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nafs magazine


issue February 2012 ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

the leading Greek Shipping magazine

SPECIAL EDITION Class societies

TED PETROPOULOS Financial focus


Σημαντικά τα οφέλη από την ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας

ΣΥΝΕΝΤΕΥΞΕΙΣ Εκπρόσωποι του κλάδου αμμοβολών

Germanischer Lloyd

Towards a Clean Future

Posidonia 4-8 June 2012, Metropolitan Expo, Athens Greece

A unique blend of business and social interactions at the heart of Shipping Be part of the great Posidonia experience at a state of the art new venue

The International Shipping Exhibition

Organisers: Posidonia Exhibitions SA, e-mail:


Περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ, ΔΙΜΗΝΙΑΙΟ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ, ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ 2012, ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ Β, ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 85 - ΕΤΟΣ: 15Ο Καράμπαμπα 12, Άγιος Δημήτριος, 17343, τηλ: 2104286606, fax: 2104286610, e-mail:, Ιδρυτής: ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ, Ιδιοκτήτης - Εκδότης: ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ, Διεύθυνση Παραγωγής: Περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ.

nafs mag. 04









‘Ισαλος γραμμή




Alfa Laval
















DESMI a.s.

64 72


Κυνοσούρα...2012 Apres moi, le deluge Financial focus

A steady flow of savings

Marine insurance risks after «Costa Concordia»

Maritime Piracy Nowadays : A calm before the Storm Classification Societies: Their importance in vessel newbuilding and drydocking surveys Σημαντικά τα οφέλη από την ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας Towards a clean future


Το πρόβλημα και η λύση του Tests Warn Ship-Owners About Possible Shortcomings of IMO-Approved Ballast Water Treatment Systems

ΘΑΝΑΣΗΣ ΠΥΡΙΝΗΣ Η αλήθεια για το... μη ανταγωνιστικό Πέραμα

Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, SSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού.

Tank Coating sand blasting - water blasting - tank cleaning

PLAKAS Πάντα με γνώμωνα την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος η εταιρία PLAKAS Tank Coating Co. έχει επενδύσει σε εξοπλισμό υπερσύγχρονης τεχνολογίας ώστε καμία ρύπανση να μην προκαλείται από τις εργασίες που λαμβάνουν χώρα στο πλοίο, διατηρώντας τον χώρο εργασίας απολύτως καθαρό, χωρίς ταυτόχρονα να προκαλείται καμία όχληση στον αστικό ιστό.

Λ. Δημοκρατίας 295 Πέραμα 188 63 Τηλ: 210 44 10 928 Fax: 210 44 17 726

nafs mag. 06


γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας

Κυνοσούρα 2012 Σε αυτό τον σκουπιδότοπο που απεικονίζεται στις φωτογραφίες έχει μετατραπεί ο τόπος που πριν από μερικές δεκαετίες επισκευάζονταν χιλιάδες εμπορικά πλοία και έδινε ζωή στη ναυτιλία και τα επαγγέλματα γύρω από αυτήν.

ς ε ν ό κ ι ε ς ή π ο ντρ

Τα ψέμματα τελείωσαν. Η Ζώνη πρέπει να πάρει μπρος Έχουμε πολλές φορές επισημάνει την αξία της

σε πολύ σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα, και αυτό

να παρουσιάζονται τεράστια ελλείμματα όταν οι

ναυπηγοεπισκευής στην Ελλάδα, τα οφέλη που

αποδεικνύεται από το γεγονός ότι την επομένη της

δεξαμενές δεν έχουν πλοίο για τουλάχιστον 250

προκύπτουν, αλλά και την συνεισφορά της στην

ψήφισης του Μνημονίου 2 οι ναυτιλιακοί παράγοντες

ημέρες τον χρόνο.

ανάπτυξη εν γένει της Ελληνικής Οικονομίας.

με επιστολή τους προς τον πρωθυπουργό ζητούν να

Τα συνδικάτα θα πρέπει να καταλάβουν ότι ήρθε η

Πρέπει τώρα να πάρει ξανά μπροστά η επισκευή και

παραμείνει στην θέση του.

ώρα ο κόσμος να δουλέψει. Τέρμα τα κλεισίματα της

να αφήσουμε κατά μέρος τα προσωπικά συμφέροντα

Τώρα είναι η ώρα για σοβαρές αποφάσεις.

ζώνης με προσχήματα που πλέον δεν έχουν καμία

και τις μικροπολιτικές σκοπιμότητες. Δεν έχει πια

Το κράτος πρέπει άμεσα να δημιουργήσει υποδομές

αξία και καμία ουσία.

καμία σημασία ποιος φταίει. Όλοι οι εμπλεκόμενοι

και να μειώσει τις ασφαλιστικές εοσφορές, ακόμα και

Οι βόριοι και οι νότιοι του Περάματος να σταματήσουν

έχουν το μερίδιο της ευθύνης που τους αναλογεί.

να επιδοτήσει μέρος του ημερομισθίου. Πρέπει να


Δεν έχει σημασία αν φταίει το κράτος, τα συνδικάτα, οι

ξεκαθαρίσει το καθεστώς λειτουργίας του Σκαραμαγκά

επιχειρηματικά τους δε.

επιχειρηματίες, οι εργαζόμενοι, η τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση,

και της Ελευσίνας.

Κοιτάξτε τις εικόνες και θα καταλάβετε πως δεν

ή ο ΟΛΠ. Δεν έχει πια κανένα ενδιαφέρον να ρίχνει ο

Οι επιχειρηματίες πρέπει να ρίξουν τις τιμές τους


ένας το μπαλάκι στον άλλον.

- πράγμα που πολλοί το έχουν ήδη κάνει - και να

αποτέλεσμα. Χρειάζεται όλοι να καθήσουν στο

Σήμερα χρειάζονται άμεσα μέτρα για την επανάκαμψη

εξοπλιστούν όχι μόνο με “εργαλεία” αλλά και να

τραπέζι και να βάλουν μπροστά ένα master plan για

της Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής Ζώνης του Περάματος.

εφοδιαστούν με χαρτιά αντίστοιχα της αξιοπλοΐας του

το Πέραμα και την ναυπηγοεπισκευή.

Χρειάζονται να παρθούν μέτρα εχθές όχι σήμερα.


Σήμερα, όχι αύριο. Φανταστείτε τι θα γινόταν αν

Προτάσεις υπάρχουν πολλές, απλά χρειάζεται ΟΛΟΙ

Ο ΟΛΠ ως επιχείρηση κοινής οφέλειας θα πρέπει

σήμερα στην Κυνοσούρα αντί για ατελείωτα μπάζα

να βάλουν νερό στο κρασί τους.

να μειώσει δραστικά τις τιμές στις δεξαμενές και

και σκουπίδια υπήρχαν μερικές πλωτές δεξαμενές για

Ο μέχρι πρότεινος υφυπουργός Ναυτιλίας κ. Άδωνις

τους χώρους που υπερβαίνουν κατά πολύ το

να υποδεχτούμε τα πλοία της μεγαλύτερης ναυτιλίας

Γεωργιάδης εργάστηκε προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση

κόστος διεθνώς, πράγμα που έχει ως αποτέλεσμα

του κόσμου. Της δικής μας.













nafs mag. 08

ίσαλος γραμμή

Η αναβολή των εκλογών φαίνεται ότι αρχίζει πλέον να μεθοδεύεται σε χρόνο πέραν του Μαρτίου, καθώς υπουργοί του ιστορικού ΠΑΣΟΚ κόπτονται να αποτρέψουν ή έστω να απομακρύνουν σε χρόνο αόριστο τις εκλογές για να αποφύγουν το επικείμενο πικρό ποτήρι της λαϊκής οργής. Αλλά, η αναβολή των εκλογών υποστηρίζεται ακόμη και από δημοσιογραφικούς κύκλους αλλά και από τον ΣΕΒ. Φυσικά, και από επώνυμους κύκλους της Ε.Ε οι οποίοι απερίφραστα δήλωσαν ότι αν από τις εκλογές προκύψει αντιμνημονιακή κυβέρνηση, δεν θα εκταμιευθεί το δάνειο μαμμούθ του δευτέρου μνημονίου. Είναι πράγματι ιλαροτραγική η εικόνα του πολυπληθούς υπουργικού συμβουλίου που προβάλλει η τηλεόραση, με τους δεκάδες υπουργούς καθισμένους σε τεράστιο δρύϊνο οβάλ τραπέζι ολυμπιακών διαστάσεων και την πληθώρα των υφυπουργών, δίκην ακροατών, να συμπληρώνουν την εικόνα του πληθωριστικού τούτου πολιτικού μοντέλου, του μοναδικού σε όλη την Ευρώπη, καθήμενων στην περιφέρεια του τεράστιου τραπεζιού.

Apres moi, le deluge

γράφει ο Κώστας Δούκας Κάθε εχέφρων ασχολούμενος με τα ναυτιλιακά διερωτάται ποιά αξία θα μπορούσε να είχε η επανασύσταση του ΥΕΝ κάτω από το σημερινό παράδοξο και εντελώς ασύνηθες πολιτικό σχήμα, του οποίου ο πρωθυπουργός δεν είναι εκλεγμένος από τον λαό, αλλά αντιθέτως είναι πιστός θεράπων του διεθνούς τραπεζικού κεφαλαίου και των εξουσιαζόμενων υπ’ αυτού κυβερνήσεων, δηλαδή των δανειστών μας. Οι στήλες αυτές, από τις πρώτες ημέρες αναλήψεως των πρωθυπουργικών καθηκόντων υπό τον τραπεζίτη κ. Λουκά Παπαδήμο, ειχαν προαναγγείλει, ότι το νέο πολιτικό σχήμα αποτελούσε κυβέρνηση «λεξοτανιλ» προκειμένου να ηρεμήσει για λίγο ο ελληνικός λαός από την ανάλγητη και πέραν πάσης προσδοκίας οικονομικής και κοινωνικής πολιτικής του κ. Γ. Παπανδρέου σε βάρος των πενεστέρων λαϊκών στρωμάτων αλλά και της μεσαίας τάξεως. Και πάλι οι στήλες αυτές είχαν τολμήσει πρόβλεψη, ότι η κυβέρνηση Παπαδήμου δεν πρόκειται να τηρήσει το χρονοδιάγραμμα περί προσφυγής σε εκλογές, άποψη που στη συνέχεια συμμερίσθηκαν όλα τα ΜΜΕ, παρά την εμμονή της μείζονος αξιωματικής αντιπολίτευσης ότι οι εκλογές θα διεξαχθούν προ του Πάσχα. Η αναβολή των εκλογών φαίνεται ότι αρχίζει πλέον να μεθοδεύεται σε χρόνο πέραν του Μαρτίου, καθώς υπουργοί του ιστορικού ΠΑΣΟΚ κόπτονται να αποτρέψουν ή έστω να απομακρύνουν σε χρόνο αόριστο τις εκλογές για να αποφύγουν το επικείμενο πικρό ποτήρι της λαϊκής οργής. Αλλά, η αναβολή των εκλογών υποστηρίζεται ακόμη και από δημοσιογραφικούς κύκλους αλλά και από τον ΣΕΒ. Η γενική χαλαρότητα και η ακυβερνησία που επικρατεί στην χώρα, υπό την δαμόκλειο σπάθη του ΔΝΤ και των Ευρωπαίων, τα απειράριθμα σενάρια καταστροφολογίας που διατυπώνονται καθημερινά από τους ντόπιους και τους διεθνείς αξιωματούχους, οι εκβιαστικές και απειλητικές επισκέψεις των υπαλληλίσκων της τρόϊκας και το γενικότερο θέατρο του παραλόγου που παίζεται σε βάρος του λαού, ο οποίος πληρώνει αιματηρά τα επίχειρα της ανικανότητας και της διαφθοράς του πολιτικού κόσμου και των διαπλεκομένων, οδηγούμενος καθημερινά σε διαρκώς βαθύτερη φτώχεια, εξαθλίωση και ψυχική κατάπτωση δημιουργούν την πεποίθηση, ότι ποτέ δεν θα μπορέσει να πάρει κεφάλι η χώρα λόγω της οικονομικής άπνοιας, της ανεργίας, της ανυπαρξίας σχεδίου ανάπτυξης και της πρωτοφανούς πολιτικής και κοινωνικής παρακμής. Κάτω από τις συνθήκες αυτές σε τι θα ωφελούσε άραγε η επανασύσταση του ΥΕΝ, όταν κανείς δεν γνωρίζει «τι τέξεται η επιούσα», όταν η άθικτη γραφειοκρατία απολακτίζει κάθε προοπτική επένδυσης και όταν τεράστια εθνοφθόρα προβλήματα αναμένουν λύση, αλλά η λύση αναβάλλεται άγνωστο για πόσο, άγνωστο γιατί. Είναι πράγματι ιλαροτραγική η εικόνα του πολυπληθούς υπουργικού συμβουλίου που προβάλλει η τηλεόραση, με τους δεκάδες υπουργούς καθισμένους σε τεράστιο δρύϊνο οβάλ τραπέζει ολυμπιακών διαστάσεων και την πληθώρα των υφυπουργών, δίκην ακροατών, να συμπληρώνουν την εικόνα του πληθωριστικού τούτου πολιτικού μοντέλου, του μοναδικού σε όλη την Ευρώπη, καθήμενοι στην περιφέρεια του τεράστιου τραπεζιού. Σε τι θα μπορούσε να ωφελήσει άραγε η εμπορική ναυτιλία, η ποντοπόρος και η ακτοπλοϊα, από ένα ανεξάρτητο ΥΕΝ, το οποίο βρισκόταν πάντοτε “τελευταίον τη τάξει”, εν μέσω υπουργών με αλληλοεπικαλυπτόμενες αρμοδιότητες και ευρισκομένων σε διαρκείς διενέξεις μεταξύ τους, εις τρόπον ώστε να υπονομεύεται υπό του ενός του έργο του άλλου και να ευτελίζεται, εν των γεννάσθαι κάθε πολιτική, που θα επέλυε ζωτικά προβλήματα της ναυτιλίας, της μόνης ζώσης και παραγωγικής βιομηχανίας, η οποία θα μπορούσε να σώσει τη χώρα από την πτώχευση. Ο ευφυολόγος και αλήστου μνήμης Γιώργος Κατσιφάρας, όταν ήταν υπουργός Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας, έλεγε στους ναυτιλιακούς συντάκτες ότι... κρύωνε στο υπουργικό συμβούλιο, διότι πέραν αυτού δεν υπήρχε άλλος υπουργός δίπλα στην καρέκλα του. Το υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας ήταν το τελευταίο, παρά την μεγάλη συνεισφορά της ναυτιλίας στο ΑΕΠ. Ένα τέτοιο ανεξάρτητο πλην υποβαθμισμένο ΥΕΝ δεν θα εξυπηρετούσε την αναπτυξιακή ορμή της ναυτλίας. Σήμερα, κάτω από την άχρωμη πολυσυμμετοχική μνημονιακή κυβέρνηση «λεξοτανίλ» του κ. Λ. Παπαδήμου και με χρονικό ορόσημο των εκλογών τον Μάιο – ημερομηνία που θεωρείται αμφίβολο αν θα τηρηθεί - η επανασύσταση του ΥΕΝ, με τις προδιαγραφές του φτωχού συγγενούς, δεν θα προσέθετε τίποτα στην γενικότερη εικόνα απραξίας της κυβερνησεως, η οποία κατατρύχεται από την μονομανή επιδίωξη να εφαρμόσει κατά γράμμα και χωρίς κόκκινες γραμμές το δεύτερο μνημόνιο, με εφαρμογή του αγγλικού δικαίου, που θα χαλκεύσει δεκαετή τουλάχιστον δεσμά στον ελληνικό λαό. Όχι, το νέο ΥΕΝ θα πρέπει να αναβαθμισθεί, ώστε να μπορεί να αξιοποιήσει την εμπορική ναυτιλία σαν το μακρύ χέρι ανάπτυξης της χώρας, που είναι το μεγάλο ζητούμενο και όχι μια ευκαιριακή ανασύσταση του υπό την πίεση του εφοπλιστικού κόσμου, για να λειτουργήσει στο πλαίσιο μια κυβέρνησης που περιγράψαμε και που προχωρεί, όπως λέει, για τη σωτηρία της χώρας αλλά με μια μεθοδολογία που θυμίζει το λουδοβίκειο απόφθεγμα: Apres moi, le deluge* (Μετά από εμένα ο κατακλυσμός). Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ

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Cyprus Office Limassol - Cyprus Tel: + 357 25 348568 e-mail:

nafs mag. 12

financial focus

Equilibrium? Where art thou, Equilibrium? By Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research Living through the worst dry bulk shipping market that most can remember is affecting confidence. Owners, having gone through a prolonged phase of over-exuberance and talking of a ‘new paradigm’ and believing in the long term robustness of shipping, fuelled by China and longer ton-mile distances, splashed heavily in new building orders. Now, with demand having slowed down and net tonnage supply having reached unbelievably high levels, a huge tonnage surplus has materialized whilst the order book still looms large. As if the above was not sufficient, we also face an unprecedented banking crisis, affecting all western banks, but most heavily, the European banks that make up 90% of ship lending. Banks, the shipping industry’s partner, have been slow fox-trotting along owners for 3 years in anticipation of a recovery which has not yet materialised. To the contrary, market conditions, freights and values have gone from bad to worse. Banks, who face their own uphill struggle to achieve capital adequacy and absorb sovereign debt and bad loan provisions, have started to show their uneasiness and they too are considering how long will it be that they will need to support owners, restructure debts and forgive covenant infringements. I have, however, good news to both banks and owners. This crisis will pass and a market equilibrium shall return. No doubt at all about this. The only questions that still remains is ‘when?’! It is the answer to the fundamental question of ‘when?’ that will determine the fate of many owners and the losses of many banks. As neither the banks not the owners know when the market shall recover, they are both trying to ‘survive’. Until now, such survival has, on the whole,

been achieved via co-operation. Owners focus on

ing orders and throttles existing commitments. Own-

liquidity, cost cutting, maximizing revenues, spinning

ers with vessels on order, have the chance of either

off all non-core assets and activities as well as by

walking away, or postponing the order or committing

contributing further own resources to the extent that

more capital. Thus far, they have mainly chosen the

they can do so.

route of postponement, thus spreading out the order book. This slippage, however, has not resulted in

Banks have been patient and have provided loan re-

a reduced order book and in occasions where own-

structures in return for higher margins and evidence

ers have walked out, the vessels were still eventually

of owner commitment. However, to both banks and

built for another owner.

owners, time is beginning to run out, as all the easy solutions have been utilized and the situation is grim-

As the market situation worsens, there will be more

mer than before.

layoffs, scrapping and cancellations / defaults. Shipbuilding capacity has already started to be reduced

The ‘credit crunch’, whereby fresh bank credit is

primarily in China and to a lesser extent in South Ko-

low, difficult and expensive, is actually helping the

rea and Japan.

shipping industry. It discourages further newbuild-

However, all the above is ‘evolutionary’ and not ‘im-

financial focus nafs mag. 13 mediate’ in effect.

Net Fleet Growth / Growth Without Scrapping / Cargo Bulk Trade Growth / World GDP Growth


Having laid out the basic parameters in the issue of where the dry bulk market is, I wish to concentrate


on the fundamental question of ‘when’, i.e. ‘when’ will


Sources: Cargo Bulk Trade Growth: Platou 2011-­‐2012, Howe Robinson Fleet: Simpson Spence and Young / Petrofin World GDP: World Bank, Howe Robinson

the market equilibrium be reached and ‘when’ will the current surplus be absorbed? 15.00%



The general consensus is that the market will take a


long long time to absorb surplus capacity. However, rather than providing unsubstantiated beliefs and crystal ball gazing, I will seek to present reasoned


10.00% 7.74%

analysis of where we are going.




7.30% 7.24%

The difficulties associated with ‘forecasting’ in that is depends on the collective actions of both owners


6.41% 5.00%


and banks, as well as the global economy and world

6.36% 6.05%

6.07% 5.26% 4.25%

trade which in turn depends on global sentiment,


2.84% 2.00%

confidence, central bank and state actions.

7.21% 6.55%





6.67% 4.10%



7.24% 5.30%






2.50% 1.50%




end 2011


end 2010

end 2009

end 2008

end 2007

end 2006

end 2005

end 2004

end 2003

This shows demand and supply for the dry bulk fleet

end 2002

end 2001


Let me begin then. Please see Graph 1 by Platou. over the last 10 years. The key to reading this chart is by reference to the utilization rate. As you will ob-

-­‐5.00% Net Fleet Growth

serve, the utilization rate crossed the 90% mark in

Growth Without Scrapping

Cargo Bulk Trade Growth

World GDP Growth

mid-2003 and stayed about this rate until the end of 2008, when the banking crisis began. As the rate approached 100%, shipping experienced

each of the above years resulting in a fall of the fleet

market. However, what is needed is not only for

utilisation rate.

demand growth to match supply growth, but for the current surplus to be reduced and for utilisation rates

very bullish market conditions, which led to overordering and created the current problem.

For astute readers, I should hasten to add that there

to rise.

are other factors that affect the supply side, such as

Although the adjustment process shall be slow

The utilisation rate movements explain why we en-

congestion, slow steaming, lay-up and weather. As

and the danger of further orders is always present,

joyed a reasonable market in the second half of 2009

such, to some extent, the large surpluses have been

should the above prognosis materialise in 2012,

and the whole of 2010, but have been sliding in 2011

cushioned by the above factors, though not elimi-

we should see a rise of the utilisation rate to levels

and early 2012. In answering the fundamental ques-

nated, hence the increasing supply and utilization

above 90%, hence a recovery in 2013 and 2014 to

tion of ‘when’, we need to see when the utilization

rate falls.

at least 2010 market conditions. The recovery of the utilisation rate shall not be smooth but erratic. How-

rate will cross the 90% rate. Currently, we are at approximately 85%, where the 15% surplus has driven

Let us now move to the world of ‘reasoned progno-

ever, as 2013 and 2014 dry bulk growth expectations

rates down to operating expense levels.


are for higher growth than 2012, it is forecasted that

The 2012 green line forecast shows an estimated

the current fleet surplus shall slowly absorbed.

To provide a reasonable prognosis to the key ques-

pronounced fall in the pre-scrapping net fleet growth

A rush of new orders can and will delay the mar-

tion, I refer readers to Graph 2. Please bear with me,

to 12.63% after cancellations, postponements and

ket recovery whilst a pick-up of Chinese and global

as I go through it.

on account of a slowdown in new orders in accord-

growth will shorten the period until the current sur-

ance with our analysis. As you will see, the gap with

plus shall be absorbed.

The green line until 2011 shows the net dry bulk fleet

the blue line is increasing due to record scrapping

growth without scrapping. As you will see, it peaked

forecasts for 2012. To give readers a better idea,

In conclusion, as the current order book works

at 18.81% in 2011. For 2012 and beyond, the green

the scheduled newbuilding deliveries for 2012 are

through the ship building system, demand / supply

line represents orders that will be delivered in each

132.6mDWT (Clarkson’s Fleet Register – February

conditions should return to near equilibrium from

year after estimated postponements, cancellations

2012). This figure after postponements, cancella-

2013-2014. However, what is needed is the current

and new orders placed with deliveries in each year.

tions etc, as well as scrapping and due to the bad

supply to be reduced by a period of demand exceed-

The blue line shows the net dry bulk fleet growth

market conditions, is expected to fall to a net 40m

ing supply and the utilisation rates rising to 90% and

after scrapping with the difference between the two

DWT fleet increase. Hence a considerable market

above. This will require considerable new order re-

lines representing scrapping. Due to scrapping in

induced adjustment.

straint by owners and banks, a lot of postponements, reduced shipbuilding capacity, continued scrapping

2011, the actual net tonnage growth was 14.36% as opposed to pre-scrapping of 18.81%.

The result, if our assumptions as to the above pa-

and fleet inefficiency, as well as pick-up in demand.

The purple line at the bottom of the graph shows

rameters hold true, is for a net fleet growth after

The above pre-conditions for a robust recovery may

World GDP growth per annum, whereas the red line

scrapping of only 6.54% for 2012. This, should it

appear daunting but not improbable. For owners

since 2010, shows the cargo bulk trade growth. It is

materialize, would be very good news. For 2013,

and banks, surviving the next 1-2 years will remain

this red line, together with the blue line that deter-

the net fleet increase is estimated at 7.24% falling

their main goal. For those that survive the famine

mine if there is a minimal surplus.

to 5.3% in 2014.

years, the future, once the market shall recover,

Although world GDP growth for 2012 is expected to

looks very promising.

As you will see, in both 2010 and 2011, net fleet af-

slowdown from 3.8% in 2011 to 2.5% per annum,

ter scrapping increases have been 16.7% in 2010

Cargo bulk trade growth according to Howe Robin-

and 14.36% in 2011, clearly rates that could never

son, is expected to rise in 2012 to 7.3%. This com-

be matched by cargo growth which remained at 9%

pares well with the 6.54% net fleet increase, which

and 6% per annum. Hence, there was a surplus in

shows for the first time, since 2008, a more balanced

nafs mag. 14

shipping news

E.E.E. Εκλογή νέου Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου για την προσεχή τριετία

Ελληνική Εμπορική Ναυτιλία: Ο πλέον αξιόπιστος εταίρος της Ε.Ε. Στα πλαίσια των τακτικών επαφών της Ενώσεως

οποία υποσκάπτουν τη διεθνή ανταγωνιστικότητα

Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών με τα θεσμικά κοινοτικά

του κοινοτικού στόλου και δίνουν λαβή για λήψη

όργανα, αντιπροσωπεία της υπό τον Πρόεδρο, κ.

άλλων περιφερειακών μέτρων από χώρες όπως

Θ. Βενιάμη, πραγματοποίησε επίσημη επίσκεψη

οι ΗΠΑ, Κίνα, Ρωσία, Ινδία, Βραζιλία εις βάρος

στις Βρυξέλλες (23-25/1/12). Στην αντιπροσωπεία

τελικά του ελεύθερου εμπορίου. Στο φαινόμενο

μετείχαν οι κ.κ. Χ. Κανελλάκης, Ι. Κ. Λύρας, η Δρ. Α.

της πειρατείας διαπιστώθηκε εκ μέρους της ΕΕ

Μπρεδήμα και η κα. Κ. Πέππα.

μεγάλη πρόοδος και πλήρης συνειδητοποίηση


Ο κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης Στην






μελών της ΕΕΕ που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2012, στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου, ο Πρόεδρος κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης προέβη στον Απολογισμό των πεπραγμένων της Ενώσεως για το 2011, καθώς και σε εκτενή αναφορά στις ναυτιλιακές εξελίξεις, σε εθνικό, κοινοτικό και διεθνές επίπεδο για το ίδιο έτος. (Το κείμενο του Απολογισμού επισυνάπτεται). Οι εργασίες της Συνέλευσης συνεχίσθηκαν με αρχαιρεσίες για την ανάδειξη νέας Διοίκησης τριετούς θητείας. Το νεοεκλεγέν Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, συνήλθε στις 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 στα γραφεία της ΕΕΕ και μετά την επικύρωση των εκλογικών αποτελεσμάτων, συγκροτήθηκε σε Σώμα ως εξής: Πρόεδρος: κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης Αντιπρόεδροι: κ.κ. Χρήστος Κανελλάκης, Μιχαήλ Χανδρής Γραμματείς:




Κωνσταντίνος Μαρτίνος Ταμίας: Δρ. Ματθαίος Δημ. Λώς Αναπλ. Ταμίας: κ. Αναστάσιος Παπαγιαννόπουλος Μέλη οι κ.κ. : Αγγελάκης




Αγγελόπουλος Κωνσταντίνος, Γράτσος Γεώργιος, Δαλακούρας




Καρούσης Κωνσταντίνος, Κολλάκης ΠαντελήςΕλευθέριος










Λεκανίδης Στέφανος, Λιβανός Γεώργιος, Λύρας Κ.





Ιωάννης, Οικονόμου Γεώργιος, Πολέμης Σπυρίδων, Προκοπίου Γεώργιος, Τραυλού Μελπομένη, Τσάκος Νικόλαος, Φαφαλιός Λουκάς.





των διαστάσεών του, ανθρωπιστικών, εμπορικών,

ΕΕΕ διαπιστώθηκαν θετικές εξελίξεις σε μια

πολιτικών και οικονομικών. Η ΕΕΕ τόνισε τον

σειρά θεμάτων που απασχολούν την ελληνική

εμφανή κίνδυνο διατάραξης της ομαλής διακίνησης

εμπορική ναυτιλία. Στην Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή η

του διεθνούς εμπορίου μεταξύ Δύσης και Ανατολής

αντιπροσωπεία συναντήθηκε με τον Αντιπρόεδρο

και τις σοβαρές οικονομικές επιπτώσεις δεδομένου

και Επίτροπο Μεταφορών, κ. Σ. Κάλλας, καθώς

ότι αποδεδειγμένα η πειρατεία κοστίζει ετησίως

και με τις Επιτρόπους Κ. Χέντεγκαρντ (Δράσης

στην παγκόσμια οικονομία 7,5 – 14 δις δολάρια,

για το Κλίμα), Μ. Δαμανάκη (Θαλάσσιας Πολιτικής


και Αλιείας)

και Α.

Υπήρξε σύμπτωση απόψεων για την αναγκαιότητα









διαμόρφωσης σχετικών πρωτοβουλιών από την

Επίσης, η αντιπροσωπεία είχε συναντήσεις με

ΕΕ, τα θεσμικά όργανα της οποίας αποδεικνύουν

τον Αναπληρωτή Γενικό Διευθυντή Μεταφορών,


κ. Φ. Καραμήτσο, τον Διευθυντή για την πειρατεία

αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος με συντονισμένες

στον Ινδικό Ωκεανό της Ευρωπαϊκής Υπηρεσίας

ενέργειες και αποφασιστικότητα. Η χρήση ένοπλων



φρουρών επί των εμπορικών πλοίων αρκετών


κοινοτικών σημαιών, σύντομα και της ελληνικής,

Απασχόλησης και Κοινωνικών Υποθέσεων και

αναφέρθηκε ως ένα αναγκαίο συμπληρωματικό

της Διεύθυνσης


μέτρο, στο παρόν στάδιο, για την προστασία των

Υπουργών. Στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο έλαβαν

ναυτικών και του πλοίου, το οποίο όμως δεν πρέπει

χώρα συναντήσεις με τον Ευρωβουλευτή κ. Μ.

να αναχαιτίσει τις παγκόσμιες προσπάθειες για

Σίμψον, Πρόεδρο της Επιτροπής Μεταφορών

πάταξη του φαινομένου. Επίσης, συμφωνήθηκε



η συνεχής αλληλοενημέρωση μεταξύ των δύο

Μάισνερ, Συντονίστρια Φιλελευθέρων (Επιτροπή

πλευρών και η αμοιβαία συνδρομή στην επίλυση


του προβλήματος.











Τουρισμού, τον








Π. Λίζε






(Επιτροπή Περιβάλλοντος) καθώς και με Έλληνες Ευρωβουλευτές.

Όσον αφορά το σημαντικό θέμα της μείωσης των ατμοσφαιρικών εκπομπών των πλοίων, η ΕΕΕ

Η επίσκεψη πραγματοποιήθηκε σε μία εξαιρετικά

επικρότησε την επιτυχία του αρμόδιου Διεθνούς



Ναυτιλιακού Οργανισμού (ΙΜΟ), να ηγηθεί των

Ελλάδα όσο και η υπόλοιπη Ευρωζώνη, και κατ’

εξελίξεων, υιοθετώντας τεχνικά και λειτουργικά μέτρα

επέκταση η ΕΕ, αντιμετωπίζουν οικονομική ύφεση

με διεθνή εφαρμογή για την ενεργειακή απόδοση

πρωτοφανούς έκτασης που οδηγεί σε καθημερινές

των πλοίων, καθώς και την αναγκαιότητα να του

ανακατατάξεις. Στο δυσμενές αυτό οικονομικό

δοθεί πίστωση χρόνου για την εξεύρεση διεθνούς

περιβάλλον, η ευρωπαϊκή ναυτιλία, ενώ δεν

λύσης προς περαιτέρω μείωση των εκπομπών.

αποτελεί μέρος του προβλήματος, καλείται αφενός

Για άλλη μια φορά τονίσθηκε το ανεφάρμοστο του

να αντιμετωπίσει σοβαρά λειτουργικά εμπόδια

συστήματος εμπορίας εκπομπών (Emissions Trade

στην ομαλή διεξαγωγή των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών

Scheme – ETS) στη ναυτιλία. Επίσης, η διένεξη

και αφετέρου να συνδράμει κατά το δυνατό στην

μεταξύ ΕΕ και 46 χωρών συμπεριλαμβανομένων

οικονομική ανάπτυξη της Ευρώπης διατηρώντας

των ΗΠΑ, εξ αφορμής της μονομερούς υπαγωγής

την στρατηγική θέση της στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή

των διεθνών εναέριων μεταφορών στο ευρωπαϊκό


Emissions Trading Scheme, έχει δημιουργήσει
















βιωσιμότητα της κοινοτικής ναυτιλίας εξαρτάται

περιφερειακών λύσεων στη ναυτιλία. Παράλληλα,


εκδηλώθηκε προθυμία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής







της. Αναπόσπαστο







να εξετάσει εναλλακτικές προτάσεις, σε συνεργασία


με τους εκπροσώπους της ναυτιλίας.

