Travel Tips | Peru (Eng.)

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OVERVIEW Peru is the third largest country in South America, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, marked by the Andes and beheld by the Amazon Forest. It is currently divided into three regions: North, Central and South, and in three areas according to its climatic and geographic (altitude) conditions: Coast, Mountain and Jungle. Respectively, the Coast is the seashore of the country, with tropical climate; the mountain is the mountainous area of the Andes, where the highest peak, the snowy Huascarán, is located at the central region; and the Jungle is the most extensive region of Peru, occupied by the Amazon forest and its rivers: Marañón and Ucayali, which arise from the Amazon River basin. It is a land of many traditions and natural beauty, which was also the cradle of the first civilizations of the continent, adding a strong indigenous past to the history and culture of Peru. Caral was considered the first civilization of America, with about five thousand years. Indigenous tribes such as the Chancas, the Chachapoyas, the Mochica and Wari also raised their cities in this territory, leaving precious heritage in the form of ruins to the Peruvian legacy. The last dominant indigenous civilization were the Incas, which were famous for the greatness and the advancement of their urban centers. In 1533, the Inca Empire was dominated by the Spanish and despite the several wars and the exploitation of indigenous peoples of the region, its buildings and monuments were mixed to the Hispanic culture, generating a miscegenation of the culture, of the architecture and of the Peruvian people.


Due to the Hispanic domination, the country’s official language is the Spanish, which coexists with several indigenous languages. The main Peruvian religion is the Catholicism, but the freedom of worship is the rule throughout the territory, in such a way that the diversity of beliefs succeeds several religious festivals that take place every year. The country’s capital is the city of Lima, located at the Central region. The main cities of Peru are: Machu Picchu, Cusco, Arequipa, Huaraz, Chiclayo, Trujillo, Puno, Nazca and Iquitos, each one of them with its particularities and unique attractions. Peru is a country where diversity is reflected beyond its culture and its endless natural resources. Counting with many attractions for all touristic interests, it is possible to venture into extreme sports such as climbing, trekking, surfing, kayaking and even tyrolean traverse or skydiving; as well as relaxing in rivers, waterfalls, beaches next to an amazing fauna and flora; or get to the bottom of the local history exploring cities in ruins and remains of

highlands, which can cause mild discomfort, until the adjustment to the new environment.

WEATHER From May to September it is winter time and there is almost no rainfall in the country, therefore it is the best time to travel to Peru.

ancient civilizations; without forgetting to enjoy

The months of July and August are considered

the rich local cuisine of Peru and its festivals.

peak season, therefore the cities and attractions can be very crowded (if it is possible avoid

In order to well meet Peru’s main attractions

traveling during these months). From November

it is necessary to stay there for at least 10

to March is summer time, period usually

days, but the ideal is a trip of 12 to 15 days.

accompanied by a lot of heat and heavy rains,

Furthermore, it is important to travel well equipped with cosmetics, medicines and appropriate clothing, because it shouldn’t be forgotten that the country has very high altitudes, mainly when visiting the Andean

the months of January and February are the ones with more rainfall. Between the months of May and August it happens the “friajes” or “surazos”, which are cold waves coming from the extreme south of the continent that lower temperatures up to 8 ° C.


the city of Lima there is the Metropolitano, which is an articulated bus network with exclusive lane on the roads.

Peru has various means of transportation

The “inter-provincial buses”, with more

available, but as in any country in South

comfort, are the most used to travel between

America, the bus is the most widely used: with

cities or to the tourist sights, they offer many

tour buses companies for long distance trips.

routes and companies, among them the main

To move around in the cities the best option

companies are: Cruz Del Sur, Expreso Sial, Civa

for tourists is to take a taxi.

and Tepsa. It is possible to purchase tickets


online or in the bus terminals. In the case of travel buses it is important to pay attention if

To rent a car on one’s own account in Peru

the service and the bus model offered are the

is risky, because the traffic is messy, with

same that were paid in the ticket. If not, do not

winding roads (some in poor condition) and the

hesitate to claim the difference or to ask for

driving of locals may seem very aggressive.

your money back.



Most buses public lines in Peru ride in

Train rides are highly recommended for tourism

precarious conditions, besides being very

in Peru, the routes offer beautiful scenarios,

crowded, which can be a real adventure. In

making the experience an unforgettable


attraction. Any of the train lines belong to the government, so its goal is more to serve tourists than local people themselves. It possible to find in Orient Express luxury train lines, the Belmond Hiram Bingham, which performs the Cusco - Machu Picchu route; and the Andean Explore, which performs the Cusco - Puno route, with approximately 10h long. Both already include food in the ticket price. Other train lines more accessible and commercial of PeruRail are: Vistadome, with panoramic windows, which performs the route between stations in the cities of Poroy, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba and Machu Picchu; and the Expedition, considered the cheaper one, also performs the same routes, except for the Urubamba station. IncaRail is another railway company that works only in the Machu Picchu route - Ollantaybambo, and has 3 train models from economy class to presidential class.

