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nafs magazine


issue April 2012

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

the leading Greek Shipping magazine

ΣΥΝΕΝΤΕΥΞΗ Γιώργος Ξηραδάκης


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04 περιεχόμενα









‘Ισαλος γραμμή




Alfa Laval



















74 91


Κυνοσούρα...2012 Πλωτές πολιτείες...τα συν και τα πλην

TITANIC shipwrech 100 years later A steady flow of savings

Έγκριση Πρωτοποριακού Νομοσχεδίου κατά της Πειρατείας σε Κυπριακά Πλοία Κορυφαία στήριξη της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας από Κινέζικες τράπεζες PPG Protective and Marine Coatings Bringing innovation to the surface The ultimate solution for marine coatings Cranes with brains 34 χρόνια στην υπηρεσία του Ναυτιλιακού αυτοματισμού The gateway to Greek shipbuilding orders

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Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού.

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06 mirror

γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας

Με αφορμή τον Steve Jobs Πέρασαν κιόλας αρκετοί μήνες από τον θάνατο του Steve Jobs, του ανθρώπου

σήμερα αυτός ο αναπνευστήρας μπαίνει σε φάση παραγωγής για τα νοσοκομεία

που πραγματικά άλλαξε τον κόσμο με τα τεχνολογικά επιτεύγματά του, που

της Αμερικής.

ξεπερνούν πάντα τις ανθρώπινες προσδοκίες ενώ παραμένουν εύχρηστα και

Παιδί που το εγκατέλειψαν οι γονείς του, και αυτός με την σειρά του εγκατέλειψε

φιλικά στον χρήστη, με παροιμιώδη αξιοπιστία και ποιότητα.

το STANFORD UNIVERSITY, για να αλλάξει τον κόσμο.

Ο μοναδικός ίσως άνθρωπος στον πλανήτη, που μπορούσε όχι μόνο να προβλέψει τις ανάγκες της ανθρωπότητας σε πραγματικό χρόνο, αλλά και να

Ο λόγος που γράφω αυτές τις γραμμές, δεν είναι να επαναλάβω την ιστορία

δώσει τα κατάλληλα προϊόντα τόσο σε επίπεδο software όσο και σε επίπεδο

του Steve Jobs. Είναι η εμμονή του με την τελειότητα, και το πάθος του για την

hardware. Μετά την επάνοδό του στην Apple η εταιρία άρχισε να γίνεται και πάλι

καινοτομία και την ανακάλυψη. Είναι η αγάπη για την ζωή μέχρι την τελευταία

κερδοφόρα με το ipod, το iphone, το ipad και ποιος ξέρει ακόμα τι θα ακολουθήσει


τα επόμενα χρόνια σε ένα τεχνολογικό περιβάλλον που εξελίσσεται με ρυθμούς

Αυτές τις μέρες που η πατρίδα μας βασανίζεται από τους δανειστές και τους


ανίκανους πολιτικούς που μας κυβερνάνε με περισσό θράσσος και αλαζονία, είναι

Στις εκθέσεις τεχνολογίας στο Κουπερτίνο της Καλιφόρνια, θα μπορούσε να

η ευκαιρία να αλλάξουμε όλα τα κακώς κείμενα στον εαυτό μας, και να σκεφτούμε

διαπιστώσει κανείς με τα μάτια του το μεγαλείο του ανδρός. Απόλυτα ταυτισμένος

το μέλλον της Ελλάδας με διαφορετικό τρόπο. Μπορούμε όλοι, με υπέθυνη στάση

με την Θεϊκή δύναμη που είχε να αλλάζει κάθε τόσο την ανθρωπότητα, και συνάμα

να επιλέξουμε το μέλλον που θέλουμε για ένα καλύτερο παρόν. Ας ψάξουμε με

πιο ταπεινός από οποιονδήποτε.

ψυχραιμία να βρούμε όλα εκείνα τα ωραία στοιχεία που κρύβονται μέσα μας και

Λόγω της μεγάλης αγάπης των ανθρώπων για την τεχνολογία χιλιάδες κόσμου

που μας έχουν κάνει να τα βάλουμε στο χρονοντούλαπο, βομβαρδίζοντάς μας

βρισκόντουσαν κάθε τόσο

συνεχώς με διλήμματα και απειλές.

στα σημεία που θα γινόταν η παρουσίαση του

τελευταίου προϊόντος. Ερχόταν ο ίδιος για την παρουσίαση, απλός με την γνωστή

Όταν έδιωξαν τον Steve Jobs από την Apple έφτιαξε την Pixar και δημιούργησε

ενδυμασία, χαμογελαστός, μιλώντας σε όλους, χωρίς διακρίσεις, ενώ η αγάπη

τις ωραιότερες ταινίες κινουμένων σχεδίων όλων των εποχών. Σε μία από

του κόσμου περίσσευε.

αυτές τον RATAOUILLE, λέει κάπου ένας δύσπιστος και ελαφρώς καχεντρεχής

Ακόμα και όταν έμαθε για το σοβαρό πρόβλημα υγείας που είχε να αντιμετωπίσει,

γευσιγνώστης όταν γεύτηκε το υπέροχο πιάτο που το ετοίμασε ένα...ποντίκι. “Δεν

δεν έχασε ούτε για μία στιγμή την επαφή του με την καθημερινότητα και έφτασε

μπορεί ο καθένας να γίνει μεγάλος καλλιτέχνης, αλλά ο μεγάλος καλλιτέχνης

ακόμα και αποστεομένος να κάνει παρουσιάσεις νέων προϊόντων.

μπορεί να προέρχεται από οπουδήποτε”.

Τις τελευταίες του στιγμές στο νοσοκομείο

Στις εκλογές που έρχονται ας σκεφτούμε προσεχτικά τι θα ρίξουμε μέσα στην

- πνεύμα ανήσυχο - ζήτησε ένα

χαρτί και ένα στυλό για να δείξει στους γιατρούς πως πρέπει να είναι ένας

κάλπη. Ο λόγος είναι απλός. Έχει έξι γράμματα και αρχίζει από Ε.

αναπνευστήρας. Τον σχεδίασε λίγο πριν αφήσει την τελευταία του πνοή, και

Καλή ψήφο...

Visit us! Hall 4 - Stand 205

08 ίσαλος γραμμή

Πλωτές πολιτείες: Τα συν και τα πλην γράφει ο Κώστας Δούκας Το

ναυάγιο δεν προκαλείται μόνο από τις καιρικές

βοήθεια θα καθυστερήσει και ίσως αυτό αποδειχθεί

υπερσύγχρονου κρουαζιεροπλοίου “Costa Concor-







dia” θέτει μοιραίως επί τάπητος το μεγάλο πρόβλημα

υπάρχει. Οι πανάκριβοι αυτοματισμοί προηγμένης

Ο σοβαρότερος όμως κίνδυνος των επιβατηγών

της ασφάλειας τέτοιων κολοσσιαίων Λεβιάθαν,

τεχνολογίας, και όλα τα υπερσύγχρονα συστήματα

πλοίων είναι η πυρκαγιά η οποία θα μπορούσε

που ναι μεν ναυπηγούνται με τις αυστηρότερες

ασφάλειας ναυσιπλοίας μπορούν να ανατραπούν σε

να εκδηλωθεί από απρόβλεπτους παράγοντες.

προδιαγραφές του ΙΜΟ και όλων των διεθνών

μια στιγμή εξ αιτίας του ανθρωπίνου λάθους – όπως

Είναι προφανές ότι η εκκένωση ενός μικρότερου

κανόνων ασφαλούς ναυσιπλοϊας, πλην όμως δεν

συνέβη με την περίπτωση του Costa Concordia –


μπορούν να εξαιρεθούν από την πιθανότητα ενός

που ακυρώνει κάθε σύστημα ασφαλείας.

ένα κολοσσιαίο πλοίο, καθώς η πολυανθρωπία






ατυχήματος, με συνέπειες ευθέως ανάλογες του





και η πολυγλωσσία επιβατών και πληρώματος

μεγέθους του πλοίου.

Έχει αποδειχθεί στατιστικά ότι το 70% - 80% των

μεγαλώνουν τον πανικό στον σύγχρονο πλωτό

Οι επενδυτές σε τέτοια πλωτά μεγαθήρια, βασιζόμενοι

ναυτικών ατυχημάτων σε κάθε τύπο πλοίου οφείλεται

πύργο της Βαβέλ. Βεβαίως θα υποστηριχθεί ότι



σε αμέλεια ή σε λάθος του ανθρώπινου παράγοντα.

τέτοια ατυχήματα σαν του “Costa Concordia” δεν

μηδενική πιθανότητα ατυχήματος, απαιτούν προς

Στην περίπτωση του ιταλικού κρουαζιεροπλοίου το

συμβαίνουν συχνά. Όμως συμβαίνουν, αφού πάνω

μεγιστοποίηση των κερδών τους την διαρκώς

λάθος αυτό στοίχισε τουλάχιστον 2 δισ. ευρώ, που

από 20 εκατομμύρια επιβάτες μεταφέρονται κάθε

μεγαλύτερη μεταφορική ικανότητα επιβατών και

θα επωμισθούν οι ασφάλειες, οι οποίες όμως θα

χρόνο με κρουαζιερόπλοια. Μετά από λίγο καιρό

μάλιστα σε καμπίνες που θυμίζουν πολυτελείς σουίτες

εξαντλήσουν κάθε λέξη του συμβολαίου πριν δεχθούν

θα ξεχασθεί και το πολύνεκρο ατύχημα του ιταλικού

ακριβών ξενοδοχείων που διαθέτουν ακόμη και

την καταβολή αποζημίωσης. Γι’ αυτό το κουφάρι του

κρουαζιεροπλοίου, όπως ξεχάσθηκε και το ατύχημα

ατομική πισίνα. Η οικονομική αυτή απαίτηση οδηγεί

ημιβυθισμένου πλοίου εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται στον


τους ναυπηγούς στην κατασκευή υπεράριθμων

τόπο του ατυχήματος και αποτελεί πλέον τουριστικό

«Royal Pacific” το 1992 με τους 30 νεκρούς. Τα

καμπινών με πολύ ψηλά καταστρώματα, ώστε το

αξιοθέατο. Εξυπακούεται ότι η απουσία ενός τέτοιου

κρουαζιερόπλοια έγιναν ασφαλέστερα από κάθε

πλοίο να δίνει την εντύπωση μάλλον ενός τεράστιου

πλοίου από την υπηρεσία και μάλιστα εν όψει της


πολυόροφου πλωτού ξενοδοχείου, το οποίο όμως

high season θα αποστερήσει τους μετόχους της

επιλογές κάθε βαλαντίου. Όμως η άνευ ορίου

στερείτε επαρκούς βυθίσματος, ώστε να είναι σε

πλοιοκτήτριας εταιρία από κολοσσιαίες εισπράξεις

μεγέθυνση των κρουαζιεροπλοιων σε διαστάσεις

θέση να καταπλεύσει σε αξιοθέατους νησιωτικούς

κερδών και απόσβεσης. Είναι προφανές ότι το


προορισμούς που διαθέτουν υποτυπώδεις λιμενικές

μέγεθος του κρουαζιεροπλοίου και η εκπληκτική

εφοπλιστές, ναυπηγούς και κράτη.

εγκαταστάσεις με μικρά βάθη.

αύξηση των μεταφερομένων επιβατών αποτελούν

Προ παντός όμως οι ναυτίλοι που θα πλοηγούν

παράγοντες πρόκλησης εκατόμβης θυμάτων σε

τέτοιους κολοσσούς δεν θα πρέπει να αναλαμβάνουν

Τα αλιτενή – κατ’ ουσία – αυτά υπερκρουαζιερόπλοια

περίπτωση ατυχήματος. Αλλά το Costa Concordia




μεταφορικής ικανότητας 4000 επιβατών και 1000

μοναδικά προσόντα το δίπλωμα Α’ πλοιάρχου και

ευστάθειας, μολονότι οι πλοιοκτήτες τους έχουν,

μελών του πληρώματος, φαντάζει νάνος μπροστά

τις επικοινωνιακές ικανότητές τους, έχοντας την

από το είδος των προσφερομένων υπηρεσιών στους

σε άλλα πλωτά μεγαθήρια. Ένας άλλος σοβαρός

ψευδαίσθηση μάλιστα ότι μετά τον Θεό υπάρχουν

χιλιάδες επιβάτες τους, αποκλείσει το ενδεχόμενο

παράγοντας κινδύνου έγκειται στο γεγονός ότι τα

μόνο εκείνοι για την ασφάλεια του πλοίου. Ο

της πρόκλησης ατυχήματος εξ’ αιτίας σφοδρής

πλωτά αυτά μεγαθήρια, προκειμένου να κάνουν πιο

κίνδυνος πάντα θα ελλοχεύει στις σύγχρονες αυτές

θαλασσοταραχής, καθώς γνωρίζουν λεπτομερώς

ελκυστικές τις κρουαζιέρες, ταξιδεύουν σε όλο και

πλωτές Βαβέλ. Όμως πάντα θα υπάρχουν πλοίαρχοι

τις ανα πάσα στιγμή καιρικές συνθήκες κάθε

πιο εξωτικούς προορισμούς, όπως στους πόλους

που θα εμπιστεύονται περισσότερο από την ναυτική

προορισμού και είναι σε θέση να απομακρυνθούν

ή σε τροπικές γεωγραφικές περιοχές. Έτσι, όμως

τους ικανότητα την τεχνολογία, πιστεύοντας ότι θα

από τα ισχυρά καιρικά φαινόμενα λόγω και της

απομακρύνονται από τις πολυσύχναστες ρότες των

τους σώσει από τα ολέθρια λάθη τους.

μεγάλης ταχύτητας που διαθέτουν. Ωστόσο, ένα

εμπορικών πλοίων και σε περίπτωση ατυχήματος η
























the marine

of technology

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12 sea history

Wide Angle:

Titanic Shipwreck 100 Years Later A century has sailed by since the luxury steamship RMS Titanic met its catastrophic end in the North Atlantic, plunging two miles to the ocean floor after sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage. Rather than the intended Port of New York, a deep-sea grave became the pride of the White Star Line’s final destination in the early hours of April 15, 1912. More than 1,500 people lost their lives in the disaster. In the decades since her demise, Titanic has inspired countless books and several notable films while continuing to make headlines, particularly since the 1985 discovery of her resting place off the coast of Newfoundland. Meanwhile, her story has entered the public consciousness as a powerful cautionary tale about the perils of human hubris.

The Making of Titanic The Royal Mail Steamer Titanic was the product of intense competition among rival shipping lines in the first half of the 20th century. In particular, the White Star Line found itself in a battle for steamship primacy with Cunard, a venerable British firm with two standout ships that ranked among the most sophisticated and luxurious of their time. Cunard’s Mauretania began service in 1907 and immediately set a speed record for the fastest transatlantic crossing that it held for 22 years. Cunard’s other masterpiece, Lusitania, launched the same year and was lauded for its spectacular interiors. It met its tragic end–and entered the annals of world history–on May 7, 1915, when a torpedo fired by a German U-boat sunk the ship, killing nearly 1,200 of the 1,959 people on board and precipitating the United States’ entry into World War I. The same year that Cunard unveiled its two magnificent liners, J. Bruce Ismay, chief executive of White Star, discussed the construction of three large ships with William J. Pirrie, chairman of the Belfast-based shipbuilding company Harland and Wolff. Part of a new “Olympic” class of liners, they would each measure 882 feet in length and 92.5 feet at their broadest point, making them the largest of their time. In March 1909, work began in the massive Harland and Wolff yard on the second of these ships, Titanic, and continued nonstop until the spring of 1911. On May 31, 1911, Titanic’s immense hull–at the time, the largest movable manmade object in the world–made its way down the slipways and into the River Lagan in Belfast. More than 100,000 people attended the launching, which took just over a minute and went off without a hitch. The hull was immediately towed to a mammoth fitting-out dock where thousands of workers would spend most of the next year building the ship’s decks, constructing her lavish interiors and installing the 29 giant boilers that would power her two main steam engines.

sea history 13 Titanic’s Fatal Flaws

first wife. Other millionaire passengers included the

had slashed a 300-foot gash well below the ship’s

elderly owner of Macy’s, Isidor Straus, and his wife

waterline, and that Titanic was doomed. By the time

According to some hypotheses, Titanic was doomed

Ida; industrialist Benjamin Guggenheim, accompa-

the captain toured the damaged area with Harland

from the start by the design so many lauded as state-

nied by his mistress, valet and chauffeur; and widow

and Wolff’s Thomas Andrews, five compartments

of-the-art. The Olympic-class ships featured a double

and heiress Margaret “Molly” Brown, who would earn

were already filling with seawater, and the bow of

bottom and 15 watertight bulkheads equipped with

her “unsinkable” nickname by helping to maintain

the ship was alarmingly down. Andrews did a quick

electric watertight doors which could be operated in-

calm and order while the lifeboats were being loaded

calculation and estimated that Titanic might remain

dividually or simultaneously by a switch on the bridge.

and boosting the spirits of her fellow survivors.

afloat for an hour and a half, perhaps slightly more. At that point the captain, who had already instructed his

It was these watertight bulkheads that inspired Shipbuilder magazine, in a special issue devoted to the

The employees attending to this collection of First

wireless operator to call for help, ordered the lifeboats

Olympic liners, to deem them “practically unsinkable.”

Class notables were largely traveling Second Class,

to be loaded.

But the watertight compartment design contained a

along with academics, tourists, journalists and oth-

flaw that may have been a critical factor in Titanic’s

ers who would enjoy a level of service equivalent to

A little more than an hour after contact with the ice-

sinking: While the individual bulkheads were indeed

First Class on most other ships. But by far the larg-

berg, a largely disorganized and haphazard evacua-

watertight, water could spill from one compartment

est group of passengers was in Third Class: more

tion process began with the lowering of the first life-

into another. Several of Titanic’s Cunard-owned con-

than 700, exceeding the other two levels combined.

boat. The craft was designed to hold 65 people; it left

temporaries, by contrast, already boasted innovative

Some had paid less than $20 to make the crossing.

with only 28 aboard. Amid the confusion and chaos

safety features devised to avoid this very situation.

It was Third Class that was the major source of profit

during the precious hours before Titanic plunged into

Had White Star taken a cue from its competitor, it

for shipping lines like White Star and Cunard, and

the sea, nearly every boat would be launched woe-

might have saved Titanic from disaster.

Titanic was designed to offer these passengers ac-

fully under-filled, some with only a handful of passen-

commodations and amenities superior to those found

gers. In compliance with the law of the sea, women

The second critical safety lapse that contributed to

in Third Class on any ship up to that time.

and children boarded the boats first; only when there

the loss of so many lives was the number of lifeboats

Titanic’s departure from Southampton on April 10

were no women or children nearby were men per-

carried on Titanic. Those 16 boats, along with four

was not without some oddities. A small coal fire was

mitted to board. Yet many of the victims were in fact

Engelhardt “collapsibles,” could accommodate 1,178

discovered in one of her bunkers–an alarming but

women and children, the result of disorderly proce-

people. Titanic when full could carry 2,435 passen-

not uncommon occurrence on steamships of the

dures that failed to get them to the boats in the first

gers, and a crew of approximately 900 brought her

day. Stokers hosed down the smoldering coal and


capacity to more than 3,300 people. As a result, even

shoveled it aside to reach the base of the blaze.

Exceeding Andrews’ prediction, Titanic stubbornly

if the lifeboats were loaded to full capacity during an

After assessing the situation, the captain and chief

managed to stay afloat for close to three hours.

emergency evacuation, there were available seats

engineer concluded that it was unlikely it had caused

Those hours witnessed acts of craven cowardice and

for only one-third of those on board. While unthink-

any damage that could affect the hull structure, and

extraordinary bravery. Hundreds of human dramas

ably inadequate by today’s standards, Titanic’s sup-

the stokers were ordered to continue controlling the

unfolded between the order to load the lifeboats and

ply of lifeboats actually exceeded the British Board of

fire at sea. According to a theory put forth by a small

the ship’s final plunge: Men saw off wives and chil-

Trade’s regulations.

number of Titanic experts, the fire became uncontrol-

dren, families were separated in the confusion and

lable after the ship left Southampton, forcing the crew

selfless individuals gave up their spots to remain with

to attempt a full-speed crossing; moving at such a

loved ones or allow a more vulnerable passenger to

fast pace, they were unable to avoid the fatal collision


The largest passenger steamship ever built, Titanic

with the iceberg. Another unsettling event took place

The ship’s most illustrious passengers each re-

created quite a stir when it departed for its maiden

when Titanic left the Southampton dock. As she got

sponded to the circumstances with conduct that has

voyage from Southampton, England, on April 10,

underway, she narrowly escaped a collision with the

become an integral part of the Titanic legend. Ismay,

1912. After stops in Cherbourg, France, and Queens-

America Line’s S.S. New York. Superstitious Titanic

the White Star managing director, helped load some

town (now known as Cobh), Ireland, the ship set sail

buffs often point to this as the worst kind of omen

of the boats and later stepped onto a collapsible as

for New York with 2,240 passengers and crew—or

for a ship departing on her maiden voyage. Ironically,

it was being lowered. Although no women or children

“souls,” the expression then used in the shipping

had Titanic collided with the ship named for her port

were in the vicinity when he abandoned ship, he

industry, usually in connection with a sinking—on

of destination, the delay might have spared the ship

would never live down the ignominy of surviving the


from being in the precise position for her encounter

disaster while so many others perished. Thomas An-

As befitting the first transatlantic crossing of the

with the iceberg.

drews, Titanic’s chief designer, was last seen in the

Titanic Sets Sail

world’s most celebrated ship, many of these souls were high-ranking officials, wealthy industrialists, dig-

Disaster Strikes Aboard Titanic

First Class smoking room, staring blankly at a painting of a ship on the wall. Astor deposited Madeleine in a lifeboat and, remarking that she was pregnant,

nitaries and celebrities. First and foremost was the White Star Line’s managing director, J. Bruce Ismay,

That encounter took place roughly four days out, at

asked if he could accompany her; refused entry, he

accompanied by Thomas Andrews, the ship’s builder

about 11:30 p.m. on April 14. Titanic was equipped

managed to kiss her goodbye just before the boat

from Harland and Wolff. (Missing was J.P. Morgan,

with a Marconi wireless, and there had been sporadic

was lowered away. Although offered a seat on ac-

whose International Mercantile Marine shipping trust

reports of ice from other ships, but she was sailing on

count of his age, Isidor Straus refused any special

controlled the White Star Line and who had select-

calm seas under a moonless, clear sky. A lookout saw

consideration, and his wife Ida would not leave her

ed Ismay as a company officer. The financier had

the iceberg dead ahead coming out of a slight haze,

husband behind. The couple retired to their cabin

planned to join his associates on Titanic but canceled

rang the warning bell and telephoned the bridge.

and perished together. Benjamin Guggenheim and

at the last minute when some business matters de-

The engines were quickly reversed and the ship was

his valet returned to their rooms and changed into

layed him.)

turned sharply, and instead of making direct impact

formal evening dress; emerging onto the deck, he fa-

The wealthiest passenger was John Jacob Astor

the berg seemed to graze along the side of the ship,

mously declared, “We are dressed in our best and are

IV, who had made waves a year earlier by marry-

sprinkling ice fragments on the forward deck. Sens-

prepared to go down like gentlemen.” Molly Brown

ing 18-year-old Madeleine Talmadge Force, a young

ing no collision, the lookouts were relieved. They had

helped load the boats and finally was forced into

woman 29 years his junior, not long after divorcing his

no idea that the iceberg’s jagged underwater spur

one of the last to leave. She implored its crewmen

14 sea history Had the “unsinkable” luxury liner stayed afloat longer, the tragic loss of life could have been mitigated by rescue ships getting to the disaster scene. “This is the real question of the Titanic mystery: How could a 46,000-ton ship sink so quickly?” science writer Richard Corfield wrote in the current issue of Physics World. Taking an in-depth look at the structural deficiencies of the ship and the events of April 14, 1912, Corfield concluded that “no one thing conspired to send Titanic to the bottom of the Atlantic.” “It was a classic ‘event cascade,’” Corfield told Discovery News. The Titanic was the most modern ship of her day. She featured the latest technological innovations, yet some material used in her construction turned out to be inadequate. Poorly cast wrought-iron rivets caused the steel plates on the hull to come apart. Corfield cited the work of two metallurgists, Tim Foecke at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Jennifer Hooper McCarty, then at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, who

Photo: The RMS Titanic under construction in Belfast. Credit: Library of Congress/George Grantham Bain collection.

in the mid-2000s combined their own analysis with historical records from the shipyard in Belfast where the Titanic was built. “Foecke and McCarty found that the rivets at the front

to turn back for survivors, but they refused, fearing

when she was lost. There was widespread disbelief

and rear fifths of the Titanic were made only of ‘best’

they would be swamped by desperate people trying

that the ship could possibly have sunk, and, due to

quality iron, not ‘best-best’, and had been inserted by

to escape the freezing ocean.

the era’s slow and unreliable means of communica-

hand,” wrote Corfield.

Titanic, nearly perpendicular and with many of her

tion, misinformation abounded. Newspapers initially

“Best rivets” were cheaper but also featured a higher

lights still aglow, finally dove beneath the icy surface

reported that the ship had collided with an iceberg

concentration of impurities known as “slag.” Lab tests

at approximately 2:20 a.m. on April 15. Throughout

but remained afloat and was being towed to port with

have shown that the heads of such rivets are particu-

the morning, Cunard’s Carpathia, after receiving Ti-

everyone on board. It took many hours for accurate

larly vulnerable to stresses and can pop off, causing

tanic’s distress call at midnight and steaming at full

accounts to become available, and even then people

the hull to “unzip.” “

speed while dodging ice floes all night, rounded up

had trouble accepting that this paradigm of modern

Then there are the maths and physics of the collision:

all of the lifeboats. They contained only 705 survivors.

technology could sink on her maiden voyage, taking

six compartments flooded when, if it had only been

more than 1,500 souls with her.

four, the ship would not have sunk,” wrote Corfield.

The ship historian John Maxtone-Graham has com-

As if that weren’t enough, the climate thousands of

pared Titanic’s story to the Challenger space shuttle

miles away may have contributed to the sinking.

At least five separate boards of inquiry on both sides

disaster of 1986. In that case, the world reeled at the

At a time when the weather was warmer than usual

of the Atlantic conducted comprehensive hearings on

notion that some of the most sophisticated technol-

in the Caribbean, a complex interplay of two surface-

Titanic’s sinking, interviewing dozens of witnesses

ogy ever created could explode into oblivion along

water currents -- the Gulf Stream intersecting with

and consulting with many maritime experts. Every

with its crew. Both tragedies triggered a sudden and

the glacier-carrying Labrador Current in the North

conceivable subject was investigated, from the con-

complete collapse in confidence, revealing that we

Atlantic -- as well as an extraordinarily high spring

duct of the officers and crew to the construction of the

are vulnerable despite our modern presumptions of

tide three months earlier, concentrated icebergs “as

ship. While it has always been assumed that the ship

technological infallibility.

if they were tank traps,” said Corfield.

Analyzing the Titanic Catastrophe

sank as a result of the gash that caused the compartments to flood, various other theories have emerged over the decades, including that the ship’s steel

The Titanic: What Made It Sink

He concluded that such a chain of unfortunate circumstances, called “event cascade” by those who study disasters, basically led to the Titanic’s demise.

plates were too brittle for the near-freezing Atlantic

A perfect storm of fateful events conspired to cause

“The best planning in the world cannot eliminate eve-

waters, that the impact caused rivets to pop and that

the tragic sinking of the Titanic nearly a century ago,

ry factor that might negatively impact on the design

the expansion joints failed, among others.

according to a study looking at the math and physics

and operation of a complicated machine such as a

The technological aspects of the catastrophe aside,

behind the tragedy.

massive passenger ship,” wrote Corfield.

Titanic’s demise has taken on a deeper, almost myth-

Bound from Southampton to New York, the Royal

“Eventually, and occasionally, enough of these indi-

ic, meaning in popular culture. Many view the tragedy

Mail Steamer Titanic struck an iceberg in the North

vidual factors combine and the event cascade be-

as a morality play about the dangers of human hubris:

Atlantic at 11:40 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, 1912, on

comes long enough and complicated enough that

Titanic’s creators believed they had built an “unsink-

her unfortunate maiden voyage. Within three hours,

tragedy cannot be averted,” he said.

able” ship that could not be defeated by the laws

she sank to a depth of about 13,000 feet and more

Source: 1)

of nature. This same overconfidence explains the

than two-thirds of the 2,224 passengers and crew

electrifying impact Titanic’s sinking had on the public


perished at sea.


16 technical issues

The AQUA freshwater generator handles the

Alfa Laval: A steady flow of savings The AQUA FRESHWATER GENERATOR

Alfa Laval on board

Alfa Laval can be found on most ships and in most onboard processes. This includes freshwater generation, where Alfa Laval has led the way since 1955. Drawing on our many years of experience, we create new advances based on well-known technologies. A perfect example is the AQUA freshwater generator, which takes vacuum desalination to new levels of efficiency and economy. AQUA’s all-in-one plate technology cuts seawater requirements in half. And just as importantly, it makes AQUA exceptionally easy to operate and maintain.

entire desalination process with a single plate pack and one type of titanium plate. The result is an efficient and easily handled solution.

Two sides of the AQUA story

The story of the AQUA freshwater generator is the story of a remarkable innovation, fully tested both on and off shore. AQUA represents a major process breakthrough, with benefits for ship owners, ship operators and shipyards alike.

One half of the story … Through unique plate technology that requires only half as much seawater, AQUA generates both fresh water and savings for ship owners and ship operators. Half the seawater flow translates into half the pumping requirements, with a corresponding reduction in electrical energy. In other words, less fuel is consumed in running the freshwater generator, and less CO2 is released into the atmosphere as a result. In addition, AQUA features wetted parts in titanium and an optimized flow that keeps the natural build scaling to a minimum. So like Alfa Laval’s global resources and support, AQUA is a solution that will be available for the lifetime of the ship.

… and the other half In cutting the need for seawater in half, AQUA creates substantial benefits for shipyards as well. Since there is only half the seawater to move, the pumps that are installed with AQUA can be smaller. And that means a lower investment cost. Likewise, there is less energy to invest in planning an AQUA installation. The dimensions of the connecting pipework can be smaller than that of other solutions, and the compact design of the freshwater generator allows flexible placement in any engine room layout. Since the plate pack opens easily within the space of the AQUA frame, only a minimal service area is needed.

AQUA – inside and out

The AQUA freshwater generator handles the entire desalination process with a single plate pack and one type of titanium plate. The result is an efficient and easily handled solution.

Serving it all on one plate

fall into the sump at the bottom of the freshwater generator. Only clean freshwater vapour reaches the top section, where it is cooled and condensed into fresh water.

The AQUA plate pack contains purpose-made plates

Perfect distribution across the plates ensures that dry spots are eliminated, which means the natural scaling

with 3-in-1 technology. Evaporation, separation and con-

process is minimized. And because the vacuum is contained in the plate pack itself, no outer shell is necessary.

densation occur on a single type of plate, designed with

In many cases, additional plates are all that is needed to increase freshwater capacity.

Alfa Laval’s fluid handling expertise.

Room to move and grow

Feed water passes through the lower section of the plate

The space-saving construction of AQUA combines ease of installation with ease of use. The AQUA plate pack

pack, where it is evaporated at 40-60°C in a vacuum of

simply slides open for maintenance, which means that only a minimal service area is required around the compact

85-95%. As the vapour rises between the plates, it pass-


es through the separator section, which causes brine to

Not only is the freshwater generator itself smaller than other solutions, so are the pumps and pipes connected to it.

Always chemical-free.

40% less power consumption from now on.

PureBallast 2.0 gives you more When ballast water treatment regulations take effect,

By choosing PureBallast 2.0, you choose the world’s

you’ll want a mature technology to meet them.

most experienced supplier in ballast water treatment.

PureBallast 2.0 is the second generation of Alfa Laval’s

Behind the updated system are thousands of hours of

market-leading ballast water treatment system, which

experience, logged both with shipyards and out at

means it’s even better adapted to your vessel’s real-life



In addition, you select a global working partner. With a

Reduced power consumption, more responsive control

far-reaching organization and a worldwide network of

and a PureBallast 2.0 EX version for explosive onboard

harbour support, Alfa Laval can provide the parts,

environments are just a few of the new advantages.

service and true peace of mind you need.

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Pure_ballast_NAFS Magazine.indd 1

20/05/11 12:23

18 technical issues Doing the job with less

necessary pumping capacity and allows smaller seawa-

by other solutions.

ter pumps to be installed. This in turn reduces the con-

Due to optimized technology that inhibits the natural

with only half the seawater flow. Though it provides ex-

sumption of electrical energy, which is usually produced

scaling process, AQUA also provides longer mainte-

ceptional long-term efficiency, it requires only minimal

through the burning of expensive fuel.

nance intervals. When maintenance is necessary, there


Naturally, a reduction in fuel use means money saved.

Less seawater, less impact

But it also means savings for the environment. Cutting

The AQUA freshwater generator operates economically

AQUA makes efficient use of the heat that already exists on board, employing jacket water, steam injection or a Hot Water Loop as a heating medium. But just as importantly, it makes efficient use of seawater. This means that AQUA provides better operating economy, not only compared to shell-and-tube models, but also compared to other plate-based freshwater generators. Because it requires only half the seawater flow needed by any other freshwater generator, AQUA reduces the

fuel consumption means cutting CO2 emissions, and that makes AQUA as good for the climate as it is for your economy.

Less work and worry Just as AQUA requires less electrical energy to generate freshwater, it demands less energy from you. AQUA’s operation is fully automatic, and its very low hold-up volume prevents any sloshing due to pitch and roll. Moreover, the system continuously controls the quality of the

are few bolts to handle and no pipes to dismantle, and correct and easy reassembly is ensured by AQUA’s design features. Among these are gaskets with rubber flaps that indicate proper plate assembly, as well as distance pipes that ensure proper plate alignment and correct tightening. Best of all, AQUA’s wetted surfaces are all made of titanium, which means there is no risk of corrosion or erosion. Natural scaling can be kept to a minimum with a Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) system and biodegradable chemicals – without opening the freshwater generator.

fresh water, which has a lower salinity than that provided

Keeping it simple With its streamlined installation and maintenance-friendly setup, the AQUA freshwater generator reduces both initial investments and lifecycle costs. This makes it an ideal solution for use on ships and rigs, as well as in remote onshore locations. Easy to fit or retrofit

AQUA means good news, both for shipyards and for those looking to retrofit. Possible to install in any direction, it allows for a more compact and flexible installation. In fact, AQUA saves considerable space and weight over other types of freshwater generator. Not only does AQUA itself have a smaller footprint, it also has a service area up to 50% smaller than that of shell-and-tube models. In contrast to other plate-based models, the vacuum is contained in the plate pack, so there is no outer shell that requires extra space to open. Also reduced is the size of the seawater pumps and pipes, since AQUA needs only half of the seawater required by other solutions. So the total installation, including both the freshwater generator and the surrounding equipment, can be made with less difficulty and a lower investment.

