Nafs October 2012

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the prelude FLNG project


Greek Shipping: Can the journey continue?



The course of Greek Shipping: From the Aegean to Wall street

LLOYD’S REGISTER New service for shipping


issue October 2012 ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

the leading Greek Shipping magazine

ABB Greece inaugurated its relocated Turbocharging Service Station

Η ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΣΤΗΡΙΖΕΙ ΕΜΠΡΑΚΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ Η Εθνική είναι η πρώτη ελληνική τράπεζα σε χρηματοδοτήσεις στον κλάδο της ναυτιλίας, στηρίζοντας έτσι έναν από τους πιο βασικούς τομείς της οικονομίας και συμβάλλοντας στην ανάπτυξη της χώρας. Επενδύοντας στη ναυτιλία συμβάλλει στον εκσυγχρονισμό του στόλου με νέα ποντοπόρα πλοία, λιγότερο ενεργοβόρα και πιο αποδοτικά.






06 | Μία πιθανή σύρραξη στη Συρία. Πόσο θα επηρρεάσει την παγκόσμια οικονομία; ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ

Cover Story ABB: Avantgarde technology is a wind of change

Konecranes: Νέα βαρούλκα αλυσίδας CLX

08 | Η παρέμβαση του καπτ. Παναγιώτη Τσάκου για το Αιγαίο TED PETROPOULOS

16 | Greek Shipping: Can the journey continue? HYDRA SHIPPING CONFERENCE

46 | The course of Greek Shipping: From the Aegean to Wall street HENRIK O. MADSEN

Alfa Laval: Flex separations systems, P-separations 605/615

Norsafe has conducted freefall tests with lifeboats from 61.35 m

Internaftiki signed an agency agreement with IHC Sealing Sloutions

The prelude FLNG project

60 | The world of energy is changing LLOYD’S REGISTER

62 | New service to help shipowners, builders and designers CELEBRITY CRUISES

66 | Τέσσερις υπάλληλοι ανάδοχοι του νέου Celebrity Reflection Features

12 K. Apostopoloulos West Africa: The common secret 14 Victoria Liouta Octobe 2012: Marine Insurance report 18 D. Vranopoulos European shipyards industry dealing with the current crisis 32 L. Ajara - H. Sewell Lloyd’s Register releases LNG bunkering

Nafs mag. October 2012 /

Issue 89 - October, 2012 Publisher

Nikos K. Doukas

Editor in Chief Nikos K. Doukas


Kostas Doukas, Ted Petropoulos, Konstantinos Apostolopoulos, Victoria Liouta, Dimitris Vranopoulos, Henrik O. Madsen.


Panagiotis Doukas

Layout and Design InterOffice team

Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού.

Tank Coating sand blasting - water blasting - tank cleaning

PLAKAS Πάντα με γνώμωνα την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος η εταιρία PLAKAS Tank Coating Co. έχει επενδύσει σε εξοπλισμό υπερσύγχρονης τεχνολογίας ώστε καμία ρύπανση να μην προκαλείται από τις εργασίες που λαμβάνουν χώρα στο πλοίο, διατηρώντας τον χώρο εργασίας απολύτως καθαρό, χωρίς ταυτόχρονα να προκαλείται καμία όχληση στον αστικό ιστό.

Λ.Δημοκρατίας Ειρήνης 155 295 Λ. Πέραμα188 18863 63 Πέραμα Tηλ:210 21044 4410 10928 928 Τηλ: Fax:210 21044 4417 17726 726 Fax:



Νίκος Κ. Δούκας


Μία πιθανή σύρραξη στη Συρία Πόσο θα επηρρεάσει την παγκόσμια ναυτιλία. Ποια θέση θα κρατήσει η Ελλάδα; ζουν έξω από τα Τουρκικά στρατόπεδα, την ίδια στιγμή που οι φόβοι για το χάος στην Συρία ενδεχομένως αναζωπυρώσουν πιθανές συγκρούσεις με ένοπολους Κούρδους αυτονομιστές.

Πρόσφατα το Τουρκικό κοινοβούλιο εξέδωσε απόφαση σύμφωνα με την οποία έχει ανάψει το πράσινο φως ώστε σε περίπτωση που κριθεί απαραίτητο ο στρατός να εισβάλει στην Συρία. Το μόνο που απομένει είναι να δούμε αν η Τουρκία θα πάρει μία τέτοια απόφαση. Οι προοπτικές ενός ενδεχόμενου πολέμου είναι αρκετά αυξημένες παρά το γεγονός ότι πολλοί παρατηρητές ισχυρίζονται ότι την παρούσα στιγμή κάτι τέτοιο δεν είναι τόσο πιθανό να συμβεί. Από την πλευρά του ο Sinan Ulgen, πρόεδρος του Κέντρου Οικονομικών και Πολιτικών Μελετών της Τουρκίας δηλώνει ότι “Η Τουρκική κυβέρνηση θέλει να αποτρέψει οποιαδήποτε μελλοντική επιθετική στάση της Συρίας και αυτός είναι ο λόγος που κάνουμε όλες αυτές τις ενέργειες. Έτσι, εάν οι ενέργειές μας λειτουργήσουν αποτρεπτικά και το μήνυμα περάσει και εκτός των συνόρων μας, τότε ελπίζουμε ότι αυτό θα βοηθήσει ώστε να εκτονωθεί η κρίση”. Άλλωστε η Άγκυρα δηλώνει εντόνως την άποψή την για αλλαγή καθεστώτος στην Συρία αλλά και την έκκλησή της για διεθνή παρέμβαση ώστε να σταματήσει η δολοφονία των αμάχων. Και έχει κάθε λόγο να το κάνει. Περισσότεροι από 100.000 πρόσφυγες βρίσκονται στα σύνορά της με την Συρία, άλλοι 50,000 έχουν αναφερθεί να Nafs mag. October 2012 /

Οι επιπτώσεις στη Ναυτιλία Μία πιθανή σύρραξη στην περιοχή θα προκαλέσει κατ’αρχάς τεράστια προβλήματα στο διεθνές εμπόριο, και φυσικά τη ναυτιλία. Η τεράτια αύξηση των τιμών του πετρελαίου που θα συντελεστεί, είναι πολύ πιθανό να μετακυλισθεί στα πλοία, και κατ’επέκταση στους ναυλωτές, τους εμπόρους, και φυσικά στις ασφαλιστικές εταιρίες, οι οποίες ενδεχομένως να θέσουν σε ισχύ “ρήτρες ανωτέρας βίας” στις συμβάσεις τους με τις πλοιοκτήτριες εταιρίες. Σήμερα η Διώρυγα του Σουέζ αποτελεί ένα τεράστιο ναυτιλιακό κέντρο με κίνηση που ρέει από την Ευρώπη προς τον ινδικό Ωκεανό με συνέπειες απρόβλεπτες ως προς την παροχή πετρελαίου αλλά και ρευστότητας των εταιριών σε περίπτωση πολεμικής σύρραξης. Κάτι τέτοιο θα δημιουργούσε μπελάδες στις ναυτιλιακές εταιρίες γιατί κι αν ακόμα επέλεγαν να κινηθούν τα πλοία τους στην περιοχή, θα έπρεπε ενδεχομένως να πληρώσουν επιπλέον ασφάλιστρο από την μία, αλλά και στους ναυλωτές οι οποίοι θα ερχόντουσαν αντιμέτωποι με μια σειρά από τεράστια έξοδα τα οποία σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα ήταν προγραμματισμένα. Κάτι ανάλογο είχε συμβεί το 1967 στην περιοχή, όταν ξέσπασε ο Αραβο-ισραηλινός πόλεμος αλλά και τρία χρόνια αργότερα όταν ξέσπασαν εχθροπραξίες μεταξύ Αιγύπτου και Ισραήλ. Αυτό είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να ανοίξει η διώρυγα μετά το 1975 αφού εκκθαρίστηκαν νάρκες και συντρίμμια πολέμου αλλά ο όγκος

κυκλοφορίας μειώθηκε δραματικά κατά την διάρκεια της δεκαετίας του 1980. Η θέση της Ελλάδας Η Ελλάδα βρίσκεται σήμερα στην χειρότερη φάση της σύγχρονης ιστορίας της. Με ένα τεράστιο εξωτερικό δημόσιο χρέον από την μία και με μία κοινωνία που βράζει κυριολεκτικά ενώ βρίσκεται κάτω από τα όρια της ανέχειας. Μία πιθανή έξοδος της χώρας από την ευρωζώνη μόνο περισσότερα προβλήματα θα δημιουργούσε καθώς πλέον θα ήταν ευάλωττη τόσο προς την Τουρκία αλλά και τους βόρειους γείτονές μας, όσο και στο εσωτερικό της αφού ήδη έχουν αρχίσει να ξεπηδούν ακραίες τάσεις έκφρασης της κοινωνίας η οποία πλέον προσπαθεί να βρει στήριγμα σε νέες μορφές διαχείρισης της εξουσίας. Το πολιτικό σύστημα καταρρέει μέρα με τη μέρα, η δημόσια και η ιδιωτική περιουσία έχει απαξιωθεί, το κοινωνικό κράτος έχει μεταναστέψει στο εξωτερικό, ο κοινωνικός ιστός διαλύεται, οι εταιρίες κλέινουν με ρυθμό αγώνα ταχύτητας, ενώ τα λίγα χρήματα που απομένουν στον οικογενειακό προϋπολογισμό καταλήγουν στην φαγάνα των δημόσιων ταμίων. Μία σύρραξη με την Συρία μόνο προβλήματα θα δημιουργούσε στην Ελλάδα, η οποία θα δεχόταν χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες πολέμου, και ενδεχομένως θα άνοιγε την όρεξη σε κάποιους για κερματισμό του Αιγαίου, των νησιών μας και φυσικά των υποθαλάσσιων φυσικών πόρων. Στην αναμπουμπούλα ο λύκος χαίρεται, λέει ο λαός μας σοφά. Καλό θα ήταν λοιπόν η Ελλάδα να παραμείνει στο “μαντρί” της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και να μην πειραματίζεται αυτές τις ώρες.



Ίσαλος γραμμή

Η παρέμβαση του καπτ. Παναγιώτη Τσάκου για το Αιγαίο Και ξαφνικά το Αιγαίο φουρτούνιασε! Καραβάκια, νησάκια, ΑΟΖ, εφοπλιστές, Τούρκοι, Τρόϊκα, Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, όλα μαζί ήλθαν χύμα και…τσουβαλάτα στο προσκήνιο και γέμισαν τα τηλεοπτικά παράθυρα. Αιτία την φορά αυτή η απίστευτη πληροφορία ότι οι τροϊκανοί ζήτησαν από την κυβέρνηση να εκκενωθούν όλα τα μικρά ελληνικά νησιά του Αιγαίου, του Ιονίου και του Κρητικού πελάγους, που έχουν λιγώτερους από 150 κατοίκους, διότι …επιβαρύνουν τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό! Όλα ξεκίνησαν από την Ναυτιλιακή Λέσχη Πειραιώς στις 11 Οκτωβρίου, όταν ο υπουργός Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου κ. Κ. Μουσουρούλης, ενώ μιλούσε ενώπιον πολλών εκπροσώπων της ναυτιλίας, δέχθηκα μία απροσδόκητη ερώτηση από τον καπετάν Παναγιώτη Τσάκο, αν δηλαδή υπήρξε τέτοια εισήγηση από τους τροϊκανούς, διότι, όπως είπε ο ίδιος αργότερα σε τηλεοπτικό σταθμό “ζωντανά”, κάτι τέτοιο είχαν πιάσει τ’ αυτιά του. Φυσικά, μέσα στα νησάκια αυτά περιλαμβάνονται και τα ίδιωτικά, αρκετά από τα οποία ανήκουν σε εφοπλιστές. Ο υπουργός διέψευσε κατηγορηματικά την πληροφορία αυτή, λέγοντας ότι ούτε γιά κακόγουστο αστείο δεν θα μπορούσε να εκληφθεί η ερώτηση αυτή. Όπως ήταν φυσικό, τα κανάλια έδωσαν έμφαση στο θέμα κι άρχισαν ν’ αναζητούν τον…”υπόλογο” εφοπλιστή με το πολύ ηχηρό όνομα, γιά να μάθουν από πρώτο χέρι τα διατρέξαντα. Στο μεταξύ η διάψευση της ειδήσεως περί ενδεχομένης εκκενώσεως των νησιών και νησίδων συνεχίσθηκε σε ανώτερο κυβερνητικό, ακόμη και σε κοινοτικό επίπεδο, αφού ο υπουργός Οικονομικών κ. Στουρνάρας μίλησε γιά…πρωταπριλιάτικο ψέμα μεσούντος του Οκτωβρίου, και ο επίτροπος Όλι Ρεν απέκλεισε παντελώς τέτοιο ενδεχόμενο. Έτσι, ο καπετάν Παναγιώτης Τσάκος παρενέβη “ζωντανά” στο “Αποκαλυπτικό Δελτίο” του “Έξτρα” και ζήτησε από τους δημοσιογράφους, που “ξεχειλώνουν” καθημερινά τις ειδήσεις, να μη δώσουν άλλη συνέχεια στο θέμα, την ευθύνη δημιουργίας του οποίου πήρε όλη επάνω του, λέγοντας ότι ο ίδιος το ξεσήκωσε από την υπερευαισθησία του γιά τα εθνικά θέματα, επειδή κάτι είχαν πάρει τ’ αυτιά του, και ζήτησε από τους τηλεπαρουσιαστές της εκπομπής “να βάλουν κι αυτοί ένα χέρι να ξημερώσει, γιατί είμαστε κοντά”, και να μη προβάλλουν μόνο τις κακές ειδήσεις επειδή μόνο αυτές πουλάνε, αλλά και τις καλές, όπως π.χ. οι προσπάθειες που έγιναν από τους εφοπλιστές γιά να γυρίσει ο τουρισμός των 700.000 ομογενών της Αυστραλίας στα Ιόνια νησιά, την Κέρκυρα, τήν Ζάκυνθο και την Κεφαλονιά. Ωστόσο το θέμα πήρε μεγάλη έκταση στην συνέχεια – οι δημαγωγοί, ως γνωστόν, ευδοκιμούν από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων στην Ελλάδα – καθώς και άλλα κανάλια πήραν την σκυτάλη, προβάλλοντας νεώτερο πληροφοριακό υλικό. Πράγματι, προβλήθηκε κατάλογος των νησιών που έχουν κάτω από 150 κατοίκους, ανάμεσα στα οποία το Αγαθονήσι, το Φαρμακονήσι, το Μακρονήσι,, η Γαύδος (το νοτιώτερο σύνορο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης), οι Αντίπαξοι, η Δοκός (Ύδρας), το Γυαλί,, το Άρκιο, η Ψέριμος, η Κυρά Παναγιά, η Περιστερά, τα Αντικύθηρα, το Πιπέρι, η Αλόνησος, τα Αντίψαρα, η Λεβίθα, το Κάτω Κουφονήσι, τα Αντίψαρα και άλλα ακόμη μικρά νησιά, συνολικά 21 τον αριθμό. Ευτυχώς το Καστελόριζο έχει 163 κατοίκους. Πάλι καλά. Ορθώς ο καπετάν Παναγιώτης Τσάκος, με την πατριωτική ευαισθησία που τον διακρίνει, έθεσε το θέμα των νησίδων (όταν άλλοι σημειωτέον συναδελφοί του καναλάρχες πρωτοστατούν και πλουτίζουν με τα τουρκικά “σήριαλς”), που άπτεται όχι μόνο των προσφάτων εξελίξεων στο Αιγαίο, το Ιόνιο και το Κρητικό όσον αφορά την έρευνα γιά εξόρυξη υδρογονανθράκων, αλλά και του Δικαίου της θαλάσσης, της μιάς και μοναδικής διεθνούς συμβάσεως που ισχύει

“Θα τους πετάξουμε στη θάλασσα” λέει ο δήμαρχος Αγαθονησίου 1 | ΤΡΟΪΚΑ διά στόματος του δημάρχου Αγαθονησίου κ. Ευαγγέλου Κοττόρου, έδωσαν την πρέπουσα απάντηση στους νοσηρούς εκείνους εγκεφάλους, που τυχόν επεξεργάζονται τέτοια σχέδια προς όφελος των δανειστών μας. Είπε ο δήμαρχος: “Αν οι τροϊκανοί ή όποιοι άλλοι θρασείς και ανιστόρητοι έλθουν να μας βγάλουν από το νησί μας, όχι μόνο δεν θα φύγουμε, αλλά θα τους πετάξουμε στην θάλασσα”.


παγκοσμίως και ρυθμίζει το θέμα της υφαλοκρηπίδας και της ΑΟΖ των νησιών. Άλλωστε ακόμη αντηχεί στα αυτιά των Ελλήνων η προειδοποίηση της κας Ψαρούδας Μπενάκη προς τον αναλαμβάνοντα τότε τα καθήκοντά του Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας κ. Κάρολο Παπούλια, ότι η Ελλάς μπορεί να χάσει μέρος της εθνικής της κυριαρχίας (γιά το…καλό των λαών!) Όλοι πιά γνωρίζουν ότι τα νησιά, όσο μικρά κι αν είναι, έχουν υφαλοκρηπίδα και Αποκλειστική Οικονομική Ζώνη (ΑΟΖ). Και όλοι γνωρίζουν – αφού εδώ που φθάσαμε πιά πρέπει να λέμε τα πράγματα με το όνομά τους – ότι το θέμα της εγκατάλειψης των νησίδων μας που ανέκυψε (όχι και τόσο ξαφνικά, 2 | Π. ΤΣΑΚΟΣ Ορθώς ο αν θυμηθούμε το καραβάκι που έδωσε δώρο ο πρόεδρος της Βουλής των καπετάν Παναγιώτης Ελλήνων κ Ευαγγ. Μεϊμαράκης στον υπουργό Εξωτερικών της Τουρκίας Τσάκος, με την κ. Νταβούτογλου και το διπλωματικό επεισόδιο που προκλήθηκε) αποτελεί πατριωτική ευαισθησία την τέταρτη κατά σειρά απόπειρα αμφισβήτησης της εθνικής κυριαρχίας. Η που τον διακρίνει, πρώτη ήταν η Κύπρος, η δεύτερη ήταν η παραβίαση του εθνικού εναερίου έθεσε το θέμα των χώρου, η τρίτη τα Ίμια και η τέταρτη τα νησιά. νησίδων (όταν άλλοι Οι τηλεοπτικοί σταθμοί, και ιδιαίτερα ο Art του κ. Γ. Καρατζαφέρη, σημειωτέον συναδελφοί απεκάλυψαν ότι υπάρχουν κάποιοι νοσηροί εγκέφαλοι, θρασείς και ανιστόρητοι, χαμηλόβαθμοι ή υψηλόβαθμοι δεν έχει σημασία, που ανήκουν του καναλάρχες σε διεθνείς οργανισμούς, οι οποίοι επεξεργάζονται τέτοια σενάρια σε πρωτοστατούν και βάρος της Ελλάδος. Μάλιστα ο βουλευτής του κόμματος των Ανεξαρτήτων πλουτίζουν με τα Ελλήνων καθηγητής κ. Μαδιάς απεκάλυψε ότι δέκα ημέρες πριν προκύψει τουρκικά “σήριαλς”), το θέμα γιά τα νησιά, σε ένα άσχετο νομοσχέδιο εισήχθη διάταξη, με την που άπτεται όχι μόνο οποία καταργείται η σύμφωνη γνώμη του Υπουργείου Γεωργίας γιά την των προσφάτων εξελίξεων στο Αιγαίο, μεταβίβαση ιδιωτικών νησιών και απαιτείται μόνο η γνώμη του Υπουργείου το Ιόνιο και το Κρητικό Εθνικής Αμύνης. Όταν ένα νησάκι δεν έχει οικονομική ζώνη, δηλαδή δεν καλλιεργείται, τότε δεν έχει και…ΑΟΖ. Και συνεπέρανε ο κ. Μαδιάς ότι η όσον αφορά την έντονη διάψευση της ειδήσεως Τσάκου, του δίνει την εντύπωση ότι έχει ήδη έρευνα γιά εξόρυξη τεθεί θέμα. υδρογονανθράκων, Ας μη μετανοιώνει λοιπόν ο καπετάν Παναγιώτης Τσάκος. Έκανε το αλλά και του Δικαίου της θαλάσσης, της καθήκον του ως ώφειλε να κάνει, θέτοντας την καίρια αυτή ερώτηση. Το ότι μιάς και μοναδικής ανέλαβε την ευθύνη ανάδειξης του θέματος και ότι δεν υπάρχει καμμία ευθύνη διεθνούς συμβάσεως του υπουργού Ναυτιλίας κ. Μουσουρούλη, αυτό τον τιμά βεβαίως, αλλά πιό που ισχύει παγκοσμίως πολύ τον τιμά ότι με την παρέμβασή του αυτή στην δημόσια ζωή, ξύπνησε και ρυθμίζει το θέμα της τις ευαίσθητες χορδές πατριδογνωσίας των Ελλήνων, οι οποίοι, διά στόματος υφαλοκρηπίδας και της του δημάρχου Αγαθονησίου κ. Ευαγγέλου Κοττόρου, έδωσαν την πρέπουσα ΑΟΖ των νησιών. απάντηση στους νοσηρούς εκείνους εγκεφάλους, που τυχόν επεξεργάζονται τέτοια σχέδια προς όφελος των δανειστών μας. Είπε ο δήμαρχος: “Αν οι τροϊκανοί ή όποιοι άλλοι θρασείς και ανιστόρητοι έλθουν να μας βγάλουν από το νησί μας, όχι μόνο δεν θα φύγουμε, αλλά θα τους πετάξουμε στην θάλασσα”. Εμείς κρατάμε ακόμη από την τηλεοπτική παρέμβαση του καπετάν Παναγιώτη Τσάκου την αισιόδοξη άποψή του ότι “είμαστε κοντά στο ξημέρωμα”. Είμαστε άραγε; Όταν ξαφνικά φεύγει η ΦΑΓΕ των αδελφών Φιλίππου και η Κόκα Κόλα του κ.Δαυΐδ; Όταν κι άλλες βιομηχανίες λέγεται ότι ετοιμάζονται ν’ αλλάξουν έδρα και να κάνουν θυγατρικές τις ελληνικές; Όταν οι “‘λίστες” των φοροφυγάδων πάνε κι έρχονται; Όταν το ξέπλυμα μαύρου χρήματος βρίσκει ατραπούς ακόμη και ανάμεσα στην ναυτιλία; Όταν το ναυτιλιακό ντήζελ προσφέρεται και πάλι σαν μέσο φοροδιαφυγής, παρά την εξίσωση της τιμής του πετρελαίου θέρμανσης και κίνησης; Όταν ο λαός στενάζει από την υπερφορολόγηση, την φτώχεια και την ανεργία; Όταν τα τύμπανα του πολέμου αντηχούν στην Μεσόγειο; Όταν το μεταναστευτικό πνίγει σαν βρόχος την Ελλάδα και αρχίζει να αποτελεί αφορμή γιά εμφυλιοπολεμικές εξελίξεις; Όταν…Όταν…Όταν… Ποιός ξέρει; Ίσως ο πολύπειρος πατριώτης καπετάνιος να βλέπει εκεί που δεν βλέπουμε εμείς οι άλλοι. NAFS magazine October, 2012


150 κάτοικοι είναι αρκετοί για... να εκκενωθούν όλα τα μικρά ελληνικά νησιά του Αιγαίου, του Ιονίου και του Κρητικού πελάγους, διότι επιβαρύνουν τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό.

