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Bimonthly Review for the Shipping Industry April - May 2019 | issue 128

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Alfa Laval - Arriving to 3000 orders of Pure Ballast Alexander Prokopakis

Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης

probunkers vision is to be the premier 40 χρόνια επιχειρηματικής ανέλιξης global physical bunker supplier for LNG

Gregory Papadakis

31 years we guarantee the best service for our customers



APRIL - MAY 2019


Alexander Prokopakis probunkers vision is to be the premier global physical bunker supplier for LNG


Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης 40 χρόνια επιχειρηματικής ανέλιξης


Ο εμπορικός πόλεμος ΗΠΑ -Κίνας διώχνει τις εταιρίες προς την Ευρώπη


Τελειώνει υγιής ανταγωνισμός γιά τήν ναυτιλία;


Ted Petropoulos:The development and prospects of Greek ship finance


Martin Olofsson: Shipowners are pressed to decide which treatment systems to choose


Dimitris Poulos: We are reaching the milestone of 3000 orders for Ballast Systems


William H. Burroughs: Operating ballast water management systems: a continuing challenge


Stamatis Fradelos: BWMS Operational Experience


Tom Perlich: Ecochlor has more than 250 ships in its order book


John D. Papazafiriou:Our BWMS is economically viable and offered within reasonable delivery time



Gregory Papadakis 31 years we guarantee the best service for our customers

Pierluigi Gaggero :RINA has successfully applied the Technology Qualification Process


Max Wang: BalClor BWMS: A trustworthy solution with the long-lasting support by SunRui


Dennis Yang: Implementing The Ballast Water Management Convention



Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων του περιοδικού ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού και του εκδότη. Οι αρθρογράφοι του περιοδικού φέρουν την αποκλειστική ευθύνη της ιδοκτησίας των κειμένων που αποστέλουν προς δημοσίευση και οφείλουν να γνωστοποιούν τις πηγές στις οποίες αναφέρονται εάν υπάρχουν.


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Ο εμπορικός πόλεμος ΗΠΑ -Κίνας διώχνει τις εταιρίες προς την Ευρώπη Γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ.


νέα έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου του Πεκίνου έφερε στο φως καινούργια στοιχεία που αφορούν την πρόσφατη αλλά ισχυρή εμπορική διαμάχη μεταξύ Κίνας και ΗΠΑ. Η σύγκρουση αυτή των δύο χωρών αρχίζει να αγγίζει εκτός από κολοσσούς - όπως η HUAWEI, η οποία μέσα σε μία νύχτα δέχτηκε το χτύπημα της Google, καθώς η τελευταία αρνείται στο μέλλον να δημιουργεί αναβαθμίσεις για το λειτουργικό της Κινέζικης εταιρίας θέτοντάς της ουσιασιτικά εκτός Αμερικανικής αγοράς - και άλλες εταιρίες φτάνοντας συνολικά μέχρι στιγμής το ένα τέταρτο των ευρωπαϊκών εταιρειών που δραστηριοποιούνται στην Κίνα. Ο ίδιος ο Charlotte Roule, διευθυντής του Ευρωπαϊκού Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου, δήλωσε ότι ο εμπορικός πόλεμος μεταξύ Κίνας και ΗΠΑ αφήνει ήδη αρνητικά αποτελέσματα. Υποστηρίζει επίσης ότι κάποιες ευρωπαϊκές εταιρείες σκέφτονται μάλιστα να μεταφέρουν τα εργοστάσιά τους μακριά από την Κίνα, κάτι που θα άλλαζε ίσως τον παγκόσμιο εμπορικό χάρτη. Σύμφωνα με την παραπάνω έρευνα μόλις το 4% θεωρεί ότι η εμπορική διαμάχη μεταξύ Κίνας και ΗΠΑ μπορεί να έχει θετικές επιπτώσεις, το 57% κάνει λόγο για εμπορικό πόλεμο, ενώ το 38% βιώνει ήδη τις επιπτώσεις ώς αρνητικές. Κανείς δεν μπορεί να πει με σιγουριά αν όλα θα κοπάσουν ή θα ξαναδούμε την αναβίωση των εργοστασίων της Ανατολικής

6 NAFS | May 2019

Ευρώπης. Ήδη ένα ποσοστό σχεδόν 10% έχει ήδη μετακομίσει τις δραστηριότητές του εκτός Κίνας, ενώ πολλές είναι οι εταιρίες που σκέφτονται να μετακομίσουν σε Ευρωπαϊκό έδαφος. Το να μεταφερθούν τα εργοστάσια εκτός Κίνας δεν είναι εύκολη υπόθεση, ούτε φθηνή λύση. Η τεράστια αγορά της Κίνας με τα φθηνά εργατικά χέρια αποτελεί για πολλούς μία ασφαλή επιλογή. Το θέμα τώρα είναι μέχρι πού θα το πάει ο Ντόναλντ Τράμπ. Είναι αποφασισμένος να δημιουργήσει ανατροπές στο παγκόσμιο εμπόριο ή όλα είναι ένα παιχνίδι εντυπώσεων; Το σίγουρο πάντως είναι ότι ακόμα και αν ο πλανητάρχης μπλοφάρει, κάποιοες εταιρίες ήδη βρίσκουν έδαφος εκτός Κίνας. Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, η Ανατολική Ευρώπη ή οι φθηνότερες χώρες της Νοτιοανατολικής Ασίας επιλέγονται για να παρακάμψουν τους αμερικανικούς φόρους. Εμείς εδώ φυσικά στην Ελλάδα, δεν έχουμε πάρει μυρωδιά. Ασχολούμαστε με τις μπογιές του Ρουβίκωνα και την κουτσουρεμένη 13η σύνταξη, την ώρα που οι χώρες της Ανατολικής Ευρώπης βράζουν και παρακολουθούν τις εξελίξεις για να αρπάξουν την ευκαιρία. Ας ελπίζουμε ότι κάποια στιγμή θα ξυπνήσει η επόμενη Ελληνική κυβέρνηση και θα προσελκύσει επενδύσεις σε Ελληνικό έδαφος. Ίδωμεν.

Ίσαλος γραμμή

Τελειώνει o υγιής ανταγωνισμός γιά τήν ναυτιλία; ΤΟ ΜΕΛΛΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΞΑΡΤΑΤΑΙ ΠΛΕΟΝ ΑΠΟ ΤΙΣ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΕΙΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΕΓΑΛΩΝ ΗΓΕΤΩΝ Κώστας Δούκας

Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Δημοσιογραφίας Ιδρύματος Μπότση

Σέ νέες δυσκολίες μπῆκε ἡ ἑλληνόκτητη ναυτιλία ἐξ αἰτίας τῶν δασμῶν 200 δισ. δολαρίων, πού ἐπέβαλε στά κινεζικά προϊόντα ὁ Ἀμερικανός πρόεδρος Ντόναλντ Τράμπ. Τό χρηματιστήριο τῆς Νέας Ὑόρκης βρίσκεται σέ συνεχῆ ἀναταραχή. Ἐκεῖ εἶναι εἰσηγμένες οἱ περισσότερες καί μεγαλύτερες ἑλληνικές ναυτιλιακές ἑταιρίες, πού ἐπλήγησαν σοβαρά, καθώς οἱ ναυτιλιακές μετοχές σημείωσαν μείωση 10% μέσα σέ μία ἑβδομάδα, ἀπό τότε πού ἀνακοινώθηκαν τά sanctions, καθώς οἱ ναυτιλιακές ἑταιρίες σημείωσαν μείωση 10% καί οἱ ἀξίες τῶν στόλων ἀπομειώθηκαν περαιτέρω. Πολλοί φοβοῦνται ὃτι ὁ ὑγιής ἀνταγωνισμός βαίνει πλέον πρός τό τέλος του καί τό μέλλον τῆς ναυτιλίας, ἀλλά καί τῆς κάθε οἰκονομικῆς δραστηριότητος, ἐξαρτᾶται ἀπό τίς ἀποφάσεις τῶν μεγάλων ἡγετῶν καί συγκεκριμένα τῆς Κίνας, τῆς Ρωσίας καί τῶν ΗΠΑ.. Ὃσον ἀφορᾶ τά διαδραματιζόμενα στό Αἰγαῖο ὡς πρός τά κοιτάσματα ὑδρογονανθράκων καί τήν προκλητική συμπεριφορά τῆς Τουρκίας, ναυτιλιακές πηγές τοῦ Πειραιῶς παρατηροῦσαν ὃτι, παρά τίς ὑπεραισιόδοξες ἀνακοινώσεις γύρω ἀπό τίς ποσότητες τῶν κοιτασμάτων στήν ΑΟΖ τῆς Κύπρου, οἱ ποσότητες αὐτές δέν εἶναι ἱκανοποιητικές, ἂν συνυπολογισθεῖ καί τό ὑψηλό κόστος ἐξορύξεως, πού μέχρι στιγμῆς ἰσοφαρίζεται μέ τίς ἀξίες τῶν ἀνακαλυφθέντων κοιτασμάτων. Ὡστόσο, ἡ ἀμερικανική καί γαλλική παρουσία παραμένει ἒντονη, μέ τήν ἐλπίδα ἀνεύρεσης νέων περισσότερο προσοδοφόρων κοιτασμάτων, ὂχι μόνο στήν ΑΟΖ τῆς Κύπρου, ἀλλά καί στήν εὐρύτερη περιοχή τῆς Ἀνατολικῆς καί Δυτικῆς Μεσογείου. Οἱ ἲδιες πηγές ὑποστηρίζουν ὃτι ἡ προκλητική ἀνάμιξη τῆς Τουρκίας θά συνεχισθεῖ καί ὁ πρόεδρος Ἐρντογάν δέν θά διστάσει νά πραγματοποιήσει ὃλες τίς ἀπειλές του, ἀγνοῶντας τίς αὐστηρές ἀμερικανικές προειδοποιήσεις καί ἀπειλές, οἱ ὁποῖες ὃμως φαίνεται νά περιορίζονται σέ φραστικό ἐπίπεδο, διότι ἡ Ἀμερική δέν φαίνεται ἀποφασισμένη νά διακόψει τούς δεσμούς νατοϊκῆς συμμαχίας μέ τήν Τουρκία, ἡ ὁποία πλέον παίζει ἀνέτως σέ δύο ταμπλώ. Ἡ προοπτική τῆς κατασκευῆς τοῦ ἀγωγοῦ Ἢστ Μέντ ἐξαρτᾶται τελικά ἀπό τήν Συρία, ἡ ὁποία δέν ἐπιτρέπει τήν κατασκευή τοῦ ἀγωγοῦ, δηλαδή ἀπό τόν Ρῶσο πρόεδρο Πούτιν, ὁ ὁποῖος ἀντιδρᾶ, διότι ἂν γίνει αὐτός ὁ ἀγωγός, μελλοντιικά θά ἑνωθοῦν τά κοιτάσματα ἀερίου τοῦ Κατάρ καί τοῦ Ἰράν, πού κατέχουν τά μεγαλύτερα ἀποθέματα φυσικοῦ ἀερίου στόν κόσμο (γύρω στό 70%), ὁπότε θά ἀποκλεισθεῖ τό ρωσικό ἀέριο τῆς Γκάζ Πρόμ ἀπό τήν τροφοδοσία καί τήν ἐνεργειακή ἐξάρτηση τῆς Εὐρώπης ἀπό τήν Ρωσία καί θά πληγεῖ οἰκονομικά Πούτιν, κάτι πού ἐπιθυμεῖ διακαῶς ὁ Τράμπ. Ἡ αἰφνιδία ἀπόφαση τῆς Ἰταλίας διά τοῦ Σαλβίνι νά ἀρνηθεῖ τήν κατασκευή τοῦ ΤΑΠ ΜΕΝΤ δημιουργεῖ νέες περιπλοκές, ἰδίως μετά τόν εκλογικό του θρίαμβο στίς

8 NAFS | May 2019

εὐρωεκλογές, καθώς ἡ Ἰταλία συντάσσεται λόγω κερδῶν μέ τόν ἀγωγό τοῦ Πούτιν. Τά ἀποτελέσματα τῶν εὐρωεκλογῶν θά δώσουν νέες ὁπτικές στό πετρελαϊκό τοῦ Αἰγαίου. Αὐτές οἱ προοπτικές ὠθοῦν τήν Τουρκία νά <παρίσταται> ἐνεργειακά στήν Μεσόγειο καί τό Αἰγαῖο καί γι᾽ αὐτό θά πραγματοποιήσει ὑποθαλάσσιες γεωτρήσεις καί κανείς δέν θά τήν πειράξει, ἐν ὂψει μάλιστα καί τῆς ἐγκαταστάσεως τῶν S-400, μέ τούς ὁποίους θά <κλειδώσει> ὁλόκληρο τό Αἰγαῖο. Ἢδη ὁ Ἐρντογἀν διακηρύσσει ὃτι πραγματοποιεῖ γεωτρήσεις ὂχι γιά τούς Τουρκοκυπρίους, ἀλλά γιά...ὁλόκληρη τήν Κύπρο, εἰσβάλλοντας στήν κυπριακή ΑΟΖ καί ἀγνοῶντας τήν ΑΟΖ τοῦ Καστελλορίζου, προκειμένου νά φθάσει τήν τουρκική ΑΟΖ μέχρι τά νοτιοανατολικά τῆς Κρήτης καί μέχρι τά ὃρια τῆς Λιβύης. Οἱ ἲδιοι κύκλοι βεβαίωναν χαρακτηριστικά ὃτι τά μέχρι στιγμῆς ἀνακαλυφθέντα κοιτάσματα στήν κυπριακή ΑΟΖ ἑρμηνεύονται μέ φόρτωση ἑνός πλοίου κάθε ἑβδομάδα γιά τρία χρόνια. Ἀλλά καί ὃλα τά κοιτάσματα τῆς Ἀνατολικῆς Μεσογείου πού ἒχουν ἀνακαλυφθεῖ μέχρι σήμερα (Κύπρου, Ἰσραήλ καί Αἰγύπτου), δέν ὑπερβαίνουν σέ ἀξία τά 12 δισεκατομμύρια δολλάρια, ἐνῶ τό κόστος ἐξορύξεως φθάνει τά 10 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια. Τέτοιες ποσότητες θεωροῦνται μή ἐκμεταλλεύσιμες, ἐκτός ἂν ἀνακαλυφθοῦν νέα κοιτάσματα. Ἒτσι ἡ ἑλληνόκτητη ναυτιλία γίνεται ὃλο καί περισσότερο ἓρμαιη τῶν ἀποφάσεων τῶν μεγάλων ἡγετῶν, ἀπό τίς ὁποῖες ἐξαρτᾶται ἠ ἀπασχόληση τῶν ἐμπορικῶν στόλων. Τό εὐτύχημα εἶναι ὃτι ἡ ναυτιλία τῶν Ἑλλήνων κατόρθωσε νά μείνει ἒξω ἀπό τό...<πολιτικό μαντρί> τῆς Ἑλλάδος, ἡ ὁποία ἒχει ἐμπλακεῖ στήν μέγγενη τῆς ἐκλογικῆς ἀναμέτρησης πού προκήρυξε ἡ κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα, ὓστερα ἀπό τήν συντριπτική ἀπάντηση πού ἒδωσε ὁ Ἑλληνικός λαός στίς εὐρωεκλογές. Θέλουμε νά ἐλπίζουμε ὃτι ἡ νέα κυβέρνηση πού θά προκύψει ἀπό τίς ἐπικείμενες ἐκλογές τοῦ καλοκαιριοῦ θά ἀσχοληθεῖ μέ τά πραγματικά προβλήματα τοῦ τόπου, δίνοντας ἒμφαση σέ ἀναπτυξιακές πολιτικές, καί θά σταματήσει νά καλλιεργεῖ τό πνεῦμα τῆς ἡττοπάθειας καί ἐνδοτικότητας ἒναντι τῆς ἃρπαγος γείτονος Τουρκίας, ἡ ὁποία ναί μέν δέν ἐπιθυμεῖ, ἐπί τοῦ παρόντος τουλάχιστον, νά ἐμπλακεῖ σέ πόλεμο μέ τήν Ἑλλάδα, ἀλλά εἶναι ἀποφασισμένη νά ἐπιβάλει τίς θελήσεις της μέ τετελεσμένα γεγονότα ἒχοντας τήν αἲσθηση τοῦ ἰσχυροτέρου, κατά παράβαση βέβαια πάντα τοῦ διεθνοῦς δικαίου. Κι αὐτό θά συνεχίζεται στό διηνεκές, καθώς οὐδείς εἶναι διατεθειμένος νά τιμωρήσει τήν Τουρκία. Αὐτό νά τό ἒχει πάντα κατά νοῦν ἡ νέα κυβέρνηση πού θά προκύψει, πού ναί μέν ὃλοι γνωρίζουν ποιά θά εἶναι, ἀλλά τό πολιτικό σκηνικό σέ Αἰγαῖο καί Κύπρο εἶναι λίαν περιπεπλεγμένο ἐξ ἀφορμῆς τῶν τουρκικῶν προκλήσεων, ὣστε νά εἶναι ἀδύνατη ὁποιαδήποτε, ἒστω καί βραχυπρόθεσμη πρόβλεψη ὁποιαδήποτε ἐξελίξεως.

Financial Focus

The development and prospects of Greek ship finance Ted Petropoulos, Head, Petrofin Research© decline of European banks from 97% in 2010 to 77% in 2018, as well as the fall of German banks from 27% to 16% for the same period.In contrast, Greek banks have largely maintained their share from 24% in 2010 to 18.4% in 2018, despite the Greek related economic and banking crisis. In general, 2018 was a year of contrasts.

Finance for Greek owners is an essential part of the development of the Greek fleet. This has traditionally been provided by banks. The last ten years have, however, witnessed profound changes in the ability and willingness of banks to continue to perform this vital role. In Graph 1 you will note the development of bank related ship finance since 2001 (Petrofin Bank Research ©), shown as the Petrofin Index. During the same period (2001-2018), the DWT capacity of the Greek fleet grew continuously from a base of 100 to 273, despite the fall of bank finance (Graph 2). In this year’s Greek ship finance research by Petrofin Research (, you can review all the significant changes over the last 18 years. We should point out the

The German ship finance market continued its fall by 18.64% with few banks remaining committed to shipping. Although the pace of decline has been slowing down, there were still surprises to be had, as was the decision by Nord LB to abandon shipping altogether. Interestingly, HSH became Hamburg Commercial Bank owned by private Equity Funds with a reduced loan portfolio but still willing to continue to serve its clients.

Graph 1: Petrofin Index – 
 Greek ship finance and the development of the Greek Fleet 500


443 405





398 372



379 346,1 326,68


321,66 300


272,85 256,29 239,74




200 155 129 100

100 2001

110 2002

113 2003

122 2004

117 2005







2007 2008 2009 2010 Petrofin Index of Greek ship finance



2011 2012 2013 Greek fleet DWT

Petrofin Bank Research© - as of end 2018, June 2019

10 NAFS | May 2019










Financial Focus The notable outperformers last year were Credit Suisse and BNP Paribas, closely followed by HSBC, Citi, ABN Amro and ING in the top 10. Greek banks, on the other hand, against all odds, showed a robust performance last year, even though they are still handicapped by the Greek economy and a high percentage of nonperforming loans in the non-shipping sectors. The Far East and North American shares continued to rise, failing though, to fully counterbalance the decline of German and UK banks. The main competition to banks lies in Far East leasing. Chinese lessors have strongly developed and have also begun to address the requirements of smaller owners. The number of Chinese leasing companies has grown enormously and in the meantime their offered finance cost has declined now being on par or even lower than banks. The response by banks has been one of primarily dealing with their own proven clientele, thus hardly considering any new clients. Often owners have no choice but to rely on leasing to finance their newbuildings or modern acquisitions. Over the past couple of years, Japanese leasing companies have selectively provided finance to Japan linked clients, favouring those with a long record in dealing with Japanese shipyards and banks. Among owners, the two tier lending market continues to dominate as a lending model. The top owners achieve low cost facilities with flexible terms whilst the smaller owners struggle to secure finance. The presence of private Equity Funds in Greek ship finance has been subdued largely because of their high cost despite offering higher loans than banks. Overall, bank margins have begun to slide as the emphasis is focused on size and quality. On the whole, however, most banks have enjoyed a secure loan portfolio with few nonperforming loans in respect of loans provided in recent years. Banks which have nurtured bad loans for a number of years, have continued to offload them primarily to private Equity Funds. Some private Equity Funds, e.g. Cerberus, developed enormous fleets of managed/controlled vessels on the basis of which they hope to make exciting returns. All banks that recently entered the ship finance market are experiencing solid growth. These include Amsterdam Trade Bank, Bank of Cyprus, Hellenic Bank, M&M and, recently, Astro Bank. It should be noted that many smaller national Far Eastern and Middle Eastern banks are also developing their shipping presence. The shipping markets in 2018 were not inspiring but did provide some support to banks. The dry bulk and LNG sectors witnessed good performances. As the year developed, there was (and still is) growing concern on the impact of trade wars and restrictions, the effects of Brexit, the mounting geopolitical tensions, as well as the effects of the Vale dam disaster which has severely curtailed the Brazilian iron ore production and exports. Banks are becoming increasingly worried of the slowdown in international trade growth as a result of the higher tariffs imposed by the US and China and how this could impact international trade in the coming years. A slowdown in newbuilding orders and deliveries has helped counterbalance the declining international trade growth but scrapping is still relatively low levels.

