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Posidonia 2016
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Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry
BimohthlyReview Review Bimohthly for the theShipping Shipping for Posidonia 2014...and the Industry Industry SEPTEMBER 2016 USA, ARPIL-MAY 2016 winner is KAMINCO issue110 112 issue
100 the Galileo’s ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ Cryobox 2229
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Greek Shipping at a boom? Post Posidonia pulse
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Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry SEPTEMBER 2016 issue 112
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Index ISSUE 112 - SEPTEMBER 2016
06. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Ἡ πολιτική ἁλώθηκε ἀπό τούς ἐφοπλιστές; ΤΟ...ALTER EGO ΤΗΣ ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΣ 08. ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Η άνοδος και η πτώση της Hanjin 12. Distributed Liquefaction introduced by Galileo/Kaminco LTD: Ship repair & underwater services in China, Carib22. BPCO bean and Brazil announces: Striking the environment/economics 24. KAMINCO balance on the Great Lakes with CROE® scrubbers Drydocks & Services Ltd announces Collaboration 38. Euploia with Stone Marine 40. MAN Turbochargers Round Millennium Mark Moving maintenance programmes into the smart 44. ABS: shipping era
PALLE GRANKVIST Optimizing Pump and Fan Speed to Current Conditions and Saving Fuel
DNV GL Marine Warranty Standards are a 56. New digital first 56. DONG Energy Awards ABS Group Project Azipod D propulsion scoops European Marine 62. ABB’s Engineering Award 64. defines ‘autonomy levels’ for ship design and 66. LR operation
Ο Κλάδος της Κρουαζιέρας Συνεχίζει να Συνεισφέρει Θετικά στην Οικονομία της Ευρώπης
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Ἡ πολιτική ἁλώθηκε ἀπό τούς ἐφοπλιστές;
Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση ἐκτιμήσεις, ὂχι στό εἶδος καί τήν ποιότητα τοῦ τηλεοπτικοῦ μετεικάσματος πού θά ἐπέμψουν οἱ καναλάρχες ἐφοπλιστές, ἀλλά στή σίγουρη ἀνεργία πού θά πλήξη τόν κλάδο τῶν ἐντίμων καί συνειδητῶν δημοσιογράφων καί στό ἐάν θά εἶναι βιώσιμα τά νέα κανάλια.
Ἡ στήλη αὐτή δέν θά ἒκανε, θεματολογικά, ἰδιαίτερη ἀναφορά στό διαμορφούμενο νέο “τηλεοπτικό τοπίο”, ἀν σ᾽ αὐτό δέν μετεῖχαν κατ᾽ἀπόλυτη σχεδόν πλειοψηφία τρεῖς ἐφοπλιστές, οἱ ὁποῖοι καί πρίν τήν χορήγηση τῶν πανάκριβων ἀδειῶν, διαφέντευαν τόν τομέα τῆς πληροφόρησης. Σέ ὃλα αὐτά τά χρόνια τῆς τηλεοπτικῆς κυριαρχίας τῶν ἐφοπλιστῶν στά ἠλεκτρονικά media καί ὂχι μόνο, ὁ ἑλληνικός λαός ὂχι μόνο δέν ἀπήλαυσε τό δημοκρατικό ἰδεῶδες τῆς ἀντικειμενικῆς πληροφόρησης καί τῆς πολιτιστικῆς καλλιέργειας, ἀλλ᾽ ἀπεναντίας καταδημαγωγήθηκε, χειραγωγήθηκε (ἀν δέν διαβουκολεύθηκε) ἀπό μία τηλεόραση στήν ὁποία κυριαρχοῦσαν μεγάλοι Ἓλληνεςἐφοπλιστές, οἱ περισσότεροι τῶν ὁποίων μάλιστα μέ τόν ἓνα ἢ μέ τόν ἂλλο τρόπο λογοδότησαν ἀκόμη καί στήν δικαιοσύνη. Μέ μία στρατευμένη καί ἀκριβοπληρωμένη δράκα συστημικῶν δημοσιογράφων, διέβρωσαν τήν ὑπερήφανη ἑλληνική ψυχή, μέ μία μή ἀντικειμενική πληροφόρηση ἐξυπηρετούσα συγκεκριμένα πολιτικά καί οἰκονομικά συμφέροντα καί μέ διάφορες χαμηλοῦ ἐπιπέδου ἐκπομπές, πού ἂμβλυναν, ἲσως ἀνεπανόρθωτα, τό ἐθνικό, ἱστορικό καί πολιτιστικό ἐπίπεδο τοῦ λαοῦ, μέ ἀποτέλεσμα νά φθάση αὐτός ἐδῶ πού ἒφθασε: Στήν δυστυχία, στήν οἰκονομική καί ἠθική ἐξαθλίωση, μέ ὁρατό τόν κίνδυνο ἀκόμη καί μιᾶς ἐθνικῆς καταστροφῆς. Τώρα πού τό τηλεοπτικό τοπίο ἂλλαξε, ὃλοι σχολιάζουν καί δίνουν τίς δικές τους
Κανείς δέν ἀντελήφθη ὃτι ἡ ἒντονη παρουσία τῶν ἐφοπλιστῶν στίς τηλεοπτικές ἐπιχειρήσεις, σημαίνει ὃτι ἡ χώρα, στήν πραγματικότητα, κυβερνᾶται ἀπό αὐτούς. Οἱ τρεῖς τέσσερις μεγαλοεφοπλιστές καί οἱ λοιποί πού θά κληθοῦν νά εἰσέλθουν μέ διάφορα ἐπιχειρηματικά σχήματα, ἀποτελοῦν στήν πραγματικότητα μία σκιώδη κυβέρνηση, ἀνεξαρτήτως κόμματος ἐξουσίας. Ἂλλωστε ὡρισμένοι ἐφοπλιστές καναλάρχες δέν κρύβουν τίς προσωπικές πολιτικές τους φιλοδοξίες. Ὁ Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης, γόνος τοῦ ἒχοντος τό “σαράκι” τῆς πολιτικῆς Μιλτιάδη, εἶχε δηλώσει κατά τήν προεκλογική ἐκστρατεία τοῦ δημάρχου Πειραιᾶ: “Δέν φοβᾶμαι ν᾽ ἀσχοληθῶ μέ τήν πολιτική, γιατί δέν ἒχω δουλειές μέ τό ἑλληνικό κράτος”. Μέ τίς ἑταιρίες Capital Maritime and Trading καί Capital Ship Management, ἐξελέγη παγκοσμίως ὡς “Tanker Company of the year”. Μέ ἐπενδύσεις σέ κλάδους ἐνέργειας καί real estate καί, κυρίως, μέ τήν προεδρία του στόν Ὀλυμπιακό, ἀλλά καί τίς ἐφημερίδες καί τά διάφορα ἒντυπα πού ἐλέγχει ἢ μετέχει, τώρα δέ μέ τόν πανελλαδικῆς ἐμβέλειας τηλεοπτικό του σταθμό, δέν θά ἦταν δύσκολο νά ἀναδειχθῆ ἡ Μπερλουσκόνι τῆς Ἑλλάδος. Ἀπό πλευρᾶς Κυριακοῦ, ἂν καί δέν ἒχει ἐκδηλωθῆ (ἀκόμη) κάποια πολιτική φιλοδοξία, τό μικρόβιο τῆς πολιτικῆς βρίσκεται μέσα στό αἷμα τοῦ Μίνωος Κυριακοῦ, πού ἲσως νά πέρασε στά παιδιά του, καθώς ἓνας ἀπό τούς προπαπποῦδες του ἢταν ὁ Ὑδραῖος Δημήτρης Βούλγαρης, πού εἶχε διατελέσει πρωθυπουργός, ἐνῶ ἓνας ἂλλος ἦταν ὁ πατριώτης Ἀλέξανδρος Κορυζής, πού διετέλεσε πρωθυπουργός στήν περίοδο Ι940, 41 καί αὐτοκτόνησε λίγες ἡμέρες πρίν τήν πτώση τῆς πόλεως τῶν Ἀθηνῶν ἀπό τίς γερμανικές δυνάμεις κατοχῆς. Εἶχε και ὁ
Μίνως Κυριακοῦ κάποιες ἐμπλοκές μέ τήν δικαιοσύνη, ἀλλά κυριαρχεῖ στά...μήκη κύματος τῆς ναυτιλίας καί τῶν ἠλεκτρονικῶν αἰθέρων: Athenian Tankers Inc, Baroil International, Athenian Oil Trading Inc, ANT1 FM 97,2 (τώρα Easy 97,2), ΑΝΤ1 ΤV (μέ τήν πιό ἀκριβοπληρωμένη ἂδεια), ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ TV καί εὐρύτερες συνεργασίες μέ τόν βαλκανικό χῶρο. Ὃσο γιά τόν Γιάννη Ἀλαφοῦζο, εἶναι γνωστός ὁ βίος καί ἡ πολιτεία του, τό πάθος του γιά τήν ἀπόκτηση μέσων ἐνημέρωσης, ὁ τρόπος μέ τόν ὁποῖο ἀπέκτησε τήν ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ ἀπό τόν Κοσκωτά, ἡ σύγκρουσή του μέ τόν Κώστα Μητσοτάκη, παρά τήν κεντροδεξιά του προέλευση, οἱ περιπέτειές του μέ τήν δικαιοσύνη κλπ. Τώρα μέ ἓνα καλό στόλο, μέ ἓνα νόμιμο τηλεοπτικό σταθμό πανελλαδικῆς ἐμβέλειας καί μέ ἓνα ἢ δύο ραδιοφωνικούς σταθμούς καί μέ μία ΠΑΕ, ὁδεύει κι αὐτός πλησίστιος πρός τά ἐπιχειρηματικά καί... ἂλλα πεπρωμένα του. Ἀκόμη ἠχοῦν στ᾽ αὐτιά μου οἱ παραινέσεις τοῦ ἐφοπλιστοῦ Γιώργου Δρακόπουλου τῆς Empros Lines στήν Ἓνωση Ἑλλήνων Ἐφοπλιστῶν, ὃταν σέ μία πρές κόμφερανς συνέστησε στούς ναυτιλιακούς συντάκτες τούς νέους ἐπίδοξους ἐφοπλιστές μιντιάρχες Γιάννη καί Θέμο Ἀλαφοῦζο, συστήνοντας στούς δημοσιογράφους νά τούς στηρίξουν στήν νέα τους σταδιοδρομία. Ἒκτοτε κύλησε πολύ νερό στόν μύλο. Τώρα οἱ τρεῖς (ἐπί τοῦ παρόντος) ἐφοπλιστές μιντιάρχες κλπ. κλπ., σύν τόν ἐργολήπτη τοῦ Δημοσίου κ. Καλογρίτσα, ἢ μᾶλλον τόν γιό του, ἲσως οι μιντιάρχες ἐφοπλιστές θελήσουν νά συγκεκριμενοποιήσουν καί τίς ὃποιες πολιτικές τους φιλοδοξίες. Σ᾽ἓνα κόσμο πού παραπαίει καί ὃπου λογαριάζεται μόνο τό...πορτοφόλι, ὃλα εἶναι δυνατά. Τά νέα σχήματα θά περάσουν ἀπό πολλές ἀκόμη ὀβιδιακές μεταμορφώσεις, μέ ἐκκρεμοῦσα καί τήν ἀπόφαση τοῦ ΣτΕ, καθώς ἐπί τοῦ παρόντος ἒχομε καναλάρχες μέ ἂδεια χωρίς κανάλια καί καναλάρχες χωρίς ἂδεια μέ...κανάλια. Ἀπαράλαχτα ὃπως ἒχουμε ἐφοπλιστές μέ καράβια καί ἐφοπλιστές χωρίς καράβια. Τό νέο τηλεοπτικό τοπίο μᾶς ἐπιφυλάσσει πολλές ἐκπλήξεις ἀκόμη.
Hanjin Shipping...όπως Lehman Brothers; Γράφει ο Νίκος
Κ. Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ.
Η Hanjin ιδρύθηκε το Νοέμβριο του 1945. Αρχικά ο μεγαλύτερος πελάτης της υπήρξε ο Αμερικανικός Στρατός προκειμένου να μεταφέρονται υλικά στη Κορέα και το Βιετνάμ. Το Νοέμβριο του ’69 άρχισε δειλά δειλά να μπαίνει στην αγορά του container. Έναν χρόνο αργότερα ανοίγει το πρώτο της terminal στο λιμάνι Busan. H άνοδος υπήρξε εντυπωσιακή μέχρι τον Ιούνιο του 1992. Αλλά και αργότερα, τον Μάιο του 1995 η Hanjin αποτελούσε την 7η μεγαλύτερη μεταφορική ναυτιλιακή εταιρία στον κόσμο. Στις 31 Αυγούστου του 2016, η Hanjin κύρηξε πτώχευση προσφεύγοντας στην δικαιοσύνη με σκοπό να προστατευτεί από τους δανειστές της. Η απόφαση αυτή της εταιρίας προκάλεσε φουρτούνες θα λέγαμε στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα αλλά και στην Ελληνική. Ηδη περισσότερα από 90 πλοία παραμένουν δεσμευμένα σε περισσότερες από 30 χώρες. Η Hanjin διαχειριζόταν στόλο μεγαλύτερο από 130 πλοία και ο κίνδυνος επιστροφής περίπου 60 κοντέινερ με ναυλοσύμφωνα σε μία άσχημη περίοδο για την αγορά μοιάζει εφιαλτικός. Το τσουνάμι της πτώχευσης ήρθε να εντείνει ακόμα περισσότερο η απόφαση της Korea Development Bank να σταματήσει οποιαδήποτε χρηματοδότηση. O κίνδυνος
χτύπησε μεταξύ άλλων και τις Ελληνικές Ναυτιλιακές εταιρίες όπως την Danaos Shipping η οποία αντιμετωπίζει κίνδυνο απώλειας 560 εκατ. δολαρίων έχοντας ναυλοσύμφωνα με την Hanjin για 8 πλοία, αλλά και η Navios Maritime Partners, με 2 πλοία, η οποία ακόμα δεν έχει ανοίξει τα χαρτιά της. Στην αγορά συζητούν για περισσότερους από 20 πλοιοκτήτες που έχουν ήδη εκτεθεί στην τοξική πτώχευση της Hanjin. Οι εταιρίες αυτές βρίσκονται αντιμέτωπες με σοβαρό “κούρεμα” των απαιτήσεών τους την ίδια στιγμή που μετά την απόσυρση του στόλου της Hanjin οι ναύλοι έχουν ανέβει κατακόρυφα κατά 42% σύμφωνα με τον οίκο Drewry, καθώς υπάρχουν πολύ λιγότερα πλοία διαθέσιμα προς ναύλωση. Η αυξημένη αγορά χωρητικότητας από το 2008 σε συνδυασμό με την κρίση που σοβεί παγκοσμίως για περισσότερα από 7 χρόνια δημιούργησε έντονο ανταγωνισμό αλλά και τρομερά προβλήματα στην συμαχία CKYHE στην οποία η Hanjin είναι μέτοχος μαζί με την COSCO, τη K LINE, τη YANG MING και την EVERGREEN. Σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση των εταιρίων δεν θα χρησιμοποιούν πλέον πλοία της Hanjin προκειμένου να μην αντιμετωπίσουν περισσότερα προβλήματα οι πελάτες της CKYHE. Οι οφειλές της εταιρίας - η οποία σημειωτέον δεν ήταν κερδοφόρα τα τελευταία 5 χρόνια - ανέρχονται σε περισσότερα από 5 δισ. δολάρια. Λόγω της κακής αγοράς ακόμα και ο ιδιόκτητος στόλος της που αριθμεί 66 πλοία, αποτιμάται σύμφωνα με το VesselsValue στα 1,7 δισ. δολάρια. Η Korea Development Bank όπως αναφέραμε και παραπάνω δηλώνει απρόθυμη να κρατήσει ζωντανή την εταιρία, γεγονός το οποίο ενδεχομένως να σημαίνει σε περισσότερα πιστωτικά γεγονότα αν η Hanjin δεν οδηγηθεί σε εκκαθάριση. Και ενώ τα γεγονότα τρέχουν στην Ασία, στην Ευρώπη κάποιες εταιρίες κολοσσοί έχουν πλέον μεγάλο ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα. Πρόκειται για τις Maersk Lines, Hapag Lloyd και CMA CGM. Ίσως ακόμα και η απόσυρση των ιδιόκτητων πλοίων της Ηanjin από την
αγορά, έδωσε μία ανάσα - έστω και προσωρινή - στα έσοδα των υπολοίπων παικτών του κλάδου των μεταφορών. Βέβαια, εδώ αναμένουμε να δούμε ποιος θα είναι ο ρόλος των γνωστών Funds, και αν θα δημιουργήσουν ξανά overcapacity στην αγορά διαλύοντας ότι έχει απομείνει. Η κατάρρευση της Ηanjin Shipping θα ακολουθήσει τον χρησμό της Πυθίας “Κλυδωνίζεται μα δεν βυθίζεται;” Ή μήπως είναι η αρχή μιας καταιγίδας για τη ναυτιλία; Και αν ναι ποιο είναι το μέγεθός της; Άλλα εταιρικά σχήματα βρίσκονται και αυτά στο χείλος της χρεοκοπίας; Πόσο πιέζουν οι πιστωτές; Τελικά ο μεγαλύτερος μεταφορικός κλάδος που είναι η Ναυτιλία χρεοκοπεί λόγω κακής αγοράς, λόγω υπεράριθμων πλοίων ή οι Τράπεζες φαλίρησαν και ακόμα εμείς μιλάμε για τη Hanjin; Το σίγουρο είναι ότι η Ναυτιλία έχει περάσει πολλές κρίσεις και έχει βγει αλλόβητη και πιο ισχυρή. Ίσως το πρόβλημα να ήταν αυτό που όλοι μάθαμε και να τελειώσουν όλα εκεί. Πάντως σε κάθε περίπτωση θα πρέπει να θεσπιστούν κανόνες που να αποτρέπουν τέτοιου είδους μελανές ιστορίες για τη Ναυτιλία. Η χρεοκοπία της Hanjin υπήρξε σίγουρα η μεγαλύτερη στην ιστορία. Τα απόνερά της δεν θα πρέπει σε καμία περίπτωση να πλήξουν τον κλάδο και τις ανταγωνίστριες εταιρίες και ιδιαίτερα τις Ελληνικές που είχαν επενδύσει σε αυτή τη συνεργασία. Η άνοδος στους ναύλους από την αποχώρηση του στόλου της Hanjin θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί με σύνεση από τους ειδικούς. Τελευταίες πληροφορίες αναφέρουν ότι η Korea Development Bank και η Korean Air Lines θα προσφέρουν πιστωτική γραμμή στην Hanjin ώστε να ξεφορτωθούν τα φορτία και να παραδοθούν. Σε τελική ανάλυση άμεσα θα πρέπει να εξυπηρετηθούν οι καταναλωτές αλλά και τα πληρώματα που δεν έχουν ιδέα τι πρόκειται να γίνει αφού σε περιπτώσεις δέσμευσης πλοίων ενδέχεται το πλήρωμα να παραμείνει στο λιμάνι ακόμα και για ένα έτος εκτελώντας τα καθήκοντά του. Άλλο ένα case study όμοιο με το Exxon Valdez αναδύεται.
