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Kate the Great ready to take on the world

DunDalk’s kate O’Connor is ready to take on the world after beginning 2023 in sensational style with a record-breaking performance at the World Indoor Tour event in Clermont, France. The st Gerard’s aC athlete smashed the Irish indoor pentathlon record claiming a points total of 4,396 which surpassed the previous national record set by Grace Mckenzie in Birmingham in 2019. O’Connor’s score earned her third place across two days of competition in France.

kate is better known for her exploits in the heptathlon having claimed a brilliant silver medal at the Commonwealth Games last year which was followed by a joyous homecoming last august outside her home in Belfry Gardens as proud parents Michael (who is also kate’s coach) and Valerie and sister Maeve watched on.

Continued on Page 2

DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Wednesday, 1st February, 2023. Vol. 16, Issue 5 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com
Kate O’Connor smashed the Irish Pentathlon record over the weekend in Clermont France. The Comonwealth games silver medallist will look to compete against the worlds best at the World Championships in Budapest later this year. Page 2 Louth Civil Defence awards night Meadhbh wins Liam Reilly Scholarship Tributes paid to legendary musician Gerry Foran
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Record breaker Kate ready to take on the world

From Page 1

Kate, who was born in Newry was representing Northern Ireland at those games and her performance in Birmingham proved that she can compete with the best in the world in the heptathlon.

A niggling injury disrupted the latter half of 2022 for Kate who was forced to miss out on the European Championships but having worked hard over the winter

the former St Vincent’s student proved she is approaching something near her best form with that performance in Clermont over the weekend. Speaking after the event Kate spoke of her delight at breaking the national record while also speaking about ramping up to be ready for this summer’s World Championships in Budapest.

“It’s so nice to be healthy, back out competing with

world-class girls,” O’Connor told Decathletes of Europe.

“This was my first pentathlon in three years I think and the last one I did was a bit rubbish so it was great to be out competing against some world class girls out there.

“I had a little bit of a rough end to the season last year, not being able to compete at Europeans with injury, but I’ve been training hard and I really came out here to have

fun and see where I was at, and I managed to pull out a national record. We have more pentathlons planned; I can definitely get better. All the hard work was done during the winter so today was just about getting out there, shaking off any nerves and most importantly having fun.

“It was slightly annoying not getting the 4,400 points but I have a few more pen-

tathlons pencilled in over the next few months so hopefully we can get the national record even higher. The World Championships in the summer is obviously what I’m focusing on this year and everything I do from here on in will be geared towards getting ready for those games. Today was a great first step in getting ready but the hard work will continue from here on in,” promised Kate.

DunDalK said goodbye to one of its most famous musicians and entertainers last week when Gerry Foran was laid to rest on Friday.

Gerry played with a number of bands down through the years, most notably with legendary showband Paragon 7 who achieved great success during the 1960’s.

Gerry had earlier began his music career as singer with the Woodpeckers during the late 50’s.

Patsy Rogers knew more than most how talented Gerry was, having toured with him with popular band the ‘looney Tunes’ over 40 years ago. Singer Gerry Foran, guitarist Tommy Kelly and drummer Patsy Rogers were one of the most successful local bands during the

showband era and were invited by Knockbridge man Tommy Smyth to tour america for a six

week run. according to Patsy, Gerry was magnificent company during those days on the


“Gerry was a brilliant musician and brilliant company. The laughs we had on the road are memories that will stay with me forever. he had a huge impact on music locally and I would say that probably about 50% of guitarists around town were taught how to play by Gerry at some point. he was a great man for the chat and as we used to say he could sell sand to the arabs.

“That six-week tour of america was so enjoyable. We were three young men who didn’t have a care in the world and we were loving life in nYC. one day I remember we were walking down the main street with our shirts off because it was so hot and we were stopped by

a cop who threatened to give us a citation if we didn’t put our tops back on. Before we did we asked him if he would take a picture of us before we put the shirts back on and he duly obliged (see picture).

Tommy Smyth who is now a big deal in america commentating on soccer games for eSPn brought us over to the uS for that tour and it was a huge success.

“Gerry had so much success over the years and as well as the music he enjoyed writing poetry and books. I visited him regularly up in Dealgan house over the last few years and we would reminisce about the great days back when we were playing. he was a great man and I will miss him dearly,” stated Patsy.

Tributes paid to legendary Dundalk musician Drogheda councillor upset over French ambassador invite snub

DRoGheDa councillor Paddy McQuillan has demanded a response from louth County Council after he called out the local authority for not inviting the Drogheda mayor, Michelle hall, to meet the French ambassador who was in Dundalk last week.

“Can I just say that it was totally disrespectful that the Mayor of Drogheda, Cllr Michelle hall, was not invited to meet the French ambassador. I would like to know why. Considering that we have connections with France. I await a response from

the executive,” stated Cllr McQuillan.

The French ambassador, Vincent Guerend was in Dundalk last Wednesday, visiting louth County Council, DkIT and Dundalk Chamber of Commerce.

While visiting louth County Council, the ambassador met with Cathaoirleach, Cllr Conor Keelan and the Chairman of Dundalk Municipal District, Cllr Kevin Meenan, as well as Chief executive, Joan Martin.

he was interested to hear from the Council on several matters, including the ‘Twinnings’ be-

tween louth and France, Brexit and the northern Ireland Protocol, and trade links with France. he also took a keen interest in Dundalk’s political and economic history and the potential for greater links with louth.

areas which are seeing greater cooperation with France include the number of sailings and the energy market.

Sailings to France have quadrupled since Brexit and the planned electricity interconnector with France will have capacity to supply 11% of our electricity needs and will provide Ireland with the stability of direct access

to the eu power grid. It also offers Ireland the opportunity to export wind generated power.