Performance that lasts

As a start-and-forget answer to freshwater needs, AQUA provides long-term as well as shortterm benefits. This is due to its use of proven Alfa Laval technology, tested both on and off shore. For example, AQUA takes full advantage of Alfa Laval’s expertise in fluid handling. By better distributing a smaller amount of water, AQUA avoids the creation of dry spots, which helps to inhibit the natural process of scaling. Together with the use of corrosion- and erosion-resistant titanium for the plates and other wetted parts, this ensures a trouble-free installation that will last the life of the ship. Likewise, AQUA is built to expand as demands increase. Because the same efficient design covers the whole operating range, additional plates are often all that is needed to increase freshwater capacity. In other words, AQUA is a single solution for both today’s and tomorrow’s freshwater needs. And since Alfa Laval is a global supplier, we can also meet your need for service and support – around the clock and around the world.

Alfa Laval can be found on board most ships and provides support through a global organization. Our products include systems for fuel conditioning, separation, heating, cooling, tank cleaning, filtration, desalination, waste treatment and ballast water treatment. As a leading supplier, we strive for the most efficient, reliable and environmental solutions. Our drive is the partnership with our many customers – together we set the standard. For more information, please visit

20 class news

Latvian Naval SWATH Boats to stay with GL in class

The Latvian Navy’s new SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) patrol boats will be kept under Ger-

The new Latvian Navy SWATH Boat - The Skrunda. Image courtesy of Latvian Navy.

manischer Lloyd (GL) class. GL surveyors will conduct periodic examinations throughout the life cycle of the vessels to verify that the vessels continue to be fit for purpose, technically reliable and seaworthy. Five vessels are currently planned with one, the Skrunda, already delivered. This is the first contract ever awarded for the maintenance in class of military SWATH boats.

GL surveyors worked with the yards and with the Latvian Navy throughout the construction process to ensure that the vessels’ construction complied with both GL rules and the applicable international regulations (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL). SWATH boats are noted for their exceptional stability and motion comfort, both in high seas and at high speeds. The Skrunda (GL + 100 A5 HSDE OC3, Patrol Boat, + MC Aut) has a length of 25.7m, beam of 13.0m and a draft of 2.7m. It is based on Abeking & Rasmussen’s 25m SWATH Pilot boat design.

The five SWATH Patrol Boats are being built with GL class at German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen (3 vessels) and at the Latvian Riga Shipyard (2 vessels). The first of these vessels, the “Skrunda” was delivered to the Latvian Navy in April of 2011. The Latvian Navy made the decision to maintain the vessels in class due to the advanced nature of the design. Following a tender process, carried out according to EU and Latvian law, GL was awarded the contract. GL surveyors worked with the yards and with the Latvian Navy throughout the construction process to ensure that the vessels’ construction complied with both GL rules and the applicable international regulations (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL). Building vessels to classification society rules and keeping them in class is a growing trend, as navies look to reduce maintenance and monitoring costs while maintaining high safety standards, through compliance with international regulations. “As vessels become more complex, monitoring the technical safety of such vessels requires a greater investment in resources and manpower. Maintaining vessels to the rules of a classification society allows navies to concentrate on their core activities, reducing the workload on crews and cutting costs,” said André Grabow, GL Business Development Manager Navy. SWATH boats are noted for their exceptional stability and motion comfort, both in high seas and at high speeds. The Skrunda (GL + 100 A5 HSDE OC3, Patrol Boat, + MC Aut) has a length of 25.7m, beam of 13.0m and a draft of 2.7m. It is based on Abeking & Rasmussen’s 25m SWATH Pilot boat design. In a shift from the Pilot boat design the Skrunda’s engines have been placed in the lower hulls, which results in more room for the crew and additional passengers. It is designed to undertake a range of operations through the provision of a mount for a modular mission module, which is positioned between the two bows. This can be used to hold equipment or mount systems for conducting a variety of military missions,

The Latvian Navy made the decision to maintain the vessels in class due to the advanced nature of the design

as well as for civilian tasks such as hydrographic surveys, environmental protection or diving operations. The patrol boats’ main duties will be to monitor and control Latvian and EU territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and carry out search and rescue duties. They will also participate in international operations.


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22 technology

Underwater stern tube seal replacement in Turkey and Greece When a 204-meter cruise vessel suffered an oil leak in its stern tube seal assembly, Hydrex was asked to carry out a permanent seal replacement. The repair was carried out with the Hydrex flexible mobdock technique and performed in stages to allow the ship to keep the tight schedule of the cruise it was on. A small Hydrex diver/technician team met up with the ship in Kusadasi, Turkey and removed the starboard side rope guard. This was done to shorten the time required for the actual replacement of the stern tube seals. It was essential in fitting the operation within the short stop the vessel made in the next harbour on its trip. The team was then completed with additional diver/technicians and sailed to Greece on board the cruise ship. As soon as the vessel arrived in Piraeus, the Hydrex diver/technicians set up a monitoring station next to the ship and made all necessary preparations for the main part of the operation. The team then installed the Hydrex flexible mobdock around the stern tube seal assembly. This created a dry working environment underwater in which to carry out the repair in the drydock like conditions, necessary when replacing seals. After the diver/technicians had opened up the assembly they removed the damaged stern tube seals one by one and replaced them with new ones. A subsequent leakage test showed that the repair was successful. The team then closed the stern tube seal assembly again and removed the flexible mobdock. This ended the second part of the operation well in time for the cruise ship to sail to its next stop with its passengers. In Istanbul, Turkey, the team met up with the vessel again and refitted the rope guard onto the stern tube seal assembly, concluding the operation. The ship could continue its journey free of oil leaks without going to drydock and without any changes to its schedule

On-site bow thruster removal and reinstallation avoids drydocking

When the bow thruster unit of a 348-meter container vessel needed to be overhauled, Hydrex sent a diver/technician team to the ship to remove the unit on-site and reinstall it again two months later after it had been overhauled. The operation was performed in stages at several locations to allow the vessel to keep to its sailing schedule. Together with all the necessary equipment, the team first travelled to Rotterdam where the operation started with a thorough inspection of the bow thruster unit. The team then detached the bow thruster blades one by one. In the meantime they made initial preparations in the bow thruster engine room for the removal of the unit, so that there would be no ingress of water once the unit had been taken out.

All equipment was then loaded on a Hydrex truck

The diver/technicians then sealed off the thruster

and transported to the vessel’s next stop while the

tunnel with the Hydrex flexible mobdocks and emp-

diver/technician team stayed on board the vessel

tied all water from it. This created a dry working

during her voyage from Rotterdam to Le Havre.

environment for them in which they could complete

Soon after the vessel arrived in Le Havre, the team

the reinstallation of the bow thruster unit in drydock-

continued getting the engine room ready. Next the

like conditions.. Next they repositioned the gearbox

support brackets connecting the gearbox to the

using chain blocks and secured it with bolts. The

thruster tunnel were cut and the unit was secured

thruster propeller blades were then reinstalled one

with chains. It could then be fully disconnected from

by one. The team completed the operation by recon-

the thruster room and was carefully lowered, ex-

necting the thruster unit to the engine room.

tracted from the tunnel and brought to the surface.

After a successful leakage test was carried out, the

The second part of the operation ended with the

team removed the flexible mobdocks and flooded

installation of a blind flange to seal off the thruster

the thruster tunnel again. Finally the diver/techni-

tunnel from the engine room to prevent any water

cians assisted the vessel’s crew to find the correct

ingress during the overhaul period.

pitch for the newly installed bow thruster unit.

Two months later a Hydrex diver/technician team re-

By performing both the removal and reinstallation of

installed the overhauled bow thruster gearbox dur-

the bow thruster unit underwater the vessel did not

ing the ship’s stop in Valetta, Malta. After the team

have to go into drydock, saving the owner valuable

set up a monitoring station next to the ship, the bow

time and money.

thruster unit was put on a cradle that is designed

especially for bow thruster operations and prevents

If you would like to learn more about underwa-

the unit from tipping. As it can be adjusted to the

ter bow thruster repairs or other Hydrex services,

size of the thruster, it allows the Hydrex divers to

visit our website or contact us 24/7 for further infor-

bring a bow thruster unit back into a thruster tunnel

mation. Our technical department is ready to create

in one take.

a tailor made solution for your specific needs.

24 piracy news Κυπριακό Ναυτιλιακό Επιμελητήριο

Έγκριση Πρωτοποριακού Νομοσχεδίου κατά της Πειρατείας σε Κυπριακά Πλοία

Το Κυπριακό Ναυτιλιακό Επιμελητήριο, χαιρετίζει την πρόσφατη έγκριση από το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο, ειδικού Νομοσχεδίου για την καταπολέμηση της Πειρατείας σε Κυπριακά πλοία. Με την έγκριση του πρωτοποριακού αυτού Νομοσχεδίου, θεσμοθετείται και ρυθμίζεται λεπτομερώς, η







καταρτισμένους και πιστοποιημένους φρουρούς. Το







Κυπριακής Ναυτιλιακής Βιομηχανίας, είχε συνεργαστεί πολύ στενά με την Κυπριακά Ναυτιλιακή Διοίκηση κι ειδικά με το Τμήμα Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας, για την προετοιμασία αυτού του σημαντικού Νομοσχεδίου εδώ και ένα χρόνο. Ο Νόμος κατά της Πειρατείας θα αποτελέσει μία απάντηση στη σύγχρονη “γάγγραινα”, του φαινομένου της Πειρατείας, που ταλανίζει την Παγκόσμια Ναυτιλία και έχει πάρει πολύ ανησυχητικές διαστάσεις τα τελευταία χρόνια με την παράνομη σύλληψη δεκάδων πλοίων και την κράτηση ναυτικών κάτω από απάνθρωπες συνθήκες συμπεριλαμβανομένων βασανισμών, τραυματισμών ακόμη και εκτελέσεων, έναντι απαιτήσεων καταβολής λύτρων εκ μέρους των πλοιοκτητών για την απελευθέρωσή τους. Το κόστος της Πειρατείας για το Διεθνές Εμπόριο το έτος 2010 μόνο, είχε υπολογιστεί στα 12 Δις. Δολάρια Αμερικής. Το Ναυτιλιακό Επιμελητήριο ευελπιστεί ότι, με την έγκριση του Νομοσχεδίου σύντομα από τη Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων, η Κύπρος θα καταστεί η πρώτη χώρα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, αλλά και ίσως διεθνώς, που θα έχει ρυθμίσει τόσο αναλυτικά το φλέγον αυτό θέμα για την Παγκόσμια Ναυτιλία και με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα αναβαθμίσει ακόμη περισσότερο, τη ναυτιλιακή υποδομή της και συνάμα, την εικόνα που κατέχει σήμερα σαν ένα αξιόπιστο και συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο Ναυτιλιακό Κέντρο.

26 συνέντευξη

Γιώργος Ξηραδάκης Managing Director XRTC Business Consultants

Κορυφαία στήριξη της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας από Κινέζικες τράπεζες Τι πρέπει να προσέξουν οι τράπεζες σε αυτούς τους δύκολους καιρούς και ποιοί θα πρέπει να είναι οι στόχοι τους; Είναι σαφές ότι δεν βρίσκονται όλες οι τράπεζες στην ίδια προβληματική θέση. Οι διαφοροποιήσεις δεν έχουν να κάνουν μόνο σε ποσοτικά κριτήρια αλλά και σε ποιοτικά.

Ειδικά σε ότι αφορά στα

ναυτιλιακά χαρτοφυλάκια η λογική είναι σαφώς προς την απομόχλευση (πέραν ελαχίστων εξαιρέσεων) με κύριο προσανατολισμό την καλύτερη διαχείριση των προβληματικών δανείων είτε εσωτερικά είτε πουλώντας τα σε ενδιαφερόμενους αγοραστές. Οι στρατηγικοί στόχοι των τραπεζικών ιδρυμάτων διαφέρουν σημαντικά ως προς την διατήρηση των ναυτιλιακών τους χαρτοφυλακίων συγκλίνουν όμως στο ότι θα πρέπει να κατοχυρώσουν την κεφαλαιακή τους επάρκεια και να ανταποκριθούν στις απαιτήσεις των διεθνών κανόνων και του συνεχούς αυξανόμενου ρίσκου για διάχυση της κρίσης κρατικού χρέους, Η επίτευξη έστω και στόχων χαμηλών προσδοκιών δεν είναι εύκολη μιας και οι μέτοχοι των τραπεζών δεν είναι πλέον σε θέση να στηρίξουν τόσο εκτεταμένες κεφαλαιακές ανάγκες. Αυτό συμβαίνει ειδικά με τις Ελληνικές τράπεζες.

Παράλληλα τα διάφορα

ιδιωτικά και κρατικά κεφάλαια που θα μπορούσαν να στηρίξουν τον κλάδο, τον αντιμετωπίζουν με δυσπιστία και προτιμούν να δουν πρώτα κινήσεις ενοποίησής του. Το σημαντικό για τις τράπεζες είναι να παραμείνουν στο χώρο και να δείξουν την μακροχρόνια πίστη και δέσμευση στην αγορά. Έτσι μόνο δεν θα χάσουν «Στα επόμενα χρόνια οι Κινέζικες Τράπεζες θα

χρέους και από την άλλη ο ναυτιλιακός κλάδος

είναι στην κορυφή της λίστας καταγραφής των

δέχεται πιέσεις που οφείλονται κυρίως στην μεγάλη

ναυτιλιακών χαρτοφυλακίων των τραπεζών που

προσφορά χωρητικότητας αλλά και στην αναιμική

στηρίζουν την Ελληνική ναυτιλία», σύμφωνα με τον

ζήτηση η οποία συγκρατεί για μεγάλο διάστημα τα

κ. Γιώργο Ξηραδάκη Managing Director της εταιρίας

ναύλα των τριών κύριων ναυτιλιακών αγορών ξηρού,

XRTC Business Consultants, ο οποίος παραχώρησε

υγρού και μοναδοποιημένου φορτίου σε πολύ χαμηλά

συνέντευξη στο περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ και στο portal

επίπεδα. Στον βαθμό που οι συνθήκες στις αγορές Ο ίδιος τονίζει μεταξύ άλλων ότι

χρήματος και κεφαλαίου είναι ιδιαιτέρως πιεστικές

«σήμερα ο τραπεζικός δανεισμός στην ναυτιλία

και η αυστηροποίηση των κανόνων κεφαλαιακής

είναι άκρως επιλεκτικός και συνεχώς μειούμενος»

επάρκειας, «σκληραίνουν» την αξιολόγηση του

επισημαίνει όμως ότι «η αισιοδοξία ποτέ δεν πρέπει

πιστωτικού κινδύνου από τις τράπεζες, τομείς

να χάνεται ειδικά όταν διανύουμε το χαμηλό σημείου

όπως η ναυτιλία η οποία είναι κατεξοχήν εντάσεως

του ναυτιλιακού κύκλου». Η άκρως ενδιαφέρουσα

κεφαλαίου, βρίσκονται σε πολύ δύσκολη θέση να

συνέντευξη του κ. Ξηραδάκη έχει ως εξής:

προσελκύσουν τραπεζικά κεφάλαια. Σε συνδυασμό μάλιστα με την ύπαρξη «προβληματικών» δανείων




στα χαρτοφυλάκιά τους, ο τραπεζικός δανεισμός

χρηματοπιστωτικό τομέα όσο και στις ναυτιλιακές

στην ναυτιλία είναι άκρως επιλεκτικός και συνεχώς

αγορές, σας κάνουν να χάνετε την αισιοδοξία


σας για το μέλλον της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας;

Σε κάθε περίπτωση η διόρθωση των κύριων

Είναι γεγονός ότι τόσος ο χρηματοπιστωτικός

ναυτιλιακών αγορών είναι επιβεβλημένη ειδικά

τομέας όσο και ο ναυτιλιακός κλάδος έχουν διέλθει

μάλιστα αν λάβει κανείς υπόψη του τα παγκόσμια

σε μία δύσκολη περίοδο, ο καθένας βέβαια για

μακρο-οικονομικά μεγέθη τα οποία εμφανίζουν

διαφορετικούς λόγους.

σταθεροποιητικές τάσεις. Η αισιοδοξία ποτέ δεν




Από την μία πλευρά ο




από μία πρωτοφανή κρίση στις αγορές κρατικού

πρέπει να χάνεται ειδικά όταν διανύουμε το χαμηλό σημείου του ναυτιλιακού κύκλου..

χρήματα και έτσι θα βοηθηθεί και η ναυτιλιακή αγορά. Οι ναυτιλιακές τράπεζες ανταπεξήλθαν επιτυχία





με των

σχέσεών τους με την Ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία και αυτό πρέπει να συνεχιστεί και στο μέλλον. Πώς όμως αυτό μπορεί να επιτευχθεί τη στιγμή που οι οιωνοί δεν είναι καλοί για τους μήνες που έρχονται λόγω της σωρείας νέων παραλαβών αλλά και της κάμψης της ζήτησης θαλασσίων μεταφορών; Οι ναυτιλιακές τράπεζες που παραδοσιακά στήριξαν την ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία αντιμετωπίζουν και αυτές την σωρεία προβλημάτων που αφορά όλον τον τραπεζικό κλάδο. Όταν μιλάμε για








εξειδικευμένες στο να αντιλαμβάνονται το ναυτιλιακό ρίσκο και να εκπέμπουν το κύριο και αναγκαίο χαρακτηριστικό που δεν είναι άλλο από την υπομονή και πίστη στην αγορά. Είναι σίγουρο ότι ο κύκλος θα διορθωθεί αργά η γρήγορα. Το να μην δοθούν νέα χρήματα δεν είναι τόσο τραυματικό για την αγορά όσο θα είναι η απομάκρυνση τραπεζών που στηρίζουν την Ελληνική ναυτιλία. Δεν είναι λίγες οι τράπεζες που αποφάσισαν την

συνέντευξη 27 σταδιακή αποχώρησή τους από την χρηματοδότηση

τράπεζα στρατηγικής ανάπτυξης της ΛΔ της Κίνας

στόχους για την ανάπτυξη του ναυτιλιακού κλάδου

ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών, ενώ παράλληλα καλούνται να

και έχει το βαρύ φορτίο να φέρει σε πέρας τις

αλλά και όλων των συναφών προς τις μεταφορές

διαχειριστούν σωρεία προβληματικών δανείων που

κυβερνητικές εξαγγελίες. Είναι γνωστό ότι από το

κλάδων στους οποίους η Ελλάδα κατέχει συγκριτικό

επηρεάζουν άμεσα τα επίπεδα των κύριων κεφαλαίων

φθινόπωρο του 2010 μετά την υπογραφή του πρώτου


τους. Υπάρχουν ελάχιστες ναυτιλιακές αγορές που

αμιγούς κινεζικού δανείου προς ελληνική ναυτιλιακή





εταιρία - Όμιλος Cardiff του κ. Γ. Οικονόμου - ο


άποψης όπως π.χ. αυτή του υγροποιημένου αερίου

πρωθυπουργός της Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία


(LNG) ή της εξόρυξης πετρελαίου (drill-ships). Οι

ανακοίνωσε την κυβερνητική στήριξη των κινεζικών

εκατοντάδες εκατομμύρια δολάρια (ζημιές, τα

υπόλοιπες 3 παραδοσιακές αγορές της ναυτιλίας

τραπεζών στην ελληνική ναυτιλία και κυρίως στις

λύτρα, τα αντί-πειρατικά μέτρα, τα ασφάλιστρα


εταιρείες που κατασκευάζουν τα νέα τους πλοία στην

και η επιβάρυνση από την δραστηριοποίηση

φορτίου βρίσκονται εγκλωβισμένοι σε ιδιαίτερα

Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία

της Κίνας.. Το όλο εγχείρημα

των ναυτικών δυνάμεων). Με ποιό τρόπο

χαμηλά επίπεδα και σε δυσοίωνες βραχυπρόθεσμες

αυτής της στήριξης το έχει αναλάβει η CDB. Αυτή την

πιστεύετε ότι θα μπορούσε να αντιμετωπισθεί

προοπτικές. Οι ναυτιλιακές τράπεζες μπορούν να

στιγμή πάνω από 300 πλοία κατασκευάζονται στην

αποτελεσματικά η σημερινή αυτή μάστιγα;

αναλύσουν τον ναυτιλιακό κίνδυνο αλλά και την

Κίνα για λογαριασμό ελληνικών συμφερόντων πλοία

Μόνο με διεθνή αντίδραση κατά των πειρατών θα


και πέραν τούτου οι συνολικές επενδύσεις ελληνικών

μπορέσει να λυθεί το πρόβλημα. Πρέπει όλοι να

συμμετοχές στις επενδύσεις ειναι πολύ πιθανό να



καταλάβουμε ότι το κόστος της αντιμετώπισης της

υπάρχουν και νέες χρηματοδοτήσεις αλλά αυτές θα

αγορά ξεπερνά τα 15 δις την τελευταία πενταετία.

πειρατείας είναι μεγάλο και ουσιαστικά μετακυλύετε

είναι πολύ πιο ακριβές από το παρελθόν.

Η ανάπτυξη της κινεζικής χρηματοδότησης στην

στο κόστος των προϊόντων που αγοράζει ο

ελληνική αγορά είναι επιβεβλημένη για την ίδια την

καταναλωτής. Έτσι σαν διεθνές πρόβλημα; που

Πώς μπορεί το παράδειγμα της εξωστρεφούς

Κινεζική ναυπηγική βιομηχανία αλλά και συνέχεια

είναι η πειρατεία θα πρέπει να καταπολεμηθεί από

επιτυχημένης δραστηριότητας της Ελληνικής

της παραδοσιακής σχέσης της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας

όλα τα κράτη του ΟΗΕ είτε με πολιτικές είτε και με

ναυτιλίας με την παγκόσμια πρωτοκαθεδρία να

με την Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Κίνας.

στρατιωτικές επεμβάσεις. Το ποτήρι έχει ξεχειλίσει






Σε συνδυασμό με αυξημένες ιδιωτικές



της Κίνας

διαχυθεί στην Ελληνική κοινωνία ως πρότυπο


ελληνική λόγω







και ο κίνδυνος της απώλειας ακόμη και ανθρωπίνων

για την αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος της

Πόσο ενισχυμένη πιστεύετε ότι θα είναι η σχέση

ζωών είναι μεγάλος. Χρειάζεται κοινωνική αντίδραση

Ελληνικής Οικονομίας;

της Κινεζικής τραπεζικής αγοράς με την ελληνική

προς την διεθνή κλεψιά. H XRTC Business Con-

Η μορφή με την οποία εργάζεται η ναυτιλία είναι

ναυτιλία τα επόμενα χρόνια;

sultants Ltd., δραστηριοποιείται από την ίδρυσή

το καλύτερο παράδειγμα για να πετύχει ο έλληνας

Είμαι βέβαιος ότι στα επόμενα χρόνια οι Κινέζικες

της (1999) στη Ναυτιλιακή Χρηματοδότηση και

επιχειρηματίας στο εξωτερικό. Δυστυχώς ο έλληνας


στην παροχή συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών προς τις

επιχειρηματίας είναι ευνουχισμένος από το υπάρχον

καταγραφής των ναυτιλιακών χαρτοφυλακίων των

επιχειρηματικό σύστημα στην Ελλάδα που είναι

τραπεζών που στηρίζουν την Ελληνική ναυτιλία.

γεμάτο εμπόδια. Για παράδειγμα αναφέρομαι στην

Εξάλλου στην παρούσα φάση είναι οι κινεζικές

Η XRTC έχει διατελέσει εμπορικός εκπρόσωπος

γραφειοκρατία, στους παρεμβατισμούς, κρατικούς,

τράπεζες είναι από τις λίγες που χρηματοδοτούν την

διεθνών τραπεζικών ομίλων για την Ελληνική

συνδικαλιστικούς και επικοινωνιακούς. Ο επενδυτής

Ελληνική Ναυτιλία.

Ναυτιλιακή αγορά όπως οι Γαλλικοί τραπεζικοί







φοβάται να εισέλθει σε ένα χώρο αφιλόξενο ενώ

ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις.

όμιλοι Credit Lyonnais και Natixis, σύμβουλος

θα ήθελε. Δείτε πως χάθηκε η χρυσή δεκαετία

Η XRTC με την συνεχή της παρουσία και εμπειρία

Εθνικών και Διεθνών οργανισμών καθώς και διεθνών

του 200. Καμία επένδυση όταν η ζήτηση ήταν

στην κινεζική ναυτιλιακή χρηματοδότηση μέσω

ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών. Η εταιρεία έχει εξασφαλίσει

αυξημένη για επενδύσεις. Πρέπει λοιπόν ο έλληνας

της συνεργασίας της με την CDB, πιστεύει ότι

και οργανώσει με εξαιρετική επιτυχία έναν μεγάλο

επενδυτής να πιστέψει ότι στην περίπτωση που

η Κινεζική τραπεζική αγορά ανταποκρίνεται

αριθμό ναυτιλιακών δανειοδοτήσεων σε διάφορες

πραγματοποιηθούν όλες οι νομοθετικές ρυθμίσεις

πλήρως στον ανταγωνισμό με τις δυτικές

μορφές μέσω των Διεθνών τραπεζικών ομίλων που

που τόσο οι δανειστές μας όσο και οι πολιτικοί μας


συνεργάστηκε από την ίδρυσή της.

υπόσχονται να γίνουν να πιστέψουν σε αυτές και να

Η XRTC διαβλέποντας το επερχόμενο κενό στην

Από το 2009, η XRTC συνεργάζεται με κινέζικους

ακολουθήσουν ανταγωνιστικές στρατηγικές με πίστη

ναυτιλιακή χρηματοδότηση και έχοντας ως στόχο


και μπέσα. Κι αν ενοχληθούν από παρεμβατισμούς

την δημιουργία νέων αγορών κατάφερε εδώ και 3


να το δηλώνουν ευθύς εξαρχής δημοσιοποιώντας

χρόνια να βοηθήσει την διεθνοποίηση του Κινέζικου

αγορά ενώ είναι από το 2010

τους. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι το ανταγωνιστικό περιβάλλον

χρηματοπιστωτικού κλάδου μέσω της στρατηγικής

Χρηματοοικονομικός Σύμβουλος (Preferred Shipping

της ναυτιλίας ξεβράζει του διεφθαρμένους άμεσα.

συνεργασίας της με την China Development Bank.

Finance Consultant) της Κινέζικης τράπεζας China

Όταν θα αρχίσουν οι εξαγωγές τότε θα πρέπει οι

Οι συντονισμένες προσπάθειες των δύο μερών αλλά

Development Bank. Το 2010 τιμήθηκε με το βραβείο

ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις να προσλάβουν ανθρώπους

και η θέληση για στήριξη της ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας

«Χρηματοδότης της χρονιάς Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας

της νέας γενιάς που έχουν την δίψα να δουλέψουν

οδήγησε την κινέζικη κυβέρνηση να αναθέσει


στο εξωτερικό και οι οποίοι θα πρέπει να δείξουν

στην CDB την διαχείριση ενός ταμείου πολλών δις

το πρώτο διμερές δάνειο από Κινέζικη τράπεζα σε

τον απαραίτητο σεβασμό αλλά και την πίστη τους

δολλαρίων με σκοπό την χρηματοδότηση Ελλήνων

Έλληνα πλοιοκτήτη, το οποίο μάλιστα υπογράφτηκε

προς τους πελάτες τους χωρίς να χάνουν τον

και Ευρωπαίων πλοιοκτητών που επιθυμούν να

ενώπιον των πρωθυπουργών των δύο κρατών.

ανταγωνιστικό τους χαρακτήρα. Αυτό είναι με λίγα

κατασκευάσουν πλοία στην Κίνα. Τα βήματα που

H XRTC διαθέτει γραφεία στα δύο κύρια ναυτιλιακά

λόγια η συνταγή του έλληνα καραβοκύρη και αυτό

έχουν συντελεστεί έως τώρα δεν είναι μεγάλα, είναι

κέντρα της Ελλάδος, στον Πειραιά και στην Χίο καθώς

πρέπει να αφουγκραστεί η ελληνική οικονομία.

σταθερά με κύριο μέλημα των ανάπτυξη στέρεων

και συνεργάτες στις ΗΠΑ και στη Λ.Δ. Κίνας. Έχει

σχέσεων συνεργασίας που βασίζονται στην αμοιβαία

στελεχωθεί από ανθρώπινο δυναμικό με γνώσεις

Με ποιό τρόπο η China Development Bank

εμπιστοσύνη και την κατανόηση του ναυτιλιακού

και εμπειρία διεθνούς εμβέλειας, προσφέροντας



υψηλή ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και παρακολούθηση





Στόχος της XRTC είναι η ανάδειξη του

ομίλους την





Ναυτιλιακή Ναυτιλιακός

εφοπλιστές οι οποίοι προτίθενται να συνεχίσουν

δυναμισμού και της τεχνογνωσίας της ελληνόκτητης

των συναλλαγών σε όλης τους την διάρκεια.

τις παραγγελίες νέων πλοίων στην Κίνα; Δώστε



ειδικό τμήμα Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης που διαθέτει

μας μια εικόνα των ναυπηγικών προγραμμάτων

ναυτιλιακού ρίσκου που συμβάλλει στην ποιοτικότερη

η XRTC της επιτρέπει να αναλύει σε βάθος και να

Ελληνικών ναυτιλιακών εταιριών στην Κίνα.

διαμόρφωση ενός ναυτιλιακού χαρτοφυλακίου.

διαθέτει τεχνογνωσία σε όλα τα θέματα της Διεθνούς

Η China Development Bank είναι η μεγαλύτερη

XRTC και η CDB μοιράζονται πλέον κοινές αξίες και








28 cover story

PPG Protective and Marine Coatings

Bringing innovation to the surface PPG’s long establishment in the Shipping market.

Stock Exchange since 1945.

To this end PPG PMC has developed quality proc-

PPG’s vision is to continue to be the pioneer in

esses so as to follow the product development

Sigma Coatings has been a symbol of sustainable

our field serving customers in marine, industrial,

and subsequent placement from cradle to grave.

success for over 300 years. Founded in 1722, the

transportation, construction and aftermarkets. PPG

This process includes a detailed business plan,

company is a perfect model of enduring business

is a value driven, integrated and market-oriented

product profile, proper verification and trial launch.

success that incorporates much more than mere


The full process, which is also described in ISO

innovative concepts and smart strategies. Our

procedures and forms, is the cornerstone of PPG’s

continuing success has been built on strong core

PPG Quality Processes

foundations and it is evidently displayed through

PPG Protective and Marine Coatings, PPG PMC,

of production, results in optimum product perform-

our inherent ability to anticipate customer demands

focuses on quality and innovation, the brand values

ance which requires stringent and consistent quality

and provide unique solutions in an ever changing

of the Company. By monitoring the industry and

control procedures. Careful strategic planning

global market. Sigma Coatings entered the Greek

continuously enhancing not only the systems, but

ensures that our production facilities can meet the

Market in 1974. Since that time market share of

also the supply chain and after sales services,

demand for products without compromising quality,

Sigma Coatings has steadily grown. In 2008, the

PPG has developed a proficient and holistic quality

consistency or reliability. Our dedicated quality

growth rate was accelerated through the acquisition

approach. Towards this end, we invest continuously

control specialists ensure that every manufac-

by PPG Industries, Inc.

in Research and Development offering the most

tured product meets our high standards. PPG as

PPG Industries Inc., headquartered in Pittsburgh,

innovative coating solutions.

a manufacturer has been certified by international

Pennsylvania, USA, is a global diversified manufac-

The development of any marine coating system

organizations for its compliance with ISO9001 and

turer supplying paints, coatings, chemicals, optical

requires careful and time-consuming work. Before

ISO14001 standards. However our intention is not

products, specialty materials and glass.

any new product is introduced into the market,

limited to supplying high quality products. We are

PPG was founded as the Pittsburgh Plate Glass

our R & D laboratories carry out extensive product

also committed to providing our customers with top

Co. in 1883 and since then the company has grown

testing, including field testing and accelerated

notch field service wherever and whenever needed

steadily and is now a global enterprise with opera-

weathering –simulating real life exposure conditions

through our Global Field Technical Services (FTS)

tions in over 60 countries with 40,000 employees in

- to ensure that the performance of the products will

department. In this respect most of our FTS inspec-

more than 140 manufacturing facilities and affiliates

live up to the challenges of real life environment to

tors have undergone special training and have

around the world. PPG is listed on the New York

which they will be exposed.

received Frosio certification or comparable.

high standards. Maintaining the highest standards

cover story 29

PPG Vision

PPG provides the most effective products and processes for each application supported by the best possible technical service and advice in order to make your business more competitive. Our ambition is to continue to develop state of the art products that support our customers’ operations worldwide. We are totally committed to create innovative products and services that deliver technical excellence and commercial value and assist in supporting our customers needs for the future both environmentally and from a cost effective point of view. PPG’s coatings solutions

include environmental pressure groups, the Biocidal

The highly engineered pure silicone finish is today

The working life and profitability of all sailing ves-

Products Directive in the EU and fouling communi-

the most effective solution against fouling on the

sels, from naval ships and cruise liners to cargo

ties shifting location due to climate change.


vessels, VLCCs, LNG carriers, oil supertankers,

Also, in such a competitive environment opti-

Due to the increased solids content, both the VOC

offshore installations and their support vessels

mized productivity and fuel savings are of great

emissions and the environmental impact are signifi-

are highly dependent upon the coating systems

importance and have to be taken into account

cantly reduced.


when designing such products. PPG PMC offers

Sigma Coatings remains firm at the forefront of the

solutions tailored to meet every new challenge in

Cargo tank coating range

Marine Protection market mainly due to our product

the shipping industry. The scientists at PPG Global

All tank linings fulfill two key functions, namely they

range which meets every marine requirement. This

Technology Centers continuously aim to find the

protect the steel from the cargo (corrosion risk) and

includes the very latest in fouling release technolo-

best coating solutions to keep ship hulls as smooth

at the same time they protect the cargo from the

gies, chemically resistant coatings for aggressive

as possible, thereby reducing hull roughness and

steel (contamination risk). The correct choice of

and toxic cargoes, impact and abrasion resistant

minimizing fuel consumption.

tank coating systems can have a significant impact

cargo hold coatings, superior ballast tank protection

The Sigma Ecofleet antifouling range incorporates

on the potential earnings of the vessel, affecting

and easy maintenance systems for superstructures

optimized biocide packages held in a binder matrix;

both the range of cargoes the vessel can carry and

and decks. All our coating solutions are built on an

therefore, when the vessel is back in service, the

operational matters, such as vessel turn-around

in-depth knowledge of the industry, our custom-

in-built self polishing mechanism provides consist-

time and ease of tank cleaning.

ers’ day-to-day challenges, and the environmental,

ent surface regeneration and also serves to control

PPG PMC has been a market leader in tank coating

health and safety standards in the market. By work-

the biocide release. The Sigma SYLADVANCE 800

technology for 40 years and now offers a selection

ing closely with our customers we maintain a high

is the hydrolyzing antifouling that is tailored for the

of well-proven and innovative coating systems that

level of understanding of their constantly changing

future. The special sylil- acrylate binder system

are designed to maximize performance and in-

need and demands. Therefore, we make it our goal

results in an advanced self-polishing and self-

crease operational flexibility. Sigma Coatings’ tank

through our innovative, value added coatings to

smoothing coating with impeccable results on both

linings provide long-term corrosion protection for all

cope with the dynamic environment of the Marine

deep sea and coastal vessels.

types of cargoes and stored products. The range

Industry which we serve not just for today but also

Having a highly predictable linear polishing rate and

includes both solvent-free and solvent-based pure

for tomorrow.

self smoothing capability, SIGMA SYLADVANCE

epoxy products, phenolic epoxy coatings and zinc

800, reduces both the leached layers and the aver-

silicate tank coatings. Typical applications are tanks

age hull roughness, providing significant emissions

storing oil, petrochemicals, bio-fuels, drinking water

It is clear there are great challenges in the antifoul-

reductions and consistent fuel savings above 3%.

and raw sewage. Sigma Coatings’ highly special-

ing coatings field which since many years have

PPG has also developed the pure silicone technol-

ized coatings not only meet the operational needs

become increasingly significant and will continue

ogy with the introduction of SIGMAGLIDE 990 , the

of today’s cargo and storage industries but also the

to play a vital role over the coming years. These

biocide free fouling release coating of the future.

demands of constantly evolving legislation.

