7 minute read
Celebrate summer style at the ribbon runway Fashion show with breastcare by Alison
from 19-04-2023
ALisON McCabe of breastcare by Alison has just announced that the charity fashion show ‘ribbon runway’ will take place on Friday, May 5th in Dundalk Golf Club in aid of North Louth Hospice. Following last year’s very successful event, all are welcome for a fabulous ladies’ night out featuring summer styles from Ozone, ruby Nu, sheba and Carraig Dunn boutiques, as well as swimwear from breastcare by Alison. The evening will be hosted by Caroline Mcelroy, stylist and presenter.
“i have the pleasure of working with so many wonderful women who have been through breast cancer, at various stages of their journey,” said Alison McCabe.
“The North Louth Hospice has a special place in my heart. it is so important for these vital services to be available for those who need them. i urge women of all ages to come along and enjoy the night.
Among the many models will be a group of my own ladies who will show everyone going through cancer that you can still look and feel gorgeous!”
Tickets are available from all participating boutiques and Dundalk Golf Club. each ticket costs €25 and includes a glass of bubbly on arrival, with all proceeds going to the North Louth aTTenTiOn—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert Mulholland, BER assessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie. aPa RT men T TO R en T—Dundalk. Tel 087 2788573. adVeRTise YOuR HOuse Premises for rent or sale to 55,000 readers a week from €5. Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888. aTT en T i O n l andlOR ds—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927. sell i T THRO ug H a C lassi F ied Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader. adVeRTise YOuR seRViCe to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888. We C an disTRiBuTe your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888. m an i n a Van—Furniture delivery & Removals. House, yard and garage clearances. Call Will on 085 8604048 For a competitive quote. mOBile HOme TRansPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702. gaRden & HOuse mainTenanCe Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358. dds Pain T ing & Decorating Services. Dundalk area. Internal and external painting and wallpapering. Free estimates within 12 hours. 10 years experience. Tel David 085 7308777. s emi- R e T i R ed Pain T e R available (Internal & External) 30 Years experience, also power washing services, etc, Tel Dermot 087 2993660. nO n- s u R gi C al H uman H ai R replacement system. Undetectable for those wishing to boost confidence and regain that younger look. Phone Dundalk 083 064 5859. m an W i TH a Van—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 089 401 6728. n. B ROW ne B OOK - K ee P ing—Providing a complete professional bookkeeping service for small to medium sized businesses and sole traders. Offering a wide range of accountancy services:Update and maintain financial records, Payroll, Income Tax, VAT, PAYE/PRSI. Please contact Nicola on 0860412388 or by email nbrownebookkeeping@gmail.com. lOC al P OW e R Was H ing—No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting & gutter cleaning. Contact James 089 9705466 for free quotation. e as Y -g O ing country lad, mid 50s with GSOH seeks like-minded female companion late 40s/mid 50s with no ties. For walks/talks and to share the simple things in life. Tel 0868220403. g e T F i T the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.
TO le T—Secure Lock-up Workshop & Yard, previously a successful lawnmower/ garden equipment repair business, rear Go Filling Station, Newry Road, Dundalk Enquires Tel 087 2071796.
H O use FOR R en T—5 minutes to Town Centre and Train Station. Two double bedrooms, no pets. Email pet3156@gmail. com.
CHimneY & sTOVe Cleaning—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094. CHimneY CleaneR—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-2259799.
Building s e RV i C es—Extensions, Renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501.
ROOF leaKs masTeR—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.
Ca RP en TRY & J O ine RY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.
C aRPeT & OVen Cleaning—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie.
R OOF ing Re Pai R s & sTOV es—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries.
Re F lex O lO g Y—Feeling stressed, tired, fed up and need an energy boost for the spring... try a reflexology treatment and reap the benefits. Contract Rosemarie 087 2058644.
Pain T ing & d e COR aT ing—Interior & Exterior, Spray Painting & Hand Painted Kitchens, etc. All work carried out by professional Trades Men. Call Brian 087 7558506.
Hospice. There will also be spot prizes on the night, including dinner for two sponsored by Neven Maguire, who is a strong supporter of breastcare by Alison and the work she does.

Owner of breastcare by Alison, Alison McCabe has 21 years of experience as a professional mastectomy fitter. The clinic is located in blackrock, Dundalk, Co Louth and is a relaxed and comfortable, nonmedical setting. Alison also offers mobile fittings in Co. Louth, Cavan, Monaghan, Meath & Dublin. bCA offers a wide range of underwear, swimwear, and post mastectomy prosthesis in all sizes to fit individual’s figures and style. Alison’s goal is to help women feel beautiful during difficult times.
WindOW Cleaning—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.
HOuse & aPaRTmenT Cleaning Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>.
TileR aVailaBle—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile workmarble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. s C Tiling—Professional Tiler, Specialises in full bathroom refits. Top Class Work Guaranteed Call Shane—086 107 5080. gRimleY’s duBlin sT. dundalK Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343. dundalK gaRden seRViCes—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—Ben 085-8407707.
FORTune TelleR—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.
PROPeRTY mainTenanCe—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concreting, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Tel Michael on 085-762-3758.
Fi F i’s a lT e R aT i O ns—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.30 - 5.30pm & Sat 10 - 2pm.
WaTCH RePaiRs—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478.
POWeR WasHing—Get ready for Spring/Summer. Power washing of driveways/paving/walls. Competitive rates. Call Will on 085 8604048.
BuildeR & HOme mainTainenCe Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.
P O diaTRY/C H i ROPO d Y treatment in the comfort of your own home. Ms. Dara McCoy, Bsc. Podiatry 0871924794. Pain T e R aVaila B le—Keen rates, no job too small! Call 086 3848079.
Plas T e R ing s e RV i C e aVaila B le Free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285.
F R en CH gR inds aVaila B le for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340. dRum lessOns inCluding BOdHRan—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

TO celebrate world earth day we are kicking off our first large clean of the year on April 22nd in rockmarshall from 123pm.
This annual event is run by the local An Taisce National award winning Peninsula Marine Litter Project who are bringing many other groups together on the day. We start under the bridge opposite Fitzpatricks and work towards Lordship.
This has been the most littered area in recent years so all support is appreciated. Already we have volunteers from the Louth Volunteer network attending alongside the local tidy towns groups and employees of busi- nesses like PayPal and O’Connor roofing and we would be delighted to welcome other groups.

We would ask as many as possible to come and take part in a community event and network with others while cleaning the environment. it’s a excellent opportunity to educate children and suitable for all ages. bags, pickers & gloves are supplied.

The Community Alerts Quad and trailer will be used to being these back to a central point to limit any car-