Travel Tips | Rio de Janeiro (Eng.)

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OVERVIEW By its countless facets, Rio is the capital of

Corcovado, with the Christ was chosen one

the brazilian tourism. Cidade Maravilhosa

of the news 7 Wonders of the World, in an

(Wonderful City), as it is called by most people

international contest. And it also has, the Sugar

in Brazil, is located in the southeast region of

Loaf, a pleasurable walk that uncovers the city.

the country, with 6 million inhabitants, is a

Famous touristic points are countless, such as

mosaic of charms spreading between the sea

MaracanĂŁ Stadium, temple of the soccer team

and the mountain, as the city is incrusted in

five times world champion and the Samba

the most dazzling geographical accident of the

Footbridge, where parades the samba schools

planet. Rio is plural, and to every day creates

for the greatest event of the city, the carnival.

solutions to attend all the desires and tastes. And, the most recent one is the City of Samba, Rio has some of the most visited postcards

built by the city Hall of Rio, in an area of 114

of the world and it is Brazilian’s trademark.

m., in the harbor and it shelters the factories


of samba, where the schools of samba prepare their parades, that occur in the carnival. The


City of Samba is the synthesis of the carnival, the entire year, as it also has daily spectacles, workshops and others attractions. Rio was chosen, after researches carried out by the universities of Michigan and of California, as the city with the most cordial people of the world. This is one of the greatest secrets of the marvelous city, the carioca spirit that turns all the urban spaces in mosaics of different appeals. Rio is: the beaches, the

CARS AND TAXIS Driving in the city of the Rio de Janeiro requires redoubled attention. There are many cars circulating daily on the streets of Rio and the road signs are never enough. Pay attention to the speed limit and always be aware as regards to the speed limit permitted on the roads. In some roads in Rio de Janeiro electronic equipment check and penalize the conductor that drives above the speed

mountains, the gardens, the sports in the open

permitted. It is prohibited to stop on zebra

air, the events such as New Year’s Eve, the

crossings and surpass the red light.

carnival and so many others. Rio is transcript, is cultural, is diurnal, is nocturnal. Rio has its own flavor. It is for all ages. Rio is, as one of its main symbols, the Christ Redeeming, with open arms to welcome the visitors.

CLIMATE Rio de Janeiro is a typically tropical city. The summer begins in December and finishes in March with temperatures between 25 to 42ºC. The winter begins in June and finishes in

There is a big quantity of available taxis in Rio de Janeiro, mainly in the touristic areas, almost all equipped with air conditioning. The conventional taxi can be identified by the yellow color with a blue stripe, that circulate around the streets with taximeter. It charges an initial value and an additional one by distance and by time. The tariffs are more expensive in the night from Monday to Saturday, from 9pm to 6am and on Sundays and bank holidays.

September where the temperature can fall to


approximately 20ºC during the day and 16ºC at

There are five kinds of urban buses that circulate

night. As it is a city by the sea and it is hot, we

around the streets of Rio de Janeiro. From the

recommend informal and light clothes.

conventional urban bus with turnstile; the urban bus with air conditioned with turnstile; the microbus with turnstile without collector (ticket paid to the conductor upon entering in the vehicle); bus adapted for disables; to coaches. In the bus with air conditioning and in the coaches the prices are differentiated. Always be certain about the itinerary of the bus. If in doubt, ask the conductor before getting in or paying the ticket.


Also, it is offered the service of integration that

The subway has 2 lines in operation, Line 1 and

allows the passengers to arrive to places where

Line 2, with a total of 34 stations, being 18 in

there are no subway stations. The passenger

Line 1 (Cantagalo to Saens Peña) and 16 in Line

embarks in the subway and afterwards in the

2 (Estácio to Pavuna) stretched over 36 km. In

bus of the integration, or vice verse, paying

all the stations there are maps with the routes

one ticket and with discount. The value of the

of the lines and the intersection at Estácio

integrated journey is always less than the sum

Station, connecting the two lines (Line 1 and 2)

of the tickets using two different transports.

paying only one ticket.


