Duck River Valley Chronicle 1976 - 1990

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• United States


Jan 1 – Federal hourly minimum wage rate goes to $2. 70 per hour.

Jan 5 – “McNeil-Lehrer” report begins on PBS.

Jan 23 – Paul Robeson, black athlete, actor, singer. Civil Rights activist died, 74.

• World •

Jan 9 – Communist Chinese Premier, Chow-en Lai died, 71.

Jan 21 – First commercial Concorde supersonic flight made.

Feb 4 – Winter Olympics opens in Innsbruck, Austria.

Feb 5 – Earthquake kills 22,000 in Guatemala and Honduras

Feb 28 – Spain gives up Sahara, Western Sahara declares independence.

Feb 25 – US Supreme Court rules states have right to ban hiring of illegal aliens.

Feb 26 – Swine Flu breaks out at Army’s Fort Dix, N.J.

March 16 – British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson resigns.

March 20 – Patti Hearst found guilty of armed bank robbery.

April 1 – Apple computer company founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wizniak.

March 24 – Argentina’s military disposes President Isabel Peron.

March 26 – Toronto Blue jays baseball team chartered.

April 5 – James Callaghan elected Prime Minister of Britain.

April 5 – Howard Hughes, billionaire, American aviator pioneer died, 70.

June 9 – Jimmy Carter wins New Jersey, Calif. And Ohio primary elections.

June 27 – Palestinian Terrorist hijack Air France plane with 246 passengers and 12 crew and take it to Entebbe, Uganda.

July 2 – US Supreme Court rules death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and unconstitutional.

July 4 – Israeli commandoes stage daring rescue to free 105 hostages held by pro-Palestinian hijackers at Entebbe, airport in Uganda.

July 15 – Democrats nominate Jimmy Carter for President.

July 20 – Viking I lands on Mars, transmits pictures.

July 12 – Summer Olympic games open on Montreal, Canada.

• Aug 4 – First case of “Legionnaires disease” kills 29 at American legion convention

July 29 – 8.2 earthquake kills 242,000 people in China.

Aug 25 – French Prime minister, Jacque Chirac resigns.

Sept 9 – Mao-Tse-Tung, communist leader died, 82.

Oct 12 – Hua Kuo feng 57, becomes China’s new Premier and communist party leader. Mao’s wife and three others arrested.

Aug 18 – Gerald Ford nominated as Republican candidate for President over Ronald Reagan 1180 to 1069.

Nov 2 – Jimmy Carter elected 39th President of US.

Nov 20 – Patti Hearst freed on $1.5 million bail returns home after 14 months in prison.

Dec 1 – Angola joins United Nations.

Dec 12 – Milton Friedman wins Nobel prize for economics.

Dec 17 – Paralysis halts Swine Flu immunization vaccine causes Guillaiam-Barres syndrome neurological illness with partial paralysis.

Dec 3 – Reggae singer, Bob Marley and manager assassinated in Kingston, Jamaica.

Dec 20 – Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel resigns.

Dec 28 – Winnie Mandela, wife of Nelson Mandela banished from South Africa.

Dec 18 – “Wonder Women” debuts on ABC.

Dec 23 – “Lets Make a Deal” staring Monte Hall tapes last show, over 3800 shows made. •


• Maury


Jan 20 – Maury County Court approves resolution for sales tax increase referendum from 4.5 cents to 5.25 cents.

Feb 11 – Mt Pleasant Mayor James L Bailey honored as Maury County outstanding young man of the year by Jaycees.

Feb 13 – Columbia native Fran McKee promoted as first Navy woman Admiral by President Ford. She started her career 24 years ago. (Note: Nurse Admiral rank had existed)

Feb 26 – King’s Daughters will celebrate the Nation’s Bicentennial by giving each elementary school child a pine seedling on Arbor day to be planted. The tree’s are called “Liberty Trees”.

Feb 27 – Maury County Hospital Board Trustees announces $2 million expansion with additional floor and 46 rooms.

March 3 – Hooker Chemical announced it will spend $4.5 million for pollution control.

March 5 – Columbia City Council approves the purchase of 8 acres for proposed connector road between Nashville Highway and Santa Fe pike. The city also approved annexation of the old Monsanto camp property of 12.5 acres south of Bear Creek pike.

March 20 – Judge Taylor Rayburn officially presents McDowell school principal, Henry M Puryear a document that authorizes that old school Bell kept at Andrews school be returned to McDowell, where it belonged. The Bell was carried back to McDowell by a team of miniature mules and wagon.

April 1 – Chairman of the Mule Day sale, Mr. Dick Poling ,looks for record sales. Mr. Poling moved to Maury County in 1967 from Ohio where he operated a 1000 acre farm. He bought the Southern Livestock Auction Company here.

April 5 – 50,000 view Mule Day parade, Mule Day queen is Debbie Norman. Grand Marshall is Tennessee State House leader, Ned McWherter.

April 20 – Maury County Court adopted a Maury County flag designed by James Barrow Brown Jr. of Spring Hill in County wide contest, 58 entries in contest.

May 13 – Mr. James Dooley, newsman and Daily Herald Assistant circulation manager announced his candidacy for Maury County Tax Assessor.

May 24 – Anderson W Hughes, Principal of Carver-Smith retired after 42 years of teaching service. Mr. Hughes teaching career began in Spring Hill where he taught for 8 years, before coming to become Principal of Macedonia school.

• Tennessee •

Jan 5 – TVA continues Normandy dam back fill.

Jan 13 – Governor Ray Blanton asks state legislature to approve state income tax


• Maury


May 24 – The E.W. Gamble building built in 1875 will be torn down, says owner Mrs. Margret Byron because “its Unsafe.’. The building once contained Columbia’s first elevator at 8th and south Main street.

May 26 – Mrs. Helen Ragsdale, the 5th and 6th grade American history class teacher at Whitthorne will lay the corner stone for the new Whitthorne Jr. High school. Student Tad Mays gave the welcome and other students including Stephen Lusk, Ronnie Hart, Sue Abner and Jo Beth Folger conducted the ceremony to preserve items in the time box placed in the cornerstone.

May 28 – Spring Hill Bank robbed, a VA patient arrested, Lee C Neal of Spring Hill took $6000.

June 3 – Grace Episcopal Church and the Ewell farm in Spring Hill added to historical National register.

June 14 – General Garfar Mohammed Nimeri, President of Sudan visits Maury County at University of Tennessee Experiment station.

June 24 – John and Robert Skillington of Santa Fe will join the Bicentennial wagon train the last 6 days enroute to Valley Forge.

July 4 – Thousands watch Columbia-Maury County Bicentennial parade. America celebrates nation wide.

July 22 – Columbia Regional Planning commission approved plans for new Shopping Center on Southside By-pass across from Campbell Shopping Plaza.

Aug 6 - Bill Voss elected Sheriff, Jim Dooley elected Tax Assessor and R.O. “Bully” Pearl as Road Superintendent. Jim Sasser will face Bill Brock in November.

Sept 7 – Miss Mary Thomas 16, selected as “Fairest of the Fair”, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas of Columbia.

Sept 10 – Maury County School Board approves two new elementary schools for Hampshire and Mt Pleasant, total cost $2.5 million.

Sept 14 – Coo Coo Marlin and his son, Sterling will both drive at Charlotte in October. This will be Sterling's first race on a super speedway in the World Service 300, if he qualifies.

Oct 1 – Local Attorney, George L “Buzz” Lovell heads Jimmy Carter’s campaign in Maury County.

• Tennessee

June 9 – United Nations meeting held in Nashville.

July 14 – Mr. Clayboune Ross, Executive Director of upper Duck River Development said recent reports on Snail Darter and Mussels may delay the Columbia dam because of the “endangered species” status.

July 21 – Matthew Hayes Vogel of University of Tennessee wins Gold medal at Olympic games in Montreal.

July 28 – US 6th Court of Appeals halts $100 million Tellico dam on Little Tennessee river over Snail Darter.


• Maury


Oct 2 – 10 of Maury County’s “Ideal” citizens honored at Columbia Community College event, Dr. Harold S Pryor received the Development of Consciousness award; the Law & Order award went to Sgt. Pat Troope; the Cultural Integrity award went to Rev. Robert Tharp; the Education and Enlightenment award went to Mr. Ed Cox; the Celebration & Fulfillment award went to Mildred Hartsfield; the Progress and Prosperity award went to Marshall Ledbetter Sr.; the Inspiration award went to Jill Garrett; the Capitol of the Ages award went to Mayor Buddy Morgan; the Health & Immortality award went to Delia Webster; and all Possibilities award went to Dr. Wilber Scheitel. The event sponsored by the American foundation for Creative intelligence.

Oct 5 – Columbia City Council considers proposal to extend East 6th street one mile to connect it with the old Iron bridge road.

Oct 6 – A proposed Columbia annexation would add 1500 homes to the city. Including Porter hills, Williamsport pike area, Columbia community college, Rutherford Estates, Triangle springs plant, Criddle Meadows, Pleasant hills, Hidden lake estates, Sunnyside, Winderemere, Fairview park area and Dixie manufacturing.

Oct 9 – First Swine flu clinic opens in Maury County, Dr. Wendell C Bennett Director of the County Health Department says vaccines are limited.

Oct 11 – A petition with 240 signatures was presented to Maury County Industrial Board protesting a proposed Industrial park on the property of Mr. James M “Jeep” Campbell near Zion acres.

Oct 14 – Maury County rolls out red carpet for return of Admiral Fran McKee visit to Columbia for Professional Womens Club.

Oct 22 – 20 percent of the Columbia dam concrete poured says TVA project manager, Roy Edwards.

Dec 15 – Seven Maury County schools receive accreditation from Southern Association of Schools and Colleges.

• Tennessee

Oct 23 – Tennessee Transportation commissioner, Eddie Shaw indicted in surplus car sales rigging. Shaw submitted resignation to Gov. Blanton.

Dec 4 - John Majors, Pittsburg coach signs 6 year contract as Head foot coach and Athletic director of University of Tennessee for $50,000 per year.


• United States


Jan 17 – Gary Gilmore executed by firing squad in Utah for killing of motel clerk. First execution since in US since death penalty reinstated.

Jan 18 – Scientists identify a known bacteria as cause of Legionnaires Disease found in air conditioning systems.

Jan 19 – President Ford pardons “Tokyo Rose.”

Jan 20 – Jimmy Carter inaugurated as 39th President of US.

Jan 21 – President Carter pardons over 100,000 Vietnam war draft evaders.

Jan 23 – “Roots” series debuts on ABC.

March 1 – Bank of America debuts “Visa” credit card.

March 28 – “Rocky” wins Best picture in academy awards.

April 16 – First woman enters US Military Academy of West Point.

April 30 – First oil from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska flows through 800 miles Trans-Alaska pipeline to port of Valdez.

May 25 – “Star Wars” movie debuts.

June 5 – First Apple computers go on sale.

June 11 – “Seattle Slew” wins triple crown

July 13 – New York city and east coast blackout occurred, lasted 54 hours.

Aug 10 – “Son of Sam”, David Berkowitz arrested in Younkers, New York for murder of 5 people.

Sept 7 – President Jimmy Carter signs Panama canal treaty, transfers control back to Panama.

Oct 14 – Bing Crosby, singer died, 73.

Nov 15 – President Carter welcomes Shah of Iran to US.

Dec 3 – US admits over 100,000 Vietnamese boat people.

Dec 10 – Tens of Thousands of angry farmers demonstrate in Washington DC by blocking streets with tractors to protest bankruptcy policies used against them.

• World •

Feb 23 – Idi Amin launched Nation wide attacks against Christian tribes in Uganda, thousands killed.

March 19 – Vietnam Govt. turns over 12 caskets containing remains of American pilots killed in Vietnam war.

March 27 – KLM Boeing 747 hits Pan Am 747 on take off from Canary islands, 583 killed, 53 survive.

May 18 – Menachen Begin elected prime minister of Israel.

June 15 – Spain holds first free elections in 41 years to restore democratic government., Adolfo Suarez elected prime minister.

July 5 – General Mohammed Zia Ul-haq overthrows Zulifer Ali Bhutto democratically Govt. in Pakistan, Bhutto later hanged.

July 20 – UN votes to allow Vietnam into United Nations.

July 22 – Purged Chinese communist leader, Deng Xia Ping returned to power, “Gang of Four’ expelled from Communist Party.

Sept 21 – 15 Countries, including US and Soviet Union sign Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Oct 3 – Indria Gandhi , Prime minister of India arrested for corruption.

Nov 19 – Anwar Sadat visits Israel, meets with Menochem Begin.

Dec 10 – Amnesty International wins Nobel peace prize.

Dec 11 – US Department of Energy created. •


• Maury


Jan 5 – Columbia Civil Service Board reinstated Fire Chief Tommy Dooley with full pay after 2 month suspension by city manager, Barrett James.

Jan 7 – Fire guts Pressnell office in downtown Columbia on West 7th street. The building contained the Bib & Tucker, McLever Accounting, Enza Travel, Columbia Rock office, Pressnell phosphate and the offices of attorneys Robin Courtney, William Fleming and Dawson Gray. The furnace was cause of the fire.

Jan 12 – Bitter cold forces TVA to cut power to three Columbia plants, including the Monsanto Chemical plant, Stauffer and Hooker Chemical as 14 below zero hits area.

Jan 19 – A natural gas shortage in Maury County forced Weather Tamer, Dixie Manufacturing and Edic Manufacturing to cease operations, ordered to keep thermostats at 40 degrees.

Jan 21 – Maury County budget director, Aubrey Prince retires after 10 years of service.

March 9 – Maury County’s “Mr. Democrat”, Billy Webster died, 60.

March 25 – Columbia Post office considers move to Kroger store in Columbia Plaza on West 7th street.

April 1 – Over 1200 attend the Duck River dam TVA hearing at Columbia Community College Gym. Governor Ray Blanton, US Congressman Robin Beard and Al Gore Jr. spoke in favor of the dam. The hearing was part of President Carter’s review of Federal water projects.

April 4 – 50,000 watch Mule day parade, Mule day Queen is Cindy Givens, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Billy Rogers and Morris Givens.

April 5 – Some 200 supporters of Duck River dam projects from Maury, Coffee, Marshall and Bedford Counties will fly to Washington DC to lobby for funding. 15 people will meet with President Carters aide, Kitty Sherner to pled the case for the dams. The trip organized by Billy Rogers and Columbia Mayor Buddy Morgan.

April 7 – Attorney Fred Thompson representing Columbia citizen, Jerry Ray Parks, said he was innocent of the FBI charge of extortion of $1.5 million from Indiana coal mining company in return for favorable mining legislation. Parks is owner of Mother Earth land services in Spring Hill.

April 28 – TVA plans to build a nuclear power plant near Columbia dam, if funded. US Senator Jim Sasser announced that the Columbia dam will be in the Congressional budget in spite of President Carter’s decision to exclude it.

• Tennessee •

Jan 3 – Genesco board of directors voted to remove CEO and president, Franklin M Jarman and appointed William Blackie as temporary CEO 7 President after 7 hour meeting, no reason given.

Feb 7 – Tennessee schools ranked 44th out of 50 states according to National Education Association ranking. Teacher pay ranked 39th in country with average of $11,277. National average is $13,830.

March 12 – Berry Field in Nashville to be expanded.

March 30 – TVA study reports Duck River projects costing $180 million and will produce only 80 cents on the dollar in economic return.


• Maury


May 6 – Columbia City Council passes first reading of annexation ordnance for 3500 acres.

May 10 – 400 Stauffer workers strike at construction site. Boiler makers set up picket lines to protest Allen Steel, a non-union contractor firm from using non-union help.

May 16 – Ben “Buddy’ Andrews elected Mayor of Spring Hill.

May 19 – A colonial designed Shopping Center at Mt Pleasant pike and the City by-pass was announced. The shopping village will have 12-18 stores, 20,000 sq feet. Built by Cook and Roberts properties.

May 30 – The Gardenia Park Association and Mt Pleasant city reached an agreement on the upkeep of Gardenia Park.

June 1 – Maury County hospital opens physical therapy unit, new Department headed by Sheryl Andrews.

June 3 – Columbia dedicates new Woodland Park with free public concert.

June 6 – New K-Mart store to open, 40,000 sq feet store on the city By-pass, manager is jack Guthrie.

June 26 – 42 die in Maury County Jail fire, youth ignited padded cell, 27 whites and 15 blacks dead, including visiting family members. William “Buck” Rowland family lost five, Luther Bellanfant died while visiting his son, Lanny. 16 year old, Andrew Zinmer of Wisconsin, a runaway lit a foam mattress on fire. The Anderson family lost six.

June 30 – Annexation lawsuit filed by citizens who oppose annexation by Columbia.

Aug 9 – Andrew Zinmer 16, found competent to stand trial for arson and death of 42 people in Maury county jail fire, to be tried as an adult.

Aug 10 – Macedonia gets $350,000 Federal grant for housing rehabilitation and neighborhood improvements.

Aug 25 – Historic Pleasant Mount Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Fountain Creek added to National Register of Historic places, built in 1840’s.

Sept 2 – Maury County Emergency Board requested $500,000 for crop disaster relief says Chairman, Tom Brown because of the severe drought here. Searing heat and lack of rain cut crops yield 35 percent, worst drought since the 1930’s.

Sept 6 – The “Fairest of the Fair” crowned, Miss Jada Rosson 16, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Horace Rosson of Columbia.

• Tennessee •

May 18 – J.D. Wagoner of Hinckley, Ohio purchased Milky Way Farm for $800,000, Wagner is Ford Motor Company executive.

Aug 1 – Tennessee Constitution Convention convenes in Nashville, current Tennessee Constitution is 107 years old.

Aug 16 – Elvis Presley died in Memphis, 42.

Aug 16 - President Carter’s new TVA appointment to Board of Directors says opponents to Columbia dam have valid argument of 80 percent economic return on dollar .

Aug 20 – The Tan Ripple Shell Muscle declared endangered species in Duck River.


• Maury


Sept 20 – Tennessee Supreme Court rules that appointment of Columbia’s former police chief, Frank Duncan to assistant Police Chief is voided and Civil Service board will be required to select one of the three top original candidates from the list.

Oct 3 – 85 percent of Maury County rural wells are polluted says Maury County Health Department Environmentalist, Steve Sutherland. The pollution source is the septic tanks or above ground pollution from animals.

Oct 3 – The Woldridge building at the corner of West 7th & Garden streets will be renovated says owner Jimmy Mayes. Woldridge Drugs on the 1st floor will celebrate 100 years in business in 1978.

Oct 5 – Maury County and Williamson County will ask the Federal Govt. to install a I-65 interchange at Duplex Road. Critics say the 17 miles between Peytonsville Road and Bear Creek Pike is the longest stretch in the US Freeway system without an exist.

Oct 5 – Pat Troope 35, a patrolman on the Columbia police Department named Assistant police chief by city manager, Barrett Jones.

Oct 17 – Maury County Jail re-opened after fire.

Oct 18 – Fire destroys Hampshire school, Enrollment at 245 students, who are now without facility.

Oct 20 – The old Whitthorne school will re-open to accommodate students from Hampshire says school Superintendent, Ed Cox. Arson probe is underway on school fire.

Nov 1 – TVA says no “Snail Darter” fish in Duck River. The fish found are “Snub-nose Darter” at old Stone Fort by Ranger Sterling Shelton.

Nov 9 – Old King’s Daughters Hospital torn down, used recently as class rooms. New education center to replace it.

Nov 11 – Maury County Grand Jury blames jail fire on “panic situation”. It returned no indictment or blame for 31 inmates and 11 visitors death, 29 injured.

Nov 12 – Halcyon Hall on West 6th street to be restored by Mr. & Mrs. William Kemper. The name reflects the meaning of “calm, tranquil, happy, peaceful.” Built for Joseph Walker by master builder, Nathan Vaught in 1845.

Nov 16 – Mt Pleasant contracts to purchase Columbia water.

• Tennessee •

Sept 12 – Waylon Jennings and BB King concert for Maury County jail fire immediate family victims at Nashville Municipal auditorium raises $28,000 and draws 3700 people.

Sept 19 – Governor Ray Blanton pardons Roger Humphreys, convicted double murderer.


• Maury


Nov 21 – Burley tobacco brings $1.21 pound.

Nov 28 – 145 construction workers laid off from Columbia dam as concrete pouring comes to end. Earthworks still needs to be completed.

Dec 2 – After 6 months of fighting, 9 tracts of land condemned to make way for Highway 43 by-pass construction.

Dec 9 – Recent 3 inch hail, high winds and rain caused $3 million in damages according to Maury County insurance companies.

Dec 9 – Duck River Humane Society acquired a building on old Highway 50 to convert into animal shelter.

Dec 14 – Construction on Central Garage in Columbia begins, $288,177 contract awarded to W.C. Baly of Pulaski.

Dec 17 - $40,000 in jail improvements recommended by Budget committee. Mr. A.C. Howell, Maury County Budget Director says $90,000 has been spent to rebuild the jail for emergency doors and electric locks to be installed.

Dec 21 – The old brick smoke stack at the old Dixie Manufacturing No 2 plant on Carmack was destroyed. The stack was built in 1880’s, stood 70 feet high and had 500,000 bricks said, Sam Mencer of Gary’s Wrecking crew.

• Tennessee

Dec 21 – TVA diverts $7 million funding from Columbia dam to Tellico dam because of the threatened law suit.

Dec 22 – TVA diverts additional $3.5 million from Columbia dam to Tellico dam. Senator Sasser and Congressman Beard protested.

Dec 27 – The “Texas Flu” sweeps across Maury County says, Dr. Tom White, Chief of Staff at Maury County hospital. The flu has increased 100 fold in last 4 days, 54 patients in Emergency care on Monday.


• United States


• World

Jan 1 – US Federal minimum wage set at $2.65 per hr.

Jan 23 – President Carter budgets only $7 million for Columbia dam.

March 14 – 20,000 Israeli troops invade southern Lebanon to hit PLO bases.

Feb 1 – Harriet Tubman becomes first black American woman to be honored on a postage stamp.

March 21 – Rhodesia becomes new nation of Zaire.

Feb 15 – Leon Spinks defeated Muhammad Ali for world heavyweight boxing championship.

April 20 - Italian former Prime Minister, Aldo Moro, kidnapped and later killed by Red Brigade terrorist group.

Feb 15 – Ted Bundy captured in Pensacola, Fla. Later confessed to killing 29 women.

April 27 – Afghanistan revolt erupts, President Mohammed Davd Khan killed in Kabul.

Feb 25 – President Carter calls for end of 81 day National coal strike.

May 11 – China and Russia become involved in border conflict.

March 6 – Larry Flynt, founder of “Hustler” magazine shot, partially paralyzed.

June 30 – World population set at 4.4 billion.

March 25 – 160,000 striking coal miners end 110 day strike.

July 25 – Louise Joy Brown, world’s first test tube baby born in Oldham, England.

April 2 – “Dallas” TV series debuts on CBS.

July 28 – Price of gold hits $200 per ounce.

April 10 – Volkswagen builds first Beetle in Pennsylvania.

Aug 6 – Pope Paul VI died, 80.

June 6 – California voters approve Proposition 13 to lower property taxes.

Aug 28 Cardinal Albino Luciani elected pope John Paul I.

June 29 – Intel introduces 16 bit computer chip.

Sept 16 – 7.7 earthquake in northeast Iran kills 25,000.

July 10 – John D Rockefeller III died, 72.

July 13 – Henry Ford fires the President of Ford, Lee Lacocca.

Sept 17 – Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar Sadat of Egypt and President Carter sign Camp David agreement. Israel agrees to withdraw from Sinai and Est. autonomous Palestinian state in West bank in exchange for recognition of Israel by Egypt.

Sept 5 – President Carter, Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar Sadat of Egypt meet at Camp David, MD.

Sept 28 – Pope John Paul I died after 33 days in office.

Sept 16 – Muhammad Ali regains heavyweight championship with a decision over Leon Spinks.

Oct 17 – Karol Wojtyla 58, elected pope John Paul II, first non-Italian pope in 455 years.

Oct 4 – President Carter veto’s $10.2 billion public works bill, includes Columbia Dam funds.

Oct 27 – Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin win Nobel peace prize.

Nov 1 – Federal Reserve board raises interest rates to 9.5 percent to help stop dollar slide in foreign exchange.

Nov 18 - Rev Jim Jones kills Congressman Leo Ryan and four others in Guyana, then leads 775 men, women and children to commit suicide.

Nov 8 – Norman Rockwell, artist died, 84.

Dec 8 – Former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir died , 80.

Dec 15 – President Carter severs diplomatic relations with Taiwan, grants full diplomatic relations with Communist China.

Dec 11 – Hundreds of thousands of Iranians demonstrate in Tehran, shouting “down with the Shah.”

Dec 16 – Cleveland becomes first city to declare bankruptcy

Dec 19 – OPEC raises price of oil to $12 per barrel.

Dec 31 – Ohio State fires football coach Woody Hayes after he punched Clemson University player who intercepted a pass in Gator Bowl.

Dec 25 – Vietnam invades Cambodia.


• Maury


Jan 12 – Colonel Richard Fry named new headmaster and President of Columbia Military Academy.

Jan 14 – Local farmers John Saunders, Johnny Ring and James Lockridge are preparing to leave for Washington DC next week for the National Farmers strike and demonstration. State Representative, Bill Richardson, also will carry concerns of Maury County farmers to Washington.