ισχύος των Κατευθυντήριων Γραμμών για τις επιδοτήσεις στις θαλάσσιες μεταφορές, άποψη

Συμπερασματικά, διαπιστώθηκε ότι η ελληνική

που υποστηρίζει θερμά το σύνολο του κοινοτικού

εμπορική ναυτιλία παραμένει ο πλέον αξιόπιστος

εφοπλισμού και έχει γίνει αντιληπτή από τους

στρατηγικός εταίρος της ΕΕ και ευπρόσδεκτος

κοινοτικούς αξιωματούχους. Εξίσου αναγκαία είναι

συνομιλητής των θεσμικών οργάνων της, σε υψηλό

η αποφυγή λήψης περιφερειακών μέτρων, τα


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nafs mag. 16

technical issues The AQUA freshwater

Alfa Laval: A steady flow of savings The AQUA FRESHWATER GENERATOR

Alfa Laval on board

Alfa Laval can be found on most ships and in most onboard processes. This includes freshwater generation, where Alfa Laval has led the way since 1955. Drawing on our many years of experience, we create new advances based on well-known technologies. A perfect example is the AQUA freshwater generator, which takes vacuum desalination to new levels of efficiency and economy. AQUA’s all-in-one plate technology cuts seawater requirements in half. And just as importantly, it makes AQUA exceptionally easy to operate and maintain.

generator handles the entire desalination process with a single plate pack and one type of titanium plate. The result is an efficient and easily handled solution.

Two sides of the AQUA story

The story of the AQUA freshwater generator is the story of a remarkable innovation, fully tested both on and off shore. AQUA represents a major process breakthrough, with benefits for ship owners, ship operators and shipyards alike.

One half of the story … Through unique plate technology that requires only half as much seawater, AQUA generates both fresh water and savings for ship owners and ship operators. Half the seawater flow translates into half the pumping requirements, with a corresponding reduction in electrical energy. In other words, less fuel is consumed in running the freshwater generator, and less CO2 is released into the atmosphere as a result. In addition, AQUA features wetted parts in titanium and an optimized flow that keeps the natural build scaling to a minimum. So like Alfa Laval’s global resources and support, AQUA is a solution that will be available for the lifetime of the ship.

… and the other half In cutting the need for seawater in half, AQUA creates substantial benefits for shipyards as well. Since there is only half the seawater to move, the pumps that are installed with AQUA can be smaller. And that means a lower investment cost. Likewise, there is less energy to invest in planning an AQUA installation. The dimensions of the connecting pipework can be smaller than that of other solutions, and the compact design of the freshwater generator allows flexible placement in any engine room layout. Since the plate pack opens easily within the space of the AQUA frame, only a minimal service area is needed.

AQUA – inside and out

The AQUA freshwater generator handles the entire desalination process with a single plate pack and one type of titanium plate. The result is an efficient and easily handled solution.

Serving it all on one plate

fall into the sump at the bottom of the freshwater generator. Only clean freshwater vapour reaches the top section, where it is cooled and condensed into fresh water.

The AQUA plate pack contains purpose-made plates

Perfect distribution across the plates ensures that dry spots are eliminated, which means the natural scaling

with 3-in-1 technology. Evaporation, separation and con-

process is minimized. And because the vacuum is contained in the plate pack itself, no outer shell is necessary.

densation occur on a single type of plate, designed with

In many cases, additional plates are all that is needed to increase freshwater capacity.

Alfa Laval’s fluid handling expertise.

Room to move and grow

Feed water passes through the lower section of the plate

The space-saving construction of AQUA combines ease of installation with ease of use. The AQUA plate pack

pack, where it is evaporated at 40-60°C in a vacuum of

simply slides open for maintenance, which means that only a minimal service area is required around the compact

85-95%. As the vapour rises between the plates, it pass-


es through the separator section, which causes brine to

Not only is the freshwater generator itself smaller than other solutions, so are the pumps and pipes connected to it.

nafs mag. 17

Doing the job with less

The AQUA freshwater generator operates economically with only half the seawater flow. Though it provides exceptional long-term efficiency, it requires only minimal maintenance.

Less seawater, less impact AQUA makes efficient use of the heat that already exists on board, employing jacket water, steam injection or a Hot Water Loop as a heating medium. But just as importantly, it makes efficient use of seawater. This means that AQUA provides better operating economy, not only compared to shell-and-tube models, but also compared

necessary pumping capacity and allows smaller seawater pumps to be installed. This in turn reduces the consumption of electrical energy, which is usually produced through the burning of expensive fuel. Naturally, a reduction in fuel use means money saved. But it also means savings for the environment. Cutting fuel consumption means cutting CO2 emissions, and that makes AQUA as good for the climate as it is for your economy.

Less work and worry Just as AQUA requires less electrical energy to generate freshwater, it demands less energy from you. AQUA’s

to other plate-based freshwater generators.

operation is fully automatic, and its very low hold-up vol-

Because it requires only half the seawater flow needed

ume prevents any sloshing due to pitch and roll. Moreo-

by any other freshwater generator, AQUA reduces the

ver, the system continuously controls the quality of the

fresh water, which has a lower salinity than that provided by other solutions. Due to optimized technology that inhibits the natural scaling process, AQUA also provides longer maintenance intervals. When maintenance is necessary, there are few bolts to handle and no pipes to dismantle, and correct and easy reassembly is ensured by AQUA’s design features. Among these are gaskets with rubber flaps that indicate proper plate assembly, as well as distance pipes that ensure proper plate alignment and correct tightening. Best of all, AQUA’s wetted surfaces are all made of titanium, which means there is no risk of corrosion or erosion. Natural scaling can be kept to a minimum with a Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) system and biodegradable chemicals – without opening the freshwater generator.

Keeping it simple With its streamlined installation and maintenance-friendly setup, the AQUA freshwater generator reduces both initial investments and lifecycle costs. This makes it an ideal solution for use on ships and rigs, as well as in remote onshore locations.

Easy to fit or retrofit

AQUA means good news, both for shipyards and for those looking to retrofit. Possible to install in any direction, it allows for a more compact and flexible installation. In fact, AQUA saves considerable space and weight over other types of freshwater generator. Not only does AQUA itself have a smaller footprint, it also has a service area up to 50% smaller than that of shell-and-tube models. In contrast to other plate-based models, the vacuum is contained in the plate pack, so there is no outer shell that requires extra space to open. Also reduced is the size of the seawater pumps and pipes, since AQUA needs only half of the seawater required by other solutions. So the total installation, including both the freshwater generator and the surrounding equipment, can be made with less difficulty and a lower investment.

Performance that lasts

As a start-and-forget answer to freshwater needs, AQUA provides long-term as well as shortterm benefits. This is due to its use of proven Alfa Laval technology, tested both on and off shore. For example, AQUA takes full advantage of Alfa Laval’s expertise in fluid handling. By better distributing a smaller amount of water, AQUA avoids the creation of dry spots, which helps to inhibit the natural process of scaling. Together with the use of corrosion- and erosion-resistant titanium for the plates and other wetted parts, this ensures a trouble-free installation that will last the life of the ship. Likewise, AQUA is built to expand as demands increase. Because the same efficient design covers the whole operating range, additional plates are often all that is needed to increase freshwater capacity. In other words, AQUA is a single solution for both today’s and tomorrow’s freshwater needs. And since Alfa Laval is a global supplier, we can also meet your need for service and support – around the clock and around the world.

Alfa Laval can be found on board most ships and provides support through a global organization. Our products include systems for fuel conditioning, separation, heating, cooling, tank cleaning, filtration, desalination, waste treatment and ballast water treatment. As a leading supplier, we strive for the most efficient, reliable and environmental solutions. Our drive is the partnership with our many customers – together we set the standard. For more information, please visit

nafs mag. 18

insurance market

Victoria Liouta, managing director Vilmar International S.A Marine Insurance Risks after “Costa Concordia” It has been only few days after the new year has

with the massive liabilities, however all claims great-

large marine claims based on costly investigation of

started that we watched in the news a huge tragic and

er than $8million will get pooled within the IG of P&I

liabilities involved.

a casualty which seriously concerns the insurance in-

Clubs which is protected by external reinsurance for

I can only note that insurance is necessary to anyone’s

dustry. The sinking of Costa Concordia cruise ship off

claims that exceed $60 million. With that in mind and

business when such unexpected casualties and other

Tuscan coast of Italy on January 13 has already loss-

considering that the fiscal year for all P&I Clubs is the

heavy burdened incidents happen which give rise to

es which reach about $1 billion with the bulk of burden

end of February the Costa Concordia disaster will defi-

many liabilities and claims. It is time to consider the

going to reinsurers. A big portion of it will obviously

nitely have a serious crash on all insurance results for

importance of insuring ship and passengers, on the

cover damage to the ship and the balance will cover

this year leaving still unknown how much will fall on the

other hand, insurance world is suffering with heavy

personal injuries, liability and environmental losses.

hull side and how much on the P&I market.

costs which again have serious impact on the insur-

Referring to the latter, the losses will be lessened if

It may be possible that the two ship’s Clubs will have

ance rates for owners and ships.

the fuel oil and lubricants are successfully removed by

very little retained premium to pay this loss and is likely

Then again, far from the ship’s insurance depressing

Royal Boskalis Westminster’s Smit Salvage company

that they financially suffer badly this year, especially if

results, the incident might have an assessable impact

which started already the pumping of fuel. Weather

big pollution claims arise in case fuel is leaked from

on bookings with the season still not started and pos-

conditions are important to facilitate the operation oth-

vessel’s tanks. It is also expected that the reinsur-

sibly a long-term impact on cruise industry growth irre-

erwise bigger problems and complications may arise.

ance cost will rise among the 13 Clubs of International

spective if even the most sensitive American travelers

It is admitted that the wrecked cruiseliner turned out to

Group and the Clubs which insure cruise liners will see

continue to travel. Owners will obviously assume dif-

be the biggest insured loss in maritime history, carry-

their cost of cover higher within the Pool.

ficult fiscal year resulted from pretty evident cause that

ing over 4,000 passengers and crew, killing at least 15

It is nevertheless noticeable that other sources refer to

human factor plays the most important role in such

and injuring many others. The insurance world of the

the shipwreck as not big enough to dent the insurance

tragedies. Other consequences are being discussed

ship and her owners has to consider two issues: the

industry’s capital reserves and the fact that the losses

on the various market’s tables after the disastrous

two clubs that insure each other for personal injuries

are very well spread in various markets and heavily

incident including among others, the change of IMO

and shipwreck as well as environmental damage and

reinsured as well, the impact on the hull side might

rules for passenger vessels, quality of training given

the consortium of insurers who underwrite the ship

not be that catastrophic this year. Yet, the market talks

to entertainment and hospitality staff on cruise liners,

itself. The ship is insured for 405 million euros by in-

about losses which exceed the ones in Exxon Valdez

tighter ship safety procedures, crew training standards

surers among which are GARD, XL, RSA, Generali,

disaster in Alaska.

etc. to prevent a repeat of Costa Concordia shipwreck.

AXA, Hannover Re, Allianz and Chartis. Sources in

Many companies, insurance or other, work on the de-

When such catastrophic incidents happen many rules

the market state that “the participants on the policy

tails of the disaster and it remains to come to firm con-

change and immediately insurance markets adjust the

will be fairly well spread across the market” which may

clusions on cost or liability issues, still, the timing of the

risk and the possibility of similar tragedies.

also mean that the losses are expected to be easy for

disaster may be proved difficult for some insurers who

It is official status that this loss will put pressure to ma-

the industry to absorb.

announced their losses already for 2011. Any resolu-

rine insurance before the year begun and apparently

London based Standard Club which has confirmed is

tion of the claims will not be quick and it is well known

insurers will have to raise their prices. It remains to

the leading P&I insurer of the ship is already dealing

to the market that it usually takes years to settle these

see the results.

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nafs mag. 20

piracy report


Konstantinos G. Apostolopoulos:

Maritime Piracy Nowadays : A calm before the Storm ASPIDA MARTIME SECURITY

“Piracy rates seem to be a rather controversial phenomenon. Although pirate attacks see a continuous increase, at the same time successful hijackings have decreased. This is a result of the presence of Naval and Military forces concentrated above and beyond the Arabian Sea strengthened by the use of Private Contracted Armed Security Personnel. It is important to note though that serious and continuing threat remains in the wider area of the Indian Ocean and especially in the Gulf of Aden.” Konstantinos G. Apostolopoulos Sales Manager,Aspida Maritime Security

Maritime Piracy is a contemporary ‘reality’ of the

note though that serious and continuing threat


High Seas. Currently at its peak, Piracy could

remains in the wider area of the Indian Ocean

Frankly, shipowners’ decision to engage PCASP

be considered as one of the most nuisance, yet

and especially in the Gulf of Aden. Bob Jaques

should be made after due consideration of all

dangerous for crew and vessels, threats. This

(Seatrade Magazine, Issue 5), writes that:

the risks and subject to a (non-existent yet)

phenomenon has raised numerous debates

“Piracy attacks off the cost of Somalia and out in

comprehensive legal framework. Owners and

coming from all parties concerned. As per today,

the Indian Ocean have reached critical levels.”

Masters should follow the IMO guidelines which

no clear answers have been given and no long

There is a belief that pirates cannot easily return

has made some progress this year towards

term or even comprehensive solutions have

to the level of success as of 2010. On the one

recognizing the use of armed guards and should

been adopted. Existing and up-and-coming

hand we have depletion in the quality of pirate

also get advise from their Flag State and insurer.

actions that require great attention are herewith

crews as many of the experienced pirates are

Certainly, armed guards as a pirate deterrent


now in prison and on the other hand there is

remains a ‘hot issue’. There is a great concern

The International Maritime Bureau PRC has

a new wave of opportunistic and under-skilled

about the presence of the rifles onto the ship on

recorded 439 incidents of Piracy & Robbery in

pirates. The fact that the new generation of

that the pirates will become more aggressive.

2011, compared to 445 in 2010. 237 of the in-

pirates are inexperienced, acting in an oppor-

Some others believe that the private hiring of

cidents are accredited to Somali Pirates. These

tunistic manner & operating closer to the shore,

armed guards could lead owners facing criminal

incidents continue to intimidate an extended

pose a threat to become more violent. Along the

prosecution. Although the above if not appropri-

geographical region – from the Southern part of

same lines, Thimio Mitropoulos, IMO secretary

ate care is put in place, may be true; shipown-

the Red Sea in the west to 76o East longitude

general, has stated that “pirates have become

ers attention should remain in the fact that

and beyond in the east. Incidents have also

bolder, more audacious, more aggressive and

numerous Private Maritime Security Companies

been reported off the coast of Oman / Arabian

violent than before. They subject their captives

(PMSC) ‘pop up’ and sale ‘professional’ offering

Sea in the north extending southward to 22o

to terror, abuse, and torture”. The latest such

guardianship with low cost.


unfortunate incident took place at MV Shiuh Fu

Most of the attacks incorporate the use of fire

where pirates adopted a new and graphic tactic

ures that lead to the decrease of incidents are

arms which is a cause of great concern to the

to force owners to pay ransom; they cut the arm

a result of combined efforts from Naval Forces,

merchant navy fleet as it forms a serious threat

of the captain of the ship. This event marks the

Best Management Practices (BMP), use of cita-

not only to injury and death of seafarers but also

first noted incident of force amputation in recent

dels and Privately Contracted Armed Security

loss to the ship, cargo and damage the environ-

years as well as a significant turn in the way

Personnel (PCASP), attention should be given

ment. The pirates fire automatic weapons and

pirates treat hostages.

when deploying the later. Owners should be

Rocket Propelled Grenade (R.P.G) at merchant

Although shipowners are aware of the threat,

careful when they see low cost “professional

vessels in an attempt to immobilize them or to

some believe that the risk of hijacking is really

PMSC’s”. Each armed security mission is a

board and hijack them. As of recorded incidents

low (0,3%, source One Earth Future). They

small military operation and entails high costs.

Bulk Carriers, Chemical Tankers, Containers,

think that a quick payment to the pirates would

Very low prices actually mean that a provider is

Tankers, General Cargo have been noticed to

result to quick release of crew and vessel. Some

cutting corners. Maritime Security is not a com-

be the most vulnerable types to be attacked.

others prefer to reroute ships in order to avoid

modity and PMSCs should not be chosen based

Piracy rates seem to be a rather controversial

risky waters. Meanwhile, shipping operators and

just on price. Unsuitable insurance, improper

phenomenon. Although pirate attacks see a

insurers advocate for the use of armed guards -

and illegal weaponry, poorly trained personnel,

continuous increase, at the same time success-

a practice that is governed by the nation in which

lack of procedures and adherence to port regula-

ful hijackings have decreased. This is a result of

a given vessel is registered. There is a range of

tions may result to a lower price but may lead to

the presence of Naval and Military forces con-

flag requirements regarding the approval of the

complications, vessel delays, arrests and liability

centrated above and beyond the Arabian Sea

use of armed guards, from those that prohibit to

claims. So the price may be lower but at what

strengthened by the use of Private Contracted

those that recommend them. At the same time

actual cost? In the Security quality is essential if

Armed Security Personnel. It is important to

International Chamber of Shipping supports the

not demanded.

Although nowadays counter-meas-

nafs mag. 22

international shipyards


Dimitris Vranopoulos: Classification Societies: Their importance

in vessel newbuilding and drydocking surveys MD, MARINE PLUS S.A

• Certification of materials / components, appraisal of

age – Equipment Loss/Damage. 2) Lay – Up Surveys:

materials and equipment used in the construction of the

Cold-Hot Lay – up. 3) Re-Activation Survey 4) Ship

ship, including inspection at works when required: After

A. Origins In the second half of the 18th century, marine insurers based at Lloyds Coffee House in London, developed an independent mechanism for the technical assessment of ships which were candidates for marine insurance. At that time, an attempt was made to “classify” on an annual basis the condition of each ship. Hull was classified as A,E,I,O or U. Equipment was graded G,M or B (Good, Middling or Bad). The “classification” concept soon spread to other countries and insurance markets, eg Bureau Veritas (BV) was founded in Antwerp, then moved to Paris in 1832. Lloyds Register was established in 1834, Rina in 1861. Other societies followed (DNV, GL, NK, RS etc). Each classification set their own standards and rules for vessels to be either “in” class or “out” of class.

B. Modern Times Classification societies met on several occasions to try to bring uniformity in rules applicable to ship construction and maintenance, and in 1968 the main 7 societies formed IACS (International Association of Classification Societies). A year later, in recognition of their combined technical knowledge and experience of their members IACS was given consultative status with the IMO (International Maritime Organization). Today, IACS has 13 members, covering 90% of all ships engaged in commercial tonnage involved in international trade worldwide. In total there are over 50 organizations providing some form of classification services to the world shipping fleet.

C. Scope of Classification Societies NEWBUILDINGS For vessels to be constructed, class rules are developed to establish standards for structural strength, watertight integrity, suitability of the propulsion and steering systems, power generation and auxiliary systems built in to the vessel to assist in its operation. In particular, class undertakes: • Ship design review, approval of plans and drawings: When an owner first requests that a vessel be classed, the shipyard or design agent presents drawings and calculations to class for a systematic detailed review for compliance with the class rules.

Sales Survey 5) Port State Control Inspections.

attend the vessel at the shipyard from keel laying to

D. How Class Interfaces With the Shipowner

delivery. The surveyors verify that the approved plans

From the above it is clear that owners need to work

are followed and the rules are adhered to. During the

constructively and in harmony with class, otherwise their

construction of the vessel, surveyors witness, at the

vessels will not be able to operate commercially. This is

place of manufacture or fabrication, the tests of materi-

often a fine balance, especially when market conditions

als for the hull and key machinery as required by rules.

are extreme i.e. very high or very low freight market. In

• Surveys during construction at shipyards: Class

a high market, owners want to complete repairs as soon

Surveyors survey the building (block fabrication – sec-

as possible to take advantage of the good market. In a

tion ASSY), installation and testing of the structural and

very depressed market, such as the one we are facing

principal mechanical and electrical systems.

today, owners are more cost – sensitive and tend to do

• Attendance at test and sea trials.

the absolute necessary to comply with class rules and

• Certification: Upon satisfactory completion of the de-

secure the necessary certificates.

a design has been approved by class, class surveyors

sign review, site surveys including sea trials, an interim class certificate is issued. Final certification normally

Despite class societies competing amongst themselves

requires approval by a broader industry – based class

for the same business – with exception in most cases

committee. IACS members have incorporated series

for newbuilding where the class society contracts with

of unified rules (UR), minimum technical requirements

the shipbuilding yard and not the owner – they have a

adopted by IACS members which once ratified by

mandate to ensure vessels under their class comply

each class member are incorporated in their rules and

with their rules and regulations, as well as with all other

practices. A recent example relating to newbuildings are

statutory requirements they have been endorsed to

the common structural rules (CSR), a comprehensive

monitor. Prudent owners for the most see it is in their in-

set of minimum requirements for the classification of

terest to cooperate and comply with class requirements,

hull structures of bulk carriers and double hull tankers

however a certain amount of “flexibility” is expected to

effective since 2006.

be exercised by the attending class surveyors, whose

Statutory Services: IACS members have “recognized

experience is often critical when dealing with “grey” or

Organization” (RO) status from SOLAS and other IMO

“marginal” areas. In addition, owners expect class to

conventions, and as such can undertake on behalf of

give priority and expertise in cases such as collision

flag states a series of surveys to verify that vessels

etc, where the commercial consequences of delayed

comply with international conventions. These relate

response may be catastrophic. In my experience, during

mainly to safety at sea and protection of the environ-

a vessel’s scheduled drydocking, it is important for sur-

ment. They are generally referred to as “Statutory

veyors to maintain fairness and impartiality at all times,

requirements”, and cover four main areas: 1) Ship’s

and to ensure they conduct their surveys in an efficient

design and structural integrity – loadline and stability in

and well organized manner. Many owners have com-

intact / damaged condition 2) Pollution control related to

plained that during repairs, a surveyor will keep adding

normal ship operation (MARPOL) 3) Accident preven-

additional works which could have been assigned at

tion, including navigational aids / pollution / fir protection

an earlier time, thus causing un - necessary delay to

(SOLAS) 4) The situation after an accident including

completion of repairs and consequently delay of vessel

containment and escape.

coming back into commercial operations. This has a lot

Periodical Surveys After Vessel Construction: Once a

to do with the personality and experience of the attend-

vessel is operational, the following class surveys apply

ing surveyor, as well as the owner’s representative.

for the vessel to maintain it’s class status: 1) Annual surveys 2) Intermediate Survey 3) Special Survey 4)


Drydocking Survey 5) Tailshaft Survey 6) Boiler Survey

Class Societies, and in particular IACS members, have

7) Machinery Survey. In a typical 5 – year cycle, a ves-

a critical role to play in maintaining ship’s integrity and

sel will be drydocked twice, once during intermediate

seaworthiness, as well as assisting flag states and IMO

survey and once at special survey. In addition, the

conventions to be upheld for the protection of the envi-

following statutory surveys will also be performed on

ronment and safety at sea. In my experience, prudent

behalf of the flag state: 1) Safety construction 2) Safety

owners see class as an important partner in ensuring

Equipment 3) Safety Radio 4) Loadline 5) MARPOL.

that their vessels continue to earn income but at the

SOLAS requires additional thickness measurements,

same time protect human life and the environment.

verified by class, to be taken for safety construction

Greek owners in particular have shown their dedica-


tion to safe ships and eco-friendly ships by both their

Non-Periodical Surveys Performed by class: 1) Damage

constructive participation in IMO / EU etc as well as

Surveys (Grounding – Collision – Contact – Fire –

establishing voluntary self – regulating initiatives such

Flooding – Machinery Damage – Heavy Weather Dam-

as HELMEPA. This trend will continue in future.

nafs mag. 24


Θεόδωρος Κόντες:

Σημαντικά τα οφέλη από την ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και Φορέων Ναυτιλίας.

«Το Ελληνικό Κρουαζιερόπλοιο έχει την ιστορία του και είναι σε θέση να λειτουργήσει σε μία ελεύθερη αγορά, αρκεί να έχουν εξασφαλιστεί όροι ανταγωνισμού που δεν θα υπολοίπονται αυτών που τα άλλα κράτη έχουν προβλέψει για τα πλοία της Σημαίας τους». Αυτό τονίζει μεταξύ άλλων στη ΝΑΥΣ ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και Φορέων Ναυτιλίας κ. Θεόδωρος Κόντες, σε σχετική συνέντευξη. Ο κ. Κόντες επισημαίνει μεταξύ άλλων ότι ένα «μπουμ», της Ελληνικής Κρουαζιέρας, θα εσήμαινε πολλαπλά οφέλη για την Χώρα. Αναλυτικά, η συνέντευξη του Πρόεδρου της Ένωσης Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και Φορέων Ναυτιλίας, έχει ως εξής: Κρουαζιέρας, θα εσήμαινε πολλαπλά οφέλη για την

σε τέτοιου είδους εξελιγμένα και σύγχρονα πλοία

Χώρα, ένεκα της ποικιλίας δραστηριοτήτων που

οφείλεται στον ανθρώπινο παράγωντα. Φυσικά,

δημιουργούνται από τον κλάδο αυτό της τουριστικής

παράλληλα με την αξιοπλοια ενός πλοίου, είναι

ναυτιλίας, από τον οποίο αναπτύσσεται η τοπική

ανάγκη να υπάρχει και η ανάλογη επάνδρωση και

Ν:Τι σημαίνει για το ελληνικό κρουαζιερόπλοιο

κοινωνία των λιμένων προσεγγίσεως της χώρας και

εκπαίδευση των πληρωμάτων σε όλα αυτά τα μέσα

(πλοιοκτησία και ναυτικούς) η πλήρης άρση του

ιδιαίτερα της νησιωτικής, όπου αυξάνονται οι θέσεις

και συστήματα που η τεχνολογία έχει αναβαθμίσει

καμποτάζ; Ελήφθησαν υπ’ όψιν τα συμφέροντα

εργασίας, λειτουργούν όλοι οι τομείς ανεφοδιασμού

στον μέγιστο βαθμό. Όμως, ο βαθμός ανταπόκρισης

των υπό ελληνική σημαία κρουαζιεροπλοίων και

των πλοίων, διευρύνεται ο κύκλος δραστηριότητος

των πληρωμάτων σε περιπτώσεις κινδύνων είναι

των ελληνικών πληρωμάτων ή επωφελούνται από

των ναυτιλιακών γραφείων, ο ναυποεπισκευαστικός

κάτι το οποίο έχει σχέση και με τις συνθήκες του

τα νησιά - διαμάντια του Αιγαίου μόνο τα ξένα

τομέας και τόσα άλλα.

ατυχήματος, αλλά και με την νοοτροπία του κάθε


ατόμου και την ικανότητα να μπορέσει να αντιδράσει

ΘΚ:Η Απελευθέρωση του Cabotage για τα

Ν: Η μεγέθυνση των κρουαζιεροπλοίων με

σωστά σε πραγματικά γεγονότα. Δεν παραλείπουμε

Κρουαζιερόπλοια που δεν φέρουν κοινοτική σημαία,

τη δυνατότητα μεταφοράς πολλών χιλιάδων

να αναφέρουμε ότι, η ανάγκη της εκπαιδεύσεως και

αφορά μία ρύθμιση που σκοπό έχει να δημιουργήσει

επιβατών κατά μονάδα είναι προφανές ότι θέτει

μετεκπαιδεύσεως όχι μόνο των πληρωμάτων των

ένα καθεστώς ελεύθερης αγοράς, όπως συμβαίνει με

νέες παραμέτρους ασφαλείας, όπως κατέδειξε το

πλοίων, αλλά γενικά όλων των απασχολουμένων

όλα τα άλλα ναυτιλιακά κράτη της Ε.Ε., η νομοθεσία

τραγικό ατύχημα του Costa Concordia. Παρά τις

σε μέσα μαζικής μεταφοράς, πρέπει να είναι πάντα

των οποίων επίσης δεν προβλέπει τέτοιους

υψηλές προδιαγραφές ναυπήγησης, ο ανθρώπινος

υψηλής προτεραιότητος και αυτό αποτελεί πρώτα


παράγοντας εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί την κύρια αιτία

από όλα ευθύνη των αρμοδίων κρατικών αρχών.

Το Ελληνικό Κρουαζιερόπλοιο έχει την ιστορία του και

ατυχήματος. Ποιά είναι η άποψή σας επ’ αυτών καθώς

Τέλος, όσον αφορά την λιμενική υποδομή των

είναι σε θέση να λειτουργήσει σε μία ελεύθερη αγορά,

επίσης και: α) Για το αν η ναυτική ικανότητα ναυτίλων

Ελληνικών λιμένων και ιδιαίτερα του νησιωτικού

αρκεί να έχουν εξασφαλιστεί όροι αναγωνισμού που

και πληρωμάτων ανταποκρίνεται στα τεράστια αυτά

χώρου, είναι γεγονός ότι υπάρχουν σοβαρές ελείψεις

δεν θα υπολοίπονται αυτών που τα άλλα κράτη έχουν

μεγέθη πλοίων και στους νέους κανόνες ασφαλείας

και η Ένωση μας βρίσκεται σε στενή συνεργασία με

προβλέψει για τα πλοία της Σημαίας τους.

και β) Αν οι λιμενικές εγκαταστάσεις και ο εξοπλισμός

τους Οργανισμούς λιμένος και τα Λιμενικά ταμεία,

Όσον αφορά τους Έλληνες ναυτικούς, εκτιμάτε ότι

των ελληνικών νησιών και λιμένων είναι σε θέση να

λιμένων όπου προσεγγίζουν τα κρουαζιερόπλοια.

η προτιμησή των, όχι μόνο στα με Ελληνική Σημαία

ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις.

Το γεγονός δε ότι Οργανισμοί λιμένων συμβαίνει

πλοία, αλλά και στα άλλα ελληνόκτητα ακόμη και σε

να είναι μέλη στην Ένωση μας, διευκολύνει ακόμα

τρίτες πλοιοκτησίες, δεν θα σταματήσει για αυτούς

ΘΚ: Είναι γεγονός ότι την τελευταία δεκαπενταετία

περισσότερο την εκπλήρωση κοινών στόχων, που

που επιθυμούν πράγματι να έχουν εργασία.

παρατηρήται γιγαντισμός στην κατασκευή των

είναι η εξυπηρέτηση των πλοίων και των δι’ αυτών

Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και σύμφωνα με αυτά που

διακινουμένων επιβατών – τουριστών.

Ν:Άλλοτε, πολλές ελληνικές εταιρίες

παρακολουθούμε, η τάση αυτή θα συνεχιστεί και

κρουαζιεροπλοίων διέπλεαν το Αιγαίο, την Ανατολική

στο μέλλον. Το αρμόδιο ναυτιλιακό Όργανο για την

Ν Δώστε μας ένα πλήρες προφιλ της Ένωσης

Μεσόγειο και την Μέση Ανατολή αλλά και τη Δυτική

ασφάλεια των πλοίων, ο IMO, μελετά την τελευταία

Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και Φορέων

Μεσόγειο, με αφετηρία τον Πειραιά. Ποιοί οι λόγοι

πενταετία έντονα τα μέτρα ασφαλείας που θα


συρρίκνωσης της ελληνικής κρουαζιέρας;

πρέπει να πληρούν αυτές οι πλωτές πολιτείες και

ΘΚ Η νεοσύστατη Ένωση μας στόχο και σκοπό

ΘΚ: Οι λόγοι συρρίκνωσης της Ελληνικής

προκειμένου να ελαχιστοποιηθούν οι κίνδυνοι από

έχει να βοηθήσει, με όλους τους τρόπους, στην

Κρουαζιέρας οφείλονται αποκλειστικά στην αδράνεια

ένα ατύχημα, αναβαθμίζονται όλοι οι τομείς που

αναβάθμιση και την αναπτυξή της Κρουαζιέρας, ώστε

της Πολιτείας να λάβει τα αναγκαία μέτρα στήριξης,

έχουν σχέση με την πυρκαγιά, τα σωστικά μέσα, την

να μπορέσει να επανέλθει στα αξιοζήλευτα επίπεδα

παρά τις επισημάνσεις και παρεμβάσεις των

εγκατάλειψη, την στεγανή υποδιαίρεση, την ευστάθεια

του παρελθόντος.

διαχειριστριών εταιρειών, αλλά και των συλλογικών

κλπ. Αν ανατρέξει κανείς στις στατιστικές ναυτικών

Το Σωματείο μας, στο οποίο είναι μέλη πλοικτήτριες

οργάνων εκπροσώπησης του εφοπλισμού της

ατυχημάτων των τελευταίων τεσσάρων δεκαετιών ή

– διαχειρίστριες Εταιρείες Κρουαζιεροπλοίων,


ακόμη και παλαιότερα, θα διαπιστώσει ότι το ποσοστό

Νηογνώμονες, Οργανισμοί λιμένων, Τουριστικοί και

Τα μέτρα που θα έπρεπε από χρόνια να έχουν ληφθεί

που την παλιά εποχή οφείλετο σε σφάλμα του πλοίου

Ναυτιλιακοί πράκτορες, συγκροτημένες Ενώσεις

από την Ελλάδα, άλλα ναυτιλιακά κράτη τα έχουν

ήτο πολλαπλάσιο από αυτό που συμβαίνει σήμερα.