Antifouling range

30 cover story

interview Although the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC) for WBT and COT (SOLAS) attempt to regulate the minimum requirements, it is still the relation, mutual understanding and cooperation between all parties involved (ship owner, shipyard and paint supplier) that will determine the final result and effectiveness of the applied corrosion protection system. At PPG Industries we recognize the importance of working closely with our customers and are fully committed to providing innovative, fit-forpurpose coatings and services that will meet both customer expectations and any challenging market requirements.

Krassi Nikolov Mr. Krassi Nikolov

Global Technical Service Manager, PPG Protective & Marine Coatings

What are the key factors in the prevention of

spared in development of coatings that can meet

is also highly significant – all coatings have to be

corrosion in shipping industry? What are the

these challenges, the durability of a protective

approved by pre-qualification tests at an independ-

latest IMO requirements with regard to corro-

coating system depends, besides its formulation, on

ent institute to a defined programme. In addition,

sion control?

several other parameters:

their compatibility with the large number of currently

• design of the structure

used shop primers has to be confirmed by testing,

As one of the most dynamic and complex interna-

• condition of the substrate before preparation

which has proven to be a very costly and lengthy

tional industries, the shipping industry has seen

• effectiveness of the surface preparation


rapid developments in terms of design, building

• standard of application work

technology, environmental and safety requirements.

• conditions during application and curing of the

So, although the corrosion protection of ship struc-

However, these developments have not always

coating system

tures by coatings has been the subject of crucial

taken the corrosion protection of ship structures as

• exposure conditions in service

and difficult discussions at the IMO and other

the main priority.

A number of attempts by different national and inter-

associated bodies in the early years of the 21st

national bodies have been made in order to regu-

century, how well the issues of corrosion protection

• Ships are getting bigger and structurally more

late the minimum requirements for safety at sea to

are resolved is still to be seen. The first steps in the

complex resulting in larger surface areas that need

be followed by all shipping nations (particularly in

right direction have been made and no doubt there

to be protected.

relation to corrosion protection of ship structures).

will be further discussions within the shipping in-

• The use of high-tensile steel to reduce scantling

dustry to continuously improve and find the optimal

has allowed steel thickness reduction, resulting in

In this respect the International Maritime Organi-

solution.The latest IMO resolutions with the relevant

higher ‘flexibility’ of ship structures and less reserve

zation (IMO) has taken an important stand in the

supportive documents from IACS are proof of these

for steel loss due to corrosion.

attempt to protect ship structures and the environ-

developments: MSC.215(82) PSPC for Dedicated

• Higher quality steel and corrosion-resistant alloys


Seawater Ballast Tanks; MSC.244(83) PSPC for

have been increasingly used to provide better cor-

void spaces on Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers;

rosion resistance for ship structures in marine envi-

The recently developed IMO Resolution MSC 215

MSC.1/Circ.1330 Guidelines for Maintenance and

ronments; however, this has resulted in increased

(82) and associated Performance Standards for

Repair of Protective Coatings; MSC.288(87) PSPC

complexity of material coupling, which requires

Protective Coatings (PSPC) include (among others)

for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers.

special attention to maintenance.

very specific requirements to ensure the minimum expected lifetime of the applied coating system:

In what ways can corrosion control be benefi-

As the improvement of safety at sea has been the

• pre-qualification testing of WBT coatings in combi-

cial to the shipbuilding industry? What are the

focus of attention during the last two decades,

nation with approved shop primers

challenges of corrosion control for the shipping

protecting the steel structure against corrosion be-

• dry-film thicknesses to be specified

industry and how effectively and efficiently can

came a key factor in ensuring the ship’s structural

• coatings inspection requirements and reporting

these be managed?


• responsibilities of the different parties involved

However, protecting steel structures against corro-

Although much sympathy can be expressed with

exposed to other aggressive conditions is subject

sion requires some understanding of the corrosion

the viewpoint of the owners’ lobby (which is keen

to corrosion that may lead to serious structural

process. Therefore, anyone involved in the design,

to get the maximum coating thickness accepted

damage. Therefore, to avoid corrosion damage,

fabrication, construction or corrosion protection of

for application on top of the cleanest possible

steel structures are normally protected and there

any type of steel structure should know the basic

substrate) shipbuilders, in particular, have seriously

are different ways of protecting steel structures

principles of the corrosion process.

questioned the practicality of the resolution.

from corrosion. However, it is recognized that the

As a leading protective and marine coatings

For shipbuilders, these changes have a major

manufacturer, PPG Industries continuously strives

impact on vessel construction time, methods and

to develop innovative coatings that meet the


Unprotected steel in the atmosphere, in water and

most cost-effective way is by the application of a

ever-growing challenges involved in the corrosion protection of ship structures. Although no effort is

protective coating. In general, the cost-effectiveness of a given corrosion protection system will be in direct proportion

Meanwhile, the impact on coatings manufacturers

to the length of time in which effective protection is

cover story 31

maintained, since the amount of maintenance or replacement work required during the service life of the structure will be reduced to a minimum. Unfortunately, in the current competitive market environment, selecting the right corrosion protection system or application site might not be that easy. Therefore, it is very important that the ship owners have a clear understanding of the features and benefits of different coating systems and associated maintenance costs. Although the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC) for WBT and COT (SOLAS) attempt to regulate the minimum requirements, it is still the relation, mutual understanding and cooperation between all parties involved (ship owner, shipyard and paint supplier) that will determine the final result and effectiveness of the applied corrosion protection system. At PPG Industries we recognize the importance of working closely with our customers and are fully committed to providing innovative, fit-for-purpose coatings and services that will meet both customer expectations and any challenging market requirements. To what extent does the human factor affect the protection of corrosion in ships? Unfortunately, although the shipping industry has seen rapid developments in terms of design, building technology, environmental and safety requirements, coating-related processes haven’t changed that much. The methods of surface preparation and coating application have remained labour intensive and unattractive for the young generation in this IT (Information Technology) driven age. Building up experience and maintaining the level of expertise among the contractors also remains a challenge. As the introduction of new application methods and automated coating processes in the protective and marine coatings industries is relatively slow and costly, the skills and experience of the applicators (the human factor) is still a major issue in achieving the required quality. As such, selecting a shipyard or a contractor that is experienced and capable of delivering the specified standards is of paramount importance, and it is up to the ship owners to make a well-considered decision. The paint suppliers can help by providing thorough, technically sound advice however, the final decision lies with the owners. The Performance Standards for Protective Coatings (PSPC) is easy or hard to be implemented? The implementation of the PSPC requirements is a fact and, although there might be still some debates regarding the practicality of the resolution and whether it will make the difference, the leading shipyards have adopted the rules and moved on. Obviously this has led to additional costs and longer building times, and the experienced and well-equipped shipyards have made the necessary adjustment in their building schedules and prices. However, the challenge is still present for all small and inexperienced shipyards and contractors where such adjustments have proven to be too costly and, for some of them, financially impossible to make. For coatings manufacturers, the testing their coating systems and the obtaining of approvals from all different class society members (separately) is still a challenge, as the IACS members could not agree on the common rules and recognition of each other’s approvals. Obviously, there is room for improvement and a number of working groups in different committees and bodies are reviewing the current IMO and PSPC Resolutions in order to improve the content and find optimal solutions for the current issues.

32 cover story

Ballast water treatment technologies and coating performance Introduction of invasive species Invasive species are one of the most destructive problems facing the world today. Transfer and introduction of non-indigenous species in ballast water causes significant human health, economic and environmental impacts worldwide. It is now accepted that the transport of unwanted organisms due to ships’ ballasting procedures has jeopardized many of the earth’s natural ecosystems. More recent data show that the rate of reported invasions has increased rapidly over the past 200 yr. Many of these species have become numerically or functionally dominant, and have significant impacts on population, community and ecosystem-level processes. The global cost associated with invasive species is estimated to be 1.400.000.000.000 USD annually. This includes costs for control, cleanup, economic losses and environmental damage. One way to address this problem is to remove or inactivate organisms that are found in ballast water.

New regulations The new regulations will require each ship to develop a Ballast Water Management Plan that includes details and procedures for implementation of the selected option which will probably be the most appropriate water treatment option based on the particular ballast system and ship design. The proposed treatment regulation calls for a two phase implementation schedule. The Phase 1 implementation schedule for existing ships (those built prior to1 January 2012) with ballast water capacity of between 1,500 and 5,000 m3 will be required to meet this standard by their 1st dry docking after 1 January 2014. Ships with ballast water capacity of less than 1,500 m3 or greater than 5,000 m3 must meet the standard by their first drydocking after1 January 2016. New vessels (those with build dates on or after 1 January 2012) will be required to meet it at delivery. The proposed Phase 2 standard is up to 1000 times more stringent than the Phase I (and IMO) standard. The Phase 2 discharge requirements must be met by new ships with a build date on or after 1 January 2016.

Ballast water treatment technologies testing

For ships with a build date before1 January 2016, the compliance date is the

There are a number of proposed technical solutions for Ballast

first drydocking after 1 January 2016 or five years after a Phase 1 system was

Water Treatment.

installed, whichever is later.

At present very little evidence exists regarding the effect of some of the BWTS and few system manufacturers have carried out testing of the impact of their system on the coatings and on corrosion in the ballast tanks. Test method for BWT systems in combination with coatings is not fully standardized. The use of ISO is debatable as it does not address possible coating deterioration by BWT systems. Testing is not always done by independent party and test results are not widely available. Also correlation between tests with coatings and practice is not validated and there is limited in-service experience for systems being offered.

cover story 33

Complying with IMO PSPC Ballast tanks, constitute the singlest largest surface area on the vessel. The severity of corrosion in ballast tanks and the high numbers of ship losses due to structural failure following corrosion damage have increased the attention that Classification Societies and other regulatory bodies pay to ballast tank coating condition. Thus the systems used must be able to contribute to the requirements of the IMO PSPC by providing corrosion control to the coatings applied under the IMO PSPC standard and hence contribute to the prevention of corrosion in Ballast tanks. PPG protective and marine coatings, a world leader in protective and marine coatings, with the range for ballast tank coating systems is in line with all requirements and confident that its coatings will perform as designed. It is though a priority the close work with the suppliers of ballast water treatment technologies aiming at maximizing the life of the vessel and give the best performance in service. PPG Marine Coatings range includes a selection of ballast tank coating systems aimed at maximizing the life of the vessel. This selection is

Ballast water treatment reactions with the coatings

IMO-PSPC type approved with major class societies, such as: Lloyd’s

According to various researches performed the reactions of the technologies

The SigmaPrime™ range consists of high quality, multi purpose pure

used with the coatings are the following: • Filtration and Hydrocyclones who have been proposed as an alternative won’t affect coating or corrosion • Deoxygenation by reducing oxygen levels through 1.Nitrogen injection Vacuum 2.Chamber Inert 3.Gas/Stack Gas Injection will in general reduce corrosion but there are many investigators who state that the exposure to alternating oxygenated/ deoxygenated seawater could be a corrosive operating condition and it can’t eliminate anaerobic and sulfate-reducing bacteria in the ballast waters. • Ultra Violet Radiation (UV): is in general neutral when it comes to influence on corrosion. • Chemical Biocides used are : 1.Hydrogen peroxide, 2.Peroxide Acetic Acid , 3.Chlorine - Chlorine Dioxide – Hypochlorite, Ozone. The different chemical biocides and their oxidation have the potential to create future corrosion in the ballast tanks. These “active substances” (i.e. chemicals) which are used to inactivate organisms require an additional level of review for potential environmental impacts. Researches show that ozone, chlorine and sodium hypochlorite could have an effect on organic materials - also coatings. In general concentrations of these active materials are low; however the number of exposure cycles will be very large over the vessel’s lifetime. Exact effect on the coating will very much depend on actual conditions in service.

Register, DNV, Germanischer Lloyd, RINA, and ABS. epoxy anticorrosives designed to ensure excellent long term corrosion protection, exhibiting excellent adhesion, flow and wetting properties as well as outstanding crack resistance and edge retention. As evidence of its successful track record, it was applied on the water ballast tank of the very first IMO PSPC approved type vessel. SigmaCover™ 380 is a multi-purpose, anticorrosive epoxy primer coating originally developed for use in the demanding environment of water ballast tanks where the humid conditions are extremely conducive to the progress of corrosion. SigmaCover 380 is also resistant to the effects of properly controlled cathodic protection. The correct choice of ballast tank coating at both new building and maintenance stages can have a significant impact on the structural integrity of the vessel and its operational profitability. Marianna Psomas Chemical Engineer, Msc. Business Development Manager PPG protective and Marine Coatings Greece

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings’ (PPG) deep knowledge in coating technology provides the ideal tool to increase a vessel’s profitability and productivity: the SIGMAGLIDE fouling release system.

34 cover story

The SIGMAGLIDE biocide-free silicone fouling release system is specially formulated to provide optimal hull smoothness. A key difference over other technologies for the ship in service is that the silicone fouling release provides a smooth surface right from the outset, which means that fuel savings benefits are realized immediately.

Case study:

The SIGMAGLIDE 990 pure silicon fouling release coating has superior fouling release performance based on: • •

Application tolerance through unmatched hold-up properties – thus providing optimal fouling release protection Superior resistance and release properties – providing prolonged hull smoothness during service


More than 250 vessels are successfully saving energy through the SIGMAGLIDE solution.

The project first started in April 2004. After removal of the conventional Biocide-free fouling release providing fuel savings antifouling system the SIGMAGLIDE LSE system was applied. The performance of the system was confirmed in September 2008 when, during the regular dry-docking in San Francisco, only minor Princess Cruises is a member of the Carnival Corporation, the largest cruise vacaspot repairs with SIGMAGLIDE 890 were needed. On inspection, the tion group in the world, with a portfolio of cruise brands in North America, Europe hull was reported to be in excellent condition. and Australia. THE CUSTOMER

The brand is renowned for innovative ships, exceptional customer service and

Durability and passengers consistent each performance keytoqualities of the carries more than a million year with are sailings more destinations SIGMAGLIDE system. This was demonstrated during the regular drythan any other major line.

docking in Trieste, Italy in December 2011, when the underwater

area of the hull was found to be in excellent condition once again. THE CHALLENGE

During this dry docking, the range ownerofdecided apply athe full refresher The m/v Star Princess travels on a wide routes, to including Pacific, coat of third generation silicone 990 coating on Cape Horn, Alaska and the Hawaiianpure Islands, and isSIGMAGLIDE subject to various operational

ApRIL 2004: After application – SIGMAGLIDE LSE

SEpTEMBER 2008: Arrival condition (after 4 years’ service) – before washing – SIGMAGLIDE LSE

SEpTEMBER 2008: Arrival condition (after 4 years’ service) – after washing – SIGMAGLIDE LSE


DECEMBER 2011: Arrival Condition – at in-docking – SIGMAGLIDE LSE (7 years) and T/U SIGMAGLIDE 890 (3 years)

DECEMBER 2011: After application SIGMAGLIDE 990

conditionsthe andvertical aggressive fouling areas. The key task was therefore to ensure sides. long-lasting protection against corrosion and fouling for this premier cruise vessel. Accordingly, theBENEFITS decision was made to replace the original conventional antifouling THE system with the SIGMAGLIDE biocide-free fouling release system.

Fuel costs are a key concern in the marine industry. With our extensive

THE SOLUTION experience in coatings technology, we create solutions that help PPG Protective Marine Coatings’ deep knowledge in coating technology owners& and operators to (PPG) increase their operational efficiency through provides the ideal tool to increase a vessel’s profitability and productivity: the SIG-

fuel savings and we also help to improve their environmental footprint by reducing GHG emissions and going biocide free.

MAGLIDE fouling release system. The SIGMAGLIDE biocide-free silicone fouling release system is specially formulated to provide optimal hull smoothness. A key

difference over other technologies for the ship in service is that the silicone fouling

On this project, the most advanced silicone SIGMAGLIDE coating was applied, delivering extremely low surface energy and providing ings benefits are realized immediately. a smoother surface profile and fouling resistance, thereby The project first started in April 2004. After removal of the conventional antifouling significantly reducing the frictional resistance. system the SIGMAGLIDE LSE system was applied.

release provides a smooth surface right from the outset, which means that fuel sav-

The performance of the system was confirmed in September 2008 when, during the

More benefits: regular dry-docking in San Francisco, only minor spot repairs with SIGMAGLIDE

890 were needed. On inspection, the hull was reported to be in excellent condition.

Reduced fuelperformance consumption Durability • and consistent are key qualities of the SIGMAGLIDE

• Reduced maintenance work next drydocking routine dry-docking system. This was demonstrated during the at regular in Trieste, Italy in

A long-lasting, easy to maintain anticorrosive December• 2011, when the underwater area of the hull was found to be in excellent andagain. fouling release system condition once During this dry docking, the owner decided to apply a full

• Efficient dry-docking reducing timecoating on the refresher coat of third generation pure siliconeout-of-service SIGMAGLIDE 990 • Quicker return on investment vertical sides.

THE BENEFITS Fuel costs are a key concern in the marine industry. With our extensive experience in coatings technology, we create solutions that help owners and operators to in-

crease their operational efficiency through fuel savings and we also help to improve their environmental footprint by reducing GHG emissions and going biocide free.

ppG protective Marine Coatings | P.O. Box 58034 | 1040 HA Amsterdam | The delivering Netherlands extremely | Tel: +31 (0)20 407 5050energy | Fax: +31 (0)20 407 5059 | On this project, the most& advanced silicone SIGMAGLIDE coating was applied, low surface and providing a smoother surface profile and Email: | Website: No rights can be derived from the content of this publication. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, all products and technical advice given are subject to general terms and More benefits: conditions of PPG Coatings BVBA. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. • Reduced988321-GLOB. fuel consumption

fouling resistance, thereby significantly reducing the frictional resistance.

• Reduced maintenance work at next routine dry-docking • A long-lasting, easy to maintain anticorrosive and fouling release system • Efficient dry-docking reducing out-of-service time • Quicker return on investment THE RESULT The SIGMAGLIDE 990 pure silicon fouling release coating has superior fouling release performance based on: • Application tolerance through unmatched hold-up properties – thus providing optimal fouling release protection • Superior resistance and release properties – providing prolonged hull smoothness during service More than 250 vessels are successfully saving energy through the SIGMAGLIDE solution.

Created January 2012




Advanced biocide-free pure silicone finish – marine life friendly

Improved slime resistance

Fuel savings possible up to 5% – guaranteed

Highest volume solids in the market – reduced VOC emissions

Shortest refloating time on the market

Two-component – more practical for dry dock application

Wider DFT up to 180 µm (7.1 mils) - enhanced performance

Suitable for a broad range of vessels

Extensive track record


36 marine coatings

CAPPS®: The ultimate solution for marine coatings Yeoman Bridge Transverse Bulkhead – Application January 2005

CAPPS® (Corrosion & Abrasion Polymeric Protection Systems) is a UK based specialist coatings development and applications company which has established itself a unique niche in the worldwide industrial marine paints market. Since 2003 the company has been developing its own highly advanced protective encapsulation products alongside an exclusive application equipment development program, these products can only be applied by the CAPPS® designed and built Multi Mix Taskmaster™ application equipment systems and their own fully trained manpower. This element of control is unique to the company and is necessary due to the highly sophisticated nature of the chemistry involved in the products and the required control for their application. The products have been developed from the latest advanced polyurethane technology, offering much higher performance characteristics comparative to conventional epoxy and glass flake systems. Where CAPPS® have identified and firmly established their niche is in the control of the application, conventional paints can be easily applied through standard equipment which is the norm in shipyards worldwide. The CAPPS® products have such a level of sophistication however, that the application requirement is beyond the realms of standard equipment and application procedures. By controlling the whole package CAPPS® are offering products with vastly superior performance characteristics to conventional paint systems, which on a direct

In service 2008

cost comparison basis may be more expensive, but the initial higher investment offers clear long term savings when considering the economies of scale involved over the service life of a ship. These economies of scale have been clearly proven on the first ships in service with the longest serving vessel now in its seventh year of service operation. The product name and concept is known as Vessgard™, which was first introduced in 2003 and then the second product Vessgard EXT™ was launched in 2010. These products have been developed as 100% solid substrate encapsulations. The original product has firmly established itself as a high film build encapsulation protection for the bulkheads of self unloader bulk carriers. The product has the unique ability to be applied accurately to high film thicknesses due to its chemical formulation and rapid curing which in turn demonstrates superior adhesion, cohesive strength and a unique elongation flexibility of 25%, which enables the product to absorb the energies of pressure, impact and abrasion. The product is touch dry within minutes of spray application and the high film build characteristics provide the key advantage against conventional paints in highly aggressive environments, most epoxies cannot be applied above 500 microns. First trials were carried out in 2003 with the first full scale applications taking place in 2005 and 2006 to the transverse bulkheads of two of the biggest self unloaders in the world, the 96,000 tonne dwt Yeoman Bridge and Yeoman Bontrup. These vessels transport granite aggregates from their own quarry in Glensanda, Scotland on short trade routes around Europe creating a highly aggressive level of yearly throughput with one of the most abrasive aggregate cargoes. As both vessels were built in 1991, by 2005 the general bulkhead steel condition was reaching substantial corrosion levels, a protective solution had to be found that could be relied on to endure the intense levels of pressure and abrasion subjected to the bulkhead surfaces. The hogsback slopes are protected by the widely used method of polypropylene plastic sheeting, but the conventional epoxy and glass flake coating systems applied to the bulkheads were simply not up to the job. Regular failure incurred the costs at each dry dock of 100% staging, blasting and re – application of conventional paint systems. The major risk and continual unknown cost entity however was that of steel renewals - as the conventional paint systems were failing, the consequential steel exposure left all the cargo holds at continual risk of Class surveying

Yeoman Bontrup February 2012 – January 2006 Applied Bulkhead

determining compulsory steel replacement. With stories of other self unloaders at the time of similar age and wear faced with many months out of service and huge steel renewal bills, the opportunities for the first Vessgard™ applications were presented when the trials commenced in 2003 demonstrated their clear potential. The Yeoman Bridge and Yeoman Bontrup dry docked at Lisnave, Portugal in January 2005 and January 2006 respectively where CAPPS® applied a high film build Vessgard™ specification of 2mm DFT to the lower seven metre section of the transverse bulkheads and 1mm DFT to the remaining upper section of each bulkhead. This specification was applied to protect against the huge pressures of the cargo pushing downwards through the self discharge system. With this new protective encapsulation in place, the vessels were put into service and from here the Vessgard™ story began. After 28 months, the Yeoman Bridge had loaded 7.2 million tonnes of granite aggregate, the Vessgard™ protection remained clearly intact and by 2008 the huge potential of this exciting new encapsulation process was clear to see. CAPPS® were now building their foundations and their case study driven concepts, and from here the company has now established a worldwide marketing network and new developing client base, with a firm plan in operation for their future expansion.

38 marine coatings

Yeoman Bridge Application April 2010

The latest VessgardΤΜ bulkhead application project

paint systems, and most important of all – there has

terior structures, so the Vessgard EXT™ concept was

to take place was in February 2012 to the Yeoman

not been any requirement whatsoever for steel renew-

born. The finished film thickness of the system is 250

Bontrup, which has been re – built at Remontowa in

als on all three vessels since Vessgard™ application.

microns and CAPPS® introduced a urethane primer

Poland after serious fire damage took place in 2010.

Class surveyors are also now recognising the perform-

into this system which provides an encapsulation and

Two cargo holds were treated with new Vessgard™

ance of the Vessgard™ system, it has now reached

corrosion protection stage, and also provides a unique

due to fire damage, however the remaining cargo

the stage where Class are waiving areas of bulkhead

bonding and cross linking process with the Vessgard

holds Vessgard™ protection will see the vessel to its

UTM inspection based on the fact that the coating is in

EXT™ main coat application. Speed of application is

next dry docking, where top up application procedures

the same condition as last survey, another significant

a key advantage as with the original Vessgard™ prod-

can be carried out if required to re – build the high film

cost and time saving for the client. As part of the prod-

uct. Within two hours of spraying the Vessgard EXT

thickness to the original specification. This is the other

uct’s development program CAPPS® are now working

Primer™, the Vessgard EXT™ main coat can then be

key advantage of Vessgard™ protection, the product

on official Class approval for Vessgard™. Certification

applied which is hard dry within fourty minutes.

can be easily re – applied to itself by sweep blasting to

for FDA compliance has been achieved to approve the

The two stages of the system cross link together to

create a key, localised areas of high wear can there-

product for grain and food cargoes. In 2010 CAPPS®

create the same adhesion levels as the original Vess-

fore be addressed at minimal cost comparative to the

launched a new addition to their product range, Vess-

gard™ product and the same cohesive strength and

complete replacement of a conventional paint system.

gard EXT™. This product has been developed on the

elongation flexibility, but at a 250 Micron complete

Top up procedures were carried out to lower trans-

same model of advanced chemical technology and

film. CAPPS® also introduced into this formulation a

verse bulkhead areas of the Yeoman Bridge in 2010,

exclusive application but targeted at alternative areas

new specialist urethane finish developed from the lat-

and the longitudinal bulkheads were also Vessgard™

of vessel protection. CAPPS® began development of

est polymer technology. The Vessgard EXT™ system

applied. The Yeoman Bontrup will see service until

this product in 2007 with the objective to create a lower

has been developed to be applied through the original

2014 which will be eight years since first application.

film build product for exterior surfaces that would dem-

CAPPS® Multi Mix Taskmaster™ equipment systems,

In 2008, the third vessel of the fleet, the Yeoman Bank

onstrate the same unique physical encapsulation of

and new specialist design aspects of the equipment

was treated with the same specification which is now

the substrate, the same physical protective properties

were developed to assist in creating the unique finish

displaying the same performance characteristics and

and therefore the same longevity of protection, but for

that is going to be one of the trade marks of this new

longevity of service. The owners investments have al-

surfaces that are not subjected to continual abrasion.

highly advanced product.

ready been well paid off when considering the econo-

Interest had been shown in achieving the same lon-

Following years of successful cargo hold projects the

mies of scale comparative to their use of conventional

gevity of service for decks, hatch covers and vessel ex-

owners of the vessel Yeoman Bridge took the decision

40 marine coatings

In Service June 2011

to apply the Vessgard EXT™ to all surfaces of the

the specialist Vessgard EXT™ finish is clearly there to

shore sector for some time now and are now making

decks and hatch covers during dry dock at Remon-

stay. The appearance and condition of all surfaces in

significant new steps towards introducing both Vess-

towa in Poland in April 2010. Years of hand applied

service since application are clearly demonstrating the

gard™ and Vessgard EXT™ with a group of key play-

conventional systems had left the decks and hatch

longevity of protection that the Vessgard EXT™ sys-

ers in the offshore rig platform market.

covers in poor condition and a 100% blast and en-

tem is providing. CAPPS® are now building their case

The other important element of CAPPS® international

capsulation with Vessgard EXT™ would restore these

studies and marketing the achievements of the new

development is the establishment of worldwide appli-

surfaces to their original condition at time of new build.

system through their international network, the poten-

cation bases in key dry dock locations. The CAPPS®

The owners of these vessels have a target service life

tial of the Vessgard EXT™ is creating considerable

concept has been to develop working relationships

of fourty years so long term maintenance is a prime

interest from many new market areas. The key aspect

with shipyards to offer their new technology as part of

directive which the Vessgard™ products have clearly

of Vessgard EXT™ is its wide scope of potential. This

integration with the yards, this concept helping to pro-

proven to offer. In September 2010, the Vessgard

product could be applied to the external structures of

vide the client with productive and efficient dry dock-

EXT™ was also applied to the vessel Yeoman Bank,

any vessel, so CAPPS® marketing strategies are now

ing schedules and direct associations for CAPPS® as

so the proven CAPPS® process of case study build-

being targeted at not only bulk carriers but oil tankers,

part of its international network. Lisnave in Portugal

ing was underway again for this new product develop-

chemical tankers, LNG carriers, FPSOs and also off-

and ASRY in Bahrain have been the first yards as


shore platform applications.

part of this network, and the CAPPS® concept is to

The results at time of application were impressive -

CAPPS® have established their international market-

expand this network to achieve the long term vision of

with the steel 100% blasted back to its original profile

ing presence by developing a worldwide network of

worldwide dry dock locations to service the growth of

the appearance of all surfaces was as at time of new

international agent companies which since 2008 have

their client base. CAPPS® has now carried out three

build. CAPPS® have monitored the performance and

been developing the CAPPS® brands and concepts

successful contracts at Remontowa in Poland and

built their case studies as with the original Vessgard™

in key worldwide market areas. The establishment of

have done the groundwork to now be able to offer their

product and it is clear from the results so far that the

this network and considerable levels of international

services in China. They are also currently working on

Vessgard EXT™ demonstrates the same long term

sales activities and exhibition appearances has now

developing relationships with new building yards in

protective properties comparative to conventional

generated a significant new potential client base for

Korea, another key area of the long term future of

systems, but also a clear longevity of aesthetic ap-

both Vessgard™ and now Vessgard EXT™. A particu-

CAPPS®, Vessgard™ and Vessgard EXT™.

pearance. Many glossy conventional paint systems

lar area of new development is in offshore rig platform

dull down after application, but from surveying results

applications, CAPPS® has been marketing to the off-

42 marine coatings

‘After 15 years in service, removal of the residual oil layer reveals the excellent condition of the coating and tanktop beneath’.

Proven 15 year Tank Protection… Intershield®300 leads the way Intershield®300 continues to prove its outstanding

“After 15 years in service the coating is in very good

demonstrate Intershield®300’s proven anticorro-

durability in service, remaining in excellent condition

condition…in fact, better than good. The tanktops

sive performance over 15 years in cargo oil tanks.

after 15 years in the cargo oil tanks of the ‘Samco

are in excellent condition with very few areas of

This follows the first 15 year sea water ballast tank



inspection at special survey of the panamax bulk

The 301,653 dwt crude oil tanker had the upper

International Paint Business Development Manager,

surveyor confirmed Intershield®300 in the double

and lower areas of her cargo oil tanks coated with

Andrew Cass said, “The condition of the cargo oil

bottom tanks to be in “good” condition.

the abrasion resistant, aluminium pure epoxy coat-

tanks was astonishing after 15 years in service.

ing Intershield®300 immediately after delivery in

With the IMO PSPC for Cargo Oil Tanks being in-

The Intershield®300 track record now stands at over

June 1996. At her third special survey and planned

troduced in 2013, this outstanding performance can

12,000 vessels worldwide.

maintenance at Yiu Lian Dockyard (Shekou), China

give vessel owners confidence that when they select

in 2011, nine of her fifteen cargo oil tanks were as-

Intershield®300 as the anticorrosive protection sys-

sessed and the coating condition was rated as excel-

tem for their cargo oil tanks, they are investing in a

lent throughout.

coating that is proven to meet and exceed legislative

carrier ‘Eleranta’ in 2010, when a Lloyd’s Register

requirements. With only minimal repairs, the coating In addition, very little breakdown was observed on

is set to continue protecting the cargo oil tanks for

edges, weld seams, cut-outs and scallops through-

many years to come”.

out the tanks with only a small number of minor, isolated spots of corrosion present. No breakdown

In January 2012, Intershield®300 passed the very

was visible directly above, at or below the cargo load

demanding IMO PSPC Cargo Oil Tank laboratory

lines and the coating was in excellent condition in

tests in accordance with IMO MSC.288 (87) SOLAS

areas surrounding bellmouths and on sharp edges

regulations for cargo oil tankers. In 2008 the product

around cargo wells.

was awarded the first Lloyd’s Register IMO PSPC Type Approval Certificate for sea water ballast tanks.

Mr. François Rascle, Superintendent, V. Ships France SAS, who supervised the drydocking, said,

The ‘Samco Raven’ is the first vessel in service to

“The condition of the cargo oil tanks was astonishing after 15 years in service. With the IMO PSPC for Cargo Oil Tanks being introduced in 2013, this outstanding performance can give vessel owners confidence that when they select Intershield®300 as the anticorrosive protection system for their cargo oil tanks, they are investing in a coating that is proven to meet and exceed legislative requirements. With only minimal repairs, the coating is set to continue protecting the cargo oil tanks for many years to come”. Andrew Cass, International Paint Business Development Manager

44 marine coatings

Corrocoat Hellas is the approved Licensee in Greece for the use of the products and technology of Corrocoat Ltd. Corrocoat specialises in the design, manufacture and application of high performance glass flake composite coating systems, winning the fight against corrosion using innovative mechanical engineering, combined with advanced composite anti-corrosion technology to provide long term protection for both new and old equipment. We manufacture, we supply as well as we apply our glassflake coatings there by giving one-stop solution to our customers. Our coatings are available to protect your critical plant and structures from corrosion attack and help your bottom line through reduced repair, maintenance, replacement and downtime costs. Corrocoat composites can be used to rebuild corroded and worn equipment to provide a repair that is strong and durable. When prevention is better than cure, coating new equipment can provide longer life and better performance. Based in Piraeus, Corrocoat Hellas holds its position in the heart of Greek shipping providing reliable, cost-effective and long term solutions on a wide variety of substrates in-house or on-site when required. Corrocoat products and services provide peace of mind to the world’s most demanding industries including the marine industry. Corrocoat Hellas in the marine industry: Corrocoat materials offer effective protection in areas where contact with seawater or a salt-laden atmosphere greatly reduces equipment life expectancy. Components treated include: pumps, impellers, pipes, valves, heat exchangers, seawater intakes and outflows, filter screens, deck areas, bow-thrust tunnels, marine superstructures, stern frames, ballast tanks, evaporators, fresh water tanks, manifolds, strainers, valve chests, flotation buoys, splash zone steel, sub-sea structures and many more. Pumps & Impellers Our mechanical expertise and re-engineering capabilities combined with our range of high performance glass flake coatings offer the capability of repairing, refurbishing and protecting even the most damaged equipment which in other cases would be considered as scrap. Coated areas can be machined returning coated components to original tolerances. We therefore provide overhaul refurbishing and protection solutions which apart from the protection of the pump casing also consists of coating/rebuilding worn impellers, manufacturing shafts and other components required and pressure testing at a final stage to ensure good performance of the pump. This work can be performed at a fraction of the pump replacement cost and often results in savings of up to 60% of a new pump. Valves We regularly coat new and existing valves to improve their life expectancy or to repair severely corroded components. Valves refurbished by Corrocoat Hellas achieve excellent cost benefits by eliminating the need for modifications to pipe work layouts. This results in a quick turn around and is significantly cheaper than replacing the valve. Tanks Many of Corrocoat’s materials can be sprayed and are commonly used for high performance tank linings. Over the years, the use of Corrocoat coatings on tanks and vessels, has been proven a cost effective solution for the protection of a wide range of tanks operating in aggressive environments for storage, treatment, process, such as, acid pickling tanks, ballast tanks, effluent tanks, fresh water tanks, galvanization tanks, seawater holding tanks, water treatment tanks, inert gas scrubbers and other. Pipework Corrocoat coatings are used to provide long term protection for pipelines thus preventing the need for expensive metallurgical solutions. We have a range of application techniques to suit any project including pipe spinning, spraying, hand application and flooding. We specialize in both internal linings and external coatings. Heat exchangers Applying our glass flake coating system to new metallic surfaces offers a substantial increase in heat exchanger life expectancy. We can carry out repairs to components damaged by corrosion either on site or in our workshop. Our advanced anti-corrosion coatings are used extensively on water boxes, tube sheets and end covers. Furthermore, Corrocoat manufactures nylon tube inserts which are devised to overcome the problems caused by cavitation and turbulence corrosion, often seen on tube plates and in the first few centimeters of condenser and cooler tube banks. Corrocoat corroserts manufactured from erosion resistance nylon provide excellent shock and abrasion resistance. A full range of sizes is available and are designed to be press fitted into standard internal tube dimensions. Whether it's rebuilding and protecting corroded equipment or coating to protect and prevent corrosion on new surfaces it pays to make Corrocoat Hellas your first line of defence in the fight against corrosion. Our extensive range of coatings and composites provide solutions to all forms of corrosion in aggressive operating environments, whether its sea water, chemicals, high temperatures, abrasion etc. Corrocoat has earned its place in the market as a company that can be trusted to carry out work right, first time every time.

