Nafs december 2015

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17343 ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 100ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ 2014



ΝΑΥΣ nafs ΝΑΥΣ 108

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 11047-3179


ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

Bimonthly Review for the Shipping industry

Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry Issue 99 - July 2014


Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Posidonia 2014...and the Industry DECEMBER 2015 USA, winner is KAMINCO issue 108

the Galileo’s Cryobox

Vicky Liouta

Cruise Industry’s

economic contribution sets all-time high in Europe

Greek Shipping at a boom? Post Posidonia pulse

Ted Petropoulos

What a difference 90 days makes for Private Equity Funds in Shipping


ABB Turbocharging

How can marine engines become 18 years of serving the marine news industry, we are proud to more After efficient th publish our 100 issue of NAFS. We want to thank your trust and support. Objective for 200 issues is set!!!

RINA launches R&D/Innovation

you all for

Centre in Greece


SKF Hellas celebrates its 90th anniversary







LL amob O C stre

Walking on Water with Style

Streamo Karavel

tel:+ email: -

Index ISSUE 108 - DECEMBER 2015

06. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Νά…τά ποῦμε; ΠΡΩΤΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΚΟΤΟΠΙΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΣ ΜΑΣ 08. ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Περί φυγής των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών και άλλα φληναφήματα…

700: Outstanding ballast tank protection for 10. SIGMAPRIME® long-lasting performance Turbocharging - How can marine engines become more 14. ABB efficient BalClor® Ballast Water Management 18. Sunrui System presentation in Greece 22. RINA launches R&D/Innovation Centre in Greece 28. SKF Hellas celebrates its 90th anniversary

30. The american club hosts exclusive gathering Shipping Consultants 32. NAVIGATOR 15th “NAVIGATOR 2015 - The Shipping Decision Makers Forum” – Research and Analyis: 44. 2015 GREEK FLEET STATISTICS 2ND PART OF 2015 PETROFIN






IOANNIS CHIOTOPOULOS Greek shipowners will stay resilient in the face of economic challenges and strengthen the local market



Greek Shipping Awards The Winners


Dorothea Ioannou The Greek Shipping Industry is dedicated to this country

Ίσαλος Γραμμή

Νά…τά ποῦμε; ΠΡΩΤΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΚΟΤΟΠΙΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΣ ΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ Η ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ ΣΤΟ ΜΝΗΜΟΝΙΟ Ἐνῶ ἡ πρωτιά τῆς ἑλληνικῆς ναυτιλίας ἀνακατελήφθη παγκοσμίως μέ τόν ἐκτοπισμό τῆς Ἰαπωνίας στήν δεύτερη θέση, ἡ ποντοπόρος ναυτιλία μας ἀντιμετωπίζει πολλές προκλήσεις καί πολλά προβλήματα καθώς ἀνατέλει τό 2016, τόσο στόν διεθνῆ ὃσο καί στόν ἐθνικό χῶρο. Ἢδη στό τρίτο ἐπαχθές γιά τόν ἑλληνικό λαό μνημόνιο, περιλαμβάνεται διάταξη πού ἐπηρεάζει τήν ναυτιλία (φορολογικῆς φύσεως), πού προέρχεται ἀπό τήν Κομισιόν, ἐνῶ βάζει σέ πολλές σκέψεις τούς ναυτιλιακούς παράγοντες ὁ κυοφορούμενος νέος φορολογικός νόμος, πού ἀπό πολλούς ἐφοπλιστές προβλέπεται ὃτι θά εἶναι «σοβιετικοῦ τύπου». Ἀναλυτικότερα οἱ ἐξελίξεις ἒχουν ὡς ἑξῆς: Ἡ Κομισιόν ἀρχίζει τώρα νά ἒχη λόγο καί γιά τό φορολογικό καθεστώς τῆς διεθνῶς ἀπασχολουμένης ἑλληνικῆς καί ἑλληνοκτήτου ποντοπόρου ναυτιλίας. Ζητεῖ ἀπό τήν κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ νά ἀναδιαμορφώση τό φορολογικό καθεστώς τῆς ναυτιλίας «γιά να συμβαδίζη μέ τήν ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία καί νά μή παραβιάζει τούς κανόνες περί κρατικῆς βοήθειας.» Στόχος τῆς Κομισιόν εἶναι νά κατακερματίση τήν ἐνιαία ναυτιλιακή συγκρότητση καί νά ἀρχίση νά εξαιρῆ κλάδους τῆς ναυτιλίας, πού δέν παρέχουν ὑπηρεσίες θαλασσίων μεταφορῶν, ἀλλά οἱ μέτοχοι αὐτῶν τῶν ναυτιλιακῶν ἑταιριῶν ἐπωφελούνται ἀπό εὐνοϊκότερη φορολογία. Κατά τήν ΕΕ, «τό εὐνοϊκό στάτους θά πρέπει νά σταματήση νά ἰσχύη ἀκόμη καί γιά τίς ἀσφαλιστικές ὑπηρεσίες στήν ναυτιλία, τούς ναυλομεσίτες καί τούς λοιπούς μεσάζοντες στούς κλάδους τῆς ναυτιλίας, ὃπως καί στούς μετόχους τῶν ναυτιλιακῶν ἑταιριῶν, καθώς κανένας ἀπό τούς παραπάνω δέν ἐμπλέκεται σέ αὐθεντικές μεταφορικές δραστηριότητες καί, συνεπῶς, ἐπέρχεται στρέβλωση στήν ὑφισταμένη κοινοτική νομοθεσία. Σύμφωνα μέ τούς κανόνες τῆς ΕΕ, ἡ νομοθεσία γιά τήν κρατική βοήθεια ἐπιτρέπει τήν στήριξη τῶν ἑταιριῶν θαλασσίων μεταφορῶν, μέσω τῆς φορολογίας των, ὂχι μέ βάση τά κέρδη τῆς ἑταιρίας, ἀλλά τό τονάζ. Αὐτά τά μέτρα καθιερώθηκαν προκειμένου οἱ ναυτιλιακές ἑταιρίες νά ἒχουν τήν ἓδρα τῶν δραστηριοτήτων τους στήν ΕΕ καί ὂχι ἐκτός αὐτῆς. Κατά τήν ἀντίληψη τῆς Κομισιόν, τό νέο φορολογικό σύστημα δέν ἐπηρεάζει τόν «σκληρό πυρῆνα» τῆς ἑλληνικῆς ναυτιλίας, ὃπως τά πλοῖα ξηροῦ φορτίου καί τά δεξαμενόπλοια, τά ὁποῖα θά συνεχίσουν νά βρίσκονται κάτω ἀπό τό εὐνοϊκό φορολογικό σύστημα μέ βάση τό τονάζ, ὃσο ὁ στόλος τῶν ἑταιριῶν αὐτῶν χρησιμοποιεῖ εὐρωπαϊκή σημαία. Τό νέο σύστημα φορολογίας, πού θέλει μεταξύ ἂλλων νά ἐξαιρέση τά ἀλιευτικά, τά ρυμουλκά, τά γιώτ κ.ἂ., ἒχει προγραμματισθῆ νά ἰσχύση ἀπό Ιης Ἰανουαρίου τοῦ 2019 τό ἀργότερο, καθώς ἡ μεταρρύθμιση αὐτή ἐντάσσεται στό τρίτο μνημόνιο,



πού συμφωνήθηκε μεταξύ δανειστῶν καί Ἑλλάδος. Ἀλλά ἡ Κομισιόν δέν περιορίζεται μόνο σέ συστάσεις καί διαβουλεύσεις, ἀλλά προειδοποιεῖ ἀκόμη καί γιά ἐπιβολή κυρώσεων, καθώς, ἂν δέν ὑπάρξη συμφωνία, ἐνδέχεται νά ξεκινήσει ἐπίσημη ἒρευνα γιά παράνομη κρατική βοήθεια. ΥΠΟΧΩΡΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟ ΣΥΝΑΛΛΑΓΜΑ Τά μεγάλα χρέη τῶν ναυτιλιακῶν ἑταιριῶν πρός τίς τράπεζες, λόγω ὑψηλοῦ δανεισμοῦ γιά τήν ναυπήγηση ἢ τήν ἀγορά νέων πλοίων, πού τελικά ἒπληξε καίρια τήν ναυλαγορά λόγω πλεονάζοντος τονάζ, εἶχε σάν συνέπεια τήν μεγάλη μείωση τοῦ ναυτιλιακοῦ συναλλάγματος τόν περασμένο Ὀκτώβριο. Αἰτία τῆς μείωσης εἶναι ὁ σημαντικός ἀριθμός τῶν ἑταιριῶν πού δραστηριοποιοῦνται στο ἐξωτερικό, οἱ ὁποῖες δέχονται πιέσεις γιά μεταβίβαση ἐσόδων σέ ξένες τράπεζες, προκειμένου νά ἀνταποκριθοῦν ἀμεσότερα σέ διάφορες ὑποχρεώσεις τους, ὃπως ναύλους καί μισθοδοσίες. Ἡ πτώση τοῦ ναυτιλιακοῦ συναλλάγματος εἶναι κατακόρυφη. Σύμφωνα μέ τά στοιχεῖα τῆς Τραπέζης τῆς Ἑλλάδος, τό ναυτιλιακό συνάλλαγμα ἀνῆλθε στά 635,2 ἑκατ. εὐρώ τόν περασμένο Ὀκτώβριο, ἒναντι 1.141 ἑκατ. εὐρώ τόν ἀντίστοιχο μῆνα τοῦ 2014 καί Ι δίσ. εὐρώ τό 2013. ΥΠ’ ΑΤΜΟΝ ΑΝ… Σέ στάση ἀναμονῆς τελοῦν οἱ ἑταιρίες ποντοπόρου ναυτιλίας στόν Πειραιᾶ ἐν ὂψει τῆς ψηφίσεως τοῦ νέου φορολογικοῦ νόμου καί τοῦ νόμου περί περιουσιολογίου, καθώς φοβοῦνται ὃτι θά πληγοῦν ἀπό τά σχεδιαζόμενα «σοβιετικοῦ τύπου» φορολογικά μέτρα. Ἢδη οἱ περισσότερτες ναυτιλιακές ἑταιρίες τοῦ Πειραιῶς ἒχουν δημιουργήσει «παράλληλα γραφεῖα διαχείρισης» κυρίως στήν Κύπρο, ἀλλά ἐπίσης στό Ντουμπάϊ, στό Μονακό, στήν Μάλτα καί ἀλλοῦ, «γιά λόγους ἐπιβίωσης» ὃπως λένε, στήν περίπτωση κατά τήν ὁποία θά ἐπιβαρυνθῆ περαιτέρω ἡ φορολογία τῶν πλοίων. Ἢδη τό tonnage tax τῆς ἑλληνικῆς ναυτιλίας εἶναι 4 φορές ὑψηλότερο τῆς Κύπρου, 4 φορές ὑψηλότερο τῆς Ὁλλανδίας καί 3 φορές ὑψηλότερο τῆς Γερμανίας. Οἱ ἑταιρίες τῆς ποντοπόρου ναυτιλίας τοῦ Πειραιῶς διέρχονται μεγάλη κρίση λόγω τῆς κακῆς ναυλαγορᾶς τῶν πλοίων ξηροῦ φορτίου, τῆς κρίσης τοῦ χρηματιστηρίου τῆς Νέας Ὑόρκης, ὃπου εἶναι εἰσηγμένες οἱ μεγαλύτερες ἑλληνικές ναυτιλιακές ἑταιρίες καί ἐξ αἰτίας τῶν ὑψηλῶν χρεῶν τῶν ἐφοπλιστῶν πρός τίς τράπεζες. Ναυτιλιακοί κύκλοι τοῦ Πειραιῶς ἒλεγαν ὃτι δέν ὑπάρχει οὒτε μία ἑταιρία, τῆς ὁποίας ἡ ἀξία τοῦ στόλου της νά εἶναι ἀνώτερη τῶν χρεῶν πρός τίς τράπεζες, καθώς οἱ ἐμπορικοί στόλου ἒχουν ἀπαξιωθῆ. ΤΣΑΪΝΑ ΤΑΟΥΝ Ο ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ; Σύμφωνα μέ ὃλες τίς ἐνδείξεις, φαίνεται ὃτι μόνο οἱ Κινέζοι «παίζουν» γιά τήν ἀπόκτηση τοῦ

Γράφει ο

Κώστας Δούκας

Δημοσιογράφος Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση

πλειοψηφικοῦ πακέτου μετοχῶν τοῦ ΟΛΠ (61%). Ἢδη ὁλοκληρώθηκε στό Λονδίνο ἡ διαδικασία κατάθεσης τῶν δεσμευτικῶν προσφορῶν ἀπό τήν Morgan Stanley, πού λειτουργεῖ ὡς σύμβουλος τοῦ ΤΑΥΠΕΔ. Ἰσχυρό ἐνδιαφέρον ἒχει ἐπιδείξει ἡ Cosco, ἀλλά καί ἡ δανική ΑΡΜ Terminals καί ἡ ICTS ἀπό τίς Φιλιππίνες. Τά προγνωστικά λένε ὃτι ὁ Πειραιᾶς θά μεταβληθῆ σέ μία χαμηλόμισθη περιοχή «Τσάϊνα Τάουν» καί ἡ Ελλάδα θά ἐκχωρήσει ἂλλη μιά φορά τμῆμα ἐθνικῆς κυριαρχίας, πού θά μποροῦσε νά εἶχε μεγάλη κερδοφορία κάτω ἀπό ἐθνική διαχείριση. ΠΡΩΤΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΜΕ...ΤΗΝ ΒΟΥΛΑ! Καί τό πιό καλό νέο. Μεταξύ τῶν 100 μεγαλυτέρων ἐφοπλιστῶν τοῦ κόσμου φιγουράρουν 13 Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές, καί μάλιστα σέ διακριτές θέσεις. Παρά τήν κρίση, οἱ Ἓλληνες έφοπλιστές κατόρθωσαν νά ἀναδείξουν τήν καταποντιζομένη Ἑλλάδα ὡς τήν μεγαλύτερη ναυτιλιακή χώρα τοῦ κόσμου, ἐκτοπίζοντας τούς Ἰάπωνες στήν δεύτερη θέση, γεγονός πού ἐπισημάνθηκε καί σχολιάσθηκε μέ θαυμασμό ἀπό τό σύνολο τοῦ ξένου ἒγκυρου τύπου. Ὃπως δήλωσε ὁ πρόεδρος τῆς ΕΕΕ κ Θ. Βενιάμης, «γιά πάνω ἀπό 100 χρόνια ἡ Ἑλλάδα εἶναι ὁ ἡγέτης τῆς ἀγορᾶς. Σήμερα ἒχουμε τόν ἒλεγχο τοῦ 16,25% τοῦ παγκοσμίου στόλου καί σχεδόν τό 40% τοῦ εὐρωπαϊκοῦ στόλου». Κατά σειρά οἱ Ἓλληνες πλοικτῆτες πού περιλαμβάνονται στόν ἐφετεινό κατάλογο τῶν πιό ἰσχυρῶν παραγόντων τῆς παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας, εἶναι οἱ ἑξῆς: Κορυφαῖος Ἓλληνας καί 5ος στήν σειρά εἶναι ὁ Γιάννης Ἀγγελικούσης. Στήν 16η θέση βρίσκεται ἡ Ἀγγελική Φράγκου, δυναμική ἐφοπλίστρια καί κόρη τοῦ καπετάν Νίκου Φράγκου. Στήν 17η θέση βρίσκεται ὁ Γιῶργος Οἰκονόμου. Στήν 18η θέση βρίσκεται ὁ Γιῶργος Προκοπίου. Στήν 21η θέση βρίσκεται ὁ Πῆτερ Λιβανός. Στήν 31η θέση βρίσκεται ὁ Πέτρος Παππάς. Στήν 31η θέση, ὁ Νίκος Τσάκος. Στήν 47η θέση, ὁ Πῆτερ Γεωργακόπουλος. Στήν 48η θέση ὁ πρόεδρος τῆς ΕΕΕ Θεοδ. Βενιάμης. Στήν 52α θέση ὁ Κωστής Κωνσταντακόπουλος. Στήν 65η θέση, ὁ Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης. Στήν 88η θέση, ὁ Σίμος Παλιός. Στήν 98η θέση τέλος βρίσκεται ὁ Δ. Μελισσανίδης. Ἡ συμμετοχή τόσων Ἑλλήνων ἐφοπλιστῶν σέ μία παγκόσμια λίστα τῶν μεγαλυτέρων θαλασσίων μεταφορέων τοῦ κόσμου, δείχνει τήν ἀκατάβλητη δυναμικότητα τοῦ ναυτιλιακοῦ κλάδου τῆς Ἑλλάδος, πού ὃπως φαίνεται ἐξακολουθεῖ νά βρίσκεται στό… στόχαστρο τοῦ κοντόφθαλμου κράτους μας. Εἲθε νά ἀνοίξουν τά μάτια τους ἐκεῖ πρός τό Μαξίμου καί τό Ὑπουργεῖο Οἰκονομικῶν καί νά αφήσουν τήν ναυτιλία ἣσυχη νά κάνη τήν δουλειά της. Σέ κάθε περίπτωση κερδισμένη θά βγῆ ἡ χώρα.


