18,000 COPIES WEEKLY Jake in clay shooting finals
Charities presented with cheques
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School awarded Yellow Flag Page 11
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Wednesday, 26th November, 2012. Vol. 7, Issue 48 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com
Politicians display their festive spirit By Paul Byrne
Local politicians have shown their generous side by getting into the Christmas spirit after giving up some of their allowances to help the elderly. A landmark decision at last week’s November Louth County Council meeting saw a majority of councillors back Sinn Fein’s motion to scrap all allowances of the Chairpersons, vice chairs and SPC chairs of Dundalk, Drogheda, Ardee and Louth councils. The allowances which in total add up to €78,000 per year will will now be transferred into Housing Adaptations for elderly citizens in Co. Louth. Sinn Fein’s Tomás Sharkey was delighted that the motion was carried and congratulated his party col-
league Imelda Muster for putting forward the proposal. “This is exactly what being elected is all about. It’s about improving the lives of the vulnerable in our society and making a commitment to serve the public.” explained the Knockbridge based councillor. “We are coming from a position where we believe all 29 councillors are equal and where we believe any top-up allowances are completely wrong. We have been saying this for years and we are delighted that we had the numbers to help scrap these extra payments which amount to €78,000 per year.” added Tomás. There was controversy earlier on this year when the majority of councillors voted Continued on Page 14
Dundalk girls to dance on Toy Show
Rachel Lee and Eva Nicole Loy will perform on the Toy Show
By Paul Byrne Two young Irish dancers from Dundalk girls are all set to perform in front of an audience of over one million people during this weekend’s Late Late
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Toy Show. Rachel Lee and her friend Eva-Nicole Loy were chosen ahead of strong competition from all over the country as they wowed judges with their confident routine and their
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ability to perform in front of the cameras. The talented six-year-olds are students in the McGee School of Irish Dance which is run by former Riverdance star Dervla Continued on Page 14
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