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ΝΑΥΣ nafs n afs 111 110

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 11047-3179

Posidonia 2016




ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

Bimonthly Review for the Shipping industry

Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry

Bimohthly Review Review Bimohthly for the the Shipping Shipping for Posidonia 2014...and the Industry Industry JUNE2016 USA, ARPIL-MAY 2016 winner is JULY KAMINCO issue 110 111 issue


100 the Galileo’s Cryobox

Cruise Industry’s

economic contribution sets all-time high in Europe


Ted Petropoulos

Vicky Liouta


Greek Shipping at a boom? Post Posidonia pulse

What a BEKIARIS difference 90 days APOSTOLOS


makes for Private Equity PAUL HAGENS Funds in Shipping


After 18 years of serving the marine news industry, we are proud to publish our 100th issue of NAFS. We want to thank you all for your trust and support. Objective for 200 issues is set!!!

Durable coating Yara Marine Technologies Leading the solutions way for SOx and NOx cleaning


HARRY HAJIMICHAEL TOM PERLICH ATHANASIOS REISOPOULOS THEODORE VENIAMIS Greek shipping will continue to achieve consent The future for ordering moreto Ecochlor Greek shipping will emergefor play its leading role worldwide the USCG Type Approval “ECO”- tonnage remains once again victorious unclear

TED PETROPOULOS Global ship finance; Ltd. Announcing theexperience Petrofin Global 28 years of Index; at Trends and the future your service

A. Hilios




STCW COURSES STCW basic & refresher courses approved by Norway, Cyprus & Marshall Islands


Professional training in the safe operation & maintenance of conventional lifeboats, free-fall lifeboats and davit systems.


Index ISSUE 111 - JUNE - JULY 2016

06. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Θ. Βενιάμης λίγες ημέρες προ του Brexit: «Δέν θα γίνουμε ρουφιάνοι…» 08. ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: EUPLOIA’s stand is the winner stand at Posidonia 2016

2016 inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Greece 16. Posidonia Mr. Alexis Tsipras 18. Βράβευση του Ιδρυτή και Προέδρου των Ποσειδωνίων

22. 2.500 participate at POSIDONIA GAMES Veniamis: Against all odds, Greek shipping showed its 24. Th. resilience and it will emerge once again victorious 30. Ballast Water Management Summit 2016 36. Posidonia 2016: Future fuels are here to stay




TED PETROPOULOS Global ship finance; Announcing the Petrofin Global Index; Trends and the future

για τις περιβαλλοντολογικές προδιαγραφές των πλοίων 40. Σεμινάριο στα λιμάνια των ΗΠΑ 50. Yara Marine Technologies Leading the way for SOx and NOx cleaning 60. BPCO LTD: Ship Repair Services in Panama, Argentina & India Presents: Galileo´s Virtual Pipeline™ 74. Kaminco improves quality of life in Bulgaria 84. SMM 2016: Green power ahead


ATHANASIOS REISOPOULOS The future for ordering more “ECO”- tonnage remains unclear



CHRISTOPHE CHEIKH PPG working with industry partners to develop innovative eco-friendly ship hull film system


Port agents take up with technology


Θ. Βενιάμης λίγες ημέρες προ του Brexit: «Δέν θα γίνουμε ρουφιάνοι…» Γράφει ο Κώστας

Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση

Τήν αὐστηρή αὐτή προειδοποίηση ἀπηύθυνε ὁ κ. Βενιάμης πρός τά ἑλληνικά καί τά διεθνῆ media μέ τρόπο πού δέν ἐπιδέχεται ἀμφισβήτηση καί μέ φρασεολογία ξεκάθαρη: «Ἐμεῖς δέν θά γίνουμε ρουφιάνοι, εἶπε χαρακτηριστικά, γιά τά ἂλλα θεσμικά πλαίσια πού διέπουν τίς εὐρωπαϊκές ναυτιλίες, τά ὁποῖα καλύπτονται πίσω ἀπό δαιδαλώδεις νόμους καί νομικά κόλπα. Θεωρῶ ὃτι ἡ συζήτηση πρέπει νά γίνει στό ἐπίπεδο πού εἲμαστε. Ἐμεῖς θά εἲμαστε ἀπολύτως θετικοί γιά νά δοθεῖ τέλος σ᾽ αὐτό τό σφάλμα. Ἀλλά καλοπροαίρετα θά εἲμαστε κι ἐμεῖς ἐκεῖ (στίς διαπραγματεύσεις) γιά νά κλείσει αὐτό τό θέμα, ὃπως ἒκλεισε καί μέ τήν Κύπρο, πού μπῆκε πολύ ἀργότερα σάν ναυτιλία στό θεσμικό πλαίσιο, κι ὃπως ἒκλεισε γιά τήν Ὁλλανδία, τήν Γερμανία κλπ. Ἀλλοιῶς, προειδοποίησε ὁ κ. Βενιάμης, θά ἀνοίξουμε τό κουτί τῆς Πανδώρας». Εἲμαστε σέ θέση νά γνωρίζουμε ὃτι ἡ ἡγεσία τῆς ΠΝΟ σ᾽ αὐτό τό θέμα, βρίσκεται ἐκθύμως στό πλευρό τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἐφοπλιστῶν. Ὃμως ἡ ΠΝΟ δέν εἶναι διατεθειμένη νά ὑποκύψει καί στήν πάγια ἐπιδίωξη τῶν ἐφοπλιστῶν νά μειώσει περαιτέρω τό μισθολόγιο τῶν κατωτέρων ἑλληνικῶν πληρωμάτων -ὂχι τῶν άξιωματικῶν- ἐξισώνοντάς το μέ τό μισθολόγιο τῶν Φιλιππινέζων. Μολονότι ὁ κ. Βενιάμης κράτησε σαφεῖς ἀποστάσεις ἀπό τήν θρασεία ἀξίωση καί τίς θέσεις τοῦ Συνδέσμου Ἑλληνικῶν Βιομηχανιῶν, πού ζήτησε τήν πλήρη ἐφαρμογή τῶν μνημονιακῶν μισθολογικῶν μειώσεων στήν ξηρά, ὡστόσο δέν ἒκρυψε τήν ἀνησυχία του γιά τήν μείωση τῆς προσφορᾶς τῶν Ἑλλήνων ναυτικῶν καί, ἐπικαλούμενος τήν ἀνάγκη νά ξαναγυρίσει ἡ ναυτοσύνη στήν Ἑλλάδα, εἶπε ὃτι «μέ την κυβέρνηση ἒχομε προχωρήσει στόν διάλογο. Στήν οὐσία ἡ κυβέρνηση δέν διαφωνεῖ. Πρέπει νά συμφωνήσει καί ἡ ΠΝΟ. Πρέπει νά βροῦμε τρόπους νά ξαναφέρουμε τήν ναυτοσύνη στήν Ἑλλάδα. Νά φέρουμε πίσω τούς νέους στά βαπόρια. Νά ἒχουμε δεξαμενή ναυτικῶν, γιά νά χρησιμοποιοῦμε Ἓλληνες ναυτικούς σέ ἀνταγωνιστικά μισθολόγια». Ἀλλά στά ἀνταγωνιστικά μισθολόγια κατωτέρων

6 NAFS JULY 2016

πληρωμάτων ἡ ΠΝΟ δέν πρόκειται νά συναινέσει. Ποῦ ὃμως συμφωνεῖ ἡ ΠΝΟ; Στέκεται ἀναφανδόν δίπλα στόν Ἓλληνα έφοπλιστή, ὃσον ἀφορᾶ ὃλες τίς κινήσεις πού γίνονται γιά νά μειωθεῖ τό ἐργατικό κόστος λόγω εἰσβολῆς τῆς νέας τεχνολογίας στά πλοῖα. Ἒχει συσταθεῖ εἰδική ἐπιτροπή γιά τό πόσο μπορεῖ νά μειωθεῖ τό ἐργατικό κόστος στά πλοῖα. Γνωρίζει ὃτι ἡ Ὁλλανδία καί ἡ Γερμανία ἒχουν εὐνοήσει ποικιλοτρόπως τούς ἐφοπλιστές τους, ὣστε νά περιορίσουν σημαντικά τό κόστος ἐκμετάλλευσης τῶν στόλων τους. Καί γνωρίζει ἀκόμη -ὂχι φυσικά τό ΚΚΕ, πού βλέπει παντοῦ ἐφοπλιστές βαμπίρ νά πίνουν τό αἷμα τῶν ναυτικῶνὃτι ἡ ἑλληνική κυβέρνηση, πού ὃταν ἦταν στήν ἀριστερή πλευρά ὡς ἀντιπολίτευση, ἒσουρνε τά ἐξ ἁμάξης στούς ἐφοπλιστές, ἐνῶ τώρα τά βρίσκει στόν διάλογο- δέν ἒχει βοηθήσει καθόλου τούς Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές στό φορολογικό καί στήν ἀνταγωνιστικότητα, ὃπως ἒχουν κάνει οἱ Γερμανοί, οἱ Ὁλλανδοί, οἱ Ἱσπανοί κ.ἂ. Ὃμως ἡ ΠΝΟ δέν εἶναι διατεθειμένη νά δεχθεῖ ἰσοπέδωση μισθῶν Ἑλλήνων καί Φιλιππινέζων ναυτικῶν, μέ τίς ἀνοχές πού προσφέρουν τά μνημόνια, διότι ὁ Ἓλληνας ναυτικός δέν μπορεῖ νά συγκριθεῖ μέ τόν Φιλιππινέζο καί, κυρίως, διαθέτει τό συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα τοῦ φιλοτίμου, πού δέν τοῦ ἐπιτρέπει νά παρατήσει μισοτελειωμένη τήν δουλειά του, ὃπως τήν παρατάει σύξυλη ὁ Φιλιππινέζος μόλις συμπληρωθεῖ τό ὀκτάωρό του. Ὁ Ἓλληνας ἐργάζεται καί μισή καί μία ὣρα παραπάνω, χωρίς πρόσθετη ἀμοιβή. Νά σημειώσουμε ὃτι ὁ μέσος μισθός τοῦ ναύτη εἶναι μόλις 1500 δολάρια. Βεβαίως ἡ ναυτιλία σήμερα διέρχεται κρίση, καί κυρίως ἡ ναυτιλία ξηροῦ φορτίου, ἀλλά οἱ κρίσεις εἶναι κυκλικές. Ἒρχονται καί παρέρχονται. Οἱ Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἀξιέπαινα διεχώρησαν τήν θέση τους ἀπό τόν ΣΕΒ, δέν θά ἒπρεπε νά υἱοθετήσουν τόν δημιουργηθέντα ἀπό τήν μνημονιακή πολιτική τόν κοινωνικό αὐτοματισμό, πού ὠθεῖ τόν καθένα νά κοιτάζει τήν τσέπη του, ἀδιαφορῶντας γιά τούς ἂλλους. Μία ἂλλη ἐνδιαφέρουσα ἂποψη πού διετύπωσε ὁ κ. Βενιάμης στήν συνέντευξή του στά Ποσειδώνια καί στήν ὁποία ἀναφερθήκαμε στήν ἀρχή, ἦταν ἐκείνη γιά τό βρεταννικό BREXIT. Μερικές ἀκόμη χαρακτηριστικές λεπτομέρειες, πού ἐλέχθησαν λίγα 24ωρα πρίν ἀπό τήν ἐτυμηγορία του Βρεταννικοῦ λαοῦ. «Τό BREXIT δέν μᾶς ἐνδιαφέρει, εἶπε, οὒτε ἡ πολιτική στάση πού θά τηρήσει ἡ βρεταννική κυβέρνηση ἀπέναντι στήν ναυτιλία. Οἱ Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές δέν ἒχουν πλέον ἰδιαίτερη παρουσία στήν Ἀγγλία.» Πράγματι, ἡ αἲγλη του City ἒχει ἀτονίσει πρό πολλοῦ. Ὁ ἑλληνικός ἐφοπλισμός, ἀφοῦ ἐπί δεκαετίες ἐκμεταλλεύθηκε τίς δυνατότητες πού προσέφερε τό Λονδίνο, ἐμφανιζόμενοι νομικά ὂχι ὡς ἐφοπλιστές, ἀλλά ὡς shipbrokers καί ἀφοῦ ἐπανειλημμένα ἀπειλήθηκε μέ φορομπηχτικές πολιτικές γιά resident ἀπό τήν ἐποχή τῆς Θάτσερ μέχρι καί ἀργότερα, ἒχει πλέον ἐλάχιστη παρουσία στό Λονδίνο, μέ τό Κομμίττυ τῶν πάλαι ποτέ Κουλουκουντῆ, τοῦ Λύρα καί τοῦ Χατζηπατέρα νά παίζει πλέον διακοσμητικό ρόλο, ἀφοῦ ἡ διαστημική

ἐξέλιξη στίς ἐπικοινωνίες καί οἱ ἀλλαγές τῶν παραδοσιακῶν μεθόδων στήν ἐκμετάλλευση τῶν πλοίων, οἱ φορολογικοί παράδεισοι, οἱ ὑπεράκτιες, οἱ νέοι τύποι πλοίων, ἡ ραγδαία μοναδοποίηση τῶν φορτίων, οἱ τεράστιες ἐπενδυτικές δυνατότητες τῶν ἐφοπλιστῶν ἐκτός θαλάσσης, οἱ νέοι πολιτικοοικονομικοί συσχετισμοί δυνάμεων στόν πλανήτη κλπ, ἒχουν συμβάλλει στήν ἐγκατάλειψη τοῦ Λονδίνου, ὃπου παραμένουν οἱ λίγοι ἀκόμη ρομαντικοί τῆς παλαιοτέρας γενεᾶς καί οἱ γόνοι τους. Ὃταν ἀκόμη καί ἡ βασίλισσα τῆς Ἀγγλίας, τά 90 χρόνια τῆς ὁποίας ἑορτάσθηκαν μέ τόσο ἐντυπωσιακές καί δαπανηρές ἐκδηλώσεις, τάχθηκε δημοσίως ὑπέρ τοῦ BREXIT, ἀντιλαμβάνεται κανείς ὃτι ἡ γηραιά Ἀλβυών ἒχει ἐπιλέξει μέ τό ἱστορικό δημοψήφισμα τῆς 23ης Ἰουνίου 2016 νά προχωρήσει μόνη στόν πλανήτη, ἀναπολῶντας ἐκεῖνο τό «Ροῦλε Μπριτάνια». Καί εἶναι εὒκολα ἀντιληπτό ὃτι οἱ Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές ἀδιαφοροῦν γιά τό ποιές θά εἶναι οἱ συνέπειες ἐξ αἰτίας μιᾶς ναυτιλιακῆς πολιτικῆς τῆς Ἀγγλίας, ὃταν τά κέντρα λήψεως ἀποφάσεων ἒχουν πρό πολλοῦ μεταφερθεῖ ἀλλοῦ. Ἡ Ἀγγλία ἀποφάσισε νά πορευθεῖ μόνη της στόν πλανήτη, κρατῶντας τήν οίκονομική της ἀνεξαρτησία καί ὂχι μόνο. Ἲσως ὁ πείσμων λαός της ἀντελήφθη ὃτι ἡ νέα τάξη πραγμάτων προχωρεῖ ταχύτατα σέ ἓνα παγκόσμιο ὑπερκράτος μέ πυρῆνα τήν ΕΕ καί τήν ἐνσωμάτωση τῶν ΗΠΑ. Πάντως ἀς μή βιάζονται οἱ Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές νά ὑποτιμοῦν τό Λονδίνο, διότι ἲσως ἀπογειωθεῖ μετά τό BREXIT. Πρῶτα πρέπει νά λάβουν σοβαρά ὑπ᾽ ὂψη τους τήν πρόβλεψη τοῦ ἱεροῦ τέρατος της FED Ἂλλαν Γκρίσπαν ὃτι ἡ Εὐρωζώνη καταρρέει καί ὃτι ἡ Ἑλλάδα δέν θά μείνει γιά πολύ καιρό ἀκόμη στό εὐρώ, ἀνεξάρτητα μέ τό τί συμβαίνει σήμερα. Δεύτερον, τό Σίτυ θά ἀναβιώσει καθώς ὃλο τό λεγόμενο “μαῦρο χρῆμα” τῆς ΕΕ θά συγκεντρωθεῖ στήν Βρεταννία πού θά τό ὑποδεχθεῖ με χαρά, τήν ἲδια στιγμή πού οἱ χῶρες μέλη τῆς ΕΕ θα ζητοῦν ἀποδείξεις ἀκόμη καί γιά τσίχλες καί καραμέλες. Ἀσφαλῶς τό Λονδίνο λόγω χαμηλῆς φορολογίας θά γίνει ὁ ἑταιρικός παράδεισος. Καί ἀς μή ξεχνοῦν ἀκόμη οἱ ἐφοπλιστές μας ὃτι Ἡ Μεγάλη, πλέον, Βρεταννία θά ἐνισχύσει τό κοινοπολιτειακό της μοντέλο, καθώς ἒχει τήν δική της πολυεθνική ὀργάνωση, ἀρχηγός τῆς ὁποίας εἲναι ἡ ἲδια ἡ Βασίλισσα τῆς Ἀγγλίας Ἐλισσάβετ Β´ καί τοῦ Ἡνωμένου Βασιλείου, πού ἀριθμεῖ 53 χῶρες. Τίς θυμίζουμε: Αὐστραλία, Καναδάς, Νέα Ζηλανδία, Τζαμάϊκα, Μπαρμπάντος, Νῆσοι Σολομῶντα, Τουβαλού, Ἁγία Λουκία, Ἃγιος Βικέντιος, Γρεναδίνες, Ἀντίγκουα, Μπαρμπούντα, Μπελίζ, Ἃγιος Χριστόφορος, Νέβις, Νότιος Ἀφρική, Πακιστάν, Σρί Λάνκα, Γκάνα, Μαλαισία, Νιγηρία, Κύπρος, Τανζανία, Σιέρα Λεόνε, Τρινιντάντ, Τομπάγκο, Οὐγκάντα, Κέννυα, Μαλάουι, Μάλτα, Ζάμπια, Γκάμπια, Σιγκαπούρη, Λεσότο, Γουιάνα, Μποτσουάνα, Ναουρού, Σουιζιλάνδη, Μαυρίκιος. Σαμόα, Τόγκα, Φίτζι, Μπαγκλαντές, Σεϋχέλλες, Δομίνικα, Κιριμπάτι, Βανουάτου, Μαλδίβες, Μπρουνέϊ, Ναμίμπια, Καμερούν, Μοζαμβίκη καί Ρουάντα.

DRY DOCK & AFLOAT SHIP REPAIRS MARINE UNDERWATER SERVICES PANASIA CONTROL SYSTEMS - Ballast Water Treatment System “Glo-En Patrol” - Panox – Pasox Systems - Monitoring Systems - Supply of Genuine Panasia Spare Parts - Worldwide Service Station for Panasia Equipments


China Greece

Turkey Cyprus

USA West Africa



UAE India

Taiwan Malaysia


Singapore Peru

Brazil Australia Argentina

BPCO LTD Head Office


A.Kalvou 13-17 15233, Halandri (Chalandri) Athens, Greece Tel : +30 210 6850413 +30 211 7004512 E-mail:

3 Thalia Str. 3011 Limassol, Cyprus Tel.: +357 25246805 Mob. : +357 96285855 E-mail:

“We are big enough to meet the challenge and small enough to care”


EUPLOIA’s stand is the winner stand at Posidonia 2016 Posidonia 2016 has received overwhelming praise from exhibitors and visitors who unanimously agree that this year’s edition of the world’s most prestigious maritime event has also been the most distinguished in the show’s five-decade long history. In total, 1.825 exhibiting companies from 90 countries and territories and 19 national pavilions welcomed 22.366 visitors from over 95 countries to their stands. A record of more than 200 shipyards led by traditional shipbuilding nations, China, Japan and South Korea, attracted the attention of the shipowners. More than 80 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) firms were present. NAFS magazine and had the opportunity to come across all the prestigious stands of the exhibition, from specialist shipping suppliers, such as ballast water management and propulsion system providers, to service providers from the travel, health, safety and education sectors. On behalf of nafsgreen team, the winner- stand of Posidonia 2016 is the one of EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS & SERVICES LTD. Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd is a well established company of highly experienced and qualified managers in the Marine Services, specializing in Ship Repairs and Conversions. Its core business is to provide Repair Services through our Worldwide Network of Leading Shipyards, Workshops, and Co-operating Companies. Euploia Products and Services Portfolio extends to the field of Marine Equipment, Spare Parts, BWTS, Lubricants, Bunker, Safety Products & Services. The company provides the local shipping industry with high quality level of products and services accompanied with timely deliveries and competitive prices, honoring always our contractual commitments. The booth attracted the interest of a large number of quality visitors all days of the exhibition. Representatives of the company with

8 NAFS JULY 2016

Mr. Valentakis (Euploia’s Managing Director) on the top, spoke many hours a day with the visitors who had packed into Euploia’s stand. So great was the interest of the visitors that nafsgreen just at the finish of the last day of Posidonia managed to gather the representatives of the company for a photoshoot. Exhibiting companies in Euploia’s stand were BLAY MARINE TECH (BMT), CHANTIER NAVAL DE MARSEILLE, ECOCHLOR INC., ENRICO POLIPODIO SRL, LUPI SRL, OPTIMAX CO LTD, SAN GIORGIO DEL PORTO and TURBO BELGIUM. Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd provide a wide range of services including Shipyards representations, Ship repair management, BWTS, Marine equipment, Spare parts, Lubricants & bunker, Safety production and services. According to Mr. Valentakis, business deals were very good for Euploia and the vote of confidence the company received from the visitors gives it the strength to make the best even better. Finally is important to mention that Euploia proudly presented Ecochlor workshops on BWTS with the title “The Path to USCG Type Approval and USCG Compliance & Planning”. This workshop was held on 8 of June at the Posidonia 2016 Exhibition Area / Metropolitan Expo - Seminar Room 2 and focused on aspects such as U.S. Ballast Water Regulations: Compliance and Enforcement - Why is USCG Type Approval Important? - Challenges getting USCG Type Approval Ecochlor BWTS Technology - Enforcement of ballast water rules - Coast Guard ballast water regulations etc. High-level speakers (capt. Andrew Norris, U.S. Coast Guard –retired and Tom Perlich, Founder and President, Ecochlor, Inc). contributed to make the conference very interesting and stimulated discussion with the audience. NIKOS K. DOUKAS

Cruise & Ferries by


4 Skouze Str. - 185 36 Piraeus - Greece, tel:+ - fax:+ - email:


Global ship finance; Announcing the Petrofin Global Index; Trends and the future

Ted Petropoulos,

Head, Petrofin Research

We are pleased to present the latest Top 40 Global banks’ lending as of December 2015, amounting to $397.84bn (see Graph 1). This is almost the same as the previous year’s figure of $397.9bn. Within the total, however, whereas the actual figure is the same, there are differences in ship finance lending among the banks, which are indicative of different responses to ship lending by individual banks. It is important to see the total ship finance figure in another light. Between 2014 and 2015, the total number of vessels in the world fleet rose by 1.76% from 89,676 to 91,256 vessels (Clarksons World Fleet Register). Such growth and fleet investment was achieved without an increase in ship finance. As such, it is fair to conclude that there was more reliance on non-bank finance sources and/or enhanced equity by owners. In Graph 2 you will observe the Petrofin Global Index from 2008 till 2015. As you will see, the index which commenced at 100 in 2008 fell rapidly as a result of the Global finance crisis in 2008. It almost recovered back by 2011 and fell significantly thereafter, reaching 86 in 2014 and 2015. However, as is shown on Graph 2, during this period, the global fleet index grew from 100 to 121, i.e. a 21% increase in the world fleet. Consequently, it is fair to conclude that the bank ship finance in relation to the world fleet has been contracting in the last 8 years. According to Clarkson’s Intelligence, as of the end 2016, the total cargo fleet orders stood at a further 2,867 vessels or 15% of the current fleet. It is expected, therefore, that as the fleet shall grow at a faster pace than ship finance by banks, that there will be further declines in the importance of banking related shipfinance as opposed to other forms of finance and investment/equity. Current shipping conditions are not attractive to shipping banks, as all sectors are displaying signs of pressure in vessel values and earnings due to overbuilding, surpluses and large orderbooks. In ad-

Graph 1: The Top 40 banks have a total of $397.84bn exposure to shipping.

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dition, current financial conditions are Graph 2: Introducing Petrofin Global Index – comalso not conducive to more ship lending. pared with Global Fleet development index. Indeed, it is fair to say that on a global basis, lending has slowed down substantially past 2008 as banks try to downsize and as bank regulations and supervision, e.g. ECT, Basel III, have increased. Unable to increase their capital base, banks are forced to restrict their lending and choose among the best risk/reward industries. Currently, shipfinance is not a leading contender for loans. In Graph 3, you will see the trend of shipfinance per geographical region, over the years. The overall trend is one of a consistent decline by Western banks (worst hit by the financial crisis) over the years and an increase by Far Eastern and Australasian banks. As Western shipbuilding has largely disappeared (except for specialist vessels), Western banks are under less pressure to maintain their shipfinance presence. The collapse of the KG system has accelerated the departure of many German banks. German banks still support the owners of their ‘home base’, but reduce finance to owners from other countries. This is not a universal rule as some banks have a small national shipping interest or have built up a substantial and well performing international clientele. Still, the trend is not particularly supportive of Graph 3: Breakdown of Global Greek owners who are viewed as ‘internashipfinance portfolios according to tional owners’. geographical area, inUS$bn The need to support their own local shipping has been a strong motive underlying the expansion of the Far Eastern banks. Their national policies are in tune with local bank interests and this has provided a useful solution to a number of owners seeking finance. There are signs that Far East ship finance appetite is slowing down, as well as that there has been a slowdown in new orders and a restructure of the Chinese shipbuilding industry with much unnecessary capacity being eliminated. With prevailing shipping conditions not helpful either, it is possible that Far Eastern shipfinance growth will slow down in years to come. However, the position may also be changing in the West with the effective departure of the major banks that decided to leave the industry, e.g. RBS, Commerzbank, HSH and others. Once the above banks shall disappear, it is likely that the remaining banks plus newcomers in the field of shipfinance may signal the commencement of a base and, possibly, a rise in Western shipfinance. Lastly, we should identify the increasing presence of non-banking finance institutions that are often the only finance alternative for owners, as well as the development of niche ship finance in the PG, Singapore and other local areas. As traditional bank finance continues to be scarce, conditions for non-banking instruments and local finance shall improve. Overall, for shipfinance lending to rise, an improvement in shipping market conditions is necessary. For some sectors, such as dry bulk and containers, this is not expected soon. Beyond shipping itself, the strengthening of balance sheets and capital ratios of banks across the world and more supportive international financial conditions are required for bank lending to increase once more to the benefit of global growth is general and shipfinance in particular.

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Athanasios Reisopoulos*: The future for ordering more “ECO”- tonnage remains unclear less fuel consuming vessels and comply at the same time with the new regulatory environment. A new generation of ‘’economically’’ and ‘’ecologically’’ operating ships was designed and developed for this purpose, known as ‘’ECO’’ ships. ‘’ECO’’ ships are classes of vessels the entire operation and design of which has been based on the most up-to-date energy and environmentally friendly standards. On the other hand, the modern ‘’ECO’’ ship is not notably cheap, as it incorporates design features and equipment that are ‘’state of the art’’ as well as advanced engineering solutions.

Athanasios Reisopoulos,

Dipl. Ing./ Former Area Manager to Germanischer Lloyd Question Increased fuel prices and strict environmental regulations has led many shipping companies to order the so called ‘’ECO’’ ships. Is ordering of ‘’ECO’’ ships, under the present market situation still an attraction ? National and International shipping companies are experiencing increasing pressure for more than seven years now, as a result of the shipping crisis due to increased tonnage capacity and, since 2009, due to rising bunker prices, which followed bysubstantial dectrese in the last year. Furthermore, the shipping industry is confronted with new regulations imposed by IMO with the aim to gradually reduce the emissions caused by ships exhausts including SOx, NOx and CO2. For these reasons and following the decrease in charter rates, owners were forced to take measures in order to build more energy efficient and

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In order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas emissions, which are directly related to ships’ fuel efficiency and fuel consumption of the engines, future vessels, according to IMO requirements, must be designed in accordance with energy saving standards. To this end the IMO introduced an Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships on January 2013. Ship designers and yards have been given the freedom to decide how to achieve these standards by designing less consuming and more environmentally friendly ships. New ship designs or ‘’ECO’’ ships are characterized above all by an optimized bow and aft body hull form, the propeller, the propeller loading, the rudder profile etc. However hull shape can barely be modified in a tanker, as this is the case with container ships, without loosing freight (earning) capacity. A number of additional measures can be adopted to save fuel and reduce cost, each of which may be more or less effective depending on the characteristics of each vessel and the trade in which it is used. Greater economy will be found in the engine room with electronically controlled long stroke and less powerful main engines compared to conventional ships of the same size. Most of the ships ordered within 2014 were designed with improved efficiency in mind. An equally important part in energy saving has been played by retrofitting of existing vessels, i.e. their adaption to incorporate more energy efficient technology. 80% of a large number of companies interviewed by HSH Nordbank approximately 2 years ago, were expecting their investments in retrofitting measures to pay off pretty quickly-over a period of one to five years. Financing for the retrofit was enabled by a long term, above market rate charter, which included optimized bulbous bow, rudder optimization, high performance hull coating, trim/ ballast optimization etc. Shipowners, supported by banks, invested a lot in retrofitting their relatively

young vessels to ensure a better fuel efficiency and better charter rates. Most of the new ships built or retrofitted in the course of 2013 and 2014, were designed with improved efficiency in mind, resulting in a ‘’two tier market’’, where “ECO” ships with lower annual fuel bills competed with the older fuel hungry vessels. However, the picture in the market slowly changes not in favour of ordering more eco ships. Low oil prices are said to have drawn out the payback period of investments in fuel saving solutions and the appeal of the newer ships is no longer due to energy saving credentials but more due to design characteristics such as shallow draught , larger cargo capacity etc. Cheap oil, according to Lloyd’s List, threatens to put ‘’what has been a two-tier market onto a single track’’. Should bunker prices have remained at the high price level of $ 600-700 per ton of the last years, then eco designed ships would have a better future. However if the fuel prices stay at $150-$250 there will be no need for a two-tier market. To add to that comes tonnage overcapacity and low freight market, speaking also not in favor of “ECO” ships. Another important issue, which needs to be seriously observed is the quite often non-realistic savings (sometimes over 20%) promised by a number of shipyards and designers, something which is more on the marketing side than anything else. Promoters of new “ECO” ships, according to a major tanker shipping company, quite often, choose the worst performing vessels in the world fleet as benchmark for comparison with their new designs, giving the impression that differences are huge. In addition, according to claims expressed by several shipping companies, which took delivery of “ECO” ships, promises from yards that they could easily save off fuel consumption remained unproved. The future for ordering more “ECO”- tonnage remains unclear. Banks, financial institutions, shipowners and cargo owners should adopt an extremely cautious attitude towards ordering new “ECO” ships out of speculation under the present catastrophically oversupplied market. The market needs a breathing space to recover, as the tonnage capacity at present exceeds the demand. It would be best for the owners having the financial capability to invest in “ECO” ships, despite the reduction in bank finance, to wait before ordering, particularly due to uncertainty surrounding the present market situation and global emissions.

2015 has arrived. How will you cope with ECA legislation? As of 1 January, MARPOL Annex VI demands that you change your operations in SOx Emission Control Areas (ECAs). But where other legislation dictates your onboard equipment, the new SOx regulations let you decide how to comply – and compete. Whatever your choice, Alfa Laval is there to support you.

