Societies Booklet 17/18

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Your guide to the DUSA societies and student acitvities on campus


CONTENTS VPSA Welcome.............................................................................................................. 4 Societies coordinator..................................................................................................5 RAG.....................................................................................................................................6 The Hive............................................................................................................................6 The DUSA Annual Awards........................................................................................ 7 The DUSA Exec.............................................................................................................. 8 The Societies..................................................................................................................12 Action Palestine.............................................................................................................13 Aero Soc ..........................................................................................................................13 Afrocarribean Society..................................................................................................14 Ahid (CAHID)....................................................................................................................14 Amnesty International..................................................................................................15 Bartending........................................................................................................................15 Blood and Organ Donation........................................................................................16 Board game Society.....................................................................................................16 British Red Crross...........................................................................................................17 Bulgarian Soc..................................................................................................................17 Business Soc...................................................................................................................18 Calligraphy Soc..............................................................................................................18 Capoeria...........................................................................................................................19 Card Game Soc..............................................................................................................19 Catholic Society........................................................................................................... 20 Center of Enterpreneurship...................................................................................... 20 Christian Union...............................................................................................................21 Civil Engineering Society............................................................................................21


Computing...................................................................................................................... 22 Conservative................................................................................................................. 22 Cosplay............................................................................................................................23 Creative Writing.............................................................................................................23 Cycling Society..............................................................................................................24 Debating Society..........................................................................................................24 DIG (Dundee Indoor Gardening)............................................................................. 25 Drive................................................................................................................................. 25 DunTea Society............................................................................................................. 26 Educate the Kids Society.......................................................................................... 26 Engineering ....................................................................................................................27 Feminist............................................................................................................................27 Fuze Beyond Borders................................................................................................ 28 GESS................................................................................................................................ 28 Green............................................................................................................................... 29 Guide Dogs Society.....................................................................................................39 Hellenic Society........................................................................................................... 30 Hispanic.......................................................................................................................... 30 History...............................................................................................................................31 Humanities Soceities....................................................................................................31 Ice Skating.......................................................................................................................32 Indian Society................................................................................................................32 Indonesian Soc..............................................................................................................33 International Soc...........................................................................................................33 Investment Soc..............................................................................................................34 Islamic Soceity...............................................................................................................34

Kink....................................................................................................................................35 Labour...............................................................................................................................35 Latin Dance Soc............................................................................................................36 Law Soc............................................................................................................................36 LGBT..................................................................................................................................37 Life Sciences..................................................................................................................37 LIP.......................................................................................................................................38 Making Dundee Home................................................................................................38 Malaysian Soc...............................................................................................................39 Marrow.............................................................................................................................39 Maths Soc....................................................................................................................... 40 Medical Technology Soc........................................................................................... 40 Mental Health Society.................................................................................................41 Model United Nations Society..................................................................................41 Mooting Soc....................................................................................................................42 Music Soc........................................................................................................................42 Muslim Message Society (MMS) .............................................................................43 Nursing and Midwifery................................................................................................43 One Water Dundee......................................................................................................44 Operatic Society opsoc..............................................................................................44 Philosophy......................................................................................................................45 Photographic Society..................................................................................................45 Physics Society..............................................................................................................46 Polish Soc........................................................................................................................46 Psychology.....................................................................................................................47 Radiology........................................................................................................................47

RCF....................................................................................................................................48 RISE Socialist Society..................................................................................................48 RolePlaying Society.....................................................................................................49 SciFi and Fantasy Society........................................................................................ 50 Scottish Nationalist Association............................................................................. 50 Self Defence....................................................................................................................51 Sexpression.....................................................................................................................51 Sign Language Society................................................................................................51 Signaporean Soc......................................................................................................... 52 Social Work Action Network.................................................................................... 52 SPAD.................................................................................................................................53 Swing Dance..................................................................................................................53 TradSoc............................................................................................................................54 Uni Boob Team..............................................................................................................54 Video Games................................................................................................................ 55 Whisky............................................................................................................................. 55 Women in STEM........................................................................................................... 56 Yoga Soc......................................................................................................................... 56 Young Researchers Association..............................................................................57 Not found the right society for you?.................................................................. 58 DUSA Media................................................................................................................. 62 Nightline.........................................................................................................................64 The Enquiry Centre....................................................................................................64 The Sports Union........................................................................................................ 65


