issue June 2012 ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179
green IV
the leading Greek Shipping magazine
Ballast water management
Dedicated to continue setting standards of excellence and offering practical solutions.
TED PETROPOULOS Financial focus
Environmental regulations towards 2020
Energy savings make sense
ATH. REISOPOULOS Facing up to the environmental impact of shipping
Dr. STAVROS MEIDANIS A Holistic Approach to Energy Management for the Shipping Industry
Ballast Water Treatment System
04 περιεχόμενα
Περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ, ΔΙΜΗΝΙΑΙΟ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ, IOYNIOΣ 2012, ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ Β, ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 87 - ΕΤΟΣ: 16Ο Καράμπαμπα 12, Άγιος Δημήτριος, 17343, τηλ: 2104286606, fax: 2104286610, e-mail:, Ιδρυτής: ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ, Ιδιοκτήτης - Εκδότης: ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ, Διεύθυνση Παραγωγής: Περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ.
Ποσειδώνια 2012 Η τελευταία ανάσα για την Ελληνική οικονομία
‘Ισαλος γραμμή
Οι εκλογές και η ναυτιλία The outlook for 2012 and beyond
2012: The remodeling of piracy attacks
Butterfly and ball valves The Salvor and the environment Your global partner in shiprepair & technical service
Ballast Water Management System
Victoria Liouta
Chemical Free Water Treatment
Optimarin Ballast System:
Athanasios Reisopoulos
Francois Teissier
George Gerassimou
American Bureau of Shipping
The effect of Maritime Piracy and Somalia on Marine Insurance Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement will be the forthcoming challenge for BWTS A simple, flexible and very effective solution A pragmatic shade of green Intra Mare gets a leading role come
for the years to
Dedicated to continue setting standards of excellence and offering practical solutions.
Det Norske Veritas
Spyros Zolotas
Innospec’s Contribution to comply with SEEMP
Environmental regulations towards 2020
Chemical Free Water Treatment approved by engine manufacturer on board LNG Carrier Al Aamriya
Facing up to the environmental impact of shipping Outlook on CO2 Emissions for the Worldwide Containership Fleet and Possible Reduction Targets
Nikolas Skarpidis
KROHNE Skarpenord
Environmental issues a high priority within the shipping community Tank monitoring and alarm system
Laval 100 Alfa Why Nynas chose PureBallast
104 Article At last, 5 ppm type approval certification
Energy savings make sense Ballast water treatment challenge cleanballast solution
for bilge water separators
Stavros Meidanis 106 Dr. A Holistic Approach to Energy
Management for the Shipping Industry
PAVILION 114 SWEDISH Posidonia 2012
Why Nynas chose PureBallast
Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού.
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Ποσειδώνια 2012
Η τελευταία ανάσα για την Ελληνική οικονομία
γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας
Τον Ιούνιο η καρδιά της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας χτυπάει στην Ελλάδα. Τα Ποσειδώνια 2012 λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ένα εκθεσιακό κέντρο αντάξιο του ονόματός τους, υπερκαλύπτοντας τις ανάγκες επισκεπτών και εκθετών. Εκατοντάδες εταιρίες, χιλιάδες επισκέπτες δίνουν το παρών, και αναμένεται για άλλη μία φορά να είναι τα καλύτερα Ποσειδώνια όλων των εποχών. Η οικογένεια Βώκου, εδώ και πολλές δεκαετίες, συνεχίζει τον αγώνα της για την ανάδειξη της ναυτικής βιομηχανίας ως πρωτοπόρου στην παγκόσμια κλίμακα. Πολλές οι εταιρίες που συμμετέχουν παρά το αρνητικό πολιτικό κλίμα, στέλνοντας μήνυμα όχι μόνο στους Έλληνες πολιτικούς αλλά πολύ περισσότερο στους Ευρωπαίους, που αδυνατούν να δεχτούν ότι η Ελλάδα έχει ικανούς ναυτίλους που τα έβγαλαν πέρα σε κάθε κρίση, και με το ίδιο πάθος και διορατικότητα θα τα καταφέρουν να βγάλουν από την κρίση την οικονομία που περνά δύσκολες ώρες όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα αλλά και στην Ευρώπη. Η Ελλάδα, πρώτη παγκόσμια ναυτική δύναμη, για ακόμα μία χρονιά στερείται αυτονόμου υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας, ύστερα από απόφαση του πρώην πρωθυπουργού Γιώργου Παπανδρέου να το καταργήσει χωρίς κανέναν λόγο. Με λύπη παρατηρώ τις τελευταίες μέρες - πλην ελαχίστων εξαιρέσεων - την πλήρη ανυπαρξία σχεδίου ναυτιλιακής πολιτικής από τα κόμματα που διεκδικούν ξανά την ψήφο μας στις 17 Ιουνίου. Κανείς επίσης δεν αναφέρεται πια στη ελληνική ναυτιλία και στο συνάλλαγμα που φέρνει στην χώρα μας ακόμα και σε αυτές τις δύσκολες εποχές που όλοι σχεδόν οι κλάδοι της βιομηχανίας έχουν παγώσει. Το πλοίο - ιερό τέρας της θάλασσας - βρίσκεται πάντα εκεί με όλες τις συνθήκες με ναυτικούς έμπειρους που τα δίνουν όλα για να διασφαλίσουν την αποστολή τους, ενώ όλα τα στοιχεία της φύσης και όχι μόνο, βρίσκονται εκεί για να τους ανακόψουν τα σχέδια. Ο εφοπλιστής έχει να αντιμετωπίσει εκτός του ανταγνωνισμού, ένα σωρό αντιξοότητες όπως πειρατεία, ναυτικά ατυχήματα, ρύπανση, χιλιάδες σελίδες κανονισμών για την θάλασσα, προσωπικές επιθέσεις, ακόμα και επίδοξους απαγωγείς.
Δρατηριοποιούνται σε ένα πλήρως εχθρικό κράτος, που τους αντιμετωπίζει με τον χειρότερο δυνατό τρόπο, αντί να τους φερθεί όπως γίνεται σε συναδέλφους τους στα υπόλοιπα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη ή στην Αμερική. Χρόνια και χρόνια έχουν περάσει και ακόμα δεν μπορεί αυτό το κράτος να λύσει τα θέματα της σημαίας, των πληρωμάτων, της φορολογίας, των λιμένων, αλλά και των ναυπηγείων που σήμερα πεθαίνουν, ενώ θα έπρεπε να απασχολούν χιλιάδες εργαζόμενους και επιχειρήσεις που δραστηριοποιούνται γύρω από το πλοίο και προσφέρουν στην οικονομία και στην ανάπτυξη. Υπάρχουν σήμερα επιχειρηματίες του χώρου που επενδύουν εκατομμύρια ευρώ στις νέες τεχνολογίες που αφορούν το πλοίο, που σχετίζονται με την ασφάλεια και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Τολομούν και κοιτούν στα μάτια επιχειρηματικούς ομίλους του εξωτερικού, ρίχνοντας χρήμα στην εγχώρια αγορά, αψηφόντας την πολιτική αδιαφορία των κυβερνώντων. Φέτος, είναι ακόμα μια γιορτή για τη ναυτιλία. Τα Ποσειδώνια δίνουν για ακόμα μία φορά το στίγμα και το μέγεθος της μεγάλης αυτής βιομηχανίας, που όλοι οι παγκόσμιοι οργανισμοί έχουν πέσει επάνω της και την καταδιώκουν όπως ο Ιαβέρης τον Γιάννη Αγιάννη. Δεν υπάρχουν άλλα περιθώρια για να συνεχίζουν οι πολιτικοί να αγνοούν και να χλευάζουν πολλές φορές τους Έλληνες εφοπλιστές λέγοντας πως είναι φοροφυγάδες. Οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές με τις ιδέες τους έγιναν οι αφορμή για να χτιστεί μία τεράστια βιομηχανία στο όνομα του περιβάλλοντος και της ασφάλειας στην θάλασσα την οποία πληρώνουν αδρά κάθε φορά που αλλάζουν οι νόμοι, τα MOU και τα νούμερα των εκπομπών ρύπων. Σεβασμός λοιπόν στους Έλληνες εφοπλιστές και στο κολοσσιαίο δημιούργημά τους που κινεί το 90% του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου. Καλό θα ήταν οι πολιτικοί να περάσουν από τα Ποσειδώνια 2012, για να δουν με τα μάτια τους τι ακριβώς σημαίνει ναυτιλία και πως επιτέλους θα έπρεπε να κάνουν κάτι για να φέρουν τα πλοία στην Ελλάδα και όχι για να τα διώχνουν. Καλή επιτυχία στην έκθεση των Ποσειδωνίων 2012, που καταφέρνει κάθε φορά να ενώνει τον χώρο στην ωραιότερη χώρα του κόσμου.
Visit us! Hall 4 - Stand 205
12 ίσαλος γραμμή
Οι εκλογές και η ναυτιλία
Γράφει ο Κ. Δούκας Η
αποτελεί τον πυλώνα της ανάπτυξης. Ο Πάνος
λειτουργεί από πολλών δεκαετιών υποδειγματικά
πληθώρα κομμάτων και κομματιδίων, πολυδιάσπαση
Καμένος πήγε ένα βήμα πιο πέρα: Προσκάλεσε τους
που ισοδυναμούσε σε μια προεκλογική πόλωση,
London Greeks να ...εγκαταλείψουν το city και να
αναγκαίες υποδομές σε κάθε τομέα ναυτιλιακής
σε συνδυασμό με την μεγάλη αποχή, οδήγησε στο
εγκατασταθούν στην Αθήνα, την από καιρού εις καιρόν
δράσης (ναυτασφάλειες, ναυλώσεις, χρηματιστήριο
εκλογικό αποτέλεσμα της ακυβερνησίας και σε νέες
πυρπολούμενη και καταστρεφόμενη, στην προφανώς
ναύλων, χρηματοπιστωτικές συναλλαγές κλπ). Το
εκλογές που κατέπληξε τον κόσμο, έκανε το πολιτικό
από του ιδίου βαπτισθείσα «πόλη της ναυτιλίας» με
χρηματιστήριο αυτό δεν έχει καμμία σχέση με την
σκηνικό περισσότερο ρευστό και πολλαπλασίασε
την υπόσχεση ότι θα τους χορηγήσει δωρεάν γη να
ελληνική γκανιότα, όπου το inside trading δημιουργεί
τις πιέσεις των δανειστών μας για τους κινδύνους
τη διαμορφώσουν όπως οι ίδιοι θέλουν, με απόλυτη
πλουσίους πολιτικούς μέσα σε μια νύκτα. Στο Λονδίνο
οριστικής πτώχευσης της χώρας.
ιδιοκτησία για ένα αιώνα και για την ακρίβεια για
υπάρχει σταθερό νομοθετικό πλαίσιο που ευνοεί την
99 χρόνια, όπως ισχύει η νομοθεσία αυτή για την
επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα και δεν την τιμωρεί.
Μέσα σε αυτό το ρευστό πολιτικό σκηνικό, δεν
ιδιοκτησία στο αγγλικό δίκαιο, το ίδιο που απειλεί με
τοποθετείται μόνο το μέλλον του ελληνικού λαού
κατάσχεση τα πλοία των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών, όπως
Δεύτερον, υπάρχει σταθερό φορολογικό καθεστώς
αλλά και το μέλλον της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, η οποία
ο ίδιος ο κ. Καμένος κατήγγειλε.
που διέπει τις ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις residents και
πέφτει και αυτή θύμα του αγγλικού δικαίου που
μη residents εφοπλιστών, πλοιοκτητών και brokers,
εφαρμόζεται στο δεύτερο μνημόνιο, καθώς επιτρέπει
Βεβαίως πρόκειται για όνειρο θερινής νυκτός η
που δεν ποινικοποιεί βέβαια την επιχειρηματική
στους δανειστές της Ελλάδος την δυνατότητα να
κατάσχουν οποιοδήποτε πλοίο υπό ελληνική σημαία.
από το Λονδίνο, επειδή οι σημερινοί πολιτικοί τώρα
δικαιοσύνη και οι λοιποί κρατικοί θεσμοί, η δημόσια
Είναι ακραίο ενδεχόμενο, που επισημάνθηκε όμως
μόλις αρχίζουν να συνειδητοποιούν ότι το πλοίο,
ασφάλεια αποτελεί την κορωνίδα της έννομης τάξης,
προεκλογικά από κάποιους πολιτικούς αρχηγούς
η προπέλα, ο εφοπλιστής και ο ναυτεργάτης κάτω
ενώ υπάρχει ένα standard επίπεδο κοινωνικής ζωής
και που δεν μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, όταν μάλιστα η
από τη γαλανόλευκη μπορούν να μεγιστοποιήσουν
χωρίς την ασχήμια των παρανόμων μεταναστών και
Ελλάδα ολισθήσει προς την ακυβερνησία, την οριστική
την σταθερή συνεισφορά τους στο ΑΕΠ, αν ληφθούν
την εγκληματική δράση τους και χωρίς τις κραυγαλέες
πτώχευση και την δραχμή.
κάποια τολμηρά και ρηξικέλευθα μέτρα. Αλλά οι
αντιθέσεις μεταξύ πλουσίων και φτωχών, αντιθέσεις
Έλληνες εφοπλιστές ούτε μύωπες είναι ούτε ηλίθιοι.
που στην Ελλάδα στοχοποιούν την επιχειρηματικότητα.
Το σχεδόν άψυχο σώμα της εμπορικής μας ναυτιλίας
Όταν τα αριστερά κόμματα, τα αυθεντικά μεταλλαγμένα
περίμενε το φιλί της ζωής από μια σταθερή κυβέρνηση
πρώην σταλινικά και τα «γιαλαντζί» τύπου ΣΥΡΙΖΑ,
Δεν υπάρχει λοιπόν καμία περίπτωση ανώφελων
που θα προέκυπτε από τις εκλογές της 6ης Μαΐου,
δεδηλωμένων εχθρών της ναυτιλίας, συναγωνίζονται
αλλά αυτό δεν συνέβη. Τα προβλήματα της ναυτιλίας
σε κορώνες εξύβρισης των εφοπλιστών, τους οποίους
σε ένα περιβάλλον πλήρους πολιτικής αστάθειας,
μας παραμένουν ακέραια και περιμένουν ματαίως
σε κάθε ευκαιρία αποκαλούν δημοσίως κλέφτες,
τη λύση τους. Προεκλογικά, όλοι ανακάλυψαν της
απατεώνες, φοροφυγάδες και οιονεί υπεύθυνους
πυρίτιδα. Οι μισοί αρχηγοί της πολυκομματικής
για το κατάντημα της Ελλάδας, ποιός ο λόγος να
πολιτικής παρακμής, εκτεταμένης διαφθοράς και
Βουλής, κατά την προεκλογική τους «εκστρατεία»
εγκαταλείψουν οι εφοπλιστές το ήρεμο και πολιτισμένο
πολιτικού οπορτουνισμού, στο όνομα του οποίου
εντός κλειστών κυρίως και ελεγχομένων χωρών («δια
city και το αψόγως λειτουργούν Baltic και να έλθουν
ετερόκλητα άτομα, τα πλείστα εντελώς ακατάλληλα
του φόβου των Ιουδαίων») ανακάλυψαν ότι η λυδία
στην ήδη πτωχευμένη και ξεπουλημένη Ελλάδα, για να
και άπειρα περί την δημόσια διοίκηση, όπως ηθοποιοί,
λίθος της πολυπόθητης και μηδέποτε ερχόμενης
ακούν καθημερινά το κοντό και το μακρύ της Αλέκας και
δημοσιογράφοι, αθλητές, συνδικαλιστές, προπονητές,
ανάπτυξης είναι η ναυτιλία.
του Αλέξη, του ΠΑΜΕ και των λοιπών «συνιστωσών»;
πασαρέλας, κ.ά. εισβάλλουν στον δημόσιο βίο μόνο Ο Αντώνης Σαμαράς έχει δεσμευθεί να ανασυστήσει
Αρκετοί πολιτικοί στο παρελθόν φιλοδόξησαν να
και μόνο για να λύσουν το βιοποριστικό τους ζήτημα
φέρουν στον Πειραιά (με την ευρύτερη έννοια του
και ενδεχομένως να πλουτίσουν, μέσα στο πλαίσιο
Ναυτιλίας. Ο Ευάγγελος Βενιζέλος επίσης στήριξε
όρου) τους London Greeks ήδη από την εποχή της
της ατιμωρησίας όλων εκείνων, που βάζουν χέρι στο
τις ελπίδες του στις εφοπλιστικές επενδύσεις και στις
Θάτσερ, χωρίς ποτέ να το κατορθώσουν για πολλούς
δημόσιο χρήμα, καθως η δικαιοσύνη έχει δεμένα
συναλλαγματικές προσόδους και τόνισε ότι η ναυτιλία
και συγκεκριμένους λόγους: Πρώτον, στο Λονδίνο
τα χέρια της, υπήκουσα στις ιδιοτελείς νομοθεσίες
ίσαλος γραμμή 13
της νομοθετικής εξουσίας υπερ των μελών του
«γέρνουν», αφού προηγουμένως έγιναν η βάση
Δεν νοείται, είπαν οι πολιτικοί αρχηγοί,
Κοινοβουλίου, εν ενεργεία και εν αποστρατεία. Σμήνη
χρηματισμού και ξεπλύματος μαύρου χρήματος
τέτοιων ανθρώπων εισέβαλαν στο δημόσιο βίο κατά
πολιτικών ανδρών και γυναικών. Οι συνδέοντες την
να έχουμε την μεγαλύτερη ναυτιλία
τις πρόσφατες εκλογές της 6ης Μαίου, εγγράφοντας
μεγάλη ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία με μια εγχώρια ανθούσα
υποθήκη υψηλών αμοιβών μέχρι την επόμενη
εκλογική αναμέτρηση.
αποσυνδέσουν τις δύο έννοιες για τους εξής λόγους: Οι
του κόσμου και να στερούμεθα ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής βιομηχανίας. Αυτό ακούγεται σωστά, αλλά μόνο για τους αδαείς περί τα ναυτιλιακά. Ευχής
Ελέχθη όμως προεκλογικά και το εξής παράδοξο.
βιομηχανίες, διαθέτουν υψηλή προηγμένη τεχνολογία,
έργον βέβαια θα ήταν να έχει η Ελλάδα
Δεν νοείται, είπαν οι πολιτικοί αρχηγοί, να έχουμε την
ανταγωνιστικό κόστος, ισχυρό τραπεζικό σύστημα
μεγαλύτερη ναυτιλία του κόσμου και να στερούμεθα
με κρατική συμμετοχή ικανό να χρηματοδοτήσει τους
ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική υποδομή,
ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικής βιομηχανίας. Αυτό ακούγεται
εφοπλιστές με το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της αξίας των
σωστά, αλλά μόνο για τους αδαείς περί τα ναυτιλιακά.
παραγγελομένων πλοίων, αγνοούν τον όρο «απεργία»
Ευχής έργον βέβαια θα ήταν να έχει η Ελλάδα
και παραδίδουν τα πλοία μέσα στις προθεσμίες των
ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική υποδομή, που διέθετε στο
συμβολαίων. Τι από όλα αυτά μπορούν να συμβούν
ο Ανδρεάδης, ο Καρράς, ο Περατικός,
παρελθόν, την οποία είχαν δημιουργήσει εξέχοντες
στην Ελλάδα ώστε να υπάρξει ναυπηγική βιομηχανία;
ο Χανδρής και άλλοι, αλλά από την μια
Έλληνες εφοπλιστές, όπως ο Νιάρχος, ο Λάτσης, ο
Ατυχώς, έτσι που πάνε τα πράγματα, θα χάσουμε
Ανδρεάδης, ο Καρράς, ο Περατικός, ο Χανδρής και
ακόμη και τη ναυτιλία μας, καθώς θα επαληθευτεί η
η σοσιαλαμανία της Νέας Δημοκρατίας
άλλοι, αλλά από την μια η σοσιαλαμανία της Νέας
ρήση του Μεταξά προς τον υπουργό του επί των
Δημοκρατίας και από την άλλη η διαλυτική τακτική
Οικονομικών, όταν αυτός εισηγήθηκε την φορολόγηση
του ΚΚΕ με τις εξαρθρωτικές απεργίες, οδήγησαν
των πλοίων. «Τα πλοία, είπε ο Μεταξάς, έχουν έλικα
την μεγάλη και την μικρή ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική
έχουν σημαία που την αλλάζουν και δεν μας στέλνουν
ναυπηγοεπισκευαστική μας βιομηχανία
μας βιομηχανία είτε σε διάλυση είτε σε εκφυλισμό
ούτε χαιρετίσματα...».
είτε σε διάλυση είτε σε εκφυλισμό
3:45 µ.µ.
που διέθετε στο παρελθόν, την οποία είχαν δημιουργήσει εξέχοντες Έλληνες εφοπλιστές, όπως ο Νιάρχος, ο Λάτσης,
και από την άλλη η διαλυτική τακτική του ΚΚΕ με τις εξαρθρωτικές απεργίες, οδήγησαν την μεγάλη και την μικρή
τύπου Εσκαντάρ Σάφας.
the marine
of technology
London Office INTRA MARE LTD Southgate N14 5BP, U.K Tel: +44 20 8242 5520 e-mail:
Piraeus Office INTRA MARE HELLAS, 4 Skouze Str. - 185 36 Piraeus - Greece tel: +30-210-4293843 - fax: +30-210-4293845 e-mail:
Oslo Office TANKER ENGINEERING AS Colbjornsens Gate 13 - 0256 Oslo - Norway Tel: +47 22441515 e-mail: web:
Cyprus Office Limassol - Cyprus Tel: + 357 25 348568 e-mail:
16 financial focus Greek Ship Finance
The outlook for 2012 and beyond By Ted Petropoulos, Head, Petrofin Bank Research
As 2012 evolved, an increasing number of banks entered into a “shut down” mode. This included a number that until recently had been still active in ship
Graph 1
lending. As a result, the dwindling number of still active banks became inundated with new loan applications. Such still active banks reacted by being even stricter in their selection of clients and approval of specific transactions and more demanding in their loan yield requirements. Hence, we have a clear example of a credit squeeze in Greek ship finance, whilst for 2012 alone 332 newbuildings (Clarkson’s, April 2012) are due for delivery, of which 73 are in service already, whereas 259 are due to be delivered and shall require some finance. To some extent, the ship finance shut down can be explained by the problem status of most shipping sectors and the poor prospects, due to their oversupply and large newbuilding older books. To a further extent, it can be explained by the increasing number of loan restructures, covenant breaches and repayment defaults, which have lessened bank appetite for new business. It is certainly quite hard for a bank to consider granting a new loan, if it is concurrently engaged in foreclosures, loan losses and provisions and facing a declining quality shipping loan portfolio.
though current market conditions are not very sup-
the European recession has also affected demand for
The above negative factors have been to a large part
shipping for the main three sectors dry bulk, tankers
counterbalanced by the increasing loan yields being
Adding to the banks’ troubles has been the erosion
and containers.
offered to banks by new credits and restructured cred-
of their liquidity as more and more depositors are ei-
The above bleak picture for both international trade,
its, as well as the much lower lending percentages of-
ther switching their deposits to a very small number
as well as the banking industry may, however, be
fered for new loans to high quality clients.
of strong banks, or to Far East banks or to the North
near the bottom. As and when international banks
Despite the negative influences of the condition and
American Banks or to the European Central Bank
shall achieve capital and liquidity adequacy, they will
prospects of shipping markets, the main reasons for
recommence their lending in general, as well as ship
the credit shut down is not shipping related. It has to
The above liquidity problems have forced many banks
lending. Ship lending at current low vessel prices to
do with the financial weakness of the European banks
to resort to the ECB for short and medium term bor-
experienced, financially strong and trusted clients, at
themselves, who as per the latest Petrofin Bank Re-
rowing, details of which have been made public.
record loan yields will be very appealing to banks, in
search ©, last year accounted for 82% of total Greek
Some banks have been seeking to repay such ECB
the future. Shipping unlike commercial loans, offers
ship finance. This weakness has manifested itself in
loans, as a sign of their financial robustness. This ef-
collateral to banks, in support of loans. As the interna-
numerous ways, all of which acting together have de-
fort has further reduced available funds for lending in
tional growth prospects shall improve, so will interna-
nied banks the ability to extend new loans, even to
general and shipping in particular.
tional trade and moreover, the slowdown in new orders
their most worthy clients.
With Europe displaying increasing signs of recession
and increasing scrapping may well tip the balance and
The global banking crisis has developed into primarily
as it follows the new public deficit containment poli-
restore market equilibriums for shipping sectors, es-
a European banking crisis. Banks, unable to generate
cies, there are increasing signs that the banking credit
pecially as demand for shipping shall recover over the
fresh capital (due to their low share prices), had to re-
crunch is adding to the European recession and de-
next couple of years.
sort to deleveraging. In this way, the ratio of the bank’
priving many companies of much needed liquidity.
The question, therefore, remains when will such a re-
balance sheet to its capital improves.
Business on the whole and shipping in particular can-
covery take place. From a banking point of view, we
Basle III calls for minimum capital adequacy ratios
not function without shipping credit.
Shipping is a
believe that 2013 shall be a critical year, when bank re-
being reached by banks in stages over the next few
capital intensive industry and in the absence of loans,
covery will manifest itself to a recovery of ship finance.
years with July 1st 2012 and 1st of January 2013, be-
vessel values are being hammered, as only few buy-
Political pressures in Europe and the increasing plight
ing two key dates.
ers can buy second hand vessels. This may explain
of Spain, Italy and Portugal, as well as other Europe-
Many banks have focused on these dates and have
to a large extent the collapse of vessel values. The
an countries, should lead to a relaxation of the state
slowed down all their lending accordingly.
At the
slowdown in international letter of credit business has
deficit targets and a re-assessment of the economic
same time, they hope to be able to generate additional
also had an effect on international trade. China’s slow-
model, which will start focusing also on employment
capital via asset sales and or subsidiary sales, even
down coupled by the anemic growth of the US and
and economic growth. The IMF anticipates a growth
financial focus 17
recovery to 4.1% in 2013 and 4.4% in 2014, as the US, China and the Far East shall pick up its economic growth. The above rates of global growth are expected to produce an increase of international trade to
Graph 2
about 5% - 6% per annum. There still remain many issues and problems to overcome. Although the world economy and the international banking system remain fragile, there are good prospects of a recovery in 2013. For Greek ship finance, the position is even more difficult to analyse. According to Petrofin Bank Research©, the latest released figures on Greek ship finance show a complicated picture of a rise to $67.694bn, a growth of 2.2%, but with the addition of an extra 16 banks that have recently emerged in public eye as participating in syndications club deals or restructures for publicly listed companies. The standard supporters of Greek ship finance, however, show an overall drop of 1.89%, with the Greek banks topping that at -8.6%. It is unlikely that Greek banks shall be financially able to re-enter ship finance in a significant manner in 2013, due to their peculiar status of being essentially nationalized and looking for a way to repay the European capital received as a result of the Greek PSI. Please see the exposure, as of the end of 2011 for Greek banks to Greek ship finance, by Petrofin Bank Research © (Graph 1). A second factor concerns political and economic sta-
Graph 3
bility in Greece, as well as, remaining in the EU and the Euro. Although Greek shipping is not directly affected by the state of Greece’s internal economy as such, and owners have contingency plans to deal with adverse developments in Greece, lending banks are wary of Greek developments. This applies more to Banks with a Greek presence (see Graph 2), which shall be affected should Greece leave the Euro and / or the European Union, as a whole. Some banks have taken the rather extreme view of classifying all Greek shipping loans at the same rating as the country itself. This is unwarranted, as the vessels and the businesses are truly international. However, one cannot fight prejudice and certainly many banks have made efforts to downplay their Greek ship finance exposure, this year. Banks without a local presence have fared better in 2011 (see Graph 3) and any new banks lending to Greek owners shall emerge in this category. In contrast, Greek ship owners remain committed and bullish about shipping. This is expressed by their continuous appetite for young second-hand vessels. Moreover, Greek owners have sought to overcome the lack of ship finance by turning to institutional private investments, the public markets or private investments, to finance their shipping acquisitions. It has been remarkable how committed Greek owners have remained towards shipping, despite the crumbling economic and political world around them. They foresee a shipping, banking and global recovery in the years to come and sense that buying new and modern used vessels in the next 1-2 years shall constitute very rewarding investments. The credit vacuum created by the financial weaknesses of the European banks (with notable exceptions) will be exploited by fresh entrants. There is already some evidence of fresh lenders entering the market, even though their numbers are not yet significant see latest Petrofin Bank Research © at
As Greek owners increasingly look to the Far East and
vessels with the latter being worst affected.
some are setting up offices and joint ventures there,
Subject to the political, economic and banking de-
local banks are keen to support their further expan-
velopments in Greece, a recovery by the European
sion. Recent studies of the Singapore and Hong Kong
Banking industry in 2013 and beyond, coupled by a
banking markets show that they retain their appetite
recovery of world international trade, should allow for
for shipping risk, provided this shall be deemed to be
a recovery of Greek ship finance in 2013 and more ro-
local. The move eastwards has been coupled by the
bustly later. New entrants are increasingly expected,
opening up of bank accounts by Greek owners in the
to make their presence felt, drawn by the attractive
international financial centers, in the Far East and the
yields, terms and conditions of Greek loans.
buildup of deposits. This has laid the foundation for
China has and will continue to play a very important
local loans, especially if they are linked to Far Eastern
role in this recovery as a major economy, a major ship-
building nation and as a growing ship finance player.
To summarise, Greek ship finance has been particularly hard hit, due to, primarily to non-shipping factors
Lastly, Greek owners’ commitment to the industry
and more closely linked to the inability and unwilling-
should allay banks’ concerns and demonstrate, once
ness of European banks to provide the substantially
again, that the Greek shipping shall remain a competi-
new credit required for newbuildings and second-hand
tive and powerful force in the years to come.
18 piracy report
2012: The remodeling of piracy attacks By Konstantinos Apostolopoulos, Sales Manager,Aspida Maritime Security
The number of ships captured by pirates in the Indian
and Commercial Maritime Security Companies , in-
by the need to patrol vast distances, so the idea was
Ocean during the first quarter of 2012, has dropped
cluding pre - emptive strikes by military forces and
‘to attack the heart of Piracy’. A difficult move, with
compared to the same period last year.
use of deterrents such as armed guards, razor wire
possible casualties for innocent people.
From January to April 2012, only 27 attacks took
and heightened monitoring watches along with better
Some EU countries such as Italy, along with Naval
place in the Indian Ocean as compared to 91 attacks
intelligence have cut attacks forcing pirates to adapt
patrolling, proposed the use of military personnel on
occurred in the same period last year. EUNAVFOR
their model.
board merchant vessels. A move that has already
has reported a decrease of 14% in the success rate
“The new model includes instead of larger com-
caused the life of two innocent fishermen in the M/V
of pirates for the first quarter of 2012. The number of
mercial vessels, dhows. Dhows are more effective.
Enrica Lexie shooting incident. Highlighting the need
the ships held by pirates in January last year was 32,
They are essentially camouflaged amongst the huge
for specifically trained and experienced armed secu-
while there were only 5 such cases at the end
numbers of genuine fishing boats and dhows carry-
rity personnel. Naval forces have the challenge of
of January 2012.
ing cargo locally off the Horn of Africa”, said Rorry
monitoring large amounts of legitimate dhow traffic
According to information released by the EUNAV-
Lamrock (Intelligence analyst).
passing through the region. “There are hundreds of
FOR Press Officer, Mr. Timo M. Lange there are
“Weapons and ladders can be easily jettisoned over-
them going about their legal trade and they have to
three reasons for this reduction: A) the 150 escorts
board whenever naval forces approach, making it
be careful with the intelligence they target” (Robin
for World Food Program B) the 126 for the African
difficult for navies to disrupt. When a larger vessel
Pomeroy, Reuters).
Union Mission in Somalia and C) the increased com-
gets hijacked for use as a mothership, it is usually
Somali pirates have been very active in the last few
pliance with the Best Management Practices with the
well reported and naval forces and commercial ships
years and the world community has actively taken
shipping industry, the increased use of armed
in the area will be on the lookout.”
measures against them. Thanks to all these meas-
security teams on board and the combined actions
Ship industry officials said pirates were attempting
ures, the situation has changed considerably. How-
of foreign navies at sea. The mission of all the above
more diverse attacks and were pushing further into
ever, until recently the makers of International law
is deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of
the Northern Gulf of Oman and Red Sea to prey on
have found it difficult to keep pace with the situation
piracy and armed robbery, the protection of vulner-
areas not so heavily patrolled. Our records show that
and the need for new up-to-date laws and regula-
able shipping and the monitoring of fishing activities
over the past six months there have been four at-
tions. A such the legal frame work is complicated.
off the coast of Somalia.
tacks in the Northern Red Sea, even off Al Huday-
Vessels have to be well protected with armed guards
Pirates on the other hand are reverting to old tac-
dah. Five incidents in the Northern Gulf of Oman,
from reputable PMSC’s with experience, modern
tics to evade navies & PCASP’s. “They are switch-
three of which were further north than the port of Fu-
weapons & equipment and up to date knowledge of
ing back to using smaller cargo and fishing boats as
jairah in the UAE towards the vital Strait of Hormuz
current best management practices.
motherships, hoping to evade detection as maritime
oil choke point.
Aspida is a market leader in providing comprehen-
security is stepped up to foil their attacks” pinpoints
Some believe that the current situation is a series
sive anti-piracy solutions drawing on years of experi-
Joe Angelo, Managing Director of INTERTANKO.
of opportunistically random events which prove suc-
ence conducting 100’s of both armed transits with a
Pirate Groups started using large merchant vessels
cessful. On the other hand it may occur that pirates
100% success and safety record in addition to deliv-
- including tankers - that they had seized as mother-
target specific vessels that transit through both
ering high quality consultancy and auditing services
ships. These type of vessels enable them to operate
aforementioned areas.
to the maritime market.
further and for longer periods at sea and in harsher
In sight of this danger, the European Union not only
If you have any questions or require more informa-
weather conditions. In addition to giving them more
decided on the expansion of Operation Atalanta but
tion please feel free to contact us (+30 210 7279255,
flexibility when launching their high speed attack
also for the first time conducted onshore operations or visit our website
craft (skiffs). However, the vigorous action of navies
to disrupt pirate activity. The Naval forces are limited
Reliability and wide range
of electrical equipment
5 Sfactirias str., 185 45 Piraeus, Greece T: +30 210 4137362, +30 210 4124660-1 F: +30 210 4125061 E: http:
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Στο ξεκίνημα 1975 Σημαία: Mήκος: Πλάτος: Iπποδύναμη: Tαχύτητα: • 1.500 Τόνοι
Eλληνική 79 μέτρα 11,7 μέτρα 1.500 ίπποι 12 κόμβοι
Σημαία: Eλληνική Mήκος: 157 μέτρα Πλάτος: 25 μέτρα Iπποδύναμη: 12.000 ίπποι Tαχύτητα: 18 κόμβοι • 956 Eμπορευματοκιβώτια
Ένα από τα 6 αδελφά πλοία M.V. KRITON
Σήμερα Σημαία: Eλληνική Mήκος: 351 μέτρα Πλάτος: 43 μέτρα Iπποδύναμη: 102.000 ίπποι Tαχύτητα: 25,5 κόμβοι • 9.500 Eμπορευματοκιβώτια
Σημαία: Eλληνική Mήκος: 304 μέτρα Πλάτος: 40 μέτρα Iπποδύναμη: 78.000 ίπποι Tαχύτητα: 25,6 κόμβοι • 6.420 Eμπορευματοκιβώτια
Ένα από τα 5 αδελφά πλοία
Ένα από τα 8 αδελφά πλοία (Sealand New York)
COSTAMARE SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. Ξεκίνησε από ναυτικό, την εξέλιξη και την προκοπή της την οφείλει στους συνεργάτες της έλληνες ναυτικούς, στη θάλασσα και στη στεριά. Eίναι η εταιρεία που αυτό δεν το ξέχασε ποτέ και το αποδεικνύει με τις ενέργειές της. Πάντα χρειαζόμαστε ικανούς νέους συνεργάτες για να συνεχίσουμε μαζί το έργο των παλαιοτέρων. Eάν ενδιαφέρεστε να είστε ένας από αυτούς, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο τηλέφωνο 210 94.90.180 ή στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας στο Fax: 210 94.09.051-2, στο e-mail:, στη διεύθυνση: Zεφύρου 60 & Λ. Συγγρού, 175 64 Π. Φάληρο, Aθήνα.
22 insurance market
Victoria Liouta
The effect of Maritime Piracy and Somalia on Marine Insurance Managing Director, Vilmar International S.A Piracy reporting centers have tracked piracy since
len cargoes and delayed trips. On top of these, it
ers. At first glance the shipping companies, the ship-
1992 and piracy has become an international media
is considered an economically driven phenomenon
owners and parties with an interest on the cargo
subject since then. Maritime Piracy has created an
which affects us all and could also trigger a major
appear to suffer losses because they are indemni-
expanding concern and disruption of trade between
environmental catastrophe.
fied by insurers. To minimize the loss arising from
Europe and Asia based on a continuing uncertainty
It was in May 2008 when Maritime Piracy had
acts of piracy insurers will seek to recover the lost
over the prompt delivery of goods.
reached its highest level since the International Mar-
cargo, however these efforts will be stopped by the
There is a variance as to the net costs of piracy
itime Bureau’s Piracy Reporting center began track-
frequently unclear legal basis for prosecuting these
which on the lower side is $1b and the higher side
ing piracy incidents in 1992. However recently pub-
acts and by the associated cost. The insurance sec-
is $16b. The ransoms are in excess of $180m and
lished reports show a further record increase of the
tor stands little chance of minimizing the incurred
insurance premiums vary from $470m to $3.3b.
number of incidents. The main reasons that seem
loss and therefore pays up.
Security equipment varies from $363m to 2.5b and
to “feed” piracy are considered to be the enormous
The losses attributable to piracy primarily affect ma-
total estimated cost is between $7 to $12b per year.
volume of commercial freight that moves by sea, the
rine hull, marine cargo and protection and indemnity
Insurance and rerouting add costs pressures to
selected ship route that need to be followed to pass
(P&I) insurance. Losses may also be indemnified
those concerns. Four issues involving insurance:
through “dangerous” sea areas like the Canals of
under loss of hire (LoH) insurance. With regard to
1/ war risk, 2/ kidnap and ransom, 3/ cargo and 4/
Panama and Suez, the Straits of Malacca etc., the
ransom payments, however the real issue is wheth-
hull in Lloyds Market Association classified the Gulf
downgrading of the marine surveillance that has led
er on certain facts such coverage will be excluded
of Aden as a war risk. War risk premiums have in-
to a further downgrading of the means of monitor-
from the hull insurance and will fall on war risks.
creased 300 times from $500 per ship per voyage
ing territorial waters and the prompt willingness of
So, as long as even the smallest threat of hijack off
towards $150,000 per ship per voyage during the
the ship-owners to pay increasingly large sums of
Somalia remains, companies worldwide will make
past year. Kidnap and ransom premiums usually
money to get their vessels back.
money trying to secure vessels against it. The K&R
cover only the crew. Hull insurance may cover any
The rapid increase in sea piracy has serious implica-
insurance for ships is a type of cover, a business of-
damage to the ship from piracy, weather or sinking.
tions for insurance. It affects all the shipping compa-
fered so secretly that even the crew often don’t know
The dramatic rise of Piracy in the area of Gulf of
nies placing “extra insurance costs” on them and it
their ship is covered. In addition, security companies
Aden is changing the insurance landscape con-
is evidently estimated that the payment of ransom to
turned out to provide security guards for vessel sail-
tinuously. While piracy is not a new insured risk,
pirates have raised substantially the cost of claims.
ing the Gulf of Aden, now more than 70% of their
the increase in pirate attacks along the Gulf has
As one of the International insurance brokers we are
business, escorting the ship through the Gulf help-
affected premiums and coverage. Ships that con-
seeing that ship-owners navigating the Gulf of Aden
ing the Captain and crew to work out what they are
tinue to pass through the Gulf of Aden and Suez
pay by ten times more increased kidnap and ransom
going to do in case of an incident. In recent years,
Canal have to purchase a war risk insurance cov-
premiums as piracy escalates.
the security equipment industry has also presented
erage. According to a recent report by UNCTAD,
However according to IMO the piracy incidents hap-
a number of technical solutions to protect vessels
insurance premiums for ships travelling through the
pen to be under-reported because of the subse-
and crews against pirate attacks including highly
Gulf have rose from between 0.05% and 0.1755 of
quent increase in insurance premiums, and the time
sensitive radar systems, special night vision equip-
the value of their cargo, compared to between the
consuming procedure of reporting a pirate-attack
ment etc.
0% and 0.05% in May 2008. Premiums of kidnap
that could lead to a significant delay. Estimates vary
To conclude it is more than evident that the coopera-
and ransom coverage have reportedly increased
widely because of disagreement over whether insur-
tion between security, safety and control authorities
by as much as 1.000%. The additional costs due
ance premiums, freight rates and the cost of rerout-
working in the maritime area is essential. The insur-
to piracy are passed on to consumers as shipping
ing should be included with the cost of ransoms.
ance impact will depend on the size of any ransom
companies recoup most of their losses through their
The victims of piracy are the crews, the shipping
payments and no calm in the frequency of attacks
protection and indemnity clauses. Moreover, piracy
companies and the owners of the vessel, the parties
is likely until a stable government is established in
has a direct economic impact in terms of fraud, sto-
with an interest in the goods carried and the insur-
International s.a
Claims Consultants & Insurance Brokers
107-109, Filonos Str. 6th Fl. - Piraeus 18536, Greece Tel: +30 210 4511615 - Fax: +30 210 4511616 Email:
24 cover story
Konstantinos Stampedakis
Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement will be the forthcoming challenge for BWTS Director ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions SA.
“Marine environment protection should be the first factor a ship owner should consider when thinking of such an investment. Oceans have been a source of wellness and civilization throughout the entire global history. All of us, who are closely depended on them, should protect them. ERMA FIRST BWTS has been inspired and designed by people coming from the shipping industry”. Kontantinos StampedakisManaging Director ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions SA. • What factors do shipowners need to consider
in co-operation with the chosen BWTS vendor, the
the vessel installed. For the NB the close coopera-
when thinking about investing in a Ballast Water
shipyard and a naval engineering consultancy can
tion of the owner with the yard on the selection of the
Treatment System today?
save time and money.
system is vital and indispensable.
KS: Marine environment protection should be the
At this point I would like to add another cost which
first factor a ship owner should consider when think-
is not visible during the initial investment but is really
• Is there enough experience on how BWTS per-
ing on such an investment. Oceans have been a
important to the ship owner and operator and not to
form in actual operation, especially when we are
source of wellness and civilization throughout the
the ship yard, this is the running cost.
talking about large tankers and bulk carriers that
entire global history. All of us, who are closely de-
It is proved that a low capital initial investment, which
handle very large quantities of ballast?
pended on them, should protect them. The uncon-
may be the shipyard’s choice, results to a high op-
KS: In general the BWTS market is a relatively
trolled transportation of the invasive species is the
erating cost. So in the long term the initial cost has
new market. All the involved parties, developers,
fourth most important threat of the Marine Environ-
been indirectly significantly increased.
certification authorities, testing facilities, classifica-
ment today. Apart from this, ship owners should con-
tion societies and shipyards have huge theoretical
sider other factors such as the reduction of mainte-
• In what extend the ballast water management
knowledge but limited practical experience. This
nance costs, such as the Ballast Water tank cleaning
regulations can be confusing for shipowners be-
experience is more hectic at vessels with high bal-
and coating repair. With the use of an efficient Bal-
cause they contain many unresolved and com-
last pump capacities. However, the learning curve
last Water Treatment System the sediment reduction
plex issues?
is really steep and the developers have shown re-
within the tank is significant. Further to this the corro-
KS: This is a long discussion. This confusion is fo-
markable reflexes to all the challenges raised so far.
sion created with the presence of this sediment will
cused on the differences between the international
Today several VLCCs or large bulk carriers with total
be eliminated. According to studies the ballast tanks
standards as presented to the BWM Convention
ballast pump capacities larger than 6,000m3/h have
maintenance cost at a dry dock can be reduced
and the United States stricter discharge standards.
successfully being installed. This is strong evidence
more than 1mn USD with the use of a BWTS.
Although USCG has recently published the NPRM
that the technology progress is rapid. Of course we
‘Standards for Living organisms in Ship’s Ballast
are still on the ascent on the curve and there are
• What are the average costs of investment in a
Water Discharged in U.S waters, which is aligned
more challenges to be faced and problems to over-
BWTS and how can an owner accurately assess
with IMO standards. Moreover, US House of Repre-
come. The close cooperation of vendors and ship
whether a decision to implement a BWTS on a
sentatives has considered legislation to discourage
owners could increase the learning rate.
vessel would make sense?
states from regulating Ballast Water more strongly
KS: The cost of a BWTS is divided to three sub
than federal rules. Both actions project authorities’
• What are the basic idea and major advantages
costs. The first one is related to the technology/
intention to clarify this complex issue and put the
of using the Ballast Water Treatment System of
manufacturers search. We strongly recommended
convention into force.
ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions? How many of these systems does the world fleet have
ship owners and operators to invest on the research of the market after knowing the exact needs of their
• What technical and design considerations
at present?
vessels. The second one is the capital cost for pur-
should an owner take into account for both ap-
KS: ERMA FIRST BWTS has been inspired and de-
chasing the system; this cost purely depends on
plying BWTS to existing vessels or when speci-
signed by people coming from the shipping industry.
the type and size of vessel. This varies from 100 K
fying the design of a newbuilding?