The MGO route If you’ve decided to work with distillate, you face potentially engine-stopping hazards when it comes to fuel viscosity and lubricity during fuel changeover. As your natural partner in fuel handling, we offer the Alfa Laval Automated Fuel Changeover System (ACS) – a safe and optimized changeover solution. Fully automatic and built with its own cooler, the ACS upgrades your existing booster system to provide the cooling needed when using low-viscosity MGO/MDO with diesel engines. Contact us today for more information, or learn more at

The HFO route If you’ve decided to continue using HFO by installing a scrubber aboard your vessel, we have the proven solution in Alfa Laval PureSOx. Now in its second generation and even more flexible, PureSOx has been operating at sea for years, combining full reliability in meeting ECA limits with the competitive advantage of more economical fuel. Whether you choose an open-loop, closedloop or hybrid configuration, your fuel cost savings with PureSOx will be measurable – and substantial. Contact us today for more information, or learn more at


Posidonia 2016 inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Alexis Tsipras Largest ever Posidonia exhibition highlights importance of Greek shipping for global economy Posidonia 2016, the world’s most prestigious shipping event, was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Greece Mr Alexis Tsipras and attended by heads of states, European Union officials, Greek cabinet members, foreign maritime ministers, board members of the Union of Greek Shipowners, chairmen of international organisations as well as some 1.500 exhibitors and delegates from around the world. Addressing the global audience, the Greek Prime Minister Mr. Alexis Tsipras said that the Greek ocean going shipping contributes seven percent to Greece’s gross national product whilst providing significant direct and indirect employment opportunities. He also said that the strength of Greek shipping has helped position the country at the epicenter of the changes and developments the global economy is undergoing. He also stressed that Greece’s strategic geopolitical position coupled with the location of Greece’s big ports is a combination which guarantees the prospects of establishing the country as the commercial gateway to Europe for many products and services. He added that investments for the improvement of the existing infrastructure are essential and would provide Greece with yet another competitive advantage in the country’s road to recovery. The Greek Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Mr Theodore Dritsas, said: “During the past years, the shipping sector, one of the most globalised industries in the field of international trade, has faced great challenges. These are related to the excess tonnage, combined with short term reduction in the demand side for transported cargo volumes, lack of funding from bank institutions, sharp decline in vessel values, uncertainty in oil prices and acute competition. Inevitably, these factors led to a substantial downward pressure on freight rates, in particular in dry market segment. The gradual recovery of the world economy will certainly lead to the reduction and hopefully the elimination of those phenomena. Despite the difficulties in both the national and global economic environment, Greek shipping managed to maintain its leading position at international level. More than 1.350 shipping companies are established in Greece, mainly in Piraeus, constituting the driving force for a number of related economic activities. Greek shipping remains a vital and successful economic generator of the national economy, contributing over 7% to the national GDP, providing almost 200.000 jobs both at sea and ashore, covering also over 30% of the country’s trade deficit” Dritsas continued. The Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation, Mr Kitack Lim, said: “Shipping has a wonderful ability to tap into rich currents of innovation and excellence in key areas, from safety at sea, to clean shipping – and beyond. Events like Posidonia provide a valuable opportunity to showcase all that creativity and energy; an opportunity to mix, to mingle, to make friends and do business.”

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Speaking at the inauguration event, Mr Matej Zakonjšek, Head of Cabinet to Commissioner for Transport, European Commission said: “I am delighted to see the vitality of the sector in spite of the hardships – an impressive example of this is the Greek shipping community hosting this event. The potential of shipping to bring prosperity to Europe is strong, and so is our resolve to work together with all of you to overcome any stormy seas ahead.” Echoing the voice of the Greek shipowners, Mr Theodore Veniamis, President of the Union of Greek Shipowners, added: ““The Greek shipowners, and the Greek state, as representatives of a traditional maritime country, currently amounting approximately to 50% of European shipping and 20% of the world fleet in terms of tonnage, have been strong supporters of the institutional role of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as the only appropriate legislative body for shipping. The reason is one but very important: shipping as an international activity, fully exposed to international competition, requires a uniform enforceable legislative framework. The IMO has addressed successfully challenges over the years and has adopted international conventions which achieve the required balance between its Member States”. “Even its critics acknowledge that the shipping industry is subject to a comprehensive legal framework ensuring safety of maritime transport and environmental protection. Especially nowadays, with the ongoing intense discussions on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, the IMO is invited to take the leading role on the issue and defend the sector with efficient and long-lasting solutions. I would like to stress that the priority for European legislators should be to form a shipping policy focused on maintaining the competitiveness of Community shipping. A policy that takes into account the international character of shipping and the necessary prerequisite to be competitive, hence, sustainable in order to continue operating smoothly to the benefit of the European economy, public welfare and world trade” Veniamis continued. On behalf of the organisers, Theodore Vokos, Executive Director, Posidonia Exhibitions S.A., said: “This is the biggest Posidonia in the event’s 46 year-long history as over 1.800 exhibitors from 89 countries will participate. They represent all sectors of the industry, including over 200 shipyards, 19 national pavilions, over 80 ICT companies and dozens of ballast water treatment specialists, amongst others. We also expect to welcome some 20.000 visitors from all over the world confirming the reputation of Posidonia as the most important shipping event.” The event was organised under the auspices of the Greek shipping community and the five major associations representing Greek shipping interests: Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, Municipality of Piraeus, Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, Union of Greek Shipowners, Greek Shipping Cooperation Committee, Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association and Association of Passenger Shipping Companies.



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Βράβευση του Ιδρυτή και Προέδρου των Ποσειδωνίων έχεις ένα όραμα και να βλέπεις πέρα από το βουνό που βλέπουν οι υπόλοιποι. Πρέπει να τολμάς να εξερευνήσεις τον άγνωστο τόπο πέρα από το βουνό, τον οποίο δεν έχεις δει με τα μάτια σου, όμως το όραμα σου σε κάνει να το βλέπεις πως μπορεί να εξελιχθεί. Διαβάζοντας τη ζωή του Θ.Βώκου, συνειδητοποίησα ότι αυτοί που επιτυγχάνουν, εντοπίζουν τις ευκαιρίες έγκαιρα, παίρνουν γρήγορα μεγάλες και σημαντικές αποφάσεις και προχωρούν άμεσα στην υλοποίηση τους. Ακολουθώντας αυτά τα βήματα, τα οράματά τους γίνονται πραγματικότητα. Ποιος ήταν ο τομέας που ενέταξε όλη του την ενέργεια και διορατικότητα; Με μία λέξη την ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ»

Η Στιγμή των Φίλων

Την Τετάρτη 1η Ιουνίου 2016 έλαβε χώρα η Συνάντηση Μελών του International Propeller Club of the United States, International Port of Piraeus, η οποία ήταν αφιερωμένη αποκλειστικά στην βράβευση του Θεμιστοκλή Θ. Βώκου, Συνιδρυτή και Προέδρου της Posidonia Exhibition S.A., του ανθρώπου που συνεχίζοντας το όραμα του πατέρα του, Θεοδώρου Βώκου, εξέλιξε την έκθεση των Ποσειδωνίων, που λαμβάνει χώρα κάθε δύο χρόνια στην Ελλάδα, σε ένα διεθνές ναυτιλιακό γεγονός, προσελκύοντας χιλιάδες επισκέπτες από τα πέρατα της γης, και τον οποίο το Propeller του Πειραιά τίμησε με το Βραβείο Αριστείας, τόσο για την αέναη συμβολή του στην εξέλιξη των Ποσειδωνίων, όσο και για την έμπρακτη αφοσίωσή του στη Ελληνική Ναυτιλία. Την έναρξη της λαμπρής τελετής που πραγματοποιήθηκε στον Ναυτιλιακό Όμιλο Ελλάδος στο Μικρολίμανο, έκανε ο Πρόεδρος του Προπέλλερ Κλαμπ κ. Γιώργος Κ. Ξηραδάκης ο οποίος στο καλωσόρισμά του, έδωσε το στίγμα του σωματείου όπως εκφράζεται από το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο τονίζοντας: «Στα πλαίσια του θεσμού των Βραβείων των Μελών προς διακεκριμένες προσωπικότητες έχουμε την χαρά να διατυμπανίζουμε ότι: • την αριστοφοβία δεν την ενστερνιζόμαστε αλλά την πολεμάμε, • την αριστεία την απολαμβάνουμε και την προστατεύουμε και • την αληθινή ανθρώπινη παρέα, όπως αυτήν εδώ που δημιουργήσαμε όλοι εδώ σήμερα, την επιζητούμε.» Ο κ. Ξηραδάκης αναφερόμενος στην βράβευση προς τον κ. Θεμιστοκλή (Θέμη) Βώκο ανέφερε: «Σήμερα μαζευτήκαμε όλοι εδώ για να πούμε ένα σεμνό ευχαριστώ σε έναν από τους πιο δυνατούς από τους πολλούς ικανούς σημαιοφόρους της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας. Σήμερα δείχνουμε τον σεβασμό μας στον Άριστο, στον Ικανό και στον Εργατικό . Τον άνθρωπο που συντόνισε τους ανταγωνιστές και τους έβαλε να συσκεφτούν για το δικό τους καλό. Το Άνθρωπο που αντικατοπτρίζει όλες τις αρετές του Propeller Club.» Τον λόγο έλαβε στην συνέχεια ο κ. Δημήτριος Πατρίκιος, Αντιπρόεδρος του Προπέλλερ Κλαμπ, και μίλησε για την ζωή και το έργο του κ. Βώκου, τονίζοντας τα ιδιαίτερα συναισθήματά του για την βράβευση του μεγάλου Έλληνα: «Είναι μια σημαντική μέρα για το Propeller Club και την Ελληνική Ναυτιλία, βραβεύοντας έναν Έλληνα του Κόσμου. Οι σημαντικοί άνθρωποι αναγνωρίζονται για το έργο τους. Για να γίνεις όμως σημαντικός πρέπει να ξεχωρίζεις, και για να ξεχωρίσεις πρέπει να

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Συγκίνηση και εκστασιασμό προκάλεσαν οι ποικίλες παρεμβάσεις τριών φίλων που εμφανίστηκαν στην εκδήλωση είτε με γραπτό είτε με προφορικό λόγο. Η ευθυτενής και άριστα προετοιμασμένη κα. Ζωή Λάππα – Παπαματθαίου, Μέλος του Δ.Σ του Προπέλλερ απέδωσε με τον πιο άξιο τρόπο το λαμπρό κείμενο – επιστολή του Ευθυμίου Η. Μητρόπουλου, Επίτιμου Γενικού Γραμματέα του ΙΜΟ και Προέδρου του Κοινωφελούς Ιδρύματος «Μαρία Τσάκος» ο οποίος μεταξύ άλλων ο σκιαγράφησε την προσωπικότητα του κ. Βώκου λέγοντας: « Ο ταλαντούχος Θέμης κοσμείται με πολλά χαρίσματα: είναι ευφυής, εύστροφος, εφευρετικός, διερευνητικός, καλός διπλωμάτης, άνθρωπος της πράξης και της δράσης και συνάμα προσηνής, συνετός, εύχαρις και καλοσυνάτος. Δεν θυμάμαι να τον είδα ποτέ χωρίς το αφοπλιστικό χαμόγελο του και χωρίς να έχει να πει ένα καλό λόγο για τους πάντες – πολύ περισσότερο να θυμώνει και, θυμώνοντας, να χάνει τον έλεγχο και την ισχύ των επιχειρημάτων του. Δεν είναι τυχαίο λοιπόν που, οπλισμένος με τα λίγα από τα πολλά προσόντα του που μόλις απαρίθμησα, πέτυχε σε ό,τι καταπιάστηκε – με τα Ποσειδώνια στην κορυφή της πυραμίδας του πολυσχιδούς έργου του» ενώ αναφερόμενος στο πιο σπουδαίο κατόρθωμά του φίλου του Θέμη, τόνισε: «Με κοντά στους 2500 εκθέτες από περισσότερες από 100 χώρες, τα φετινά Ποσειδώνια φιλοδοξούν να καταρρίψουν κάθε προηγούμενο ρεκόρ επιτυχίας και να χαρίσουν στην πολύπαθη Χώρα μας λίγο χαμόγελο και μια μικρή ενθάρρυνση, μια αχτίνα φωτός και λίγο άνεμο αισιοδοξίας, λίγη πίστη στις δυνάμεις της, ένα όραμα, μια ελπίδα και ένα μήνυμα ξεκάθαρο και βροντερό: πως, στην λαίλαπα και περιδίνηση που ζούμε χρόνια τώρα, στους δύστηνους καιρούς που περνάει η πατρίδα μας, υπάρχει η Ναυτιλία και οι άνθρωποι της – άνθρωποι σαν τον Θέμη Βώκο – να κρατούν ψηλά το όνομα και τη σημαία της, να διαλαλούν το αδάμαστο πνεύμα των κατοίκων αυτής της Γης, που όταν στρέφονταν προς τη θάλασσα πάντοτε μεγαλουργούσαν δημιουργώντας και που ποτέ δεν προδόθηκαν από το υγρό στοιχείο, όσο εναπόθεταν τους πόθους, την πίστη, τα όνειρα και τις ελπίδες τους στην ατέλειωτη, γαλάζια άπλα της.» Τέλος ο κ. Μητρόπουλος ευχήθηκε η κίνηση του Propeller να τιμήσει τον κ. Βώκο, να βρει ανταπόκριση και από άλλους φορείς, αλλά κυρίως από την Πολιτεία.” Ακολούθως ο Γενικός Γραμματέας, κ. Κωνσταντίνος Κόντες, διάβασε με ιδιαίτερη συγκίνηση την επιστολή του εταίρου φίλου Καθηγητή Κώστα Γραμμένου, ο οποίος τόνισε: «Είναι ιδιαίτερη η χαρά μου με την τιμή που αποτίνει το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Propeller Club στον Θεμιστοκλή Βώκο και λυπάμαι πολύ που δεν είμαι μαζί σας για να του πω δια ζώσης πόσο πολύ


τον θαυμάζω. Ο Θέμης Βώκος ανήκει σε εκείνη την μοναδική κατηγορία των πρωτοπόρων Ελλήνων που χωρίς να χάσουν την Ελληνικότητά τους χρησιμοποίησαν την γονιμοποιό σκέψη τους, συνέλαβαν και εφάρμοζαν στο διεθνή χώρο νέες ιδέες, που οι άλλοι τις αποδέχθηκαν ενθουσιωδώς». Ο Καθηγητής Γραμμένος αναφέρθηκε στην κοινή πορεία που είχε με τον «φίλο του Θέμη» παρακολουθώντας τον σε όλα τα μήκη και πλάτη της οικουμένης και συνεχάρη τους διοργανωτές και τους παρευρισκόμενους για την τιμή προς τον φίλο του Θέμη. Μεγάλη συγκίνηση προκάλεσε η ομιλία του από το Δημοτικό Σχολείο συμμαθητή του τιμώμενου προσώπου κι εκλεκτού φίλου του Νίκυ Παπαδάκη, επίτιμου Προέδρου του Intercargo και πρώην Προέδρου του Προπέλλερ. Ο κ. Παπαδάκης αναφέρθηκε στην πολυσχιδή προσωπικότητα του Θέμη, αναφέροντας μεταξύ άλλων ότι πρόκειται για ένα σπάνιο άτομο, ευφυές, προσγειωμένο, υπέροχο, ζεστό και ταπεινό, παρά την τεράστια επιτυχία του, καθώς κυριολεκτικά ανέδειξε μέσω της έκθεσης των Ποσειδωνίων, την απαράμιλλη διεθνή επιτυχία και επικράτηση της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας στο παγκόσμιο στερέωμα, μια ιδέα την οποία παρέλαβε σε αρχικό στάδιο και εξέλιξε, δουλεύοντας σκληρά, σεμνά και με ζήλο, καθιστώντας όλους εμάς τους Έλληνες υπερήφανους! Επίσης, διατρέχοντας μια ιστορική διαδρομή, ξετύλιξε την ιστορία της γνωριμίας τους στο Κολλέγιο Αθηνών που ήταν για σειρά ετών συμμαθητές με διπλανά θρανία, την φιλία τους και την εξέλιξη της σε πραγματική αδελφοσύνη. Ο κ. Παπαδάκης προσέθεσε πως ένα μεσημέρι στην διάρκεια ενός γεύματος, συνέλαβαν την ιδέα της συνεργασίας τους, που βασίστηκε στην πολύ απλή ρήση του Baltic Exchange: “Ο λόγος μου είναι το συμβόλαιο μου” (“my word is my bond”), η οποία συνεργασία διήρκεσε μέχρι πριν λίγα χρόνια. Δεν χρειάστηκαν έγγραφα, ούτε υπογραφές, αυτό σηματοδότησε την φιλία τους, την φιλοσοφία τους, την τιμή τους. Είπε ολοκληρώνοντας ο κ. Παπαδάκης, ότι ο Θέμης είναι ένας αληθινός πατριώτης, ένας φίλος, ένας αδελφός. Δεν είναι μόνο το τι κατάφερε αλλά ο τρόπος με τον οποίο λειτούργησε: τίμια, με ήθος, με ακεραιότητα! Σπάνια προσωπικότητα, χαρισματικός άνθρωπος, άξιος Έλληνας. Ανέδειξε την Ελληνική Ναυτιλία στα πέρατα της γης και κατόρθωσε αυτά που μόνο προικισμένοι άνθρωποι με όραμα πετυχαίνουν. Η φιλία μας, τόνισε ο κ. Παπαδάκης, είναι φιλία ζωής και εύχομαι οι γονείς μας να είναι πολύ υπερήφανοι βλέποντας μας μαζί μέχρι σήμερα. Ο κ. Βώκος, παραλαμβάνοντας το βραβείο από τον Πρόεδρο Γεώργιο Ξηραδάκη, τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. του Propeller Club αλλά και τους παρόντες πρώην Προέδρους Αντώνη Φαράκλα, Νίκο Τσαβλίρη και Νίκυ Παπαδάκη, φοβερά συγκινημένος ανέφερε τα εξής: «Ευχαριστώ θερμά το Propeller Club του Πειραιά, τον Πρόεδρό του και τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. για την τιμή και την χαρά που μου δώσανε σήμερα. Πρέπει να αναφέρω για την ιστορία και την ακριβή αναφορά των γεγονότων, ότι εγώ απλά συνέχισα και εξέλιξα όσο μπορούσα, την αρχική ιδέα του πατέρα μου και του κ. Stubbs, την δεκαετία του 60, να δημιουργηθεί μία πλατφόρμα ανταλλαγής ιδεών στην ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα, μία σύναξη ανθρώπων που απασχολούνται στην ναυτιλία και την αγαπούν, με εκπροσώπους από όλες τις άλλες χώρες και τους ανθρώπους τους που δραστηριοποιούνται επίσης σε αυτήν. Επέλεξαν λοιπόν το όνομα Ποσειδώνια από τον θεό της μυθολογίας Ποσειδώνα, και τη πραγματοποίησαν στο Ζάππειο Μέγαρο το 1969 με 82 συμμετοχές από 16 χώρες. Εγώ παρέλαβα τα σκήπτρα από τον πατέρα μου και προσπάθησα να την εξελίξω με πολλή αγάπη, μεράκι και αφοσίωση. Εάν με ρωτήσει κάποιος τι ακριβώς κάναμε, θα του πω απλά, ότι εμείς στήσαμε τον καθρέφτη της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, γιατί το έργο,

δηλαδή την μεταφορά προϊόντων διά θαλάσσης, το εμπόριο και όλες τις σχετικές δραστηριότητες, τα είχαν ήδη δημιουργήσει, και τα δημιουργούν κάθε ημέρα και κάθε ώρα, οι άνθρωποι της ναυτιλίας, οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες, οι ναυτικοί, τα στελέχη τους. Χαίρομαι πολύ να διαπιστώνω ότι μάλλον τα καταφέραμε να το κάνουμε αυτό, και πρέπει να τονίσω ότι μία ολόκληρη ομάδα εργάζεται σκληρά γύρω από την διοργάνωση τον Ποσειδωνίων όλο τον χρόνο, ώστε να προσελκύσουμε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερους επισκέπτες και να δημιουργήσουμε φίλους των Ποσειδωνίων, με μοναδικό στόχο την παγκόσμια ανάδειξη της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας στο βάθος του χρόνου. Να έχουμε και φέτος καλά Ποσειδώνια με πολλές συμφωνίες, ανταλλαγές απόψεων και νέες επιτυχίες της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας!» Η στιγμή της καθολικής αναγνώρισης εκ μέρους του Προπέλλερ ήρθε όταν ο Οικονομικός Ακόλουθος της Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας στην χώρα μας κος Steven Bitner, εκπροσωπώντας τον Επίτιμο Πρόεδρο του Propeller Club – Port of Piraeus και Πρέσβη των ΗΠΑ στην Ελλάδα κ. David Pierce, παρέδωσε το πιστοποιητικό επίτιμου μέλους του κλαμπ στον Θέμη Βώκο και καρφίτσωσε στο στήθος του το σήμα του μακροβιότερου κοινωνικού κλαμπ της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας. Η τελετή συνεχίστηκε με παρεμβάσεις γεμάτες αληθινές ιστορίες και πραγματικά ανέκδοτα που προίκισαν με γνώση και χαρά όλα τα μέλη του Προπέλλερ αλλά και τους παρευρισκόμενους φίλους. Ο Καπετάν Παναγιώτης Τσάκος αναφέρθηκε στην μακροχρόνια σχέση τιμής κι αγάπης με τον Θέμη και, αστειευόμενος, αναφέρθηκε για το πώς μπόρεσε λόγω της φιλίας του με τον Θέμη να μπει από την διπλανή πόρτα στα πρώτα Ποσειδώνια του 1969, αφού τότε «ήμουνα ένα απλό στέλεχος της εταιρίας του Παπαλιού, χωρίς να έχω ούτε ένα πλοίο» θέλοντας να τονίσει πόσο ψηλά είχαν θέσει από τότε τον πήχη των Ποσειδωνίων ο Πατέρας Θεόδωρος και ο Γιός Θέμης για να φτάσουμε εδώ που φτάσαμε. Τον λόγο πήρε και ο Μιχάλης Λάμπρου, που θυμήθηκε αξέχαστες στιγμές στήριξης της οικογένειας Χανδρή, στην εταιρία των οποίου εργάζονταν, και ειδικά του Πρώην Προέδρου της ΕΕΕ, Αντώνη Χανδρή , προς τα Ποσειδώνια και την ευρηματικότητα του φίλου του Θέμη. Τις σκιαγραφήσεις ολοκλήρωσε ο Νίκος Βερνίκος που με άψογο τρόπο έδωσε στους παρευρισκόμενους να καταλάβουν την επιτυχία του πρώτου Ναυτιλιακού Συνεδρίου που οργάνωσαν οι Βώκοι, περιγράφοντας τις γραφειοκρατικές και κοινωνικές δυσκολίες της εποχής, αλλά και τονίζοντας την ωριμότητα και ψυχραιμία με την οποία ο Θεμιστοκλής Βώκος αντιμετώπιζε την αντιξοότητα και την δυστοκία, επιμένοντας με πάντα ευγενικό και κόσμιο τρόπο στην ολοκλήρωση των υψηλών προδιαγραφών που είχαν θέσει. Με συνέπεια, επιμονή, υπομονή, πραότητα, ευγένεια και πείσμα, κατάφερνε και καταφέρνει τα Ποσειδώνια να είναι κάθε φορά όλο και πιο δημοφιλή, επιτυχημένα και αναμφισβήτητα μοναδικά στον κόσμο, στην προσέλκυση εμπορικού και επιχειρηματικού ενδιαφέροντος στην Ελληνική ναυτιλία με στόχο την ευόδωση συμφωνιών σε όλα τα πλάτη και μήκη της γης. Την απονομή ακολούθησε δεξίωση σε χαλαρό κλίμα όλων των παρευρισκόμενων. Την εκδήλωση τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους μεταξύ άλλων εκ μέρους του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας, ο κ. Κατοπόδης (στέλεχος του Λιμενικού Σώματος), ο κ. Γεώργιος Γράτσος, ο κ. Ανδρέας Ποταμιάνος, ο καπετάν Παναγιώτης Τσάκος, ο κ. Θεόδωρος Κόντες, ο κ. Μιχάλης Λάμπρου, η κα Ειρήνη Νταιφά, ο κ. Νίκος Βερνίκος, οι κύριοι Ανδρέας και Γιώργος Τσαβλίρης, η κα Όλγα Μπορνόζη, ο κ. Αλέξανδρος Παπαδόγκωνας, πολλές προσωπικότητες της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, εκπρόσωποι όλων των φορέων του κλάδου αλλά και πολλά μέλη και φίλοι του Propeller Club Πειραιά.

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Posidonia Propels Ahead

Posidonia 2016 has received overwhelming praise from exhibitors and visitors who unanimously agree that this year’s edition of the world’s most prestigious maritime event has also been the most distinguished in the show’s five-decade long history. Having set new records in terms of exhibitor floor space, size of conference programme and number of visitors, Posidonia 2016 also managed to impress shipping industry executives, analysts and media for the look and feel of the exhibition’s displays, the relevance of conference content and quality of visitors and delegates who converged to the Athens Metropolitan Expo from all over the world. In total, 1.825 exhibiting companies from 90 countries and territories and 19 national pavilions welcomed 22.366 visitors from over 95 countries to their stands. “We always strive to make the best even better by constantly reinventing the overall offering of Posidonia seeking to further improve and, if possible, perfect the experience on and off the main venue of the exhibition,” said Theodore Vokos, Executive Director, Posidonia Exhibitions S.A, the organisers of the event. “Through the years we have made significant enhancements to the main event and the parallel social and sporting networking programme, as we endeavor to keep Posidonia fresh, relevant, contemporary, responsive to exhibitors’ and visitors’ demands. But, above all, we strive to maintain its authoritative aura in line with its reputation as the most prestigious, agenda-setting maritime event that is always ahead of developments.” This growing reputation as the must-attend global maritime affair is likely to be augmented in two years from now as forward demand for floor space indicates that when the next Posidonia exhibition opens its doors on June 4th 2018, it will be deployed across the full 45,000 sqm of the Athens Metropolitan Expo, utilizing all of the venue’s available space. Posidonia’s long standing relationship with the Greek shipping community is one of the reasons for the brand’s resonance in every part of the world, wherever maritime and shipping professionals ply their trades while aspiring to conduct business with the owners of the most expansive and entrepreneurial ocean going merchant fleet, the largest in terms of tonnage. According to Zhang Xinyu, Exhibition Office, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Posidonia 2016 was very big and stands at the highest level compared to the biggest international maritime events. “Since we are the top corporation of our sector in China, our presence at

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Posidonia aimed at strengthening our influence in the global market and in Europe and Greece particularly, because the Greek market is important for us, as is the European market as a whole. Posidonia is always a good platform for new business opportunities.” The high quality of visitors was yet another positive highlight of this year’s Posidonia according to most exhibitors. Thorstein Franche, Global Industry Director, Marine Division, Krohne Marine, had this to say: “The exhibition is splendid! Everything is very well organised, the venue is great and so are the stands. We are very satisfied. The attendance was very high this year. We were very happy to see more people visiting our stand, but also people more focused on our industry. We had the opportunity of quite a few good meetings and I am sure that the follow up will lead to some good deals.” Dr. Vassilios Mamaloukas-Frangoulis, Director, Marine Environment Protection seems to agree: “The number of visitors was higher this year, but also the quality of the visitors seems to get better by the years and this is very important.” Posidonia has also developed a strong reputation as a forum where crucial discussions, debates and deliberations on issues and regulations affecting the global maritime industry take place between policy makers, government officials and captains of industry and this was reflected in this year’s event with the high profile visits of IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim and European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc in addition to Greek and international heads of state. This aspect of the event didn’t go unnoticed from exhibitor Stefano Lavezzaro, Vice President Service Sales – Merchant, Marine Services – Europe & Africa for Rolls-Royce who said: “This year’s organisation is even better, with more exhibitors, conferences and seminars. There is much more briefing for the industry. And you can also feel the optimism by walking through the exhibition.” Indeed, Posidonia is a global maritime industry bellwether that captures the mood of the moment while outlining the future trends that are likely to shape developments in the world’s most vital industry which account for the transportation of 90 percent of world trade. Posidonia 2018 will be held from 4-8 June 2018 at the Athens Metropolitan Expo. The event is organised under the auspices of the Greek shipping community and major associations representing Greek shipping interests.


2.500 participate at POSIDONIA GAMES In what maritime circles refer to as shipping industry’s biennial mini Olympics, Posidonia Games lived up to its reputation as a popular sporting extravaganza with a total of 2.500 shipping professionals from all over the world showcasing their sailing skills, football finesse, golfing gusto and love for recreational running at four different events designed to promote camaraderie, collaboration and team spirit. Such has been the popularity of this year’s Posidonia Games that hundreds ended in the waiting list of the different events including the Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament which was contested by a total of 28 teams on Sunday evening at Panionios Stadium, a Greek Superleague venue. From shipowners to logistics operations managers, everyone had a few nice words to say: “We are very happy to be here and play football with friends and colleagues and have some competitive spirit and enjoy the day. We will be participating again in two years time as we have done for the last six years. Shipsoccer exemplifies the values of team spirit and collaboration amongst team members and the opposition as well,” said Leo Polemis of Remi Marine. Alexandros Tsavliris from Salvage Group, said: “It is a pleasure to be part of this tournament which we have been supporting with our participation since its inception. We would like to continue supporting the Ship Soccer Tournament and Posidonia as a whole as it gives us the opportunity not only to network but also to create new friendships.” Posidonia Shipsoccer’s sponsors Swift Marine, was one of the participating teams. Papagianopoulos Georgios, Operations Manager said: “This is e very important event that promotes team spirit, collaboration, networking between shipping executives from around the world. The organization of the event is just superb and we are already looking forward to the next Posidonia Shipsoccer in two years from now.” The Posidonia Games kicked off at Faliron Bay when some 53 crews plunged into the wavy Aegean waters for the 8th Posidonia Cup, an unforgettable yacht race described by some competitors as the biggest and most prestigious yachting event held in Greece. Xidarakos Georgios, Atlas Marine: “We are proud to participate in Posidonia Cup and win our category. Sailing is a great sport which connects body and mind with the sea and every two years my team and I eagerly anticipate the advent of Posidonia Exhibitions in order to start preparing for the sailing event. The weather was amazing, the route was exceptional and we truly enjoyed a great day out.” Other participants praised Posidonia Cup as a great experience stating that the large participation of crews from all over the world was incredible exceeding that of any other sailing event ever held in Greek waters. “It is really impressive an achievement which should be repeated in two years’ time,” one of the skippers said. “Posidonia Cup is an amazing world class sailing event which helps raise the profile of sailing as a sport to Greek audiences and promotes Greece as a sailing destination to international tourists,” said another. And from the azure waters of the Saronicos Bay to the green fairways of Glyfada Golf Club where 115 players teed off on Sunday morning for the 3rd Posidonia Golf Tournament, an 18-hole Shotgun contested by 29 teams. On behalf of the event’s sponsors, Nikolas Martinos, Thenamaris, said: “Thenamaris and Costamare cooperated together again this year to sponsor what is becoming an increasingly popular Posidonia event. The Posidonia golf tournament and evening reception provide a unique opportunity for business conversations to take place in a relaxed environment, and welcome our guests prior to the kick-off of what is a very busy week for all of us.”

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Costis Constantakopoulos, Costamare added:“This is the 3rd consecutive year that we sponsor the Posidonia Golf Tournament together with Thenamaris and the support of Costa Navarino. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet old and make new friends within the shipping industry from around the world, welcome them in our country and celebrate the exciting Posidonia atmosphere”. For the first time this year, Posidonia Games launched a running event which was an instant hit from the word go as over 1,100 runners participated at the 5kms race which took place in the centre of Piraeus on Saturday morning in what was seen as a symbolic return of Posidonia to its cradle. Mayor of Piraeus, Ioannis Moralis, said: “The importance of today’s race is very significant for Piraeus because it is the deep desire of every citizen of this port city that Posidonia returns home one day. We hope that this desire will become a reality one day.”

