Travel Tips | Berlin (Eng.)

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OVERVIEW Situated in northeastern Germany, Berlin has been rebuilt and is incredibly anxious for your visit. It is the perfect place for those seeking adventure or a romantic getaway or even for those seeking a family trip. Everybody has good reasons to visit this fantastic city. Even though the division of Germany is extinguished, Berlin remains with the marks from the past. Brutally bombed in World War II, its western side has been completely rebuilt, so it has a contemporary and modern architecture, while the eastern side still has memories from the past. But it has been re-urbanized and it is becoming a traditional city with beautiful buildings from the new century. Still on the eastern side, you can see the remains of the famous Berlin Wall. Getting to know a little more about the history, this wall was a symbol of a difficult period worldwide. This milestone not only divided Germany, but the entire world. On one side had the capitalist countries under the influence of the United States, and in the other side, communist countries were guided by the Soviet Union. It was only in 1989 that the Berlin Wall was destroyed, unifying Germany and promoting the happiness of the German population. Berlin is not only the capital but it is also the biggest city in Germany. It is considered one of the largest centers of culture and sciences of Europe, and offers an intense cultural life. Tourists can visit countless monuments, more than one hundred museums, hundreds


of art galleries, cinemas, theaters, concert

From April to September the climate is quite

halls, nearly five hundred churches and more

pleasant, because it is spring and summer

than five thousand bars and pubs with the

there. During this period the temperatures

extremely famous German beers.

are between 4° C / 15° C and 14° C / 28° C.

There are countless attractions for tourists,

during these seasons the nature is extremely

making the trip very busy. The big question is where to start. Leaving the Brandenburg Gate and going towards the huge Alexanderplatz (Alexander square), you can visit the most important places in Historical Downtown. The Unter der Linden Avenue, the National Library, St. Hedwig’s Cathedral, Santa Maria church,

In addition to the more favorable climate, beautiful. In the winter, temperatures are extremely low, easily going below 0°C. From October to February the weather gets too cold and icy. In the fall the temperatures are between 6°C / 13°C in winter are around -5° C / 3° C. It rains throughout the year, specially during the months of June and August.

the City Hall building. Each one of them has its

When it comes to climate, Germany is a

particular and splendid architecture.

very cold country, so the best time to visit the country is in the summer. From May to

Another reason to visit the German capital is the city’s reference in classical music, jazz and also in the underground music style. To communicate is easy, there are several phone booths around town yellow. They are usually on the corners and some have information in English, French and German. To buy phone cards there is also very easy. You can find them in bookstores, post offices, newsstands, train stations, and at places where they have vending machines with this service. Germany has a temperate climate with wet winds that overcome throughout the country. Because of its geographical location, the country receives a lot of cold currents from northwest Russia. On the other hand, this is a country where tornadoes, large droughts are extremely rare to occur.

September is the perfect time to discover Berlin.

There are several entertainment options

this night, most of the city museums are open

throughout the year.

24 hours, attracting hundreds of people. The dates change every year.

In February, there is Berlinare. It is the famous film festival in Berlin and is considered one of the most important in Europe. This event occurs on Potsdamer Square (Potsdamer Platz).


In the summer (from July to September), the most famous festival in the city takes place,

In Berlin, there are buses, trams, subway, trains

Love Wall. During the days of the event,

that run throughout the city and even to other

Berlin becomes the world capital of electronic

countries, where they run perfectly. Regardless

music. There are over a million people in the

the means of transport chosen, the best option

Tiergarten park.

is to use the interconnected service. It will allow using all means of transport in one ticket, which

Another attraction that you have to look for

can be used for two hours, or one day, or a week

when you book your trip is the Nacht der

or a month.

Museen Läangste, or Museums Long Night. This event happens twice a year, and during

SUBWAY Known as U-Bahn, is connected to all four sides of the city and is extremely efficient. Almost every road is underground and they have been operating since 1902 and were built to relieve urban traffic. There are nine lines with more than 170 stations.

