Nafs november 2014

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ΝΑΥΣ nafs

Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry - NOVEMBER 2014 - issue 101 ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 11047-3179

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

Bimonthly Review for the Shipping industry

Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry


ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179 Issue 99 - July 2014


Posidonia 2014...and the

Cruise Industry’s

winner is KAMINCO USA, Galileo’s Cryobox

economic contribution sets all-time high in Europe


Vicky Liouta

Greek Shipping at a boom? Post Posidonia pulse

Ted Petropoulos

What a difference 90 days makes for Private Equity Funds in Shipping


After 18 years of serving the marine news industry, we are proud to publish our 100th issue of NAFS. We want to thank you all for your trust and support. Objective for 200 issues is set!!!


NORSAFE ACADEMY Πρώτυπο κέντρο εκπαίδευσης σε σωστικά μέσα, στο Λαύριο


06. ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Ελληνοτουρκικά, ΑΟΖ και στο βάθος...εκλογές 08. ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Ελληνοτουρκικά, ΑΟΖ και στο βάθος...εκλογές 10. TED PETROPOULOS: Dry Bulk Blues 12. ABB: Upgrading marine turbocharging GERASSIMOU: World’s First LNG-fuelled catamaran 14. GEORGE “Francisco.” Turn Key solutions by CHART-FEROX 16. TURBOMED S.A: Now in Shanghai 28. Νέες υπηρεσίες από την Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος Lloyd’s SA meets with major manufacturers and Academia 30. Hellenic to provide the Greek Shipping Community with a holistic approach on Energy Efficiency Solutions

36. Alfa Laval: Fuel cooling system for marine gas oil συνεργασία του Ιδρύματος Maria Tsakos με τον 48. Εγκαινιάστηκε DNV GL 52. Shipping Chamber supports Cypriot Candidate for top IMO Position Type approval for RayClean , developed by DESMI Ocean 72. DNV Guard 76. Vafias Group announces new vessel deliveries TM



Survitec Group: Exchange hire with extended service liferafts offers the best of both worlds


DESMI A.S: New approach makes faster and efficient work of oil spills


cover story Το πρώτο διεθνές κέντρο εκπαίδευσης της NORSAFE στην Ελλάδα

Automated fuel-change solutions to comply with ECA legislations


Alfa Laval Advanced Cooling System (ACS) Starting in 2015, MARPOL Annex VI will force you to change your operations in SOx Emission Control Areas (ECAs). If you have decided to take the MGO route, you have the opportunity to upgrade your fuel-changing solutions for optimum performance. As your natural partner in this process, Alfa Laval offers the Advanced Cooling System (ACS) — an effective answer to the operational challenges in fuel changeover. Fully automatic, the ACS upgrades your existing booster system by providing the cooling capacity needed when using low-viscosity MDO/MGO with diesel engines.


The Advanced Cooling System (ACS) gives you cutting-edge control of viscosity and temperature variations when switching between HFO and MGO.



Η ναυτιλία, η πολιτική και οι...πολιτικοί Την ίδια ώρα που η Ελλάδα βγαίνει από το μνημόνιο (ή...ξαναμπαίνει, κι αυτό θα φανή στα μέσα Δεκεμβρίου), η ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία δίνει νέα δείγματα δυναμικής ανάπτυξης στις παγκόσμιες αγορές, καθώς και «δείγμα γραφής» για την ουσιαστική συμβολή της στην παραπαίουσα ελληνική οικονομία, και στην ισοσκέλιση του προϋπολογισμού, ο οποίος πρέπει από εδώ καί πέρα να αφήνει πρωτογενές πλεόνασμα. Την ίδια στιγμή η ναυτιλία γίνεται το μήλον της έριδος μεταξύ του κυβερνώντος κόμματος (ή μάλλον των συγκυβερνώντων κομμάτων) και της «εν δυνάμει» μελλοντικής κυβέρνησης του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, καθώς, η μεν κυβέρνηση προασπίζεται αναφανδόν την ναυτιλία – και καλά κάνει – ο δε ΣΥΡΙΖΑ άλλα λέει στη Βουλή διά των κοινοβουλευτικών της εκπροσώπων και...άλλα υπόσχεται ιεροκρυφίως στους εφοπλιστές, αν πιστέψουμε στις αποκαλύψεις που έκανε στη Βουλή ο υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου κ. Μιλτ. Βαρβιτσιώτης. Και πρώτα τα διεθνή. Αίσθηση προκάλεσαν οι πληροφορίες που δημοσιεύτηκαν γιά πρώτη φορά στά ΝΕΑ, σύμφωνα με τις οποίες οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές ανέλαβαν να ξελασπώσουν τους Γερμανούς συναδέλφους τους, καθώς πολλά γερμανικά funds που επενδύουν στην ποντοπόρο ναυτιλία, έχουν πτωχεύσει, ενώ άλλα 800 γερμανικά αντίστοιχα funds απειλούνται με λουκέτο. Αιτία είναι η βαθειά κρίση που πλήττει την κατηγορία των πλοίων κοντέϊνερς, όπου οι Γερμανοί κατέχουν την πρώτη θέση παγκοσμίως και ελέγχουν το 40% της παγκόσμιας αγοράς. Τώρα όμως η γερμανική οικονομία φαίνεται ότι εισέρχεται στην εποχή των ισχνών αγελάδων, καθώς η στρόφιγγα της χρηματοδότησης έχει κλείσει – η Γερμανία διέρχεται κι αυτή οικονομική ύφεση όπως όλος ο κόσμος – ενώ ο υψηλός δανεισμός απειλεί να ρίξει τη γερμανική ναυτιλία από την πρωτοκαθεδρία στην αγορά των κοντέϊνερς. Το δραματικότερο είναι ότι εκείνοι που κινδυνεύουν τώρα περισσότερο είναι οι Γερμανοί μικροεπενδυτές συνταξιούχοι, οι οποίοι διέθεσαν τις οικονομίες τους γιά την αγορά μετοχών σε πλοία κοντέινερς. Μπροστά σ’ αυτόν τον μεγάλο κοινωνικό κίνδυνο, που στραπατσάρει τό προφίλ της καγκελαρίου Μέρκελ, οι Γερμανοί εφοπλιστές καταφεύγουν στους Έλληνες συναδέλφους τους, οι οποίοι, καθώς διαθέτουν ρευστότητα –ανέκαθεν διέθεταν cash flowδίνουν δάνεια και αγοράζουν γερμανικά πλοία κοντέινερς. Οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές κλήθηκαν – σύμφωνα με τις δημοσιογραφικές πληροφορίες – από γερμανικές τράπεζες και γερμανικά ναυτιλιακά funds, να σώσουν

ό,τι σώζεται από τον τεράστιο στόλο των κοντέινερς, που κινδυνεύει να καταρρεύσει μετά την μείωση των ευρωπαϊκών εισαγωγών, που ξεκινούν από 95% και φθάνουν μέχρι 18% αναλόγως με την περιοχή. Και ενώ η Γερμανία, που καθοδηγεί τις τύχες της ευρωπαϊκής οικονομίας, αναδεικνύεται ως ο μεγαλύτερος πωλητής πλοίων ελλείψει ρευστότητος, οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές, οι οποίοι με κάθε τρόπο συμπαρίστανται στην αντιμετώπιση των προβλημάτων της ελληνικής οικονομίας, όπως διεξοδικώτερα θα αναλυθεί στην συνέχεια, εμφανίζονται να έχουν αγοράσει μέχρι στιγμής 111 πλοία από την αγορά second hand και απειλούν να εκτοπίσουν τους Γερμανούς από την πρώτη θέση στην εκμετάλλευση πλοίων κοντέινερς. Και μόνο αυτή η εξέλιξη αποτελεί ένα χαρακτηριστικό δείγμα της δυναμικότητας που αναπτύσσει σ’ αυτούς τους χαλεπούς καιρούς η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων, η οποία αποτελεί το καλύτερο χαρτί εξόδου της Ελλάδος από την κρίση. Κι αυτό γίνεται χωρίς τυμπανοκρουσίες, όχι όμως και χωρίς την επικριτική σε βάρος της ναυτιλίας πολιτική της αξιωματικής αντιπολίτευσης, καθώς ο εφοπλισμός και η «χαριστική» φορολόγησή του, αποτελούν το κόκκινο πανί στον όποιον δημόσιο διάλογο, σε σημείο που να διαρρεύσει από κάποιους εφοπλιστικούς κύκλους η πληροφορία, ότι αν ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ έλθει στην εξουσία, θα υπάρξει διαρροή ναυτιλιακών κεφαλαίων και επενδύσεων στο εξωτερικό. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η συνολική αξία του ελληνοκτήτου εμπορικού στόλου αποτιμάται από διεθνείς οίκους στα 101 δισ. δολάρια και είναι η υψηλότερη αξία μεταξύ όλων των εθνοτήτων, με δεύτερη την Ιαπωνία (89,1 δισ. δολ.) και τρίτη την Κίνα (72,1 δισ.δολ.). Η αξία του γερμανικού στόλου είναι η μισή της αξίας του ελληνικού. Και ερχόμαστε στο μείζον θέμα της φορολογίας των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών, που ανέλυσε κατά τον καλύτερο τρόπο ο υπουργός Ναυτιλίας κ. Μ. Βαρβιτσιώτης σε ομιλία του στη Βουλή κατά την συζήτηση του προϋπολογισμού. Ο υπουργός επέκρινε την διγλωσσία του κ. Τσίπρα, στελέχη του οποίου, όπως απεκάλυψε, έχουν μυστικές συνομιλίες στην Ένωση Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, κατά τις οποίες παρέχονται διαβεβαιώσεις στους εφοπλιστές ότι δεν πρόκειται να θιγεί το συνταγματικό καθεστώς που διέπει την φορολογία των πλοίων (άρθρο 13), αλλά στη Βουλή ακούγονται άλλα. Είναι γνωστό ότι η ναυτιλία εισφέρει το 6% του ΑΕΠ που δεν παράγεται στη χώρα, χωρίς το κράτος να έχει επενδύσει ούτε ένα ευρώ. Είναι λοιπόν προς το συμφέρον κάθε κυβέρνησης να διασφαλισθεί η νομοθεσία, με την οποία

Γράφει ο

Κώστας Δούκας

Δημοσιογράφος Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση

διατηρήθηκε και αυξήθηκε η δύναμη της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, ιδίως σήμερα, όταν οι σειρήνες των ξένων αγορών προσφέρουν ελκυστικούς όρους γιά να φύγουν οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές από τό εθνικό νηολόγιο και να εγκαταστήσουν τα γραφεία τους σε τρίτες χώρες με εντυπωσιακές φοροαπαλλαγές. Έχει αποτιμηθεί άραγε η μεγάλη ζημιά που θα προκύψει από ένα τέτοιο δυσμενές ενδεχόμενο, όταν είναι γνωστό ότι η ναυτιλία εισφέρει κάθε χρόνο 14 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ στην εθνική οικονομία και όταν έχει προσφέρει 120 περίπου δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ τα τελευταία 11 χρόνια; Επίσης είναι γνωστό ότι βρέθηκε φόρμουλα γιά να παρακαμφθεί η συνταγματική κατοχύρωση που διέπει το ελληνικό και το ελληνόκτητο πλοίο (tonnage tax) και να διπλασιαθεί η εθελοντική φορολογία γιά τα επόμενα τρία χρόνια στά 420 εκατ. ευρώ, που θα εισπραχθούν σε τέσσερις δόσεις (2014, 2015, 2016 και 2017). Η νομοθετική φόρμουλα της οικειοθελούς εισφοράς, προκειμένου να παρακαμφθεί η συνταγματική κατοχύρωση, «πιάνει» το 92% της χωρητικότητας των πλοίων που διαχειρίζονται στην Ελλάδα, υπό ελληνική ή ξένες σημαίες. Και καθώς αυξάνεται ο αριθμός των πλοίων, η διαχείριση των οποίων γίνεται από την Ελλάδα, ο αριθμός θα αυξηθεί. Κάτι άλλο που δεν έχει επαρκώς τονισθεί είναι ότι η ναυτιλιακή συνεισφορά, που εκδηλώνεται σε πολλούς τομείς της δημόσιας και κοινωνικής ζωής, έχει βοηθήσει σε κρίσιμες μάχες γιά την σταθεροποίηση της κλυδωνιζομένης εθνικής οικονομίας, όπως γιά παράδειγμα η ανακεφαλοποίηση των τραπεζών. Πολλά κεφάλαια που είχαν κερδηθεί στη θάλασσα, ξαναμπήκαν στο τραπεζικό σύστημα, κι έτσι σήμερα μπορούμε να λέμε ότι η Εθνική Τράπεζα π.χ. παραμένει σε ελληνικά χέρια. Εκείνο που πρέπει να επιδιώξει η όποια κυβέρνηση είναι ότι θα πρέπει συνειδητά να απολακτίσει τις κάθε «εκ του πονηρού» ρυθμίσες εισαγόμενες με τροπολογίες, που θίγουν την καλή και σοβαρή εικόνα της ναυτιλίας και του εφοπλισμού, όπως για παράδειγμα η μη εισαχθείσα τελικά, λόγω αντιδράσεων, προς ψήφιση τροπολογία – ρύθμιση του υπουργού Δικαιοσύνης σε άσχετο νομοσχέδιο, σύμφωνα με την οποία «εξαιρούνται οι μετοχές ναυτιλιακών εταιριών από τις δηλώσεις «πόθεν έσχες», τις οποίες υποβάλλουν ανώτατοι κρατικοί αξιωματούχοι, ιδιοκτήτες μέσων ενημέρωσης, δικαστές, εισαγγελείς και δημοσιογράφοι». Η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων δεν χρειάζεται τέτοιες ρυθμίσεις. Διότι, η γυναίκα του Καίσσαρος δεν πρέπει μόνο να είναι έντιμη, αλλά και να φαίνεται.


Ελληνοτουρκικά, ΑΟΖ και στο βάθος...εκλογές Εδώ και μερικούς μήνες οι κυβερνήσεις Ελλάδας και Τουρκίας υπέγραψαν το «Σύμφωνο Συνεννόησης αναφορικά με την συνεργασία στον τομέα της Ναυτιλίας». Το συγκεκριμένο σύμφωνο έγινε πρόσφατα δεκτό και από την Επιτροπή Εξωτερικών Σχέσεων της Τουρκικής Εθνοσυνέλευσης.

Παράλληλα ο πρωθυπουργός κρατάει χαμηλούς τόνους – και πολύ καλά κάνει – στις προκλήσεις των Τούρκων στο Αιγαίο, την ίδια στιγμή που οι γείτονες βλέποντας τις στρατηγικές κινήσεις την Ελληνικής πλευράς φτάνουν σε σημείο να απειλούν ανοιχτά με πόλεμο, αποδεσμεύοντας κανόνες εμπλοκής. Η απάντηση της Ελλάδας ήταν άμεση.

Το σχέδιο Νόμου αφορά όπως διαφαίνεται και από τον τίτλο, συνεργασία μεταξύ των δύο κυβερνήσεων στον τομέα της Ναυτιλίας, του Τουρισμού αλλά και του Θαλάσσιου εμπορίου. Ακόμα όμως δεν έγινε καλά καλά αποδεκτό και ήδη οι Τουρκικές εφημερίδες μιλάνε για παραβιάσεις Τουρκικού Εθνικού εναέριου χώρου, για παραβιάσεις στα εθνικά χωρικά ύδατά τους, στοιχεία φυσικά που δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν την πραγματικότητα.

Με αποδέσμευση των κανόνων εμπλοκής απάντησε και η Ελλάδα στις απειλές πολέμου της Άγκυρας και στρέφει την προσοχή της στην περιοχή του νοτιοανατολικού Αιγαίου και πιο συγκεκριμένα στο Καστελόριζο δεδομένου ότι αυτή τη στιγμή αποπλέουν πολεμικά πλοία της Τουρκίας από τη ναυτική βάση του Ακσάζ προκειμένου να διεξάγουν με ΝΑΤΟική συμμετοχή την άσκηση «Γαλάζια Φάλαινα» στη δυνητική Ελληνική ΑΟΖ και στην Κυπριακή ΑΟΖ.

Αυτή την στιγμή θα έπρεπε ολόκληρη η διεθνής κοινή γνώμη να είναι στραμμένη στην Κύπρο, και να καταδικάζει την επιθετική συμπεριφορά της Τουρκίας, η οποία παραβιάζοντας συλλήβδην, διεθνείς κανόνες, επιχειρεί να επιβάλει το δίκαιο του ισχυρού αψηφώντας σύμφωνα και διεθνείς νομοθεσίες.

Την ίδια στιγμή η Αξιωματική Αντιπολίτευση μη έχοντας πάρει χαμπάρι τι γίνεται μιλάει για απομάκρυνση των Βρετανικών Βάσεων από την Κύπρο, αλλά και για μείωση των εξοπλιστικών προγραμμάτων δηλώνοντας ότι έτσι θα εξοικονομηθούν χρήματα και αξίζει να το ρισκάρουμε.

Από Ελληνικής πλευράς, ο πρωθυπουργός Αντώνης Σαμαράς, στις 8 Νοεμβρίου με την Διακήρυξη του Καΐρου, συνυπογράφοντας με τον Κύπριο πρόεδρο Ν. Αναστασιάδη και τον πρόεδρο της Αιγύπτου Αλ Σίσι, κάνει κίνηση ματ, δημιουργώντας ένα διάδρομο ασφάλειας και σταθερότητας στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο. Η διακήρυξη του Καΐρου αποτελεί ένα πολύ σημαντικό κείμενο που πάνω από όλα δίνει ιδιαίτερη σημασία στην εδαφική ακεραιότητα και την κυριαρχία των κρατών αλλά και την οριοθέτηση των θαλασσίων ζωνών. Οι τρεις ηγέτες αποφάσισαν την άμεση ανακήρυξη και οριοθέτηση των θαλασσίων ζωνών όπου αυτές δεν έχουν ακόμα πραγματοποιηθεί.

Οι στιγμές είναι ιδιαίτερα κρίσιμες και χρειάζεται λεπτός σχεδιασμός για να μην φτάσουμε από κάποιους πολιτικά και ιστορικά αδαείς προαλειφόμενους υπουργούς της Αντιπολίτευσης, να ζήσουμε ένα νέο ‘74. Η αντιπολίτευση έχει συνεχώς στο στόμα της την καραμέλα των εκλογών. Υποσχέσεις, παροχές, επαναπρόσληψη δημοσίων υπαλλήλων, δωρεάν ρεύμα, κλπ. είναι κάποιες προεκλογικές υποσχέσεις που δυστυχώς ακόμα κάποιοι πείθονται ότι μπορούν να συμβούν. Το μόνο σίγουρο είναι ότι η χώρα δεν έχει λόγο να κλυδωνιστεί με αλλεπάλληλες εκλογικές διαδικασίες. Αυτό που ΄χει ανάγκη είναι να δημιουργηθεί έστω και αυτή την

Γράφει ο

Νίκος Κ. Δούκας Εκδότης Δημοσιογράφος Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ ώρα ένα κοινό εθνικό μέτωπο από όλα τα κόμματα για να μπορέσει η Ελλάδα να δείξει την αποφασιστικότητα και την διάθεση για συνεννόηση. Η χώρα είναι όρθια και προχωράει μπροστά. Άλλωστε όλοι μας περάσαμε πολλά για να χάσουμε τα αποτελέσματα των θυσιών μας αλλά πολύ περισσότερο με λάθος κινήσεις να απωλέσουμε εθνική κυριαρχία. Τα πράγματα κρέμονται από μία κλωστή. Χρειάζεται εμπειρία, γνώση αλλά και διεθνείς συνεργασίες κάτι που το δουλεύει στην σωστή κατεύθυνση ο πρωθυπουργός. Τα μαγικά, τα λεφτά υπάρχουν, και το ζούμε με δανεικά, μας έφτασαν σήμερα εδώ. Δεν μπορεί μια χώρα να ζει έτσι. Τα Εθνικά θέματα δεν μπορούν σε καμία περίπτωση να αποτελούν εφαλτήριο για εκλογές και αλλαγή πολιτικού σκηνικού με υποσχέσεις τύπου δεκαετίας 1980, όπου ουσιαστικά περπάτησαν γενιές ανθρώπων με υποσχέσεις και ψέματα. Θα πρέπει αυτή η χώρα να προχωρήσει επιτέλους μπροστά με δουλειά, ανταγωνιστικότητα, ναυτιλία, τουρισμό, καινοτομία, με μικρό κράτος, ελάχιστο δημόσιο τομέα, επιχειρηματικότητα και εξορθολογισμένο φορολογικό σύστημα. Και κάτι τελευταίο. Στα δύσκολα δεν εγκαταλείπουμε την πατρίδα μας, φεύγουμε στο εξωτερικό, και περιμένουμε πότε θα βγάλουν το φίδι από την τρύπα αυτοί που έμειναν πίσω να παλέψουν, για να επιτρέψουμε να διεκδικήσουμε δάφνες ενώ όταν γραφόταν η ιστορία είμασταν απόντες. Αυτή η χώρα έχει δώσει πολλά σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο και έχει ακόμα πολλά να δώσει. Αντί λοιπόν κάποιοι να υπόσχονται θαύματα καλύτερα να αφήσουν τους επιχειρηματίες να δουλέψουν. Ας μην υποτιμά κανείς την νοημοσύνη του κόσμου.

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Shipping finance lagging behind Ted Petropoulos DRY BULK BLUES recovery of Shipping By

Head, Petrofin Research

By Ted Petropoulos, Head Petrofin Research

The much heralded fourth quarter 2014 recovery in dry shipping has yet to arrive. Whereas the vast majority of analysts had expected a robust pickup in demand, the latest IMF, BIMCO and Clarkson’s estimates point to an estimated slowdown in global economic growth this year to 3.3% and 3.8% in 2015. What changes have taken place and why has the dry bulk market failed to perform as expected? The main culprit this time has been a slowdown in the rate of growth of demand rather than a spike in new tonnage entering the market. The market has been in a chronic oversupply in the last 5 years made larger by the 2010-2012 newbuilding boom. With net annual capacity increase (after scrapping) of approx. 3.6% p.a. (Clarkson’s) it had been widely expected that this year demand growth would outpace supply growth, thus resulting in a shrinking oversupply market. However, it did not happen. The world economy has been labouring under a lot of constraints. Not only has China slowed down, but a large number of anti-trade developments have taken place. Starting with China, officially the annual growth estimate for 2014 remains at a healthy 7.4% p.a. However, commodity related demand growth has slowed down as a greater emphasis has been placed on internal consumption. Whereas a few years ago Chinese imports grew by 10-20% p.a., 2014 growth is expected at only 5% p.a. In addition, in US Dollars denominated terms, exports are currently growing at only 8% p.a., as opposed to 15% plus, in previous years. Clearly, therefore, the world’s growth locomotive is slowing down, as has happened with previous ‘champion’ growth economies in the past, such as Japan. Further evidence of the slowdown lies with the latest Chinese industrial production growth of 6.9% y to y and a forecasted economic growth in 2015 down from 7.1% in 2015 to 6.8%. However, it is not only China that has affected the global economic growth figures. There exist a large number of negatives, such as import/ export restrictions, taxes and tariffs involving China, India, Philippines and others. In addition, sanctions, e.g. Russia, Iran, and conflicts, e.g. Ukraine, Syria, have taken their toll and

Overall, any recovery lie in 2015 andwere other more s Banks witnessed, after hopes However, there more probably in 2016. This is a long time for a long and arduous road of ship lending appetite. It relates a sector that has been involved in a relatively since 2009, a useful liquidity and capital ratios of Euro poor market nowinfor 6 years. which shipping recovery theBanks new ECB regulatory overview have restructured client loans may be 2013 in both vessel the financialrunning resources and the ris out ofand timecash and flows will soon beEuropean pressed by theirespecially found values banks central banks to sell off non-core assets (bad their financial via higher freights. Alreview and proving loans) and take provisions. This will have a came second t though the recovery was banks, profitability huge effect on vessel values as a large number erratic and not evenly shipping banks were European (7 of vessels, especially 10-20Petrofin years old spread among the vari- in the2013), Bank Research (c brackets, shall hit the market. ous shipping sectors, pronounced and adverse effect on Added to this, there has been a rising number it had a pronounced of sale by Japanese who beneficialcandidates effect on the To addowners insult to injury, three of shi have been glad to see Yen related prices quality of the banks’ loan RBS, HSH andhold Commerzbank we as a result weakening their Yen. shipping Lastly, it would portfolios andofinabank’s portfolios and/or lea be interesting to see the attitude private borrowers’ ability to Duringofthis time, some banks stoo equity to (often furtherrestrucdisappointing bulk perforly ordry standing their ground as ship meet their mance and whether they will stay the tured) loan obligations. DVB, ABN course AMRO, Credit Suisse a or cut and grew run. Iamong support theChina former, as there Confidence Exim, CDB, and Korean Ex so has the unwillingness by many banks to is little benefit in selling in a weak and falling banks that shipping was on the way to recovery and this was felt even finance international trade due to their own market. Still, the love affair Abetween shipping divide took pl more by borrowers and private equity funds. classic West-East capital adequacy issues, as well as unattracand private funds may wellreadily be seriously tested. available in the Far East, w tiveness of returns in financing international However, private funds which have, so far, Dry bulk lead the way with a 12-month (March 2013 to March 2014) dium banks supported local client trade. not gone intoShipping the shipping market, maythe find recovery of 41.4% in vessel values and 52.3% in freights (from for any but biggest and often p To conclude, therefore, the negatives currently the risk/reward opportunities over the next 6 Intelligence Inc. – 1st April 2014, below). With overall shipping confidence outweigh the positives. months or so quite interesting. For Greek ship finance, in particu rising to record heights (Moore Stephens) and with the sector’s progress According to ABN Amro, global trade only grew lenders exited the market at preci picking up, one would have expected banks to be rushing headlong into by 3% in 2014, although it is expected to rise To conclude, bulk shipping may and second-hand purchas new shipping loans and for competition to among banks grow. therefore, dryorders to 6% in 2015-2016. However, given the still well wallow in the doldrumsunable with periodic short to provide new ship financ large orderbook, consistent annual growth termhappened spikes over thethe next year so. However, peanorbanks as a whole, Greek ow With rare exceptions though ,this is not, however, what and rates of 6-7% are required to reduce the curimproving fundamentals may set off slowEastern lenders (li lenders, toa Far question is: why? rent oversupply. recovery in 2015 with a pickup of the recovery increasingly, to US private equity Looking to the prospects of dry bulk shipping, in 2016. As always, opportunities for asset The answer lies with the banks themselves. Commencing with their despite BIMCO’s prediction of lower demand in players willinabound. As the finance gap widened, PEF shipping exposures, many banks had nurtured weaker clients the hope the coming years, I remain more confident of of such a recovery. The process of recovery, though, could not work mira- the only way to take advantage of a gradual recovery. New dry bulk orders have cles overnight. It simply takes time to work out difficult loans and improve recovery. PEFs were not only act slowed substantially over the last year and as the health of a bank’s loan portfolio. The recovery needs to be sustained tunities to co-invest and lend to G vessels yield a very poor cashflow, delivery and the recent fall in dry bulk freights demonstrated the still volatile nature pated shipping recovery would pr related delays and / or some cancellations, of the recovery. In addition, from a common shipping approach by the have been seeking. The result wa are expected. Moreover, the cost of maintainboards of major banks to be cautious to achange, involving a willingness of which investing in eco-friendly ing overage tonnage is rising and the costs to expand, one needs time. be the vessels of the future.

