Travel Tips | Mexico City (Eng.)

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OVERVIEW Mexico City is one of the most populous

The city is still a paradise for the lovers of

capitals of the planet, being then very similar

spicy food (even in the breakfast), of the chilis,

to the main metropolises of the world. It is big,

guacamoles, tacos, tapas and tortillas, not

densely populated, polluted and has a terrible

counting the delicacies using cactus as its base

traffic, but it also has one of the most fantastic

(even juice is done with the plant – you should

histories of America and it preserves very

try it!) and the drinks done with tequila, a drink

well the buildings and the ruins of the ancient

also based on the exotic plant of the desert.

civilizations. Not mentioning the several parks spread around the city, such as the Alameda

Busy, amusing, tasty, colorful and interesting.

and the Chapultepec.

Mexico City is just that, only in gigantic proportions. And it gives a certain sparkle in

Besides squandering native and colonial

the eyes to know that you are walking around

history, the city is modern, with intense

the second most populous city of the world

financial business, in great part influenced by

(with 22 million inhabitants behind only to

the frontier with the United States.

Tokyo). Important and imposing, the Mexican capital offers to a tourist a world of options.


You can invest in a cultural and historical

one week is too little to explore all the city has

itinerary, as there is no lacking of museums, art

to offer. But, if this is your available time, even

galleries, monuments and archaeological sites.

so, is worthwhile. Now, if you have more days,

A gastronomic circuit is also available, food and

go further than the touristic places and try to

typical drinks are a compulsory part and are all around. The city also cheers up the lovers of flowers and gardens, of walks in the charming streets and, of course, of good purchases. The wooded Mexico City is a true party of contrasts, where the contemporary and the ancient coexist in absolute harmony, in spite of having dimensions of a megalopolis. An

go to the points that the Mexicans go. Mexico City is the most ancient metropolis of America and it is situated in the region of the Central Elevated plain (height 2.240m); covered by the volcanoes Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl, it is known to have the best climate of the world, with a middle annual temperature of 22° C. Known previously as the “ City of the Palaces “, Mexico City also has two of UNESCO’s World

Aztec temple can be close to a very modern

Heritage places: its historical center surrounded

building, earthquake proof, as well as groups of

by pretty religious and historical buildings as

pop music and the mariachis that share popular

the Metropolitan Cathedral, the National Palace

likes. And it is this mix that attracts tourists of

or the Fine Arts Palace, and its Ecological Park

all kinds, who, by the way, are very welcomed by the cheerful Mexican people. If you are one of those people that like exploring places thoroughly during your holidays, you should know beforehand that

of Xochimilco. If your interest is culture, Mexico City offers a great variety of museums: the National Museum of Anthropology, the National Museum of Arts and the National History Museum (inside the Chapultepec Castle). To the north you will be able to visit Guadalupe’s Basilica, the second sanctuary most visited in the world after the Basilica of Saint Peter, in the Vatican. It is a must for those who want to know more about the customs and the traditions of the city. For all that we can say, Mexico City is a cosmopolitan enclave, where the inheritance of the colonial tradition is combined with the activities of a modern city: you buy in the bazaars and in the markets of craftwork, like those from the districts of Coyoacán and San Angel, or in boutiques and shopping centers, like the ones in Polanco and Santa Fé enclosed by the glamour and the comfort of their hotels and international restaurants.



SUBWAY The subway of the city is one of the cheapest in the world; 2 $ pesos since 2002. The

To walk around the city on foot is the best way of knowing it in details. Even because you escape from the intense traffic. But, if you want to use the public transport, a good option is the subway. Besides the public transport, the visitors can also use the double-deck buses that circulate through the main touristic places. This bus has at present two lines, one that goes through the historical center and the other one that goes to the south region. The traveler pays only one price to go around the two areas. The price of this service is the best and the walk is worthwhile.

difference from other subways in the world, you can change lines without paying another ticket. Undoubtedly the subway of Mexico City is the best, quickest and safest means of transport of the city. For a better trip avoid to use it in the hours of peak (from 7 to 9am, 3 to 4pm and 7 to 8pm).

METROBUS This transport is a modern system as an alternative to the problems of traffic in the city; it is on top of Insurgentes Avenue, the longest in the world, which crosses the whole city. The


cost is 3.50 $ pesos per travel, you pay with an electronic card that $ costs 11.50. This card has a refund of 8.00 $ pesos and a travel.

ELECTRIC TRANSPORTS This system is another alternative to reduce the emissions of toxic gases; at present it disposes of 15 lines (Trolebus andLight Train) being the best form of bringing the Xochimilco near theHistorical Center.

