Duck River Valley Chronicle 1991 - 2007

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• United States


Jan 10 – Baseball officially banned Pete Rose from being selected to Hall of Fame.

Jan 12 – US Congress passes resolution authorizing President Bush to conduct war against Iraq.

Jan 15 – President Bush orders operation Desert Storm to invade Iraq and liberate Kuwait.

Jan 17 – Eastern Airlines shutdown after 62 years of business.

• World •

Jan 7 - Loyalist troops to Jean Bertrand Aristides crush an attempted Coup in Haiti.

Jan 18 – Iraq fires SCUD missiles into Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Feb 7 – Jean Bertrand Aristide sworn in as Haiti's first democratic President.

Feb 25 – Warsaw Pact treaty dissolved.

March 1 – Iraq agrees to cease fire in Kuwait.

Feb 22 – US troops invade Kuwait, 100 hours to capture.

Feb 26 – President Bush declares Kuwait liberated, calls for cease fire.

March 2 – Shiite Muslins and Kurds stage uprising in Iraq, 50,000 killed by poison gas, one million Kurds flee to Turkey.

March 3 – Los Angles police arrest and beat Rodney King after 8 mile chase, caught on tape.

March 3 – Latvia and Estonia vote to become independent from USSR.

March 20 – US Supreme Court rules “Fetal protection” not covered by US constitution.

March 10 – hundreds of thousands demonstrate in Moscow demanding Gorbachev resign.

April 10 – US and Britain impose no fly zone over Kurdish area of Iraq.

June 13 – Boris Yeltsin elected President of Russia, He forms a Republic.

April 26 – US Government reports economy is in a recession, unemployment at 6.6 percent.

June 21 – German Bundestag voted to return capital of Germany to Berlin .

June 25 – Slovenia citizens demand independence from Yugoslavia.

Aug 19 – Communist hardliners backed by military seize power in Soviet Union , ousted Mikhail Gorbachev as President. Boris Yeltsin urges resistance.

May 1 – US minimum wage raised to $4.25 per hour.

June 10 – Troops returning from “Operation Desert Storm” give ticker tape parade in New York City.

July 1 – President Bush nominates Clarence Thomas to US Supreme court after Justice Thurgood Marshall announced retirement.

Aug 21 – Boris Yeltsin and 100,000 followers put down communist hardliner coup, return Gorbachev as president of Soviet.

Aug 1 – President Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev sign START treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) to cut nuclear warheads.

Aug 24 – Mikhail Gorbachev resigns from communist party, Ukraine declares itself independent from USSR.

Sept 1 – ABC – TV documentary “Revolution at Work” highlighted Saturn’s unique labor-Mgt. relationship.

Aug 25 – Belarus declares independence from USSR.

Aug 27 – Moldova and Azerbaijan declares independence from USSR.

Sept 25 – UN Security council passes resolution to impose worldwide arms sanctions against Yugoslavia.

Nov 2 – Chechnya declares independence from USSR.

Nov 6 – Last oil field fire extinguished in Kuwait set by Iraqi forces upon withdrawing.

Dec 8 – Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine declare Soviet communist government dead, form an alliance.

• •

Dec 25 – Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as USSR President.

Oct 3 – Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton announced he is candidate for President.

Nov 13 – Congress approves Family Leave Act.

Dec 4 – Terry Anderson, last American hostage held in Lebanon freed after 6.5 years in captivity by Moslem terrorists.

Dec 4 – Pan Am World Airlines goes out of business.

Dec 19 – General Motors announced it will close 21 plants and lay off 70,000.


• Maury


Jan 2 – Maury County’s new animal shelter to open soon says manager, Laura Cole.

Jan 2 – Maury County school enrollment climbs to 10,439 students, a 618 increase says Dr. Jerry Battles.

Jan 9 – Miss Virginia Graham 82, a beloved English teacher at Columbia High School for 40 years died. She was an inspiration and a outstanding teacher says fellow teacher, Claude Craig.

Jan 27 – Randy Barlow returned to WKRM radio station after being fired as Columbia’s Communications director.

Jan 28 – Columbia’s 2010 implementation committee is in limbo say members of the committee after Chairman Jim Sloan resigned over a dispute to interview city department heads for economic development ideas.

Jan 28 – Final 1990 Maury County census count up 3716 from 1980 to 54,812.

Feb 3 – Maury County unemployment rate at 7.8 percent.

Feb 8 – John Taylor, owner of the Startec Satellite sales in Columbia says he has seen a 30 percent increase in satellite sales since the Gulf war began.

• Tennessee

• •

Feb 3 – Buffalo Valley Inc rehabilitation center in Hohenwald celebrates Grand opening.

Feb 8 – Columbia City Council approves joining a Maury County co-operative economic development office. The plan calls for a joint commission of two Columbia representatives, two County representatives, one each from the Chamber of Commerce, Spring Hill and Mt Pleasant to oversee the operation.

Feb 19 – The Duck River floods to 46 feet says Civil Defense Director, J.C. Inman.

Feb 20 - Maury County Commission votes to fund a County wide Economic Development Commission with $75,000 per year for 3 years.

Feb 28 – Sgt. Stanley W Bartusiak, son of Walter & Irene Bartusiak killed in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia by Iraqi missile. He is survived by his wife, Diane and will be buried at Polk Memorial Gardens.

March 3 – McDowell Elementary School janitor, Donald Scott and his longtime sweetheart, Virginia Cobble were married in McDowell school gymnasium. The school principal, Larry Duvall was the best man.

March 21 – 36 new Bradford Pear trees were planted along Carmack ave., donated by the Maury County Community organization.

April 7 – 200,000 attended the Mule Day parade. Mule Day Queen was Jeanne McConnell, parade Marshall was “Little Cotton Ivy.”

April 18 – Saturn cafeteria workers call a strike for more wages & benefits.


• Maury •


April 24 – Maury County Board of Education approves $34.7 million budget.

April 30 – Occidental Corp announces plant closing in Columbia, 235 workers loss their jobs.

May 1- Columbia Power & Water Board proposes raising water rates additional 27 percent.

May 1 – Saturn added a 2nd shift and will double production to 700 cars per day. 1966 people now working two 10 hours shifts, 4 days per week.

May 7 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce President, Tommy Bassham, announced that Thomas Quinn was selected as new Chamber Executive.

May 12 – Spring Hill Mayor R.P. “Pete” Boyd re-elected 183 – 138 over Jamie Pierce.

May 21 – Maury County Commission approved three new taxes, the Privilege tax on new residential and commercial buildings, a hotel/motel tax of 5 percent and a wheel tax on motor vehicles.

May 23 – 110 year old Woldridge Drug store merged with Holland's Drugs says owner, Jim Mays. Walter P Woldridge and Dr. Robert Pillow started the business in 1876.

June 9 – A new study of 120 Maury County businesses by MTSU says the area is good place for business but needs to improve its educational system to do better.

June 14 – The Northway Shopping Center auctioned off to Charles Taylor for $2.6 million.

June 17 – Maury County Economic Development Commission hired, Mr. Stuart Gilbert, 33 of Elgin, Illinois as the first Economic Coordinator of Maury County.

June 19 – The Maury County Association recommended that Columbia convert the old Columbia High school into a museum. The group has raised $160,00 toward the $1 million needed to restore the old school.

June 25 – A 13 mile section of the Natchez Trace between Fly and Pinewood road in Williamson County now opened.

June 26 – Spring Hill files lawsuit against the city of Columbia over the increased water rate.

July 2 – Maury County Commission changes its mind and says they will recommend that the Privilege tax on Commercial and Industrial property be lowered to 30 cents per sq foot on commercial property and 50 cents per sq foot on industrial property.

July 2 - Maury County unemployment rate increased from 6.9 percent in April to 8.2 percent in May, leaving 2650 people out of 32,320 total workforce.

• Tennessee •

April 26 – National Civil Rights museum opens in Memphis, TN. at Lorraine Motel , site of Martin Luther King Jr. assassination.


• Maury


July 5 – Buddy Morgan of Columbia, a member of the Upper Duck River Development Authority opposes US Representative’s Jim Cooper’s proposal that the UDRDA Trust fund of $16.7 million be used for education. About half of the Trust fund or $8 million was contributed by Maury County water users at a rate of 5 cents per 1000 gallons.

July 12 – Maury County’s Privilege tax opposed by UAW President, Mike Bennett in a newsletter article and is considering a lawsuit against it.

July 24 – ICI Americas Chemical plant on Mt Joy road in Mt Pleasant made the top of the toxic polluters list according to the EPA report. The liquid waste pumped into deep wells. The plant produces chemicals for plastics and photocopier toner.

July 30 – Local historian, Jill Garret donated more than 1100 books to the Maury County Historical Society.

Aug 4 - - Maury County unemployment rate at 10 percent.

Aug 6 – Maury County's first 911 call made from Spring Hill only 44 minutes after service began operation. The call was from a baby playing with the phone.

Aug 7 – The University of Tennessee turned over the deed of 5.3 acres of land near Neapolis park to Maury County for an access road and entrance to Spring Hill high school and a new firehouse.

Aug 15 – Maury County schools enrolled 675 additional students over 1990 enrollment, Columbia Central High School has over 1200 now.

Aug 20 – Spring Hill approves the creation of a full time city manager job.

Sept 10 – Ryder Transportation employees rejected the UAW representation by a 259 – 167 NLRB vote.

Sept 20 – Maury County Wheel Tax defeated in referendum vote 3602 – 2445.

Sept 26 – State Representative J.B. Napier (D) of Columbia announced he will sponsor a state income tax bill.

Oct 23 – Liquor-by-the-Drink ordnance in Columbia supporters say the proposal will benefit schools because state law requires 50 percent liquor tax must go to schools.

Oct 24 – The Pizza Maker on Nashville Highway in Columbia to close after 24 years operation. The owner, J. Wayne Hines, says he lost the lease.

• Tennessee

Aug 6 – Davidson County Chancellery C. Allen High ruled public school education funding system violated equal protection clause of Tennessee constitution. Law suit filed by small schools in 1988. as a result Tennessee legislature passed Education improvement act of 1992 to equal funding formula.

Aug 8 - $100 million Cool Springs Mall in Franklin opens.

Sept 10 - Tennessee State Supreme court upholds law requiring teenage girls under 18 to notify parents of any abortion.

Oct 17 - Tennessee Ernie Ford, country singer died, 72.


• Maury


Oct 25 – Maury County purchases two lots next to jail for $100,000 from C.D. George.

Oct 26 – Columbia native, Everett Derryberry President Emeritus of Cookeville University died, 85. He was named President of the Tennessee Polytechnic Institute (Tennessee Tech) in 1940, born in Columbia Oct 11, 1906, Oxford graduate and Rhodes scholar.

Nov 6 – Columbia votes to approve liquor by the drink 7165 – 2654.

Nov 12 – A tree was planted in honor of SPC, Stanley Bartusiak, killed in the Gulf war. The tree planted by UCAR Carbon in a quiet ceremony as the family watched.

Nov 14 – UAW Saturn workers approved a new contract that raises “Operating Technicians” hourly wage from $13.45 to $15.57 per hour and “Trades Tech” from $15.49 to $17.91 per hour.

Nov 15 – 14 percent of Maury County residents are receiving food stamps says Maury County Department of Human resources. 2772 households received food stamps in August.

Nov 17 – Columbia City Council stopped reciting the Christian prayer before city council meetings amid the recent controversy.

Nov 20 – Mt Pleasant approves the sale of beer on Sunday.

Nov 22 – K-mart cancels the Saturn employee sale after significant local protests. K-mart store manager, Robin Dockery received more than 100 angry phone calls and two threats on her life.

Nov 24 – K-mart store manager, Robin Dockery is transferred after two days of angry protests and death threats for holding an after hours Saturn Employee sale. Mr. Paul Polk is now the store manager.

Nov 24 – Experiment Station Lane renamed “Lion Parkway” by Columbia City Council to honor Columbia Central High School mascot.

Dec 8 – Mt Pleasant Maury County museum opens. Mr. Dean Hendrix, Chairman of the historic research committee with Don Sands, Jimmy Goodloe, Irene Dugger and Louis Hayes celebrated the opening.

Dec 29 – Sons of Confederate purchased Elms Springs on Mooresville pike, built in 1837. Fred and Kellie Gilliam sold the house for $340,000.

• Tennessee

Mr. Everett Derryberry

Dec 4 – Final Judd concert given in Nashville.


• United States


Jan 8 – President Bush collapsed at Japanese state dinner, stomach flu cited.

Feb 1 – Ron Carey sworn in as 1st Teamster’s President elected by Rank and File members.

Feb 10 – Heavyweight boxing champion, Mike Tyson convicted of rape of Desiree Washington in Indianapolis, sentenced to 6 years in prison.

• World •

Jan 2 – Boutras Boutras-Ghali becomes UN SecretaryGeneral.

Jan 3 – 20,000 killed in Mogadishu , Somalia Civil war.

Jan 4 – First “Moslem Parliament” held in Britain to develop Moslem educational system.

Jan 15 – Yugoslavia,orginaly formed under Treaty of Versailles in 1918 dissolved., Croatia and Slovenia declare independence

Feb 10 – Alex Haley, author of “roots” died,70.

Feb 24 – General Motors reports a $4.5 billion loss in 1991.

Jan 16 – San Salvador Civil war ends after 15 years of fighting as rebels sign treaty.

March 3 – President Bush apologized for raising taxes after promising not to in election campaign.

Feb 8 – 16th Winter Olympic games open in Albertville, France.

April 1 – National Hockey League Players Association strikes for first time.

Feb 29 – Bosnia-Herzegovinia vote for independence.

April 5 – Wal-Mart founder, Sam Walton died, 74.

March 9 – Menachem Begin, former Israeli Prime Minister died, 78.

April 15 – UAW-Caterpillar settle 5 month strike, 12,000 union workers told to report to work.

March 18 – South African President, Fredrick DeKlerk proposed a referendum to end apartheid.

April 29 – Police officers who beat Rodney King acquitted, rioting erupts in Los Angles, 58 killed and 2000 injured

April 6 – War breaks out in Bosnia between Serbs and Bosnian muslins.

May 19 – 27th amendment to US Constitution ratified, stops Congress from getting raise in mid-term.

April 23 – McDonalds opens first restaurant in Beijing, China.

May 22 – Johnny Carson, host of the “Tonight Show” retired after 30 years on NBC, Jay Leno replaced him.

May 8 – The Mujahedeen overthrow the Communist Govt. and form Islamic state in Afghanistan.

July 13 – Democrats nominate Bill Clinton for President in New York City.

June 3 – Euro-Disney Theme park opens in France.

Aug 17 – Republican convention nominates George Bush as President.

June 15 - Russian President Boris Yeltsin meets with President Bush and signs Arms reduction treaty.

Sept 5 – GM Lordstown Assembly and Stamping plant strike ends, strike idled 43,000 GM autoworkers and closed 9 assembly plants, Gm loses billions.

July 17 - Slovakia declares independence from Czechoslovakia.

Sept 18 – Ross Perot supporters put him on ballot in all 50 states, Perot claims Bush practices “Voo Doo economics”.

July 25 – 25th Olympics opens in Barcelona, Spain

Oct 8 – Willy Brandt, former West German Chancellor and mayor of Berlin died, 78.

Dec 2 – Uzbekistan adopts first independent constitution

Oct 26 – Robert Stempel, CEO of General Motors forced to resign by Board of Directors, GM loses $7 billion in N.A.

Nov 3 – Bill Clinton elected President, Perot wins 11 percent of vote.

Dec 9 - Prince Phillip and Princess Diane announced they will divorce.

Nov 3 – GM Board of Directors named Jack Smith 54, as new President and CEO. Chairman is John Smale.

Dec 18 – Kim Young-Sam elected president of South Korea, 1st civilian President in 30 years.

Dec 24 – President Bush pardons Sec. of Defense, Casper Weinberger and five others in Iran-Contra scandal.

Dec 31 – World population reaches 5.4 billion people.


• Maury


Jan 8 – Bruno’s, a Birmingham, Alabama based grocery store purchased property for $750,000 and announced plans to build a shopping center and store on the old Annoatuck site on the Nashville highway.

Jan 9 – US House of Representative majority leader, Richard Gephardt tours the Saturn plant and says “Saturn must lead the way for US manufacturing.”

Jan 12 – Columbia Central High school is strained to the limit with 1700 students says principal, Tommy Harrison. Last year we had 1500 and next year it will be 1900, he said.

Jan 14 – The Maury County Courthouse clock bells are ringing every 15 minutes once again. The bells have been silent for 5 years. A repairman from Georgia came to fix them.

Jan 19 – The Cantwell Enterprises Inc., a Texas based chemical company was issued a “Stop Order” by the city of Columbia to stop construction of its new manufacturing plant. A lawsuit was threatened by the company.

Jan 19 – A human brain was discovered in a man’s refrigerator by Columbia police. The brain was apparently stolen from the Maury Regional Hospital by the former employee of the hospital, no charges filed by hospital.

Jan 27 – Mr. Tom Quinn, Director of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce resigned. The move shocked everyone. Quinn took the job as Executive Director only 8 months ago. He took a job as Executive Vice-President of the Gadsden, Alabama Chamber of Commerce.

Jan 30 – Saturn employees begin 10 hour shifts, 4 day work week, producing 12,000 cars per month.

Jan 31 – Van H Drummond Jr. 44, named first Director of Maury County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Feb 2 – Middle Tennessee Bank will offer 14.25 percent interest rates on its Mastercard or Visa card, lowest in Maury County.

Feb 5 – Maury County officials will take over inspection of Cantrell Enterprise Inc. construction. The decision was made by City Manager, Bill Gentner and Mayor Barbara McIntyre. Cantwell Enterprises plans to construct a liquid fertilizer manufacturing plant in Columbia off Sidco Drive.

Feb 5 – 24 year Columbia police veteran, Sgt. Jay Hooks, suffered a massive heart attack and died on duty.

Feb 9 – Walker and Katie Fitzgerald of Mooresville Pike celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. Mrs. Fitzgerald said, “A couple has got to work together to make a marriage work.” Mr. Fitzgerald added, “Today a young couple thinks they have to have so much. Things are to important to them. We just got by with what we could pay for.”

• Tennessee •

Jan 2 – First black Mayor of Memphis elected, Willie Herenton 51, sworn into office.

Jan 12 – 150 KKK members march in Pulaski, Grand Wizard, Thomas Robb leads marchers .

Feb 2 – Monsanto Corp. announces “Buy American” campaign for any of 12,000 employees by providing $1000 bonus to any employee who purchases or leases a new car or truck assembled in US or Canada.


• Maury


Feb 10 – Maury Regional Hospital is considering funding the LPN training program at Columbia Community College after the state announced it would no longer fund the program with a $1.5 budget cut. 24 students per year attend here.

Feb 16 – Miss Rhonda Hooks crowned Miss Black Maury County Image of 1992.

Feb 20 – Columbia City Manager, Bill Gentner says he wants to stay in Columbia as city manager even though he has applied elsewhere. Gentner’s contract expires in May.

March 2 – Sales tax hike gives Maury County a additional $3.2 million for schools says Jim Cook, Chairman of the County commission.

March 2 – Maury County unemployment climbs to 10.7 percent in February.

March 15 – King’s Daughters School breaks ground on major building project of two facilities, cost $900.000 says Charlotte Battles, King’s Daughters’ Executive Director.

March 22 – Chickasaw Trace Park to open, the 300 acre park is located on Santa Fe Pike. The old Derryberry log cabin reconstructed in the park.

March 22 – Nell Woodard selected as the first recipient of the annual Lucille Queener award for Community Service at the Benefit Ball.

March 24 – Two Spring Hill residents presented petitions to oppose Buffalo Valley inc. from locating a drug rehab facility in the neighborhood. Todd Sequin and Calvin Collins presented petitions to the city council.

March 30 – Mule Day celebration will pump $3.6 million into local economy says Colene Dooley, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce, Carol Ann Coleman Mule Day Queen.

April 5 – Mule Day parade draws 250,000.

April 8 – Maury County Convention Bureau Executive director, Van Drummond Jr., resigned. He was on the job only 2 months. He resigned over disputes on promotion of Mule Day parade and the proposed 1992-93 bureau budget. Dummond said he was given a choice to resign or be fired. The budget he proposed was $130,000, double the current budget.

April 20 – Mrs. Alice Algood named to Republican National Committee, first Maury County resident ever so named.

April 30 – “Sweet Daddy’s”, a night club at 9th & Glade closed by court order. Michael Parks the owner said its unfair and “I cannot control what's going on in the streets, drugs and murder.”

May 15 – ICI Specialties in Mt Pleasant announced a $10 million expansion to manufacture Phenothiazine, a chemical used to stabilize plastics.

• Tennessee

Feb 28 – Tennessee legislature passes state sales tax increase to 6 percent, highest in nation. With local sales tax and state sales tax the maximum will be 8.75 percent.

April 7 – Bell Tower building in Nashville has ground breaking ceremony.

May 3 – The huge $45 million Tennessee aquarium opens on Chattanooga Riverfront.


• Maury


May 31 – Special Columbia census shows population at 30,190.

June 2 – Restoration of #10 public square in Columbia begins, cost $697,000.

June 3 – Amon C Evans says his beef has less cholesterol than chicken. His American Lean Beef Company began by cross breeding Holstein with Polled Hereford in 1984. Mr. Evans plans to market the lean beef through a catalog and sell directly by mail.

June 10 – Maury County Executive, Sam Kennedy and Columbia Mayor Barbara McIntyre held an emergency meeting to discuss the doubling of land fill costs, Columbia officials are stunned by the increased costs.

June 15 – UCAR announced it will close the two oldest portions of its Columbia facility this fall, laying off 140 employees.

June 16 – Spring Hill police chief, Phil Lovell resigns after criticism for failing to patrol after hours bar after city council requested he do so.

June 19 - Maury County average median income reported at $14,874 in 1989.

June 25 – Saturn wants larger staff at Neopolis fire hall. Saturn expects 27 new firefighters assigned to station based on 1985-86 in-lieu of tax agreement. 27 new firefighters will cost Columbia $258,000 additional each year. Saturn claims it agreed to pay $600,000 per year for 3 years to fully fund the fire station.

July 1 – Mt Pleasant approves $4.4 million budget, largest in city’s history. The city council increased property tax rate 25 cents from $1.35 per $100 to $1.60.

July 6 – Maury County budget of $48 million proposed says budget director, A.C. Howell. Howell says that last year 32 cents of $.32 cents per $100 of assessed value went to pay debt interest. This year the rate will be 64 cents and double to $8 million paid on debt interest.

July 6 – CeeBee Food Store ad: Chicken leg quarters=29 cents Lb.; Ground Chuck= $1.39 Lb; Chuck Roost= $1.09 Lb; Folger’s Coffee= $1.59 14 oz bag; Tomatoes=39 cents Lb and sugar 5 lb=$1.89.

July 10 – Maury County School Board approved $34.1 million budget. $1.70 of $3.20 per $100 tax rate will go to schools if approved by County Commission .

July 16 – Saturn says it will invest $48 million in new clean air emission system, warehouse and plant rearrangement for new Saturn station wagon.

Aug 2 – After 24 years the old Pizza Maker closes, Wayne Hines owner opened the popular hangout in 1967. Previously, a Stucky’s store when US 31 was main north/south route to Florida.

• Tennessee

July 9 - Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Clinton chooses Senator Al Gore Jr. as Vice-President


• Maury


Aug 7 – Oscar Priest elected Maury County Road Superintendent in hotly contested race, beating Columbia’s Van Boshers 4418 to 3700.

Aug 20 – Saturn Spring Hill plant fails air pollution limits on emissions, GM fined $42,600.

Aug 27 – Saturn production halted by GM Lordstown strike. Saturn workers remain on site doing other work and training.

Sept 1 – Maury County Sheriff, Wade Matheny announces orange jump suits will become mandatory for jail inmates.

Sept 23 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce and Maury County Visitors Bureau announced to appointment of Alton Kelly as the new Executive Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Oct 2 – The state report card on Maury County Schools shows below average performance, 75.4 percent of high school graduation rate, average teacher salary at $29, 076, per capita income above average at $16,806 compared to state average of $15,868.

Oct 4 – Columbia Central High crammed to the roof with 1700 students despite opening of the new Spring Hill High School where 950 students attend. Columbia Principal Tommy Harrison, says there are 1600 students at Whitthorne Middle school, grades 4-8.

Oct 4 – Columbia’s Whitthorne Middle School Principal, Mr. Bernard Childress, inducted into Belmont University Hall of Fame. He established Central High School single highest basketball score of 602 points, averaged 20.3 points per game in 1972-73. He ranks as Belmont University’s 9th all time high scorer despite missing several games due to injury. He ranked 17th NAIA scorer (24.6) average in nation in 1978.

Oct 7 – Maury County Commission Administration Committee approved a resolution to elect the County School Board by popular vote in 1994. Currently there are 10 members on the school board and the superintendent are appointed by the County commission, full commission must approve.

Oct 9 – Maury County Education Association begins petition drive to represent Maury County’s 516 tenured teachers, 450 signed petition cards says Bettye Kinser, Chairman of the MCEA negotiating committee. Houston Parks, Chairman of the school board said, “I frankly view this as a sign of intense frustration on the part of teachers.”

Oct 15 – Spring Hill Library found a new home in the old First farmers & Merchants Bank on Main street. The library was first located in the old Freedman school in 1975 and then moved to the old Kinnard drug store.

Oct 16 – Columbia City Council decided to refurbish the old Jack & Jill Building located next to city hall, and accepted a bid of $269,000 to restore the building.

• Tennessee

Aug 30 – Nissan Inc. reports $160 million loss, 4000 jobs cut in Japan.

Oct 7 – Senator Jim Sasser took Senate floor to congratulate Saturn as the “All-American company” which is 95 percent domestic content.


• Maury


Oct 16 – New K-Mart celebrates Grand opening with 98,851 sq feet store with Snack Bar and Garden Center.

Oct 18 – For 2 years Demple Hickman with family & friends has been restoring the old cemetery on Moorseville Pike near Culleoka, project revealed the lost grave of Ebenezer Rice, pastor of early Primitive Baptist Church, Est. in 1820.

Oct 19 – Maury County Commission approves resolution to elect Maury County School Board in 1994 and the school board elect the school superintendent.

Oct 21 – Columbia’s fire station #5 must protect Saturn’s $2 billion investment says Saturn Vice-President, Tom Manoff as originally agreed.

Oct 22 – The Maury County Ambulance Service in mourning the death of “Tick 1981-1992’, a shaggy Collie adopted by the Unit 11 years ago after he showed up all matted and full of ticks & fleas. Tick had slowed up in his old age and was accidently ran over by the ambulance.

Oct 25 – The number of single homes sold in Maury County jumped 11 percent in the first ¾ of 1992. in 1991, 479 houses were sold, in 1992 529 homes sold in 9 months. The average price increased from $77,500 to $78,300.

• Tennessee

Nov 3 – Nissan announces Smyrna, Tn. Plant will have operations boosted to off set $178 million loss.

Nov 8 – Columbia celebrates 175th birthday with candle walking tour by APTA. Columbia incorporated Nov 17, 1817.

Nov 13 – University of Tennessee will buyout football coach, Johnny Majors contract to end 16 year career.

Nov 9 – UAW wins representation election at Ryder in 2nd attempt, 255 to 169.

Nov 23 – Roy Acuff, Grand Ole Opry Country music king died, 89.

Dec 2 – Columbia’s Dr. Peggy Alsop, Clinical Director of Columbia Regional HIV treatment Center was honored in Washington DC for her “Outstanding leadership and commitment” to developing comprehensive treatment for HIV infected people in rural Tennessee. Called an “American hero” by Sec. of Health Services.

Nov 24 – Tennessee ranked 50th out of 50 states in educational spending according to National Education Association report. Tennessee spends $546 per Capita compared to national average of $812..

Dec 11 – Saturn will add a 3rd crew to operations, 1200 new workers expected by March of 1993 and will add $37 million to $253 million payroll.

Dec 13 – Mrs. Lillie Holden, celebrated her 105th birthday and still lives on the family farm in Hampshire.

Dec 17 – Maury County Executive, Sam Kennedy notified Columbia city officials that the county has raised “Tipping fees” for the landfill use to $21.50 per ton. The city currently pays $10,500 per month to dump an average of 85 tons per day, equal to $5.14 per ton.

Dec 16 – University of Tennessee head football coach will be Phillip Fulmer.

Dec 22 – Virgil H Moore Jr. 67, Chairman of the First Farmers & Merchants bank will retire Jan.1 , after 38 years work at the bank.

Dec 31 – After working in same office for 40 years, Nancy Thompson, County Clerk of Maury County will move into new location in courthouse square annex building. •


• United States


Jan 2 – President Bush signs Strategic Arms SALT II treaty with Russian President Boris Yeltsin in Moscow. It reduces number of long range nuclear missiles.

Jan 17 – President Bush authorized 50 US “Smart Cruise” missiles to be fired against nuclear weapon plants in Iraq.

Jan 20 - William Jefferson Clinton inaugurated as 42nd President, Al Gore Jr. as Vice-President.

Jan 24 – Thurgood Marshall, former US Supreme court justice died, 84.

Jan 25 – Sears announced it will close its catalog department after 97 years in business.

Jan 27 – US warships fired 24 cruise missiles into Baghdad in retaliation for plot to assassinate former President Bush.

Jan 31 – President Clinton orders ban on homosexuals in military lifted, “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy implemented.

Feb 11 – General Motors reports $23.5 billion loss in 1992.

Feb 26 – World Trade Center bombed by terrorists, 6 killed over 1000 injured by truck bomb explosion in garage.

March 21 – Intel introduced its Pentium processor, 64 bits.

May 9 – Mississippi River floods 9 states, $20 billion in damages, reaches record 42 feet flood stage.

June 15 – Former Texas governor John Connelly, wounded in Kennedy assassination in 1963 died, 76.

July 13 – NASCAR driver, Davy Allison killed in Helicopter crash at Talladega speedway.

Sept 22 – UAW International Union calls for “Job Security” for 800,000 autoworkers in new contract negotiations.

• World •

Jan 1 – Czechoslovakia spits into two countries, The Czech Republic and Slovakia.

May 9 – Pope John Paul II denounces Mafia.

May 10 - Paraguay elected their first civilian President in 182 years.

June 23 – Germany taxes autos that get less than 31 miles per gallon.

June 25 – Canada ratified the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Sept 22 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin disbanded the Supreme Soviet congress to oust hardliners.

Sept 30 - 9700 killed in India earthquake.

Oct 2 – Political hardliners battle Boris Yeltsin supporters for 12 days in Russia for control of the Govt.

Oct 4 – Russian army tanks blast hole in Parliament building, troops storm hardliners to support President Yeltsin’s government.

Oct 1 – Federal gas tax raised to 18.3 cents per gallon.

Oct 13 – 18 US Rangers and Delta force specialists killed in botched raid in Somalia, “Blackhawk Down” movie made.

Nov 2 – Rudolph Giuliani ( R ) elected 107th Mayor of New York City.

Oct 7 – Benazir Bhutto returned to power in General election in Pakistan.

Nov 9 – Ross Perot debates Vice-President Al Gore on CNN Larry King show on NAFTA

Nov 18 – South African leaders endorse a new constitution that ends apartheid.

Dec 5 – Astronauts repair the Hubble telescope.

Dec 12 – Russia adopts new democratic constitution.

Dec 8 – President Clinton signs NAFTA bill into law.

Dec 15 – Britain and Ireland sigh peace agreement over Northern Ireland.

Dec 22 – Michael Jackson issues video tape declaring himself innocent of any child molestation charges.

• •

Dec 22 – South African Parliament votes to dissolve itself. 691

• Maury


Jan 3 – Mr. Clifford Parsons, business partner of Mr. W.H. Pigg of Pigg & Parsons Clothing store turned 95 and still goes to work at the West 7th street store. Mr. Parson, who has been selling men’s clothing for 68 years said, "The main thing is to treat your customer right, smile and just enjoy being with people.” His wife of nearly 70 years, Virginia is the sole surviving member of the University of Tennessee 1st women’s basketball team.

Jan 4 – The Blockbuster Video Store opened in the Shady Brook Mall.

Jan 8 – The Citizens for a Better Government, a Columbia political action committee filed a petition to recall Columbia Mayor Barbara McIntyre with 2495 signatures.

Jan 8 – Middle Tennessee State University business & economic research center reports Maury County gained 1275 jobs between 1990 and 1992, most in manufacturing, which produced 1236 jobs. Maury County had a net job gain of 614 jobs in mining & construction, Retail lost 190 jobs. Prof. Tony Eff of MTSU said manufacturing is the key to Maury County job growth.

