ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ.2229 ISSN 1107 - 3179
Σανίδα σωτηρίας και πάλι οι Εφοπλιστές
Dimitris Vranopoulos Nikos Theodorou
ναυτιλιακό και οικονομικό περιοδικό
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Το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ εκτυπώνεται σε ανακυκλωμένο οικολογικό χαρτί χωρίς πλαστικοποιήσεις και βερνίκια που επιβαρύνουν το περιβάλλον. NAFS magazine is printed on recycled eco paper without lamination and varnish for the protection of the environment.
36. Cover story
06. mirror
Marine Plus S.A. : Your global partner in shiprepair & technical services
Καμία πατρίδα για τους μελλοθάνατους
08. ίσαλος γραμμή
JNE Marine : We are always committed to our clients
Σανίδα σωτηρίας και πάλι ο εφοπλισμός
12. financial focus
60. Rina
RINA granted US Coast Guard US flag approval
2011 – Research and Analysis: Greek shipping companies
by Ted Petropoulos
26. Alfa Laval
64. Elisabeth Harstad DNV report warns the era of cheap oil is coming to an end
AQUA Titanium-plate freshwater generator
28. Posidonia Sea tourist forum 2ο Συνέδριο - Ιούνιος 2013 67. ταξίδι στη γνώση 30. Germanischer LLoyd
γράφει ο Κώστας Δούκας
GL counts 100 million GT classified
Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, SSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ή το www.nafsgreen.gr ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ και του www. nafsgreen.gr δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού.
06 NAFS issue 4/2011
Καμία πατρίδα για τους μελλοθάνατους
Ήδη πέρασαν σχεδόν δύο χρόνια που η πάλλαι ποτέ σοσιαλιστική κυβέρνηση καταβάλει ακάματες προσπάθειες για τη μη επανίδρυση του μεγαλύτερου και σπουδαιότερου ελληνικού Υπουργείου της μεγάλης μας εμπορικής ναυτιλίας. Η βαριά μας βιομηχανία, η ναυτιλία, ο εθνικός πυλώνας στήριξης της οικονομίας του τόπου, υπέστη έξωση, και με συμπεριφορά πλήρως απαξιωτική οδηγήθηκε σε μία μικρή πόρτα ενός άσχετου Υπουργείου, αφού πρωτίστως πέρασε από το κατώφλι των θαλασσίων υποθέσεων και άλλων τέτοιων απαξιωτικών χαρακτηρισμών. Ακόμα και ο πρώην αναπληρωτής υπουργός Ανάπτυξης, Ανταγωνιστικότητας και Ναυτιλίας κ. Χάρης Παμπούκης υπέβαλλε την παραίτησή του υποστηρίζοντας ότι είναι εθνικής σημασίας υπόθεση η επανασύσταση του ΥΕΝ για να μπορέσει να πάει μπροστά αυτός ο τόπος. “Επί δύο μήνες κατέβαλλα προσπάθειες να ανασυγκροτήσω ένα εθνικά ωφέλιμο τομέα. Εντούτοις, δεν μπορούσαν να έχουν το επιδιωκόμενο αποτέλεσμα χωρίς την αναγκαία πολιτική συγκρότηση μέσω της επανασύστασης του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας. Ενός, δηλαδή, θεσμικού εργαλείου του κράτους. Πρόσφατα διατύπωσα δημοσίως με καθαρότητα και παρρησία την πρόταση για την επανασύσταση του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας, η οποία υπηρετεί το προφανές. Σήμερα, κύριο ζητούμενο είναι η ανάπτυξη και η ναυτιλία
μπορεί να συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη αυτού του στόχου” αναφέρει επί λέξει στην επιστολή παραίτησής του προς τον πρωθυπουργό. Η απάντηση όμως ήρθε δια στόματος Χρήστου Παπουτσή, και ο καθένας μπορεί να βγάλει τα συμπεράσματά του. “Δέχομαι υπονόμευση από μέλη της κυβέρνησης που εγείρουν θέμα επανασύστασης του υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας με ενσωμάτωση και του λιμενικού”... Όποιος λοιπόν τολμά να ζητά το αυτονόητο για την επανεκκίνηση της οικονομίας αυτού του τόπου, υπονομεύει το θεάρεστο έργο της πατριωτικής κυβέρνησης του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Η επανίδρυση του ΥΕΝ αποτελεί ενδεχομένως και πράξη εσχάτης προδοσίας προς το κυβερνητικό έργο. Αν προσθέσουμε στην μαγική αυτή συνταγή και σχεδόν έναν φόρο το δίμηνο που ισοδυναμεί με την απώλεια ένος ολόκληρου μισθού κάθε φορά, ολοκληρώνεται το πατριωτικό σχέδιο της δίκαιης και φιλολαϊκής κυβέρνησης που από τα πολλά ψέματα έχει χάσει πια κάθε μέτρο. Δυστυχώς, σαν το έργο του Κοέν, προσπαθούν να μας κάνουν να πιστέψουμε ότι όλοι οι Έλληνες βρεθήκαμε στο λάθος μέρος την λάθος στιγμή. Όμως εμείς είμαστε στην πατρίδα μας και πρέπει να υπερασπιστούμε το δόγμα του Ηρόδοτου “ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΤΡΙΔΑ ΟΣΟ ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΠΛΟΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΑ”. Και για εκείνους που δίνουν καθημερινά την
πατριωτική τους μάχη για την Ελλάδα ενώ αψηφούν συστηματικά την ένδοξη αρχαία και σύγχρονη ιστορία της θαλασσοκρατίας των Ελλήνων τους αξίζει η τιμωρία από τον Ελληνικό λαό όχι για λίγο αλλά για πάντα. Για να δικαιωθούν οι παλιοί και να παραδειγματιστούν οι νεώτεροι. Η Ελλάδα αν στέκεται ακόμα όρθια στα πόδια της στέκεται χάρι στους απίθανους αυτούς ανθρώπους που λέγονται ΈΛΛΗΝΕΣ Εφοπλιστές, και όχι στους επέσχυντους δανειστές μας. Μία κυβέρνηση που είναι αδιάφορη για τον θησαυρό που έχει στα χέρια της ώστε να σώσει αυτόν τον τόπο δεν έχει θέση όχι μόνο σε αυτή την πατρίδα αλλά σε καμία. Η επόμενη κυβέρνηση που θα προκύψει όποια και αν είναι - μετά τον σχεδόν βέβαιο θάνατο του έμπρακτου σοσιαλισμού που ζούμε στο πετσί μας καθημερινά, έχει μία αποστολή την επομένη της ανάληψης της εξουσίας. Την επανίδρυση του Εθνικού Υπουργείου Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας. Αλλιώς καμία πατρίδα για τους μελλοθάνατους...σε όποιο κόμμα και αν ανήκουν, όπως και αν λέγονται.
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08 NAFS issue 4/2011
ίσαλος γραμμή
γράφει ο Κ. Δούκας
Σανίδα σωτηρίας και πάλι ο εφοπλισμός Και ενώ η κυβέρνηση, λαϊκίζουσα μάλλον, ζητεί τη βοήθεια των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών να συμβάλλουν λόγω του πλούτου τους στο ξεπέρασμα της κρίσης, χωρίς να λέει για τους βιομήχανους κάτι ανάλογο για τις τράπεζες, για τις μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις τροφίμων κλπ, θεωρείται ακατανόητη η αντίδρασή της να επανασυστήσει στην παραδοσιακή του μορφή και επιτυχημένη λειτουργία του το υπουργείο Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας. Η παραπαίουσα κυβέρνηση του κ. Γ. Παπανδρέου,
περιουσίας αποτελεί αντικίνητρο για εφοπλιστικές
του ΥΕΝ σε μια χώρα όχι μόνο παραδοσιακά
ακροβατούσα μεταξύ συντεταγμένης πτώχευσης
επενδύσεις στην Ελλάδα, διότι οι εφοπλιστές
ναυτιλιακή, αλλά διατηρούσα τα πρωτεία σε
και εξόδου από την ευρωζώνη σύμφωνα με
αγοράζουν ακίνητα όχι για το θεαθήναι, αλλά για
δύναμη στόλου σε όλο τον κόσμο, λέγοντας δια
ενορχηστρωμένες επιθέσεις υψηλών αξιωματούχων
να αποκτήσουν επιχειρηματικά εργαλεία και να
στόματος του κ. Δ. Παπαδημούλη του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ
της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, χρησιμοποίησε τις
χρηματοδοτηθούν από τις τράπεζες. Αν η αγορά
ότι η κυβερνητική άρνηση θα ισοδυναμούσε με
εκδηλώσεις της Διεθνούς Εκθέσεως Θεσσαλονίκης
ακινήτων χειροτερεύσει στην Ελλάδα, οι εφοπλιστές
απόφαση της Σαουδικής Αραβίας να στερηθεί του
για να ζητήσει από τους εφοπλιστές να βοηθήσουν,
θα υποχρεωθούν να ενεργοποιήσουν τις αγορές
υπουργείου Πετρελαίων. Ωστόσο, η πληθώρα των
όχι μόνο με επενδύσειες αλλά και με άλλες μορφές
τους στο εξωτερικό, όπου υφίσταται σταθερό
επικριτικών δηλώσεων σε βάρος του κ. Παμπούκη,
οικονομικής συμβολής, ώστε να ξεπερασθεί η
νομοθετικό και φορολογικό πλαίσιο. Και ενώ η
τόσο από τον πρωθυπουργό κ. Γ. Παπανδρέου, ο
κρίση. Σύμφωνα με έγκυρες πληροφορίες μας
κυβέρνηση, λαϊκίζουσα μάλλον, ζητεί τη βοήθεια
οποίος, παρά τους άριστους δεσμούς του με τον
μέχρι στιγμής δεν έχει γίνει καμμία επίσημη επαφή
των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών να συμβάλλουν λόγω
παραιτηθέντα αναπληρωτή υπουργό Ναυτιλίας δεν
κυβερνητικών στελεχών με την Ένωση Ελλήνων
του πλούτου τους στο ξεπέρασμα της κρίσης,
δίστασε να τον μεμφθεί με τη φράση «δεν θέλω
Εφοπλιστών, ούτε καν διερευνητικού χαρακτήρος
χωρίς να λέει για τους βιομήχανους κάτι ανάλογο
υπουργούς κολλημένους με τις καρέκλες τους»
για τη μεθόδευση μια τέτοιας οικονομικής
για τις τράπεζες, για τις μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις
και να δεχθεί ασμένως την παραίτησή του, όσο
προσφοράς. Εφοπλιστικοί κύκλοι ανέφεραν ότι ο
τροφίμων κλπ, θεωρείται ακατανόητη η αντίδρασή
και από άλλα στελέχη του κυβερνώντος κόμματος
εφοπλισμός οσάκις εκλήθη από την πολιτεία να
της να επανασυστήσει στην παραδοσιακή
και ειδικώτερα από τον κ. Χρ. Παπουτσή, ο οποίος
εισφέρει σε δύσκολες για το έθνος περιστάσεις,
του μορφή και επιτυχημένη λειτουργία του το
μίλησε για υπονόμευση του έργου του, αλλά και του
έπραξε το καθήκον του. Άλλωστε και κάτω από
υπουργείο Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας. Πέραν του ότι η
έργου της κυβέρνησης από «θυλάκους, εντός και
τις σημερινές εξαιρετικά δύσκολες συνθήκες για
επανασύσταση του ΥΕΝ αποτελεί καθολικό αίτημα
εκτός πολιτικής, που εξυπηρετούν συγκεκριμένα
τη χώρα, οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές δεν εξαιρέθηκαν
του ναυτιλιακού κόσμου, ο οποίος δεν μπορεί να
συμφέροντα» και ζήτησε να πάρει θέση η
καμμίας επιβαρύνσεως, όπως και οι λοιποί
λειτουργήσει με το παράδοξο διοικητικό σχήμα, που
κυβέρνηση. Εμείς διερωτώμεθα: Είναι δυνατόν η
Έλληνες πολίτες, δεδομένου ότι και μεγάλη ακίνητη
επενόησαν οι μαθητευόμενοι μάγοι των ναυτιλιακών
ναυτιλία, η μοναδική υγιής βαρειά βιομηχανία της
περιουσία διαθέτουν και σημαντικές επιχειρηματικές
μας πραγμάτων, οι οποίοι προσέδωσαν μια
χώρας, η οποία, όπως ελέχθη, φέρνει ετησίως
δραστηριότητες, ενώ δεν είναι λίγοι οι εφοπλιστές οι
σειρά ανόητων τίτλων στο υπουργείο αυτό
στην Ελλάδα περί τα 15 δισ. ευρώ, να τίθεται στο
οποίοι πραγματοποιούν επενδύσεις, όπως π.χ. το
από ΥΕΝΑΝΠ σε ΥΟΕΝ, κατόπιν σε ΕΘΥΝΑΛ
μέσον κομματικών διενέξεων και προσωπικών
Ίδρυμα Νιάρχου, ύψους 600 εκ. ευρώ.
και τελευταία ΥΠΑΑΝ και αφού υπήγαγαν το
φιλοδοξιών κάποιων, οι οποίοι θεώρησαν ότι ο
Πέραν τούτου το εισαγόμενο από τη ναυτιλία
βασικό εργαλείο του ΥΕΝ, το Λιμενικό Σώμα, στο
κ. Παμπούκης, κατά την ολιγόχρονη παραμονή
ετήσιο συνάλλαγμα υπερβαίνει κατά μέσο όρο
υπουργείο Προστασίας του Πολίτη, τελικά έφθασαν
του στη διοίκηση του υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας, με
τα 15 δισ. ευρώ. Η συγκεκριμένη αναφορά
μέχρι και του απροσδόκητου αποτελέσματος
τα επιτεύγματα που κατόρθωσε υπονόμευσε το
του ίδιου του πρωθυπουργού στον ελληνικό
να δεχθούν ακόμη και την παραίτηση ενός εκ
πολιτικό μέλλον κάποιων στελεχών του ΠΑΣΟΚ;
εφοπλισμό ως σανίδας σωτηρίας κάτω από τις
των σοβαρωτέρων στελεχών του κυβερνώντος
Πράγματι, ο κ. Παμπούκης με την κάθοδό του στον
σημερινές εξαιρετικά δύσκολες περιστάσεις που
κόμματος και στενού συνεργάτη και φιλου
Πειραιά χρησιμοποίησε την πειθώ, τον διάλογο
διέρχεται η χώρα, προσκρούει στην ανεξήγητη
του πρωθυπουργού, του κ. Χάρη Παμπούκη,
και την λογική και πέτυχε το πρωτόγνωρο, να
άρνηση της κυβέρνησης να επανασυστήσει
προκειμένου να εμμείνουν στο δυσεξήγητο
μην απεργήσει για πρώτη φορά κατακαλόκαιρο η
το υπουργείο Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας περί του
πείσμα τους. Ακόμη και τα αριστερά κόμματα στη
ΠΝΟ. Αυτό δεν άρεσε σε πολλούς συναδέλφους
οποίου στη συνέχεια, οι ίδιοι εφοπλιστικοί
Βουλή επέκριναν την παράδοξη αυτή εμμονή
του υπουργούς. Αρκεί να σκεφθεί κανείς τι θα
κύκλοι ανέφεραν ότι η επιβάρυνση της ακίνητης
της κυβέρνησης να μη θέλει την επανασύσταση
συνέβαινε στη χώρα αν με τις άγριες εκδηλώσεις
NAFS issue 4/2011 09
ίσαλος γραμμή knowledge& innovation
και απεργίες των ταξιτζήδων, απεργούσε και η
κέντρα λήψεως αποφάσεων, τα οποία επιθυμούν
και να στραφούν προς άλλα διεθνή κέντρα
ΠΝΟ. Ο τουρισμός θα είχε δεχθεί την χαριστική
την καταστροφή της ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας. Είναι
διαχείρισης των τεραστίων στόλων τους. Έτσι μόνο
βολή και όπως είπε χαρακτηριστικά ένας
οι γνωστοί άσπονδοι... φίλοι μας, οι οποίοι από
θα μπορούσε να εξηγηθεί η επίμονη άρνηση της
υπουργός, αν δεν γινόταν η συμφωνία με την
πολλών δεκαετιών υπονομεύουν τη ναυτιλιακή
theηcurrent energy consumption. “Of course, the data ΠΝΟ χώρα θα έβαζε λουκέτο. Είναι όμως άραγε
give an example,” Höppner “a situation we υπεροχή της Ελλάδος, πουexplains, στηρίζεται στην
αποτέλεσμα της άρνησης της κυβέρνησης για την
επιχειρηματικότητα των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών και
επανασύσταση μόνοsister η πολιτική possible with του one ΥΕΝ or several ships, διαμάχη or at least
στη ναυτική ικανότητα των Ελλήνων ναυτικών, its operation and try to come up with the best wayκάτι
with the data from a similar ship type. quickly ορισμένων κορυφαίων υπουργών και οιThis πολιτικές
to improve efficiency.” Another area to scrutinize is που δεν αρέσει στην παγκοσμιοποίηση. Είναι οι
alone doesn’t really tell us anything,” says Höppner. “We need to follow up with a comparison, wherever
tells us whether there are any statistical outliers with
encounter frequently, the cooling water system often wastes a lot of energy. So we take a close look at
the on-board power-generating equipment. Working
τους φιλοδοξίες; Εμείς δεν το πιστεύουμε. Οι
ίδιοι κύκλοι, ή παραφυάδα των κύκλων αυτών, που
πληροφορίες που αφήνουν να διαρρέουν ορισμένα
οδηγούν την χώρα στην χρεοκοπία και μεθοδεύουν
στελέχη προς ότι δήθεν involving an τους entireδημοσιογράφους, fleet of ships identical by design
την έξοδό της από τη νομισματική ένωση, αφού ways the ship’s systems interact. “The amazing thing
operating very similar environments. Comείχειand συσταθεί μιαinεπιτροπή στην οποία πήραν
is – knowledge how to achieve efficient operaπροηγουμένως εκμυζήσουν την εθνικήship κυριαρχία
μέρος οι κ.κ Ρέππας, Παμπούκης, Χρυσοχοϊδης,
και τον εθνικό πλούτο της Ελλάδος και οδηγήσουν
Παπουτσής και η Operational σύμβουλος Indicator του πρωθυπουργού, ergy Efficiency (EEOI), which
τον ελληνικό λαό σε πλήρη πτώχευση και σε
πουECO-Patterns θα εξέταζε όλες τις παραμέτρους καιcent εντός is based on, was ten per lower
οικονομικό εξανδραποδισμό. Διότι δεν μπορούμε Accurate Directions
than the average the other ships.απόφαση Among the rest δεκαημέρου θα είχεofληφθεί οριστική
FutureShip with its portfolio of consultancy να φανταστούμε ότιvaried η κυβέρνηση δεν μπορεί
περί του πρακτέου, που θα υποβαλλόταν
να αντιληφθεί ότι χωρίς ανάπτυξη δεν μπορεί
προς τον πρωθυπουργό, μάλλον expected result for identical shipsσυσκοτίζουν operating under
να σωθεί η χώρα δεν μπορείlevel να intervention levels:και theχωρίς lowestΥΕΝ or operational
nearly identical conditions. παρά διαφωτίζουν την υπόθεση. Το υπουργείο
addresses theη way the ship is run.Έτσι, The second level λειτουργήσει μεγάλη ναυτιλία. η ναυτιλία,
regard to energy consumption.” The best possible
scenario for Höppner has been an analysis project
parison was straight forward – and the outlier was quickly identified on the summary diagram: its En-
of the fleet, the CO2 emissions and, consequently,
the fuel consumption values were very similar – the
closely together with the ship’s officers is essential
for Höppner. He draws on their insight into the subtle
tion does exist on board. But in many cases nobody ever asks. We try to bring it out into the open.”
services can assist in many different ways. The final results of the analysis can be applied on several
involves minor retrofitting measures, and the third
Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας αποτελεί κάτι το αυτονόητο
η μόνη υγιής οικονομική επιχείρηση και αληθώς
για την Ελλάδα, στον στόλο της οποίας στηρίζεται
ευημερούσα παγκοσμίως, η οποία θα μπορούσε
κατά κύριο λόγοcan η ευρωπαϊκή Άλλωστε “Future-Ship then offer a ναυτιλία. root-cause analysis,”
να σώσει την Ελλάδα από την καταστροφή, πρέπει case of the fleet of identical ships described above,
says Höppner. “Our next step what weστην call ECOτο συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα της is Ελλάδος
theπαραμείνει statistical outlier provided some valuable insights: να πολιτικώς και διοικητικώς ακέφαλη,
ΕΕ υπήρξε η εμπορική ναυτιλία. Επομένως, η
ώστε εξ αιτίας των πολλών προβλημάτων που
άρνηση της κυβερνήσεως να and επανασυστήσει system undergoes an error risk assessment. “To
θα δημιουργηθούν να The υποχρεωθούν οι Έλληνες optimizing operations. question what to do in a
το ΥΕΝ φαίνεται ότι καθυπαγορεύεται από ξένα
εφοπλιστές να εγκαταλείψουν την κυανόλευκη
Drawing on the Skipper’s Expertise
So what is next after the ECO-Patterns analysis?
Practices.” This is essentially a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) whereby each energy-relevant
level includes major technical modifications. The customer decides how far he wants to go. In the
the ECO-Patterns analysis quickly demonstrated
that it was worth searching for hidden potential for
κυβέρνησης των μνημονίων να επανασυσταθεί το given – whether to give directions to theτο ΥΕΝcase και να επανέλθει στηνnew αρμοδιότητά του
skipper and his officers or to invest in some technical
Λιμενικό Σώμα, αντί να υπάγεται στη δικαιοδοσία
modifications, such as a better cooling water pump
κας Λούκας Κατσέλη, άλλοτε του κ. Μιχ. –άλλοτε can be της answered by running an ECO-Practices analysis. Χρυσοχοϊδη, άλλοτε του κ. Χρ. Παπουτσή κι άλλοτε More information on all aboveάλλων GL Group products στη δικαιοδοσία κάποιων κυρίων και κυριών, can be requested by Mr. Konstantinos Vasileiadis,
παντελώς ασχέτων και εντελώς αναρμοδίων.
Business Development Manager, GL Piraeus.
Ελπίζουμε ότι η εύγλωτη σιωπή του κ. Παμπούκη
θα λυθεί κάποτε για να αποκαλυφθεί ολόκληρο το EEOI
παρασκήνιο της υποθέσεως αυτής, που συνέλαβε The Energy Efficiency Operational Indiκάποιος νοσηρός εγκέφαλος. Είναι μάλιστα τόσο cator (EEOI) was developed by the IMO
σοβαρή η υπόθεση επανασύστασης του ΥΕΝ, ώστε as a means to measure and optimize ακόμη και η μείζων αξιωματική αντιπολίτευση, η ship efficiency. The indicator is com-
οποία κατά τεκμήριο θα αποτελέσει την αυριανή puted from a CO2 factor specific to the
κυβέρνηση, έχει θέσει ως απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση fuel used, the amount of fuel consumed, συναίνεσης με την κυβέρνηση, όσο αυτή βρίσκεται the distance travelled and the volume of
στα πράγματα, την επανασύσταση του υπουργείου goods transported. The industry is still Εμπορικής Ναυτιλίας και της υπαγωγής του ΛΣ debating whether or not the use of the στην αρμοδιότητά του. EEOI should become a binding require-
ment. But it is safe to
assume that it will be introduced on a voluntary basis before long.
www.internaftiki.gr, info@internaftiki.gr, Tel: +302104126997, Fax: +302104127566 6 Alipedou str. GR 18531, Piraeus - Greece
12 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research (PSMI)
2011 – Research and Analysis: Greek shipping companies
A. Greek shipping companies and their numbers since 1998
Petrofin Research © has been publishing for
Graph 1
14 consecutive years the detailed profile of the entire Greek-owned/Greek-based Shipping Companies and Fleets. Thus, a trend line since 1998 has been established regarding the overall number of Greek Shipping Companies as well as their fluctuation and profile in terms of size of company and the respective age of their fleets. The basic source used for this study is the 2011 Greek Shipping Directory, cross-referenced with Clarkson’s and other market sources. As we do every year, market reports and data on Greek fleets are extensively used to doublecheck fleet and company data, as well as the numerous additional industry sources that we use every year. Our total industry data covers all vessels and all vessel types are included in the total statistics for Greek-based shipping and shipping companies. However, in the second part, specific research is conducted separately into tankers, bulkers and container vessels, which are the vessel types upon which the Greek industry largely focuses. Research Criteria 1. Only the Greek-owned/Greek-based fleets are taken into consideration. This also includes the Groups that operate abroad, provided they have an office in Greece. 2. We have taken into account newbuildings
This year’s research shows a total of 762 Greek-based ship management companies. The number of companies has risen by 4.Economic theory and substantial market forces have decreed that due to the economies of scale, Greek shipping, like other nations’ shipping sectors, should have consolidated into fewer hands. In table 1, we present the latest Petrofin Research © statistics of the number of Greek shipping companies over the past 14 years (since 1998). It is interesting to see that the overall numbers did experience a fall up to 2005 justifying economic theory. However, there was a trend change since 2005 with the numbers rising from 690 Greek companies to 762 in 2011. Given the plethora of problems befalling Greek shipping, the sector’s growth in terms of the number of market participants is significant.