TRAIN To circulate not only in Berlin but throughout Europe, the train is more suitable. The central station of Berlin (Hauptbahnhof) is the largest interconnection of trains throughout the European Union. It is 70 thousand square meters big, over five floors and a wide network of services. Besides this one, there are five other railway stations for long distance. All of them are connected by the local public transportation, if you want to travel to another location where the rail network does not go. There are also direct trains from Berlin SchĂśnefeld Airport to the city, they leave every 30 minutes.


BUS There are about 150 lines circulating during the day and 54 night lines in Berlin. There are


buses all around town, some work as tourist buses, because they pass by the main sights.

BY CAR There are several car rental agencies at the airports and downtown. The best part of the

It seems like there are endless monuments to visit in Berlin. There are hundreds of palaces, churches, galleries. All of them tell their story in a different way.

highways is the lack of tolls, an attractive


advantage. Moreover, they are considered one

One of the places that best expresses the

of the best roads in Europe.

cultural strength that this city has. It is a large


complex with galleries, museums and concert halls. One of them is the Neue Nationalgalerie,

It is an unforgettable experience to go on

or New National Gallery, where you can find

the boat tour. There are travel packages

huge paintings of the beautiful international

that include the tour by the river Spree. It

modern art. It is situated in the Herbert von

is fascinating to see the city’s architecture,

Karajan Strasse (street Herbert Von Karajan).

the centenarian buildings that takes you to time travel back to the past. On most trips,


there are guides telling the history of each

Situated in Mitte, is an important place in

attraction in a specific language, remember to

town. Before the World War II it was just

ask about if first.

an intersection of rural roads, today is a


magnificent square where there is a contrast of old architecture with new construction.

There are several establishments that rent

Besides the heavy traffic, this place is also

bikes to tourists. But they are not only

known for the several stores, and even some

used by foreigners; local residents are

famous brands. This square was destroyed

also benefited from bike lanes and special

during the Cold War and after the fall of the

traffic lights for cyclists, which can be seen

Berlin Wall it was rebuilt and today it is a

throughout the city. This tip goes for the

symbol of ‘new Berlin’.

summer months that are not so cold. It is even better if you are guided by the local


maps, it can be an unforgettable adventure.

Or Brandenburger Tor. It is, actually, a triumphal arch. With 26 meters high it is the only construction left from other old entries in Berlin. It is situated in Unter den Linden, one of the main avenues. Today is a symbol of reunification of the city.



pieces of the period between 4000 BC until

Is a majestic palace, which was the official

the Roman era. The tickets cost five euros,

residence of the politicians of Prussia. At first

about seven dollars.

it was called Lietzenburger, but King Frederick wanted to do a tribute to his beloved Charlotte.


After the death of his wife, he changed the

The Berliner Philharmoniker is one of the

name to Charlottenburg Palace. In an Italian

world’s major orchestras. Founded in the

Baroque style, the beautiful and magnificent

late nineteenth century, today it is a public

gardens only add up to its magnitude.

orchestra. Tickets vary widely but are usually

Remember that the palace is really big, so take

very expensive. It is always very popular, so

some time from your day to visit it. Each step

book in advance. Its headquarter is situated

deserves to be enjoyed in peace.

in the Herbert von Karajan street, near the


boulevard Unter den Linden.

Has an extensive and excellent collection of


images, works, Egyptian statues. One of the

Close to the Brandenburger Gate, it is where

most popular items is the sculpture of the

the German Federal Parliament works. Built

bust of Nerfetiti. It’s just exciting to see it up

in the late nineteenth century, it was rebuilt

close. There are hundreds of monumental

after a fire in 1933. When the reunification of


Germany took place, this palace was redone again and remains like this until today. It is a beautiful place with an incredible glass dome on top. It’s the big attraction.

TIERGARTEN PARK Situated in the western part of town, and near Berlin Philarmonic, it is the greenest part of the city. Tourists and the local population go there. It was originally created to be the hunting place for the kings of Prussia (Tiergarten means “animal garden” in German). In 1818, the park was redesigned with British standards and received several statues. Nowadays it is the oldest public park in the German capital.