According to ABN Amro, global trade only grew by 3% in 2014, although it is expected to rise to 6% of passing a 4th or 5th special survey are in 2015-2016. However, now daunting. Moreover with increasing new A second factor is that many shipping banks had what they believed to Characteristically, according to Tu regulations coming into effect in 2015-2016, the large be a higher than desired overall shipping exposure given and needed time still to betweenorderJanuary 2002 and Janua scrap rates at $500 per ton may appear attracreduce it to acceptable levels via client loan repayments. lending of the world fleet and orde book, consistent annual tive. Consequently, we estimate a recovery of A third factor is that banks had set up very strict criteria for lending resultwas even more pronounced in Gr scrapping in 2015. growth rates ofGreek 6-7% areexposure by PEF, ing in too few potential loan transactions meeting such requirements shipping The taxes, tariffs, restrictions and sanctions Joint Ventures required to reduce the in place today. Wit issue remains a strong disincentive to international trade and still remains a factor which is current oversupply. difficult to forecast.



Cruise ships are among vessels benefiting from upgrades.

Upgrading marine turbochargers ABB Turbocharging explores ways to save fuel at sea.


ince introducing the option of turbocharger upgrades in 2013, ABB Turbocharging has won contracts on a number of medium-speed engines in power generation plants. With its benefits for fuel consumption at a time of rising fuel prices, upgrading turbochargers is, of course, equally possible for marine engines. Hence, in cooperation with engine builder Wärtsilä, ABB Turbocharging is anticipating strong demand by preparing upgrade packages for specific Wärtsilä marine engine models. Cruise ship study “As a first step, together with Wärtsilä, at ABB Turbocharging we have started to look at upgrading turbochargers on the Wärtsilä W12V46 engine in cruise ships,” notes

Reinier Bakker, Senior Manager, OEM Service Sales. “This is a logical step because cruise ships are powered by what is essentially a floating electrical power plant, and they use the same Wärtsilä engine types as many land-based power stations. Hence, much of the work we have done on land can be readily translated to the cruise ship context.” Depending on the size of the cruise ship, up to six diesel generator sets will be in use. “The floating power station concept is a great idea, since the same diesel engines, powering electrical generators in so-called ‘generator sets’, can provide power for the electric motors which drive the propellers as well as all the many other electrical powered devices, including many associated with passenger comfort

on a sea-going hotel. For example: the air conditioning for the whole ship as well as the kitchens cooking three meals a day for over 4,000 passengers, the lighting in cabins, large dining rooms and sumptuous ballrooms.” New compressor wheel The basis of the upgrade would be fitting a new design of compressor wheel to the existing turbochargers on the generator sets’ engines. “As a first project, together with Wärtsilä, we are looking at the upgrade of TPL73-A30 turbochargers on their twelve cylinder, vee configuration type W12V46 diesel engines. The benefit we bring for the customer is to increase the efficiency of these turbo­chargers by incorporating the new compressor wheel, the so-called A32


ABB Turbocharging celebrates 25th anniversary in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

A benefit is that only the compressor wheel and some other components need to be replaced, so an upgrade can be implemented in two days maximum.

ABB Turbocharging in Dubai was established in 1989 and is today a regional service station catering to marine and diesel power plant customers.

model, which also has a wider compressor map, and can therefore offer its best efficiency over a wider spectrum of engine operation,” Bakker adds. Significant saving “In the preparatory project, testing has confirmed our experience that this upgrade will raise the engine’s fuel efficiency by 0.5% and upward. While this may not seem a great deal, over a typical annual running time for a marine engine, at current fuel prices, it could amount to a saving in fuel worth well over USD 40,000 per year for every 10 MW of engine power – and cruise ships can require up to 80 MW,” Bakker stresses. Bakker points to further benefits of ABB Turbocharging upgrades. “Since only the compressor wheel and some other components, such as the compressor wall insert, need to be replaced, we retain the vast majority of the hardware of the original turbocharger. So such an upgrade can be implemented in a short time – typically two days maximum. “Moreover, we can maximize this benefit by incorporating the upgrade into a ‘SIKO’ overhaul.” SIKO savings SIKO is ABB Turbocharging’s advanced safety concept. Its designation derives from the German SIcherkeitsKOnzept and denotes a sophisticated tool for calculating the effect of thermal and mechanical stresses on a given turbo­charger’s rotating components on an engine with a given load profile. “The calculation takes into account a range of operating factors and values, resulting in a realistic recommendation regarding the optimum time to exchange the rotating parts in order to keep the turbocharger operating within acceptable safety standards”, Bakker explains.

Upgrades: Benefits at a glance

–  Significant fuel saving for rapid pay-back –  Improved engine load acceptance –  Extremely cost effective when included in a scheduled safety concept SIKO overhaul –  Reduced engine and turbocharger maintenance via lower thermal stress


Upgrades expert Reinier Bakker. “And, since a SIKO overhaul always includes replacement of the turbocharger rotor by the ABB Turbocharging service team, a rotor with an upgraded compressor wheel can be fitted as part of the normal SIKO overhaul process.” Financially, combining the turbocharger upgrade with a SIKO overhaul has two benefits. “First, the cost of the upgraded rotor can be absorbed into a scheduled, expected service operation. Second, after the SIKO overhaul, the engine operator can expect an immediate reduction in his fuel costs. Indeed, we calculate the saving will be enough to rapidly amortize any additional costs, within about half a year.” Additional benefits In the upgrade case described, the new compressor wheel brings additional benefits via an increase in turbocharger speed margin and reduced engine exhaust gas temperature. “The increased speed margin in combination with the wider compressor map can be used to improve engine response to load changes,” Bakker observes. “The reduced engine exhaust gas temperature means that many parts of the engine, including the exhaust manifold – but also the turbochargers – will experience less thermal load and a reduction in maintenance costs, although hard to quantify at the moment, will be the positive consequence. “So when ABB Turbocharging and Wärtsilä cooperate on turbocharger upgrades, the engine operator can look forward to a really attractive set of benefits,” Bakker concludes.

ABB Turbocharging is celebrating its 25th anniversary in UAE today. Established in 1989 in Dubai, ABB has grown to become a fully-fledged service station capable of carrying out all repair works with 27 employees in three locations. ABB Turbocharging Dubai provides customers with turbocharging solutions for land-based diesel power plants with a strong focus on the marine segment in both seaports and offshore anchorages at Khorfakkan, Fujairah, and major shipyards Dubai drydocks + ASRY, Bahrain. The service station has a very important regional role with several key countries being supported in Middle East including Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq and Yemen. Dubai is also responsible for area management of the turbocharging business in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan. ABB Dubai has enjoyed a number of milestones over the past 25 years including a number of new service center openings in the Middle East region. In 1994, ABB Dubai played a pivotal role in establishing the service station in Lahore, Pakistan, catering to the power and gas market. Furthermore, 2003 saw the opening of a new service station in Karachi, Pakistan mainly to cater for the marine market and land-based diesel power plants. Between 2005 and 2009 ABB Dubai, provided 24/7 support for the dredgers in the region, which were busy building islands and construction projects during the boom period. This year, ABB Dubai opened two new service points at major shipyards; one in Drydocks World Dubai and another in ASRY Bahrain. The two service points have helped us increase utilization and service market share. Customers benefit by avoiding freight expenses for transporting components to Dubai, reducing total cost of ownership. In the future, ABB Dubai plans to open two new service points; one in Iraq and one in Jordan in order to cater to land based installations in diesel power stations. “ABB’s commitment to our customers is to listen, understand and tailor our service offering to match their individual needs. Owing to the strong relationship with our customers, we have constantly evolved over the past 25 years, establishing five Service Stations and two Service Points across the region. We have also confirmed plans for two additional Service Points in Iraq and Jordan, all in an effort to support our customers in reducing operating costs and down time”, said John Fyfe, Area Manager Middle East and North East Africa.


World’s First LNG-fuelled catamaran “Francisco.” Turn Key solutions by CHART-FEROX Project Outline:

Build the fastest, environmentally cleanest and most efficient, high speed ferry in the world powered by LNG. The ferry has a capacity of 1000 passengers and 150 cars and is equipped with the latest technology and passenger comfort. The ship is scheduled to make two daily journeys between Montevideo and Buenos Aires with a transit time of two hours fifteen minutes each way. South American company Buquebus purchased the ship from Incat. The first example of LNG powered dual fuel engines in an Incat high speed ferry, and the first high speed craft built under the HSC (High-Speed Craft) code to be powered by Gas Turbines using LNG as the primary fuel and marine distillate for standby and ancillary use.

Chart’s Challenge:

Design, manufacture and commission this unique catamaran’s LNG fuel storage and supply system. • Extremely compact and light design of tanks and cold box • First usage of LNG as a fuel for turbines • High pressure system including pump for feeding turbines • Usage of heat energy from the turbine exhaust gases for LNG evaporation


Chart Industries engineering team created a novel design fuel system. Two 43m3 LNG fuel tanks, DNV approved, were manufactured at Chart’s facility in the Czech Republic. Vessels power two General Electric LM2500 gas turbines that are used to propel the catamaran. This LNG fuel system includes of two identical independent units with each located in one of two separate hulls supplying the associated turbine.

System Specifications :

• LNG storage tanks – 2x43m3 according DNV rules. • Coldbox containing pump, vaporizer, valves, instrumentation and accessories • Engine feed line • Water/glycol heating circuit • Bunkering lines • Nitrogen system


George Gerassimou Managing Director, Intra Mare Hellas

rates two flame detectors to monitor possible heat emission and/or fire presence.

Project Summary:

• Control system


Chart Industries designed the LNG fuel system to incorporate a common fill connection that allowed for easy LNG off-loading at the bunkering station. The innovative solution incorporated many unique and efficient ways of providing safety to both the filling and supply operations. One of these innovations is the use of an electronic trycock set at 95% of the vessel volume. This trycock will signal the PLC controlling the filling operation that the liquid level has been reached. This gives trained operators a secondary mode of monitoring for safely filling the vessels. The LNG fuel systems converts liquefied natural gas to gaseous form. Chart designed and engineered a cold box constructed of stainless steel that housed the tank controls, cryogenic pump and vaporization system. This coldbox design minimizes the amount of space needed for the fuel system. The coldbox was also designed to provide safe pump operation in a hazardous atmosphere. The coldbox is equipped with a CO2 fire extinguishing system and insulated with A-60 on the inner walls, as well as being constructed from 316/L grade stainless steel. The coldbox is also ventilated at a rate of 30 air changes per hour with constant monitoring by two gas detectors. One gas detector monitors the air ventilation while the other located at the pump, monitors any gas leaks. In addition to the gas detectors, the coldbox incorpo-

Francisco can maintain speeds of 50 knots with 1,000 passengers and 150 cars. The vessel has a lightship speed in excess of 58 knots. Natural gas is the ferry’s primary fuel, whereby a secondary heat exchanger system will utilize waste heat energy from the turbine exhaust to vaporize LNG from the fuel tanks. The power plant uses marine distillate for start-up and during the ensuing minutes until the heat exchangers have produced enough gas from the LNG to allow changeover to LNG fuel. On arrival in port, the gas turbines revert to distillate for the vessel maneuvering phase. The distillate will also serve as standby fuel. The catamaran was designed and engineered with long-term considerations relating to economic and environmental performance and asset value. Operating performance of the Francisco can be expected to be closely followed by ferry operators worldwide, given the considerable challenges and uncertainties facing the industry due to high oil prices and ever-tougher environmental controls.

Chart Industries engineering team created a novel design fuel system. Two 43m3 LNG fuel tanks, DNV approved, were manufactured at Chart’s facility in the Czech Republic. Vessels power two General Electric LM2500 gas turbines that are used to propel the catamaran. This LNG fuel system includes of two identical independent units with each located in one of two separate hulls supplying the associated turbine. Intramare sees a strong future for LNG marine applications and has chosen to partner with Chart equipment in order to deliver customers the most advanced technology available in the market.”

NavigatiNg complexity DNV and GL have merged to form DNV GL. The company is the leading technical advisor to the global oil and gas industry and the world’s largest classification society. We provide consistent, integrated services within technical and marine assurance and advisory, risk management and offshore classification, to enable safe, reliable and enhanced performance in projects and operations. Together with our partners, we drive the industry forward by developing best practices and standards.


Our people combine industry expertise, multi-disciplinary skills and innovation to solve challenges for our customers – to navigate in a complex business environment. People • Cargo • Fire • Stability • Crew and training • Market conditions • Maintenance • Vetting • ECA • SECA • Sulphur cap Ballast • Emissions to air and water • Life Cycle • IMO Port State • Statutory • Advisory


TURBOMED S.A. now in Shanghai


s TURBOMED S.A. seeks always to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the Marine Industry around the globe, it announced the establishment of its new service station in Shanghai, China in November of 2014.

maintenance and repair. In order to be ensured that TURBOMED S.A. will provide its high quality services in China’s ports, Nikos will represent the Company as the authorized superintendent of all the operations concerning turbocharger service.

Furthermore, in an effort to offer the Company’s leading technical knowhow, the years of experience and expertise and its professionalism, Mr. Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, Owner of TURBOMED S.A., decided to instate permanently in Shanghai a Greek, well-trained service engineer of the Company, Mr. Nikos Paraskevopoulos. Nikos has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and is already a specialist in turbocharger

It has to be noted that TURBOMED S.A. decided to establish a new service station in Shanghai so as to satisfy promptly its customers’ needs for every type of machinery works such as dynamic balancing, reblading, sand blasting etc. The Company is widely known in the global market mainly in Turbochargers since 1976 and still keeps boosting its international presence through the increasingly dynamic

needs of its customers around the globe and the continuous growth of its business activities worldwide.



n October of 2014, TURBOMED S.A took part in two International Expos as it was a great opportunity to be advertised at the Marine Industry, Oil & Gas Industry and raise its brand awareness on an international basis. These trade shows were an ideal platform to promote its repair and maintenance turbocharger services, reconditioning of Turbocharger parts and the company’s own Foundry in Amaliada. On 14-16 Oct 2014 TURBOMED S.A. participated in the Marine Maintenance World Expo 2014 which was held in Brussels, Belgium and attracted visitors from across the globe. This International Exhibition was totally dedicated to the latest nextgeneration boating and shipping maintenance and repair technologies, tools, spare parts and techniques. The participants came from 70 countries, including Russia, Korea, Austria, USA, Belgium, UK, Uruguay, Poland and Finland, attended the second annual Marine Maintenance World Expo event in Brussels, Belgium, making it the must-see event in the marine maintenance industry calendar. TURBOMED S.A. promoted successfully the turbocharger service and maintenance solutions as well as the latest technology repair methods that are provided. The performance of the Company was impressive and our display boost gathered many professionals who were informed thoroughly by Mrs. Emilia Paraskevopoulou and Mr. Ioannis Karagiannis about TURBOMED’s S.A. services and international presence. Moreover, TURBOMED S.A. and Navkratis Ltd have jointly participated in CYP GasTech 2014, Carob Mill - Evagoras Lanitis Center - Limassol Marina on 15-17 October. The Exhibition aimed to bring to the rapidly-evolving East Mediterranean Oil & Gas market the latest updates in innovations technology & evolutions, the developments in infrastructure - manufacturing, in transportation - logistics - storage, on consultative - legal - financing - audit services, on the orientation & human resource training on market requirements. In the particular trade fair, TURBOMED S.A. promoted mainly its high-precision casting services provided by its own Foundry with the use of the “Lost Wax” method for the fabrication of casting parts. Mr. Sotiris Paraskevopoulos, Mechanical Engineer at TURBOMED S.A., Mr. Menelaos Demetriou, Commercial Director and Mrs. Maria Christou, Sales and Procurement Coordinator at NAVKRATIS Ltd were the representatives of our commonly provided products and services in the Cypriot market. In tough market conditions, TURBOMED S.A. deems it imperative to show greater visibility internationally and continuation of its business activities always with dedication to its customers’ needs 24hours a day, 365 days a year, around the globe.


Με εξαιρετική επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκε για 22η χρονιά το Career Forum του ALBA

Με εξαιρετική επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκε για 22η χρονιά το Career Forum του ALBA στις 16-19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2014 στις εγκαταστάσεις του στην Αθήνα (Ξενίας 6-8, Πλατεία Μαβίλη). Έχοντας καθιερωθεί ως θεσμός στην αγορά εργασίας, η εκδήλωση έχει ως στόχο να φέρει σε επαφή τους τελειόφοιτους του ALBA με εκπροσώπους της ελληνικής αγοράς εργασίας, ώστε να διερευνήσουν από κοινού ευκαιρίες για νέες επαγγελματικές συνεργασίες. Στην φετινή εκδήλωση συμμετείχαν 90 φοιτητές από τα εξής ακαδημαϊκά προγράμματα: The ALBA MBA (μερικής και πλήρης

Turkey’s largest EPC migrates to AVEVA Everything3D Tekfen adopts AVEVA’s most advanced 3D design software to achieve increased efficiency, higher quality deliverables and more effective multidiscipline collaboration AVEVA announced that Tekfen Engineering, Turkey’s largest multidisciplinary Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management contractor (EPCm), has migrated to AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D), it’s most advanced 3D design software. Tekfen is renowned as an early adopter of innovative technologies and will be using AVEVA’s market-leading software solution to further increase their business efficiency through higher quality design deliverables and more effective multidiscipline collaboration. Mr. Alparslan Gure, President of Tekfen Engineering, explained how using AVEVA E3D is increasing the company’s competitive advantage: ‘We have long recognised that AVEVA’s software is the industry standard for engineering and design. We have been impressed with AVEVA PDMS for many years; our migration to AVEVA E3D is a strategic investment to future-proof our business in the face of shortening project deadlines and higher expectations from our clients in terms of design outputs. Increasingly, our projects span continents and time zones, so the collaboration capabilities of AVEVA E3D will also help us to ensure that all stakeholders have the right information at the right time.’ ekfen’s use of laser scanning technology also integrates seamlessly into AVEVA E3D, allowing their designers to quickly and easily understand the existing situation at the fabrication yard and/or construction site, and adjust their design work accordingly.

παρακολουθήσης), MBA in Shipping, MSc in Shipping Management, MSc in International Shipping & Finance, MSc in Risk Management, MSc in Finance, MSc in International Business and Management, MSc in Marketing, MSc in Strategic HRM και MSc in Business for Lawyers. Παράλληλα, έλαβαν μέρος 90 διακεκριμένες εταιρείες, οι οποίες εκπροσωπήθηκαν από 110 υψηλόβαθμα στελέχη της Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, εκ των οποίων πολλοί και απόφοιτοι του ALBA. Στο πλαίσιο του 22ου Career Forum πραγματοποιήθηκε για δεύτερη συνεχή χρονιά ειδικό Career Day για όσους τελειοφοίτους αναζητούν ευκαιρίες απασχόλησης σε νέες και γρήγορα αναπτυσσόμενες επιχειρήσεις (startups). Οι συμμετέχοντες συναντήθηκαν με ιδρυτές και εκπροσώπους 13 επιτυχυμένων νέων επιχειρήσεων που αναζητούν εκπαιδευμένους συνεργάτες για να στελεχώσουν την ομάδας τους. Το φετινό ALBA Career Forum πραγματοποιήθηκε με την ευγενική χορηγία των ελαστικών Continental. Design partner ήταν η S and Team, Digital partner η 9ΑΜ Media Labs, Printing partner η Εκτυπωτική Αξιών – Μ. Μπαλκογιαννάκια & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε., Media partners το περιοδικό HR Professional, η Global Sustain και το ενώ On line communication partners το, το και το Την εκδήλωση υποστήριξαν επίσης οι εταιρείες Nestle Hellas, Royal Canin, Xerox, και Delitopia.

Samsung Heavy Industries` safety management evaluated as top level Samsung Heavy Industries received the highest level of safety management evaluation from the UK’s marine insurers. For the second time in a row, the company received an A in the JH143 Survey (shipyard risk management) held by the Joint Hull Committee (JHC). The Joint Hull Committee, founded in 1910 by UK marine insurers, has maintained a respected place in the industry for over 100 years. The JHC has been conducting its JH143 Survey every four years since 2003, when a number of accidents, including fire and overturned cranes, took place in shipyards around the world. The survey comprises 13 evaluation indexes including emergency response planning, fire-fighting capabilities, and safety regulations and procedures. The Committee assigns a level after evaluating the quality of safety systems and making a thorough site inspection. Level A indicates that the shipyard is associated with little risk, and that there is little room for safety improvement. The award is significant. The insurance industry has acknowledged that Samsung is a world-beater in terms of safety awareness, its approach to occupational safety and its health systems. This is expected to benefit Samsung Heavy Industries in upcoming insurance negotiations. The company renews its insurance contract every July in case of potential accidents in shipbuilding.

Meet the team that’s exploring tomorrow’s fuels Here’s to today’s explorers.

The visionaries behind GMFT2030 can see the future of fuel demand, and share their vision with the rest of us. Lloyd’s Register and University College London are proud to share our findings on the future marine fuel mix to 2030, so that today we can all negotiate a rapidly changing future. Find out what we’ve discovered so far:

Dimitris Argyros Lloyd’s Register Project manager for GMFT2030 Dr Tristan Smith Lecturer at UCL Energy Institute

Working together for a safer world Lloyd’s Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copyright © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2014. A member of the Lloyd’s Register group.


Survitec Group:Exchange hire with extended service liferafts offers the best of both worlds With the vast majority of the world’s flag authorities now approving the use of liferafts that only require servicing once every 30 months, more and more shipping companies are looking at how to benefit from a switch to extended service liferafts. Survitec Group, a global leader in the manufacture and service of safety and survival equipment, has been offering this type of liferaft as part of its Global Hire exchange programme for many years and has a proven track record in the industry. Of the 7000 liferafts that are currently managed under its Global Hire programme, over 3,500 are extended service units on exchange hire contracts. Indeed, Survitec was first to offer the option of an extended service raft as part of a hire programme over 10 years ago, when the idea quickly gained traction in the cruise market. Today, all types of vessels, from container ships and tankers through to bulk carriers, are benefiting from the reduced costs, increased flexibility and operational efficiencies that come from combining exchange hire with extended liferaft servicing. Survitec’s list of satisfied customers includes a growing number of shipping companies in Greece. Survitec is home to many of the world’s leading marine safety brands, including RFD, SurvitecZodiac and DSB. The company is one of the few suppliers with the resources to co-ordinate the supply and servicing of safety equipment on a worldwide scale. Its Global Hire programme leverages the largest service network of any liferaft manufacturer in the world. With exchange hire, customers no longer have to consider the complexity and frequency of liferaft servicing. Survitec simply exchanges a vessel’s liferafts when they need to be serviced. The system is quick and efficient. As soon as the vessel docks, the

switch is made. A newly certified raft replaces the existing unit. There is minimum disruption. The flexibility of exchange hire, combined with the greater intervals between exchange, make it much easier to work around more remote or difficult ports. It also means less time in port and less time managing the servicing logistics. Indeed there is no longer a requirement for customers to think about the servicing of their liferafts. It is all taken care of by Survitec through a dedicated Global Hire team. To ensure smooth operations and a fast response to customer requirements, Survitec provides a single point of contact for all day to day operations, problem solving and contract management. On-line access to the Group’s database of hire liferafts also provides real time information in respect of the due dates for the annual on board inspections and the exchanges. Delivery of the programme is through hub locations that look after several ports in any given region. Survitec covers over 2000 ports, including all the world’s major ports, so exchanging the rafts at a time and place that fits in with the customer is no problem. If other ports need to be added, Survitec is open to suggestions. The financial benefits of an exchange hire package using Survitec’s RFD Extended Service Liferaft (ESR) are typically around 20-25% compared with a traditional procure-and-service approach. With exchange hire, costs are not only predictable but the overall cost of ownership is lower. There is no capital investment, depreciation or transport costs to consider. On a typical five year contract the liferaft is exchanged just once. Compare this to the servicing or exchange of a traditional liferaft, which would be four times in five years. The concept has been a great success and is proving increasingly popular with the large ship

management companies, whether operating in local or global waters. Survitec offers a range of flexible exchange hire contracts from 5 to 10 years. At the end of the term the agreement can be extended at a discounted rate. Contracts can also be terminated early without onerous penalties. Survitec’s latest RFD Extended Service Liferaft (ESR) uses intelligent sensors that allow a raft’s condition to be monitored while in service by a ship’s crew. A Relative Humidity (RH) indicator mounted into the plastic casing evaluates the humidity around the liferaft. An integrated CO2 and humidity sensor evaluates the humidity behind a hermetically sealed protective barrier and detects possible leakages of inflation gas from the gas cylinder. An external USB Port mounted into the canister allows the inspector to feed this information to a PC or mobile device. This ensures compliance with IMO MSC.1/ Circ.1328, requires minimal skills and takes less than five minutes per liferaft. As part of its service package Survitec provides a

ship’s crew with training and certification. Commented Malcolm Barratt, Survitec’s Global Hire Sales Manager: “Not surprisingly our all-in-one Global Hire exchange solution offers the best of both worlds when it comes to managing a fleet of liferafts and complying with the regulations regarding servicing and inspection. It is proving increasingly popular with the global shipping community, especially now that extended service liferafts have gained wider flag state approval. “In response to this growing demand we are actively expanding our presence in the Greek shipping market. Through our representatives on the ground, our local service station network and our partnerships with reputable local agents, we offer our customers in Greece support 24/7 on all global hire contracts. Survitec is a well-established player in this market and we believe the concept of exchange hire, underpinned by the extended service liferaft, has truly come of age.”






At 2.5 years (30 month) intervals, exchange liferafts will be waiting for your vessel to arrive at port...

Begin with only with one vessel and add more as and when existing liferafts are due for a service...

Reduced Administration

Reduced Total Cost of Ownership



Our dedicated Global Hire team will take care of servicing schedules - you only need to tell us where your ship will be...

No capital investment, no depreciation of assets, just the guarantee of a fully serviced, high quality product on board...