The system consists of simple and proven appara-
USD up to 1.5mn USD. The third cost is the instal-
KS: The ship owner knows the special needs of its
tus such as the cyclonic separators and special de-
lation cost; this should not be higher than 70,000-
vessel better than anyone. This should be the start-
signed electrolytic cells. Components with undoubt-
100,000 USD for the NB. But when it comes to ret-
ing point when conducting such a research. Differ-
edly advantages such as the high sediment removal
rofitting then this cost can be as high as the BWTS
ent technologies are suitable for different types and
at extremely low operating and maintenance cost of
cost. Apart from piping modifications, ballast pump
sizes of vessels. Although there aren’t any general
the cyclone or the extremely low power consumption
modifications, power generator addition and move-
rules to be followed, I would suggest ship owners to
of the electrolytic cell. The use of ERMA FIRST sys-
ment of existing equipment may be required. For
look for a system based on proven technologies, as
tem provides the ship’s crew a trouble free opera-
retrofitting a well-organized pre-installation survey
simple as possible suitable for the exact needs of
tion with no clogging risks, at a wide variety of intake
cover story 25 water composition. The very few moving parts of the
KS: ERMA FIRST, being an experienced company,
if stricter standards will be implemented in the near
system reduce to minimum the maintenance cost
continuously improves the technology of the system,
future, the ERMA FIRST BWTS could meet them
while the integrated control and monitoring system
implementing a flexible and versatile production in
with minimum modifications.
allows the operator or the port state control to check
order to meet the challenges of the market. We al-
• With the tremendous earning potential in BWTS,
the operation condition of the system at any time.
ways plan ahead to meet the needs of our custom-
several big players have entered into the market.
ers. Currently ERMA FIRST is the most competitive
How can you compete these companies?
• How do you deal with technical breakdowns?
Western vendor and in some cases more competi-
KS: Indeed, many big players are already in the
KS: Severe technical breakdowns are not antici-
tive than some Asians. This of course does not com-
BWTS market. But the minority of those has experi-
pated to the system due to its simplicity. Although,
promise the quality of the material of the system.
ence on water or wastewater treatment onboard of vessels. Additionally the BWTS, especially in the
we deem that in the majority of these few cases the crew can repair the problem by following the trou-
• Due to the fact that rules and regulations
retrofitting market, is a custom made system. Big
bleshooting section of the system manual. In cases
change rapidly in shipping, how possible is for
companies are not so flexible to provide such a
where the crew is not able to proceed with the repair,
your product to effectively adopt to these chang-
tailor made solution to the customer. Moreover the
which is expected to be the case at the beginning,
magnitude of the market requires a big number of
the engineers of the worldwide agents and servicing
KS: ERMA FIRST has always being in the forefront
vendors. It is impossible five, six vendors to serve
centers of ERMA FIRST will provide this service to
of the developments. For the certification of the sys-
the whole fleet.
our clients.
tem, ERMA FIRST has used well known facilities with high quality standards and challenging water
• Looking at the future, what might be topics of a
• In our economically difficult times, how has
conditions. The test results both in land and ship
discussion on BWTS five year from now?
your company prepares itself for a looming cri-
board tests gives us the confidence that the system
KS: Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement. This
sis in shipping?
already meets much stricter standards. Even though
will be the forthcoming challenge.
Key issues
«Minimizing the risk of transferring unwanted organisms into the environment when discharging ballast water»,
KS: The mass occurrence of the Asian Phytoplankton algae Odontella, in 1903 led scientists to recognise that a non-indigenous species could be accidentally introduced in a new ecosystem. It took until 1970 when the occurrence of indigenous species in the waters of Canada and Australia started causing health and economical problems, for the issue to be brought up to IMO. Today it is estimated that an average of 4,000 to 10,000 different aquatic species are transferred each day. This enormous number of organisms has caused serious environmental and cost impacts to the affected coastal communities. It is estimated that the annual cost related to the invasive species is more than 100mn USD. These figures endorse GLOBALLAST statement that ‘the transportation of invasive species is considered as the fourth greater threat of the oceans’. Now it is the time to take the appropriate actions for eliminating and in some cases reverting this great risk.
«Verification standards still a challenge for many authorities» KS: IMO is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships. As such, in 2004 IMO released the ‘International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments. Within this convention the discharged standards have been stated in part D-2 of the convention. Although, the USCG has followed different way and before the IMO, in 2003 has published different, more stringent standards. USCG example has been followed by the State of California which has adopted the most stringent discharge standards. These different approaches have caused a great confusion both to ship owners and ship operators. Recently this concussion has been resolved when in March 2012, USCG has published the Final Rule for Standards for Discharge of living organisms in Ship’s Ballast Water Discharged in US Waters. According to this, USCG adopts the IMO D-2 discharge standards. According to this, New Buildings constructed from 1.12. 2013 and onwards which will sail within US Water have to install an approved BWTS. This rule in combination with the US House of Representatives decision for discouraging states to apply stricter discharged standards that those of USCG, clarify this confusion.
«The importance for the supplier of a BWTS to find a niche where its technology best matches with the specific type of ship» KS: One system or one technology cannot fit in all type and size of vessels. The success of a vendor is embraced with the set of a vessel target group by him. We, in ERMA FIRST, have identified from the beginning of our effort particular vessel types and sizes. This has allowed us to focus on the design of a system which covers all the needs of our target group.
26 cover story
ERMA FIRST: The system presentation ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Treatment System is an
proven applications worldwide.
autonomous advanced developed and designed in
ERMA FIRST is characterized by distinctive modu-
order to meet the IMO D-2 standards of Ballast Wa-
larity incorporating advanced technology, innovative
System’s Advantages
ter Management & Sediment Control (2004) Con-
and state-of-the-art treatment components:
The main advantages of ERMA FIRST Ballast Water
vention. It is based on the electrolysis technology,
• 200 microns pre-filter
Treatment System among others are:
a simple, proven and integrated water treatment
• 20 microns Hydrocyclones with a maximum sepa-
• Small footprint
application which presents an ideal proposal for on
ration capacity of 120 m3/h
• Very low energy consumption
board installation, both in new and existing vessels.
• Advanced Electrolytic Cells with a capacity of 50
• High Sediment removal under stable operation
ERMA FIRST has been designed and developed
100, 250, 500 & 1000 m3/h
• Capability to operate at all sea environments &
by ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions S.A., a
In principle, the treatment process includes two
sediment conditions
company established for producing a sound and reli-
distinctive stages; a primary and a secondary one.
• Extremely low salinity & cold waters efficient op-
able Ballast Water Treatment system. ERMA FIRST
The primary stage enables the separation of coarser
ESK Engineering Solutions S.A. is at the forefront of
suspended materials and relatively larger living or-
• Modular design offering installation flexibility on
Research and Development supported by a team of
ganisms in ballast water.
specialists in waste and water treatment technology
In the secondary stage disinfection takes place to
• Uninterrupted ballasting or de-ballasting operations
in marine applications, with strong background from
meet the required biological efficacy standard for
due to the Hydrocyclones stability and efficiency
professional establishments exhibiting more than 30
treated ballast water as stipulated in the Interna-
• Fully automatic unattended operation
years of experience in environmental protection and
tional Convention for the Control and Management
• Very low maintenance and operational costs
of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments.
cover story 27
• No corrosion effects, due to very low chlorine con-
separator. The rich in sediments and coarse mate-
rial underflow stream from the cyclonic separator
The electrolytic cell of the system was specifically
• No risks to crew safety and health, since no chemi-
returns to the sea via a drain line. The overflow en-
designed to produce the identified active substanc-
cals are used
ters the electrolytic cell for the in situ production of
es at temperatures as low as 3°C and lowest water
• Extremely low Hydrogen gas production, thus re-
free chlorine at concentration up to 10 mg/L. The
salinity of 3 PSU. The ability of the cell to produce
quiring no venting arrangements and extra installa-
products of this process flow into the ballast tanks
free chlorine in such conditions is based on the spe-
tion costs or explosion risks
of the vessel, so that the residual oxidants disinfect
cial coating material of its electrodes, and also on
• No need for additional ventilation in ballast tank or
any harmful organisms taken onboard. A flow sen-
its design, which enables sufficient contact time of
pump room
sor, installed upstream of the cell, provides a sig-
chlorides with electrodes in the water stream to con-
nal to it through the PLC of the system to apply DC
vert them into active substances.
Process flow description
current to the electrodes. This process initiates the
The ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Treatment System
electrochemical reaction and the production of the
Similarly, the electrolytic cell of the system can op-
is an autonomous fully automatic operational unit.
active substances. A free chorine sensor, located
erate effectively in salinities above 32 PSU, due to
The system has two different operational modes,
downstream of the cell, monitors the free chlorine
the fact that water of such salinity levels results in
ballasting when water is loaded and de-ballasting
concentration. The production rate of the active sub-
high electrical resistance. Therefore, the PLC of the
during the discharge of treated ballast water.
stances is continuously tuned to the ballast flow rate
Mode one: Ballasting
system adjusts the voltage at the electrodes in order
and the measurement of the free chlorine at the sen-
to keep the production of free chlorine at the pre-set
sor. Depending on the flow rate and the free chlorine
values. The whole unit is current driven. The current
During ballasting, ballast water passes through
measurement, the current and the voltage at the cell
is controlled by the chlorine sensor which is located
a 200 microns pre-filter and then into the cyclonic
change in order to maintain the pre-set free chorine
downstream of the cells.
28 cover story
Mode two: De-ballasting
• Power availability of 3kW for each 100 m3/h of Bal-
Approval status & Testing of the system
last Pumps capacity
The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee,
During de-ballasting, neutralization of the total resid-
• Pressurized air of 6 bars, requested for the pre-filter
having considered the recommendations contained in
ual oxidants takes place by adding sodium bisulphite
self-cleaning operation
the GESAMP reports of MEPC 63/2/11, granted FI-
aqueous solution. Neutralization is effected by a neu-
• A very small neutralizer tank for serving residual
NAL APPROVAL to ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Treat-
tralizer panel which included a chlorine sensor and a
chlorine neutralization process, calculated on con-
ment system, during the latest IMO MEPC 63 meet-
very small dosing pump.
sumption basis of less than 1L per 100 m3 of Treated
ing, which took place from the 27th February till the
At this mode the pre-filtering equipment, the cyclonic
Ballast Water and depending on the vessel’s voyage
2nd of March 2012.
separator and the electrolytic cells of the system are
profile and size.
After years of intensive Research and Development,
by-passed with the exception of the chlorine sensors.
with rigorous testing performed under the strict crite-
At de-ballasting, a chlorine sensor measures the re-
ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Treatment system is de-
ria imposed by reputable European Institutes, ERMA
sidual chlorine concentration in the discharge line.
livered on a skid-mounted unit, pre-piped, prewired
FIRST officially proves the effectiveness and sus-
Based on reading, the sensor gives a 0/4-20mA signal
for easy piping installation on board, on a 3-pipe-to-
tainability of its purpose, enforced by an ingenious
which steers the flow rate of the dosing pump of the
connect concept:
compact design with cutting edge technological com-
sodium bisulfite, to maintain the chlorine concentra-
• One pipe as input (Inlet Manifold) – from the Ballast
ponents revealing an ideal Ballast Water Treatment
tion below 0.2 mg/L.
Pump discharge pipe
solution on board.
Another chlorine sensor will monitor the total chlorine
• One pipe at output (Overflow Manifold) – to the Bal-
The excellent results achieved during the Land-
level to ensure a Maximum Allowable Discharge Con-
last Water Tanks
Based Tests performed in the reputable NIOZ (The
centration (MADC) of 0.2 mg/L.
• One common drain line from pre-filter and Hydro-
Royal Netherland Institute for Sea Research), and
the Shipboard Tests, with discharge limits far below
Installation considerations
The requirements for electrical installation are mini-
the IMO D-2 standards, demonstrated a prospective
Due to its modular and small components, ERMA
mal, since ERMA FIRST is using a very small elec-
compliance with even the most demanding US re-
FIRST can be designed in various arrangement con-
trical cabinet, which just requires connection with
figurations, so that it can fit any restricted space on
main power supply, with pre-wired sensors of the skid
mounted unit, with the dosing pump and with chlorine
ERMA FIRST has received the Type Approval from
To determine the optimum installation footprint and
the Greek Administrator in May 2012.
arrangement for each vessel, our specialist Design
During pre-installation, a brief technical assessment
& Engineering Department is performing Technical
is performed by ERMA FIRST engineering special-
ERMA FIRST can also be available in an EX-PROOF
Studies based on Engineering & Arrangement draw-
ists to define the overall pressure drop of the system,
version, and the relevant certification shall be re-
ings (E/R Arrangement, Sectional Views, Ballast Pip-
and any small modifications required to ensure proper
ceived after IMO type approval.
ing drawings, etc) at the pre-installation stage.
system performance.
ERMA FIRST is located in Schisto Industrial Park,
In principle, the minimum installation requirements of
• ERMA FIRST can also be supplied as a container-
Perama, Greece
ERMA FIRST on board are the following:
ized unit for weather deck installations and where ei-
• Ballast Pump discharge pressure of 3 bars – to en-
ther installation in the Engine Room or Pump Room
For more details and information you can visit www.
able optimum separation efficiency of the Hydrocy-
is not possible or in case of vessels with submerged or e-mail to
ballast water tanks.
cover story 29
ERMA FIRST RECEIVES TYPE APPROVAL We are proud to announce that ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Treatment System manufactured by ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions S.A, has received Type Approval according to IMO resolution MEPC.174(58) from the Greek Administration. The Approval was granted on the 11th of May 2012. The Type Approved ERMA FIRST BWTS is considered as a great achievement, of a highly qualitative and efficient, fully certified Advanced, Innovative Technology for Marine Applications. After years of intensive Research and Development, with rigorous testing performed under strict criteria imposed by reputable European Institutes, such as NIOZ (The Royal Netherland Institute for Sea Research), the system has achieved discharge limits far below the IMO D-2 standards. “We have managed to fulfill our initial target, to become the First Greek Type Approved Ballast Water Treatment, as stated on our trade name” the Director of ERMA FIRST declares. ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Treatment System uses a simple and effective 200 micron self-cleaning pre-filter, an innovative, sophisticated 20 micron hydrocyclone technology exhibiting outstanding performance in very high sediment loads and advanced energy efficient electrolytic cells which provide a perfect combination of: • Very low footprint in tailor-made, ship-type optimum arrangements, • Very low Power Consumption, • Easiness in Installation, with minimized labour & material costs, • Risk-free operation in all sea conditions, • Enhanced performance with stable operation even in ultimately high sediment loads, • Extremely low maintenance and operating costs, • Simplicity of Operation, on a fully automated functional principle, easy for crew use. Being already installed on board Containership M/V COSCO GUANGZHOU, with running orders for Offshore and Mega Yacht Vessels, and in final negotiations for numerous Bulk Carriers and Tanker Vessels in Far East, ERMA FIRST now becomes fully and broadly available worldwide, as one of the best solutions for both Newbuilding and Existing ships, offering a cost-effective system responding to the highest requirements. ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions SA
try and trust us Manousogiannaki 26 - Perama - Greece TEL: +30 210 43 28 085 - FAX: +30 210 43 18 634 - MOB: +30 6936 96 66 651 Web: - E-mail: -
32 ballast water management Optimarin Ballast System: A simple, flexible and very effective solution Optimarin, a Norwegian company, was one of the first companies in the world to develop a system for environmentally friendly purification of ballast water. Although it was recognized that there are various methods for purifying ballast water, both chemical and environmentally friendly methods, Optimarin chose to pursue a solution that does not use any chemicals and leaves no residual products that are harmful to our oceans; an environment solution to an environmental problem. The initial idea for the Optimarin Ballast System (OBS) came as a request from the Norwegian Maritime Directorate in 1998. This concept received a grant and was tested at the Marine Research Station outside of Bergen. The test results were exceptionally good and were posted on the internet which resulted in a lot of interest in the system. Optimarin was invited to take part in research and demonstration projects both in the US and in Europe. The world’s first ballast water system was installed by Optimarin on board the cruise ship “Regal Princess” in 2000 and there were a total of 7 systems sold before the IMO convention came into effect in 2004. Optimarin achieved its D2 standing in 2007 and full type approval for G8 system in 2009 . Optimarin is actively strengthening its ability to provide high-value BWT solutions to clients and partners in key shipping and shipbuilding nations. Offices in New York, Bremen, Hong Kong, Newcastle and a technical office in Pusan, in addition to the Norwegian head office in Stavanger, are to provide a valuable source of growth and skills for the company. Optimarin BWT brand is becoming well known amongst ship owners and shipyards from Korea and Japan to China, USA and Europe. Optimarin has increased the number of staff by 100% in the past 12 months and strongly believes this number could double within 24 months. Optimarin has acquired large contracts with companies such as Gulf Offshore, K-Line, Siem Offshore, Farstad, Eidesvik, STX, REM, Evergreen and Grieg.
prietary 40 micron MicroKill filter. The filter removes
Environmentally sound
for various types of vessels, such as offshore ves-
Optimarin has since developed the OBS, a ballast
sels, bulk carriers, container ships, navy vessels,
UV system
water treatment system based on the use of filtration
pipe laying vessels and the flexibility in installation
and UV light for the efficient removal and inactiva-
has proven to be a strength for retrofits. Optimarin
tion of marine organisms. The OBS is one of very
has a reference and order book of more than 130
few treatment options that does not use any active
installations for 2012 – 2015.
substances such as chemicals, electro-chemical
The Optimarin Ballast System (OBS) uses approved
generators or biocides in its treatment or cleaning
technology that significantly exceeds the stringent
processes. It is based on the idea that such systems
requirements set out in the IMO Convention. But for
which are environmentally sound, adding no extra
Optimarin, it is not enough to simply be approved. It
noise, should be simple, flexible and easy to install,
operates in accordance with ISO 9001/2008 and its
and should be capable of operating on both new-
vision is to have the most environmentally friendly,
builds and existing vessels.
easiest, simplest and most cost-effective ballast water purification system in the world.
Type Approval After several years of testing, developing and patent-
The System and footprint
ing new technology, Optimarin obtained type approv-
Optimarin Ballast System prides itself on being a
al for its purification system in 2009, in accordance
simple and flexible system, which can be installed
with Guideline 8 and the ballast water convention.
in many different configurations. This enables the
OBS is type approved by the Norwegian Maritime
system to have optional footprints and installation
Directorate and DNV and has shown the potential to
spaces for difficult retrofits.
meet stricter standards such as those proposed for California. Since receiving type approval the OBS
How it works
has been delivered to both new building projects and
During ballasting: The ballast water goes through
retrofits. The system has been installed and ordered
the ballast pumps and flows through Optimarin’s pro-
about 80% of larger organisms and particles (and sediment) and back flushes them overboard at the ballasting location. After passing the filter, the ballast water continues through the MicroKill UV chambers on its way to the ballast tanks. The UV light kills or inactivates any remaining organisms, viruses and bacteria in the ballast water. During de-ballasting: The filter is automatically bypassed during de-ballasting, and the ballast water receives a second UV-treatment during discharge as a safeguard to ensure compliance.
Filters Optimarin has type approved and certified two makers of filters for the OBS so that it can offer two different 40 micron filters: The BSF MicroKill basket type filter and the B&K MicroKill candle type filter. Both filter types have automatic back flushing and are selfcleaning. To ensure that cleaning and back flushing occur in accordance with the system performance, the operation of the filter is incorporated into the OBS control system (PLS) and it has been decided to use a back flushing pump to ensure proper flushing. This ensures a low pressure loss over the entire system of only 0.1 to 0.5 BAR. The filters can be installed horizontally or vertically for increased flexibility. The filters are bypassed during de-ballasting.
The MicroKill UV was developed based on 20 years’ experience with filtration and UV in water injection on offshore platforms, water treatment for fish farming and drinking water plants in Norway. The UV system is based on high power, medium pressure UV for the efficient killing or inactivation of organisms, bacteria and pathogens in ballast water in all water conditions. There is one UV lamp per chamber with a maximum flow of 167 m3/h flow rate. The OBS uses one standardized UV chamber for each multiple of 167m3/h of flow, and each chamber is installed in parallel on a single manifold for higher flows. Since these chambers are all identical and mounted in parallel, (a) maintenance is simple and spares are kept to a minimum, and (b) the system can be scaled to handle any size system, and this saleability is within scientifically accepted principles (see IMO paper BLG 14.5.3). The OBS UV system is specifically developed and manufactured for installation aboard ships and is optimized for minimum maintenance and ease of operation. It is self-cleaning, with no moving parts or the need for chemical cleaning. OBS has sensors that monitor the flow, UV intensity and temperature
cover story 33
34 ballast water management
Illustration 1–2 configurations of 1000 m3/h system
in each UV chamber, and all data is stored in the
based on the water quality encountered during bal-
procurement and logistic operation for both owners
control system for a minimum of 2 years.
lasting (turbidity, etc.). Our experience shows that
and operators of large and diverse fleets.
power consumption is reduced by 40% – 60% (14 to
UV Control system
18kW) during ballasting in normal water conditions.
The OBS control system is configured so that it is
The manifold UV system has the option of includ-
The Optimarin Ballast System is a simple, flexible
easily operated via the ship’s existing ballast water
ing actuated valves on each UV chamber within the
and very effective solution. It performs well under
control system. The interface is user-friendly, using
manifold which would increase the flexibility of the
different conditions in regards to sea water or fresh
a touch screen for simple graphical operation. The
system. The UV chambers can be isolated for re-
water quality and water flow. The highest confirma-
control can easily be interfaced with the ship’s main
duced flow based on the vessel’s operating param-
tion Optimarin have, come from the ship owners and
systems or remotely operated with a PC if there is
eters, e.g. ballasting with 2 pumps at 1,000 m3/h and
yards who buy the system, as well as the positive
ethernet cabling onboard the vessel. The system
6 UV chambers, and de-ballasting with one pump at
feedbacks received from the customers about the
is designed to log all critical operational variables in
500 m3/h and 3 UV chambers. The control system
simplicity of the system, the flexibility, and the foot-
accordance with IMO requirements, and produces
will automatically shut off the UV lamps that are not
print to accommodate all types of areas.
and maintains the main documentation for port-state
required for handling the flow which enables optimal
Optimarin have sold more than 130 systems to var-
control, ensuring that the system is operating ac-
power consumption for the flow requirement at differ-
ied types of ships. In the beginning, Optimarin sup-
cording to the certificate. As additional options, the
ent operational parameters.
plied offshore market to platform supply vessels and
OBS control system can integrate operation of bal-
This functionality also enables continuous operation
anchor handling tugs with typical installation size of
last pumps and valves into the OBS control system.
when a potential lamp failure occurs. The system
167 or 334 m3/h systems. Optimarin are now deliv-
will automatically isolate the UV chamber with the
ering to a number of new buildings and retrofits of up
Cleaning and system maintenance
lamp failure, allowing continuous operation with one
to 2.500 m3/h systems and expect to expand with
The OBS is based on a simple and reliable design
chamber reduced flow, e.g. 1,000 m3/h reduced by
larger systems in the near future.
with few moving parts, thus requiring little or no sys-
167 m3/h to 833 m3/h until the UV lamp is replaced.
tem maintenance and ensuring operational reliability.
Aegean Dynamic Services Ltd. – the exclu-
The OBS has fewer parts and UV lamps in compari-
son with similar systems. The patented UV chamber
The OBS is configured specifically for each cus-
sive Optimarin agent in Greece and Cyprus – is
is made of CuNi, which together with the high water
tomer’s requirements. The systems are typically sold
dedicated to providing high quality services to
flow and high UV intensity make the UV lamps and
as component-based solutions ready for installation
the internals of the UV chamber self-cleaning. With
by the customer, since having separate components
no moving parts inside the UV chamber and no need
allows the greatest flexibility and relative ease of in-
nologies to the Greek Shipping Industry. Its aim
for acid or other washing procedures, self-cleaning
stallation. Customers can also order pre-assembled
is further achieved, ensuring a relatively long service
containerized systems or skids that are ready to be
is to support shipping companies with their ever
installed during vessel construction or when a ship
A self-cleaning UV system, combined with the au-
is in port.
to the Greek market certified products that will
tomatic back-flushing filter, results in a minimum re-
The OBS is normally installed in the pump or engine
quirement for system cleaning and maintenance for
room and preferably in close proximity to the ballast
assist them with the latest IMO regulations.
the ship’s crew.
pumps. The equipment can be installed horizontally,
its customers, offering new and proven tech-
growing needs as best as possible and to bring
By representing Optimarin AS - a pioneering,
vertically, on deck or suspended below deck, along
forward-looking and environmentally-conscious
UV power consumption
the ship’s side or in several separate locations. The
The system is certified to adjust the power consump-
OBS is modular using standardized components for
company - Aegean Dynamic Services Ltd. pro-
tion according to UV intensity needed and will auto-
all flow configurations, and all UV spare parts can be
vides an environmentally-friendly, cost-efficient
matically optimize the power consumption required
used for any system capacity, which provides simple
solution to its customers in Greece and Cyprus
On time...
A globally integrated shipping company
Transportation (reefer, wet, dry) Shipyards Ship agency Logistics Terminals Fuel Supplies at High Seas Fishing
Head Office Laskaridis Shipping Co.Ltd. 5, Xenias street & Ch. Trikoupi Athens, 14562 Greece Tel: +30.210.6284200 Fax: +30.210.8089710/11/12 Email: athens @
38 environment
Francois Teissier
A pragmatic shade of green
Regional Chief Executive, Hellenic and Black Sea region, Bureau Veritas
The objective of the EEDI is to improve energy efficiency at the design stage. In that respect, one of the most important factors for an efficient design is the ship’s body lines, which cannot be changed for existing ships. Calculations sometimes done for existing ships, simply based on some collected information such as speed, deadweight and fuel consumption are not enough accurate and reliable to give a result to be claimed as an EEDI and could only lead to an unfair distortion of the market. E2 is a benchmarking tool to help owners and charterers benchmark energy use. This software also includes a simulation mode, albeit simpler than SEECAT and targeted more to the ships in service, where the machinery equipment is fixed. The software is ship specific and the simulation mode allows the user to examine a prospective voyage by describing the loading condition, the various voyage legs with details on propulsion and electrical power usage.
Everyone wants to be green and environmentally
(model tank test, sea trial measurements and re-
friendly. Everyone wants to comply with environmen-
sults, light weight and displacement checks, calcula-
tal regulations. But in the harsh reality of the global
tion methodology ).
shipping market all investments in going green have
Bureau Veritas will issue attestations of compliance
to be justified. There is no room in the market for ro-
with EEDI for such vessels contracted before the
mantic shades of green. That is why Bureau Veritas
entry into force date. It is obvious that EEDI cannot
puts all its efforts into finding practical and rational
apply to ships which cannot meet the scope of MAR-
ways to help owners and yards to choose the best
POL Annex VI, but it could be taken into account by
green pathway.
new designs ahead of the implementation date. That would help yards and owners make sensible invest-
The green pathway is different for every ship and
ment decisions. They need to build safe and efficient
every trade and every owner. There are no simple
ships, and they deserve the best guidance on how
off the peg answers to making ships more fuel ef-
those new designs will fit into the regulatory land-
ficient or lowering emissions. What suits one trade
or ship type will not work for another. And throughout
The objective of the EEDI is to improve energy ef-
all of the transitions to a greener shipping, we must
ficiency at the design stage. In that respect, one of
always keep safety and efficiency in the forefront of
the most important factors for an efficient design is
our minds. Ships must have the power to be safe
the ship’s body lines, which cannot be changed for
in heavy seas, and the speed to serve the supply
existing ships.
chains of charterers.
Calculations sometimes done for existing ships, sim-
IMO has mandated a series of measures in Annex
ply based on some collected information such as
VI of MARPOL which are made mandatory for new
speed, deadweight and fuel consumption are not
ships contracted for construction or major modifica-
enough accurate and reliable to give a result to be
tions after 1st January 2013 or delivered after 1st
claimed as an EEDI and could only lead to an unfair
July 2015. These include compliance with an Energy
distortion of the market.
Efficiency Design Index, which itself is controversial
Bureau Veritas is always looking forward to find ways
as it may not work well for some types of vessel,
to help its clients address the future with confidence.
such as ro-paxes, and there are fears that it may
Three new tools for energy management have been
lead to a generation of low powered and so unsafe
developed by Bureau Veritas.
ships. Bureau Veritas thinks ahead so that owners
SEECAT is a full ship model tool to help designers
and yards can make rational and financially effective
and owners to simulate all the energy use on board
decisions. They need to know how new designs will
specific ships and to design the best solutions for
compete once EEDI is compulsory, and they need to
specific trades. It is based on the SimulationX® soft-
know that now so they can plan ahead.
ware and the Modelica® language, a component
The interim guidelines for voluntary certification of
oriented system designed for modelling of complex
the EEDI (MEPC 1. Circ. 682) allow new designs of
systems. A ship energy flow model is created includ-
ships contracted before the above date to be verified
ing all consumers and their interconnections (e.g.
against the EEDI , provided that all rules and criteria
propulsion plant, steam plant, etc.) which can then
of MARPOL Annex VI are strictly and fully verified
be used to calculate, in given conditions (speed, – –
Stand 2201
40 environment
summer or winter conditions, day or night for pas-
values can be stored and evaluated. The capability
cal solutions to help save energy. Yards and owners
senger ships, etc.), the energy consumed by the
of automatic data acquisition from vessel equipment
need good solid sensible and accurate advice on the
different systems or equipment. The software also
(flowmeters) or electronic noon reports also exists.
effect of each type of innovation. We can provide that
calculates the energy that can be recovered from
EMIT is a simple software tool to help owners con-
because we have invested in researching different
struct an effective Ship Energy Efficiency Manage-
systems, and already have units like pre swirl stators
exhaust and cooling systems and used for heating
ment Plan and achieve attestation to IMO standards
sailing on in service on containerships and delivering
purposes, steam generation, electrical power gen-
from BV.
real savings.
erable energy (heat, steam, electricity) with the ship
Energy use is not just about ship design or what hap-
We can also use our SEECAT software tool to model
needs and calculates the overall energy balance of
pens on ships. It is a company-wide issue. We use
proposed changes and work out the best mix of de-
the ship, allowing the calculation of fuel oil consump-
our cross-industry experience to help companies
sign/equipment and operation for a particular ship or
tions, emissions, etc. Various scenarios, either de-
take a holistic view of energy management. We were
project. We don’t expect to see a retail system with
sign, or operational can be examined and optimised.
the first in the world to audit a shipping company to
lots of off the shelf devices with a series of certifica-
E2 is a benchmarking tool to help owners and char-
the new ISO Energy Management standards. Bu-
tions, we think each type of energy saving device will
terers benchmark energy use. This software also
reau Veritas delivered the first certification audit of
have to find its own way in the market, with the help
includes a simulation mode, albeit simpler than SEE-
any shipping company in the world to the new stand-
and advice of experts like Bureau Veritas.
CAT and targeted more to the ships in service, where
ard ISO 50001- 2011 - Energy Management Sys-
The yards and owners are looking beyond today’s
the machinery equipment is fixed. The software is
tems. Stena’s ship management division, Northern
difficult times and preparing for the next generation
ship specific and the simulation mode allows the
Marine Management Ltd including Northern Marine
of vessels. They will be defined by two issues, the
user to examine a prospective voyage by describing
Management (USA) LLC, achieved certification to
implementation of the Harmonised Common Struc-
the loading condition, the various voyage legs with
BS ISO 50001.
tural Rules and energy saving. So BV’s thrust is to be
details on propulsion and electrical power usage.
No-one can predict for sure if the EU or others will
at the heart of the project to introduce Harmonised
Operational profiles are preset and can be selected
force some form of market-based carbon reduction
CSR and to have all the knowledge and tools that
as default (e.g. manoeuvring, at sea-good weather,
mechanism on shipping or not. If it happens then we
yards will need ready and to develop all the tools that
at sea-bad weather, at anchor etc.) or further edited.
have to expect the MBM will eventually be costed
yards and owners need to reduce energy use. They
The date since the last drydocking is also taken
into Worldscale and freight rates. Owners can do a
two go hand in hand, because ship designs will be
into account for the condition of the hull. Once the
lot to reduce energy usage with or without MBMs but
revised and will have to both meet the CSR and be
voyage is fully described E2 will provide estimates
face difficult choices on mechanisms to reduce ener-
more cost effective to operate.
of fuel consumption and emissions, as well as rel-
gy use. Our role is to be ready with simple, pragmatic
evant KPIs including the EEOI. The benchmarking
advice and support to help yards and owners make
We are here to help yards and owners chose the
mode of the software allows the user to enter ac-
the right decisions.
right equipment and right design for their needs. We
tual measured values and compare the performance
There is not one simple answer to energy saving,
have the knowledge and the analytical capability, we
with the simulation or make comparisons between
because each ship and trade is different. But that
know how to be green, but we also know how to be
voyages or similar vessels. Long term performance
does not mean that there cannot be useful techni-
practical. And above all, safe.
eration, etc. The software then compares the recov-
Η ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΣΤΗΡΙΖΕΙ ΕΜΠΡΑΚΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Η Εθνική είναι η πρώτη ελληνική τράπεζα σε χρηματοδοτήσεις στον κλάδο της ναυτιλίας, στηρίζοντας έτσι έναν από τους πιο βασικούς τομείς της οικονομίας και συμβάλλοντας στην ανάπτυξη της χώρας. Επενδύοντας στη ναυτιλία συμβάλλει στον εκσυγχρονισμό του στόλου με νέα ποντοπόρα πλοία, λιγότερο ενεργοβόρα και πιο αποδοτικά.
42 interview George Gerassimou
Intra Mare gets a leading role for the years to come Managing Director, INTRA MARE “There are a lot of things happening in shipping today that will bring a lot of changes to the shipping industry in ten years time. The environmental issues, the most effective use of resources and the rapid growth of the gas industry will definitely be the topics of the years to come. The Greek Shipowners turn into more sophisticated vessels a decision that will enable them to keep hands on the wheel of the largest fleet in the world. The gas fueled ships will boost the new orders for gas carriers and the applications of this technology in shipping will have a serious impact on the entire industry�. What should be the role of a representative office in shipping and what is
The company processes a lot of growth plans that will gradually start to material-
your competitive advantage in relation to other offices?
ize. We have analyzed the trends and the prospects of the new technologies in the global marine market and have decided the fields that the company will invest
The role of a representative office is double, meaning that the representative must
and grow.
offer his reliable services to both, his Customers and to his Principals, always
The definite plan is that Intra Mare will keep on growing into an international ma-
protecting the interests of both sides. These services must be combined, through
rine equipment sales organization faithfully stick to the reliability.
an intelligent scope of works towards both directions and offer an effective and high quality result.
Do you believe is useful for customers to get a wide range of services from
The principals must rely on the representative activities on the building of a reliable
the same provider and why?
name in the shipping market and the customers must receive and added value on all the services they get in respect of cost and quality.
I definitely believe that there is a benefit for the customer to get wide range of
The representative must first of all experience the new technologies and get a
services from the same provider for obvious reasons.
thorough knowledge of every operational aspect.
Total responsibility and integration is one of the main reasons if we talk about sup-
The most important part of his role then is to use its sales organization and bearing
plying of various units.
in mind main factors like safety, environmental protection, cost effectiveness and fair competition, to promote the products and satisfy customers demands applying
It is also important in respect of the commercial terms, since the larger the scope
reliable technologies.
is, the easier for the terms to become more flexible and attractive.
Intra Mare has been acting for many years as Greek representative for top Euro-
The main advantage off course comes when it refers to the new building projects,
pean Makers in the Marine Industry and our references so far definitely give us a
as the need for co-operation with a reliable supplier is even bigger.
leading role as a technology provider within the Greek Maritime Community.
Contracting for new building projects is a complicated procedure that involves a lot
Our competitive advantage is the daily personal contact with all our clients, and
of parts and requires accurate and delicate operations ensuring a result that will be
our persistence on the reliability of the services we offer.
optimum for the shipowners and cost effective for all the rest. In view of the above, the advantage is obvious, when the range is becoming wider,
What role do you see your company playing in the industry as it moves into
in respect of achieving best solution for the ships future operation and after sales
new service areas? How about your growth plans?
As mentioned before Intra Mare has become over the last years one of the leading
from both ends is much easier to be extended in other areas as well.
At the end of the day a well established co-operation that has been appreciated technology providers for the marine industry in Greece. We intend to maintain this position and enrich our range of services even more.
Looking at the future, what might be topics of discussion five or ten years
We believe that the key of success, in such a demanding and competitive environ-
from now? What developments do you see in shipping industry?
ment, is the highest reliability at any level of service. A concept that already starts from the selection of the principals that we decide to
There are a lot of things happening in shipping today that will bring a lot of changes
represent and the technology that we want to promote. Intra Mare is always acting
to the shipping industry in ten years time
under the commitment that is not going to compensate on the quality of the equip-
The environmental issues, the most effective use of resources and the rapid
ment that will promote for supporting own interests.
growth of the gas industry will definitely be the topics of the years to come.
The above is the best assurance for our clients that moving through new service
The Greek Shipowners turn into more sophisticated vessels a decision that will
areas the level of the offered services will become higher and the experience
enable them to keep hands on the wheel of the largest fleet in the world.
gained is all the times re-invested into a continuous improvement.
The gas fueled ships will boost the new orders for gas carriers and the applications
We have been awarded by our clients’ confidence a fact which is easily reflected
of this technology in shipping will have a serious impact on the entire industry.
on the increasing reference lists in every respect. Our clients trust Intra Mare in providing highly sophisticated and vital systems for
Intra Mare, as always will be, at the front line of the developments, together with
their New Building Projects which is an honor for our efforts and the best motiva-
the top class makers that we represent and will try to get a leading role in this field
tion for achieving more.
for the years to come.
However we do not only look for new clients. We really want to keep our clients!
Please, give us a full company profile of Intra Mare.
interview 43
Intra Mare is a leading marine sales and naval architect organization represent-
• New Buildings
ing exclusively a number of marine equipment makers, worldwide known for the
• Design & development
advanced technology and the quality of the products they manufacture.
• Marine Trading
The head office is based in Piraeus maintaining branch offices in London UK and
• After Sales & Service
Limasol Cyprus.
• Spare parts
The company established in 1996 and since its establishment has been success-
• Forwarding & Logistics
fully involved into a vast and diverse range of new building and retrofitting activities
The Management and staff of Intra Mare do realize that being a member of the
arising from Greek Market interests, claiming one of the leading ranks within the
most active global Shipping Community can be linked to success only through
Maritime Community.
seeking and confronting challenges .
Group Main Activities
Along this venture Human factor and Technology are mixed together and the only
• Representatives of marine equipment manufacturers
way to serve such a demanding environment is to stick to the long marine tradi-
• Purchasing and contracting
tions, always aiming at the edge of technology.
• Design and specification of new constructions • Service and Technical Support
This is our driving power for planning the future and our commitment to our clients
• Spare parts trading
for more reliable services. We shape the future committed on our clients’ demands for safe, green competi-
Organization Structure
tive and effective shipping
44 cyprus flag
Cyprus is today a fully fledged maritime center Cyprus, located at the crossroads of three continents,
maritime operations .
recognised as early as 1963 the political, economic
sels and charterers. -
No tax on profits from the operation or manage-
and social importance of shipping. Since then, suc-
The Cyprus flag is a high quality flag, offering numer-
ment of a Cyprus-registered vessel or on dividends
cessive governments implementing the correct poli-
ous advantages to shipowners who register their ves-
received from a vessel owning company or on capital
cy, managed to develop the island into a fully-fledged
sels in the Cyprus registry such as:
gains from the sale of a vessel.
shipping centre, combining both a sovereign flag and
No income tax on the wages of officers and crew.
a resident shipping industry, which is renowned for its
Quality and service:
Low registration costs.
high quality services and standards of safety.
- an EU flag classified in the White Lists of the Paris
Favourable tonnage tax scheme based on ship’s
and Tokyo MOUs and excluded from the “List of Tar-
net tonnage.
Responsibility for the development of maritime ac-
geted Flag States” of the US Coast Guard, resulting
tivities lies with the Ministry of Communications and
in fewer inspections of the ships and less delays at
security documents.
Works. Its authority and jurisdiction are exercised
the ports of both MOUs and of the US.
through the Department of Merchant Shipping,
43 countries.
whose activities include: Registration of ships, ad-
Piraeus, Brussels and Hamburg offering services to
Cyprus is a member of the Eurozone.
ministration and enforcement of the Merchant Ship-
Cyprus ships.
Full protection for financiers and mortgagees.
ping Laws, control of ships and enforcement of in-
Low set up and operating costs for companies.
ternational conventions ratified by the Government of
Shipping with 23 countries, through which Cypriot
Cyprus, protection of the marine environment, vessel
ships receive either national or favoured nation treat-
Cyprus is today a fully fledged maritime center, com-
traffic monitoring in the sea around Cyprus and infor-
ment in the ports of other countries. Those agree-
bining both a sovereign flag and a resident shipping
mation system implementation, monitoring the condi-
ments with labour supplying countries, provide for
industry which is renowned for its high quality serv-
tions of living and work on board Cyprus Ships, regis-
specific terms of employment and resolution of labour
ices and standards of safety. Cyprus is considered
tration, training and certification of seafarers, control
disputes which are beneficial to both the shipowners
as one of the leading third-party shipmanagement
of Coastal passenger vessels and small craft, inves-
and the seafarers.
centres in the world. A significant number of ship-
tigation of marine accidents, continuous updating of
management companies have been established in
the merchant shipping legislation and its harmoniza-
of Merchant Shipping at all times.
Maritime offices in New York, London, Rotterdam,
Bilateral agreements of cooperation in Merchant
Efficient provision of services by the Department
tion with that of the European Union, coordination
No stamp duty on ship mortgage deeds or other Treaties on the avoidance of double taxation with
Cyprus and manage a sizeable proportion of the Cyprus merchant fleet as well as a large number of ves-
of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, administration
Economic benefits:
sels under foreign flags. Among the shipmanagement
of the State Aid Scheme for Maritime Transport and
The new tonnage tax system that extends
companies established and operating from the Re-
the Tonnage Tax System and promotion of Cyprus as
the benefits applicable to owners of Cyprus flag ves-
public of Cyprus, 87% are controlled by Cypriot and
an International Registry and a base for international
sels and shipmanagers, to owners of foreign flag ves-
EU interests. Such companies employ almost 40.000
46 cyprus flag
seafarers out of whom 5.000 are EU nationals. Fur-
The new tonnage tax system is available to any
are increasingly concerned as a result of the continu-
thermore, several of the shipmanagement companies
owner, charterer or shipmanager who owns, charters
ing activities of pirates. The Department of Merchant
which operate in Cyprus rank among the largest of
or manages a qualifying ship engaged in a qualifying
Shipping has issued a number of circulars providing
their kind in the world.
shipping activity. Those who participate in the ton-
advice to ships on how to avoid, as far as possible,
nage tax system are exempted from income tax and
piracy attacks. However, in view of the continuous de-
The Cyprus Registry ranks tenth among international
pay tonnage tax which is calculated on the net ton-
terioration of the situation, new legislation has been
fleets and third within the European Union. The gov-
nage of the ship, according to a broad range of size
drafted regulating, among others, the use of armed
ernment’s maritime policy is established on three
categories and rates prescribed in the legislation.
guards onboard Cyprus Flag ships in high risk areas.
The new tonnage tax system secures a stable fiscal
The bill has already undergone legal vetting by the
ABILITY. The maintenance of a high quality fleet and
environment for Cyprus Shipping in the long term.
Legal Service of the Republic and is expected to be
the effective implementation of the internationally ap-
This, in fact, provides new impetus for the whole
enacted into a law soon.
plicable safety, security and environmental protection
shipping industry of the island and creates great pros-
standards, is the foundation on which Cyprus builds
pects for future growth. The new tonnage tax system
The Cyprus Government attaches considerable im-
its reputation as a serious maritime flag and as a
provides Cyprus with a competitive advantage and is
portance to the improvement of living and working
base of international operations.
expected to improve the already strong position of the
conditions of seafarers on board Cyprus ships in ac-
country in the shipping world and to promote it both
cordance with international conventions currently in
The new Cyprus Tonnage Tax System was approved
as an international ships’ registry and a high quality
by the European Commission on 24th March 2010,
maritime center.
as compatible with the requirements of the EU Ac-
At the same time, action is taken for the continuous
quis, in accordance with the relevant guidelines on
The Cyprus Government has adopted a series of
improvement of the existing infrastructure, the incen-
State Aid to Maritime Transport. The Merchant Ship-
measures in order to maintain high safety standards
tives available to both residents and non-residents
ping (Fees & Taxing Provisions) Law, which incorpo-
for the Cyprus merchant fleet and to minimize the
and the enhancement of the international reputation
rates the new system in the national legislation, was
number of marine accidents. Age limits have been
of the Cyprus flag as a flag of progress.
enacted on the 14th May 2010 and it is applicable as
set for the registration of certain categories of ships
from the 1st January 2010.
and strict requirements have to be fulfilled at the time
Cyprus today is an active member of all international
of registration. Furthermore, a network of independ-
organizations regulating shipping, such as the In-
The main objective of the approved scheme is to
ent inspectors has been set up to provide adequate
ternational Maritime Organisation, the International
align the two existing State Aid schemes regard-
coverage of inspections globally. The effective im-
Labour Organisation, the European Council and the
ing Cyprus Shipping, namely the tax alleviation for
plementation of these measures enabled Cyprus to
Commission. Representatives of the Department of
shipowners of Cyprus ships registered in the Cyprus
achieve and maintain a ‘White List’ status in the flag
Merchant Shipping have been elected to significant
Register (in force since 1963) and for shipmanage-
assessment system maintained by the Paris and the
positions to these organizations and this is a fact that
ment companies operating in Cyprus (in force since
Tokyo MoUs on port state control and to be removed
reflects the key role of Cyprus in international ship-
1999), with the European Acquis. At the same time,
from the “List of Targeted Flag States” of the U.S.
ping. The presence of Cyprus in these International
the approved scheme adopts two new tax alleviation
Coast Guard.
Maritime Fora strengthens the entity and the image of
measures, fully aligned with the EU Acquis: one for shipowners of foreign vessels and one for charterers.
the Republic of Cyprus and at the same time ensures The shipping industry and the seafaring community
that Cyprus maintains a strong voice internationally.