Διαψεύδη όμως ο ΥΕΝ... Ο υπουργός διέψευσε κατηγορηματικά την πληροφορία αυτή, λέγοντας ότι ούτε γιά κακόγουστο αστείο δεν θα μπορούσε να εκληφθεί η ερώτηση αυτή. Όπως ήταν φυσικό, τα κανάλια έδωσαν έμφαση στο θέμα κι άρχισαν ν’ αναζητούν τον…”υπόλογο” εφοπλιστή με το πολύ ηχηρό όνομα, γιά να μάθουν από πρώτο χέρι τα διατρέξαντα.

Είμαστε κοντά στο ξημέρωμα... διά στόματος του δημάρχου Αγαθονησίου κ. Ευαγγέλου Κοττόρου “Αν οι τροϊκανοί ή όποιοι άλλοι θρασείς και ανιστόρητοι έλθουν να μας βγάλουν από το νησί μας, όχι μόνο δεν θα φύγουμε, αλλά θα τους πετάξουμε στην θάλασσα”. Εμείς κρατάμε ακόμη από την τηλεοπτική παρέμβαση του καπετάν Παναγιώτη Τσάκου την αισιόδοξη άποψή του ότι “είμαστε κοντά στο ξημέρωμα”.

Κώστας Δούκας


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K. Apostolopoulos Sales Manager, Aspida Maritime Security

West Africa: The Common Secret


iracy along Africa’s Atlantic coast is threatening to raise costs for the vast amount of seaborne trade that passes through the region, as the activity spreads from Nigeria into the poorly –patrolled seas of nearby Togo and Benin. Pirates are expanding into Togo and Benin faster than Nigeria’s navy can commission new gunboats and ramp up cross border exercises. In East Africa, rates of piracy are failing due to greater coordination between naval forces and the increased presence of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel, but in West African waters there have been several attacks during the last months, a development described by the International Maritime Bureau as alarming. The incidents prompted the IMB Piracy Center to issue a specific warning in July 2012. Up until 5 September 2012, there have been 40 reported attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Guinea, with 19 vessels boarded and eight successfully hijacked. In total, 168 crew members have been taken hostage and two have lost their lives, although it is virtually impossible to accurately gauge the amount of pirate activity due to insufficient reporting from the region. IMB Director, Pottengal Mukundan, mentioned that: “There continues to be a serious problem with under – reporting of attacks in this area. This may be because of a fear of reprisals or a feeling that little will change as a result. The IMB recommends that every attack is reported, because it is only by bringing the scale of the crime into the open that authorities will allocate appropriate resources to deal with piracy”. These recent attacks are notable as they have all been against tankers, with the purpose of stealing the valuable cargoes on board. Furthermore the incidents reported off West Africa are characterized by the degree of violence used against the crews. Mr. Mukundan continued: “The attacks off West Africa follow a different modus operandi from pirate activity in other parts of the world. In addition to armed robbery, the NAFS magazine October, 2012

more serious attacks involve the hijacking of product tankers to steal a part of the cargo. All the attacks usually involve high levels of violence against the crew. After the hijacking the product is lightered on to smaller vessel to be taken and sold illegally in the region.” While the Gulf of Guinea is regarded as an important emerging trading hub, with 4% of the global oil productivity (according to Reuters), at the same time little is being done on the international stage to combat piracy in the region and the loss is significant. According to IMB one trend is clear and certainly no secret: As Nigeria’s Navy expands to confront hijackings and robberies, pirates are crossing into the less patrolled waters of neighboring states, capitalizing on a burst of global sea trade with ports along West Africa’s coast. Even before the recent escalation of piracy, Nigeria lost $600 million in export earnings due to piracy threats to its fisheries back in 2008 (Neena Rai, Dow Jones Newswires). Meanwhile and according to Erik Radjeng Nielsen, the head of daily operations at the container freight division of A.P Moller –Maersk: “Increased risk would also mean increased costs”. Shippers already take elaborate measures to protect their vessels against pirate attack ($200 million in 2011 for anti-piracy) and this leads not only to an increase in their insurance premiums but at the same time to their costs . Except from the weakness of local coastal defenses to fight piracy and the patchy coordination between navies of West Africa there is another factor that worsens the situation: the tactic used by the pirates. Somali pirates operate a “blue ocean” form of piracy, attacking vessels in international waters, which in turn means that their crimes are legally recognized as “acts of piracy”. In contrast, the attacks in the Gulf of Guinea and off the coast of Nigeria occur in national or coastal waters and therefore do not legally qualify as “acts of piracy”. At the same time Nigeria, Togo and Benin have their own law enforcement procedures and are looking to crack down on piracy without international

Piracy report

Up until 5 September 2012, there have been 40 reported attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Guinea, with 19 vessels boarded and eight successfully hijacked. In total, 168 crew members have been taken hostage and two have lost their lives, although it is virtually impossible to accurately gauge the amount of pirate activity due to insufficient reporting from the region. assistance neither from Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel. Only Ghana is leading efforts to ensure greater security, both maritime and naval, in the West African sub- region. In addition to Ghana’s move, the International Bargaining Forum (IBF), in order to respond to the escalating number of pirate attacks, has formally designated the territorial waters of Benin and Nigeria as a piracy “High Risk Area” (12 nautical miles off the coastline of Nigeria and Benin including inland waterways and (with some restriction) port areas and anchorages. But what exactly does this mean for seafarers in the area? This provides seafarers with the option to refuse to enter this zone and to repatriate at their company’s cost. Alternatively they can demand a bonus if they decide to stay, as well as increased security requirements. But in practice, seafarers are seldom satisfied because “how often do you read about attacks in a port or on the anchorage? Especially if your charterer for economic reasons pushes you to drift outside of 12 nm, exposed to piracy attacks. Following from the above I would like to conclude with a part from BBC news: “Seeing as Nigeria’s notoriously corrupt, crime-ridden fuel sector is intertwined with the piracy, securing the sea may not happen any time soon. Efforts to clean up the oil sector have failed largely because as long as the status quo continues, people with the right connections have been able to fill up their bank accounts” and this is a common secret.



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marine insurance


Victoria Liouta

Managing Director, Vilmar International S.A

“LOSS OF HIRE” MARINE POLICY The series of events and arguments refer to defendants insurers who issued a loss of hire marine policy for the year commencing May 2008

October 2012 Marine Insurance report It has been a farely quite summer in marine insurance field and underwriters are now looking at this year’s market’s needs. It is though interesting to report a decision by the Commercial Court in London regarding a dispute under a “Loss of Hire” marine policy. Issues in respect of non disclosure and misrepresentation were raised by insurers as well as whether the assured failed to act with due diligence. The series of events and arguments refer to defendants insurers who issued a loss of hire marine policy for the year commencing May 2008. The daily sum insured was $70,000 and Institute Time Clauses – Hulls 1983 included “excess” clause and “inchmaree” clause for loss or damage caused by, amongst other things, negligence of master, officers and crew. The claim by the assured for $2,100,000 equivalent to 30 days off-hire was a breakdown of propulsion motor after which vessel was placed off-hire by her charterers. The insurer defendant’s arguments were focused on the basis of material non-disclosure and misrepresentation on the grounds that there had been more than one hull claims on the vessel and the assured gave wrong information and further that vessel experienced significant off-hire periods in the past during repairs contrary to assureds’ information that apart from scheduled dry-dockings and few hours off hire vessel did not experience in the past NAFS magazine October, 2012

The daily sum insured was $70,000 and Institute Time Clauses – Hulls 1983 included “excess” clause and “inchmaree” clause for loss or damage caused by, amongst other things, negligence of master, officers and crew.

It was interestingly stated that the defendant had not made out inducement and the Court was not satisfied that the senior underwriter would have proceeded any different had he been told of the two previous hull claims of previous only few days offhire. re.

any long off- hire periods. In addition insurers argued that vessel did not have any excellent hull record and the assured failed to disclose that the motor suffered from two design problems and no notification had been conducted. It was held that the claim on the policy succeeds and could not be avoided for nondisclosure of misrepresentation. The materiality of previous hull claims on the vessel were linked to the extent to which they caused loss of hire and previous off-hire periods were not material and did not result in major business interruption. Although a statement was made by the assureds’ brokers that there was an “excellent hull record” this was made in good faith. It was interestingly stated that the defendant had not made out inducement and the Court was not satisfied that the senior underwriter would have proceeded any different had he been told of the two previous hull claims of previous only few days off-hire. Additionally there was no want of due diligence by the assured as the standard of care under the due diligence proviso to the Inchmaree clause was want of reasonable care, therefore there was no lack of due diligence on the claimant’s part.


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Financial focus

Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research

Greek shipping: Can the journey continue? The Greek fleet has continued with its dynamic evolution. According to recently released Petrofin Research ©,the Greek Fleet compared to one year ago, in terms of number of vessels fell by 137 vessels (approx. 3%) according to deadweight capacity with the average vessel age falling from 15.9 years to 14.7 years over the year.

So, can the journey by the Greek shipping industry continue?

In table 1, readers can see the evolution of Greek shipping over the last 12 years in terms of 1) Fleet age, 2) Fleet DWT, 3) Average Vessel DWT and 4) Number of Vessels. For the dry bulk sector, (vessels over 20,000DWT) the dry bulk fleet rose by 6 vessels to 1693 whilst DWT capacity grew from 119,213,341 to 124,813,467mDWT. Average fleet age fell again from13.14 to 11.66 whilst the number of dry bulk companies fell from 339 to 330.

Specifically, the excellent years that have preceded this slump have enabled many Greek companies to build up substantial cash reserves. Admittedly, a great deal has been committed in vessel acquisitions (both newbuilding and second-hand) at high prices. However, cashflow had remained high too, resulting in a dramatic lift in the fortunes of Greek shipping. A select few owners did resist investing in high price vessels altogether and these owners how find themselves in a particularly advantageous position to exploit current vessel low prices. Indeed, the dramatic falls in vessel prices have resulted in many owners now targeting shipping re-entry or expansion, as particularly attractive options.

In the tanker sector (over 20,000DWT), the number of vessels rose from 737 to 740 with DWT capacity also rising from 96,899,777 to 97,856,568. Average fleet age fell from 8.95 to 8.72 whilst the number of tanker companies also fell from 93 to 90. The latter may be explained by the higher scrapping of older tankers representing the last assets of some companies. The container sector (over 20,000DWT) shows a somewhat different development. Whereas the number of vessels rose from 189 to 224 over the period and so did in DWT capacity from 10,642,047 to 12,381,837, the average age remained practically unchanged. This may be explained by the poor market resulting in vessels being kept longer. The number of companies in the container sector actually rose from 22 to23 representing, together with the increase in the number of vessels, the greater interest by Greeks in container vessels. Nafs mag. October 2012 /

The shipping industry like all capital intensive industries requires capital and finance. Whereas capital in the form of equity has continued to be relatively abundant, shipfinance has not.

If shipping capital is still relatively abundant for new shipping investments, the same does not apply for ship finance, where one by one key shipping banks for Greek shipping have been leaving the industry. To name but a few, Commerzbank, Lloyds Banking group, Natixis, Bank of Ireland and others have decided to leave shipping with others, such as RBS and HSH severely limiting their shipping exposure. All in all, ship finance has been a disaster area, where able, willing and committed to shipping banks have been reduced to a mere half a dozen. For Greek owners, the plight of loan providers has been exacerbated by the plight of Greek banks caught in the Greek crisis and which have been traditionally very supportive of their clients.

As such, the lack of loan capital has been unprecedented and has turned the largest Greek owners to other financial sources in the Far East (with limited success) or to alternative forms of capital or finance. In general, one could surmise that although the low prices of modern tonnage across all sectors (save LNGs and offshore) have been attractive, a number of potential Greek buyers have been held back from doing so through lack of finance. Despite the above, a quick look at Greek sale and purchase transactions in the first 9 months of this year shows that Greeks still accounted for a surprisingly high 15.42 % of global sales, compared with 18.54% of those 5 years ago (Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Weekly). Interestingly, most of the S&P activity by Greeks has been on the purchasing side which amply demonstrates the ability and resolve of Greek owners to take advantage of the current shipping crisis in order to grow their fleets. Still, comparing Greek S&P transactions in 2012 to those of, say, 2007 shows that today’s activity is still running at approx. 50% of the 2007 levels (Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Weekly). The overall number and DWT of Greek vessels is also affected by the rate of newbuilding deliveries and orders. Whereas newbuilding deliveries are still taking place at record levels (especially for dry bulk vessels) new building orders have slowed down. Latest Golden Destiny statistics show that in the first nine months of 2012, Greek newbuilding orders were down 32%, as compared to 20% globally. In total, 97 new orders were placed involving $3.8bn, as opposed to $8bn for the whole of 2011, clearly demonstrating the slowdown. Looking at newbuilding orders per sector, dry bulk carriers were down from 54 to 40 orders, Containers from 46 to 20, whilst tankers actually rose from 16 to 20 vessels.

Financial focus

The third force at play is scrapping, where activity has risen attracted by the high scrap prices. There are no readily available Greek scrapping statistics, but looking at the global picture, we can compare scrapping levels over the first 9 months in 2012 at 44.4mDWT, compared to 40.8mDWT for the whole of 2011 and 25.5mDWT for the whole of 2010 (Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Weekly). Lastly, another force at play is the pressure by banks for financially weak Greek owners to dispose of tonnage either willingly or unwillingly. This has largely not happened in large numbers, as Greek owners maintained on the whole their relationship with their banks and have found a way for more time to be given to them to survive the crisis. Looking at the combined effects of all the above factors, we would anticipate that the overall number of Greek vessels may show a second year on year decline from today’s

4,577 vessels. However, in terms of DWT, we believe the growth trend shall continue, although at a reduced pace. In every previous shipping crisis, Greek shipping survived the crisis and came out of it much larger and stronger. It would be interesting to see whether the current unprecedented shipping crisis levels for vessels’ freights and financial pressures will continue to slow down the growth of Greek shipping in the years to come. I personally believe that Greek shipping will continue to grow in the future as Greeks remain more than ever committed to growing their fleets at today’s depressed vessel prices provided, however, that ship finance availability shall recover in the years to come and new active lenders shall emerge. In recent months, US finance equity funds have been targeting shipping as a good recovery opportunity and have been acquiring modern vessels often in conjunction with Greek owners to whom they have entrusted


the vessel selection, commercial and technical management and with whom they have invested jointly. History has shown that when the private equity funds’ sale targets shall be reached, it would often be Greeks that would acquire their vessels. In conclusion, therefore, although Greek shipping is together with those of other shipping nations going through a storm, it is expected to survive and to remain a large global force and for its age profile to continue to improve. The degree to which Greek shipping shall be able to outpace the growth of other shipping nations, will also depend on the support of the shipping financial community, as well as the innovation and adaptability of Greeks. It is our opinion, therefore, that the journey of Greek shipping will continue and that the market will present interesting and challenging opportunities for Greek owners, especially in the next couple of years. Nafs mag. October 2012 /


European Shipyards

D. Vranopoulos

MD, Marine Plus

European shipyards industry dealing with the current crisis

The maritime industry is a key sector in Europe in terms of jobs and value added, innovation and infrastructural development. There are around 150 large shipyards in Europe, with around 40 of them active in the global market for large sea-going commercial vessels. Around 120 000 people are directly employed by shipyards (civilian and naval, new building and repair) in the European Union. With a market share of around 15% in volume terms, Europe is still vying with the countries of East Asia for global leadership in terms of the value of vessels produced. W. EUROPE Due to high labor cost, yard manhour rate in Europe is high therefore the overall repair cost is higher than Turkey or Black Sea yards (we must remember that ship repair is a laborintensive activity). In addition, repair periods are generally longer as yards work on normal shifts and any overtime needs to be paid extra by the owner (this is not the case in China and Turkey where round the clock work is the norm). Europe maintains high quality workmanship especially for niche markets (LNG-LPG / Cruise), and has the advantage for young vessels trading in Europe as ballast cost and deviation are more important in light Nafs mag. October 2012 /

of high bunkering costs. Our experience lies mainly with Antwerp S/Y whom we represent exclusively in Greece, and with whom we repair on average 10 Greek vessels per year with excellent results. MED REGION The rising star in the East Med has to be Turkey, and particular Tuzla bay, which has developed in the past 15 years into a major repair hub with a cluster of over 60 yards and a Perama – style infrastructure of specialized workshops supporting the yards. Turkey is a developing country with cheap labor cost (compared to the Med - Europe), steep on the learning curve, competitive duration, but still have a long way to meet high safety and quality standards (with some bright exceptions). Having worked in Turkey for over 15 years, we have been impressed with yards’ flexibility and overall improvement in all aspects of shiprepair (quality-workmanshipproductivity-competitiveness-safety), and in particular with Desan Yardgem (a member of the elite Kaptanoglu Group), where we repair many Greek vessels every year mostly on a repeat business basis. BLACK SEA Prior to Tuzla, the Black Sea was favourite

for large repair jobs for vessels trading in Med / Black Sea. This trend has decreased, and Romania / Bulgaria now face lack of skilled labor due to emigration of such skills to other EU based countries. Pricing has become more competitive since 2008, with the return of the USD to most yards. Duration is slower than Greece / Turkey, quality is acceptable and safety standards in the larger yards are getting better. GREECE For the main local yards, pricing is comparable to Europe, but owners still sometimes prefer to dock vessels in Greece for better monitoring of repairs on Greek soil, as well as tapping into the vast experience of workshops in the Perama zone. Time is also shorter than Back Sea / Turkey, an important issue when the freight market is above average or high. Quality and safety are comparable to Europe / MEG. Regrettably both the politically motivated Trade Unions as well as the Government have had a negative impact on the Greek ship repair industry. The former thrive on confrontation and disruptions by instigation of adhoc strikes, the latter creating hindrances to the smooth operation of the Perama Zone. It would seem that most yards suffered the last years due to a significant decline in repair values, scrapping of older tonnage and cancellation of most conversion projects that were on the drawing board prior to the shipping crisis. All of these factors, together with a glut of capacity (expanding existing yards, new entry yards etc) are directly applicable to Chinese yards, but in fact European yards have in some aspects benefited from these trends. Younger ships mean lower budget drydockings (smaller work scope), so the benefit of trading a vessel to F East to drydock is smaller. In addition, many bulkers that normally traded in the F East are now operating more in Atlantic / Med / Continent, where freight rates are often better. With vessels becoming more sophisticated, trade patterns changing, and the Greek fleet age profile reducing rapidly, there is definitely a future for European / Mediterranean yards to survive and even grow by improving their comparative advantages.


Cleaning systems for lubricating and lighter fuel oils

Featured article S and P Flex separation systems

Alfa Laval’s S and P Flex separation systems combine the high efficiency, low sludge output and low operating cost of Alfa Laval centrifugal separators with a flexible scope of supply. Extensive possibilities for the separation system layout and assembly make it possible to suit any engine room and any oil separation application. In addition, S and P Flex separation systems feature the new EPC 60 controller, which enables the intuitive navigation of menus, parameters and alarms. The EPC 60 controller also has a modular construction for easy I/O board addition and replacement. Included in the S and P Flex separation concept are all S-separators 805–886 and P-separators 605–636. These can be combined in mixed ship sets, even within a single customer-specified module.

Application: P-separators 605/615

P-separators 605/615 are based on purifier technology, which means that the oil/water interphase is manually adjusted by means of a gravity disc. Because the separators do not automatically adjust to varying oil density, they are most suitable for economical cleaning of the following: • Lubricating oils • Distillates • Lighter diesel oils If the oil is well defined and does not vary in density, P-separators 605/615 can also be manually adjusted to clean heavy fuel oils with densities up to 991 kg/m3 and viscosities up to 600 cSt/50ºC. P-separators 605/615 are designed for automatic operation in periodically unmanned engine rooms at sea and in automated power stations ashore.

Scope of supply

The S and P Flex separation conceptprovides a wide range of alternatives for P-separators 605/615. Depending on the need, a P-separator 605/615 can be supplied as a separator and ancillaries, as a customer-specified module, or as part of a comprehensive package including services and order-specific documentation. NAFS magazine October, 2012

“Alfa Laval”: Flex separation systems, P-separators 605/615 P 605/615 Flex system (block components)

A P-separator 605/615 with ancillaries in the form of optimized block components provides full say over the use of space. This allows for local modularization or doit yourself assembly.

P 605/615 Flex modules

A compact P-separator 605/615 module can be built to a customer-specified config

ration from a wide range of modular skids and machine blocks. Multi-modules are possible, as well as mixed modules wincluding one or more S-separators and/or P-separators for the simultaneous treatment of different types of mineral oils. All Flex modules are factory tested to ensure faster start-up and commissioning.

Features and benefits • Small footprint, high flexibility

Cleaning systems for lubricating and lighter fuel oils


“Alfa Laval”: Flex separation systems, P-separators 605/615 Photo index Top LeftFlex system components for P-separators 605/615. P-separators 605/615 can also be used to clean heavier oils with welldefined densities. Top Right Module examples: QUADRUPLE FLEX MODULE and SINGLE FLEX MODULE Bottom LeftSystem Layout: The EPC 60 controller provides many alarm functions, including alarms for low oil pressure, high sludge tank level (if the optional sludge removal kit is included) and power failure. Additional functions are available for a vibration alarm when the optional vibration switch is fitted.