ALEXANDERPLATZ Alexander Square or just Alex, as the Germans calls it. It is situated near the Spree River and is the most important square in Berlin. Every day it is really busy, with people and cars. This is also the local link between most of the city’s public transportation. One of its highlights is the World Clock, a metallic structure that tells


the time in several places in the world. There is also the TV Tower, which is the tallest building

In downtown Berlin, on the Spree River.

in Berlin, about 365 meters high. Some floors

Since 1999 it is considered a Cultural Heritage

are open to the public, with restaurants and

of Humanity by UNESCO. Besides the five

bars with an impressive panoramic view. There

beautiful museums, there are also the Berlin

are also revolving restaurants, where you can

Cathedral or Berliner Dom and the Lustgarten

admire the city landscape during a meal.

(“garden of delights”, in german). All museums

BERLIN STATE OPERA Or better known as the Staatsoper Unter

are open from Sunday to Monday, from 10am till 6pm and tickets range from four to fourteen euros (five to nineteen dollars, approximately).

den Linden. There is an opera house built in the eighteenth century with headquarter on

There is the Pergamon Museum, that took

the famous boulevard Unter den Linden. The

twenty years to be fully built. The museum

presentations there are always lovely. For

is divided into three parts: A Collection of

those who like the musical style is a must go.

Classical Antiquity, where you will see Greek

The Bode Museum was named after Wilhelm

and Roman sculptures; the Museum of the

von Bode, art historian and first curator of the

Ancient Near East, where there are several

Museum (called Kaiser Friedrich Museum in the

masterpieces of ancient Babylon; and the

past). There are over 750 thousand sculptures,

Museum of Islamic Art, where you can see

collections of coins and medals, and other

excellent Islamic decorative arts.

pieces of art. These works are represented in Byzantine art, Middle Ages, Eastern Christianity,

The Altes Museum or Old Museum is one of

the Italian Gothic and early Renaissance.

the world’s most important in the segment of ancient art. There is an extensive collection of

Last but not less important, there is the Neues

sculptures, mosaics, vases and other pieces

Museum, or New Museum. It was first built

from ancient Rome and Greece.

in 1855, but was severely damaged in the bombing of WWII. It was recently reopened

The Alte Nationalgalerie, or Old National

and has exhibitions from the Ancient Egypt,

Gallery, has an extraordinary collection of

Prehistory and events before the war.

paintings from the nineteenth century. Artists like Lieberman, Monet, Renoir and Menzel.



is around fifteen euros, about twenty dollars.

Is one of the oldest. Known as the Zoologischer

Many hostels are in downtown Berlin and they

Garten Berlin, it was founded in August 1844

are usually young people’s option.

and remains opened since then. Today there are over thirteen thousand animals and about

If you want the best location in town,

1400 species. It is situated northwest of

there are all kinds of hotels in Alexander

Tiergarten district. Open from 9am to 7pm. The

Square, especially four and five stars. At the

tickets price range from six to twelve euros

boulevard Unter den Linden there also some

(eight to sixteen dollars, approximately).

sophisticated even luxury hotel, and there are


also many stores.

The biggest part that is still up from the wall that divided Germany for nearly thirty years is situated on Mühlenstrasse (Mühlen street). Nowadays, it is a huge painting composed by


paintings from over one hundred artists. There are other smaller parts of the wall around the

The culinary from Berlin offers much more

city, you can also take home a small piece of

than sauerkraut, sausages and beer. You

that world-famous wall in souvenir shops.

cannot compare it to the French cuisine or the tasteful Italian food, but the German cuisine is unique and each region has its specialty. Berlin


is known for the influence of Silesia (now Poland) with dishes like eisbein, pork knuckle baked with a layer of fat and boulette, meat balls served with white bread and mustard.