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Th. Veniamis: Against all odds, Greek shipping showed

its resilience and it will emerge once again victorious

The European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc visited Posidonia 2016 where she keynoted a joint press conference with the Union of Greek Shipowners represented by President Theodore Veniamis and members Michael Chandres and Yiannis Lyras. The European Commissioner said: “Posidonia is a very special occasion because it really allows us to go very deep into all issues opportunities and developments in the maritime business. Understanding the business well is really one of the core enablers for the creation of sound policies and that’s why I am really glad to meet here with all the stakeholders of this important mode of transport”. “We want to maintain our leadership in the global maritime industry. We have to stay competitive and the core challenge is to understand where we stand today, what we need to strengthen and how we can help this segment to flourish and stay in the leading position globally because being a global leader means that you are the one who drives the growth, you are the one who creates employment opportunities and the development of the sector,” she said. “I would like to stress three key areas in which we can together create better conditions. Of course first of all we have to say that maritime is a global business so we are very strongly engaging with the IMO, on the one hand to identify the issues that are common and need to be addressed for the entire sector globally and of course to stay ambitious enough, not to be forgotten and to be replaced by other modes or other ways of doing business.” Commissioner Bulc continued: “In that respect my personal drive goes towards creating conditions for an equal playing field and right now we are focusing on safety and on the sustainability issues at IMO and I am really happy that we are moving forward positively and I expect that by September the first important step will have been achieved by the Green data collection mechanism.” She added: “I am also happy that the IMO wants to continue the dialogue on the safety and security issues. The other thing in order to really stay a strong global actor is connectivity. We already know that if you are not connected you are not in the business so the Commission will cooperate really well with key stakeholders to identify their most important growing markets and further develop partnership agreements like we already do in other modes – so far in maritime we have it with China – but there

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is great opportunity of expanding partnerships in other countries as well, especially in 2017 which has been declared it as the “Maritime Year””. “A core element on the topic of being a strong global actor is digitalization which is changing and reshaping many businesses and can have a positive effect in the maritime sector. That’s why for us it is really important to find ways in which the Commission can play a role to create better conditions for digitalization to develop further. For this we are focusing on deploying a single window in Europe and look at additional ways of creating a strong single European transport and maritime area”. Mr. Th. Veniamis, addressing the participants, stated: “Posidonia 2016 and our meeting today find shipping worldwide facing a serious and enduring crisis. A weak freight market, which is the result of oversupply of tonnage capacity and reduction of cargo volumes due to decreased global trade, coupled with lending and financing difficulties hamper the smooth operation of shipping companies. But at national level, too, the year was politically and economically unstable. Against all odds, Greek shipping showed its resilience and I am convinced that it will emerge once again victorious. The investigation of the Greek institutional shipping framework by the European Commission (DG COMP) exacerbated these problems, thus rendering the Greek shipping community particularly concerned about what the future holds for our country. I am optimistic that the legally documented response of the Greek State will help DG COMP to identify the shortcomings of its conclusions. I would like to reiterate that Greek shipping is non-partisan. It constitutes a national asset with significant benefits for our country and it should be safeguarded as such. Greek shipping has proved its close ties with its homeland, which should not be undermined by misguided policies of European Union institutions. The operating framework of EU shipping is the Guidelines on State Aid to Maritime Transport, the so-called State Aid Guidelines, which were adopted to enhance the competitiveness of the EU fleet. The EU maritime policy needs to focus on the competitiveness of the fleet, which is put at risk due to a strict interpretation and application of competition law. There is no distortion of competition between European shipping industries. The risk comes from competition by third countries. Europe needs to monitor developments in the Far East. So as not to lose its shipping sector and maritime expertise. So as not to be deprived of its maritime transport and, therefore, its energy self-sufficiency. As for the Union of Greek Shipowners, I want to emphasize that we continue with consistency and passion to safeguard the legitimate interests of our sector. The UGS, celebrating this year a century of existence since its establishment in 1916, has been a shining example of the power of collectivity and rallying around, particularly in times of challenges and adversity, as well as of the value of equal representation of all members of a sector.Greek shipping is great because it is shipping of the many.”

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Posidonia 2016: DNV GL presented modern classification solutions The promise of new modern classification solutions to deliver quality, fulfill customer’s needs, and implement innovative technologies was the key theme for DNV GL at their press conference at the Posidonia trade fair. The world’s leading classification society, DNV GL outlined some of the steps it is taking to respond to the tough maritime market and the impact of new technologies on both its customers and on the classification business as a whole. by taking future technologies into account – including notations to enable alternative fuel use. “This is why we are especially proud to announce the classification contract signing for Stena Line’s new RoPax ferries to be constructed in Shanghai at the AVIC Shipyard. These are the first RoPAx vessels built to the new rules,” said Ørbeck-Nilssen.

Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime, set out some examples of how DNV GL was working to modernize classification DNV GL’s Group President and CEO Remi Eriksen spoke about the importance of innovation and the coming digital transformation of the shipping industry. “Our experts drive more joint industry projects than any other organization, and we share the new insight gained with the industry and authorities,” he said. “DNV GL wants to be a driving partner in the digital development by contributing with the combination of our vast global industry experience as a leading class society with our digital and software capabilities. We will also use half of our investments in innovations to be targeted to help us – and our customers – in making the digital transformation.” Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime, set out some examples of how DNV GL was working to modernize classification, with innovative class services that would help customers respond to the challenges of today’s tough markets. Core class services were ripe for innovation he said, including the survey of vessels. DNV GL had been testing the use of drones to conduct surveys inside ship tanks, he said, which had generated a lot of interest from the industry. DNV GL had now become the first classification society to complete production surveys using a drone to assist surveyors, he announced. The survey took place on the MV Apollo, a chemical tanker owned by Carl Büttner Shipmanagement GmbH in Bremerhaven, Germany. “The success of the first drone production survey shows how our investment in developing modern class solutions to benefit our customers is paying off,” he explained. “Over the next few years we will continue to work on expanding the ways drones can be used and the number of stations where we can offer this service. This is a very promising beginning and one that is already showing a significant benefit in terms of time and costs saved.” At the core of DNV GL’s push to modernize its class services was the development of the new rule set, which entered into force this year, Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen said. One of the key goals of the development process was to make sure the rules are future ready

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“That a quality focused and innovative owner like Stena Line has chosen to construct these vessels to the new DNV GL rule set clearly shows that our customers are responding to the possibilities created by the rules,” he added. The RoPax ferries will be “gas ready”, prepared to be fuelled by either methanol or LNG. The initial order is for four ferries, with an option for four more, with delivery planned in 2019 and 2020. “At DNV GL, using data in a smarter way has become one of our core strategies for the future,” said Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, as he examined some of the new ways DNV GL was helping its customers to more simply, transparently and quickly manage their classification needs and utilize the data from their vessels and fleet. “To reap the benefits from the increased amount of data that is available today, we need to be able to gather it, access it easily and keep it secure. This is why we have joined with NYK Line and MAN Diesel & Turbo in a joint development project, to establish a prototype data centre,” he explained. The aim of the new project is to develop a working prototype of a scalable common maritime data centre, where operational data is collected and made available to all of the relevant stakeholders. “Many of our customers are at home in Greece and so are we – which is why we are making Greece our ‘third home market’,” said Ioannis Chiotopoulos, Regional Manager for the East Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Sea in his presentation. This relationship went back more than 100 years, he noted, and was very important to DNV GL’s future. As a result, DNV GL had put in place a series of measures to enhance services to the Greek shipping community, boost response times and strengthen the responsibilities and capabilities in the region, he explained. Segment directors for bulk and tankers were also now based in Piraeus, he said, as was a DATE (Direct Access to Technical Experts) service centre. The approval centre would now perform all fleet in service approvals locally – allowing Greek customers to conduct businesses more easily and directly in Piraeus. Mr Chiotopolous also examined some of the research and development projects being driven from the Piraeus office. A new project, LPGreen, sees DNV GL working with Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Wärtsilä, MAN Diesel & Turbo and Consolidated Marine Management (CMM) on a design concept for a state-of-the-art next generation LPG carrier. The second phase of the award winning LNGreen concept design will focus on further optimization of the containment system, its general systems configurations and options for increasing its operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The final results of the LNGreen II project by DNV GL, GTT, GasLog and Hyundai Heavy Industries will be presented at Gastech in 2017. More innovation followed at the close of the press conference with the presentation of the DNV GL Young Professionals Awards, where three promising engineers were honoured for their thesis work.

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Ballast Water Treatment On Posidonia 2016 Focus

Nearly 60 ballast water treatment specialist companies participated at this year’s Posidonia Exhibition. This year in particular, new business opportunities in the ballast water treatment sector was more robust than ever in anticipation of the ratification of the BWT Convention which is expected to come into force before the end of 2016. According to BWT specialists this may not necessarily be the case however as fleet owners seem to be playing a wait and see game before they take the final decision to invest in new technologies that would help them comply with the future regulations. Such technologies include Erma First’s electrolytic cell and cyclones.

“We invest daily on research and development in order to stay ahead of the curve and maintain our competitive advantage,” said Eirini Vitsara, Marketing & Communications Manager of Environmental Protection Engineering (EPE) the mother company of Erma First. “So far we haven’t seen an exponential rise in demand for our ballast water treatment systems however this is likely to change once regulations come to force making such upgrades mandatory for new and old vessels,” she added. According to one of the world’s largest ballast water treatment specialist, the waiting game adopted by the majority of fleet owners may result in gluts at shipyards worldwide that could in turn increase the cost for shipowners who will eventually have to comply with the regulations. Vincent Li, Project Manager of China’s SunRui Marine Environment Engineering said: “At some point in the near future there will be huge demand for retrofitting as it is our conviction that the BWT regulations will be ratified this year. We have been prepared for a pick-up in demand by doubling our capacity from 500 cells today to 1,000. So we are preparing for the future having in mind the potential growth in demand.” Theodore Vokos, Executive Director, Posidonia Exhibitions S.A., said: “In anticipation of the change in regulations, the number of big water ballast treatment providers grew from a total of 15 a few years ago to over 60 specialist companies which today dominate the sector with a combined market share of 90 percent. The majority of these players are exhibiting their offerings at Posidonia this year testimony to the show’s wide international appeal.”

RINA Group Launches Gas Centre of Excellence In response to the EU masterplan and the increased interest in the use of LNG as a fuel, RINA will launch the company’s “Gas Centre of Excellence” at Posidonia. This important initiative will gather together the experience from RINA’s gas experts across the group including D’Appolonia, CSM, RINA Services. The EU masterplan aims to develop framework conditions for the use of LNG on ships in the Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean and Black Sea areas. This plan will increase the potential of Motorways of the Sea by lowering transport costs and reducing CO2, NOx and SOx emissions, in conjunction with greening the transport corridors and using LNG as an alternative to marine bunkers. RINA’s Gas expertise which covers Test, Inspection and Certification (TIC) and Consulting Engineering services including CSM, which focussed on special steel alloys, will be “virtually” centred in Italy, Greece and Northern Europe. As the centre will be virtual, RINA will have the flexibility to deliver services globally, thereby helping the industry address the particular needs of utilising Gas as a green fuel source. This specialist knowledge has already led to the classification of four LNG fuelled cruise vessels having a capacity of 8000 persons. And in the development there are two EU projects (GAINN4CORE and GAINN4MOS) which aim to support the use of LNG as fuel. Paolo Moretti, RINA’s Marine General Manager said, “This initiative

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brings together the global gas expertise amalgamating the competencies from within the group. RINA Services will provide classification and inspection, particularly of vessels and offshore and onshore terminals. Experts from CSM will provide advice on materials. D’Appolonia are actively providing engineering consultancy around the design, construction and management of LNG terminals. Operating LNG ships and terminals demands significant training so the RINA Academy, as part of our Gas Centre of Excellence, has developed both basic and advanced LNG fuel courses, in line with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) requirements”. As well as the launch of the Gas Centre of Excellence, RINA will be presenting a number of papers including, ‘Addressing the challenges and opportunities of LNG as a fuel for shipping’ at Posidonia. RINA’s geographical reach and overall competencies in engineering consultancy, testing, inspection and certification were recently expanded with the acquisition of the Edif Group which includes the ERA engineering consultancy and the NDE testing, inspection and certification business. This acquisition results in an expanded international geographic footprint for RINA, particularly in the US and UK, together with an increased profile in the marine industry.

In the development there are two EU projects (GAINN4CORE and GAINN4MOS) which aim to support the use of LNG as fuel.

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Ballast Water Management Summit 2016 Organised by Naftiliaki / Newsfront, under the auspices of Greece’s Marine Technical Managers Association (MARTECMA), the summit attracted some 350 delegates representing 179 companies from 26 countries.

Challenges surrounding the adoption of ballast water management systems have not really changed but several subtle differences and the best way of dealing with the changes were highlighted by Intertanko deputy md, Joe Angelo, the keynote speaker at the Ballast Water Management Summit, held June 9 as part of the Posidonia 2016 conference programme. Angelo noted IIMO is now re-calculating the tonnage requirements for ratification of the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) on a monthly basis. The most recent figures for June indicate the percentage of the world’s gt that would be included for the ratification was at 34.83%. While this figure does not seem like much of a change from the previous one, said Angelo, the key point is that two countries are “extremely close” to ratifying, Peru and Finland, which have 0.04% and 0.14% gt respectively. Indeed, Peru has since ratified and with Finland the balance would be tipped to a total of 35.01%. “If this moves the way IMO thinks it will, both of those countries are expected to ratify the treaty some time this month, which means it could very well come into force one year from June,” Angelo warned. Given these variables, Angelo suggested a sensible course of action for shipowners would be to firstly research all the ballast water management system manufacturers and the available technologies appropriate for their vessels, as well as secure shipyard slot availability for when you might most likely need it for the installation process and start scheduling ahead of time. The event featured a couple of speakers presented thinking outside the box. Nikolaos Kakalis, DNV GL’s manager for r&d and advisory, South East Europe & Middle East, addressed the ballast-free ship concept designs at the Ballast Water Management Summit. He said such concepts offered key advantages and talked of the such concepts promise and the barriers for entry. He outlined the main characteristics of DNV GL’s Triality VLCC and the momentum ballast-free concepts, as well as the reduced-ballast Ecore bulk carrier,

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high-lighting the estimated energy efficiency increase of each one. “Although there are no technological barriers against building such designs, we are still far from seeing them in real practice”, said Kakalis. “However, we need to continue working towards innovation, in particular in the current market conditions. We should explore ideas and concepts which could break the mould to come up with sustainable designs which comply with up-coming regulations while ensuring safety, operability, and cost-competitiveness,” he concluded. In another presentation of thinking outside the box Nobu Su’s patent Hybrid Ship was discussed. The chairman of TMT has developed a hybrid technology that enables vessels to sail with conventionally driven main propeller and an electrically driven duct propeller. The combination allows for reduced fuel consumption, particularly when a vessel is travelling with minimum ballast. Su maintains the technology will help tackle problems associated with the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens through ballast water. With the Hybrid Ship technology, a vessel requires minimum ballast water, and therefore reduces the risk of water contamination. Like DNV GL’s Gregory Kazantzis and ABS’ Stamatis Fradelos, a number of speakers referred to the lack of information as to how systems perform. There is little information about installed equipment noted Kazantzis, while Fradelos said complying with regulations “is complex” and “there is a need for more guidance”, Charalampos Anastasakis, of Lloyd’s Register talked about the challenges of retrofitting, while RINA’s Stefanos Chatzinikolaou described the role of classification in the implementation of the BWM convention, covering plan approval, commissioning and testing and John Kokarakis, of Bureau Veritas, addressed the issue of BW sampling, which presents a number of challenges. Not surprisingly, retrofitting is a concern for the Liberian Registry, and its vice president, Christian Mollitor, outlined these concerns. “We have seen many problems, and the older the vessels the bigger the problem,” said explaining why the registry and Class NK put a proposal to IMO MEPC 69 last April regarding these concerns and a possible solution on the retrofitting of BWMS. Eight manufacturers of BWMS gave brief presentations of their individual technologies describing the various upgrades and changes and special features needed to be incorporated in the various systems on order to acquire USCG final approval. All referred to their present status regarding approval, while elaborating on manuals, training and procedural changes which were requested by the USCG and the US’ EPA. All gave client references, the number of systems sold and the number actually commissioned. They discussed feedback and operational problems and how these problems were solved. Nearly five hours of presentations, discussions and some debate, the summit underlined the importance of the event as Martecma chairman, Dimitrios A Heliotis, remarked in his closing: “After over four hours of discussion more clouds fill the sky regarding ballast water, leaving more questions than answers.”

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Νέες συμφωνίες υπέγραψε η ΗΕΜΕΧΡΟ στα Ποσειδώνια 2016

Την ευκαιρία να επεκτείνει περαιτέρω τους επιχειρηματικούς ορίζοντες των εταιρειών μελών της, είχε κατά τη διάρκεια της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής έκθεσης Ποσειδώνια 2016, η HEMEXPO. Οι στενές εμπορικές σχέσεις που έχουν αναπτυχτεί μεταξύ των Ελλήνων Κατασκευαστών Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού και της επαρχίας Zhoushan της Κίνας, επισημοποιήθηκαν μέσω μνημονίου συνεργασίας που υπεγράφη με το Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο του Zhoushan. Το μνημόνιο υπεγράφη εκ μέρους της ΗΕΜΕΧΡΟ από τον κ. Μανώλη Χειλαδάκη. Πρόκειται για το τρίτο MOU που υπογράφει η HEMEXPO με εκπροσώπους των παραγωγικών τάξεων, της ατμομηχανής της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας. Η συνεργασία με τη ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα της Κίνας έχει ήδη αποφέρει δεκάδες συμβόλαια για τις εταιρείες μέλη της HEMEXPO ενώ έχουν μπει οι βάσεις για το κλείσιμο ακόμα περισσότερων deals στο μέλλον. Παράλληλα η ΗΕΜΕXΡΟ παρουσίασε στο CCS (Κινεζικός Νηογνώμονας) Mediterranean Committee τις εταιρείες μέλη της. Στην εκδήλωση που διεξήχθη κατά την διάρκεια της έκθεσης Ποσειδώνια, εταιρείες της ΗΕΜΕΧΡΟ πιστοποιήθηκαν από τον

Κινεζικό νηογνώμονα. Γεγονός που θεωρείται ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό για την προώθηση των εξαγωγών προς τη Κίνα. Οι εξελίξεις αυτές χαρακτηρίζουν τους Έλληνες Κατασκευαστές Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού οι οποίοι από τη πρώτη στιγμή της ίδρυσής τους, πριν από περίπου δύο χρόνια, επένδυσαν στην εξωστρέφεια του κλάδου. Στο ίδιο πλαίσιο εντάσσεται και το μνημόνιο συνεργασίας που υπεγράφη με τα Oman Drydocks S.A.O.C. Τα ναυπηγεία του Ομάν βρίσκονται σε μια στρατηγική θέση στο παγκόσμιο χάρτη των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών, και απολαμβάνουν παγκόσμια αναγνώριση στους τομείς των επισκευών, μετασκευών πλοίων αλλά και off shore projects. Η συνεργασία ανάμεσα στις δύο πλευρές θα αναπτυχθεί στους τομείς της ναυτικής τεχνολογίας και εξοπλισμού. Το μνημόνιο υπεγράφη από τον κ. Σεραφείμ Κάτσικα και τον δρ. Ahmed Mohammed Al Abri, εκ μέρους των δύο πλευρών. Ακόμα μια χώρα με την οποία η HEMEXPO έχει αναπτύξει πολύ στενούς δεσμούς είναι η Νότιος Κορέα, που διαθέτει μια από τις μεγαλύτερες ναυπηγικές βιομηχανίες του κόσμου. Σημειώνεται ότι η Ελλάδα έχει υπογράψει Μνημόνιο Κατανόησης με τη Κορέα προκειμένου να εισέλθουν τα ελληνικά προϊόντα ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού στα πλοία που κατασκευάζονται στη ναυπηγεία της ασιατικής χώρας. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό η πρόεδρος της HEMEXPO Ελένη Πολυχρονοπούλου συμμετείχε στο Korean Hellenic Maritime Cooperation Forum που πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια των Ποσειδωνίων 2016.

Το σεμινάριο

Τέλος, η HEMEXPO πραγματοποίησε στις 8 Ιουνίου στις εγκαταστάσεις του Metropolitan Expo σεμινάριο στο οποίο παρουσίασε τις “Smart Ship Solutions” που προτείνουν οι εταιρείες μέλη της σε ναυπηγεία και ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες. Στο σεμινάριο έλαβαν μέρος οι εταιρείες Elvik, Feac Engineering, Nanophos, Olympia Electronics, Prisma Electronics, Psyctotherm και Raycap.

WMU President visiting DNV GL at Posidonia WMU and DNV GL Academy announced their cooperation for another “Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Safety and Security” after the successful first year of the “Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Maritime Management” which is just completed and will run for a second time commencing end of August 2016. WMU President, Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Herny visited the DNV GL stand during the Posidonia Exhibition that took place on 6-10 June in Athens and discussed the cooperation between the two organizations with Dr. Ilias Visvikis, WMU Associate Professor and Program Director, and Dr. Marina Papaioannou of DNV GL’s Maritime Academy Hellas. They all agreed that it was a successful first year and there is certainly room for more joint projects. With the new Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Safety and Security, already announced to start late 2017, the two organizations focus both on safety as always, and security, recently gaining increasing attention given the global context.

The new Diploma consists of five Modules that cover the following topics: 1. Maritime Transport & Shipping Operations

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2. Safety and Environmental Protection Issues 3. Maritime Safety: Requirements and Implementation 4. Legal and Operational Aspects of Maritime Security 5. Leadership and best practices in Port Management

Photo: Dr. Ilias Visvikis, WMU President Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, Dr. Marina Papaioannou


DNV GL Class for new GAS READY Stena RoPax newbuildings

Caption: Stena Line’s RoPax ferries will set a new industry standard when it comes to operational performance, emissions and cost competitiveness (Credit: Stena Line).

“These ships will be the most fuel efficient ferries in the world and will set a new industry standard when it comes to operational performance, emissions and cost competitiveness, positioning Stena Line to support its customers in the next decades”, says Carl-Johan Hagman, Managing Director of Stena Line. “During the course of the past 24 months our engineering staff has managed to develop a design that is not only 50 per cent larger than today’s standard RoPax vessels, but more importantly, incorporates the emission reduction and efficiency initiatives that have been developed throughout the Stena Group during the past years.” “We are very proud to have been selected by Stena Line for this exciting new project,” says Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime. “That a quality focused and innovative owner like Stena Line has chosen to construct these vessels to the new DNV GL rule set clearly shows that our customers are responding to the possibilities created by the rules. We look forward to working with Stena Line, Deltamarin, AVIC Weihai Shipyard and all the project partners to ensure the successful delivery of these highly efficient, future-ready vessels.” The RoPax ferries will be constructed for optimal efficiency and flexibility. Intended for short international routes, the first four vessels are planned to be used within Stena Lines’ route network in Northern Europe. The vessels will have the capacity to carry 1,000 people onboard (927 passengers and 73 crew), as well as having 3,100 lane metres in a drivethrough configuration. The vessels and their main engines will be “gas ready”, prepared to be fuelled by either methanol or LNG. DNV GL’s GAS READY notation provides a clear picture of the level of gas fuelled preparedness of a vessel, as well as guidance on the scope of the contemplated work to all involved parties. During the classification process DNV GL will also carry out statutory work on behalf of the UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

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DNV GL announced at the Posidonia trade fair that it has signed a contract to provide classification services for Stena Line’s new RoPax ferries, to be constructed at AVIC Weihai Shipyard in China. The initial order is for four ferries, with an option for four more, with delivery planned in 2019 and 2020. The Deltamarin designed vessels will be constructed to the new DNV GL rule set, which came into force on 1 January 2016. With the additional GAS READY class notation, the four ferries will have main engines that can be powered by LNG or methanol at a later date.

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Posidonia 2016: Future fuels are here to stay The volatility of oil prices, the ever changing regulatory framework and the projected exponential growth of global deep sea shipping tonnage are the factors likely to define the future energy requirements for the sea transportation industry according to propulsion system makers and classification societies who were among the 1.850 exhibitors gathered in Athens Posidonia 2016. “Regardless of any geopolitical scenario, global tonnage is predicted to double by 2030 due to growing middle class populations in India and China,” said Nick Brown, Marine Director, Lloyd’s Register Marine, one of the world’s leading classification societies present in this year’s Posidonia. “We are working with designers, owners and equipment manufacturers to ensure their specific projects are considering all different alternatives including LNG as a viable alternative for localized trading in regional seas such as the Baltic Sea or the Mediterranean,” he concluded. Indeed, engine manufacturers participating at this year’s Posidonia Exhibition seem to be in agreement that demand for alternative fuel propelled engines is on the rise. Michael Jeppesen, Mechanical Engineer at MAN Diesel & Turbo, a leading manufacturer of maritime propulsion systems, said that gas fuels are emerging slowly but surely. “These positive developments have led to an increased interest from shipowners who are becoming more receptive to the idea of alternative fuel as the main energy source for their fleets. We currently have 150 alternative fuel engine orders in our portfolio for two stroke engines and this is mainly from Greek shipowners for deep sea LNG carriers. While two thirds of these orders are for LNG carriers the rest account for container vessels. We have also developed the design concept for other fuel types such as methanol, LPG and ethane and we are already working to deliver nine methanol engines and five more for ethane. Ten per cent of our total order portfolio comprises non conventional fuel orders,” he added. There are currently about 500 LNG-fuelled ships using their own cargo to meet their energy needs and a few tens of others specially converted to use this type of fuel for propulsion purposes. But if infrastructure development continues unabated, in the next ten years it is estimated that we will have a 50-50 split between conventional and new fuels, mainly LNG and LPG, according to Jeppesen. Another leading propulsion systems manufacturer present at Posidonia this week is Wartsila and its spokesperson Dyonisios Antonopoulos, General Manager, Marine Solutions, agrees that LNG is the future. “LNG is a more environmentally friendly fuel and with the revolution of shale gas it appears that it will also be a cost efficient alternative versus the conventional heavy oil fuels. Wartsila was involved in the development of dual fuel engines early on and we believe that the additional capex required for LNG tanks will be easily offset by the attractive LNG prices. We have 1.500 dual fuel engines with more than 16m accumulated running hours across all segments including LNG carriers, merchant and offshore and this is likely to grow. We are particularly optimistic about the LNG use in the cruise industry which has significantly upped its investment in this segment of newbuildings.” Theodosis Stamatelos, from Lloyd’s Register tends to agree that cost is key: “The two key drivers that will convince owners to convert to alternative fuels or order ready newbuildings is regulation and the commercial fuel split with the latter being on everybody’s lips in terms of what will be the difference in price between low sulphur heavy oil versus LNG. With the shale oil phenomenon we are seeing an increasing decou-

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pling between the price of oil and the price of gas. Once the differential becomes clearer then we will see more projects start.” The industry seems to be in a consensus that LNG as a fuel for shipping is here. The infrastructure required for it is happening, it is no longer on paper, the design is ready, the ships are being delivered, the technical challenges have been resolved. This is now purely a commercial decision. Greek shipowners are leading the pack with a growing percentage of them asking for LNG ready notations effectively expressing their commitment to be ready to go LNG as soon as the regulation demands it for both existing vessels and newbuildings.

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Shipowners Must Focus on Operational Optimization to Survive Challenging Economic Climate

Brent Bruun, executive vice president of mobile broadband for KVH Industries, Inc., (Nasdaq: KVHI) and Mike Mitsock, the company’s vice president of marketing, told an audience of invited guests at the Posidonia maritime conference in Athens, Greece, that the market needs to face up to the realities of how 24/7 connectivity between ship and shore is a real business necessity, and is no longer a “nice to have,” especially with the intense competition in today’s shipping economy.

Mr. Bruun outlined how satellite communications can provide real value to ship operations in one of the most challenging periods in maritime history. “The KVH ‘Power of One™’ approach holds tremendous value and promise for the maritime world,” Mr. Bruun noted. “While satellite communications tend to account for less than one percent of ship operating costs, they are the lynchpin of optimizing the remainder of the operating cost equation.” KVH operates the mini-VSAT

Broadbandsm network, which provides global connectivity to thousands of vessels worldwide. Mr. Mitsock cataloged the major areas for potential operating cost savings and the role of KVH and its partners in focusing on big data to address each area. “The optimization of significant operational costs, such as fuel, through such measures as route planning and engine maintenance, can lead to sustainably lower overall costs,” said Mr. Mitsock.

Citing an example from MISC Berhad, a leading Malaysian ship operator, Mr. Mitsock described further evidence of operational cost reductions. The ship operator recently credited improvements in maritime training supplied by Videotel™, part of KVH Industries, with contributing to a 10% saving in dry-docking costs and a 9% reduction in MISC Berhad’s vessel operating costs.

Connectivity is also a significant factor in crew retention, Mr. Mitsock said, using evidence from a Crew Connectivity 2015 Survey report by Futurenautics, which stated that “73% of respondents said that the level of crew communications services provided onboard did influence their decisions about which shipping company they worked for.”

According to Mr. Bruun, shipowners and shipmanagers are realizing that transferring volumes of shore-to-ship data or multimedia content on a daily basis is made practical and cost-effective by using KVH’s efficient multicasting service, IP-MobileCast™. The content delivery service allows mini-VSAT Broadband customers who subscribe to receive news, sports, and entertainment content with no data transmission costs. “KVH is the one company delivering a total solution for maximum business performance and flexibility,” said Mr. Bruun. “Our solution gives users global onboard connectivity, licensed content, affordable content delivery, communications hardware, and network management, all backed up with a comprehensive global service and support program.”

H Marine Tours έδωσε δυνατό «παρών» στα Ποσειδώνια 2016 Η Marine Tours πρωταγωνίστησε στη μεγαλύτερη Διεθνή Έκθεση της Ναυτιλίας «Πoσειδώνια 2016». Σε συνέχεια της επιτυχημένης της συμμετοχής στα «Ποσειδώνια 2014», η Marine Tours παρουσίασε στους επισκέπτες της φετινής Έκθεσης, τις εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες της στον ιδιαίτερα απαιτητικό τομέα της διαχείρισης ταξιδιών πληρωμάτων και στελεχών Ναυτιλίας. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η Marine Tours έχει μακρά παράδοση στη Ναυτιλιακή Βιομηχανία, η οποία ξεπερνά τα 35 έτη. Η ναυτική κουλτούρα σε συνδυασμό με την πελατοκεντρική φιλοσοφία έχουν αναγάγει τη Marine Tours σε στρατηγικό συνεργάτη των ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. Το περίπτερο της Marine Tours, που συγκέντρωσε το ενδιαφέρον του κοινού, επιφύλασσε ενδιαφέρουσες εκπλήξεις, στα πλαίσια θεματικών εκδηλώσεων με τίτλο «Ο γύρος του κόσμου σε 3 μέρες», όπου οι επισκέπτες του είχαν την ευκαιρία να βιώσουν μοναδικές γαστρονομικές και χορευτικές εμπειρίες, εμπνευσμένες από την Άπω Ανατολή έως τη Νότιο Αμερική! «Η μεγάλη γιορτή της Ναυτιλίας συγκεντρώνει και φέτος τα βλέμματα όλου του κόσμου στην Αθήνα. Η Marine Tours, ως επί σειρά δεκαετιών συνοδοιπόρος της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας δεν θα μπορούσε να λείπει από εδώ! Είμαι ιδιαίτερα ευχαριστημένος, που και αυτή τη χρονιά, δίνουμε δυναμικά το “παρών”, με βλέμμα στραμμένο

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στο μέλλον, στην καινοτομία και στην εξέλιξη, φέρνοντας τους επισκέπτες σε επαφή με το ιδιαίτερα υψηλό επίπεδο υπηρεσιών που προσφέρουμε. Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω όλους τους εκπροσώπους του ναυτιλιακού κόσμου, που μας τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους» δήλωσε ο κ. Κωνσταντίνος Οικονόμου, Αντιπρόεδρος & Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος τoυ Ομίλου Marine Tours.