The small separator and the modular nature of the surrounding components allow easy installation and flexible positioning in the engine room. • No water tank or discharge pipe No tank is needed to supply operating water, and no pipe is needed to discharge it. This further simplifies installation. • Separate feed pump A separate feed pump reduces pipework to and from the preheater. • High separation efficiency An optimized design ensures the best possible separation efficiency from the bowl and disc stack.

• Efficient displacement The separator’s highly efficient displacement ensures that virtually no oil is lost. •Effective discharge Separated sludge and water are efficiently removed from the system. •Easy operation and service The new EPC 60 controller is designed for “one-button” starts and stops, as well as intuitive menu navigation. Information about parameters and alarms can be easily accessed, which simplifies both operation and troubleshooting. The EPC 60 also has a modular construction

that enables faster troubleshooting and I/O board replacement. • Remote monitoring Using either Ethernet or Bus communication, Flex systems and modules based on P-separators 605/615 can be supervised remotely from the control room. A variety of alarm functions are available as standard, and extra I/O boards can be added to the EPC 60 controller in order to enhance its monitoring capabilities.

Operating principle

An S and P Flex separation system based on a P-separator 605/615 is operated automatically by the EPC 60 controller, apart from the starting of the separator. Untreated oil, heated to the correct temperature, is fed continuously to the separator, which is driven by an electric motor via a friction clutch and belt. The separator bowl is fixed at the top of a spindle, which is supported by bearings and special composite springs. This bowl can be arranged as a purifier or as a clarifier. Both configurations remove sludge, which accumulates at the bowl periphery and is intermittently discharged. In a purifier configuration, both sludge and water are separated from the oil, which means that water is continuously discharged from the bowl. The EPC 60 controller automatically controls the admission of water for the water seal and the displacement of oil prior to sludge discharge, but a gravity disc is needed to establish the correct interphase position in the separator bowl, i.e. the boundary between the oil and the water seal. The size of the gravity disc must be matched to the oil’s density, viscosity/temperature and feed rate to the separator. In a clarifier configuration, a clarifier disc is fitted instead of a gravity disc. The water outlet is blocked, which means that the separator’s water-handling capacity is limited and that water accumulates like sludge. During normal operation, vital NAFS magazine October, 2012


Cleaning systems for lubricating and lighter fuel oils

process parameters are monitored. These parameters, as well as alarms, are indicated by easy-to-understand text messages on the LCD display of the EPC 60 controller. The EPC 60 controller provides many alarm functions, including alarms for low oil pressure, high sludge tank level (if the optional sludge removal kit is included) and power failure. Additional functions are available for a vibration alarm when the optional vibration switch is fitted.

Optional equipment

• Starter (always included in module version) • Feed pump (see delivery options) • Strainer • Heater • Space heating • Temperature transmitter • Additional thermometers • Safety valve • Pressure transmitters • Steam shut-off valve kit • Sludge removal kit • Regulating valves • Needle valves • Air pressure reducer valve • Vibration switch • Flow regulating system • Sludge outlet valve kit • Emergency safety shutdown • Remote monitoring • Special cable glands, extended cables • Tailored pipe arrangement for multiple modules, incl. heater cross connection


A preventive maintenance programme based on service kits has been developed. • Maintenance intervals: • Intermediate Service every 2000 h or 3 months. • Major Service every 8000 hvor 12 months. • Service spares kits contain all necessary spare parts for each service and tips for maintenance in checkpoints: • Intermediate Service Kit with O-rings and seals for separator bowl, inlet and outlet. • Major Service Kit with parts for drive system, belt, bearings and friction pads. • The System Manual includes detailed information in electronic or printed form: NAFS magazine October, 2012

• Installation instructions. • Operating instructions. • Alarms and troubleshooting. • Service and spare parts. • Commissioning and technical services are available from all Alfa Laval offices, including startup assistance and advice on operation and maintenance. • Training in all aspects of oil treatment, freshwater generation and cooling is avail-

able. • All services can be incorporated into specially tailored Nonstop Performance packages. Details are available from local Alfa Laval offices.


cover story

Cover story ABB Turbocharging held an inauguration ceremony for its newly revamped and modernized Turbocharging Service Station.

cover story



PICTURE (FROM LEFT)John Kokotos, Local Division Manager of ABB Process Automation in Greece, John Smyrneos, Local Business Unit Manager of ABB Turbocharging in Greece and Cyprus, Rolf Schweizer, Head of Service Business of ABB Turbo Systems in Baden, Apostolos Petropoulos, ABB Country Manager in Greece and Cyprus.

ABB Turbocharging held an inauguration ceremony for its newly revamped and modernized Turbocharging Service Station. ABB decided to revamp and upgrade its Turbocharging Service Station with the aim to increase its service capability and to upgrade the facilities that houses its service engineers. This investment is a commitment to ABB customers for providing first class service and support in Greece. The layout design has been improved in order to achieve higher efficiency and service effectiveness. With advanced facilities, now the fully renovated station is able to better satisfy customer needs and deliver top quality services with the highest availability of turbochargers, Original Parts and Original Service at any time. Bringing higher standards of turbocharging service to the region enabled it to quickly establish itself and build a solid customer base. John Smyrneos, Local Business Unit Manager of ABB Turbocharging in Greece and Cyprus stated “Our long presence in the market has shown that, thanks to our competent and well-trained staff, we can meet any challenge and stand up to competition. Being fully aware of the difficult economic conditions we are facing, we are able to continue our work even more powerfully and feel stronger the challenge to achieve this goal”. More than 70 customers from the market of – ship owners, repair yards, engine builders, power plants - attended the inauguration ceremony and visited the new facility. They were deeply impressed by ABB Turbocharging’s state-of-the-art facility and advanced technological edge and showed their confidence in future cooperation. “To all our customers here in Skaramagkas I would like to say, look upon these premises as our investment in your performance – as our way of showing we are committed to being the premier service provider here and for you. We invest in improving, enlarging and modernizing our service network through new stations and enlarged service points – just like this one.” said Rolf Schweizer, Head of Service Business, ABB Turbo Systems in Baden. ABB started the operation of the turbocharging service in 1971. ABB Turbocharging Service Station in Greece has moved to different locations as it was growing over the years ending to be one of the largest in ABB’s network. The station provides premier turbocharging services for influential marine and power clienteles, including all the shipping companies and ship management organizations with vessel types ranging from large container vessels to bulk carriers and ferries.


cover story

Cover story Avant-garde technology is a wind of change. Text: Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur

Power2 means massive reductions in fuel consumption and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in engine exhausts. The technology has now moved out of the test phase and into the market. ABB Turbocharging is more convinced than ever that Power2 will be not only a success, but also a new standard in turbocharging. Christoph Rofka, ABB Turbocharging’s Senior General Manager of New Turbocharger Sales, is confident of the relevance of Power2 technology for today’s market. As one who got into the project at the ground floor and saw its development run its full course until a series production was introduced onto the market, Mr. Rofka should know. Power2 constitutes nothing less than a quantum leap in turbocharging technology for large engines. ABB Turbocharging initiated this two stage turbocharging system and is driving it forward at full power. It is synonymous with substantial reductions in fuel consumption and NOx emissions. “There is scarcely another technology capable of achieving both at the same time,” Rofka notes.

Partners on board

The system has now moved beyond the development phase in the lab. The first two stage turbocharging systems have been introduced as a series production into the high speed gas market. A cornerstone of Power2’s further development is an intensive cooperation between ABB Turbocharging and its potential customers, the engine builders. “This is an indispensable part of the process,” Rofka says. “And must remain so until at least the moment of readiness for series production.” The classic customer – supplier relationship for off-the-shelf products is not how things work in technological step changes of this stature. Two stage turbocharging has to be applied in a different form on every engine according to the applications involved and it has to go along with engine development to get the best out of the overall system. “That means that we have a lot to do in terms of application engineering.” Rofka explains. Emphasizing the difference between selling a standard “plug and play” product and Nafs mag. October 2012 /

a turbocharger for a large engine, each turbocharger and turbocharging system in ABB Turbocharging’s portfolio is capable of covering a range of engines, but has to be specifically adapted to the engine and its application. Furthermore, engine concepts and its main parameters need to be carefully reviewed with the engine developer to finally ensure the best match. “This is what we mean by application engineering. It involves not only working out how to physically fit the turbocharger onto the engine, but also how to best design and utilize the turbocharging system to get the performance the engine builder is looking for in terms of power, fuel consumption, emissions and operation flexibility. For both of these processes, we draw on an inventory of interchangeable parts, or if necessary, design new parts, and always look into advanced ways how to drive turbocharging technology further in general and for specific engine applications and programs.” Rofka adds, “Our customers are confident and that is important as the foundation on which we can build. At ABB Turbocharging, we believe that two stage turbocharging will someday be part of the furniture on ships and in power stations. And we also believe that it will be an integral part of the main engines and generator sets on ferries and cruise liners and both industrial and utility power and cogeneration plants.

The market as a driver of technology

At the start of the Power2 development process, it was clearly evident to everyone that single stage turbocharging was reaching its technical limits. ABB Turbocharging was thus convinced on a critical point: It was absolutely essential to make the technological leap from single stage turbocharging, a technology whose

effectiveness had been repeatedly demonstrated for decades, to two stage turbocharging. As on diesel engines, Power2 technology is being used as an enabler of the Miller Cycle. The term denotes an ingenious method of cooling an engine’s combustion air. On four stroke engines, the cooling effect is achieved by shortening the opening period of the inlet valve and reducing the time during which air can enter the cylinder on the engine’s induction stroke. The earlier end of induction promotes expansion, and hence cooling as the air continues to expand in the cylinder. The higher charge air pressures offered by Power2 compensate the shorter time available for intake of the cylinder charge during the shorter inlet valve openings, allowing engine power output to be maintained or bettered. On the very latest gas engines, high pressure turbocharging systems fulfill a new efficiency and power enhancing role. As a result, ABB’s Power2 two stage turbocharging technology had its premier on gas engines from a leading manufacturer, where it contributed to an excellent electrical efficiency of almost 49 %. Several first generation applications for power plants are now in operation, where fuel efficiency is a critical factor for ensuring the most kilowatts for the least fuel. This leap of faith has already begun to translate into real business, thanks in great part to recent developments that have made for a more challenging market. In particular, the rapid, steep increase in fuel prices has increased companies’ motivation to explore technology that will help reduce fuel consumption. Furthermore, it seems likely that companies will continue to consider new options for technology that maximizes fuel efficiency. Given that the global demand for power is expected to increase 47% by 2035, the future looks bright for the power plant sector. ABB Turbocharging

27 from a sleeping beauty to avant-garde. “Via the emissions regulations, the full potential of two stage turbocharging can be brought into play,” Rofka observes. “Against the background of strict emissions reduction, the technology started to make eminent sense.” The elegance of the two stage solution also derives from it not making necessary a great deal of engine development on the mechanical side. According to the concept, it does not create inordinately higher stress inside the engine. The legislation dictates technological development and creates a completely new industrial culture. “This is novel,” Rofka notes, “and good for us.” The IMO rules, especially IMO Tier III are a huge engine development incentive. “Previously, every engine builder could decide what the next engine development moves would be. But now there are strict requirements and a strict timetable. They have triggered in-depth development activity at all engine builders at the same time.”

Series readiness

is thus confident that Power2 technology will continue to gain in relevance in the global market as the demand for power – and power plants – grows.

Political developments as another technology driver

And Power2’s relevance does not end with applications in power plants. Indeed, this technology also holds great potential for the marine industry, as well. Global marine legislation has brought new considerations for ABB’s evaluation of the usefulness of Power2, because new regulations from the International Maritime Organisation will come into force in 2016. The third bundle of limitations from IMO, known as IMO Tier III, demands an 80% reduction in emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from ships when they

operate in Emission Control Areas, also known as ECAs. These are areas of dense population or environmental sensitivity close to important seaways such as the Baltic, the North Sea and the English Channel. Likewise, the designation to ECA status of the Mediterranean is under discussion and the entire East and West Coasts of the USA and Canada are due for nomination. These strict emissions regulations represent a new challenge for the maritime sector. New technological solutions were rapidly required in order to meet these ambitious targets. “We saw this in a positive light. We have always been a strong driver of technological progress and this legislation promotes progress,” notes Rofka in retrospect. In fact, two stage turbocharging has existed for a long time, but its time had not yet come. Now the concept has been revived and new concepts devised. It has been transformed

ABB sees advantages in this race to IMO Tier III. Of course, for engine builders and end users alike, the question of cost arises. But Rofka and his team are convinced that the higher capital costs will be compensated by lower operating costs. As he states, “The fuel savings potential will be significant.” This factor will be essential for making the final verdict on the concept, in particular for cruise ships and freighters, where fuel consumption represents the largest item of lifetime expenditure. “And anyway,” Rofka comments in an aside, “it’s high time that fuel economy became a stronger driver in the engine industry. To date that was only partly the case.” Interest from engine builders and engine end users is large. “Next on the agenda is defining the Power2 product portfolio.” Currently, only some specific engine configurations are covered in the whole global spectrum of four stroke engines. Rofka explains that in the case of dual-fuel engines, the future of two stage turbocharging is becoming more and more relevant. “There is a lot of engine development work needed in order to even start to estimate the effects of two stage turbocharging in this area.” ABB Turbocharging regards dual-fuel engines as fairly interesting with regard to IMO Tier III. For example, ships could use a low emissions gas mode in ECAs and switch to diesel on the high seas. Amid all this potential, one thought has guided, and will continue to guide, ABB Turbocharging as it moves forward, as Rofka notes, “We constantly have to go back to basics: Do we have the right products, and what is the right time to go two stage?”



industry news

BUREAU VERITAS Recent Management



On October 10th, 2012 Bureau Veritas Piraeus organized a reception in the Athenian Hotel “Grand Bretagne” on the occasion of the recent management changes effected to the Organization, starting from October 1st, regarding the Hellenic and Black Sea Region. More than four hundred prominent members of the Greek Shipping Industry and the top management of Bureau Veritas Piraeus attended the event. The Senior Vice President Mr. Didier Bouttier is coming back from China, assuming his new position in charge of the Marine & Offshore activities for the new Zone of Hellenic, Black Sea and Middle East, comprising the Hellenic and Black Sea Region (Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine), the Turkey and Caspian Sea Region (Turkey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan) and the Middle East Region (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt and Pakistan) resident in Piraeus, Greece. Mr. Bouttier addressed the guests by recalling the content of his own farewell speech delivered in the same room in 2008, when he quoted the line from the well known action movie, pointing out emphatically: “As the terminator said: I will be back!!”; he also highlighted the remarkable achievements of the Piraeus Office over the past few years, especially in the new buildings sector, and pointed out that the success of the local office is the result of a great team work. On a more personal turn of his speech, he concluded that he considers Greece as his homeland and that he is determined to staying here with his family for the years to come. Mr. Francois Teissier, who was appointed Vice President, in his new duties as Director of the Ships in Service Management in the Head Office, will be henceforth based in Paris. Mr. Lambros A. Chahalis has been appointed as his successor, assuming the position of Regional Chief Executive for the Hellenic & Black Sea Region. Mr. Chahalis had been promoted to the level of Vice President, Regional Chief Executive for the Hellenic & Black Sea Region within the Marine & Offshore Division, as well as Country Chief Executive for Greece and Cyprus. While addressing the audience, and since Bureau Veritas counts more than 50 years of active presence in Greece, Mr. Chahalis pointed out that the Society’s Office has now got a “Greek Government!” Mr. Chahalis thanked all the clients of Piraeus Office, as well as the Management of Bureau Veritas, who, by joining efforts, contributed to the progress of the Society in the greater geographical region that has led to his own personal advancement and he assured them about his own volition to continue exerting the best of his efforts in order to enhance the Society’s overall performance as well as customers’ satisfaction, and to strengthen the mutual bonds of confidence and trust.Nafs mag. October 2012 /






industry news

Class GL Hellas Committee marks 35th year – expanded perspectives, built upon tradition.

The Hellas Committee of Germanischer Lloyd (GL) met today at the Hotel Grande Bretagne, Athens. The annual Committee Meeting, now a longstanding tradition in its 35th year, very much reflected the mood of the industry, with great challenges foreseen for traditional markets, but opportunities on offer for those with expanding perspectives. The Chairman of the Hellas Committee, Mr Panos Laskaridis, Managing Director of the Laskaridis Shipping Group, opened the meeting and introduced the new Vice Chairman, Mr Michael Bodouroglou Chairman and CEO of Paragon Shipping Inc. New members Mr. Philippos Efstathiou, Owner of Efnav Company Ltd., Mr. George Karageorgiou Director, President and CEO of Globus Shipmanagement Corp., Mr. George Mylonas General Manager of Avin International S.A. and Mr. Christos Stathis CEO of Athenian Sea Carriers Ltd., were also warmly welcomed. Torsten Schramm, Chief Operating Officer of Germanischer Lloyd, examined how GL as part of the GL Group was expanding its focus beyond the traditional maritime services, while remaining true to its heritage as one Nafs mag. October 2012 /

of the great original classification societies. A number of recent projects illustrated the way in which the GL Group had been able to cooperate together, bringing an interdisciplinary approach to projects of incredible technical complexity. The new Swire Pacific third-generation wind turbine installation ship ”Pacific Orca”, the largest wind farm installation ship ever built, was an excellent example of this collaborative approach, noted Mr Schramm. GL Noble Denton, the GL Group’s oil and gas business unit, undertook the engineering and design work for the legs, spud-cans and the jacking system, including FMEA, as well as integration of these components into the ship’s hull. They also provided the shipyard consultancy and site-specific assessment services. GL’s consulting sister company, FutureShip carried out the global strength and fatigue analyses for the ship afloat and was responsible for owner consultancy, while the initial conceptual and feasibility study was performed by GL Garrad Hassan, part of the Group’s Renewables business unit. Finally, GL as a classification society conducted the in-place analysis in jacked-up mode and

provides the classification services for the “Pacific Orca”. Looking ahead to the next year, the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) would bring sweeping changes to the maritime industry, said Mr Schramm. Ratification by the Philippines, meant that the MLC 2006 would enter into force in one year, and more than 50,000 commercial vessels would be affected, as well as crewing agencies, ship owners and operators. The GL Group, offered training, consulting and certification, relating to the Convention, he said, and taking early action to avoid a logjam closer to the entry into force date while benefiting from improved recruitment opportunities, was in the interest of every ship owner and operator. GL Executive Vice President and regional manager for Region Europe, Middle East, Africa, Matthias Ritters, looked at the development of shipping markets in 2012. In the container market, he noted, overcapacity would continue to put pressure on freight rates, allowing carriers to cherry pick state of the art vessels. Vessel efficiency will become a key

class news

competitive advantage as bunker prices remain high and environmental regulations, for example the introduction of expanded emission control areas (ECAs), increase in number and intensity, he said. However, looking ahead, improving container port infrastructure on non-main trade lanes could lead to new deployment opportunities for carriers, as would the expansion of the Panama Canal in 2014. Software tools to manage crew and fleet will become ever more important in the years to come, said Dr Torsten Büssow, Head of GL Maritime Software business, in his presentation on IT supported strategic fleet management. Shipping is highly underinvested in modern software technologies, he noted, with only 0.7% of the investments that go into new vessels going into software technologies. By contrast, he said, in the

Oil & Gas industry some 3.5% of CAPEX (capital expenditures) goes into comparable software technologies. Dr Büssow looked at some of the many GL software products that can be used to improve efficiency, such as the GL ShipManager system. The platform can be used for controlling the technical and administrative processes between a fleet and onshore management. It simplifies operational planning processes; automates the administration of the ship and supports safety and quality processes. New advanced technical management systems, including GL HullManager and GL MachineryManager supported and could be integrated into strategic fleet management, he said. While new products such as GL EmissionManager, make use of already collected data to track emissions and facilitate environ-

CNSA Delegation Visits GL Head Office

A delegation from the Chinese National Ship Recycling Association (CNSA) visited Germanischer Lloyd’s (GL) Head Office. They met for a workshop which focussed on standards, training, and research and development. The CNSA delegation was headed by its president, Mr Xie Dehua, whose address examined the approach China industry was taking to improve standards and promote environmentally

friendly ship recycling. All 61 member yards of CNSA offer environmentally friendly recycling facilities, using either dry dock or floating methods. “There is no beaching in China,” said Mr Xie Dehua, “which is a clear indications that China is already well ahead in complying with national and international standards.” His presentation noted that all Chinese ship recycling facilities are equipped with drain-


mental improvements and certification. Mr Athanasios Reisopoulos, Vice President, Area Manager for Southern Europe, gave an update on GL’s activities in Greece. Greek ship owners have been very active in the last few years he noted, taking advantage of the market conditions to make newbuilding orders and acquire existing tonnage. Container shipping has become a new focus for many players in Greece, a fact reflected in the many orders that GL has received to class new container vessels for Greek owners this year. A highpoint for GL and a particular success for the Piraeus office came in July, when Greek shipping company ENESEL signed a contract for the classification of 10 Ultra Large (13,800TEU) container ships, a total of approxage systems, waste management systems, and basic training is given to the more than 10.000 workers involved in the industry. The delegation from CNSA arrived in Hamburg for a nearly two week official tour to Europe. The visit to GL was the first stop on their tour and highlights the close ties between CNSA and GL in the wake of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed this May in Beijing. The MOU is designed to help promote green ship recycling in China and to enable the Chinese ship recycling industry to comply with the incoming international regulations before they enter into force. “We are pleased that CNSA could make this visit to Europe and in particular feel honoured to be the first to have the delegation at our headquarters,” said Mr Gerhard Aulbert, Head of GL’s Ship Recycling Practice, in welcoming the Chinese delegation. “With this visit, we are building

imately 1.5 mil total GT. This order followed closely on the heels of another ENESEL order for four 9800TEU container vessels which was signed last year. An increased focus on containerships had also resulted in GL holding a very well received forum on the latest developments in container stowage and transport this year, Mr Reisopoulos added. GL Academy has also focused on another hot topic - energy efficiency, holding a course on voyage optimisation. The course is one of the five new energy efficiency portfolio seminars that correspond to the recommendation of the IMO model course for Energy Efficient Operation of Ships. Following the conclusion of the meeting, a lunch time Press Conference took place with members of the local and international media. upon the collaboration agreed on in our MOU, and are facilitating the exchange of information on ship recycling between China and Europe.” The delegation consists of a number of top executives from several leading Chinese ship recycling facilities. As well as the visit to GL, the CNSA delegation will be visiting the German Ship Owners’ Association (VDR), meeting with ship owners in Hamburg, and gaining some first-hand experience from a German waste and recycling company in Berlin. The European Commission has recently proposed new regulations, based on the Hong Kong Convention that is expected to come into force in 2015, which will require European ships to be recycled only in authorised facilities worldwide, with some of the requirements even stricter than those of the Hong Kong Convention.