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Distributed Liquefaction introduced by Galileo/Kaminco
by Osvaldo del Campo, Galileo Technologies SA CEO, and Sotirios Kaminis, Kaminco Group, President & CEO
Both units measure the size of a 40 ft. sea container and can be hauled by two separate trailers to connect them later on to natural gas mains, biodigestors, or wellhead equipment in a distant oil & gas field.
As Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) was originally developed as a means for transporting natural gas across markets, liquefaction plants were well above the needs and financial capacity of any private company. In addition, the storage of large volumes of LNG involved, in many cases, a high degree of boil-off and, as a consequence, emissions. All these issues prevented the widespread adoption of LNG among high horsepower (HHP) consumers, in spite of the lower price of this fuel and its environmental benefits. The same barriers, along with the cost of laying gas pipelines, prevented the gasification of small and outlying communities. To address the needs of those consumers, in January 2013, Galileo Technologies introduced its Cryobox® Nano LNG-Station, which packages all the capabilities of a large scale LNG plant into one compact and transportable unit. This milestone was accompanied by the introduction of the ZPTS® Gas Conditioning plant, which widens the sources available for liquefaction: from sources with high content of CO2, such as biomethane, to even simpler gas compositions that require minimal dehydration. Both units measure the size of a 40 ft. sea container and can be hauled by two separate trailers to connect them later on to natural gas mains, biodigestors, or wellhead equipment in a distant oil & gas field. The outcome of this new technology is a Distributed Liquefaction model, which liquefies every type of gas right at the source in any location, and enables distribution logistics that are equal to liquid fuels. This makes clean gas fuels available without the need of laying pipelines, extending the reach of current natural gas infrastructure or shortening the distance between new gas sources and consumers. Due to their packaged skid mounted configuration, the installation and commissioning of both units only requires a ground level, air compressed supply and an internet connection. The Cryobox maximum standard unit supplies 10,000 gallons (15 tonnes) of LNG per day. This installed capacity can grow at the pace of demand, through the progressive addition of Cryobox units, even until reaching the volume of LNG produced by a mini LNG plant. The ZPTS is already prepared for these growing processes, due to its design for working with clusters of one or more Cryobox units. All the liquefaction cycle is driven by a single electric motor of 450 kW installed power and a single 600 HP compressor; it runs entirely unmanned through remote control operation via a SCADA proprietary system, and consumes just 0.7 kWh/Kg of power (including the conditioning process). In addition, Cryobox has an automatic boil-off recovery system that keeps the volume of stored gas in constant levels for unlimited periods of time, solving problems caused by vents during the idle time of large LNG filling stations. Focusing on immediate fuel availability, the equipment has a cold start-up capacity which allows it to reach peak production within 10 minutes (in a period of 24 hr.) without energy losses and inefficiencies. This Cryobox feature represents an advantage when compared to mini, mid-scale or large-scale plants that require between 12 and 18 hours to start producing. Success Cases LNG at the service of transport The first worldwide Distributed Liquefaction experience
was a project to fuel the LNG turbines of the fastest and environmentally cleanest ferry worldwide, Francisco, owned by the South American maritime company Buquebus. The bespoke liquefaction plant that serves this company has seven Cryobox-500-11TM stations, six in operation and one back-up station, which produce 7,683 gallons (12.48 tonnes) of LNG per unit on a daily basis, all of them connected to a single ZPTS, which sources natural gas (with 1- 1.9 mol % of CO2 and 0.8 - 1.5 mol % of N2) from the public gas grid. Located in San Vicente, a town in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, this facility was built and commissioned in 6 months, 18-30 months earlier than usually scheduled for a mini LNG plant of similar capacity. Its footprint is another feature to be highlighted: the seven Cryobox units occupy an area of approximately 50 ft. (15 m) by 100 ft. (30.5 m), and the whole facility requires only 10 acres (4 hectares), including the two tanker filling station with a total storage capacity of 106,000 gallons (163 tonnes). After two years of operation, the availability rate of this liquefaction equipment reached over 99%, allowing Buquebus to fultill its commitment to its passengers. During each of the two daily roundtrips between Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Uruguay, the ferry consumes approximately 25,800 gallons (40 tonnes) of LNG. Two tanker trucks are used to cover the 43.5 miles (70 km.) between the liquefaction plant and the Buquebus terminal at the port of Buenos Aires. The use of LNG instead of diesel oil allows this 99 m long ship to realize fuel cost savings of 60% and, above all, to reduce combustion emissions by 98%. Thus, up to 150 cars and 1000 passengers cross the River Plate at cruising speeds of around 53 knots under Buquebus’ ‘flag of the planet’ trademark. Liquefaction of Shale Gas, monetization and distribution without pipelines The second Distributed Liquefaction experience has been recently carried out in North Dakota’s Bakken shale region to integrate flare gas capture and LNG production right at the wellhead. Equipped with a ZPTS Plant and a Cryobox station, this solution engineered for Terra Energy captures natural gas and turns it into 7,800 - 8,500 gallons (12.3 - 13.4 tonnes) of LNG per day, depending on the production output of the wells. The LNG produced is stored on-site in ISO tanks ̶ whose boil-off gas is also liquefied ̶ and then transported about 50 miles (80 km) to be consumed as a diesel substitute fuel for drill-rig power generation and frac-water heating. Due to their packaged skid mounted configuration, both units are prepared to be easily redeployed in a new productive location and work under the harsh conditions of North Dakota’s oil fields, which are home to frigid winters and scorching summers. This successful experience has proven how Galileo’s Distributed Liquefaction technology can be adapted to the monetization of multiple gas sources. In this case, allowing to significantly reduce the waste of flaring, and using that energy to produce additional oil and gas in a region where the dispersion of shale gas sources can make the laying of gas-gathering lines economically unsustainable.
LOW SULFUR FUEL CR ocean Engineering (CRoE®) offers ship owners and operators a proven low-cost alternative to the conversion to distillate fuel.
Backed by nearly 100 years of experience, CRoE ® provides cost-effective systems customized to your specific needs and designed to help you save money and remain competitive. Our systems can easily achieve the 0.1% Sulfur equivalency when burning high Sulfur fuel oil. The CRoE ® Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (also known as Scrubbers) offers: • all metallic construction • ability to run dry • designed for full engine temperature • in-line construction for single engines or multistreaming • light weight & small dimensions • ability to replace silencers • high efficiency CRoE® Scrubbers are very cost effective and can be delivered on a short schedule when needed. Let us guide you to the most efficient and compliant solution. Contact: nconfuorto@croceanx.com
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CR ocean Engineering, LLC, Six Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA
DESMI OptiSave™
Optimizing Pump and Fan Speed to Current Conditions and Saving Fuel
By Palle Grankvist Manager-Automation Department, DESMI
The OptiSave™ Concept All implemented DESMI OptiSaveTM solutions have shown that the relatively inexpensive installations have an average payback time of less than a year. The fact that the installed components have an expected lifetime of ten years or more means that you will see a multiple return of your investment. With OptiSaveTM we guarantee the most efficient solution, where energy efficiency and fuel savings are key benefits. The systems directly applicable with DESMI OptiSaveTM are: • Seawater cooling systems • Steam condenser cooling system • Fresh water cooling systems • Engine room ventilation • Cargo hold ventilation • Pump monitoring • Online vessels monitoring • Customized solutions or any combinations of the above.
Today, the OptiSaveTM concept is more than an energy efficiency system to install onboard ships. This also includes: Design and engineering, Installation onboard, either with DESMI installation teams or in co-operation with ship’s crew, Service and after sales, Cash flow neutral investment, also called “Pumps-for- Free”. (Pay with the savings) The next generation of OptiSaveTM is a modular system, allowing a flexible solution and cost efficiency installation. The solution also offers the flexibility of extending the system over time.
Modular system The new generation of OptiSaveTM is designed as a modular system with a common control platform, which can be used for both new building vessels and onboard vessels already in operation. The concept has a basic control platform and can be customized from project to project. Depending on the application chosen, a system consists of basic components, as OptiSaveTM Master Control panel, frequency converters and a numbers of field sensors, as pressure and temperature sensors. With OptiSaveTM product range DESMI offer solutions from the less complex standalone solutions to full redundant concept.
Pumps for free With the Pumps For Free concept, DESMI offers a unique financing package for shipsowners who want to energy optimize their vessels, where the savings are used to pay for the investment. Short pay-back time, typically between 14-18 months. DESMI offers a wide range of energy-savings products under the Pumps For Free concept, such as: • Replacement of old low efficiency pump with DESMI highly energy-efficient pumps • Energy-saving system, also called OptiSaveTM for pump applications • Energy-saving system, also called OptiSaveTM for ventilation applications • OptiSaveTM Online vessels monitoring
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Pumps for Free to Lighthouse Shipholding AS Norway-based Lighthouse Shipholding AS chose to install OptiSave™ systems under the Pumps For Free payment model. Pumps For Free can be used for newbuilding or retrofit applications. Together with DESMI, the shipowner determines where an onboard energy saving can be made. The estimated saving is calculated by comparing the energy load of a vessel’s existing or specified (for newbuilds) pumping system, against the reduced expected load of a solution such as OptiSave™ – based on DESMI’s experience with over 300 similar installations. The estimated fuel savings of the new system are then written into a contract between DESMI and the shipowner, under which equipment can be installed and commissioned without any money changing hands. As savings are realized, the shipowner begins to pay for the new system with the money saved – usually over a 14 to 18 month period.
The case of Lighthouse Shipping “I joined the company in January 2015. The shipbuilding contract for our five new vessels had been inked in 2013, and OptiSave™ wasn’t in the Scope of Supply. Fleet Management in Hong Kong were doing the supervision for us and for Spar Shipping, and they mentioned the solution to us as one of three alternatives for improving the vessels’ spec beyond the original agreement.” As a newly started CEO, Frode Bjørklund already had his plate full. After an initial look at the idea, he lacked sufficient time to take things further, and the proposal languished on his desk. “It was a very busy period, but when I did get a moment, I visited the DESMI website, spoke with the company, and decided the Pumps For Free concept looked very interesting indeed.”
No-brainer By then, Fleet Management had performed early tests of OptiSave™ on one of the Spar Shipping vessels and made a more solid recommendation to Lighthouse Shipholding.
“Like any financially driven shipowning company, we needed a strong business case with a horizon well within the lifespan of the vessel. Pumps For Free seemed to be a very compelling case, so we started talking to DESMI about payback time, looked at oil price trends, and worked out the likely ROI for our vessels. In general, the financing aspect of the deal – its cash neutrality – got our investors on board and we decided to include OptiSave™ on the four vessels remaining to be built. For the first vessel we will consider a retrofit as it is only marginally more expensive. In fact, going for the concept was almost a ‘no-brainer’!”
No corners cut Frode Bjørklund is highly positive about his experience with both DESMI and OptiSave™. “We met with DESMI in Shanghai at the yard and have been working closely both in Scandinavia and at the local level. I’ve found the company to be open-minded and easy to talk to. And they have good shipowner customers on their reference list, too, including one widely considered to be the industry’s technology leader.” Lighthouse Case Pumps for Free“DESMI has cut no corners on building a great system. Even though we have been running the vessels mostly in warmer water temperatures, which means we would have expected lower savings, it has still delivered according to schedule. And in a trans-Atlantic scenario, we would see even more savings.”
Meet the team that’s exploring tomorrow’s fuels Here’s to today’s explorers.
The visionaries behind GMFT2030 can see the future of fuel demand, and share their vision with the rest of us. Lloyd’s Register and University College London are proud to share our findings on the future marine fuel mix to 2030, so that today we can all negotiate a rapidly changing future. Find out what we’ve discovered so far:
Dimitris Argyros Lloyd’s Register Project manager for GMFT2030 Dr Tristan Smith Lecturer at UCL Energy Institute
Working together for a safer world Lloyd’s Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copyright © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2014. A member of the Lloyd’s Register group.
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BPCO LTD: Ship repair & underwater services in China, Caribbean and Brazil SHIPLUS MARINE&OFFSHORE ENGINEERING CO., LTD is a marine service workshop, Major business cover Ship repair, Diving services and Technical supports. Qualified with ISO 9001:2015, serviced for more than one hundred owners and ship managers all over the world, serviced more than two hundred projects every year. Company Tenet: Safety First, Customers Satisfaction, Doing right operation.
BPCO LTD Shiprepair Brokers has developed considerable knowledge and wide experience in the Maritime Sector and our vision always remains to deliver fast, innovative, efficient and integrated maritime services to our clients worldwide. We have expand and refine our network of Exclusive Principals, which is mostly comprised of Ship Repair yards, Underwater Firms, Repair Workshops and Makers Equipment able to perform Dry-docking, Afloat Ship repairs and Marine Underwater Services in all five continents. Currently BPCO Ltd is the proud exclusive agent of 45 groups offering first class service worldwide.
BPCO LTD Head Office Tel : +30 210 6850413 / +30 211 7004512 E-mail: info@bpco-group.com
SERVICES SCOPE: 1.Port and Afloat repair (Emergency Solution). 2.Automation systems and equipment service and repair. 3. Calibration for Pressure/Temperature instruments, Gas detectors, UTI, Level gauge/draft gauge. 4. Diving service (IWS, Hull cleaning, Propeller polishing, Blanking, Underwater welding). 5. Alternator and Electrical Motor rewinding. 6. Marine A/C and Provision refrigeration system service and repair. 7.Ship hydraulic/machinery spare parts supply.
CARIBBEAN SEA DIVER is the best cost effective solutions to your needs. We provide you with a high standard quality service. We can help you determine what the cause of your experiences is: loss of speed, high fuel consumption, overheat of the engine due to heavy marine growth on the propeller or vibration. We can offer you a photo inspection survey that include: a written report of the hull condition, propeller, rudder, rope guard, bilges keels, sea chest, transducer, in order to describe and evaluate the marine growth or any abnormal observation. We also have very competitive prices over all cleaning and maintenance services. Our capabilities include: SHIP INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Inspection & survey: Photo inspection, Video survey inspection for classification, extension of dry-docking, change of ownership, grounding damage, Contraband inspections on vessels, docks etc., Hull and propeller damage identification Maintenance Underwater hull cleaning, Propeller polishing (3 stages micro polishing), Sea chest cleaning, Tail shaft wear down reading, Rope guard removal and installation, Blanking of sea chest & discharges, Rudder bearing clearance reading, Anode replacement, Change of transducer, Underwater epoxy coating application. Hull Repair Underwater welding & cutting, Insert welding repairs with dry-cofferdam, Crack repair, Rudder blade repair.