VPSA WELCOME Hello lovely students (old and new)! Have you realized that University is starting and you are free to make your own choices? University is not only about studying, being in the library or Netflix and Chill. University is so much more! Here you can write your own story! Leave your mark before you disappear to change the real world. My name is Sofia Skevofylaka (don’t worry about the last part, it’s just Greek...) and I am here to help you with any extra-curricular activities you are interested in. From volunteering to societies, sports or anything that you set your mind to. I am the person to speak to. We have over 180 amazing societies affiliated with DUSA and even more opportunities around our campus. My job is to support the societies and students in every way possible. Our societies do amazing things; from


organizing fun events such as quizzes, acoustic nights, ceilidhs, travelling the world, helping the community and even holding conferences! Your extra-curricular activities will give you a competitive edge to show your talent. It is important to point out that employers are always looking for something extra on your CV. This guide is your first step with over 90 active Societies, DUSA media and Sports to find what you enjoy. If you cannot find what you want, don’t panic! Come and speak to me. I will help you to set up your own society very easily! Remember: The most important thing is to HAVE FUN… You are in the Right place for that! Sofia Skevofylaka Vice President of Student Activities

SOCIETIES COORDINATOR My name is James and I am the Clubs and Societies Co-coordinator, I work alongside the VPSA and handle society venue bookings, banking and provide advice on society related matters. I work towards ensuring that DUSA offers the best opportunities and facilities to our societies and that each society receives an equal amount of support. University life doesn’t have to be just about going to lectures. Societies are the perfect way to take part in something you are passionate about, to have fun, gain valuable experience and improve your CV in doing so. Make the most of your University time, join a society, make friends and get involved! James Vavra


RAG Raising and Giving Every year, the students of the University of Dundee choose one local charity to raise funds for. This gives us the opportunity to give back to the community and at the same time raise awareness of such conditions. With a new VP of Fundraising elected to support RAG, there will be a wide variety of exciting events taking place to raise money for this year’s nominated charity. The RAG committee will also be working closely with the clubs and societies on campus to help raise as much money as possible and get as many students involved. Make sure to look out for such events if you are interested! Or better still; drop me an email at to get involved! Your VPF Ezichi Ekpe

THE HIVE The Hive is our Student Executive run support and information centre where you can come for welfare advice, help to ease your academic struggles, or learn more about how to get involved with extracurricular activities on campus. From politics to juggling, there is something for everyone. We also offer Free, confidential advice and support in any student issues you may face. We can help you with housing problems and finding accommodation, academic issues including appeals or if you just want someone to talk to, your Exec are here for you. In short, whatever support you might need during your time at university we will help or we will find someone who can. Find us on Level4, DUSA The Union. Open Monday – Friday: 11am-3pm


THE DUSA ANNUAL AWARDS Each year, DUSA holds an award ceremony which recognises individuals or groups for outstanding work and performance during this academic year. Societies play a vital role forming students’ experience. This is why they are included in the DUSA Annual Awards.

Best New Society



Society Event of the Year


Physics Society – Poland Trip

Most Active Society



Most Progressive Society


African Caribbean

Society of the Year

2016-17 2015-16 2014-15

Physics International Society Physics

Society Achievement Award


Hannah Boyd

Volunteer of the Year


Zoe Lees












Dundee University Students’ Association isn’t your average club or pub, nor is it your average charity ran by faceless corporate overlords. DUSA is run by 8 Students elected by the student body on an annual basis. Along with 6 external trustees, they make up DUSA’s Board of Trustees and are tasked with ensuring that this whole organisation runs smoothly and doesn’t crash into the sea of financial ruin. The DUSA Executive consists of 6 full-time paid positions and 2 part-time voluntary positions.


THE DUSA EXEC The 6 full-time sabbatical positions in DUSA are filled by students who have either graduated or have taken a year out from studying. Students can spend up to 2 years as a sabbatical officer, whenever in their studies they decide to stand for the position. The sabbatical positions are:


The President: Sean O’Connor - 01382 386002 The President, the figurehead of DUSA and leader of the Executive, is responsible for the overall strategy of the organisation, liaising with external organisations and representing students at a local, national and international level. 2

The VPA: Ellen Brooks – 01382 386007 The Vice President of Academia’s (VPA) role is focused on supporting students with any academic issues they might be facing, as well as sitting on many University committees, representing the student voice.