46 marine automations Ingenuity on the move

ABB: Cranes with brains

Euromax – The modern automatic container terminal Containerization has been a catalyst in the growth of global trade. One of the ingredients of its success is that it has driven down transportation costs significantly – to the point that shipping accounts for only a small part of the product’s price-tag. To further raise productivity, the ports of the world are seeking to automate handling. In a modern container terminal more than 10,000 boxes are moved every day. Every one of these moves is unique – it has to be performed quickly and to the right destination without interfering with other containers, cranes or vehicles. These moves were previously performed using manually operated equipment – but technology from ABB now facilitates the full automation of these operations. Such a crane typically weighs 1500–2200 tons and

pic. 1

makes 35 to 50 moves per hour. In each move one to four containers are transported between the ship and the dock. STSs are operated semi-automatic with a driver located in a cabin on the trolley about 50m above the quay. The container is automatically loaded on an AGV (automatic guided vehicle) (pic.1b, 3) which takes the container to a storage area (pic.1c). This area is divided into blocks, each covered by two automatic rail-mounted gantry cranes (ARMG) (pic.1d, 3). The container is picked up by one of these and moved to the desired -position in the block – this operation is performed fully automatically. The location of the container in the storage area is

Container handling within an automatic terminal

chosen by the Terminal Operating System (TOS) – an advanced process control system from which the ARMGs receive their work-orders.

The shipping container – which was introduced

many industries. Port operators have been slower to

during the 1960s – has revolutionized shipping

take advantage of automation. The size of the con-

Containers to be forwarded by land are loaded onto

and port operations. Every year the world’s ports

tainers, cranes and terminals as well as around the

road trucks (pic.1e) or onto internal trucks (pic.1f)

handle several hundred million containers, shipping

clock operation in all kinds of weather conditions,

for transport to a railway loading point (pic.1g)

an innumerable variety of products. With the push

present substantial challenges. This has called for

inside the terminal area. All operations of the

for increased productivity and enhanced efficiency,

development of dedicated equipment and control

ARMGs are fully automatic except the handling of

the automated handling of cargo is becoming a


road trucks at the land-side interface, where manual


Today proven automation technology is available

supervision of the movement is a safety require-

The introduction of the shipping container has re-

to reliably handle the machines and conditions

ment due to interaction with the truck driver. From

duced costs and significantly increased the volume

required for efficient and economical operation . . .

when the load reaches a limit a few meters above a

of goods that is being transported by ship. Sea

road truck, until it clears the same level on the way

containers are 8 feet wide and 8,5 or 9,5 feet high.

ABB takes the lead

The most common container lengths are 20 feet

ABB is leading the way in the automation of the

led by an operator in a remote office (pic.4) (one

long – defined as one TEU (twenty feet equivalent

container port industry, resulting in better utilization

supervisor for eight to twelve ARMGs) using four to

unit) and 40 feet (2 TEU). Before the container was

of resources and reduced costs for the ship owner,

six compact cameras located on the crane.

introduced, the on and off-loading process was so

the port operator and, ultimately, the consumer. ABB

slow that ships had to remain in port for weeks at a

has delivered automation and electrical systems

time. Today, a large container ship carrying a total

to a large number of automatic yard cranes and

of 6000–9000 TEUs can typically exchange 4000

ship-to-shore cranes all over the world – thereby


to 5000 TEUs (up to 50,000 tons) in less than 24

becoming the market leader in this segment.

• Berth productivity – how fast is a vessel unloaded

This breakthrough in efficiency has been an impor-

Process flow in Euromax

• Yard-crane productivity

tant factor in the rapid globalization of world trade

The process flow (pic.1) and the types of cranes

• Number of containers handled per yard area

and manufacturing. Transport costs now make up a

used, is basically the same as what is used in CTA.

• Service time for road trucks

very small part of the product’s price-tag.

Containers are unloaded/loaded from the vessel by

• Energy cost per TEU

In recent years, automation has revolutionized

means of a ship-to-shore crane (STS) (pic.1a, 2).

• Labour productivity – how many containers per


back to the container stack, the motion is control-

Port operations The key performance indicators for a container port

and re-loaded.

pic. 3

marine automations 47 pic. 2

With modern ship-to-shore cranes a ship with 40005000 TEU to unload/load can be handled in less than 24 hours

pic. 4

Supervision of automated rail-mounted gantry cranes at CTA Hamburg Automated handling of containers using automatic guided vehicles and automatic rail mounted gantry cranes

pic. 5

ABB automation technology The ABB standardized ARMG and STS crane automation packages are based on fast and accurate measurement of • Load position • Target position • Obstacles positions combined with advanced load control

Load position measurement The Load Positioning System (LPS) (pic.5) consists of a camera equipped with a video processor and an infrared transmitter box mounted on the spreader. The transmitter includes a number of infrared markers, each of which the camera identifies to an accuracy of better than a millimeter. The control system then uses the positions of the markers to calculate the position and orientation of the load relative to the trolley. This information is used as feedback into the position and motion controllers to ensure maximum precision.

The load positioning system uses infrared sensors to identify the precise load position man-year In order to meet these targets, several technical issues had to be resolved: • Design of equipment for the harsh crane environment, enabling reliable operation with minimum maintenance • Handling of large flexible crane structures • Fast and accurate automatic operation • Handling of ground/rail conditions allowing cost efficient civil engineering concepts • Flexibility – handling of various container as well vehicle types • Safe interfacing to manned equipment

Target and obstacle position measurement The TPS (Target Positioning System) uses a high precision laser beam that is directed by a series of controlled mirrors to enable three-dimensional scanning (pic.6). In ARMG applications, one or two of these scanners are mounted on the trolley and used for a

number of tasks within the automatic sequences. During automatic operations within the stack, the TPS is used to locate the exact position and size of the target container, check the clearance to adjacent stacks and verify the positions of the containers as they are stacked. The TPS is also used to generate correction references when moving containers in transfer areas with both automatic and manually driven vehicles. Additionally, the TPS is used to identify positions of obstacles which can influence the path of the hanging load. The LPS and TPS jointly enable the ABB yard cranes to swiftly and with a high reproducibility build stacks of loaded containers of up to 25m in height with a tolerance of just a few cm.

48 marine automations Euromax at a glance

The Target Positioning System is used to locate

The terminal, which has been designed to handle 5,000,000 TEU/y, started operations in 2007-2008 with the following equipment: 12 Double trolley super post panamax ship-to-shore cranes (STS) 4 Barge feeder cranes 58 Automatic rail-mounted gantry cranes (ARMG) 2 Rail-mounted railway cranes (RMRC) over 6 x 750 m tracks

tainer, check the clearance to adjacent stacks

The ABB integrated crane control system includes: Over 300 ACS 800 crane drives 1600 AC motors from 10 to 700 kW Medium voltage switchgear and transformers Low voltage crane distribution AC 800 crane control systems Advanced sensors Terminal wide maintenance and monitoring Cameras and remote operating equipment

algorithms to control the pendulum movements in

The crane equipment was fitted to the cranes at the crane manufacturer’s site and was commissioned at the Euromax terminal.

calculated based on measurements by the TPS.

the exact position and size of the target conand verify the positions of the containers as they are stacked. Load control The ABB load control is based on a software model of the physics of the hanging load. This include trolley, gantry and skew (rotation around the plumb line) directions, which ensue every time a container is lifted and transported (pic.7). With the position feedback from the load position sensor external influences such as wind and asymmetrical loading can also taken into account. Optimum productivity is reached based on: • Short but safe load path By traveling the shortest route, over the landscape of containers, substantial time is saved. The path is • Fast approach to target The model based load sway and position control calculates the optimum approach for the load, with rope lengths of 3–50 meters and with trolley and hoist

The target positioning system uses a precision laser and mirrors to identify with great precision the box to be grabbed


speeds of 300 m/min and 200 m/min respectively. • Positioning without final adjustments The TPS provides continuous measurements of the target position enabling the load control to aim directly at the actual target position.

Integration of information Automatic cranes receive orders from the Terminal Operating System (TOS). The TOS optimizes the yard utilization, while the crane control system finds the optimal transport path and is responsible for collision avoidance. The crane control system manages the interaction with remote crane operators. It also controls safe access for vehicles and staff into the automated area.Large fleets of cranes make it necessary to integrate the terminal wide maintenance and monitoring functions with the logistics and operations information. This provides operations as well as maintenance staff with a complete overview and control of the terminal as well as decision making support.

ABB and ports ABB has developed an automation concept for

pic. 7

container cranes enabling automation to be combined with efficient crane and terminal designs. Modern control theory ensures fast handling. Innovative sensors provide the flexibility needed in practical operation. By providing standardized integrated systems including electrical and drive equipment and automation and terminal wide information management, ABB enables the rapid introduction of automation in new as well as existing terminals. Source: ABB Group Technical Magazine

The automated movement of the trolley must take into account the sway of the container

The article was edited by Mr. George Papakostas ABB SA, BU Marine & Cranes, Process Automation,

I always prefer to restore than to repair. I prefer Original Parts and Original Service.

Fuel is the overwhelming element in the life cycle costs of an engine. Only a 1 % increase in fuel consumption can cost as much as 60,000 dollars on a 10 MW engine operating 6000 hours per year. With their geometrical precision, the excellent strength and surface quality of their high grade materials, Original Parts fitted during Original Service from ABB Turbocharging are designed to restore the efficiency, pressure ratio and dependability of your ABB turbocharger. For your engine this means optimized fuel efficiency, availability, reliability and emissions.

ABB SA Marine & Turbocharging 2, Argyrokastrou & Gounari Str., Rentis Phone: +30 210 42 12 600 E-mail:

50 marine automations

Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης:

34 χρόνια στην υπηρεσία του Ναυτιλιακού αυτοματισμού Η εταιρεία δραστηριοποιείται στον χώρο του Ναυτιλιακού αυτοματισμού από το 1978. Το 1992 ανέπτυξε και εμπορική δραστηριότητα με την επωνυμία ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΣΙΔΙΑΡΗΣ ΕΠΕ. Το 2002 έγινε Ανώνυμη εταιρεία και μεταφέρθηκε σε ιδιόκτητες εγκαταστάσεις στον Πειραιά. Η δραστηριότητα της εταιρείας περιλαμβάνει: Αντιπροσωπεύσεις οίκων εξωτερικού (περίπου 50, από Ευρώπη – Αμερική - Ιαπωνία), πωλήσεις ηλεκτρικών Ο κ. Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης (κέντρο) πρόεδρος της C&A Stavros Kasidiaris S.A, o κ. Πέτρος Κασιδιάρης (δεξιά) διευθύνων σύμβουλος, και ο κ. Στράτος Καρούνιας (αριστερά) γενικός διευθυντής.

και πνευματικών οργάνων και υλικών αυτοματισμού, σχεδίαση κατασκευή και εγκατάσταση ολοκληρωμένων συστημάτων αυτοματισμού, σχεδίαση, κατασκευή και εγκατάσταση ηλεκτρικών πινάκων ισχύος, πωλήσεις και

εγκαταστάσεις συστημάτων ασφαλείας (security), ανάληψη Δημοσίων έργων, διενέργεια πραγματογνωμοσύνης τεχνικών εκθέσεων, αποστολή τεχνικών σε κάθε λιμάνι του κόσμου για εργασίες σε: M.E MANEUVERING SYSTEM, MONITORING SYSTEM, BOILER AUTOMATION, GENERATORS AND POWER CONTROLS, INERT GAS SYSTEM, BALLAST CONTROL PANEL, SMOKE AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS, GAS DETECTION AND PUMP ROOM PROTECTION SYSTEM, TANK LEVEL MEASURING SYSTEMS, WATER INGRESS DETECTION AND DEWATERING. Επίσης η εταιρεία διαθέτει εργαστήριο διακρίβωσης/πιστοποίησης οργάνων μέτρησης πίεσης, θερμοκρασίας, στροφών, ηλεκτρικών μεγεθών και αναλυτών αερίων. Στην εταιρεία απασχολούνται 50 άτομα ως μόνιμο, τεχνικό και επιστημονικό προσωπικό.



Η δημιουργία σχέσεων εμπιστοσύνης και ασφάλειας

Λόγω της ποικιλίας των προϊόντων και

εκπαιδευόμενων σπουδαστών, σε συνεργασία

με τους πελάτες καθώς και η συνεχής εξέλιξη των

δραστηριοτήτων, η εταιρεία συμμετέχει σε αρκετές

με Κέντρα Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης καθώς

υπηρεσιών και προϊόντων είναι προτεραιότητα της

εκθέσεις όπως:

και με Τεχνολογικά Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα,

εταιρείας. Αυτή η πολιτική έχει συμβάλει και στη

-POSIDONIA (Ναυτιλιακή Έκθεση)

δημιουργώντας έτσι φυτώριο νέων επαγγελματιών.

συνεχή διεύρυνση του πελατολογίου της εταιρείας

-DEFENDORY (Έκθεση Αμυντικού Υλικού)

Μέχρι σήμερα έχουν καταρτιστεί περίπου 85

που σήμερα ξεπερνά τους 3.000 ικανοποιημένους

-KLIMATHERM (Αυτοματισμοί – Θέρμανση –

άτομα. Επίσης διοργανώνει τακτικά ενημερωτικά



και εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα και σεμινάρια

Στο πελατολόγιο περιλαμβάνονται το σύνολο

-ELECTROTECH (Ηλεκτρολογικό Υλικό)

που αφορούν προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες προς τους

σχεδόν των Ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών και Ναυπηγείων

της αναλαμβάνοντας την τεχνική κατάρτιση


της χώρας καθώς και μεγάλες Ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες


του εξωτερικού. Ακόμη πελάτες είναι διυλιστήρια,

Η εταιρεία είναι η πρώτη πιστοποιημένη στο χώρο

βιομηχανίες τροφίμων και χημικών, εργοληπτικές

της κατά ISO 9001 από BVQI.

εταιρείες, δημόσιες εταιρείες ΔΕΗ, ΕΥΔΑΠ,

Επίσης είναι πιστοποιημένη για 2η συνεχή χρονιά

Η ανταγωνιστικότητα της εταιρείας είναι προϊόν

Πολεμικό Ναυτικό, Πολεμική Αεροπορία, ΝΑΤΟ και


ενεργειών που την καθιστούν κορυφαία στην

πολλοί Δήμοι της χώρας.


κατάταξη. Η πολιτική της εταιρείας είναι η πλήρης

Ακόμη η εταιρεία είναι αδειοδοτημένη από το

ικανοποίηση των πελατών της και βασίζεται:

Υπουργείο Προστασίας του Πολίτη για την παροχή

• Στην πολύχρονη εμπειρία στον χώρο της ναυτιλίας

Η εταιρεία διαθέτει εργοληπτικά πτυχία και

υπηρεσιών και εξοπλισμού ασφάλειας (security)

• Στον συνδυασμό εμπορικού τεχνικού τμήματος

αναλαμβάνει δημόσια και ιδιωτικά έργα στους τομείς

από το 2002.

• Στο μόνιμο επιστημονικό & τεχνικό προσωπικό

Ηλεκτρομηχανολογικών και Ηλεκτρονικών.

Τα προϊόντα που διαθέτει είναι πιστοποιημένα για

• Στην ολοκληρωμένη παροχή λύσεων σε κάθε

Σημαντικά έργα έχει υλοποιήσει σε ΔΕΗ – ΕΥΔΑΠ

Ναυτιλιακή χρήση.

πρόβλημα αυτοματισμού (ηλεκτρικά, ηλεκτρονικά,

και πολλούς Δήμους και Βιομηχανίες.

Στα πλαίσια των δραστηριοτήτων της, η εταιρεία

πνευματικά, υδραυλικά)

Επίσης η εταιρεία, συμμετέχει μέσω

συμμετέχει στους κάτωθι επαγγελματικούς

• Στην υψηλή υλικοτεχνική υποδομή (εργαστήρια,

υπεργολαβιών, συμπαραγωγών και προγραμμάτων


ειδικά όργανα μέτρησης και ελέγχου, λογισμικά

αντισταθμιστικών οφελών, επιπέδου ΝΑΤΟ, που


σχεδίασης, υπολογισμών)

αφορούν εξοπλισμούς ενόπλων δυνάμεων όπου και


• Στην 24h/7d τεχνική υποστήριξη

έχει αναλάβει σημαντικά έργα.


• Στην αποκλειστική και απευθείας συνεργασία με

Ακόμη, με την εμπειρία που διαθέτει το


μεγάλους οίκους εξωτερικού

εξειδικευμένο επιστημονικό προσωπικό και τον


• Στο μεγάλο στοκ εμπορευμάτων

ειδικό εξοπλισμό σε μετρητικά και καταγραφικά


• Στους μικρούς χρόνους παράδοσης και

όργανα αναλαμβάνει τεχνικές πραγματογνωμοσύνες


• Στα ανταγωνιστικά τιμολόγια

που αφορούν δικαστικές διενέξεις, πρόκληση


ζημιών, αποζημιώσεις, ποιότητα συσκευών και

Τέλος η εταιρεία φροντίζει να μεταδίδει την

εκτέλεσης εργασιών.

γνώση και την συσσωρευμένη εμπειρία



marine automations 51

ΕΡΓΑ Η εταιρεία σε ετήσια βάση επισκευάζει περίπου 250 πλοία σε Ελλάδα και λιμάνια του εξωτερικού. Παραθέτουμε μερικά πρόσφατα έργα: Αναβάθμιση συστημάτων πρόωσης σε 5 πλοία του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού. “Monitoring system” εγκατάσταση σε 85 πλοία “Water ingress detection system” εγκατάσταση σε 230 πλοία Εργαστήριο μετρήσεων

“Fuel leakage detection system” εγκατάσταση σε 580 πλοία “High & Overfill alarm system” εγκατάσταση σε 90 πλοία Αντικατάσταση 13.000 μέτρων καλωδίων σε bulk-carrier Προμήθεια και αντικατάσταση καυστήρων και πινάκων αυτοματισμού των λεβήτων σε 14 tankers Σχεδίαση, κατασκευή και εγκατάσταση main switch board και βοηθητικών πινάκων σε 8 πλοία Αποκατάσταση όλων των Ηλεκτρολογικών – Πνευματικών Συστημάτων σε μηχανοστάσιο πλοίου ψυγείου μετά από εισροή υδάτων Αυτοματισμοί, τηλεέλεγχος τηλεχειρισμός βιολογικού καθαρισμού Ελούντας (Κρήτη) Πίνακες διανομής και αυτοματισμού ΕΥΔΑΠ (118 πίνακες) Πίνακες μεταγωγής και monitoring ΔΕΗ (43 πίνακες) Safety & Security Systems σε 8 πλοία του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού Εγκατάσταση πυρανίχνευσης σε 12 πλοία του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού


Πιστοποίηση διακρίβωση 3000 περίπου οργάνων σε ΔΕΗ


Η δημιουργία σχέσεων εμπιστοσύνης και ασφάλειας με τους πελάτες καθώς και η συνεχής εξέλιξη των υπηρεσιών και προϊόντων είναι προτεραιότητα της εταιρείας. Αυτή η πολιτική έχει συμβάλει και στη συνεχή διεύρυνση του πελατολογίου της εταιρείας που σήμερα ξεπερνά τους 3.000 ικανοποιημένους πελάτες.

52 shipping news

Norsafe signed prestige-contract with Samsung Heavy Industries Norsafe signed the prestige-contract with Samsung Heavy Industries in South-Korea for delivery of large free fall lifeboats and davit arrangements for the world’s biggest floating offshore installation. Including this contract, the Norsafe Group has secured more than 30 offshore free fall lifeboat systems in their order book. The Shell FLNG facility itself will be 488 metres long and 74 metres wide. Fully loaded it will weigh around 600,000 tons. Prelude Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) is the complete project name, where Shell is 100% owner and Operator. Prelude is an offshore gas field situated 475 km north east of the city Broome, Western Australia. FLNG technology is an important development for the LNG industry. It reduces both the project costs and the environmental footprint of an LNG development by removing the need for long pipelines to shore, compression platforms to transfer the gas to shore, and large land-based processing installations. With FLNG technology, the gas is processed at the field, where ocean-going LNG carriers will offload liquefied gas (chilled to minus 162° Celsius and reduced in volume by 600 times) directly from the installation at sea for delivery to markets worldwide. The FLNG installation has been designed to withstand severe weather conditions, even a Category 5 cyclone. The GES50 free fall lifeboats from Norsafe are selected from many international bidders. This reward represents a strong acknowledgement of Norsafe’s position as the world leader in design and manufacturing of Life Saving Appliances for ships and offshore installations. The lifeboats for Shell FLNG have a capacity of 70 persons each and are certified for a drop height of 40 metres. Free fall lifeboats offer the crew the safest evacuation of the installation in an emergency situation. Norsafe order book reached 1 billion Norwegian kroner in 2011 and provides a strong commercial foundation for further development of the company, its products and its customer services. With Norsafe’s strong economical solidity as a foundation, the market is secured the best products for the future. The Norsafe Group, with company headquarter at Tromøy near Arendal (Norway), has more than 700 employees. The company is running a world-wide business with production, sale, delivery and service of Life Saving Appliances for shipping and offshore industry. The global organization has manufacturing and service companies in Norway, China, Greece, Mexico, Singapore, South-Korea, USA, Japan, Brazil and the Netherlands. Furthermore the organization includes more than 35 service stations spread over all continents. The Norsafe Group is continuously growing, and new subsidiaries and service stations are under planning and establishment. For further information, please visit our homepage: and

54 ISSUE 2 • MARCH 2012

Posidonia 2012 the gateway to Greek Shipbuilding orders Amid the tight ship financing conditions, the recession of the freight markets and the threat of over tonnage in the main conventional vessel segments, the newbuilding interest has not faded. Golden Destiny’s Annual Newbuilding Report shows that Greeks continue to place orders with bulk carriers holding the lion share of their newbuilding appetite, 62% of the total number of orders placed in the first three months of the year.


reliminary statistics data show that Greek owners, before the end of the first quarter of the year, have spent about $1 billion for 21 newbuilding contracts, 13 bulk carriers, 6 tankers and 2 gas tankers. Overall, Greek newbuilding activity represents 7.4% of the total number of orders placed in January-March 2012, in contrast with Chinese players holding 5.3% for 15 orders in total.

Bulk carriers and tankers have attracted most of their interest with 11 bulk carriers and 15 tankers reported to have gone to Greek hands, during the first three months of the year, for about $533 mil, since the appealing low asset prices grab the investors’ interest. Greek owners are estimated to hold 14.4% of the total S&P activity in contrast with a 7.2% share of Chinese. Overall, 221 vessels reported to have changed hands for January-March period at a total invested capital of more than $2,1 bn with bulk carriers and tankers holding 58% share of the total S&P activity. Containers and liners follow with a 14% and 12% share respectively, while Greek buyers are showing no appetite for such vessel types.

Greek investors’ interest for the construction of newbuilding units remain intense in the bulk carrier segment, despite the fragile sentiment of dry market in the first quarter of the year, as the BDI hovered below the psychological barrier of 1,000 points. However, foreign owners appear to be keener in the placement of more specialized units, LNG and offshore, which seem to be OVERALL NEWBUILDING ACTIVITY 2012 the healthiest segments in terms of growth opportuniJANUARY - MARCH 2012 (20/3/2012) ties for trade and vessel earnings. Offshore support vesVessel Type No. of Units DWT Ordered Invested Capital ($)(*) Bulkcarriers 77 6.023.650 1.177.400.000 sels attracted 36% share of the total newbuilding activTankers* 49 3.538.200 1.618.399.998 ity versus 27% for bulk carriers and 17% for tankers. Gas Tankers 23 1.049.400 During the first three months, January-March, owners have spent more than $15,6 billion for 283 newbuilding contracts, with the gas tanker segment being still in the spotlight from last year’s record activity and containers being out of the newbuilding scene. Currently, new fuel efficient designs seem to be the key for shipyards winning some fresh orders in the already oversupplied segments, mainly bulk carriers and tankers. Overall, Greek newbuilding activity showed strong volumes of business from the beginning of 2010 till the first three quarters of 2011, with the placement of 250 orders in 2010 and 182 in 2011. The LNG segment attracted their interest from 2011 with the placement of 24 orders in contrast with only 2 orders during 2010. Bulk carriers are still attracting most of their interest, 77 units ordered in 2011, with 2010 being the record year, 160 bulk carriers had been ordered from 28 in 2009. Apart from LNG units, intense newbuilding interest emerged also for boxship units with 46 contracts in 2011, from 17 in 2010. In the secondhand market, the buying interest of Greek owners is more intense than for newbuilt units, with 32 purchases at a total invested capital of region $612 mil.

Liners** 16 Containers 8 Reefers 0 Passenger/Cruise 8 Ro - Ro ***** 1 Car Carrier 0 Combined *** 0 Special Projects**** 101 283 TOTAL

267.300 265.000 0 0 6.000 0 0 258.960 11.408.510

152.000.000 127.000.000 0 46.000.000 0 0 0 10.326.500.000 15.627.299.998


P&C(**) 40 18 9 10 3 0 7 1 0 0 60 148

January-March 2011: 364 units ordered at a total invested capital $28,6 bn, undisclosed contract price for 131 newbuilding deals

Vessel Type No. of Units DWT Ordered Invested Capital ($)(*) P&C(**) Bulkcarriers 13 982.300 393.000.000 1 Tankers* 6 413.000 264.000.000 0 Gas Tankers 2 147.840 400.000.000 0 Liners** 0 0 0 0 Containers 0 0 0 0 Reefers 0 0 0 0 Passenger/Cruise 0 0 0 0 Ro - Ro ***** 0 0 0 0 Car Carrier 0 0 0 0 Combined *** 0 0 0 0 Special Projects**** 0 0 0 0 21 1.543.140 1 TOTAL January-March 2011: 30 units ordered at a total invested capital more than $1,016 bn, undisclosed contract price for 18 newbuilding deals



JANUARY - MARCH 2012 (20/3/2012)

JANUARY - MARCH 2012 (20/3/2012)

Vessel Type No. of Units Bulkcarriers 67 Tankers 62 Gas Tankers 9 Liners 26 Containers 31 Reefers 0 Passenger/Cruise 2 Ro - Ro 10 Car Carrier 0 Combined 0 Special Projects 14 221 TOTAL

DWT Sold 3.141.015 3.206.768 147.463 190.163 653.438 0 1.465 40.088 0 0 31.855 7.412.255

Invested Capital ($) P&C(**) 663.455.840 8 903.400.000 6 182.000.000 1 25.350.000 14 238.180.000 5 0 0 2.275.000 0 9.100.000 8 0 0 0 0 71.500.000 22 64

January-March 2011: 292 S&P deals at a total invested capital more than $5,1 bn, 48 deals reported at an undisclosed contract price

Vessel Type No. of Units Bulkcarriers 11 Tankers 15 Gas Tankers 1 Liners 2 Containers 3 Reefers 0 Passenger/Cruise 0 Ro - Ro 0 Car Carrier 0 Combined 0 Special Projects 0 32 TOTAL

DWT Sold 1.192.858 1.139.991 12.178 12.291 161.026 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.518.344

Invested Capital ($) P&C(**) 296.500.000 0 236.100.000 1 6.000.000 0 4.080.000 0 69.000.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 611.680.000 2

January-March 2011: 37 S&P deals at a total invested capital $829,7 m, 2 deals reported at an undisclosed contract price

Key: (*) Incl. Crude Oil, Clean & Dirty Products, Chemical, Asphalt & Veg. Oil, (**) incl. LPG, LNG, (***) incl. Multi-purpose and Tweendeckers, (*****) incl. Bulk-Ore, Ore-Oil and Bulk-Oil carriers, (*****) incl. Ro-Ro Cargo, Ro-Ro Passenger, (******) incl. Oil & Drilling Rigs, Tugs, Livestock, Trawlers, Cable/Exploration/Navy/Support Vessels Key: * The total invested capital does not include deals reported with undisclosed contract price, ** Deals reported as private and confidential (not revealed contract price)


6th Posidonia Cup Yacht Race On Friday, 1st June 2012, the Posidonia Cup Yacht Race will mark the start of the largest gathering of the international shipping community, the Posidonia 2012 International Shipping Exhibition.


nce again, Faliron Bay will see a fleet of sailing yachts, which will compete for the Posidonia Cup in four categories: Performance, Standard, I.R.C. and Classic yachts. The Posidonia Cup is expected to attract more than 50 yachts, claiming its place as one of the biggest sailing events in the Aegean. All members of the international shipping community are invited to enter the race, either with their own private yacht or with those provided by the co-organisers of the race, the Hellenic Offshore Racing Club (HORC). The 6th Posidonia Cup will conclude with the high-profile award ceremony at the “Ble Pavillion” on Friday evening, where the winners will be presented with the coveted Posidonia Cup trophies while all participants will have a chance to reinforce old and establish new friendships with shipping professionals from around the world. The list of confirmed entries for the 6th Posidonia Cup yacht race includes: • • • • •

Technomar Shipping Inc. Bureau Veritas Det Norske Veritas Wartsila Greece S.A. BLRT Grupp

• Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers (SNAME) • • • • • • • • •

Tradewinds Deloitte Anangel Maritime Services Inc. Maran Tankers Management Inc. Maran Gas Maritime Inc. DMI (DMI Diesel Offshore) PricewaterhouseCoopers Paragon Shipping Inc. ABS Europe Ltd.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

GasLog LNG Sevices Ltd. Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Greek Branch V. Ships Greece Ltd. Howe Robinson Shipbrokers BUDD Group Optima Shipbrokers Stephenson Harwood Danaos Shipping Co Ltd HSBC Bank plc. A. Hilios Ltd. Lukoil Marine Lubricants MAN Diesel & Turbo Hellas Gulf Marine Management Skuld Cargotec Lloyd’s Register

If you wish to participate in the 6th Posidonia Cup Yacht Race or for more info please visit:

The 2012 Posidonia Cup is sponsored by:

3rd Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament The Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament will once more be the sporting event where the Greek shipping community welcomes the international shipping community on the football field!


n one day exciting event where new friendships are forged and numerous networking opportunities are created. The 5x5 soccer tournament will take place on Sunday 3 June 2012, at the prestigious Karaiskaki Stadium, home to the UEFA Champions League matches of Olympiakos F.C. and will be organised in association with the Filathlitiki Naftiliaki Enosi (FNE), the organiser of the Greek Shipsoccer Championship, where all major Greek shipping companies participate. The tournament will host 24 teams fielded by the international shipping community, which will compete for the prestigious Posidonia Shipsoccer Trophy in 4 groups of 6 teams each. The games will start at 17:30 and the award reception will take place after the final approximately at 22:00, at the Karaiskaki Reception Hall.

For Sponsorship opportunities please contact:

Already confirmed Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament 2012 participations include: • Lomar Shipping Limited • Bureau Veritas • Ernst & Young • Eurobulk Ltd. • Euronav Ship Management Hellas • Lyras Maritime

• Remi Maritime Corporation/ NOA • Deloitte • Arista Shipping S.A. • American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) • Maran Tankers Management and Maran Gas

• Golden Union Shipping Co. • Marichem – Marigases • Waveblue • Intermodal Shipbrokers Co. • Hellenic Lloyd’s/ Lloyd’s Register • Diamantis Pateras Maritime Ltd.

• Tsavliris Salvage Group • International Paint Hellas S.A. • Capital Ship Management Corp. • Japan Marine Equipment Association (JSMEA) • Environmental Protection Engineering S.A. • Minerva Marine Inc.


Conferences and Seminars at Posidonia 2012 Shipowners Forum Opens Conference Agenda


he TradeWinds Shipowners Forum kick-starts the busy Posidonia 2012 conference schedule on June 5 at the Metropolitan Expo Centre. The Forum will draw on the current power brokers in shipping and seek to discover the strategies that have kept their businesses thriving during the current market volatility.

An interesting feature of the Forum is that organisers have announced they are to canvass the views of TradeWinds readers via a poll as to the most pressing issues in shipping. “Posidonia is always a great celebration of shipping, but this year in particular everyone will be eager to learn how to survive and prosper in such tough

times,” said Julian Bray, Editor-in-Chief, TradeWinds, co-organisers of the event with NHST Events. “The TradeWinds Shipowners Forum will set the intellectual agenda for the entire week and attendees can expect a stimulating and inspiring start to Posidonia,” added Jon Chaplin, Managing Director, NHST.

All About Green Shipping


conference on environmental policies and their impact on ship design and operation will take place on Wednesday 6 June at the Posidonia Seminar Room. Organised by HELMEPA, the conference will include topics such as an overview of environmental regulations and their impact on shipping, the economics of slow steaming, regulatory framework for LNG fueled large cargo vessels, IMO guidelines and their effect on ship design parameters and the Energy Efficiency Operation Index (EEOI) and shipowners response. Confirmed speakers of the HELMEPA conference include Tor Svensen, DNV Chief Operating Officer, Prof. H. Psaraftis of the National Technical University of Athens, Tom Kirk, Vice – President of the American Bureau of Shipping, D. Vastarouhas, Deputy COO of Danaos Corporation and executives of Samsung and Hyundai, amongst others.

Building for the future


ollowing the success of the first “Shipbuilding Conference: Building for the Future” in spring 2011, Newsfront/Naftiliaki, with the support of Greece’s Marine Technical Managers Association (MARTECMA), are organising the second event at Posidonia 2012. The main issue to be addressed will be “Meeting the challenges of efficient and ecofriendly ship design, construction and operation”. The programme will also include presentations by representatives of charterers (both dry and wet), oil majors and national refineries. They will explain how, according to their view, new technologies could improve efficiency and enhance profitability. The 2012 day-long conference will take place inside the Posidonia venue, the Metropolitan Expo, on Thursday, June 7, 2012.