ATLANTIS SERVICOS SUBAQUATICOS LTDA was stablished in 2003 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With the wide experience of it´s CEO and Dive Team, the Company got an expressive position within the national and internation market of Underwater Ship Husbandry. The main office is strategically positioned nearby the most important Brazilian ports but the Company also developed a fast response system, allowing the attendance in other Brazilian ports such as Santos, Paranagua, Itaguai, Salvador and São Sebastião. With the recently opened operational base in FORTALEZA, ATLANTIS can also attend in the ports of PECÉM, Maceió and Natal, in the Northeast of Brazil with the same efficiency as the southern ports mentioned before. Services like Video and photo inspection for owners or class, welding repair, hull cleaning, propeller polishing, thrusters removal and repair afloat, blanking and others, are available for a honest price and at the highest quality. ATLANTIS SERVIÇOS SUBAQUÁTICOS LTDA, also known as ATLANTIS DIVE WORKS, is an ISO 9001/2008 certified company and also have class approved by ABS, BV, DNVGL, LR, NKK, RINA and RBNA. In order to keep a constantly improvement, ATLANTIS will update for the version ISO 9001/2015 still in 2016.
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3 Thalia Str. 3011 Limassol, Cyprus Tel.: +357 25246805 Mob. : +357 96285855 E-mail: info@bpco-group.com
“We are big enough to meet the challenge and small enough to care”
KAMINCO announces: Striking the environment/economics balance on the Great Lakes with CROE® scrubbers CR OCEAN ENGINEERING L.L.C. (www.croceanx.com) confirms that their two scrubbers aboard the American Spirit have been cleaning the exhaust gas from the vessel’s two engines for the past year in compliance with the required North American ECA sulfur limits. Since the 0.1% sulfur ECA went in effect, shipping companies have been searching for a sustainable balance between complying with sulfur regulations and the higher costs for the low sulfur fuel. A little more than one year ago, the American Steamship Company (www. americansteamship.com) reached that balance by installing two CR OCEAN ENGINEERING (CROE®) scrubbing systems for the two main engines on the American Spirit bulk carrier. The American Spirit travels the Great Lakes and as such is always subject to 0.1% Sulfur ECA regulations. CROE® supplied two of it’s well known exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbing systems) for the American Spirit. The smaller dimensions of the CROE® scrubbing system make retrofitting an existing ship a perfect application, but it is also a great application for newbuilds. The CROE® scrubbing systems are available in multiple configurations to meet the vessel’s specific needs: a) as a once through scrubber, also known and “Open Loop”; b) as a recirculating scrubber, also known as “Closed Loop”, and c) as a combination of both designs,
also known as “Hybrid.” Each configuration can then be supplied as individual in-line design or as multi-stream. The CROE® system does not require a bypass. Its small size minimizes ship modification and makes this technology an excellent choice for cruise ships, ferries, bulk carriers, containerships, RoRo and others. Several CROE® systems are now operating successfully on various type of vessels. All operating CROE® scrubbers are meeting sulfur equivalency requirements. Among the CR OCEAN ENGINEERING clients one can find other notable leaders such as Royal Caribbean, STENA and others. The CROE® scrubbing systems have the ability to automatically adjust their operation to always meet the required stack emissions. Mr. Nicholas Confuorto, President and Chief Operations Officer of CR Ocean Engineering LLC., said that “we design our systems to be as easier to install, operate and maintain. We want our clients to focus on operating the vessel and not to be concerned about our system’s operation. I believe we have achieved that in our scrubber design. All of our systems are designed with the ability to automatically adjust their optimum operation to meet requirements and to do so efficiently and cost effectively. We want our systems to be the pride of our client’s on-board crew. ”
Yara Marine Technologies delivered, commissioned and certified a mini SOx scrubber Yara Marine Technologies has successfully delivered, commissioned and certified a mini SOx scrubber with 35% reduced height for two of Hyundai Heavy Industries LPG carriers, Yara Kara and Yara Nauma. The mini scrubber systems built at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, have received both the IAPP and the MEG G certificate from DNV-GL and meet MEPC 259 (68) requirement – successfully cleaning Sulphur Oxide emission from 3,5% down to 0,1% adhering to the IMO’s strictest requirements. A unique design of the Yara mini scrubber allows for a substantially smaller and more compact model then previously seen operating a 7,6MW engine, with a height of only 8.5 meters. Furthermore, the design functionality of the mini scrubber allows for flexibility to shorten and widen or prolong and decrease the scrubber tower as the ship owner see fit in order to efficiently cater for the specific space available on the vessel. The two already operating vessels are equipped with two scrubbers serving the three diesel generator engines (1.32MW*900rpm each) and a Main Engine (ME) 7.62(MW*115rpm), where one scrubber is connected to the ME and the last scrubber is connected to the three auxiliary engine exhaust system. Yara Marine has also successfully installed mini scrubbers on four of Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) vessels; Jewel, Pearl, Jade and Jem, all with engine capacity of 14,4 MW and scrubber towers measuring 10 m height and 2,8 m in diameter. The fitting of the NCL vessels were all done while in service and no valuable commercial sailing time was lost. According to Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Yara, Mr Kai Latun,
space availability is a critical factor when designing exhaust gas cleaning technology for the marine segment. “Space requirements are of huge concerns to all ship owners and by reducing the size of the scrubber tower and also increasing size flexibility, we can offer a much more flexible product than our competitors”, Mr Latun explains. “The mini scrubber is actually designed around the specific vessel’s space availability and not the other way around, and this makes us able to cater for ship owners with even less space than usual”, Mr Latun concludes. Later in the autumn a third sister vessel to Yara Kara and Yara Nauma will also be completed with the same technical specifications.
Αλλαγή στο πηδάλιο της INTERMEPA
Η Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Προστασίας Θαλάσσιου Περιβάλλοντος-INTERMEPA συνεδρίασε την Κυριακή 5 Ιουνίου, «Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Περιβάλλοντος», στη Μαρίνα Φλοίσβου φιλοξενούμενη του απερχόμενου Προέδρου της INTERMEPA, κ. Γ. Τσαβλίρη. Πήραν μέρος από την AUSMEPA οι κ.κ. W. Norman, Πρόεδρος και Μ. Κουγγέλης μέλος της Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής της, την CYMEPA ο Δρ. Μ. Ιερείδης, Γενικός Γραμματέας, την HELMEPA ο Δρ. Γ. Γράτσος, Πρόεδρος και κ. Δ. Μητσάτσος, Γενικός Διευθυντής και Γραμματέας της INTERMEPA, την NAMEPA οι κ.κ. C. Maitland, απερχόμενος Πρόεδρος και Joe Hughes, αναλαμβάνων Πρόεδρος καθώς και η κα C. Lyden-Kluss, Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια και Ιδρυτικό της Μέλος καθώς και από την TURMEPA, η νέα Πρόεδρος κα S. Kaptanoglu μαζί με τον Διευθυντή της Ένωσης κ. A. Ozkural. Σε εκτέλεση των προβλεπόμενων από το Καταστατικό, τα Μέλη της Επιτροπής εξέλεξαν ομόφωνα για τα επόμενα δύο χρόνια Πρόεδρο της INTERMEPA τον κ. Warwick Norman και Αντιπρόεδρο την κα Sadan Kaptanoglu. Αποφάσισαν ακόμη την τροποποίηση του Καταστατικού σύμφωνα με την οποία ο απερχόμενος Πρόεδρος να συνεχίσει να συνδράμει τον Πρόεδρο για τα προσεχή δύο χρόνια διασφαλίζοντας έτσι την ομαλή συνέχιση της υλοποίησης των σκοπών της INTERMEPA.
DESMI Active in Removing Plastic from the Ocean The Ocean Cleanup, based in the Netherlands, has launched a containment boom to be tested in the North Sea. The boom, which is 100 m long, is designed, produced and delivered by DESMI. DESMI is proud to be part of this project that supports the values, which DESMI considers important. DESMI has a history going back more than 180 years and for more than 30 years DESMI has delivered equipment for spill collection. “Plastic in the world oceans is a serious problem and we want to be involved in initiatives that can remove this plastic from the ocean in the future. It is our future and the future of our children and grandchildren that we need to think about”, says Henrik Sørensen, CEO of the DESMI group.
Hempel launches versatile new epoxy coating for marine newbuildings Leading world-wide coatings supplier Hempel announces today the launch of Hempadur Quattro XO 17820 in Canada, the US and Mexico. Responding to customer needs, this high performance two-component pure epoxy PSPC (Performance Standard for Protective Coatings) compliant coating has been developed for the marine newbuilding sector. Hempadur Quattro XO 17820 was developed for water ballast tanks in new vessels, however it can also be used as a uni-primer for most vessel areas – above and below the waterline – providing high quality performance and peace of mind for customers. Hempadur Quattro XO 17820 has been created specifically to suit the working methods of shipbuilders and so accommodates shorter re-coat intervals and reduces maintenance costs. Additionally, its higher (80%) volume solids ratio means less volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released into the atmosphere, which is preferred in North America. IMO (International Maritime Organization) requires the use of a PSPC certified coating for water ballast tanks. The launch today, of this new coating represents innovative pure epoxy technology that delivers the optimized performance demanded by our customers. Benefits of Hempadur Quattro XO 17820 include: High quality pure epoxy technology offering superior crack resistance, edge retention, coating flexibility and impact resistance. High efficiency for shipyards due to fast drying and year around applications from 14oF/10oC to 104 oF/40oC. Option to upgrade with aluminum pigmentation and proprietary fiber reinforcement technology to enhance anti-corrosion properties and long-term durability with reduced maintenance expectations. For the decision makers, the high quality and robustness of Hempadur Quattro XO 17820 provides simplicity and reduced maintenance costs. Speaking of the launch, North America Marine Product Manager Tracey Wilson commented: “This innovative new coating has been developed in consultation with our customers to offer additional choice for the specific requirements of owners and yards. Hempadur Quattro XO 17820 has been in development for three years and builds on the wide success of our existing Hempadur Quattro epoxy coatings.
Αποτελέσματα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ημέρας Καθαρισμού 2016 Αποτσίγαρα και πλαστικά βρίσκονται στην κορυφή του καταλόγου των πολυπληθέστερων απορριμμάτων που ρυπαίνουν το φυσικό περιβάλλον, σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα των δράσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ημέρας Καθαρισμού που συντόνισε η HELMEPA για τρίτη συνεχή χρονιά στη χώρα μας, στο διάστημα 6 - 15 Μαΐου 2016. Συνολικά 6.036 εθελοντές οργάνωσαν 126 δράσεις καθαρισμού σε παραλίες, βυθούς, όχθες ποταμών και λιμνών, δάση, πάρκα και άλλες φυσικές περιοχές σε έκταση μήκους 91 χλμ. Συνέλεξαν 13,5 τόνους απορριμμάτων, εκ των οποίων οι 2,5 τόνοι ανακυκλώθηκαν από την Ελληνική Εταιρεία Αξιοποίησης Ανακύκλωσης (Ε.Ε.Α.Α.) που υποστήριξε πανελλαδικά τις δράσεις. Όπως φαίνεται στον πίνακα των 10 πολυπληθέστερων απορριμμάτων, σχεδόν όλα είναι πλαστικά. Ανησυχητικό είναι το γεγονός ότι στον πίνακα περιλαμβάνονται και φέτος κομμάτια πλαστικού και φελιζόλ μικρότερα των 2,5 εκατοστών, κάτι που αποδεικνύει ότι αυτά τα υλικά, ως συνθετικά, δεν βιοδιασπώνται. Τα υπόλοιπα απορρίμματα που συλλέχθηκαν, συνδέονται κυρίως με δραστηριότητες αναψυχής και περιλαμβάνουν, μεταξύ άλλων, 2.833 χάρτινα και πλαστικά πιάτα/ποτήρια, 1.602 συσκευασίες τσιγάρων/καπνού, 1.598 χάρτινες σακούλες, 1.175 γυάλινα μπουκάλια, 1.368 μέτρα σχοινιού και 669 μέτρα πετονιάς, 435 οικοδομικά υλικά, 426 μπαταρίες όλων των ειδών, 271 ελαστικά και σαμπρέλες οχημάτων, 71 ηλεκτρικές συσκευές, 42 βαρέλια, 10 μοκέτες, 5 κάδοι σκουπιδιών, 2 σωσίβια, 3 φουσκωτές βάρκες, 10 κώνοι οδικής σήμανσης και μία στολή δύτη!
WELCOME HOME! DNV GL has expanded its responsibilities in Greece to support local customers even better by having Greece as its third home market. We have improved response times and strengthened our capabilities in Greece, with a focus on providing services, decision making and supporting Greek companies directly from our Piraeus office. Our customers will be able to conduct their business directly with the local team in Piraeus – and around the world through the
DNV GL global network of Greek-speaking surveyors in all major shipping hubs, such as the US, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UAE, Singapore, China and Korea. At home in Greece, at home around the world with DNV GL. T: +30 210 41 00 200 E: Piraeus@dnvgl.com I: www.dnvgl.com/home-greece
MV Carl Schulte outperforms in meeting the most stringent environmental standards A state-of-the-art containership designed by the Schulte Group to meet the most stringent international environmental standards is already outperforming in terms of design and performance and attracting positive attention in the industry. The 5,400 TEU Carl Schulte, along with its two sister vessels, Christa Schulte and Clemens Schulte, has many environmental features as standard. Her owner Bernhard Schulte, together with her manager Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM), succeeded in pushing the boundaries when it came to hull design and the fitting of one of the most efficient engines on the market. Ensuring that this work was undertaken during the design phase, they installed sophisticated software to optimise voyage planning and to measure the CO2, SOX and NOX emissions. All sister vessels have a state of the art ballast water treatment plant fitted. The owner worked with DNV GL to ensure that their vision and aspirations were fully met, which also resulted in the vessel being fitted with a class approved emergency response system to deal with any untoward environmental incidents. Subsequently, DNV GL issued a Green Passport to all sister vessels. According to Prakhar Singh Chandel, Fleet Manager - Energy Optimisation for BSM, construction and operation of such a vessel is fully aligned with the Group’s commitment to preserving and respecting the environment in all its activities. “We have installed new hardware and software solutions, carried out intensive crew training and introduced new environmental processes and procedures to ensure that the highest environmental standards are maintained at all times,” he said. So impressive is Carl Schulte’s operating results that it is currently performing in the top 2% of containerships of its size and type. The
vessel has been graded by RightShip, the maritime vessel vetting specialist, as A+ on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions scale, and has been given a five-star Environmental Score rating, placing the ship in the top 20 vessels out of 76,000 ships graded by RightShip. As a result, this vessel attracts significant discounts from ports that place environmental protection at the centre of everything they do. Recently the Carl Schulte established an environmental first by consecutively visiting two of these ground breaking ports, Port Metro Vancouver and Prince Rupert Port Authority – and in so doing attracted significant economic benefits. Port Metro Vancouver’s EcoAction programme recognises and rewards vessels that go beyond pre-set requirements to reduce their air emissions, offering a discount of up to 47% in harbour dues.
Lloyd’s Register announces adoption of greenfence Platform Technology Lloyd’s Register (LR), the global engineering, technical and business services organisation, has made a significant move to facilitate the development of assurance services based on new technologies that take advantage of the new platform economy eco-system. For this latest development, LR has chosen Silicon Valley based greenfence, the first platform technology serving the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) marketplace. greenfence offers LR unrivalled potential for connectability, scalability and interoperability of existing databases, schemes and systems, but also for future development and enhancement of assurance services across all industry sectors. LR believes that adopting greenfence will lead to greater levels of assurance for organisations with complex, high-risk supply chains such as food supply. LR expects greenfence will have a disruptive effect on traditional TIC business models, which compelled LR to take an early adopter position; this will see the development by LR and LRQA of a wide range of services utilising greenfence. LRQA is a member of the LR Group. LRQA will have the ability to blend conventional assessment with digital monitoring and audit solutions that will enable the delivery of real-time assurance and insight, moving from a retrospective focus
to predictive insight, from what went wrong to what is likely to go wrong. It will augment and evolve current auditing and inspection processes to improve supply chain confidence, with wider and deeper system and data coverage, more effective targeting of existing and potential risks and better application of analysis, insight and advice. greenfence uniquely connects everyone from large organisations to their smallest supplier and includes global standards/scheme owners and certification services. Its platform, using the latest in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Intelligent Automation, significantly reduces costs, increases capacity and provides visibility and transparency across the supply chain and increases trust through sourcing from authenticated and assured individuals and companies. LRQA Managing Director John Rowley comments, “The LR-greenfence relationship demonstrates LR’s commitment to investing for the future, through technology-enabled services that deliver more value to the customer. It positions LRQA as innovative in the food and beverage industry in providing a range of potential platform economy services for supply chains powered by greenfence’s technology. We will also be using this technology to explore potential opportunities in other LR markets.”