48 technical article DESMI a.s: Tests Warn Ship-Owners About Possible Shortcomings of IMO-Approved Ballast Water Treatment Systems DESMI Ocean Guard A/S was established by A.P. Moller Maersk A/S, DESMI A/S and Skjølstrup & Grønborg ApS following a successful innovation project carried out by Maersk Maritime Technology, DESMI and Skjølstrup & Grønborg. It was decided to perform the required land-based tests at the accredited test institute in Hundested (Denmark) which is owned and operated by DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute) whose expertise and assistance were greatly appreciated during the process. TEST PREMISES DESMI Ocean Guard was the first to conduct ballast water treatment tests with a UV based system in fresh water and during this process they met some unexpected challenges. Their findings offer new information to the ship owners that will soon have to ensure that their vessels are in accordance with IMO regulations. Ballast Water Treatment is a new topic in the marine world and not much experience has been gathered yet. That became very clear to DESMI Ocean Guard who chose to test their ballast water treatment system not only in saline but also in fresh water. IMO Resolution 174(58) only requires tests in two of three water types, viz. Fresh water with salinity lower than 3 ‰, Brackish water with salinity between 3-32 ‰ High-salinity water with salinity above 32 ‰ So far only the last two types have been tested by other companies offering UV-based concepts. DESMI Ocean Guard decided to test the system in fresh water and brackish water as these water qualities seemed to be more challenging. Additional requirements to silt (non-organic solids) in the test water are outlined in the IMO-Resolution, and this was taken into consideration knowing that ship owners have a natural concern about filters in their ballast water systems. Also, testing the system in fresh water is very relevant since quite a few larger harbours are fresh water harbours either the entire year round like Antwerp, or in some periods of the year like Hamburg and Bremerhaven. The same applies to several Asian harbours that are of strategic importance to A.P. Møller-Maersk. Therefore, a water treatment system that has been approved by IMO, but only tested in salt or brackish water, may unexpectedly deliver unsatisfactory test results.
DESMI Ocean Guard A/S was established by A.P.
find the answers themselves. It turned out that some
Moller Maersk A/S, DESMI A/S and Skjølstrup &
fresh water species are much softer than the ones
Grønborg ApS following a successful innovation
living in waters of higher salinity and could easier
project carried out by Maersk Maritime Technology,
squeeze through the tight filters.
DESMI and Skjølstrup & Grønborg. It was decided to perform the required land-based tests at the ac-
The IMO regulations are very strict when it comes
credited test institute in Hundested (Denmark) which
to larger organisms. Three water samples are taken
is owned and operated by DHI (Danish Hydraulic In-
and the average amount of organisms over 50 mi-
stitute) whose expertise and assistance were greatly
crons has to be less than 10 organisms per cubic
appreciated during the process
metre. Whereas when it comes to smaller organ-
isms, it should be less than 10 organisms per millilitre.
The test water is treated in three steps filtration
DESMI Ocean Guard’s specialists realized that the
UV radiation
filter, which in the beginning seemed to be the sim-
and ozone generated in-situ by the UV-system
plest and least important part of the system, had a huge impact on the success of the test results when
The DESMI Ocean Guard system is very energy-
it comes to the larger organisms. Right now DESMI
efficient and compact. Maximum observed power
Ocean Guard has a patent pending related to the
consumption of the entire system is 11 kWh/100 m3.
novel way of using the filter. By using the unique DE-
This makes it very attractive to ship owners who are
SMI Ocean Guard method, more than 90% of the
very conscious about lack of space and power avail-
tests for larger organisms showed 0 viable organ-
ability onboard their vessels.
The first tests were carried out in brackish water and
Right now the system is going through the IMO ship-
the results were compatible with IMO regulations
board test onboard the container vessel of Thurø
right away. The fresh water tests, however, pre-
Maersk. The first two out of three required tests have
sented an unexpected outcome. They showed that
already been successfully completed. The salinity of
too many large organisms (over 50 microns) could
the water tested aboard Thurø Maersk is high (34
get through the system. It made specialists wonder,
‰), meaning that the DESMI Ocean Guard Ballast
because the filter mesh is 40 microns which was
Water Treatment System has right now been suc-
enough to effectively remove organisms larger than
cessfully tested in all three salinities. At present DE-
50 microns in brackish water.
SMI Ocean Guard awaits the required 6 months test interval to pass before the final test can be finalized
Since no similar tests have been done before, spe-
by March 2012. The system will be type-approved
cialists from DESMI Ocean Guard and DHI had to
shortly after this.
Tailormade Ballast Water Treatment Solutions In DESMI Ocean Guard we combine our experience from both operating marine equipment and our long history of supplying to the shipbuilding industry.
Un iq in f ue re res s hw ults ate r
Our expertise is your insurance when selecting the right ballast water treatment system to fulfill your requirements. Test us - contact us with your inquiry and let us show you what we are able to do. Proven technology No chemicals added Proven efficiency in all water salinities - including freshwater Cost-effective water treatment Simple operation Simple installation Minimum footprint Developed and tested according to IMO rules with performance exceeding requirements Treatment during discharge prevents problems with regrowth and harmful bacteria growth in the ballast tanks Ozone generated on-site by UV lamps is injected into the ballast water to ensure optimum treatment in any water qualities Local representative in Greece:
Intra Mare Hellas 4, Skouze Str. 185 36 Piraeus Greece Phone: +30 210 429 3843 Fax: +30 210 429 3845 E-mail:
50 technical article American Bureau of Shipping
Dedicated to continue setting standards of excellence and offering practical solutions. Introduction A plethora of environmental regulations applies added pressure in today’s challenging market to the ship-owners and operators. While regulations are administered by a variety of authorities, the bottom line is that vessels and shipping companies must comply with all applicable regulations. It is obvious that the regulatory framework is changing and environmental issues are taking center stage. Classification societies like ABS are also changing so that they can provide practical solutions in the most effective and efficient manner to the industries they serve. ABS approach A key role of the class society is to assist industry in understanding and responding to new regulations. ABS’ approach is to analyze the regulations in order to fully understand the challenge that is posed,
FROM LEFT: Mr. Michalis Servos (Engineer II ), Mr. John Kokarakis (Vice President of Technology & Business Development Dept. Europe Division), Mrs. Katerina Kontogianni ( Engineer I )
identify the environmental and safety risks, outline
being an efficient management tool for the company.
ENVIRO+ notation, the Guide establishes more rig-
the regulatory requirements, and engage industry so
EST has been involved in the preparation of the Ship
orous criteria related to design characteristics, man-
that safe and compliant solutions can be determined.
Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP) of
agement and support systems as well as discharges
some of the most respected Greek shipping com-
to water and air emissions.
EST - concept
panies such as MARAN Tankers Management Inc.,
On the important topic of Energy Efficiency and En-
As environmental regulatory challenges continue to
Consolidated Marine Management Inc. and GasLog
ergy Management, ABS has recognized the need to
increase, ABS services are evolving to meet clients’
LNG Services Ltd.
provide the structure and organizational framework
needs. With this in mind, ABS created the Environ-
Recently, EST was involved in an ABS Environmen-
shipping companies require to sustain and continu-
mental Solutions Team (EST) based in Piraeus, an
tal Workshop conducted in Greece which focused
ally improve energy performance. ABS Guide for
area with strategic importance not only for ABS, but
on the hot topics of energy efficiency, ballast water
Marine Health, Safety, Quality, Environmental, and
for the shipping community as a whole. The team,
treatment and the use of LNG as fuel for non-LNG
Energy Management has been recently broadened
led by Dr. John Kokarakis (Vice President of Tech-
ships. Guidance was provided on complying with
in scope to incorporate Energy management Sys-
nology & Business Development – Europe), aims
regulations and owners/operators shared their point
tem (EnMS) requirements. These requirements are
to create a customer-oriented, specialized service,
of views and experience.
largely derived from the sound management sys-
strengthening the support ABS provides in demand-
There are a lot more challenges on the horizon – in-
tem principles reflected in the new ISO 50001:2011
ing situations.
cluding energy efficiency requirements and EEDI;
standard. In addition ABS has also included addi-
Ideal solutions rarely exist to the complex problems
reduction in emissions of NOx, SOx and PM; utiliza-
tional requirements which enhance marine manage-
posed in shipping. This means that in most situa-
tion of distillate fuels versus scrubbers or LNG, ship
ment systems. The target is to reduce costs, harmful
tions the best solution will require examining each
recycling; bio-fouling; and noise. The EST in Greece
emissions and other adverse environmental impacts
case individually to verify environmental risks and
is supported by the global ABS organization and is
through the systematic management of energy use.
hazards have been identified and addressed. ABS’
ready to help clients address these issues with prac-
Conformance with the ISO 50001 requirements also
EST intends to listen carefully to clients’ concerns
tical solutions.
helps companies prepare for a carbon economy and
and respond with efficient and safe guidance for the
demonstrates corporate responsibility towards sus-
best possible solution, helping them to be energy ef-
Compliance with environmental regulations
tainable economic growth.
ficient, compliant with regulations as well as environ-
In most cases, adherence to regulations is not
The ABS HSQEEn Guide offers an integrated man-
mentally friendly.
enough for clients to succeed these days. Owners
agement system for marine and offshore applica-
want a means of demonstrating they have gone be-
tion that incorporates all the relevant Safety, Health,
EST - projects
yond minimum compliance to environmental regu-
Quality, Environment and Energy requirements, with
One of the challenges that the industry had to face
lations and have voluntarily adopted more robust
the option of single integrated audit aligned with the
was the latest evolution of MARPOL Annex VI which
requirements. ABS offers a variety of optional class
mandatory ISM Code audits. Owners/operators also
in the context of air emissions management encour-
notations to denote adherence to the latest regula-
obtain the relevant class notation “HSQEEn” to rec-
ages companies to monitor, analyze and improve the
tory and industry environmental requirements. EN-
ognize that the vessel meets the applicable require-
way their ships use energy. Through the EST, ABS
VIRO and ENVIRO+ integrate ABS requirements
ments of the ABS Marine HSQE (En) Guide. The
offers customized SEEMP development workshops
with those needed for compliance with international
ABS HSQEEn Guide is available for free download-
to facilitate the development of a ship-specific man-
conventions, principally MARPOL, Ballast Water
ing from the ABS website.
agement plan. These plans not only comply with ap-
Management and Ship Recycling, for which notation
At ABS, we are dedicated to continue setting stand-
plicable regulations but will also bring added value by
GP (Green Passport) specifically applies. For the
ards of excellence and offering practical solutions.
52 technical article Det Norske Veritas
Environmental regulations towards 2020 By Eirik Nyhus – Director, Environmnet
International shipping is a heavily regulated industry. Nevertheless, this decade we will see a plethora of additional regulations coming on-line, with significant economic and operational implications. Managing the cumulative impact may be one of the decade’s key challenges– companies not making the right choices may see their long-term viability suffer. Shipping today operates under a complex set of in-
type or by exhaust gas cleaning
There have been many cases of alien species being
ternational and domestic regulations. Traditionally
There are certain key dates that represent crucial
introduced into new environments; presently ballast
the leaps in regulations have been event driven, in
regulatory deadlines for shipping;
water is the dominant global transfer mechanism. Or-
some cases even being driven by events outside the
• January 1 2015 – 0.10% S in ECA
ganisms carried in ballast water can establish them-
sector. Well known examples are the Titanic disaster
•January 1 2016 – NOx Tier 3 in ECA
selves in new environments, causing dramatic shifts
ultimately leading to the International Convention for
• January 1 2020 or 2025 – 0.5% S global cap
in food webs, disease outbreaks and accelerated
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention, the
Prior to 2015 the operators will have to make the
species extinction rates. The cost of these invasions
Exxon Valdez oil spill resulting in Oil Pollution Act
choice of either installing technically complicated
has been estimated at more than $100 billion every
(OPA 90), and 9/11 resulting in the International Ship
and likely expensive exhaust gas cleaning systems
year in the USA alone.
and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. Environmen-
(“scrubbers”), or switching to low sulphur fuel for all
In response to this the IMO adopted the Ballast Water
tal regulations however, have been lagging behind
ships operating in an ECA. Low sulphur fuel options
Management convention, a set of regulations seek-
those of other industries.
will realistically be either expensive distillates or LNG,
ing to severely limit the number of organisms carried
This situation is now changing.
the latter in practical terms being an option only for
in ships’ ballast water. A key part of the convention is
The increased focus on both global and local environ-
new buildings. For new buildings from 2016 onwards
eventually making ballast water cleaning mandatory
mental issues in general, combined with the growing
and operating in an ECA, the NOx requirements add
for all ships. The convention is unique in that it has a
realisation of the actual pollution burden imposed by
another layer of complexity due to possible technical
fixed timeline; most ships in international trade must
shipping, has led to an upsurge in both international
integration issues between SOx and NOx solutions.
have ballast water cleaning systems installed by the
and national regulations. Some are ready and will
Finally, in 2020 or 2025 (pending an IMO decision
end of 2019.
be entering into force in the very near future, while
in 2018) the 0.5% S global cap will enter into force,
The convention is presently close to its ratification
others are still under development and will have an
changing the economics of the decisions made in the
threshold. Once ratified, a strong surge in system
impact only in the intermediate term.
preceding years.
demand can be expected.
The key issues having significant regulatory impact
Making the right technology choice is an exceedingly
While there are numerous suppliers of approved sys-
this decade are, broadly speaking, sulphur oxides
complicated issue as it hinges on decision param-
tems in the market all systems have had relatively
(SOx), nitrous oxides (NOx), and particles (PM),
eters with inherent huge uncertainties;
limited operational experience and come with an in-
greenhouse gases (in particular CO2), and ballast
• Refinery distillate production volumes, availability
herent technology uncertainty. Furthermore, as sys-
water management.
and price locally and globally?
tem performance depends on water quality, trading
• LNG fuel price vs. HFO and distillates?
pattern specifics may be a crucial determinant when
Sulphur oxides, nitrous oxides, and particles
• Technology maturity, availability and price?
deciding on type.
SOx, NOx and PM are all emissions to air that result
• Shipyards retrofit capacities?
From the international regulatory perspective an im-
from the combustion of marine fuels. The local envi-
• General technology risks?
portant complication is the fact that US states under
ronmental effects of these are generally well known
• Likelihood of further ECAs?
US law are legally entitled to impose their own bal-
and include acidification and eutrophication, both
• Trading patterns, time in ECAs?
last water cleaning standards, above and beyond the
having potentially severe ecosystem impacts, and
Complicating the decisions further is the fact that
IMO standards if they so desire. Presently, California
negative health effects on exposed populations. The
there are local and regional regulatory initiatives in
has done so, albeit with enforcement held in abey-
impacts are generally well understood and have in
addition to the international IMO requirements. One
ance for the time being. At the federal level legislation
some parts of the world (e.g. EU, USA) led to strict
key example is the EU where one possible outcome
has been prepared by the US Coast Guard and re-
regulations of emissions from land based sources. In
of the ongoing revision of legislation may be the
cently published, with technical requirements identi-
recognition of shipping becoming a dominant emis-
implementation of ECA-like requirements in all EU
cal to the IMO requirements but applied according to
sion source, potentially exceeding land based sourc-
waters. Needless to say, this can significantly affect
a different time schedule. The practical consequence
es, emissions have been internationally regulated by
operator considerations.
is a de-facto unified adoption of IMO technical re-
IMO through the MARPOL convention. This gives a
Uncertainties notwithstanding, the international regu-
quirements at the US federal level, possibly reducing
combination of general maximum global emission
latory deadlines are clear and the key strategic deci-
the future risk of US states implementing their own
levels and significantly more stringent levels applying
sions need to be made. The only thing certain at this
to designated sea areas generally known as Emis-
point in time is that all solutions are going to be costly,
With the relative technological novelty of the sys-
sion Control Areas (ECA). The regulations allow for
and that there is no “one size fits all” fix available.
tems, the fact that the convention has not yet entered
mitigating emissions through either changing fuel
Ballast water
into force, regulatory uncertainty in the US, and a
THE POWER OF FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS Swift and rapid changes in business conditions, stricter regulations, deeper waters and new technology: managing risk has never been more complex – demanding flexible operations. Through our extensive, worldwide experience in risk management within the offshore energy and maritime industries, we understand risk at all levels from the detailed technical through to long-term business strategy, helping you to handle the complexity of risk, and enabling flexible and robust service delivery. Classification • Verification • Technology qualification • Safety, health and environmental risk management • Enterprise risk management • Asset risk management
54 technical article
price tag of systems easily running into several mil-
international mechanisms were not in place by end
trading on Europe, 2) the possibility of broadening
lion USD per ship, industry uptake has been slow.
of 2011.
the scope of a regional mechanism to become a truly
But the implication of the ratification threshold being
Painstaking negotiations at the IMO led to the adop-
international one, and 3) the willingness to shelve EU
reached in the near future is that several thousand
tion of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
plans if the IMO delivers. Likely implementation will
ships will need to have systems installed within a
and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
be in 2017 / 2018 barring an IMO agreement.
very short time span. It remains an open question
(SEEMP) in 2011, entering into force from January
whether supplier, yard and engineering capacity will
be sufficient to meet the pent-up demand once the
The EEDI, by setting increasingly stringent require-
Considering all the issues above, it should be ap-
floodgates open.
ments to the energy efficiency of new ships, is in-
parent that navigating the regulatory landscape to
tended to stimulate development of more energy
decide on the appropriate technical and operational
Greenhouse gases
efficient ship designs, indirectly leading to reduced
solutions is not a trivial task.
Greenhouse gases such as CO2 are generally held
operational CO2 emissions. The SEEMP is designed
Addressing SOx, NOx, ballast water, and energy ef-
to be the primary mechanism for anthropogenic
to directly stimulate more energy efficient operational
ficiency requirements more or less in the same time-
warming of the atmosphere, with the international
frame requires a careful balancing act, where care
community working for more than 20 years on estab-
The regulatory mechanism remaining on the table
must be taken so that the technology solution to one
lishing effective international regulations. Shipping
is Market Based Measures (MBM). Negotiations on
issue does not unduly constrain the choices for the
along with aviation was not covered by the key pil-
MBM have met with significantly less success than
others. A fine balancing act is required, in particular
lar of these efforts, the Kyoto Protocol, primarily due
those on the EEDI and SEEMP and until fundamental
when one factors in generally increasing fuel prices,
to the complexity of allocating ownership of the CO2
political differences are resolved at the international
high investment costs and potential lack of financing,
emissions. With resurgence in international concern
climate negotiations there is limited likelihood of
and likely soft charter rates.
about CO2 emissions in the mid-00’s the IMO com-
progress at the IMO.
In the longer run the ability to navigate these treach-
mitted itself to addressing ships’ CO2 emissions
In the absence of IMO progress the EU will be propos-
erous waters may be a key commercial differentiator
through a combination of technical, operational and
ing a regional mechanism for CO2 reductions from
– where the companies with the necessary analytic
market based means. This commitment was further
shipping. While policy details remains unclear, three
capabilities, the strategic vision and the implementa-
stimulated by the European Council decision to de-
general principles will be embodied in any proposal;
tion resources are likely to outperform those trying to
velop regional CO2 control mechanisms if effective
1) an attempt at universal coverage of all vessels
do business “the way it used to be done”.
LNG bunkering is materializing Since the topic of LNG as a marine fuel really took off, I’d say some two years ago, the industry speakers have developed a few mantras; they always refer to the chicken and egg situation that we are facing. Everybody has heard it so many times now, that they all know what it means: the LNG bunkering availability can’t develop before there are enough ships asking for LNG, and LNG fuelled ships can’t be ordered before there are LNG bunkering available to them. You also hear quotes like “everybody is sitting on the fence, waiting for someone else to take the first step”. Well, dear industry colleagues, it is time to stop recycling old powerpoint slides, look up from your keyboards, and get updated on all the things that are actually happening. Because the above statements about chicken and egg are simply not correct anymore. Over the past year, we have seen these developments: • The worlds largest bunkering hub, Singapore, has communicated clear ambitions for supplying LNG in 2014 at the latest • Almost all large North European ports have communicated plans for LNG availability within 2013-2014: Rotterdam, Zeebrugge, Hamburg, and several more • All the ports, and their respective port authorities are demonstrating action – it is not just talk • One year ago the oil & gas majors were not interested. The volumes were too small they said. Since then they have clearly done the math, and more or less all of them now indicate quite significant interest in this growing market • Risk analysis and operational procedures are being developed for various places, and they will all be pulled together in a ISO standard for LNG bunkering to be published in draft format by the end of the year – that is probably a world record in fast development of an international standard • Various small players are lurking around looking for their angle in the LNG supply and bunkering business • The first speculative order for a LNG bunker barge will probably be placed soon (my prediction) What more can you ask for? This is developing like a wild fire in most corners of the world! So please stop referring to the chicken and egg situation and how much it slows down progress.
At least hen came before this egg but if that is the general rule I don’t know
Focus upon quality - Total Quality Service SHIP REPAIRS - STEAM TURBINES/TURBOCHARGERS - REBUILDING - FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMS - QUALITY CONTROL When it comes to the repair and maintenance of a ship, high quality may not be enough to secure your investment. Total Quality Service is the concept upon which KIMI S.A. has been investing for the past 50 years. Total Quality Service aims at saving you costs through quality. It can only be achieved through continuous investment in specialized human capital, state-of-the art equipment, numerous quality tests, immediate response and just in time delivery. KIMI S.A. covers the full spectrum of services in-situ or in the workshop and guarantees maximum savings for its clients. Learn more about Total Quality Service and save money.
Industrial park of Shisto, 2nd Street, 2nd building block, 18863 Perama T. +30 210 4004757, F. +30 210 4326399, E.,
56 technical article Spyros Zolotas
Energy savings make sense RINA Country Manager for Greece
Shipowners traditionally rely on the charterer paying the fuel bill. But that no longer works. Charterers are increasingly including energy saving clauses in charter parties for bulkers and tankers, giving owners a real incentive to save fuel. And for ferry and passenger ship owners, and the increasing number of Greek containership owners, energy consumption is a big issue. Energy consumption matters because bunker prices are high and energy saved is energy the owner does not have to pay for. It matters because there are new IMO rules on emissions and energy efficiency and the EU is leading the way on Emission Control Areas which place very strict limits on air emissions. All US waters are included in a new ECA this year. Burning less fuel means lower emissions. And of course for passenger ships the operators need to be aware of how their passengers feel. They need to be able to show they are doing all they can to operate their vessels cleanly. owners a tool for educating on-board staff in reducing energy use and it provides a RINA is working closely with yards and owners to help them to design and oper-
fleet benchmark for good practices on one vessel to be implemented on another.
ate ships which burn less fuel. In the longer term there will be more gas-fuelled
The added benefit is that it will also form the backbone of the IMO’s Ship Energy
ships so RINA has introduced rules for gas-powered vessels. The trade-off there
Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).
is benefits in terms of cleanliness and emissions in return for occupying more space for bunkers. Future ferries will use diesel-electric power plants, which allow
All ships will be required to have a SEEMP from 2013, which has to include the
the diesel gensets to run at efficient loads all the time. RINA has good experience
monitoring of the status of ship energy usage and the expected improvements of
with building and classing this type of power plant, which is flexible and efficient.
ship energy efficiency. The plan has to show how energy improvements will be im-
But the bunker infrastructure to support LNG fuel will take some time to develop
plemented including the development of the procedures for energy management
so the focus now has to be on helping diesel-powered ships be more efficient.
and the definition of the tasks to be performed. SEEMP also covers monitoring and measurement, which provide a quantitative indicator of the ship energy ef-
RINA has developed two tools to assist owners. The Green Plus notation inte-
ficiency and self-evaluation and improvement.
grates all the design, equipment and operational environmental impact mitigation
Alongside the SEEMP, required for all ships, there is the IMO Energy Efficiency
features of the vessel into a single index. That gives the owner and designer a
Design Index for new vessels. It will give a number by which ships can be ranked
powerful, flexible tool to create the most environmentally effective vessel for a
for energy performance. Owners and operators need to take great care in design-
particular trade, and to be able to show clients and authorities their commitment
ing new vessels to ensure they will not be punished in a competitive and energy
to the environment through the award of the Green Plus notation.
conscious charter market. RINA’s Energy Efficiency System provides a practical help based on experience both to reduce fuel consumption and comply with the
Green Plus is a tool which includes fuel efficiency but also ranges over all en-
new regulations.
vironmental impact mitigation measures including garbage and waste streams. RINA’s Energy Saving System is focused only on the energy usage aspects of
By blending practical experience with a good understanding of the regulations
the vessel’s operations. At its heart is an energy saving index which assesses
both in existence and upcoming, then developing user-friendly tools, RINA is
the ship’s performance in terms of efficiency and energy conservation. It delivers
ready to help shipping to save energy.
Posidonia 2012 Stand no 3.211 in Hall 3
when a growing
covers huge distances
RINA GROUP making the best together
58 ballast water management
Ballast water treatment challenge RWO cleanballast solution It is generally to be assumed that the IMO Convention on ballast water treatment will soon be fully ratified and come into force 12 months after. Currently, RWO has more than 50 CleanBallast systems in its order book, and as of April this year 38 CleanBallast installations had been successfully put into operation. The start-up of the systems took place in China and, among other things, were tested there with water from the Yangtze River, one of the most difficult bodies of ballast water in the world. Functional Description of the CleanBallast sys-
the backwashing process if a preset limit value is ex-
ing without interruption of the ballasting process.
ceeded. In addition, an adjustable timer will release
The filters are backflushed one at a time, while the
The RWO CleanBallast solution is a modular system
backwashing if no increase of the differential pres-
others remain in operation to produce filtrate. The
designed for various ship types and capacities. It in-
sure occurs within a certain time period - to keep the
back- flushing process will be initiated automatically
volves the following treatment steps:
filtration at high efficiency, respectively to flush out
(time controlled or by differential pressure over the
Step 1: Efficient, automatic backwashed DiskFiltra-
any remaining sediments once the ballasting proc-
complete DiskFilter system) and lasts only a few
tion, to remove suspended solids, sediments and
ess is finished.
seconds. The sediments from backflushing are dis-
larger organisms during ballast water uptake.
The advanced EctoSys® electrochemical disinfec-
charged over board.
Step 2: Disinfection by the advanced EctoSys® elec-
tion cell is installed in-line in the collective filtrate
trochemical disinfection, to minimize the number of
piping to eliminate the remaining organisms. A direct
viable micro-organisms.
current between the special anodes and cathodes
While the sediments and most of the organisms have
A re-growth of organisms in the ballast water tanks
produces different disinfectants due to an effective
been removed when ballasting, during the storage of
may occur during the voyage of the ship. Therefore,
mass transport. If the rectifier (power supply) of the
the treated ballast water in the ship’s ballast water
disinfection is applied once more during ballast water
EctoSys® is switched off, the production of oxidants
tanks a potential re-growth of organisms may occur.
discharge to ensure compliance of the ship’s effluent
(disinfectants) will be stopped immediately.
Therefore, the ballast water to be treated also during
with the IMO Discharge Standard D-2.
de-ballasting in order to keep the discharged ballast DiskFiltration
water within the limit values set by the IMO Perform-
The ballast water DiskFilter is specially designed by
ance Standard D-2. As a result, the RWO system
The ballast water flows through the single disc fil-
RWO to achieve a high flow rate at a low footprint
passes the de-ballasting water through the disinfec-
ter packages outside-to-inside; the CleanBallast
and reliable performance for heavy duty operation in
tion process again before discharge. During the de-
system is equipped with 55 µm filter discs. The fil-
areas with high sediment load. The advantage of the
ballasting process only the disinfection is used for
tration pressure loss is constantly monitored by a
in-depth filtration furthermore enables an excellent
water treatment, the filters are bypassed.
differential pressure measurement, which initiates
particle removal. The DiskFilter allows for backflush-
Only when the TRO (total residual oxidants) level
60 ballast water management
reaches > 0.2 mg/l, small quantities of a non-haz-
• Extremely low operating costs
during the ballast water intake can have the following
ardous and customary neutralization agent will be
• No additional investments and no need for addi-
effects: reduction of the loading capacity; increased
dosed during ballast water discharge. However, the
tional space for peripheral components such as an
fuel costs of the ship (according to studies, up 3%);
addition of a neutralization agent is not necessary
extra generator, which possibly might be needed for
expensive tank-cleaning costs (because these sedi-
when water with low salinity is treated, as in this case
systems with higher energy consumption.
ments count as hazardous waste and must be stored
extremely short-living OH-radicals only are produced
• Significantly lower carbon footprint.
in special disposal sites); and the settling sediments
as disinfectants and therefore no total residual oxi-
in the tanks can be the breeding ground for micro-or-
dants exist.
ganisms that are then discharged with the untreated The special news to do with the RWO CleanBallast
Disinfection by advanced EctoSys® electro-
ballast water.
system during the last 12 months includes:
chemical disinfection
Different disinfectants are produced by the advanced
• Type certification even for Russian flagged vessels.
RWO GmbH, Bremen, is a leading supplier of sys-
EctoSys® electrochemical cell directly in the pipe. In
Classification society Russian Maritime Register of
tems for water and wastewater treatment aboard
water with low salt content, only hydroxyl radicals are
Shipping (RMRS) has issued a type approval cer-
ships and offshore platforms. Its product programme
produced as disinfectants. Hydroxyl radicals having
tificate for RWO’s ballast water treatment system
covers the treatment of drinking and process water,
the highest oxidation potential of all those disinfect-
CleanBallast in October 2011.
as well as oily-water separators (OWS), ballast and
ants that can be used for ballast water treatment. In
• For simplest installation of the modular system,
brackish and seawater the special disinfection tech-
a 3-dimensional scanner service is available. This
RWO is the worldwide leader in the treatment of oily-
nology produces simultaneously the short-living hy-
technically advanced feature replaces expensive
water and they trust they can assist ship owners to
droxyl radicals and the more long-living chlorine as
and time-consuming hand made measurements and
increase vessels’ value through the use of the most
minimizes the error rate. All necessary measures for
advantageous system in the present market.
The most outstanding advantages of the EctoSys®
retrofitting and installation can be taken right out of
RWO is represented in Greece and Cyprus by Fran-
disinfection are that it immediately reacts when pass-
the 3-dimensional picture.
man Ltd, who can provide further information upon
ing the electrodes and - in contrast to conventional
• Shipowners from all over the world set their trust
request (P.I.C Mr. Papazafiriou / Mr. Nikolaou)
chlorine electrolysis - it even works in water with low
in CleanBallast; even in the last three months some
further important contracts were signed.
The disinfected ballast water flow can be checked by an optional Algae Monitor, a unique instrument that measures the phytoplankton in the ballast wa-
Besides the design of the system for actually pre-
ter discharge and gives an indication about system
vailing port water conditions and extremely low en-
efficiency. The results from this measurement can
ergy consumption, the CleanBallast technology also
also be used to automatically adjust the disinfection
stands out for its following advantages:
intensity of the EctoSys® system and ensure that
• No increase of the corrosion behaviour, or harm to
the already low energy usage is further optimized,
components or coatings
thereby sparing the environment and keeping oper-
• Simplest installation and automated operation
ating cost low.
• Minimal maintenance requirement • A safe, efficient and reliable system, including for
Key Benefits of CleanBallast application
port waters with high sediment loads (meaning far
One of the main special features of the CleanBallast
above the IMO test guidelines)
systems is that it is focused on its use and functional-
• A modular design, and therefore suitable both for
ity in real bodies of water.
new builds and retrofitting.
This means that the CleanBallast system is not only type-certified, but also able to reliably and complete-
RWO points out that the installation of the ballast
ly fulfil what the shipowner expects of its function un-
water treatment system (BWTS) as part of the new
der actually prevailing port water conditions.
building phase offers the following benefits for the shipowner vs. retrofitting:
The significant benefits of the CleanBallast system
• Lower total investment costs (logistics and project
also include its extremely low energy consumption of
management by the shipowner, as well as shipyard
0.014 kWh/m³ in seawater to 0.07 kWh/m³ in waters
installation costs)
with lower salt content. A 1,000 m³/hr system needs,
• Prevention of logistics bottlenecks in finding a yard
for example, only 14 kWh in the case of sea water,
for the installation of a BWTS, which means an in-
and here a backflushing of the filter is already taken
stallation can be implemented not only on time but
into account.
also cost-effectively (after the IMO Convention takes effect, up to 30 ships a day worldwide will have to be
Compared to other ballast water treatment systems
retrofitted with a BWTS)
the energy consumption of CleanBallast is extremely
• The use of a BWTS before the IMO Convention
low and results clearly in the following benefits, which
comes into force prevents the accumulation of sedi-
in overall evaluations often are underestimated:
ments in the ballast water tanks. Not removing them
62 technical article Innospec’s Contribution to comply with SEEMP Innospec is the leading manufacturer and supplier of fuel additives to the marine industry
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
mation. It is important to note that fuel sludge is made up primarily of the aromatic
It is anticipated that from 1st January 2013, SEEMP will be mandatory for all ves-
components typically found in residual fuels, known as asphaltenes. Asphaltenes
sels. SEEMP provides a means to assess, monitor and optimise the efficiency of
are combustible hydrocarbons, and therefore fuel sludge is in the most part, a loss
vessels with a view to reduce emissions (see SEEMP).
of good fuel. As well as the financial aspect with the loss of fuel, excessive sludge
SEEMP guidelines, published by the IMO, make reference to the use of additives as
will cause serious problems with the fuel handling system - not least rapid fouling
a potential means to improve operational efficiency. Innospec are quite willing and
and efficiency loss of the separators.
able to assist and advise on additive solutions to help achieve your targets.
In addition, the requirement to change over from the use of heavy fuel oil to middle
• Co2 reduction can be accomplished via the reduction of SFC via efficient burn out
distillates such as marine gas oil (MGO) is increasing. For many reasons changing
of each droplet of fuel when using our highly effective combustion catalysts
over fuel types is a complicated procedure, not least because of the incompatibility
issues that can almost immediately become evident. In extreme cases, incompat-
Reduced sludge production* (up to 80%) can result to over 1% of net
fuel saving alone further contributing to accomplish SEEMP goals.
ibility during changeover could cause a propulsion loss as the filters become over-
• Optimization of purifier performance (reduced sludge production) will allow effec-
whelmed; this in turn posing a serious safety issue.
tive cat fine removal
Innospec’s dispersant / stabiliser range of fuel additives act to stabilise the as-
• Vessels adopting slow steaming operation further benefit from reduced unburned
phaltenes in otherwise unstable fuel blends. The stabiliser prevents the asphaltenes
carbon depositing due to complete fuel burn out eliminating the greatest side effect
from flocculating and falling out of suspension, generating sludge. The additive also
of this operation.
helps to disperse existing agglomerations of asphaltenes, and therefore over a peri-
For the above reasons our fuel additives can assist you to meet the SEEMP goals
od of time can clean up the fuel handling system, and in turn maximise its efficiency.
and simultaneously enjoy improved engine reliability and maintenance cost reduc-
The benefits of Innospec’s dispersant stabiliser fuel additives can be summarised
tions which is the main reason our clients trust Innospec additives over the past
as follows:
• Less sludge being produced equals more usable fuel. • Field Trials using Innospec stabiliser / dispersant additives have typically achieved
*Reduced Sludge Production
a sludge reduction of 60 - 80%.
Innospec Limited, the leading dedicated fuel additive producer and supplier in the
• Less risk of incompatibility when changing over to MGO.
world, markets a range of dispersant / stabiliser fuel additives which have been
• Reduced load on separators thereby improving their efficiency.(efficient cat-fine
extensively tested and proven in the field, achieving sludge reduction of up to 80%.
Less sludge in reality represents a huge saving for any vessel, but there are also
• Less tendency for separator bowls to become blocked.
many other benefits to such fuel additive treatment.
• Better fuel injection, atomisation and combustion.
Since the 1970’s the quality of residual bunker fuels has deteriorated dramatically,
• Reduced soot deposits in the combustion chamber and exhaust system maintain-
most notably due to secondary refining processes aimed at maximising the high
ing an engine in the optimum design condition.
value streams from a barrel of crude oil. In the midst of this we also have ever de-
• Field trials have demonstrated a significant reduction in NOx, CO and Particulate
creasing Sulphur limits being imposed by regional and international legislation such
as MARPOL Annex VI, CARB legislation and EU Directive 2005/33/EC. From July
• Fuel Filter back flushes reduced indicating a more homogenous fuel being deliv-
2010 the maximum allowable sulphur content used inside ECA’s (emission control
ered to the engine.
areas) is 1% w/w. As a result, the blending of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) for marine use
• Reduction in operational requirement of the ships incinerator. Resulting in less
is becoming a more complicated task, as the fuels must achieve the Sulphur content
diesel fuel, less man hours, fewer emissions from incinerator.
as well as the density and viscosity requirements of ISO8217. These additional
• Reduced costs for disposing of sludge in port.
blending requirements have the potential to increase stability and compatibility is-
• Reduced costs for periodical cleaning of fuel tanks and pipework.
sues, which will manifest themselves onboard in the form of excessive sludge for-
• Cleaner engines and handling system will extend maintenance schedules.
Improving your fuel’s performance takes something extra. We are market leaders in marine fuel additives because we know exactly how to get the most out of marine fuel oils. Our innovative additive technologies give that something extra by significantly improving fuel quality and reliability. Treat your fuel Keep your engine running Reduce operational costs With unrivalled technical support, extensive R&D and our products enhancing your fuel performance - your fleet will always be out in front. To find out more, e-mail Innospec today at or call +302104110727
64 corporate
Shipowners, Yards & Offshore Service
66 salvage TSAVLIRIS: The Salvor and the Environment
Concern for the environment has seen the role of the salvor transformed over the
Following the approval of the salvage plan by local authorities, cracks were tem-
past 30 years, and there is every likelihood this trend will continue. Still, salvage
porarily patched, fuel and pollutants were removed without incident and about 200
contractors remain the best line of defence in combating environmental dangers
containers were transferred to M/V “KNIDOS” and M/V “TIGER SEA”. After comple-
created by oil spills and other maritime casualties. They operate under increasing
tion of the lightening operations, “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” connected to the stern
public scrutiny brought about by extensive media coverage and a policy of zero
of the casualty and successfully refloated her on Tuesday 22nd November. The
tolerance adopted by government authorities. Nowadays, salvors must meet the
“MEGAS ALEXANDROS” stood by the casualty for about 10 days at a nearby an-
ever higher and unyielding expectations of both the public and the politicians, when
chorage. Casualty was granted permission to proceed to Turkey under own power
carrying out salvage operations. The growing concern of coastal states, keen to
on 1st December - she proceeded to Izmit bay for discharging, and thence to Tuzla
protect and preserve the marine environment, has also led to greater government
for dry docking.
interference in dealing with casualties and salvage operations. Today there is hardly a salvage event that is not driven by concern for the environment – look only at the
Tsavliris signed their second November LOF, on the 18th, following the grounding
recent examples of “DEEPWATER HORIZON” in 2010, “RENA” in 2011 and most
of general cargo ship “FGM COMMANDER” (GRT 6,819, DWT 8,978), laden with
recently “COSTA CONCORDIA” in 2012.
about 7,500 MT of steel products, on a reef South-West of Hydra Island. Salvage tug “ALEXANDER 3”, anti-pollution vessel “AEGIS 1”, lightening vessel M/V “JOAN-
TSAVLIRIS, as an international salvor, is part of this main line of defence, so vital in
NA VI” and Tsavliris tug “HERMES” were mobilized.
combating the environmental threat posed by marine casualties. Experienced salvors carry-out operations, which minimize environmental damage, while striving to
About 650 MT of cargo was transferred to lightening vessel “JOANNA VI”. Both tugs
limit spills; thus ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.
successfully refloated her on Wednesday 23rd November. The casualty proceeded to a nearby anchorage for an underwater inspection. Bunkers were transferred back
In September 2011, Tsavliris Salvage Group were shortlisted for the highly coveted
to the “FGM COMMANDER” from the “AEGIS 1”. “HERMES” returned to Patras on
“Environment Award” at the Lloyd’s List Global Awards and are proud to announce
the 23rd November.
that they were Highly Commended and congratulated for their efforts in protecting the environment against marine pollution. Many salvage operations can be cited to
Following completion of services to the “CAFER DEDE”, Tsavliris salvage tug
demonstrate the Group’s role in preventing and controlling marine pollution – two
“MEGAS ALEXANDROS” was released and dispatched to the “FGM COMMAND-
closer to home in particular stand out at the end of last year:
ER” to relieve “ALEXANDER 3”. “IFAISTOS 2” was engaged to act as steering tug for the towage to Eleusis, while “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” was the leading tug. The
Tsavliris Salvage Group were engaged in two salvage operations under LOF 2011
convoy arrived safely on the 3rd December and the “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” re-
contracts, following groundings off Greek islands. On the 8th November, 2011, fully
mained on stand by near the casualty. The vessel was shifted to a safe berth at
cellular containership “CAFER DEDE” (GRT 21,092, DWT 26,700) ran aground
Elefsis port and redelivered to her owners on the 9th December.
on hard rocks South-East of Syros Island, while on passage from Turkey to Italy.
Tsavliris Salvage Group is currently rendering services in relation to Bunkering
Tsavliris dispatched own salvage tug “MEGAS ALEXANDROS”, and diving support
Tanker “ALFA 1” (GRT 1,648, DWT 2,519), laden with about 2,000 tonnes of fuel,
antipollution tug “ARMADORES I”, to her immediate assistance. Following the mo-
which capsized and sank at Elefsis Roads in early March after striking a submerged
bilization of salvage team, oil booms were deployed around the vessel as a precau-
object. Salvage tug “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” was dispatched from Piraeus with
tion, and an underwater inspection was carried out to ascertain bottom damage.
a full salvage team, antipollution equipment and specialist divers the day after the accident.
In cooperation with Environmental Protection Engineering SA (EPE),
A flotilla of vessels were mobilized for this salvage operation: crane barge “IGNA-
with whom they have a good working relationship, Tsavliris performed antipollution
TIOS III”, tug “MICHALIS S”, bunker barge “SEKAVIN”, lightening vessels M/V
services and fuel removal, involving diving operations and hot tapping. This is an
ongoing salvage operation.
68 corporate
ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ.2229 ISSN 1107 - 3179
Marine Plus S.A: Your global partner in shiprepair & technical service
SHIPPING PO RTAL Marine Plus provides the Greek shipping community through its shipyard principals worldwide high quality repairs, conversions and newbuilding services. In addition, the company has many qualified workshops in most ports for carrying out minor repairs, port repairs etc. ναυτιλιακό και οικονομικό περιοδικό
2011 - Research and Analysis Greek Shipping Companies
Σανίδα σωτηρίας και πάλι οι Εφοπλιστές
Counts 100 million GT classified
2ο συνέδριο Ιούνιος 2013
Our core business always was and still is shiprepair and conversion. Most of our business is conducted in China, where we have been active since 1992. China accounts for around 80% of our annual shiprepair/ conversion turnover, by far the largest portion. We are also active and exclusively represent shipyards in Hong Kong, the Black Sea, Med region, Thailand, Panama, Kuwait, US East coast and Europe. In China, yards do not offer agents exclusive agreements, partly because the Chinese are extremely competitive by nature and also because they believe that the Greek market is so large it is not possible for one agent to cover the entire territory. We have thus built up very close, long-term and constructive cooperations with the best shiprepair yards in China. This has been a slow process which has taken years of commitment and hard work, a combination of strong interpersonal relationships with the senior management of these yards as well as a concentrated team effort to ensure each repair project undertaken is a success both for our Greek customers as well as the Yards we represent. Our real job begins after we receive a firm booking, especially during the vessel’s repair at the yard, where key milestones are monitored as well as overall progress, maintaining agreed schedules, docking dates, sufficient labor for prompt execution of works etc. During this period, regular contact with the attending supt eng as well as the head office is maintained. Monitoring and expediting work progress is greatly assisted by our Chinese-speaking staff who deal with working level yard staff (eg ship repair manager, deck engineer etc), whilst we also keep contact with senior yard management, as and when their intervention is required
Dimitris Vranopoulos Nikos Theodorou
“Heading forward in good and bad times with experience and professionalism”.
corporate 69
Dimitris Vranopoulos: “Every project is important, irrespective of size. We are proud to have most of our customers as repeat clients for many years”. Despite international and domestic challenges,
and environment and the need for high quality
Greek shipping is holding up better than expect-
know – how. Do you believe the European ship-
ed, demonstrating once more resilience in trying
ping will maintain its international competitive-
times. What is your opinion about the perspec-
ness for the near future?
tive of shipping industry for the next years? The main European shipping communities (Greece, Greek shipping is indeed holding up better than
Germany, Norway, Holland) will continue to have a
expected. Most companies survived the crash of the
competitive edge in terms of compliance with ever
freight market at the end of 2008, but bear in mind
increasing new regulations related to safety, emi
that at that time shipping companies were cashrich
sions etc as well as know-how built up over the past
and therefore better positioned to ride out the
few decades. The eastern threat (China, Singapore,
storm. In addition, the 2008 crash was driven by the
India etc) is evident, but still needs time before they
Our main business has been shiprepair/conversion
failure of the international banking system. It seems
can match European shipping expertise.
activity for the past 25 years. We have built up
we are now in a purely shipping market recession,
What is the competitive advantage of the companies you represent, in order to meet the specific needs and expectations of Greek shipowners?
an international network of reliable and reputable
due mainly to oversupply of new tonnage in most
What will tomorrow’s sustainable vessel look
shipyards, both as exclusive and non-exclusive
segments and world recession. Most Greek owners
like, and how will it differ from other vessels?
agents, and due to our close and continuous coop-
feel the depressed shipping market is here to stay, at
eration with these yards over many years, are able
least for the next few years. In that context, I believe
The ‘’green ship’’ is already a reality. Korea and
to provide real value-added to our Greek customers,
many Greek operators will take advantage of this
Japan have heavily invested in research and devel-
especially during vessel’s repairs.
and buy young shipping assets at low or ‘’distressed’’
opment of ships that will be eco-friendly and fuel
We employ qualified naval architects / marine engi-
levels. I am confident that Greek shipping will expand
efficient, both at government and shipbuilder level.
neers in our office to ensure we are at the side of our
and grow stronger during the shipping downturn, as
China is also developing similar designs through
Greek customers during the complete repair cycle.
has been the case in past recessions.
their main design bureaus. Vessels currently under
Our aim is to secure a win-win result both for the
construction already incorporate the regulatory
owner and the yard we represent. Our main exper-
Regarding the age profile of the fleet, the order
ecofriendly requirements known to be applicable in
tise lies with Chinese yards, where we complete over
book of newbuildings further improved the age
the forthcoming years. Alternative/greener sources
100 repair projects annually. We are proud to have
of the Greek – owned fleet. Do you believe that
of power generation / propulsion on board vessels
most of our customers as repeat clients for many
this trend is going to be continued?
are also ‘’in the making’’!