B. Greek shipping companies and their fleet SIZE
that have a date of delivery up to and including 2012 only, as it is not certain that all Greek
To facilitate the analysis, please note that Greek companies are divided into the following fleet SIZE
newbuilding orders for 2013 onwards shall ma-
terialise, due to cancellations, sales and delays.
Group A (25+ vessels), Group B (16-24 vessels), Group C (9-15 vessels), Group D (5-8 vessels),
In this part 1 of Petrofin Research, we provide research and analyses of the Greek shipping industry in terms of A. The number of Greek shipping companies B. The fleet size of Greek shipping
Group E (3-4 vessels), Group F (1-2 vessels) So, between 1998 and 2011, the breakdown of the actual numbers per Fleet Size Group has been as follows in table 1. a. The overall number of Greek shipping companies has risen by 4. b. The upward trend has resumed by a slight 0.53%. c. This year the biggest drop is in the 9-15 vessel companies group, which is down by -18.75%. Another Group that shows a decline is the 3-4 vessel one, which is down by -3.5%. d. The popular company size for 2011 is definitely the 1-2 vessel one (up by 2.9% by 10 companies) as well as
the 5-8 vessel (up by 7.8%, by 8 companies).
C. The fleet age of Greek shipping
e. Unlike most years, there has been mobility in all company sizes which shows that companies have been re-
thinking strategies and have actively entered
NAFS issue 4/2011 13
financial focus Table 1 GROUP
A (25+ vsls)
B (16-24 vsls)
C (9-15 vsls)
D (5-8 vsls)
E (3-4 vsls)
F (1-2 vsls)
Total number of companies
in up- or down-sizing, according to their financial
numbers fell substantially over the 14 years. Group D:
the opportunity to make substantial profits. Hence,
needs and liquidity.
149 to 111, E: 196 to 165 and most of all, group F: 483
a whole generation of industrialists, e.g Fidakis,
Looking at the numbers per sector over the last 14
to 350. The above fall does support the consolidation
Lanaras, etc and non-shipping investors turned to
years we wish to comment as follows:
and economies of scale theory. Moreover, it is obvious
shipping and built up a presence.
1. The performance of the 2 largest Groups (A and
that the biggest fall in the smaller fleet (1-2 vessels)
ii. As Greek Groups grew, a second generation or third
B) has been similar. They did not share in the overall
Group arose out of both a movement to a larger
generation belonging to the enterprise’s initial partners
numbers fall from 1998 to 2005. Instead, they have
Group by successfully performing companies or their
developed. Often these members had different ideas
shown a consistent overall growth. The ‘growth cham-
demise and departure from shipping.
as to the future of the company and the bonds that
pions’, though, were Group B, up from
3. Interestingly, even for the overall declining Groups
held them together grew looser. Consequently, we see
11 companies in 1998 to 27 companies in 2011, close-
E and F, there have been a revival in numbers since
a phenomenon of sons and daughters setting off on
ly followed by Group A, up from 19 companies to 34
2006 with Group E rising from 146 to 165 companies
their own and becoming successful in their own right,
companies over the same period. The middle Group C
and Group F rising from 288 to 350 companies. How
e.g. Vafias.
(9- 15 vessels) shared initially in the general rise over
can this be explained?
iii. As Greek shipping prospered, so did the interest by
the years but declined thereafter with the 2011 figures
One explanation is that shipping markets were buoy-
private investors increase. Often, private investment
at 65 companies, being below the 68 companies
ant during that period, thus attracting new entrants
assisted in the formation of new groups.
in 1998. The main explanation for the above is that
and delaying the departure of older ones. However,
iv. As was recently said at a US conference, Greek
companies within this Group move over time upwards
this is not the only explanation as the industry’s
owners’ ambitions are only eclipsed by their big egos.
(become bigger and change Group) or downwards
problems over the last 3 years should have reversed
Hence, even companies that face catastrophe try
(sell tonnage and become smaller). In support of the
this trend.
to battle it out on their own rather than merge with
above explanations, please observe that Group C
The answer lies in five additional factors:
others, reduce costs and enhance their prospects of
numbers fell by 15, whereas the adjoining Groups, B
i. Greeks have come to realize and view shipping as a
and D rose by 4 and 8 respectively. Greek shipping
successful industry for themselves and their families.
v. Small owners of overage vessels know that once
fleet disposals and acquisitions are not uncommon.
In stark contrast to the deleterious investment condi-
they leave the industry and scraptheir vessels, the
2. For the smaller Groups D, E, F, it is clear that
tions for the rest of the country, shipping represented
chances of their returning are slim. Hence, they battle
as opposed to the growth of the large Groups their
an oasis of free enterprise, no state interference and
In Table 2 below, we note the percentage of the Greek fleet held by each company size in terms of their numbers.
Table 2
Percentage of the Greek fleet held by companies according to their size YEAR
Group F 1-2 vessel companies
Group F 3-4 vessel companies
Group F 5-8 vessel companies
Group F 9-15 vessel companies
Group F 16-24 vessel companies
Group F 25+ vessel companies
14 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research, PSMI
The 9-15 vessel fleets have reduced by 15 (-8.53%). We note that this decrease has been absorbed as increases in groups C, B. Groups C, of course, means that the owner of 9-15 vessels has moved to a bigger fleet size, but joining Group C would mean a decrease in the number of fleet vessels. In Table 3 we see that in terms of DWT, for 2011, an entirely different picture emerges. The DWT fleet analysis shows the importance of the larger fleets and their contribution to Greek shipping in DWT capacity. The two biggest Groups (A and B) may amount for only 9.3% of the Greek fleet in numbers, but 65.72% of the total in DWT terms. Further evidence that the consolidation process continues can be seen in table 4, where the top 30 shipping companies have increased their market share in DWT terms between 2010 and 2011 from 50.74% to 52%. Also it should be noted that the owners with over 1m DWT are 62, whose characteristics are shown below: MILLION TON OWNERS in 2011 Over 1 million ton cos: 62 Number of vessels 1774 DWT tonnage 178,495,577.00 Average vessel age 8.56 Percentage of the Greek fleet 69.6 8% These 62 owners hold almost 70% of the Greek fleet.
Graphical illustration of the performance over the last 14 years of each size Group. Graph 2A
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16 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research (PSMI)
Graph 2b In Graph 3 below, we can observe the composition of the Greek shipping companies, according to two key criteria: age and size of company fleet. As such, the six pie charts represent the 6 fleet sizes into which Greek companies have been broken down and the pie segments represent the age of the vessels. You will note that the smaller the fleet size, the older the age of their fleets. In addition, the young category of 0-9 years is evident in all fleet sizes and more prominently in the biggest category. Specifically we can comment as follows: 1. It is not surprising that the majority of the fleets of the largest group belong to the most modern (0-9 years) category. This has been achieved by a considerable renewal of their fleets via newbuildings 2. The overwhelming trend is for the biggest companies to avoidmoverage fleets (over 20 years old), hence only 3 such companies remained in 2011.
Graph 2c
3. It is believed that the interest of banks is concentrated in the larger Group sizes. Some banks focus on the biggest owners only (including public companies) and some on the middle to higher Groups. In any case, assuming that the top 3 bigger Groups are of interest to the banks, these 3 Groups consist of 57 companies with 0-9 year old fleets and a further 24 companies with 10-15 year old fleets. The total, therefore, consists of 71 companies. Furthermore, there are a further 94 ‘modern fleet’ companies of 0-9 years old in the lower 3 size groups and a further 80 companies with 10-15 year old fleets. It is reasonable to state that the age of vessel does count among banks, even though there are some banks that also look to secure the smaller owner with older vessels. The overall age of the fleet The Greek fleet age has dropped yet again. The whole fleet is now 15.9 years old, down from 16.64 years of age in 2010 , down from 17.6 in 2009, 18.4 in 2008, 18.71 in 2007, 19.14
Graph 3
in 2006 and 23 years in 2005. This steady downward age trend does not only reflect the influx of newbuildings, but most definitely the sale, and to a lesser extent, scrapping and their replacement with younger vessels. Over 30 year old fleets have reduced from 205 in 2010 to 187 in 2011 (down by 8.8%). Still, 24.54% of Greek shipping consists of vessels of 30 years and above. To enable closer analysis, please note that Greek fleets are divided into the following age groups: 0-9 years of age, 10-14 years of age, 15-19 years of age and 20+ years of age. Looking at the 20+year old fleets for each category, we note a reduction of 44 since last year. The overage fleets seem to be on a steep decline in the last 2 years, especially for the larger groups. 15 to 19 year old fleets have remained the same in number. The fluctuations within this group are relatively smaller. The downward trend of this group has reversed as it increased by 25 companies. 1-2 vessel companies are the ones mainly who have opted for this age range (up by 18), as a way to remain in shipping. The most interesting development, however, has occurred in the youngest
NAFS issue 4/2011 17
financial focus
fleet ages of 0-9 years old. In this sector, the companies have exploded from only 30 in 1998 to 92 in 2009 and 151 in 2011. Clearly, Greek companies have invested in younger tonnage in order to remain competitive in the emerging global economic conditions. Within this growth, even the smallest fleets comprising of 1-2 vessels, have risen from 16 in 1998 to 26 in 2008 and 37 in 2011. It is self-evident that emerging companies have broken away from the historic model of investing in older tonnage and have invested in young tonnage. This signifies ambition and commitment and augurs well for the future. It is important to mention the effectiveness of the pressure exercised by banks who strongly favour and finance young tonnage. Companies in black (0-9 years of age) are now well over the 100 mark. The oldest categories (15-19 and 20+ year old fleets) are declining. The quality revolution continues and the crisis seems to be an encouraging factor towards more modern vessels and bigger fleets. Commentary We are currently experiencing a weak shipping market across all sectors. Furthermore, the enormous order book and continuous imbalance between vessel demand and supply is pointing out to a longer term shipping slump. Given the above harsh environment with declining asset values and weak cashflows, Greek shipping shall experience significant market and banking pressure. In order to maintain their fleets, let alone grow, Greek owners will need to invest increasing amounts of capital. The above ‘squeeze’ is expected to result in a significant increase in scrapping of overage Greek-owned vessels, as well as some distress sales. The main beneficiaries of the ‘cashflow’ and ‘asset cover squeezes’ will be the large, financially strong companies, whether public or private. Consequently, substantial consolidation process is expected to occur. Although some Greek newbuilding cancellations shall take place, the vast majority of newbuilding orders are expected to materialise, whether on time or with some delay. Consequently, with the reduction of the average fleet and the continuous delivery of newbuildings, the Greek fleet is expected to become even younger. The prerequisites to further Greek growth and
18 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research (PSMI)
/ or survival (especially for the smaller owners) lie with shipping banks who are currently very tight in the willingness to finance shipping, despite the industry’s offered rather generous terms. The attitude of banks towards foreclosures is also a key and whether they are prepared to continue with the same model of co-operation, as up to now. Although it is anticipated that banks shall become more demanding as the shipping slump continues, it is not expected that we shall see numerous bankruptcies. The reason is that banks are wiser and regard foreclosures as a true last resort only when the bank client relationship has vanished. Consequently, fleet disposals shall be accomplished on a ‘softly-softly’ basis, with the co-operation between owners and the bank when these become inevitable. A key factor in maintaining a good relationship
raise additional capital (admittedly via dilution of their shareholders) in the market.
with banks is an owner’s ability to maintain
A long lasting shipping crisis is likely to see a substantial consolidation of the Greek fleet and
his loan repayments and to provide additional
concentration into increasingly fewer names. A short lasting crisis, coupled with the return of banks
capital when needed to maintain such repay-
towards competitive and abundant ship finance, is expected to delay the above process.
ment. Here, with the exception of the large
In every shipping crisis up to today, Greek shipping has emerged stronger. This time, Greek ship-
private and financially strong companies, public
ping is also facing a banking crisis. It will be interesting to see whether Greek owners’ flexibility,
companies hold an edge, as they are able to
commitment and risk taking shall permit them to take advantage of the bad shipping market.
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20 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research (PSMI)
2nd part of Petrofin Research© 2011 Greek fleet statistics In this 2nd part of Petrofin research, the Greek Fleet Statistics, we analyse the composition of the Greek fleet, in terms of vessel size, vessel type and vessel age. Research Criteria a. All Greek-owned / Greek-based vessels, of whichever flag are taken into account. b. The Greek-based / Greek-owned fleet is analysed and presented initially as a whole, in terms of Numbers of Vessels, Age of Vessels and DWT. c. Then a cut-off DWT is used of 10,000DWT to measure the number of companies that run vessels above this tonnage. This is done for the whole fleet, then for Bulkers, Tankers and Containers. This cut-off eliminates the vast number of very small and usually over aged vessels that unduly influence the Greek fleet analysis. d. A further cut-off DWT point of 20,000DWT is used for the whole fleet, the Bulkers, the Tankers and the Containers. This shows the effect that a higher cut-off has on the fleet and its main sectors. e. Newbuildings are only taken into account if they have a scheduled delivery year of up to and inclusive of 2012. This results in a more accurate assessment of today’s fleet closer to reality, as many of the impressive number of newbuilding orders have delivery dates of 2013 and beyond. In the current economic climate, a very substantial number of newbuilding orders may be susceptible to cancellations, postponements and re-sales, and may thus distort the current picture of the size of Greek companies, the age of their fleets and of vessels actually trading or about to be delivered to Greekbased/ Greek-owned companies. f. Under the “Tanker” term we have included only crude oil Tankers, ULCCs and VLCCs and not other types of tankers. Bulk carriers include bulkers only and not general cargo vessels. Container vessels are pure cellular vessels. Consequently, this 2nd part of our research does not produce data for other types, such as chemical tankers, product carriers, LNGs, OBOs, Container/bulkers, etc.
Graph 1
NAFS issue 4/2011 21
financial focus
Graph 2
SECTION A: Vital Statistics of the Entire Greek Fleet Entire Greek fleet Despite the low freights, the stagnating S&P market and the lending restrictions, the Greek fleet showed an impressive mobility in terms of numbers, age and size. Confidence in shipping is still there and strategic movements are at work to render it ready when the market recovers. The data obtained from our research is indicative of a very active market, a positive outlook for the future and continuous emphasis towards larger and younger vessels. The overall number of Greek vessels has gone up by 59 making up more than half of last year’s fleet reduction. These are vessels of all types, sizes, flags and ages. Except for the 2010 reduction, the upward curve continues since 2005. (Table 1) Over the last 11 years, the fleet has grown by 14.7%. Moreover, the fleet’s DWT has grown from 242,802,092 DWT in 2010 to 256,174,041 DWT in 2011, a 5.5.% yoy growth (Table 2). Over the last 11 years, the fleet’s DWT has grown by 69.7%. These vessels are managed by 762 companies, compared to 758 shipping companies in 2010 (1st Part of Petrofin research©). The average vessel DWT has gone up again this year to 54,343 DWT from 52,159 DWT, in 2010, 49,819 tons in 2009 and 48,926 tons in 2008. This represents a rise by 4.18%. The increase in vessel size continues uninterrupted since 2001. Average age is down to a very young 15.92 from 16.64 years (Table 2, above). It should be noted that this is the average age of the entire Greek fleet, covering all sizes, types and activities. Some very old ships are included in this fleet, which makes the drop in years even more significant. We have summarised in Graph 1 all the above findings, over an 11-year period, to show their development. In order to concentrate on the real strength of Greek shipping, we use two cut-off DWT points, one of vessels over 10,000 tons DWT and the other of vessels over 20,000 tons DWT. This way, the Greek fleet is stripped of a large number of overage very small vessels of relatively little significance that operate mostly locally. Hence, we concentrate on the global aspect of the Greek fleet. Graph 2 shows the fluctuation in the number of companies that manage vessels over 10,000 DWT, the number of ALL these
22 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research (PSMI)
vessels, their age and their DWT. (‘ALL vessels’ means everything that floats and is under Greek control). This year, the vessels are more by 123, and, reflecting the delivery waves, they are again both younger and bigger. Vessels over 10,000 DWT are owned by 460 companies, 12 more than last year’s 448 companies. 13,594,812 new tons were added, compared to 5,605,903 added to vessels over 10,000 DWT last year. The rise in tonnage continues its uninterrupted route since 2005. The average vessel DWT is now 77,140, compared to 75,836 last year. The Greek fleet’s age continues to improve for this tonnage category. It is now 12.08 years of age compared to 12.9 years in 2010. Vessels of over 20,000 DWT Graph 3 below shows the fluctuation in the number of companies that manage vessels over 20,000 DWT, the number of ALL these vessels, their age and their DWT. (‘ALL vessels’ means everything that floats and is under Greek control): Following closely the situation with the over 10,000 DWT vessels, companies that run over 20,000 tonners have gone up by 24, this year. Their vessels are up by 159 compared to last year’s fall by 48 in 2010, but tonnage is up by 14,253,775 tons more than double last year’s increase of 6,132,886. The over 20,000 DWT vessels represent 96.88% of the total fleet, compared to 96.34% in 2010. The average DWT of each vessel is up to 83,226, compared to 82,865 in 2010 and 79,343 in 2009, 79,471 DWT in 2008, 77,557 DWT in 2007 and 75,000 DWT in 2006. The average age has reduced again, significantly down to 11.62 years of age, reflecting the influx of newbuildings, down from 12.36 in 2010 and 13.6 years in 2009, 14.2 in 2008 and 14.5 in 2007. Summary of results In Table 3 we present the development over time of the Greek fleet using the DWT fleet thresholds of 10,000 DWT and 20,000 DWT in terms of 4 key criteria: a) Total fleet DWT b) Number of vessels c) Average DWT d) Average age of the fleet, and e) Number of shipping companies
Graph 4
24 NAFS issue 4/2011
financial focus
by Ted Petropoulos Head, Petrofin Research (PSMI)
SECTIION B:: Anallyses by ttype off vessel The Greek fleet of bulker vessels over 10,000
Graph 5
dwt each Comparisons between 2003 and 2011 The graph below shows that the number of companies has gone up by 21 to 347 in 2011, from 326 in 2010 and 330 in 2009, and that the bulk carriers over 10,000DWT have gone up to 1732 this year, reversing last year’s drop to 1557. The age has dropped even further to 13.3, reflecting the influx of newbuildings. This is the most popular sector in Greek shipping, 46.82% of the whole fleet. This percentage has been rising steadily from 44.48% of the entire 2010 fleet, up from 34.31% in 2009. Greeks are committed to dry bulk shipping and their preference is focused on medium to large bulk carriers. The Greek fleet of bulker vessels over 20,000 dwt each Similar trends here also. After last year’s drop, this year the bigger bulkers are up by 179. Here it should be noted that between bulkers of 10,000ton DWT and 20,000 ton DWT there
Graph 6
exist only 45 vessels. So the bulk of the fleet is indeed bigger bulkers. Accordingly, companies are up by 24, tonnage up by 12,028,561 and the age is down to 13.14 years. The Greek fleet of container vessels over 10,000 dwt each Comparisons between 2003 and 2011 The container sector has always been a volatile market. After last year’s drop, we note that this year, the heavy investment undergone by the industry is now beginning to show through the increase in the fleet’s DWT and substantial drop in age, although vessels are numerically up by only 1. The fleet of 204 vessels is now bigger by 184,497 tons DWT and as young as 12.37 years. The Greek fleet of container vessels over 20,000 dwt each Comparisons between 2003 and 2011 Similarly, the larger containers are younger, 12.1 years, they are more by 4, the companies
they expanded. This year, the opposite oc-
is down again, to 9.4 years of age average per
bigger by 282,371 tons DWT.
curred. Although the number of companies is
tanker vessel. Average DWT is up to 129,275,
up by 4, the total vessels are down by 31. This,
compared to 124,293 in 2010, 120,025 in 2009,
The Greek fleet of tanker vessels over
of course does not mean that the fleet has
122,453 in 2008 and 116,036 in 2007.
contracted, since in terms of DWT, it is margin-
Tanker trade was not as badly hit by last year’s
ally up by 82,767 DWT. The age is down to 9.4
crisis and this relative cash flow advantage
years, thus maintaining their position as the
(also secured by period charters) contributed to
youngest vessels of the Greek fleet. Their age
the augmentation and simultaneous renovation
that run them are more this year and they are
10,000 dwt each Comparisons between 2003 and 2011 Tankers have a story of their own like they did last year, when the overall fleet shrank whilst
NAFS issue 4/2011 25
financial focus Graph 7
companies up by 5, DWT slightly up by 39,599 ton DWT but age is down to 8.95 years. The average unit now measures 131,478 tons DWT, substantial increase from 125,629 DWT in 2010 and 122,293 in 2009. Commentary The overall number of Greek vessels is affected by three main forces: 1) the rate of newbuilding deliveries 2) the rate of vessel scrapping and 3) the sale and purchase of second-hand vessels. The number of Greek vessels peaked in 2009 at 4763, as a consequence of a booming shipping market in which all 3 of the above forces played their contributory part. The decline in 2010 to 4655 represents the shock effects of the banking and shipping crises. However, as shipping recovered in 2009/2010, the above forces turned positive once again, resulting
Graph 8
in the recovery shown in 2011 at 4714. Currently, conditions in shipping are quite poor across all sectors and the volumes of s&p activity have reduced, scrapping has increased and the rate of newbuilding deliveries, although still very positive, is waning. Consequently, it is to be expected that these difficult market conditions shall have their effect in 2012/2013 in terms of the number of Greek vessels. There can be little doubt, however, on the ever rising Greek fleet’s DWT, which shall continue to grow as Greeks favour larger vessels. Turning to the age profile, we anticipate a quickening of the pace in which the fleet’s age is declining. The growth of scrapping will have a profound effect on the average age of the fleet, which is expected to decline to well under 15 years by 2012. Given the presence of some very old coastal/port vessels, the average age of the Greek fleet for vessels over 10,000 DWT in 2011 was only 12.08 years, run by 460 companies. The figures change but only a little for vessels over 20,000 DWT, whereby their aver-
Graph 9
age age is 11.62 years, run by 426 companies. The top 30 owners in 2011 accounted for 52% of the Greek fleet, up from 50.74% the year before. The most popular sector for Greeks is that of dry bulk, where 347 owners run 1732 vessels, over 10,000 DWT totaling 119.96m DWT and an average age of 13.3 years. The corresponding figures for tankers are 751 vessels, over 10,000 DWT totaling 97.08m DWT run by 95 owners and an average age of 9.08 years. In comparison, the Container fleet of over 10,000 DWT vessels is rather small at 189 vessels, totaling 10.64m DWT and run by 22 owners with an average age of 12.1 years. The development of the Greek fleet despite the uncertain financial and shipping environment has been remarkable. Greeks have continued to provide enormous sums as capital for the building of new vessels and for the modernization of their fleets. It is clear that the Greek strategy involves bigger and younger vessels, designed to meet the requirements of charterers, banks and to provide satisfactory economic returns.
of the fleet. The new challenges facing Greek shipping are linked to the huge order book, the lack of finance The Greek fleet of tanker vessels over
and adverse effects of the shipping market on vessel values and cashflows. Such trying conditions
20,000 dwt each
are usually exploited by Greek owners to expand. Market conditions are especially favourable for
Similar trends apply in the over 20,000 DWT
large owners to grow even larger and we anticipate that the percentage of the Greek fleet held by
tankers. The vessels here are down by 34, the
the top Greek names shall increase further.