Σεμινάριο για τις περιβαλλοντολογικές προδιαγραφές των πλοίων στα λιμάνια των ΗΠΑ

Mε μεγάλη επιτυχία και συμμετοχή όλων των εμπλεκομένων με τη ναυτιλία φορέων πραγματοποιήθηκε, στο Εκθεσιακό Κέντρο Μetropolitan, το σεμινάριο με τίτλο: “Trading in U.S. Waters | Ensuring a Culture of Environmental Compliance”. Το σεμινάριο διοργανώθηκε υπό την Αιγίδα της Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας, από το Ελληνο-Αμερικανικό Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο και την Ένωση Προστασίας Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος Β. Αμερικής (NAMEPA), σε στενή συνεργασία με το Εμπορικό Τμήμα της Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας στην Αθήνα και το Ιnternational Propeller Club of the United States, Int’l Port of Piraeus. Ο στόχος του σεμιναρίου, ο οποίος ήταν η εκτεταμένη ενημέρωση της εγχώριας ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας και των ενδιαφερόμενων μερών για τις απαιτήσεις και προδιαγραφές που πρέπει να τηρούν τα πλοία που επισκέπτονται τα λιμάνια των ΗΠΑ, επιτεύχθηκε πλήρως. Οι κανονισμοί, οι στρατηγικές συμμόρφωσης και το κόστος της μη συμμόρφωσης παρουσιάσθηκαν από τους αρμόδιους φορείς των Η.Π.Α. και της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας όπως είναι η Αμερικανική Ακτοφυλακή (U.S.C.G.), ο Διεθνής Ναυτιλιακός Οργανισμός (Ι.Μ.Ο.), η Ένωση Προστασίας Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος Β. Αμερικής (NAMEPA) καθώς και από τους εκπροσώπους της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής και εφοπλιστικής κοινότητας. Mεταξύ των διακεκριμένων ομιλητών του συνεδρίου ήταν οι κ.κ. Captain Tom Kaminski, Commanding Officer of the U.S. Coast Guard Activities in Europe, U.S. Coast Guard, MR. Juvenal Shiundu, Deputy Director/Head Program Management, Technical Cooperation Division, International Maritime Organization. Το σεμινάριο πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλαίσιο της διοργάνωσης του Αμερικανικού Περιπτέρου (U.S. Pavilion – Booth Number 2.435) στη Διεθνή Ναυτιλιακή Έκθεση Ποσειδώνια 2016. Ο Εμπορικός Σύμβουλος της Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας στην Αθήνα, κ. Bryan Larson δήλωσε: ότι: «H συμμετοχή των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών στα φετινά Ποσειδώνια (η 16η κατά σειρά) αποδεικνύει το έντονο ενδιαφέρον των εταιρειών των Η.Π.Α για την ελληνική ναυτιλία, ένα ενδιαφέρον το οποίο θα συνεχίσει να αυξάνεται καθώς

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η Ελλάδα εφαρμόζει τα δύσκολα, αλλά αναγκαία, μέτρα τα οποία θα συμβάλλουν στη βελτίωση του επιχειρηματικού κλίματος και στην προσέλκυση επενδύσεων. 19 αμερικανικές εταιρίες συμμετέχουν στα φετινά Ποσειδώνια και ο κ. Larson προσκάλεσε όλους τους σύνεδρους να τις επισκεφθούν». O Πρόεδρος του Ελληνο-Αμερικανικού Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου κ. Σίμος Αναστασόπουλος τόνισε: «Η Ελληνική ναυτιλία εξακολουθεί να καταγράφει νέα ρεκόρ, από την πρώτη θέση του παγκόσμιου στόλου μέχρι τις συμμετοχές στα φετινά Ποσειδώνια. Η συμμετοχή του Αμερικανικού παράγοντα θα συνεισφέρει πολλαπλά στην προώθηση συμμαχιών και πολιτικών που θα ενισχύσουν περαιτέρω την ανταγωνιστικότητα της ναυτιλίας μας εν μέσω διεθνών οικονομικών προκλήσεων και των απαιτήσεων για περιβαλλοντική συμμόρφωση. Ευθύνη και μέριμνα όλων μας πρέπει να αποτελέσει η διατήρηση της παραμονής του στόλου στην Ελλάδα ώστε να συνεχίσει η ναυτιλία την σημαντική προσφορά της στη χώρα και την δοκιμαζόμενη οικονομία μας». H κα. Carleen Lyden-Kluss, η οποία είναι Συνιδρύτρια και Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια της Ένωσης Προστασίας Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος Β. Αμερικής (NAMEPA), δήλωσε: «Φέτος είναι η Τρίτη χρονιά που η Ένωση Προστασίας Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος Β. Αμερικής (NAMEPA) διοργάνωσε σεμινάριο, στο πλαίσιο των Ποσειδωνίων, σχετικά με τις αγκυλώσεις και τις προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουν τα πλοία που επισκέπτονται τα λιμάνια των Η.Π.Α. Όλοι οι παρευρισκόμενοι, ομιλητές και συμμετέχοντες, μοιραζόμαστε το ίδιο, έντονο ενδιαφέρον να ενημερώσουμε τη ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα για την πολυπλοκότητα που παρουσιάζουν οι διαδικασίες συμμόρφωσης με τους κανονισμούς που ισχύουν για τα πλοία που εμπορεύονται μέσα και έξω από τα λιμάνια των Η.Π.Α. Υπάρχουν πολλές παράμετροι που αφορούν στους κανονισμούς οι οποίοι επιβάλλονται αυστηρά, και πρέπει να γίνουν κατανοητοί από όλους. Το σεμινάριο εστίασε τις εργασίες του σε αυτές τις παραμέτρους και σε μεγάλο ποσοστό απάντησε στις ανησυχίες των υπεύθυνων πλοιοκτητών και όλων των ενδιαφερομένων μερών».


Posidonia 2016: DNV GL performs first drone production survey Classification society DNV GL announced today at the Posidonia trade fair that it had recently completed the first production surveys using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone. The survey took place on the MV Apollo, a chemical tanker owned by Carl Büttner Shipmanagement GmbH, in Bremerhaven, Germany. Two DNV GL surveyors used the drone to inspect 14 tanks over a period of two and a half days. “The advantage of using a drone over conventional staging inside the tank is absolutely clear,” says Jochen Huhn, Marine Superintendent and Chief Security Officer, Carl Büttner Shipmanagement GmbH. “Eliminating the risk of damage to the coating from staging means the drone survey is worth it, even before we factor in the time saved by this method. We were also all very impressed by the quality of the video and the details the drone was able to obtain in the inspection. We would certainly be interested in using this method more in the future and I am interested to see how the technology develops over the next few years.” “The success of the first drone production survey performed by a classification society shows how our investment in developing modern class solutions to benefit our customers is paying off,” says Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO DNV GL – Maritime. “Over the next few years we will continue to work on expanding the ways the drones can be used and the number of stations where we can offer this Caption: Using drones to visually check the condition of remote structural service. This is a very promising beginning and one that is components has the potential to significantly reduce survey times and staging already showing a significant benefit in terms of time and costs, while at the same time improving safety for the surveyors. costs saved.” The inspection of ship tanks and holds can be a costly, time consuming and potentially dangerous operation. The condition of the coating, corrosion, damages, piping, access points, equipment and safety systems all have to be assessed on a regular basis. Using drones to visually check the condition of remote structural components has the potential to significantly reduce survey times and staging costs, while at the same time improving safety for the surveyors. DNV GL has now carried out several tests using drones for the inspection of cargo tanks or holds in a large oil tanker, a chemical tanker and a bulk carrier, both in Europe and in China. In the future it may be possible to use drones that are fully autonomous. A 3D model of a vessel could be loaded into a drone’s memory, which could then orientate itself inside the tank and follow a pre-defined route, stopping at points of interest inside the compartment to capture video and still images. The operator could use the camera and lights to document findings, while the drone’s autopilot takes care of the flight. At some stage it may be possible to have a drone with its own scanning capabilities. The drone could be dropped into an unknown space, make a scan, create its own 3D map and then proceed to carry out the survey independently. Currently, DNV GL is also looking into utilizing drones and other alternative means for inspection of MOUs, both for topside and external structure and for internal tank inspections. Another ongoing project is to establish a certification service for external drone operators to qualify to perform inspection work on classed MOUs.

DNV GL Award for Young Professionals DNV GL has honoured three engineers for their scientific research with the DNV GL Award for Young Professionals. Presented by DNV GL – Maritime CEO Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen at the Posidonia trade fair, the award is designed to find innovative ideas for increasing safety, efficiency and sustainability in shipping. As well as seeking out the best new research, the award aims to support young professionals in the maritime field. Overall, 24 people took part in the competition. “Young professionals are a driving force in developing innovative solutions to the challenges shipping faces today and in the future. This award was created to honour the brightest among tomorrow’s industry experts and it is very interesting to learn more about this year’s winning projects,” says Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO DNV GL – Maritime, who presented the awards

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to the winners in a ceremony at Posidonia. The work combines current software tools with classical naval architectural estimates, to find a good trade-off between time, cost and accuracy. The thesis is a valuable contribution to more energy efficient shipping. The submissions for next year’s DNV GL Award for Young Professionals can be submitted between 1 January and 31 March 2017. The range of topics includes shipbuilding and design as well as vessel operation and marine technology. The theme is “Safer, Smarter, Greener”. Entries will be judged by their quality, complexity and impact on society. All papers must be written in English and must not be more than three years old. The jury will announce the winners in May 2017.


Ship repair deals heated up Posidonia floor

Business was good for regional ship repair operators participated in this year’s Posidonia Exhibition. Shipyards in Turkey and Portugal was amongst those who have concluded business deals during the first few days of the show. “We have concluded three major deals during the first two days of Posidonia. Of those, two are repair projects for a tanker and a bulk carrier and the third is a rather significant conversion project for a ROPAX type vessel belonging to an Italian owner,” said Nedime Ozoglu, Repair Division Marketing & Estimating, Besiktas Shipyard. “Posidonia is very fruitful for us and the biggest event we participate in. Greek shipowners constitute 80 percent of our portfolio because of the proximity mainly and because Turkey’s shipbuilding industry has significantly improved its talent pool and expertise recently,” she said. “In 2015 we repaired many Greek vessels, we give priority to the Greek market and we are competitive in our pricing and the quality we are offering.” Portugal’s Lisnave and Turkey’s Gemak, have also inked repair deals with fleet owners during the first few days of Posidonia 2016. Alex Scaramangas of Resolute Marine Services, the exclusive representative of the two yards in Greece, said: “We have managed to conclude a few business deals during this week mainly routine mainstream repair projects of various sizes. This is a great, given the current market’s prevailing conditions with a weak freight market and China’s perennial dominance in the bulk carrier sector.” As far as the outlook and future prospects, Scaramangas believes that the sector will improve. “A lot of dry docking repairs were brought forward in 2015 in order to avoid implementation of the BWT system so, subsequently, we were left with a bit of a vacuum in the first half of 2016. We remain optimistic, however, because shipping is a cyclical industry and on the bulker market, specifically, the consensus is that there will be some improvement.” This view is shared by Ozoglu who believes that 2016 will be a better than expected year for the ship repair sector in Turkey. “In 2015 we repaired many Greek vessels, but January 1st 2016 we suddenly saw that the market is going down and repair activity stopped because of the developments regarding the BWT regulation. The vessels got the extension and so everyone is now waiting. Many customers we have spoken with

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at Posidonia this week share the opinion that the market is improving marginally. While 2016 as a whole will not be better than last year, it will be better than expected,” she added. A total of ten Turkish shipyards participate at Posidonia 2016, all facing strong competition from Romania, Bulgaria and the Ukraine which can compete on price, which is an advantage Western European shipyards simply can’t have as a result of different cost structures and market conditions. “Lisnave provides excellent service with capacity to accommodate six vessels simultaneously on dry dock, but we cannot compare European shipyards with China, not even Turkey, which is more competitive in terms of price,” added Scaramangas, whose company is also the representative of smaller ship yards in Senegal, which can accommodate Panama Size vessels, Bahrain and one more Portuguese yard on the banks of Tagus River. “Posidonia is very important for us, not just because we conclude specific business during the show, but simply because our absence would be noticed. It is a good opportunity to meet with clients who visit the venue and it offers great networking opportunities through the various social events,” added Scaramangas. Ozoglu agrees that Posidonia is the place to be. “We have been at Posidonia since 2010 ,so this is our third participation and we will definitely come back in 2018 as this is the biggest event for us. Winning new business is important but talking to our friends and customers is the key to maintaining strong relationships.” More than 200 shipbuilding and repair businesses from all over the world participate at Posidonia 2016 which concludes tomorrow. Sector-specific demand was once again driven by the major shipbuilding nations China, Japan and South Korea. “Posidonia has established a reputation as a global forum for new business deals and networking opportunities especially for maritime businesses targeting the Greek shipowners and their fleets which account for the bulk of localized and transoceanic trade. For us, as the organizers of Posidonia, it is important to know that, besides being a great marketing platform, this exhibition also provides our exhibitors with tangible returns in the shape of business deals and new leads,” said Theodore Vokos, Executive Director, Posidonia Exhibitions S.A.


1st Young Executives Shipping Forum at POSIDONIA 2016 The 1st Young Executive Shipping (YES) Forum was held during the International Shipping Exhibition POSIDONIA 2016, on Friday, 10 June 2016 at the main POSIDONIA Conference Hall. The YES Forum conceptualized and initiated by Ms Danae Bezantakou, Managing Director of NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS and Ms Katerina Stathopoulou, Executive Director of Investments & Finance was one of the key events of this year’s exhibition. Organized by OpenMind Group and “The Canvas” think tank, with EQnomics being the coordinator, the conference gathered more than 1,300 delegates among which were 300 shipping company executives, students from 60 Greek and foreign Universities, and cadets from the Maritime Academies of Aspropirgos, Hydra island, Macedonia and Crete. On that occasion, the organizers stressed the importance to establish a unique platform where the next shipping generation meets and discusses directly with those who are currently the Greek shipping top executives and decision makers. The official opening of the YES Forum was made by Mr. Pafsanias Papageorgiou, General Secretary for Lifelong Learning and Youth at the Ministry of Education, who stressed the role of the State in promoting the Shipping industry to the younger generation and provide it with essential training in the various related fields. Keynote speaker of the YES Forum was Ms Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport. The Commissioner, who

participated for the first time in a Forum organised in Greece, urged the young generation to chase their dreams, focus on their goals and not be afraid of entrepreneurship. Above all, she underlined the need to appreciate the unique value of the shipping industry and be a part of its further development. Other panel discussions included topics such as internships opportunities, the need for new and innovative management styles, as well as the role that human resources play in shipping. The parameters which make the Greek shipping industry a leader and how this leading position can be maintained in the future were addressed by all panelists. Moreover, the importance of academic studies for a successful career path, as well the role of chartering brokers and the difficulties faced by women in shipping, were also debated. Mr. Theodore Dritsas, Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, the Rector of the Piraeus University as well as the Rector of the Aegean University were also present among many other decision-makers from the shipping industry, Ambassadors, and representatives from major shipping Associations and media specialists. Concluding this very successful first YES Forum, Ms. Danae Bezantakou stressed the importance to continue the gathering of next generation of shipping executives with the current key decision makers, a win-win networking activity that has to be renewed next year, in June 2017.

Posidonia 2016 – The 6th Blue Shipping Summit

The “6th Blue Shipping Summit 2016” was held on 6 June, the opening day of the Posidonia 2016 Exhibition, at the Athens Hilton Hotel. The landmark event was sponsored this year by Tsavliris Salvage. The conference was titled “Salvaging the Environment” and focused on future trends and challenges of the shipping industry with a particular emphasis on the new regulations as well as implementation

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of global environmental issues in shipping today. The ever increasing regulations and technological breakthroughs have further burdened an already challenging business climate. Chairman of the conference Mr George Tsavliris said: “Although the shipping industry has shown a significant sensitivity in adopting measures to protect our marine environment, it needs to become far more proactive in preventing pollution and in addressing the industry’s ecological impact”. Following the adoption of the Paris Climate Change Agreement in December 2015, the international shipping industry is working on how to further contribute to the global efforts to address climate change and see “Where is Shipping heading?” High-level speakers (Christine Berg - Head of Unit, European Commission for Safety & Ship Source Pollution, Katharina Stanzel –Managing Director of INTERTANKO, Chris Wiernicki – Chairman of IACS, Philip Embiricos – Past President of BIMCO, etc.) and conference panelists contributed to a day packed with exchange of experiences and a stimulating discussion before a distinguished audience. The successful forum was organised by Jannis Kostoulas, President of Mare Forum and by Karen Kokabi, Managing Director of Blueship.

Meet the team that’s exploring tomorrow’s fuels Here’s to today’s explorers.

The visionaries behind GMFT2030 can see the future of fuel demand, and share their vision with the rest of us. Lloyd’s Register and University College London are proud to share our findings on the future marine fuel mix to 2030, so that today we can all negotiate a rapidly changing future. Find out what we’ve discovered so far:

Dimitris Argyros Lloyd’s Register Project manager for GMFT2030 Dr Tristan Smith Lecturer at UCL Energy Institute

Working together for a safer world Lloyd’s Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copyright © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2014. A member of the Lloyd’s Register group.

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HELENGI ENGINEERING presents Lng bunker feeder vessel “Amaltheia” Helengi Engineering Ltd proudly presents for the first time, during “Posidonia 2016”, the first Greek LNG Bunker Feeder vessel, “Amaltheia”. A state-of-the art vessel designed and engineered by Helengi Engineering in collaboration with NAP Engineering. This is the result of years of intensive engineering studies and it is the first time that Greek companies undertake such a demanding and complex design on this special type of vessel. Both Helengi and NAP Engineering teams display extensive expertise in Marine Engineering and LNG marine applications with wide international experience in the sector. Helengi Engineering and NAP Engineering have been collaborating on this unique innovative project which will boost shipbuilding sector bridging the present with the LNG future era. The purpose of this vessel is to provide LNG bunkering services to the Port of Piraeus as well as to feed with LNG fuel other ports such as Patras and Heraklion. “Amaltheia” has a capacity of 1400 m³ of LNG, however, the vessel can accommodate up to 2000 m³ depending on requirements. The name “Amaltheia” is the most appropriate name for this vessel and refers to the she-goat nurse of the God Zeus who nourished him with her milk. When the God reached maturity he created his thunder-shield from her hide and the horn of plenty (cornucopia) from her crown. According to the myth, the horn was endowed with such powers that it could instantly become filled with whatever might be desired. Therefore, the name “Amaltheia” is most fitting and suitable as it is a vessel which feeds with LNG, the greener fossil fuel and the best alternative to oil, other vessels. Following “Amaltheia”, more LNG vessels of various capacities are to ensue. The objective is to create a portfolio of vessels ranging from 1000 m³ to 7000 m³ of LNG. In this view, the design of the “Amaltheia” family of vessels has already started.

Παρούσα η HELMEPA στα Ποσειδώνια 2016 Η HELMEPA συμμετείχε για 17η συνεχή φορά με περίπτερο, που ευγενικά διέθεσαν οι διοργανωτές, Posidonia Exhibitions S.A. στη Διεθνή Ναυτιλιακή Έκθεση Ποσειδώνια 2016. Τα Ποσειδώνια άνοιξαν με ιστιοπλοϊκό αγώνα στο Φαληρικό Όρμο την Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου. Η HELMEPA πήρε μέρος για ακόμη μια φορά με το S/Y ARMENISTIS, που ευγενικά διέθεσε ο ΠΟΙΑΘ. Το πλήρωμα με κυβερνήτη τον Ισίδωρο Κυριακού ήταν οι εθελοντές: - Πάνος Καλογερόπουλος και Γιώργος Γκέσκος από Lotus Shipping - Νικόλαος Πετούσης – Ναυτικός-μέλος HELMEPA - Ξενοκράτης Γουμαλάτσος από Vernicos Tugs & Salvage - Δρ Βασίλης Τσελέντης από το Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς - Αλέξανδρος Παλιόκας από Tsakos Columbia Management - Μανώλης Σάρδης από Costamare Shipping - Γιώργος Γαλάνης από Stamco Shipmanagement Co Ltd Αν και χωρίς προετοιμασία, το σκάφος της HELMEPA τερμάτισε 9ο από 17 συνολικά σκάφη της κατηγορίας του. Γιορτάζοντας 34 χρόνια ζωής, η HELMEPA διοργάνωσε την 8η Ιουνίου διεθνές Συνέδριο με τίτλο “Where is Shipping Heading after COP21?”. Δηλώνοντας οι σύνεδροι τη δέσμευσή τους για την προστασία της θάλασσας, τίμησαν την ίδια ημέρα την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα των Ωκεανών με “#Selfies-for-the-Sea” που η HELMEPA διέδωσε στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Ο Πρόεδρος Δρ Γεώργιος Γράτσος, ανοίγοντας το Συνέδριο ανέφερε το έργο της Ένωσης στα 34 χρόνια που πέρασαν, υπογραμμίζοντας το πρόσφατα αποκτηθέν Full Mission Bridge Simulator, που δίνει μια άλλη διάσταση στην επιμορφωτική

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εκπαίδευση που η HELMEPA προσφέρει σε ναυτικούς και στελέχη διαχειριστριών εταιρειών μελών. Σύντομο χαιρετισμό απηύθυνε ο Αρχηγός του Γενικού Επιτελείου Ναυτικού, Αντιναύαρχος Γεώργιος Γιακουμάκης ΠΝ, που υπογράμμισε τη σημασία των δύο πυλώνων της ναυτιλίας. Τα εμπορικά πλοία και τα πληρώματα τους που συνεισφέρουν στην εθνική οικονομία και τα πολεμικά και το έμψυχο υλικό τους που εξασφαλίζουν την ελευθερία των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών. Τόνισε δε, πως τα σημερινά πλοία του ΠΝ είναι έτσι κατασκευασμένα ώστε να εφαρμόζουν τη MARPOL ανεξάρτητα από το γεγονός πως οι πολεμικοί στόλοι εξαιρούνται των απαιτήσεων της. Το Συνέδριο συνεχίστηκε με Συντονιστή το Δρα Ι. Κούστα, πρόσφατα απελθόντα Πρόεδρο και τώρα μέλος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της HELMEPA, ο οποίος μίλησε για την ευθύνη της ναυτιλίας στον περιορισμό της κλιματικής αλλαγής, ύστερα από την διεθνή συνάντηση (COP21) στο Παρίσι. Ευθύνη, την οποία, όπως είπε, η ναυτιλία με επιτυχία θα αντιμετωπίσει. Ομιλητές του Συνεδρίου ήταν οι κ.κ. J. Shiundu, Deputy Director, IMO Technical Cooperation Division, Φ. Καραμήτσος, Acting Deputy Director General, DG Mobility & Transport της European Commission, S. Bennett, Director, Policy and External Relations του ICS, C. Wiernicki, IACS Chairman, N. Τσάκος, INTERTANKO Chairman, Ι. Πλατσιδάκης, INTERCARGO Chairman, Captain T. Kaminski, Commanding Officer, US Coast Guard Activities-Europe και Δρ Γ. Γράτσος, Πρόεδρος HELMEPA. Παρουσίασαν τις απόψεις τους για το θέμα του Συνεδρίου.


Yara Marine Technologies Leading the way for SOx and NOx cleaning Yara Marine Technologies Yara Marine Technologies offers complete emission control systems for SOx and NOx to the marine market. The company was established in 2014 following the acquisition of Green Tech Marine, by global industrial chemical corporation Yara International. Green Tech Marine has since its origin in 2008 been a forerunner in the emission reduction technology industry being the first company offering the inline SOx scrubber to the marine segment.

NOX reduction

Yara is also the largest supplier of NOx abatement equipment – Selective Catalytic Reduction Reactors (SCR) – in the world, with more than 1500 SCR systems installed since year 2000. Installing Yara SCR systems allow marine customers to easily achieve reduction in NOx emissions by up to 99%. Whether ferries, seismic vessels, fishing travelers or supply vessels or yachts, Yara designs and delivers efficient and compact SCR systems that fit any vessel type.

SOx reduction

Our small, lightweight scrubbers replace the existing silencer, leaving only a very small footprint that does not affect neither passenger nor cargo space. At Yara, we produce our scrubbers in anti-corrosion steel with the same lifetime as the vessel in which it is installed. Any scrubber system in operation is exposed to an extremely corrosive environment due to the large temperature variations (from ambient right up to 400 degrees) combined with presence of acids and seawater. Thanks to our investment in high quality components, Yara scrub-

bers provide long term durability and greatly reduces the risk of corrosion breakdown and expensive replacement costs. Our scrubbers are tailor-made to any engine size or vessel type and can also operate on Magnesium Oxide (MgO) as the alkali in closed–loop mode as opposed to the more hazardous Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) that other manufacturers use. In addition to being completely safe for the crew to handle, Magnesium Oxide is also a much more cost effective alkali to use than Caustic Soda. Although the price per ton is roughly the same for both additives, the volume of Magnesium Oxide needed in a scrubber system is only approximately one quarter of the corresponding Caustic Soda requirement. As the first inline scrubber supplier in the marine market, and with more than 1500 SCR systems successfully installed, Yara Marine Technologies is the market leader that will help customers achieve long tem sustainable solutions to the worldwide emission challenge. Yara Marine Technologies is a subsidiary of Yara International ASA

Yara International Yara delivers solutions for sustainable agriculture and the environment. Our fertilizers and crop nutrition programs help produce the food required for the growing world population. Our industrial products and solutions reduce emissions, improve air quality and support safe and efficient operations. Founded in Norway in 1905, Yara has a worldwide presence with sales to 150 countries and staff of more than 12000. Safety is always our top priority. Meet Yara at

Intra Mare and Yara Marine Technologies SOx and NOx abatement partnership In 2014, Yara Marine appointed Intra Mare as their exclusive agent for looking after Greek and Cypriot market for their SOx and NOx abatement product portfolio. Intra Mare has significant experience and first-hand knowledge of local market and is therefore Yara Marine Technologies highly trusted partner in the region. Intra Mare works each project on a case by case and all designs are tailor made to best meet the clients’ needs, whether this is for a new-build or a retrofit vessel. Please contact Intra Mare if you would like to have a budget quote for a Scrubber, or a SCR system. You might also ask for a vessel scrubber pre-inspection, or you might be interested in receiving a detailed survey, which can be carried out with 3D scanning. Intra Mare and their affiliate companies will take care and team up with Yara to fully support your demands for Emission reduction systems, as one-source provider.

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Cost efficient and effective exhaust gas cleaning technology Interview with Kai Latun (Chief Sales and Marketing Officer) Yara Marine Technologies AS in the process stream. Our inline scrubber system can operate in a continuous open loop, closed loop and during a predetermined period, be switched to operate as a zero-discharge system. Seawater is used to cool the scrubber water in circulation. The automation system during commissioning is optimized to the lowest possibly energy consumption and keeps the emissions within stipulated limits, regardless of Sulphur content in the fuel, engine load or water alkalinity. NAFS: How has last year’s fuel price drop impacted the market for exhaust gas cleaning NAFS: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is working towards stricter Sulphur regulations from 2020. Can you please explain how Yara Marine’s technology can help ship owners get ready for the implementation of this regulation? KL: Large and heavy ships are natural contributors to the pollution of the sea and air, and with the changing regulations for 2020, ship owners have different technologies to choose from in order to have their fleet ready for the new regulations. Installing a Sox scrubber that cleans the ship’s exhaust gas for Sulphur Oxides is the easiest and most cost efficient way to achieve this. Yara scrubber replaces the ship’s silencer and can easily be installed as a retrofit as well as on new builds. Our scrubber can handle Sulphur content of up to 3,5% and cleans the Sulphur Oxides down to 0,1% - adhering to IMO strict MEPC.259(68) regulations. Yara Marine scrubbers are very easily fitted to the ship and there is no need for lengthy periods in dry dock losing valuable commercial sailing time.

NAFS: Can you describe how the Yara inline scrubber works and the mechanisms by which it cleans the ship’s Sulphur Oxide ? KL: The technology works by passing the dirty exhaust gas stream created by the engine through several chambers that contain a carefully generated ‘scrubbing cloud’ of water. Inside these chambers, a high number of droplets rapidly capture the errant particles

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technology? KL: Competition is tough with many other players adopting similar designs and innovations. With the current fuel price leaving little difference between heavy fuel and marine oil prices there is obviously less to gain from installing the scrubber system as the payback time is somewhat extended. NAFS: Yara Marine sells a highly technical product. How critical would you say that R&D is for the company and the industry as a whole?


The tougher market situation naturally pushes us to be more innovative and constantly ask ourselves how we can better fit our product to help our clients need for cost efficient and effective exhaust gas cleaning technology. One of the benefits from having an international corporation such as Yara as our owner is the vast research and development capability it gives us. By the end of 2015 nearly 13,000 professionals were employed by Yara resulting in revenues of 111,897 million NOK. The conglomerate operates 3 major R &D centers in Europe and Yara Marine has specialized chemical and catalyst know-how in house at scales that allows Yara to always be one step ahead in developing new and improved features and mechanisms for exhaust gas cleaning technology. NAFS: Stricter emission regulations are here to stay and ship owners have to factor in many considerations when planning for a potential scrubber installation. How can YARA help shipowners evaluate which technology will be the most appropriate for their fleet? KL: Burning of fossil fuels in diesel engines creates toxic Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Sulphur Oxides (SOX) emissions. Authorities around the world are addressing air pollution by introducing stricter emission limits. Yara’s abatement technologies reduce these harmful exhaust gases by up to 99 percent, thereby helping safeguard life and the environment. From 2015, ships operating in Emission Control Areas (ECA)– must meet new SOx and NOx ceiling levels by switching to more expensive low-Sulphur fuel or installing cleaning technology like our Yara Marine Technologies scrubber for SOx removal, or our SCR system for reducing NOx emissions. With our E2A offering, we are equipped to help ship owners meet future regulations on both SOx and NOx emissions. Selecting the specific technology to abate the various emissions is a huge decision for most ship owners. Yara Marine has therefore developed a specific tool to help evaluate the scrubber investment cost to give them a more specific idea of payback time. In order for the Payback calculator to give as accurate data as possible, Yara completes an operational profile on the vessel and considers factors such as sailing time in the different ECA zones. For retrofit projects we do a survey of the vessel to complete a thorough feasibility study. Based on the outcome of the study we can offer a more objective recommendation as to how the ship is scrubber suitable and also identify possible modifications needed before

a scrubber installation can be completed. NAFS: According to DNV GL to go from the current NOx Tier II limits down to the NOx Tier III limits (effect from January 1st 2016) as defined in IMO MARPOL Annex VI regulation 13, NOx emissions must be reduced by approximately 75%. How can YARA help customers achieve this? KL: The Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR) is the only technology currently available to fulfill the strictest NOx requirement. The technology works by injecting high purity urea water solution to reduce NOx. The SCR system is installed between the engine and the exhaust outlet and the exhaust gas passes through the catalyst where the NOx is converted into harmless nitrogen and water.

Yara SCR technology is applicable to all vessel types and reduces NOX emissions by up to 99%. With more than 1500 SCR systems installed worldwide, Yara is the market leader with a long track record of providing cost efficient system capable of meeting the regulatory requirements set for marine diesel engines operating in ECAs. NAFS: Following the acquisition of German manufacturer H und H in 2014, Yara Marine Technologies has also become the world’s largest supplier of marine selective catalytic reduction equipment (SCR). How does this product fit into Yara’s emission of providing emission control systems for the marine segment? KL: Our E2A platform was strengthened by

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NAFS SHIPPING MAGAZINE - TOP STORY introduce the inline scrubber in 2011. We are therefore one of the manufacturers with the most experience in terms of operating hours. In closed loop operations, our scrubber offers a distinct advantage as it can operate on the completely harmless Magnesium Oxide (MgO) as alkali as opposed to Caustic Soda that most other manufacturers us. The totality of our unique product features, specialized customer service as well as Yara Marine’s access to state of the art R &D resources, it’s fair to say that Yara Marine Technologies has a strong hold on the scrubber market. NAFS: What is the attitude among ship owners about the exhaust gas cleaning systems? Do they realize that it is the most economical solution for meeting low Sulfur emissions requirements? KL: Ship owners are faced with a number of important decisions in terms of investment and trading if they want to do business within the Sulphur limits of Emission Control Areas (ECAs). The deciding factors influencing the investment decision for installation of a scrubber are the fuel cost spread and the time spent in an ECA. If the chosen solution is the fuel option it means that vessels sailing in ECAs are required to use Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) after 1 January 2015, which is currently approximately USD 210 per mt more expensive than HFO. Instead of paying a fuel premium for MDO, the ship owner has the option to invest in a LNG solution or a scrubber; the latter enables them to use the cheaper Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). In most circumstances LNG appears too expensive, so scrubbers are seen as the best alternative.

NAFS: Could you please explain to our readers what is the “Emission to Air platform and how it works?

the acquisition of H+H Umwelt- und Industrietechnik - re-named to Yara Environmental Technologies GmbH- which offers SCR technologies, reducing NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) emissions by up to 99%. It is complementary to the NOx and SOx (Sulphur Oxides) abatement solutions Yara offers on a global scale. NOx and SOx create both local and global health problems such as lung diseases and cancer. The ambition for our E2A platform is to make Yara a total solution provider for a wider range of harmful emissions. With more than 1500 SCR systems installed

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for ship engines worldwide, we are well grounded in long-standing and sustainable experiences in the field of the SCR systems for marine applications. Whether ferries, seismic vessels, fishing trawlers, supply vessels or yachts. NAFS: What is Yara’s position in the exhaust gas cleaning market? KL: In terms of deliVered scrubbers, Yara Marine currently operates in the top 3 segment of the market. Yara was the first company to

Emissions to air – we call it E2A – is our platform for developing and offering solutions to reduce emissions from transport on land and sea, as well as for industrial plants. E2A has grown through both innovation projects and acquisitions such as the 2014 H und H Umwelt- und Industrietechnik allowing Yara to offer a complete Sox and NOx abatement portfolio to its maritime customers. Emissions of both Sox and NOx represent local and global threats to both our environment and public health. Nitrogen and Sulphur Oxides are known causes to lung disease, cancer, asthma and allergies in addition to acid rains and formation of Smog. Yara’s E2A platform is all about providing our clients with a total emission solution for all hazardous emissions.