Newbuildings as part of Greek shipping companies’
Does the global shipbuilding industry suffer from
growth strategy is here to stay. The clear trend is for
contract cancellation because of the financial
Why should the Greek shiponwer select your
Greeks to sell their older (mainly 80’s built) vessels
crisis? What is the real impact of the financial
either to Chinese/ M. East/ F. East buyers or scrap
crisis on the shipbuilding industry?
and buy younger ships. Newbuilds are no longer the
company? As previously advised, we offer our customers a value added service due to the sheer volume of busi-
privilege of the few. Current newbuild price levels are
Global shipbuilding was directly affected by the fi-
ness we do with the yards we cooperate with, which
relatively low but still have some way to go, and even
nancial crisis of late 2008, especially for contracts
we pass to our customers. We ensure our vessels
cautious owners who did not contract during the
thatwere signed without solid bank finance in place.
are given top priority during repairs, have a strong
peak years of 2005-2008 will eventually be involved
To a large degree this has been dampened by alter-
yard project team on board the vessel, and keep
with newbuilds as well. The average age of the
native sources of finance, e.g. capital markets/share
pressure on the yard to maintain sufficient manpower
Greek fleet has been steadily reducing on an annual
equity, ipo’s, new finance players (e.g. china), as well
on board the vessel to complete within the quoted
basis over the past 10 years.
as easing of conventional bank funding to reputable
repair period. We keep regular contact with the
owners albeit at a higher cost. Estimates of actual
superintendent engineer attending the repair, the
The future of the European maritime transport
cancellations vary from 15% - 30% of the order book,
head office in Greece as well as the yard to secure
policy until 2018 acknowledges the de facto
but probably are at the lower end due to re-sales
customer satisfaction. Every project is important, and
global character of European shipping, in re-
activity as well as heavy investment in new orders by
all customers are important irrespective of size.
spect of its global competitive position, safety
state/semi-governmental bodies (e.g. China-Brazil).
70 corporate Marine Plus Singapore We are honoured to announce our 1st thriving year of business for our new branch Marine Plus Singapore, operational since 1st April 2011. Tapping into our extensive resources of worldwide ship repair principals whom our Athens head office has built strong affiliation with the last two decades, we are confident to take the leap, expanding our exclusive services and offering our prolific, broad experience to better cater to the dynamic pace of the Far East market. Singapore, well known for her strategically location as one of the world’s top transhipment hub, our base here will also operate as a service extension arm, complementing our HQ’s core business to better support our existing clients with vessels plying in this part of the globe. Adhering to our principle activities, range of services we can provide from MP Singapore are: • Worldwide shipyards representation; • Recommendation of suitable Singapore shipyards and marine services candidates to cater to every different, specific repair requirements. We have access to valid, actual, prevailing
conditions/information enabling Owners to make well informed decisions. • Availability of a wide technical support/supervision team for afloat repairs; • Ships and spares supplies; • Tank cleaning, de-mugging, de-slopping services in Singapore as well as throughout all Chinese ports • Comprehensive network I.T. support services on board vessels; installation of Maritime software, Communication applications, FleetBroadband SAT equipment, network setup, configuration, supply of all I.T. hardware, troubleshooting, etc. We have a resident associate whom we closely cooperate in house for such services. Adding to Marine Plus Singapore portfolio of shipyards representation, we are proud to be appointed as exclusive agent for (1) Antwerp Shiprepair, Belgium and (2) Oman Drydock Company in Singapore. Our preliminary business strategy for Singapore office is still focused in optimizing our existing worldwide network coverage to match customers’ diversified and infinite requirements in every ship repair/docking profile. With our Athens’ HQ accrued 25 years of expertise and prominent lead in this field, we once again can reassure our distinctive position and capacity to provide reliable, value added, quality and seamless services to our clients in Europe and the Far East territory. Taking this opportunity, we would like to thank our Marine Plus pillar clients and newly established ones for your continuous dominant support and for your confidence in choosing us to be a part of your elite team.
Marine Plus Istanbul Marine Plus S.A. of Greece and One Shipping Services of Turkey have recently established a new joint venture in Istanbul trading as “Marine Plus Istanbul”. The new company was announced to the Turkish Shipping Community during the “Turkish Shipping Summit 2011” where “Marine Plus” was one of the sponsors. Marine Plus Istanbul intends to cater for the technical services requirements of the local Turkish shipping community, with main emphasis on shiprepair /conversion, newbuilding and marine spare parts. One Shipping Services is a recently established shipping agency company based in Istanbul, but whose main shareholders have over 20 years of experience in the Agency business accumulated by working for other reputable Agencies in the past. Dedicated to create added value into the repair and conversion projects “Marine Plus Istanbul” already started assisting Turkish Ship Owners to find the right shipyard. “Geden Lines”, one of the biggest ship-owners of Turkey is among these owners who benefitted from the services of Marine Plus Istanbul. The Turkish shipping community in recent years has grown exponentially, and now has an established and substantial position in the world shipping fleet which we feel will grow further in the years to come. With the motto, “We are here to serve” Marine Plus Istanbul aspires to be indispensable to the Turkish owners.
72 corporate Chengxi cooperation with Guangzhou dockyards
It is a well-known fact that Chengxi S/Y has for many years been the best yard in China for all types of ship repairs and conversions. The yard has an in-depth knowledge of completing complex conversion projects on time, to a high quality standard and without cost over-runs either for the customer or the yard itself. We have had the privilege of closely working with Chengxi for over 20 years, And for the past 10 years have done the vast majority of their Greek business on an annual basis. We have completed all types of repair and conversion projects with our Greek customers, most of whom are repeat customers of Chengxi. We believe that Chengxi owes its success to a number of key factors: 1. Its strong technical dept, employing over 150 qualified naval architects and design/marine engineers. This gives the yard the ability to produce all prod’n drawings for conversion as well as newbuilding projects in the yard, as well as the ability to produce technically viable solutions for complex repair/conversion projects. 2. The harmonious and close cooperation between the yard commercial/business dept and production dept. in many yards production and commercial people are in an unofficial competition, whereas in Chengxi both dept’s work constructively together. As almost all commercial dept managers have gone through the prod’n w/shops and worked as srm etc, the personal ties between the staff of both dept’s give Chengxi a strong competitive advantage compared to other yards. 3. Strong control of all sub-contractors, to ensure efficiency is maximized and all man-hours and material supply are accountable. 4. Strong machinery workshop, with experienced technicians both for work on board the vessel as well as operating the various machinery (lathes etc) 5. Tank coating jv with comprehensive equipment for all types of tank coating jobs, from simple cargo hold blasting on bulkers to complex tank coating projects to to sa2/sa2.5 std for ballast/cargo tank treatment for tankers. Guangzhou S/Y, a sister shipyard of Chengxi, also belonging to the CSSC group, is in it’s own right a top class repair and newbuilding yard. It was recently decided by the senior management of CSSC for Chengxi to enhance Guangzhou dockyards further by integrating their internal management systems and training up key yard staff both through training programs in the 2 facilities as well as placing key senior management staff from Chengxi to Guangzhou dockyards. The current vice president for commercial divn and the Gen Mgr of Guangzhou dockyards are ex-chengxi management executives. Chengxi has also participated in the shareholding of Guangzhou dockyards, and the name will soon be revised to ‘’Chengxi Shipyard (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd’’. We already have excellent cooperation with Guangzhou dockyards over the past years, and are confident that by further enhancing the capacity of the yard with the assistance of Chengxi’s experience and procedures, Guangzhou dockyards will soon reach the same level as Chengxi. Dimitris Vranopoulos, MD, Marine Plus, S.A
POSEIDONOS AVENUE & 2 ZISIMOPOULOU STR. - 166 74 GLYFADA - GREECE PHONES: 0030 210 8912 100 - FAX: 0030 210 8912 115 E-MAIL:
74 ballast water management OceanGuard™
Ballast Water Management System
OceanGuard™ Ballast Water Management System is the result of the common efforts of Headway Technology Co., Ltd. and Harbin Engineering University. Its unique technology and efficient design guarantees the compliance with the regulations, while it protects the marine environment.
Main Advantages of OceanGuard™ BWMS • Treatment ONLY DURING BALLASTING. No treatment is needed during deballasting thus making possible the gravity de-ballasting operation. • Very small power consumption. For example, the consumption of a system of 2x1000 m3/h capacity will be 2x17 kW. • Compact design. For example, the dimensions of an EUT of 1000 m3/h capacity are 640x570x2100 mm. • Very low operation cost. The system does not use any chemicals or additives for its operation. • No special maintenance needed by the crew. The system is self-cleaning by means of ultrasound generator. • Long lifespan. The EUT catalytic material, which is the core and the most important part of the system, is designed for the lifespan of the vessel. • OceanGuard does not affect the ballast tank coatings. • No dangerous byproducts. There are no gases or any other dangerous byproducts produced (i.e. H2, O3). • Compliance with the regulations and approvals: IMO basic approval, IMO final approval, CCS type approval, DNV type approval, Explosion proof certificate, Compliance with California State requirements, as per the 2011 assessment. Detailed Description of OceanGuard™ BWMS Advanced Electrocatalysis Oxidation Process (AEOP) OceanGuard™ BWMS adopts Advanced Electrocatalysis Oxidation Process (AEOP) to kill microbes, bacteria, viruses, algae and dormant ovum (broad spectrum sterilization) in ballast water. It uses special semiconductor materials under electron excitation and the hydroxyl radicals (•OH) formed by water molecules. Hydroxyl radicals (•OH) produced in AEOP is one of the most active substances with very strong oxidizability. It can perform different kinds of chemical reactions with almost all biological macromolecules, microorganisms and other organic pollutants instantaneously. Moreover, it has extremely fast reaction rate and strong negative charge electron affinities. The final products of reaction are CO2, H2O and traces of inorganic salt without any hazardous residuals. Therefore, the
OceanGuard™ BWMS is represented in Greece by AGV Commercial & Technical Services Ltd. Tel. +30 210 4530240-1 - Email: - Web:
76 ballast water management Data from land based tests of OceanGuard™ BWMS carried out in NIVA laboratory in Norway, under supervision of DNV and CCS in September, 2009:
Influent water
In treated water on Day 0
In treated water on Day 5
IMO Regulation
Requirement of California
0 <10
E-coli bacteria
Data from shipboard tests of OceanGuardTM BWMS carried out onboard M/V SITC YOKOHAMA in November, 2009:
In treated water on Day 0
In treated water on Day 5
Influent water
E-coli bacteria
Control Unit
EUT Unit
IMO Regulation
Requirement of California
A Control Unit B EUT Unit C Valves D Flow meter E Filter
treated water can be discharged overboard without causing any pollution. The
ment process, the Ultrasound Unit cleans the surface of the Electrocatalysis Unit
chemical reaction which involves hydroxyl radicals is a free radical reaction and it
to keep the long-term treatment effectiveness of the semiconductor material.
is extremely fast. Generally, the reaction rate with organics is over 109 L/ (mol.s). The form and existence time of hydroxyl radicals produced by OceanGuard™
Control Unit
BWMS is very short, less than 10-12 s, and the sterilization process is completed
The Control Unit is controlling and regulating the entire system, including system
within the EUT Unit. The concentration of Total Residual Oxidants (TRO) is lim-
startup and shutdown, receiving and processing signals from the sensors and
ited within 2ppm, so that the ballast water can be treated without harming the
managing of alarm signals. It contains all procedures for the system operation,
coatings or the hull. The efficiency of OceanGuard™ BWMS is not affected by
displays the system working condition, including the working condition of the vari-
the salinity of the water and thus it has excellent performance in both fresh water
ous parts. It also displays real time data and status from various sensors.
and sea water.
The advantages of the Control Unit can be summarized as follows:
Main Components of OceanGuard™ BWMS
1. Both local and remote controls. 2. Alarm information can be output to the vessel’s control system.
Automatic Back Flushing Filter
3. Siemens LED screen, which can display the operation status of each part in
OceanGuard™ BWMS uses a fully automatic back flushing filter, which can per-
real time.
form simultaneous operation of filtration and back flushing. The filtration precision
4. Siemens PLC, which can collect and deal with all related data of BWMS in
is 50μm. It can remove organisms and sediments larger than 50μm. The pressure
real time.
drop is very low and thus there is no need to install booster pump. Test results in
5. Keep and store effective data for 24 months, which can be printed out at any
different waters have proved its excellent performance without clogging.
time. 6. One-key operation.
EUT Unit The EUT Unit is the core of OceanGuard™ BWMS. Each single unit has treat-
Global Service Network
ment capacity from 100-3000m3/h. The EUT Unit comprises of two parts: Electro-
Headway has established 120 service stations in 56 countries, forming a com-
catalysis Unit and Ultrasound Unit. The Electrocatalysis Unit produces hydroxyl
plete global service network that guarantees the proper after-sales service and
radicals that kill all microorganisms in ballast water within nanoseconds. The
technical support.OceanGuard™ BWMS is represented in Greece by AGV Com-
whole sterilization process is completed inside the EUT Unit. During the treat-
mercial & Technical Services Ltd.
s n o luti
o S g n i d i v o r P
Water Treatment
AGV Ltd. - Tel. +30 210 4530240-1 - Email: - Web:
78 water treatment ENWA:
Chemical Free Water Treatment approved by engine manufacturer
ENWA | The chemical free EnwaMatic® Maritime technology by ENWA Water Treatment has obtained approval from engine manufacturer Wärtsilä. One of the most critical parameters for maritime engine efficiency and life time is internal corrosion. This is why engine manufacturers provide very clear specifications on the water to be used for cooling. The moment water enters the cooling system; it causes corrosion, scaling, bacterial contamination and fouling. This has a significant impact on energy consumption, motor components and overall Life Cycle Cost (LCC). No more than 2 mm of rust can reduce heat transfer by 5% across component surfaces. Scale has an even more significant effect on the transfer efficiency with a small 0.5 mm layer generating as much as 4% loss. When specifying a water treatment regime consideration must be given to its efficacy, its whole life cycle cost, how easily it can be implemented and managed, and what potential risk it presents to personnel and the environment. A major worry for ship owners has been the fact that whenever an engine cooling system or an HVAC system is drained, the water has to be treated as special waste since chemicals are being used to avoid corrosion, scaling and bacteria. Traditionally, water treatment for engine water is done by adding different types of chemicals to balance the water quality and in order to avoid corrosion damages inside the engine. Doing so, however, can cause localised pitting and accelerate corrosion. Contrary to this, the EnwaMatic technology is based on filtering and treating the water with minerals balancing, removing oxygen and neutralizing the water. The unit is fully automatic while it protects the engine or the HVAC system internals. The EnwaMatic Maritime water treatment unit combines reproducible principles of water chemistry with standard water treatment technologies. The unit provides effective dirt and air separation with environmentally sound water conditioning. It creates changes in key water parameters, such as pH, alkalinity and hardness, to elicit corrosion inhibition, control of scale formation and a biocidal effect. The recent approval of the EnwaMatic water treatment system was preceded by several years approval period with the final test running for 16,378 engine hours. For this reason, the EnwaMatic was installed onboard the Cruise Ferry Color Fantasy, sailing between Oslo in Norway and Kiel in Germany. Managing Director Bjorn Dorum says: “This approval is a very important acknowledgement of our technology and we are now proud to offer our well-proven EnwaMatic system also to the maritime propulsion industry.” In connection with the intense testing period, the shipowner Color Line, operating several cruise ferries, has decided to change all closed loop water systems for engines and HVAC systems on their entire fleet to EnwaMatic Maritime. Critical components of the engines onboard the Color Fantasy Cruise Ferry was examined in the laboratory prior and after the long lasting test. The innovative EnwaMatic water treatment unit installed onboard Color Fantasy treating engine and HVAC water.
MAKE WATER • From sea water to fresh water through reverse osmosis (RO) • Scandinavian quality • Standard models ranging from 1,5 m3/d to 200 m3/d
Enwa Water Maker 50 m3 / day
For engine cooling water and your HVAC systems EnwaMatic® Maritime • • • • • +47 51 63 43 00
Filtration to 5µ Fully automatic No scaling No corrosion No bacteria
+46 31 742 9250
OceanGuard™ BWMS is represented in Greece by AGV Commercial & Technical Services Ltd. Tel. +30 210 4530240-1 - Email: - Web:
w w w. e n w a . c o m
80 water treatment Chemical Free Water Treatment on board LNG Carrier Al Aamriya
Since receiving approval from Wärtsilä Oy at the end of 2010, ENWA has seen increased demand for its Chemical Free Water Treatment for engine cooling and HVAC Systems. In December 2011 ENWA agreed a pilot scheme with LNG Carrier Company MOL LNG (Europe) for the EnwaMatic® Maritime on the vessel Al Aamriya. Environmentally Friendly Water Treatment The agreement to run a Pilot Scheme came after independent water analyses from fresh water systems showed elevated levels of iron, copper and suspended solids in the cargo cooling system. An in balance in the chemical dosing process can lead to corrosion of the internal pipe work in the cargo cooling system. The alternative would have been to drain the system and flush it out with a harsh metal cleaning agent which had the potential to expose the metal back to bare and potentially lead to leaks. The EnwaMatic® Maritime which is a non-invasive method will filter out all corrosive particles and stabilise the water chemistry for corrosion control. As the push for more environment friendly and intelligent ships continues, it makes sense to have a fully automated system for water treatment. Manual dosing procedures rely on the human element and unfortunately too many times water treatment is not seen as a priority, although it has significant impact on systems performance and life cycle costs. The first EnwaMatic® Maritime on an LNG Tanker This is the first installation of the EnwaMatic® Maritime System on an LNG Tanker and marks a step in the right direction for the technology. Most of the users to date have been in the cruise line industry as the capital investment of the equipment is comparable with the annual cost of chemicals used by cruise liners. The major benefits for LNG Carriers and other vessel types is the improved heat transfer efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and reduced down time and life cycle costs. The EnwaMatic® Maritime which is also approved by DNV filters suspended particles to below 5µm and provides corrosion inhibition without the need for chemicals. The EnwaMatic® Maritime F2 model was installed on Al Aamriya’s cargo cooling systems in January 2012 and will be trialled for a period of 6 months. The trial will evaluate the efficiency and merits of the EnwaMatic® Maritime Unit versus the alternative considered. Health, Safety and Environment • EnwaMatic® will create an ideal documented ‘Clean Ship’ Water Treatment environment • No Hazardous Chemicals • Drained water consist only of harmless particles • Closed loop operation • Automatic operation without the potential for mechanical failure • Make up water can be pre-treated by passing through the EnwaMatic® Maritime • The unit is bolted to the deck and attached to the walls to prevent movement • Low Voltage System • The EnwaMatic® Maritime is bolted to the deck to a sorb static forces • High grade insulation • No corrosive materials • No sharp edges
Functions: • Corrosion inhibition • Scale control • Side-stream filtration to < 5 microns • Environmental control of bacterial growth • Air separation Benefits: • Reduced energy consumption • Prolonged system lifespan • Reduces service and maintenance costs • Cost-effective alternative to chemical dosing • Continuous filtration and selfregulating water treatment • Non-scouring solution for refurbishment projects • Environmentally sound technology Design and Approvals V Wärtsilä Oy of Finland, long term test • 10 years documented experience with the technology • World patent • DNV test report • Cranfield University, School of Water Science • TÜV Safety Approval • EnwaMatic® is the only water treatment system on the German market fulfilling water treatment and environmental demands. • Pioneering ship companies are recommending • EnwaMatic® in their specifications
82 technical article Athanasios Reisopoulos
Facing up to the environmental impact of shipping Vice President, Area Manager for Southern Europe, GL “GL has already approved several Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) from various manufacturers for use in both retrofits and new vessels. However, for most systems the final inspection (commissioning) is still pending or has not been carried out because as this is not yet mandatory. However, GL has updated its “Instructions to Surveyors” and the list of survey items for BWMS has been finalised”. The recent decision by the US Coast Guard to issue a final rule on ballast water management has initiated a new momentum in the debate about the way how and when to deal with living organisms in
Athanasios Reisopoulos Vice President, Area Manager for Southern Europe, GL
ballast water. The new the US regulations on ballast water management and regular removal of hull fouling will enter into force 21 June 2012. This US decision has to be seen in perspective: It is a reflection of the fact, that the IMO International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention) will not have entered into force in two month time due to lack of a
singularly or in combination.
costs of the system.
Assistance from GL
At present most ballast water treatment systems are suitable for small and medium-sized vessels
Classification Society Germanischer Lloyd (GL) is
with limited ballast water volumes. Bigger vessels
in the process of releasing a tool which will allow
require proven technology capable of handling the
owners to calculate the due date of compliance with
flow needed for ships carrying big quantities of bal-
the D2 treatment standard for any vessel. This is
last water.
based on the construction date and the size of vessel (measured by ballast water capacity) and covers
GL has already approved several Ballast Water
both vessels in service and newbuildings. This is
Management Systems (BWMS) from various manu-
Member States, representing 26.46%.
based on a standard in planning and management
facturers for use in both retrofits and new vessels.
of ships’ ballast water and sediments had been
However, for most systems the final inspection
While IMO has and continues urges its member
worked out containing safety procedures for BWM
(commissioning) is still pending or has not been
Exchange procedures to comply with international
carried out because as this is not yet mandatory.
and regional legislation.
However, GL has updated its “Instructions to Sur-
HL had already published a Booklet for Ballast
veyors” and the list of survey items for BWMS has
35% of global gross tonnage.
Water Management offers guidance in developing
been finalised.
In February of 2004, the IMO adopted the Inter-
risk of transferring unwanted organisms, associated
Presently GL reviews BWT documents based on
with Ballast Water discharge. The effectiveness of
its existing rules and, of course, following the BWM
a BWM Plan depends how carefully is tailored to
Convention as amended. Given the insecurity about
the specific ship, its equipment, outfit and capabil-
the ratification date of the Convention GL’s role is
ity. Different methods of Ballast Water exchange,
to advise and assist owners how to get prepared in
including sequential, flow-through, dilution method
time for complying with the US regulations and the
transported in ballast water.
and also Ballast Water treatment have to be ana-
forthcoming BWM Convention when it finally comes
lysed in order to select the most appropriate proce-
into force.
After entering into force, the time given for new-
dure or technology for a given vessel. The size of a
sufficient number of ratifications from IMO members states. The current status of ratification is 33 IMO
states to ratify the Ballast Water Management Convention the requirement for it to enter into force is the ratification by at least 30 countries representing
national Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments. The purpose of the Convention is to prevent, minimize and ultimately eliminate the risk of introduction of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens that are
buildings and existing vessels to install approved ballast water treatment systems will vary. Newbuilding and existing vessels will be required to comply with the D2 performance standard at different times dependent upon their construction date and the size of the vessel according to its ballast water capacity. The D2 standard requires the installation of approved technical systems based on mechanical, physical, chemical or biological processes, either
BWM Plans. A BWM Plan is a too to minimise the
vessel has been identified as a distinctive aspect in
Large bulk carriers and oil tankers which have
the selection process since the systems have to be
high loading rates, as determined by the loading
able to cope with large vessels using big volumes
port , may face difficulties in finding and installing
of ballast water, such as tankers and large bulk car-
systems which are able to match the ballast water
riers. The challenge for owners is to find a system
pump capacities that will be required by their char-
that fulfils practical requirements of their vessel in
ter contracts. Some large bulk carriers may require
terms of footprint, power consumption, high treat-
pump capacities of 2 x 2000 m3/h. With some sys-
ment rated capacity and gas-safe design while limit-
tems consuming 200 kW per 1000 m3/h of water
ing the initial investment and long term operational
treated and costing 20 USD per 1000 m3 of wa-
you can count on us! the GL-classed fleet has exceeded the 100 million Gt mark. our formula for your success is based on technical expertise, client proximity and business understanding. our clients count on their partnership with us. You can, too.
Germanischer Lloyd SE
84 technical article
ter treated, finding and installing a system in time
preparing to comply with the requirements of the
which matches the specifications of the vessel and
incoming regulation is an opportunity for shipown-
the charter contract and could prove a difficult task.
ers to make significant gains in energy efficiency, both in individual vessels and across their fleets.
As present the technical solutions to these ques-
The Standard SEEMP is a sleek and standardised
tions are still being worked out. To get around some
solution which helps to achieve compliance quickly.
of the difficulties caused by limited space for the
Further energy saving improvements can then be
systems in the engine room the possibility of using
implemented step by step.
skid mounted treatments units fitted on deck, in the
The IMO regulations MEPC.1/Circular 683 must be
cargo area of oil/gas carriers, or in the cargo hold
implemented throughout the global fleet by 2013. In
of small containerships and multi-purpose-vessels.
addition to IMO requirements, other organisations
The lack of easily applicable installations for spe-
like OCIMF have added their own specific recom-
cific ship types means that owners will need to ana-
mendations and best practices. Charterers are also
lyse each ship or series individually.
placing more and more emphasis on demonstrable energy efficiency. The Standard SEEMP incorpo-
Space requirement in the engine room have to
rates these requirements, constraints and challeng-
be taken into account as well as the availability of
es to enable a quick and efficient implementation,
spare parts, chemicals, etc. and suppliers for main-
minimising specialist effort from the shipowners’
tenance or repairs.
technical departments and on-board management.
Given the new US deadline, ships trading in US
GL’s maritime consultancy FutureShip has devel-
territorial waters are required to use an approved
oped a SEEMP standard which is the first step
ballast water treatment system meeting the US
towards a comprehensive energy efficiency pro-
ballast water discharge standard equal to the IMO
gram, integrating technical measures like trim opti-
D-2 standard. All Ballast Water Treatment Systems
misation and best operational practices, as well as
(BWTS) have to be approved by the USCG, al-
management systems such as ISO 50001 (energy
though BWTSs with an approval certificate stating
management) and ISO 14001 (environmental man-
compliance to the IMO D-2 standard issued by or on
agement). FutureShip offers a best-practice tem-
behalf of a flag administration might be accepted for
plate with recommended energy saving measures,
use in US waters after a USCG review.
monitoring items and goals. The customers’ technical department evaluates, selects and amends the
As the IMO BWM convention will come into force
items appropriate for its fleet. These data will be
12 months after obtaining sufficient ratifications,
incorporated by FutureShip in an onboard SEEMP
shipowners and operators have to realize that the
document for each vessel. The SEEMP contains
time span to select and install a BWTS at some fu-
basic information, specific guidance and reporting
ture date is rather short. Installation projects can be
forms plus the measures, monitoring items and
more complex than first envisaged and time could
run out, particularly for the larger fleets if developments accelerate. The US decision could generate
The Standard SEEMP includes forms and tools
the momentum for further acceleration in this mat-
to collect data to establish an energy consump-
tion baseline for both individual vessels and entire fleets. It is a source of vital information to make fur-
Energy efficiency management required
ther improvements in operational efficiency. Energy efficiency gains are made transparent to charterers,
The forthcoming ratification of the BWM Convention
owners, managers, masters and chief engineers.
cannot be seen isolated from other IMO initiatives to
Reduced fuel consumption begins as soon as pos-
improve the environmental balance of shipping. The
sible. Compliance with this regulation is already an
imminent introduction of fuel efficiency initiatives
item for vetting inspections. Being prepared will en-
such as the Ship Energy Efficiency Management
sure that no unforeseen issues with Port and Flag
Plan (SEEMP) which will come into force in 2013
State Authorities arise. The Standard SEEMP will
will highlight the increased onboard energy demand
be the tool to monitor energy demand by the ballast
due to additional pumping and treatment activities
water management procedures on-board and helps
to comply with the BWM Convention. However,
to optimize its operational costs.
Head Start on Going Green The process of protecting the environment is one of continual improvement. There is always more that can be done to reduce the environmental impact from industry. Regulations do not stand still and forward-thinking shipowners and managers are increasingly looking for ways to demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility. GL’s Environmental Passport (EP) has become recognised as a useful mechanism for operators to signal the advanced environmental features of their vessels, which are emerging as a key factor in maintaining competitive fitness in an increasingly crowded market. New Guidelines The Environmental Passport is a voluntary class notation and certification for ships. All mandatory and voluntary environmental features of a vessel are compiled in a single, ready-to-use document including the Environmental Passport certificate, flag state certificates, compliance certificates, and NOx emission diagrams. The Environmental Passport has been one of the most successful voluntary class notations ever undertaken by GL. As of the beginning of 2011, nearly 10 per cent of GL’s fleet in service had opted for the class notation. The following new requirements have been introduced for the 2011 edition of the EP, which came into force on 1 August 2011: Discharge of bilge water is only permitted if the oil content is below 5 ppm. Vessels are also required to have an onboard monitoring and stopping device. The vessel must have an approved ballast water treatment system installed. The attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) value must be calculated and certified* by GL. An Inventory of Hazardous Material (IHM) must be prepared and certified* by GL. Also from 1 August 2011, the EP order date will now determine which edition of the EP will apply, not, as in previous editions, the date of the building contract. The new Guideline for the Environmental Service System 2011 (VI-12-1) is available on the GL homepage. These changes will enter into force on 1 January 2013 for vessels flying the flags of MARPOL Annex VI members.
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86 technical article Outlook on CO2 Emissions of the Worldwide Containership Fleet and Possible Reduction Targets By Martin Köpke and Pierre C. Sames, Germanischer Lloyd SE
see tables in page 90
the wake of COP 15, however, this proposal is be-
as reference speed, acknowledging that this may not
Climate change caused by greenhouse gas (GHG)
ing questioned again by some EU member states.
be sufficiently accurate for the EEDI condition (which
emissions is considered as one of the biggest chal-
At COP 16 the EU Commission openly announced a
is 75 per cent maximum continuous rating (MCR) at
lenges of our time. To avoid severe consequences,
plan to introduce a regional emission trading system
65 per cent dwt for container vessels). The computed
the CO2 concentration needs to be stabilised at
for shipping in the absence of an international agree-
average EEDI per year, weighted according to the
about 450 ppm to limit average global warming to
ment by the end of 2011.
number of vessels in each age group, is presented
2 °C. The current level of CO2 is approximately 390
The present study forecasts the CO2 emissions of
in Figure 2. It should be noted that the energy ef-
ppm, rising 2 ppm each year. The Stern Review [1]
the worldwide container fleet. First it examines en-
ficiency of container vessels has begun improving
commissioned by the UK Treasury concludes, “There
ergy efficiency records from existing container ves-
only recently. The main reason is that technologi-
is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate
sels based on the EEDI as well as recent EEOI data.
cal advances were transformed into higher service
change, if we take strong action now.” The review
The subsequent projections of future container ves-
speeds which were readily accepted as long as fuel
adds that the consequences of such an increase in
sel emissions account for both short-term deliveries
prices were rather low (Fig. 2). The decrease of re-
global average surface temperature will still be man-
and long-term assumptions as well as future energy
corded EEDI from 1981 to 1986 was likely pushed by
ageable, though with strong regional variations. The
efficiency improvements and their cost efficiency.
the growth in average vessel size (Fig. 1).
fourth systematic assessment of worldwide scientific
Necessary future energy efficiency improvements
Thereafter, average vessel sizes decreased and
publications on climate change by the Intergovern-
for container vessels are discussed in the light of
stayed constant for a decade although the number
mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) documents
a comparison of future emissions with prospective
of new vessels increased fivefold. As fuel prices
this challenge [2].
emission targets.
began to increase in 2001, the economic pressure
In 2003, the UNFCCC asked the IMO to initiate de-
to reduce fuel costs increased. Between 1980 and
velopments related to the reduction of GHGs from
EEDI: Energy Efficiency History of Container
1986, the average annual EEDI of a container vessel
ships, and the assembly of the IMO adopted this in a
decreased while fuel prices remained relatively high
resolution [3]. Early work resulted in the Operational
The recorded energy efficiency of container vessels
(Fig. 3). The same trend could be observed during
CO2 Index [4], now renamed Energy Efficiency Op-
can be derived from publicly available data, in partic-
the past four years. However, this time the price in-
erational Indicator (EEOI), and updated guidelines
ular, the IHS Fairplay (IHSF) [8] database, which cur-
crease rate and the EEDI decrease were much more
are available [5]. The operational indicator is a volun-
rently lists 6,760 container vessels. Cancelled ships
pronounced, presumably because of the high trans-
tary tool to monitor operational transport efficiency of
and errors were excluded from the analysis, leaving
port demand in recent years and the long project
a ship. It can be used to complement environmental
6,440 valid datasets. Imperfect data sets were com-
planning times for new ships.
management systems such as the Ship Energy Ef-
pleted using regression formulae (see Table 1).
ficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) [6], adopted
Figure 1 shows the development of the container
Recorded Operational Energy Efficiency of Con-
by the IMO in July 2011. Discussions at the MEPC
fleet in terms of vessels delivered per year and their
tainer Vessels
also addressed market-based instruments (emission
average size in dwt. Deliveries peaked in 2008 but
The operational energy efficiency is determined
trading system, compensation fund with bunker sur-
average vessel sizes continue to increase. Due to
based on actual fuel consumption and actual trans-
charge and vessel efficiency rating). However, due to
the economic crisis starting in late 2008, demand for
port work to reflect the way the vessel is handled
the ongoing debate on the IMO’s mandate to regu-
container vessels dropped dramatically. However,
and document actual CO2 emissions. Germanischer
late CO2 emissions from shipping, which is being
with the global gross domestic product (GDP) recov-
Lloyd was the first classification society to implement
questioned by many countries who have not signed
ering, demand has increased noticeably. In 2010 the
the EEOI and offer certification to the correspond-
Annex I of the Kyoto Protocol, no progress has been
container fleet grew by nearly ten per cent, related to
ing IMO Guideline [4]; the same applies to the most
achieved as yet. Any decision by the IMO may face
deadweight capacity, boosted in part by numerous
recent version [5]. GL clients can monitor their EEOI
opposition, in turn delaying UNFCCC decisions on
megaboxer (>10k TEU) deliveries.
on a voluntary basis and free of charge via GL’s fleet
possible CO2 reductions. Therefore the IMO debate
For each vessel, the EEDI was computed using the
online. The data captured was analysed to document
has been focusing on the Energy Efficiency Design
formula from IMO’s EEDI reference line documenta-
the overall status (without disclosing any individual or
Index (EEDI) which was adopted by MEPC 62 as a
tion [9]. This approach assumes a constant average
ship-specific information). As Figure 4 demonstrates,
mandatory newbuilding standard and will enter into
specific fuel consumption of 190 g/kWh for main en-
the trend curve reflecting reported EEOI data shows
force on 1 January 2013 [7].
gines, and 215 g/kWh for auxiliary engines. Auxiliary
higher values than the EEDI baseline as provided
The United Nations Framework Convention on Cli-
power is defined as a percentage of the main en-
by Denmark et al. [10]. The ratio of EEOI vs. EEDI-
mate Change, Conference of Parties No. 16 (UN-
gine’s power. At the MEPC 60 in July 2009, the as-
baseline decreases from 1.8 for small dwt sizes to
FCCC COP 16) was held in Cancun in December
signed dwt for container vessels was lowered to 65
about 1 for large dwt. This can be explained by the
2010. While no legally binding document was agreed
per cent and a new reference line was set [10]. Note
actual vessel utilisation. The EEDI thus presents a
on, some progress was recorded, in particular to-
that MEPC 62 agreed to change the assigned dwt for
maximum theoretical efficiency whereas the EEOI
wards mitigating the financial burden for develop-
containerships again, to 70 per cent [11].
represents the real achieved efficiency.
ing countries. Again shipping was identified as one
IMO published a new container reference line in its
possible source, but no commitments were made.
report to MEPC 62, considering 70 per cent dead-
Projection of Future Emissions from Container
Prior to COP 15, the EU had agreed on a proposal
weight. However, due to time constraints of this
for an emission target for shipping tantamount to a
study, the reference line acc. to [10] is used in the fol-
The model chosen for this study is based on TEU
20 per cent reduction of 2005 emissions by 2020. In
lowing. The speed data from the database was used
capacity, which offers the option of directly referenc-
A100. Currently the last word in single stage turbocharging.
Taming the trade-off: the high pressure ratios and efficiencies of the A100 turbocharger generation are helping achieve IMO Tier II compliance at optimized fuel consumption. Stretching performance: the A100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wide compressor maps are enabling dual engine ratings with minimum system modifications for rapid, cost effective conversion from standard cruising speeds to economical slow steaming.
ABB SA Marine & Turbocharging New address 13th km Athens-Korinth National Road 12462 Skaramagkas Phone: +30 210 42 12 600 E-mail:
88 technical article
ing container demand models in subsequent studies.
[12], the study differentiates engine sizes and years
Each scenario is compared to a possible reduction
This approach is similar to the one of [12]. However,
built (Tables 3 and 4).
target suggested by the European Union to COP 15.
the present study distinguishes seven container ves-
Using IHSF data on delivered vessels, the installed
It is assumed that both, the regulatory framework
sel sizes rather than six to account for the recent
main engine power per nominal TEU was analysed
and market pressure will encourage energy effi-
significant increase in container vessel sizes. The
to forecast its future evolution (Fig. 9). Notably, the
ciency improvements. The study differentiates be-
current model predicts CO2 emissions for each cal-
specific power of small container vessels is predicted
tween operational and design-based improvements.
endar year based on total TEU capacity. It comprises
not to decrease whereas significant improvement is
Design measures (EEDI style) were only considered
up to 30 age groups. Each age group represents the
foreseen in the largest vessels, enabled by a com-
for new vessels joining the fleet whereas operational
TEU capacity active in a given year. TEU capacity
bination of factors such as improved engines and
measures (SEEMP style) are applied to the entire
from recycled old tonnage is removed from each
hulls as well as scale effects due to growing vessel
year, and newbuild capacity is added. There is a dif-
sizes. In recent years the energy demand per TEU
MO’s EEDI and SEEMP instruments are the first
ference between the time span from 2011 to 2015,
of the largest vessels has decreased significantly.
measures to effectively stimulate CO2 reduction in
for which prospective deliveries and removals from
However, without regulatory pressure this trend will
new designs as well as ships in service. Germa-
service can be predicted fairly accurately, and the
likely slow down and eventually stagnate for techni-
nischer Lloyd was the first classification society to
subsequent years (2016 to 2050), where assumed
cal reasons, which keep ships within the “business”
implement the EEDI and offer certification to IMO
net fleet growth rates were used.
as usual’ scenario (see below).
Guidelines MEPC.1Circ.681 [7] and Circ.682 [17].
With the adaption of the EEDI as an amendment
Assumptions in the Current Prediction Model
Assumptions for Applying CO2 Emission Reduc-
of MARPOL Annex VI, the first flag states are giv-
The second IMO inventory study [13] with updates
tion Measures to the Prediction Model
ing incentives for ships with lower EEDI values, such
by the IMO Secretary in March 2010 [14] provides
as Singapore with its Green Ship Programme, to
the most up-to-date and complete overview on ship
The CO2 emission projections of this study reflect
encourage the market to use energy-efficient ship
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. It forecasts
future energy efficiency improvements. The corre-
designs [18].
strong fleet growth, especially for container vessels,
sponding CO2 abatement was derived from marginal
where a five per cent annual growth is expected un-
abatement cost curves (MACC), which plot cost effi-
til 2050. For IPCC scenario A1B, considered by the
ciency over the maximal achievable CO2 abatement
Global warming and its consequences are consid-
authors of this study as one of the more likely sce-
(Fig. 10). The MACC approach can support policy
ered to be serious threats to the future well-being
narios, this will result in a doubling of the demand for
decisions regarding the costs of achieving specific
of mankind. Uncertainties related to the prediction
tonne-miles between 2007 and 2020, and a further
reduction targets, or regarding the environmental
accuracy of the science of climate change only
4.5-fold increase from 2020 to 2050 (Fig. 5). For the
effects of market-based measures [13]. It can also
highlight the necessity to take action. Each sector
current prediction, the authors of this study also ana-
help ship designers, builders, owners and operators
of the industry will need ambitious CO2 emission
lysed data from the IMF and IHSF to examine the
decide on the implementation of new technology and
reductions to prevent a further increase of global
interdependency between global GDP growth and
operational changes for future and existing ships
warming. The IMO is developing measures to even-
the worldwide container fleet TEU capacity growth
tually reduce CO2 emissions from ships. Based on a
(Fig. 6). The ratio between both growth rates was
This study uses the MACC to improve the predic-
fleet-wide projection, the study predicts future CO2
nearly constant over the last three decades, with
tion of future CO2 emissions of the container fleet.
emissions from containerships, comparing them
both decreasing slowly over time. For this study, the
The advantage of this approach is that the MACC
with a prospective emission target that has been de-
authors used available short-term predictions from
incorporates variables such as fleet growth and fuel
rived from the most recent EU proposal to COP 15,
[15] as well as GL research, arriving at the growth
price development (Fig. 11). The developed MACC
without actually having been discussed at the IMO
rates shown in Figure 7. These allow modelling the
includes the CO2 emission reduction potentials of 20
or UNFCCC to date. The study concludes that even
container vessel fleet capacity growth rate based on
different measures applied to container vessels (Ta-
after implementing far-reaching energy efficiency im-
predictions used by [13] IPCC, scenario A1B. In ad-
ble 5). The study further assumes that cost-efficient
provements in both design and operation, container
dition, different TEU capacity growth rates were used
and profitable measures are likely to be implement-
shipping will probably fail to meet the potential emis-
for different TEU size categories (Table 2). The total
ed first. In the MACC diagram these measures are
sion target. Even market-based measures will not be
TEU capacity of the container vessel fleet and the
shown with negative cost-effectiveness.
sufficient to change this outcome.
underlying growth rates were adjusted to match the
As a consequence, the shipping industry may have
growth predictions from the second IMO inventory
CO2 Emissions from the Worldwide Container
to purchase emission credits from other sectors (in
study [13] (Fig. 5 and 8).
Vessel Fleet
case an emission trading system is adopted as a
This ensures compatibility of the results obtained
Based on the above data and assumptions, the au-
market-based measure at IMO). Efficiency improve-
from different models. However, it should be noted
thors computed the annual CO2 emissions per ship
ments should therefore be implemented at the earli-
that the IMO’s GHG study extrapolates tonne-miles
size group. The oldest vessels were removed from
est time possible to create the largest possible effect
as transport demand, while this study uses TEU ca-
each group and new vessels added to match the
in terms of emission reductions. Furthermore, prior-
pacity, with implicitly assumed constant distances
TEU growth rates described above. Three scenarios
ity should be given to the development of cleaner,
and a constant ratio of transported mass and TEU.
were investigated:
smarter and more energy-efficient vessels leverag-
The second IMO inventory study [13] additionally
• Business as usual (Fig. 12)
ing innovative technologies. It seems prudent for a
documented typical operating days and load factors
• Implementation of all cost-effective energy efficien-
maritime research and technology agenda to focus
for main and auxiliary engines which were incorpo-
cy improvements (Fig. 13)
on the vision of a “zero emission ship”. Realising the
rated into the current model (refer to Table 2). The
• Implementation of energy efficiency improvements
maritime energy-saving and decarbonising potential
only exception is that the operating day values for
and application of a market-based measure equiva-
will help foster competitiveness and stimulate the
the two largest classes were assumed to be equal.
lent to a surcharge of about 100 US dollars per tonne
development of the market for energy-efficient tech-
For the specific fuel oil consumption as provided by
of CO2 (Fig. 14).
nologies, products and services.
Advanced biocide-free pure silicone finish – marine life friendly
Improved slime resistance
Fuel savings possible up to 5% – guaranteed
Highest volume solids in the market – reduced VOC emissions
Shortest refloating time on the market
Two-component – more practical for dry dock application
Wider DFT up to 180 µm (7.1 mils) - enhanced performance
Suitable for a broad range of vessels
Extensive track record
90 technical article
Acknowledgements & Literature The authors would like to thank Hannes Cordsen and Hauke Glaser for their special support during the production of this paper. The opinions expressed in this study do not necessarily represent the views of GL. [1] Stern, N. (2007), Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, Cambridge University Press [2] IPCC, Climate Change 2007 – Synthesis Report, [3] IMO, “IMO policies and practices related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships”, Resolution A.963(23), Annex I [4] IMO, “Interim guidelines for voluntary ship CO2 emission indexing for use in trials”, MEPC/Circ.471, July 2005 [5] MEPC.1/Circ. 684, “Guidelines for voluntary use of the ship energy efficiency operational indicator (EEOI)”, Aug. 2009 [6] IMO, “Guidance for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)”, MEPC.1/Circ. 683, Aug. 2009 [7] IMO, “Interim Guidelines on the method of calculation of the Energy Efficiency Design Index for new ships”, MEPC.1/ Circ.681, Aug. 2009 [8] IHSF (2010), Lloyd’s Register Fairplay. Version 11/10 [9] IMO, “Report of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency Measures for Ships”, MEPC 61/WP10, Sept. 2010 [10] Denmark, Marshall Islands, World Shipping Council (2010): Recalculated baseline for container vessels, MEPC 60/4/14. [11] IMO, „Report of the Drafting Group on Amendments to Man datory instruments (Part II)“, MEPC 62/WP.11/Add.1/Rev.1, July 2011 [12] Sames, P., Köpke, “Future required energy efficiency of container vessels”, 32nd annual Motorship Propulsions & Emissions Conference 2010, Hamburg, Germany [13] IMO, Second IMO GHG Study 2009, Update of the 2000 IMO GHG Study, Final report covering Phase 1 and Phase 2, MEPC 59/INF.10. [14] IMO, “Information to facilitate discussion on GHG emissions from ships”, MEPC 60/WP.5, March 2010 [15] Drewry, “Container Market 2010/11 – Annual Review and Forecast – Incorporating the Container Forecaster – 3Q10”, Drewry Shipping Consultants. Oct. 2010 [16] Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, “Marginal abatement costs and cost-effectiveness of energyefficiency measures”, MEPC 59/Inf.10 [17] IMO, “Interim Guidelines for the Voluntary Verification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index”, MEPC.1/Circ.682, Aug.682 [18] MPA of Singapore, Shiping Circular No. 12 of 2011, “Details of the Green Ship Programme under the Maritime Singapore Green Initiative”, Singapore, June 2011
92 technical article Nikolas Skarpidis
Environmental issues a high priority within the shipping community Managing Director & CEO Internaftiki SA
Thus a combination of a desulphurization plant with
‘flexible’ footprint so as to fit even in cramped spac-
a process to reliably achieve a reduction level of ni-
es. This latter feature is very useful in the case of ret-
trogen oxides will be a preferred option both techni-
rofits, where space availability could be very limited
cally and economically.
and a system that can be split into sub-assemblies
placed in scattered areas is the only option available.