NAFS magazine October, 2012


class news

Lloyd’s Register releases LNG bunkering study Pricing

is key to develop infrastructure, but collaboration from stakeholders is also required

Lloyd’s Register has released ‘LNG fuelled deep-sea shipping – Outlook for LNG bunker and fuelled newbuilding demand up to 2025’, a study it undertook to better understand the future demand for LNG as a fuel and to help refine and deliver its innovative portfolio of gas-technology services. In August, the organisation’s marine experts offered industry a snapshot of the report’s findings and have now released the full report in time for Gastech 2012 in London. “We needed to develop an approach that would help us to get a clear sense of what LNG-as-fuel might mean for our clients,” said Hector Sewell, Head of Marine Business Development for Lloyd’s Register. “We have the in-depth capability to handle the technology and the risk issues associated with gas, but we wanted to be able to help our clients understand what will be driving industry adoption. We were most interested in the deep-sea trades as these are responsible for most of the world’s tonnage, emissions and fuel bills.” The study found that widespread adoption of LNG-as-fuel will be driven by price, the growth of alternative fuels and the degree of global collaboration. Its base-case scenario predicted that, by 2025, there could be 653 deep-sea, LNG-fuelled ships in service, consuming 24 million tonnes of LNG annually. These ships are most likely to be containerships, cruise vessels or oil tankers. When the study modelled relatively cheap LNG -- for example, priced at 25% lower than current market prices -- the projected number of LNG-fuelled ships tripled to approximately 1,960 units in 2025. If the cost of LNG increased 25% against current prices, hardly any new LNG-powered tonNAFS magazine October, 2012

Latifat Ajala, Lloyd’s Register’s Senior Market Analyst

Hector Sewell, Head of Marine Business Development for L.R

nage was projected to hit the water. Speaking as Gastech 2012 was about to commence in London, Sewell said that what was perhaps most interesting is the way that working on the report also had been a catalyst for a broader understanding of how many alternate fuels might be adopted by the shipping industry. “LNG is unlikely to simply replace heavy fuel oil. We will see specific niches – such as in Norway - embrace LNG in small scale applications,” he said. “Adoption in the deep-sea trades is a different affair; there are different drivers, and we are also likely to see other fuels and technologies emerge as options.” “Despite the excitement [about LNG as fuel], there has yet to be an order for deepsea, large-engined, LNG-fuelled ships,” Sewell said. “The most likely first movers could be the big containership operators who are able to bunker at two ports at either end of a liner trade route, such as in Rotterdam and Singapore or Shanghai. This might take years. Or it may happen tomorrow.” Latifat Ajala, Lloyd’s Register’s Senior Market Analyst, who built the dynamic demand model for the study, had a clear view about what is necessary for the adoption of LNG-as-fuel. “Yes, price is a key. But it’s going to be all about collaboration. There has to be a group

of stakeholders who want it to happen,” Ms Ajala said. “Political will and commercial ambition combined with environmental objectives and regulations have driven the modest take-up so far. There is no global market for LNG bunkers, so local or regional initiatives, investment, environmental and fiscal policy all have a part to play. Shipowners who are serious about using LNG as bunker fuel may need to cut their own supply deals and lock in prices for years ahead. It’s going to be really interesting to see what happens.” Sewell concluded: “We can help the industry manage the technical risks and support new concepts throughout the life of their assets – that’s what we do. We now have a clearer picture as we deepen discussions with clients on how and where we will be applying that ability.”

Study uses three price scenarios to examine ports, deep-sea trading patterns and newbuilding prospects

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International trade fair hamburg


Hamburg Messe SMM 2012 sets positive signs for the future of the maritime industry Attended by more than 50,000 trade visitors The exhibitors were satisfied, and there were streams of trade visitors from all parts of the world – SMM impressively confirmed its position again, as the number one stimulus event for the maritime industry in 2012. The 25th shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology international trade fair hamburg ended on 7 September, after four days of action with 2,100 exhibitors and more than 50,000 trade visitors, including numerous international delegations and representatives from government and the scientific community – the most successful SMM yet. “We are of course delighted that our anniversary event met with such a fantastic response,” said Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH (HMC), adding that the high level of interest showed how important it is, especially in times of economic difficulty, to exchange ideas, to present products and services, and to highlight innovations. “SMM is the ideal platform for that,” he said. The largest group of visitors was from shipowners and shipping companies, followed by the shipbuilding and shipyard industry, and machinery and plant builders. The naval and defence industry moved up to fourth position. SMM 2012 had 35% of its trade visitors from abroad, up two percentage points from the previous SMM. The share of Asian visitors was double the number at SMM 2010, now 16%.

Great interest, expertise


A total of 90,000 square metres of exhibition space was available for the companies. “Our baby has grown up a lot,” said a delighted Jürgen Witte, Chairman of the Hamburg Association of Marine Engineers (VSIH). The Association is a concept supNAFS magazine October, 2012

porter and founder of SMM, which started out as a small internal event, with some 35 members exhibiting in 1963, and has grown into the most important showcase of the maritime industry worldwide. “The tremendous appeal of the event for international participants was very striking, especially participants from Asia,” said Dr. Alexander Nürnberg, Managing Director of Hatlapa and Chairman of the Working Group on Shipbuilding and the Offshore Supply Industry in the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). He noted that, despite cautious forecasts for new building of ships, equipment suppliers were confident of achieving satisfactory sales in the coming years, thanks to interesting solutions for ship operation. Bernard Meyer, CEO of Meyer Werft and Vice President of SEA Europe (Ships & Marine Equipment Association) underscored the close relationship between SMM and the major specialist events such as gmec, the global maritime environmental congress – “SMM is the top event for the maritime industry worldwide. Hamburg is the meeting place for all the relevant shipbuilders, shipowners and suppliers, to discuss new technologies and innovative ship projects and to take action. And gmec has once more given vital stimuli for implementation of new propulsion technologies and more efficient forms of energy generating on board.” The shipowners see SMM as a unique opportunity to keep up with the latest state of the art, at a dedicated event. “Rising fuel prices have always been an incentive for efficient propulsion systems and smart ship design. But today, the general objective is to make shipping as clean as possible.

These innovations are driven by tougher environmental standards, and also the desire of many shipowners to use green technologies,” said Michael Behrendt, President of the German Shipowners’ Association (VDR) and CEO of Hapag-Lloyd. At difficult times like these, it is particularly important to look forward, said Werner Lundt, Managing Director of the German Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries Association (VSM). “The industry has to present itself really well – a trade fair is for marketing, and marketing is the future.”

Focus on efficiency and environmental protection “It was clearly evident at SMM 2012 that the shipowners have to invest in a green future, more than ever before. Everywhere in the maritime business and industry there are new products and processes, aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing emissions – for individual ships and for whole fleets,” observed Torsten Schramm, Chief Operating Officer at Germanischer Lloyd and gmec Chairman. Many of the exhibitors were able to score points here with innovations and carefully tailored products – “This is not so much about newbuildings,” said Dr. Stephan Timmermann, Management Board member of MAN Diesel & Turbo, an engine manufacturer, “but more about new ways to cut operating cost.” The goal was to achieve a lot without spending a lot of money, for example by retrofitting engines or propellers. An example of that is Alphatronic 3000, a product from MAN which enables automatic coordination of engine speed and propeller. SMM has a varied supporting programme, with some 150 conferences, meetings, workshops and receptions. The four high-powered international conferences on the key subjects of the industry were well attended throughout, giving rise to lively and fruitful discussions, and putting forward possible solutions for the pressing issues of the maritime industry.


Germanischer Lloyd. You need ships that operate on schedule – as well as a global partner, always available on time, who supports you in running operations at highest efficiency. As a classification society, we develop state-of-the-art rules and guidelines for the shipping industry. Moreover, we are also a provider of innovative software solutions and consulting for increasing your ship’s efficiency.


Industry news

Internaftiki signed an agency agreement with IHC Sealing Solutions year 1856, when the machine factory DLS was established in Kinderdijk, The Netherlands. From 1956, the company, which produced bearing bushes and stern tubes, changed its name to ‘Lagersmit’, to which ‘IHC’ was later added. From that time on, the company increasingly focused on manufacturing seals for, among other things, stern tubes, thrusters and pumps. Two years ago, the company moved from Kinderdijk to Alblasserdam, where a fully automated production facility operates in completely new premises to further develop, produce and market innovative products.

Company profile IHC Merwede

Internaftiki has recently signed an agency agreement with IHC Sealing Solutions, a leading manufacturer of top quality sealing solutions which serves a vast network of propulsion manufacturers and ship owners Internaftiki is proud to be part of IHC Sealing Solutions’ worldwide network, covering its customer’s needs within the region of Greece, for both new building and retrofit projects. IHC Lagersmit B.V., a subsidiary of IHC Merwede, has changed its name to IHC Sealing Solutions B.V. This change, which came into effect on 6 July 2012, is the result of the continued international growth that the company has experienced in recent years. Additionally, the company’s focus has shifted in recent decades from the manufacture of bearings to the production and marketing of seals for rotating shafts. The origins of the company date back to the NAFS magazine October, 2012

IHC Merwede is focussed on the continuous development of design and construction activities for the specialist maritime sector. It is the global market leader for efficient dredging and mining vessels and equipment – with vast experience accumulated over decades – and a reliable supplier of custom-built ships and supplies for offshore construction. IHC Merwede has in-house expertise for engineering and manufacturing innovative vessels and advanced equipment, as well as providing life-cycle support. Its integrated systematic approach has helped to develop optimum product performance and long-term business partnerships. The company’s broad customer base includes dredging operators, oil and gas corporations, offshore contractors and government authorities. IHC Merwede has over 3,000 employees based at various locations in The Netherlands, Brazil, China, Croatia, France, India, Malaysia, the Middle East, Nigeria, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. Technological innovation will remain the company’s underlying strength through its continuous investment in research and development. Moreover, it helps to safeguard a sustainable environment.

Μαθήματα περιβαλλοντικής ευαισθητοποίησης από νέα παιδιά Παρόλη τη νεαρή τους ηλικία, 60 μαθητές του American Community School (ACS) στην Αθήνα έδωσαν πρόσφατα το καλό παράδειγμα στους ενήλικες, καθαρίζοντας εθελοντικά την παραλία στο Καβούρι στη συνεχιζόμενη προσπάθεια για την προστασία του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος. Στη συνέχεια του πετυχημένου καθαρισμού της ίδιας παραλίας φέτος τον Απρίλιο και στο πλαίσιο της Παγκόσμιας Εκστρατείας Εθελοντικού Καθαρισμού Ακτών 2012, η Ελληνική Ένωση Προστασίας Θαλάσσιου Περιβάλλοντος – HELMEPA, μαζί με εθελοντές-στελέχη της Αμερικάνικης Πρεσβείας στην Αθήνα και μαθητές του ACS, ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους και πάλι την Παρασκευή, 5 Οκτωβρίου και ανέλαβαν ένα δεύτερο καθαρισμό, ώστε να διαπιστώσουν ποιες ήταν οι επιπτώσεις στο περιβάλλον μετά από τέσσερις μήνες έντονης χρήσης. Εκτός από τους μικρούς μαθητές και τους εκπαιδευτικούς τους, στον καθαρισμό συμμετείχαν 25 στελέχη της Αμερικάνικης Πρεσβείας και δύτες του Καταδυτικού Κέντρου «Αθήνα» οι οποίοι πραγματοποίησαν καθαρισμό βυθού. Παρόντες στη δράση ήταν ακόμη ο τοπικός Λιμενάρχης και εκπρόσωποι του Δήμου ΒάρηςΒούλας-Βουλιαγμένης καθώς και του Κολλεγίου «Ανατόλια» που διοργάνωσε παρόμοια δράση στη Θεσσαλονίκη.


Industry news


Νέα βαρούλκα αλυσίδας CLX μεγάλου κύκλου εργασιών και με τετραπλάσια διάρκεια λειτουργίας. εργασιών, βιομηχανική γραμμή συναμολόγησης ή επεξεργασίας, καθώς επίσης και σε οποιοδήποτε γερανό ή γερανογέφυρα. quo odigni utem voles eosam, int. Η σειρά CLX αποτελείται απο βαρούλκα αλυσίδας εξ ολοκλήρου νέου σχεδιασμού τα οποία μέχρι στιγμής διατίθενται σε τρεις εκδόσεις/μοντέλα, ενω πολύ σύντομα θα προστεθούν σε αυτά ακόμη περισσότερα μοντέλα, για την κάλυψη μεγαλύτερου εύρους αναγκών. Επιγραμματικά, τα ανωτέρω παρατίθενται ως εξής:

Η νέα σειρά βαρούλκων αλυσίδας Konecranes CLX02/05/10 περιλαμβάνει πιο αποδοτικά και πιο ανθεκτικά βαρούλκα αλυσίδας καταλληλα τόσο για γερανούς όσο και για θαλάμους συναρμολόγησης. Η Konecranes, όντας παγκοσμίως ένας απο τους μεγαλύτερους κατασκευαστές ανυψωτικού εξοπλισμού και στην προσπάθεια της να καλύψει τις συνεχώς αυξανόμενες ανάγκες των πελατών της, εμπλουτίζει καθημερινά την γκάμα των προϊόντων και των υπηρεσιών της. Υπο αυτή την οπτική προσθέτει πλέον στα προσφερόμενα προϊόντα της τα νέα βαρούλκα αλυσίδας της σειράς CLX. Τα εν λόγω μοντέλα αποτελούν βαρούλκα νεάς γενιάς, προσφέροντας στον χρήστη τους υψηλότερο βαθμό απόδοσης, 25% μαγαλύτερη ταχύτητα απο τα συμβατικά μοντέλα, τετραπλά υψηλότερη διάρκεια ζωής και δυνατότητα χρήσης και εφαρμογης τους σε κάθε είδους σταθμό NAFS magazine October, 2012

• CLX02: ανυψωτικής ικανότητας από 63 έως 320 κιλά • CLX05: ανυψωτικής ικανότητας από 250 έως 630 κιλά • CLX10: ανυψωτικής ικανότητας από 1.000 έως 2.500 κιλά (πολύ σύντομα θα προστεθούν μοντέλα με ικανότητα ανύψωσης μεγαλύτερης των 5.000 κιλών) Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά – Ποιότητα Κατασκευής Χάρη στη στιβαρή τους ατσάλινη κατασκευή τα νέα βαρούλκα αλυσίδας CLX της Konecranes, έχουν την δυνατότητα να ανυψώσουν ακόμα μεγαλύτερα φορτία σε σύγκριση με τα προηγούμενα ανάλογα μοντέλα, ενώ συγχρόνως επιδεικνύουν τετραπλά υψηλότερη διάρκεια ζωής.Στο ίδιο επίπεδο αντοχής κινείται πλέον και η αλυσίδα ανύψωσης για την οποια η διάρκεια ζωής είναι ακόμη μεγαλύτερη λόγω του νέου πατενταρισμένου τροχού κύλισης της. Εφαρμόζοντας καινοτόμο σχεδιασμό στο

σύστημα μετάδοσης κίνησης του τροχού της αλυσίδας, ο οποίος πλέον γρασάρεται με λάδι, επιτρέπει την καλύτερη μετάδοση της ισχύος του κινητήρα και με μια σχέση ταχύτητας της τάξης 6:1 καθιστά το βαρούλκο αλυσίδας CLX κατά 25% γρηγορότερο από προηγούμενα μοντέλα. Ένα ακόμη χαρακτηριστικό των βαρούλκων της σειράς CLX είναι τα υψηλά στάνταρ ασφαλείας βάσει των οποίων έχουν σχεδιαστεί και κατασκευαστεί. Ενδεικτικά αναφέρουμε το γεγονός οτι τόσο το φρένο όσο και ο συμπλέκτης ολίσθησης του βαρούλκου έχουν κατασκευαστεί κατά τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε να αποφέυγεται σε κάθε περίπτωση η πτώση του φορτίου ακόμη και σε περίπτωση που ο συμπλέκτης ολίσθησης τεθεί εκτός λειτουργίας. Σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα για μια επιχείρηση αποτελεί και διαδικασία συντήρησης των συγκεκριμένων μοντέλων. Με εύκολη προσβαση σε όλα τα εξαρτήματα του βαρούλκου (δεν απαιτείται να μετακινηθούν/αφαιρεθούν τμήματα) και με όλο το ηλεκτρονικό σύστημα να βρίσκεται επάνω σε δύο συμπαγείς πλατίνες, παρέχουν την δυνατότητα σε εξειδικευμενο προσωπικό να πραγματοποιήσει άμεσα και με ελάχιστο κόστος οποιαδήποτε εργασία συντήρησης. Τέλος, επισημαίνουμε πως όλα τα μοντέλα είναι ενεργειακώς οικονομικά ανταποκρινόμενα πλήρως στην οδηγία RoHS και έχουν την δυνατότητα να λειτουργούν χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα σε θερμοκρασίες από -20°C έως +50°C. Τομείς Εφαρμογής Τα νέας γενιάς βαρούλκα αλυσίδας CLX της Konecranes είναι κατάλληλα για χρήση και εφαρμογή σε μεμονωμένες θέσεις εργασίας, βιομηχανικόυς και μη σταθμούς συναρμολόγησης καθώς επίσης και σε οποιαδήποτε γραμμή παραγωγής στην οποία είναι απαραίτητες οι ταχείες και με ακρίβεια χειρισμού παραγωγικές διαδικασίες. Λόγω αφενός της συμπαγούς τους δομής και αφεταίρου των ελάχιστων δυνατών διαστάσεων του αγκίστρου τους, βρίσκουν πολυάριθμες εφαρμογές σε γερανούς θέσεων εργασίας, σε όλους τους τύπους περιστρεφικών γερανών, γερανογέφυρες, σε συστήματα XA/ΧΜ καθώς και ως ακίνητα βαρούλκα/παλάγκα.


Industry news


Norsafe has conducted freefall tests with lifeboat from 61.53m

1 | SAFETY NEWS Norsafe conducted the highest free-fall drop ever, featuring a so-called free-fall lifeboat. The test was conducted from a height of 61.53 metres and was very successful. The test came in the wake of another successful drop from a height of 52 metres earlier the same week. Norsafe’s groundbreaking new lifeboat, the GES50 MKIII is thus certified for heights up to 47 metres. Norsafe’s purpose is not to set records in free-fall drops of lifesaving equipment, says Norsafe AS CEO Geir Skaala. The essence of our products, however, is to save lives. Quality and trust is the foundation of our existence. It is therefore crucial to us that our customers have the safest and most secure lifesaving equipment available in a situation where another evacuation is not possible, says Skaala. GES50 MKIII builds on cutting-edge technology and meets the DNVOS-E406 standard for lifesaving equipment on the Norwegian continental shelf. The product is the first model in a series of 3 of Norsafe’s newly developed free-fall lifeboats that comply with these regulations. - Despite the fact that the new regulations will not take effect until 2015, it is important for us as the market leader to be ready ahead of time. We are therefore proud to offer the market a new and innovative product that meets the regulations three years prior to them coming into force, says Geir Skaala. GES50 MKIII is 50 feet long, and has a capacity for 70 persons of 100 kg each. Norsafe Group has its headquarters at Tromøy outside Arendal and today counts more than 830 employees. The company has a worldwide involvement that includes production, sales, delivery and service of lifesaving equipment for ships and to the offshore industry. The company has its own production and sales / service companies in Norway, China, Greece, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Japan, Brazil and the Netherlands. In addition, Norsafe Group has a network of 45 service stations spread across all continents. Norsafe is continually growing, and new daughter companies and service stations are in the process of being planned / developed. NAFS magazine October, 2012

UK P&I Club announces restructure in advance of Solvency II 2 | INSURANCE NEWS The UK P&I Club (the UK Club), one of the oldest shipping protection and indemnity insurance mutuals, formally announces a reorganisation of its structure to establish the UK Europe as the sole provider of direct insurance business to UK Club Members. The new structure will take effect from February 2013 and does not impact members in the 2012 policy year. The change will reduce the number of separately regulated entities, strengthen governance, reduce compliance costs and efficiently manage the Club’s solvency capital requirements. There will be no change to terms of entry, cover or premium for members and the overall amount of free reserves held by the UK Club before and after will remain the same. The current UK Club structure utilises three companies: UK Bermuda, UK Europe and a captive reinsurer, IPIR. While many members are insured directly by UK Bermuda (through its respective branches in the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan) a substantial number of members are already insured by the wholly owned subsidiary, UK Europe. In the new structure, UK Bermuda will cease to write direct insurance business, responsibility for which will transfer to UK Europe. UK Bermuda will continue to be the holding company, controlled by its Members, and will also become the reinsurer of UK Europe.


class news


Hull design boosts fuel economy of ultra large container ships. The design has been optimized for an operating profile along the Far East to Europe trade route involving nine speed and draught combinations. The installed propulsive power could be reduced by about 16 per cent compared to the initial hullform optimized for one draft & speed condition. The first of the new 13,800 TEU ships is under construction at Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and will be delivered next year. The resulting fuel savings will be worth about 3 million USD per ship per year to APL. “In the current challenging market environment it is extremely important for APL to introduce efficient and flexible container ships, which help us to reduce slot costs. These ships will be the most fuel-efficient ships ever built to the Asia-Europe container trade,” says Cedric Foo, Group Deputy President and CFO of APL’s mother company NOL. “APL has decided to advance the delivery of the newbuildings, which have been ordered in 2011 using their superior fuel efficiency to make a contribution to cutting emissions as soon as possible.” Traditionally container ships spend much of their time operating at ‘off-design’ conditions which increase hull resistance and reduce propeller and engine efficiency. In this case, the ships will operate at speeds typically ranging from 15 to 19.5 knots but with a maximum speed of about 23 knots. With the aid of sophisticated software and virtual sea trials, the three partners were able to analyse the proposed trading pattern of the ships and optimise accordingly. NAFS magazine October, 2012

A collaboration involving APL, Hyundai Heavy Industries and DNV has resulted in a hull design that will make APL’s 10 new ultra large container ships some 20 per cent more fuel efficient per TEU compared with existing designs. The first of the new 13,800 TEU ships is under construction at Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and will be delivered next year. “This is a new way of cooperation bwtween the partners in a newbuilding project. Due to a concentrated and professional effort from all three parties within their respective roles we managed not only to keep the tight design schedule, but also to unlock an amazing potential for fuel savings” Gyung-Jin Ha, Executive Vice President of the Basic Design Office, in the ShipBulding devision, HHI

Smooth operation with Fuel Cells Fuel cell technology proves successful in a new position paper from DNV Research and Innovation, giving hope to a future of reduced emissions from shipping. The position paper describes the ground breaking FellowSHIP project: A pilot project employing marine fuel cell technology of a magnitude never before seen in a merchant vessel. The main project achievement was to reduce emissions: the CO2 emissions were reduced due to the fact that fuel cells are more efficient than combustion engines; there were no particulate matter emitted; no SOx emissions; and no NOx emissions. The position paper describes the ground breaking FellowSHIP project in more detail. We discuss the present state of art of marine fuel cells, comparing different technologies, and we give our views on the future of fuel cells for ships. An important part for ship owners and ship builders is a description of the DNV class rules for fuel cell power on ships. Although fuel cell technology is not new, the success of FellowSHIP means that it has become relevant to discuss the potential for fuel cell technology in on-board applications and the current status of the technology. DNV has paved the way for safe and smooth introduction of fuel cells for ships. We recognise that it will take time before fuel cells can become a realistic on-board alternative, mostly restricted by costs, but the FellowSHIP project has taken some important first steps towards a future for fuel cells on ships.