– Σωματεία που διαθέτουν στολίσκους σκαφών

εξασφαλίσει, παρέχοντας έτσι ανταγωνιστικούς όρους

Αυτό σημαίνει ότι ο Διεθνής Ναυτιλιακός Οργανισμός

αποεπιβίβασης των τουριστών από κρουαζιερόπλοια


και οι μελέτες που εκπονούνται, ιδιαίτερα ύστερα από

και άλλοι φορείς της ναυτιλίας, λειτουργεί συλλογικά.

κάθε ναυτικό ατύχημα, οδηγούν με τα συμπεράσματα

Συνεργαζόμαστε με τα μέλη, ακούμε τις απόψεις των

Ν: Κατά πόσο θα μπορούσε να συμβάλει ένα

στην λήψη όλο και πιο αυστηρών κριτηρίων. Φυσικά,

και κατευθύνουμε ενέργειες και πράξεις, όσον αφορά

«μπουμ» της ελληνικής κρουαζιέρας στην ανάπτυξη

η τάση αναπροσαρμογής και εκσυγχρονισμού των

τη λήψη μέτρων στήριξης του κλάδου, απευθυνόμενοι

της ελληνικής οικονομίας που είναι και το ζητούμενο

συστημάτων ασφαλείας των πλοίων υπάρχει ακόμα

στους κρατικούς φορείς, τις Διοικήσεις των λιμένων

στα σημερινά αδιέξοδα της Ελλάδος; Ποιά μέτρα

και όταν δεν συμβαίνουν ναυτικά ατυχήματα.

και σε κάθε άλλο φορέα που έχει αρμοδιότητα σε

πρέπει να ληφθούν προς τον σκοπό αυτό;

Σύμφωνα λοιπόν με τα παραπάνω, το πολύ

τομέα που σχετίζεται με την λειτουργία των πλοίων

ΘΚ Ένα «μπουμ», όπως αναφέρετε της Ελληνικής

μεγάλο ποσοστό σήμερα των αιτιών ατυχήματος,

και των επιχειρήσεων αυτού του κλάδου.




Advanced biocide-free pure silicone finish – marine life friendly

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nafs mag. 26

cover story

Germanischer Lloyd Towards a Clean Future Germanischer Lloyd (GL), a part of the GL Group, of-

of the EU member states. GL is continually among

well as the new ILO Maritime Labour Convention and

fers classification services, plan approval, inspection

the top classification societies recognized by the Flag

many others.

and certification of materials and components as well

States, with the yearly statistics from the Paris MOU

as technical assessments for ships in service. Found-

and USCG reflecting GL’s uncompromising quality.

ed in 1867 GL has grown into one of the world’s lead-

GL’s Maritime Solutions unit provides expert advice

The GL Group

ing classification societies. GL is dedicated to provid-

for optimising hull design, propeller performance,

The GL Group operates in three main areas: mari-

ing high quality services, which ensure the safety of

engine output, energy management and even crew

time, oil and gas and renewable energy. In the busi-

life and property at sea, and minimize impacts on the

performance. FutureShip, a GL company, specialises

ness segment Maritime Services Germanischer Lloyd

marine environment. GL’s experts serve as advisors to

in consulting services for fleet development, design,

provides traditional classification services, certification

governments, the IMO, flag and port states.

operation, environmental and regulatory matters as

of international of maritime and industrial standards,

An independent partner to industry and government,

well as management certification. FutureShip offers

fleet service and condition monitoring, and training.

Germanischer Lloyd’s activities as a classification

performance and energy efficiency enhancement con-

Advanced engineering and consulting, maritime soft-

society cover a broad range of fields, from develop-

sultancy, advanced engineering services and strategic

ware and support are provided by the Maritime Solu-

ing standards, rules and guidelines for the design,


tions unit.

construction and operation of ships to regular inspec-

GL Maritime Software, GL’s software provider and

The business segment Oil and Gas is represented

tions and surveys to ensure compliance. Owners of

systems integrator for the maritime industry, delivers

by GL Noble Denton, which provides expert technical

GL-classed vessels are assisted through a multitude

custom-designed software solutions for efficient busi-

advice and practical assistance to the oil and gas in-

of supporting services which keep them abreast of

ness processes and advanced decision support with

dustry with a strong focus on safety and risk consult-

international regulations, innovative technology and

regard to navigation, operating efficiency, on-board

ing, marine warranty, certification and verification, and

other important developments.

management and Port State Controls.

software applications.

As a classification service GL is particularly strong

Through GL Academy, GL offers one of the most com-

In the business segment Renewables GL Garrad Has-

in the classification of container ships, multi-purpose

prehensive training programmes for nautical officers

san is the renewable energy consultancy business of

vessels, tankers, bulk carriers, high-speed ferries,

and other crew members as well as shore-based staff.

the GL Group. It offers independent technical and en-

cruise ships, mega yachts and sports boats. GL cur-

GL Academy courses cover such topics as emergency

gineering services, products, and training courses to

rently surveys more than 7000 ships on a regular ba-

preparedness and response, crisis management,

the onshore and offshore wind, wave, tidal and solar

sis, and GL’s fleet in service now surpasses 100 mil-

maintenance of life-saving equipment, navigation in

sectors. In addition, GL Renewables Certification is a

lion in gross tonnage.

adverse weather conditions, hull and equipment dam-

fully independent accredited third party certification

GL is authorised to perform statutory surveys, approv-

age, transport of hazardous goods, ballast water and

body for renewable energy projects and equipment.

als and certification services as a Recognized Organi-

waste management, flag state administration and reg-

The GL Group employs nearly seven thousand people

zation (RO), on behalf of 130 flag states, including all

ulations, practical on-board ISPS security exercises as

working in more than eighty countries.

cover story nafs mag. 27


Athanasios Reisopoulos:


GL promotes safety and environmental responsibility in the shipping industry

“ ermanischer Lloyd can help owners and yards by promoting technologies that will see vessels built with greater fuel efficiency and which meet the regulatory requirements – yards need to be building vessels for tomorrow, not today. As a classification society, GL has the duty and responsibility to promote safety and environmental responsibility in the shipping industry for the common good and in some ways this means taking a leading role in promoting energy efficiency and safety standards”. Athanasios Reisopoulos

Vice President, Area manager for Southern Europe,GL What are the expectations of the shipowner from a

fective and efficient solutions for international ship-

classification society, nowadays that rules and regu-

yards to overcome the problems from the economic

lations change rapidly?


Owners expect, and rightly so, that their classifica-

Recent pointed comments from the shipping finan-

tion society is not only reacting to new rules and

cial sector make clear the essential challenge for

design concepts, which show where the maritime in-

regulations but anticipating the direction that future

shipowners and yards in a financial crisis. Although

dustry might be heading – the zero emission contain-

regulatory action will take. In many ways classifica-

there is over capacity in many areas of shipping,

er feeder vessel is a prime example of this. Recog-

tion societies are best placed to advise owners on

technology is advancing rapidly, regulations to im-

nizing an opportunity where wind energy resources

these issues, as experts from classification socie-

prove efficiency are just over the horizon and own-

were not being fully utilized, the concept behind this

ties are often involved in consulting upon Flag State

ers in possession of an aging fleet could find them-

vessel uses wind generated electricity to produce the

regulations and IMO conventions.

selves, in just a few short years time, priced out of

hydrogen which fuels the ship.

Today there is really no excuse for an owner to be

the market by more modern fleets, operating at much

taken by surprise by news rules and regulations. At

higher margins. As such, Germanischer Lloyd can

Shipowners are forced to change over time due to

Germanischer Lloyd (GL) we have a system of com-

help owners and yards by promoting technologies

rules and regulations. To what extent the classifica-

mittees that span the globe and regularly meet with a

that will see vessels built with greater fuel efficiency

tion society should change the future in order to pre-

broad range of stakeholders in the maritime industry,

and which meet the regulatory requirements – yards

serve the efficiency of ships and to avoid possible

to both inform and discuss new regulations and to

need to be building vessels for tomorrow, not today.

environmental disasters?

take the pulse of those in industry directly. As well

GL helps by enabling yards to more easily meet the

as the committees, GL regularly runs its exchange

demands of future markets. The development of

All organisations must evolve, and the rapid pace of

forums which bring together GL and industry experts

rules which simplify the design, build and classifica-

change in technology means that those organisa-

and deal with the topics which are set to impact in-

tion process for new types of ships can support or

tions that stand still, pretty quickly go the way of the

dustry. Recent examples include a look at the use

even create a market – ships to support offshore in-

dinosaur. This evolutionary process drives GL on a

of scrubber systems to reduce emissions to air, the

stallations being a prime example of a market where

day to day basis, we recognised very early on the

latest features to reduce the environmental impact of

significant capacity will need to be developed in the

growing trend driving greater energy efficiency and

shipping, and the incoming Maritime Labor Conven-

next few years.

reduced fuel consumption in shipping and actively


promoted technologies that pushed the industry in

and how industry will respond to its require-


What is the contribution of a class society in energy

this direction. Slow steaming for example was ac-

Part of taking a proactive approach toward the regu-

efficiency and environmental protection as a means

tively promoted by GL before many in the industry

latory environment is not waiting for rules to take ef-

for a sustainable shipping?

had caught on to its benefits – now this is almost universal.

fect before one acts but to, as far as possible, get out in front of those rules. This is why GL was the first

Class societies contribute on a number of fronts. GL

As a classification society, GL has the duty and re-

classification society to offer voluntary EEDI certifica-

experts contribute to the development of Interna-

sponsibility to promote safety and environmental re-

tion for newbuildings and why GL continues to pro-

tional Rules from the promotion of energy efficien-

sponsibility in the shipping industry for the common

mote early adoption of incoming standards. In 2011

cy, which will lead to more sustainable shipping. At

good and in some ways this means taking a leading

GL updated the requirements of our Environmental

present one of the important areas of focus for GL is

role in promoting energy efficiency and safety stand-

Passport, a voluntary class notation, which now

the investigation of alternative fuels, primarily LNG

ards. One of the ways that this is changing the role of

includes, amongst others, the installation of an ap-

but also the use of fuel cell vessels, for reduced and

the classification society is in the expanded services

proved ballast water system and the preparation of

zero emission shipping. GL has carried out a number

that customers request, and now expect, to be avail-

an inventory of hazardous materials, all in advance

of studies on the potential use of LNG in the mari-

able to them. Through GL’s Maritime Solutions we

of the entry into force of the respective regulations.

time industry and has partnered with engine and tank

are providing expert advice on optimising hull design,

Obtaining such a notation and certification not only

makers, ship builders and ports to assess the many

propeller performance, engine output, energy man-

enables owners to avoid delays when regulations

factors which will have to be addressed before LNG

agement and even crew performance. GL’s Maritime

enter into force, but demonstrate a commitment to

sees more widespread implementation in shipping.

Software unit is providing the specialist software sys-

protecting the environment as well as demonstrate

GL released it’s own rules for the use of gas as fuel

tems, growing in acceptance and importance across

the energy efficiency of a vessel which will become

in ships.

the industry, and enable efficiency gains in ship op-

even more important in charter rates negotiations.

To promote the adoption of measures which posi-

eration, through supporting the decisions of the crew

tively impact upon the environment, GL’s strategic

onboard, reducing maintenance when it is not yet

research and development department works on

necessary, and monitoring emissions.

In what ways can a classification society provide ef-

nafs mag. 28

cover story

Germanischer Lloyd: Better Economics with a Safer Tanker – BEST-plus A novel Aframax crude oil tanker design concept

Background and Motivation

Oil tanker safety has improved over the last decades and this has been documented in a recent Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) study for large oil tankers submitted to the IMO. The risk picture for modern oil tankers shows that the risk to the environment is dominated by collision, grounding and fire. The FSA study suggested considering larger double hull widths and double bottom heights as potential cost effective risk control options. Since the introduction of the double hull concept, oil tanker design has not evolved, and changes have recently been driven primarily by improving production at the ship yards. Little attention has been paid to the product’s performance over the lifecycle and, in particular, the fuel-efficiency – as measured by the EEDI – has not improved in the last 20 years, despite the general improvement in systems and their efficiency. The recently developed Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), which is planned as a future mandatory newbuilding standard, is a simple but accurate measure of a vessel’s inherent fuel efficiency, which compares CO2 emissions to transport work. Although oil tankers are considered to be among the most energy efficient vessels today, with an EEDI value ranging from 2 to 6 g CO 2 / (t*nm), they emitted approximately 115 million tonnes of CO 2 in 2009, which is an 8 per cent increase compared to 2007. The current share of oil tanker CO2 emissions is approximately 12 per cent of the total CO2 emissions from international shipping. In response, Germanischer Lloyd and the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) teamed up in 2008 to develop a novel Aframax tanker design concept, which won the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Award for technical achievement in 2009. GL also received feedback from shipyards and oil tanker operators regarding the desired features of new tanker designs, and these were incorporated in the new design concept called BEST-plus. BEST-plus enhances the attractiveness of the initial design concept by also integrating hydrodynamic optimisation of the hull form and, thus, r educing fuel consumption and emissions. GL and NTUA again cooperated on the new design concept, and were supported by FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS – a GL company and provider of the FRIENDSHIP-Framework Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) integration platform.

Market Analysis and Design Scenario

Based on current growth rates, oil transport demand is expected to be lower than available oil tanker supply for the next couple of years. However, even small changes in demand will open up opportunities for new Aframax tankers starting in 2014. This was recently documented by the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO).

cover story nafs mag. 29

A second analysis based on Fairplay data shows that ap-

environment, which integrates tools to pr edict required

which was used as reference in our 2008 study. Com-

proximately 0 per cent of existing Aframax tonnage will

propulsion power, stability, oil outflow index, cargo ca-

pared to the reference design, a seven per cent improve-

be older than 15 years in 2012, and this could trigger

pacity and hull structural scantlings according to IACS

ment in cost of transport was realised due to the better

replacement activities. The novel BEST-plus design con-

CSR. This was achieved through the linking of the

hull form for the best design variant. It is noted that many

cept anticipates this possible demand for new tanker ton-


design variants are optimal in a Pareto frontier analysis,

nage by integrating only available technologies.

POSEIDON, and by using parametric models for the hull

which means that the selection of one variant for the final

The novel design concept targets the typical Aframax oil

form, layout and structure, respectively.

design depends on the weighting of the different optimi-

tanker trades in the Caribbean Sea. Facilities in the main U.S. ports and the U.S. Emission Control Area (ECA) set the operating conditions. If a Mexican ECA would be implemented as well, approximately 30 per cent of the total transit distance for this trade would be inside of an ECA. The current design assumes the use of MGO as fuel when sailing in an ECA. LNG as ship fuel, or the use of scrubbers, are considered as alternatives to the basic design concept. The need for relatively high speed, which has been mentioned by ship operators active in this trade, must be considered with regard to the upcoming EEDI requirement to ensure superior competitiveness of the vessel.

Design Targets – Safer, Greener, Smarter The design concept addresses the need for safer shipping by reducing the oil outflow in case of an accident. It contributes to greener shipping by improving energy efficiency and, thus, reducing CO2 emissions per unit transport. In addition, the design offers smarter shipping by reducing fuel costs with an optimised hull form, and by increasing revenues with greater cargo capacity.

sation targets. Therefore, depending upon the choice of

Resulting Design – Simply the BEST

The resulting design concept features a best-in-class cargo capacity with unrivalled speed performance. The main particulars are comparable with those of similar-

The design approach used an advanced optimisation

or for cost-of-transport might be selected.

A Design for Smarter Shipping

The resulting hull form facilitates a speed of 15.6 knots

sized Aframax tankers. The optimisation targeted speed

at design draft with a 95 per cent confidence interval.

at three different drafts, a cargo capacity taking due ac-

The speed at ballast draft of 7.4 metres is 16.8 knots.

count of cargo volume and mass, hull structural mass,

This represents a favourable speed increase when com-

cargo oil tank and ballast tank layout as well as double

pared with recently built vessels of the same size. With

hull width and double bottom height, which determine the

a standard main engine for Aframax oil tankers, a MAN

oil outflow volumes in accidents. Related design parame-

6S60MC-C, the fuel consumption is comparable to simi-

ters were systematically varied and approximately 2,500

lar vessels.

design variants were generated and assessed. Cost of transport (ratio of annual capital, fuel and other operating costs to annually transported cargo mass), normalised with respect to the reference design, was used as the primary target function for the optimisation. Capital costs are based on a typical newbuilding price of 58 million US dollars and 25 years lifetime. Fuel costs are computed according to a dedicated roundtrip model (with HFO at 500 USD/t and MGO at 800 USD/t) for the Caribbean trade. Other operating costs are constant (approx. 3 million USD/ year) and based on Moore

Design Approach

the designer, a design optimised for oil outflow, for EEDI,

Stephens, Opcost 2009. The reference design for comparing cost of transport is an existing pre-CSR tanker,

A Design for Greener Shipping

With this high speed and large cargo capacity, the vessel easily meets future EEDI requirements. Indeed, the attained EEDI value is merely 84 per cent of the latest published reference line value for this ship size. This means the vessel would be in compliance with EEDI regulations even if the first reduction to the required EEDI had already begun. At current estimates, this will happen at the earliest on 1 January 2015. Although a vessel contracted before EEDI has entered into force does not formally need to comply, competitive vessels entering the market, e.g. in 2017, will be more energy-efficient and, therefore,

nafs mag. 30

cover story

more likely to attract cargo than older vessels with lower energy-efficiency. The new BESTplus design concept will remain highly competitive.

A Design for Safer Shipping

To reduce oil outflow in accidents, the double hull side width was eventually set to 2.65 metres. In addition, to further reduce cargo tank penetration in grounding events, the inner bottom of the cargo oil tank 1 was raised from 2.10 metres to 2.75 metres. To ensure structural continuity, an inclined inner bottom is proposed between two frames. Work is continuing to evaluate the hull structure with finite element analysis according to IACS CSR.

LNG as Ship Fuel

Using LNG as ship fuel reduces SOx by 90 per cent and CO2 emissions by 20 per cent. In addition, with LNG prices to day, a price-parity with HFO is considered to be possible in the medium-term. Oil tankers with their relatively large deck area offer sufficient space for the installation of the required gas tanks and for the gas preparation room. In our case, about 2,000 m3 are needed to facilitate two roundtrips. However, the LNG-as-fuel supply is limited today and will only gradually be built up. The second challenge is the significant additional capital expenditure, which is estimated to be around 20 per cent of the typical newbuilding price of an Aframax oil tanker.


The novel Aframax oil tanker design concept – created using an advanced optimisation framework – has the lowest cost of transport and the highest speed of comparable de - signs, and features a low EEDI and a low oil outflow index – simply the BEST. With a possible market upswing due to expected replacement needs for older tonnage, and by integrating only existing technologies, the novel design concept looks attractive for those shipowners who want to stay ahead of their competitors for the next decade.

cover story nafs mag. 31


Konstantinos Siozos: Compiling a SEEMP “The SEEMP was adopted by the IMO (MEPC 62, July 2011) and is now a part of MARPOL Annex VI. The SEEMP is mandatory for all sea going ships (both new and existing ships) larger than 400 GT from 1 January 2013. In short the requirements are that: each ship shall keep on board a ship specific SEEMP, the SEEMP shall be developed taking into account IMO guidelines (MEPC/Circ.683) and for existing ships, the SEEMP will be checked at the first intermediate or renewal survey whichever is the first, on or after 1 January 2013.” Konstantinos Siozos

Germanischer Lloyd

Senior Surveyor,ISO/ISM & MarSec Auditor District Manager for Greece/Cyprus/Croatia/ Israel/Serbia lows companies to reduce fuel consumption through simple operational measures and making investments that can improve performance and pay off in reduced costs. The IMO Guideline (MEPC.1/Circ. 683) specifies SEEMP as a cyclic process with

tool used. The EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational

4 steps in each cycle: Planning, Implemen-

Index) is a suggested method for monitoring the per-

tation, Monitoring, Self-Evaluation & Im-

formance and represents the actual transport effi-

provement. Selected measures with goals

ciency of the ship in service. It balances the air pollu-

to be achieved are at the core of a SEEMP,

tion (emitted CO2) of the vessel against its transport



work of the vessel. This is based on data collected

through lessons learned. The measures

over several voyages and can be can be certified by

could involve different aspects of ship op-

a classification society.



eration: fuel efficient operations, improved voyage planning, optimise ship handling,

With each round of the Plan-Do-Check-Act system

fleet management, and cargo handling.

that the SEEMP follows, the measures and their implementation need to be evaluated and assessed

The fuel crunch is causing headaches across the shipping world. Alongside rising prices an increased focus on the environmental performance of the maritime industry as a whole has led to the introduction of the first global industry wide measures to combat CO2 emissions – the EEDI and the SEEMP. These measures, which are soon set to take effect, will

Building a SEEMP, will require ship specific

for their effectiveness. Record keeping of the evalu-

information and a systematic approach to

ation and implementation process is crucial, giving

demonstrate both a vessel’s current con-

information as to the activities for self-evaluation

dition and the measures that have been

(effectiveness of EE-Measures, implementation of

implemented and how they are paying off.

EE-Measures, Feed-back, etc.). The evaluation will

Energy efficiency measures should be listed specific

result in the assessment of ship performance with

to the vessel. Additionally a company-specific guid-

respect to the defined goals and feedback that can

ance on energy efficient operation of ships, training

be used in the next cycle of improvement.

and the goals set for energy saving can also be reported.

The data collected and ship performance records can be used to build fleet wide measures, assess-

Further enhancement of energy efficiency might in-

ing where sister vessels or vessels on similar routes

volve the following activities:

differ in their performance, identifying inefficiencies

pared for their introduction.

Onboard energy survey: Surveys of the engine room

and best practices in a way that can involve crews

and other locations for sources of energy losses.

– enhancing collective learning across a whole fleet.

The SEEMP was adopted by the IMO (MEPC 62,

Installation of devices to measure energy consump-

More than just a paper tiger, the SEEMP has the

tion: Accurate fuel flow meters separate for each

potential to enhance the deployment of data sharing

consumer, SFOC, caloric content, etc.

and the modern software tools that go along with the

have a sweeping effect on most of the world’s commercial sea going vessels and owners must be pre-

July 2011) and is now a part of MARPOL Annex VI. The SEEMP is mandatory for all sea going ships (both new and existing ships) larger than 400 GT

sophisticated analysis of a vessel’s and a fleet’s perIn a thorough SEEMP development process, the

formance. It also seems certain to increase the com-

current state of energy consumption should be re-

mercial pressure on inefficient operators as compa-

ported, giving for example: a list of implemented en-

nies which take advantage of fuel saving measures

ergy efficient measures and their effectiveness, a list

are driven to maximise their efficiencies. Vessels

of main sources of energy losses with estimation of

with a SEEMP in place has already shown to make

the amount of lost energy, etc. It is recommended

marked improvements in fuel consumption and as

on or after 1 January 2013.

to quantify energy consumption and potential energy

the processes and systems become more familiar

loss whenever possible (e.g. in kWh or in equivalent

to the shipping industry this seems certain to grow.

Envisioned as a management tool to assist a com-

tons of fuel or in % of total energy consumption).

from 1 January 2013. In short the requirements are that: each ship shall keep on board a ship specific SEEMP, the SEEMP shall be developed taking into account IMO guidelines (MEPC/Circ.683) and for existing ships, the SEEMP will be checked at the first intermediate or renewal survey whichever is the first,

pany in improving energy efficiency of ships in operation, a SEEMP must be specific for each ship in a fleet and should be used together with established environmental management systems. A SEEMP al-

Key to the SEEMP process is the implementation and monitoring of the measures in place. These must be recorded in the SEEMP, including the monitoring

nafs mag. 32

cover story

Dr. Pierre C. Sames: LNG by Numbers


Germanischer Lloyd

“A raft of measures to reduce the shipping industry’s impact on the environment are on the horizon. The required cuts in emissions to air have the experts pointing to LNG as the best solution for vessels to comply with the impending regulations – but what are the costs? GL expert Dr Pierre Sames about the factors influencing the decision to invest in LNG-fuelled vessels and the challenges facing the development of LNG infrastructure .” Dr. Pierre C. Sames Senior Vice President Strategic Research and Development

Dr Sames, what factors do shipowners need to

What are the average costs of investment and how

There are many contributing factors, but one par-

consider when thinking about investing in a lique-

can an owner accurately assess whether a deci-

ticular concern we considered in the joint MAN/GL

fied natural gas-fuelled vessel today?

sion to implement LNG on a vessel would make

study is investment costs and their dependence on


the availability of refuelling stations. For example,

For a shipowner considering the installation an

GL has recently completed a new joint study with

a vessel operating on a typical deep-sea route be-

LNG system on a vessel, the first question is the

MAN that analyses the costs and benefits of LNG-

tween Asia and Europe would require a tank capa-

price difference between LNG and heavy fuel oil.

powered container vessels. The results suggest an

ble of holding enough fuel for one half of the ship’s

Provided that the price levels are more or less

additional initial investment in the order of 300 to

round trip. On a very large vessel this would be

equal, it certainly makes commercial sense to opt

500 dollars per kilowatt, taking all the LNG-related

in the region of 10,000 cubic metres. However, a

for LNG. And the more time a ship spends inside

equipment into account. We also investigated the

ship that can carry only enough fuel for half of its

of Emission Control Areas (ECAs), the faster the

payback times for various configurations, ship

round trip would be more exposed to fluctuating

additional investment will pay off. The equation as

sizes, routes, ECA exposures and fuel prices, and

fuel costs at its destinations.

such is quite simple, but market prices are rather

conducted extensive research to identify the domi-

On the other hand, limiting the tank size will directly

intransparent. So the crucial question is: Can we

nant parameters for this calculation. The study

affect the construction cost as LNG tanks are very

identify reliable figures to base our decision on?

shows that the price difference between heavy fuel

expensive. It also means that less cargo space will

oil and LNG and the amount of time a vessel oper-

be taken up by the tank, which increases the in-

In the case of heavy fuel oil, the figures are rela-

ates in ECA zones are the most significant factors

come potential of the vessel. As more LNG fuelling

tively transparent. What leads to uncertainty in the

in determining the payback time for the investment

stations are constructed in ports, the acceptance

LNG market?

in LNG before 2020.

of this technology will benefit accordingly.

The absence of a global market for LNG makes

The establishment of more Emission Control Areas

There is increasing pressure on ports and ship op-

it extremely difficult today to predict what the cost

could then also act as a spur to LNG adoption?

erators to improve the turnaround time for bunker-

of LNG will be five years from now. This is further

ing. How are LNG-fuelled vessels affected by this?

complicated by the marked difference in LNG

Indeed. We know, for example, that deep-sea ves-

prices between the US, Europe and Asia, which is

sels typically spend five to six per cent of their op-

We are just beginning to delve into the question

much larger than that in heavy fuel oil prices. In the

erating time in ECAs. But this figure could grow

how much time it actually takes to bunker LNG

U.S., LNG currently costs one-fourth of what ship

considerably on a number of shipping routes once

safely. What we do know is that our customers will

operators would have to pay in Asia.

the new requirements for ship fuel quality, which

expect a similarly convenient bunkering process

However, we can predict with some certainty that

are equivalent to those in northern Europe, take ef-

for LNG as for heavy fuel oil, including an accept-

LNG will be, and remain for the foreseeable future,

fect along the North American coastlines in August

able time frame.

more economical than marine gas oil (MGO), and

2012. In addition, a number of other sea areas are

Today the process of preparing for LNG bunker-

this difference will drive the return on investment in

expected to introduce similar restrictions on emis-

ing involves cooling down and inerting the systems

vessels operating in ECAs. However, the decision

sions before 2020, the effective date of the global

and potentially the tank itself before beginning the

to adopt LNG rests primarily on the price difference

sulphur limits on heavy fuel oil. Again, it makes

actual refuelling process. But there are efforts un-

between LNG and heavy fuel oil. And there are in-

sense to look more closely at LNG for vessels op-

derway to reduce the required preparation time.

dications that ship operators may receive LNG at

erating more in Emission Control Areas.

For example, it is possible to begin cooling down

the price of heavy fuel oil in Europe today if they negotiate well.

the hoses before making the actual connection. What other factors are relevant for the adoption of

Similarly, the ship’s crew could start cooling down

LNG as a ship fuel?

the board-side system before connecting. There

cover story nafs mag. 33

are a number of options we have not fully explored.

participating in an EU-funded project called “Clean

As commercial interest builds we will see the rapid

North Sea Shipping”, and is planning to present an

development of new technology to facilitate LNG

“LNG Showcase Hamburg” together with HPA at

bunkering that is not established today. This is a

the European Maritime Day next May.

technical challenge that can be overcome, and it

Several of our present R&D projects examine the

is certainly one of the reasons why short-sea ship-

practical and safety aspects of potential LNG bun-

ping is at the forefront of LNG adoption. You might

kering facilities in Hamburg and other ports, with a

say, it serves as an experimental laboratory for

focus on technical feasibility.

deep-sea vessels. Shipowners need supply options, suppliers need How is access to LNG bunkering developing?

vessels to supply – this seems to be a bit of a

A number of ports offer LNG facilities, particu-

chicken-and egg dilemma.

larly in northern Europe. In the spring of 2011, a new LNG terminal was commissioned by Linde at

Yes, and this is one of the reasons why GL has

Nynäshamn, south of Stockholm, which will offer

taken such a strong stance in support of this tech-

LNG ship refuelling very soon. Recently Gasnor

nology. We believe we can be a driving force in

announced they will make LNG available in the

this area, and have become involved in a number

German port of Brunsbüttel. The company plans to

of activities, such as research, the development of

supply the liquefied gas by truck initially, and pos-

rules and design concepts, and some initial com-

sibly build a small terminal in the future provided

mercial applications. Our contribution and support

that demand develops accordingly.

of the “Bit Viking” conversion project is a good example.

Such announcements from the supply industry are

Without substantial expert support from classi-

very helpful in encouraging shipowners to consider

fication societies such as GL, technologies such

using LNG. It is important to demonstrate to own-

as LNG will not be developed, at least not at the

ers that the supply side is willing to make a start

speed we are presently seeing. It is very satisfy-

and build up the required infrastructure as demand

ing for us to contribute to this development, to truly


inspire people to use the available technology and

GL is currently working with the Hamburg Port Au-

to engage with us to implement it. I certainly hope

thority (HPA) to explore possible options for offer-

the industry will eventually look back and say that

ing LNG ship fuel in Hamburg. In addition, GL is

moving in this direction was the right decision.

GL has recently completed a new joint study with MAN that analyses the costs and benefits of LNG-powered container vessels. The results suggest an additional initial investment in the order of 300 to 500 dollars per kilowatt, taking all the LNG-related equipment into account. We also investigated the payback times for various configurations, ship sizes, routes, ECA exposures and fuel prices, and conducted extensive research to identify the dominant parameters for this calculation. The study shows that the price difference between heavy fuel oil and LNG and the amount of time a vessel operates in ECA zones are the most significant factors in determining the payback time for the investment in LNG before 2020.

nafs mag. 34

cover story

Germanischer Lloyd: From Go Faster to Go Greener: Fuel Saving in Shipping There seems to be no doubt that the last few years represent a radical shift in how we view technology. From an emphasis on bigger, better, faster, more we now look to technology to minimise, to use less fuel, produce less pollution, and provide more efficiency. In the maritime industry we can see this shift writ large, spurred by regulatory, political and consumer demand. As the lynchpin of global trade shipping is in some senses showing how a global industry can respond to these challenges, by introducing the first mandatory industry wide measure to reduce carbon emissions. Efficiency measures can be broken down into two main categories: design and operation. These measures offer two primary types of benefits efficiency gains and impact reduction, which often overlap..

Smooth shipping

these systems into full support systems will result in the general optimisation of vessels and across entire fleets. These operational support systems will develop as they

Reducing drag and in-

become more widely used; databases of specific ship


types and models will become more sophisticated result-


properties have of course

ing in ongoing efficiency gains.

long been standard practice in the aerospace and

To that end FutureShip now offers alongside its own

automotive industries. The

products software systems from Marorka, a leading pro-

complexity of the interac-

vider of energy management for the shipping industry.

tions in shipping, however,

This will lead to greater integration of both partners’ prod-

has meant that the effi-

uct portfolios in the field of fuel efficiency, energy man-

ciency gains promised by

agement and related consulting, such as Marorka SPM.

these techniques are only

The stand-alone Ship Performance Monitoring System

now starting to be realised.

calculates fuel efficiency based on fuel consumption, GPS and log speed, propeller power and main engine

Improvements in hull coat-


ings and the minimisation

Design features

Computing technology allows designers the option of running many thousands of variants through modelling software to select the best traits for a particular purpose. Reference designs can be modelled and then modified to bring out the preferred traits, whether speed, cargo capacity, or energy-efficiency, etc. It is a question of weighting the desired traits correctly to obtain the best variant for the task at hand.

of hull surface roughness

Additionally, an automated interface to FutureShip’s trim

can result in a consider-

optimisation tool, ECO-Assistant, can now be ordered,

able reduction of fuel use.

which works alongside Marorka’s Marorka Maren Oper-

Calculations suggest that a

ating Platform (OP3). A product which can be connected

25 micromillimetre reduction in hull roughness can cut

to all of the relevant onboard systems for extensive data

fuel consumption by 0.7% to 1%.

collection from propulsion, navigation, machinery, and

Line optimisation can result in efficiency gains and re-

cargo systems as well as weather and oceanic fore-

duce vibration and noise, while the use of rotors and

casts. Modular expansions based on and connected to

other onboard propulsion aids enable slower steaming

Marorka Maren OP3, such as propulsion performance

– reducing engine output, vibration, noise and emissions.

optimisation, simulation of voyage schedules and costs,

Operational features

monitoring of power and steam production efficiency, are also available.