Jan 23 – Maury County Human Services reports it received 98 abuse and 222 neglect complaints in 1977. About 50 percent of the calls were validated, says Mrs. Nancy Thomas, director.

Feb 4 – Mrs. Addie L Cooper of Columbia, elevator operator at Anderson Bros. and Foster Department store retired after 35 years. The store was remodeled and automatic elevator was installed.

Feb 10 – The “Moonies” sue the city of Columbia for denying them solicitation permit.

March 1 – Fred’s Store at the Columbia Plaza has Grand opening, Rick Grizzle, manager.

March 7 – The “Concerned Citizens of Maury County Inc.”, a non-profit group organized to promote moral issues in the community is seeking 5000 members. Elected Chairman was Guy Porter and Co-Chairman, Ashley Brown. The issues of education and obscenity will be the focus of the group. March 22 – Mt Pleasant City Commission withdraws support from the County owned Gardenia park and is considering withdrawing from supporting Maury County Park committee. March 28 – West 6th street designated a historic district, Mayes place listed on the National Register of historic places because of the work of Jack Presbury and Miss Mildred Walker.

April 3 – 55,000 attend Mule Day parade.

April 13 – Bulldozers have unearthed an Indian burial ground 3 miles south of Columbia in the front yard of John Brown on Pulaski pike. The burial ground believed to be of mound builders who lived here 350 to 500 years ago.

April 17 – Andrew Zinmer 16, indicted on 32 counts of manslaughter and two counts of arson for Maury County jail.

April 25 – A historical marker will be placed on Carter’s Creek pike to honor the former Congressman, J Percy Priest birthplace.

• Tennessee •

Jan 3 – Over 1000 Tractor’s paraded around the Capital in Nashville to protest low crop prices and high production costs.

Jan 24 – Tennessee Department of Conservation acquires 4138 acres of Savage Gulf area in Grundy County for state park.

Jan 25 – A Giles County Deputy sheriff, Herbert Slayton 65, shot and killed 4 miles outside of Pulaski, warrant for Johnny Earl Powell 22, issued.

Feb 6 – Federal court rules 13th district boundaries of West and Middle Tennessee, including Maury County and Columbia State Representative Bill Richardson of 64th district are unconstitutional as a result of a law suit filed by Mrs. Alice Algood who charged “ Gerrymandering” by democrats.

Feb 8 – Lyndhurst Foundation Est. in Chattanooga by Cocacola bottling heir, John T “Jack” Lupton II. Focus of foundation to be on Education, Art and Health.

Feb 10 – TVA budgets $16.8 million for Columbia dam.

Feb 14 – Lt. Colonel William Shy reburied on family farm cemetery outside Franklin. Shy was 26 when killed on Dec 16, 1864 in battle of Nashville. He was buried in Two Rivers.

Feb 20 – The Cincinnati Reds announced the formation of the Nashville Sounds baseball team who will play in Herschel Greer stadium.

Feb 25 - a propane railcar explosion in Waverly, Tn. Kills 21, injuries 145.

March 1 – The Carnton Association acquired the Carton House and 10 acres to open historic park.

March 7 - Tennessee voters approve 12 changes to state constitution, Est. office of county executive, limit County commissioners to maximum of 25, Lower voting age to 18, authorize Metro Govt. among them.

March 23 – Tennessee Senate approved bill to move 61st district and 64th district redistricting lines.

April 15 – Amtrak passenger train service through Nashville ends.


• Maury


May 5 – The manslaughter indictments against Andrew Zinmer were dismissed, state files a petition in Juvenile court charging Zinmer with 42 counts of 2nd degree murder for the June 26 Maury County jail fire. $50,000 bond set, signed by chief Deputy, Bob Farmer.

May 6 – The Columbia Military Academy marks the last day of formal military dress parade and inspection, ending years of tradition. The colors were retired, Cadet Major John Colley of Columbia received the top honor of “All around Superior cadet” award.

May 12 – The historic “Annoatuck” home of the late Colonel and Mrs. Waverly Jackson with 25 acres in 4 tracts to be auctioned. The home built in 1822-1823 by Nathan Vaught. “Annoatuck” means “Windy Hill” in Cherokee. It is located on Highway 31 at Theta Pike. (Kroger Shopping Center)

May 13 – 20 students of the Columbia State Community College students are learning archaeology work at the Brown Indian burial site. The dig is under to supervision of Prof. John Dilllingham. Archeologist found obsidian stones from Mexico and Copper collars from the Great Lakes area to suggest a far flung trade existed over 500 years ago here.

May 15 – “Annoatuck” purchased by Mr. Bill Looper for $128,000 with 8.7 acres. He hopes to restore the home as a mother’s day gift to his wife.

May 22 – The Columbia Post office to close downtown office when it moves into old Kroger building in Columbia Plaza in coming years. Columbia will have two post offices for some period of time.

May 24 – 20 year old Roger Rice of Culleoka received his Associate degree from Columbia Community College in Political Science. Rice was elected President of the Student government last year. Roger Rice happens to be Thalidomide baby and is only 40 inches tall. “I’ve had my problems, but I’m accustomed to them, so they aren’t problems anymore,” he said.

June 8 – The Royal Coach Bus line plans to run hourly local routes in Columbia neighborhoods and shopping centers, says President, Bob Winder.

June 8 – Joe Scribner named “Boxer of the Year.” He is Southeastern AAU champion and is from Columbia.

June 9 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce plans a new 200 acre Industrial park near the controversial Highway 43 By-pass. The state transportation commissioner, Eddie Shaw, halted construction of the by-pass until community input is completed.

June 9 – Columbia Central High school baseball and football star, Jodie Herbert, is expected to sign a contract with the Los Angles Dodgers.

June 12 – Mrs. Lena Lavender of Pottsville is the big winner of the Jingle & Slogan contests here with $115,000 in winnings in last 30 years.

• Tennessee •

May 6 – TVA director, William Jenkins a supporter of the Columbia dam resigns. Jenkins cited efforts of Federal agencies taking control of TVA decisions.

June 3 – Tennessee Community College average costs will rise to $1752 this year, includes cost of tuition, board and room and $700 in books, The cost of University of Tennessee in Knoxville for students in dorms will be $2584 per year.


• Maury


June 16 – Columbia City Council approves $5.5 million budget.

June 17 – The Daily Herald publisher, Sam D Kennedy and Columbia attorney elected President of the Tennessee Press Association.

June 26 – Seven survivors of the Maury county jail fire file a $5.2 million law suit. Two additional law suits filed for $10.7 million and $5.7 million by family members of deceased.

June 27 – A total of 12 law suits for $200 million have been filed against Maury County for the jail fire.

July 3 – The first Nashville Music Festival is underway on 500 acres off Industrial Park along the Duck River. Promoters spent $200,000 preparing the site with country artists Hank Williams Jr., Tammy Wynette, Mere Haggard and Kenny Rogers. Only 8000 tickets sold to date. The promoters are expecting a huge turn out on July 4th for the event.

Aug 2 – Mt Pleasant received $600,000 grant for expansion of Mt Pleasant Manufacturing plant, says city manager, Carl Holder.

Aug 3 – Judge A.D. Lindsey of Lawrenceburg declared Andrew Zinmer 17, as an adult to be charged with the 47 counts of 2nd degree murder.

Aug 4 – Sheriff Bill Voss re-elected. Nancy Thompson elected County Clerk, Lamar Alexander ( R ) to face Jake Butcher in November.

Aug 8 – DuPont Plastics plant in Maury County will close says plant manager, David Andrews. The plant built in 1973, 50 jobs lost.

Aug 9 – Tennessee Transportation Commissioner, Eddie Shaw announced that F-1 highway by-pass route selected.

Sept 1 – Wilma Rudolph, with the Tennessee Department of Employment presented a “Job Job” seminar at Columbia community college. Ms. Rudolph won three gold medals in 1960 Olympics in Rome.

Sept 5 – Columbia Christian school opens in West End Shopping Center in Columbia. Rev. Donald White says the school was founded by temple Baptist church because “Children belong to their parents, not government and we should teach them from the biblical point of view.”

Sept 6 – Columbia Academy starts fall term with 224 students in civilian clothes for first time.

Sept 13 – Stauffer’s workers voted to approve the new contract after brief one day strike. The plant manager, Don Eddleman, said the contract provides a 16 percent wage increase over two years and a substantial improvement in health care and Life insurance.

• Tennessee •

June 15 – US Supreme Court rules work on Tellico dam remains halted due to lower court order to protect endangered Snail Darter fish.

Aug 14 – 1400 Memphis firefighters join Police in wildcat strike. National Guard breakup police picket lines, 150 arrested. Proposed contract for police and fireman voted down.

Aug 18 – 1100 policeman voted to end 8 day strike, accepted 2 year contract, fireman contract still being negotiated.

Sept 3 – Tennessee Park Service opens 431 acre Tims Ford State park.


• Maury


Sept 19 – Page Chamberlain, a English teacher at Columbia Central high school selected as teacher of the year.

Sept 26 – Striking Louisville & Nashville railroad clerks set up picket lines at Columbia and Mt Pleasant, joining a National strike against Virginia based Norfolk ands Western railroad.

• Tennessee •

Oct 5 – Tammy Wynette, country music singer, released from Giles County hospital, battered and bruised after being abducted by masked gunman from Nashville shopping center.

Sept 30 – Columbia’s new sewage plant nears completion, cost $6 million, located off Williamsport pike.

Oct 11 – Memphis teachers strike in violation of court order.

Nov 29 – TVA halts land clearing on Columbia dam project.

Oct 23 – Memphis teachers return to work with new contract.

Dec 5 – Governor elect Lamar Alexander appoints Maury County farmer Clyde York as Commissioner of Agriculture. York served as President of Farm Bureau from 1961 to 1974.

Nov 8 – Lamar Alexander elected governor of Tennessee, Howard Baker re-elected Senator.

Dec 7 – Over 600,000 birds are roosting in southwest Columbia according to US Fish and Wildlife service. The flock is mixed with robins, Starlings and blackbirds. No spraying can be done and getting rid of them is impossible.

Dec 9 – The Church house at 312 West 7th street placed on National Registry of Historical sites. The house built in 1872 by Sims Latta on the Robert Church property, a banker, property sold to J.M. Mayes in 1893.

Dec 14 – Columbia wins annexation law suite adding 3500 acres and 5000 people to city limits.

Dec 20 – Andrew Zinmer 18, placed on five years probation after pleading guilty to 42 counts of arson. Zinmer left for Superior, Wisconsin after sentencing.


• United States •

Jan 1 – US minimum wage goes to $2.90 per hour.


• World •

Jan 1 – Communist China and US formally Est. diplomatic relations.

Jan 4 – Victims and families of victims of Kent State shooting agree to out of court settlement of $675,000. 4 killed and 9 wounded by National Guard.

Jan 7 – Vietnamese troops capture Cambodian capitol Phnom Penh and overthrow Khmer Rouge government.

Jan 26 – Nelson A Rockefeller, former Vice-president under Gerald Ford and four time Governor of New York died, 70.

Jan 15 – Shaw of Iran flees country as Ayatollah Khomeini‘s Islamic guard overthrow Govt. in revolt.

Jan 29 – President Carter commutes 7 year sentence of Patty Hearst.

Feb 1 – Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 15 years in exile.

Feb 18 – “Roots: Next Generation” premiered on ABC-TV.

Feb 5 – Thousands of Iranian students storm US Embassy and take American Ambassador and staff hostage.

March 19 – US House of Representatives begins broadcasting proceedings on C-Span TV.

Feb 17 – China invades Vietnam in border war dispute.

March 28 – Three Mile Island nuclear reactor nearly melts down near Middletown, Pa.

March 26 – Israeli Prime Minister, Menachen Begin and Egypt's President Anwar Sadat sign Camp David peace treaty.

April 27 – Gas tops $1 per gallon.

March 31 – Arab League suspends Egypt for signing peace treaty with Israel.

May 1 – Sony Walkman introduced in US.

April 4 – Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, disposed prime Minister of Pakistan hanged for alleged corruption.

April 11 – Idi Amin, President of Uganda, overthrown.

May 1 – Denmark grants Greenland home rule

June 26 – Muhammad Ali, heavyweight boxing champion resigns title for 3rd time and retires.

July 1 – Susan B Anthony dollar issued.

June 28 – OPEC raises oil to $23.50 a barrel.

July 10 – Boston Pops Orchestra conductor, Arthur Fielder died, 84.

July 16 – Saddam Hussein becomes President of Iraq, executes his rivals.

July 16 – President Carter announces $140 billion energy plan to make the US free of foreign oil.

July 17 – President Somoza of Nicaragua overthrown by Sandinista rebels.

Aug 6 – Chrysler will request to borrow $ 1.5 billion from US Government.

Aug 23 – Iranian troops invade Iraqi Kurdish territory.

Sept 1 – Los Angles court orders Clayton More, actor to stop wearing the Lone Ranger mask in lawsuit brought by company owning rights to image.

Aug 27 – British war hero, Lord Mountbatten and family killed by Irish Republican army bomb.

• •

Oct 1 – President Carter formally returns Panama Canal to Panama.

Oct 17 – Mother Teresa 69, The Saint of Calcutta gutters, awarded the Nobel peace prize.

• •

Oct 6 – Paul Volker, new Fed Chairman begins raising interest rates to curb inflation.

Oct 26 – South Korean strongman President, Park Chung-Lee 62, killed in gun battle.

• •

Oct 6 – Pope John Paul II visits US.

Nov 4 – US Embassy in Iran overrun by students, 100 people held hostage, Iranian Prime Minister, Mehdi Barargan resigns, Ayatollah Khomeini takes over country.

Nov 12 – President Carter orders embargo of Iranian oil.

Dec 15 – Iraqi troops attack Iran.

Nov 19 – AFL-CIO elects Lane Kirkland President of union.

Dec 16 – OPEC raises crude oil to $30 a barrel.

Dec 12 – Football great, O.J. Simpson announces his retirement.

Dec 25 – 45,000 Soviet troops invade Afghanistan.

Dec 31 – Dow Jones average at $838, Inflation rate at 15.7 percent.


• Maury


Jan 5 – The Columbia City Council votes to rename the bypass and Bel-Air drive to honor the late James < “Jeep” Campbell. A Maury County developer who built the by-pass.

Jan 11 – Mrs. Harvell Ashton, Post master of Culleoka for 37 years retired.

Jan 12 – Maury County School Superintendent Ed Cox, appointed Commissioner of Education by Governor elect Lamar Alexander. Mr. Cox served as Superintendent for 26 years, Billy Evans named interim School Superintendent.

Jan 22 – President Carter’s 1980 budget contains no funding for the Columbia dam.

Feb 1 – Former Columbian, Eddie Porter 29, leaves for the People’s Republic of China as 0ne of 20 Americans hired to teach English to Chinese government officials.

Feb 14 – First Farmers and Merchants bank reports assets at a record high of $80 million.

March 13 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce President, John Porter announced securing an option on 200 acres in the Industrial Park site, said to be a German firm.

March 14 – Whitthorne Jr. High basketball coach, Wallace Dillard resigns after 30 years service with a life time record of 385-152-8.

March 19 – Miss Kim Bryan selected as Mule day Queen. She is the daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Don Bryan of Columbia.

March 20 – Clyde York resigns as State Agriculture Commissioner, cites health reasons.

April 6 – Columbia approves contract changes to finish $760,000 new fire hall on Carmack Blvd. CTC firm was unable to complete the job. Hardaway Construction awarded the job.

April 9 – 60,000 view the Mule Day parade.

April 10 – A German company, Colco Inc. announced it will construct a $3.5 million 60,000 sq foot facility on 12 acres in the Columbia Industrial park. The company will manufacture floor cleaning equipment and employ 100.

• Tennessee •

Jan 16 – Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton pardons Regh Humphreys for double murder and commutes 51 other state prisoners.

Jan 18 – Lamar Alexander inaugurated early to prevent Ray Blanton from commuting more prisoners.

April 14 – Maury County and the State of Tennessee after years of discussion will launch a state funded program to restore abandoned phosphate mines held by individuals in the County.

June 23 – Governor Lamar Alexander declares emergency to use state employees to deliver diesel fuel because of striking independent truckers over haul rates.

May 3 – Columbia Academy begins operation under sponsorship of the Church of Christ.

July 1 – Peabody Normal College and Vanderbilt University merged.

July 7 – The program “Carver-Smith High school remembered” will be presented at Columbia Community College. The guest speaker will be Bill Hall, WSM-TV weather man and graduate of Carver-Smith. Classmates from 1949 to 1969, grades 1-12 in attendance.

July 5 – Gannett Corp. purchased Tennessean for $25 million from Evans family.


• Maury


July 10 – First Farmers & Merchants bank announced they will build a new bank in Mt Pleasant to replace the old one.

July 12 – A petition for referendum vote to change Mt Pleasant from a city manager to an elected mayor was filed by Mr. Robert Brown.

July 14 – Colonel Blythe Hatcher, who taught math at Columbia Military Academy for 27 years and served as President from 1970 retired after 47 years service.

July 18 – William & Emily Frost, who purchased Rattle & Snap in 1977 for $ 1 million filed for bankruptcy. Mr. Amon Carter Evans offered to purchase Rattle & Snap for $1 million with court approval.

Aug 2 – The annual Columbia Regional Planning Commission report for 1979-80 says a lack of Rural land use control, outdated zoning laws, a declining downtown business area, shortages of downtown parking space, inadequate housing are major problems facing Columbia.

Aug 4 – Columbia City Council agreed to purchase the historic Church house on West 7th street to restore and open to pubic use. The home was built in 1877 on property once owned by James K Polk. The home was purchased from Mr. & Mrs. Sam P Sweeny II for $84,000.

Sept 4 – The “Fairest of the Fair” in Maury County is Christie Foust, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Foust of Columbia.

Sept 11 – The James K Polk home on West 7th street awarded a $12,300 grant to hire a full time director, says Polk Auxiliary President, Mrs. Frances Rainey.

Sept 15 – After 26 years of garbage collection in Sunnyside, Westwood, Pleasant hills, Hidden Lake Estates and Country Club Estates, John Glenn a black 64 year old will retire because the city of Columbia annexed the areas and will now collect the garbage. Glenn who lives in Godwin charged residents $1.50 per week to collect their garbage.

Oct 1 – Head Mule Master of Maury County, Charlie Skillington died, 86. He was considered Maury County foremost authority on mules and nationally recognized.

Oct 3 – The US Department of Interior accepts the TVA proposed project to protect two species of endangered Duck River mussel’s in order to resume construction on the Columbia dam.

Oct 3 – “Oaklawn;, the old Absalom Thompson house was placed on the National Register of Historic places.

Oct 3 – Columbia's new fire station on Carmack blvd. opens

• Tennessee

Aug 18 – Tennessee commercial interest rates ceiling rises to 15.5 percent from 10.5 percent.

Sept 25 – Tennessee Labor leader, Matt Lynch 66, ousted as President of Tennessee labor council by former state labor commissioner, Jim Neely 38, who was appointed by Governor Ray Blanton.


• Maury


Nov 2 – Columbia City Council approves donating $49,000 in old Columbia High school equity to Maury County if County will restore the facility.

Dec 1 – The Federal Environmental Protection report lists 17 chemical dumps in Maury County, 10 in Mt Pleasant area, 106 in state of Tennessee.

Dec 3 – The Federal Environmental Protection Agency forces Union Carbide to cut production 25 percent to reduce pollution over next 15 months.

Dec 6 – The Knights of Columbus 7447 chartered in Columbia.

Dec 7 – Columbia city manager, Barrett Jones, said he will not fire Columbia Police Chief, Edward Holton, despite the city council ordering him to do so.

Dec 10 – The Columbia City Council backs off firing police chief resolution after public show support for city manager actions not to fire him.

• Tennessee •

Nov 1 – Tennessee Senator Howard Baker ( R ) officially announces candidacy for President.

Nov 19 – TVA closes gates to Tellico Dam to start fill of 16,000 acre lake.


• United States


Jan 2 – Gold soars to $875 per ounce.

Jan 10 – Former AFL-CIO President George Meany died, 86.

Jan 11 – Honda inc announced it will build first Japanese auto plant in Ohio.

• World •

Jan 15 - UN votes for Soviets to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Feb 13 - XIII Winter Olympics opens in Lake Placid, NY.

Feb 18 – Pierre Trudeau elected Prime Minister of Canada.

March 23 – Disposed Shah of Iran arrives in Egypt.

May 4 – Marshall Josip Broz Tito, communist dictator of Yugoslavia since 1943 died, 87.

Jan 20 – President Carter announces boycott of summer Olympics in Moscow over USSR troops in Afghanistan.

Jan 29 – Jimmy Durante, comedian died, 88.

Feb 22 – US Olympic Hockey team defeats Soviets at Lake Placid, NY in 4-3 miracle upset, wins gold. Eric Hieden 21, wins 5th gold medal in speed skating.

May 6 – British Commando’s rapel down ropes to enter Iranian embassy, killing 4 Arab-Iranian terrorists to rescue 19 hostages in 6 day standoff in London.

March 4 – Prime rate rises to 17.5 percent interest on loans.

May 18 – China launches first Intercontinental missile in test.

March 12 – Chicago jury finds John Wayne Gacy Jr. guilty of murdering 33 men and boys.

May 20 – 60 percent of Quebec voters reject separatism in referendum vote.

May 22 – Computer game “Pac-man” debuts in Japan.

June 11 – OPEC raises price of crude oil to $32 a barrel.

June 23 – Vietnam invades Thailand.

July 19 – Moscow summer Olympics begin, boycotted.

July 27 - Disposed Shah of Iran died of cancer in Egypt, 60.

Aug 14 – 17,000 polish ship workers strike at the Lenin shipyards in Gdansk, strike leads to creation of Solidarity movement.

Aug 17 – Lindy Chamberlain claimed her baby, Azaria was dragged off by a dingo from a family camp, body never found. Later convicted of murder, released after 4 years in prison when baby clothes found in desert.

Aug 25 – 150,000 Polish worker strike in support of ship workers strike led by Lech Walesa.

Sept 2 – Moslem hardliner, Ali Rejai named Iran’s new Prime minister as 52 American hostages held for 304 days.

March 29 – Mt. St Helen in Washington erupts.

April 24 – US Iranian hostage rescue team fails when two helicopters collide in desert in Iran, 8 dead. Sec. of State Cyrus Vance resigns.

May 9 – Liberian freighter hits Sunshine Bridge over Tampa Bay, causing 1400 foot section to fall, killing 35.

May 18 – Mount St Helen explodes, 57 people killed.

June 1 – Ted Turner’s cable news network “CNN” begins all news 24-7 news service.

July 16 – Ronald Reagan wins Republican nomination for President in Detroit, George Bush as vice-President.

Aug 1 – Independent John Anderson says he would consider dropping his 3rd party bid for Presidency if democrats don’t nominate Jimmy Carter.

Aug 14 – Jimmy Carter nominated for President by Democrats, Walter Mondale as Vice-President.

Sept 7 – “Dallas’ TV series sweeps ratings.

Nov 1 – Voyager sends back photos of Saturn moons & rings.

Sept 17 - Former Nicaraguan President Somoza assassinated in Paraguay.

Nov 4 – Ronald Reagan elected 40th President of US.

Sept 18 – Lady Diane Spencer 19, romantically linked to Prince Charles of Britain, heir to the Throne.

Nov 17 – US Supreme Court rules 10 commandments cannot be displayed in Kentucky school case.

Sept 22 – Iraqi forces invade Iran.

Nov 21 – 87 people died in MGM Grand Hotel fire in Las Vegas.

Oct 23 – Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin resigns, cites poor health.

Dec 1 – IBM delivers 1st computer to Microsoft to create MS-DOS operating system.

Nov 20 – China “Gang of Four” put on trail as scapegoats for failure of cultural revolution 1966-1976.

Dec 12 – Apple Computer stock goes on public sale for $22 per share.

Dec 8 – John Lennon, former Beatle, killed by Mark David Chapman.

Dec 16 – Col. Harlan Sanders, Kentucky Fried chicken died, 90.

• •

Dec 18 – Former Soviet Premier, Alexi Kosygin died, 76. 621

• Maury


Jan 8 – Williamson County withdraws support for access to I-65 at Duplex road in Spring hill and proposes an Interchange at Thompson Station road instead.

Jan 8 – First Farmers and Merchants Bank President Virgil H Moore announced the promotion of T. Randy Stevens and John P Tomlinson to Vice-President.

Jan 10 – J C Penny’s announces it will open a new 51,000 sq foot store in the 36 acre Shady Brook mall by January 1981, along with a 38,000 sq foot Harvey’s Department store. Shady Brook to be 186,000 sq foot enclosed mall.

Jan 16 – Mr. John R Neal continues extensive renovation of Clifton Place on Mt Pleasant pike.

Jan 18 – Maury County school Liaison committee voted to accept Columbia’s offer to “stabilize” the old Central High school in exchange for $49,000 in equity, recommendation to go to full commission.

Jan 22 – Maury County Commission votes to accept Columbia proposal to stabilize the old Central High school in exchange for $49,000 in equity.

Jan 23 – The Daily Herald editor, Jim Finney Jr. resigns to accept job with East Tennessee firm in material handling.

Feb 2 – Two Stauffer employees, Bruce McNeese 47 and Michael Norman 25 of Mt Pleasant died from lack of oxygen in the tank they were cleaning. The tank contained Hydrogen Sulfide. The Stauffer plant was cited for a safety violation by the state.