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Industry news

Aker Solutions.

Ramps up Stockton-onTees operation International oil services group Aker Solutions is set to ramp up its presence in the north east of England. The company aims to create up to 100 jobs in its new Stockton-on-Tees engineering office over the next three years. Aker Solutions’ drilling technologies business will be the main occupant in the new office, which is located right next to the company’s current premises at the Preston Farm industrial estate, Stockton-on-Tees, UK. The office will house product engineers who will be working on a wide range of topside drilling equipment. Aker Solutions is one of the top-two global suppliers of deepwater drilling packages for offshore drilling rigs and drillships. “We are well aware of the excellent oil and gas engineering competence in the north east of England. We are experiencing significant growth, so we want to tap into this market to further support both our UK and international customers,” says Thor Arne Håverstad, head of Aker Solutions drilling technologies business. The new engineering office has a capacity of 100 people. Aker Solutions aims to hire 30 by year-end. But the long-term ambition is to utilise the entire office capacity. “The north east region has a proud industrial heritage with a huge engineering competence base. Additionally, it contains several excellent educational institutions that produce exactly the type of competence we need, for example structural and mechanical engineers. We also know that many engineers commute from the north east to other parts of the UK. Hopefully our plans will make some of them consider Stockton-on-Tees as an even more attractive option,” adds Thor Arne Håverstad. Aker Solutions has a history in Stockton-on-Tees that dates NAFS magazine October, 2012

back to 1986. Today the company has approximately 100 employees in Stockton-on-Tees. This team provides support services to Aker Solutions globally within IT, finance, accounting and HR. Up to 20 employees will be added to the global business services operation over the next two years. The current premises also house a team that provides engineering support on platform upgrade and maintenance projects on both the UK and Norwegian continental shelves. In addition, Aker Solutions’ specialist recruitment consultancy, Aker Advantage, also has an office in Stockton-on-Tees. Aker Solutions will move into its new Stockton-on-Tees office at the end of October. Earlier this year Aker Solutions announced that it is looking to grow its Aberdeen operation with 500 jobs over the next two years. Additionally, the company aims to build up a 1 700-strong London engineering hub - thereby creating 1 300 new jobs - by 2015. Today, Aker Solutions has approximately 3 200 employees in the UK. The company is one of Scotland’s largest employers with a workforce of more than 2 700 people in Aberdeen. In addition to Aberdeen, London and Stockton-on-Tees, the company has smaller offices and facilities in Great Yarmouth, Hastings, Maidenhead, and Whitstable. The company employs 25 000 people worldwide, and has annual revenues of approximately GBP 3.9 billion.

Awarded Troll extension International oil service group Aker Solutions has been awarded a contract by Statoil to deliver three subsea trees, tubing hangers and a tool package to the Troll field on the Norwegian continental shelf. Estimated contract value is NOK 250 million. The extension is a call-off from a contract signed with Statoil in February 2012. The spare tubing hangers will be utilized on several parts of the Troll field. The Troll field is the world’s biggest subsea development with regards to the number of subsea wells. Last year, Aker Solutions reached a major milestone in delivering the 100th subsea tree to the Troll field. The Troll contract awards and deliveries have helped shape and develop Aker Solutions’ subsea business. Earlier this year, the company announced a NOK 500 million investment which is set to double the capacity of its manufacturing plants in Port Klang and Tranby, Norway. A subsea tree is a key technology enabling oil and gas production directly from a subsea well to a processing facility. The tree is essentially an advanced set of valves and is used together with associated technologies to control the well flow. The subsea tree is an integral part of a subsea production system. A tubing hanger is a component used in the completion of oil and gas production wells. It is set in the subsea tree and suspends the production tubing. A tool package is the tool box used to install, modify or retrieve subsea equipment.


4th Hydra Shipping Conference

Hydra Shipping Conference The Course of Greek Shipping: From the Aegean to Wall Street The course of international trade and economy at a particularly critical time for the shipping industry was the main issue discussed during the 4th Hydra Shipping Conference, organized by the Fraternity of the Athenian Hydriots, on Saturday, September 15, 2012, in Hydra, at the Museum. Greek shipowners and distinguished Greek and foreign speakers participated in the conference, which covered a wide range of thematic issues, from history to modern sea trade. John Sahinis, Chairman of the Fraternity of the Athenian Hydriots, in his opening speech briefly presented the objectives of the Fraternity. These objectives, among others, are to promote mainly through cultural events the historical and cultural identity of Hydra and expecially the contribution of the Hydriot shipowners of 1750s-1820s to the Greek War of Independence of 1821, and also to attract young people to maritime professions, which were pioneered from Hydra. Mr. Sahinis said: ”This year we chose the rather unusual subject of: ”From the Aegean to Wall Street”, which, of course, has its histori- cal underpinnings. The main reason was the constant search of historical sources in an endless effort to learn and transmit this knowledge to future generations, to understand more about the history of our country In his address to the conference, Mr. Kostis Μοussouroulis, Minister of Shipping and Aegean said that the Fraternity of the Athenian Hydriots is now more than a century old, having among its founding members families with distinguished presence and action in Greek shipping history. “The sea is a key pillar of Hellenic economic and social life. The fearless souls of Greek seamen made the Greek economy internaNAFS magazine October, 2012

tional, supported the country’s economic and social growth and added international prestige to their country. Nobody can deny our national supremacy in the seas of the world. With an inexhaustible fuel, we hope that our maritime tradition will continue to sail towards success. This is the reason why the Prime Minister of Greece, Antonis Samaras, decided three months ago to re-establish the Ministry of Shipping and Aegean and reconnect it with the historic Coast Guard Services. I assure you that, from Piraeus, the main port of the country, I will do everything possible to meet this leading national challenge that strengthens the country internationally, develops the economy and the society and supports our citizens, especially the islanders,” said Mr. Moussouroulis. Mr. Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos, Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, in his address to the conference among others said: ”Shipping is without a doubt one of the main pillars of the Greek economy, a sector we are proud of due to our glorious achievements from antiquity to modern times. To the present, we are facing the greatest economic crisis in our history; therefore we must make the most of this competitive advantage, shipping. The islands of the Saronic Gulf and especially Hydra have played a pivotal role in Greek seamanship and navigation. The Hydriot shipowners, captains and sailors prospered in the Mediterranean and during the prerevolutionary years their participation in the fight for freedom was decisive.”

Panel Discussion

Greek Shipping and international financial markets The problems of finance and operation of shipping business in an environment of

exceptional instability was the main issue discussed by a panel consisting of Martin Stopford, Nathanael Mauclair, Michael Bodouroglou, Chairman & CEO, Paragon Shipping Inc., Dr. John Coustas, President & CEO, Danaos Corp., with the participation of Ion G. Varouxakis, Chairman and CEO, FreeSeas Inc., and Manolis A. Vordonis, former managing director of Thenamaris. Mr. Koustas noted the need for continued vigilance on the part of Greek shipowners, as the international business environment is extremely volatile, and it is necessary to control operating costs. Mr. Bodouroglou added the issue of international regulations, with new restrictions on maritime transport. Martin Stopford said that in these new Globalization times, there is still opportunity for innovation, and shipowners know it better than anyone else. But shipowners have to take the risk. Greek owners have the brain to create new things and survive in gloomy times. Also Globalization 2 can create a huge demand in the future. Nathaniel Mauclair said, “If you think about history and make a link to the present, you will see there are ups and downs. All Greek shipowners are innovative enough to create additional sources of financing. Visit your banker and negotiate the terms. Go to Wall Street and ask the questions you want. Today I believe stock markets will be more open to shipping. Half of the listed companies came to the market after 2007. Stock markets are additional to banks, but you will always need the banks. But in the future, the companies that will survive are those who will have all possible sources of financing available.” Mr. Vordonis said that Greek shipowners should look back and learn by the “Onassis model,” a main example of building trust. “We need to take decisions which are fundamentally wise. We want to continue our business, although the prices are not the ones they used to be. We cannot be speculators in this market. Let’s be creative and be the leaders to increase the demand”. Mr. Antonis Mavrakakis said that some people are very optimistic about the rise in


4th Hydra Shipping Conference

in demand. It is a very difficult situation for new business in shipping sector worldwide. Today the situation is much different from any other crisis we have seen in recent years and it is difficult for a shipowner to decide whether to invest in new ships or not, because this is an unusual situation.

Panel Discussion

Modern-day piracy, its consequences and methods of confrontation The problem of Piracy was the main issue of the panel discussion with Antonis Mavrakakis, Panos G. Moraitis, and John C. Evans. Mr. Mavrakakis said that piracy is a fundamental issue for Greek shipping. “I fully agree with hiring armed guards on board. The Russians and Chinese were using armed guards. Today the international and national authorities are absolutely absent. Usually, pirates are informed by people on board about the ship’s route. Big nations silently accept this scandal going on for years, and so does the UN, despite its declarations.” Mr. Bodouroglou wondered whether by hiring armed guards Greek shipowners are passing over the task to protect the life of their crew to other people, which is primarily their own duty. He also said that Western governments do not hold the life of seamen high in their political agendas. Mr. Vordonis said that it is not always easy to make an evaluation on the issue, as many guards are not “mature” enough in the sense of specific education. He added that: “Piracy is a result of poverty. If we look at this historically we can see some socioeconomic reasons and similarities with the rise of terrorism. Traditional thinking is not enough to help us get rid of piracy, as it is not enough to lead us out of the financial crisis. We have to invent new ways, rethink and restart”. The Conference Chairman, George Xiradakis, Managing Director, XRTC Business Consultants, coordinated the conference in an unparalleled manner, managing to sustain the delegates’ as well as the speakers’ full attention and interest from the beginning to the end. In his concluding Remarks, Mr. Xiradakis said that the challenge for Greek Shipping is to maintain the same status of the Greek management and Greek shipowned fleet. He mentioned the need to adopt the RIO concept- Resource, Innovation and Opportunity. Shipping has always been a risky business. This is the main characteristic of Greek shipping, which is a dynamic sector, ready to reinvest, renegotiate with banks and restructure shipping companies. Nafs mag. October 2012 /

“Shipping is inherently unstable,” said Dr. John Coustas, as you constantly need to stabilize a balance between demand and supply, each time with new ships. You are either “burned” or “frozen”, depending on how quickly you open or close the “tap” of supply and demand. Of course, there are megatrends you have to identify in the world (namely Brazil, China etc.), but there are other factors that disturb the balance. For example, US gas and oil sales have dramatically changed compared to the past. This change affects growth in many other countries, such as India, China etc. However, these trends are known, but we don’t know exactly how rapid the increase of trade and transportation will be. This rate will determine whether shipping will burn or freeze. It is a very complex situation. Therefore, we need to be cautious. It is important to have access to capital, but also to support our own companies in difficult times. In Danaos, we have managed to have low operational costs. Danaos, more than any other company, has used the long term charters, taking this risk. We must be able to start a vertical integration and control direct access to the world, and not on a business to business base. Dr. John Coustas, President & CEO, Danaos Corp. Michael Bodouroglou, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Paragon Shipping, has been involved in the shipping industry in various capacities for more than 25 years. He has served as Paragon Shipping’s chairman and chief executive officer since the Company was founded in June 2006. Paragon Shipping operates a fleet of modern and cost efficient dry bulk vessels. He is also the founder and chief executive officer of Βox-Ships and he has served as Box-Ships chairman and chief executive officer since the Company was founded in May 2010. Box-Ships owns 9 container vessels varying from 3,400 TEU to 6,500 TEU. Mr. Bodouroglou has owned and operated tanker and drybulk vessels since 1993. He is the founder of Allseas Marine S.A. which serves as the technical and commercial managing company to Paragon’s and Box - Ships’ fleets. In 1977, Mr. Bodouroglou graduated with honours from the University of Newcastleupon-Tyne in the United Kingdom with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineer- ing and in 1978 he was awarded a Masters of Science in Naval Architecture. Mr. Bodouroglou is a member of the Cayman Islands Shipowners’ Advisory Council and is also a member of the Board of Academic Entrepreneurship of the Free University of Varna, Bulgaria. Mr. Bodouroglou serves as Vice Chairman of the Hellas Committee of the classification society GL (Germanischer Lloyd) and as a member of the Hellenic Committee of RINA (Registro Italiano Navale). Mr. Bodouroglou is the Honorary Consul for the Slovak Republic in Piraeus. Michael Bodouroglou: Chairman, CEO and Interim CFO Shipowner Panos C. Laskaridis commented that 30% of Greek shipping is owned by listed companies. He said that the debate on whether or not to enter stock markets is still going on. He added that his own shipping company was never even close to going public, because his business was mixed, owning shipyards (based on shore), chartering, selling fuel at sea, fishing etc. He said that the main problems for Greek companies wishing to enter stock markets is the fact that they perform in a special structure, the personal way Greek shipowners control their business, preferring family operations instead of corporate governance etc. He said the reestablishment of the Ministry of Shipping and Aegean is a positive step for Greek shipping, but there is still a wide range of subjects and problems that need to be addressed. Maritime Education, which is now under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, should be supervised by the Ministry of Shipping and Aegean. Also, a number of tax issues and labor issues have to be settled. Of course, there are bigger challenges waiting in the international scene. The financing growth is very slow, the prices of ships have dropped, and a new generation of economic ships is on the rise. Mr. Laskaridis mentioned the fatalistic phenomenon of the shipping cycles, wondering whether the shipping companies will be strong enough to overcome these obstacles. Panos C. Laskaridis: Managing Director, Laskaridis Shipping Co. Ltd.

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4th Hydra Shipping Conference

Panos G. Moraitis CEO, Aspida Maritime Security Corp.

Armed Guards on Ships as a solution to Modern Day Piracy The thorny issue of Modern Piracy and the use of armed guards on ships as a solution was the main issue presented by Panos G. Moraitis, CEO, Aspida Maritime Security Corp. Mr. Moraitis highlighted the contribution of armed guards on ship safety, noting that so far there has been no incident of piracy on guarded ships. Mr. Moraitis noted the significant difference between professionals and non-professionals, stressing that the lack of professionalism in an attack by pirates may pose a serious danger to the ship and especially to the lives of the crew. “Every 100 years we have new incidents of piracy,” said Mr. Moraitis. Nowadays, negotiations take a long time and ransoms are generally very high. Most shipowners have an old fashioned and romantic concept regarding pirates. The statistics published show only a part of the problem. Over the last two years we have seen a rapid growth in the number of companies taking security consultants onboard their vessels. The more the vessels utilize armed teams, the greater the risk for those that do not. This has been spurred by the development of piracy into a mature criminal enterprise with trained and desperate pirates lured by the promise of the equivalent of a year’s wages for a single successful hijacking. Of course, the use of armed guards does not substitute Best Management Practices and other protective measures. The recent shift to the use of mother vessels by pirates, granting deep ocean capabilities, has simply displaced the problem further from military assistance and aid. This, combined with a greater proficiency in boarding tactics, has forced owners to increasingly turn to the use of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel onboard their vessels. Consequently, there have been ongoing debates regarding the pros and cons of PCASP, not only for the companies using armed teams, but also for those using unNafs mag. October 2012 /

armed security or none at all. The shipowner should verify that the Private Maritime Security Company has adequate training procedures in place. The records of that training should give confidence that the PCASP have been provided with appropriate knowledge and skills through initial and refresher training. Each armed security mission is a small military operation and entails high costs. Unsuitable insurance, improper and illegal weapons, poorly trained personnel, lack of procedures and lack of adherence to port regulations may result in a lower price but may lead to complications, vessel delays, arrests and liability claims. It is clear that if the threat continues to grow and pirates become more skilled, determined and organized, shipowners and charterers will have to take measures to ensure their cargo security. No quantity of naval assets or escort vessels can secure the volume of shipping that passes through high risk waters. Simply, there are not enough naval vessels in the world. This is a geopolitical problem that must be fixed on land but currently there is no international will to do so. Until this happens, companies with vulnerable vessels face a stark choice; roll the dice and take a chance or place armed guards onboard and ensure the commercial viability of their service.

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4th Hydra Shipping Conference

Martin Stopford * Managing Director (CRSL), Clarkson PLC.

The New Dynamic Face of Greek Shipping The course of Greek Shipping and its great potential to grow even in difficult circumstances was the main issue presented by Martin Stopford, Managing Director (CRSL), Clarkson PLC. Mr. Stopford presented the latest predictions about the course of international trade, tariffs and newbuildings, indicating that the factors that will determine developments over the next five years will be: The “second part of Globalization,” with significant developments in maritime trade, the problem of oversupply, which will have direct impact on the construction of new ships, and the rising cost of fuel. At the same time, he said, globalization will increase the difficulty of finding financing from traditional sources such as banks, so owners will need to review a number of alternative forms of financing, assuming the same business risk. According to Mr. Stopford, before the Second World War the world (and shipping) was dominated by European Empires. In 1944 the Bretton Woods conference in the USA set the scene to change the system. The aim was to “globalize” the world economy. But 1957 turned out to be an economic crossroads, marking the end of the imperial era, which had lasted for a century and the beginning of what we now refer to as “Globalization. ”After a century of neo-colonial stability the world was starting to move towards a new global economy. Over the next 50 years five fundamental developments worked together to create a global economic system which produced uninterrupted economic growth and by 2005, world GDP had expanded to almost eight times its 1950 level. At the Bretton Woods Conference, US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau outlined the objective of cre- ating “a dynamic world economy.” by establishing a new, liberalized trade regime. To assist in achieving this aim, the World Bank, the IMF and GATT were founded. The result was a “Flood” of Trade during 1950-2011. World GDP grew at 8 times. But world sea trade grew even faster, increasing to 13 times its 1950 level by 2005. In the process, almost every aspect of the shipping business changed. Business Model matured, resulting in low returns, chasing size and high investment requirement. Finance problems increased as well as energy costs. Globalization provided a massive opportunity for independent entrepreneurs, and Greeks took the chance and led the way. Today, the ten biggest international Greek companies own 672 (much bigger) ships, accounting for 29% of Greek owned GRT. Medium companies have assets worth $32 billion. The portfolio is broad, with 80% tankers and bulkers. Containers are only 10%, which is low for the third biggest world fleet segment. The Future Challenges for Greek Shipping are: Ovecapacity, Energy costs, Regulatory focus, Globalization part 2, IT & Comms revolution, and Container model. The next phase of globalization will see more countries; more pressure on resources; and more geo-political tension (piracy is a sign). Mr. Stopford said that, for the moment, commercial banks have financial problems, and shipowners face a major challenge to comfort the banks that everything will be OK. Greek shipowners have proved that they are able to get through difficult times. They are flexible and innovative enough to do so, knowing the simple rule: “If you carry trade better, faster and cheaper, you are going to survive”.

Nafs mag. October 2012 /

Nathanael Mauclair

Managing Director - International Listings, NYSE Euronext, Inc.

Greek Shipping in Wall Street Nathaniel Mauclair provided a quick overview of the transferred to the NYSE from New York Stock Exchange, which has a long history as well as a recent rise in activity in shipping capital. NYSE listed companies include: 90% of the Dow Jones Indus- trial Average, 80% of the S&P 500, 85% of the 2012 Barron’s 500, 78% of the 2012 Fortune 500, and 7 of the 2011 Fortune Top 10 Globally Admired Brands. Eight million trades are executed in all asset classes every day. NYSE Euronext markets account for 1/3 of all global cash trading. Financial transactions worth more than $2.5 trillion are executed globally every day (42 times more than eBay completes in a year). NYSE Euronext is driven by the simple principle of making connections. So far in 2012, three times as many companies Nasdaq due to the more ex-tensive global reach, the largernetwork of business customersand partners, and the superiormarket quality of the NYSE. Today, NYSE Listed Maritime Companies are 34 (79% of the total market cap, approximate- ly $30 billion). There have been 19 new listings on the NYSE since 2007 and most of these newly listed companies are international. US Markets make up over 70% of global capital raising activity on Shipping Companies. The NYSE is the leading market in the US with 85% market share at IPO.