Within the design environment, the combination of a

The ability to build complex models and include them

variety of computer tools enables 3D models to be put

into transferable systems has already had a significant

These systems have been able to be placed aboard

together and assessed for many factors all at once – the

impact on ship operations and is most likely to produce

ships partly through the use of onshore parallel comput-

use of parallel computing has allowed the employment

even greater benefits in the future. The daily operation of

ing. Working from virtual models, these tools are able to

of advanced computing techniques and 3D virtual mod-

vessels and fleets will be impacted by an ever increasing

perform the complex calculations onshore, reducing the

elling to an unprecedented extent. New advanced ship

use of decision-support systems.

need for onboard computing power and allowing the use of pre-calculated results that require the input of only a

designs will benefit from these techniques – giving a bet-

limited number of operational parameters.

ter “breeding” stock for designs to come.

There are a number of operational systems that aid ef-

Increasing computing power means that ship design is

ficiency and reducing environmental impacts already in

more and more a virtual activity; 3D models in software

use today including: trim optimisation, engine system

In tough times there is a tendency in all of us to take

environments take the place of replicas in tanks. With the

performance optimisation, weather routing, voyage ex-

a step back, to tighten the belt and think – “If we can

utilisation of integrated software suites, various factors

ecution and performance monitoring. In 2011 GL Mari-

just get through this year, then we’ll be all right.” History

can be weighed in building designs, with the resulting

time Software’s navigational decision-making support

shows us though that the firms that emerge best from

ship evolving from the selection and re-selection of those

system GL SeaScout 2.0 was installed on board Reed-

such times are those that take the opportunity to devel-

factors. In the GL Best-Plus Aframax tanker design con-

erei Claus-Peter Offen’s 14,000 TEU newbuilding “MSC

op, that don’t shrink from the challenge and push them-

cept, for example, some 17,000 variants were assessed

Savona”. GL SeaScout is an integrated onboard system

selves out of their comfort zones. The companies which

using software models until an optimal combination of

that provides ships’ officers with decision-making sup-

seize the advantages offered by new technologies and

speed, cargo capacity and safety was found. The result-


work together with like-minded partners to advance and promote them will surely find themselves in a stronger,

ing design increased speed and cargo capacity while reducing potential oil outflows, mainly through hull op-

At present, these systems exist both as stand-alones

not weaker position when the market comes out of its


and as parts of a suite of systems. Greater integration of


cover story nafs mag. 35

Illustration: Christian Eisenberg

Germanischer Lloyd: Size matters More than 15,000 container units can be stowed on board the world’s largest container carriers. Even larger ships are in the planning stages –and the growth trend continues Ship size is something John Meredith is worried about.

as reported initially, but in fact 15,000 TEU. And that

26 to 22 knots.” With that, Probst is touching on an-

While size is a working parameter of his business,

was not the only news. Although the worldwide eco-

other major trend in container shipping. For a long time,

the development over the past few years has simply

nomic crisis, which had dealt the shipping industry a

high service speeds played a decisive role in container

been too fast. “It is not yet clear by how much the

severe blow, was not yet over, the designers at Maersk

shipping. Now efficiency and reduced fuel consumption

container carriers can grow before we run into serious

had already planned their next step. In February 2011,

is increasingly in the focus of attention. Calculations of

problems,” the head of the port operating company

the shipping company revealed its next coup: the next

operating economy performed by GL yield unequivo-

Hutchison recently told the trade journal Lloyd’s List.

generation of containerships would be able to carry no

cal proof of the cost benefits offered by a decrease in

Meredith should know. With headquarters in Hong

less than 18,000 TEU. The first unit of 20 currently on

service speed. Since 2006 – long before the global

Kong, Hutchison Port Holdings is the largest opera-

order is scheduled to come under way in 2013. Such

economic and financial crisis – the Hamburg-based

tor of container terminals worldwide, with facilities in

ships are likely to trigger more than 10,000 container

classification society has advocated “slow steaming”.

51 ports. Its European bases include Rotterdam and

movements per call in certain key ports. Port experts

In the meantime, this approach has gained widespread

Felixstowe. John Meredith fears that the ports will

like Hutchison’s helmsman John Meredith view these

acceptance by the market. The collapse of global trade

no longer be able to keep up with the rapid growth of

developments with scepticism. For such enormous

in 2008 led to a rethinking process in the industry. With-

the ships. In 2006, the Danish liner company Maersk

vessels, a terminal needs not only the corresponding

out slow steaming, the shipowners would have had to

launched the “Emma Maersk” as the fi rst mega-carrier

container cranes and quay facilities but also marshal-

lay up more ships during the crisis; moreover, in the

to accommodate more than 10,000 standard container

ling areas and sufficient handling equipment to be able

phase of economic recovery since March 2009, the

units (TEU). Since then, the shipping sector has been

to move the boxes quickly. But adequate space behind

concept has helped deal with overcapacities.

on a supersizing spree. A new type of containership –

the quay walls is often in short supply at many har-

designed with the aid of Germanischer Lloyd, amongst


others – was built at the leading South Korean yards of Hyundai, Samsung and Daewoo. With these ships, the wheelhouse is located apart from the engine room, rel-

Slow Steaming

Efficient Engines

This trend has been confirmed for newbuildings. Hull design and engines are being adapted of 21 knots is

Naval architects and designers, on the other hand, see

becoming standard. In comparison to 25 knots, which

atively far forward. Through this arrangement, consid-

no problems ahead in moving 18,000 TEU. “There will

was usual speed for a long period, particularly in the

erably more containers can be stacked on deck without

surely also be a run on the new carriers offering 18,000

Far East trade, this makes a huge difference,” says

obstructing the visibility of the crew in the forward di-

TEU. After all, size does give you cost savings,” says

Matthias Becker, General Manager Ship Design at

rection. Usually, these ships are 366 metres long and

Jan-Olaf Probst, Executive Vice President Ship New-

the Hamburg headquarters for Germany of the Finn-

between 48 and 52 metres wide. More than 90 ships

building at Germanischer Lloyd. “A number of shipping

ish engine manufacturer Wärtsilä. Wärtsilä as well as

with capacities exceeding 12,000 TEU were already in

companies will definitely join the 18,000 TEU class.” In

its greatest competitor in ship engines, MAN Diesel,

service in mid-2011, most belonging to this new type.

less than five years, the capacity horizon for container-

are working on optimising the engines and their fuel

ships has almost doubled. The logic of costs in liner

consumption – bearing in mind that the requirements

shipping is compelling. As long as larger ships can be

for climate protection and for the pollutant content of

Until now, the major shipping lines MSC and CMA

deployed efficiently, especially on long-distance routes

the exhaust gases will become stricter. While ship-

CGM, the two biggest competitors of Maersk, have

with high cargo volumes, they will be built. This is be-

ping companies are exercising new-found modesty in

been the leaders in the new generation of container

cause transport cost per container drops with the size

propulsion, it will be interesting to see just how far the

carrier. Back in 2009, MSC and the Hamburg ship-

of the ship – given a high utilisation level for the vessel.

growth in vessel size will go, particularly for container

owner Claus-Peter Offen commissioned the “MSC

Experts such GL’s Jan-Olaf Probst are already think-

ships. Even Hutchison’s Meredith does not believe that

Daniela” and in 2010 the “MSC Savona”. With a cargo

ing beyond the 18,000 TEU barrier. “Together with STX

the limit to growth will be reached at 18,000 TEU. How-

capacity of about 14,000 TEU each, these container

of South Korea, Germanischer Lloyd has produced a

ever, he would welcome more intensive discussions

giants marked a new size record. Maersk responded

study for a 22,000 TEU ship. This size could be built

with the shipping companies on the way forward for

promptly to this advance. At the beginning of 2010, the

without any problems,” the GL engineer says confi-

ship sizes. “We are already wondering when some-

Danish company announced that the “Emma Maersk”

dently. “The size is also growing to provide economic

body will announce a 24,000 TEU leviathan,” he says,

and her seven sister ships would not stow 10,000 TEU,

compensation for the drop in service speed from 25 or

“and also what we as port operators can do about it.

Race for Capacity

nafs mag. 36

cover story

GL Exchange Forum: Environmental Updates for the Maritime Industry GL’s Exchange Forum on “Environmental Updates

to how it stacks up economically. In his presenta-

formula of EEDI he showed a number of exam-

for the Maritime Industry” looked at the vital task of

tion Dr Pierre C. Sames, GL Senior Vice President

ples of technical measures aiming at increasing

reducing the maritime industry’s environmental im-

Strategic and head of Research & Development,

the energy efficiency of ships and reducing CO2

pact. With concern over the international economic

laid out some of the results which have emerged

emissions. Last but not least Mr. Reisopoulos pre-

situation dominating the headlines, the tendency is

from a GL joint study looking at the costs and ben-

sented GL’s concept study of a container feeder

for environmental issues to take a back seat. The

efits of LNG fuelled vessels.

vessel, which will operate with fuel cells and liquid

Forum, however, demonstrated that this goal was

Hydrogen, delivering this way zero emissions.

not only important in of itself but showed how going

Examining a range of containerships from 2.500 to

green could help the industry boost its bottom line.

18.000 TEU, the study, conducted in cooperation

Irrespective of which fuel a vessel may be using, in

with a leading engine manufacturer MAN Diesel &

both new designs and ship in operation significant

More than 150 representatives from the maritime

Turbo, models the cost and payback times of LNG

gains in the environmental impact of shipping can

industry, shipping companies, ship management

and scrubber systems – calculating a variety of

be made by maximising efficiencies. Prof. Dr. Ing.

agencies, maritime journalists and stakeholders

scenarios based on fuel price, investment costs,

Volker Bertram, from GL’s Maritime Solutions unit

met to hear presentations from GL experts and dis-

use of waste heat recovery systems, and route

FutureShip, presented a number of options where-

cuss the drivers, implementation and commercial

exposure to emission control areas (ECAs). For

by owners, operators and designers can make use

implications of the operational and design chal-

vessels operating predominately in ECAs (65%)

of the advances in integrating computer aided de-

lenges facing the maritime industry as it seeks to

Dr Sames noted that the study suggests that the

sign and computational fluid dynamics to improve

reduce its environmental footprint, while maintain-

payback on an LNG system was only two to three

vessel efficiency, reduce fuel use, and thereby limit

ing a solid commercial footing.

years, while for smaller vessels (2.500TEU) the

not only emissions but costs.

study demonstrates that at a price of 1$/mmBTU Mr. Athanasios Reisopoulos, Area Manager South-

less than HFO, LNG becomes the preferred op-

The presentations were concluded with the one

ern Europe welcomed the guests and introduced


delivered by Mr. Aristidis Efstathiou, Business

the speakers. Mr. Dimitrios Korkodilos, Managing

Development Manager Area Southern Europe, on

Director of Andriaki Shipping Co. Ltd and Chair-

Innovation to reduce the environmental impact of

“Guidelines for compiling a Shipboard Energy Ef-

man of the GL Hellenic Technical Committee con-

shipping has been spurred by a series of new reg-

ficiency Management Plan”.

tinued as moderator of the Forum.

ulations, both in force and up coming, introduced by both local and international maritime agen-

Mr. Efstathiou, highlighted the significant devel-

Mr. Korkodilos in his opening speech noted that:

cies. The 62nd session of the Marine Environment

opments in environmental regulation, decided at

“The introduction of new environmental regulations

Protection Committee (MEPC) of International

MEPC 62 in July 2011, where the SEEMP was

that affect ship design and operational aspects has

Maritime Organization (IMO), in particular brought

adopted and will soon become mandatory for all

been the main incentive for GL to organize this

significant changes to the regulatory landscape in

vessels (larger than 400 GT) at their first IAPP

Forum, together with keeping the Greek shipping

shipping with the Energy Efficiency Design Index

renewal or intermediate survey after 01 January

community updated on significant developments

(EEDI) and the Shipboard Energy Efficiency Man-


as well as available tools”.

agement Plan (SEEMP).

The more widespread use of LNG as an alternative

In his presentation, Mr. Athanasios Reisopoulos,

tinued, GL developed clear guidance on the form

to conventional shipping fuel has the potential to

GL’s Area Manager Southern Europe, examined

and implementation of the SEEMP. He presented

make an immediate positive impact on the mari-

how recent emission rule changes would chal-

user friendly standardized templates and energy

time industry’s environmental impact. The elimina-

lenge the shipping industry. Focusing on the main

management expertise developed by GL and Fu-

tion of sulphur and nitrous oxide emissions, par-

air pollutants in the exhaust gases of engines, he

tureship, in order to make it easier for vessel’s op-

ticulates and a considerable cut in carbon dioxide

explained the measures and technologies used in

erators to create a SEEMP either as a stand alone

are factors which make LNG an attractive option.

order to reduce emissions from shipping. Having

document or as an integral part of a broader man-

As ever, however, the question must be asked as

analyzed the effect of the main parameters in the

agement system.

In order to support its clients, Mr. Efstathiou con-

you can count on us! the GL-classed fleet has exceeded the 100 million Gt mark. our formula for your success is based on technical expertise, client proximity and business understanding. our clients count on their partnership with us. You can, too.

Germanischer Lloyd SE

nafs mag. 38

class societies


Sean Bond: Recent technical and regulatory developments concerning gas-fuelled ships AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING

“Today, LNG fuels a fleet of more than 380 LNG carriers, most of which burn part of their cargo as fuel, and a further fleet of some 22 small LNG-powered vessels. However, technical and other questions remain as to the suitability of LNG fuel for specific projects. As a result, concept designs and newbuilding plans must be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on their intended operating profile, fuel availability, commercial feasibility and several other issues. As projects begin to be realized, project developers will better understand the usefulness of the concepts to their own circumstances .” Sean Bond ABS Director of Environmental Solutions technology, the industry is making progress developing

overcome. Instead, using LNG as a fuel becomes an

standards with the International Standards Organization

issue of design and suitability on a project-by-project

on LNG bunkering.

basis rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.

Today, LNG fuels a fleet of more than 380 LNG carri-

To address these issues, ABS has completed joint de-

The potential of LNG to be a ‘fuel of the future’ for the

ers, most of which burn part of their cargo as fuel, and

velopment projects with South Korean shipyards on

shipping industry is a subject we hear about almost

a further fleet of some 22 small LNG-powered vessels.

large vessel designs and worked with owners including

daily. There is no doubt that LNG ticks the box in terms

However, technical and other questions remain as to

AP Moller-Maersk on the practical implications of LNG

of emissions reductions compared to conventional fos-

the suitability of LNG fuel for specific projects. As a re-

as a fuel on the current and next generation of large

sil fuels. But the expansion of LNG as a fuel into the

sult, concept designs and newbuilding plans must be


mainstream shipping industry throws up a combination

assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on their

In addition, Harvey Gulf International Marine has se-

of technological and regulatory challenges that the in-

intended operating profile, fuel availability, commercial

lected ABS as the class society for its two new dual

dustry must address.

feasibility and several other issues. As projects begin to

fuelled LNG-powered offshore supply vessels being

To some extent, this already is happening. ABS has pro-

be realized, project developers will better understand the

constructed at Trinity Offshore LLC for operation in the

vided insight over the past year on the drivers for adopt-

usefulness of the concepts to their own circumstances.

Gulf of Mexico.

ing LNG as a fuel, examining the Classification issues

Major issues include the question of LNG bunker supply

Projects like this reinforce the argument that a move

of technology, safety and the regulatory framework, and

and demand. LNG bunker suppliers rely on demand to

towards LNG as fuel could happen more quickly than

we definitely see there is interest.

develop the supply infrastructure, while operators and

has been anticipated. If we start to see positive opera-

LNG as a fuel is not new. What is changing is the scope

owners require a supply before investing in a vessel that

tional results and compelling economic results on early

and scale of application as LNG as fuel grows beyond

relies on that supply. In addition, the costs of bunkering

projects, the move towards LNG fuel could come quickly.

its traditional role on LNG Carriers and its use on a lim-

an LNG vessel are not necessarily known as there is not

For ships operating mainly in the IMO’s ECAs, LNG

ited number of small ferries during the past decade.

a large existing market for small volumes of LNG to be

could be a very attractive option, and here we are talk-

Expanding the application to new vessels types in di-

used on gas fuelled ships.

ing about as soon as 2015 and 2020 or 2025, depending

verse configurations has created a need for construc-

And as emission regulations for all ships continue to

on how the IMO judges low-sulphur fuel availability. That

tion and arrangement requirements as well as stand-

tighten, the cost and availability of alternatives to or-

in turn could lead to a ramping up of bunkering infra-

ards to maintain existing levels of safety in the shipping

dinary heavy fuel oil, including LNG, potentially will

structure, further strengthening the argument in favour

segments using the new fuel. That’s where we come

change over the coming decade. All of this has to be

of LNG.

in. As a Class Society our mission is to provide for the

weighted against the relative capital expenditure among

Of course, this too will have its consequences. Train-

safety of life, property and the natural environment.

competing fuel type concepts.

ing – and who will train the crew who will be handling

On the regulatory front, the fact that LNG fuelled projects

In many ways, the questions around LNG fuel supply

this bunker fuel – is an important issue which needs to

are moving forward for uses other than traditional LNG

are similar to those for low sulphur fuel oil: How good

be addressed. The ISO bunkering standard mentioned

carriers means Class Rules have had to evolve ahead

is security of supply?, Where are the bunkering loca-

above will help, and ABS is also developing training

of global regulation. For example, while the IMO has

tions?, How good is the availability? and What is the

resources around this issue, but this is something the

issued Interim Guidelines on Safety for Natural Gas

cost? Theseare the same questions that were asked

industry should take note of.

Fuelled Engines on Ships ABS has issued its Guide for

about today’s commonly used fuels before they became

The success of the LNG industry in training crews to

Propulsion and Auxiliary Systems for Gas Fuelled Ships

widely accepted.

handle the product safely and in increasing ship size

in May 2011, which incorporates elements of those

Regarding the fuel itself, owners also need to under-

as demand has grown shows these challenges can be

guidelines as well as additional needed criteria not yet

stand both its properties and handling. LNG is a mixture,

overcome. How LNG as a fuel works in this new envi-

specified in the IMO Guidelines.

not a homogenous product. It has different composi-

ronment is a somewhat different question. With many

On the regulatory side, the next step will be to complete

tions, which result in variable properties. The energy in

more gas-powered vessels in operation, the level of risk

the International Code of Safety for Gas Fuelled Ships,

each cubic meter and the methane number can impact

potentially is increased, so these risks have to be ad-

but its completion and ratification are not expected be-

the volume of fuel required and the way the fuel is han-

dressed and mitigated.

fore 2014. In the interim, Class will continue to support

dled as well as engine performance.

The use of LNG as fuel by the mainstream shipping in-

owners, designers and shipyards as they determine

Other items to consider include the power profile of the

dustry is a journey rather than a destination. The role

what the concepts will mean to them.

vessel and to what degree it operates below or at maxi-

of ABS has remained the same since its founding 150

Having recognized a need not just for Classification

mum power, an issue engine manufacturers already are

years ago; to promote the security of life, property and

Rules and their interpretation, but also for recognized


the marine environment, in particular when the maritime

standards supporting the application and use of the

This does not means the technology issues cannot be

industry embarks in a new direction.

nafs mag. 40

class societies


Francois Teissier: Sensible ways to save fuels and reduce CO2 emissions BUREAU VERITAS

“Bureau Veritas has developed new tools to calculate the fuel consumption and emissions of existing vessels and to determine which of a range of fuelsaving measures will deliver the best results. At the same time it is developing an information package which will help owners comply with IMO and also help reduce their costs by developing an approved Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) which focuses on the real issues which will reduce costs efficiently. Sensible targets, clear thinking, good guidance, practical tools and global standards. This is what Bureau Veritas brings to help owners reducing emissions.” Francois Teissier Regional Chief Executive, Hellenic and Black Sea Region, Bureau Veritas

Everybody sensible wants to save fuel costs and

(EEDI) is a one-size-fits-all regulation which will not

of different fuel use mitigation measures. Change the

everybody sensible wants to reduce emissions. But

produce the ideal result in every case.

route, change the trim, change the speed, change

the reductions we need now will not come from new

That leaves ship owners and yards with the need to

the machinery, change the hull coating – whatever

technology. They will come from practical ways to

understand and comply with IMO’s requirements, but

the possible changes, SEECAT makes it possible

use the existing fleet and machinery better. That is

also the need to seek the right solutions for their in-

to quantify the effectiveness of them. So SEECAT

what concerns most ship owners.

dividual types of ship and trade. That is where expert

makes SEEMP work. One simple pathway to regula-

No-one can suddenly remove the world fleet from

assistance is needed, to analyse the current fuel use

tory compliance and lower fuel costs.

service, and new vessels are joining the fleet at an

of existing vessels and to suggest ways to improve

That is the sensible approach to fuel saving today,

unprecedented rate. These vessels are almost all

energy efficiency which both meet regulation and cut

backed by research to deliver longer term solution

diesel-powered, and will be with us for decades. To

costs in the most cost-effective way.

using gas power. And for those owners who want

tackle emission and fuel costs we have to make the

Bureau Veritas has developed new tools to calcu-

to go further and measure their energy efficiency

most of the energy use of the existing fleet.

late the fuel consumption and emissions of existing

across the fleet and across all operations Bureau

Of course in the future there is a really possibility

vessels and to determine which of a range of fuel-

Veritas is already bringing its expertise in shore-

that there will be more gas powered shipping, and

saving measures will deliver the best results. At the

and ship-based energy use together. Bureau Ver-

Bureau Veritas is right at the forefront of develop-

same time it is developing an information package

itas has completed the first certification audit of any

ing that. It was the first classification society to class

which will help owners comply with IMO and also

shipping company in the world to the new standard

vessels with dual fuel gas and diesel engines, and

help reduce their costs by developing an approved

ISO 50001- 2011 - Energy Management Systems.

has extensive experience in service with gas pow-

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

Northern Marine Management Ltd and Northern Ma-

ered vessels. That experience is being put to good

which focuses on the real issues which will reduce

rine Management (USA) LLC have achieved certifi-

use backing research projects into gas power, for all

costs efficiently. By turning to Bureau Veritas for as-

cation to BS ISO 50001, which ensures systematic

sizes and types of ship, including large container-

sistance, ship owners and shipyards can ensure that

monitoring and control of energy usage, helping to

ships, ferries and tankers. But Bureau Veritas prides

regulation and reality both take the shortest pathway

optimise efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, reduce

itself on taking a pragmatic approach to problems,

to saving fuel and saving costs.

the company’s environmental footprint and provide a

working with the concerns of ship owners. That is

A correctly developed SEEMP provides the frame-

cost saving for the vessels owners.

why we have produced guidance and new specific

work and process for identifying, monitoring and

software to help owners to comply with energy regu-

constantly improving energy efficiency. BV’s guid-

Northern Marine Management manages fifty-seven

lations, and also help them to save costs, fuel and

ance and web-based tools allow owners to structure

vessels, including the Stena tanker and gas carrier

emissions now. With the ships they have today, not

their SEEMP correctly. The SEEMP should include:

fleet and the chemical tankers of the Emirates Ship-

the ships they might have in the future.

determining the status of ship energy usage and

ping Company.

Two forces are pushing shipping towards more effi-

the expected improvements in energy efficiency;

cient ships. One is regulation, the other is a desire to

implementation of procedures for energy manage-

BS ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems is in-

reduce operating costs. Both forces have the same

ment; monitoring and measurement which provide a

tended to assist organizations in making better use

goal, to make ships burn less fuel per tonne mile.

quantitative indicator of the ship’s energy efficiency;

of their existing energy consuming assets, create

The International Maritime Organisation wants that

and finally evaluation of the effectiveness of the

transparency and facilitate communication on the

because it wants shipping to reduce its output of

planned measures to use the feedback to improve

management of energy resources and promote en-

CO2. Ship owners and charterers want that because

the SEEMP.

ergy management best practices and reinforce good

they need to contain costs in a very poor market.

That process sounds simple, but in practice it in-

energy management behaviours.

volves a lot of data, measurement and modelling. Although the goals are the same, regulation and

Which is why Bureau Veritas has developed SEE-

Sensible targets, clear thinking, good guidance,

cost-cutting for individual owners don’t always point

CAT (Ship Energy Efficiency Calculation Analysis

practical tools and global standards. This is what

down the same pathway. Every ship and every trade

Tool). This software models each ship type, captures

Bureau Veritas brings to help owners reducing emis-

is different, and requires a different approach to fuel

energy flows and usage, predicts emissions and al-

sions. Innovation for sure, but service and today’s

saving, but IMO’s Energy Efficiency Design Index

lows the owner to predict the cost and effectiveness

problems solved first.

nafs mag. 42

class societies


Etienne Gernez*: Guidelines for Fuel Saving Measures on Bulk Carriers, Tankers and Container vessels DET NORSKE VERITAS

“The combination of low charter rates and high fuel prices is creating a strong interest in fuel saving measures. DNV has now updated the Fuel Saving Guideline for Bulk Carriers, which was released in April this year, and has issued three new guidelines covering tank, bulk, and container vessels.” Etienne Gernez Ships Hydrodynamics and Stability unit, DNV

revision has been a great success in assisting our

vessel, for example should you optimise the trimming

customers to find their way in the jungle of fuel saving

of the vessel to reduce resistance? Do you route the


vessel according to the forecasted weather, speed

In addition two more Fuel Saving Guidelines were

and contracted time of arrival in order to optimise the

produced, one for container vessels and one for


tanker vessels.

A matter of cost and savings

Due to a structural oversupply situation, too many, big

The aim is to provide an independent overview of

ships have been ordered over the last couple of years

different fuel saving measures feasible for both new-

and demand side has not grown with similar speed,

builds and retrofit on ships in operation, meeting the

easily implemented low-cost solutions to more com-

a tough competition on the main trades is leading to

needs of and requests from ship owners, charterers,

plex and technologically challenging systems, all pre-

low freight rates and charter rates. Cost reduction is

designers and yards. The Guidelines may serve as

sented together with an indicative return on invest-

number one priority both for liner companies but also

decision support.

ment assessment.

for charter owners in order to stay in the business.

A variety of individual measures and strategies for

Some of the presented measures are rather com-

Fuel oil costs are representing the biggest share of

optimising fuel consumption are known and partly

plex and need to be considered and decided upon

vessels’ total operating cost. Consequently reducing

applied in the industry. Some of the alternatives are

during the design process. Others can be retrofit but

fuel oil consumption is offering the highest potential

applicable to newbuilds, while others may be applied

require dry docking. However, in many cases fuel

for cost savings.

to existing ships too. Up to now, however, there has

saving does not need to be that comprehensive at

Environmental awareness is also increasing, which

been no systematic and impartial summary of the

all. The Guideline includes a number of measures

requires emission reduction and good EEDI perform-

most relevant measures and assessment of their

with a short payback time which are rather easy to

ance of ships in order to differentiate from competi-

savings potential.



The measures described in the Guideline span from

Examples are:

A large variety of single measures and strategies for

The Guideline contains four main categories of meas-

• Trim Optimisation: by changing the trim of the ves-

optimizing fuel consumption is known and partly ap-

ures – those which:

sel, the wave pattern around the vessel will also

plied in the industry. However, so far no systematic

• Reduce the hull resistance

change. Optimising the trim by minimising the wave

and impartial summary is available where the most

• Improve the propulsion efficiency

resistance leads to a reduction in the power needed,

relevant measures for ships are summarized and

• Improve the power plant efficiency

which again means lower fuel consumption. The

their potential is assessed.

• Improve the operational efficiency

most favourable trim may be found by CFD analysis.

On top of that although cutting costs is the desired outcome, yet there are many questions along the

• Propeller Polishing: cleaning the propeller will help Its content covers the following scope:


avoid an increase in the propeller’s friction losses due to marine growth. The cleaning itself is rather simple

How is this measure working?

• Description of each measure

and may be carried out when the ship is anchored

How efficient is it?

• Compatibility of measures with each other

or berthing.

On what size of ship would it work best and be the

• Complexity of manufacturing

• Engine Tuning: the engine performance gradually


• Range of expected fuel savings

worsens. By tuning the engines to maintain a low

How to monitor the effect on fuel consumption?

• Expected maintenance needs

SFOC, this trend may be interrupted. A diesel engine

How is it installed?

• Indication of price range

analysis tool is necessary in order to continuously op-

Are there any additional maintenance costs?

• Class requirements

timise the maximum combustion pressure and mean

Does the crew need to be trained to use it? Is it safe and compliant with class and statutory requirements?

The market jungle

There is a variety of different fuel saving measures in the market today, and selecting the most appropriate

indicated pressure, leading to an optimised SFOC.

The net fuel saving

The expected fuel savings are given as ranges in the

Last year DNV acted on all of the above by issuing

ones is challenging. For instance, there are several

version 1 of a Fuel Saving Guideline for Bulk Carri-

Guidelines, as the net effect will vary from case to

options for improving propeller efficiency. Stators,

ers. This initial version of the Guideline for Bulk Carri-

case. The best way of validating a fuel saving meas-

ducts and fins are some of the possible devices in-

ers, has been presented at a number of conferences,

ure is to compare two identical vessels trading the

stalled pre- or post-swirl in order to save energy.

seminars and customer meetings. The feedback from

same route, one with and one without the respective

The machinery suppliers deliver solutions that in-

ship owners has been very positive and has led to

measure deployed. However, there are alternatives

crease the flexibility and optimise the efficiency of

a new revision 2 of the Guideline. The new revision

to full-scale results. Measures related to resistance

the engine. And then there are all the measures as-

has a broader scope and is more in-depth. The first

and propulsion may be validated through model tests

sociated with the operation and management of the

in a towing tank and by CFD calculations.

class societies nafs mag. 43

Fuel saving Guideline chart 1

Fuel saving Guideline chart 2

Fuel Comparison_Danuta_8.3m

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Tore Longva: CO2 emissions from ships – impact of EEDI and SEEMP DET NORSKE VERITAS

“The first formal CO2 control regulations were adopted by IMO at the MEPC 62 in July 2011. These comprise the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), both of which will enter into force on 1 January 2013. A new International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) will be introduced for all vessels, and this includes a supplement recording particulars related to the ship’s energy efficiency, such as the propulsion system, the Attained EEDI for new builds, and the presence of a SEEMP.” Tore Longva Business Development Manager International Affairs

Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) The EEDI requirements will apply to new ships above 400 GT only, where “new ship” means a ship: • for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2013; or

• in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2013; or

• the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2015

The EEDI is measured in grams CO2 per tonne-nm. The yard, designer or a consultant will have to develop an EEDI technical file containing the necessary documentation and calculations. Verification will be done in two stages: a preliminary verification at the design stage based on tank tests, manufacturers’ data and design particulars. During the sea trial the speed will be measured and the technical file will be updated, together with engine certificates and other necessary documentation. The EEDI technical file will then be verified by a flag administration or Recognized Organisation and the IEEC will be issued. The regulation differentiates between ship types which are required to calculate an Attained EEDI and those that must have an Attained EEDI below a certain Required EEDI. Ship types needing to comply with a specific Required EEDI level to obtain the IEEC are defined in the table below, which also indicates the time line for the tightening of the requirement levels.

The reference line value of a ship is calculated based on the following formula: a · Capacity-c, where the a and c parameters are given in the following table:

Ship type

Capacity a


Bulk carrier




Gas tanker









70% · dwt



General cargo dwt











In order to address concerns raised by developing countries, the regulations include a clause allowing

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

any Administration to waive the EEDI requirements

No changes were made to the SEEMP at MEPC

for ships flying its flag for a period of up to four years

62, but its inclusion in the Annex VI amendments

(linked to the contract date), or six years and six

makes it mandatory for all ships– both new and ex-

months (linked to the delivery date) after 1 January

isting - after it enters into force. The presence of a

2013. However, the preliminary indications are that

SEEMP will be checked during the first intermediate

the major flag states will be reluctant to invoke the

or renewal survey for the IAPP certificate, at which

waiver clause.

point the IEEC will be issued. The EEDI will not be

Complying to the requirements in Phases 0 and 1 is

calculated for existing vessels and thus not included

expected to come at low costs. There is no commer-

in the IEEC

cial reason to order a ship without a calculated EEDI as the second hand value may be lower and the ability to get a charter may be reduced as charterers will prefer ships with low (and thus calculated) EEDI.