For further information please contact your local expert, Malcolm Barratt. Tel: +30 698 004 2468 / Email: Web:


A comprehensive new study of oil’s behaviour in various sea conditions has resulted in significant advances in oil spill recovery using boomstyle systems. Put into practice in DESMI’s Speed-Sweep Oil Spill Response (OSR) solution, the new approach speeds up oil recovery, increases encounter rates, covers a wider area in a shorter time and provides new flexibility in the choice of vessels to do the job

New approach makes faster and efficient work of oil spills Fast response

When oil spills into the sea, time is of the essence. Two tasks are of immediate importance: preventing further spillage and recovering spilled oil from the surface before it is able to spread too widely or sink below the surface.
Just how quickly and effectively a spill can be addressed depends on a number of factors, including the size of the spill, the sea conditions, and the vessel or vessels used. Just as important, however, is the efficiency and usability of the oil recovery equipment itself. And this is precisely where recent advances promise to make a crucial difference.

Wanted: better solutions

Today, oil spills are commonly recovered

using a boom system, which surrounds
floating oil to prevent it spreading over the water surface, and increases its thickness to enable recovery. These systems use a variety of methodologies to recover oil from the sea. Some, for example, skim the top layer of water into a pool equipped with an outlet for extracting oil from the surface. Another approach currently under development is based on fishing industry technology and uses a system of nets to guide oil into a funnel where it is collected in a special recovery system. To date, however, these approaches haven’t managed to deliver the level and speed of recovery required to handle serious spill situations – especially in bad weather conditions.
Beyond the basic size and length of the boom, the most

important parameter is the OSR system’s ability to contain oil. And key to this ability is the way the boom moves in relation to the water upon which it rests.
Most conventional boom systems are limited to operational speeds of 0.7-1.0 knots, above which, the oil slips under the boom itself from a bow wave effect called entrainment. This results in the recovery vessels to operate at a snail’s pace, often clutching the gear box in and out while still having large areas of sea to cover.

Gathering frustrations

The choice of vessel or vessels to operate the boom is a key parameter – from cost, speed and, not least, safety points of view. One common operating model requires up to three ships, one or two to tow the contain-


ment boom in sweep configuration, and yet another to pump away the oil gathered. However, operating multiple vessels, particularly if they lack the superior maneuverability of modern ships, can be a significant challenge. In fact, many OSR operations have been poorly executed due to the perhaps inevitable accidents that occur when you have vessels 200m apart and having to make constant turns. A string of minor disasters such as broken booms and tow lines encountering around propellers has made single-ship solutions, where the boom is operated on one side of the vessel using a jib arm or Ro-Vane (water kite), a much more desirable option.
A well-designed boom needs to strike a balance between the flexibility needed to follow wave movements and the rigidity required to keep hold of as much oil as possible. Oil is likely to escape whenever the boom skirt, for example, bridges two wave crests – or when the structure sinks momentarily, allowing over-thetop drainage.
In recent times, a small number of boom systems have been introduced that are able to move more quickly and in higher seas. But their overall performance has left much to be desired. To close the performance gap then, would require the development of a new type of OSR system that:
 • Enables much higher operational speeds and encounter rates • Can be operated by a single vessel rather than two or three • More resilient to wave and wind conditions • Longer operational life and high resistance to UV • Robust and damage resistant • Can be easily cleaned, maintained and repaired • Stows in a compact manner

Intensive study

In 2010, dissatisfied with multiple aspects of currently available solutions for OSR at sea, leading OSR solution provider DESMI’s R&D team began a project to revisit the underlying assumptions with regard to sea conditions, materials, angles and more. In short, a complete review of the real-life operating conditions that could guide a new approach to designing OSR containment booms. In the rugged and harsh environment of the offshore, DESMI is a market leader in boom recovery systems, burn kits and storage and skimming and recovery systems for oil spill response. The company has a long history in the area, and has supplied systems to a long list of maritime authorities, navies and industry OSR groups. The company’s R&D team conducted in depth research into the characteristics of oil behaviour in a variety of sea conditions and discovered useful new insights into the movements of oil on water. They were able to address the chal-

lenges through multiple cycles of development and trials. This included computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and a variety of test models and speed censors.

Effectiveness and durability

The project’s design ambitions went still further, with the design team not just focused on an effective oil recovery mechanism, but also aiming to achieve a system that would last longer and be more resistant to general damage than systems already in use. The answer, it turned out, was to use the Ro-Boom model but in an entirely new configuration. Ro-Boom is known worldwide as a robust, heavy-duty rubber boom system ideal for all offshore operations but equipped with specially developed Kevlar screens coated with polyurethane, could operate at speeds well beyond the conventional. This created a more rugged and faster collection system than other, more conventional OSR booms, going against other manufacturers’ principles of OSR design. A well-designed boom needs to strike a balance between the flexibility needed to follow wave movements and the rigidity required to hold of as much oil as possible. Oil is likely to escape whenever the boom skirt, for example, bridges two wave crests – or when the structure sinks momentarily, allowing over-the-top drainage. So does the extra ruggedness of the DESMI solution impact its flexibility? And does this, therefore, increase the likelihood of running into similar problems? Not according to DESMI’s R&D Manager for Oil Spill Response, Lars Boldt Rasmussen. “We’ve been focused on the twin aspects of effectiveness and durability,” he says. “Think of a car tire in contrast to an ordinary inflatable beach ball, where our products are equivalent to the car tire, which is produced in a very tough,

rubber-based material. Clearly, the material used for the ball has lower puncture resistance and will wear out sooner. The traditional Ro-Boom is one of the most robust products around, so we can keep operating at a good level if a puncture should occur whereas conventional designs will soon lose functionality if they’re punctured.” “We’ve conducted many open sea and tank tests both with and without oil, and have learned a great deal about the essential principles. Using a material that’s more like a car tire wall instead of a beach ball does mean the boom is stiffer, but we’ve countered this by restricting the distance between the air chambers to no more than 4.5m, which provides a very good wave response. There’s also a good buoyancyto-ballast relationship – buoyancy is provided by the air chambers and ballast from the skirt and chain. And we’ve made sure that the main boom has the stiffness needed to maintain an optimum positioning on the water. In bigger waves, which typically exhibit a lot of turbulence and high-velocity circulating currents, a rigid design is necessary to avoid oil being lost underneath the structure – you have to be flexible horizontally but not vertically. We still use non metallic fiber rods much like sail pins to keep the screens standing vertically in the water, and the materials we’ve chosen elsewhere provide plenty of flexibility in the horizontal direction.” In addition, the solution incorporates floats on the system’s screens to ensure good wave response. And the screens are positioned very carefully in order to break down both oil and water velocity.

Commercial release

DESMI is calling the system, ‘The SpeedSweep’, which offers industry more efficient collection of oil at greater speeds than have


executed in collaboration with the “Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies” (NOFO).

Tangible benefits

Building a better product may not be all that’s necessary to bring the advantages of this new approach in protecting marine and coastal environments and the life that depends on them. There is an additional challenge: the advanced age and outdated designs of many of the products already purchased and held in storage by local authorities, coastguards or naval forces around the world, and in some cases, umbrella response organizations that represent a number of oil companies. These systems may be as old as thirty years.

previously been possible. The company’s materials describe the SpeedSweep’s structure as a “system with individual buoyancy chambers tapered down at either end to the tow sets”, which the company’s technical experts consider to be the ideal guide boom for the sweeping system. The three Kevlar screens, which are specifically sized and positioned, have foam-filled circular floats used to interrupt the speed of the oil, allowing it to be collected at the apex of the system. With this design, surface water and oil can be slowed by as much as 80 percent, enabling the oil to concentrate ready for collection. Put simply, the SpeedSweep system can be operated at up to three knots without oil escaping. Once the pollutant has been collected at the apex, a skimmer can be located here and
recovery can begin, continuing even while the sweep system is moving forward. An option also exists to have a built in skimmer or pump at the apex which can be operated by the mother vessel. collection system can either be connected to a Ro-Boom containment boom or operate as an independent collection unit. The Speed Sweep system can be towed either between two vessels or operated by a single vessel using a jib arm or Ro-Vane (water kite). According to DESMI, no head wave phenomena or planning have been observed.

Retrofit opportunity

DESMI has identified another upside too, from the Speed-Sweep design: the heavy-duty system’s screens can be connected to existing boom systems to increase their efficiencies. Doing so can provide new efficiency and extend an existing system’s lifetime by several years.

Thus far, this capability is limited to DESMI‘s own boom systems. Yet another feature is the fact that DESMI’s system can adopt an in-line skimmer solution. In many of today’s systems, vessel operators have to work with a skimmer operated from a third ship, hanging it over the side and into the recovery pool or apex. In-line-integrated designs are part of the sweep, and is, therefore, less sensitive to weather and other disturbances. Another new feature is the very recent development of an integrated paravane for the Speed-Sweep – The Ro-vane. “Our smallest system, the 1500, is designed for wave heights no higher than 1.5 metres,” says Lars. “So it’s ideal for nearshore spills with wind speeds up to 8m/sec. At the other end of the scale, for offshore in the North Sea, we offer larger systems with bigger main booms and screens. They’re basically the same design, but feature longer, deeper screens that enable recovery teams to work in wave heights of 2.5-3 m with good results. So we can stretch from one end of oil spill recovery to the other.” Long series of testing this approach have been

“Of course, a thirty year-old system may, of course, not be a bad solution if all that’s required is to surround the oil spill and prevent it reaching a beach, while you wait for someone to come and take it away,” says Lars Boldt Rasmussen. Progressive equipment owners, however, have efficiency in mind. Resolving an oil spill in half the time with a more efficient system has many advantages. They don’t, for example, have to take their own vessels away from normal tasks for so long – or charter others. They can offer better environmental protection by preventing too much of the oil sinking to the bottom of the sea (as any oil spill will, sooner or later). And they can minimize negative media exposure by doing the job more quickly. “It’s high time to upgrade the Speed-Sweep that will be far more effective and cost-efficient the day they need to be deployed.”

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ReVolt – DNV GL offer a glimpse at the next generation of short sea shipping The increasing stress placed on land based logistic networks is driving the search for alternatives. One of the most promising is short sea shipping; therefore researchers at classification society DNV GL have developed “ReVolt”, a vessel that is greener, smarter and safer than conventionally fuelled and operated vessels. Autonomous, fully battery powered and highly efficient – “ReVolt” is a new shipping concept that offers a possible solution to the growing need for transport capacity. Instead of using diesel fuel, “ReVolt” is powered by a 3000 kWh battery. This reduces operating costs by minimizing the number of high maintenance parts such as rotational components. The vessel has a range of 100 nautical miles, before the battery needs to be charged. If the energy required for that is harnessed from renewable sources, this would eliminate carbon dioxide emissions. “ReVolt” does not require a crew and therefore goes a long way in tackling one of the shipping industries’ weakest links: the safety record. With an average of 900 fatalities per year the mortality rate in shipping is 90 percent higher than in comparable land-based industries. Studies have shown that the majority of these accidents are caused by human error. Unmanned vessels take this factor out of the equation and make the operation of these ships more cost-efficient. The vessel has an average speed of 6 knots and faces less water resistance than other ships, which usually travel at about 8.7 knots. The slight loss of speed allowed the engineers to fit a straight vertical bow, further reducing water resistance along the ship’s entire profile and ultimately saving energy. With no crew, there is no need for crew facilities such as the superstructure on board this vessel. The resulting increase in loading capacity,

as well as low operating and maintenance costs, mean that compared to a diesel-run ship “ReVolt” could save up to 34 Million USD during its estimated 30-year-life-time. The concept-ship is currently still being tested. “Building and operating this vessel would be possible with today’s technology. ‘ReVolt’ is intended to serve as inspiration for equipment makers, ship yards and ship owners to develop new solutions on the path to a safe and sustainable future”, says Hans Anton Tvete, Senior Researcher at DNV GL. Photo caption: The unmanned, battery powered vessel ‘ReVolt’ could revolutionise short sea shipping.

DNV GL: Beyond condition monitoring in the maritime industry Moving from a regime of scheduled rule-based maintenance to a data-driven risk-based regime can lead to more accurate and timely maintenance resulting in increased safety, lower costs and greater availability of ship systems. A new report “Beyond condition monitoring in the maritime industry”, from classification society DNV GL’s Research and Innovation division, looks at the state of the art in condition monitoring for predictive maintenance and the potential benefits of introducing new maintenance strategies into the shipping industry. “Until now condition monitoring mainly took place on a component-level. This meant that its efficiency depended very much on the sup-

plier. But inspections on individual components needlessly increase complexity, cost and can result in unnecessary damage – all the while failing to contribute to a broader systemic view of the vessel as a whole. There are however new options to that make maintenance safer and more cost effective”, says Knut Erik Knutsen, Senior Researcher at DNV GL. One example is smart sensors. They are installed on the vessel and sift through large amounts of data, streamlining the information that gets passed on to specialists. Critical components can be monitored more closely, sending data to shore through fast, reliable connections. Innovations such as cloud computing allow this information to be stored, distributed and managed efficiently. Collecting and analyzing such data can reduce costs for

maintenance, repairs, insurance, down times and fuel consumption. These systems can lead to a real-time, riskbased maintenance approach where the condition of components is estimated at the system level. Reliability and risk indicators can then be evaluated in real-time to prioritize maintenance actions on individual components. “In short, this gives us a more holistic view of a ship. We can evaluate the importance of every component based on comprehensive data and predict its remaining life-time. This is helpful when it comes to prioritizing maintenance and repairs and enables more intelligent investment decisions”, Knut Erik Knutsen explains. Component manufacturers could also use this information to adopt an improve-as-you-go-approach to upgrading their technology, he notes.


To έργο καινοτομίας ‘Lynceus’ κερδίζει το Διεθνές Bραβείο Lloyds List Η Louis Cruises συμμετείχε στην ομάδα έργου Η Louis Cruises με ιδιαίτερη ικανοποίηση ανακοινώνει ότι το έργο ‘Lynceus’ (το όνομα προέρχεται από την ελληνική μυθολογία και αντιστοιχεί στο βασιλιά Λυγκέα που συμμετείχε στην Αργοναυτική εκστρατεία), αναγνωρίστηκε από τα διεθνή βραβεία των Lloyd’s List ως μία εξαιρετικά καινοτόμα δράση. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, πρόκειται για ένα πρωτοποριακό έργο που αναπτύχθηκε το 2014 από το Ναυτιλιακό Ινστιτούτο Ανατολικής Μεσογείου σε συνεργασία με το Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο για μικρές και μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις (SMEs,) καθώς και εταιρείες με ενασχόληση στην έρευνα και ανάπτυξη των τεχνολογιών (RTD). Ο στόχος του έργου ‘Lynceus’ είναι να αναπτύξει μια χαμηλού κόστους και αξιόπιστη τεχνολογία για τον εντοπισμό κάθε μεμονωμένο επιβάτη ή μέλος του πληρώματος επί του πλοίου ή στο νερό κατά τη διάρκεια συνθηκών έκτακτης ανάγκης, μεγιστοποιώντας με αυτό τον τρόπο τις πιθανότητες για έγκαιρη διάσωση και συνακόλουθα την ελαχιστοποίηση της απώλειας της ζωής. Το έργο θα ολοκληρωθεί το Μάρτιο του 2015, με μια επίδειξη με τον υπεύθυνο έργου από την πλευρά της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, που με τη χρηματοδότησή της έκανε πραγματικότητα την υλοποίηση αυτού του καινοτόμου επιτεύγματος. Η Louis Cruises συμμετέχει στο έργο ‘Lynceus’ με τη διάθεση των κρουαζιερόπλοιων της για τις δοκιμές, ενώ συνέβαλε σημαντικά τόσο στην πρακτική εφαρμογή όσο και στην ανάπτυξη αυτής της νέας τεχνολογίας. Ο κ. Κυριάκος Αναστασιάδης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Louis Cruises συγχαίροντας όλη την ομάδα που συμμετείχε σε αυτό το εξαιρετικό έργο, σημείωσε σχετικά: «Η ασφάλεια της ανθρώπινης ζωής είναι η πρώτη

Στη φωτό: Από αριστερά: Ο κ. Ζαχαρίας Σιόκουρος – Πρόεδρος της MARINEM (Ναυτιλιακό Ινστιτούτο Ανατολικής Μεσογείου), ο Δρ. Τάσος Κουνούδης, Πρόεδρος της SIGNAL GENERIX, η κα Μαριάννα Βάρη- Υπεύθυνη Έργου της ΤALOS, ο καπ. Βασίλειος Γκάζικας, Διευθυντής Ναυτιλιακού τμήματος Louis Cruises και ο Δρ. Αντώνης Καλλής, Διευθυντής Επικοινωνίας SIGNAL GENERIX προτεραιότητα για όλες τις εταιρείες της κρουαζιέρας και στο πλαίσιο αυτό, είναι πράγματι μεγάλη για μας ικανοποίηση να είμαστε μέλη αυτής της ομάδας και κυρίως να έχουμε καθοριστικό και αποτελεσματικό ρόλο στην ενίσχυση των μέτρων πρόληψης και ασφάλειας στον κλάδο της κρουαζιέρας. Μετά το Μάρτιο του 2015, το έργο θα εισέλθει στη δεύτερη φάση υλοποίησης ως ‘Lynceus 2’, μια βελτιωμένη έκδοση του ‘Lynceus’ όπου η Louis Cruises θα συνεχίσει να συμμετέχει και να υποστηρίζει αυτό το καινοτόμο έργο”.

Νέες υπηρεσίες από την Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος Τις νέες υπηρεσίες που θα προσφέρει στη Ναυτιλία, παρουσίασε την Πέμπτη 18/09 η Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΠΕ) σε μια επιτυχημένη βραδιά στον Αστέρα Γλυφάδας. Ο πρόεδρος και διευθύνων σύμβουλος της ΕΠΕ κ. Ιωάννης Πολυχρονόπουλος καλωσόρισε τους εκλεκτούς καλεσμένους από τον χώρο της Ναυτιλίας και πλήθος στελεχών του επιχειρηματικού και νομικού κλάδου της χώρας. Ο κ. Πολυχρονόπουλος, παρουσία του Υπουργού Ναυτιλίας κ. Μιλτιάδη Βαρβιτσιώτη, μίλησε για τις νέες υπηρεσίες “Distressed Cargo” και “Ship-to-ship transfer” τονίζοντας ότι πρόκειται για μια ακόμα μεγάλη προσπάθεια στον τομέα Προστασίας του Θαλάσσιου Περιβάλλοντος, που θα δημιουργήσει νέες θέσεις εργασίας. Μεταξύ άλλων, στην δεξίωση παρευρέθηκαν και οι: Γιάννης Αϊβάτογλου, Σπύρος Δεμερτζής,

Άντριου Ντάιερ, Πάτρικ Χόκινς, Αντώνιος Κατραούρας, Μιχαήλ Μαντζαφός, Σωκράτης Μπαλτζής, Δευκαλίων Ρεδιάδης, Κυριάκος Ριρής, Ρηγίνος Τσάνος, Τομ Σέλεκενς, Γρηγόρης Τιμαγένης, Τάσος Βαμβακίδης, Σπυρίδων Ζολώτας, Αθανάσιος Χριστόπουλος, Ευάγγελος Νομικός.

η απάντληση καυσίμων και φορτίου, η τελική διάθεση

Η ΕΠΕ μετράει σχεδόν 40 χρόνια δραστηριότητας

χρόνο ή στην κατάσταση που είχε προσυμφωνηθεί,

προσφέροντας αποτελεσματικές υπηρεσίες και

με αποτέλεσμα την αλλοίωση και πιθανή εγκατάλειψη

ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις για την αντιμετώπιση χημικών

τους, η Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος θα βρει τη

και πετρελαϊκών ρυπάνσεων, διασφαλίζοντας την

λύση, αναλαμβάνοντας την ανάκτηση, ανασυσκευασία,

προστασία του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος.

σήμανση, απορρύπανση και την τελική τους διάθεση.

Τις τελευταίες τρείς δεκαετίες η ΕΠΕ έχει αντιμετωπίσει

“Ship-to-ship transfer”: μεταφορά φορτίου από πλοίο σε

χιλιάδες περιστατικά θαλάσσιας ρύπανσης, διαθέτοντας

πλοίο, τα οποία τοποθετούνται το ένα δίπλα στο άλλο,

εξοπλισμό τελευταίας τεχνολογίας και καταρτισμένο

είτε σε στάση είτε εν κινήσει. Φορτία που μεταφέρονται


συνήθως με τη μέθοδο του STS περιλαμβάνουν το

Η αντιμετώπιση θαλάσσιων ρυπάνσεων, η περισυλλογή

αργό πετρέλαιο, το υγροποιημένο φυσικό αέριο ( LPG

πετρελαίου από την θάλασσα, η ανέλκυση ναυαγίων,

ή LNG), χύδην φορτία, και προϊόντα πετρελαίου.

πετρελαιοειδών αποβλήτων και ο καθαρισμός των ακτών είναι λίγες από τις πολλές υπηρεσίες της ΕΠΕ. Οι νέες υπηρεσίες της ΕΠΕ τηρούν πιστά για μια ακόμα φορά την προστασία του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος: «Distressed Cargo»: Όταν τα φορτία των πλοίων δεν καταφέρνουν να φτάσουν στον προορισμό τους, στο

INDUSTRIAL PARK OF ASPROPYRGOS, NATO AVENUE, GR 19300 (PO BOX 93) Tel: +30 210 5570870 Fax: +30 210 5570834

“Your reliable partner in marine

& shipping services”


Hellenic Lloyd’s SA meets with major manufacturers and Academia to provide the Greek Shipping Community with a holistic approach on Energy Efficiency Solutions


n Thursday 25 September Hellenic Lloyd’s SA held the Energy Efficiency Solutions – A holistic view Forum. The event was hosted by Aegean Shipping Management in their auditorium.

Main Engine & Economizer. Paul McStay, Business Manager for Lloyd’s Register’s Ship Performance Group, addressed the Energy Efficiency Drivers for ship owners and ship operators and an approach for existing energy efficiency solutions presenting the challenges, implementation and benefits of each one.

The Forum gathered representatives of different shipping stakeholders with the aim to provide a holistic approach on efficiency optimisation from

Closing the second session Professor Nikolaos Kyrtatos of NTUA pro-

the perspective of operators, manufacturers, classification societies and

vided an assessment of Energy Efficiency Measures, concluding with a


comparison of the different measures for existing vessels.

Dr. Anthi Miliou, in the role of moderator, opened the Forum welcoming the attendees and introducing the distinguished speakers of the panel.

The event captured the interest of the shipping community with over 100

Opening the first session of presentations, Ioannis Kokkalas, Aegean’s

delegates in attendance. All presentations raised fruitful dialogue among

Green Fleet Site Manager, addressed the challenges for ship owners and

the stakeholders during the Q&A sessions.

ship operators regarding energy efficiency. Mr Kokkalas also provided

“Shipping is facing huge challenges in having to deal with uncertainty in

feedback on the operation of their Green fleet vessels to-date.

a rapidly changing commercial and regulatory landscape. The choices owners and operators make will require a systematic and evidence-based

Representatives of major manufacturers were invited to share their

approach to ensure assets and businesses remain competitive and sus-

insight. Michael Jeppesen, Promotion Manager, Marine Low Speed, and

tainable into the future”, said Paul McStay within his concluding remarks.

Morten Rasch Sales Manager, Propellers and Aft-ship Systems of MAN Diesel & Turbo delivered a combined presentation on Efficient System

Anthi Miliou commented “In today’s complex environment with all the

Integration with MDT.

different energy efficiency solutions available and the evolving regulatory framework, it is of great importance to keep an open dialogue among the

Wartsila’s Dionysios Antonopoulos, Manager 2-stroke Technical Services,

shipping industry stakeholders. There is no doubt that energy efficiency is

addressed the Developments on Propulsion and Auxiliary Power Produc-

one of the most commonly discussed topics nowadays. We all hear about

tion for merchant vessels.

energy efficiency but it means different things to different people and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. This Forum provided a fertile ground

In the second session Sephardim Koblenz, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE Pro-

for key stakeholders to address the different aspects of energy efficiency

motion Manager, presented on Turbocharger Solutions for Outstanding

from their respective angle. We support such events as opportunities to

System Efficiencies, followed by the presentation of the General Manager

exchange experience and technical insight as part of a drive to enhance

of DAN Marine Europe Anders Steen Soerensen on System optimization,

development and innovation within the shipping industry.”


Sea Pioneer Shipping Corporation receives the Energy Management System certification ISO 50001 awarded by Lloyd’s Register


n the cadre of Posidonia 2014, Lloyd’s Register has awarded the ISO50001:2011 certificate to Sea Pioneer Shipping Corporation. Sea Pioneer becomes one of the pioneering shipping companies that have achieved ISO 50001 certification by implementing an energy management system and proving their commitment towards energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact associated with CO2 emissions, as well as towards a sustainable vision for shipping. The Energy Management System is applicable to ship management and operation of a fleet of Bulk Carriers trading worldwide, incorporating the safety and pollution prevention requirements of IMO Resolution A.741 (18), the ISM Code and associated office activities. The same system will soon apply to a fleet of modern product carriers. Dr Kirikos Faraklas, LRQA-Marine Business Centre Manager, commented: “This certification shows the commitment of Sea Pioneer Shipping Corporation in a systematic approach regarding energy management through enhancing energy efficiency, reducing operational costs and GHG emissions”. ””It is with great honour and pride that we now join a pool of pioneering shipping Companies committed to achieving continual improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption”, said Mr Vassilis Bacolitsas, Sea Pioneer Director.

“Our Company, having established an Environmental Management System certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2004, believes that although shipping is by far the most fuel-efficient mode of transport, nevertheless additional action has to be taken to further improve the energy efficiency of ship related operations. The increased energy efficiency will eventually result in increased environmental protection by reducing air emissions as well as in improved operational performance by reducing energy cost. Our Company – in its entity - is fully committed to energy efficiency excellence.” The ISO 50001 standard is a voluntary international standard that specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy-management system. It offers companies a systematic approach to continually improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use and consumption.


