill adopted by Congress, California becomes 31st state, fugitive slave act enforcement strengthened.

Nov – Harriet Tubman becomes leader of Underground Railroad.

• World •

Feb – Prussia adopts new Liberal constitution.

May – James Harrison of Australia invents Ice machine.

June – Prussia and Denmark sign Peace Treaty of Berlin on Schleswig-Holstein.

Aug – Louis Phillipe, King of France died.


1850 • Maury •

Jan – Duncan McCray opened store and saloon in Rally Hill.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Tennessee legislature creates Union County.

Jan 23 – Hampshire Pike chartered to William Kennedy , 5 mile pike completed in 1856.

Jan 28 – Mary Clementon Currey Dorris founded Ladies Hermitage Association.

Feb 25 – Negro slave named Henry accused of stealing hams, alleged to have stabbed John Elbeck and William Barham in Franklin, later executed.

May 9 – First train from Atlanta arrives in Chattanooga, Tn.

June 3 – 200 delegates from nine southern states meet in Nashville to consider and adopt several “States Rights” resolutions, including right to slave property.

June – First steam locomotive and train arrives in Nashville on Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad.

Aug – Tennessee population set at 1 million.

Spring – Methodist Episcopal church charters Columbia Conference College.

April 9 – Horace Rainey born in Columbia.

May – Columbia amends city charter.

May – Beech Grove Christen Church organized.

Summer – Jones Academy erected on farm of Edwin s Criddle. (area near Mt Pleasant pike and Cayce lane today)

June – Leftwich covered bridge erected.

July 31 – Ravenscroft College on west 7th street closed.

Aug – Maury County population set at 16,759, Columbia at 1747, 949 Columbia slaves.

Nov – Methodist Episcopal church constructs Corinthian Hall of Columbia Conference of Colleges, one of several buildings that becomes Andrews school, Phillip Neely, President.


• United States •


• World

Jan 31 – Gail Borden introduces evaporated milk.

March – Cuban rebels declare independence.

Summer – Coup d'état by Louis Napoleon sets stage for new French constitution.

March 25 – Yosemite Valley discovered by Major James Savage.

July 31 – Sioux Indians sign Treaty of Traverse des Sioux ceding lands in Iowa and Minnesota.

Aug 12 – Isaac Singer patents new continuous stitch Sewing machine.

Aug 26 – Stephen Foster’s “Swanee River” becomes national hit.

Aug 31 – Clipper ship “Flying Cloud” sets record run from New York City to San Francisco in 89 days.

Sept 18 – New York Times founded.

Nov 14 – Herman Melville publishes “Moby Dick.”

Dec 24 – Fire destroys 36,000 volumes in Library of Congress in Washington DC.

Dec 29 – First American YMCA organized in Boston, Mass. •


• Maury


• Tennessee

March 31 – Jenny Lind, the “Swedish Nightingale”, performs in Nashville.

Spring - Nashville gets first gas street lights at 2nd Ave. north and Public Square.

Spring – Mary Sharp College, formally the Tennessee & Alabama Female Institute chartered in Winchester, Tn.

July – Regular passenger service begins between Nashville and Chattanooga .

Nov – William Campbell elected Governor of Tn.

Dec 4 – Tennessee legislature chartered the Louisville & Nashville Railroad from state line to Nashville.

Spring – Duck River Slackwater Navigation Company fails.

Summer – Columbia Conference College constructed by Methodist Episcopal Church, Corinthian Hall, later largest of several buildings served as hospital for both Armies of Civil War, later purchased by Columbia to convert into public school.


• United States


March 20 – Harriet Beecher Stowe published “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

June – Colonel Robert E Lee appointed Superintendent of West Point Academy.

• World •

Jan 14 – Louis Napoleon Bonaparte proclaims new French constitution and 2nd Republic.

March – South African Republic (Transvaal) Est.

Summer – New constitution of New Zealand adopted.