The ambassador acknowledged louth’s unique position on the Dublin – Belfast Corridor and the designation of both Dundalk and Drogheda as Regional Growth Centres in the Government’s national Planning Framework and the opportunities this could present for French businesses.

The meeting concluded with an invitation to return to see the Cooley and Carlingford lough region.

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 2
Cllr. Paddy McQuillan. The late Gerry Foran. Gerry Foran, Patsy Rogers and Tommy Kelly in New York City in 1976. Kate O’Connor.
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appeal for blood donations at local clinics

DunDalK man Stephen Cousins is appealing on behalf of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) for people to donate blood at two upcoming local clinics.

The IBTS head of Donor Services and Marketing from ard easmuinn told the Dundalk leader that currently there is a shortage of blood.

“We are putting out an appeal for blood donors to come forward and donate at a clinic in the Cooley Peninsula on Sunday, February 12,” said Stephen.

“The Cooley clinic is due to take place in the Bush Post Primary school from 11.30am to 3pm.

“The Dundalk blood donor clinic is to take place at the Crowne Plaza hotel on Monday, March 6 from 3.45pm to 8pm.”

Stephen added: “Potential donors can regis-

ter their interest on our website www.giveblood. ie.

“hospital demand is so high there is a real need for blood donations. at the same time there has been a lot of sickness in recent weeks in terms of our donor panels.

“We saw it in the build up to Christmas and especially the week after Christmas, our appointments were way down on what they would normally be.”

he continued: “a lot of people had to cancel their appointments or were no shows. When

‘Additional autism places at secondary schools needed’

we have a clinic coming up in an area, we will text regular donors living nearby to inform them.

“Blood is perishable and only lasts a certain number of days. For anyone new who is thinking of donating for the first time I recommend visiting our website www. giveblood.ie and doing a quick eligibility test.

“unfortunately, not everyone is able to give blood. If you have any questions about eligibility or to make an appointment at a clinic, please call the donor line 1800222-111.”

Stephen concluded:

“For a long time, people living in the uK and northern Ireland couldn’t give blood in the south; this was lifted some time ago.

“I’d like people to be aware that there was a uK ban but that is no longer in place. The criteria is gone now.”

care clinics ar ing h

The issue of the lack of occupational therapists in the public or private sector available to help autistic children in louth was raised in leinster house recently by Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú who also raised the need for additional autism places at secondary school.

he outlined how a grandmother, Claire had written to him about her five year old grandson, Mason, who has autism and who attends Kilsaran nS.

Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘after begging schools, it was the only one available even though they live in Dundalk. Thankfully, the unit is brilliant.

‘Mason is over the average height for his age and strong. He is a flight risk and constantly trying to run away. he is volatile and, in a temper, will hurt his mother and brother on occasion.

‘She is now a prisoner in her own home, as is her other son, a ten-year-old. She lives in a two-bedroom terraced house with a small garden. It is heartbreaking.

‘The child psychologist recommended that he attend occupational therapy service, but

there is a two-year waiting list in louth. even private services have been closed to waiting lists due to demand.

‘We do not have the services required. The hSe has large gaps, but we need short-, medium- and long-term plans that deliver for children like Mason and his mother, aisling’.

In response, health minister Stephen Donnelly said: ‘The occupational therapy waiting lists are too long in many parts

of the country.

‘My focus and that of the Minister of State, Deputy Butler, is on recruitment. Models of care are being examined. The most serious issue we have is recruitment.

‘The Minister of State and I are engaging with the Department and the HSE on finding new ways to fill those posts urgently to meet the pressing needs the Deputy outlined’.

In a separate interaction, with Taoiseach leo Varadkar, Deputy Ó Murchú highlighted the need for further aSD classes for secondary schools in north louth.

he said he had received information from the county’s Special educational needs officer (SENO).

he said: ‘Coláiste Chú Chulainn has two aSD classes. St. Vincent’s has one aSD class. Sanction has been granted to that school for an additional three classes and that expansion is due to happen before September 2024.

‘an extension to Bush Post Primary School is under construction and will house an aSD classroom. The projected completion date for that project

is September 2024. I could also talk about De la Salle College, St. louis Secondary School, Coláiste Rís, the Marist school and Ó Fiaich College.

‘There will even be difficulties in respect of the Marist school because it is a public private partnership build. We must ensure there is a full Government response to allow for delivery.

‘We must ensure we can deliver for those parents in Dundalk and throughout louth who are pulling their hair out because they are not sure where their kids are going to be able to go to school’.

In response, an Taoiseach said: ‘I agree we have a need for more investment across the country to allow space for more aSD classes come September. They are needed now but they will be needed even more come September.

‘Minister Foley, and Minister of State Madigan, are engaging with the Minister Donohoe, on precisely that issue. In fairness to the Department of education, once it gets capital funding, it tends to be able to spend it. The Department is engaging on that issue as we speak’.

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Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 4
social media links are in development Carrick Road Medical Centre, Lis Na Dara, Dundalk, Co. Louth Crosslanes Medical Centre, Cross Lane, Drogheda, Co. Louth 100a Main Street, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan - Phone: 041 9835510 www.earcareclinics.ie info@earcareclinics.ie social media links are in development
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Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú.
Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 5

louth County Council acknowledge louth Civil Defence Covid-19 response

a PReSenTaTIon ceremony was held in the oriel Centre, Dundalk on Thursday 26th January 2023 where louth County Council Cathaoirleach Cllr. Conor Keelan presented special Covid- 19 medals to louth Civil Defence members.

These medals were commissioned in 2022 by the then Minister for Defence Simon Coveney as a mark of appreciation of all Civil Defence volunteers who undertook duties during the Covid -19 crisis.

The medals consist of a cross, bearing the Irish Civil Defence harp

logo, to signify extraordinary leadership, dedication, sense of duty and courage in assisting communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

a total of 20 volunteers from louth Civil Defence completed in excess of 200 taskings during the pandemic. These included:

Transporting people to and from hospital and other essential appointments; assisting the hSe at testing centres; assisting the Irish Blood Transfusion Service; Delivering essential foodstuff and medications to vulnerable households.