The time has come for Internaftiki to introduce a part-
Thus, the combination of all the above characteris-
nership with a leading manufacturer of exhaust gas
tics will be a preferable option and can to a great
cleaning systems aiming for NOx- SOx reduction.
extent satisfy the owner’s needs while at the same
We are in the process of final agreements between
time fully complying with the regulations. In addi-
various innovative systems manufacturers and rela-
tion, it will give us the opportunity to target vessels of
tive collaboration announcements will follow in the
various types and sizes. Considering the importance
near future. Considering global capacities for a retro
placed by the majority of customers on after sales
fit of an exhaust gas cleaning system, internaftiki
service, Internaftiki also aims to cover any installa-
aims to cover any installation and service needed.
tion and service needs which may arise worldwide.
Water treatment technologies will continue to be of
The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
Environmental issues in recent years have gradu-
our interest following our recent collaboration be-
(SEEMP) incorporates best practices for the fuel ef-
ally become a high priority within the shipping com-
tween Internaftiki and DVZ Group in Germany. The
ficient operation of ships. Such efficiency measures
munity, which has shifted towards adaptation and
latest is a leading manufacturer of Biological Sew-
will significantly reduce fuel consumption and, con-
implementation of environmental policies in their
age Treatment plants and oily water separators. DVZ
sequently, CO2 emissions.
operations. This environmentally friendly shift has
water treatment systems help keep the environment
Internaftiki is committed to staying at the forefront
definitely been boosted by the setting of respective
clean and in a natural balance. The use of proven
of marine energy management and continuously
technology has guaranteed a reliable operation over
strives to enable its customers to comply with envi-
many years in offshore platforms, marine vehicles,
ronment-related rules and laws.
Exhaust gas emissions reduction is one important
OSPV, container ships, mega yachts, ferries and
measure towards a cleaner environment. The focus
Throughout the years, internaftiki has gradually ex-
lies particularly on sulphur & nitrogen oxide emis-
panded its activities by offering the highest quality of
sions since the traffic and transport sector in ship-
Ballast Water Treatment has become critical as a
products and services available. Our vast experience
ping is the biggest polluter in absolute numbers.
means of protection of seas against the invasion of
in safety equipment was our guide in proceeding with
Very stringent regulations for the reduction of emis-
harmful marine species, which may have impacts
new and impressive cooperations. Lately, major col-
sions were compiled and refined by the IMO. In order
on marine ecosystems as well as on human health
laborations were achieved with well known reputable
to conform to legally binding obligations, the use of
in some particular areas. Sooner or later, ship own-
brands such as Imtech Marine, DVZ Group, Madrock
low sulphur fuel (LSFO) is one of two options. Indeed
ers will have to conform to respective regulations as
Marine and Anqing Daihatsu Diesel Marine Engines.
low sulphur fuel (LSFO) is exorbitantly more expen-
per IMO convention for control and management of
sive than heavy fuel oil (HFO). In order to meet the
Keeping in line with current environmental policies,
required emissions values in the future, ship owners
As a result of its recent focus on environmental is-
Ballast Water Treatment together with Exhaust Gas
have two alternative options; to either purchase ex-
sues in shipping, Internaftiki is currently in discus-
Cleaning and Ship Energy Efficiency Management
pensive LSFO or invest in an exhaust gas cleaning
sions with Ballast Water Treatment System manu-
Systems will remain among our first priorities for con-
facturers for potential cooperation.
sideration and investment. Our target is to include
Such systems will not only provide a return on in-
safety, energy and environmental technologies in
vestment quite quickly but, more importantly, the ship
We are interested in a system which will be available
our portfolio, to be incorporated in our operations in
owner will meet the legal obligations and responsi-
in a wide range of ballast capacities and will have as
order to increase the company’s market position and
bility for the environment in a just and sustainable
low power requirements as possible. This will even-
maintain its successful existing cooperation with the
tually lead to fuel savings and small and especially
Greek Shipping Sector.
“Our target is to include safety, energy and environmental technologies in our portfolio, to be incorporated in our operations in order to increase the company’s market position and maintain its successful existing cooperation with the Greek Shipping Sector”. Nikolas Skarpidis, Managing Director & CEO Internaftiki SA
94 shipping news 30η Γενική Συνέλευση των Μελών της HELMEPA Πραγματοποιήθηκε η 30η Γενική Συνέλευση των Μελών της HELMEPA, όπως ορίζει το Καταστατικό της Ένωσης. Τη Συνέλευση φιλοξένησε η εταιρεία CERES στο κτίριο τους, στην Ακτή Μιαούλη στον Πειραιά. Στη Συνέλευση προήδρευσε ο Δρ. Ι. Κούστας με γραμματείς τους κ.κ. Δ. Μπαρμπούνη της Springfield Shipping Co. of Panama SA και Σ. Μπουρμπούλη
(Hellas) Ltd. που εξέλεξαν τα Μέλη.
Μετά την
εισαγωγή του Προέδρου, ο Γενικός Διευθυντής της HELMEPA Δ.Κ. Μητσάτσος παρουσίασε συνοπτικά τις δράσεις της ένωσης κατά το 2011, η οποία λειτούργησε ως «Ναυτιλιακό Επιμορφωτικό Κέντρο για την Πρόληψης της Ρύπανσης, Ασφάλειας στη Θάλασσα και Περιβαλλοντική Ενημέρωση» σύμφωνα με το ISO 9001:2008, Πιστοποιητικό Ποιότητας. Σε ιδιαίτερα συναισθηματική ατμόσφαιρα πραγματοποιήθηκε η Γενική Συνέλευση καθώς στον ίδιο χώρο το 1982 υπογράφτηκε η ίδρυση της HELMEPA με πρωτοβουλία που οραματίστηκε ο
Π. Λιβανός.
παρεμβάσεις Ιδρυτικών και Επιτίμων Μελών που παρίσταντο στη Συνέλευση έδωσαν το έναυσμα για εποικοδομητικές συζητήσεις για την προαγωγή του εθελοντικά προσφερόμενου έργου της HELMEPA, ιδιαίτερα τώρα που συμπληρώνονται 30 χρόνια λειτουργίας. Η μυστική ψηφοφορία των Μελών έγινε με Εφορευτική Επιτροπή που εξέλεξε η Συνέλευση τους κ.κ. Π. Κουτσομητόπουλο της Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement SA, Μ. Φραγκιά της S. Livanos Hellas SA και Μ. Κουγέλλη της Metrostar Management Corp.
Το 15μελές Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο που εκλέχθηκε για την 2ετία 2012-2014, συνήλθε ως Σώμα με την εξής σύνθεση: ΚΟΥΣΤΑΣ Ιωάννης, Πρόεδρος, ΓΡΑΤΣΟΣ Γεώργιος, Αντιπρόεδρος,
Δημήτριος, Γενικός Γραμματέας, ΤΣΑΚΟΥ Μαρία, Ειδική Γραμματέας, ΜΠΑΦΑΛΟΥΚΟΣ Νικόλαος, Ταμίας, ΔΑΛΑΚΟΥΡΑΣ Μιχάλης, Αναπληρωτής Ταμίας, ΛΙΒΑΝΟΣ Παναγιώτης-Πήτερ, Μέλος, ΛΩ Αικατερίνη, Μέλος, ΝΤΑΪΦΑ Ειρήνη, Μέλος, ΞΥΛΑΣ Ιωάννης, Μέλος, ΠΑΠΠΑΔΑΚΗΣ Νικόλαος, Μέλος, ΠΕΡΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ Ιάκωβος, Μέλος, ΠΙΤΤΑΣ Αριστείδης, Μέλος, ΧΑΛΑΣ Ιωάννης, Μέλος, ΧΑΝΔΡΗΣ Μιχάλης, Μέλος
JETOIL: At the forefront of CSR Protection of the environment has always been a top concern and priority for JETOIL. In the beginning of 2011 the company was also awarded a distinction for its programme of measuring and off-setting its carbon emissions for its privately-owned fleet of tank tracks, the first company to undertake such a project in Greece.
to issue its 4th Annual CSR Report in which it re-
tank tracks, in 2011 it undertook to expand this pro-
confirms its engagement on CSR matters, working
gramme by gradually including the fleet of supplier
of the basic pillars of Personnel, Society, Market and
vessels it uses for its bunkering activity.
the Environment and presents its commitments, targets and programmes which it undertakes relating
Apart from this, the company measures, on an annu-
to these pillars. In the past two years the company
al basis, its carbon footprint for its Athens and Thes-
has participated in the National Index of Corporate
saloniki offices, has extensive recycling projects for
Responsibility. In 2010 it received a Bronze distinc-
paper, batteries, small electrical appliances, lamps,
tion, while in 2011 the company received a Silver
glass, aluminum and plastic, monitors various KPI’s
Mamidoil Jetoil S.A. has been actively engaged in
distinction along with the award for Best Advance-
in order to make the company’s operation friendly to
the Greek petroleum trading sector for over 42 years.
ment in the Silver category. In the beginning of 2011
the environment.
The company has also been a key player as a physi-
the company was also awarded a distinction for its
cal supplier of Bunkers in the port of Piraeus for over
programme of measuring and off-setting its carbon
JETOIL Bunkering, an important part of the Mamidoil
40 years.
emissions for its privately-owned fleet of tank tracks,
Jetoil business, is proud to claim that it has success-
JETOIL, as the company is widely known, is a Greek,
the first company to undertake such a project in
fully completed more than 55.000 supplies without a
family owned business. Ethics and transparency
single pollution incident.
have always been at the core of the owners’ men-
Protection of the environment has always been a
tality and to this respect the company has adopted
top concern and priority for JETOIL. To this respect
JETOIL is a member of HELMEPA, among other or-
the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility as
the company, apart from the programme of measur-
ganisations and a consignee of the 10 Principles of
part of its business strategy. The company is about
ing and off-setting carbon emissions for its fleet of
the UN Global Compact since 2010.
96 technology
KROHNE Skarpenord
Tank monitoring and alarm system Delivered to more than 750 ship installations world wide: • Tankers - Chemical tankers (IMO I, II, III) - Product-, Oil-, and Juice tankers - VLCCs - Tank barges - FPSOs • Supply ships - AHTS, PSV, DSV • Bulkers • Container ships • Reefers • Cruise ships and ferries • Heavy lift vessels • Drilling rigs • Production platforms • LPGs, FSUs
The CARGOMASTER® system from
OPTIWAVE Cargo Level Radar
KROHNE Skarpenord offers complete
The OPTIWAVE Cargo Level Radar from KROHNE Skarpenord is a highly accurate and reliable instrument
solutions for tank monitoring and alarming. The system sends readings from all tanks and lines onboard to user-friendly software which runs on all standard marine computers. Combined with the high precision cargo level radar OPTIWAVE 8300 C Marine, CARGOMASTER® offers unique benefits for tanker operators. The delivery of a CARGOMASTER® system includes system software adapted to your individual vessel applications, engineering, drawings, documentation and commissioning. In addition to tank monitoring, the system may include monitoring of pumps and cargo lines and integration to other systems onboard. CARGOMASTER® is installed on all kinds of vessels, from the smallest product tankers to the most complex chemical tankers and large VLCCs.
for measuring the ullage/level. With its heavy duty stainless steel housing, it is designed to withstand the roughest conditions on deck. Well protected by a stainless steel cover, it carries a backup display for redundant indication. Loading may continue with a man on deck, if level information is lost on the main monitoring station. The OPTIWAVE grants redundancy on tank
Thorough cleaning of the radar antenna without
opening the tank
Even in a worst case scenario where a central com-
All level radars may require cleaning of antenna if
ponent in the monitoring system fails, ullage will al-
contaminated by cargo. Opening the cargo tank in a
ways be obtainable on the OPTIWAVE level radar
safe and approved way requires cleaning and vent-
display on deck. The OPTIWAVE calculates and
ing of the tank. The OPTIWAVE radar antenna may
displays all level data locally before transmitting to
be cleaned with closed tank, which saves time and
efforts and protects ship’s crew from being exposed to cargo vapours.
Meet us at the Intra Mare stand Stand no. 3.321, Hall 3
Monitoring of liquid cargo is in safe hands CARGOMASTER® – The all-in-one tank monitoring system CARGOMASTER® is the complete solution for tank monitoring. The system is well proven and is installed on all kinds of vessels. Combined with the high precision cargo tank level radar OPTIWAVE 8300 C Marine, the system offers unique benefits for tanker operators.
EcoMATE® – System for monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering EcoMATE® is a reliable system for monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering operations. Together with the OPTIMASS series of flowmeters, it offers accurate and maintenance free solutions for all fuel systems.
INTRA MARE HELLAS (Greece representative) Tel.: +30 210 4293843 | Email: |
98 technology KROHNE Skarpenord recent CARGOMASTER® references: Replacement of radar can be done by ship’s crew
ment, but even with state of the art equipment things
Jo Tankers
STX Shipbuilding
2 x Product Tanker
may go wrong and most certainly at the most un-
Dynacom Tankers
Hyundai Heavy Industries
3 x VLCC
Guangzhou Longxue
1 x Crude Oil Tanker
China Shipping
Dalian Shipbuilding
2 x VLCC
Teekay Shipping Singapore
1 x Crude Oil Tanker
Eitzen Chemical
1 x Chemical Tanker, IMO II
STX Shipbuilding
4 x Product Tanker
Oil Tech Colombia
1 x Chemical Tanker, IMO II
Chios Navigation
Hyundai Mipo
2 x Product Tanker
1 x Product Tanker
Jiangsu Rongsheng
1 x Crude Oil Tanker
Tomasos Brothers Inc.
Guangzhou SY
4 x Chemical Tanker, IMO II
The OPTIWAVE radar is a robust piece of equip-
wanted time. It is good to know that the complete calibrated part (including transmitting/receiving antenna) can be replaced with closed tank.
EcoMATE® - Reliable monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering EcoMATE® from KROHNE Skarpenord is a reliable system for monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering operations onboard ships. Together with the OPTIMASS series of flowmeters, the system offers accurate and maintenance free solutions for all kinds of applications - from small and simple to large and comprehensive. The EcoMATE® system can be set up to monitor fuel consumption and/or bunkering onboard ships. Based on our robust and accurate flowmeters we can offer: • Fuel consumption monitoring For main engines and other consumers onboard • Bunkering verification Verifying quantity and quality of bunker received • Loading verification For load and discharge line monitoring A basic system will consist of one or several flowmeters, mounted inline with the fuel supply line or bunkering line. The EcoMATE® computer unit will take care of data acquisition, logging, calculations and monitoring. Tailored reports can be printed or sent ashore via email. Reporting can be automatically set up, e.g as a noon report. This may save valuable time and secure reporting routines are performed regularly. Coriolis mass flowmeters The function of our mass flowmeters is based on the coriolis principle. They allow for a direct measurement of mass flow, density and temperature of liquids. Calculation of volumetric flow and mass or volume concentration is made with a single device. The OPTIMASS picks up the flow quickly and accurately even with quick changes in the medium, such as temperature shifts or density jumps. EcoMATE® – Bunkering verification Fuel oil costs represent the biggest share of a vessel’s total operating cost. To be able to verify the amount of fuel oil delivered during a bunkering operation, you need accurate and reliable measurements. The EcoMATE® system from KROHNE Skarpenord measures the flow in your bunkering line. Tailored bunker reports verifies the quantity and quality making sure you are receiving every drop of your valuable ordered fuel. Bunker quantities measured by volume are dependent on temperature, density and possible contents of air. The EcoMATE® system utilizes Coriolis mass flowmeters which offers continous monitoring of mass flow rate, density and temperature throughout the entire bunkering operation. Measuring mass directly gives you high accuracy and a more efficient bunkering process. Highlights EcoMATE® Bunker verification • EcoMATE® will follow the entire bunkering process and reports for verification of total quantity of fuel oil received can be printed out or sent ashore • Reporting functions and alarming on fuel density deviation, e.g. detection of possible air in the bunker oil • All relevant data is logged and stored in the system database OPTIMASS 2000 – Coriolis mass flowmeter for bunkering applications • Direct measurement of fuel mass flow, density and temperature • High accuracy: 0.1% of actual flow • Easy installation - patented straight tube designed flowmeter • Maintenance free, fully welded measuring tubes with no moving parts • Twin straight measuring tubes with optimised flow splitter for minimum pressure loss • Bi-directional flow measurement - can be used for loading and delivery • Multiproduct capabilities - measurement of residual and heavy fuel oil in same pipe
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A Member of
A Member of
Δραγατσανίου 8 • 105 59 Αθήνα• τηλ. 210 3748000 • fax 210 3254677 •
100 ballast water management
Why Nynas chose PureBallast Global service and support for newbuildings and retrofits
2012 is a critical year for the IMO Ballast Water Convention and for Swedish oil products supplier Nynas AB. According to industry sources, it will be the year that the Convention will see ratification. It will also be the year that Nynas will commission chemical-free Alfa Laval PureBallast onboard two newbuildings and Alfa Laval PureBallast 2.0 EX onboard two retrofitted vessels that the company have on bare boat charter. Eight years after the Convention’s adoption,
environment with cargo at temperatures ranging
there is a veritable spurt towards ratification. The
Selecting a ballast water treatment system that
from 160°C up to 250°C. Rather than installing
number of countries that have ratified the Conven-
meets Nynas’ criteria for health, safety, secu-
the PureBallast system below deck as on vessels
tion now exceeds the 30 required for the Con-
rity and the environment was also important. The
carrying cargo that is not potentially explosive,
vention to come into force. If speculation proves
company has a comprehensive policy in place and
Nynas and Alfa Laval decided to build a pressu-
true, once the MEPC clarifies how to conduct
employs certified management systems to ensure
rised structure on the ship’s deck. A double-door
ballast water sampling onboard, a single country
minimal impact of its products and operations on
construction serves as an airlock and an over-
representing 8.5% or more of the gross tonnage
the people’s health and the environment.
pressurised ventilation system creates a gas-free
of the world’s commercial fleet may finally make
“We assessed the other IMO-approved ballast wa-
zone to ensure safe operation. This enabled sys-
enforcement of international law a reality. When
ter treatment systems available at that time,” says
tem certification by Bureau Veritas.
that decisive moment occurs, Nynas AB stands
Karlsson. “Nynas chose PureBallast because
we believe that it was the best system available.
Support beyond design
“I think the Convention will be ratified quite soon,
Treating ballast water with a chemical-free sys-
Alfa Laval support and service, however, didn’t
which means that the international regulations will
tem is better for the environment than the other
stop after the design and certification of the sys-
most likely take effect within the next two years,”
systems. Plus PureBallast came with Alfa Laval
tem but continued strong throughout installation.
says Nynas project manager for newbuilding Björn
engineering support, equipment quality, and spare
In fact, says Karlsson, Alfa Laval was instrumental
Karlsson, echoing industry thinking. “We at Nynas
parts and service availability in our trading area.”
in allaying shipyard concerns about installation.
began preparing for ratification about five years
“The Wuhan Nanhua Huanggang Jiangbei Ship-
ago when we started investigating options for bal-
Innovative engineering and support for
yard, which built the Ardea and Mergus, is a rela-
last water treatment onboard the bitumen tankers
tively small yard with no prior experience in work-
we charter.”
As one of the first companies to install ballast wa-
ing with PureBallast,” recounts Karlsson. “Alfa
ter treatment systems onboard tankers, Nynas is
Laval arranged a trip to the Mawei shipyard where
Cost-savings and efficiency through
blazing the trail for other tanker ship owners and
PureBallast was being installed on another vessel
operators. Trailblazing is never easy, but Karlsson
so our shipyard workers could see firsthand just
Preparedness is the main reason why Nynas de-
notes it has been made much easier with the sup-
how compact and easy to install PureBallast is.”
cided in 2008 to purchase and install Alfa Laval
port and service of a reliable partner.
“The old adage, “Seeing is believing,” held true
PureBallast ballast water treatment systems on-
“Nynas has a solid long-term business relation-
in our case,” says Karlsson. “The interaction be-
board two newbuild tankers. However, the deci-
ship with Alfa Laval that spans more than three
tween the shipyard crews was priceless. It pro-
sion to invest in the system will end up saving the
decades,” Karlsson confides. “We appreciate the
vided our Wuhan Nanhua workers with full trans-
company money in the long run.
engineering expertise and support that Alfa Laval
parency of the installation requirements for the
“Our vessels typically sail in waters too shallow
brings to the table. The two PureBallast 500 sys-
PureBallast system. Alfa Laval went the extra mile
for ballast water exchange,” explains Karlsson.
tems we ordered in 2008 for the Ardea and Mer-
for us, which really helped us a lot.”
“That’s why we decided to buy ballast water treat-
gus, for instance, were not Ex-approved because
Another advantage: Alfa Laval Shanghai provided
ment systems onboard two newbuild tankers. The
such systems did not exist at that time. But to-
a natural link to PureBallast experts in Sweden in
vessels we charter have a ballast water capacity
gether with Alfa Laval, we developed a solution for
addition to quick access to local support in China.
of less than 5,000 cubic meters, so we didn’t have
our vessels.”
This gives Nynas as well as other western ship-
to comply immediately. But by doing so, we avoid
Alfa Laval adapted PureBallast to Nynas’ re-
owners close contact with experts at the Alfa Laval
the costs associated with retrofitting the vessels
quirements for operation in a hazardous tanker
head office in Tumba, Sweden, while the shipyard
ballast water management 101 NEWBUILDING
Frederiet AB
Frederiet AB
Bareboat charterer and operator
Nynas AB
Nynas AB
Ship type
Bitumen tanker
Bitumen tanker
Sailing routes
Northwestern Europe including the Baltic and North Seas as well as the Mediterranean Sea
Northwestern Europe including the Baltic and North Seas as well as the Mediterranean Sea
Capacity (m3)
Length (m)
Beam (m)
Draft (m)
Deadweight (m/t)
Max. continuous rating (kW)
Service speed (knots)
Wuhan Nanhua Huanggang Jiangbei Shipyard
Wuhan Nanhua Huanggang Jiangbei Shipyard
Ballast tank capacity (m3)
Type of system
PureBallast 500
PureBallast 500
Deckhouse on deck
Deckhouse on deck
PureBallast system
“This is especially true for our bitumen tankers
in China has the same direct contact with Alfa
people who know the system best.”
Laval Shanghai. In other words, both parties have
Karlsson appreciates having a turnkey ballast wa-
close contact with their respective compatriots,
ter treatment retrofit partner. MESAB dealt directly
which eases collaboration. According to Karlsson,
with the shipyard Falkvarv AB, where the ships
Alfa Laval’s glocal presence and broad compe-
docked for routine service. The entire retrofit proc-
tence gives it a competitive advantage over other
ess, from pre-survey and engineering survey to
ballast water treatment manufacturers who only
installation and commissioning services, took ap-
have local agents nearby.
proximately three weeks from start to finish.
Working with a single-source supplier
At the end of February 2012, Alfa Laval Shang-
To determine the placement of equipment, ME-
When asked about the best way to handle on-
hai commissioned the systems onboard the Ardea
SAB conducted a pre-survey, which resulted in
board systems, Karlsson has three words: reliabil-
and Mergus. Karlsson expects that service and
a detailed written report and 3D drawing of the
ity, compatibility and convenience.
support in most major ports will be just as easy
system layout. In contrast, the engineering survey
“That is the way we like to work with our onboard
and convenient as the service and support Nynas
produced a set of drawings that enabled pre-man-
systems. At Nynas, we strive to have as few sup-
received so far.
ufacturing of all major piping in order to minimize
pliers as possible. It is better to have a larger
vessel downtime. Installation, startup and com-
scope of supply from one partner and then let
Turnkey retrofit with PureBallast 2.0 EX
missioning services ensured proper function of the
them take complete responsibility for the reliable
Once Nynas cast its vote of confidence for the Alfa
system.When asked to comment on the coopera-
operation of the equipment or system,” comments
Laval PureBallast system for the newbuildings it
tion with turnkey retrofit partner MESAB, Karlsson
Karlsson. “Reputation and reliability matter a great
charters, the company saw no reason to change
smiles and says, “Accountability speaks volumes.”
deal to us. We’re not just buying equipment, we’re
where available power is at a premium.” The thoughtful, modular design of PureBallast 2.0 EX enabled the reuse of existing ship ballast water equipment and pipe work, which is another big advantage for shipowners.
investing in a partnership and the know-how, ex-
course to retrofit older vessels. In July 2011, upon recommendations from Nynas, shipowner Fre-
Retrofits benefit from reduced power
pertise, resources and support that comes with it.”
deriet placed an order for two PureBallast 500
So it may come as no surprise that other Alfa
EX, generation 2.0, the second generation of the
Back in 2008 when the PureBallast systems were
Laval equipment, such as purifiers, fuel oil booster
chemical-free PureBallast systems, for its Alcedo
ordered for the newbuildings, Nynas asked Alfa
unit and fresh water generator, can be found on-
and Pandion bitumen tankers.
Laval to develop an Ex version. The result does
board the vessels that Nynas charters.
Rather take on the challenge of managing these
not disappoint. PureBallast 2.0 EX comes with
projects, Nynas placed the job of retrofitting the
additional safety modifications for Zone I, group
What’s ahead
vessels in the capable hands of Alfa Laval subcon-
IIC and temperature class T4, making it suitable
For the time being, Karlsson does not anticipate
tractor Marine Environmental Solutions AB (ME-
for installation aboard most vessels that carry
the placement of new orders for PureBallast 2.0
SAB) for design, class approval, project manage-
ignition-sensitive cargo. It also features the 40%
EX system or other Alfa Laval equipment. He
ment, integration to onboard systems, installation
power savings and operating advantages, such as
plans, however, to keep a watchful eye on the
and commissioning services.
automatic flow control.
four systems currently in operation. The lessons
“The advantages of having a turnkey partner are
“The reduced power consumption of the PureBal-
learned from installing and operating these sys-
obvious,” says Karlsson. “It was only natural that
last 2.0 makes it easier for shipyards to work with
tems put Nynas that critical step ahead and ulti-
we place our trust in Alfa Laval and MESAB, the
the designed power on board,” says Karlsson.
mately make them better prepared for 2016.
102 ballast water management BALLAST WATER RETROFIT
Frederiet AB
Frederiet AB
Bareboat charterer and operator
Nynas AB
Nynas AB
Ship type
Bitumen tanker
Bitumen tanker
Sailing routes
Northwestern Europe including the Baltic and North Seas as well as the Mediterranean Sea
Northwestern Europe including the Baltic and North Seas as well as the Mediterranean Sea
Capacity (m3)
Length (m)
Beam (m)
Draft (m)
Deadweight (m/t)
Max. continuous rating (kW)
Shanghai Edward Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Shanghai Edward Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Shipyard for ballast water retrofit
Management company for ballast water retrofit
Marine Environment Solutions AB
Marine Environment Solutions AB
PureBallast 2.0 EX system Ordered
Ballast tank capacity (m3)
Type of system
PureBallast 500 EX
Below deck in the pump room
ABOUT NYNAS AB Established in 1920s Head office: Stockholm, Sweden Offices: In 30 countries Number of employees: 800 Products: Naphthenic oil - Bitumen - Fuel oil Number of vessels chartered: 6 Annual turnover: €2 billion Production facilities:Europe, North America and South America
THE IMO CONVENTION Regulations arising from the IMO 2004 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments will take effect 12 months after ratification by 30 states, representing 35 percent of world gross merchant tonnage. At the time of writing, 33 representing 26.46% of the global merchant shipping tonnage have ratified the Convention. Given these figures, full enforcement is likely within the next two years. Some of the new requirements that will take effect include: • Purify or exchange before discharging By 2016, all ships must use ballast water management systems and will be inspected periodically to
ABOUT THE ALFA LAVAL PUREBALLAST SYSTEM • More than 250 systems sold to date
• More than 60 systems successfully commissioned • Pioneered the way with type approval in 2008 • Sold to shipyards in 15 countries • Selected by ship owners such as A.P. Moller Maersk, MOL, NYK Lines, CMA CGM, Bernhard Schulte and Hamburg Süd • Backed by global Alfa Laval support and service in all marine markets • Retrofitted on more than a dozen vessels, including RoRo, tankers and cruise vessels • Readily available for different vessels to meet different capacity requirements
ensure that they comply with standards. • Meet strict new standards The goal is to achieve a purification rate of only 10 microorganisms exceeding 50 micrometres in diameter per cubic metre of treated ballast. • Document treatment of ballast Ships must maintain a Ballast Water Record Book to record the intake, circulation, treatment and discharge of ballast water. • Provide reception facilities Ports and terminals must provide facilities for sediment discharged during the ballast cleansing process.
104 ballast water management
Image overview and references
Press editorial Alfa Laval PureBilge DNV 5 ppm At last, 5 ppm type approval certification for b March 2012
At last, 5 ppm type approval certification Image name for bilge water separators PureBilge_BlueBox_5_ppm.tif A new milestone in oily water treatment onboard ships has been reached. Shipowners seeking Clean Design class notation can now specify a bilge water treatment system that is certified according to DNV’s new 5 ppm type approval process. DNV Clean Design class notation is a voluntary
obained Type Approval Certificate No. P-13965 for
newbuilding specification which covers most as-
PureBilge 2005 and 5005 (2.5 m3/h and 5.0 m3/h).
pects of ship design and operation. For bilge wa-
For Alfa Laval this was not a great step. Since its
ter, Clean Design stipulates a maximum 5 ppm of
release on the market in June 2009, PureBilge had
oil remaining in the water after treatment, prior to
been tested onboard ships under real life conditions
pumping overboard. MARPOL regulations stipulate
and consistently achieved results below 5 ppm.
15 ppm. In 2011, DNV introduced a 5 ppm type approval process for marine bilge water separators.
Clean and Clean Design notations
Leading the wave, Alfa Laval’s PureBilge is the first
DNV Environmental Class notation reduces a ship’s
system to obtain the new 5 ppm DNV type approval
environmental impact due to air emissions, sea dis-
certificate. The system has also been granted the
charges and accidental damage to the ship’s hull.
US Coastguard Certificate of Approval.
The notations award owners and operators who choose to design and operate their ships in an evi-
Previously, ship owners specifying 5 ppm have had
ronmentally sustainable manner. The aim is to re-
to take the word of the equipment supplier that the
duce the emissions from each ship so that the over-
system really does meet the limit. Unfortunately, this
all environmental burden from shipping is reduced.
has not always been enough. Some systems actually have problems reaching even 15 ppm under real life conditions.
DNV Clean notation stipulates that the vessel mustImage name shore supply vessels. be designed and operated in accordance with cur-US_Coast_guard_certificate_PB5005.pdf rent and future regulations for protection of the en-
While claiming that their equipment can meet the
vironment. Technical and management processes
limit, it is not unknown for suppliers to simply ad-
and procedures for collection, transfer and storage
just the oil-in-water monitor down from 15 ppm to 5
of waste must also be adopted.
ppm so that it functions as an oily water alarm with automatic stop.
The Clean Design notation is based on the same Clean goals but is stricter. It stipulates that the con-
Recirculation, tanks fill up
structional design and operation of vessels should
In such cases, the equipment is not removing the oil
be such that it minimizes their impact on the envi-
down to 5 ppm. It simply prevents it from being dis-
charged overboard. The bilge water then goes into
and car carriers and, to some extent, to cruise lines, as environmental awareness grows among passengers. Clear benefits DNV points out that the image of the individual ship owner and operator will clearly improve with customers and authorities, “since the notation demonstrates that the company’s policy is to be environmentally proactive in order to prevent accidental
recirculation and fills up the bilge water tank. When this is full it is pumped to the waste oil tank and when
Why do ship owners want Environmental Class
that has no more capacity the ship has a problem. It
is in situations like these that environmental infringe-
Clean and Clean Design class notations are vol-
ments may occur.
untary environmental newbuilding specifications. As indicated in Fig. 1, an important driver is the oil
Type Approval certification
majors’ environmental policies, which are becoming
In May 2011, the DNV 5 ppm Type Approval Pro-
increasingly stringent following a number of environ-
gramme No. 771.60 became available for certifica-
mental disasters.
tion for Oily Water Separators (OWS) for the first time.
The same applies to owners building LNG carriers
As cargo owners and charterers, the oil companies typically demand higher than normal environmental
Alfa Laval’s PureBilge system was tested according
compliance from the ship owners transporting their
to this procedure and in December 2011 Alfa Laval
cargoes, such as tanker owners and owners of off-
pollution as well”. For owners interested in promoting an environmental profile, the notation confirms a higher environmental standard. By adopting the Clean Design notation, owners clearly demonstrate that they have acted to limit emissions and operational and accidental pollution by taking proactive steps and responsibility. Aspects covered by Clean Design The Clean Design notation stipulates requirements for controlling and limiting operational emissions and discharges. As Fig. 2 shows, these requirements cover the most important environmental aspects:
Image overview ballast and references
water management 105
Press editorial Alfa Laval PureBilge DNV 5 ppm At last, 5 ppm type approval certification for bilge water separators March 2012
Image name Image name US_Coast_guard_certificate_PB5005.pdf PureBilge_BlueBox_5_ppm.tif
Image name DNV_TA_Certificate_P-13965.pdf
Fuel tanks’ protection from grounding damage; handling of sewage and garbage; environmentally friendly antifouling; combustion machinery emissions (NOx and SOx); use of refrigerants; Green Passport Inventory for recycling the ship; handling of ballast water; handling of fuel oil; handling of bilge water. As stated in DNV’s “Guidance for the Environmental Class Notations Clean and Clean Design”, “for Clean Design the vessel must have bilge water holding tanks as required for the Class Notation OPP-F, which means that they must have required capacities dependent on the engine rating. The machinery space bilges must not be discharged to sea, but be discharged to shore. Clean Design requires oil content of bilge water to be less than 5 ppm.” However, meeting DNV’s Clean Design requirements for bilge water takes more than setting the Image
oil-in-water monitor to 5 ppm. The treatment system US_Coast_guard_certificate_PB5005.pdf must actually achieve 5 ppm.
ter separator must be designed to operate in each
first time, the ship operator can sleep at night, com-
plane that forms an angle of 22.5° with the plane of
pletely secure in the knowledge that his crew will not
Current MARPOL legislation stipulates that sepa-
its normal operating position.”
have to face full bilge water and waste oil tanks and
rated bilge water containing 15 ppm or below oil in
This simulates a ship listing 22.5°. Thus, this test-
that his ship is discharging treated bilge water with
water can be discharged into international waters. In
ing process has gone some way towards simulating
an oil content of less than 5 ppm (a good margin
reaction to increasing environmental awareness in
real life operating conditions at sea. Although Alfa
considering the MARPOL limit is still 15 ppm).
the shipping and other industries, future legislation
Laval believes that it could have gone even further
PureBilge is the only system on the market that pro-
is expected to be more stringent, requiring the limit
and simulated sea heave, the company sees this as
vides a cleaning performance in real life conditions
to be reduced to 5 ppm. For the Great Lakes it is
confirmation of its assertion that centrifugal separa-
of 0-5 ppm oil content in the water without chemi-
already 5 ppm.
tion is the only effective technology for bilge water
cals, adsorption filter or membranes. This cleaning
treatment onboard ships.
performance is unaffected by sea heave, oil shocks
Since a growing number of shipowners are specify-
or high solids loading, and no backflushing is re-
ing it and DNV now has a 5 ppm type approval proc-
“The gyroscopic effect of the liquid circulating at
ess for bilge water separators, a MARPOL 5 ppm
high speed inside the separator bowl offsets pitch-
limit may not be far away.
ing and rolling,” says Pauli Kujala, Senior Business
Manager, Oily Waste Treatment Systems, Alfa Laval
Fully integrated tamper-proof BlueBox
A new angle on OWS type approval testing
Marine & Diesel Equipment. “The result is sustained
The PureBilge system is the fastest growing tech-
International Maritime Organization (IMO), resolu-
high separation efficiency. If traditional static sys-
nology in the market. Like Alfa Laval fuel oil and lube
tion MEPC 107(49), effective from January 1, 2005,
tems were to be tested with a realistic bilge water
oil separators, it offers the full automation and re-
for type approval of bilge water separators for 15
‘cocktail’ under conditions simulating a rough sea
mote control that will be required by the unmanned
ppm, specifies that, in addition to the removal of
state 24/7 for 20 days, they would immediately be
engine rooms of the future. No manual engagement
oil from bilge water, bilge water separators must be
is required.
Pure Bilge – the first certified 5 ppm Bilge Water
The system is supplied with the fully integrated
tamper-proof BlueBox Bilge Data Recorder, which
What differentiates DNV 5 ppm type approval test-
So, for the first time there is a marine supplier who
locks in critical data and encapsulates the whole
ing from type approval testing for 15 ppm according
can supply a bilge water separator with a 5 ppm DNV
sampling line. In combination with PureBilge’s certi-
to MEPC 107(49)? Actually, very little. It is basically
Clean Design type approval certificate. Many claim
fied performance, the result is assured compliance
the same basic process with one very important
to provide this performance, but only Alfa Laval with
– not only with IMO MEPC 107(49), but with the
difference. As stated by DNV, “the 5 ppm bilge wa-
PureBilge currently holds the certificate. For the
wishes of all who demand a greener profile.
tested with a stable emulsion (including fine particles and a surfactant chemical).
106 technical article Dr. Stavros Meidanis
A Holistic Approach to Energy Management for the Shipping Industry LRQA/ Marine Business Manager, Lloyd’s Register
“The benefits from the implementation of an energy management system are summarised in three directions: first contribution in the improvement of the environment and more specifically on climatic change aspects, second facilitation of the compliance to the new international requirements, such as the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) of ΙΜΟ and third improving financial performance by increasing profits or on a different reading reducing cots”. Dr. Stavros Meidanis, LRQA/ Marine Business Manager Lloyd’s Register
mental performance.
period, as well as to set energy performance indicators.
The environmental management and environmen-
The benefits from the implementation of an energy
tal aspects are high in the agendas of all the ship-
management system are summarised in three direc-
ping stakeholders, owners, managers, charterers.
tions: first contribution in the improvement of the en-
Issues such as fuel consumption, fuel cost, energy
vironment and more specifically on climatic change
efficiency improvement constitute important factors
aspects, second facilitation of the compliance to the
of environmental performance monitoring and im-
new international requirements, such as the Ship
Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) of ΙΜΟ and third improving financial performance by
The main shipping players express on a daily basis
increasing profits or on a different reading reducing
their concerns regarding the management of energy
on their ships. The cost of energy, the international
All these lead to the same result, competitive ad-
economic environment and the world economic crisis
vantage. This objective can be achieved through a
and finally the continuous pressure coming from the
series of individual actions. Indicatively we mention:
new regulations on emissions reduction, constitute
Reducing costs through the improvement of energy
the basic factors for increased vigilance in the sub-
ject of effective and efficient energy management.
Developing efficient strategies for the measurement, analysis, and management of energy consumption
Energy Management is the obvious outcome. It is
Identifying best models for the increase of profits,
the logical development and answer to the new con-
via investments in new technologies (R&D develop-
ditions. The holistic approach for a more systematic
energy management, both for ships and for compa-
It is common knowledge nowadays, that the terms
nies, provides the response to these new challenges.
“energy” and “energy efficiency” are part of the daily routine in the shipping community. By identifying and
Almost two thirds of global trade is carried by sea.
The recently published international standard ISO
applying a series of measures for reducing energy
There is no viable alternative transport for the major-
50001 on Energy Management System (EnMS),
consumption (energy saving measures), the result-
ity of goods and commercial shipping is arguably the
offers a reliable solution for this holistic approach
ing economic profits are really significant. These
most energy efficient way of transporting goods. The
on energy. Its basic structure is based on existing
measures may consist of elements of either strategic
scale of operations, in terms of weight carried and
international standards (eg. environmental man-
or operational character. These measure may con-
distance travelled, is huge. Climate change induced
agement), providing the ability to implement energy
cern individual ships, the entire fleet, the planning
by human activities has become one of the hottest is-
management policies, to identify the energy consum-
for new ship constructions, the daily monitoring and
sues on the political agenda and hence green house
ing processes and operations and to establish objec-
operation of ships or finally combination of all these.
gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels are
tives and targets aiming at the reduction of consump-
of primary concern. The shipping industry is the sec-
tion and improvement of energy usage.
The shipping industry is facing new challenges. In the aftermath of the economic crisis, energy man-
ond fastest rising source of greenhouse gas emissions behind aviation and its environmental impact is
Particularly, priority now is given on issues such as
agement will constitute the basic element for differ-
too big to escape form proper scrutiny.
the analysis and examination of the management
entiating and the strategic advantage for shipping
of energy (energy review) and the identification and
companies. The market, in all its expressions, from
In the years to come stricter environmental regula-
analysis of energy usage, then the setting of a basis
the ship building stage, through operation, up to the
tions are expected to influence immensely the sec-
for the measurement of energy consumption (energy
ship scrapping stage (the whole lifecycle of the ship
tor. This new regulatory framework will lead inevita-
baseline), by using the results of the energy review,
from cradle to grave) will be ruled by new legislations
bly all interested parties to focus on the direction of
in order to establish a quantified starting point for the
and regulations, which will determine whether the
reduction of pollutants and improvement of environ-
analysis and comparison of data for a specific time
investments of ship ownership are financially viable.
Driving sustainability for a safer world. How do you create a truly sustainable future for the marine industry? For us, it’s all about seeing the big picture. We offer intelligent, balanced advice that will help you meet your operational and commercial challenges as well as environmental and regulatory obligations. So you can trust us to make yours a safer, more productive and better performing business, as well as a greener one. Learn more about our global network – go to
Services are provided by members of the Lloyd’s Register Group. Lloyd’s Register is an exempt charity under the UK Charities Act 1993.
108 environment
As a world leading manufacturer and distributor of Life Saving Appliances (LSA), Norsafe is in front also when it comes to environmentally friendly handling of damaged or discarded lifeboats and rescue-boats. The last years Norsafe has offered ship- and rig-owners a good solution to a continuously growing environmental
NORSAFE: An environmental friendly company
problem. Norsafe Group has built competence and capacity to handle damaged and discarded life- and recue-boats, according to the latest rules and regulations. The first part of the process is dismantling of electric and electronic parts. Next part is to remove the engine and all bigger parts of aluminium, stainless steel. All these parts are being recycled, and some metal parts are even subject for reuse. Finally the boat hull and all other GRP parts are cut in pieces by a hydraulic shearing machine to fit the input of the “Terminator”, which is a powerful waste mill. The GRP waste is now transformed to a coarse granulate, suitable as an additive product to concrete production or even special painting production. All the GRP waste, not recycled as additive products, is sent to environmentally friendly waste incinerators, producing energy for district heating or even production of electricity.
Περιβαλλοντικό σεμινάριο HELMEPA - ProSea Foundation Διήμερο, επιμορφωτικό σεμινάριο στην Αγγλική,
Dynacom Tankers, Eletson Corporation, Empire
όλων όσων συνδέονται με τον παραγωγικό χώρο της
Navigation, Kristen Marine, S & O Shipmanagement,
ναυτιλίας, στις νέες, περιβαλλοντικές προκλήσεις και
Stamco Shipmanagement και Tsakos Columbia
τις ανάγκες της κοινωνίας.
κερδοσκοπικός, εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός ProSea
Κατά τη διαδικασία κατάρτισης νέων κανονισμών
Foundation, την 28 και 29 Μαρτίου στην Αθήνα.
Ο σχεδιασμός, η οργάνωση και παρουσίαση του
σεμιναρίου έγιναν σύμφωνα με το εγκεκριμένο,
από τη λειτουργία των πλοίων, το σκεπτικό και οι
δυνατότητα εφαρμογής τους.
ομότιτλο Model Course του Διεθνούς Ναυτιλιακού
βασικότερες απαιτήσεις που θέτουν η MARPOL
Η γνώση της πολυπλοκότητας και των εύθραυστων
Οργανισμού.Oι τροποποιήσεις στη Διεθνή Σύμβαση
και άλλες διεθνείς συμβάσεις για την πρόληψη της
θαλάσσιας και αέριας ρύπανσης.
και Εκτέλεσης Φυλακών των Ναυτικών (STCW)
Οι συμμετέχοντες παρακολούθησαν με ιδιαίτερο
των περιβαλλοντικών προβλημάτων και την πιο
που υιοθετήθηκαν τον Ιούνιο 2010, καθιστούν
ενδιαφέρον τα θέματα του σεμιναρίου, ενώ στο
συνειδητή εφαρμογή των μέτρων πρόληψης και
υποχρεωτική την εκπαίδευση σε αυτό το αντικείμενο
πλαίσιο ειδικών workshops που παρεμβάλλονταν
περιορισμού τους.
για τους ναυτικούς που ξεκινούν θαλάσσια υπηρεσία
μεταξύ των ομιλιών, τους δόθηκε το βήμα για να
ή εκπαίδευση την 1η Ιουλίου 2013.
εκφράσουν τις απόψεις τους για την “Αειφόρο
Η ομοιόμορφη περιβαλλοντική ενημέρωση και
Το σεμινάριο παρακολούθησαν 24 άτομα, μεταξύ
επιμόρφωση αξιωματικών στο πλοίο και στελεχών
των οποίων, εκπρόσωποι των αδελφών-ενώσεων
εφαρμογής των κανονισμών,
τη δημόσια εικόνα
στο γραφείο συμβάλει στο να υπάρχει κοινό πλαίσιο
της ναυτιλίας αλλά και να προτείνουν
Environmental η
Awareness, και
παρουσιάστηκαν επιπτώσεις
πρέπει να εξετάζεται η σαφήνειά τους, οι επιπτώσεις
στην εργασία των ναυτικών στο πλοίο αλλά και η
θαλάσσιου στην
βελτίωσης της περιβαλλοντικής της λειτουργίας.