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4th Hydra Shipping Conference


Gelina Harlaftis Professor, Dept. of History, Ionian University

From merchant bankers Ralli Brothers to Aristotelis Onassis Extremely useful for drawing significant conclusions for the future was the presentation, of Gelina Harlaftis, Professor, Dept. of History, Ionian University. With historical accuracy and valuable documentation Mrs. Harlaftis travelled her audience through the paths of Greek shipping history. Mrs. Harlaftis said that the rise of Greek shipping started in the 18th century, continued during the 19th century, with an incredible rise in the 20th. The reasons for this rise were: The Greek diaspora merchants (trade, shipping and finance), the fact that Greek fleets provided them with low transport cost and their great penetration in the financial markets. In the first half of the 19th century, said Mrs. Harlaftis, much of the Ottoman Empire’s internal debt was owed to a few dozen extremely wealthy sarrafs, or dealers of money, who were established in the Galata district of Constantinople, the main financial center of the Empire. These Galata bankers were mostly of Armenian origin and during the 1850s, this particular group was challenged by wealthy Greeks involved in commerce. Greek Constantinople bankers were: Baltazzi, Syngros, Skouloudis, Klados, Rallis, Zarifis, Zographos. These Greek “Galata” bankers were renowned in the Levant and represented a prime economic power in the Ottoman capital, negotiating private and state loans. Most were in close contact with the Sultan. Trade brought Greeks to London in the second decade of the 19th century. They traded with their own or with chartered ships, and they bought, sold and bartered goods primarily on their own account. When a set of formal trading rules was devised, the Greeks got involved in commodity markets, particularly in the Baltic Coffee House in the 1820s where a number of Greek merchants were among its founding members, such as Argenti, Sechiari, Franghiadi, Nafs mag. October 2012 /

Rodocanachi, Ralli, Schilizzi, Cassavetti, Ionides, Zarifi, and Vagliano Bros. In the 1940’s in the United States, a young pioneer, Aristotle Onassis, made his first steps in shipping, obtaining financing from top American bankers to purchase and build tankers, on the guarantee of time-charters he secured from oil companies. According to maritime economist Martin Stopford, charter-backed finance was a quite novel method in ship finance in the 1940s introduced by industrial shippers like the oil companies. According to Costas Vlassopoulos, one of Onassis’ chief executive officers for 31 years, Onassis developed and refined tanker ship loans introducing the involve- ment of large American insurance companies, such as Metropolitan Life. Time charters of tankers were usually long term (15 to 20 years) and the American banks were limited by regulations to provide ship loans for no more than five years. Onassis was the first to extend the life of ship loans by involving the insurance companies to secure the repayment of the loans to the banks for another 10 or 15 years. In this way, Onassis was able to provide financing for his tankers that at times reached 95% of their cost.

Greek Constantinople bankers were: Baltazzi, Syngros, Skouloudis, Klados, Ral- lis, Zarifis, Zographos. These Greek “Galata” bankers were renowned in the Levant and represented a prime economic power in the Ottoman capital, negotiating private and state loans.

QUOTES ”In the Department of Shipping and Aegean, despite the economic downturn, we are working hard to promote modern and efficient maritime policy with specific strategic objectives: Ensuring the safe navigation of Greek ships in any marine area, as well as ships of all nationalities in the Greek seas, taking measures to help the Greek merchant fleet to expand and develop, and securing sustainable maritime transport, with protection of the marine environment and our sea borders.”  KostisΜοussouroulis,Minister ofShipping&Aegean ”We were fascinated discovering that the glorious history of modern Greek Shipping begun with a shipowner trying to avoid the pirates and trade his products. From this point we followed the course of Greek shipowners until they reached the “temple” of global financial transactions, Wall Street.” JohnSahinis,ChairmanoftheFraternityoftheAthenianHydriots ‘’I do not share the view that this time is different. We are facing a financial crisis like the ones that happened in the past. The question really is: what is the policy response going to be? How are the central banks going to react? We can even say that this crisis is similar to the events leading to the great depression in the ‘30s only that the policy response today is the right one. Back then the money supply was restricted and interest rates were increased, whereas today we have quantitative easing and low interest rates. This leaves room for optimism.” IonG.Varouxakis,Chairmanand CEO,FreeSeasInc.


Industry news


Auramarine. Type approval for Ballast Water Treatment system Teqaw asdrfyko asryaser 1 | BALLAST Finnish-based Auramarine Ltd. has recently received an IMO type approval for its CrystalBallast® ballast water treatment system. The approval was issued by DNV on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate after the successful land-based and shipboard testing in accordance with International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) “Guidelines for approval of BWM Systems (G8)” and DNV rules. In addition, the electrical components were subjected to DNV’s “Environmental test specification for instrumentation and automation equipment, DNV Standard for Certification No 2.4”. These requirements are more stringent than the IMO requirements and include, for instance, also electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), vibration, low temperatures and damp heat testing. Auramarine CrystalBallast® is a two-step process, with an efficient automatic filter to remove sediment and larger organisms, followed by an intensive medium pressure UV unit to disinfect and inactivate smaller plankton, bacteria and pathogens. According to Auramarine, the Combination of automatic filtration and ultraviolet light based ballast water treat-

ment is becoming the leading technology, offering considerable benefits compared to other disinfection methods. Filter and UV disinfection is a proven purely physical and chemical-free disinfection process and it is not affected by salinity variations in seawater. Disinfection is fast and ballast water is ready to be discharged immediately after treatment without any by-products. Ballast water is treated using filter and UV during ballast water intake and re-treated during ballast water discharge through the UV reactor only (filter bypassed). Re-treatment during discharge is necessary to eliminate possible re-growth of bacteria in ballast tanks due to cross contamination or incomplete intake disinfection. Both process steps have been carefully selected to provide a minimal pressure drop over the treatment system and a small and compact installation area. Birka Cargo Ab, former United Shipping Ltd, member of Eckerö Group has recently ordered two type CB 250 CrystalBallast® equipment for Eckerö Group/Birka Express, which are delivered in Autumn 2012. Mr. Juhani Aarnio of Birka Cargo Ab says: “We feel confident that we have found a reliable supplier of ballast water treatment with good quality for a competitive price. This timely installation is in line with our environment policy. We believe that the CrystalBallast® system using filters and UV is the most suitable system for our vessels as well as for the environment, since no chemicals or other harmful substances are being used.” Auramarine offers a full range of ballast water treatment systems from 75 m3/h to more than 3.000 m3/h. CrystalBallast® is available in both complete skid mounted modules for newbuilding projects, as well as prefabricated component kits for retrofits. Configurable design and compact size lead to affordable capital and installation costs, says Auramarine.

Large MAN High-Speed Engine Launched

2 | HIGH SPEED ENGINES MAN Diesel & Turbo has announced an addition to its engine programme. The D7 high-speed engine delivers a 1.5 – 5 MW output at 1,000 – 2,000 rpm and is designed to serve a broad range of applications. The company states that the D7 will close the gap between its smallest medium-speed and largest high-speed engines and sets new standards in fuel efficiency, power/weight ratio and TBO-intervals. The D7 is characterised by its robustness, efficiency, compactness and strength. MAN Diesel & Turbo has targeted tugboats, workboats, offshore service and supply vessels, navy patrol boats, super yachts and fast ferries as its core applications. The new engine will additionally serve nonmarine markets such as the offshore, onshore power generation and rail segments. It will also be available as a gas-powered version for certain applications. The D7 will play a central role in a new propulsion train devised by MAN Diesel & Turbo. Customers will be offered the engine as part of a package that includes gearboxes, propellers, switchboards, auxiliary gensets, and energy storage solutions. Orders for the new engine can be placed from 2014 on.


Industry news

Class GL North American Committee Meeting The introduction of sulphur limits in emissions control areas (ECA) off the coastal waters of the US and Canada and the ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) will require significant adjustments from the entire maritime industry. Germanischer Lloyd’s (GL) North American Committee, which met at the Houstonian Hotel Delta in Houston, Texas recently, examined the implications of these and other current topics and challenges for the industry. The Committee, which celebrated its inauguration in 2010, is made up of representatives from Canadian and American ship owners and operators, ship yards, maritime consultants, and other industry stakeholders, alongside delegates from GL. Germanischer Lloyd’s Executive Vice President for the Americas, Uwe Bullwinkel, looked at the development of the GL Group both globally and in the Americans. The Group had broadened its focus in recent years and taken advantage of the integration of new business units to expand its range of services, he said. A programme of growth and targeted acquisitions had transformed the GL Group into a global service provider, especially in the offshore industry, where complementary competencies within the Group’s three business units - Maritime, Oil and Gas and Renewables - meant that contributions were made to projects on multiple fronts, with cable laying and installation, offshore wind farms and wind turbine installation vessels, being notable examples, Mr

Bullwinkel noted. Mr Ryan Bishop, GL’s new Area Manager for North America, introduced the topics of the day and followed up with a detailed examination of the GL’s activities in the region. He looked at some of the focus points for GL in the area over 2013 and 2013, especially the use of LNG as a ship fuel, which was increasing of interest to ship owners in light of the ECA introduction, he said, and was an area where GL has considerable experience, having undertaken many projects over recent years, including research on bunkering technologies and port logistics, cost studies for container vessels, overseeing the first conversion of a vessel in service and approval in principle of new designs. The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) will bring sweeping changes to the maritime industry. Ratification by the Philippines earlier this year means that the MLC 2006 will enter into force in one year. More than 50,000 commercial vessels will be affected, as well as crewing agencies, ship owners and operators. Joe Cox, from the American Shipping Chamber of Commerce, looked at the impact of the Convention from an owner’s perspective. Sander Wielemaker, from GL, showed how careful planning, consulting with the right people, and a clear understanding and awareness of what the Convention requires, could help to avoid costly pitfalls, delays and speed compliance. The GL Group, offered training, consulting and certification, relating to the Convention, she said, and taking

early action to avoid a logjam closer to the entry into force date while benefiting from improved recruitment opportunities, was in the interest of every ship owner and operator. The challenge of improving vessel efficiency heads the agenda of every ship owner and operator. With sailing speeds reduced across the board, fuel efficiency has become the biggest lever to increase cost competitiveness. Both regulatory agencies and the industry are developing mechanisms to improve efficiency and in 2013 the IMO’s EEDI and SEEMP regulations will enter into force, in an effort to spur innovation and reduce CO2 emissions. The new US Coast Guard Sub-Chapter M relating to Towing Vessel Inspection proposes safety regulations governing the inspection, standards, and safety management systems of towing vessels. The proposal includes provisions covering: Specific electrical and machinery requirements for new and existing towing vessels, the use and approval of third-party auditors and surveyors, and procedures for obtaining Certificates of Inspection. Jennifer Carpenter, from American Waterways Operators, examined at the history and development of the regulation, gave the attendees a view of industry opiion on the new measure and the potential future effects on the industry of its implementation. Paul Gallagher, GL, focused on the inspection process, an overview of the regulations and the class requirements owners and operators would face.

Industry news


Henrik O. Madsen Chief Executive Officer, DNV

The world of energy is changing The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that USD 10 trillion will be spent in the energy industry between 2010 and 2030. Stricter environmental regulations and increased fuel costs will drive a transition towards cleaner fossil fuel, energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources and more cost-effective power generation, transmission and distribution. This energy transition will cause major changes in the energy system, from source to end consumer, and will result in new business models throughout the energy value chain. The world of energy is certainly changing. In this changing world of energy, DNV is also in a transition process. Historically, DNV has been strongest in the shipping industry, and this is still true. Our solid base in the maritime industry has allowed us to branch out into the oil and gas sector, where we now have a firmly established presence. From there, we have expanded into cleaner energy, built up our work in certification, and have now expanded further within power generation and transmission, gas distribution and sustainable energy use. Broad service portfolio At the end of last year, we were pleased to announce a strategic investment in KEMA – a Dutch company that is a global leader in the fields of energy consulting and testing & certification and has world-class expertise in the gas, energy grid and energy efficiency sectors. We have acquired 74.3% of the shares in KEMA and are in the process of integrating KEMA into the DNV Group. This will truly broaden our service portfolio within the energy field. I’m happy to say that we’ve found a solid, innovative and international partner that shares our strategic vision, purpose and values. Together we are committed to driving the global transition towards a safe, reliable, efficient and clean energy future. I feel confident that with this move we are well positioned to meet the demands of tomorrow’s energy world. We can now offer a broad portfolio of services. And with a staff of more than 10,000 highly competent professionals at offices in more than 100 countries, we will continue to offer the highest quality services wherever this is needed. Nafs mag. October 2012 /

Underwater bow thruster removal Hydrex performed the removal of a bow thruster that needed to be overhauled, and reinstalled a spare unit in one take. Both parts of the operation were carried out during a 200-meter container vessel’s stop in Antwerp. A diver/technician team carried out a preliminary inspection and took the necessary measurements prior to the ship’s journey to Antwerp, while the ship was berthed in Algeciras. This allowed the Hydrex technical department to prepare every step of the operation in detail to make sure that the team could carry out both the removal of the old bow thruster unit and the installation of the new unit during a single operation, in the fastest possible time and without any loss of quality. Together with all the necessary equipment, the team mobilized from the headquarters in Antwerp to the vessel’s location. One by one the diver/technicians detached the blades and replaced them with blind flanges to prevent oil from leaking from the thruster. In the meantime, initial preparations were made in the bow thruster engine room for the removal of the unit so that there would be no ingress of water once the unit was taken out. Next the team cut the support brackets connecting the gearbox to the thruster tunnel and secured the unit with chains. It could then be fully disconnected from the thruster room and was carefully lowered, extracted from the tunnel and brought to the surface. Simultaneously the team installed a blind flange to seal off the thruster tunnel from the engine room. Once the old unit has been overhauled it will be used as spare thruster for future operations. Next the new bow thruster unit was put on a cradle which was designed specially for bow thruster operations and which prevents the unit from tipping. As it can be adjusted to the size of the thruster, it allowed the Hydrex divers to bring the unit back into the thruster tunnel in one take. Hydrex took on, organized and executed the entire job, start to finish, relieving the customer of all the hassle of coordination, planning and supervision. This was done in close cooperation with the customer and third party suppliers. To keep the delay for the customer to the absolute minimum, diver/technicians worked in shifts around the clock. By performing both the removal and reinstallation of the bow thruster unit underwater the vessel did not have to go into drydock, saving the owner valuable time and money.

Always chemical-free.

40% less power consumption from now on.

PureBallast 2.0 gives you more When ballast water treatment regulations take effect,

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Alfa Laval AEBE, 20th km Lavrion Avenue, Thesis Karella, 194 00 Koropi-Attica Tel. 210-6683500, Fax 210-6643960, e-mail


Industry news

Lloyd’s Register introduces a new service

The Prelude FLNG project

The service will help ship-owners, builders and designers to optimise the performance of their ships Focus is on supporting more efficient ship designs and retrofit solutions for those in service Lloyd’s Register has created a performance-optimisation service that will support shipowners, builders and designers who are looking to develop solutions that offer more efficient performances for new and existing designs, and retrofits for ships in service. “We are looking at the whole ship and its operational requirements,” says Luis Benito, Lloyd’s Register’s Singapore-based Marketing Manager. ”Of course, right now, it’s all about reducing fuel-oil consumption. The market needs to know what’s feasible for existing ships as well as for new designs. We think that independent technical analysis and verification of performance is essential to making progress.” Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as the central technological capability, Lloyd’s Register is offering performance analysis that reaches well beyond the boundaries of traditional classification. The CFD team is led by Dr Dejan Radosavljevic, who has nearly 30 years’ experience in the field. ”Our track record of combining CFD with in-service measurements and observations to deal with issues related to propulsion hydrodynamics puts us in a great position to apply this problem-solving knowledge to finding and verifying new ways to improve operational efficiency,” said Dr Radosavljevic. “The large body of work and in-service data we’ve built up over the years has helped us to fine tune our processes and validate our full-scale CFD analyses, so we can always seek solutions from computerised models of full-scale ships operating in real conditions.” Benito said joining up the different areas of expertise within Lloyd’s Register is the key to providing an unrivalled service. ”When looking at new ideas and innovation either for retrofit or newbuilds, we can marry sophisticated CFD tools with other skills that we have in Lloyd’s Register,” he said. “Working with the technical insight of our energy-management experts, we can help to generate and analyse the solutions needed to create more efficient ships.” The service’s team of energy-management experts will be led by Katharine Palmer, Manager, Marine Product Development -- Environment. Working with Benito to provide leadership in new design and novel concepts is Hector Sewell, Global Head of Marine Business Development. ”It’s all about the bottom line,” says Sewell. ”It’s one thing to that say something has been optimised. It’s quite another to have gone through a clear process of analysis and verification that helps clients to make decisions with confidence.” Nafs mag. October 2012 /

Today Shell celebrated the cutting of first steel for the game-changing Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility’s substructure with joint venture participants, Inpex and KOGAS, and lead contractor, the Technip Samsung Consortium, at Samsung Heavy Industries’ Geoje shipyard in South Korea. Shell’s Projects & Technology Director Matthias Bichsel commented: “We are cutting 7.6 tonnes of steel for the Prelude floating liquefied natural gas facility today, but in total, more than 260,000 tonnes of steel will be fabricated and assembled for the facility. That’s around five times the amount of steel used to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Today’s ceremony marks a major milestone in this project, when the innovative thinking and new technology and engineering solutions which will make FLNG possible begin to be realised.” When completed, the Prelude FLNG facility will be 488 metres long and 74 metres wide, making it the largest offshore floating facility ever built. When fully equipped and with its cargo tanks full, it will weigh more than 600,000 tonnes. There will be over 3,000 kilometres of electrical and instrumentation cables on the FLNG facility, the distance from Barcelona to Moscow. “Making FLNG a reality is no simple feat,” Matthias continued. “Shell is uniquely positioned to make it a success given our commercial capability; our LNG, offshore, deepwater and marine technology; and our proven ability to successfully deliver megaprojects.”

KROHNE Skarpenord offers complete solutions for monitoring of liquids onboard all kinds of ships

Monitoring of liquid cargo is in safe hands CARGOMASTER® – The all-in-one tank monitoring system CARGOMASTER® is the complete solution for tank monitoring. The system is well proven and is installed on all kinds of vessels. Combined with the high precision cargo tank level radar OPTIWAVE 8300 C Marine, the system offers unique benefits for tanker operators.

EcoMATE® – System for monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering EcoMATE® is a reliable system for monitoring of fuel consumption and bunkering operations. Together with the OPTIMASS series of flowmeters, it offers accurate and maintenance free solutions for all fuel systems.

INTRA MARE HELLAS (Greece representative) Tel.: +30 210 4293843 | Email: |


Industry news

Ο.Λ.Π. Συνάντηση Ανωμερίτη - ΣΕΕΝ

Στον Πειραιά το “MEIN SCHIFF 2” Σημαντική άνοδο στις εμπορικές δραστηριότητες του ΟΛΠ 1 | ΣΕΜΠΟ Συνέχεια στην καλή πορεία του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. με σημαντική αύξηση στη διακίνηση εμπορευμάτων στους Σταθμούς Εμπορευματοκιβωτίων και Αυτοκινήτων έδειξαν τα προσωρινά στοιχεία 8αμήνου (Ιανουάριος-Αύγουστος 2012) των αρμόδιων Διευθύνσεων. Συγκεκριμένα: α) ο Σταθμός Εμπορευματοκιβωτίων σημείωσε αύξηση 34,4% και διακίνησε 436.244 TEU’s το 2012 έναντι 324.598 το αντίστοιχο περσινό διάστημα. β) Οι Σταθμοί Αυτοκινήτων διακίνησαν 296.293 οχήματα έναντι 277.415 το αντίστοιχο διάστημα του 2011 σημειώνοντας αύξηση 6,80%. Η αύξηση αυτή στο Car Terminal, παρά τη σημαντική μείωση των εισαγωγών αυτοκινήτων (-41,30%), οφείλεται στην πολιτική προσέλκυσης transit αυτοκινήτων που σημείωσε αύξηση 19,89% χάρις στην επέκταση του νέου Car Terminal στο Ν. Ικόνιο. Παρά τη δημοσιονομική κρίση, τη συνεχιζόμενη ύφεση της ελληνικής οικονομίας αλλά και τους χαμηλούς ρυθμούς ανάπτυξης διεθνώς, ο ΟΛΠ συνεχίζει με θετικά οικονομικά και μεταρρυθμιστικά βήματα τα οποία καθιερώνουν το λιμάνι του Πειραιά ως σημαντικό κόμβο στο χώρο της λιμενικής βιομηχανίας, όπως δήλωσε στη Γενική Συνέλευση τον Ιούνιο του 2012 ο Πρόεδρος & Δ/νων Σύμβουλος του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης. NAFS magazine October, 2012

2 | ΚΡΟΥΑΖΙΕΡΑ Υποδοχή σε ένα ακόμη κρουαζιερόπλοιο, το οποίο επισκέπτεται για πρώτη φορά την Ελλάδα και το λιμάνι του Πειραιά, διοργάνωσε ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. Πρόκειται για το κρουαζιερόπλοιο της TUI CRUISES “MEIN SCHIFF 2” μήκους 262 μέτρων με 2.000 γερμανούς επιβάτες και 800 μέλη πλήρωμα. Τον πλοίαρχο cpt. Κjell Holm, τους αξιωματικούς και το πλήρωμα υποδέχθηκε ο Πρόεδρος & Δ/ νων Σύμβουλος του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης και διευθυντικά στελέχη του Οργανισμού.

3 | ΣΕΕΝ Με το νέο Προεδρείο του Συνδέσμου Επιχειρήσεων Επιβατηγού Ναυτιλίας (ΣΕΕΝ) συναντήθηκε η Διοίκηση του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. προκειμένου να εξετασθούν θέματα, τα οποία αφορούν την ακτοπλοΐα και την κρουαζιέρα. Το Προεδρείο του ΣΕΕΝ (κ.κ. Μιχάλης Σακέλλης, Αντώνης Αγαπητός, Μιχάλης Καψάλης και Αδαμάντιος Κρασανάκης) έθεσαν ως κύρια θέματα για συζήτηση: (α) την τιμολογιακή πολιτική του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε., (β) το θέμα διαχείρισης αποβλήτων, (γ) την ανακύκλωση ορισμένων στερεών καταλοίπων, (δ) την ηλεκτροδότηση των πλοίων από χερσαίες υποδομές και (ε) θέματα λειτουργικά σε σχέση με την κρουαζιέρα και τις υπηρεσίες λιμένα.

Τιμήθηκαν οι ναυτικοί Βαλκανικών πολέμων


4 | ΒΡΑΒΕΙΑ Η διοίκηση του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε., τιμώντας τους ναυτικούς των νικηφόρων βαλκανικών πολέμων, με αφορμή την 100ετία από τη διεξαγωγή τους, επισκέφτηκε και καλωσόρισε τον πλοίαρχο, τους αξιωματικούς και το πλήρωμα του υποβρυχίου “ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΗΣ”, το οποίο για πρώτη φορά επισκέπτεται τις εγκαταστάσεις του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. στα πλαίσια των εορτασμών. Όπως είναι γνωστό, ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. παραχώρησε τρεις θέσεις ελλιμενισμού στην περιοχή Κρουαζιέρας (πρώην Εκθεσιακό Κέντρο-Παγόδα), προκειμένου να δοθεί η ευκαιρία στους πολίτες να επισκεφθούν το υποβρύχιο «ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΗΣ», τη φρεγάτα «ΚΟΥΝΤΟΥΡΙΩΤΗΣ» και την πυραυλάκατο «ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ» κατά Photography τη διάρκεια του τριημέρουJohn τουDoe εορτασμού, - Photo Duneαπό Παρασκευή 5 Οκτωβρίου έως και Κυριακή 7 Οκτωβρίου.