A Cruise Update at Posidonia 2012

Are you ready for the new N avigating through ECDIS regulations? turbulent times



ollowing rapid developments in Greece regarding the country’s cruise policies and infrastructure, a Cruise Update Seminar will take place within the framework of Posidonia 2012. The Cruise Update will evaluate what progress and policy improvements have taken place in Greece since the inaugural Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum of June 2011. In addition, a promising new trend for cruise home porting in regional Greek ports, such as Heraklion, Rhodes and Corfu will be examined, as well as port privatization as a vehicle for attracting cruise industry investments. Greece is currently in the process of streamlining its legislation and procedures with regard to private sector involvement in port infrastructure projects, some of which have already been announced. The Cruise Update will take place on Wednesday 6 June, during Posidonia 2012, within the Posidonia venue. To register visit

he Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS), designed to significantly improve safety at sea, is the reason behind the Admiralty Digital Integration Workshop. Captain Paul Hailwood, Master Mariner, a renowned expert on ECDIS and integrated bridge operations said: “Do you want to discuss the best way to start to implement digital navigation? The revised SOLAS regulations requiring the carriage of ECDIS on most large ships are a significant landmark in changing the way ships navigate. With the regulations effective on a rolling timetable from July 2012, shipping companies and crews must be ready to meet the new requirements if they are to remain SOLAS compliant. Admiralty’s series of workshops will explain the transition process in nine clear stages to help you plan to integrate digital navigation into your fleet”. You may pre-register on for a place on any of the following available dates: Tuesday 5th June, Thursday 7th June and Friday 8th June, 11:00 – 13:00 and Wednesday 6th June, 16:00 – 18:00.


rganised by the European Institute of Shipping and Transport (Eu.I.S.T.), the Department of Maritime Studies of the University of Piraeus, the Greek Marketing Academy (ELAM) and OAKLAND Consulting (UK), with the co-operation of Lloyd’s Register, the 2nd International Forum on Shipping Management and Marketing will attempt to bridge the divide between academia and practice by introducing professionals to two rather heretical fields in shipping: those of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Market Orientation. The FORUM aims to provide the platform where shipping professionals and academics from different areas will exchange views and share experiences relating to the application of total quality and marketing concepts and techniques to shipping companies.

Programme of Conferences & Seminars at Posidonia 2012 Event




Contact Organiser

Det Norske Veritas

Press Conference

Posidonia Seminar Room





Tradewinds Shipowners Forum

Posidonia Conference Hall




Germanischer Lloyd

Press Conference

Posidonia Seminar Room




U.S. Embassy

Conference: Maritime Anti-Piracy Solutions and Technology

Posidonia Seminar Room




Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Conference: Bunker Fuels in the era of Clean Shipping

Posidonia Seminar Room





HELMEPA Conference on State of the Art in Environmental Ship Design and Operation

Posidonia Seminar Room

Wednesday 6/6/2012


National Technical University of Athens

Press Conference

Posidonia Meeting Room

Wednesday 6/6/2012


Posidonia Exhibitions

Cruise Update at Posidonia 2012 Seminar

Posidonia Conference Hall

Wednesday 6/6/2012


RINA Hellas


Posidonia Seminar Room

Wednesday 6/6/2012


VAF Instruments/ CROSS Technical Services

Optical Torque Measuring Systems - Continuous power and consumption management including specific fuel oil consumption applications

Posidonia Seminar Room

Wednesday 6/6/2012



Seminar: Environmental Issues and Compliance in the United States

Posidonia Seminar Room




Newsfront/Naftiliaki & Greece’s Marine Technical Managers Association (MARTECMA)

The 2012 Shipbuilding Conference: Building for the Future

Posidonia Conference Hall




MINOAS Project

MINOAS Project Final Seminar

Posidonia Seminar Room




UK Ship Register

Seminar: The advantages of a quality Flag

Posidonia Seminar Room





Are you ready for the new ECDIS regulations? An Admiralty Digital Integral Workshop

Posidonia Meeting Room

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5/6/2012 6/6/2012 7/6/2012 8/6/2012

11:00-13:00 16:00-18:00 11:00-13:00 11:00-13:00

Posidonia Conference Hall




European Institute of Shipping Second International Forum & Transport, the Dept. of Maritime on Shipping Management Studies of the University of Piraeus, and Marketing (II IFOSMA) the Greek Marketing Academy (ELAM) & OAKLAND Consulting (UK) & the co-operation of Lloyd’s Register

Have you made your travel arrangements yet? Whether you are exhibiting at Posidonia 2012 or visiting the world’s renowned exhibition, you can save time and effort making your travel arrangements, hotel accommodation, ticketing etc. through Travel Plan Greece, the Official Travel Agent for Posidonia 2012. Its experienced team of professionals are responsible for services such as

hotel and ticket bookings, but also VIP service arrangements, visits to archaeological sites, tours & excursions, cruise arrangements, car rental services, air/boat tickets’ bookings & accommodation all over Greece, transfers and anything else you may need for making the most of your experience in Greece this summer!

Please contact: TRAVEL PLAN Congress & Events Division Switchboard: +30 210 3333300 Direct Lines: +30 210 3333358, 210 3333361 Fax: +30 210 3333391 Cell phone: +30 6974850641

Official Travel Agent for Posidonia 2012

Contact: Mrs. A. Koulouri, Congress & Events Division Manager E-mail:; Website: Reservations coordinators: Contacts: Mrs. Fani Spyrou & Mrs. Kelly Laiou E-mail:



Posidonia Exhibitions S.A. Tel. +30 210 428 3608, Fax + 30 210 428 3610 E-mail:

International sales except those territories listed on the right:

For China including Hong Kong and Taiwan:

For the United States of America and Canada:

Seatrade Communications Ltd, UK Tel. +44 1206 545121, Fax +44 1206 545190 E-mail: Contact: Mrs. Marie Witts, Mr. Chris Adams

UBM Asia Ltd, Hong Kong Tel.+852 2827 6211,Fax +852 3749 7347 E-mail: Contact: Mrs. Stella Fung

UBM Live, USA Tel.+1 609 759 4710, Fax + 1 609 759 4774 E-mail: Contact: Mrs. Barbara Downey

■ For Press Information contact: Corporate Communications Per Se, Tel. +30 210 9604200, Fax +30 210 9649013, E-mail: Contact: Mrs. Stavi Spanou

The Posidonia 2012 Press Office is sponsored by:

58 shipping news LNG-Powered OSVs

LPG Carriers: Technical

ABS Issues AIP for

Set for Gulf of Mexico

& Operational Overview

New Semisubmersible ABS provided design review services and has issued an approval in principle (AIP) for Technip’s newly developed heave and vortex-induced motion (VIM) suppressed (HVS) semisubmersible design, which seeks to significantly improve hull motions. ABS Managing Principal Stability Engineer Manu Battina, who lead the ABS design re-

ABS will class four new dual fueled LNG-powered

The ABS Academy in Houston recently hosted a

offshore supply vessels (OSVs) for Harvey Gulf In-

two-day training course, LPG Carriers: Technical

ternational Marine. The vessels, currently under

and Operational Overview. The course provided an

construction at Trinity Offshore LLC, will be among

overview of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cargo and

the first to be classed under the ABS Guide for Pro-

LPG carriers to members of the US Coast Guard.

pulsion and Auxiliary Systems for Gas Fueled Ships,

The course encompassed hull design and construc-

released in May 2011.

tion, fire safety, cargo handling systems, cargo han-

The LNG-powered OSVs will introduce an innovative

dling operations, ship shore interface and personnel

environmental solution to the Gulf of Mexico. “This is

health and safety.

likely to be the beginning of a trend for OSVs in the

Understanding the properties of LPG is important for

region,” says Kirsi Tikka, ABS Chief Engineer and

proper handling, stowage and transportation. The

head of ABS’ environmental business activities. “The

ABS Guide for Building and Classing Liquefied Gas

availability of LNG and the implementation of the US

Carriers with Independent Tanks provides compre-

Emission Control Area (ECA) beginning in August

hensive requirements for gas carrier structural de-

2012 make LNG a natural choice for fuel both from

sign and analysis.

the commercial and environmental point of view.”

view team, says the HVS concept with its focus on reduced heave and VIM further extends the capabilities of a semisubmersible using steel catenary risers, particularly when operating in hostile environments. Technip’s design incorporates blisters constructed with sharp corners attached to the base of the columns to alleviate the motion challenges found in traditional semisubmersibles. The blisters are designed to break the vortex shedding coherence along the column length, which results in suppressed VIM performance. The blisters also bring added stability, both at quayside and during ballasting operations. The HVS features a caisson-based ballasting system that eliminates the need for pump rooms and sea chest openings in the lower hull. Since each quadrant has independent filling and discharging lines, the risk of cross flooding through the ballasting system is mitigated.

ABS to Class Arctic

Danaos Corporation

Danaos Corporation

Containment System

Adds the Largest

Adds One More 13,100

ABS will class the first-of-its-kind Arctic Contain-

Newbuilding to its

TEU containership to


its Fleet

ment System (ACS), slated for deployment in June 2012 to serve all exploration activities in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas offshore Alaska. The non selfpropelled ice-strengthened barge will be converted to a floating offshore installation and will feature a

Danaos Corporation (NYSE: DAC), a leading inter-

Danaos Corporation (NYSE: DAC), a leading inter-

modular oil containment system installed on its deck.

national owner of containerships, announced that on

national owner of containerships, announced that on

The dedicated barge will remain unmanned and on

February 16, 2012, it took delivery of its largest ves-

March 8, 2012, it took delivery of one more newly

standby until deployed. Then, assisted by a tugboat,

sel in the fleet , the HYUNDAI TOGETHER, expand-

built containership, the HYUNDAI TENACITY, ex-

its trained crew will be able to respond to an oil spill

ing its operational fleet to a total of 60 containerships

panding its operational fleet to a total of 62 contain-

incident in the exploration areas in a matter of days.

aggregating 304,249 TEU.

erships aggregating 325,879 TEU.

the area later this year and has contracted with Su-

The HYUNDAI TOGETHER, built at Hyundai Samho

The HYUNDAI TENACITY, built at Hyundai Samho

perior Energy, the operator of the ACS, for the con-

Heavy Industries Co. Ltd, has a carrying capacity of

Heavy Industries Co. Ltd, has a carrying capacity of

tainment system to be available during the summer

13,100 TEU, is 366 meters long, 48.2 meters wide

13,100 TEU, is 366 meters long, 48.2 meters wide

drilling season. The containment system would be

and has a speed of 24.70 knots. The HYUNDAI TO-

and has a speed of 24.70 knots. The HYUNDAI TE-

able to mitigate spillage in the time it takes to drill an

GETHER has commenced its 12-year time charter at

NACITY has commenced its 12-year time charter at

intervention well.

a fixed charter rate immediately upon delivery.

a fixed charter rate immediately upon delivery.

Shell has plans to drill up to six exploration wells in


Reliability and wide range

of electrical equipment

5 Sfactirias str., 185 45 Piraeus, Greece T: +30 210 4137362, +30 210 4124660-1 F: +30 210 4125061 E: http:

60 class news DNV supports Sustainia initiative

International initiative gathers prominent sustainability leaders to build world’s first realistic model of a sustainable future. The initiative, known as Sustania, is an alliance of thought leaders, companies and organisations who have come together to develop a model which will help people to envisage a sustainable future using low-carbon resources. Launched in Geneva yesterday, the initiative is headed by former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, along with European Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard, Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Gro Harlem Brundtland, special envoy on climate change to the UN. The initiative aims to take new and developing solutions and technologies used in cities, homes, energy stations and transportation systems, and create visual representations that will allow people to imagine what a sustainable, environmentally friendly world would be like. In addition to creating a virtual model, and publishing a book ‘Guide to Sustania’, the developers, Monday

“The Sustainia initiative and the awards will recognize innovative people and technologies that can help our campaign to make communities healthier, wealthier, and more sustainable for generations to come”- former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Founding Chair of R20 – Regions of Climate Action.

Morning and a consortium of companies and partners, will arrange the Sustainia Award later this year to honor outstanding performance within sustainability. “The Sustainia initiative and the awards will recognize innovative people and technologies that can help our campaign to make communities healthier, wealthier, and more sustainable for generations to come,” said Arnold Schwarzenegger, speaking at the conference ‘Road to Rio: Regions building the green economy’.

EU Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard, added: ”To get things to the speed and scale we need, it is crucial that sustainable living and business models move from the margins to the mainstream. One of our greatest challenges as leaders is to connect with people and communities around the world and Sustainia is a way of doing this. Sustainia can help people get a clear picture of what their lives could be in a sustainable future - and how it will improve our health, our environment, our economy.” Speaking on the sidelines of the conference, DNV Group CEO Henrik O. Madsen said: “DNV is pleased to be a partner in this important initiative. Sustainia demonstrates that a sustainable future is possible if we implement ready and available solutions and technologies. Based on a solid platform of research, know how, analysis and experience, Sustainia is an inspiring initiative. We firmly believe it will help to motivate people and decision-makers to see the benefits gained from embarking on a sustainable path.” A handful of Scandinavian companies, DNV, DONG Energy, Realdania, Novo Nordisk among them, other partners, the UN Global Compact and Schwarzenegger’s R20: Regions of Climate Action initiative will work together to develop new aspects of Sustainia. It will be presented to world leaders in June this year, at the Rio+20 Summit in Brazil. Author: Stuart Brewer

100 years of diesel ships

This month marks the 100th anniversary of MS Selandia, which embarked on its maiden voyage from Copenhagen to Bangkok on 22nd February 1912. She was a cargo ship dedicated for a route between Scandinavia, Genoa, and Bangkok. And as she was built in times when great glory was associated with shipping, she had luxurious cabins for 20 first class passengers. What was special about MS Selandia was that she

was the first diesel powered ship,

shipping sectors, inland waterways in the US for ex-

being propelled by two eight-sylin-

ample, and from what I hear there might actually still

der diesel engines and twin screw

be one or two coal fired steam ships out there.

propellers. Compared to the coal

The steam turbines on the other hand, have certainly

fired steam plant the ships of her

outlived the coal fired boilers, and have been in use

time used, the diesel engine of-

to this day, particularly on gas tankers. Today, the

fered huge benefits:

steam turbines might see something of renaissance

- Much longer sailing distance

as they may offer high efficiency and much reduced

- Much less soot and heavy emis-

maintenance when natural gas is used as fuel.


Apropos natural gas and LNG – is it just me? or do

- Much cleaner engine rooms and

you see some parallells here? The first LNG fuelled

better working conditions for the

ship, Glutra, was launched in 2001, and offers much


the same benefits over diesel as diesel offered over

- Better economics (they say this,

coal a hundred years ago, except the longer sailing

but I dont know the details of oil and coal prices of

distance. In other words, we are already 11 years

that time)

into the transition from diesel to LNG.

Looking back, it is hardly surprising that this superi-

MS Selandia is being tributed with three floors of

our performance would motivate a transition of the

exhibition at the Diesel House in Copenhagen. We’ll

entire shipping industry towards diesel. But shipping

see if the next 29 years won’t send another 60 000

is slow to move and it took about 40 years before

diesel fuelled ships to the museums.

the last coal fired ship in international trade was scrapped. But there are some domestic areas in the world that hasnt seen much development in their

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Please visit us at Posidonia 2012, stand no. 4.115.

62 class news FutureShip appoints

GL’s FutureShip cooperates with Marorka

head of new Singapore office FutureShip, the maritime consultancy subsidiary of classification society Germanischer Lloyd (GL), has appointed Khorshed Alam to head its newly established office in Singapore. “We are seeing greatly increasing demand for our energy efficiency enhancing solutions, such as ECO Solutions and ECO-Assistant. This new operation, under the leadership of Mr. Alam, will give our clients in Singapore and the surrounding countries a local point of contact and much more convenient access to our services,” said Mr. Lukasz Luwanski, Area Manager South Asia / Oceania of GL Maritime Services. Prior to joining FutureShip, Mr. Alam worked at APL/ NOL for thirty years, holding most recently the post of Director of Engineering, Energy Management, Environment and Research Development. As an expert in energy efficiency, he has a profound understanding of ship owners’ and operators’ need for energy optimisation. During his time at APL he was involved in many state-of-the-art environmental projects, including NOx reduction, exhaust gas scrubber installations, and ballast water treatment systems. Additionally, he coordinated many R&D projects involving both Singaporean and overseas scientists and researchers. Mr. Alam has also authored many technical papers on a variety of efficiency and environmental topics and is a well-known speaker at maritime events. “Khorshed’s extensive experience, technical expertise and local knowledge will be invaluable for us in getting closer to our clients; allowing us to better identify the services and products they require and respond more quickly to their needs,” Mr. Luwanski pointed out. Singapore already encourages ship owners to operate green ships and to improve the energy efficiency of their existing ships through the adoption of green technology and advanced operating software. In 2011 the Singapore port authority introduced the Green Ship Programme for Singaporean flagged ships, which saw vessels which exceeded the requirements of the IMO’s EEDI (energy efficiency design index) receive significant reductions in fees and tax payments. “I am confident that as recognition of the benefits of greater energy efficiency continue to grow, not only among ship owners and operators but legislators, FutureShip can play a vital role by providing the expertise and systems needed to realise these goals,” added Mr. Luwanski. Launched in 2009, FutureShip is focused on enhancing ships’ fuel efficiency both in their design and operation. With a fast growing team of around 100 experts it is helping ship owners, shipyards and designers in Europe, Asia and around the world to improve fuel efficiency, minimise environmental impacts, and increase profitability.

A cooperation between two leading energy efficiency improvers yields new potential to reduce emissions for shipowners around the world. At a press conference in Singapore, FutureShip announced its cooperation with Iceland-based Marorka. Together, the two companies will integrate each other’s product portfolios in the field of fuel efficiency, energy management and related consulting. The announcement was made on the occasion of FutureShip’s opening of an office in Singapore. “Energy efficiency gains ever-more importance in the maritime industry”, said Khorshed Alam, Vice President FutureShip South Asia/Oceania. The company specializes in energy efficiency consulting. “This cooperation will give us the opportunity to even better serve the need to monitor ship performance, raise energy efficiency awareness onboard and onshore, and enable shipowners to seamlessly manage the energy performance of their entire fleets.” Khorshed Alam heads the FutureShip operations in Singapore. By the end of the year the team will be four consultants. “We are very excited that via this cooperation with FutureShip we will be able to serve the shipping industry with our long experience and advanced energy management products on a significantly broader scale”, said Dr. Jón Ágúst Thorsteinsson, Managing Director of Marorka. The company was founded in Reykjavik and offers onboard and onshore Energy Management solutions equipped with real time monitoring and decision support, an essential part of operational optimization.

Increasing fuel efficiency Trim is one of the central drivers of energy efficiency in ship operation. FutureShip’s “ECO-Assistant”, a stand-alone software application delivers the optimum trim angle for a specific ship when provided with a few simple operational parameters. Sold to more than 200 ships already, the tool regularly achieves efficiency improvements of up to 5 %. FutureShip, a GL company, also offers technical and management support from conceptual design to ship operations with special focus on energy efficiency. Alongside its own solutions, FutureShip will now offer selected Marorka hardware and software products. The stand-alone “Ship Performance Monitoring System” calculates fuel efficiency based on fuel consumption, GPS and log speed, propeller power and main engine RPM. It displays performance values and trends on a touch panel computer, which collects measurement data, creates real time performance analyses, and records historical performance data that can also be sent to shore for further analysis with “Marorka Online”.

Combining FutureShip and Marorka Products As an advanced alternative to basic performance monitoring, the Marorka Maren Operating Platform (OP3) will be offered. This product can be connected to all of the relevant onboard systems for extensive data collection from propulsion, navigation, machinery, and cargo systems as well as weather and oceanic forecasts. Modular expansions based on and connected to Marorka Maren OP3, such as propulsion performance optimisation, simulation of voyage schedules and costs, monitoring of power and steam production efficiency, are also available. Additionally, an automated interface to FutureShip’s renowned trim optimisation tool, ECOAssistant, can now be ordered.

you can count on us! the GL-classed fleet has exceeded the 100 million Gt mark. our formula for your success is based on technical expertise, client proximity and business understanding. our clients count on their partnership with us. You can, too.

Germanischer Lloyd SE

64 class news Seizing Chances - GL Hellenic Technical Committee Meets in Athens of the vessel. Based on a study of a series of Korean designed cape size bulk carriers, Mr Skiadaresis, showed how the optimal operating point could be found by identifying the lowest SFOC (specific fuel oil consumption) at the lowest RPM (revolutions per minute). From this an engine could be identified and matched with a propeller which could, through studying the required power for specific combinations of propeller diameter and pitch to diameter ratio, produce the most efficient results. Choosing an engine and matching propeller which was not in the base design would raise costs moderately, Mr Skiadaresis noted. But due to today’s extremely high fuel prices, he suggested that these improvements would have very short payback times. Spacial constraints, in terms of the engine room length position of the shafting Centre line, base line

The GL Hellenic Technical Committee participants.

to propeller tip clearance and aperture clearances were all factors which also had to be considered in finding the optimal combination he said, and which might also require adjustments to the vessel’s de-

Identifying and seizing chances for improvement in

at both South Korean and Chinese yards. Chinese

sign. The result of this careful matching of engine

a difficult business environment was the theme that

yards had increased their capacity over the past

and propeller resulted in fuel savings of some 11%,

ran through this year’s annual meeting of Germa-

years and were taking steps to further diversify their

with further gains possible through the use of a NPT

nischer Lloyd’s (GL) Hellenic Technical Committee,

product portfolio, such as large container vessels,

(new profile type) propeller. Reducing fuel consump-

held in Athens on 8 March. The dramatic increases in

LNG tankers and offshore vessels. Looking ahead,

tion also produced knock on benefits which included

fuel prices, new regulations and an increased aware-

he said, the impact of new energy efficient ship de-

reduced CO2 emissions and a better EEDI.

ness of the importance of protecting the environment

signs would be felt, while over capacity would put

are leading ship builders, designers and owners to

further downward pressure on newbuilding prices.

push against the established boundaries, develop-

Mr. Aristidis Efstathiou, GL Business Development Manager Area Southern Europe, concluded the

ing smarter ships for tougher times. The meeting

In his presentation “Chances of Improvement”

Meeting with his presentations on “SEEMP: Intro-

brings together representatives from the Greek

Fridtjof Rohde from GL’s consulting subsidiary Fu-

duction and Implementation.” Mr. Efstathiou, high-

maritime community every year, to hear and discuss

tureShip looked at how, even in the tight conditions

lighted the fact that the SEEMP will soon become

presentations from both GL and external experts.

facing the industry today, there are many opportu-

mandatory for all vessels (larger than 400 GT) at

Dimitrios Korkodilos, the Chairman of the Commit-

nities for finding and exploiting efficiencies to save

their first IAPP renewal or intermediate survey after

tee and Athanasios Reisopoulos, GL’s Area Manager

fuel and money. The use of new computational tech-

01 January 2013.

for Southern Europe, joined with the CEO of the GL

niques has opened up the design space for shipping,

Group Erik van der Noordaa to welcome the partici-

both in the development of new designs and in the

In order to support its clients, Mr Efstathiou con-

pants, both old and new.

ability to make improvements during conversions

tinued, GL has developed a clear guidance on the

or upgrades, Mr Rohde noted. Upgrades to pro-

form and implementation of the SEEMP. He showed

The shipping industry was still going through a dif-

pellers, improving the wake field and appendages,

how GL’s user friendly standardized templates and

ficult period, Matthias Ritters, GL’s Region Manager

and installing new “smart” software systems such

energy management expertise could make it easier

Europe/Middle East/Africa noted. Looking over the

as FutureShip’s ECO-Assistant, could significantly

for a vessel’s operators to create a SEEMP, either as

status and outlook for the shipping markets in 2012,

improve a vessel’s performance. While in newbuild-

a stand alone document or as an integral part of a

the persistent weakness of the world economy and

ings, the use of computational fluid dynamic tech-

broader management system.

the oversupply in all segments would continue to

niques to optimise the hull form of an existing design,

have a significant impact, he said. Trade growth in

selecting the right engine and “smarting up” auxiliary

New members of the Committee are: Mr. Michael An-

the container markets was healthy but unevenly dis-

systems, could result in improved competitiveness

droulakakis, Technical Manager of Avin International

tributed, he said, with growth in the mainline routes

and a better bottom line.

S.A., Mr. Chondros Pantelis, Technical Manager of

from Asia to Europe and to the USA being outpaced

Efnav Company Ltd, Mr. Georgios Kavounis, Tech-

by other trade routes. A record number of 10,000+

In his presentation “Optimisation of a Cape Size Bulk

nical Manager of Allseas Marine S.A., Mr. Dimitrios

TEU vessels had been delivered to these routes last

Carrier design from the propulsion point of view”

Kyriakakos, Technical Manager of Goldenport Ship-

year, resulting in rates dropping significantly.

Nicholas Skiadaresis, Managing Director of ENES

management Ltd., Mr. Kostas Maounis, Managing

Marine Service S.A., looked at the potential for ship

Director of Phoenix Energy Navigation, Mr. Spyros

In shipbuilding, contracting at South Korean yards

buyers to significantly improve the fuel consumption

Psychas, Technical Manager of Odysea Carriers

had been relatively strong in 2011, Mr Ritters said,

performance of the vessels they order through op-

S.A. and Mr. Stylianos Vatistas, Technical Manager

but even so there was significant capacity still idle

timising the main engine and propeller combination

of Navarone S.A.

Meet us at the Intra Mare stand Stand no. 3.321, Hall 3

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66 class news Columbia Shipmanagement receives MLC certification GL expects rapid rise in voluntary pre-certifications bia Shipmanagement now plans to have all its other ships certified as well. “For Columbia Shipmanagement the changes were relatively minor, because we have been fulfilling most of the MLC requirements for years. We merely had to adapt a few internal procedures and the documentation to the requirements, because the HR departments, quality management, crewing agencies are involved in the proper implementation of the MLC2006,” Horber explained.

More than 50,000 ships will have to be checked Around 50,000 ships will have to be inspected and certified before the MLC 2006 enters into force as is expected to take place in 2013. “Statements of Compliance” are currently being issued by some of the Flag States, who have already ratified the MLC

Certificate handover: (from left to right) Gunnar Georgs, Regional Manager, IRI International Registries GmbH; Andreas Horber, Quality Assurance Manager, Columbia Shipmanagement; Olaf Quas, Global Head of Practice, ISM/ISPS MLC 2006, Germanischer Lloyd; Jens Ahrenkiel, Business Development Manager, Germanischer Lloyd

2006. Once the Convention finally enters into force, ships that hold a Statement of Compliance can obtain the final certificate. “It is to be expected that the number of voluntary certifications will rise rapidly in the coming months,” says Olaf Quas. “It is anticipated that all ships will


(DMLC) was checked by Germanischer Lloyd; the

have to comply with the Convention by 2013. It

Mayor”has received a “Maritime Labour Statement

inspection was carried out in February on board

makes sense to take up the requirements of MLC

of Compliance” from Germanischer Lloyd (GL). The

the container ship in Hamburg. The GL inspectors

2006 at this early stage.”

classification society thus confirmed that the working

checked all relevant documents on board, conducted

and living conditions of the 20-strong crew on the

interviews with crew members, and inspected the ac-

Using a self-assessment tool, Germanischer Lloyd is

container ship meet the requirements of the incom-

commodations, galley, store rooms and medical care

helping shipowners to identify any necessary chang-

ing ILO Maritime Labour Convention. CSM is part of

facilities of the vessel.

es they must make. In an associated gap analysis on




board, areas of compliance and deviation are listed

Schoeller Holding and with over 150 vessels is one of the world’s largest ship management companies.

“The inspectors found a ship with good working and

in a report by GL. In addition, GL is also offering

The “Maritime Labour Convention, 2006” (MLC 2006)

living conditions throughout, in full compliance with

early voluntary certification leading to a “Statement

of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) will

the requirements of the MLC,” reported Olaf Quas,

of Compliance”. This will be converted into a Mari-

govern the working and living conditions on board a

GL’s Global Head of Practice ISM/ISPS/MLC 2006.

time Labour Certificate once the Convention enters

ship for more than 1.2 million seafarers worldwide. It

GL therefore issued a “Maritime Labour Statement of

into force.

defines requirements concerning occupational health

Compliance” in the name of the Flag State, the Mar-

and safety, fair employment contract conditions, ad-

shall Islands. The certificate is valid for five years. As

equate accommodations as well as access to medi-

soon as the MLC 2006 enters into force, the volun-

About the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

cal care, health care and social security. The new

tary “Statement of Compliance” will be converted into

More than 60 existing ILO conventions and recom-

convention brings together more than 60 existing ILO

the “Maritime Labour Certificate”. The flag state, the

mendations from the past 80 years have been up-

standards. When the

Marshall Islands, has already ratified the Maritime

dated and brought together in the new “Maritime

Convention enters into force, as is expected to take

Labour Convention and adopted the requirements

Labour Convention, 2006”. It is anticipated that the

place in 2013, all international merchant ships of 500

into its own national legislation. Germanischer Lloyd

Convention will enter into force in 2013. It will first

gross tonnage or more will be obligated to carry a

was authorised by the Marshall Islands to carry out

have to be ratified twelve months in advance by at

Maritime Labour Certificate and a Declaration of Mar-

certifications in accordance with the MLC 2006 in

least 30 ILO member states with a total tonnage of at

itime Labour Compliance on board, documenting its

March 2010.

least 33% of world tonnage. 24 states have already

compliance with the national regulations of the ves-

Andreas Horber, Quality Assurance Manager at

ratified the “Maritime Labour Convention, 2006”, in-

sel’s flag state based on the MLC 2006.

CSM, identified an increased transparency for the

cluding Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Liberia, Mar-

crew as a clear advantage of the MLC 2006: “The

shall Islands, Panama, Norway, Spain, Croatia and

Container ship “Cape Mayor” receives “Statement of Compliance”

seafarers are better informed about their contracts

the Netherlands. Enforcement and monitoring of the

and measures for social security.” Following this first

MLC 2006 will be undertaken by the flag states of the

The “Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance”

MLC 2006 certification of the “Cape Mayor”, Colum-

individual vessels.

68 shipping news Πραγματοποιήθηκε η Γενική Συνέλευση του Συνδέσμου των Συνεργαζόμενων με Μεσίτες Lloyd’s στην Ελλάδα Πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 η Γενική Συνέλευση του Συνδέσμου των Συνεργαζόμενων με Μεσίτες Lloyd’s στην Ελλάδα ( Hellenic Committee of Lloyd’s Brokers Associates – HCLBA), με απολογισμό των πεπραγμένων του περασμένου έτους. Ο Πρόεδρος Κος Μάνος Λορέντζος αναφέρθηκε στην περσινή πρώτη υποψηφιότητα του Συνδέσμου για τα βραβεία της έγκριτης ναυτιλιακής εφημερίδας Lloyd’s List, στην κατηγορία του βραβείου Piraeus International Center. Ο Σύνδεσμος επέτεινε επίσης κατα την διάρκεια της προηγούμενης χρονιάς τις επίσημες επαφές του με τις αρχές της ασφαλιστικής αγοράς των Lloyd’s , με σκοπό την επισήμανση της σημαντικής Απονομή απο τον Πρόεδρο Κο Λορέντζο στον Κο Τάκη Μπαρτζιώκα του τίτλου του Επίτιμου

δραστηριότητας των μελών του Συνδέσμου στη αγορά

Πρόεδρου για την πολυετή προσφορά του στον Συνδέσμο

απο πλευράς τοποθέτησης ασφαλίστρων, γεγονός που οι αρχές των Lloyd’s έχουν αρχίσει να καταννοούν

και να του δίνουν την δέουσα βαρύτητα. Οπως επισήμανε ο Κος Λορέντζος, οι επαφές αυτές θα συνεχισθούν και θα ενταθούν ακόμα περισσότερο κατά το 2012 οι συζητήσεις καθώς και οι παρεμβάσεις/συμμετοχές σε σχετικά forums της Αγοράς του Λονδίνου. Η προσέλκυση νέων μελών απο τον χώρο της μεσιτείας ασφαλίσεων/αντασφαλίσεων εξειδικευμένων κινδύνων συνεχίζει να είναι προτεραιότητα του Συνδέσμου το νέο ετος, καθώς και η πλήρη εναρμόνιση των υπαρχόντων μελών με τα minimum επαγγελματικά κριτήρια που έχουν τέθει απο προηγούμενα ΔΣ. H Γενική Συνέλευση έληξε με την απονομή απο τον Πρόεδρο Κο Λορέντζο στον Κο Τάκη Μπαρτζιώκα του τίτλου του Επίτιμου Πρόεδρου για την πολυετή προσφορά του στον Συνδέσμο, και με την καθιερωμένη κοπή πίττας.

Με χαμόγελα έκοψαν την πίτα τους οι Ναυλομεσίτες και απένειμαν το πιστοποιητικό S.G.C. Όπως κάθε χρόνο έτσι και φέτος οι Έλληνες ναυλομεσίτες





Φεβρουαρίου στο ξενοδοχείο ΜΕΤROPOLITAN, για την καθιερωμένη εκδήλωση για την κοπή της πίτας τους. Υπήρξε αθρόα συμμετοχή από ναυλομεσίτες μέλη του Σωματείου, και γενικά από Ναυτιλιακούς παράγοντες. Ταυτόχρονα έγινε και η απονομή των πιστοποιητικών (S.G.C.)





προσυπογράφεται και από το Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιά, στους επιτυχόντες υποψηφίους των τελευταίων εξετάσεων. Ο θεσμός αυτός που πρωτοτυπεί στα ναυτιλιακά δρώμενα (όχι μόνο Πανελλήνια), έχει προκαλέσει μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον τόσο σε φοιτητές Στο κέντρο ο Πρόεδρος του Σωματείου κ. Γιάννης Παχούλης με τον κ. Γιώργο Ξηραδάκη

Ναυτιλιακών Πανεπιστημίων Ελλάδος και εξωτερικού,

της XRTC ανάμεσα στους καλεσμένους

όσο και σε Υπαλλήλους Ναυτιλιακών γραφείων, Πλοιάρχους εν ενεργεία του Ε.Ν. αλλά και Π.Ν. Όλοι

μαζί απόλαυσαν τα ποτά, αλλά και τον πλούσιο μπουφέ. Τα θέματα συζήτησης ανάμεσα στα μέλη και τους προσκεκλημένους ήταν ως συνήθως η τάση της ναυλαγοράς και η επιτυχημένη διοργάνωση σεμιναρίων του Σωματείου, στα οποία διδάσκουν εθελοντικά έμπειροι εν ενεργεία ναυλομεσίτες. Αυτός είναι και ο κύριος λόγος που η συμμετοχή των διδασκομένων αυξάνεται με σταθερούς ρυθμούς κάθε χρόνο. Όσοι ενδιαφέρονται λοιπόν να διεισδύσουν στους Μαιάνδρους των ναυτιλιακών γνώσεων στην πράξη, μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με τη γραμματεία του Σωματείου.

Posidonia 2012 Stand no 3.211 in Hall 3

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70 shipping news The Maria Tsakos Foundation Board of Directors met in Chios The Maria Tsakos Foundation Board of Directors met in Chios on the 25th & 26th of February in the presence of its Founders, Captain Panagiotis Tsakos and Mr. Nikolaos Tsakos, under the chairmanship of Mr. Efthimios Mitropoulos, former Secretary-General of IMO. The Board took stock of developments since its previous session in June 2011 and assessed the various educational, cultural and charitable activities, which were successfully carried out during the past year. In addition, it examined and approved a full range of activities planned for the current year. The Board then proceeded with the establishment of the Scientific Council provided under the by-laws of the Foundation. It appointed Dr. Stamatis Krimizis (a member of the Athens Academy and renowned space scientist) as the Council’s chairman along with the Bishop of Chios, Mr Markos and Professor Dr. Christos Zerefos (also of the Athens Academy) as members. They undertook to assess the selection criteria of other candidates (from Greece and abroad) for the Council before a decision is made in due course. Following the proceedings, the cutting of the traditional Vassilopitta took place officiated by His Eminence the Bishop of Chios, in the presence of the Founders, the Chairman and members of the Board and the Scientific Council, employees, seafarers and their families, local authorities and many of the Foundation’s volunteers and friends. In his inaugural speech to the Board, Mr Mitropoulos referred to the roots of the Foundation and its ambition to contribute to the filling of any vacuum in the broad field of maritime research and tradition -in Greece and worldwide. He restated that the objectives and strategy of the Foundation are based on the pillars of research, maritime tradition, environmental protection, philanthropy and education, with particular emphasis on shipping and seamanship. He emphasized the need for a collective effort to make the Maria Tsakos Foundation – International Centre of Maritime Research and Tradition a beacon of excellence in its sphere of activities and a genuine and fine source of pride both for the maritime community and Greece.