Lloyd’s Register’s Hellenic Advisory Committee Technology focus & innovation, Common Structural Rules and the N/B market in China were key themes at Lloyd’s Register’s (LR) Hellenic Advisory Committee, as the succession to Apostolos Poulovassilis as LR Marine Manager in Piraeus is confirmed.


n his opening comments, Richard Sadler Lloyd’s Register CEO summarised a good year of LR Group activity – which has seen turnover exceed £1Bn for the first time in the Group’s history, representing a significant milestone towards future growth plans. Underpinning a commitment to lead technology research and innovation, Mr. Sadler confirmed that the move to the new Marine Global Technology Centre in the UK is now underway, which also represents a ground-breaking research & educational collaboration with the University of Southampton. “I am proud to say that Lloyd’s Register has taken a leading position in establishing such a reputable collaboration, which I am sure will serve as a model for others to follow” – he commented to members. It was noted that the LR Foundation, now established as the LR Group parent charity for industry research & development, is now the largest registered charity in the UK in terms of assets & income. Advancing the theme of new technology & innovation, Tom Boardley LR Marine Director provided an insight to new LR initiatives set squarely to address challenges now being faced by the shipping industry – with particular reference to environmental & safety regulation, global marine fuel trends, the potential expansion of LNG-fuelled shipping & bunkering demand, and the structural integrity of ever larger container ships. Noting also the on-going balance of advancing regulation & innovation against commercial pressures, Mr. Boardley was pleased to report Lloyd’s Register’s position as the top-performing recognised organisation (RO) at the Paris MoU for 2011-13 from figures recently published. From 11,405 inspections in this period on LR classed ships, only 10 were detained for classed-related factors. “From a position of 8th in the MoU ranking in 2009, this represents a concerted effort to improve quality and to work with owners, managers and crews to improve operational performance and avoid detentions” he said. Lloyd’s Register’s Global Technology Leader for Hull Structures, Peter Thompson, gave the Committee an update on the evolving Common Structural Rules for bulk carriers & oil tankers – noting progress towards the entry into force date 01 July 2015 and new 2014 change proposals aimed to clarify any previously generalised parameters that were open to interpretation. Committee Chairman, Theodore Veniamis, noted the high level of input to these rule developments coming from the Greek marine community, and highlighted “the importance both of common software to effectively implement these rules and the need for just one common notation - avoiding any two-tier notation approach from IACS members”. He called upon continuing LR support to this approach. Nikos Skaribas, Lloyd’s Register’s Greater China Marine Operations Manager, provided an overview of the latest Chinese shipbuilding capacity and capability. Noting LR’s leading position for new orders placed in China during 2013/14, Mr. Skaribas commented that the number of Greek client

orders in China is still influenced by a process of building trust. Members called for more clarity on understanding which shipyards are on the Government approved “White List” and with available fund guarantees – so as to avoid building delays. Initiatives by the Government to fund schooling and education centred around the industry were noted to improve future levels of full time employees and thereby personnel retention & quality. Attending his last meeting of the Hellenic Advisory Committee in the capacity of Lloyd’s Register’s Regional Marine Manager with responsibility for Greece, Apostolos Poulovassilis provided an overview of the marine market - with particular reference to the evolution of the total Greek owned fleet 2008-2014. Against a turbulent economic background during this period, highlights included an annual average fleet growth of 5.8% (DWT), a 28% reduction in average ship age from 18.4 to 13.3 years, consolidated investment in bulk carrier / tanker orders but also new sectors such as LNG/LPG, and maintenance of the largest global fleet by nationality (GRT). Lloyd’s Register remains proud to class a leading 26% of the Greek owned existing fleet (GRT) and 24% of the newbuilding orderbook (GRT). Members noted that Mr. Poulovassilis has resigned from the services of Lloyd’s Register after a career spanning 25 years to pursue a new opportunity in the Greek marine market. On behalf of the Committee both Richard Sadler and Theodore Veniamis paid tribute to the personal contribution made by Apostolos in the development of LR Piraeus as a key Area Hub office and in his tireless support of and dedication to the Greek maritime community. They were also pleased to announce that Theodosis Stamatellos, a member of the LR Piraeus office for 8 years, will now succeed Apostolos as Lloyd’s Register’s Area Marine Manager with responsibility for Greece. The Committee also reviewed the workings of Lloyd’s Register’s Hellenic Technical Committee and Environmental Subcommittee during 2014, covering a wide range of rule developments and efficiency solutions – including CSR, ratification of the convention for ballast water management, the draft IGF Code for alternative fuels and biofouling management. These presentations were well received and provoked active and productive discussions. Published data sources courtesy of Petrofin Research and IHS Fairplay. Present at the meeting as a guest was Mr. George Gratsos, President of the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping.


The fighting temeraire debarks at Perama Spanopoulos Group on the occasion of the

Presented by Hellenic Lloyd’s SA to the inauguration of the new shipyard of the Group at Perama


genuine copy of The Fighting Temeraire of J. M. W. Turner was presented by Hellenic Lloyd’s SA to the Spanopoulos Group on the occasion of the inauguration of the new shipyard of the Group at Perama. The present was handed to Messrs. Ignatios and Michalis Spanopoulos during a press event organised at the shipyard’s new facilities on Wednesday the 29th of October.

“We cordially thank Hellenic Lloyd’s for their inspired present, whose symbolism is deeply appreciated by my family. As you all know the Spanopoulos Group started some 30 years ago with tugboats. We will secure a special place in our new shipyard to display this distinct artwork”, said Michalis Spanopoulos. The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up, 1838 is an oil painting by the English artist J. M. W. Turner, a Romantic landscape painter, water-colourist, and printmaker. Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, but is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence rivalling history painting. The Fighting Temeraire was painted in 1838 and exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1839. It depicts one of the last second-rate ships of the line which played a distinguished role in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the 98-gun ship

HMS Temeraire, being towed by a paddle-wheel steam tug towards its final berth in Rotherhithe in south-east London in 1838 to be broken up for scrap. The painting hangs in the National Gallery, London, having been bequeathed to the nation by the artist in 1851. In the year of the Trafalgar bicentenary and SeaBritain 2005 celebrations, ‘The Fighting Temeraire’ has been voted the ‘Greatest Painting in Britain’ in a public poll. “It is unique for a tugging theme to have received appreciation to the extent JMW Turner’s Fighting Temeraire had. The achievements of the Spanopoulos Group in the field and the tugging of the HMS Ark Royal to her final berth by a Spanopoulos tugboat inspired us to select this famous historic theme”, said Theodosis Stamatellos, Lloyd’s Register Area Manager GEMA. The new Spanopoulos Group shipyard has been fully operational since February 2014 and has created many employment opportunities in the area. The 16,500m2 site is dedicated exclusively to luxurious mega yachts providing an array of in house services under the high standards certification for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISPS as well as high liability insurance.

Photo: (l-r) Ignatios Spanopoulos, Michael Mantzafos, Theodosis Stamatellos, Panayiotis Mitrou, Michalis Spanopoulos.


China meets Europe at the DNV GL maritime headquarters in Hamburg The future of EU–China relations, the country’s investment in Europe as well as sustainable growth and environmental protection in the Chinese economy were just some of the topics on the agenda at the 6th Hamburg Summit. To foster new relationships and honour key players for their efforts in European–Chinese cooperation, the world’s largest classification society DNV GL hosted a dinner in its global maritime headquarters in Hamburg. I“We are committed to China and will continue to strengthen this commitment in the future. Our vision is to have a global impact for a safe and sustainable future. To achieve this, we need a global collaboration. That is why it is so encouraging to be a part of the Hamburg Summit,” said Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, President Maritime at DNV GL, when he addressed more than 250 dinner guests in the Hafencity. A common focus on increasing sustainability by using greener energy sources has become an instrumental part of the cooperation between East and West. “Both China and Europe have been at the forefront of setting ambitious goals for renewable energy generation to power a low carbon future. Recently, China decided to make certification of new types of wind turbines mandatory. We have already established a partnership with a Chinese wind turbine blade manufacturer for certification of its products to improve the reliability and quality of blades produced in China,” Ørbeck-Nilssen explained. In the maritime sector, there are many joint projects underway as well. Amongst others, DNV GL has just signed an agreement with Sinopacific shipyard for a series of ground-breaking ethane-fuelled carriers, which emit significantly less carbon than diesel-powered vessels. Using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as shipfuel is about to become another integral part of China’s low-carbon strategy, especially in short-sea and river shipping. Even though balancing sustainable economic growth and environmental protection remains a challenge, Ørbeck-Nilssen stressed that this is achievable: “International regulations to set higher standards, incentives for the industry to become cleaner, a level playing field, as well as global collaboration will play a crucial role in tackling this issue,” Ørbeck-Nilssen emphasized during a panel discussion with delegates from Ansteel Group, Minmetals Corporation, Siemens and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. “China and Europe have been seeking exchange and a fruitful relationship for several decades for now. Thanks to the active contribution of many organizations and interest groups the relations between China and Europe have never been closer”, said conference Chairman Nikolaus W. Schües, the former President of Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the owner of the German shipping company Reederei F. Laeisz. To award its contribution to creating a deeper mutual understanding between China and Europe, Schües presented the “China-Europe Friendship Award” to the China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE). The car manufacturer BMW received the “China-Europe Sustainability Award” for its outstanding efforts to follow ecological principles and successfully implemented sustainability in its business strategy and actions. Caption: More than 250 high profile summit participants met in the DNV GL maritime headquarters in Hamburg (left to right): Albrecht Grell, Head of DNV GL’s Maritime Advisory Division, Xiaohu Yang, Assistant President of CIMC Enric Holdings Limited, Nikolaus W. Schües, owner of the

German shipping company Reederei F. Laeisz, Ya Yu, Vice President of the China International Marine Containers Group, Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, President Maritime at DNV GL, and Torsten Schramm, COO Division Germany Middle East & Asia, as well as Vincent Li, Regional Manager DNV GL Maritime Advisory Greater China.

Ahrenkiel Steamship consolidates entire fleet at DNV GL Ahrenkiel Steamship, the newly formed German ship management company, will consolidate its entire fleet at DNV GL, the world’s largest classification society. Nick Topham managing director of Ahrenkiel Steamship and Tor E. Svensen, CEO of DNV GL - Maritime, signed the cooperation agreement at the SMM trade fair in Hamburg. Ahrenkiel Steamship currently has 62 ships under technical management, all of which will join the DNV GL fleet in service. Plans for developing the fleet managed by Ahrenkiel Steamship are already underway. “Our focus is on building up a strong fleet, maximizing the quality of our services and increasing our efficiency. DNV GL has a longstanding track record of excellence and reliability and having a strong expert technical partner like DNV GL ensures that we can increase our competiveness while delivering uncompromising quality to our customers”, said Nick Topham, MD of Ahrenkiel Steamship. “We are very pleased that Ahrenkiel Steamship have entrusted us with their fleet. They have a young and modern fleet of vessels – and we will work with them to build on this foundation. Their focus on delivering quality and efficiency matches our own and by consolidating their entire fleet at DNV GL they will be able to draw on a breadth of our services and expert technical support that is unique in the industry”, said Tor E. Svensen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime. Ahrenkiel Steamship was established in a merger between three German ship management companies. Thien & Heyenga and the MPC Group acquired the Ahrenkiel Group in April 2014 and subsequently merged the operations managed by the Ahrenkiel Group with those of MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Steamship and Thien & Heyenga.



Alfa Laval:

Advanced Cooling System

Fuel cooling system for marine gas oil

The ACS Module


Stricter fuel oil regulations imposed by the International Maritime Organization and national and regional authorities call for ships to change over from heavy fuel oils (HFO) to low-sulphur distillate fuel oils in designated Emission Control Areas. Switching over from HFO to light fuel poses operational challenges, including fuel viscosity, lubricity and combustion quality. Ship owners and operators must therefore modify fuel oil systems onboard new and existing ships to ensure the protection of fuel oil injection components. Cooling units are required to reduce the temperature of low- sulphur marine gas oil in order to supply a proper fuel to the engine.

Advanced Cooling System from Alfa Laval

The Advanced Cooling System (ACS) is a reliable, fully auto- matic fuel cooling system that facilitates fuel oil changeover while maintaining fuel viscosity within the limits set by engine manufacturers. Inside the high-pressure stage of fuel conditioning, the ACS replaces the heating phase with a cooling phase, in order to keep the distillate fuel temperature low and ensure the proper viscosity. The ACS can integrate the Alfa Laval Fuel

Conditioning Module (FCM) as well as any other booster system, on new buildings or ships in operation.

remote panel • Full changeover procedure customization by controlling all process parameters

Features and benefits

Versatility • Optional chiller unit available for the supply of proper cooling media to ACS • Possibility to develop ACS tailor made versions on request

Compliance with new fuel regulations ACS allows the operators to: • Achieve easy and full automated fuel changeover procedures • Handle up to 3 different fuels • Perform direct (HFO to MGO) and intermediate (HFO to MDO to MGO) fuel changeover procedure Safety ACS provides cutting edge control of variation in fuel temperature and viscosity. This makes possible to achieve safe fuel changeover procedures by avoiding any thermal shock and any drop in fuel viscosity. Integration • Seamless communication between ACS and FCM for automatic and reliable fuel changeover procedures • Full compatibility of ACS with any fuel conditioning module, even from other suppliers Automation • ACS is fully automated and easy to operate • Possibillity of full process control from

Key components

The ACS scope of supply includes everything needed, with the exception of pipes and cables, to construct a complete fuel cooling system for newbuildings or to retrofit fuel supply systems on existing vessels. ACS Cooler The ACS is equipped with a heat exchanger that uses fresh water or seawater as cooling media. The plate heat exchanger cooler type has high corrosion resistance, high efficiency and compact design. Mixing valve This electrically operated three-way mixing valve regulates fuel temperature by partializing the amount of fuel flowing through the ACS cooler. The stepless flow adjustment allows a sharp temperature control of the light fuel, in order to provide a reliable tempera-


1. HFO and MGO day tank 2. Three way changeover valve (V1) 3. Pump strainers 4. Supply pump 5. Automatic backflushing filter 6. Filter pressure drop switch 7. Supply pressure control valve 8. Flow transmitter 9. Flow transmitter bypass 10. Pressure transmitter, supply pump 11. Level switch 12. Automatic de-aeration valve 13. Mixing tube 14. Circulation pump 15. Heaters 16. Pressure transmitter, circ. pump 17. Temperature sensor 18. Viscosity sensor 19. Engine pressure control valve 20. Three way changeover valve (V2) 21. ACS Cooler 22. Three way mixing valve (V3) 23. Temperature transmitter (TT2) 24. Temperature transmitter (TT3) 25. SPV Cooler 26. Three way changeover valve (V4) 27. Heating media valve (V6) 28. Cooling media valve (V7)

ture ramp and final injection temperature. Temperature transmitter Mounted on booster module or near the engine, the temperature transmitter supplies data about fuel temperature to the engine to the ACS control unit. Changeover valves The ACS incorporates two main three-way changeover valves positioned at the fuel supply feed inlet and prior to the inlet of the ACS cooler. These are supplied according to the dimensions of the connected pipework. One more three-way changeover valve is available as an option to handle a third fuel Control system ACS operation is steered and monitored by a control panel, and can be equipped for different levels of remote control: • Basic – free contacts (only alarms and readings) • Extended – free contacts (change over start up and alarms and temperature readings) • Modbus – full remote control through onboard automation system Modularized assembly ACS is a compact and skid mounted unit, ready for a space saving installation on any booster system. Chiller unit ACS is available with a chiller unit from our partner NOVENCO, with start /stop function integrated in the control panel.

The ACS operation is based on temperature adjustable setpoint and viscosity control operated by FCM viscosity sensor. Changeover from HFO to MGO To initiate the switch from HFO to MGO, the system gradually shifts the changeover valve (V1) from HFO position to MGO position and reduces the heating power in order to control fuel viscosity. The combination of the valve movement and continuous control of heat- ing power ensures a safe and gradual changeover with- out the risk of thermal shock. Once the programmable set point temperature has been obtained, the ACS shifts the changeover valve (V2) from the heater position to the cooler position and begins to control the fuel temperature during the ramp phase by operating the three-way mixing valve (V3). Continuous control of this three-way mixing valve keep fuel temperature and viscosity stable. Changeover from MGO to HFO To initiate the switch from MGO to HFO, the system gradually shifts the changeover valve (V1) from MGO position to HFO position and controls the fuel tempera- ture ramp by operating the three-way mixing valve (V3). When

the programmable set point temperature has been obtained, the ACS gradually shifts the changeover valve (V2) from the cooler position to the heater position; the booster controls the temperature ramp until the HFO working temperature has been obtained.

Three fuels handling As an option, the system can handle 3 different fuels and perform direct (HFO to MGO) and intermediate (HFO to MDO to MGO) fuel changeover procedure. This allows to save money by using the suitable fuel for the proper time.


We support innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions For more information, please contact: Bureau Veritas Greek Central Office 23, Etolikou Str. - 185 45 PIRAEUS Tel: +30 (210) 40 63 000 Fax: +30 (210) 40 63 063 Email: Visit us on: -

Move Forward with Confidence


cover story Το πρώτο διεθνές κέντρο εκπαίδευσης της NORSAFE στην Ελλάδα Εκπαίδευση υψηλού επιπέδου στον τομέα της σωστής λειτουργίας και συντήρησης των σωσίβιων λέμβων - επωτίδων από τον ίδιο τον κατασκευαστή, με σύγχρονα συστήματα που έχουν εξελιχθεί προκειμένου να συμμορφώνονται με τους πλέον απαιτητικούς κανονισμούς ( ΙΜΟ, ΕΕ, SOLAS, κλπ) παρέχει από το 2014 το Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης της ΝΟRSAFE το οποίο λειτουργεί σε χώρο του Οργανισμού Λιμένος Λαυρίου.

Πού Απευθύνεται

κατασκευή σωσίβιων λέμβων και επωτίδων

την πώληση, σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.

Σε στελέχη και πληρώματα Ξένων και

στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλία και off shore

Το νεοσύστατο “Eκπαιδευτικό Κέντρο

Ελληνικών Ναυτιλιακών και Πετρελαϊκών

αγορά. Ιδρύθηκε το 1903 και τα τελευταία

Norsafe”, θα παρέχει, επιπλέον εκπαίδευση

Εταιριών – Ναυτιλιακών Ομίλων και

25 χρόνια έχει εξελιχθεί σε έναν όμιλο με

στα πληρώματα, τους αξιωματικούς ή

σχήματα εταιριών που επενδύουν σε OIL &

παγκόσμια παρουσία.

τους τεχνικούς διευθυντές των εταιρικών

GAS και OFFSHORE τεχνολογίες.

Η Νοrsafe υπήρξε η πρώτη Ευρωπαϊκή

πελατών, σε εξειδικευμένα κέντρα

Τα προγράμματα που υλοποιούνται

εταιρία που επένδυσε στην Κίνα ενώ εκτός


απευθύνονται σε Ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες

από την Νορβηγία, τη Βραζιλία και το

καθώς και σε στελέχη τους που

Μεξικό. Διαθέτει κάθετη μονάδα παραγωγής


δραστηριοποιούνται στην περιοχή της

στην Ελλάδα ενώ αποτελεί μια από τις

Τα επίσημα εγκαίνια του

Μεσογείου και της Ελλάδας.

πρώτες διεθνείς εταιρίες που συνεργάστηκαν

κέντρου εκπαίδευσης της Νοrsafe

Η λειτουργία του προγράμματος του Κέντρου

με Έλληνες κατασκευαστές (Watercraft

πραγματοποιήθηκαν την Παρασκευή, 26

Εκπαίδευσης της Νοrsafe θα συμβάλει στην

Hellas) και επένδυσαν στην Ελληνική

Σεπτεμβρίου, στο κτίριο του Επιβατικού

σημαντική αύξηση της επισκεψιμότητας


Σταθμού Ακτοπλοΐας στον Οργανισμό

στον λιμένα του Λαυρίου εκπροσώπων

Αυτές οι δυνατότητες παραγωγής

Λιμένος Λαυρίου (ΟΛΛ ΑΕ). Στην τελετή

εκατοντάδων διεθνών εταιριών αλλά

προσφέρουν στην Νοrsafe το πλεονέκτημα

προσεκλήθησαν εκπρόσωποι Φορέων της

και ναυτικών τους, προκειμένου να

να μπορεί να προσφέρει στους πελάτες της

Πολιτείας , στελέχη της Ναυτιλίας καθώς και

εκπαιδευθούν πάνω στην σωστή και

προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες υψηλής ποιότητας.

εκπρόσωποι Φορέων του Λαυρίου. Πριν

αποτελεσματική χρήση των σωστικών

Η δε παροχή υπηρεσιών (service) στον

την τελετή των εγκαινίων έγιναν σύντομες


τομέα των σωστικών μέσων είναι μια

ομιλίες και χαιρετισμοί εκπροσώπων της

αναπτυσσόμενη αγορά στην οποία η Nor-

Πολιτείας, Νηογνωμόνων, εκπροσώπων

safe δίνει μεγάλη σημασία. Σε συνδυασμό με

ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών αρμοδίων σε Τεχνικά

εξουσιοδοτημένους service agents ανά τον

θέματα αλλά και σε θέματα Ασφάλειας

κόσμο, η Norsafe παρέχει υποστήριξη μετά

Πλοίων και Πληρωμάτων.

Ηγετική Παρουσία στην παγκόσμια Ναυτιλία Η Norsafe είναι μια ηγετική παρουσία στην


ΝORSAFE ACADEMY: To πρώτο Διεθνές Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης Ναυτικών Πληρωμάτων σε σωστικά μέσα στον κόσμο της NORSAFE στο Λιμάνι Λαυρίου Στόχος του Κέντρου Norsafe Academy είναι

NORSAFE. Το στρατηγικής σημασίας

Αυτές οι δυνατότητες παραγωγής

η εκπαίδευση στη σωστή λειτουργία και

λιμάνι του Λαυρίου επιλέχθηκε ως η πρώτη

προσφέρουν στην Νοrsafe το πλεονέκτημα

συντήρηση σωσίβιων λεμβών - επωτίδων

«Ακαδημία» της Norsafe, ενώ στο πλάνο της

να μπορεί να προσφέρει στους πελάτες της

από τον ίδιο τον κατασκευαστή, με

εταιρίας είναι να αποτελέσει πρότυπο και για

προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες υψηλής ποιότητας.

σύγχρονα συστήματα που έχουν εξελιχθεί

τις αντίστοιχες επόμενες στρατηγικές αγορές

προκειμένου να συμμορφώνονται με τους

(Νορβηγία, Σιγκαπούρη, Αμερική).

Η δε παροχή υπηρεσιών (service) στον τομέα των σωστικών μέσων είναι μια

όλο και πιο απαιτητικούς κανονισμούς ( ΙΜΟ,

Προφίλ Ομίλου Norsafe

αναπτυσσόμενη αγορά στην οποία η Nor-

Η Norsafe είναι μια ηγετική παρουσία στην

safe δίνει μεγάλη σημασία. Σε συνδυασμό με

Παράλληλα, η δημιουργία της Norsafe

κατασκευή σωσίβιων λέμβων και επωτίδων

εξουσιοδοτημένους service agents ανά τον

Academy θα συμβάλλει στη στρατηγική

στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλία και off shore

κόσμο, η Norsafe παρέχει υποστήριξη μετά

Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης, την

αγορά. Ιδρύθηκε το 1903 και τα τελευταία

την πώληση, σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.

Αποκέντρωση Λιμένων και την επίσκεψη

25 χρόνια έχει εξελιχθεί σε έναν όμιλο με

Το νεοσύστατο εκπαιδευτικό Κέντρο Norsafe

εκατοντάδων διεθνών εταιριών και στελεχών,

παγκόσμια παρουσία.

Academy, θα παρέχει, επιπλέον εκπαίδευση

ΕΕ, SOLAS, κλπ).

με πληρώματα Ξένων και Ελληνικών συμφερόντων πλοίων για την εκπαίδευση.

στα πληρώματα, τους αξιωματικούς ή Η Νοrsafe υπήρξε η πρώτη Ευρωπαϊκή

τους τεχνικούς διευθυντές των εταιρικών

εταιρία που επένδυσε στην Κίνα ενώ

πελατών, σε εξειδικευμένα συστήματα.

Όλα αυτά θα συντελέσουν στην αύξηση

εκτός από την Νορβηγία, τη Βραζιλία και

της απασχόλησης και των εμπορικών

το Μεξικό, έχει και μία κάθετη μονάδα

Πού Απευθύνεται

Δραστηριοτήτων στο λιμάνι του Λαυρίου.

παραγωγής στην Ελλάδα και αποτελεί

Σε στελέχη και πληρώματα Ξένων και

Το Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης ‘Norsafe Academy’,

μια από τις πρώτες διεθνείς εταιρίες που

Ελληνικών Ναυτιλιακών και Πετρελαϊκών

στο Λαύριο, είναι το πρώτο διεθνές Κέντρο

συνεργάστηκαν με Έλληνες κατασκευαστές

Εταιριών – Ναυτιλιακών Ομίλωνκαι σχήματα

Εκπαίδευσης Ναυτικών Πληρωμάτων σε

(Watercraft Hellas) και επένδυσαν στην

εταιριών που επενδύουν σε OIL & GAS και

σωστικά μέσα από όλον τον κόσμο της

Ελληνική Τεχνογνωσία.

OFFSHORE τεχνολογίες.


Γιάννης Γεωργιάδης

Με εμπειρία 100 χρόνων επενδύουμε στην Ελλάδα

Ομιλία του Διευθύνοντος Συμβούλου της NORSAFE HELLAS στην Ελλάδα κατά την διάρκεια των εγκαινίων του TRAINING CENTER. Κύριε Υπουργέ, Κύριε Πρέσβη, Κύριοι Γενικοί Γραμματείς, Κύριοι Εκπρόσωποι του κοινοβουλίου, Κύριε Δήμαρχε και Κύριοι Εκπρόσωποι της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης, Κύριοι Εκπρόσωποι των Εφοπλιστικών Ενώσεων και Ναυτεργατικών Σωματείων, κυρίες και κύριοι, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι και φίλοι, Σας καλωσορίζω στην σημερινή εκδήλωση με ευκαιρία τα εγκαίνια του πρώτου εκπαιδευτικού κέντρου της Norsafe. Για όσους δεν με γνωρίζουν ονομάζομαι Γιάννης Γεωργιάδης και τα τελευταία 6 χρόνια είμαι Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Ελληνικής εταιρίας. Σήμερα θα έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να μάθουμε τις εξελίξεις και τα πλάνα για το λιμάνι του Λαυρίου, να γνωρίσουμε λίγο καλύτερα την Norsafe και να μιλήσουμε για την σπουδαιότητα της εκπαίδευσης των πληρωμάτων στα σωστικά μέσα. Είμαι πολύ περήφανος που το πρώτο κέντρο εκπαίδευσης της Norsafe στον κόσμο, είναι εδώ, στο Λαύριο, στην Ελλάδα της κρίσης, έτοιμο να δεχτεί μαθητές από όλες τις χώρες. Όπως θα δείτε στη σύντομη παρουσίαση που ακολουθεί, η Norsafe έχει συσσωρευμένη εμπειρία 100 χρόνων στην κατασκευή σωστικών μέσων, φέτος επίσης συμπληρώνονται 40 χρόνια από ιδρύσεως της Ελληνικής εταιρίας Η εταιρία μας δεν έχει εμπειρία μόνο στην κατασκευή αυτών των προϊόντων αλλά και στην λειτουργία και μακρόχρονη συντήρηση τους στο δύσκολο θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον.