Future CO2 regulations

The adoption of the amendments is a significant step towards the regulation of GHG emissions by

IMO. Nevertheless, the EU is likely to consider it insufficient in light of its own ambitions. The EU process for establishing a regional CO2 emission reduction mechanism for shipping is therefore expected to continue. Other parts of the international community also consider these regulations insufficient. There is therefore a strong political drive to regulate shipping further, e.g. through regional or international Market Based Measures (MBMs). Proposals under review range from a contribution or levy on CO2 emissions from shipping, via emission trading systems to schemes based on ship efficiency. If agreed, MBMs may appear towards the end of this decade. Commercial energy efficiency requirements are be-

class societies nafs mag. 45 coming increasingly important. The creation of vari-

not enable the main engine power and thus the

being issued before the entry into force in 2013:

ous voluntary schemes for rating environmental per-

EEDI to be reduced. At the moment, there are no

• February 2012 – MEPC 63: Guidelines for mini-

formance, including CO2 performance, is providing

guidelines for how such measures can be applied

mum propulsion power

tools that allow charterers and cargo owners to use

to reduce the EEDI, but these are expected to be

• October 2012 – MEPC 64: Guidelines on voluntary

only ships that satisfy their environmental require-

developed at a later stage, most likely through the

structural enhancement

ments. These rating schemes must be based on ro-

Peff parameter. Propulsion efficiency devices, such

• July 2013 – MEPC 65: Guidelines for CO2 abate-

bust methods and verifiable data in order to create a

as Mewis ducts or propeller boss cap fins can either

ment technologies

level playing field for the ship owner.

reduce the main engine power (Pme), or enable the

• March 2014 – MEPC 66: Guidelines for calcula-

ship to obtain a higher speed (Vref).

tion of EEDI for roro, passenger, diesel-electric and

Further, the use of biofuels is not covered by the cur-

hybrid propulsion ships

In addition, there will be compensation when using

rent framework as the carbon content cannot easily

The requirements and dates are subject to two re-

shaft generators (PPTO) and applying ice strength-

be determined. There are no indications regarding if

views: the first is on the requirements for small ships

ening (fj). Other correction factors, for example for

and when this will be developed.

and large bulkers and tankers and is due in July

Reducing the EEDI

voluntary structural enhancement, are under development. Some proposed measures, such as kites or solar panels, cannot provide power all the time and will

2013. The second review allows for a discussion

Further regulatory work

of both the requirements and the timeline for when Phases 2 and 3 are to enter into force, and is due in

A number of guidelines are going to be developed

January 2015.

during the next few years, with the most important



Parameter affected

Reduce the main engine installed power

Improved hull and propeller efficiency Speed reduction/de-rate engine


Lower the specific fuel consumption

Switch to a more efficient engine Engine control tuning


Increase the speed (without increasing the installed power)

Improved hull and propeller efficiency (i.e. Mewis duct, propeller boss cap fin or other flow devices)


Use fuel/an energy source with a lower carbon content

I.e. LNG, biofuel (no guideline yet)


Innovative mechanical energy efficient technology

I.e. kites (no guideline yet)


Innovative electrical energy efficient technology

I.e. waste heat recovery


Increase the capacity

Larger ships


Impact of EEDI and SEEMP

IMO commissioned a study by Lloyds Register and DNV to estimate the impact of the new requirements. The results from the study show that the EEDI will, as new ships are built, gradually reduce the emissions from the world fleet with 3% in 2020, 13% in 2030, and 30% in 2050. The SEEMP will not directly mandate an emission reduction, but by increased awareness of costs and reduction potentials the study estimated the reduction to between 5-10% from 2015 onwards.

Effect of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management plan

The EEDI will mandate improvements in hull design and machinery, while the SEEMP will require ship owner to develop a plan for their ships. There are significant potential for reduction by operational measure, and with the current fuel prices most are also cost-effective. However, there seem to be a limited uptake of these measures caused by non-financial barriers such as lack of capital, lack of competence, lack of cooperation between actor and split incentives. Higher fuel prices will only to lead to a limited extra implementation of measures, but over time it will drive technology development and innovation. Other incentives will have to be in place to implement the existing set of measures. The SEEMP will initiate monitoring and target setting and look at concrete measure to be implemented for each vessel. Awareness of the potential savings is expected to increase uptake of measures.

VLCC case

The effect of the new regulations was applied on a VLCC to see how the fuel consumption and cost would develop. The baseline case was a tanker using 23 000 tonnes of fuel per year, which with the present fuel prices would cost around 10 mill USD. The first figure shows how a new built vessel year by year towards 2050 would perform. A ship built according to the requirements in 2030 would use about 14 000 tonnes per year in 2030. In the figures below the fuel consumption of a new built VLCC. The fuel cost calculations in the second chart are based on a scenario where the sulphur regulation coming in 2020 will significantly increase the fuel prices, but the increase energy efficiency will reduce the expected cost from 50 mill USD to 30 mill USD per year.






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Apostolos Poulovassilis: The shipping world is fast becoming a more complex place the question of future fuels is one of the major challenges

LLOYD’S REGISTER “At Lloyd’s Register what we constantly strive to provide is impartial technical guidance. And as well as guidance, verification is crucial. Many claims are being made about performance, about greenhouse gas emissions and about safety of new arrangements. Owners and operators need data and they need it verified – what you can’t measure, you can’t manage. We are here to help the industry manage the changes we face by providing the independent insight that is required..” Apostolos Poulovassilis Lloyd’s Register Regional Marine Manager EMEA

Emissions regulation and higher energy prices are

mandated minimum requirements.

the two leading factors changing our industry. New

Register is the market leader in LNG carrier fleet share and provides a broad understanding of the

technologies and innovation will play a vital role in

At Lloyd’s Register what we constantly strive to pro-

risks involved based on long and substantial experi-

the immediate and long term future of shipping.

vide is impartial technical guidance. And as well as


guidance, verification is crucial. Many claims are

100 years ago a Lloyd’s Register surveyor attended

being made about performance, about greenhouse

The world’s first new LNG-fuelled tanker is classed

the sea trials of the first seagoing diesel powered

gas emissions and about safety of new arrange-

by Lloyd’s Register. The Argonon, a 6,100 dwt dual-

merchant ship, the East Asiatic Company’s innova-

ments. Owners and operators need data and they

fuelled chemical tanker, is a significant milestone for

tive Selandia. The propulsion technology on trial a

need it verified – what you can’t measure, you can’t

the Deep Shipping subsidiary, Argonon Shipping, in

century ago now dominates the industry and, for


its pursuit of cleaner transport solutions for Europe.

most merchant ships, in the last 50 years, there has

Lloyd’s Register helped the owners and regulators

been a clear orthodoxy in engine room arrange-

We are here to help the industry manage the chang-

identify their risks, meet regulatory requirements

ments and the type of fuel used. Nearly all ships now

es we face by providing the independent insight that

and overcome the technical challenges for the prec-

use marine heavy fuel oil in diesel engines.

is required.

edent-setting tanker.

Today we stand on the brink of a new era.

One example of a key area where we are helping is

Overall, we need to understand what will provide net

Lloyd’s Register has talked about this as a ‘new

in fuel and fuel management.

global environmental benefits and that makes com-

paradigm’. Any evolution will be gradual but already

mercial sense. This is all about what risks society

we can see changes happening.

Much has been heard and said about future fuels

wants to manage and how to balance environmental

recently. With high energy prices and challenging

and commercial ambitions.

New fuels, new engines and new designs are be-

emissions requirements, the industry is looking ei-

coming available. The difficulty for shipowners,

ther for alternatives or ways to manage their emis-

Our strategic research department and global tech-

builders, equipment makers and, don’t forget, fin-

sions – particularly in the new Emission Control Ar-

nology leaders are exploring a broad range of alter-

anciers is not only what technology to support but

eas (ECAs).

natives in joint research projects with the industry.

when to invest. The future is further clouded by the

Biofuels, methanol, fuel cells are all being exam-

weak market outlook and the hangover of the big-

Lloyd’s Register is well placed to provide support to

ined and cannot be dismissed. The new focus on

gest boom in new ordering in history – the new ships

operators in helping ensure that design and opera-

efficiency measures that we are seeing with recent

still being built are, in the main, little different to the

tional solutions are safe and efficient.

deliveries such as Delphin’s new 57,000 dwt bulk

ships in demand a decade or more ago.

carrier delivered in China this month will also reLNG is certainly a fuel of the future and has been

duce energy demand per tonne of cargo transported

Most new technology being brought into opera-

winning a great deal of attention on the back of its

whatever fuel is used.

tion now has been developed for relatively small or

low Sox, Nox and Particulate emissions – and is in

niche markets such as ferries and inland waterways

use already in small applications

– sectors where exposure to new regulation is most

Moreover, future patterns of consumption may have an impact on total energy requirements. What is be-

concentrated and where local emissions and other

Lloyd’s Register – as the classification leader in LNG

yond the remit of a classification society is attempt-

factors are felt most keenly.

Carrier market share - has significant expertise with

ing to predict future energy prices. But, ultimately,

LNG. We have been providing the industry with the

it is the relative price and performance of different

More clarity needs to be brought to the differences

deep technological understanding of the realities

fuels that will drive decision making about future fuel

between local air emission benefits and the green-

and risks involved with using LNG as Fuel for mer-

choices. LNG is certainly one of the fuels of the fu-

house gas impacts of shipping. At present the real

chant ships. Lloyd’s Register is classing Viking Line

ture – and if LNG as fuel is a potential option for

driver is local air emissions. The introduction of the

Ferry project, the largest (by a long way) LNG as

a client we will help them understand and manage

Energy Efficiency Design Index is the first global

Fuel application to date and Lloyd’s Register’s ex-

the technical risks, enabling them to make properly

greenhouse gas regulation in any industry, setting

pertise in gas goes back a long way. Today Lloyd’s

informed commercial and operational decisions.

nafs mag. 48

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Spyros Zolotas: Energy savings make sense



“RINA has developed two tools to assist owners. The Green Plus notation integrates all the design, equipment and operational environmental impact mitigation features of the vessel into a single index. That gives the owner and designer a powerful, flexible tool to create the most environmentally effective vessel for a particular trade, and to be able to show clients and authorities their commitment to the environment through the award of the Green Plus notation.” Spyros Zolotas RINA Country Manager for Greece

Shipowners traditionally rely on the charterer pay-

diesel gensets to run at efficient loads all the time.

added benefit is that it will also form the backbone of

ing the fuel bill. But that no longer works. Charterers

RINA has good experience with building and class-

the IMO’s Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

are increasingly including energy saving clauses in

ing this type of power plant, which is flexible and ef-


charter parties for bulkers and tankers, giving own-

ficient. But the bunker infrastructure to support LNG

All ships will be required to have a SEEMP from

ers a real incentive to save fuel. And for ferry and

fuel will take some time to develop so the focus now

2013, which has to include the monitoring of the

passenger ship owners, and the increasing number

has to be on helping diesel-powered ships be more

status of ship energy usage and the expected im-

of Greek containership owners, energy consumption


provements of ship energy efficiency. The plan has

is a big issue.

RINA has developed two tools to assist owners.

to show how energy improvements will be imple-

Energy consumption matters because bunker prices

The Green Plus notation integrates all the design,

mented including the development of the proce-

are high and energy saved is energy the owner does

equipment and operational environmental impact

dures for energy management and the definition

not have to pay for. It matters because there are new

mitigation features of the vessel into a single index.

of the tasks to be performed. SEEMP also covers

IMO rules on emissions and energy efficiency and

That gives the owner and designer a powerful, flex-

monitoring and measurement, which provide a

the EU is leading the way on Emission Control Areas

ible tool to create the most environmentally effec-

quantitative indicator of the ship energy efficiency

which place very strict limits on air emissions. All US

tive vessel for a particular trade, and to be able to

and self-evaluation and improvement.

waters are included in a new ECA this year. Burn-

show clients and authorities their commitment to the

Alongside the SEEMP, required for all ships, there

ing less fuel means lower emissions. And of course

environment through the award of the Green Plus

is the IMO Energy Efficiency Design Index for new

for passenger ships the operators need to be aware


vessels. It will give a number by which ships can be

of how their passengers feel. They need to be able

Green Plus is a tool which includes fuel efficiency

ranked for energy performance. Owners and opera-

to show they are doing all they can to operate their

but also ranges over all environmental impact

tors need to take great care in designing new ves-

vessels cleanly.

mitigation measures including garbage and waste

sels to ensure they will not be punished in a compet-

RINA is working closely with yards and owners to

streams. RINA’s Energy Saving System is focused

itive and energy conscious charter market. RINA’s

help them to design and operate ships which burn

only on the energy usage aspects of the vessel’s op-

Energy Efficiency System provides a practical help

less fuel. In the longer term there will be more gas-

erations. At its heart is an energy saving index which

based on experience both to reduce fuel consump-

fuelled ships so RINA has introduced rules for gas-

assesses the ship’s performance in terms of efficien-

tion and comply with the new regulations.

powered vessels. The trade-off there is benefits in

cy and energy conservation. It delivers owners a tool

By blending practical experience with a good un-

terms of cleanliness and emissions in return for oc-

for educating on-board staff in reducing energy use

derstanding of the regulations both in existence and

cupying more space for bunkers. Future ferries will

and it provides a fleet benchmark for good practices

upcoming, then developing user-friendly tools, RINA

use diesel-electric power plants, which allow the

on one vessel to be implemented on another. The

is ready to help shipping to save energy.

when a growing


covers huge distances

RINA GROUP making the best together

nafs mag. 50

κλάδος αμμοβολών

Βασίλης Κανακάκης:


Η Ελλάδα είναι tank coating station

CORAL LTD, Πρόεδρος της Πανελλήνιας Ένωσης Αμμοβολιστών Η ανυπαρξία κυβερνητικής ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής πολιτικής, τα πολύ υψηλά ημερομίσθια στον χώρο μας, η έλλειψη υποδομών καθώς και η ανασφάλεια και αβεβαιότητα λειτουργίας των μεγάλων ναυπηγείων, είναι οι βασικοί λόγοι που έχουν οδηγήσει σε μαρασμό τη ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική ζώνη του Περάματος, σύμφωνα με τον κ. Βασίλη Κανακάκη, Πρόεδρο της Πανελλήνιας Ένωσης Αμμοβολιστών και Πρόεδρο της εταιρίας Coral ltd. Ο ίδιος τονίζει ότι «το θέμα της εργασιακής ειρήνης έπεξε μεγάλο ρόλο στη δημιουργία του σημερινού προβλήματος. Δεν μπορούμε καθημερινά να βρίσκουμε και μια αιτία να κάνουμε μια στάση εργασίας ή μια απεργία. Παράλληλα, από το 2008 άνοιξε ανταγωνιστική αγορά στην Τουρκία. Μέχρι το 2008 τα Τούρκικα ναυπηγεία ήταν κατασκευαστικά. Στην κάμψη που είχε το 2ο μισό του 2008 η ναυλαγορά, ακυρώθηκαν πολλές παραγγελίες σε ναυπηγεία κατασκευών νέων πλοίων με αποτέλεσμα να βρεθούν σε άσχημη κατάσταση τα Τούρκικα ναυπηγεία και να το γυρίσουν στην επισκευή. Όταν εκείνοι προσέφεραν τότε 2 δολάρια το κιλό την λαμαρίνα και στην Ελλάδα ήταν στα 4,5 ευρώ, αντιλαμβανόμαστε ότι όλα τα πλοία τράβηξαν για την Τουρκία. Αυτό σε συνδυασμό με την έλλειψη

Ο κ. Bασίλης Κανακάκης

των υποδομών στην Ελλάδα, τις ανακατατάξεις του Σκαραμαγκά, την επιβολή της 15ετούς ποινής να μην ασκεί εμπορική δραστηριότητα για το πολεμικό και εμπορικό ναυπηγείο και την αβεβαιότητα των

Στην κάμψη που είχε το 2ο μισό του 2008 η ναυλαγορά, ακυρώθηκαν πολλές παραγγελίες σε ναυπηγεία κατασκευών νέων πλοίων με αποτέλεσμα να βρεθούν σε άσχημη κατάσταση τα Τούρκικα ναυπηγεία και να το γυρίσουν στην επισκευή. Όταν εκείνοι προσέφεραν τότε 2 δολάρια το κιλό την λαμαρίνα και στην Ελλάδα ήταν στα 4,5 ευρώ, αντιλαμβανόμαστε ότι όλα τα πλοία τράβηξαν για την Τουρκία. Αυτό σε συνδυασμό με την έλλειψη των υποδομών στην Ελλάδα, τις ανακατατάξεις του Σκαραμαγκά, την επιβολή της 15ετούς ποινής να μην ασκεί εμπορική δραστηριότητα για το πολεμικό και εμπορικό ναυπηγείο και την αβεβαιότητα των ναυπηγείων Ελευσίνας, που είναι στο άρθρο 99 του Πτωχευτικού Κώδικα , ήταν φυσικό επακόλουθο να μην υπάρχει αντικείμενο εργασίας στο Πέραμα

ναυπηγείων Ελευσίνας, που είναι στο άρθρο 99 του Πτωχευτικού Κώδικα , ήταν φυσικό επακόλουθο να μην υπάρχει αντικείμενο εργασίας στο Πέραμα». Σε ερώτημα του ΝΑΥΣ για το τι πρέπει να γίνει από εδώ και στο εξής για την ανάκαμψη του χώρου ο κ. Κανακάκης ανέφερε τα εξής: “Κατ’ αρχήν θα πρέπει να υπάρξει μια στήριξη των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων του κλάδου από την πολιτεία. Να ληφθούν μέτρα από το υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης και να ενταχθούν οι επιχειρήσεις αυτές σε Ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα που μέχρι σήμερα απαγορεύεται βάσει κωδικών που έχουν η υπαγωγή τους σε Ευρωπαϊκά επενδυτικά προγράμματα. Οι επιχειρήσεις του χώρου δεν έχουν στηριχθεί ουδέποτε από καμία επιχορήγηση, είτε ευρωπαϊκή είτε εθνική. Οι ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις έχουν επενδύσει με ίδια κεφάλαια και είναι από τις πιο σύγχρονες στην Ευρώπη, από τις πιο παραγωγικές και από τις πιο πρωτοπόρες. Χωρίς καμία βοήθεια και στήριξη από πουθενά. Πιστεύω ότι αν ξεκινήσει μια προσπάθεια στήριξης, αν σταθεροποιηθεί κάποιο καθεστώς των δύο μεγάλων ναυπηγείων ώστε να υπάρχουν δεξαμενές υποδοχής πλοίων που σήμερα δεν υπάρχουν και αν μπορέσουμε να βρούμε με τους εργαζόμενους τη χρυσή τομή σε ότι αφορά την αμοιβή τους και μειώσουμε το κόστος, θεωρώ ότι οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές θα υποστηρίξουν τον τόπο τους και θα φέρουν τα πλοία τους ξανά στην Ελλάδα. Οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες αγαπούν τον τόπο τους και θέλουν να τον στηρίξουν, αρκεί να τους δώσουμε την διαβεβαίωση ότι το πλοίο θα φεύγει στην ώρα του και το κόστος θα είναι στο πλαίσιο της λογικής. Έχουμε την μεγαλύτερη ναυτιλία στον κόσμο και αυτή η ναυτιλία θα στηρίξει την ναυπηγοεπισκευή όπως έχει συμβεί και στο παρελθόν». Και ο κ. Κανακάκης καταλήγει:”Η Ελλάδα είναι tank coating station. Υπάρχουν εταιρίες από τις πιο αξιόλογες στον κόσμο που μπορούν να ανταποκριθούν σε οποιοδήποτε μεγέθους έργο με σύγχρονο και πολλές φορές μοναδικό εξοπλισμό». Τέλος, για τον ΟΛΠ ο κ. Κανακάκης υπογραμμίζει τα εξής: «Ο ΟΛΠ από την ιδρυτική του πράξη ξεκίνησε ως οργανισμός κοινής οφέλειας. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι στέρησε στον Πειραιώτικο λαό την πρόσβαση στη θάλασσα. Ανταποδοτικά δεσμεύτηκε ότι θα δημιουργήσει, όπως και δημιούργησε, τη ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική ζώνη ώστε να υπάρχει απασχόληση. Είχε και έχει την υποχρέωση να κρατά μια ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική ζώνη σύγχρονη και προσιτή. Όταν από εταιρία κοινής ωφέλειας έγινε εταιρία του χρηματιστηρίου δεν διεγράφη αυτή η υποχρέωση για εμάς .Η ΝΕΖ εδώ και κάποιες δεκαετίες έχει εγκαταληφθεί χωρίς καμία επένδυση. Η χρέωση της δεξαμενής του ΟΛΠ θα έπρεπε να ήταν γύρω στα 1000 ευρώ την ημέρα (και όχι 7000) για να καλύψει τα έξοδα λειτουργίας και συντήρησης. Και πάλι με αυτές τις τιμές δεν τα καλύπτει τα έξοδα διότι οι δεξαμενές του Πειραιά έχουν 72 άτομα οργανική σύνθεση όταν ο Σκαραμαγκάς με 10 άτομα κινεί 4 δεξαμενές γίγαντες. Όσο υπάρχουν αυτές οι χρεώσεις δεν πρόκειται να μπει πλοίο στις δεξαμενές. Εκτός αυτού ο ΟΛΠ αντιμετωπίζει τους ναυπηγοεπισκευαστές σαν ανταγωνιστές. Υπερχρεώνει τις παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες και τους χώρους που νοικιάζει σε αυτούς με αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορούν να ανταποκριθούν στις χρεώσεις. Το όλο θέμα του ΟΛΠ πρέπει να εξετασθεί από μηδενική βάση. (ΟΛΠ-εργολάβοι-Σωματεία)».

nafs mag. 52

shipping news

Financial Times World Shipping Congress:


Joseph J. Cox, πρόεδρος και CEO του Chamber of

Βαφειάς όσο και ο Ευάγγελος Πιστιόλης. Παρόντες

Shipping of America, ο Thomas Franck, πρόεδρος της

μεταξύ άλλων ήταν και οι κ.κ. Μιχάλης Μποδούρογλου,

Finnish Shipowners’ Association και CEO της Bore Ltd,

Γιάννης Δράγνης, Φραγκίσκος Κανελάκης, Βασίλης και

ο Thor Jørgen Guttormsen, πρόεδρος της Norwegian

Μιχάλης Δαλακούρας, Ν. Πίττας, Λεωνίδας Πολέμης,

Shipowners’ Association και της Leigh Höegh & Co, ο


Jong Chul Lee, επικεφαλής της Korea Shipowners’ As-

Γαβριηλίδης, στελέχη της Navios Maritime, της MSC,

sociation και αντιπρόεδρος & CEO της STX PanOcean

τραπεζίτες όπως από την DVB Bank, την BNP Pari-

Corporation, ο Γιάννης Λύρας μέλος του ΔΣ και πρώην

bas, την ΕΧΙΜ , εκπρόσωποι μεγάλων νηογνωμόνων,

πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, η Tineke

ελληνικών τραπεζών όπως η Alpha Bank, ναυλομεσίτες

Netelenbos, πρόεδρος της Royal Association of Neth-


erlands Shipowners, ο Michael Parker, πρόεδρος του

πανεπιστήμια και μεγάλα νομικά γραφεία αλλά και

UK Chamber of Shipping και της CMA-CGM (UK) Hold-

asset managers. Αίσθηση προκάλεσαν τα στοιχεία

ings Ltd. Πρόεδρος της συνάντησης κορυφής και του

για την μεγάλη ζήτηση αξιωματικών του ναυτικού και

Congress ήταν ο πρόεδρος του International Cham-

ανεπάρκεια των σχολών της χώρας να δεχτεί όλους

ber of Shipping και της ABS U.K. National Committee,

του υποψηφίους παρά τη μεγάλη ανεργία. Έτσι το

Σπύρος Πολέμης. Διάχυτη ήταν η πεποίθησή τους ότι

ζήτημα της ναυτικής εκπαίδευσης και των δυνατοτήτων

η κρίση μπορεί να αποδειχθεί ευκαιρία τουλάχιστον

για απασχόληση των νέων Ελλήνων αποτελεί μια

για όσους διαθέτουν πρόσβαση στις κεφαλαιαγορές




αποκαλυπτικά στοιχεία ο Γιώργος Καμπάνης Global

Την πεποίθηση τους ότι η ελληνική ναυτιλία αλλά και

επωφεληθούν από τις χαμηλές τιμές που επικρατούν

Leader της μονάδας Shipping & Ports της Deloitte.

άλλες, ανταγωνιστικές, εθνικές βιομηχανίες θαλάσσιων

στη δευτερογενή αγορά των ποντοπόρων.Κατά τη

Στο συνέδριο που έγινε υπό την αιγίδα του Διεθνούς

μεταφορών μπορούν να βγουν ακόμα και κερδισμένοι

διάρκεια του συνεδρίου παρουσιάσθηκαν τα θεμελιώδη

Ναυτιλιακού Επιμελητηρίου (International Chamber of

από την κρίση, η οποία όμως αναμένεται να διαρκέσει

μεγέθη των δανειακών χαρτοφυλακίων των τραπεζών

Shipping - ICS), που εκπροσωπήθηκε από τον πρόεδρό

καθόλη τη διάρκεια του 2012, διατύπωσαν Έλληνες

οπότε και κατέστη σαφές πως οι ευρωπαϊκές όπως


και ξένοι εφοπλιστές και παράγοντες του κλάδου στην

και οι ελληνικές τράπεζες έχουν βγει εκτός παιχνιδιού

συναντήσεων μεταξύ πλοιοκτητών, ναυλομεσιτών,

πρώτη συνάντηση κορυφής που έγινε στα πλαίσια

εξαιτίας των προβλημάτων κεφαλαιακής επάρκειας

τραπεζιτών, ασφαλιστών, στελεχών και εκπροσώπων

του World Shipping Congress,που διοργάνωσαν στην

που αντιμετωπίζουν. Οι επιχειρηματίες του κλάδου, οι

εταιρειών που παρέχουν υποστηρικτικές υπηρεσίες,

Αθήνα οι Financial Times με τη συνεργασία της Boussias

οποίοι με την αυξημένη προσέλευση τους γέμισαν τις

με αποτέλεσμα να αναδειχθεί σε forum σημαντικών

Communications.Σε μια μοναδική συγκυρία κατά την


επιχειρηματικών επαφών.

οποία παραβρέθηκαν στα ίδια πάνελ οι επιχειρηματίες,

Spa στο Καβούρι έδειξαν ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον και για

Η ενεργή συμμετοχή του Michael Skapinker, Assist-



τις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις των λιμανιών. Το ίδιο ενδιαφέρον

ant Editor των Financial Times και υπευθύνου των

ενώσεων του πλανήτη αλλά και διπλωμάτες και

επιδείχθηκε και κατά τη διάρκεια της κεκλεισμένων των

FT Special Reports όπως και του Robert Wright, Fi-

κορυφαίοι θεσμικοί παράγοντες, κατέστη σαφές ότι τα

θυρών συνάντησης κορυφής που πραγματοποιήθηκε

nancial Times Shipping and Logistics Correspondent,

μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει ο κλάδος

την Κυριακή. Από την πλευρά του ο πρόεδρος και

αλλά και η κάλυψή του από μεγάλα ξένα πρακτορεία

είναι η υπερπροσφορά μεταφορικής δυναμικότητας

διευθύνων σύμβουλος του ΟΛΠ, Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης

ειδήσεων, έδωσαν διεθνή δημοσιότητα στις εργασίες

από τον μεγάλο αριθμό πλοίων που εμπορεύονται αλλά

έκανε λόγο μεταξύ άλλων για ταχείες διαδικασίες

του συνεδρίου και προέβαλαν την Αθήνα για μία ακόμη

και αυτών που έχουν παραγγελθεί, οι μεγάλες αυξήσεις

αποκρατικοποίησης και άμεση επίλυση προβλημάτων

φορά ως παγκόσμιο ναυτιλιακό κέντρο. Παράλληλα

των τιμών των καυσίμων, η πειρατεία και η έλλειψη

που σχετίζονταi με τη σιδηροδρομική διασύνδεση του

η παρουσία εκπροσώπων, ομιλητών και συνέδρων

επαρκών και προσιτών χρηματοδοτήσεων τόσο από

λιμανιού. Προβληματισμός πάντως επικράτησε για το

από την Ασία και ειδικότερα από χώρες όπως η Κίνα,

τις κεφαλαιαγορές όσο και από τα χρηματιστήρια.

ρόλο των ναυλωτών και τη δυνατότητα τους να τιμήσουν

η Κορέα και το Βιετνάμ παρείχε την ευκαιρία για τη

Στη συνάντηση κορυφής συμμετείχαν μεταξύ άλλων ο

τις συμφωνίες τους μεσούσης της κρίσης καθώς οι

δημιουργία μιας πρώτης τάξεως γέφυρας επικοινωνίας

γενικός γραμματέας της UNCTAD, (UN Conference on

περιπτώσεις όπου συμφωνίες αθετούνται ή ζητείται η

μεταξύ των βασικότερων εμπορικών πόλων της

Trade and Development), Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi,

αναδιαπραγμάτευσή τους –κυρίως από εταιρείες της

διεθνούς οικονομίας βάζοντας τα θεμέλια για ένα νέο

ο Paolo D’ Amico, πρόεδρος της Italian Shipowners’

Κίνας- πληθαίνουν σε βάρος των συμφερόντων των

σημαντικό διεθνές forum τόσο της ναυτιλίας όσο και του

Association και της Amico Società di Navigazione, ο

πλοιοκτητών. Το σημείο αυτό έθιξαν τόσο ο Χάρης

παγκόσμιου εμπορίου.

Ηχηρό παρών από τις μεγάλες δυνάμεις της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας στην Αθήνα








του ξενοδοχείου Divani Αpollon Palace &
















Σπύρο Πολέμη, πραγματοποιήθηκε πλήθος

nafs mag. 54

κλάδος αμμοβολών


Σταμάτης Πλάκας:

Έχουμε άμεση ανάγκη από πλωτές δεξαμενές PLAKAS BLASTING LTD

Η αξιοποίηση της Κυνοσούρας ως χώρο επισκευών

Γιατί από το 1985 έως το 2000 επισκευάστηκαν

από την χώρα μας».

πλοίων, η αποφαστικότητα της πολιτείας σε θέματα

10000 πλοία και τώρα δεν μπορεί να φτιαχθεί κανένα

Για την άνθηση της ναυπηγοεπισκευής στην γειτονική

υποδομών και ο σωστός συνδικαλισμός, είναι το

έτσι ξανφνικά; Γιατί άφησαν το Πέραμα στην μοίρα

μας Τουρκία, ο κ. Πλάκας επισημαίνει ότι « Οι Τούρκοι

τρίπτυχο που μπορεί να δώσει το φιλί της ζωής

του την στιγμή που με μια επένδυση 100-200 εκ.

κάνουν σήμερα αυτό που κάναμε εμείς πριν από 25

στη ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική ζώνη του Περάματος

ευρώ μπορεί να αναγεννηθεί και να φέρει πίσω στην

χρόνια. Εδώ όταν ένα πλοίο έρχεται στο λιμάνι έχει να

σύμφωνα με τον κ. Σταμάτη Πλάκα, της εταιρίας

χώρα πολλαπλάσια χρήματα;

αντιμετωπίσει παράλογα πράγματα. Πώς να έρθουν

Plakas Co., η οποία δραστηριοποιείται από το

Επίσης, το κόστος εργασίας στον χώρο της

πλοία να δέσουν στον μώλο της Δραπετσώνας και

1993 στον χώρο των αμμοβολών, υδροβολών,

ναυπηγοεπισκευής είναι υψηλό και καθορίζεται με

του Περάματος όταν οι θέσεις καταλαμβάνονται

και tank coating. Σύμφωνα με τον κ. Πλάκα, «στη

βάση τα Ευρωπαϊκά δεδομένα. Σήμερα, εκ των




πραγμάτων δεν μπορούν οι εταιρίες να δώσουν


δεν υπάρχουν αρκετές πλωτές δεξαμενές. Είναι

υψηλά μεροκάματα, ιδιαίτερα τώρα που υπάρχει

θα αντιμετωπίσει μια σοβαρή έλλειψη υποδομών

παράλογο να μιλάμε για ανταγωνισμό και για εργασία

κρίση. Δεν μπορούμε να δώσουμε προσφορά για

(έλλειψη γερανών, έλλειψη δεξαμενών, έλλειψη

στη ζώνη του Περάματος όταν δεν έχουμε καμία

εργασίες σε ένα πλοίο και να γνωρίζουμε ότι ο κάθε

δεστρών! κλπ)».

δεξαμενή τη στιγμή που η γειτονική Τουρκία διαθέτει

εργάτης θέλει 250 ευρώ την ημέρα.



50 δεξαμενές.





Μα και αν τελικά το πλοίο έρθει

Και ο κ. Πλάκας καταλήγει: «Όλα τα ανωτέρω σε

Ο ρόλος του κράτους ως καταλύτης στην ανάπτυξη

συνδυασμό με τον κακώς ενοούμενο συνδικαλισμό,

Σήμερα, όσοι ασχολούνται με τον χώρο γνωρίζουν

της ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής ζώνης είναι ανύπαρκτος

δημιουργούν ένα εκρηκτικό μείγμα που έχει φέρει σε

πολύ καλά ότι το Πέραμα και η Κυνοσούρα είναι



απόγνωση πλοιοκτήτες και εργολάβους επισκευών

περιοχές που θα μπορούσαν να χαρακτηριστούν

εισηγούντο τις απαραίτητες λύσεις στην πολιτική

πλοίων. Σήμερα, οι εταιρίες που ασχολούνται με

χρυσορυχεία (καλυμένα με σκουπίδια). Ιδιαίτερα

ηγεσία. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι ότι ένα πλοίο δεν

τον χώρο των επισκευών πλοίων έχουν χάσει

η Κυνοσούρα είναι σήμερα ένα νταμάρι καλυμένο

στέκεται στην Ελλάδα για επισκευές, την στιγμή

την αυτοπεποίθησή τους, μια αυτοπεποίηθηση

με σκουπίδια. Αναρωτιέμαι, πόσο δύσκολο είναι

που τα ναυπηγεία του Σκαραμαγκά είναι κλειστά,

που υπήρχε στο μέγιστο βαθμό την εποχή που ο

να καταλάβουν οι αρμόδιοι ότι στην περιοχή της

τα ναυπηγεία της Ελευσίνας απ’ότι φαίνεται δεν θα

συγκεκριμένος κλάδος είχε αντικείμενο εργασίας από

Κυνοσούρας πρέπει να φτιαχθούν δεξαμενές.