Ο ΟΛΠ βραβεύτηκε ως

Η Κοπή Πίτας της WISTA Hellas

η καλύτερη εταιρία του

Την παραδοσιακή κοπή της


πίτας της γιόρτασε η WIS-

Με το πρώτο βραβείο «ΧΡΗΜΑ» ως η καλύτερη


εταιρία του Δημοσίου τομέα τιμήθηκε σε ειδική

«Διόνυσος» με την εκπληκτική

εκδήλωση ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. Τα επιχειρηματικά βραβεία


για εισηγμένες εταιρίες στο Χρηματιστήριο Αξιών

πλαισιώνει τα παρευρεθέντα

Αθηνών απονεμήθηκαν από τον Πρόεδρο Επιτροπής




Στην Δροσούλα Θεραπιώτου,

πρόεδρο του Χρηματιστηρίου Αθηνών κ. Σωκράτη

Διευθύντρια της Niites Mari-


TA Hellas την Πέμπτη 26




Λαζαρίδη, τον Πρόεδρο των Ένωσης Εισηγμένων Εταιριών κ. Π. Δράκο, και τους κ.κ. Κ. Βολίκα και Γ. Κουμπά των Θεσμικών Επενδυτών. Όπως τόνισε ο κ. Κ. Ουζούνης του οικονομικού περιοδικού









Από αριστερά οι κυρίες: Tζένη Πουρνάρα, Ελευθερία Μαγιάφη, της Πειραικής γκαλερί «Γαία» Βέρα Χαλκίδη, Μαρία Αλεξανδράκη, Αννα-Μαρία Μονογιούδη, προσφέρθηκε δείπνο από την Ευγενία Σαρίδου (Δ.Σ. Wista Hellas) διεύθυνση του εστιατορίου, ως

«Χρήμα», τα βραβεία απονέμονται μετά από

δώρο για το τυχερό φλουρί της πίτας. Η Πρόεδρος της γυναικείας ένωσης ναυτιλιακών στελεχών Άννα-Μαρία

ψηφοφορία η οποία διεξάγεται μεταξύ επενδυτών

Μονογιούδη ευχήθηκε να είναι μια καλή και δημιουργική χρονιά για όλους. Ευχαρίστησε την Βέρα Χαλκίδη,

ετησίως τα τελευταία 9 χρόνια. Το βραβείο παρέλαβε

Commercial Director της Athenian Sea Carriers, για την εξαίρετη διετή προεδρεία στην διεθνή ένωση και της

ο Πρόεδρος και Δ/νων Σύμβουλος του Ο.Λ.Π Α.Ε. κ.

παρέδωσε αναμνηστικά δώρα από την WISTA International και την WISTA Hellas.

Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης, συνοδευόμενος από τον Αν.

Αναφέρθηκε επίσης ότι η προθυμία των μελών να ανταποκριθούν στην πρόσκληση των οργανώσεων

Δ/ντα κ. Π. Πετρουλή και τον Δ/ντη Διοίκησης κ. Δ.

«Γιατροί του Κόσμου» και «Πολιτιστικές Πράξεις Ένταξης» να συγκεντρώσουν φάρμακα κατά την εκδήλωση


που οργανώθηκε στο τέλος του περασμένου χρόνου από την Prime Management Services και τους φίλους

Ο κ. Γ. Ανωμερίτης, απαντώντας στα εισηγητικά

της Πολιτιστικής Εταιρείας «Καρδαμύλια Ναυτοσύνη» με την υποστήριξη της WISTA Hellas, έχει κινητοποιήσει

θετικά σχόλια για τον Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. εκ μέρους των

το προεδρείο για την οργάνωση και άλλων συναφών εκδηλώσεων.

διοργανωτών, τόνισε ότι «όπως το 2011 έκλεισε με

Στην διάρκεια της ίδιας εκδήλωσης έγινε εκτενής παρουσίαση από την Κυρία Φωτεινή Ξυλά-Φαφαλιού του

θετικά αποτελέσματα, έτσι και κατά το 2012 ο Ο.Λ.Π.

ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟΥ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΥ ΚΑΡΔΑΜΥΛΩΝ όπου θα στεγασθούν η υπερηφάνεια και η κληρονομιά της

θα διανύσει μια κερδοφόρα πορεία, εκτελώντας

Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας. Η προοπτική της διοργάνωσης ημερίδας σε συνεργασία με την επιτροπή γυναικών του

παράλληλα ένα επενδυτικό πρόγραμμα ύψους 600

Ελληνοβρετανικού Επιμελητηρίου συζητήθηκε με ενδιαφέρον διότι θα δώσει την ευκαιρία στα μέλη των δύο

εκ. Ευρώ».

ενώσεων να διευρύνουν τις γνωριμίες τους και να δημιουργήσουν ευκαιρίες για στενότερες επαγγελματικές σχέσεις. – –



Stand 2201

72 ναυπηγοεπισκευή Αντώνης Αθανασόπουλος Πρόεδρος

Ένωσης Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών Πειραιά

«RePower Piraeus’ Ship-repairing Zone» Διεθνής εκστρατεία της Ένωσης Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών Πειραιά για το Rebranding της Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής Ελληνικής Βιομηχανίας

με αφορμή την πρωτοβουλία του Ευρωβουλευτή

έχουν ούτε κατά προσέγγιση αντίστοιχη ναυτιλία,

των Οικολόγων Πράσινων Νίκου Χρυσόγελου για

οι αντίστοιχες επιχειρήσεις να έχουν συνεχές και

παρέμβαση στο Ευρωπαϊκό κοινοβούλιο για τη

πλήρες έργο. Είναι αδιανόητο εμείς οι Έλληνες να

στήριξη του ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικού κλάδου που

δημιουργούμε πατέντες που τις εκμεταλλεύονται στο

προγραμματίζεται για τις 28 Ιουνίου 2012 και στα

εξωτερικό και παράγουν, ενώ εδώ στη χώρα μας

πλαίσια της σχετικής διαβούλευσης.

δεν υπάρχει καμία παραγωγή. Σήμερα από τη μία

Ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών

πλευρά έχουμε τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες, οι οποίοι

Πειραιά κ. Αντώνης Αθανασόπουλος στην παρέμβασή

έχουν τη διάθεση να φέρουν ξανά τα πλοία τους στην

του ανακοίνωσε την ευρωπαϊκή και διεθνή εκστρατεία

Ελλάδα για επισκευές και από την άλλη έχουμε τις

που διοργανώνει η Ένωση Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών

ελληνικές Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικές επιχειρήσεις που

Πειραιά για τον επαναπροσδιορισμό της εικόνας

μαζί με τους εργαζόμενους διαθέτουν τεχνογνωσία

της ναυπηγοεπισκευής στη Ζώνη Περάματος με

και εμπειρία ώστε να φέρουν εις πέρας κάθε εργασία

εκμετάλλευση του Διαδικτύου και αποστολή των

αποτελεσματικά, ποιοτικά και γρήγορα», επισήμανε

πλεονεκτημάτων της Ζώνης σε κάθε διεθνές ναυτικό

στην ομιλία του ο κ. Αθανασόπουλος και κατήγγειλε:

Επιμελητήριο. Παράλληλα, τόνισε ότι, με απαραίτητη

Ο κ. Αντώνης Αθανασόπουλος

εργασιακή ειρήνη και κλίμα κοινής στόχευσης,

«Όμως, επί σειρά ετών η ελληνική Πολιτεία άφηνε

«Ναι, σε κάθε στοχευμένη και καινοτόμο πρόταση για

οι καινοτόμες προτάσεις που κατατέθηκαν στην

την ελληνική ναυπηγοεπισκευή να μαραζώνει,

την ανάκαμψη του ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικού κλάδου»,

ημερίδα, μπορούν να δώσουν λόγο ύπαρξης στη

βάζοντάς την να δουλέψει στον «αυτόματο». Ο

είπε η Ένωση Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών Πειραιά δια

ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική βιομηχανία που στόχος της

«αυτόματος πιλότος», λοιπόν, δεν δουλεύει πια! Η

του Προέδρου κ. Αντώνη Αθανασόπουλου στην

είναι και παραμένει η ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΠΟΝΤΟΠΟΡΟΣ

αδιαφορία της Πολιτείας, ο κακός συνδικαλισμός,

παρέμβασή του στην ημερίδα που διοργάνωσαν


τα λάθη τα δικά μας, οι καταστάσεις που έχουν






εκτυλιχθεί στη Ζώνη και όλοι τις γνωρίζουμε, έχουν




αντιμετωπίζουν όλες οι παραγωγικές επιχειρήσεις

δημιουργήσει μία πολύ κακή εικόνα στο εξωτερικό.

θέμα:«Εναλλακτικές προτάσεις αντιμετώπισης της

στην Ελλάδα, λόγω της σημερινής πρωτοφανούς

Χρειάζεται να χειριστούμε εμείς τις καταστάσεις, να

ανεργίας στη ναυπηγοεπισκευή με αξιοποίηση

μεταπολεμικής κρίσης, η μοναδική βιομηχανία που θα

πάρουμε εμείς τις αποφάσεις και να λάβουμε από

σε πράσινους τομείς και καινοτόμες κατασκευές.

μπορούσε άμεσα να ξεκινήσει να δουλεύει από αύριο

κοινού μέτρα για το μέλλον μας. Ήρθε η ώρα να

Τρόπος επανεκκίνησης Ναυπηγείων Σκαραμαγκά

το πρωί, είναι η Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική βιομηχανία.

υιοθετήσουμε κι εμείς το σύνθημα του «RePower

(πολεμικού & εμπορικού τμήματος-αναστολή15ετούς

Είναι αδιανόητο για εμάς, η χώρα μας που διαθέτει μία

Greece». Aς στοχεύσουμε όλοι μαζί εργοδότες κι



από τις πρώτες ναυτιλίες σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, να

εργαζόμενοι, Ενώσεις και Συνδικάτο, στο Rebrand-


στερείται παντελώς, έργου ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών

ing της ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής Ζώνης, το «RePow-

εκσυγχρονισμός ΝΕΖ. Η ημερίδα πραγματοποιήθηκε

εργασιών, ενώ στις γειτονικές χώρες που δεν

er Piraeus’ Ship-repairing Zone».














Συνάντηση Ανωμερίτη με την Ομοσπονδία για ενεργοποίηση της ΝΑΥΣΟΛΠ Με


απλώς κανόνων ασφάλειας του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε.

Επιχειρήσεων Ναυπήγησης και Επισκευής Πλοίων

Στη φάση αυτή ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. δεν προτίθεται να



και Δ/νων

παραχωρήσει τον τομέα ναυπηγοεπισκευής ως

επανακαθορισμό των χώρων στον εμπορικό λιμένα

Σύμβουλος του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης

σύνολο χώρων ή δραστηριοτήτων σε κανέναν

σύμφωνα με τη μελέτη που έχει εγκρίνει το Δ.Σ.

για θέματα της Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής βιομηχανίας

τρίτο φορέα. Η ΝΑΥΣΟΛΠ Α.Ε. έχει κινηθεί και

του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. Όπως τόνισε ο κ. Γ.Ανωμερίτης “H

του Πειραιά και του Περάματος.

στηρίζει το πρόγραμμα απορρόφησης κονδυλίων

ΝΑΥΣΟΛΠ Α.Ε. είναι ο Φορέας της Ζώνης και θα


από το Εθνικό Αποθεματικό Απροβλέπτων ύψους

ενισχυθεί για να λειτουργήσει αποτελεσματικά άμεσα.


8 εκ. ευρώ για την καταπολέμηση της ανεργίας και

Οι όποιες καθυστερήσεις, οι οποίες οφείλονται


συμφωνεί για τις διαδικασίες που έχουν επιλεγεί

στα γενικότερα θέματα της ναυπηγοεπισκευής

Ενεργοποίηση της ΝΑΥΣΟΛΠ Α.Ε. βάσει των

γρήγορης απορρόφησης. Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. επισκεύασε

(Σκαραμαγκάς και Ελευσίνα), θα αναπληρωθούν

αποφάσεων απόσχισης δραστηριοτήτων από τον

τη Μεγάλη Πλωτή Δεξαμενή δαπάνης 550.000 ευρώ

τα ταχύτερο δυνατό. Η κρίση που υπάρχει είναι

ΟΛΠ Α.Ε., όπως αποφάσισε για το 2012 το Δ.Σ. του

και ανέθεσε την επίσπευση της Μικρής Πλωτής

γνωστή, μπορεί όμως η κατάσταση να βελτιωθεί με

ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. Ολοκληρώθηκαν οι νομικές και οικονομικές

Δεξαμενής δαπάνης 850.000 ευρώ.

συντονισμένες κινήσεις. Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. παρά τις ζημιές

μελέτες για τη ΝΑΥΣΟΛΠ Α.Ε., απαραίτητες για τον

Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. έχει εκπονήσει πλήρες σχέδιο για

τις οποίες υφίσταται στον χώρο αυτό, θα συνεχίσει

καθορισμό του οριστικού μετοχικού της κεφαλαίου

την κατασκευή νέων Πυλών Ελέγχου και κτιρίου

να βοηθάει τη Ζώνη ώστε να μπορέσει από το 2012

και τη συμμετοχή των επιχειρήσεων του κλάδου στο

γραφείων εντός της λιμενικής ζώνης. Το έργο όμως

να επέλθει κάποια ανάκαμψη. Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. πιστεύει

μετοχικό κεφάλαιο και τη διοίκηση της εταιρείας.

της φύλαξης του χώρου των εγκαταστάσεων και

στις δυνατότητες των επιχειρήσεων, των τεχνικών

Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. αποδέχεται με ικανοποίηση τη

της ελευθερίας παροχής εργασίας είναι πρωτίστως

και των εργατών της ΝΕΖ, πρέπει όμως και οι δύο να


ευθύνη των επιχειρήσεων και των συνδικάτων και όχι

βοηθήσουν προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή”.




Ομοσπονδία συναντήθηκε




Εργοδοτικών ο


Ανωμερίτης την














74 shipping news XRTC project advisor for the new loan facility landmark for the cooperation of Chinese banks with Greek shipping:

Signing of the loan facility arranged by China development bank for Dryships Inc co-arranged by bank of China XRTC Business Consultants Shipping Finance Consultant of the China Development Bank Corporation, announces the signing of the Export Buyer Credit Syndicated facility between China Development Bank and Dryships that took place on February 13th 2012 in Ningxia Province capital, Yinchuan. The facility is part of the $5 bln Sino-Greek Shipping Finance Special Scheme that was announced by the Chinese Prime Minister Mr. Wen Jiabao during his visit in Greece in October 2010. The amount of the facility which is $122.58m, is covering the partial finance of the construction cost of 3 vessels of 206,000 dwt capacity each currently under construction in Shanghai Jiangnan-Changxing by Dryships Inc with delivery 2013/2014. The vessels will be classified by American Bureau of Shipping and China Classification Society. Lead Arranger Bank is China Development Bank/Ningxia Branch (CDB) and Co-Arranger is Bank of China/Ningxia Branch (BOC) while Bank of China/Zhejiang Branch participates as well, as Lender. XRTC acted as Project Advisor and Communication Agent while the law offices of Norton Rose and Papadimitriou & Partners contributed in the successful outcome of this loan facility. In the signing ceremony organized by China Development Bank/Ningxia Branch in the capital of Ningxia province Yinchuan in North West of China, following executives were present: Zhao Yaozhong-General Manager CDB/Ningxia, Ke Changwei-Deputy General Manager CDB/Ningxia, Wang Yongtang-President BOC/Ningxia Branch, Suo Haichuan/Assistant President BOC/Ningxia Branch, Liu Jian-GM BOC/Zhejiang Branch, Liang Jidong Manager of Global Cooperation Department of Ningxia Province, Zhao Hui, Representative of the CDB in Cyprus, Dimitris Nenes-Chief Operating Officer Oceanfreight Marine Inc, George

Sited from left Suo Haichuan-Assistant President BOC/Ningxia, Dimitris Nenes-Dryships Inc, Ke Changwei-Deputy General Manager CDB/Ningxia, Liu Jian-General Manager BOC/Zhejiang – Stand from left Nigel Ward-Norton Rose, George Xiradakis- XRTC, Zhao Yaozhong-General Manager CDB/Ningxia, Wang YongtangPresident BOC/Ningxia

Xiradakis-Managing Director XRTC Business Consultants and other executives from both banks.

Mr. Zhao Yaozhong, General Manager of China Development Bank Ningxia Branch mentioned in his opening speech:

more and more Greek ship owners will be enlarging its order book from China, while CDB shall utilize its comprehensive banking servicing capability to support such incentive. Greek fleet is without doubt the backbone of the international shipping market

“We are here today for the signing ceremony of the Export Buyer Credit Syndica-

and we sincerely wish a prosperous future for Cardiff Group and every success

tion Facility to Dryships Inc. from Greece. On behalf of China Development Bank

to this syndicated cooperation! Wish you all blessed with health and good luck!”

(CDB), please allow me to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the combined effort from the ship owner, our financial advisor XRTC ltd, the

Mr. WANG Yongtang, President of Bank of China/Ningxia Branch

legal consultant Norton Rose and our syndicate partner Bank of China (BOC).

thanked in his own speech all parties for the successful outcome

The major business scope of CDB: domestically, to provide financial support for projects in critical infrastructure, basic industries, pillar industries and other key national projects; during the past 20 years, CDB has provided financing for 80%

of this first syndicated facility between the branches of CDB and BOC in Ningxia and he mentioned:

of the key national projects. Aboard, CDB has utilized its advantages in funding resources and experiences in the domestic projects to proactively expand its in-

“Over the years, BOC has strived to utilize its integrated banking services platform

ternational business in order to achieve mutual benefit with its counterparties. By

both home and abroad and proactively explore its business scope to provide com-

the year end of 2011, the outstanding amount of foreign currency loan reached

prehensive financial services for all sectors, which not only enabled itself to make

USD 210 billion, with an increasing of USD 53.3 billion in 2011 alone, placing the

considerable contribution to the local economy but also realized its rapid develop-

Bank as the number one provider of such loans in the Chinese banking industry.

ment and became a channel for opening up of local economy and a backbone in

In October 2010, during the state visit of Premier WEN Jiabao to Greece, a ma-

the development of banking industry.

jor initiative was announced for a USD 5 billion “SINO-GREEK Ship Financing

In recent years, under the strategic development objectives of the Head Office,

Special Scheme” which aims to deepen the cooperation between the two nations

Bank of China has actively followed the “go global” strategic plan, strengthened its

in ship building, overseas transportation and port construction. The Scheme is

internal and external collaboration with other banking institutions to provide sound

designated to CDB and CDB Ningxia Branch has been appointed internally. This

services for the local enterprise which “go global”. This Syndication Facility, which

facility agreement to be signed today, with CDB as the lead arranger and BOC

accomplished with the support of CDB Ningxia Branch and BOC Zhejiang Branch,

as the co-arranger, is intended for the financing of three VLOCs with 206,000

is a facility which not only deepened the cooperation between BOC and CDB, but

DWT each built in Shanghai Jiangnan-Changxing Shipbuilding Company, with

also built the platform for collaborating with Greek ship owners.

total loan amount of about USD 120 million in favor of Dryships Inc. This deal

We shall take this opportunity to joint hand with the syndication partners to ex-

marked the second collaboration between CDB and Cardiff Group. We hope that

ecute the facility agreement, complement the business features between each

shipping news 75

other and proactively explore new cooperation models so as to better grasp the chance of development, promote a long lasting mutually-befitting cooperation relationship among each side.” The Lender’s representative Mr. Dimitrios Nenes thanked both China Development Bank and its financial advisor XRTC Business Consultants, as well as the Co-Arranger Bank of China for the completion of this facility and expressed Mr. George Economou-Dryships’ CEO satisfaction. Mr. Nenes pointed out that the Group’s new building program is large as continues its fleet expansion and also mentioned the necessity for the Chinese administration and banking industry to accelerate the lending procedures.

Mr. George Xiradakis, Founder and Managing Director of XRTC Business Consultants, in his own speech warmly thanked CDB, Bank of China, Dryships and Oceanfreight that recently merged as well as the Law firms for the new transaction/benchmark for the Chinese banks relationship with Greek Shipping market. Mr. Xiradakis pointed out: “It is the first syndicated shipping transaction between 2 leading Chinese banks that was concluded under the new Sino-Greek Shipping Finance Special Scheme without the involvement of any Western bank. Its completion marks an important step towards the Chinese government’s goal to cover the banks finance dystocia both in Greek and international market aiding as well its shipbuilding sector. The new facility is the outcome of a long and constructive cooperation of Mr. George Economou with the Chinese banks which was attributed to the hard efforts of CDB’s executives in Ningxia and Beijing.” XRTC through its continues presence and proven experience in Chinese shipping finance and its cooperation with CDBC, clearly supports the relations of Chinese banking industry with Greek Shipping and claims that all the long lasting procedures will be accelerated. “We are happy to work together with China Development Bank that has recently started the establishment of an International Shipping Finance Center and also reinforces its presence worldwide through Ningxia Branch” Mr. Xiradakis mentioned, while he added that “Chinese banks offer competitive lending products both in loan structure as well as in financial cost. Of course the main problem that exists is the long time response in the new applications but I think that Chinese banking sector and particularly CDB is taking the appropriate measures to overpass such draw backs”. Following the signing ceremony the General Manager of CDB Ningxia branch Mr. Zhao Yaozhong offered the official dinner. The ceremony was covered from Chinese Media.

Mr. George Xiradakis and Mr. Zhao Yaozhong

76 shipping news IMO: Limits of liability

Kongsberg Maritimes participates in wind

for shipping

turbine project

Amendments to increase the limits of liability in the

Kongsberg Maritime is the owner of the ‘Windsense’ project, which aims to develop a new and flexible instru-

1996 Protocol to the Convention on Limitation of Li-

mentation system for wind turbines.

ability for Maritime Claims were adopted by the Le-

The system will help to make wind power more economically competitive. The project, which amounts to 22

gal Committee of the International Maritime Organi-

million NOK, has been initiated through collaboration within the instrumentation cluster NCEI (Norwegian

zation (IMO), when the Committee met for its 99th

Centres of Expertise Instrumentation). Windsense will develop a system that will make wind turbines more ef-

session in London.

fective by reducing unplanned shutdowns, thus achieving higher reliability of the power plant. The system also

The LLMC Convention sets specified limits of liability

makes it possible to temporarily run the turbines at a lower capacity in anticipation of required maintenance,

for two types of claims against shipowners - claims

which further reduces expensive downtime.

for loss of life or personal injury, and property claims

“We hope that this project will help to make offshore wind power more competitive and thus help to facilitate

(such as damage to other ships, property or harbour

a green Norwegian economy in the future,” says project manager, Oddbjørn Malmo from Kongsberg Mari-

works). Taking into account the experience of inci-

time, Lade. The project has been awarded a total of 10 million NOK from The Norwegian Research Council’s

dents, as well as inflation rates, the limits set in the

RENERGI program.

1996 Protocol have, in recent years, been seen to be

A key challenge is the adaptation of equipment and methods for maintenance from the maritime and oil and

inadequate to cover the costs of claims, especially

gas industry, for use on offshore wind turbines. Cost-effective operation of offshore wind turbines will require

those arising from incidents involving bunker fuel

new technology that enables a greater degree of remote control and remote monitoring of the turbines. It also


requires durable and reliable instruments to monitor the operation and components in harsh environments at sea.

The new limits are expected to enter into force 36

“This system will primarily be an instrument for monitoring the technical condition of the wind turbine and the

months from the date of adoption, on 19 April 2015,

life cycle of the components used. It will make it possible to more accurately predict when the equipment must

under the tacit acceptance procedure.

be replaced. Today, such assessments are usually done by operators using handheld inspection equipment,” says Malmo.

The Convention provides for a virtually unbreakable

Windsense is a collaboration project between some of the strongest wind power and instrumentation compa-

system of limiting liability. Shipowners and salvors

nies within Wind Cluster Mid-Norway, mainly located in the Trøndelag region of Norway. The project has been

may limit their liability except if “it is proved that

awarded 40% funding from The Research Council of Norway for a 3 year project period starting in February

the loss resulted from his personal act or omission,

2012. Kongsberg Maritime is project owner with Oddbjørn Malmo, Kongsberg Maritime, Lade as project man-

committed with the intent to cause such a loss, or

ager. Other participants are Statoil, NTE, Light Structures, Trollhetta, NTNU, HiST, SINTEF Energy Research

recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would


probably result”.

The project is one of many projects that have been initiated by the Norwegian Centres of Expertise Instrumentation (NCEI The general manager of the cluster Torbjørn Akersveen is very pleased with

New limits:

the project. “We are very pleased that the cluster again delivers an exciting project with a large commercial

Under the amendments to the 1996 Protocol, the lim-

potential. Our goal is to be a spearhead in Norwegian instrumentation, and together with Norwegian industry

its are raised as follows:

develop solutions to the challenges the industry considers to be relevant,” comments Akersveen.

The limit of liability for claims for loss of life or personal injury on ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 3.02 million SDR (up from 2 million SDR).

Hapag-Lloyd chooses GAC as partner in Nigeria

For larger ships, the following additional amounts are

and Ghana

used in calculating the limitation amount:• For each

Leading global liner shipping company Hapag-Lloyd has signed an agreement with the GAC Group to handle

ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 1,208 SDR (up from

their vessels calling at ports in Nigeria and Ghana.

800 SDR) • For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 906 SDR

Under the agreement, GAC will act as full liner agents for Hapag-Lloyd, actively selling its liner services in

(up from 600 SDR)

the region, as well as providing a range of shipping agency and complementary services for its fleet. The

• For each ton in excess of 70,000, 604 SDR (up

agreement comes as part of Hapag-Lloyd’s strategy to develop and expand its presence in sub-Sahara Africa.

from 400 SDR).

Currently, the company operates a fleet of approximately 150 modern container vessels, and has a global presence through 300 offices in 114 countries.

The limit of liability for property claims for ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 1.51 million SDR

Common values

(up from 1 million SDR).

The business will be coordinated by GAC Nigeria, led by Managing Director Neale Proctor who says: “GAC and Hapag-Lloyd share the same sound, ethical values and approach to business, evident in a commitment to

For larger ships, the following additional amounts are

looking after people, going the extra mile to surpass customer expectations, operating in an environmentally-

used in calculating the limitation amount:

aware way and having active social responsibility programmes. Both companies also combine global pres-

• For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 604 SDR

ence with strong local knowledge.”In Africa, we have similar strategic ambitions, including the desire to take

(up from 400 SDR)

advantage of the opportunities in the region’s largely untapped markets. Together, GAC and Hapag-Lloyd will

• For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 453 SDR

last the course.”GAC has operated in Nigeria since 1978, providing shipping, logistics, marine and manning

(up from 300 SDR)


• For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 302 SDR (up from 200 SDR).

shipping news 77 RINA acquisitions fuel growth International verification, certification and ship clas-

in the expanding economies of Eastern Europe.

slowdown in global ordering RINA closed the year

sification group RINA continued to grow in 2011 as

D’Appolonia’s 600 highly skilled staff will boost our

with a strong order book of 425 ships totalling 3.3m

it embarked on an acquisition strategy. Turnover for

turnover by fifty per cent and bring us a new network

gt building to RINA class. The strong results in the

2011 was up to 249 million Euros (+21 per cent) and

of global offices and clients and expertise in strategic

marine sector were achieved by expanding into new

EBITDA 41 million Euros.

consultancy, earth sciences, civil, environmental and

areas and increasing services to shipowners. Asia

Turnover is expected to rise to over 300 million Euros

structural engineering, risk assessment, health and

showed especially strong growth with the classed

in 2012 following major acquisitions late in 2011.

safety, chemical and process engineering, system

fleet of vessels owned in Asia increasing by 25 per

“2011 was a memorable year for RINA. We cel-

and transport engineering, electronics, telecommu-


ebrated our 150th anniversary by transforming the

nications and innovation engineering.

The RINA Group is an international company that

company. Internally we swept away old divisions and

“Diversification in 2011 saw us providing our first

helps enterprises and communities to achieve great-

created a flexible matrix structure which frees up in-

certification in the fishing and seafood areas, in-

er competitiveness and effective risk management

novation and enables us to make the best use of our

cluding the Alaskan salmon fisheries. We delivered

through the conception, creation, management and

talents while improving customer service. Externally

the world’s largest transhipment terminal to Vale, in

assessment of projects. The Group has developed

we began a major programme of acquisitions which

record time and on budget. We grew into aerospace

the best competencies and combined them with its

enhanced our competences and increased our size

and launched new environmental tools and services.

own values of integrity and responsibility, gained in

by over half. We focussed our investments and

Our power generation teams delivered projects on

over 150 years of experience, into a way of work-

growth on growing economies, strongly increasing

time in a number of countries. We built our gas busi-

ing that meets the highest expectations. RINA Group

our footprint in Asia. And we made sure the trans-

ness internationally as we became recognised as a

delivers advanced technical competency through a

formation is solidly based by trimming costs and

centre of LNG and CNG handling expertise. And we

network of companies dedicated to different sectors

sharpening our business processes,” says Chairman

substantially increased our R&D efforts, moving be-

covering Environment and Quality, Energy, Maritime,

and CEO Ugo Salerno. “Our acquisition programme

yond our traditional marine field.”

Ethics and Safety, Food Production and Healthcare,

widens both our skill base and our geographical out-

RINA’s environmental business surged 200 per cent

Infrastructures and Constructions, Logistics and

reach. Among four companies brought into the RINA

in 2011, certification outside Italy was up 30 per

Transport. With a turnover of around 300 million Eu-

Group in 2012 the two key acquisitions were SIM-

cent and RINA increased market share in almost all

ros in 2012, over 2,100 employees, and 130 offices

TEX Srl, the leading private Romanian certification

sectors. Against a background of a globally difficult

in 42 countries worldwide, RINA meets the needs of

body for corporate management systems and prod-

market for shipowners and shipyards marine serv-

its clients and is recognized as an authoritative mem-

ucts and D’Appolonia Group, a global engineering

ices continued to be the largest contributor to RINA’s

ber of key international organizations and an impor-

consultancy company.

turnover in 2011. The classed fleet grew by 8.5 per

tant contributor to the development of new legislative

“SIMTEX gives us a strong platform for growth

cent to 4,375 ships totalling 33m gt and despite the


Dutch Vecom Group expands their presence with the opening of new office in Piraeus The Vecom Group announced the opening of a new office in Piraeus, Greece, thus expanding their presence in Europe even further. The new office is located close to the heart of the Greek Shipping Industry and will serve the Greek clients with an experienced staff of 8 employees.

ABS Realigns Divisional Structure to Strengthen Middle East-Asia ties Due to increasing commercial relationship between

“Of course Vecom already has a significant clientele in Greek shipping, but this new office means an important increase in our capacity.” said Jason Georgiou, Marine and Export Director of the Group, “so we are confident we will be able to expand our sales for our products for the metal and surface treatment industries as well”. The Vecom Group was founded in 1953 and supplied chemical cleaning products to the shipping industry. They now have 20 own locations in Europe and are the leading specialist in chemical metal surface treatment with a complete range of services and products for the treatment of stainless steel, ultrasonic cleaning and cleaning of heat exchangers. Vecom Industrial Services cleans boilers and engines world wide, maintains a large stock of equipment and employs a number of specialized chemical engineers . At the same time Vecom remains loyal to her origins with an ever growing range of products for the shipping industry. Marine chemicals (blended in Vecom’s own facilities), but also equipment and consumables for welding and cutting and Fire Fighting and Safety equipment and services. In 2011 they introduced a complete new, ecologically friendly line of powerful cleaning and maintenance products: Veclean Eco, based on acid replacement technology. The distribution takes place through their own offices and a world wide network of experienced agents covering 890 ports. The new Vecom office will be located at Hadjikyriakou Ave. 35, 185 38 Piraeus. More information can be found on the company website:

Dubai, India and Singapore, leading classification society ABS is reorganizing its Divisional responsibilities to improve service delivery. The Middle East Region, headquartered in Dubai and responsible for the society’s activities in the area will now fall under the ABS Pacific Division, headquartered in Singapore rather than ABS Europe, headquartered in London. “Given the manner in which the operational, financial and trading patterns are emerging between the entire Middle East region, the Indian Sub-continent and Southeast Asia, particularly Singapore and Malaysia, this new structure will allow us to offer a more seamless, integrated delivery of services and products to our clients within this wider geographic area,” says ABS President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. Joe Brincat will continue in his role as Regional Vice President of the Middle East.

78 shipping news Slips, trips and falls represent nearly one in three of the large personal injury claims submitted to the UK P&I Club Following the launch of its Bow Tie loss prevention

“They are constant too with very little variation in num-

be made on the incidence of slips, trip and falls. We

initiative in January 2012, the UK P&I Club is now em-

bers of claims from year to year. They are important be-

need to understand better the reasons behind the ex-

barking on the publication of a series of ‘Risk Focus’

cause they represent genuine pain and suffering from

istence of these hazards so that we can put in place

booklets which highlight specific areas of risk. This

people who have been injured or even killed because

controls that will hopefully prevent accidents occurring,

month (April) sees the publication of ‘Risk Focus: Slips,

they have slipped, tripped or fallen aboard ship. It is not

but will also mitigate their consequences when they

trips and falls’.

simply a matter of money, squashed metal or damaged


The Bow Tie loss prevention initiative involves survey-

ships as encountered in other sorts of claim.”

As the Bow Tie project has already proven, a proac-

ors visiting ships and, together with the managers and

Inevitably many of these claims are caused by a mo-

tive and precautionary approach can be very useful

crew, producing Bow Tie charts specific to individual

ment of carelessness, thoughtlessness or compla-

and in this case should enable the Club to reduce the

vessels that identify areas of risk and suggest how

cency as people have moved around a ship, possibly

incidence of slips, trips and falls, firstly by identifying

such risks might be mitigated.

doing their jobs, or even just because the ship is not

hazards which have the potential to harm. Mr Lumbers

As was stated at the time of the launch, extensive anal-

only their place of work but where they live. It is easy

states that very often accidents occur because nobody

ysis of previous incidents over a period of 23 years has

to dismiss these unpleasant accidents as ‘human error’

has considered that what they are doing might be haz-

enabled the Club to identify ‘threats’, ‘consequences’

or even ‘crew negligence’ but to examine the detail of

ardous. He explains:

and ‘controls’, the foundations of developing reports

so many of them is to reveal other contributors to the

“Just walking around the ship with a sharp eye and an

on specific vessels. In total, the Club’s Risk Preven-

chain of causation.

open mind can help to identify features which might,

tion Director Karl Lumbers estimates that it has identi-

Training could have been deficient or even completely

in an unguarded moment, hurt people. It is often not

fied seven primary risk hazards, 76 common threats,

missing as there is often an assumption that people

the obvious like working at height or with machinery

which if not contained could cause an incident and 450

‘can look after themselves’ and must take responsibility

that will cause the accidents because an experienced

controls which need to be in place and effective if the

for their own actions.

seafarer will probably be taking the proper precautions

threats are to be contained.