The VPSA: Sofia Skevofylaka – 01382 386004 The Vice President of Student Activities’ (VPSA) remit includes all extracurricular student activities on campus and further afield including liaising with the Sports Union, working on DUSA’s volunteering strategy and coordinating the huge number of student societies. 5

The VPR: Alex Muir - 01382 381084 The Vice President of Representation (VPR) is the organiser and convenor of the SRC as well as working with both Class Reps and School Presidents. The VPR also organises the student elections giving you the opportunity to engage, become a member of the SRC, Exec or School President.


The VPCC: Ana Ranceva – 01382 386003 The Vice President of Communications & Campaigns (VPCC) is responsible for DUSA’s external and internal communications, the four DUSA Media outlets and is involved in coordinating DUSA’s pastoral campaigns throughout the year.



The VPSW: Caroline Goodliffe – 01382 386040 The Vice President of Student Welfare’s (VPSW) role involves planning and running DUSA’s welfare campaigns, providing welfare advice and support to students, from housing to sex, and looking after the all-important condom cupboard.

The voluntary positions, non-sabbaticals, complete their role alongside their studies and can be students from second year onwards. These positions are:


The VPE: Toni McKinney - 01382 381118 The Vice President of Engagement (VPE) is tasked with reaching out to underrepresented groups and engaging them with the work of DUSA alongside others in the Exec 8

The VPF: Ezichi Ekpe - 01382 386005 The Vice President of Fundraising (VPF), our newest exec position, is charged with the coordination of DUSA’s annual Raising and Giving (RAG) charity and managing the fundraising events that take place across the year. It is incredibly important that students are aware of the work of their Executive, you are our bosses. We are here to represent you and all the work we do is there to better your experience here in Dundee. If you want to find out more about the work that we do then you can find us in The Hive on Level 4 of the DUSA building - feel free to drop in any time, give us a call or send us an email.





E-mail: Facebook: Dundee University Action Palestine Twitter: @SJPDundee

Email: Facebook: UoD Aeronautical Society

Dundee University Action Palestine seeks to raise awareness of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the problems this creates for Palestinians –whether they live in Gaza, the West Bank or Israel. DUAPS is an internationalist, human rights based organisation that is fundamentally opposed to racism and Zionism in all their forms, and is part of the growing student movement in Scotland for justice in Palestine.

Also known as AeroDundee is for all interested in Aeroplanes, Flying and Engineering. Future pilots, glider pilots, aircraft designers, avgeeks and general enthusiasts, welcome! We have a virtual reality flight simulator where you can learn to fly, do aerobatics, combat and even practice for your Private Pilots License. You can also become part of our award winning UAS team: HaggisAerospace. This team is designing innovating and building an unmanned aircraft to compete in the annual IMechE UAS Challenge, as well as to help in an anti-fishing project in Belize. All disciplines are encouraged to join. We will be having socials, dogfighting tournaments, events with Dundee’s Museum of Transport. We are planning trips to go gliding, flying and for general fun. Our roomis in F16 in the Fulton Building across from the Library. You can contact us through our website, facebook “UoD Aeronautical Society” or email See ya soon!




Email: Facebook: ACS Dundee Instagram: acsdundee Twitter: @acs_dundee

Visit us at the Fresher’s Fayre! Like us on Facebook: @dundeeahidsociety Join our member’s Facebook page: AHID SocietyEmail:

ACS Dundee is an all-inclusive society that hopes to build a platform with the aim to represent, educate, and celebrate African and Caribbean heritage, both within the society and throughout the University.

We are the Anatomy and Human Identification (AHID) Society, formerly the CAHID Society.

So, what do we do? Well, through active member participation, we aim to please and educate by hosting various entertaining events and inspiring discussions. Whether it’s sharing your knowledge through dynamic debates, expanding your future with numerous career opportunities, or whether you just want to party and have a good time, we hope to make your amazing University experience one to remember. We welcome anyone who wishes to learn about new cultures and would like to become a member of a warm, friendly, and ever-expanding family. So, come and join us!