Περί φυγής των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών και άλλα φληναφήματα… παραπάνω άποψη στις μάζες που χάφτουν ό,τι λέει η τηλεόραση και να πιστεύουν ότι οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες είναι στο απυρόβλητο της φορολογικής συνεισφοράς.

Γράφει ο

Νίκος Κ. Δούκας

Εκδότης - Δημοσιογράφος Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ

Μέσα στο γενικότερο μπάχαλο που έχει δημιουργηθεί από την κυβέρνηση ΣΥΡΙΖΑΑΝΕΛ, πρωταγωνιστούν κάποιοι σκόρπιοι τίτλοι περί εγκατάλειψης του Πειραιά ως Ναυτιλιακό κέντρο από τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες, ενώ την ίδια ώρα πολλοί κάνουν λόγο για μετεγκατάσταση των ναυτιλιακών εταιριών στην Κύπρο ή αλλού. Ο λόγος για ακόμα μία φορά είναι απλός και γνωστός. Η υψηλή φορολογία των Ελλήνων πλοιοκτητών με κραυγαλέες αντιδράσεις από την Κομισιόν, την ίδια ώρα που άλλα ισχύουν σε Ευρωπαϊκές Ναυτιλιακές Οικονομίες. Πιο συγκεκριμένα η Ε.Ε. θέλει να εντάξει σε καθεστώς υπερφορολόγησης τους Έλληνες Πλοιοκτήτες την ίδια ώρα που μειώνει την φορολογία στους Γερμανούς πλοιοκτήτες και οι Γερμανοί πολιτικοί με προεξέχουσα μορφή τον Βόλφγκανγκ Σόιμπλε καλούν τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες να κάνουν έδρα το Αμβούργο. Καταλαβαίνει λοιπόν κανείς ότι θέλουν να βάλουν χέρι στην Ελληνική Ναυτιλία η οποία σε λίγο διάστημα θα ξεπερνά σε ποσοστό στόλου το 50% της Ε.Ε. Στην Ελλάδα έχει επικρατήσει η άποψη ότι οι Έλληνες Εφοπλιστές δεν πληρώνουν φόρους. Έχουν λοιπόν βάλει τα Ευρωπαϊκά λόμπι κάποιους Έλληνες να περάσουν την



Από την άλλη μεριά η Κομισιόν προσπαθεί με τους εδώ πολιτικούς της πλάκας να περάσει καταστροφικούς νόμους για την Ελληνική Ναυτιλία την ίδια στιγμή που άλλες Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες έχουν σαφή κανονισμό για τις Ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις πολύ ευνοϊκότερο από τον Ελληνικό για τον απλό λόγο ότι σέβονται πρώτα τους πολίτες τους και εν συνεχεία εκτιμούν τα κέρδη από τον κλάδο, που ανέρχονται σε κάποια δισεκατομμύρια ετησίως. Και ερωτώ. Αν οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες είχαν ευνοϊκό φορολογικό καθεστώς σε σχέση με τους Ευρωπαίους συναδέλφους τους δεν θα έρχονταν οι ξένοι πλοιοκτήτες να δημιουργήσουν έδρα στην Ελλάδα για να γλυτώσουν φορολογία στην πατρίδα τους; Και αντίστροφα. Γιατί δεν φεύγουν οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες αφού βάλλονται πανταχόθεν να κάνουν έδρα στην Γερμανία ή στην Ολλανδία ή οπουδήποτε αλλού υπάρχει ευνοϊκότερο φορολογικό καθεστώς; Γιατί οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες δεν έφυγαν για την Κύπρο όταν καταργήθηκε σε μία νύχτα το Υπουργείο Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας; Πως και γιατί παραμένουν στην Ελλάδα υπό καθεστώς capital control; Η απάντηση είναι ότι ούτε οι ξένοι πλοιοκτήτες μπορούν να έρθουν να κάνουν έδρα στην Ελλάδα, ούτε οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες μπορούν ή θέλουν να κάνουν έδρα στο εξωτερικό. Και ο λόγος είναι πάρα πολύ απλός. Επί σειρά δεκαετιών τόσο οι Έλληνες όσο και οι ξένοι πλοιοκτήτες οργώνουν τις παγκόσμιες θάλασσες έχοντας να αντιμετωπίσουν όχι μόνο τον θαλάσσιο κίνδυνο που ελλοχεύει καθημερινά, αλλά πρωτίστως μία τεράστια βιομηχανία που έχει στηθεί γύρω από το πλοίο με σκοπό

στο όνομα του περιβάλλοντος και όχι μόνο να χρεώνει συνεχώς τον πλοιοκτήτη γιατί αν δεν δημιουργηθεί μία τέτοια βιομηχανία γύρω από το πλοίο που μεταφέρει το 90% των αγαθών παγκοσμίως τότε που θα δημιουργηθεί; Οι πλοιοκτήτες βρίσκονται συνεχώς υπό καθεστώς διαβουλεύσεων για τις νέες υπηρεσίες και τα νέα προϊόντα που θα πρέπει συνεχώς να τοποθετούν στα πλοία τους και φυσικά να πληρώνουν συνεχώς ανεξάρτητα αν είναι Έλληνες ή ξένοι. Οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες μεγαλούργησαν εδώ στην Ελλάδα για κάποιους λόγους που θα αναφέρουμε σε μεταγενέστερα άρθρα, έχοντας ικανότητα, διορατικότητα αλλά και το Ελληνικό πολιτικό σύστημα. Ένα σύστημα πολύ γνωστό για τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες και παντελώς άγνωστο και δυσνόητο για τους ξένους πλοιοκτήτες. Όσο κι αν θέλουν κάποιοι να μας περάσουν ότι όλοι οι λαοί είναι ίδιοι, και ότι όλοι είμαστε μια Ευρωπαϊκή οικογένεια, επιτρέψτε μου να διαφωνήσω. Ο επιτυχημένος Έλληνας πλοιοκτήτης είναι αυτός που κάποτε ευνοήθηκε από το καθεστώς της Χούντας, εν συνεχεία εκμεταλλεύτηκε το καθεστώς – όπως αποδείχτηκε – της μεταπολίτευσης, είχε διορατικότητα, ικανότητες, λήψη σωστών αποφάσεων την σωστή στιγμή και πολλά άλλα. Οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες δεν φεύγουν από την Ελλάδα γιατί μόνο εδώ μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν ελεύθερα και να εκμεταλλευτούν στο έπακρο τα πάντα, ακόμα και τις αδυναμίες ή τις τρύπες της κρατικής μηχανής που παραπαίει τα τελευταία 50 χρόνια ενώ εκείνοι πρωτεύουν για δεκαετίες στο χώρο τους. Αυτά τα μαγικά φίλτρα φτιάχνονται στην Ελλάδα και είναι μόνο για ‘Έλληνες. Αν μεταφερθούν αλλού χαλάνε και γίνονται τοξικά. Εδώ θα είμαστε και θα παρακολουθούμε τις εξελίξεις. Καλή χρονιά!!!

AP_Marine_210x280-2014:AP_Marine_210x280-2014 05/05/14 10:07 Page1

Η Μαριλένα Λασκαρίδου σεβόταν και λάτρευε τους οικογενειακούς θεσμούς. Σπουδαία Μητέρα και όχι μόνο για τα παιδιά της, σπάνια σύντροφος και φίλη, η ψυχή της οικογένειάς της και του Ιδρύματος, άφησε πίσω της αναπλήρωτο κενό.

We support innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions For more information, please contact: Bureau Veritas Hellas A.E. 23, Etolikou Str. - 185 45 PIRAEUS Tel: +30 (210) 40 63 000 Fax: +30 (210) 40 63 063 Email: Visit us on: - -

Move Forward with Confidence

Article Attributed to Sijmen Visser, Global Marketing Manager Marine, PPG Protective and Marine Coatings

SIGMAPRIME® 700: Outstanding ballast tank protection for long-lasting performance


Chandris (Hellas) Inc., established in 1915, is a ship management company based in Piraeus, Greece, specializing in the management and operation of oil tankers and bulk carriers. All vessels are owned by individual companies and are registered mostly under the Greek flag. As of 2014, the fleet’s deadweight capacity is close to 4 million DWT tonnes with an average age of about 7 years.

The Challenge

Over the years, corrosion in water ballast tanks has been identified as a major concern. This issue triggered the establishment of a new set of regulations under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization. This Performance Standard for Protective Coating (PSPC) is dedicated to seawater water ballast tanks and is compulsory for all steel ships above 500 GT, which have building contracts that were signed after July 1, 2008. Under these regulations, the coating requires regular assessment and the service lifetime should be at least 15 years.

The PPG Solution

PPG’s SIGMAPRIME 700 primer is specially



designed to provide excellent and long-lasting cracking resistance, even after multiple immersion and temperature cycles. It is not only an ideal choice for the harsh water ballast area but also a coating solution that reduces complexity during the new-building period. The SIGMAPRIME 700 primer can be applied all year round to virtually all vessel areas and in all temperatures.

The Benefits

The water ballast tank area is a critical area for the safety of the ship and its crew at sea. It is compulsory to regularly survey the ballast tank and conduct repairs whenever appropriate. However, repairs in this area are very difficult due to its physical nature: its confined space reduces accessibility and makes any surface preparation and coating application complicated. That is why repair costs per square meter are among the highest in the business. The excellent performance of the SIGMAPRIME 700 coating provides customers with significant savings by avoiding complex and lengthy repair procedures and by allowing the vessel to immediately resume its commercial operations after inspection.

The Result

The Mariloula is a bulk carrier of 94,232 GT, 291 m long and 45 m wide, and was the first vessel built under the IMO PSPC rules. Delivered in 2008, Chandris, DSME and PPG worked together for the implementation of the upcoming regulations. The SIGMAPRIME 700 coating was selected for this pioneering work that involved the application of new coating working procedures. The SIGMAPRIME Series has been addressing the issue of corrosion in such difficult areas long before the IMO PSPC was issued, which allowed PPG to be among the first paint suppliers to comply with the corresponding IMO PSPC class approval. After five years in service, the performance of the SIGMAPRIME 700 coating is outstanding and its appearance is as good as new. On inspection, there was no need for any repair in the water ballast tank area. Mr. D. E. Kourouklis, Director Marine Operations of Chandris Hellas said: “With less than 0.1% damage, the coating is performing very well, as expected from a SIGMAPRIME product.”


SIGMA SAILADVANCE™ RX and GX Advanced low-friction, self-lubricating antifoulings PPG’s new SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX and GX antifoulings have been developed with the primary aim of reducing energy and therefore lowering total operational costs. Based on a new patented binder technology built on the Controlled Surface Active Polymers (CSP) inside, these coatings offer a self-lubrication and self-release mechanism resulting in low friction, idle time tolerance and fuel savings.

SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX and GX coatings offer: • Fuel savings averaging 5% • Low-friction properties from lubricating CSP suppressing turbulent flow • Extended idle days through the release effect of CSP creating a slippery surface

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The PPG logo is a registered trademark. Bringing innovation to the surface. and SIGMA SAILADVANCE are trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

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Greek shipowners will stay resilient in the face of economic challenges and strengthen the local market In August you took over as the new DNV GL Regional Manager for the East Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Sea. Could you say something about your personal background? I studied Maritime Engineering and Naval Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens, before going on to do a Master in Marine Technology in Newcastle. I started my career working for shipowners for ten years travelling the globe for repairs and surveys. Then I joined DNV GL and after working in the Far East for 15 years I finally moved back to my home country this summer. I feel very connected to the shipping industry in Greece, not just because of my studies and my work, but also because of my family background. My family owned a shipping company from the 19th century until 1985 when they sold their last reefer.

Ioannis Chiotopoulos, Regional Manager East Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Sea

One of the key initiatives outlined in the new DNV GL Maritime Strategy 2016-2020 is to establish Greece as the classification society’s third “home market”, in addition to Norway and Germany. Ioannis Chiotopoulos, the DNV GL Regional Manager in Piraeus, shares what this means for DNV GL’s operations in Greece and what kind of challenges lay ahead.



Over the last several years DNV GL has focused a lot of attention on Greece. What are your plans going forward? In fact, DNV GL has decided strengthen its presence in the region even further and will look to make Greece its third home market.

their day-to-day operations. We are now able to solve all issues directly in Piraeus. How does the Greek market look at the moment? Piraeus is a unique place with a very high concentration of shipping companies. Over 180 million GT are controlled here, which adds up to about 16 per cent of the world fleet and 47 per cent of the European fleet. Over the last 15 years the Greek fleet has also been renewed significantly. The average age of a Greek vessel now lies just below ten years. In the first ten months of this year alone, Greek owners have invested more than 6 billion US Dollar in buying tonnage, this is more than the United Kingdom and China put together, who each invested less than 2 billion US Dollars. Considering these record figures, it is a rational consequence for DNV GL to invest in Greece and get closer to the market.

What will that mean? The plan is quite complex. Due to the fact that Greek shipping holds a leading position in the bulk carrier and tanker segments, we will have segment directors for bulk and tankers based in Piraeus. We will also reinforce the Piraeus office and establish a service center for Direct Access to Technical Experts (DATE) there, to cover the region - this has started from 1st September. Local approval center will be enhanced in order to do all fleet in service approvals locally. Our local Research and Innovation center will be more commercialized so that the local market can benefit from the results of their research and also create an advisory department. CAP and pre-contract services in Piraeus will also be enhanced with higher decision making authority. We will have a chief surveyor stationed in Piraeus, so all grey zone area issues, process problems, potential quality issues can be solved on the spot. Last but not least we will establish a global network of Greek speaking surveyors for fleet in service and newbuilding. Greek owners will have access to this network for surveys on board their ships worldwide.