Dec 2 – Louis Napoleon Bonaparte crowned Emperor of France. 158

• Maury


Spring – Nathaniel F Cheairs III begins construction on Rippavilla Plantation in Spring Hill.

Spring – Athenaeum school for girls founded by Rev. Franklin G Smith after he resigns from Columbia Institute.

April 4 – Dr. Robert Pillow born in Columbia to William H and Elizabeth Porter Pillow.

May 5 – Rev. Franklin G Smith resigns from Columbia Girls Institute after Bishop Otey suspended him for alleged improper behavior after young women accused him of improper touching and hugging.

May 10 – Dyer Johnson, former slave, now a free man of color, offers to buy his wife, Elizabeth from her owner, Nancy White in Columbia.

May 27 – Rev. Franklin G Smith announced founding of new school for young women, Athenaeum.

Summer – Cholera epidemic hits Maury County, several died.

Summer – Archelaus M Hughes builds “Shadowlawn” located at present day 917 West 7th street.

Sept 6 – First class of Columbia Athenaeum begins with 10 young women.

• Tennessee •

Jan 22 – Tennessee legislature charters Tennessee and Alabama Railroad to run between Nashville and Franklin.

Fall – Sylvan Mills company Est. on Duck River outside Shelbyville to manufacture woven cotton fabric, mill became Shelbyville Mills in 1920’s and was purchased by US Rubber textile division, closed in 1982.


• United States


Jan 8 – First bronze equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson dedicated in Washington DC.

Jan 12 – Baltimore and Ohio Railroad completed line to Wheeling , Virginia after 25 years of construction.

March 2 – Congress creates Washington Territory.

March 4 – Franklin Pierce inaugurated President

Spring – Sorghum, a sub-Tropical grass first imported into America as possible sugar source.

July 14 – Commodore Perry arrives in Japan to open trade.

July 14 – First US World’s Fair opens in New York City.

Aug – yellow Fever epidemic kills 11,000 in New Orleans.

Aug 24 – The Potato Chip first introduced to US in Saratoga, NY.

Sept – Wabash Canal in Indiana completed, 459 miles long.

Dec 30 – James Gadsden purchased 29,640 sq miles of northern Mexico for $10 million, area includes southern Arizona and New Mexico.

• World •

March 20 – Taiping Rebellion in China, 750,000 rebels seize Nanjing, killing 30,000 Imperial troops.

Aug 12 – New Zealand awarded home self rule.

Oct 4 – Crimean War begins, Ottoman Empire declares war on Russia.

Nov 30 – Battle of Sinop, Russian fleet destroys Turkish fleet.


1853 • Maury •

Jan – Bennett G. Parsons settled on present day Parsons Bend on Duck River along old Suck Island road and ford.

Spring – Typhoid fever epidemic hits Maury County, 50 died.

Spring – Rose Hill Cemetery chartered.

May – First official burial occurred in Rose Hill Cemetery, Mrs. Izore C Wilson and daughter of Cemetery President , Rev. J B Hamilton.

• Tennessee

Spring – Belmont Mansion completed, originally named “Belle Monte”, built by Joseph & Adelicia Acklen, 20,000 sq feet, 36 rooms on 180 acres, present day Campus of Belmont University.

May – Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad opened from Bridgeport, Alabama to Nashville.

Nov – Andrew Johnson elected Governor of Tennessee.

Dec – Tennessee state Library Est. by Tennessee General Assembly.

Summer – “Beechlawn”, a Greek Revival home south of Columbia on Pulaski Pike, built by Major A W Warfield. The name taken from a large Beech tree on premises.


• United States •


Jan 1 – First Negro College chartered as Ashman Institute (Lincoln University) in Chester, Penn.

Feb 28 – US Republican party organized in Ripon, Wisconsin.

March 31 – Commodore Matthew Perry signs Treaty of Kanagawa with Japan to open ports to trade.

April – Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson develop a revolver that permits rapid firing.

May – Elisha G Otis demonstrates his safety hoist invention for elevators in New York City.