March 4 – Gasohol now sold in 5 Maury County gas stations, distribution by Chiles oil distributors in Columbia.

March 5 – The $30,000 picnic shelter in Woodland park nears completion, constructed by the Columbia Rotary Club.

March 5 – The Kentucky Fried Chicken special in Maury County includes, 2 pcs chicken, potatoes & gravy, Cole slaw & roll for $1.59.

March 11 – 12 Bel-Air Nursing Home staff on Campbell Blvd. walked off the job protesting low wages and poor working conditions.

March 15 – CBS 60 Minutes film crew comes to Maury County to tell the story of the Columbia dam and Duck River project.

March 23 – The Mule Day Queen is Suzanne Gibson 16, the daughter of Mrs. Donna Gibson and the late Donald Gibson.

April 2 – The Superrama Food store on Carmack blvd. celebrated its grand opening, formally the Lovett family IGA Foodliner store, Doug Bouder and Ed Tietgens new owners.

• Tennessee

Jan 15 – The Tennessee House of Representatives ousts Representative Robert Fisher ( R ) of Elizabethton, Tn. on bribery charges, first in Tennessee history.

March 1 – Tennessee attorney General declares Tennessee state alimony unconstitutional under equal protection clause of 14th amendment.

March 6 – Senator Howard Baker gives up quest for Presidential nomination.


• Maury


April 7 – Two innocent bystanders shot and killed by gunfire, John R Neal Jr. 17, of Clifton Place and Robert “Bob” Smith 24, of Mt Pleasant pike died at the J.B. Potts farm in Theta. Donald Wright 31, of Columbia arrested. Four shots fired in struggle with brother hit the two men.

April 14 – Mule Day draws 50,000 despite chilly rain, Billy Carter rides in parade as Grand Marshall.

April 19 – Mrs. Merle Carlisle, owner of the H. T. Carlisle store in Bethel for past 50 years turns over the keys to the new owners, Grace and Clifton Anderson of Spring Hill.

April 22 – 37 former students of old Columbia Institute hold class reunion at home of Mrs. William B Gordon of Columbia, school closed in 1933.

April 30 – “The Farm” of Summertown bid $31,000 to install a new roof and new wood first floor in old Columbia Central High school. To start project immediately.

April 30 – Hamilton Place sold for $248,000 to avoid court auction sale by owners, Mayne Johnson and son Joseph Johnson

May 4 – The Daily Herald publishes its first Sunday paper edition.

June 15 – Sterling Marlin 23, captures Nashville International Speedway Chevrolet 250 Grand American race.

June 20 – Maury County Commissioners dump Highway 43 project. New resolution calls for Governor Lamar Alexander to add two additional lanes to present Columbia-Mt pleasant pike rather than building new limited access bypass highway.

June 22 – Columbian, Ginger Bobo wins $4,000 in prizes on National TV show, “The Price is Right.”

June 29 – Maury County’s first CPA, Lester Bone 64, will retire. He founded the firm, Bone, Hundly, Sanderson and Kelly in 1952 in Columbia.

July 3 - The Shady Brook mall ground breaking on Campbell blvd. celebrated, $10 million mall.

July 8 – Maury County Commission approves $325,095 contract to operate the land fill site for 3 years.

July 13 – E.B. Harrison 68, will retire after 40 years in Service station business on corner of West 7th and High street. Mr. Edwin Bean Harrison started leasing the Sinclair station in 1940 when gas was 17 cents per gallon, car wash was 5o cents.

July 15 – The heat wave in Maury County has caused two deaths.

• Tennessee

May 8 – Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander calls up 500 National Guard to supplement the Nashville city fire department as 1100 fireman strike.

June 8 - The Ginsburg Department store in Lewisburg closes after 62 years of service, 87 year old Meyer Ginsberg retired.

July 9 – Tennessee’s worst heat wave kills 150 as one week of 100 degrees plus hits state.

July 15 – Tennessee Highway patrolman made a 8 hour search of 1700 acre Community farm in Lewis County. Farm residents have filed $10 million lawsuit for illegal search of farm. 623

• Maury


July 22 – Maury County Commission approves $4.5 million for two new schools and 10 special education class rooms. The new schools are Spring Hill elementary and Riverside.

July 22 – Maury County Commission reverses itself, now will support new state Highway 43 by-pass proposal.

July 27 – Columbia’s 13’s Babe Ruth team are the state champions after beating Lewisburg 7-2, team will go to southeast conference tournament, coached by Ray Johnson.

• Tennessee

Aug 2 - Tennessee Performing Arts center opens in Nashville.

Sept 19 – Tennessee officials are saying a 700 acre site in Rutherford County could be the site of a $300 million Nissan auto plant. 624

Aug 7 – Maury County Court Judge James Weatherford rules Maury County responsible for maintenance of roads in Sagewood subdivision off Highway 31 after 7 year stalemate.

Aug 8 – Columbia’s Marvin “Junior” Holt wins three man race for Road Superintendent of Maury County.

Aug 8 – Maury County population set at 51,026; Columbia at 29,282; Mt Pleasant at 3,589; Spring Hill at 982. this represents a 15 percent rise since 1970.

Aug 14 – A monument to phosphate discovery in Maury County by William Shirley dedicated in Maury County Park by Hooker Chemical official, Ed Smith and L.C. Hiiler, plant manager of the Columbia plant.

Aug 24 – Maury Countian, Butch Berry of Rally Hill retires as rodeo clown after 16 year career due to injury.

Aug 27 – Convicted double murderer, Donald Wright 31, given two life sentences for the killing of John R Neal Jr. and Robert Smith.

Sept 2 – The “Fairest of the Fair” winner is Miss Joanie Hardison, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hardison of Columbia.

Sept 3 – TVA proposal calls for 65 year old Columbia Central High School now on the National Historic Register to have installed solar heating and solar greenhouse, convert facility into Community rooms and concert hall, cost $1.2 million. Some Maury County Commissioners are calling for it to be torn down to make it into a parking lot. The TVA proposal to be studied by the old CHS Restoration Committee says Chairman, Mary Jane Beasley.

Sept 14 – 2500 attend Hooker Chemical open house.

Sept 14 – 24 Maury Countians and 6 Industrial sponsors donated a total of $25,000 to the endowment for the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville says Mrs. Robin Courtney who serves on the TPAC chartered board.

Sept 14 – Mrs. Mary Ruth Edwards named director of the Maury County Historical Society “Vine Hill’ property. Mrs. Edwards taught school in Mississippi and worked at the Tennessee State Library and Archives.

Sept 19 – Squire Larry Hanson resigns as Maury County Commissioner to run landfill operation.

• Maury


Sept 21 – TVA shuts down Columbia Duck River dam project, 75 workers laid off, lack of funding cited.

Oct 2 – New Montgomery Ward Columbia store has Grand opening in Northway Shopping Center.

Oct 2 – President Carter signs waterway bill with $18 million inserted in it by Congress to keep Columbia Duck River Dam project going.

Oct 17 – Mr. & Mrs. Harry T Cook donate 38 acres south of Maury County Park, bounded by L & N railroad, West Haven, Hilandale and Fieldcrest subdivisions to Columbia for new city park.

Oct 19 – One dozen KKK white robed Klansmen solicited money in downtown Columbia for 3 hours and distributed literature. “We got a real good response” said Exalted Cyclops, Jerry Bell of Love’s branch road in Maury County.

Oct 19 – The original Spring Hill bank, known as “the hole in the Wall bank” founded in 1901 by Mr. E.H. Ayers will be replaced by a new bank.

Oct 19 – Early’s Honey Stand moved to a new location 1 mile north of Spring Hill after 55 years of business, it has a mailing list of 42,000.

Oct 31 – Maury County property tax hiked 51 cents per $100 is triple the average state increase rate. Maury County’s effective rate is $1.98 per $100 at 52 percent of assessed value.

Nov 2 – 25 merchants and property owners in Downtown Columbia form an organization to revitalize downtown Columbia. The downtown Columbia Revitalization Committee chairman is Mr. Frank Walker.

Nov 9 – The new section of the Natchez Trace Parkway dedicated, the 6.2 miles of road between Gordonville and Kettle Mills.

Nov 16 – Amon Carter Evans, former owner and Publisher of the Nashville Tennessean, owner of Rattle & Snap appointed to the Tennessee Historical Commission by Governor Lamar Alexander.

Nov 16 – The “Popular House” Spring Hill restaurant on highway 31 opened. The old restaurant originally built in 1947 now owned by Fredric Brown and Reba Mobb’s. A tribute to the original owner W.O. “Stan” Standfill is “Stan’s sailor boy”, the Inlaid floor tile image of the champion Walker coon hound at the front entrance.

Nov 23 – Columbia's new Post office opens in the old Kroger store on west 7th street.

Dec 12 – Mr. Ed Cox resigns as State School Commissioner saying “someone with different management skills would be better suited for the job.”

• Tennessee

Oct 19 – The University of Tennessee dedicated the Tennessee veterinary Medical building in Knoxville to Mr. Clyde M York of Columbia, who served on the UT Board of Trustees for 27 years.

Oct 30 – Former Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton indicted for conspiring to take payoffs in exchange for liquor licenses.

Nov 2 – The Japanese auto company Nissan Inc, announced it will build a $300 million auto plant in Smyrna. The plant will be 3 million sq feet and employ 2200.

Nov 9 – Tennessee State Representative Emmett Ford and his wife, Earlene found guilty of insurance fraud. They are members of prominent Congressman Harold Ford family of Memphis.

Dec 10 – The leader of the Tennessee “Farm” in Summertown, Stephen Gaskin, was presented as “practical alternative” to Nobel prize, winning $25,000.


• United States


Jan 1 – Roger Smith becomes new CEO of General Motors.

Jan 1 – Children born on/after this date are considered “Y” generation as opposed to “X” generation.

Jan 20 – Ronald Reagan inaugurated as 41st President of US.

• World •

Jan 19 – Iran reaches agreement with US to release 52 hostages with transfer of $7.9 billion in Iranian frozen assets since 1979.

Jan 20 – Iran releases 52 American hostages after 444 days of capture.

Jan 25 – 52 Hostages held in Iran arrive in US.

Feb 24 – British Prince Charles engagement to Lady Dianne Spencer announced.

Jan 29 – President Reagan signs Executive order to terminate price and wage controls.

May 1 – Japan voluntarily agrees to cut auto imports by 140,000 units, 1.8 million imported in 1980.

Feb 3 – GM reports record loss of $763 million in 1980.

March 6 – Walter Cronkite signs off for last time as CBS news anchor, Dan Rather makes debut as CBS news anchor.

May 5 – Irish Republican Army leader, Bobby Sands, elected to British parliament, died of self inflicted hunger strike on 66th day with no food.

March 10 President Reagan announces budget cuts of 48 billion.

May 10 – Socialist Francois Mitterand elected President of France.

March 30 – President Reagan 70, shot and wounded outside Washington DC hotel by John W Hinckley, James Brady, Secret Service and city policeman wounded.

May 13 – Pope John Paul II 60, shot in Rome in St Peters square by Turkish Mehnet Ali Agca.

June 2 – President of Bangladesh, Ziaur Rahmon , assassinated.

June 7 – Israeli bombers destroy nuclear power plant in Iraq, a French built reactor.

July 29 – Prince Charles and Lady Dianne Spencer married.

Aug 31 – Iran’s President Mohammed Ali Rajai and Prime minister Jaund Bahonas killed by terrorist bomb after 27 days in office.

April 1 – Gas prices rise to $1.42 per gallon.

April 12 – First space shuttle, Columbia, blasts off in first test flight with Robert Crippen and John Young aboard.

April 24 – IBM personal computer introduced.

May 5 – Federal Reserve discount rate raised to 14 percent.

June 5 – Federal Center for Disease Control reports mysterious fatal pneumonia outbreak among gay men, named Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Sept 1 – Albert Speer, close associate of Adolf Hitler died in London, 76.

July 29 – Two giant walkways collapsed in Hyatt Regency hotel in Kansas City, killing 111 and injuring 188.

Sept 21 – Belize gains independence from Britain.

July 31 – 50 day Major League baseball strike ends.

Oct 6 – Egypt’s President, Anwar Sadat assassinated by Islamic fundamentalist soldiers in Cairo, Vice-President Hosni Murbarak sworn in as President.

Aug 3 – 12,000 US Air Traffic Controllers strike, President Reagan replaces them.

Oct 7 – Mushe Dayan, Israeli war hero died, 66.

Sept 20 – 250,000 organized labor members demonstrate in Washington DC. to protest President Reagan’s budget cuts.

Oct 28 – Millions of Polish Solidarity workers strike to defy communist orders not to do so.

Sept 25 – Sandra Day O’Conner sworn in as first woman US Supreme Court Justice.

Nov 4 – General Wojciech Jaruzelski becomes Prime Minister of Poland, declares martial law.

Nov 13 – President Reagan orders Admiral Hyman Rickover to retire, 81.

Dec 14 – Israel annexes Golan Heights, seized from Syria in 1967 war.

Nov 28 – University of Alabama football coach, Bear Bryant, becomes all time winning coach with win #315.

Dec 20 – Lech Walesa urged Polish strikers of Solidarity to remain non-violent as Polish police club strikers, killing 56.

Dec 31 – CNN launches Headline News program.


• Maury •


Jan 4 – Middle Tennessee Bank officials are sifting garbage at the Maury County landfill to recover a night deposit bag containing $51,000. The bag belonged to Mr. Jimmy Dalton of Dalton furniture, bag was accidently discarded in trash.

Jan 19 – Maury County Commissioners approved a $100,000 down payment on a 200 acre industrial park located on the Meen-Burt property on West Rutherford Lane. They also approved $400,000 in development costs for the Industrial Park.

Feb 1 – 49 year Daily Herald employee, Wesley Notgrass retired. He started work at the Herald in 1929 as a carrier, worked as printers devil, typesetter, circulation manager, linotype operator and electronic typewriter.

Feb 1 – The new Spring Hill office building on US 31 will house a dentist office and beauty shop, dress shop and dance school, owned by Ed Harmon. The old bank building was torn down to make way for the new building.

Feb 5 – Social Security office moves into the old post office building on South Garden street (Federal building).

Feb 13 – The Maury County school board votes to dispose of the old Whitthorne Jr. High school building.

March 11 – A women dressed as a nurse abducted a two day old baby from the Maury County hospital. The missing child is Clint Allen Smithson, infant son of Jeff and Sarah Simpson, a search is underway.

March 13 – The kidnapped baby found unharmed, Linda Wright 29, of Columbia charged with the abduction.

March 15 – Maury County’s three oldest workers are saluted, Miss Jance Poss 75, a saleswomen at Derryberry Drug store, Mr. Lebert l Dickson 84, a barber at Larry’s Barber shop in downtown Columbia and Sgt. Aubrey B Wright 92, a farmer in Culleoka.

March 19 – Maury County Mule Day queen is Kim Wilson .

March 26 – The alcohol beverage commission approved a liquor store for Spring Hill, owned by Linda Gemmell and Ruby Cowherd, store to be on US 31.

March 27 – Union Carbide and local 912 reach agreement on two year contract. Employees receive pay raise of 78 – 99 cents the first year and 2nd year, 850 employees covered by contract.

March 29 – Opponents of the liquor sales in Spring Hill win court victory when Judge Joe Ingram orders city to conduct referendum vote on the sale of liquor beverages.

March 29 – Mobil Chemical company announced it will spend $350,000 to repair 70 acre Arrow Lake dam, Army Corp. of Engineers says spillway fails tom meet safety standards and dam is leaking.

• Tennessee •

Jan 18 – Tennessee Industrial growth sets record in 1980, 68 new plants located to state and 95 expanded with over $1 billion in investments.

Feb 12 – The President of US Nissan breaks ground on the new Nissan auto plant in Smyrna.

March 10 – Former Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton bribery trail for pardons underway.


• Maury


April 4 – 70,000 see Mule day parade, Archy Campbell was parade Grand Marshall.

April 4 – Columbia police officer, Larry Whitwell 34, shot and killed by robbery suspect during struggle on Confederate drive in Woodland Park. He is the first Columbia police officer killed line of duty.

April 5 – Maury County jobless rate jumps to 10.5 percent.

April 6 – Andrew Jackson Braden III 19, of Mooresville pike and James O’Neal Gordon 17, of Hanaway street charged with 1st degree murder of Columbia police officer, Larry Whitwell.

April 12 – Columbia Community State College history professor, William “Bill” Andrews developed a audio-visual program entitled “The United States and Republic during the Spanish Civil War” to be presented at the International conference at University of California in San Diego.

April 12 – The old Macedonia Elementary school on West 4th street will be converted into 14 apartments called “Diamond wood” built by Mr. John Baker. The $200,000 project was completed with a 3 percent loan of $114,000 from HUD and $86,000 of Mr. Bakers own money.

April 16 – Stauffer Chemical will pay $30 million for TVA phosphate rights on 1400 acres in Williamson County, says Donald Eddleman.

April 29 – 1200 people pack Central High school auditorium for the Daily Herald cooking classes.

May 3 – Columbia police officers, Donna and Joe Fagan celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary. The couple met while employed by the city. Joe patrols at night with his K-9 dog “Dingo” and Donna works days.

May 10 – Spring Hill voters rejected the sale of liquor in the city and defeated Mayor George Jones. Voters elected Joe Frye 191-137, the liquor referendum failed 153 – 113.

May 17 – Tennessee Knitting Mills will close the Columbia plant says plant manager, Don Bryant. The plant founded in 1929 had at one time over 600 employees. Today 220 workers manufacture nylon goods and will lose their jobs.

May 28 – The Carver-Smith special education school will close its doors.

June 17 – The Army Corp. of Engineers recommended renewing the construction permit for the $153 million Duck River Columbia dam. The dam still will face environmental protection and budget hurdles.

• Tennessee •

April 2 – The Normandy dam reservoir is down 25 percent because of severe drought over the last 10 months. Rainfall to date is 24 inches versus a normal rainfall of 44 inches, a 50 percent deficit.

Columbia Police officer Larry Whitwell

April 22 – State Capitol janitor, Avalhun Brandon testified that former governor Ray Blanton had him carry $15,500 in bribe money to release four prisoners. The pay off was allegedly for the release of James Webb Anglin of Columbia.

May 13 – Governor Lamar Alexander signs state gas tax increase of 7 cents per gallon to 9 cents per gallon.

June 10 – Former Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton found guilty of bribery in selling liquor licenses.


• Maury


July 7 – The French company, Rhone-Poulence purchased the Mobil Chemical phosphate plant in Mt Pleasant on Arrow Mines road.

July 9 – The Columbia Duck River dam construction permit was approved, funding now being sought.

July 20 – The Maury County Commission approved a property tax hike from $3.78 to $4.18 per $100. 13 cents for schools, 2 cents for the General fund, 25 cents for debt service. The commission also approved a referendum vote to raise the County sales tax from 6.25 percent to 6.75 percent.

July 22 – President Reagan's office of Management and Budget released $15.8 million to begin construction on the Columbia dam. The environmental defense fund is expected to file a law suit to stop construction.

July 24 – The newest section of Highway 50 in Maury County and Marshall county opened, providing a shorter route from Glendale to Lewisburg.

Aug 2 – State Representative, Bill Richardson (D) of Columbia announced he will run for the 17th district State Senate seat.

Aug 9 – Kuhn’s Big-K store in Campbell Plaza Shopping Center to close, a Nashville discount store chain announced it will merge with Wal-mart of Bentonville, Ark and will construct a Wal-mart store near the Shady Brook Mall.

Aug 10 – Construction resumes on the Columbia Dam.

Aug 20 – The Columbia Chrysler dealer, Hardcastle Motors at 605 North main closed after 22 years business. Mr. Stan Hardcastle said, “The auto business is not what it used to be.”

Aug 25 – Andrew Jackson Braden III pleads guilty to killing Columbia police officer, Larry Whitwell, sentenced to life imprisonment.

Aug 30 – Harvey’s Department store announced it will anchor the Shady Brook mall, says store manager, Steve LeFever.

Sept 6 – The Northway Shopping Center to be remodeled, businesses include Piggly Wiggly, Gibson Discount Center, First Farmers & Merchants bank, Revco Drugs, Sears, South Central Bell, Sterchi furniture, Montgomery Ward and Universal Tire.

Sept 14 – Columbia residents are moving into North Ridge, a low rent housing development off Burt drive. The Columbia Housing Authority is renting 66 new units, total cost of project is $2.1 million. The maximum rent is $171 per month and residents pay no more than 25 percent of their monthly income for rent.

• Tennessee

Aug 14 – Former Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton sentenced to 3 years in prison and fined $11,000 for bribery.


• Maury •


Sept 15 – Wal-mart opens its new store near the Shady Brook mall. The store has 63,000 sq feet says store manager, Jack Shoemaker.

Sept 30 – The Shady Brook Mall has its Grand opening, $11 million mall.

Oct 2 – Dr. Joel Berlin of Nashville purchased the Sweeny home on West 7th street for $100,000.

Oct 6 – James O’Neal Gordon sentenced to 50 years in prison for aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder of Columbia police officer, Larry Whitwell ,34.

Oct 30 – Columbia’s Tennessee Knitting Mill closed.

Nov 12 – First Federal Saving & Loan in Maury county drops mortgage rate from 17 percent to 14 percent.

Nov 13 – Chargeur’s Rennis, a French company buys the DuPont Sponge plant.

Nov 19 – US House of Representatives kills extra $4 million for Columbia dam earmarked funding.

Nov 22 – Braid Electronic celebrates its Grand opening on the By-pass.

Nov 26 – Columbia’s Central High school band march in Macy’s Thanksgiving parade.

Dec 3 – Maury County Commission votes to approve state plan to build 4 lane limited access Route 6 to replace Highway 43 between Columbia and Mt Pleasant.

Dec 6 – President Reagan signs public works bill that includes $12 million for Columbia dam project.

Dec 10 – Maury County teachers rejected the proposal to form a collective bargaining union by a 2-1 vote, 352 to 152. The vote called by the Maury County Education Association.

Dec 13 – Columbia receives its new $208,000 Aerial fire truck, bucket on truck rises to 85 feet.

Dec 15 – 15,000 attend revival of Columbia's Christmas parade, first in 10 years.

Dec 18 – Maury County Chief Deputy, Bob Farmer announced his resignation, says he is considering “private investigation” business.

Dec 31 – Linda K Wright sentenced to 20 years in prison for kidnapping of 3 day old baby from Maury county hospital.

• Tennessee •

Sept 21 – Tennessee’s drought has farm income at lowest point in 32 years. The crop income down 75 percent from last year says Tennessee state agriculture Department.

Dec 9 – A mine explosion in Whitwell, TN. kills 13 coal miners.


• United States


Jan 7 – Total US auto sales sink to 20 year low with 8.2 million cars/trucks sold, imports at 2.2 million.

Jan 8 – AT&T settles Justice Department anti-trust suit and agrees to divest itself of 22 Bell system companies, 60 percent of its assets, agreed to form 7 Baby Bell Telephone companies.

• World •

Feb 14 – French President Mitterrand socializes French economy.

March 5 - Russian spacecrafts, Venera 13 and 14 land on Venus, send back data.

April 2 – Several thousand Argentina troops seize Falkland Islands, British naval fleet sent.

April 8 – British naval fleet blockades Falkland Islands.

April 17 – Canada adopts new constitution to replace old 1867 British North American Home rule act.

Feb 1 – The “Late Night with David Letterman show” premiered on NBC-TV.

May 2 – British forces begin attack on Falkland Islands, Argentinean cruiser, General Belgramo sunk, 600 men lost.

Feb 28 – A Puerto Rican Nationalist group bombed Wall street at 4 sites.

June 6 – Israeli forces invaded Lebanon to drive PLO out.

June 9 – Syria attacks Israeli forces near Beirut.

June 13 – King Khalid of Saudi Arabia died, 69. He is succeeded by half brother Crown Prince, Fahd.

June 14 – Argentina surrenders British Falklands, 970 people killed, 255 British soldiers killed.

June 21 – Prince William, eldest son of Prince Charles and princess Diane born.

Jan 12 – UAW agrees to reopen Big Three auto contracts. Japanese have $1000 to $1500 per unit cost advantage. Total UAW wage & benefit costs reported at $19.65 per hour. Japanese total labor costs at $10 per hour. GM agrees to pass on saving to customers.

Feb 28 – Wayne B Williams convicted of the murder of 28 black men in Atlanta.

March 5 – John Belushi 33, comedian found dead from drug overdose.

March 22 – UAW agrees to concessions in new auto contract.

May 7 – US jobless rate at 9.4 percent, highest in 40 years.

June 11 – Movie “E.T.” debuts.

July 14 – Iran launches “Ramadan” offensive against Iraq.

Aug 12 – Henry Fonda actor, died, 77.

Aug 17 – First compact disc manufactured in Netherlands.

Aug 24 – US Marines land in Lebanon as peace keeping force.

Aug 22 – PLO terrorists begin pulling out of Lebanon, Yasir Arafat exiled.

Aug 30 – US agrees to loan Mexico $1.8 billion to halt bankruptcy.

Sept 14 – Lebanon president, Bashir Germayel killed by terrorist bomb.

Sept 15 – First issue of “USA Today” published by Gannett Inc.

Sept 14 – Princess Grace of Monaco, former Grace Kelly actress, killed in auto accident, 52.

Oct 1 – Disney EPCOT Center opens in Orlando, Fla.

Oct 1- West Germans elect Helmut Kohl Chancellor.

