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Cross-Border Partnership Employment Services and Dundalk Chamber to host a free lunch time Business Seminar
from 26-04-2023
duNdAlK Chamber of Commerce in association with Cross Border Partnership Employment Services will host a free Business Seminar on Employment Incentives and Supports available for SMEs in the Cross Border Region on Wednesday the 10th May in the
Fairways Hotel from 12.30pm to 2pm.
The event will give employers in the border areas information on how they can be assisted with their recruitment needs.
There will be several speakers at the event including the department of Social Protection, Cross Border
Partnership Employment Services, the dept. for Communities, Intertrade Ireland and the local Enterprise Office Louth.
Paddy Malone PRo of dundalk Chamber is delighted that the chamber is running this event as it will help increase the awareness of what supports are out there for SMEs in the Cross Border Region. This is the first CBPES Cross Border event that dundalk Chamber of Commerce will host to assist the cross-border worker, jobseeker, and employer with more planned for the future.