Gibdock’s growing offshore status underlined by Solstad return Gibraltar’s Gibdock shipyard has completed an extensive package of work on Solstad Shipping’s Normand Cutter. The 127m long, 10,979grt construction support vessel (CSV) left the yard on June 29th following a 22-day drydock programme, which included a comprehensive overhaul of its entire propulsion system. Norway-based Solstad has become a regular Gibdock customer, entrusting the yard with work on a number of high-tech offshore vessels over the past decade. The 2001-built Normand Cutter is in fact a repeat visitor to the yard, having previously docked at Gibdock in April 2011 for its last 5-year special survey. Gibdock managing director, Richard Beards, says: “We are delighted that such a well-respected, quality operator as Solstad has decided to come back to us once again. Their continued support is much valued and appreciated and this project further demonstrates that we have become the ‘go to’ yard for offshore vessel work in the region”. The scope of work commissioned by Solstad for Normand Cutter included maintenance and repairs to key components of its propulsion system. Its five Brunvoll thrusters were removed and transported to the yard’s workshops, where they were stripped down and overhauled before being returned to the ship and reinstalled. Similarly, the vessel’s two tailshafts and CPP propeller hubs were withdrawn and overhauled, as were the two rudders. The rudder tiller flaps were removed, machined and refurbished as part of this process. In addi-
tion, the two gearboxes, port and starboard, were also overhauled. Gibdock also carried out a range of standard drydocking and survey items, including painting, valve repairs and refurbishment, minor steel repairs and pipework. Jonathan Pocock, Gibdock’s ship manager for Normand Cutter, says: “It was a challenge to carry out this project within the 21-day drydock time allocated, particularly given the amount of work required to overhaul the propulsion system, but we completed the task to the owner’s satisfaction.” Once out of drydock, Normand Cutter remained at the yard for intensive crane testing, up to a SWL of 330 tonnes. This was carried out by Waterweights, of Holland, in partnership with Gibdock. “We have the contacts needed for such specialised testing work inside the yard, even when we don’t have that specific capability ourselves,” says Pocock. “We do whatever it takes to allow the owner to get all the work done in one location, to keep downtime to a minimum.” The Normand Cutter drydocking has further cemented the close ties between the Norwegian owner and Gibdock. Conrad Melhus, technical manager, says, “We chose Gibdock for this project because of the good relationship we have with them, their reliability, and the fact they have good ‘hands on’ management with short reporting lines. They are also a centrally positioned yard with easy access by road freight from the main spare parts hubs in Europe.” Gibdock has secured a number of offshore vessel projects this year, despite the challenging market conditions in the offshore sector.
Austal To Build New 109 Metre High Speed Catamaran
First Steel Cut for Holland America Line’s ms Nieuw Statendam
Austal Limited (Austal) (ASX: ASB) has been awarded a contract to design and build a 109 metre vehicle passenger (RoPax) ferry for Mols Linien A/S (Mols) (OMX: MOLS) of Denmark, its fourth new commercial ferry contract in the past month. The circa A$100million contract will be the largest commercial ferry built by Austal since 2011, and is proposed to be built at Austal Australia’s Henderson shipyard, commencing first quarter of 2017. The 109 metre RoPax ferry is an enhanced design based on Austal’s proven catamaran platform, with a new optimised hull shape and vessel weight minimisation solution that delivers better performance and greater fuel efficiency. Innovations such as these will enable Mol’s new high speed ferry to achieve lower operating costs and deliver an enhanced passenger experience. The first-in-class vessel will be the first built by Austal to feature two full vehicle decks for 425 cars, or 610 lane metres for trucks and up to 232 cars. With a capacity to carry up to 1,006 passengers safely and comfortably at speeds up to 40 knots, the all-aluminium catamaran delivers greater capability to Mols to achieve early, valuable returns on a strategic commercial investment. Austal Chief Executive Officer David Singleton said: “Once again Austal has demonstrated that it is a world leader in ship design and construction with the sale of this newly optimised class of very large 109 metre ferry to a highly discerning customer”.
Holland America Line celebrated a significant construction milestone today as the first steel was cut for ms Nieuw Statendam, due for delivery in November 2018. The ceremony took place at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, and the block being built there will later be moved to the Marghera yard where the ship will be constructed. Holland America Group’s Executive Vice President of Fleet Operations Keith Taylor was at the yard for the event. The 99,500-ton ship — the 15th in the fleet — is the second Pinnacle Class vessel for Holland America Line, joining sister-ship ms Koningsdam that sailed its first cruise in April 2016. The steel cutting follows a period of design and development for the 2,650-guest ship that will feature enhanced Pinnacle Class amenities and innovations. “This is an exciting time for Holland America Line, and Nieuw Statendam’s steel cutting is a milestone that signifies our continued growth and evolution as a company and a brand,” said Orlando Ashford, Holland America Line’s president. “With Pinnacle Class we have been able to try new things, expand our horizons and push boundaries, and while Nieuw Statendam is a sister to Koningsdam, we do have some new ideas that will be revealed in time.” This is the 16th ship built for Holland America Line by Italian shipyard Fincantieri, which most recently constructed Koningsdam.
ACO marine resolves challenging conversion retrofit The interim Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) vessel Chantier Davie shipyard and the Aecon fabrication yard are converting for the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) Project Resolve will be fitted out with two Maripur wastewater treatment plants supplied by ACO Marine. The German-headquartered manufacturer will supply a complete wastewater management package for retrofit to the converted 2010-built, 23,800dwt containership Asterix, following the inking of an agreement with UK-based system integrator Basetek. ACO Marine’s full scope includes the supply, installation and commissioning of two MEPC 227(64)-compliant Maripur NF-150 advanced membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment plants with integrated black water vacuum collection systems. Lipator NS7 advanced grease separators for the pre-treatment of galley water and grey water transfer and aeration systems for the AOR’s collecting tanks also form part of the package. Operation and maintenance training will also be
provided. ACO Marine Managing Director Mark Beavis said: “We were selected for this high-profile project based on a combination of being able to supply a complete equipment package for the wastewater system coupled, more importantly, with design flexibility. With stringent project completion dates to work towards, it was vital that we were able to demonstrate not only system reliability but supply reliability. “Having installed similar systems on the Dutch Navy Joint Support Ship Karel Doorman and the French/Russian navy Landing Platform Helicopter (LPH) vessels, ACO Marine was ideally positioned to offer the retrofit upgrade to bring Resolve’s current sewage treatment facilities up-to-date and to comply with the latest IMO regulation, MEPC 227(64).” With a crew of up to 150 and an additional emergency accommodation capacity for 350, the requirement was to fit the wastewater management system into the existing space available.
Advanced MacGregor technology serves newpolar research ship MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has won an order to supply MacGregor offshore cranes and a Triplex handling system for a 14,300gt polar research vessel being built for the Polar Research Institute of China. Designed by Aker Arctic Finland, it will be the first vessel of its type to be built in China; the shipyard has yet to be named. “Our ability to deliver tailor-made packages of equipment and a reputation for successful low temperature operations were key factors in winning this contract,” says William Storvik, Shiptype Group Sales Manager, MacGregor Offshore Deck Machinery. “MacGregor products have a proven track record of performance in extreme environments, which makes them ideal for this type of vessel. Our combined expertise also ensures good value and performance for the customer and smoothes operations by reducing the number of suppliers that the shipyard and the owner have to deal with.”
“MacGregor is also able to support its products with a strong worldwide service network and the owner is keen to work closely with us on global lifecycle support for the new vessel,” adds Terry Onn, Senior Shiptype Sales Manager, MacGregor Offshore Deck Machinery. The 122.5m multi-functional icebreaker will be able to handle ice up to 1.5m thick, achieving a continuous icebreaking speed of two to three knots. It will have an endurance of 20,000 nautical miles and with a full 90-person crew, it will be able to cruise for 60 days without re-supply. The vessel will feature two MacGregor offshore cranes: a 50-tonne SWL telescopic crane with a 15m outreach and a 24-tonne SWL knuckle jib crane with a 12m outreach.
Seaspan Acquires Two Newbuilding Vessels Seaspan Corporation (“Seaspan”) (NYSE:SSW) announced that it has acquired two newbuilding 11000 TEU vessels from Greater China Intermodal Investments LLC (“GCI”) for a total purchase price of $195.6 million. These vessels will commence 17-year bareboat charters with MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (“MSC”) upon their respective deliveries, collectively producing annual cash receipts of approximately $17.7 million in the first full year of operation. MSC is obligated to purchase the vessels for a pre-determined amount at the end of their respective charters. These two vessels are sister ships to the three vessels Seaspan has scheduled for delivery in 2017 and chartered to MSC. Seaspan will assume a total of approximately $88.1 million in remaining instalments under the shipbuilding contracts for these vessels as partial consideration for the purchase price. The balance under Seaspan’s demand loan with GCI will be reduced by $107.5 million to
fund the remainder of the purchase price. Seaspan has entered into a 17-year lease financing arrangement with an Asian-based leasing company with total commitments of approximately $168 million to partially fund the acquisition, construction and delivery of the two vessels. Including this financing, Seaspan has accessed nearly $1.2 billion in loan, lease and equity financings from Asian-based sources in the past twelve months. The acquisition and related financing are expected to be accretive to Seaspan’s earnings per share and distributable cash flow once the vessels are delivered. GCI is a joint venture among Seaspan, The Carlyle Group, Blue Water Commerce LLC (which is controlled by Seaspan’s largest shareholder, Dennis Washington) and Tiger Management Limited (which is controlled by Seaspan director Graham Porter). Seaspan holds an approximate 11% interest in GCI.
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Tsavliris Salvage Group: One of the most active emergency response contractors for maritime casualties
Container Vessel “YUSUF CEPNIOGLU” Tsavliris Salvage was engaged in the salvage operation of container vessel “YUSUF CEPNIOGLU” (5,000 GT - 7000DWT) laden with containers, grounded on the north western coast of Mykonos Island (2014). TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP is one of the most active emergency response contractors for maritime casualties worldwide, having handled over 3.000 casualties. With tugs on permanent stations at strategic locations worldwide, the Group’s international activities embrace every service relating to marine salvage & towage, extending to complex wreck removals and protection of the marine environment from pollution. Tsavliris is committed to maintaining a modern global network providing rapid assistance to shipping. The roots and the background behind the establishment of the Group goes back to the mid 1920’s when the founder, Alexander G. Tsavliris, arrived in Piraeus from Asia Minor and started to build his own business. Young Alexander bought (together with his brothers and uncle) a small, wooden, coal-burning tug of about 10hp. Later he moved to London, where he studied and worked, establishing his first company in 1939. At the end of Second World War he purchased his first ship, a 1,200-dwt tons collier, whilst his first ocean-going ship soon followed as he set about creating a fleet of dry-cargo ships. Alexander returned to Piraeus in 1956 to become one of the expanding shipping community’s leading owners. During the following years, Tsavliris purchased a number of war surplus Liberty ships and other secondhand freighters. In the following years, Alexander G. Tsavliris decisively strengthened his dry cargo fleet so that by 1965 he had a substantial fleet of 17 ships. However, what was destined to mark his shipping course and also proved to be the main future activity of the Group in the maritime arena, was his decision to become engaged in the sector of tugs and salvage operations. In 1964 he established Tsavliris (Salvage & Towage) Ltd. and he acquired 17 tugs and salvage vessels of a total 25,000 hp, within the next 18 months. The new enterprise soon
became the largest operator of its kind within the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. It offered reliable services both in the port of Piraeus as well as in other locations of the country, covering Greece’s entire waters. By the end of 1969 following the addition of further acquisitions, the Alexander G. Tsavliris’ fleet of tugs and salvage ships totaled 29 units and was internationally appraised as one of the major players in this demanding shipping sector, maintaining salvage stations in crucial parts of the world. As well as being a significant employer, with over 1,000 (mostly Greek) seamen, Tsavliris had long contributed to supporting the Greek economy through importing significant sums of foreign currency, and had patronised the development of the country’s ship repair sector by repairing and maintaining his fleet locally. At the start of the 1970s he went further by ordering two SD 14-type dry cargo ships from Hellenic Shipyards (Niarchos) Skaramanga. In 1971, the 15,327 dwt vessels were delivered and they would remain in the group’s fleet for more than 15 years. Having created a major international shipping enterprise, Tsavliris sadly passed away in 1973 at the height of his career, at the relatively young age of 59, leaving a great legacy behind. During his 35-year journey in the shipping industry, he had managed to establish a solid group, which among its activities incorporated the largest towage and salvage enterprise ever in the history of Greek shipping. In mid-1973 his three sons Nicolas, George and Andreas, established the company Maritime Commercial Enterprises Ltd., quickly building-up a fleet of 12 tugs. In 1975, they sought to strengthen the family’s ocean-going fleet, and acquired a 7-year-old, 27,000-dwt bulk carrier. Later they placed an order for two 26,272-dwt bulk carriers in Brazil which were delivered in 1978 and 1979. Also by 1976, the tug fleet was further strengthened through the addition of another three motor tugs acquired from French interests. Intense fluctuations within the international maritime industry throughout the 1970s set new standards and led many shipping entrepreneurs to diversify their investment strategies. Additional investments in tug acquisitions during the 1980s by the Group completed with the acquisition, in 1983, of a large salvage tug from Italian interests, which offered substantial services until 2001, when it was sold for demolition. In parallel, the Group continued investing in the ocean-going sector and in 1984 placed an order with the Japanese Mitsubishi, for the construction of a 42,300-dwt bulk carrier. The same year, they purchased an 11-year-old bulk carrier of 61,000dwt. Even during the worst period of the market crisis, the Greek-flag policy of the Group had been maintained. The recession in the shipping market started in the last months of 1981 and continued its devastating path until 1986. In this adverse environment, the Tsavliris brothers decided to withdraw from the operation of cargo ships. During 1987 and 1988, all ships in the fleet were transferred to other ownerships, though the brothers maintained interests in some as part owners. The early part of the 1990s marked the further expansion and strengthening of the Tsavliris Group. The Tsavliris brothers decided to focus solely on salvage, operating from offices on the Piraeus wa-
2015 has arrived. How will you cope with ECA legislation? As of 1 January, MARPOL Annex VI demands that you change your operations in SOx Emission Control Areas (ECAs). But where other legislation dictates your onboard equipment, the new SOx regulations let you decide how to comply – and compete. Whatever your choice, Alfa Laval is there to support you.
The MGO route If you’ve decided to work with distillate, you face potentially engine-stopping hazards when it comes to fuel viscosity and lubricity during fuel changeover. As your natural partner in fuel handling, we offer the Alfa Laval Automated Fuel Changeover System (ACS) – a safe and optimized changeover solution. Fully automatic and built with its own cooler, the ACS upgrades your existing booster system to provide the cooling needed when using low-viscosity MGO/MDO with diesel engines. Contact us today for more information, or learn more at www.alfalaval.com/marine
The HFO route If you’ve decided to continue using HFO by installing a scrubber aboard your vessel, we have the proven solution in Alfa Laval PureSOx. Now in its second generation and even more flexible, PureSOx has been operating at sea for years, combining full reliability in meeting ECA limits with the competitive advantage of more economical fuel. Whether you choose an open-loop, closedloop or hybrid configuration, your fuel cost savings with PureSOx will be measurable – and substantial. Contact us today for more information, or learn more at www.alfalaval.com/puresox
Bulk Carrier “KATHERINE” Tsavliris Salvage provided salvage assistance to the Bulk Carrier “KATHERINE” (17,255 GT - 28,711 DWT), laden with 26,400 MT of hot briquetted iron, following collision with bulk carrier “BARU SATU” (9,978 GT, 16,190 DWT), in the Kafirea Strait, Aegean Sea (July – August 2013). terfront of Akti Poseidonos. By fully utilising the wealth of experience gained over 30 years, and assisted by able business partners, especially first class well trained crews, they moved ahead dynamically. By showing loyalty to the standards established by their late father, the Tsavliris brothers, have strengthened the evolution, as well as the public image, of the family enterprise. Their activities and accomplishments have been demonstrated with professionalism and reliability through their active participation in Greek and international organisations and fora, such as the International Salvage Union, the European Tugowners Association, the Union of Greek Shipowners, the Union of Greek Tug and Salvage Shipowners, the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, the Cyprus Union of Shipowners, the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA), the Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association (CYMEPA) etc. With an impressive record and a huge experience gained in dealing with over 3.000 incidents of all categories, the Tsavliris Group looks ahead with an eye to writing the new chapter of its history. Its path is closely linked to a commitment for continuous upgrading and the maintaining of a strong and competitive presence in the service of the most important and indispensable sector of world economy; sea transportation. In this new chapter, which has been designed and is being implemented by the three sons of Alexander G. Tsavliris, based on the standards set by their father, the third generation of the family – members of which are already active within the Group – are expected to play a crucial part, inspired by the accomplishments of their predecessors. Outstanding achievements which fully justify the well-known motto adopted by the Group over the last 50 years of successful operation: “Salvage Masters of the World”.