We love agreat social! From pub crawls, to pot-lucks, movie nights toour 2nd annual ball–we have something for everyone! We also have some great academic events too, such as our bi-weekly help sessions! Just £5 membership gets you exclusive discounts off food and drink at our sponsor pub, and discounted entry to many events. You’ll make new friends, and have a great experience regardless of what year you’re in!



Facebook: Dundee University International Amnesty

Email: Facebook: University of Dundee Bartending Society

Dundee University’s Amnesty International society is a society for people who care about the injustices of the world, who want to know more, and for those who want to act. If you want to stage attention grabbing awareness stunts, take part in campaigns, help plan fundraising events or just find people to discuss the world with over pints, Amnesty exists for just that. We meet regularly to dream up events and discuss campaigns, and over the last year have organized talks, film screenings at the George Orwell pub,“Jamnesty” live music and spoken word events, petitions, helped stage protests, and campaigned for change on campus.We foster collaboration, and welcome compassionate, creative and curious people, from those who want to lend a hand to those to want to lead. This year we’ll collaborate with St Andrews, Abertay ,local charities and other societies more than ever. Come join us too!

We teach flair bartending, cocktail making and other fun tricks. Whether you want to be a bartender or just impress at parties, we can teach you something cool and useful! No experience or equipment is necessary - everything you need is provided. Under-18s are welcome to join and participate in the flair sessions, demonstrations and mocktail making. Come along and we’ll get you flipping bottles in no time!




Email: Facebook: DundeeBOD Twitter: @DundeeBOD

Meeting: Every Sunday and Wednesday 7pm in DUSA

The Dundee Blood and Organ Donation Society is committed to promoting the importance of blood and organ donation within the student population. We help to promote and run both local and university blood drives, while also raising awareness of the importance of signing up to the organ donor register. We welcome anyone who would like to help us run our society, or alternatively sign up to our mailing list/follow our social media accounts to keep up with new opportunities to donate. We will hopefully see you somewhere on campus soon!


Whether you are an experienced board gamer or have never played anything apart from Monopoly, grab some drinks and join us in our weekly events! Be a train baron building railroads across Europe in the 1900s, form an unlikely alliance between the houses of Lannister and Stark or decide how to best settle the rich lands of Catan – all while competing or cooperating with old and new friends. Our meetings take place every Sunday and Wednesday 7pm at Air Bar in DUSA, unless otherwise stated. Please do not hesitate to join our facebook group for any inquiries. We look forward to meeting you soon!




Facebook: Dundee Bulgarian Society Bulgarian Students @Dundee Email:

The British Red Cross strives to give aid to those in need without discrimination and has a volunteering body of over 32,000. The Red Cross works tirelessly both at home and abroad providing emergency response services including disaster relief and refugee support. This society aims to raise funds and awareness to help those that need our support. It’s going to be a busy year for the society; if you’re interested in joining us don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will see you at the fresher’s fayre.

The University of Dundee Bulgarian Society was established in 2010 to provide a friendly environment for new Bulgarian students to ease their integration within all phases of university life. Throughout the years we have organised various events where anyone could join and experience our customs, traditions, and folklore. Thus, we created a friendly atmosphere for members to not only meet and socialise but to exchange ideas and to appreciate different cultures. We have always given our best to create events representing our rich background by imbuing them with the essence of our high spirit. For more information, please check our Facebook group or drop us an email.


BUSINESS SOCIETY (DUBS) Dundee University Business Society (DUBS), previously DUSBS, is the university society run by business students for business students - or anyone else who wants to get involved in our events. As one of the university’s biggest and oldest student societies we have lots to offer Dundee students. Being a member enables you to gain entry to our coveted events, such as the annual ball, as well as our legendary socials. Throughout the academic year we organise sporting events, fundraisers, trips, as well as creating opportunities to network with employers, broaden horizons and hear about different career options. If you are interested in being part of one of the best societies on campus then DUBS is the place for you! Find us on Facebook or at on-campus events like freshers fair!