26 NAFS issue 4/2011
technical article
Alfa Laval
AQUA Titanium-plate freshwater generator AQUA Titanium-plate freshwater generator The AQUA freshwater generator The AQUA freshwater generator is a major advance based on proven Alfa Laval expertise. AQUA’s optimized process cuts seawater needs in half, which minimizes pipework and allows the installation of smaller seawater pumps. This in turn reduces installation costs, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. AQUA makes use of 3in1 plate technology, which enables desalination in a single plate pack with one type of titanium plate. Since the plate pack also contains the process vacuum, AQUA has no outer shell and is smaller than other freshwater generators. The plate pack slides open for easy access to the interior without an additional service area. The use of corrosionand erosionresistant titanium, combined with an optimized process that inhibits natural scaling, ensures that AQUA needs little maintenance. The system has been fully tested both on and off shore, and is designed to last the lifetime of the ship. Application AQUA uses vacuum distillation to convert seawater into highquality fresh water for domestic and process utilization. By providing a constant supply of lowsalinity water and continuously controlling the water quality, it eliminates the need for bunker water. AQUA is designed for automatic operation in periodically unmanned engine rooms and other automated operations. It is suitable for installation on ships and rigs, as well as in remote onshore locations. Jacket water, steam injection or a Hot Water Loop can all be used as heating media. Features and benefits • Half the seawater flow. AQUA requires only half the seawater needed by other freshwater generators, which means smaller seawater pumps can be used. Optimized distribution prevents dry spots and inhibits the natural scaling process. • Lower costs and emissions. The reduction in seawater pumping needs has a corresponding effect on the consumption of electrical energy. Less fuel has to be burned, which reduces both operating costs and CO2 emissions. • 3-in-1 plate technology. AQUA incorporates the evaporation, separation and condensation processes into a single type of titanium plate. Desalination is handled within a single plate pack that also contains the process vacuum.
No outer shell is necessary.
Highgrade materials that resist corrosion and erosion, including titanium for the plates and other
• Simple, compact installation.
wetted parts, ensure that AQUA will last as long as
With no outer shell and no additionalnservice area,
the ship.
AQUA has a minimal weight and footprint. Assembly can be handled on site and installation is simplified
• Low-salinity water.
by the ability to use smaller seawater pumps and
The fresh water supplied by AQUA has a lower
pipes. Since AQUA is not sensitive to roll and pitch,
content of salt and other dissolved solids than that
it can also be installed in any direction.
supplied by other freshwater generators. It can be used directly by the steam boilers.
• Easy operation and maintenance. AQUA offers startandforget operation, which saves
• Continuous quality control.
time for the crew. Maintenance intervals are long
AQUA’s salinometerequipped control system
and the plate pack slides open for easy access to
continuously monitors the quality of the outgoing
the interior.
fresh water.
• Proven technology.
Basic equipment
AQUA has been thoroughly tested in full scale,
The AQUA freshwater generator consists of a single
both in Alfa Laval’s thermal laboratory and onboard
plate pack containing a
vessels at sea. Roll and pitch tests have been
flexible number of titanium process plates. These
performed to ensure that AQUA can be installed in
plates are suspended within a frame, which
any direction.
comprises a carrying bar, frame plate and pressure plate. Evaporation, separation and condensation all
• Long product lifetime.
occur within the same plate pack.
NAFS issue 4/2011 27
technical article
Alfa Laval
Among the plate pack features are gaskets with
tween the plates into the middle (separator) section
rubber flaps that indicate correct plate assembly, as
of the plate pack, where any droplets of entrained
well as distance pipes that ensure proper plate
seawater are removed. Gravity causes these drop-
alignment and correct tightening.
lets to fall back into the brine sump at the bottom of
Connected to the plate pack is a combined system
the freshwater generator.
for feed water, condenser cooling water and ejector
Only clean freshwater vapour reaches the top (con-
water. The freshwater system consists of a fresh-
denser) section of the plate pack, which is cooled by
water pump and a freshwater control sensor that
a flow of seawater. Here the vapour is condensed
ensures a stable outgoing flow.
into fresh water, which is pumped out of the freshwater generator by the freshwater pump.
Additional equipment • Combined cooling and ejector water pump with
electric motor
AQUA is easily installed on ships and rigs, as well
• Control panel with motor starters and salinometer
as in remote onshore locations. Since there is no
• Anti-scale chemical dosing unit for feed water
need for an extra service area, the installation is highly compact. All maintenance areas can be ac-
Optional equipment
cessed from within the AQUA footprint.
• Steam heating system with direct steam injection
The heating medium is either engine jacket cooling
• Equipment for steam boosting and hot water loop
water or a closed circuit
heated by steam. An ejector pump supplies seawa-
• Extended control panel with motor starters and
ter coolant for the condenser, feed water for evapo-
ration and water for the combined brine/air ejector.
• Freshwater pH adjustment equipment
This pump is separately installed and connected to
• Freshwater disinfection equipment
its own seawater intake. The fresh water produced
• Connections according to DIN, JIS and ANSI
is pumped into the storage tank by a builtin
freshwater pump.
• Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) unit
A control panel, which incorporates motor starters and a salinometer, supplies electrical power to the
Operating principle
ejector and freshwater pumps, as well as control
AQUA’s flow of feed water is taken from the flow
voltage to the salinometer and dump valve.
of seawater coolant. Feed water enters the lower (evaporator) section of the plate pack, in which the
plates are warmed by the heating medium. Here the
• AQUA is designed for easy maintenance. If Alfa
water is evaporated at around 4060°C in a vacuum
Laval recommendations are followed, only a few
of 8595%, which is maintained by the
service inspections are needed.
brine/air ejector. The vapour produced rises be-
• Connections for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) are
available. • Standard spare part kits are available. • The Installation Manual provides detailed information regarding correct installation in electronic or printed format: -System description -Installation -Technical data and drawings • The System Manual provides detailed information regarding operation and maintenance in electronic or printed format: -System description -Operating instructions -Chemical dosing of anti-scaling chemicals -Troubleshooting -Maintenance of major components -Spare parts drawings -Technical data and drawings • Commissioning and technical services are available from all Alfa Laval offices, including installation assistance and advice on operation and maintenance. • Training in all aspects of freshwater generation can be provided by Alfa Laval service engineers. • Spares and maintenance can be provided by Alfa Laval Service Centres. Details are available from local Alfa Laval offices.
28 NAFS issue 4/2011
Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum 2ο Συνέδριο - Ιούνιος 2013 Λίγες ώρες αφότου έπεσε η αυλαία του 1ου
που πιάνουν στην Ελλάδα» και περιέγραψε
επικεντρώθηκε στη βιομηχανία yachting και
Συνεδρίου Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum, οι
την ανατολική Μεσόγειο, από τη Βενετία έως τη
στις δυνατότητες ανάπτυξης που προσφέρει
διοργανωτές ανταποκρίθηκαν στο αίτημα των 400
Βηρυτό, ως την «καλύτερη παιδική χαρά στον
στην ελληνική οικονομία. Ο Γιώργος Βερνίκος,
συμμετεχόντων της 1ης διοργάνωσης καθώς και
κόσμο», ωστόσο κορυφαίες προσωπικότητες τόσο
Γενικός Γραμματέας του Συνδέσμου Ελληνικών
του συνόλου των φορέων τουρισμού της χώρας,
του κλάδου της κρουαζιέρας όσο και του yachting
Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων δήλωσε ότι το yachting
επιβεβαιώνοντας ότι το 2ο Posidonia Sea Tourism
προειδοποίησαν ότι η Ελλάδα κινδυνεύει να μην
μπορεί να προσφέρει πολλά στην Ελλάδα, ωστόσο
Forum θα πραγματοποιηθεί τον Ιούνιο του 2013.
αξιοποιήσει τα πλεονεκτήματά της και να χάσει την
θα πρέπει να υπάρχει το αντίστοιχο πολιτικό
«Λόγω της μεγάλης επιτυχίας που σημείωσε
ανταγωνιστικότητα της.
όραμα και κατάλληλο πολιτικό πλαίσιο που θα
το 1ο Συνέδριο Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum,
«Χρειαζόμαστε από την Ελλάδα ένα σταθερό
προάγει την ανάπτυξη. «Ο θαλάσσιος τουρισμός
αποφασίσαμε να ανταποκριθούμε στην προτροπή
κανονιστικό πλαίσιο και αποδοτικό επιχειρηματικό
θα δημιουργήσει οικονομική δραστηριότητα και
πολλών ομιλητών και εκπροσώπων της διεθνούς
κλίμα», είπε ο Pierfrancesco Vago, Αντιπρόεδρος
θα αναζωογονήσει τα ελληνικά νησιά της χώρας»,
βιομηχανίας θαλασσίου τουρισμού, καθώς και στο
του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου Κρουαζιέρας (ECC)
δήλωσε ο κ. Βερνίκος.
αίτημα όλων των μεγάλων τουριστικών ενώσεων
και CEO της MSC Cruises. Καλωσόρισε την άρση
Ο Tony Rice, Γενικός Γραμματέας της ICOMIA,
της Ελλάδας, που εξέφρασαν την ελπίδα να
του καμποτάζ, ωστόσο οι υφιστάμενοι συμβατικοί
του Διεθνούς Συμβουλίου Ενώσεων Θαλάσσιας
καταστεί το Συνέδριο θεσμός για την παγκόσμια
όροι που οφείλουν να συνυπογράψουν οι εταιρίες
Βιομηχανίας, εξέφρασε την άποψη ότι η εθνική
κοινότητα του κλάδου. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη όλες
με την κυβέρνηση για να πιάσουν στα ελληνικά
νομοθεσία πρέπει να αναδιοργανωθεί και να
τις απόψεις που διατυπώθηκαν κατά το διήμερο
λιμάνια αποθαρρύνουν τους operators.
κινηθεί ανάλογα με τις απαιτήσεις των καιρών,
συνέδριο, αποφασίσαμε να ξεκινήσουμε αμέσως
«Οι εταιρίες κρουαζιέρας δεν επιθυμούν ένα
ώστε να στηρίξει την ανάπτυξη του τομέα του
τον προγραμματισμό του επόμενου», δήλωσε ο
άκαμπτο νομικό πλαίσιο καθώς και οι ίδιες
Θεόδωρος Βώκος, Project Manager των Εκθέσεων
πρέπει να είναι ευέλικτες ώστε να ικανοποιούν τις
Ο Σταύρος Κατσικάδης, Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης
Ποσειδώνια, που διοργανώνουν το Posidonia Sea
επιθυμίες των πελατών τους», είπε ο κος Vago.
Μαρινών Ελλάδος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος
Tourism Forum.
της Μαρίνας Φλοίσβου, τόνισε ότι “ Οι μαρίνες
Το κάλεσμα για συχνές συναντήσεις των μελών
Ο Gianni Onorato, πρόεδρος της Costa Crociere,
αποτελούν εθνικής σημασίας πύλες για την υψηλή
της διεθνούς βιομηχανίας θαλάσσιου τουρισμού
ανέφερε ότι πρέπει να εξεταστούν οι υποδομές και
ποιότητα τουρισμού και γι’αυτό πρέπει να είναι
έγινε πιο ηχηρό όσο το 1ο Posidonia Sea Tour-
η διάρθρωση των τελών ελλιμενισμού. Δήλωσε
βιώσιμες, ανταγωνιστικές και να τις διαχειρίζονται
ism Forum βρισκόταν σε εξέλιξη, καθώς άρχισε
ότι τα ελληνικά λιμάνια στερούνται υποδομής,
Έλληνες επιχειρηματίες.
να διαφαίνεται πιο καθαρά η τεράστια δυναμική
ειδικά ως προς την υποδοχή μεγάλων σκαφών. «Η
στον τομέα της κρουαζιέρας και του yachting ως
Ελλάδα έχει την ευκαιρία να γίνει ένας σημαντικός
Συνοψίζοντας, ο Θεόδωρος Βώκος ανέφερε τα
άξονες προσέλκυσης εσόδων και δημιουργίας
προορισμός και ο χώρο αυτός προσφέρει
εξής: «Η δυνατότητα ανάπτυξης του θαλάσσιου
αναπτυξιακής δυναμικής για την Ελλάδα και την
μεγάλες ευκαιρίες, αλλά οι περισσότεροι το
τουρισμού αναγνωρίστηκε στο Συνέδριο, όπως
ευρύτερη περιοχή της ανατολικής Μεσογείου.
συνειδητοποιούν αφού πρώτα χάσουν την
επίσης αναγνωρίστηκαν και οι σκόπελοι και οι
Κατά τη διάρκεια του συνεδρίου που
ευκαιρία. Χρειάζεται να αναβαθμιστούν τα
προκλήσεις που πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστούν. Το
πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Στέγη Γραμμάτων και
λιμάνια, να γίνουν ιδιωτικοποιήσεις και να υπάρξει
νομικό πλαίσιο που διέπει τόσο τον κλάδο της
Τεχνών του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση, βρέθηκαν στο
συμμετοχή των εταιριών κρουαζιέρας. Υπάρχουν
κρουαζιέρας όσο και τον ευρύτερο θαλάσσιο
επίκεντρο τρεις βασικοί τομείς του θαλάσσιου
πολλά όμορφα και πολύ ενδιαφέροντα μέρη εντός
τουρισμό πρέπει να διευθετηθεί. Είναι απαραίτητο
τουρισμού: ο κλάδος της κρουαζιέρας, του yacht-
εύλογων αποστάσεων. Η Ελλάδα, η Τουρκία και
να γίνουν αλλαγές για να ανακτήσει η διεθνής
ing, και της επιβατηγούς ναυτιλίας.
η Κύπρος έχουν ένα ρόλο να διαδραματίσουν στο
βιομηχανία θαλασσίου τουρισμού την εμπιστοσύνη
Ο Υπουργός Πολιτισμού και Τουρισμού Παύλος
μέλλον της κρουαζιέρας, αλλά πρώτα πρέπει να
της στην Ελλάδα, ώστε να αξιοποιηθούν οι
Γερουλάνος δήλωσε ότι «η άρση του καμποτάζ
εξαλειφθούν συγκεκριμένα εμπόδια», δήλωσε ο
ευκαιρίες που παρουσιάζονται. Απαιτείται
στον κλάδο της ελληνικής κρουαζιέρας έχει ήδη
πρόεδρος της Costa.
δουλειά, και το 2013 θα είναι καλή στιγμή να
αυξητικά αποτελέσματα στον αριθμό των πλοίων
Κατά την δεύτερη ημέρα, το Συνέδριο
επανεξετάσουμε την κατάσταση».
30 NAFS issue 4/2011
class news DNV expands its presence in China “The setup of a new office in Jiangyin is in line with our continuous strategy in China-- to provide local support to our customers in a faster and better way. By deploying this new office in Jiangyin, we now have a complete service network covering the whole Jiangsu Province to provide our full spectrum of services for managing risk,” says DNV’s Vice President and Area Chair for Greater China Joerg Beiler. More than 200 guests representing the shipyards, owners and manufacturing companies, attended the grand opening ceremony which was held on 6 September in Jiangyin. “There is an increasing demand for our services in the area,” says DNV’s Maritime District Manager for West China JG Tang, “Jiangsu province accounts for more than one third of the maritime business in China. We have established good relationship with
GL counts 100 million GT classified Classification society Germanischer Lloyd (GL) fleet under classification now exceeds 100 million GT (gross tonnage*). GL has currently more than 7,200 ships from over 1,900 shipping companies worldwide under regular technical supervision. "We have been able to double the fleet in class over the last six years," explains Erik van der Noordaa, CEO of the GL Group, "and we want to have achieved the next 10 million GT by the end of next year." The ship which saw GL break the 100 million mark was shipping company Hamburg Süd's 85,676 GT "Santa Rosa". The 300-meter-long container ship, built by South Korean shipyard Daewoo, has a capacity of 7,100 standard containers (TEU) and fulfils the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) the soon to be mandatory energy efficiency measure. The serving GL fleet is made up of 68 per cent container ships, ten per cent multi-purpose vessels, nine per cent bulk carriers and seven per cent tankers. GL Class ships sail under 114 different flags, the most prevalent being those of the Administrations of Antigua and Barbuda, Germany, Liberia, Singapore, Indonesia and Cyprus. As well as container ships, tankers, bulk carriers and multi-purpose vessels, GL also classifies ferries, cruise ships, offshore supply vessels and wind turbine installation ships, as well as mega-yachts and
our customers here over the years including shipyards, ship owners and manufacturing companies. By having this new office, we are getting closer to our customers and able to provide better support for them.” There are key shipyards in the area such as Chengxi shipyard, Yangzijiang shipbuilding group, New time and New Century shipyard, New Hantong Shipyard and Kouan shipyard. Jiangyin Office covers the majority of Jiangsu province, including the cities across the Yangtze River i.e. Changshu, Zhangjianggang, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Zhenjiang and Taizhou. Its services include new ship classification services, ship repair and conversion services, marine product certification, operating ship services, and industrial certification. Located in Dongdu International Mansion, No. 5-1 Middle Chenjiang Road, Jiangyin Office has more than 20 staff, headed by Guo Yuwei. About DNV and DNV in Greater China DNV is a global provider of risk management services, helping customers to safely and responsibly improve their business performance. DNV is an independent foundation with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment. Through its network of 300 offices in 100 countries, DNV serves a range of industries with a special focus on maritime and energy sectors. DNV established its first office in China in 1888 to ensure safety in shipping. The regional office of DNV moved from Hong Kong to Shanghai in 1995. Today China is one of the most important markets for DNV. We currently have more than 900 employees working in 36 offices across 20 cities in Greater China.
leisure boats. In the first eight months of 2011 alone, total gross tonnage rose by seven million tons. GL holds a global market share of just under 10 per cent of ships under classification. In the container ship and multi purpose vessel markets, GL holds market leading shares of over 40 and 14 per cent respectively. Since its founding in the year 1867, GL has experienced several phases of strong growth. When the first ship classification register was published in October 1868, it counted 272 sailing ships of wood and one of steel. Only five years later, the GL Register listed 1,870 ships sailing under 19 different flags. In 1914, there were 2,922 ships with 5,503,923 gross register tonnes (GRT) in class. However, the great depression and the First and Second World Wars took their toll, only at the beginning of the Nineteen Sixties did the Register again list more ships than in 1914. The expansion of the merchant fleet and the introduction of computer technology in shipbuilding led to a continuous rise in the fleet under attendance. At the 125 year jubilee of the classification society in 1992, there were 4,200 seagoing ships with 18 million GT in class. In 2005, GL attended to the safety of over 5,730 vessels with 50 million GT. Two years later GL's fleet in service counted 70 million GT. Twenty million more GT followed over the next 3 years, with the fleet in service also reaching 7000 vessels under attendance. *Gross Tonnage (GT) The GT is a cubic measure and describes the size of a ship; it is a dimensionless number, based on the total volume (V") of a ship measured in m3, multiplied by a factor (k) that depends on the ship's size. The GT measurement has been internationally binding since 1994.
Author: Li Xin Cathy Zhang Photo: The container ship "Santa Rosa" is GL classed.
32 NAFS issue 4/2011
shipping news
Agreement to increase AVEVA Marine user licenses SungDong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
panies engaged in
Co. Ltd. (SungDong) has extended its contract for
shipbuilding and
the use of AVEVA Marine to drive the design of
offshore projects
commercial vessels. The new licenses will be used
such as those at
throughout its four shipyards in Korea for the design
SungDong”, said
and production of vessels which include bulk carri-
SungDong Ship-
ers, container carriers and FSOs (Floating Storage
building & Marine
& Offloading).
Engineering Co.
SungDong selected AVEVA as its key solution
Ltd. “Throughout
partner due to its outstanding record in hull and
our company’s
outfitting solutions as well as the suitability of the
growth, the design
AVEVA solutions for offshore design and production.
and production
Additional benefits include the protection of Sung-
support of com-
Dong’s legacy data and AVEVA’s onsite engineering
mercial vessels
support team based in Busan, which can provide
has been built
responsive local support.
around AVEVA solutions. Our increase in AVEVA Marine licenses will play a key role in the on-going success
Following SungDong Shipbuilding & Marine
of SungDong as we expand our business and constantly improve the efficiency of our operations”.
Engineering Co. Ltd. establishment in 2001, the
“In SungDong, AVEVA has a very valuable partner. Our close collaborative working relationship means their
shipbuilder has quickly become one of the world’s
input can further strengthen our shipbuilding portfolio”, says Eun-Joo Park, President of AVEVA Korea Co.
top ten shipbuilding enterprises producing a broad
Ltd. “AVEVA Integrated Engineering & Design links applications through object-centric systems, improving
range of commercial vessel and, more recently,
project efficiency and reducing engineering design and costs”.
offshore projects.
AVEVA Marine is a set of integrated applications created specifically for the unique processes of the engineering and design of ship and offshore structures, design management, and the generation of accurate
“AVEVA is the natural choice for international com-
production information. To learn more visit www.aveva.com/marine.
Rockwool Marine and Offshore increases focus and activities in Far East The Rockwool Group, the world’s largest producer
international owners, typical European, having their
of stone wool insulation, has for many years been
ships and platform built in China as being the big-
active in the region including China, mainly within
gest player in the market. This trend exists mainly in
marine and building segment. So far the marine ac-
specialized ships, like passenger ferries, as well as
tivities have been coordinated from the Hong Kong
within the offshore segment. For the big market of
based sales office. The new Shanghai sales office
commercial ships it is still difficult to introduce high
gives the opportunity to get closer to the customers
providing improved service and support.
Besides the new office in Shanghai, Rockwool still
In the Shanghai office, Rockwool Marine &
has a sales office in Hong Kong responsible for the
Offshore is located in the same office as the
marine sales and offers in the rest of the region.
Group’s activities with Lapinus fibres. The marine
This office has recently been merged with the
and offshore activities are lead by Sales Manager
Rockwool Group office from the recent acquisition
Catharina Heliang, who has a wide background in
of the CSR stone wool division. This merger will add
the marine business and is educated as a Bachelor
more resources for the marine and offshore in the
in Industrial Automation and holds a Master Degree
Far East region. The marine and offshore activities
in Supply Chain Management and Business. 33
in the rest of the Far East region are lead by Sales
year old Catharina has 10 years experience in sales
Manager Tony Leung, located in the Hong Kong
and procurement of which 6 years in the Marine
segment. The Rockwool Group’s activities within
As a result of the still ongoing concentration on shipbuilding activities in the Far East region and especially China’s position as the number one shipbuilding nation, Rockwool Marine & Offshore increases focus by establishing a sales office in Shanghai centre.
general buildings in China are run from another
As part of the acquisition of CSR, the Rockwool
office also located in Shanghai.
Group has taken over 3 stone wool production
There is a tendency in the market for more and
facilities in the Far East. Now the Rockwool Group
more high-end quality products and services as the
has in the Far East in total 4 production places; one
focus on fire safety, improved sound reduction and
in China, one in Thailand and two in Malaysia. This
comfort, technical support, the right documentation
new set-up will improve the Group’s activities in the
and certificates is getting more and more impor-
region and also increases the possibilities for more
tant. These requirements are often influenced by
local production in the future.