Industry news


Celebrity Reflection

Τέσσερις υπάλληλοι της Celebrity Cruises θα είναι οι ανάδοχοι του νέου Celebrity Reflection. Η Celebrity Cruises ξεκινά το Μήνα Ευαισθητοποίησης για τον Καρκίνο του Μαστού με έναν ιδιαίτερο και σημαντικό τρόπο: Ο κ. Richard D.Fain, Πρόεδρος της Celebrity Cruises και Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της μητρικής εταιρείας Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. και ο Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Celebrity, Michael Bayley ανακοίνωσαν την περασμένη εβδομάδα τα σχέδια της εταιρείας να τιμήσει NAFS magazine October, 2012

τέσσερις υπαλλήλους της Celebrity, δύο που εργάζονται σε κρουαζιερόπλοια και δύο που εργάζονται στα κεντρικά γραφεία της εταιρείας, και να τις ονομάσει αναδόχους του Celebrity Reflection, του νεότευκτου και πέμπτου κατά σειρά κρουαζιερόπλοιου κατηγορίας Solstice. Όπως και οι ανάδοχοι σε κάθε προηγούμενο κρουαζιερόπλοιο κατηγορίας Solstice, όλες τους με επιτεύγματα ζωής, όπως η καταπολέμηση

του καρκίνου του μαστού, ο σκοπός αυτός έχει προσωπικό ενδιαφέρον για όλες τους. Οι ανάδοχες του Celebrity Reflection είναι οι εξής:

• Jovanka Goronjic –Η Jovanka εργάζεται στο προσωπικό του AquaSpa της Celebrity Cruises από το 2009, ενώ πριν ήταν μέλος του πληρώματος κρουαζιερόπλοιων της Royal Caribbean International. Η μητέρα της διαγνώσθηκε με καρκίνο του μαστού το 2005 και υποβλήθηκε σε αρκετές θεραπείες. Στη μνήμη της μητέρας της η Jovanka δώρισε τα μαλλιά της για τη δημιουργία περουκών για ασθενείς με καρκίνο. Με υποστήριξη από την

Industry news


Μια σειρά από ειδικές εκδηλώσεις θα συμπληρώσουν το πρόγραμμα της εταιρείας για την καταπολέμηση του καρκίνου του μαστού Η Royal Caribbean Cruises ανακοίνωσε πρόσφατα ότι ο Michael Bayley έχει προαχθεί στη θέση του Προέδρου και του Διευθύνοντος Συμβούλου της Celebrity Cruises, αντικαθιστώντας τον Dan Hanrahan, ο οποίος αποχώρησε πρόσφατα

Επίσης, η κα Lisa LutoffPerlo θα προαχθεί σε Ανώτατη Αντιπρόεδρο του Τμήματος Λειτουργιών της Royal Caribbean International. Η κα LutoffPerlo διαθέτει 37 χρόνια καριέρας στην εταιρεία και έχει περάσει από μια σειρά θέσεων, τόσο στην Celebrity Cruises, όσο και στην Royal Caribbean International.

Celebrity Cruises,πήρε άδεια από τη δουλειά της για να βρίσκεται με τη μητέρα της κατά τη διάρκεια της θεραπείας της. Η μητέρα της κατάφερε να καταπολεμήσει την ασθένεια και η Jovanka είναι πλέον Μάνατζερ στο AquaSpa στο Celebrity Constellation.

• Megan Mathie – Η Megan είναι καλλιτέχνης φυσητού γυαλιού στο Hot Glass Show στο Celebrity Solstice και πριν από αυτό στο Celebrity Eclipse. Νωρίτερα στο 2012, πληροφ0ρήθηκε ότι και η αδερφή της και η μητέρα της διαγνώσθηκαν με καρκίνο του μαστού και έφυγε για το σπίτι της ώστε να είναι κοντά τους. Ωστόσο και οι δύο την έπεισαν να επιστρέψει στο κρουαζιερόπλοιο και να

συνεχίσει τη δουλειά της. Αποφασισμένη να υποστηρίξει αυτό τον σκοπό, η Megan και η ομάδα της διοργάνωσαν μια ειδική εκδήλωση, το Hot Pink Glass Show, το οποίο επαναλαμβάνεται σε κάθε κρουαζιέρα. Εκεί μοιράζεται την ιστορία της, τιμώντας την αδερφή και τη μητέρα της. Στο τέλος κάθε κρουαζιέρας η Megan δημοπρατεί μια μοναδική ροζ γυάλινη δημιουργία για να συγκεντρώσει χρήματα για το The Breast Cancer Research Foundation®. • Helen O’Connell – Η Helen εργάζεται οκτώ χρόνια στην εταιρεία, ως υπεύθυνη για τις Σχέσεις με την Κοινότητα και διαθέτει ένα ξεκάθαρο πάθος για την προσφορά στην κοινότητά της. Εκτιμάται

ιδιαίτερα, τόσο εσωτερικά, όσο και εξωτερικά για τον ηγετικό της ρόλο την ετήσια ημέρα “G.I.V.E. (Get Involved, Volunteer Everywhere)” και σε σχετικές εκδηλώσεις στην Φλόριντα, σε πολλά γραφεία της εταιρείας και λιμάνια σε όλο τον κόσμο. Η Helen είναι επίσης ο σύνδεσμος της εταιρείας με το ίδρυμα Make-A-Wish και υποστηρίζει τις εκδηλώσεις της Celebrity υπέρ των σκοπών του BCRF. Πριν διαγνωστεί η ίδια με καρκίνο του μαστού το 2009, ταξίδευε στη Νέα Υόρκη κάθε εβδομάδα για τρεις μήνες για να φροντίσει τον πατέρα της, που επίσης πάλευε με τον καρκίνο των οστών. Η Helen έβαζε πάντα τις ανάγκες των άλλων πριν από τις δικές της, όντας εθελόντρια σε πολυάριθμες οργανώσεις στη Φλόριντα και φροντίζοντας την άρρωστη θεία της στην Ιρλανδία, έχοντας όμως πάντα τη δουλειά πρώτη της προτεραιότητα.

• Rosey Rodriguez – Υπάλληλος στην RCCL για 17 χρόνια, η Rosey είναι υπεύθυνη για τις Ειδικές Εκδηλώσεις της εταιρείας και γνωστή στην Celebrity για την σημαντική συμβολή της στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση των εκδηλώσεων που αφορούν τα κρουαζιερόπλοια κατηγορίας Solstice. Είναι ανύπαντρη μητέρα δύο παιδιών, του 21χρονου Joey και της 15χρονης Alexis. Στις 8 Ιουνίου του 2012, διαγνώσθηκε με καρκίνο του μαστού τύπου 3 και έκτοτε είναι αποφασισμένη να τον νικήσει. Ενώ πολλές γυναίκες θα έπαιρναν νόμιμη άδεια από την εργασία του για τις θεραπείες η Rosey παίρνει μαζί τον υπολογιστή της για να μπορεί να εργάζεται από μακριά. Οι συνάδελφοί της λένε ότι αυτό είναι χαρακτηριστικό της Rosey, καθώς βάζει τους πάντες και τα πάντα, ακόμη και τη δουλειά της, πριν από τις επιθυμίες της. Οι τέσσερις ανάδοχοι του Celebrity Reflection θα βρίσκονται στο Μαϊάμι στην τελετή ονοματοδοσίας του κρουαζιερόπλοιου, που θα γίνει την 1η Δεκεμβρίου και σύμφωνα με την παράδοση της Celebrity, μαζί τους θα βρίσκονται όλες οι ανάδοχοι των υπόλοιπων πλοίων κατηγορίας Solstice. NAFS magazine October, 2012

ταξίδι στη γνώση


Ιστορικά ΑΡΧΑΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΓΧΡΟΝΕΣ ΑΝΤΙΛΗΨΕΙΣ Γ ΙΑ ΤΟ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ Είναι σταθερό και ακίνητο ή διαστελλόμενο; Οι σύγρονοι επιστήμονες είναι διχασμένοι, καθώς τα υποατομικά σωματίδια «παίζουν κρυφτούλι». Πλίνιος: Μπροστά στο τιτάνιο έργο του Ιππάρχου θα μπορούσε να οπισθοχωρήσει ακόμη και ο Θεός. Του Κώστα Δούκα

Αν κρίνει κανείς από τις μεγάλες δαπάνες των κρατών για την εξερεύνηση του διαστήματος, κατανοεί ότι το ενδιαφέρον της ανθρωπότητας για την κοσμογονία παραμένει αδιάπτωτο. Οι θεωρίες περί κοσμογονίας διαδέχονται η μία την άλλη. Οι περισσότερες είναι θνησιγενείς. Κάποιες ζούν το πολύ μερικές δεκαετίες και μετά αναθεωρούνται ή ανατρέπονται από τα νέα δεδομένα που έρχονται στο φώς, κυρίως από τους μεγάλους επιταχυντές, στους οποίους τώρα έχουν στηριχθεί όλες οι ελπίδες γιά την ανακάλυψη του σωματιδίου (μποζονίου) higgs, που θα μας αποκαλύψει ότι είμαστε προϊόν της Μεγάλης Έκρηξης (Big Bang). Πολλοί πιστεύουν ότι το Σύμπαν δημιουργήθηκε πρίν από 13,7 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια (αλήθεια, ποιός μπορεί να το διαψεύσει άραγε;), αλλά δεν μας λένε τί υπήρξε πρίν από την Μεγάλη Έκρηξη. Άλλοι πάλι, που έχουν διαβάσει βαθύτερα τους αρχαίους Έλληνες φιλοσόφους και επιστήμονες, πιστεύουν ότι το Σύμπαν είναι σταθερό και δεν γεννήθηκε ποτέ. Άλλοι επιστήμονες, στηριζόμενοι στις πλάτες γιγάντων του παρελθόντος, λοξοδρομούν από το λεγόμενο «καθιερωμένο πρότυπο» και αναπτύσσουν παράδοξες και

αναπόδεικτες θεωρίες, στις οποίες δίνουν εξ ίσου παράδοξα ονόματα, όπως «σκουλικότρυπες», «θεωρία των μεμβρανών», «θεωρία των χορδών» ή της «υπερσυμμετρίας» κ.ά. Όλοι αυτοί προσπαθούν να επινοήσουν μία νέα θεωρία, που την έχουν προκαταβολικά βαφτίσει «Θεωρία των πάντων», η οποία θα εξηγεί τα πάντα. Αλλά μία τέτοια θεωρία αποτελεί επί του παρόντος ουτοπία, γιατί θα πρέπει να ανακαλυφθούν νέα μαθηματικά. Η πρόοδος της τεχνολογίας έδωσε στην αστρονομία τέτοιες δυνατότητες, ώστε να υποστηρίζεται πιά ότι ο άνθρωπος βρίσκεται πολύ κοντά στην επίλυση μεγάλων προβλημάτων που υπάρχουν στο Σύμπαν. Μέσα σ’ αυτή την σύγχυση και τον παραλογισμό πολλές φορές των συγχρόνων επιστημόνων, έρχεται να προβάλλει η ήρεμη σκέψη των αρχαίων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων, οι οποίοι προσπάθησαν και το κατάφεραν σε σημαντικό βαθμό να προσεγγίσουν τον Δημιουργό φιλοσοφικά και όχι μηχανιστικά, όπως προσπαθεί σήμερα η επιστήμη, η οποία στηρίχθηκε στις σκέψεις αυτών των γιγάντων της Ελληνικής αρχαιότητας, γιά ν’ αναπτυχθεί στον βαθμό που γνωρίζουμε. Ο μέγας Παρμενίδης γιά

Ζήνων ο Ελεάτης

ταξίδι στη γνώση

Θεωρίες Κοσμογωνίας Πολλοί πιστεύουν ότι το Σύμπαν δημιουργήθηκε πρίν από 13,7 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια (αλήθεια, ποιός μπορεί να το διαψεύσει άραγε;), αλλά δεν μας λένε τί υπήρξε πρίν από την Μεγάλη Έκρηξη. Άλλοι πάλι, που έχουν διαβάσει βαθύτερα τους αρχαίους Έλληνες φιλοσόφους και επιστήμονες, πιστεύουν ότι το Σύμπαν είναι σταθερό και δεν γεννήθηκε ποτέ.

Αστρονομία των Ελλήνων Η Ελλάς του 5ου π.Χ. αιώνος είχε εμπεδώσει πλέον την αντίληψη ότι η Γη είναι σφαιρική. Ο Αναξαγόρας ήταν ο πρώτος που υποστήριξε ότι ο ήλιος είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερος από την Γη και διάπυρος, δηλαδή φλεγόμενος. Ο Δημόκριτος ήταν ο πρώτος που αντελήφθη, ότι ο Γαλαξίας αποτελείται από πλήθος αστέρων «συμφωτιζομένων διά την απόστασιν», δηλαδή ότι λόγω αποστάσεως δεν διακρίνονται ως αστέρες, αλλά συμφωτίζονται και δίνουν την εντύπωση νέφους.


‘Τεράστια η προσφορά των αρχαίων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων και επιστημόνων όπως ο Θαλής ο Μιλήσιος, ο Αρίσταρχος ο Σάμιος, ο Δημόκριτος, ο Λεύκιππος, ο Αναξαγόρας, ο Εύδοξος, ο Ερατοσθένης, ο Κλεομήδης, ο Τιμόχαρις, ο Αρίστυλλος, ο Παρμενίδης, ο Ζήνων ο Ελεάτης και πολλοί άλλοι.’ παράδειγμα, έχει τόσο πολύ και τόσο βαθειά επηρεάσει την σύγχρονη αστρονομία και αστροφυσική, ώστε οι οπαδοί της θεωρίας του Big Bang υποχρεώθηκαν να δεχθούν την αρχή του, ότι δηλαδή δεν υπάρχει μηδέν και ότι εκ του μηδενός δεν γεννάται τίποτε. Έτσι, οι σύγχρονοι επιστήμονες, προκειμένου να στηρίξουν την θεωρία του Big Bang, δέχθηκαν ότι υπήρχε ένα υπερσυμπυκνωμένο άτομο, το οποίο περιείχε...όλο το ορατό σύμπαν, και το οποίο εξερράγη κάποτε. Τώρα, γιατί να γίνει όλη αυτή η αναστάστωση, δεν μας το εξηγούν. Ποιούς μπορεί να πείσει η ακατανόητη

αυτή θεωρία, αν συγκριθεί με την απείρως περισσότερο πειστική αντίληψη του Παρμενίδη, ότι το Σύμπαν δεν γεννήθηκε ποτέ, διότι τότε θα είχε αρχή, οπότε μοιραίως θα ερχόταν και το τέλος. Κι ακόμη ότι το Σύμπαν, το Ον όπως το αποκαλεί, είναι αιώνιο, πλήρες και ακίνητο.

Η τεράστια προσφρορά των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων Καταπλήσσει ακόμη και τα σημερινά ιερά τέρατα της αστρονομίας η τεράστια προσφορά των αρχαίων Ελλήνων αστρονόμων, των πρώτων σε όλο τον κόσμο από την εποχή

των Ορφικών, που ενδιαφέρθηκαν να μάθουν τι συμβαίνει όταν χάνονται τ’ αστέρια από τον ουράνιο θόλο, και προσπάθησαν να εξηγήσουν τα ουράνια φαινόμενα. Ο πρώτος που προέβλεψε ηλιακή έκλειψη, ήταν ο Θαλής ο Μιλήσιος. Προέβλεψε με ακρίβεια ότι θα συμβεί στις 28 Μαΐου του 585 π.Χ. Μάλιστα δε , εκμεταλλεύθηκε την «προφητεία» αυτή γιά να ειρηνεύσει τους εμπολέμους Λυδούς και Μήδους. Η Ελλάς του 5ου π.Χ. αιώνος είχε εμπεδώσει πλέον την αντίληψη ότι η Γη είναι σφαιρική. Ο Αναξαγόρας ήταν ο πρώτος που υποστήριξε ότι ο ήλιος είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερος από την Γη και διάπυρος, δηλαδή

Ο Θαλής ο Μιλήσιος, ο θεμελιωτής της Ελληνικής Γεωμετρίας, κατόρθωσε να μετρήσει το ύψος των πυραμίδων, συγκρίνοντας το μήκος της σκιάς τους με το μήκος σκιάς ράβδου ορισμένου μήκους.

φλεγόμενος. Ο Δημόκριτος ήταν ο πρώτος που αντελήφθη, ότι ο Γαλαξίας αποτελείται από πλήθος αστέρων «συμφωτιζομένων διά την απόστασιν», δηλαδή ότι λόγω αποστάσεως δεν διακρίνονται ως αστέρες, αλλά συμφωτίζονται και δίνουν την εντύπωση νέφους. Τι να πεί κανείς γιά τον Εύδοξο (4ο8-335 π.Χ.) από την Κνίδο, ο οποίος επενόησε την «διόπτρα» και την ονόμασε «αράχνη» γιά τις έρευνές του. Ο Αριστοφάνης αναφέρει στις «Νεφέλες» ότι ο υάλινος φακός ήταν από τότε γνωστός. Η μεγαλοφυής ανακάλυψη του Ευδόξου ήταν ότι διατύπωσε την θεωρία περί της τροχιάς των


ταξίδι στη γνώση

Εύδοξος: Από τους μεγαλυτέρους μαθηματικούς της αρχαιότητος.

Δημόκριτος: Ο θεμελιωτής της πυρηνικής επιστήμης.

Παρμενίδης:Δεν επιτρέπεται να μιλάμε για το μηδέν, γιατί τίποτε δεν μπορεί να γίνει εκ του μή όντος.

πλανητών, δεχόμενος ότι αυτοί κινούνται επί των περιφερειών ομοκέντρων σφαιρών. Πάνω σ’ αυτό το μεγαλοπρεπές επιστημονικό οικοδόμημα που ίδρυσε ο Εύδοξος, στηρίχθηκαν αργότερα ο Αρίσταρχος και ο Ίππαρχος. Ο Αρίσταρχος ο Σάμιος που έζησε από το 320- 250 π.Χ., ήταν από τους μεγαλύτερους αστρονόμους όλων των εποχών και από τα φωτεινότερα πνεύματα της Ελληνικής και της παγκόσμιας αρχαιότητας..Ήταν ο πρώτος που ανεκάλυψε το ηλιοκεντρικό σύστημα του κόσμου, κάτι βέβαια που πρώτοι είχαν καθορίσει οι Ορφικοί. Την τεράστια αυτή ανακάλυψη εκμεταλλεύθηκε ο Πολωνός αστρονόμος Κοπέρνικος, έκλεψε την σκέψη του Αριστάρχου, καθώς είχε στην κατοχή του τα αρχαία κείμενα και γνώριζε λατινικά και αρχαία ελληνικά. Έτσι ενεφάνισε την ανακάλυψη σαν δική του καινοτομία, με αποτέλεσμα ο κόσμος σήμερα να ονομάζει το ηλιοκεντρικό πλανητικό σύστημα ως «Κοπερνίκειο», αντί «Αριστάρχειο». Ο μεγαλοφυής Ερατοσθένης, που γεννήθηκε στην Κυρήνη της Βορ. Αφρικής, ήταν ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που μέτρησε την περιφέρεια της Γης. Και να πώς: Αναφέρθηκε στον Ερατοσθένη ότι στην πόλη Συήνη, που βρισκόταν 5.000 στάδια νοτίως της Αλεξανδρείας, ο Ήλιος αντικατοπτρίζεται την 21 Ιουνίου το μεσημέρι στο κέντρο ενός πηγαδιού. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι ο Ήλιος βρίσκεται στην κατακόρυφη θέση του. Στην Αλεξάνδρεια την ίδια ημέρα και

ώρα, οι ακτίνες του Ηλίου σχημάτιζαν με την κατακόρυφο γωνία Α , η οποία είναι ίση με την γωνία Β, που σχηματίζουν η κατακόρυφος της Συήνης και η κατακόρυφος της Αλεξανδρείας. Ο Ερατοσθένης μέτρησε την γωνία Α και την βρήκε 7 μοίρες και 12 πρώτα λεπτά. Σκέφθηκε λοιπόν: Αφού οι 7 μοίρες και τα 12 πρώτα λεπτά αντιστοιχούν σε μήκος 5.000 σταδίων, τότε στις 360 μοίρες που έχει ο κύκλος (και φυσικά κι αυτό είναι αρχαιοελληνική ανακάλυψη), οι οποίες είναι 50 φορές μεγαλύτερες από τις 7 μοίρες και 12 πρώτα λεπτά, θα αντιστοιχεί σε μήκος 250.000 σταδίων. Κάθε αττικό στάδιο έχει μήκος 164 μέτρα. Επομένως, συνεπέρανε, ότι

η περίμετρος της Γης είναι 41.000 χιλιόμετρα. Στην πραγματικότητα η περίμετρος της Γης είναι περίπου 1.000 χιλιόμετρα μεγαλύτερη από την τιμή που έδωσε ο Ερατοσθένης. Αλλά γι’ αυτό το μικρό λάθος δεν φταίει ο Έλληνας σοφός. Φταίνε εκείνοι που είχαν μετρήσει λανθασμένα την απόσταση μεταξύ Συήνης – Αλεξανδρείας, που δεν είναι 5.000 στάδια, δηλαδή 820 χιλιόμετρα, αλλά λίγο μικρότερη, δηλαδή 800 χιλιόμετρα. Έτσι ο Ερατοσθένης υπήρξε ο πρώτος θνητός πού μέτρησε με ακρίβεια την περίμετρο της Γης, χάριν της μεγάλης του παρατηρητικότητας.