Brittany Ferries and Yara Marine scrubber success By Shyam Thapa (Lead Process/R&D Engineer- Yara Marine Technologies AS) As the International Maritime Organization (IMO) continues to tighten the regulation on Sulphur Oxide pollution at sea, more ship-owners have been looking towards exhaust gas cleaning companies to have their vessels equipped with SOx scrubbers. The scrubber cleans the exhaust gas by washing each Sulphur Oxide particle with seawater. Yara Marine Technologies was the first company to introduce the inline SOx scrubber in 2011 and is now among the top three suppliers of this technology to the marine segment. In 2015, French ferry operator, Brittany Ferries decided to take on a 60million pounds environmental project to have scrubbers fitted to 6 of their seagoing cruise ferries. The Brittany based ferry operator chose Yara as their partner for the 3 first retrofits as they needed a partner who could get the installation completed without losing valuable sailing time. MV Normandie, operating between Portsmouth and Caen was the first of the 6 vessels

to be retrofitted with the Sox scrubber and after a short period in drydock at Spanish shipyard Astander, it was returned to service on 2nd of January 2015. 7 scrubbers had than been fitted to the ship, allowing to run her 27MW engine perfectly below the 0,1 Sulphur Oxide mark in compliance with IMO regulations. All three Yara Marine scrubber systems were MED certified from Bureau Veritas with the projects executed by worldwide renowned shipbuilder STX France. Brittany Ferries representatives were especially pleased that Yara was able to deliver scrubbers where no additional passenger space was lost due to the installation of the exhaust gas cleaning technology. As each scrubber simply replaces the ships original silencer, Yara Marine scrubbers has the added benefit of also working as a muffler in addition to cleaning the exhaust gas. Later in the year Yara Marine also delivered the same exhaust gas cleaning technology to yet two more of Brittany Ferries cruise ferries’, MV Barfleur and MV Cap Finistere. Ranging in engine power from 17 to 48MW both vessels were equipped with a total of seven scrubbers. All three Yara Marine scrubber systems were MED certified from Bureau Veritas with the projects executed by worldwide renowned shipbuilder STX France.

How can Yara’s SCR technology clean a ship’s exhaust gas? Herbert Roemich (Managing Director, Yara Environmental Technologies GmbH) The burning of fossil fuels in diesel engines creates toxic Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Sulphur Oxides (SOx) emissions. These emissions are the main cause of acid rain and the formation of smog (ground level ozone) which increases the risk of asthma, allergies, lung disease and cancer. Authorities around the world are addressing the important issue of increasing air pollution by introducing stricter emission limits. From 2016 the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) new Tier lll requirements will have all new builds comply with NOx emission requirements in territorial waters. Canadian authorities and the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has already implemented a North American and US Caribbean NECA, imposing stringent NOx emission limits. Yara Marine Technologies, as the market’s one stop shop for all abatement issues, has the technology that will make sure your ship is operating in accordance with all IMO regulations. Yara’s abatement technologies reduce the harmful NOx exhaust gas by up to 99 percent, thereby helping safeguard life and the environment. The Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR) is the only technology currently available to fulfill the strictest NOx requirement. The technology works by injecting high purity urea water solution to reduce NOx. The SCR system is installed between the engine and the exhaust outlet and the exhaust gas passes through the catalyst where the NOx is converted into harmless nitrogen and water. Yara’s NOxCare Marine is also the only complete product offer that covers all your NOx reduction requirements through global availability

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of NOxCare SCR, NOxCare 40 urea solution and our global network of NOxCare Marine service engineers. Yara SCR technology is applicable to all vessel types and reduces NOx emissions by up to 99%. With more than 1500 SCR systems installed worldwide, Yara is the market leader with a long track record of providing cost efficient system capable of meeting the regulatory requirements set for marine diesel engines operating in ECAs. Whether ferries, seismic vessels, fishing trawlers, supply vessels or yachts, Yara Marine Technologies designs and delivers efficient and compact systems for complete NOx reduction.


The world’s largest scrubber system delivered by Yara Mats Nydahl (Sales Engineer- Yara Marine Technologies AS) When one of the world’s largest cruise ship operators, Norwegian Cruise Line, was looking for a simple and cost efficient solution to fight air pollution at sea for their latest and first ever breakaway pluss class cruise ship, the company chose Yara Marine Technologies and their inline scrubber system. The 164,600 gross ton Norwegian Escape was equipped with five inline scrubbers from the Norwegian marine exhaust gas cleaning company Yara Marine who also was the first abatement company to introduce the inline Sox scrubber in 2011 (under the Greentech Marine company name). This has been deemed the industry’s largest SOX scrubber installation, allowing Sulphur emissions of a combined engine power of 76,8MW to be effectively cleaned. The vessel can carry up to 4,248 passengers and 1,731 crew members and diesel consumption at full cruising load is about 11 tons per hour. According to Norwegian Cruise Line, the scrubber system clearly represents the biggest technical innovation on the ship. The M/V Norwegian Escape is not only the cruise lines’ biggest scrubber project, it is also by far the cruise lines’ biggest vessel ever built, representing a Euro 815 million investment. The project was initially met with some skepticism from the maritime industry simply as no scrubber system had ever been seen to effectively handled such a large engine vessel construction until now. According to Christer Karlsson, Senior Vice President Newbuilding, Norwegian Cruise Line, the cruise line was very pleased with the scrubber system on Escape and confirms that all system performs as guaranteed. The company is also pleased with the full support from Yara Marine Technologies during installation, commissioning and start up, he says. “Yara Marine Technologies also provided expert personnel onboard during Norwegian Escape’s maiden voyage from England to USA in case more support should be needed. Their customer support is impeccable.”

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BPCO LTD: Ship Repair Services in Panama, Argentina & India

BPCO LTD Shiprepair Brokers has developed considerable knowledge and wide experience in the Maritime Sector and our vision always remains to deliver fast, innovative, efficient and integrated maritime services to our clients worldwide. We have expand and refine our network of Exclusive Principals, which is mostly comprised of Ship Repair yards, Underwater Firms, Repair Workshops and Makers Equipment able to perform Dry-docking, Afloat Ship repairs and Marine Underwater Services in all five continents. Currently BPCO Ltd is the proud exclusive agent of 45 groups offering first class service worldwide.

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Ship repairs in Panama, always will be a convenient place to be developed. Along across history, Panama has been one of the most effective transit ways of excellence. Challenging has been increasing, as shipping markets is developing so fast. With the Panama Canal expansion, the actual number of transits will increase, meanwhile the waiting time of the vessels will decrease. Professional Manpower Supply (PMS) S.A., is now ready for this challenge and we constantly are improving our services and timing to attend vessel as per their needs. Our well skilled workforce and multiple equipment and machines, allow us to make the best logistics services and accurate timing in PANAMA, on both sides of the Panama Canal. We offer to the market the best technical services in Diving, Steel repairs, Pre-docking and many other services offered. BPCO Ltd, our partners in Greek Market are always developing new opportunities, and always taking care in the correct way of the Greek clients. For more information about the our company and services please visit us - Fernando De Gracia CEO Professional Manpower Supply (PMS) S.A. CROMWELL & Cia. S.A., established in 1903, has attended almost all international reputable ship owner’s vessels calling Argentina Ports from our head offices and workshop in Buenos Aires - Argentina; where all personnel, machinery, equipment, consumables and materials are readily available for immediate dispatch. CROMWELL & Cia. S.A. can tackle any repair needs, whether mechanical, steel, pipes, boilers or electrical; from a normal urgency “voyage repair” to a major afloat general repairs or steel work with our trained staff with many years’ experience in ship repairs and ship building, which includes experienced mechanical/electrical technicians/fitters, steel/pipe builders and certified welders, all coordinated by graduated Naval Architects and Marine Engineers with ample expertise in ship repairs CROMWELL & Cia. S.A. is an Authorized Service station in Argentina for SIMPLEX stern tube seals and is a WOODWARD Governors, Marine Division, for Woodward’s Official Service Station and during many years has been MAN - B&W - Sulzer Engines - Yanmar Marine and Mitsubishi UE Engines approved service station. Fernando A. Ortis, Director, Cromwell Marine Engineers

UMA MARINE GROUP is serving shipping industry since 1995 & provide services such as Afloat Repairs, Safety Services and Ship Supplies throughout Indian ports, with our head office in Kandla and Branches at Mumbai and Visakhapatnam. Why choose UMA MARINE GROUP? • We are the only company in India to provide all the three services such as – Afloat repairs, Safety & Supply (Ship Chandler) Services. • In Afloat Repairs, we are only company having stock of Grade A to EH36 (Thickness Range 8 to 25mm) approved by BV, DNV-GL. We are specialized in all types of class approved repairs including Main/Auxiliary Engine, Hydraulic & Electro Hydraulic Crane Maintenance, Refrigeration Repairs, Underwater Services etc. • In Safety Services, we are the second company in India, who provide all LSA/FFA Annual Servicing and Certification and approved by 7 major classification societies. The Same Team approved for Indian Cargo Gear, Gas Team Calibration and NDT Testing. • In Supply, we offer Provision, Deck, Engine & Electrical stores, Cabin stores-cloth and linen, Bonded Stores, Anti-Piracy Accessories, second hand Spare Parts, Lube Oil etc. and are the only one in India to use Freezer Vehicle for transportation of provision supply. Mahesh Mylapalli, Owner of UMA MARINE GROUP

Monitoring of liquids is in safe hands

Are you looking for complete solutions for monitoring of liquids onboard all kinds of ships? KROHNE Marine has the answer. Through more than 50 years in marine business, KROHNE Marine has gained extensive knowledge regarding high quality products for demanding ship operators and yards. Our systems have been installed on all kinds of vessels, from the smallest product tankers to the most complex chemical tankers and VLCCs. CARGOMASTER® – Complete solution for tank monitoring and alarming, including system software adapted to individual vessel applications, engineering, drawings, documentation and commissioning EcoMATE® – System to monitor and report fuel consumption and/or bunkering KROHNE Marine – The marine industry is our world. Please see our website for more information.


Shell Marine Products now available in 604 ports in 56 countries

Shell Marine Products (SMP) continues to expand its global port network by adding more than 70 ports in less than one year as well as expanding its operation in 14 countries, which now stands at 604 ports in 56 countries. In 2016, SMP expanded product availability in: • Argentina: Villa Constitucion • India: Goa, Hazira • Japan: Hatsukaichi, Hibikinada, Iknow, Iyomishima, Naoshima, Ogishima, Onahama, Saganoseki, Shibushi, Tonda, Tsukumi • South Korea: Boryeong, Taean, Tongyeong • Spain: Castellon, Pasajes, Sagunto, Motril, Villagarcia • Taiwan: Taipei • UAE: Mina Saqr • UK: Fawley, Great Yarmouth, Hamble, Portbury, Sunderland • US: Gloucester, Searsport, Kingsbay. “One of our goals as a business is to give our customers peace of mind. We aim to do this via our consistently high quality products, our attentive technical and customer service, as well as making sure our customers can lift the lubricants they need in as many locations as possible. They continue to be supported by our 24/7 International Customer Service Centre (iCSC) for any of their order delivery concerns as well as track their orders via our industry first Shell Marine Products app on their mobile devices,” said Jan Toschka, General Manager of Shell Marine Products.

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ABB’s Azipod D propulsion scoops European Marine Engineering Award ABB has won a European Marine Engineering Award, acknowledging the innovation behind the new Azipod D electric propulsion solution, launched in 2015. The prestigious 2016 Award for Auxiliary Machinery category honors auxiliary systems that demonstrate innovative and original development that improves a ship’s operational efficiency or reduces risk to personnel. Introduced in 2015, Azipod D propulsion was brought to market to allow a wider range of vessel types to benefit from the proven reliability and flexibility that have made Azipod the leading propulsion system across numerous ship types. “This award follows on from the remarkable uptake by the market of Azipod D propulsion since its launch in the first quarter of 2015,” says Juha Koskela, Managing Director of ABB’s Marine and Ports business.“The Azipod D requires up to 25 percent less installed power than comparable units, partly due its completely new hybrid cooling which increases the performance of the electric motor by up to 45 percent.” Available in power ranges from 1.6 megawatts to 7 megawatts (MW) per unit, ABB’s Azipod D propulsion units give designers and ship builders greater flexibility to accommodate a wide variety of hull forms and propeller sizes, as well as simplicity of installation. The market has already responded to the benefits of the new Azipod D, orders for various ship types have gone into the order books since it was launched. ABB has so far received orders for 12 Azipod D units for 5 vessels.

nafs March 2014



New Alfa Laval HCO filter with groundbreaking technology approved for validation testing A major manufacturer of two-stroke engines has agreed to validation tests of an Alfa Laval hydraulic control oil (HCO) filter based on unique technology. The approval to test the final HCO filter design comes after successful concept testing on the crude oil tanker Stena Suède. The Alfa Laval HCO filter is a high-performance solution for the new generation of two-stroke engines where traditional camshafts have been replaced by hydraulic control systems. The hydraulic control system core components are dedicated valves fed with oil from the main system flow, which must be very finely filtered with minimal pressure drop. Due to the sensitivity of the large centrifugal main pumps used to move the oil, additional pressure drop across the HCO filter would ultimately risk engine damage. The Alfa Laval HCO filter, now set to begin validation testing, easily achieves this balance of fine filtration and excellent flow passage. “Between its high performance and its compact nature, the Alfa Laval HCO filter will remove much of the cost and installation complexity associated with hydraulic control system protection,” says Caption: The approval to test the final HCO filter design comes after successful concept testing on the crude oil tanker Stena Suède. Herve Gourdon, Business Manager, Filters at Alfa Laval.

Continuous R&D yields Tsakos Columbia first major size reduction in to complete MRV the PureSOx U-design compliance project As of 1 May 2016, the Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubber is available in a U-design with greatly reduced dimensions. The improvements, which further increase the U-design’s flexibility, were announced around the same time as a date for decision on the 2020 global fuel sulphur cap. “We have a strategy of continuous development for the Alfa Laval PureSOx platform,” says René Diks, Manager Marketing & Sales, Exhaust Gas Cleaning at Alfa Laval. “We launched our inline I-design in December 2015, and we are pleased to follow it so soon with significant advances in our U-design.”

Smaller due to optimized flow and pressure

The PureSOx U-design, which is used on the majority of vessels, is a U-shaped configuration where the jet and absorber sections are separated by a natural water trap. In the updated version, available from 1 May, the exhaust gas flow through the scrubber has been heavily optimized. This allows a dramatic reduction in scrubber height – 26% in the jet section and 17% in the absorber section – as well as a reduction in weight. A key factor in achieving the reductions was the minimization of back pressure, which has been done entirely without exhaust gas fans. “Avoiding additional equipment high up in the funnel is advantageous for maintenance and stability,” says Diks. “All advances in the PureSOx U-design, including the reduced back pressure, have been made by working with the exhaust gas flow itself.”

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The first MRV project contracted between LR and a Greek shipping company has been successfully concluded. Lloyd’s Register has been working with Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement (“TCM”) S.A. on early compliance with the European Union (EU) Regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from maritime transport. The project included assessment of compliance solutions available to TCM with regards the MRV regulation. More specifically the work was delivered in two distinct phases: - Review of the ship specific monitoring plan, in accordance with the mandate of the EU Regulation, which was held as a desktop study and - Verification of the ship specific emissions report to a reasonable level of assurance and at a materiality level of the professional judgement of the verifier, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2015/757 monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. Mr. Mike Servos, the Environmental and Energy Manager of TCM, highlights the benefits stemming from such an effort: ‘Our objective was to assess and verify the effectiveness and accuracy of our CO2 monitoring plan and receive impartial, third party expert advice on how well we have integrated forthcoming regulatory requirements on carbon emissions with our existing management systems ’. Mr. Sokratis Dimakopoulos, the Deputy Managing Director of TCM, added ‘This project is an example of the company’s commitment to ensuring proactive implementation of upcoming legal and industry requirements’ and thanked the LR team for the specialist expertise provided in this work.


Norbulk becomes first reefer ship manager to successfully convert onboard refrigeration plant to run on environmentally-acceptable R407F

Oceanic Technical Solutions has successfully converted all refrigeration and reefer plants onboard a Norbulk managed refrigerated cargo ship to run on refrigerant R407F. The conversion, which follows the January 2015 entry into force of F-Gas rules banning the entire use of R22 refrigerant on all European-flagged vessels, is believed to be the shipping industry’s first ever marine refrigerant conversion to the more environmentally-acceptable R407F. Prior to January 2015, operators were still able to purchase recycled R22, but the ozone-depleting gas and other Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are now completely outlawed across Europe. John Taylor, Fleet Manager, Norbulk, said: “With our commitment to operating ships in full compliance with all recognised international and national regulations, the success of the refrigerant retrofit has shown the industry that there is a commercially viable alternative that has a reduced impact on the environment other than the Ozone-depleting gasses formerly used in marine refrigeration plants.

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Since the conversion, we have reduced further the impact our operations have on the environment, without affecting cargo cooling performance,” confirmed Taylor. “R407F refrigerant has very similar attributes to R22 but without damaging the environment.” During a scheduled drydocking at a shiprepair yard in Klaipeda, Lithuania, the 6120dwt reefer’s refrigeration plant aboard was shut down and the entire charge of R22 recovered. Three refrigerant recovery units were used to transfer the gas to dedicated refrigerant recovery receivers. R407F is also seen as a suitable replacement for R404A and R507 and other refrigerants with a GWP above 2500 that will be affected by new F-Gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 due to enter into force in 2020. While it will not be illegal to have systems that run on these gases, servicing them and topping them up with virgin refrigerant will be. Based on the success of the conversion Oceanic Technical Solutions is now evaluating the refrigeration plant aboard other Norbulk vessels for conversion later this year.


We supply products & solutions for all your tank management requirements. Scanjet is a leading global supplier of tank cleaning equipment and solutions for any marine, offshore or industrial application. Scanjet designs and produces a range of fixed and portable tank cleaning equipment, marine protection systems, high level overfill alarms, vapour emission control systems, tank level gauging equipment and Scanvent P/V valves.

Contact our representative in Greece: Intra Mare Ltd T: +30-210 42 93 843



DeltaSAFER – a safe and affordable ferry for the Asian market The Asian ferry market is facing many challenges and a need for development. The demand for ferry transportation and new, safe vessels is high. However, no tempting and cost-effective ways have been offered so far to resolve the situation. As a leading ferry design company, Deltamarin has decided to find an answer, which is both safe and affordable at the same time. The key features of the Asian ferry market are: • Large regional variations in cargo volume and composition (passenger/truck/car ratios) • Huge economic pressure on operators (especially in the developing countries) • Unsatisfactory safety record (e.g. in SouthEast Asia)

Selektope® wins European Marine Engineering Award

RINA announces definitive agreement for the acquisition of 100% of Edif Group RINA S.p.A (“RINA”), the holding company of the multinational testing, inspection, certification and consulting engineering (“TIC-CE”) group based in Genoa, Italy, is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive agreement for the acquisition of the entire share capital of Edif Group Limited (“Edif”), a portfolio company of Phoenix Equity Partners (“Phoenix”), for £118.5 million (around €151 million) (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition represents a further step towards the fulfilment of RINA’s broader growth strategy, which will increase its geographical coverage, and deliver a higher level of technical expertise for its customers. In particular, the acquisition of Edif will significantly increase RINA’s presence in the UK, alongside the US and German market, where the combination of the two groups will provide a platform for further expansion. Edif is a leading worldwide provider of a diverse range of TIC-CE services that serve to reduce risk, optimise performance and enhance the capability of its clients’ assets. Edif is headquartered in London, UK, and employs approximately 650 employees and 2,500 associates in over 20 offices internationally. Edif was founded as a Group in 2011, and has grown rapidly since inception both organically and through acquisitions. The Acquisition will be funded through an equity capital injection from RINA’s financial shareholders, VEI Capital (“VEI”) and NB Renaissance Partners (“NBRP”), alongside a new financing facility provided by BNL - BNP Paribas Italy, Unicredit Group, and Banca IMI. RINA’s shareholders, its financial partners and Sace (an Italian organisation specialised in supporting companies planning to go international) will continue to support and accelerate the growth undertaken by the Group in recent years. Completion of the Acquisition is subject to receipt of standard merger control clearances, with closing anticipated to occur during the second half of 2016.

Gothenburg-based I-Tech’s Selektope® antifouling agent has secured one of the prestigious European Marine Engineering Awards 2016, in recognition of the breakthrough marine coating ingredient’s Environmental Performance. The Environmental Performance Award, sponsored by DNV GL, celebrates the environmental benefits of a product, process or management approach as a result of implementation for the first time in 2015, or significantly improved or relaunched. The Award was presented by Robert Ashdown, Secretary General of the International Association of Classification Societies at the European Marine Engineering Conference gala dinner in Amsterdam. I-Tech Chief Executive Philip Chaabane said: “It is a great honour for the environmental performance of Selektope to be recognized by an Award that takes into account the independent panel of European Marine engineering judges and a public vote. This is a fantastic accolade, celebrating our ten-yearplus journey”.

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Ugo Salerno, Chairman and CEO of RINA, said: “This acquisition is strategic and fits very well with RINA due to Edif’s profile in the energy, transport, defence, industry and infrastructure markets. Edif is also structured in a very similar way to RINA with two well-known brands, the ERA engineering consultancy and the NDE inspection business. Due to the complementary nature of the business, integration will be straightforward, resulting in a wider geographical footprint and immediate business gains. With this deal RINA’s turnover reaches about €500 million with an EBITDA close to €65 million. This will enable us to possibly go public in the medium term”. Rob Dilworth, CEO of Edif, said: “I am proud to have co-founded and grown the Edif Group from a standing start over the last 5 years, alongside my colleagues in the Edif team and with the backing of Phoenix Equity Partners. Edif has grown to become a successful, international industrial TIC-CE business, and we believe there is a compelling strategic rationale for our combination with RINA. Our range of services and geographical footprint are both highly complementary to RINA’s existing operations, and we are very much looking forward to working together to drive the continued success of the enlarged group.” Tim Dunn, Partner at Phoenix Equity Partners, said “We are very proud of the strong partnership we have developed over several years with Rob and the rest of the Edif team. Edif has delivered on an ambitious plan to build an integrated, global business in the industrial TIC-CE sector. We believe there is strong strategic rationale for the combination of Edif with RINA, and that the combined entity is very well positioned for the future.” RINA was advised by Rothschild, Gattai Minoli Agostinelli & Partners, Mayer Brown, PwC, Boston Consulting Group and LS Advisory; Edif and Phoenix were advised by Baird, Travers Smith, EY and Credo Consulting. Management were advised by Cooley.


Philly Shipyard Delivers Third Next Generation Product Tanker to Crowley

KONGSBERG: Swimming robot for underwater inspection

CMA CGM, COSCO, Evergreen and OOCL to establish “OCEAN Alliance”

Philly Shipyard, Inc. (PSI), the sole operating subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA (Oslo: PHLY), delivered the Louisiana, the third of four next generation 50,000 dwt product tankers that it is building for Crowley Maritime Corporation (Crowley). The 600-foot tanker has a carrying capacity of 14.5 million gallons of crude oil or refined products. This delivery is the 23rd vessel built by PSI (formerly known as Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, Inc.). The next generation 50,000 dwt product tanker is based on a proven Hyundai Mipo Dockyards (HMD) design that also incorporates numerous fuel efficiency features, flexible cargo capability, and the latest regulatory requirements. The vessel has also received LNG Ready Level 1 approval from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).“We are proud to deliver another Philly-born tanker, the shipyard’s fifth tanker for Crowley and 23rd vessel in total,” remarked Philly Shipyard’s President and CEO Steinar Nerbovik. “On behalf of the men and women who built her, we are honored knowing that the Louisiana will be another safe and quality addition to Crowley’s fleet that will serve its mariners and our nation’s waterways for decades to follow.”

NTNU spin-off company Eelume collaborates with Kongsberg Maritime and Statoil to develop swimming robots for subsea inspection and light intervention. Kongsberg Maritime and Statoil have signed an agreement with Eelume, a NTNU spin-off company, to accelerate new technology that will significantly reduce costs related to subsea inspection, maintenance and repair operations. NTNU and Sintef have conducted research on snake robotics for more than 10 years. Eelume is now developing a disruptive solution for underwater inspection and maintenance in the form of a swimming robot. The idea is to let these robots do inspection and light intervention jobs on the seabed, reducing the use of large and expensive vessels. With its snake-like form, the slender and flexible body of the Eelume robot provides access to confined areas that are difficult to access with existing technology. Eelume robots will be permanently installed on the seabed and will perform planned and on-demand inspections and interventions. The solution can be installed on both existing and new fields where typical jobs include; visual inspection, cleaning, and adjusting valves and chokes.

CMA CGM, COSCO Container Lines, Evergreen Line and Orient Overseas Container Line signed a Memorandum of Understanding to form a new Alliance enabling each of them to offer competitive products and comprehensive service networks covering the Asia-Europe, Asia-Mediterranean, Asia-Red Sea, Asia-Middle East, Trans-Pacific, Asia-North America East Coast, and Trans-Atlantic trades. This is a milestone agreement among four of the world’s leading container shipping lines. Each line will offer best-in-class services to customers with fast transit times, competitive sailing frequencies, and the most extensive port coverage in the market. “This new partnership will allow each of its members to bring significantly improved services to its respective customers,” member carriers said in a statement. “Shippers will have an attractive selection of frequent departures and direct calls to meet their supply chain needs, including access to a vast network with the largest number of sailings and port rotations connecting markets in Asia, Europe and the United States.”

World premiere of new boat with diesel outboard engines at HSBO in Gothenburg Norsafe has released a brand new boat model, the Marathon 900 RIB. To compliment an already wide range of boat models for professional and military customers, the company’s first RIB was launched at High Speed Boat Operations in Gothenburg. Not only the boat that was new, but Norsafe’s Marathon 900 RIB was demonstrated with two newly developed Mercury outboard engines that can run on diesel fuel. Mercury OptiMax Diesel Outboard, which is developed for the US Armed Forces, is a 3.0 litre V6 engine that produces 175 propshaft horsepower. Bjarte Skaala, the designer of many of Norsafe’s boats, was present at the launch in Gothenburg and is very pleased with the 9 metre RIB’s functionality, seaworthiness as well as the positive response from the participants at HSBO. “The typical benefits of a RIB are a low centre of gravity, large carrying capacity in terms

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of weight and size, very good stability in the case of water filling the boat, and “soft” inside which reduces the risk of damage to the crew”, says Bjarte Skaala. “Norsafe’s Marathon 900 RIB concept is modular and flexible, and can be equipped with inboard diesel engines/water jet, stern drives and lifting point for installation in davits”, adds Mr. Skaala. The outboard engine from Mercury, which runs on diesel fuel, is comprised of 95% of the components of a 225hp gasoline engine, and is a low-compression engine that utilises an advanced fuel injection concept. To ensure the engine starts in cold environments and to secure a smooth idle, the engine is equipped with both glow plugs and spark plugs. “This concept is especially important

for the customers who do not have the opportunity to store gasoline on board a ship, such as naval vessels”, says Mr. Skaala. With the release of the Marathon 900 RIB, Norsafe strengthens its position as a complete supplier of patrol boats and rescue boats for the military and professional markets.

BMT SMART is the specialist Fleet and Vessel performance monitoring company within BMT Group, the leading name in global marine consultancy. Our SMARTFLEET management system allows you to check your fleet performance in an instant with Fleet view and focus on the vessels that really matter. • KPIs highlighting changes in vessel performance in 3 key areas: • Maintenance: Hull, Propeller and Engine condition • Operation: Trim, Speed profile and Routing • Weather conditions: Wind, Waves, Current, Swell, etc. • Combines weather and historic data to predict vessel performance (power, fuel consumption and RPM) • Flexible data collection input from automated to noon data • Marine approved hardware • Concise and future-proofed data collection for emissions reporting including EEOI, ECA, MRV

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“Gas Shipping - Shaping the future today” Lloyd’s Register (LR) held its first Gas Shipping Forum in Greece, ‘Gas shipping – shaping the future today’. The forum took place at the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation in Piraeus and combined presentations and panel discussions on technical and commercial aspects. The programme was focused on essential technologies and commercial opportunities in the LPG sector, a market where LR has the leading share of the orderbook both in Greece and worldwide. In the Technical session LPG containment systems, storage and handling technology were areas of focus, including very interesting presentations by high-level representatives of Wartsila, Babcock-LGE, M.E.S., GTT, TGE Marine and MAN. LR’s Jose Navarro addressed on how legislation is driving design and made special reference to the IGC Code. The technical session was followed by a very fruitful panel discussion where representatives of Shipping Companies and Shipyards contributed their views on technology and innovation. Knut Erik Heggem (Wartsila), Li Xiaoling (JiangNan), Antonios Georgantzis (CMM), George Paul Perantzakis (Naftomar) and Diamantis Andriotis (StealthGas) framed the techni-

cal panel. In the commercial session of the forum Dr. Jonathan Gaylor of Affinity Shipbrokers provided a thorough look at broader gas market opportunities. Furthermore, LR’s Leo Karistios provided an overview of the essential LPG technologies and presented the positioning of LR in the Gas Markets, whereas LR’s Panayiotis Mitrou addressed on Small Scale LNG as alternative fuel. The day ended with a Market Outlook panel discussion where Shipowners’ perspectives on the Gas markets were provided by Kostas Vlachos (CMM), Alexander Hadjipateras (Dorian LPG), Harry Vafias (StealthGas) and Nikolaos Ioannou (Benelux). LR’s Anthi Miliou commented, ‘our role is to help shipowners and technology providers make the best decisions based on the best technical independent insight. Bridging the technical and the commercial today, we shared a useful dialogue with engine makers, containment and gas handling technology providers, shipyards and owners.’

Caption: (l-r) Kostas Vlachos (CMM), Alex Hadjipateras (Dorian LPG), Harry Vafias (StealthGas), Jonathan Gaylor (Affinity), Nikolaos Ioanou (Benelux), Nick Brown (LR)

ABB’s Azipod for first MAN’s World’s First Chinese built icebreaker IMO- Certified TwoStroke Engine ABB’s Azipod propulsion system will power a Chinese polar science research icebreaker, the first vessel of its type to be built in China. The Polar Research Institute of China ship will be fitted with two Azipod VI units with combined power of 15 MWs. The order represents another milestone for ABB in the Chinese market and is recognition of Azipod propulsion’s history of reliability and efficiency on ice going vessels. With a built-in high-efficiency AC motor and fixed-pitch propeller mounted directly on the motor shaft, the Azipod has revolutionized the ice-going segment. While mechanical thrusters have complex transmission with gears and shafts, the Azipod has only electrical cables between the power source and the electric motor. The icebreaker will be able to operate stern or bow first thanks the Azipod thruster’s ability to turn 360 degrees.

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Hyundai’s Ship Building Division (HHI-SBD) has finalised a contract for 2 × Suezmax tankers for Turkish shipowner, Ditas Shipping. The 158,000-m3 crudeoil tankers will each be powered by individual MAN B&W 6G70ME-C9.5 twostroke main-engines that feature integrated Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) systems. While there are already IMO Tier III-compliant vessels with EGR systems in service, the Suezmax newbuildings will be the first vessels with keel-laying after 1 January, 2016 to be officially certified as complying with Tier III emission restrictions within existing North American NOx Emission Control Areas (NECAs) and the United States Caribbean Sea NECA.

nafs March 2014



Kaminco Presents: Galileo´s Virtual Pipeline™ improves quality of life in Bulgaria by Osvaldo del Campo, Galileo Technologies SA CEO, and Sotirios Kaminis, Kaminco Group, President & CEO

Mother station in Graf Ignatievo In the province of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, the Virtual Pipeline™ technology, created by GalileoTechnologies, allows gasification in 13 municipalities. Among the centers of economic activity favored by this technology, the main ski resort of the country and one of the major worldwide factories of winter sports items stand out. This initiative represents the greatest European project of gas distribution, aside from the conventional pipeline networks, since 2012. The initiative improves the quality of life of more than 80,000 inhabitants that currently satisfy their heating and fueling needs at a low cost and preserving the environment. Within the area of these communities, the laying of conventional pipelines was unfeasible due to the absence of large consumption centers that could allow the recovery of the investment. The Virtual Pipeline solves this problem in these scenarios, extending the reach of the gas source through the existing vial network.