Jan 11 – The recall petition against Columbia Mayor Barbara McIntyre was declared invalid because no specific reason for the recall was cited on the petition as required by state law.

Jan 14 – UAW Saturn workers voted to keep the Saturn agreement, 3321 to 1366. Dissident workers forced the leadership to hold the vote.

Jan 15 – Mt Pleasant/Maury County Phosphate Museum destroyed by fire. Jimmy Dugger, museum manager says they will rebuild it.

Jan 21 – Columbia city council voted to direct city manager, Bill Gentner to bring the newly formed Narcotics and Vice Department back under the control of the Columbia Police Department Chief.

Jan 24 – 104 employees of the Morrison-Milco cafeteria food service strike at Saturn.

Jan 26 – The Tennessee State Soccer Association accepted Columbia’s and Maury County’s offer to build a multimillion dollar soccer complex. TSSA director, Joyce Lentz said, “The offer was pending due to a few changes.” Columbia city manager, Bill Gentner said “I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be anything we can’t work out.” A 10,000 seat soccer stadium and five 3000 seat fields and indoor complex are planned.

Jan 29 – Representatives of Maury County, Columbia, Spring Hill and Mt Pleasant traveled 500 miles on a bus to see a household garbage compost operation in Pigeon Forge. The scheduled closure of the Maury County landfill in October has people concerned. Larry Hanson, Maury County solid waste landfill supervisor and director said composting could save 30 to 40 tons out of 150 tons of garbage dumped in the landfill per day and extend the landfill life from 8 to 30 years.

• Tennessee •

Jan 3 – A mid-state economic newsletter says 8300 new jobs were gained in the 1990 to 1992 timeframe, centering around Maury County. 5400 of these jobs were manufacturing jobs.

Jan 10 – Two Lewisburg businessmen purchased the Chrysler, Plymouth and Dodge franchise in Lewisburg from Hudson Alexander, owner of Alexander motor Inc.

Jan 21 – The Tennessee court of Appeals affirmed the decision that Columbia breached its contract with Maury County, Spring Hill and Mt Pleasant when it raised water rates 181 percent.


• Maury


Jan 31 – State report shows Saturn as largest employer with 6092, Maury County Govt. 2nd with 1384 and Maury Regional Hospital at 901.

Feb 1 – Mr. Waymon Hickman wins 1993 Lucille Queener Courtney award

Feb 3 – The Maury County Commission Administration committee approved a resolution to Est. a 15 member Charter Commission to develop a plan for consideration of a Metropolitan form of Government, resolution must go to the full commission for approval.

Feb 5 – Columbia’s Housing Board orders the demonization of seven vacant houses used by crack cocaine dealers.

Feb 10 – Former Spring Hill resident, Barbara Jenkins released her new book, “I Once Knew a Woman”, a collection of true stories of seven extraordinary women.

Feb 15 – Columbia Housing Board Chairman, Bob Duncan, said he would recommend demolishing the old Columbia Central High school on West 8th street at the next meeting. Mr. Duncan said the old school built in 1915 is a hazard and dangerous.

Feb 16 – Ruby Tuesday’s announced plans for a restaurant in Columbia on James Campbell blvd. that will join the recent new restaurants of Shoney’s and Legend’s.

Feb 17 – The resolution to Est. a Metro Government Charter Commission failed to pass the full Maury County commission.

Feb 24 – Saturn announced it will begin hiring a 3rd crew of about 1000 workers. The increase will raise the employment above 7000 employees.

March 4 – The Maury County Economic Development Corp. leaders held a strategic planning session. The top four issues were identified as Recruiting new Industry, retaining existing industry, Improving public education and promoting tourism.

March 5 – The Columbia City Council voted to disband the Narcotic and vice Department and create a similar unit under the wing of the Columbia Police Department.

March 7 – Saturn announces a record 1992 payroll of $341 million compared to $293 million in 1991.

March 16 – Miss Angela Kittrell crowned Mule Day Queen.

April 2 – Columbia police investigation ruled that shooting of a Maury County Deputy sheriff, Ron Griffin and his wife Michele was accidental. Apparently Griffin and his wife struggled over a gun when it accidently discharged, hitting Michelle in the chest. Griffin called 911 reporting the shooting and then took his own life. A 2 year old baby girl found in the bedroom sleeping.

April 3 – UAW Local 1853 President Mike Bennett reelected.

• Tennessee •

Feb 4 – Lawrence County Sheriff, Bruce Durham 55, acquitted of rape and sexual battery charge after 39 year old 911 dispatcher said he attempted to rape her.


• Maury


April 14 – Morison-Milco cafeteria strike at Saturn settled as workers vote 47 to 34 to accept new contract. Hourly wage increase will be 35 to 56 cents per hour.

April 15 – UAW Local 1853 members at their union meeting voted to kick Morrison-Milco, Ryder distribution and Premier workers out of the local unions amalgamated unit.

April 19 – Maury County Commission approved a $600,000 expenditure to enlarge the Columbia Community College auditorium from 500 to 1000 capacity.

April 25 – Monsanto Columbia plant manager, Bill Perdue, retired. He says he is most proud of the wildlife Monsanto ponds refuge developed on the site.

April 25 – Miss Carol Anne Colman chosen Miss Maury County.

April 27 – Eight Civil Defense officer’s resigned as a result of turmoil and controversy in the agency. Captain Terry Potts said he resigned because of the way J.C. Inman treated volunteers.

April 28 – Maury County School Board recommends $39 million budget, includes 3 percent pay increase.

May 3 – Columbia residents opposed a 72 acre Tennessee State Soccer Association site approval. The multi-million dollar soccer complex would be the first in the state.

May 3 – Maury County’s landfill director and County Commissioner, Larry Hanson died of a heart attack, 47.

May 12 – UAW International Vice-President, Stephen Yokich issued a letter to Saturn outlining bargaining issues he wanted to address in talks. Yokich cited increased worker unrest about attendance, rewards, overtime pay and pensions. Critics charged Yokich wants to pull Saturn back under the GM-UAW National agreement. The Local union President/ Chairman will be excluded from the contract talks.

May 14 – President and co-founder of Columbia Advanced Integrated Technology, Gene Cheatham, named businessman of the year by the Nashville Business Journal.

May 17 – Jack Sims, owner of the Sims Drug store on West 7th street for 25 years sold his business to Fred’s Inc.

May 21 – Maury County officials are courting GM for a 2nd Saturn plant to be located here.

May 21 – Mr. Vernon Brooks, principle at Riverside school for 23 years retired. The Maury County native is from Hampshire and one of two principals at Riverside since 1936.

May 23 – A Woodlawn Pool reunion is planned says Bill Rainey. The Woodland pool owned and operated by the Rainey family from 1950 to 1965 off Hatcher Lane. Former employees from 9 states are expected.

• Tennessee •

April 8 – Tennessee Governor Ned McWherter unveiled “Tenncare” health plan to replace Medicaid and cover 1 million Tennessee Medicaid recipients and 500,000 uninsured Tennesseans. McWherter says the plan is the “most radical health care plan in America.”


• Maury


May 27 – Saturn’s middle manager, Edward Cislo, told the Columbia Board of Zoning Appeals that he has discouraged Japanese companies from locating to Tennessee and Maury County because its bad place to do business. Cislo is angry over the proposed Soccer complex proposed being placed near his home.

May 27 – Despite protests from local residents the Columbia Board of Zoning Appeals granted a conditional permit for a multi-million dollar soccer complex and facility.

May 30 – Southeastern Shirt company will soon break ground on its new $700,000 manufacturing plant and hire 20 workers.

June 1 – Randy Drake 33, selected as the new Maury County solid waste director.

June 1 – Two Saturn Vice-Presidents, Tim Epps and Alex Bedricky, have written a letter of apology for the remarks made by Ed Cislo, a Saturn purchasing manager involved in discouragement of businesses locating to Maury County at a zoning meeting.

June 7 – Vice-President Al Gore Jr. visited Saturn plant and says he wants the US govt. to be more like Saturn.

June 10 - Saturn announced it has turned a profit in May, a first since starting production in 1990.

June 29 – UAW Local 1853 President , Mike Bennett donated 22 bullet proof vests to Maury County Sheriff's Department, cost $850 each.

July 2 – New Maury County Solid Waste Director, Randy Drake, resigns after one month on the job.

July 19 – Maury County Commission approves $30 Wheel Tax.

July 29 – The Daily Herald parent company, the Donrey group owner of 52 newspapers sold. The Stephens Group Inc of Little Rock, Ark are new owners.

Aug 1 – Shady Brook Mall opens new wing and opening of Goody’s store, a 22,500 sq foot family clothing store.

Aug 17 – The $4 million Foodmax Superstore on US 31 north has over 1000 people apply for 350 jobs, 80 full time and 270 part time positions.

Aug 19 – Five high ranking UAW International staff will conduct a civil rights forum after charges of racism were raised by a Memphis based civil rights group.

Aug 23 – The old Columbia Central High school demolished.

Sept 11 – GE announces it will close the Columbia plant, 450 workers to lose their jobs. Plant opened in 1971.

Sept 3 - Columbia Holiday Inn converts to Ramada Inn.

• Tennessee

June 1 – The Ryman auditorium reopens for entertainment in Nashville.

June 5 – Conway Twitty, country singer died, 59.

June 17 – TNN host Ralph Emery 60 announced his retirement from “Nashville Now” show.

June 30 - Billy Ray Cyrus has #1 hit “Achy Breaky Heart.”


• Maury



Sept 3 – Columbia’s Ward residents led by Ms. Charlene Brooks and Ms. Joanie Owens who presented photos and a petition with 300 signatures on it asked to close the 300 Lounge on East 9th street where people are beaten robbed and sell drugs and alcohol to minors.

Sept 8 – Maury County EDC adopted a 3 year marketing plan it believes will create 4000 new jobs by 1995. The plan developed by John Lovarn of the Pace Group from Tupelo, Miss. calls for doubling the EDC budget to $175,000.

Sept 24 – Maury County Wheel tax defeated 4496 to 2473 in referendum vote, leaders say public education and Govt. services will have to be cut.

Sept 26 – Saturn begins operating 7 days week to fill orders.

Oct 1 – Union Planters bank acquired the Tennessee Bank and Tennessee National Bank in Columbia & Lewisburg.

Oct 4 – Construction begins on UAW/Saturn Local 1853 $3.7 million 40,000 sq foot union hall with recreation capacity.

Oct 11 – A Texas couple, Randy and Martha Jackson buy historic Vine Hill for $275,000 from Maury County Historical Society.

Oct 12 – Belk’s Department store in Columbia closed, opened in 1969.

Oct – Premier employees at Saturn reject contract 122-87.

Oct 21 – Maury County ranked 5th in state in per capita income for 1991 with $18,188, a $1473 rise from 1990, Williamson County ranked 1st with $25,089.

Oct 31 – A New York businessman and Japanese textile manufacturer announced they will build $1.5 million, 60,000 sq foot plant called A.P.Tenntec products to build seamless loops for computer ribbon manufactures, employ 150.

Nov 3 – Larry Smithson 40, defeats Mayor of Columbia, Barbara McIntyre, 2229 to 2173.

Nov 8 – Teamsters and QAT negotiate 3 year contract to cover Saturn 82 car haulers.

Nov 10 – Waffle House and Checkers comes to Columbia.

Nov 18 – State officials celebrate ribbon cutting of Highway 412 Columbia/ Mt Pleasant by-pass.

Nov 28 – Columbia Fire Chief, Wayne Hickman, retired after 30 years service.

Dec 13 – UAW Local 15 Ryder truck drivers reject proposed tentative contract 281 to 119.

Dec 14 – Saturn announces annual payroll to top $419 million in 1993.

• Tennessee

Nov 4 – The Murray Ohio plant in Lawrenceburg and UAW announced a tentative agreement. The hourly wage increase of 50 cents in first year, 30 cents 2nd year and 25 cents 3rd year.

Dec 29 – Billy Ray Cyrus 31, country singer married Leticia Finley 26, in his Williamson County home. 696

• United States


• World

Jan 6 – US figure skater, Nancy Kerrrigan attacked at Cobo Hall in Detroit by assailant who clubbed her right leg, Tonya Harding and four others arrested and later convicted.

Jan 12 – President Clinton under political pressure asked for a Special Prosecutor to investigate his 1980’s Whitewater land deal in Arkansas.

Jan 25 – Pop singer, Michael Jackson, settled a child molestation charge out of court for $10 million.

Feb 9 – Nelson Mandela elected President of South Africa.

Feb 24 – Dinah Shore, singer and entertainer died, 76.

Feb 12 – XVII Winter Olympic games opened in Lillehammer, Norway.

March 7 – US Navy assigns women to regular duty on combat ship, USS Eisenhower.

March 12 – The Anglican Church of England ordained its first women priests.

March 30 – President Clinton announces he will lift trade restrictions with China on non-military goods.

April 7 – Civil war erupted in Rwanda after the President Habyarimana was killed in a plane crash, tens of thousands of Tutsis killed by Hutu militia.

May 1 – Rwanda genocide begins as over I million Tutsis and Hutu killed.

May 6 – British Queen Elizabeth and French President Mitterrand formally open the 31 mile Rail tunnel between England and France.

May 16 – Israel begins military withdrawal from Gaza strip.

June 22 – Russia signs NATO peace accords.

July 1 – Exiled PLO leader Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza strip after 27 years of exile.

April 22 – Former President Richard M Nixon died of a stroke, 81.

May 19 – Former 1st Lady, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis died of Lymphoma, 64.

June 1 – The Fox channel cable news debuted in US.

June 12 – Nicole Simpson and Ronal Goldman murdered in Los Angles, O.J. Simpson later charged and found not guilty.

July 17 – US Postal Service announces plans to issue James k Polk stamp in 1995.

Aug 1 – Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley married.

Aug 12 – Major League baseball players union strikes, no world series.

July 25 – King Hussein of Jordan and Israeli Prime minister sign peace treaty after 46 years of declared war.

Sept 19 – 20.000 US Marines land in Haiti to assist in return of President jean-Bertand Aristide.

Aug 31 – IRA (Irish Republican Army) announces cease fire in Northern Ireland.

Sept 29 – 350 Republican Congressional candidates gathered on Capital steps to sign “Contract with America.”

Sept 29 – Over 700 people killed as Finnish ferry, Estonia capsized and sank in North sea.

Oct 1 – National Hockey League owners begin 103 day lockout against players.

Sept 30 – The Taliban were formed in southern Afghanistan.

Nov 5 – George Foreman 45, regained the heavyweight boxing Championship by knocking out Michael Moorer, 27.

Oct 14 – The Nobel peace prize awarded to PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign minister, Shimon Peres.

Nov 15 – BMW auto plant in Greer, South Carolina begins production.

Oct 21 – North Korea signs agreement to halt nuclear program and allow international inspections.

Dec 5 – Newt Gingrich ( R ) elected Speaker of the House.

Dec 11 – Thousands of Russian troops and tanks roll into Chechnya to restore control over region, fighting breaks out.

Dec 18 – Time magazine names Pope John Paul II the “Man of the Year.”

Dec 31 – Russian troops attack Chechnya capital of Grozny.


• Maury


Jan 2 – Assistant Fire Chief, Donald Martin, a 20 year veteran was made Columbia’s new Fire chief.

Jan 3 – Sales of existing single family homes in Maury County jumped 34 percent in 1993. House closings rose from 704 in 1992 to 943 in 1993. Average price was $79,248 in 1992 and was $84,958 in 1993. A record 1075 permits issued for construction in 1993, valued at $66.5 million.

Jan 12 – The Maury County Commission budget committee approved $50,000 to help renovate Rippavilla mansion.

Jan 14 – President of the local NAACP, Michael Whittaker called for the immediate resignation of the Maury County School Superintendent, Dr. Jerry Battles, over the issue of hiring a white 3rd grade Spring Hill teacher that should have been filled by a minority says Whittaker. The NAACP filed suit and asked for $22.5 million in damages.

Jan 16 – Saturn is sending 700,000 invitations to Saturn owners, inviting them to Spring hill for a “Home-Coming” celebration starring Wynonna Judd as the headliner.

Jan 21 – Saturn workers received the word that they will receive a $1000 bonus at months end for meeting production goals. In 1993, Saturn workers received $5100 in bonuses.

Jan 23 – Waymon Hickman, President and CEO of First Farmers & Merchants Bank received the 1993 Lucille Queener Courtney Community Service award.

Feb 4 – The Columbia City Council voted to reopen the building inspection office and end the two year contract with Maury County.

Feb 6 – Columbia Central High Lions defeated Murfreesboro Oakland 70-64 to vault to no 1 with a 21-1 record.

Feb 10 – Ice storm sweeps the state, worse storm in 4 decades, 45 percent of Maury County without power.

Feb 15 – The new owners of the Church Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep-Eagle dealership will build a $2.5 million facility on the old Weathertamer property at Carmack and James M Campbell blvd.

Feb 17 – Maury County landfill director, Michael Hunter, announced his resignation. He will take a job with Arnold Engineering in Tullahoma.

Feb 20 – Donald Hinkle 39, named new editor of the Daily Herald, served as reporter and will succeed Anthony Kimbrough.

Feb 21 – Sterling Marlin wins his first Daytona 500 NASCAR race.

Feb 22 – Spring Hill approves impact fee of $500 and 25 cents per sq foot.

• Tennessee •

Jan 1 – Tenn-Care goes into effect.

Jan 31 – Four Taco Bell employees slain in Clarksville, Fort Campbell soldier arrested.

Feb 1 – HCA merged 97 hospitals with Columbia Hospital Corporation to create Columbia/HCA corp.


• Maury


• Tennessee

Feb 23 – 300,000 blackbirds and Starlings are roosting over Bigby Creek area.

Feb 27 – Spring Hill police chief, Steve Thomason demoted to patrolman by Mayor Freeman Cowherd for telling two black police officers they would never be promoted.

March 4 – Spring Hill police chief, Steve Thomason reinstated temporarily after 180 people showed up at the city council meeting to protest the demotion.

March 9 – Maury County crime stopper program launched.

March 18 – Miss Lynnette Cole 16, chosen as Mule Day Queen.

March 20 – Barbara McIntyre is winner of Lucille Queener award.

March 21 – Former Columbia Mayor Buddy Morgan died, 69. Rev. James Harris, former city councilman also died, 72.

March 22 – Maury County Executive, Sam Kennedy 67, announced he will not seek re-election.

March 25 – Fire destroys the old Jones Grocery Store in Sawdust, Mrs. Kathryn Jones 78 found dead in building.

March 29 - Kevin O’ Neill 37, named new University of Tennessee basketball coach.

April 7 – Rose’s Department store in Maury County Shopping Center closes.

March 5 – US Congressman, Don Sundquist, announces he is candidate for Governor of Tennessee.

April 10 Mule Day celebration draws 150,000.

April 24 – Maury County Extension Service leader, Leon Dixon retired after 35 years service.

April 29 – UAW Local 1853 wants Saturn to be employee owned. President Mike Bennett proposed to convert Saturn into a employee owned because GM is not funding new product for the company and he says new capital can be found elsewhere.

May 1- The Maury County EDC budget for 1994-95 remained at $178,000. Maury County EDC coordinator Stuart Gilbert said the funding falls short of what’s needed for the proposed marketing plan. The Pace plan called for an additional $107,000 in 1994-95.

May 2 – The Tennessee State Soccer Association abandoned plans to build a 77 acre soccer complex in Columbia because of no funding.

May 11 – After being buried 131 years in South Africa, Lieut. Simeon W Cummings of Maury County exhumed and transported to Columbia for reburial with honors in the Todd cemetery at Elm springs by the sons of Confederates. Lt. Cummings was a sailor on the USS Alabama when he was killed in accident in port there. •


• Maury


May 12 – Rippavilla renovation dedication set at Spring Hill, Saturn donated historic home and 30 acres to non-profit corporation, Rippavilla Inc.

May 20 – GE plant in Columbia closed after 22 years of operation.

June 19 – UAW Local 1853 union members voted against employee ownership 59 to 41 percent in referendum vote.

June 24 – Saturn Home-Coming celebration underway. Rain and mud tie up visitor traffic, 44,000 visitors tour plant and see Wynoma Judd perform.

July 1 – Columbia approves $21.1 million budget for 199495. Property tax set at $1.35 per $100 of assessed value; Mt Pleasant approves $4.3 million budget with tax rate of $1.60 per $100.

July 17 – Foodmax Supercenter on US 31 purchased by Bruno’s for $4.4 million.

July 17 – Maury County School Board approves $39.2 million budget; Maury County Commission approved $76 million budget, tax rate set at $2.46 per $100, schools take $1.18.

Aug 5 – Mr. Ed Harlan elected Maury County Executive, Enoch George elected Sheriff.

Aug 11 – The Hunter-Matthews building being renovated by Maury County for $500,000.

Aug 17 – Maury Regional Hospital buys 5.8 acres from Sterling Marlin on US 31 for $600,000 to construct an office medical building.

Aug 19 – Kwik Sak Inc. of Columbia sold its 33 area gasoline outlet convince stores for $20 million.

Aug 22 – Columbia city officials turn over ownership of Memorial Building to Maury County.

Aug 24 – Zeneca Specialties starts new $14 million Copper Extraction Chemical manufacturing operation on Mt Joy road in Mt Pleasant. It will employ 20 people and expects to grow with $150 million in annual revenue.

Aug 25 – UAW Vice-President, Stephen P Yokich requested by letter that UAW Local 1853 Saturn members vote on “Fixed shifts” or continue to “rotate” shifts at Spring Hill.

Sept 1 – Tennessee Aluminum Products agreed to donate the use of their company plane to fly 7 year old Kerry Strayborn of Mt Pleasant to the University of Wisconsin in Madison for a liver transplant. Little Kerry had a liver transplant in 1988 but has since rejected it.

Sept 1 – Miss Margret Dean Akin of Hampshire retires for the 2rd time, after serving 12 years as a Maury County Commissioner she decided to call it quits. She also taught school for 41 years at Maury County schools.

• Tennessee

Saturn Home-coming in Spring Hill

Aug 5 – Moore County voters approve a ballot referendum to allow the sale of Jack Daniels whiskey, but no consumption.


• Maury


Sept 4 – Bi-Lo purchased Red Foods store.

Sept 8 – UAW Local 1853 voted 2946 to 2746 for fixed shifts.

Sept 11 – Maury Regional Hospital and Lewis County Community Hospital agree to merge. Maury County Commissioners approve the deal.

Sept 23 – The National Park Service awarded a grant to fund an archeological study of the Spring Hill Civil War Battlefield says Alethea Sayers, President of the Spring Hill Battlefield Preservation Society.

Sept 24 – Columbia downtown landmark, Sullivan's Department store closed. Owner Carolyn Brown says lack of business was the reason. The store originally opened in 1887 by George E. and W.E. McKennon.

Oct 4 – General Motors promotes Saturn President, Skip Lefauve to lead General Motors Lansing Small car Division (LAD), Saturn will keep its separate identity and operation.

Oct 9 – Columbia will receive a $716,000 Federal grant for 12 new police officers. They will patrol the high risk areas and spend 80 percent of their time on foot says police chief, Eddie Dooley.

Oct 18 – Maury County Commission hears Mr. Joel Spaulding of Williamson County report outlining the need for a $5.5 million expansion of Maury County’s water system, including a new water treatment plant and extension lines in rural area’s. County Executive Ed Harlan said discussions between Maury County Water and Columbia Water for possible consolidation of services is underway.

Oct 25 – GM and the UAW International Vice-President Stephen Yokich reached agreement on negotiations to relocate Saturn workers back to GM plants. Saturn workers will be required to terminate employment with Saturn and be hired into GM plants with day one seniority as a new hire and receive $1000 relocation allowance.

Oct 27 – Shapard’s Lumber new “Do-it” express is open in Mt. Pleasant, Joey Dungy, General manager says it will be a model for 25-30 “Do-it” Express stores across Tennessee.

Oct 28 – Maury County school board chairman, Clinton Gilbreath, says he was pleased with the meeting between the school board and 100 people from the “Visioning” process to establish goals for Maury County education.

Oct 30 – Over 5000 Civil war re-enactors will converge on Spring Hill for one of the largest re-enactment events in US history. Saturn has offered the use of the Rippavilla property.

Nov 2 – The East by-pass, Tom J Hitch Parkway opened.

Nov 3 – The Zion Christian Academy plans an expansion of 7-12 grades. The school opened in 1979, and had 24 students in 1989. Today it serves 290 students.

• Tennessee

Oct 20 - The Bell South Tower in Nashville has Grand opening.


• Maury


Nov 14 – The Spring Hill Sonic opened.

Nov 15 – The Columbia city council hires 12 new officers, city matches $716,000 Federal grant with $230,000.

Nov 17 – Maury County Education Association says negotiations being “stonewalled” calls for mediation.

Nov 20 – Columbia city council asks David Holdenfield to resign as Director of the Columbia Planning Department. Mayor Larry Smithson, Vice-Mayor Pete Ridley and councilmen Jerry Oliver & Jim Powell asked for the resignation based on “performance reasons.”

Nov 27 – Spring Hill hires Elwyn Bembry of Nashville as the new city manager, salary $30,000.

Dec 1 – The group, Parents Involved Now (PIN), President Richard Roach is circulating petitions to stop school fund raising events to cover daily school operating costs for telephones, paper, postage & etc. that should be covered by the school budget. Est. at $200,000 per year.

Dec 1 – Saturn UAW members to vote on revised contract. The new contract negotiated by the UAW International Vice-President, Stephen P Yokich eliminates rotating shifts, makes seniority a factor in transfers, add 14 committeemen to write grievances, increases company contributions to pension VEBA healthcare to 1.8 percent from 1 percent.

Dec 2 – Columbia City Council votes to amend city charter and place Department heads under direct supervision of the city manager instead of the direct control of the city council.

Dec 4 - Columbia’s 21st Century Committee formed to solve city problems, the 8 member committee is made up of Jim Sloan, Rev. Carl McCullen, Roy White, Joe Matthews, Clyde Norman, Oliver Goodman, Marsha Kirk and Dean Dickey. Selected from each of the city’s wards and none being politicians. The group was an outgrowth of the old 2010 committee.

Dec 4 – Saturn workers reject contract proposal 5748 to 3472, 60 percent.

Dec 7 – Mr. Julius Johnson, Director of Public Affairs at the Tennessee Farm Bureau named CEO.

Dec 15 – Governor elect Don Sundquist appoints Maury County Executive Director Mike Green 51, as the new Tennessee Safety Commissioner.

Dec 18 – Tillman Knox of Mt Pleasant purchased 71 acres across from Shady Brook Mall for development, cost $500,000.

Dec 22 – Saturn UAW members ratified new contract on 3rd try, rotating shifts to continue, vote 2668 to 2255 (54%).

Dec 30 - Maury County closes landfill gate to Columbia unless $106,000 paid by city, operating at a lose currently says County Executive Ed Harlan.

• Tennessee •

Nov 8 - Bill Frist MD, elected Tennessee Senator, defeating Jim Sasser incumbent. Don Sundquist elected Governor, Fred Thompson elected to US Senate. Keith Jordan defeats Gary Ledbetter for State Senate seat.

Nov 12 – Wilma Rudolph, Olympic gold medal winner died in Nashville, 54.

Nov 28 – Tennessee hit by series of tornadoes, 5 dead.

Dec 6 – Governor elect, Don Sundquist nominated Dan Wheeler, CEO of Farm Bureau as next Commissioner of Agriculture.


• United States


Jan 4 – 1st Republican Congress since Eisenhower, sworn in. Newt Gingrich elected Speaker of the House.

Jan 31 – President Clinton announces $20 Billion bail out of Mexican peso.

Feb 24 – Dow Jones averages closes above 4000.

• World •

Jan 2 – Chechen rebels drive Russian troops out of capital of Grozny.

Jan 17 – 7.2 Earthquake in Japan kills 1600.

Feb 14 – The Taliban “Students of Islam” a group of young radicals capture half of Afghanistan.

March 16 – Mississippi formally ratified the 13th amendment to US Constitution to abolish slavery after 128 years.

March 20 – 35,000 Turkish troops attack Kurdish rebels in Iraq who have been raiding into Turkey.

March 31 – Major League baseball Players Association ends 232 day strike.

March 20 – A Saran gas attack in Tokyo’s subway be extremist kills 12 people, sickens 5500.

April 19 – A car bomb exploded outside the Oklahoma City Federal building, killing 168, injuring 500. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols later convicted, McVeigh executed.

March 24 – British troops withdrawn for Dublin, Ireland as peace treaty takes effect.

April 23 – Sportscaster, Howard Cosell, died, 77.

May 1 – Japan announces it will supply North Korea with nuclear reactors.

May 15 – Dow Corning Corp. files Chapter 11 bankruptcy, citing liabilities of lawsuits for silicon breast implants.

July 6 – Serb army massacre over 7500 Muslim men and boys in Bosnia.

May 20 – CBS fires Connie Chung, Dan Rather takes over.

Sept 5 – NATO forces attacked Serb held Sarajevo in Bosnia after Serbs refused to move their big guns out of the city.

May 27 – Christopher Reeves, “Superman” actor paralyzed after fall from horse.

Sept 5 – France sets off nuclear test on Tahiti atoll island in defiance of nuclear test ban treaty.

June 8 – US Marines rescue US Air Force pilot, Capt. Scott O’Grady shot down in Bosnia by Serbs.

Oct 15 – Saddam Hussein re-elected dictator by Iraqi people by 99.9 percent.

Oct 30 – Quebec reject independence secession referendum 50.6 percent to 49.4 percent, 2nd vote in 15 years.

Nov 4 – Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin assassinated after calling for transfer of West Bank and Gaza strip to Arabs in peace treaty.

Nov 15 – Shimon Peres appointed Prime minister of Israel.

Nov 26 – Dayton Peace accords between Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia signed.

Nov 27 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin leaves hospital for rest after serious heart attack.

Dec 15 - European common market agree to call new European currency the “Euro”.

Dec 18 – Queen Elizabeth announced the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

Dec 20 - NATO officially takes over peace keeping duty in Bosnia, after Bosnia-Herzegovina President Milosevic signs Dayton peace accords.

Dec 31 – Russian troops launch a ferocious assault on Chechen capital of Grozny.

June 14 – UAW Stephen P Yokich elected President of union.

July 11 – President Clinton opens diplomatic relations with Vietnam after 22 years.

July 27 – Korean War Memorial dedicated in Washington DC. By President Clinton.

Aug 1 – Westinghouse buys CBS for $5.4 billion, Walt Disney Corp. acquires ABC inc for $19 billion.

Sept 21 – Time Warner buys Turner broadcasting Inc for $7.5 Billion.

Oct 2 – A jury finds O.J. Simpson not guilty of murdering Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Nov 14 – President Clinton orders partial shut down of US Govt. because of budget crisis with Congress.

Dec 5 – UAW ends 17 month Caterpillar strike, over 6000 newly hired non-union employees working at CAT.

Dec 10 – Eddie George of Ohio State wins Heisman trophy.

Dec 14 – Microsoft and NBC announce a joint venture to create MSNBC, a new cable news channel.


• Maury


Jan 7 – Saturn announces it will donate Rippavilla and 32 acres to Maury County for preservation and restoration.

Jan 11 – Maury County Regional Hospital files amendment to its charter with state legislature to allow Maury County to purchase Lewisburg facilities outside the county.

Jan 13 – Maury County School Board approves the purchase of two tracts of land for future schools. A 40 acre tract on Frye road and US 31 for a middle school for $300,000 and a 86 tract at 412 and Tom Sharp Road for $430,000 to come from $1.7 million bond.

Jan 22 – Maury County Commission voted to approve the school board decision to purchase the land at Highway 412 and John Sharp road for $430,000.

Jan 22 – A replica of the James K Polk commemorative stamp presented to the Polk Association Chairman, Mrs. Don (Eva James) Crichton and Mrs. Buddy (Carolyn) Fisher by Postmaster General, Marvin Runyon.

Jan 22 – Maury County Black Expo highlights black business owners in Memorial Building who are in Maury County

Jan 24 – Saturn announces it will hire about 200 local workers temporarily at $11.63 per hour as about 1000 of the 7000 UAW workers are expected to relocate back to GM.

Jan 29 – Saturn payroll for 1994 up to $504 million from $419 million in 1993 with 7930 workers employed in 1994.

Jan 31 – UAW Local 1853 Union Hall opened, 600 showed up for ribbon cutting. UAW President Mike Bennett said “The union hall should not be just a place where you have union meetings.” The $3.8 million union facility will seat 1600, has a 25 meter swimming pool, collegiate size Gym, jogging track, weight room and training room. The 44,000 sq foot facility has a full kitchen and several meeting rooms.