RTP The buses of the RTP cover many roads of the city, around 3.500km of longitude, being the connection between housing areas and subway stations in 88 different directions; they are very comfortable and safe. This service works every day, from 4am to 10:30pm and the ticket costs 2 $ pesos per travel. Taxi: There are different types of taxis, most of them are green with two or four doors. The most representative is the one called, in Mexican slang, of vocho. Avoid to board the taxis with the plates that do not begin with the letters L or S. The best is to call for the service of authorized taxis, as the security in all senses is better and it can be found easily in the airport and in the hotels. of which still present in the daily life of the


inhabitants of the capital. The Templo Maior is located in the center of Mexico City, and is a small archaeological site where it is possible to admire the ruins of the Templo Maior of the

In Mexico City you can discover the

Aztecs, the most important building of Mexico:

archaeological tracks of the Mexican culture;

Tenochtitlรกn, the capital of the Mexican empire.

at these places and in its museums you will

Tlatelolco, located in the center of the city, is

find out the great mysteries of this culture

considered as the twin city of Tenochtitlรกn,

cosmovision, as well as its customs, some

in it survives the base of the main temple,

of similar format to the Templo Maior of the

Independéncia, best known as El Ángel, which

Mexican capital, as well as a circular temple

represents “Victoria hauled”, is a column of

devoted to the god of the wind. Cuicuilco,

corinth style, with figures one of the heroes

which is situated in the south of Mexico City, is

of the independence and symbols of the war,

one of the most ancient urbane zones of the

peace, law and justice represented in the

pre-hispanic Mexico, where it is preserved the

form of feminine thirsty figures. Further on

remains of the multiple religious and housing

you will be able to admire the Monument to

buildings, as well as part of the hydraulic

Cuauhtémoc, set of square plants of three

system that supplied the city.

bodies, which emphasizes the figure of the Aztec emperor in attitude of combat, seizing a

The whole city is full of history, which reveals

spear; and the next one, in the public square,

the past of a nation of constant growth that is

the Monument to Christopher Columbus, work

reflected through the monumental examples

of the French sculptor Carlos Gardier, who is

of the architectural modernity distributed by

distinguished by the pink color of its support

any metropolis. To prove it is enough to visit

in renaissance style. Finally, on the corner

the places considered representative of the contemporary architecture: Colonies Rome and Condesa – Situated in the center of the city, they outstand for their houses and elegant buildings in art nouveau and art deco styles. The two neighborhood housed members of the high society in the beginning of the 20th century, were abandoned during the conflict of 1910 but during the 1920’s recovered its ancient splendor. In Park Mexico, one finds bookstores, art galleries and cultural centers. Corredor Reforma – Situated in the center of the city on Paseo de la Reforma Avenue. Along all this avenue, it is possible to admire the most famous monuments of the city, as well as the modern buildings such as: theTorre Maior, the highest building in Latin America with 55 floors; the Fuente de La Diana Cazadora, which was called like that in memory of the Roman goddess of hunting, projected by Vicente Mendiola and sculptured in bronze by Juan Francisco Olaguíbel; the Monument to the


of Paseo de la Reforma Avenue and Juárez

right in front of the Zócalo (Central Square),

Avenue, you will see the famous structure

where you will be able to admire concerts

known as El Caballito, work of the sculptor

from well known artists, such as Diego Rivera,

Chihuahuense Sebastián, that makes reference

that shows the historical route of the political

to the equestrian statue of Carlos IV, which

power in Mexico.

is in front of the National Museum of Art, in theHistorical Center.

Templo Maior – While visiting Templo Maior and the attached museum, which shows pieces

The Historical Center of Mexico City is the

found in the diggings, the visitor will be able

oldest part of the capital, and also disposes of

to see the mock up which display how it was,

some of the artistic treasures appreciated not

in the past, this area of the city. Illustrations

only in the country, but also in the world, as it

on the works carried out in the basement of

is possible to find in its surroundings excellent

the cathedral, which also can be seen in the

examples of the classic and contemporary

museum, indicate that in other points of the

architecture, beset by magic and legend,

historical center there are constructions of

which also contributed for it to be enclosed in

the time of the Aztecs. The City of Mexico

UNESCO’s World Heritage list. Amongst its most

was built, in part, on a landfill. That is why

important buildings stand out:

some constructions literally were sinking in the ground. In the works of drainage carried

