1 minute read

Cross Cooley Challenge raises money for charities

By Tamara O’Connell

OVER 400 people participated in the Cross Cooley Challenge 2023 in a bid to raise money for two local charities.


Errol Boyle from the Red Barn’s Road in Dundalk is one of the organisers of the Cross Cooley Challenge.

“there are six of us that organise the event every year including Seamus Gormley, Fergus McArdle, Jennifer harrison, Brian Watters and Martin Beggy,” said Errol.

to leave their cars parked overnight in the village on Saturday night and there will be traffic and parking restrictions in the village on Sunday from the North end of the village to the Sundial. Parking will begin to be restricted from the night before and on the morning of the race barriers will be in place on both side of the street from entrance to the lower carpark (Centra) all the way to the Sundial. See Route Map Link below.

Note - traffic will flow as normal while the race is not in progress. traffic will only be restricted as the cavalcade passes on each lap - then normal traffic will resume. Please look out for rolling road blocks.

“We are just a team, not a committee. All of the organisers are equal and it’s a team effort. We meet a couple of weeks beforehand and have several meetings.

“We have so many sponsors. the buses are all free and everything is donated on the day. All of our sponsors are so good to us.” he added: “they donate icecream vans and mini buses. I don’t know where to start. there are chocolate bars and bottles of water and it’s all donated.

“We put any money raised straight into the accounts of the Louth hospice and the Maria Goretti Foundation.

“the day was a bit hazy starting off but it didn’t deter anybody. So many volunteers show up on the day.”

Errol continued: “the order of Malta and the Civil Defence are with us on the day. It starts at the Lumpers and people walk 15.4km to Carlingford.

“Volunteers go up early to mark out the route so no-one gets lost. All of the walkers are so

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