Providing heating to homes and benefits to industry, transport, sports and tourism.

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With this vision, a mother station of Virtual Pipeline was installed in Graf Ignatievo. There, 3 CNG Microbox™ compressors, connected to the network that supplies this city, reduce the natural gas volume with a pressure of 250 bar [(3,625 pounds per square inch (psi)] and provide 150,000 normal cubic meters per day (Nm3//d) [48,100 gallons of gasoil equivalent per day (GGE/d)] of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Once converted into CNG, the fluid is sent from the compressors to the modular containers MAT™, where it is stored for future distribution. With regards to transportation, the MAT are transferred from the PAC™ support and load platforms to the special trailers VST™, by slowly sliding them through an anchorage mechanism, controlled by the truck’s driver. With a storage capacity of 1,500 Nm3 (481 GGE) of CNG per unit, the MAT containers can be distributed individually. This configuration allows each consumption center or daughter station to receive the number of MATs according to their daily gas demand, eliminating unnecessary and excessive costs of transportation, as it happens with the distribution systems based on tube-trailers. Once at each daughter station, the VST trailer easy-to-operate mechanisms slide the filled MATs over the unloading platforms PAD™. Simultaneously, the VST removes the empty MATs and the truck continuous its route towards the next daughter station. The system is capable of adapting to the demand of each daughter station through the connection between the MATs and the Pressure Regulating Stations PRP™ that supply natural gas at the output pressure and flow range required by final consumers. In the case of urban centers, daughter stations allow for the decompression of the fluid and transfer it to the underground pipeline network that distributes the gas to each community at pressure ranges between 25 and 0.5 micro-pascals (mPA). This way, residential consumers replaced the expensive bottled gas for a domestic consumption experience identical to that of the homes in large urban centers. Additionally, at the industrial and tourism centers of the region, the availability of natural gas in the form of CNG allows to replace the consumption of traditional fuels, such as: gasoil, diesel, fuel-oil and LPG, among others. The change reduces the pollutant emission rate and


generates savings in fuel cost. This is what happens in Chepelare, headquarters of Atomic, a company that employs 800 people and manufactures skis, boots, sticks and snowboards on their own brand and also for the most famous brands specialized in winter sports. The same situation occurs at the alpine ski resort of Pomporovo, with a pipeline distribution network of 22,000 lineal meters (13,670 miles) to cover the heating needs of hotels and stores. Or even in Pirdov, Aurubis seat, whose copper concentrates processing plant employs 820 people to produce copper anodes and cathodes and copper byproducts such as sulfuric acid and fayalite. The gasification process derived from the Virtual Pipeline application improved connectivity between cities: in Smolyan, the medium-distance transport company Rozhen Express replaced diesel for CNG, reducing the environmental impact of its autobuses fleet. Through the Virtual Pipeline, gas supply is permanent and continuous: when the CNG meter of the MATs is low, daughter stations automatically demand refill. At the same time, each circuit stage is monitored 24 hours per day through Galileo´s SCADA System to guarantee gas availability. This way, the Virtual Pipeline managed by CNG Maritza has 6 VST trailers that distribute 80 MATs daily, containing 120,000 Nm3 (38,500 GGE) of natural gas, over the 38 discharge PAD platforms, located in 18 daughter stations.

MAT-B: flexibility focused on the smaller consumers

This incentive also covers the needs of those consumption centers with a daily demand of natural gas inferior to 1,000 Nm3 (321 GGE). In order to serve these consumers, the Virtual Pipeline operates with a modality of gas distribution in bulk, based on the MAT-B containers. Equipped with recompression booster and dispenser, the MAT-B works as a mobile CNG station that supplies fixed storage modules, called Mini-MAT™. The Mini-MAT can be directly docked to the MAT-B and storage up to 1,000 Nm3 (321 GGE) of CNG at a pressure of 200 bars (2,900 psi), supplying gas at a pressure between 25 mPA and 0.5 mPA to a domestic network. This way, with a single equipment of minimum dimensions, the Mini-MAT brings the benefits of the discharge PAC column and the PRP from daughter stations designed for larger consumers. This modality covers the gas demand for heating in public schools in Graf Ignatievo, Stroevo, Manole and Banya.

Financing and Awards

tion level. This kind of configuration allows the system to increase its capacity in every module to meet the natural gas demand as it changes. The result is a reasonable balance between operative costs and investment, stimulating a virtuous circuit of economic expansion and wellbeing based on clean and low cost energy. With a long-term perspective based on these virtues, the construction of its mother station in Graf Ignatievo was accompanied with that of a plant for the manufacturing of MATs, to maximize gas transportation possibilities. Currently, this plant– which operates pursuant to Galileo Technologies’ license - has an annual production capacity of 120 MATs. At this stage, they sought to be ready to rapidly answer the growing gas demand resulting from the extension of the existing networks to other cities, such as the Karlovo network, which will soon reach the cities of Banya, Kalofer, Klissura, Karnare yVedrare, Koprivstica, Chavdar and Chelopech, among others. Towards the future, the goal is to have the capacity of transportation that is needed to attend other regions of Bulgaria or even other European countries interested in reproducing this successful experience.

The Virtual Pipeline was introduced in Bulgaria in 2006 for Karlovo city gasification. The project received the support of the Bulgarian government and rapidly extended to other cities with the financing of the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF), aimed at updating the energetic matrix of the region and managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In 2011, the introduction of the Virtual Pipeline and the satisfactory levels reached by the users determined that they should be awarded the golden medal of the Autumn International Fair that took place in Plovdiv.

Long Term Perspective

In the case of the Virtual Pipeline, modular equipment performs the conditioning of natural gas, the compression to obtain CNG, the transportation, and the pressure regulation at the consump-

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Kaminco Presents: Galileo Technologies supplies Compressed Biogas from urban sewage sludge in Norway Through the commissioning of two Nanobox® compressors at the service of Hias IKS, an intermunicipal water, sewage and sanitation company, Galileo Technologies is involved in one of the most ambitious Waste-To-Energy projects in Norway.

Both Nanobox units were installed at the Hias IKS waste recycling facility located in Hamar to produce Compressed Biogas (CBG) by utilizing the biogas originated in the sewage sludge during the wastewater treatment process. “The new fuel will be used for filling the tanks of natural gas vehicles (NGVs), widening the scope of environmental solutions provided by Hias IKS to service the almost 90 thousand residents in the municipalities of Hamar, Løten, Stange and Ringsaker,” said Kim Otto Lund Thunbo, Project Manager at Nærenergi, Galileo´s local distribution company, responsible for the project’s overall engineering. “In the first stage of the process, the biogas passes through an amin-scrubber system, which removes the carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) contents. Then, the clean biogas is sent to two rotary vane compressors, which compress it to 7-12 bar (101.5-174 psi). After this first compression stage, the biogas is dried, analyzed and sent to the Nanobox units for further compression to 250 bar (3625 psi),” Lund Thunbo explained. For this innovative application, the Nanobox compressors designed for this project included several customized features to enhance energy savings and reduce emissions through greater efficiency. “As biogas’ flow fluctuates between 65 and 165 normal cubic meters (Nm3/h) [232-589 gasoline gallon equivalents per hour (GGE/h)], both units work with a variable inlet pressure and are equipped with an inverter to provide a wide turn-down ratio. In addition, they have water/gas heat exchangers to recover the waste heat, which is in turn harnessed by a large cooling circuit connected to the heat pumps of the Hias IKS wastewater cleaning plant”, Lund Thunbo clarified. The profits obtained through filling NGVs will help Hias IKS to reduce the cost of treatment of wastewater from the municipalities which own the company. This is also beneficial for the ratepayers, who will then pay less for wastewater treatment. Due to the positive impact on ordinary people’s life, the development of competitive advantages and the boost in innovation, this endeavor is supported by the Norwegian government’s organization Innovation Norway (Innovation Norge) as a Public Research and

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Development Project. About Galileo Technologies Since 1987, Galileo Technologies has become a global reference in modular technologies for both CNG and LNG production and transportation. Their products portfolio includes the widest range of compressors and pumps for vehicles and vessels; pipeline boosters and wellhead compressors; and the Virtual Pipeline™ system, for gas shipment by road, thus reaching remote communities and industries without pipeline network connection. Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and with a Global Service and Training Hub in Los Angeles, USA, Galileo Technologies exports and provides ongoing assistance to customers in 70 countries in Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. About Kaminco KAMINCO is a Group of Companies with more than 50 years of powerful presence in the Greek and Cypriot Marine, Petrochemical and Energy Markets. KAMINCO GROUP based in Miami FL with offices in Greece, Cyprus and Korea, forms an important organization, dedicated in the research and application of new technologies. In co-operation with the most reputable world makers, it offers exclusively products, engineering services and consultancy in the areas of shipping, propulsion, shipbuilding, remote operations, automation, safety, decision support, even aviation and complex defense applications.

The profits obtained through filling NGVs will help Hias IKS to reduce the cost of treatment of wastewater from the municipalities which own the company. This is also beneficial for the ratepayers, who will then pay less for wastewater treatment.


DNV GL works with industry leaders to develop a new LPG carrier The LPGreen project partners from HHI, Wärtsilä, MAN Diesel & Turbo, CMM and DNV GL in Athens.

DNV GL has initiated a joint industry project for the design of a state-of-the-art next generation LPG carrier. LPGreen aims is to develop a more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and safer vessel for the transportation of LPG products, taking into account existing and future trading patterns and ensuring the overall competitiveness of the concept. The project will incorporate the latest advances in hull form optimisation, cargo handling systems, engine technology and fuelling options. The resulting concept design will be compliant with the new IGC Code. DNV GL has brought together experts from across the industry for this project, including Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Wärtsilä, MAN Diesel & Turbo and Consolidated Marine Management (CMM), each contributing their unique expertise and experience. “The project contains some of the industry’s technology leaders to bring innovation in practice,” says George Dimopoulos, Principal Specialist at DNV GL’s Maritime R&D and Advisory unit in Greece who acts as the classification society’s Project Manager for LPGreen. “Using our partner’s experience, technology expertise and coupling it with state-of-the-art tools such as hull form CFD optimisation and COSSMOS for integrated machinery systems, we are confident that we will develop a competitive, compliant and safer concept vessel, with significant advances in a range of its features,” he explains. The LPGreen project is planned to be completed by the end of this year.

Maersk Group engages in the development of sustainable ship recycling With more vessels to recycle in the future the current cost of sustainable ship recycling is not feasible. The Maersk Group is determined to use its leverage to create more responsible recycling options and is thus announcing a commitment to help selected ship recycling yards in Alang to upgrade facilities and practices to comply with the company’s standards. The market for ship recycling is dominated by practices unchanged for decades. Out of the total 768 ships recycled globally in 2015, 469 – representing 74% of the total gross tonnage scrapped - were sold to facilities on beaches in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh with challenges to workers and the environment. “The Maersk Group’s policy is to only recycle ships responsibly. There has, however, been no change in practices in this area and today, responsible recycling is only feasible in a limited number of yards in China and Turkey,” says the Head of Sustainability in Maersk Group, Annette Stube. Currently, the estimated extra cost for Maersk Group of responsible recycling at existing yards is USD 1-2m for each vessel.

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Project Forward develops dry bulk carrier of the future Project Forward, a joint development project to equip the dry bulk carriers of the future with LNG propulsion, has selected Wärtsilä to join the project with its 31DF dual-fuel engine. The project is led by Athens-based bulk carrier owner Arista Shipping, and other participants are Deltamarin, ABS and GTT. The aim of Project Forward is to develop a commercially feasible LNG-powered dry bulk carrier design capable of complying with the International Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency Design Index 2025 standards, NOx Tier III and Marpol Annex VI SOx emission levels. The concept design will be based on the highly-optimised Deltamarin B. Delta design suitable for ships between 82,000 and 210,000dwt. It will employ GTT’s membrane-type LNG tanks for fuel containment. ABS will conduct concept and detail design approvals according to its rules for bulk carriers and gas-powered ships. Allowing the use of either LNG or conventional marine fuel oils, the Wärtsilä 31DF dual-fuel engine is likely to form the basis of the concept’s propulsion system. In gas-mode the engine is IMO Tier III compliant without the need for any exhaust cleaning systems. “We are excited to have Wärtsilä join this pioneering project with its experience in developing gas and dual-fuel engine technologies,” says Konstantinos Fakiolas, Deltamarin Sales Director, Ship Design.


Esben Poulsson(ICS Chairman): EU must align shipping CO2 rules with international community

The member national shipowners’ associations of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) have agreed to commence a co-ordinated campaign aimed at European Union (EU) institutions, including Member States, Parliament and the European Commission. The goal is to persuade the EU of the vital necessity of aligning its unilateral regulation on the monitoring of shipping’s CO2 emissions with the mandatory worldwide CO2 reporting regime that has been agreed by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO). In addition to working closely with the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), ICS says it intends to enlist the support of non-EU governments including the United States, China and other Asian nations. “Shipping is a global industry requiring global rules, in order to have a truly level playing field – otherwise we have chaos. ICS members greatly welcome the IMO CO2 reporting regime that was unanimously agreed by all IMO Member States in April, as a precursor to further measures that will hopefully deliver a serious contribution from shipping towards reducing the world’s CO2 emissions.” Mr Poulsson continued: “While ICS fully supports the mandatory IMO data collection mechanism, many non-EU governments initially had some reservations which were only overcome by the industry arguing that the alternative to IMO making progress would be a unilateral regional regime being imposed by the EU. The EU needs to live up to its side of the bargain and align its regime with the IMO system that’s now been agreed by the entire international community.” The EU Regulation on the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of ships’ CO2 emissions was adopted in 2015 and will be fully implemented in three years’ time. But all ships trading to Europe, in-

cluding non-EU flag ships, will be legally required to comply with some of its provisions by as early as 2017. Significantly, however, the EU Regulation contains a provision to the effect that the European Commission can propose adjustments to ensure alignment with any similar regime adopted by IMO. Mr Poulsson added: “It is vital that the Commission now commits to the task of modifying its regime to make it compatible with the global system which is about to be adopted by IMO. Quite frankly, the regional verification mechanism being developed by the EU will not be compatible with the way in which the IMO regime will be enforced by maritime flag states. It’s therefore going to be completely unfit for purpose. We also suspect that many non-EU shipping nations will be strongly opposed to their ships being required to submit commercially sensitive information for publication by the Commission, at variance to what has been agreed at IMO.” Mr Poulsson stressed: “The key thing that really concerns the shipping industry is that if the EU refuses to realign its regime with IMO, as its own Regulation permits it to do, this will be perceived by other governments as a sign of bad faith, which could then potentially inhibit the consideration of any additional CO2 reduction measures by IMO.” ICS says it is deeply committed to supporting the development of further CO2 reduction measures by IMO, on top of the mandatory IMO CO2 reduction regulations which have been in force worldwide since 2013. Immediately after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, in December last year, ICS proposed that IMO should develop an ‘Intended IMO Determined Contribution’ to reduce CO2 – a suggestion that will be discussed further by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee in October 2016.

DNV GL helps industry get ahead in offshore leak detection

Eco Marine Power: Production of First EnergySail Begins

Major oil spills can destroy lives, damage the environment and reduce public tolerance of hydrocarbon leaks even further. The difference between a major environmental incident and a less damaging oil spill can rest on how quickly a hydrocarbon leak is detected. DNV GL has now launched the first globally applicable guidance for leak detection systems for offshore fields. The challenge for oil and gas operators is to have a leak detection system that is reliable and capable of detecting leaks within an acceptable level of certainty and which meets regulatory requirements. Hydrocarbon leak detection systems are required on both the Norwegian and UK Continental Shelves, and authorities around the world are increasingly demanding systems be installed for new field developments. The Recommended Practice (DNVGL-RP-F302) is based on the findings of a DNV GL led joint industry project (JIP) completed in 2015 with 19 companies, including Eni, Lundin, Petrobras and FMC technologies, and industry regulators as observers. It covers all the lifecycle phases of a field development for successful planning, design, integration and operation of leak detection technology in offshore hydrocarbon productions. A thorough process has been defined where the key stages are functional requirements, design requirements, technology selection, detailed design, function testing and operation.

In another important step towards bringing its rigid sail technology onto ships Eco Marine Power (EMP) is pleased to announce that work has commenced on the production of an EnergySail in Onomichi, Japan. This first ever factory produced EnergySail is being manufactured by EMP’s strategic partner - Teramoto Iron Works. The EnergySail® (patent pending) is an automated rigid sail device that enables ships to utilize the power of the wind to reduce fuel consumption and lower vessel emissions. It can also be fitted with flexible marine-grade solar panels or other devices and used to charge batteries or the electrical power can be fed into EMP’s Aquarius MAS + Solar solution. Longer term the EnergySail will be a critical element of EMP’s patented Aquarius MRE system. Aquarius MRE® is an advanced integrated system of rigid sails, solar panels, energy storage modules, sensors and marine computers that will enable ships to tap into renewable energy by harnessing the power provided by the wind and sun. The solar power component of Aquarius MRE has already been released for commercial use. EMP’s EnergySail technology is scalable and can be applied to vessels ranging from coastal freighters to large passenger ferries and cruise ships.

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PPG working with industry partners to develop innovative eco-friendly ship hull film system film on large commercial vessels in an automated way. Furthermore, the surface morphology of the film will be optimized to enhance drag reduction, fuel savings and emissions reduction benefits to a level previously unattainable. After extensive laboratory testing, including flow channel drag reduction experiments conducted in a state of the art flow channel at HSVA, several small scale in practice applications have been successfully conducted and PPG is now looking for full scale testing and validation in operational conditions before market entry with the support of ND Coatings/Meyer Werft.

PPG Product Manager Christophe Cheikh PPG’s (NYSE: PPG) protective and marine business has received EU Funding for an exciting new project which aims to produce an innovative fouling protection system for commercial vessels. A project development group including PPG, MACtac, Meyer Werft/ ND Coatings, VertiDrive and Hamburg Ship Model Basin HSVA are currently working together to establish an automatic application process for allowing an innovative self-adhesive/fouling release film to be used on commercial sea-going vessels. This process will allow shipowners and operators to enjoy the superior fouling release properties and drag reduction capabilities of the PPG SIGMAGLIDE® self-adhesive film. PPG Product Manager Christophe Cheikh says: “The eSHaRk (eco-friendly Ship Hull film system with fouling Release and fuel saving properties) project aims to bring to the market a fouling protection technology which not only maintains the current state-of-theart fouling protection standards but is superior to existing paint-based solutions in terms of eco friendliness, easiness of application, robustness and drag reduction effects, all of which will lead to fuel savings and the reduction of GHG emissions.” The system incorporates a fine-tuned fouling release system, based on PPG’s premium 100 percent silicone binder technology, and a self-adhesive film specially designed by MACtac for underwater use. As part of the eSHaRk project, new, robotized application technology is being developed by VertiDrive which will be used to apply the

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The number of trial applications is continuously growing and the advantages of the system are being clearly demonstrated. To date, the film system is offering clear advantages at newbuild stage. These advantages can be grouped under two categories: • Productivity improvement with an easier and faster application of the fouling release system without the traditional constraint of overcoating intervals; • Minimum impact on Environment, Health and Safety requirements, waste reduction, no VOC emission, minimizing the need for safety equipment at time of application. Going forward, both the number of trials, as well as the size of trial vessels will be increased in order to validate the system thoroughly prior to full scale commercial launch. This validation phase will confirm the benefits for the ship operator in terms of fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction. Cheikh continues: “Fouling is a constant challenge for the shipping industry. A number of fouling protection technologies currently exist, the most widely used being spray-on anti-fouling and fouling release coatings. However, these solutions face a number of challenges concerning their environmental impact, the efficiency of their application on ship hulls, and their effectiveness in protecting vessels against fouling.” “The new eSHaRk technology applies state of the art PPG silicone fouling release technology specially tailored for fully controlled industrial application onto a self-adhesive film specially designed for underwater exposure. This enables PPG and partners to deliver an environmentally friendly and easy to apply fouling release solution that exceeds the performance of fouling release technology currently available on the market.” “The eSHaRk solution is expected to have superior drag reduction properties compared with existing anti-fouling and fouling release technologies (up to 10% drag reduction as compared to currently available maximum 5%). This new film-based technology thus has the potential to set a new standard in the market for fouling protection products.” The PPG SIGMAGLIDE fouling release film solution under development within the eSHaRk project has a targeted launch date of 2018.


First Cat® Marine Hybrid Thruster delivers more power using less fuel Caterpillar Marine is pleased to announce that engineering specialists at its new Marine Solutions Center are this month overseeing delivery of the first Cat® Marine Hybrid Thruster system. The first system is being delivered to an undisclosed ship yard in Singapore and will be commissioned mid this year. The new propulsion setup outperforms diesel mechanical systems in all partial load conditions, and offers improved fuel economy and substantial through-life savings for a variety of offshore support vessels (OSV). For vessels spending a high amount of time in standby or DP service, the annual fuel savings can be as high as 35% - calculated across the entire operating profile of the vessel. The performance achievements are the result of Caterpillar’s holistic approach to optimizing vessel operations and reduced total cost of ownership for owners. Typically, the Cat Marine Hybrid Thruster system could be used to downsize a vessel’s main engine so that engine load is optimized, while also allowing the vessel to switch to diesel

electric mode for low DP operations or in standby. For example, a standard 7000 hp standby support vessel featuring conventional powering would require 2x MaK™ 8 M25 C main engines at 2666kW @ 750rpm and a pair of cat C18 gensets. With the new Cat hybrid thruster system the same vessel could instead use smaller 6 M 25 C main engines at 2000kW @ 750, and two booster motors mounted on the back of the Cat MTA 730 CP azimuth thrusters powered by twin Cat C32 generator sets. The booster motors and drives are controlled directly from the Caterpillar MPC 800A control system which also performs all mode selections, interfaces with the vessel’s PMS and provides a single point interface for the operator.

«Αυτό το καλοκαίρι, ας αφήσουμε στην άμμο μόνο το ίχνος μας» Κάθε καλοκαίρι τα τελευταία 34 χρόνια, ο Γλάρος της HELMEPA με τα ξεχωριστά του μηνύματα υπενθυμίζει σε όλους την ανάγκη να διατηρούμε καθαρές τις θάλασσες και τις ακτές μας. Ωστόσο, τα στοιχεία από τους ετήσιους εθελοντικούς καθαρισμούς που συντονίζει η HELMEPA με παιδιά και ενήλικες, Μέλη και συνεργαζόμενους φορείς σε όλη την Ελλάδα, επιβεβαιώνουν τη σταθερή παρουσία πλαστικών κυρίως απορριμμάτων στις παραλίες μας. Το σύνθημα της νέας καλοκαιρινής αφίσας του Γλάρου είναι εμπνευσμένο από τα μηνύματα φίλων της σελίδας της HELMEPA στο Facebook και είναι: «Αυτό το καλοκαίρι, ας αφήσουμε στην άμμο μόνο το ίχνος μας». Προβάλλεται σιγά-σιγά σε όλη την Ελλάδα, όπου 7.500 παιδιά-μέλη της Παιδικής HELMEPA και οι μεγαλύτεροι σε ηλικία «Ναυτίλοι» αναρτούν την αφίσα σε γειτονιές, σχολεία και παραλίες των περιοχών τους. Λιμεναρχεία, ΟΤΑ, Σύλλογοι, Ναυτικοί Όμιλοι και Ναυτικά Μουσεία παίρνουν μέρος στη διανομή της αφίσας την ίδια ώρα που πλοία και χιλιάδες Έλληνες ναυτικοί μέλη της HELMEPA «ταξιδεύουν» το μήνυμα σε θάλασσες και λιμάνια του κόσμου. Ας καταπολεμήσουμε αυτό το καλοκαίρι άγνοια και αδιαφορία γύρω μας, δείχνοντας το σεβασμό μας στη χώρα μας προστατεύοντας το θαλάσσιο και παράκτιο περιβάλλον.

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Lars Fischer: Port agents take up with technology Lars Fischer, Managing Director of Softship Data Processing Ltd, Singapore, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Softship AG, the leading provider of software solutions to the international liner shipping sector. systems of yesteryear and settle directly on a slim, cutting-edge alternative that marries intelligent software with cloud-based technology. Some large port agency networks have developed bespoke software and communications solutions to manage all this information, but the vast majority of agents – and there are some 10,000 companies across the world - are just too small to make this investment. Maritime software expert, Softship, has made its name by supplying liner operators and agents with packaged software solutions that manage and streamline their administrative and back-office processes. Adopted by more than 120 companies, their software delivers a more effective and cheaper alternative to the bespoke solutions many large carriers are supporting. Transferring this experience into the port agent sector is a logical step, hence Softship’s new creation, SAPAS - Softship Advanced Port Agency Solution.

Lars Fischer, Managing Director of Softship Data Processing Ltd PPG’s (NYSE: PPG) protective and marine business has received EU Funding for an exciting new project which aims to produce an innovative fouling protection system for commercial vessels. One particular sector of our industry that is not well served by technology are the port agents. This unsung global army provides the critical link between the vessel, shipowner, charterer and port to deliver the vital services that enable a ship to operate effectively when alongside. The port agent is in a peculiar position and is often used as “Mr fix-it”. They’re called upon to book the berth, arrange cargo operations, facilitate crew changes, ensure victuals are loaded plus a whole host of other activities that a modern ship needs in port. Consequently, they are required to maintain relationships with a great many service providers and gather, store, collate and regurgitate various types of information. At the same time, they need to track progress for the many ships they are currently looking after, account for all expenditure and remember to collect funds from clients. Although spreadsheets and emails are commonplace, so are handwritten workbooks and post-it notes. This is becoming unsustainable, particularly as agents are often on the move between their office, the port and the vessel. Intelligent software solutions linked to the cloud and coupled with mobile technology platforms have yet to make an entrance, but it seems that change is on the way. Today’s technology means that a solution developed specifically for port agents can take a leap away from the cumbersome heavy-weight

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SAPAS has been cleverly designed to store and then look-up all relevant information required by the agent. This does away with the paper and spreadsheets and, importantly, eliminates the re-keying and constant transferring of information from one medium to another. Its central database is flexible and can be customised to suit individual working practices. For example, port tariffs can be hugely complex and based on a range of factors such as vessel GRT, NRT, LOA, port stay days or some other measure. It is important to capture all this data and reuse it accurately. Agents are continually being asked to quote for the likely cost for a ship’s port call. This is a time-consuming process that doesn’t always translate into a fee. SAPAS will take data already inputted to calculate an accurate quote – or offer – and present it in a bespoke report format that can be quickly emailed to the potential customer. If accepted, the data used in the offer is then translated into a working port call. SAPAS captures all the activities and associated costs to create a Statement of Facts and eventually a Disbursement Account. It creates tailored task lists and monitors progress to ensure the agent’s performance is on track for each vessel they are currently working. And all this data is stored, protected and backed-up in the cloud which enables SAPAS to be accessed from PCs, tablets and smartphones- in the office or on the move. Remote data storage is sometimes thought of as a risk, but we need to remember that cyber risk is similar to any other business risk which must be understood and mitigated. Storing data externally in a professional environment involves state-of-the-art hosting farms with robust back-up systems and high level defence mechanisms monitored around the clock - this is not easy for a shipping company to replicate. Migrating a port agent’s office to the cloud and marrying this with a range of clever, web-enabled solutions on a single platform will simplify and streamline their daily lives and enable them to deliver a more accurate and professional service to their customer. It’s time for our port agency sector to take-up with technology.


Oceanking: 1st BWTS retrofit- Alfa Laval ting for a Greek ship-owner PureBallast near completion of required USCG testing procedures OCEANKING proudly announces that its Principal NK Co Korea, leaders in the BWTS, have been awarded a contract by Kyklades Maritime Corporation for the retrofitting of 4 x115K dwt. Crude Oil Tanker, with the NK-O3 Blue Ballast System. All four vessels, “Nissos Serifos”, “Nissos Anafi”, “Nissos Santorini”, “Nissos Paros”, which have been built at SHI, are classified by ABS and will be retrofitted within 2017. It should be underlined that this is the 1st BWTS retrofitting for a Greek ship-owner. Furthermore, OCEANKING was successfully involved in the contract between the German Shipping Company ERNST JAKOB and NK for the 1st European retrofitting of 2x76K dwt Product Crude Oil Tankers, with the NK-O3 BWTS. Two more sister vessels will follow in 2017. Mr. C. Hassiotis OCEANKING CEO commented: “ OCEANKING is proud to be involved again in yet two more “firsts” for our Principals, related to new technologies, this time for the retrofit of BWTS for a Greek and a German ship-owner. This is another proof of the continuous trust shown by Owners for the advantages of the NK-O3 BWTS, which so far is a leader in the Greek Shipping community, having received 140 orders for New Buildings” .

Ecochlor completes all land-based and shipboard testing for USCG Type Approval Ecochlor, Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of all land-based and shipboard testing at the Golden Bear Facility (GBF) in preparation for submission of the application for USCG Type Approval. The system was verified in all three salinities, 5 test cycles each, for a total of 15 consecutive and successful cycles to meet the USCG requirements. Marcie Merksamer, Vice President of EnviroManagement, Inc. adds, “For all system manufacturers, getting through the USCG Type Approval process is a long journey, with challenges and successes along the way. I’m pleased to have the opportunity to act as Ecochlor’s liaison with DNV GL, GBF and the USCG, and congratulate them on successful completion of their biological efficacy testing. Ecochlor is currently finalizing environmental testing at Retlif Laboratory. During this testing, components of the system are exposed to environmental conditions such as temperature extremes and vibration to confirm that it can withstand a shipboard environment. Once these tests are complete and data has been reported and summarized DNV GL, as the USCG-approved Independent Laboratory, will review the test data and submit a report of their findings for compliance with the Final Rule to the USCG. Ecochlor will then submit an official application to the USCG within the next few months”. Tom Perlich, President and Founder of Ecochlor, commented, “The Ecochlor team’s experience with GBF has been very positive and DNV GL has been very thorough in their role as the Independent Lab overseeing the testing. USCG Type Approval test results for the Ecochlor® BWTS have been consistent with the IMO Type Approval results which have exceeded the biological discharge standards.”

USCG - Practicability Review of the Ballast Water Discharge Standard The USCG recently published its Practicability Review of the Ballast Water Discharge Standard (BWDS) on their website (www.Homeport.USCG.MIL). The Review determined that, at this time, technology to achieve a significant improvement in ballast water treatment efficacy onboard vessels (the Phase-one Standard) cannot be practicably implemented. The USCG indicated that they are not aware of any credible sources of data related to the evaluation of BWM Systems which apply equivalent standards of quality assurance and quality control as that required by the Coast Guard’s current regulations. In the conclusion of the review, the USCG indicated that when credible data are available (i.e., from Independent Laboratory type approval testing and confirmation of reliable onboard operation of BWM Systems), the Coast Guard will re-evaluate the feasibility of implementing a BWDS more stringent than the Phase-one Standard.

Alfa Laval continues to move swiftly towards the submission of a US Coast Guard (USCG) type approval application for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1. The company has performed half of the required land-based tests and is set to conclude the remainder of these within Q2. Alfa Laval remains on track to submit its application for USCG type approval after requisite tests of PureBallast are finished in Q2 of 2016. Half of the required land-based procedures have now been completed using the USCG-approved CMFDA/FDA (staining) method. The tests, which have been performed at DHI in Denmark, have all returned strong biological disinfection results. “Alfa Laval has a robust biological disinfection technology and has mobilized quickly following the USCG’s rejection of most probable number method,” says Stephen Westerling Greer, Global Business Manager for PureBallast. “As a dedicated supplier approaching 100 years of marine service, we have made USCG type approval a top priority.”

NK O3 is saving Sea Turtles The Korean leading company NK CO., Ltd., being a global leader manufacturing Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) for ships, and fire- fighting equipment, has entered in to a new environmental sponsorship agreement with MEDASSET (Mediterranean Association to save the sea turtles), as part of NK’s philosophy to preserve the environment and especially the sea. On the other hand, MEDASSET mission is to protect sea turtles and their habitats throughout the Mediterranean basin. The Piraeus based company, OCEANKING S.A., who represent NK in Greece and Cyprus, has played a pivotal role in bringing about the sponsorship between MEDASSET and NK.

