Travel Tips | New York (Eng.)

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OVERVIEW New York City is unique. No other in the Unites

Manhattan, however, is just one of the

States even comes close to it in terms of

city’s five districts. The other four ones

population, diversity of culture, entertainment,

are the Bronx to the north, Queens to the

business and commerce.

east, Brooklyn to the southeast, and Staten Island to the southwest. These districts are

This fast-moving city is often called “the city

primarily residential, but they all have their

that never sleeps.” In fact, at midnight, Times

own attractions and distinct character and are

Square, one of the city’s major intersections,

worth exploring, especially Brooklyn.

seems more alive than many other cities in the middle of the day.

As New York City is located on the North Eastern coast of the US, it experiences humid

The “Big Apple”, as the city is often called, is

continental climate, with cold winters and hot,

filled with a diverse mixture of inhabitants

moist summers.

including immigrants from over 170 countries, speaking over 130 languages, all of whom call

New York winters, December to March, tend to

New York their home. Some of the city’s many

be unpredictable. Temperatures can be near or

neighbourhoods, such as Chinatown, Little

below freezing for at least part of the day. There

Italy, and Spanish Harlem reflect the rich ethnic

is also the possibility of snowstorms, freezing

heritages of their residents’ original homelands.

rain and bitter cold winds, especially in January and February. After a snowfall the city looks

The epicentre of New York life is the island of

gorgeous, the streets and sidewalks soon turn

Manhattan. The Dutch were the first to inhabit

into a slushy mess. Anyone visiting the city in at

this island during the 1620s. They named the

this time of the year is highly recommended to

city “New Amsterdam”. In 1664, the British

pack waterproof coats and footwear.

took over and renamed it New York. Since then, the city rapidly developed becoming the

During the spring (March to June) and autumn

US’s economic and cultural capital.

(September to December), temperatures are


mild and pleasant hovering around 21ºC (70ºF).

when the city can often be hit by amazing

Days are bright and sunny and humidity not

thunderstorms, but these tend to pass quickly.

too high. If you plan to be in New York in the spring or autumn, bring light summer clothing plus a sweater to avoid freezing in the city’s many air conditioned department stores, museums, and art galleries. Summers in New York can be hot and muggy. Most years between mid-July and mid-August, temperatures can go up to as high as 100°F (38°C) with 90% humidity. This is also

If you want to avoid extreme temperatures, the best times to visit New York are from April to June or from September to November, when the temperatures are mild. April is often considered the best time to visit because the flowers are in full bloom and New Yorkers are celebrating the onset of warmer temperatures. Another great time to visit the city is in October when the leaves changing colour and there is just the hint of crispness.

One of the great things about New York City,

With a great variety of events and attractions

however, is that there is plenty to do both

occurring 365 days a year, the best time to

indoors and out to make your visit memorable

visit New York depends also on what each

whether you visit in the winter, spring, summer

visitor is interested in.

or autumn. There are concerts and sporting events or concerts going on all year round. To take in New York’s cultural attractions and museums you also don’t need to worry about when the best time is.


Theater fans often regard the winter months

Public transportation makes getting around New

as the best time to visit New York. In January

York City easy, fast and affordable. New York

and February, they can often get last minute

City has a transportation system which includes

tickets for Broadway shows as attendance

one of the largest subway systems in the

is at its lowest at this time of the year. And

world; the world’s first mechanically ventilated

if you don’t mind the heat, free outdoor

vehicular tunnel, and an aerial tramway.

concerts in Central Park might entice you to visit the city in the summer.

The New York City Subway, which operates 24 hours a day, is fast, air conditioned, cheap

Those interested in dining out in New York

and much safer than it used to be, although

might find it easiest to reserve the best tables

it is still best avoided late after midnight. The

at the restaurants of their choice in July and

vast network of 24 routes, identified by letters

August, when the city’s residents escape the

or by numbers, serves over 400 stations

city on weekends.

throughout Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn

However, if you plan to do a lot of walking in New York as you take in the sights, spring and autumn are the best times to visit. Christmas and New Year are also great times to be in New York. From early December through the start of the New Year, the city is a non-stop party. Celebrations of the season abound in festive holiday windows and events such as the lighting of the Rockefeller Center tree and the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Perhaps the best known event in New York is the annual New Year’s Eve ball dropping event in Times Square. This event is attended by thousands of people worldwide.