This is the second presentation ceremony for louth Civil Defence personnel. a national ceremony was held in Croke Park on 29 november 2022 where Minister Coveney presented Covid - 19 medals to Civil Defence representatives from all counties including seven members from louth.

louth County Council have hosted a number of events as part of national commemorations for those lost in the pandemic, and to acknowledge those who worked through it. events were held over the last

year in Dundalk and Drogheda to give the people of louth the opportunity to mark this occasion in an appropriate and dignified manner. These included a formal wreath laying ceremony at the Court house, Market Square, Dundalk and Fair Street, Drogheda.

The ceremony in the oriel Centre also saw a number of long service medals awarded to Civil Defence members, where Cllr. Keelan presented volunteers with 50 year, 30 year, 20 year and 10 year medals.

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 6
Members of the Louth Civil Defence were presented with special Covid-19 medals to recognise their response to the crisis. Cllr. Conor Keelan presents Barry Sweeney with a Covid medal. Michael Kenny was recognised for fifty years of service in Louth. Gillian Duffy received a medal for thirty years of service. John O’Hanlon receives a Covid-19 response medal from Cllr Keelan.

Council spend €6.7m in housing retrofits Benefit night for Calvin Curley Gray

louTh County Council have spent €6.7 million retrofitting local authority housing stock over the last two years, ensuring warmer, cleaner, more energy efficient homes.

The Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programme (eeRP) launched in 2021 is one of the pillars of the housing for all initiative. The objective of the scheme is to improve the energy efficiency of County Council housing stock to a minimum energy rating of B2.

a ten-year programme will see older housing stock retrofitted with the latest energy efficiency technologies including improved insulation, air to heat pumps and ancillary heating and water management systems. The installation of new window and door units is also a feature of the retrofit programme in many of the houses.

louth County Council Project Manager, edel o’neill, executive Engineer confirmed the

completion of 64 retrofit homes in 2021 at a cost of €1.7 million. There were a further 164 homes retrofitted in 2022 at a cost of €5 million.

“The improvements mean a warmer, cleaner, and more efficient home with a single utility bill. The improvements have meant no more carrying and storing of solid fuel products. no messy cleaning of open fireplaces and an all-round improvement in the comfort for those living in the

houses,” said the Project Manager.

Plans for 2023 are at an advance stage with specialist contractors already engaged to commence work once final approval of funding for the 2023 scope of works is finalised.

Speaking of the success of the scheme the Director of Services for Social Development, Paddy Donnelly outlined some of the learnings gained to date.

“These include the

management of energy credits that the scheme generates, which are a tangible benefit realised by the Council from the obligated Parties. The team plan to collaboration with energy and construction partners and with the cooperation of the tenants to retrofit an estimated 250 homes in 2023.”

This delivery will see the Council retrofit all existing stock with a below B2 rating within a ten-year programme.

A BENEFIT night for the late Calvin Curley Gray will take place on the 18th February in the Clan na Gael hall in Dundalk. Last September eleven year old Calvin sustained injuries after falling through a perspex roof at a premises on Clanbrassil St. The Redeemer Boys School pupil was airlifted to Temple Street Children’s Hospital but sadly he died two weeks later from injuries he sustained in the fall.

The news of his death was met with shock and sadness in the local community with tributes paid to the popular youngster by his school and sports teams including Shamrocks FC, Clan na Gael and Dealgan Boxing Club.

Calvin’s aunt Denise Hughes has organised a benefit night in her nephew’s memory with all proceeds going to Calvin’s family.

“I wanted to help them out with the costs of the funeral expenses so I decided to put together a benefit night in the Clans hall on the Ecco Road



on the 18th February. There will be music on the night as well as light refreshments and spot prizes. Thanks to the generosity of people in Dundalk I’ve managed to collect a lot of brilliant prizes for the raffle including a bicycle, phone, lawnmower, hamper, photography voucher and much more.

“We want to make it a great night in Calvin’s memory and hopefully lots of people will turn up and help make the night a success. Tickets are just €5 and you can get them off me beforehand or pay at the door on the night. I want to thank Jason Kelly for providing music on the night as well as Gino’s Diner who are doing the food. I also want to thank all the generous people who donated spot prizes. The aim is to raise some money for Calvin’s family to help them with the expenses of the funeral so hopefully the local community will come out and support the family,” stated Denise.

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Project Manager, Edel O’Neill and members of the Housing Technical team briefed Chief Executive Joan Martin on the progress of the work. Calvin Curley Gray.

local pianist wins ‘liam Reilly Scholarship’

DunDalK School of Music (DSM) this week named the first recipient of a recently created scholarship to support upcoming musicians and vocalists, in honour of the late liam Reilly - singer/songwriter of Bagatelle fame. This year’s scholarship has been awarded to 17-year-old Meadhbh McCauley from Blackrock by a distinguished panel of acclaimed musicians

including mezzo soprano Colette McGahon; classical guitarist Pat Coldrick and Bagatelle bass guitarist Ken Doyle.

“This was a tough call, as we were very impressed with the high standard of all of these young up and coming musicians,” said judge Ken Doyle. “Meadhbh stood out to us as a player with great musicality and maturity for one so young and her

piece really moved me and drew me in,” remarked Pat Coldrick. Colette McGahon agreed, adding, “We are very pleased to award the scholarship to this young musician and we look forward to seeing great things from her in the future.”

Meadhbh McCauley has been playing piano for 10 years, beginning her training with Patricia Duffy in the Dundalk School of Mu-

Bake sale for Paul Mefor

DuNDALK Community church is organising a bake sale to raise fund for Paul Mefor, a Nigerian born-Irish citizen who has lived in Dundalk for about twenty years. Paul is suffering from Parkinson disease and is seeking a stem-cell treatment in Switzerland.