Αυτή την εμπειρία θέλουμε τώρα να μοιραστούμε. Πώς δηλαδή μπορούμε να εξασφαλίσουμε ότι οι άνθρωποι που χρησιμοποιούν αυτά τα συστήματα, που βρίσκονται στα πλοία ή τις πλατφόρμες, θα τα λειτουργήσουν σωστά, για να σωθούν και να σώσουν ανθρώπινες ζωές, αν και όποτε αυτό χρειαστεί. Για τις ανάγκες του εκπαιδευτικού κέντρου έχουμε επιλέξει κάποια προϊόντα που συναντά κανείς συχνά σε πλοία διαφόρων τύπων. Ένα από αυτά, είναι το σκάφος διάσωσης MAKO. Το σκάφος αυτό είναι εφοδιασμένο με εσωλέμβιο πετρελαιοκινητήρα Steyr 236 ίππων και jet. Έχει μήκος 6, 75 μέτρα και η ταχύτητά του ξεπερνά τους 35 κόμβους. Έχει εξαιρετική συμπεριφορά στη θάλασσα, εάν ανατραπεί επανέρχεται στην αρχική του

κατάσταση και πληροί όλες τις προδιαγραφές του κανονισμού SOLAS. Σε συνδυασμό με το καπόνι τύπου A – frame NDA 40 χρησιμοποιείται από πληρώματα για την αποτελεσματική έρευνα και διάσωση αγνοουμένων στη θάλασσα ή την απομάκρυνση φουσκωτών σχεδίων από τον τόπο ναυαγίου. Από το κέντρο εκπαίδευσης σωστικών δεν θα μπορούσε να λείπει και μία Free Fall Lifeboat. Η λέμβος ελευθέρας πτώσης είναι ένα άριστο μέσο διαφυγής πληρωμάτων από πλατφόρμα πετρελαίου ή πλοίο. Είναι κατασκευασμένη από βραδύκαυστό πολυεστέρα, διαθέτει φιάλες οξυγόνου για την παροχή καθαρού αέρα στο εσωτερικό της, ενώ τα ειδικά μπέκ που είναι τοποθετημένα εξωτερικά, πετούν νερό και προστατεύουν

τη λέμβο από τη φωτιά. Εγκατεστημένη πάνω σε καπόνι – τύπου κεκλιμένης ράμπας, αφού πέσει στη θάλασσα, βγαίνει στην επιφάνεια σε ασφαλή απόσταση από το πλοίο ενώ με την χρήση της εσωλέμβιας μηχανής που διαθέτει, επιτρέπει την γρήγορη διαφυγή. Το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο, GES 25 έχει μήκος 7,5 μέτρα, χωρητικότητα 30 ατόμων και πέφτει με ασφάλεια από ύψος 20 μέτρων. Θα παρέχουμε βέβαια πιστοποιημένα προγράμματα σύμφωνα με την διεθνή σύμβαση S.T.C.W., αλλά κύριος στόχος μας είναι η μετάδοση της γνώσης για την σωστή λειτουργία και συντήρηση των σωστικών μέσων, από εμάς - τους ίδιους τους κατασκευαστές, στους χρήστες, χρησιμοποιώντας πραγματικό εξοπλισμό. Παράλληλα, εν μέσω της δημοσιονομικής και γενικότερα οικονομικής κρίσης που ζούμε τα τελευταία χρόνια στη χώρα, είναι πολύ σημαντικό να στείλουμε ένα μήνυμα προόδου, ένα μήνυμα με αναπτυξιακό περιεχόμενο ιδιαίτερα όταν γίνονται ξένες επενδύσεις στο πεδίο της πραγματικής οικονομίας. Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω προσωπικά τον πρόεδρο του ομίλου Norsafe, Geir Skaala, για τα αληθινά αισθήματα φιλίας του προς την Ελλάδα και την αμέριστη συμπαράσταση και βοήθειά του, προς το Ελληνικό εργοστάσιο, όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Κλείνοντας να επισημάνω ότι εμείς πιστεύουμε στο Λαύριο, είμαι πολύ αισιόδοξος για το μέλλον, τις προοπτικές του λιμένα και της πόλης εν γένει. Σας ευχαριστώ.


cover story

Last year, Norsafe celebrated its 110-year anniversary as a lifeboat building company. I am proud to be here today by this brand new maritime training centre, after all these years of commitment to maritime safety and Life Saving Appliances. Saving lives is really what we do for a living! Statistics from the last 7 years tell us that on average over 1.400 people have been saved by using lifeboats each year. 1.400 people saved every year - that is a lot of people and this is what really brings meaning to the work we are doing. Endre Eidsvik Vice President, NORSAFE GROUP Το Norsafe Academy αποτελεί μία ακόμα επισφράγιση της αγαστής συνεργασίας των δύο Κρατών, Ελλάδας και Νορβηγίας, τόσο σε κρατικό όσο και επιχειρηματικό επίπεδο. Είμαι πεπεισμένος ότι το Διεθνές Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης Πληρωμάτων θα δώσει νέα πνοή στο Λαύριο και θα συνδράμει ουσιαστικά στον κοινό στόχο μας για ποιοτική ναυτιλία, με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην προστασία της ανθρώπινης ζωής και όσων υπηρετούν τον ζωτικό αυτό τομέα του παγκοσμίου εμπορίου. Γιώργος Α. Γράτσος Πρόεδρος, ΝΕΕ


Chios Marine Club: “Ballast Water Management Systems” (Conference results)


hios Marine Club organized its “Ballast Water Management Treatment Systems” conference on Tuesday 21st of October 2014 with great success. The conference was held at Athens Metropolitan Hotel and the panel consisted of distinguished representatives from five companies, providers of ballast water treatment systems. Mr. Markos Tripolitis, president of the Chios Marine Club, made the welcome note to the audience, followed by the opening speech of the director of technical services in Hellenic and Black Sea region of Bureau Veritas, Dr. John Kokarakis. Dr. Kokarakis presented a brief update on the implementation schedule of the convention, current regulatory requirements and critical points for treatment systems to be considered from technical and operational point of view. During the first session of the conference Mr. Tom Perlich of ECOCHLOR, represented in Greece by EUPLOIA DRY DOCKS AND SERVICES, Mr. Andreas Toliopoulos of INTERNAFTIKI representing SUNRUI in Greece and Mrs. Eleni Plolychronopoulou of ERMA FIRST presented the technical aspects of their systems. We thank the Technical Manager of Minerva Marine, Mr. Stavros Daniolos who acted as the moderator for this session. During the second session of the conference, Mr. Tom Kennedy of OPTIMARIN, represented in Greece by AEGEAN DYNAMIC SERVICES and Mr. Markos Vekris of OCEANKING representing in Greece NK CO (KOREA) presented the technical aspects of their systems. We thank the Senior Auditor of Hellenic Lloyd’s, Mr. Panagiotis Kamarados who acted as the moderator for this session. The conference was attended by an audience of about 280 persons, which was mostly made of executives from maritime and technical companies, including also few students from the University of Piraeus. Overall, the opportunity was given to get informed about the challenges the shipowner will face when called to choose from the ballast water treatment technologies available and to make a comparison between the treatment systems that the five companies presented. It is worth mentioning that the shipping industry is expected to face difficulties in certifying the systems fitted on board, due to lack of sufficient number of classification societies’ surveyors, according to the panelists. However, all panelists agreed that there will be enough production capacity, as far as their companies are concerned, to cover the vast demand for purchasing and retrofitting such a system on board ships when the convention will enter into force.


MAN - New Generation of Turbochargers Announced TCT turbochargers best overall package for two-stroke engines MAN Diesel & Turbo has announced the development of a new turbocharger series specifically matched to the requirements of two-stroke engines. For the first time ever, MAN Diesel & Turbo will develop a turbocharger series exclusively for twostroke engines that is especially designed and optimised to fulfill Tier III requirements. Compared to the TCA turbocharger range, successfully introduced by the company during the last decade, TCT efficiency shows an increase of 5% through using newly-developed compressor and turbinewheel geometry, consequently increasing waste-heat-recovery potential by 30%. The TCT range will also deliver a 10% greater air flow at a turbocharging pressure 25% higher, while being 30% smaller and 40% lighter than the existing TCA range. MAN Diesel & Turbo reports that the first TCT turbocharger is expected to reach the market in 2016 after an extensive validation and field-testing programme. Dirk Balthasar, Head of Sales and

Promotion – Turbocharger Business Unit – MAN Diesel & Turbo, said: “Modern turbochargers must meet many demands, including meeting technical requirements – such as Tier III compliance – at the most competitive price, having small dimensions to facilitate installation in cramped spaces, not to mention characteristics such as high operational reliability, low maintenance frequencies and a long working life. The conflict of objectives is obvious.” He concluded: “In developing the TCT range, it was important to MAN Diesel & Turbo to balance the individual demands of the different groups of customers to achieve an optimum overall result. Ultimately, we feel we have achieved this and believe the TCT range to be the best overall turbocharger package for two-stroke engines.” Advantages MAN Diesel & Turbo reports that

individual TCT turbochargers will cover a wider range of engine ratings, and that engine manufacturers will be able to use just one size for turbocharging different numbers of cylinders. It also states that individual adaptation of the turbocharger to the engine will be by the established method of using a variety of exchangeable parts within the turbocharger, while TCT production costs can be controlled by dispensing with the alternatives required for fourstroke engines. The requirement of Tier III engines – featuring EGR technology – for wide compressor maps to cover different EGR flow rates will be met with the development of specific compressor-wheel geometries with wide compressor maps. The new TCT range provides shipowners and installation operators with significant advantages. Customers familiar with the TCA rang-

es will find that TCT turbochargers still provide them with proven solutions, such as the patented Super-Bolt compressor wheel mounting that saves maintenance time. The life of expendable parts has also been extended by using high-performance components, as reflected in lower servicing frequencies. In line with established MAN maintenance philosophy, servicing can be undertaken either by the operator itself or by MAN PrimeServ, MAN Diesel & Turbo’s service division.

MAN - China Orders Further Dual-Fuel Units MAN Diesel & Turbo has announced a further order for its MAN 51/60DF engine. After a longer period of evaluation, an international consortium, including Teekay LNG Partners, has selected a Dual-Fuel Diesel Electric (DFDE) propulsion solution featuring 2×12V51/60DF + 2×8L51/60DF engines for each of four Liquid Natural Gas Carriers (LNGCs). The new order follows that which MAN Diesel & Turbo announced in July 2013 when it won the contract to supply 30 × MAN 51/60DF dualfuel engines for six LNGCs. In both instances, the DFDE solution provides the customer with the optimum redundancy.

The engines from both orders will be produced at MAN Diesel & Turbo’s Augsburg, Germany facility with delivery scheduled during 2015. They are specified as IMO Tier II-compliant in diesel mode with lower exhaust-gas emissions in gas mode than IMO Tier III stipulates. The new LNG carriers will be constructed at HudongZhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, China’s only builder of large LNG carriers, as will those from the July 2013 order. Following delivery between September 2017 and January 2019, the ships will support the shipment of LNG cargoes from BG Group’s Queensland Curtis Island LNG project.

Archive photo of an MAN 8L51/60DF engine

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EcoMATE® – System for monitoring of bunkering and fuel consumption EcoMATE® is a reliable system for monitoring of bunkering operations and fuel consumption. Together with the OPTIMASS series of flowmeters, it offers accurate and maintenance free solutions.

INTRA MARE HELLAS (Greece representative) Tel.: +30 210 4293843 | Email: |


“Shipping in the 21st Century – Preparing the Industry for the Future”.

The “Maria Tsakos” Foundation–International Center of Maritime Research and Tradition, organized in association with Capital Link, a Forum entitled “Shipping in the 21st Century–Preparing the Industry for the Future”. The Forum was held on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at the Eugenides Foundation in Athens. This successful Forum was highly attended; more than 850 participants in addition to a live streaming audience of over 600 people.

Εγκαινιάστηκε συνεργασία του Ιδρύματος Maria Tsakos με τον DNV GL

Το Ίδρυμα «Μαρία Τσάκος»Διεθνές Κέντρο Ναυτικής Έρευνας και Παράδοσης και ο Νορβηγικός Νηογνώμονας DNV GL υπέγραψαν Μνημόνιο Συνεργασίας σε θέματα κοινού ενδιαφέροντος, με έμφαση στην εκπαίδευση, την έρευνα και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος στις θαλάσσιες μεταφορές. Η τελετή της υπογραφής του Μνημονίου Συνεργασίας πραγματοποιήθηκε στα γραφεία του Ιδρύματος στην Χίο στις 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014. Την συμφωνία υπέγραψαν, εκ μέρους των δυο Οργανισμών, ο Πρόεδρος του Ιδρύματος «Μαρία Τσάκος», επίτιμος Γενικός Γραμματέας του ΙΜΟ κ. Ευθύμιος Η. Μητρόπουλος και ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Maritime DNV GL, κ. Tor Svensen. Στην τελετή παρευρέθησαν μεταξύ άλλων, ο ιδρυτής του Ιδρύματος καπετάν Παναγιώτης Ν. Τσάκος, ο Πρόεδρος του Ομίλου DNV GL κ. Henrik O. Madsen, η Α.Ε. Sjur Larsen, Πρέσβης της Νορβηγίας στην Ελλάδα, η Α.Ε. Gil Sou Shin, Πρέσβης της Νοτίου Κορέας στην Ελλάδα, ο κ. Νικόλαος Μπουσούνης, Περιφερειακός Διευθυντής της DNV GL της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου και της Μαύρης και Κασπίας Θάλασσας του Νηογνώμονος, ο κ. Ανδρέας Πάγκαλος, Διευθυντής του Νηογνώμονος για την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο, η Καθηγήτρια του

Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου κα. Ελένη Θανοπούλου με φοιτητές του τμήματος Ναυτιλίας, ο Διευθυντής της Μαθητικής Στέγης Καρδαμύλων κ. Μανώλης Κουκούλης με μαθητές της Στέγης και ναυτικοί της Tsakos Shipping. Το Ίδρυμα «Μαρία Τσάκος»Διεθνές Κέντρο Ναυτικής Έρευνας και Παράδοσης, του οποίου η έδρα βρίσκεται στην Χίο, ιδρύθηκε το 2008 από την οικογένεια του καπετάν Παναγιώτη Ν. Τσάκςου με σκοπό την υποστήριξη δράσεων της ναυτιλίας και των ναυτικών και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος μέσω προγραμμάτων προαγωγής της ναυτικής έρευνας και διάσωσης της ναυτικής παράδοσης. Ο DNV GL, ένας από τους κορυφαίους νηογνώμονες στον κόσμο, παρέχει τεχνικές υπηρεσίες στην διεθνή Ναυτιλία και συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες στην παγκόσμια βιομηχανία πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου σε περισσότερες από 100 χώρες, ειδικευόμενος στην ενεργειακή αλυσίδα προστιθέμενης αξίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας και της ενεργειακής απόδοσης. Με την υπογραφή της συμφωνίας αυτής, οι δύο Οργανισμοί συμμετέχουν από κοινού σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα τομέων αμοιβαίου ενδιαφέροντος με έμφαση στην ναυτική έρευνα, τη θαλάσσια ασφάλεια και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος, τόσο θαλάσσιου όσο και ατμοσφαιρικού. Κατά την έναρξη της τελετής υπογραφής του Μνημονίου

Συνεργασίας, ο Καπετάν Παναγιώτης Τσάκος καλωσόρισε θερμά την νορβηγική αντιπροσωπεία και τόνισε ότι η συνεργασία με τον νορβηγικό νηογνώμονα αποτελεί ξεχωριστή τιμή για το Ίδρυμα, εκφράζοντας συνάμα, την ευχή και την επιθυμία του για μακροχρόνια συνεργασία προς όφελος της ναυτιλίας, την οποία οι δύο οργανισμοί υπηρετούν. Απαντώντας, ο Πρόεδρος του Ομίλου της DNV GL, κ. Henrik O. Madsen υπογράμισε την σημασία του έργου του Ιδρύματος «Μαρία Τσάκος» και πρόσθεσε: «…Είναι μεγάλη τιμή που μπορούμε και συνεργαζόμαστε με ένα από τους μεγαλύτερους Μ.Κ.Ο. στον κόσμο της θάλασσας με στόχο την προώθηση της ναυτικής ασφάλειας και την εξασφάλιση καλύτερων συνθηκών στα πλοία προς όφελος των ναυτικών. Ελπίζουμε ότι η υπογραφή του Μνημονίου θα είναι η αρχή πολλών προγραμμάτων συνεργασίας για την εξασφάλιση ενός καλύτερου μέλλοντος για την βιομηχανία μας…» Ανάλογα συναισθήματα εξέφρασε και ο Πρόεδρος του Ιδρύματος κ. Ευθύμιος Η. Μητρόπουλος, ο οποίος χαρακτήρισε την υπογραφή του Μνημονίου σαν σταθμό στην ιστορία των δύο οργανισμών, ευχαρίστησε τον DNV GL για τη συμβολή του στην ασφάλεια των θαλασσίων μεταφορών και την προστασία του θαλασσίου περιβάλλοντος και τόνισε ότι προσβλέπει σε μία στενώτερη συνεργασία μεταξύ των δύο οργανισμών προς αμοιβαίο όφελος. Φωτό: The Foundation’s Chairman, Mr. Mitropoulos signing the Memorandum of Understanding with DNV GL’s C.E.O. Mr. Tor E. Svensen.

EU recognized & IACS member classification society

Priority Reliability Safety PRS Piraeus Branch Office 5-7, Agiou Nikolaou str. 18537 Piraeus tel: 210-4528320 fax:210-4185845


Dimitris Vlantos Announces Retirement

Ιδρύμα Maria Tsakos «Το Σπίτι της Μαρίας-Στέγη Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού» Σε μια εξαιρετικά συγκινητική ατμόσφαιρα, το πρωΐ της Κυριακής 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014, ανήμερα της εορτής του Τιμίου Σταυρού, έλαβε χώρα στον προαύλιο χώρο της Μαθητικής Στέγης στα Καρδάμυλα ο Αγιασμός για την έναρξη της φετινής σχολικής χρονιάς από τον

After 37 years of working faithfully for MAN Diesel & Turbo Hellas, Dimitris Vlantos retired on 30 September, 2014. He originally joined MAN Diesel & Turbo in 1977 and played a prominent role in driving the company’s major developments and changes, enabling it to successfully face the changing needs and expectations of the Greek shipping industry. Promoted to Managing Director in 2007, Vlantos guided the Hellenic subsidiary into sustainable growth until the beginning of January 2014 when his successor, Dionissis Christodoulopoulos, assumed his position with Vlantos continuing in a supporting role as project manager. Christodoulopoulos (MBA, Mechanical Engineer) joined the company in 2009 and has a deep knowledge of the shipping industry and market needs. MAN Diesel & Turbo Hellas would like to thank Dimitris Vlantos for his great contribution throughout his lengthy career and wishes him the very best for the coming years.

Μητροπολίτη Χίου, Ψαρών και Οινουσσών, κ.κ. Μάρκο, με την παρουσία του Ιδρυτή του Ιδρύματος καπετάν Παναγιώτη Τσάκου, του Υφυπουργού Ανάπτυξης κυρίου Νότη Μηταράκη, του Προέδρου του Ιδρύματος κυρίου Ευθύμιου Μητρόπουλου, μαθητών του «Σπιτιού της Μαρίας», των γονέων τους, καθηγητών των σχολείων των Καρδαμύλων, των τοπικών Αρχών, σαράντα πέντε Ουρουγουανών, φίλων του Ιδρύματος «Maria Tsakos Foundation» στο Μοντεβιδέο και των κατοίκων της περιοχής. Το προηγούμενο σχολικό έτος, πρώτη χρονιά της λειτουργίας της Μαθητικής Στέγης στα Καρδάμυλα, το «Σπίτι της Μαρίας» φιλοξένησε δεκαεννιά αγόρια από τη Χίο και άλλα μέρη της Ελλάδας. Φέτος, ο συνολικός αριθμός των μαθητών ανέρχεται στους 21. Το καλωσόρισμα των μαθητών έγινε από τον Πρόεδρο του Ιδρύματος «Μαρία Τσάκος» κ. Ευθύμιο Μητρόπουλο και από

τον Γενικό Διευθυντή κ. Σταύρο

δημιουργήθηκε από το Ίδρυμα

Μιχαηλίδη. Την σεμνή τελετή

Μαρία Τσάκος στο σπίτι της

έκλεισε η απονομή από τον

αείμνηστης Μαρίας Τσάκου

Πρόεδρο κ. Ε. Μητρόπουλο και

στα Καρδάμυλα της Χίου,

την Δεσποινίδα Ελισάβετ Ν.

στεγάζεται σε ένα πανέμορφο

Τσάκου, των επαίνων αριστείας

χώρο έκτασης έξι στρεμμάτων

στους μαθητές Χρήστο Ιωάννου,

στην περιοχή «Λουσιανή»

μαθητή της Β’ Λυκείου και

του ναυτότοπου της Χίου. Η

Γεώργιο Παντελή, μαθητή της

δημιουργία της Μαθητικής

Β’ Γυμνασίου για τις εξαιρετικές

Στέγης, ενσαρκώνει το όραμα

σχολικές επιδόσεις κατά τη

της οικογένειας του καπετάν

διάρκεια της προηγούμενης

Παναγιώτη, το σπίτι της Μαρίας

σχολικής χρονιάς.

να συνεχίσει να φιλοξενεί

Η Μαθητική Στέγη Καρδαμύλων,

παιδικά χαμόγελα και να

«Το Σπίτι της Μαρίας-Στέγη

προσφέρει χαρά και προοπτική

Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού» που

σε παιδιά.

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DNV GL - 150 Years – Year 1 celebration in Athens DNV GL celebrated the 150 years of tradition and Year 1 of operation, in Athens last week on the 25th September 2014. The event was held in the renowned New Acropolis Museum and gathered top names of the local maritime community. About 300 guests passed the doors of the New Acropolis Museum on the 25th September, in order to celebrate the 150 years of tradition and history as well as the 1st Year of operation of the leading classification society DNV GL. The guests were greeted by Mr. Nikolaos BOUSSOUNIS (Sr. Vice President, Regional Manager for Regional East Med, Black & Caspian Seas) together with Mr. Henrik MADSEN (CEO DNV GL Group) and Mr. Tor SVENSEN (CEO DNV GL Maritime). Under jazz tunes everyone mingled and enjoyed their drinks in the iconic museum. At some point Mr. Boussounis addressed the guests and gave a short speech prior giving the floor to Mr. Madsen, who spoke about DNV GL and Greek Shipping – both full of history and tradition. The short event was completed with everyone watching a small

video prepared specially for this occasion. The night was not over however – a dinner in the 2nd floor of the museum was waiting the guests. In the elegant restaurant of the

Museum and under the shadow of Acropolis, everyone enjoyed a four course meal, after a welcoming speech by Mr. Tor Svensen. The discussions stopped only in order to enjoy the singing of the

soprano Mrs. Karayanni who gave a wonderful performance. The evening was completed with drinks in the terrace, where a quartet and Acropolis gave the perfect closure of the night.

Shipping Chamber supports Cypriot Candidate for top IMO Position On behalf of the Cyprus

the necessary qualifications

Shipping Industry, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber warmly welcomes and actively supports the recent nomination by the Cyprus Government of Mr. Andreas Chrysostomou, Acting Director of the Department of Merchant Shipping (DMS), for the position of Secretary General at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) based in London.

which, such a distinguished and important position for International Shipping presupposes, such as specialised knowledge in Shipping affairs, professional competence and personal integrity. Consequently therefore, the Chamber considers Mr. Chrysostomou as one of the main candidates to be elected at the helm of IMO next year, and this reflects the recognition he personally, as well as Cyprus Shipping in general

The Chamber firmly believes that

enjoy, by the international shipping

Mr. Chysostomou possesses


• • • • •


Εκδήλωση για την έναρξη του ακαδημαϊκού έτους του City Unity Τη Δευτέρα 13 Οκτωβρίου 2014, πραγματοποιήθηκε στις εγκαταστάσεις του εκπαιδευτικού ομίλου City Unity στην Γλυφάδα εκδήλωση για την έναρξη του νέου ακαδημαϊκού έτους σπουδών στον τομέα του Τουρισμού και της Φιλοξενίας. Στην κατάμεστη αίθουσα της σχολής, τους σπουδαστές και τους γονείς τους καλωσόρισαν εκπρόσωποι της διοίκησης του City Unity, ο ακαδημαϊκός διευθυντής και οι καθηγητές και τους ενημέρωσαν για τα προγράμματα σπουδών του Cardiff Metropolitan University και του Alpine Center, τα οποία παρέχουν τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις και δεξιότητες που θα τους εξασφαλίσουν μια λαμπρή καριέρα. Στο πολυεθνικό και πολυπολιτισμικό περιβάλλον της σχολής οι σπουδαστές του City Unity από την Ελλάδα, τη Γαλλία, τη Νορβηγία, την Αίγυπτο, την Ιορδανία, την Πολωνία, τη Νότιο Αφρική, την Κίνα, τη Βουλγαρία, την Αρμενία, την Αργεντινή, τη Ρωσία, την Ουκρανία, τη Ρωσία, το Καζακστάν και το Μαυροβούνιο, από την πρώτη ημέρα των σπουδών τους, ζουν και εκπαιδεύονται σε ένα αμιγώς ξενοδοχειακό περιβάλλον και αντιμετωπίζονται ως επαγγελματίες σε κάθε επίπεδο. Στη συνέχεια, η διοίκηση της σχολής παρέθεσε κοκτέιλ για τους γονείς, κατά την διάρκεια του οποίου είχαν την ευκαιρία να γνωρίσουν τους καθηγητές οι οποίοι τους διαβεβαίωσαν ότι στο City Unity αγκαλιάζουν και εντάσσουν τα παιδιά τους σε μια οικογένεια, γιατί κύριος στόχος του City Unity είναι, εκτός από το να δημιουργεί επαγγελματίες, να συμβάλλει και στη διαμόρφωση ολοκληρωμένων προσωπικοτήτων.

MAN-Powered Cargo Vessel Meets Tier III Limits MAN Diesel & Turbo has been awarded a Tier IIIcompatibility certificate by the DNV-GL classification society for MAN 8L21/31 four-stroke engine aboard a DFDS Seaways ship with a retrofitted SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system. While the engine alone meets IMO Tier II emission criteria, the SCR system for NOx reduction raises the whole system to the standard demanded by IMO Tier III rules.