έχουν καλύτερη τύχη και οι δεξαμενές απουσιάζουν

το Πέραμα έως το Φάληρο».






nafs mag. 56

κλάδος αμμοβολών

Χρήστος Χούντας:


Χρειάζεται στροφή 180 μοιρών από συνδικάτα,

ΟΛΠ και πολιτεία

SERVICE CENTER Co LTD Μια ενδιαφέρουσα συνέντευξη για τα κακώς κείμενα στον χώρο της ναυπηγοεπισκευής στην Ελλάδα, πραγματοποίησε το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ με τον κ. Χρήστο Χούντα, ιδιοκτήτη της εταιρίας Service Center Co LTD, η οποία ειδικεύεται σε σύγχρονες μεθόδους συντήρησης παντός είδους ναυπηγήματος όπως η αμμοβολή, υδροβολή, γενικοί καθαρισμοί ακόμα και δεξαμενών επικίνδυνων φορτίων, χρωματισμός κλπ. Σύμφωνα με τον κ. Χούντα “το πιο σημαντικό από όλα είναι ο σεβασμός προς τον πελάτη που στην συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση λέγεται πλοίο. Η έλλειψη σεβασμού προς τον πλοιοκτήτη και την περιουσία του ευθύνεται πεντακάθαρα για το σημερινό μαρασμό. Και πρώτα – πρώτα το συνδικάτο των εργαζομένων που ανοίγει και κλείνει ότι ώρα θέλει τις πύλες της Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής Βάσης Περάματος για λόγους που μόνο εκείνο γνωρίζει”. Και ο κ. Χούντας συνεχίζει: “Το μεγάλο ερωτηματικό είναι πώς μια ολιγομελής ομάδα ανθρώπων μπορεί και κουμαντάρει όλους τους υπόλοιπους με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχουν περιπτώσεις που οι εργαζόμενοι να μένουν εκτός εργασίας για ένα, ενάμισυ ή ακόμη και για δύο χρόνια. Να ληφθεί υπόψιν ότι με την άφιξη ενός πλοίου στον Πειραιά για επισκευές απασχολεί το λιγότερο τριάνταεννέα (39) ειδικότητες. Ας καταλάβουν επιτέλους οι εμπλεκόμενοι. Η ελληνική εμπορική ναυτιλία είναι η μεγαλύτερη του κόσμου. Τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες τους έχω ζήσει χρόνια (λόγω και του επαγγέλματός

Ο κ. Χρήστος Χούντας

μου ως καπετάνιος) και έχω διαπιστώσει ότι είναι πολύ πατριώτες, επιχειρηματίες οι οποίοι έχουν προοδεύσει εκτός Ελλάδος, έχουν φέρει τα γραφεία τους στην πατρίδα τους και θέλουν να φέρνουν και τα πλοία τους για επισκευές.

Απόδειξη ότι όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, από το 1970 και μετά, η ναυπηγοεπισκευή έχει φέρει στην Ελλάδα δισεκατομμύρια. Όμως, η άσχημη κατάσταση που επικρατεί στο χώρο, τους οδήγησε στη γειτονική Τουρκία και αλλού. Σας πληροφορώ ότι τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες τους ενδιαφέρει περισσότερο η ταχύτητα, η φιλία και η καλή δουλειά. Κανένας δεν δέχεται να φέρει το πλοίο του για μια επισκευή 15 ημερών η οποία τελικά θα διαρκέσει 3 μήνες! Νομίζω ότι αυτό που χρειάζεται ο κλάδος είναι ο σωστός ακομμάτιστος συνδικαλισμός με ανθρώπους που να είναι κατηρτισμένοι όσον αφορά τα συνδικαλιστικά θέματα. Ένας σωστός συνδικαλισμός φέρνει εργασία και όχι ανεργία, όπως συμβαίνει εδώ...”. Ο κ. Χούντας τονίζει επίσης ότι “από πλευράς υποδομών μπορεί να υστερούμε, αλλά η πείρα μας, η τέχνη μας και το φιλότιμο, μας βοηθά στο να ξεπερνούμε όλα τα εμπόδια. Σήμερα, όλοι οι εργολάβοι που ασχολούμαστε με την αμμοβολή και την συντήρηση του πλοίου, έχουμε επενδύσει πολλά κεφάλαια στον κατάλληλο εξοπλισμό”. Και συνεχίζει: “Ένας δεύτερος λόγος που αποθαρρύνει τους πλοιοκτήτες και εφοπλιστές να φέρουν τα πλοία τους στην Ελλάδα για επισκευή, είναι τα υψηλά κοστολόγια του ΟΛΠ. Για παράδειγμα, για να μπει ένα πλοίο στη μεγάλη πλωτή δεξαμενή του Περάματος χρειάζεται 7000 ευρώ ημερισίως, όταν η πιο ακριβή δεξαμενή στην Ευρώπη κοστίζει 3000 δολλάρια. Ο Οργανισμός Λιμένος Πειραιώς έχει τον χαρακτήρα κοινής ωφελείας και όχι κερδοφόρου επιχειρήσεως. Τρίτος σοβαρότατος λόγος είναι το απαράδεκτο κλείσιμο των Ελληνικών Ναυπηγείων Σκαραμαγκά και αναφέρω απαράδεκτο διότι αυτά τα ναυπηγεία είναι ένας πολύ μεγάλος κράχτης για την προσέλκυση πλοίων. Τέταρτος λόγος είναι η κατάργηση κάποιων επιδοτήσεων προς τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες και εφοπλιστές, οι οποίοι έφερναν πλοία στην χώρα μας. Πιστεύω ότι ένα ποσοστό της τάξης του 10% επί των τιμολογίων για κάθε πλοίο που κάνει επισκευή στην Ελλάδα, είναι σημαντικό να υπάρχει. Επιπροσθέτως, άξιο σημείο αναφοράς είναι και οι λόγοι για τους οποίους έγινε η κατάργηση του Υπουργείου Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας σε ένα κράτος που έχει την μεγαλύτερη ναυτιλία παγκοσμίως”! Και ο κ. Χούντας καταλήγει: “Όπως μπορεί εύκολα να αντιληφθεί κανείς, στη ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική βιομηχανία της Ελλάδος συμβαίνουν διάφορα παράλογα, τα οποία όμως δεν είναι ικανά να διαγράψουν από τον χάρτη το επάγγελμά μας. Και στο σημείο αυτό θέλω να ξέρουν οι αναγνώστες του περιοδικού σας, αυτοί οι λίγοι που φέρνουν τα πλοία τους για επισκευή στην χώρα μας, είναι γιατί εμείς οι εργολάβοι έχουμε αναπτύξει όλα αυτά τα χρόνια πολύ καλές διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις με τους πλοιοκτήτες και εφοπλιστές. Αυτή την καλή θέληση πρέπει να δείξουν όλοι οι εμπλεκόμενοι με το αντικείμενο της επισκευής και συντήρησης των πλοίων. Και πιστέψτε με, τότε όλα τα πράγματα θα αλλάξουν προς το καλύτερο γιατί η Ελληνική πλοιοκτησία αγαπά και δεν εγκαταλείπει την πατρίδα της...”!














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nafs mag. 58

posidonia 2012

Τα Ποσειδώνια 2012 και η Ελληνική Ναυτιλία προβάλλουν την Ελλάδα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο Η παρουσία χιλιάδων συμμετεχόντων από

8,5 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια ΗΠΑ σε νέες

Επιτροπής των Ποσειδωνίων και τέως Πρόεδρος

περισσότερες από 80 χώρες, η επιλογή ενός

ναυπηγήσεις, είναι για ακόμη μία φορά ο λόγος

της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, πρόσθεσε:

υπερσύγχρονου εκθεσιακού κέντρου που

που η μεγαλύτερη εθνική συμμετοχή, η Κίνα,

«Καλωσορίζουμε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες στα

προσφέρει στους εκθέτες άριστες εγκαταστάσεις

αποφάσισε να αυξήσει το μέγεθος της παρουσίας

Ποσειδώνια 2012.

και πολλές επιλογές για να προωθήσουν τα

της στην έκθεση κατά 30% συνολικά. Σε 1.300 τ.μ.

Η φετινή διοργάνωση πραγματοποιείται σε μια

προϊόντα τους καθώς και η διοργάνωση για

εκθεσιακού χώρου θα προβάλλει τη ναυπηγική

στιγμή που το πνεύμα επιχειρηματικότητας, οι

πρώτη φορά μιας σειράς από συνέδρια και

βιομηχανία της σε μια προσπάθεια να προσελκύσει

ικανότητες και η διεθνής εμπειρία της Ελληνικής

σεμινάρια υψηλού επιπέδου επιβεβαιώνουν ότι τα

Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες στα ναυπηγεία της. Επίσης,

Ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας αποτελούν σημαντικά

Ποσειδώνια 2012

για πρώτη φορά εφέτος τα Ποσειδώνια θα

ανταγωνιστικά πλεονεκτήματα που η Ελλάδα και

θα αποτελέσουν φέτος την πιο σημαντική

φιλοξενήσουν νορβηγικό εθνικό περίπτερο που

η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλουν να αξιοποιήσουν

εκδήλωση στη διεθνή επιχειρηματική και ναυτιλιακή

θα παρουσιάσει τις τεχνολογικές δυνατότητες

για την αντιμετώπιση των προκλήσεων που

ατζέντα.Τα φετινά Ποσειδώνια αναμένεται να

της χώρας του ενώ εκθέτες με μακρά παράδοση

βρίσκονται μπροστά μας». Το πρόγραμμα

τονώσουν τη διεθνή εικόνα της Ελλάδας και να

στον κλάδο από την Ιαπωνία, την Κορέα, τη

συνεδρίων και σεμιναρίων της έκθεσης Ποσειδώνια

στείλουν ένα ξεκάθαρο μήνυμα στις αγορές ότι η

Σιγκαπούρη, τις ΗΠΑ, τη Δανία και την Ολλανδία

2012 περιλαμβάνει μέχρι στιγμής τις εξής

Ελλάδα παρουσιάζει επιχειρηματικές ευκαιρίες και

θα αυξήσουν την συμμετοχή τους από 30 έως

επιβεβαιωμένες εκδηλώσεις:

αναπτυξιακές δυνατότητες, όπως αποδεικνύεται

και 110%. « Τα φετινά Ποσειδώνια θα τονώσουν

από τα μοναδικά επιτεύγματα της ελληνικής

σημαντικά τη διεθνή εικόνα της Ελλάδος, σε μια

Τρίτη, 5 Ιουνίου 2012

ναυτιλίας στην παγκόσμια αγορά.

στιγμή που έχει ιδιαίτερη σημασία η χώρα μας

- Tradewinds Shipowners Forum

Η παγκόσμια ναυτιλία αρχίζει να ξεπερνά σταδιακά

να στείλει θετικά μηνύματα σε όλο τον κόσμο.

- Σεμινάριο Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας: Λύσεις και

τις δυσμενείς διεθνείς οικονομικές συνθήκες,

Θα αναδείξουν επίσης τη τεράστια σημασία της

τεχνολογία κατά της θαλάσσιας πειρατείας

όπως αντικατοπτρίζεται στα φετινά Ποσειδώνια,

ελληνικής ναυτιλίας για την οικονομία της χώρας

καθώς οι διοργανωτές της έκθεσης αναφέρουν ότι


Τετάρτη, 6 Ιουνίου 2012

ο αριθμός των εταιρειών και διεθνών οργανισμών

Ανώτερα στελέχη της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλιακής,

HELMEPA, επέτειος 30 χρόνων από την ίδρυση

που θα λάβουν μέρος από τις 4 έως τις 8 Ιουνίου

οικονομικής και εμπορικής κοινότητας θα βρεθούν

της: Διάσκεψη για την εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας στον

2012 στο υπερσύγχρονο εκθεσιακό κέντρο

στην Ελλάδα για να παραστούν στα Ποσειδώνια,

περιβαλλοντικό σχεδιασμό και τη λειτουργία των

Metropolitan Expo, έχει


αυξηθεί. Η αύξηση αυτή οφείλεται κυρίως στη

Πέμπτη, 7 Ιουνίου 2012

μεγαλύτερη συμμετοχή

- Newsfront/Ναυτιλιακή &


MARTECMA: Shipbuilding


conference 2012: Building

κρατών, καθώς και

for the Future

στη δυναμικότερη

- Σεμινάριο NAMEPA:

συμμετοχή ναυπηγείων

περιβαλλοντικά θέματα

και κατασκευαστών

και συμμόρφωση στις


Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες

εξοπλισμού, οι οποίοι διεκδικούν μεγαλύτερο μερίδιο

Παρασκευή, 8 Ιουνίου

στις παραγγελίες νέων ναυπηγήσεων των

αναγνωρίζοντας την ηγετική θέση που κατέχει η


Ελληνικών ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών, όπως επίσης και

ελληνική ναυτιλία παγκοσμίως. Παράλληλα, μεγάλα

Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιά, Τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών

εταιρειών και οργανισμών που υποστηρίζουν τον

οφέλη θα έχει και η οικονομία της Αθήνας και του

Σπουδών & Ευρωπαϊκό Ινστιτούτο Ναυτιλίας και

ελληνόκτητο στόλο.

Πειραιά από την παρουσία χιλιάδων επισκεπτών

Μεταφορών: Εφαρμογή «αιρετικών» μεθόδων

Τα Ποσειδώνια 2012 δεν θα παρουσιάσουν μόνο

που θα έρθουν στην χώρα μας για τα Ποσειδώνια,

στη ναυτιλιακή διοίκηση

νέες τεχνολογίες, προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες, αλλά

δίνοντας ώθηση στον εκθεσιακό τουρισμού υψηλού

θα εστιάσουν επίσης στα καίρια ζητήματα και

επιπέδου», δήλωσε ο κ. Θεμιστοκλής Βώκος,

Η εβδομάδα των Ποσειδωνίων 2012 θα ξεκινήσει

στις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις που επηρεάζουν το

Πρόεδρος των Εκθέσεων Ποσειδώνια.

την Παρασκευή 1 Ιουνίου με τον ιστιοπλοϊκό αγώνα

παγκόσμιο εμπόριο και τις θαλάσσιες μεταφορές.

«Εφέτος γυρίζουμε μια πολυαναμενόμενη σελίδα,

Posidonia Cup, με χορηγό το Lloyd’s Register,

Το πρόγραμμα συνεδρίων και σεμιναρίων, το

καθώς η έκθεση Ποσειδώνια θα φιλοξενηθεί

ο οποίος σηματοδοτεί παραδοσιακά την έναρξη

οποίο εγκαινιάζεται φέτος και θα φιλοξενηθεί

στο Metropolitan Expo, ένα υπερσύγχρονο

των Ποσειδωνίων. Το Τουρνουά ποδοσφαίρου

στον εκθεσιακό χώρο, πρόκειται να συμπεριλάβει

εκθεσιακό κέντρο 45.000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων,

Posidonia ShipSoccer Tournament θα διεξαχθεί

σημαντικά θέματα που επηρεάζουν σήμερα τον

το οποίο θα βελτιώσει ακόμη περισσότερο την

δύο ημέρες αργότερα, την Κυριακή 3 Ιουνίου, ενώ

κλάδο της ναυτιλίας. Φορείς λήψεως αποφάσεων

εικόνα και την παγκόσμια απήχηση της έκθεσης

η έκθεση θα είναι ανοιχτή για τους επισκέπτες

από τον κλάδο του εμπορίου, της χρηματοδότησης,

ως το σημαντικότερο οικονομικό φόρουμ της

από τις 4 έως τις 8 Ιουνίου.Τα Ποσειδώνια 2012

της ναυπηγικής βιομηχανίας, της περιβαλλοντικής

παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας και θα καταφέρει να αυξήσει

τελούν υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης,

πολιτικής και της τεχνολογίας, θα αναλύσουν και

σημαντικά τον αριθμό των εκθετών και των

Ανταγωνιστικότητας και Ναυτιλίας, του Δήμου

θα συζητήσουν στρατηγικά θέματα, επιχειρώντας

επισκεπτών που προσελκύει. Ένα σημαντικό

Πειραιώς, του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος,

να αξιολογήσουν τις μακροοικονομικές προοπτικές

χαρακτηριστικό των φετινών Ποσειδωνίων είναι το

της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, της Ελληνικής

για την παγκόσμια οικονομία και τις επιπτώσεις της

νέο πρόγραμμα συνεδρίων και σεμιναρίων, που

Επιτροπής Ναυτιλιακής Συνεργασίας, της Ένωσης

στο θαλάσσιο εμπόριο.

θα εξετάσει τις προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζει ο

Εφοπλιστών Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων

Η συλλογική δύναμη των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών,

ναυτιλιακός κλάδος», συνέχισε ο κος Βώκος.Ο

και του Συνδέσμου Επιχειρήσεων Επιβατηγού

οι οποίοι πέρυσι επένδυσαν συνολικά

κ. Γιάννης Λύρας, Πρόεδρος της Συντονιστικής


nafs mag. 60

technical article


DESMI a.s: Tests Warn Ship-Owners About Possible Shortcomings of IMO-Approved Ballast Water Treatment Systems DESMI Ocean Guard A/S was established by A.P. Moller Maersk A/S, DESMI A/S and Skjølstrup & Grønborg ApS following a successful innovation project carried out by Maersk Maritime Technology, DESMI and Skjølstrup & Grønborg. It was decided to perform the required land-based tests at the accredited test institute in Hundested (Denmark) which is owned and operated by DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute) whose expertise and assistance were greatly appreciated during the process. TEST PREMISES DESMI Ocean Guard was the first to conduct ballast water treatment tests with a UV based system in fresh water and during this process they met some unexpected challenges. Their findings offer new information to the ship owners that will soon have to ensure that their vessels are in accordance with IMO regulations. Ballast Water Treatment is a new topic in the marine world and not much experience has been gathered yet. That became very clear to DESMI Ocean Guard who chose to test their ballast water treatment system not only in saline but also in fresh water. IMO Resolution 174(58) only requires tests in two of three water types, viz. Fresh water with salinity lower than 3 ‰, Brackish water with salinity between 3-32 ‰ High-salinity water with salinity above 32 ‰ So far only the last two types have been tested by other companies offering UV-based concepts. DESMI Ocean Guard decided to test the system in fresh water and brackish water as these water qualities seemed to be more challenging. Additional requirements to silt (non-organic solids) in the test water are outlined in the IMO-Resolution, and this was taken into consideration knowing that ship owners have a natural concern about filters in their ballast water systems. Also, testing the system in fresh water is very relevant since quite a few larger harbours are fresh water harbours either the entire year round like Antwerp, or in some periods of the year like Hamburg and Bremerhaven. The same applies to several Asian harbours that are of strategic importance to A.P. Møller-Maersk. Therefore, a water treatment system that has been approved by IMO, but only tested in salt or brackish water, may unexpectedly deliver unsatisfactory test results.

DESMI Ocean Guard A/S was established by A.P.

find the answers themselves. It turned out that some

Moller Maersk A/S, DESMI A/S and Skjølstrup &

fresh water species are much softer than the ones

Grønborg ApS following a successful innovation

living in waters of higher salinity and could easier

project carried out by Maersk Maritime Technology,

squeeze through the tight filters.

DESMI and Skjølstrup & Grønborg. It was decided to perform the required land-based tests at the ac-

The IMO regulations are very strict when it comes

credited test institute in Hundested (Denmark) which

to larger organisms. Three water samples are taken

is owned and operated by DHI (Danish Hydraulic In-

and the average amount of organisms over 50 mi-

stitute) whose expertise and assistance were greatly

crons has to be less than 10 organisms per cubic

appreciated during the process

metre. Whereas when it comes to smaller organ-


isms, it should be less than 10 organisms per millilitre.

The test water is treated in three steps filtration

DESMI Ocean Guard’s specialists realized that the

UV radiation

filter, which in the beginning seemed to be the sim-

and ozone generated in-situ by the UV-system

plest and least important part of the system, had a huge impact on the success of the test results when

The DESMI Ocean Guard system is very energy-

it comes to the larger organisms. Right now DESMI

efficient and compact. Maximum observed power

Ocean Guard has a patent pending related to the

consumption of the entire system is 11 kWh/100 m3.

novel way of using the filter. By using the unique DE-

This makes it very attractive to ship owners who are

SMI Ocean Guard method, more than 90% of the

very conscious about lack of space and power avail-

tests for larger organisms showed 0 viable organ-

ability onboard their vessels.


The first tests were carried out in brackish water and

Right now the system is going through the IMO ship-

the results were compatible with IMO regulations

board test onboard the container vessel of Thurø

right away. The fresh water tests, however, pre-

Maersk. The first two out of three required tests have

sented an unexpected outcome. They showed that

already been successfully completed. The salinity of

too many large organisms (over 50 microns) could

the water tested aboard Thurø Maersk is high (34

get through the system. It made specialists wonder,

‰), meaning that the DESMI Ocean Guard Ballast

because the filter mesh is 40 microns which was

Water Treatment System has right now been suc-

enough to effectively remove organisms larger than

cessfully tested in all three salinities. At present DE-

50 microns in brackish water.

SMI Ocean Guard awaits the required 6 months test interval to pass before the final test can be finalized

Since no similar tests have been done before, spe-

by March 2012. The system will be type-approved

cialists from DESMI Ocean Guard and DHI had to

shortly after this.

Tailormade Ballast Water Treatment Solutions In DESMI Ocean Guard we combine our experience from both operating marine equipment and our long history of supplying to the shipbuilding industry.

Un iq in f ue re res s hw ults ate r

Our expertise is your insurance when selecting the right ballast water treatment system to fulfill your requirements. Test us - contact us with your inquiry and let us show you what we are able to do. Proven technology No chemicals added Proven efficiency in all water salinities - including freshwater Cost-effective water treatment Simple operation Simple installation Minimum footprint Developed and tested according to IMO rules with performance exceeding requirements Treatment during discharge prevents problems with regrowth and harmful bacteria growth in the ballast tanks Ozone generated on-site by UV lamps is injected into the ballast water to ensure optimum treatment in any water qualities Local representative in Greece:


Intra Mare Hellas 4, Skouze Str. 185 36 Piraeus Greece Phone: +30 210 429 3843 Fax: +30 210 429 3845 E-mail:

nafs mag. 62

shipping news


Αισιοδοξία για το μέλλον από την Ένωση Τραπεζικών και Χρηματοοικονομικών Στελεχών Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας “Η διεθνής δραστηριότητα των μελών της Ένωσή μας, μπορεί να δείξει τι μπορούν να πράξουν τα Ελληνικά τραπεζικά και χρηματοοικονομικά στελέχη σε όλους τους τομείς της Ελληνικής οικονομίας για να βοηθηθεί η χώρα να εξέλθει της κρίσης” Γιώργος Ξηραδάκης Γενικός Γραμματέας Από Αριστερά: Kώστας Οικονόμου (Μέλος- Τράπεζα Κύπρου), Γιώργος Ξηραδάκης (Γενικός Γραμματέας- XRTC Business Consultants), Νίκος Βουγιούκας (Αντιπρόεδρος Α’ - 3V), Αλέκος Τουρκολιάς (Πρόεδρος - Εθνική Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος), Κώστας Κουτσουμπέλης (Αντιπρόεδρος Β’ - Excell), Κατερίνα Φίτσιου (Ταμίας- XRTC), Άγγελος Παντελέων-Ρούπας - (Αν. Γ. Γραμματέας- Deutche SchiffsBank ). Τα





οιωνοί δεν είναι καλοί για τους μήνες που έρχονται

Στελεχών Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας θα διοργανώσει


λόγω της σωρείας νέων παραλαβών αλλά και της

την εκδήλωση για την Ημέρα

κάμψης της ζήτησης θαλασσίων μεταφορών.


Χρηματοδότησης με τη βράβευση ναυτιλιακής

Ιανουαρίου προκειμένου να κόψουν τη βασιλόπιτά

κ. Τουρκολιάς αναφερόμενος στην κατάσταση της

προσωπικότητας που στήριξε ενεργά την Ελληνική

τους στα γραφεία της XRTC. Παρά τις αντίξοες

Ελληνικής οικονομίας επεσήμανε ότι “η έλλειψη

ναυτιλία, θα υποστηρίξει τα σημαντικά ναυτιλιακά

συνθήκες τόσο στον χρηματοπιστωτικό τομέα

ανταγωνιστικότητας είναι το σοβαρότερο πρόβλημα

συνέδρια της Capital Link και του Lloyd’s List 9th

όσο και στις ναυτιλιακές αγορές, τα τραπεζικά

της Ελληνικής Οικονομίας και η συστράτευση

Greek Shipping & Ship Finance Conference.

και χρηματοοικονομικά στελέχη δε χάνουν την

όλων στην αντιμετώπιση του είναι η προϋπόθεση

Για πρώτη φορά φέτος θα διοργανωθεί το “Δείπνο

αισιοδοξία τους για το μέλλον της Ελληνικής

για την επανεκκίνηση της Ελληνικής οικονομίας,

των Χρηματοδοτών Ναυτιλίας” (Shipping Finan-

Ναυτιλίας. Στην καθιερωμένη ομιλία του ο Πρόεδρος

κινητοποιώντας το παραγωγικό δυναμικό και τις

ciers’ Dinner”)

της Ένωσης κ. Αλέξανδρος Τουρκολιάς, επεσήμανε

πραγματικές ικανότητες του δημιουργικού Έλληνα.

παρουσία της Eλληνικής ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας.

ότι « οι καιροί είναι δύσκολοι για τη διεθνή αλλά και

Το παράδειγμα της εξωστρεφούς επιτυχημένης

Επίσης στις αμέσως επόμενες εβδομάδες το ΔΣ

την Ελληνική οικονομία και οι τράπεζες θα πρέπει

δραστηριότητας της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας με την

θα προσπαθήσει να συναντηθεί με την νέα ηγεσία

να προσέξουν τον τρόπο διαχείρισης ενδεχόμενων

παγκόσμια πρωτοκαθεδρία πρέπει να

του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας, την Ένωση Ελλήνων


στην Ελληνική κοινωνία”.

Εφοπλιστών και τον Οργανισμό Λιμένος Πειραιώς.


“Η διεθνής δραστηριότητα των μελών της Ένωσή

Η εκδήλωση περιελάμβανε όπως κάθε χρόνο τον

Κύριος στόχος πρέπει να είναι η συνέχιση της

μας, μπορεί να δείξει τι μπορούν να πράξουν τα

καθιερωμένο αγιασμό από τον Πατέρα Δημήτριο

στήριξης στην Ελληνική ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία

Ελληνικά τραπεζικά και χρηματοοικονομικά στελέχη

και αμέσως μετά πραγματοποιήθηκε η κοπή

των ξένων τραπεζών και η γενικότερη αντοχή των

σε όλους τους τομείς της Ελληνικής οικονομίας για να

της Βασιλόπιτας από τον Πρόεδρο παρουσία

τραπεζών στην κάμψη της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς. Οι

βοηθηθεί η χώρα να εξέλθει της κρίσης” επεσήμανε

σύσσωμου του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου.

ναυτιλιακές τράπεζες ανταπεξήλθαν

με επιτυχία

ο Γενικός Γραμματέας κ. Γιώργος Ξηραδάκης και

εκδήλωση παρέστησαν πάνω από 120 μέλη της

μέχρι τώρα στη διατήρηση των σχέσεών τους

ενημέρωσε τα μέλη για τις δραστηριότητες της

Ένωσης. Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο ευχήθηκε στα

με την Ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία και αυτό πρέπει να

Ένωσης για το Νέο Έτος

μέλη και τις οικογένειες τους υγεία, ευτυχία και

συνεχιστεί και στο μέλλον παρά το γεγονός ότι οι

η Ένωση Τραπεζικών και Χρηματοοικονομικών

Χρηματοοικονομικών Ναυτιλίας














2012. Μεταξύ άλλων


με αμιγώς φιλανθρωπικό σκοπό


καλές επιτυχίες για το 2012.

Τα αποτελέσματα της Κρουαζιέρας παρουσίασε ο ΟΛΠ Τα αποτελέσματα για τον τομέα Κρουαζιέρας

Επιβατών Κρουαζιέρας Β’ (Θεμιστοκλέους), έκτασης

ετήσια αναπροσαρμογή μόνο κατά τον δείκτη τιμών

του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.

κατά το 2011 και τις πολιτικές

5.200 τ.μ. Τον Μάιο 2012 παραδίδεται ο νέος Σταθμός

καταναλωτή, χωρίς άλλες μεταβολές ή προσαυξήσεις.

κρουαζιέρας του Οργανισμού για τα επόμενα έτη,

Επιβατών Κρουαζιέρας Γ’ (Μιαούλη), έκτασης 3.200

Καθιέρωση τιμολογίου μεγάλων πελατών

παρουσίασε σε συνέντευξη τύπου ο Πρόεδρος και

τ.μ στον χώρο της πενταγωνικής αποθήκης της

Καθιέρωση ειδικών εκπτώσεων (5% - 30%)

Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος


Θέσεις προαναγγελίας και προτεραιότητας στην

Ανωμερίτης. Τα κρουαζιερόπλοια τα οποία κατά το


2011 προσέγγισαν τα λιμάνι του Πειραιά ανήλθαν σε

ταινιόδρομοι αποσκευών, οχήματα

936, έναντι 823 του 2010, παρουσιάζοντας αύξηση



οχημάτων, πούλμαν, ταξί κ.λ.π.

Κοινό check-in στα τερματικά αεροδρόμιου-λιμένος.

Οι αφιξοαναχωρήσεις επιβατών κρουαζιέρας το

Τον Μάιο 2012 παραδίδεται το νέο κρηπίδωμα

Από τα πιο πάνω συνάγονται τα ακόλουθα:

2011 ανήλθαν σε 2.515.191 έναντι 1.864.657 του



α. Ο τομέας κρουαζιέρας καθίσταται πλέον μια από

2010, παρουσιάζοντας αύξηση 650.534 επιβατών



τις πιο σημαντικές δραστηριότητες του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.

ήτοι 34,89%. Οι επι-αποβιβασθέντες επιβάτες στον

κρηπιδωμάτων 8.700 τ.μ.

β. Με βάση τις θέσεις ελλιμενισμού (ΙΙ) ο Πειραιάς

Πειραιά (homeporting) ανήλθαν σε 454.387 (+6.63%)

Το 2012 ξεκινάει το έργο της επέκτασης του νέου

παραμένει το μεγαλύτερο

και transit σε 2.060.804 (+43,26%).

λιμένα πρόσδεσης κρουαζιερόπλοιων για 6 νέες


Οι μεταβολές 10ετίας (2002 – 2011) ανήλθαν για

θέσεις πλοίων νέας γενιάς. Ήδη ολοκληρώθηκαν

γ. Το λιμάνι κρουαζιέρας του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. παραμένει

τους επιβάτες home σε 198% και για τις διελεύσεις

όλες οι απαιτούμενες μελέτες και άδειες και το έργο

τιμολογιακά κατά 30% φθηνότερο από όλα τα λιμάνια

transit σε 339%. Το 2011 εκσυγχρονίστηκε ο Σταθμός

θεωρείται πλήρως ώριμο.

της Μεσογείου.

Επιβατών Κρουαζιέρας Α’ (Αγίου Νικολάου), έκτασης

Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. αποφάσισε να διατηρήσει για τα έτη

δ. Οι χώροι εξυπηρέτησης επιβατών κρουαζιέρας

πλέον 6.300 τ.μ.

2013, 2014, 2015 και 2016 (έτος ολοκλήρωσης

(passenger terminal) αυξάνονται από 5.900 τ.μ. σε

Τον Απρίλιο 2012 παραδίδεται ο νέος Σταθμός

υποδομών νέου λιμένα) τα τιμολόγια του σταθερά με

11.200 τ.μ. εντός του 2012.













ελέγχου, μεταφοράς


προσέλευση και προσέγγιση. Καθιέρωση





μεγάλους πελάτες.