What kind of changes do you expect from the current economic situation in Greece and the reform plans? The maritime business in Greece has not been affected much. There is only an increase of 4 per cent in the tax tonnage for the next five years affecting shipowners. This is similar to what other European countries have in place and it does not create an incentive for shipping companies to leave. Besides, it has to be mentioned that the shipping industry has always been an international business. Greek owners work with international cargo operators and charterers, the common currency is US Dollar. Maybe the maritime business could even be part of a solution to the crisis. With some 4,000 vessels in Greek hands there could be many more jobs created in the country. Where does DNV GL stand in Greece today? Currently we have 705 Greek vessels in class, which equates to 18.3 per cent of the market share in terms of vessel numbers. Within five years we aim to increase this number. DNV GL’s relationship with the Greek shipping industry goes back almost 100 years and we have always cooperated very closely with shipowners in this market. Coupled with our new measures and existing services, we are confident we can achieve this goal and become the preferred partner for Greek customers.

Could this have a wider regional impact? It could have a very significant impact. Customers from neighbouring countries such as Italy or Turkey may now refer directly to Piraeus and therefore have all possible classification services closer to home as well. That makes it much easier for them to conduct business with DNV GL, especially in

What kind of priorities have you set yourself? I will work on building and strengthening our relationships with our customers in the Eastern Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Sea region, with a particular focus on the Greek shipping community. I believe good relationships are essential to achieving the goals we have set ourselves.


Opinion Piece DNV GL’s new Regional Manager Ioannis Chiotopoulos shares his view on current developments on the international market and explains why he believes Greek shipowners will stay resilient in the face of economic challenges and strengthen the local market…. As far as the Greek shipping industry is concerned, the question is “will Greek shipping continue to remain resilient and create employment and growth in the country in a constantly changing environment”? I learnt how resilient Greek shipowners can be first hand from the story of Captain Nikolaos Rigas. He owned a shipping company with a fleet of seven vessels. It was a thriving business until the Second World War started and the Axis powers confiscated his ships. Only one of the vessels survived the war in one piece. It was hit by a torpedo and sank to the bottom of the Aegean Sea. Just after the war ended, Captain Nikos got together a team of divers and near the site where the ship had sunk for a few weeks. They dived down to the vessel and unloaded the bombs it was still carrying with their bare hands. Eventually, they installed balloons in the cargo holds, inflated them, resurfaced the vessel and towed it to Piraeus. There it was repaired and my Captain Nikos restarted his company. He was one of many shipowners all over the country, who had to rebuild their business from scratch after the Second World War. When I take a look at the Greek maritime industry today, it seems like the challenges Greek shipowners faced in the past, have made them stronger. In today’s economic crisis, the maritime industry has a great advantage over other sectors. It operates globally and so even though the Greek economy is facing many challenges, the maritime industry has not been affected much by the crisis. And while additional taxes are a concern, the only additional tax that owners have had to pay until now is the tonnage tax, which was increased slightly after last Memorandum. Shipping companies have always been and still are some of the most important employers in the country. Tens of thousands of people work directly for shipowners, either in their company’s offices, on board vessels or indirectly, as service suppliers, consultants, lawyers, brokers or insurers. If the government comes to an agreement with the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), employment numbers in the industry could increase further. The UGS had offered to employ Greek staff on all Greek managed vessels to the terms of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). As far as the international shipping industry is concerned, the question is “how the international shipping industry will face the three major and persistent challenges: the reduction of cargo volumes transported, the overcapacity of tonnage and the reduced

ability of the banking system to finance ship-owners”? Contrary to what people may believe there has not been a reduction of cargo volumes in the maritime industry. The seaborne trade has been growing for decades, for the past five years we have had an average annual growth of around 3.8 to 4 per cent. Observations show that the mega trend of the seaborne trade is driven by the population growth. Perhaps a more legitimate question would be if there is enough growth of trade in order to employ the entire fleet? The answer would probably be “no”. However, just because the trade does not grow as quickly as many would hope, the trade itself is not to blame. It’s the fleet that has grown too big and too early, creating an overcapacity of tonnage. Traditionally, shipping has a tendency of remaining oversupplied most of the time. This comes mainly from the fact that there are no control mechanisms for the supply of ships. Anyone can go and order/buy a new ship. There are many reasons to order a ship – the balance between supply and demand is just one of them. Whether you buy to operate, speculate, charter out or purchase a vessel for fiscal reasons, ships will need to compete against each other in the open market. Take bulk carriers or drill ships for example. We currently see overcapacity in these segments and in both cases, we knew this was coming. That doesn’t mean that bulk carriers or drill ships are not going to be ordered in the near future. Bulker and drill ship orders may even be of great interest to investment bankers looking for assets to make capital gains by supporting shipping companies in placing counter cyclical orders – which leads me to my next point, ship finance. It wouldn’t be correct to say that the banking system isn’t capable of financing new ship orders anymore. There is plenty of capital in the market, but traditional shipping banks are not willing to invest in shipping as much as they used to. Borrowing money was relatively easy for ship owners prior to 2008. Banks were arranging loans based on very limited risk analysis. They were mostly interested in the size of a ship owner’s company, the rating of his future charterer and the type of charter that was secured for the ship they were arranging financing for. One A4 size paper form would normally provide all information required by a bank. A typical loan was a senior debt, with LTV (loan to value) up to 80 per cent. If the balance sheet could support the cost of financing, things normally went smoothly. Nobody really

questioned the RV (residual value) of the ship, even if in some cases prices had increased by as much as 250 per cent. This all played a part in creating an order book worth $300 billion right before the market crashed in 2008. In recent years, banks have been trying to reduce their shipping exposure. Some have pulled out of the maritime industry altogether. But though shipowners face greater challenges when trying to secure financing, it is not impossible. The current order book shows that two thirds of today’s orders are still based on the traditional model of ship financing. However, loans are arranged on different, much more stringent terms. Banks usually lend no more than 60 per cent LTV. It is also important to mention that they are much more careful when they assess the RV of the asset and they are a lot more interested in technical details of a vessel. They want to assess its quality, efficiency, environmental footprint in order to mitigate the risk and confirm competitive edge against other ships. They have learnt their lesson from the past, when the value of ships plummeted along with the entire market, throwing their clients into the subprime position pretty much over-night. If a shipowner has enough liquidity, a strong balance sheet and can prove that the company could make a profit with the vessel, financing from traditional sources is still achievable. It is more expensive than it used to be, as margins have gone up, but it is there. Many shipping companies have also raising capital through the stock exchange. Creating IPOs (initial public offerings) and new shares offerings or issuing bonds are common ways of raising capital. However, this is only an option for bigger shipping companies with enough working capital to be listed and a good eye for timing. A number of Greek interest companies have been very successful with their IPOs. In China and Korea, export credit agencies have become a well-established source of financing. They are open to anyone willing to build the ship in the country the agency is based in. The way it works is that the agencies arrange financing from domestic banks, providing one will build his vessel in their country. It is a form of stimulating a country’s shipbuilding industry. But the mechanism is far from perfect. Even though the agencies do not provide the capital themselves, they have to take on the risk of default themselves, whether it is owners default or a shipyard default. As they are backed by the governments, they can offer very competitive conditions, despite the risks, which is why most traditional banks could find it hard to compete with them.



Market News

Sunrui BalClor® Ballast Water Management System presentation in Greece

RINA Hellenic Advisory Committee approves Piraeus Marine Technical Support Centre On Thursday, 3rd of December 2015, Sunrui Marine Environment Engineering Co, Ltd. and its exclusive agent in Greece, Marine Plus SA, organized a presentation of BalClor® Ballast Water Management System at the Piraeus Marine Club. The participants had the opportunity to be informed about the system by Mr. Mengsen Li, Project Manager and Mr. Xiaolei Zhang, Design Engineer of Sunrui Marine Environment Engineering Co, Ltd. and Mr. Dimitris Vranopoulos, Managing Director of Marine Plus SA. Sunrui Marine Environment Engineering Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (CSIC). The company headquarter is located in Qingdao, with the branch in Shanghai and the offices in Tokyo and in Singapore. It is a professional high-tech engineering company, which is engaged in the research and development, design, manufacture, engineering and project management in the fields of corrosion control and water treatment technologies. SunRui has successfully developed BalClor® BWMS (Ballast Water Management System), which compiles to IMO D-2 standards and has received Type Approval Certificates by DNV, CCS, LR, NK, BV, ABS and also IMO, USCG AMS Approval Certificates. The procedure for the acquisition of the USCG Type Approval



Certificate is progressing according to schedule: (1) land-base testing: all testing circles (including 5 testing circles on fresh water, 5 circles on brackish water and 5 circles on seawater) were completed and the results show that treated water fully met the USCG regulations (Disinfection concentration is 7.5ppm, same as IMO final approval). Testing report is to be finalized by DHI. (2) On-board testing: 3 testing circles (from the total 5 circles which are required) were completed. All the testing circles will have been completed by April 2016. The BalClor® BWMS provides reliable Ballast Water Treatment either for Newbuildings or Existing Vessels (via Retrofit) and has many advantages, including: • The Treatment, which is performed by Filtration, Side-Stream Electrolysis and Neutralization, is environmental friendly, has high efficiency and is safe for the crew and the vessel. • Proven Electrolysis Technology from SunRui, already implemented even to Nuclear Power Plants. • Successful installation and operation of more than 100 systems (until summer 2015), to both Newbuildings and Existing Vessels (Retrofit). • References for Tankers (including VLCCs), Bulk Carriers, Container Vessels, LNGs and

other vessel types. Almost 400 systems have been ordered for more than 250 Vessels (until summer 2015). • Impressive Production Line guaranteeing that delivery time will be met. • MModular Design for Newbuilding and Adaptable Design for Retrofit Projects. • Competitive Pricing - Low Operational and Maintenance Cost. • Preference and Support from CSIC Group Shipyards. • Life Time Warrantee for the Electrodes (The Sole Maker to provide this). • MGuarantee that if in the future USCG/IMO impose other/more harsh rules and delivered systems need an upgrade, this will be provided free of charge. • BalClor System has successfully passed Risk Assessment from LR and Biotests from Independent Laboratories requested from reputable Owners like NYK Lines (operating one of the largest fleets in the world). • Free Survey/3D Scan for vessels calling China. • Package solution for Retrofit Projects (including Manufacture, Project Management, Detailed Design, Classification Approval, SupervisionCommissioning upon Installation, Training, Service and After Sales Support).


The Greek Shipping Industry is dedicated to this country and will do its best to remain and continue to create opportunity As far as the Greek Shipping Industry is concerned, will Greek Shipping continue to remain resilient and create employment and growth in the country in a constantly changing environment?

Dorothea Ioannou,

American Club, Managing Director of the Managers’ Piraeus Liaison Office and Global Business Development Director for the Managers

While I personally have faith that the Greek shipping industry will continue to prove its resilience, I don’t have a crystal ball and so can’t predict what, if any, changes will come, nor guarantee how the shipping community will react to any particular changes. What I do know is that the Greek Shipping Industry is dedicated to this country and will do its best to remain and continue to create opportunity.



As we all know, Greece is experiencing one of the longest running recessions in recent history. At the same time, the global shipping industry is also dealing with depressed markets for an extended period of time, obviously the Greek shipping sector is deeply affected. While the shipping industry has been through recession and crisis in the past, the coinciding factors of the Greek debt crisis has played a role in provoking some concern over the stability of the country in terms of the favorable shipping investment, tax and corporate environment that has traditionally been enjoyed by all parts of the Greek shipping community. This is something I, like many other shipping professionals in Greece, am very familiar with, being also a part of the ancillary shipping services sector or as we like to term it, the greater services shipping cluster. It is a fact that continued growth depends on stability which translates into the ability to rely on a stable regulatory, tax and legal environment. This applies across the board for all businesses whatever sector, whatever country. The continued growth of the shipping sector in Greece over the past 20 years, due to its embedded special status in the country is a perfect example of that. It is in fact the perfect economic model for attracting investment and is also not unique to Greece. What is unique to Greece is its special historical relationship with shipping and the sea, creating a higher percentage of ship owning activity which also created an enhanced growth factor for the industry in the country as compared to other major shipping hubs in other parts of the world with similar regimes. The key to maintaining the sector and continuing to motivate the creation of employment opportunity by the Greek shipping industry in Greece, is maintaining a competitive edge to attract establishment as compared with other shipping hubs. Obviously as Greece deals with implementation of measures aimed at containing and reducing debt, changes are coming and we have already seen some changes in taxation related to the ancillary services under law 89 as well as the tonnage tax. The Greek shipping industry played a big role in facilitating reasonable change aimed at benefiting the country while not changing the fundamental structure of the shipping regulatory regime. This is important to ensure the country’s largest and

most successful sector continues to grow and create employment. Greece’s owned tonnage continues to grow despite global recession in trade. We continue to see new operations being set up and additional subsidiaries being created in existing shipping groups in Greece. While the effect that the growing tonnage will have on the market is a totally different matter for a separate discussion, the fact is that this growth can only create a need for additional human resource to handle the growing tonnage from technical staff to operational and managerial. However, the ship management and operations aspect is only one part of it. This spills into the services side of the industry which continues to create additional employment in the country to service the increased tonnage but also establishes a greater base for service sectors to be motivated and attracted to diversify product lines within the country and increase their own capacity in the Greek market. An example of this is the American Club’s new subsidiary, the American Hellenic Insurance Company, Ltd. created in Cyprus to be managed out of Cyprus with marketing presence in Greece in conjunction with NY. While the country was going through one of its worst crisis of its modern history this past summer, the American Club was working on facilitating the survival of a traditional GreekCypriot marine insurance capacity for Hull by way of a strategic investment in a new insurance venture. This new insurance company through its affiliate presence in Greece will also be a base for global activity. This will create a need not only for additional human resource by way of direct employment and management but also by way of outsourced expertise from the Greek shipping consulting services from additional sectors such as accounting, financial and IT. Obviously the American Club sees the Greek market as one of the most significant markets of the global shipping industry and thus continues to dedicate resources to its activities in the region. What’s more important though is that Greece is seen as a connection for global shipping services activities. This can further enhance the country’s strategic position in the shipping industry globally. While I personally have faith that the Greek shipping industry will continue to prove its resilience, I don’t have a crystal ball and so can’t predict what, if any, changes will come, nor guarantee how the shipping community will react to any particular changes. What I do know is that the Greek Shipping Industry is dedicated to this country and will do its best to remain and continue to create opportunity.