και των απαιτήσεων, καλύτερη συνεργασία και
στη Μεσόγειο (REMPEC) και του Περιφερειακού
Μερικά από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα σημεία που ανέδειξε
αποτελεσματικότερη διαχείριση του πλοίου.
Οργανισμού για την Προστασία του Θαλάσσιου
η ανταλλαγή απόψεων μεταξύ των συμμετεχόντων
Τα μέσα ενημέρωσης οφείλουν να προβάλουν
Περιβάλλοντος (ROPME), καθώς και αξιωματικοί και
ήταν τα εξής:
περισσότερο το έργο της ναυτιλίας στην οικονομική
στελέχη των εταιρειών-μελών της HELMEPA, Core
Ένα από τα χαρακτηριστικά της “Αειφόρου Ναυτιλίας”
ανάπτυξη, την κοινωνική συνοχή, την πρόοδο και
Marine, Costamare Shipping, Danaos Shipping,
είναι η αντίδραση και προσαρμογή των εταιρειών και
την ευημερία των λαών.
110 corporate
Technical Bulletin
Dutch Vecom Group expands their presence
with theVecom opening office incleaners Piraeus, introducesof nonnew classified heavy duty based on Greece fast biodegradable components
Finally nothe compromise The Vecom Group announced opening of a in cleaning power when choosing for “green” new office in Piraeus, Greece, thus expanding
Number: 2011/07
their presence in Europe even further. The new office is located close to the heart of the Greek
Veclean Eco products! Vecom introduces non classified heavy duty cleaners based on fast biodegradable components With developments for “greener” tech-
With forcli“greener” being Shipping Industry and will developments serve the Greek nologytechnology being pushed hardpushed all over the hard staff all over world, it sometimes becomes hard to make ents with an experienced of 8the employees. world, it sometimes becomes hard to
the right choice. Also for Vecom, with over half a century of make the right choice. Also for Vecom, experience in producing cleaning and maintenance products, with over half a century of experience clientele in Greek shipping, new office this wasbut thethis case. in producing cleaning in cooperation with major USA laboratory, we and havemaintemeans an important Now, increase in our capacity.” nance products, this was the developed new products based on new technology. Thecase. new said Jason Georgiou, Marine and Export Direccooperation major USA technology offers solutions inNow, bothinlow and high with pH range tor of the Group, “soand we even are confident willcombined a productwe with properties. laboratory, we have developed new “Of course Vecom already has a significant
be able to expand our sales for our products
A newtreatment product line for the metal and surface industries
products based on new technology. The new technology offers solutions in both low and high pH range and even a
as well”.
The new Line is called Veclean Eco and consists of the product with combined properties. The Vecom Group was founded in 1953 and products: following specific developed supplied chemical cleaning products to the
Veclean Eco Rust A new product line Veclean Eco Cement tions in Europe and are the leading specialist in The new Line is called Veclean Eco Veclean Eco Sewage and consists of the following specific chemical metal surface treatment withEco a comVeclean Metal Brightner developed products: plete range of services and Veclean productsEco forTeak the shipping industry. They now have 20 own loca-
treatment of stainless steel, ultrasonic cleaning
• Veclean Eco Rust
And a set of 3 general purpose heavy duty cleaners: • Veclean Eco Cement
and cleaning of heat exchangers.
Vecom Industrial Services cleans boilers and Veclean Eco Acid
• Veclean Eco Sewage • Veclean Eco Metal Brightner
Treatment with Veclean Eco Rust, during and after
Alkaline engines world wide, maintainsVeclean a large Eco stock of • Veclean Eco Teak Veclean Eco Hybrid
equipment and employs a number of special-
And a set of 3 general purpose heavy duty Acid cleaners: ized chemical engineers . Replacement technology All above products are water based and do not carry any of
Veclean Eco Acid • Veclean Eco Acid The Acid replacement technology provides a product which acid, sulphamic acid, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium origins with an ever growing range of products works as an acid and has approx. 80 % of the power of the • Veclean Eco Alkaline hydroxide etc. The new unique replacement of acid and for the shipping industry. Marine chemicals hydrochloric (muriatic) acid, and is much stronger than • Veclean Hybrid effective hydroxide patented formula makes theEco products phosphoric and sulphamic acid but in fact does not have the (blended in Vecom’sand own facilities), but also at the same time very well biodegradable with no odour, characteristics traditional fumes and safe for the people who work with them. All above products are water based and do not carry any ofofthe usual raw acids. materials like hydrochloric acid, equipment and consumables for welding and The product itself is based on urea hydrochloride, which is a phosphoric acid, sulphamic acid, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide etc. The new unique cutting and Fire Fighting and Safety equipment agent for the removal of the build up of water, of Products are classified as 1-0-0 in concentrated form and, patenteduseful replacement of acid and hydroxide formula makes the products effective and at the same time very insoluble metal salt on surfaces and the dissolution of waterand services. In 2011 theyready introduced com- Zero (0-0-0). Products can even fly when to use,aTriple well biodegradable with no odour, fumes and safe for the people who work with them. insoluble metal salt dispersions or suspensions. Urea to friendly destinations urgent projects as are considered non plete new, ecologically line offor powerful hydrochloride is also useful in the neutralization of alkaline hazardous material. Especially within USA, DOT = Not cleaning and maintenance products: Veclean Products are classified as 1-0-0 in concentrated form and, to use, Triple Zero (0-0-0).or Products processing or when wasteready streams, including recycling regulated. Eco, based on acid replacement technology. can even fly to destinations for urgent projects as are considered non hazardous material. Especially within regenerating papers. Also important to know is that these products are non For the Marine and heavy Industrial industry and for our daily USA, DOT = Not regulated. The distribution takes place through their own solvent, non butyl, non phosphate, FDA: GRAS (Generally business, the removal of calcium carbonate is one of the Also important to know is that these products are non solvent, non butyl, non phosphate, FDA: GRAS (GenAs Safe), no flash point and non corrosive. offices and a world Recognized wide network of experimost effective applications of the product. Veclean Eco Acid erally Recognized As Safe), no flash point and non corrosive. enced agents covering 890 ports. will replace many existing conventional acid products. the usual raw materials like hydrochloric acid, phosphoric At the same time Vecom remains loyal to her
The new Vecom office will be located at Hadjikyriakou Ave. 35, 185 38 Piraeus. More infor-
Acid Replacement technology Veclean Eco Acid
mation can be found on the company website:
The Acid replacement technology provides a product which works as an acid and has approx. 80 % of the
power of the hydrochloric (muriatic) acid, and is much stronger than phosphoric and sulphamic acid but in fact does not have the characteristics of traditional acids.
corporate 111 The product itself is based on urea hydrochloride,
zation, alkylation and nitration reactions.
which is a useful agent for the removal of the build
Due to the absence of dangerous marks, there is no problem in storage with the product.
up of water, of insoluble metal salt on surfaces and
Useful applications can be found in the gold, ce-
the dissolution of water-insoluble metal salt disper-
ment, concrete and metal industries in different di-
Alkaline and acid properties combined
sions or suspensions. Urea hydrochloride is also
Veclean Eco Hybrid
useful in the neutralization of alkaline processing or
Veclean Eco products can be used as preparation
Grease and scale can be removed in one step!
waste streams, including recycling or regenerating
for electroplating and clean surfaces in the elec-
tronic industry.
Though low and high pH products cannot be mixed
For the Marine and heavy Industrial industry and for
whilst keeping their properties in traditional chemi-
our daily business, the removal of calcium carbon-
The combination of the Urea with other additives in-
cals, the Veclean Eco Acid and Alkaline can be
ate is one of the most effective applications of the
cluding ammonium salts, alkyl sulphonic with Xylene
mixed in any combination and keep both their clean-
product. Veclean Eco Acid will replace many existing
or toluene, dodecylbenzene, corrosion inhibitors,
ing properties. To ensure the best result, Vecom has
conventional acid products.
emulsifiers as well as other organic solvents, gives
mixed Eco Acid and Eco Alkaline properties into one
a final result which materialized the new Veclean
product: Veclean Eco Hybrid.
Urea hydrochloride is far less corrosive than hydro-
product line. This basis enables the product to dis-
This product is a general cleaning agent for special
chloric acid and has fewer tendencies to release
solve animal and vegetable fats as well as petrole-
applications where you face grease, scale, rust as
chlorides and hydrogen chloride gas, so therefore is
um based deposits. Molecules of oil are encapsulat-
well as any similar dirt and want to clean in only
non corrosive to metals.
ed with a thin film, which effectively releases stains
one phase. Other examples are combined deposits
Veclean Eco Acid and derived products can be used
and impurities from equipment, machinery and any
of soap, scale and skin fat in showers and sanitary
where hydrochloric and phosphoric / sulphamic acid
other surface. Foreign matter will not redeposit back
are used in industries like petroleum wells, boiler
to the clean surface.
scale removal, ore reduction, Food processing,
Veclean Eco Alkaline is highly active and requires
cals/ Veclean Eco-Biological Environmental Prod-
pickling of carbon steel, general cleaning, alcohol
virtually no mechanical action for most cleaning ap-
ucts, you will find the complete Veclean Eco line
denaturizing, RO Units cleaning of membranes, hy-
plications. Simply rinse after cleaning and no resi-
with the product information sheets and safety data
drochlorinations, polymerization reactions, isomeri-
due will be left behind.
On , under menu Chemi-
Simple and Effective Design for Defense Against Piracy P-Trap is a simple and cost-effective defence against pirates. It creates a safety zone around the ship where it is vulnerable and keeps unwanted guests at a safe distance. (watch the demo on The Royal Dutch Navy, The Royal Dutch Coastguard, The Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Organisation successfully tested the system. Contact us for more information.
Westmark BV | Phone +31 (0)33 461 48 44 | The Netherlands
112 corporate
a manufacturer of tank venting equipment. Intra Mare is pleased to introduce SCANVENT from Denmark as a new principal. SCANVENT, as the name would indicate, is a manufacturer of tank venting equipment. Albeit a new player in this niche, the company is based on considerable experience as all staff is ex Pres-Vac, including the heads of R&D, service, sales, and management. For a new company in a rather saturated market to make sense, the product must be exceptional, and that is indeed the case with the new line of high velocity p/v vents. The design is centered on providing the ultimate in cargo vapour conservation whilst minimizing maintenance. Product Details and Compliance with IMO MSC/Circ.
catering for easy handling and competitive pricing.
680 on VOC conservation
Since the main maintenance issue (pitting of seats and discs caused by the imbalance of thermal venting
The valves compromise two pressure relief nozzles,
Vent line length and diameter
rate and valve capacity) is non-existent, considerable
which are integrated into one unit. A small capacity
The valve certification is the best in the market for
additional warranty is available.
valve handles thermal variation venting during voy-
long and narrow vent lines allowing yards a hand-
age. This nozzle features modulating characteris-
some saving.
tics so that the opening and re-seating pressure is
Competitiveness Considering the high capacity and ability to use long,
the same. Put differently, the small valve nozzle will
narrow vent lines, this is the most competitive valve
open at the “intended target pressure” according to
The number of working parts is the lowest in the mar-
design available from a yard’s point of view. With
IMO MSC/Circ. 680 and only release over-pressure,
ket allowing owners reduced operating costs.
the optimum VOC handling available to operations,
whereas a traditional valve will empty the ullage
the same picture is the case from the ship owner’s
space pressure by 50-70% blow-down. Effectively,
Dispersion height
as well as the cargo owner’s point of view, which is
the mandatory VOC Management Plan can be written
Since the main valve is not operating at low thermal
only enhanced by the fact that maintenance is nearly
to state that no VOC release takes place below the
variation venting rates, dispersion height is always op-
intended target pressure, thus, Circ. 680 compliance
timum and formation of gases at deck level is avoided.
is at the top of the range at once.
And from the crew’s point of view, the absence of va-
Moreover, owners save fuel because the IG plant is
Stray emissions
not needed to top-up the ullage space pressure lost
The main valve seat arrangement is provided a static
with traditional p/v valves.
seal that renders the valve perfectly bubble-tight. This
Another benefit from the dual nozzle design is the
has not been accomplished in the past because seals
SCANVENT and VALVECO in Holland have formed
fact that the main valve disc and seat are dormant
are normally damaged over a short period of time.
an alliance to cater for service in all major repair loca-
during voyage. This eliminates fluttering, which is the
However, with the main valve dormant, it is now pos-
tions. Not only for SCANVENT valves but indeed for
cause of pitting and maintenance issue No. 1 for ship
all other p/v valves in existing fleets. This has shown
owners when it comes to p/v valves. 99% of venting
pour at deck level will be highly appreciated.
to provide owners savings around 50%.
takes place via the VOC nozzle and its seat and disc
can be readily replaced without need for recalibration,
During normal operations, i.e., 99% of all releases,
IMO MSC/Circ. 1324 – retroactive rules from 1 Janu-
testing, etc.
the valves are practically noiseless because of the
ary 2013
adaption of a small nozzle rather than a full-flow valve Other benefits
emptying the ullage space pressure for no good rea-
SCANVENT is ready to provide owners of product
High capacity
tankers and chemical carriers with flame group IIB
The main valve’s capacity is unsurpassed meaning that the weight-to-capacity ratio is the lowest available
approved vacuum valves and gas-freeing covers at Warranty conditions
highly competitive pricing from stock.
swedish posidonia 2012 pavilion Baltic Spot AB
Baltic Spot delivers cutting-edge services for the shipping industry to better manage and find business opportunities among the large and growing amounts of information that companies are receiving. Founded in 2001, with a background in research and development, Baltic Spot provides two main products to owners, managers and shipbrokers: Inbox by Baltic Spot is a groundbreaking software which can read and understand the content of e-mail messages in the shipping business. Inbox responds to the challenge of many companies, by enabling brokers, owners and managers to handle efficiently cargo orders and vessel positions in the 1000 to 5000 e-mail messages received daily. Inbox produces a dramatically better overview and control of incoming business opportunities and is used by several main players in the industry. The Inbox service works by continuously analyzing incoming messages. It automatically
Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions. Our equipment, systems and services are dedicated to helping customers to optimize the performance of their processes. Time and time again. We help our customers to heat, cool, separate and transport products such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, foodstuffs, starch and pharmaceuticals. Our worldwide organization works closely with customers in almost 100 countries to help them stay ahead. Alfa Laval provides professional project management and execution before, during and after our customers order processing equipment for their products. We are dedicated to finding the best solutions, which will maximize the performance for the individual customer. Our focus is on innovation in order to continually upgrade and improve our products and systems. Boosting performance and quality are important driving forces behind everything we do in our business. For Alfa Laval, our obligation to our customer does not stop short at delivery. Our Parts & Service organization is there to ensure that the process always runs at peak performance. This is a commitment that extends throughout the lifetime of the system. We call it Nonstop Performance. Nonstop Performance is based on the global network of experts from Alfa Laval, who are always on standby to provide you with genuine spare parts on site, in more than 50 countries, 365 days a year, right around the clock. In terms of service, Alfa Laval speaks your language. Challenge us to show you! How to contact Alfa Laval Up-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on our website at Athens site: Alfa Laval AEBE, 20th km Lavrion Avenue, Thesis Karella, 19400 Koropi, phone: 210 6683500, fax: 210 6643960, e-mail: hellas@
picks out and structures vessels and vessel details, cargoes and cargo details and other business information from incoming e-mails, so that brokers and owners instantly can search, find and compare business options – and thus gain speed and improve control – two key factors to business success. Inbox is compatible with all e-mail clients and communication softwares. Companies can easily include Inbox in their existing systems and work-flow, without having to change their current familiar work environment, nor the way they work. The second product, Baltic Spot World, provides a market place for selected owners and brokers in, primarily, the European, Med and Black Sea short sea markets to share, search and find orders and positions, and to expand their network of trusted professionals.
Short interview with Peter Svensson, CEO Companies in the shipping industry have seen a significant increase in the volume of information that needs to be handled to find the business. Nowhere, perhaps, has the increase been larger than among dry cargo chartering brokers and owners. Today, the challenge is not the lack of information, but how to cope with the daily 1500 to 5000 e-mails received with offers and requirements -- the companies’ lifeblood of business opportunities. To meet this challenge, several main players – brokers and owners – are now using Inbox by Baltic Spot, a unique tool to handle the large amounts of incoming business critical information. Inbox automatically reads and understands incoming e-mails in the shipping business, and thus allows companies to better find and compare business options in the tons of incoming e-mails. NAFS has met with Peter Svensson, CEO of research and development company Baltic Spot AB, to get the inside story on this new exciting product. What are the main advantages of the Inbox service, what do your customers tell you? “Those who do the commercial management, tell us that they better can position their vessels. Others will tell us that they find vessels or cargoes that they otherwise don’t find. Cargoes that bring another 50 cents for a handy or supramax are usually interesting to our customers,” explains Peter Svensson. The main advantage with the Inbox service is that it creates a structured overview of the incoming business opportunities. This means that you can search with the relevant parameters like size, areas, dates and more. “This has not been possible before,” says Mr. Svensson. “Obviously, it’s a big difference having to work with an unsorted pile of several thousand messages with cargoes, vessels and negotiations when you’re actually looking to compare business options, or e.g. searching for the right cargo among the 10.000 or 20.000 recent e-mails. With a structured overview, it’s a different ball game, you can easily handle the suddenly
Always chemical-free.
40% less power consumption from now on.
PureBallast 2.0 gives you more When ballast water treatment regulations take effect,
By choosing PureBallast 2.0, you choose the world’s
you’ll want a mature technology to meet them.
most experienced supplier in ballast water treatment.
PureBallast 2.0 is the second generation of Alfa Laval’s
Behind the updated system are thousands of hours of
market-leading ballast water treatment system, which
experience, logged both with shipyards and out at
means it’s even better adapted to your vessel’s real-life
In addition, you select a global working partner. With a
Reduced power consumption, more responsive control
far-reaching organization and a worldwide network of
and a PureBallast 2.0 EX version for explosive onboard
harbour support, Alfa Laval can provide the parts,
environments are just a few of the new advantages.
service and true peace of mind you need.
Pure_ballast_NAFS Magazine.indd 1
Alfa Laval AEBE, 20th km Lavrion Avenue, Thesis Karella, 194 00 Koropi-Attica Tel. 210-6683500, Fax 210-6643960, e-mail
20/05/11 12:23
swedish posidonia 2012 pavilion
open private position that you got from your close principal, and still not have to go into the market, if you prefer not to.” How does this work, how do you actually do what you do? “It’s a actually a software which continuously analyses and picks out the vessels and vessel details, and the cargoes and cargo details from the incoming stream of e-mails and puts it in a structured searchable database. Some of the techniques that we use are similar to those of google, but there’s of course quite a lot of other things in it.” What got you started on this rather unexpected project? “We launched our marketplace for selected owners and brokers , Baltic Spot World, back in 2003. As we were presenting the service, visiting companies in the Europe, Med and the Black Sea areas, several companies said that they liked our set-up, and asked us whether we could do the same kind of structuring of vessels and cargoes, but for the company’s own incoming e-mails. “ “At that time we said that we actually didn’t know if it was possible, but that we definitely would get back to them when we knew. After more than 8 years of development, many of those companies are now customers on our Inbox service.”
The Inbox by Baltic Spot service automatically structures a company’s own incoming e-mails, thereby providing an unsurpassed overview and control of incoming information and business opportunities – two key factors to a company’s success.
Combitrans Hellas Ltd
Combitrans Hellas was established in June 1990 with head office in Athens as a subsidiary company of Combitrans Sweden AB. In October 1990 a branch office in Thessaloniki was also established. The terminal 3200 m2 in Athens and 2000 m2 in Thessaloniki are well organized to undertake warehousing, logistics services, able to coordinate projects according to clients needs. The company handles and coordinates project transport, and have access to specialist units for refrigerated and frozen goods, heavy goods and goods which exceed the dimensions of the lorry. The vast majority of transport runs are GPS-monitored and our own trailers are specially-equipped to handle assignments with maximum safety requirements. Current operations are: • International transports for groupage and full loads to/from Scandinavian countries, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Germany, Spain, and Portugal. • Warehousing and logistic services. Collection sorting and distribu-
Short interview of Mrs. Arvanitaki - CEO
tion of shipments. Established knowledge and contacts give an im-
Combitrans Hellas specialises in international road haulage services for single consignments,
mediate cost advantage.
as well as full and part loads.Our traffic systems are based on regular direct vehicle traffic with
• Domestic transports for full/groupage loads to/from Cyprus, Greek
a high frequency of services and options for daily departures. Our market area is currently the
islands and mainland.
whole of Europe, with particular focus on Scandinavian countries, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium,
• Site deliveries.
UK, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Egypt .We operate on the basis of a comprehensive
• Customs clearance.
shipping and logistics format, with collection from the sender’s production unit or subcontrac-
An experienced team controls the administration of your goods and
tor and delivery to the recipient’s end customer. Our customers include both well-known large
is able to undertake any kind of cargo that may need special han-
import and export companies with regular goods flows and small and medium-sized compa-
dling, with respect to the customer and loyalty to its commitments.
nies with more varied transport needs. We offer a complete transport and logistics chain with
The company is always willing to do whatever it takes to exceed the
collection, consolidation, documentation, import and export customs clearance, intermediate
customer’s demands!
warehousing, sorting and distribution. We handle and coordinate project transport, and have
Central Office: Location Mandra Stamou, 19 300 Aspropyrgos,
access to specialist units for refrigerated and frozen goods, hanging clothing, heavy goods
and goods which exceed the dimensions of the lorry. The vast majority of transport runs are
Tel: (30) 211 10 49 700, Fax: (30) 211 10 49 710, email: info@
GPS-monitored and our own trailers are specially-equipped to handle assignments with maxi-
mum safety requirements. We ensure the final quality level of assignments together with our
Branch Office: Area A’ KTEO 3rd Cross Str. Kanari, 570 09
hauliers,well-established, experienced agencies, with local expertise. With a country-based
Kalochori Thessaloniki
organisation and experienced staff in smaller route units, we can offer you, the customer, the
Tel: (30) 2310 75 32 60-63, Fax: (30) 2310 753264, email: infoslk@
best possible service for your particular assignments.
Αεροσυμπιεστής κοχλιοφόρος
Αεροσυμπιεστής πτερυγιοφόρος
Μεταφίλτρα Ξηραντήρας
ΜΤA Ψύκτες νερού - λαδιού CHILLERS ITALIAS
Αντλίες κενού Ξηρού τύπου & ελαιολίπαντες VACUUM PUMPS Ιταλίας
oil free SILU BLOWERS (2,5 bar) Φυσητήρες για την μεταφορά υλικών πούδρας GHH RAND Γερμανίας
Ν ΛΟΙΩ ΜΟΣ Π Σ Ι Λ Π ΕΞΟ Ε: ς& ΤΟΥΜ τές χαμηλή ΔΙΑΘΕ σ Hz 0 ιε 6 π συμ V/3/ • Αερο πίεσης 460 φίλτρα ς & z υψηλή ήρε αέρος τ /1/60H ν α V ρ 5 η 1 1 z •Ξ ά H ικ 0 1/6 ρον 220V/ 60Hz Υπομικ / 3 460V/
ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ: 11ο ΧΛΜ. ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ - ΝΕΟΧΩΡΟΥΔΑΣ, Τ.Θ 181, Τ.Κ 54500, ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΗΛ: 2310780930 - 2310780941, FAX: 2310 781066 ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΓΡ. ΛΑΜΠΡΑΚΗ 31 ΝΙΚΑΙΑ, Τ.Κ 184 54, ΤΗΛ: 210 4970009 - 4970804 FAX: 210 4970606, e-mail:
swedish posidonia 2012 pavilion
The company has a long experience and the knowledge regarding oil cleaning. The research and development of a very efficient oil cleaning technique started in the beginning of the 80:s with the innovator & founder Aegir Björnsson. He had a vision of a unique oil cleaning system which would save both money and the environment by making used oil as clean as or even cleaner than new oil. This spirit still shines through the company. The aim is to keep the environment clean with less oil waste, and to keep your processes clean. As a result of this, you can increase your availability, so that you can make more money and save more money at the same time – always with a good support and service. With Europafilter’s cleaning systems, oil consumption can be reduced by up to 90%. This also means 90% less environmental impact regarding poisonous discharged oil. By installing an oil cleaning system from Europafilter the company will not only make an instant financial saving, but will also be blessed with a good environmental conscience. Each positive environmental action that the company undertake increases the
• Cleans oil down to 100 nano particles (0,1 micron) and water,
possibilities of bringing about developments and leaving a better environment as an
making oil changes redundant
inheritance for the children and grandchildren. Family based company with production
• Drastically reduces wear and tear on machine
in Sweden Assorted customers: Volvo, Statoil Hydro, Bluewater energy service BV,
• Drastically reduces machine stoppage
Chevron, SKF, ABB
• Eliminates sludge, varnish and resins
Roxtec International AB Roxtec – innovative sealing solutions Roxtec is the world’s largest manufacturer of modular-based cable and pipe transits for the shipbuilding and naval industries. All over the world, shipbuilders use Roxtec sealing solutions to ensure safety, efficiency and long-term operational reliability. Recently Roxtec acquired Sleevit Fire Systems Ltd. and thereby took one step further in broadening its product range. Roxtec was founded in Sweden in 1990 with the invention of Multidiameter™, a flexible solution based on sealing modules with removable lay-
from 4mm to 99mm in diameter. The sealing
in various types of cabinets and enclosures. Rox-
ers. It revolutionized the complicated process of
modules are inserted around the cables or pipes
tec seals ensure protection against, for example,
cable and pipe installation, allowing designers
in frames that are either welded or bolted into the
fire, water, gas and electro-magnetic interfer-
and users to perform their tasks without know-
structure. The frames are available in different
ence. The system is well suited for sealing of
ing the size or number of cables in advance. The
shapes, materials and sizes for different appli-
hydraulic pipes, since the rubber absorbs vibra-
solution enables sealing of cables and pipes of
cations. The system is then sealed with a com-
tions. It is a flexible and high quality sealing sys-
various sizes and materials, which minimizes the
pression unit, a Roxtec wedge, or an integrated
tem designed to withstand very tough conditions.
need for different parts and reduces installation
compression unit, which tightly compresses the
time. It makes planning easier and simplifies the
work of designers and installers.
Tested and certified Roxtec products are tested and approved for use
For cables, steel pipes and plastic pipes
in A class and H class-rated sections according
Modular-based cable and pipe seals
The Roxtec sealing system is used to seal all
to IMO Resolution A.754 (18) and SOLAS. The
The Roxtec sealing system is a modular-based
types of penetrating cables, steel pipes and plas-
Roxtec sealing system is also approved accord-
mechanical sealing solution. It is available for
tic pipes passing through bulkheads and decks,
ing to different military standards in various coun-
various applications – and for multiple as well
in and between different sections and construc-
tries. Roxtec products are certified by a wide
as single pipe penetrations. With six basic seal-
tions such as machine rooms, storage rooms, liv-
range of classification societies such as Lloyd’s,
ing blocks, it is possible to seal cables and pipes
ing compartments and the bridge. It is also used
ABS, Bureau Veritas and DNV.
swedish posidonia 2012 pavilion Roxtec is growing as provider of sealing solutions: “We cover the needs of shipbuilders” Swedish Roxtec Group strives towards a role as
Roxtec benefits
complete supplier of cable and pipe sealing solu-
• Fast deliveries and local support: Roxtec is
tions and extends its product range. With the new
present worldwide to ensure product availability
Roxtec Sleev-it marine pipe seals, Roxtec further
and local service and support
broadens its offer to the global shipbuilding and
• Quick and easy installation: there is no need
naval industries.
to know the exact dimension of each cable, because as each module can handle a variety of
Roxtec provides fire rated and watertight seals for
cable sizes, the installations can be finished right
single and multiple cables and pipes of different
away; the wedge, which is used to compress the
sizes for many applications and industries. One
modules and close the penetration, is quick and
of the main sectors is the marine industry. Ship
easy to install
owners, designers and yards worldwide use Rox-
• Capacity for future expansion: thanks to the
tec transits to ensure safety and long-term opera-
Roxtec invention Multidiameter™, it is possible
tional reliability.
to add extra capacity for cables and pipes from
“Our idea is to help them reduce risks and save
the start; new cables or pipes can easily be add-
time and money – and to provide services wher-
ed without adding any further items or any need
ever the ships operate. We have now added sev-
for welding, and the seal can be re-opened and closed repeatedly without jeopardizing integrity or safety. Roxtec worldwide Roxtec serves and supports customers in more than 70 markets through 21 subsidiaries and a network of local distributors. Roxtec sales and support staff around the world help customers find the solution that corresponds to their specific needs. The extensive R&D resources of Roxtec, with design departments and test labs, give the company an opportunity to continuously perform
Carl-Gustav Mattson spent five years in India establishing and building up a very successful Roxtec subsidiary. Since 2010, he is the CEO of the global Roxtec Group which is based in Karlskrona, Sweden.
eral light-weight solutions for plastic pipes to our product range to meet their demands,” says CarlGustav Mattson, CEO of Roxtec. Complete combination The new Roxtec Sleev-it pipe seals are simple in design, quick to install and yet strong on perform-
ance. They ensure protection from fire, gas and water. The existing and new solutions from Roxtec can be used in most areas on a vessel where there is a need to install cables or pipes. “Our seals cover the needs of the entire new build or retrofit project, from below the waterline to the engine room and up to the bridge and living areas,” says Carl-Gustav Mattson. Innovative company Roxtec was founded in Sweden in 1990 with the invention of Multidiameter™, a solution based on
tests, develop products and improve solutions.
sealing modules with removable layers. It revolutionized the installation process, allowing designers
Roxtec acquires Sleev-It
“Our technology minimizes the need for different parts and reduces installation time. It makes planning
The recent acquisition of Sleev-it Fire Systems Ltd. extends the Roxtec product range and makes Roxtec even stronger as supplier. Through the integration of Sleev-It, Roxtec has added light-weight fire penetration seals to its product portfolio. Roxtec can now offer more fire penetration seals, transition collars and other solutions for plastic pipes and become more complete as provider of sealing solutions. Roxtec can thereby further help shipyards with new builds as well as retrofit projects. Roxtec marine penetration seals cover the needs of the entire ship, from
and users to perform their tasks without knowing the size or number of cables or pipes in advance. much easier and simplifies the work of both designers and installers,” explains Carl-Gustav Mattson. The Roxtec sealing system is used to seal all types of cables, steel pipes and plastic pipes passing through decks and bulkheads, in and between different sections, constructions, cabinets and enclosures. Certified protection Roxtec seals exist in versions for hazardous locations (Ex) and EMC. The system is well suited for sealing of hydraulic pipes, since the rubber in the modules absorbs vibrations. Roxtec products are approved for use in A class and H class rated sections according to IMO Resolution A.754 (18) and SOLAS. The seals are certified by a wide range of classification societies such as Lloyd’s, ABS, Bureau Veritas and DNV. “We are present worldwide to ensure product availability and local service and support,” says CarlGustav Mattson. “Our products and solutions are quick and easy to install. It is also possible to add
below the waterline up to the passengers’ cabins.
spare capacity from the start: you can add cables or pipes later on without jeopardizing integrity or
Contact Roxtec International regarding technical
Roxtec is a partner to, among others, Bergen Group, Dalian Shipyard, Fincantieri, Jinling Shipyard,
specifications, design assistance, product enquiries, deliveries and installation training.
safety.” Meyer Werft, Samsung Heavy Industries and STX as well as the Danish, German, Italian, US, and UK navies.
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Systemair – ventilation world wide The company was founded in 1974 with a pio-
Gerald Engström, CEO and one of the founders of Systemair
neering idea of the circular in-line centrifugal duct fan, which simplified ventilation ducting. Our motto became “The straight way”, and this has now extended from a product concept to a business philosophy. Our range has grown substantially to include fans, air curtains and heating products. With our customers in focus our core values are quality, availability and the ability to deliver on time, every time. With these our mission is with simplicity and reliability; develop, manufacture and market energy efficient ventilation products. From the beginning our company reported an operating profit every year since the start. During the last 10 years, our average annual growth in net sales has been 15 percent. We have never been afraid of investing in development and acquisitions – it is an important part of our success and makes us long-term competitive. • Sales of SEK 3.2 billion in financial year 2009/10 •15 percent average annual growth in net sales during the last 10 years • Highest available credit rating (AAA) • Listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange • The Group includes about 60 companies with 2,500 employees
Electric fan heater for demanding environments available for 440V/60Hz. It is designed to withstand vibrations on ships and offshore platforms approved by Det Norske Veritas.
Long cased medium pressure axial fans with adjustable pitch angle. Upon request for smoke extract or EX applications.
124 class news
DNV’s Greek national committee ushers in new era in shipping DNV’s top management attended the annual DNV Greek National Committee meeting in Piraeus to discuss the future and welcome in a change of Chairmanship. Incoming Chairman Dr John Coustas will take lead of the committee at a time when growth in local newbuilding orders to DNV class exceeds any other region globally. The surge in newbuilding orders includes a wide range of vessels, said Ioannis
fundamentally important to on-going success,” says Dr Coustas. “DNV plays an
Kourmantzis, COO of DNV Europe, as demand in Greece moves beyond the
important role, not only in the research and development we undertake in-house,
traditional tanker and bulker segments into offshore supply vessels, arctic trade
but in how we help shipowners and yards resolve the complexities of balancing
vessels and LNG.
technology and business in a challenging market. I am confident that our leadership will extend beyond our own shores and will be an enviable demonstration
Henrik Madsen, CEO of DNV, took the opportunity to discuss the financial and
of forward thinking worldwide as we build on our strong maritime heritage and
environmental benefits of using LNG as a fuel, particularly for newbuildings. Mr
embrace the challenges ahead.”
Madsen believes that LNG will play a rapidly increasing role in energy and maritime markets in the region. Tor Svensen, COO of DNV, further expanded the dis-
Departing Chairman T. Veniamis was made Honorary Chairman at the event and
cussion to highlight some of the challenges that shipowners face in order to meet
presented with a plaque celebrating his exemplary service to date. Victor Restis
the energy efficiency, air emissions and ballast water treatment regulations being
and Ioannis Martinos took up positions as Vice Chairmen. The meeting was held
set by the industry internationally.
at the Yacht Club of Greece and all who attended look forward to the year ahead
“The ability of shipowners to embrace innovation and change has never been so
and the chance to meet again next March.
DNV Navigator ads more than 190 ships Wallem Ship Management in Hong Kong has ordered DNV Navigator
“Wallem is striving continuously to manage their fleet in safer and more cost effective ways”, says Captain Deepak Honawar, Wallem’s director of safety and
for its managed fleet of more than 190 ships. The contract also includes
quality, and the company tested the system thoroughly before taking this next
the Work and Rest Hours module allowing for compliance with interna-
strategic step. “We were impressed by how quickly DNV responded to our de-
tional legislation on rest hours for seafarers.
mands and added new elements in the system. We have great expectations for the use of DNV Navigator and believe the product will play a key role in our portfolio of on-board applications,” he said. Wallem will make use of the Work and Rest Hours module as part of their DNV
DNV Navigator is a dedicated decisions support tool for assisting the Master in
Navigator implementation. This module demonstrates compliance with the Mari-
handling the administrative and regulatory complexity of port operations. The
time Labour Convention 2006 and the Standard of Training, Certification and
new contract is the largest ever signed for DNV Navigator.
Watchkeeping for Seafarers. Any violation of regulations is clearly identified and
DNV Navigator facilitates compliance with requirements from charterers and port
the system allows user-defined reports to be generated. Crew timesheets can
authorities and is often referred to as the “Captain’s best friend”. More than 1200
be generated in MS Excel and the power of the system can be increased by
port clearance forms are automatically filled in with ship data so that the required
adding company-specific forms and by sharing data with other company-specific
paper work can be prepared in a few minutes. The system includes a database
or third party systems.
of information about all world ports and terminals including publications and data
DNV Navigator was introduced in 2002 and is already in use on over 2,000 ships
from UKHO, IHS Fairplay and other sources. Arrival and departure procedures
worldwide. “Industry feedback indicates that the on board paperwork burden is
for all major ports are available as well as a comprehensive nautical library pro-
reduced by as much as 90 per cent,” says Odd Arne Haueng, head of DNV
viding up-to date maritime-specific information.
Maritime Partner. “This enables ships’ officers to focus on what should be their
The system is arranged for easy creation of Master’s Notes which are used for
primary responsibility, that is operating the ship in a sound and safe way both at
sharing port specific knowledge within the fleet and information can be shared
sea and in port.”
with other systems such as gangway control systems and ECDIS.
Wallem will commence roll-out of DNV Navigator across its fleet in March 2012.
Σας περιμένουμε στην Έκθεση των Ποσειδωνίων, 4-8 Ιουνίου στο Μetropolitan Expo Centre στο Αεροδρόμιο Hall 3 Περίπτερο 401
126 class news Γενική συνέλευση Ναυτιλιακού Επιμελητηρίου “Προσδοκίες για το Μέλλον”
Memorial University Program to Study Marine, Offshore Structures in Harsh Ocean Environments Newfoundland and Labrador’s knowledge and tech-
Officer. “ABS and Memorial University have devel-
nological capacity for ships and offshore structures
oped a strong working relationship during the last
operating in harsh ocean environments is about to
few years while producing important research in this
be strengthened with the launch of a research pro-
field. With this additional support we will build on our
gram at Memorial University’s Faculty of Engineer-
previous efforts and continue to assist the marine
πραγματοποίησε την 23η Ετήσια Γενική Συνέλευσή
ing and Applied Science.
and offshore industry in tackling the challenges they
του, στο ξενοδοχείο “Four Seasons” στη Λεμεσό.
The Research & Development Corporation of New-
face in harsh and arctic environments.”
Στη Συνέλευση παρευρέθηκαν αξιωματούχοι της
foundland and Labrador (RDC) and ABS of Texas
ABS has a longstanding relationship with Memorial
Κυβέρνησης, εκπρόσωποι Κομμάτων, Βουλευτές,
today announced a combined $600,000 investment
University. In 2009, a memorandum of understand-
for the ABS Harsh Environment Technology Center
ing was signed to create the ABS Harsh Environ-
and associated research program. This investment
ment Technology Center on the St. John’s campus
Ναυτιλιακού Επιμελητηρίου.
will fund research on how ship and offshore struc-
to support the development of technologies for ships
Τη Συνέλευση προσφώνησαν ο Πρόεδρος της
tures can be improved to work more effectively in
and offshore structures operating in harsh environ-
Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, Κος Δημήτρης Χριστόφιας,
volatile ocean conditions, such as the North Atlantic.
ments. Today’s investment builds on the relationship
ο Πρόεδρος της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων, Κος
“This partnership further demonstrates Newfound-
with ABS and will strengthen Memorial University’s
Γιαννάκης Ομήρου, και ο Υπουργός Συγκοινωνιών
land and Labrador as a recognized leader on the
expertise in a strategic research area.
και Έργων, Κος Ευθύμιος Φλουρέντζου, οι οποίοι
international stage when it comes to research and
“Memorial University’s Faculty of Engineering has
επαίνεσαν το Ναυτιλιακό Επιμελητήριο για την
development of technologies for ships and offshore
the unique resources and expertise needed to ad-
πολύπλευρη και ουσιαστική συμβολή του προς
structures operating in harsh environments,” says
dress the challenges of ship and structure design
τη συνεχή ανάπτυξη της Κυπριακής Ναυτιλίας
the Honorable Keith Hutchings, Minister Respon-
for harsh offshore environments,” says Dr. Gary
και για τη στενή συνεργασία του στην δημιουργία
sible for the RDC. “Worldwide, there is an industry
Kachanoski, Memorial University President and Vice
need for this type of research and development.
Chancellor. “Ultimately, the research stemming from
Our geography, academic environment and strong
this investment will help our students, faculty and in-
τους για την συμβολή του Επιμελητηρίου στη
economy make Newfoundland and Labrador the
dustry partners make ocean-related industries safer
προετοιμασία του Νομοσχεδίου κατά της Πειρατείας
best place for international companies to learn about
and more productive.”
σε Κυπριακά πλοία το οποίο θα τεθεί σύντομα σε
operating in cold ocean environments.”
ABS has worked closely with the Ocean Engineer-
ισχύ και για την πολύτιμη συνεισφορά του στις
The research program within the ABS Harsh Envi-
ing Research Centre (OERC) within Memorial’s Fac-
προσπάθειες που έγιναν για την έγκριση του νέου
ronment Technology Center will focus on themes
ulty of Engineering and Applied Science to develop
Κυπριακού Ναυτιλιακού Φορολογικού Συστήματος
such as dynamic positioning in ice; produced water
the ABS Harsh Environment Technology Center and
από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Ο Πρόεδρος του
management; ballast water management; corrosion
the associated research program, which will be led
Επιμελητηρίου, Capt. Eugen Adami, ανέφερε ότι η
protection of ships and platforms; and fire and explo-
by Dr. Wei Qiu, associate professor and director of
Παγκόσμια Ναυτιλία εξακολουθεί να επηρεάζεται
sion assessment.
the OERC.
αρνητικά από την διεθνή οικονομική κρίση, με
“This investment is a significant development for our
“We look forward to continued collaboration with
αποτέλεσμα τους χαμηλούς ναύλους. Στο εσωτερικό
province as we continue to build research capacity
ABS and RDC,” says Dr. Qiu. “This support will allow
μέτωπο, ο Capt. Adami δήλωσε ότι η Κυπριακή
in the ocean technology sector,” says Glenn Janes,
the OERC to expand its activities in improving ship
Ναυτιλία παρά τις σοβαρές εμπορικές δυσκολίες
CEO of the RDC. “Academic researchers at Memo-
and offshore structure design and safety operations
που αντιμετωπίζει, έχει καταφέρει να διατηρήσει
rial University will be able to work with international
in harsh ocean environments.”
τη σημαντική συμβολή της στο ΑΕΠ της Κύπρου, η
partners such as ABS to expand research that can
οποία υπολογίζεται ως συνολικός τομέας στο 7%.
develop solutions for companies operating in chal-
The Research & Development Corporation is a pro-
Ως εκ τούτου, εξέφρασε την αισιοδοξία του ότι η ξένη
lenging marine conditions.”
vincial Crown corporation responsible for improving
και τοπική επένδυση της Ναυτιλιακής Βιομηχανίας
Founded in 1862, ABS is a leading non-governmen-
Newfoundland and Labrador’s R&D performance.
στην Κυπριακή Οικονομία μπορεί να διατηρηθεί και
tal international classification society devoted to pro-
The RDC works with R&D stakeholders including
να ενισχυθεί ακόμη περισσότερο, εάν εφαρμοστούν
moting the security of life, property and the marine
business, academia and government agencies and
environment through the development and verifica-
departments. In Budget 2011 Standing Strong: For
tion of standards for the design, construction and
Prosperity. For Our Future. For Newfoundland and
Τη δημιουργία θέσης ‘Υφυπουργού Ναυτιλίας’
operational maintenance of marine-related facilities.
Labrador, the Provincial Government allocated more
Τη περαιτέρω προώθηση και επέκταση του νέου
“ABS collaborated with Memorial University of New-
than $19 million to make strategic research and de-
Ναυτιλιακού Φορολογικού Συστήματος
foundland and RDC to establish the ABS Harsh En-
velopment related investments in people, strategic
Την άρση του Τουρκικού Εμπάργκο σε Κυπριακά
vironment Technology Center,” states Todd Grove,
opportunities and infrastructure. For more informa-
ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology
tion about the RDC, go to
Ναυτιλιακής την
128 cruise news
Η Ευρωπαϊκή βιομηχανία κρουαζιέρας παρουσιάζει
σημαντική ανάπτυξη παρά τις οικονομικές δυσχέρειες που αντιμετωπίζει η περιοχή Η Ευρωπαϊκή βιομηχανία κρουαζιέρας παραμένει
αποτελεί το κύριο μοχλό για την ανάκαμψη της
• Η βιομηχανία κρουαζιέρας έχει δημιουργήσει πάνω
ανθεκτική μέσα στο δύσκολο οικονομικό περιβάλλον
Ευρώπης και πιστεύουμε πως η ευρεία αναγνώριση
από 300.000 θέσεις εργασίας στην Ευρώπη, με
και παρουσιάζει σημάδια ανάκαμψης, ενώ ο κλάδος
αυτού του ρόλου από τους θεσμικούς φορείς και
55.000 εργαζομένους να απασχολούνται απευθείας
παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο για την ευρύτερη ανάπτυξη
εταίρους, οι διευρυμένες δυνατότητες για ακόμη
από τις εταιρείες κρουαζιέρας. Σε σχέση με το 2005,
της περιοχής. Αυτά ήταν τα συμπεράσματα στα
μεγαλύτερη διείσδυση στην αγορά, καθώς επίσης και
παρατηρείται αύξηση 55%.
οποία κατέληξε το European Cruise Council, στο
ο πρωτοποριακός χαρακτήρας και η ανθεκτικότητα
• Το 2010 η βιομηχανία παρήγαγε πάνω από 35 δις
πρόσφατο ετήσιο συνέδριο Cruise Shipping Mi-
της βιομηχανίας της κρουαζιέρας θα μας αποδείξουν
σε αγαθά και υπηρεσίες, με τις κρατήσεις από την
ami, το οποίο πραγματοποιήθηκε πριν από δύο
τη δύναμή της.
Ευρώπη να αντιστοιχούν στο 30% της παγκόσμιας
εβδομάδες στο Μαϊάμι.
Για το 2011 η βιομηχανία κρουαζιέρας στην
Ο κ. d’Ovidio σχολίασε επίσης και τα ευρύτερα
• Το 99% των κρουαζιερόπλοιων κατασκευάζονται
Ευρώπη άγγιξε τους 6 εκατομμύρια επιβάτες,
οικονομικά οφέλη από τη διευρυμένη αγορά
σε Ευρωπαϊκά ναυπηγεία, τα οποία με τη σειρά τους
σημειώνοντας συνολικά μια ανάπτυξη της τάξεως
κρουαζιέρας στην Ευρώπη, λέγοντας: “Η κρουαζιέρα
προμηθεύονται το 99% των εξαρτημάτων και του
του 9%. Ενδεικτικά η Βρετανική αγορά συνέχισε
βοηθά την Ευρώπη να διατηρήσει τη θέση της σαν ο
εξοπλισμού τους από Ευρωπαίους προμηθευτές.