12 NAFS | March 2019

The new 2020 fuel regulations, as well as the implementation of the Ballast Water Management system have added to the challenges of the shipping industry and the banks. Banks have also begun to look into the environmental issues related to shipping and their clients. As a result, loan approvals have become longer and uncertainty has grown further. Despite all the above restraining factors, Greek shipping has continued to grow and this underpins the interest of banks in Greek shipping. Over the last years, the Norwegian capital and banking market has developed strongly and has provided some solutions to Greek owners in financing, investment support, leasing/bareboat and joint ventures. Consisting mainly of current and ex shipping parties, Norwegian investors have displayed good timing and shipping experience. This has attracted many Greek owners, e.g. Alafouzos and others.

What of the outlook for shipping banks in the next years? The adjustment process by overleveraged and aggressive banks has come to near its end after 10 years since the 2009 financial crisis, with few banks nowadays nurturing sizeable bad shipping loans. Those remaining are busy disposing of the last loans. As a consequence, both the survivors of the above contraction and the recent bank entrants are expected to once again drive ship finance higher. The recovery though is expected to be slow, as banks are still constrained by capital restrictions and develop increasingly demanding risk and compliance departments. To a large extent, it is the performance of the various shipping sectors, as well as the overall global economic and geopolitical factors, that will determine the immediate future and commitment of shipping banks. Owners’ appetite for additional newbuildings and second hand purchases will also be dependent on the above factors. However, interest in LNGs and tanker vessels continues unabated, seemingly unaffected by global economic and geopolitical issues. Overall, banks continue to face capital constraints and stricter risk and compliance policies. As a consequence, the bank funds available for Greek ship finance have to compete with other non-Greek ship finance, as well as all the other lending opportunities available to banks. Admittedly, ship finance loan yields are quite attractive and banks have developed a highly selective approach in an effort to minimise potential provisions. We anticipate that provided shipping markets do not face a collapse due to geopolitical risks and/or trade war tariffs that Greek ship finance should stabilise at around the end 2018 levels. A key factor supporting the above expectation is the near complete exodus of banks which decided to quit ship lending. Banks have begun to adapt to the changing ship finance conditions by emphasising more their non-risk services and corporate support they could provide to owners. A key example of this is DNB which is changing its ‘shipping mix’. We look forward to next year’s Greek ship finance research in order to see if the last 10 years bank ship finance decline could reverse.

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Alexander Prokopakis, CEO probunkers


Alexander Prokopakis

probunkers vision is to be the premier global physical bunker supplier for LNG A very interesting interview was given to by Alexander Prokopakis, CEO probunkers, regarding LNG as a marine fuel. The interview of Mr. Prokopakis has as follows: As the expansion of LNG as a marine fuel is rapid into shipping, probunkers is turning into a world-class investment opportunity, by building a reliable global-scale LNG bunkering network. Could you pls tell us few words about this investment? probunkers will contribute to the development of LNG marine infrastructure by providing premier and reliable LNG bunkering services. We aim to be among the early movers who will support the future of Sustainable Shipping and Green Energy. probunkers Holding was established in 2017 in Cyprus. Its headquarters are based in Athens, Greece. The company will have shareholding control over a group of companies operating in the sectors of shipping and energy. The Shipping division will design, build, own and operate a fleet of LNG supply vessels. They will all be single vessel entities owned 100% by probunkers Holding. The Commercial Companies will also be fully owned by the Holding company. The Commercial division will have presence and operate in seven geographical locations across the globe, through local branches; each of them will include operational and crewing departments overseen by three main regional trading offices with sales and customer service departments.

14 NAFS | May 2019

Do you believe that with its low sulphur emissions, LNG is an attractive proposition for shipowners and operators responding to the 2020 Sulphur Cap? Liquefied Natural Gas, known as LNG, provides the best long- term option in the upcoming eco-friendlier era of marine fueling. LNG has significant environmental, financial and safety advantages as a marine fuel compared to other fuel alternatives. LNG is the most environmental friendly option: Nox: 85% lower emissions Sox: Virtually no emissions PM: Virtually no emissions CO2: 25% lower emissions LNG is the most economic option amongst alternative marine fuels. Advance extraction methods and Innovation have led to the discovery of new natural gas reserves that increase the available product in the market. The large supply of natural gas will continue to maintain lower gas prices than conventional fuels and even increase the spread between competitive prices in favor of LNG, especially with the decoupling from oil prices. Since the introduction of LNG as a marine fuel and the associated


LNG bunkering operations, the industry has an exemplary safety track record. LNG is the only available fuel today that meets and exceeds current and future IMO emissions targets up to 2030 and beyond. Lack of bunkering infrastructure has been one of the key constraints on adoption of LNG as a marine fuel. What are your actions for this matter? Allow me to clarify that LNG for bunkering is widely available around the world with truck deliveries. The void of an independent LNG Bunker supplier is what we want to cover. probunkers will contribute to the development of LNG marine infrastructure by providing premier and reliable LNG bunkering services that will support the future of Sustainable Shipping and Green Energy. Currently there are 7 LNG Bunkering vessels trading globally. Our investment alone doubles that fleet and options for customers. What is your vision regarding your role to support the future of Sustainable Shipping and Green Energy? Our Vision is to be the premier global physical bunker supplier for LNG. As a social responsible company and moving towards the decarbonatization of shipping we offer the best available fuel for the shipping industry. We support all viable initiatives for a greener future for the next generations. Environmental considerations and social responsibility are more valuable than ever. Our company culture has high environmental and social responsibility consciousness. Many voices insist that LNG is the future in shipping. However some others are speaking about bio-fuels. What is your opinion regarding bio fuels as an alternative fuel in shipping? LNG is one the cleanest burning fossil fuel available. LNG is odorless, colorless, non-corrosive and non-toxic. Therefore, LNG does not pollute land or water resources as much as other fuels of the same origin, for example, diesel. Even though it is less harmful than other fuels in use, LNG is still a fossil fuel. Over the next decades we will have a different fuel mix than we have today. Bio-fuels like LNG will be part of this mix. The most environmental friendly, widely available and most economic product will be the prevailing fuel of the future. You have recently stated that 2018 will be a landmark year for the expansion of LNG as a key fuel in shipping. Did this happen? It seems that the past few years and many more ahead are key years for LNG. We leave in a fast ever changing world and we are experiencing many changes. The LNG industry can’t be an exception. Landmark might have been an overstatement but without a doubt 2018 was another key year. Oceanking is very proud to be among the initial shareholders and partners of probunkers. Pls tell us few words about your relationship with Oceanking. Are you proud that this initiative comes from Greece? Oceanking is one of the 3 founding partners / shareholders of probunkers. All three founding partners are from Greece. We are very proud that once again the Greek entrepreneurism, intuition, shipping vision and experience are coming together to support a bold initiative.

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Oceanking is not just a shareholder, is a partner, a huge supporter and believer of probunkers. Oceanking provides technical expertise, knowledge and experience that is beneficial to us and future investors. The founding partners all bring different attributes and know-how that is valuable to the company and the future shareholders. All partners have a great relationship among us. We share the same vision and passion to see probunkers succeed and become the leading LNG global partner to shipping. ABS has signed a pioneering Joint Development Program (JDP) with probunkers. What is the purpose of this program? The JDP with ABS is about the development of optimized technical characteristics for a series of LNG bunker vessels. ABS, a leading global provider of classification and technical advisory services to the marine and offshore industries, is committed to setting standards for safety and excellence in design and construction. Focused on safe and practical application of advanced technologies and digital solutions, ABS is working with us to develop the technical specification of our LNGBVs along with accurate and cost-effective compliance, optimized performance and operational efficiency. ABS is the leading Classification Society at the LNG Carriers segment with vast experience and knowledge. Looking ahead what is your forecast for 2050 as far as alternative fuels in shipping are concerned? With certainty in the future we will have a different fuel mix than today. We believe in a Carbon free future and shipping can’t be an exception. The shipping industry is under increasing pressure to act and reduce emissions. All around the world, air pollution is causing serious health problems and premature deaths, so local air pollution will be subject to tougher regulations over the coming years. The world’s future fleet will have to rely on a broader range of fuels, propulsion solutions and energy efficiency measures. All alternative fuel options are accompanied by benefits and challenges.

Our Vision is: To be the premier global physical bunker supplier for LNG. Our Mission is: To provide a clean and environmental friendly bunkering solution for the shipping industry through our superior service. Our Goals & Objectives are around our Customers, Employees, Shareholders and the Society probunkers will have a three-tier role, as Physical supplier, LNG Trader/Seller and Barge owner and operator. Our three-fold business model includes investment, trading and finance elements. The multi-layer model involves operations, LNG buying and selling, logistics and marketing. Alexander Prokopakis, CEO probunkers

Ballast Water

Martin Olofsson

Shipowners are pressed to decide which treatment systems to choose

Senior Principal Engineer, Environmental Protection DNV GL – Maritime Approval of Ship Systems and Components

With the ratification of the Ballast Water Management Convention, shipowners are pressed to decide which treatment systems to choose. For manufacturers keen to be selected, attaining type approval by the U.S. Coast Guard can be a deciding factor. DNV GL provides comprehensive support. After many years of discussions, the date is set. The IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention will enter into force on 8 September 2017. For opera-tors with vessels that discharge ballast water in international waters, this means that they must have a treatment system installed on their vessels within five years. The specific deadline depends on the next renewal survey of a vessel’s International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate. For many operators trying to decide which type of system to install, one of the most important questions is: Does the system meet the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) requirements? In late 2016, the manufacturers Alfa Laval, Optimarin and OceanSaver became the first to be awarded U.S. Coast Guard type approval certificates for their ballast water treatment systems. “We are proud to have worked with all three of these successful applicants from the very beginning,” says Martin Olofsson, Senior Principal Engineer, Environmental Protection DNV GL – Maritime Approval of Ship Systems and Components. The USCG officially appointed DNV GL as an Independent Laboratory (IL) to perform type approval testing of ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) in 2013. “DNV GL and its associated sub-laboratories DHI Denmark, NIVA (Norway), Golden Bear Facility (USA) and DHI Singapore have been deep into the details of USCG testing for three years and have gained substantial experience in what is practical and possible to achieve in compliance with the regulation,” says Olofsson. There are now five “Independent Laboratory” accreditations for BWTS. Out of 45 BWTS manufacturers who have signed a letter of intent for having their systems approved by the USCG, DNV GL is currently handling 25, making it the largest independent provider of laboratory services by far. The choice of the best-suited treatment system for a particular vessel de- pends on a number of factors: What ship type is it? Does the vessel operate in fresh or brackish water? Does it primarily sail in cold or temperate waters? Will the system have to work in high-turbidity conditions, meaning water that contains a lot of clay, algae or silt? All these questions are very important for making the right choice. The five treatment systems which already hold or are soon expected to hold a USCG type approval certificate include UV systems, electrolytic systems and chemical injection systems. Read on

18 NAFS | May 2019

to see how these types of systems work, which operational profiles they can handle and their advantages and drawbacks.

SELECTED BWT SYSTEMS UV SYSTEMS How it works: With a market share of 50 per cent, UV systems are the most popular option at present. They use a two-step process of filtration and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to sterilize organisms and stop their reproduction. Suitable for: UV systems are suit-able for any vessel in theory, but primarily for those which do not take in too much ballast water and have flow rates of up to around 1,000 cubic metres per hour. This includes ro-ro vessels, container ships, offshore supply vessels and ferries. Advantages/Challenges: UV systems are easy to install and retrofit, and have few safety concerns from a class point of view. They also operate independently, no matter what the water salinity and temperature are. However, they are de-pendent on the water transmittance (UV-T) and work less well in turbid water. The U.S. Coast Guard’s interpretation that any organisms released into US waters should be dead before leaving the vessel, rather than just made infertile, means that a type-approved filter and UV system becomes more sensitive to water turbidity and may require longer holding times to ensure mortality.Optimarin received USCG type approval for its filter/UV system in 2016. ELECTROLYTIC SYSTEMS How it works: Electrolytic treatment systems have a market share of around 35 per cent and therefore come second in the treatment systems’ ranking. Many of these systems also use a filter as a pre-treatment. By passing an electric current through a small sidestream of seawater, they use the salt and the water molecules in a chemical reaction to generate sodium hypochlorite, a disinfect-ant, which is then reinjected into the ballast water to kill all organisms. Suitable for: Electrolytic treatment systems are more suited for larger vessels such as tankers and bulk carriers, which have large ballast water volumes and high flow rates in the range of up to 8,000 cubic metres per hour. Advantages/Challenges: As well as being able to handle large capacities, electrolysis-based systems are very efficient and the treatment of the water is done on the intake only (possible neutralization on discharge). This means they provide on-board disinfection, and

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Ballast Water some systems even provide in-tank circulation treatment during the voyage, when treatment in the port is not feasible. One of the disadvantages is that the electrolytic reaction generates small amounts of hydrogen gas, a factor which needs to be accounted for in safety considerations. In addition, electrolytic systems are sensitive to low salinity and low temperatures, so salt or a heating system must be added where necessary. Finally, they are more complex to install, control and maintain compared to UV filter systems. CHEMICAL INJECTION SYSTEMS How it works: These systems are often used in combination with filtration. A chemical solution is injected into the ballast water to ensure disinfection. The disinfect-ant may be liquid or granular and will sometimes require neutralization prior to discharge overboard. Some of the active substances which are commonly used include sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid and chlorine dioxide. Suitable for: Chemical injection systems are deemed appropriate for most ballast flow capacities ranging up to 16,000 cubic metres

per hour and are mostly used to treat ballast water on vessels with larger capacities and flow rates, such as tankers and bulkers. The technology also makes it suitable for infrequent usage and is also good for disinfecting tanks that have been used without treating the ballast water during ballasting and deballasting in local waters. Advantages/Challenges: Chemical injection systems generally have low power requirements, because their only energy consumption comes from distributing the chemicals into the ballast water. With the dosing pump as their main component these systems require less space on board, making them easier to install than other technologies. However, the chemicals which are used, such as Peraclean or Purate, are trademarked, and supply might be limited to specific ports. In addition, the chemicals must be stored on board in closed containers and may be hazardous. The use of chemicals requires implementation of strict safety provisions and crew training. Having to stock up the supply of chemicals regularly also generates additional operational costs compared to UV or electrolysis systems, which have electricity as their main cost item.

ABB strengthens exploration cruise leadership with repeat order from Ulstein for Lindblad Expeditions ABB has secured the order covering power, automation, propulsion and digital systems for the second icegoing cruise ship to be built for Lindblad Expeditions by Ulstein. Destined to take exploration cruise guests sustainably and safely on voyages deep into remote polar regions, the Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. vessel will be built by the Norwegian yard Ulstein Verft to an Ulstein Design & Solutions design as a sister ship to National Geographic Endurance, whose construction is underway. As before, the latest ship will have capacity for 126 passengers in 69 luxury guest cabins. The vessel will join the Lindblad fleet in late Q3 of 2021. These ships feature one of the highest ice-classes assigned to purpose-built passenger vessels, PC5 Category A, and are designed to meet all regulations for navigation in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and to ensure the very highest level of passenger comfort and safety. Highlighting its preferred supplier position in the expedition cruise ship segment, ABB will deliver a full power, distribution, control and automation package for the ship, integrated in the ABB AbilityTM System 800xA, as well as twin 3.5MW electric Azipod® DO propulsors. All systems will be connected 24/7 to the ABB AbilityTM Collaborative Operations Center infrastructure for remote monitoring and support of vessel systems. “We are delighted to continue our work with ABB on this second highly innovative polar ship,” said Nikolaos G Doulis, Senior Vice President, New Buildings, Lindblad Expeditions. “Passenger safety

20 NAFS | May 2019

and comfort are paramount for any cruise operator, so it is critical that our suppliers can demonstrate proven reliability and offer continuous support via ship-shore connectivity, especially as ships venture to more remote locations and ice conditions.” ABB is the only supplier of azimuthing electric podded propulsor systems of sufficiently high ice-going class able to meet the owner requirements. Azipod® propulsion is a gearless steerable propulsion system where the electric drive motor is in a submerged pod outside the ship hull. Azipod® propulsion has become an industry standard in the cruise segment, with the proven ability to cut fuel consumption by up to 15 percent compared to traditional shaftline propulsion systems. “We continuously refine our range of automation, propulsion and digital systems for specific market segments,” said Juha Koskela, Managing Director of ABB Marine & Ports. “We are delighted to be working with Lindblad once more to deliver the ship maneuverability and comfort in ice conditions made possible by the Azipod® DO solution, but also the full scope of ABB’s electric, digital and connected vision offering. ABB’s support in real time is especially compelling in polar waters.” In addition to minimizing the risk of incidents, ABB has estimated that owners using remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance services through its seven land-based Collaborative Operations Centers can reduce the cost of repairs and maintenance by up to 50 percent, while on-site attendance by technical personnel can be cut by as much as 70 percent.

Cover story

Dimitris Poulos:

Regional Manager, Service and Equipment Marine & Diesel Power, Alfa Laval

We are reaching the milestone of 3000 orders for Ballast Systems 22 NAFS | May 2019

interview NAFS: Alfa Laval PureBallast 3, the third generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology, has recently received an updated type approval from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Could you pls tell us e few words about it? D. P: Alfa Laval has applied almost six (6) months ago for the release of holding time that really was for a few owners a barrier for the quick operation of the system. The updated USCG type approval has reduced the holding time to 2,5 hours, a period that is not giving any barrier to any owner for the operation in all ports of the world. Also AL has launched recently the PB3.2 1500 M3/h reactor , in order to be able to serve even bigger capacities with the same efficiency and same footprint with smaller ones. ALFA LAVAL has a very strong R&D dpt and continiously is investing in the improvement of the systems targeting to the most ecomomical solution for the owner. With more than 1800 running installations and already four (4) versions from 2008 , there is a huge accumulated experience in order to optimize fully the process. NAFS: How possible is to keep operations simple, even under the more complicated USCG legislation? D. P: Actually the AL system is fully automatic. Running the system into USCG mode , the system needs just start and stop. Having a UV sensor and measuring continiously the UV intensity , the system immediately reacts in order to run into the USCG limits. For an AL system , IMO or USCG operation is the same , just start and stop. The system runs in different software and operation sequense depending from the waters that operate. NAFS: What is the reason UV treatment systems have had holding times in United States waters? And how PureBallast 3 faces this matter? D. P: The UV systems are not killing the microorganisms , they just make them non viable. Due to the fact that MPN method that was initially applied for the measuring of the non viability has been rejected, the stain methodology has been established the one and unique methodology of this factor. Initially in the first application and also due to the fact that USCG was in the initial stage of approval , a holding time of 72 hours has been applied. AL was obliged to do again the tests in the certified laboratories and has been proven that there is no problem with the holding time . The new certificate applied some weeks ago has a holding time of 2,5 hours. This holding time is now not a barrier for any kind of operation of shipowners. NAFS: Could you illustrate an accurate picture of the shipping industry as it progresses towards compliance for ballast water treatment? D. P: There is no way back. All ships need to have on board a Ballast system and the deadlines are well set of the MEPC of previous year. Already a lot of manufacturers have abandonned the project of optmizing their initial prototypes due to the fact finally to apply a good system , to pass the tests and to organise a massive production and service network for all the commisionings of the retrofit business, is not so easy operation. The accumulated experience of the first installations is giving now to the owners a very good picture of operational aspects. Also the first retrofit installations are giving signs that goοd project management is necessary. There is only one way forward, to install a good system, taking into account the value of the system in all the life of the ship. NAFS: We all know that no single BWM treatment technology works for all types of vessels. What does it mean in practise? D. P: The retrofit installation of the Ballast System is not an easy retrofit. Space & electrical consumption are problems that can not overpassed easily. Any available technology ( UV, Electroclorination, Chemicals, etc ) has advantages and disadvantages. In practise, every shipwoner has to evaluate first to fulfil drastically the available space and to see if

Cover story Alfa Laval and PureBallast are the most established choices in ballast water treatment. Alfa Laval has been involved with ballast water treatment for more than a decade. Besides developing treatment technology Alfa Laval has provided biological and technical competence on key panels whose role is to develop standards and educate the market. PureBallast, which was developed in cooperation with Wallenius Water, is a mature system that has long been at the forefront of ballast water treatment. The original system, launched in 2006, was the very first commercially available treatment solution. More than 1600 PureBallast systems have been sold to date, hundreds of which have already been delivered and commissioned. Hundreds of PureBallast systems have been installed as retrofits, and installations have been performed worldwide at a diverse range of shipyards. Just as importantly, PureBallast been chosen for a diversity of vessel types: container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, offshore supply vessels, naval vessels and more. May 2019 | NAFS 23

Cover story he has electrical power to support the systems. After is coming the quality of the system, the price to purschase it but most important the cost per year and the risk of deadtime due to not good avaulability of spares & service from manufacturers. Just one possible delay in the cargo operation is enough to depreciate all cost saved due to the preference in a cheap system. NAFS: How difficult is to have effective cooperation throughout all the BWMS retrofit project phases with shipowners, shipyard, classification societies etc? D. P: Here, is very important the good project management and prompt implementation of all phases of the installation. Engineering of the retrofit is very important and gives a lot of savings if there is an optimum design. The good support of manufacturer to the engineering phase is vital. All related parties are nowdays very occupied, so a good and prompt phasing of all steps is extremely important. NAFS: In what ways do you ensure that Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 is the best solution for shipping industry, and how important is

the Alfa Laval’s global network which provides smooth access to service and parts? D. P: ALFA LAVAL is optimizing the product continously. Already we are in the fifth version and collecting data from installations ,we are trying for the best outcome. We have already orders for 3000 ships and we support owners, engineering companies, class societies and yards in all the phases of the project. ALFA LAVAL already has a network of 120 specialized service engineers and we are recruiting every month more and more. Spares of every kind already are available in three distribution centers of the world and can fly just some hours after the order. Is not an easy operation, needs a lot of preparation that for AL has started a lot of years ago. NAFS: Pls tell us few words about Alfa Laval’s expertise and ongoing support that will help to secure compliance in the long term. D. P: ALFA LAVAL is present is about 81 countries and has service stations in more than 100 ports of the world. Also talking about AL Greece already there is a dedicated service dpt focusing only on

Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 is now type approved by the U.S. Coast Guard with minimized holding time Alfa Laval PureBallast 3, the third generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology, has received an updated type approval from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The new certificate makes it possible for vessels to deballast in United States waters with a holding time of just 2.5 hours. Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 was awarded an updated certificate from the USCG on April 4, granting the system type approval with zero-day holding time in all water salinities. PureBallast 3 owners in United States waters now have the option of discharging ballast water just 2.5 hours after taking it on. The holding time of 2.5 hours, which is due solely to a technical testing procedure, is only applicable if the vessel crosses over into another Captain of the Port Zone within this very short time.“We are committed to keeping operations simple, even under the more complicated USCG legislation,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “The new, and dramatically reduced, holding time for PureBallast 3 removes a key frustration when operating in United States waters.”