TAXI The taxi is the best option to move around the city. It is quick and practical, and not expensive, being even possible to negotiate with the taxi drivers. In Peru taxis do not have taximeter, prices are negotiated with the driver, so before getting in the taxi always ask how much you will be charged to go to your desired


destination, see if you agree, or if you want to

Planes are not only the way to get to the

negotiate a better price, only then enter the

country, but there are also domestic flights

vehicle. It is safer to ask at the hotel front desk

available. Some companies that perform

if they have any taxi company to indicate, or

domestic flights are Lan Peru, Taca, Star Peru

to search some companies’ phone numbers

and Peruvian Airlines. It is a more expensive

before the trip, so you do not risk catching

mean of transportation, however it is a great

whichever taxi on the street, especially at

option to not waste too much time traveling

night, when is more dangerous.

between cities. The companies fly between the main Peruvian cities, such as Lima, Cusco, Arequipa and Puno.

- Machu Picchu: the ruins of the ancient Inca civilization are the main attraction of Peru. The city was built in the fifteenth century, on top of a mountain and using only large stone blocks to build their temples, palaces, platforms and waterways. Nowadays it is a Humanity’s Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO). Going to Machu Picchu takes the whole day, the most appropriate is to spend a night in nearby cities such as Aguas Calientes so you can leave at the first time of the day. To climb the mountain you can walk through a trail called the “Inca Trail” (if you have fitness and disposition) or you can go through a faster way, which is taking a van that takes you to the entrance of Machu Picchu reserve. It is possible to buy the van tickets at the site and time of the trip (near the train station). There are many trip’s schedules available, however the tickets to enter the Machu Picchu Park should be purchased in advance. - City of Cusco: it is known as the emperor’s city, it was built by the Incas in a colossal architecture with huge walls and palaces. After the Spanish arrived, they began to build their churches and buildings over the Inca constructions made of stone, so the


city was shaped into an unique and peculiar architectural mixture. Some of the city’s attractions are: Cusco Plaza de Armas, Cusco Cathedral, Temple of the Company of Jesus,

Peru has many attractions to be explored and

San Blas neighborhood and São Brás Temple.

all seem to be unforgettable. Such attractions meet all tourist preferences, from those

- Incas’ Sacred Valley: it is located between

seeking extreme sports to those who want to

the Peruvian Andes Cordillera, the region is

glance at ancient archaeological ruins. Deciding

consisted of numerous rivers running through

what to see in the country depends on the

small valleys and archaeological ruins of

time you have reserved for the trip.

indigenous villages. The main cities of the Sacred Valley are: Pisac, Moray, Chinchero,


Maras, Tipón, Andahuaylillas, Calca, Urubamba

and South Platforms and internal galleries

and Ollantaytambo. It is one of the most

containing sculptures such as “Lanzon”.

popular tours among those who want to discover a little more about the Inca culture.

- Sacred City of Caral: it is considered the oldest

The main archaeological complexes are:

civilization of America, with more than 5000

Archaeological complex of Sacsayhuaman,

years, Caral is located on the north coast of Lima.

Archaeological Complex of Qenko,

Consisting of six pyramids, dominant residences,

Archaeological Complex of Puka Pukara,

circular plazas and other buildings, which show a

Archaeological Complex of Tambomachay.

little bit of these people’s lifestyle.

- Archaeological complex of Chavín de

- Chan Chan Archaeological Zone: the

Huántar: The culture of the Chavín people is

interesting city of clay is the largest of

considered one of the most developed in the

Pre-Columbian America (850 AD and 1470

pre-Inca period (1500 BC to 300 AD). Nowadays

AD). It was capital of the pre-Inca Chimú

its most famous ruins are the Tello Pyramid,

kingdom and it is consisted of ten walled

the Circular and Rectangular Square, the

citadels, with pyramids, canals, cemeteries

New Temple and the Old Temple, the North

and other buildings.