Oct 19 – Carmaker John DeLorean arrested in $24 million cocaine deal.

Oct 8 – Communist Polish Govt. bans “Solidarity” .

• •

Nov 10 – New Vietnam Veteran memorial opened to public.

Oct 13 – Olympic committee restores two gold medals to Jim Thorpe for 1912 games.

Nov 24 – FCC drops limits on duration and number of commercials viewed by public.

Nov 10 – International Monetary fund lends Mexico $3.5 billion.

Dec 15 – Paul W “Bear” Byrant 69, retired with 322 wins, 85 loses, 17 ties at University of Alabama.

Nov 10 Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev died, 75. Yuri Andropov succeeds him.

Dec 26 – Time magazine picks the “computer” as “Man of the year”.

• •

Nov 14 – Lech Walesa released from prison after 11 months. 631

• Maury


Jan 3 – Baker school renovation completed, special education class rooms and library added.

Jan 10 – James T Dubois sworn in as President of Maury County Chamber of Commerce at their 57th annual meeting.

Jan 13 – 5 inches of snow, freezing rain and sub-zero temperatures hit Maury County.

Jan 17 – “Halcyon Hall” renovation transforms the old Columbia house at the corner of 6th and north Garden street. The three story red & yellow house restored by Alan Kemper & Ron Weingart who purchased the house 5 years ago.

Jan 26 – The Maury County Commissioners vote to move the Juvenile court to General Sessions court.

Jan 29 – Maury County Hospital Trustee’s approve a $10 million expansion plan, adding 28 beds.

Jan 31 – Columbia will remove 20 feet off the top on Mt Parnassus, “The Knob” to make way for construction of a new water reservoir, says city water manager, James Ray, cost $500,000.

Feb 3 – The Maury County jobless rate climbed to 11.6 percent.

Feb 14 – Congressman Al Gore Jr. and Maury County Jaycees honor Sgt. Joe Smith, recipient of the Larry Whitwell memorial law enforcement award; Elliot Hampton as outstanding young farmer and Cynthia Honner as outstanding young educator at Maury County JC’s Distinguished Service banquet.

Feb 21 – Maury County Historical Society’s new President, Mrs. Newsom Cooper announced it will have a museum in the upper hall of Vine Hill. Mrs. Louise Carpenter donated her father’s military papers and photographs to the society. Her father was Martin Stokes, Superintendent of the Columbia Arsenal who came in 1890 to oversee construction of the arsenal.

Feb 22 – Former Columbia Mayor, George E Sloan, well known local businessman died, 88. Mr. Sloan was involved in wholesale groceries, a graduate of Columbia Military Academy in 1910, owner of the Tuell Dairy Company and a dry cleaning store. He was elected Mayor of Columbia in 1933.

Feb 23 – The Anderson Bros. & Foster’s Department store will change its name to Sullivan's, says Wayne Sims, Vicepresident of the Columbia store operations.

Feb 28 – A new Mt Pleasant Taiwanese plant could provide 300 new jobs, the $10 million payroll plant to manufacture plastic film.

March 2 – Maury County jobless rate climbs to 13.9 percent.

• Tennessee

Feb 10 – The Brushy Mountain prison riot at Petros, Tn. Kills 2 and wounds 2 prisoners, racial unrest cited as the cause.

Feb 10 – Genesco Inc. will shut down its Centerville plant, 240 jobs lost.


• Maury


March 14 – Miss Terrie Anderson 17, chosen as Mule Day queen, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Irvin S Reed Jr. of Columbia.

March 18 – Maury Manufacturing to close, 300 people will lose their jobs. The factory manufactures men’s and boys shirts for past 15 years.

March 31 – Spring Hill voters narrowly approve a liquor store in referendum vote, 219-198.

April 2 – Maury County jobless rate increased to 15.6 percent.

April 4 – 75,000 attend Mule Day parade, Bill Monroe is Grand Marshall.

April 7 – First United Methodist church announces construction of new Fellowship Hall, cost $400,000, 6550 sq feet addition.

May 9 – Maury County horse, Prince Saram, owned by Mr. & Mrs. John R Neal of Clifton Place win the Iroquois Steeple chase race in Davidson county.

June 17 – 150 Maury County citizens pack County Budget meeting to urge no more tax increases, current property tax rate is $4.18 with $22.6 million budget. Farmer Wick Halliday, said property tax here went from $2.99 per $100 to $4.18 per $100 in last 3 years.

June 21 – Maury County Medical Society passed a resolution opposing proposed establishment of a hospital in Mt Pleasant.

June 23 – The Maury County landfill in Industrial Park expanded by 19 acres, adds three years to life of landfill.

June 23 – Maury County Budget committee votes to eliminate $58,000 annual contribution to Maury County Hospital for care of indigent. The hospital asked for $192,000 this year. The county has paid the hospital for indigent care since 1952.

June 24 – A triple murder on the Duck River near Vaughn’s Landing off Sowell Mill pike occurred. Mrs. J.T. “Hazel” Estis, her son, Gary Estis and his wife Diane, killed by a barrage of gunfire. Wounded was Mr. J.T. Estes . All shot as they were fishing on the Duck River.

June 25 – Phillip W Kelly 19 and his brother William Kelly 21, of Columbia, arrested for triple murder of the Estes family.

June 29 – Miss Suzanne Gibson wins national American homecoming queen pageant in Las Vegas.

July 19 – The old Columbia Central high school property deeded to a non-profit organization committed to preservation, “The old Central Cultural Center” inc. The county awarded the property under the condition it restore the building within 5 years or it reverts back to county.

• Tennessee •

March 4 – TVA halts construction on three nuclear units, two in Tennessee.

March 4 – The Tennessee state legislature approves a bill to allow bank mergers outside of their own Counties.

March 5 – 27 year old Jim Cooper (D), son of the late three term Tennessee Governor, Prentice Cooper from Shellbyville, announced he will be a candidate for Congress.

March 16 – President Reagan visits Nashville, tours Hermitage. He said his economic plan will work and lower interest rates will come given time.

March 26 – The Tennessee State Legislature overrides Governor Lamar Alexander's veto of driver license photo bill. Tennessee becomes the last state to require color photos on driver licenses.

April 3 – The Hospital Corp. of America (HCA) Foundation in Nashville, changed the name to the Frist Foundation, Thomas Frist Sr. and Thomas Frist Jr. founders.

April 25 – The World’s Fair opens in Knoxville, Tn. 20 National exhibits with $100 million in investments.

June 9 – Graceland opens to the public in Memphis.

June 11 – Nashville’s first “Summer Lights Festival” begins.

July 21 – Deford Bailey, a virtuoso harmonica player, the first African-American to win national fame in country music, Grand Ole Opry died, 82.


• Maury


July 25 – After 37 years of operating Ed’s Gulf station on Main street in Spring Hill, Mr. Ed Whitwell will retire. Spring Hill declared a Ed Whitwell day. Ed sold his gas station to a customer on credit. Ed was born in Mt Joy, Tn. And stills sits on the corner because “most people think I still work here because I sit here in front all day because I don’t have anything else to do.’ The old Whitwell Gulf station has been converted into a convenience store and self-serve gas station.

July 28 – The newly formed Community Economic Association has set a goal of creating more jobs for lowincome people, says Pete Frierson, one of the groups founders. The group is represented by citizens of the South Side, West End, Macedonia, East Hill and Oak Park area’s.

Aug 1 – Maury County unemployment jumps to 15.8 percent.

Aug 6 – Sheriff Bill Voss re-elected, judge Taylor Rayburn elected county Executive.

Aug 15 – The Godfather pizza opens at Shady Brook Mall, manager is Jim Synder.

Aug 15 – First Farmers & Merchants bank announced it is forming a holding company for new corporate structure.

Aug 31 – Maury county unemployment jumps to 18.8 percent.

Sept 7 – The “Fairest of the Fair’ is Terry Anderson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Reed Pullum.

Oct 8 – TVA biologist moved 4000 Birdwing Mussels from the Duck River and transported for transplanting them to Bedford, Wayne, Greene and Hawkins counties.

Oct 10 – Phillip Wayne Kelly and his cousin William Carrol Kelly sentenced to life in prison for murder of the Estes family on the Duck River.

Oct 15 – The Secretary of Agriculture, John Block visits the Edwin “Wick” Halliday farm in south Maury county.

Oct 18 – Maury County hospital $6 million expansion approved by the county commission.

Oct 22 – The L & N railroad consolidates facilities and moves the operation to Mt Pleasant.

Oct 24 – The Farm Bureau will add a 3rd floor to their office building on Bear Creek pike says President, James Putman.

• Tennessee

Aug 19 - 13 Middle Tennessee Counties ravaged by floods after two days of heavy rain. $22 million in damages, federal aide promised.

Sept 5 – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. declared the Hohenwald Bank and Trust insolvent, 6100 accounts at the bank had $27 million in deposits, all insured.

Oct 1 – Governor Lamar Alexander dedicated $3.8 million Teledyne Electronic plant expansion in Lewisburg, 128,000 sq feet facility.


• Maury


• Tennessee

Oct 25 – Mt Pleasant city administrators move into new $530,000 city hall on the town square.

Oct 31 – World’s Fair in Knoxville closed, 11 million people visited exhibits.

Nov 7 – Peter and Barbara Jenkins, co-authors of the book. “Walking Across America” with 3 year old daughter, Rebekah recently purchased a Spring Hill farm.

Nov 3 – Governor Lamar Alexander and Senator Jim Sasser re-elected, J.B. Napier elected state Representative of 64th district.

Nov 9 – Consolidated Aluminum Corp. in Columbia will shut its doors for an indefinite period, the company employs 34 salary and 120 hourly.

Nov 19 – Mr. Sidney Dahl named new Occidental Chemical Company plant manager, formally Hooker Chemical. He replaces Louis Hellar who served 20 years, Mr. Dahl came from the Taft, Lousiana plant.

Nov 26 – Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Field of Columbia celebrated 60 years of marriage. Mr. Field was the Columbia Central High School principal from 1937 to 1958.

Author Peter Jenkins

Dec 8 – Marty Robbins, country singer died, 57.

Dec 31 – Maury County jobless rate climbs to 21.2 percent.


• United States


Jan 3 – Kilauea volcano on big island of Hawaii begins eruption of lava for first time in recorded history. Eruption continues to today.

Jan 6 – President Reagan signs bill to raise federal gas tax 5 cents per gallon.

Jan 7 – US jobless rate hits 10.8 percent.

Jan 26 – University of Alabama football coach, Paul “Bear” Bryant died, 69.

• World •

Feb 11 – Israeli Prime minister Ariel Sharon resigns as defense minister after investigation finds him responsible for Beirut massacre of 69 civilians in 1953.

April 18 – Tokyo Disneyland opened.

April 28 – Argentine Government reports 30,000 “missing persons” dead from “dirty war’ waged by military junta against citizens.

Feb 4 – Karen Carpenter, singer died, 32.

Feb 14 – General Motors and Toyota start joint venture in California, called NUMMI.

May – Tens of thousands of Solidarity supporters staged a May Day rallies across Poland. Police use water cannon and tear gas in Gdansk to break up rally.

March 8 – President Reagan calls Soviet Union a “Evil Empire.”

June 6 – First session of Chinese national People’s Congress elect Deng Xiao Ping supreme Commander of China.

June 16 – Pope John Paul II visits Poland.

June 20 - Pope John Paul II prays with over 1 million during mass.

July 22 – Polish government ends martial law.

July 24 – Iranian forces drive 1 mile into northern Iraq, killing 3500.

April 4 – Space shuttle, Challenger, roars into first orbit.

April 26 – Dow Jones closes above 1200.

May 10 – Last episode of “Laverne & Shirley” aired on ABC.

June 15 – US Supreme court strikes down safe and local abortion restrictions in Rowe vs Wade.

Aug 21 – Benigno Aquino assassinated in Manila as he got off airplane after returning to the Philippines from self exile.

June 19 – 1st American women Astronaut, Sally Ride 32, carried into space aboard Challenger

Aug 30 – Israeli Prime Minister, Menachen Begin resigns.

Aug 30 - Lieut. Colonel Guion Bluford Jr. becomes 1st African-American to travel into space.

Sept 1 – Korean Airlines flight 007 shot down by soviet fighters, 269 people killed, including 61 Americans.

Sept 2 – Yitzhak Shamir elected Prime Minister of Israel.

Oct 5 – Solidarity leader, Lech Walesa, wins Nobel Peace Prize.

Oct 23 – A truck loaded with explosives driven by a Muslim suicide bomber explodes at US marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. 248 marines and sailors killed.

Sept 17 – Vanesa Williams, first black Miss America crowned, later resigns after Penthouse magazine reveals nude photos of her.

Sept 25 – US Loses “Americas Cup” to Australia after 132 years of sailing supremacy.

Oct 20 – President Reagan signs Martin Luther King Jr. bill to make his birthday a national holiday.

Oct 30 – Argentina holds elections to replace 7 year old military junta rule.

Oct 21 – President Reagan sends 1800 Marines to Grenada to combat communist rebels and free American students.

Nov 27 – Six hooded gunman steal 3 tons of gold from Heathrow airport, worth $38 million.

Nov 1 – “Internet” created as network of computers in US.

Dec 20 – Yasser Arafat evacuates Lebanon.

Nov 30 – Radio Shack announces introduction of Tandy 2000 computer.

Dec 22 – British scientists claim Jesus died April 3, AD 33. Scientist reconstructed Jewish calendar and dated lunar eclipse which bible identified to have occurred following crucifixcation.

Dec 29 – US announces withdrawal from UNESCO.

Dec 31 – Compact disc recordings in US begins distribution.

Dec 27 – Pope John Paul II meets with his assassin Ali Agca and forgives him.



• Maury

• Tennessee

Jan 14 – The Maury County Commission rejected a proposal to elect the school superintendent by popular vote.

Jan 10 – Riverfront park in Nashville opens at foot of Broadway ave.

Jan 26 – Governor Lamar Alexander speaking at Columbia Community College pushes the need for Job training.

Jan 11 – Tennessee Senator Howard Baker ( R) announced he will not seek re-election.

Feb 1 – Maury County jobless rate hits 22 percent.

Feb 10 – R.C. May has devoted 38 years to Jewelry & Watch repair on the public square, now will be joined by his son, Carl May.

Feb 11 – Federal appeals court overturned former Ray Blanton conviction of conspiring to sell liquor licenses because jury was not adequately questioned about pretrial publicity, case sent back to Davidson county court.

Feb 13 – First Federal Saving & Loan offers 10.5 percent 1st mortgage loans to customers.

Feb 18 – Millionaire politician, Jake Butcher says he lost $15 million because his United American Bank in Knoxville failed, the nation’s 4th largest commercial bank failure in US history.

Feb 24 – Tennessee Williams, playwright died, 72.

March 3 – Governor Lamar Alexander proposes raising state sales tax to 5.5 percent to raise $1 billion, $434 million of it for schools, $188 million for 15,000 teachers and Principals pay and services increases.

March 7 – TNN (Nashville Network) begins cable TV transmission.

Feb 16 – Scott Mobile Home Manufacturing acquired the former Challenger Mobile Home plant in Columbia, 150-200 jobs expected. Feb 23 – “Mercer Hall”, home of Mr. & Mrs. Wally S Beasley placed on National Register of historic places by National Park Service. The home was built in 1820, once owned by President James K Polk. Feb 23 – Mrs. Florence Cecil celebrates 25 years at Cross Bridges as owner/operator of Cross Bridges store.

Feb 27 – Taco Bell has Grand opening on Trotwood Ave.

Feb 28 – Ground breaking for the new $2.5 million Riverside Elementary school celebrated. The new 50,000 sq foot school replaces the existing 1936 school, says Principal Mr. j Vernon Brooks.

March 1 – Maury County jobless rate climbs to 23.3 percent.

March 6 – Mr. Walter Locke celebrated 30 years in Service station business at corner of south main & 16th street. The Sinclair station opened in 1953, changed to ARCO and then Union 76. 8th store

March 6 – Lovett’s Discount Foods opens on Mt Pleasant pike in old Orschelin Farm and home supply building. Doris Lovett bought the 1st store in 1962 from Jim Cathy on High street, which is now the C&L Bestway.

March 6 – The old Hunter’s cemetery in Mt Pleasant saved from neglect. Mr. John Hunter gave the land to Baptist and Presbyterian congregation churches, it was also known as Hughes Meeting House built by congregations, but disbanded in 1859. The building then used by primitive Baptists after the Civil war. Joe Bishop, Juanita Bishop and Sarah & Tom McKennon volunteered to clean it up of undergrowth and debris.

March 12 – The new Highway 7 completed from Fly to Columbia. •


• Maury


March 15 – Burger King offers three regular hamburgers for 99 cents, Whopper or Whaler sandwich for 99 cents.

April 9 – 80,000 watch Mule Day parade. Mule Day queen is Cindy Coates.

April 12 – 40 new public housing units will be added at Northridge housing development behind the Coca cola plant on the Nashville Highway, cost $1 million. This will bring total number of units to 206 at this location.

April 19 – Maury County will purchase the 35,000 sq foot Matthews building on the square for $65,000, formally the site of the Columbia restaurant.

April 24 – King’s Daughters holds 84th annual convention in Columbia. 125 delegates representing 80 circles from across the state met at the Holiday Inn.

April 25 – Maury County Sheriff, Bill Voss, announced he will contest the Civil Service Board decision to reinstate, Deputy Ralph Sands.

May 1 – Miss Suzanne Gibson selected as Miss Maury County. She is the daughter of Mrs. Donna Gibson and late Donald Gibson.

May 4 – Maury County Chamber of Commerce study says social, cultural, eating, entertainment and lack of recreational facilities is main reason and roadblock to attracting new industry and good community livability.

May 15 - $2500 can buy you a 13 foot satellite dish hookup that brings you over 100 channels in Maury County. The Farm in Summertown is one of the first to install the unit and where Jeffery Keating and Mack Long wrote a book on the subject.

May 27 – Maury County jobless rate falls to 17 percent.

May 27 – Congressman Al Gore Jr. says Congress has abandoned the Columbia dam project in its budget appropriations.

June 8 – Tennessee Aluminum Processers announced the purchase of 6 acres in Mt Pleasant Industrial park, a 10,000 sq foot facility to be built, 45 job expected.

July 1 – Assistant Police Chief of Columbia, Pat Troope fired for allegedly writing four anonymous letters to city manager Barrett Jones and others concerning the death of officer Larry Whitwell. Incident has been under investigation for 6 months.

July 15 – The Columbia Publishing company, parent company of the Daily Herald and Mt Pleasant Record sold to the Donrey Media Group of Nevada, said publisher Sam Kennedy and Betty Kennedy. The new Daily Herald manager will be Doug Beel.

• Tennessee

May 27 – An explosion rips through a fireworks plant in Benton, TN. 10 killed.

June 17 – Nissan’s first pickup truck rolls off the new $660 million plant in Smyrna, Tn. To cheers of 1300 blue uniformed workers.


• Maury


July 17 – Mrs. Frances Bowman recently discovered that her 8 room concrete block house was built in 1908 as a Sears & Roebuck house designed by Henry Sealy from plans advertised in the Sears 1908 catalog. Mr. Sealy bought a wizard concrete building block machine from Sears for $42.50 along with the plans for the house. The house is located on Williamsport road and was pictured in the 1908 Sears catalog and built for $3000.

July 18 – The Maury County tax rate set at $4.79 per $100 valuation. The Maury County budget set at $26.1 million for 1983-84, schools to receive $14.93 million or 57 percent of the County budget.

Aug 1 – A $3 million personal property lien was filed against Mt Pleasant Hamilton place owner, Thomas H Strawn Jr. who operated a million dollar Arabian horse farm on the site. Mr. Strawn, a Tullahoma attorney and past president of Traders Bank purchased the property in 1981.

Aug 7 – Spring Hills own, McDonald Oden, who played football for the Michigan Panthers in the US Football League won a championship ring in the playoffs.

Aug 11 – The 1905 Mt Pleasant train depot razed to become a parking lot.

Aug 14 – Columbia’s American Legion Post 19 defeats Jefferson city post 118 12-2 to win 58th annual baseball tournament championship, coaches were Jack Stanfill and Jack Auville.

Aug 19 – Maury County Commissioners approve a proposal for a referendum vote on increasing County sales tax by 0ne-half percent. If approved property tax will be decreased 20 cents per $100.

Aug 26 – Six people injured and two arrested as over 70 blacks and whites brawl on Thomas Circle in Mt Pleasant.

Sept 1 – Maury County’s remaining jail fire lawsuits settled out of court. The 1977 fire suit had 20 plaintiffs, no $ amount given.

Sept 4 – 4000 heavy rock fans turned out for the Electric Cowboy Rock Festival on the Bam Webster farm off the Industrial Park road.

Sept 18 – The Columbia Civil Service board reinstated assistant police chief, Pat Troope with back pay. Troope was accused of writing anonymous letters to city officials and their wives.

Sept 20 – Columbia city Judge, John Fleming indicted for burglary 2nd degree after Huntsville man charges judge with breaking into her home when acting as the attorney for his wife. Judge Fleming stepped down until charges cleared.

Sept 23 – Maury County Hospital adds Pharmacy in 3rd phase of $560,000 expansion.

• Tennessee


• Maury


Sept 25 – Columbia’s first Chinese Restaurant opens on Highway 31 in old Olympic House restaurant and Hardee’s soon will open on Highway 99, Uncle Bud’s Catfish opens in Mt Pleasant.

Sept 26 – A California based Hot Tub manufacturer. Wattling Manufacturing Corp. who makes “Hot Springs Spa” will build a 120,000 sq foot plant in the Maury County industrial park. $82,350 paid for the site and will employ 100.

Oct 2 – Maury County voters approve one-half percent sales tax increase, property tax to be lowered by 20 cents per $100 to $4.59 per $100 of valuation.

Oct 28 – Maury County jobless rate dropped to 11.5 percent.

Nov 6 – Mr. Paul Delk’s hand made cedar beds and greatly sought after by admirer’s everywhere. Mr. Delk’s works of art are built on Cathy’s creek road for customers across the country.

Nov 9 – More than 1600 Columbia citizens signed petitions to recall Mayor James Bailey. The petitions carried by Delilah Speed cited “General incompetence” as the reason.

Nov 11 – Asbestos removal from Maury County schools may cost $2.1 million.

Nov 14 – GE Manufacturing plant in Columbia announces expansion of plant to produce new rotary compressors for air conditioners, $100 million investment to be made.

Dec 4 – Daily Herald investigation reports police brutality in Mule Day complaint involving the beating of Thompson Station resident, Richard Farmer who accused the Columbia police of assault and battery charge for beating.

Dec 4 – Maury County historian, Jill Garrett resigns post saying its time for someone else to fill the position after 13 years service.

Dec 8 – Maury County teachers reject proposal to have Maury County Education Association represent them in collective bargaining 246-229.

Dec 15 – Jury is deadlocked in Judge Fleming case for 2nd degree burglary.

Dec 19 – Jones Home Furnishing plans new store in Columbia. Store to open in old Town furniture and appliance building.

Dec 23 – Maury County receives $800,000 in Federal and state grants to renovate the Matthews building on the public square, presently the W. T. Dalton furniture store.

Dec 23 – Columbia city Judge John Fleming announced he will not seek re-election to his position.

• Tennessee

Oct 19 - “The Farm” commune in Summertown voted to convert into a Co-op type operation. Under the new plan the farmers will be paid individually for their work.

Nov 2 – The Teledyne plant in Lewisburg announced it will produce new IBM computers.

Nov 2 – The first Piggly Wiggly store that opened in 1916 in Memphis destroyed by fire, world’s first self service grocery store built by owner Clarence Saunders.


• United States


Jan 1 – AT & T divests 22 “Baby Bells” as a result of US Govt. antitrust agreement.

Jan 10 - A new 2 year study says the earth is heating up faster than earlier thought, by greenhouse gases effect. The EPA study said a 3.6 degree average increase in temperature could occur by 2040. This latest study tracks atomic radiation dumped in the oceans in 1950’s and 1960’s and allowed scientists to study ocean currents.

• World •

Feb 8 – Winter Olympics opens in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.

Feb 9 – Soviet leader, Yuri Andropov died, 69. Constantine Chernenko named as successor.

March 1 – Iran/Iraq big battle kills 25,000, poison gas used by Iraq.

June 6 – India’s Troops storm the Sikh Golden Temple held by extremists, 1000 Sikhs killed, 200 soldiers died in assault ordered by Indira Gandhi.

Jan 24 – Apple computer introduces the MacIntosh personal computer, 128 k of Ram, price $2495.

Feb 28 – US Marines leave Beirut, Lebanon.

March 1 – NASA launches Landsat satellite to map entire earth surface.

March 29 – The Baltimore Colts football team moved to Indianapolis.

April 13 – Pete Rose, Montreal Expo becomes 2nd Major League baseball player to have 4000 hits, other is Ty Cobb.

June 10 – Iran launches human wave offensive against Iraq forces, tens of thousands of young men killed.

April 29 – USS Iowa battleship re-commissioned after 15 years of mothballs, World War II ship earned 11 battle stars.

June 22 – Richard Branson leads inaugural flight of Virgin Airlines from London to Newark, N.J.

May 15 – Tennessee-Tom Bigby 234 mile waterway opened from Tennessee river to Demopolis, Ala.

July 7 – AIDS virus indentified in France.