According to Paul,” I have been suffering from Parkinson’s, a degenerative disease, for over 10 years. My treatment in Ireland, has not stopped the progression of the disease, hence my current quest for alternative, but promising STEM CELL treatment at the SWISS MEDICA XXI CENTuRY Medical Facility, in Switzerland. The cost of the treatment, including travel/ boarding/feeding/ post-intervention care, has been conservatively assessed at around €40,000.00, which is the target of my fund drive.”

Paul is a seasoned journalist and a family man who has had to endure excruciating and debilitating effects

Paul is seeking stem cell treatment in Switzerland.

of Parkinson’s disease in the las ten years.

A GoFundme account has been set up for this issue, however, Dundalk Community church has decided as part of their support to hold a bake sale on Sunday 5th February at their church premises- The Ramparts,

sic in 2012. She is currently in fifth year at St. Vincent’s Secondary School preparing for her leaving Cert. practical music exam. “I am thrilled to be the first person to receive the liam Reilly Scholarship and I’m very grateful to his family and to the panel of judges!” said Meadhbh. “When I started taking piano lessons at the age of seven I was really lucky to have been taught

by Patricia Duffy, and she has always been a real inspiration to me. I’d also like to thank my current teacher aislinn lonergan for her wonderful tuition as I work to improve every year.”

During a presentation ceremony at the School, guests were treated to a wonderful performance of some of liam Reilly’s most loved songs from local musician ‘Johnny D Fox’ Conlon,

best known for his vibrant performances as frontman for ‘Thin as lizzy’. now in its 14th year, Dundalk School of Music has been serving the people of Co. louth as a vibrant, welcoming place for budding musicians of all ages, offering professional oneto-one tuition in a wide range of instruments across many genres.

Dereck wants to inspire people through his music

DeReCK Sakatari is all about positivity and through his music the 22 year old is hoping to inspire people and impact on people’s lives. The 22-year old DkIT social care student hails from Zimbabwe but has called Dundalk his home since making the move here in 2021. Dereck believes he was born to be a musician and is hoping to make his family back home in Zimbabwe proud as he gets ready to take the first steps on his musical journey with a concert in the Imperial hotel later this month (25th February.)

according to Dereck the dream is to become a professional musician who inspires people and he will begin that journey with a Thanksgiving Family Concert in the Imperial where he will introduce the songs he has been working on to the local community.

Dereck believes he wads born to make music.

Townparks, Dundalk, at 12.30 – 3pm. Paul is appealing to everyone to be part of this bake sale to help raise the much-needed fund for his treatment.

Here is also the GoFundme link - https://gofund.me/ da3fa608.

“I am really looking forward to the gig at the end of February and I hope people can come out and support my new music. I would describe my style as powerful and inspiring gospel music and I truly believe I was put on this earth to sing and inspire people.

“We will have a presenter from Dundalk FM compering the show and as well as myself singing there will be an open mic slot where anybody can come up and sing a song. I come from a very small town in

Zimbabwe called Granary Park which probably has a population of less than two thousand people. I was inspired by family and friends back home who I can remember singing a lot when I was growing up and a couple of years ago I decided to come to Ireland to study as well as try and start my musical journey.

God has guided me every step of the way so far and helped me develop the skill of songwriting so now it’s time to show these new songs off. My musical brand is called Greater life Music and through my music I ask

people to live a joyful life and to spread kindness. The songs are full of positive messages and hopefully if somebody is feeling down and hears one of my songs I hope that they can be inspired. My ultimate dream is for my music to impact people’s lives in a positive way,” concluded Dereck.

Dereck’s Thanksgiving Family Concert will take place between 6-8pm in the Imperial hotel, Dundalk. You can buy an early bird ticket online at www. gr8events.ie for €10 or pay €12 at the door on the night.

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 8
Meadhbh McCauley. By Amaka Okonkwo

appeal for louth properties to house ukrainian people

LOuTH County Council is appealing to those who have unoccupied properties to offer them as temporary homes for those fleeing war in ukraine.

The call is part of a government initiative, led by local authorities, to make use of unoccupied houses, apartments or holi-

day homes to house ukrainian people and families.

While rent will not be payable to those who offer properties, a tax-free recognition payment of €800 per month is available from the Department of Social Protection to those who offer accommodation to ukrainians.

This is a call for stand-alone properties that are not occupied by others. Properties should be in liveable condition and, ideally, available for at least 6 months. under the programme, Louth County Council takes offers of houses, apartments or holiday homes for temporary accommodation, liaise

old Dundalk Society

The old Dundalk Society is delighted to announce the third lecture in their Winter season of lectures. The lecture takes place in the County Museum, Jocelyn Street, Dundalk, on Wednesday the 8th of February commencing at 7.30 pm sharp.

The lecture tells the story of the 27th Infantry Battalion (Dundalk). Dundalk has a rich and varied military history reaching back into Celtic Mythology. It was in 1973 the 27th Battalion was established under the command of lt. Col. louis hogan, a future Chief of Staff. The lecture will be given by Sergeant (Sgt) Riccardo lucchesi. Sgt lucchesi enlisted in the defence forces in 1985, having completed the leaving Cert in The Marist

College Dundalk and has served with 27 Infantry Battalion since. he has been deployed on seven overseas tours of duty, three to the lebanon with further tours to Bosnia, Kosovo, Chad and Syria.

Sgt lucchesi is a keen local historian with a particular interest in the military history of Dundalk. he operates guided tours, on request, of aiken Bks and is the key holder of the Garrison Museum in the Barracks. a local man, he is married to anita and has a grown-up family.

Patrons are advised to come early, as there is limited capacity available at the lecture venue. Refreshments served after lecture. Voluntary contributions at door.