λιμάνι κρουαζιέρας της

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National Insurance Brokers SA 2 Kantharou str. Piraeus 185 37 Greece Tel.: +30 210 42 83 900, +30 210 45 33 450 Fax: +30 210 45 33 421 / 423 E-mail:

nafs mag. 64

shipping news


Internaftiki offers BNWAS & ECDIS Systems solutions

Internaftiki covers latest IMO requirement and its customers’ needs and demand for the supply, installation and/or commissioning of new BNWAS & ECDIS systems by Imtech Marine Germany. Imtech Marine Germany (former HDW-Hagenuk Schiffstechnik) is a specialist for electrics and electronics in the markets of cargo, merchant, offshore vessels and mega yachts. Its unique selling point is the combination of excellent pre- and after sales services to ship owners with cost-effective production based on European / German designs. Covering a wide range of products, the company provides whole ship solutions and equipment such as power and automation as well as navigation and communication equipment. The company has established a global sales and service network for its products and services Imtech Marine Germany supplies bridge navigation watch alarm system according to latest requirements and regulations by SOLAS, MSC. 128 (75). The system has been designed to meet all market demands and is fully compatible and expandable to cover all types and sizes of vessels. In addition, Imtech SeaGuide Electronic Chart Display Information System has been designed according to the latest ECDIS regulations and is based on the well known Hagenuk ECDIS2000. Internaftiki covers the Greek market with competitive highly regarded BNWAS & ECDIS products and is ready to support its customers before and after sales on world wide basis. Installations and/or commissioning of the above mentioned systems can be conducted by authorised service engineers in conjunction with other services. More information about both BNWAS & ECDIS can be found at internaftiki’s new developed website Internaftiki SA was inaugurated in 1975 near the Port of Piraeus. The company specialises in the field of marine and industrial products, offering an entire range of service activities on ships and yacht machinery. All services are executed on a worldwide basis by highly qualified personnel who hold exceptional knowledge in this field. For more information, contact Mr. Spyros Drosopoulos on +30 210 4126997 or email

Εντυπωσιακή άνοδος παρουσίασε ο ΣΕΜΠΟ Εντυπωσιακή





διακίνησης εμπορευματοκιβωτίων στον Σταθμό Εμπορευματοκιβωτίων του Προβλήτα Ι του Ο.Λ.Π Α.Ε. Σύμφωνα με τα στατιστικά στοιχεία για το έτος 2011, τα οποία παρουσίασε η αρμόδια Διεύθυνση του Οργανισμού: Ο συνολικός όγκος πωλήσεων σε TEU’s ανήλθε σε 500.133 εμπορευματοκιβώτια. Όπως είναι γνωστό ο Σταθμός άρχισε να λειτουργεί τον Ιούνιο 2010, οπότε και όλα τα στοιχεία για τα έτη 2010 και 2011 μπορούν να είναι συγκρίσιμα μόνο για το διάστημα Ιουνίου-Δεκεμβρίου. Η αύξηση για το διάστημα αυτό ανήλθε το 2011 σε σχέση με το 2010 σε TEU’s στο +54,5%. Το transit φορτίο TEU’s για το ίδιο διάστημα ανήλθε σε +88,2%.Από 135.418 σε 254.336 TEU’s. Σε




η αύξηση ήταν +64,0% στο γενικό και 97,3% στο transit. Η παραγωγικότητα στο Σ.ΕΜΠΟ του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. κατά το 2011 αυξήθηκε κατά 34,6 % σε σχέση με το ίδιο διάστημα του 2010 (από 104,1 σε 140,4 κινήσεις). Ο χρόνος αναμονής για τα 265 πλοία τα οποία προσέγγισαν τον Προβλήτα Ι κατά το β’ εξάμηνο του 2011 μειώθηκε στη μία ώρα και επτά

λεπτά (1:07΄) έναντι τριών ωρών το 2010.

Ο.Λ.Π. και 1.180.000 TEU’s σε ΣΕΠ) το 2011 έναντι



878.083 του 2010 (194.083 Ο.Λ.Π και 684.000

Σύμβουλος του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης

ΣΕΠ), μεγέθη τα οποία σταθερά επαναφέρουν τα

«Το λιμάνι του Πειραιά, παρά τη διεθνή οικονομική

terminals των εμπορευματοκιβωτίων του Πειραιά σε

κρίση, ξαναβρίσκει τους παλιούς του ρυθμούς. Και

διεθνή επίπεδα για την Μεσόγειο και την Ευρώπη.

στους δύο Προβλήτες Ι και ΙΙ, τους οποίους πλέον

Τα μεγέθη αυτά επαναφέρουν τον Πειραιά στη

διαχειρίζεται ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. και η ΣΕΠ Α.Ε., τα

χρονιά-ρεκόρ του 2003, με σημαντικές τάσεις

TEU’s το 2011 ανήλθαν σε 1.680.133 (500.133 σε

ανόδου και για τους δύο παρόχους για το 2012».





nafs mag. 66

shipping news



“Certified Accurate Marine Bunker Measurement Solution” & “Fuel Efficiency”

Mr. Sotirios Kaminis

The team

Kaminco held the first Marine Bunkering and Fuel Ef-

Kaminco in the top of their customers’ preference and

ficiency conference titled “Certified Accurate Marine

satisfaction lists. One of Kaminco’s strongest beliefs

Bunker Measurement Solution” & “Fuel Efficiency”

is that the benefit of the Ship Owners is the benefit for

recently, at the Metropolitan Hotel in Athens, with

all the marine industry.

great success. Representatives from major shipping

Mrs. Georgia Anifantis, Sales Manager of Kaminco,

companies, bunker suppliers, refineries and gas oil

presented Kaminco’s profile and history, as well as

stations attended the conference and showed great

Kaminco’s offices in Greece, Cyprus, USA and soon

interest in these very important issues presented by

China. Kaminco’s mission is to be a solution finder


and to support all customers with experienced per-

The most important characteristics of Kaminco’s bun-

sonnel and a Worldwide Technical Group. Together

kering solution that were presented at the event are:

with Mr. Sotirios Kaminis, they introduced the bunker-

it is the only certified solution for bunkering

ing solution, pointing out the above mentioned main

its accuracy reaches 0,5% by measuring mass and

characteristics, the fuel management solution and the

not only volume, meaning that external factors like

transparency of all features.

temperature cannot affect it

Mr. Jan Kik, Business Development Manager Marine

density identification

Industry of Emerson Process Management, present-

aeration –cappuccino effect- is identified

ed Micro Motion business overview and Coriolis prin-

no maintenance / calibration needed

cipal advantages as well as the theory of the Direct

installation, commissioning and verification by expe-

Mass Flow and Density Measurement. His presenta-

rienced technical personnel and Verification Officers.

tion also included details of the Bunkering Manage-

Mr. Sotirios Kaminis, President and CEO of Kaminco,

ment solution and the uncertainties during bunkering.

opened the event presenting Kaminco’s vision to al-

Examples, photos and calculations proving the impor-

ways offer innovative solutions and to be one step

tance of this solution not only to Shipping Companies

ahead. Kaminco’s 50 year legacy and experience, to-

but also to Barge Operators were also presented.

gether with their commitment to serve the Greek and

Mr. Aart Pruysen’s, Approval Director Europe of

Cypriot Shipping Companies 24/7, 365 days, has led

Emerson Process Management, role was to inform

Mrs. Georgia Anifantis the audience about regulations and the certificates of the solution. In his speech he explained what Custody Transfer is. He also presented the Scope and Responsibility of the MID (Measuring Instrument Directive) of the European Union. The integrity of the installation which is in compliance with EC certificates, was presented in full detail, according to the NMI certificate. Mr. Iain Gordon, Business Development Manager, followed, presenting Marine Fuel Efficiency. The marine industry trends, the pressure to optimize fuel and the efforts affecting vessel’s performance were pointed out to the participants. Fuel System Optimization by Coriolis Mass Flow Measurement is the solution he presented together with features and benefits. He also stressed the importance of the unique patented consumption algorithm the Coriolis meters use as well as the MVD Technology introduced by Micro Motion. The critical role of the Viscosity transmitters in the provided solution, was also presented. All attendants interactively participated in the entire presentation showing great interest, asking questions and commenting on each point. A lunch buffet was enjoyed by all, giving them the opportunity to discuss the above mentioned solutions with the industry experts.

Vafias group of companies named two more gas carriers in japan On the 12th of january 2012 the Vafias group of companies named two more gas carriers in japan. The two purpose built high spec fuel efficient LPG/VCM carriers both were 7,500 cbm and both flew the Liberian flag and classed by bureau veritas. The first one which was delivered on the 18th of jan was named ‘GAS HUSKY’ by mrs gill fisher wife of oman shipping co CEO mr Nicholas fisher. The 2nd one which will be delivered in may 2012 was named ‘GAS ESCO’ by mrs aimilia lagounaris. The GAS HUSKY starts a long charter to a middle eastern state company while the GAS ESCO is still unfixed. After these deliveries STEALTHGAS INC (listed GASS) still maintains its lead position as the largest owner by number of owned ships in the 3000-8000 cbm gas segment and still represents the cheapest investment opportunity for potential investors since its currently trading at a third of its currently appraised NAV!!! These two ships represent the final two of a series of 10 gas carriers that the Vafias group has ordered for a total cost of abt $250 million at this same yard! With these two ships the Vafias group fleet will grow to 62 ships comprising 38 gas carriers, 22 product and crude tankers and 2 capesize bulk carriers making it the 3rd largest group by number of ships in Greece. Moreover despite the huge group between 2008 and today with the deliveries of more than 26 nb’s at a cost of more than $1,5 billion the total debt of the group is below the usd 1 billion mark!

PHOTOS: 1. Mr Harry Vafias 2. Mr. Harry Vafias with the President of the Japanese Shipyard Mr. Kanrei

nafs mag. 68

shipping news

Large-scale cooperation between Metizoft and Polarcus


Metizoft AS and Polarcus has a close cooperation. For Polarcus two new buildings at Ulstein Shipyard, Metizoft deliver “Completion” to both of them. “Completion” is a document management platform and contains all the documentation for new buildings from the handover of the ship until scrapping of the vessel far in the future. Metizoft`s role in addition to being the supplier of the database is the collection, categorization and review of the documentation. According to Marketing Director in Metizoft, Øyvind Sundgot, the platform has the fastest

Metizoft AS join with Novomar AS


“shore to ship access,” and contribute in addition to being the fastest database that clients are having the highest quality assurance on all documentation. This may be specifications, contract documents, drawings, reports, analysis, manuals, certificates, etc. ‘Historically, slow and expensive internet access is now being replaced by a shared document database, which means that the vessels have local access and downloading opportunities. - “You will save much time and money on” completion “, confirms Sundgot. This cradle to grave documentation gives Polarcus outsourced electronic control on all documentation. Security is handled after a thorough evaluation of various server providers, and selected provider is used by many banking institutions. Safety and updates are taken care of by Metizoft in close cooperation with the customer. Metizoft have also delivered identical service for Polarcus six first vessels that came from Drydocks World Dubai, so the whole Polarcus fleet having are having “Completion”. Completion is built according to the SFI structure, and is the ultimate tool for owner and crew.

Metizoft AS and Novomar AS join forces through merging. The new company with CEO Gry Cecilie Sydhagen, will continue under the name Metizoft AS with headquarter in Fosnavåg. The departments in Tomrefjord and outside Norway will continue as usual. The merge will increase the number of employees and the activities world wide. The merge will have a positive effect for everyone involved. The skills and competence will be strengthened and the merging creates a uniqe position for the new company. The merging will also increase the varieties, depth and attractiveness in existing and new positions. Both companies has a portfolio of international known projects and by joining forces they now wish to increase the value for the customers. The new salesdivision has been strengthened by employing Øyvind Sundgot, former commercial director in Brude Safety AS. He already sees positive effects of the merging and prepares to recieve several big projects in the months to come. IMO Guidelines on ship recycling give advice to all stakeholders in the recycling process, including administrations of ship building and maritime equipment supplying countries, flag, port and recycling States, as well as intergovernmental organizations and commercial bodies such as shipowners, ship builders, repairers and recycling yards. The guidelines note that, in the process of recycling ships, virtually nothing goes to waste.

You have access anytime and anywhere and you can easily use the web browser, or a PDA. The database’s search engine makes it possible to quickly find the correct document. “Completion” is an open software technology, which avoids costly licensing agreements introduced by larger players. Sundgot adding that the platform is ready to be used for all new buildings. - “We use Metizoft`s database tool for safe storage and control of drawings and documents for all our ships, says Svein Johnny Naley. Naley is VP Marine Projects, adding that the crew is very happy because the database is quick and easy to search using the SFI structure. - “When everything is added to the database, this is a great tool,” concludes Naley. Metizoft is primarily known for its consistently green profile, and started to be the provider of the Green Passport / IHM to both new construction and sailing vessels. After the merger with Novomar in September, Metizoft now offer a more comprehensive service. In addition to Green Passport / IHM and “Completion”, Metizoft have developed a software for MED (Marine Equipment Directive) and certificate validation. Metizoft`s department in Tomrefjord are also providing maritime advisors. Department of Tomrefjord can offer a high degree of expertise in the form of engineers, inspectors, managers, etc. One of the best examples of this was when Polarcus Samur had a major refit at Salthammer Båtbyggeri after delivery from the shipyard in Dubai. These alterations may occur in the shortest possible time, and here was Metizoft the preferred partner to Polarcus. - “The future is very exciting, and we can see that we are an interesting partner for the whole of the maritime cluster. Both design companies, ship owners, shipyards and suppliers are benefiting from our services, “concludes Sundgot.

nafs mag. 70

shipping news


Novel 2000 TEU Container Feeder Vessel.

BANGKOK-MAX - Sets new standards! At 18 knots the main engine with its shaft generator will deliver the entire propulsion power including the electrical power for the Azipod unit, the hotel load and the reefer containers. Additional auxiliary power is only necessary if higher speeds (up to 21 knots) are required or if an exceptionally large number of reefer containers are carried. The vessel features an ABB Onboard DC grid system that ensures engines will be run at their optimal load at any cruising speed from 2 to 21 knots, enhancing fuel economy and providing the option of highly flexible transit speeds, including slow steaming, which is not the case for the majority of feeder vessels of today.

duces or eliminates the need for tug boat assistance

allows approximately 15 % more containers to be

in port.

carried on deck than on conventional feeder vessels

Compared to a vessel with a conventional diesel-

with the deckhouse located aft, while maintaining a

direct propulsion system the main engine has been

crew comfort in bad weather, which is superior to

considerably down-sized, and with a correspond-

designs with the deckhouse located forward.

ingly smaller propeller diameter in combination

HFO tanks have been arranged in a simple, square

with a low shaft line, ballast water to submerge the

block below the deckhouse in order to minimise

propellers in light loaded conditions is generally not

the need for trim compensating ballast water and

necessary. At 18 knots the main engine with its shaft

changes of trim during a voyage. Additionally, the

generator will deliver the entire propulsion power in-

tanks are segregated from the sides and the bottom

cluding the electrical power for the Azipod unit, the

in preparation for Clean Design Class notation.

hotel load and the reefer containers. Additional aux-

Space has also been prepared in the engine casing

iliary power is only necessary if higher speeds (up

for scrubbers or a SCR system so that the vessel

to 21 knots) are required or if an exceptionally large

can be adapted for navigating in Emission Control

number of reefer containers are carried.

Areas. The vessel is even prepared for zero-emis-

Three auxiliary engines with a total electrical power

sion port calls, because containers holding batteries

output of approximately 8000 kW are arranged in

can be stored on the aft deck and connected to the

The Danish Naval Design and Marine Consultancy

an auxiliary engine room, which is completely seg-

DC grid.

regated from the main engine room. With the main

Container capacity

engine stopped, the vessel is able to navigate with a

Five tiers of high-cube containers can be stacked

speed of more than 13 knots on auxiliary power and

in the holds and six on the hatches. In the gearless

the Azipod alone, which provides a very high degree

version the vessel will carry up to 1,448 TEU on

of redundancy and more than sufficient “return to

deck and 668 TEU in the holds corresponding to a

port” capability.

total high-cube capacity of 2,116 TEU.

Slow steaming potential and flexible transit speed

As designed, the reefer capacity below deck is 438

The vessel features an ABB Onboard DC grid sys-

TEU (or 258 FEU), and with three tiers on the hatch-

tem that ensures engines will be run at their optimal

es and four on the aft deck the capacity on deck

load at any cruising speed from 2 to 21 knots, en-

is 746 TEU (or 370 FEU), giving the vessel a total

hancing fuel economy and providing the option of

potential reefer capacity of 1184 TEU (or 628 FEU).

highly flexible transit speeds, including slow steam-

But with 8000 kW of auxiliary power installed, ac-

ing, which is not the case for the majority of feeder

cess to the reefer units is practically the only limiting

vessels of today.

factor for the number of reefers that can be carried,

Vessel layout

so the capacity on deck may be further increased

The vessel has an overall length of 172 m and a

by higher lashing bridges aft and/or lashing bridges

beam of 30 m. Deadweight at the Bangkok-max

between the hatches.

draught of 8.2 m is approximately 18,300 t, while it

Energy efficiency

is approximately 28,400 t at the fully loaded draught

The high container capacity in combination with the

of 10.5 m.

fine hull lines and very efficient propulsion system

The midship position of the narrow deckhouse pro-

gives the vessel a fuel economy 15 – 25 % better

vides a significantly better vision from the bridge and

per TEU than typical feeder vessels of similar size.

Knud E. Hansen A/S and joint venture partner ABB have developed a highly fuel efficient 2000 TEU Container Feeder Vessel. The vessel’s main dimensions have been optimised for calling in Bangkok, but the design features will deliver great benefits to operators and the environment on any route. The design delivers excellent fuel economy, reduced environmental impact, reduced need for water ballast, slow-steaming potential and flexible transit speeds, loading flexibility as well as increased container capacity including higher than usual reefer capacity. Propulsion efficiency, manoeuvrability and redundancy Propulsion efficiency is significantly boosted by an electrically driven counter rotating ABB Azipod unit, which is fitted behind the directly driven main propeller. The power balance between the main propeller and the Azipod is approximately 65/35 %, and as the Azipod can be turned 360 degrees, the vessel will have state of the art manoeuvrability, which re-

shipping news nafs mag. 71


ALIBRA thoughts….. optimism & opportunity for years ahead Anglo Italian, London based Alibra Shipping Ltd (ASL) recently hosted a reception in swanky Knightsbridge Central London to commemorate it’s 5th anniversary at The Royal Thames Yacht Club. The event was attended by close Owners, Oil Majors, Bankers, Lawyers, Shipyards, Traders and Operators. Despite the highly demanding trading environment, attendees were cheerful and enjoying the hospitality. Alibra specialises in broking freight in the dry bulk and tanker sectors, concentrating mainly on project business. Founder Giuseppe Rosano has been proactive in building bridges between the west and eastern clients, and in turn has been well rewarded with commendable results. The Alibra team consists of Shipowners, senior brokers and a master mariner. Giuseppe claims this diversity to be one of the company’s core strengths, which enables Alibra to better appreciate and fulfill client requirements. Alibra strongly believes in the shipping market and looks forward to immense opportunities and a better outlook for growth in 2012.




1. Mr. Leo Polemis, REMI Maritime, Mr. Giuseppe Rosano, ALIBRA...2. Mr. Martin French, RETIREE SHELL, Mr. Kyriakos Zarvanos, GOLDEN ENERGY...3, Mr. Tim Horne, TEEKAY, Ms. Ioanna Dionissiou, ALIBRA




4. Mr. George Contopoulos, CM LEMOS, Mr. Paul Burges, AGELEF SHIPPING...5. In high spirits!!!...6. Capt. Paul Joseph, Ioanna Dionissiou, Uday Patel, Nicola Bonetti, Thomas Buckley, Giuseppe Rosano




7. Ms, Francesca Barbaro, PIETRO BARBARO TANKERS, Capt. Paul Joseph, ALIBRA...8. Mr. Nicola Bonetti, ALIBRA, Mr. Roberto Corvetta, Mr. Rodolfo Galbiati, Mr. Domenico Calzari, ENI UK...9, Mr. George Panayides, NS LEMOS

Ναυποεπισκευαστική Ζώνη

nafs mag. 72


Θανάσης Πυρινής: Η αλήθεια για το... μη ανταγωνιστικό Πέραμα ΕΝΩΣΗ ΝΑΥΠΗΓΟΕΠΙΣΚΕΥΑΣΤΩΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ

“Οι ελλείψεις υποδομών, τα πανάκριβα μεροκάματα, η υπερεξουσία του Συνδικάτου και άλλα...” Θανάσης Πυρινής Πρόεδρος

Παρά τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν

αρμόδιοι και ενόψει των εξαγγελθεισών νέων

Με αυτό το μικτό ημερομίσθιο, οι τελικές αποδοχές



κινητοποιήσεων των εργαζομένων, με ανακοίνωση

του εργαζομένου συμπεριλαμβα-



του Προέδρου της Ένωσης Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών

νομένου του επιδόματος αδείας και το δώρο

Πειραιά κ. Θανάση Πυρινή, τονίζουν τα εξής:

Χριστουγέννων η

παραγωγικές λόγω




πρωτοφανούς μεταπολεμικής κρίσης, η μοναδική βιομηχανία που θα μπορούσε

το δώρο Πάσχα, ανέρχεται

στο πόσο των 120 ευρώ καθαρά πληρωτέα ανά «Παρά τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν όλες

ημέρα, ανά 7 ώρες εργασίας. Το δε κόστος για τις

οι παραγωγικές επιχειρήσεις στην Ελλάδα, λόγω

ασφαλιστικές εισφορές, ανέρχεται περίπου στα 65-

το πρωί είναι η Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική


70 ευρώ ανά ημέρα.


κρίσης, η μοναδική βιομηχανία που θα μπορούσε

Παρά τις συνεχείς παρεμβάσεις μας στο Υπουργείο

άμεσα να ξεκινήσει να δουλεύει από αύριο το πρωί

Εργασίας για μείωση των ασφαλιστικών εισφορών,

είναι η Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική βιομηχανία. Είναι

έως και σήμερα κανείς υπεύθυνος δεν μπόρεσε να

αδιανόητο για εμάς, η χώρα μας που έχει μία από

ανταποκριθεί σε αυτό το αίτημά μας.

τις πρώτες ναυτιλίες σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, να

Ίσως είμαστε ο μοναδικός κλάδος στην επικράτεια

στερείται παντελώς έργου ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών

με αυτό το δυσβάστακτο κόστος ασφαλιστικών

οι γειτονικές χώρες που δεν έχουν ούτε

εργασιών, ενώ οι γειτονικές χώρες που δεν έχουν

εισφορών. Το ερώτημα που τίθεται είναι, “πόσο

κατά προσέγγιση αντίστοιχη ναυτιλία,

ούτε κατά προσέγγιση αντίστοιχη ναυτιλία, οι

ανταγωνιστικοί μπορούμε να είμαστε έχοντας τα

σχετικές τους επιχειρήσεις να έχουν συνεχές και

παραπάνω κόστη ανά εργατοώρα”;

άμεσα να ξεκινήσει να δουλεύει από αύριο Είναι



εμάς, η χώρα μας που έχει μία από τις





επίπεδο, να στερείται παντελώς έργου ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών εργασιών, ενώ

οι σχετικές τους επιχειρήσεις να έχουν συνεχές και πλήρες έργο. Από την μία




πλήρες έργο. Από την μία πλευρά έχουμε τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες, οι οποίοι έχουν την διάθεση

Ωράριο Εργασίας.

να φέρουν ξανά τα πλοία τους στην Ελλάδα για

Για εμάς τους εργοδότες, Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική

επισκευές και από την άλλη έχουμε τις ελληνικές


τα πλοία τους στην Ελλάδα για επισκευές

Ναυπηγόεπισκευαστικές επιχειρήσεις που μαζί με

Δραπετσώνας, του νέου μόλου της ΔΕΗ, η

και από την άλλη έχουμε τις ελληνικές

τους εργαζόμενους

Κυνόσουρα, και τα ναυπηγεία Ελευσίνας και

διαθέτουν τεχνογνωσία και εμπειρία ώστε να φέρουν

Σκαραμαγκά (όταν αυτά λειτουργούσαν).

εις πέρας κάθε εργασία αποτελεσματικά, ποιοτικά

Επίσης, για εμάς το εργοστάσιό μας, η φάμπρικά

και γρήγορα.

μας είναι το πλοίο και όχι τα γραφεία της εταιρείας ή

Ποιοι είναι λοιπόν οι λόγοι που παρά τα ανωτέρω

το μαγαζί, στο οποίο ενδεχομένως γίνονται κάποιες

η Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική βιομηχανία μαραζώνει; Ας

μικρές κατασκευές.

αποτελεσματικά, ποιοτικά και γρήγορα.

πάρουμε τα πράγματα από την αρχή.

Επομένως το ωράριο εργασίας είναι το ωράριο επί

Με αφορμή πρόσφατο ρεπορτάζ της πρωινής

Κόστος των παρεχομένων υπηρεσιών.

Δυστυχώς, έχει καθιερωθεί, οι εργαζόμενοι όταν



Σήμερα είμαστε εξαιρετικά ακριβοί στις υπηρεσίες

εργάζονται στο Πέραμα ή τη Δραπετσώνα να

τηλεοπτικού σταθμού MEGA, το οποίο παρουσίαζε

που παρέχουμε, αν και ιδιαίτερα ποιοτικοί. Δεν

αποχωρούν από το πλοίο 20 λεπτά πριν το πέρας

τη δραματική κατάσταση στην οποία έχει περιέλθει

μπορούμε να δουλεύουμε από 4 ή 5 € ανά κιλό την

του 7ώρου.


λαμαρίνα, όταν δίπλα μας άλλες χώρες δουλεύουν,

Όταν εργάζονται στην Κυνοσούρα αποχωρούν 30

Περάματος με την αναδουλειά και την ανεργία,

μόλις με 2 δολάρια ανά κιλό.

λεπτά πριν το πέρας του 7ώρου.

προκειμένου να ενημερωθεί η κοινή γνώμη μέσω

Πώς φτάσαμε ως εδώ;

Για τα δε ναυπηγεία Σκαραμαγκά και Ελευσίνας,

των Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης και για τη δική

Στην περίοδο της ευημερίας (μέχρι τα τέλη του

αποχωρούν 1 ώρα πριν του πέρας του 7ώρου. Και

τους θέση (αν και δεν τους ζητήθηκε ποτέ και με

2008), υπήρχε υπογεγραμμένη σύμβαση μεταξύ

όλα αυτά πληρωτέα μέσα στο 7ωρο!

κανένα σχετικό «σφαιρικό» ρεπορτάζ), αλλά και

εργοδοτών και εργαζομένων με κόστος 30 € την

Σε περίπτωση υπερωριακής απασχόλησης είτε κατά

με αφορμή τις ανακοινώσεις πολλών φορέων

ώρα, 7ωρη απασχόληση, πενθήμερη εργασία,

τη διάρκεια της εβδομάδος, είτε το Σαββατοκύριακο,

και Ενώσεων σχετικά με τη ναυπηγοεπισκευή, οι

με 6 ημέρες αποδοχές στο μεροκάματο και τις

έχουμε ένα κόστος 30 € ανά ώρα.

Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστές του Πειραιά ως οι πλέον

ασφαλιστικές εισφορές.

Για να γίνει αντιληπτό, σε περίπτωση εργασίας το

πλευρά έχουμε τους Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες, οι οποίοι έχουν την διάθεση να φέρουν ξανά



που μαζί με τους εργαζόμενους διαθέτουν




ώστε να φέρουν εις πέρας κάθε εργασία













του πλοίου και αυτό πρέπει / έπρεπε να εφαρμόζεται.


nafs mag. 73

Σαββατοκύριακο, με έναρξη εργασιών 07.00 π.μ. και

μπορούσε να δεσμευθεί για τον χρόνο παράδοσης

έως μηδενικές φορές.

λήξη στις 13.00 μ.μ ή 16.00 μ.μ , το κόστος αυτής

του έργου. Έτσι, με την πάροδο του χρόνου

Γιατί λοιπόν ο πλοιοκτήτης να προτιμήσει τον

της 6ωρης ή 9ωρης υπερωριακής απασχόλησης

και με τις συνεχείς απεργιακές κινητοποιήσεις,

Πειραιά, ακόμη και αν γίνουμε ανταγωνιστικοί; Πού

είναι 180 € ή 270 € αντίστοιχα, καθαρά για τον

δημιουργήθηκε μια έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης προς

θα κάνει τον δεξαμενισμό του πλοίου του;


τη Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική ζώνη, μιας και όλοι

Σαφέστατα και η πολιτεία ποτέ δεν έχει ενσκήψει στα

Για το έτος 2010 οι ενώσεις στον χώρο της

γνωρίζουμε ότι οποιαδήποτε καθυστέρηση του

προβλήματα της ζώνης.



πλοίου όχι μόνο επιβαρύνει το κόστος ης επισκευής

Γι’ αυτό όχι μόνο δεν έχουν γίνει νέες υποδομές αλλά

σύμβαση. Οι εργαζόμενοι κλείνοντας τις πύλες

αλλά και ανατρέπει κάθε συμβατική υποχρέωση ή

και οι ήδη υπάρχούσες τελούν υπό διάλυση.

εισόδου στους χώρους των επισκευών επέβαλαν

προγραμματισμό του πλοίου προς τρίτους (ναύλο).

την υπογραφή διμερών συμβάσεων με αύξηση 5%


(ήτοι 100,8 € μικτά/ ανά 7 ώρες εργασίας), πάντα με

διαπληκτισμούς επιχειρήσεων και εργαζόμενων

Όλα αυτά τα χρόνια που έχει δοθεί πακτωλός

την τακτική “ή υπογράφετε ή δεν δουλεύετε”.





Συνυποσχετικές Παλαιότερα














σε στα

Εκσυγχρονισμός των επιχειρήσεων σε






επισκευαζόμενα πλοία ακόμη και οι ίδιοι οι

εκσυγχρονισμό των επιχειρήσεων, οι επιχειρήσεις

πλοιοκτήτες των πλοίων αναγκάζονταν να μένουν

της ναυπηγοεπισκεύης εξαιρούνται, σύμφωνα με

απλοί παρατηρητές παρόντος του συνδικάτου.

την 7η οδηγία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

συναφθεί δύο συμφωνίες κυρίων μεταξύ των

Αντιλαμβάνεστε λοιπόν, όλα αυτά τα χρόνια οι

εργοδοτών και των εργαζομένων( Συνδικάτο), οι


επιχειρήσεις εκσυγχρονίστηκαν είτε με ιδία κεφάλαια

λεγόμενες συνυποσχετικές.

Παρά τις συνεχείς συναντήσεις με τη διοίκηση του

είτε με τραπεζικό δανεισμό, για να μπορέσουν

Η πρώτη ήταν, οι επιχειρήσεις να προσλαμβάνουν

ΟΛΠ και των συναρμοδίων υπουργείων καμία


άτομα που ήταν κοντά στη σύνταξη ώστε να

από τις υποσχέσεις που λαμβάναμε κατά καιρούς

εξοπλισμό, που δεν έχουν να ζηλέψουν τίποτα με

μπορέσουν και αυτοί οι εργαζόμενοι να πάρουν

σχετικά με τον εκσυγχρονισμό των υποδομών,

αντίστοιχες του ιδίου κλάδου, άλλων χωρών.

σύνταξη, μιας και λόγω της ηλικίας και των δυσκολιών

εντούτοις ποτέ δεν εκπληρώθηκαν.

Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα παραπάνω, πολύ εύκολα

της εργασίας επί του πλοίου, ενδεχομένως να μην


μπορεί κανείς να βγάλει το συμπέρασμα γιατί δεν

τους προσλάμβαναν οι επιχειρήσεις.

5.1 ΝΑΥΣΟΛΠ. Μια εταιρεία που θα λειτουργούσε με

έρχεται κανένα πλοίο για επισκευή στο Πέραμα.

Η συμφωνία αυτή με την πάροδο των ετών

γνώμονα να αναλάβει των χώρο της ζώνης υπό τη...

Τα αποτελέσματα της συρρίκνωσης, εμείς τα ζούμε


σκέπη της, ποτέ δεν λειτούργησε.

καθημερινά και κατ’ επέκταση όλη η ευρύτερη

επιβάλει στις επιχειρήσεις, εδώ και χρόνια να

5.2 Ο ίδιος ο Οργανισμός Λιμένος Πειραιώς δεν

περιοχή του Πειραιά.

προσλαμβάνουν το 30% των εργαζομένων, με

μπορεί να προστατέψει τις υποδομές του.

Οι Επιχειρήσεις μας

εργαζόμενους της επιλογής του. Διευκρινίζεται δε,

Δένουν πλοία για επισκευή και δεν μπορούν

πρόθυρα του οριστικού λουκέτου.

ότι όλοι οι εργαζόμενοι επί του πλοίου είναι μέλη του



5000 εργαζόμενοι στον χώρο της επισκευής, είναι

ιδίου συνδικάτου.

καλώδια παροχής ρεύματος, μόλις 50 μέτρα

άνεργοι εδώ και μήνες, ίσως και πάνω από ένα

Η δεύτερη συμφωνία κυρίων, μεταξύ των εργοδοτών

από το λιμεναρχείο από οργανωμένες ομάδες,


και του συνδικάτου ήταν να μην εργάζονται επί του

οι οποίες φυσικά δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με τους

50.000 δημότες της ευρύτερης περιοχής, έχουν

πλοίου πάνω από 10 ώρες ημερησίως( 7 ώρες


επηρεαστεί οικονομικά από την αναδουλειά της

κανονικό ημερομίσθιο και 3 ώρες υπερωρία όταν και

5.3 Γερανοί του ΟΛΠ. Στους χώρους των επισκευών

Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής ζώνης.

εφόσον ήταν απαραίτητη), στα πλαίσια α) μείωση

οι γερανοί δεν λειτούργησαν ποτέ για λόγους που

της ανεργίας και β) ο εργαζόμενος δεν μπορεί να

μόνο ο ΟΛΠ γνωρίζει.


αποδώσει με πάνω από 10 ώρες εργασίας.

Έτσι αναγκαστικά σε μια επισκευή χρησιμοποιούνται

Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική ζώνη, να ανασάνουν οι

Η συμφωνία αυτή «παραφράσθηκε» από το

ιδιωτικές εταιρείες γερανών ανεβάζοντας το κόστος

επιχειρήσεις, να έχουν δουλειά με αξιοπρεπές

συνδικάτο και επιβλήθηκε προς τις επιχειρήσεις

της επισκευής προς τον πελάτη.