34 NAFS issue 4/2011
class news
RINA - Lloyd’s Register
RINA attacks nickel ore bulker losses port to determine if the cargo is safe to load or not.
criteria. Cargo sampling and testing for the purpose
Paolo Salza, Head of Technical Department, RINA,
of verifying moisture content is not necessary when
says, “The mandatory application of the Interna-
cargo is loaded on ships complying with RINA
tional Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code
criteria. To meet RINA’s new standards vessels may
enhances the safety of bulk carriers through the set-
have to install additional longitudinal bulkheads in
ting of constructional and operative requirements.
some holds. The estimated investment for convert-
But they don’t set out details of how to carry nickel
ing a supramax bulk carrier is around US$3m, but
ore and other unprocessed ores, which may liquefy
the vessel retains full deadweight capability and
during transportation, safely. Essentially, the rules
flexibility for other trades.”
say vessels may load these ores if the Transport-
RINA is also developing a service for certifying the
able Moisture Limit is not exceeded. That is fine, but
actual moisture content of cargoes prior to loading
establishing that is difficult and the TML is easily
for those ships which are not able to meet the
affected by recent rain or other factors. It is much
standards set out in the RINA notation.
safer to design or convert the ship to withstand liquefaction of the cargo. That is what our new nota-
Paolo Salza,
Head of Technical Department, RINA Based classification society RINA has established rigorous design standards for the modification or newbuilding of dry bulk cargo carriers to enable them to carry fine ores safely at any moisture content. A number of recent bulker losses have been attributed to the liquefaction of wet nickel ore cargoes. Using RINA’s standards ships would be safe even if the cargo liquefied and the vessels would no longer have to rely on unreliable moisture tests at the load
tion permits.” According to the IMSBC Code, Group A cargoes are those cargoes which may liquefy if shipped at
RINA: 150 years of service
moisture content in excess of their Transportable
RINA is one of the oldest classification socie-
Moisture Limit (TML). RINA’s new notation IMSBC-A
ties and certification companies in the world.
may be assigned to ships specially constructed or
Established in Genoa in1861 to serve the marine
specially fitted for the carriage of Group A cargoes
industry, today it spans the globe as a multina-
having actual moisture content in excess of their
tional and multi-faceted company, sharing its
TML. RINA’s new notation applies to a
knowledge and experience through a wide range
number of cargoes which may liquefy and a full list
of services which help industries and the com-
is available.
munity to improve their businesses and quality
Says Salza, “Fine ores cargoes such as nickel ore
of life. RINA’s services cover the environment,
at any moisture content can be safely carried on
energy, transportation, logistics, safety, quality
ships specifically designed or modified to the RINA
and social responsibility.
Lloyd's Register awarded major contract Lloyd's Register has been awarded a major contract
global reach and diversity of technical expertise to
to provide Maersk Oil with a comprehensive suite of
provide the innovative solutions which fully support
To assure a globally consistent implementation of
risk-management services to support the offshore
multinationals in this area. We believe this agree-
the HIRA work stream, Scandpower will support
operator’s commitment to meet global demand for
ment recognises that.”
Maersk Oil in applying the structure and intent of
energy in an efficient, safe and environmentally
The geographical scope of the agreement covers
ISO 31000, the international standard for risk man-
responsible manner.
Maersk Oil's current production areas, which include
agement, thereby providing a framework to assure
The agreement requires Lloyd’s Register to support
Denmark, the UK, offshore Qatar and Kazakhstan,
consistent systems implementation while remaining
Maersk Oil’s global management of four key areas
from where the company sources a daily aggregate
flexible enough to address disparate legislative
of operational risk -- hazard identification and risk
of about 700,000 barrels of oil equivalent.
requirements, cultural expectations and specific
assessment (HIRA), accident and incident inves-
It also covers Maersk Oil’s exploration and drilling
operational needs. The contractor management and
tigation, management of change and contractor
campaigns; the company currently has offshore
management of change work-streams will reflect
exploration activities in the producing countries as
industry best practice and the structure and intent of
“Ensuring consistent standards of risk manage-
well as in Norway, Angola, Brazil, the US Gulf of
international standards. The accident and incident
ment across a global network of high-value offshore
Mexico and Greenland.
investigation work-stream will focus on providing
assets is an increasingly complex task. Operators
Maersk Oil says it has placed safety as its number
specialist training for Maersk Oil employees, which
often face challenges that arise from differing leg-
one priority under its programme of improvement
includes an analysis of the leaders' role, human fac-
islative regimes, work cultures and levels of asset
initiatives across the organisation.
tors and the behavioural aspects of accident causa-
maturity,” said Bjorn Inge Bakken, Chief Executive
“These process safety streams form an important
tion. Human factors specialists, who recently joined
Officer, Scandpower AS, a member of the Lloyd's
component of the Maersk Oil incident-free pro-
Scandpower from the former Human Engineering
Register Group. “Lloyd’s Register is one of a very
gramme, which is aimed at transforming globally our
and Lloyd's Register EMEA, will help to ensure a
few independent assurance providers with the
safety culture and safety performance,” said Wells
seamless delivery of the four global work packages.
Grogan Head of HSSEQ, Maersk Oil.
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36 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
Marine Plus
Marine Plus S.A. :
Your global partner in shiprepair & technical services
Marine Plus provides the Greek shipping community through its shipyard principals worldwide high quality repairs, conversions and newbuilding services. In addition, the company has many qualified workshops in most ports for carrying out minor repairs, port repairs etc. Marine Plus along with its affiliated company JNE marine, offer high quality marine spare parts and marine equipment to Greek vessels worldwide. In this edition, NAFS presents the two companies in the cover story.
Our core business always was and still is shiprepair and conversion. Most of our business is conducted in China, where we have been active since 1992. China accounts for around 80% of our annual shiprepair/ conversion turnover, by far the largest portion. We are also active and exclusively represent shipyards in Hong Kong, the Black Sea, Med region, Thailand, Panama, Kuwait, US East coast and Europe. In China, yards do not offer agents exclusive agreements, partly because the Chinese are extremely competitive by nature and also because they believe that the Greek market is so large it is not possible for one agent to cover the entire territory. We have thus built up very close, long-term and constructive cooperations with the best shiprepair yards in China. This has been a slow process which has taken years of commitment and hard work, a combination of strong interpersonal relationships with the senior management of these yards as well as a concentrated team effort to ensure each repair project undertaken is a success both for our Greek customers as well as the Yards we represent. Our real job begins after we receive a firm booking, especially during the vessel’s repair at the yard, where key milestones are monitored as well as overall progress, maintaining agreed schedules, docking dates, sufficient labor for prompt execution of works etc. During this period, regular contact with the attending supt
eng as well as the head office is maintained. Monitoring and expediting work progress is greatly assisted by our Chinese-speaking staff who deal with working level yard staff (eg ship repair manager, deck engineer
etc), whilst we also keep contact with senior yard management, as and when their intervention is required
Dimitris Vranopoulos MD, Marine Plus SA
NAFS issue 4/2011 37
Marine Plus
cover story
Key milestones
1988. Company set up in London
Marine Plus History
1990. 1991. 1992. 1993. 1994. 1995. 1995. 1996. 1998. 2001. 2002. 2004.
Athens office subsidiary set up A+P Appledore exclusive agreement signed First Greek repair in China – Lifeng S/Y Unithai S/Y (Thailand) exclusive agreement signed London office closed – operation moved to Athens office Newbuilding handymax contract signed with Baltiskiy Zavod, St Petersburg Mitsubishi Purifiers exclusive agreement signed Malta Shipyard exclusive agreement signed MIK Sevastopol S/Y exclusive agreement signed Braswell S/Y (Panama) exclusive agreement signed Kuwait S/Y exclusive agreement signed First conversion of single to double skin tanker successfully completed in Chengxi 2005. 1st Newbuilding contract signed in China 2006. Halifax S/Y exclusive agreement signed 2007. 1st conversion from VLCC to VLOC booked in China 2008. QMS ISO 9001 accreditation awarded by Lloyds Register 2009. Antwerp Shiprepair (Belgium) exclusive agreement signed 2011. Opening of our new branch office in Singapore
2012. Forthcoming Opening of our new branch office in Istanbul
38 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
Marine Plus Interview with Mr. Dimitris Vranopoulos MD Marine Plus SA
“Every project is important, irrespective of size. We are proud to have most of our customers as repeat clients for many years”. Despite international and domestic challenges,
Germany, Norway, Holland) will continue to have a
Greek shipping is holding up better than expect-
competitive edge in terms of compliance with ever
ed, demonstrating once more resilience in trying
increasing new regulations related to safety, emis-
times. What is your opinion about the perspec-
sions etc as well as know-how built up over the past
tive of shipping industry for the next years?
few decades. The eastern threat (China, Singapore, India etc) is evident, but still needs time before they
Greek shipping is indeed holding up better than
can match European shipping expertise.
expected. Most companies survived the crash of the freight market at the end of 2008, but bear in mind
What will tomorrow’s sustainable vessel look
that at that time shipping companies were cash-
like, and how will it differ from other vessels?
rich and therefore better positioned to ride out the storm. In addition, the 2008 crash was driven by the
The ‘’green ship’’ is already a reality. Korea and
ers, especially during vessel’s repairs. We employ
failure of the international banking system. It seems
Japan have heavily invested in research and de-
qualified naval architects / marine engineers in our
we are now in a purely shipping market recession,
velopment of ships that will be eco-friendly and fuel
office to ensure we are at the side of our Greek
due mainly to oversupply of new tonnage in most
efficient, both at government and shipbuilder level.
customers during the complete repair cycle. Our aim
segments and world recession. Most Greek owners
China is also developing similar designs through
is to secure a win-win result both for the owner and
feel the depressed shipping market is here to stay, at
their main design bureaus. Vessels currently under
the yard we represent. Our main expertise lies with
least for the next few years. In that context, I believe
construction already incorporate the regulatory
Chinese yards, where we complete over 100 repair
many Greek operators will take advantage of this
ecofriendly requirements known to be applicable in
projects annually. We are proud to have most of our
and buy young shipping assets at low or ‘’distressed’’
the forthcoming years. Alternative/greener sources of
customers as repeat clients for many years.
levels. I am confident that Greek shipping will expand
power generation / propulsion on board vessels are
and grow stronger during the shipping downturn, as
also ‘’in the making’’!
has been the case in past recessions.
Why should the Greek shiponwer select your company?
Does the global shipbuilding industry suffer from Regarding the age profile of the fleet, the order
contract cancellation because of the financial
As previously advised, we offer our customers a
book of newbuildings further improved the age of
crisis? What is the real impact of the financial
value added service due to the sheer volume of busi-
the Greek – owned fleet. Do you believe that this
crisis on the shipbuilding industry?
ness we do with the yards we cooperate with, which
trend is going to be continued?
we pass to our customers. We ensure our vessels Global shipbuilding was directly affected by the finan-
are given top priority during repairs, have a strong
Newbuildings as part of Greek shipping companies’
cial crisis of late 2008, especially for contracts that
yard project team on board the vessel, and keep
growth strategy is here to stay. The clear trend is for
were signed without solid bank finance in place. To a
pressure on the yard to maintain sufficient manpower
Greeks to sell their older (mainly 80’s built) vessels
large degree this has been dampened by alternative
on board the vessel to complete within the quoted
either to Chinese/ M. East/ F. East buyers or scrap
sources of finance, e.g. capital markets/share equity,
repair period. We keep regular contact with the
and buy younger ships. Newbuilds are no longer the
ipo’s, new finance players (e.g. china), as well as
superintendent engineer attending the repair, the
privilege of the few. Current newbuild price levels are
easing of conventional bank funding to reputable
head office in Greece as well as the yard to secure
relatively low but still have some way to go, and even
owners albeit at a higher cost. Estimates of actual
customer satisfaction. Every project is important, and
cautious owners who did not contract during the
cancellations vary from 15% - 30% of the order book,
all customers are important irrespective of size.
peak years of 2005-2008 will eventually be involved
but probably are at the lower end due to re-sales
with newbuilds as well. The average age of the
activity as well as heavy investment in new orders by
Please, tell us a few words about the offices in
Greek fleet has been steadily reducing on an annual
state/semi-governmental bodies (e.g. China-Brazil).
Singapore and Istanbul.
basis over the past 10 years. What is the competitive advantage of the compa-
We recently opened a Singapore office, headed by
The future of the European maritime transport
nies you represent, in order to meet the specific
our previous operations manager Mrs. Gina Li
policy until 2018 acknowledges the de facto
needs and expectations of Greek shipowners?
(a Singaporean national – marine engineer) to pro-
global character of European shipping, in respect
vide technical assistance to Greek vessels passing
of its global competitive position, safety and
Our main business has been shiprepair/conver-
environment and the need for high quality know
sion activity for the past 25 years. We have built up
We will open another branch office in Istanbul by the
– how. Do you believe the European shipping will
an international network of reliable and reputable
end of the year, both to cater for the local shipping
maintain its international competitiveness for the
shipyards, both as exclusive and non-exclusive
community as well as the needs of Greek vessels
near future?
agents, and due to our close and continuous coop-
calling in turkey region. ONE SHIPPING will be our
eration with these yards over many years, are able
local partner and the joint shareholder in MARINE
to provide real value-added to our Greek custom-
The main European shipping communities (Greece,
NAFS issue 4/2011 39
cover story
Marine Plus
PHOTO 1 (From left to right): Dimitris Katsiboulas, Prokopis Pyrris, Elpida Koutsoukou of Sales and Marketing Dept., Takis Agrafiotis - Marketing Director, George Panou - Marketing Coordinator and Fontas Kraniou - Non - Executive Director. PHOTO 2 (From left to right): Katerina Panourgia of Financial Dept., Fontas Kraniou- Non-Executive Director, Spyros Pavlakos - Technical Manager and Sofia Barbia - Operations Dept. Supervisor. PHOTO 3: The new premises of Marine Plus and JNE Marine in Athens - Greece.
40 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
Marine Plus
Exclusive Agents for the following shipyards UKRAINE MIK Sevastopol S/Y
Antwerp Ship Repair BELGIUM
Antwerp Ship Repair, located in the heart of Antwerp Port, with more than a century Previously JSC Sevastopol Marine Plant was the Soviet naval base in the Black of knowhow and experience in ship repair, offers a complete range of services in
Sea, a yard with great expertise in complicated machinery and electrical / electronic
the field of drydocking, general repairs, maintenance, and conversions for any ves-
and automation repairs. The yard was recently privatised (2005) and significant
sel up to 180,000 DWT.
investement has been made to bring the yard up to date in terms of outfitting /
The six graving docks, the fully equipped workshops for steel work, all kind of
equipment to handle all types of commercial ship repair. The yard has 3 graving
machining work, piping repairs and electrical work, together with a capacity of
docks, of which the largest can accommodate Panamax vessels. Apart from all
some 3000 mtr. of wet repair berths, makes Antwerp Ship Repair one of the most
types of ship repairs, the yard also carries out a wide range of casting, carbon steel
important repair yards in Europe.
/ low alloy steel / non – ferrous alloys casting. Machining facilities include milling
Fast, efficient and reliable, with our motivated skilled workforce, ready to serve
and turning, gear cutting, gear grinding, rotary-circular plain grinding, boring etc.
you on a basis of 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year, if required. Our expertise in combination with the flexible shift system offers a solid basis for first class repairs and the highest standard of workmanship.
Cassar Ship Repair Ltd MALTA
Cassar Ship Repair Ltd, has been established since 1967 and is equipped to handle all kinds of ship and offshore repair work on vessels both inside and outside harbour. CSR is defined by providing the best standards and comprehensive marine service entailing more than ever a qualified workforce enhanced with equipment and machinery of the latest technology. Offering services 24hours on a 7 days a week basis all year around, their workshops are equipped with modern machinery including miling machines, shaping machinery etc.On site and offshore work is carried out by using their own equipment including : floating dock (max cap 5000tns - 128m x 21.7m), lateral cranes with lifting capacity 5 tns each self propelled crane barge - compressors & generators. They are fully equipped in handling fires and salvage works along with tank cleaning , underwater services, tow-
Braswell S/Y
Directly at the entrance to the canal and adjacent to the New Balboa Container terminal Braswell is able to serve the needs of the international shipping com-
munity prior to the canal passage, at anchorage or going to the terminals. With a year round work force of over 150 qualified employees and three graving docks up to full panamax size, the yard is able to tackle all work assignments from major canal incidents, to scheduled dry dockings to minor afloat repairs. Over 12,000 m2 of fully equipped workshops with three cranes, up to 60 tons capacity, a steel plate and pipe shop as well as machine shops are geared to make dry dockings in Panama a trouble free and satisfying experience. Efficient blasting, tank blasting and coating rounds off the offerings. Braswell Shipyard is looking back on a long
and mutually satisfying relationship with the Greek shipping industry with an ever ing, oil spill recovery, boat lifting riding squads and dredging equipment. The driving increasing number of repeat customers every year. force behind the success of Cassar Ship Repair is and has been their dedication in offering the best of shipping services.
A modern shipyard in Kuwait offering reliable and cost effective shiprepair and ship
The yard is developed on 562,000 m2 of reclaimed prime water frontage adjacent
tion, offshore support services, afloat repairs and riding teams and siving services.
The largest shipyard in Thailand, which is centrally located in the SE Asia region. to the deep sea port of Laem Chabang. With Unithai’s multi – national staff and expertise and Thai workforce exceeding 2,000 personnel, significant emphasis is placed on quality workmanship and completing projects on schedule with strict safety controls. The yard has 2 floating docks, one for capesize vessels and one for handymax vessels. Normally the yard repairs around 20 vessels per annum
construction services. The yard offers: shiprepair and conversion, ship construcA floating dock of 190 mtrs length and 32 mtrs. width, caters for vessels up to 35,000 dwt. In addition a synchrolift accommodates vessels up to 5,000 dwt with 7 repair bays, ranging in length from 90 to 135 mtrs. Five berths, ranging from 90 to 230 mtrs. in length are serviced along their entire length by luffing cranes (lifting cranes from 10-30 tons).
from the greek market.
Yiu Lian Dockyards HONG KONG
A wholly owned subsidiary of China Merchants Holdings Company Ltd, the yard was established in 1964. It owns and operates 2 floating docks, the largest with dimensions 305 mtrs length and 45.80 mtrs. breadth (lifting capacity 46,000 tons) capable of docking container vessels up to 6,000 TEU. A very reliable yard accustomed to keeping tight deadlines due to serving many containers.
Halifax S/Y
Halifax S/Y covers 18,000 m2 of water frontage. Three docks up to panamax size, together with a comprehensive array of fabrication shops, outfit shops, machine shop and an extensive local sub-contract for community provide all the necessary capability to undertake a wide range of jobs. Attention to quality is evident right through the production process. This is in part a result of its long standing ISO
9001: 2000 accreditation, but mainly as a result of the pride of workmanship which is clear in all the skilled tradesmen who work at the yard.
NAFS issue 4/2011 41
Marine Plus
cover story
Main Agents for the following shipyards CSSC Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd CHINA Chengxi shipyard Co. Ltd. is one of the largest shiprepair and newbuilding enterprises under CSSC. The company specializes in shiprepair, conversion and newbuilding, steel construction as well as offshore engineering, lifting gears and mechanical-electric equipments repair and manufacture. Located in Jiangyin city, Jiangsu province, the company covers an area of 980,000 m2, with 2,152 mtrs. river front and 1,630 mtrs. outfitting quay. The company has 5 floating docks, in 170,000 DWT, 120,000 DWT, 100,000 DWT, 80,000 DWT, and 25,000 DWT respectively and one slipway in 70,000 DWT. And also, the company is rich in facilities and equipments of shiprepair, newbuilding and steel construction. The company is proud of the strong technical capability and ship conversion experience as well as the annual production capacity of 240 vessels (up to 300,000DWT) for shiprepair and conversion, 18 vessels (up to 75,000DWT) for newbuilding and 50,000-ton steel for steel construction. With the high quality, credible and top-ranking service concept, the company erects her own brand, and also, through the constant strengthening and promotion of the internal management, the company has been accredited and certified by LRS & CCS with ISO9001:2000 Quality Management Certificate, ISO14001 Environmental Management Certificate and ISO18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certificate.
Chengxi (Xinrong) Shipyard Co.,Ltd CHINA Chengxi (Xinrong) Shipyard Co.,Ltd is a joint venture corporation by CSSC Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Huixiong Industrial Co., Ltd & Jiangsu Changrong Steel Co., Ltd., as a state-owned holding modern enterprise for ship repair & conversion. She is located at Xingang port in Jingjiang city, Jiangsu province.The company has an advantage in road and water way transportation as it is adjacent to the port cities like Shanghai, Ningbo, Nantong and Zhangjiagang. The company covers an area of 230,000 square meters. There is one floating dock with deadweight capacity 170,000 tons, and another floating docking with deadweight capacity 100,000 tons. Outfitting quay is 1060 meters, the front water depth being 12-20 meters and the main navigation channel 30 meters. The quay was equipped with shore crane with lifting capacity of 60 tons/70meters X 2 sets,50 tons /100 meters X 2 sets, 32tons /72 meters X 2 sets. Steel workshop covers an area of 16,000 square meters. Machinery & Electrical workshop covers an area of 20,000 square meters. Piping workshop covers an area of 7,000 square meters. Hatch covers coating house covers an area of 10,000 square meters. Hatch covers repair place covers an area of 30,000 square meters with two sets gantry crane of 50 tons. The company is fully equipped with advanced ship repair facilities. The company is mainly engaged in ship repair & conversion, offshore unit repair & conversion. The annual capacity is repair & conversion between 120 to 150 vessels & offshore units. The company abides by the business concept from the mother company CSSC Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd. "One Vessel as an advertisement, and One Advertisement as One Market".
42 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
Marine Plus
Main Agents for the following shipyards Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry Co CHINA Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. (SHGSIC), whose former name is Shanhaiguan Shipyard, is a first class state-owned enterprise of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). It was established from 1972, went into operation in 1986, and transformed into Enterprise in 2007. The main business of SHGSIC is ship-repair , shipbuilding, ship conversion, scrapping, off-shore engineering construction, maintenance, harbor machinery, steel fabrication, shipping spare parts providing, heat-dip galvanization, project construction, wharf loading/unloading and storage business. SHGSIC has been found to conform to system standard GB/T I9001-2000-ISO, gained the authority of doing direct import/export business in 1995 and the authority of harbor & mooring managing in 2001. The area of SHGSIC is 3,116,000m2, which includes 2,088,000m2 land areas and 1,028,000m2 harbor basin areas. The principal dimensions of two ship-building docks are 240m×28m×9.8m and 440m×100m×12m; four ship-repairing docks are 240m×39m×11.4m 340m×64m×12.8m 320m×56m×13.3m and 260m×50m×13m. There are 19 quays of 5641.6m length in total. There are steel treatment plant, piping fabrication workshop, hull association workshop, subsection installation & welding workshop and complex coating shop and other production equipments. There are over 6000 sets of facility including 600 tons gantry crane, tug boats, 1250 tons hydraulic machineries, edge planers, guillotines, steel pre-treatment line, sheet flattening machine, pipe bending machines, 10 meters lathes, submerged arc welding machines, co2 protection welding machines, CNC steel cutters, plasma cutting machines and photo-electric tracing cutting machines. At present SHGSIC has more than 2,700 employees including 1,000 senior technical workers, professional administrators and engineering technicians. In addition, there are 1,500 contract workers and 12,000 outsourcing workers contribute energy to the production. The ship-repair annual capacity of SHGSIC is more than 200 vessels . According to the regulations of ship classification society at home and abroad, international pact and standard, SHGSIC has repaired and converted tankers, rigs, bulk carries, general cargo ships, Ro-Ro ships, container carriers, reefer ships, ore carries, floating cranes, rescue ships, supply ships, harbor vessels, chemical tankers, special vessels, offshore facilities etc. The shipbuilding annual capacity of SHGSIC is about 1,400,000DWT. They have accomplished a series of new building projects, such as two semi-submersible barges , well-known turbine installation vessel , 70,000DWT floating dock , two 2600TEU container vessels , 30,000DWT bulk carries, 30,000DWT lake bulk carrier, 35,000DWT bulk carriers, 93,000DWT bulk carriers etc. Now they keep a good business relationship with many major shipping companies from more than 30 countries and areas with excellent reputation. Such as Korea, Greece, India, Denmark, USA, Hong Kong Taiwan etc.
Guangzhou Dockyards CHINA
Guangzhou dockyards Co. Ltd is a large joint venture established by China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Ocean Line Holding Ltd. on January 1st, 2006. The company has undertaken the original ship repair business of Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard with its more than 50 years of experience in ship repairs, which was one of the first shipyards engaged in repairing vessels from foreign countries/customers. The company has three graving docks of 150,000 DWT, 200,000 DWT and 300,000 DWT and 2,400 mtrs. of berths. The maximum DWT of the vessels they can undertake is 300.000 DWT. There are more than two thousand of employees which include professionals and experienced engineers and technicians. With an annual capacity of repairing more than 360 vessels, Guangzhou Dockyards is one of the biggest and most modern ship repair enterprises in South China, conveniently located, providing the most outstanding ship-repairing and conversion service for all the ship-owners from all over the world. The company has two factories with the headquarters in Longxue and branch in Wenchong.