να ηγείται με ανάπτυξη 5% και περίπου 1,7 εκ.
Νούμερο 1 προορισμός παγκοσμίως, καθώς επίσης
Παρόλο που αναμένεται μια σχετική μείωση των
επιβάτες. Η Γερμανία κατέλαβε τη δεύτερη θέση με
και την οικονομία της να ανακάμψει. Δίνει δουλειά
παραγγελιών τα επόμενα χρόνια, η βιομηχανία
περίπου 1,4 εκ. Επιβάτες και ανάπτυξη 14%, από
στα Ευρωπαϊκά ναυπηγεία και τους κατασκευαστές
κρουαζιέρας παραμένει σημαντικός παράγοντας
κοινού με τη Γαλλία. Η Ιταλία παραμένει επίσης μια
εξοπλισμού, στα λιμάνια και συνολικά οικονομικά
για τη διατήρηση της θέσης της Ευρωπαϊκής
από τις μεγαλύτερες αγορές, με 0,9 εκ. επιβάτες
οφέλη σε όλους τους προορισμούς. Σίγουρα
και ακολουθεί η Ισπανία με 0,7 εκ. επιβάτες.
αντιμετωπίζουμε προκλήσεις, ειδικά εξαιτίας του
Τέλος, εντυπωσιακή άνοδο σημείωσε η αγορά της
περιστατικού του Concordia και της οικονομική
Τέλος, ο κ. Ανδρέας Στυλιανόπουλος, Πρόεδρος του
Ελβετίας, με ανάπτυξη που έφτασε το 33%.
αστάθειας στην Ευρώπη αυτή τη στιγμή, αλλά
Ταξιδιωτικού Οργανισμού Navigator, Αντιπρόεδρος
Σχολιάζοντας αυτά τα αποτελέσματα, ο κ. Tim Mark-
είμαστε σίγουροι ότι ο κλάδος θα δείξει την
ing, Γενικός Γραμματέας του ECC δήλωσε: “Το
Επιβατηγού Ναυτιλίας (ΣΕΕΝ) και μέλος του Δ.Σ. του
ποσοστό ανάπτυξης που αγγίζει το 9%, ειδικότερα
περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη στο μέλλον.”
μέσα σε αυτό το δύσκολο οικονομικό περιβάλλον,
Συνδέσμου Ελληνικών Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων
Σημαντικά είναι επίσης και τα στοιχεία από τη
(ΣΕΤΕ), ο οποίος συμμετείχε επίσης στο συνέδριο
αποτελεί μια αναγνώριση της σκληρής δουλειάς
οικονομία. Πιο συγκεκριμένα:
νούμερα για το 2011 είναι αρκετά ικονοποιητικά
βιομηχανίας και όλων όσων εμπλέκονται σε αυτή.
• Το 2011, περίπου 6 εκατομμύρια Ευρωπαίοι
και αποδεικνύουν την δυναμική του τουρισμού
Πάνω από 6 εκατομμύρια Ευρωπαίοι επέλεξαν την
πραγματοποίησαν μια κρουαζιέρα, αριθμός που έχει
κρουαζιέρας για την Ευρώπη, αλλά και για την αγορά
κρουαζιέρα πέρυσι, ακριβώς επειδή αναγνωρίζουν
διπλασιαστεί την τελευταία δεκαετία.
της Ελλάδας. Η αγορά μας κατάφερε να διατηρήσει
ότι η τοπική βιομηχανία κρουαζιέρας προσφέρει
• Περίπου 5,7 εκ. επιβάτες επιβιβάστηκαν σε
την ανθεκτικότητά της, παρά τις δύσκολες συνθήκες
ποιότητα, πρωτοπορία, προστιθέμενη αξία και
κρουαζιέρα και αναχώρησαν από Ευρωπαϊκά
που επικράτησαν και συνεχίζουν να επικρατούν, την
μεγάλο εύρος επιλογών.”
λιμάνια πέρυσι.
ύφεση που διανύουμε και το ασαφές νομοθετικό
Ο κ. Lefebvre d’Ovidio, Πρόεδρος του ECC δήλωσε:
• Κάθε επιβάτης εκτιμάται ότι ξόδεψε περίπου 100
πλαίσιο στη χώρα μας. Αισιοδοξούμε ότι οι κρατήσεις
“Αντιμετωπίζουμε το μέλλον με αισιοδοξία και παρά
ευρώ κατά την επίσκεψή του σε κάθε λιμάνι και το
για το 2012 θα κινηθούν στα ίδια επίπεδα με πέρυσι
την οικονομική αστάθεια υπάρχουν σημαντικοί λόγοι
σύνολο επισκέψεων στα Ευρωπαϊκά λιμάνια ετησίως
και ευελπιστούμε σε γρήγορη λύση των ζητημάτων
να πιστεύουμε ότι θα βγούμε από αυτή την περίοδο
έφτασε τα 25 εκ. επιβάτες, αντιπροσωπεύοντας
που κρατούν την Ελληνική αγορά κρουαζιέρας
αβεβαιότητας ακόμη πιο δυνατοί. Ο τουρισμός
δαπάνες που αγγίζουν τα 2,5 δις Ευρώ.
Cruise Shipping Miami, δήλωσε σχετικά: “Τα
A true hybrid energy system is cur-
rently being developed for installation on board the offshore supply vessel Viking Lady. An impressive battery
World’s first hybrid system for ship
pack for energy storage will soon be installed. When the new system is complete, the operation of the engine will be more smooth and cost effective giving further emission reductions. The Viking Lady is not like any other offshore supply ship. The three-yearold LNG-fuelled vessel, which is owned by Eidesvik Offshore, was the very first merchant ship to use a fuel cell as part of its propulsion system. The fuel cell, which generates an electric output of 330 kW, was installed in the autumn of 2009 and has successfully run for more than 18,500 hours. Based on this, the Viking Lady is already one of the world’s most environmentally friendly ships. Photo courtesy: Eidesvik About FellowSHIP FellowSHIP is a joint industry R&D project with the objective of answering a growing call for sustainable energy generation for marine and offshore use. The project was initiated with the goal of developing and demonstrating maritime fuel cell power packs, and has been extended to include tests of a hybrid system for maritime use. The FellowSHIP partners are the shipowner Eidesvik Offshore, ship designer/power electronics developer Wärtsilä and the classification society DNV. The FellowSHIP project is finan-
Now another first step is to be taken to reduce its emissions even more. Once the battery pack is in place, the ship will operate using a hybrid system similar to that which has been installed in hybrid cars for a number of years. However, the potential emission reductions are higher and the return on investment period is shorter for ships than it is for cars. DNV is heading this research project, which is called FellowSHIP. Its partners are Eidesvik Offshore, the owner of the ship and Wärtsilä, who provides power solutions for the marine market. In this, the next project phase, an energy storage capability is to be introduced to the energy system. This allows the benefits of a true hybrid energy system to be explored. The primary potential benefits of the hybrid energy system for a ship like the Viking Lady are a 20/30% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions through smoother and more efficient operation of the
cially supported by the Research Council of Norway.
engines and fuel cell. The reductions of other exhaust components are even higher.
About Eidesvik Offshore ASA
return on investment period for the hybrid system is estimated to be less than two years.
Eidesvik Offshore operates worldwide with a modern fleet of highly specialised offshore supply, seismic and subsea vessels. Eidesvik Offshore focuses on quality and safe operations to support its client’s objectives and its operational and financial targets. Eidesvik Offshore is known for its innovative environmental solutions with, among others, LNG and fuel cell technology. Several of the vessels are developed by Eidesvik Offshores own project department in close cooperation with our business associates, clients and naval architects.
The whole shipping industry is currently facing record-high fuel costs. Based on these actual costs, the Bjørn-Johan Vartdal, DNV’s project manager says: “We know that the hybrid system will reduce the energy consumption. When operating, for example, on dynamic positioning, there will be a major fuel saving potential. When in harbour, too, the ship should be able to operate on the fuel cell and its battery power alone, which will reduce emissions significantly. For environmentally sensitive areas, this will be an essential benefit. Additional benefits are related to reductions in machinery maintenance costs and in noise and vibrations.” A comprehensive measurement program will be carried out to verify the savings potential. The hybrid system will also be modelled in detail. Calibrated and verified process models will facilitate simulation and optimization of future hybrid systems. The new DNV class rules for battery-powered ships have been developed in parallel to this. These are the first class rules developed in order for batteries to be used as part of a vessel’s propulsion energy - both as hybrid solutions and for “pure” battery-driven vessels. The project is due for completion in 2013. Author: Per Wiggo Richardsen
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132 class news GL Exchange Forum Szczecin: Managing Environmental Obligations in Shipboard Operations of manufacturers
require draft fans in order not to exceed the allowable
exhaust gas back pressure, specified by the engine
manufacturer for all load cases.
The 62nd session of the Marine Environment Pro-
serve retrofitting
tection Committee (MEPC) of International Maritime
requirements in
Organization (IMO), in particular brought significant
changes to the regulatory landscape in shipping with
rooms as well
the adoption of the Energy Efficiency Design Index
as to cope with
(EEDI) and the Shipboard Energy Efficiency Manage-
the need to treat
ment Plan (SEEMP). Set to enter into force in 2013
the regulations are designed to spur innovation in
both ship design and operation to reduce the envi-
can run in paral-
ronmental impact of shipping on a global level.
lel assembly. GL
With bunker prices having ballooned over the last few
years and being predicted to double again over the
sulting services
lifetime of today’s vessels, reducing fuel consump-
to owners and
tion, which accounts for between 30 to 60% of total
shipping costs, is the key to prospering long term in
spare space and
the industry. Kay Dausendschön, from FutureShip,
additional power
looked at how the mandatory introduction of the
The challenges of preparing to meet the next genera-
supply in the en-
SEEMP could be an opportunity to make significant
tion of shipping regulations were very much on the
gine room in order to accommodate a possible retrofit
minds of the participants at Germanischer Lloyd’s
of ballast water treatment systems.
(GL) latest exchange forum in Szczecin, Poland.
Mr Peickert looked at the various critical parameters
Mr Dausendschön presented a case study of a tank-
Reducing the impact of global shipping on the envi-
for selecting a system which was appropriate for an
er operator who was managing a fleet of relatively
ronment and making improvements in efficiency are
individual vessel and gave the attendees an over-
young and energy efficient vessels. He showed how
the focus of looming legislation that over the next few
view of these parameters as regards particular ves-
through consulting with FutureShip on the prepara-
years, seems certain to change the maritime land-
sel types. The selection of a system was dependent
tion of a four phase energy management plan for
not only on the ship type, but also on the route, he
improving processes across the fleet, the client was
More than 40 representatives from the maritime
noted, with sea water temperature, salinity, sediment
able to realise savings of several million US dollars,
industry, shipping companies, ship management
load and the availability of spare parts and the active
through introducing operational measures to improve
agencies, maritime journalists and stakeholders met
substances used in a system key factors to consider.
efficiency. Not only did this create significant bunker
to hear presentations from GL experts and discuss
Björn Pape, from GL’s consulting subsidiary Future-
savings, Mr Dausendschön pointed out, but also
how the incoming regulations would impact upon the
Ship, examined the class and regulatory require-
formed the foundation for effective performance man-
industry. Presentations examined the regulations in
ments for the conversion of vessels to utilise scrub-
agement through the establishment of new reporting
terms of their implementation, commercial implica-
ber technology. Mr Pape looked at conversions
formats and KPIs for engine performance and con-
tions, operational and design challenges, and how
where both wet and dry scrubber systems had been
sumption, and was also a starting point for condition
the shipping community must step up to prepare for
installed. He examined Wärtislla’s first full-scale
based maintenance, as the project triggered internal
their introduction sooner rather than later.
SOx (sulphur oxide) scrubber installation on the GL
efforts to redefine the client’s maintenance concept.
The Ballast Water Convention requires the further
classed “Containerships VII”, which was completed
The EEDI, which will come into force in 2013, seeks
ratification of countries representing only 8% of glo-
in August 2011, and their solutions both for scrubbers
to spur design innovation in ship building, thereby
bal gross tonnage before it will enter into force, said
and for wash water processing. Mr Pape also went on
reducing CO2 emissions. Jarle Saga Blomhoff, from
Christopher Peickert, GL’s Deputy Head of the Sta-
to lay out the process, installation and logistical use
FutureShip, laid out the technical details and require-
bility Department. Mr Peickert looked at the require-
of dry scrubber technology, showing how the systems
ments of the EEDI and noted that vessels built today
ments of the regulation and at the many methods of
had been integrated into several vessel types and the
could, if the stepwise tightening of the requirements
treatment and systems available to shipowners and
disposal options for the gypsum that remains as a
takes place as planned, be competing with vessels
builders. Every vessel would need to have a Ballast
waste product of the scrubbing process.
that could be as much as 30% more fuel efficient. He
Water Management (BWM) Plan prepared by a ship-
The safety considerations, class rules and monitoring
presented GL’s voluntary EEDI “Statement of Com-
yard or design office, he noted.
requirements were laid out by Mr Pape, who noted
pliance” service and showed how the EEDI could
To aid ship-owners GL has issued a guidance paper
that Class rules did not require Wet Scrubber Sys-
be used as an attractive index for benchmarking the
for Ballast Water Treatment Systems and a BWM
tems to have a scrubber bypass system, as long as
energy efficiency strengths and weaknesses of a par-
Model Booklet is also available for GL customers.
the complete system is made of non-combustible
ticular fleet or vessels in the same segment, quickly
There are about 40 ballast water treatment manufac-
material and that the bypass system may be dis-
assess the fuel efficiency of vessels to charter, and to
turers in the market, Mr Peickert said, and about 10
pensed with in the event an EGCS is installed on a
promote environmental achievements to customers
systems with full certification approval. The majority
multi-engine plant. Dry scrubbers, he suggested, may
and the general public.
gains in energy efficiency.
134 class news/environment The Lloyd’s Register Hellenic Technical Committee (HTC) met onboard the historic Hellas Liberty
Ξεκίνησαν οι περιβαλλοντικές δράσεις της HELMEPA στις Σέρρες Με ευρεία συμμετοχή μαθητών και πολιτών και τη στήριξη των τοπικών φορέων της περιοχής ξεκίνησαν οι δράσεις της ενημερωτικής εκστρατείας της HELMEPA για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον και τις Επιστήμες στην πόλη των Σερρών. Η εκστρατεία υλοποιείται μέχρι τον Ιούνιο 2014 σε 12 πόλεις της Ελλάδος με την υποστήριξη του Βρετανικού κοινωφελούς ιδρύματος “The Lloyd’s Register Edu-
Rules and technology developments, Energy Management and Safety Culture were the main themes of the Lloyd’s Register Hellenic Technical Committee (HTC) held on Monday 19 March onboard the historic Hellas Liberty at the port of Piraeus. Apostolos Poulovassilis, Regional Marine Manager for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), stated in his keynote opening remarks: “The Lloyd’s Register HTC, one of the most significant and influential of our national technical committees worldwide, is adapting to the numerous and increasingly complex challenges facing shipping today and in the near future by adopting a more innovative and collaborative approach utilising the strong experience and capabilities of its individual members who are representing the Greek shipping technical community and providing vital feedback towards the evolution of Lloyd’s Register research, development and technology plan for the overall benefit of our industry”. Following the opening remarks by the HTC Vice-Chairman Stavros Hatzigrigoris, Peter Thompson, LR’s Head of Hull Structures, delivered an update on Harmonised Common Structural Rules (HCSR) providing an overview of the current situation and the future developments. During his presentation titled “Engineering Technology Developments - what’s new” Ed Fort, LR’s Head of Engineering Systems, talked about the “technology revolution” and the need for more sophisticated engineering systems to enhance safety and operational performance. “Lloyd’s Register is striving to support the shipping industry with tomorrow’s energy efficiency and safety related challenges through sturdier rules and standards in designs and materials. Technology needs to be at the heart of solutions to these challenges”, commented Theodosis Stamatellos, LR Marine Country Manager for Greece. In a session led by Dimitris Simakis, LR’s Health & Safety Manager for Greece East Med & Africa, a “Safety Culture Maturity Model” was outlined and a group exercise took place aiming to introduce a method used for assessing current levels of safety culture maturity and involving all members of the HTC to help identify practical and realistic actions which will move safety culture maturity within their operations to the next level. Stamatis Fradelos, Piraeus Design Support Office Senior Surveyor, focused on the Energy front and presented all the recent developments and changes in SEEMP and EEDI further to the results of IMO’s 63rd session of Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC). This session of the HTC closed with Ioannis Iakovou, EMEA Marine Management Systems Manager, who made an introduction on the forthcoming Marine Management Systems Sub-Committee and the key issues this is going to be addressing
cational Trust (The LRET)”. Tη Δευτέρα 18 Μαρτίου πραγματοποιήθηκε Ημερίδα για τα Απορρίμματα στο Δημοτικό Περιφερειακό Θέατρο (ΔΗ.ΠΕ.ΘΕ.) Σερρών, ενώ στη συνέχεια εγκαινιάστηκε
Περιβάλλον, Ναυτιλία και Επιστήμες» από το Δήμαρχο Σερρών, Π. Αγγελίδη. Την Ημερίδα παρακολούθησαν εκπρόσωποι της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης και άλλων φορέων
φοιτητές και ευαισθητοποιημένοι πολίτες. Στον
Δήμαρχος την
αυτή της HELMEPA και του LRET και ευχήθηκε η περιβαλλοντική συμπεριφορά όλων μας να αλλάξει. Χαιρετισμό εκ μέρους της HELMEPA απηύθυνε ο
Σ. Βολάκης, ο οποίος αναφέρθηκε στους στόχους της εκστρατείας, είπε ότι είναι ιδιαίτερη χαρά για την HELMEPA που βρίσκεται στην ιστορική πόλη των Σερρών και ευχαρίστησε το Δήμο που έθεσε τις εκδηλώσεις υπό την
αιγίδα του. Επίσης, τις
ευχές του Σεβασμιοτάτου Μητροπολίτη Σερρών και Νιγρίτης κ. Θεολόγου μετέφερε εκπρόσωπος του. Παρουσιάζοντας την κατάσταση της ρύπανσης με απορρίμματα σε παράκτιες περιοχές της Ελλάδας και της Μεσογείου, ο εκπρόσωπος του Τομέα Περιβαλλοντικής Ενημέρωσης της ΗΕLMEPA, Κ. Τριανταφύλλου, τόνισε ότι εξίσου σοβαρό είναι το πρόβλημα σε όχθες λιμνών και κοίτες ποταμών της ενδοχώρας. Τις ορθές περιβαλλοντικές πρακτικές του Δήμου Σερρών παρουσίασε η Προϊσταμένη του Τμήματος Περιβάλλοντος, Μ. Τερμεντζίδου, ενώ η Υπεύθυνη του Κέντρου Πληροφόρησης τού Φορέα Διαχείρισης Λίμνης Κερκίνης, Χ. Ιντζίδου, αναφέρθηκε στις δράσεις ενημέρωσης και ευαισθητοποίησης που υπάρχουν στην περιοχή για μικρούς και μεγάλους. Η τελευταία εισήγηση ήταν από την υπεύθυνη Σχολικών Δραστηριοτήτων Β/θμιας εκπ/σης, Σ. Ευθυμιάδου και αφορούσε τα προγράμματα περιβαλλοντικής εκπαίδευσης που εκπονούνται στα Γυμνάσια και Λύκεια.
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136 shipping news 50 χρόνια ναυσιπλοΐας του κρουαζιερόπλοιου “THE OCEANIC” Στην εκδήλωση για τον εορτασμό των 50 χρόνων ναυσιπλοΐας
ANIC” και την απόδοση φόρου τιμής στους Έλληνες διαχειριστές
Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης. Το ατμόπλοιο “THE OCEANIC”, το οποίο κατέπλευσε χθες στον Πειραιά, ναυπηγήθηκε το 1961 και είχε αρχικά ως διαχειριστές Έλληνες εφοπλιστές (Ευγένιος
Ευγενίδης, Χαρ. Κιοσέογλου
και Περικλής Παναγόπουλος), πριν αγορασθεί από ξένες
εταιρίες. Σήμερα αποτελεί ιδιοκτησία της
Ιαπωνικής μη Κυβερνητικής Οργάνωσης PEACEBOAT και διοργανώνει κρουαζιέρες ιστορικού ενδιαφέροντος. Ο κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης, παραδίδοντας δώρα και εύσημα του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. στον πλοίαρχο cpt. Viktor Alimov και στον κ. Περικλή Παναγόπουλο, τόνισε ότι: «η ανάπτυξη της παγκόσμιας κρουαζιέρας οφείλεται σε μεγάλο βαθμό σε Έλληνες εφοπλιστές, οι οποίοι υπήρξαν πρωτοπόροι, όπως άλλωστε και στην εμπορική ναυτιλία. Παρότι οι συνθήκες άλλαξαν, ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. με χαρά υποδέχεται ένα ιστορικό πλοίο όπως το “The Oceanic”, το οποίο καπετάνευσαν και Έλληνες πλοίαρχοι, τους οποίους στο όνομα όλων των Ελλήνων ναυτικών σήμερα τιμάμε. Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. από το 2011 έχει καταστήσει σαφές ότι ο τομέας της κρουαζιέρας αποτελεί πλέον μια από τις πιο σημαντικές δραστηριότητες του. Με νέες υποδομές, νέες υπηρεσίες και νέα μέσα, υποδέχεται σήμερα τα πλοία νέας γενιάς (μέχρι 360 μ.) χωρίς να ξεχνάει την τιμή την οποία οφείλει στους πρωτεργάτες της ανάπτυξης της κρουαζιέρας και στους ναυτεργάτες που την υπηρέτησαν. Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. με τις νέες υποδομές μετατρέπεται στον κύριο κόμβο (hub) κρουαζιέρας της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου».
Μία ιστορική στιγμή για το μέλλον του Πειραιά «Η υπογραφή Μνημονίου Συνεργασίας μεταξύ της
αναπτυξιακός Οργανισμός στον χώρο της λιμενικής
Τουρισμού και Πολιτισμού της χώρας. Το έργο της
Περιφέρειας Αττικής και του Οργανισμού Λιμένος
βιομηχανίας και συνδιαμορφωτής ανάπτυξης της
«Πολιτιστικής Ακτής Πειραιά» αποτελεί την άριστη
Πειραιώς (Ο.Λ.Π.) Α.Ε. για την Ανάπτυξη και
ευρύτερης επιλιμένιας περιοχής του Πειραιά. Ο
ιστορικά εφαρμογή μιας μεγάλης επιχειρηματικά
Λειτουργία της Πολιτιστικής Ακτής Πειραιά αποτελεί
Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε., πέρα από την οικονομική δραστηριότητα
απόφασης (κρουαζιέρα-τουρισμός) με τις ανάγκες
τη μεγαλύτερη ενσωμάτωση Εταιρικής Κοινωνικής
του για τους τομείς της εθνικής οικονομίας υπέρ
των κοινωνιών επιλιμένιων περιοχών (ανάπαυση,
Ευθύνης, η οποία έχει γίνει πρόσφατα στη χώρα μας
των οποίων λειτουργεί με επιχειρηματικά κριτήρια,
ψυχαγωγία, Πολιτισμός). Ένας άριστα οργανωμένος
από Επιχείρηση».
ενσωματώνει στις αποφάσεις του κοινωνικούς,
χώρος, του οποίου χρήστες θα είναι οι κάτοικοι της
πολιτιστικούς και περιβαλλοντικούς κανόνες, στα
περιοχής και οι επισκέπτες του λιμανιού. Στον χώρο
Με τα λόγια αυτά ο Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων
πλαίσια της Εταιρικής Κοινωνικής Ευθύνης της
αυτό ο τρόπος παραγωγής λιμενικών υπηρεσιών
Σύμβουλος του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης
Συνθήκης της Λισσαβώνας.
μεταλλάσσεται σε έναν χώρο επισκεψιμότητας
των επισκεπτών και των κατοίκων της Πόλης,
Συμβούλιο Αττικής της Υπογραφής Μνημονίου
Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. σε κάθε επενδυτική του πρωτοβουλία
Συνεργασίας μεταξύ της Περιφέρειας Αττικής και του
για ανάπτυξη, καταγράφει και συνεισφέρει όρους για
θάλασσα. Δημιουργείται ένα νέο πρότυπο, το οποίο
Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. για το έργο «Πολιτιστική Ακτή Πειραιά»,
την ποιότητα ζωής των εργαζομένων και των γύρω
διασώζει την ιστορική συνέχεια βιομηχανικών και
το οποίο ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. σε συνεργασία με το Υπ.
κατοίκων, ξεπερνώντας πολλές φορές τους κανόνες
αρχιτεκτονικών μνημείων, μέσα από νέες λειτουργίες
Πολιτισμού αναπτύσσει στην Ηετιώνια Ακτή του
αγοράς και ανταγωνισμού.
παραγωγής πολιτιστικών δράσεων.
Κεντρικού Λιμανιού. Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. ακριβώς επειδή θέλει να ενεργεί ως Ανταπαντώντας
Η ισόρροπη ανάπτυξη Λιμένος-Πόλης, οι αλληλεπιδράσεις
Περιφερειάρχη Αττικής κ. Γιάννη Σγουρού, του
την ανάπτυξη των εργασιών του με τα συμφέροντα
ιδιωτικού επιχειρηματικού τοπίου, δημιουργούν νέα
Αντιπεριφερειάρχη Πειραιά κ. Στέφανου Χρήστου
δεδομένα στην ευρύτερη περιοχή. Τα πλεονεκτήματα
ΕΣΠΑ κ. Λεωνίδα
δραστηριοποιείται, αποφάσισε να συζεύξει τον
Αθανασιάδη, ο Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος
Πολιτισμό με τον Τουρισμό, παραχωρώντας και
αυτών, στην απασχόληση, στην οικονομία και στο
του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης τόνισε:
αναπλάσσοντας μια επιλιμένια ζώνη 180.000 στρ.,
οικοσύστημα είναι πολλά και σημαντικά. Για το έργο
προς όφελος των κατοίκων, των τουριστών και των
αυτό, λόγω της σημασίας και του μεγέθους του,
επιβατών του Κεντρικού Λιμένα.
ζητήθηκε η πολιτική συμφωνία με την περιφέρεια και
του Αντιπεριφερειάρχη
«Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. δεν είναι απλά το μεγαλύτερο λιμάνι
της χώρας και ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα λιμάνια της Ευρώπης, είναι πρώτα απ’ όλα ένας μεγάλος
η συμμετοχή της στο ΔΣ του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. και στην Ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. έτσι μετατρέπεται στην κύρια Πύλη
επιτροπή παρακολούθησης.
environment/cruises 137 Diesel Switch improves environment, safety and competitiveness Jo Tanker, a Norwegian ship owner, has reached changeover and blend fuel requirements by installing JOWA Technology Diesel Switch DS MKII. The switch is type-approved by Germanisches Lloyd and leads to meeting the sulphur emissions levels in CARB and SECA areas. The DS MKII Diesel Switch has been developed by Swedish-based Jowa Technology. According to the company it provides a reliable solution for the shipping industry. Incorrectly performed changeover will create both short-term, as well as long-term problems for crew, engine, environment and the owner. After the first on-board test, Jo Tankers was convinced by the positive results achieved by the JOWA Technology DS MKII Diesel Switch. This lead to the installation of the DS MKII in nine more vessels, in addition to new building projects in Korea. “Since we installed the DS MKII we have been experiencing very positive results onboard our vessels”, says Fleet Manager Mr. Andrew Hills. The DS MKII provides a controlled, safe and reliable change-over from HFO to MDO/MGO and vice versa, as well as a safe blend fuel operation whenever required. The system can be used for both main engines, as well as for the auxiliary engines. The DS MKII has unique software developed by JOWA Technology, controlling a specially designed blend fuel valve and has an overall architecture that can be adapted to the available space on board, which sometimes can prove to be very limited in case of retrofits. JOWA Technology says that the low-cost investment for the DS MKII gives a rapid and noticeable return on investment (ROI). “We are very pleased with the easy and quick retrofit installation of the system into the existing fuel systems on board”, Fleet Manager Mr. Andrew hills at Jo Tankers explains. Another significant factor for Jo Tankers was environmental concern. Here, the investment in the Diesel Switch has resulted in a noticeable improvement. “We now know that we meet the strict sulphur levels requested in the SECA Areas and in other environmentally controlled areas. They can be reached both by using the Diesel Switch DS MKII for a complete change-over or for running on blend fuel.” “We appreciate the software feature including the history log for change-over and/or blend fuel procedures performed”. “This saves us time and money, but it is also advantageous for the environment. To protect the environment as much as possible is very important, both for us as a responsible shipping company, as well as for our customers.” After installing DSMKII, Jo Tankers has achieved automatically controlled, safe and economical optimized changeover procedures from HFO to MDO and vice versa. In 2011 Jo Tankers installed Jowa Technology Diesel Switch DSMKII on board Jo Sycamore and several other vessels.
Στο λιμάνι μεταξύ άλλων κατέφθασαν και τα πλοία “Queen Elisabeth” και “Queen Mary” Με την έναρξη της νέας περιόδου κρουαζιέρας, η οποία και για το 2012 θα κινηθεί σε υψηλά επίπεδα επισκεψιμότητας πλοίων και επιβατών, σύμφωνα με τα αναλυτικά στοιχεία του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε., στο λιμάνι μεταξύ άλλων κατέφθασαν και τα πλοία “Queen Elisabeth” και “Queen Mary”.
Το “Queen Mary”, το οποίο κατέπλευσε με 3.000 επιβάτες
το Σάββατο, προσορμίσθηκε λόγω μεγέθους στην Ακτή Θεμιστοκλέους. Το πλοίο επισκέφθηκαν και εξυπηρέτησαν στελέχη του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε., ενώ πλήθος κόσμου το παρατηρούσε με θαυμασμό.
Το λιμάνι του Πειραιά, το οποίο η Επιτροπή Αισθητικής
Αναβάθμισης αυτές τις ημέρες εξωραΐζει, αναμένεται να επισκεφθούν περισσότερα από 850 μεγάλα κρουαζιερόπλοια.
138 shipping news Tsakos energy navigation reports financial results FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER AND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011
New charters for two tankers bring gross revenues from recent employment arrangements to $1.1 billion securing a strong and sustainable cash flow
In 2011, an adjusted net loss before impairment of $50.1 million, or $1.09 per diluted share was in-
Voyage revenues of $395.2 million Combined adjusted EBITDA and vessel sales proceeds at $146.9 million Daily operating costs per vessel further reduced in 2011 $1.7 million in operating income (adjusted to exclude impairment charges) Impairment charges of $39.4 million relating to two VLCCs considered as held-for-sale Net loss $89.5 million after impairment of $39.4 million Delivery and long term charter for 11 and 12 years with profit-share for two new building suezmaxes 15-year contracts and construction of two suezmax DP2 shuttle tankers
curred. Much of this loss may be accountable to the trading performance of the two VLCCs and to the interest rate swap interest paid in the year. The disposal of these vessels and the expiration of these swaps starting in the latter part of the year will contribute significantly to a restoration of positive results. Including the impairment, a net loss of $89.5 million was incurred, or $1.94 per diluted share. Cash flow from earnings before depreciation, amortization and finance costs and before gains on
Accretive LNG re-charter and new LNG opportunities pursued
vessel sales and impairment (“Adjusted EBITDA”)
16 new charters with major end-users
was $104.4 million (see attached Selected Finan-
Significant outperformance of 2011 spot market indices due to Company’s T/C strategy 37 vessels out of a pro-forma fleet of 50 under secured employment Maintained strong liquidity of $185 million Constant quarterly dividend payments. Total dividends paid since 2002 NYSE listing of $9.225 per share (approx. $354 million distributed) Fleet utilization of 97% Sale of two tankers for a total net gain of $5.0 million Fleet average age 7.0 years
cial and Other Data). Net proceeds before debt repayment from two vessels sold in the period totaled $42.5 million, bringing the combined total of EBITDA and vessel sales proceeds to $146.9 million for the year. FOURTH QUARTER RESULTS Revenues, net of voyage expenses and commissions, were $61.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2011. The freight market remained difficult despite some short-lived increases in suezmax and aframax rates in the Mediterranean, which at least
Tsakos Energy Navigation Limited (TEN or the
pire in the second half of 2012.
contributed to better results than achieved in the
“Company”) (NYSE: TNP) today reported results
Within the year, 16 new charters (including profit
third quarter of 2011. Tanker oversupply and high
(unaudited) for the year 2011 and fourth quarter of
sharing) were concluded with minimum gross
bunker costs for spot vessels continued to dampen
revenues of $1.1 billion and average duration of
the overall market.
3.1 years. Two vessels, the 1991 and 2001 built FULL YEAR 2011 RESULTS
aframaxes Vergina II and Opal Queen were sold for
On average, TEN’s fleet had 48.0 vessels during
Revenues, net of voyage expenses and commis-
a capital gain of $5.0 million which released $18.2
the quarter. Fleet utilization remained relatively
sions, in 2011, totaled $253.7 million in a very dif-
million cash after debt repayment. Savings from
high at nearly 96%. The average daily time charter
ficult market environment. In the same period, TEN
the sale of the Vergina II have been estimated at
equivalent rate per vessel was $15,749. Rates for
operated an average of 47.8 vessels.
$4 million in operational, financing and (scheduled)
all sectors suffered decreases compared to rates
dry-docking costs during 2011.
achieved in the fourth quarter of 2010 except for
The average daily time charter equivalent rate per
the smaller product carriers and the LNG carrier
vessel was $16,047. Daily operating expenses per
The VLCCs La Madrina (1993-built) and La Pru-
which enjoyed an increase in August in its hire rate.
vessel were $7,606, a decrease of 0.5% from 2011.
dencia (1994-built), after a long period of profitable
The quarterly results were again affected by the
The combined daily operating expenses and over-
fixed employment incurred combined losses of
underemployment of the two VLCCs mentioned
head expenses (mainly management fees and
approximately $21 million (before the impairment
above as well as the poor Aframax market (apart
general and administrative expenses) per vessel
charge) in 2011, much due to lengthy repositioning
from the Mediterranean area).
have effectively remained stable over the past year
voyages in the year. Due to the continuous poor
due to cost reduction efforts and disposal of older
market and lack of economically viable opportu-
Average daily operating costs per vessel were
nities for the foreseeable future for older VLCCs,
$7,438, slightly down from the third quarter of
Interest and finance costs fell significantly in 2011
it was decided that these two vessels should be
2011. G&A expenses increased mainly due to one-
to $53.6 million, due to favorable non-hedging in-
sold and action has been taken accordingly from
off expenditure on new systems applications and
terest rate swap valuations and cash received on
December. As a consequence, the vessels have
projects. There was no management incentive
bunker swaps amounting to $6.4 million. Total in-
incurred impairment charges amounting to $39.4
award announced at the end of the quarter.
terest paid on all interest rate swaps amounted to
million in total. The vessels are accounted for as
Interest and finance costs in the fourth quarter
$34.8 million. Over half these swaps are due to ex-
held-for-sale in the balance-sheet.
amounted to $14.7 million, net of cash received on
shipping news 139 bunker swaps of $1.7 million.
reasons for suffering a loss have been the reposi-
tanker sectors across the globe. Management be-
The fourth quarter of 2011 ended in a net loss be-
tioning of the two VLCCs and interest rate swaps.
lieves that this weak market acts in favor of healthy
fore impairment of $17.2 million or $0.37 per share.
Both these factors will be substantially mitigated
cash-rich companies like TEN as distress situations
Including impairment, the net loss was $56.6 mil-
going forward with the disposal of the impaired ves-
are recently becoming more apparent and could
lion or $1.23 per share.
sels and the expiration of a large number of swaps
enable owners, with longer term aspirations, to ac-
TEN’s liquidity at the end of the fourth quarter re-
in 2012.
cumulate tonnage to further enhance their strong-
mained strong. Total cash and liquid investments
hold in the market.
amounted to $184 million. Total indebtedness, de-
Throughout the year TEN continued to secure at-
spite new debt relating to the delivery of two new
tractive employment for its vessels and took ad-
An area that TEN has identified as one of imme-
vessels (Spyros K and Dimitris P), fell by $47 mil-
vantage of various opportunities that were avail-
diate attention is LNG, as the supply-demand
lion during 2011. Towards the end of the year debt
able from its international chartering clientele. TEN
fundamentals are well placed to facilitate a robust
finance (including pre-delivery finance) was ar-
was successful in fixing 16 vessels (nine crude, six
involvement for the foreseeable future. Having the
ranged for the first of the two suezmax DP2 shuttle
products and one LNG) bringing the total number
benefit of an early mover advantage coupled with
tankers to be delivered in early 2013. Despite the
of vessels under contract, including profit sharing
the experience gained by operating our LNG car-
poor results generated in this most difficult market,
and pools, to 37. In addition, in June of 2011 the
rier with high quality clients worldwide, manage-
apart from the two VLCCs mentioned above only
Company took advantage of the strength of the
ment believes that it is well suited to expand in this
three aframaxes did not generate positive EBITDA.
LNG market and fixed its 2007-built Neo Energy
high-end demanding and promising sector. TEN
Given our strong cash reserves and supported by
for four years at a rate more than double its all-
is actively investigating opportunities and ways
our long standing chartering and banking relation-
in breakeven. In total, TEN’s chartering activity in
to leverage its exposure and is in talks with both
ships, we remain able to consider any attractive op-
2011 is expected to add gross TCE revenues at
yards, charterers and others to gauge interest for
portunity that might arise in the challenging condi-
least to $490 million over their corresponding char-
enhanced collaborations and structures that would
tions the tanker sector faces currently.
ter periods, bringing close to $1.1 billion the total
augment TEN’s presence in this lucrative sec-
fixed revenue taken into account the charters of
tor without adding strains on the Company’s bal-
the two most recent aframax and handy charters
ance sheet. Should such exploratory discussions
As announced on January 25, 2012, the Company’s
as well as the 15-year fixtures of the two shuttle
advance, management hopes to be in position to
Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend
tankers under construction.
inform its shareholders by the end of the second
of $0.15 per share of common stock outstanding
quarter on potential strategic initiatives that could
paid on February 14, to shareholders of record as
Overall, vessel operations, excluding two of the eld-
compliment its current LNG exposure.
of February 9, 2012. Inclusive of this distribution,
est VLCCs, had a respectable performance during
Another area of interest was and remains the Shut-
TEN has distributed in total $9.225 per share in
this very challenging year compared to fleets oper-
tle tanker market. Management intends to pursue
dividends to its shareholders since the Company
ating primarily in the spot market. The performance
opportunities in this developing sector while lever-
was listed on the NYSE in March of 2002. The list-
of these two VLCCs, together with interest paid
aging its long established presence in one of the
ing price was $7.50 per share taking into account
on those interest rate swap agreements that the
more active areas for such tonnage of late, that
the 2-1 share split of November 14, 2007.
Company had entered into in the past, were sig-
of Brazil. In addition, the Company will continue
nificant contributors to the net losses experienced
to examine various other opportunities that may
in 2011. The prompt disposal of these vessels and
become available in the wider offshore sector and
Secured charters for one aframax and one handy
the scheduled expiry of half the interest rate swaps
will determine on a case-by-case-basis on whether
product carrier to first class international end us-
in the latter part of the year are expected to have a
such opportunities merit consideration and fit the
ers for one and two years respectively with profit-
beneficial impact on the Company’s future results.
Company’s profile as an all-round energy provider.
sharing provisions for the aframax vessel. Total
Going forward, TEN will continue to seek attractive
gross revenue from these charters is expected to
period charters for its vessels and take advantage
Mr. Nikolas P. Tsakos, President and CEO of TEN
be a minimum of $15 million over the correspond-
of increased charterers’ appetite for longer fixtures
stated, “TEN is weathering the storm with a sound
ing charter periods.
for quality tonnage. Time charters with profit-share
base, efficient operations, healthy balance sheet as
continues to be a favorite option as the Company
well as a flexible employment structure that less-
remains optimistic of market improvements over
ens the impact of market gyrations while provid-
2011 continued to be a challenging year for tanker
the medium to long term.
ing significant uplift should rates firm. We believe
companies and in particular those with significant
our preemptive actions to sell older vessels, tight
crude capacity as the supply of tonnage out-weight-
Cost control and efficient vessel management was,
cost control coupled with a dynamic LNG market,
ed demand and notable improvements in worldwide
and remains, at the forefront of the Company’s
an area where we attained a first mover advantage
oil consumption were not reflected in rates across
agenda with special attention on vessel operating
and plan to expand, will make TEN stronger and
the relevant sectors. The vessel supply glut put the
expenses without however jeopardizing the safety
provide further support for the continuation of a
brakes on the various charter market spikes that
of crew and vessels. Due to this policy, and again
healthy dividend policy.”
occurred and prevented a sustainable positive run
largely thanks to the efforts of Tsakos Columbia
that would have otherwise occurred. Improvements
ShipManagement (“TCM”), year-on-year vessel
in product trades on the other hand were more evi-
operating expenses experienced a marginal de-
To date, TEN’s pro forma fleet consists of 50
dent throughout the year, primarily due to smoother
cline while vessel utilization again exceeded the
double-hull vessels of 5.4 million dwt that includes
supply-demand fundamentals and refinery cuts in
97.0% mark.
two DP2 suezmax shuttle tankers currently under
the United States that provided some cushion to owners with product tankers.
construction totaling 314,000 dwt. TEN’s balanced In terms of growth, TEN will continue to seek oppor-
fleet profile is reflected in 23 crude tankers ranging
tunities in all sectors it operates so as to maintain
from VLCCs to aframaxes and 26 product carriers
In this environment TEN maintained positive opera-
the young and modern profile of its fleet while at
ranging from aframaxes to handysize and one LNG
tions for the majority of its young fleet. The main
the same time solidifying its presence in all major
140 shipping news Η Royal Caribbean Cruises βραβεύει το Navigator Travel & Tourist Services Ο ταξιδιωτικός οργανισμός Navigator Travel & Tourist Services βραβεύτηκε την περασμένη εβδομάδα από την εταιρεία Royal Caribbean International, στα πλαίσια της Ετήσιας Συνάντησης Αντιπροσώπων της εταιρείας, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Μαϊάμι, για τις εξαιρετικές επιδόσεις του οργανισμού στις πωλήσεις προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών κρουαζιέρας για το 2011 και για την ανάπτυξη που προσέφερε ο ταξιδιωτικός οργανισμός στην κρουαζιέρα στην Ελληνική αγορά. Το βραβείο παρέλαβε ο κ. Ανδρέας Στυλιανόπουλος, Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Ταξιδιωτικού Οργανισμού Navigator Travel and Tourist Services. “Η διάκριση του Navigator Travel & Tourist Services αποτελεί την αναγνώριση της αφοσίωσης και της δέσμευσης του οργανισμού για την ανάπτυξη της βιομηχανίας της κρουαζιέρας στην Ελλάδα, ιδιαίτερα στις αντίξοες συνθήκες που επικρατούν αυτό το διάστημα στην Ελληνική οικονομία, καθώς επίσης και σε αγορές όπως οι Κύπρος, FYROM, Βουλγαρία και Σλοβακία. Αποτελεί επίσης και το επιστέγασμα της μακρόχρονης συνεργασίας μας, η οποία μετράει πλέον 35 χρόνια, και τη συνεχιζόμενη εμπιστοσύνη μας στο Navigator Travel & Tourist Services για την μεγιστοποίηση της δραστηριοποίησης της Royal Caribbean Cruises στην περιοχή” δήλωσε η κα Helen Beck, Διευθύντρια Πωλήσεων της Royal Caribbean International σε Ευρώπη, Μέση Ανατολή και Αφρική. Ο Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Navigator Travel & Tourist Services, κ. Ανδρέας Στυλιανόπουλος δήλωσε σχετικά: “Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω θερμά την Royal Caribbean International για αυτή τη σημαντική διάκριση, που αποτελεί την επιβεβαίωση για τις προσπάθειές μας να φέρουμε την κρουαζιέρα στο επίπεδο που της αξίζει, παρ’όλες τις δυσκολίες και τα εμπόδια που αντιμετωπίζουμε λόγω της οικονομικής κρίσης και της ασάφειας του πολιτικού πλαισίου. Η διάκριση αυτή έρχεται στην καλύτερη στιγμή για την πορεία του οργανισμού, ο οποίος φέτος γιορτάζει τα 50 χρόνια επιτυχημένης δραστηριότητας στην Ελλάδα. Η ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας θα παραμείνει η πρώτη προτεραιότητα για εμάς και ευελπιστώ πως η περιοχή θα σημειώσει αλματώδη ανάπτυξη στο άμεσο μέλλον.” Ο ταξιδιωτικός οργανισμός Navigator Travel & Tourist Services είναι ένας από τους κορυφαίους ταξιδιωτικούς οργανισμούς στην Ελλάδα και φέτος συμπλήρωσε τα 50 χρόνια λειτουργίας του, επιβεβαιώνοντας την επιτυχημένη παρουσία του στην Ελληνική αγορά με μισό αιώνα πείρα και τεχνογνωσία στον τουριστικό τομέα. Με έτος ιδρύσεως το 1962, ο τουριστικός οργανισμός Navigator Travel & Tourist Services συνεχίζει τη δυναμική του πορεία στην κάλυψη κάθε μορφής τουριστικών αναγκών, από κρατήσεις ξενοδοχείων και επίγεια εξυπηρέτηση, μεταφορές και οργανωμένες περιηγήσεις, πώληση αεροπορικών και ακτοπλοϊκών εισιτηρίων και την παροχή ολοκληρωμένων πακέτων κρουαζιερόπλοιων πολυτελείας καθώς αποτελεί τον αποκλειστικό αντιπρόσωπο (GSA) των εταιρειών Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises και Azamara Club Cruises (θυγατρικών της Royal Caribbean Cruises) σε Ελλάδα, FYROM, Κύπρο, Βουλγαρία και Σλοβακία.
RINA plays key role in world’s first marine CNG project International classification society and verification group RINA has been appointed by Indonesia’s electric-
GL accredited for
Energy Management certification
ity utility PT PLN (Persero) to help develop the world’s first marine Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) project.