• •

June 27 – US Supreme Court ends NCAA monopoly on College football telecast in antitrust suit.

July 28 – 23rd Olympics games open in Los angles, Soviet Union boycotts.

• June 29 – General Motors buys computer firm EDS from Texas billionaire, Ross Perot, for $2.5 billion.

Aug 5 – Richard Burton, actor died, 55.

July 1 – Standard Oil of Calif. acquires Gulf Oil for $13.2 billion.

Aug 21 – 900,000 Filipino march in protest against President Ferdinand Marcos.

July 12 – Democratic Presidential candidate Walter Mondale picks Geraldine Farraro as Vice-president.

Sept 19 – Britain and China reach accords on transferring Hong Kong back to Chinese rule in 1997.

Aug 22 – Volkswagen plant in Westmoreland, PA. shuts down.

Sept 20 – Suicide car bomber kills 23 Americans in Beirut, Lebanon embassy.

Sept 9 – Walter Paton of Chicago Bears breaks Jim Brown’s total running yards record of 15,517 yards.

Oct 16 – Arch Bishop Desmound TuTu wins Nobel peace prize.

Sept 26 – UAW contract with GM Est. $1 billion job bank for laid off workers.

Oct 31 – India’s Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, assassinated by her Sikh body guards.

Oct 1 The Federal national Mortgage Association “Fannie Mae” introduces new fixed monthly home payment with adjustable rates that are keyed to one year treasury notes.

Nov 4 – Nicaragua holds first free elections in 56 years, Sandinistas win 63 percent of vote, Daniel Ortega elected president.

Dec 3 – 4000 people killed, 200,000 severely injured when gas escapes from union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India.

Dec 7 – Chairman of Union Carbide, Warren Anderson arrested and charged with gross negligence in India as he arrived to investigate plant gas leak in Bhopal. 641

Nov 6 – Ronald Reagan re-elected President of US.

Dec 14 – Howard Cosell, sportscaster, retires from Monday night football. •

• Maury


Jan 3 – 1983 Maury County housing starts tripled over 1982 starts with 1087 building permits issued for $13,929,704 worth of construction. 113 permits were for new houses said David Wilson, superintendent of Columbia inspections.

Feb 27 – Maury County Commission approves $904,050 to remove 180,000 sq feet of asbestos from ceilings of 6 schools.

Feb 27 – Columbia Community College President, Dr. Harold Pryor announced his retirement. He has served in the position since 1968.

March 4 – Miss Dana Anderson 18, crowned Mule Day Queen. Miss Anderson attends Columbia Central High school and is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Irving Reed Jr. and late Walter Anderson.

March 8 – Maury County officials were stunned by the proposal of state Senator Bill Richardson to swap Counties with Senator Frank Lashle. Under the proposal Richardson would swap Lawrence, Wayne and Lewis counties for Williamson County.

March 12 – Columbia's only street sweeper, Mr. Howard Martin 68, works every day to clean up Columbia. The Williamsport native began working for the city as a garbage truck worker and then was assigned to street sweeping. He said, “I guess I can retire anytime but I’d rather keep sweeping Columbia’s streets. I believe you’re in better health when your working.”

• Tennessee •

Jan 8 – Master Builder Nathan Vaught is the subject of Miss Nancy Tinker at Middle Tennessee State University Graduate Thesis.

Jan 25 – Lewisburg attracts new Japanese parts plant, Kanto Seiki inc, 100,000 sq foot facility and 100 jobs for the Nissan supplier.

March 18 – 6th district Congressman, Al Gore Jr., told a Columbia audience that a recent cost benefit study will hurt the Columbia dam project.

March 20 – Area banks raise prime interest rates to 12 percent.

March 30 – Maury County unemployment drops to 11.8 percent.

April 2 – Tennessee Congressman, Joe Evins (D) died, 73. He served 30 years in congress.


April 8 – 65,000 watched the Mule Day parade, 248 units in the parade.

April 17 – Scott Housing Systems in Columbia announced it will expand its plant, invent $1 million and add 150 workers.

April 23 – Columbia’s own German Shepard, “Spencer” owned and trained by Columbia’s Delores Bradley wins the starring role in the Disney film, “Love Leads The Way” with Timothy Bottoms. Filmed in Williamson and Davidson counties.

April 25 – Williamson County joins Maury County and Giles County in newly created 23rd State district.

May 3 – Krystal Burger opens in Shady Brook Plaza, Goody’s Family store also opens.

• Maury


May 3 – The Daily Herald editor, Tony Kessler resigns, takes job as assistant Sate editor of Nashville Banner.

May 4 – Columbia city budget set at $9.1 million.

May 6 – Miss Amy McAdams 17, chosen as Miss Maury County at Jaycees 30th annual pageant. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard McAdams.

May 6 – “Liberty Hall”, the house built by George P Webster in 1844 placed on the National Register of Historic Places, owned by Mrs. Jane Hoorer Babcock at Cross Bridges.

May 14 – Signode Paper Products company breaks ground on 60,000 sq feet warehouse in Mt Pleasant, 60 jobs created.

May 15 – Mr. David Logsdon named Daily Herald editor.

May 20 – First Farmers & Merchants promotes T Randy Stevens to First Vice-President.

June 3 – David McClain, President of Shapard Lumber will open a 10,000 sq foot “Do-it-Center” to cater to contractors and consumers for building supplies. The new facility will be located on Carmack Blvd. and Cemetery Ave.

June 5 – Mt Pleasant wins small city achievement award given by the University of Tennessee for improving its self image.

June 17 – Mail Call has Grand opening at Campbell Station, store owned by Monte Knight.

June 22 – Columbia’s city water exceeds states limits on Trihalomethanes (THM) which can cause cancer.

June 22 – The Daily Herald staff writer, Sue McClure 27, resigns to accept a job as editor of the Review Appeal in Franklin. She worked at the Daily Herald for 2.5 years.

June 29 – Dr. Paul Sands selected as Columbia Community College new President. A Mt Pleasant native, graduate of Hay Long High School. He has been Dean of Instruction at CCSC since 1982 and was one of the original facility in 1966.

June 29 – Carver-Smith school may become a housing unit for 30 low income families. The owners of the school and 9.6 acres, Judge Jimmy Matthews and Edwin Blocker are waiting for approval for Federal funding. Pete Frierson said he had hoped the Carver-Smith alumni could have bought the school and make a youth recreation center out of it.

• Tennessee

May 30 – Congressman Al Gore Jr. announces he is a candidate for US Senate.


• Maury


July 3 – Maury County Negro teacher, Rose McClarn asked the school board for the principal position at Riverside school. She said, “There are e 15 principals here and 14 of them are white.” School superintendent Billy Evans reports 22 percent of the students are black in Maury County.

Aug 14 – Columbia Power & Water employees were upset when they learned they will lose a portion of their health care benefits and their $1.8 million pension plan earned only a 2 percent return at Commerce Union bank.

Aug 30 – The court annex roof collapsed. The County had received a $544,000 Federal grant to renovate the Matthew building. The collapse will delay the project.

Sept 4 – Miss Kim Henrick 17, selected as the “Fairest of the Fair’ by Jaycees. She is the daughter of Mrs. Pat McNeal.

Sept 20 The Local NAACP officials call for the resignation of the Maury County School Superintendent, Billy Evans if the symptoms of discrimination on promotions don’t cease says spokesman, Pete Frierson.

Oct 15 – Maury County Commissioners approved the Rutherford Creek Community Planning Commission to zone plans for a 10 square mile area surrounding the Flint Valley Road. Residents formed the organization after plans for a “manufactured homes” rental park was proposed.

Oct 17 – Mt Pleasant votes to allow the Stauffer Chemical company to continue use its deep well injection process to discharge waste water at 5000 to 8000 feet below ground.

Oct 24 – Red Foods opened a store in Columbia’s Shady Brook mall plaza, store manager is Robert Brown.

Nov 6 – The Maury County Park committee voted to eliminate the Superintendent of Maury County Parks position held by Bill Bakers for 26 years. A new Parks & Recreation Director position was created with a $17,400 salary.

Nov 27 – Ground breaking ceremony for the Natchez Trace span across the Duck River near Shady Grove and the Gordon house occurred. The bridge will be completed in 1986. Ancient Indian relics and burial site covered by new 3.5 mile highway section.

Dec 2 – Mrs. Olive Pritchand of Cameila drive in Columbia received one of 61 medals presented by the state of West Virginia to descendents who fought for the Confederacy from that state. Mr Pritchards grand father, William H Gatrell fought with company C of 6th West Virginia.

Dec 11 – Daily Herald sports writer, Marion Wilhoite chosen as “Tennessee Prep sports writer of the year’ by Lawrenceburg Quarterback Club.

Dec 26 – Mrs. Fannie Louise Smith Davis, granddaughter of Rev. Franklin Gillette Smith, founder of the Athenaeum Girls school and who donated the Athenaeum Rectory for preservation to the Tennessee antiquities in 1973 died in Lamesa, Tx.

• Tennessee •

Aug 6 – Tracy Caulkins of Nashville wins three gold medals in Olympics, 400 and 200 meter individual and 400 meter team medley relay. She set 5 world records, 60 US records and won 48 National titles in her career.

Nov 1 – Sniper fire starts Franklin riot, two white men fired into black neighborhood and sparked violent outburst of residents, 9 injured.


• United States


Jan 1 – First mandatory seatbelt law goes into effect in New York.

Jan 20 – President Reagan inaugurated as President.

Jan 23 – O.J. Simpson elected to football hall of Fame.

Jan 24 – Space shuttle “Discovery” launched.

April 12 – Senator Jake Garn becomes first Senator to fly in space aboard shuttle “Discovery”.

April 18 – Ted Turner announced his unfriendly bid for CBS at $2.9 billion.

April 23 – Coca-Cola announced it would change its secret formula of Coke, huge negative reaction forced company to retract decision.

April 23 – Senator Sam Ervin (D) North Carolina, Chairman of the Watergate Committee died, 89.

May 13 – Philadelphia police drop a bomb on the roof of radical group “Move”, 22 people including 5 children killed, 60 homes burned in area.

• World •

Jan 7 – Vietnamese forces seize Khmer National liberation headquarters in Cambodia.

Jan 8 – Japanese space probe Sakiqake launched to Halley’s comet

March 10 – Kanstantin Chernenko, Soviet leader for 13 months died, 74. Mikhail Gorbachev 54, succeeds him as General Secretary of Communist Party.

March 16 – Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press abducted by terrorist in Beirut, Lebanon. Released in 1991.

May 25 – Cyclone in Bangladesh kills 10,000

May 31 – Guatemala adopts new Constitution.

July 27 – Steve Cram of Great Britain runs world record mile in 3:46.

Sept 1 – Robert Ballard finds the Titanic in 12000 feet of water in North Atlantic.

Sept 29 – Western nations approve economic sanctions against South Africa over apartheid policies.

Oct 7 – Four PLO gunman hijack the Italian cruse ship, Achille Lauro. They hold 413 passengers hostages and demand release of 50 PLO prisoners.

May 22 – Pete Rose passes Hank Aaron for top scorer in major league baseball with 2108 scores.

June 11 – Karen Ann Quinlan, comatose patient in right-to Die legal case died, 31.

June 27 – The legendary Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica, Calif. decertified as US Highway.

July 15 – Rock Hudson appears in news conference to say he has Aids.

Sept 11 – Pete Rose breaks Ty Cobb’s record with 4192 hits.

Sept 16 – US becomes debtor nation for first time since 1914 with trade deficit.

Oct 16 – Intel introduces 32 bit computer chip.

Nov 26 – Space shuttle “Atlantis’ roars into space.

Dec 3 – Haley’s comet comes into view first time in 86 years.

Dec 12 – 258 soldier’s of 502th Division killed in Gander, Newfound land on take off.

Dec 12 – Toyota picks Georgetown, Ky. for new auto plant, $800 million investment to employ 2000.

Nov 19 – President Reagan and Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet for first time in Geneva.

Dec 31 – Singer Ricky Nelson and six others killed when fire broke out on their DC-3 plane enroute to New York.

Dec 27 - Diane Fossey, naturalist studying gorilla's found murdered in Rwanda.


• Maury


Jan 18 – Julie & Robert Shank of Lawrenceburg purchased the old Sweeny house on West 7th street from the city of Columbia for $80,000. They plan to convert it into a Bed & Breakfast.

Jan 21 – Maury County school board selects Whitehouse Principal, Billy Hobbs, as Superintendent of schools to replace retiring Billy Evans.

Jan 24 – Honey’s Auto Parts and Charley’s Texaco forced out of business to make way for the widening of Highway 7.

Jan 27 – Breckenridge’s Hatter’s Shop in Mt Pleasant placed on National Register of Historic Places. It is the oldest standing house in the city, built in 1819.

Feb 1 – 5-10 inches of snow and sleet covered Maury County, power lines down and schools are closed.

Feb 3 – Columbia’s retired police dog “Dingo“ who served the city since 1976 died. Dingo’s handler, Joe Fagan, said he was courageous, intelligent and obedient like no other dog. Dingo was 14 years old and is buried in the Cedar Hills Pet Cemetery.

March 1 – The First Bank of Maury County sold, according to President H.M. Smalley. The bank was formally First National bank of Mt Pleasant. The bank is located on Trotwood ave in the round building.

March 10 – Mrs. James K Polk beautiful pianoforte was restored by Bruce Prince Joseph after 4 months of tedious work.

March 17 – Columibian Dallas Hall 36, is the 2nd Tennessean to receive a heart transplant at St Thomas hospital. He is reported in stable condition.

March 17 – Michelle Parker chosen as Mule Day Queen. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Combs.

March 19 – Maury County “Miss Job Service”, Juanita Keys retired after 43 years service. “She always put people first,” said Glen Ammons and co-worker for 30 years, manager of the Columbia Employment Office.

March 27 – Maury County School Superintendent, Billy Hobbs proposed adding a director of instruction to the Central school staff at $30,000 per year salary. The school board is balking at the idea.

April 4 – The Whitthorne Jr. High school students rank 5th in southern states national pre-Algebra contest sponsored by the National Mathematics League. Whitthorne was Tennessee only school in the top 33 in the pre-Algebra division . Whitthorne students test took 3 hours and they scored an 80 on the test. Will Chafin, Laura Rokan and Diana Sisk scored highest among contestants.

• Tennessee

Feb 17 - The historic 12 story Sam Davis hotel in Nashville demolished.

March 14 – Tennessee’s first heart transplant patient doing well at st Thomas say doctors. The 31 year old factory worker suffered from an enlarged heart, said Dr. David Classford.

April 2 – Dolly Parton founded Dollywood Theme park at Pigeon Forge after forming a partnership with Silver Dollar city which changed it s name to “Dollywood.”


• Maury


April 7 – A auction was held at Cumberland Museum & Science Center to sell over 400 dolls left to them in the will of Mrs. Martha Ayres Cheairs of Spring Hill. The museum kept about 20 dolls. Mrs. Cheairs gave her book collection to the Nashville library. Mrs. Cheairs was the daughter of Elijah Hanes Ayres Sr., one time mayor of Spring Hill and Spring Hill banker. She married Wharton John Cheairs who died in 1956. Martha died last year.

April 8 – Maury county’s Chamber of Commerce committee formed by 35 members to discuss where Maury County will be in the 21st century. The committee plans to set goals and believes schools are the County’s top priority said Chairman, Virgil Moore and Chamber Executive director, Bill Chafin.

April 14 – The Mule Day parade draws over 100,000, Grand Marshall was Wilma A Cooper.

April 14 – Cherry Glen historic home in Mt Pleasant destroyed by fire, house was built in 1810.

April 17 – “Rattle & Snap” album unveiled at Columbia city hall. Mayor James C Briley welcomed large crowd to hear the album. WKRM and WKOM’s Jimmy Dugger emceed the show.

April 21 – Spring Hill declared “Bill Hall day” for homecoming. Bill Hall grew up in Spring Hill, graduated from Carver-Smith High school in 1963 and served 6 years in US Army. Bill said he got into broadcasting purely by accident on the WKDA radio news station in Nashville.

April 28 – Maury County Bar Association awarded Jill Garrett with first Liberty Bell award for Law day for citizen contributions.

May 1 – Maury County School Superintendent, Billy Hobbs and food supervisor, Virginia Meese proposed to centralize the Maury County school cafeteria services. The plan would centralize bookkeeping, accounting, purchasing, standardize salaries and lunch prices.

May 3 – Former Spring Hill orphanage staff member, pled guilty to two counts of sexual assault against two girls in the orphanage, sentenced to 3 years in prison.

May 3 – Columbia’s Sterling Marlin broke the 200 MPH barrier for 1st time at Winston 500 qualifying run, will start 10th.

May 10 – Columbia proclaimed it a “Dallas Hall Weekend” to welcome him home. Hall 37 is the 2nd Tennessean to receive a heart transplant. Friends and neighbors formed the Dallas Hall heart fund and raised $10,000 for medical costs. He lives in the Foxwood apartments.

• Tennessee

April 21 – Opryland's $12 million General Jackson showboat launched at Jeffersonville, Indiana with 500- people watching, Porter Wagoner launched the boat.


• Maury


May 12 – George Jones wins Mayor position in Spring Hill, 189-103 over William Slattery.

May 14 – Miss Kimberly Bell chosen Miss Maury County by Jaycees. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Bell.

May 15 – Paul Sands installed as President of Columbia Community College.

May 17 – Maury County school board approves $17.4 million budget for 1985-86, calls for the demolition of the Highland school and will replace it with a new $2 million school.

June 3 – The Cedar Inn Restaurant on Highway 31 in Spring Hill will be the scene for a Hollywood film, “At Close Range” starring Sean Penn and Christopher Walken , says owner Lois Watkins.

June 10 – After 51 years of teaching, Miss Alma Johnson announced her retirement from Whitthorne Jr. High school. She was the English grammar teacher, first taught at Harlan School in Columbia in 1933. She began teaching at College Hill in 1938, moved to Whitthorne in 1968. She started as a teacher earning $40 per month.

June 16 – A 25 meter Olympic size swimming pool at Columbia State College is planned for the homecoming 86 celebration. A state grant of $250,000 will be awarded providing there are matching funds.

June 18 – The Columbia Kroger store will close July 20 says company officials because employees refuse to accept a wage and benefit reduction. Columbia’s store manager, Richard Jenkins, declined comment.

June 28 – Maury County’s new tax rate after new property evaluations is $2.28 per $100 valuation approved by the County Commission.

June 30 – Maury County Hospital Trustees voted approval of adding 24 new doctors and staffing in the Emergency room.

July 7 – Tennessee site for GM Saturn project is one of three finalist under consideration. Attorney Maclin Davis has acquired options on 1600 acres near Spring Hill.

July 9 – General Motors Saturn project speculation rocks Maury County real estate, says Century 21 agent, Bob Duncan.

July 10 – Kroger officials give one week reprieve to closing decision on Columbia store. The company wants a 25 percent pay & benefit cut from the union.

July 17 – The Kroger store will remain open says company officials. The new contract cuts the top rate of pay of $9.98 per hour by 98 cents. July 26 – General Motors announced new Saturn plant will be in Spring Hill, Tn. It will employ 6000, UAW approved the Saturn contract.

• Tennessee

June 3 – Jake Butcher sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for theft of $20 million from his own banks, which led to financial collapse.

June 13 – A Tennessee article reported that Nashville attorney is purchasing options to buy several hundred acres of land near spring hill. The attorney, Maclin Davis told the land owners he is certain a large Industrial plant would be erected there, raising speculation about the GM Saturn plant being located in Maury County.

Saturn Lands in Spring Hill

July 23 – Dolly Parton, Country singer appears before Pigeon Forge City Council to pitch her idea of building a theme park on 400 acres on the Silver Dollar city site to be called “Dollywood.” 648

• Maury


July 31 – Hundreds pack into the Columbia Community College cafeteria to hear Saturn’s President, William Hogland announce General Motors desire to retain Haynes Haven and restore the Cheairs house across highway 31 and crowds cheered and the Central High School band played.

Aug 6 – Saturn to hire locally says UAW official, UAW Region 8 George Smith said at a meeting in Spring Hill elementary school where 500 people attended the meeting. “We anticipate substantial jobs for people right here,” said Mr. Smith.

Aug 9 – The Popular House restaurant in Spring Hill sold for $450,000 at auction. David Cherry of Texas in new owner.

Sept 1 – Spring Hill Mayor George Jones said he will sue General Motors unless he gets answers to zoning issues. Jones said, “all were getting out of this is traffic.”

Sept 11 – State announces $29.3 million 4.3 mile divided Parkway to connect Saturn site with I-65.

Sept 13 – Spring Hill group presents a list of Saturn demands. The Spring Hill Area Citizens Group (SHACG) led by John Campbell demanded a meeting with Governor Lamar Alexander. Demands include being informed regularly, representation on planning process and 80 percent of Saturn workers hired locally.

Sept 20 – Saturn President Bill Hogland, Gov. Lamar Alexander and UAW representative Joe Malotke met with 500 Spring Hill citizens to address their concerns at the Spring hill elementary school. Gov Alexander said a temporary city hall would be erected.

Oct 4 – Tennessee Children's Home in Spring hill sells 160 acres of property across highway 31 to anonymous buyer says Administrator Mark Ide.

Oct 17 – Residents of Hardee Acres and Crestview block $7 million apartment complex near their homes as zoning commission votes to deny to request.

• •

Saturn President William Hogland

Sept 15 - Construction on the new Williamson Medical Hospital at I-65 and highway 96 begins.

Sept 16 – Cool Springs mall property purchased for $5.8 million.

Oct 20 – Saturn and Maury County negotiate a In-Lieu of tax agreement. Saturn could pay extra $10 million per year if Maury county taxes are paid at current rate.

Oct 22-23 – Spring Hill votes to annex Saturn site despite threats by GM to pull out if 2400 acres annexed. Mayor George Jones said Spring hill should get 35 percent of In-lieu of tax. City council later defers annexation vote to Nov 7.

Oct 27 – Monsanto announces it will close its Columbia plant in 1986, 400 jobs lost.

Oct 31 – Saturn and Maury County reach agreement on InLieu of Tax agreement.

Nov 6 – J.A. “Buddy” Morgan re-elected Mayor of Columbia, defeating Pat Greene 1836 to 1829.

• Tennessee


• Maury


Nov 7 – Saturn/Maury County In-lieu of tax agreement approved by County commission. Agreement provides $35.5 million to Maury County over first 10 years. Estimates that current tax rate of $2.38 per $100 of assessed value would require Saturn to pay $10 million per year.

Nov 17 – Maury County Industrial Board approved $3.5 Billion in Industrial revenue bonds to finance the Saturn auto plant. The bond was approved based on the In-lieu of tax agreement says Chairman John Page.

Nov 19 - Ralph Nader said that the Saturn Corp. “coped out of its obligation to pay its fair share of taxes” in the In-lieu of tax agreement. “Its shocking,” said Nader at a special meeting held at Columbia Community College. “I question the logic of giving millions of dollars away by community leaders to the largest corporation in the world.”

Nov 24 – Ground was broken on the new Highland Park Elementary School, cost $2.1 million.

Nov 27 – Kroger plans to buy the BGK store in Campbell plaza for new 49,000 sq foot store.

Nov 29 – Maury County school Superintendent, Billy Hobbs blasted the Maury County school liaison committee for interfering with the decision to create a $15,000 a year public relations position.

Dec 29 – Saturn buys three tracts of land including 43.7 acres of Rippavilla site across US 31 from plant site. Saturn attorney, Ed Dilworth, says its uncertain what Saturn will do with the property. The home is owned by Victor and Joy Rasbury.

Dec 31 – Spring Hill Industrial Board approved issuing a $8.2 million bond to construct a 481 room Ramada inn at corner of US 31 and Kedron road, where Luthers grocery now stands. North Carolina developer, William O’Neill asked Spring Hill for tax exempt bonds.

Dec 31 – Maury County Industrial board approved $75 million pollution control bonds for Saturn.

• Tennessee

Dec 7 – AFL-CIO building trades union signs new Saturn construction contract, 85 percent of construction crews to come from Tennessee.

Dec 17 – A group of non-union sub-contractors filed unfair labor charges against General Motors/Saturn for signing agreement with AFL-CIO building trades to construct the Saturn plant.


• United States


Jan 7 – President Reagan proposes economic sanctions against Libya.

Jan 12 – President Reagan authorized the sale of weapons to Iran through 3rd parties.

Jan 28 – Space shuttle, Challenger, explodes on take-off killing all seven crew members, including Commander Michael Smith, Francis Scobee, Gregory Jarvis, Judth Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka and teacher, Christa McAuliffe.

Jan 31 – First PC virus called “Brian” discovered.

March 12 – Susan Butcher wins 1158 mile Iditarod sled dog race in Alaska.

• World •

Jan 1 – Spain and Portugal admitted to European common market.

Jan 1 – Aruba gains home rule from Netherlands

Feb 7 – Haitian President-for-life, Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier ousted from power and flees the country.

Feb 7 – Corazon Aquino defeats incumbent Dictator Ferdinand Marcos in Philippine elections.

Feb 13 – British Prime Minister, Margret Thatcher and French President Mitterrand sign “Chunnel Treaty” to begin construction of 26 mile tunnel under the English channel.

Feb 15 – Philippine National assembly proclaims Ferdinand Marcos President due to voter fraud, massive demonstrations erupt.

Feb 18 – Crude oil drops to $10 barrel.

Feb 25 – Philippine dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, flees the country, Corazon Aquino installed as President.