NOx emissions The vessel in question, the ‘Petunia Seaways’ is a cargo ship that sails a regular North Sea route between Gothenburg, and Immingham, respectively Ghent for DFDS Seaways. Its SCR system greatly Kasper Moos, Head of the Technical Organization at DFDS (right) congratulates Arnd reduces the level of nitroLöttgen, Member of the Executive Board, MAN Diesel & Turbo (left) at the ceremony marking the awarding of the Tier III- compatibility certificate from DNV GL gen oxides (NOx) from the engine’s exhaust gas. Tier III NOx limits under real life ingly, MAN Diesel & Turbo has Since September 2012, operating conditions and in full acalready made the basic version of when one of Petunia Seaways’ the SCR system available for all cordance with the rules,” said Dr. 8L21/31 auxiliary engines was four-stroke engines, from those Daniel Struckmeier, Senior Project retrofitted with a SCR system, powering the largest cruise ships, Manager Emission 2016 at, MAN it has played a major role in the to ferries and specialised ships, to Diesel & Turbo. testing of this new technology. small, coastal vessels. The SCR method injects urea into As such, the system has proven “It is important that we have the exhaust gases and passes daily that freight ships can now proven to fulfil the same high them through a catalytic converter meet the strict emission levels laid standards that will be demanded at a temperature of 300 to 400 down by IMO Tier III where NOx by Tier III in the future”, said Prof. degrees Celsius. The subsequent, emissions have to be reduced in Dr. Gunnar Stiesch, Head of chemical reaction reduces the certain areas by 75% compared to Advanced Engineering & Exhaust undesired nitrogen oxides (NOx) current limits. After treatment Four-Stroke by over 80%. The SCR system in Engines. its entirety consists of a catalytic Proven technology DFDS Seaways also views the converter with several control MAN Diesel & Turbo is the first collaboration with MAN Diesel & units and a surveillance and company to successfully make Turbo as a success: “I am happy control unit. four-stroke marine engines IMO that we have helped develop a Tier III-compliant, based on a fully new, environmentally friendly techTechnology of the Future modular SCR-kit that is covering already available nology. DFDS and other operathe entire MAN Diesel & Turbo Results on the test bed and at tors are definitely going to benefit four-stroke engine portfolio. “For open sea have been impressive from SCR meeting international the last 8,800 hours, this particular and shown that SCR technology is standards”, said Poul Woodall, auxiliary engine of the Petunia reliable and ready for commercial Director of Sustainability & Public Seaways has consistently met production and operation. AccordAffairs at DFDS Seaways.


ClassNK Completes Work on KOTC Vessel MUTRIBA

ClassNK launches Feasibility Study for Marine Renewable Energy Testing Facility in Singapore

ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) announced that it has completed work on the 31,445GT Product Tanker MUTRIBA, built by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HMD) as part of a series of vessels being constructed for the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company S.A.K. (KOTC). The MUTRIBA was officially delivered to KOTC at a ceremony held in Kuwait on 20 October 2014. The MUTRIBA is the fourth and final Product Tanker to be constructed by HMD as part of this series under ClassNK Rules and Regulations and in line with KOTC’s strict standards on safety and environmental performance. The MUTRIBA along with the other vessels in the series utilize the latest in environmentally-friendly technology, and are fitted with ballast water treatment systems and all possess an Inventory of Hazardous Material. The series is also the first in the world to be constructed in line with the ClassNK Guideline for Noise and Vibration, and delivered with the relevant ClassNK notations “Noise and Vibration Comfort (NVC)” and “Mechanical Vibration Awareness (MVA)”. Following the delivery, ClassNK will continue to provide classification services for the MUTRIBA and the other vessels in the series.

Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has announced the launch of a new feasibility study for a new marine renewable energy testing facility to be built in Singapore. The announcement was made at the 2014 Asian Clean Energy Summit held in Singapore on 28-29 October 2014. The study will pave the way for the establishment of the world’s first marine renewable energy testing facility to be located in the tropics. Demand for renewable energy has soared in recent years, fuelling high expectations for the use of marine renewable energy. Many governments around the world are already implementing policies to attract new marine renewable energy installations, and the large scale implementation of new renewable energy technologies is under consideration. With the practical implementation and installation of new marine energy installation technologies on the horizon there is a growing need for testing facilities and clear procedures for

verifying the safety and efficiency of new maritime renewable energy technologies. Singapore is one of the countries leading these efforts. The new study will assess the feasibility of establishing a testing facility for 1/5-1/10 scale tidal wave generator systems in the waters off the coast of Singapore, including surveys of tidal forces, as well as environmental and operational viability assessments. This work will be carried out by a consortium led by ClassNK and the Energy Research Institute @ Nanyang Technical University (ERI@N), with support from other leading research institutes and consultants including the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Denmarkbased water and environment consultants DHI, and oil, gas and mining infrastructure development specialists Fugro. Professor Subodh Mhaisalkar, Executive Director of ERI@N, highlighted the importance of the project and the participation of ClassNK: “Our goal is to make Singapore a leader in the

new maritime energy technology and we consider this facility an important step to achieving that goal. ClassNK, with its incredible background in maritime energy and offshore research, and extensive experience assessing both maritime and offshore structures, is the perfect partner to help verify the feasibility of this innovative new facility and we are excited to be working with them on this important project.” While a similar facility was previously established at UK-based EMEC, the success of this feasibility study would facilitate the establishment of the world’s first facility capable of practically testing renewable marine energy technologies in high temperature tropical waters such as those found in Southeast Asia. By verifying the feasibility and practicality of the new testing facility as a third party certification body ClassNK hopes to help contribute to the widespread development and use of new marine renewable energy technology.

nafs March 2014



Ahrenkiel Steamship selects DNV GL’s ShipManager software

Ahrenkiel Steamship has chosen to implement DNV GL’s ShipManager software on its entire fleet of 60 vessels, allowing the company to streamline systems and benefit from industry best practice. The shipping group Ahrenkiel Steamship was formed this year after the merger of the Christian F. Ahrenkiel Group with a joint venture established by the MPC Group, thus bringing together the fleet of Ahrenkiel Shipmanagement, MPC Steamship and Thien & Heyenga. After the merger, the new company took immediate steps to consolidate the legacy systems with a common, centralized, state-of-theart shipmanagement solution that would fulfil all requirements, including technical, procurement, crewing and QHSE (quality, health, safety and environment). After an in-depth tendering process, Ahrenkiel Steamship selected DNV GL’s ShipManager software. The implementation of ShipManager on the entire fleet of 60 vessels, including container ships, bulk carriers, is scheduled to start this year. The implementation will be carried out by a project team consisting of experts from both DNV GL and Ahrenkiel


Investment security

“It was very important for us to find a reliable partner with a long experience in set up management systems in the shipping industry. After evaluating the market, and based on MPC Steamship’s previous experience with the Shipmanager software, DNV GL was the obvious partner of choice. Espe-

cially the usability of the software and the best practice approach convinced us,” said Nick Topham, Managing Director at Ahrenkiel Steamship. “We also looked at future development and improvement plans for the ShipManager solution, and we were further convinced by DNV GL’s road map,” he said. A centralized shipmanagement solution will integrate all relevant depart-

ments, and the common database will allow a comprehensive view of day-to-day business. In addition, ShipManager provides maximum transparency and KPI reporting through the ShipManager Analyzer module. “DNV GL offers a comprehensive suite of ship management solutions for owners, operators and managers,” said DNV GL - Software Managing Director Are Føllesdal Tjønn. “Our best practice, our practical approach and our focus on data migration from previous systems are important to our customers. We are able to deliver not only a software solution, but a full implementation of state-of-the-art systems,” he said. The ShipManager modules in use by Ahrenkiel Steamship are ShipManager Technical, ShipManager Procurement, ShipManager QHSE, ShipManager Crew and ShipManager Analyzer. Caption: Ahrenkiel’s entire fleet will be equipped with DNV GL’s ShipManager software

DNV GL for UK Catcher FPSO

BW Offshore has chosen DNV GL to provide classification, verification and certification services for the Catcher FPSO being deployed in the UK North Sea. DNV GL is already providing

similar services to 70% of the FPSOs on the UK shelf and has delivered all the newbuild FPSOs to the sector since 2000. BW Offshore’s scope of supply includes the delivery of an FPSO with a processing capacity of 60,000 bopd and a storage capacity of 650,000 bbl, its mooring system, installation and operation. The company is ordering a new hull from Japan, while conversion and integration work will be performed in Singapore. DNV GL will provide expertise from bases in Japan, Singapore, the UK and Norway to support the project. “Given the DNV GL track record, their technical expertise and our previous experiences with DNV GL in general, we are confident DNV GL is the best suited classification society for this project,” says Steve Sinclair, Catcher

Project Manager, BW Offshore. “For a multi-national project like this it is of utmost importance that the efforts of everyone involved are well coordinated”, says Angus Milne, Head of DNV GL’s London Approval Centre. “Our global support network enables BW Offshore to take advantage of the synergies we can deliver by integrating and managing this effort both locally and at a project-wide level.” DNV GL is the world’s leading provider of classification and verification services for FPSOs. The DNV GL classed/ verified FPSO fleet constitutes a mix of conversions and newbuildings, harsh and benign environment equipment. “In the past decade, DNV GL’s unique position in UK waters has proven critical to stakeholders, and this project will continue to reinforce our position in

the North Sea.” says Kenneth Vareide, Executive Vice President and Director of Offshore Classification at DNV GL. Located 180 kilometres east of Aberdeen, the Catcher project includes the development of three main oil and gas fields, Catcher, Varadero and Burgman. The field is owned by Premier Oil (50%, operator), Cairn Energy (30%) and MOL (20%). The BW Offshore charter period of the contract is 7 years, with extension options of up to 18 years. Based on a field life of 10 years, the contract value is USD 2.3 billion including FPSO charter rate and opex. The FPSO is expected to commence production in mid-2017. Caption: Kenneth Vareide, Executive Vice President and Director of Offshore Classification at DNV GL


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Gibdock consolidates relationship with Grimaldi Group Ahrenkiel Steamship has chosen to implement DNV GL’s ShipManager software on its entire fleet of 60 vessels, allowing the company to streamline systems and benefit from industry best practice. The Grande Angola left Gibdock following the on-time completion of a scheduled package of repair works. The project covered work on the second vessel in a two-vessel contract between Gibdock and Grimaldi Group, the multinational logistics group specialised in the operation of roll-on/roll-off vessels, car carriers and ferries. Commenting on its decision to return to the Gibraltar-based yard, Ing Giancarlo Coletta, Grimaldi Group Corporate Purchasing Director, said: “This is another example of how reliable services and competitive value form the basis of expanded business cooperation.” The 26,881dwt ro-ro multipurpose vessel, built in 2008, underwent a full hull blasting and new silicone application. In total, a surface area of approx. 9,000m2 was renewed, including additional spot

Brasile visited the yard in July. Built in 1998, the 23,882dwt ro-ro multipurpose vessel also underwent full blasting and silicone application. The project also covered the splitting of the ramp and replacement of the main bearings, pipe work renewal and replacement of around 4.5 tons of steelwork to the vessel’s tanks.

blasting to the topsides, cranes, accommodation block and ramp. Gibdock employs the latest equipment and best available techniques in the application of marine coatings, including the use of environmentally-friendly, wet-grit blasting. The yard also benefits from a climatic advantage, with year-round temperate weather minimising downtime for vessels

undergoing coating work. While the coating renewal formed the critical path work, concurrent maintenance was carried out to the vessel’s ramp, sea valves, rudder, while hot-dip galvanised large diameter pipe work was replaced. Around 5.5 tons of steelwork was performed with the addition of doublers to the anchor pockets. Sister vessel Repubblica del

Gibdock’s Managing Director, Richard Beards, said: “We are always pleased to welcome a returning customer as it reaffirms the fact that the service, quality and competitive value received at Gibdock is really hitting the mark. Gibdock has been working with the Grimaldi Group since 2010, and that partnership has strengthened over the years, particularly during 2014. We hope that the relationship will continue to develop and we anticipate further projects in the foreseeable future.”

Η νέα περιβαλλοντική έκδοση της HELMEPA για εκπαιδευτικούς H ηλεκτρονική αυτή έκδοση δημιουργήθηκε στο πλαίσιο της τριετούς (2011-2014) Εκστρατείας Ενημέρωσης για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον και τις Επιστήμες, που υλοποίησε η HELMEPA σε 12 πόλεις της Ελλάδας με την υποστήριξη του Βρετανικού κοινωφελούς ιδρύματος Lloyd’s Register Foundation (the Foundation)*. Στη διάρκεια της Εκστρατείας έγιναν εντατικές δράσεις και έρευνα με κύρια κατεύθυνση την περιβαλλοντική ενημέρωση μαθητών Δημόσιων Σχολείων. Συνολικά 13.500 μαθητές ηλικίας 8-15 ετών και 1.000 εκπαιδευτικοί 274 Δημόσιων σχολείων

επισκέφθηκαν την κινητή Έκθεση για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον, τη Ναυτιλία, τις Επιστήμες και τη Μηχανική και εκτέλεσαν περιβαλλοντικές δράσεις. Επιπλέον, καταγράφηκαν περιβαλλοντικά προβλήματα που η τοπική επιστημονική κοινότητα παρουσίασε σε Ημερίδα που οργανώθηκε σε κάθε πόλη και είχε ευρύτατη συμμετοχή. Ερευνήθηκαν τοπικές συνθήκες και προβλήματα διαχείρισης απορριμμάτων και κατεγράφησαν σημαντικές προσπάθειες που καταβάλλονται με λίγα μέσα για τον περιορισμό της ρύπανσης του περιβάλλοντος. Κοινό συμπέρασμα;

Aνάγκη Eνημέρωσης! Πρόθεση της HELMEPA είναι η έκδοση αυτή να προσφέρει στους εκπαιδευτικούς δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και σε όποιον άλλον ενδιαφέρεται, τις πληροφορίες εκείνες που καλύπτουν κενά στην περιβαλλοντική γνώση και ενημέρωση, που εντοπίστηκαν στην εκτέλεση της Εκστρατείας. Στόχος είναι η συμβολή στο έργο των εκπαιδευτικών να εμπλουτίσουν τις περιβαλλοντικές γνώσεις των μαθητών τους και ακόμη, να τους βοηθήσουν στον επαγγελματικό τους προσανατολισμό. Η έκδοση διατίθεται σε όλους τους εκπαιδευτικούς που συμμετείχαν

στην υλοποίηση της Εκστρατείας στις 12 πόλεις της χώρας μας, ενώ θα προσφέρεται στους εκπαιδευτικούς δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης που θα επισκέπτονται τις περιβαλλοντικές εκθέσεις της HELMEPA στην Αθήνα και την περιφέρεια. Επιπλέον, την έκδοση μπορείτε να βρείτε σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή στο σύνδεσμο pdf/helmepa_perivallon_2014.pdf Η πάνω από 30 χρόνια εμπειρία της HELMEPA στον τομέα της περιβαλλοντικής ενημέρωσης έχει αποδείξει πως μόνον οι νέοι μπορούν τελικά να κάνουν την διαφορά, όταν έχουν σωστή πληροφόρηση.

nafs March 2014



Μνημόνιο συνεργασίας μεταξύ Ελλήνων Κατασκευαστών

Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού και Ρουμανικών Ναυπηγείων Μνημόνιο συνεργασίας υπέγραψαν σήμερα οι Έλληνες Κατασκευαστές Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού (HEMEXPO) και η Ένωση Ρουμανικών Ναυπηγείων (ANCONAV). Πρόκειται για τη δεύτερη, στρατηγικής σημασίας κίνηση, που γίνεται τους τελευταίους δύο μήνες, για την ενίσχυση των ελληνικών εξαγωγών σε ναυπηγεία του εξωτερικού. Προηγήθηκε το μνημόνιο κατανόησης που υπέγραψε η ελληνική κυβέρνηση με τη κυβέρνηση της Νότιας Κορέας. Το Μνημόνιο Συνεργασίας HEMEXPO-ANCONAV αποβλέπει κυρίως στην ενθάρρυνση επαφών και συνεργασίας των μελών των δύο ενώσεων, ιδίως μέσω ανταλλαγής τεχνογνωσίας, εμπειριών και βέλτιστων πρακτικών στους τομείς της ναυπηγικής και της θαλάσσιας βιομηχανίας, καθώς και στην εγκαθίδρυση συνδέσμων μεταξύ των επιχειρηματικών φορέων και οργάνωσης εκθέσεων ή εκδηλώσεων δικτύωσης στον τομέα της θαλάσσιας τεχνολογίας και του θαλάσσιου εξοπλισμού. Ως πρώτο βήμα για την υλοποίηση της συμφωνίας και την εγκαθίδρυση επαφής μεταξύ ελληνικών εταιριών ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού και της ρουμανικής ναυπηγικής βιομηχανίας, αμέσως μετά την υπογραφή του συμφωνητικού, διεξήχθη συνάντηση δικτύωσης (B2B) ελληνικών εταιριών ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού και εκπροσώπων της ρουμανικής ναυπηγικής βιομηχανίας.

Προηγήθηκε αναλυτική ενημέρωση των στόχων και του οράματος των μελών της HEMEXPO για συνεργασία με την Ένωση Ρουμανικών Ναυπηγείων (ANCONAV). «Σήμερα εδώ βρισκόμαστε με τους εκπροσώπους μίας από τις μεγαλύτερες ναυπηγικές χώρες του κόσμου, της Ρουμανίας, μιας χώρας στα ναυπηγεία της οποίας οι έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες έχουν καταθέσει πληθώρα παραγγελιών, μιας χώρας με την οποία η ναυτιλιακή συνεργασία προχωράει με έντονους ρυθμούς

τα τελευταία χρόνια» δήλωσε η εκπρόσωπος της HEMEXPO, κα. Ελένη Πολυχρονοπούλου, και συνεχίζει: «στην αλυσίδα αυτή της συνεργασίας φιλοδοξούμε να είμαστε σύντομα ένας ισχυρός κρίκος, προσφέροντας καινοτόμα και ανταγωνιστικά προϊόντα». Ευρύτερος στόχος της HEMEXPO είναι να προσφέρει συνολικές λύσεις για τα πλοία που ναυπηγούνται ή επισκευάζονται σε όλα τα μήκη και τα πλάτη του πλανήτη. Τα προϊόντα των εταιρειών μελών της HEM-

EXPO, είναι τεχνολογικά άρτια, πρωτοποριακά, δίνοντας μεγάλη προστιθέμενη αξία στα νεότευκτα πλοία και εξασφαλίζοντας εύρυθμη λειτουργία, αξιόπιστο customer support και μέγιστα ανταποδοτικά οφέλη για τον operator. «Πιστεύουμε ακράδαντα ότι έχουμε τη δύναμη να είμαστε αξιόπιστοι και συνεπείς συνεργάτες για κάθε ναυπηγείο σε όλο τον κόσμο», σημειώνει χαρακτηριστικά η κα. Πολυχρονοπούλου και προσέθεσε: «Διαπιστώνουμε καθημερινά ότι η πρωτοβουλία του Γενικού Γραμματέα Διεθνών Οικονομικών Σχέσεων του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών κ. Παναγιώτη Μίχαλου, που εκδηλώθηκε κατά την επίσκεψη του κ. Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας στη Ν. Κορέα, είναι πραγματικά αποτελεσματική. Ήδη η Γενική Γραμματεία ΔΟΣ του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών διαπραγματεύεται αντίστοιχα μνημόνια συνεργασίας με την Κίνα, την Ιαπωνία και το Βιετνάμ».

Kalmar receives repeat order for nine Zero Emission RTGs from COSCO’s Piraeus Container Terminal Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has signed a repeat order for nine all-electric rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs) with Piraeus Container Terminal (PCT) S.A. in Greece, a whollyowned subsidiary of COSCO Pacific Limited. The cranes, four of which are the world’s widest, will help the port meet its twin goals of increasing both capacity and savings. The deliveries are scheduled for 2015. This order further consolidates Kalmar’s partnership with the terminal, as Mr Li Jianchun, Deputy General Manager of PCT, explains: “We currently operate Kalmar RTGs, straddle carriers, reachstackers, forklift trucks, empty container handlers and terminal tractors. The latest Kalmar E-One2 Zero Emission RTGs go beyond regular stacking

capacity, with four of the units 10+1 wide and five 9+1 wide, which will help us maximise space utilisation in the container yard.”

“Fitted with the Kalmar SmartRail automatic gantry steering system, these new cranes offer an exceptional solution to our stringent

requirements for safe operation around the yard, high capacity, reduced carbon emissions and lower costs of ownership. The Kalmar E-One2 Zero Emission RTG applies new technologies without compromising terminal productivity, reliability or flexibility, which we consider to be tremendous achievements,” Mr Li concludes. The order follows the delivery of 12 Zero Emission Kalmar RTGs to the terminal in 2013. The Kalmar E-One2 RTG has a 41ton SWL capacity and meets all the latest environmental demands. The highly efficient electric power system eliminates all emissions, engine noise and the need for hydraulic oils. It also helps the model achieve an industry-leading maintenance interval of 1,000 hours.

nafs March 2014



Lilaas engages Imtra for North American distribution Strong prospects in the North American marine equipment market have triggered a new importation and distribution agreement between control specialist Lilaas AS and well-known marine and offshore sales and support organization Imtra Corporation, of New Bedford, MA. The deal, initially over three years, will see Imtra’s 54-man strong organization offering product and after sales technical support for Lilaas control levers, joysticks and rudder controls in the US and Canada. Imtra’s clients include vessel operators in the commercial marine, inland waterway, fishing and offshore sectors, as well as the US Coast Guard and US Navy, while the company also supplies products to the oil rig sector. Imtra is widely recognized as a distributor of a broad range of marine equipment including thrusters and stabilizers, control chairs and consoles, complete wiper systems and more. “We selected IMTRA based on the strong positive feedback we received from a number of suppliers already benefiting from their

perfectly with the quality products we specialize in, rounding out the high-performance equipment portfolio that we offer our vessel design and installation partners, as well as end-users.”

support,” says Lilaas Managing Director Øyvind Lilaas. “This is more or less a new market for Lilaas and it was very important for us to work through a sales and technical staff familiar with our way of doing things. We believe there is great potential for uptake of Lilaas controls in the offshore and fishing sectors in particular,

while the wider retrofit market looks especially promising.”

“North America offers a strong opportunity for robust and reliable controls. Our first opportunity to make an impact with Lilaas controls in North American will be in early December at the International WorkBoat Show in New Orleans.” [ENDS]

“We are particularly excited about coming to this agreement at a point when Lilaas is introducing its new generation L01, L04 and L08 range of controls.” Alex Larsen, Imtra VP Commercial Sales, says: “Lilaas controls fit

Picture: Lilaas Managing Director Øyvind Lilaas (left) and Alex Larsen, Imtra VP Commercial Sales, shake hands on the deal that is expected to open up the North American market to Lilaas controls.

MacGregor winches specified for two new Malaysian accommodation barges

MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has secured a winch package contract from Nam Cheong Limited group, a leading global offshore marine player listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX”) and Malaysia’s largest offshore support vessel builder. Eight-point MacGregor mooring systems, with a 150-tonne line pull/270-tonne brake holding capacity, tugger winches and capstans have been specified for two new 500-men accommodation work barges being built at the yard. An option remains for two more barges. The 123m barges are scheduled for delivery in 2016. They will enter service for one of the largest accommo-

dation/work barge specialists in Asia, Perdana Petroleum Berhad. “Our winches have been chosen by these leading companies because of their proven reliability and performance,” says Francis Wong, Vice President, Segment Sales, MacGregor Offshore. “MacGregor’s strong lifecycle support services and its presence worldwide were additional factors in securing the contract,” adds Mr Wong. Malaysia-based Perdana Petroleum Berhad says that the new vessels will help the company take full advantage of the increasing demand foraccommodation barges in the market from maintenance contracts and enhanced oil recovery activities.


Momentum gathers pace at Marorka Marorka is currently expanding following a substantial injection of funds. The expansion plan was approved and Marorka will extend its worldwide network in 2014. As a result Marorka has opened Copenhagen offices in August 2014 and offices in Dubai and Athens will be strengthened by the end of 2014. The Singapore office will be in operation from November, and further plans are underway to open offices in Korea and China. On 1st September 2014, the Marorka Research Institute for Advance Energy Management Science opened in Lund Science Park (University), Sweden, where our highly educated staff will be heading the R&D office. Marorka’s CEO Ole Skatka Jensen, formerly at MAN Diesel & Turbo, leads the expansion plan. When asked how the funding would affect future strategy, Ole Skatka Jensen responded: “Our expansion plan was approved by the board in July, and Marorka is extending its worldwide network in 2014 and 2015 with new offices in Copenhagen, Singapore and Korea. These will be in addition to our existing presence in Greece and the Middle East, which will be strengthened. These are purposeful steps forward which underline the strong support and interest we find in the marketplace. The big challenge for us is to keep providing outstanding services to a growing customer base that is located around the globe. We are addressing this challenge by adding more people to our organization and by opening up our own offices in strategically selected locations.

MAN Propulsion Packages for New Trawler Series Advance North Atlantic Fishing

Orders for five fresh-fish trawlers feature two different ship designs and MAN 6L27/38 engines and aft-ship equipment Icelandic owners, HB Grandi, Vinnslustodin hf. and Hradfrystihusid Gunnvör, have ordered newbuildings based on two different ship designs from specialist fishing-vessel consultants and designers, Nautic and Skipasýn. Optimised for safety, operational economy and pulling power, the 50-metre-plus vessel series differ in their choice of specified propeller, aft-ship and propeller-nozzle configurations, apart from their principal design differences. The Nautic vessels for HB Grandi will be propelled by 4-bladed, 3.8-metre MAN Alpha CP Propellers, while the Skipasýn vessels will have larger, slower-running 4.7-metre, 3-bladed versions for a calculated bollard pull above 50 tons. Styrmir Petersen, Afltækni ehf, Reykjavik said: “We have been representing MAN Diesel & Turbo for more than 20 years as sales and service agents in the Icelandic market and now we are very pleased again to see increasing activities and investments after the financial crisis and following tough years for Iceland. Additionally, it is of course both interesting and challenging for us that we will supply new MAN products and services to two state-of-the-art, Icelandic, fresh-fish trawler designs.”

High bollard pull at low propeller revolutions

Designer/consultant Skipasýn has developed the efficient 50.7-metre trawler design for Vinnslustodin hf. and Hradfrystihusid Gunnvör. In relation to the design and layout of the propulsion plant, the ship designer’s fuel-saving focus has been on the deployment of a large, efficient, 4.7-metre propeller. As a result, the 800 r/min engine (MCR) speed has had to be geared down to an optimal propeller speed of just 89 r/min. Blade-number optimisation resulted in a three-bladed configuration. At the 2,040 kW operating point, the three-bladed MAN Alpha VBS1020 propeller – using the Alpha High Thrust nozzle – is calculated to deliver a bollard pull above 50 tons. Both vessels will be built in China by Huanghai Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.

Reduced consumption under more operating conditions

The three Nautic-designed, 55-metre vessels for HB Grandi, which will appear with a distinctive bow design, will be built in Turkey by Celiktrans Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. As with the other series, the selected propulsion engine is MAN’s six-cylinder L27/38, accompanied by four-bladed, ducted MAN Alpha VBS 860 propeller

models. A key Alphatronic 3000 control-system feature will be the tailored ‘dual-propeller load curves’ for optimising towing/trawling and free-sailing conditions.

Floating frequency

The specified, floating-frequency concept for both trawler series increases the flexibility and economical part-load pattern. The propulsion system is able to operate in ‘shaft-alternator mode’ with reduced engine and propeller speed (within the corresponding 50 to 60 Hz speed envelope). With this part-load optimisation feature offering up to 17% lower engine/propeller speed, fuel consumption is accordingly reduced. The L27/38 engines have perfect load and low-speed characteristics for floating frequency: high torque and approx. 50% power is available at speeds reduced from the 60 Hz load point to 50 Hz.