Tsavliris Group Today
As a world-class professional marine salvor, TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP is dedicated to saving life and property at sea and to protecting the marine environment from maritime accident-related pollution. The TSAVLIRIS name has been prominent in shipping for more than
half a century, establishing the Group as one of the world’s leading marine salvors. Whatever the challenge, TSAVLIRIS’ approach combines a traditional entrepreneurial salvor’s gallantry and practical ingenuity with contemporary engineering and project planning skills. Founded on safe procedures, scrupulous attention to detail and efficiency together with flexible and cost-effective solutions, TSAVLIRIS is able to provide an extensive scope of services including: • Contingency Planning & Emergency Response • Marine Salvage & Ocean Rescue • Deep-Sea Towage • Wreck Removal & Demolition • Fire-fighting • Pollution Abatement • Ship & Cargo Recovery • Anchor Handling & Offshore Support • Sub-sea Works • Casualty Engineering • Management & Consultancy • OPA90 Services in USA • SPRO Services in China Tsavliris Salvage Group celebrates 100 years from the birth of its founding father, Alexander G. Tsavliris; 75 years from the commencement of the first Tsavliris shipping company and 50 years from the foundation of Tsavliris Salvage in 1964.
Franman activities expand into Bunker Services For twenty five years now, Franman has provided a wide range of services to the shipping industry, focused on shipbuilding equipment, spare parts, ship repairs, service, communications, security and consultancy.Costis J. Frangoulis established Franman in 1991. His vision was to extend his lifelong obsession with the sea and shipping into an organization providing high level of diversified services to the shipping industry. 25 years later and this obsession is shared by all the people who make up Franman today. Highly qualified and experienced professionals, undergoing continuous technical and commercial training, to provide the highest level of service and support. Consistent with their ongoing commitment to continuously expand the range of services they offer to their clients they are glad to announce the establishment of their new Bunker Services Division. Acting as brokers between customers and suppliers benefits both sides in order for them to concentrate in their core activities while Franman is taking care of business. Franman’s Bunkers Division offer: • Market Analysis & Intelligence • Full Bunkering Operational Support • Claims assistance Their dedicated bunkering team is available 24/7 to provide tailor made solutions for all your bunkering needs, offering competitive prices and a reliable quality service through their extensive network of suppliers across the world.
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The Ecochlor Ballast Water Treatment System: proven effective and
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Norsafe secures First Green Ship Recycling contract with Certificate Awarded by RINA VARD Group in India
Norsafe has signed a new contract with VARD Group, and will supply lifeboats complete with davit systems to a series of fifteen new vessels. Topaz Energy and Marine has appointed shipbuilder VARD Group to construct fifteen Module Carrying Vessels (MCVs), each measuring 123m long by 16.5m wide. The MCVs will be built at three of VARD’s sites in Vietnam and Romania. Norsafe will deliver two JYN 57 conventional lifeboats with LHD-60 davit systems to each vessel. The unique design of Norsafe’s LHD-60 davits offers stability, and this is also achieved through a low to the ground installation, which is ideal for placement on the narrow vessels. Delivery is scheduled between January 2017 and June 2018. About Norsafe: Norsafe Group has its headquarters in Arendal, Norway and counts over 1000 employees. Since 1903, Norsafe has produced over 28 000 boats. The company has a worldwide involvement that includes production, sales, delivery and service of lifesaving equipment for ships and the offshore industry. Norsafe owns production and sales/service companies in Norway, China, Greece, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Japan, Brazil, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and UK. In addition, Norsafe Group has a network of 45 authorised service partners spread across all continents. Norsafe is a complete provider within maritime safety, also offering courses and training through Norway Academy. Over the past year, Norsafe has built two state of the art training centres at the Port of Lavrion in Greece and at Rosendal in Norway. Over the past 25 years, Norsafe has supplied rescue boats, patrol boats and special boats for the military and professional markets, with deliveries to police, SAR, coast guard, customs and the marine, etc.
In line with the growing interest in green recycling, RINA Services recently awarded its first ISO 30000:2009 certificate and HKC Statement of Compliance (SoC) in Alang, India to Shubh Arya Steel, on 28th April 2016. Shubh Arya Steel, a ship recycling yard in Alang, made substantial investments in infrastructure in order to meet the requirements of IMO’s Hong Kong Convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships. The company implemented a management system to meet the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS 18001: 2007 and ISO 30000:2009 standards and HKC SoC. “We would like to thank RINA for their valuable role on this extensive journey to achieve the coveted HKC Statement of Compliance and ISO 30000:2009 certification for our shipyard. We are proud to have made significant investments to make this happen,” commented Mr. Rajesh Arya, Managing Director of Shubh Arya Steel. There has been a recent spike in shipyard owners making substantial investments to upgrade their yard’s infrastructure to meet the requirements of this Convention, ahead of it being entered into force. The Alang shipyard certification award ceremony was attended by the European Community Ship Owner’s Association (ECSA), to celebrate this significant step for the industry. ECSA’s visit will greatly encourage European community ship owners to recycle their ships at HKC compliant yards in Alang and subsequently drive on-going investment in upgrades to shipyard infrastructure to meet HKC compliance. Local industry stakeholders appeared very pleased with ECSA’s visit due to the great benefits they receive from ship recycling by reusing many recycled materials and parts.
Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd announces Collaboration with Stone Marine Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd signed a collaboration agreement with Stone Marine Seals & Stone Marine Services. Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd wish to broaden professional horizons by representing Exclusively in Greece one of the most well-established companies in the field of vessel’s propulsion system, specializing in seals, repairs, spare parts and services. Stone Marine Seals, a member of Stone Marine Group, provides their customers with a world class package of support in all areas of design, installation, maintenance and service wherever their vessels may be. Stone Marine Seals products are manufactured in UK to the highest standards, using materials which are carefully selected to resist both wear and corrosion. Stone Marine Services provides to customers complete service, repair and spare parts package which covers most makers of marine propulsion equipment. Stone Marine Services has highly trained and experienced engineers on standby, 24 hours/day, 365 days/ year, to attend any vessel in need of assistance wherever might be located. Charis Valentakis, Managing Director of Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd commented: “This collaboration aligns with our vision to offer to our clients high quality repairs, services & spares parts. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship with Stone Marine Seals and Stone Marine Services. I sincerely hope that this first step will lead to long term collaboration between our companies”. Keith Kirkcaldy, Director, General Manager of Stone Marine Seals and Steven Fyfe, Operations Director of Stone Marine Services, added: “We are committed to our collaboration with Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd. Through this Agency Agreement we expect to expand our business in the field of ship propeller and stern gear design, manufacture, service and repair. We expect to increase our sales in the Greek Shipping market and strengthen our position in the Global propulsion system market. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship with Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd which will be based on Trust & Reliability.
MAN Turbochargers Round Millennium Mark MAN Diesel & Turbo has passed a significant milestone with the announcement that it has delivered its 1,000th turbocharger to twostage turbocharged applications. MAN has a long history in two-stage turbocharging and first evaluated the technology back in the 1970s. In late-2000, MAN focused on the technology to improve its four-stroke portfolio, resulting in the development of MAN ECOCHARGE, a combination of low- and high-pressure stages with intercooling that significantly improves engine performance. MAN Diesel & Turbo reports selling the 1,000th turbocharger for two-stage turbocharging during May 2016. “Besides our core company business that covers marine and power applications, we also deliver a large number of our turbochargers to other engine builders throughout the world. Through our OEM business, we have gained a great deal of experience in applications that are atypical for MAN Diesel & Turbo, such as mechanical drives, locomotives or mining”, said Ragnar Olafsson, Head of Sales OEM Applications Turbocharger, MAN Diesel & Turbo.
The ECOCHARGE principle The ECOCHARGE principle optimally combines a low-pressure turbo-
charger – usually a TCA or TCR – with a high-pressure stage for which the newly developed TCX series was designed. Both the TCA and TCR series are well- proven in the field and can, respectively, boast of 7,000 and 10,000 market references. MAN ECOCHARG offers major benefits for engine builders.
KPI Bridge Oil promotes Manassakis to Managing Director KPI Bridge Oil, a leading global trader and broker in marine fuels, marine lubricants and risk management products, is pleased to announce the promotion of Michalis Manassakis to Managing Director of KPI Bridge Oil Greece as of 1st July 2016. Michalis joined KPI Bridge Oil’s London office in 2011 as Bunker Trader and received a promotion to Team Leader in 2014 in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of the team. When Michalis relocated to Greece in May 2016, he was promoted to Deputy Managing Director and Sales Manager at KPI Bridge Oil’s new office in Glyfada, Athens.
Michalis has more than 12 years experience in the global shipping industry and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical Institute of Greece as well as an MBA from Leicester University, UK. Carsten Ladekjaer, KPI Bridge Oil Group’s CEO says: “Michalis is a great asset to our organisation with his extensive knowledge of the Greek Shipping market and significant experience of international sales and account management. Michalis’ astute commercial awareness and business acumen combined with his zealous and highly professional approach will no doubt benefit our business partners in the Med and across the world.” Michalis adds: “Being offered such an opportunity, comes with lots of excitement and sense of responsibility. With the opening of our office in Athens, we have shown our commitment to the Greek shipping community and I am looking forward to take up the new challenges and having a leading role in the development of our office in Athens.”
AkzoNobel’ wins major environmental award AkzoNobel’s pioneering methodology for rewarding ship owners who use sustainable hull coatings has been named Environmental Leader Product of the Year for 2016. The award recognizes the introduction of the shipping industry’s first carbon credits methodology, which was developed by the company’s Marine Coatings business. Launched in 2014 in conjunction with The Gold Standard Foundation and Fremco Group, the scheme is based on ship owners converting existing vessels from a biocidal antifouling system to a premium, biocide-free hull coating such as Intersleek, part of AkzoNobel’s International range of marine coatings. The methodology financially rewards ship owners for using sustainable hull coatings that improve operational efficiencies and reduce emissions. This is reflected in the
awards success, which specifically recognizes the role of the initiative in improving environmental and energy management in the shipping industry, while delivering bottom line benefits to those who participate. Commenting on the company’s award, the judging panel said: “Intersleek is a great technology to help reduce greenhouse emissions from the shipping industry, and the carbon credits methodology will help incentivize ship owners to adopt it. This could be a very impactful initiative, leading the industry towards sustainable shipping.” Oscar Wezenbeek, Managing Director of AkzoNobel Marine Coatings, added: “We are delighted that our efforts to support our customers, while also making an important contribution to reducing global emissions, has been recognized”.
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Norsafe Receives High Praise from Australian Navy
Norsafe, global leader in marine life-saving equipment, has received a glowing recommendation from the Australian Navy for the quality of its lifeboat servicing on one of the Navy’s replenishment vessels HMAS Sirius. The work on the HMAS Sirius involved lifeboat overhaul and upgrade plus Non-destructive testing (NDT) inspection and overhaul of the winches and davits. Norsafe Australia received an e-mail from Chief Petty Officer Ben Reid which said: “I would like to express my thanks to the Ben Fuller and his team that recently completed the 60 monthly service routine on the Royal Australia Navy Replenishment Tanker HMAS SIRIUS for the 73 man fully enclosed life rafts and davits. Having just taken over the responsibility for maintaining these craft it is great to be on the receiving end of quality workmanship and attention to detail in the area of Deep Level Maintenance.” “Whilst I have not seen the closing reports, I’m very impressed with the materi-
al state that the boats and davits have been returned in, seeing these safety critical assets receive such attention to detail is excellent, and represents Norsafe in the best possible light. Ben and his team are professional, courteous and kept the ship well informed throughout the task.” He went on to add: “I would recommend Norsafe for this task to any one in need of quality workmanship.” Established in November 2012, Norsafe Australia was set up to provide a localised OEM servicing operation for its existing clients and to help win new customers. With support from the regional office in Singapore, Norsafe Australia is in an ideal location to provide servicing for the Australian oil and gas industry and is the only OEM to establish a base in this region. Endre Eidsvik, Norsafe’s SVP of Service, said: ‘’Getting positive feedback like this from clients is really pleasing and vindicates the way in which we train our personnel. Ben Fuller and his team are true professionals and receiving such great praise from the Australian Navy is tremendous.’’
Safety Gets a Boost with ABS Guidance ABS, a leading provider of classification and technical services to the global marine and offshore industries, has published the ABS Guidance Notes on the Development of Procedures and Technical Manuals, providing clients with best practice methodologies for developing instructional materials. “Input from ABS clients and maritime industry groups along with data gathered through the ABS Mariner Safety Research Initiative (MSRI) led to the recognition that this type of guidance was needed,” says Vassilios Kroustallis, ABS Senior Vice President, Eastern Europe. “Data from the MSRI found that more than 3,500 near misses and 200 reported injuries were related to procedures that were absent, misleading, confusing, wrong, or incomplete. We realize the implications to our clients and have stepped forward to offer a solution that is the first of its kind.” Appropriately written and implemented instructional materials can reduce the cognitive effort and the memory element of performing a task, which helps to reduce human errors. The new Guidance Notes
explain the process of developing documents as well as the benefits derived from appropriate document design, development, implementation and life-cycle tracking. The Guidance Notes includes a general discussion of instructional aids, guidance for writing instructional material, guidelines for verifying, validating, approving and certifying the documents, and how to manage change related to updates or the introduction of new procedures. Tools such as a sample constrained language list and analysis techniques for verifying and validating instructional material are included. “This new ABS publication is expected to be an important reference and useful tool for shipping companies, shipyards and marine organizations; assisting them in in-depth understanding of important terms and definitions and in preparing methodical and accurate procedures and technical manuals,” says Dynacom’s New Building Program Manager, Manos Migadis. “This kind of guidance was missing from the industry, and we wish to congratulate ABS for developing it.”
ABS: Moving maintenance programmes into the smart shipping era ABS is supporting the ‘smart shipping’ concept with programs that focus on data-driven, reliability-based maintenance, write Domenic Carlucci, Robert Conachey and Christopher Serratella, ABS Corporate Technology.
For proactive shipowners, maintenance is never an afterthought, and it is increasingly being integrated into the design of new shipboard systems. Industry leaders are designing maintenance systems by accounting for a data-driven, lifecycle approach as a step towards the ships of the future. As maintenance management philosophies shift from calendar-based to more condition-driven intervals, classification surveys must also evolve, leveraging this new source of information in the crediting of machinery toward special survey requirements. By implementing a range of planned and integrated procedures, owners are able to achieve a maintenance approach within the context of class recognition and move in the direction of smarter shipping operations. Incorporating performance in operational and maintenance planning is becoming easier at a time when this type of data collection, analysis and monitoring of machinery condition, performance and maintenance data are vital to effective marine asset management.
Applying New Techniques Developing a robust maintenance plan relies on reliability techniques that align maintenance tasks and monitoring techniques with the potential equipment failure modes and respective causes. The next step is to establish data streams directly from the vessel’s automation and control systems to provide information on machinery condition. This can reduce crew burden and the potential for human error and also help turn an often complex puzzle of qualify-
ing and analysing condition and performance data into an ever-improving, standardized process for decision-making and maintenance planning. Information gathered from these processes can create a learning loop that, when implemented in an Enterprise Asset Management strategy, can improve existing operational execution and influence the next generation of ship systems and processes. Classification societies are in a position to provide reliability programs that recognize and provide credit for improved maintenance program performance. In implementing this type of program, operators have the additional benefit of a clearer definition of asset health, which allows unanticipated repairs to be minimised and reduces the likelihood of delays to operations.
Defining Reliability Strategies Engaging in reliability-based design and management processes can result in a maintenance programme that strikes the right balance among performance, risk and costs for each piece of machinery or system. Improving the inherent reliability of a system or component requires this to be addressed at the design stage, while applying risk and reliability analysis tools throughout the design process provides the information needed by the operator to make more informed decisions. Maintenance management consists of assessing the ‘what, when, why, who and how’. The end result is to develop a safe and proven
design in which future performance meets reliability expectations. Owners need to consider some fundamental issues, such as the type of maintenance strategy that will be deployed and when maintenance activity is needed – why it should be performed (return on assets or cost benefit), who will perform the activity and how it will be accomplished. There is always a trigger that creates a decision point on maintenance. Whether this is an interval based on calendar or running hours or by monitoring results such as condition, performance, or failure finding based on inspection and testing, the trigger determines the need for maintenance.
Moving Maintenance into the Future The engineering and survey classification processes serve as integral pieces of machinery lifecycle management, from design review, construction and assembly, maintenance management verification, and culminating with surveys after construction. ABS already offers several programmes to support and assist operators in minimising disruptions associated with maintenance and classification efforts which can help them achieve greater operational efficiencies. In particular, as an alternative requirement to Special Survey, clients can enrol their equipment in a Preventative Maintenance Program (PMP) which allows the operator to execute planned maintenance and condition monitoring activities via an ABS-approved maintenance plan. Owners and operators can use the results of these programs to seek alternate crediting toward Special Survey requirements. ABS has developed a specific Guide with requirements and Guidance Notes providing supplemental information on this topic including the ABS Guide for Surveys Based on Machinery Reliability and Maintenance Techniques, ABS Guidance Notes on Equipment Condition Monitoring Techniques, and ABS Guidance Notes on Reliability Centered Maintenance.