Jan 31 – Morrison-Milco, operator of the Saturn Cafeteria sold to Gardner Merchant Food Service of Connecticut, after Saturn announced it would cut the $500,000 subsidy to the in-plant food service operation.

Jan 31 – Two black churches in Maury County bombed, the Friendship Missionary Baptist church and Canaan African Methodist Episcopal church, FBI investigating.

Feb 1 – Saturn workers receive $3,245 bonus in 1994. The last quarterly payment of $1096 paid to 8800 employees. GM employees earned $550 profit sharing in 1994.

Feb 2 – Maury County’s sports legend, “Mutt” Quillen died, 84. He coached Columbia Central High School to two state football championships. He had a 83-15 win/lose record at Central High. He left Columbia in 1954 to become assistant coach to Putty Overall of Tennessee Tech, where he retired.

Feb 6 – Robert Lee Johnson, Michael Jett and Mark Jett charged with arson in bombing of black churches in Maury County

• Tennessee

Jan 22 – Don Sundquist inaugurated as 47th Governor of Tennessee.

Feb 5 - The Hermitage Hotel in Nashville restored, cost $3.5 million.


• Maury


Feb 12 – Maury County 911 system ready to go says Director, Freddie Rich.

Feb 14 – State Senator Keith Jordan ( R ) and State Representative J.B. Napier ( D ) cosponsored a bill in the state legislature to have the state purchase Rattle & Snap for $7.1 million.

Feb 20 – Saturn officials are reportedly looking at the Wilmington, Delaware plant as a possible location for another Saturn model to be built. Vice-President of Communications, Jim Farmer said, “I doubt a 2nd plant will come to Spring Hill.”

Feb 20 – Sterling Marlin wins his 2nd Daytona 500 NASCAR race.

Feb 21 – The Tennessee Historical Commission awarded $200.000 to renovate Rippavilla says Alton Kelly, Maury County tourist director. The old mansion will be used as a visitors center, a museum and a place for small meetings and social gathering with a full time director.

Feb 22 – Saturn announced it will add an additional 150 temporary workers.

Feb 26 – H.R.H. Dumplin’s restaurant and Bakery on North Main opened, owned by Rick and Brenda Wilson.

Feb 28 – Maury County students and parents raised $676,557 by selling candy and coupon books to help cover school expenses and may run as high as $1 million says Ken Wiles, President of Riverside Elementary when you count the contributions of the PTA, PTO and “Club donations.”

March 1 – The Association for the Preservation of Civil War Battlefields (APCWB) based in Washington DC purchased 110 acres of the Spring Hill Battlefield from Jack Weaver, cost $880,000.

March 10 – Maury County Commission approves Maury Regional Hospital proposal to purchase the Lewisburg Community Hospital, 17-0 for $5 million.

March 19 – Criminal charges were filed against Cantwell Enterprises Inc officials on Sidco drive for ground water contamination. The plants managers, Drew Cantwell and Sherrill Sanders were arrested and charged with 5 counts of environmental vandalism.

March 21 – Maury County Commissioners approved the purchase of two pieces of land ear the Memorial Building. One piece on Frierson street and one on West 7th street, cost $130,000.

March 22 – The architectural firm of Hayes & Associates resigns from Maury County school projects after the County commission passed a resolution offered by Commissioner Bob Farmer that stated, “The County does not intend to fund any monies for new school projects if the Hayes & Associates firm is involved.” Three Maury County school projects of $3.3 million currently underway were halted.

• Tennessee •

Feb 16 – The Cornersville Bank robbed, gets $5,000.

March 22 – Lewisburg community hospital named changed to the Marshall County Medical Center with Maury Regional purchase.


• Maury


March 24 – Maury County School Board rejects resignation of Hayes & Associates Architectural firm who has been building Maury County schools for 15 years.

March 28 – The Maury County Board of Education reversed itself, accepts Hayes & Associates resignation from school projects. Hines, Kratz, Binkley, Jones and Morris are new Architects.

March 31 – Spring Hill author, Peter Jenkins, completes his 4th book, “Along the Edge of America.”

April 2 – Estimated 275,000 view the Mule Day parade, 300 floats entered, George Jones Grand Marshall, Mule Day Queen is Shea Smith-Truitt.

April 10 – Maury County Library gets its first renovation in 27 years. A $100,000 Federal grant with $80,000 in matching funds from the Library board and Maury County commission will expand the children's section, improve local history and genealogy sections says Library Director, Robert Schremser.

April 16 – UAW Local 1853 President Mike Bennett is awarded the prestigious Walter P Reuther award by Regional Director, Bobby Lee Thompson.

April 17 – Maury County Commission passes $25 wheel tax 16-4 vote.

April 18 – Maury Commission approves Maury Regional Hospital request to purchase two more hospitals. A 53 bed Perry County hospital in Linden and a 54 bed hospital in Hohenwald, Lewis County.

April 18 – Spring Hill’s new Mayor Ron Hankins takes office.

April 26 – A $750,000 renovation of Rippavilla begins. Alton Kelly said a old Freedman school will be restored on the grounds after being removed from Green Mills road, assembled from two old cabins there. One was a Freedman school building. The Maury County Historical Society donated $7000 for the foundation, flooring, roof and windows. The old cabin donated by Roy Shuffi, the owner of the old E.A. Green mansion where the cabins were located.

April 27 – Maury County Commission honored Tom J Hitch, by naming the new parkway after him. He was President of Farm Bureau.

May 8 – Miss Lynette Cole 17, of Columbia wins Miss Teen Tennessee. She attended Columbia Academy and won Miss Mule Day Queen in 1994.

May 22 – The first “Sandy Hook Home-Coming” planned for current and former African-American residents on Sandy Hook on Memorial Day. 79 people have registered so far says Chairman, Elaine Chisum.

May 24 – Maury County School Board approves $42 million budget for 1995-96.

• Tennessee

Sandy Hook school

April 28 – The Elephant Sanctuary opens in Hohenwald, Lewis County.

May 21 – Ethridge tornado causes $4.6 million in damages.


• Maury


June 1 – Saturn celebrates 1 millionth Saturn built in Spring Hill. A green two door coupe that Governor Donald Sundquist drove off the line.

June 12 – Columbia’s Lindsey Nelson died in Atlanta, 76. One of America's top sports casters who had Parkinson's disease.

June 16 – Bailey’s Drugs, Wright’s pharmacy and Wagner Drugs of Mt Pleasant bought by Rite Aide, a National Pharmacy chain. Jim Bailey, Glen Lumpkin and Randall Wright will become pharmacists at Rite Aide.

June 23 – Branham & Hughes Alumni gather for 21st annual reunion at Spring Hill. Attending was Mary Hughes Rose, daughter of William Hughes, co-founder of the school, Dr. Rhett Bames, James McGregor, John Lee Sr., Ol McMahon, John T Harris, Bill Lovell and George curry. The school opened April 25, 1897 in Spring Hill, founded in 1892 as the Campus school for Vanderbilt University.

July 2 – Work begins on the 25,000 sq foot $1.3 million Santa Fe Pike public works facility.

July 13 – The monument honoring Columbia’s only Congressional Medal of Honor winner, John Harlan Willis has been moved to the north side of the Nashville Highway bridge. The monument had been located in the median.

July 19 – William Boyd elected Mayor of Mt Pleasant.

July 24 – Sterling Marlin wins the Diehard 500 at Talladega.

Aug 8 – Don Huddler, named President of Saturn.

Aug 8 – Columbia historian, William Haywood, who heads up the lose records project in the Maury County court house said over 150 volunteers have worked 3.5 years to clean, repair and file the records stored in the basement of the court house. Mr. Haywood said the group has completed the Chancery court records from 1807 to 1874. Donations for the project have reached $1 million.

Aug 17 – A Maury County Grand jury indicted the former Director of the sons of Confederate Veterans on theft and drug charges against Robert Bettertons.

Aug 18 – Columbia approves selling the Kerley building for $100,000 to the Webster Hotel company.

Aug 18 – Saturn announced it will distribute the Saturn car in Japan in 1997 and will set up dealerships there.

Aug 20 – Miss Willie Alice Sheppard of Columbia celebrated her 106th birthday.

Aug 22 – Residents of Hardy Acres, Chantry Acres, Crestview and Tall Pine Estates lost their fight to prevent a concrete plant from being relocated from Trotwood to Theta Pike after Maury County Commissioners voted 13-6 to approve the move.

• Tennessee

Lindsey Nelson


• Maury


Aug 23 – Columbia’s 17-18 year old American Legion Post 19 baseball team captured the Southeastern Regional Championship and clinched a berth in the American Legion World Series. Head coach, David Ring and Coach Wayne Roberts say it’s the first such honor since 1968.

Aug 27 – Rippavilla renovation well under way says Alice Algood, President of Rippavilla Inc. She announced over $25,000 was donated by Mike Bennett from speaking fees to Rippavilla.

Aug 28 – Columbia American Legion Post 19 loses World Series bid 3-2 in 9th inning as Hawaii scored in 9th inning.

Aug 30 – Maury County Park Board named the Maury County Stadium after Hall of Fame sportscaster, Lindsey Nelson.

Sept 6 – Maury County Commission votes to build a new jail on 208 acres next to County land fill on Industrial Park road.

Sept 10 – A historic marker was placed in the old Well cemetery located in Kettle Mills where General Jackson stopped to water his troops marching to New Orleans.

Sept 21 – 29 months of negotiations has resulted in a first contract agreement between the Maury County Board of Education and Maury County Education Association representing 743 teachers.

Oct 1 - After 5 years of restoration Fred and Kelli Gillham sold Hamilton Place to Don Davis, chairman and CEO of Touchstone Inc of Brentwood, $1.3 million.

Oct 10 – Maury County schools report card shows a 27.8 percent drop out rate and according to the state ranks 93rd out of 95 Counties in Local school funding.

Oct 23 – Maury County’s YMCA 30,000 sq foot facility on Hampshire pike nears completion says director, Jeff Parsley.

Oct 27 – 9650 re-enactors at Rippavilla with 75 cannon and over 500 cavalry registered for the Battle of Franklin and Spring Hill event. The 2nd largest re-enactment in history.

Nov 7 – UCAR Columbia plant announces two-thirds of 543 employees to be permanently laid off n 1996.

Nov 14 – Spring Hill Planning Commission approves plans for 53,000 sq foot shopping center on Highway 31 in front of UAW union hall.

Dec 13 – Waymon Hickman appointed for 2nd term as member of Federal Reserve Board in Atlanta.

Dec 14 – Maury County School Superintendent Jerry Battles, said he will not seek reappointment at the end of his term and has applied for the Executive Director position at the State Board of Education.

• Tennessee

Sept 1 – 1000 union members protest in Nashville at Bridgestone-Firestone headquarters in show of support of strikers in 10 month strike.

Oct 2 - Federal agents in Knoxville are cracking down on illegal aliens with a raid at Loudon’s Monterey mushroom company where 79 illegal aliens were identified out of 430 employees. 200 illegal aliens were sent back to Mexico found on a Memphis construction site.

Oct 11 - The Nashville Metro council opened up its pocket book to attract the Houston Oilers to Nashville with the approval of four resolutions.

Oct 27 – 100 Oaks Mall renovated and re-opened in Nashville.

Nov 15 – Two dead in Richland school shooting, one wounded. A student, Jamie Rouse arrested. Killed was teacher, Carolyn Foster and 14 year old student, Diane Collins. Teacher Carolyn Yancey wounded.

Nov 16 – The Houston Oilers owner, Bud Adams signs deal to move oilers to Nashville for 1998 season. A $292 million deal provided for the city to build a stadium.


• United States


Jan 2 – US troops under NATO peace mission enter Bosnia.

• World •

Jan 8 – François Mitterrand, former President of France died, 79.

Jan 4 – General Motors announced it will sell electric car “Impact” in 1997 under Saturn brand.

Jan 9 – Chechen rebels seize hospital in Kizlyan, take 300 hostages.

Jan 15 – Former President George Bush says his administration may have mishandled the Iraqi surrender.

Jan 20 – Yasser Arafat re-elected President of PLO.

March 10 – George Burns, comedian died, 100.

Jan 29 – French President Jacque Chirac announces “definitive end” to nuclear testing.

April 3 – FBI arrested Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski 53, former Prof. of Mathematics, after brother turned him in.

Feb 15 – Begum Khaleda Zia elected prime minister of Bangladesh.

April 5 – Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, killed in air force plane crash in Croatia with 34 others.

March 6 – Scottish scientists clone sheep “Dolly” successfully.

May 21 – The 500 year old Inca mummy girl known as “Juanita” found on Mt Ambato in Chili goes on display.

July 19 – 26th Summer Olympics opened in Atlanta.

July 27 – Centennial Olympic park bomb in Atlanta kills one and injures 111. •

May 31 – Netanyahu elected Prime minister of Israel.

Aug 6 – General Motors announced a new Mid-size Saturn will be built in Wilmington, Del. & go on sale in 1999.

June 19 – 19 US airman killed in terrorists bomb attack in Saudi Arabia.

Aug 20 – President Clinton signs bill to raise minimum wage to $5.15 in 1997.

July 4 – Boris Yeltsin re-elected President of Russia.

Aug 22 – Battleship Missouri decommissioned and will be museum in Honolulu's Pearl Harbor.

July 23 - Osama Bin laden writes his “Declaration of Jihad on America. “

Aug 25 – First of four women to enter the Citadel after 153 years of male attendance arrive after court order forces school to accept them.

Aug 28 – The Duke and Duchess of Wales, Prince Phillip and Princess Diana granted divorce formally.

Aug 27 – President Clinton signs Welfare Reform Act to overhaul welfare system.

Sept 27 – Islamic Taliban execute Afghanistan president and take over government.

Nov 18 - Romanian citizens ousted hardliner communist government of President Ion Iliescu who had overthrown dictator Ceausescu in 1989.

Dec 10 – South African President Nelson Mandela signed new South African Constitution.

• •

Dec 30 – Last of Russian troops with draw from Chechnya. 709

Sept 23 – Reform Party candidate for President, Ross Perot files suit to allow him into presidential televised debate.

Oct 6 – US Court of Appeals upholds Federal Communication Commission decision to not allow Ross Perot to enter televised debates

Oct 15 – Dow Jones averages hits 6000.

Nov 15 – Alger Hiss, convicted US spy died, 92.

Nov 12 – Madeleine Albright becomes 1st women Sec of State.

Dec 10 – UAW and GM sign 3 year contract, 95 percent of 215,000 employees receive job security protection.

Dec 26 – 6 year old beauty queen, Benet Ramsey found dead.

• Maury


Jan 3 – UCAR to layoff 279 workers by March 15.

Jan 8 – Rippavilla and the Spring Hill Battlefield preservation group each to receive $25,000 from re-enactment profits of $90,000, said Fred Katz event spokesman.

Jan 10 – The Tennessee Farm Bureau has been awarded the top Farm Bureau organization in the nation at the 77th American Farm Bureau convention.

Jan 10 – A crowd of 500 greeted the Houston Oilers caravan of 5 players and 4 cheer leaders with Country music performer, Davis Daniel at McDonalds on Bear Creek pike To show support for PSL ticket sales.

• • •

• Tennessee

Jan 19 – Saturn to start hiring locally up to 600.

Jan 21 – Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar to open in Columbia on James M Campbell Blvd.

Jan 21 – Columbia President Emeritus Harold S Pryor and his wife Larue donated $100,000 to Columbia State Community College for proposed art gallery.

Jan 26 – The Zion Christian Academy will expand the Christian school in three phases with a $3 million investment.

Jan 29 – Saturn workers get record bonuses, over $8000 for the year.

Jan 30 – Maury County awarded $200,000 grant for Spring Hill battlefield from property developers from Washington DC based trust..

Jan 31 – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather warning radio system will soon go into operation in Maury County, cost $80,000.

Feb 1 – Dr. Jerry Battles, Maury County School Superintendent loses bid for Executive Director of the Tennessee Board of Education position, J.V. Sailas of Anderson County appointed.

Feb 2 – One inch of ice and 3 inches snow blast into Maury County, freeze of 8 below zero follows

Feb 5 – Sterling Marlin benefit raises $65,000 for Maury County charities.

Feb 14 – Maury County State representative, J.B. Napier of Columbia announced his retirement from state legislature. Serving 10 years as a County Commissioner and 14 years in State legislature.

Feb 27 – UAW Local 1853 President, Mike Bennett resigns Presidency but will retain Bargaining Chairman position. Vice-President Joe Rypkowski assumes position.

March 8 - The Maury County School Board wants Dr. Jerry Battles resignation and will terminate him if he doesn't resign says Chairman, Robert Pogue.

Jan 29 – A Navy F-14 jet crashes in Nashville, killing 5.

March 3 – Minnie Pearl , AKA Sarah Cannon died in Nashville, 83.


• Maury


March 13 – Maury County Superintendent, Jerry Battles says he will take full responsibility for over spending budget , leading to a $700,000 deficient for improvements on the Spring Hill elementary, Culleoka and Santa Fe schools.

March 11 – Saturn plant shut down after Delphi strike cuts brake supply, 8000 UAW members training/ painting fences.

March 17 – The Daily Herald gets new editor, Mr. Tim Wood 37, formally of the Weatherford Democrat in Texas.

March 26 – Dr. Paul Sands, President of the Columbia Community College announces his retirement. He was one of the college’s original staff in 1966 and has served as President since 1984, 37 years total in education.

April 2 – Andrea Nolan chosen Mule Day Queen.

April 4 – First Farmers & Merchants Bank CEO, Waymon Hickman announced bank will donate the former Union Planters Bank building in Mt Pleasant for a phosphate museum.

April 14 – The Maury County Historical Benefit Ball awarded the Lucille Queener Courtney Community Service award to Mrs. Virginia Alexander.

April 24 – Maury County School Board approves school $52.7 budget for school year 1996-97.

April 29 – Sterling Marlin wins Talladega 500 NASCAR race.

April 30 – The Ryder System Inc. plans a $3 million expansion at Spring Hill.

April 30 – Maury County Library $295,000 children’s book expansion dedicated.

May 6 – Maury County historian, Jill K Garrett died, 73.

May 8 – The refurbished Bigby Grey‘s Confederate flag was presented back to the City of Mt Pleasant.

May 12 – Columbia’s Shirley Coble named runner up USA mother of the year in National contest.

May 17 – The Donnelly Corp. announced it will close its manufacturing operation in Mt Pleasant, about 20 employee’s of the 95 will move to the AP Tenntech Saturn glass supplier operation.

May 17 – Columbia votes to end Saturn Fire Station #5 pact and close the station. Mayor Larry Smithson said he hopes to negotiate with Saturn to keep it open, but cost is an issue.

May 21 – Stuart Gilbert, Executive Director of the Maury County Economic Development Commission resigned.

May 24 – Triangle Auto Spring Company announces plant closing, 64 employees lose their jobs.

• Tennessee

April 12 – Congressman Harold Ford ( D ) of Memphis announced he will not seek re-election. The Congressman for 22 years also announced his son Harold ford Jr. 26 will seek election to the office.

May 8 – Nashville voters approve the Houston Oiler stadium bond proposal 59 percent to 41 percent to build a 68,000 seat $292 million stadium.


• Maury


May 30 – A special census of Spring Hill shows 4352 people, Columbia at 32,043.

May 31 – A strong storm destroyed a historic Maury County tree, located about 2.5 miles NW of Santa Fe on Lewis road. The White Oak tree truck was 20 feet in circumference and had a canopy of 120 feet. The old tree named “The Courting Tree”, a favorite spot for lovers, estimated at 300 years old.

June 2 – The Community United Youth Resource Center now occupies the former 300 club at Glade and East 9th street, recently closed as a “Public nuisance”. The new youth centers mission is to help young people learn self esteem and avoid harmful drugs and crime.

June 13 – Mr. Lyman T Johnson, formally of Columbia and early Civil Rights advocate, will receive the Public Service award given to him by Common Cause. The award recognizes individuals who by the force of imagination, initiative and perseverance make an outstanding contribution to society.

June 13 – Archeologists may have found a 3000 to 4000 year old native American Indian village off highway 43 in southern Maury County, says Merrill Dicks project director with Duvall & Associates of Franklin , contracted to excavate and chart the find.

June 14 – The first home game of the Maury Mules played before 1148 fans on Columbia Community College fields to watch the professional baseball teams début. The Mules are one of six teams in the newly formed southern League.

June 19 – Saturn Corp. plans to file an injunction against Columbia, Maury County and Maury County Industrial board to prevent a closure of fire station #5. As a result Columbia city council plans to defer the final vote to close the fire station.

July 7 – Sterling Marlin wins the Pepsi 400 at Daytona.

July 16 – Maury County Commission approves $90 million budget for 1996-97, school budget will be $46.9 million.

July 18 – Maury County signed an agreement with Middle Tennessee Detention Center to clear the way to construct a Juvenile detention facility near the new County jail.

July 19 – Maury County Commissioner, Bob Duncan, convinced the Maury County Commission to convert the 2nd floor of the Memorial Building into a county museum.

July 23 – The 118 acre Spring Hill Battlefield of Kedron road exit of the Saturn Parkway was dedicated, cost $880,000.

Aug 5 – The TVA announced it will begin removal of the old Duck River Iron Bridge on Iron Bridge Road and replace it with a new concrete bridge.

Aug 11 – The Maury County Historical Society placed the Jill Garrett genealogy book collection at the Maury County library.

• Tennessee

June 1 – Tennessee Bicentennial park opens in Nashville.

June 11 – Natchez Trace parkway completed after 56 years of construction, last 5 miles between highway 96 and 100 completed.

Aug 2 – Frist Art Center named , old Nashville Post Office to be renovated and become an art center.


• Maury


Aug 14 – Sheriff Enoch George files $600,000 lawsuit against Maury County to fund 15 additional employees in his department.

Aug 14 – The Tennessee Bicentennial Exposition train, “The Sprit of Tennessee” stopped in Columbia at the local Depot, containing 8 car loads of exhibits.

Aug 18 – The Columbia Military Academy alumni established a Hall of Fame in which 6 people were elected. William R Anderson – 1938-39; Nathan Green Gordon – 1933, Lee Boyer James – 1939; Paul Burney Johnson Jr. , Thomas Fite Paine and Mariemma Grimes – 1934.

Aug 25 – UAW Local Union 1853 sponsored the exhibit “Before Freedom Came: an African-American life in Antebellum South” from the Smithsonian Institute.

Sept 22 – Columbia Community College new President is Dr. Rebecca Hawkins of Crofton, MD. Who replaces retiring Dr. Paul Sands.

Sept 25 – Columbia paid $100,000 to a former city employee, Lois Azar who was fired for allegedly writing anonymous letters. The city made no admission of guilt.

Sept 30 – Vice-President Al Gore Jr. credits the Saturn Corp with helping reinvent the Federal Govt. Gore says he and president will “Saturnize” the Federal Government with the Saturn model and philosophy at a speech give at the UAW Festival in Spring Hill he attended.

Oct 6 – Mr. Jack O’Toole, one of the original Saturn 99 who helped form Saturn has published his book on Saturn called, “Saturn Inside.”

Oct 20 – Maury Regional Hospital agreed to commit $ 1 million or $100,000 per year for 10 years to build a indoor aquatic complex at the YMCA facility in Columbia. The joint agreement will allow patients with Maury Regional rehabilitation treatment to use the facility.

Oct 27 – The Rotary Club of Spring Hill held its charter meeting.

Oct 27 – Columbia Central High School marching band wins State title.

Nov 3 – A Federal jury found the charges of sexual harassment against former Maury county Sheriff, Wade Mathey unfounded.

Nov 6 – Bobby Sands wins 64th district State representative election.

• Tennessee

Sept 10 – Bill Monroe, Bluegrass pioneer died, 85.

Oct 1 - New state handgun law goes into effect , allows most Tennesseans over 21 to carry a concealed gun with a permit.

UAW Local 1853 Vice-President Jack O’Toole and GM CEO and chairman roger Smith.


• Maury


Nov 5 – Saturn right hand vehicles now being built in Spring Hill now shipped to Taiwan and soon Japan.

Nov 10 – Saturn will expand the Body Systems building by 350,000 sq feet to add press capacity.

Nov 15 – Rattle & Snap ceases farm operation and focuses on tourism says owner, Amon Carter Evans, who envisions the 1500 acre site to be the states “most viewed artifact.’

Nov 20 – Maury County School Board selects Dr. Jack Rose as new Superintendent of schools to replace Dr. Jerry Battles. Dr. Rose is currently the school superintendent of the Calloway County school district in Kentucky. A point of contention was the $80,000 salary to be offered.

Dec 1 – The Smith-Carver reunion draws 350 to Fairview park event.

Dec 8 – Columbia city manager, Bill Gentner, resigns, cites interference from the city council as the reason.

Dec 8 – The YMCA of Maury County received $400,000 challenge grant for a capital campaign from an anonymous donor says Jeff Parsley, YMCA director.

Dec 16 – A old manuscript of Maury County tax records of 1808-1810 found, restored and returned to the courthouse as Christmas gift from John R & Linda Neal. The discovery by Wally Herbert who attended a book sale discovered the ragged and dusty book marked for the landfill. He paid 35 cents for it. The book was microfilmed and placed in the Maury County library.

Dec 19 – Giant Foods to close at Maury County Shopping Center after 23 years business.

Dec 20 – Columbia City Manager, Bill Gentner, delays his resignation for 30 days to allow the city council to work out an agreement to run the day to day city operation.

Dec 24 – Maury County Commission approves the purchase of 600 acres on the Columbia/Mt Pleasant by-pass for a new Industrial Park, cost $2 million. The property belongs to Mr. Amon Carter Evans. Vote was 19-0.

Dec 31 – Zion Christian Academy new 11,000 sq feet 8 class room school nears completion.

• Tennessee •

Nov 22 – Former Governor of Tennessee, Ray Blanton died, 66. convicted in 1981 of extortion and conspiracy to sell liquor licenses.

Dec 15 – Nashville Arena opens.


• United States


Jan 19 - US trade deficit at $8.4 billion in November, Dow Jones average at 6833.

Jan 20 – Bill Clinton inaugurated as President.

Feb 5 – O.J. Simpson civil suite brought by the Fred Goldman family for death of their son, Ronald, finds for Goldman.

Feb 13 – Debbie Rowe, wife of pop singer, Michael Jackson, gives birth to baby boy.

Feb 14 – US astronauts repair Hubble space telescope.

April 14 – Tiger Woods 21, makes history at Masters Golf championship at Augusta, Ga. With 18 under par win.

April 14 – James McDougal, Whitewater partner of Bill Clinton sentenced to 3 years in prison for fraud in Whitewater deal.

• World •

Jan 17 – Israel withdraws troops from Hebron and turns control of city to Palestinian authority.

Jan 30 – Mohandas Gandhi , assassinated 49 years ago, has his ashes spread on Ganges River by Great Granddaughter.

Feb 19 – Deng Xiao ping, Chinese leader since 1976 died, 92.

March 2 – 3000 killed in Iranian Earthquake.

April 13 – First Avian flu virus called H5n1 identified in Hong Kong flu outbreak.

April 26 – The Hale-Bopp comet passes closest point to earth.

May 2 – Labor party wins election in Britain, Tony Blair elected new Prime minister.

May 24 – Michael Jordan, basketball great becomes highest paid player in history with $31.3 million contract with Chicago Bulls.

June 13 – Timothy McVeigh sentenced to death for Oklahoma bombing.

May 11 – Islamic militant, Osama Bin Laden declares war on US troops in Saudi Arabia in CNN interview.

July 2 – Jimmy Stewart, actor died, 89.

May 24 – Ayatollah Khatami, a moderate elected President of Iran.

July 6 – Charles Kuralt, America’s story teller of CBS died, 62.

Aug 24 – Monsanto spins off new company, Solutia inc., publically traded company, includes Columbia, Tn. plant.

June 23 – Pol Pot, Cambodian dictator responsible for millions of Cambodian deaths captured.

June 25 – Jacques Cousteau, sea explorer died, 87.

Sept 22 – Average gas price drops to $1.30 per gallon in US.

July 1 – Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule.

Oct 1 – Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, CEO of Microsoft said, “some day we will take the internet for granted” .

Oct 12 – John Denver, folk singer killed in plane crash, 53.

Aug 31 - Princess Diana killed in auto accident in Paris.

Oct 30 – British nanny, Louise Woodward found guilty of murder of baby Matthew Eappen in Massachusetts, reduced to manslaughter, time served by judge.

Sept 14 – Mother Teresa died, 87.

Sept 17 – Over 100 countries sign treaty to ban land mines.

Dec 3 – British ban sale of beef on the bone to stop mad cow disease.

Dec 16 – Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa resigns to allow smooth transition of leadership. 715

Nov 12 – Ramsi Yousef found guilty of bombing world trade Center in 1993. Dec 19 – “Titanic” movie premiers.

• Maury


Jan 3 – The Maury County Safety Committee rejected the Sheriffs request to bond jailers and transportation officers so they can be deputized.

Jan 7 – Columbia’s Steve Howard named General Manager of Columbia Mules professional baseball team, says President of the Mules, William Lea.

Jan 9 – Maury County reintroduces the chain gang to do road work and litter cleanup.

Jan 17 – Columbia City council rejects the agreement worked out to keep city manager, Bill Gentner.

Jan 22 – Maury County Commissioners approve $6.5 million for new County jail.

Jan 24 – Daily Herald launches new “Sound Off” column.

Jan 26 – Maury County school Superintendent, Dr. Jerry Battles, retires with 36 year of service.

Jan 28 – Maury County School Board presents $25 million school construction plan, includes a 600 student $7 million elementary school on Frye road and Highway 31; 400 student middle school at Mt Pleasant; 1000 student $15.4 million High school at US 412 to be completed by 1998.

Feb 3 – Over 2000 attend Sterling Marlin Charity benefit, over $100,000 raised.

Feb 12 – Upon the recommendation of County Executive, Ed Harlan the Maury County commissioners had approved the purchase of 703 acres site on the Mt Pleasant by-pass for $2.3 million has reversed itself and as a compromise agreed to instead purchase 431 acres for a new Industrial park on two tracts of land owned by Amon Carter Evans & the Armstrong family, costing $1.4 million.

Feb 14 – Amon Carter Evans balks at Maury County’s proposal to purchase 431 acres of land for Industrial park, of which he owns 331 acres. Evans says County signed contract to purchase 604 acres of his land.

Feb 16 – Maury County School Board names new Middle school to honor Mr. Ed Cox, former teacher and School superintendent.

March 4 – Theta pike residents appeal to Maury County once again to solve the problems with Nashville Ready Mix concrete company with complaints of road traffic, air quality, water quality and solid waste disposal.

March 10 – Miss Mandy Benderman wins Miss Mule Day Queen crown.

March 13 – Noted Maury County historian, Marise Lightfoot died, 71. A native of Maury County, wife of Mr. Jack Lightfoot, retired principal of Mt Pleasant high school and resident of Mt Pleasant . Flags will fly at half staff at County Court house in her honor.

• Tennessee

Jan 19 – Pulaski denies KKK parade permit.

Jan 20 – The Tennessee Wild life Recourse agency proposes using the Duck River land owned by TVA as a wildlife Mgt. Area.

Feb 3 – Bristol Pipe company of Bristol, Tn. purchased Columbia Plastics Inc.


• Maury


March 16 – The small business center, sponsored by the Maury County Chamber of Commerce opened to local entrepreneurs.

March 16 – Mr. Tony Ingram of Culleoka has worked to build a replica model of the old Fountain Creek Mill, a popular attraction now on display at the Glendale market.

March 18 – Spring Hill approves $1.5 million north side water tank and lines.

March 23 – Mrs. Alice Wright Algood received the Lucille Queener Courtney community service award presented by the Maury County Benefit Ball.

March 25 – Maury Regional Hospital plans a new facility expansion for the surgical area and will remodel the Inservice training area.

April 3 – Spring Hill Elementary school principal, Noel Evans transferred to alternative Learning Center as acting director says Jack Rose, Maury County School Superintendent.

April 6 – Rain fails to dampen Mule Day event as 150,000 show up, George Linsey “Goober” was parade Marshall.

April 6 – Columbia gets Regional Cable TV customer center of Rifkin & Associates, parent company of Columbia Cable Vision, center to have 35 customer representatives.

April 13 – Maury County School Director, Jack Rose announced Sharon Cantrell, former assistant principal of Spring Hill elementary school promoted to school principal.

April 18 – Maury Regional Hospital will build a $2.7 million garage.