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SMM 2016: Green power ahead Increasing efficiency, saving resources – this year’s gmec, global maritime environmental congress, puts the focus on alternative propulsion systems, digital transport control and refined measurement electronics. gmec, the environmental conference at SMM, brings together leading experts on 6 September to discuss how to improve efficiency in shipping while cutting emissions.

Picture SMM 2016 advance press conference: (from left) Michel van Roozendaal, President MacGregor, Bernd Aufderheide, CEO Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General BIMCO, Martin Stopford, Non-Executive President Clarkson Research, Lee Adamson, Head of Public Information Services IMO. The pressure on the industry is tremendous. On the one hand, the tough situation in the market forces shipping companies to keep the prices for their services at competitive levels, which mainly means they have to increase efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. On the other hand, ever stricter international standards require investments in environmental technologies. And customers also expect the companies to demonstrate sustainable management – that is why Green Propulsion is a major focus at SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair, to be held in Hamburg from 6 to 9 September 2016. The importance of this subject is also evident from the presence of leading international experts who have accepted the invitation to speak at the global maritime environmental congress (gmec). On 6 September 2016 they will address three key issues – Harmful Air Emissions, Big Data, and Alternative Energy. Speakers include Arsenio A. Dominguez from IMO, Dr Martin Stopford from Clarksons Research, Tom Boardley from Lloyd’s Register, and Oskar Levander from Rolls Royce Marine.

Must cut emissions

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the global driver in maritime environmental protection. The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) is right up front in this effort, so we are very pleased to welcome its Chairman Arsenio A. Dominguez as a keynote speaker at gmec. The way to significant reductions in emissions to the atmosphere will be addressed by David Dingle, CEO of Carnival UK, drawing on practical experience – his company has allocated more than 400 million dollars to equip more than 70 cruise ships with emission control systems and flue gas cleaning equipment that combines scrubbers for sulphur cleaning with diesel particulate filters. The classification companies are a key partner for shipping companies in technical implementation of environment protection mea-

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sures. Their experts know what really works. Tom Boardley, Executive Vice President of Lloyd’s Register, will explain at gmec where he sees opportunities for further technical improvements to achieve sustainable emission reductions.

The future belongs to Smart Shipping

Martin Stopford sees “Big Data” as the key topic for the future of the industry. As longstanding head of Clarksons Research, a maritime research and consulting company, he believes that shipping is moving into a process of fundamental change. Smart Shipping calls for investments in tools such as sensor-controlled information, satellite communication, data storage, user-friendly apps, IT systems and automation – keeping up with the technology will be essential in the market. Inmarsat Maritime has the necessary equipment in its portfolio – key innovations will be presented by its President Ronald Spithout. Propulsion solutions will be presented by Oskar Levander, Vice-President of engine manufacturer Rolls Royce Marine.

Alternative propulsion systems – is LNG the answer?

China recently announced its intention to create emission control areas around its coasts. Limits for sulphur emissions are to be applied from 2018 onwards, on the same basis as the existing SECAs (Sulphur Emission Control Areas) in the North Sea and the Baltic and off the North American coasts. Background: seven of the world’s top ten container terminals are located in China. Dual-fuel engines will be essential, but the industry has long been working on alternatives to conventional fuel. The clear favourite is liquefied natural gas (LNG). Classification company DNV GL is one of the front runners in development of this technology. Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO Maritime of DNV GL, knows the technical challenges and describes how to accelerate build-up of the necessary infrastructure.


SMM 2016: Exclusive Insights from Renowned International Experts The Countdown is on: From 06 to 09 September 2016, SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair, will take place at the Hamburg fair complex. The event is drawing huge interest: More than 2,100 exhibitors have registered, and over 50,000 industry visitors from roughly 100 nations are expected to attend. Similar to the record year 2014, the fair is fully booked months in advance. With the new Hall A5 for “Green Propulsion” and the focus on digitalisation, this year’s SMM will be a beacon event for the industry. The SMM advance press conference in Hamburg on 2 June 2016 gave a foretaste of this major international fair for the maritime industry. Numerous industry journalists from around the world were present as several highly distinguished speakers gave some fascinating insights into current industry trends and revealed some details on this year’s fair programme. “We can definitely see today that once again SMM will demonstrate in impressive ways what it means to be the leading international maritime trade fair,” said Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress, in his welcoming address. “SMM lends fresh impetus to the industry and delivers clear answers to address its current challenges and developments,” Aufderheide continued.

Digitalisation is the leitmotiv

The theme for this trade fair is Digitalisation. It is the central thread running through all days of the fair. “Green Propulsion” will be another focal topic. The new Hall A5 has been set up to provide 3,500 square metres of additional exhibition area exclusively for highlighting innovative ship propulsion technologies. In his keynote address, Martin Stopford, Non-Executive President of Clarksons Research Services, reviewed market developments and trends in the maritime industry. Shipping companies face low freight and charter rates, increased cost pressures and tightening environmental restrictions. In 2016 the shipyards have experienced the lowest newbuilding orders since the 1980s, he pointed out. Despite a 20 percent capacity reduction and closure of over 500 shipyards, ordering levels for new ships are well below world capacity, so shipyards and equipment manufacturers face a challenging year. According to Stopford, one strategy to cope with these difficulties is Smart Shipping. The rapidly evolving information and communications technology (ICT) has enormous potential to improve fleet operations and transport productivity. It will play a crucial part in the survival strategy for shipping, said Stopford. On the other hand, sophisticated on-board computer technology also raises the risk of cyber disruption, data theft and industrial espionage. Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General of BIMCO, explained during the advance press conference what risks shipowners should expect and how they should defend themselves effectively against cyber-attacks. At the beginning of the year the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), joining hands with other international shipping associations such as the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), published its first cyber security guidelines. “These provide guidance in selecting and applying the necessary procedural and technical means and methods to guard against cyber-attacks and limit the potential damage, should the defences be breached” said Pedersen. With its global standards for safety, security, environment protec-

tion and efficiency, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has, for decades, been providing the regulatory framework that has enabled shipping to operate internationally. In his keynote, IMO spokesperson Lee Adamson referred to the necessity of international regulations that apply equally to all ships, and which do not permit advantage to be gained either by cutting corners or by imposing unilateral requirements. Michel van Roozendaal, President of MacGregor, a subsidiary of the Finnish supplier Cargotec, offered quite a different perspective. The MacGregor range of products comprises hatch covers, cranes, equipment for RoRo ships and ports, systems for securing cargo, bulk cargo handling equipment for ships and terminals as well as offshore and maritime logistics solutions. Van Roozendaal gave an assessment of the current situation of the shipping industry from the perspective of an internationally-operating company. Whilst pointing out the need for being competitive and agile in an increasingly competitive and very much globalized marketplace, he expressly praised the German industry for its vigorous innovation and custom-tailored solutions. By putting the focus on digitalisation, he said, SMM underscores its technology leadership once again.

A perfect appetizer for the fair

“The presence of such a distinguished panel of experts today highlights the particular importance of SMM for the industry,” said Hamburg Messe CEO Aufderheide. “This fair generates ideas and fresh impetus for the maritime industry, and it is a perfect platform for networking, inspiring each other and negotiating down-to-earth business deals. It sends a positive, encouraging signal to the maritime community,” he added. “It has been made clear today that the shipping industry must aim high today to be successful tomorrow. This industry has always had its strongest moments when everybody joined forces and embraced innovation. This spirit will be clearly felt at SMM 2016,” Aufderheide emphasised.

Innovative conferences

SMM 2016 will open its doors in just three months: As in previous years, the innovation fair will be accompanied by an attractive supporting programme. Digitalisation will be the underlying theme of all the special events. On 5 September, one day ahead of the opening of SMM, the newly-created conference Maritime Future Summit will see software experts and CEOs of leading manufacturers of ship propulsion systems discussing the consequences of Smart Shipping and Big Data for the shipping industry ofthe future. At gmec – global maritime environmental congress on 6 September the focus will be on Green Shipping and efficiency. MS&D, the international conference on maritime security and defence on 7 September, will revolve around maritime defence and security. In the Offshore Dialogue on 8 September, reputable subject matter experts will discuss the role of the human factor for the protection of safety, health and the environment. On 9 September the Maritime Career Market will top off the programme as a standalone event, offering an ideal job exchange platform and a showcase of maritime education and training options. The new conference booklet is available: conference-brochure.

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Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία το Συνέδριο Ναυτιλίας “4th Maritime Trends Conference” ξηρού φορτίου, αναδεικνύοντας τα λάθη που εμπεριέχει η τακτική των πλοιοκτητών για υπερβολικές παραγγελίες και τις αρνητικές συνέπειες αυτής της τακτικής για τον κλάδο. Στο δεύτερο πάνελ, οι σύνεδροι είχαν την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθούν από τον κ. Bengt Schager, HMON- Maritime Psychologist and part owner, Marine Profile AB σχετικά με το κρείσσονος σημασίας ζήτημα της ψυχολογίας των πληρωμάτων, κατόπιν παραμονής τους εν πλω για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, καθώς και σχετικά με τον βέλτιστο χειρισμό τους, ώστε να απομειώνεται η πιθανότητα ανθρώπινων λαθών, που σχετίζονται με την κακή ψυχολογία.

Ο κ. Κ. Οικονόμου, CEO της Marine Tours Με εξαιρετική επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκαν οι εργασίες του Συνεδρίου “4th Maritime Trends Conference”, το οποίο διοργανώθηκε στις 14 Μαΐου 2016, από τον κορυφαίο ταξιδιωτικό οργανισμό Marine Tours, με την ακαδημαϊκή υποστήριξη του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς. Φέτος το Συνέδριο, όπως προκύπτει και από τον τίτλο του “Trends in Crew Management”, είχε ως στόχο του την επιμόρφωση των στελεχών του κλάδου, αναφορικά με τις ιδιαίτερες προκλήσεις, που επιφυλάσσει το δυναμικό περιβάλλον της Ναυτιλιακής Βιομηχανίας, καθώς και τις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στη διαχείριση του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού. Τον θεσμό τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους περισσότερα από 245 στελέχη από 110 ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες, καθώς και πλήθος διακεκριμένων εκπροσώπων της ευρύτερης ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας. Ο διεπιστημονικός χαρακτήρας του Συνεδρίου, καθώς και οι ενδιαφέρουσες εισηγήσεις των προσκεκλημένων ομιλητών οδήγησαν σε εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέροντα συμπεράσματα, αλλά και σε γόνιμους προβληματισμούς για το παρόν και το μέλλον της ναυτιλίας. Στα πλαίσια του πρώτου πάνελ του Συνεδρίου, ο κ. George Xiradakis, Founder-Managing Director, XRTC Business Consultants, επεσήμανε τη σημασία της διαχείρισης πληρωμάτων στη βιώσιμη λειτουργία, όχι μόνο της ναυτιλιακής επιχείρησης, αλλά και του ευρύτερου ναυτιλιακού κλάδου. Στην παρουσίασή του έκανε αναφορά στην πρωτεύουσα θέση της Ελλάδας στον παγκόσμιο χάρτη της Ναυτιλίας, κατέχοντας το 29% της αντίστοιχης αγοράς, ενώ, παράλληλα, εστίασε στο μείζον ζήτημα της τραπεζικής χρηματοδότησης, από την οποία χρηματοδοτείται το 92% των επενδύσεων στον κλάδο. Στον πυρήνα της ομιλίας του κ.Theodore Chouliaras, President of the Shipping Finance Consultants UPMARITIME LONDON Ltd., βρέθηκε η επίδραση των γεωπολιτικών εξελίξεων στο χώρο της Ναυτιλίας και ειδικά αυτών που αφορούν στο πετρέλαιο, αναδεικνύοντας τα οφέλη που συνεπάγονται για τη Ναυτιλία οι χαμηλές τιμές αυτού. Ο πρώτος κύκλος ομιλιών ολοκληρώθηκε με την ομιλία του κ. Jakub Walenkiewicz, Principal Market Analyst, DNV GL, στην οποία αναπτύχθηκε εκτενώς το ζήτημα των σύγχρονων ναυτιλιακών κύκλων και αναδείχθηκαν οι διαφορές του τρόπου εξέλιξής τους και των μορφών τους, σε σχέση με το παρελθόν. Στα πλαίσια της ομιλίας του, ο κ. Walenkiewicz αναφέρθηκε και στην αγορά του

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Στη συνέχεια, ο κ. Michael Spanos, Managing Director, Global Sustain αναφέρθηκε στην αειφόρο περιβαλλοντική ανάπτυξη, όπως αυτή καθορίζεται από τις Οδηγίες του Οργανισμού των Ηνωμένων Εθνών (Blueprint) και την Πρωτοβουλία του Sustainable Shipping Initiative. Κατά τον διακεκριμένο ομιλητή, η επιτυχημένη διαχείριση πληρώματος οφείλει να εστιάζει στους εξής πυλώνες: Εμπειρία, Προσόντα και Ανταγωνιστικότητα. Στην τελευταία ομιλία του πάνελ, η κα. Joanna Koukouli, Claims Manager, The American Club, ως εκπρόσωπος του αμερικανικού P&I Club πραγματοποίησε μια σύντομη ιστορική αναδρομή του Προγράμματος PEME, ενός πακέτου εξετάσεων για τους ναυτικούς, το οποίο απέδειξε ότι σταδιακά οδηγεί σε τεράστια εξοικονόμηση πόρων. Η κα Κουκουλή ανέλυσε την Πολιτική και τις Προϋποθέσεις του Προγράμματος PEME και τους στόχους που εκείνο προσπαθεί να επιτύχει, αναφορικά με την προστασία υγείας των ναυτικών. Ο εκπρόσωπος της Etihad Airways, κ. David Granville, Sales Opportunities Manager, κατέθεσε την πολύτιμη πείρα του αναφορικά με την άριστη εξυπηρέτηση πελατών σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Η εν λόγω αεροπορική εταιρεία έχει εντρυφήσει στα ταξίδια στελεχών προσφέροντας εδώ και χρόνια ταξιδιωτικές εμπειρίες που εστιάζουν στην άνεση, την πολυτέλεια, τις μεταβαλλόμενες ανάγκες και βεβαίως την ασφάλεια των ταξιδιωτών και όλα αυτά με ισορροπημένα κοστολόγια για την εταιρία και περιορισμένες επιβαρύνσεις για το περιβάλλον. Στα πλαίσια του τελευταίου πάνελ, οι σύνεδροι ενημερώθηκαν από τον κ. Konstantinos Poulis, PhD-General Manager Epsilon, αναφορικά με τις θετικές και τις αρνητικές συνέπειες της επένδυσης στη διαχείριση πληρωμάτων εν μέσω της οικονομικής κρίσης. Στα θετικά μίας τέτοιας κίνησης συγκαταλέγονται η αύξηση της φήμης και της παραγωγικότητας και η βελτίωση των χρηματοοικονομικών επιδόσεων, ενώ στα αρνητικά συγκαταλέγονται η αύξηση των απαιτήσεων από το πλήρωμα, η πολυπλοκότητα του συστήματος και το υψηλό κόστος. Το Συνέδριο έκλεισε τις εργασίες του με την ομιλία του του κ. Michalis Pantazopoulos, Senior Vice President, LISCR (Hellas) S.A., ο οποίος, ως εκπρόσωπος του Liberian Registry, αναφέρθηκε στη δομή του συγκεκριμένου Flag State και τη διαχρονική σχέση του με την Ελληνική Ναυτιλία. Αναφέρθηκε επίσης στη Σύμβαση STCW Manilla 2010, η οποία έχει προβεί σε αναθεωρήσεις αναφορικά με την εκπαίδευση και τη διαπίστευση των ναυτικών, κομίζοντας σημαντικά οφέλη για τη Ναυτιλία. Σημαντική στιγμή του Συνεδρίου αποτέλεσε η κλήρωση, που έλαβε χώρα, με αντικείμενο την υποτροφία για την παρακολούθηση του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος “MSc in Shipping” στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς-Τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών. Νικητής της κληρώσεως αναδείχθηκε η εταιρία “ Polembros Shipping Limited ”.


LR Approval for HMD gas bunkering vessels capable of supplying LNG to 20,000 teu containerships HMD design for 6,600 cubic metre (m3) vessel based on Zeebrugge LNG terminal requirements has received approval in principle (AiP) through LR’s Busan Technical Support Office. New design is a vital next step in supporting capability for a global marine LNG bunkering network. A design from Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) for a 6,600 m3 LNG bunker vessel has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from Lloyd’s Register (LR). The design will be capable of supplying both small scale requirements and the current maximum expected requirements for large ships trading worldwide. Compliant with the requirements of the revised IGC Code (see notes below), the design incorporates two cylindrical type ‘C’ tanks, reliquefaction plant, a new and sophisticated loading arm and high manoeuvrability for safe operations. The design is available in both single and twin screw with different propeller options. A video clip for LNG bunkering operation is available at

Wärtsilä to participate in LNG powered dry bulk carrier project Wärtsilä is to team up with an international group of shipping industry companies and organisations in a project to develop a concept for equipping future dry bulk carrier vessels with LNG propulsion. Project Forward is led by Athens-based Arista Shipping. It began officially in May 2015 with the aim of developing a commercially feasible LNG powered dry bulk carrier design capable of complying with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Energy Efficiency Design Index 2025 standards, as well as with all relevant emission reduction regulations. In addition to Arista Shipping, the other parties involved in the project are Finnish ship designer Deltamarin, the Houston based classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and GTT, the French LNG membrane containment system designer. The Wärtsilä 31DF dual-fuel engine is likely to form the basis of the concept’s propulsion system. Introduced in June 2015, the Wärtsilä 31 has been recognised by Guinness World Records as being the world’s most efficient 4-stroke diesel engine. The DF version allows the use of either LNG or conventional marine fuel oils. While 2-stroke engines are the conventional choice for vessels of this type, the supreme efficiency of the Wärtsilä 31 engine makes it a competitive and viable alternative option.

LNG-Fueled Vessels Go Big with ‘Project Forward’

ABS has teamed up with partners Arista Shipping, Deltamarin, GTT and Wärtsilä in the “Project Forward” joint development project (JDP) to develop a dry bulk carrier concept that employs LNG as fuel. The goal is to develop a Kamsarmax bulk carrier design to be the first of this type suitable for worldwide services powered by LNG in compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency Design Index 2025 standards, NOx Tier III and Marpol Annex VI SOx emission levels. This landmark design will be the first LNG-fueled cargoship capable of full-range operations. “The long-term potential for LNG as a marine fuel is tremendous,” says ABS Vice President of Global Gas Solutions Patrick Janssens. “We see the near-term opportunities for larger vessels on fixed and known trade routes, but more opportunities will emerge as concepts mature and bunkering infrastructure expands. Environmental stewardship will continue to be a concern, and owners will be evaluating alternative fuel choices.”

Crowley sets LNG Engine in New Ship Crowley Maritime Corporation reached another critical milestone with the recent setting of the main engine onto El Coquí, the first of two new, Commitment Class ConRo (combination container and Roll/On-Roll/Off) ships that will be powered by liquefied natural gas for use in in the ocean cargo trade between Jacksonville and Puerto Rico. “This state-of-the-art engine technology will add efficiency while continuing to reduce impacts on the environment, one of Crowley’s top priorities,” said John Hourihan, senior vice president and general manager, Puerto Rico services. The engine was placed using a series of heavy lifts by 500ton cranes in the shipyard of VT Halter Marine, a subsidiary of VT Systems, Inc., where El Coquí (kokee) and sister ship, Taíno (tahy-noh), are under construction. The engine has a total weight of 759 metric tons and measures 41 feet high, 41 feet in length, and 14.7 feet wide.

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Korean Register to deliver statutory services in India Korean Register (KR) – an IACS member classification society has announced that it has signed an agreement with the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) to deliver services on behalf of the Indian flag administration, carrying out vessel surveys and issuing certificates according to international conventions. KR is now able to conduct relevant surveys and audits and to issue certificates to Indian flagged ships for SOLAS, MARPOL, ITC, ICLL, and MLC. India’s maritime industry has strong potential for growth because of its geographical location between Asia and Africa and its 7,000km long coastline. India’s recent economic growth has dramatically increased the value of its import and export trade. However, the port facilities and vessels to accommodate this growth are lacking. As a result, the Indian government is now actively seeking foreign investment to build port infrastructure and to stimulate the shipping industry, including ship building. KR has been working to deliver statutory services for the Indian government since 2009, the classification society established an office in Mumbai office and has now successful secured full authorization to provide quality statutory services.

DNV GL works with Tsakos

Bureau Veritas pursues external growth strategy Bureau Veritas has reinforced its position in value-added marine services with the acquisition of leading international consultancy TMC Marine Ltd. TMC has been providing pre and post casualty advice and support to the marine industry since 1979. The business focuses on marine claims and accident investigations, salvage and wreck removal consultancy and marine expert witness services for a client base that spans P&I clubs, law firms, marine insurers, salvage companies and ship owners. Headquartered in London, TMC has a network of offices in the US, China, Singapore and Australia. It employs over 50 people and generated revenues of EUR 8.5 million in 2015. “Our Marine & Offshore business, the historical activity of Bureau Veritas, is one of our eight key growth initiatives to 2020. As such, it is evolving rapidly. We are diversifying our service portfolio and developing our technological leadership in order to meet all our clients’ expectations in risk management. TMC is a recognized brand that enables the Group to enhance its offering to the marine insurance consultancy market, thereby expanding the services that we already provide in offshore to the maritime market” commented Didier Michaud-Daniel, CEO of Bureau Veritas.

ABS Awards AIP for HHI FLNG Hull Sokratis Dimakopoulos, Deputy Managing Director of Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement Tsakos Group of Companies has selected DNV GL to assist in preparing a cybersecurity management system for its fleet and onshore facilities – the first such management system developed by a shipping company in cooperation with DNV GL’s Advisory Services. The Greek shipping organization will implement a comprehensive system of safeguards and procedures to protect their assets from cyber risks. DNV GL is the first classification society to put this kind of cybersecurity service into practice. “We wanted to assure our charterers and customers that our systems would be adequately protected from cyber risks by implementing the highest standards of cybersecurity on board our vessels and on shore. DNV GL’s proactive attitude in addressing such newly arising industry challenges, its clear vision and commitment to the highest standards assists us in achieving this,” says Sokratis Dimakopoulos, Deputy Managing Director of Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement (TCM), the ship management arm of the Tsakos Group.

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ABS has granted approval in principle (AIP) to a Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) hull design. Specifically conceptualized for near-shore operations, the vessel was designed with a length of 1,050 ft (320 m), a breadth of 197 ft (60 m), and a 39-ft (12 m) draft, with LNG storage capacity of 200,000 cu m using the GTT MARK III technology. The current state of the energy markets presents an opportunity for companies to be innovative and competitive by reducing engineering, procurement and commissioning costs. According to HHI, the near-shore FLNG hull concept design delivers an estimated one-third cost reduction compared to a standard FLNG hull. ABS and HHI teams collaborated in a joint development project (JDP) with the objective of developing a technically feasible and price-competitive FLNG hull design by adopting the latest industry standards and advanced shipbuilding practices, while maintaining high safety standards.


The port of Piraeus has been awarded the certification ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 The port of Piraeus has been awarded the certification ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 for the Provision of Port Cruise and Car Terminal Services. The Provision of Port Cruise Terminal Services has been re-certified for the second time, while the Provision of Port Car Terminal Services has been certified for the first time, demonstrating the continual improvement of the port services provided. The Provision of Cruise and Car Terminal Services has been certified by the well-established certification body Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance / Hellenic Lloyd’s SA, following an external audit during which the compliance with the requirements of both International Standards was identified. Meeting our clients’ needs and expectations and providing excellent port services along with improving our environmental performance are at the very core of Piraeus Port Authority’s policy. This certification is a proof to our clients and the general public of the port’s effort and the top management’s commitment to port services’ continual improvement. Achieving sustainable development is the main aim for the prosperity of all the stakeholders within the port community. Piraeus Port’s top management wishes to thank all port employees for their contribution and invites all stakeholders, including port users, contractors and the community for their active involvement in the continual improvement of the port services provided.

Kalmar to deliver 10 straddle carriers to DP World’s West Swanson Terminal Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has received orders for 10 diesel-electric straddle carriers from DP World for their West Swanson Terminal in Melbourne, Australia. One order for five units was booked in Cargotec’s 2015 fourth quarter order intake and the other five units were booked in 2016 first quarter order intake. The machines will be delivered during the third quarter of 2016. Max Kruse, Chief Operating Officer, DP World Australia, says: “At DP World, we are committed to working towards an ultimate policy of zero harm to people and the environment. Kalmar straddle carriers have been chosen for our existing terminal in Melbourne for their energy efficiency, reliability and operator comfort.” Peter McLean, Vice President, Australia and New Zealand at Kalmar says: “We are excited to receive this order from our long standing customer DP World. We are pleased to offer them a solution that boosts productivity, efficiency and safety through increased operating performance and superior operator ergonomics.” The newly redesigned cabin on these Kalmar straddle carriers features a more spacious interior as well as a new window geometry that reduces night-time reflections and cabin noise. Photo caption: Kalmar will deliver ten diesel-electric straddle carriers to DP World’s West Swanson Terminal in Melbourne, Australia. Image courtesy of Port of Melbourne Corporation.

ARMITT GROUP in advance stage negotiations to build facility at London Thamesport The Armitt Group, a respected UK shipping agent and specialist logistics company, has signed a heads of terms agreement to build a 120,000 ft.² multimodal terminal at London Thamesport. Freight could start moving through the new facility as early as autumn this year. The long-term agreement was signed by The Armitt Group, and the port’s owners Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Group. Construction of the site and warehouse will start in early May with shipments due to begin later this year. Armitt Multimodal Terminal South, as it will be known, is the first in a three stage investment by the Armitt Group to develop similar facilities in the Midlands and North of the UK within the next three years. The company already offers vessel agency, chartering services and bunker supplies throughout the UK, including Thamesport. Nicholas Marshall, Commercial Director at Armitt, said: “What we are bringing to Thamesport, through this agreement, is our expertise in breakbulk handling, which is why Hutchison finds us attractive as a partner. We see this deal as being the start of a very long-term successful relationship with Hutchison Ports.

Fast Terminal International & Horizon Terminal Services joins forces Fast Terminal International and Horizon Terminal Services announced the completion of the transaction whereby Horizon Terminals through its parent company acquires 50% of the shares in Fast Terminal International S.A. of Panama. Fast Terminals operates vehicle terminals and processing centers on the Colombian Atlantic and Pacific coasts, including distribution and vehicle services at manufacturing plants in Colombia.

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Sokratis Dimakopoulos, Deputy Managing Direc of Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement


ICS Publishes Annual Review The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published its 2016 Annual Review of maritime policy developments. This will be the final ICS AGM under the chairmanship of Masamichi Morooka (Japan), who will be stepping down after four years in office. The ICS Annual Review is intended as a comprehensive overview of all the major issues faced by the global shipping industry, and in which ICS is engaged on behalf of its member national shipowners’ associations. The Annual Review will be of interest to anyone involved with international shipping, including shipping companies, maritime administrations and policy makers. It can be read free of charge from the ICS homepage. Key issues covered include: ICS efforts to deliver further CO2 emissions reductions from the sector in response to the Paris Agreement on climate change; the status of IMO environmental regulations on low sulphur fuel and ballast water management; the impact of the rescue at sea crisis in the Mediterranean, and the serious economic crisis currently confronting many shipping sectors and trades. The ICS Annual Review also provides updates on the wide-ranging scope of ICS’s activities as the principal global trade association for shipowners including: safety and operations, labour affairs, manning and training, maritime law and insurance, and shipping and trade policy.

Seaspan Accepts Delivery of Eighth 14000 TEU SAVER Containership Seaspan Corporation (NYSE:SSW) announced that it accepted delivery of a 14000 TEU containership, the YM Width. The new containership, which was constructed at CSBC Corporation, Taiwan (“CSBC”) is Seaspan’s eighth 14000 TEU SAVER design containership and fourth delivery in 2016. This is the second 14000 TEU vessel using Seaspan’s fuel-efficient SAVER design constructed at CSBC. The YM Width will commence a ten-year, fixed-rate time charter with Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. (“Yang Ming”). Yang Ming may extend the charter for up to an additional two years. The ship is the eighth of a total of nine 14000 TEU SAVER design vessels to be chartered to Seaspan by Yang Ming. The delivery of the YM Width expands the Company’s operating fleet to 89 vessels.

The New Horizon Hull 462D completes sea trial New Horizon hull 462D successfully concluded its sea trial on 11 May.This is the fourth in a series of six Post Panamax vessels that Höegh Autoliners will take delivery of over the next 6 months. The New Horizon design is the world’s largest PCTC by capacity, with a deck area of 71,400 m². The ship can carry 8,500 car equivalent units and has the flexibility to carry also high and heavy project cargo. With focus on energy efficiency throughout the design process, the New Horizon will emit only half of the CO2 per transported unit, compared to a conventional car carrier. Due to its energy efficiency, the vessel design has been nominated to Nor-Shipping’s Energy Efficiency award 2015.

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Pioneer Marine Announces Cancellation of Last Two Newbuildings Pioneer Marine Inc. (OSLO-OTC: PNRM) (“Pioneer Marine,” or the “Company”) a leading shipowner and global drybulk handysize transportation service provider announced the termination of the last two (2) newbuilding contracts for Green Dolphin 38,400 dwt Handysize vessels following mutual agreement with Yangzhou Guoyu Shipyard. The instalments paid in relation with these contracts including interest will be paid back by the refund guarantor. The Company’s CEO, Pankaj Khanna, further elaborated by stating “Following the termination of the last two newbuildings we have eliminated all capital expenditure for the Company. Our proactive management of this unprecedented low cycle has seen us cancel ten of the twelve newbuildings ordered in the original program and demonstrates the complete alignment of management with shareholder’s interests. “We are now well positioned to not only ride out the current cycle but to also take advantage of opportunities as they arise.”

Euronav, Diamond S Shipping and Frontline join Euronav NV (NYSE: EURN & Euronext: EURN) (“Euronav”) announces the formation of a commercial joint venture with Diamond S Management LLC and Frontline Ltd. The aim of the joint venture is to create a single point of contact for cargo owners to access a large fleet of 43 modern Suezmax vessels, including newbuildings, operated on the spot market. The joint venture will be named Suezmax Chartering. A larger fleet will provide more flexibility and more options for cargo owners, reduce voyage related expenses through optimisation of voyages and thereby reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a direct consequence of using less fuel for cargo movements. The joint venture will commence operation today from the existing offices of Euronav, Diamond S and Frontline Management AS.



GasLog Ltd. Announces the Delivery of the GasLog Greece

M.V. “DRAFTDODGER”, 66,000 DWT Type Bulk Carrier Delivered

GasLog Ltd. (“GasLog”, NYSE: GLOG), an international owner, operator and manager of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) carriers, announces the successful delivery of the GasLog Greece. The GasLog Greece, which has been constructed at Samsung Heavy Industries in South Korea, is a 174,000 cubic meter tri-fuel diesel electric (“TFDE”) LNG carrier. This delivery marks the first of GasLog’s eight “G-Class” vessels, which will deliver over the next 3 years. Following delivery, the GasLog Greece has commenced a 10-year charter with a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (“Shell”). Seven of the eight G-Class vessels have long-term contracts of between 7 and 10 years. Committed bank financing has been secured for all of the eight newbuild vessels, through the $1.3bn newbuild facility announced in October 2015. GasLog Partners LP (“GasLog Partners”, NYSE: GLOP) has the right to acquire the GasLog Greece pursuant to the omnibus agreement between GasLog and GasLog Partners. Paul Wogan, Chief Executive Officer of GasLog Ltd., commented, “The GasLog Greece is the first of four newbuilding deliveries for GasLog in 2016. All of these vessels have firm, long-term contracts with a very high quality counterparty. They will contribute significant revenue and EBITDA growth to GasLog as each vessel begins operating under its charter.”

Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES) completed and delivered a 66,000 dwt type bulk carrier M.V. “DRAFTDODGER” (MES Hull No.1882) at its Tamano Works on 11th March, 2016 to Ypsos Maritime Ltd, Liberia. This is the 12th ship of our “neo66BC”, the “wide beam shallow draft vessel” of our line up “neo series”.

Special Features

The vessel has five (5) cargo holds and four (4) cranes for handling cargo, and keeps the superior usability of “Mitsui 56”. The ship is designed to have enough deadweight more than 66,000 metric tons and capacity more than 82,800 cubic meters for loading various cargos like coal, ore, grain, as well as lengthy/heavy cargo such as steel pipe and hot coil. Fuel oil consumption is less than that of a conventional Supramax bulk carrier despite its enlargement. As a result of research work of interviews with ship owners and operators, investigations on ports all over the world and present trade patterns, wide beam (over-P’max) and shallow draft make it possible to have wide flexibility for operations and high transport efficiency. The new hull form makes it possible to keep good performance in rough sea conditions as well as calm sea conditions and shows better maneuverability.