Dundalk Brass Band on the lookout for new conductor

BeRnIe Bingham, a former musical director for Dundalk Brass Band, has recently left his role. after 30 years with the band and 10 years of conducting, he has retired. The 1976–founded nonprofit Dundalk Brass Band, with 25–30 members, plays various instruments, stemming from the French horn to the Tuba. Woodwind instruments were brought into the band about ten years ago, and new musicians are always welcome, particularly those who may have played a brass or woodwind instrument in the past and would like to pick them up again.

now, anyone with a passion for music can apply for the position of conductor, from young musicians to

1—Ringo Starr, drummer with The Beatles, narrated the first two series of which children’s TV show?

2—Pol Pot was a tyrannical leader in which Asian country?

3—A phrase often attributed to Mark Twain states that there are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and what?

4—The three biggest cities in Ohio all begin with the letter C. Can you name two of them?

5—Name the two pubs in Dundalk whose names are associated with birds?

6—Which two Japanese cities were obliterated

musicians who have retired. Contacting Dundalk Brass Band is the first step for anyone who wants to fill this role. all information is available on Dundalk Brass Bands Facebook page and Twitter. Practice takes place on a Tuesday night at 7:30 pm on Jocelyn Street.

The Dundalk Brass Band welcomes new musicians to the group regularly. anyone retired who wants to rekindle their relationship with music and their instruments, the band’s arms are open to welcoming you. Dundalk’s Brass Band perform locally and occasionally in newry. on these occasions, both contemporary and traditional music is frequently played. anyone interested in joining can contact the band directly on social media.


by atomic bombs in World War II?

7—Which social media platform allows users to upload a variety of short-form (Originally one minute long, now up to ten minutes) videos, from genres like dance, comedy, and education?

8—Don’t Dream It’s Over and Weather with You were hits for which Australian rock band?

9—Which former Irish Taoiseach was born in KIlglass near Roosky on the Leitrim-Roscommon

with owners to assess suitability, and arrange for their use by ukrainian people and families.

Since the programme was launched at the end of November Louth County Council has allocated 13 vacant properties accommodating 33 ukrainian people in their new homes.

The feedback from both the ukrainian families and the own-

ers has been very positive. The families are delighted to be able to stay in a home environment. They are also able to keep their children in the same schools, keep in contact with the ukrainian community in Co. Louth that they rely on for support and integrate with the local people in Louth.

An owner of one of the properties stated “the council facilitated

the process and had documents in English and ukrainian so both sides could easily understand the process, the meeting covered everything that was expected from both parties and the contracts were signed at the meeting.”

Another owner who was very happy to help a family stated “The Offer a Home Programme has brought a great joy

to our family. A wonderful young ukrainian couple expecting their first baby have taken up residence in our holiday cottage. It really was a wonderful experience for our family to welcome this lovely couple over Christmas.”

Yvonne O’Brien, Acting Director of Service, ukrainian Humanitarian Response stated that “we have a fluent Ukraini-

an speaker working as a matching officer so that the whole process can be smoothly facilitated. Louth County Council will work with you throughout the process and be there to offer support while your property is being used.” To offer a property or for more information, visit offerahome.ie or contact the ukrainian Response Team on 042 -9335457.


10—What is the smallest county in Northern Ireland? Stinker—Which two films in the 1990’s that had animals in their titles won consecutive Best Picture Oscars?


1—Thomas the Tank Engine, 2—Cambodia, 3—Statistics, 4—Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbas, 5—The Crowe’s Nest and The Phoenix, 6—Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 7—Tik Tok, 8—Crowded House, 9—Albert Reynolds, 10—Armagh. The Stinker: Silence of the Lambs and Dances with Wolves.

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 9 Mattress Depot Dundalk A Large Selection of High Quality Mattresses At AfforDAbLe!!!! reALiStic!!!! Prices Large range of furniture also in Stock Visit our Showroom Hoeys Lane, Dundalk tel: 085 864 5442 Single Beds From €299 Double Beds From €499 King Size Beds From €599 Single Bed with Storage From €499 (Mattress not Included) Wardrobe, Chest & Locker From €449 3-1-1 Recliner Suite From €1299 Trinity Extending Table & 6 Chairs €999 Table & 4 Chairs €349 Corner Group From €999 Single Bed – Complete with Base, Headboard & 10” Mattress €299 (While Stocks Last) Double Bed - Complete with Base, Headboard & 10” Mattress €399 (While Stocks Last) 3 + 2 Fabric Suite From €699

Two DkIT Graduates nominated for oscars

DKIT Film & TV graduates, Karl Walsh and Dean Gordon, have played a key role in the production of the oscarnominated short film, “an Irish Goodbye.”

The film, directed by Tom Berkeley and Ross White which was partly shot in Derry, tells the story of two estranged brothers and has received recognition from the academy of Motion Picture arts and Sciences for its outstanding quality and craftsmanship.

The academy awards, also known as the oscars, are annual awards given out to recognize outstanding achievement in the film industry. The awards are presented in various categories including best picture, best director, and best actor/actress. The ceremony is considered one of the most prestigious events in the global entertainment industry and is widely watched around the world. nominees and winners are selected by

the academy’s voting membership.

Karl Walsh, who served as the First assistant Camera on the film, and Dean Gordon, who served as the Second assistant Camera, have demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication in their field. This nomination is a huge accomplishment for both Karl and Dean and is a testament to the quality of education and training that they received at Dundalk Institute of Technology. It also serves as an inspiration for current and

future students of the Film & TV course at the Institute.

Cinematography lecturer, lorcan Dunne, had this to say, “I’m absolutely delighted for Karl and Dean. They are amazing ambassadors for the course. The Irish academy award nominees have set a new standard for aspiring filmmakers in this country. led by trailblazers like Colin Farrell, Kerry Condon, Barry Keoghan, the team behind ‘an Irish Goodbye’ and Paul Mescal, they have achieved what many

thought impossible, their achievements will inspire young filmmakers to pursue their own cinematic dreams. We dream big here at DkIT!”