April 22 – Maury County Commissioners approved the purchase of 445 acres of land for new Industrial park on Mt Pleasant By-pass for $1.4 million.

April 23 – The Farm Bureau breaks ground on new office off Theta pike.

April 28 – Rippavilla has inaugural event with Grand Salon series with performance of Chamber music..

May 1 – 77 current and former Saturn employees filed suit against the Saturn Corp and UAW union alleging discrimination under 1990 American disabilities act.

May 11 – New Saturn Welcome center opens in historic Haynes Haven horse barn.

May 18 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce buys old Farm Bureau building, $250,000 on West 6th street.

May 20 - Maury County Commission votes to support the proposed Fountain Creek Land Trust bill in State house.

• Tennessee

May 3 – Nashville stadium ground breaking celebrated.

May 18 - Centerstone Community health center, created with merger of Dede Wallace Center and Pinnacle Health inc. to become state largest mental health provider.


• Maury


May 21 – Former Spring Hill Principal, Mr. Noel Evans announces his retirement.

May 22 – Columbia Soap Box Derby back after 50 years, sponsored by Saturn Corp. and Columbia Main Street Association, 12 participants entered.

May 22 – King’s Daughters’ breaks ground on new 4 acre recreation park behind school on West 9th street, cost $200,000.

May 28 – Maury County School Director, Mr. Jack Rose announced he will eliminate at least two positions from Central administration to reduce costs, including Director of personnel held by Linda River and Director of Business held by Mr. Kip Reel, who accepted a position of Director of Communications at Williamson county.

June 8 – Columbia resident, Stephen Eisenhard, a bassbaritone will sing in the role of Bartolo in TPAC’s “The Barber of Seville.”

June 12 – Mr. Houston Parks, attorney for city of Spring Hill and Maury County Board of Education will accept a position with First Farmers & Merchants Bank trust department, replacing Mr. Roy T Hamilton who retired.

June 18 – Maury County School Director, Jack Rose announced the Mr. Kip Reel, current Director of Business who resigned will stay with the school system as part of Zoning committee.

June 18 – Maury County Library director, Bob Schrimser resigned, citing family reasons and return to Huntsville, Ala.

June 19 – Maury County Board of Education recommends building a new elementary school on property adjoining E.A. Cox Middle school on Highway 412.

June 22 – New Director of Maury County historic sites, Mr. David Stieghan will be working to develop and maintain Rippavilla plantation, the Spring Hill battlefield site, the armies of Tennessee Museum and Maury County Museum to start. Steighan, a Texas native will assist in planning for the Maury county museum to be located on 2nd floor of the Memorial Building.

June 22 – Columbia Academy dedicates the new early Learning Center to Mrs. Mariema B Grimes, Secretary to the President since 1952, serving the academy 45 years.

June 27 – Rippavilla receives additional $95,000 grant for restoration as Governor Don Sundquist makes the award.

June 29 – The Columbia Police Department has identified 10 gangs in Columbia, including three “hardcore” gangs of 250300 members involved in drugs and violence.

July 9 – Maury County’s first post office located on the public square renovated by Charles Raines company as new Merrill Lynch office.

• Tennessee

June 4 – Paul Dennis Reid, a former Shoney’s dish washer charged with murder of 5 restaurant workers in Nashville.

June 5 – J D powers listed Saturn 3rd in customer survey for 3rd straight year with score of 157.

June 17 – The Tennessee Pencil Company in Lewisburg destroyed by fire.

June 19 – UAW targets Nissan plant in Smyrna for 3rd organizing drive.


• Maury


July 14 – Mr. Noel Evans and wife found shot in murder/suicide in Spring Hill, former principal of Spring Hill elementary school.

July 15 – Maury County School Board voted to reinstate security officers in schools.

July 21 – Ray Williams of Spring hill is circulating a petition to remove Jack Rose, director of Maury County schools.

July 22 – Columbia 14’s Babe Ruth crowned state champions, beating Kingston, Tn. The win sends them to Southeast Regional championship in Cape Coral, Fla.

July 23 – CBS news magazine “Coast to Coast” will feature “Stan’s Restaurant” on Bear Creek pike and I-65, says owners Dave and Barbara Crowther.

July 30 – The Cheairs family descendants donated original Rippavilla furniture that belonged to Nathaniel and Susan Cheairs. Donated by Susan McKissick Estes Zuger, great, great granddaughter of Major Cheairs.

Aug 5 – Citizens, friends & facility were angered at a Central High school meeting to discuss the recent retirement announcement of principal, Glen Stewart. Supporters believe the retirement was prompted by changes in school policies and cuts in programs by Maury County school director, Jack Rose.

Aug 6 – Judge rules in favor of Sheriff Enoch George’s request to give jailers and transportation employees raises.

Aug 7 – Joe Sparkman, the Columbia boxer wins his pro boxing debut in Nashville.

Aug 8 – Eddie Hickman named interim assistant principal at Central High school.

Aug 10 – Saturn completes 370,000 sq feet addition to Body Shop for new presses.

Aug 13 – Maury County Schools are over crowded, enrollment at 11,647, Central at 1307.

Aug 15 – Spring Hill Citizens & Columbia Central High School parents petition with 2000 signatures presented to Maury County school board asking for dismissal of Jack Rose.

Aug 27 – Maury County Commission formally withdraws its support from Maury County Economic Development Commission. The EDC will lose $90,000 in support as result.

Aug 29 – Magnolia Academy opens in Maury County to troubled youths on contract with the state for boys 12-15.

Sept 12 – Maury County School board approves $1.3 million to repair and renovate College Hill School, built in phases between 1958 and 1964.

Sept 15 – UAW Local 1853 sponsors Vietnam War Memorial Wall Replica, open to public.

• Tennessee

Sept 14 – 95 Former land owners of Duck River Columbia dam basin file suit against TVA to regain property.


• Maury

1997 1st

Sept 15 – Columbia’s Terry Anderson set to fight nationally televised pro-boxing fight in Nashville, Sam Sparkman to fight 2nd fight.

Sept 16 – Saturn Vice-President of manufacturing, Bob E Boruff, died of cancer, 55.

• Tennessee •

Sept 19 - Food Lion markets Inc to close 61 stores lay off 3100 people.

Sept 23 – Judge Jim T Hamilton found Jamie Rouse 19 competent to stand trial for shooting teacher and student in Richland School.

Sept 25 – Nashville Predators, national hockey League team comes to Nashville.

Sept 18 – Elizabeth Potts, 48 appointed director of Maury County Library.

Sept 19 – Donita Vestal, a Saturn employee charged with attempting to steal $400 million from GM by sending fraudulent fax to CITI corp. bank in Delaware.

Sept 19 – NEA (National Education Association) President, Bob Chase and staff visited Saturn to learn how to implement labor/mgt. partnership.

Sept 25 – Eddie Hickman named principal of Columbia Central High school.

Oct 1 – The Maury County Chamber of Commerce Education committee Chairman Jim Criswell will be joined by John Stephens and Doug Williamson who hope to unite educators, community members, parents and employees to improve Maury County education.

Oct 8 – Lyman Tefft Johnson, formally of Columbia died, 93. A pioneer civil rights leader, educator and student at Louisville University.

Oct 20 – Long time Columbia city Judge, John Fleming Jr. died, 86.

Oct 26 – 4100 Civil war re-enactment at Rippavilla underway.

Nov 5 – Barbara McIntyre re-elected mayor of Columbia.

Nov 18 – Maury County School Board accepts 45 acre donation for new Mt Pleasant school from Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gilliam.

Nov 20 – Jury finds Jamie Rouse guilty of 1st degree murder, sentenced to life without parole.

Dec 14 – Maury County’s oldest citizen, Mrs. Lillie Holden of Hampshire celebrates 110 years old.

Dec 14 – Joe High, Superintendent of University of Tennessee Experiment Station in Spring Hill retires with 33 years service.

Dec 1 – Tennessee Supreme Court rules state law relaxing standards on municipal incorporation is unconstitutional. So called “Tiny Towns” statute blocks major cities from expanding.

Dec 2 – TVA announces it will turn over 12,800 acres of Duck river dam land to state of Tennessee, state will develop plan for the land.

Dec 31 – Gaylord Enterprises closed Opryland Theme park and announced the building of a new mega-Shopping Mall, Opry Mills. 720

Dec 15 – Maury County School Board approves grant of $580,000 to provide matching funds to create new Tennessee Juvenile Education Academy to replace old program at College Hill.

Dec 23 – Columbia’s 21st Century Committee to allow new city administration to set priorities and goals. The committee formed in 1994 under Mayor Larry Smithson to advise officials on major issues. Members were: Jim Sloan, Rev, Carl McCullen, Roy White, Joe Matthew, Eugene Richardson, Jim Criswell, Bobby Holloway, Tommy Yokley, Rick Wilson and Hollis Carpenter.

• United States


Jan 5 – Sonny Bono 62, Congressman, 60’s pop music star killed in skiing accident.

Jan 6 – Volkswagen unveils newly designed Beetle bug car.

Jan 25 – Carl Perkins, Rock n Roll pioneer died, 65.

Jan 26 – Monica Lewinsky 24, a White House intern, involved in sex scandal with President Clinton.

• World •

Jan 8 – Cosmologists announce the Universe is expanding at increasing rate, no static state as previously thought.

Jan 12 – 19 European nations sign agreement to ban human cloning.

Jan 21 – Pope John Paul II visits Cuba.

Feb 7 – Winter Olympics open in Nagano, Japan.

Feb 15 – UAW International union settles contract with Caterpillar after 6 year battle and strikes.

Feb 17 – Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq signs nuclear inspection agreement with UN president, Kofi Annan.

April 2 – Federal judge dismisses 4 year Paula Jones lawsuit brought against President Clinton for sexual harassment.

April 10 - Britain and Ireland sign peace treaty to end years of conflict and bloodshed.

April 13 – Nations Bank merges with Bank of America.

April 15 – Cambodian former Khmer Rouge leader & dictator, Pol Pot died, 73.

May 14 – Frank Sinatra, singer died, 82. •

May 11 - India conducts 3 nuclear underground tests.

May 15 – “Seinfeld” says farewell after 9 seasons, televisions most popular comedy ends on NBC.

May 21 – President Suharto of Indonesia for 32 years resigns.

May 19 – Dillard’s buys Mercantile stores for $2.9 billion, includes McAlpins, Bacons, Joslins, Castner Knott, Jones, J.B. White, Glass Block and Henessy stores.

May 24 – Serbian forces launch attacks against Albanian rebels in Kosovo.

May 31 – Senator Barry Goldwater died, 89.

May 29 – Pakistan conducted five nuclear tests.

June 12 – UAW strikes Flint GM plant over moving die, begins long strike and lose of billions.

June 25 – GM labor chief, Gerald Knectal says the “Strikeable issues raised by the UAW are contrived” and real issues the UAW is striking for were agreed to be nonstrikeable in the contract, 36,000 idled.

July 1 – Linda Tripp tape recording of Monica Lewinsky triggered a criminal investigation of President Clinton.

July 30 – UAW strike against GM over after $2.2 billion loss.

Aug 4 – GM announces it will sell its Delphi parts division.

Aug 5 – Dow Jones averages drops to 3487 .

Aug 5 – Iraq suspends all cooperation with UN inspectors of nuclear and weapons of mass destruction.

Sept 4 – Google 1st public stock offering made.

Oct 2 – Gene Autry, cowboy movie star, died, 91.

Aug 8 – Two US embassies in Africa attacked by terrorist bombs, 250 people killed, 6000 injured in Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya.

Nov 6 – Newt Gingrich ( R ) speaker of House resigns over ethics charge on book deal.

Nov 20 - Tobacco companies agreed to pay $206 billion to states in response to class action law suit.

Dec 17 – Britain and US launch air strikes against Iraq.

Dec 19 – US House of Representatives begins impeachment of President Clinton for lying under oath, 228-206 vote.


• Maury


Jan 4 – Columbia Mayor Barbara McIntyre appoints Tom DuBois city court judge.

Jan 6 – Governor Sundquist announces $100,000 state grant to Maury County Academy, one of five new Juvenile Education academies to be operated by the Maury County Board of Education.

Jan 13 – Maury County farmer, Daryl Brown 32, received the Young Farmer & Rancher Achievement Award at the American Farm Bureau convention in Charlotte, N.C. He won a new Dodge Ram pickup valued at $38,000. His farm is in the Water Valley area.

Jan 14 – The 931 area code goes into effect in 30 Middle Tennessee Counties.

Jan 14 – The old Maury County Courthouse dome to be removed to make a duplicate replacement. The old dome weighs 4 ton and has been in place since 1906.

Jan 21 – 5 months after of pulling out of the Maury County Economic Development Committee and ceasing the funding, the Maury County Commission voted to rejoin the organization.

Jan 30 – The Columbia State Community College foundation received a gift of $253,284 from the estate on Mrs. Lucy George Thomas Booker who owned a farm in the Zion community years ago. She requested that the Lloyd W Booker scholarship fund be established at Columbia State in his honor.

Feb 12 – Mr. Dennis Onks of Robertson county is the new Middle Tennessee Experimental Station Superintendent.

Feb 15 – Cecil’s store at Cross Bridges marks its 50th year of service, operated by Jack & Florence Cecil, store opened Feb 15, 1948.

Feb 17 – A group of 400 to 500 UAW members met at the Spring Hill High school to support the return to the UAW/GM National agreement contract.

Feb 22 – The Christian radio station WFCM 91.7 FM comes to Columbia, an affiliate of the Moody Broadcasting company.

Feb 23 – Spring Hill City council approves $3.9 million loan to construct new waste water treatment plant.

March 9 – Miss Courtney Stinson wins Miss Mule Day Queen crown.

March 12 – UAW Local 1853 Saturn members voted 2-1 to keep the Saturn agreement. 4052 voted to keep the agreement and 2120 voted for the GM/UAW National agreement.

March 25 – Maury County School Director, Dr. Jack Rose resigned to accept a position at Murray State University.

• Tennessee •

Jan 5 – Co-founder of Columbia/HCA, Dr. Thomas Frist Sr. died, 87.

Feb 5 – Tennessee drivers see the lowest gas prices in several years with an average price of $1.05 per gallon.

Feb 20 – “Nashville Banner” newspaper ceases publication after 122 years.

Feb 20 – “Hee Haw” country star, Grandpa Jones, died in Nashville, 84.


• Maury


• Tennessee

March 29 – Mrs. Francis Rainey wins the Lucille Queener Courtney Community Service award.

April 1 – Maury County school board selected Christie Lentz as the new Director of Schools to replace Dr. Jack Rose.

April 1 – Grassmere Mansion renovated as 19th century working farm opens.

April 8 – Winning Moves Inc., a local children’s outer wear manufacturer (formally Weather-Tamer) will close says President, Mr. Eugene Heller. The clothing operation as operated for 40 years in Maury county and once employed nearly 750 people.

April 7 – Tammy Wynette, country music singer died, 55.

April 10 - Duck River agency audit report questions $585,000 in withdrawals and expenses from trust fund since 1989.

April 18 – Tornado hits downtown and East Nashville.

April 23 – James Earl Ray, confessed assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died in Nashville, 70.

May 1 – WPLN public radio becomes independent radio station.

May 27 - Middle Tennessee Bank and First American Corp. merge in $57 million deal. This leaves First Farmers and Merchants bank the only local community bank in operation in Maury County.

April 15 – A tornado blasted through Maury County destroying 50 homes, injuring 15.

April 21 – The Maury County Commission approved the school boards decision to purchase a 40 acre tract on Gray Lane in Mt Pleasant for a new middle school.

April 28 – Zeneca Specialties will shut down a portion of their operation in Mt Pleasant and lay off 80 workers due to poor market conditions says Plant manager, Bob Porter.

May 1 – Maury County teachers get a 6 percent pay raise, adding $360,000 to the 1998-99 budget of $53 million.

May 3 – Maury Regional Hospital Trustees are looking for Maury County citizens to finance a $18 million expansion bond approval at the County Commission.

May 12 – Columbia Centrals girls basketball coach, Jack Harlow resigns, citing more family time. He has produced two state tournament teams in 4 years.

May 17 – Columbia police chief seeks to keep 12 officers hired under a federal grant. The police chief, James Boyd says. “There have been no juvenile killing in the foot patrolled area since 1995 and police calls over all are down with the program.

May 19 – Maury County commissioner’s approved Maury Regional Hospital request for a $12.1 million bond.

May 21 – Spring Hill annexes 720 acres south of Buckner road, north of Duplex and west of Buckner lane.

May 24 – Memorial Day services honored Maury County’s oldest living veteran, Mr. Marion Lovell 99, who lives at Heritage Manor and served in the 115th Field Artillery, 30th Division in France in world War I.

May 29 – Winning Moves Inc. will reopen with new owners, Johnny Littrell who served as Vice-President of manufacturing and Edward Hargrove purchased the business from owner Eugene Heller. The name changed to Winning Moves Racing Apparel.

May 31 – Saturn celebrates completion of a $200 million expansion, adding 375,000 sq feet in Body Systems, doubling the original size says project manager, Brian Jacobs.


• Maury


June 1 – Maury County School Director, Jack Rose terminated school budget director, Kip Reel, before leaving.

June 2 – Accuride Corp. who purchased the GE plant in Columbia will hire 58 employees.

June 3 – Columbia's Jason Moates drafted by New York Mets in 4th round.

June 9 – Fairview Park renamed Fairview Memorial Park to honor request of the Carver-Smith alumni who wish to honor coaches & athletes who played there, including H.O. Porter, Jimmy Reynolds, Tom Robinson, Murphy and Pete Crawford, James “Punch” Williams, Revis Harris, Johnny & Connie Childress and Doug Jones.

June 24 – The 40 acre tract of land purchased by Maury County in 1995 on Frye road & US 31 to be used as site of new Spring Hill High school, sold at auction for $172,000. The county paid $300,000 in 1995 for it.

June 25 – Maury County School Board votes to close Hampshire High School and bus students to another school .

June 30 – More than 600 residents of the Hampshire Community met at the school gym to show support for keeping grades 9-12 in Hampshire. Maury County School Board Chairman, Robert Pogue who voted against the proposal told the crowd the school board had “folded.”

July 1 – Columbia approves $37.7 million budget, 45 percent of it or $16.6 million for a new sewer system revenue fund, Police Dept receives $4.3 million or 11 percent and the fire Department received $3.9 million or 10 percent.

July 2 – “The Four Jades” reunited after 30 years to perform at Hay Long High school reunion. The popular band consisted of Robert Dugger, Charles Sanders, Bill Ethridge and Jerry Caskey, who played locally in the 1960’s.

July 3 – Maury County’s new honor wall unveiled on court house lawn, a display of Maury county’s fallen soldier’s of the War of 1812 to the Persian Gulf war.

July 9 – According to a state report Maury County is one of the fastest growing area in the state. The official population at the end of 1997 was 68,099 an increase of 1416 over 1996. Moreover the county’s population has increased 24.2 percent of 13,287 since 1990.

July 10 – The Maury County School Board rescinds its order to close Hampshire High School after outpouring of public support for keeping school open.

July 20 – UAW local 1853 union members authorized a strike to support UAW International request involved in nation wide strike against GM.

July 26 – Tim Neal, a Thompson Station resident purchased the old Spring Hill High School at auction. He plans to turn it into shops and restaurant facility.

• Tennessee

July 14 – 8 inches of rain fell in Lawrence county to cause severe flooding, also flooding in Maury, Giles and Hickman Counties.


• Maury


July 27 – Columbia’s Parks and Recreation director, Willie Morgan retires after 40 years service.

July 28 – The Confederate flag given to Antoinette Polk by General Nathan Bedford Forrest and the captured by Colonel Abel Streight will be returned to Maury County by Mr. Ronald Stockum, will be restored. Antoinette Polk was renownd for her ride from Buena Vista in Columbia to Ashwood near Mt Pleasant to warn the Confederate cavalry of the advance of the Federal troops.

July 31 – Columbia will get a new $3 million Jamison Inn on James M Campbell Blvd.

Aug 5 – Foodmax Super Center will become “Albertson’s” as 14 properties in Tennessee owned by Bruno’s sold for $56 million.

Aug 19 – Spring Hill City Council approves resolution to create a independent Library for Spring Hill.

Aug 21 – Maury Regional Hospital expansion of 3 new floors to west wing and new emergency room medical services building services building begins.

Aug 23 – New Maury County Jail $7 million 186 bed, 56,000 sq feet facility has open house.

Sept 1 – The Maury County Chamber of Commerce is planning a fund raiser for $200,000 for a building to house a Technology Center to assist employers to train for Computer Assisted Design and Machine work for vocational training.

Sept 9 – Spring Hill Saturn will get a new Saturn SUV in 2000, UAW members must approve tentative contract.

Sept 13 – Saturn offers right hand drive vehicles to US post office.

Sept 21 – Maury County’s oldest living veteran, Mr. Marion Lovell died, 100.

Sept 27 – 45 students at Mt Pleasant High School signed themselves out of school because of rumors of a possible “race riot” said school principal, Tom Wolaver. The rumor sprang form a altercation among students at a high school dance.

Oct 7 – Saturn’s former President, Richard “Skip” Lefauve 63, and Senior Vice-President at GM announced his retirement after 41 years with GM, Richard Wagner also named GM President.

Oct 8 – James “Jim” Finney Jr. former editor of the Daily Herald died, 64. He was editor from 1960 to 1980.

Oct 12 – The Maury County Sheriff’s Department announced it will hire 10 SRO officer’s for school security.

Oct 18 – Maury County ranks 10th in out of wedlock births for ages 18-24 says new study.

• Tennessee

Aug 22 – Nashville Predators begin first national Hockey League season.



• Maury

• Tennessee

Oct 20 – Daily Herald celebrates 150 th birthday with publishing of Columbia Daily Herald in 1848.

Oct 20 – Saturn UAW Local President, Joe Rypkowski appointed to UAW International union, Region 8 staff. VicePresident Rick Martinez assumes office.

Oct 26 – Maury Regional Hospital auctioned off a 181 acre farm left to it by Mr. Earl M Paxton 30 years ago. The land on Campbellsville Pike sold for $659,000

Oct 30 – Saturn introduces new 1999 “rear access door” coupe.

Nov 10 – 23.8 percent of students entering the grade dropped out of school by 12th grade in Maury County according to a study.

Nov 27 – Maury County ranks in top 20 percent of Counties nationally in reproductive toxic air pollutants released. Spontex Inc. is largest contributor says National environmental group. Carbon disulfide is the major toxic chemical involved.

Nov 30 – Expansion of Shady Brook Cinema now underway.

Dec 1 – TVA completes removal of Duck River dam.

Dec 3 – Spring Hill City administrator resigns after 3 year rocky term.

Oct 26 - Tom Hanks in the “Green Mile” movie films in Williamson County and Lewisburg.

Oct 29 – Duck River Agency reorganized after unfavorable audit.

Nov 4 – Marsha Blackburn ( R ) wins state Senate seat in 23rd district.

Dec 6 – Albert Gore Sr.( D ) died, 90. served in Congress three decades for Tennessee.

Dec 22 – Oilers football team named changed to Tennessee Titans.



Dec 11 – Maury County School Board revises dress code.

Dec 15 – General Motors names woman as Saturn’s new President, Cynthia M Trudell who will replace Donald W Huddler.

Dec 20 – Saturn will offer some 600 workers cash to move back to GM plants and introduces new L-series mid-size car built in Wilmington, Del.

Dec 27 – A terrible accident claims the life of 8 year old Spring Hill girl. Casey Sneed, who was pinned under a trailer for unknown length of time after going out side to slide on snow and ice.

Dec 29 – Sheriff George begins move into new jail.

• United States


Jan 7 – President William Jefferson Clinton impeachment trial opens formally in Senate.

Jan 11 – GM Vice-President Mark Hogan outlined GM “Yellowstone” assembly project to cut costs and make it competitive.

Jan 13 – Michael Jordan retires from basketball.

Feb 12 – President Clinton acquitted of perjury & obstruction of Justice impeachment charges by US senate 55 to 45.

March 8 – Joe DiMaggio, baseball Hall of Fame great, died, 84.

March 17 – Senator William Roth introduces Roth IRA bill.

March 29 – Dow Jones averages breaks 10,000.

April 13 – Dr. Frank Kevorkian, “Dr. Death” convicted of 2nd degree murder in Michigan for helping 130 people commit suicide.

April 21 – Two teenage High School students shoot and kill 12 Columbine High school students, one teacher and wounded 23 in Colorado.

Ma y 1 – The National Rifle Association elects, Charlton Heston, President.

May 2 – Latest national gas survey shows average price at $1.17.

June 1 – Napster debuts music down loads from internet.

June 30 – Five year Whitewater land inquiry by Federal prosecutor Ken Star ends, cost $55 million.

July 16 – John F Kennedy Jr. and wife, Carolyn and her sister Laren Bessette killed in plane crash off coast of Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

• World •

Jan 1 – New single Euro currency launched.

Feb 2 – Hugo Chavez becomes President of Venezuela.

Feb 8 – King Hussein of Jordan died.

Feb 22 – Moderate Iraqi Shiite cleric, Mohammad Al-Sadr assassinated.

March 12 – Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic join NATO.

March 24 – NATO orders air strikes against Serbs in Bosnia.

April 9 – Niger’s President assassinated.

May 17 – Ehud Baruk elected Prime Minister of Israel.

June 9 – Yugoslavia and NATO reach agreement on peace treaty in Kosovo.

June 16 – Nelson Mandela retired as President of South Africa.

Aug 7 – Chechen guerrillas invade Russian Republic of Dagestan.

Aug 17 – Earthquake in Turkey kills 17,000.

Aug 9 – Russian president Boris Yeltsin dismissed Prime Minister Sergi Stepashin and named Vladmir Putin 47, as prime Minister designate.

Oct 12 – Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif ,attempts to fire chief army General, Pervez Musharrif, but senior army officers refuse to accept dismissal.

July 5 – Lance Armstrong wins 1st Tour de France.

Sept 23 – George C Scott, actor, died, 71.

Oct 29 – Cyclone tidal surge in India kills 10,000

Oct 14 – Wilt Chamberlain, basketball great died, 63.

Nov 1 – World population set at 6 Billion.

Nov 15 – President Clinton announces agreement reached to allow Communist China to join World Trade Organization.

Nov 11 – British parliament votes to eliminate House of Lords.

Nov 18 – Texas A & M Aggie bonfire collapse kills 18.

\Dec 30 – 50,000 people killed in Venezuela mud slides.

Nov 23 – Hillary Clinton announces she is candidate for US Senate seat in State of New York.

Dec 31 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin resigns as President, leaving Russian government to Vladimir Putin.

Dec 28 – Clayton Moore, actor, “Lone Ranger” died, 85.

• •

Dec 31 – World’s largest Ferris wheel opens in London. 727

• Maury


Jan 10 – Former Maury County Judge Edward Thomas Workman died, 77.

Jan 10 – Community First Bank & Trust filed for a charter, says President Mark Hines.

Jan 12 – Saturn reports first loss since 1993, lower demand for small cars with low gas prices, old design drops sales to 251,099 vehicles last year.

Jan 15 – Spring Hill hires new city administrator, Mr. Ken York of Nashville. He replaces Elwyn Beinber who resigned.

Jan 20 – Four prehistoric graves were found in the Habersham subdivision when a swimming pool was being constructed.

Jan 22 – Former Maury County Sheriff, Flo Fleming died, 76. He was a graduate of Culleoka High and a passionate public servant.

Jan 31 – Columbia’s new Main Street Inc. Executive Director, Kristi Martin, hopes Columbia will continue to grow.

Feb 3 – Maury County Economic Development Coordinator, Mike Dubois resigned. DuBois who served 2.5 years said job performance issues were discussed with Mayor Barbara McIntyre regarding not enough industries brought to area.

Feb 5 – Lowe’s buys 17 acres for $1.9 million across from Shady Brook Mall.

Feb 16 – Columbia’s first women patrol officer Janice Rodgers Scheital died in her sleep says husband, 49.

Feb 17 – The Maury County Commission votes to keep the nonresidential adequate facilities development tax 11-9. The tax rate of 50 cents per gross sq foot on new residential development & 30 cents per sq foot on commercial remains in effect.

Feb 25 – UAW local 1853 votes in sweeping changes in leadership. Ron Hankins elected President, Jeep Williams elected Manufacturing Advisor.

Feb 28 – A memorial was placed on the grave of African Prince, Daddy Ben, at the Zion Presbyterian church cemetery. Daddy Ben was owned by Colonel Scott who fought in the Revolutionary war and later moved Ben to Maury County. Daddy Ben later came to Maury County as a wedding gift to his daughter, Mrs. Mayes of the Zion Community. Daddy Ben died March 10, 1829, age 90.

March 1- Former General Sessions Judge Edwin Ewing died.

March 7 – The Columbia High School Lions basketball team (33-1) claimed the Mid-East inaugural championship in Chattanooga defeating White County 68-64.

March 7 – UAW Local 1853 Chairman Michael Bennett donates $35,000 from speaking fee’s to Rippavilla Inc.

• Tennessee •

Jan 4 - Last edition of the Chattanooga Times published, 130 year old newspaper merged with Chattanooga Free Press.

Jan 5 – University of Tennessee Volunteers football team wins National championship beating Florida 23-16.

Feb 1 – 90 year old Shelby street bridge in Nashville closed, pedestrians only.

Columbia Police officer Janice Rodgers Scheital

March 7 - George Jones 67, legendary country singer listed in critical condition in accident on Highway 96. 728

• Maury


• Tennessee

March 8 – Miss Yolanda Sandusky 20, chosen Mule Day Queen. She is a student at Columbia Community College.

March 9 – Bess Luther, owner of Luther’s Market & Deli on US 31 in Spring Hill closing after 30 years in business.

March 10 – Two Maury County home builders, Dino Roberts and Larry Reaves, filed suit in court as Middle Tennessee Home Builders Association members to overturn the privilege tax on new home construction.

March 12 – The Spring Hill Planning Commission approved the areas first golf course to be located on Kedron road.

March 12 – Federal Judge Thomas Higgins in Nashville dismissed the lawsuit against the UAW for alleged violation of the American Disabilities Act filed by 50 UAW members.

March 21 – Jury rules against Saturn in American Disabilities Act law suit, Judge will make final ruling.

March 28 – Maury Regional Hospital breaks ground on $1.1 million 8000 sq foot Medical office building in Mt Pleasant to include Physicians, Lab and X-Ray services.

April 2 – Columbia Power and Water rate to increase to $9.35 per month.

April 1 – Kevin Stallings named Vanderbilt basketball head coach, led Illinois State in four post season appearances.

April 9 – Ray Williams elected Mayor of Spring Hill.

April 2 – Dell Computer announces it will build a new plant in Nashville and could hire 10,000.

April 11 – 150,000 watch Mule Day parade, Sharron Pucket is Grand Marshall.

April 2 – First American Bank acquires Middle Tennessee Bank.

April 14 - New Tennessee Titans football team rolls out new uniforms.

April 18 - Maury Regional Hospital opens 10,000 sq foot, $550,000 EMS building. Facility built with funds donated by Mr. Earl Paxton & $206,000 from Maury County taxpayers.

April 21 – Spring Hill Mayor Ray Williams reorganizes Spring Hill police department, new police chief is Scott Lyke, Steve Thomason, police chief for more than a decade made Assistant police chief.

April 28 – Santa Fe school principal, Kenneth Jackson, retires with 30 years service, 22 years at Santa Fe school.

May 4 – The redesigned Court house Cupola returned to be installed.

May 11 – Spring Hill Planning Commission approved the $2.6 million expansion of UAW Local 1853 union hall.

May 17 – The endangered Birdwing mussel species is thriving in the Duck River says environmental report.

May 18 – Spring Hill High school principal, Roy Vick announced he will retire after 31 years service.

May 18 – The Maury County Commission approved the creation of a animal shelter commission to operate joint Columbia & Animal Shelter Association.


• Maury


May 19 – A Park and Recreation study says there are real advantages to a merger of the Columbia City and Maury County Parks programs to improve services and lower costs.

May 25 – Air EVAC comes to Maury County, Lifeteam Air Helicopter Services established operation at the Maury County airport.

May 25 – Former Saturn President, Don Huddler, retired. He was presented with honors at Spring Hill, including a award from the UAW and new Saturn President, Cyntha Trudell.

June 11 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Mike Chance resigns, citing other opportunities as the reason.

June 22 – Polyform Packers Inc broke ground on new $4 million 60,000 sq f0ot facility on US 43, to employ 50.

June 23 – Maury County Commission approves County Archives program.

June 25 – Hampton Inn plans new facility at Highway 412 and I-65, 66 room 3 story hotel on 2 acres.