and Queens. On average, subway trains run every two to five minutes during rush hour, every 10 to 15 minutes during off-peak times, and every 20 minutes from midnight to 5 a.m. To use the subway you need to buy a MetroCard, available at subway station kiosks and newsagents. Buses are slower than the subway, but they are more practical if you want to go to areas of Manhattan that are not located close to Subway lines (especially far East and West areas of Manhattan). They are also a convenient option for travelling Crosstown (from Manhattan’s East Side to West Side), and they offer the added advantage of being able to see various areas of Manhattan while you ride. Buses operate 24 hours daily and bus stops are located on street corners approximately every two or three blocks. Fare is $2 and can be paid with a MetroCard or exact change. Bills and pennies are not accepted. A free transfer to another bus or the subway within two hours is available if you pay with a MetroCard. If you buy the ticket on board the bus, you will get a transfer that cannot be used on the subway without paying an additional charge.

NEW YORK CITY TAXIS A trip to New York is not complete without a ride in one of New York’s famous yellow cabs. Cabs are hailed on the curb, preferably at intersections. A cab’s availability is indicated by the lights on the top of the car. When the light on the top of the cab is lit, the cab is empty and available. When no lights are lit, the cab is occupied by passengers. Drivers are required to take passengers to any destination within the five boroughs. Passengers should provide

drivers with the street address and with the nearest cross streets of their destination. A 10-15% tip is expected.

FERRY The ferry that takes passengers between Staten Island and Lower Manhattan is a favourite within visitors of New York as it provides excellent views of the Lower Manhattan skyline and the Statue of Liberty. Service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hop-on/hop-off buses operated by CitySights NY and Gray Line are a convenient way to get around while getting pictureperfect glimpses of Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State Building and countless other New York landmarks and




In Moscow, capital of Russia, the tourists have

Appeals to both visitors and locals seeking

the opportunity to take advantage of the trip

a brief cruise getaway within the City limits.

looking at several points of view. Political

Itineraries can last anywhere from 75 minutes

and cultural attractions are mixed in a true

to three hours and, like the Staten Island

knowledge of history inside one of the biggest

Ferry, provide views of the skyline and the

cities of the European continent.

Statue of Liberty.


As in any great city, it is always good to be attentive to your belongings during the travel.

Amphibious vehicles take guests both

Be at ease if you are stopped by policemen only

through the bustle of Times Square and onto

because you are taking a photo of a communist

the Hudson River in a single ride. Ducks

symbol (or any postcard of the city) and if you

passengers even travel through time during

are asked to show your passport. You must

a multimedia simulation of Henry Hudson’s

carry it always, or a copy. Being completely

transatlantic voyage to what would later

in order, including the register of the visa, you

become New York City.

probably will be excused immediately. Among some suggestions such as touristic places, cathedrals and churches, theaters, galleries and museums, we point out places where the visit is almost compulsory for the visitors.


KREMLIN The Kremlin of Moscow is a fortress situated in the center of the city being the headquarters of the Russian government. Occupies around 30 hectares and it has several monuments inside. The Kremlin wall contains 20 towers, of which the most important is the Tower of the Savior. Continuing clockwise, the towers of the Senate are next, Saint Nicolas, Corner Arsenal, Peter’s Arsenal, Trinity, Commander, Armoury, Borovitskaya, Water, Annunciation, Secret, two towers without name, Beklemishev, Saint Constantine and Saint Helen, Alarm and finally the Tower of the Tsar. In front of the Trinity Tower, outside the Kremlin, is the Tower Kutafya.

RED SQUARE The Red Square is well known by the military Soviet parades during the era of the Soviet Union. The square separates the Royal citadel known as Kremlin, to the historical district of Kitay-gorod. As wide avenues of Moscow leave from the square in several directions, being extended in highways going out of the city, the Red Square can be considered as the central square of Moscow and of the whole Russia. The name of Red Square does not drift from the color of the bricks in its outline, not even the association of the red color to the communism. In fact, the name appeared because the word in Russian can mean both “red” and “pretty”.

SAINT BASIL’S CATHEDRAL Belonging to the Orthodox Russian Church, the cathedral had its construction ordered by the Tsar Ivan, the Terrible. Saint Basil’s is in the south-east extreme of the Red Square, just in front of the Spasskaya Tower of Kremlin.