The film industry continues to grow and evolve, and DkIT is committed to providing its students with the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field. The Institute look forward to seeing more of our graduates make their mark in the industry.


expressway 100X Dublin/ Dundalk service announced

BuS Éireann, Ireland’s national bus company, is pleased to announce significantly enhanced services and timetables on expressway Route 100X (Dublin/ Dundalk) from Sunday, 12 February.

Passengers travelling from Dundalk/Drogheda to Dublin will benefit from increased frequency and improved timetables on expressway Route 100X which will include four new additional daily trips. The extended timetable will be of particular benefit to passengers travelling to/from Dublin airport with two new early morning services; departing Dundalk to Dublin at 3.30 and Dublin to Dundalk at 5.44, while two new late-night services will depart at 21.30 from Dundalk to Dublin

and from Dublin to Dundalk at 22.44.

The enhanced Route 100X will feature a varied timetable on a Saturday, Sunday and Public holidays and the service will now terminate in Merrion Square. (Formerly Wilton Terrace)

“We are delighted to announce these enhancements to expressway Route 100X, said andrew Yates, head of expressway, Bus Éireann. “These additional services now offer our passengers

19 daily trips each way between Dublin and Dundalk. These improvements have been driven by strong demand and we are pleased to be able to respond with increased capacity and connectivity for our customers.”

“The new timetable will deliver the strongest punctual service for our passengers, with varied departure times at weekends while popular pick-up points such as Custom house Quay and Dublin airport have consistent, reliable departure times. Customers can book their seat in advance on expressway.ie to guarantee a seat on board,” concluded andrew Yates.

For detailed 100X Dublin/ Dundalk timetables please see expressway.ie.

RCne recruiting helpline volunteers

RaPe Crisis north east is offering you the opportunity to attend a helpline Training Programme funded by the national lottery. The training will commence on Friday 24th February and finish on Saturday 11th March 2023. The training is free and in return, we will ask you to commit to four hours of your time per week to provide telephone

counselling support to survivors of rape and sexual violence.

Venue: Rape Crisis north east, Cherrywood Counselling Centre, Jocelyn house, Jocelyn Street, Dundalk.

Six Day Workshops over 3 Weekends (2 days per week Fridays and Saturdays from 9.00am to 5.00pm).

RCne helpline Serv-

ice is a “lifeline” for many victims of rape and sexual abuse who need to talk to someone who cares. all our telephone volunteers are trained to listen, support and offer information and counselling support to callers who use the line.

If you would like to become a helpline volunteer, please contact Rape Crisis north east

and we will forward to you a helpline application Form. Phone: 042 – 9339491 / 1800 21 21 22 or email info@rcne. ie.

Closing date for accepting applications: Friday 10th February 2023.

applicants must be at least 25 years of age.

Grandparents Day at Ardee Monastery N.S

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 10
Karl Walsh and Dean Gordon played key roles in Oscar nominated film.

Another successful year for enteprise in Louth

Local Enterprise Office Louth announces 2022 results

loCal Enterprise Offices across the country are the support agency for anyone in business or thinking of starting a business. The local enterprise Office in Louth, part of Louth County Council, provides a wide range of training, mentoring, management development, and grant aid supports to companies as they start and scale.

This week the team at the local Enterprise Office Louth were proud to publish their end-ofyear results for 2022.

acting head of enterprise, Riona McCoy explained “We supported 26 high-potential local companies with grant aid or financial supports in 2022, while leo louth supported companies in the county created 61 new local jobs during this time.”

She continued “our services delivered results for local businesses in a whole variety of ways over the last year. 1,637 clients took part in our training programmes. We assisted 44 companies to get their business online through our Trading online Voucher Scheme. 16 companies

developed tailored sustainability plans through our Green for Micro programme. 504 of our clients availed of mentoring supports, helping them to develop strong business strategies to innovate and grow.”

Speaking about Start-ups, Riona outlined “The future is also bright for louth with 157 people

taking part in our Start Your own Business programme last year.”

Minister for enterprise, Trade and employment, Simon Coveney T.D. praised the work of the Local Enterprise Offices. “These results show the significant role the Local Enterprise Offices are playing in not only creating new businesses and jobs but also in sustaining them. on the back of some of the most difficult years for small businesses, it is heartening that we are still seeing growth across the country.”

Riona concludes “our role is to support the start-up and established businesses of louth and we have a range of supports for every stage of business. Discover how we can support your business by visiting: www.localenterprise.ie/louth and talk to us today.”

For further information please contact: Riona McCoy, acting head of enterprise, local enterprise Office Louth Tel. 042 9335457 or e-mail: riona.mccoy@louthcoco.ie; Karen Devine, Whitelight Consulting 087 8131901 or karen@wlc.ie.

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 11
Riona McCoy, Acting Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Louth.
Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 12 THROUGH A CLASSIFIED BUY IT Flooring Kitchens & Bedrooms FERGAL mARRY kItchENS fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.com / 087 276 5866 kitchens Bedroom Units Sliderobes & Feature walls t V Units Blinds CCTV/Alarms Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Forklifts Gardening Cleaning Services RTM Cleaning Services l Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning l Deep Cleaning l Contract Cleaning l Residential & Commercial Contact Robbie Lane 087 3817618 or Email: rtmcleaningservice@gmail.com Fuel
Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 13 Plumbing THROUGH A CLASSIFIED SELL IT Plaster Moulding Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Fax. 042 9333514 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OpEning HOuRS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors ALL OUR pROdUctS ARE AS StANdARd Keep Your Town in Business Keep Your Business in Town Senator Windows Dundalk Septic Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Cleaning • Drain Cleaning • CCTV Drain Surveys • High Pressure • Water Jetting Drain Repairs • Phone: 086 849 8882 Email: info@adcdrains.ie - www.adcdrains.ie Locksmith Wheelie Bins Property Maintenance

Family Notices




Bernard 9th AnniversAry in loving memory of Bernard Clarke, late of Chestnut Grove, Dunleer, whose anniversary occurs on 1st February. Just a prayer from the family who loved you, Just a memory fond and true, in our hearts you will live forever, But God only knows we miss you, in our home that is lonely today. —From your sister and family.