As Mr Lumbers says,

and will be adequately clad, with procedural controls

‘Risk Focus: Slips, trips and falls’ is in effect the first in

“The environment, which is mostly a function of de-

in place. Rather, just moving around the ship, going

a series of new Risk Focus publications although in Oc-

sign, may well have been a contributor: if there was

up and down companionways and ladders, carrying

tober 2010, the Club published ‘Risk Focus: Moorings’

inadequate lighting, if the dangers were not obvious, or

weights or neglecting to keep ‘one hand for the ship

as a one-off publication that reflected concerns about

the particular design of the ship required people to put

and one for yourself’ are frequently behind very nasty

the increasing numbers of serious incidents occurring

themselves in hazardous situations just to get the job


during mooring activities.

done. Visitors to the ship unfamiliar with the layout of

Concluding, ‘Risk Focus: Slips, trips and falls’ dis-

Mr Lumbers states that slips, trips and falls represent

the vessel are especially vulnerable.

cusses some simple actions that will hopefully reduce

nearly one in three of the large personal injury claims

“Because of the huge costs of these claims and be-

incidents and so prevent distress and pain being im-

submitted to the UK Club and have amounted to a stag-

cause of the human suffering represented by each of

posed on so many seafarers, ship visitors and their

gering id=”mce_marker”55 m over the past ten years:

them, we strongly believe that a concerted attack must


New AVEVA Electrical

Aker Solutions wins Svalin umbilical contract

offers Marine market

Aker Solutions has been awarded a contract by Subsea 7 for the design and fabrication of a control umbilical

up to 30% man-hour savings

for Statoil’s Svalin C project on the Norwegian continental shelf. Contract value is undisclosed. Scope of work includes a six kilometre long control umbilical, connectors, engineering and project management. “We are very pleased to be awarded another contract on the Norwegian continental shelf and look forward to supporting Subsea 7 with this Statoil fast-track project,” says Tove Røskaft, executive vice president of Aker Solutions’ umbilical business.

AVEVA (LSE:AVV), has announced the release of the completely new AVEVA Electrical software application,

Management, engineering and procurement of the umbilical will be performed at Aker Solutions’ headquarters

a feature rich design solution for electrical engineers

in Fornebu, Norway. Manufacturing will take place in Moss, Norway.

and designers in the marine environment. Pre-release customer testing has demonstrated man-

Svalin is a fast-track oil field project located in the middle part of the North Sea, about eight kilometres south-

hour savings of up to 30% when compared to tradition-

west of the Grane field and 185 kilometres west of Haugesund. The water depth is approximately 120 metres.

al design applications. As part of AVEVA’s Integrated Shipbuilding strategy, customers that deploy the new

In December 2011, Statoil awarded Aker Solutions the contract for engineering, procurement and construc-

AVEVA Electrical can benefit from the ability to opti-

tion of the subsea production system for the Svalin project. The contract value was approximately NOK 400

mise their entire shipyard by improving the design,


planning and production process.

Subsea umbilicals are deployed on the seabed to supply necessary controls and chemicals to subsea oil and

“AVEVA Electrical is very quick and easy to deploy, both on new projects and also on refit projects where

gas wells, subsea manifolds and any subsea system requiring a remote control. The Svalin umbilical will be delivered in Q2 2013.

access to legacy data is essential”, said Bruce Douglas, Senior VP Marketing & Product Strategy, AVEVA.

Aker Solutions’ contract party is Aker Subsea AS.

I was built to sail in the open sea. Constructed to work constantly, carrying heavy loads all over the world. I am fit and all my parts are in an excellent condition thanks to the Total Quality Service provided by KIMI S.A. All I have to do now, is to arrive at my destination.


Industrial park of Shisto, 2nd Street, 2nd building block, 18863 Perama T. +30 210 4004757, F. +30 210 4326399, E.,

80 shipping news Συνάντηση δικτύου EVAL POINT H EVAL Ε.Γ. ΒΑΛΛΙΑΝΑΤΟΣ ΑΒΕΕ διοργάνωσε όπως κάθε χρόνο την Συνάντηση του Δικτύου EVAL POINT & EVAL OUTBOARD. Παραβρέθηκαν τα μέλη του Δικτύου καθώς και νέοι υποψήφιοι που βρίσκονται σε φάση ένταξης. Έγινε η κοπή της πίτας για την νέα χρονιά και πραγματοποιήθηκε : - επισκόπηση της αγοράς υπό το πρίσμα των ειδικών συνθηκών που βιώνει η ελληνική οικονομία - παρουσίαση προτάσεων και στρατηγικών στόχων για το 2012 - αναφορά στις εξωλέμβιες μηχανές PARSUN - παρουσίαση των νέων προωθητικών ενεργειών -παρουσίαση των νέων προϊόντων της EVAL Ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της EVAL κ. Ευάγγελος Βαλλιανάτος ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά ότι : “Σε αυτές τις ειδικές συνθήκες που βιώνει η χώρα και ο κλάδος, η EVAL στέκεται σταθερά, ενδυναμώνοντας τις μακροχρόνιες δοκιμασμένες σχέσεις της με τους συνεργάτες της τόσο στην Ελλάδα όσο και στο εξωτερικό» Η EVAL δραστηριοποιείται 37 χρόνια στον χώρο των ναυτιλιακών ειδών και αξεσουάρ σκαφών και αναπτύσσει το δίκτυο των συνεργατών EVAL POINT & EVAL OUTBOARD με μεγάλη δυναμική. Τα οφέλη της συνεργασίας κάθε μέλους του Δικτύου EVAL POINT & EVAL OUTBOARD είναι η ένταξη στο σύστημα χωρίς αρχικό δικαίωμα εισόδου, η χρήση του σήματος EVAL, η προτεραιότητα και η άμεση εξυπηρέτηση, η εκπαίδευση, το marketing, η διαφήμιση, οι προωθητικές ενέργειες καθώς και η συνεχής υποστήριξη μέσα από μία εξειδικευμένη ομάδα της εταιρείας.

Εκδήλωση στα γραφεία της AIGAION Ευχές για μια ευτυχισμένη και δημιουργική χρονιά αντάλλαξαν και φέτος, η Διοίκηση και το προσωπικό της AIGAION με τους Συνεργάτες της Εταιρείας και ισχυρά ονόματα των media, της ναυτιλίας και της ασφαλιστικής βιομηχανίας στα γραφεία της Εταιρείας στην Θεσσαλονίκη και στα κεντρικά γραφεία της Εταιρείας στην Γλυφάδα. Τα γραφεία της Εταιρείας ήταν επί ώρες ασφυκτικά γεμάτα με κόσμο και όλοι οι προσκεκλημένοι είχαν την ευκαιρία να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις με τα στελέχη της εταιρείας για τη γενική εικόνα της ιδιωτικής ασφάλισης στη χώρα αλλά και να ενημερωθούν για θέματα που αφορούν στην εμπορική πολιτική, το επιχειρηματικό πλάνο και τα μεγέθη της AIGAION.

AVEVA opens new office in Genoa, Italy AVEVA (LSE:AVV), announced today it has opened a new office in Genoa, Italy to support the growing Italian market. The office will offer sales and support for all AVEVA’s products and solutions, as well as hosting training courses and customer events. “AVEVA’s product portfolios, particularly our Engineering & Design solutions in the plant and marine markets, has seen a significant growth in demand across Italy over the last year”, said Daniel Gennaro, Country Manager – Italy, AVEVA. “In order to expand our services and support capabilities we required a space that reflects our rapidly expanding market position and will enable us to realise our growth objectives. The new office enables us to host key customers and prospects due to its locality, as well as the ability to offer essential product and solution services, such as onsite training”. Fredy Ktourza, Senior Vice President West EMEA added, “Genoa has a long tradition in the power, metal and shipbuilding industries and is an ideal location. It supports our drive to continue winning market share against our competitors and it will allow us to play a much greater role in the Italian market”. AVEVA has over 120 customers in Italy including major owner operators and EPCs in industries such as Power and Oil & Gas and shipbuilding

shipping news 81

Chinese maritime delegation in Denmark: Two major maritime nations discussed the global crisis and framework conditions “China and Denmark share many interests as major shipping nations, and today Chinese and Danish shipowners are among the world’s largest carriers of goods by sea. Our meetings with the Chinese maritime authorities are inspiring and fruitful and give us an opportunity to get the Chinese view on international maritime developments and on topical issues of common interest.” So says Director-General of the Danish Maritime Authority Andreas Nordseth following yet another so-called consultative meeting between the Danish and Chinese maritime administrations. The meetings have been held once a year since 2010 and have been important to ensure and develop the fine ChineseDanish relationship in the maritime field. During the meeting, the challenges faced by the shipping industry as a consequence of the global financial crisis and the consequences to world trade were discussed, and experiences and views were exchanged on the framework conditions of the shipping industry in both Denmark and China. In addition, other relevant maritime issues were considered, such as safety on board passenger ships and regulations on pleasure boating. On the second day of the meeting, the Chinese guests thus visited the port of Hellerup, which received them hospitably and told them about the Danish tradition of pleasure boating. The meeting was the third of a number of consultative meetings and was held in Copenhagen on 5-6 March 2012. The Chinese delegation was represented by Vice-Director of the Chinese Ministry of Transport’s Bureau of Water Transport Li Hongyin, and furthermore the delegation consisted of employees from the Bureau of Water Transport. Director-General of the Danish Maritime Authority Andreas Nordseth was the Head of the Danish delegation.

STX OSV standardises on AVEVA Marine for all engineering and 3D design AVEVA (LSE:AVV), today announced STX OSV has

Riise, Senior Vice

standardised its engineering and 3D design work on


AVEVA Marine and has purchased more than 100 ad-

ogy & Engineering,

ditional software licenses. The technology, which STX


OSV has selected over Tribon and a competitive solu-

“STX OSV has al-

tion, will be implemented globally across ten shipyards.

ready demonstrated

“We are pleased to confirm our first project’s critical

the 30% increased

path in the design process was reduced by 30%”, add-


ed Magne Bakke, Chief Operating Officer, STX OSV

AVEVA Marine of-

AS. “AVEVA Marine has improved and reduced the

fers users compared

time of our engineering design process. At the same

to our older Tribon

time, for instance, we can integrate and work on a 3D

M3 software”, added

model during initial vessel design as well as engineer-


ing tasks. We then reuse and refine this information

Senior Vice Presi-

during the detailed design and production engineering


phases. With AVEVA Marine we achieve integrated

North EMEA, AVE-

hull-outfitting, global work sharing and it supports late

VA. “The business

design changes. This was key in our decision to stand-

value of Integrated

ardise on AVEVA Marine for all engineering, hull 3D

Engineering & De-

and outfitting 3D design work. As a result, we’ve made

sign, offering increased quality, reduced man-hours

- Vietnam - Vung Tau

the strategic decision to roll AVEVA Marine out across

and shorter project duration is a breakthrough in terms

- Norway -Aukra, Brattvaag, Brevik, Langsten and

ten shipyards around the world”.

of integration and efficiency. STX OSV will quickly rec-


“AVEVA Marine has been thoroughly tested in the en-

ognise these benefits across all of its shipyards”.

In addition to engineering activity at the yards, STX

gineering work of three Offshore Platform Supply Ves-

The STX OSV shipyards that will implement AVEVA

OSV has engineering offices in Norway, Romania and

sels. We encountered some challenges, but overall

Marine are:


experienced great improvement over our old systems.

- Romania – Tulcea and Braila

PHOTO: Magne Bakke, Chief Operating Officer,

AVEVA has an open approach and worked with us to

- Brazil – Niteroi and Suape (new yard under con-

STX OSV AS and Richard Longdon, CEO, AVEVA

improve the solution even further”, said Stig Sandanger


with colleagues.



Schüller, Central


82 shipping news

COMPIT 2012 IT Trends in Design and Operation for the Maritime Industry The 11th International Conference on Computer and

gence are opening new applications in surveying, hull

tions, so much that we need computers to handle the

IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT)

cleaning and search tasks, in the offshore, oceano-

flood of data created by other computers and filter

will be held from 16 to 18 April 2012 in Liege, Bel-

graphic and naval fields.

the information intelligently for us. To get to grips with

gium. First held in the year 2000, COMPIT has estab-

The fuel crunch has stimulated research into opti-

this Wiegand Grafe and Sven Matho (Germanischer

lished itself as a leading conference in the IT (infor-

misation of ship hulls and propellers. Hochkirch and

Lloyd) present “One Model to Run Them All”, a ship-

mation technology) field for the maritime industries,

Bertram (FutureShip) give an overview of the histori-

specific product lifecycle management concept which

bringing together software developers and users.

cal development of ship hull optimisation and extrap-

compiles and manages all of the ship information

olate into the next decade in “Ship Hull Optimization

generated during a vessel’s lifecycle. Germanischer

– Past, Present and Future”.They point out that the

Lloyd has developed a generic and modularized

The conference covers the life cycle of ships, offshore

term “optimisation” is frequently used, but may de-

data model, which is combined with a central service

structures and equipment, from design to operation.

note different levels of sophistication and associated

bus that contains all of the business logic that was

In addition, the conference serves as a contact plat-

fuel saving potential. The paper discusses the state

previously part of assorted software tools. Maritime

form for recruiting and the preparation of international

of the art in computers, optimisation strategies (algo-

software tools for various technical and operational

Research and Developement projects. Traditionally

rithms), CFD tools, and practical applications. Even

purposes work on this central product data model.All

most participants come from industry, reflecting the

for the technology leader, FutureShip, development

of the data received by one application, as well as the

practical relevance of the event. Selected papers for

is far from finished and further fuel savings may be

business logic, are open to all other applications. The

COMPIT 2012 are discussed below, illustrating some

realised by considering propeller, hull and append-

underlying principles are described by demonstrat-

of the general trends in IT for the maritime industries.

ages together in optimisation projects, the added

ing GL MachineryManager (software tool for condi-

resistance in waves, and wider spectra of actual

tion based maintenance) and the new upcoming GL

The main trends, in short, are:The ongoing quest for

operational conditions (speed, load conditions, etc.).

EmissionManager (tool for Energy Efficiency Opera-

energy efficiency.This continuing factor is driving the

The application combines simpler and faster CFD

tional Indicator determination).

development of a variety of IT applications. In design,

tools with more accurate, computationally expensive

For more details about the conference please have a

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a key tech-

tools and looks at both resistance and seakeeping

look here:

nology. Technology leaders couple CFD to formal

performance to obtain a design with significantly

optimization to create fuel efficient designs for hulls,

lower resistance reduction and reasonable seakeep-


propulsion improving devices and propellers. In oper-

ing behaviour. Wei Qiu (Memorial University of New-

First held in the year 2000, COMPIT has established

ation, several companies are spearheading develop-

foundland) and Jan Land et al. (Friendship Systems)

itself as a leading conference in the field of IT (infor-

ments in monitoring and decision support tools, with

present a similar application, combining seakeeping

mation technology) for the maritime industries, bring-

a focus on fuel efficiency and emissions compliance.

and resistance aspects, albeit for an offshore supply

ing together software developers and users. The

The growing use of risk-based assessment in IMO

vessel, and employing different software, in “Sea-

conference covers the life cycle of ships, offshore

regulations and classification rules, in terms of both

keeping Optimization for Design and Operation”.

structures and

design and operational procedures. Corresponding

equipment, from design to operation. In addition, the

IT tools facilitate the application of risk-based analy-

Not surprisingly, we also see very dynamic software

conference serves as a contact platform for recruiting


developments for more efficient ship operation. One

and preparation of international R&D projects. Tradi-

Improvements in the autonomous operation of mari-

of the challenges in this field is that modern ships

tionally most participants come from industry, reflect-

time robots.Advances in individual and swarm intelli-

generate a flood of data for assorted specific applica-

ing the practical relevance of the event.

shipping news 83 Alfa Laval signs contract with Spliethoff for largest fully integrated scrubber system

Apostolos Poulovassilis awarded “Manager of the Year” 2011

Alfa Laval, a major equipment supplier to the marine industry, has signed a contract with Spliethoff, a leading player in the transport market. It covers the retrofit of a multiple inlet PureSOx exhaust gas cleaning system on board one of Spliethoff’s vessels which operates mainly in the North European ECA area. It is the first order received by Alfa Laval for such a multiple inlet system. Since the vessel’s engines have a combined rated output of 28 MW, this will be the largest marine scrubbing system ever sold. It can therefore be seen as a step forward in preparing the maritime transport industry for the stringent environmental requirements that will take effect from 2015. The system is the first to utilize just one scrubber to clean the exhaust gases for the main as well as the auxiliary engines. René Diks, Manager, Marketing & Sales, Exhaust Gas Cleaning, Alfa Laval: “For the retrofit market, where space and weight are critical issues, it is essential to be able to supply a single scrubber that handles exhaust gases from all the ship’s engines. Other advantages include lower energy consumption, less piping and lower maintenance costs.” Alfa Laval already has another system in successful operation on DFDS Ficaria Seaways. This system

Apostolos Poulovassilis, Lloyd’s Register Regional

treats the exhaust gas of a 21 MW MAN main engine and is currently the largest scrubber in operation

Marine Manager for Europe, Middle East & Africa

in the market. To date, the system has completed more than 4,000 operating hours.Important develop-

(EMEA), was awarded yesterday with the “Manager

ment for Spliethoff Frank Louwers, Director of Spliethoff, explains that the investment in this technology

of the Year” award at the annual “Efkranti Awards”

ensures that Spliethoff will be well prepared to meet the upcoming sulphur legislation in 2015 (0.1% limit)

ceremony, organized by the magazine “Naftika

in European and American ECA waters. It is expected that the scrubber installation will deliver significant

Chronika” in cooperation with the Hellenic Associa-

environmental benefits.“Financially, sailing on low sulphur marine gas oil is simply not an alternative for

tion of Maritime Economists (ENOE). In an atmos-

a company wishing to remain a dominant player in this market segment,” says Louwers. “Already today

pheric ambience imposed by the historic building of

the price difference between heavy fuel oil and low-sulphur MGO with 0.1% sulphur is approximately USD

Piraeus currently hosting the Ekaterini Laskaridis

300 per tonne.

Foundation, the “Efkranti Awards” were once again

A unique hybrid system

presented to 8 personalities, companies and organizations of the Greek Shipping community that

PureSOx, with a sulphur removal rate of more than 98%, is a unique hybrid system that can operate on

marked 2011 with their contribution.

either sea water or fresh water. The ability to operate the system in sea water mode will provide significant

Apostolos Poulovassilis was presented the award

savings on caustic soda and fresh water consumption. In areas with low alkalinity the system will switch

of “Manager of the Year” by Prof. Dimitris Lyridis of

to fresh water mode. In this mode the water used for cleaning the exhaust gas is circulated in a closed

NTUA and Prof. Andreas Merikas of Piraeus Univer-

system with zero discharge to the environment. Alfa Laval high speed separation technology is used to


clean the effluent to ensure compliance with effluent water discharge criteria.Flexible and economical

Commenting in his acceptance speech, Apostolos

To minimize the energy consumption of the scrubber, the water flow is automatically adjusted to the engine

said, “It is a great honour for me to be receiving

power. The system is also designed to vary the water flow depending on the sulphur content in the fuel.

this award and I feel quite humbled to be included

René Diks, Alfa Laval: “With PureSOx installed, shipowners can continue operating on high sulphur heavy

in this distinguished group of awardees amongst so

fuel oil instead of more expensive low sulphur marine gas oil, while meeting increasingly strict IMO regula-

many great figures of Greek shipping. I would like to

tions regarding sulphur oxide emissions.The Spliethoff Group

thank all the key stakeholders of the Hellenic mari-

The Amsterdam-based Spliethoff Group is one of the largest shipowners in the Netherlands. The Group

time community for their support and trust over the

consists of Spliethoff and its subsidiaries BigLift Shipping (heavy lift), Wijnne Barends (short sea), Trans-

years without which we wouldn’t be able to achieve

fennica (liner services) and Sevenstar (yachts). The Group owns and operates a large, modern fleet of

our vision and strategic objectives. I would especial-

well over 100 multipurpose, heavy-lift and ro-ro vessels, ranging in size from 2,100 to 23,000 tonnes. All

ly like to thank my colleagues for their contribution

Spliethoff Group vessels have 1A Ice Class and several even 1A SUPER. They all sail under the Dutch

to the fulfillment of Lloyd’s Register’s mission and


for helping transform the Piraeus Office into an important hub of our Global Organisation, as well as their personal support to myself all these years, and I firmly believe that this award belongs to the whole team - after all the human assets of a company are the most important component of success. Of course this award creates even greater responsibility and expectations for the future, and I commit that with all your cooperation and collaboration we can all together rise to the many and difficult challenges we are facing as an industry and as a global economy, by focusing on creativity, innovation and technology to guide us on our journey of continuous improvement.”, said Apostolos Poulovassilis in his acceptance speech.

84 shipping news Boskalis lands EUR 200 million offshore project for Ichthys, Australia

Ichthys project and Boskalis will work on behalf of Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo.

Horizon Lines Receives Lowe’s Platinum Carrier Award for Sixth Consecutive Year

The Ichthys development revolves around the construction of a new 42-inch deep sea natural gas pipeline

Horizon Lines, Inc. (OTCQB: HRZL) one of the

from the Ichthys field in the Browse Basin 880 kilometers to Darwin onshore. The pipeline will run through

nation’s leading domestic ocean shipping compa-

the Darwin harbor, requiring dredging services in the near shore area, rock installation and the construction

nies, has been awarded the “2011 Platinum Car-

of a landfall.

rier Award” by home improvement retailer Lowe’s

For Boskalis, the contract entails dredging an 18 kilometers pipeline trench in which the gas pipeline will be

Companies Inc. Horizon Lines is the only Jones Act

laid, a pipe-pull over a distance of approximately 3,000 meters and the installation of a protective layer of rock

ocean carrier to receive a 2011 award from Lowe’s

after the pipeline has been laid. A cofferdam and winch platform will be constructed at the waterline edge to

for domestic ocean transportation service.

build the landfall. Work is set to commence mid 2013 and is expected to be completed by mid 2015.

The 2011 award marks the sixth consecutive year

For the pipeline trenching and landfall construction, Boskalis will deploy two large backhoe dredging vessels.

that Horizon Lines has received Lowe’s Platinum

The rock for the post-lay installation will be sourced from a local quarry and will be placed using side stone

Carrier Award, and the 11th consecutive year that

dumping vessels. The services of SMIT Subsea as well as miscellaneous ancillary equipment will be used

Horizon Lines has been honored with a Lowe’s

during the course of the project.

award for providing consistently superior service.

The Boskalis strategy is designed to benefit from the key macro-economic drivers that fuel global demand in

The Platinum Carrier Award for exemplary on-time

our selected markets: global trade, increasing energy consumption, population growth and the challenges of

service and reliability was accepted on behalf of Ho-

changing climate conditions. This project is driven by increasing energy consumption.

rizon Lines by Randolph Page, Horizon’s Southeast

This is an English translation of the Dutch press release. In the event of any disparity between the Dutch

Sales Manager, and Toni Sikes, Business Develop-

original and this translation, the Dutch text will prevail.Boskalis Westminster N.V. is a leading global serv-

ment Sales Representative. The award was pre-

ices provider operating in the dredging, maritime infrastructure and maritime services sectors. The company

sented by Steve Palmer, Vice President of Transpor-

provides creative and innovative all-round solutions to infrastructural challenges in the maritime, coastal and

tation for Lowe’s, and Mark Ramsey, Lowe’s Carrier

delta regions of the world with the construction and maintenance of ports and waterways, land reclamation,

Relations Manager, North America.

coastal defense and riverbank protection. Boskalis offers a wide variety of marine services through SMIT in-

“Horizon Lines is honored to again receive Lowe’s

cluding harbour towage, salvage, subsea, transport and heavy lift services. It also has strategic partnerships

highest recognition for domestic ocean service

in the Middle East (Archirodon) and in terminal services (Smit Lamnalco). Boskalis has a versatile fleet of

transportation providers,” said Brian Taylor, Execu-

over 1,100 units and operates in around 75 countries across six continents. Including its share in partner-

tive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) has received a letter of award from Saipem in relation to the offshore project for the Ichthys gas export pipeline development near Darwin, Northern Australia. The project value to Boskalis amounts to approximately EUR 200 million. INPEX is the main developer of the

ships, Boskalis has approximately 14,000 employees.

ABB wins long-term service contract from Carnival ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won a long-term service contract from Carnival Corporation to maintain and upgrade ABB’s Azipod equipment over the next 15 years for 20 ships in their fleet, cutting costs by as much as 1$ million a year per ship.

Sembcorp Marine’s Jurong Shipyard Secures a US$568 Million Contract

Carnival is the world’s largest cruise ship operator and has 20 cruise vessels with Azipod propulsion systems.

Sembcorp Marine’s subsidiary Jurong Shipyard has

ABB’s energy efficient Azipod uses less fuel than traditional systems, and provides better manoeuvrability in

secured a US$568 million contract to build a harsh-

all operating conditions. The upgrades are projected to improve the already high energy efficiency of Azipod

environment ultra-deepwater semi-submersible rig

units by 2.5 to 4 percent.“Customers in all industries are looking at ways to reduce overall lifecycle costs

from North Atlantic Drilling Limited, a 74 percent

and make such costs more predictable, while continuing to improve equipment performance,” said Veli-Matti

owned subsidiary of Seadrill Limited (“Seadrill”).

Reinikkala, head of ABB’s Process Automation division. “We provide a full portfolio of services, including

The new rig will be constructed based on the Moss

ongoing technology upgrades and dependable maintenance support to help extend the life of equipment,

Maritime CS60 design – an enhancement of the

and ensure that it runs at the highest energy efficiency levels possible.” The service contract covers technol-

Moss Maritime CS50E MKII harsh-environment ul-

ogy and energy efficiency upgrades for all Azipod systems and propulsion condition monitoring for all ships,

tra-deepwater semi-submersible rigs West Pegasus

and other system equipment maintenance. The contract includes technology upgrades such as the newly

and West Leo which were delivered by Jurong Ship-

designed Azipod optimized fin shape, which receives water flow from the propeller at a new, less acute angle

yard to Seadrill in March 2011 and January 2012

that redirects the flow more efficiently and Azipod Dynamic Optimizer, a software tool designed to control the

respectively. Delivery is scheduled no later than the

pod toe angle, which provides even greater fuel savings for large vessels. ABB ( is a leader in

first quarter of 2015. The contract is not expected

power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while

to have any material impact on the consolidated net

lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs

tangible assets per share and earnings per share of

some 135,000 people.

Sembcorp Marine for the year ending December 31, 2012.

shipping news 85 Titanic remembered by IMO Secretary-General

MPA established a Joint Industry Project on future LNG bunkering

​IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu has issued a

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), has established a Joint Industry Project (JIP) to investi-

video message ahead of the anniversary on Satur-

gate the operational feasibility of LNG bunkering in Singapore in collaboration with Det Norske Veritas (DNV)

day (14 April) of the sinking of the Titanic, remember-

Clean Technology Centre and 21 industry partners.

ing all those who lost their lives in the tragic accident, recalling the improvements to passenger ship safety

The JIP, co-funded through MPA’s MINT fund, kicked off in January 2012 with the aim to provide recom-

introduced as a result of that incident and acknowl-

mendations to the Singapore government authorities on enabling LNG bunkering in Singapore, ensuring

edging the need for continual improvement and

operational safety, alignment with industry expectations and best practice, and compliance with relevant in-

enhancement of safety at sea. “One hundred years

ternational rules, regulations and standards.The shipping industry is looking to LNG as a cleaner marine fuel

ago today, 14th of April, Titanic struck an iceberg,

to meet the international regulations as LNG has much lower emissions compared to the conventional marine

while on her maiden voyage between Europe and

diesel oil. Emissions from ships have come into the “environmental spotlight” and the industry is subject to

the United States. Within a few hours, more than

progressively more stringent legislation, including global cap or fuel sulphur content, potential CO2 emission

1,500 people had perished in the freezing waters of

taxation, NOx emission controls and forthcoming regulations on Particulate Matters’ emission etc

the North Atlantic, transforming what was then the world’s most celebrated ship into a name forever as-

.LNG fuelled propulsion has been demonstrated to meet the strictest environmental regulations and to be

sociated with disaster.

technically feasible. At present, there are 25 LNG fuelled ships all of which are operating in the Norwegian Emission Control Area and bunkering from shore facilities. Positive signals from the market also come from

“The Titanic disaster prompted the major shipping

the number of LNG fuelled ships being designed and from the 24 LNG fuelled ships on order.LNG bunkering

nations of the world, at that time, to take decisive ac-

is a process of refuelling ships by transferring LNG fuel from the LNG carrying trucks, barges or onshore

tion to address maritime safety. It led to the adoption

tanks. Switching from conventional marine fuel to LNG fuel provides both environmental and economic bene-

of the first international convention on safety of life at

fits to shipowners and public.However, the most common key barriers to a more widespread adoption of LNG

sea, SOLAS, in 1914.

as a fuel for ships seem to be insufficient local LNG supply and immature bunkering infrastructure coupled

“International Maritime Organization can trace its

with a lack of regulatory schemes for both shore-based and ship-to ship bunkering.

own roots back to the Titanic disaster. In its aftermath, the requirement for an international standard-

The feasibility of LNG fuelled shipping also depends on the simultaneous development of the entire value

setting body to oversee maritime safety became ap-

chain; the lack of such concurrent evolution would be a major challenge and increase investment risk for each

parent; and safety at sea remains the core objective

stakeholder.The LNG bunkering JIP was conceived to address these feasibility issues and to reaffirm Singa-

of IMO.

pore’s commitment towards maritime sustainable growth. As the world’s largest marine fuel bunkering port,

“Today, in 2012, although much updated and re-

it is strategically important to enable Singapore to offer LNG bunkering in the near future. “With the growing

vised, SOLAS is still the most important international

need to reduce the environmental impact of shipping and its related activities, Joint Industry Projects such

treaty instrument addressing maritime safety. It now

as these allow us to evaluate the feasibility of alternative marine fuel sources. This is also in line with MPA’s

forms part of a comprehensive regulatory framework

commitment to clean and green shipping in Singapore.

covering almost every aspect of ship design, construction, operation and manning. The spirit and de-

The results of this study will provide MPA and the maritime industry with the operational and technical infor-

termination of all those who have laboured to create

mation necessary to implement LNG bunkering in Singapore,” said Capt. M. Segar, MPA’s Group Director

this framework should be acknowledged and given

(Hub Port).The JIP represents a platform where a consortium of industry players collaborates with each other


to share knowledge on the topic and indentify and recommend solutions to the issues faced by the sector.

“Over 100 years, we have seen tremendous im-

This JIP is project managed by DNV and co-sponsored by the MPA, and 21 industry partners including BG

provements in the safety record of shipping.

Group, DNV Petroleum Services, Energy Markets Authority, Fearnleys, Gas Supply Pte Ltd, Hong Lam Ma-

“But new generations of vessels bring fresh chal-

rine, I.M Skaugen, IHI Corporation, Innovation Norway, Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre, Land

lenges and, even today, accidents still occur, rein-

Transport Authority, Maritime and Port Authority, Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Norgas (Asia), NYK Line, Rolls Royce

forcing the need for continual improvement. Our ef-

Marine, Shell, Singapore LNG Corporation Pte Ltd, SPT Marine Services Ltd. and Star Cruises.

forts to promote maritime safety and, in particular, to avoid such disasters befalling passenger ships as

The JIP Partners share their expertise, technical and market insights, rendering the JIP an informed and

Titanic, will never end.

productive platform capable of identifying recommendations on the solutions addressing the specific needs of Singapore. Dr. Anthony Barker, General Manager for BG Singapore Gas Marketing and Chairman of the JIP

“Today, on the 100th anniversary of that disaster, let

steering committee says “This study provides an opportunity for established and experienced LNG industry

us remember those who lost their lives in the freez-

players to work with Singapore bunkering stakeholders to ensure best in class safety standards and operat-

ing waters of the North Atlantic on that fateful night

ing procedures are incorporated from the outset of this exciting development”.

of 14 April 1912 and reflect on the dangers and perils still associated with sea voyages today.

“This JIP is a school book example on how industry and regulators can work closely together to accelerate the implementation of new technologies and industry solutions that one single player can not accelerate

“I urge IMO Member Governments, and the shipping

alone. The JIP is an excellent platform driving a safe and predictable scaling of regional LNG bunkering busi-

industry as a whole, to refresh our determination to

ness solution. It is yet another important step in developing Singapore’s maritime cluster towards a Maritime

improve and enhance the safety of passenger ships,

Knowledge HUB”, says Bjorn Tore Markussen, Managing Director for DNV Clean Technology Centre.

today and in the future.”

86 shipping news Lloyd’s Register launches machinery damage and repair workshops One-day courses designed for superintendents, flag and port-state surveyors and related marine engineers

Would Be Pirates Captured By European Naval Forces

Lloyd’s Register is offering Machinery Damage and Repair workshops to support marine superintendents

EU Counter Piracy Naval Forces (EUNAVFOR)

and engineering personnel.

have tracked down and stopped a group of suspect-

Mechanical breakdowns are a serious problem for shipowners and having competent engineers on board can

ed pirates who were believed to have tried to attack

quite literally mean the difference between success and failure for a shipping company.

a Hong-Kong flagged tanker approximately 400 nau-

The new workshops are unique to Lloyd’s Register and give even the most experienced engineers the op-

tical miles off the coast of Somalia.

portunity to analyse and resolve some the most common mechanical problems found in the merchant marine

EU Naval Force warship FS Aconit was called to in-


vestigate after the tanker came under attack on 26

“The workshops are an innovative way to present real-life engineering problems with a variety of solutions in

March 2012. Aconit was directed onto the fleeing

a controlled but time-pressured environment,” said Steve Robson, Lloyd’s Register’s Senior Technical Train-

pirates by a Luxembourgish Maritime Patrol and Re-

ing Specialist. “Attendees will be given the opportunity to use their skills and learn new ones in an environ-

connaissance Aircraft (MPRA), which have recently

ment that is designed to challenge and motivate.”

completed 3500 Flights Hours with EUNAVFOR.

They will help delegates to develop the skills to make early assessments of mechanical damage and conduct

The MPRA quickly located the suspects who were

timely repairs in a technically correct and cost-efficient way and in accordance with the appropriate classifica-

towing a small skiff behind a larger sea going whaler.

tion rules and regulations for ships.

TheMPRA provided imagery showing pirate para-

There are three individual one-day workshops that can be booked separately to offer maximum flexibility to

phernalia. In order to conceal the evidence of their

fit in with the busy schedules of engineering personnel.

piracy activities, it is believed that the suspected pi-

The courses are aimed at superintendents, flag and port state surveyors and other marine engineers that

rates had cut loose and sunk the smaller skiff, con-

have a responsibility for ships’ machinery.

taining weapons, ladders and a certain amount of

Each workshop focuses on specific types of repairs, examining the commercial and technical challenges as

fuel. Aconit’s helicopter intercepted and stopped the

well as class requirements. Subjects include:

whaler, which had 10 suspected pirates onboard, by

Module 1 -- Diesel engines, turbochargers, steam raising plant and associated pressure vessels

firing warning shots on 27 March 2012. A team from

Module 2 -- Shaft alignment, gearbox, shafting, rudder, controllable pitch propeller

Aconit boarded the whaler and the suspects have

Module 3 -- pumping and piping

been transferred on board the frigate. Two suspects

Client feedback from the first workshop was extremely positive and included comments such as:

received medical care by the Aconit’s medical serv-

“Clear, concise lectures [with] lots of discussion and exchange of ideas.”

ice. As no pirate paraphernalia was recovered the

“Enjoyable and informative.”

crew of the Whaler were sent back to the Somali

“Good concept for training; more interesting than pure instruction on how to do it.”

coast with only enough water and fuel for a one-way

“[It’s] easier to learn from other people’s problems and mistakes.”