Desan Shipyard is a subsidiary company of Kaptanoglu Group , located in Tuzla/ Istanbul/Turkey and provides unique repair , conversion and maintenance with 2 floating docks. Dock 49 is up to post panamax vessels (loa:232 m,width 51 m,inner width 40,50m) and Dock 19 is up to handmax vessels (loa 197 m width 32 m , inner width 26,50 m).Desan has been serving shipowners all around the world with it’s 40.000 square meters of total area including 8000 sq.mtr closed area. Their quality management system of ISO 9001:2008 and Occupational Health and Safety Management System of OHSAS 18001:2007, Environmental Management System 14001:2004 enables them to fullfill customer requirements. They are setting industry standards for innovation, service quality and process safety with customer oriented approach, offering first class quality work in a cost effective repairing based on reliable system.
Navalink Rom ROMANIA Navalink Rom is the promising joint effort between the management of NAFTOSOL and CORAL, both companies well established in Piraeus for the last 25 years. With their experience all these years in the Greek ship repair market and having cooperated with the majority of Greek shipping companies, they decided to take a further step, always aiming to offer the best services to our customers. In this respect, they have established in Constanta, Romania, the new company NAVALINK, in close and long term cooperation with 2x1 CAPE MIDIA SHIPYARDS. From July 2005, NAVALINK's workshop is well established within the Shipyard's premises fully equipped with all necessary electro-mechanical machinery. With the know-how in ship repairs and the cost effective Romanian workforce managed by Greek competent personnel, NAVALINK provide its customers high quality repairs at competitive prices and short delivery time. Up to today NAVALINK has successfully carried out repairs to a large number of vessels of Greek and foreign ownership and keeps on trying to satisfy its customers in the best possible way.
NAFS issue 4/2011 43
cover story
Marine Plus
Chengxi Shipyards in… Greece
Marine Plus in Singapore
Marine Plus in their role as main agents of Chengxi Shipyards in Greece, organized a reception dinner in honour of Mr. Ma Shi Xiong, the new president of Chengxi Shipyards Co Ltd (subsidiary of CSSC Group of China). The Ambassador of China in Greece Mr. Luo Linguan honoured this event with his presence. The participants had the opportunity to be informed about the activities of Chengxi Shipyards. The venue was held at the prestigeous Yacht Club of Greece in Castela.
Due to our continuous expansion, we now have a new branch office of Marine Plus SA in Singapore, operational since 2nd April 2011. It is managed by our previous Operations Manager Mrs. Gina Li. Apart from dealing with operational matters i.e. on site vessels' attendance, monitoring of on going repairs in China, the Singapore office also provides full range of
Other representations FORGITOS SUPPLY CHINA
services; dry docking, port repairs, agency, ship supplies, etc for vessels calling Singapore. Our primary focus here is also to further develop and promote our Principals' ship repairs / conversion activities in the F. East market.
One Shipping Services Ltd. TURKEY
Approved by the Chinese government in 1993, spe-
One Shipping Services Ltd. offers agency services for
your requirements.
cializing in ocean shipping supply and port services
all Turkish ports, Turkish Straits transits and
• Detailed local marine and port facility information,
businesses. Following a service policy of “honesty,
newbuildings & repairs at Tuzla and other Turkish
electronic daily port updates and real-time port
thoughtful, reasonable, high-quality”, basing on the good
shipyards. One’s extensive hub of branches and
information alerts
geographical advantage of Yangtze Delta, relying on the
sub-agents in all Turkish ports employ the most
• Experience in all Turkish Customs, Coast Guard,
excellent management team, the company would provide
experienced agents with best relations with all
Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and all other
one station shipping service for foreign ships.
government officials. While keeping the clients up-to-
government regulations that concern ships, crews,
The company renders excellent service, standard opera-
date with e-mail, fax messages and SMS minute by
and cargoes
tion. It is of great strength. Integrating the ocean shipping
minute, only One has the best resources to deal with
• Crew transfers - meet & greet, hotel bookings, shore
supply ,import and export trade, spare parts supply and
any trouble involving the ships.
pass arrangements, etc.
other services. They have 4 store warehouses and three
• Crew welfare - doctor, dentist, mail, and prepaid
classified food freezers about 7,000 sqm.
• Full-vessel agency attendance and ship husbandry
telephone calling cards
Owning several branches like Zhoushan,Taizhou,
services in all Turkish ports and during Turkish Straits
• Spares clearance and delivery
Nanjing, Yangzhou,Shanghai, Nantong etc. around the
transit passages. They serve all vessel types, and
• Inward & outward clearance
Yangtze River, along with perfect distribution system of
in particular, crude and clean product tankers, LNG,
• Liaison with local authorities
ship store & provision logistics, the company is quali-
LPG, chemical, dry-bulk, cruise and container vessels.
• Follow-up activities with workshops, contractors etc.
fied to provide fast, attentive service and high-quality,
• Customized and integrated web-based Voyage
• Bunker fuels and lubricants
reasonably-priced items.
Reporting, Voyage Accounting and Finance services
• Communication assistance
with flexible communication capabilities tailored to
• On-ship coordination service during repairs.
44 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
JNE marine
«The care and attention we give to details, is always kept to a high standard as is our flexible and supportive approach towards resolving any problems, no matter small or uncommon may be. We are always committed to our clients». Nikos Theodorou
JNE MARINE LTD is a company specialized in the supply of specific engineered components mainly from
JNE Marine :
We are always committed to our clients
the Chinese & F. East market ( Korea/Japan ) .In particular JNE has the possibility of offering directly from the production source in China and F/East pressure vessel components ( Cylinder Liners, Cylinder Covers, Piston Crowns, etc ) for most of the common propulsion Main Engines ( MAN/B&W -Wartsila ) as well as the full range of consumables for Auxiliary Engines ( Daihatsu- Yanmar etc ), BBC T/C spares, Japanese Pumps (Naniwa, Taiko Kikai, Heishin, Shinko, Shin Shin etc ) various spare parts In addition we can offer directly from Licensees Factories in China, complete units of Booster Modules, Fresh Water Generators, Coolers, Sewage treatment Incinerators , Complete pumps with motors, etc . Apart from the above activities JNE is the Exclusive / Authorized Agents of the following Equipment Makers in Greece Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha/ Samgong ( Purifiers & After Sales ) - Apollo (Composite Hoses ) -Asian Star ( Anchor Chains ) - Jiangsu Xiangsheng ( Anchors )Huacheng ( H/Cover rubbers ) - Cygnus Instruments Ltd ( Ultrasonic Thickness & Hatch Cover Gauges ) - Den-Sin ( High pressure Water Blaster ) Strainstall ( Hull stress monitoring systems ) - Pyung Hwa Diesel ( Nozzles, Plunger & Burrels ) -Just Marine ( Lifeboats -Cranes )
Nikos Theodorou MD, JNE Ltd
NAFS issue 4/2011 45
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JNE marine
PHOTO 1: (From left to right): Anna Kagia / Operations dept., Theodoros Rodinos / Acc.dept, Eleni Halkia / Operations Manager, Nikos Theodorou / General Manager, Katerina Mathioudaki / Operations dept.- Mitsubishi, Despina Sarantinaki / Operations dept, George Rodinos / Financial Manager PHOTO 2: (From left to right): George Rodinos / Financial Manager Theodoros Rodinos / Accounting dept,
PHOTO 3: (From left to right): Katerina Mathioudaki / Operations dept. - Mitsubishi Anna Kagia / Operations dept., Eleni Halkia / Operations Manager, Despina Sarantinaki / Operations dept.
oved appr y l t en nce n rec sura s s bee A a y h alit INE r Qu MAR giste e JNE R ’s Loyd by L
46 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
JNE marine
Cygnus Instruments renowned the world over for quality, reliability and robustness. The company pioneered digital multiple echo technology for measuring material thickness through coatings and quickly became the market due to their simple to use products, engineered to withstand even the harshest of environments. As a result of successful diversification over nearly 3 decades, Cygnus now carries three ultrasonic product lines – thickness gauges, hatch cover leak detectors and industrial leak detectors. The Cygnus Hatch Sure was introduced to the Cygnus family of products in 2009, and is a lightweight ultrasonic hatch testing kit for the quick, accurate and reliable testing of the weather tightness of cargo hatch covers. There are two principal reasons that hatch cover leaks must be detected accurately and reliably: money and safety. There are many and varied causes for insurance claims relating to cargo, however, the most expensive claims always arise from accidental water damage to bulk cargo. The most common cause of this type of water damage is hatch leakage, which accounts for over 30% of Founded in 1983 by marine architect George Edes,
The Cygnus 1 Intrinsically Safe is a tough, rugged
all claims.
Cygnus Instruments are the original pioneers of the
gauge designed for safe use in potentially explosive
With the vast majority of P&I Clubs now stating
ultrasonic multiple echo technique and created the
environments and is supplied ready to use as
that ultrasonic is the preferred method of testing,
industry standard for through-coating metal thick-
a complete kit in a protective carry case with 2
hundreds of marine surveyors around the world
ness gauging; providing accurate, error-checked
rechargeable batteries.
now keep this type of equipment in their inventory
metal thickness measurements without removing
The Cygnus Underwater, a tough underwater
and choose ultrasonic as their method of choice
ultrasonic thickness gauge, is designed for use by
for testing hatch cover integrity. P&I Clubs and
Cygnus manufactures ultrasonic thickness gauges,
divers undertaking subsea surveys. The instrument
surveyors are well aware of how ineffective hose
which are employed in almost every industrial ap-
is rated to a depth of 300 m and is supplied ready to
testing can be, since water ingress that is visible
plication around the world. The models in their range
use as a complete kit in a protective carry case with
from inside the hold may not appear at the point of
include Intrinsically Safe for potentially explosive
2 rechargeable batteries.
the defective seal; whereas Hatch Sure can pinpoint
environments; Underwater for diver use; Hands Free
Cygnus Instruments also offer two dedicated ROV
the exact location. A traditional hose test involves
for rope access applications; Data Logger for simple
mountable thickness gauges available in 2000 msw
testing the hatches prior to loading to ensure the
yet versatile logging of thickness measurements;
and 4000 msw depth rated; these units are truly
vessel is cargo worthy, clearing up large volumes of
General Purpose with large LCD display and simple
versatile and designed to operate in the harshest
water from the deck, hold and hatch covers before
menu operation and ROV mountable series with
operating conditions. Dedicated software displays
then loading the steel. This is time consuming and
optional probe handling solutions.
the time, date and thickness readings on the
prevents other vessel activities, whereas Hatch
The new Cygnus 2 is the smallest, lightest and
surface, which can all, can be stored or logged.
Sure does not interfere with any other ship opera-
most durable through coating thickness gauge
Alternatively, an optional Top Side Repeater (TSR)
tion which saves time and money. In addition, many
available and is designed for use in rope access or
is available which has the facility to display the
ports experience sub zero temperatures for several
belt mounted applications where the end-mounted
thickness measurements remotely and overlay them
months each year, making hose testing either im-
organic LED display can be easily read whilst taking
on to a video signal. This allows the measurements
possible or creating dangerous working conditions
measurements. The Cygnus 2 is supplied ready to
to be superimposed on the ROV camera’s monitor
for the crew (as water from the hose test freezes on
use as a complete kit in a protective carry case.
the deck and hatch covers); the Cygnus Hatch Sure
The Cygnus 4, a compact general purpose ultra-
Cygnus understands the need for rugged, reliable
will operate down to -10ºC.
sonic thickness gauge, is highly versatile for use
instruments that won't let you down in hostile
Ship owners and managers are also now seeing the
in most hand-held industrial or shipping applica-
conditions, which is why their gauges have been
benefit in having this equipment in their inventory,
tions. The LCD display is easily read outdoors and
successful for over 20 years and are offered with a
as when it is logged as part of the maintenance and
perfect for use in all light conditions, with automatic
3-year warranty.
testing routine, the vessel owner can demonstrate
white back light control. Menu-driven operation and "Deep-Coat" mode allow easy thickness gauging through coatings up to 20 mm. Cygnus 4, supplied
HATCH SURE drastically reduces vessel owners’ exposure to cargo claims
in an IP65 & IP67 rated aluminum enclosure, protec-
due diligence in ensuring weather tightness of the hatches. This has a direct effect on insurance claims and premiums, with early detection of wear or damage to rubber hatch seals being a proven
tive silicon sleeve and is extremely light, tough and
Cygnus Instruments Ltd has been producing supe-
money saver for owners, allowing scheduled repairs
simple to use.
rior ultrasonic testing equipment since 1983 and is
to be undertaken rather than emergency “quick fix-
NAFS issue 4/2011 47
JNE marine
es”. Proper maintenance of hatch seals is essential for both sea and cargo worthiness of a vessel, and planned replacements allow the use of the correct type and size of rubber seals along with corrosion of the compression bars also being easily detected. The stability and safety of a vessel can be compromised if water ingress through hatch covers adds to an already moisture laden cargo, and any cargo containing fine material and moisture has the potential to liquefy. The problems associated with cargo liquefying whilst onboard vessels are nothing new, however; there have been a number of very serious incidents over recent years where vessels have experienced liquefaction leading to loss of stability and capsized. Cargoes such as iron ore fines, nickel ore, fluorspar, iron ore concentrates and others, have all given rise to liquefaction associated problems in recent years. Ultrasonic testing is particularly useful when carrying highly sensitive, high-value cargo such as steel; since damage to steel and other sensitive cargoes can result in very expensive claims if even a relatively small amount of salt water contaminates the finished product. An evaluation of Hatch Sure on a new-build vessel in Croatia in May 2011 demonstrated to a number of classification societies and shipyard managers that ultrasonic testing of new hatch seals could be carried out without interruption to other outfitting activities, including painting. Hatch Sure is a low cost solution to many of the problems faced by ship owners and managers, with initial outlay quickly recovered and the reliability of the instrument ensuring low lifetime operational costs. Surveyor Wagner Campagnaro, from Com e Servicos Maritimos in Brazil commented, “I purchased a Cygnus Hatch Sure leak detector in 2010 and have used the instrument to inspect more than 30 ships of varying ages in the last year. After carrying out an inspection at Praia Mole terminal in March 2011 on a ship that had been delivered in December 2009, the ship was found to be in good maintenance other than the fact that every hatch tested was found to be leaking in fwd and aft locations. The master and chief officer were present in the inspection and were worried that my equipment was faulty, due to the ship being so new. I requested that the master ask his crew members to tighten hatches, sealing bolts and quick action cleats, and subsequently retested. All the holds and points previously found to be leaking were now tight, and it proved just how good the Cygnus Hatch Sure is.” Wagner went on to say, “At every inspection, I suggest ship masters try to request their owners to acquire Cygnus Hatch Sure. They are protecting their lives, their client’s cargoes and avoiding claims against their principals”. He further added, “Cygnus’ hatch leak detector is perfect, very easy to use, accurate and reliable. I recommend this leak detector for ship owners, charterers and company inspections because this equipment makes work safe and reliable. No other means of watertight test can compare, whether it’s hose, chalk or light.”
cover story
48 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
JNE marine
MITSUBISHI OIL PURIFIER – SELFJECTOR (www.kakoki.co.jp) Since Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Ltd. ( MKK ) delivered a first oil purifier in 1940, the total production number will shortly amount to 90,0000 units. Throughout this period MKK have been consistently making the untiring efforts in improvement and developments of our product to meet the needs and wants from the users, maintaining firmly the basic design concept of Higher reliability and Higher Separation Performance. The newest model of SJ 08 was released in January 2011 for the compact size engines. MKK EUROPE B.V. (WWW. MKKEUROPE.COM) We were established in the Netherlands in 1995 for the increase of our sales and service supports for the European customers in cooperation with our agent in each European country. We can supply not only oil purifier & its spare parts, but also provide European customer with our reliable technical support & services.
MITSUBISHI SELFJECTOR GENIUS SERIES “ HIGHER RELIABILITY and HIGHER PARTICULAR REMOVAL PERFORMANCE “ Mitsubishi Selfjector Genious Series was developed under the concept of “” more toughness and less maintenance labor by enhancing reliability” to which even higher purification performance and G-HIDENS system were added. Further more, with simplification of detectors and gauges, daily inspection inspection procedure has become easier. GENIUS SERIES SJ-G SERIES 1. Adoption of “ G-HIDENS syetm for high density ( up to 1,010Kg/ m3 ) oil purifying with high reliability 2. Bowl structure excellent in separation performance 3. Model layout matching the engine output, and a line-up of highcapacity models meeting the needs of large container vessels 4.Discharge mechanism delivering high sludge discharge performance 5.Semi-unit for main body with adoption of new built-in manifold valve etc, 6. Adoption of mutli-monitor system intergrating detection and display functions 7. Combined mode for total/partial discharge using pilot valve discharge mechanism ( MOdel GSH-1 ) 8. Adoption of double impeller method and spiral chute in all models 9. Standard equipment of direct connection suction pump ( Gear type ) 10. Adoption of graphic control; panel ModelGBC-1/GBC-2
NAFS issue 4/2011 49
cover story
JNE marine
Apollo International
industry of the world and the most competent and
employs 5000 people in 41 sales and service com-
powerful enterprise for its overall strength among
panies globally. With
the international competitors. AsAc’s trademark
manufacturing facilities in USA, Sweden, Singa-
has been recognized as well-known trademarks in
pore, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Denmark and China,
Nilfisk-Advance is the world’s largest manufacturer of Powered Environmental Cleaning equipment
with a global turnover exceeding Euro 790 Million
Diameter 12.5mm-157mm
in 2008. DEN-SIN offers a wide range of Water
• Category And Grade:
Blasting equipment ranging from 110 Bar to 2500
AM2 and AM3 anchor chain for ship use; ORQ, R3,
Bar catered for different industries such as Marine,
R3s, R4, R4s and R5 offshore mooring chains and
Building & Construction, Oil & Gas, Automotive,
their accessories.
Power Plants and many other industries.
• Applied Standard: ISO1704-2007, IACS W18 and W22, APIApollo International is the manufacturer of Apolloflex Composite and Vapor Recovery hoses, and a fabricator and distributor of Metal and Rubber Hoses, Rubber and Metal Expansion Joints, Tank Cleaning Machines and Hoses, Water and Air Driven Ventilation Fans, Tank Lid Packing and Gaskets, Fire Hoses and Fittings, Nozzles, Wyes, Tees, Reducers and Adapters. We are committed to quality and certify most assemblies to USCG Regulations. Offices located in New York and Houston, Texas. Worldwide shipments available.
Asian Star Anchor Chain Co., Ltd. Jiangsu (AsAc)
2F(U.S.A),Rules of Classification Societies ,GB/T
Just Marine
549-1996(China) and other non-standard products in order to satisfy customers. • Approved Societies: Approval by 11 international Classification Societies, such as ABS, BV, CCS, CR, DNV, GL, KR, LR, NK, RINA and RMRS and so on. • ISO Quality Management System: ISO9001-2000, API-Q1 Quality and ISO/CD14690 (HSE) management system have been separately approved by API (USA), CSQA (China) and QSMSCC (China). • Typical user: AsAc’s products are widely used in various kinds of projects of ships, offshore mooring engineering and military and by well-known Companies, such as MAERSK, HYUNDAI, MITSUBISHI, SBM, TRANSOCEAN, PETROBARS and INTERMOOR etc. R5 OFFSHORE MOORING CHAIN has been used on the CNOOC’s latest 6-G offshore drilling platform and the project SMODU GAZFLOT of OAO Gazprom in Russia. ANCHOR CHAIN is used on the most luxuriant and largest ocean liner Queen Mary 2 and Freedom of the Seas.
Just Marine is a professional manufacturer that producing variety of lifesaving equipments and marine equipments, including FRP lifeboat, rescue boat, davit, hydraulic cargo crane, windlass, mooring winch etc. With the constantly development, we focus on the concept of science and technology are primary productive forces and established Jiangsu Ocean Engineering R&D center and Jiangsu University of Science and Technology R&D center. We have the scientific administrative team, advanced production equipments, superb workmanship, first lever testing facility as well as the complete quality assurance system. Our products have been approved by classification societies such as DNV, LR, ABS, RINA, BV, GL, CCS, KR, NK, EC. We warmly welcome friends all over the world to come and visit our company.
PYUNG HWA Diesel Co., Ltd.
Asian Star Anchor Chain Co., Ltd. Jiangsu (AsAc) is a specialized manufacturer of anchor chains and offshore mooring chains. With its head quarter located in Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province, AsAc has about 2000 employees and its subsidiary is set up in Zhenjiang, Maanshan, etc. Established in 1981, the company has developed as the largest producer in the world whose annual output of anchor chains is 200,000 tons. Over the past years, its production, sale and exports have ranked No.1 among its competitors. With 60% of its products are exported to regions around the world. AsAc is now the largest production and export base of anchor chains and offshore mooring chains in China. AsAc is the top chain maker in chain-making
A leading manufacturer of professional Heavy Duty High-Pressure Water Blasting Equipment and a member of the Nilfisk-Advance Group of companies
PYUNG HWA Diesel Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in production of fuel injection systems
50 NAFS issue 4/2011
cover story
JNE marine
employed in the construction of marine diesel
engines. Through our concentration on fuel injection
Thanks to our ERP system, ISO9001 (DNV) and many
system technologies by our dedicated engineers
technical innovations, we have maximized the ef-
over the course of more than three decades, we
ficiency with which we can deliver outstanding products
have developed uncompromisingly high production
to the markets.
It is our policy that the competitiveness we have gained
Thanks to precision-manufacturing equipment such
may be passed on to our customers and that we may
as Electro-chemical, Fluid Polishing and Internal Grind-
be partners in their success.
ing Machinery together with measuring devices that include 3-D and Roundness/Cylindrical Measurement Instruments, we have successfully geared our quality to
Huacheng Rubber Product Co.,Ltd
to customers, AC-14 fully balanced anchor are popular among customers because of feature of much better
lowing state-of-the-art facilities, we have established a We are professional manufacturer for marine rubber products. We manufacture all size of marine hatch cover rubber packingwater tight door sponge rubber packingwater tight door solid rubber packing and all kinds of rubber gaskes ,fenders (“V”fender,”D” fender, solid polyurethane floating fender),Our products have good quality and competitive prices, and provide our best service to our clients.
Jiangsu Xiangsheng Heavy Industry
ships. Our company have exporting and importing license to
lanes, eighteen 20T lanes, two 4,5 m x 5,5 m x 9,5 m electric heat treatment furnaces and one 5 m x 6 m x 13 m electric heat treatment furnace, four 300T horizontal
SUJ3 are applied respectively.
● Flow measurement device
ucts for offshore project, port machinery, large-scale
1200T plate bending machine, two 50T lanes, six 32T
SKD61-ESR is basically applied, and SKH51, SCM425,
● Roughness & cylindrical measurement machine
Also we are able to produce casting and welding prod-
The company owns one 20T electric furnace, one
as well as sub-zero treatment.
● 3D coordinate measurement machine
tons, annual production capacity is over 36,000 tons.
now leading supplier in this industry.
processes as carburizing, nitriding and nickel-brazing
● Roundness measurement machine
sand production line, biggest size of anchor can be 60
on. After unremitting efforts from whole factory, we are
We can apply such heat-treatment vacuum furnace
We adopted world advanced technology such as resin
ety of goods, excellent quality, in time delivery and so
Heat Treatment & Materials
ment we have successfully geared our quality to world
30 countries and area.
welfare. We are popular among users since great vari-
● Fluid polishing machine
With the use of the following precision testing equip-
UK, France, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Norway and over
protection, sense of community responsibility, employee
● Auto-controlled honing machine
temperature and humidity are constantly maintained.
used on offshore oil platform. Our market covers USA,
Our company takes responsibility of environment
● 12,000 rpm double-axis internal grinding machine
Quality control is executed in a clean room where
balancing; super high holding power anchors are widely
process with different commodities and technique.
produced by the following precision machines:
class approval.
societies and had been produced and recommended
By optimizing our work processes and installing the fol-
than 1μm (0.001mm). This advanced level of quality is
ard, and customer requirement. All are delivered with
chor AC-14 passed sea anchoring test by various class
Precision Production
demand are precision-machined to tolerances of less
The products follow state standard, international stand-
among Chinese manufactures, High holding power an-
most globally competitive prices.