The ABS Guide for Surveys Based on Machinery Reliability and Maintenance Techniques offers methodologies for achieving ABS notations applied to machinery reliability and maintenance management programs. It describes the process and responsibilities for ABS review of design submittals, analysis processes and resulting maintenance plans as applicable throughout lifecycle stages of the vessel or asset. The methodology relies heavily on risk and reliability assessment techniques as a way of better understanding and anticipating machinery and operational issues related to these concepts.
Towards a New Mindset Classification has never been a ‘one-size-fits-all’ process because of the need to manage risk on an individual vessel basis. The emergence of a data-centric approach to maintenance and compliance creates the opportunity to look at processes in the context of maximizing efficiency and minimising intrusion. The industry is moving from a slow, compliance-based approach to adoption of new technologies to a mind-set that embraces new techniques in the cause of efficiency as well as safety. More improvement is needed, not just to demonstrate compliance to regulation and adherence to class requirements, but because greater efficiency can deliver improved margins and play a role in sustaining the viability of an asset. It is clear that even if the industry has not yet fully adopted these concepts, it has accepted their inevitability. This is evident in the evolution of data capture from the unstructured noon report towards the collection and analysis of the increasing volume of data which are being made available to decision-makers. Ultimately, this means Class will continue to have a prominent role to play in the evolution of the shipping industry. An understanding of the tools needed to effectively and safely manage performance analysis and what happens when remedial action is needed is a critical step towards development of a smarter shipping industry.
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(From left) Ioannis Smyrneos, Local Business Unit Manager ABB Turbocharging, Greece & Cyprus - Process Automation, Rolf Bosma, Head of Service Sales ABB Turbocharging, Switzerland & Doukas Panagiotis, Editor in Chief, NAFS Magazine - www.nafsgreen.gr
ABB Turbocharging: 100+ service stations & 1,200 skilled people at your service Interview with Ioannis Smyrneos, Local Business Unit Manager ABB Turbocharging, Greece & Cyprus - Process Automation & Rolf Bosma, Head of Service Sales ABB Turbocharging, Switzerland. P. Doukas: An independent study for ABB Turbocharging found that 87% of organizations work only or mostly with original equipment manufacturers for maintenance support and spare parts procurement. Why is that so important? J. Smyrneos: This is very important because the dimensional accuracy of turbocharger components is very critical in order to attain thermodynamic and aerodynamic efficiency. By installing Original Parts on turbochargers then you can guarantee a hazard free operation. The study gives the signal that we are looking on the same direction and we receive this information as a value for our customers. P. Doukas: Speaking about turbocharging, could you please explain how your global network including over 100 service stations with no third parties works? R. Bosma: It is a concept where we want to have local presence in
the market. Our customers in Greece, for instance, know local ABB Turbocharging very well, and if they have a ship in need of maintenance somewhere else in the world, LBU Manager contacts one of the 100+ service stations and he makes sure that the job is performed there. In these hundreds of service stations, we have over 1,200 skilled people who are trained and informed about the developments in the turbochargers we have out in the field. That means that they are aware of the latest technology on new platforms, but also, they are aware of the development of platforms which are older, more than 20 years. So, they can always give you the best advice. This global approach is also very handy for the global customers that we have. Shipping is a limited local business. With our global setup we can support our customers anywhere in the world. P. Doukas: Approximately 200,000 ABB turbochargers are in operation across the globe on ships, power stations, gen-sets, diesel locomotives and large off-highway vehicles. What is your key of success in efficient and effective turbocharging? R. Bosma: The key of success for ABB Turbocharging is the development of turbochargers related to quality and efficiency with safety in mind. With the latest designs we are pushing boundaries in the areas of efficiency and we also provide platforms for our OEM’s, for
the engine builders. We are pushing boundaries and they come up with new ideas. Different and better settings going into environmental friendly areas where they could not go before. One of the examples is the Pressure ratio up to 12 and beyond 75% efficiency on the latest models where we have Power 2. I think, that, is one of the key factors that we have. P. Doukas: Ship owners look to the long term and always want ways to maximize fuel efficiency. What is the contribution of ABB Turbocharging to this matter? R. Bosma: Efficiency is on top of ABB’s Turbocharging agenda. Owners can rely on ABB Turbocharging for consistent high levels of application efficiency, safe operations and economic maintenance costs. Offering turbochargers that can have more air for instance can lead to different settings again. That is the reliability and performance enhancement. During the lifetime, we still develop the older platforms and with that we have efficiency increases as well. To achieve these aims, ABB Turbocharging maintains the most able and innovative R&D organization in the turbocharger business. P. Doukas: Independent study shows ABB turbocharger upgrades further improve engine performance and reduce fuel consumption. Please tell us few words about that. J. Smyrneos: An upgrade is the process of replacing an older generation turbocharger or turbocharger component with a new and improved one. By installing a new improved turbocharger or an improved turbocharger component, we can maximize the full potential of the engine. Thus we can achieve higher operational efficiency and less fuel consumption while keeping at the same time very low emissions. Just to summarize, in an upgrade process, there is the possibility to replace either the complete unit or a turbo-
charger component or make a retrofit, which means that we change from one turbocharger maker to an ABB turbocharger. P. Doukas: Would you like to say few words about the offices in Greece? J. Smyrneos: We have a presence in Greece for the last 30 years. We have started as a small team of 2-3 people. We are feeling very happy that we managed to expand, having now a team of 23 people, located in Greece and Cyprus. We have a presence in Cyprus many years already but since 2010 we have a full service unit in Limassol where we can serve local customers by delivering top quality services, Original Parts and Original Service at any time. In Greece, we have also relocated our ABB Turbocharging Service Station in 2012 and we are very proud about being able to provide first class service and support to our marine customers and power plants. Our highly trained personnel along with our sales people in Greece & Cyprus serve our customers with solutions tailored to their business needs. We also provide service outside Greece & Cyprus by using our strong global network. We will continue to support our customers the way we did in the past and keep up investing in our excellent relationship with the market. P. Doukas: The new record participation at Posidonia, certifies that Greece, as a traditional maritime power, can and should remain the heart of international shipping. Do you believe that Greek shipping will continue to contribute to the national and European economy? J. Smyrneos: Indeed, the Greek Shipping family is the biggest in the world. Greek shipowners have been contributed to the Greek economy for many years now, and I am very optimistic that they will continue to support the Greek economy in the future as well as the European economy.
Petronas selects Intellian to connect new state-of-theart floating LNG production vessel A triple installation for the next generation Petronas Floating Liquid Natural Gas (PFLNG) vessel emphasizes increased demand for Intellian’s 2.4m product line in the Offshore Energy and Enterprise market segments. Built at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in South Korea, PFLNG Satu is a game-changer in the global LNG business. PFLNG technology dramatically improves asset mobility, paving the way for efficiency in monetizing gas resources from remote, marginal and stranded fields. To ensure redundant, seamless connectivity onboard, Petronas selected Intellian for its outstanding performance, intuitive user experience and superior remote Management & Control capability. Two v240 C-band VSAT systems managed by a Dual VSAT Mediator will provide uninterrupted operation of enterprise data applications and crew welfare solutions. Live TV entertainment will also be available via a third 2.4m system providing simultaneous reception of C- and Ku-band anywhere in the world. The t240CK features Intellian’s patented WorldView LNB and the company’s proprietary Fiber Link optical IFL solution, which delivers near zero loss between above and below deck modules for cables up to 2km in length.
“It’s always especially exciting for us to be associated with ground breaking projects like this one,” declared Eric Sung, Intellian’s President and CEO. “Every system on the PFLNG Satu is the most advanced technology of its kind. Our inclusion validates the continuing dominance of our 2.4m products in the high end maritime segments, such as Cruise and Offshore Energy,” he said.
Helengi Engineering presents “Amaltheia”
Kinder Morgan Selects ABS for Elba Island LNG Project
Helengi Engineering Ltd proudly presents for the first time, during “Posidonia 2016”, the first Greek LNG Bunker Feeder vessel, “Amaltheia”. A state-of-the art vessel designed and engineered by Helengi Engineering in collaboration with NAP Engineering. This is the result of years of intensive engineering studies and it is the first time that Greek companies undertake such a demanding and complex design on this special type of vessel. Both Helengi and NAP Engineering teams display extensive expertise in Marine Engineering and LNG marine applications with wide international experience in the sector. Helengi Engineering and NAP Engineering have been collaborating on this unique innovative project which will boost shipbuilding sector bridging the present with the LNG future era. The purpose of this vessel is to provide LNG bunkering services to the Port of Piraeus as well as to feed with LNG fuel other ports such as Patras and Heraklion. “Amaltheia” has a capacity of 1400 m³ of LNG, however, the vessel can accommodate up to 2000 m³ depending on requirements. The name “Amaltheia” is the most appropriate name for this vessel and refers to the she-goat nurse of the God Zeus who nourished him with her milk. When the God reached maturity he created his thunder-shield from her hide and the horn of plenty (cornucopia) from her crown. According to the myth, the horn was endowed with such powers that it could instantly become filled with whatever might be desired. Therefore, the name “Amaltheia” is most fitting and suitable as it is a vessel which feeds with LNG, the greener fossil fuel and the best alternative to oil, other vessels.
ABSG Consulting Inc., a subsidiary of ABS Group of Companies, Inc. (ABS Group), has been contracted by Kinder Morgan, Inc. to develop a Maintenance and Integrity Program for the liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminal at Elba Island (Elba LNG Project) near Savannah, Georgia. ABS Group will develop the maintenance and integrity programs for the base plant, balance of plant and the terminal upgrade. The full scope of ABS Group’s services cover program development and execution, including project management, strategy development and business processes, asset register, mechanical integrity (MI), preventative maintenance development, spare parts and bill of materials, as well as data asset management services.
ME-GI Engines for New LNG Carriers Ordered by Maran Gas Maritime Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) has signed new contracts with Maran Gas Maritime and Maran T ankers Management for the construction of two ME-GI powered LNG carriers and two VLCCs, both shiptypes with a number of options. Maran Gas Maritime has already four ME- GI powered LNG carriers on order at DSME. Maran Gas Maritime is the LNG shipping company of Angelicoussis Shipping Group, Greece’s largest shipowner, and Maran Tankers Management is the tanker arm of Angelicoussis. The Korean shipbuilder announced that it won the orders at the international shipping exhibition Posidonia in Greece. The newbuildings are described as the next generation of eco-friendly vessels meeting IMO Tier III. The 173,400 cbm LNG carriers – length 295 m and breadth 46 m – will each be fitted with MAN B&W 2 x 5G70ME-C9.5-GI gas and fuel burning engines fulfilling IMO Tier III by EGR in both gas and fuel mode.
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First Commission of Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress in Bering waters with Alaskan Leader Fisheries Inmarsat, the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications, announced today that its partner Network Innovations (NI), together with Fusion Marine Technology, have signed a contract with Alaskan Leader Fisheries to install Fleet Xpress, Inmarsat’s new highspeed broadband maritime communications service, powered by Global Xpress (GX). The contract marks the first commission of Fleet Xpress in the remote and hostile waters of the Bering Sea. Fleet Xpress sets a new standard in broadband maritime communications, delivering the highest levels of reliable high speed broadband connectivity and exceptional performance across all of the world’s oceans as well as facilitating innovative Connected Ship applications. Alaskan Leader Fisheries is an Alaskan based commercial fishing company, specialising in the harvesting, processing and marketing of Alaskan seafood. Alaskan Leader Fisheries have chosen Fleet Xpress to support their daily business operations. With Fleet Xpress, Alaskan Leader Fisheries shore based sales teams can maximise their sales potential with up to date information on catch qualities and weights, while also sharing and recording geographical catch areas for more targeted sustainable fishing methods. Fleet Xpress is also intended to support the company’s crew welfare
initiatives to provide its seafarers with a vital communication link to friends and family, and access to the Internet to alleviate the boredom on the long voyages at sea. The install was led by NI partner Fusion Marine Technology and includes a Cobham 100GX 1-meter VSAT antenna, which together with a FleetBroadband antenna and below deck unit, form the hardware needed to operate the service. The antenna manufactured by hardware partner Cobham, has been built to withstand the toughest weather conditions and provide stable connectivity regardless of weather and location. “Fleet Xpress is a game changer for satellite communications at sea. The new service opens up a new level of connectivity for fisheries to take advantage of real-time communication back to shore, to enhance operational performance, maximise catch potential and start selling even before they have completed their journey back to shore”, commented Gerbrand Schalkwijk, Inmarsat Maritime Chief Sales Officer. ‘Through our partnership with NI, we are excited that Alaskan Leader Fisheries will be using Fleet Xpress in such hostile waters and to continue to drive innovation in sustainable fishing with highly targeted fishing methods.” “With excellent support provided by Inmarsat and NI throughout the commissioning and activation of the terminal, the Fleet Xpress service has allowed the Alaskan Leader Fisheries to maintain connection and speed even in the harshest of conditions of the Bering Sea, with antenna elevation around 8 – 13 degrees,” said David Pratt, VP Fusion Marine Technology, “We are excited to be a part of the next generation of satellite communications”. “NI has built a strong partnership with Fusion Marine to provide best in class service, support and advice that meets the communications needs of the fishing market. This partnership was key in converting Alaskan Leader Fisheries from an existing mini-VSAT, to the new standard in communications at sea with Inmarsat’s latest innovation, Fleet Xpress”, said Matt George, Vice President Global Maritime Sales, NI.
More Companies Sign Up Marlink and Inmarsat enter strategic alliance for Helm CONNECT Software developer Helm Operations announced that it has signed on more than 50 commercial maritime companies to its innovative maritime software, Helm CONNECT, many of whom are trying to prepare for the publication of Subchapter M. Helm CONNECT’s customers come from a variety of commercial maritime industries, such as fishing, ferries, research vessels, inland / coastal barging and pilotage vessels. The reason for the broad appeal of Helm CONNECT is its simplicity. “Businesses are craving software that’s easy for their people to use,” says Rodger Banister VP of Marketing at Helm Operations. However, many towing vessel companies are also subscribing to Helm’s innovative software in an effort to prepare for Subchapter M. Jan Andrusky, Towing Manager of Marine Dredging and Construction company, Weeks Marine says, “We decided [to select Helm CONNECT] because it gives us the means to comply with AWO’s Responsible Carrier Program in preparation of USCG Subchapter M. Helm CONNECT really jumped off the page because of its user friendliness and reasonable pricing. Helm also gives us the ability to implement additional features easily in the future.”
Marlink has signed a strategic alliance with Inmarsat (LSE: ISAT.L), which will see Inmarsat’s new Fleet Xpress service integrated into Marlink’s existing service portfolio. Through the agreement, Marlink will bring more than two thousand vessels to Inmarsat’s new Fleet Xpress service over a five-year period. Fleet Xpress, the Global Xpress maritime solution, sets a new standard in broadband maritime communications, delivering the highest levels of reliable high-speed broadband connectivity and exceptional performance across all of the world’s oceans as well as facilitating innovative ‘Connected Ship’ applications. Marlink unlocks significant operational potential for its Fleet Xpress customers by providing access to a diverse range of Value Added Solutions, including its XChange communication management platform with capabilities including Universal Remote Access for increased IT efficiency and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for crew communication. “We’re delighted to add Fleet Xpress into our broad service portfolio,” said Erik Ceuppens, CEO, Marlink.
nafs March 2014
ABB increases ship connectivity by opening its first Integrated Operations Center in Asia
ABB is opening a new integrated Operations Center in Singapore, the third facility of its type, which will allow the company’s expert engineers to follow the sun across the globe. Typically, at the end of the working day, the Singapore Center will handover to colleagues in Norway and Finland and this process will continue across the globe when a new Integrated Operations Center is opened in the US later this year. The Integrated Operations Center is a realization of ABB’s principle of the Internet of Things, Services and People. Sensors and software onboard a ship send equipment and performance data via satellite link
which allows ship owners, in collaboration with ABB’s experts, to monitor the performance of whole fleets. At the Center, ABB can analyze data and work with the ship’s onboard and shore-side team to plan maintenance and troubleshoot. “The opening of the new Integrated Operations Center in Singapore will ensure the very best service for our clients,” said Mahesh Krishnappa, VP Local Business Unit Manager for ABB’s marine and ports business in Singapore. “Our service engineers are available 24/7 but there are clear benefits for customers when they can speak to an engineer who is working during regular working hours with a ships data in front of them.” “The Center we’re opening is just one example of how our advanced technologies can help Singapore become a Smart Nation, whether it is in transport and infrastructure, industry or utilities, enabling productivity, efficiency and sustainable development.” said Johan de Villiers, Managing Director of ABB in Singapore and South East Asia. When using ABB’s Integrated Operations, ship owners can implement a way of working that saves up to 50% on dry docking costs on ABB equipment if monitoring, pre-survey, and project execution are managed in close cooperation between ABB and the ship owner. Data is collected from systems and used as input and maintenance work during dry dockings.