Aker Solutions wins surface wellhead contract in Egypt

Πάρκο και Πλατεία μεταξύ Δραπετσώνας και Λιμένος

International oil services group Aker Solutions has signed a two-year frame agreement with Egyptian oil giant Badr Petroleum Company (Bapetco). Aker Solutions will be the sole supplier for all of the oil company’s

Ένα ακόμα έργο ανάπλασης του συνολικού χώρου

surface wellhead equipment, installation and lifecycle services operations in the Western Desert of Egypt.

της «Πολιτιστικής Ακτής Πειραιά» προχωράει σε

Contract value is undisclosed.

άμεση υλοποίηση. Πρόκειται για το έργο «Πάρκο και Πλατεία μεταξύ

Dave Hutchinson, president of Aker Solutions in Asia Pacific says: “We are very excited about this award, as it


marks the successful entry of our surface business into the Egyptian and North African markets. Our ambition

1.000.000 Ευρώ, του οποίου τα τεύχη διακήρυξης

is to grow Aker Solutions’ operations in the Middle East and North Africa.”The contract will be delivered out of

ενέκρινε το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.

Aker Solutions’ surface products manufacturing centre in Batam, Indonesia, which was established in 1992.

Το έργο αυτό αφορά χώρο 20.000 τ.μ. ακριβώς δίπλα

In 2009, Aker Solutions upgraded the Batam facility in order to increase its production capacity. As a result,

στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο των Ηετιώνιων Πυλών,

manufacturing capacity for production and assembly of surface wellheads and trees has increased by more

οποίος πριν από 15 χρόνια είχε παραχωρηθεί

than 50 percent, or equivalent to 300,000 man hours. Aker Solutions employs approximately 320 people in

στον Δήμο Δραπετσώνας, χωρίς ποτέ όμως να

Batam of which 90 percent are locals.Aker Solutions is one of the world’s leading oilfield products, systems

διαμορφωθεί σε ενεργό πάρκο.

and services companies. The company has 23 500 employees in 30 countries worldwide and had aggregated

Το έργο αυτό αποτελεί τμήμα του επενδυτικού

annual revenues of approximately NOK 36.5 billion (USD 6.5 billion) in 2011. The contract was signed and

προγράμματος του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. και εντάχθηκε

booked as order intake in the first quarter of 2012. The contract party is Aker Solutions Singapore Pte.

στο πρόσφατο Μνημόνιο Συνεργασίας το οποίο




υπεγράφη μεταξύ της Περιφέρειας Αττικής και του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.Το νέο πάρκο θα είναι έτοιμο να παραδοθεί σε χρήση το 2013.

shipping news 87 Kongsberg Maritime Ltd announces contract win for Meygen Tidal Stream Project

WSS: High uptake on ships agency in Japan and North East Asia “High uptake on ships agency in Japan and North East Asia”, reports WSS Director10.04.2012 (Ships Service)As it prepares for Sea Japan, Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) has reported strong growth in the number of owners in Japan and North East Asia

A contract has been awarded to Kongsberg Maritime

signing up for its’ Ships Agency Re-Defined (SARD) offer.Neal De Roche, Area Director WSS North East Asia

Ltd to conduct underwater noise studies for an off-

said: “Since launching SARD globally at the end of 2010 we have seen high levels of uptake from the North

shore renewables project that could eventually lead

East Asian shipping community, with growth levels of around 15% throughout 2011. Japanese vessel opera-

to 400MW being installed in the Inner Sound of the

tors and owners are extremely positive about the fact that SARD provides a unique ‘one point of contact’

Pentland Firth.

system. In fact, SARD can save up to three hours per port call for our Japanese customers. This is crucial to

The contract, awarded by MeyGen Limited, will

guarantee efficient operations and fast turnaround”.

involve Kongsberg Maritime Ltd conducting both

Victoria Ship Management Inc., one of Japan’s leading ship managers, has been a SARD customer since

baseline and operational noise measurements from

December 2010. Mr. Shinsuke Fujii, Managing Director commented; “We acknowledged the main benefits of

prototype tidal devices to assess the potential ef-

SARD and we are satisfied with the SARD service provided by WSS”.

fects of underwater noise on marine life.

Launched in 2010, SARD allows customers to deal with all of their ships agency requirements from one

David Shand, General Manager Offshore at Kongs-

central point, with improved communications between the agency and the operator, resulting in efficiency

berg Maritime Ltd said, “This is a major contract

savings, predictable pricing and a single bank account for all payments, facilitating easy access to online job

for Kongsberg Maritime Ltd as the MeyGen Tidal

and tracking information.

Stream Project is one of the most significant tidal

General Manager WSS Japan, Junichi Saito, is confident that take-up of SARD will continue throughout

initiatives in Europe. The expertise that we have in

2012. “SARD is different to any other ships agency offer in the market right now, because it offers global,

the renewables field and our successful track record

world-class services at a local level. Our team works in the same time zone and speaks the same language

in carrying out underwater noise studies was a key

as our customers and Japanese owners can take advantage of the scheme globally, not just in the home

factor in securing this work.”

islands”, he says. “We continue to invest heavily on resource and expertise in Japan and across North Asia to meet the increasing demands of this growing maritime hub. Currently, we cover 180 ports in Japan with four

“MeyGen is monitoring progress of turbine suppli-

main service centres and offices located in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe and Moji.”.

ers who are trialling their devices at the European

Sea Japan will take place from 18-20 April at the Tokyo Big Sight Exhibition Centre. WSS Japan will be ex-

Marine Energy Centre (EMEC). The results of the

hibiting at the show, alongside Wilhelmsen Technical Services (WTS).

underwater noise impact studies being carried out by Kongsberg Maritime Ltd at EMEC will affect how

Wilhelmsen Ships Service is part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, a Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group Company.

the devices are positioned on the seabed, to deliver

It has the world’s largest maritime services network, with 4,500 marine professionals servicing 2,400 ports

optimum power while having minimal impact on ma-

in 125 countries. Wilhelmsen Ships Service supplies safety products and services, Unitor products, Unitor

rine life.”

and Nalfleet marine chemicals, maritime logistics and ships agency to the maritime industry. Last year the company made product deliveries to 24 000 vessels and handled 54 000 port calls.

The tidal stream project could lead to 400MW being installed by 2020. The project is located 3.5km2 in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth, between the north coast of Scotland and the island of Stroma, in

Faststream opens new Perth office

water depths of between 20 – 40m. The results from

International maritime, oil & gas and mining industry recruiter Faststream opens its new Australian office in

the studies will be used by energy consultancy Xo-

Perth today (10 April). The office will focus on filling positions for shipping companies, oil majors and mining

dus Group and MeyGen during the public consulta-

companies active in the region.

tion on the development. Headed by Ozan Cabadag, an Australian national with an in-depth knowledge of the Australian shipping marDan Pearson, CEO of MeyGen said, “With very

kets having previously worked with both P&O and Hapag Lloyd, the office will give local employers access to

strong and predictable tidal flows, Scotland is ide-

skilled foreign workers. The move comes after the recent announcement by the Australian government that

ally placed to lead the way in the development in

it will be streamlining the visa process for US citizens, cutting down the previous three month plus process.

renewable energy. The technology we will be using will harness offshore tidal streams to provide clean,

Ozan Cabadag explains: “Faststream has offices in the UK, USA and Singapore with access to a range of

green energy to the national grid.”

very specialised people. From geologists to ship operators, the Faststream Recruitment Group is able to locate talent globally and bring it into Australia on behalf of local and international employers.”

“Kongsberg Maritime Ltd is a world class company with extensive experience and an excellent reputa-

Western Australia faces a particular skill shortage not only in the booming mining industry, but also the asso-

tion in the sector. We look forward to working with

ciated shipping sector. The $43 billion Gorgon gas project also requires a vast range of experienced workers.

this and many other Highlands-based companies to develop a project which has the best possible outcome for the marine environment, whilst delivering optimum output to the grid.”

88 shipping news DNV has signed a MOU with Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) DNV has signed a MOU with Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea’s state-run gas corporation, to cooperate on research and development in the LNG sector. While this is DNV’s second MOU with KOGAS, following the first in 2010 to cooperate on EHSQ issues, DNV is the first international risk management organisation in Korea to cooperate with KOGAS on research and development projects in the LNG sector. On 12 April 2012, DNV and Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) agreed to cooperate on research and development in the LNG sector. Based on the signed MOU, DNV and KOGAS will co-organise conferences and cooperate on R&D projects throughout the entire LNG value chain, from upstream to downstream, including gas reservoir exploration, natural gas production, liquefaction, transportation, storage, regasification and supply. “DNV has maintained a good relationship with KOGAS, providing several SHE risk management services that include EHSQ evaluation and safety culture assessment. We’re happy to expand our cooperation to the research area and further our long-term partnership with KOGAS. Based on our expertise in the LNG industry, we anticipate helping KOGAS to acquire innovative technology and strengthen its position in the global market,” says Mr Jon Rysst, Regional Manager for DNV Korea and Japan. As the sole LNG provider in Korea, KOGAS is continuously expanding its investment in foreign resource development projects and acquisitions of non-conventional gas, such as shale gas, to obtain a stable energy source. Furthermore, KOGAS is more focused on the mid-downstream LNG business, which concentrates on a return on investment based on LNG demand and stable income generation through technical services. While continuously providing SHE risk management services to KOGAS to strengthen its mid-downstream operations, DNV will further its cooperation with KOGAS in order for this national LNG provider to acquire advanced technical competence and create long-term value in the global LNG market.

Mr Møller has passed away, with commemorations from Maersk Group Chairman and CEO We are sorry to have to inform you that partner and shipowner Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller has passed away on 16 April 2012. Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla states: “On behalf of the entire family, I wish to express our deep sorrow at the loss of our father, grandfather and great grandfather, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller. My sisters and I have lost a father who never failed neither his family nor his business. We are grateful that our father lived a long and eventful life. In his never failing wish to do good, together with many and great initiatives, he has left a significant mark on our time. On this day, I am compelled to give thanks to all current and previous employees of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group for the loyalty, which has been shown to our father through-

international format and the man who, if any, can

brought prosperity and growth to countries all over

out the years. Let us respect his memory.”Mærsk

take credit for the Group being among the world’s

the world – including Denmark.

Mc-Kinney Møller became joint owner of the com-

leading and Denmark’s undisputed largest business

At the time of his death, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller

pany “Firmaet A.P. Møller” in 1940. Since his father’s

with activities in a number of areas such as shipping,

was Chairman of the Board of the A.P. Møller and

death in 1965, he was director and chairman of the

oil and retail.Will and energy characterised Mærsk

Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation, the A.P.

most important companies in the A.P. Moller - Mae-

Mc-Kinney Møller’s endeavours. Foresight, careful

Møller Relief Foundation, and the Maersk Employee

rsk Group. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller undertook the

preparation and a never failing commitment created

Foundation, all of which are significant shareholders

daily management until 1993 and became chairman

the significant international business that the A.P.

of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S.

of A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S until 2003.

Moller - Maersk Group is today. Mærsk Mc-Kinney

On behalf of the Group

With the death of Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller, the A.P.

Møller was famous for his business talent and his

Michael Pram Rasmussen

Moller - Maersk Group has lost a businessman of

visions and he took and supported initiatives that

Chairman A.P. Møller - Mærsk

shipping news 89 MSC Divina completes initial sea trials

Houlder’s Turbine Access System appears in Government Innovation Showcase Houlder’s Turbine Access System® is being showcased at the Department for Business,



Skills (BIS) to highlight its contribution to the UK Marine Industry. Held in association with the UK Marine Industries Alliance ‘Marine Manufacturing - Global excellence and innovation’ celebrates the role of the industry within On Sunday 15 April MSC Divina successfully com-


pleted her initial sea trials, returning to the Louis Jou-

five key themes - leisure,

bert dock after 3 days on the open seas off the coast

naval, marine energy, com-

of Brittany, France.

mercial and marine science.

The ship performed to the full satisfaction of the

Business Minister Mark Prisk

MSC Cruises team. The rigorous trials involved

toured the showcase (pic-

around 360 people and over 60 separate tests, cov-

tured with Houlder’s Mike

ering everything from speed and manageability to

Carter and Margot Freeman

sound levels and vibration.

with a TAS scale model) and

Further testing will be performed continuously up

saw for himself some of the

until the next big event in MSC Divina’s busy sched-

latest examples of modern

ule: the flag changing ceremony on May 19 in Saint-

marine technology, innovation and design including the award-winning Turbine Access System co-developed


with BMT Nigel Gee and fabricated by MKW Engineering on Tyneside.

A maiden cruise to Marseille will then bring the new

The system is a hydraulically controlled motion-compensated gangway that provides safe personnel transfer

ship to her grand christening on May 26. The spec-

between workboats and offshore wind turbine platforms. It improves Operation and Maintenance capability

tacular evening of entertainment and celebration will

in higher sea states than current solutions. Houlder recently announced the sale of the first unit which is due

be dedicated to the Mediterranean and the passion

for sea trials this summer.

of its peoples, and will again see Italian screen leg-

As well as Houlder, The ‘Marine Manufacturing - Global Excellence and Innovation’ showcase features exhib-

end Sophia Loren cutting the ribbon as the constant

its from leading maritime names Pendennis, Fairline, Williams Performance Tenders, C-Fury, Marine Current

Godmother of the MSC Cruises fleet.

Turbines (Seagen), A&P Group, Sonardyne and the Aircraft Carrier Alliance.

Hydrex: Underwater stern tube seal replacement on general cargo vessel

Guidance on safety during boat drills

Last month Hydrex mobilized a diver/technician team to a 145-meter general cargo vessel in Las Palmas, Spain when oil was leaking from the stern tube seal assembly of the ship. The team used the Hydrex flexible mobock technique to create a dry working environment around the assembly and replaced three damaged stern tube seals on-site, in drydock-like conditions. The operation started with a thorough underwater inspection of the stern tube seal assembly. This revealed that the rope guard was missing. The team also found a rope entangled around the assembly, damaging the stern tube seals and causing the oil leak. Two of the split rings were then disconnected and brought to the surface to be cleaned.






time Authority would like to point out that boat drills must be planned



formed so that they are safe in every respect. The safety equipment should be checked and maintained. Abnormal conditions of wear and tear or corrosion should be reported to the master immediately. The boat should be lowered and recovered without persons on board and, when it has been ascertained that this functions correctly, the boat is lowered with no more persons on board than what is necessary to operate the boat. Lowering a boat with persons on board is an example of an element of drills that may – depending on the circumstances – involve an unnecessary risk. Such elements of drills should be carried out only if special precautions are observed and, if necessary, left out of the drill.

90 shipping news

On Tuesday 20th of March Kongsberg Maritime Hellas opened its new premises in Piraeus. The General Manager of Kongsberg Maritime Hellas SA ,Mr.Terje Dyhre,cut the ribbon , officially opened the office and welcomed all the honourable guests. Many customers of Kongsberg showed up and made sure the evening was a success. A few words about Kongsberg: Kongsberg Maritime delivers products and systems for dynamic positioning, navigation and automation to merchant vessels and offshore installations.The company also supplies products and systems for seabed surveying, surveillance, training simulators, and for fishing vessels and fisheries research. The company also delivers systems for dynamic positioning and navigation, marine automation, cargo management and level sensors, maritime training simulators and position reference systems. Important markets include countries with large offshore and shipyard industries.Find more about Konsberg at

Further high value contracts awarded to Norsafe COSL Prospector

est areas like the North Sea, Barents Sea, Green-

Norsafe has signed an important

There has been a fantastic international demand for Norsafe’s new lifeboat which meets the latest rules and regulations. DNV-OS-E406 and NORSOK R-002 are the newest standards for free fall lifeboat systems for the Norwegian Continental Shelf, and will become mandatory from 2015. The new lifeboats, GES50 MKIII, have a capacity up to 70 persons and are certified for a drop height of 40 metres. The lifeboat system has through testing demonstrated very promising results, offering the safest evacuation from a ship/offshore installation in an emergency situation.



land and Canada.

Yantai CICMC Raffles in

BP Quad 204

China for delivery of large

With this new lifeboat system, Norsafe is also award-

free fall lifeboats and davit

ed a considerable contract with Hyundai Heavy In-

arrangements for the new

dustries Co Ltd. in South-Korea. BP is the owner



of the offshore installation, which is a FPSO ves-

mersible drilling platform,

sel (Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading)

COSL Prospector. This

named BP Quad 204. The new FPSO will operate at

is the fourth delivery in

the British oilfield Schiehallion, 175 kilometers west

the on-going series, and

of Shetland.

owner of the DP3 vessel

The Norsafe Group, with company headquarter at

is COSL Drilling Europe

Tromøy near Arendal (Norway), has more than 700

AS (CDE) with its head of-

employees. The company is running a world-wide

fice in Stavanger Norway.

business with production, delivery and service of

COSL Prospector is a GG5000 design provided by

Life Saving Appliances for shipping and offshore

the Norwegian company Grenland Group will have

industry. The global organization has manufactur-

an operating depth of 1,500 metres and a drilling ca-

ing, sales and service companies in Norway, China,

pacity down to 7,600 metres. The drilling platform is

Greece, Mexico, Singapore, South-Korea, USA,

designed for operations in environmentally demand-

Japan, Brazil and the Netherlands. Furthermore

ing areas and will have DNV Clean Class notation

the organization includes more than 35 service sta-

as one of the first drilling units in the world. COSL

tions spread over all continents. The Norsafe Group

Prospector will also be purpose built for operations

is continuously growing, and new subsidiaries and

in winterized areas and will be delivered with class

service stations are under planning and establish-

notation ICE-T and Winterized Basic. Also equipped


with the new lifeboats, GES50 MKIII from Norsafe,

For further information, please visit our homepage:

COSL Prospector is perfectly adapted for the tough- and

ταξίδι στη γνώση 91


92 ταξίδι στη γνώση Στο προηγούμενο άρθρο είχαμε αναλύσει τα εικονίδια – ιερογλυφικά της πρώτης όψεως του δίσκου της Φαιστού και είχαμε εξηγήσει τους λόγους για τους οποίους είναι αδύνατη, επί του παρόντος τουλάχιστον, η αποκρυπτογράφηση και η ανάγνωση του δίσκου, επειδή δεν έχει βρεθεί άλλο ανάλογο μνημείο. Ίσως η μητέρα γη της Ελλάδος να κρύβει κάπου στα σπλάγχνα της και άλλες παρόμοιες πανάρχαιες γραφές, ώστε δια της συγκριτικής γλωσσολογίας να ανιχνευθούν οι ηχητικές αξίες των μοναδικών αυτών ιερογλυφικών που αποτελούν την πρώτη μορφή τυπογραφίας, τα οποία ασφαλώς θα απηχούν μια γλώσσα πανάρχαια ελληνική, από την οποία προέκυψαν αργότερα οι Γραμμικές Γραφές Α και Β που αποτελούν την πρώτη ατελή γραφή της ελληνικής. Λέξεις που ανιχνεύονται στην Γραμμική Γραφή Β, η οποία έχει αποκρυπτογραφηθεί εν πολλοίς από τον Μ. Βέντρις, έχουν απολιθωθεί στα πανάρχαια ομηρικά κείμενα. Κι αυτό δείχνει την συνέχεια της γλώσσας, που μετεξελίχθηκε στις διάφορες αρχαιοελληνικές διαλέκτους, την Αιολική, την Αττική, την Δωρική και την Ιωνική, από τις οποίες προέκυψαν στη συνέχεια η ελληνιστική, η βυζαντινή, η γλώσσα (γραφή πάντοτε) των Ευαγγελίων, η καθαρεύουσα, η δημοτική και η καθομιλουμένη των Ελλήνων. Σε όλες αυτές τις συγκλονιστικές γλωσσικές εξελίξεις θα αναφερθούμε σε επόμενα άρθρα ώστε να γίνει αντιληπτό επί τέλους ότι το πανευρωπαϊκό και το πανανθρώπινο εν τέλει γλωσσικό φαινόμενο προέκυψε από τον Ελλαδικό και ιδιαίτερα τον Αιγαιακό χώρο σε χρόνους πανάρχαιους, όταν οι άνθρωποι δημιουργούσαν για πρώτη φορά γλώσσα, γραφή και πολιτισμό και δεν χρειάζεται καμμία φοινικοσανσκριτική επίκληση για να εξηγηθεί το αιγαιακό γλωσσικό φαινόμενο. Θέλουμε να ελπίζουμε ότι με τα άρθρα αυτά περί της ελληνικής γλώσσας θα συμβάλλουν στην καταπολέμηση του αναλφαβητισμού που πλανάται σε όλη την χώρα. Αν αυτή η σοβαρή ανωμαλία καταπολεμηθεί ή έστω αναχαιτισθεί, υπάρχει ελπίδα ο ελληνικός λαός να ξαναβρεί την εθνική και ιστορική του δυναμική και να μπορέσει να αντιμετωπίσει τα δεινά που του επεσώρευσε και του επισωρεύει η Νέα Τάξις Πραγμάτων, η οποία χρησιμοποιεί, όπως θα αποδείξουμε, το εργαλείο της ελληνικής γλώσσας, μεταλλαγμένο κατά τα συμφέροντά της, για να επιβάλλει την πολτοποίηση του εθνικού φρονήματος όλων των λαών του πλανήτη. Ας δούμε τώρα και ας αναλύσουμε τα ιερογλυφικά εικονίδια του ΔΤΦ σε συνολικά 63 ενότητες. Η επανάληψη συγκεκριμένων εικονιδίων παραπέμπει σε διφθόγγους ή καταλήξεις λέξεων.

Τι βλέπουμε εδώ; Η ομφαλοφόρος ασπίς πάντοσ’ εϊση όπως λέει ο Όμηρος, δηλαδή από παντού ίση, δηλαδή στρογγυλή συνδυάζεται με μια συντομογραφία τόξου, η πανάρχαια λέξη του οποίου ήταν βίος. Εικονίζεται και ένα γεράκι, ένας ιέραξ ή ένας κύρκος. Πιθανώς αυτός ο συνδυασμός των εικονιδίων να θέλει να μας πληροφορήσει και για μια άλλη σοβαρή απασχόληση των ανθρώπων, το κυνήγι, την θήρα.

Στην λέξη αυτή προστίθεται σαν κατάληξη το εικονίδιο της γυναίκας, που μετεξελίχθηκε στις πρώϊμες Γραμμικές Γραφές σε ένα αφαιρετικό και στυλιζαρισμένο σχέδιο με ηχητική αξία WO. Εδώ όμως η γυναίκα είναι παράδοξα ντυμένη, ίσως η αμφίεσή της να είναι τελετουργική. Προηγείται η γνωστή μας αιχμή, που μοιάζει με μπούμερανγκ των πρωτογόνων λαών. Η λέξη αρχίζει με το γνωστό μας ηνί, που δεν το ξαναβλέπουμε στο υπόλοιπο λεξιλόγιο της πλευράς αυτής του ΔΤΦ.

Εδώ βλέπουμε μια λέξη με πολλές συλλαβές με την γνωστή μας κατάληξη: Ασπίς ακρόκομος. Τα δύο ανάποδα δίδυμα δέρματα του σχήματος 3 διαχωρίζονται, επειδή προφανώς η διαφορετική τους θέση δίνει άλλη ηχητική αξία στις συλλαβές. Μια αιχμή, ένα πουλάκι και άγνωστο σχήμα, προπομπός ίσως κάποιου γράμματος που εμφανίσθηκε πολύ αργότερα, ολοκληρώνουν την λεκτική ενότητα. Είναι κατάδηλη πλέον η διαπίστωση ότι ο γραφέας, τοποθετώντας σε διαφορετική θέση τα εικονίδια και προσθέτοντας νέα, σχηματίζει λέξεις. Δουλεύει με άνεση τους σφραγιδολίθους του, μετακινώντας τους επό του νωπού πηλού, όπως αργότερα ο Γουτεμβέργιος τα στοιχεία της τυπογραφίας, που πρώτοι βέβαια ανακάλυψαν οι Μινωϊτες όπως βλέπουμε.

ταξίδι στη γνώση 93

Όλο και συχνότερα απαντούμε την κατάληξη επωδό: ΑΣΠΙΣ ΑΚΡΟΚΟΜΟΣ. Σ΄αυτή την λέξη προηγούνται η συντομογραφία του τόξου και ο κυνηγετικός ιέραξ. Αν συγκρίνουμε την λέξη αυτή με την λέξη 7 βλέπουμε αρκετή ομοιότητα ως προς τα εικονίδια, τα οποία όμως βρίσκονται σε διαφορετική θέση. Απαράλλακτα όπως εμείς μετακινούμε τα γράμματα και σχηματίζουμε διαφορετικές λέξεις.

Μια σχετικώς απλή λέξη ευκολονόητη από την παράσταση των εικονιδίων ιερογλυφικών. Ο νέος άνθρωπος κατευθύνεται για να παραλάβει το σκήπτρον. Ίσως ήλθε η εποχή να αναλάβει ηγετικό ρόλο στην κοινωνία.

Το ερετμόν, δηλαδή το κουπί, με το πλοίο δίνουν στη λέξη αυτή την θαλασσινή διάσταση του Μινωϊκού λαού. Η αιχμή και το σκήπτρον που προηγούνται ίσως υποδηλώνουν την ηγετική ναυτική δύναμη των Μινωϊτών. Από την κατάληξη έχει φύγει η ασπίδα και ο πολεμιστής συνοδεύεται από ενα ρινόν.

Εδώ έχουμε επανάληψη της λέξεως 10. Μόνο που το γεράκι βλέπει προς τα δεξιά και όχι προς τα αριστερά, όπως στην εικόνα 10. Πιθανώς η διαφορετική θέση να μην οφείλεται σε αδιαφορία του γραφέως αλλά σε ελαφρά διαφοροποίηση της ίδιας λέξεως. Κι αυτό το λέμε επειδή διαπιστώνουμε ότι η γνωστή μας κατάληξη ΑΣΠΙΣ – ΑΚΡΟΚΟΜΟΣ τοποθετείται ομοιόμορφα σε όλες τις λέξεις. Ίσως η ιερογλυφική των Μινωϊτών να είχε και αυτή χρόνους ρημάτων, καταλήξεις και πτώσεις ονομάτων και επιθέτων, όπως με έκπληξη ανεκάλυψε ο Βέντρις κατά την αποκρυπτογράφηση της ΓΓΒ ti-ri-po ti-ripodes // δέπας – δέπαα // κεκαυμένος κλπ.

94 ταξίδι στη γνώση

Εδώ πάλι έχουμε επανάληψη της λέξεως “12”. Υπενθυμίζουμε την άποψή μας ότι περιγράφει τη ναυτική ισχύ των Μινωϊτών.

Εδώ βλέπουμε δύο καινούργια εικονίδια. Το πρώτο είναι μια ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα του τόξου, ενώ το δεύτερο πιθανώς να εικονίζει το παρεμφερές συλλαβόγραμμα της ΓΓΑ που δεν έχει ταυτισθεί και το επίσης συλλαβόγραμμα της ΓΓΒ με ηχητική αξία ru. Ίσως είναι περόνη.

Άλλη μια καινούργια λέξη με την γνωστή μας κατάληξη. Ο συνδυασμός του άνθους, του σκήπτρου και του πτηνού ίσως συμβολίζει καλόν οιωνόν για τον άνακτα.

Τρια καινούργια σύμβολα εμφανίζονται σ’ αυτή την ενότητα τα οποία μετέχουν σε μερικές από τις επόμενες ενότητες η φύση των οποίων ούτε κατ’ εικασία μπορεί να προσδιορισθεί. Η κατάληξη του προβιβάντος νέου δείχνει σαν να θέλει να αποδράσει από κάποιες καταστάσεις ή σύμβολα ζωής του παρελθόντος. Ισως ενηλικίωση δια του απογαλακτισμού, ίσως επιλογή νέων προτύπων ή αντιμετώπιση νέων προκλήσεων.

ταξίδι στη γνώση 95

Το τρίτο αταύτιστο ίσως έχει σχέση με την γεωργική απασχόληση σε συνδυασμό με το άνθος-καρπό και τα ηνία. Η λέξη τελειώνει με την γνωστή μας κατάληξη – επωδό : ΑΣΠΙΣ – ΑΚΡΟΚΟΜΟΣ.

Άλλα τρία γνωστά μας σύμβολα συνδυάζονται με διαφορετικό τρόπο για να σχηματίσουν διαφορετική λέξη που εικαστικά μας παραπέμπει στην γεωργία και την θήρα.

Από την ενότητα αυτή, το πρώτο σύμβολο έχει καταστραφεί. Η λέξη είναι πάντως καινούργια και καταλήγει με την γνωστή μας επωδό : ΑΣΠΙΣ – ΑΚΡΟΚΟΜΟΣ.

Νέα σύμβολα, πλην του ρινού, νέα λέξη. Το πρώτο σύμβολο είναι ημικατεστραμμένο. Δυσδιάκριτο και το δεύτερο.

96 ταξίδι στη γνώση

Η ασπίς για δεύτερη φορά τίθεται μεμονωμένη στην αρχή της λέξεως και ο ρινός για δεύτερη φορά ως κατάληψη. Τα άγνωστα σχήματα προφανώς αποτελούν υπεραπλουστευμένες εικόνες αντικειμένων ή εργαλείων του καθημερινού βίου. Η μη εικαστική αναγνώρισή τους ενισχύει την πεποίθηση ότι οι Μινωϊτες είχαν κατορθώσει να συλλαβίζουν τις γραφόμενες λέξεις, δημιουργώντας έτσι το γλωσσικό υπόστρωμα για τις Γραμμικές Γραφές Α και Β.

Άλλη μια καινούργια λέξη με γνωστά και άγνωστα σύμβολα και την γνωστή κατάληξη. Η μεσαία εικονιζόμενη φιγούρα είναι ασαφής και ημικατεστραμμένη.

Εδώ έχουμε νέα άγνωστα σύμβολα που χρησιμοποιούνται για πρώτη φορά στην όψη αυτή του ΔΤΦ με εμφανή την εικονογράφηση ζώων.

Άλλα τρία άγνωστα σύμβολα συγκροτούν μια καινούργια λέξη. Το μεσαίο σχήμα το συναντήσαμε στις ενότητες 21 και 26.

ταξίδι στη γνώση 97 Εδώ έχουμε μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα λέξη με την εμφάνιση του τρίτου σχήματος, που θυμίζει κλωβόν ( ή κλουβί όπως λέμε σήμερα) ή δόμον, ήτοι μια τριώροφη κατοικία. Πιστεύω ότι το σχήμα μας παραπέμπει στον κλωβόν, που είναι πανάρχαια λέξη, η οποία δεν έχει ετυμολογηθεί. Προφανώς κατάγεται από το κλείω, λέξη που χρησιμοποιούμε σήμερα με πολλά παράγωγα. Από τον κλωβόν, παράγονται λέξεις που βρίσκουμε στα ομηρικά έπη, όπως κληϊς, δηλαδή κλειδί και κλοιός. Υπάρχει ορεινό χωριό στην Λευκάδα – Ιθάκη που ονομάζεται Εγκλουβή, δηλαδή η εν κλωβώ ευρισκόμενη. Και Πράγματι, το χωριό αυτό είναι εντελώς αθέατο επειδή περιβάλλεται από κορυφές ορέων. Εκεί έχουν βρεθεί πανάρχαιοι τάφοι και βωμοί, λαυξεμένοι σε βράχους καθώς και πολλά μυκηναϊκά ερείπια κτιρίων.

Το κείμενο καταλήγει (ή αρχίζει, αναλόγως από το που αρχίζει κανείς την ανάγνωση) με την λέξη αυτή όπου για πρώτη φορά εικονίζεται ο σίτος. Εικαστικά η ενότητα μας παραπέμπει και πάλι στην αγροτική ζωή και στην ανάγκη προστασίας της από τους εισβολείς.

ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΠΙΣΤΩΣΕΙΣ Από τις 30 ενότητες που περιγράφηκαν είναι όμοιες οι λέξεις 1 και 4, 3 και 15, 10, 13 και 16, 11 και 17, 12 και 18. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν συνολικά 36 ιερογλυφικά σύμβολα για το κείμενο της μιας πλευράς του ΔΤΦ. Απαντάται συχνά το αναπόσπαστο σύμπλεγμα ΑΣΠΙΣ – ΑΚΡΟΚΟΜΟΣ. Ίσως ήταν δίφθογγος ή κατάληξη. Σε δύο λέξεις εμφανίζεται μόνο το κεφάλι του πολεμιστού, στις 12 και 18. Οι δίδυμοι ρινοί, τα δέρματα δηλαδή, εμφανίζονται άλλοτε μαζί (στις λέξεις 3 και 15) και άλλοτε μεμονωμένοι (12, 25 και 26). Συνολικά στον ΔΤΦ υπάρχουν 241 αυτοτελή και 61 σύνθετα σύμβολα, που πρέπει να διατυπώνουν ένα κράμα συλλαβικής και ιδεογραφικής γραφής. Μετά την ανάλυση αυτή αντιλαμβάνεται κανείς γιατί είναι σχεδόν αδύνατη η αποκρυπτογράφηση του ΔΤΦ και όσοι το ισχυρίζονται, απλώς αυταπατώνται, διότι δεν γνωρίζουμε τις ηχητικές αξίες των συμβόλων. Διάφοροι κατά καιρούς ειδικοί εξέφρασαν διάφορες εικασίες για το κείμενο του ΔΤΦ. Ο Έβανς, για παράδειγμα, είπε ότι πρόκειται για Λυκιακή γραφή και ότι είναι ύμνος προς τιμήν της Μεγάλης Μητρός. Άλλοι διαφώνησαν και υπεστήριξαν ότι ο δίσκος είναι πολύ εύθραυστος για να μεταφερθεί σε τόσο μεγάλη απόσταση, από την Λυκία δηλαδή στην Κρήτη και υποστηρίζουν ότι η γραφή είναι κρητική. Ο Davis είπε ότι είναι χετεϊκό κείμενο και περιλαμβάνει τις οδηγίες ενός βασιλιά περί ανοικοδομήσεως των ανακτόρων της Φαιστού. Διατυπόνονται και πολλές άλλες εκδοχές για το μινωϊκό αυτό έγγραφο. Το βέβαιο είναι ότι τα κρητικά ιερογλυφικά έχουν ηλικία πάνω από 5000 χρόνια και έδωσαν το έναυσμα για την επινόηση των Γραμμικών Γραφών Α και Β, με τις οποίες μπορούσαν να διατυπώσουν οποιοδήποτε διανόημά τους. Η γραφή είναι κατάκτηση των Ελλήνων, η οποία επηρέασε, όπως θα δούμε αργότερα, βαθύτατα όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές διαλέκτους, σε σημείο που να μην αποτελεί καθόλου υπερβολή το ερώτημα που θέσαμε στην αρχή: «ΟΜΙΛΕΙΤΑΙ ΜΙΝΩΙΚΑ»;

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