May 26 – Congress passes Kansas-Nebraska Act, allowing settlers of new territories to chose free soil or slavery, repeals Missouri Compromise of 1850.

• World •

Jan 18 – Former Maury County filibuster, William Walker proclaims Republic of Sonora in Mexico

Feb 11 – British recognize independence of Orange Free state.

Feb 13 – Mexican troops force William Walker and his followers to retreat from Sonora.

March 27 – British and France declare war on Russia.

Sept 20 – French/British alliance wins Battle of Alma in Crimean War.

Oct 21 – Florence Nightingale and 38 nurses leave for Crimean war zone.

Oct 25 – Battle of Balaclava won by French/British forces in Crimean war, Charge of Light Brigade losses were 500 men of 700 man unit.

Nov 17 – Suez Canal ground breaking occurred to start construction.

Dec 8 – Pope Pius IX in Papal Bull declares blessed Virgin Mary born without original sin.


1854 • Maury

March – Glenn’s Store opened by owner Robert A Glenn on old Elk Trace road (Lewisburg Pike/ US 431)

Spring – Nathaniel Nicholson donated land to build school on Nicholson road near old Bear Creek Pike.

April 8 – McCain’s Academy chartered, operated until civil War. Restarted in 1893 by Rev. M.E. Gabard.

May – Maury County hit by severe drought, no rain from May till Sept, Flux and Fever killed 52.

• Tennessee •

Jan – Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad from Nashville to Chattanooga completed.

April – Tennessee legislature creates Putman County.

April 7 – William Strickland, master architect of Tn. Capital died, 66. Interred in Capital building.

May – Methodist Publishing house Est. in Nashville.


• United States


Jan 5 – Anti-Foreign/ Anti-Catholic “Know-Nothing political party holds first convention.

Jan 9 - %.9 earthquake hits New England area.

Jan 23 – First bridge over Mississippi River completed in present day Minneapolis, Minn.

Feb 10 – Congress approves law making all children of American citizens born abroad citizens of US.

March 8 – First Railroad train crossed new 825 foot suspension bridge across Niagara River, built by John A Roebling.

March 27 – Abraham Gesner patented Kerosene as medicine.

May 5 – Castle Clinton opened as first immigrant station in New York City.

July 4 – Walt Whitman, American poet, published “Leaves of Grass”, a collection of 12 poems.

Aug 6 – “Know-Nothings” riot in Louisville, KY. , killing dozens of Irish and German immigrants.

Aug – John Brown, abolitionist, moves to Kansas with his sons, becomes local militia leader.

Oct – Fredrick Douglas publishes “My Bondage, My Freedom.”

Oct 17 – Bessemer steelmaking process patented.

Nov – Matthew Maury publishes “Physical Geography of the Sea.

Nov 21 – “WakaRusa” War breaks out in “Bloody, Kansas” between pro-slavery and Anti-slavery forces, including John Brown.

• World •

Jan 1 – Ottawa City incorporates in Canada.

Jan 27 – Panama Railroad begins operation between Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

March 3 – Congress approves Sec. of War , Jefferson Davis request to create US Camel Corp.

March 2 – Alexander Romanov II becomes Czar of Russia with death of Czar Nicholas I.

April – Britain and Afghanistan unite in Treaty against Persia.

May 15 – Great gold robbery occurred in England.

June 1 – William Walker, “Filibuster” from Maury County storms Granada, Nicaragua, declares himself President, reestablishes slavery. Walker financed by Cornelius Vanderbilt.

Sept – Taiping rebellion ends in China.

Nov 17 – Dr. David Livingstone becomes first European to visit Victoria Falls in present day Zambia-Zimbabwe.

Dec 14 – First Hockey game played in Canada by two military teams.


1855 • Maury •

Jan 1 – Columbia Herald newspaper founded by J. J. McDaniel and Jo Griffith.

• Tennessee •

March 16 – Rail line from Franklin to Spring Hill completed.

Spring – William Sowell purchased Hamner’s Mill 8 miles east of Columbia, settles with wife, Emily Jane Hardison.