Now even smaller vessels can rely on PureBallast 3.1

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Market News

RINA launches R&D/Innovation Centre in Greece

(From left) Mr. Stefanos Chatzinikolaou, Piraeus Innovation, R&D Centre Manager, Mr. Spyros Zolotas, Area Manager for Greece and Cyprus, Mr. Mario Dogliani, Manager of RINA Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) Projects, and Mrs. Caterina Cerrini, External Communication, Ib software & consulting

RINA Hellas, the Greece-based arm of the international RINA Group, is opening a dedicated research and innovation centre in Piraeus. RINA’s R&D/Innovation Centre will boost the research and innovation activities of RINA worldwide and will explore further research opportunities in Greece and Cyprus, in close cooperation with the EU and the strong maritime community in the region. Initially the RINA Hellas R&D/Innovation Centre is participating in an EC research proposal under the HORIZON 2020 scheme. This proposal brings together an international consortium to develop models and tools for the holistic optimization of ships’ life cycles. Spyros Zolotas, RINA Area Manager for Greece and Cyprus, says, “RINA is committed to providing high quality services and to being in the forefront of technological developments so as to assist its clients perform better in today’s competitive market. The R&D/Innovation Centre in Piraeus will add a new higher dimension and extend the range of services offered in the area though the Piraeus Marine, the Plan Approval Centre, the Marine Technical Support Centre, the Yachting Centre and RINA Academy Hellas.” Stefanos Chatzinikolaou has been appointed to lead the Centre. He is a Naval Architect and Marine Engineer, with a background of ten years as a research engineer at the National Technical University of Athens, working in several EC funded and other research projects.



RINA Services is already active in R&D and will present the AnNa Project, a current EU project, in Athens on 4-5 December 2015. Mario Dogliani, Manager of RINA Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) Projects, says, “AnNa (Advanced National Networks for Administrations) is a TEN-T Multi-Annual Programme co-financed by the European Commission. Its overall objective is the adoption of the national Maritime Single Window and electronic data transmission for the fulfilment of reporting requirements for vessels entering and departing European ports in accordance with EC Directive 2010/65/EU.” RINA Services is the RINA group company which delivers ship classification, and testing, inspection and certification services. RINA is a multi-national group which delivers verification, certification, conformity assessment, marine classification, environmental enhancement, product testing, site and vendor supervision, training and engineering consultancy across a wide range of industries and services. RINA operates through a network of companies covering Marine, Energy, Infrastructures & Construction, Transport & Logistics, Food & Agriculture, Environment & Sustainability, Finance & Public Institutions and Business Governance. With a turnover of over 330 million Euros in 2014, over 2,750 employees, and 163 offices in 60 countries worldwide, RINA is recognized as an authoritative member of key international organizations and an important contributor to the development of new legislative standards.

RINA Hellenic Advisory Committee approves Piraeus Marine Technical Support Centre RINA Services Hellenic Committee gathered several leaders of the Greek shipping community to discuss issues facing the industry and review the latest developments at the classification society. Committee chairman George Youroukos, Technomar Shipping, told the committee that the RINA class Greek-owned fleet increased by about 500.000 GT during 2015 and yet again the Port State Control results RINA have been excellent. Ugo Salerno, Chairman & CEO of the RINA Group, presented the latest news about the growth of the Group, both organic and through acquisitions during 2015. The presentations closed with Paolo Moretti, General Manager Marine RINA Services, who presented the RINA Academy Competence Management System, a voluntary system aimed at developing, managing, monitoring and continuously improving the competence of on board and shore-based personnel. Spyros Zolotas, Area Manager for Greece and Cyprus, thanked the Greek shipping community for its valuable support and looked forward to active and successful co-operation during 2016.

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Market News

Greek Shipping Awards: The Winners Logothetis, Alafouzos and Tsakos win major awards n as more than 1,100 turn out for shipping awards gala - Onassis, Neptune Lines, Eurobank and the Hellenic Coast Guard among those honoured

A RECORD attendance and a host of celebrities contributed to the success of the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards for 2015, which were presented at a packed dinner event on Friday, December 4 at the Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel in Athens. More than 1,100 of Greece’s leading shipping personalities, executives and their guests at the gala dinner saw some of the Greek shipping industry’s best-known personalities and companies recognised. The event, organised by Lloyd’s List, the international maritime newspaper established in 1734, included welcoming speeches by Greece’s minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Thodoris Dritsas, and Noboru Ueda, president of ClassNK, the event’s overall lead sponsor. Guests enjoyed a pre-dinner cocktail reception hosted by the American Bureau of Shipping and the event was also supported by numerous Greek and international companies sponsoring individual awards. Greece’s Olympic gold medalist and World



Champion windsurfer Nikos Kaklamanakis presented a donation on behalf of the event organisers to ‘Argo’, the charity supporting children with special needs in the families of Greek seafarers. The awards are held annually to recognise and reward achievement and meritorious activity in the Greek shipping industry as well as to promote Greece’s status as a maritime centre. Winners are chosen by an independent panel of judges representing a broad cross-section of the Greek shipping industry. THE WINNERS George M. Logothetis was named Greek Shipping Personality of the Year for 2015, as the judges hailed his advocacy for investment in Greece and a number of Greece-linked philanthropic initiatives undertaken by the Libra Group that he leads. The group’s shipping company Lomar Shipping, which controls more than 70 vessels, also caught the eye for its expansion this year, particularly in the container sector. Lloyd’s List’s Greek Shipping Newsmaker of

the Year Award went to Nikolas P. Tsakos, reflecting his dynamic chairmanship of Intertanko as well as the disciplined expansion of tanker company Tsakos Energy Navigation. The Award is decided by the editorial staff of Lloyd’s List. Aristidis Alafouzos was awarded the Lloyd’s List / Propeller Club Lifetime Achievement Award for an outstanding half-century career that has seen his companies Glafki (Hellas) and Kyklades Maritime order more than 100 newbuildings. Mr Alafouzos, who in recent years has been honoured by the Emperor of Japan and the government of China, is also the proprietor of respected Greek newspaper Kathimerini. Maria Angelicoussis won the inaugural New Generation Shipping Award. A trained doctor, Ms Angelicoussis left the practice of medicine in 2009 to join the Angelicoussis Shipping Group led by father John Angelicoussis and today is responsible for all three management companies in the group – Anangel Maritime, Maran Tankers and Maran Gas. Andreas Chrysostomou was elected Interna-

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Market News

tional Personality of the Year, the only award open exclusively to non-Greeks. Mr Chrysostomou served as chairman of the IMO’s important Marine Environment Protection Committee for a decade from 2003 to 2013. This year he was a strong candidate for Secretary-General of the IMO and was later confirmed as Director of the Cyprus Department of Merchant Shipping. The recipient of the Dry Cargo Company of the Year Award for 2015 was Neptune Lines, which has impressively expanded its fleet with newbuilding and modern secondhand car carriers to meet the growing demands of its vehicle transportation network spanning 30 ports in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. This year Neptune’s fleet, one of the 10 largest in the car carrying trades worldwide, transported more than 1m vehicles for the first time. As Tanker Company of the Year the panel chose won of the industry’s most celebrated names – Olympic Shipping and Management, part of the Onassis Group. The company has had one of its most active years since the death of founder Aristotle Onassis, with a shrewd fleet renewal programme that has included investing in acquiring very large ore oil carriers for conversion into VLCCs. Passenger Line of the Year was Dodekanisos Seaways, honoured in its 15th anniversary year. The company operates a service providing a vital link between the Dodecanese islands that supports communities and their economies in the south-eastern Aegean that might otherwise face isolation. Cass Technava Maritime won the Shipbroker of the Year Award, its second victory in this category, for a year that highlighted its knowledge. Always strong in newbuildingfs, the brokerage impresed the judges with its additional secondhand deals in 2015 as well as valuable



activity for clients in financial sale and leaseback transactions. The Shipping Financier of the Year Award went to Eurobank. Despite the difficult times, the Greek bank has maintained traditional ship lending criteria, including support for medium sized companies and it has an overall portfolio of $1.3bn that includes about 65 customers. This year Eurobank has done about $200m of fresh lending. Prisma Electronics, based in Alexandroupolis in north-east Greece, won the Technical Achievement Award for its patented LAROS remote condition monitoring system, a powerful tool to improve the vessel’s efficiency and reduce running costs. Based on wireless technology, LAROS is easy to install and cheaper than wired solutions. Bureau Veritas Hellas became the first classification society to win the prestigious Piraeus International Centre Award. Many shipowners offered testimony of BV’s upgraded presence in Greece, which represents 28% of the BV-classed fleet worldwide. Greece has been a big contributor to the society reaching the milestone of 100m gross tons. The Hellenic Coast Guard and EU border agency Frontex jointly won the Award for Safety or Environmental Protection for their efforts to protect lives in the eastern Aegean as thousands of refugees attempt the dangerous crossing from Turkey to Greece. The Seafarer of the Year Award was won by Capt Dimitris Tsitsimelis. In January 2015, the Master diverted the Magna Marine bulker ‘Pansolar’ to rescue two Mexican fishermen who had been adrift for three weeks without water or provisions. Despite heavy sea conditions, the men were brought on board and taken to the nearest port, Acapulco, where they fully recov-

ered in hospital. The University of the Aegean was winner of the 2015 Education or Training Award. Like many public educational institutions in Greece it is facing hardship due to austerity policies but was cited for continuing to inspire students to embark on careers in shipping. Although the Ship of the Year Award is usually made to a new ship, the panel exercised its right to recognise a vessel built in 1943. Originally named the Arthur M. Huddell it was towed to Greece in 2008 and after a major restoration project the ‘Hellas Liberty’ is now docked in Piraeus as a floating museum. The new Lloyd’s List Intelligence Big Data Award was presented for the first time in 2015 and it went to Danaos Management Consultants and Danaos Shipping Co. for their ‘Waves’ fleet performance system that draws on multiple data sources to help streamline fleet efficiency. The award was adjudicated by Lloyd’s List Intelligence and the judges praised the variety of options available to users and Danaos’ big-picture approach. The Awards are officially supported by prominent bodies in Greek shipping, including the Union of Greek Shipowners, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee. Supporting organizations also include The Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association, the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association - Helmepa, the Hellenic Shipbrokers’ Association, the Association of Greek Passenger Shipping Companies, the Propeller Club, International Port of Piraeus, WISTA Hellas, the Association of Banking & Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping, and the Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration.

Market News

SKF Hellas celebrates its 90th anniversary On the 26th of November 2015 an anniversary event was held to celebrate 90 years of operation of the SKF Hellas office.

Mrs. Rania Patsiopoulos, Managing Director of SKF Hellas The event was attended by partners and customers from all business segments SKF is serving - Heavy Industry, Energy, Marine, Transportation, Automotive - and of course SKF’s employees and Authorized Distributors. The Ambassador of Sweden in Greece H.E. Charlotte Wrangberg was among the honored guests of the event. The event was opened by Mrs. Rania Patsiopoulos, Managing Director of SKF Hellas who highlighted the local office’s journey from 1925, when it was first established in Greece. Being the 27th office that SKF has opened, SKF Hellas, from the very beginning, took an active part in the industrial and economic rebuilding of Greece by doing something simple, but at the same time, complex – making things rotate. With advanced knowledge, continuous innovation and close relationship with the customers, SKF Hellas has been playing a vital role to the manufacturing and production structure of Greece since then. During this journey, SKF



developed additional technological platforms around the bearing– lubrication systems, seals, technical services and mechatronics – having always in mind its mission, to equip the world with SKF knowledge. SKF’s role is to continue to be the leader in its field and this can be done by continuously developing new technologies. For this reason, two specialists were invited to speak on bearing evolution. First to speak was Dr. Stathis Ioannides, Visiting Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Imperial College London and a world acknowledged expert in tribology. In 2010 he was presented with the Leonardo da Vinci award for his advanced work in the field of tribology. Professor Ioannides presented the bearing evolution over the last 100 years and SKF’s contributon to this development. As a senior engineer in SKF, he led the development of the SKF life theory since 1983, which became the new ISO Standard for the calculation of rolling bearing life in 2007 and is used today by all

the bearing companies in the world. Second speaker was Mr. Hugo Carlén, manager of SKF Encompass Field Performance Programme. He presented the latest innovation by SKF on bearing selection model, which will come to change the global standards once again. The SKF Encompass Field Performance Programme which entails the new Generalized Bearing Life Model will help engineers to a better bearing selection, by a more realistic bearing rating life considering more of the influencing factors. The new model is a major step forward for the industry and will play a vital role in helping customers to match bearings to application conditions with even greater certainty, resulting in improved bearing life and reduced operating costs. After the presentations, the guests had the chance to enjoy the show, the live band and to mingle with the speakers and all the participants.

Market News

The american club hosts exclusive gathering

Office Piraeus team with Vincent Solarino (American Club – New York) - Joe Hughes (American Club – New York) and Ilias Tsakiris (Hellenic Hull Management) The American Club hosted almost 300 guests at the Piraeus Marine Club on Tuesday, December 8th, requiring exclusive reservation of all three floors of the Marine Club to accommodate all who came to hear the latest news and developments of the Club at the traditional December pre-Christmas gathering. The American Club arranged live video feed to other floors to ensure all in attendance would be able to follow the presentation which included an update with intimate details on the structure and status of its recent investment in the American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company, Ltd., (Cyprus), in addition to the traditional year in review of the IG Club’s P&I business. Joe Hughes, Chairman and CEO of SCB, Inc., Managers of the American P&I Club led the audience through the latest vital statistics of the Club as well as Eagle Ocean Marine, the fixed P&I facility of the American Club, managed by Eagle Ocean Agencies, which is part of the management group. Hughes highlighted the Club’s good

historical investment performance as well as the strong dollar per ton on reserves as compared with other IG Clubs. Vince Solarino, President and COO of SCB, Inc., took the audience beyond statistics and spoke about the connection of the Club to the Greek shipping market. Solarino explained that this prompted the Club to embark on and achieve a difficult task of saving the legacy of the Hellenic Hull Mutual through the know- how of its Managers, Hellenic Hull Management headed by Ilias Tsakiris, while creating a new commercial underwriting company through an investment mechanism which would transfer the good will and ensure continuity of Cypriot/ Greek underwriting capacity. Solarino went on to state, “American Hellenic is not a start-up company…it will carry on an established book of business with an established management team. It is a successor company.” Ilias Tsakiris, Managing Director of Hellenic Hull Management then presented the underwriting philosophy of the American Hellenic to the market while

explaining in further detail, the synergy between the Hellenic Hull Mutual which will eventually run off, and the new independent American Hellenic which will carry on the local underwriting capacity on a global platform. The presentation was concluded by Dorothea Ioannou, Managing Director of the Managers’ Piraeus Liaison Office and Global Business Development Director for the Managers. Ioannou spoke about the Club’s business development model taken from the model’s success in the region of Europe Africa and the Middle East (EMEA) with its greatest constituency in Greece, and gave an update on the status of the Piraeus office, providing the backgrounds on the qualifications, experience and capabilities of its executives which service the region and pointed out the 100 years of combined experience the team currently takes pride in. Guests were then treated to holiday cocktails and a buffet lunch immediately following the presentations which lasted well into the late afternoon.

ABS Issues ‘LNG-Ready’ Approval Four-ship series built to ABS class is first to take advantage of LNG-Ready approval for potential conversion to LNG fuel in the future. ABS, a leading provider of classification services to the global marine and offshore industries, has issued the first LNG-Ready approval in accordance with its Guide for LNG Fuel Ready Vessels to a product tanker. The LNG-Ready Level 1 approval was issued together with an approval in principle for the first vessel in a series built by Aker Philadelphia Shipyard and operated by Crowley Maritime Corporation. By achieving compliance with the ABS Guide for LNG Fuel Ready Vessels, Crowley has the option to convert the product tankers to LNG propulsion at a



later date having already been granted a conceptual review. “ABS has played a fundamental role in supporting the ambitions of the maritime industry as it moves to embrace the opportunity of LNG as fuel,” says ABS Chairman, President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. “This milestone builds upon our work to provide owners with the guidance and support they need to move ahead with shipbuilding projects that allow them the flexibility to respond to changes over the lifetime of their vessels.” ABS published the Guide for LNG Fuel Ready Vessels in 2014. The LNG-Ready endorsements allow shipowners and yards the flexibility to limit their initial investment while planning for the future conversion

to dual fuel or gas-powered combustion engines. A well-thought-out plan can prepare shipowners to face ever-increasing stricter environmental regulations as well as help save time and money by considering basic gas-fueled ship requirements during the preliminary design and minimizing the potential changes during the future conversion. “Crowley is proud to be the first company to actually receive this designation from ABS,” says Rob Grune, SVP and general manager petroleum services for Crowley. “As our business continues to shape itself to better meet the requirements of our customers, these vessels that stand ready and able to operate on a cleaner, alternative fuel source are our way of anticipating future demands.”