Feb 28 – Swedish prime Minister, Olaf Palme, assassinated in Stockholm.

March 24 – Union Carbide corp. agrees to pay $350 million in claims for killing of 2000 and injuring 200,000 in Bhopal, India gas leak.

March 13 – Microsoft goes public with stock offering at $21 per share.

April 6 – US National debt at $2 trillion.

April 11 – Haley’s comet makes closest approach to earth.

April 14 – President Reagan orders US Air Force to attack 5 terrorist locations in Libya, including Moamar Khadafy’s home.

May 4 – Toyota has groundbreaking ceremony for new auto plant in Georgetown, Ky.

June 3 – National Right to Work committee files suit to stop General Motors from hiring UAW members in Saturn plant.

April 26 – Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine of Soviet union melts down, 15000 people evacuated.

July 4 – Statue of Liberty celebrates 100th birthday, $277 million restoration completed.

May 9 – Greg Lamond of US wins Tour de France cycle race.

July 9 – GM announces four Saturn models, including two seat sports coupe, two door and four door Sedan and two door Hatchback.

June 8 – Kurt Waldheim, former Nazi elected, President of Austria.

July 7 – World population reaches 5 billion.

July 28 – Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev, announced he will begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

Oct 10 – Soviet Union leader Mihail Gorbachev and President Reagan meet in Iceland.

Dec 21 – Over 500,000 Chinese students protest in the People’s Square in Shanghai, calling for democracy.

Oct 15 – US government shuts down due to budget problems in Congress and President Reagan.

Oct 17 – Congress approves immigrant amnesty bill to allow illegal aliens to become citizens.

Nov 16 – NLRB General Counsel rejects Right to Work appeal on UAW-GM Saturn contract and hiring practices.

Nov 20 – Mike Tyson 20, wins world heavyweight boxing championship by knocking out Trevor Berbick.

Dec 1 – GM offers H Ross Perot $700 million to buy out his shares of General Motors because of infighting with CEO Roger Smith.

Dec 4 – Iran-Contra affair investigation of arms sale begins. •


• Maury •


Jan 3 – Columbia City Council fires city manager, Barrett Jones after Mayor Buddy Morgan accused him of “neglecting his duties.” Jones defended his 14 year career in Columbia and stated he was not told of any reason for his firing.

Jan 6 – Saturn’s first modular offices were delivered to the site by McGee Home Systems of Columbia. Each unit of the 14 delivered is a 14 X 70 trailer that will house plant office staff.

Jan 16 – Captain D’s in Columbia advertises 10 piece shrimp dinner, including Fries, Cole slaw and Hush Puppies for $3.39 and three piece fish dinner for $5.49.

Jan 17 – A group of 100 area residents met to stop the state from putting an interchange at Kedron road on the Saturn Parkway. The group called “Representatives for Responsible Growth” complained that the Interchange would cause traffic jam’s, said group spokesman George Waddington.

Jan 17 – Columbia City Council approved plans for a 260 room hotel at Bear Creek pike and I-65 on 22 acres, developed by Texas developer, Leonard Baylock.

Jan 22 – Saturn President Bill Hogland told the Maury County Chamber of Commerce he expected that UAW members would take no more than half the jobs at Saturn.

Jan 31 – Saturn officials dismissed UAW officials claims that 50,000 General Motors UAW members will apply to come to Spring Hill and knock out Tennesseans from jobs at the new auto plant. Saturn spokesperson, Laurie Kay said the report published by the Franklin Review Appeal quoting UAW International representative, Jim Wheatly, was premature.

Feb 2 – First Federal Savings & Loan announced plans to build a new three story building at 6th and north Garden streets, says President Jim Cook.

Feb 4 – Saturn gets new President, Richard “skip” Lafauve who replaces Bill Hogland.

Feb 11 – A Houston developer announced plans to build a multi-million dollar commercial complex and apartment houses between the Spring Hill Elementary School and Saturn plant on the 164 acres purchased from the Children’s home for $4.1 million. The complex of apartments to be called “The Colony at Spring Hill.”

Feb 12 – Saturn’s new President, R.C. “Skip” Lefauve, a former GM Vice-President of the BOC division (Buick, Olds & Cadillac) told Columbia leaders that he is impressed by the caliber of people involved with Saturn and compared Saturn’s philosophy and work to the Boy Scouts.

• Tennessee •

Jan 10 - Nashville ballet Est. as professional company.

Jan 15 – Gov. Lamar Alexander proposes interstate connection from Dickson to Wilson Counties called 840 loop. Expected to cost $350 million and take 10 years to complete.


• Maury


Feb 18 – Spring Hill land boom underway, 4000 acres sold for $28 million. Most property selling for $8,000 per acre. Before Saturn, land sold for $1500 to $2000 per acre.

Feb 23 – Tennessee “Home-coming” edition of Daily Herald published.

Feb 27 – Saturn makes first In-Lieu of tax payment of $2 million to Maury County. The check presented by Saturn Vice-President of finance, Tom Manoff. The payment is the first of $7.5 million to be paid in 1986.

Feb 28 – Saturn withdraws bill to limit construction inspection fees to Maury County. If bill had passed it would have cost Maury County several hundred thousand dollars.

March 9 – Maury County Commission approves resolution requiring building permits on any kind of construction in the County.

March 11 – Progress Tool Industries of Southfield, Mich. Purchased 28 acres on Zion road. A $23.5 million plant is planned says spokesman, Jim Nick. The plant will service Saturn and employ 150 to 200.

March 20 – Growth mgt. specialists from two companies presented two reports that said, “Growth will not pay for itself in Maury County”. The County was told it would have to “bridge the cost gap.”

March 21 – Columbia’s acting city manager Pheba Robinson, appointed City Manager.

March 21 – TVA announces plans for Saturn power lines, proposes 161,000 volt transmission lines along Highway 31, east of Carters Creek pike.

March 21 – Mr. & Mrs. James M Campbell donated land on Experimental Lane for a Maury County Art Guild building to be constructed.

March 26 – Former Columbia Mayor, James Bailey died at St Thomas hospital after complications from lung surgery, 66.

April 6 – 100,000 watch the Mule Day parade, biggest ever.

April 8 – The Saturn Corp. dedicated its $3.5 billion auto plant in Spring Hill and “pledged to be a good neighbor” before 800 people attending the ceremony. Saturn president Skip Lafauve said Saturn was “committed to preserving the local culture and visual appeal of the land”. The crowd was served apple cider in commemorative tin cups to toast the occasion.

April 9 – Columbia announces plans to annex both sides of US 31 north to the southern boundary of the Saturn Corp. and University of Tennessee Experiment Station.

April 10 – Mrs. Janie Walters becomes first Maury County hospital auxiliary member to earn a special recognition for serving over 5000 hours at the hospital.

• Tennessee

Feb 26 - Pulitzer prize winning poet and author, Robert Penn Warren of Tennessee named US first Poet Laureate.

April 3 – Dollywood theme park opens in Pigeon Forge.

April 11 – Tennessee “Home-coming 86” celebrated and welcomes Tennesseans back home.

April 12 – Union Station Hotel opens in old Nashville Depot.


• Maury


April 20 – 14 Maury County Commissioners voted to buy Maury County School Superintendent’s Billy Hobbes contract out, 2.5 years remain at $44,300 per year.

April 22 – Maury County School Superintendent, Billy Hobbes said he will not resign after the County commission asked him to step down. Hobbes charged the county commissioners want to control the school system.

May 7 – Columbia City Council approves a $3 million city hall face lift and parking garage.

May 16 – Maury County Commission approves a one time building inspection fee of $500,000 to cover all of the Saturn building inspections on site.

May 19 – “Main Street”, a Columbia organization to promote downtown activities hires its 4th manager in 2 years, Ms. Diane Allen .

May 21 – The grave of the “Father of Maury County”, General Isaac Roberts is properly preserved says assistant district attorney Stephen Parris, a restraining order was issued against the owners of the Three Oakes Village mobile home park when it was discovered it had dumped gravel on it and used it as a dog pen.

June 11 – Maury County School Board proposes a $19.9 million budget and asks for $1.9 million of the in-lieu of taxes from Saturn or 47 percent of the total expected. School Superintendent, Billy Hobbes says Saturn money belongs to the schools and is needed for expansion.

June 13 – A parade highlighted Santa Fe’s Home-Coming celebration, as 16 floats participated & hundreds watched.

July 2 – Maury County Planning commission approved a 52 unit Best Western Motel at I-65 and highway 99.

July 4 – 6000 Maury Countians thronged to Maury County park to celebrate the nations birthday, organized by the chamber of commerce.

July 22 – Maury County Commission approves $42 million budget, includes $6 million payment of Saturn In-Lieu of tax payment. Schools to receive $19.2 million, $500,000 of it from the Saturn money.

July 23 – The Spring Hill Poplar House restaurant that sold for $450,000 last year recently sold for $300,000 at auction. It was purchased by N. Yoshizawa, a relative of David Chen, the owner.

July 28 – The American Legion Post 19 16 year olds win the State championship baseball title. The record of 33-9 under manager Bobby Chance.

Aug 8 – Mike Green defeats 12 year incumbent, Taylor Rayburn for Maury County Executive. Wade Matheny elected Sheriff, Ned McWherter gets Democratic nod for Governor and will face Winfield Dunn in November.

• Tennessee


• Maury


Aug 8 – GM President F James McDonald told reporters in Michigan that the $3.5 billion Saturn plant will be “Phased in” over a period of time. McDonald said the plant will produce 500,000 units in the first year.

Aug 14 – Maury County General Sessions Judge William Fraser plead guilty to DUI and will serve 48 hours in the Maury County Jail.

Aug 19 – Maury County is facing a severe drought, normal rain between April and August is 21.5 inches but this year has been only 7.1 inches.

Aug 20 - Retiring Sheriff Bill Voss was praised at a recent banquet dinner in his honor where 300 attended.

Aug 21 – Maury County, Columbia and Spring Hill officials are meeting to review the $166 million 40 year In-Lieu of tax agreement with the Saturn Corporation. Spring Hill Mayor George Jones said Saturn agreed to build a fire station and should be held accountable for upholding its end of the bargain.

Sept 3 – Columbia attorney, Sam Kennedy has been appointed to the State Board of Education. Mr. Kennedy was the former Publisher of the Daily Herald.

Sept 10 – Saturn Parkway design announced, one exit at Kedron road and one exit at Port Royal road along the 4.5 mile highway to I-65.

Sept 12 – Texas developer, Hal Pettigrew donates 130 acres of land to Tennessee Highway Department for the construction of two interchanges on the Saturn Parkway. Mr. Pettigrew owns 852 acres between Port Royal road and Kedron road. And paid $7.5 million for the land, $8852 per acre.

Sept 19 – GM receives $70 million retroactive tax credit for Saturn plant from Congress.

Sept 24 – OSCO Corp., a Columbia hazardous waste company is illegally polluting the city air and could receive a $25,000 per day fine says State officials. Arsenic, cyanide and PCB’s are being handled on site.

Sept 26 – Maury County Industrial Board approved the reissue of a $75 million Saturn pollution bond by the Chemical Bank of New York after officials admitted they lost the original bond.

Oct 10 – Maury County Commission approves County Executive, Mike Green’s plan to reduce the number of commission committee’s from 26 to 5.

Oct 10 – Maury County School Board approves a standardized list of 20 disciplinary codes and punishments across the entire school system.

• Tennessee

Oct 13 – Vanderbilt Professor, Stanley Cohen, wins Nobel prize for medicine in cellular research.


• Maury


Oct 15 – About 30 Maury County Chamber of Commerce members will travel to Troy, Mich. To show Saturn employees various aspects of life in Maury County and Tennessee says Bill Chafin, Chamber of Commerce director.

Oct 20 – Long time Columbia Central High School Principal, W.J. Field died, 93. Mr. Field served from 1937 -1958 and was known for his strict discipline, support of athletics and initiating the band program.

Oct 21 – Maury County Commissioners approved zoning for Rally Hill Rock quarry despite a petition with 291 signatures.

Oct 21 – Saturn’s 1987 budget reported at $405 million .

Oct 23 – Columbia Mayor, Buddy Morgan, announced Saturn will contract to use city sewer and water system. Studies indicate a 36 inch waterline, pumping station, 6 million gallon reservoir and sewer lines are needed and will cost up to $20 million.

Oct 27 – TVA notifies Federal officials that an alternative plan for the Columbia dam is underway, a smaller scaled down version with a smaller reservoir pool.

Oct 30 – Saturn’s President announces Saturn will initially hire 3000 people instead of 6000 and produce 250,000 cars instead of 500,000, and “phase-in” the production schedule.

Nov 6 – Saturn construction workers uncover human graves on the site, graves will be moved to the Cheairs family cemetery.

Nov 12 – Developer’s announced they will build a $3.5 million 52 room Steeplechase Inn motel and coffee shop in the Spring Hill Town Center.

Nov 16 – The Columbia Mill & Elevator will close. Production of “Blue Seal” flour and corn meal will be moved to the Georgia plant. The 96 year old mill was originally built by the Savage family before being purchased by Southeastern Mills, employed 65 people.

Nov 21 – Maury County will face a $33 million development bill over the next 15 years according to a growth plan study presented by Heirick & Feinstein of Kansas City.

Dec 7 – Spring Hill Raider’s win State football championship in sudden death overtime 21-20 in goal line stop.

Dec 12 – Maury County School Superintendent Billy Hobbs withdraws proposal for new Spring Hill High School on Carter’s Creek site after citizen protests.

Dec 16 – Spring Hill City Council approves liquor by the drink referendum vote.

Dec 19 – Saturn officials agree to $6 million 30 inch Columbia water line.

Dec 31 - Monsanto closes Columbia plant.

• Tennessee

Nov 5 – Ned McWherter elected Governor of Tennessee, defeats Winfield Dunn, democrats gain control of both state houses in legislature.


• United States •

Jan 8 – Dow Jones averages top 2000 for first time.


• World •

Feb 4 – Dennis Conner avenged yachting's most historic loss by returning the America’s cup to the US with the “Stars & Stripes.” Conner’s lost the 132 year old cup in 1983.

Jan 18 – Tens of Thousands of Chinese students protested the communist government and forced the ouster of Huyao-Bang as leader of the communist party for Zhao-zi-yang.

Feb 18 – Ford Motor Company posts higher profits than GM, 1st time in 62 years. Ford earned $3.3 billion to GM’s 2.9 billion.

Jan 20 – Special envoy to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Terry Waite 47, placed under arrest by Muslims extremists in Lebanon.

Feb 2 – Philippine’s adopt new democratic constitution.

Feb 26 – The Tower Commission report concluded that President Reagan’s deal with Iran was a misguided swap of arms for hostages by run away National Security staff member, Colonel Oliver North.

March 2 – Chrysler Corp. acquires American Motors Corp.

March 2 – New White house Chief of staff, Howard Baker, begins new job.

March 2 – Experts say President Reagan’s loss of memory is not unusual. Reagan 76, said he doesn’t recall approving shipping arms to Iran in exchange for hostages.

April 14 – Texaco Oil Company files for bankruptcy.

May 4 – US Supreme Court rules Rotary Club must admit women.

May 22 – GM CEO Roger Smith announces GM will close 16 plants and idle 30,000 autoworkers and cut new product capital from $10 billion to 6 billion by 1989. Robert C Stempel 53, named new President and CEO. •

June 1 – Lebanon Premier Rashid Karami assassinated.

June 12 – President Reagan challenges Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall” in Berlin.

June 11 – Margret Thatcher elected British Prime Minister for 3rd time.

July 4 – America celebrates 200th birthday of US Constitution.

July 31 – At Mecca, a Iranian demonstration against the enemies of Islam starts a riot, Saudi police start shooting, kill 402.

Aug 12 – Iranian mine sinks Kuwaiti tanker, more mines spotted in Persian gulf. Iraqi air strike hits Iranian oil targets.

July 6 – Lt. Colonel Oliver north begins testimony in congressional Iran-Contra investigation in military dress.

Aug 11 – Alan Greenspan replaces Paul Volcker as Chairman of Federal Reserve.

Oct 9 – UAW and GM settle contract covering 335,000 active workers.

Aug 17 – Rudolf Hess, former Nazi died in Spandau prison, 93.

Oct 19 – US war ships attack Iranian oil platforms in Persian Gulf as result of setting mines in Gulf.

Aug 29 – Philippine President Corazon Aquino puts down military revolt

Oct 20 – Dow Jones averages plunge 530 points to 1738.

Nov 2 – Deng Hsiao-Ping 83, retires from Chinese communists Central committee.

Oct 26 – Average price of US car is $10,305, one gallon gas at 89 cents, average US income is $24,350.

Dec 18 – Roh Tae Woo wins South Korean Presidential election in 16 years.

Dec 16 – GM board of Directors approves $1.9 billion capital for Saturn.

• •

Dec 30 – Premier Mugabe elected President of Zimbabwe. 657

• Maury


Jan 2 – Columbia attorney, William Cain sworn in as the new Circuit court Judge of Maury, Giles, Lawrence and Wayne Counties. He replaces Judge Robert Jones who resigned to go into practice.

Jan 4 – The Village at Clairmont is offering 94 exclusive home sites at 1008 feet elevation south of Columbia.

Jan 4 – The new Lowe’s opened on Campbell Blvd, with $26,400 sq feet of store. It is Tennessee’s largest store says manager, Charlie Hale.

Jan 9 – A study presented to Maury County by Hammer, Siler and George associates says the County will have to raise property taxes at least 10 percent to make up revenue shortfalls of $33 million in infrastructure improvements needed by Saturn. The report says $4 million needed this year.

Jan 11 – Members of the Columbia chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society ( TOS ) found a record 97 bird species in their annual 1986 bird count. During the 1960’s the count ranged in the 59 to 79 range.

Jan 13 – Maury County’s tobacco market closed with over 1 million pounds in sales at $1.44 per 100. Sales were off 45 percent from last year says auctioneer, Steve Parks.

• Tennessee

Jan 18 – Ned McWherter inaugurated as Tennessee Governor.

Feb 20 – 7000 Kroger employees in Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama strike after contract expires. 75 Kroger workers in Columbia on strike.

Jan 20 – Spring Hill City Council voted to de-annex the Columbia water main along Highway 31. The move will keep the towns master water meter at Denning lane as outlined in the 40 year agreement with the Columbia.

Jan 27 – Columbia utilities manager, Bill Carroll reported that a lawsuit filed last week is asking for $47,567 to be paid by Spring hill for moving the master water meter and facilities inside the annexed area of the city.

Jan 29 – Spring Hill sues to halt Columbia’s 25 foot wide strip annexation of highway 31. Spring Hill Mayor George Jones says its designed to stop Spring Hill from growing south.

Feb 5 – Mr. Marshall Ledbetter Sr. , founder of Victory Van lines in 1932, Tennessee political leader, Democrat and “Man of his Word” died, 72.

Feb 8 – Judge Jim Hamilton overturns rezoning decision on Rock Crushing operation in Rally Hill. He ruled adequate public notice was not provided. Concerned citizens leader John Wagner said, “It’s a landmark decision”.

Feb 11 – 14 year old Robert Brickner of Columbia is in satisfactory condition at Vanderbilt after a 10 hour heart transplant. A local trust fund asking for donations has been set up by first Federal Savings and Loan. He received the heart of an 8 year old boy.

Feb 26 – President of the Maury County Animal Shelter Association, Allen Coppedge said, they raised $150,000 toward building a new facility of 2400 sq feet, to be adjoining the Columbia Community College Animal Hospital building. Columbia State will provide the land and pay utility bills and provide security.


• Maury


• Tennessee

Feb 27 – A recall petition against Columbia Mayor Buddy Morgan has 400 signatures. Far short of the 2202 needed. Organizers claim more are still out and will be turned in.

March 3 – The Rock quarry operation on Hardison Mill road near Pottsville received Maury County planners approval despite protests.

March 5 – Spring Hill Town Center ground breaking celebrated as 200 people watched.

March 6 – Rhone-Poulen was denied a permit for deep well injection of waste disposal. The plant manager, Roy Johnson said the plant will probably close as result.

March 6 – Saturn spokesperson, Laurie Kay said 80 percent of the site preparation is completed and foundation pouring will begin soon.

March 8 – Toxic solvents found in Mt Pleasant wells. Acetone & Ethylene Chloride found and known cancer agents.

March 12 – Columbia Para-legal, Pete Frierson, is newly elected President of NAACP. Frierson returned to Columbia after serving 9 years in the Navy.

March 19 – Maury County Executive, Mike Green proposes a “privileged Tax” on new construction of $1 per sq foot and $2 per sq foot on commercial buildings.

March 27 – Maury County Hospital Trustees approve a $3.5 million for Physical Medicine and out-patient care building.

April 5 – Mule Day parade draws 100,000 who braved 40 degree temperatures, Kara Williams Mule Day Queen.

April 8 – The Maury County Industrial Board approves a $10 million revenue bond to pay for Saturn’s water & sewer line.

April 14 – Aluminum salt and ammonia leaking from the Smelter Services Corp. landfill is threatening Arrow Lake .

April 10 – HCA sells 104 hospitals to newly created Health Trust Corp.

April 12 – Senator Al Gore Jr. 39, announced he will run for President in 1988.

May 12 – Saturn and University of Tennessee sign agreement to cooperate on transfer of high technology to Saturn, including data banks and landscaping.

April 24 – Carver-Smith reopens doors as apartment complex on East hill with 61 units, cost $250,000 renovation funded by Federal housing grant.

April 27 – Commerce Union Bank merged with Virginia bank to become Sovran bank, 19 billion in assets.

May 15 – Maury County board of education approved a 60 acre site on Frye road for the new $5 million Spring Hill High School on the Billy Webster property. Mr. Webster donated 50 acres to the board last month and offered an additional 10 acres at $12,000 per acre.

May 27 - The Upper Duck River Development Agency voted to ask Congress for control of the Columbia Dam project in response to TVA’s attempt to put a task force together to study an alternative to the 630 foot pool originally planned for the dam.


• Maury


May 27 – Saturn announced it will Est. 100 dealers by mid 1990, divided into area markets.

May 29 – The Maury County School Board unveiled a $9.5 million 5 year building plan that included $1 million for repair of current schools, also considering conversion of College Hill elementary school to a 6th grade center to relieve overcrowding of schools.

June 8 – Maury County median income at $20,150, median priced home at $33.59 cents per square foot with average of 1300 sq feet home. In 1986, 678 homes built in Maury County at average price of $90,450.

June 9 – 250 Spring Hill residents pleaded with County Commissioners not to approve the Frye road Spring Hill High school site. Frye road site they protesters say will “lose our sense of community identity”.

June 12 – Columbia City Council voted to eliminate the Park Patrol position despite the opposition of officer, Tommy Goetz, said to have “bad blood” between himself and Columbia city police chief, Hugh Harris.

June 16 – Spring Hill approves $1.8 million budget.

June 24 – Columbia accepts low bid to run a 24 inch water line to Saturn plant.

July 10 – A 25 page curriculum guide for family life education (Sex Education) will be implemented in Maury County schools says Superintendent, Billy Hobbs. “We are educators and we must assume that responsibility,” he said. He cited that in 1984 there were 180 teen pregnancies in Maury County and half the girls never completed school. 47 percent of teenage girls are engaged in premarital sex he said and the state mandated comprehensive health education in 1983.

July 12 – Columbia Utilities board rejected the low bid of Haren Construction for the Saturn water line declaring them not responsible enough to complete the job.

July 14 – First Federal Savings and Loan Association celebrated its grand opening at 6th and Garden street, President Jim Cook placed a time capsule in the building.

July 17 – Maury County commission considers $45 million budget, $21.7 million for schools. Property tax to remain at $2.35 per $100.

July 20 – Spring Hill referendum vote on Liquor by the Drink fails 212 to 124.

July 31 – 400 construction workers are now on the Saturn site, only 11 Saturn members currently live in Tennessee says spokesperson Laurie Kay.

Aug 1 – Clifton “Coo Coo” Marlin, a Carter’s Creek farmer and NASCAR driver inaugurated into Nashville Motorsports Hall of Fame. “Coo Coo” Marlin was 4 times Nashville Speedway Champion.

• Tennessee •

June 5 - Saturn names new communications Vice-president, Bruce MacDonald ,48.

June 24 – Nashville Convention Center opened.

June 28 – The Upper Duck River Development agency and TVA have agreed to waiver the $5.7 million trust fund payment for 90 days. The money was collected for past 17 years from water customers in Maury, Marshall, Bedford and Coffee Counties at 5 cents per 1000 gallons. UDRDA and TVA are at odds over the size of the Columbia dam pool. TVA recommends 580 feet for a 1338 acre lake and UDRDA wants a 600 foot level for 3700 acre lake.

July 16 – The original will of President James K Polk found in vault of Metro basement of Nashville.

July 20 – UAW attempts to organize Nissan workers for 2nd time.


• Maury


Aug 21 – Senator Al Gore Jr. has Presidential fund raiser at Rattle & Snap, 800 attend, $225,000 raised.

Aug 25 – Columbia Utilities Board approves $2000 water tap and construction fee.

Aug 25 – Spring Hill Poplar House will reopen as former owner, Freeda Brown and Columbia partner, Edna Hadley take possession of the building. The Popular House closed last week after auction brought high bid of $200,000 which was rejected by owner Pat Deltreme.

Sept 2 – The Columbia County Water board dropped the construction and water tap fee to $1000 after 100 people protested at its meeting about the $2000 fee.