TRETYAKOV GALLERY The State-owned Tretyakov Gallery is a Russian museum devoted to the preservation and spread of Russian national art of. It is located in Moscow, in the proximities of the Kremlin. Its works are exclusively from Russian artists who have had a small contact with art, and is one of the most important in the world as such. At present the Tretyakov Gallery has more than 130 thousand items that goes from the 11th century up to nowadays.

CHRIST SAVIOR CATHEDRAL The Christ Savior Cathedral is the biggest Orthodox Church of Russia. It is a landmark in the city, not only for its great beauty, but also Particularly, it is not a very big construction and

for its history that begun in the 19th century

it consists of 9 small chapels. The front of the

when, after the victory of the Russian army

church, in a garden, there is a bronze statue,

against Napoleon, the then Russian emperor

raised in honor of Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma

Alexander decided to build a cathedral in honor

Minin, that voluntarily joined the army who

of his dead soldiers.

fought against the Polish invaders. The initial concept was to build a group of chapels, each


one devoted to each one of the saints of the

The Bolshoi Theater is a theater and a company

day when the Tsar gained a battle. The legend

of opera situated in Moscow. The name Bolshoi

says that the Tsar Ivan left the architect Postnik

in Russian means “big�. It is recognized like

Yakovlev blind, to avoid him to build a more

one of the best companies of ballet and opera

magnificent construction for someone else.

of the world. The company was established in


1776 by the prince Peter Urussov and Michael Maddox. After three years presenting in a

It is the second architectural set in importance

private enclosure, it acquired the Petrovsky

in Moscow after the Kremlin. Surrounded by 11

Theater. In 1805, a fire destroyed the building

meters high walls, in its interior there are many

that was hosting the theater. The only school

churches. The most important is Our Lady

of the Bolshoi Theatre out of Russia, the Ballet

of Smolensky. The convent was established

Bolshoi, is in Joinville, in Brazil.

in 1524 year that Vasilii III celebrated the reconquest of Smolensk. During the 16th and


17th centuries was a convent for women from

The State-owned Museum Pushkin of Fine Arts

the Royal family.

is the biggest museum in Moscow devoted to the European art, and one of the biggest in the


world of this kind. It includes Greek, Egyptian

many major attractions with very easy access

and Roman collections of art, of sculptures

to the public transportation network.

and western painting that goes from the 19th century to the 20th century. Its collection is

If you are planning to stay in New York for

absolutely replete of magnificent preciousness.

more than a week, renting an apartment

The distinction goes, naturally, for the

makes great sense as it gives you the chance

insurmountable set of works from modern

to live like a native New Yorker during your

European painters.

stay in the big apple. More and more travellers are choosing this option.



Whether money for you is no object or you are travelling on a tight budget, New York offers a

Few cities can match the diversity of

multitude of choices for hotel accommodations.

Manhattan’s restaurants. Reflecting the city’s mixture of nationalities, foods range from the

There are hundreds of hotels in and around

most sophisticated of French and continental

New York City. They are available in many price

cuisine to sushi, dim sum, hot dogs and donuts.

ranges, but nearly all are more expensive than

Caribbean, Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean,

comparable accommodations in other parts of

Greek, and Indian are all are well represented

the USA. The average price of a moderately

too, and there seems to be an Italian

priced hotel in Manhattan is over $200 per

restaurant on every street.

night. Budget priced hotels cost at least $100 per night. It is hard to find anything for less.

Meals in most of the better restaurants consist of three courses: the appetizer (starter),

Most of the hotels in New York City are located

an entree (the main course) and a dessert.

in the Midtown section of Manhattan Island.

American portions are huge, and an appetizer

This is the area that extends across the island

is often big enough for a light main course.

from approximately 34th Street and north to

Almost all New York restaurants serve you

the beginning of Central Park at 59th Street.

bread and butter just after you are seated, at

It includes the Times Square Theater District,

no extra charge.