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has been accredited by
The project, which is expected to deliver the first gas in 2013, is to transport between 3 and 6 thousand
DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle), the na-
standard cubic feet (mscf) per day of CNG from the Indonesian island of Gresik to another Indonesian
tional accreditation body for the Federal Republic of
island, Lombok, where it will feed the Peaking power plant.
Germany, to provide worldwide certification of ener-
RINA has already delivered the feasibility study, and is now developing the Front End Engineering Design
gy management systems according to DIN EN ISO
(FEED). This will be followed by support during tendering, and the provision of project management sup-
50001:2011. GL is among the first certification or-
port during the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) phase. Tendering will open in May 2012
ganisations worldwide to be able to offer accredited
and a number of different technologies are being considered.
certifications according to ISO 50001. A company’s
This is a pilot project which will allow the use of cheaper natural gas in place of liquid fuel for power produc-
energy efficiency and performance can be sustain-
tion. If the pilot project succeeds, the marine CNG technology will be applied to other power plants across
ably improved by implementing systems and proc-
the country with similar or larger capacity. PLN has mapped out potential utilisation of CNG in Indonesia.
esses which conform to the new standard. The core
CNG will come from low-capacity gas wells, marginal gas wells, gas flare and surplus of gas supply as a
rationale behind the ISO 50001 is to promote contin-
result of a fluctuating gas absorption pattern.
uous improvement in the “energy and environmental
RINA will advise on the most appropriate type of vehicle, logistical pattern, design of the compression
performance” of a company. The norm describes
and decompression terminals, and documents for EPC tender for construction of the marine CNG facili-
the requirements for energy management systems,
ties. RINA has developed rules for the classification of CNG ships, which are based on new technological
which will improve energy performance, increase en-
guidelines and which take into account experience gained so far in the field.
ergy efficiency and optimise the use of energy.
shipping news 141 Ένωση Εφοπλιστών Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων
«Ναυτασφαλιστική Αγορά: Προκλήσεις, Προβλέψεις»
Update to GL Rules for Seagoing and Naval Ships Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has releasedupdates to its Rules for Seagoing Ships and Naval Vessels. The updated Rules came into effect on 1 May 2012. Changes have been made to the following GL Rules
Διοργανώθηκε Ημερίδα από την Ένωση Εφοπλιστών Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων (ΕΕΝΜΑ) σε
for Seagoing Ships: Classification and Surveys, Hull
συνεργασία με το Σύνδεσμο των Συνεργαζόμενων με Μεσίτες Lloyd’s στην Ελλάδα (HCLBA), στα γραφεία της
Structures, Machinery Installations, Electrical Instal-
Ένωσης, με θέμα «Ναυτασφαλιστική Αγορά: Προκλήσεις, Προβλέψεις».
lations, Automation, Structural Rules for Container Ships and Stowage and Lashing of Containers.
Ο πρόεδρος της Ένωσης κ. Χαράλαμπος Σημαντώνης στο χαιρετισμό του ανέφερε ότι η συγκεκριμένη ημερίδα
Additionally, new Rules have been developed for the
είναι η πρώτη από μία σειρά ημερίδων που έχει αποφασιστεί να οργανώνει η Ένωση ανά τακτά χρονικά
classification of Crew Boats and Offshore Wind Farm
διαστήματα με στόχο την πληρέστερη ενημέρωση των μελών της Ένωσης πάνω σε φλέγοντα ναυτιλιακά
Service Craft.
For Naval Ships updates have also been carried out for the following Rules: Classification and Surveys,
Προλογίζοντας την συζήτηση αναφέρθηκε στην ανάγκη καθημερινής ενημέρωσης περί των ασφαλιστικών
Propulsion Plants, Electrical Installations, Automa-
θεμάτων, ειδικότερα αυτή την περίοδο ένεκα του πολιτικό-οικονομικού ευμετάβλητου περιβάλλοντος ανά την
tion and Ship Operation Installations and Auxiliary
Systems. The GL Rules and Guidelines are also available for
Έξαρση πειρατειών κύρια στον Ινδικό Ωκεανό αλλά προσφάτως και στον Ατλαντικό στις ακτές της Νιγηρίας,
download for the first time in their entirety. Up to this
suctions, πολεμικές αναταραχές, διαμορφώνουν καθημερινά ένα άκρως σύνθετο περιβάλλον για τις μεταφορές
point the Rules and Guidelines have only been avail-
φορτίων αλλά και την ακεραιότητα πλοίων και πληρωμάτων.
able on a section by section basis. Visitors to Germanischer Lloyd’s website will now be able to download
Τέλος, ο κ. Χαράλαμπος Σημαντώνης, αναφέρθηκε στην ανάγκη όσο το δυνατόν πιο αξιόπιστων προβλέψεων
a complete pdf version of any of the individual Rules
σχετικά με το ασφαλιστικό κόστος, λόγω της πιεσμένης ναυλαγοράς που τα μέλη της Ένωσης αντιμετωπίζουν.
or Guidelines free of cost. Some of the most notable changes to individual
Στη συνέχεια έλαβε το λόγο ο Πρόεδρος του HCLBA κ. Μάνος Λορέντζος, ο οποίος έκανε μια σύντομη
Rules include: the Rules for Machinery Installations
αναφορά στο Σύνδεσμο, που είναι από τους παλαιότερους ασφαλιστικούς συνδέσμους στην Ελλάδα με έτος
now have new requirements for exhaust gas clean-
ίδρυσης το 1938, και που τα μέλη του διαμεσολαβούν στις ναυτασφάλειες σχεδόν του 50% των εν Ελλάδι
ing systems. These requirements address system
ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών.
layout, safety concept (hazard analysis), materials, and handling of noxious process substances. The
Ο κ. Λορέντζος παρουσίασε κατόπιν την ανάλυση της αγοράς H&M. Αναφέρθηκε στα χαρακτηριστικά της
requirements for functional testing onboard are also
αγοράς, που είναι η διεθνοποίηση και ο πλήρης ανταγωνισμός, καθώς και ο μικρός αριθμός leading εταιρειών
παγκοσμίως. Στη συνέχεια αναφέρθηκε στους παράγοντες τιμολόγησης του κινδύνου ( αποτελέσματα κλάδου, μερίδια αγοράς, εφαρμοζόμενα κανονιστικά πλαίσια – Solvency II, διεθνές επενδυτικό περιβάλλον) και πώς
In the GL Rules for Stowage and Lashing of Con-
αυτοί επηρέασαν την αγορά τα προηγούμενα 2-3 χρόνια μέχρι αρχές του 2012, και στις προβλέψεις του για
tainers, Annex C - “Container Lashing Fittings” - sets
το επόμενο 12μηνο. Έκλεισε την ομιλία του με αναφορά σε συμπληρωματικούς παράγοντες τιμολόγησης του
out a new standard for operational tests for fully au-
κινδύνου, όπως η μείωση των ποσοστών των ασφαλιστικών εταιρειών στον κίνδυνο και η υποβάθμιση του
tomatic locks. The specified requirements comprise
S&P rating των εταιρειών.
test setup, loading scenario and test forces for compression, racking and lifting.
Κατόπιν έλαβε το λόγο ο Αντιπρόεδρος του Συνδέσμου κ. Νίκος Αποστολόπουλος, ο οποίος έκανε αναφορά στις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις της αγοράς P&I, στην τελευταία περίοδο ανανεώσεων, καθώς και στην επίδραση του
GL’s Structural Rules for Container Ships have un-
ατυχήματος του Costa Concordia. Στη συνέχεια έκανε αναφορά στα συγκριτικά πλεονεκτήματα των P&I Clubs,
dergone major amendment, including the following
καθώς και σε θέματα που χρήζουν ειδικής προσοχής από τα στελέχη των ναυτιλιακών γραφείων όσον αφορά
changes: Section 8 “Bottom Structures” introduces
καλύψεις P&I. Έκλεισε την ομιλία του με θέματα ασφαλιστικής κάλυψης σε εμπόλεμες περιοχές.
an entirely new sub-section - “D” - which specifies structural requirements for transverse thrusters. In
Τελευταίος έλαβε τον λόγο ο Ταμίας κ. Γιώργος Καραμάνος, που ανέλυσε το θέμα της Πειρατείας. Έκανε
Section 14 “Rudder and Manoeuvring Arrangement”,
σύντομη ιστορική αναφορά στα χαρακτηριστικά του κινδύνου και στις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις. Κατόπιν
as well, a new sub-section - “H” - has been added
αναφέρθηκε στα ασφαλιστικά προϊόντα κάλυψης των κινδύνων πειρατείας, τις αντίστοιχες ασφαλιστικές
covering “devices for improving propulsion efficien-
αγορές, καθώς και σε συμπληρωματικές καλύψεις διαφυγόντων κερδών. Έκλεισε την ομιλία του δίνοντας
cy”. Section 17 “Hatchways” has been extensively
έμφαση στα πλεονεκτήματα χρησιμοποίησης Ελλήνων μεσιτών ναυτασφαλειών στη διαμεσολάβηση μεταξύ
revised due to the new IACS Unified Requirement
διεθνών ασφαλιστικών εταιρειών και ελληνικών ναυτιλιακών γραφείων.
S21A “Evaluation of Scantlings of Hatch Covers and Hatch Coamings and Closing Arrangements of Car-
Μετά τo πέρας των παρουσιάσεων, έγιναν ερωτήσεις και συζήτηση επί των θεμάτων από τα μέλη και τους παρευρισκόμενους.
go Holds of Ships”.
142 shipping news GL Issues New Rules for Crew Boats special needs of clients
structural requirements, while sections 9 to 18 cover
according to the rules
machinery, electrical and automation systems, in
with full confidence in the
particular as regards the operation of the vessel. In
fact that their vessel can
addition special requirements are introduced, such
meet with classification
as for bow designs matching the boat landings of off-
approval. The Rules have
shore structures, as well as special provisions for the
been developed in con-
transfer of personnel.
sultation with the flag states and will
New GL class notations have been introduced with
the Rules, including: “Crew Boat 1”, for vessels which
development of interna-
are intended to carry 12 Offshore Support Personnel
tional standards for Crew
(OSP) or fewer, “Crew Boat 2”, for vessels intend-
ed to carry more than 12 OSP, and “Offshore Wind Farm Service Craft” (OWFSC) for vessels dedicated
Breaking the great variety
to wind farm service, restricted to the carriage of 60
of crew boat types into
OSP or fewer. The class notation “RPw” can also be
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) announces therelease of
16 types, according to 4
given to vessels outfitted with two completely inde-
the first comprehensive set of classification rules for
basic parameters - the designer, builder and com-
pendent propulsion systems, which are designed to
Crew Boats and Offshore Wind Farm Service Craft.
missioner of a crew boat can very easily take into ac-
operate in the vicinity of wind farms.
As the energy industry expands and installations are
count the classification rules which apply to the ves-
pushed ever further offshore and into more chal-
sel under consideration. Such a breakdown will allow
Sections covering the variety of special mechani-
lenging environments, the vessels servicing these
not only the easy identification of class requirements
cal equipment used upon Crew Boats have been
installations must be relied upon to operate in wider
but a design tailored to meet project specifications
developed to take into account the specialised re-
spectrum of conditions and take on more complex
and budgets. The main parameters are: the number
quirements of offshore operation, including: person-
of non-crew personnel to be carried (below or above
nel transfer systems, stabilisation systems and heli-
12), the length of the vessel (below or above 24 m),
copter winching. The deployment of Crew Boats in
The rules, which entered into force on 1 May 2012,
speed (high speed range or below), and the hull form
extreme weather conditions is also covered with a
have been developed by bringing together, for the
(mono or multihull).
section covering operation in ice.
national codes and recommendations which can be
The new rules consist of 18 sections with the first
The Crew Boat Rules can be found online in Part
used for the classification of Crew Boats. The rules
two covering general requirements, classification
6 (Offshore Service Vessels) of the GL Rules and
will allow designers to develop vessels built to the
and surveys. Sections 3 to 8 deal with the
Guidelines 2011. A printed version is also available.
first time, all of the relevant GL rules and the inter-
GL Noble Denton Appoints John Walker to Lead Americas Marine Casualty Investigation Practice Mr John Walker has been appointed as head of GL Noble Denton’s growing Marine Casualty Investigation practice for the Americas region. Based in the New York office, John leads a team of expert marine engineers, master mariners and naval architects. His team play a key role in determining the cause and extent of machinery damage, fires, collisions, groundings, salvage operations and other marine incidents. John brings nineteen years of professional experience in vessel engineering, project management and marine accident investigation to his role. Prior to joining GL Noble Denton in 2009, he served as fleet technical superintendent for a ship management company. He also has significant sea-going experience as chief engineer on a variety of vessels, including dry cargo, cruise liners and super yachts. Commenting on his appointment, John said: “GL Noble Denton places considerable focus and investment into the development of our Marine Casualty Investigation practice. As we expand our presence across the Americas region, we will continue to efficiently deliver expert technical advice on marine incidents.” GL Noble Denton’s Marine Casualty Investigation team works with the world’s leading law firms, insurance underwriters, protection and indemnity (P&I) clubs and ship owners. The company also has a well-established record of assisting clients on technical matters for litigation purposes. Image: John Walker, New Head of GL Noble Denton’s Marine Casualty Investigation Practice - Region Americas
Οι Έλληνες Χρηματοδότες Ναυτιλίας τίμησαν την κυρία Μαριάννα Μόσχου Η Ένωση Τραπεζικών και Χρηματοοικονομικών Στελεχών της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας διοργάνωσε με μεγάλη επιτυχία την ετήσια εκδήλωσης της «ΗΜΕΡΑ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΗΣ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΔΟΤΗΣΗΣ 20012»
Η εν λόγω εκδήλωση πραγματοποιείται με σκοπό έχει την διάδοση των σκοπών της «Ένωσης» και της σημασίας της χρηματοδότησης της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας στην γενικότερη ανάπτυξη του υγιούς αυτού κλάδου της Ελληνικής Οικονομίας. Στην σημερινή εκδήλωση βραβεύτικε η κα Μαριάννα Μόσχου, Πρώην Διευθύντρια του Καταστήματος Ναυτιλίας της Citi Bank. Οι εκδήλωση πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλοίο-μουσείο Ελλάς Λίμπερτυ παρουσία πολλών μελλών της Ναυτιλιακής Κοινότητας. Τον συντονισμό της εκδήλωσης ανέλαβε ο Γενικός Γραμματέας της Ένωσης κ. Γιώργος Ξηραδάκης και τον εισαγωγικό πανηγυρικό λόγο για την εκδήλωση εκφώνησε ο κ. Αλέξανδρος Τουρκολιάς που μίλησε για την το ποικίλο έργο της Κας Μόσχου. Το βιογραφικό της Κας Μόσχου περιέγραψε ο κ. Δημήτρης Βασιλάκος Αφού ακολούθησε ενδιαφέρουσα συζήτηση με τους παρευρισκομένους, σύσσωμο το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο αποτελούμενο από τους κκ Αλέξανδρο Τουρκολιά Πρόεδρο, Νικόλαο Βουγιούκα Α’ Αντιπρόεδρο, Κωνσταντίνο Κουτσουμπέλη Β’ Αντιπρόεδρο, Γιώργο Ξηραδάκη Γεν. Γραμματέα, Άγγελο Ρουπα-Παντελέων Αν. Γενικό Γραμματέα, Κατερίνα Φίτσιου Ταμία και το Μέλος Κωνσταντίνμος Οικονόμου, βράβευσαν την Κα Μαριάννα Μόσχου για την προσφορά της στην διαμόρφωση μιας δυναμικής αγοράς με διεθνή εμβέλεια προσφέροντάς τους αναμνηστική πλακέτα.Μετά το τέλος της εκδήλωσης το ΔΣ δεξιώθηκε τους τιμηθέντες και παρευρισκομένους στην εκδήλωση για την ΗΜΕΡΑ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΗΣ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΔΟΤΗΣΗΣ 2012. Ομιλία Γ. ΞΗΡΑΔΑΚΗ Γενικού γραμματέα της
εταιρεία που δημιούργησε ο Καπετάν Βασίλης Cos-
tamare, καλύπτει τα έξοδα συντήρησης του πλοίου και τους συγχαίρουμε για αυτό . ]
Ελληνικής Ναυτιλιακής Κοινότητας, Αξιότιμε Γενικέ
Γραμματέα του Υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης και Ναυτιλίας,
για να συμπληρώσει
Αξιότιμοι Πρόεδροι και μέλη Διοικητικών Συμβουλίων
Χρηματοοικονομικών Στελεχών Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας
Ναυτιλιακών Ενώσεων και Συλλόγων, Αγαπητοί
την πρώτη της Δεκαετία από την ίδρυση της. Είμαστε
Φίλοι, Αγαπητά μέλη της Ένωσης Τραπεζικών
μία ένωση ανθρώπων που από τη φύση της εργασίας
και Χρηματοοικονομικών Στελεχών της Ελληνικής
τους και μόνο ανταγωνίζονται αφού και τα 170
Ναυτιλίας. Σας καλωσορίζω στην Ημέρα Ναυτιλιακής
μέλη της εργάζονται είτε σε διαφορετικές τράπεζες
Χρηματοδότησης 2012. Ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης
είτε σε ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες στο χρηματοδοτικό
μας κ. Τουρκολιάς και Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο
και χρηματοοικονομικό τομέα. Αυτό όμως δεν
μας εμπόδισε να μπορέσουμε να ιδρύσουμε μία
η Ένωσης Τραπεζικών &
στέγη που θα φιλοξενούσε την επιθυμία μας να κάνουμε γνωστό σε όλη την αγορά της ναυτιλίας
κύριο χρηματοδότη της ανακατασκευής του Ελλάς
το επάγγελμα του Έλληνα χρηματοδότη, του
Λίμπερτυ να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το πρώτο πλωτό
ναυτιλιακού τραπεζίτη και του χρηματοοικονομικού
Ναυτικό Μουσείο σαν τόπο για την διοργάνωση
στελέχους των ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών . Κύριοι σκοποί
αυτής της ξεχωριστής μας εκδήλωσης. Σαν ένδειξη
της Ένωσής μας μεταξύ άλλων είναι η προβολή
εκτίμησης και φόρο τιμής σε αυτόν τον μεγάλο
του ρόλου της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας στο παγκόσμιο
Έλληνα ναυτικό, καραβοκύρη, ευεργέτη,
στερέωμα και της χρηματοδότησής της, η μελέτη και
φίλο, πελάτη και συνεργάτη σας καλώ σε ενός
έρευνα χρηματοδοτικών και χρηματοοικονομικών
θεμάτων που αφορούν την Ελληνική Ναυτιλία στο
αλησμόνητο Καπετάν Βασίλη Κωνσταντακόπουλο
σηκωθούν όρθιοι.
παγκοσμιοποιημένο περιβάλλον, η επιμόρφωση των μελών της καθώς επίσης και η διαμόρφωση
1 λεπτό Σιγής
προτάσεων επί θεμάτων που ενδιαφέρουν τον κλάδο. Όλοι αυτοί οι στόχοι αποσκοπούν στην
Σας Ευχαριστώ
αναγνώριση του έργου των χρηματοδοτών ναυτιλίας και στην προώθηση του Πειραιά ως διεθνούς
[Απλά σαν υπενθυμίζω ότι ακόμη και σήμερα η
έχει περιέλθει η πατρίδα μας με την ακυβερνησία και το φάντασμα της χρεοκοπίας να πλανιέται μπροστά μας. Τα πλοία όμως πρέπει να δουλεύουν, όπως και αυτό εδώ στο οποίο βρισκόμαστε δούλευε ακόμα και σε καιρό πολέμου όπου μέσα του μπορεί να υπήρχαν ακόμη και Ελληνικές καρδιές να μεταφέρουν πολεμοφόδια στον πόλεμο κατά του ναζισμού. Μα και μετά σίγουρα κάποιοι χρηματοδότες
καραβοκύρηδες εφοπλιστές για να αγοράσουν παρόμοια πλοία αμέσως μετά τον πόλεμο για να μπορέσει η χώρα μας να γεμίσει τα άδεια ταμεία της, για να βρει ο Έλληνας ναυτικός δουλειά και να ταΐσει την οικογένειά του για να φτάσει η Ελλάδα αργότερα να γίνει μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Οικογένειας δίπλα σε μεγάλες οικονομίες. Μάλιστα αγαπητοί φίλοι! Τους φάρους τους χρειαζόμαστε στις φουρτούνες πιο πολύ από ότι στις μπουνάτσες και γι’ αυτό επιμείναμε να μην αναβάλουμε την οργάνωση της εκδήλωσής μας επικαλούμενοι τις δύσκολες συνθήκες της χώρας αλλά αντιθέτως να φωτίσουμε με τη ναυτιλιακή
Αγαπητή κα. Μαριάννα Μόσχου, Αξιότιμα μέλη της και
όλοι πολύ καλά τη σημερινή δύσκολη κατάσταση που
κέντρου ναυτιλιακής χρηματοδοτήσεωςΓνωρίζουμε
μας λάμψη τους Έλληνες και να τους δώσουμε ελπίδα.
Η Ένωση έχει θεσπίσει ως κύριο θεσμό
της την Ημέρα Ναυτιλιακής Χρηματοδότησης όπου τιμούμε μια προσωπικότητα της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς η οποία αποδεδειγμένα συνέβαλε στην ανάπτυξη της
πρόσφερε και
συνεχίζει να προσφέρει πολλά .
Για το 2012 το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Ένωσης ανέδειξε παμψηφεί ως τιμώμενη προσωπικότητα την κα Μαριάννα Μόσχου. Είμαι βέβαιος ότι πολύ από σας εδώ μέσα στο αμπάρι του Ελλάς Λίμπερτυ γνωρίσουν πολύ καλά την Κα Μαριάνα Μόσχου και θα μπορούσαν να βρουν χίλιους και πλέον λόγους για την βράβευσή στην λαμπερή γυναίκα της Ακτής Μιαούλης. Τους δικούς μας όμως λόγους θα μας τους αναλύσει καλύτερα ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης κ. Αλέξανδρος Τουρκολιάς ο οποίος θα μας μιλήσει για το ρόλο που διαδραμάτισε η κα Μόσχου στην εξέλιξη και ανάπτυξη του κλάδου. Πριν από αυτόν όμως θα ζητήσω από έναν μακρινό διάδοχο της Κας Μόσχου, τον τωρινό Διευθυντή Ναυτιλιακού της Citi Πειραιά να μας περιγράψει το βιογραφικό της. Στη συνέχεια θα καλέσουμε στο βήμα το τιμώμενο πρόσωπο την κα Μαριάννα Μόσχου η οποία θα μοιραστεί μαζί μας την πορεία της στο χώρο προσπαθώντας να συνδέσει το παρελθόν με το παρόν και να μας δώσει τις σκέψεις της για το μέλλον του κλάδου.
144 shipping news Ομιλία ΑΛ. ΤΟΥΡΚΟΛΙΑ
ποτέ.Είναι μεγάλη χαρά και τιμή για εμένα να
βρίσκομαι σήμερα ανάμεσα σε συνοδοιπόρους μίας
ολόκληρο κλάδο στη θέση του παγκόσμιου οδηγού
Κυρίες και Κύριοι,
ζωής. Τι να πρωτοθυμηθώ σε μία 35ετή πορεία.
των εξελίξεων. Εφοπλιστές, πλοίαρχοι, τραπεζίτες,
Πολλά θα
μπορούσα να αναφέρω για την
Πολλές συνεργασίες, μεγάλη ένταση, πολλή δουλειά,
δικηγόροι, μηχανικοί και κοντά τους ολόκληροι
προσωπικότητα και το ήθος της κυρίας Μαριάννας
αλλά και άνθρωποι πρακτικοί, ουσιαστικοί, με στόχους
Μόσχου, που –σήμερα- ως Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης
και επιδιώξεις, στη βάση της συνεργασίας, στη βάση
Τραπεζικών και Χρηματοοικονομικών Στελεχών της
της ουσίας. Πολλές φορές συμφωνήσαμε, ακόμη
Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας έχω την τιμή να της παραδώσω
περισσότερες διαφωνήσαμε μέχρι να επέλθει η
αποτέλεσμα σήμερα ο Πειραιάς, πέρα από κορυφαίες
το βραβείο.
συμφωνία, πάντα όμως μας ένωνε η κοινή πίστη στο
ναυτιλιακές εταιρίες, να φιλοξενεί παραρτήματα
Μια γυναίκα που στον αγώνα της να κερδίσει τη ζωή
όραμα της ανάπτυξης και της προοπτικής, σε έναν
και να σταθεί στο ύψος των περιστάσεων κέρδισε
κλάδο, που σαν αυτόν δεν υπάρχει άλλος, στον κλάδο
γραφεία ειδικευμένων νομικών στο αντικείμενο,
όλους εμάς με την ποιότητα του χαρακτήρα της και
της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας.Η σημερινή μέρα με πάει
προμηθευτικές εταιρίες κολοσσούς στο χώρο, και
την έμπρακτη, συνεχή της, προσφορά.
πολλά χρόνια πίσω, όταν ξεκίνησα, το Δεκέμβριο του
συνολικά μία οικονομική δραστηριότητα η οποία σε
H επαγγελματική της καταξίωση είναι δεδομένη,
επίπεδο τεχνογνωσίας συγκαταλέγεται στις κορυφαίες
αφού διέπρεψε σε όποια θέση βρέθηκε και, σίγουρα,
συνεσταλμένη 2ετής φοιτήτρια φιλολογίας, γεμάτη,
παγκοσμίως στο συγκεκριμένο αντικείμενο.Μέσα από
καθιερώθηκε ως ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά στελέχη
όμως, ενέργεια και φιλοδοξίες.Από τα πρώτα μου
το μοντέλο επιχειρηματικότητας του εφοπλισμού είναι
στον τομέα των ναυτιλιακών χρηματοδοτήσεων.
κιόλας βήματα είχα την τύχη να συνεργαστώ με
πολλά τα μαθήματα που μπορεί να πάρει κάποιος.
Σημειώνεται, ιδιαίτερα, η συμμετοχή της σε ΔΣ
καταξιωμένους ανθρώπους, που με δίδαξαν πολλά
Θάρρος, έγκαιρη λήψη αποφάσεων, δημιουργικότητα.
ναυτιλιακών συγκροτημάτων και τραπεζών, ως σημείο
και με έκαναν όχι απλά να αγαπήσω την Τράπεζα και
Να γνωρίζεις πότε να επενδύσεις και πότε να
αναγνώρισης της επαγγελματικής της επιτυχίας.
το χώρο της ναυτιλίας, αλλά και να αγωνιστώ με όλες
«μαζευτείς», να παρακολουθείς τις παγκόσμιες τάσεις
Παράλληλα όμως επέδειξε και ένα ανεξάντλητο
μου τις δυνάμεις, για την εδραίωση και ανάπτυξή του.
και να «ανοίγεις» αγορές κατά το δοκούν. Να είσαι
απόθεμα ψυχικής έγνοιας για τους ανθρώπους. Οι
Δεν ήταν εύκολο γυναίκα και ναυτιλία!
εξωστρεφής, να συνεργάζεσαι, να υπολογίζεις το
πρωτοβουλίες, οι ολοκληρωμένες δραστηριότητες
αντιμετώπισα την πρόκληση και δεν το μετάνοιωσα!
ρίσκο κάθε μέρα, και να προχωράς. Παράλληλα, να
που ανέπτυξε, η συστηματική και άοκνη παρουσία
Ηταν χρόνια επιτυχίας, αναγνώρισης και κυρίως
γνωρίζεις τόσο τα όριά σου, όσο και τις προοπτικές
της, πρώτα στο Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα «Αλέξανδρος
υπερηφάνιας. Ελληνες Τραπεζίτες, για σπουδαίους
σου. Να γίνεσαι καταλύτης εξελίξεων στη χώρα σου,
Ωνάσης» και κυρίως
Ελληνες Επιχειρηματίες, να δημιουργούν εποχή στη
αλλά και σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Να αντλείς χρήματα
Εταιρεία Προστασίας και Αποκατάστασης Αναπήρων
για νέα επιχειρηματικά εγχειρήματα, στον ευρύτερο
Παίδων) καταδεικνύουν μια γυναίκα, που ως νόημα
Πιστεύω πολύ στη ναυτιλία μας. Στη ναυτιλία της
κλάδο, και παράλληλα να συμμετέχεις σε επενδύσεις,
και κανόνες της ανθρώπινης ζωής, δηλαδή της
καρδιάς μας. Έμαθα πολλά στα χρόνια που πέρασαν,
συναφείς ή μη, με γνώμονα, όχι μόνο το οικονομικό
ζωής της, έχει καθορίσει την συμφωνία/εναρμόνιση
και ακόμα μαθαίνω. Το ελληνικό «θαύμα» της
αποτέλεσμα, αλλά και μία ευρεία αντίληψη περί
του ηθικού νόμου με την προσωπική βούληση και
ναυτιλίας έχει τις ρίζες του στο παρελθόν μας και είναι
κοινωνικής υπευθυνότητας.Θέλω να σταθώ λίγο σε
βγαλμένο μέσα από το είναι μας. Η εξωστρέφεια ήταν
αυτό το σημείο. Θεωρώ στον ευρύτερο χώρο της
Αναλογιζόμενοι τα προβλήματα, τις ανατροπές και
πάντα στο γονίδιό μας και είναι απόλυτα φυσικό να
ναυτιλίας στην Ελλάδα έχει εφαρμοστεί η έννοια ενός
τις ανακατατάξεις, που έχουν θέσει σε δοκιμασία τον
διαπρέπουμε ως χώρα στον κλάδο της ναυτιλίας και
ειδικού μοντέλου επιχειρηματικότητας. Ο εφοπλιστής,
ελληνικό μικρόκοσμό μας, η στάση της Μαριάννας
σήμερα. Για εμένα, το ελληνικό «θαύμα» της ναυτιλίας
δε στέκει αποκλειστικά στην πλοιοκτησία. Επενδύει
στην επαγγελματική της ζωή, μας δίνει κουράγιο και
στηρίζεται σε ένα συνδυασμό παραγόντων που
σε κλάδους με προοπτική, όπως για παράδειγμα η
τονώνει την αισιοδοξία μας.
ιστορικά συνετέλεσαν στην πραγματοποίησή του.
Όπως συμβαίνει και στις περισσότερες παγκόσμιες
στόλου, ή το incubation πρωτοποριακών μοντέλων
επιτυχίες, αρχικά ήταν ορισμένοι άνθρωποι, ηγέτες,
πρωτοπόροι στην εποχή τους, άνθρωποι που τα
τεχνολογίες, στον πολιτισμό και τον αθλητισμό, σε
Αγαπητοί μου Αλέκο & Γιώργο,
σύνορα της χώρας τους και οι συγκυρίες περιόριζαν
(Κύριοι Αλ. Τουρκολιά & Γιώργο Ξυραδάκη),
την ευρύτητα του πνεύματός τους, οι οποίοι ωθήθηκαν
καινοτομίας, στον τουρισμό, σε boutique υπηρεσίες
Αγαπητοί Φίλοι,Από καρδιάς ευχαριστώ και εσάς και
να κάνουν την υπέρβαση. Ξεκίνησαν θαραλλέες
αυξημένης προστιθέμενης αξίας. Τα κοινά γνωρίσματα
το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Ένωσης Τραπεζικών
προσπάθειες, με μεγάλο προσωπικό ρίσκο, και
των επενδύσεων αυτών είναι το όραμα, η καινοτομία,
και Χρηματοοικονομικών Στελεχών της Ελληνικής
η πολυπραγμοσύνη, αλλά και το concept «μένουμε
Ναυτιλίας για την ιδιαίτερα συγκινητική πρόσκλησή
αυτοκρατορίες για τις οποίες είμαστε πλέον όλοι
Ελλάδα». Όσο διεθνής είναι η κύρια δραστηριοποίηση
σας νάμαι το τιμώμενο πρόσωπο της φετινής
υπερήφανοι. Υπερήφανοι στη σκέψη ότι το «θαύμα»
του εφοπλιστή, τόσο ελλαδικός είναι ο κύριος όγκος
εκδήλωσης.35 χρόνια, μία ζωή – Μαθήματα από την
έγινε στην Ελλάδα, στη σκέψη ότι οι άνθρωποι που τα
των παράπλευρων οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων του.
Ελληνική Nαυτιλία και τη Citi
κατάφεραν ζουν ανάμεσά μας, υπερήφανοι για το ότι
Μερικά παραδείγματα: το ΩΚΚ, η Στέγη Γραμμάτων
όταν ξεκίνησαν δε διέφεραν σε πολλά από τους
και Τεχνών, το Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης, αλλά και
Οι μέρες που περνάει η χώρα μας είναι δύσκολες και
περισσότερους από εμάς. Με άλλα λόγια το
πιο πρόσφατα το mega-project της Λυρικής στα
η καθημερινότητά μας γεμάτη αβεβαιότητες! Το να
«Αμερικάνικο όνειρο» συντελέστηκε κατά κόρον στην
Νότια, το Costa Navarino στην Πύλο και το σε εξέλιξη
μιλάει κανείς για εμπειρίες του χθες ίσως φαντάζει σε
Ελλάδα, τον 20ο αιώνα, και οι πιο σπουδαίοι
«Rethink Athens.» («Ξανασκέψου την Αθήνα»)Η
όλους μας άτοπο. Θα ήθελα όμως να μοιραστώ μαζί
ενσαρκωτές του είναι οι πελάτες μας, είμαστε εμείς.
πατριωτική αυτή ματιά του εφοπλιστή, τον ξεχωρίζει
σας μερικά «μαθήματα – lessons learnt” από αυτές τις
Σταδιακά, γύρω από τη δραστηριοποίηση του
από απρόσωπους επενδυτές, από διαχειριστές
εμπειρίες που ίσως σήμερα είναι πιο χρήσιμα από
κεφαλαίων, από τεχνοκράτες των «αγορών». Ο
στην ΕΛ.Ε.Π.Α.Π. (Ελληνική
Ομιλία κας. Μαριάννας Μόσχου
οικονομίας σε
στηριγμένων έντονο
διαχείρισης στις
νέες της
shipping news 145
Έλληνας εφοπλιστής δραστηριοπείται με συναίσθημα
βοηθητικού προσωπικού, διεύθυνσης, διοίκησης το
και επενδύει στον τόπο που μεγάλωσε. Επενδύει,
αντιμετωπίζει ο πελάτης, πάντα προς όφελός του.
παιδί που έρχεται στην ΕΛΕΠΑΠ παύει να αισθάνεται
όμως και με λογική, γιατί οι κλάδοι που επιλέγει
Πόσο αυτονόητο ακούγεται αυτό το τελευταίο σε εμάς
απομονωμένο και διαφορετικό. Στους φιλόξενους
«τυχαίνει» να είναι οι κατεξοχήν κλάδοι που έχει
τους «παλαιότερους»! «Προς όφελος του πελάτη»,
χώρους της , κάνει φίλους, παίζει, ανταποδίδει το
νόημα να επενδύσει κανείς στον τόπο αυτό. Μιας και
και όμως η παγκόσμια τραπεζική πρακτική και οι
χαμόγελο γιατί αισθάνεται ασφαλές. Σε μια εξαιρετικά
είναι της μόδας, με τα κοινωνικοπολιτικά τεκτενόμενα
τάσεις της τελευταίας 20ετίας στη Wall Street, πόσο
δύσκολη οικονομικά περίοδο για όλους μας, την
του τόπου μας, τις ημέρες που διανύουμε, θα
διαφορετικές φαντάζουν πλέον. Ο τραπεζίτης, έχει
πιο δύσκολη ίσως οικονομικά περίοδο για την ίδια
τολμούσα να βάλω έναν ιδεολογικό-πολιτικό μανδύα
στόχο να βρει λύση. Έχει στόχο να είναι εκεί,
την ΕΛΕΠΑΠ, στα 75 χρονια παρουσίας της στο
στις σκέψεις αυτές. Το μοντέλο του ελληνικού
σύμβουλος, συμπαραστάτης και συνεμπνευστής
χώρο της αναπηρίας, αισθάνομαι βαρύ το χρέος να
εφοπλισμού θα το χαρακτήριζα ως «πατριωτικό
εννίοτε στο όραμα του πελάτη του, και όμως πόσο
καταφέρω να ανταποκριθώ στις περιστάσεις και στα
καπιταλισμό», και είναι βαθιά πεποίθησή μου, ότι ένα
συχνά γίνεται πλέον αυτό στη διεθνή τραπεζική
τόσο σοβαρά οικονομικά προβλήματα που κλονίζουν
τέτοιο μοντέλο, με πυρήνα κατεξοχήν κλάδους
πρακτική?Συνοψίζοντας, νιώθω μεγάλη τύχη που
τη λειτουργία του Ιδρύματος.Μέσα σ’αυτά τα 12
εξωστρέφειας και προοπτικής, θα μπορούσε να
μπόρεσα να υπηρετήσω την ελληνική ναυτιλία για
χρόνια σκληρής δουλειάς, μαζί με όλα τα μέλη του
αποτελέσει το πρότυπο και για άλλες οικονομικές
λογαριασμό της Citi. Εμπνεύστηκα από την ιδέα της
Δ.Σ του ιδρύματος, όλοι εθελοντές και σε συνεργασία
δραστηριότητες στη χώρα μας, όπου φαινομενικά
ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, από τους εφοπλιστές και το
με το εξειδικευμένο επιστημονικό θεραπευτικό και
όραμά τους, από μεγάλους ηγέτες και δασκάλους.
εκπαιδευτικό προσωπικό του, αγωνιζόμαστε σκληρά,
πραγματικά ανταγωνιστικά πλεονεκτήματα και να
Εξελίχτηκα επαγγελματικά μέσα από τις διαδικασίες,
σε καθημερινή βάση, για να συνεχίσει το όραμά της
φέρουν το μέλλον, που όλοι επιθυμούμε, πιο κοντά.
τις δομές, και την οργάνωση του πρωτοπόρου στο
η ΕΛΕΠΑΠ για τα «Βήματα Ζωής» για το ανάπηρο
Τέτοιοι κλάδοι είναι: ο σιδηρόδρομος και εν γένει οι
χώρο, είχα την τύχη να συνεργαστώ με μία κορυφαία
παιδί, αλλά και τη διαβίου υποστήριξη των παιδιών
μεταφορές, η εκμετάλευση των προβλήτων στα
ομάδα στελεχών, γνώρισα και συνεργάστηκα με
με αναπηρία που μεγαλώνουν και έχουν ακόμα
λιμάνια, ο τουρισμός, οι ανανεώσιμες μορφές
ανθρώπους με όραμα και φιλοδοξία μέσα και έξω από
περισσότερο ανάγκη από στήριξη και φροντίδα.
ενέργειας, οι ειδικές εφαρμογές πληροφορικής και
τα στενά όρια του χώρου και πάνω από όλα είχα την
Σε καμία περίπτωση η ΕΛΕΠΑΠ δεν θέλει να
είμαι σίγουρη πολλά ακόμα.Αναφέρθηκα στην αρχή
τύχη να τα ζήσω όλα αυτά στην Ελλάδα, κοντά στην
στερήσει από τα παιδιά της , παιδιά με αναπηρία,
σε μαθήματα ζωής. Η Citi, την οποία υπηρέτησα για
οικογένειά μου, μαζί με τον Ανδρέα και τα παιδιά.
τα «Βήματα Ζωής», που τα σύγχρονα επιστημονικά
35 χρόνια, οι συνεργάτες μου, η επαφή με όλους εσάς
Νιώθω ότι τα 35 αυτά χρόνια ήταν χρόνια δημιουργίας,
και θεραπευτικά προγράμματα που εφαρμόζει, τους
με έμαθαν τη σημασία του να δουλεύεις ως ομάδα, να
εξέλιξης και ισορροπίας. Θεωρώ ότι η ισορροπία είναι
συνεχίζεις την προσπάθεια - παρά τα προβλήματα, τις
το ζητούμενο στις μεγάλες επιδιώξεις και στην
συγκυρίες και τη διαφαινόμενη αποτυχία, - να
προσωπική ευτυχία.
Τους ευχαριστώ όλους μέσα
Είναι τελείως διαφορετικό να σου το περιγράφουν, από
προσηλώνεσαι στο στόχο και να πετυχαίνεις. Να
από την καρδιά μου γιατί με έμαθαν ότι όταν θέλεις
το να το ζεις καθημερινά.Η δουλειά μου ήταν για μένα
μαθαίνεις από την ήττα, να γίνεσαι πιο δυνατός και να
κάτι πολύ, όταν αγαπάς κάτι και αγωνίζεσαι με όλες
πάντα «καθήκον» και «μεράκι». Με απορροφούσε,
επιστρέφεις. Να πείθεις, να χτίζεις εμπιστοσύνη, να
σου τις δυνάμεις γι’αυτό , το πετυχαίνεις. Μ’έμαθαν οι
με μάγευε, με ταξίδευε, με πείσμωνε, με σαγήνευε.Για
έχεις ακεραιότητα, να συμπάσχεις και να νοιάζεσαι, να
προκλήσεις να γίνονται στόχοι, τα προβλήματα να
μία ακόμη φορά θέλω να ευχαριστήσω για όλα όσα
δίνεις όλο σου το είναι, αλλά και να ξεχωρίζεις τα
γίνονται λύσεις, τα αδιέξοδα προοπτική.Το 2001
μοιραστήκαμε με τους συναδέλφους κα συνεργάτες
σημαντικά από τα λιγότερο. Να είσαι ο εαυτός σου, να
κλείνει «το ταξίδι Citi – Ναυτιλία». Και τώρα τι? Από
από τα πρώτα 35 χρόνια αλλά και τους πάντα φίλους
μη φοβάσαι, να αγαπάς αυτό που κάνεις και να
πάντα ήμουν αποφασισμένη ότι συσσωρευμένος
καρδιάς και συνεργάτες της ζωής μου μετά τη Citi-
εξελίσσεσαι διαρκώς. Θεωρώ πολύ σημαντικό το να
bank (αλλά όχι χωρίς τη Citibank!). Εύχομαι καλή
εξελίσσεσαι διαρκώς τόσο προσωπικά όσο και ως
χρησιμοποιηθεί!!!Μ’αυτό το “moto” ζωής συνέχισα και
τύχη σε όλες σας τις επιδιώξεις, σε έναν τόπο που
οργανισμός – να κυνηγάς καινούρια πράγματα για τον
συνεχίζω σήμερα ως Γενική Γραμματέας και μέλος
η αλήθεια είναι ότι βρίσκεται σε κρίσιμη καμπή. Το
κλάδο – να αξιοποιείς τα διεθνή εργαλεία, την
Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής στο ΄Ιδρυμα ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ
μήνυμα αλληλεγγύης και εθελοντικής προσφοράς, με
οργάνωση και τη δομή ενός οργανισμού με κορυφαίο
Σ. ΩΝΑΣΗΣ, που στόχος του είναι η επιχειρηματική
απόλυτη συνέπεια, ομαδικότητα και επαγγελματισμό,
know-how. Για εμένα είναι επιτυχία ζωής τo μέγεθος
επιτυχία για την εξυπηρέτηση των κοινωφελών
σήμερα περισσότερο από ποτέ χρειάζεται η Ελλάδα.
και η πολυπλοκότητα τότε, ορισμένων deals που
σκοπών του, αλλά και ως Πρόεδρος της ΕΛΕΠΑΠ,
Πιστέψτε με «δίνεις και βέβαια παίρνεις ιδιαίτερη
καταφέραμε να χρηματοδοτήσουμε, το ότι φέραμε το
του ιδρύματος που με μάγεψε από την πρώτη κιόλας
ικανοποίηση».Και, Δε χάνουμε την αισιοδοξία μας. Το
πρώτο κοινοπρακτικό δάνειο στην Ελλάδα αλλά και το
στιγμή που το επισκέφτηκα, το 2001.
έχουμε όλοι μας δείξει, IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.
πρώτο ομολογιακό στην Αμερική, καθώς και το ότι
Ευχαριστώ τη Citi και τη Ναυτιλία για τα 35 χρόνια
πείσαμε στενούς συνεργάτες, όταν η συγκυρία ήταν
Με την ΕΛΕΠΑΠ, μπήκε ο εθελοντισμός στη ζωή
μου! Από την πρώτη στιγμή, το έργο ζωής της
χρηματοδοτικές λύσεις προς όφελός τους. Πρέπει να
ΕΛΕΠΑΠ για τα παιδιά με αναπηρία, με γοήτευσε και
Ευχαριστώ τον Peter Livanos, τον Γιάννη Αγγελικούση
αναγνωρίζεις ότι οι περισσότερες διαπραγματεύσεις
με συγκίνησε παράλληλα.Τα παιδιά βρίσκουν στην
αλλά και τον Θόδωρο Αφθονίδη για την τιμή που μου
σε ένα μικρό χώρο, όπως αυτός της ναυτιλίας,
ΕΛΕΠΑΠ μια ανοικτή αγκαλιά, που τα υποδέχεται ,
κάνανε να συμμετέχω στα Διοικητικά Συμβούλιά τους
αποτελούν ένα «repeat game», όπως μας μαθαίνει το
για να τα φροντίσει, να τα στηρίξει, να τα βοηθήσει να
από το 2003 έως το 2011. Ευγνωμονώ το Ιδρυμα
Game theory. Δεν πας να «ρίξεις» τον άλλο, γιατί θα
αξιοποιήσουν στο μέγιστο τις δυνατότητές τους. Είναι
Ωνάση για την εξαιρετική τιμή και εμπιστοσύνη να
ξανασυνεργαστείς μαζί του στο μέλλον, ή θα ακουστεί
πραγματικά μαγικό να τα βλέπεις μέρα, με τη μέρα
είμαι συνοδοιπόρος τους από το 2005 στο υπέροχο
σε ένα στενό κύκλο και θα το βρεις μπροστά σου στην
να εξελίσσονται, να βελτιώνονται να κάνουν τα πρώτα
ταξείδι δημιουργίας για κοινωφελείς σκοπούς.Σας
επόμενη διαπραγμάτευση. Άρα πάντα με πνεύμα
«Βήματα Ζωής».
ευχαριστώ όλους, και ειδικά Αγαπητοί μου Αλέκο και
Με την αγάπη όλων, γονιών, θεραπευτών, γιατρών,
Γιώργο περισσότερο, για τη σημερινή πρόσκληση!!
υπέροχου ταξειδιού.
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