The fuel injection parts in today’s diesel engines
RS and so on, also ISO 9001 quality assurance system.
17, HY-23 steel fabricated anchors are leading products
control, we supply precision quality components at the
Superb Finishing
including CCS, ABS, LRS, GL, DNV, NK, BV, KR, RINA,
anchors which we designed had been widely used, HY-
tion expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and strict quality
● Helix milling machine
We had been continuously certified by class society
anchors and thousands different sizes. Improved Delta
pumps, respectively. Through our accumulated produc-
● ECM for chamber
years professional experience.
bracket, bollards and so on. We have over 20 types
nozzles, plungers and barrels, and fuel injection
● Five-axis MCT for drilling spray holes
cians and more than 300 excellent workers with many
swivel shackles, fairlead chocks, rollers, chain stoppers,
We operate three production lines that manufacture
costs and shorten delivery times.
senior engineers (professor), 66 engineering techni-
Currently our products are marine anchors, anchor
world standards.
production system that enables us to reduce production
company is strong at technology because it has several
tensile testing machines, one 350T and one 600T horizontal tensile testing machines. The company has world Jiangsu Xiangsheng Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd, former
advanced testing equipments including one spectroa-
name was Rugao Haiyang Marine equipment Foundry,
nalysis instrument, two universal material testers, two
was invested in July, 2002. After decades of years
impact testing machines, three low-temperature impact
management with great concentration, factory had got
test box, two impact test bar gap manually broaching
outstanding achievement and steady growth. In order
machines, two projectors, four magnetic defect detec-
to approve product quality, new factory with name of
tors and several ultrasonic fault detectors and some
Jiangsu Xiangsheng Heavy Industry was newly estab-
other equipments. These equipments provide a solid
lished in February,2009 on base of plenty of orders with
guarantee for producing quality products. The company
300 million investment. It is one of the world biggest
is located at Nantong expressway Rugao Port exit, first-
manufacturer and exporter of marine anchors.
grade state port, enjoying transportation convenience.
Company covers 76,000 square meters area, includ-
We sincerely welcome customers from domestic and
ing plant area of 60,000 square meters. Meanwhile
abroad to visit us and create prosperous future together.
52 NAFS issue 4/2011
ΟΛΠ Σε πορεία κερδοφορίας ο ΟΛΠ 2011, τα οποία θα επιδράσουν θετικά στη συνολική
6. Η συνεχής εκτέλεση έργων και μελετών του
έκθεσή του προς το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του
πορεία του Οργανισμού είναι:
επενδυτικού προγράμματος Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. 2011-2015
Οργανισμού Λιμένος Πειραιά (Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.)
1. Η ένταξη στο νέο Car Terminal ανενεργών
χωρίς περικοπές παρά την κρίση.
κατέθεσε ο Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος
χώρων 145.000 τ.μ., μήκους κρηπιδωμάτων
7. Η συνεχής άνοδος του τομέα κρουαζιέρας με
του Οργανισμού κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης, ενόψει της
1.167μ. και χωρητικότητας θέσεων στάθμευσης
υψηλά ποσοστά και διπλασιασμό των εσόδων του
συνεδρίασης του Δ.Σ. τη Δευτέρα 29 Αυγούστου
7.000 αυτοκινήτων, μεγέθη τα οποία καθιστούν
το Car Terminal του Πειραιά ως το σημαντικότερο
8. Η μείωση των εξόδων και ιδιαίτερα των
διεθνές λιμάνι διακίνησης αυτοκινήτων transit της
λειτουργικών εξόδων, που μειώθηκαν κατά 20,3%
Αποτελεσμάτων με βάση τα Διεθνή Λογιστικά
και η θετική έκβαση δικαστικών διεκδικήσεων
Πρότυπα ο Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε., παρά την κρίση στο
2. Η επίλυση με φιλική διευθέτηση όλων των
επέφεραν επιπλέον θετικά πρόσημα στα
χώρο των μεταφορών, εμφανίζει κέρδη εξαμήνου
θεμάτων μεταξύ Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. και Σ.Ε.Π. Α.Ε.,
αποτελέσματα Α’ εξαμήνου.
6.318.558 Ευρώ προ φόρων και 3.655.590 Ευρώ
θέτοντας σε νέα τροχιά ανάπτυξης τους Σταθμούς
Οι Αριθμοδείκτες για τον Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.
μετά τους φόρους έναντι 2.571.772 και 1.645.206
Εμπορευματοκιβωτίων και τις νέες υποδομές τους.
διαμορφώνονται μετά τα αποτελέσματα Α’ εξαμήνου
αντιστοίχως το 2010.
3. Η προσυπογραφή συμφωνίας συνεργασίας
ως ακολούθως:
Την εξαμηνιαία (01.01.2011-30.06.2011)
Σύμφωνα με την κατάσταση των
Παρότι ορισμένα από τα επιμέρους στοιχεία
μεταξύ Ο.Λ.Π Α.E. και M.S.C. S.A., η οποία
των εργασιών του δεν είναι συγκρίσιμα με το
δημιουργεί αισιόδοξες προοπτικές για την πορεία
1.Γενικής Ρευστότητας
αντίστοιχο εξάμηνο του 2010, κατά το οποίο δεν
των εσόδων της εταιρίας και διατηρεί τη δεύτερη σε
2.Ειδικής Ρευστότητας
λειτουργούσε ο Σταθμός Εμπορευματοκιβωτίων
μέγεθος παγκοσμίως εταιρία θαλασσίων μεταφορών
και ανακατασκευαζόταν το Car Terminal, τα θετικά
ενεργό μεγάλο πελάτη για το λιμάνι του Πειραιά.
4.Δανειακής Επιβάρυνσης 0,60
αποτελέσματα του Οργανισμού αποτελούν ευοίωνο
4. Η εκποίηση ανενεργών πλοίων με σημαντικά
Τα αποτελέσματα και οι δείκτες αυτοί, δείχνουν
σημάδι για τα τελικά αποτελέσματα του 2011, αφού
έσοδα για τον Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.
εμμονή στην πολιτική και πορεία κερδοφορίας του
όπως είναι γνωστό η δυναμική στη συνολική του
5. Η πιστοποίηση του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. από την
Οργανισμού, όπως αυτή τηρείται από το 2010. Η
λειτουργία αναπτύσσεται κυρίως το β΄ εξάμηνο του
ESPO και τους Lloyd’s ως Πρότυπου Λιμένα
πλήρης έκθεση θα τεθεί υπόψη του Διοικητικού
έτους λόγω κρουαζιέρας και ακτοπλοΐας.
Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης κρίσιμου μεγέθους
Συμβουλίου τη Δευτέρα 29 Αυγούστου και θα δοθεί
πλην άλλων και για την ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας.
την ίδια μέρα στη δημοσιότητα.
Τα σημαντικότερα γεγονότα του Α΄ Εξαμήνου
Συμφωνία συνεργασίας ΟΛΠ -ΣΕΠ Συμφωνία συνεργασίας ΟΛΠ Α.Ε και ΣΕΠ Α.Ε. για τα θέματα εγκατάστασης και εφαρμογής σύγχρονων συστημάτων ISPS στην κοινή Ελεύθερη Ζώνη Τύπου 1 στο Εμπορικό Λιμάνι του Πειραιά, επήλθε μετά από
Συμμετοχή του ΟΛΠ στο RoadShow του Λονδίνου
διαβουλεύσεις που έγιναν μεταξύ των Διοικήσεων των δύο εταιρειών. Όπως είναι γνωστό μεταξύ της Γενικής Διεύθυνσης Τελωνείων και ΕΦΚ του Υπουργείου Οικονομικών και
Ιδιαίτερα επιτυχής για τα συμφέροντα του
του Οργανισμού Λιμένος Πειραιώς, ως Φορέα Διοίκησης της «Ελευθέρας Ζώνης» υπεγράφη πρόσφατα
επενδυτικού προγράμματος του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.
Μνημόνιο Συνεργασίας.
υπήρξε η συμμετοχή του στο RoadShow του
Σε εφαρμογή του Μνημονίου αυτού μετά από κοινή διαβούλευση, οι δύο πλευρές (ΣΕΠ και ΟΛΠ)
Λονδίνου, που οργάνωσε το ΧΑΑ.
συναποφάσισαν να συνεργασθούν για θέματα όπως, (α) τα συστήματα λειτουργίας για την επιτήρηση
Οι εκπρόσωποι του Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε. δέχθηκαν δεκάδες
της Ζώνης, (β) τα μέτρα ελέγχου, (γ) την πρόσβαση στα ηλεκτρονικά συστήματα των εγκαταστημένων
διμερών προσκλήσεων, τόσο για τα έργα του
επιχειρήσεων, (δ) τα ισοδύναμα μέτρα φύλαξης, (ε) εγκατάσταση μηχανημάτων ανίχνευσης ραδιενέργειας,
επενδυτικού προγράμματος 2011-2015, πολλά
και άλλων μηχανημάτων, έτσι ώστε ο Εμπορευματικός Σταθμός του Πειραιά να καταστεί μεταξύ
εκ των οποίων γίνονται μέσα από Συμβάσεις
των πλέον ασφαλών λιμένων της Ευρώπης, οι οποίοι διαθέτουν μεγάλους και σύγχρονους τερματικούς
Παραχώρησης, όσο και για το κύριο θέμα της
σταθμούς εμπορευματοκιβωτίων.
επικαιρότητας λόγω του Μεσοπρόθεσμου Σχεδίου,
Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε απέστειλε προς τη Διεθνή Ναυτική Ένωση έγγραφο για διαβούλευση με βάση και την
το οποίο προβλέπει (α) την Ανάπτυξη του Αττικού
Ευρωπαϊκή εμπειρία για την καθιέρωση τέλους κώδικα ISPS, προκειμένου να καλυφθεί μέρος του κόστους
Λιμενικού Συστήματος και (β) τη διάθεση μέσω
για την εφαρμογή των συστημάτων ασφαλείας.
του Ταμείου ποσοστού 23,1% εκ των μετοχών τις
Υπενθυμίζεται ότι ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. εφαρμόζει ήδη μέτρα υψηλής ασφαλείας στους χώρους πρόσδεσης
οποίες διακατέχει το ελληνικό δημόσιο.
κρουαζιερόπλοιων και car-terminal, ενώ διαθέτει υπηρεσίες Ασφάλειας Λιμένος, στελεχωμένες με έμπειρο προσωπικό και σύγχρονη τεχνολογία.
Όπως πρόσφατα δήλωσε και ο Υπουργός Οικονομικών κ. Ευ. Βενιζέλος, σύμφωνα και με το χρονοδιάγραμμα του Μεσοπρόθεσμου στο 4ο τρίμηνο (Οκτώβρη, Νοέμβρη, Δεκέμβρη) του 2011 αναμένεται η διάθεση του πιο πάνω ποσοστού μέσω Ε.Ε.Σ.
54 NAFS issue 4/2011
class news
Germanischer Lloyd
GL Award GL Exchange Forum for Young Report on MEPC's 62nd Professionals session The subject of Carbon Dioxide dominates the future of many industries today. Whether it be the Shipping, Automotive, Aviation, or Power Generation industries the questions of how to account for, reduce, produce, capture and minimise the impact of Carbon Dioxide generated by that industry is seldom left out of the discussion. So it was Germanischer Lloyd’s traditional recap of the latest session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of International Maritime Organization (IMO), focused on the groundbreaking developments at the 62nd session. The 62nd Session was notable for several reasons, the use of a vote to approve the measures rather than by consensus and the establishment of a North American emissions control area for example. However it was the adoption of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) that marked the Session as being of historical significance. Adopted as amendments to Annex VI of the MARPOL Regulations these measures, when they enter into effect, will represent the first global mandatory carbon dioxide reductions implemented by any industry. The classifications society Germanischer Lloyd (GL) rewarded three young engineers for their outstanding diploma theses. For the 2010 Award engineering students were asked to submit theses
The forum was held on 25 August at GL’s Head Office in Hamburg. More than 100 representatives from the maritime industry, shipping companies, ship management agencies, shipyards, maritime journalists and stakeholders meeting to consider the new measures, hear presentations from GL and industry experts, and discuss the likely impact of this sea change for the industry. Although the adoption of the measures and the manner in which it took place was a surprise, it was also not entirely
on “Innovative Ideas for Increasing the Energy
unexpected. GL has been preparing clients for the introduction of both the EEDI and the SEEMP for several years.
Efficiency of Ships”. Torsten Schramm, Chief
Torsten Mundt, GL’s Head of Group Environmental Services, Strategic Research and Development looked at the
Operating Officer of the GL Group, presented the
adoption of the EEDI, giving the forum attendees some background on the formula and the way in which it will be
prizes to the deserving winners of the GL Award for
implemented over time. New vessels of several types will be required to meet a reference line for energy efficiency
Young Professionals 2010 at the Maritime Summer Meeting in Kiel. With the Award GL seeks to support and reward the best young engineers in the Maritime field and demonstrate how varied and exciting the engineering profession can be. The awards come with a prize of 1,000 to 3,000 Euros. Edward Sciberras,
he showed, with step wise reductions in the reference line to be reviewed and implemented in the future. Mr. Mundt also looked at the market based measure (MBM) for reducing emissions from the Bahamanian Flag State, which the MEPC invited the Authority to further develop. Jörn Springer, Head of Department Operations, looked at the SEEMP; the operational measure to increase fuel efficiency, which will apply to all vessels both newbuild and in operation, from the entry into force of the amendments. Mr Springer highlighted some of the benefits of putting into practice the new system, as part of a management structure built around systematic approach of continual improvement and measurement of gains. He pointed to a recent FutureShip project, which through the analysis of two sister vessels and the implementation of an efficiency plan had resulted in a 9% and 16% reduction in fuel consumption for the vessels.
from the University of Newcastle was presented
BIMCO’s Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, gave his own take on the EEDI and SEEMP from a
with the first prize for his thesis on the “Sizing of
shipowner’s perspective. Looking at the challenges that would have to be met, especially by ship designers, to
hybrid propulsion systems”. His work looked at a
ensure that the EEDI fulfilled it’s promise of making a positive change in the industry, he examined some of the parts
method to optimise the evaluation of components in yachts with hybrid propulsion systems, improving the environmental impact of vessels through the reduction of fuel consumption. This award came with a prize of 3,000 Euro. Second prize and an award of 2,000 Euros went to Katja Hartig of the University of Rostock for her paper, “Conceptual
of the formula where the potential future impact of the regulations on shipbuilding were unclear. The measures had come at a critical time he noted, and due to their nature and implementation as currently formulated were important in maintaining the level playing field in the maritime industry. The airline industry is also grappling with their part in reducing Co2 emissions, Stefan Mast from Lufthansa addressed the Forum audience on the new EU emissions trading scheme for all flights originating from or touching down in Europe. Mr. Mast laid out the complexities of the system, which is built in part around an auction scheme for emission credits. The scheme places a heavy burden on the participating airlines in terms of monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions, he said, while being further complicated by the interactions between the many overlap-
Design of a Containership not requiring Ballast
ping regional and national authorities that are dealing with the scheme. Such a market based scheme impacted
Water Exchange.” Fabian Tillig from the Berlin Insti-
upon every area of a business and required an intensive investment in restructuring existing procedures to partici-
tute of Technology (Technischen Universität Berlin)
pate, Mr Mast explained to the audience.
took third prize and an award of 1,000 Euros for
Carbon Dioxide was not the only emission that was targeted for reduction under the new adoptions; the introduction
his work, ”Parametric modelling and hydrodynamic analysis of twin-skeg vessels.” Picture: After the presentation of the Awards, (from left to right), Torsten Schramm, Chief Operating Officer of GL, and the prize winners Edward Sciberras, Katja Hartig, and Fabian Tillig.
of a North American Emissions Control Area will impact upon Nox, Sox, and particulate matter. Dr. Fabian Kock, Head of GL’s Department Combustion Engines Environmental, looked at the NOx/SOx related parts of the 62nd session, examining the Certification of Engines with SCR, Approved Methods for the reduction of NOx emissions and the new emissions control area. The range of issues covered at MEPC 62 stretch from the EEDI, impacting on the design of newbuild ships, to the eventual decommissioning and recycling of vessels no longer in service. Gerhard Aulbert, GL Global Practice Ship Recycling, examined the changes MEPC 62 brought to ship recycling legislation, including changes within the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) Guideline and the adoption of the Ship Recycling Plan Guideline.
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56 NAFS issue 4/2011
ακροθαλάσσια Chios Maritime Training Center
Lloyd’s Register provides maritime industry with new tool
Πρόκειται για μια πολυαναμενόμενη πραγματικότητα
Lloyd’s Register has
για το νησί της Χίου. Σε μια οικονομική συγκυρία
given shipowners and
όπου η θάλασσα φαίνεται ως η μόνη επαγγελματική
operators a vital new tool
διέξοδος για τους νέους, ο ‘Ομιλός μας – K.C.
to help assess designs
LYRINTZIS – έρχεται να εδραιωθεί στο νησί της
and reduce the risk of
Χίου με απώτερο σκοπό να βρίσκεται δίπλα στον
fatigue damage in the
Χιώτη Ναυτικό βγάζοντας τον από μια πολυετή
hull structures of their ice-
ταλαιπωρία μετακίνησης προς τον Πειραιά
strengthened vessels.
προκειμένου να λάβει την εξειδικευμένη κατάρτιση,
The timely development
τις πιστοποιήσεις, αλλά και την επιμόρφωση που
of new procedures under
απαιτούνται για την εξάσκηση του επαγγέλματος
the notation, ShipRight
του. Ο όμιλος μας έχοντας, όλες τις πιστοποιήσεις
FDA ICE, comes as
αλλά κυρίως την αναγνώριση της αγοράς –
changes in the exploita-
έχει εκπαιδεύσει πάνω από 16,000 ναυτικούς
tion of natural resources,
στην 15ετή λειτουργία του - και πλαισιωμένος
the climate, world trade
από έμπειρους καθηγητές και στελέχη παρέχει
and marine infrastructure
alignment also playing an important part. It can
εξειδικευμένη εκπαίδευση και επιμόρφωση σε
are increasing marine activity in cold-climate areas.
lead to a failure of key structural elements which, in
ναυτικούς και στελέχη ναυτιλιακών εταιριών με
Greater trade through the Arctic is driving demand
worst-case scenarios, may result in major structural
στόχο την ικανοποίηση των διεθνών απαιτήσεων
for larger ice-class vessels, particularly oil tankers
της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας. Η ίδρυση του Chios
and LNG carriers. It is increasingly important that
The procedure provides the measure to iden-
Maritime Training Center αποτελούσε ένα όραμα
the industry develops a better understanding of the
tify high-stress locations and to help reduce the
μου και στόχο καθώς, μέσα από την πολυετή
risks involved, including the potential for fatigue to
risk of structural failure. It was developed from
εμπειρία μας, συνειδητοποιήσαμε τον ρόλο που
affect the strength of ships’ hull structures, accord-
Lloyd’s Register’s extensive experience with ships
διαδραματίζει το νησί της Χίου στην Ελληνική αλλά
ing to Dr Shenming Zhang, the project leader and a
operating in ice and uses full-scale measurements
και παγκόσμια Ναυτιλιακή αγορά.
Lead Specialist in Lloyd’s Register’s Marine Product
conducted on ships navigating in ice and is further
Τι ακριβώς όμως είναι το Chios Maritime Train-
Development department.
validated by experimental testing.
ing Center που απευθύνεται και που αποσκοπεί;
“Designers and owners need to have confidence in
Extensive fatigue testing on welded joints of mild
Πρόκειται για ένα εργαστήρι ναυτιλιακών σπουδών
the structural performance of the latest generation
and higher tensile steels at low temperature were
που επικεντρώνεται αφ’ ενός μεν στη θεσμική
of large ships. The fatigue performance of these
carried out during the procedure’s development.
εκπαίδευση και πιστοποίηση των ναυτικών
hull structures as the ships navigate in ice-covered
“The needs of the industry are changing and the
σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις της STCW 95 – με
waters is a key component in their operational capa-
development of larger, ice-strengthened vessels is
εκτέλεση σχολείων εγκεκριμένων από τις Σημαίες
bility and reliability,” said Dr Zhang. “This assess-
just one example of this. This new procedure ex-
– και αφ’ ετέρου δε στη γενικώτερη επιμόρφωσή
ment will give operators and owners the confidence
tends the boundaries of current fatigue-calculation
τους με σεμινάρια ασφαλείας, προστασίας του
to operate in these demanding and challenging
methods,” said Dr Zhang. “We are committed to
περιβάλλοντος και διαχείρισης, σύμφωνα με τις
environmental conditions.”
reducing the risks to ships, to crews and to the en-
σύγχρονες απαιτήσεις της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς.
The Arctic is estimated to hold about 20% of
vironment. By helping to improve the fatigue perfor-
Στόχος του Ομίλου μας, και ειδικότερα του Chios
the world’s remaining recoverable hydrocarbon
mance of the hull, we can increase confidence that
Maritime Training Center, είναι να εδραιωθεί στην
reserves. Further exploration and transportation is
vessels will be suitable for trade in cold climates.”
ευρύτερη περιοχή του Βορείου Αιγαίου με κέντρο
expected off the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Green-
By using a developed methodology on ice-load
το νησί της Χίου εξυπηρετώντας τις ανάγκες για
land and Russia. In addition to hydrocarbons, large
spectrum, structural stress responses to these loads
εκπαίδευση όχι μόνο του νησιού της Χίου αλλά και
quantities of minerals may need to be shipped from
and theassociated ‘S-N curves’ (which define the
των γύρω νησιών. Με αυτό τον τρόπο ευελπιστεί
the Arctic to ports in Europe and Asia.
number of stress cycles that are needed to produce
να ανοίξει νέες θέσεις εργασίας στο νησί της Χίου
The ShipRight FDA ICE assessment procedure
a fatigue crack in a structural detail) fatigue damage
αλλά και μέσα από συνεργασίες με τοπικούς
examines ship-ice interaction loads, ice-load impact
can be determined for the typical structural details
φορείς (ξενοδοχεία, ταξιδιωτικά γραφεία,κλπ)
frequency, ice-load distribution, structural responses
of larger, ice-strengthened ships. The results will
να γίνει πόλος έλξης και κέντρο αναφοράς της
and the fatigue behaviour of hull structures in cold
identify the fatigue accumulation for different winter
εξειδικευμένης Ναυτικής Εκπαίδευσης στην
temperatures including associated fatigue respons-
conditions and trading routes.
ευρήτερη αυτή περιοχή. Το μηνιαίο πρόγραμμα
es. The fatigue-response assessment is determined
Ships complying with the requirements of the pro-
σπουδών του Chios Maritime Training Center θα
for different winter conditions and ice thicknesses
cedure will be eligible to be assigned the notation
δημοσιεύεται στον τοπικό τύπο κάθε μήνα αλλά
on typical routes for winter trade.
ShipRight FDA ICE.
και στην ηλεκτρονική Διεύθυνση www.kclgroup.gr
This new level of comprehensive structural analysis
ενώ για εγγραφές και περεταίρω πληροφορίες η
puts greater emphasis on the quality of the design
γραμματεία του κέντρου θα είναι ανοιχτή από της
details, particularly in the higher risk regions of the
09:00 έως τις 16:00 από Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή
hull. Fatigue damage is a direct consequence of
στην οδό Κουντουριώτου 2.
cyclic stresses and construction standards, with
58 NAFS issue 4/2011
ακροθαλάσσια MINOAN LINES: Οικονομικά αποτελέσματα Α’ Εξαμήνου • 12,0% Αύξηση των Πωλήσεων της Εταιρείας • Αύξηση του Μεταφορικού Έργου και των Μεριδίων στην Αγορά της Βόρειας Αδριατικής σε όλες τις Κατηγορίες Μεταφορικού Έργου • Αύξηση του Μεταφορικού Έργου και των Μεριδίων Αγοράς στη Γραμμή Ηράκλειο – Πειραιάς σε Επιβάτες και Ι.Χ. Αυτοκίνητα • Σημαντική Aύξηση του Κόστους Καυσίμων κατά 17% Οικονομικά αποτελέσματα
πραγματοποιώντας το 36,2% των ταξιδιών στην
πραγματοποίησαν το 37,9% των συνολικών
Τα οικονομικά αποτελέσματα της Εταιρείας το α’
αγορά της Βόρειας Αδριατικής, διακίνησε το 43,1%
ταξιδιών της γραμμής.