Doing away with holding time Holding time is a designated interval between the completion of ballast water uptake and the start of ballast water discharge. PureBallast 3, like many other treatment solutions, has had a mandatory holding time when operating under USCG legislation – despite having no such requirement under IMO legislation.

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The reason UV treatment systems have had holding times in United States waters is the difference in testing methods used by IMO and the USCG to verify biological disinfection performance. However, the recent signing into law of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) paves the way for the USCG to re-evaluate the IMO-endorsed method. If the USCG decides to accept the same testing principle used by IMO, suppliers of UV treatment systems will likely be able to reapply for USCG type approval based on the IMO testing methodology. “Alfa Laval is closely following the developments related to VIDA, but we have chosen not to wait for a change in the USCG legislation,” says Lindmark. With its updated USCG type approval, PureBallast 3 gains a decisive advantage – not only among UV treatment systems, but also over electrochlorination systems. This is because electrochlorination systems can only achieve short holding times through an increased use of chemicals. For many electrochlorination systems, large amounts of neutralization chemicals are needed to meet the discharge limit for total residual oxidants (TRO). “Unlike UV treatment, which is chemical-free, electrochlorination involves active substances that must be neutralized before discharge – which requires either time or more chemicals,” says Lindmark. “PureBallast 3 has the fewest limitations of any ballast water treatment technology, and the minimized holding time in United States waters makes those limitations even fewer.”

interview the retrofit and service of the systems of Greek shipowners. We support customer in all phases of installation, from first feasibility study until service contracts for all product life. We focus in the value in the long term. A few manufacturers can support the whole chain and really is a questionmark how the manufacturers will be able to support well the systems when this retrofit peak will finish. ALFA LAVAL due to the marine orientation and the fact that manufactures and support more than 17 applications on board , will be able to support also this product with the reliable way that market knows that is doing in our 100 years of history with marine equipment on board. NAFS: Training is integral to success in ballast water treatment. What are the actions of Alfa Laval in crew training to help customers ensure safe, correct and efficient operation of their PureBallast 3 systems? D. P: Training is extremely important because actually there is not any knowledge on board nowdays. The chief engineers that are the main brain if technical expertise on board have not accumulated experience as they have to the other systems. ALFA LAVAL

has already 5 training centers in all over the world and AL Greece already is giving training to the crews and techical dpt engineers for the correct and safe operation of the systems. Also we have developed relevant simulators for the easy learning of the system from distance and a lot of e-learning programs and webinars. Customer has just to contact AL offices and to ask for the available options in order to enhance his skills into the AL Ballast Systems. NAFS: Shipowners want to secure not just the right technology, but also a stable partner who will be there to support them in the long term. Is that the case? D. P: This is exactly the case. The value of the system has to be evaluated into the product life , not just to the installation phase. What will happen when this retrofit peak will finish? How manufacturers that now they produce 200-500 units per year will survive only with the NewBuilding trend? Shipowner have seriously to take this into account. The systems have to operate for the next 15-20 years in an econimical way , without deadtimes and from well trained crews. Only a few companies can support this model and ALFA LAVAL is by far one of them.

New PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex shrinks footprint and installation costs in ballast water treatment Now in its third generation, Alfa Laval PureBallast leads the way in ballast water treatment performance. With the introduction of Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex to the PureBallast family of systems, it also leads the way in minimizing footprint and installation costs. Available space comes at a premium on any vessel. This is especially true when retrofitting major equipment such as a ballast water treatment system, which in most cases was never considered in the vessel design. On newbuilds as well, it can be difficult to incorporate a treatment system into the already cramped engine room. Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex, a new PureBallast system based on loose components, is the answer to space and flexibility needs. Available for flows of 32–1000 m3/h, it packs the leading ballast water treatment technology into a footprint up to 20% smaller than that of PureBallast 3.1 – the smallest on the market. Likewise, it reduces installation costs by up to 10%, thanks to a plug-and-play concept for quick and easy connection. “Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex is economical, both in its use of space and in its installation,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “As a result, it removes headaches for both ship owners and shipyards. It’s an ideal choice for the vast majority of vessels, combining the smallest possible footprint with superior performance in the widest range of conditions.” Available now, Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex joins the

existing PureBallast family of ballast water treatment systems adapted to different customer needs. PureBallast 3.1 handles high flows and special requirements, while PureBallast 3.1 Compact offers a skid-mounted option. These systems have U.S. Coast guard type approval, which is also pending for PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex. All three PureBallast 3.1 systems provide the same superior performance in fresh, brackish and marine water, including full-flow operation in IMO-regulated waters where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%.

Cover story

Booster pump unit (BPU) for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Ex Optional pressure supply for vessels with deckhouse installations

26 NAFS | May 2019

May 2019 | NAFS 27

Cover story

Deckhouse for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Ex Deckhouse solution for tankers with optional booster pump unit

28 NAFS | May 2019

Ballast Water

Operating ballast water management systems: a continuing challenge William H. Burroughs, Senior Principal Engineer, ABS Workshops and questionnaire find more BWM systems are in use, but experience building, training and operational issues persist, writes William H Burroughs, ABS A series of recent ballast water management (BWM) system workshops conducted by ABS and a questionnaire completed by shipowners around the globe have found the industry to be broadly trending towards compliance as the regulatory deadlines near, but substantial operating challenges lie ahead. The questionnaire, which included almost 500 vessels installed with BWM systems found the proportion of users who considered their systems to be ‘inoperable’ to have fallen to 6%, from 14% in a similar ABS audit from late 2017. However, the number of owner/operators that reported their systems to be ‘operationally problematic’ jumped to 59% from 29%. While this is a worrying trend, it also reflects the operational learning curve inherent in operating systems. About 35% of the installed ballast water management systems on the vessels were deemed to be operational at the time of the survey. That said, with compliance requirements already in force for U.S. ballast water discharges and soon to be in force for more of the global fleet, owners and operators are still trying to gain critical experience with assorted BWM systems and the associated technologies. Seven different types of BWM systems were examined, including those using: • Filtration + Side-stream EC + Neutralization (used by 29% of respondents) • Filtration + UV Treatment (20.7%) • Ozone Treatment + Neutralization (19.9%) • Filtration + Full Flow (In-line) EC + Neutralization (17.8%) • Full Flow (In-line) EC (7.5%) • Filtration + Chlorination via chemical addition (5%) • Filtration + Deoxygenation (0.2%) The questionnaire’s findings, which were supported by a series of workshops conducted in New Orleans, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Athens, included feedback from owners of bulk, gas, product, heavy-lift and vehicle carriers, as well as containerships. The workshops shared the current best practices that support the integration of BWM systems, exploring the challenges of different technologies, ship types and sizes, operational and environmental conditions, operating frequencies, crew competencies and system-maintenance requirements. Results varied between BWM technologies, but the feedback broadly revealed growing concerns among shipowners about the

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operational reliability of the systems, the operating expenses being as expected, the availability of vendor support, the quality of associated control software and adequate levels of crew training. The questionnaire often exposed lengthy periods for full adoption of BWM system technology, which suggests the need for owners to urgently start the selection process and for them to resist the temptation to make cost their sole criterion. In addition to many crews being unfamiliar with the systems they were tasked with operating, the questionnaire and seminar feedback found widely disparate levels of technical support being offered by the vendors. These findings in particular should encourage shipowners to assign at least one company engineer to participate in the installation process, and to operate it as much as possible before the compliance deadline to build corporate and crew familiarity. Owners of large fleets would also be well advised to nominate one ship as the training platform; more resources may have to be spent on operating and training for that ship, but it would help build operational reliability by familiarising other crews before they deploy. Just over 70% of the vessels surveyed had their BWM systems installed during construction, against almost 4% having been retrofitted during dry-docking; almost one quarter did not reveal where their ships’ systems where installed. Across all technologies, about one third of respondents were happy with the reliability of the systems they had installed. Isolating with any certainty the predominant source of the perceived unreliability proved difficult, however, as it varied based on BW treatment technologies used. Certainly, post-installation vendor support has proven difficult to secure, particularly for owners domiciled outside the country of original manufacture. Other feedback suggested that of the under-performance ratings for what is essentially new technology, some were attributable to the skillsets of the crews operating the systems. Some the highest levels of dissatisfaction came from owners whose personnel received training ‘on the fly’ during commissioning, as onboard-acceptance testing was conducted. About 40% of owners considered their systems to be ‘user friendly’, though given that this is a subjective evaluation, it is entirely possible that any two owners could judge the same treatment system from opposite sides of the spectrum. But the measure does speak to overall industry comfort levels with the technology. ABS is updating its report on the best practices for operation of BWM systems, which was last published in August of 2017. The 2019 Report is expected to capture all the key discussions items, lessons and insight shared at the workshops in the U.S. and Asia.

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DRIVING SUSTAINABILITY © Avigator Thailand/Shutterstock

Ballast Water

BWMS Operational Experience Stamatis Fradelos

Director, Business Development, ABS

As the marine industry progresses towards compliance for ballast water treatment (USCG 33CFR151 and IMO IBWMC Regulation B-3) various challenges posed by different treatment technologies. In a recent survey with more than 60 ship-operators participating covering 483 BWMS installations on a wide range of vessel types, the following feedback received regarding BWMS operability and overall experience:

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Ballast Water When analyzing the survey results, 35% of the 483 BWMS installations were reported as operating regularly, and the remaining systems were either inoperable (6%) or considered problematic in operation (59%). This implies that many vessel operators are trying to get their BWMS fully functional and into operation before the U.S. Coast Guard or IMO compliance deadlines. Key contributing factors that support successful and compliant BWMS operations include: 1.Installation Considerations: The successful installation on the first vessel in a series is important as the lessons learned will enable a smooth and faster installation process on the sister vessels. Contrary to new builds, retrofitting a BWMS Installation on existing ships can be a challenging process that requires careful planning to allow proper integration into the ships existing water ballast system. The time required for the engineering contractor and class approval turnaround should be considered. To save time, pre-packaged components and some equipment for the BWMS can be pre-manufactured locally, closer to the shipyard. The engineering of the retrofit process should be carefully planned and the installation rehearsed before dry-docking the vessel. 2.Training: Establishing regular crew training is important to increase their level of understanding and competency for a successful BWMS retrofit operation. The lack of uniformity and effectiveness of training methods is a concern by many ship operators, especially since the BWMS is complex and ship-specific. Some of the current training methods include on-the-job training led by more experienced crew, computer-based training, lectures with visual aids, and training sessions at manufacturers facilities. 3. Commissioning: The difficulty and importance of completing the BWMS commissioning and initial survey on time should not be underestimated. Many early adopter BWMS installations have not yet been put into operation and continue to suffer frequent outages. These BWMS will require additional technical attendance before being commissioned. Systems may work during commissioning but fail shortly after leaving the shipyard. More vendor’s attendance and crew participation during commissioning is strongly recommended to minimize the likelihood of early life-cycle failures. Currently, there are no mandatory requirements for sampling and analysis of treated ballast water during commissioning, and none after the vessel begins operations. This requirement is subject to change during MEPC 74 (May 2019) and other meetings thereafter. 4. Operations: When planning for BWMS operations, all key stakeholders should be involved in the preparation of the ship specific ballast water management plan (BWMP). The BWMP should be validated and verified by the crew to assure reliable and sustainable operations of the BWMS. The BWMP should be updated to provide the latest information with respect to operation, maintenance, safety and repair instructions for familiarization and be based on the ship-specific configuration of the BWMS. The information provided by the vendor should be concise and easy for the crew to understand. Any changes or revisions made to the BWMP are to be submitted to class for approval. With a properly

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prepared and up to date BWMP, operational issues can be resolved or prevented. 5. Maintenance and Repair Establishing a systematic and regular maintenance schedule/ program helps to extend the life cycle of BWMS and equipment, prevents hazardous conditions that could lead to unsafe working conditions for the crew, and can allow continuous operations of the BWMS. In the long run, a properly designed prevention and maintenance plan could help reduce operating costs and unscheduled downtime, avoid costly or unnecessary repair work, and improve optimal readiness for the BWMS equipment. A BWMS maintenance book should be ship-specific and include the manufacturer’s recommended items, frequencies and methods used for maintenance. Operating and maintenance costs are considered the most difficult expenses to estimate since they vary depending on ship types and sizes, BWMS type, and the level of detail obtained from vendors. When estimating operating and maintenance costs for a BWMS, the following are minimum items to evaluate: a) Consumables such as chemicals, lamps, filter elements and other spare parts. b) Crew labor and training required for operation and maintenance of the BWMS. 6. Contingency Measures Well planned BWM contingency measures allow shipowners, operators and crew to identify, practice and implement the BWM strategy and be prepared for unexpected circumstances (i.e., inoperable BWMS, equipment failures, etc.). This could avoid unnecessary downtime for the vessel (i.e., delay at berths or ports, inability to continue cargo operations, etc.) and help avoid economic and/or commercial impacts. The BWM methods used should be well understood by the vessel’s crew. These should be incorporated as part of the training program and documented in the ship-specific BWMP to allow proper operation and maintenance of the BWMS. With the increasing number of owners experiencing problematic operations as a result of system design limitations, a considerable amount of time should be spent to review practical and feasible contingency measures. CONCLUSION: A significant number of owners are experiencing BWMS problematic operations. The key contributing factors that support successful and compliant BWMS operations are installation considerations, crew training, commissioning, operations, and maintenance and repair. Key insights to support smooth BWMS integration and operation include: a) The importance of advance planning including creating detailed timelines that anticipate delays to help mitigate cost impacts for BWMS retrofits, b) Incorporating ship-specific contingency measures into the BWM Plan (BWMP) to avoid in-service downtime and financial penalties, c) System-specific training for shoreside support and ship crew is critical for effectively operating and maintaining the BWMS, d) Monitoring data and operational trends to better understand system design limitations (SDL) can help the crew predict the challenges of the vessel’s planned operational routes, and e) Working with the vendor after-sales global support is important to achieve uninterrupted system operations.

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Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης

40 χρόνια επιχειρηματικής ανέλιξης Ξεκίνησε το 1978 με πολύ διάθεση και όνειρα για το μέλλον. Σήμερα, 40 χρόνια αργότερα έχει χτίσει ένα από τα καλύτερα ονόματα στη Ναυτιλιακή αγορά. Ο λόγος για τον κ. Σταύρο Κασιδιάρη που εδώ και δεκαετίες οδηγεί τις εξελίξεις από το τιμόνι της C&A. υπηρεσιών και προϊόντων, η εικοσιτετράωρη υποστήριξη του πλοίου και η επιλογή ικανών συνεργατών αφοσιωμένων στους στόχους της εταιρίας. Μαζί με την αγάπη μας για το αντικείμενο, καταθέσαμε και τεράστιο ψυχικό σθένος για να μπορέσουμε να ανταποκριθούμε με επιτυχία στις νέες τεχνολογικές προκλήσεις και τις ολοένα αυξανόμενες απαιτήσεις του κλάδου. Ενημερωθήκαμε και προσαρμοστήκαμε σε κάθε νέο κανονισμό και αποκτήσαμε τεχνογνωσία καθώς και τις απαιτούμενες πιστοποιήσεις που κατέστησαν την εταιρία μας ισχυρή στο χώρο της ναυπηγοεπισκευής και του αυτοματισμού των πλοίων. Η προσπάθεια αυτή μας οδήγησε στο να παρέχουμε τις υπηρεσίες μας σε περίπου 250 ελληνικά και ξένα πλοία το χρόνο. Θα θέλατε να μας μιλήστε μας λίγο για την γκάμα των προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών σας και να μας περιγράψτε συνοπτικά την φιλοσοφία της εταιρίας σας; Ο όμιλος C&A αποτελείται από τρείς ανώνυμες εταιρίες με έδρα τον Πειραιά. Στις δραστηριότητες μας περιλαμβάνονται : α) Η αντιπροσώπευση μεγάλων οίκων ηλεκτρομηχανολογικού υλικού. β) Η παροχή υπηρεσιών αυτοματισμού σε πλοία και βιομηχανίες. γ) Η κατασκευή συστημάτων αυτοματισμού και ηλεκτρικών πινάκων. δ) Το ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο συναφών προϊόντων. ε) Η κατασκευή electronic και pneumatic, pressure, level transmitter H C&A, μεγάλωσε και έφθασε τα 40 έτη ζωής. Και όπως σε κάθε εορτασμό γενεθλίων, συνηθίζεται οι γονείς να μιλούν με λαμπερή υπερηφάνεια για την ανάπτυξη που έχουν δει στα παιδιά τους όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Έτσι δεν ειναι; Πρόσφατα γιορτάσαμε μαζί με συνεργάτες και φίλους τα σαράντα χρόνια της επιχειρηματικής μου πορείας. Μια δύσκολη αλλά συναρπαστική πορεία που ξεκίνησε το 1978 στον ιδιαίτερα απαιτητικό χώρο της ναυτιλίας. Σήμερα στο ξεκίνημα της πέμπτης δεκαετίας και έχοντας μπει σε ένα νέο κύκλο ανάπτυξης αισθάνομαι την ικανοποίηση που νοιώθει κάθε γονιός όταν βλέπει να προκόβουν τα παιδιά του. Μαζί με ένα εξαιρετικά ικανό και έμπειρο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό, καταφέραμε όλοι μαζί να αντιμετωπίσουμε με επιτυχία πολλές προκλήσεις και αντιξοότητες και να κερδίσουμε όλοι μαζί την εμπιστοσύνη και τη σταθερή συνεργασία των μεγαλύτερων ναυτιλιακών εταιριών του Πειραιά και πολλών του εξωτερικού. Με ποιους τρόπους έχετε διασφαλίσει όλα αυτά τα χρόνια τη δημιουργία ουσιαστικών και μακροπρόθεσμων σχέσεων με τους πελάτες σας; Από την πρώτη ημέρα στόχος μας ήταν η ανάπτυξη ισχυρών σχέσεων με τον πελάτη - πλοιοκτήτη. Η επίτευξη αυτού του στόχου στηρίχτηκε σε απλές πρακτικές όπως η προσφορά ποιοτικών

36 NAFS | May 2019

Ο κ. Πέτρος Κασιδιάρης Ηλεκτρονικός, πρόεδρος της εταιρείας «SELECTRON S.A.», διευθύνων σύμβουλος της «MANTANCO S.A..» και της «C&A ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΣΙΔΙΑΡΗΣ Α.Ε.».


Πάρις Κασιδιάρης τελειόφοιτος της σχολής Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών & Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών Ε.Μ.Π, συνιδρυτής & πρόεδρος της εταιρίας παροχής λογισμικών προγραμμάτων «SOURCELAIR».

Θεώνη Μπάφα-Κασιδιάρη πρόεδρος της «MANTANCO S.A.», μέλος των Δ.Σ των εταιριών του ομίλου και οικονομική διευθύντρια.