μεροκάματο οι εργαζόμενοι.

κατά τρόπο ώστε ακόμη και για μια ώρα πρόσθετης

5.4 Το κοστολόγιο χρήσης των δεξαμενών του ΟΛΠ

εργασίας πέραν των ανωτέρω 10 ωρών, να ζητείται

είναι απίστευτα ακριβό.





η έγγραφη συγκατάθεση από το συνδικάτο, ώστε να










κλείνουν ή βρίσκονται στα






Πρέπει να κοιτάξουμε τα λάθη μας κατάματα κι από όλες τις εμπλεκόμενες πλευρές να γίνουν

Παρά τις συνεχείς επισημάνσεις μας για τη μείωσή







επιτραπεί η περαιτέρω εργασία, αδιαφορώντας εάν

του, ποτέ δεν εισακουστήκαμε.

ξαναδουλέψει η Ζώνη και να συνεισφέρει, όπως

το πλοίο καθυστερήσει τον απόπλου ή όχι.

5.5 Ναυπηγεία.

το έκανε και παλιότερα στην ελληνική Οικονομία

Όλα τα ανωτέρω πάντα φυσικά, με την απειλή “ ή τα

Τα ναυπηγεία Σκαραμαγκά με αυτή την ιδιότυπη

δίνοντας ψωμί τόσο στις επιχειρήσεις όσο και τους

δεχόσαστε ή δεν δουλεύετε”.



εργαζόμενους!», καταλήγει στην ανακοίνωσή του

λειτουργήσουν το εμπορικό τμήμα πάνω από ένα

ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Ναυπηγοεπισκευαστών



Πειραιά κ. Θανάσης Πυρινής.

Σαν να μην έφταναν όλα τα παραπάνω, όλα αυτά

Τα ναυπηγεία Ελευσίνας τελούν υπό πτώχευση.

τα χρόνια οι συνεχείς απεργίες των εργαζομένων,

Τίθεται έτσι ένα απλό ερώτημα “και να έρθει ένα

πολλές φορές χωρίς σημαντική αιτία, δημιούργησαν

πλοίο για επισκευή στο Πέραμα, πού θα κάνει τον

μια άσχημη εικόνα για την ναυπηγοεπισκεύη

δεξαμενισμό του”;


Επισκευή χωρίς δεξαμενισμό συμβαίνει ελάχιστες

χώρα μας, διότι καμία επιχείρηση δεν






nafs mag. 74

shipping news

Feed Management Enecogen, cleanest gas plant in the Systems introduces Netherlands, now officially operational Brill® Formulation Version 2.4 With the blowing of a steam whistle, the Enecogen plant is today officially put into operation by the CEO’s

of DONG Energy and Eneco. The total investment of the plant amounts to 652 million euros.

The Enecogen power plant adds to The Netherlands power production with a production capacity corresponding to the electricity consumption of 1.4 million households. With an efficiency of 59.5% the power plant is the most efficient power plant in The Netherlands. The highly efficient turbines together with the DeMoving to further streamline and automate the feed formulation process, Feed Management Systems, Inc. (FMS) today announced the global introduction of Brill® Formulation Version 2.4, which will be available worldwide early this year. The company made the announcement here today at the International Poultry Exhibition/International Feed Expo. The enhancements incorporated into Brill® Formulation 2.4 will enable users to make faster, smarter decisions by providing insight to vital formulation information, enhancing productivity and offering a more intuitive user experience. Brill® Formulation is a Feed Management Systems brand. With a track record spanning more than 25 years, Brill® Formulation is the market leader in formulation solutions for the animal feed industry. The new enhancements built into Brill® Formulation Version 2.4 will help simplify decision making for feed formulators and nutritionists. READ MORE: subsea/projects/2165-record-interest-in-barentssea-in-22nd-licensing-round

NOx installation capturing nitrogen oxides makes Enecogen a clean competitor compared to other gas-fired and especially coal-fired plants.. READ MORE:

PPG introduces SUNGATE 600 glass for heating-dominated climates PPG





SUNGATE(R) 600 glass, a passive, low-emissivity glass that is designed to help homes retain furnace and solar heat, especially in cold, northern climates. Sungate 600 glass features a pyrolitic coating developed specifically for application on the exposed roomside (No. 4) surface of an insulating glass unit (IGU). The coating is durable because it is chemically bonded to the glass while it is still molten, and its star-crystalline structure gives Sungate 600 glass a smooth surface that cleans more easily than most other pyrolitic coated glasses. READ MORE:

McDermott Awarded INPEX Contract

Two new orders for Mulder Shipyard

Global energy demand will continue to grow over the

McDermott International, Inc. (NYSE:MDR) (“Mc-

Mulder Shipyard has received two new orders from

next twenty years, albeit at a slowing annual rate,

Dermott”) announced today that its Australian sub-

clients in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands,

fuelled by economic and population growth in non-

sidiary has received and signed a letter of award

marking a great start to 2012 for the Dutch yard. This

OECD countries lobal energy demand is likely to

for the Ichthys Gas-condensate Field Development

is shaping up to be a memorable year in general,

grow by 39 per cent by 2030 or 1.6 per cent annually,

subsea umbilical, riser, flowline (“SURF”) project by

with the scheduled delivery of several yachts and the

almost entirely in non-OECD countries.

INPEX. The contract value is in the order of magni-

opening of a brand-new second facility, construction


tude of US$2 billion and is the largest subsea con-

of which is currently in full swing.


tract McDermott has been awarded to date. READ






BP Forecasts Energy Demand


nafs mag. 75

Cargotec secures MacGregor RoRo equip- Kleven Maritime: ment orders for two Mistral-class ships Building PSV for Two new Mistral-class ships will feature navy-standard MacGregor RoRo equipment from Cargotec


Furthering Cargotec’s reputation for specialist RoRo expertise, the company has secured a contract to supply and install MacGregor RoRo equipment for two Mistral-class naval ships. The order is booked during the fourth quarter of 2011. Cargotec signed the contract with STX France, which will undertake the construction of the ships at its SaintNazaire shipyard under a subcontract with fellow French yard, DCNS. The 199m multi-role vessels were co-designed by DCNS and STX.

Kleven Maritime has signed a contract with offshore


ship owning company Ugland Offshore on the deliv-


ery of an advanced platform supply vessel. The ves-


Technip awarded contract for the Wheatstone gas processing platform

sel is to be delivered from Myklebust Yard in June 2012. “This is a very welcome signing, especially for our employees at Myklebust Yard,” says Ståle Rasmussen, CEO of Kleven Maritime. “This contract will ensure continuity for our workforce.”

Technip Oceania (TPO), a Technip Group operating

The contract is based on a hull already under con-

centre in Perth, Australia, has been awarded a con-

struction in Poland. Together with other investors,

tract, worth approximately AUD110 million (€90 mil-

J.J.Ugland (JJUC) now has returned to the offshore

lion), by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering

business through the establishing of Ugland Off-

(DSME) for the detailed design of Chevron’s Wheat-


stone offshore gas processing platform, located 200

Ugland also owns bulk handling vessels, shuttle

kilometers off Western Australia’s coast.

tankers, barges, operates tugs and is involved in

The upstream (offshore) portion of the project is com-

other maritime business. Kleven Maritime has an or-

prised of the development of gas fields in the WA-17-R and WA-253-P petroleum titles located on the North-

der book comprising 11 vessels with a total value of

west Shelf offshore Western Australia at water depths of 70 to 200 meters.

more than 4 billion NOK.





Maersk Line Leads Damen Shipyards Fuel Switch at the receives three Port of Virginia orders for five pontoons

ABB to acquire Thomas & Betts ABB and Thomas & Betts announce agreement pursuant to which ABB will acquire Thomas & Betts for $72 per share in cash ABB gains access to Thomas & Betts network of

In December 2011, Damen Pontoons & Barges

more than 6,000 distributor locations and wholesal-

signed three contracts for a total of five purpose-

ers in North America

built Damen Stan Pontoons (SPo): two Damen Stan

Transaction doubles ABB’s addressable low-voltage

Pontoons 6511 for Mammoet Maritime (The Nether-

products market to approximately $24 billion in North

lands), two Stan Pontoons 8916 ICE for Silverburn

America and enables distribution of Thomas & Betts

Maersk Line will switch to low-sulfur fuel while at

Shipping (I.O.M.) Ltd (UK) and one SPo 4113 for

products through ABB’s extensive global network

berth for all of its containerships calling the Port of

Rhumb Maritime (Australia). Delivery of the pon-

Furthers ABB’s 2015 strategy to expand its geo-

Virginia starting in February.

toons will take place between March and September

graphic and product scope in one of its most profit-

This fuel switch program will help improve air quality


able businesses. Approximately $200 million in ex-

in the greater Hampton Roads area by significantly


pected annual synergies by 2016.

reducing emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides and



particulate matter. READ MORE:


nafs mag. 76

shipping news

Hydrex: Underwater ABB wins $250 million power orders in stern tube seal Saudi Arabia replacement in Turkey and Greece ABB, the leading power and automation technology

group, has won orders worth more than $250 million from the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), Saudi

Arabia’s national power transmission and distribution

operator, to construct new substations and reinforce existing ones, to help address the growing demand for electricity. The orders were booked in the fourth quarter of 2011. One of the new gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) substations will be located south-west of Al-Hassa in the eastern region. It will facilitate the transmission of an additional 2,000 megawatt (MW) of electricity from a new gas-fired power plant being built by an independent When a 204-meter cruise vessel suffered an oil leak in its stern tube seal assembly, Hydrex was asked to carry out a permanent seal replacement. The repair was carried out with the Hydrex flexible mobdock technique and performed in stages to allow the ship to keep the tight schedule of the cruise it was on. A small Hydrex diver/technician team met up with the ship in Kusadasi, Turkey and removed the starboard side rope guard. This was done to shorten the time required for the actual replacement of the stern tube seals. It was essential in fitting the operation within the short stop the vessel made in the next harbour on its trip. The team was then completed with additional diver/technicians and sailed to Greece on board the cruise ship. The team then installed the Hydrex flexible mobdock around the stern tube seal assembly. READ MORE: subsea/projects/2209-hydrex-underwater-sterntube-seal-replacement-in-kusadasi-and-istanbuland-piraeus

power producer adjacent to SEC’s existing Qurayyah power station.. READ MORE:

Doosan Engine Achieves Production of 80 m. HP of Large, Low Speed Engines Doosan produces 2,365 low-speed engines in 27 years and 3 months; keeps world no. 2 position in vessel engine production Doosan Engine (CEO Kim Dong Chul) announced on January 30 that it has achieved a combined production figure of 80 million horsepower of large, low-speed engines in the shortest period of time in the industry. Doosan Engine successfully conducted test operation of a 98,000 HP-class engine, which will be installed in a 10,700 TEU-class container vessel, at its plant in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province. READ MORE:

AVEVA boosts nuclear focus

AKER wins drilling London Somalia facilities coference

AVEVA (LSE:AVV), announced today it has opened

Aker Solutions has been awarded a contract by Sta-

The outcome of a UK-hosted conference on Somalia

a new office in Charlotte, North Carolina to support

toil to deliver replacement and upgrading of the drill-

has been welcomed by IMO Secretary-General Koji

the growing global nuclear energy market.

ing equipment and systems on the Snorre A platform

Sekimizu. The conference, held at Lancaster House,

The office, based on the prestigious Ballantyne Cor-

in the North Sea. Estimated contract value is NOK 1

London on 23 February, saw a wide-ranging exami-

porate Business Park, will focus on sales and sup-

billion. The main object of the project is to extend the

nation of the many problems currently afflicting So-

port for clients engaged in engineering, design-build,

technical lifetime up to 2040 and improve HSE fac-

malia, including piracy.

handover/commissioning and on-going operations

tors while keeping the capacity and operational avail-


for the nuclear industry.

ability “as-is”. READ MORE: http://www.nafsgreen.








nafs mag. 77

TOPSHIPS announces corporate developments

TOP Ships Inc. (NasdaqGS: TOPS), an international maritime shipping company that provides transporta-

Remi Eriksen new CEO of DNV Maritime and Oil & Gas

tion services for crude oil, petroleum products, and dry bulk commodities, announced today that the Company’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to reduce the size of the Board of Directors from seven Directors to four Directors in order to reduce the Company’s administrative expenses. READ MORE: Remi Eriksen will take up the position as Chief Executive Officer of DNV Maritime and Oil & Gas on 1 March. Following its acquisition of the majority

Pallas extends the Timecharter contract with Thun companies

shareholding in KEMA, DNV is now establishing a group structure with three companies to manage the strong multiple industry positions it now holds. DNV is today a world leading ship classification society and a well-established provider of risk management

Pallas Group has through its subsidiary, Ocean Rederi

services to the oil and gas industry. These activi-

AB, extended the Timecharter contract with Erik Thun

ties will be organised in one company, called DNV

AB for the vessel M/V Pallas Ocean for another 12

Maritime and Oil & Gas, which will have some 5,500

months. The 12 month period began on 1 February.

employees and an extensive global reach. The com-

“We are now entering the 5th year as owner of M/V

pany will be headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and

Pallas Ocean and in a bad market because of over-

provide services to DNV’s traditional core markets.

capacity of ships.






Hess introduces energy solution

UK club debuts innovative maritime risk scheme

New deliveries in 2012 for AET

Marine mutuals like the UK P&I Club are committed to reducing the number and size of insurance claims

they receive. After all, in the P&I world, members own their respective clubs and through pool arrangements within individual clubs, they in effect pay their Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) today announced

AET – one of the world’s largest tanker owner-oper-

the launch of Hess Energy Solutions, offering com-

ators and the leading provider of lightering support

prehensive energy services for commercial, indus-

services in the US Gulf – will take delivery of two ad-

trial and institutional customers. Building on its ex-

ditional newbuild lightering support vessels (LSVs) in

pertise in energy markets, Hess Energy Solutions

April and June. This follows the successful trial of the

delivers integrated solutions that help organizations

world’s first purpose-built LSV that entered service

save money. READ MORE:http://www.nafsgreen.

with AET in October 2011.





own claims. The lower the level of claims, the higher the probability that the cost of insuring through the club will reduce. After much study and only after indepth trials with certain shipowners, the UK P&I Club is now launching an innovative risk management scheme utilising a ‘BowTie’ approach to identifying areas of risk and minimising the occurrence of incidents.. READ MORE: human-factor/insurance/2319-uk-club-debuts-innovative-maritime-risk-management-scheme

nafs mag. 78

shipping news

New York State Advocates Uniform US National Ballast Water Standard

Technip and DSME awarded contract for the HEJRE project in Denmark Technip, in partnership with DSME, was awarded by DONG E&P and BAYERNGAS, a contract for the HEJRE project development, offshore Denmark, at a water depth of 70 meters. This contract covers engineering, procurement, fabrication, hook-up, and commissioning assistance for a fixed wellhead and process platform and associated facilities.The platform includes 11,500-ton topsides supported by a 6,500-ton jacket, and is designed to process high pressure and high temperature hydrocarbons fluids. The platform, which also comprises a living quarter to accommodate 70 people and a flare, will be

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a press release stating that it will work with other states to pursue a uniform national ballast water standard that will leave in place the EPA’s current standards in New York for the remainder of the EPA’s current Vessel General Permit through December 2013.NYSDEC believes that the EPA proposed standards for 2013-2017 (which include that ballast water treatment equipment is to include monitoring capabilities to check compliance with IMO’s D2 discharge standard and with the conditions under which it was type approved and allows for exemptions for specific ship types (barges) and for restricted areas of operation) can be strengthened and NYSDEC will work with others to advocate a more protective national approach. READ MORE: people/regulation/2317-new-york-state-advocatesuniform-us-national-ballast-water-standard

capable of producing up to 76 million standard cubic feet of gas per day and 35,000 barrels of oil per day. READ



Boskalis acquires port contract in Argentina Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) has been awarded a contract for capital and maintenance dredging in the port of Bahia Blanca, Argentina. The contract value is approximately EUR 90 million and was acquired together with the Jan de Nul Group. Boskalis’ share of the total contract is approximately EUR 55 million. The project scope includes capital dredging and a five year maintenance contract to maintain the depth. The capital dredging work will be performed in 2012 and 5.5 million cubic meters firm soil will be removed with a large seagoing cutter suction dredger. READ MORE:

New rules for DONG digests 50% Exxon Mobil announces production chamber systems of offshore farm

DONG Energy has today signed an agreement to

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) announced

Personnel air locks are essential pieces of equip-

sell 50 per cent of the German offshore wind Borkum

the startup of production from the Usan field, off-

ment for compressed air work, particularly in tunnel-

Riffgrund 1 to the LEGO Group’s parent company,

shore Nigeria. ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso E&P

ling projects.

KIRKBI A/S, and the Oticon Foundation, via its in-

Nigeria (Offshore East) Limited has a 30 percent

Currently for simple personnel airlocks there exist

vestment company, William Demant Invest A/S for a

interest in the deepwater project. “This project repre-

some basic national requirements in individual coun-

total sum of DKK 4.7 billion.

sents another major achievement of the industry and

tries as well as a European standard.


Nigerians working together to develop the country’s



resources”. READ MORE: http://www.nafsgreen.






shipping news nafs mag. 79


Cargotec secures MacGregor RoRo equip- Kleven Maritime: ment orders for two Mistral-class ships Building PSV for Two new Mistral-class ships will feature navy-standard MacGregor RoRo equipment from Cargotec


Furthering Cargotec’s reputation for specialist RoRo expertise, the company has secured a contract to supply and install MacGregor RoRo equipment for two Mistral-class naval ships. The order is booked during the fourth quarter of 2011. Cargotec signed the contract with STX France, which will undertake the construction of the ships at its SaintNazaire shipyard under a subcontract with fellow French yard, DCNS. The 199m multi-role vessels were co-designed by DCNS and STX.

Kleven Maritime has signed a contract with offshore


ship owning company Ugland Offshore on the deliv-


ery of an advanced platform supply vessel. The ves-


Technip awarded contract for the Wheatstone gas processing platform

sel is to be delivered from Myklebust Yard in June 2012. “This is a very welcome signing, especially for our employees at Myklebust Yard,” says Ståle Rasmussen, CEO of Kleven Maritime. “This contract will ensure continuity for our workforce.”

Technip Oceania (TPO), a Technip Group operating

The contract is based on a hull already under con-

centre in Perth, Australia, has been awarded a con-

struction in Poland. Together with other investors,

tract, worth approximately AUD110 million (€90 mil-

J.J.Ugland (JJUC) now has returned to the offshore

lion), by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering

business through the establishing of Ugland Off-

(DSME) for the detailed design of Chevron’s Wheat-


stone offshore gas processing platform, located 200

Ugland also owns bulk handling vessels, shuttle

kilometers off Western Australia’s coast.

tankers, barges, operates tugs and is involved in

The upstream (offshore) portion of the project is com-

other maritime business. Kleven Maritime has an or-

prised of the development of gas fields in the WA-17-R and WA-253-P petroleum titles located on the North-

der book comprising 11 vessels with a total value of

west Shelf offshore Western Australia at water depths of 70 to 200 meters.

more than 4 billion NOK.





Maersk Line Leads BP Forecasts RoABB to acquire Fuel Switch at the bust Global Energy Thomas & Betts Port of Virginia Demand to 2030

ABB and Thomas & Betts announce agreement pursuant to which ABB will acquire Thomas & Betts for $72 per share in cash ABB gains access to Thomas & Betts network of more than 6,000 distributor locations and wholesalers in North America Transaction doubles ABB’s addressable low-voltage products market to approximately $24 billion in North America and enables distribution of Thomas & Betts

Maersk Line will switch to low-sulfur fuel while at

Global energy demand will continue to grow over the

products through ABB’s extensive global network

berth for all of its containerships calling the Port of

next twenty years, albeit at a slowing annual rate,

Furthers ABB’s 2015 strategy to expand its geo-

Virginia starting in February.

fuelled by economic and population growth in non-

graphic and product scope in one of its most profit-

This fuel switch program will help improve air quality

OECD countries lobal energy demand is likely to

able businesses. Approximately $200 million in ex-

in the greater Hampton Roads area by significantly

grow by 39 per cent by 2030 or 1.6 per cent annually,

pected annual synergies by 2016.

reducing emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides and

almost entirely in non-OECD countries.


particulate matter. READ MORE:http://www.nafs-






nafs mag. 80

shipping news


Record interest in Ramboll, into 2012 with new projects Barents Sea in 22nd licensing round In the Norwegian part of the North Sea Ramboll will

be responsible for a new subsea pipeline FEED study. Here the objective is to ensure gas transport export capacity from planned and future field developments. Also in Norway Ramboll will be performing various environmental studies for Statoil on a large scale decommissioning project. These studies will function as a basis for handling the content in storage cells and for preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment.

The third new contract is found in the Danish part of the North Sea. Here the Tyra East Rationalisation Project The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received proposals from 37 companies regarding blocks which the companies wish to see included in the 22nd licensing round. A total of 228 blocks and partial blocks have been nominated in the 22nd licensing round, 107 of which were nominated by two or more companies. Some 181 blocks in the Barents Sea have been nominated, the highest-ever number. - In this round of nominations, particular interest has been shown in our northernmost sea areas, confirming that the Barents Sea is an exciting and internationally attractive petroleum province. This represents major opportunities for the entire region. Exploration in all of the areas which have been opened up is also very important for ensuring further activity, employment and ripple effects throughout Norway, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Ola Borten Moe. READ MORE: subsea/projects/2165-record-interest-in-barentssea-in-22nd-licensing-round

Navios Maritime Partners L.P. Announces Cash Distribution

includes optimisations of the Maersk Oil operated Tyra complex and gas infrastructure by reducing capacities to match the future production forecasts. READ MORE:

Quantum Energy Plans to Link Israel, Cyprus and Greece via Subsea Cable Quantum Energy Ltd, an electricity company controlled by Athens-based Public Power Corporation SA, plans to build a cable connecting Israel to Europe via Cyprus and Greece as demand increases in the region. The 2,000-megawatt, subsea EuroAsia Interconnector, undergoing a feasibility study, would stretch 540 nautical miles, Nassos Ktoridis, chairman of PPC-Quantum Energy, said on Monday at a briefing in Nicosia. The European Union may part-fund the 1.5-billion-euro project, he said. Israel and Cyprus, which both reported offshore natural gas discoveries in the past two years, may earn more money by generating power from the resource and exporting it, rather than shipping the fuel itself. READ MORE:

Production resumes at Bonga and EA

Successful appraisal well in Malaysia

Clean up of the 20 December leak from the Bonga

Bertam-2 was drilled to a total depth of 1,884 metres

offshore oil field has now been completed success-

by the jack-up rig “Offshore Courageous”. The objec-

fully. Production resumed at Bonga on January 1

tives of the well were to appraise and test the Oli-

2012, following reinforcement of asset integrity and

gocene lower coastal plain sandstones of the PM307

safety programmes. READ MORE: http://www.nafs-

PSC area. READ MORE: http://www.nafsgreen.




Navios Maritime Partners L.P. announced that its Board of Directors has declared a cash distribution of $0.44 per unit for the quarter ended December 31, 2011. This distribution represents an annualized distribution of id=”mce_marker”.76 per unit. The cash distribution will be payable on February 14, 2012 to unit holders of record as of February 9, 2012. Navios Partners (NYSE: NMM) is a publicly traded master limited partnership. READ MORE: subsea/projects/2165-record-interest-in-barentssea-in-22nd-licensing-round

shipping news nafs mag. 81

news Empire Navigation takes delivery of MV Iron Fritz

The company is pleased to announce that M/V Iron Fritz (176,000 DWT Bulk Carrier) came under our Management on 18th of January 2012. The delivery of the

Fairstar to expect 50,000 DWT vessel FORTE on May 23

vessel took place at Xiamen Port (China). EMPIRE NAVIGATION INC was established in February 2009 and its offices are located in Glyfada, Athens. Our Company is a member of INTERTANKO, BIMCO, OCIMF, and HELMEPA. Its Safety Management System has been designed in order to meet all the relevant requirements of ISO 9001-2000 (Quality), ISO 14001-2004 (Environment) and TMSA. ABS certified our Company since 18th of August 2009 and issued the DOC

Fairstar Heavy Transport N.V. (FAIR) announces that


it will take delivery of the 50,000DWT semi-submers-


ible vessel FORTE, currently under construction by Guangzhou Shipbuilding International (GSI) in Chi-

ABB to provide energy management system for new Viking Line ferry ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won an order to provide an energy management system for one of the world’s most environmentally-friendly cruise ferries, which is due to be delivered to Viking Line in 2013. The ship is being built in Finland at the STX Yard in Turku. The new cruise ferry, a 218 meter vessel with a top speed of 22 knots, will have the capacity to carry 2,800 passengers and will serve the route connecting Turku, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden. Through efficient use of this fuel, the ship will have extremely low emissions and virtually zero marine emissions. READ



na, on May 23, 2012. Willem Out, Chief Operating Officer of Fairstar, visited the FORTE just before the beginning of the Chinese New Year Holiday. He reported “GSI has done an exceptional job. We have agreed to take delivery of the FORTE on May 23. The quality of the construction and the performance features of this ship have impressed us from the beginning of our collaboration with GSI. FORTE will sail straight away to a module fabrication yard in North Asia to load her first cargo for the Gorgon LNG Project and is under contract for as long as twenty six months. READ MORE: sea-world/shipping/2168-fairstar-to-expect-50000dwt-vessel-forte-on-may-23-2012

New S2C/2/ADCP WSS delivers TEN Declares Version 2.0 system Quarterly Dividend boiler and cooling from EvoLogics water treatment $0.15 per share WSS delivers automated boiler and cooling water treatment for major customer25.01.2012 (Ships Service)Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) has signed an agreement to supply boiler and cooling water dosing control units to ten 13,200 TEU newbuilds under construction at Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Korea on behalf of Hapag-Lloyd. Integral EvoLogics GmbH, a leading provider of innovative

$0.15 per share dividend payable 14 February,

solutions for underwater communication, upgrades

2012 Consistent dividend paid since October 2002,

its S2C/2/ADCP multiple access system to Version

Reaches $9.225 per share in cumulative distribu-

2.0, adding important features that optimize data re-


trieval from multiple ADCP instruments. EvoLogics


collected and analysed feedback information from the


system’s field tests. READ MORE:http://www.nafs-


to the boiler and cooling water circulation systems, the units monitor water conditions to ensure a controlled chemical dosing regime is applied in the correct proportions. READ MORE: magazine/administrator/index.php?option=com_ content&sectionid=17

nafs mag. 82

τελευταία σελίδα


Ο αγώνας της Κιμώλου κατά των Γερμανών κατακτητών ΤΟ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΝΩΛΗ ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΙΟΥ

Στο ασφυκτικά γεμάτο από κόσμο αμφιθέατρο του Ευγενιδείου Ιδρύματος έγινε στις 16 Δεκεμβρίου η παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του επιτίμου αρχηγού Λ.Σ. ναυάρχου Μανώλη Πελοποννησίου «Η Κίμωλος στον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο και στην κατοχή, συμβολή Μήλου – Σίφνου – Σερίφου». Η πρωτοφανής συρροή του κόσμου έδωσε και το μέτρο της απήχησης του βιβλίου στο ευρύ κοινό, που συμπαρίσταται ενεργώς σε κάθε πνευματική εργασία, η οποία υπενθυμίζει και εκθειάζει τα ηρωϊκά κατορθώματα του ελληνικού λαού και την αντιστασιακή του δράση κατά του οποιουδήποτε κατακτητού. Στην εκδήλωση παρευρέθησαν πολλοί πνευματικοί παράγοντες και εξέχοντες εκπρόσωποι του δημοσίου βίου της χώρας, όπως ο αγωνιστής Μανώλης Γλέζος, ο Νίκος Κούνδουρος, ο αρχηγός του Λ.Σ. κ. Κ. Σούλης, ο δήμαρχος Παλαιού Φαλήρου κ. Χατζηδάκης, ο πρόεδρος του Ευγενιδείου Ιδρύματος και άλλοι. Το έργο του συγγραφέως παρουσίασαν οι κ.κ. Μάνος Βερνίκος πλοίαρχος Ε.Ν., Κώστας Δούκας συγγραφέας-δημοσιογράφος, Μιχ. Μπαλαφούτης υποναύαρχος Λ.Σ. και Χάρης Μπαμπούνης αν. καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Όλοι οι ομιλητές εξήραν την ουσιαστική συμβολή του Μανώλη Πελοποννησίου στην αποκάλυψη μιας σημαντικής σελίδας της ελληνικής ιστορίας , καθώς το βιβλίο του ρίπτει

Ο αγωνιστής Μανώλης Γλέζος, με τον συγγραφέα Μανώλη Πελοποννήσιο και τον δημοσιογράφο Κώστα Δούκα κατά την εκδήλωση

άπλετο φώς στον ωραίο αγώνα του λαού της Κιμώλου στην καταπολέμηση των Γερμανών κατακτητών με θυσία της ζωής τους. Με αδιάσειστα στοιχεία, γραπτά και φωτογραφικά ντοκουμέντα και διασταυρωμένες αφηγήσεις, ο συγγραφέας εξαίρει την ηρωϊκή δράση και θυσία των συμπατριωτών του Κιμωλίων, ανδρών και γυναικών στο πλαίσιο του αγώνα εθνικής αντίστασης του ελληνικού λαού για την αποτίναξη του Άξονα και για την στήριξη των οραμάτων, των ιδανικών, των ιδεών και των δημοκρατικών πεποιθήσεων των Ελλήνων. Το κοινό που παρακολούθησε την εκδήλωση, εμφανώς συγκινημένο από τις αναφορές του ομιλητή σε συγκεκριμένα και επώνυμα περιστατικά ανδρείας και ηρωισμού των Κιμωλίων, αλλά επηρεασμένο και από τος σημερινές συγκυρίες των δεινών του Ελληνικού λαού, που προέρχονται από τον ίδιο γεωπολιτικό χώρο, χειροκροτούσε τους ομιλητές και τον ίδιο τον συγγραφέα, ο οποίος δεν δίστασε να στηλιτεύσει τους υπευθύνους για τα δεινά των σύγχρονων Ελλήνων, καθώς και τον πρόεδρο του Ευγενιδείου Ιδρύματος κ. Λ. Ευγενίδη, ο οποίος κάτω από συγκινητική φόρτιση, δεν έκρυψε τα αισθήματα ψυχικής ανάτασης, που προκαλεί το βιβλίο, ενώ απέδωσε τα δεινά που δοκιμάζει ο Ελληνικός λαός στην εσωστρέφεια και στην έλλειψη ανάδειξης ηθικών προτύπων, που οδήγησαν στην χαμένη γενιά της μεταπολίτευσης. Εξ άλλου ο Κώστας Δούκας ολοκληρώνοντας την παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του κ. Μ. Πελοποννησίου τόνισε τα εξής: “Το βιβλίο του ναυάρχου Μανώλη Πελοποννησίου συνειρμικά μας θυμίζει ότι, αν το Αιγαίο εξακολουθεί να είναι ακόμη ελληνικό, απειλούμενο όμως πανταχόθεν από επίβουλους νομείς του υποθαλάσσιου πλούτου του, αυτό το οφείλει στους θαλάσσιους αγώνες του έθνους κατά τη διάρκεια των αιώνων. Μπορεί να υπήρξαν Θερμοπύλες και Πλαταιές, Μαντίνειες και Μαραθώνες, αλλά οι θαλασσινοί αγώνες που διεξήγαγε το έθνος των Ελλήνων από της αρχαιότητος μέχρι της νεωτέρας εποχής, με τους Θεμιστοκλείς και του Κίμωνες, με τους Αλεξάνδρους και τους Νεάρχους, με τους αυτοκράτορες του Βυζαντίου και με τους Μιαούληδες και τις Μπουμπουλίνες, υπήρξαν απείρως περισσότεροι και αποφασιστικότεροι εναντίον των εχθρών του έθνους. Σήμερα πια, από το άγος της παγκοσμιοποίησης και του υπερπληθυσμού, έχουμε όλοι συνειδητοποιήσει, κάτω από την ολομέτωπη και απροσχημάτιστη επίθεση των κάθε λόγης κερδοσκόπων κατά της χώρας μας, ότι τίποτε δεν είναι αυτονόητο χωρίς αγώνες και θυσίες, χωρίς πλοία και ναυτικούς, χωρίς κουπιά και έλικες, χωρίς ακόμη νησιώτες ήρωες, από αυτούς που περιγράφονται στο λίαν επίκαιρο αυτό βιβλίο. Αυτούς τους θαλασσινούς ήρωες της νεωτέρας ιστορίας μας, μικρούς το δέμας αλλά χαλυβδίνου εθνικού φρονήματος, θέλησε να εξάρη ο Μανώλης Πελοποννήσιος με το βιβλίο του, για να θυμίσει προς κάθε κατεύθυνση πώς όλοι πρέπει να έχουμε μνήμη και πρότυπα αγωνιστικότητας και ηρωϊσμού, αν θέλουμε να διατηρήσουμε την εθνική μας ανεξαρτησία, που σήμερα είναι περισσότερο από ποτέ, το μεγάλο διακύβευμα». Το βιβλίο «Η Κίμωλος στον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο και στην Κατοχή» κυκλοφορεί σε δεύτερη βελτιωμένη έκδοση από τις εκδόσεις κ. Μ. Ζαχαράκη. Τηλ και Fax 210-8834329

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