April – Blanton Chapel and cemetery built on Wally Creek, ( present day North Prong Creek) near Spring Hill.

May – Bridge over Duck River at Williamsport completed

Summer – McCain Academy est., A.M. Burney, principal (Note: Donald Davidson, Tennessee poet and writer once taught school at McCain’s)

June 30 –Banks Caperton born in Spring Hill, future ViceAdmiral of US Navy.

June – “Rippo-villa” or “Cheairs place” construction completed.

July 7 – “Democrat Herald” first published in Columbia.

Aug – New Drug store opens (Hamner & Bryan) on NW corner of Columbia public square, two doors west of Post office, formally office of Democrat Herald.

Feb 26 – Nashville opens first public school (Hume) on corner of 8th Ave. north and Broad street.


Oct – First annual Tennessee State Fair opened in Nashville.

Oct – First annual Maury County Fair opens.

Nov 28 – Lemuel P Padgett born in Columbia, US Congressman (D) 1901-1922, married Ida Latta of Columbia, died Aug 2, 1922, buried in Rose Hill cemetery.

Nov 16 – Tennessee legislature creates Cumberland County.

Dec 19 – Demolay Commandery #3, Knghts of Templar Mason’s organized in Columbia.

Dec 11 – Old Williamson County brick court house demolished, new courthouse construction begins.


• United States


Jan 8 – Borax discovered by John Veatch.

Jan 24 – President Franklin Pierce declares Kansas in state of rebellion.

Feb 1 – Auburn University chartered in Alabama as East Alabama Male College.

Feb 2 – Dallas incorporated.

April 1 – Western Union Telegraph company formed.

April 5 – Booker T Washington born.

May 24 – Abolitionist John Brown and his followers kill 5 proslavery settlers in Kansas.

June 2 – Battle of Blackjack, proslavery and Antislavery forces led by John Brown fight in Bleeding, Kansas.

July – Joseph Schlitz, purchases Krug Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to begin Schlitz Beer company.

• World •

Jan 29- Queen Victoria inaugurates Victorian Cross for bravery in military duty.

March 20 – Costa Rican troops route William Walker and followers.

March 31 – Treaty of Paris signed by Ottoman Empire to end Crimean War.

Spring – Neanderthal skull found in Feldhofer cave near Dusseldorf, Germany.

July 12 – William Walker, formally of Maury County , a filibuster, inaugurated President of Nicaragua.

• •

Sept – “Big Ben” 13.5 ton bell of British House parliament, cast by Whitechapel Bell foundry.

Oct 8 – 2nd Opium War begins in China., British bombard Canton.

Nov 1 – Anglo-Persian War begins.

Dec 2 – Central American Federation forces oust William Walker from Nicaragua. 166

Nov 4 – James Buchanan elected 15th President of US.

• Maury


Spring – Vaught Mfg. Company started by Nathan Vaught, mill burned in 1904.

May – Baptist Church of Columbia founded.

June 3 – Columbia Mirror published in Columbia.

June 30 – Banks Caperton born in Spring Hill.

July – Absalom Barr opens undertaker business in Columbia, later becomes Oakes & Nichols Funeral home.

Nov 9 – Earthquake shakes Maury County.

• Tennessee •

Feb 18 – Mount Olivet Cemetery in Nashville chartered.

Feb 26 – Tennessee General Assembly chartered United Methodist publishing House, 1st major publisher in the south.

April – Tennessee legislature creates Cheatham County.

July 4 – Cornerstone of new Williamson County Court hose laid.

Nov 17 – John Henry Eaton , Sec of War under President Andrew Jackson, US Senator Tn., Governor of Florida, Author, died, 66. Married Margaret O'Neale Timberlake, widow of navy officer, John B Timberlake ,brought rumors of affair in Washington DC political circles.


• United States


• World •

Jan – Peace of Paris ends British-Persian War, Shah of Persia agrees recognizes independence of Afghanistan.

March 4 – James Buchanan inaugurated as 15th President of US.