και calibrator. δ) Η διακρίβωση οργάνων και συστημάτων μέτρησης και τέλος, ε) Η ανάληψη δημοσίων έργων μέσω του εργοληπτικού πτυχίου που διαθέτουμε Η φιλοσοφία της εταιρίας μας στηρίζεται στις ποιοτικές σχέσεις με τους συνεργάτες της και στη διαρκή ενημέρωση και εξέλιξή της με σκοπό τη διατήρησή τους και τη διασφάλιση των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών της. Ποιοί είναι οι στόχοι σας για την φετινή χρονιά αλλά και για τα έτη που ακολουθούν; Τη φετινή χρονιά αυξήσαμε το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό μας με σκοπό την επίτευξη νέων στόχων και προκλήσεων. Έτσι δημιουργήσαμε ένα ακόμη εμπορικό τμήμα με στόχο την προσέγγιση νέων πελατών, πέραν του χώρου της ναυτιλίας, παράλληλα στοχεύουμε στην αύξηση των δραστηριοτήτων μας εκτός συνόρων. Συγχρόνως εμπλουτίζουμε με νέα προϊόντα τον κατάλογό μας με την αντιπροσώπευση νέων οίκων του εξωτερικού. Είναι αξιοσημείωτο το γεγονός ότι η εταιρία σας έχει καταφέρει όχι μόνο να επιβιώσει σε πολύ δύσκολες περιόδους για τη ναυπηγοεπισκευή αλλά και να είναι σε θέση να κατέχει ένα ουσιαστικό μερίδιο της αγοράς. Ποιό είναι το κλειδί της επιτυχίας σας; Η απάντηση σε αυτή σας την ερώτηση δεν γίνεται να αποδοθεί με λογοτεχνικούς όρους γιατί η αλήθεια είναι ιδιαίτερα σκληρή. Απαιτήθηκαν από όλους μας ατελείωτες ώρες σκληρής δουλειάς, συνέπεια, αυτοπειθαρχία και σεβασμός κατά πρώτον στον πελάτη που εμπιστεύτηκε την περιουσία του στα χέρια μας. Η ειλικρίνια απέναντί του και η τιμιότητα θεμελίωσε τη επιτυχία στην οποία αναφέρεστε. Κίνητρό μας και προσπάθεια είναι να μετατρέψουμε κάτι που δεν λειτουργεί σε κάτι που λειτουργεί και κάτι που λειτουργεί καλά σε κάτι που λειτουργεί τέλεια. Καθώς κοιτάμε προς το μέλλον της C&A, ποιά πιστεύετε ότι είναι τα βασικά αυτά ζητήματα θα πέσουν στο τραπέζι και θα απαιτήσουν τις συνεχείς προσπάθειές σας για την επίτευξη σωστών, ισορροπημένων και έγκαιρων αποφάσεων, προκειμένου να συνεχιστεί η μακρά και εντυπωσιακή ανοδική σας πορεία; Πρώτα να ευχηθούμε να είμαστε υγιείς ώστε να μπορούμε να κάνουμε έργο τις σκέψεις μας. Ένα βασικό ζήτημα είναι η

38 NAFS | May 2019

Υρώ Κασιδιάρη τεταρτοετής φοιτήτρια στη σχολή Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών & Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών και μέλος του Δ.Σ των εταιριών του ομίλου.

διατήρηση και ισχυροποίηση της ηγετικής θέσης του ομίλου. Επίσης η δημιουργία νέων στελεχών είναι μία βασική προϋπόθεση εξέλιξης ενώ παράλληλα σχεδιάζουμε νέες επενδύσεις εξοπλισμού για την παραγωγή και άλλων καινοτόμων προϊόντων. Τέλος, πάντα στοχεύουμε στην περαιτέρω βελτίωση της ανταγωνιστικότητας των προϊόντων και των υπηρεσιών μας γιατί βάζουμε το συμφέρον του πελάτη πάνω από το δικό μας όφελος. Τελευταία γίνεται λόγος για την “τέταρτη βιομηχανική επανάσταση” της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης, της ρομποτικής και της διαθεσιμότητας νέων πηγών ενέργειας που μεταφέρουν τη ναυτιλία σε μια νέα εποχή. Ποιές είναι οι σκέψεις σας γι’ αυτό το θέμα; Σίγουρα οι αλλαγές που φέρνει η 4η βιομηχανική επανάσταση θα πρέπει να εφαρμοστούν και στην ναυτιλία, που θα βοηθήσει στην περαιτέρω ανταγωνιστικότητα και την ασφάλεια των πλοίων, αλλά θεωρώ ότι θα χρειστούν αρκετά χρόνια ακόμη, σίγουρα πανω από 10-15. Επί της ουσίας αυτή τη στιγμή βλέπουμε την 4η βιομηχανική επανάσταση στη ναυτιλία μόνο σε power point presentations. Αξίξει όμως να επισημάνω ότι σε αρκετές εφαρμογές ναυτιλίας δεν έχουν καν υιοθετηθεί οι τεχνολογίες της 3ης βιομηχανικής επανάστασης και χρησιμοποιείται ακόμη η μέθοδος «μολύβι και χαρτί», π.χ. σε μετρητικά συστήματα, καταγραφή συμβάντων, κτλ. Τα υφιστάμενα monitoring systems μηχανοστασίου κατά κανόνα δεν διαθέτουν μενού αυτοδιάγνωσης, πρόβλεψης μελλοντικών προβλημάτων, ούτε καν συνδέονται με smart sensors. Πως μπορούμε λοιπόν να μιλάμε για μετάβαση στην 4η βιομηχανική επανάσταση; Εάν λοιπόν θέλουμε να διατηρήσουμε την Ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία στην πρώτη θέση θα πρέπει οποσδήποτε να ακολουθήσουμε αυτές τις τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις με ταχύτερο ρυθμό. Σχετικά με το δεύτερο μέρος της ερώτησης σας για τις νέες πηγές ενέργειας, η κατάσταση είναι σαφώς καλλίτερη. Ηδη αρκετά νέα πλοία κινούνται με χρήση LNG, ενώ δημιουργούνται συνεχώς νέοι σταθμοί για τον ανεφοδιασμό τους. Όσον αφορά τα πλοία με χρήση μπαταριών και ηλεκτροπρόωση, αυτά λόγω τις περιορισμένης αυτονομίας τους περιορίζονται προς το παρόν σε κινήσεις μικρών αποστάσεων. Όμως οι εξελίξεις σε νέου τύπου Energy Storage Systems, πιστεύω ότι πολύ σύντομα θα δώσει την δυνατότητα για μεγαλύτερες

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συνέντευξη Σήμερα η C&A διαθέτει ό, τι χρειάζεται μια σύγχρονη εταιρία του χώρου, (τις σωστές δυνατότητες, τον σωστό εξοπλισμό, την υψηλή εξειδίκευση). Η πολιτεία αντιλαμβάνεται ότι πρέπει να είναι αρωγός σε εταιρίες σαν τη δική σας και τι κάνει εμπράκτως γι’ αυτό; Είναι γνωστό ότι η επιχειρηματικότητα αποτελεί μοχλό βελτίωσης της οικονομίας. Η ανάπτυξή της δημιουργεί νέες θέσεις εργασίας και συμβάλει στη βελτίωση της ανταγωνιστικότητας των παραγομένων προϊόντων. Τα λέω αυτά σαν πρόλογο στην απάντηση του ερωτήματός σας. Εμείς δεν θεωρούμε ότι πρέπει να έχουμε διαφορετική αντιμετώπιση από τον κάθε επιχειρηματία ο οποίος προσπαθεί να επιζήσει μέσα σε ένα ασαφές και δαιδαλώδες σύστημα. Οι επιχειρήσεις χρειάζονται φιλόξενο περιβάλλον για να αναπτυχθούν.Αυτό σημαίνει νέο, ξεκάθαρο, σταθερό φορολογικό σύστημα και μείωση της γραφειοκρατίας όπως ισχύει στις άλλες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες. Τέλος η μείωση του ασφαλιστικού κόστους των εργαζομένων θα συμβάλει στην μείωση της ανεργίας και στην αύξηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας έναντι των ξένων. Είναι γνωστό ότι οι επιχειρήσεις, μας αντιμετωπίζουν ισχυρό ανταγωνισμό από αντίστοιχες ξένες εταιρίες και αυτό συμβαίνει διότι οι διαχειρίστριες ναυτιλιακές εταιρίες επιλέγουν τις υπηρεσίες και τα προϊόντα που χρειάζεται το πλοίο από το συμφερότερο λιμάνι προσέγγισης του πλοίου.

ότι ταυτόχρονα είμαστε και διανομείς των προϊόντων τους διατηρώντας εξαιρετικά μεγάλο στοκ στις αποθήκες μας. Οι κυριότερες είναι: Hyundai Electric: Ηλεκτρολογικό υλικό Terasaki Electric: Ηλεκτρολογικό υλικό, monitoring systems Fuji Electric: pressure transmitters, καταγραφικά και ψηφιακά όργανα, ηλεκτρολογικό υλικό. Servomex: Oxyzen analayzers Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions: Συστήματά πυρανίχνευσης Recom Industriale: Gas detectors Daniamant: Salinometers, bridge watch alarm Brannstrom:15PPM monitors Danfoss: pressure and temperature switch and transmitters, inverters Selco: power management systems, alarm units Bosch Rexroth: pneumatic and hydraulic valves and pumps Schaller Automation: oil mist detectors Ο εμπορικός αντιπρόσωπος είναι συνδετικός κρίκος μεταξύ του κατασκευαστή και του πελάτη. Ο ρόλος του είναι να ικανοποιεί και τα δύο μέρη με την εμπορική πράξη που θα προκύψει. Στη C&A πέραν των ανωτέρω προσφέρουμε και τεχνική υποστήριξη για τα υλικά ή συστήματά που αντιπροσωπεύουμε με σκοπό την πλήρη ικανοποίηση του πελάτη. Επιπροσθέτως δίνουμε ιδιαίτερη βαρύτητα στη συχνή και αξιόπιστη προβολή τών προϊόντων μέσα από εκθέσεις και εξειδικευμένα έντυπα. Τελευταία συμμετοχή μας σε εκθέσεις ήταν τα Ποσειδώνια,η SMM στο Αμβούργο και η CLIMATHERM.

Πείτε μας λίγα λόγια για τις εταιρίες που αντιπροσωπεύετε στην Ελλάδα. Πόσο δύσκολος είναι αλήθεια ο ρόλος του αντιπροσώπου ο οποίος πρέπει να λειτουργεί σαν τον μαέστρο που συντονίζει μια ολόκληρη ορχήστρα; Θα σας αναφέρω πρώτα τα προϊόντα που παράγουμε στις ιδιόκτητες εγκαταστάσεις, για ορισμένα από τα οποία είμαστε περήφανοι διότι είμαστε μοναδικοί κατασκευαστές στην Ελλάδα. Αυτά είναι: Pneumatic pressure and level transmitters Electronic pressure and level transmitters Pressure and temperature calibrator Engine room monitoring systems Cargo tanks and pump room monitoring systems Cargo hold smoke detectors Ballast tank gas sampling system Electropneumatic controlers κ.α Όσον αφορά τις εταιρίες που αντιπροσωπεύουμε να τονίσω

Πρόσφατα η C&A εκπαίδευσε το προσωπικό της στην παροχή πρώτων βοηθειών από τους Διασώστες του Ε.Κ.Α.Β. Τι δείχνει αυτή σας η ενέργεια; - Η εταιρία μας είναι αρκετά ευαισθητοποιημένη σε θέματα ασφάλειας γι αυτό και εφαρμόζει τους απαραίτητους κανόνες που ορίζονται για την προστασία των εργαζομένων της. Ετσι λοιπόν και επειδή εκτός από τη πρόληψη ατυχήματος χρειάζεται και γνώση αντιμετώπισης ατυχών περιστατικών κρίθηκε απαραίτητη η παρακολούθηση σεμιναρίων για την παροχή πρώτων βοηθειών και αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η συμμετοχή από πλευράς προσωπικού ήταν εξαιρετικά μεγάλη. Με το πέρας της εκπαίδευσης κατανόησαμε την αναγκαιότητα αντιμετώπισης κάποιων καταστάσεων όπως π.χ. μιας ανακοπής καρδιάς. Ετσι αποφασίστηκε από το Δ.Σ η αγορά και εγκατάσταση απινιδωτή στούς χώρους εργασίας. Τέλος να σημειώσω ότι οι άνθρωποι της εταιρίας μας που ταξιδεύουν στο εξωτερικό είναι πρόσθετα ασφαλισμένοι σε μεγάλο διεθνή οργανισμό.

αυτονομίες, δηλαδή η ναυτιλία θα ακολουθήσει αυτό που βλέπουμε να συμβαίνει με τα ηλεκτρικά αυτοκίνητα.

Εργοστάσιο παραγωγής Pneumatic Transmitters στον Πειραιά

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Βράβευση από την ENTERPRISES SHIPPING & TRADING S.A για την άψογη συνεργασία μεταξύ των εταιριών

Στράτος Καρούνιας ΗλεκτρονικόςΜηχανικός ΕΔΕ Γενικός Διευθυντής και μέλος του Δ.Σ των εταιριών του ομίλου

Ballast Water

Spotlight on Euploia Drydocks & Services

Charis Valentakis, Managing Director


n 2015 Ecochlor decided to concentrate the promotion of its leading ballast water management equipment to the Greek market. This was because the treatment technology is particularly well-suited for the larger vessels that these owners operate. Finding the right route into the Greek market was a essential component of this strategy. Tom Perlich explains, “As Ecochlor’s managing director in Cyprus, I was looking for a highly experienced Agent in the maritime industry to represent our BWMS equipment in this vital marketplace. With Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd, we found a long established and respected sales team. Through their efforts over the past few years we have become integrated into the Greek maritime community.”

Euploia represents a number of high-quality product lines and through this they have been able to assist Ecochlor in reaching out to many Greek shipowners. Charis Valentakis, Euploia’s managing director, shared his thoughts about the collaboration, “There is incredible cooperation between our two companies; we have received continuous support from them during all of these years. Euploia and Ecochlor have entered the Greek market as one team and we wish nothing more but to continue our close alliance in an effort to increase our successful projects and sales for our clients.” Adapting to a client’s schedule and preferences makes all the difference in Euploia’s approach in the industry. The company’s stated vision is to “aim to expand our client list by providing the best products and services available to existing and new customers, while establishing a reputable name for our company” and their core values include “honoring collaborations, being punctual,

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Manos Tsonis, Sales Executive

staying effective and broadening our business horizons in favor of the clients who trust us.” The Ecochlor equipment aligns well with their vision and values by offering a reliable, BWMS with a strong service program to Euploia’s list of products. This assurance is evident when Euploia is responding to enquiries from shipowners. Mr. Valentakis emphasizes in his discussions, “We talk about the simplicity of the Ecochlor system, the small footprint and low power, the quality of the equipment’s components and, of course, the after-sales service. It is important to understand that we sell by knowing how to find the best value for our customer and this starts with listening to what they need and targeting our activities to serve them in the best possible way so that they install a BWMS that is truly ‘fit for purpose’.” When describing their sales process Mr. Valentakis explains, “Typically, we try to meet with the [shipowner] client at least a year in advance of their estimated drydock dates. After the initial meeting we follow-up with them to answer their technical questions and we will attend any additional meetings as required. This will generate a detailed proposal that will then be discussed until all parties are happy. Then, as the final part of the process, we arrange a meeting between the client and Ecochlor for commercial discussions that, hopefully, conclude with an agreement.” Mr. Perlich feels that the Euploia team sets a high bar in the excellence of their performance, “Their salespeople and administrative office support frequently perform above and beyond our expectations. They are always striving to ensure that our customers are properly supported. When you have everyone moving forward together like this, then success is inevitable.”

Ballast Water

Tom Perlich: Ecochlor has more than 250 ships in its order book in




Tom Perlich, Founder and Managing Director, Ecochlor Cyprus Ecochlor announced the opening of a new factory in North Haven, Connecticut, USA. What is the reason for the opening of this additional factory space? The new factory was opened by our manufacturing partner, ProFlow, who have been building systems for Ecochlor since 2001. As of April 2019, Ecochlor has more than 250 ships in its order book. Our customers include some of largest and most respected shipowners in the world ─ Alaska Tankers, Anglo Eastern Ship Management, Bahri Ship Management, Capital Ship Management, Liberty Marine, Angelicoussis Group, Minerva Marine, SCF Group, Seacor, and Scorpio Tankers. When our order book tripled last year, ProFlow was able to quickly increase production capacity and with this additional factory space ProFlow has moved from one-off customized deliveries to volume production. Additional production efficiencies allowed them to decrease their manufacturing time by more than 25%.

Ballast water system suppliers believe that shipowners are seeking to postpone installation decisions. Is that the case, and if so, why is it happening? Unfortunately, installing a BWMS doesn’t offer an immediate commercial value to a shipowner in the same way that a scrubber does. Many shipowners believed that there wasn’t any economic advantage to installing a BWMS early and so put their efforts into postponing the inevitable for as long as possible. For the shipowners that were early-adopters, they saw clear benefits that included premium scheduling with manufacturers as well as better pricing and contract add-ons that lead to a better and less costly retrofit experience. Today, it would be rare to see these options available to the shipowner unless they are negotiating for their entire fleet of vessels. Additionally, some shipowners are finding that their preferred BWMS manufacturer is not able to deliver a system in time for their drydock and that qualified engineering firms aren’t available to start retrofit projects on demand. I recommend that shipown-

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Ballast Water ers start to manage the BWMS retrofit process at least 18 months before their drydock dates by reaching out to the marine engineering firms for feasibility studies or to schedule 3D scans or survey on their vessels. Delays are expected, with Class, engineering firms and some of the more reliable, most requested BWMS manufacturers when demands are at the highest in the very near future. What is your advice to shipowners to proceed with the correct choice of BWMS? The shipowner really needs to practice due diligence when choosing a BWMS for their fleet. There are a lot of important factors that should be considered before deciding on a system, for example the ship’s trade route, crew involvement, the vessel’s operational requirements and I believe, most importantly, the reliability of the BWMS. If the BWMS is systematically unreliable, or if the crew really doesn’t understand how to run the system, then when the ship reaches port, it will be open to doubt whether or not they will be able to discharge the ballast water. With port state detentions or barred entry, potential financial penalties, shipowner’s reputation, or the potential for charter losses as consequences of BWM non-compliance, I would suggest that having a reliable system on board the vessel should be one of the most important considerations when choosing a BWMS. How does Ecochlor know the BWMS is operational? We go above and beyond our competition in offering oversite of every Ecochlor system on board a vessel. This is in part because we are on the vessel handling the chemical resupply process roughly twice a year. During this ship visit, we can do a check on the equipment to ensure that it is running efficiently and if the new crew has any questions on the operation of the BWMS we can offer them training. Additionally, we use real-time data analysis to make sure the system uptimes are maintained at the highest possible levels. The ongoing monitoring of every Ecochlor system that is installed on a vessel is important in helping us keep their system fully operational. The crew sends us data after every ballast operation and that information is incorporated into a weekly internal fleet update that charts the vessel position, next port of call, last ballast operation, chemical tank levels, operational concerns, requested parts, and a preventative maintenance schedule. We don’t wait for a next service call; we plan our way to being there in support of the ship’s crew, wherever they are in the world, on a regular basis. In what ways does Ecochlor set the standard in the ballast water management industry for operational performance and reliability? To minimize equipment failure and maximizing long-life it means using high-quality components in the build, as well as simplifying the system operation so that there are fewer moving parts. Reliability comes down to the choices that our engineers made when designing and specifying the Ecochlor BWMS. We make sure that our suppliers understand the ship operators’ requirements and the nature of the environment that the equipment will be operating in. This way we can guarantee that our systems are ‘fit for purpose’ all the way down to the component level. That said, creating a BWMS that will operate trouble-free can mean additional production costs – costs that we must justify so that shipowners understand the value of this reliability against the very real risks and costs associated with breakdowns and non-compliance. When BWMS are built with low cost as their entry into market,

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shipowners need to understand that they are not being built with quality and longevity in mind. This has been a costly lesson for shipowners that have had to replace these systems with more dependable options when their BWMS didn’t work. Ecochlor has been selected by ATC, a vessel owner with high safety and environmental standards. Looking forward to your ongoing relationship, in what ways has Ecochlor implemented the requirements that have been agreed upon and ensured meeting of these high standards? Ecochlor will be retrofitting three VLCC crude oil tankers for Alaska Tanker Company (ATC) with an option for one more. Each of these vessels are U.S. flag tankers with Zone 1 and Zone 0 hazardous areas. ATC has a strong reputation in the shipping industry for having a culture of environmental responsibility, their ships must not only meet and exceed environmental standards, they have to do it reliably so that there is no interruption of critical oil supplies. Ecochlor understands these high requirements and has the same expectations in our equipment reliability and our efficiency in treating ballast water. Additionally, having a system that was simple and easy to operate as well as the ensuring the safety of the crew was a high priority for ATC when they were considering different BWMSs. Ecochlor has a very strong support system in place with ATC that includes excellent and responsive service capabilities as well as training programs and continuous communication with the crew for the life of the vessel. Ecochlor is dedicated to serving its clients well-beyond the usual ballast water treatment industry expectations. In that context, could you pls tell us few words about EcoCare Compliance Guarantee. Is that a strong competitive advantage of Ecochlor? Ecochlor has the only BWMS compliance guarantee in the industry. The EcoCare Compliance Guarantee ensures Ecochlor’s system performance in the treatment of ballast water for invasive species. It is free to any shipowner that installs an Ecochlor system on their vessel. We felt that it was important, as a company, to stand behind our product with a pledge that our system will always perform to the standards established by the IMO, USCG and individual U.S. states, especially in light of so many other ships with inoperability issues. We hope that this guarantee offers shipowners the assurance they are investing in the best system available today and into the future. Ecochlor recently hosted a BEMA’s Workshop. What is the Ballastwater Equipment Manufacturers Association (BEMA)? The purpose of BEMA is of provide BWMS manufacturers and other interested companies a unified voice for BWMS to regulatory agencies and the general public. The Association also acts as non-commercial guidance to ship owners, associations and regulators as well as the environmental protection communities. Ecochlor’s CEO, Steve Candito was one of the founders of BEMA and currently sits on the Board of Directors. To date, BEMA has 43 members and the Association is planning to apply for IMO NGO status prior to the next deadline in 2020.

Euploia Dry Docks and Services, Ltd. is the Exclusive Agent in Greece. Contact: Charis Valentakis, +30 210 9400660,

Ballast Water

The Ecochlor system was built to last the life of the vessel BWMS. It’s no secret that minimizing equipment failure and maximizing long-life means using high quality components in the build and simplifying the system operation.