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Market News

NAVIGATOR Shipping Consultants

15th “NAVIGATOR 2015 - The Shipping Decision Makers Forum” For the 15th year in a row, NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS organized its annual high-level event, “The Shipping Decision Makers Forum”. The Forum was held on Thursday 5th of November 2015 and was attended by 400 personalities of the Greek Shipping Community Mrs. Danae Bezantakou, Managing Director of NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS, welcomed the participants, presented the company and highlighted the need of proper training and education for the next generation of maritime professionals. Capt. Dimitris Bezantakos, President of NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS, welcomed the forum’s delegates and introduced them to the topics of discussion of this year conference. With reference to the importance of the climate change and the Ice-Melting phenomenon in the Arctic territory, Capt. Bezantakos encapsulated his thought with a quote from Jacques-Yves Cousteau: “During the entire history of the world, the man had to struggle against nature in order to survive. Nowadays man has started realizing that in order to survive, he has to protect nature”. Furthermore, the president of NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS emphasized the importance for the Greek Ministry of Shipping to take all necessary actions for helping welleducated officers and trained crew to always be available to govern the largest merchant fleet of the world. Mrs. Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament and Mr. Mitiadis Varvitsiotis, the Former Minister of the Hellenic Ministry of Shipping and the Aegean, made the opening addresses of the Forum. As the unique Platinum sponsor of the forum, the managing Director of MacGregor Greece Ltd., Mrs. Athena Kanellatou, had the opportunity to present the company and the solutions MacGregor offers for a wide range of maritime transports. The Foreign Ambassadors Panel, moderated by François Lafond, Executive Director of EuropaNova, was dedicated this year to “the climate change and the shipping community”, with in perspective the COP21 International conference to be held in Paris at the end of November. Two main issues were under scrutiny by the H.E. Margus Rava, Ambassador of Estonia in Greece, H.E. Kyriakos Kenevezos, Ambassador of Cyprus in Greece, H.E. Andrey Maslov, Ambassador of Russia in Greece and H.E. Pauli Mäkelä, Ambassador of Finland in Greece. The inclusion of the shipping CO2 emissions into the global international agreement as requested by NGOs, and by the European Parliament



was mentioned, in particular with the impacts such change may have on this sector. Today with 2,5% of the total emissions, but in constant increasing trend due to the continuous growth of the International trade, the shipping activities will have to go beyond the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) targets with the possible new Paris comprehensive legal framework. The Cypriot Ambassador insisted on the role of the International Maritime Organisation in order to make sure that regulations will be applied on a global stage, and not only at the European level. The second topic discussed was to consider in the Arctic region the promising new maritime roads, consequence of the climate change. And how these new opportunities will affect the shipping activities, both in terms of time and cost. The Arctic cooperation was precisely explained by the Finnish Ambassador who declared that “Non-Artic countries will navigate them and perhaps push their own interest in these international waters. It is high time to see whether the norms of international law at present are adequate to address the new situation or whether we need new and stronger specific regulations regarding for example sea traffic, fisheries and conservation areas”. During this panel, what appears obvious is that climate change will impact deeply and for a long time our lives and the sooner we will adapt to it, the better will be. The shipping industry will not be apart from this evolution. Even if the technologies are not perfectly ready, the direction is clear. As the unique Gold sponsor of the forum, the Chief Technology Officer of LAROS, Mr. Serafeim Katsikas, had the opportunity to present his company and its products of remote condition monitoring systems for the Maritime industry. The session of “Maritime Education” was moderated by Mr. Ilias Bissias, Director of Naftika Chronika Magazine, Lecturer at ALBA Graduate Business School. With a stellar panel consisting of Prof. Thanos Pallis, Secretary General of MEDCRUISE, Ass. Professor at the Dept. of Shipping Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean, Mr. Marios Karnessis, Founder and Chairman of MPK SHIPPING INC., Mr. Dionysios Peppas, HSQE Manager of PANTHEON TANKERS MANAGEMENT LTD and Mr. Emmanuel Alexandrou, Operations Manager of ALKON

HOLDING INC., Ilias gauged panellist’s views on a topical issue that brings together the ultimate interest of the maritime family, i.e. Young people and the sea. The speakers exchanged their views on the present and the future of the shipping industry, especially for preserving the tradition and leadership of the Greek mariners. The afore mentioned invited speakers analyzed the difficulties faced in attracting young people to the seafaring profession, the role of the state, especially in a period of crisis at both national and international levels, but also the modernization of maritime training needs. The speakers analyzed also the difficulties that smaller sized shipping companies face especially due to the low freight market and the bureaucratic difficulties encountered by the Greek public, to take on board Greek sailors. The speakers stressed the need to modernize public maritime education, especially in matters of infrastructure and know-how and closer cooperation with the maritime market. The Technical & Operational panel: “Greening the Maritime Agenda” was moderated by Mrs. Helena Athoussaki, Head of Maritime Sustainability Centre - PwC and consisted of Mr. Dimitris Fafalios, President/Director - FAFALIOS SHIPPING S.A., Capt. James B. Murray, Vice President, Sales of MORAN TOWING CORPORATION and Mr. Apostolos Poulovassilis, Chief Operating Officer of ELETSON CORPORATION. The panel was asked to address the current environmental regulation challenges concerning the monitoring, reporting and verification of shipping carbon emissions and to answer questions regarding vessel’s energy efficiency and compliance readiness. The panel acknowledged the benefits of the MRV regulation with regards the transparency and accuracy of the data monitoring for making informed decisions, the internal processes, roles and responsibilities but also the practical difficulties to assess the energy efficiency of a vessel. Then, Chios was the honoured island for the NAVIGATOR 2015 Forum and the Mayor of Chios Island, Mr. Manolis Vournous, referred to its huge maritime history in an accurate and informative presentation. After the completion of the three panel sessions, in the conclusive part of Navigator 2015, Mrs. Danae Bezantakou announced the lucky delegates that won Travel Gifts offered by airline companies and well- known hotels for the Forum’s annual Lottery.

Market News

WISTA Hellas hosts debate on current challenges in shipping at its Annual Forum 2015! WISTA HELLAS brought key players of the Greek shipping market together in a first ever pure panel discussion placing obstacles and challenges on the table for a candid debate in light of the current economic and political global climate, at its traditional Annual Forum, this year titled “The future of shipping in the face of current economic and geopolitical challenges”, which took place on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 at the Metropolitan Hotel in Athens. With almost 300 shipping professionals in attendance from the Greek Maritime Community as well as abroad, WISTA Hellas filled the evening with engaging dialogue from representatives of the major sectors of the market. Even the Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs and the Aegean, Mr. Thodoris Dritsas could not be kept away despite his other obligations, and sent a personal video address to ensure his presence was felt. With Mrs. Dorothea Ioannou, Vice President of WISTA Hellas, moderating, this year’s lineup included an exceptionally stellar panel with (in

alphabetical order) Mrs. Liona Bachas, Managing Director of Hellaschart Ltd., Vice President of Hellenic Shipbrokers Association and founding member of WISTA Hellas, Mr. George Gourdomichalis, Chief Executive Officer of Blue Wall Shipping Ltd., Managing Director of Phoenix Shipping & Trading S.A. and President of the Board of Directors of Piraeus Marine Club, Mr. Manos Lorentzos, Managing Director of Seascope Hellas and Chairman of Hellenic Committee of Lloyd’s Brokers Associates, Mrs. Rea Metropoulou, partner at Bartsiokas Metropoulou and Associates Lawyers, Legal and Claims Manager of Hellenic Carriers Corporation S.A., member of the Board of Directors of Hellenic Maritime Law Association and former President of WISTA Hellas, Mrs. Katerina Mylona, Director of Transmed Shipping Ltd., Dr. Konstantinos Rokkos, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of TST International S.A. and partner of TST International Group and Mr. Stylianos I. Siafakas, Chief Operating Officer of Product

Shipping and Trading S.A. True to the title of the event, each panelist gave their perspective and insight in response to questions presented derived from some of the most vexing issues in shipping today and kept the audience glued to their seats to the very end. The panelists began each in turn laying out their views on the biggest challenges to doing business today with illustrations through video and narratives ranging from difficulties in geopolitics such as sanctions and terrorism to counter party credit issues and ever dropping fright rates in the dry bulk sector. The burdens of due diligence, sanctions checks, charterparty clause negotiation as well as bank loan sanctions clauses were all raised as well as insurance obstacles all creating uncertain business environments and insecurity in concluding contracts raising risks across the board. Traditional issues of private/public equity vs. bank finance were debated with panelists daring to differ on perspectives taking the dialogue to a heightened level of engagement.

Marshall Islands Registry Opens Manila Office International Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI), who provide administrative and technical support to the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry, opened their 27th worldwide office in Manila, Philippines. The RMI Registry is the third largest in the world, surpassing 126 million gross tons at the end of October 2015 and more than 3,650 vessels. “The unprecedented growth of the fleet is largely in part to IRI’s decentralization model, which includes technical and marine safety experts in key worldwide locations who can provide timely services to owners and operators,” said John Ramage, Chief Operating Officer of IRI. “More than 250,000 seafarers are in possession of an RMI Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB), 35% of which are from the Philippines,” continued Mr. Ramage. “The sheer volume of seafarers that will require new or refresher training and certification as a result of the Manila Amendments to STCW prior to the entry into force date of 1 January 2017 is tremendous,” said Captain Robert Fay, IRI’s Senior Vice President, Maritime Operations. “We have noted that many Certificates of Competency and Proficiency issued in the past few years are based upon the older requirements and will be expiring on 31 December 2016,” he continued. “Our newest seafarer documentation office here in Manila will work in coordination with our offices in Hong Kong and Mumbai to help facilitate training and certification review for Filipino seafarers in order to provide needed documentation in a timely manner,” said Annie Ng, Head of Asia for IRI. “The office is already staffed by four personnel and is to be headed by Leo Bolivar who has a background of working for companies like Stolt-Nielsen Philippines, Inc., Uljanik Shipmanagement, Ulstein Marine Services and Navis Maritime Services, all with respect to ship and crew management,” she continued. With the additional personnel in Manila, IRI’s worldwide staff is now over 350 employees. There are currently three individuals processing applications and issuing Certificates of Receipt of Application (CRAs) in Manila, with plans to recruit additional personnel in January 2016. “We plan to augment personnel here in Manila as needed to provide the best service possible,” concluded Leo Bolivar. Photo from left to right: Ellix Santiago, Bolivar, Allan Cabantog, and Ahngelo Gernale




Professional training in the safe operation & maintenance of conventional lifeboats, free-fall lifeboats and davit systems.


Market News

Θετική η πορεία της Celestyal Cruises για το 2015 Στη Συνέντευξη Τύπου που παραχώρησε η Celestyal Cruises, ανακοίνωσε τα μελλοντικά της σχέδια και παρουσίασε τα ενθαρρυντικά στοιχεία της φετινής τουριστικής περιόδου

Από αριστερά από τη Celestyal Cruises ο κος Κρις Θεοφιλίδης, Αντιπρόεδρος Στρατηγικής Ανάπτυξης, ο καπ. Γιώργος Κουμπενάς, Αντιπρόεδρος Επιχειρήσεων, η κα Δήμητρα Βλάχου, Experiential Marketing Manager, ο κος Πυθαγόρας Νάγος, Αντιπρόεδρος Πωλήσεων, ο κος Κυριάκος Αναστασιάδης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, η κα Φρόσω Ζαρουλέα, Διευθύντρια Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, ο κος Μάριος Πολυδώρου, Διευθυντής Εκδρομών και Λιμενικών Υποδομών και η κα Σαλώμη Πνευματικού, Διευθύντρια Marketing. Κατά τη διάρκεια της Συνέντευξης Τύπου, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 11 Νοεμβρίου στον πολυχώρο Κάπα 8 point στην Αθήνα, η Celestyal Cruises παρουσίασε την πορεία της για το 2015 σε αριθμούς και ανακοίνωσε το μελλοντικό της σχεδιασμό καθώς και τους νέους προορισμούς που προστίθενται στα δρομολόγια της. Ο κος Κυριάκος Αναστασιάδης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Celestyal Cruises και μέλος της εκτελεστικής επιτροπής CLIA Ευρώπης, αναφέρθηκε στα θετικά μηνύματα που στέλνει η κρουαζιέρα στην Ελλάδα παρά τις αντικειμενικές δυσκολίες που υπήρξαν ιδιαίτερα τον Ιούλιο, γεγονός που επηρέασε τις κρατήσεις του Σεπτεμβρίου και Οκτωβρίου, ενώ επισήμανε την πολυδιάστατη συμβολή της Celestyal Cruises στην ελληνική οικονομία ιδιαίτερα το 2015. Στη συνέχεια πήρε το λόγο ο κος Πυθαγόρας Νάγος, Αντιπρόεδρος Πωλήσεων της Celestyal Cruises, όπου ανεφέρθη στην αύξηση κατά 20% στη διακίνηση επιβατών σε σχέση με το 2014, καθώς η εταιρεία μετέφερε με τα κρουαζιερόπλοιά της συνολικά 129.731 επιβάτες που αντιστοιχούν σε 516.000 διανυκτερεύσεις ξένων επιβατών. Όπως χαρακτηριστικά είπε, «Υπήρξε μία σημαντική άνοδος σε όλες τις αγορές μας, όπως στη Βόρεια +13% και Νότια Αμερική +17%, την Ευρώπη +25% ενώ εντυπωσιακή ήταν η αύξηση των επιβατών από την Τουρκία +135%». Ο κος Νάγος, επίσης, αναφέρθηκε στους νέους προορισμούς που