June 28 – Miss Bettye Patton est. Hampshire Museum.

July 6 – 90 Columbia sanitation and Street Department workers clocked out to halt garbage collection and street repair. Workers are unsatisfied with pay and treatment. Columbia city manager said they will be terminated it they don’t return to work.

July 9 – Columbia City Council approves pay raise of 160 city employees of 1.5 percent cost of living and 3 percent merit raises.

July 11 – Renovated College Hill School to reopen, $1.9 million in upgrades.

July 19 – Columbia Dam being dismantled.

July 30 – Saturn Home-Coming 99 features Hootie and the Blow Fish and Tim McGraw performed, 30,000 est. crowd.

Aug 2 – Randolph Howell Elementary School dedicated.

Aug 6 – Columbia city manager , Bill Gentner fired by city council, citing poor working relationship with city employees and failure to fill police chief position.

Aug 8 – UAW union hall construction collapsed, four injured.

Aug 9 – Columbia police chief, James Boyd, accepts interim city manager position.

Aug 11 – Mr. & Mrs. Leon and Thelma McCalob celebrated their 78th wedding anniversary at NHC Healthcare of Columbia. Leon is 96 and Thelma is 93. The secret to a successful marriage says Thelma is to “give and take” It takes two to make it work.

• Tennessee

June 6 – New Country Music Hall of Fame has ground breaking ceremony in Nashville.

June 12 – New Nashville football stadium named “Adelphia Coliseum.”

Maury County airport

July 24 – New Nashville library opens in Nashville.

Aug 4 – Nashville Arena renamed Gaylord Entertainment Center.

Aug 5 – Construction of new $125 million Nashville super speedway in Wilson county begins.


• Maury


Aug 15 – A playground at Evans park in Spring Hill was dedicated in memory of 8 year old Casey Sneed who died of injuries received Christmas eve when she slipped on ice and became pinned under a trailer.

Aug 17 – Assistant police chief of Columbia, Barry Crotzer appointed as acting police chief.

Aug 20 – Spring Hill Mayor Ray Williams says the city will not join the Maury Alliance saying “we kind of felt like step children in Maury County.”

Aug 27 – The Columbia Housing Authority director, Gaila Kincade was fired. The board citing inefficiency in performance of duties.

Sept 5 – Graymere celebrates new $2 million club house 22,000 sq foot expansion.

Sept 12 – The Zion Christian Academy dedicated its new athletic field in honor of , Samuel “Hank” Holcomb, a Tennessee state trooper killed in the line of duty in 1988.

Sept 12 – Columbia's best known and most beloved music teacher, Martha Virginia Spencer Lewis, also known as “Mattyvee” has retired after 64 years of teaching piano, organ and accordion to three generations of students. She said “I never considered it work because it was something I enjoyed so much.”

Sept 19 – Columbia votes to join the Maury Alliance which is a merger of the Maury County Economic development organization and Chamber of Commerce. Maury County Commission and Mt Pleasant will also join.

Oct 1 – Maury County Commission considers a new pension plan, the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement plan (TCRP).

Oct 20 – Lowe’s new super store in Columbia opens.

Oct 24 – Columbia beauty, Lynnette Cole, crowned Miss Tennessee in Miss USA contest.

Nov 4 – VF Work Wear plant in Mt Pleasant will close, 150 jobs lost. Mr. Chuck McPherson, HR Vice-President says company has had “trouble hiring people here for this type of work.”

Nov 11 – Air EVAC Helicopter services will relocate to Marshall County airport from Maury County, 20 people employed.

Nov 12 – Centenarian, Miss Lille B Holden died, 111 years old. She was born in Swan Creek and moved to the big city of Hampshire, Maury County's oldest citizen.

• Tennessee

Sept 4 – 1500 acre Alvin G Beaman park and Greenway near Joelton opens.

Sept 19 – Paul Dennis Reid convicted in murder/kidnapping of two ice cream Baskin-Robbins ice cream employees in Clarksville.

Sept 21 – Bill Purcell elected Mayor of Nashville Metro.

Oct 6 – Federal Judge Thomas Higgins in Nashville overturned a jury verdict of discrimination against the Saturn Corp. He said “Job rotation” is best process to reduce worker injury and not discriminatory.

• •

Lynnette Cole, Miss USA 731

• Maury


Nov 12 – Columbia firefighter veteran for 24 years, Benjamin Frierson has retired reluctantly after suffering from injuries. “He was an outstanding firefighter for our community” said Mayor Barbara McIntyre.

Nov 14 – Mr. William “Bill” Hutchinson 105, is Maury County’s oldest citizen and lives at the Poplar Estates. He is a veteran of World War I.

Nov 30 – Columbia Community College new Humanities Education $8.5 million 35,000 sq foot facility under construction.

Dec 8 – The Maury Alliance announced it will hire Mr. Frank Tamberino of Sarasota, Fla. as the first leader of the new Industrial recruiting organization.

Dec 14 – Daily Herald publisher, Mark Palmer, announced Michael McCeehee will replace Tim Wood as managing editor.

Dec 19 – Columbia's Parks & Recreation director, Doug Ruth, says the city is ready for the Y2K disaster, if it happens. The city has purchased 3200 cots and blankets to use at the Armory and Fairview Community center if needed and have emergency generators and propane ready to go.

Dec 20 – UAW Saturn workers ratified a 4 year contract and get a $1350 signing bonus.

Dec 21 – Spring Hill voted to annex 1700 acres in Williamson County recently eliminated from the county’s 20 year growth plan.

Dec 23 – Columbia State Community College Professor, Dr. Lewis Moore Jr., was awarded the Love Outstanding community service award, one of five in Tennessee to receive such an award.

Dec 26 – Ground breaking ceremony for the $12.4 million Mt. Pleasant Middle School celebrated, school to have 24 classrooms, auditorium and gym.

Dec 31 – Columbia gets new city manager, Mr. Robert C Elliott of Riverview, Mich. to replace Bill Gentner.

Dec 31 – Columbia’s Assistant police chief, Edward S Dooley III retired with 27 years service.

• Tennessee

Dec 21 - Country music singer legend, Hank Snow, died, 85.

Dec 22 – Williamson County commission reverses itself and voted to reinstate all land it eliminated from Spring Hill growth plan.


• United States


Feb 14 – Charles Schutz 77, cartoonist of “Peanuts” comic strip died on the eve of his last cartoon published in US newspapers.

March 10 - NASDAQ Index breaks 5000.

April 23 – Riot police and federal police raid Miami home of uncle to take custody of little Elian Gonzalez, 230 people arrested

• World •

Jan 1 – Y2K crisis passes without serious computer failures.

March 26 – Vladimir Putin elected President of Russia.

April 5 – Yishiro Mori elected Prime Minister to replace Keizo Obuchi who died.

Aug 9 – Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley, first submarine to sink a ship in war raised and returned to Charleston, South Carolina, after 136 years.

Sept 1 – Federal Highway safety administration says death toll is 88 in Bridgestone/Firestone and Ford blow out tire investigation.

Sept 11 – After three decades, Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight fired for conduct that is defiant and hostile.

May 7 – Iran reformers win 52 of 66 seats contested in legislative elections, a setback for Islamic hardliners.

Nov 8 – Bush-Gore to close to call, Green party receives 2 percent of vote.

May 11 – India’s population reaches 1 billion people.

Nov 12 – George Bush sues to halt Florida hand recount in 67 Counties

June 28 – Elian Gonzales returned to father in Cuba.

July 2 – Vincente Fox elected President of Mexico.

Aug 12 – Russian submarine K-141 Kursk sinks in Barents Sea, 118 men lost.

Nov 15 – Florida Counties report George W Bush wins state by 3000 votes out of 6 million cast.

Nov 24 – Al Gore will challenge Florida Miami-Dade County vote. George W Bush files appeal with US Supreme court and remains ahead in Florida vote count. •

Sept 15 – Summer Olympics open in Sidney, Australia.

Nov 27 – Florida Secretary of State certifies Bush victory to award 25 electoral votes to George W Bush, 537 state wide vote margin.

Sept 26 – Scientists thawed out 5300 year old Iceman found frozen in Alps in Italy.

Dec 10 – US Supreme Court grants Bush petition to hear Florida vote count case, orders halt to vote recount.

Oct 5 – President of Serbia, Slobodian Milosevic resigns after large scale demonstrations against him.

Dec 13 – US Supreme court reverses Florida state count decision to recount.

Dec 13 – General Motors announces it will retire its oldest brand, Oldsmobile.

Dec 14 – Al Gore Jr. concedes Presidential election to George W Bush.

Dec 16 – Colin Powell nominated for Secretary of State by President elect Bush, 1st African-American to such post.

Dec 28 – US Census Bureau reports US population at 281 million, up 13 percent since 1990.

Dec 29 – US budget surplus under President Clinton estimated at $1.9 Trillion, President elect Bush says he wants to use surplus to cut taxes.

• •

Oct 13 – Suicide bombers rip gapping hole in USS Cole while refueling in Yemen, 17 sailors killed, 38 injured.

Oct 17 – Chevron buys Texaco oil for $34 billion.

Nov 1 – Iraq rejects Un weapons inspection proposal.

Nov 17 – Alberto Fujimoro remove as President of Peru.

Dec 1 – Vincente Fox sworn in as President of Mexico, ending 71 years of one party rule.

Dec 19 – UN Security Council votes to impose broad sanctions on Afghanistan Taliban rulers unless they close “Terrorists’ training camps and surrender Osama bin Laden for bombing US embassy.


• Maury


Jan 12 – The Nature Conservancy opened a Maury County office. The organization founded in 1951, a private nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving plants, animals and natural bio-communities.

Jan 13 – Maury County officials had set up two retirement plans. County employees are now required to choose between the two.

Jan 16 – A group of area doctors have sent a letter opposing the 11.3 million Maury Regional Hospital expansion requested in a certificate of need being considered by the state.

Jan 16 – Columbia based JRN Inc. opened its 100th Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Nicholsville, Ky.

Feb 3 – The Grocery Store, a beloved Spring Hill gathering place that served soup, sandwiches and banana pudding for 11 years will close the store on the Nashville Highway. The store owned by Ronnie and Linda Norton says increased competition from fast food business has forced the closing.

Feb 4 – 21 year old Columbia native, Lynnette Cole, will represent Tennessee in the Miss USA beauty pageant. Miss Cole is the daughter of Larry and Gale Cole of Columbia.

Feb 6 – Miss Tennessee, Lynnette Cole wins Miss USA beauty pageant.

Feb 8 – A new partnership to oversee the animal shelter was approved by the Maury County Health and Environment Committee.

Feb 17 – Spring Hill names Ricky Headley 36, a Captain with Fairview police department as the new Spring Hill police chief.

Feb 17 – Members of the Maury County School Board and members of the Maury County Education Association have reached an agreement for a 3.75 percent raise for teachers.

Feb 18 – Mark Palmer, publisher of the Daily Herald announced that Chris Fletcher 34, a reporter with the Associated Press in Houston, Texas and former editor of the Jacksonville Daily Progress in Jacksonville, Texas will be the new Daily Herald editor.

Feb 20 – Community First Bank holds ground breaking for its new permanent location on South James Campbell ave and announced it purchased property on north Main to locate an office there. Feb 28 – Waymon L Hickman elected Chairman of Maury Regional Hospital Board of Trustees.

• Tennessee •

Jan 9 - Tennessee Titans defeat Buffalo Bills 22-16 in play off immaculate reception miracle trick play with Kevin Dyson running 75 yards for TD with 13 seconds left in game.

Jan 12 – Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame opens in Nashville.

Jan 17 – Tennessee Titans defeat Indianapolis 19-16 to win AFC divisional title playoff.

Jan 24 – Tennessee titans Super bowl XXXIV bound with 3314 win over Jacksonville Jaguars, AFC champions.

Jan 31 – Tennessee Titans fall one yard short of winning super bowl with 23-16 lose to St Louis Rams.

Feb 1 – Governor Don Sundquist proposes $18.2 Billion budget and State income tax of 3.75 percent.

Feb 6 – Cablevision Inc officially changed name to Charter Communications.

Mr. Waymon Hickman

Feb 22 – WDCN public Television changes to WNPT Nashville independent public television station.

Feb 28 – UAW Local 1623 members in Lawrenceburg and employees of Murray Inc approved a contract after three attempts to ratify it.


• Maury


March 1 – The old Zion girls school restoration project is underway. The school was built in 1851 from the bricks of the old Zion church.

March 12 – Spring Hill Police Chief Ricky Headley resigns after 9 days on the job, citing differences of opinion on law enforcement direction with city officials.

March 13 – Miss Brook Jett 20, crowned Mule Day Queen. She is a Columbia Community College student and the daughter of Kaye Russ and Charles Jett.

March 15 – Lieut. Reggie Pope named interim Spring Hill Police Chief. Ricky Headley said the pick was strange because city officials asked him to fire him.

March 16 – Wimpy Jones 75, is still the liar King of Maury County Mule Day event. He been telling lies in the annual contest for 40 years.

April 2 – Mt Pleasants 84 year old public librarian, Miss Barbara Daniels, was forced to resign after nearly 50 years service. The city’s 1st librarian was dismissed because she missed two library board meetings.

April 2 – The Mule Day parade headed up by Grand Marshall Miss Lynnette Cole and sheep dogs as record 265,000 view parade. Miss Lynnette Cole, was Miss Mule Day Queen in 1994.

April 3 – Maury County’s beloved Dr. Ralph Meece 77, retired after 48 years of practice.

April 9 – The oldest beauty shop in Tennessee is in Spring Hill. Ms. Marie Nellums opened Marie’s beauty shop in 1936. she now 86 and still cuts and sets hair after 64 years service.

April 14 – Columbia Community College professor, Dr. Lewis Moore, will retire after 34 years of service as a professor of history and political science.

April 18 – The Maury County commission approved a private act resolution to form a county animal control board. The decision requires the state legislature approval.

April 21 – Columbia approves a $10.7 million waste water disposal plant contract with H.L Hailey company.

April 21 – Hobby Lobby opens its doors in Columbia, located in old 56,000 sq foot Lowe’s building.

April 25 – General Motors announces a $1.5 Billion expansion in Spring Hill Saturn plant. $1 billion for new building SUV and $500 million to build a 450,000 sq foot new facility to build a new 4 cylinder engine. Saturn also announces it will purchase and install a Honda 6 cylinder engine in its future Saturn models.

April 26 – Phil Everly 61, purchased the Galloway home at 410 West 9th street where General Nathan Bedford Forrest had his headquarters while in Columbia.

• Tennessee •

Feb 29 – Tennessee State Health Department administers 962 globulin shots to people in Maury County who ate at Sonic Drive-in after worker there reported with hepatitis, cost $100,000.

March 24 – Dolly Parton announces 47 million donation for literacy program called “imagination library” for libraries.

GM Spring Hill Manufacturing plant

April 19 – Tennessee conducts first execution in 40 years with Robert Glen Coe 44 for murder of 8 year old girl in 1979.

April 20 – Nissan announces plans to add new truck line in Smyrna.


• Maury


April 28 – Baker School principal, Eloise Cheatham, will retire after 37 years service in education. She was Maury County’s first woman school principal in 1960. She is has touched over 13,000 children’s lives and said if she had it to do over again she would still be a teacher.

May 4 – Maury County Budget director Mr. AC. Howell resigns. He says he is not happy with the Maury County Commission direction and loss of retirement benefits to county employees.

May 8 – First Farmers & Merchants Bank had a record year in 1999, total assets of $619 million and net profit of $7.5 million. The bank assets have doubled since 1990.

June 1 – Columbia youth, Jessie Smith 14, is one of 248 contestants in Scripps Howard National Spelling bee. An 8th grade home schooled young man.

June 1 – Maury County officials confirm three tornados hit in the area on May 25, one at Williamsport, one at Cross Bridges and one at Goose Creek road.

June 2 – Columbia’s Jesse Smith 14, finished 14th in National Spelling Bee.

June 5 – The Daily Herald begins morning delivery, the most dramatic change in papers 150 year history.

June 9 – The Maury County Administrative Committee placed Rippavilla Director, Dave Stieghan on paid administrative leave after undocumented specific complaints of his behavior with the public were alleged.

June 21 – Spring Hill passes $6 million budget.

July 5 – Maury County Deputy Sheriff, Sgt. Michael Diaz is the author of four books, Desert Heat, A Viking Warlord, Rumors of Murder and The Call of Beauty.

July 5 – Maury County Judge George Lovell injured from fall of 25 feet while trimming his trees.

July 6 – Ms. Jennifer Loveless 23, a registered nurse at Maury Regional Hospital crowned Ms. Tennessee and will compete for Ms. US in Las Vegas, finished 1st runner up.

July 7 – Citizens for Government Accountability called a news conference to detail allegations that Maury County Road Superintendent, Van Boshers violated state law by allowing County employees to work on private property at tax payers expense.

July 25 – Maury county “Visions” magazine of Maury County alliance published.

July 26 – Director of Maury County Schools, Christie Lentz blasted the Maury County Budget Chairman, Bob Duncan and other commissioners who charged that the school system with “either incompetence at fiscal management or not being forthcoming about their activities.”

• Tennessee

May 12 – Opry Mills 1.2 million sq foot Mega-Mall opens, $230 million cost.

May 31 – Four Tennessee men claimed the $60.6 million Powerball prize. Mike Alderice 48 of Lewisburg was one of four. They chose $31 million cash prize, $7.5 million each.

July 13 – Three fast food workers murdered in Smyrna at Captain D’s.


• Maury


July 30 – Canadian based, Mackie Automotive will open a 300,000 sq foot facility in Spring Hill as a Saturn supplier, creating 200 jobs, cost $5 million.

July 31 – Maury County Judge George Lovell overcome by outpouring of support and love in accident that paralyzed him from waist down in fall.

Aug 9 – Saturn breaks ground on $430 million, 450,000 sq foot 4 cylinder engine facility to employ 800.

Aug 10 – Life long Maury County resident, Miss Alice Sheppard celebrated her 111th birthday with a bucket of KFC chicken at Heritage Manor.

Aug 11 – General Sessions Judge Jimmy Mathews of Maury County inducted into Nashville Wrestling Hall of Fame. Judge Matthews promoted wresting here for nearly two decades in 1950’s and 1960’s.

Aug 16 – Rippavilla director, David Stieghan, returned to work after two month administrative leave.

Aug 17 – Four area Heilig-Meyers furniture stores to close. Among 302 stores closing nation wide, one in Columbia.

• Tennessee

Aug 24 – Byron “Low Tax” Looper found guilty of murder of State Senator Tommy Burks, sentenced to life imprisonment.

Aug 28 – Columbia’s Ray Notgrass has co-authored a new Tennessee history curriculum for home-schooling families. The 652 page book “Exploring Tennessee” has 150 lessons on state history, geography and government.

Aug 29 – Beloved Judge George “Buzz” Lovell returned to work at court house.

Aug 30 – World’s largest stamping press headed for Saturn in Spring Hill. The 13 million pound press arrived in Nashville by barge shipped in 100 pieces up Mississippi River and down Cumberland River from Japan.

Sept 1 – I-65 rapist suspect arrested, Mark Anthony Clark 34, of Shady Grove in Hickman County, confessed to raping 5 elderly women.

Sept 12 – Miss Linden Wiesman 25, of Maury County, made the US Equestrian Olympic team and will compete in Sidney, Australia.

Sept 13 – After 33 years in Wisconsin zoo, the elephant sanctuary welcomed “Winkie” a 34 year old Asian elephant at Hohenwald.


Sept 19 – Maury County Commission approves $61 million budget raises property tax 12 cents per $100 to $2.52.

Sept 19 – After 11 years of limbo, the Maury County Horse and Mule Museum may have found a home at Rippavilla says President, Mike Bennett.

Sept 19 – Maury County Commission appoints Mr. Kerry Massey of Columbia to replace A.C. Howell who retired.

Sept 21 – The American Equestrian Olympic team captures the bronze medal, Columbia’s Linden Weismann among them.

Sept 21 – Saturn announces buyout of 400 employees. Former UAW Local 1853 President Mike Bennett says “it’s a sign of things to come.” Saturn offered $25,000 to employees to retire or quit, currently 6700 employees.

• Maury


Sept 21 – Hundreds of citizens gathered on the Santa Fe square to bury a time capsule.

Sept 22 – UAW Local President Ron Hankins blasted the “doom and gloom” of his predecessor Mike Bennett saying, Saturn isn’t a dying company and it has a bright future.

Sept 24 – Nine rare Cumberland Monkey faced mussels are found in the Duck River, among them 30 different mussel species in samplings taken by the Nature conservancy of Tennessee says project manager, Leslie Colley.

Oct 10 – Maury County school director, Christie Lentz, placed on paid administrative leave while her performance investigated. Fiscal management is at issue, Kip Reel, selected as interim director to run schools.

Oct 15 – Ousted Maury County School Director, Christie Lentz files $12 million breach of contract lawsuit.

Oct 25 – The Maury Alliance approves a resolution supporting the Fountain Creek Reservoir project to prevent a future water shortage.

Nov 10 – Ryder loses Saturn contract, 300 workers face layoff. Rival Penske awarded work.

Nov 17 – State report card on Maury County school program receives a “C”, one of states lowest per in local tax support in state with only $5,681 per student.

Nov 30 – The Cheairs and McKissack family heirlooms were donated by descendants, Dr. Tom Yarbrough and Mrs. Nevada Estes, who lived in Virginia. Valued at hundred thousand dollars or more

Dec 15 – First Farmers and Merchants bank will merge with People’s and Union Bank of Lewisburg to create Tennessee’s largest independent community bank.

Dec 29 – A bridge crossing Snow Creek on new Highway 7 named to honor Mr. Charlie Skillington, a local mule expert.

Dec 30 – Bi-Lo ad: Hen Turkey = 48 cents lb.; Honey glazed ham spiral sliced=$1.99 lb; Smoked ham= 99 cents lb.; Delmonte Pineapples=$2.99; Idaho potatoes= $1.49 for 8 lb bag; 5 lbs sugar=$1.69; Boneless Rib eye steak=$5.99 lb; Ground chuck=$1.59 lb and miller Lite beer 12 pack=$8.35.

Dec 31 – Church Chrysler- Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep Inc on James Campbell Blvd. selling 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 for $15,995; Dodge Neon= $12,999; Dodge Stratus= $15,165.

• Tennessee

Nov 28 – Hohenwald police officer Allen Ragsdale 32, killed by burglary suspect, Ricky Lane Grayson, 18.


• United States 43rd


Jan 20 - George W Bush inaugurated as

President of US.

Feb 18 – NASCAR racing legend, Dale Earnhardt killed in Daytona 500. Sterling Marlin blamed by many for crash.

• World •

Jan 17 – Philippine President Joseph Estrada impeached for corruption, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo sworn in as President.

Feb 6 Ariel Sharon elected Prime minister of Israel

Feb 20 – NASDAQ index crashes to 2000, down 62 percent from high of 5,048 on March 10, 2000.

Feb 16 – British and US bomb Iraqi air defenses around Baghdad.

March 22 – Scientists find human remains in Civil war submarine H.L. Hunley.

March 4 – The Taliban in Afghanistan destroyed ancient Buddhist statue.

May 23 – Ford Motor company to pay $2.1 billion to replace 13 million Bridgestone/Firestone tires, recalled in rollover blowout defect.

April 1 – Former President of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, surrenders to UN on war crimes charges.

June 13 – Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma city bomber executed.

April 26 - Junichro Koizuma becomes prime Minister of Japan.

June 22 – Carroll O’Conner, the irascible Archie bunker on “All in the Family” died, 76.

June 28 – Andrea Yates, mother of 5 children ages 6 months to 7 years old accused of drowning all her children in bath tub.

Aug 1 – Alabama Supreme court chief justice, Roy Moore installs 2.5 ton 10 Commandment monument in State Judiciary building.

June 20 - Pervez Mushairaf becomes president of Pakistan.

Sept 11 – Terrorist attack the World Trade Center and Pentagon, four airline plane hijacked. One plane crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Over 3000 killed.

Sept 9 – Suicide bombers sent by Osama bin Laden kill Ahmed Shah Massoud, commander of northern Afghanistan Alliance in Afghanistan.

Sept 14 – More then 4700 missing in world Trade Center ruins as both building collapsed., 126 killed in Pentagon.

Sept 17 – Over 300 New York fire fighters lost in World Trade Center collapse.

Sept 20 – President Bush sends planes and ships to Persian Gulf, Osama bin laden wanted dead or alive.

Oct 1 – Former President of South Vietnam, Nugyen Van Thieu died, 78.

Oct 7 – US invades Afghanistan.

Oct 8 – Terrorist bases in Afghanistan bombed by US.

Nov 10 – China admitted to World Trade Organization.

Oct 12 – President Bush said “it may take a year or two to track down Bin laden.”

Oct 12 – NBC purchased Spanish language Telemundo broadcasting for $2 Billion.

Oct 16 – A letter sent to Senate majority leader, Tom Daschle, tested positive for anthrax.

Oct 23 – Two postal workers in Washington DC killed by anthrax.

Oct 26 – President bush signs Patriot act.

Dec 13 – Terroists kill 12 in India parliament.

Dec 3 – George Harrison, former Beatle died, 58.

Dec 22 – Hamid Karzai becomes head of interim Afghanistan government.

Dec 11 – Enron files for bankruptcy. •


• Maury


Jan 4 – Mr. Horace O Porter, prominent member of the black community, history teacher and coach died, 87. Mr. Porter began his educational career in 1937 at College Hill High School where he taught Social Studies and coached football. In 1949 he was promoted to principal of College Hill Elementary school where he remained until 1979.

Jan 7 – State audit reveals financial improprieties in office of Maury County School Director. Accounting errors of $4.6 million in the General fund were found.

Jan 7 – Bridgestone-Firestone will build a plant in Maury County as Saturn supplier, employ 20 people.

Jan 12 – Maury County school finance director, Ramona Thurman, resigns citing personal reasons.

Jan 17 - Saturn plans a new $10 million 315,000 sq foot warehouse in Spring Hill. The warehouse will be built on Port Royal road and Saturn Parkway and operated by Penske Inc.

Jan 19 – Magna Interior Systems will open a facility in Mt Pleasant as a Saturn supplier.

Jan 23 – The Maury County Commission approved County Commissioner, Bob Duncan as the new County archivist, who will resign his office.

Jan 30 – The Griffin Company of St Louis and Saturn supplier will build a 20,000 sq foot facility on North Point drive, employ 20 people.

Feb 1 – The Maury County Commission appointed Mike Sweeny as the new Solid Waste Director.

March 2 – Frontier Resources and volunteers will construct the original Daniel Brown Stand along the old Sanford road on the old Cheairs homestead Rippavilla property. Funds donated by Mike Bennett from speaking fees.

March 12 – Miss Stephanie Lott chosen Mule Day Queen.

March 18 – Sam, a 10 year old Labrador/Irish Setter mix owned by Donna and Richard Cole of Columbia inducted into Tennessee Animal Hall of Fame by Tennessee Veterinary Association. Sam is a therapist and companion dog and visits nursing homes.

March 23 – Spring Hill population explodes to 7715 from 1875 people only 10 years ago.

March 27 – 12 years after Dr. Ralph Meece proposed the idea of a horse and mule equipment museum in Maury County the idea has become a reality. Rippavilla President, Michael Bennett said the board has approved a proposal to allow the Mule Museum to locate on Rippavilla property.

March 29 – The State of Tennessee is planning to acquire the 12,600 acres of the TVA Columbia dam land in east Maury County, public hearing to be set.

• Tennessee

March 7 – Former State Finance Commissioner, Bob Corker elected Mayor of Chattanooga.


• Maury


March 29 – The Golden Corral in Columbia closing says owner, Jay Mazy.

March 30 – Saturn President Cynthia Trudell resigns, announces she will join pleasure boat firm.

April 5 – Maury County Industrial board approves $10 million bond for Occidental Chemical Corp. in effort to restore operations at subsidiary, Glenn Springs Holdings Inc. Occidental now has $25 million in Maury County bonds.

April 8 – 200,000 watch Mule Day parade.

April 13 – Spring Hill Mayor Ray Williams re-elected, liquorby-the –drink approved.

April 15 – Hampshire Museum opens in old First Farmers & Merchants bank.

April 19 – General Motors announces Annette Clayton 37, is new Saturn President. She helped implement the GM Global Manufacturing System.

April 20 – Maury Regional CEO, Bill Walters, says Tenn-Care is a financial drag on hospital costs and costs the hospital millions each year.

April 25 – Charter Communications Inc. submitted referendum petitions on a $15 million public cable system with 3341 signature to call for a vote approval.

• Tennessee

April 8 – Nashville Super Speedway 1.33 mile track opens in Wilson County with ARCA, Busch races, cost 4125 million.

April 26 – Arvin manufacturing announces closing of Pulaski plant, 230 jobs lost.

April 27 – Saturn and Maury County are in a disagreement over property appraisals, a state arbitrator will decide the issue.

May 1 – Maury County archivist, Bob Duncan says a human chain will help open the new archives with the first documents moved from the court house to the new archive building on East 6th street. (old jail)

May 3 – Former Maury County Budget Director A.C. Howell and a former Sheriff investigator filed suit against Maury county charging they were cheated out of three years of retirement benefits.

May 4 – Accuride announces it will close its local wheel manufacturing operation plant, 60 people lose their jobs.

May 7 – Maury County gas prices jumped 8.6 cents last week to new all time high of $1.76 per gallon.

May 13 – Ron Shuff, a Franklin business owner bought the Oaklawn estate and 83 acres for $1.2 million. The remaining 151 acres was purchased by Chad Cooke of Nashville for $1.3 million.

May 8 – St Thomas hospital parent company announced it will buy Baptist Hospital System Inc.. Ascension Health Inc. is parent company of St Thomas.

May 10 – New Country Music Hall of Fame set to open in Nashville, 135,000 sq foot, $37 million facility.

May 20 – Spring Hill to begin construction on new $4.5 million water treatment and intake facility. Columbia Water & Power will lose about 10 percent of its $5.2 million revenue. The new Spring Hill plant could pull up to 6 million gallons of water per day from Duck River.


• Maury


May 20 – Columbia Central High School TV production wins national award from Channel one network says Media Instructor, Dan Bell. The award for a documentary about former Columbia alumnus, John Harlan Willis, who won Congressional Medal of Honor.

May 27 – The ground breaking ceremony at Cherry Glen business park near Mt Pleasant celebrated.

May 30 – The historic St John’s Episcopal church ravaged by vandals. The 160 year old windows were broken, 110 old organ destroyed, headstones in the cemetery toppled. Two teenagers arrested, $1 million bond set.

June 3 – Former Spring Hill Mayor, Mr. James N Burch, died, 102. He was Mayor from 1944-1952.

June 6 – A former 20 year old Columbia resident and army veteran, Jerry Glenn Bridges killed in action Oct 20, 1968 along with 4 other crew men in Helicopter crash finally brought home for burial here after 33 years.

June 6 – US Court of Appeals upholds a 1999 Federal Judge decision and absolved the Saturn Corp. of violating the American disabilities act in class action suit brought by 78 employees in 1997.

June 10 – According to a recent census, East Columbia is the only section of the County losing population. In 1990 the population was listed at 4642 and in 2000 it was 4586.

June 10 – Columbia native, Jason Mortes signed a contract with the Detroit Tigers as a pitcher and Daniel Uggla signed with Arizona Diamondbacks as 2nd baseman.

June 24 – Area Muslins find faith and fellowship at a new Columbia mosque.

June 26 – Maury County schools receive a “F” in High school dropout rate. According to the 2000 state report card Maury county has a 26 percent dropout rate.

June 28 – Fedders Corp. announced it will lay off 685 workers at its Columbia Specialties plant and production of window air conditioners will move to China. CSI was the 5th largest employer in Maury County.

July 17 – Maury County Commissioners voted to raise property taxes 14 cents per $100 to $2.78 .

July 18 – A Boston based power company, CME North American Merchant Engineering wants to build a 800-1000 megawatt gas powered electric plant on 150 acres of Rieves Bend in Maury County, cost $350 to $500 million.

July 22 – Long time Whitthorne Jr. High coach, Wallace Allen Dillard died, 78. He taught Physical Education and coached football and basketball for 50 years.

July 23 – American Legion Post 19 16’s win American Legion Championship defeating Chester County Shiloh Post 28, 8-4. Manager, Mickey McKeel.

• Tennessee

June 1 – Maury Regional Hospital filed suit in Marshall County seeking to reclaim $165,149 in taxes in paid in 1998, 1999 and 2000. MRH spokes person, Rita Dayton said MRH believes that it is exempt from taxes and is seeking a refund from taxes it paid under protest.