ATRACTIONS CHRIST REDEEMER The Christ Redeemer, symbol of the City of Rio de Janeiro, was chosen as one of the 7 News Wonders of the Modern World, in voting organized by the New 7 Wonders Foundation, from Switzerland. Rio’s postcard, with 38 meters of height, had its fundamental stone thrown in 1922 and the inauguration in October 12th, 1931, being the only Brazilian Wonder. From the top of its 710 meters, the statue is the image of faith and pleasantness of the carioca people.


of the main trademarks of Rio de Janeiro. Because of its unique characteristics, bordered

The Sugar Loaf is one of the most important

by the waters of the Guanabara Bay, it is an

icons of tourism in Rio de Janeiro, being one

international touristic reference for the city. Located in Urca, a complementary attraction is the cable car, interconnecting the Red Beach and the Urca Hill to the Sugar Loaf. Known as Bondinho, the cable car was idealized in 1908 and inaugurated in 1912, becoming the first cable car installed in the country and the third one in the world.

MARACANÃ Amongst the wonders of Rio de Janeiro, it is one of the most important sporting, cultural, and touristic patrimonies of the country: Maracanã, the greatest stadium of the world. Passion, emotion and a lot of adrenaline are mixed in the spectacular activities of the supporters, swinging the stadium leading the public to a delirium. Mandatory visit to foreigners and national tourists, Maracanã is not alone a blast for football matches, but also a stage for big musical concerts.

And Copacabana, with its beautiful sidewalk at Av. Atlantica, made with black and white Portuguese stones that show a pretty mosaic in the format of waves, is probably the main responsible for such fascination. It is as busy during the day as it is in the evening, at the beach you find newsstands, bicycle lane, bicycle racks, toilets with places to shower, hotels, bars and restaurants. On top of that two Military Fortresses, on each extremity of the beach, open to visitation and to appreciate the beautiful panoramic view.


In a beautiful architectural assembly, created in 1922, that museum possesses a priceless

The Municipal Theater catches the attention

collection. The National History Museum

not only by its architectural conception but

is installed in three distinct buildings, from

also by the stateliness of its facade and the

different periods: The Train House, of 1762, the

beauty of its interior. The noble material used

Real Arsenal, of 1822, and the Military Annex, of

in its construction, as the colorful Carrara

1835. The place, once by the sea, was planned

marble, the bronzes and the onyx, the mirrors,

as a strategic point for the defense of the city.

the furniture, together with the paintings and sculptures, make it a true temple of culture.

MUSEUM OF MODERN ART The Museum of Modern Art is in a privileged location and is full of history. The building is installed amid gardens in Flamengo Landfill, next to Guanabara Bay, and very close to the center of the city. At present, the museum possesses a collection with around 1,700 works, among paintings, sculptures and engravings of foreign and Brazilian artists. Beyond that a library specialized in arts and another one specialized in cinema.

COPACABANA BEACH It is very difficult for the ones who visits Rio to resist to the appeal of its 80km of beaches.



because of its sunset and the golden

Ipanema Beach is a famous meeting point for

consequence in its waters, what makes it a

cariocas. Refined and with an intense nightlife,

pleasant meeting point, for the cariocas and

the neighborhood is a happy mixture of beach,

for the visitors. It is linked to the sea by a

bars and commercial shops. Permanent appeal

channel called of the Garden of Alah, its flange

during the day, the beach also receives a big

shelters parks, blocks of sports, ring of skating,

number of regulars during the night. They go

heliport, trail for walks and running, bicycle

to the beach to walk, practice sports, fraternize

lane and a gastronomical center distributed

in the stands drink coconut water or cycling by

by restaurants that offer from German food to

the bicycle lane.

Japanese, as well as live music. Not mentioning


the little boats that, in the Sundays and holidays, provide to the tourist an unique vision

A true ecological sanctuary. That is how it can

of everything that one of the most beautiful

be defined, one of the ten most important

postcards of Rio de Janeiro has to offer.

of the kind in the world, it shelters rare species of plants from the Brazilian flora


and from other countries, it is a great option

Only one neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro can

of leisure for children and adults that enjoy

aggregate varied musical manifestations without

contemplating the nature.

dazing genre and artists. This place is Lapa, in the


city center, where you find the Arches of Lapa. Stage to the romance sung in the lyrics of samba,

