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18,000 COPIES WEEKLY Grammar School go for hat-trick

Jigs and Reels winners

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Darren celebrates with family Pages 14 & 21

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Wardens working on free parking day Wednesday 28th March, 2012. Vol. 13, Issue 5 . 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel: 042 9320888 Fax: 042 9329676 Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com / advertising@dundalkleader.com

By Niamh Kirk

Two Dundalk traffic wardens experienced a rather unusual day when it emerged that they patrolled the streets of the town on a free parking day. On the Monday following St Patrick’s Day, there was more than a little confusion for motorists when two traffic wardens were spotted on the beat. However, it transpired that drivers didn’t have to worry about paying to park as Sunday parking regulations were in operation on the Monday which was a day in lieu of a Bank Holiday. Motorists who rang Dundalk Town Council to

clarify the situation were told that they did not have to pay. However, a number of drivers complained that they had put money into the meters. When asked about the situation, the wardens also explained that they would not be issuing tickets for not displaying a parking ticket. The two men were tasked with ensuring that the few cars that ventured into Dundalk on the Monday following St Patricks Day were up to date with tax, insurance and had not parked on a double yellow line. A spokesperson for Dundalk Town Council said the traffic wardens See Page 14

Family thankful for gift of life By Niamh Kirk

The importance of organ donation will be highlighted over the coming week with Organ Donor Awareness Week, but one local family will not need reminding of the value carrying a card. It was an ordinary Wednesday in December, Bronagh Daly, then 40 years old and a picture of good health was busy getting her two young girls ready to leave the house when she suffered a massive heart attack and was rushed to hospital by her husband. Bronagh survived but with a heart working at only 15% capacity she was put on the heart transplant list and began the wait. “The most important thing was

Bronagh and John with Orlaith and Roisin

getting back to the girls. They could not really visit me in the hospital, there was such a high risk of infection and it was a bit frightening for them too. I was attached to so many machines.”

It was a turbulent time full of fear and hope. Bronagh was taken off the list as they feared she was too weak to survive the massive surgery. However with Continued on Page 12

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