- Huascarán National Park: it is formed by the

numerous works of art. The city also provides

White Mountains and the glacial lakes. In this

access to Valleys and Canyons, such as the Colca

park are located the highest tropical snowy

and Cotahuasi, for those who seek camping, trails

peaks in the world, among them it is the peak

and enjoying all the nature that Peru offers.

with highest altitude in Peru, the Huascarán. - Manu’s National Park: it is located between Cusco and Madre de Dios. It is one of the most famous parks for those who seek


nature tourism. The quality of accommodation in Peru is - Abiseo River’s National Park: it is

improving every year, especially with the

located north of Peru, inside the forest

implementation of the luxury tourism in the

with a rich fauna, it is also the territory of

country. From hostel to luxury hotels, there

important archaeological complexes of the

are many options ready to meet the needs of

Chachapoyas culture, such as Pinchudos,

any traveler.

Kuélap and Gran Pajatén. The first advice that applies to all cities and - Nazca Lines: the famous geoglyphs forming

regions of Peru is to look for the accommodations

geometric figures, animals and plants are

closest to the city center. For two reasons:

found in the Pampas de Jumana, in the desert,

Security, since some regions can be dangerous

between the provinces of Nazca and Palpa.

at night; and the convenience of mobility,

It is only possible to have a view of the

since being downtown everything is more

enigmatic Nazca lines when flying into small

accessible in order to get the tourist sights, to

airplanes or helicopters.

take transportation for farther trips and to avoid walking a lot to get back to the hotel.

- Fortress of Ollantaytambo: it is located in Cusco and its main buildings are the Temple

The daily rates can vary widely according to

of the Sun, the Mañaracay (Royal Hall), the

external factors such as the season (low or

Incahuatana and the Princess’ Baths.

high), the location relative to city’s downtown/ neighborhood (the closest to downtown the

- The main cities of Peru’s littoral zone are:

more expensive), facility to get transportation.

Lima, Trujillo (further north, it is a colony city)

That’s why it is worth looking for the hotel

and Chiclayo the most quiet, they form an

in advance. It is also always good to call or

impressive area of archaeological discoveries,

request an email from the hotel, confirming

such as the Ventanas of Otuzco.

the daily rate in order to not be surprised when you get there. Also, pay attention to the

- Arequipa: its historic center dates back to the

government tax over the daily rates, if they are

colonial period with large houses, convents

already included or not.

such as Santa Catalina Monastery, churches and


In Lima, the best neighborhoods to stay are:

For those looking for a different luxury hotel

Miraflores and San Isidro. The most famous

experience, it’s worth staying at the Sanctuary

hotels in these neighborhoods are: Miraflores

Lodge, the only hotel within the archaeological

Park Hotel by Orient Express, Radisson Hotel

park of Machu Picchu.

Decapolis Miraflores, JW Marriot Hotel Lima and Hilton Lima Miraflores. Other cheaper options in Lima are: Casa Andina Classic Miraflores San Antonio, Hotel Runcu and Ibis Larco Miraflores. In Cusco, the ideal is to stay close to the Plaza de Armas, however, it is necessary to have a little more attention to the hotel location, because the city has many hills and high points, which sometimes hinder the access. One of the most famous hotels in Peru is located in Cusco, the Hotel Monastery, which is

DINING OUT The Peruvian cuisine is recognized as one of the world’s best for its originality in aggregating the food raw materials produced in the country. With lots of variety, scents and flavors, typical Peruvian dishes are true and unforgettable tourist attractions!

named for being a monastery of the sixteenth

Among the basic ingredients of Peruvian

century renovated to be a hotel. Other cheaper

cuisine are: sweet potato, rice, corns, peppers

hotels are: Casa San Blas, Loreto Boutique

of all types and intensities, and fish food.

Hotel, El Virrey Boutique, Sonesta Hotel and

Many ingredients are exclusive from Peru,

Tierra Viva Cusco Plaza.

found only in certain regions, as well as

its peppers and spices, which are the true

- Olluquito with charqui: it is made with two

differential of Peruvian cuisine.

ingredients exclusive from Peru, the elm (a

TYPICAL DISHES - Ceviche: there are many recipes of ceviche or “cebiche” in Peru, varying from region to

potato that grows in the Andes) and the charque of Llama or Alpaca (dried meat). It is considered a typical dish of the Peruvian highlands.

region, but its base is in the use of marinated

- Causa rellena: its preparation takes Peruvian

fish in Peruvian lemon. The basic ingredients

yellow potatoes, green peppers and Peruvian

of this dish are red onion, garlic, sweet

corn, that are mixed to the lemon juice forming

potatoes, corn, pepper.

a smooth, soft dough, which can be stuffed with chicken, tuna, shrimp, crab or octopus, it also may take mayonnaise. - Lombo salteado: Sirloin chopped into small pieces, with a mixture of spices typical of Peru (it may take shoyo sauce), tomato, onion and peppers. It is usually served with rice and fries. - Ají de galinha: it is made with a full-bodied texture broth that contains bread humidified in milk, aji amarillo pepper (typical of Peru) and other spices in mixed in blender and finally mixed with shredded chicken. The dish is served with yellow potatoes, olives and eggs.