Reliability is a Growing Concern Among Ship Owners and Operators In March, the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) released the 2019 Best Practices for Operations of Ballast Water Management Systems Report, a culmination of feedback from shipowners and operators over a span of two years. The report reviews the “industry’s progress toward compliance and identified best practices that supported successful BWMS installation and operation.” BWMS operational reliability was recognized as growing problem based on a history of system failures and the heightened enforcement of BWM compliance. Some of the reliability issues addressed in the report were “the use of unreliable or non-OEM equipment or components (filters, sensors, sampling pumps, valves, actuators, electrolytic cell assemblies, dosing sub-systems, UV reactors, etc.).” Other common problems included: “fluctuating and unstable TRO sensor and monitor readings that are sensitive to environmental conditions…; frequent outages and replacement of UV lamps and clogging of filters that require frequent or continuous back-flushing operations…; [the] inability to operate EC-based BWMS in freshwater or low salinity water conditions, requiring alternative arrangements to carry salt water or brine solutions…; and, predicting low UV transmittance challenges (affecting all UV-based BWMS) caused by weather (seasonal) or other variables… .” Overall, as summarized from 487 installations using seven BWMS treatment technologies on a variety of vessel types - 65% were either inoperable or had problematic ballast operations and only 25% ballasted regularly with a testing protocol for efficacy in place.

Engineering for Reliability The ability of BWMSs to operate reliably over the lifetime of the vessel is not something that happens by accident. In fact, reliability comes down to the choices that engineers make when designing a

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“When we consider equipment design, the first criteria we look at is quality. We work with our supplier network and our customers so that we have the relevant operational data to ensure that the equipment will hold up to our strict durability and endurance standards,” says Leif Melhus, Ecochlor’s Engineering Manager. This attention to detail has a downside in increased costs, with final system prices that could be a little higher than the lowest market expectations. Melhus counters this by adding, “While cost is a consideration, it is not the primary factor when we are choosing components. This means that sometimes our production costs might be a bit more, but we know that our customers will see the benefit of the choices we make through increased reliability and the dependability of the Ecochlor BWMS to operate for years to come. This ‘engineered reliability’ ensures that our customers maintain compliance with the ballast discharge standards.” “The Ecochlor system was built to last the life of the vessel,” shared Tom Perlich, Ecochlor founder. In 2006, we retrofitted the Moku Pahu, a U.S. flag, Jones Act bulk carrier with a route from Hawaii to San Francisco. With ballast operations in California, this vessel encountered some of the strictest regulations in the world. For 13 years this ship ran ballast operations using the original installed system until her last voyage in January of this year. As our longest continuously operated BWMS we enjoyed not only a highly collaborative relationship with the crew but also the ability to gather valuable data on the system’s components over the years. That experience has been fed right back into the systems that we deliver to customers today.”

Ballast Water

Ships, Shipyards and the Ballast Water Management System Retrofit

Those unfamiliar with the maritime industry often underestimate the sheer volume of work that must be accomplished during a vessel’s drydock period. As with any major project, multiple activities have to happen at the same time, or be choreographed to ensure that resources flow seamlessly from one task to the next. Get it wrong, and time is lost waiting for materials, for contractors to arrive or for other work to be completed before the next task can be started. Everyone is under pressure to stick to the schedule, and as this starts to drift, as it often does, that same pressure can lead to compromises in the quality of the work. It has always been like this, but now, shipyards must add the installation of ballast water management systems (BWMS) and exhaust gas scrubbers to the list of tasks to be completed – both major engineering projects in their own right. For BWMS, the installation stakeholders ─ Owners, Manufacturers, Integration specialists and Shipyards ─ must work together to ensure that installation is successfully completed on time and in budget.

Drydock Time Constraints “The length of time that a vessel is scheduled to spends in drydock

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is determined by the Owner’s plans for the vessel schedule and may have little to do with the actual amount of work to be completed in the yard,” commented Tyler Harvey, Ecochlor’s Installation Manager. “There is always pressure to complete the BWMS installation in as short a time as possible, so at Ecochlor we try to address this challenge by working with the Shipyard to facilitate the pre-fabrication of as many of the components as possible. This saves time during the installation as well as helping to ensure that the quality of the installation is maintained. A good installation is one that is likely to give the Owner a better, more reliable BWMS outcome.” Ecochlor’s extensive retrofit experience means that the company is able to anticipate where the issues are likely to arise during installation. “For example, we know that one item that has caused us some headaches is the installation of the system deckhouse on the vessel. It’s not a difficult task in itself, but there is a sequence that has to be followed to completion and we find that the time required for fabrication and installation is often underestimated by the Shipyard. So, making sure that everyone, including the shipyard is fully informed as to the scope, scale and time requirements for each stage of the installation is one key element in ensuring a smooth dry docking and BWMS installation.” Harvey adds.

Ballast Water

Installation Oversight The Owner’s representative at the yard will often be the vessel Superintendent and that person will have a mountain of things that must be overseen during the docking. “Assisting the Superintendent is a critical part of the BWMS integration specialist’s responsibilities while at drydock.” John P. Dooley, President of Choice Ballast Solutions continued, “Each shipyard is unique in their approach to the material procurement and installation. As the onsite engineering firm responsible for the BWMS, we act as an interface to interpret requirements, provide clarification and ensure a smooth installation.” Dooley adds, “The quality of the installation is determined by the oversight of the work being done. Shipyard crews are very task-oriented and do not always take the time to focus on how their work performance will affect the functionality of the BWMS equipment. Guidance provided by the integration specialists and the manufacturer’s representatives during the installation period is key to the success of the BWMS retrofit.” A poor-quality installation can ultimately affect the performance of a BWMS. Recently, Ecochlor’s Service team identified a recurring problem with one of their systems. After troubleshooting the cause was traced back to poor quality management by the shipyard. Following system commissioning, weld debris left inside the ballast line had eventually found its way to the filter mechanism where it was causing disruption leading to malfunctions and breakdowns. The issue was addressed by the Service team and the lesson was recorded so that at future pre-installation meetings with Shipyards, Ecochlor makes a point to explain the importance of each detail of the installation so that efficient, reliable operation of the entire system is assured.

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Successful Environmental Regulatory Updates During Drydock There are many unavoidable factors that can affect the time allotted to the BWMS installation during the drydock period. Along with the equipment installation the shipyard must also undertake the required maintenance and repair tasks. This can mean that there are often access restrictions as multiple tasks may require access to the same part of the ship at the same time. This becomes an even bigger problem as more shipowners use the drydock period to install both an Exhaust Gas Scrubber and BWMS simultaneously. This adds to the complexity of the installation and the sheer volume of work that must be accomplished in a short amount of time. John Dooley is clear about the challenge: “The installation arrangement and pipe routings for both the BWMS and the Scrubber need to be considered together. Electrical load and electrical integration are key to the success of both systems. Perhaps most important is the submittal of documentation to Class. This needs to be coordinated together because items such as trim and stability calculations must be completed as one submittal for both systems. If at all possible, it is best to use one engineering design firm for both the Scrubber and BWMS retrofit as it can streamline the effort and any potential conflicts as well as reduce costs.” Ecochlor’s Tyler Harvey sums it up as follows “Effective communication is vital when installing these major pieces of equipment on board. These projects require a lot of overlap of shipyard resources, especially as it relates to electrical and piping. Getting it done in a timely fashion is important, but more important is getting it done properly so that the systems will operate as the Manufacturers and Owners intended.”

Ballast Water

Our BWMS is economically viable and offered within reasonable delivery time John D. Papazafiriou, Director of Business Unit 1 The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (Ballast Water Management Convention or BWM Convention) is an international maritime treaty established in 2004. Signatory flag states are required to ensure all vessels trading under their flag follow the protocol of managing and controlling ballast water and respective sediments. The aim of the convention is to limit the invasion of foreign organisms into local habitats due to unregulated ballast water discharge.

vention since its inception. Our recommended solution for clients has been to adopt a system that consists of Physical treatment - filtration, combined with Physical disinfection – and electro-chlorination/(side stream) electrolysis for the bigger flow rate capacities. Our experience has shown us that the physical separation or filtrations systems are key to both the performance and the lifespan of the system. Importantly, they act as the ‘introductory treatment’ that will clear-out organisms and materials from the ballast water.

Since the Convention came into force on 8th of September 2017, all new vessels have ballast water treatment systems installed to comply with the D2 standard. On the other hand, existing ships are subject to the phased implementation schedule, can extend their compliance timeframe, based on the renewal of their ship certificates schedule, until the 8th September 2024 when all ships must comply with the D2 standard.

The last stage of treatment should be the neutralization of the water during deballasting. The EPA limit is set at 100μg/l for Chlorine residuals. When sizing an electrochlorination system it is important to consider chlorine dosing. The dosing (ppm) is primarily a function of organic loading on ballasting and the voyage length. A residual in the region of 0.1 to 0.5 ppm at deballasting demonstrates that the dosing is correct and there would be no regrowth. The vessel’s manager needs to adopt an active role with the operation of these systems. The Chlorine produced for treatment purposes must be effective only on targeted marine organisms and the above mentioned limits should be kept at deballasting.

The D2 standard requires the purchase, installation, and use of an approved ballast water treatment system. The purpose of this system is to ensure that the maximum percentage of living organisms remaining in a vessel’s ballast water will be within the limits set by IMO. This treatment, which comes in different methods of technology, minimizes the environmental footprint of shipping. However, each treatment method comes with its respective restrictions and ship-owners will need to consider the different system-specific factors when making the final choice of a ballast water treatment system or systems which will be more appropriate for their vessels. These factors can be seen below:

• Cost effectiveness • Footprint of the system and respective space availability • Ease of installation and operation due its respective restrictions The different ballast water treatment technologies that are currently available in the market consist of: • Mechanical • Chemical treatment and biocides • Physical disinfection A standard ballast water treatment system on board a vessel will typically require the employment of two or more technologies that, once integrated, can offer the ultimate result of IMO/USCG standards. Franman, who has been active in the market since 1991, has followed the developments of the ballast water treatment con-

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To our experience Ballast Water Manufacturer should design its system taking into consideration: Safety: Active separation of hydrogen, No acid wash or use of hazardous chemicals for cleaning electrodes, Non-corrosive to ballast tank painted surfaces and marine alloys, Filters to be suitable for hazardous installations. Reliable and Easy to Maintain: Optional levels of redundancy, Easy/ low maintenance, Flexibility and easy to be retrofitted into existing vessels. Global Compliant and in time project delivery. Aftersales Support: Operational experience and after sales commitment The above listed procedures have, so far, proved to be quite a challenging task for ship owners. Understanding this, we have focused on connecting with reputable BWTS manufacturers. Our goal has been to establish partnerships that will survive past the 10 year window, facilitated by the impending implementation of regulations which have enabled many, one could argue, opportunistic entities to enter our market. Franman has always supported reliable manufacturers in a way that makes sense for them economically and also can guarantee the end user a long co-operation with a reputable manufacturer. Our principals’ systems offer a system, which is economically viable and within reasonable delivery time.

Gregory Papadakis,


Managing Director, PSB & CO. S.A.

Gregory Papadakis

31 years we guarantee the best service for our customers PSB & CO S.A. is widely known for its aptitude on building reliability and strong personal relationships with its wide range of customers and global associate network. Here follows an interview with Mr. Gregory Papadakis, Managing Director, PSB & CO. S.A. PSB & Co SA has been working as official agent with Headway, a leading company in BWTS, for many years.Could you tell us few words about this cooperation and in what ways are you looking forward to strengthening this cooperation in the future? Our initial acquaintance with ‘Headway Technology Group’ was made via our customers in USA who were the pioneers to install BWMS in all their vessels – VLCC, Suezmax, Aframax, Capers etc. After a long period of thorough investigation and comparison with other BWMS systems that were available at that early stage, PSB Group of Companies and owner’s managers decided that ‘Headway Technology’ was the best system for many reasons (to be mentioned later in this article) and although at that time (in 2013) none of the Ballast Water Management Systems had obtained the USCG approval we were confident that once the American Authorities would begin to issue the approvals, Headway’s system would undoubtedly obtain the certification. At that early stage we successfully installed ‘Headway Technology’ systems in Shipyards located in China –specifically at COSCO Group of Shipyards and Yiu Lian (Shekou) Shipyard- but also in Turkey at TK Tuzla Shipyard.

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After the installation of Headway’s systems in our customers’ vessels, we spent almost 2 years of constant observation on the system’s working process in order to make sure that everything was in good order. After all these detailed checks, we were more than confident to ask from Headway to appoint us as its official agents not only for the US market (which we already were for more than 2 years with great results) but also for the Greek market. After all, PSB’s policy is to represent only the best companies in the market and ‘Headway Technology’ is one of them! Since then our cooperation is very close and we often visit Headway’s factories in China for training and internal discussions but also Headway’s managers visit Greece regularly for marketing purposes and expansion of their extensive customer list. In the future PSB’s and Headway’s cooperation will get stronger and more powerful as we are both willing to expand our business relation; one of the recent discussions and future plans is to provide to our customers in USA and Europe the ‘After Sales Service’ for all installed systems. In order to succeed on this, our company PSB & CO. S.A. will send its technicians to Headway’s headquarters for training courses in

interview order to be officially certified by Headway Technology. One of the greatest challenges raised in shipping industry is the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention. What are the plans of Headway Technology and its primary goal to strengthen its position in the future? The demand for Ballast Water Management systems have increased a lot the last years and ‘Headway Technology’, being a professional BWMS maker and the best in the market, has anticipated this increase beforehand. In order to follow the increasing volume of demand, make sure all components apply to their high standards and strengthen its position in the future ‘Headway Technology’ has taken the following steps; • Built an additional factory in order to maximize their production capacity and potential • Manufacture its own filters which is the major component of the system • Stock high quality materials and machinery in order to be able to build and timely deliver systems for all type of vessels • Strengthen its After-Sale service by expanding service partner cooperation in order to meet large service queries (inspections attendance, training of the crew etc.) Could you please presents the key benefits of Ocean Guard BWMS? Are these benefits obvious to the world’s shipowning companies? Do you receive positive feedback from them? The best advertisement for ‘Headway Technology’ is the feedback that we receive from customers that had already installed this system in their New Building vessels years ago and now, after being satisfied with its performance, the same customers wish to install Headway’s systems for Retrofitting also. Headway’s reference list includes the biggest and most reputable companies worldwide! The key benefits of Headway BWMS Technology are as follows: • Headway is approved by the USCG • Low power consumption – for instance, for a system of 1,000m³ pump capacity the consumption is 15kKW • 0.85 salinity of water – this required low salinity of water enable Headway’s system to operate in almost all seas, near rivers etc. without using extra tank to store seawater for mixing to increase the salinity. In addition, if vessels are to trade in 100% suite water like lakes, then the seawater than needs to be added is very small. • Small footprint – the size of the system is the smallest of its kind so it makes it suitable for retrofitting in vessel with limited space • Low operation TRO level – TRO operation level of only 2 ppm which is the lowest among all chemical treatment BWMS. TRO concentration at this low level causes no corrosion to pipelines and there is no need to make any special preparations for the pipelines during the system installation. • Low OPEX cost per year • Delivery time is the fastest in the market – Headway now has 2 big factories and has maximized its production line As we are close to 2020, what are - in your opinion - the issues shipping is going to deal with as the most global in nature industry? Even though Ballast Water Management System was extensively

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discussed in the previous questions, the systems installations are not an issue nowadays as now is clear that no more extensions will be given and all vessels must have the system installed latest by vessel’s next special survey. Recently, the hot topic in the global marine industry is the installation of DeSOₓ Scrubber systems. With Sulphur Cap 2020 getting closer and closer, the debates among the shipping community on whether or not Scrubbers will be the solution are numerous. Many Ship owners and Managers have not decided yet whether they will install Scrubber systems in their vessels; the investment is big and the growing contradictory opinions between the bunker fuel sector, IMO and Scrubber makers does not allow them to decide fast although the deadline is just around the corner. There are a lot of questions still to be answered; price and availability of low sulfur MGO, quality of the low sulfur MGO, Open Loop or Close Loop, I-Type or U-Type systems? This issue will continue to be the main topic in future discussions hoping that a satisfactory solution will be provided for all parties. PSB & CO S.A. is widely known for its aptitude on building reliability and strong personal relationships with its wide range of customers and global associate network. How difficult is to maintain this high level support to shipping industry? Being active in the shipping industry for 31 years we guarantee that we can achieve the best service for our customers. Our extensive portfolio and volume of business is our most valuable asset, verifying the ‘strength in numbers’ dictum. Acting as an agent, our job is to make sure that all parties of a deal are satisfied and happy with the outcome; this is not always easy especially when conflicting interest are involved. Our goal is to build long term relationships with both our customers and principals and make sure that PSB & CO. S.A. will continue to thrive in the future. Strong personal relationships are vital important and we are proud that through the years we have successfully built solid collaborations and friendships in the marine industry which are based on mutual honesty, respect, reliability and professionalism. One of your moto is that “we strive to provide excellence and the highest level of services to our customers by continually horizon-broadening our knowledge and expertise”. How this moto comes true in reality? The competition in the marine industry is well known and in order a company to establish its name in the market it must never rest. It must grow continuously and wide-broadening its character in terms of quality, expertise and knowledge. In order to make all aforementioned goals come to reality we make sure that PSB team is working under the same ethics and share the same passion and vision. We travel all around the world and we regularly visit our principals securing that our business relationships are getting stronger each day. In addition we keep expanding our suppliers and affiliate service companies list; this allow us to be able to cover all our customers’ needs in various parts of the world, even the most remote ones. Finally, PSB is participating in many events, exhibitions and conventions as we always want to be up-to-dated with the global shipping news.

Επιδιορθώσεις Βαφής Σιλικόνης στο Πέραμα

Προετοιμασία επιφάνειας με ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE WATER JET 2500 BAR Η Coral Piraeus ship repairs PC είναι εταιρεία με μεγάλη εμπειρία από το 1990 στην προετοιμασία επιφανειών με μεθόδους σύγχρονης τεχνολογίας Αμμοβολής-Υδροβολής υψηλής πίεσης και Υδροβολή υπέρ υψηλής πίεσης (U.H.P.W.J.), με ρομποτικά συστήματα και εφαρμογή σύγχρονων μεθόδων χρωματισμού. Επίσης παρέχει υπηρεσίες καθαρισμού GAS FREE κ.α. Η εταιρεία είναι εφοδιασμένη με όλες τις πιστοποιήσεις ISO.

Coral Piraeus ship repairs PC is a company with extensive experience since 1990 in the procedures of surface preparations, using modern sandblasting – High Pressure Jet technology and Ultra High Pressure Water Jet (U.H.P.W.J). Moreover, it is also equipped with robotic systems and application of synchronous coating methods. Furthermore the company provides cleaning services GAS FREE. Coral Piraeus ship repairs PC holds all the certifications ISO.


VASSILIS KANAKAKIS President and Managing Director

Ballast Water

RINA has successfully applied the Technology Qualification Process Pierluigi Gaggero, RINA Services S.p.A., Technical Services, Machinery & Automation The most significant BWM Convention issue that shipowners and operators are facing is the need, for ballast water treatment systems that have been type approved, to enable vessels equipped with such technologies to meet the D-2 treatment standard wherever the vessel calls. In order to meet this basic need, the IMO developed the G8 Guidelines to establish an orderly process whereby candidate technologies are tested in land based and shipboard tests and certified (i.e. type approved) by IMO member states if compliant with the applicable provisions. Since between 60 and 70 thousand vessels will need to be equipped with ballast water treatment technology worldwide at a combined cost exceeding $100 billion, it is important that the G8 Guidelines demonstrate that type approved technologies are fit for purpose. Unfortunately, there have been cases in which IMO type approved ballast water treatment systems have failed to meet the D-2 standard when subject to additional testing and/or evaluation. This was one of the reasons leading U.S. Coast Guard to adopt, in August 2009, a stricter type approval testing protocol based, in part, on the EPA/USCG Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol. At IMO level the following areas were identified by several stakeholders as the basis for amendment to the G8 Guidelines: 1. Testing should use waters representing the full range of salinities a vessel might encounter during normal voyages; 2. Testing should consider the effect of temperature on system operation and treatment efficacy; 3. Testing facilities should employ a standardized set of test organisms to enhance consistency; 4. Testing should incorporate higher levels of suspended solids in test water to simulate real-world water conditions; 5. Testing should require that all test-runs—passes and failures—be reported in the system evaluation so as to eliminate “cherry-picking” of only passing results to earn type approval; 6. Testing should use flow rates (i.e. the rate at which water is pumped through the treatment system) that are realistic for the types of vessels in which the system will be installed. Following these suggestions MEPC 67, in October 2014, adopted a MEPC Resolution requesting a comprehensive review and subsequent revision of the G8 guidelines in force at that time (MEPC.174(58)). This review process was concluded in October 2016 by MEPC 70 with the adoption of the “2016 Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems (G8)” (MEPC.279(70)). MEPC 70 agreed to keep the 2016 Guidelines (G8) under review in the light of experience gained with their application. The “lack of robustness” of the old G8 Guidelines demonstrates that

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novel technology is generally not adequately covered by established codes and procedures. Novel technology may therefore be required to be qualified through an approach herein denominated Technology Qualification (TQ). TQ is the process of verification that the novel technology meets the specified requirements for its intended service, through a systematic and documented process of qualification that will include examination of the design, engineering analyses and testing programs. TQ is to be based on specified safety, availability and reliability criteria, boundary conditions and interface requirements defined in the TQ basis. TQ should be consistent with the following general philosophy: • the TQ process is to be based on a systematic approach, • a risk assessment is to be conducted to identify, rank and control failure modes affecting the fitness for service of the novel technology, with particular care to the interfaces with the other systems, • engineering analyses can be used to demonstrate that the design fulfils the specified requirements for the intended service, • measurements and tests are to be used, to demonstrate that the novel technology fulfils the specified requirements for the intended service. Alternative methods to demonstrate the fitness for service may be used, provided that they are supported by proper justification. The purpose of Technology Assessment is to divide the technology into manageable elements in order to assess those elements that involve aspects of novel technology and identify the key challenges and uncertainties. The technology assessment should include the following issues. • subdivision of the technology into manageable elements (i.e., subsystems and components, processes or operations, manufacturing, installation etc.), • assessment of the technology elements with respect to their novelty classification, • identification of the main challenges and uncertainties related to the novel technology aspects. The level of detail in the subdivision of the technology should be appropriate to focus the novel or uncertain aspects that subsequently will be subjected to risk assessment. RINA has successfully applied the Technology Qualification Process and issued the related certificates to some significant complex systems such as mooring systems, LNG transfer systems, Regasification systems (tri-ex vaporizers), FMC ATOL system for LNG transfer, exhaust gas cleaning systems, and it’s ready to support ballast water treatment system’s producers in the process of applying the TQ to their novel technologies.