June 11 – A class action lawsuit results in the state of Tennessee agreeing to restructure the Department of children services. The court will enforce new rules agreed upon.

July 13 – Hundreds of Income tax protesters storm the Capital in Nashville chanting “No new taxes” and banging on the capital doors.


• Maury •


July 26 – UCAR Carbon announced it will shift part of its Maury county production to its Monterey, Mexico plant and layoff 65 employees here.

Aug 7 – Maury Heritage Land Trust will purchase 5 acres of land used as a dumping ground on Water street to develop a park to be called Cranford Park to honor the late property owner William Cranford.

Aug 5 - The TVA and governor Sundquist have reached agreement on disposal of land originally acquired for the Duck River dam at Columbia. TVA will transfer title of the 12,800 acres to the state of Tennessee.

Aug 8 – The Tennessee state legislature overrode Governor Sundquist budget veto. Sundquist vetoed the budget because it did not contain any new tax revenues.

Aug 12 – Governer Sundquist ordered the state to stop issuing any permits to commercial plants that generate electricity by burning natural gas or coal until a taskforce analysis measures the effect on the environment.

Aug 15 – The UAW petitions for another representation election at the Nissan Smyrna plant.

Aug 30 – State Senator Doug Jackson indicted on seven counts of child abuse and neglect on 16 year old daughter.

Aug 31 – Governor Sundquist announced he is cutting $3.2 million from State parks and recreation and will close several state parks , including Henry Horton park.

Sept 30 – National Guard in Nashville with M-16 ‘s placed on security duty at Nashville Airport and around the country because of terrorist threat.

Oct 4 – Nissan workers reject UAW representation 3104 to 1486.


Aug 12 – Miss Hattie Carothers Stanfill celebrated her 100th birthday at the Jamison Inn. She remembers playing basketball as a guard at the first University of Tennessee female team in 1922, coached by Ms. Mabel Miller. Aug 12 – Miss Altie Hand 89, has been gardening and selling produce from her home at 204 East 14th street for 45 years. She said, “I do everything but plow.”

Aug 20 – Sterling Marlin gives Dodge its first NASCAR win in 24 years at the Pepsi 400 in Michigan, It’s the first win for Marlin since 1996 in Daytona.

Aug 22 – New Kroger store opens in Spring Hill, employs 100, cost $8.1 million.

Aug 29 – Rippavilla Board of Director member, Mr. Robert Ragland collapsed and died at the board meeting, 71.

Aug 29 – UAW President Stephen P Yokich attended ceremonies that renamed the entrance to UAW Local 1853 Stephen P Yokich Parkway.

Aug 31 – Fedder’s Columbia Specialties Inc closed its door in Columbia, 600 jobs lost to Mexico.

Sept 2 – The Rippavilla director, David Stieghan resigned, Rippavilla Inc President Michael Bennett will be acting director until a new one selected.

Sept 9 – Miss Brittany King selected as “Fairest of the Fair”.

Sept 10 – Over 1000 visitors attended the 3rd annual “Blazin the Trace” historic recreation at Brown’s Stand said Interim Director, Michael Bennett.

• Tennessee

Oct 4 – Phoenix Metals company plans a 50,000 sq foot distribution center on 10 acres off Tom Lunn road, employ 50 people. Oct 5 – A Columbia Power and Water study says a request to purchase 5-8 million gallons of water per day by a Boston power company on Rieves Bend could be met.

• Maury


Oct 22 – Members of the Duck River Basin Fire and Rescue squad were cited for contempt of court for responding to a structure fire after Judge Matthews told members of the squad to stop responding to calls.

Oct 22 – Columbia Central High School marching band took top honors in the “Contest of Champions” held in Middle Tennessee State University. Band director is Connie Cathey.

• Tennessee

• •

Nov 7 – Columbia Mayor Barbara McIntyre re-elected 3023 to Larry Smithson 1465.

Nov 14 – Saturn to hire 200 temporary workers to build new Vue.

Nov 16 – Several citizens are calling for the firing of City manager, Bob Elliott.

Nov 18 – New city of Columbia engineer, Chet Rhodes expects to start immediately on several parks and recreation projects.

Dec 5 – Judge Jim Hamilton issues injunction against the Maury Rural Fire and Maury County Executive Ed Harlan to stop interfering with the Duck River Basin 9th District Fire and Rescue squad.

Dec 21 – Columbia City council honors NASCAR driver, Sterling Marlin.

Nov 1 – Benchmark Electronics in Pulaski to close, 200 lose jobs.

Sterling Marlin


• United States


Jan 8 – President Bush signs “No child Left behind Act.”

Jan 24 – ENRON CEO, Kenneth Lay 56, resigns.

Jan 29 – Weekly Reader turns 100 years old.

Feb 10 – Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl kidnapped in Pakistan.

Feb 11 – Winter Olympics opens in Salt Lake city.

Feb 19 – Forensics teams uncover 300 bodies scattered around Georgia crematory in Noble, Ga. operated by Ray Brent Marsh of Tri-State crematory.

• World

March 30 – Britain’s Queen mother died, 101.

April 11 – Military coup against President Hugo Chavez of Argentina failed.

April 30 – Pakistan voters approve a 5 year term for President Pervez Musharraf.

June 5 – One million Britain's celebrate Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee and 50 year reign.

Sept 8 – Former inspectors say Iraq may have Chemical weapons and biological weapons and enough weapon grade uranium to build nuclear bomb.

Sept 10 – Switzerland joins United Nations.

Oct 27 – More than 90 hostages and 50 Chechen rebels killed in shoot out in Moscow theater as special forces storm building.

Feb 22 – Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl found dead, video tape shows beheading.

March 7 – Ted Koppel’s “Nightline” on ABC-TV ends.

April 21 – US Senate Democrats block efforts by Republicans to allow drilling for oil in Anwar Arctic national wildlife refuge in Alaska.

April 23 – Robert Blake actor, charged with murder of his wife at dinner outing.

June 2 – President Bush warns that US will launch preemptive military strikes to deter terrorism.

June 21 – US Supreme Court rules execution of mentally retarded unconstitutional.

July 1 – US House of Representatives passes $350 billion prescription drug plan through private insurance programs.

July 22 – WorldCom files largest bankruptcy in US history, $4 billion.

Aug 6 – The turret from USS Monitor raised from 240 feet water in Atlantic after 140 years.

Aug 29 – The WorldCom executives indicted for fraud.

Oct 11 – US House of Representatives vote 269-133 to give President Bush full authority to use military force against Saddam Hussein with UN approval and support.

Nov 17 – Iraqi President Saddam Hussein allows UN inspectors into country to inspect nuclear facilities.

Oct 16 – US air strikes hit Iraq.

Dec 1 – United Nation inspection team begins inspecting Iraqi nuclear power plant for signs of bomb making.

Oct 23 – Sniper kills 10 in Maryland, John Allen Muhammad 41 and Lee Maluo 17, arrested.

Dec 13 – North Korea announces it will reactivate its nuclear reactor, shut down since 1994. Decision made after US leads UN to stop shipping 500,000 tons oil into country annually.

Dec 29 – Iraq hands over list of 500 Nuclear scientists to UN inspectors to comply with request. 745

Nov 4 – 7.9 earthquake its 90 miles south of Fairbanks, Alaska.

Dec 22 – Trent Lott, Senate majority leader resigns, Senator Frist of Tennessee elected new majority leader.

• Maury


Jan 13 – The proposed River Walk plan reviewed by city council.

Jan 13 – Cherry Glen business park formally opened.

Jan 13 – Maury County Red Cross Director, Netta Fry retires with 18 years service.

Jan 14 – The Donrey Media Group renamed as Stephens Media group. Publisher of 21 newspapers including the Daily Herald.

Jan 18 – Columbia City Council fires city manager, Bob Elliott, citing communication breakdown and legal concerns.

Jan 23 – Kip Reel named Director of Maury County Schools. He has served as a teacher, coach and administrator in Maury County for 29 years.

Jan 25 – Widespread flooding hits Maury County as Duck River rises to 48 feet, highest since 1975.

Jan 30 - The Duck River Agency to investigate the feasibility of creating a dam on Fountain Creek to solve water shortage problem by 2015.

• Tennessee •

Jan 3 – 2500 101st Infantry at Fort Campbell deployed to Afghanistan.

River Walk plan

Feb 1 – Mt Pleasant businessman and philanthropist, Larry E Lockamy died, 54. He was the co-owner of the Tennessee Aluminum Processing Inc and L & S Metals.

Feb 1 – Wallace Gordon, 90 has been shining and buffing shoes in downtown Columbia for 56 years. Mr. Gordon sits on his bench at Royal’s Hair Fashions on South Main Street and will celebrate his 90th birthday.

Feb 15 – The Maury County Board of Education offered Director Kip Reel a two year contract, $89,000 per year.

Feb 15 – Columbian, Michael Stewart 24, will fight on National TV on ESPN against Dorin Spivey, Stewarts record is 28-0-2.

Feb 18 – Sterling Marlin moved from 1st place to 12th in Daytona after getting out of his car on red flag stop to pull his fender away from wheel.

Feb 24 – State Representative Bobby Sands, announces he will not seek re-election in 64th district.

Feb 28 – Tennessee oldest WWI veteran, H.E. “Early” Hoodenpyle of Dunlap, Tn. Turns 108.

Feb 27 – The first annual Arts and Craft show is planned at Rippavilla this Mule Day week end says acting director, Michael Bennett.

March 6 – The University of Tennessee board of Trustee’s selected John Shumaker as the new President of UT. Shumaker was the President of University of Kentucky.

March 11 – Miss Kayla Dale 17, crowned Miss Mule Day Queen. She is daughter of Jimmy and Brenda Dale of Culleoka.

March 12 – International Comfort Products Inc. in Lewisburg closed, 200 workers will lose their jobs at end of year. The plant builds air conditioners and heating units for Carrier.

March 14 – The Maury County School Board raised the pay to $50 per regular meeting and $25 for special meetings.

March 12 – State Senate votes to increase sales tax “Temporarily” to ease budget short fall of $350 million. 746

• Maury


• Tennessee

March 17 – Columbia’s WalMart Supercenter opens, employs 575.

March 19 – Maury County School Board votes pay raise for school custodians & clerical staff from $7 to $9.40 per hour.

March 20 – State legislature approves adding one additional member to Maury County School Board bringing the total to 11, one from each district.

March 21 – Former Columbia Mayor, Jim Underwood Jr. died, 90.

March 22 – Columbia City Council approves a two step water rate increase of 5.0 percent in July 2002 and a 5.9 percent increase in July 2003.

March 24 – Columbia Academy science teacher, Mr. Barry Farris, wins National teaching excellence Presidential award for 2001. He will go to White House to receive the award.

March 27 – Maury County School Board, Charles Gagle told the school board there is nothing in state law that prevents the school board from keeping Mary Reel from being principal of E.A. Cox Middle school while her husband Kip Reel is director of the schools.

March 27 – Saturn unveils two new Ion models in New York auto show.

March 29 – After 10 years of work the “loose Records project” of the Maury county court house disbanded and turned the project over to the county archives. In total some 440 volunteers worked on the project over 10 years to help preserve records. Dr. William Haywood, director of the project and Vice-Chancellor of Vanderbilt University started the project in 1992. To date 51,000 hours of cleaning and preserving a million documents have been recorded. The top volunteer was Betsy Glazier with 8552 hours.

March 31 – Shapiro Farm Supply closed after 90 years in business.

April 1 – Fran McKee, the 2nd woman to be promoted to Admiral in US Navy died, 75. The former Columbian will be buried in Arlington.

April 5 – Albertson’s Columbia store to close, 75 jobs lost.

April 5 – 16 members of the Mule Day Hall of Fame inducted at ceremony held at Maury County Park. List includes Harry Mason, a Columbia radio announcer who help rejuvenate the mule day parade in 1974, Diane Pressnell; Glenda Bowman, John Finney; W.D. Hastings; Charlie Skillington; Joe Frank Skillington; John Robert Skillington; John Riley; Shirley King; Bonnie Shields; Harve Spann; Jerry Erwin; D.C. Neely; Knoxie Goad and Louise Mills.

April 7 – 200,000 watch the Mule Day parade.

April 9 – State legislature approved $500,000 to reopen 13 state parks, including Henry Horton in Chapel Hill.

April 12 – Maury County School Board passes $65 million budget.


Admiral Fran McKee

• Maury


April 12 – The Child Protective Services team leader Elaine Russell, confirmed there were 717 child abuse cases in Maury county in 2001. she says she has only 6 case managers for Maury, Marshall, Giles, and Lawrence Counties to cover the work load.

April 14 – A National Education study showed Tennessee’s average teacher salary at $37,431, ranking 32nd in the nation.

April 26 – Former Daily Herald Publisher, Doug Beel died, 68. He came to Columbia with the Donrey Media Group in 1983, retired in 1996.

April 30 – Mrs. Valerie Whatley of Culleoka crowned Ms. Tennessee.

May 2 – The final document moved from the court house to Maury County archives by human chain of E.A. Cox Middle school students to “Louie Louie” tune. The last document a 1810 Circuit court minute book.

May 5 – Maury County archives opened, Bob Duncan director.

May 10 – Director of Maury County Schools, Kip Reel informed school board members that he intends to allow his wife, Mary Keel, principal of E.A. Cox to remain in her position contrary to school board policy.

May 12 – Maury Regional Hospital volunteer, Miss Janey Walters, received “Volunteer of Year” award for 47 years of service.

May 14 – The 12,800 acres of former TVA Columbia dam land named “Yanahli” wildlife Mgt area by Governor Sundquist, a Chickasaw word meaning “to flow through”.

May 17 – Maury County School Board attorney says Kip Reel must follow school board policy and reassign his wife as principal of E.A. Cox Middle School.

May 17 – Columbia City Council doubles sanitation fee from $7 to $14.

May 24 – E.A. Cox Middle School principal, Mary Reel was notified by the school board she will be involuntarily transferred at end of her contract June 30.

May 24 – UAW Local 1853 President Ron Hankins loses bid for re-election, Rick Martinez elected President, Mike Herron elected Chairman.

June 2 – The owner of the Donut Place on Carmack blvd., Adam Khan taken into custody and deported by Immigration service who said his name was not real name.

June 16 – Daily Herald editor, Chris Fletcher receives top honor for editorial “Glimpses of Hope” and “Hurt in a Changed World.” by Tennessee Press Association.

• Tennessee

May 23 – The Tennessee House defeats 4.5 percent income tax 53-45. House speaker Jimmy Naifeh says he won’t give up on passing income tax bill.


• Maury


June 21 – Columbia votes to eliminate the city’s Human Resource Department with 2 employees, saving $100,000.

July 21 – Retired Columbia businessman, Charles Tisher, inducted into Tennessee National Walking Horse Hall of Fame.

July 24 – Columbia hires Mike Miller as new city manager to replace Bob Elliot. Miller is city manager at East Point, Ga.

July 30 – Columbia’s own Jerry Brooks inducted into Independent Softball Association Hall of Fame.

Aug 2 – Jim Bailey elected Maury County Executive, Mike Greene falls short to win congressional Republican nomination for the 4th district.

Aug 8 – A researcher with the Tennessee Aquarium, Paul Johnson says 55 distinct mussel species and 24 snails have been discovered in a 80 mile stretch of the Duck River.

Aug 12 – Rippavilla Inc President, Michael Bennett announced the opening of the mysterious Mule Corn maze.

Aug 20 – Maury County Commission approves $106 million budget for 2002-03. Property tax rate set at $2.48 per $100.

Aug 27 – The state inspector finds Heritage Manor of Columbia unsafe and unclean and placed on watch list as one of Tennessee’s 36 homes to watch.

Aug 29 – Mr. Tony Bastone, philanthropist and founder of Columbia’s first McDonalds restaurant died, 72. Best known for his generosity.

Aug 30 – Saturn’s last S-series vehicle rolls off line in Spring Hill. 2.7 million produced since 1991. New vehicle is ION.

Sept 11 – Maury County remembers 9-11-01 with memorial at court house.

Sept 24 – Heritage Manor, a Columbia nursing home notified it will be decertified, court injunction filed to stop. Medicare funding to be halted on 124 patients.

Sept 25 – Columbia Central High School set the pace at the Rippavilla Cross country race.

Oct 1 – Kroger buys Albertson’s on Nashville highway.

Oct 1 – Deborah and Bill Glidden will teach 18th century history at Rippavilla’s Brown Stand to school children, reenacting 1790 to 1810 time frame, says Acting Director Michael Bennett.

Oct 8 – Columbia Mental Health Center renamed Centerstone.

Oct 9 – Myra Varner, Chairman of Maury County Republican Party resigns in dispute with State Senator Bill Ketron.

• Tennessee •

July 1 - Both Tennessee state houses pass emergency legislation to allow Governor Don Sundquist to continue “essential services” for 5 days as legislature battles over budget.

July 5 – a partial shutdown in state Services ends with legislature passing largest budget in history of state, $933 million and a tax increase with a 1 percent increase in state sales tax.

July 16 – Former Tennessee medical examiner, Dr. Charles Harlan, pleaded no contest to placing a tracking device on the car of a former employee.

Oct 9 – Tennessee Supreme Court rules school funding process unconstitutional, teacher pay must be equal.


• Maury


• Tennessee

Oct 15 – The Maury County Commission may consider a county wide budget office as disputes with school board continues over budgeting process.

Oct 16 – Maury County School Board and County Commission avert a shut down of the school system over budget impasse, pass budget with transfer of $675,000.

Oct 17 – Michael “no joke” Stewart 24, made his 31st win on ESPN. The former Columbian called his grandmother here after the fight. He is 31-1-2.

Nov 6 – Tom Dubois elected State Representative of 64th district by defeating Guy Derryberry 8748 to 8463.

Nov 7 – Maury Vision 20/20 debuts today. The program designed to set future planning priorities with a series of meetings for citizens involvement and input.

Nov 6 – Democrat Phil Bredeson narrowly defeated Republican Van Hilleary in race for Governor 780,031 to 742,587.

Nov 13 – Maury Regional Hospital gets approval for a heart unit.

Nov 6 – State referendum vote on lottery approved by voters 58 percent yes.

Nov 11 – Tornados kill 16 in Tennessee, 80 injured.

Dec 1 – State Senator Marsha Blackburn sworn into newly elected office of 9th congressional district.

Dec 22 – International Comfort Products company in Lewisburg, formally Heil-Quaker closed its doors after 70 years of operation. 750

Nov 14 – Maury County Land Trust Foundation now has 1000 acres with recent 366 acre addition of Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin and Melba West in Zion community.

Nov 20 – The Nature Conservancy study for the Duck River Development Agency contradicted the TVA study and concluded there is no water shortage in Maury County system. The study says Maury county water needs will be met for next 50 years and no need for Fountain Creek dam.

Dec 3 – Fred Sparkman, a Columbia Central High school lineman named American Generals class 4A “Mr. Football.” The first Columbia Central High football player to ever receive the honor.

Dec 4 – Western Sizzlin Steak House closing to make room for Walgreen’s, the restaurant has been there 25 years.

Dec 4 – Maury Vision 20/20 named Sue Greenfield as Executive director of organization. James Catanzaro, President of Chattanooga State College told the group “You are on the way to a revolution in Maury County, not just ideas, but reshaping the image of Maury County.”

Dev 6 – Belk’s Department store to purchase the old WalMart store on James M Campbell blvd.

Dec 13 – Maury County School Board settles Christie Lentz lawsuit for $100,000 and 80 accumulated sick days after the board suspended her in 2000 and she sued for $12 million.

Dec 15 – Spring Hill Golf course put on auction block, the 161 acre, 18 hole River Links course facing state lawsuit after 5 months operation. River Links Inc. failed to comply with water quality control act.

Dec 15 – Columbia Community College Professor, Joe McCormick who teaches archeology announced his retirement after 33 years of teaching.

• United States


Jan 31 – Al-Qaida terrorist Richard Reid sentenced to life for attempting to blow up airliner with shoe bomb.

Feb 2 – Space shuttle Columbia explodes on re-entry, all seven astronauts killed.

• World •

Jan 17 – UN inspectors find 11 empty chemical warheads that Iraqi officials failed to declare to United Nations.

Feb 6 – Secretary of State, Colin Powell presents evidence to UN Security council against Iraq that it failed to disarm and is harboring terrorists.

Feb 4 – General Motors assembly plant in Doraville, Ga. will build 2005 Saturn minivan.

Feb 6 – North Korea announced it will re-activate its nuclear facilities.

Feb 6 – Toyota announces it will build a new $800 million assembly plant in San Antonio, TX. to build pick-up trucks.

Feb 11 – The treat of war in the Middle East sends crude oil soaring to $35 a barrel.

Feb 28 – Fred Rogers, host of “Mister Rodgers neighborhood” TV children series died, 74.

Feb 11 – Iraq agrees to allow U-2 surveillance flights over its territory to search for banned weapons.

March 5 – Over 300,000 US land, sea and air forces personal are massing in Middle East under Commander General Tommy Franks for possible invasion of Iraq.

Feb 28 – Iraq agrees to destroy all Al Samoud II missiles to met UN demands to disarm.

March 13 – Elizabeth Smart 15, found alive after 9 months of captivity following kidnapping in Utah.

March 1 – Turkey’s Parliament vetoes use of airbases by US forces against Iraq.

March 20 – US forces launched air strikes “Shock & Awe” and land forces against military targets in Iraq. President Bush said the action was necessary to “disarm Iraq and free its people.”

March 12 – The World Health Organization issues a global alert on SARS virus. (bird flu)

March 18 – British Parliament approves resolution to allow British forces to be used in Iraqi invasion if needed.

April 9 – US forces capture Baghdad, 7300 prisoners taken.

April 24 – The Dixie Chicks lead singer, Natalie Maines spoke out against President Bush and war.

June 1 – China begins filling reservoir behind Three gorges dam.

May 1 – President Bush signs “Amber Alert” legislation to spread news of missing children.

July 23 – Both Saddam Hussein’s sons Odai and Qusai killed in gun battle in raid in Baghdad.

May 1 – President Bush lands on aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln under banner “Mission accomplished.”

Aug 11 – NATO takes over command of forces in Afghanistan.

June 4 – Martha Stewart indicted for obstruction of justice in stock trading deal.

Oct 5 – Israeli warplanes bomb suspected nuclear facility in Syria

June 26 – Federal Reserve cuts interest rate to 45 year low of 1 percent.

Oct 22 – Iran agreed to suspend uranium enrichment and give UN inspectors full access to nuclear facilities.

Aug 28 – Ten Commandment monument in Alabama Justice building rotunda removed by Federal court order.

Oct 24 – Concorde makes last commercial flight.

Nov 6 – Gary Leon Ridgeway 54, pled guilty to murder of 48 people as Green River killer in Seattle.

Nov 6 – President Bush signed the partial birth abortion bill to restrict abortions.

Nov 20 – Pop singer, Michael Jackson charged with child molestation in Calif., surrenders to police.

Dec 15 – Saddam Hussein captured in hole near Tirkit.

Nov 21 – Saturn L-300 production halted at Wilmington, Del Gm plant due to poor sales.

Dec 20 - Libya admits building a nuclear bomb.

Dec 31 – Twin Mars rovers land on mars, send back pictures.

• •

Dec 20 Earthquake in SE Iran kills 40,000 people. 751

• Maury


Jan 7 – Saturn plant in Spring Hill will produce Hybrid Vue in 2005, says Dennis Dougherty, VP of Manufacturing.

Jan 10 – Maury County School Board approves balanced school calendar with 9 weeks of instruction and two week break, beginning in July 2004.

Jan 12 – Heritage Manor nursing home regains certification.

Jan 15 – K-Mart in Columbia will close, 63 workers lose their jobs, one of 326 stores closed nation wide.

Jan 15 – Maury Vision 20-20 launches kick-off, 300 people attend meeting at Memorial building.

Jan 16 – Maury Regional Hospital agreed to pay $2 million to settle claim of Medicare fraud brought by former employee, Ed Taylor, who filed suit as “whistleblower” in 1999.

Jan 16 – Construction of new state regional office of Department of Children Services on Hampshire pike begins. David Hooper, Program Director says 12 counties served.

Jan 16 – Mt Pleasant High School football Tiger head coach, Ronnie Dugger, will resign after 26 years.

Jan 30 – Richard “Skip’ LeFauve, former President of Saturn and GM Vice-President died, 68.

Jan 31 – Maury County ranks in top 20 counties nation wide for release of toxins linked to child development and reproductive system disorders according to Environmental study. The primary chemical released is Carbon Disulfide used to manufacture rayon, agriculture fumigants, rubber and cellulose. Report says Spontex is source of this chemical who employs 130 workers manufacturing sponges.

Feb 7 – Columbia city Council approves Columbia Power & Water to operate a broad band cable network.

Feb 13 – Acting director of Rippavilla, Michael Bennett proposes making a “historic living farm” on Rippavilla property to make it self-sustaining financially and free of tax dollar support. “a historic living farm would draw 200,000 visitors annually to Maury County” says Bennett.

Feb 16 – Duck River floods to 44 feet after 7 inch rain over weekend.

March 3 – 178 men and women of 771st Maintenance company sent off by loved ones at Maury County Armory after being mobilized and to report to Fort Campbell.

March 16 – UAW Local 1853 Financial Secretary Georgia McNish removed by International union for alleged embezzlement, later repaid amount.

March 23 – The Sons of Confederate Veterans accepted the resignation of member Gilbert Jones, who charged publically that organization moving away from historical organization to become more politically involved.

• Tennessee

Jan 19 – Governor Phil Bredesen inaugurated.

Jan 29 – First charter school in Tennessee approved, The Memphis Academy of Science and Technology for the 7th thru 12th grade sponsored by Memphis Biotech Foundation opens in August.

Feb 13 – Tenncare deficit grows to $370 million, Governor Bredesen says major changes needed.

Feb 25 – Governor Phil Bredesen cuts shared tax revenue to Counties to meet budget crisis, Maury County loses $627,757 next year.


• Maury


March 23 – “Mule Day Remembered” book by Gilbert MacWilliams Orr, complied and edited by Louis Harlan Orr and Gilbert MacWilliams Orr Jr. now on sale.

March 24 – Mule Day originator, Thomas M Brown selected into Mule Day Hall of Fame. Brown came up with idea in 1934.

March 30 – Miss Elizabeth Smith 20, chosen as Mule Day Queen.

April 1 – Former 2001 Mule Day queen, Stephanie Lott is one of 25 women competing for the favor of Andrew Firestone, heir to Firestone fortune on ABC-TV “The Bachelor” She is the daughter of Jimmy & Lynn Lott of Mt Pleasant.

April 2 – “Mules on the Lose” program unveiled. 29 mule statues decorated to raise money for King’s Daughters’ school.

April 3 – Acting director and President of Rippavilla Inc. Michael Bennett said in a letter to board members he will resign because of disagreements with members of the Maury County Commission members about the financial direction of the tourist attraction. Bennett said in the letter, “Maury County’s direction to establish Rippavilla as a viable operation free of direct tax dollar support as soon as possible is no longer valid.”

April 6 – 150,000 watch the annual Mule Day parade.

April 13 – Hundreds of Maury County citizens voted to narrow the list of 469 ideas presented at the Maury Vision 20/20 community exercises.

April 18 – Maury Vision 20/20 vote lists Education as top issue for Maury County leaders to tackle, forming a Metropolitan Govt. to eliminate duplication was number 2.

April 28 – Columbia ready to celebrate 1st Mule-de-Gras parade.

May 6 – Maury Vision 20/20 President, Dwight Fox says project team will tackle all 27 categories of ideas at once and 11 member commission will oversee the progress.

May 8 – Duck River flood crests at 46 feet.

May 18 – Maury County Commission budget committee approves increasing solid waste fees for rural residents from $49.86 to $79.86 annually.

May 19 – Daily Herald reporter, William Morris won the Malcolm Law Memorial award for featured writing. The highest award given by the Tennessee Associated Editors press for his report on “Shaken Baby.”

May 25 – Spring Hill accountant, Chris Moneymaker wins $2.5 million in 34th annual World Series of Poker.

May 27 – Polk Memorial Gardens unveiled a monument of James L Polk, 11th President of US.

• Tennessee

April 1 – First Tennessean killed in Iraq war, Marine Crl. Patrick Nixon 21, of Gallatin, Tn.

May 19 – June Carter Cash, wife of Johnny Cash and singer died, 73.

May 20 – The State seeks to revoke the former state Medical examiner license of, Dr. Charles Harlan after two dozen charges of mishandling evidence was brought against him.


• Maury


May 28 – Full Maury County Commission rejects budget committee resolution to raise rural resident solid waste fees.

June 6 – Maury Regional Hospital plans to drop Tenncare Jan 1 and will no longer accept Tenncare patients at the hospital, including the Wayne Medical Center and Marshall Medical Center, says CEO, Bill Walters.

June 20 – Columbia City Council approved a 10 cent raise in property taxes and passed a $42 million budget. City manager says increase necessary because of rising health care costs of city employees and retirees.

June 20 – The Harbor Report says the Saturn plant in Spring Hill improved its efficiency 10 percent from 2001 to 2002. Spring hill workers averaged 29.8 hours per vehicle.

June 29 – The Daily Herald wins top five Tennessee Press Association awards for Best single feature, Best personal column, Best single editorial, Best commercial lifestyles and Best personal humor.

June 29 – The wife of Maury County’s school director, Mary Reel, former principal of E.A. Cox Middle school accepted a job at Millan Special school district as Special Education Supervisor. Last year Maury County School Director, Kip Reel was forced by the school board to demote his wife to teacher from the principal position.

June 29 – Michael “No Joke” Stewart, a former Columbian defended his Jr. Welterweight USBA championship with a TKO over Terron Millet.

July 6 – Columbia wife and mother, Jennifer Loveless named Mrs. Tennessee America, a certified registered nurse at Maury Regional Hospital, wife of David Loveless.

July 10 – Former President of Rippavilla Inc. and acting director Michael Bennett has asked the Rippavilla Board to conduct an audit to discover where donations from patrons have been spent as required by federal law including over $100,000 donated by himself between 1994 and 1999.

July 11 – The Maury County School Board approved a $62 million budget for 2004.

July 16 – Maury County Commission votes to raise property taxes 25 cents to $2.73 per $100.

July 17 – Maury Country Budget Director, Kerry Massey resigns, cites new job offer.

July 22 – Spring Hill passes “Taxpayers Bill of Rights” by 7-1 vote.

July 27 – Santa Fe artist, Steve Dickenson 51, is creator of syndicated cartoon “Lola” distributed by Tribune Media Group.

July 31 – Columbia city councilman, Chip Matlock resigns after filing bankruptcy and charges of passing bad checks.

• Tennessee •

June 4 – Dura Automotive systems will consolidate operations and add 250 jobs to its Lawrenceburg plant.

June 26 – Nissan to move Pathfinder production to Smyrna. The move will add 1500 jobs in area.

Michael “No Joke” Stewart

July 15 - 21 year old Fallon Tallent arraigned for murder of two police officers after she crashed her stolen car into them on I-40 road block after a chase.


• Maury


Aug 12 – Maury County parents & students blasted the new Maury County school dress code passed by school board.

Aug 17 – New Culleoka fire hall dedicated and named to honor former fire chief, Ed Martin.

Aug 21 – Former Mt Pleasant Mayor and Doctor, John O Williams died, 72. Dr. Williams was chosen as one of the nations 10 best family doctors by Good Housekeeping magazine in 1981.

Aug 29 – Construction on a new Cracker Barrel Old Country Store on US 412 began on 9500 sq foot facility.

Sept 5 – Eight Maury County schools placed on states target list based on data of “no child left behind” law. Columbia Central High, Cox Middle, Brown Elementary, Spring Hill Elementary and Whitthorne Middle School targeted.

Sept 19 – Saturn is seeking to have the Maury County Industrial Board release some acreage from the In-Lieu of tax agreement in response to requests by local government officials to donate land for a recreation complex.

• Tennessee •

Aug 10 – The University of Tennessee President, John Shumaker, resigns over spending practices.

Sept 15 – Tennessee hires Georgia Lottery director, Rebecca Paul to become highest paid lottery director in US.

Sept 15 – Johnny Cash, country singing legend died, 71.

Oct 1 – Court rules Vanderbilt can remove “Confederate” from the building donated by the Daughter’s of the Confederacy 70 years ago.

Sept 23 – Columbia Parks & Recreation Director, Doug Ruth says County & City officials are still negotiating for 140 acres on Saturn property for a sports complex, led by county Mayor Jim Bailey.

