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New Gaelcholáiste welcomes students at their Easter Camp
from 26-04-2023

THE first ever Easter Camp was held at Gaelcholáiste Dhún Dealgan last week. There was great excitement as sixteen students from four different schools took part. Fourth, fifth and sixth class students attended. It was a chance for them to experience not only activities through Irish but also to get a flavour of Dundalk’s newest secondary school. Activities ranged from science experiments, cooking, art, to sports, with a strong emphasis on wellbeing and sustainability.
One of the projects during the camp was to investigate, design and decorate a Bug Hotel which will take pride of place in the school garden once the school fencing is erected during the summer months.
Caoimhe Héarún, Deputy Principal of Gaelcholáiste Dhún Dealgan said ‘The Easter camp was a great way for sixth class students in particular to get to know one another which will help them transition from primary to secondary school.’
Gaelcholáiste Dhún Dealgan is a co-educational, multidenominational, multi-cultural, secondary school and it is opening its doors to First Years this September. This new Gaelcholáiste is under the patronage of An Foras Pátrúnachta, the largest patron of Irish-medium schools. It is located in Robin House, The Ramparts. There are spaces available for sixth class students and you are invited to register on www.gcdd. ie. It is not a requirement that a child attends a gaelscoil. Gaelcholáiste Dhún Dealgan is the only school in Co Louth where students can receive their secondary education through Irish.
This a unique opportunity for parents / guardians to avail
Dundalk Group of Parishes church notice: The final training this year for Child and Adult Safeguarding will be held in St. Richard’s Chapel on Wednesday 26 April at 7:30 pm. Each Select Vestry needs one or two trained members. Anyone involved with children in church needs to update training every 3 years.
This is so that we are compliant with state law and church protocols.
Bealtaine Events
of post primary education through Irish for their children.
Three of the many benefits of a small school community are that students will receive individual care and attention as well as extra support for language development and everyone will know one another.
Caoimhe is busy getting the school ready for September and is looking forward to welcoming the first class to Gaelcholáiste Dhún Dealgan.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact eolas@gcdd.ie or visit the school website www.gcdd.ie
Students at the first ever Easter Camp held at Gaelcholáiste Dhún Dealgan last week. Sixteen students from four different primary schools attended.
Cooleyconnectwell in collaboration with Age and Opportunity have put together a huge range of events for Bealtaine, the festival of Positive Aging. These include many diverse walks and talks, demonstrations and outings, many of which are delivered by older people showcasing their passions and skills. All events take place in Cooley and many are outdoor, highlighting the beauty of this area. For further details of events contact 0860461781(for general events) or 0876479715 (for walks only) All events are free.
Kilwirra Graveyard
Kilwirra—Our Heritage In Stone. Date Of Talk: Friday, May 12, 2023, at 2.30 pm. Seamus Heaney’s powerful poem “The Cure at Troy” was recently read by Joe Biden for RTÉ. At Kilwirra we have an ancestral graveyard linked to President Biden, a Knight’s Templar Church, a pre Christian site and a holy well. If you believe in miracles, cures, healing wells, springs and heritage, please come along. You will be most welcome.
Taize Music
ALL are welcome to a time of peace and silent prayer in candlelight, with the music of TAIZE. Friday 5th May 8-9pm (refreshments served).
“Bethany” 34 Point Rd, Dundalk A91 WOC 9. Tel. 042-9331602.