Ballast Water

BalClor BWMS:

A trustworthy solution with the long-lasting support by SunRui Max Wang, Regional Manager (Overseas) of BWMS Department, SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Co., Ltd All the commercial vessels will have to be equipped with a Ballast Water Treatment System by 2024 and no more extensions can be granted after that year. In this respect, the Owners are being called to install a suitable system for their vessels basis the IMO/USCG Compliance Dates. Many reputable Owners worldwide have already decided to move on with the installation of BalClor Ballast Water Management System (BWMS), which is being produced by SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Co. Ltd, a company based in Qingdao, China and well-known within the International Maritime Community. So, a day may come and an order is placed to SunRui for the supply of BalClor BWMS for an existing vessel (Retrofitting Project) or for a vessel going to be constructed (Newbuilding Project). There is no doubt that the Technical/Newbuilding Department will be very satisfied with this decision, since a thorough research for the system will have been done prior placing the order. For the Owners not already familiar with SunRui BalClor BWMS, the following information can prove very useful: Why is SunRui a reliable company? A: SunRui is a state owned company and subsidiary of CSIC Group. Why is BalClor BWMS unique? BalClor BWMS is exclusively developed by SunRui, which owns the independent intellectual property rights of the system. What kinds of technologies were applied on BalClor BWMS? A: The treatment process is performed by Filtration, Side Stream Electrolysis and Neutralization, which is absolutely safe, highly efficient and environmental friendly. Same technology has been implemented and tested by SunRui in Nuclear Power Plants Industry for over 30 years. What are the advantages of BalClor BWMS? The advanced Side-Stream Technology makes it easy for BalClor BWMS to be retrofitted: the system has small footprints and there is not any significant modification of the main ballast pipe, which can save your engineering/installation cost. For each ballasting operation, only 1% of the ballast flow will be electrolyzed, resulting in extremely low power consumption. With 30 years’ experience in hydrogen removal technology (deriving from the nuclear industry), BalClor BWMS is approved by Class as an absolute Safe System. What kind of engineering could SunRui provide? SunRui is able to provide a turn-key solution for BWTS Retrofitting Projects including 3D scanning, preliminary design, detailed design, technical-commercial consulting, and supervision-commissioning-crew training during the installation of the system at the Shipyard. Also, SunRui has been cooperating with engineering offices from China, Singapore, Japan, UK and Scandinavia and is one of the few manufacturers able to provide a BWTS-EGCS (Exhaust Gas Cleaning

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System – Scrubber) Combined Retrofitting: engineering study and supply of equipment for both products will be done, which can easily release the Owner from multiple parties communication and co-work. How does SunRui ensure the Global After-Sales Service? The Global Service Network is based on the combination of in-house engineers and out-sourced engineering companies. SunRui has opened Overseas Offices worldwide including: Tokyo/Imabari, Singapore and Hamburg Offices, where SunRui engineers can be based and serve the Adjacent Areas. Also SunRui has been continuously dispatching engineers from Qingdao Headquarter flying to every continent. Meanwhile, SunRui has trained more than 100+ engineers from 30+ engineering companies as certified service engineers, in order to cover all major ports worldwide for quick response. Until now SunRui has successfully held Training Seminars in Japan, Singapore, USA, Turkey, India and a Seminar in Greece is already in the agenda. How does SunRui innovate? SunRui has dedicated personnel, focused on the innovation of the products both on quality and on technology aspects. With continuous Research and Development (R&D) from 2007 and since the first installation of BalClor BWMS in 2011, the system has been developed to its 3rd generation with highly standardized elements and manufacturing procedure. With the support of its own National Key Laboratory of Anti-fouling and Water Treatment, SunRui is also committed to improving International Standards and Regulations. In March 2018, two International Standard Proposals drafted by SunRui “ISO 23314 Health and risk assessment of BWTS” and “ISO 23315 Hydrogen safety measures for EC-BWTS” were approved and formally proposed by ISO/TC8. What does SunRui think about the BWTS industry in the future? Where goes this industry? It is naturally considered that the peak time of BWTS Installations for existing vessels will have passed by 2024. Some companies were involved with BWTS Industry within the last years and they will certainly face challenges in many aspects, due to lack of experience and solid background. On the contrary, SunRui as a 60-years old company with state backgrounds will certainly keep supporting worldwide customers for many decades and will be a reliable partner for numerous years. Concluding, the strong support of After-sales service and capability of innovation will play a more and more important role in the future. BalClor BWMS is a trustworthy and Top Quality solution either for a Newbuilding Project or a Retrofitting Project and will definitely have the long-lasting support of SunRui, a member of the CSIC Group. Since September 2015, Marine Plus is the Exclusive Representative of SunRui for the Greek Market and will ensure that each inquiry for BalClor BWMS will be handled with priority and will meet the full attention of SunRui.

Ballast Water

Implementing The Ballast Water Management Convention Dennis Yang, Manager, Panasia Europe The first approved BWTS were introduced to the Shipping Industry back in 2009. In 2016, 60 BWTS vendors were active in the market, many of which, surprisingly, do not appear to be in operation nowadays.

Factors For Choosing a BWTS Vendor Initially, PANASIA clients would either look for a BWTS solution which would fit perfectly into their decision-making categories or they would focus on disinfection technology. At that same time, there was a try and error process in action, both for vendors and clients. Taking a closer look to what has happened in the past ten years as far as BWTS are concerned, not that many things have changed in terms of disinfection technologies such as UV, Electrolysis, Chemical dosage and Ozone. These technologies are still dominating the market, but in PANASIA we have noticed that the clients’ decision-making categories have shifted. Following extensive research and analysis in these ten years however, we have reached to the conclusion that technological advancement is no longer the main factor for choosing a BWTS vendor. Clients nowadays have become more practical and have shifted their main interest from the equipment itself, to other factors, such as the support that they can get from their vendors. This support includes the overall standards of service provided, as well as spare parts availability, engineering capability and stuff training. In PANASIA we have found what matters to our clients the most, is the depth, the extend and the quality of the support they can get from us as their vendor.

Steps In Employing Ballast Water Treatment Systems When a company selects the correct BWTS for its fleet or vessel, the first step is to decide who has the knowledge, experience and ability to implement the BWTS project promptly and efficiently: the company itself or the engineering company is collaborating with. One thing we have noticed at PANASIA is that due to high demand, an engineering company would try to recruit designers or engineers to meet its promise to its clients; Unfortunately, the skills that this stuff would need to acquire are not gained within a day or a week; therefore, the shipping company and/or its collaborative agents will, at the end of the day, have to deal with less experienced engineers who take more time and more energy to implement a BWTS project. Following the choice of the engineering company, the next step is to proceed with the actual BWTS retrofit, a less complicated, compared to a scrubber installation, process, which requires however

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to be equally cautious in certain aspects. Companies, for example, should always check very carefully the drawings provided by the engineering company. If there is a team to lead the whole process is totally fine but if there is not, at PANASIA we advise companies to ask the vendor or the engineering company to supervise. By doing so, the shipping company will surely enjoy certain key benefits, including instant technical support and consulting remedies, within the limited time schedule. After the above, the next steps are commissioning and training; The commissioning will not raise any problems. The training however is a stage that requires greater attention. At PANASIA, we always emphasize on the importance of proper training to our clients. The training is often arranged during the commissioning due to convenience, although it is not that practical for the crews. There are mainly three reasons for this: 1. There is a Lot of work to be done during docking, so the crews are not concentrated 2. Time and schedule are limited 3. The environment is not suitable for training during docking. We often find that everyone in the industry agrees that training is essential but not everyone manages to offer a proper training to its crew. Vendors with high standards, such as PANASIA, can offer various training choices.

Challenges For Retrofit Projects 3D SCANNING: One major challenge is finding the schedule and location where one can properly scan a vessel, especially tankers. The need to bring any vessel in a gas-free environment in the presence of a surveyor who will approve scanning of the vessel is also a challenge. The entire process requires a great amount of time and preparation to attend the vessel. It is critical for proper coordination and communication with the shipowner, engineering or anyone involved in the process. ENGINEERING: CASE 1: If a project is entirely completed by PANASIA in-house is generally an easy and smooth project. However, that option is not always the case. With limited time post-scanning, designers creating 2D drawings, as well as cooperating with an external engineering company to create 3D models, requires an additional amount of time and effort often overlooked. CASE 2: If PANASIA does not handle the engineering, it will need to be heavily involved and will need to critically keep the communication lines open with the partnering engineering firm. To create

DRY DOCK & AFLOAT SHIP REPAIRS MARINE UNDERWATER SERVICES PANASIA CONTROL SYSTEMS - Ballast Water Treatment System “Glo-En Patrol” - Panox – Pasox Systems - Monitoring Systems - Supply of Genuine Panasia Spare Parts - Worldwide Service Station for Panasia Equipments


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“We are big enough to meet the challenge and small enough to care”

Ballast Water approval drawings, the need to know the filter orientation and finalizing revised P&ID will be timely, however PANASIA will remain active to keep projects on time. CASE 3: Having available materials in proper location and in timely manner at the time of dry-docking is always critical. In some cases, materials are unavailable locally. In these cases, the client needs to advise the engineering company for suitable dry dock locations, to minimize logistics. CREW TRAINING: PANASIA provides three training options to clients 1. ON-SITE TRAINING: Primarily during commissioning or by special request, PANASIA will attend a vessel and carry out training to interested parties. Depending on the needs, one or more engineer will be posted. 2. COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT) PROGRAM: Easy access to training crew members through computer lessons, at their own time and convenience. 3. TRAINING CENTER(S): PANASIA currently hosts 5 fully functional Training Centers, worldwide: Korea, The Philippines and Greece, run for PANASIA by BPCO LTD, Estonia and the US. All five PANASIA Training Centers provide detailed simulating operation, equipment and troubleshooting of the entire system. Given the crew’s time availability, the courses offer a comprehensive, in-depth view, covering entirely every aspect of the system, through a straightforward and practical training. The qualified instructors hold a computer-based training program

which addresses every aspect of BWTS and additionally offer anything, which can help the crew to understand the system better. The Training Courses are suitable for all Crew Members and Senior Technical Stuff of Shipping Companies. The duration of each Training Session is 2 days. The 1st day covers theoretical aspects and the 2nd day is a full, ‘’hands-on’’ practical course. An Attendance Certification is issued upon successful completion of the Training Course.

Interesting Facts Regarding Panasia BWTS • PANASIA’s BWTS branded GloEn-Patrol, is a Filtration and UV Light technology that has been delivered to more than 1,000 ships worldwide. • The very first order that PANASIA received was back in 2010 • For almost a decade, PANASIA has successfully provided one of the most able systems to clients looking for the best solution to comply with any strictly regulated operating area worldwide. • Amongst their orders, PANASIA has retrofitted 96 various vessels across the globe.

Conclusion Based on our extensive expertise and specialized knowledge, at PANASIA we strongly believe that 2019 is undeniably the right time to focus on selecting the most capable and professional vendor, which will be responsible for operating and managing efficiently and successfully the BWTS in any vessel.

ABS Expands Best Practices for Ballast Water Management Systems ABS published its updated Best Practices for Operation of Ballast Water Management (BWM) Systems Report, offering fresh insight on best practices to overcome key challenges with selecting, installing and operating a BWM system. First published in 2017, the updated 2019 Report captures the key discussion items, lessons-learned and valuable insight gathered and shared during its global program of industry workshops, shaped by questionnaires from owners and operators of vessels with BWM systems. “Our engagement with the industry has helped us gain a deep understanding of the challenges from around the globe, which we used to develop and enhance our guidance to industry,” said Derek Novak, ABS Senior Vice President for Engineering and Technology. “Working closely with owners and operators we produced detailed best practices for mitigating and minimizing issues with the installation and operation of BWM systems.” To form an accurate picture of the current progress with BWM compliance, ABS held global workshops in New Orleans, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Athens, reaching more than 60 shipowners and operators and about 500 vessels. Workshop attendees reviewed the best practices that support successful BWM system

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integration, exploring both common and unique challenges resulting from different applied technologies, various ship types and sizes, operational and environmental conditions, operating frequency, crew competencies, BWM system maintenance requirements and feasible contingency measures. “Between 2017 and today, we have seen an increasing number of early adopters attempting to operate systems before required compliance deadlines,” said William Burroughs, ABS Ballast Water Management Lead. ” Key insights gained during the workshops and captured in the comprehensive questionnaires include: • Incorporating ship-specific contingency measures within the BWM Plan helps avoid potential downtime and financial penalties; • System-specific training, both for shoreside support and vessel crew, is critical for effectively operating and maintaining a BWM system; • Monitoring key data and operational trends and understanding system design limitations helps crew determine the suitability of the treatment technology for a vessel’s planned operational routes; • Providing after-sales global vendor support and expertise is critically important for uninterrupted BWM system operation.

Ballast Water

DESMI Ocean Guard A/S: US Coast Guard Type Approval DESMI Ocean Guard A/S is pleased to announce that its CompactClean Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) has received US Coast Guard Type Approval. This approval comes just a few months after the CompactClean BWMS received IMO type approval and means that the system is now approved for worldwide operation. On April 16, 2019 DESMI Ocean Guard’s CompactClean Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) received US Coast Guard (USCG) Type Approval. The approval is valid for all salinities and sea water temperatures, and has no requirement for a special operating mode in US Territory. In fact, the stringent US requirements are met everywhere in the World by running the system in its normal mode. This means the system is fully approved and certified for discharge of ballast water anywhere in the world, no matter if it is fresh water, brackish water, marine water, cold water or warm water. Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S explains: “It is a significant achievement that the CompactClean system does not need a special US operation mode to meet the USCG requirements in US territory. With just one operation mode used globally, there is no need for knowing the de-ballast location at the time of ballast uptake, in order to determine if the BWMS should be operated in IMO or US mode. Likewise, there are no issues related to mixing IMO and USCG treated ballast water when water is treated in one mode during ballast operation, but then pumped to a tank with remains of water treated in another mode. Mixing of ballast water treated in different modes is also a concern when water is moved internally from tank to tank during a voyage to compensate for consumed fuel. All of these issues represent serious complications to the ship operator when using BWMS that must be switched to one operation mode in US and another in the rest of the world (IMO). With CompactClean we have managed to solve this. Furthermore, we have managed to keep the power consumption at a minimum by incorporating automatic dimming of UV lamps when the water conditions permit.” The USCG Type Approval includes a requirement for a minimum holding time between ballast and de-ballast operations of 24 hours. This is already significantly better than many competing systems, but in order to meet any customers requirement, additional testing has recently been performed in order to demonstrate that the minimum holding time requirement can be reduced to close to zero hours. Tests were successful and we expect an amended USCG Type Approval certificate with a close to zero holding time requirement will be issued in the near future. The IMO Type Approval certificate is already without any minimum holding time requirement. Furthermore, the CompactClean BWMS has recently been ap-

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proved according to ATEX and IECEx requirements for installation in hazardous zones on e.g. oil and chemical tankers, and this is also expected to be added to both IMO and USCG Type Approval certificates soon. “With the so far unmatched versatility of the CompactClean BWMS enabling installation onboard any ship type and allowing for treatment of all kinds of ballast water anywhere in the world, with a zero or close to zero hold time restriction, the CompactClean BWMS is leading the way. Add to this the smallest footprint in the industry, simplicity, user friendliness, ease of installation and credible long term global support and service from a company with close to two centuries of history, and you have the explanation why CompactClean is being selected by more and more,” explains Rasmus Folsø. He continues: “Some of the World’s largest and leading shipowners have found the CompactClean BWMS the superior solution, and selected it for their entire fleet. We are grateful for their trust in our product and our company, and we are happy to see that as systems are installed and put into operation on more and more vessels, we receive positive feedback from involved shipowners.” The CompactClean BWMS comes in 14 different flowrate sizes, with the smallest having a maximum flowrate of 35 m3/h, and the largest having a maximum flowrate of 3000 m3/h. The largest UV Unit boasts an impressive 1500 m3/h max capacity, and by combining two of these in parallel the 3000 m3/h flowrate is achieved. As reported by other UV makers in the market we also see a growing market for these large flowrate UV systems, because shipowners value the simplicity, ease of installation, ease of operation, low operating expenses and chemical free operation offered by UV technology. The system consists of an automatic backflushing filter, a UV unit, valves, sensors, and controls. Furthermore, the system includes many features that are of importance to the daily operation. One example is automatic generation of PDF reports that document all the performed ballast water treatment operations, in a format that is suitable for submission to local port authorities and others. Another example is that the system includes a pump that can be used as stripping pump under ballast stripping operations, thus solving one of the main problems for ballast water management system installations today. As a closing remark Rasmus Folsø adds: “In addition to the CompactClean BWMS DESMI Ocean Guard also provide the market’s most energy-efficient IMO approved BWMS. This system, called RayClean, can in some cases still be the optimal solution if available electrical power is a limiting factor and available space is less of an issue.”


The Most Compact Ballast Water Management System on the Market!

CompactClean 340 m3/h System

H: 2384 mm

 The Smallest Footprint in Industry  Filter and UV unit in seawater resistant Nickel-Alu-Bronze  IMO Type Approval according to the new BWMS code from IMO  US Coast Guard Type Approval  Patent Pending Highly Efficient UV Unit Design  Short Delivery Time  Easy Maintenance  No Salinity or Temperature Limitations  Down to UV-Transmission of just 42% - Also in US Territory!  100% Chemical Free Treatment


187 8x1








DESMI Greece Agiou Konstantinou 52 151 25 Marousi Greece Phone: +30 6944 149 446 E-mail:



Ballast Water

Frame Agreement for the Existing Fleet of French Company Sea Tankers

Frame agreement for supply of BWMS for DFDS

DESMI Ocean Guard A/S is pleased to announce that Sea Tankers have selected the CompactClean Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) for installation on their existing fleet of vessels, and also appointed DESMI Ocean Guard to undertake all the required engineering for the retrofit installations.

DESMI Ocean Guard A/S is pleased to announce that DFDS has selected the CompactClean Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) for installation on its existing fleet of vessels.

According to plan, the first three vessels will be retrofitted with CompactClean BWMS in 2019, the rest will follow in the subsequent years. All the vessels will be retrofitted with a CompactClean-750 system installed in a container on the deck of the vessel. This solution has been chosen because these tankers have submerged ballast pumps, and hence no pump room where the BWMS can be installed. The CompactClean BWMS for Sea Tankers are EX certified versions approved for the installation in hazardous areas on tankers. DESMI Ocean Guard will supply the complete package consisting of BWMS equipment in a containerized solution together with an engineering package including manufacturing drawings of piping, pipe supports, foundations etc., and detailed installation manual for each vessel.

DFDS and DESMI Ocean Guard have signed a frame agreement for supply of CompactClean Ballast Water Management Systems to the existing fleet of vessels of DFDS. The agreement covers more than 40 ferries to be retrofitted in the period from early 2020 until end 2024. Most of the vessels will be retrofitted with either a CompactClean-340 or a CompactClean-500 system, with max flow capacities of 340 m3/h and 500 m3/h respectively. A few vessels will be retrofitted with CompactClean BWMS with 750 m3/h or 1000 m3/h capacity.

Deputy Managing Director of Sea Tankers, Francis Laverriere, explains that the CompactClean system was chosen for a variety of reasons, some of them being: • the small footprint which allows for the complete installation to be inside a 20 foot container • the simplicity in operation of the system and the high level of automation • low opex

DESMI Ocean Guard is very happy to add a reputable company like DFDS to the list of customers. “DFDS is a very well respected company and one of the global leaders in ferry operation. Like DESMI, DFDS is headquartered in Denmark and has a very long history going back more than 150 years, and as such, we believe that our Companies share a lot of the same values. Therefore, we are particularly proud that after a very careful evaluation and selection process DFDS decided for installation of the CompactClean BWMS on its entire existing fleet. With the very small footprint, ease of operation and completely chemical free treatment of the ballast water, CompactClean is a good and safe choice for passenger ferries, and we look very much forward to begin the implementation across the DFDS fleet,” explains Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S.