Sept 3 – Spring Hill officials said they were pleased with the 4 new Chevrolet cars donated to the police Department by Saturn and GM.

Sept 4 – Columbia City Council accepts low bid of $363,000 to construct the new fire station on Mt Pleasant Pike.

Sept 10 – The Saturn construction crew places the first steel beam in place on site, a 45 foot two ton beam in the Power Train building.

Sept 11 – Maury County’s School Superintendent, Billy Hobbs lashed out at a group of Maury County commissioners and Spring Hill residents for “holding the students hostages” and disregarding the children’s education after the commission tabled a $2.5 million request to renovate the Spring Hill High school as a two year battle over the new school continued.

Sept 17 – Maury County executive, Mike Green rings court house bell 200 times to celebrate the 200th birthday of the US constitution.

Sept 22 – Maury County Commission approves intent resolution for $2.5 million to renovate the Spring Hill High School.

Sept 25 – Maury County School Board rejects $2.5 million renovation of Spring Hill High school.

Oct 19 – Maury County Commission rejects the Frye road Webster property by 10-9 vote, the total cost of the 60 acre tract would have been $120,000.

Oct 21 – Spring Hill authors Peter Jenkins and wife Barbara Jo Penniele Jenkins bitter divorce continues in Chancery court. 11 year marriage to end, three children involved.

Oct 28 – OSCO Inc. announced closing of Columbia operations of hazardous waste recycle plant on Santa Fe pike.

Oct 29 – Spring Hill Mayor, George Jones offered to swap two city parks of existing Spring Hill High school site to build a new high school near the current Elementary school.

• Tennessee

Sept 14 – New Nashville Metro airport terminal opens.


• Maury


Oct 31 – Spring Hill $1.1 million City Hall nears completion.

Nov 1 – University of Tennessee archaeologists are gathering information on the pre-historic Indian settlement found on the Saturn Parkway Port Royal exit in Spring Hill. Chuck Bentz, the head of the team said he believes it’s a site that dates back to 100-400 AD in the Middle Woodland period.

Nov 4 – Columbia City Council election turns out all five seated members. Elected were Deliah Speed, 1st ward; Tommy Logue, 2nd ward; Ronald Ryan, 3rd ward; Ralph Ussery, 4th ward and Gene Wilkie, 5th ward.

Nov 6 – Whitthorne Jr. High Tiger football coach for 13 years and undefeated, Willie Wyatt retired. Maury County executive. Mike Green declared it Willie Wyatt day.

Nov 13 – After 2 years, Maury County says its still waiting for the promised $2 million state grant to help defray Saturn infrastructure costs incurred.

Nov 20 – Gary Ledbetter of Columbia elected Treasurer of the Tennessee Democratic party.

Nov 24 – David Locke, Maury County businessman appointed as Saturn Human Resource Coordinator to help Saturn partner Diane Davis provide facilities and services to relocated Saturn members.

Dec 17 – Spring Hill kicks off 150th incorporation anniversary, state legislature approved Act 307 on Dec 26th 1837 with Henry Wade, Spivy McKissack, Thomas Ferguson and Martin T Cheairs as commissioners to incorporate the city.

Dec 23 – Saturn steelworker, Calvin Davis 51 of Gainesboro, Tn. dies in 50 foot fall while working of Body systems building.

Dec 30 – First Farmers and Merchants CEO, Virgil Moore Jr., reports bank assets climbed 14 percent in 1986 to $220 million.

• Tennessee


• United States


Jan 2 – President Reagan and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney sign Free Trade agreement, lifting all trade restrictions.

Jan 5 – Basketball star “Pistol Pete Maravich” died of heart attack, 40.

Jan 26 – Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “The Phantom of the Opera” opened on Broadway in New York City.

Feb 2 – New York Stock exchange bans use of computerized trading, report blamed computerized trading for 1987 stock market crash.

• World •

Jan 1 - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev begins “Perestroika” or “openness” to restructure the Soviet Govt.

Feb 11 – Iran launched chemical weapons attack against Iraqi to retake Fao Peninsula in Persian Gulf.

Feb 13 – 15th Winter Olympics open in Calgary, Canada.

Feb 28 – 150,000 Kurds killed by poisonous gas in Iraq by Sadam Hussein forces.

April 18 – Two Iranian oil platforms and Guided missile patrol boat sank in Persian Gulf by US warships.

April 29 – First McDonalds restaurant opens in Moscow.

June 4 – After nearly a decade of occupation Vietnamese troops withdraw from Cambodia.

July 18 – Iran accepts UN peace treaty proposed by Iraq.

Feb 21 – TV Evangelist, Jimmy Swaggart tearfully confessed to hiring prostitutes for sexual encounters and resigns.

March 1 – General Motors introduced Pontiac Fiero.

March 22 – Both Houses of Congress override President Reagan’s veto of restoration of Civil Rights bill.

April 3 – President Reagan sends 1300 marines to Panama to arrest General Manuel Noriega on drug traffic charges.

July 20 – Ayatollah Khomeini proclaimed end of 8 year Holy war against Iraq.

May 14 – 27 teenagers killed on I-71 near Carrolton, Ky. when their bus collides with pickup truck.

July 24 – Iran calls for volunteers to stop new Iraqi offensive after accepting UN peace proposal, 30,000 killed.

June 27 – US Supreme Court refuses to hear Right to Work Committee appeal on Saturn NLRB decision contract hiring of UAW members.

July 31 – Jordan’s King Hussein announces he will give up claim s to West Bank.

Aug 1 – Iraq and Iran agree to cease fire.

Aug 17 – Pakistani President Mohammad Zia 63, killed in mysterious plane crash.

Sept 17 – XXIV Olympiad games open in Seoul, South Korea.

Sept 19 - Burmese army Civilian Government after protests an d fighting breaks out against repressive Govt.

Oct 6 – General Augusto Pinochet, President of Chile was defeated in referendum vote held to allow him another 8 year term.

Oct 26 – French pharmaceutical company Roussel Uclaf announces halt to world wide distribution of RU-486, the abortion pill, after outcry. French Govt. orders redistribution 2 days later.

Nov 14 – Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister of Israel forms new Govt.

Nov 16 – Pakistani voters elect Benazir Bhutto prime Minister, first election in 111 years.

Dec 1 – The Supreme Soviet, under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev voted itself out of existence & formed Congress of People’s Deputies to reform Democratic principles. 663

July 5 – Attorney General, Edwin Meese resigns after allegations of misconduct surface involving billion dollar contract to construct Iraq oil pipeline.

July 21 – Democrats nominate Michael Dukakis 54, as President and Lloyd Bentsen as vice-President.

July 28 - Congress passes $6 billion Farm aid bill because of 31 percent crop loss due to drought, worst in 55 years.

Aug 18 – George Bush nominated by Republicans for President, Senator Dan Quayle as Vice President.

Sept 29 – Space shuttle “Discovery” lifts off after 32 month shutdown due to 1986 Challenger disaster.

Oct 16 – Radio Shack ad: Tandy 1000 HX PC with color monitor, 720 K disk drive, 256 k ram, built in MS-DOS, only $798.95.

Nov 8 – George Bush elected President of US.

Dec 5 – Federal Grand jury indicts PTL leader, Jim Bakker on fraud, later convicted.

Dec 21 – Pan Am flight 103, a Boeing 747 explodes over Lockabee, Scotland from terrorist bomb, 270 people killed.

• Maury


Jan 7 – 7 inches of snow blankets Maury County.

Jan 15 – Viamax Corp. announced it will construct a $12.3 million truck plant in Mt Pleasant industrial park. The new custom truck and tractor plant will employ 160.

Jan 20 – Newly appointed General Sessions Judge George Lovell sworn in by Judge Jimmy Matthews.

Jan 22 – The Columbia City Council voted to demote city manager, Pheba Robinson, to Executive Secretary after she refused to replace city police chief Hugh Harris with former police chief, Ed Holton.

Jan 24 – Acting Columbia City manager, David Wilson removed two Department heads and appointed former police chief, Ed Holton, as chief of police and fired city engineer, John Stockton and replaced him with Assistant city engineer, Al Curry.

Jan 28 – Saturn officials celebrated the steel topping-out ceremony in the Power Train building.

March 1 – Saturn starts initial hiring drive in GM plants.

March 2 – Spring Hill Area Citizens Group passed a resolution asking the state to delay the closing of the old Spring Hill High school, mandated for closing by two state fire Marshalls.

March 3 – The doors of the Sullivan’s Department store closed after Washington Industries Corp., the parent company owner of the store filed for bankruptcy.

March 6 – The old Andrews school torn down, it was named after James Andrews in 1881, who was considered as the father of Maury County public schools by some.

March 7 – Saturn wins industrial conservationist of the year award presented by Tennessee Conservation League at ceremony in Gatlinburg, award accepted by Jim Peters and Mike Bennett.

March 11 – Maury County board of education voted to select the Jerry Colley property on South US 31 as alternative site for Spring Hill High School, priced at $10,000 per acre for 50 acres. Maury County commission has rejected the Frye road site three times.

March 20 – Mr. Frank McMean, director of admissions at Freed Hardeman College in Hendersonville named President of Columbia Community College, succeeds Jerry Escue who resigned.

March 21 – Sullivan’s reopened after Department of Labor issues restraining order against Washington industries.

March 25 – Miss Tracy Anderson 16, selected as Mule Day queen. She is the daughter of Connie Carneal and Tommy Anderson.

• Tennessee •

Jan 6 – Tennessee State legislature oversight education committee endorsed governor McWherter’s proposal to increase starting teacher pay in Tennessee to $18,500 by 1990, minimum now is $15,350.


• Maury


March 29 – Maury County Commission Health and Environment committee voted to fund 25 percent of proposed animal shelter operation. New building to be located next to Industrial park and will be county owned.

April 10 – 125,000 enjoy Mule Day parade, 300 plus floats. Parade Grand Marshall shared by Clyde York and Major General Carl D Wallace of Tennessee National Guard.

April 15 – Over 200 students at Mt Pleasant High school walked out in protest because the Maury County school board refused to rehire teacher and basketball coach, Tony Grimes.

April 22 – Columbia City Council selected William E Gentner of Reidsville, N.C. as new city manager, salary $37,500 with merit pay of $3500.

April 27 – Maury County School Board approves $26 million budget, teachers to receive $2000 salary increase, 30 percent of budget from local funds.

April 29 – Maury County Hospital renamed Maury Regional Hospital, 70 physicians and 700 hospital staff. Name reflects growth of hospital services in the region.

May 1 – Alice Algood of Columbia announced she is seeking the Republican nomination for US Senate in Tennessee. She is opposed by attorney Bill Anderson of Kingsport.

May 15 – Hunter’s Glenn subdivision with 300 lots on 97 acres breaks ground on the old Ridley farm off Mt Pleasant pike. Prices range from $86,000 to $110,000 with 1500 to 2000 sq feet houses.

May 16 – Maury County drought of 9.1 inches of rain deficit this year damaged crops says Dean Dixon on Maury County extension service.

May 17 – Miss Julie McAdams, crowned Miss Maury County. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard McAdams.

May 25 – 100th anniversary of phosphate rock discovery and industry celebrated in Mt Pleasant.

May 25 – Hampshire celebrates the opening of its new park.

June 10 – Spring Hill Post Master, Harold Parks, retired after 34 years service.

June 14 – Spring Hill Planning Commission approved a new subdivision on Buckner road in Williamson County. The price range is $70,000 to Mid 90’s with minimum of 1300 sq feet.

June 22 – Maury County declared a disaster area by US Department of Agriculture because of continued drought.

July 12 – Chairman of the Maury County Commission, Jerry Battles announced he will resign due to being a finalist in Maury County school Superintendent selection process.

• Tennessee

April 21 – Senator Al Gore Jr. withdraws from Presidential race after badly beaten in New York.

May 5 – The Parthenon reopens in Nashville after two year renovation.

May 24 – A Federal Judge rules AB Electrolux of Sweden can proceed with a $202 million takeover of Murray Ohio manufacturing.

May 25 – Saturn selects Hal Riney & Associates of San Francisco as advertising agency for $100 million contract.

June 22 – Murray Ohio manufacturing and Tomkins PLC, a British Holding company merge to produce bicycle and lawn mowers in $224 million deal.


• Maury


July 19 – Maury County Commission approves $48 million budget for 1988-89 FY. Property taxes raised 3.3 percent to $2.44 per $100. Maury County School Superintendent, offered early resignation for smooth transition for new Superintendent.

July 27 – Fedders buys GE air conditioner plant in Columbia and agree to offer 400 employees their current jobs.

Aug 5 – Oscar Priest elected Maury County road commissioner, Mrs. Alice Algood carried Maury County for Senate seat but lost state nomination.

Aug 25 – Columbia ordered by State Department of Labor compliance officer, Larry Lane to pay $80,000 in back pay for overtime to city firefighters.

Sept 1 – Two Tennessee Walking Horse stallions donated to China by writer Peter Jenkins and Dr. Marvin Powers of Illinois. The Tennessee Agriculture Department and Tennessee Walking horse Breeders Association will pay the $20,000 cost to ship the horses by air. These two horses are the first horses imported into China since Mao Tse Tung and the communists took over in the late 1940’s. The horses will be presented to the Ta Hao model farm in Mongolia.

Sept 9 – The Maury County Board of Education approved the purchase of 121 acres of land on Rutherford lane for new elementary school. The land purchased from Don Crichton for $200,000.

Sept 18 – Leadership Maury County Chairman Houston Parks announced the first class members, including Charlotte Battles, Darlene Baxter, Michael Bennett, Bob Duncan, Mike Greene, Claudia Jack, Jim Lewandowski, Nancy Bohannon and Larry Belknap.

Sept 18 – Friends of Maury County library formed to support the public library.

Sept 20 – Dr. Jerry Battles selected as new Maury County School Superintendent by County commissioners. Battles is assistant Dean at Columbia State Community college, County commissioner and Chairman of the County Commission.

Sept 23 – First Farmers & Merchants bank announced it will build a new branch office in the Spring Hill Town Center and will donate $200,000 present bank building as the new Spring Hill library. New facility to cost $700,000.

Oct 16 – Saturn General assembly building topping off ceremony celebrated as last steel girder goes up.

Oct 20 – The Virginia based “Peebles Corp” purchased “Harvey’s “ department store in Shady Brook mall.

Oct 23 – Maury County Friends of Library elected officers, Sharon Greene, President; Linda Berry, Vice-President; Jean Harlan, Secretary; and Jean Burt, Treasurer.

• Tennessee

Sept 8 – Henry Staggs, a admitted killer and fugitive since 1970 arrested in Hohenwald, Tn. He recently went before the Louisiana parole board and received 6 months in jail and 5 year probation.

Sept 29 – TVA approved an agreement to allow the Upper Duck River Development agency to keep the $5.7 million trust fund until October 2000. The fund generated by 5 cents for every 1000 gallons of water used by customers goes into the fund.

Oct 2 – Jack Daniels distillery introduces new smoother whiskey called, “Gentleman Jack.”


• Maury


Oct 27 – A memorial marker was dedicated and donated to city of Columbia by Friends of Larry Whitwell, the first Columbia policeman killed in line of duty, April 4, 1981.

Nov 4 – Escaped killer, Henry Staggs, arrested in Maury County for sexual molestation and raping his 9 year old niece.

Nov 6 – Circuit Court jury decided that State of Tennessee must pay Maury County land owner, Pamela Ann McKee Smith $300,000 more for 39.9 acres they took for Saturn Parkway and US 31 exchange. State originally paid $1.3 million for the land.

Nov 6 – A Maury County 16 month old baby, Keary Strayhorn received a rare liver transplant in June at the University of Wisconsin. He is the son of Wescelia Strayhorn and now doing well at Vanderbilt.

Nov 25 – Columbia police veteran, Frank Duncan will lead the newly formed Vice & Narcotic Department for the city.

Nov 29 – Thousands brave mid-20’s temperatures to watch the Columbia Christmas parade.

Dec 2 – Maury Regional Hospital 20,000 sq foot $4.2 million expansion begins construction.

Dec 13 – The Maury County Commission remained dead locked on the Saturn request to close Freeland road. Saturn refused to negotiate a 50 foot right of way for residential access to US 31 on the south end of the property.

Dec 16 – Columbia’s new city manager, Bill Gentner fired former police chief, Ed Holton and appointed James Boyd as the new police chief.

Dec 18 – Santa Claus came early for Ken and Elaine Brunson on Jewell drive as they gave birth to triplets, Cullin, Cayla and Corey who will join 2 year old Cayce and 4 year old Christopher.

Dec 28 – Rattle & Snap listed for sale at $7.7 million by Mr. & Mrs. Amon Carter.

Dec 30 – Spring Hill wins waterline suit, Chancery Judge, James Weatherford ruled Columbia Water system must pay $78,000 for cost of moving water meter.

• Tennessee

Dec 6 - Roy Orbison, legendary Rock & Roll singer died in Nashville, 52.

Dec 15 – A liquid Propane gas truck exploded on I-20 near Memphis, killing 20 people.

Rattle & Snap


• United States


Jan 4 – US Navy F 14 fighters shot down two Libyan jet fighters over Mediterranean.

Jan 20 – George Bush inaugurated as 41st President of US.

Jan 24 – Confessed serial killer, Ted Bundy executed in Fla.

Jan 27 – President Bush pledges deposits in Savings and Loan Associations crisis are backed by full credit of US government.

Feb 6 – Congress approves $100 billion bail out of Savings and Loan Industry.

Feb 14 – Union carbide agreed to pay $470 million in damages for 1984 Bhopal gas leak that killed thousands in India.

March 5 – Time-Warner Communications merge in $14 billion deal.

• World •

Jan 7 – Emperor Hirohito of Japan died, 87.

Jan 10 – Cuba withdraws its troops from Angola .

Feb 5 – Last of Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan after 9 years of fighting.

Feb 14 – Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini calls for death of Salomon Rushdie for publishing his book “Satanic Verses.”

March 26 – First free elections held in Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin elected to parliament, communist party defeated.

April 5 – Polish Government restores independence of Solidarity labor movement after 7 years of being banned.

April 21 – Tens of thousands of protesters crowded into Tiananmen Square in Beijing calling for democratic reforms.

May 8 – Slobodan Milosevic elected President of Serbia.

March 9 – Eastern Airlines files for bankruptcy after strike of machinists union, pilots would not cross the picket lines.

May 17 – Over 1 million Chinese storm into Beijing to show support for student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square.

March 13 – Northeastern US suffers power black out, 6 million people affected.

May 20 – China declares martial law.

March 24 – Exxon Valdez ran aground in Alaska’s Prince William sound and spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil.

May 30 – Chinese students erect replica of statue of Liberty in Tiananmen Square.

April 26 – Lucile Ball, actress & comedian, star of “I love Lucy” died, 77.

June 3 – Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini died, 89.

May 20 – Gilda Radner, comedian, died of cancer, 42.

June 4 – Chinese troops and tanks battle Chinese students in Tiananmen square, 2000 people killed.

June 7 – General Motors announced it will merge small cars and large cars into common platform in each of its brand name models to save costs.

June 4 – Solidarity sweeps Poland holds free elections.

June 19 – Burma renamed Myanmar and capital of Rangoon named Yangon by military junta.

July 5 – Colonel Oliver North sentenced to 3 years in prison for role in Iran-contra scandal.

Oct 5 – Dalai lama, spiritual leader of Tibet wins Nobel peace prize.

Aug 24 – Baseball great, Pete Rose permanently banned from baseball by Commissioner Giamatti for betting.

Oct 23 – Hungary proclaims a Republic and the end of communist rule.

Nov 7 – 1 million East Germans demonstrate for democratic reform.

Nov 10 – East German’s open borders and Berlin wall.

Nov 22 – Rene Morwad, President of Lebanon assassinated, 3 weeks into office.

Nov 29 – Revolution in Czechoslovakia ousts communists.

Dec 15 – Romanian uprising outs dictator Ceausescu.

• •

Dec 21 – East German Brandenburg gate opened.

Sept 7 – Congress approves American Disabilities act.

Sept 15 – Robert Penn Warren, Pulitzer prize author winner died, 84.

Oct 15 – Wayne Gretsky, hockey player for Los Angles Wings breaks Gordie Howe’s scoring record with 1850 points.

Oct 18 – Earthquake of 7.0 hits San Francisco, 270 killed.

Nov 7 – Word Perfect 5.1 released by Microsoft.

Dec 25 – Billy Martin, former New York Yankee manager died, 61.


• Maury


Jan 6 – After 118 years the old Port Royal Presbyterian church in Spring Hill closed its doors. Interim minister, Stephen Brown and Middle Tennessee Presbyterian executive, Rev. James May conducted the last services to 100 past and present church members. The church also called the “Sanford Church.”

Jan 10 – Tom J Hitch, 2nd President of the Tennessee Farm Bureau and civic leader died, 86.

Jan 13 – Saturn President, Skip LeFauve said at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner that Saturn will hire 1000 people and spend $1 billion in 1989.

Jan 13 – Tennessee Department of Education threatens to withhold accreditation and funding for Maury County schools if a timetable for completion of the new Spring Hill High school is not submitted by Feb 1.

Jan 16 – Sullivan’s Department store bought by manager, Carolyn Stems.

Jan 18 – Maury County Commission ratified school board decision to have Dr. Jerry Battles as new County School Superintendent.

Jan 25 – Dr. Ralph Meese called a meeting of Maury Countians interested in preserving old mule-drawn and horse drawn farm equipment and machinery at the memorial building, Dr. Meece says the County has agreed to locating a architect designed museum building in the park and plans are underway to finance it.

Feb 3 – Commander Ronald R Ladd receives command of the nuclear sub, USS John C Calhoun. Ladd is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ladd of Santa Fe. Commander Ladd is a 1968 Columbia Central High School graduate.

Feb 12 – Maury County natives, Mr. & Mrs. Burney Jones celebrated their 79th wedding anniversary Dec 29th. Both are now residents of the Merihill Health care facilities in Lewisburg.

Feb 15 – Columbia City Council placed a moratorium on building permits because of a pending lawsuit against the city, accusing it of illegally collecting impact fees. Mayor Buddy Morgan said the city has collected $534,000 in water tap fees and $346,000 is sewer fees since 1986 when the city council adopted the ordnance.

Feb 17 – Columbia City Council lifts building permit freeze after city attorney said the law suit has little chance of winning.

Feb 28 – Columbia Water Board voted to appeal the decision on the Spring Hill water meter move, cost $120,000.

• Tennessee •

Jan 1 – A new Tennessee furniture book, “The Art & Mystery of Tennessee Furniture and its makers through 1850”, coauthored by Derita Williams and Nathan Harsh features several Maury County pieces.

Feb 2 - Bridgestone USA Tire company announced it will build a $350 million plant in Warren County, Tn. And will open in 1991 and employ 350 workers.


• Maury


• Tennessee

March 5 – Miss Becky Pourns 17, crowned Mule Day queen, she is from Santa Fe.

March 7 – The US Postal Service announced it will construct a 12,252 sq foot Post office in the New Town Center at Spring Hill, says Post Master, Wayne Holt.

March 12 – Mrs. Annie Elora Tillman Gibson, a resident of Hidden Acres Manor in Mt Pleasant turned 100. Mrs. Gibson was born in Marshall County in 1889, attended McDowell school and the Columbia Institute girls school. She was also a supervisor at Citizens Telephone company until she married Mr. Webb Gibson in 1908.

March 16 – The Tennessee Department of Transportation has stopped work on the Spring Hill by-pass from Kedron road to US 31 as traffic through Spring Hill has not increased as much as they thought it would,

March 17 – Governor Ned McWherter announced a $533,182 grant to assist Columbia with sewer and water improvements. $670,558 of local funds also used to provide Saturn with services.

March 19 – The Maury County Animal Shelter has its ground breaking ceremony on Industrial Park road. When completed the shelter will be able to handle 60 animals.

March 22 – Saturn opens a training center in the old Gibson Center in the Northway Shopping Center in Columbia.

March 31 - Tennessee legislature raises gas tax 3 cents per gallon.

April 2 – 150,000 attend Mule Day celebration, Ms. Bonnie Shields is Grand Marshall.

April 3 – Death toll reaches 7 in Hatchie River bridge collapse in Covington, TN.

April 5 – Saturn Northfield training center and office opens.

April 9 – The Columbia Business and Professional Women’s Organization sponsored the “Hope House”. A shelter for domestic violence victims says President, Nancy Henry. Hope House was incorporated in 1988 as the Maury County Center against Domestic violence and is searching for a house location.

April 16 – Saturn work force nears 700 employees, GM Chairman, Roger Smith tours facility.

May 3 – Gateway Developers plans to continue development of the 1122 acres along the Saturn Parkway despite recent foreclosures after owner Hal Pettigrew of Texas defaulted to Remington Savings & Loan Association.

May 8 – James A Taylor, Post Master at Santa Fe retires with 26 years service.

May 14 – R.P. “Pete” Boyd elected new Mayor of Spring Hill, defeating George Jones 234 – 155.

May 15 – Miss Kim Galloway 18, crowned Miss Maury County. She is the daughter of Pam & Jim Galloway.

May 15 – Maury County woman, Debra Turner wins $6000 on Price is Right TV game show.


• Maury


May 18 – Columbia budget of $18.8 million approved , Mt Pleasant budget set at $3.6 million.