Sept 23 – Maury Vision 20/20 officials unveil goals it wants to accomplish after citizen input process: Create a renewed sense of community; enhance and strengthen education, beautify Maury County, Improve efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of local government; become a thriving economic hub; expand recreation opportunities and establish a unified coordinated community volunteer effort says Chairman, Jim Jones.

Sept 26 – Lumpy’s in downtown Mt Pleasant closes says owner Glen Lumpkins.

Oct 1 – Burger King in Mt Pleasant closes.

Oct 19 – A 13 acre tract is to be developed as a park on the south side of the Duck River. The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee donated $1700 to Maury Heritage Land Trust to clean the property of bush and trash.

Oct 21 – Maury County Commission Chairman, Jim Evans resigned, citing time and family needs.

Oct 22 – Eaton corp. announced it will close its Hohenwald plant next year, 280 jobs will be lost.

Oct 31 – Construction near Greenwood Cemetery uncovers human remains, digging stopped. Columbia may extend boundaries cemetery because discovery.

Nov 4 - Toyota Motor Company breaks ground on its new $124 million engine block casting plant in Jackson, TN. It will employ 200 workers.

Nov 11 – First Farmers & Merchants Bank is high bidder for Rattle & Snap at $1.25 million for 12,000 sq foot antebellum home and 75 acres.

Nov 13 – Rattle & Snap sold to mystery couple from out of state, former Maury County natives.


• Maury


Nov 13 – General Motors contends Maury County property assessment is too high on plant value and 800 acres, appeals to State Bard of Equalization. Maury County in conjunction with the state valued the GM Spring Hill property at $670 million in 1996-97. G M contends the value is $218 million in 1996 and $236 million in 1999.

Nov 17 – Malinda Stanford, a graduate of Columbia Community College and Austin Peay University selected as Maury County new Budget Director.

Nov 19 – Pigg & Parsons and Helms Jewelry stores in downtown Columbia to move, Pigg & Parsons has been downtown for 94 years.

Nov 23 – The architectural firm of Hart, Freeland and Roberts issued a letter to the school board notifying them of their withdrawal from the contract to build the Culleoka school after Maury County school board member Richard Thompson advised in a county commission meeting not to fund the project because of design flaws.

Nov 25 – Local cardiologist, Dr. John Malouf, owner of Campbell Station cardiology filed suit against Maury Regional Hospital alleging the hospital and its non-profit subsidiaries interfered with his existing business, breached employment practices, engaged in a civil conspiracy and interference with an existing business relationship, breach of duty of loyalty. The hospital says the suit has no merit.

Dec 7 – A Duck River Agency study presented by Executive Director, Larry Murdock at the Kiwanis club meeting says the water needs of Maury county and other counties will be met for the next 50 years without building a new reservoir on Fountain Creek. The study contradicts other TVA studies that says a water shortage will occur in Maury county by 2015.

Dec 7 - $5 million 52,000 sq foot Kroger store on Nashville Highway ready to open.

Dec 14 – UAW Local 1853 vote approval for new contract to return to UAW-GM National agreement, 2953 to 317.

Dec 16 – Maury Regional Hospital decided to continue Tenncare after negotiating with State.

Dec 16 – Maury County Budget director, Malinda Stanford resigns, files grievance against Maury County Mayor Jim Bailey who she alleged harassed her and created hostile work environment.

Dec 21 – Maury County Budget Director, Malinda Stanford withdraws resignation after closed meeting with County Administrative Committee and 2.5 hour meeting with County Mayor, Jim Bailey. She was asked to stay.

Dec 24 – Columbia businessman and civic leader, Wally Beasly Jr. died, 83.

Dec 24 – Pneumatics plant breaks ground in Mt Pleasant Cherry Glen Industrial Park, new plant has 64,000 sq feet, costs $2.5 million.

• Tennessee

Nov 25 – Tennessee’s Governor’s mansion to get a costly face lift. First phase of renovation deals with 72 year old house to cost $5.2 million, 2nd phase to cost $3.3 million and calls for 160 seat conservatory says first lady, Andrea Conte. Entire project to be funded by private donations.

Dec 1 – The elephant sanctuary in Hohenwald accepts 57 year old Delhi, seized by US Department of Agriculture because of abuse in Illinois.

Dec 12 – Governor Phil Bredesen calls Tenncare “not viable” says changes needed.


• United States


Feb 5 – Massachusetts Supreme Court rules Gay couples entitled to marriage, Civil union not enough.

Feb 16 – Dale Earnhardt Jr. #8 in Budweiser car wins 1st Daytona 500 race.

March 1 – President Bush sends troops into Haiti, President Jean Bertand Aristide had resigned in face of rebellion.

March 24 – AAA reports record gas prices with national average of $1.70 per gallon.

May 23 – General Motors to cut 872 jobs at Saturn Wilmington, Delaware plant.

May 27 – Terry Nichols 48, convicted of murder of 161 people in Oklahoma City Federal building bombing.

June 6 – President Ronald Reagan died of Alzheimer's disease, 93.

• World •

Feb 3 – The father of Pakistan’s nuclear program confesses to giving Iran, Libya and North Korea nuclear secrets.

Feb 10 – a 17 page letter from al-Qaida leader in Iraq, AbuMusab al Zarqawi to other al-Qaida leaders calls for actions to spark civil war between Iraq’s two main muslin sects, the Sunni and Shiites.

Feb 29 – Jean-Bertrand Aristide resigns as President of Haiti.

March 9 – Iraqis sign interim constitution.

March 14 – Madrid terrorist bomb kills 200 and wounded 1500, Socialist oust conservative in Spain's elections.

March 14 – Vladimir Putin re-elected President of Russia, 2nd term.

April 19 – Spain orders 1300 troops in Iraq home.

May 1 – Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Malta and Cyprus join European union.

June 11 – Ray Charles, blues singer died, 73.

June 18 – Congress approves Tobacco buy-out bill, cost $10 billion.

May 9 – Chechen President Akhmad Kadyron killed by bomb in Grozny.

July 18 – Martha Stewart sentenced to 5 months in prison and 5 months home confinement for lying to federal investigators on stock sale.

July 2 – Defiant Sadam Hussein appears in Iraqi court and scoffed at charges of mass murder and war crimes.

• •

Sept 17 – Hurricane Ivan slams into Florida coast, 130 MPH wind.

July 28 – Iran begins building centrifuges to refine uranium to be used in nuclear weapons.

Aug 13 – Summer Olympics open in Athens, Greece.

Oct 22 – US Supreme Court refuses to hear Terri Schiavo case.

Sept 1 – Chechen terrorist take 1000 to 1500 people hostages, mostly children in the Beslan school .

Oct 7 – Top US arms inspector, Charles Duelfer says he found no evidence that Iraq produced weapons of mass destruction after 1991, contrary to President Bush’s statement prior to the war that killed 1000 Americans.

Nov 11 – Yasser Arafat, PLO leader died, 75.

Dec 11 – Ukrainian Presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko died from poison dose of dioxin.

Dec 26 – A giant Tsunami kills 250,000 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and along the Malaysian coast.

Nov 2 – George W Bush re-elected President of US, defeats John Kerry.

Nov 14 – Secretary of State, Colin Powell resigns.

Nov 18 – K-Mart buys Sears Department store for $11 billion.

Nov 19 – President Clinton Library opens in Little Rock, Ark, cost $165 million.

Dec 1 – GM introduces Saturn’s new roadster called “Sky” and announces it will be built in Wilmington, Del.

Dec 13 – Scott Peterson found guilty of murdering his wife, Stacy and unborn son. He is sentenced to death in Calif.


• Maury


Jan 4 – Two Maury County men, Calvin Jenks and Jon Judge were selected as new recruits in the next Tennessee State trooper training class lasting 16 weeks.

Jan 6 – Maury County School Director position draws 13 applicants.

• Tennessee •

Jan 4 – Tennessee Titans win AFC wild card playoff position against Baltimore Ravens on last minute field goal by Gary Anderson, 20-17.

Jan 11 – Tennessee titans lose frigid heart breaker to new England Patriots 17-14.

Jan 16 – AP Tenntech to shut down, Saturn automotive glass company in Mt Pleasant employs 95.

Jan 20 – Maury Regional Hospital team performs first open heart by-pass surgery.

Jan 21 – Maury County Commission approves construction of new animal shelter.

Jan 25 – General Motors announced the Saturn Assembly line will be changed to common GM practices in design, production and labor standards. The “Different kind of car company” has ended.

Jan 30 – Vulcan Material Company acquired the assets of Columbia Rock.

Feb 4 – Mt Pleasant fined $77,000 for failing to control sewage spills. The city has 20 violations of state water quality control act pending.

Feb 5 – The Cracker Barrel Old Country Store opened on US 412 and I-65.

Feb 5 – Maury County’s assessment was ruled proper by Administrative Judge Forest in Nashville on GM appeal. Maury County assessor Jim Dooley said the County valued the property at $397 million in 1996-97; $421 million in 1998 and $446 million in 1999. According to Saturn’s estimates the value in 1996 was $218 million and in 1999 was $236 million.

Feb 8 – Tennessee Titans Quarterback, Steve McNair, charged with DUI in Davidson county.

Feb 12 – Santa Fe school opened its State-of-the-Art auditorium for children programs.

Feb 15 – Major General David Petraeus, commanding General of 101st Airborne division returns to Fort Campbell from Iraq with 20,000 soldiers.

Feb 15 – Tennessee Lottery sales begin.

Feb 26 – Governor Phil Bredesen offers TennCare Reform Plan. 758

Feb 16 – 8 inches of snow dumped on Maury County.

Feb 17 – The Saturn plant re-named Spring Hill Manufacturing by General Motors..

Feb 20 – Columbia City Council approves funding 52 percent of animal shelter cost of $1.2 million, the facility will have a $200,000 annual operating expense.

Feb 22 – Maury Regional Hospital again threatens to stop accepting TennCare patients because of the programs lowreimbursement rates. MRH has 20 percent of its patients from TennCare.

Feb 25 – Maury County School Board votes to extend Kip Reel’s contract two years by 6-5 vote. The school board attorney, Chuck Cagle, said two-thirds majority required by law. The board passed a policy in 2001 however, that said the school director is elected by majority vote.

• Maury


Feb 27 – The Director of Maury County Schools, Kip Reel, declined the two year extension offer.

Feb 29 – Saturn halts production of troubled “Continuous Variable Transmission” in its Vue and Ion models.

March 2 – 150 Saturn workers offered early retirement.

March 2 – Spring Hill population at 14,000.

March 4 – Former Columbia Major General William E Potts died, 68.

March 12 – Maury County School Board attorney resigns. Chuck Cagle, said he will not tolerate any longer public belittling by some board members. School board member, Richard Thompson, had questioned Mr. Cagle on conflict of interest.

March 17 – The TBI launches probe of Hope House finances and search the home of director, Kathy Chappel.

April 1 – The Columbia Riverwalk to get $8 million in Federal funds says City Manager, Mike Miller.

April 5 – 150,000 watch Mule Day parade, Heather Pearson is Mule Day Queen.

April 20 – Local attorney Jason Golden named Maury County School Board attorney to replace Chuck Cagle.

April 21 – Hope House Executive director, Kathy Chappel indicted for theft and forgery in $60,000 in missing funds.

April 23 – Maury Regional Hospital officials defend new heart surgery program after TV report of high death rates.

May 2 – After 9 failed motions by Maury County School Board there was an agreement to appoint Eddie Hickman, as Director of Schools, salary at $94,000.

May 4 – Porter-Walker Industrial supplies says it will relocate from downtown to Maury Industrial park.

May 4 – The Maury County Rotary Club honored Mr. Allan Kerley, owner of Kerley furniture store. He has been a Rotarian for 68 years & not missed a meeting for 55 years.

May 5 – Lucille’s restaurant operated in Columbia for 24 years by Vera and Bobby Allen. New owner is Jeff Richof.

May 9 – Mt Pleasant receives $1.2 million from Department of Agriculture to build a new Community Center.

May 18 – The Maury County Commission voted down a resolution offered by Commissioner Bobby Harris to create a commission to study the consolidation of Maury County government services to save tax dollars. Resolution lost on 8-14 vote with County employees on the commission voting against it.

• Tennessee

March 19 – President Bush visits 101st Airborne division at Fort Campbell to welcome them home.

April 21 – Dr. John Peterson 56, selected as University of Tennessee President.

April 25 – Dollywood Foundation will provide free books to kids at Spring Hill library program, the “Imagination Library” to provide one book per child each month.

May 12 – Governor Phil Bredesen signed bill for major overhaul of TennCare program. The program was expected to take one-third of states budget, costing $7.8 billion.


• Maury


May 19 – General Sessions Judge Jimmy Matthews announced he will retire in September.

May 28 – Mt Pleasant High School baseball team captured 3rd win in state tournament in drive to honor teammate, Lance Emmitt #14 who died Nov 11, 2003. Team, however lost final Class A championship game 5-3 to Goodpastore.

June 4 – The Maury County Commission honored Walter Boyd Harlan for 35 years service as Maury County Commissioner and named the building on the square the “Harlan Building’ after him.

June 10 – Maury County Commission approves $48,000 new cooper roof on Rippavilla.

June 15 – Spring Hill votes to annex 376 acres along Derryberry lane.

June 21 – The King’s Daughters’ announced plans for a new autism facility, cost $1 million. Facility to be built on property of Central Christian Church on Trotwood.

June 21 – Maury County Sheriff, Enoch George, will host the 1st Rodeo to benefit Maury County school resource officers and reserve deputies.

June 23 – Maury County Resource officers reported over 19,000 calls for service in 2003-04. Whitthorne Middle School had highest number with 2625 calls for service.

June 25 – Columbia’s Firefighter’s voted to join the International Association of Firefighter’s Union, AFL-CIO.

June 27 – UAW Local 1853 approves contract to return to GM-UAW National Agreement 3394 to 1024.

July 16 – Parkway Lanes to merge with Galaxy Lanes, North Side Bowling Center to close.

July 18 – Mt Pleasants 28 year baseball coach, Eddie Bassham, resigns. His overall record of 460-216 for a .685 percentage, 9 District Class 12A championships and 5 regional 6a championships unmatched.

• Tennessee

July 27 – Local area home sales set a record with a 10 percent jump in average sales price with $132,801 per sale.

Aug 1 – O’Reilly Auto parts opens two new stores in Columbia.

Aug 4 – General Motors Spring Hill Manufacturing plant will invest $400 million to upgrade to flexible manufacturing “common” system.

Aug 12 – GM will cut the Saturn Ion line from 3 crews to 2.

June 14 - US Bureau of Census reports average Tennessean pays about 20 percent less state taxes than other states, 4th lowest in 50 states with average of $2630 in payments annually.

Sherriff Enoch George

July 20 – Eddie George, running back for Tennessee Titans asks for release.

July 25 – Tennessee’s average gas price is $1.82 for regular.


• Maury


Aug 12 – Maury Regional Hospital will expand its Spring Hill Medical Plaza from 7,000 to 18,000 sq feet, cost $2 million.

Aug 13 – 771st Maintenance Company National Guard returns home from Iraq as 500 people greet them at Fort Campbell, Ky.

Aug 17 – The Maury County Commission appointed Bobby Sands as General Sessions Judge to fill the vacated seat left by retiring Judge Jimmy Matthews.

Aug 18 – The K-mart building on James M Campbell blvd. sold to Baker, Storey and McDonalds of Nashville. It will reopen in 2005 as Columbia Market Place.

Aug 26 – Maury County Commission and school board at a impasse over 2004-05 budget. School board requested $65.1 million and commission passed budget of $63.4 million.

Sept 17 – The Rippavilla corn maze will honor Lewis and Clark this year on 8 acres of 2.5 mile maze. The corn maze developed by Michael Bennett and Johnny Ring had 15,000 visitors last year and made a profit of $47,000.

Sept 19 – The Rippavilla corn maze was destroyed by remnants of hurricane Ivan with 50 MPH winds and 3 inches of rain here.

Sept 8 – Columbia receives 8 acre donation for “Pioneer Park” to bring the total to 15 acres. The 8 acre plot donated by Maury Heritage & Trust, Elizabeth Queener, President of the Trust. The Trust also donated $1500 to plant shrubs and trees on the proposed park.

Sept 26 – Maury County School Board approves $64 million budget, County already approved budget for $64 million.

Oct 1 – Alexander's Furniture store will liquidate stock and prepare to convert the store into a climate controlled storage warehouse. Mr. Rick Alexander has operated the store on West 8th street for 17 years.

Oct 3 – Civil war reenactment draws estimated 40,000 spectators to watch the Battle of Franklin and Battle of Spring Hill with 7000 re-enactors at Rippavilla.

Oct 5 – Maury County Court House celebrates Centennial cornerstone laying with ceremony. The cornerstone laid Oct 8, 1904 by 116 year old former slave, Dick Porter.

Oct 8 – Construction on Columbia River walk project begins.

Oct 9 – Maury Regional CEO Bill Walters promoted to new CEO position over four county hospital operations.

• Tennessee

Oct 8 – The Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency has relocated 200 Ptychobrachuts or fluted kidney shell mussels from the Clinch River into the Duck River. 761

• Maury


Oct 10 – The Helm’s new Jewelry store opens on James M Campbell blvd. Owners Pat and Debbie Green.

Oct 26 – Maury County’s War Memorial wall will be relocated to the downtown square on the court house property. The memorial contains the names of 649 Maury County residents that died in the wars from the War of 1812 to Persian Gulf war.

Oct 28 – Columbia Academy head master, Mr. Brett Bear 40, killed in auto accident on US 31. he is survived by his wife Rose and two daughters, Lydia and Chloe of Culleoka.

Nov 3 – Maury County voters rejected a referendum proposal to add one-half cent to County sales tax to use for schools. The measure was defeated 25,028 to 3744.

Nov 3 – Dr. Heather Bazzed 36, of Mt Pleasant was shot and killed by a stalker, Albert Myles Scribner Jr. who then turned the gun on himself to commit suicide.

Nov 5 – Spring Hill is poised to annex 650 acres of Saturn property, 513 acres on East side of US 31, including Rippavilla says Mayor Ray Williams.

• Tennessee

Maury County War memorial

Nov 3 – Republicans take control of State Senate, first time since 1870’s.

Nov 9 – Spring Hill approves site plan for Publix new 62,000 sq foot store.

Nov 9 – Murray Inc, the bicycle factory in Lawrenceburg files for bankruptcy.

Nov 16 – Mr. J. Robert Otwell named CEO of Maury Regional hospital. Mr. Otwell comes from Tupelo, Miss. where he served as administrator of North Mississippi Medical Center.

Nov 11 – Governor Bredesen ends Tenncare and reverts to Medicare, cutting 430,000 people from medical care.

Nov 24 – Spring Hill puts hold on annexation of Saturn property until clarification of issues resolved with GM.

Dec 5 – Rattle N Snap will be featured on PBS “This Old House.”

Dec 8 – Columbia Power and Water is city’s largest tax payer with $765,853 of In-lieu of tax payments. It pays $972,792 in total to Maury County and Columbia in taxes.

Dec 13 – Maury County school teachers get a raise. Starting teachers salary set at $29,408 and top pay will be $51,968.

Dec 14 – The former Parkway Bowling Alley on Nashville Highway will be developed into a Retail and office space says owner Todd Burchell, who purchased the building and adjacent lot for $600,000.

Dec 16 – Mrs. Pauline Gore, mother of vice-President Al Gore Jr. died, 92.

Dec 17 – Maury County Parks and Recreation director, Tony Scott, died of Lou Gehrig’s disease, 47.


• United States


Jan 1 – Shirley Chisholm, first black female elected to congress died, 80.

• •

• World •

Jan 9 – Mahmoud Abbas elected PLO President to replace Yasser Arafat.

Jan 20 – George W Bush inaugurated as President of US.

Jan 30 - First free parliamentary elections held in Iraq since 1958.

Jan 24 – Johnny Carson, host of the “Tonight Show” on NBC died, 79.

Feb 2 – Max Schmeling, former heavy weight boxing champion died, 99.

Feb 1 – Saturn unveils new “Aura” at Detroit auto show and it will be built at the Kansas City, Mo. plant.

Feb 10 – North Korea announces it possesses nuclear weapons and will use them to defend itself.

Feb 3 – President Bush announces he will seek Social Security reform.

Feb 14 – Suicide bomber kills former Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafik Hariri.

March 28 – Federal court declared Congressional Act and President Bush signing of Terri Schiavo bill unconstitutional.

Feb 20 – Israeli Parliament approves plan to withdraw from Gaza strip.

April 1 – Terri Schiavo, 41 died, 13 days after removing feeding tube.

April 3 – Pope John Paul II died, 84.

June 1 – William Mark Felt, former FBI official reveals he was “Deep Throat” in Watergate investigation.

April 10 – Prince Charles and Camilla wed in Windsor, England.

June 14 – Michael Jackson found not guilty of child molestation of teenage boys.

April 20 - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger chosen Pope Benedict XVI.

June 28 – Dennis Rader, 60 pleads guilty as BTK serial killer in Wichita, KS.

April 26 – Syria withdraws last of 14,000 troops from Lebanon after 29 years of occupation.

July 25 – WorldCom CEO, Bernie Ebbers, sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud.

July 8 – Islamic terrorists bomb explodes in London subway, 52 killed.

July 20 – President Bush nominates Federal Appeals Judge, John G Roberts Jr., as Chief Justice of US Supreme Court.

Aug 1 – King Fahd of Saudi Arabia died, half-brother, Abdullah, succeeds him.

Aug 3 – US death toll in Iraq at 1800.

Aug 9 – Peter Jennings, ABC News anchor died of cancer, 67.

Aug 30 – Hurricane Katrina hits Gulf coast, New Orleans levees break, Mayor Ray Nagin orders city evacuated.

Sept 13 – FEMA Director, Mike Brown, resigns under fire from Hurricane Katrina relief mismanagement.

Oct 4 – Texas Grand Jury indicts Congressman, Tom Delay, on conspiring to launder money.

• •

Aug 10 – Oil prices climb to $71 barrel.

Oct 8 – Earthquake in Kashmir kills 80,000.

Nov 12 – Saddam Hussein former Iraqi dictator President trial begins.

Nov 21 – Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon resigns from Likud party, announces intention to form a new peace party, calls for elections.

Oct 9 – Delphi, US auto parts supplier files for bankruptcy.

Oct 18 – General Motors and UAW reach agreement on lowering health care costs, retirees pay $752 in deductable.

Oct 31 –Rosa Parks, civil rights pioneer died, 92

Dec 18 – Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon ,suffers from slight stroke.

Nov 12 – Vice-President Chief of staff Lewis Libby indicted for perjury for lying about releasing name of CIA operative, Valerie Plane to media.

Dec 23 – Chad declares war on Sudan.


• Maury •


Jan 9 – Judge Robert Holloway dismissed lawsuits brought by plaintiff, Huntley Gordon, charging that the Maury County School Board notice to transfer 5th grade students from Spring Hill to Cox Middle school was not sufficient notice.

Jan 16 – Columbia businessman, Charles Walter “Cal” Gibbons, co-founder of Shapard Lumber company and former owner of Columbia Hardware died, 90.

Jan 25 – Spring Hill Mayor Ray Williams died of heart attack, 48.

Jan 28 – Maury County General Sessions Judge, Jimmy Matthews died, 76.

Feb 1 – Bostelman Enterprises purchased property on James Campbell blvd to open a 37,000 sq foot L shaped shopping center with 12 retail units.

Feb 9 – Maury County School Board recommended building two new schools in Spring Hill area for $26 million. Plans call for one Pre-Kindergarten to 4th grade school off Kedron road on 20 acres donated by developer Dino Roberts and a new middle school grades 5-8 later.

Feb 11 – Ms Gladys Brooks Davis, great grand-daughter of Nelson Brooks, received the first families of Tennessee certificate from the genealogical society. This is the first black family to receive such an honor.

Feb 15 – Mt Pleasant fined $75,000 for 20 violations of state water quality control act, three city employees indicted.

Feb 18 – Spring Hill Library plans to double its size with a new expansion from 7300 sq feet to 15,300 sq feet.

Feb 20 – Columbia Rotary Club celebrated it 100 year with first meeting held Feb 23, 1905. Mr. Paul Harris started the first Rotary club here.

March 1 – Maury County School Board rejected a petition by the Maury County Commission calling for a 1000 student capacity elementary school and to modify the Spring Hill Elementary School. The school board instead elected to stay the course with a $26 million plan calling for smaller elementary school and new middle school.

March 4 – A state audit and state officials rule Maury County school board Chairman, Shaw Daniels, a employee of SSOE is not in a “Conflict of interest” by serving on the school board and being an employee of SSOE because he is not in a supervisory capacity.

March 7 – Fire destroys the historic Sowell home at 322 West 7th street, built in 1870. The house formally known as the Dunnington house.

March 9 – Governor Phil Bredesen visits a Mt Pleasant elementary school to promote preschool programs.

• Tennessee •

Jan 11 – Governor Bredesen announced his plan to keep all children on TennCare but will cut 322,000 adults to save $1.7 billion of $8.7 Billion program.

Jan 23 – Murray Inc plant in Lawrenceburg closed, 1200 workers lose their jobs. Briggs & Stratton reportedly considering buying the plant.

March 3 - A 14 year old student shot and killed his bus driver, Joyce Gregory near Cumberland City, TN.


• Maury


• Tennessee

March 10 – Maury County Budget Director, Malinda Stanford, resigns because of criticism from former Human Resource Director, Shirley Harmon.

March 25 – Spring Hill approves $4 million for construction of a recreational center, Williamson County will contribute matching $4 million.

March 31 – Mule train arrives in Columbia, 100,000 expected for parade, Mr. Charles Skillington, is parade Marshall. Miss Breanna Bone is Mule Day Queen.

April 4 – Mule Day declared a success despite cold temperatures and rain, crowd estimated at 25,000.

April 8 – Miss Kathy Chappell plead guilty to embezzling $25,000 from Hope House over 14 year tenure as Executive Director.

April 8 – Columbia annexes two tracts of land, one on Carters Creek pike with 350 homes on 132 acres and another 98 acres on Hampshire pike.

April 15 – Danny Leverette wins Spring Hill Mayor race 826 to 437 over Schenbrodt, Dinwidde and Koger.

April 17 – The Tennessee Teachers Hall of Fame Board of Governors voted to award Mrs. Mildred Hunt Ribble, as a inductee posthumously who had turned 100 on Jan 29, 2004. She taught at Hay Long High School in Mt Pleasant from 1928 to 1972.

April 22 – Fat Mo’s hamburger will open on south James Campbell Blvd.

May 8 – Columbia State Community College Athletic Director, Dave Hall, retired. Mr. Hall has been Athletic Director at the school since 1969.

April 22 – Dr. Charles Harlan, former state medical examiner lost his license to practice after being found guilty of 20 counts of misconduct.

May 2 – New state law requires school system to implement “Bullying” program. 25 states now have enacted law pushed by Bully police USA Inc., a nonprofit organization.

May 22 – The historic Natchez Trace opens last segment, all 444 miles now open to travel from Nashville to Natchez, Miss.


May 10 – Southern Family foods buys out Bi-Lo supermarket, the Columbia store will remain open.

May 13 – Maury County School Board proposes $74 million budget.

May 19 – Arrow Lake and 1400 surrounding acres closed to pubic because of lack of security, people abusing the grounds by dumping trash. Recently two men drowned on the lake when their boat capsized.

May 22 – Elm Springs becomes new Venue for Sunset Symphony who moved from Rippavilla.

• Maury


June 3 – Miss Mary Cheairs Rose honored at Rippavilla on 100th birthday. Mrs. Rose who was born in Rippavilla May 16, 1905 was the Great granddaughter of Major Nathaniel Cheairs.

June 13 – King’s Daughters’ new Autism center has grand opening.

June 14 – The 100 year old Civil war monument in Mt Pleasant received a face lift and cleaning.

June 14 – Three new stores will occupy the old K-mart store, TJ Maxx, Office Depot and Rose’s stores.

June 20 – Sterling Marlin 48, bumped from Ganassi racing team at end of year.

June 21 – Saturn Ion production may move to Lordstown, Ohio.

June 21 – The last Greyhound Bus departed Columbia today as Greyhound restructures and takes Columbia off the route.

June 23 – Two Mt Pleasant waste water employees are in Federal Court on charges they falsified records to state environmental agency about pollutants dumped into a local stream.

June 27 – Magnolia Academy program closed by DCS after 7 separate investigations into abuse.

July 3 – The Saturn Vue may head to Mexico according to published reports.

July 5 – A marker was dedicated to commemorated the Clarke Training School site in Mt Pleasant. The school served blacks from 1922 to 1969 on Bluegrass Blvd.

July 29 – Columbia Duck River Walk project to receive $6.4 million in Federal money.

July 31 – Columbia 12 year olds claimed Little League Championship, first since 1953 by beating Clarksville 8-5, manager is Greg English.

Aug 4 – A informal audit of the Maury County Board of Education budget shows $573,000 in errors.

Aug 7 – Spring Hill Mayor Danny Leverette announced that Lowe’s will locate a store in Spring Hill.

Aug 14 – The Maury County Board of Education voted to hire a CPA and set the salary at $85,000.

• Tennessee •

May 27 – Four Tennessee lawmakers arrested for Bribery: Senator John Ford ( D ) Memphis; Rep. Cris Newton ( R )and Senators Kathern Bowers ( D )and Ward Cruthchfield ( D ).

Aug 1 – Carrier Corp. announced it will close its airconditioning operation in Morrison, Tn. 1300 lose their jobs to Mexico.

Aug 4 - After 9 years disappearance of Janet March, her husband Perry March indicted for murder.


• Maury


Aug 15 – NASCAR racing legend, Coo Coo Marlin died, 73.

Aug 16 – Spring Hill city council votes to dump property tax.

Sept 3 – Mt Pleasant public works supervisor, James L Holden, arrested for falsification and altering records, obstruction of justice. Holden’s son, James Holden Jr., a sewage plant employee and Marty Roddy also arrested.

Sept 14 – Maury County Commission approves school budget of $67.1 million at $2.89 per $100 assessed value rate.

Sept 18 – Spring Hill Mayor Danny Leverette says Police Chief Reggie Pope, resigned. The police chief says he was fired.

Sept 21 – The old Pointer house in Spring Hill moved to Kedron road.

Sept 22 – Parker Ray Elliott convicted of killing his wife Freda 43, and daughter, Rachel, 18. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Oct 4 – The new Maury County Animal Shelter opens, facility will take in 500 animals pre month, shelter jointly funded by Maury County, Columbia and PAWS and operated by Maury County Animal Shelter Association.

Oct 9 – The “Fairest of the Fair” winner is Chelsey Crews.

Oct 12 – Little Bigby Creek residents once again are perusing solutions to potential flood hazards.

Oct 13 – Maury County tries touch screen voting machines for first time says Todd Baxter, Maury County Election Commission Director.

Oct 16 – N. Houston Parks, Vice chairman of First Farmers & Merchants Bank promoted to Chief Operating Officer.

Oct 18 – Mt Pleasant landmark reopens with new management and name. Lumpy’s Malt Shop now Louie’s, with new owners of Beth and Louie Dunn.

Oct 23 – Maury County to honor memory of home town hero, Major General William E “Billy” Potts, former Columbia resident. He was a graduate of Columbia Central High. He was commissioned in 1967 and served in US Army until 1987.

Oct 26 – Maury County School Board approves $10.6 million new Spring Hill Elementary school.

• Tennessee •

Aug 18 – Titans sign Pacman Jones to 5 year, $13.5 million contract.

General William E. “Billy” Potts


• Maury


Nov 2 – Bill Gentner elected Mayor of Columbia by 35 votes over Charles Sanders. Wayne Kennedy elected Vice-Mayor.

Nov 2 – Retired librarian, Ms. Delores J Milmore, who gave for 38 years to the Maury County library and died in 2004, donated $171,000 to the Maury County school libraries, $34,000 each.

Nov 9 – Spring Hill High School teacher, David Huebner, is offering Maury County’s first African-American history class this semester.

Nov 13 – The Veterans Plaza at the Maury County Court House renamed to honor Major General, William E Potts.

Nov 17 – O’Charley’s announced it will build a restaurant on James M Campbell blvd.

Nov 18 – Columbia approves $2.2 million Ridley Sports Complex, including 4 softball fields, concession stands and a splash park for Fairview Park.

Nov 22 – General Motors closing assembly line in Spring Hill plant, 1500 workers will be laid off in 2006.

• Tennessee

Nov 11 – Nissan announces it will move its headquarters from California to Franklin, Tn. State offers $197 million incentives.

Nov 30 - Channel 4 weatherman, Bill Hall, from Spring Hill, Tn. announced his retirement.