σταθερά επενδύει η εταιρεία τα τελευταία χρόνια, καθώς προστίθενται στα δρομολόγια του 2016 το Ναύπλιο, τα Χανιά και η Μυτιλήνη, από το νέο κρουαζιερόπλοιο της εταιρείας Celestyal Nefeli. Στο σχεδιασμό της εταιρείας για το 2018 είναι η προσθήκη μιας χειμερινής επταήμερης κρουαζιέρας με την ονομασία «Τρεις Ήπειροι» με το Celestyal Olympia, η οποία θα ξεκινάει από το Λαύριο και θα επισκέπτεται τρεις ηπείρους, Ευρώπη (Ρόδο), Ασία (Αντάλεια – Τουρκία, Άγιοι Τόποι - Ισραήλ) και Αφρική (Πορτ Σαίντ - Αίγυπτος). Παράλληλα, ο κος Νάγος αναφέρθηκε στην τρίτη χρονιά δραστηριοποίησης στην Κούβα με την Cuba Cruise, η οποία πλέον επεκτείνεται για τέσσερις εβδομάδες, και απολαμβάνει το αυξανόμενο ενδιαφέρον των επιβατών αλλά και την ενθουσιώδη υποδοχή από την αγορά της Αμερικής και του Καναδά. Η Celestyal Cruises, όχι μόνο αποτελεί τη μοναδική ελληνική εταιρεία κρουαζιέρας που πραγματοποιεί δρομολόγια στην Κούβα αλλά είναι και η μοναδική εταιρεία παγκοσμίως που επισκέπτεται συνολικά τέσσερα λιμάνια. Στο πλαίσιο του σχεδιασμού για το 2016, ο Αντιπρόεδρος επιχειρήσεων καπ. Γιώργος Κουμπενάς, αναφέρθηκε στη συνεχή αναβάθμιση που πραγματοποιείται στα κρουαζιερόπλοια της εταιρείας, στηρίζοντας τις ελληνικές ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικές μονάδες με συνολικά 20 εκατ. ευρώ για το 2015, ενώ παρουσίασε αναλυτικά το σημαντικό έργο προσθήκης 51 μπαλκονιών στο Celestyal Crystal, τονίζοντας την

ανταγωνιστικότητα και τεχνογνωσία των ελληνικών ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών μονάδων. Στη συνέχεια μίλησε για τη συνολική συνεισφορά της Celestyal Cruises, καθώς πραγματοποίησε συνολικά 977 προσεγγίσεις στα ελληνικά λιμάνια (ποσοστό 25% επί συνόλου 4.162 προσεγγίσεων). Η συνολική εκτιμώμενη δαπάνη των επιβατών άγγιξε τα 77 εκατ. ευρώ το 2015 και τα άμεσα έξοδα λειτουργίας της εταιρείας ανήλθαν στα 33 εκ. ευρώ. Η δε συνολική εκτιμώμενη συμβολή της εταιρείας στην εθνική οικονομία ανήλθε συνολικά στα 110 εκατ. ευρώ, προσφέροντας σημαντική οικονομική ανάσα στη χώρα. Για τις πρωτοβουλίες του τμήματος Marketing της εταιρείας ανεφέρθη η κα Σαλώμη Πνευματικού- Διευθύντρια Marketing τόσο για την προώθηση της Ελλάδας σε όλες τις αγορές του εξωτερικού όσο και στην προσπάθεια εκπαίδευσης και άνοιγμα της ελληνικής αγοράς με τις ειδικές και δελεαστικές προσφορές για τους Έλληνες επιβάτες για τους καλοκαιρινούς μήνες καθώς και για το Φθινόπωρο, παρά τις πολύ δύσκολες οικονομικές συνθήκες που επικράτησαν εκείνη την περίοδο. Και επειδή η κρουαζιέρα δεν είναι μόνο νούμερα επιβατών αλλά και πρωτοποριακές δράσεις για την ασφάλεια, ο κ. Βασίλης Γκάζικας, Διευθυντής του Ναυτιλιακού Τμήματος της Celestyal Cruises παρουσίασε ένα καινοτόμο πρόγραμμα που συμμετέχει η εταιρεία για το οποίο και βραβεύτηκε από τα Lloyds List Awards - ένα υπερσύγχρονο τεχνολογικά σύστημα, που στοχεύει στην διάσωση επιβατών σε περιπτώσεις ατυχημάτων και φέρει το όνομα του Αργοναύτη «Lynceus» ή στα ελληνικά «Λυγκέας». Τέλος, για την εταιρεία εξίσου σημαντική είναι και η συνεισφορά στις τοπικές κοινωνίες που δραστηριοποιείται. Όπως ενημέρωσε η κα Φρόσω Ζαρουλέα, Διευθύντρια Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, οι ενέργειες εταιρικής κοινωνικής ευθύνης που υλοποιεί η Celestyal Cruises συνεχίζονται σταθερά, αναδεικνύοντας τη συνεργασία με το Μουσείο Ηρακλειδών, στο πλαίσιο της οποίας περισσότεροι από 500 μαθητές όλων των σχολείων της Μήλου απόλαυσαν αυτή τη χρονιά ένα «ταξίδι» στη γνώση, με την παρακολούθηση του προγράμματος «Παίζω και Καταλαβαίνω», το οποίο η εταιρεία μετέφερε αποκλειστικά στο νησί. Το 2015 θα κλείσει με την παρακολούθηση του προγράμματος και από όλους τους μαθητές των σχολείων της Ίου. Με σταθερά βήματα ανάπτυξης και στοχευμένες πρακτικές, τόσο η Celestyal Cruises, όσο και η κρουαζιέρα εν γένει, απολαμβάνει τα θετικά αποτελέσματα της φετινής τουριστικής περιόδου, παρά τις δύσκολες οικονομικές συγκυρίες που αντιμετωπίζει η χώρα και βλέπει με συγκρατημένη αισιοδοξία την επόμενη χρονιά.

Market News

GREENER SHIPPING SUMMIT: Aποτελέσματα Καθώς γίνεται πολλή συζήτηση για το τι ακριβώς είναι ένα Eco-Ship, τα εμπορικά κίνητρα από τη σημαντική εξοικονόμηση καυσίμων, οι εφαρμόσιμες χρηματοδοτικές λύσεις και οι αυξανόμενες ρυθμιστικές νομοθεσίες οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα πως είναι αναπόφευκτο ότι οι πλοιοκτήτες θα πρέπει να υιοθετήσουν μια πιο βιώσιμη προσέγγιση. Οτι τα παραπάνω θα οδηγήσουν τελικά σε ένα σύστημα δυο επιπέδων όπου τα πλοία που δεν θα εξοικονομούν καύσιμα θα κοστολογούνται πολύ χαμηλότερα από αυτά που θα καίνε ‘καθαρά’ και με μικρότερη κατανάλωση καύσιμα, ήταν το ξεκάθαρο μήνυμα στο Greener Shipping Summit 2015, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Αθήνα, στις 10 Νοεμβρίου. Στην εναρκτήρια ομιλία του, ο Τάκης Χριστοφίδης προειδοποίησε: «οι πλοιοκτήτες θα πρέπει να κοιτάξουν προς το μέλλον και να αρχίσουν να σχεδιάζουν και να λαμβάνουν όλα τα αναγκαία μέτρα προκειμένου να πετύχουν τη συμμόρφωση με τους νέους κανονισμούς αλλά και να παραμείνουν μπροστά από τον ανταγωνισμό». «Η ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία κάνει ότι είναι αναγκαίο από την πλευρά της για την προστασία του περιβάλοντος», είπε ο Χριστοφίδης. «Με τη χρήση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών και την εφαρμογή των ‘έξυπνων’ μέτρων αποδοτικότητας, τόσο η κατανάλωση καυσίμων όσο και οι εκπομπές ρύπων θα μειωθούν σημαντικά, μειώνοντας ταυτόχρονα το συνολικό κόστος λειτουργίας», δήλωσε ο πρόεδρος του Greek Shipping and Shipbroking Companies Association. Οι εισαγωγικές παρατηρήσεις του επαναλήφθηκαν συχνά κατά τη διάρκεια του συνεδρίου, το οποίο οργανώθηκε από τη Ναυτιλιακή / Newsfront υπό την αιγίδα του συλλόγου των Ελλήνων τεχνικών διευθυντών MARTECMA, και το παρακολούθησαν περίπου 350 αντιπρόσωποι --από 186 εταιρείες και οργανισμούς από 15 χώρες-- που πέρασαν εννέα ώρες, συζητώντας περιβαλλοντικές και επιχειρησιακές προκλήσεις, καθώς έχει φτάσει η ώρα των αποφάσεων για τη ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία. Συνολικά, έγιναν 22 παρουσιάσεις / ομιλίες κατά τη διάρκεια των τριών συνεδριών στο Greener Shipping Summit 2015. Ο Χριστοφίδης υπενθύμισε ότι όταν εισήχθη η ιδέα της ‘πράσινης’ ναυτιλίας όλα τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη και μεγάλο μέρος του κοινού το είδαν με ανακούφιση. Ηταν επίσης καλοδεχούμενη και από πολλούς από τους σημαντικότερους παίκτες της ναυτλιακής βιομηχανίας, ακόμη και όταν οι οικονομικές δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν οι ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες το κάνει δύσκολο να απορροφήσουν την αύξηση του κόστους των καυσίμων χαμηλής περιεκτικότητας σε θείο.



«Σαν αποτέλεσμα, τα διαφορετικά σχέδια και προγράμματα εξακολουθούν να αντιμετωπίζουν δυσκολίες για να επιτύχουν τον αναμενόμενο βαθμό συμμετοχής», τόνισε ο Χριστοφίδης. «Τα Eco-ships αποτελούν σήμερα ένα πολύ μικρό ποσοστό του παγκόσμιου στόλου και υπάρχει διάσταση απόψεων στους κόλπους της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας σχετικά με το αν θα επενδύσουν στα νεότερα σχεδιασμένα πλοία που εξοικονομούν καύσιμα, αν θα αναβαθμίσουν τα υπάρχοντα πλοία, ή απλά δεν θα κάνουν τίποτα. Μερικές από τις πιο γνωστές και σημαντικές εταιρείες έχουν επιλέξει να λάβουν μια ενεργά προληπτική προσέγγιση. Για παράδειγμα, η Maersk Line έχει επενδύσει σε νέα πλοία, καθώς και στη μετασκευή του στόλου της με μέτρα βελτίωσης των επιδόσεων των πλοίων της, όπως οι αντι-ρυπαντικές επικαλύψεις, η αντικατάσταση της βολβώδους πρώρας του πλοίου και η βελτίωση του έρματος. Αλλοι ιδιοκτήτες είναι λιγότερο πρόθυμοι να επενδύσουν μέχρι να αποδειχθεί η αποτελεσματικότητα της νέας τεχνολογίας, αλλά έτσι κινδυνεύεουν να μείνουν πίσω από τον ανταγωνισμό και να είναι απροετοίμαστοι για τους ολοένα και πιο αυστηρούς κανονισμούς εκπομπών ρύπων,” είπε ο Χριστοφίδης. Ο ίδιος τόνισε ότι μολονότι αναγνωρίζεται ότι υπάρχουν ορισμένες τεχνολογίες στην αγορά που δεν έχουν αποδειχθεί στην πράξη, υπάρχουν και άλλες που έχουν δοκιμαστεί και ελεγχθεί. Για παράδειγμα, τα πλοία μεταφοράς εμπορευματοκιβωτίων έχουν σχεδιαστεί και κατασκευαστεί για να έχουν ταχύτητα, ευελιξία και αποτελεσματικότητα φόρτωσης με χαρακτηριστικά όπως ειδικές επικαλύψεις επιφανειών στο κέλυφος του πλοίου και με πιο ελαφριά υλικά κατασκευής που βελτιώνουν την απόδοση κατά 5% και 7% αντίστοιχα. Παρόμοιες τεχνολογίες έχουν επίσης αναπτυχθεί για δεξαμενόπλοια και φορτηγά πλοία. Ομως, ο Χριστοφίδης είπε ότι “το μεγαλύτερο εμπόδιο για μια βιώσιμη ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία είναι η χρηματοδότηση της μετασκευής με περιβαλλοντικά βιώσιμες τεχνολογίες.” “Κάτι τέτοιο είναι ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο στο πλαίσιο των χρονοναυλώσεων (time-charter), όπου ο χρόνος που απαιτείται για να εξοφληθεί η αρχική επένδυση συχνά διαρκεί περισσότερο από την περίοδο ναύλωσης,” είπε χαρακτηριστικά. Τόνισε ότι αυτοί που θα κάνουν μετασκευές φοβούνται ότι δεν θα έχουν άλλη επιλογή παρά να μεταφέρουν τη σχετική αύξηση του κόστους προς τους πελάτες, κάτι που δημιουργεί τον ρεαλιστικό κίνδυνο να χάσουν δουλειές από αυτούς που δεν θα κάνουν μετασκευές. “Αυτό που βλέπω αυτή τη στιγμή είναι ότι ‘τα καλά παιδιά’ πληρώνουν το τίμημα γιατί κάνουν το σωστό για το περιβάλλον, ενώ ορισμένοι

λιγότερο ευσυνείδητοι ανταγωνιστές παίρνουν ένα κοστολογικό πλεονέκτημα με την καύση πιο μολυσμένων αλλά φθηνότερων καυσίμων,” είπε ο βετεράνος shipbroker. Κατά τη διάρκεια της συνεδρίας για τις αγορές, οι ομιλητές εξέφρασαν θετική άποψη όσον αφορά τον τομέα των δεξαμενόπλοιων, αν και ένα συγκρατημένο αίσθημα ‘σύνεσης’ κυριαρχεί τελευταία στην παραγγελία νεότευκτων. Επίσης, το LNG ως προϊόν είναι έτοιμο για παράδοση, αλλά η ζήτηση είναι σχετικά χαμηλή προς το παρόν, μολονότι το υγροποιημένο φυσικό αέριο ως καύσιμο πλοίων έχει προοπτική. Ο πρόεδρος της Hellenic Shipbrokers Association, Ιωάννης Κοτζιάς, ήταν συγκρατημένα αισιόδοξος για την ανάκαμψη στην αγορά χύδην φορτίου το 2016 / 2017. Σε ότι αφορά τα καύσιμα και το περιβάλλον, ο πρόεδρος του συνεδρίου, Δημήτρης Χελιώτης, COO της Target Group και πρόεδρος της MARTECMA, τόνισε ότι η βελτιστοποίηση της απόδοσης είναι η κύρια απάντηση από την εφοπλιστική πλευρά, ενώ τα πλοία που καίνε αέριο καύσιμο βρίσκονται στη διαδικασία του νομοθετικού πλαισίου. Όσον αφορά το Tier III υπάρχουν δύο καθιερωμένες μέθοδοι, οι SCR και EGR, και ειπώθηκε ότι οι κινητήρες αερίου χαμηλής πίεσης μειώνουν το NOx κατά 50% περίπου από το νέο όριο, ενώ αισθητήρες δεδομένων εξ αποστάσεως είναι δυνατόν να ενισχύσουν την κατάσταση του κινητήρα. Για τα Eco-ships το LRM είναι πολύ σημαντικό, ενώ οι νέοι ‘κόφτες’ βελτιώνουν τη δυνατότητα ελιγμών αλλά όχι και την απόδοση σε κακοκαιρία. Τονίσθηκε επίσης οτι στο 75% των περιπτώσεων τα scrubbers που λειτουργούν στις περιοχές ECA έχουν απόσβεση σε διάστημα μικρότερο των δύο ετών, ακόμη και λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις διαφορές των τιμών την παρούσα χρονική περίοδο, ενώ VOC μπορούν να εγκατασταθούν, καθώς και η νέα τεχνολογία επίστρωσης με σιλικόνη μπορεί να προστατεύσει το κέλυφος του πλοίου από ρύπανση και λάσπη, αυξάνοντας έτσι την αποδοτικότητα των καυσίμων. Στο συνέδριο αναφέρθηκε ότι νέα υβριδικά καύσιμα βρίσκονται στην αγορά (τα οποία συμμορφώνονται με τα όρια SΟx στις περιοχές ECA), αλλά υπάρχουν προβλήματα συμβατότητας. Mεταξύ των συνέδρων υπήρχε κάποια αμφιβολία για την πραγματική αιτία πίσω από τα σχέδια MRV της ΕΕ που εξετάζονται τώρα για παρακολούθηση ασφαλείας των ρυθμίσεων. Επίσης αναφέρθηκε ότι το υγροποιημένο φυσικό αέριο ως καύσιμο μπορεί να παρέχει κάποιες λύσεις, όταν πρόκειται για τη μείωση των εκπομπών CO2 και SOx.