εξάμηνο 2011 επηρεάστηκαν σε σημαντικό βαθμό
των επιβατών, το 41,9% των Ι.Χ. αυτοκινήτων και το
τόσο από την επιδείνωση των μακροοικονομικών
43,5% των φορτηγών αυτοκινήτων.
Προοπτικές για το 2011
και δημοσιονομικών μεγεθών της χώρας όσο
Περαιτέρω, η Minoan Lines κατά το α΄ εξάμηνο 2011
Το 2011 αναμένεται να είναι ένα δύσκολο έτος για
και από τα οικονομικά μέτρα λιτότητας τα οποία
συνολικά μετέφερε 213.000 επιβάτες, 50.000 Ι.Χ.
τις περισσότερες Ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις καθώς και
οδήγησαν σε μείωση του συνολικού μεταφορικού
αυτοκίνητα και 46.000 φορτηγά αυτοκίνητα.
για τον κλάδο της επιβατηγού ναυτιλίας. Η προσπάθεια εξυγίανσης των δημόσιων
έργου σε επιβάτες, Ι.Χ. αυτοκίνητα και φορτηγά σε όλες στις γραμμές που δραστηριοποιείται η εταιρεία.
Γραμμή Πάτρα – Ηγουμενίτσα – Αγκώνα
οικονομικών της χώρας με την επιβολή άμεσων
Επιπρόσθετα, η αύξηση του κόστους των καυσίμων
(Δρομολόγηση Νεότευκτων Πλοίων)
μέτρων λιτότητας εισπρακτικού χαρακτήρα
κατά 17% σε σχέση με την αντίστοιχη περσινή
Τον Οκτώβριο του 2009 δρομολογήθηκε στη
επιβαρύνει ήδη σημαντικά τα νοικοκυριά οδηγώντας
περίοδο και ο έντονος ανταγωνισμός μεταξύ
γραμμή Πάτρα – Ηγουμενίτσα – Αγκώνα το
σε άμεση και σημαντική μείωση του διαθέσιμου
των εταιρειών του κλάδου ήταν παράγοντες που
πλοίο Cruise Europa, ενώ τον Ιούλιο του 2010
εισοδήματός τους.
επηρέασαν αρνητικά τα οικονομικά αποτελέσματα
δρομολογήθηκε στην ίδια γραμμή και το αδελφό του
Οι παραπάνω εξελίξεις, σε συνδυασμό με την
του α’ εξαμήνου.
πλοίο Cruise Olympia.
πορεία των τιμών των καυσίμων, το επίπεδο
Η Minoan Lines μέσα σε αυτό το εξαιρετικά αντίξοο
Με χωρητικότητα για το κάθε πλοίο 3.000
ανταγωνισμού μεταξύ των εταιρειών του κλάδου
οικονομικό περιβάλλον, έχοντας τα τελευταία χρόνια
επιβατών, 3.000 γραμμικών μέτρων φορτίου
και την αναπροσαρμογή της προσφερόμενης
ακολουθήσει μια πολιτική μείωσης του τραπεζικού
(180 φορτηγών διεθνών μεταφορών και 250 Ι.Χ.
χωρητικότητας στις γραμμές Ηράκλειο – Πειραιά &
δανεισμού και περιστολής των λειτουργικών της
αυτοκινήτων ή εναλλακτικά 1.000 περίπου Ι.Χ.
Πάτρα – Ηγουμενίτσα - Αγκώνα είναι οι βασικότεροι
δαπανών έχει βελτιώσει σε σημαντικό βαθμό τη
αυτοκινήτων) τα πλοία Cruise Europa και Cruise
παράγοντες οι οποίοι θα επηρεάσουν τα οικονομικά
χρηματοοικονομική της διάρθρωση. Το γεγονός
Olympia σηματοδοτούν μια νέα εποχή στη θαλάσσια
αποτελέσματα της Εταιρείας την τρέχουσα
αυτό, επιτρέπει στην εταιρεία να ανταπεξέλθει στις
σύνδεση μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Ιταλίας.
οικονομική χρήση.
δυσκολίες που προέρχονται από αυτή την αρνητική
Ήδη η κίνηση αυτή θεωρείται έως τώρα επιτυχημένη
οικονομική συγκυρία.
και έχει ενισχύσει τη θέση της εταιρείας στη
Ο Όμιλος Grimaldi έχει έδρα τη Νάπολη (Ιταλία),
O κύκλος εργασιών της Minoan Lines το α΄ εξάμηνο
συγκεκριμένη γραμμή αφού στο τρέχον έτος όπου
ελέγχει ένα στόλο με περισσότερα από 100 πλοία
του 2011 διαμορφώθηκε σε 79,3 εκατ. €, ενώ
δραστηριοποιούνται και τα δύο πλοία για πρώτη
και απασχολεί περίπου 8.000 εργαζόμενους. Το
το λειτουργικό αποτέλεσμα (EBITDA) ανήλθε σε
χρονιά μαζί, παρουσιάζεται αύξηση των μεριδίων
2010, ο κύκλος εργασιών του Ομίλου ανήλθε σε
-11,9 εκατ. €. Τα καθαρά αποτελέσματα της Minoan
αγοράς σε όλες τις κατηγορίες μεταφορικού έργου.
2,2 δισεκατομμύρια Ευρώ, έχοντας μεταφέρει
Lines μετά από φόρους το α΄ εξάμηνο του 2011
Συγκεκριμένα, τα μερίδια αγοράς κατά το α’ εξάμηνο
περίπου 2,73 εκατομμύρια επιβάτες, πάνω από
διαμορφώθηκαν σε -24,8 εκατ. €. Σημειώνεται ότι
του 2011 ανήλθαν για τους επιβάτες σε 40,3%
2,78 εκατομμύρια Ι.Χ. επιβατικά αυτοκίνητα και 1,43
ο κλάδος της επιβατηγού ναυτιλίας χαρακτηρίζεται
έναντι 32,3% το α’ εξάμηνο του 2010, για τα Ι.Χ.
εκατομμύρια ρυμουλκούμενα, φορτηγά αυτοκίνητα
από έντονη εποχικότητα καθώς το μεταφορικό έργο
αυτοκίνητα σε 36,7% έναντι 26,1% το α’ εξάμηνο
και εμπορευματοκιβώτια. Στον επιβατικό τομέα,
των επιβατών εμφανίζεται ασθενές κατά το πρώτο
του 2010 και για τα φορτηγά αυτοκίνητα σε 46,1%
εκτός από τη Grimaldi Lines, ο Όμιλος ελέγχει τη
εξάμηνο του έτους.
έναντι 36,7% το αντίστοιχο περσινό διάστημα.
Finnlines, που κατέχει ηγετική θέση στη Βαλτική Θάλασσα και τη Minoan Lines στην Ελλάδα, η
Σε επίπεδο ομίλου, το α΄ εξάμηνο του 2011 ο κύκλος εργασιών διαμορφώθηκε σε 79,3 εκατ. €,
Ελληνική Ακτοπλοΐα (Γραμμή Κρήτης)
οποία κατέχει ηγετική θέση τόσο στην Αδριατική
ενώ τόσο η λειτουργική κερδοφορία (ΕBITDA) όσο
Στη γραμμή «Ηράκλειο – Πειραιάς» η Minoan
θάλασσα, μεταξύ Ιταλίας και Ελλάδας, όσο και στη
και τα καθαρά αποτελέσματα διαμορφώθηκαν στα
Lines το α΄ εξάμηνο του 2011 διατήρησε την ισχυρή
γραμμή από τον Πειραιά (το λιμάνι της Αθήνας)
ίδια επίπεδα με αυτά της μητρικής εταιρείας.
της θέση στην αγορά, ενώ πέτυχε να αυξήσει
προς την Κρήτη.
περαιτέρω το μεταφορικό της έργο και τα μερίδια
Η Minoan Lines ιδρύθηκε το 1972, έχει έδρα το
Μεταφορικό έργο
αγοράς τόσο στους επιβάτες όσο και στα Ι.Χ.
Ηράκλειο (Κρήτη) και από το 2008 αποτελεί μέρος
Γραμμές Αδριατικής (Βόρεια Ιταλία)
αυτοκίνητα σε σχέση με το αντίστοιχο εξάμηνο του
του Ομίλου Grimaldi. Κατέχοντας ηγετική θέση στις
Στις γραμμές της Βόρειας Αδριατικής (Αγκώνα &
γραμμές μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Ιταλίας καθώς και
Βενετία) η Minoan Lines με γνώμονα την όσο το
Η εταιρεία το α΄ εξάμηνο του 2011 μετέφερε
στη γραμμή Πειραιάς - Ηράκλειο, η Minoan Lines
δυνατόν αποδοτικότερη οικονομική εκμετάλλευση
377.000 επιβάτες, 44.000 Ι.Χ. αυτοκίνητα και
διαχειρίζεται ένα στόλο από επτά υπερσύγχρονα,
των πλοίων του στόλου της, το α’ εξάμηνο του
26.000 φορτηγά αυτοκίνητα. Τα μερίδια αγοράς
υψηλών προδιαγραφών και ταχυτήτων πλοία. Η
2011 πέτυχε σε όλες τις κατηγορίες μεταφορικού
διαμορφώθηκαν σε 59,6% στους επιβάτες,
εταιρεία δραστηριοποιείται στις γραμμές : Πάτρα
έργου υψηλότερη κίνηση και μερίδια σε σχέση
56,0% στα Ι.Χ. αυτοκίνητα και 38,7% στα
– Ηγουμενίτσα – Αγκώνα, Πάτρα – Κέρκυρα –
με την αντίστοιχη περσινή περίοδο. Η εταιρεία
φορτηγά αυτοκίνητα, ενώ τα πλοία της Εταιρείας
Ηγουμενίτσα – Βενετία και Πειραιάς – Ηράκλειο.
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60 NAFS issue 4/2011
ακροθαλάσσια RINA granted US Coast Guard US flag approval RINA is one of the oldest classification societies and certification companies in the world. Established in Genoa in 1861 to serve the marine industry, today it spans the globe as a multinational and multi-faceted company, sharing its knowledge and experience through a wide range of services which help industries and the community to improve their businesses and quality of life. RINA’s services cover the environment, energy, transportation, logistics, safety, quality and social responsibility. GENOA-based classification society RINA has been authorised by the U.S. Coast Guard to conduct plan review and approval and initial and subsequent surveys for U.S.-flagged cargo and passenger vessels. Under the agreement signed yesterday, RINA has received delegation for Load Line, SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM, and Tonnage survey and certification services. The MOA delegating authority and establishing guidelines for co-operation between the USCG and RINA was signed at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington yesterday, by Rear Admiral Paul F. Zukunft (Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security and Stewardship) USCG and Ugo Salerno, CEO, RINA. Ugo Salerno, CEO, RINA, says, “We appreciate the trust the USCG is putting in RINA, and we salute the good relations and mutual respect we have developed over twenty years. We have focused relentlessly on quality and that has paid off as we have topped the quality table for classification societies as measured by Port State Control performance.” Rear Admiral Paul F. Zukunft, USCG, says, “The signing of this agreement is indicative of the trust and value the U.S. Coast Guard places in our partnerships that promote the safe and secure movement of shipping, people, and cargo across the vast maritime domain.” RINA was the first international classification society to sign a co-operation agreement with the USCG for foreign-flag passenger ships using US ports, and since then has worked hard with the Coast Guard to ensure that US passengers sail on safe ships. Today this new agreement recognises the success of that agreement and makes RINA’s services available to the wider US shipping industry. Massimo Volta, General Manager, America, RINA, says, “Operators of US tonnage will now be able to benefit from the high levels of service on which RINA prides itself. We bring the full range of international classification services to the US market, we also bring a lot of expertise and experience, especially with specialized vessels. And we bring something extra, we bring a special attention to personal service.”
Double control for water jets Swedish-based MJP Waterjets has succeeded in
hourglass shape results in a narrow waist at the
Since the jets are placed very deep in the water in
combining steering and reversing of two jets simulta-
waterline. The section below the waterline is made to
Catamaran Mode, inboard hydraulics is being used
neously into a central column operating both jets in
an absolute minimum.
to avoid the use of external hydraulics several meters
parallel by means of a single hydraulic control. This
During the design phase MJP have made use of
below the water surface. Furthermore, the increased
new design of the steering and reversing unit called
CFD also to optimize the flow in the bucket to en-
wet surface and increased drag caused by external
CSUI has recently been tested on the French landing
hance the reversing performance. This is particularly
hydraulics is eliminated. Due to the limited space
craft CNIM EDA-R.
important on a landing craft in order to ensure safe
inside the hull, the traditional MJP DRB design could
The landing craft with its hourglass shaped hull and
disembarkation from the beach. Sea trials have
not be used in this case and therefore MJP had
has two very different operating conditions: Cata-
shown that the vessel is able to operate at the incred-
to come up with a completely new design with the
maran Mode and Barge Mode and thus called for
ible speed of 10 knots in reverse at full load in open
inboard hydraulics placed above the jets. The new
specific design requirements.
seas. In Catamaran Mode, the centre platform is high
CSUI is based on an old MJP design from the mid
The vessel is equipped with four engines and four
above the waterline and the jets are consequently
90’s used for a FMV prototype owned by the Swedish
jets, which are driven by a MJP 650 mixed flow pump.
very deep in the water. When the centre platform is
Defense organization. Due to the narrow waist of
As usual, the intake is adapted and designed to
lowered into Barge Mode, the jets are in a more com-
the hull this time two jets in each hull are controlled
the constraints given by the hull and its application
mon position. The design needs to fulfil the require-
through centrally located mechanical equipment in
using CFD. The swath type hull with its pronounced
ments for both operating conditions.
between the jets.
62 NAFS issue 4/2011
ακροθαλάσσια Napa Group: A leading provider of software solutions A leading provider of software solutions for the maritime industry focuses on customers and growth. Mr. Juha Heikinheimo (54) has been appointed to the position of President of Napa Group (Napa Ltd), a world leading provider of software solutions for the maritime industry. The appointment takes effect on September 1, 2011. Mr Heikinheimo assumes the position from Matti Salo, who successfully served as President of Napa Group for eleven years. Mr Salo will continue as President of the subsidiary, Onboard-Napa Ltd. He will focus his attention on customers and boosting the growth of the NAPA for Operations business. Juha Heikinheimo has extensive experience of the shipbuilding industry. Most recently, he has served as President of STX Finland Oy. Earlier he worked as President of the Santasalo Group, and he also has about twenty years´ experience of various management positions within the Metso Group in Finland, France and Singapore. Heikinheimo started his career as a naval architect at Rauma Shipyard in 1983. ”The Napa Group is ready to exploit the new growth opportunities facing us,” says Mr. Ari Elo, Chairman of the Board of Napa Ltd. ”Our goal is to grow and further strengthen our position as a leading provider of software solutions and services for the maritime industry. I am very pleased to have Juha Heikinheimo onboard. I believe that his business and management skills combined with his strong background in shipbuilding will be of great value to the Napa Group. I am convinced that with these two experienced leaders, Heikinheimo and Salo, the Napa Group will be able to reach its bold growth targets,” Elo continues. ”I am truly delighted to join the dynamic and successful Napa Group. As a global leader and forerunner in its industry, Napa’s strength lies in its ability to offer customers user-friendly and reliable software solutions for the vessel’s entire life cycle – from design to operation. We will work together with the entire Napa team to identify new ideas and business opportunities that will further strengthen Napa’s position as a leading maritime software solutions provider,” Juha Heikinheimo says. “We are witnessing remarkable growth in software solutions markets for ship operations. Our intention is to work actively to grow our share of these markets. Napa is committed to developing and delivering solutions and services that will improve the performance of our customers. Energy efficiency and safety together with environment-friendly and sustainable solutions will become ever more important, not least due to new, stricter regulations and legislation. Napa can already provide fully compliant solutions for its customers,” Matti Salo states.
Novenco and Alfa Laval join forces Novenco and Alfa Laval have joined forces to provide a professional and complete cooling solution: Alfa Laval Advanced Cooling System (ACS). The system will allow ships to safely operate with any quality of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO). Collaboration started in March 2010 and the two companies signed an official partner agreement on November 23rd the same year. ACS is specially designed for easy installation in restricted space areas. Novenco’s QCM chiller unit delivers chilled water to the Alfa Laval Fuel Conditioning Module (FCM) at a very stable temperature, enabling accurate control of fuel oil viscosity in all conditions. The viscosity of LSFO can be accurately controlled regardless of seawater temperature, which gives the crew the confidence to operate the ship safely anywhere in the world. This capability is increasingly important due to tightening SECA restrictions. Today, ships require a fuel system that conditions LSFO sufficiently to ensure safe operation of all machinery. Without this, many parts of the world will fall outside of operational limits. Alfa Laval and Novenco have seen a steady increase in the demand for ACS. The reference list of commissioned systems is considerable and covers all ship types. The close corporation between the two companies ensures the best possible support and service for customers.
64 NAFS issue 4/2011
class news
DNV report warns the era of cheap oil is coming to an end The DNV ‘Technology Outlook 2020’ report presented at Offshore Europe warns that the age of ‘cheap’ oil is coming to an end. With a forecasted increase in global energy demand of 19% by 2020, DNV says the sector will have to push the boundaries to satisfy this need. In the last 25 years, only one barrel of oil has been discovered for every four barrels consumed. Daily world oil consumption is in the region of 85 million barrels with production never expected to exceed 95 mbd. Companies will have to explore more costly, lower quality and unconventional oil sources. Elisabeth Harstad, Managing Director of DNV Research and Innovation, says that DNV doesn’t claim to have all the answers but bases the predictions on expertise in a broad range of areas including fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable power, power transmission systems and shipping. At the presentation in Aberdeen earlier today she said: “Technology is a vital part of the solution for many of the global and industry challenges facing us today. Oil and gas, as well as coal, will continue to dominate the global energy mix over the next decade, but the age of cheap oil is going towards the end. Technologies in the exploration and production sector are to focus on increasing efficiency to capitalize on remaining reserves. Improving environmental footprint will also be crucial.” The industry will have to prepare itself for drilling more complex and demanding wells in deep water, complex reservoirs, and the Arctic, which poses a number of technology challenges to oil and gas companies. Operation is anticipated to reach pressures above 20,000 PSI and temperatures of more than 200°C by 2020, and technology will have to adapt to withstand and work efficiently in these parameters. The ‘Technology Outlook 2020’ report outlines some of the developments that will shape the future of the sector. Drilling speed is estimated to increase by as much as 50%. Drilling operations will also become more efficient in mature fields to enable development of smaller reservoirs and increase oil recovery in existing fields. As 25% of the world’s remaining reserves are potentially untapped in the Arctic, DNV predicts that activity will increase in this area. New technology will be essential to raise industry practices and deal with the harsh environment of the Arctic, but the focus will remain on environmental protection in this burgeoning region. Horizontal drilling and the practice of hydraulic fracturing are to spread worldwide according to the report. Unconventional gas will radically change the entire gas market, but unconventional oil production will remain limited due to the environmental challenges and high cost. Demand for gas is expected to grow almost twice as much as for oil. In addition shale gas will be introduced to the mix due to more competitive pricing. Elisabeth Harstad said: “We are in a decade of transition and development of new oil and gas technology will have to be fast-paced to keep up. However, it will be more a case of technology evolution rather than revolution. Much of what will characterize 2020 is already in the labs or on the drawing boards but we can expect new applications to unlock some of the existing major industry barriers.” fully compliant solutions for its customers,” Matti Salo states.
Making the right decision about aging oil and gas facilities
Elisabeth Harstad, Managing Director of DNV Research and Innovation
DNV has developed a rapid, semi-quantitative method for evaluating asset condition, including a prioritisation of risks and works required, for aging onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities. Put to the test in both Africa and Europe, the aim is to support the investment or divestment decisions that often occur when such facilities near the end of their design life.
As the North Sea oil & gas province matures,
team of people, the work can often be completed
more assets are changing ownership to “tailend”
Speaking at Offshore Europe 2011, DNV’s Marcus
within four to six weeks, providing parties with an
producers who are more able to take advantage of
Flint gave a presentation on how the situation can
objective assessment of condition and where invest-
advances technology and gain investment for sub-
be handled effectively by a small team of DNV
ment will be required.
sea tie-backs to extend feasible production. This
specialists. “A semi-quantitative approach is suf-
In recent assignments involving examination of
consequently creates a challenge as the facilities
ficient in many cases to make the major decisions
facilities over 18 years of age, DNV has found that
will need attention to continue to operate safely and
necessary to support CAPEX and OPEX budgeting
about 7-15 per cent of the equipment and structures
economically, usually beyond their original design
for continuing operations,” says Mr Flint. “Inputs to
require work as a high priority. Even though consci-
life. A rapid evaluation of the physical condition and
DNV’s methodology are taken from a combination
entious operators may already have some of these
capability to continue safe and effective produc-
of historical operations and maintenance records,
included in a remediation plan, a new operator
tion is often required to support due diligence, to
on-site examination of equipment and the direct ex-
taking over may be less aware of where they really
assist in price negotiations and to meet regulatory
periences of selected site personnel.” With a small
need to focus.
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NAFS issue 4/2011 67
γράφει ο Κ. Δούκας
ταξίδι στη γνώση
Αλκιβιάδης Ωραίος, ανδρείος, διάνοια και
68 NAFS issue4/2011
ταξίδι στη γνώση • Άλλαξε όλους τους τρόπους ζωής και δίαιτας καταφεύγοντας άλλοτε στην Σπάρτη και άλλοτε στην Περσία συνωμοτώντας κατά της Ελλάδος. • Ακαταμάχητος γόης, προικισμένος με τά κάλλιστα των σωματικών και ηθικών προτερημάτων και με δασκάλους τον Πρόδικο, τον Περικλή και τον Σωκράτη, εστράφη κατά της πατρίδος για να πετύχει τις φιλοδοξίες του, αλλά και κατήγαγε περηφανείς νίκες υπέρ των Αθηναίων. • Βίαιος και τραμπούκος στην δημόσια συμπεριφορά του, άπιστος και ακόλαστος, αλλά ταυτόχρονα αήττητος στρατηγός, υπέροχος διπλωμάτης, έξοχος νους και υπέροχη διάνοια με τεράστιες ικανότητες, θα μπορούσε να είχε πραγματοποιήσει το όνειρο της μεγάλης Ελλάδος πριν από τους Μακεδόνες. • Το οικτρό τέλος ενός ανδρός μοναδικού στην ιστορία που η ηθική παραλυσία της εποχής του, όμοια με την σημερινή μολυσμένη ατμόσφαιρα των μνημονίων και των δημαγωγών, τον εξέθρεψε σαν τέρας. • Τέτοιες ήταν οι ικανότητες του Αλκιβιάδους, ώστε ο δήμος κατήντισε τυφλός λάτρης και δούλος του, συγχωρώντας του όλα τα ελαττώματα και επιτρέποντάς του κάθε παρανομία. Και όμως ο ίδιος ο λαός συνωμότησε με τους Πέρσες για το θάνατο του.
Μια από τις πιο αμφιλεγόμενες προσωπικότητες της
μαχόμενος στην Δήλο και προσέθεσε στην ήδη
αρχαίας ιστορίας των Ελλήνων ήταν ο Αλκιβιάδης.
μεγάλη περιουσία του, προίκα δέκα ταλάντων.