Ποιός άλλος θα μπορούσε, βλέποντας τον ήλιο νααντικατοπτρίζεται στο βάθος ενός πηγαδιού, να μετρήσει με τόση ακρίβεια τον γεωγραφικό μεσημβρινό της Γης;

Αρχαιοελληνικά αστρονομικά συγγράμματα Αυτές είναι σπουδαίες θεωρίες, που είχαν και πρακτική απήχηση στην μακρυνή εκείνη εποχή και όχι οι ακαταλαβίστικες θεωρίες περί μεμβρανών, περί σκουλικότρυπων, περί χορδών κλπ. Ποιός άλλος θα μπορούσε, βλέποντας τον ήλιο να αντικατοπτρίζεται στο βάθος ενός πηγαδιού, να μετρήσει με τόση ακρίβεια τον γεωγραφικό μεσημβρινό της Γης; Αλλά ο μεγαλύτερος αστρονόμος όλων των εποχών ήταν ο Ίππαρχος, που έζησε το 190 π.Χ. και γεννήθηκε στην Νίκαια της Βυθηνίας. Τον περισσότερο χρόνο της ζωής του ο Ίππαρχος τον πέρασε στην Ρόδο. Και τι

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δεν έγραψε αυτός ο πανεπιστήμων. Μόνο τους τίτλους των βιβλίων του αν διαβάσει κανείς, αντιλαμβάνεται το μέγιστον του νού του: *Περί αστερισμών. *Μαθηματική Σύνταξις, γνωστή ως Αλμαγέστη. *Περί της των απλανών συντάξεως και του καταστηριγμού. *Περί της των συνανατολών πραγματείας. *Περί μεγεθών και αποστημάτων Ηλίου και Σελήνης, και πολλά άλλα. Ο εμπρησμός της Αλεξανδρινής Βιβλιοθήκης κατέστρεψε όλα σχεδόν τα συγγράμματα του Ιππάρχου, αλλά ευτυχώς πολλά διεσώθησαν από συγγραφείς, όπως ο Πλίνιος, ο Στράβων, ο Θέων ο Σμυρναίος, ο Θέων ο Αλεξανδρεύς και ο Πλούταρχος. Το πιό σημαντικό έργο του Ιππάρχου, γιά το οποίο η ανθρωπότητα του χρωστά αιώνια ευγνωμοσύνη, ήταν η απόφασή του να αριθμήσει όλους τους αστέρες και να προσδιορίσει την θέση ενός εκάστου στον ουρανό, καθώς και την λαμπρότητά τους, ώστε οι μετέπειτα αστρονόμοι να γνωρίζουν τους ορατούς αστέρες επί Ιππάρχου και να μπορούν να αποφαίνονται, αν ένας αστέρας υπήρχε άλλοτε ή ήταν νέος, καθώς επίσης και αν οι αστέρες βρίσκονται πάντα στην ίδια θέση διά μέσου των αιώνων. Ο Πλίνιος αναφέρει ότι μπροστά στο τιτάνειο αυτό έργο που ανέλαβε κι έφερε σε πέρας ο Ίππαρχος, θα μπορούσε να οπισθοχωρήσει ακόμη και ο Θεός. Αλήθεια, αυτούς τους γίγαντες της Αστρονομίας γιατί δεν τους τιμά άραγε η παγκόσμια επιστημονική κοινότητα, η οποία ερωτοτροπεί με τα βραβεία Νόμπελ και αμείβεται πλουσιοπάροχα από τα λεφτά των απανταχού φορολογουμένων, διεξάγοντας έρευνες, οι περισσότερες από τις οποίες απολήγουν στα χέρια των κυβερνήσεων για να καταδειναστεύουν τους λαούς; Γιατί δεν θυμούνται τον Ποσειδώνιο, τον Στωικό φιλόσοφο, συνεχιστή του έργου του Ιππάρχου, που με άγνωστο τρόπο υπολόγισε ότι η απόσταση μεταξύ Γης και Ηλίου είναι 105 εκατομμύρια χιλιόμετρα, αντί του ορθού 150 εκατομμύρια χιλιόμετρα; Ποιός άλλος τόλμησε εκείνη την εποχή, όταν οι περισσότερο σημερινοί ευρωπαϊκοί λαοί ήσαν δενδρόβιοι, να μετρήσει αυτή την απόσταση, η ακρίβεια της οποίας μόλις προσφάτως επιβεβαιώθηκε; Γιατί δεν θυμούνται τον Κλεομήδη, ο οποίος στο έργο του διατυπώνει θαυμάσιες σκέψεις σχετικά με την έκταση του


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συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του αιώνα που διανύουμε, καθώς κατόρθωσε να στείλει άνθρωπο στο διάστημα και εξερευνητικά διαστημόπλοια στους πλανήτες του ηλιακού μας συστήματος κι ακόμη μακρύτερα. Η γενική πεποίθηση που επικρατεί σήμερα περί κοσμογονίας, είναι ότι σε κάποια περίοδο του χρόνου εξερράγη ένα απείρως μικρό άτομο, το οποίο παραδόξως περιέκλειε μέσα του το Σύμπαν, όπως ένα φασόλι π.χ. Κάπως έτσι φαντάζονται οι επιστήμονες την Μεγάλη Έκρηξη, από την οποία δημιουργήθηκαν το περικλείει εν δυνάμει Σύμπαν και ο χωροχρόνος. Το μεγάλο ερώτημα είναι τί υπήρχε πρίν από την έκρηξη. Την απάντηση μία φασολιά. δίνει από τα βάθη των αιώνων μόνο ο Παρμενίδης. Οι επιστήμονες θεωρητικολογώντας εξηγούν την εξέλιξη που Σύμπαντος, καταλήγοντας στο συμπέρασμα Ξενοφάνη, τον Μέλισσο και εκατοντάδες ακολούθησε, όταν το άτομο αυτό με βαθμό ότι ο χώρος είναι άπειρος, αλλά ταυτόχρονα άλλους αρχαιοέλληνες αστρονόμους, οι μεγέθους 10 στην μείον 27 εξερράγη και θεωρεί το Σύμπαν πεπερασμένο, θεωρία που οποίοι με τις ανεπανάληπτες θεωρίες τους και δημιούργησε το Σύμπαν, ή τουλάχιστον αυτό υποστηρίχθηκε όλως προσφάτως από τον επιστημονικές εργασίες τους στέριωσαν στους που βλέπουμε και αντιλαμβανόμαστε. αιώνες την επιστήμη της Αστρονομίας, γιά να Αϊνστάϊν; Η εξέλιξη αυτή χαρακτηρίζεται ως Γιατί δεν θυμούνται τον Κλαύδιο έλθουν πολύ αργότερα νεώτεροι γίγαντες όπως «Καθιερωμένο Πρότυπο» ή «Πληθωριστικό Πτολεμαίο, τον Τιμόχαρη, ένα από τους πλέον ο Γαλιλαίος, ο Νεύτων, ο Κέπλερ και άλλοι γιά Μοντέλο». να δώσουν νέα διάσταση στην Αστρονομία; Ο οξυδερκείς παρατηρητές του ουρανού; Όταν εξερράγη το υπερσυμπυκνωμένο Γιατί δεν μνημονεύουν τον Αρίστυλλο Νεύτων άλλωστε το αναγνώρισε λέγοντας ότι άτομο, γεννήθηκε ταυτόχρονα και ο και άλλους αρχαίους Έλληνες αστρονόμους, το έργο του στηρίχθηκε σε πλάτες γιγάντων. χρόνος. Αλλά και πάλι υπάρχει ένα πελώριο στους οποίους στηρίχθηκε ο Ίππαρχος γιά να ερωτηματικό: Γέννηση του χρόνου; κάνει μία από τις μεγαλύτερες ανακαλύψεις Down of the time, λέει η NASA. στην αστρονομία, που είναι η μετάπτωση Πομφόλυγες οι σύγχρονες Στα επόμενα εκατομμυριοστά του του άξονος της Γης, μία εκ των τριών πιό θεωρίες περί Σύμπαντος δευτερολέπτου δημιουργήθηκε, λένε, ένας σημαντικών κινήσεων του πλανήτη μας; Με τις λίγες αυτές αναφορές σχηματίζει συμφυρμός ύλης, που δημιούργησε στην Γιατί δεν τιμούν στις δεξιώσεις τους και κανείς μία μικρή ιδέα της μεγάλης προσφοράς συνέχεια τα στοιχεία της ύλης. Τότε αρχίζει στις άλλες επιστημονικές εκδηλώσεις τους και της μεγάλης συμβολής των Αρχαιοελλήνων το λεγόμενο πληθωριστικό μοντέλο. τον μεγάλο μύστη Παρμενίδη και τον μαθητή αστρονόμων στις σημερινές αναζητήσεις και Μέσα σε 380.000 χρόνια, το Σύμπαν παίρνει του Ζήνωνα τον Ελεάτη, τον πρώτο άνθρωπο στα σημερινά επιτεύγματα της επιστήμης. την μορφή ενός αυγού, μέσα στο οποίο η που σκέφθηκε τον απειροστικό λογισμό και Ας δούμε όμως συνοπτικά τι πιστεύει η ύλη μετασχηματίζεται και δημιουργούνται οι τον επιστήμονα που πρώτος διετύπωσε, κατά σημερινή Αστρονομία γιά το σύμπαν και την γαλαξίες. τον πολύ Έρμαν Ντηλ, την γενική θεωρία της κοσμογονία. Περνούν άλλα 13,7 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια, Σχετικότητος; Δεν υπάρχει αμφιβολία ότι η αστρονομία γιά να φθάσουμε στην σημερινή εποχή, Γιατί δεν μνημονεύουν τον Αναξαγόρα, έχει πραγματοποιήσει τεράστια με ένα Σύμπαν σκοτεινό και κατάσπαρτο τον Αναξίμανδρο, τον Αναξιμένη, τον άλματα τους τελευταίους δύο αιώνες, με γαλαξίες, οι οποίοι στο εσωτερικό τους Nafs mag. October 2012 /

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φαίνονται να φλέγονται, αλλά αν κάποιος βρεθεί εκεί, θα βρίκεται και πάλι στο σκοτάδι, καθώς το «πρώτο φώς» έχει εξαφινισθεί ύστερα από την Μεγάλη Έκρηξη. Μερικοί επιστήμονες υπόσχονται ότι...θα ξαναγυρίσει! Αστειότητες βέβαια. Εμείς πάνω στην Γη, όπου είμαστε γραπωμένοι σαν την σκουριά, δεν μπορούμε ν’ αντιληφθούμε το απόλυτο σκότος που επικρατεί στο διάστημα. Μόνο την νύχτα, όταν δύει ο ήλιος, σχηματίζουμε μιά ιδέα του σκότους. Αν όμως βρεθούμε με κάποιο τρόπο στο διάστημα, τότε θ’ αντιληφθούμε το ερεβώδες σκότος και το απόλυτο ψύχος που μας περιβάλλει. Ακόμη και στα φλεγόμενα κέντρα των γαλαξιών, που είναι κατά δισεκατομμύρια διάσπαρτοι σε όλο το Σύμπαν, επικρατεί σκότος. Τόσο διάσπαρτη είναι η ύλη και τόσο ιλιγγιώδεις οι αποστάσεις. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που δεν μπορούμε να έχουμε την παραμικρή αντίληψη γιά το φώς του δικού μας γαλαξία, μέσα στον οποίο βρισκόμαστε. Γιά να τον δούμε «φλεγόμενο», θα πρέπει ν’απομακρυνθούμε εκατοντάδες εκατομμύρια έτη φωτός. Άλλ’ αυτό το προνόμιο ο άνθρωπος δεν θα το έχει ποτέ, δηλαδή να δεί τον Γαλαξία του όπως βλέπει τους μακρινούς γαλαξίες, που φαίνονται φλεγόμενοι περί το κέντρο τους, αλλά που είναι εξ ίσου σκοτεινοί γιά τα όντα που τυχόν θα τους κατοικούν.

Οι αντιλήψεις της ΝΑΣΑ για την εξέλιξη του Σύμπαντος με βάση τις απεικονίσεις των τεχνητών δορυφόρων.

Έκπληκτοι και σοκαρισμένοι οι επιστήμονες σήμερα, βλέπουν ότι το άτομο δεν διασπάται πέραν κάποιας οριακής απειροελάχιστης διαστάσεως. Τα πυρηνικά υποσωματίδια του ατόμου δεν διασπώνται περαιτέρω, αλλά μεταστοιχειώνονται εκ νέου στα αρχικά σωματίδια, τα οποία ζουν γιά ένα απειροελάχιστο κλάσμα του δευτερολέπτου, που δεν τα Αστείος ο τρόπος προσδιορισμού της ηλικίας του έχει δεί κανείς και γι’ αυτό Σύμπαντος ονομάζονται φανταστικά Το δεύτερο σοβαρό ερώτημα που δημιουργείται με το πληθωριστικό μοντέλο σωματίδια. και το καθιερωμένο πρότυπο, είναι: Γιατί


εξερράγη το πρωτοάτομο και με ποιό τρόπο προσδιορίστηκε η ηλικία του σύμπαντος κόσμου; Η ιστορία είναι ενδιαφέρουσα αλλά και διασκεδαστική. Ο διάσημος αστρονόμος Χαμπλ διαπίστωσε με τις παρατηρήσεις του βοηθού του Χιούμανσον, ότι οι γαλαξίες απομακρύνονται από ένα νοητό κέντρο και μεταξύ τους. Στην πραγματικότητα ο Χαμπλ δεν είπε ποτέ ότι απομακρύνονται οι γαλαξίες, αλλά ότι υπάρχει ερυθρά απόχρωση στο φάσμα του φωτός που μας στέλνουν από τα βάθη του διαστήματος. Άφησε τους άλλους να βγάλουν το συμπέρασμα ότι οι γαλαξίες απομακρύνονται. Έτσι οι επιστήμονες σκέφθηκαν ότι, αφού οι γαλαξίες απομακρύνονται, άρα χθές ήσαν πιό κοντά, πέρισυ πιό κοντά, πριν από αιώνες ακόμη πιό κοντά κλπ. Με την λογική αυτή έφθασαν στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι γαλαξίες ήσαν τόσο κοντά, ώστε το Σύμπαν είχε συμπυκνωθεί σε ένα υπεράτομο, το οποίον εξερράγη. Ο Αϊνστάϊν γιά να στηρίξει την θεωρία Nafs mag. October 2012 /


της σχετικότητος, είχε δεχθεί ότι το Σύμπαν είναι σταθερό, όπως είχε υποστηρίξει πρίν από 2.500 χρόνια ο Παρμενίδης. Γιά καλό και γιά κακό όμως, επειδή ήξερε ότι ο νόμος της βαρύτητας του Νεύτωνος ήταν πολύ εύθραυστος, καθώς η βαρύτητα σε μακρυνές αποστάσεις μπορεί πολύ εύκολα να διαταραχθεί, καθιέρωσε την λεγομένη «κοσμολογική σταθερά», που αναπαρέστησε με το ελληνικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Λ. Έτσι, εξασφάλισε την σταθερότητα του Σύμπαντος σύμφωνα με την αρχή του Παρμενίδη, που μιλάει γιά σταθερό Σύμπαν. Έρχεται όμως στην συνέχεια ο αστρονόμος Λεμέτρ, ο οποίος με βάση τα πειράματα του Χαμπλ, τον πείθει ότι το Σύμπαν διαστέλλεται. Καθώς ο Αϊνστάϊν φοβόταν μήπως το Σύμπαν κάποτε συσταλεί λόγω εύθραυστης βαρύτητας και ακυρωθεί η θεωρία του, σπεύδει να καταργήσει την κοσμολογική σταθερά του δηλώνοντας: «Η κοσμολογική σταθερά ήταν η μεγαλύτερη επιστημονική μου γκάφα». Όμως έρχονται οι νεώτεροι αστρονόμοι, οι οποίοι, με βάση τις τελευταίες παρατηρήσεις, καταλήγουν στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι γαλαξίες όχι μόνον απομακρύνονται, αλλ’ απομακρύνονται με διαρκώς επιταχυνομένη ταχύτητα. ‘Ετσι επαναφέρουν την κοσμολογική σταθερά του Αϊνστάϊν, τώρα γιά να...συγκρατήσουν θεωρητικά τους γαλαξίες, μη τους φύγουν! Και δηλώνουν ότι η μεγαλύτερη γκάφα του Αϊνστάϊν ήταν ότι πήρε πίσω την κοσμολογική σταθερά. Έτσι ο επιστημονικός κόσμος διχάστηκε σε δύο μεγάλες ομάδες: Σ’ εκείνους που πιστεύουν στην διαστολή του Σύμπαντος, δημιουργηθέντος κάποτε ύστερα από μία μεγάλη έκρηξη, και σ’ εκείνους που πιστεύουν σ’ ένα σταθερό, αγέννητο και αιώνιο Σύμπαν, όπως δηλαδή πίστευαν οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες φιλόσοφοι και ειδικώτερα ο Παρμενίδης. Ένα άλλο σοβαρό ερώτημα που προκύπτει από τον ηλικιακό προσδιορισμό του Σύμπαντος, δηλαδή ότι έχει ηλικία 13,7 δισεκατομμυρίων ετών, είναι ότι στο Σύμπαν ανιχνεύθηκαν γαλαξίες ηλικίας 20 δισεκατομμυρίων ετών. Δηλαδή, η κόρη είναι πιό μεγάλη από την Nafs mag. October 2012 /

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μητέρα της; Να δήτε, ότι οι επιστήμονες γρήγορα θα αναθεωρήσουν και πάλι την ημερομηνία γέννησης του Σύμπαντος, που ήδη έχει αναθεωρηθεί μέχρι στιγμής τρείς ή τέσσερις φορές. Μήπως λοιπόν η Μεγάλη Έκρηξη δεν συνέβη ποτέ και μήπως οι γαλαξίες δεν απομακρύνονται, αλλά παραμένουν σταθεροί στην θέση τους; Αυτό τουλάχιστον ισχυρίζεται ένας Ελβετός αστροφυσικός, ο Φριτς Τσβίκι, ο οποίος αμφισβήτησε τις παρατηρήσεις του Χάμπλ και υποστήριξε ότι η απόκλιση του φάσματος των γαλαξιών προς το ερυθρό οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι το φώς των γαλαξιών αυτών έρχεται από πολύ μακριά και είναι...»κουρασμένο»! Αν ισχύει αυτό, τότε η Μεγάλη Έκρηξη ουδέποτε έλαβε χώρα. Και επειδή ο Τσβίκι, ο οποίος δεν είναι ένας τυχαίος αστροφυσικός, αλλά ο επιστήμων που ανεκάλυψε την σκοτεινή ύλη στο Σύμπαν, τους έκανε ζημιά με την θεωρία του, το επιστημονικό κατεστημένο τον απεκάλεσε «στρογγυλό κάθαρμα»!... Αυτά τα ωραία συμβαίνουν στον κατά τα άλλα αγγελικά πλασμένο κόσμο των επιστημόνων.

Είναι καλά κρυμμένο το μυστικό του δημιουργού Όπως αντιλαμβάνεται κανείς από τις λίγες αυτές συνοπτικές αναφορές, η ανθρωπότητα έλάχιστα μόνο βήματα φιλοσοφικής προσέγγισης στην Δημιουργία έχει πραγματοποιήσει από την εποχή των αρχαίων Ελλήνων μέχρι σήμερα. Μπορεί η εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας να μας επιτρέπει να βλέπουμε σε εστιασμένες φωτογραφίες τους γαλαξίες που γεμίζουν το Σύμπαν και μπορεί να έχουμε κάνει τα πρώτα βήματα γιά την εξερεύνηση του κοντινού μας διαστήματος, αλλά η γενική εντύπωση είναι ότι ούτε ο άνθρωπος, ούτε οποιοδήποτε άλλο νοήμον ον στον Γαλαξία μας ή στους άλλους γαλαξίες, όσοι κι αν είναι οι ανισόχρονοι πολιτισμοί, να αποκαλύψουν τα μυστικά του Δημιουργού, διότι Αυτός μπορεί να είναι «πανταχού Παρών» ανά πάσα στιγμή, ενώ κανένα πλάσμα δεν το μπορεί.

Οι ιλιγγιώδεις αποστάσεις που χωρίζουν τα άστρα και τους γαλαξίες καθιστούν απαγορευτική κάθε «εκ του σύνεγγυς» γνώση των μυστικών του Σύμπαντος. Μπροστά στον διαγραφόμενο παραλογισμό, πολλοί σύγχρονοι επιστήμονες πιστεύουν, άλλοι ότι το Σύμπαν, αυτό που υποπίπτει στις αισθήσεις μας και στην λογική μας, δεν είναι το μοναδικό, αλλά ότι υπάρχουν άπειρα και παράλληλα σύμπαντα, κι άλλοι πιστεύουν στην θεωρία της υπερσυμμετρίας και των χορδών, καθώς φαντάζονται ότι υπήρχαν πολλές διαστάσεις, γύρω στις...26, οι οποίες, άγνωστο πώς, καταπώθηκαν και έμειναν μόνο οι γνωστές τρείς διαστάσεις του Ευκλείδη, το μήκος, το ύψος και το πλάτος, και η τέταρτη του Αϊνστάϊν, ο χωροχρόνος (αν υπάρχει κι αυτός). Έκπληκτοι και σοκαρισμένοι οι επιστήμονες σήμερα, βλέπουν ότι το άτομο δεν διασπάται πέραν κάποιας οριακής απειροελάχιστης διαστάσεως. Τα πυρηνικά υποσωματίδια του ατόμου δεν διασπώνται περαιτέρω, αλλά μεταστοιχειώνονται εκ νέου στα αρχικά σωματίδια, τα οποία ζουν γιά ένα απειροελάχιστο κλάσμα του δευτερολέπτου, που δεν τα έχει δεί κανείς και γι’ αυτό ονομάζονται φανταστικά σωματίδια. Κι όμως, από αυτά τα αόρατα σωματίδια είναι φτιαγμένος ο ορατός μας κόσμος. Αυτά τα σωματίδια, που μεταστοιχειώνονται συνεχώς και αιωνίως, είναι αθάνατα κι ας ζουν απειροελάχιστο χρόνο, επειδή γεννούνται διαρκώς, και περικλείουν εν δυνάμει την ύπαρξη του Θεού, στον οποίο πιστεύουν σαν έννοια όλοι οι επιστήμονες. Είναι λοιπόν επιβεβλημένο να διαβάσει κανείς συστηματικά και με υπομονή τις κοσμοθεωρίες των αρχαίων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων και να τις συγκρίνει μ’ εκείνες των συγχρόνων επιστημόνων, γιά ν’ αντιληφθεί ότι ο άνθρωπος κινείται ακόμη μέσα στην άγνοια, την οποία προσπαθεί να γεφυρώσει με την γνώση, δημιουργώντας με τα κομπιούτερς κάποιες βραχύβιες θεωρίες, οι περισσότερες των οποίων αντιστρατεύονται ακόμη και την ίδια την λογική. Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ

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