McELARNEY Hugh 40th AnniversAry in loving memory of Hugh Mcelarney, late of Dundalk, Co. Louth who died 26th January, 1983. Dear Lord sanctify my body and send any evil spirits far away from me. in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy spirit, Amen.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail). M.B.

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted.

(never known to fail) D.W.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail). C.R.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) N.McP.

The Brigid of Faughart Festival will feature in a special edition of RTe’s nationwide this evening

(Wednesday 1st February), for St.Brigid’s Day. The programme was filmed at Faughart last week and will feature Dolores Whelan and Roisin Cotter from the festival, along with local historian Don Johnston, speaking about St.Brigid’s connection to Faughart, her traditional birthplace and the various festival events taking place next week.

The festival was officially launched on Thursday last by Councillor John Reilly, himself a proud son of Faughart and the festival team were delighted with the great level of interest, which is growing year on year. according to Roisin Cotter of the Festival team, ‘’Interest in St.Brigid has never been greater and with the new Bank holiday this year on

St Brigid of Faughart Festival team with Louth County Council Arts Officer Moya Hodgers (third from right).

Monday 6th February, that is only going to increase. Faughart is so rich in heritage sites, and this is something that the festival aims to explore and promote, along with the strong links to our national matron saint Brigid.’’

The festival is delighted to be supported by louth County Council, Ceo Joan Martin,

Arts Officer Moya hodgers, Paul hayes of an Táin arts Centre, the County library and the councillors, contributors and guests who attended the launch.

Thanks to Cathaoirleach Kevin Meenan, Councillor edel Corrigan, Councillor John Reilly and Councillor James Byrne who attended the launch and

for their ongoing support. The festival begins with an opening event in Faughart oratory on Sunday 29th January and runs until the new Bank holiday, Monday 6th February.

For full programme information, please see www.brigidoffaughart. ie or find us on Facebook/www.facebook. com/brigidoffaughart.

P ro PE rty/r E ntals s PE cial s E rvic E s

attEntion—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert Mulholland, BER assessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie.

l arg E sPacious bE auty Room to Let. Available from 1st February. Ready to work from imediately. Fully equipped with brand new equipment. Freshly painted. Over a busy Hair Salon in Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk. Advantage of existing clientele. For further queries please call 087 3606252.

3 bE droo M country bungalow to let, 8 miles from Dundalk, oil fired central heating, text only 00 44 790 168 2223.

d oubl E b E droo M s to let in wellequipped, large home in Dundalk, may suit professionals. Private parking Tel 089 2430287.

att E ntion l andlords—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.

cd logs—Kiln Dried Ash/Oak & Birch, Weekly Deliveries to Dundalk & surrounding areas. Newry Co. Down Mob 00 44 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www.cdlogs. com. for salE—2 Fireside chairs. Contact 042 9352962.

chiMnEy & stovE clEaning—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094. chiMnEy clEanEr—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-2259799.

window clEaning—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.

housE & aPartMEnt clEaning Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>.

tilEr availablE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work - marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. sc tiling—Professional Tiler, Specialises in full bathroom refits. Top Class Work Guaranteed Call Shane 086 107 5080. griMlEy’s dublin st. dundalK Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343. dundalK gardEn sErvicEs—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—Ben 085-8407707.

gardEn MaintEnancE—Hedge and Tree Cutting Services. Power Washing. Garden Tidy Up. Call Colin 085 1726520. fortunE tEllEr—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

b uilding sE rvic E s—Extensions, Renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501.

roof lEaKs MastEr—We repair all types of roof—tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

c ar PE ntry & Join E ry—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

MobilE hoME transPort—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

carPEt & ovEn clEaning—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie.

r oofing rEPairs & s tov E s—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries.

gardEn & housE MaintEnancE

Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358.

ProPErty MaintEnancE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concreting, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Tel Michael on 085-762-3758.

f ifi’s a lt E rations—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.305.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

watch rEPairs—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478.

a ll-in-on E!—Home and property maintenance and improvements. Painting, decorating, general household maintenance, exterior cleaning, power washing, gutters, dust free sanding, No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238.

s PE cial notic E s s PE cial notic E s situations vacant situations want E d s PE cial s E rvic E s articl E s for sal E class E s & cours E s

buildEr & hoME MaintainEncE Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.

Podiatry/c hiro P ody treatment in the comfort of your own home. Ms. Dara McCoy, Bsc. Podiatry 0871924794.

Prof E ssional d rylining—Dropped Ceiling, Tape & Joints also all Insulation Services. Dundalk Tel 089-2488819 or 0894189199.

Paint E r availabl E—Keen rates, no job too small! Call 086 3848079. Plast E ring sE rvic E availabl E Free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285.

K E vin McMahon El E ctrical—Dundalk, small household jobs, safe electrical approved Tel 087 2548221 after 5pm.

g r EE nfi E lds Music tours—Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact Anthony on 085 1204994. l ady with g ift of Healing for Skin conditions, Eczema, Psoriasis, Chest problems, Asthma. 3 consecutive visits needed. For appointment please phone 087 7188450.

gE t fit the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

l in E dancing—Beginner classes continue in Dowdallshill GAA hall every Tuesday night at 7PM. Classes also in the Boys Club Seatown Wednesday mornings at 10am. All welcome. Contact 087 2618773.

f r E nch g rinds availabl E for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340. druM lEssons including bodhran—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

bE ginn E rs sE wing c lass E s at DJK Creations Unit 3D Northlink Retail Park, Coe’s Road, Dundalk. Learn in a conducive and comfortable environment. For more information call/whatsapp 087 2649221 or visit www.djk-creations.com for more options.