This city is very welcoming and there are many places to stay. There are hotels, hostels,

The pork is really popular, but roasted goose and

pensions and even the possibility of renting

carp with potatoes are also traditional dishes.

an apartment. Another crucial ingredient from the German To get around easier, choose a place

food is the bread. There are many kinds, flavors

downtown. If you don’t want to worry

and shapes. There are over 1500 types of

about a schedule and want more privacy,

sausages, from light to super spicy. The meals in

rent an apartment. There are many options

Berlin are cheaper than in other cities in Europe.

downtown, and some offer leisure areas. If you prefer a hotel because you will not need

There are over six thousands kinds of beer in

to worry about cleaning or food, make sure

Germany, and you will have to try at least one

that meals are included in the rates. If you

of them. This drink can be found in eight out of

choose boarding houses or hostels, they are

ten food establishments. The nightlife in Berlin

the cheapest options. The daily rate of a hostel

is known as one of the most famous in Europe.


There are countless options to suit all tastes. It

Kurf端rstendamm is the commercial center of

may be a fun restaurant, a bar a quieter night

Berlin. Very busy, this place connects new

or even a pub or a nightclub to finish the night

German designers and very famous designer

only at dawn, literally. The city is very eclectic

brands. It is where the largest mall in the city is.

on this matter.

There are over one hundred stores, restaurants and entertainment options. Visit the biggest

Anyone seeking entertainment, the alternative

department store in continental Europe and the

district of Kreuzberg is a good tip. It is a

famous outlets of international brands, these

meeting point for foreign and local youths.

are situated west of the Mall. There are also bookshops and designer shops. You will find cheap and expensive products here.


At Friedrichstrasse is possible to find many world-known brands and department stores

There are many good reasons to go shopping in

with hundreds of products. There are also

Berlin. There are some products available only

publishers who sell books magnificent leaving

here. Prices in Berlin are a lot cheaper than in

at excellent prices.

other cities in Europe, such as London and Paris.

Bergmannstrasse is situated in the Kreuzberg

Berlin is a city full of shopping possibilities.

district and is full of bookstores, stores selling

There are dozens of streets with several stores,

records and CDs, thrift stores and design fairs.

from world-famous brands, thrift stores, book

In Mehringdamm avenue is also possible to

stores and huge department stores.

find amazing thrift containing wedding dresses

of the Cold War era. Some of these outlets sell


clothes by the weight. A kilo is about fifteen

The Euro, denoted by the symbol € (or EUR), is

euros, twenty dollars.

the official currency of German.


The Euro is divided into a hundred cents,

Turkish Market: the Turkenmarkt is located in

sometimes called Euro cents. All circulating

Maybachufer street in the Kreuzberg area. It

coins have a common side showing the value

is just like being in Turkey. You will notice the

and a map in the background. The coins

different colors and scents. You can find fruits

also have a national side showing an image

and vegetables, some tents have the region’s

specifically chosen by the country that issued

delicacies that are worth trying. There are also

them. Euro coins from any European Union(EU)

cheese, wine, crafts, clothing, accessories and

member state may be freely used in any

many different objects. The goods are always

nation that has adopted the Euro.

very cheap compared to the stores in town. There are €2, €1, 50-cent, 20-cent, 10-cent, Art Market or Kunstmarkt: Situated near the

5-cent, 2-cent, 1-cent coins. The Euro

Old Museum, on the street Am Zeughaus, has

banknotes have common designs on both

a huge variety of handicrafts. Open Saturdays

sides and are issued in €500, €200, €100,

from 11am to 5pm and Sunday from 10am

€50, €20, €10 and €5 notes.

to 4pm, it is very popular because its wide selection of gifts and souvenirs. Flea Market or Flohmarkt: It is situated in Bernauer Strasse, near Arkonaplatz. Students and local residents come here to sell their belongings at a very low price. Almost everything is used but it’s worth to take a look. You can find clothes, appliances, household objects, tools and even bicycles. It is opened on Sundays from 10am to 4pm. Book Market: the Buchmarkt is situated in Am Kupfergraben in front of the Bode Museum. It’s a fair of old books. Around sixty dealers come here to sell books, records, CDs, crafts and even some furniture. It is opened on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 16hs.


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