March 3 – France and United Kingdom declare war on China, 2nd Opium war.

March 6 – US Supreme Court rules Dred Scott as a slave is not US citizen with right to sue for his freedom.

March 21 – Earthquake in Japan kills 107,000.

March 7 – New baseball rules makes 9 innings an official game.

April – Royal Navy destroys Chinese fleet.

March 21 – Elisha Otis installs first safety elevator in 488 Broadway Ave, New York City.

May 11 – Indian troops capture Delhi from East Indian company.

Oct – Louis Pasteur proves fermentation caused by living organisms.

Dec – Czar Alexander II begins emancipation of Russian serfs.

• •

Dec 16 – Earthquake in Naples, Italy kills 11,000.

May 1 – William Walker, Maury County filibuster surrenders to US Navy.

Aug – Weekly periodicals become popular, Harpers Weekly and Atlantic Weekly lead the list.

Sept – Eberhard Anheuser and Adolphus Bush arrive in US from Germany and begin making Beer in St Louis, Mo.

Sept 15 – Timothy Aldes patents Typesetting Machine for printing.

Oct – National economic panic hits Wall Street, 4932 firms fail.

Dec 29 – US Marshal’s arrest William Walker in Nicaragua.


• Maury


Jan – Culleoka platted as city by Rev. W H Wilkes and incorporated. N.W. Renfro opens first store.

March 3 – Athenaeum large dormitory catches fire and burns down.

April 5 – New Hopewell Presbyterian church dedicated, off Pulaski Pike, original church organized in 1820 Rev. Isaac Grier with 27 members.

Summer – Blythewood house construction begins by Thomas W Keesee.

• Tennessee

Culleoka 1878

Fall – Sabra Lawrence house built by Nathan Vaught in Mt Pleasant, 3 story brick at present day 510 North main street, small detached kitchen in back dates to 1824, surviving a fire of previous old house. •

Oct 8 – Andrew Johnson elected US Senator from Tennessee

Nov 8 – Isham G Harris elected Governor of Tennessee, reelected 1859,1861.

Dec 9 – Tennessee legislature creates Sequatchie County, Tn.


1858 • United States

March 4 – Commodore Matthew C Perry died.

May 11 – Minnesota admitted as 32 state.

June – John L Mason patents “Mason jar” with rubber seal and screw top to preserve food.

Aug 21 – First debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas begin in Illinois for US Senate race.

Sept 17 – Dred Scott, slave died.

Sept 24 – Cocur d’alene, Spokane and other western Indians sign peace treaty ending “Yakima War.’

Oct 7 – Overland Mail Company stage coach arrived in Los Angles after leaving St Louis 20 days before.

Oct 28 – Macy’s Department store opens in New York City.

Nov – Young women’s Christian Association (YWCA) founded in New York City.

Nov – Edward R Squibb founded pharmaceutical company.

• World •

Jan 25 – “The Wedding March” by Felix Mendelssohn becomes popular after being played at Queen Victoria’s daughter’s wedding. Princess Vicky married Prince Fredrick of Prussia.

Feb 11 – Blessed Virgin Mary said to have appeared to St. Bernadette of Lourdes, France.

March – Treaty of Tientsin ends British-China 2nd opium war.

Spring – Powers of East India Company transferred to British Crown.

Spring – Suez Canal company Est.

July 1 – Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace present their paper on Theory of Evolution to London Linnaean Society.

Summer – Prince William of Prussia declared regent for insane king Fredrick William IV.

Aug 5 – First successful Trans-Atlantic Telegraph cable completed by Cyrus Westfield.


1858 • Maury •

Feb 11 – Athenaeum School for Girls chartered, Franklin G Smith and wife Sarah founders of school build 12 gothic revival buildings, Est. 16,000 volume library, museum of 6000 specimens by 1900.

Feb 11 – McCain’s Academy chartered, trustee’s were Samuel M Neely, President, James Davis, J.C. Neely, W.R. Mack, S.S. Matthews, John Perry, W.S. Henderson Jr., W.H. Hanno, Alfred Fleming, James Patterson, J. Walker Scott and A.H. Davis.