Χαρακτήρας ποικιλότροπος, ο οποίος έπαιξε σοβαρό ρόλο στην διαμόρφωση των πολιτικών
Θεϊκή ομορφιά
αλλά και ηθικών πραγμάτων της αρχαίας Ελλάδος
Ο Αλκιβιάδης όχι μόνο είχε τύχη, αλλά και η φύση
κατά την κρίσιμη περίοδο του πελοποννησιακού
του τον προίκισε με τα κάλλιστα των σωματικών
Συζώντας με τον σατράπη Τισσαφέρνη, ο
πολέμου, που κατέστρεψε την χώρα και ειδικότερα
και των ηθικών προτερημάτων. Το κάλλος του
Αλκιβιάδης υπερέβαλε σε όγκο και πολυτέλεια,
τους Αθηναίους και την ναυτιλιακή τους ηγεμονία. Ο
υπήρξε πολυθρύλητο. Ο Ξενοφών αναφέρει
ακόμη και την περσική μεγαλοπρέπεια.
Αλκιβιάδης καταγόταν από το γένος των Αιακηδών.
ότι ο Αλκιβιάδης ήταν τόσο ωραίος και τόσο
Μέσα σε αυτό το κάλλιστο ανθρώπινο σκεύος
Αλλά και στους νεώτερους ιστορικούς χρόνους
ακαταμάχητος, ώστε ακόμη και οι σεμνότερες
υπήρξαν όλα τα σπέρματα των πιο σπανίων
ανήκε από πατέρα και μητέρα στους πρώτους
γυναίκες δεν μπορούσαν να αντισταθούν στην
διανοητικών και ψυχικών αρετών. Α
οίκους των Αθηνών. Ο παππούς του, ο Αλκιβιάδης,
γοητεία του.
ήταν φίλος του Κλεισθένους και είχε συμβάλλει
Όμως το αθλητικό του σώμα ήταν ταυτόχρονα
ουσιαστικά στην πολιτική μεταβολή, δηλαδή στην
και ευτράπελο και γι’ αυτό οι Αθηναίοι του είχαν
επιβολή του δημοκρατικού πολιτεύματος.
δώσει τον χαρακτηρισμό του χαμαιλέοντα, διότι
ως καθώς από την πρώτη νεότητά του έδωσε
Ο πατέρας του ο Κλεινίας με δική του τριήρη
δεν υπήρχε στον κόσμο κανένας τρόπος ζωής
λαμπρά δείγματα ανδρείας όταν το 432 π.Χ. σε
ναυμάχησε ένδοξα στο Αρτεμίσιο και έπεσε ύστερα
που να μη φάνηκε επιτήδειος και να μη μιμήθηκε ο
ηλικία μόλις 20 ετών, προκινδύνευσε όσο κανείς
στην μάχη της Κορώνειας κατά των Βοιωτών.
άλλος στην μάχη της Ποτίδαιας τραυματίστηκε
Από την μητέρα του, την Δεινομάχη, ο Αλκιβιάδης
Και πράγματι. Στην Σπάρτη αναδείχθηκε
βαρειά και σώθηκε από τον φιλόσοφο Σωκράτη που
ήταν απόγονος των Αλκμαιωνιδών και ακόμα ήταν
γυμναστικός, ευτελής, ή σκυθρωπός.
οπλίτης και αυτός, πολέμησε στην ίδια μάχη.
συγγενής του Περικλέους.
Στην Ιωνία ακόλαστος, φιλήδονος, ράθυμος.
Το πολυμήχανο πνεύμα του και η ρητορική του
Παντρεύτηκε μια πλούσια κόρη, την Ιππαρέτη,
Στην Θράκη μεθυστικός.
ικανότητα και η ευφυία θύμιζε τον μέγα Θεμιστοκλή,
θυγατέρα του ονομαστού Ιππονίκου, που έπεσε
Στην Θεσσαλία ιππαστικός.
τον νικητή της ναυμαχίας της Σαλαμίνος, που έσωσε
Ανδρείος Ανάμεσα στις πολλές του αρετές ήταν και ανδρείος
NAFS issue4/2011 69
ταξίδι στη γνώση
γράφει ο Κ. Δούκας
Η εκστρατεία στην Σικελία, που είχε απαγορεύσει απολύτως ο Περικλής σηματοδότησε την αρχή του τέλους της θαλασσινής ηγεμονίας των Αθηναίων.
όχι μόνο την Ελλάδα, αλλά ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη.
Όμως ο Αλκιβιάδης είχε και σπουδαίους δάσκαλους,
και οι πολλοί χρηστοί δάσκαλοι δεν κατόρθωσαν να
Ωστόσο όταν μιλούσε ο Αλκιβιάδης στην εκκλησία
όπως ήταν ο Πρόδικος και ο σοφώτατος,
ξημερώσουν το ήθος και την ψυχή του Αλκιβιάδους.
του δήμου, αρκετές φορές κόμπιαζε και σταματούσε,
χρηστότατος και θετικότατος των φιλοσόφων της
Ουδέποτε Αθηναίος καταπάτηση τόσο αναιδώς
επειδή δεν εύρισκε την κατάλληλη λέξη.
αρχαιότητας Σωκράτης. Αλλά και ο ίδιος ο Περικλής
τους κειμένους νόμους της πατρίδας. Μια ημέρα
Έτσι ο κωμικός Εύπολις, που ήταν σύγχρονος
φρόντισε να τον διδάξει τα ύψιστα πολιτικά και
μπαίνει ο Αλκιβιάδης στην σχολή διδασκάλου και
του Αλκιβιάδους είπε γι΄αυτόν: «Λαλείν άριστος,
θεωρητικά μελέτηματα.
τον ραπίζει επειδή δεν είχε μαζί του τον Όμηρο.
αδυνατότατος λέγειν».(Να λαλεί άριστος, αλλά να
Άλλη μέρα ραπίζει δημόσια σε θέατρο τον χορηγό
αρθρώνει λόγο πολύ αδύνατος). Ήθελε μ’ αυτό να
Ταβρέα, επειδή ήταν αντίζηλός του.
πει ο Εύπολις ότι ενώ Αλκιβιάδης τα κατάφερνε
Όμως όλα αυτά τα καλά που του έδωσαν η
Επίσης ράπισε τον Ιππόνικο, τον μετέπειτα πεθερό
καλά στις κατ’ ιδίαν συζητήσεις, όταν μιλούσε
φύση, η τύχη και οι δάσκαλοι απέληξαν στο να
του, όχι από οργή ή ύστερα από διένεξη, αλλά για...
ενώπιον του δήμου υστερούσε.
διαμορφώσουν άνδρα αυθαδέστατο, βιαστή των
να γελάσει με τους φίλους του.
Πάντως ο Θουκυδίδης παραθέτει και την γνώμη
νόμων και ασεβέστατο προδότη της πατρίδας.
Μερικές φορές ενεργούσαν σαν κοινός τραμπούκος,
του Δημοσθένους, που είπε ότι ο Αλκιβιάδης ήταν
Όπως όλοι οι ποταμοί που χύνονται στον Εύξεινο
όπως όταν πήρε υπό την προστασία του τον ποιητή
δεινότατος στους δημόσιους λόγους.
Πόντο δεν μπορούν να γλυκάνουν τα νερά του, έτσι
Ηγεμόνα από την Θάσο και με τα ίδια του τα χέρια
70 NAFS issue4/2011
ταξίδι στη γνώση
από μηνύματα τα δημόσια βιβλία την κατηγορία
Μολυσμένη ατμόσφαιρα
θεμιτό για να πετύχει, μη εξαιρουμένης ούτε της
εναντίον του, προκαλώντας την δικαιοσύνη να
Οι ιστορικοί διερωτώνται από πού προήλθε η
εξακολουθήσει, αν τολμά, την ανάκριση της
εξαχρείωση της φύσης εκείνης. Τα πάθη του
Ποιος μπορούσε μέσα στην πόλη των Αθηνών να
Αλκιβιάδους υπήρξαν πολλά και μεγάλα, τα οποία
αναχαιτίσει, να σωφρονήσει και να χειραγωγήσει τον
Όταν η σύζυγός του Ιππαρέτη, που δεν μπορούσε
όμως έρχονταν σε αντίθεση με το φιλόνεικον και
Αλκιβιάδη; Το ακόλαστο πλήθος που επικρατούσε
πια να ανεχθεί την ακολασία και την απιστία του και
το φιλόπρωτον του ανδρός. Λέγεται ότι ίσως αυτή
με τους δημαγωγούς στοπολίτευμα και που μόλις
ζήτησε νόμιμο διαζύγιο, ο Αλκιβιάδης την εμπόδισε
η συμπεριφορά οφειλόταν στην παραμέλησή του,
είχε παραδώσει αυτό στον Κλέωνα, παρασύρθηκε
να κάνει χρήση του νόμου, την άρπαξε δια της βίας
επειδή από μικρός έμεινε ορφανός πενταετής. Αλλά
από τον λαμπρό εκείνο νεανία ευκολότερα,
ενώπιον όλων των αρχόντων και την πήγε στο σπίτι
μήπως η πρώτη ανατροφή του Θεμιστοκλέους και
καθώς ο Αλκιβιάδης είχε μερικά αναμφισβήτητα
του Κίμωνος υπήρξαν περισσότερο επανειλημμένες;
προτερήματα, αλλά και στρατηγική δεξιότητα, που
Οι βιαιοπραγίες του Αλκιβιάδους ήταν
Ο Θουκυδίδης και ο Πλάτων πιστεύουν ότι τα ήθη
φαινόταν σαν αποκλειστικό προνόμιο των καλών
δυσαρίθμητες. Ακόμη και η συμπεριφορά του έναντι
του Αλκιβιάδους εκτραχύνθηκαν επειδή ήθελε να
και αγαθών οίκων από τους οποίους καταγόταν
της πατρίδας του υπήρξε επιεικώς απαράδεκτη.
γίνει ένας νέος Περικλής και εισήλθε νεότατος στην
ο Αλκιβιάδης. Έτσι ο δήμος κατήντισε τυφλός
Αφού εξεδώθη αυτή στην επανάληψη του πολέμου,
λάτρης και δούλος του, συγχωρώντας όλα του τα
αφού προκάλεσε την ασύνετη εκστρατεία προς
Κατά τον Κωνσταντίνο Παπαρρηγόπουλο, η
ελαττώματα και αποθαυμάζοντας όλα τα τολμήματα.
την Σικελία, που ο Περικλής είχε απαγορεύσει
αλήθεια πρέπει να αναζητηθεί στην μολυσμένη
Και ακόμη επιτρέποντάς του την κάθε παρανομία.
απολύτως, έπειτα, επειδή προσεκλήθη να δώσει
ατμόσφαιρα μέσα στην οποία ο Αλκιβιάδης έζησε
Τέτοια υπήρξε η αδυναμία της πόλεως προς
λόγο στην δικαιοσύνη, αντί να υπακούσει, λιποτακτεί
και πολιτεύτηκε. Η ηθική παραλυσία, που παρήγαγε
τον άνθρωπο αυτόν, ώστε και αφού φανερά την
προς τους Σπαρτιάτες και τους καθοδηγεί πώς να
ο πελοποννησιακός πόλεμος, έφερε τέτοια σύγχυση
πρόδωσε, και αφού έγινε αίτιος των μεγαλυτέρων
καταφέρουν δεινά πλήγματα κατά των Αθηναίων.
ιδεών, ώστε η φιλαρχία του θεώρησε κάθε τρόπο
της συμφορών, πάλι όταν θέλησε να επανέλθει σε
Ούτε ο σοφώτατος Σωκράτης μπόρεσε να συγκρατήσει τον παράφορο και φιλόδοξο χαρακτήρα του Αλκιβιάδη. Ακόμη και ο Ολύμπιος Περικλής δεν ξέφυγε από τους μύδρους του Αλκιβιάδη. Αλκιβιάδης: Η μεγαλοφυία που προβλημάτισε την Αρχαιότητα με την δημόσια συμπεριφορά της. Ο Αριστοφάνης στόλισε κατάλληλα τον Αλκιβιάδη στον Θεατρικό του λόγο. Η εκστρατεία στην Σικελία, που είχε απαγορεύσει απολύτως ο Περικλής σηματοδότησε την αρχή του τέλους της θαλασσινής ηγεμονίας των Αθηναίων.
NAFS issue4/2011 71
ταξίδι στη γνώση
γράφει ο Κ. Δούκας
αυτή, εκείνη του άνοιξε την αγκαλιά της. Το πάθος
η κυβέρνηση Γεώργιου Παπανδρέου, καθώς οι
βαρβάρων. Και όμως, αυτοί αποφάσιζαν για την
της πόλεως των Αθηνών προς τον Αλκιβιάδη
δημοκρατικοί θεσμοί έχουν και πάλι ατονίσει,
τύχη της πόλεως. Ο Αλκιβιάδης παρουσίασε
εξήγησε κάλλιστα Αριστοφάνης λέγοντας: «Ποθεί
οι και κεκράκτες επικρατούν και τα προσωπικά
με τόσο ζωηρά χρώματα την λαμπρότητα του
μεν, εχθαίρει σε, βούλεται δ’ έχειν». ( Από την μια
συμφέροντα των κυβερνώντων τίθεται υπεράνω των
μελετώμενου έργου καλύπτοντας όλα τα κωλύματα
τον πόθεί, από την άλλη τον εχθρεύεται, και την
συμφερόντων της πατρίδας. Ο Περικλής βέβαια δεν
με τέτοιες ψευδολογίες, ώστε παρέσυρε τους
άλλη θέλει να τον έχει.).
είχε τον καιρό να επιτηρεί αδιάκοπα τον Αλκιβιάδη,
πολλούς και όπως λέει ο Θουκυδίδης ούτε το
Η αλλοίωση του πολιτεύματος επισημαίνεται
ο οποίος είχε σε τέτοιο βαθμό αποθρασυνθεί, ώστε
μέγεθος της νήσου γνώριζαν ούτε τον πληθυσμό.
από τον Αριστοφάνη, καθώς λέει τα εξής για τον
όταν μία ημέρα ζήτησε ακρόαση από τον Περικλή
Φυσικά η επίθεση κατά των Συρακουσών απέτυχε.
Αλκιβιάδη: «Μάλιστα μεν ένα λέοντα μη εν πόλει
αλλά εκείνος δεν τον δέχτηκε αμέσως, επειδή
Ο στόλος των Αθηναίων κατεστράφη σε τέσσερις
τρέφειν. Ήν δ’ εκτρέφει τις, τοις τρόποις υπηρετείν».
ετοίμαζε ένα λόγο του, ο νεαρός είπε εις επήκοον
ατυχείς ναυμαχίες, ο δε στρατός ξηράς βιάστηκε να
( Κανένας δεν πρέπει τρέφει λιοντάρι στην πόλι
όλων: «Μήπως θα ήταν καλύτερο για τον Περικλή
οπισθοχώρηση στα ενδότερα της νήσου, όπου εν
στην άλλη, γιατί αν το κάνει, τότε υπηρετεί τους
να μην ασχοληθεί με το λόγο του;»
μέρει εξολοθρεύθηκε και εν μέρει αιχμαλωτίσθηκε
τρόπους του).
Μόνο Σωκράτης φαίνεται να επηρέασε κάπως
τον Σεπτέμβριο του 413 π.Χ.. Τρεις χιλιάδες γνήσιοι
Αλλά πολιτική λέοντες είχαν και παλαιότερα
την τρικυμιώδη εκείνη ψυχή, αν πιστέψουμε τον
Αθηναίοι, πολλές χιλιάδες οπλιτών και πάμπολλοι
υπάρξει. Όμως το δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα δεν τους
Πλάτωνα. Αλλά και από τα χέρια του Σωκράτους
άριστοι στρατηγοί σκοτώθηκαν ενώ η Αθήνα
άφησε να ασχημονήσουν. Τότε όμως επικρατούσε
ξεγλυστρούσε ο Αλκιβιάδης και το μόνο που
έχασε την κατά θάλασσα δόξα της. Το 413 π.Χ.
ο όχλος και ο νεαρός Αλκιβιάδης γελούσε και
του έμεινε ήταν η ενάσκηση των μυστηρίων της
οι εχθροπραξίες του πελοποννησιακού πολέμου
έπαιζε με τους θεσμούς και με τα πολυτιμότερα
διαλεκτικής τέχνης.
επαναλαμβάνονται στην Αττική με μονιμότερο
συμφέροντα της πατρίδας, απαράδεκτα όπως παίζει σήμερα, είκοσι πέντε αιώνες αργότερα,
χαρακτήρα υπό τον βασιλέα των Σπαρτιατών Άγιν
του Αρχιδάμου.. Ο Αλκιβιάδης, που είχε καταφύγει
Και ιδού εν ολίγοις η δημόσια συμπεριφορά του
στην Σπάρτη, συμβουλεύει τους Πελοποννησίους
Αλκιβιάδους έναντι της πατρίδας του. Επειδή μόνο
να οχυρώσουν την Δεκέλια, διακόπτοντας έτσι
με τον πόλεμο ήθελε να κορέσει τις φιλοδοξίες
την δια ξηράς συγκοινωνία των Αθηναίων και
του, όταν έφθασαν πρέσβεις από την Σπάρτη
την επικοινωνία με την Εύβοια. Το 412 π.Χ. οι
να διαπραγματευθούν με τους Αθηναίους τον
Σπαρτιάτες συνήψαν δύο επαίσχυντες συνθήκες
τερματισμό του πολέμου, ο Αλκιβιάδης μηχνεύθηκε
με τον Τισσαφέρνη, με τις οποίες αναγνώριζαν την
να ανατρέψει την ενέργεια των πρέσβεων, στους
κυριαρχία των Περσών στις ελληνικές πόλεις της
οποίους υποσχέθηκε υποστήριξη αν έλεγαν ότι
Μικράς Ασίας, όταν οι Πέρσες τριάντα χρόνια πριν
δεν είχαν πλήρη πληρεξουσιότητα να τερματίσουν
είχαν αποκλειστεί από το Αιγαίο με τις περίλαμπρες
τον πόλεμο. Οι πρέσβεις έπεσαν στην παγίδα του
νίκες του Κίμωνος με αντάλλαγμα να καταβάλει ο
και εκείνος τους εξέθεσε λέγοντας: «Βλέπετε την
Τισσαφέρνης τους μισθούς των πληρωμάτων του
απιστία και την παλιμβουλία των ανθρώπων. Άλλα
πελοποννησιακού στόλου. Και εδώ επανελήφθη
έλεγαν χθες, άλλα σήμερα. Πώς είναι δυνατόν να
η ακοίμητη κακία του Αλκιβιάδος, ο οποίος μετέβη
συνθηκολογίσουμε με τέτοιους αντιπροσώπους;»
στην Μικρά Ασία και προκάλεσε τις πρώτες
Έτσι ο πόλεμος συνεχίστηκε.
επαναστάσεις κατά των Αθηναίων των συμμάχων
Το δεύτερο μεγάλο λάθος του Αλκιβιάδους ήταν
αυτών. Τελικά περί τα τέλη του 412 π.Χ. ο
η εκστρατεία στη Σικελία, η οποία με τα σημερινά
Αλκιβιάδης αναγκάστηκε να προπαρασκευάσει την
κριτήρια απείχε όσο η Ευρώπη στην Αμερική.
επάνοδό του στην πατρίδα, αφού αποπλάνησε την
Ήταν τόσο αμαθείς των πραγμάτων οι Έλληνες
γυναίκα του Άγιδος την Τιμαία. Ο άνθρωπος αυτός,
της εποχής εκείνης, ώστε δεν γνώρισαν ούτε
του οποίου η μεγαλοφυΐα ήταν αναμφισβήτητη,
το πλήθος των Ελλήνων της Σικελίας ούτε των
λόγω της ποικίλης κακοήθειας του χαρακτήρος του, απέβαλε την πίστη όλων των πολιτικών
συμφερόντων που αλληλοδιαδόχως υπηρέτησε. Έτσι βρέθηκε και στην αυλή του Τοσσαφέρνη και διαπραγματεύθηκε με τους Αθηναίους την επάνοδό του στην Αθήνα με την υπόσχεση ότι θα έπειθε τον Τισσαφέρνη να αποσπασθεί από την συμμαχία των Σπαρτιατών. Επίσης πέτυχε την αλλαγή του πολιτεύματος, ώστε να απομακρυνθούν οι κοινοί δημαγωγοί που είχαν συντελέσει στην φυγή του Αλκιβιάδους. Έτσι στα τέλη του Ιουνίου του , 411 το τερατώδες οικοδόμημα των ολιγαρχικών ρύθμισαν το πολίτευμα και ψήφισαν την κάθοδο του Αλκιβιάδους.
72 NAFS issue4/2011
ταξίδι στη γνώση
γράφει ο Κ. Δούκας
Οι λαοί ξεχνούν
κάθε εξουσία και στην θέση του τοποθέτησαν δέκα
στρατηγεύσει στην εκστρατεία κατά της Σικελίας
Ύστερα από αρκετές περήφανης νίκες στην
στρατηγούς. Έτσι ο Αλκιβιάδης δεν επανήλθε
αντί του Νικία, θα είχε νικήσει. Ως διπλωμάτης
Μ. Ασία στις οποίες στρατήγησε ο Αλκιβιάδης,
στην Αθήνα, αλλά πήγε στη Θράκη, όπου είχε
ήταν υπέροχος. Ως πολιτικός υπήρξε αντιφατική
αποφάσισε εν τέλει να εμφανισθεί στην Αθήνα,
κατασκευάσει οχύρωμα για δική του ασφάλεια.
προσωπικότητα. Ως νους, έξοχος και ως διάνοια έκτακτη με τεράστιες ικανότητες. Αν μπορούσε
όπου αξιώθηκε λαμπρής δεξιώσεως αναγορευθείς «ηγεμών αυτοκράτωρ απάντων και λαβών προς
Θυελλώδης προσωπικότητα
ο Αλκιβιάδης να εξισορροπήσει το έξοχο μυαλό
εξακολούθηση του αγώνος 100 πλοία και 1500
Ο θάνατος του Αλκιβιάδη παρασκευάσθηκε και από
του και τις τεράστιες ικανότητές του και αν είχε
οπλίτες. Αλλά δεν ήταν γραφτό ούτε η πόλις των
τους τριάκοντα τυράννους σε συνεργασία με τον
ηγηθεί μιας πολιτείας χωρίς δημαγωγούς, ίσως η
Αθηνών να σωθεί από τον άνθρωπο που άλλοτε
Φαρνάβαζυ και με τον Λύσανδρο. Ο αδελφός και
πολιτεία των Αθηναίων να είχε καταλάβει τη θέση
την πρόδωσε, ούτε τα υπέρ πατρίδος κατορθώματα
θείος του Φαρνάβαζου κύκλωσα τον Αλκιβιάδη και
που κατέλαβε η Μακεδονία και ο Αλκιβιάδης να
του Αλκιβιάδους όσο μεγάλα κι αν ήταν, να
τους περί αυτόν και έβαλαν φωτιά στην αγροτική
είχε πραγματοποιήσει διά της ενώσεως την μεγάλη
εξευμενίσουν την ειμαρμένη που δεν αφήνει στο
οικία στην κώμη Μέλισσα της Φρυγίας, όπου
τέλος ατιμώρητη την πολιτική κακοήθεια.
συζούσε με την εταίρα Τιμάνδρα μητέρα της Λαίδος.
Στη Σπάρτη ανεδείχθησαν νέοι ηγεμόνες, όπως ο
Και ενώ ο Αλκιβιάδης έβγαινε σώος από τις φλόγες
φίλαρχος Λύσανδρος. Ήταν αρκετή μια ήττα κατά
με τα ρούχα του να καίγονται, έπεσε από τα ακόντια
την ναυμαχία στην Έφεσο για να δημιουργηθεί κύμα
και τα τόξα των βαρβάρων που περίμεναν έξω.
δυσπιστίας σε βάρος του Αλκιβιάδου, τον οποίον
Ήταν το 404 π.Χ..
υποπτέυθηκαν ότι και πάλι προδίδει. Αυτή είναι η
Ο Αλκιβιάδης ως στρατηγός ήταν αήττητος. Όπου
τύχη και η καταδίκη του προδότη. Του πήραν λοιπόν
ήταν παρών, εκεί ερχόταν και η νίκη. Και αν είχε
Κώστας Δούκας
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