Rockefeller Center, the posh Fifth Avenue Shopping District and the United Nations

There are restaurants in New York to suit every

Headquarters on the East River. Most tourists

budget. At inexpensive coffee shops, diners

and business travellers choose to stay in

and fast-food chains, you will pay between

Midtown because it is centrally located, near

$10 and $15 for a descent meal. There are also


hundreds of good restaurants where you can


eat well in attractive surroundings for around

When you visit New York City you won’t want

$25 per person.

to miss out on a chance to sample some of New York City’s amazing pizzas. Trick or thin

For dinner at a trendy restaurant with a star

crusted, true New York pizzas are baked in a

chef, you may pay upward of $80 to $100 per

coal-fired oven.

person. A cheaper way of enjoying a good meal at these top restaurants is to choose their fixed-


price meals. In New York, these are known as

It’s a tender steak usually served with creamed

prix-fixe meals. Lunch is also less expensive

spinach, fries or hash-browns.

than dinner in these restaurants. Visitors who wish to dine in that special restaurant would be advised to make reservations as early as two months in advance. Reservations can be made online at some restaurants. Other options for quick, tasty, meals are the less expensive Chinese, Thai, and Mexican restaurants, and some Jewish delis. Prixfixe lunch buffets are very popular in Indian restaurants and are very reasonably priced. Italian pizzerias and French bistros, as well as the small eateries that serve fish and chips, hamburgers, or sandwiches and desserts also offer good value. Service is not usually included in the restaurant bill, but a New York City sales tax of is. When leaving a tip, most people just double the sales tax. A few special dishes are closely associated with New York and you should try some of them when you visit the city.

MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER A delicious tomato based broth with potatoes, onions, oyster craker crumbs and clams.

NEW YORK CITY BAGEL It’s world renowned. Fresh bagels are shaped by hand, and the dough is cooked briefly in boiling water before being baked, resulting in a unique firm and chewy texture.

NEW YORK DELI SANDWICHES A typical Manhattan deli serves huge corned beef and pastrami sandwiches. But be warned: top deli sandwiches can be expensive. Delis also serve great dill pickles, matzo ball soup, herrings, blintzes, and bagels served with cream cheese and smoked salmon. When it comes to street food, there is also a wide variety of options Sabrett hot dogs and over-size soft pretzels are classic New York choices. Other great New York food cart specialties are falafel, soup, barbecue, and Texas chilli. In winter, vendors all over the city offer hot roasted chestnuts.


famous Apple Store. And for the kids, there’s FAO Schwartz, the world’s largest toy store.

Whether it’s upscale shopping or bargain-

Time square: always has something going

hunting that brings you to New York, the city

on and every major store to serve visitors’

has it all! The principal shopping areas are

interests. Dozens of street vendors, crowd

Madison Avenue, Fifth Avenue, 57th Street,

the Avenues, and down 42nd Street, selling

Times Square, Lower East Side, and East Village.

a variety of foodstuffs like kebobs or knishes and offering everything from cell-phone

Madison Avenue: between 57th Street and

accessories to kitschy Americana.

85th Street, is identified as “the fashionable road”. In this area is where most of the best

The Upper East Side: isn’t just about high-end

known fashion designers, jewellers and upper

boutiques. Thrift shops and cool bookstores all

class hair salons are located.

have a place above 59th Street.

Fifth Avenue: offers enough over-the-top

Chinatown: Shops sell everything from Asian-

shopping opportunities to satisfy everyone’s

inspired clothing and jewellery to martial arts

taste. Women will love browsing and buying at

equipment to unique foods you can take home

stores like Bergdorf-Goodman, Louis Vuitton,

and prepare on your own.

Prada, Emanuel Ungaro, Gucci, Ferragamo, and Versace. Men can check out Bergdorf Men, Brooks Brothers, the NBA Store as well as the



sometimes referred to as a fifty-cent piece),

The unit of currency used in United States is

and $1 (dollar officially, but frequently referred

the U. S. dollar which is normally abbreviated

to as a dollar coin). And you have the $1, $2,

as the dollar sign, $, or as USD or US$ to

$5, $10, $20, $50, $100 dollars bills.

distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies and from others that use the dollar symbol. The U.S. dollar is divided into 100 cents. If you’ve brought foreign currency to spend on your trip to New York City, you’ll need to find an appropriate place to exchange it for US dollars. Exchanging your foreign cash or Traveller’s Checks for American cash can easily be done at Currency Exchange Offices and many of New York City’s larger banks. In normal circulation today, there are coins of the denominations 1¢ ([one] cent, also referred to as a penny), 5¢ (nickel), 10¢ (dime), 25¢ (quarter dollar officially, or simply quarter in common usage), 50¢ (half dollar officially,


1 911



The two main area codes in Manhattan are 212 and 646. The rest of New York City uses the area codes 347, 718 and 917.


311 if you are calling from any one of New York’s five boroughs. (212) NEWYORK (212-639-9675) if you are calling from elsewhere.


Call 212-484-1222 to speak to a Visitor Information Counsellor Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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