Alphatronic 3000

The general propulsion management and control system specified for both trawler designs is MAN Diesel & Turbo’s new, advanced Alphatronic 3000 generation. The installations will be configured for complete controlstation set-ups at the vessels’ main bridges, starboard bridge wings, aft bridges and engine-control rooms.

MOL Announces merger of Group Companies, Upgrade of Bridge Simulator Adding DPS and Enhancing Safe Operation by Integrating Expertise through merger Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President: Koichi Muto) today announced the merger of MOL Marine Consulting, Ltd. (MOLMC) and MOL Cable Ship Ltd. effective October 1, 2014. The new company, called MOL Marine Co.,Ltd., will continue to develop the businesses pioneered by its two predecessors. The merger will integrate both companies’ extensive expertise in marine technology and ship management, enabling the development of business operations that will contribute to the MOL Group as it forges ahead to become the world leader in safe operation. At the same time, MOLMC announced an upgrade to one of its two owned simulators. The simulator was upgraded with an enlarged screen that replicates the field of vision from the bridge as well as the addition of a Dynamic Positioning System (DPS). MOL has positioned the offshore

business as the core of its operations to achieve “solid growth through innovative changes,” as set forth in the midterm management plan STEER FOR 2020. Felds such as a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO)*1 and Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU)*2 operation require advanced ship-

handling technologies that rely on DPS. The upgraded simulator, which simulates a vessel equipped with DPS, can simulate any situation and provide practical training in that situation. This is the first step toward realizing the MOL Group’s goal of “becoming the world leader in safe operation.” ,

MOLMC announced an upgrade to one of its two owned simulators. The simulator was upgraded with an enlarged screen that replicates the field of vision from the bridge as well as the addition of a Dynamic Positioning System (DPS).

Marine Jet Power Introducing the all new MJP Hybrid Marine Jet Power is proud to introduce a totally new product concept – optimized for high-speed applications and featuring a superior and well proven pump unit. The MJP Hybrid waterjet combines the very best characteristics of the revolutionary MJP DRB series with the highly respected MJP Ultrajet series. We are proud and happy to launch our new Hybrid to the market and we strongly believe that the MJP Hybrid will be received with open arms. We have succeeded in developing a product with a unique combination of high performance and competitive pricing. The idea to take the best from our DRB and Ultrajet series and make a

Hybrid that is optimized for high-speed applications came soon after MJP’s merger with Ultrajet. In our new Hybrid you can find almost every advantage from our existing world-renowned MJP products, yet it’s available at an attractive price level. At the same time, we feel that with our new Hybrid we now offer the market a complete product range. The concept originated with what we believe is the best duplex stainless steel jet pump on the market. It’s been

proven, over and over again, in our DRB products and shows superior wear strengths and performance, so we started building the new concept from there. Then we added mixed-flow technology with minimum tip clearance and inboard hydraulics mounted

in an aluminum frame, and there it is – an attractive package suitable for all high-speed applications. We’re very excited to show what the new MJP Hybrid is all about at exhibitions and to interested parties around the world, starting at SMM in Hamburg.


Πρότασης Κανονισμού της Ε.Ε. για την ελεύθερη πρόσβαση στην αγορά λιμενικών υπηρεσιών

Με τα θέματα της Πρότασης Κανονισμού της Ε.Ε. για την ελεύθερη πρόσβαση στην αγορά λιμενικών υπηρεσιών και τις θέσεις που θα υποστηριχθούν στη Γενική Συνέλευση της ΕSPO (Οργανισμός Λιμένων Ευρώπης), ασχολήθηκε το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΕΛΙΜΕ (Ένωση Λιμένων Ελλάδας) κατά τη σημερινή του συνεδρίαση, η οποία διεξήχθη στην αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. Με βάση τα κείμενα της Επιτροπής Διακυβέρνησης Λιμένων (Port Governance Committee) της ESPO για όλα τα σημαντικά θέματα του υπό ψήφιση νέου Κανονισμού (τιμολόγηση, κρατικές ενισχύσεις, βυθοκόρηση, πλοήγηση, συμβάσεις παραχώρησης, περιορισμοί πρόσβασης στην αγορά, λιμενικά τέλη κ.ά.) και μετά από την τεκμηριωμένη εισήγηση του ειδικού συνεργάτη της Γενικής Γραμματείας ΛΛΠΝΕ του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου κ. Κρίτωνα Βαλλερά, το Δ.Σ. διαπίστωσε σύγκλιση απόψεων των θέσεων της λιμενικής βιομηχανίας με τις προωθούμενες εθνικές θέσεις, τις οποίες και θα στηρίξει η ΕΛΙΜΕ στη Γενική Συνέλευση της ESPO την επόμενη εβδομάδα (3 και 4.11.2014). Το Δ.Σ. της ΕΛΙΜΕ αποφάσισε επίσης την ανασύνθεση της εκπροσώπησής της στο Δ.Σ. του Ινστιτούτου Λιμενικής Κατάρτισης «ΕΞΑΝΤΑΣ», καθώς και τη συγκρότηση δύο επιτροπών εκ των μελών του: (α) Επιτροπή για τις σχέσεις Λιμένων και τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης και (β) Επιτροπή Λειτουργικών θεμάτων Λιμένων.

Συμμετοχή του ΟΛΠ στο Seatrade Med

Στο Seatrade Med, το οποίο διεξήχθη στη Βαρκελώνη από 15-18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014 συμμετείχε ενεργά ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. με δικό του περίπτερο και συνομιλίες σε όλα τα επίπεδα αποφάσεων για την κρουαζιέρα. Το Seatrade Med αποτελεί μετά το Seatrade Miami το μεγαλύτερο παγκόσμιο γεγονός κρουαζιέρας, με συμμετοχή όλων των εταιρειών κρουαζιέρας, των μεγάλων λιμανιών και των εθνικών αρχών λιμένων (port authorities), των διεθνών ομίλων (CLIA, ESPO, MedCruise) και εκατοντάδων εκπροσώπων επιχειρήσεων από το χώρο της λιμενικής βιομηχανίας. Τόσο στο Συνέδριο, όσο και στις εκθεσιακές εκδηλώσεις παρέστησαν ο Πρόεδρος & Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης, ο Γεν. Δ/ντής και Πρόεδρος της MedCruise κ. Σταύρος Χατζάκος και ο Αν. Δ/ντής Κρουαζιέρας κ. Δ. Αγραπίδης. Στο διήμερο του Συνεδρίου υπήρξαν επαφές, διαπραγματεύσεις και συμφωνίες μεταξύ ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. και κορυφαίων στελεχών των εταιρειών κρουαζιέρας, καθώς και εθνικών αντιπροσωπειών και λιμανιών. Ιδιαίτερη εντύπωση προκάλεσε και σημαντικές συμφωνίες ολοκληρώθηκαν με αφορμή το νέο λιμάνι κρουαζιέρας του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε., το οποίο καθιστά από το 2017 τον Πειραιά κύριο κόμβο (hub) της Αν. Μεσογείου. Ο Πρόεδρος του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. κ. Γ. Ανωμερίτης συναντήθηκε με τον Πρόεδρο της ESPO (Οργανισμού Ευρωπαϊκών Λιμένων) κ. Santiago Garcia - Milà, τον Πρόεδρο του Seatrade κ. Chris Heyman, τον Πρόεδρο του Λιμένος Βαρκελώνης κ. Sixte Cambra, τον Πρόεδρο της CLIA κ. P. Vago, την κα Carla Salvado, νέα Πρόεδρο της MedCruise, τον R. Perrochio, Δ/ντα Σύμβουλο της Βενετίας, λόγω του ειδικού

προβλήματος που έχει προκύψει στη Βενετία και τους εκπροσώπους κυρίως των λιμένων της Μεσογείου από την Ισπανία έως την Τουρκία και φυσικά την Κύπρο. Κατά τη διάρκεια του Συνεδρίου οι Ενώσεις λιμένων κρουαζιέρας Cruise Baltic, Cruise Europe, Cruise Norway και MedCruise, υπέγραψαν σε συνεργασία με την ESPO μνημόνιο στρατηγικής συνεργασίας, δημιουργώντας έτσι το Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Ενώσεων Λιμένων Κρουαζιέρας και Επιβατηγών Λιμένων. Όπως τόνισε η Γενική Γραμματέας της ESPO κ. Isabelle Rykbost και ο Γενικός Γραμματέας της MedCruise κ. Θάνος Πάλλης, το Δίκτυο φιλοδοξεί να ενδυναμώσει τη φωνή των λιμανιών κρουαζιέρας και ακτοπλοΐας στα θεσμικά ευρωπαϊκά όργανα, μιας και μέχρι σήμερα σ’ αυτά την κυρίαρχη θέση είχαν τα εμπορευματικά terminals. Έτσι, η ESPO για πρώτη φορά προωθεί θεσμικά μέσω του Δικτύου την κρουαζιέρα, για την οποία και θα παρουσιάσει σύντομα έναν Κώδικα Καλής Πρακτικής για τα λιμάνια κρουαζιέρας και ακτοπλοΐας. Είναι αυτονόητο ότι οι αποφάσεις αυτές ευνοούν σημαντικά τον Πειραιά, αφού στα γενικά του πλέον μεγέθη και επιρροή, θα υπολογίζονται πέραν των containers και του car-terminal η κρουαζιέρα και η ακτοπλοΐα, οι οποίες αποτελούν κυρίαρχα μεγέθη για τον ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. και το λιμάνι του Πειραιά. Τέλος, στα πλαίσια της ενίσχυσης του Πειραιά ως home-porting υπήρχαν περαιτέρω συζητήσεις συνεργασιών με τους μεγάλους ομίλους κρουαζιερόπλοιων, οι οποίες εκτιμάται ότι θα οριστικοποιηθούν εντός του Οκτωβρίου 2014. ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ: Οι εκπρόσωποι των Ενώσεων Κρουαζιέρας με την ηγεσία της ESPO.


Letter of Intent signals breakthrough for Very Large Ethane Carriers Hartmann Schiffahrts Gmbh & Co. KG, Jaccar Holdings, HB Hunte Engineering and DNV GL, signed a letter of intent for the classification of five ECO STAR 85k very large ethane carriers. Mr Jean Labescat from Jaccar Holdings, Mr Ulrich Adami, Technical Director of Hartmann Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG, Mr Frerk Brand, Managing Director of HB Hunte Engineering, and Mr Torsten Schramm, DNV GL Maritime’s COO for Division Germany, Middle East & Asia, signed the agreement at the SMM trade fair.

nearly 30% over similarly sized vessels with conventional tanks, reducing shipping costs through greater economies of scale. Photo caption (signing): from left to right: Mr Frerk Brand, Managing Director of HB Hunte Engineering, Mr Ulrich Adami, Technical Director of Hartmann Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG and Mr Jean Labescat from Jaccar Holdings as well as Mr Torsten Schramm, DNV GL Maritime’s COO for Division Germany, signed a letter of intent for the classification of five ECO STAR 85k very large ethane carriers at the SMM.

“It’s a great honour to be given the opportunity to act as the classification society for this new series of ECO STAR 85K vessels. These vessels will be the largest ethane carriers yet constructed, but it is not only the size, but the technical innovations present in this design that will make these ships a real breakthrough for the industry. Such highly specialised vessels require a very strong technical partnership and we are looking forward to working together with Jaccar, Hartmann and HB Hunte to bring this project to a successful conclusion,” said Torsten Schramm. The five ECO STAR 85K ethane-fuelled VLEC-carriers will have a capacity of 85,000cbm each. The cargo tanks of these five new vessels include another world first – the use of the innovative StarTri-Lobe tanks. These consist of three cylinders combined into one. Due to better utilization of the space in the cargo holds, this results in higher efficiency and allows an increase in cargo capacity of

New filter option gives Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 unrivalled performance in water with low UV transmittance In conjunction with the SMM exhibition in Hamburg, Alfa Laval has released an alternative filter option for PureBallast 3.0. The compact new Filtrex filter lets the system operate in fresh, brackish and marine waters with a UV transmittance as low as 42%. With the launch of Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 in 2013, Alfa Laval set new standards for the energy efficiency, compactness and flexibility of its chemical-free ballast water treatment system. Earlier this year, installation flexibility was further enhanced by a third reactor size of 600 m3/h. Now the addition of a Filtrex filter option has increased operating flexibility as well. “Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0, equipped with the Filtrex premium filter, has been tested and approved for use in very challenging water,” says Alfa Laval’s Peter Sahlén, R&D Manager, PureBallast. “It can operate at full flow down to a UV transmittance of 42%, which provides a

high margin of security for vessels that operate globally.”

Confident operation worldwide

With the new Filtrex filter option, PureBallast 3.0 offers customers high performance under almost any conditions, anywhere in the world. The system can operate in fresh, brackish or marine waters of any temperature, and even in areas with very poor water quality. Research from Alfa Laval, competitors and published journals shows that UV transmittance in harbours normally varies between 60% and 90%. However, UV transmittance as low as 49% has been measured in some cases. “With the Filtrex filter, Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 can ensure reliable ballast water treatment even in the most adverse waters,” says Sahlén.

Equally compact installation

The choice of a Filtrex filter gives PureBallast

3.0 customers additional operating benefits, yet it has no physical trade-offs. The filter design is compact, requiring only a very small footprint. Regardless whether a Filtrex filter or a standard Hydac filter is selected, PureBallast 3.0 is easy to install where space is constrained. “This is really a win-win offering for customers,” says Sahlén. “Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 can operate in previously unthinkable areas, but without requiring additional area on board.”


SHELL brings order tracking into the 21st century Shell has officially launched its Shell Marine Products app, providing its customers with one-touch ability on mobile devices, to track their marine lubricant orders anytime, anywhere. This complements Shell Marine Products’ (SMP) International Customer Service Centre (iCSC), that customers can contact 24 hours a day to order and check on the status of their orders. An additional feature of the app is SMP’s Port Services Guide, where current and prospective customers can search for where Shell’s

wide range of marine lubricants are available, as well as check the information on SMP’s products and services and the latest News and Highlights. To date, the Shell Marine Products app is now available to customers in 19 markets, namely Australia, China, Cyprus, Germany, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia,

the Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and Vietnam. SMP plans to roll out the app to customers in more countries, including the US and Canada by the end of 2014. Customers can install the app via the Apple iTunes App Store or Google Play Store. “We developed this new platform

with our customers in mind. We are dedicated to give our customers peace of mind that their orders are being taken care of. We have received positive reviews of our iCSC service, and this is our next step in ensuring we deliver the best possible service to our customers,” said Jan Toschka, General Manager of Shell Marine Products.

DNV Type approval for RayCleanTM, developed by DESMI Ocean Guard

The ground-breaking new ballast water treatment system RayCleanTM, developed by DESMI Ocean Guard, has received IMO and DNV type approval.

DNV GL issued type approval certificate for the RayCleanTM system. The type approval certificate includes approval according to both the IMO Ba last Water Management Convention and the DNV type approval programme. The type approval is unique because this is the first time a ballast water treatment system has been tested fully according to both IMO and US Coast Guard requirements. This is also revealed on the certificate where it is stated that the RayClean system has undergone 15 landbased tests, 5 in each salinity,

and 5 shipboard tests as per US Coast Guard test requirements. IMO requires 10 landbased tests in two salinities, and 3 shipboard tests. But the RayCleanTM system has undergone much more additional testing than this in order to comply with the US Coast Guard test requirements. During landbased testing a so-called “operation & maintenance” test with treatment of 10.000 tonnes of ballast water has been performed, and the electrical equipment in the system has been through significantly more demanding vibration

tests than required by IMO, just to mention a few. This, combined with the fact that only US Coast Guard approved Independent Lab and test facilities were used throughout the entire testing programme, puts the RayCleanTM system in pole position for the US Coast Guard type approval, which no system has been awarded yet. The RayCleanTM system is based on filtration and highly efficient UV treatment with low pressure UV lamps. The performance demonstrated by the RayClean system

during the extensive approval testing is second to none, and this is documented on the certificate where following is stated: • Approved for operation in all salinities. • Approved for operation in all sea temperatures • Approved for treatment of water with UV-Transmission anywhere from 33% to 100%. In particular, the industry leading performance in water with low UVTransmission makes RayCleanTM the new benchmark for the industry


Vafias Group announces new vessel deliveries Over the last 4 months the vafias group has taken delivery of 5 newbuilding eco gas carriers from 3 different Japanese yards!


DNV GL bags Classification Society and Innovation Awards at Lloyd’s List Asia Awards 2014 DNV GL was recognized for its leadership and ability to innovate when it received both the “Classification Society” and the “Innovation Award” at the 2014 Lloyd’s List Asia Awards held on 30 October. This is the second year in a row that DNV GL has won the award for best Classification Society. “We are delighted and proud to receive these awards. They acknowledge the meaningful commitments DNV GL staff around the world have made over the past year. We remain dedicated to expanding our presence in Asia with deep technical competence and innovative solutions that assist our customers to become safer, smarter and greener,” said Steen Lund, Regional Manager for DNV GL Maritime South East Asia & Pacific, who accepted the Classification Award on behalf of DNV GL. Beyond its market leadership, DNV GL emphasizes innovation - investing 5% of its annual revenue in research and development activities to help its customers improve their businesses. It provides support to yards, managers and owners in every aspect of performance improvement and emission reduction through services such as HullManager, ECO-Assistant, Route Specific

Container Stowage and other industry leading solutions. DNV GL also a global leader in the adoption of LNG as a ship fuel, with its LNG Ready service, which guides owners in assessing the feasibility of using LNG as a fuel in newbuildings and conversions in their existing fleet. Alongside innovative projects, DNV GL also continually works to improve the expertise of its people; putting in place an educational program in collaboration with UC Berkeley called Top Tech, which trains key employees in the latest technologies

and innovation methods. “As we move forward, we strive to provide continuously improved services to the maritime industry here in Asia and around the world,” Steen Lund added. The winners

were determined by a panel of influential shipping bodies, including Hong Kong Shipowners Association, Gulf Oil Marine, Precious Shipping, Clarkson Asia, Intertanko and Magsaysay.

Συνέργεια εταιρειών, τοπικών φορέων και εθελοντών για Καθαρές Θάλασσες και Ακτές Μήνυμα ελπίδας αποτελεί η ευρεία συμμετοχή εταιρειών, σχολείων, τοπικών φορέων και ευαισθητοποιημένων πολιτών στο Μήνα Δράσης για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον της HELMEPA που συνεχίστηκε μέχρι την 20 Οκτωβρίου. Ήδη έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί δράσεις καθαρισμού ακτών και βυθού σε περισσότερες από 130 περιοχές της Ελλάδας με τη συμμετοχή περισσότερων από 6.000 μικρών και μεγάλων εθελοντών. Αξιοσημείωτη είναι η αγαστή συνεργασία μεταξύ εταιρειών, σχολείων, Οργανισμών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, Λιμενικών

Αρχών και άλλων τοπικών φορέων, ενώ με ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον αναμένονται τα αποτελέσματα της καταγραφής των απορριμμάτων που θα δημοσιεύσει η HELMEPA το Νοέμβριο και πλέον έχουν λάβει το χαρακτήρα πανελλαδικής έρευνας. Την Πέμπτη 9 Οκτωβρίου, το προσωπικό της LAMDA Flisvos Marina Α.Ε., εταιρικού μέλους της HELMEPA, σε συνεργασία με τα μέλη της Παιδικής HELMEPA και τους εθελοντές εκπαιδευτικούς τους από το Δημοτικό Σχολείο Λεχαίου Κορινθίας πραγματοποίησαν καθαρισμό της παραλίας του Λουτρακίου.

Τους εθελοντές καλωσόρισε και ευχαρίστησε για την εθελοντική τους πρωτοβουλία ο Αντιδήμαρχος Καθαριότητας και Περιβάλλοντος του Δήμου Λουτρακίου Σ. Πέρρας. Συμμετέχοντας στην Παγκόσμια Εκστρατεία Εθελοντικού Καθαρισμού Ακτών, ο Δήμος Γλυφάδας οργάνωσε το Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου ενδιαφέρουσα Ημερίδα με παρουσιάσεις από επιστήμονες της HELMEPA και του Ελληνικού Κέντρου Θαλασσίων Ερευνών (ΕΛΚΕΘΕ) για τα θαλάσσια απορρίμματα και ομιλία εκπροσώπου της 1ης ΕΜΑΚ για τη θαλάσσια διάσωση. Τους προσκεκλημένους καλωσόρισε

ο Δήμαρχος Γλυφάδας Γ. Παπανικολάου, ενώ σύντομο χαιρετισμό απηύθυνε ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου και κάτοικος Γλυφάδας, Μ. Βαρβιτσιώτης, ο οποίος εξήρε το ρόλο των εθελοντών στην προστασία του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος. Την επομένη μέρα, το Γραφείο Πολιτικής Προστασίας και Εθελοντισμού του Δήμου σε συνεργασία με τη HELMEPA συντόνισε καθαρισμό ακτών της Γλυφάδας με τη συμμετοχή πολλών εθελοντών, ενώ τα ανακυκλώσιμα απορρίμματα παρέλαβε όχημα της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας ΑξιοποίησηςΑνακύκλωσης (Ε.Ε.Α.Α.).


Χιλιάδες εθελοντές συμμετείχαν στο Μήνα Δράσης για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον της HELMEPA

Mε μεγάλη συμμετοχή εθελοντών από σχολεία, ΟΤΑ, Λιμεναρχεία, εταιρείες, τοπικούς φορείς και συλλόγους σε όλη την Ελλάδα, ολοκληρώθηκε την 20 Οκτωβρίου ο Μήνας Δράσης για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον, πρωτοβουλία της HELMEPA στο πλαίσιο της Παγκόσμιας Εκστρατείας Εθελοντικού Καθαρισμού Ακτών 2014 Σύμφωνα με τα μέχρι στιγμής στοιχεία, περίπου 6.500 εθελοντές, μικροί και μεγάλοι, πήραν μέρος σε καθαρισμούς ακτών και βυθού σε περισσότερες από 140 περιοχές της Ελλάδας. Αναλυτικά αποτελέσματα από την καταγραφή των απορριμμάτων που πραγματοποίησαν οι εθελοντές θα δημοσιεύσει η HELMEPA το Νοέμβριο. Την Παρασκευή 17 Οκτωβρίου μαθητές και εκπαιδευτικοί του 9ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Μυτιλήνης καθάρισαν την παραλία Χαραμίδα και εντυπωσιάστηκαν από το γεγονός ότι τα αντικείμενα που μάζεψαν σε 40 μεγάλες σακούλες ήταν κυρίως ανακυκλώσιμα, όπως πλαστικά μπουκ άλια. . Την Κυριακή 19 Οκτωβρίου, το προσωπικό της Τουρκικής Πρεσβείας στην Αθήνα με τις οικογένειές τους καθάρισαν εθελοντικά την παραλία Έδεμ στο Π. Φάληρο. Στους συμμετέχοντες μίλησε ο Δήμαρχος Π. Φαλήρου, κ. Κ. Χατζηδάκης, ο οποίος τους ευχαρίστησε για την επίδειξη εθελοντικού πνεύματος και αναφέρθηκε στην υποχρέωση όλων να διατηρούμε καθαρές τις ακτές. Στο σύντομο χαιρετισμό του, ο Πρέσβης της Τουρκίας στην Αθήνα, κ. Kerim Uras, τόνισε τη σημασία του εθελοντισμού για την προστασία του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος και ευχαρίστησε το Δήμο Π. Φαλήρου και τη HELMEPA για τη συνεργασία. Συνολικά οι εθελοντές συνέλεξαν 14 σακούλες ανακυκλώσιμων υλικών που παρέλαβε όχημα της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Αξιοποίησης Ανακύκλωσης.

Stena Bulk adapts technology and

moderates speed for better profitability In view of the prospects on the freight market and anticipated future fuel prices, Stena Bulk is focusing even more on maximising the relationship between freight and bunker fuel. The fleet will continue to operate at low speed in the foreseeable future and great importance is attached to the development and adaptation of technology.


n today’s market, it is very important that we shipowners utilise our existing fleet in the best possible way from an energy and environmental perspective and carefully investigate the potential for improvement, both technological and operational”, says Erik Hånell, President & CEO of Stena Bulk. The cost of bunker oil accounts today for more than 60% of the freight cost, which means that operating vessels as energyefficiently as possible is an obvious solution. In the case of a modern 160,000 dwt Suezmax tanker, the freight rate must average USD 40,000 per day over time to justify a speed increase of 0.5 knots compared with the present fuel price level. In other words, the freight rate must be doubled before even a small speed increase can be justified based on market conditions so far in 2014. “In recent years, we have expanded our fleet with the addition of a number of in-house designed Suezmax

tankers with the highest environmental class. In our strategic investments, we are focusing on energy efficiency and with the help of our technical development department, we are always on the cutting edge when it comes to safety and the environment. However, existing vessels are also being evaluated in order to save fuel and economise”, Erik Hånell continues. Adjusting a vessel’s propeller and bulb to its actual speed can make a big difference when it comes to reducing fuel consumption. Adding stern tubes and fins are other types of solutions that can have a positive impact on a vessel’s performance. “The vessels’ technical design is a key factor, but how vessels are operated in terms of energy management is just as important. When it comes to the design and operational excellence of its latest vessels, Stena Bulk has been successful in both these areas”, says Erik Hånell in conclusion.


Transas to supply its TechSim cloud solutions to the State University of New York Maritime College The Navsim Services and Transas Americas Team, have been awarded contracts for supply of a combination of full mission, classroom and cloud based Transas Technical simulation (TechSim) solutions for the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College. The full mission and classroom systems are being procured to meet forthcoming new United States Coast Guard (USCG) National Maritime Center (NMC) training requirements, and include multiple models from the Transas library with the latest functional capabilities of the Transas TechSim platform. The suite of simulators will be deployed in early 2015, with roll out of Cloud based simulation scheduled to go live soon after. Transas Cloud based simulation is a new offering that will deliver simulation solutions as a service (SaaS) via the Internet, to users who can be equipped with a potential variety of internet ready devices, utilizing standard browsers, without the need for specific Transas software to be loaded on the client device. With an ever increasing student load, increased call for simulation in technical

courses, and limited supervised simulation class time available, SUNY Maritime College’s objective is to utilize Transas Cloud based simulation to provide simulator access outside of the classroom setting, on demand, to ease the training burden. It is envisioned that initial online content will encompass course preparation tasks, familiarization, exercise and exam preparation, with students able to take additional simulation time to ensure they fully comprehend all class modules. Transas Cloud Simulation services being delivered to SUNY include a secure site within the Cloud for SUNY’s content, Instructor access for upload, download and preparation of content, student access control, and related support services under an extended TRANSERV contract. Importantly, the solution includes the management tools needed for SUNY ad-

ministrators to create and manage student records and accounts, as well as monitor and manage cloud simulation usage and cost statistics. Transas Cloud Simulation offers many advantages to Transas simulation users, not least of which is the efficiency and flexibility of being able to use the same interfaces and exercises (including e-Tutor integration), as their deployed simulators. Instructors can access the simulator from their personal devices whenever they wish, whether it be from home or any other location where they can access the Internet, or collaborate with others remotely. Information Technology costs can be reduced with less expenditure on infrastructure, and support. Steve Dear, TechSim Product Expert with Transas Americas commented; “We are excited to be

at the leading edge of this technology in maritime training, and at the response to this offering from our customers since the concept was first introduced to them at the Transas Simulation User Conference in Maryland last summer. We believe that the SUNY Cloud Simulation project represents a significant step forward for delivery of simulation to our customers, opening up many new training opportunities inside and outside the confines of the classroom.”