ZuMba® classEs in dundalK Exercise, dance, get fit, have fun. Everyone welcome! Every Thursday in DunDealgan Athletic Club (Seatown)—Zumba® GOLD - 6.15pm Zumba® Fitness - 7.30pm. Facebook - Zumba With Yevgeniya Txt/WhatsApp/Viber - +447835111293.

P E rson want E d for work on small boat on a daily bases for general fishing, Cooley area, for enquires please email:53somethingnew@gmail.com.

sE wing/fashion Design Tutor wanted. To apply for position please call Elizabeth on 087 2649221 or email your CV to info@ djk-creations.com.

i rish c ar E r availabl E for private home care Work from 1sr February, Dundalk Blackrock area. Monday to Friday flexible hours, mornings afternoons evenings. Full clean driving license and own car, Garda vetted. Excellent references. Qualified in Palliative care, Care of the older Person, Care Support, manual handling, Infection prevention control. Fully vaccinated. Ph 086—0555990.

rE c E ntly r E tir E d M an looking for light work. Anything considered. Outdoor or Indoor work. Ph 0044 758 5541350.

IN MEMORIAM NOVENA Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 14
c ar PE t and uP holst E ry cleaning. Home and Office contract cleaning. Over 10 years’ experience. RTM Cleaning Services contact Robbie 087 3817618.
Brigid of Faughart Festival to feature on RTe’s nationwide

Archers take on the world in France

JanuaRY, to archers means the archery World Cup in nimes in the south of France and CúChulainn archers make the trip there every year. Covid put a stop to their travels over the last few years, so it was with even greater enthusiasm that the club members took to the road, sea and sky to get there this year. The majority of the club members flew to Paris or lyon, took the train or hired a car and arrived in nimes either one or two days before the competition.

Because of fears of misplaced bow cases (as has happened before) one of the archers, eamonn Rogers (who was also competing), took his car, packed all the club bow cases into it, and took off for nimes. Ferry to Fishguard, road trip through the uK and then the ferry to Calais followed by more than 1000 km of road to nimes was the route he took, with blizzard conditions on the Massif Central this was not an easy trip!

With the French strike changing many plans, all the Irish archers plus CúChulainn members still managed to arrive safely in nimes bar one, CúChulainn’s anne Marie Murray (barebow) didn’t make it, unfortunately, and she was missed by all her clubmates.

The competition takes place over a full weekend. First comes the Qualifier then, the Secondary Competition.

Representing CúChulainn archers were - in Barebow neil

Keeble, in Recurve Brendan Forde, in Compound men Kevin Donnelly, Fiachra Judge, John Keenan and Éamonn Rogers in Compound women adria Quinn. all were happy to start competing internationally again. arriving back during the last few days, all collected their bows at the CúChulainn/ DKIT Winter Series shoot on Saturday. The shoot took place in the DKIT Sports Centre, where the weary travellers took up their bows once again and competed. Tired or not, when archers are faced with a competition they rise to the occasion, and this was the case on Saturday!

Desite only getting their bows back minutes before the start of the competition and with just enough time to make sure that nothing had shaken loose during

the long trip, all took part in the competition.

In Recurve, Brendan Forde took Bronze; In Men’s Compound, Éamonn Rogers took Silver; In Women’s Compound adria Quinn took Silver.

There was once more a clean sweep in Men’s Barebow where neil Keeble took Gold, enda Murray took Silver and alex Finn took Bronze

In Women’s Barebow anne Marie Murray, happy to be reunited with her bow which had travelled to nimes and back without her, took Silver; Siobhan Keeble took Bronze with Kate Coan coming in 4th in her first competition.

CúChulainn archers meets weekly and runs beginner courses throughout the year. Contact cuchulainnarchers@hotmail.com.

local actor bringing ‘unguarded’ to Dundalk

loCal actor and writer anthony Kinahan will perform his acclaimed play ‘unguarded’ to an Táin arts Centre this weekend (3rd and 4th February)

The one man show is written and performed by Dromiskin native anthony Kinahan and directed by anna Simpson (Quintessence Theatre).

It has been described as a story of love, loss, laughs and families left behind. The play highlights the vulnerable position in which families find themselves, due to the lack of regulation of surrogacy in Ireland.

When a father’s world falls apart, he must battle through obstacles to

ensure a future for him & his son. love; laughter; loss & Families left behind:

unGuaRDeD is a touching, and often comedic, new drama - developed by louth

actor/theatre-maker anthony Kinahan – that uses imaginative physicality, vocal versatility and song, to highlight the vulnerable position many lGBTQ+ & nonLGBTQ+ families find

themselves in due to the lack of regulation of Surrogacy in Ireland.

Developed under the Droichead arts Centre artist in association in 2021 (and with the support of the arts Council of Ireland), this production is produced by Droichead and an Táin arts Centre, Dundalk.

Tickets are available from the box office, An Tain arts Centre, phone 042-9332332 or online www.antain.ie

Special Thanks to Maeve Delargy (ouTlaw / lesbian lawyers network) & Ranae von Meding (equality for Children) for their consultation on this new writing.

Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 15 H ILL S TREET, D UBLIN R D., D UNDALK . 042 9331515/086 2559201
Anthony Kinahan in ‘Unguarded’. Éamon Rogers (1st on the left in green) who drove the car full of bows and archery equipment to Nimes in France for his clubmates and who took Silver in the Winter Series on Saturday.
Dundalk Leader 1st February 2023 16

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