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Market News

New Regional Manager Ioannis Chiotopoulos announces Greece as DNV GL’s third home market After being appointed as the new Regional Manager for the Maritime Region East Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas in July, Ioannis Chiotopoulos took the opportunity today to introduce himself to the Greek maritime press in DNV GL’s Piraeus office. Chiotopoulos and his management team presented the new structure of the local office and the people who hold the key positions of DNV GL Piraeus. In the future, the Piraeus office is becoming more important for DNV GL since its geographical responsibilities are expanding. As of 1 January 2016, the Area Middle East, formerly part of Region Middle East & India, will be integrated into the Region East Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas to form the new Region South East Europe & Middle East. Ioannis Chiotopoulos’s responsibilities will then span from Italy to the coasts of Oman and Fujairah and from Romania and Ukraine to Egypt. Another keystone of DNV GL’s strategy 2016–2020 is to make Greece the company’s third home market in addition to Norway and Germany. This means that during the next five

years DNV GL will develop the Piraeus office in order to be able to deliver enhanced services to the local shipping community, to response faster to customers and to strengthen the responsibility and capability of the Region. To achieve this, a series of measures will be implemented, including: • The hiring of Greek-speaking surveyors to key locations around the world (permanently stationed there) • Strengthening the global responsibility for the tanker and bulk carrier segments in Piraeus to underline how important Greek customers are for DNV GL. • DNV GL’s new DATE (Direct Access to Technical Experts) service will also be delivered from Piraeus. • The existing research and development team will expand and their work will be aimed mainly towards the local maritime community. Importance will also be given to the signing of joint development projects with local shipping companies.

• All approval jobs regarding fleet in service will be carried out in Piraeus which means that communication with customers will be quicker and more effective. Additional authority for local decision-making will be given to the Piraeus office (e.g. through the allocation of a Chief Surveyor), thus providing quicker response times to the DNV GL customers. In his new role as Regional Manager, Ioannis Chiotopoulos will report to Knut ØrbeckNilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime. “Ioannis is very experienced when it comes to building and maintaining customer relations. I am sure that he will further establish DNV GL within the Region South East Europe & Middle East,” said Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen. “DNV GL’s relationship with the Greek shipping industry goes back almost 100 years and we have always cooperated very closely with shipowners in this market. Coupled with our new measures and existing services, we are confident we can achieve this goal and become the preferred partner for Greek customers,” said Ioannis Chiotopoulos.

Record-Breaking Engine Leaves Test Bed in Korea Largest and most powerful MAN B&W-branded engine ever built approaches market début Doosan Engine has reported that the initial start of an MAN B&W 11G95ME-C9.5 two-stroke engine took place during October 2015 at its works in Korea –a successful shop-test subsequently followed. Rated at 103,000 horsepower, the engine is the largest and most powerful engine from the MAN Diesel & Turbo portfolio ever designed and built. The engine is the first in a series of six, bound for six 19,160-teu container ships ordered by Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC), one of the world’s largest shipping lines. MAN Diesel & Turbo reports that it currently has orders for 28 × 11G95ME-C9.5 units, all for vessels serving the international container trade. The introduction of the G95ME-C9 was an important addition to MAN Diesel & Turbo’s G-engine programme. The G95ME-C9 engine, with a bore of 950 mm and a stroke of 3,460 mm, provides 6,870 kW/cylinder at 80 rpm and 21 bar MEP (in L1) and supplements the successful S90ME-C9/10 engine types by allowing the engine to be further de-rated thanks to the larger cylinder bore and/or fewer cylinders to be installed.



Alternate views of the 11G95ME-C9.5 engine during its shop test in Korea (courtesy Doosan)


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Market News

Contract for supply of 14 BWTS for Maersk Line container vessels

DESMI Ocean Guard A/S announces that it will supply 14 RayClean™ ballast water treatment systems to a series of new container vessels to be built at COSCO Zhoushan shipyard in China, for the Danish shipping giant Maersk Line. DESMI Ocean Guard is pleased to announce that the RayClean™ BWTS has been selected for installation on a series of new container vessels for Maersk Line. The vessels will be built at COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard Co., Ltd. and the ballast water treatment systems will all be delivered in 2016 and 2017. The order is for seven

vessels each equipped with two RayClean™ 500 BWTS. Furthermore, the order includes options for two additional vessels. Commenting on this contract Mr. Michael Heimann from Maersk Line says: “We are pleased with our cooperation based on which we are comfortable that DESMI Ocean Guard can deliver the right system for this project”. Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard, adds: “We are very pleased with this contract, which is the fruit of a very long and pleasant collaboration with Maersk”. In fact, the RayClean™ system was developed in close collaboration with Maersk Line, and therefore the system meets the requirements of the shipping giant to proven performance under all conditions, low operational cost, and ease of use. “Total Cost of Ownership analyses have shown us that the RayClean™ system will provide considerable operational cost savings to Maersk Line compared to competing systems, due to the low power consumption and long lifetime of the UV

lamps. At the same time the RayClean™ system is certified for use in all salinities and down to extremely low UV-Transmission levels not matched by any other system on the market”. UV-Transmission is a measure of how dirty and challenging the water is to treat for a UV based system. The lower the UV-Transmission, the more challenging it is to treat the water according to the IMO and US Coast Guard discharge standards. Another deciding factor for the selection of the RayClean™ system was that the system has completed all the required testing for US Coast Guard Type Approval, and a full type approval application was submitted to the USCG earlier this year. This contract for DESMI Ocean Guard is the latest in a string of contracts including supply of RayClean™ system for the Royal Canadian Navy’s new Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships and retrofit projects on Danish shipowner Nordana existing vessels.

World-First, Dual-Fuel Container Ship Conversion Announced over 99%, nitrogen oxide by approximately 90%, and carbon dioxide by up to 20%. Dr. Thomas Spindler, Head of Upgrades & Retrofits – MAN PrimeServ Four- Stroke – MAN Diesel & Turbo, said: “We are very excited about the signing of this contract and view its potential for broader adoption within the maritime sector as significant. We enjoy an excellent cooperation with Wessels and commend their willingness to adopt our dual-fuel technology.”

Wessels Reederei, the German shipping company, has signed a contract with MAN Diesel & Turbo at the Europort exhibition for maritime technology to retrofit the 8L48/60B main engine of its 1,000-teu container ship ‘Wes Amelie’ to dual-fuel operation. The vessel will be the first of its kind worldwide to be converted to an LNGcapable propulsion system. Through running on LNG, the Wes Amelie will drastically reduce emissions of sulphur oxide by



Wessels has earlier stated that the project will promote the demand for LNG as a fuel within the maritime industry where Wessels Reederei GM, Christian Hoepfner, said: “With each rebuild, we are creating an increasing demand for LNG as a clean fuel. Only in this way – and not only through appeals – can the development of an LNG infrastructure continue to gain momentum.” Due to the long delivery time of LNG tanks, the engine retrofit will commence in Q4 2016. Full operational usage of LNG as fuel is planned for

early December, 2016. Multiplier effect The Wes Amelie is a modern feeder-vessel that was launched in 2011 and operates in the North and Baltic Seas. When selecting a suitable vessel for conversion, special attention was paid to the scalability of the engineering services as well as the development costs, reducing significantly the costs for follow-up projects. In this respect, the Wes Amelie has 23 sister ships, 16 of them structurally identical, which would allow follow-up projects to be easily implemented. This ship therefore facilitates a multiplier effect, with multiple, other ‘conversion-capable’ vessels also found around the European continent. Pictured at the signing at Europort were (front, left to right) Dr Thomas Spindler (Head of Upgrades & Retrofits, MAN PrimeServ FourStroke) and Christian Hoepfner (Wessels Reederei GM); (back, left to right) Marcel Lodder (Project Engineer, Upgrade & Retrofit, MAN PrimeServ), Stefan Eefting (Vice President, MAN PrimeServ), Rainer Runde (Project Manager, Wessels Reederei), and Gerd Wessels (Managing Partner – Wessels Reederei)

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12 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 FINANCIAL FOCUS Financial Focus

2015 – Research and Analyis:behind the Shipping finance lagging GREEK FLEET STATISTICS recovery of Shipping 2ND PART OF 2015 PETROFIN RESEARCH © By Ted Petropoulos, Head Petrofin Research

nies.witnessed, after are at work to render it ready Banks However, there were other ments more significant reasons for the banks’when lack the VI. The Tanker over appetite. 20,000 It market recovers. The data obtainedinfrom a long and large arduous roadfleetof(vessels ship lending relates to the fundamental weakness the our tons2009, DWT) shows a smallliquidity increase tonnage is banks indicative of light a very activeIIImarket, since a useful andincapital ratios ofresearch European in the of Basel and 220,751 tons DWT very small a positive outlook for theBanks futuresimply and continuous shipping recovery in and athe new ECBincrease regulatory overview of all E.U. banks. lacked in unit numbers by 1. Its companies are down emphasis towards larger and younger vessels. 2013 in both vessel the financial resources and the risk appetite to step on the gas pedal. by one but age wise there was a drop, which values and cash flows European banks especially found themselves bracing for the ECB loan shows a fleet renewal effort. The overall number of Greek vessels continvia higher freights. Alreview and proving their financial robustness. In a world of doubt, to VII. The large Container fleet (vessels over ues to increase. The fleet’s DWT continues to though the recovery was banks, profitability came second to financial strength. As the majority of 20,000 tons DWT) is a bit younger still, despite grow and is stands at 328,254,495 tons DWT. erratic and not evenly shipping banks were European (72% of global ship finance in December the fact that this is a sector that shows a slow spread among the vari2013), Petrofin Bank Research (c) the difficulty of European banks had a rate of renewal. It has gained an impressive These vessels are managed by 648 comous2.9m shipping sectors, andvery adverse effect on Greek ship lending. tons DWT and it stillpronounced is one of the panies, down from 668 in 2014. (1st Part of it had a pronounced few sectors which show an increase in the Petrofin Research ©). beneficial effectthat on run the them,Toupadd companies by insult 4. to injury, three of shipping champions of previous years i.e. quality the banks’the loan RBS, HSH and Commerzbank were2under pressure downsize VIII. of Regarding LPG sector, large LPGs In Table ( nextimmense page) we note thetomain portfolios and in tons bank’s shippinghas portfolios leave ship lending altogether. (over 20,000 DWT),their the number gone and/or developments. borrowers’ ability the to fleet DWT During this time, stoodaverage out for either counter-cyclicalup by 3 units, is slightly up some by banks 1. The vessellending DWT is now 66,868 ly orage standing their as ship finance These mainly meet their (often restruc128,813 tons DWT and their is also up ground to from 64,495 in providers. 2014, 61,550 tonswere DWT in tured) DVB, ABN AMRO, Credit Suisse INGtons among European obligations. 2013, and 57,600 DWT in 2012,banks i.e. a and rise of Confidence grewfleet among IX. The LNG has expanded significantly China Exim, CDB, and Korean fromcompared the Far Eastern banks. 3.7%Exim, in 2015 to 4.6% in 2014, 6.4% By in 2013, and 4.2% in 2012. The new additions banks that shipping was on the way to recovery andwith this the wasaddition felt evenof 24 vessels to last year’s 50 Ted Petropoulos strong fleet. theplace fleet with are shipping bigger and the being smaller existing more by borrowers and private equity funds. A classic West-East divide to took credit more Head, Petrofin Research X. The Greek fleet continues to available expand ininan are gradually coming out ofto the equareadily the Far vessels East, where a large number of small memore2014) consolidated manner, as Greek Dry bulk lead way with a 12-month (March 2013 ever to March dium banks supported localtion. clients. The same was not true in the West RESULTS AT the A GLANCE companies are reducing for (see 1stbutpart increase in vessel size continues unof 41.4% in vessel values and 52.3% any theof biggest and2.The often publicly quoted companies. I.recovery The overall number of Greek vessels has in freights (from Shipping © Petrofin Research ). hampered since 2001. Intelligence Inc. – 1st April 2014, below). With overall shipping confidence gone up by 202 to 4909 from 4707. 3. The average age has dropped significantly For Greek ship finance, in particular, it had been most hit as the biggest to record heights Stephens) and with the sector’s progress II.rising Tonnage is also up by(Moore 24,675,319. Overall to 12.7 from Greek 13.252newbuilding years in 2014, lenders exited the market atdown precisely theyears time when picking up, one would have expected banks to be rushing headlong into tonnage: 328,254,495 tons DWT, an increase 14.055 in 2013, from 14.7 years in 2012 and ofnew 7.52% orders and second-hand purchases accelerated. With the Greek banks shipping loans and for competition to among banks grow. down from 15.92 in 2011 (Table 2, above). It III. Age is also down again, to 12.73 from unable to provide new ship finance and caught by the difficulties of Euroshould be noted that this is the average age of 13.26 in 2014 and 14.05 in 2013 and 14.7 in pean banks as a whole, Greek owners turned to the remaining few active With rare exceptions though ,this is not, however, what happened and the the entire Greek fleet, covering all sizes, types 2012. lenders, to Far Eastern lenders (linked only to shipbuilding orders) and, question is: why? and commercial activities. Some very old ships IV. Using a 20,000 DWT cut-off, the average ENTIRE GREEK FLEET increasingly, to US private equity funds (PEFs). are included in this fleet, which makes the age the Greek fleetthe has fallenthemselves. to 8.71 fromCommencing with their Theofanswer lies with banks drop in years even more significant (please 9.14 yearsexposures, in 2014 and 9.83 in 2013. Freights low, vessel prices are falling As the finance gap widened, PEFs were for many Greek owners often shipping many banks had nurtured weaker clientsremain in the hope see additional research for all vessels over V.ofThe large Bulker fleet (over 20,000 tons and bank is restricted to the few.advantage of what promised to be a healthy shipping the only wayvery to take such a recovery. The process of recovery, though, could notlending work mira10,000 DWT and 20,000 DWT) DWT) has gained an impressive 163 Theloans Greek is, however, expanding, in not only active but often scoured Greece for opporcles overnight. It simply takes time to vessels, work out difficult andfleet improve recovery. PEFs were 4. We have summarised in Graph 1 all the its age is down to 8.6 years, its tonnage is up termstoofbenumbers, size.toConfidence in lend to Greek owners believing that the anticithe health of a bank’s loan portfolio. The recovery needs sustainedage and tunities co-invest and above findings, over a 14 year period, to show by 19.5m tons DWT and it has lost 6 compais still nature evident and strategic moveand the recent fall in dry bulk freights demonstrated shipping the still volatile pated shipping recovery would provide them with theGreek high returns the development of the fleet. they of the recovery. In addition, from a common shipping approach by the have been seeking. The result was an explosion of Joint Ventures most boards of major banks to be cautious to achange, involving a willingness of which investing in eco-friendly vessels of new designs that is hoped will to expand, one needs time. be the vessels of the future.


