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Relaunch of Dundalk townwatch Scheme
from 17-05-2023
DunDaLk BIDS and members of the Dundalk Townwatch Scheme met with Superintendent Charlie armstrong and Garda Darragh Prior, on Wednesday 10th of May to relaunch the initiative within the retail and business community in the town centre. The main objective was to reconnect with everyone and to hear how we can restart and work together to identify and address issues that the businesses are facing, and to discuss, in particular, the impact on local retailers suffering sustained loss through frequent shoplifting, aggressive begging, criminal damage and intimidation.
The relaunch of the scheme’s Radio network is an important step towards improving security and safety in the town centre’s business district. It is encouraging to see local Garda representatives taking an active interest in reconnecting with the community and working together to solve the ongoing issues.
Sean Farrell Chairperson of Dundalk Townwatch commented “This is a welcome commitment from the Garda and one which everyone needs to make full use off to ensure it becomes permanent.”
Town Center Manager, Martin Mc Elligott, said “It is essen- tial that all offences are reported to Gardaí immediately to include drunkenness/ nuisance/ begging / shoplifting / robbery etc. We cannot hope to improve our town image and trading conditions, nor influence the provision of either uniform policing or patrol vehicles, if the data collated by the Garda Pulse system is inaccurate.”
Local Garda need to know what is happening on the street if they are to be effective in dealing with criminal activity. all business owners in the Dundalk area are encouraged to report any antisocial behaviour directly to an Garda on 999.