Crowley Continues ReBigroll Barentsz being ceipt of New Containers delivered to Bigroll Shipping To better serve the diverse equipment needs of its ocean cargo and logistics customers, Crowley Maritime Corp. is continuing to receive and place into service $32.7 million worth of new cargo carrying equipment. The latest additions include 325, 20-foot chassis and 440 generator sets (gensets) all of which should be received by the end of April and 600, 53foot (102-inch wide) dry containers along with 400, 53-foot chassis, which are expected by the end of May. These arrivals follow 500, 45-foot (102inch wide) dry containers and 400, 40-foot high cube refrigerated (reefer) containers which were received at the end of 2015. “We transport many different types of cargo for many different types of customers, making it imperative that we have the right cargo available, at the right time, in the right location,” said Steve Collar, Crowley senior vice president and general manager, international liner services. “The newly acquired equipment not only replenishes our current fleet, but expands our offering of reefers by 100 to meet the demands of both our customers and the overall market itself.” “This equipment acquisition will also support our continued growth strategy within the Puerto Rico market,” said John Hourihan, senior vice president and general manager, Puerto Rico services. “The two new LNG-powered, Commitment Class ConRo (combination container and Roll/ On-Roll/Off) ships that we currently have under construction are being built to maximize the carriage of 53-foot, 102-inch-wide containers like the new ones on order. They will have a cargo capacity of approximately 2,400 TEUs (20-foot-equivalent-units), in addition to a nearly 400-vehicle, enclosed Ro/Ro garage.” Since 2003, Crowley has invested over a quarter of a billion dollars in new cargo equipment for its liner services fleet.

The first MC Class vessel for BigRoll Shipping was handed over by Cosco Dalian Shipyard Co. Ltd to her owner. The vessel will immediately enter into a multi-year contract with Yamgaz, the consortium of Technip, JGC Corporation and Chiyoda for module transportation as part of the Yamal LNG project.

Yamal LNG

The Yamal project is a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant positioned deep in the Russian Arctic. The region is completely ice-bound for between seven and nine months each year, and where the sun fails to rise above the horizon for up to three months at a time. The vessel has the ability to operate in temperatures as low as minus 55 degrees centigrade, while the large unobstructed deck and the high service speed make the MC Class a perfect fit for the Yamal project.

BigRoll Shipping

BigRoll Shipping is building a further three state-of-the-art MCClass Module Carriers: BigRoll Bering, BigRoll Baffin and BigRoll Beaufort. The Finnish Swedish 1A Ice Class MC Class vessels are specifically designed for the marine transportation of major modules and equipment for large energy projects both on and offshore, to some of the most remote and inaccessible areas on the planet.

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Maersk Tankers adds 2 more newbuilds

Short term weakness but demand side provides optimistic outlook for container market

At a naming ceremony in South Korea Maersk Tankers christened two more newbuilds at Sungdong Shipyard in Tongyong, South Korea; Maersk Teesport and Maersk Tianjing. Both vessels are 50,000 DWT Medium Range (MR) and join their sister ship Maersk Tangier, who was delivered on 5 February this year. The vessels are a part of the renewal of Maersk Tankers’ fleet. In 2015 Maersk Tankers took delivery of the first two of 10 vessels in total ordered from the Sungdong Shipyard; Maersk Tampa and Maersk Tacoma. Within the next few years approximately 20% of Maersk Tankers fleet will be replaced with newbuilds already ordered. 10 vessels from Sungdong in South Korea and 9 additional MR vessels from Ningbo Shipyard in China. The vessels from Ningbo are expected to be delivered in 2017 and 2018. “It is always a great pleasure to name a new vessel and we are pleased to be able to add more fuel-efficient vessels to our fleet,” says Claus Grønborg, Head of Business Development. Maersk Tankers is continuously looking at opportunities to renew its fleet, both with newbuilds and second-hand vessel. The price levels in the market are being closely monitored to make sure the investments are made at an attractive level.

The latest Container Shipping Forecaster from MSI suggests a more positive market outlook for the container shipping sector in 2016 than the analysis of most of its peers. Though its supply-side predictions are broadly aligned with those of Drewry and Alphaliner, MSI makes a more optimistic forecast on the demand side – indeed its trade growth estimates for 2016 are more than double those of the others. Much of this positivity rests on an interpretation of the dynamics of trade volumes on the Asia-Europe route, with MSI ascribing much of the weakness in 2015 to short-term currency and inventory effects and 2016 seeing a reversion to fundamentals-driven growth. The market gyrations around Lunar New Year mean that the sector will have to wait another month before it becomes clearer which of the analysts’ competing views better fits the live trade data. In the meantime, no one should mistake the container freight or charter markets as happy places, says MSI Senior Analyst James Frew. “The inevitable seasonal weakness in Q1 has meant that earnings remain on the floor in both the freight and charter markets. Freight rates across the board are extremely subdued, with the Asia-Europe spot freight markets falling throughout February to reach new record lows in March. We anticipate that strong scrapping volumes will increase further in the remainder of the year, but this will be more than offset by an uptick in delivery volumes as cash-strapped yards are unable to push out final delivery much further.”

MSC introduce ‘LONE STAR EXPRESS’ and ‘AMBERJACK’ MSC is pleased to announce a new service called the ‘Lone Star Express’ which will operate between Asia and the US Gulf. This new service will become a new Gateway to/from the US Gulf in anticipation of increased demand.At the same time, MSC’s Everglades service will be renamed ‘Amberjack’ and restructured to include a call to New York, this change ensures both services will operate at optimum efficiency. All changes will be in effect from the first week of May 2016 (departing Asia). The Lone Star Express and Amberjack will continue to be supported by the America and Empire services currently in operation. MSC now provides four weekly services between Asia and the East Coast of the United States.

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Navig8 takes delivery of its first 49,000 dwt IMO2 Chemical tanker Navig8 Chemical Tankers Inc. (the “Company”) (N-OTC: CHEMS), an international shipping company focused on the transportation of chemicals announced that it has taken delivery of the Navig8 Turquoise, a 49,000 DWT IMO2 Interline-coated chemical tanker, from STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (“STX”). The Navig8 Turquoise is the first STX vessel to be delivered under the sale and leaseback arrangements entered into with Ocean Yield ASA (“Ocean Yield”) announced on April 1, 2015. Following delivery from STX, the Navig8 Turquoise was delivered to Ocean Yield under the terms of the Sale MOA and then delivered back to the Company under bareboat charter. The Navig8 Turquoise will be entered into and operated in Navig8 Group’s Chronos8 commercial pool.

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v Alcyon Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of dry bulk vessels, announced that, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it entered into a time charter contract with Dampskibsselskabet Norden A/S, Copenhagen, for one of its Panamax dry bulk vessels, the m/v Alcyon. The gross charter rate is US$5,000 per day, minus a 5% commission paid to third parties, for a period of minimum twelve (12) months to maximum sixteen (16) months. The “ Alcyon” is a 75,247 dwt Panamax dry bulk vessel built in 2001. This employment is anticipated to generate approximately US$1.8 million of gross revenue for the minimum scheduled period of the time charter.


Crowley Christens MT Louisiana Continuing its innovative vessel build program, Crowley Maritime Corporation christened the third of four new, Jones Act product tankers at the Julia Street Cruise Terminal in New Orleans. The 50,000 dead-weight-ton (dwt), 330,000-barrel-capacity Louisiana joins two Crowley sister ships, Texas and Ohio, to be the first tankers ever to receive the American Bureau of Shipping’s LNG-Ready Level 1 approval, giving Crowley the option to convert the tanker to liquefied natural gas for propulsion in the future. Attendees representing Marathon Petroleum Corporation, the vessel’s charterer, and shipbuilder Philly Shipyard Inc., watched as Carrie Templin, wife of Don Templin, Marathon executive vice president, carried out the time-honored tradition of christening the shipyard by breaking a ceremonial bottle of champagne across the hull at the Port of New Orleans. “This is a great day of celebration for Crowley, Marathon, Philly Shipyard and all the people who had a role in bringing this great ship to life,” said Tom Crowley, company chairman and CEO. “We also celebrate the men and women seafarers who will be counted on to operate her safely and reliably for our customer, Marathon. There is nothing more important.” The new tankers are based on a proven Hyundai Mipo Dockyards (HMD) design that incorporates numerous fuel efficiency features, flexible cargo capability, and the latest regulatory requirements. Similar to its sister ships, Louisiana is 600 feet long and is capable of carrying crude oil or refined petroleum products, as well as other chemical products.

Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Delivery of m/v Maera Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the “Company”) announced that through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it took delivery of the m/v Maera (formerly “Manzoni”), a 2013 built Panamax dry bulk vessel of 75,403 dwt that the Company entered into an agreement to purchase in February 2016. The m/v Maera is chartered to United Bulk Carrier International S.A., Luxembourg at a gross charter rate of US$4,500 per day minus a 5% commission paid to third parties, for a period of up to minimum December 28, 2016 to maximum April 28, 2017. This employment is anticipated to generate for the Company approximately US$1.04 million of gross revenue for the minimum scheduled period of the time charter. Separately, the Company also announced that yesterday it completed a drawdown of US$13,510,000 under a term loan facility it signed with The Export-Import Bank of China having a majority interest and DNB Bank ASA as agent. The proceeds will be used to finance the entire acquisition cost of the m/v Maera. Including the newly delivered m/v Maera, Diana Shipping Inc.’s fleet currently consists of 46 dry bulk vessels (2 Newcastlemax, 14 Capesize, 3 Post-Panamax, 4 Kamsarmax and 23 Panamax).

BW LPG announces financing program for four VLGC newbuildings BW LPG Limited (“BW LPG”, the “Company”, OSE ticker code: “BWLPG”) announced that it has signed a Debt Facility Agreement of USD221million for the financing of four of its VLGC newbuildings. The financing has been raised from ING Bank, KFW IPEX-Bank GmbH, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC) and Standard Chartered Bank, as Mandated Lead Arrangers. ING Bank also acted as coordinator and facility agent. The loan is insured by Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-Sure). The all-in cost for this financing is LIBOR plus 1.60%, with an 18-year amortization profile. BW LPG Chief Executive Officer, Martin Ackermann, commenting on the financing said, “We are very pleased with this financing, which leverages the well-priced Korean ECA lending to provide an exceptional all-in cost and structure. This is a clear demonstration of BW LPG’s platform value in obtaining market leading financing. We are grateful to our lenders for their continued support.” BW LPG Limited has also , taken delivery of BW Tucana, the seventh Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC) in its newbuilding programme of eight VLGCs from Hyundai Heavy Industries. With the BW Tucana, BW LPG has a fleet of 40 vessels, comprising 28 owned VLGCs, seven chartered-in VLGCs and five owned LGCs. In addition, BW LPG has five VLGC newbuildings under construction.

BW LPG takes delivery of BW Seaspan Accepts Delivery of Eighth 14000 TEU SAVER Con- Volans tainership Seaspan Corporation (NYSE:SSW) announced that it accepted delivery of a 14000 TEU containership, the YM Width. The new containership, which was constructed at CSBC Corporation, Taiwan (“CSBC”) is Seaspan’s eighth 14000 TEU SAVER design containership and fourth delivery in 2016. This is the second 14000 TEU vessel using Seaspan’s fuel-efficient SAVER design constructed at CSBC. The YM Width will commence a ten-year, fixed-rate time charter with Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. (“Yang Ming”). Yang Ming may extend the charter for up to an additional two years. The ship is the eighth of a total of nine 14000 TEU SAVER design vessels to be chartered to Seaspan by Yang Ming. The delivery of the YM Width expands the Company’s operating fleet to 89 vessels.

BW LPG Limited (“BW LPG”, the “Company”, OSE ticker code: “BWLPG”) has taken delivery of BW Volans, the eighth and final Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC) in its newbuilding programme of eight VLGCs from Hyundai Heavy Industries. With the BW Volans, BW LPG has a fleet of 41 vessels, comprising 29 owned VLGCs, seven chartered-in VLGCs and five owned LGCs. In addition, BW LPG has six VLGC newbuildings under construction.

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Canadian con-ro pair drydocked in Gibraltar

Image: Oceanex Sanderling Gibdock has demonstrated that its strong reputation for ro-ro and container ship repair work continues to resonate around the globe, following the drydocking of two con-ro vessels operated by Canadian shipowner, Oceanex. Oceanex provides intermodal transportation services to the Canadian Atlantic provinces of Labrador and Newfoundland. Gibraltar-based Gibdock was selected by St John’s, Newfoundland-based Oceanex to carry out wide-ranging work on the 2013-built, 1300 teu Oceanex Connaigra, and the 1977-built, 1125 teu capacity, Oceanex Sanderling. The 210m long, 26,800grt Oceanex Connaigra the largest con-ro vessel flying the Canadian flag - arrived in Gibraltar on 6th March this year, departing two weeks later on 20th March. The 193m long, 21,849grt Oceanex Sanderling was docked on 2nd April for a programme of work that lasted just over a month. The scope of work on the Oceanex Connaigra included: the removal of

the CPP propeller blades, the hub and tailshaft; the installation of a new hub; and the fitting of new propeller control pipework. The existing blades had to be machined in Gibdock’s workshops before refitting to the new hub. The yard was also tasked with carrying out modifications to the vessel’s exhaust gas scrubber system by replacing two bypass valves, each of which was 645mm in diameter. This involved cropping and modifying the exhaust trunk and modifying the fuel oil module by making adjustments to the pipework. Gibdock carried out a very different package of work on Oceanex Sanderling, which is now nearly 40 years old. This required the removal of the con-ro ship’s stern ramp, which is made up of three sections, the biggest of which weighs 93 tons. Paul Cano, senior ship repair manager, says: “This part of the work was an important milestone for Gibdock, involving the heaviest lift that the yard has carried out to date.” Once the ramp sections were disassembled and lifted ashore, the yard carried out extensive steel repairs before refit. Gibdock also removed Sanderling’s tailshaft for survey, removed and refurbished the rudder blade, reinforced the weather deck and fitted new container sockets to allow loading of 53ft containers. The yard overhauled bow thrusters, repaired paintwork and carried out other works associated with a general five-year survey. While the three-year old Oceanex Connaigra is a first time visitor to Gibdock, Oceanex Sanderling was previously docked, in 2011. Richard Beards, Managing Director of Gibdock, says: “The owner was quite clear that Oceanex Connaigra and Oceanex Sanderling were required back in service within a tight timeframe, with minimal disruption to Oceanex customers. We were delighted to be chosen for this project, and to complete two very different but equally challenging projects on time on two con-ro ships of different ages.”

Greek owners look west to Gibdock Recent projects at Gibdock stress the value Greek ferry owners are placing on high quality, reliable ship repair partners in the Western Med in the first half of 2016, with two first time ship visits also emphasising the Gibraltar yard’s ability to meet contrasting ship renewal needs. The Hellas Seaways ro-pax vessel Nissos Chios and the Portucalence Shipping Company ferry Express Santorini were both in the yard for the first time recently - the former undergoing a broad spectrum of scheduled repairs and the latter in for emergency structural renewal. Both ships are deployed seasonally in the Western Med, with Nissos Chios operating on the mainland Europe-North Africa route and Express Santorini connecting to the Azores, before returning to Eastern Med services during the winter. “We are delighted to have been working with Greek ferry owners in the run up to Posidonia 2016, at a time when stable, reliable and efficient partners are so critical for them,” says Richard Beards, Gibdock Managing Director. “Gibdock takes pride in its reputation for quality work completed to schedule, while the role of Alkis Koukis and the team at our Greek agent Hellenic Industrial & Marine Agencies Ltd was also vital in securing these projects. It is particularly pleasing to hear from both owners after completion that they see opportunities for further cooperation.” In addition to Second Special Survey work undertaken in Gibdock’s No.2 dock, the Elefsis Shipyards-built Nissos Chios underwent a scheduled stern ramp removal and renewal, including fabrication, bush replacement and pin overhauls. The 141m length ferry’s bow thruster also needed to be dismantled and removed to the yard’s workshop for

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blade and seal replacement. Despite the fact that stern ramp work proved more extensive than had been anticipated, the complete job was carried out within the owner’s 15-day time window. Meanwhile, the Express Santorini project highlighted Gibdock’s flexible approach to owner requests, with a slot found between other scheduled dry dockings for emergency repairs to ballast tank number 19 behind the forepeak tank, despite a 3-day turnaround at the height of the yard’s seasonal ferry work period. The 42-year old, 115.4m length vessel went into No.3 dock, with the timely turnaround requiring 24-hour working patterns, and redelivery accomplished on time, on budget and to class specifications. “These were very different jobs, but one thing they had in common was that they came to us after recommendations from existing ferry clients on our quality and reliability, and the lack of hidden costs in doing business with Gibdock,” says John Taylor, Gibdock Operations Director. “We look forward to strengthening our partnership with both owners in the months ahead”.


Η Κρουαζιέρα κινδυνεύει να Two New Ship χάσει ευκαιρίες Orders for Princess Cruises Το 2016 σύμφωνα με την Ένωση Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και Φορέων Ναυτιλίας, φαινόταν αρχικά μια χρονιά για την κρουαζιέρα στην Ελλάδα με προβλέψεις μειώσεως της κίνησης, λόγω των γεγονότων της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, αλλά και του μεταναστευτικού.

Έγιναν βέβαια τεράστιες προσπάθειες για να βελτιωθεί η εικόνα με το μεταναστευτικό αλλά και για να πείσουμε τις αγορές ότι οι Ελληνικοί προορισμοί είναι από τους πλέον ασφαλείς και η Χώρα μας έχει πολλά να προσφέρει στον επισκέπτη. Η έκρυθμη κατάσταση στην Τουρκία και οι ταξιδιωτικές οδηγίες που ακολούθησαν από Ευρώπη και Αμερική, ήσαν γεγονότα τα οποία θα μπορούσαν να αποβούν επωφελή για την αύξηση της κίνησης στους Ελληνικούς λιμένες, με επιβάτες και των δύο κατηγοριών – transit και home porting. Το γεγονός αυτό έδειχνε πως ο Πειραιάς θα έφτανε τα περσινά επίπεδα, και το πιο ευχάριστο ότι θα διπλασιάζετο σχεδόν το home porting. Παρατηρήθηκε επιπλέον ότι, ο Πειραιάς δέχεται extra calls και με διανυκτερεύσεις κρουαζιεροπλοίων με τα ανάλογα επιπλέον οικονομικά οφέλη. Επιπλέον παρατηρήθηκε να υπάρχει αύξηση σε αρκετούς από τους κύριους σήμερα τουριστικούς προορισμούς, καθώς και αύξηση σε νέους προορισμούς. Αυτή η εικόνα ήτο ενθαρρυντική για τους operators, όσον αφορά τον προγραμματισμό δρομολογίων σε Ελληνικούς λιμένες για τα επόμενα έτη. Δυστυχώς όμως ήλθαν οι απεργιακές κινητοποιήσεις των λιμενεργατών στον Πειραιά και στη Θεσσαλονίκη, για να ανατρέψουν το καλό κλίμα που είχε δημιουργηθεί. Τις τελευταίες ημέρες παρατηρήθηκε αλλαγή πορείας πλοίων που είχαν προορισμό τον Πειραιά, δεδομένου ότι δεν μπορούσαν να εξυπηρετηθούν στον πρώτο Ελληνικό λιμένα. Παράλληλα, σε μερίδα κρουαζιεροπλοίων τα οποία προσέγγισαν τον Πειραιά τις ημέρες των απεργιών, υπήρξε ταλαιπωρία τόσο στους επιβάτες αποεπιβίβασης για την μεταφορά των αποσκευών των, όσο και στις διαδικασίες προμηθειών διαφόρων υλικών κυρίως τροφοεφοδίων. Έτσι λοιπόν έχουμε σήμερα την εικόνα να σκέπτονται αρκετοί operators να αλλάξουν προορισμό, γεγονός που θα προκαλέσει αρνητική εικόνα για το μεγαλύτερο λιμάνι της Χώρας και θα σημαίνει ακυρώσεις προσεγγίσεων που θα επηρεάσουν και τους άλλους λιμένες της Περιφέρειας τους οποίους περιλαμβάνει το κυκλικό ταξίδι. Η προαναφερόμενη όλη κατάσταση, εξαναγκάζει τους tour operator να οδηγούν και πάλι τα πλοία σε Τούρκικους προορισμούς, χάνοντας έτσι την ευκαιρία που είχε η Ελλάδα να αυξήσει φέτος την κίνηση στον θαλάσσιο τουρισμό. Οι άμεσα (Ιούνιος 2016) οικονομικές επιπτώσεις από την όλη κατάσταση μπορούν να εκτιμηθούν ως κατωτέρω: - Μείωση επιβατών Ιn transit 45.000 – 50.000 επιβάτες. - Μείωση επιβατών Home porting 25.000 – 30.000 επιβάτες. - Μείωση τουριστικού εισοδήματος περίπου 3,5 – 4 εκατ. €. - Μείωση εμπορικού εισοδήματος (Προμήθειες κλπ) 5 – 5,5 εκατ. €. - Μείωση εσόδων από υπηρεσίες λιμένων / αεροδρομίων κλπ. 2 – 2,5 εκατ. €. Και φυσικά μείωση εργατο υπαλληλικού προσωπικού για τις υπηρεσίες που έχουν ακυρωθεί επίσης περαιτέρω μείωση εσόδων στο Κράτος από λιγότερους φόρους λόγω μείωσης επισκεπτών και υπηρεσιών που προσφέρονται. Έτσι λοιπόν η ζημιά που ίσως προκύψει για τον πρώτο μήνα να φτάσει περίπου τα 12 εκ. € και να πολλαπλασιαστεί ανάλογα τους επόμενους μήνες.

Princess Cruises announced that it has reached an agreement with Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri S.p.A. to build two new ships, entering into service in 2019 and 2020. The finalization of the contract follows the announcement late last year of a memorandum of agreement between Princess Cruise’s parent company, Carnival Corporation & plc and Fincantieri for five new ships including the Princess Cruises new builds. As the world’s largest travel and leisure company, Carnival Corporation has an existing fleet of 100 cruise ships and a total of 16 new ships scheduled for delivery between 2016 and 2020. The contract was signed on Saturday (April 2) at a ceremony at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Marghera attended by Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport Graziano Delrio, Carnival Corporation Chairman Micky Arison, Carnival Corporation CEO Arnold Donald, Fincantieri CEO Giuseppe Bono and Stein Kruse, CEO of Holland America Group, which includes Princess Cruises. “We are incredibly proud and excited to add two new ships to our already formidable fleet,” said Jan Swartz, president of Princess Cruises. “With this new ship commitment Princess Cruises will continue to grow and expand globally as the world’s destination leader in premium cruising.”

MacGregor solutions for next-generation cruise ships MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has secured orders for environmentally-friendly equipment for four next-generation eco-cruise ships which will be built in Germany and Finland. The vessels will be the first liquefied natural gas-powered cruise ships to enter the market. The orders were booked into first quarter 2016 order intake. “Cruise ships operate in some of the world’s most fragile ecosystems and a rising demand from both authorities and operators requires that onboard systems are as environmentally-friendly as possible,” says Lars Öberg, Sales Manager, RoRo at MacGregor. “They also need to be efficient, quiet and cost-effective.”

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ABB’s Azipod D to power new generation of discovery cruiser ABB’s Azipod D will power the luxurious 10-deck discovery cruiser Scenic Eclipse to some of the world’s most remote destinations. Built to Polar Class 6 the vessel will have the ability to navigate the summer waters of Polar Regions. The ship’s two 3 MW Azipod units will allow it to reach destinations previously off limits for large passenger vessels, taking advantage of the propulsion system’s track record of operating safely in every corner of the planet. Juha Koskela, Managing Director of ABB’s Marine and Ports business, said, “Scenic Eclipse maintains the strong tradition of Azipod propulsion powering some of the world’s most innovative ships. With our unrivalled pedigree in the passenger and icebreaking segments, we are able to meet the owner’s demands for a flexible and efficient propulsion system which can operate safely in all sea conditions.” Azipod propulsion is integral to the majority of modern cruise vessels and Scenic Eclipse will take advantage of the unique characteristics of podded propulsion. With the engine mounted outside of the ship, passengers benefit from a reduction in noise and vibration whilst the freed-up space can be used for other purposes. In Scenic Eclipse’s case, this includes a submarine and 6 restaurants.

Local MacGregor service benefits busy Greek shipping industry MacGregor, part of Cargotec, continues to serve the busy Greek shipping industry from its new, larger premises at Akti Miaouli, which is in the heart of the Greek port of Piraeus. “We serve 1,500 Greek-owned vessels annually and handle over 4,000 customer requests for spare parts and services around the world,” says Athena Kanellatou, Managing Director¬ of MacGregor Greece. MacGregor has enjoyed a presence in the city for almost half of a century and mid February this year, after 20 years’ in the same location, MacGregor moved its Piraeus office to be even closer to its customers.

ABB Turbocharging previews first dedicated marine auxiliary product ABB Turbocharging, at the CIMAC Congress 2016 presented its first dedicated turbocharger, for marine auxiliary engine applications, in a development cooperation with IHI Corporation. Designed for ease of operation and service, it supports a condition-based maintenance concept. The innovative Marine Auxiliary Power (MXP) turbocharger is a key part of the company’s strategy to focus on increased value for engine builders and operators in the large engine industry through segment- and application-specific turbocharging offerings. MXP has been designed for auxiliary engines with power output up to 2MW, operating under HFO conditions. In this dedicated product, the complexity of parts required in turbochargers with broader usage has been simplified for the specific operational requirements of this market. These include: ease of maintenance by the crew, based on condition, as well as optimized load response behavior, and improved efficiency at part load, which both contribute to fuel savings.

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Breakthrough order for Alfa Laval PureNOx Prime on five VLECs

APL Achieves 45.5% Carbon Emissions Reduction in 2015 APL announced that it has reduced its fleet carbon dioxide emissions by 45.5% in 2015, compared to its emissions level in 2009. This achievement marks APL’s highest carbon dioxide emissions reduction in the last six years. “APL has steadily reduced its year-on-year carbon emissions and this demonstrates the company’s unyielding focus on sustainable shipping,” said Kenneth Glenn, APL President. “APL is dedicated to sound environmental stewardship and will persevere in our efforts to live out our commitments to protecting the environment.” APL attributed its carbon emissions reduction to improvements in operational efficiency, fleet and voyage optimisation, technical improvements, as well as a more fuel-efficient and environmentally-friendly fleet of vessels.

PureNOx Prime, Alfa Laval’s new PureNOx solution for water treatment in Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), will be part of EGR systems on five very large ethane carriers (VLECs) to be operated by United Ethane Carriers (UEC). This major order from MAN Diesel & Turbo comes only a short time after PureNOx Prime was introduced to the market. UEC, a joint venture between Jaccar Holdings and Hartmann Group for the commercial management of ethane carriers, will be the operator of five VLECs to be built for ship owner JHW Engineering & Contracting. These newbuilds will employ EGR as the means of reducing NOx emissions. For water treatment in the EGR circuit, engine provider MAN Diesel & Turbo has chosen PureNOx Prime, a cutting-edge development of Alfa Laval PureNOx technology. “Receiving this breakthrough order so soon after the introduction of Alfa Laval PureNOx Prime confirms that we’ve succeeded in our goals,” says Kristina Effler, Alfa Laval Global Business Manager, Water Treatment Exhaust Gas Emissions. “PureNOx Prime retains the proven PureNOx performance, but its smaller footprint, leaner design and lower investment cost are all adapted to market demands. Clearly, the market is responding.”

Complementing its vessel performance management, APL’s maintenance strategy has been pivotal in ensuring that its operations stay efficient and green. Through data collection and analysis, APL implements a dedicated programme that upkeeps its vessel fleet for optimal ship performance and minimal environmental impact.

An integral part of the EGR engine

APL advocates the most carbon efficient means of moving cargo to markets in a global economy. As a member of the BSR Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG), APL collaborates with other stakeholders to oversee CCWG’s approach in driving improvements in global goods transport, namely performance measurement and reporting, as well as promotion of environmentally responsible practices.

Each vessel will be served by a PureNOx Prime 100 system, which is the smallest of the three PureNOx Prime capacities and comprises one centrifugal separator. PureNOx Prime will be integrated into the vessels’ EGR engines, which will be manufactured for MAN Diesel & Turbo by Hyundai Heavy Industries Engine & Machinery Division (HHI-EMD).

APL also uses tools to track and benchmark its performance to help shippers make informed decisions in choosing an environmentally-responsible carrier. APL’s carbon dioxide emissions data was verified by Lloyd’s Register Group according to the CCWG verification protocol and ISO140643:2006 standard.

The five VLECs will be built in China by Dalian Shipyard. Like all ships built as of January 2016, they will be required to meet stringent Tier III NOx limits when operating in the Emission Control Area (ECA) off the North American coast.

To learn more about Alfa Laval PureNOx Prime and Alfa Laval’s approach to EGR water treatment, visit

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AkzoNobel makes first award of carbon credits to Neda Maritime Neda Maritime Agency Co Ltd, a leading Greek tanker and bulker owner, has become the world’s first ship owner to be awarded carbon credits through landmark methodology developed by AkzoNobel’s Marine Coatings business. A total of 13,375 carbon credits, potentially worth around $60,000, have been presented to Neda Maritime via the award-winning program. Launched in 2014, it is the first scheme of its kind that financially rewards ship owners for using sustainable hull coatings that improve operational efficiencies and reduce emissions. The carbon credits were accrued by the tanker vessel Argenta, which was converted from a biocidal antifouling system to a premium, biocide-free advanced hull coating from AkzoNobel’s Intersleek range – part of the company’s International® brand – that is proven to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions on average by 9%. Costas Mitropoulos, Technical Director at Neda Maritime, said: “We are proud to be the world’s first ship owner to receive carbon credits from AkzoNobel’s carbon credits initiative. As the shipping industry faces more pressure to improve its sustainability, we continue our commitment to further increase our environmental performance standards. To that respect we see a great potential in AkzoNobel’s pioneering carbon credits initiative as part of our strategy to deliver sustainable and successful business.”

ABS Partners with Leading Greek Shipowners to Address EU MRV Regulations ABS, a leading provider of classification services to the global marine and offshore industries, has completed a project with a group of leading Greek shipowners to support preparations for implementing the European Union’s Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) regulation for CO2 emissions. The result of this initiative is a clear interpretation of the regulation that allows companies to understand how they will be affected and what steps have to be taken to achieve and demonstrate compliance. “The EU MRV Regulation establishes a regional regime that requires owners to put in place systems and practices that provide clear and precise evidence of compliance,” says Dr. Kirsi Tikka, ABS Executive Vice President, Global Marine. “Leveraging its knowledge and experience, ABS has worked with these proactive owners to help them understand the requirements and to find solutions that minimize interruptions to their ability to trade.” The European Union’s Regulation 2015/757, which applies to ships above 5000GT calling at EU ports, requires that owners establish and maintain accurate processes for all aspects of the regulation to provide evidence of compliance. It is widely seen as the forerunner to a global system of CO2 emissions reporting that will be established under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization. ABS joined tanker owners Maran, Thenamaris, Minerva, Euronav and Tsakos in 2014 to begin preparing an MRV plan, the results of which were shared with INTERTANKO. As the project developed, the group was joined by CMM and bulk carrier operator Golden Union. Testing took place over six months on a fleet of 15 vessels, including Aframax tankers (including ice class), Suezmax tankers, MR product/ chemical tankers, an LR2 Product Carrier, a dual-fuel LNG Carrier, a steam-powered LNG carrier and Capesize bulk carriers.

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At the end of the data-gathering phase, ABS reviewed emission reports, assessing the reliability, credibility and accuracy of the monitoring systems and the resulting reported emissions data and information. A summary of findings identified where existing fuel measurement systems, data flow and reporting needed to be aligned with MRV requirements. Although ship emissions monitoring does not begin until January 1, 2018, Monitoring Plans must be submitted to the accredited Verifiers no later than the end of August of 2017. Owners need to have the appropriate IT infrastructure and support in place to meet the requirements and make sure ship and shoreside staff are properly trained. Planning and executing solutions in the near term will reduce the work required to demonstrate MRV compliance, and give shipowners confidence to prepare and submit accurate annual MRV reports.

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