May 21 – Dr. Andrew Dale writes new book, “My Tennessee” to describe his memories of Columbia in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Dr. Dale grew up in the house on the corner of 8th & Garden streets.

May 22 – The Capt. James Madison Sparkman chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy purchased 112 reels of Microfilm of Confederate military records says President Mrs. Charles Alexander, costing $2000

May 31 – American Legion Post 19 of Columbia honored two of its members, Mr. Herman Road and Mr. Walter Jack, both in their 90’s & members of post for over 70 years, both served in World War I.

June 9 – Rhone-Poulenc’s Maury County plant identified as source of toxic air pollution by EPA. Pollutants are 1000 times greater than Federal standards and are known to cause cancer.

June 9 – Eight possible Spring Hill High School options presented to Maury County Board of Education, including 50 acres on the Weaver Estate on Kedron road, additional 60 acres of Weaver Estate off Kedron road, 36 acres on Weaver Estate on Kedron road, the Simmons farm on Moore's lane, 50 acres of Johnson property on Beechcroft and Robertson road, Colley property on US 31 and 17 acres next to Spring Hill elementary school.

June 11 – Mr. Fred C Hawkins compiles a new book of cemetery records of Maury County, “They passed this Way”, published in two volumes. Marise Lightfoot and the late Evelyn Shackelford published the book in the late 1960’s since out of print. Mr. Hawkins decided to recopy records and it resulted in a 864 page book, 44,000 names of Maury Countians.

June 12 – Dixie Manufacturing sold.

June 12 – Anjate Talele 13, a student at Whitthorne Jr. High climbed the spelling bee ladder to the national championship round in Washington DC. She is the daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Chaitran Talele of Sunnyside and one of 200 finalist, eliminated as 105th position.

June 13 – Spring Hill budget approved at $1.1 million.

June 19 – Columbia's city sanitation workers strike for 4 percent pay increase and oppose a proposal by city manager, Bill Gentner to grant step pay increases based on merit.

June 25 – Local historian, Jill Garrett and author of “Hither and Yon” announces she will retire from writing historic articles for the Daily Herald after 17 years of work.

• Tennessee •

May 18 – Johnson Controls inc announced it will build a multi-million dollar plant in Pulaski. The 105,000 sq foot plant will supply foam seats to the Saturn plant and employ 200 by 1993.

June 19 – Tennessee population growth lags National average increases of 7.7 percent with only 5.7 percent between 1980 and 1987. Tennessee population Est. at 4.8 million, Metro Nashville at 850,000.

June 28 – Columbia City Council raised property taxes from $1 to $1.20 per $100 of assessed value and approved a $19.2 million budget, passing the Mercer-Slavin pay raise for city workers, which creates a scale for pay raises and gives a 2 percent wage increase.

July 2 – Tennessee now has highest gas tax in nation with 1 cent per gallon increase. Tennessean’s now pay 21 cents per gallon.

July 17 – Maury County passes $54 million budget, tax rate set at $2.44 per $100.

July 18 – Daily Herald publishes “New Comer’s” insert for arriving Saturn employees.

July 12 – Fisk University is on the road to recovery thanks to comedian, Bill Cosby and other supporters giving $23.5 million donation to wipe out debt of $25 million.


• Maury •


July 25 – Columbia Power & Water Board fired utilities manager, William Carroll and marketing director, Paula Wall as performance issues between the board and Carroll intensified. Carroll was employed 17 years at CPW.

Aug 1 – Saturn donates 50 acres of land to Maury County Board of Education for proposed new Spring Hill High school. The site is south of the plant on US 31, known as the love property.

Aug 2 – OSCO Inc. announced it would move from Columbia to Nashville on the Cockrill Bend Industrial park.

Aug 8 – Saturn Parkway opens to public, Gov. Ned McWherter cuts ribbon on $37 million highway.

Aug 11 – Maury County Board of Education accepts $3.7 million bid for J.E. Woodard school on Rutherford lane.

Aug 16 – Maury County native, Joe Champion says his invention of a thermal energy generator car produces a 35 to 1 ratio of energy input to ordinary tap water and was verified by the University of Tennessee Santa Fe Research Center in Knoxville, after 17 years of work.

Aug 17 – Tennessee Aluminum fined $10,000 and given 45 days to cover a large stockpile of Aluminum slag that is polluting nearby ground water in Arrow Lake.

Aug 18 – Columbia voted not to renew FNI Communications franchise for operating the city’s cable television system when the contract expires in 1991.

Aug 20 – Mrs. Ada Frierson celebrates her 100th birthday. She is the daughter of the late Link and Eunice Messgrove of Bedford County. She married Porter Frierson Sr. in 1916. Mrs. Frierson was the first President of the Riverside PTA. When asked her formula for a long life she said, “Just take each day as it comes.”

Sept 3 – The new Sears store opens in the Shady Brook mall here. The new store has 65,000 sq feet and includes an Appliance and auto repair shop.

Oct 21 – Maury County NAACP Youth branch chartered.

Oct 25 – Miss Black Maury County winner is Miss Dottie Willingham.

Nov 2 – A Mt Pleasant native, Robert C Cothran PFC. In the Air Force, killed in Viet Nam in 1966 will have his name added to Vietnam memorial in Washington DC.

• Tennessee •

July 27 – Nissan workers at Smyrna , Tn. assembly plant voted against joining the UAW.

Aug 9 – Citizens of Pulaski circulate a petition protesting the October Neo-Nazi- Aryan Nation march scheduled.

Oct 27 – Lewis County trio wins $5 million Pennsylvania lottery. Truck driver who lives in Hohenwald, Willie Hedge, his wife Emma and friend, Jack Turner, share the jackpot.

Nov 5 – Barry Sadler, singer-song writer died in Murfreesboro, TN, 49.

Nov 5 – Maury County Jail will quit housing state felons because of overcrowding. The jail has 60 beds and currently houses 79 prisoners, 27 of them state felons.


• Maury


Nov 7 – Maury County sells old Kerley Furniture Building to Columbia for $175,000.

Nov 8 – Barbara McIntyre elected Mayor of Columbia, 2294 to Dickey Thompson’s 1364, McIntyre 1st women elected.

Nov 10 – Remington Savings & Loan purchased another 10 acres from Gateway Inc for $200,000. Remington now owns 583 acres between Kedron and Port Royal road.

Nov 12 – Saturn Parkway Port Royal interchange opened.

Nov 12 – Maury County recycling Center closing despite recycling 25 tons of material per day. Lack of funding is reason says Melissa Grissom, former manager of the Recycle Center. Facility operated only two years.

Nov 16 – Walter “Pete’ Frierson, current President of the Maury County NAACP elected 2nd Vice-President of Tennessee state NAACP.

Nov 19 – A new public education foundation for Maury County schools formed by school Superintendent Jerry Battles and Mr. Waymon Hickman, President of the First Farmers & Merchants bank. Purpose of the foundation is to serve as catalyst to the entire community to fund special education projects, innovative programs and special education enrichment prospects.

Nov 28 – Spring Hill Mayor, placed himself in charge of the city police Department after expressing dissatisfaction with officers performance.

Dec 1 – Columbia City Manager, Bill Gentner said Columbia residents can expect a sewer rate increase. Columbia’s waste water customers will have to cover the increase in expansion costs.

Dec 3 – 50 percent of Maury County citizens are eligible for low income housing according to a Federal housing report. One in eight family’s in Maury County lives below the poverty line says Bobby Robinson, Executive director of the Columbia housing authority.

Dec 7 – Occidental Chemical Corp. decided to restart the 3rd furnace on Santa Fe pike plant. Plant currently employs 310 people, $2 million investment made.

• Tennessee

Nov 16 - Fugitive murder, Henry Staggs convicted of sexually abusing under aged female relative by Lewis county jury. Staggs escaped from Louisiana prison in 1970 where is was serving a 15 year sentence for killing a bar bouncer.

Dec 17 – Lewis County Judge, Don Harris, overturned sexual battery conviction of Henry Staggs and found him guilty of simple battery, sentenced him to 60 days in jail, time served. He now scheduled for trial on rape and incest with his niece.

Dec 21 – Tennessee Secretary of State, Gentry Crowell died 8 days after shooting himself following Federal investigation called “Rocky Top” that charged him with corruption. Dec 24 – High rise retirement home fire in Johnson city kills 16 people, injuries 50.

Dec 24 – 44 percent of Saturn’s 1500 employee’s living in Maury County, 36 percent in Williamson County.

Dec 27 – Columbia Board of Public Utilities refused to waive $32,000 impact fee for construction of J.E. Woodard elementary school on Rutherford lane.

Dec 28 – Sheriff Matheny resigns from 911 board to protest hiring a non-county resident Diane Gorvin of Nashville as Director of the Emergency service.

Dec 31 – Anthony C Kimbrough 26, named new editor of Daily Herald with retirement of Martha Jane Hines, 25 year veteran of Daily Herald. Kimbrough from Little Rock, Ark.



• United States

• World

Jan 2 – Dow Jones averages passes 2800.

Jan 7 – Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney told CNN that the invasion of Panama should not be viewed as a new “Bush doctrine” inclined toward military intervention in countries where democratic elections have been subverted.

Jan 1 – Cuba rejoins United Nations after 30 year absence.

Jan 3 – Ousted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega surrenders to US forces, hiding in church.

Jan 13 – Douglas Wilder of Virginia, the nations first elected black governor inaugurated.

Feb 11 – Nelson Mandela released from prison in South Africa after 27 years as political prisoner.

March 2 – 6000 Greyhound Bus drivers strike, company fires them and rehires non-union drivers.

Feb 25 – Communist President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega defeated in election by Violeta Chamarro.

March 11 – Lithuanian Parliament votes to break away from Soviet Union, declares its independence.

March 20 - Namibia becomes independent from South Africa after 105 years of control.

May 29 – Boris Yeltsin elected President of Russia.

March 26 – Arson fire sweeps through New York night club, killing 87. fire set by Julio Gonzalez 36, after dispute with female employee.

April 4 – GM President Robert Stemple named to succeed CEO Roger Smith, 64 as Chairman, Lloyd E Reuss, 53 to succeed Stemple.

June 22 – Earthquake in Iran kills 40,000.

April 26 – Hubble space telescope deployed from space shuttle, Discovery.

July 7 – Martina Navratilova wins record 9th Wimbledon Tennis championship.

May 16 – Sammy Davis Jr.64, singer and Jim Henson 53, Muppet creator died.

July 16 – Ukraine declares itself sovereign from Soviet Union.

Aug 2 – Iraqi forces invade and seize Kuwait territory.

Aug 6 – Pakistani Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto ousted after 20 months in office by President Khan on charges of incompetence and corruption.

Aug 23 – Armenia declares independence from Soviet Union.

Aug 23 – East and West Germany announce treaty to unite two nations, divided since WWII.

Oct 3 – Germany officially becomes one nation as East and West parliaments meet as one body.

Oct 15 – Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev wins Nobel peace prize.

May 22 – Microsoft releases Windows 3.0.

May 31- Jerry Seinfeld show debuts on NBC

June 26 – President George Bush who campaigned on slogan, “Read my lips, no new taxes’ conceded a tax increase was necessary.

July 19 – Baseball great, Pete Rose sentenced to 5 months in jail and fined $50,000 for income tax evasion.

Aug 22 – President Bush signs order to call up Reserves for military buildup in Middle East.

Sept 18 – Savings and loan Executive Charles Keating, jailed in Los Angeles on fraud charges. 3rd

Oct 31 – General Motors posts $2 billion loss for


Nov 1 – A new surgery to reshape the human eye with a laser is being tested and is awaiting FDA approval.

Oct 23 – Saudi Arabia proposed Kuwait swap land for peace after Iraq seized Kuwait territory.

Nov 15 – President Bush signs Clean Air Act to control emissions.

Nov 12 – Japanese Emperor , Akihito formally assumes the Chrysanthemum crown, 125th Emperor to rule Japan.

Dec 2 – Federal gas tax increased to 14.1 cents per gallon, a 5 cents increase, state gas tax is 21.5 cents per gallon.

• •

Dec 11 – Ivana Trump divorces real estate mogul, Donald Trump, after 12 years of marriage.

Nov 25 – Poland elects Lech Walesa, President . Nov 27 – Britain's Conservative party chooses John Majors to succeed Margret Thatcher who resigned as Prime Minister.

Nov 29 – UN Security council approved use of force against Iraq if troops not withdrawn from Kuwait. 674

• Maury


Jan 5 – Barbara McIntyre, Columbia’s first women Mayor sworn into office.

Jan 7 – Historic Annoatuck house on US 31 north of Columbia dismantled and put into storage says director David Holderfield. The house belongs to Lawrence Johns who plans to reconstruct the house on another site.

Jan 18 – Spring Hill wins 3 year water meter suit appeal with Columbia covering cost of relocation of water meter.

Jan 18 – Ashwood landowners and Realtors are irate over 8300 acres of the Ashwood district being put under the National Register of Historic Places because Federal regulations would be imposed on the area.

Jan 21 – McDonalds Ad in Columbia: Big Mac, medium Fry and medium drink = $2.67.

Jan 23 – Bernie Steen named General Manager of Columbia Power & water system to replace fired manager, Bill Carroll.

Feb 4 – Maury County continues to grow as number of building permits increased 26 percent in 1989 over 1988. The County collected $21 million in permit fees in 1989. 215 permits issued in 1988 and 293 issued in 1989 for single family homes, permit fees cost $35 per square foot.

Feb 4 – Miss Kim Galloway, Maury County’s “Fairest of the Fair” named Tennessee’s “Fairest of the Fair” in state pageant.

Feb 5 – Columbia’s first women fire fighter, Cindy Brunson, makes history.

Feb 13 – Maury County School Board approves $7.5 million for new Spring Hill High School for 750 student facility.

Feb 20 – Ryder Transportation opens new truck center in Spring Hill. Expects 400 new jobs to coordinate inbound and out bound supplier and product delivery to Saturn.

March 5 – Maury County Executive, Mike Greene announced he will not seek reelection to office, citing more time with his family.

March 11 – A survey of Maury county citizens by State Representative, J.B. Napier (D) shows 53 percent said, Education is Maury County No 1 issue.

March 16 – Tennessee Department of Transportation designated the 4.4 mile Saturn Parkway a scenic highway. The action regulates billboards to be set back at least 1000 feet and can be no larger than 75 sq feet.

March 18 – Maury County Historical Society sponsored a video produced by Columbia resident, Jerry Nichols entitled, “Save Old Central” and it will be presented at the First Methodist Church. In Nov 1989, a small group of citizens asked the Columbia housing board to rescind the order to demolish the old high school built in 1915 and abandoned in 1976.

• Tennessee •

Jan 14 – 250 members of Ku Klux Klan defied a court order to stop the march in Pulaski and march in front of Court house shouting “White Power” and “Sieg Heil.”

Feb 7 - Henry Staggs, former fugitive killer, pleads guilty to incest with niece, sentenced to 4 years in prison.

March 5 - Governor Ned McWherter announced the appointment of the first women to the state supreme court, Ms. Martha Craig Daughtrey, 47. She currently serves an Appeals judge in Nashville.

March 13 – Saturn breaks ground on first dealership in Tennessee, owned by Russell Gwatney of Memphis.

March 15 – Saturn announces that Nelson Bowers of Chattanooga will be awarded a Nashville Saturn franchise to succeed Lee Beaman of Nashville who withdrew his application.


• Maury


March 18 – Mr. George Williams of Columbia celebrated his 103rd birthday at Mt Nebo Church of God. He has 17 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren, enjoys collecting different treasures he keeps in his room.

March 19 – Maury County is planning to build a wilderness recreation area on land purchased off Santa Fe pike. The County acquired 336 acres from the TVA and designated it a park, with 30 acres for a demolition land fill area.

March 20 - Spring Hill alderman approved a plan to annex 155 acres on Buckner Lane despite protests of land owner.

March 23 – Maury County Regional Hospital proposed a $3 million 35,000 sq foot expansion plan.

March 27 – A citizens committee has developed 6 committees to study ways to improve educational programs at Columbia Central High School. Doug Holt, President of the group said recommendations would be forthcoming.

April 1 – First Citizens Bank announced plans to acquire First Bank of Maury County says President, Ed Lowery. First Maury deposits are currently $15 million and it opened in 1908. it has two branch offices, one on Trotwood in the round building and one in Mt Pleasant.

April 1 – Randy Diamond, a local architect heard a loud crash outside his house in Spring Hill. The next morning he found a 4.5 inch X 4 foot cylinder in his back yard and it emitted radiation. The Department of Defense now says its part of a space satellite that reentered the earth’s atmosphere, a $1 billion satellite.

April 3 – The US Fish and Wildlife Service is considering adding the Leafy Prairie Clover to the endangered species list. The largest population of the clover grows in Maury County by the Columbia dam pool. The prairie clover is known to grow only in 12 area’s in the US.

April 4 – Columbia’s “21st Century Committee” plan report was presented by five task forces with recommendations. The Leasure Services Committee listed the importance of expanding teenage facilities said Chairman Clare Keller. They also listed the need for a multi-purpose central theater located in the old Central High School and a public swimming pool. The Public Safety Committee recommended forming a joint City/County board to study ways to eliminate law enforcement duplication of services said Chairman, Bill Muehlbauer. They also recommended upgrading police services to fight drug abuse. Public sidewalks & transportation were recommended, improved engineering services and a link to I-65. The Community committee recommended improving public education performance. The Utilities committee recommended forming a disaster plan for water and sewer services, expand the water treatment plant and waste water plant, expand the library and complete the Columbia dam.

April 15 – Steve Wade of Ypsilanti, Mich. purchased a full page ad in the Spring Hill Morning Sun to publish his resume and desire to be hired at Saturn. Ad did catch Saturn’s eye.

• Tennessee


• Maury


April 15 – Maury Regional Hospital opened its 20,500 sq foot outpatient wing to be used for physical therapy, radiology and ultra sound exams, cost $4.9 million.

April 18 – 165,000 watch Mule Day parade, 385 entries, Mule Day Queen is Miss Julie McAdams.

April 18 – Allison & Patricia Thomas open Marion’s Restaurant on East 6th street in Columbia.

April 26 – Maury County Homeless Shelter closed. The shelter began in 1985 with Mt Calvary Missionary Baptist church, Mt Lebanon Missionary church and First Baptist church sponsoring housing for the homeless at 120 E 8th street, currently 6 men stay at home.

April 26 – Monsanto dedicated 200 acres as a wildlife pond observation area on Theta road.

May 2 – Food Lion opens on Mt Pleasant Pike, 29,000 sq foot facility to employ 60 people.

May 3 – Maury County average teacher pay is $25,254. Starting salary is $19,504, Tennessee average is $27,052.

May 10 – Columbia resident, Chris Polk is breaking records at Austin Peay College as freshman. The Austin Peay 1st baseman has hit 12 home runs, batting 377, has 59 RBI’s .

May 18 – A Columbia women, Mildred Young 65, under went a triple by-pass operation to become the 20,000 open heart surgery patient at St Thomas Hospital in Nashville.

May 29 – US Air Force Lieut. General Spence M Armstrong, a Columbia native retired after 33 years service. He was a graduate of Mt Pleasant Hay Long High School.

June 1 – First Federal Saving & Loan of Columbia filed to become a National Bank says President, John D Oakes. If approved it will become the Tennessee National Bank.

June 3 – Columbia Power & Water board requested a 35 percent rate increase after the system showed a $26,000 loss after expansion through April this year.

June 5 – Maury County School Board says it needs 30 additional teachers for 1990-91 school year due to growth. A budget of $31.6 million would increase the property tax rate from $1.26 to $1.60 for education.

June 11 – Miss Kim Dockery 19, of Columbia named Miss Maury County by Jaycees in 36th annual pageant. She is the daughter of Franklin & Anne Armstrong.

June 14 – Columbia’s own State Senator William Richardson (D) announced he will not seek re-election after serving 20 years, citing family, ministry and business activities.

June 18 – Saturn families boost school enrollment to 9821 students in 1989-90 year, an increase of 741 students from 1985, Dr. Jerry Battles.

• Tennessee

May 1 – The Saturn dealer construction begins in Chattanooga and Rivergate in Nashville.

May 7 - Statue of Athena by Nashville sculptor, Alan LeQuire, dedicated in Nashville Parthenon in Centennial Park.


• Maury •


June 20 – Rhone-Poulen Chemical company in Mt Pleasant announced it will close the plant in 1993. The plant has manufactured phosphate in Maury County since 1937, layoffs of 120 employees will begin in 1991.

June 29 – Columbia City Council approved a budget of $17 million and increased the sewer rate from $1.55 per 1000 gallons to $2.50 per 1000 gallons to pay off debt incurred from the Saturn expansion and operational expansion due to the growth.

July 11 – Maury County 1990-91 budget set at $51 million. The tax rate will be $2.44 per $100 with $31.4 million to schools.

July 15 – The National Solar car race passes through Maury County and stopped at the Saturn plant.

July 29 – Columbia’s Kentucky Fried chicken franchise owner John R Neal will celebrate Colonel Sander’s 100th birthday of Sept 19, 1990 by restoring the 1st Harlan Sanders café to serve KFC in Corbin, Ky.

July 30 – GM Chairman, Roger Smith drives first Saturn off assembly line to 2600 cheering employee’s.

July 31 – Saturn dedicates child care center in Spring Hill, facility will serve 80 children.

Aug 2 – The Tennessee General Assembly approved $25,000 to help fund the Maury County Museum for Mules and Horse drawn equipment to be built here.

Aug 3 – Mr. Sam D Kennedy elected Maury County Executive 5776 to 4086 over George Jones.

Aug 7 – Saturn announces that R. Timothy Epps 45, as new Vice-President of “People Systems.”

Aug 13 – Columbia & Maury County School Board officials are fighting over construction of four class room expansion for Whitthorne Middle school. Columbia will not issue a building permit until school board pays $3000 sewer fee.

Aug 26 – Bell South offers Maury County cellular telephone service for first time.

Sept 16 – The Saturn Sovran Bank branch opens on the Saturn site.

Sept 23 – Maury County school enrollment tops 10,300.

Oct 12 – Saturn ships first cars to dealers.

Oct 17 – 300 Columbia Central High School students walked out of school to protest what was described as unfair treatment of black students in last weeks Homecoming activities.

Oct 18 – Maury County crime index rose from 1834 in 1987 to 2245 in 1989, a 22 percent increase.

• Tennessee •

June 25 - Memphis announces plans to build a 32 story Pyramid as a symbol of the city. The $57 million structure will house a 20,000 seat Arena for sports events.

1st Saturn with GM President Bob Stempel , UAW President Owen Bieber, GM Chairman Roger Smith and Saturn President Skip Lefauve

Aug 5 – France honored World War II hero 46 years later with Chevalier Cross of French Legion of merit for Robert Hamsley of Ethridge, Tn. A tank commander in General Patton’s 3rd Army for saving the town of Plelo, France.

Aug 9 – Bellevue mall opens in Nashville.

Oct 5 – Saturn reveals 1991 prices; SL Sports Sedan=$7995; SL-1=$8595; Sports Touring Sedan SL-2=$10,295 and Sports Coupe SC=$11,775.


• Maury


Oct 23 – Maury County NAACP President, Pete Frierson presented a list of 28 suggestions to improve conditions in Columbia Central high school. CHS principal, David Williams said he reviewed the list and it was “Just a bit too much.”

Nov 1 – A Columbia study by Kraft, Eastman, Patton and Harrell says the city cannot afford to refund customers of sewer and water service because the fund must be used to reduce debt to bond holders over the next 15 years for the expansion. Interest will be $4.9 million on $10.2 million borrowed.

Nov 4 – Columbia mailed out 13,190 tax bills of $256 million in property assessed value of $190 million.

Nov 16 – Weather Tamer plant to close in January, 225 people will lose their jobs.

Nov 20 – Two Columbia businesses hired a professional exterminator to cut the Columbia Pigeon population without city approval. Frank Walker and Terry Cook who own property downtown maintain they didn’t need approval, dead pigeons found all over town.

Nov 20 – Mitsubishi corp. of Japan purchased 50 percent of UCAR Carbon said President of the Columbia plant, Jim McKnight, price was $225 million.

Nov 23 – A economic development study presented to Columbia officials found no industry wants to come to Maury County because the city and County work against each other, says Mayor Barbara McIntyre.

Dec 9 – Five Columbia City Council members in a closed meeting asked city manager, Bill Gentner to fire Columbia communications director, Randy Barlow. Mayor Barbara McIntyre is opposed to the firing.

Dec 12 – Columbia city manager, Bill Gentner says he is responsible for firing city communications director, Randy Barlow.

Dec 16 – Public Shirt Company to close in Feb., 300 people to lose their jobs.

Dec 20 – New North End Shopping Center to be built of 12 acre site of old Annoatuck house, 48,000 sq feet grocery store and 15 other shops on site.

Dec 26 – Duck River crested at 41 feet, state flooding worst in 40 years in 15 Counties.

Dec 28 – Bill Chafin, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce resigns after 22 years service. Mr. Chafin cited need for new faces and blood to be involved.

Dec 30 – Mr. Waymon Hickman re-elected 1st Farmers & Merchants President and elevated to CEO of bank board, T. Randy Stevens, a 17 year employee of the bank elected to Board of Directors.

• Tennessee

Dec 11 – 12 people killed in I-75 99 vehicle pile up in fog near Chattanooga, Tn. ,50 injured.

Dec 17 – President Bush nominates former Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander as Secretary of Education.


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