Dec 1 – University of Tennessee has first losing season since 1988, losing 6 of 11 games.

Dec 6 – Maury County Historical Society donates $6000 to restore and preserve the Civil War era Antoinette Polk flag. Maury County Archive Director and historian Bob Duncan says he will raise the other $6000 needed to complete job.

Dec 9 – The Maury County School board extends Mr. Eddie Hickman’s contract as school director through 2008.

Dec 8 – Farm Bureau elects its 7th President, a Cumberland beef farmer, Larry Upchurch.

Dec 13 – Beloved Columbia State Community College professor, Lewis Moore died, 74.

Dec 9 – Tennessee state trooper scandal of “cronyism” erupts as 48 state troopers found to have criminal records, Colonel Lynn Pitts resigns, TBI investigates.

Dec 13 – Spring Hill names officer John Smith, as the new chief of police.

Dec 15 – GM announced Group Vice-President Guy Briggs will retire. Briggs served as Saturn’s first vice-President from 1985 to 1991.

Dec 18 – Columbia’s northern neighborhoods which contain about 5,000 residents was ranked in the top 5 percent nationwide for health risks from Industrial pollution according to a Environmental Health Agency. Several manufacturing plants like Spontex Inc, UCAR Carbon, Glenn Springs holdings and B & B concrete are located near by. According to the report these neighborhoods are 19.5 times higher in health risks than the national average.

Dec 18 – Columbia Fire Marshall, Jim Swindle, will retire after 31 years services. •


• United States


Jan 3 – 12 miners die in mine explosion in Tallmansville, West Virginia coal mine, one survivor.

Jan 9 – Dow Jones averages hits 11,000.

• World •

Jan 1 – Russia cuts off gas to Ukraine over price dispute.

Jan 4 – Ehud Olmert becomes acting Prime Minister of Israel.

Jan 23 – Ford Motor company announced it will cut 30,000 jobs and close 14 plants.

Jan 5 – Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, suffers massive stroke, peace talks with PLO halted.

Jan 31 – Coretta Scott King, widow of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. died, 78.

Jan 25 – Hamas, Palestinian terrorist organization wins majority of elected seats in PLO legislature.

Jan 31 – Samuel Alito sworn in as associate justice of US Supreme court.

Feb 12 – The winter Olympic open in Turin, Italy.

Feb 16 – Vice-President Dick Cheney accidentally shoots his hunting companion in Texas quail hunt, John Whitington.

Feb 22 – Bomb heavily damages Al Askari Mosque, a Shiite holy site in Samarra, Iraq.

March 6 – AT&T to buy Bellsouth for $67 billion, 22 years after US government forced AT&T to break up.

March 11 – Slobodan Milosevic found dead in his cell at Hague.

March 23 – General Motors and the UAW agree to offer 125,000 Delphi workers buyouts.

April 9 – Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon removed from office, in coma 4 months. Olmert made Prime Minister.

June 11 – Iraq terrorist leader, Abu Masab Al-Zarqawi, alquida leader, killed by US forces.

June 3 – Montenegro declares independence from Serbia.

June 28 – Israel launches offensive into Gaza after several attacks from Hamas.

July 15 – Hezbollah terrorists kidnap two Israeli soldiers, Israel invades Lebanon.

June 25 – Patsy Ramsey, mother of slain Jon Benet Ramsey died of cancer, 49.

July 31 – Fidel Castro, President of Cuba temporarily relinquishes power to brother, Raul, while he under goes surgery.

July 27 – Andrea Yates found not guilty by reason of insanity for killing her 5 children in 2001 bath tub drowning.

Aug 14 – UN cease fire in Lebanon takes effect between Israel and Hamas.

Aug 18 – Cease fire between Hezbollah and Israel begins.

Oct 9 – North Korea claims it conducted a nuclear test.

Oct 13 - South Korean Ban Ki-Moon elected new Secretary general of United Nations.

Oct 30 – Former President of Chile Augusto Pinochet placed under house arrest for crimes at national detention center.

July 19 – President Bush issues his first veto since taking office in 2000. June 25 – Warren Buffet donates $30 billion to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for world health care, education and aids.

Aug 28 – Comair plane crashes in Lexington, Ky. Killing 49.

Nov 7 – Democrats gain control of House and Senate.

Nov 16 – Nobel Prize winner in economics, Milton Freedman died, 94.

Nov 6 – Saddam Hussein and two co-defendants sentenced to be hung for war crimes..

Dec 26 – James Brown, singer died, 73.

Dec 30 – Saddam Hussein, Iraqi dictator and president hanged.

Dec 27 – Former 38th President, Gerald R Ford died, 93.


• Maury


Jan 6 – Columbia Mayor, Bill Gentner, sworn in.

Jan 6 – State Department of Revenue shuts down Lucille’s restaurant for back taxes. The local restaurant has been a landmark since 1953. The current owners Jeff Rich has operated the business two years.

Jan 10 – GM announces Spring Hill plant to build hybrid Saturn Vue.

Jan 17 – A new owner will operate Lucille’s restaurant, former waitress takes over, Gail McClure.

Jan 18 – A decade old legal battle over the appraisal of the General Motors Spring Hill plant and 80 acres may be resolved. Maury County Mayor, Jim Bailey presented a “letter of agreement” to end the tax lawsuit even though Maury County has won all court cases and appeals. Saturn’s In-lieu of tax payment under the agreement would rise from $2 million to $2.25 million a year and 25 percent of the standing property tax rate. The value set at $35 per square foot or $20 per square foot if no cars built there. The original 1985 In-Lieu of tax agreement required General Motors to pay 40 percent per $100 appraised value that conservatively is estimated at 90 dollars per sq foot.

• •

Jan 22 – The State approved the establishment of Heritage Bank & Trust as a new bank in Columbia. Feb 3 – The Advertiser News, an affiliate of the Daily Herald and Spring Hill’s only locally owned newspaper is now a weekly publication. The newspaper had started as a Biweekly publication in Nov 2003. Feb 9 – Retired Mt Pleasant administrator and basketball coach, W. C. Johnson, inducted into TSSAA Hall of Fame. Johnson who served the school 40 years is only the 4th person from Maury County to be honored and inducted .

Feb 10 – Rippavilla Inc is seeking autonomy from Maury County, if given complete control of the $100,000 per year General Motors donation for 10 years as part of the “Letter of Understanding” between GM In-lieu of tax agreement and Maury County.

Feb 21 – Sekisui Plastics company, a Japanese based firm will locate in Mt Pleasant and employ 10 to 25 workers.

Feb 22 – Maury County Commission approves 20 year growth plan.

Feb 27 – W.R. Grace chooses Mt Pleasant for its new plant, will employ 60-100. Company to produce roofing, flashing and structural waterproofing products.

March 1 – UCAR plant announces it will shut down after 70 years of operation, 160 jobs lost.

March 5 – State auditors find accounting errors in 2004-05 Maury County School Budget of $674,000 expended but not accounted for, $3.8 million in revenue not posted.

• Tennessee

GM Spring Hill plant

Feb 2 – President George W Bush visits Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry.

Feb 7 – Tennessee state legislature passes sweeping Ethics bill to restrict lobbyists and Cap political contributions to $50.

Feb 7 – Arthur+ March, father of Perry March admitted that his son killed his wife, Janet March in 1996 with wrench and disposed of the body in haystack in Blowing Green, Ky.

March 7– Summertown Lady Eagles win their first state basketball Class B tournament, Defeating Greenville 61-54. 769

• Maury


March 7 – Former Mt Pleasant Mayor, principal of Hay Long High School and city commissioner, Jack Lightfoot, died, 81.

March 12 – T J Max holds grand opening in former K-Mart store now known as the Columbia Marketplace Shopping Center.

March 19 – 14 million gallons of sewage overflowed into area creeks from the Mt Pleasant facility on Sugar Creek.

March 21 – Spring Hill has asked Tri-Star Health systems to build a new hospital, and Tri-Star announced plans for a $112 million investment.

March 21 – The Maury County Commission voted against strengthening the Tennessee Sunshine law, 19-3.

March 31 – Mt Pleasant Mayor William H Boyd “Willie” died, 66. he served the city in total 31 years.

April 2 – 150,000 watch the Mule Day parade. Miss Page Glass chosen Mule day Queen.

April 6 – Auto 2 Auto, a internet auto dealer will locate in Columbia and expects to employ 270 people in the old General Electric building on Industrial road.

April 12 – The old Stillhouse Falls was made into a scenic recreation area, on 90 acres near Mt Pleasant.

April 13 – The old Randell Hotel to be demolished, built in 1950’s on 8th and High street.

April 14 – Spring Hill officials say General Motors is considering development of the Rippavilla land.

April 19 – Maury Regional Hospital petitioned the Columbia City Council to oppose the new HCA Spring Hill Hospital, council passes resolution opposing hospital.

April 30 – The Community First Bank will build a new facility on Garden Street says, Mark Lively, President and CEO of the Bank.

May 7 – Williamson Medical and Vanderbilt join Maury Regional to oppose the HCA Spring Hill hospital.

May 8 – Riverwalk Group raises money for two fountains, Columbia city council donates $10,000.

May 8 – A new Piggly Wiggly is planned for Neely’s Mill Center, a 27,000 sq foot store, will employ 50 people.

• Tennessee •

March 12 – Chapel Hill, Lady Rockets win state Class A basketball tournament, defeating Jackson County 42-41.

March 28 – Regions and AM South banks consolidate.

April 4 – Tornados kill 23 in Northwest Tennessee.

April 7 – Tornados kill 12 in Sumner and Warren counties.

April 30 – Former Murray Hill Ohio plant in Lawrenceburg acquired by Bloomington Pinnacle properties of Indiana. Plant renamed Tennessee enterprise Center, 123 acre and 2.6 million sq foot facility, will employ 300.


• Maury


• Tennessee

May 16 – Tri-Star awarded ambulance Service by Spring Hill.

Jun 2 – GM Spring Hill Manufacturing plant ranked in top 10 for efficiency according to the recent Harbor report.

June 4 – The 7 month renovation of the Spring Hill library adding 9,000 sq feet for a total of 16,000 sq feet reopened says Mr. David Fulkerson, Library Director.

June 8 – The Maury County Civil Service Chairman, Robert McKay asked the County Commission to fire him says there is no need for the position , created in 1967.

June 8 – Titans quarterback, Steve McNair, traded to Baltimore Ravens.

June 11 – Largest buyout in history for US company as GM buys out 42,000 hourly employees to cut costs.

June 21 – Fire destroys the Southern Livestock Auction Barn on Morrow Lane in Columbia.

June 16 – Nissan breaks ground on new headquarters in Franklin.

June 23 – Ponderosa in Columbia condemned for safety violations, lacks fire suppression equipment.

June 25 – Zion school launches a $3.4 million expansion.

June 27 – Over 1500 UAW members at the Spring Hill GM plant take the buyout offered to them.

June 30 – The late Wayne Watten, Santa Fe coach and teacher for 30 years, eulogized by the community at the school.

July 6 – King’s Daugthers’ Executive Director, Charlotte Battles, retired. She has served in the position since 1983.

July 9 – The “Bear Creek Villages” plans 55 townhouses to be built by Monte Garnetts & Associates on US 412.

July 11 – Maury Regional Hospital breaks ground on new ER expansion.

July 26 – Tennessee State Medical Board approves HCA Spring Hill $106 million hospital 7-1.

July 18 – The State Department of Environment and Conservation reports says Maury County has 160 miles of impaired waterways that violate water quality stands. Silt is the biggest problem says the report.

July 21 - A elephant handler at Hohenwald, Joann Burke, killed “on the spot” at the elephant sanctuary by 7600 pound elephant “Winkie.”

July 22 – Largest leveraged company buyout in US history with buyout of HCA for $33 billion.,

Aug 4 – Governor Bredesen re-elected.

July 30 – Maury Regional Group CEO, Mr. Bill Walters ,announced his retirement.

July 30 – The Maury County school board votes to ban cell phones from all school grounds.

Aug 1 – Hot weather forces power cut at Spring Hill Manufacturing plant, heat wave scorches Maury county.

Aug 4 – Sheriff Enoch George re-elected, 11 new commissioners elected to commission, Nancy Thompson, holds on to her seat despite challenge.

Aug 8 – A state grant of $107,800 will help make Maury County Park 30 acres bigger with land purchase.


• Maury


Aug 9 – Miss Jill Brooks 18, chosen as “Fairest of the Fair.”

Aug 13 – Saturn Ion production extended 3 months until March 7, 2007.

Aug 14 – The Horace O Porter school at College Hill named to honor coach, teacher and principal at College Hill for 42 years.

Aug 15 – A audit report of Maury County government by Management of America, a consulting firm says Maury County government needs an overhaul to maximize efficiency, eliminate resource officers at elementary school levels and empower the County Executive with more day to day authority in Department operations to maximize effectiveness.

Aug 18 – The Maury County Commission approves resolution to give the Rippavilla plantation to the non-profit Rippavilla Inc., with $100,000 per year GM donation for 10 years, GM donates 100 acres.

Aug 27 – The Management of America report says the Maury County School Board meetings are too long and limit public access and speaking, needs to be changed.

Aug 31 – Super Target and Old Navy stores are set to come to the Spring Hill Shopping Center.

Sept 1 – Al’s Garden Art purchased 241,000 sq feet of the old General electric and Fedders building on Industrial park drive. The plant will supply concrete statues and fountains across the country.

Sept 3 – Raymond “Pops” Pitts of Mt Pleasant died, 80. He was the son of Harry Pitts and Bertha Hostford Pitts, a WWII Navy veteran & hero who served in the Pacific theatre from 1942 to 1945.

Sept 6 – Security measures will be tightened at the Maury County Court House, metal detector to be used now.

Sept 8 – Maury Regional Hospital says it spent $167,000 on the turf war with HCA bid for a new hospital in Spring Hill.

Sept 12 – Spring Hill Planning Commission approves the new shopping center called “The Crossings”, a 465,000 sq foot development by GBT reality and will include a Super Target, Kohl’s and space for 33 stores.

Sept 24 – Former Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce Treasurer, J. Duncan, charged with embezzling over $10,000.

Sept 28 – Maury County School Board approves $70.2 million budget with a 3 percent teacher raise.

Oct 1 – The Culleoka School Library remains closed as school officials fight over funds. The Culleoka library remains locked because the hinges on an exit door are on the wrong side of the door and cannot be approved for fire safety. Maury County commissioners must approve the cost of repair and believe the contractor should fix the mistake.

• Tennessee

Aug 18 – Nashville jury convicted, Perry March of the murder of his wife, Janet March in august of 1996.

Aug 29 – Tennessee State Senator, Kathryn Bowers ( D ) Memphis resigned. She is awaiting federal trial on bribery.

Sept 9 - The Schermerhorn Symphony Hall dedicated in Nashville.


• Maury •


Oct 2 – Former Mt Pleasant water department employees trial begins, charged with “massive falsification” of records.

Oct 6 – Saturn debuts new Gas-Electric hybrid, expected to get 32 miles per gallon.

Oct 11 – Construction begins on new Fairview Park swimming pool.

Oct 12 – The Duck River designated a “Blueway” stream for canoes and kayaks.

Oct 29 – Columbia to honor, Daniel Uggla, Florida Marlins rookie All-Star, a 1998 Central High graduate who hit 27 home runs, batted 282 and scored 105 runs in 2006.

Nov 3 – Columbia City Council approves gate on public street, Camellia drive in Canterbury subdivision, despite reservations of city manager. Residents of the area say the gate is needed to stop traffic from cutting through the neighborhood.

Nov 9 - The widow of Maury county’s hero, John Harlan Willis, winner of Congressional Medal of Honor is seeking a memorial stamp to honor him. Mrs. Winfrey Morel Duke is collecting signatures on a petition to support it.

Nov 21 – Maury County Commission rejected a proposal to study the feasibility of establishing a Convention and Conference center, study would cost $25,000.

Dec 6 – Dunkin Donuts has grand opening in Columbia, located on Trotwood ave.

Dec 6 – Southern Family foods in Columbia closes.

Dec 11 – The first CASA 10 Volunteers were sworn in by Maury County Court Judge Lovell. (Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused and neglected children) Executive director Marsha Boren. They make recommendations to the court on Juvenile cases.

Dec 12 – Maury County Commission approves resolution 129 banning county employees from serving on the Maury County Commission, exempts current County employee commissioners, subject to State legislature approval.

Dec 17 – O’Charley’s opens on James M Campbell blvd in Columbia.

Dec 19 – GM announces it will build the Chevrolet Crossover in Spring Hill and will invest a total of $700 million in plant.

• Tennessee •

Oct 3 - Titans defensive tackle, Albert Haynesworth, suspended 5 games for stomping on opponents head.

Nov 8 – Republican Bob Corker defeats Harold Ford Jr. in election of Senate.


• United States


Jan 5 – Nancy Pelosi (D) first women elected Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Jan 29 – Kentucky Derby winner, Barbaro is euthanized after 8 month struggle following his shattered right hind leg at start of Preakness.

April 16 – 33 killed in Virginia Tech shooting by a student.

April 24 – David Habersham, Pulitzer Prize winning Tennessean reporter and author, died in auto accident in California.

May 15 – Cerberus Capital Management purchased 80 percent of Chrysler Corp. from Daimler Chrysler Corp. for $7,4 billion.

May 15 – Rev. Jerry Farwell died, 73. Founder of Moral Majority political movement.

June 8 – Paris Hilton jailed 23 days for violation of probation.

July 11 – Former First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, died, 94.

Aug 1 – Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News and several newspapers buys the Wall Street Journal for $5 billion.

Aug 2 – The I-West 35 bridge in Minneapolis, Minn. collapses, 13 killed, 100 injured.

Aug 7 – Barry Bonds, baseball player for San Francisco Giants hits #756 career home run breaking Hank Aaron’s record of 755.

Aug 14 – Merv Griffin, talk show host, died, 82.

Aug 16 – Dow Jones averages plunges below 13,000 for first correction in 15 years, brought on by growing concern of housing market

Oct 15 – First “Baby Boomer’ born in 1946 retires under Social Security, 40 million to follow.

Nov 8 – General Motors posts $39 billion loss for 3rd quarter.

Dec 14 – Senator George Mitchell released report on baseball players use of performance enhancing drugs, 85 players named.

• World •

Jan 27 – British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, steps down, Jack Brown becomes new prime minister.

April 23 – Boris Yeltsin ,former Russian President died, 76. he restored democracy to Russia when communist hardliners attempted coup.

July 8 – Pope Benedict XVI removes church restrictions on conducting mass in Latin.

Sept 7 – Luciano Pavarotti, worlds greatest tenor, died, 71.

Dec 28 – Former Prime Minister Benazur Bhutto of Pakistan assassinated by Islamic radicals after returning home to run for President against President Mushariff. 774

• Maury


Jan 2 – Construction on the Crossing of Spring Hill begins, 465,000 sq foot Shopping Center developed by GBT reality. Super Target, Khol’s , Circuit City, Ross Dress for Less, Books–a-Million on 63 acre site.

Jan 4 – Mr. Harry Askey of Culleoka filed suit against Maury County for stopping him from using his grass airstrip on his farm. Maury County Mayor Jim Bailey, said he believes airstrip is illegal.

Jan 8 – Tennessee State Trooper Calvin W Jenks, 24, former Culleoka High School graduate, Class of 2000 shot twice and killed near Memphis by Alejardo Guano, 17 and Orlando Garcia, 19 who were arrested in Nashville.

Jan 11 – Tennessee State Trooper, Calvin W Jenks funeral brings 1100 mourners from across the country for his burial in Mt Pleasant. Survived by his wife, Sarah Elizabeth Hayes Jenks, his mother Jane Whitaker and father Norman Jenks.

Jan 18 – Columbia City Manager, Mike Miller, fired, charges of vote buying surface. Miller said firing may be because some people want to do away with city manager form of government.

Jan 26 – The Maury County School Board will submit a 5 year plan calling for $325 million to build 12 new schools.

Jan 31 – Columbia City Councilwoman, Penny Langley, calls for District Attorney investigation into allegations of vote buying in firing of city Manager, Mike Miller.

Feb 21 – Maury County Tourist and Convention Bureau Director, Alton Kelly resigned, accepted position at Belle Meade Plantation.

Feb 22 – General Motors plans to put 400 acres surrounding Rippavilla Plantation on the market for development.

Feb 25 – Capt. William R Anderson died, former graduate of Columbia Military Academy 1938, Commander of USS Nautilus, 1st US atomic submarine, first to sail under North Pole, US Congressman (D) for Maury County 1965-1973. Born Humphrey’s County, TN. Lost election because he opposed Vietnam War.

Feb 25 – Columbia’s own Lisa Proctor, former owner of Lisa’s Boutique on the square is a finalist in 2007 Ms. Tennessee.

March 25 – Miss Whitney Nichols, chosen Miss Mule Day Queen.

March 2 – Spring Hill has no written policies or procedures according to the State Comptroller Audit just released.

March 4 – O’Charleys, opened on South James Campbell Blvd.

• Tennessee •

Jan 4 – Tennessee Titan quarterback, Vince Young named AP Rookie of the year.

Jan 10 – State Senator John Wilder (D) , Speaker of the Senate for 30 years ousted, State Senator Ron Ramsey ( R ), elected.

• •

Trooper Calvin W. Jenks Feb 3 – Williamson County Sheriff , Ricky Headley arrested for purchase of illegal prescription drugs at Brooks Drug store in Franklin. Headley admitted into a drug rehabilitation program for addiction to pain killers.

Feb 13 – The Gaylord Entertainment Corp announces construction of a $400 million convention center and hotel complex in Nashville.

Feb 14 – Starwood Amphitheater closed in Antioch.

Feb 22 – Tennessee Titan, Pacman Jones involved in Las Vegas nightclub shooting.

• •

Capt. William R Anderson March 9 – Belmont University wins 15th seed to NAACA National basketball tournament 775

• Maury


March 5 – The Antoinette Polk flag restored and returned to Maury County, cost of restoring $12,000. Flag given to her by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

March 9 – The Maury County School Board approves the Cleburne Road Spring Hill school site.

March 14 – Maury County Commissioner rejects Cleburne Road Spring Hill school site, offers alternative sites. March 21 – World War II veteran, Columbia native and Daily Herald employee for 60 years, Wesley Biddle Notgrass, died, 92.

• Tennessee

March 21 – Miss Rachel Smith of Nashville chosen as Miss USA.

March 25 – Miss Rachel Smith, a graduate student at Belmont named Miss USA.

March 28 – The late Mr. Alfred Ladd, a Williamson County farmer left $100,000 to help buy uniforms and band instruments for the Franklin school children.

April 4 – Tennessee Lady Vols capture 7th National Championship, defeating Rutgers 59-46.

April 8 - 1100 acre Milky Way farms to be developed into upscale gated community, 18 hole golf course, 2000 to 4000 sq foot homes, 39 home sites costing $300,000 to $600,000.

March 29 – Last Saturn Ion built at Spring Hill Manufacturing plant.

March 30 – General Motors announces new Chevrolet Crossover for Spring Hill plant.

April 15 – Intermittent rain thins Mule Day crowd to 100,000.

April 17 – Spring Hill City Council approves Historical Commission to preserve historic sites.

April 20 – Mary Winkler 33, convicted of voluntary manslaughter in shooting of her husband whom she claimed sexually and physically abused her.

April 20 – Columbia City Council disbands Bicentennial Committee after chairman of the committee Miss Alice Algood complained that the city council was overriding the committee decisions.

April 28 – State Senator John Ford, found guilty of bribery.

May 8 – Tennessee executes Phillip Workman, the 3rd execution in 28 years. He was convicted of killing a Memphis policeman.

May 9 – Lady Bulldogs of Columbia Academy win district 11A tournament championship over Richland with Hannah Hogan, hitting her first home run ever in the bottom of the 9th inning, 10-9 win.

June 16 - Six killed and 20 injured in Selma, Tn. after Drag Racer careens into crowd.

June 20 – US Supreme Court rules in favor of Tennessee Secondary School Association that Athletic Associations can enforce limits on recruiting high school athletes without violating a coaches free speech rights.

April 23 – Heritage Bank has grand opening in Columbia.

April 26 – Columbia’s “Shoe shine man”, Mr. Wallace Gordon died, 95. Mr. Gordon practiced his trade in downtown Columbia for 60 years.

April 27 – Construction on Columbia's 78 acre $2.6 million Ridley Park west of the city came to a stand still while city officials negotiate for an entrance. The park was to have 10 softball fields and two football fields is land locked, no entrance right away.

May 2 – Columbia budget set at $59.7 million.

May 8 – James “Jr.” Stephenson died, 80. He was the young old Navy Veteran who was involved in a fight with a white furniture store employee that sparked the Feb, 1946 “Columbia race riot.” He died in Detroit.

May 14 – Maury County School Board votes to terminate architectural firm SSOE Inc contract.


• Maury


June 21 – Columbia State Community College President, Rebecca Hawkins, announced her retirement, served 11 years here.

June 30 – Maury County loses retirement lawsuit, Mr. A.C. Howell former Maury county budget director and sheriff employee Wendell Harris brought suit for 150 county retirees and current employees alleging Maury County cheated them out of their pension.

July 2 – The Tennessee Teacher Hall of Fame Association inducted Maury County teacher, Hixsie Southall Taylor, who served her students 39 years.

July 6 – Avantech, a Ohio based auto supplier plant in Mt Pleasant is planning a $8 million expansion and will add 250 jobs.

July 10 – Wayne’s County store in McCains, celebrates 25 years, owners are Wayne and Dorothy Ann Hickman.

July 19 – A Tennessee preservation organization has named the property bordering the Rippavilla Plantation one of the most endangered historic sites in the state, says Don Brown, Director of the Tennessee Preservation Trust & a professor at Middle Tennessee State University.

July 19 – The new Columbia city manager is Mr. Paul Boyer Jr.

July 21 – Extreme drought has Maury County farms struggling, hay and corn crops down 40 percent.

July 25 – Sterling Marlin, fired by Ginn racing team.

July 26 – The state Medical examiner, Bruce Levy ruled that the death of a mentally disturbed Claremont drive man, Ashley George Benny 31, was “homicide”. Benny died in struggle with Columbia officer James Lovett after being ordered to stop.

• •

Aug 12 – Mt Pleasant Commissioners voted 4-1 against rezoning the proposed Aluminum Smelter Service Corp. and Tennessee Aluminum Processing Company private landfill. Mr. Jerry Sweeny, owner of TAP said the vote puts the long term viability of the two companies in question, employ 250. Aug 15 – Spring Hill City Administrator Ken York resigned, serving 8 years. During his service Spring Hill grew from 7715 to 25,000. Aug 29 – American Legion Post 19 wins American Legion World Baseball Series, manager Mickey McKeel, and team defeated Eden Prairie, Minn. 11-4 behind pitching of Wes Gobbell, and Scott Beasley.

• Tennessee

July 12 – Brice Mendenhall , a truck driver arrested in Nashville as Serial killer who killed several women at Truck stops.

Aug 1 – Nashville Predators hockey team purchased by eight local partners for $183 million.

Aug 4 – Bruce Matthews, offensive Tackle for Tennessee Titans inducted into National Football Hall of Fame.

Aug 8 – Temperatures of over 100 degrees lasted 15 days in record heat wave, drought was worst since 1955, 15 dead from heat in Tennessee.

Aug 10 – Verizon Wireless announced it will build its state headquarters in Cool springs area, cost $54 million and 180,000 sq foot building.


• Maury


Sept 6 – Tennessee Southern Railroad grants temporary access to Ridley Park for City of Columbia.

Sept 11 – Duck River Agency develops water restrictions because of drought, Normandy Dam water down 15 feet.

Sept 12 – Spring Hill over spends budget by $3 million.

Sept 13 – Former Maury County School Superintendent, Billy Evans, died, 88.

Sept 21 – The “Fairest of the Fair” is Miss Virginia Orman.

Sept 26 – Spring Hill Manufacturing UAW members join National strike, 73,000 out on strike nation wide.

Nov 1 – Columbia City Council votes to send the 650 home and Stoneybrook project back to the Planning Commission. Mayor Bill Gentner, said the plan would return when city planning director, David Holderfield, completed the plan with more detail. Nov 2 – Auto Parts Company, Johnson Controls may come to Columbia says Maury Alliance Chairman, Frank Tamberrino, expects 300 jobs. The city council approved a 5 year in-lieu tax agreement if it locates here.

Nov 8 – A Nashville firm has signed a deal to purchase 513 acres of prime real estate around Rippavilla. Trace Investment Partners Inc, a developer agreed to donate 100 acres to Rippavilla Inc for historic preservation, critics say it threatens a historic battle field.

Nov 13 – Maury County School Board approves new dress code.

Nov 18 – Maury County Archive director, Bob Duncan calls for a Bicentennial Bell tower to ring in Maury County’s 200th birthday with historic Andrews school bell.

Nov 21 – Shootings terrorize 3rd Ward neighborhood, residents call it a “Killing zone.” 15 year old Jermy Caldwell, gunned down on 8th street.

Nov 27 – Hendon Properties of Atlanta purchased 11 Shopping Malls including the 282,272 sq foot Columbia Mall from Hull Storey Retail group for $214 million.

Nov 28 – Spring Hill finances in crisis mode, $900,000 CD cashed to make ends meet.

Dec 7 – Columbia City Council votes down proposed Campbellsville pike project after residents protest, Mayor Bill Gentner, votes against proposal to break tie.

Dec 14 – A jury finds Orlando Garcia 20, guilty of facilitation of First degree murder of a State trooper, Norman Jenks. A 17 year old, Nejandro Gauna , who did the shooting yet to be tried.

Dec 16 – Former Maury County Sheriff, Bill Voss died, 91.

• Tennessee •

Sept 6 – Fred Thompson, actor, former US Senator announced he is candidate on Tonight Show with Jay leno.

Sept 11 – Karl Dean elected Mayor of Nashville over Bob Clement.

Oct 9 – Tennessee State Environmental Department requested TVA stop releasing water into Duck River at Coffee County dam to conserve water because of severe drought in Tennessee.

Oct 13 – Former Vice-President Al Gore Jr. ,wins Nobel Peace Prize for his work on global warming, donates $250,000 prize to global warming education.

Oct 15 – HCA loses appeal to build new hospital in Spring Hill after administrative judge reviews Tennessee State Health Council decision.

Oct 21 – Tennessee Titans kicker, Rob Biaronus, kicks record eight NFL field goals against Houston, Texans to win game 38-36.

Oct 28 – Country music star, Porter Wagoner, died, 80.

Oct 30 – The Heritage Foundation purchased the Franklin Cinema for $1.75 million.


Bibliography •

Alderman, Pat; The Overmountain Men, Johnson City, TN, The Overmountain Press, 1986 Ash, Samuel; Middle Tennessee Society Transformed, 1860-1870: War & Peace in the Upper South, Knoxville, TN., University of Tennessee Press, 2006 Bailyn, Bernard; Voyages to the West: A Passage in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution; New York, Random House, 1986 Century Review: 1805-1905, Maury County, Tennessee, History and Families, Columbia, TN., Southern Historical Press, 1997 Crabb, Alfred Leland; Nashville, Personality of a City, New York, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1960 Daniel, Clifton, Editor in Chief; 20th Century: Day by Day, New York; Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 1999 Elliott, Lizzie; Early History of Nashville, TN. Board of Education, Ambrose Printing, 1911 Finger, John R.; Tennessee Frontiers, Three Regions in Transition, Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 2001 Foster, Dave; Tennessee Territory to Statehood, Johnson City, TN. The Overmountain Press, 1998

Garrett, Jill K; Hither and Yon, Columbia, TN.; Maury County Home-coming 86 Committee, Columbia State College, The Daily Herald, First Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1986 Garrett, Jill K; Hither and Yon II, Columbia, TN. Polk Memorial Association, 1992 Gordon, Susan L; Owens, AnneLeslie, Toplovich, Ann, Wetherington, Mark editors; Eden of the West, Documents from Early Upper South History; Louisville, KY., Filson Club Historical Society, 1996 Grun, Bernard; The Timetables of History, Third Edition, New York, Simon & Schuter Inc, 1991 Kirshom, John, Editor in Chief; Chronicle of America, New York; Chronicle Publications, 1989 Lansdon, Phillip; Tennessee :A Political History, Franklin, TN.; Hillsboro Press, 2000 Lightfoot, Marise, Garrett, Jill; Maury County, Tennessee, History of Families, Puducah, KY.; Turner Publishing, 1998 Merry, Robert; A Century of Vast Designs; James K Polk, The Mexican War and Conquest of the American Continent; New York, Simon & Schuster, 2009

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