March 15 – 23 slaves, men, women and children, auctioned off from estates of Richard Whiteside and Edward Chaffin to highest bidders for a total of $17,545 at old Market house in Columbia, TN. Wm. B. Porter auctioneer. Youngest slave was 4 years and oldest was 40 years of age.

May – Dr. George B Peters 46, married 3rd wife, Jesse Helen McKissack 23, in Spring Hill.

Nov 5 – Mt Nebo Methodist church erected.

• Tennessee

May 1 – Tennessee Historical Society founded in Nashville.

June 13 – Steamboat “Memphis” explodes on Mississippi River, killing 160 people.

Nov 5 – Edward Ward Carmack born near Castilian Springs, Sumner County.


• United States

1859 •

Jan 24 – Walachia & Moldavia united under new name “Romania”, Transylvania missing.

Jan 27 – Kaiser Wilhelm II, German Emperor 1888-1918 born.

March 9 – Austrian-Sardinian war begins.

April 14 – Charles Dickens publishes “Tale of Two cities.”

April 16 – Alexis de Tocqueville, French writer died 54, wrote “Democracy in America” 1835.

April 25 – Ground breaking for Suez Canal construction celebrated.

May 3 – France declares war on Austria.

May 30 – Sardinian forces defeat Austrian army in battle of Palestro.

June 4 – French and Sardinian forces defeat Austrians in Battle of Magenta.

June 28 – Battle of Solferino, Sardinian and French defeat Austrians.

Oct 27 – Spain declares war on Moors in Morocco

Nov 10 – Treaty of Zurich ends Sardinian/French/Austrian War.

Nov 25 – Charles Darwin publishes “Origin of Species’ or “The preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.”


Feb 14 – Oregon admitted as 33rd state of union.

March 21 – First Zoological Society incorporated in Philadelphia.

April 4 – First playing of tune “Dixie” occurred in New York City by Bryant’s minstrels' in Parade, written by Dan Emmett and considered a negro song.

• World

June 11 – Comstock Virginia silver lode discovered in Virginia City, Nevada by prospector, James Finney.

July – Williams & Amherst Colleges becomes first Interschool participation in baseball game.

Aug 27 –Colonel Edwin L Drake drills 70 foot oil well at Titusville, Pa. to discover oil for first time in US.

Sept 1 – First Pullman sleeping car put in service in Chicago.

Sept – Massachusetts Institute of Technology founded in Cambridge, Mass.

Oct 16 – Abolitionist john Brown and 18 men seize Federal Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Five of 18 were black.

Nov 16 – “Claim jumper’s” rename St Charles settlement in Colorado, “Denver” after Governor of Kansas Territory.

Dec 2 – John Brown hanged, six of 18 follower’s hanged.

Dec 15 – South Carolina declares itself an “Independent Commonwealth.’

1859 • Maury

March – Samuel Fulton Mayes erected ornate home on west 6th street with 5 acres of beautiful gardens in Columbia.

March – Nathan Vaught begins construction of first “Commercial blocks” on north side of Public Square, three stories high with stores in fronts.

April – Tennessee and Alabama Railroad extends line to Culleoka.

• Tennessee

March 19 – Tennessee State capital completed.

May – Construction of Maxwell House 5 story Hotel in Nashville begins, Colonel John Overton Jr. owner, 240 rooms, bathroom on every floor. Designed by Isaiah Rodgers, on 4th Ave. north and Church street.

Aug 28 – Spectacular Aurora Borealis turns night into day in Tennessee.

Nov 1 – First train arrives from Louisville in Nashville.

Nov 4 – Isham Harris re-elected governor of Tennessee.

June 16 – Louisville and Nashville extended line to Columbia, Depot erected.

Mayes/Hatcher/Hill home today at 306 West 6th street

Fall – Jno. A Oakes joined A. Barr as partner in undertaking business in Columbia.


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