It is surrounded by some of the most famous

the chords of the sound from the northeast and

neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro, Rodrigo de

the modernity of electronic music, all of it played

Freitas Lagoon is framed by mountains and

in perfect harmony.

embraced by the Christ. The Pond impresses

DINING OUT The geography of Rio de Janeiro, allows you to circulate easily by the city, it can also help you to choose where and what to eat. Italian and French restaurants are located in the corners of Ipanema, Leblon and Botanical Garden, while the typical establishments of to eat fish can take you to a long drive all the way to Vargem Grande and Guaratiba Bay – but it is worthwhile! In the downtown area, Lapa, Flamengo and Botafogo, the Brazilian gastronomy reigns in the menus. But in Copacabana, the mix of styles include from the traditional sandwiches, that are as big as a meal; to the international cuisine of hotels, commanded by famous European chefs. In Barra da Tijuca, the options concentrate specially in the shopping centers, that in some cases, have whole floors full of good restaurants of varied types.



You can find many types of hotels in the city of

In the city of Rio de Janeiro there are many

Rio de Janeiro. The hotels in Rio de Janeiro are

options to shop, from shopping centers, fairs to

concentrated mainly in the South Zone of the

entire areas dedicated to shopping. The center

city. There are hotels for all kinds of tourists

of the city is the ideal place for those who seek

and prices that go from the most luxurious

rare and old books or musicals instruments.

and refined to the simplest. In the city of Rio

But the big highlight of the center of Rio de

de Janeiro you can find alternative lodgings

Janeiro is the popular centers for shopping of

situated in the shantytowns and luxurious five

the city: the Sahara and the CamelĂłdromo. In

stars hotels of international standard.

the Sahara, stretched around 11 narrow streets


with more than a thousand shops, you can

Fashionable designs and jewelry stores are

find decorations for parties, things for carnival,

also there, but in Rio Branco Avenue. But it

customized jewelry, toys and clothing. In the

is mainly in the neighborhood of Ipanema,

Camelรณdromo, the street vendors sell imported

Visconde de Pirajรก Street to be more precise,

products, electronics, clothing, amongst others.

that you find the best options for clothes,

Beyond those two centers where it is possible

shoes, jewels and others products from famous

to find products on sale, big department stores

international trademarks.

of clothing and diversified products are found in the center of Rio, more precisely in Ouvidor

Generally the shops on the streets are open

and Uruguaiana streets.

from Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. However,

depending on the location, the shops stay


open longer than that. The main shopping

traditional Fair of Saint Christopher got a

centers are open from Monday to Saturday,

refurbished house, but the animation continues

10am to 10pm, and on Sundays from 3pm to

the same. The space of 34 thousand square

9pm. There is still in the city some convenience

meters offers 700 standardized stalls, two

stores, open 24 hours daily.

stages for shows, a square for repentistas,

STREET MARKETS An infinity of open markets of all types with crafts, antiquities and fashionable clothes

parking and banks. From Monday to Thursday, it works only for lunch, but from Friday to Sunday the programming is uninterrupted.

happen around the city at weekends. The


most traditional is the Ipanema Fair, at

The Real (acronym R$) is the currency in

General Osório Square. For it unites purchases,

Brazil. After successive monetary changes,

gastronomy and fun, followed by the

Brazil adopted the Real in 1994, and allied to a

Northeast Traditions Fair, in Saint Christopher

drastic fall on inflation rates, now the country

neighborhood, full of bars, restaurants, shops

has a stable economy. The change of foreign

of art crafts and intense programming of

currency for national currency (Real) can be

shows with bands to dance.

done in banks and at exchange bureaux.

IPANEMA FAIR: The old hippie fair is situated at General Osório Square since the end of the 60’s, always on Sundays. Among the exhibitors are artisans and artists that offer charts, customized jewelry, purses, clothes etc. RIO ANTIGO FAIR: Full of antiquaries, the historical Lavradio Street was chosen to host the Rio Antigo Fair that happens every first Saturday of each month. During the whole day the shops keep their doors open and the streets are taken by booths that offer furniture, accessory, clothes, disks of vinyl, objects of decoration and an infinity of trinket for all tastes. The cultural program includes activities as exhibition of photographs, MPB concerts and dance shows.



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