Intellian selected as ‘World Class 300’ company by Korean Government Intellian’s appointment to Korea’s prestigious ‘World Class 300’ list of the country’s most promising technology companies is a distinguished achievement and confirms its commanding lead in the mobile satellite communications terminal sector. Intellian, the global leader in maritime satellite communication antenna systems is now a fully-fledged member of the exclusive “club” comprising a group of Korean corporates recognized as the best and brightest in creative innovation, outstanding development and future market potential. Intellian expects to receive multi million dollars in R&D funding from the Korean Government over the next five years as a result of joining the World Class 300 group. This will underpin the company’s existing commitment to invest more than $100m in game-changing technology developments over the next five years. This, says President and CEO Mr. Eric Sung, will enable Intellian to leap-frog competitors and invest in new technologies and new products in both the maritime and aviation satellite antenna sectors.
Intellian already has a strong track record in R&D spending, maintaining a policy of investing just over 10% of top line revenue each year. Over its 12-year life, the company has invested close to $40m in R&D, a key differentiator which Mr. Sung believes has been essential in keeping the company ahead of the game in a sector which is undergoing exponential growth, and development on a daily basis. “A maritime communications revolution is taking place and we are proud to be a pioneer in this process,” said Mr. Sung. “We are committed to a continuing R&D investment program to ensure that we are leaders in game-changing satcoms technology.” “We are delighted to be selected as a member of the World Class 300. This clearly validates all of our hard work and success so far, our financial strength, market position, and growth potential,” Mr. Sung continued. “The endorsement from the Korean Government, following analysis of thousands of other companies, technologies and markets, is a major achievement.”
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New DNV GL Marine Warranty Standards are a digital first The energy industry’s only Standard for the warranty approval of marine operations is published by DNV GL. The Standard is the first to deploy a digital solution that provides users with information most relevant to a specific project. DNV GL Standard DNVGL-ST-N001 Marine operations and marine warranty, documents design and operational requirements for the temporary phases in the development of offshore assets, including transportation by water. It covers the entire value chain, from fixed steel and concrete platforms and FPSOs to subsea operations, pipe and cable lay, and offshore wind. Kim Rolfsen, Global Service Area Leader - Noble Denton marine services, DNV GL - Oil &M Gas, says the Standard draws upon more than five decades of expertise in the review and approval of marine operations. “DNV GL pioneered the concept of marine warranty surveying in the 1960s. Since that time, our legacy businesses have been the industry’s only organizations to continually produce industry standards for marine operations and warranty approvals. They have been followed by most marine contractors and even adopted by our competitors. “The new Standard combines best practice including legacy DNV’s
strengths in technical and analytical detail, and legacy GL Noble Denton’s practical guidance on avoiding technical pitfalls.” Industry professionals can submit details about the type of asset, operation and structural code, using the MyDNVGL customer portal. The company’s online Standards Wizard will then select the pertinent information from DNVGL-ST-N001 Marine operations and marine warranty. Mike Hoyle, Head of advanced engineering - Noble Denton marine services, UK, DNV GL - Oil & Gas, explains the benefits “This avoids industry professionals having to sift through a 500-page Standard to look for information relevant to their project. The wizard generates a simple and clear document showing the elements of the Standard needed to get on with the specific job.” The common Standards, which have been developed with input from companies in the marine sector, also give greater flexibility to industry professionals than before. For example, users can follow either the LRFD or ASD/WSD structural assessment approach when using the Standard to plan and execute marine operations.
Lloyd’s Register extends rig integrity support in blow-out preventors to BHP Billiton Lloyd’s Register (LR), a leading provider of integrity, compliance and specialist risk consulting services, announced they have extended rig integrity support for the Deepwater Invictus drilling rig. The company’s expertise in blow-out preventors (BOPs) and rig integrity will be used to provide confidence in how risk is managed for deepwater drilling and well exploration. Kevin Comeau, Dynamic Positioning / Power Management & Marine Safety Systems Manager at LR says: “We have had a team supporting the Gulf Of Mexico (GOM) drilling program on board Deepwater Invictus and it is this same team that has been requested for BHP Billiton’s drilling program in Trinidad. Although the core part of our work is on BOP operation, rig integrity and compliance, we will also provide expertise in performing inspections, risk assessments and training for personnel working on the rig.” The BOP is often the final line of defence for protecting life and the environment and so there is high demand for a transparent and well-structured risk assessment approach that helps rig owners and operators to monitor the BOP’s safety performance.
A subsea BOP is a special system which is highly regulated and among one of the few pieces of equipment that combines multiple functions such as drilling and operations control, a tool for preventing risk and supporting emergency response procedures. BOPs were developed to cope with extreme erratic pressures and uncontrolled flows emanating from well reservoirs during drilling. These factors mean that simple component failures can cause drilling operators to be exposed to severe risk. Before the market downturn, LR was reviewing more than 350 drilling rigs each year. The company has unmatched expertise in the provision of maintenance and asset management services, specifically designed to meet the needs of the drilling industry. “As the industry looks to implement new, best-in-class offshore drilling operations, we believe we have a great deal to contribute to the conversation,” highlighted Comeau. “Developments in BOP underline that new technology is not a barrier. It is seen as the catalyst for better performing oil and gas sector and a competitive necessity among the key operators.
DONG Energy Awards ABS Group Project DONG Energy Awards ABS Group Project Certification Contract for BKR02 Wind Farm Offshore Germany Borkum Riffgrund 2 will be one of the largest offshore wind farms in German waters. ABS Group Ltd. (ABS Group), headquartered in England and a subsidiary of ABS Group of Companies, Inc., a leading provider of technical project certification and quality management services for offshore wind assets, has received a contract to provide project certification services to DONG Energy Wind Power A/S (DONG Energy) for the planned Borkum Riffgrund 2 (BKR02) offshore wind farm in Germany.
Developed by DONG Energy, the BKR02 Project is expected to be fully commissioned in the first half of 2019. With a capacity of 450MW, BKR02 will be one of the largest offshore wind farms installed in German waters. The wind farm will be located in the German Bight area approximately 60 km north of Eemshaven. ABS Group’s certification scope will cover project quality management and document review, as well as manufacturing inspection of the offshore substations (OSS), which includes the topsides and foundations. Inspections will be carried out in several European countries.
nafs March 2014
Total Talusia Optima receives approval from Win GD
Leading lubricants supplier Total Lubmarine has received a no objection letter from Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD) for the use of its cylinder lubricant Talusia Optima with the whole range of Wärtsilä engines. Talusia Optima is a new cylinder lube oil (CLO) suitable for use with fuels ranging in sulphur content from 0-3.5%. The product is currently being tested on a range of ships and is expected to be brought to market later in 2016. Talusia Optima completed over 4300 hours of validation tests on-board a mega boxship deployed on Asia-Europe liner routes. The vessel’s engine, a two-stroke Wärtsilä 14RT-flex96C-B, underwent a
series of engine inspections and oil analyses throughout the test period and performed satisfactorily, meeting Wärtsilä’s requirements. The oil uses ash-free neutralising molecules (ANM), which provide super-neutralisation, outstanding cylinder cleanliness and the potential to reduce feed rates. Total Lubmarine’s technical director Jean-Philippe Roman said: “Talusia Optima is an exciting new development and a step forward for the lubes industry. It is the first and only cylinder lube oil on the market able to lubricate engines operating with fuels with any sulphur content. It will bring an end to the need for vessels to change lubricant when entering and leaving ECAs, making life easier for ships’ crews. We’re delighted with its performance to date and are confident that we will bring it to market soon.” The principle drivers behind the development of Talusia Optima have been emission regulation deadlines set by the IMO, technologies created in response to these regulations and the recommendations of OEMs and vessel operation optimisation. Serge Dal Farra, Total Lubmarine’s global marketing manager said: “Research carried out with our customers indicated their need for a simple, flexible product to counter the complexity of shipping operations in the current regulatory environment. Not only does Talusia Optima simplify engine lubrication for engineers, but used in conjunction with a well monitored feed rate reduction programme, offers potential savings. There is an all-round customer benefit.” WinGD has given approval for the use of Talusia Optima with its Wärtsilä RTA, RT-flex and X engines as well as in Sulzer 2-stroke engines.
DNV GL and South Korean yards’ standardization efforts deliver first results The first phase of a joint industry project (JIP) to promote a global standard for engineering and construction of offshore oil and gas installations has delivered four recommended practices (RPs). The outcome of the JIP, led by DNV GL, will be reduced complexity, less rework and delays and greater predictability. This will help reduce cost and increase quality further, enabling more projects to move forward. Phase 1 of the JIP has comprised DNV GL, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Company (DSME), Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), the Korea Offshore and Shipbuilding Association and the Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute. The RPs provide guidance for meeting requirements in multiple recognized standards applied globally. The RPs also provide guidance and propose new standards in areas where no standards exist. They aim to reduce variations and unique requirements for every project and thereby to reduce the general cost level and delays in offshore oil & gas projects. The RPs are: • DNVGL-RP-E401 Recommendation for selecting standards for piping components • DNVGL-RP-E402 Recommendation for selecting standards for electrical and instrumentation components • DNVGL-RP-B201 Recommendation for selecting standards for structural steel materials • DNVGL-RP-E403 Recommendation for selecting standards for steel bulk items “The RPs are the first in a series to reduce cost and increase predictabil-
ity without compromising quality and safety in international offshore development projects. DNV GL is working closely with oil companies, engineering houses and fabricators to develop the submitted RPs further for global application,” says Hans Petter Ellingsen, Group leader for offshore risk advisory, Korea, DNV GL - Oil & Gas. “We are delighted to further develop the strong relationship and collaboration we have with Korean shipyards. Together we are addressing the challenge of a high cost level by using international standards more widely in offshore oil and gas projects. When we have common challenges, we also have common opportunities. Standardization has potential to significantly reduce cost levels and enables the industry to move forward,” says Remi Eriksen, Group President and CEO of DNV GL. “South Korean shipyards are market leaders for construction of floating and fixed offshore oil and gas installations and HHI has been on the forefront to drive initiatives to reduce the general cost level for the oil and gas industry. A major part of these efforts is to drive efficiencies through greater standardization. Standardization will provide an opportunity to enhance efficiency and competitiveness of whole value chains in the oil and gas industry and induce environmental improvement by minimizing the surplus resources. These RPs are a very positive and radical step forward which will help to reduce inefficiencies in design and construction as well as to increase predictability and quality even further,” says Kil Seon Choi, Chairman & CEO of HHI. The second phase of the JIP is already underway and will deliver extended recommended practices for equipment packages, documentation requirements, and procedures.
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Brexit: IBIA looks at implications for marine fuels market The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) has published a paper examining the potential implications for ship operators and ports following the UK’s possible decision to leave the EU. Brexit and sulphur regulations – what now? looks at a range of scenarios including their impact on existing Emission Control Areas; the potential for the UK’s west coast ports to attract more shipping and the impact on Gibraltar which is the Mediterranean’s leading bunkering port. Commenting on the potential impact of the UK’s changed status, IBIA Chief Executive Peter Hall said: “Brexit has thrown up so many potential scenarios, which when combined with a decision from the IMO regarding the timing of a global sulphur cap, could lead to very different trading patterns and opportunities in particular for Bristol and Liverpool ports. However, shipping companies whose operations fall mainly in UK west coast waters will continue to face uncertainty over whether they should install scrubbers in time for 2020, or if the UK will allow them to use higher sulphur fuels in UK waters until 2025.” The paper looks at a range of possible scenarios: - Impact on English Channel ECA - Impact on UK west coast ports - Impact of UK deciding to replace EU sulphur regulations with less stringent requirements - Impact of delayed 0.5% global sulphur cap - Impact of Scottish decision to remain in EU - Impact on Gibraltar as a bunkering hub A full copy of the report can be downloaded at ibia.net/ibia-investigates-brexit-and-sulphur-regulations-what-now/
IBIA surveys members on transition to the 0.50% global sulphur caps Ahead of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) decision on the timing of the global 0.50% sulphur cap for marine fuels, the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) is advising its members on the potential impact of the shift. IBIA, whose members include marine fuel buyers, suppliers and traders, is concerned that global refining and shipping will struggle to cope, and has outlined a series of options that it believes could facilitate a smoother transition to a lower sulphur cap. The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the IMO is expected to decide on the timing of the global 0.50% cap in October this year, based on the result of a low sulphur fuel availability study required under MARPOL Annex VI. Commenting on the survey, IBIA Chief Executive Peter Hall said: “Regardless of whether the global 0.50% sulphur limit takes effect in 2020 or 2025, the change from the current 3.50% to a 0.50% sulphur limit is a seismic shift on an unprecedented scale in the history of refining and shipping. It seems unrealistic to expect to successfully achieve a shift of this magnitude overnight. Today we are asking our members whether or not they want the Association to bring the issues associated with the transition to a global 0.50% sulphur limit, and potential mitigation strategies, to the attention of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee.” IBIA believes that implementation of the global 0.50% sulphur limit in 2020 outside designated emission control areas (ECAs) where the fuel sulphur limit is 0.10% would likely be more challenging than 2025 from an overall supply/ demand balance standpoint, but a delay to 2025 would nevertheless bring a number of transitional challenges. Refineries are already increasing output of distillates to address rising inland demand, resulting in a reduction of residual fuel oil, or heavy fuel oil (HFO) production, but this is a linear, gradual process. Assuming that the capacity exists globally to produce sufficient marine fuels meeting a 0.50% sulphur limit, IBIA believes that there would likely be regional and/or local disparities with some ports facing shortfalls. An abrupt change on the scale required for global shipping to shift from mainly high sulphur HFO to low sulphur products is an enormous logistical undertaking not just for refiners, but also other links in the supply infrastructure. Some may argue that there is no issue as
evidenced by how well the industry coped with the 2015 change from 1.00% to 0.10% sulphur fuel in ECAs, which was a shift from mainly HFO to mainly marine gas oil (MGO). However, the additional annual volumes involved were limited to no more than approximately 40 million mt of global distillate demand per annum and applied to limited geographical areas. The 0.50% sulphur cap would require an additional annual volume of around 210 million mt globally. According to the International Energy Agency, the difference between the ECA change in 2015 and the global 0.50% cap would be even more dramatic. It advises the 0.10% ECA sulphur limit caused 0.1 million b/d to shift from residual fuel oil to gasoil, while a global cap in 2020 would lead to a 2 million b/d shift from HFO to MGO. The refining industry, and the market, is able to absorb incremental annual demand growth for distillates, but an abrupt major increase like the one associated with a global shift to 0.50% sulphur fuels for shipping will very likely to cause a period of supply shortages in some regions, which in turn would have an impact on distillate product prices globally. A distillate shortage and hence price inflation in one sector, like shipping, could impact inland markets such as road transport fuels and heating oil. Some may again argue that the anticipated price increase in MGO when the ECA sulphur limit dropped to 0.10% in 2015 did not materialise. This was, however, a result of a sharp fall in global oil prices in the run-up to 2015. The price difference between MGO and HFO did, in fact, increase in relative terms from a 50-60% premium to 100% or more, and there is no guarantee that the introduction of the global cap will coincide with a similar period of low oil prices. Uptake of abatement technology such as scrubbers is expected to allow a portion of the world fleet to continue to use HFO with higher sulphur content both in ECAs and globally. However, if suppliers expect the demand for HFO to shrink dramatically, it could become a niche market with fewer suppliers willing to offer it, and there is a risk that supply of HFO will begin to disappear just as more ships are installing scrubbers. In short, trying to implement a global shift from the 3.50% sulphur limit to 0.50% overnight is likely lead to a period of significant disruption and market distortion. In light of this, IBIA has outlined a range of options to facilitate a smoother transition that may be considered on their own, or in combination.