- Papa a la huancaína: it is prepared with yellow potato, aji amarillo pepper, bread moistened in milk, cheese, red onion, garlic and yellow peppers. Served with black olives, boiled eggs and lettuce. - Pisco: it is considered the national drink, it is made of distilled from wine grape, lemon, sugar, egg white, ice and a touch of pepper. - Picante de Cuy: this dish is one of the most traditional ones, used since the pre-Inca period. It is prepared with guinea pig’s meat, great source of Omega 3 protein, it is usually roasted and served with potatoes and corn, but its preparation varies from region to region. - Pachamanca: the dish is prepared under the ground, in a hole dug in the soil. Its ingredients are different types of meats and vegetables that are cooked.

RESTAURANTS In Peru there are several kinds of places to eat, from fine cuisine restaurants to picanterías with delicious homemade foods, so you can taste the authentic Peruvian cuisine without paying a lot for it, or if you prefer, spending more money in the restaurants of the more renowned Peruvian chefs. In Lima there are restaurants with the three most famous chefs in Peru, namely Gastón Acurio, with his restaurant Astrid y Gastón – Casa Moreyra and Chicha (in Cusco); Rafael Osterling, with his two restaurants, El Mercado and Rafael; Virgilio Martínez, with his

restaurant Central. Other restaurants of the same level are the Osaka, which represents a fusion of Peruvian food with Japanese food and the Malabar. In Cusco, very good and cheaper restaurants are the Limo Cocina Peruana, Cicciolina, Hacienda Huayoccari and the Illariy (Hotel Mosteiro). Gastronomy in Peru is so strong that a gastronomic fair is held in Lima annually, called “Mistura”, bringing together leading chefs and Peruvian restaurants. Additionally, there is also the Gastronomy Museum of Peru.

the Chulucanas’ ceramic, the famous ponchos of Monsefú, the silver filigree, the guampas for mates and the ayacuchanos altarpieces. Another very demanded product is the Alpaca wool, with a fine and soft texture. It is necessary to be careful when buying it, in order to not be fooled and take a llama or sheep wool etc. which are cheaper. One of the stores in Lima where a legitimate wool can be found at Huna Store. In a general overview, shopping in Peru can be a good deal. With the devalued currency, taxes end up being much lower than in other countries in South America. The main city for shopping is Lima, which has many options of stores and multi brands stores like Sagafalabella and Ripley. During the change of seasons, you can find many sales with great


prices, including designer brands. The main malls are Jockey Plaza and El Polo I and II, the Plaza San Miguel (it is located

In Peru, the most demanded items are

farther from the touristic area) and the

the handmade ones. Since before the

Larcomar Mall, that is considered a “mall for

pre-Columbian period, Peruvians are known

tourists”, which sometimes ends up making the

as artisans of excellency. Their art has ancient

prices higher.

records in fabrics, gourds, wood, stone, gold,

day for shopping, the Lima Outlet Center is a

silver, ceramic, clay and many other materials.

good option and it is close to the airport.

For those who want to take a

These ancient handicrafts are still found in small villages. The wool, or Peruvian cotton

A tip for shopping in Peru is always bargaining

(textiles) and silver are also very popular items

for better prices (“El regateo”). Very often

and of good quality in Peru.

the object can be bought for half the price, so never accept the first price.

The most internationally valued pieces are the stone and wooden sculptures of Huamanga,



of fairs and small traders of small villages.

In Peru, the currency is the Nuevo Sol, more

The dollar ends up being another alternative,

commonly called “soles”, which is divided in

however it may not be accepted everywhere.

100 cents. Available in bills of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 nuevos soles; and in coins of 1, 2 and 5 nuevos soles, and 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents. The ideal is to take an amount of soles, preferably with bills of low values, because in Peru it can be difficult to find a reliable place to exchange the money, at the beginning of the trip. The exchange rate in areas close by the airport or borders is not good, being advisable to seek the best rate in town centers. It is also good at all times to ask indication of exchange offices in the hotels, or in the official tourist agencies, so you don’t end up getting counterfeit money. Credit cards are a good paying option, as it is accepted in most establishments, with exception


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