A second factor is that many shipping banks had what they believed to be a higher than desired overall shipping exposure and needed time to reduce it to acceptable levels via client loan repayments. A third factor is that banks had set up very strict criteria for lending resulting in too few potential loan transactions meeting such requirements



Characteristically, according to Tufton Oceanic data, on a global basis between January 2002 and January 2014, the share of global mortgage lending of the world fleet and orderbook fell from 43% to 36%. The above was even more pronounced in Greece. There are no hard data for the Greek shipping exposure by PEF, but we believe that there are over 40 Joint Ventures in place today. With interests primarily in drybulk and then

Financial Focus

DWT, Average Vessel DWT, and Number of Greek vessels figures are shown on an index scale using year 2001 as 100. The actual figures are also marked for each year.



Financial Focus

SECTION B: FOCUSING ON THE LARGER VESSELS In order to concentrate on the real strength of Greek shipping, we use two cut-off DWT points, one of vessels over 10,000 tons DWT and the other of vessels over 20,000 tons DWT. This way, the Greek fleet is stripped of a large number of overage very small vessels of relatively little impact, that operate mostly locally. Hence, we concentrate on the global aspect of the Greek fleet. VESSELS OF OVER 10,000 DWT COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 Graph 2 below shows the fluctuation in the number of companies that manage vessels over 10,000 DWT, the number of ALL these vessels, their age and their DWT. (‘ALL vessels’ means everything of commercial purpose that floats and is under Greek control):

• The companies that run these vessels are markedly reduced to 415 from 424. This year, the increase in vessels over 10,000 DWT is more significant in number of units (226 this year, compared to 186 last). The increase in DWT, however, is even more significant: 24.9m DWT were added bringing the total to 325,343,512 tons DWT, thus raising overwhelmingly the percentage they hold over the entire Greek fleet to 99.1% from 98.97% in 2014 and 98.83% in 2013. • Vessels over 10,000 DWT are owned by 9 less companies than last year. • The rise in tonnage continues its unimpeded climb since 2005. • The average vessel DWT is now 86,551 compared to 85,049 tons DWT in 2014, 83,113 tons DWT in 2013, 79,417 tons DWT in 2012, 77,140 in 2011, 75,836 in 2010. • The Greek fleet’s age continues to improve impressively for this tonnage category. The influx of the newbuildings has brought the age fleet to just below 9 years from 9.45 in 2014, 10.17 in 2013, 11.1 years in 2012, 12.08 in 2011 and 12.9 years in 2010.



nafs March 2014


Financial Focus

VESSELS OF OVER 20,000 DWT COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 Graph 3 below shows the fluctuation in the number of companies that manage vessels over 20,000 DWT, the number of ALL these vessels, their age and their DWT. (‘ALL vessels’ means everything that floats for commercial activities and is under Greek control):

• Similar results for the over 20,000 tons DWT. Following closely the situation with the over 10,000 DWT vessels, companies that run over 20,000 tonners have gone down by 9. • Their vessels are up by 217 compared to a rise of 107 in 2014 and an increase of 24.7m tons DWT in tonnage. • The average DWT of each vessel is 91,364 in 2015, compared to 89,881 in 2014. • The average age has reduced again, significantly, to 8.7 in 2015.



Financial Focus

SECTION C: ANALYSES BY TYPE OF VESSEL THE GREEK BULKER FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 10,000 DWT EACH COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 The graph below shows that the number of companies has gone down, following the trend, thus far, by 5 companies, continuing last year’s trend. Bulk carriers over 10,000DWT have gone up, however, by 163 vessels compared to an increase of 52 vessels last year and a marginal addition of 9 vessels the year before. The age keeps falling, and it is now below the 9-year threshold, at 8.63 years from 9.25 in 2014, 10.3 in 2013, 11.8 in 2012, reflecting the peaking of deliveries of newbuildings and the now well established trend towards newer vessel. Dry bulk shipping, traditionally the most popular sector in Greek shipping, occupies now 47.43% of the entire fleet tonnage, compared to 44.87% last year.



nafs March 2014


Financial Focus

THE GREEK BULKER FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 20,000 DWT EACH COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 Similar trends here also. We note a further drop in companies by 6 in the last year. The bigger bulkers continue to rise by 163 this year compared to 59 in 2014, a rise of 14 in 2013, 6 in 2012 and 179 units in 2011. The difference between 10,000 DWT bulkers and 20,000 DWT is down to only 22 vessels, compared to 22 vessels in 2014, 29 vessels in 2013, 34 vessels in 2012 and 45 in 2011. So the bulk of the fleet is indeed bigger bulkers. Average vessel size is 80,507 tons DWT. Furthermore, tonnage is up by 19.46m tons DWT compared to 6.4m tons DWT in 2014, 4.6m tons DWT in 2013, whereas in 2012 the increase was 5.6m tons DWT, and in 2011 12m tons DWT. Age has dropped significantly to 2014, 10.2 in 2013, 11.66 years in 2012 and 13.14 years in 2011.



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Financial Focus

THE GREEK CONTAINER FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 10,000 DWT EACH COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 The container sector has always been a volatile market. Although not always following the general fleet trends, this year they seem to move in parallel to the other sectors. Companies are up by 4, vessels are up by 28 and tonnage is up by almost 2.9m tons DWT. Equally important is the sharp drop in the age of these vessels, for the third year in a row, from 10.152 to 9.71 years on average.



Financial Focus

THE GREEK CONTAINER FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 20,000 DWT EACH COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 The number of vessels added is also 28. New tonnage added is just over 2.9m tons, showing that the fleet is consolidating into the over 20,000 DWT category as there is only one company that runs strictly over 10,000 tons DWT container units. The age of the large container vessels is down to 9.38. Average vessel size is now 64,435 tons DWT from 60,351tons DWT in 2014 and 56,796 DWT in 2013.



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Financial Focus

THE GREEK TANKER FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 10,000 DWT EACH COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 The number of tanker companies has remained almost the same in the last 3 years. Tonnage is up again but only by 199,687 tons DWT and tankers represent 35.7% of the Greek fleet. Age is slightly down to 9.485 and the average unit has remained almost the same as last year, at 143,382 tons DWT. It should be noted here, that there is a marked tendency to specify the type of tanker (product, chemical, etc.) in the databases used, so the general category of tanker may not be quite sufficient to show the evolution of the sector. This is something we will take into consideration in future research.



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Financial Focus

THE GREEK FLEET OF TANKER VESSELS OVER 20,000 DWT EACH COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2003 AND 2015 Units in this category have gone by 3. The companies that run them are minus one since last year. Tonnage is only up by 220,751 tons DWT. The sector occupies now 35.65% of the Greek fleet compared to last year’s 39.4%, 37.12% in 2012, 37.82% in 2011 and 39.9% in 2010. The same observation, that tankers are increasingly being reported according to their specific type, applies to this sector too.



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08/05/2014 14:00:39

Financial Focus

THE GREEK LNG FLEET The LNG market is showing signs of strength with a rise in the number of Greek owners and an increase of almost 50% in vessels since last year, together with a similar increase in tonnage and a further fall in age down to 3.16 years on average.



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Financial Focus

THE GREEK LPG FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 10,000 DWT EACH LPGs show a growth in numbers, up by 17 to 48 units and the companies that run them have increased by 2. Tonnage has increased to 1.48m tons DWT from 1.15m tons DWT in 2014 – a rise of 28.7%. Also, the age has gone slightly up, showing an acquisition strategy to buy second hand vessels in order to respond instantly to the current market’s needs.



Financial Focus

THE GREEK LPG FLEET OF VESSELS OVER 20,000 DWT EACH For the over 20,000 LPGs, there are 3 more vessels and tonnage is only up by 12.3%, showing that the majority of vessels added in the sector are between 10,000 and 19,000 tons DWT. Here, however, age has jumped up to 13.7 years, as the larger LPGs acquired were older.



Financial Focus

COMMENTARY With a growth of 4.3% in vessel numbers to 4,909 vessels and of 7.52% in DWT terms to 328,254,495 DWT, Greek shipping continued its growth during the last year. This growth is even more remarkable if we take into account the challenging prevailing market conditions in most sectors and dry bulk in particular, as well as the poor associated cashflows and the selective financing policy by banks. Some explanations can be found in the following: 1) A number of Greek owners are committed to building up their eco fleets, as the vessels of the future and in the expectation that they will reap rewards in time, when conventional tonnage shall either be scrapped or shunned by charterers, 2) public companies in particular, need to grow, as part of their ‘public’ profile strategy and in order to ‘sell’ their story to the market and shareholders, and 3) other Greek owners are consummating Joint Ventures with private equity funds and are following previous newbuilding ordering decisions. Admittedly, there have been many delivery extensions and some order conversions into tankers but, on the whole, Greek owners remain committed to following through with their orders and outliving the difficult markets.



Unsurprisingly, the average age of the whole Greek fleet (in DWT terms over 20,000 tons) has continued to fall to 8.7 years (counting vessels in the water and those being delivered within one year), although the rate of decline in the average fleet age is slowing down. Specifically, the number of dry bulk companies of fleets of over 20,000 DWT has remained static over the last 12 years, at about 313, whereas the number of vessels has risen from 1,318 to 1,929 and the total DWT has risen from 76m to 155.3m over the 12 year period. This demonstrates the emphasis on larger fleets per company and of larger DWT capacities. The age fall over the 12 year period has been remarkable from 19.2 years to 8.6 years, which shows that Greek owners are committed towards modern fleets. The age improvement has been consistent up to now. A similar picture is shown in the container fleet of over 10,000tons DWT, with the same number of players, but with rising vessel numbers from 158 to 297 over the 12-year period and a remarkable increase from 5.3m to 18m in DWT terms over the period, whilst the average fleet’s age has fallen from 17.4 to 9.7 years. The trend has continued unabated last year, underlying the quality and quantity improvement.






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11/11/2014 14:04

Financial Focus

Tankers of over 20,000tons DWT are displaying similar but somewhat different trends. Whereas the overall number of companies has remained pretty static at approximately 90 companies, the number of vessels has grown from 657 to 808 over the 12 year period, which is a less impressive growth. The picture is similar in DWT terms from 71m to 117m, which implies growth but not as pronounced as the other two sectors. The improvement in age is equally pronounced from 18.7 to 9.5 years for the 20,000 DWT fleets. Here, though, the improvements may also reflect the requirements for lower ages by the oil majors and tanker charterers too, where ‘vetting’ has become systematised and a condition precedent for employment for tankers. The Greek LNG sector is advancing and so is the global LNG fleet. The global outlook is unclear with most of the newbuilding orders hitting 2017 and the sector showing a 38.6% newbuilding orderbook (Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Weekly). It is anticipated, however, that long term contracts cover a large number of the newbuilding orders. The Greek LPG sector has shown a somewhat mixed trend. Whereas the number of participants has grown (with more incomers after the cut-off date of our research), the number of vessels has remained pretty static, whilst the capacity has grown, but less impressively compared to the 3 main sectors. Interestingly, the average age of the LPG vessels has risen reflecting the effect of second hand purchases and fewer newbuildings for this sector.



Overall, Greek owners have continued to commit huge sums, not only to preserve their fleets, but to grow them and modernise them. Behind their brave faces there is worry as to the slowdown of global growth, in particular that of China, and how quickly shipping would return to vessel incomes that would provide a positive return to their committed capital. The Global tanker sector, aided by the fall in the price of oil and some structural and geographical shifts, appears more promising, but once again tanker orders have increased to 17.2% of the current fleet and year on year deliveries are expected at approximately 3% for 2015, as opposed to 1.5% last year (Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Weekly). Vessel prices are not fully reflecting the rises in vessel incomes with product tankers’ incomes having given up the rises achieved earlier this year, whilst crude markets continue to show significant gains that appear more sustainable. This implies that the market needs reassurance over the longer term prospects for tankers, in general, although some sub segments offer better prospects. In the light of the Greek political and economic crisis that continues and the huge uncertainty surrounding the future of Greek shipping operated out of Greece, due to the expected increase in taxation, the growth in vessels’ capacity and improvement in age comes as a surprise. Greek owners are renowned for their ability to pick up the right time to invest and disinvest. Time will show if they got it right once again in these unprecedentedly challenging times.

2ο Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριο Ναυτεµπορικής Στο 2ο Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριο της Ναυτεµπορικής εκπρόσωποι όλων των επιµέρους κλάδων της ναυτιλίας -εφοπλισµός, ναυπηγοεπισκευή, χρηµατοπιστωτικά ιδρύµατα, ασφαλιστές, ναυλοµεσίτες, φορείς και διεθνείς οργανισµοίξεδιπλώνουν απόψεις, τάσεις, οράµατα σχετικά µε τη συµβολή της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας στην ανάκαµψη της εθνικής οικονοµίας, την ενδυνάµωση της θέσης της στον παγκόσµιο χάρτη και την προσαρµογή της στις τεχνολογικές, περιβαλλοντικές και χρηµατοδοτικές εξελίξεις. Υπό τις παρούσες ιδιάζουσες συνθήκες η ναυτιλία

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Ενότητα 3: Τάσεις και προβλέψεις Η πορεία των ναυλαγορών, η χρηµατοδότηση της ναυτιλίας από πιστωτικά ιδρύµατα και εναλλακτικές πηγές, η τεχνολογία και η καινοτοµία στην υπηρεσία της ναυτιλίας Ενότητα 4: Το ελληνικό ναυτιλιακό κέντρο του Πειραιά Η ναυτιλία µικρών αποστάσεων, η ακτοπλοΐα, η κρουαζιέρα, η ναυπηγοεπισκευή, οι ναυλοµεσίτες, οι ασφαλιστές, η λιµενική βιοµηχανία

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Financial Focus

METHODOLOGY – SOURCES - RESEARCH CRITERIA In this 2nd part of Petrofin research, the Greek Fleet Statistics, we analyse the composition of the Greek fleet, in terms of vessel size, vessel type and vessel age. Our sources are the Greek Shipping Directory (2015), printed and on-line database, Newsfront Greek Shipping Intelligence, as well as Clarkson’s World Fleet Register, Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Weekly and numerous market sources. Research Criteria: a. All Greek-owned / Greek-based vessels, of whichever flag are taken into account. b. The Greek-based / Greek-owned fleet is analysed and presented initially as a whole, in terms of Numbers of Vessels, Age of Vessels and DWT. c. Then a cut-off DWT is used of 10,000DWT to measure the number of companies that run vessels above this tonnage. This is done for the whole fleet, then for Bulkers, Tankers, LNGs and LPGs. This cut-off eliminates the vast number of very small and usually over-aged vessels that unduly influence the Greek fleet analysis. d. A further cut-off DWT point of 20,000DWT is used for the whole fleet, the Bulkers, the Tankers and the Containers. This shows the effect that a higher cut-off has on the fleet and its main sectors. e. Newbuildings are only taken into account if they have a scheduled delivery year of up to and inclusive of 2016. This results in a more accurate assessment of today’s fleet closer to reality, as many of the impressive number of newbuilding orders have delivery dates of 2017 and beyond. In the current economic climate, a very substantial number of newbuilding orders may be susceptible to cancellations, postponements and re-sales, and may thus distort the current picture of the size of Greek companies, the age of their fleets and of vessels actually trading or about to be delivered to Greek-based / Greek-owned companies. f. Under the “Tanker” term we have included only crude oil Tankers, ULCCs and VLCCs and not other types of tankers. Bulk carriers include bulkers only and not general cargo vessels. Container vessels are pure cellular vessels. Consequently, this 2nd part of our research does not produce data for other types, such as chemical tankers, product carriers, OBOs, Container/bulkers, etc.




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