It is envisioned that initial online content will encompass course preparation tasks, familiarization, exercise and exam preparation, with students able to take additional simulation time to ensure they fully comprehend all class modules.


The Launch of the ONE OCEANTM Network


A New Standard in Delivery of Underwater Services

he ONE OCEANTM network partners, All-Sea Enterprises, Phoenix International and UMC International are proud to announce the launch of their global network for the supply of underwater Inspection, Repair and Maintenance (IRM) services for vessels and mobile floating units/ platforms operating in the global shipping and offshore markets. With more than 100 years of relevant, shared experience and almost two years in the making, the ONE OCEANTM network presents a formidable new capability to meet the afloat IRM needs of the global shipping and offshore markets. Two compatible IRM services packages are presented by ONE OCEAN™. High Capacity Service (HCS) and Fleet Service Agreements

(FSA). HCS involves the underwater Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of thrusters, propellers and sterns seals. The ONE OCEANTM partners, as individual companies, have experience of delivering a significant number of propeller repairs, stern seal replacements and thruster exchanges across the globe. The consolidation of this expertise and experience in the new ONE OCEANTM network offers the market a powerful and greatly enhanced service capability with increased reliability and cost efficiency. The specific support offered is illustrated in TABLE 1. The FSA model is targeted towards providing entire fleets with an extensive menu of un-

derwater IRM options and a flexible management service. In short, a reliable, adaptable, outsourcing solution, tailored to each customer’s needs and equally applicable to all types and sizes of fleets; tankers, containerships, cruise liners, Platform Supply Vessels, Drilling Rigs, FSUs/FSOs and many more. The support offered by ONE OCEANTM‘s network partners include: (See pictures 1, 2, and 3 on page 78). Globally, the ONE OCEANTM partners currently have more than 3000 vessels covered by Fleet Service Agreements and the number is growing. Fundamental to ONE OCEANTM’s operating model is providing a single point of contact for a reliable, cost efficient and high quality service delivery through a single, integrated


The support offered by ONE

OCEANTM‘s network partners include: TABLE 1


Stern Seals


• Ship propeller repairs

• Lip Seals – Dry repair and replacement of complete systems, seal ring bonding

• Complete Thruster removal and installation

• Straightening large bends

• Face Seals – Wet repairs and replacement (deep sea, Cedarvall)

• Removal of damaged blade sections

• Controlled pitch blade palm seal replacement

• Crack repair and propagation control

• Bow/Stern Thrusters – Shaft seal, blade palm seal, gear case seal replacement

• Restoration of hydrodynamic edge contours

• Stabilizers – Fin shaft seal, crux seal replacement

• Wet Thruster Repairs: - OD Box change - Pitch Distribution Rod change - Pitch Feedback indicator repair - Hydraulic line change - Blade change - Blade seat change - Any internal repair - O-ring replacement

• Static balancing (calculations on-site)

• Stern tube sealing to facilitate inboard repacking of water lubricated stern seal

• Hydrodynamic balancing (calculations on-site) • Replacement of c.p. blades and blade seals • Propeller design modification solutions • Pitch and camber alterations • Diameter and blade area reduction

• Dry Thruster Repairs: - OD Box change - Pitch Distribution rod change - Pitch Feedback indicator repair

• Correction of propeller induced engine overload • Contour modification to eliminate cavitation • Edge modification, including antisinging edge correction TABLE 2



• Class approved In-water inspections in lieu of dry-dockings including propeller & rudder measurements

• High Capacity Services (in addition to those described above).

• Class Approved In-water surveys for docking extensions

• Permanent Class Approved insert plate repairs.

• Pre-purchase, pre/post charter inwater surveys

• Temporary Hull plate repairs

• Pre post dry dock inspections

• Collision and Grounding Hull Repairs.

• Damage assessments.

• Underwater coating repairs

• Coating condition and thickness inspections –Ultrasonic thickness measurement.

• Fixed and folding stabiliser system repair and replacement

• Ultrasonic shearwave (weld flaw and crack detection)

• Rudder repair and replacement


• Transducer repairs and replacement (echo sounders, speed logs, sonars) • ICCP and sacrificial anode repair and replacement • Hull Aperture blanking to support inboard hull valve inspection and repair

Maintenance • Conventional Hull Cleaning & Propeller Polishing, where permitted by Port Authorities. • Environmentally Friendly Hull Cleaning and Propeller Polishing available in the ports of Vancouver, Algeciras, Singapore and to be expanded to other ports in the near future.



One Ocean Propeller repair

One Ocean Stern Seal Replacement


One Ocean Thruster Exchange network of services stations. Currently, the ONE OCEANTM network has 16 IRM hub service centres located in North America, Europe, the Middle East, North East and South East Asia, each serving the local and regional market. There are well defined plans for growing the network and the number of hub centres will certainly increase over the next few years. The brain child behind ONE OCEANTM is the founder of All-Sea Enterprises, Vincent Cummings – President & CEO who stated: “Our customers want to receive services wherever they are operating their vessels and platforms. Availability of their assets is crucial to them and, through a ‘global network’ with multiple hubs; we can provide these services in a timely and cost efficient manner. We have been involved with HCS for more than 30 years during which we have developed highly specialized equipment and built large teams of competent and qualified technicians”. The ONE OCEANTM network partners complement one another very well with a global geographical footprint and customer base. Most importantly, all network partners are totally committed to our customers and service delivery. A comprehensive library of documented IRM procedures has been established and is available at all service stations. The ISO 9001 standard is used as the benchmark management system for helping to ensure that customer expecta-


tions are consistently achieved throughout ONE OCEANTM. A close dialogue has been established with key stakeholders including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) of thrusters, stern seals and propellers from who approved global supplier status has been received or is in the process of being received. Sam Behramfram, formerly a Senior Principal Surveyor/District Manager in DNV has been brought on board to help shape the ONE OCEANTM service delivery. Sam states: “From my almost 30 years experience within DNV, I can visualize the tremendous opportunity to grow the value added underwater solutions business with key maritime and offshore customers. This we can achieve by managing our customer relationships and working with them as ‘partners’ rather than being just a service provider. Listening to them and providing tailor-made services is the key to a ‘win-win’ situation.” Customer Relationship Management is epitomised through Fleet Services Agreements (FSA). Clients with an FSA are designated “Key Accounts” and are managed with a dedicated ONE OCEANTM Key Account Manager. Two levels of FSA’s are available, including one that covers a customer’s needs for all global underwater IRM support, including the highly specialised HCS. We have successfully managed such agreements for individual clients with 85 vessels and growing. Alternatively, an FSA is available for customers who are seeking an agreement that is much more limited in its scope. ONE OCEANTM has a much lighter outsourced management role. Where mutually beneficial, ONE OCEANTM seeks to encourage its customers along the outsourcing continuum towards a ONE OCEANTM turnkey service.

Phoenix International is a ONE OCEANTM partner who provides a solid record of underwater ship repair, engineering, and maintenance to the network. Based in several strategic locations in the Continental United States and Hawaii, Phoenix has been successfully conducting underwater operations, including ship repair, for both US Navy and commercial customers worldwide since 1997. In support of ONE OCEANTM’s launch Phoenix has opened a new operations site in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Although the site was officially opened in January 2014, they have already started to ‘get their feet wet’ by working on several ONE OCEANTM projects in the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States. Mike Kutzleb, President and CEO of Phoenix International is solidly behind the network and its objectives: “I see solid potential in ONE OCEANTM to utilize our extensive repair and engineering track records collectively to offer customers premium, effective and efficient service for their routine and emergent maintenance requirements.” UMC’s position in ONE OCEANTM is summedup well by Martin Stafford, Marine Service Group Director of UMC’s parent V.Group: “V.Group is an enthusiastic supporter of what ONE OCEANTM is offering the market. I welcome and fully support the establishment of the ONE OCEANTM network. V.Group aims to be the number one independent global service provider of marine services and UMC’s involvement in ONE OCEANTM fits well with this aim. As the operator of the largest managed fleet in the world, we are a ONE OCEANTM customer as well as a partner. The consolidation of service delivery in the underwater engineering supply train offered by ONE OCEANTM is very encouraging. It de-risks the supply chain and can only improve the quality and reliability of affordable service delivery. This fits perfectly with our interest in the shipping and offshore markets.” ONE OCEANTM can be contacted by visiting the ONE OCEANTM website (where there is comprehensive “Contacts Us” details or by emailing


The largest ever ship on the Thames arrived EDITH MAERSK: THE LARGEST SHIP EVER ON THE THAMES The largest ship ever to enter the Thames arrived at DP World London Gateway (19th October 2014) in the early hours of the morning. The 397-metre-long, 56-metrewide Edith Maersk has a draught of 16 metres and can carry up to 15,500 standard containers.

Επιτυχής η επιχειρηματική αποστολή των Ελλήνων Κατασκευαστών Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού στην Κορέα

Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία η επιχειρηματική αποστολή των Ελλήνων Κατασκευαστών Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού στην Κορέα, η οποία συντονίστηκε από την HEMEXPO και τον KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency), υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου. Επικεφαλής της αποστολής ήταν ο Γενικός Γραμματέας Διεθνών και Οικονομικών Σχέσεων του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, κ. Παναγιώτης Μίχαλος, ενώ συμμετείχαν δέκα ελληνικές εταιρείες-μέλη της HEMEXPO: A. MALLIOS, ALUMINOX AE, D. KORONAKIS AE, EPE AE, ERMA FIRST AE, FARAD AE, OLYMPIA ELECTRONICS AE, PRISMA ELECTRONICS AE, PSYCTOTHERM και RAYCAP AE. Η HEMEXPO πήρε μέρος στη 2η Ελληνοκορεατική Συνάντηση Συνεργασίας στον Τομέα των Ναυπηγήσεων, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Changwon της Κορέας, με την συμμετοχή του ΓΓ ΔΟΣ, κ. Παναγιώτη Μίχαλου, του Κορεάτη Υφυπουργού Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Ενέργειας (MOTIE), κ. Park Chung-Won, του Γενικού Διευθυντή της Ένωσης Κορεατικών Ναυπηγείων (KO-

SHIPA), κ. Chung Seok Joo, και εκπροσώπων κορεατικών ναυπηγείων ενώ είχε την ευκαιρία να παρουσιάσει τις εταιρείες-μέλη της και τα προϊόντα τους στα πλαίσια της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής έκθεσης MARINE TECH 2014. Επιπλέον, και κατά την τελετή εγκαινίων της έκθεσης, οι Έλληνες Κατασκευαστές Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού, ως επίτιμοι προσκεκλημένοι των διοργανωτών, απηύθυναν, δια της εκπροσώπου τους, κας Ελένης Πολυχρονοπούλου, σύντομο χαιρετισμό και ευχετήρια πρόποση. Οι εταιρείες-μέλη της HEMEXPO είχαν επιτυχείς B2B συναντήσεις με έξι από τα μεγαλύτερα ναυπηγεία της Κορέας, με σκοπό την επίτευξη εμπορικών συμφωνιών και τη συμπερίληψη των Ελλήνων κατασκευαστών στους καταλόγους προμηθευτών των ναυπηγείων, ενώ συμμετείχαν σε σεμινάριο και γεύμα που διοργανώθηκε από την Επιτροπή Ναυτιλίας και Ναυπηγικής Βιομηχανίας του Ευρωπαϊκού Επιμελητηρίου στην Κορέα (ECCK). Παράλληλα, πραγματοποιήθηκε επίσκεψη στο Ναυπηγείο Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας οι εκπρόσωποι του ναυπηγείου δήλωσαν ότι προτίθενται να συμπεριλάβουν τις ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού στους πίνακες προμηθευτών της, με ιδιαίτερη μνεία σε συγκεκριμένα ελληνικά προϊόντα για τα οποία ενδιαφέρονται επί το πλείστον. Εξάλλου, κατά τη συνάντηση που πραγματοποίησε ο ΓΓ ΔΟΣ κ. Παναγιώτης Μίχαλος με τον Αντιπρόεδρο και CFO της Daewoo Shipbuilding, κ. Gabjoong Κim, σε ιδιαίτερα θετικό κλίμα, και μεταξύ άλλων, ο κ. Κim επεσήμανε ότι θα ενθαρρύνει το τμήμα

engineering που είναι αρμόδιο για τον εξοπλισμό των υπό κατασκευή πλοίων να προωθήσει τη συνεργασία με ελληνικές εταιρείες ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας αυτές στον επίσημο κατάλογο προμηθευτών. Επιπλέον, τα μέλη της HEMEXPO επισκέφθηκαν τις εγκαταστάσεις του Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute (KOMERI), όπου συζητήθηκαν οι προοπτικές συνεργασίας των δύο μερών σε επίπεδο έρευνας και τεχνολογικής ανάπτυξης, με από κοινού συμμετοχή σε ερευνητικά προγράμματα. Στο πλαίσιο της επιχειρηματικής αποστολής, αναδείχθηκε το συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα της Ελλάδας στο κλάδο της κατασκευής ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού. Ο εκπρόσωπος της εταιρείας FARAD Heat Exchangers SA, κος Κων. Φανουριάδης δήλωσε ότι «η συμμετοχή στην αποστολή από πλευράς της εταιρείας μας ήταν ιδιαίτερης σημασίας, δεδομένου ότι ήταν η πρώτη ομαδική και οργανωμένη παρουσίαση της HEMEXPO εκτός συνόρων, σε μία δυναμική ναυπηγική αγορά, όπως αυτή της Κορέας», ενώ εκ μέρους και των υπολοίπων εταιρειών-μελών ευχαρίστησε τον Γεν. Γραμματέα κ. Παναγιώτη Μίχαλο «για την αμέριστη και διαρκή συμπαράστασή του στη πρωτοβουλία μας». Όπως πρόσθεσε ο κος Μανώλης Σπανός, εμπορικός διευθυντής της εταιρείας D. KORONAKIS SA, «η μεγάλη και πρωτοπόρος ναυπηγική βιομηχανία της Κορέας έχει να προσφέρει σημαντικές ευκαιρίες για τους Έλληνες Κατασκευαστές Ναυτιλιακού Εξοπλισμού. Ευελπιστούμε αυτή η επιχειρηματική αποστολή να σημάνει την αρχή μιας επικερδούς συνεργασίας και για τις δύο πλευρές».


I-TECH’S SELEKTOPE® approved in China ] I-Tech has been notified that Selektope®, a marine biocide used to improve ship hull performance and reduce maintenance, has been approved for use in China.

Hempel’s new fouling defence system wins Shipping Efficiency 2014 award HEMPAGUARD®, a ground-breaking hull coating concept from Danish coatings manufacturer Hempel, has won Shipping Efficiency’s prestigious Environmental Technology award. Presented last week (2 October) in London, the award is an endorsement of a technology that “makes a significant contribution to environmental impact reduction or prevention to ships.”

New chemical notification

Selektope has been approved for use as an antifouling biocide by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China. “We are pleased to receive approval from the Chinese authorities of our antifouling technology following a rigorous environmental risk assessment,” says Philip Chaabane, Managing Director of I-Tech. “This marks a major milestone in our efforts to deliver our unique technology across the global marine industry, demonstrating the acceptance of Selektope® for sea going vessels as well as other marine structures in the world’s largest single maritime market.” Selektope has already been approved in Japan and South Korea and is under registration in the EU.

Selektope® – further improving antifouling paints The turnover for antifouling paints is estimated at USD 2 billion annually and the ability to protect hulls against barnacles is a critical attribute in all antifouling coatings. Selektope is a biodegradable, non-metal substance developed to avoid fouling by barnacles and other shell-forming animals on boats and ships. It has proven effectiveness in concentrations of about 0.1 % w/w (percentage weight/weight). The antifouling effect is exerted through stimulation of the barnacle larvae’s swimming behaviour, which makes the larvae unable to attach to a surface painted with Selektope. As soon as the barnacle leaves the surface the effect disappears, i.e. it is reversible. Due to the low concentration needed, Selektope does not compromise the paint’s chemical structure, colour or other cooperative biocides involved.

Judges on the panel included ABS Director of Energy Efficiency, Jan Otto de Kat; and the Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping & International Shipping Federation, Peter Hinchliffe.

Hempel’s HEMPAGUARD® was launched in 2013 and has shown an outstanding resistance to fouling during idle periods, significant fuel savings and is providing shipowners with trading flexibility. The coating was over five years in development and was introduced to the shipping industry against a backdrop of rising bunkering costs, tightening environmental regulations and the introduction of mandatory Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP).

HEMPAGUARD® is based on Hempel’s patented ActiGuard® technology. ActiGuard® integrates silicone-hydrogel and full diffusion control of biocides in a single coating. Surface retention of the biocide activates the hydrogel, which effectively holds fouling organisms at bay, cutting friction to a minimum while utilising a minimum amount of biocide. It also has the longterm stability and mechanical properties required of a durable solution.

Claes Skat-Rørdam, Fouling Control Manager, says: “We are proud and delighted that HEMPAGUARD® has been recognised by the expert judges on the Shipping Efficiency Award panel as an environmental leader. HEMPAGUARD® is a completely new technology that combines the best of both worlds: the smooth, fuel-efficient surface from silicone coatings and the durable pro-

tection against fouling known from antifoulings.” 

He added:

“However, what is most remarkable about HEMPAGUARD® is that it releases 95 per cent less biocide than traditional antifoulings and yet, it still has a significantly better performance. HEMPAGUARD® enables our customers to improve their efficiency at sea, while reducing the impact on the environment. Apart from the fuel efficiency benefits of using HEMPAGUARD, it also allows operators up to 120 days idle.”

Award organiser Fathom’s Director of Strategy, Catherine Austin said:

“We are absolutely delighted with the response the Ship Efficiency Awards has received from the maritime community, who have enthusiastically taken it on board – this is proven through the breadth and depth of nominations we received from the world over. It’s truly fantastic to be a part of it.”

HEMPAGUARD® shows excellent fouling resistance for up to 120 days during idle periods and fuel savings of six per cent on average over a full docking interval.

Hempel offers a performance satisfaction guarantee contract for vessels complying with a full HEMPAGUARD® X7 specification (one of the two products in the HEMPAGUARD® series).

HEMPAGUARD® is also extremely flexible, covering all combinations of sailing routes and trading patterns. Unlike regular hull coatings that, in general, are specified according to the vessel’s speed and activity level, HEMPAGUARD® retains its effectiveness when switching between slow and fast steaming.


More MacGregor deck machinery orders signed with Sinopacific

LNG Carrier for Osaka Gas Named LNG Venus Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President: Koichi Muto) announced that a naming ceremony for the LNG Venus, a newbuilding liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier was held at the Nagasaki Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI; President: Shunichi Miyanaga; Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo). The vessel is under construction at MHI and will serve Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. (President: Hiroshi Ozaki; Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture).

MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has signed a new series of deck machinery orders for twelve vessels with the China-based Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group. This builds on a track-record of contracts that now stands at 150 shipsets of equipment successfully delivered and installed at Sinopacific yards. The orders were booked into the third quarter 2014 order intake. “These orders demonstrate Sinopacific’s confidence and satisfaction with MacGregor equipment and its services,” says Francis Wong, Vice President, Segment Sales, MacGregor Offshore. The latest equipment orders are for two vessel types, anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels and platform supply vessels (PSVs). They include MacGregor anchor handling/towing winches, shark jaws, towing pins and other deck machinery. Equipment deliveries will commence between January and October 2015. • Three 61.8m/1,700 dwt PSVs being built to an SPP17A design are destined for Mexican shipping company, Naviera Petrolera Integral S.A. de C.V. Featuring a range of deck machinery equipment from MacGregor, they will be used by PEMEX, Mexico’s largest governmentowned oil company, in its oil and gas development projects in the Gulf of Mexico. • Four 64m/60-tonne bollard pull AHTS vessels, being built to an SPA60 design for Singaporean company Vallianz Holdings Limited, will serve Middle East, Latin American and Asia Pacific markets. Each shipset will include a 150-tonne line pull MacGregor anchor handling/towing winch, 200-tonne shark jaws and towing pins and other deck machinery.

• Two 81.75m/4,000 dwt PSVs being built to an SPP35M design for Shenzhen Huawei Offshore Shipping Transport Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Shanghai Salvage Company in China will feature MacGregor deck machinery. • Three 70.8m/85-tonne bollard pull AHTS vessels are being built to an SPA85L design for Shenzhen Huawei Offshore Shipping Transport. Like the two PSVs, these vessels are intended for operation in the South China Sea. They will each be fitted with a 150-tonne line pull MacGregor anchor handling/towing winch, 250-tonne shark jaws and towing pins and other deck machinery.

“All four ship designs ordered are customised versions of Sinopacific’s existing tried and tested offshore support vessel designs,” explains Mr Li Zhen, Deputy General Manager for Shanghai Design Associates, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group. “For example, the main dimensions of SPA85L have been optimised to meet the complex conditions of the South China Seas, and the deck areas have been increased on other designs to focus on the ‘supply’ aspect of the vessels. “A key focus for all the vessels is reliability,” he says. “MacGregor equipment is well-accepted by shipowners, operators and charterers worldwide. Its quality, reliability and global lifetime support are key factors in the decisions of international fleet operators to choose MacGregor equipment.” Caption: the main dimensions of SPA85L have been optimised to meet the complex conditions of the South China Seas

As a large group of guests looked on, Osaka Gas President Ozaki named the vessel, and his wife cut the rope. The LNG Venus is co-owned by MOL and Osaka Gas’ wholly owned subsidiary, Osaka Gas International Transport Inc. (President: Shigeru Chikamoto; Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture). After its completion, it will sail under a charter contract with Osaka Gas. Aiming toward its goal of “solid growth through innovative changes” set forth in the midterm management plan STEER FOR 2020, MOL continues to offer value-added services – backed by the experience, know-how, and network accumulated as the world leader in LNG carrier ownership and management – to customers including electric power and gas utilities in Japan. [LNG Venus] Length:288.0 m Breadth: 48.94 m Draft: 11.55 m LNG tank: MOSS independent stretched spherical-type tank system (with continuous tank cover) Deadweight tonnage: 138,000 MT Tank capacity : About 155,000 m3 (*) (*) Actual loading capacity: 153,000 m3 Main engine: Reheating system steam turbine Speed: 19.5 knots Shipyard: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Nagasaki Shipyard Ship management company: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.


DSME Returns for More Dual-Fuel Engines Four two-stroke ME-GI engines ordered for two LNGCs

MAN Diesel & Turbo has received an order for four MAN B&W 5G70ME-GI engines in connection with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (DSME) agreeing a deal with the BW Group to build two LNG carriers. The technical engine specification complies with IMO Tier II, with options to include remedies for Tier III compliance at a later stage. The 173,400 m3 vessels are scheduled for delivery in late 2017/early 2018 and will be built at DSME’s Okpo shipyard in Geoje, Korea. The deal represents the second LNG ME-GI contract for DSME after a previous order signed in 2012.

The ME-GI engine

The ME-GI engine represents the culmination of many years’ work and gives shipowners and operators the option of utilising fuel or gas depending on relative price and availability, as well as environmental considerations. The ME-GI uses high-pressure gas injection that allows it to maintain the numerous positive attributes of MAN B&W low-speed engines that have made them the default choice of the maritime community. MAN Diesel & Turbo sees significant opportunities arising for gas-fuelled tonnage as fuel prices rise and modern exhaust-emission limits tighten. Indeed, research indicates that the ME-GI engine delivers significant reductions in CO2, NOx and SOx emissions. Furthermore, the ME-GI engine’s negligible fuel slip makes it the most environmentally friendly technology available. As such, the MEGI engine represents a highly efficient, flexible, propulsion-plant solution. An ME-LGI counterpart that uses LPG, methanol and other liquid gasses is also available, and has already been ordered.

MOL Donates Vessel Photos to 9 Maritime Educational Institutes in Japan Social Contribution Activity in Commemoration of Its 130th Anniversary

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President: Koichi Muto) announced its donation of vessel photographs to nine maritime educational institutes in Japan in commemoration of the 130th anniversary of its foundation. On September 25, MOL Managing Executive Officer Takaaki Inoue presented a vessel photo to Yuji Hayashi, Head of the Faculty of Maritime Sciences at Kobe University. Hayashi responded: “Students will be captivated by the sight of this merchant vessel and set their MOL Managing Executive Officer Takaaki Inoue (left), and Head of the Faculty life goals. I think this is of Maritime Sciences of Kobe University Yuji Hayashi (right) at the ceremony the beginning of such stories.” On September 30, in a donation ceremony at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Inoue presented a photo to Principal Nobuaki Okamoto and Academic Administrator Motoji Takamasa. Principal Okamoto, “Thank you very much for donating the photo of a vessel representing MOL. I will take pride in pointing out this photo to students.” MOL has enjoyed a 130year history of success Principal of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Nobuaki thanks in large part to Okamoto (left) and MOL Managing Executive Officer Takaaki Inoue (right) the skills and dedication at the ceremony of its crewmembers. The company presented the MOL Donated Photos to the Following Institutes: photographs to maritime training institutes in Japan • Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technolthat have done so much to cultivate highly skilled ogy seafarers been backed by competent crewmem• Kobe University bers. The company hopes that the photographs of • National Fisheries University a vessel representing MOL will serve as a compass • Toyama National College of Technology for the young people who will forge the future of the • National Institute of Technology, Oshima College Japanese maritime industry. • Yuge National College of Maritime Technology MOL takes an ongoing, proactive approach to social • Hiroshima National College of Maritime Technology contribution activities as part of its effort to be a • National Institute of Technology, Toba College good corporate citizen. • Marine Technical College

OUR MISSION To set standards for safe, environmentally secured, global sea transportation of goods and energy, with modern, technically advanced ships, manned and operated by motivated, professional, well-trained seaborne and shore personnel. Focus on



satisfying clients’ demands for the benefit of employees and shareholders, thus fulfilling the Company’s corporate social commitment.

Company’s objectives  To protect all personnel from injuries and damage to health - zero incidents.  To undertake all duties safely and to protect the environment - zero spills.  To maintain the highest technical, operational, health and safety standards for the vessels.  To provide high quality services in order to satisfy customers’ needs.

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