Constitution Square or Zócalo – Constitution

out, were found tracks of the Temple of the

Square is the main square of Mexico City,

Sun, of the Circular Temple, of the Temple

unofficially known as “el Zócalo”. It is the

Quetzalcóatl and the place where the bullet

fourth biggest square of the world and the

games happened when it was practiced by the

center of the national identity of Mexico,


being only behind, in dimension, to Tiananmen Square in Peking (China), theMonterrey

Fine Arts Palace – Situated in front of Central

Macropraça (Mexico) and the Red Square

Avenue, corner withAvenue Juárez and

in Moscow(Russia). The square is located in

the Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas. Scenery

the center of the Historical Center of the city,

with impressive sculptures is an eclectic

this location was chosen by the conquerors

combination of the art nouveau and art deco

because it was formerly the political and

styles, this building accommodates one of the

religious center of Tenochtitlan, capital of the

prettiest concert hall in the world.

Aztec empire. The square is surrounded by office buildings and hotels. In the northwestern

Mexico City is one of the tourist destinies with

corner of the square is the Museum of the

the highest number of museums in the world,

Templo Maior. Also the station Zócalo on Line 2

worth visiting not only for its architecture but

of the Subway from Mexico City.

also for its cultural value. In them, you will be able to appreciate the most notable samples

National Palace – Built on top of emperor

of art, history and culture of a country in

Moctezuma houses, this building is located

constant movement.


National Museum of Art – Situated in the

Museum of Mexico City – Situated in the

center of the city at Tacuba Street n °8,

center of the city at Pino Suárez Street n°

downtown, Delegation Cuauhtémoc. It is one

30, downtown. Installed in the Palace of Los

of the most important cultural places in Latin

Condes of Santiago of Calimaya, this place

America because of its collection, infrastructure

is considered an Architectural and Artistic

technique and services. It preserves a

Inheritance of New Spain. Along its 27 rooms

marvelous collection of Mexican art from the

the evolution of the Mexico City is exposed,

16th to the 20th centuries, which includes

from the “mexicas” up to today, through the

painting, sculpture, engravings, photographs,

paintings, the plans and the mock-ups. It also

manuscripts and furniture. Open from Tuesday

offers other activities such as: shows, concerts,

to Sunday, 10:30am to 5:30pm.

assemblies, conferences and studio. Open from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00am to 6:00pm.

WHERE TO STAY Mexico City has the biggest infrastructure in tourist services of the whole country, the registration of hotel in the city goes up to 600 establishments, finding lodging for all types of travellers. The best chains of lodging complement the service with apartments, guesthouses and residences with quite low prices.

DINING OUT In the city of Mexico is possible to enjoy a variety of national and international

Historical Center that has a colonial atmosphere for a very nice breakfast or dinner. The district of the Condesa has many of the international restaurants (specially Argentinian, Colombian and Italian) also modern restaurants and varied menus. But if what you want is to eat the very traditional Mexican food, the markets of Xochimilco and Coyoacán offer the incomparable Antojitos Mexicanos.

SHOPPING Mexico City offers a great variety of options for you to shop: department stores, which offer clothes, shoes, sporting gear and

dishes. You can find selective and traditional

electronic equipments, and important

restaurants. If you are in search of traditional

commercial centers such as Center Coyoacán,

and Iberian dishes the best option is the

Perisur andSanta Fé, where you find boutiques and prestiged jewelry stores.


Along the Avenida Presidente Mazaryk, in Polanco, you find numerous exclusive boutiques and the shops of fashion designers of international reputation, whereas in Zona Rosa and in the districts of Roma andCondesa, you find the best art galleries offering works of famous artists. On the other side, in the markets La Ciudadela and the Craft Center Buenavista, you can acquire any type of original craftwork from all the states of the republic. Finally the market of Lagunilla and in the bazaars that are situated in the districts of CoyoacĂĄn, San Ă ngel and Rome and Condesa, ideal places for the lovers of the hippie and of the ancient monuments, you find books, jewels, coins, discs and photographies, amongst other objects.

STREET MARKETS In Mexico City you will be able to find craftwork of all regions of the country: jewels in gold and silver, products in leather as belts and bags, toys done from wood like lids, yo-yo and bullet, as well as a great variety of furniture prepared with several materials and using several techniques. Completely this is only one peek of the craftwork that you will be able to acquire in the markets of La Ciudadela and the Craft Center Buenavista.

CURRENCY The Mexican Peso is the official currency in Mexico. Its symbol is $ orMXN and it was the current currency used in North America up to 1911, when the United States of America

began to use the dollar. The Mexican peso is manufactured in the Treasury House from May 11th 1535. The new Mexican peso was introduced in January 1st 1993, and it is equal to 1000 pesos of the old Mexican pesos.





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