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement enhances training hub in Cyprus Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has invested in a Full Mission Bridge and an Engine Room simulator for its training centre in Limassol, Cyprus. This state-ofthe-art technology is the only one of its kind in Cyprus and will allow BSM to offer unparalleled training for the career development of its own officers, as well as external training for participants in the region. Training will include STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) courses as well as tailor-made customer courses to the advanced level required for Deck and Engineer officers. The bridge simulator consists of two separate 180 degree visualisation bridges fully equipped with various controls and systems, including ECDIS, RADAR/ARPA, VHF, bow and stern thrusters, simulated anchoring and mooring, use of tugs for berthing assistance, GMDSS radio communication, signalling equipment such as lights and shapes, steering gear and engine control. This top-of-the-range equipment allows users to select vessels from the library of 40 different ship types, operating in 25 sea and port areas. The Bridge Simulator also connects with the newly installed Engine Room Simulator enabling up to six students to train in ship’s manoeuvring and machinery operations on individual stations. Simulation training is of the utmost importance in modern shipping, particularly for the employees of a shipmanagement company. With
the wide range of possible operating systems present even across the same fleet and an ever-increasing number of processes becoming automated, it is vital that personnel are competent in handling the nuances of whichever vessel they are assigned to. Image – Valentin Rakutins, Director of BSM MTC Cyprus presenting the new bridge simulator
Συμμετοχή του ALBA στο «the 20th Roundtable with the Government of Greece» του Economist To ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece συμμετείχε στο 20o Συνέδριο του Economist με τίτλο “the 20th Roundtable with the Government of Greece”, μία εκδήλωση όπου συγκέντρωσε εξέχουσες προσωπικότητες από όλο τον κόσμο με σκοπό να δημιουργηθεί ένας γόνιμος διάλογος πάνω σε καίρια εθνικά ζητήματα. Το συνέδριο πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 22 και 23 Ιουνίου στο Grand Resort Lagonissi. Ένα από τα πρόσωπα που παρέθεσαν τις απόψεις τους ήταν και ο Πρύτανης του ALBA, Καθ. Νικόλαος Τραυλός, ο οποίος συμμετείχε στο πάνελ “Greece Today and Tomorrow: Envisaging New Business Models for Growth”. Στο πάνελ μίλησαν εκπρόσωποι των επιχειρήσεων αλλά και εκπρόσωποι της κυβέρνησης και η συζήτηση επικεντρώθηκε σε νέες επιχειρηματικές στρατηγικές και στην χρηματοδότηση της ανάπτυξης και της επιχειρηματικότητας. Η ομιλία του Πρύτανη είχε τίτλο “Η εκπαίδευση ως μοχλός βελτίωσης της ανταγωνιστικότητας της εθνικής οικονομίας και εθνικής ανάπτυξης της χώρας”, μια διάσταση της εκπαίδευσης που όπως είπε, δεν αναδεικνύεται τακτικά στο δημόσιο λόγο. Συγκεκριμένα, o κος Τραυλός επικεντρώθηκε στο γεγονός πως η χώρα μας όσο αφορά τους προσδιοριστικούς παράγοντες της εθνικής ανταγωνιστικότητας, βρίσκεται πολύ χαμηλά σε σχετικούς πίνακες διεθνούς κατάταξης. Για παράδειγμα, με βάση τις ετήσιες εκθέσεις ‘IMD world Competitiveness Yearbook το 2011, σε σύνολο 59 χωρών, η χώρα μας βρίσκεται στην 50η θέση στην ερώτηση αν το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες της οικονομία. Στο αν η εκπαίδευση σε μάνατζμεντ ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες της
οικονομίας η χώρα μας βρίσκεται στην 48η θέση. Για το αν γίνεται μεταβίβαση γνώσης ανάμεσα σε πανεπιστήμια και επιχειρήσεις η χώρα μας βρίσκεται στην 52η θέση. Επίσης η χώρα μας βρίσκεται στην 53η θέση σε προσέλκυση επιστημόνων και την 48η στην έρευνα. Κατέληξε στο γεγονός ότι το κρατικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα δυστυχώς δεν ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες της εθνικής οικονομίας, και πως χρειαζόμαστε εκπαιδευτικές μεταρρυθμίσεις στο κυρίαρχο κρατικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα. Εκεί τίθεται το ερώτημα: Μπορούμε να κάνουμε κάτι άλλο να ενισχύσουμε τα κρατικά πανεπιστήμια; Η απάντηση είναι ναι. Πρέπει να υπάρξει ενίσχυση της ανταγωνιστικότητας και στα πανεπιστήμια, με τη δημιουργία μη κρατικών πανεπιστημίων, κυρίως μη κερδοσκοπικών. Μίλησε για το παράδειγμα της Κύπρου, της Ισπανίας και της Πορτογαλίας και ισχυρίστηκε πως και η Ελλάδα θα μπορούσε να προσελκύσει χιλιάδες ξένους φοιτητές, δημιουργώντας έτσι επιπλέον εισόδημα και απασχόληση. Στο συνέδριο παραβρέθηκαν αρκετά διευθυντικά και ακαδημαϊκά στελέχη του ALBA, ανάμεσά τους και ο Δρ. Κυριακόπουλος, Αντιπρύτανης Ακαδημαϊκών Προγραμμάτων και Ακαδημαϊκός Διευθυντής του Executive MBA και η κα Αντωνίνα Καλκαβούρα, Διευθύντρια του Executive MBA. Το Executive MBA είναι ένα ειδικά σχεδιασμένο πρόγραμμα που απευθύνεται αποκλειστικά σε Ανώτατα Διευθυντικά Στελέχη, με 10+ χρόνια εμπειρίας. Οι διδάσκοντες είναι οι Senior καθηγητές του ALBA και ένας μεγάλος αριθμός επισκεπτών καθηγητών από τα καλύτερα Business Schools παγκοσμίως.
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AHH begins operations in Cyprus and international marine markets The American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company (AHHIC) Ltd is pleased to announce that the Cyprus regulatory authorities have approved the company’s operating license. The company, established in Cyprus in 2015 by the cooperation between the American P&I Club and Hellenic Hull Management, is now officially in operation with immediate effect. AHHIC is a global insurer and covers all hull and machinery risks for shipowners worldwide. American Hellenic Hull is the first marine insurance company in its region that meets all the requirements of the European Solvency II Directive. Management and operation of the new insurer has been undertaken by Hellenic Hull Management, led by managing director Ilias Tsakiris. Hellenic Hull’s team of assessors has already been working to ensure the new company’s initial growth and American Hellenic Hull will start with a healthy legacy of tonnage entered with the Hellenic Hull Mutual Association, which is in run-off. American Hellenic Hull was recently presented to the international shipping market with a large reception at the Posidonia 2016 international fair in Greece. Chairman of the American P&I Club, Arnold Witte said: “I wish to thank the teams from both companies that have worked hard to create American Hellenic Hull, but above all thank you to the Greek and international shipping community for their immediate support,” Ilias Tsakiris, CEO of American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company, said: “My colleagues and I are extremely proud of our strategic alliance with the American Club. Our 20-year history of management and operating knowledge in the marine insurance market guarantees the success of this major new international marine insurer, which will be marketed globally but will offer clients the benefits of a local service approach.”
Ο Κλάδος της Κρουαζιέρας Συνεχίζει να Συνεισφέρει Θετικά στην Οικονομία της Ευρώπης Η Διεθνής Ένωση Κρουαζιέρας Ευρώπης (CLIA) δημοσίευσε τoν ετήσιο απολογισμό της για την ευρωπαϊκή οικονομική συμβολή του κλάδου, καταδεικνύοντας ότι η κρουαζιέρα, για άλλη μια φορά, προσέφερε έναν μεγάλο αριθμό θέσεων εργασίας και σημαντική οικονομική συνεισφορά σε όλη την Ευρώπη. Τα στοιχεία που δόθηκαν από την CLIA, αποκαλύπτουν ότι η οικονομική απόδοση του κλάδου της κρουαζιέρας στην Ευρώπη έφτασε τα 40.95 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ το 2015, σημειώνοντας αριθμό ρεκόρ και αύξηση 2% σε σχέση με την προηγούμενη χρονιά. Οι άμεσες δαπάνες του κλάδου έφτασαν τα 16.89 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ, έχοντας αυξηθεί συγκριτικά με τα 16.6 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ το 2014. Μέσα στο 2015, ο κλάδος της κρουαζιέρας δημιούργησε περισσότερες από 10.000 νέες θέσεις εργασίας σε όλη την Ευρώπη, με σύνολο απασχολούμενων σε επιχειρήσεις κρουαζιέρας και επιχειρήσεις που σχετίζονται με την κρουαζιέρα, 360.571 άτομα. Οι μισθοί και τα επιδόματα για τους Ευρωπαίους εργαζόμενους του κλάδου έφτασαν τα 11.05 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ. Και ενώ ο κλάδος της κρουαζιέρας συνεχίζει να αναπτύσσεται σε άλλες περιοχές του κόσμου, η Ευρώπη παραμένει ένας δραστήριος και ζωτικός για την κρουαζιέρα κόμβος. Αυτή η τάση υποστηρίζεται από τρεις σημαντικούς παράγοντες: • Η Ευρώπη αντιπροσωπεύει τη δεύτερη παγκοσμίως μεγαλύτερη αγορά επιβατών κρουαζιέρας – 6.6 εκατομμύρια Ευρωπαίοι έκαναν διακοπές κρουαζιέρας μέσα στο 2015, κατά 3% περισσότεροι από το 2014. • Η Ευρώπη παραμένει ο δεύτερος πιο δημοφιλής προορισμός κρουαζιέρας, μετά την Καραϊβική. Η μελέτη έδειξε ότι 6.12 εκατομμύρια επιβάτες επιβιβάστηκαν για την κρουαζιέρα τους από ευρωπαϊκά λιμάνια μέσα στο 2015, κατά 4,5% περισσότεροι από την προηγούμενη χρονιά • Ως το κέντρο ναυπήγησης κρουαζιερόπλοιων παγκοσμίως, τα ευρωπαϊκά ναυπηγεία συνεχίζουν να κατασκευάζουν τα πιο καινοτόμα και μεγάλα πλοία στον κόσμο, με τις δαπάνες για νέες κατασκευές και συντήρηση αντίστοιχα να αυξάνονται για τέταρτη συνεχόμενη χρονιά. Αυτή τη στιγμή υπάρχουν παραγγελίες, στα ευρωπαϊκά ναυπηγεία, για 48 κρουαζιερόπλοια μέχρι το 2019, συνολικής αξίας άνω των 27 δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ. Μέσα στο 2015, οι εταιρείες κρουαζιέρας ξόδεψαν 4.6 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ σε ευρωπαϊκά ναυπηγεία,
ποσό που αντιπροσωπεύει 1,2% αύξηση των εσόδων των ναυπηγείων συγκριτικά με το 2014. «Ο κλάδος της κρουαζιέρας συνεχίζει να συνεισφέρει σημαντικά στην οικονομική ανάκαμψη της Ευρώπης» δήλωσε ο κος Pierfrancesco Vago, Πρόεδρος της CLIA Ευρώπης και Εκτελεστικός Πρόεδρος της MSC Cruises. «Ο αντίκτυπος είναι ξεκάθαρος. Περισσότεροι Ευρωπαίοι επιλέγουν διακοπές κρουαζιέρας, περισσότεροι επιβάτες κρουαζιέρας επιλέγουν την Ευρώπη ως προορισμό, και περισσότερα κρουαζιερόπλοια ναυπηγούνται σε ευρωπαϊκά ναυπηγεία. Αυτό μεταφράζεται σε μεγάλα οικονομικά οφέλη για ολόκληρη την ήπειρο, περιλαμβανομένων παραθαλάσσιων περιοχών που είχαν πληγεί δυσανάλογα σκληρά από την οικονομική ύφεση». Η Ελλάδα, το 2015, διατήρησε την κατάταξή της ως ο τρίτος πιο δημοφιλής προορισμός στην Ευρώπη, με 13.3% μερίδιο της ευρωπαϊκής κρουαζιέρας και συνολικά 4.176.500 επισκέψεις επιβατών κρουαζιέρας. Ως σημαντικότερα λιμάνια προορισμού αναδείχθηκαν η Σαντορίνη, ο Πειραιάς, η Μύκονος, η Κέρκυρα και το Κατάκολο, ενώ μέσα στο 2015, 980.049 επιβάτες, εκκινούν την κρουαζιέρα τους από τον Πειραιά. Σε οικονομικά μεγέθη, στην Ελλάδα, οι άμεσες δαπάνες της κρουαζιέρας για το 2015, αγγίζουν τα 489 εκατομμύρια ευρώ, ενώ 9.983 εργαζόμενοι στον κλάδο, εγχώρια, συμβάλλουν με περισσότερα από 188 εκατομμύρια ευρώ ετησίως. Ο κος Κυριάκος Αναστασιάδης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Celestyal Cruises και Εκτελεστικό μέλος της CLIA Ευρώπης, αναφέρει σχετικά: «Η κρουαζιέρα αποτελεί ένα ανερχόμενο αλλά ταυτόχρονα, με πολύ θετικές προοπτικές κλάδο του τουρισμού, που συμβάλλει πολύπλευρα στην ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία. Μία χώρα σαν την Ελλάδα, με προορισμούς μοναδικής ομορφιάς και ποικιλίας, με ιστορία και πολιτισμό, μπορεί και θα πρέπει να εξελιχθεί σε κορυφαίο προορισμό κρουαζιέρας και μάλιστα για όλο το χρόνο. Η πληθώρα των προορισμών και η πολύ κοντινή απόσταση μεταξύ τους ευνοεί επιχειρησιακά την κρουαζιέρα, ενώ το καλό κλίμα και η στρατηγική γεωγραφική θέση της θα μπορούσε να αναδείξει πολλές νέες αγορές και προορισμούς. Αν μάλιστα υπάρξει σωστή, ενιαία και οργανωμένη υποστήριξη από όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους φορείς μπορεί να συμβάλει τα μέγιστα τόσο στην τουριστική ανάπτυξη όσο και στην οικονομική ανάκαμψη της χώρας.
Lloyd’s Register introduces new well integrity assurance service to provide greater efficiency Well Examination services and Independent Competent Person (ICP) services are required by UK operators for fixed and floating assets. Historically, across the industry, these services have been contracted and managed independently from one another. But a new solution is being launched by Lloyd’s Register (LR) which will help operators faced with challenging market economics. “Our life-cycle Well Examination services aren’t just applicable in the UK market. Regardless of global location, well examination provides you with an auditable and independent process for demonstrating full compliance with local regulations, company policies and good industry practice in relation to the full life-cycle of well operations,” says Ian Mackay, LR’s Technical Manager for Compliance Operations. LR - a leading provider of integrity, compliance and specialist risk consulting services - provides confidence to operators and regulators that drilling well risks are understood and compliant with oil and gas industry standards and regulations. For an international operator, investor, and insurance company or as part of an internal audit, LR can help support stakeholders to understand the specific risks. A favourable review can also result in lower blow-out insurance on projects for operators. “We apply our technical and engineering expertise together with our deep knowledge of internationally agreed rules and standards, many of which we have helped to develop, to independently assess the design and operation of drilling wells in accordance with oil and gas industry standards, including the prevailing regulatory framework (and emerging regulatory changes) in which the drilling well resides,” highlights Mackay. In the United Kingdom, drilling operators or holders of licenses for hydrocarbons are legally obligated to follow regulations in the Offshore Installations such as the Offshore Safety Directive and Safety Case Regulations 2015. The current European Parliament EU Direc-
tive (2013/30/EU) on Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations also directs Member states to introduce Well Examination into their legislative regimes, and it directs that EU headquartered Operators adopt the same management standards across their global operations. “Our expertise and experience in relation to well integrity is vast and trusted, demonstrated by our contribution to the Oil & Gas UK Well Integrity Guidelines. These guidelines describe the essential elements of well integrity throughout the life-cycle of the well,” continues Mackay. As well as being a recognised provider of independent verification services, LR has unrivalled skills in well management, well operations, well engineering, and has recently introduced well life-cycle and well examination services to its service offerings. By offering the provision of ICP and well examination to customers under one process management system, the company can provide a better, cost effective way for customers to contract services as well as provide to operators a higher level of assurance. Mackay concludes: “By integrating well examination into our existing ICP verification service offerings, the benefits to the operator are: • More robust level of verification and well examination • No gaps or duplication of effort between ICP verification and well examination • More effective exchange of information between ICP and well examiners • More efficient data management with ICP verification and well examination held on common data management systems • Reduced number of customer interfaces as both provisions are delivered by one provider • Reduced contract administrative burden (and cost) for the customer.
LR defines ‘autonomy levels’ for ship design and operation New guidance provides the route to classification with six levels for autonomous ships. With autonomous ships likely to enter service soon, LR has set out the ‘how’ of marine autonomous operations in a new ShipRight procedure guidance. The guidance describes autonomy levels (AL) ranging from ‘AL 1’ through to ‘AL 6’ denoting a fully autonomous ship with no access required during a mission. The ‘AL’ system of levels provides clarity to designers, shipbuilders, equipment manufacturers, ship owners and operators, enabling accurate specification of the desired level of autonomy in design and operations and paves the way to a clearer understanding of the investment opportunity/risk equation. The procedure takes the user from identifying the initial ‘business need’ to a ‘systems classed’ status of a design and a ship, ultimately, in operation. Luis Benito, Head of Innovation Strategy & Research, says that autonomous ships are a reality: “Maybe a few years ago this was seen as unlikely. Today, the market wants autonomous ships that can be operated with varying levels of control. So, we have now described and delivered the levels required to make decisions enabling the design, construction
and operation of autonomous ships to take place. The levels provide a procedure to address the safety and practical issues required to meet classification, regulatory and market drivers.” LR is working with leading industry players to make autonomous shipping a practical reality. This guidance has been peer reviewed by leading technology companies. Benito adds: “In the future everything will be cheaper, but with better performance. That’s what the market is looking for. But most importantly, from LR’s perspective, as well as being more cost effective, shipping can also be safer. Safety will reduce costs. We are only at the start of the cyber ship and a cyber-enabled shipping industry but we are making amazing progress. We are trying to help the industry adopt the data, digital and connectivity technologies could deliver benefits to shipping – and to help keep ships safe”. “We are working with clients to create the new generations of cyber ship safety, security and maintenance monitoring and performance guidance that will help secure improved performance and return on investment. Autonomy is one part of our cyber shipping opportunities.”
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Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry SEPTEMBER 2016 issue 112 ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ 2229
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