He also adds: “We particularly appreciated the professionalism of the DESMI team, commercially and technically. We have the feeling that we realize the projects in partnership and not in a customer vs. supplier relationship. DESMI was very responsive and found the necessary capabilities to adapt the system onto our parcel tankers in an EX environment. We chose DESMI for the retrofit of our fleet mainly for these reasons.” DESMI Ocean Guard is very happy to add a reputable company like Sea Tankers to the list of customers. “The solution selected by Sea Tankers with a containerized deck installation of CompactClean BWMS is one we have already sold to several other customers with similar vessels, and we have good experience. We are therefore confident that the collaboration with Sea Tankers will be successful and we are already well underway with the work for the first vessel,” explains Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S.

68 NAFS | May 2019

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Ballast Water

Alfa Laval expands its PureBallast 3 training programme for crew training

Compliance in ballast water treatment depends on crew knowledge as well as the ballast water treatment system itself. To help customers secure the needed competence, Alfa Laval is expanding its Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 training programme with crew training in Houston, Manila and Mumbai. Alfa Laval will begin PureBallast 3 crew training courses in Houston, Manila and Mumbai during the first and second quarters of 2019. The strategically located sites complement Alfa Laval’s state-of-the-art facility in Stockholm, forming a network of training locations to serve the needs of customers worldwide. “Training is integral to success in ballast water treatment,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. ” Marine authorities have made clear that a lack of crew knowledge is not a valid reason for non-compliance. So besides providing crew training on board and online, Alfa Laval is making convenient courses available where our customers do business.” No matter which of the three sites they choose, customers can expect wellequipped facilities that are modern and purpose-designed. Likewise, they will encounter knowledgeable and experienced instructors, ready to share insights and best practices developed over years of hands-on work with ballast water treatment. Lindmark points out that training is more than a matter of system knowledge. “PureBallast 3 is designed for ease of use, which means crews can quickly learn its operation and maintenance,” he says. “However, ballast water treatment is still a relatively new application. For crew members to get it right, they need to understand not only how, but also why and when the ballast water treatment system should be used.” “Simply put, Alfa Laval crew training will help customers ensure safe, correct and efficient operation of their PureBallast 3 systems,” Lindmark says. “By leading to optimal system use, it will safeguard their investment and their compliance.” Image caption: Martin Melin, Technical Communicator

70 NAFS | May 2019

Damen’s InvaSave mobile BWTS ahead of IMO deadline In less than five months, the IMO’s Ballast Water Convention will be extended to cover existing vessels as well as new builds. As of 8 September, all will be required to comply by the time of their first IOPP certificate renewal following that date. To assist vessel owners in meeting their obligations under the convention while at the same time offering port and harbour authorities a value-added service that they can offer to their clients, Damen Green Solutions will be taking its InvaSave 300 mobile ballast water treatment system on tour to demonstrate its convenience, effectiveness and cost efficiency. The InvaSave 300 IMO-certified system is an external ballast water treatment unit that in a single pass uses mechanical filtration and ultraviolet radiation to remove and eradicate invasive organisms from ballast water as it is discharged from inbound vessels, to IMO-D2 standards. It can also provide ballast water of the same quality to outbound vessels. The entire system comes in a single, 40ft container and so is fully mobile; ideal for placing on a barge, workboat or trailer for easy movement around a port, harbour or shipyard. “Its versatility extends way beyond its mobility, however,” says Damen Green’s Philip Rabe. “Who would have imagined, for example, that a port-based treatment system could serve the offshore industry?” “Consider FPSOs – they are at sea for years at a time and need ballast water exchange only very infrequently. Nonetheless, they are required to comply with the regulations. InvaSave provides a solution without the need for costly conversion – and without taking up valuable onboard storage space. Damen Shipyards Group Damen Shipyards Group operates 36 shipbuilding and repair yards, employing 12,000 people worldwide. Damen has delivered more than 6,500 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers around 175 vessels annually to customers worldwide. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality.

Euploia Drydock & Services, Ltd. is the exclusive agent of Lupi Srl in Greece |

Ballast Water

Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 is now type approved by the U.S. Coast Guard with minimized holding time “We are committed to keeping operations simple, even under the more complicated USCG legislation,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast.

“Alfa Laval PureBallast 3, the third generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology, has received an updated type approval from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The new certificate makes it possible for vessels to deballast in United States waters with a holding time of just 2.5 hours” Alfa Laval PureBallast 3, the third generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology, has received an updated type approval from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The new certificate makes it possible for vessels to deballast in United States waters with a holding time of just 2.5 hours. Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 was awarded an updated certificate from the USCG on April 4, granting the system type approval with zero-day holding time in all water salinities. PureBallast 3 owners in United States waters now have the option of discharging ballast water just 2.5 hours after taking it on. The holding time of 2.5 hours, which is due solely to a technical testing procedure, is only applicable if the vessel crosses over into another Captain of the Port Zone within this very short time. “We are committed to keeping operations simple, even under the more complicated USCG legislation,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “The new, and dramatically reduced, holding time for PureBallast 3 removes a key frustration when operating in United States waters.”

Doing away with holding time

Holding time is a designated interval between the completion of ballast water uptake and the start of ballast water discharge. PureBallast 3, like many other treatment solutions, has had a mandatory holding time when operating under USCG legislation – despite having no such requirement under IMO legislation. The reason UV treatment systems have had holding times in United States waters is the difference in testing methods used by IMO and

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the USCG to verify biological disinfection performance. However, the recent signing into law of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) paves the way for the USCG to re-evaluate the IMO-endorsed method. If the USCG decides to accept the same testing principle used by IMO, suppliers of UV treatment systems will likely be able to reapply for USCG type approval based on the IMO testing methodology. “Alfa Laval is closely following the developments related to VIDA, but we have chosen not to wait for a change in the USCG legislation,” says Lindmark.

Holding time remains an issue for electrochlorination systems

With its updated USCG type approval, PureBallast 3 gains a decisive advantage – not only among UV treatment systems, but also over electrochlorination systems. This is because electrochlorination systems can only achieve short holding times through an increased use of chemicals. For many electrochlorination systems, large amounts of neutralization chemicals are needed to meet the discharge limit for total residual oxidants (TRO). “Unlike UV treatment, which is chemical-free, electrochlorination involves active substances that must be neutralized before discharge – which requires either time or more chemicals,” says Lindmark. “PureBallast 3 has the fewest limitations of any ballast water treatment technology, and the minimized holding time in United States waters makes those limitations even fewer.”

3d printing

Industry 5.0 (3D Printing) “A Threat For Second Hand Shipping” Apostolos Panos, Master in Shipping When I first read about 3D printers, my nerd inner demons that I hid right inside me came out to the surface. 3D is a technology that is widely applied across all industries, including the construction of the General Electric fuel injector and the construction of NASA launch engine spare part, from home construction such as ICON to the construction of bio-medical parts. I personally use it on a weekly basis in 3D learning programs on a voluntary job in schools and how children can give life to three-dimensional designs, inspiring me how a skilled engineer can exploit existing technology. The original 3D printer concept was introduced in 1982 by Chuck Hull (Hyperlink), who thought of prosthetic technology with plastic layers and then cutting them with a beam of light. Since then, this technology has acquired thousands of supporters who believed in the revolution that it will bring. It may seem bold but 3D printing can be “industry 5.0”.A technology that is itself an industrial revolution. Making a small search for 3D printer products, millions of results will be found as you can see from machines used by NASA to biological replicas used as rehearsal surgery before the actual surgery. The latest achievement of this revolutionary technology has come from the US Navy to create a submarine from the Oak Ridge National Lab. A submarine usually needs $ 800,000 to be built and a few months to complete, with 3D printers to cut costs by 90% and year in weeks instead of months. Additionally, Hyundai Heavy Industries, the strongest shipbuilder, is currently looking dynamically to integrate 3D into shipbuilding, meaning that in the near future this technology will be a different kind of shipbuilding. The reason why such an industry company is considering 3D has to do with the fact that competing transport industries such as road and air transport have already implemented 3D systems and are proceeding to original designs of entirely 3D transport media such as: 3D Airbus-mini plane ‘Thor’ and3D automobile Strati. It is important to create these 3D constructions by developing CAD (computer aided design) and converting the file into STL (Stereolithography). 3D printers are not yet some mainstream technology, but you can see that price drop through years in 3D printers from $ 20,000 to $ 2,000 today, giving a chance to gadget lover’s hope for further price drop. As for professional printers, it is a cost-effective investment with multiple benefits.

3D vs. Second Hand We all know the paradox of shipping, that a second-hand ship today may cost more than a new ship tomorrow. The reason for this is the need for transportation due to increased demand can’t wait for the delivery of ships that may take months to years. Hyundai Heavy Industries has introduced 3D shipbuilding technologies with $ 1.8bn of savings. Hyundai Heavy Industries has the potential to be the largest shipbuilding company of the world to extend the capabilities of 3D to fully ship-building from 3D or even 95%, which we already saw as a model from Relativity Space that predicts construction of its class 95% for rockets. Based on this, the construction of a ship entirely from a 3D printer can “shake the waters” in the pricing of second hand, as it is different for shipowners to know that a new ship

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can be built in a month or maybe less than knowing that the same project needs a year and demand pressing for vessels to carry freights. Market needs, can be covered by new ships that are ‘printed’ in the shortest possible time.

The prospect of combining 3D with Scrapping The prospect of combining 3D technology with scrapping industry creates new data to minimize costs, improves the industry’s eco-consciousness and maximizes the profits of scrappers in this cycle that ship scrappers can be imported into 3D and come up with a new product designed in the latest legal frameworks and data.

Conclusions • 3D will revolutionize all industries (INDUSTRY 5.0) • The development of the same technology can make it possible to create a 3D ship entirely • The combination of 3D with scrapping materials can be an ecological revolution • Second hand will surely lose their economic power but some shipowners will be steadfast supporters

Suggestions • Shipbuilding companies can make strategic synergies with scrapping companies for 3D projects • Hyundai Heavy Industries, could buy SKARAMAGA, to develop full 3D shipbuilding industry • Offshore companies should develop 3D Projects

Market news

ABB wins contract to power the first Chinese-built cruise vessel

ABB has been awarded a contract to supply an integrated package, including two Azipod® steerable propulsion systems, for the construction of China’s first ever home-grown cruise ship. ABB’s deep domain knowledge in cruise technology coupled with its local expertise makes it the perfect partner to support this significant milestone in the evolution of China’s shipbuilding industry. The 323-meter vessel, due for delivery in 2023, can accommodate 5,000 passengers and is designed to suit the tastes of Chinese cruise travelers whose numbers are expected to rise to 8-10 million annually by 2025, according to industry body Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). ABB will supply an integrated package to the vessel including two Azipod® units which are proven to cut fuel consumption by up to 15 percent, reduce noise and vibration and offer 360-degree maneuverability. The drive motor of the Azipod® is located in a submerged pod below the hull of the ship and has been an industry benchmark in environment-friendly cruise technology since its launch in 1990. “We are truly honored to be part of this breakthrough project for China’s first home-built cruise vessel,” said Peter Terwiesch, President of the Industrial Automation division, ABB. “ABB has a long-standing history in delivering electric, digital and connected solutions to the cruise market globally, and with our strong local experience and proven solutions, we are committed to support China’s current and future cruise demands.”

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Θ. Βενιάμης: Να αναλάβουν όλοι τις ευθύνες τους για τα καύσιμα Ενόψει της κρίσιμης Συνόδου της Επιτροπής Προστασίας του Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος (MEPC 74) του Διεθνούς Ναυτιλιακού Οργανισμού (UN IMO) την ερχόμενη εβδομάδα, η Ένωσις Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών (ΕΕΕ) καλεί τα κράτη μέλη του IMO και όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους φορείς να ανταποκριθούν στις ευθύνες τους ως καθοριστικής σημασίας συντελεστές στη χάραξη πολιτικής σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο και να δεσμευτούν για την επίτευξη εφικτών, εφαρμόσιμων και βιώσιμων λύσεων για τα προβλήματα που σχετίζονται με το παγκόσμιο ανώτατο όριο θείου από το 2020 στα ναυτιλιακά καύσιμα καθώς και για τη μείωση των εκπομπών αερίων θερμοκηπίου από τα πλοία.μ«Η MEPC74 είναι η τελευταία ευκαιρία για να διασφαλιστεί η ασφαλής, ομαλή και συνεπής εφαρμογή του παγκόσμιου κανονισμού για ναυτιλιακά καύσιμα 0,5% περιεκτικότητας σε θείο από το 2020 και να αντιμετωπιστούν αποτελεσματικά οι πολλές και σοβαρές προκλήσεις που προκύπτουν», δήλωσε ο Πρόεδρος της ΕΕΕ, κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης. «Αυτή η τελευταία ευκαιρία δεν πρέπει να αποδειχθεί χαμένη ευκαιρία», τόνισε. Τα ζητήματα της διαθεσιμότητας ασφαλών, συμμορφούμενων καυσίμων παγκοσμίως· η υιοθέτηση των Οδηγιών για συνεπή εφαρμογή με τη συμπερίληψη της ρήτρας περί «λειτουργικών κωλυμάτων» (operational constraints)· η εφαρμογή ορθών και πρακτικών μέτρων για την ρεαλιστική αντιμετώπιση των περιπτώσεων μη συμμόρφωσης του πλοίου λόγω αιτιών εκτός ελέγχου του· οι περιβαλλοντικές, επιχειρησιακές, νομικές, καθώς και άλλες αβεβαιότητες του κανονισμού που σχετίζονται με τη χρήση συστημάτων έκπλυσης καυσαερίων, είναι όλα σημαντικά ζητήματα που ενέχουν τον κίνδυνο σοβαρής διατάραξης του διεθνούς εμπορίου, εάν δεν αντιμετωπιστούν κατάλληλα άμεσα. Σχετικά με το ζήτημα της μείωσης των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου, ο κ. Βενιάμης δήλωσε: «Υπάρχει αναγκαιότητα να διασφαλιστεί ότι τα μέτρα που θα υιοθετήσει ο ΙΜΟ είναι εφικτά για το σύνολο της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας. Κάθε τομέας θα πρέπει να έχει τη δυνατότητα να επιλέγει τα πιο κατάλληλα για το επιχειρησιακό του μοντέλο και αυτό θα πρέπει να είναι σεβαστό από όλους. Η bulk / tramp ναυτιλία αντιπροσωπεύει περισσότερο από το 84% του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου δια θαλάσσης και όποια μέτρα υιοθετηθούν δε θα πρέπει να βάζουν σε κίνδυνο τη βιωσιμότητά της. Γι αυτόν τον τομέα συγκεκριμένα είναι απαραίτητο τα μέτρα στα οποία θα δεσμευτεί να αποτελέσουν δεσμεύσεις και για τους ναυλωτές. «Είμαι βέβαιος ότι ο IMO θα σταθεί στο ύψος των περιστάσεων και θα ανταποκριθεί στον αδιαμφισβήτητο ρόλο του ως παγκόσμιου ρυθμιστή της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας. Αυτό το παγκόσμιο κύρος συνεπάγεται μεγάλη ευθύνη και αυτό θα πρέπει να είναι στη σκέψη όλων των συμμετεχουσών αντιπροσωπειών στις επικείμενες διεργασίες του ΙΜΟ», κατέληξε ο κ. Βενιάμης.

Market news

Greek benefits to come from Palau maritime partnership

The world’s fastest growing ship registry and the oldest shortsea shipping association in Europe have joined forces to support the growing number of Greek vessels operating in the short-sea maritime sector. Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) and the Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association (HSSA) both operate from Piraeus in Greece and recently signed an agreement to strengthen the close ties between them to support HSSA’s member vessels operating

short-sea shipping services. This new agreement builds on the close relationship between the two maritime service providers and will offer HSSA members ship registration, documentation and seafarer registrations through PISR at special agreed rates and adding value services as part of the close co-operation. Panos Kirnidis, CEO of PISR, sees this latest agreement as an important step in securing the future role of short-sea shipping operators in the region. “The HSSA is a long-standing and highly respected maritime body in Greece. Not only is it the oldest short-sea shipping association in Europe, with more than 75 years of looking after its members but it has a powerful voice in national and international maritime bodies. The HSSA voice is always heard on general issues concerning Greek shipping and it is has a strong reputation through its dealings with the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and the Sustainable Shipping Forum. “Palau International Ship Registry is the ideal partner for the HSSA because we both operate from the same region and we understand the needs of short-sea shipping owners and operators. All of our technology-driven registry services and the support of our experienced auditors, maritime surveyors, technical staff and deputy registrars will be part of the services available to HSSA members at special rates. This will be a close partnership that will benefit everyone associated with the agreement and we will be supporting HSSA members every step of the way.”

Η probunkers ζητά προσφορές για σχεδιασμό και παραγωγή 7 σκαφών ανεφοδιασμού πλοίων με LNG Η probunkers, η νέα και ταχύτατα αναπτυσσόμενη εταιρεία που φέρνει το μέλλον του bunkering σήμερα, πραγματοποιεί ένα ακόμα βήμα προς την ολοκλήρωση του φιλόδοξου project της για ένα παγκόσμιο δίκτυο ανεφοδιασμού πλοίων με καύσιμο LNG, προσκαλώντας τις εταιρείες του χώρου να καταθέσουν προτάσεις για το σχεδιασμό του στόλου της από σκάφη ανεφοδιασμού πλοίων. Καθώς ο ρυθμός επέκτασης του LNG ως βασικού καυσίμου στη ναυτιλία είναι πλέον εξαιρετικά ταχύς, η probunkers εξελίσσεται σε μία επενδυτική ευκαιρία παγκόσμιας κλάσης, δημιουργώντας ένα αξιόπιστο παγκόσμιο δίκτυο εφοδιασμού της ναυτιλίας με καύσιμο LNG. Σύμφωνα με τον σχεδιασμό που υπάρχει, η probunkers θα σχεδιάσει, θα ναυπηγήσει και θα διαχειρίζεται ένα στόλο από μοντέρνα και φιλικά προς το περιβάλλον σκάφη για ανεφοδιασμό πλοίων με καύσιμο LNG, που θα καλύψει τις διαρκώς μεταβαλλόμενες ενεργειακές ανάγκες

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της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας. Στην παρούσα φάση, η εταιρεία ενδιαφέρεται για την άμεση παραγωγή επτά (7) σκαφών εφοδιασμού πλοίων με καύσιμο LNG (LNGBV), τα οποία θα δραστηριοποιούνται σε διάφορα λιμάνια ανά τον κόσμο. Γι’ αυτό, προσκαλεί τις εταιρείες του χώρου να καταθέσουν αρχικές προτάσεις σχεδιασμού, μαζί με περιγραφή προδιαγραφών βάσει του Γενικού Κανονισμού για τα σκάφη αυτού του τύπου. Οι προτάσεις μπορούν να κατατεθούν έως την Παρασκευή 29 Μαρτίου 2019. Ο Τεχνικός Διευθυντής της probunkers, κ. Ανδρέας Ζομπανάκης, είναι υπεύθυνος για την παρακολούθηση όλης της διαδικασίας. Για την probunkers αποτελεί δέσμευση να βρίσκεται ανάμεσα στους πρωτοπόρους υποστηρικτές της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης και της πράσινης ενέργειας στη ναυτιλία, συμβάλλοντας στην ανάπτυξη υποδομών εφοδιασμού της ναυτιλίας με LNG με υψηλής ποιότητας και αξιοπιστίας υπηρεσίες ανεφοδιασμού.




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Market news

«Ημέρες Θάλασσας 2019»

Πτυχές της συνεισφοράς της Ελληνικής Ναυτοσύνης στην ευρωπαϊκή ναυτιλία και όχι μόνο φωτίστηκαν επαρκώς κατά την διάρκεια ειδικής εκδήλωσης του Propeller Club που συμμετέχει στις εκδηλώσεις του θεσμού «Ημέρες Θάλασσας 2019». Ο πρόεδρος του Propeller Club κ. Γ. Ξηραδάκης εστιάζοντας στο βασικό θέμα της εκδήλωσης που ήταν «η αξία της Ελληνικής Ναυτοσύνης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση» κατέδειξε τα συγκριτικά πλεονεκτήματα της χώρας που είναι η ισχυρότερη ναυτιλία στον κόσμο αλλά και η «πύλη» εισόδου προϊόντων προς τις ευρωπαϊκές αγορές για να επισημάνει πως τα πλεονεκτήματα αυτά μπορούν να φέρουν μεγάλες επενδύσεις στο διαμετακομιστικό και μεταποιητικό κλάδο οι οποίες θα δημιουργήσουν εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες νέες και κυριότερα εξειδικευμένες θέσεις εργασίας. Στο σημείο αυτό ο κ. Ξηραδάκης τόνισε χαρακτηριστικά πως «πέραν όμως της προσπάθειας ανόρθωσης της χώρας, πρέπει να αγωνιστούμε για την ανάδειξη της ναυτιλίας μας στην Ευρώπη. Γιατί η Ελληνική ναυτιλία δεν είναι μια βιομηχανία που αφορά μόνο τη μικρή μας

χώρα αλλά αποτελεί το ήμισυ της Ευρωπαϊκής ναυτιλίας και κάτω από αυτό το πρίσμα πρέπει να λειτουργούμε όλοι οι εμπλεκόμενοι φορείς. Η Ελληνική ναυτιλία αφορά όλη την Ευρώπη». Κλείνοντας την ομιλία του και αναφερόμενος στην υποψηφιότητα του με την ΝΔ για το ευρωκοινοβούλιο είπε ότι στόχος του είναι η εκπροσώπηση της Ελληνικής θαλάσσιας οικονομίας και ναυτιλίας στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο προκειμένου να αξιοποιηθεί η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση προς όφελος των Ελλήνων. H έλλειψη εκπροσώπησης στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο, της μεγαλύτερης βιομηχανίας της χώρας, του μοναδικού κλάδου στον οποίο διαπρέπει η χώρα μας στο διεθνές οικονομικό στερέωμα, αποτελεί τροχοπέδη για την προσπάθεια ανόρθωσης της χώρας, κατέληξε. Παρεμβάσεις έκαναν τα μέλη του Δ.Σ. του Propeller Club κ. Δ. Ματθαίου, Κ. Ρόκκος και Κ. Φραγκούλης, ο πρόεδρος της ΕΠΕΣΤ κ. Αντ Στελλιάτος, καθώς και ο εκπρόσωπος του “Maritime Hellas” κ. Γ. Αλεξανδράτος. Τέλος το χαιρετισμό του προέδρου της ΕΕΝΜΑ μετέφερε ο κ. Αντρέας Συρίγος.

Το Τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά γιορτάζει και ενώνει Πρόσφατα, πραγματοποιήθηκε στο κρουαζιερόπλοιο Celestyal Olympia ο εορτασμός των 30 χρόνων από την ίδρυση του Τμήματος Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς. Εκεί παρουσία των αρχών του Ιδρύματος, οι εκπρόσωποι της πολιτικής και στρατιωτικής ηγεσίας αλλά και οι θεσμικοί εκπρόσωποι της ναυτιλίας συμφώνησαν και αναγνώρισαν την συμβολή του Τμήματος στην επιστήμη και στην ναυτιλιακή αγορά και βιομηχανία. Στο σύνολό της επεσήμαναν την αναγκαιότητα περαιτέρω επέκτασης της παρεχόμενης εκπαίδευσης και με την προσφορά ακόμη περισσότερων προγραμμάτων στην αγγλική γλώσσα, την παγκόσμια γλώσσα της ναυτιλίας. Ο Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος κ. Άγγελος Παντουβάκης αναφέρθηκε χαρακτηριστικά στο Πείσμα με το οποίο το Τμήμα κατευθύνει πλέον την προσπάθεια του, στην ανάπτυξη της ναυτιλιακής εκπαίδευσης και έρευνας στην Ελλάδα και παγκόσμια. Τόνισε την αναγκαιότητα εξωστρέφειας στον προσανατολισμό, ισότητας στην αντιμετώπιση, μέτρησης των αποτελεσμάτων και αριστείας ως παραγόντων επιτυχίας. Τέλος αναφέρθηκε στη εδώ και ένα

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έτος σύσταση και λειτουργία αγγλόφωνων μεταπτυχιακών από το Τμήμα, αλλά και την επιδιωκόμενη εισαγωγή αγγλόφωνων μαθημάτων και σε προπτυχιακό επίπεδο. Ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης, αφού τόνισε την προστιθέμενη αξία που γεννά το Τμήμα στη Ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα, αναφέρθηκε και αυτός στη σημασία της ποιότητας της εκπαίδευσης που το Τμήμα παρέχει επί 30 συναπτά έτη, στην ανταγωνιστικότητα της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας. Ζήτησε μάλιστα χαρακτηριστικά ... «να κλειστούμε όλοι σε ένα δωμάτιο ώστε να συμφωνήσουμε για τους τρεις πυλώνες της ναυτιλίας: την ανταγωνιστικότητα, την ναυτοσύνη και τη ναυτική- ναυτιλιακή εκπαίδευση και να βρούμε τους άξονες ανάπτυξης και βελτίωσης τους...» Η εορτή έκλεισε με την απονομή ευχαριστήριας πλακέτας στον Εκτελεστικό Πρόεδρο του Ομίλου Louis κ. Κωστάκη Λοϊζου για την προσφορά του στο Τμήμα και τηνπαροχή δεξίωσης στον χώρο του πλοίου για τους περίπου 400 καλεσμένους όλους επαγγελματίες της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς.

Market news

«Υιοθεσία Πλοίου» στην Ύδρα»

Μ. Ρούσση, Γ. Γουρδομιχάλης, Φ. Τσέλιου, Ε. Νοτιά, Γ. Σαχίνης, Γ. Κουκουδάκης, Κ. Αδαμοπούλου, Κ. Αναστόπουλος, Ε. Δανόπουλος, Καπ. Μ. Λυκοβαρδής, R. Palm

Την Κυριακή, 24 Μαρτίου 2019, η Αδελφότης Υδραίων Αθηνών ( φιλοξένησε την PROJECT CONNECT (www., όπου η Ειρήνη Νοτιά και Φανή Τσέλιου παρουσίασαν το ναυτιλιακό εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα «Υιοθεσία Πλοίου» (Adopt a Ship) σε θεσμικούς παράγοντες της Ύδρας. Παράλληλα και επ’ ευκαιρία της εθνικής επετείου της 25ης Μαρτίου οι συμμετέχοντες περιηγήθηκαν στο πανέμορφο νησί, ξεναγήθηκαν στο Ιστορικό Αρχείο – Μουσείο Ύδρας και παρακολούθησαν την εθνική παρέλαση. Η ενημερωτική συνάντηση έλαβε χώρα στην ιστορική οικία του προέδρου της Αδελφότητος Υδραίων Αθηνών, κύριου Γιάννη Σαχίνη, ο οποίος αρχικά παρουσίασε τους καλεσμένους, έκανε μνεία των σκοπών της Αδελφότητος και βέβαια αναφέρθηκε στην σημασία που θα έχει η υλοποίηση του προγράμματος «Υιοθεσία Πλοίου», ιδίως στην Ύδρα με τις βαθιές ναυτιλιακές ρίζες της. Στην συνέχεια, η κυρία Ειρήνη Νοτιά εξήγησε, ότι το εκπαιδευτικό αυτό πρόγραμμα είναι ειδικά σχεδιασμένο για τα παιδιά του δημοτικού και ότι η PROJECT CONNECT το αγκάλιασε αμέσως, γιατί φέρνει τα παιδιά κοντά στα ναυτικά και ναυτιλιακά επαγγέλματα και αυτό ακριβώς είναι στο οποίο στοχεύει, «να προσφέρει ευκαιρίες και ελπίδα στους νέους που το ζητάνε». Στην Ύδρα ειδικότερα, το πρόγραμμα θα υλοποιηθεί με την συνεργασία της Διευθύντριας του 1ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Ύδρας, κυρίας Ματίνας Ρούσση. Το πρόγραμμα «Υιοθεσία Πλοίου» είναι εγκεκριμένο από το Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων και ήδη υλοποιείται σε 7 σχολεία χάριν σε αξιόλογα στελέχη του ναυτιλιακού κύκλου. Οι ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες Ariston Navigation, Phoenix Shipping & Trading, Medferry, Apollonia, Starbulk, Lotus Shipping and Eurobulk διέθεσαν τα πλοία τους, ώστε οι μαθητές να επικοινωνήσουν με τους καπετάνιους και να γνωρίσουν την ναυτιλία. Ο κύριος Γιώργος Γουρδομιχάλης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Phoenix Shipping & Trading S.A., που έχει διαθέσει δύο πλοία στο πρόγραμμα, ένα στο 5ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πειραιά και ένα

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στο Δημοτικό του Κολλεγίου Αθηνών, μίλησε τόσο για την διαστρεβλωμένη εικόνα που έχει ένα μέρος της κοινωνίας για την ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία, όσο και για την σημασία της ναυτιλίας στην ελληνική κοινωνία και οικονομία. Τόνισε, περαιτέρω, ότι η ευαισθητοποίηση των παιδιών και, μεταξύ άλλων, των οικογενειών τους σχετικά με την σπουδαιότητα και την σημασία της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας θα οδηγούσε όχι μόνο στην καλύτερη κατανόηση του εύρους της σημασίας της αλλά θα έθετε και τις βάσεις και θα έσπερνε τους σπόρους για μια νέα γενιά επαγγελματιών του κλάδου είτε στη θάλασσα είτε στην ξηρά. Είναι μόνο προς το συμφέρον και των δύο πλευρών, της βιομηχανίας και της κοινωνίας, να προσελκυθεί μεγαλύτερο ενδιαφέρον σε αυτή την προσπάθεια. Εκτός από τον κύριο Γουρδομιχάλη, μας τίμησε με την παρουσία του και ο Καπετάνιος Μανώλης Λυκοβαρδής, Operation Manager της Eurobulk, που επίσης έχει διαθέσει ένα πλοίο στο πρόγραμμα. Επίσης, παρόντες ήταν ο Δήμαρχος Ύδρας, κ. Γ. Κουκουδάκης, ο Διοικητής της ΑΕΝ Ύδρας, Αντιπλοίαρχος ΛΣ, Ε. Δανόπουλος, η Διευθύντρια του 1ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Ύδρας, κα Μ. Ρούσση, ο Πρόεδρος του Ελληνικού Δικτύου Μικρών Νησιών, κ. Ελ. Κεχαγιόγλου, η Διευθύντρια του Ιστορικού Αρχείου – Μουσείου Ύδρας, κα Κ. Αδαμοπούλου, ο πρώην Δήμαρχος Ύδρας, κ. Κ. Αναστόπουλος και ο CEO RxP International, Robert Palm.

Η ενημερωτική συνάντηση έλαβε χώρα στην ιστορική οικία του προέδρου της Αδελφότητος Υδραίων Αθηνών, κύριου Γιάννη Σαχίνη, ο οποίος αρχικά παρουσίασε τους καλεσμένους, έκανε μνεία των σκοπών της Αδελφότητος και βέβαια αναφέρθηκε στην σημασία που θα έχει η υλοποίηση του προγράμματος «Υιοθεσία Πλοίου», ιδίως στην Ύδρα με τις βαθιές ναυτιλιακές ρίζες της.

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Market news

MAN Energy Solutions Signs Major Service Agreement MAN Energy Solutions, Hong Kong has signed a service agreement with Pacific Basin Shipping covering field, workshop and technical services on MAN main engines, generators and turbochargers aboard 111 dry-bulk ships. All of the vessels involved are owned by Pacific Basin and managed by its in-house technical-management team. MAN PrimeServ will manage the contract from Hong Kong in close cooperation with the PrimeServ global network that covers some 120 service hubs. Jay K Pillai, Fleet Director – Pacific Basin, said: ”Pacific Basin is committed to delivering a safe, environmentally friendly and reliable freight service to cargo customers around the world with a vision to be the first choice partner for customers and other stakeholders in dry-bulk shipping. MAN is our trusted partner as engine maker and service provider, as well as supplier of genuine spares and the best technical expertise on engines. We expect this service agreement will help to maximise further our operational and cost efficiencies, while also enhancing the long-standing partnership between MAN and Pacific Basin.” Sarath Prasannan, Managing Director – MAN Energy Solutions Hong Kong, said: “By combining Pacific Basin’s in-house knowledge with MAN’s know-how and experience, we believe that this agreement will improve the predictability of Pacific Basin’s operational costs, minimize maintenance costs as well as optimize the planning

of services and spare-part deliveries. Through first-class service, we are committed to ensure safe, reliable and cost-efficient engine operation so that Pacific Basin can focus on what is important to their customers in an environmentally-sustainable way.

From left to right: William Chan (Purchasing Manager, Pacific Basin), Sarath Prasannan (Managing Director, MAN Hong Kong), Jay K Pillai (Director, Fleet, Pacific Basin), Harsh Bhave (General Manager, Technical, Pacific Basin), Raymond Siu (Head of Sales, MAN Hong Kong), Jason Lai (Senior Sales Account Manager, MAN Hong Kong)

Bureau Veritas advances the survey request process with Optimum Survey Planning With the release of Optimum Survey Planning (OSP) Bureau Veritas continues to develop more efficient tools to support classification and statutory surveys and audits. The new application moves planning of surveys from a reactive to a proactive approach, providing a recommendation of the most convenient date and place to perform the needed surveys. This increases efficiency and convenience for the managers of ships requiring surveys – saving time, money and reducing any impact on ship operations. The application is embedded within VeriStar Info, BV’s client portal, and is available on both desktop and mobile versions. The benefits of OSP include: • Proactive notification of optimized survey times and locations to ensure that the proposal includes availability of appropriate surveyor expertise where and when needed • An optimized survey and audit scope proposal • Visibility on the status of the request at any time, until the report is available • Additional information on the ports, including information on BV approved service suppliers in each port thanks to the direct link with

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the BV application, Approval Explorer The new application stands out from alternatives, providing real data of test completion evidence, not just photographs and video recordings. The anticipated next steps as the DP Digital Survey tool evolves will include: increased automation of the survey process; improvements in the survey process; and the ability to establish a continuous DP survey framework allowing detailed, and continual, remote monitoring. As part of this innovative approach, Bureau Veritas is working with CLS, a subsidiary of the French Space Agency (CNES), to forecast the ship routes as an alternative to manual ship route booking by the client itself, making the process even more efficient. Laurent Hentges, Bureau Veritas Vice-President Operational Excellence, commented saying: ‘This is not just about putting survey bookings online, this is about improving our services and making the classification experience easier with visibility, flexibility and control. We are continuing to work with leading technology partners, in this case CLS, to help us deliver leading solutions.’

Market news

Damen Shipyards Group opens new engineering centre in Helsinki

Damen has established a presence in Finland for the first time. The Helsinki office has been set up to take advantage of the depth of engineering expertise that exists in the country following the group’s entry last year into building large vessels for the RoPax, Cruise and Offshore markets via its new Romanian yard, Damen Shipyards Mangalia. The new office will augment and extend Damen’s engineering capability in this market segment. Finland was selected as the location because, along with Italy,

Germany and France, it is one of the leading countries in the world in the design and build of cruise and RoPax vessels; this in combination with particular expertise in ice-class vessels, a growing segment of the cruise market. Helsinki also has excellent connections to Poland and The Netherlands, allowing for optimal collaboration between the Damen engineering entities situated in Gdansk and Rotterdam. Damen Engineering Helsinki Oy will focus on concept and basic engineering with an initial target of around 30 people to be based there by the end of 2020 working in close cooperation with their colleagues within Damen. The office is also intended as a showcase for Damen in Finland, welcoming both customers and suppliers, as well as seeking collaborating with local, specialized maritime engineering entities. With that in mind, a lot of effort went into finding the right premises. A recently renovated building has been selected in a central location in Helsinki. The area is currently undergoing regeneration from being a former industrial harbour & fish market and offers excellent commuting connections and a pleasant work environment for Damen’s employees. “We are now focused on building the team,” said Damen’s Frank Rebel, “and we already have two projects to start with: a cruise vessel and a RoRo vessel. Members of Damen’s Helsinki team will have the opportunity to add real value to these and other projects in the future. We look forward to welcoming them into the Damen family.”

Power and propulsion package by ABB for two new ultra-luxury expedition cruise ships The contract covers two 170-meter length ships due delivery to the Seattle-based cruise company from Italian yard T. Mariotti, in June 2021 and May 2022 respectively. Seabourn has chosen ABB’s proven power and propulsion technology for the 23,000gt ships that integrates main generators, switchboard, convertors, bow thruster motors and the remote control system in a single package, plus twin 6MW Azipod® propulsion units. Built to strict Polar Code 6 hull specifications, the 264-passenger capacity vessels have been designed for the ultra-luxury polar expedition market. Utilizing the Azipod® propulsion system frees up space on board, allowing these vessels to carry additional crafts such as kayaks, rubber boats and a pair of submarines – from Antarctica to Arctic and other exotic destination. “The selection of ABB’s Azipod® propulsion was a natural decision for Seabourn because, in conjunction with our PC6 ice strengthened hull, they will provide excellent maneuverability and operational control in the polar and other regions around the globe,” said Rick Meadows, president of Seabourn. “Azipod® propulsion also means lower levels of vibration, which is a major plus for guest comfort. As a UNESCO

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World Heritage cruise partner, Seabourn also values the fact that Azipod® units enable sustainable operations.” “As always, the owner is closely involved in all aspects; and as always, technical choices have been driven by the need for safe, reliable and sustainable operations for guests,” says Marco Ghiglione, Managing Director, T. Mariotti. “We are delighted to work with ABB on this high-end project as their expertise in cruise and icegoing segments, as well as local presence in Genoa, complements our shipbuilding capabilities in the most optimal way.” Azipod® propulsors have become the preferred solution for expedition ships in challenging conditions. To date, more than 20 exploration cruise ships have been specified with ABB’s Azipod® propulsion. The vessels will be connected to ABB Ability™ Collaborative Operations Center infrastructure, which monitors the performance of ABB technology on board and remotely connects operators with ABB experts – something that is particularly important for ships operating in remote areas.



Market report

To 2019 and beyond: forecasted Bulker, Tanker, Container and LPG values We have partnered with Oslo based shipping consultancy firm ViaMar to provide Future Market values for each individual vessel in the Tanker, Bulker, Container and LPG fleet. Future Market Values are quarterly predictions for individual vessels provided until the end of their predicted economic life.



Tankers The fourth quarter of 2018 returned tighter markets across the tanker segments. Asia’s demand for oil continued at a strong pace through a combination of consumer demand, strategic storage requirements and planned start up of new refineries. Again, China emerged as the greatest driver for demand. Continuously evolving trading patterns caused by OPEC+ production cuts and Iran sanctions, as well as the ongoing decline in Venezuelan production and exports, have further boosted crude and product flows out of the US Gulf. The ton mile intensive trade from the US to Asia, combined with typical winter seasonality, culminated in strong spot markets. Values strengthened during the fourth quarter and into the first quarter this year, though product tanker vessels have lagged behind the larger crude carriers.

88 NAFS | May 2019

% Change

20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5%


Q2 Q3 Q4



Q2 Q3 Q4


2020 VLGC LGC SP FR LPG (Small)

Q2 Q3 Q4



Q2 Q3


MGC LEG Fully Pressurised

Source: VesselsValue as of April 2019


It has been a tumultuous six months in the dry bulk sector, with China imposing quotas limiting coal imports during November and December 2018, the US China trade war providing uncertainty in the markets as well as the catastrophe of Vale’s dam collapse on the 25th January 2019, causing hundreds of civilian casualties. These iron ore and coal developments have put downward pressure on dry bulk freight rates after a seasonal soft fourth quarter. Capesize freight rates have tumbled and dragged freight rates for all dry bulk segments with it. However, during the past weeks, the other segments have recovered. Rates for Capesize vessels are still depressed. In response, values marginally weakened during the fourth quarter and continued to slide during the first quarter this year. No second hand sales for Capesize vessels have been recorded since the19th December 2018, a market first. On the supply side, scrapping has increased substantially with just over 3 million DWT removed from the water during the first quarter of 2019, and ordering has remained very low.

20% 10% 0% -10% -20%


Q2 Q3 Q4

2019 Post Panamax Source: VesselsValue as of April 2019


Q2 Q3 Q4

2020 Panamax


Q2 Q3 Q4


Q2 Q3





Market news An asset value upside is still present during our projection period for both newbuild and second hand tanker vessels On the supply side, scrapping activity has come down from its second quarter 2018 high, but we still recorded the busiest fourth quarter since 2013. Ordering activity came down in the fourth quarter at 3 MDWT compared to 7 MDWT in the third. Implementation of IMO 2020 is expected, through reduced speed and inefficiencies, to shave off supply capacity going forward.



LPGs After a firm fourth quarter of 2018, earnings for the VLGCs declined in 1Q 2019. Cold weather in the US contributed to higher domestic consumption and inventory levels, resulting in reduced export volumes. We expect earnings for VLGCs to improve over the next few years, as LPG trade demand is likely to outpace fleet growth. Growth in US exports of LPG, ethylene and propylene is expected to be a main contributor to the growth in trade, unless hindered by geopolitical tensions. The outlook for continued improved earnings is likely to moderately stimulate values for the small sized vessels of pressurised and semi refrigerated types. The MGCs are expected to see a firm appreciation in asset values, after a prolonged period of decline from 2015-2018. The improved earnings for VLGCs will also be reflected by a moderate appreciation in values for these ships.

90 NAFS | May 2019


% Change

14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0%


Q2 Q3 Q4


2019 VLCC

Q2 Q3 Q4


2020 Suezmax

Q2 Q3 Q4


2021 Aframax

Q2 Q3

2022 LR1


Source: VesselsValue as of April 2019


Container trade volumes on the main trade lanes, Asia to North America and Asia to Europe, have shown diverging trends this winter. The main reason for the stronger growth rates to North America has been the ongoing trade war, where shippers were fast forwarding goods ahead of expected US tariff increases scheduled for the 1st March 2019. However, while negotiations are progressing, the US administration has delayed additional tariffs. Six to 12 month time charter rates reached a peak during the summer months last year before starting a long decline through the third and fourth quarters. Recently, the larger Post Panamax vessels have gained some ground but for the most part rates are currently hovering below rates of the first quarter last year. Fourth quarter scrapping activity increased, and we expect removals of 50-60k TEU per quarter in 2019. That is an improvement from 2018, but not enough to make a considerable difference. More importantly, declining speed, as realised in the fourth quarter, will dampen supply growth in our projected period. The second quarter of 2018 marked the recent peak in Container vessel values, which have since been in decline.

10% 5% 0% -5% -10% -15%


Q2 Q3 Q4

2019 Capesize Source: VesselsValue as of April 2019


Q2 Q3 Q4

2020 Panamax


Q2 Q3 Q4

2021 Supramax


Q2 Q3

2022 Handy

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