CALLIGRAPHY AND ORIGAMI Email: Facebook: Dundee Calligraphy Calligraphy – noun /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/– decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering Origami – noun /ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːmi/ – the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures When: Monday/Thursday evenings 5-7pm Membership: £5/year (this gets you a folder, pen, ink and refills for the year) Are you, stressed? Worried? Need some space to let your brain turn off? Calligraphy and Origami may be for you! With a couple of hours booked every week, join the relaxed environment where you can chat, scribble, fold some paper for as little, or as long as you feel. What better break from work do you need? We’ve got loads of fab resources selected specifically to get you started, but bring along your own too. Start with the basics, find your niche and go with it. Try writing the word of the week,or build an array of origami creatures and see your creativity evolve over time.




Facebook: Capoeira Senzala Dundee

Email Address: Facebook: DUCGS

Capoeira is a martial art that was formed in Brazil by slaves, cleverly disguised within game and dance. Our society trains regularly learning how to play the game and how to play the music of Capoeira,meanwhile learning about its history and ongoing evolution. Capoeira is a great way to keep fit and can help to develop rhythm, balance and flexibility. The culture of Capoeira is growing around the world so by learning with us will open up opportunities to meet new people and make friend’s worldwide. If you have trained before or are just curious to see what it’s about come and join in with one of our classes. For training times and locations visit our Facebook group.

If you’re just looking to play Cards Against Humanity and have a few drinks or Planeswalk across the Multiverse we’ve got you covered! Alternating our focus between casual and competitive games weekly Dundee Card Games Society is the perfect place to relax and play some games while making new friends. As a fresh society we’re always looking out for new ideas for games to play and events to run, if you have any inquiries give us an email or drop by our Facebook page, hope we see you soon!


CATHOLIC SOCIETY Dundee University Catholic Society is for all students who are interested in sharing and learning more about the Catholic Faith. Our mission is to build a community of Catholic students in order to support each other in living out the Faith, and to bear witness to Jesus Christ in our everyday student lives. We do this through the celebration of mass, talks, retreats and social events. We meet every Monday night at 7.15pm in Our Lady Chapel, below St Andrew’s Cathedral for mass, followed by a talk presented by a different guest speaker, covering a range of topics, which provide further insight into living out the Catholic Faith as a young person at university. After this, there’s always a trip to the pub for a drink and catch up with friends. Like our Facebook page “Dundee University Catholic Society” or drop us an email at See you there!

CENTRE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Address: Unit A, Heathfield, Old Hawkhill, Dundee DD1 5EN Email: FB: UoDEnterprise Twitter: @UoDEnterprise Do you want to develop your employability and enterprise skills, or do you have a business idea that you need assistance with? The Centre of Entrepreneurship provides a physical focal point for any University of Dundee student to access expert support and advice to explore a new business idea or to learn the latest enterprising skills. The centre is a cutting-edge facility based on campus in partnership with Elevator. In a unique approach, the centre utilises a design-led approach throughout the activities it runs to inspire innovation, building on the University of Dundee’s, and indeed, the city of Dundee’s global reputation in this field. The Centre of Entrepreneurship runs: • The Enterprise Challenge, Wednesdays & Thursdays 5-7pm Semester 1, Thursdays 5-7pm Semester 2 • Entrepreneurial Masterclasses, Wednesdays 1-2pm • Entrepreneurship Week, 19th – 23rd February 2018 • The Venture Competition, open for applications in November & Final on 23rd February 2018 Our events are open to students from all schools.


CHRISTIAN UNION Dundee University Christian Union (DUCU) exists, primarily, to give every student an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a Mission Team, which exists as a united Bible believing Christian community that strives to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, wanting and allowing His Holy Spirit to transform every aspect of their lives. DUCU have regular weekly meetings during the term year, called Equip, that allow them to study the Bible, pray and worship together. They encourage one another to learn how to love other students by making Christ known to them with boldness and passion. Equip is at 6:30pm every Tuesday night in the Chaplaincyand everyone is welcome. Throughout the year DUCU also put on a wide variety of interesting events. For full details visit their Facebook Page Dundee-University-Christian-Union or website For more information, please don’t hesitate in contacting the President, Christopher Marshall, at ducupresident@gmail. com. DUCU look forward to welcoming all new students along.

CIVIL ENGINEERING SOCIETY Membership Fee ÂŁ3 Facebook: Email: The Civil Engineering Society is back after many years and we are excited to welcome students involved in the Engineering department as well as those simply interested in this field! Being a part of it is a great way to learn and grow, but also socialise with others on your course, both within your year group and across the department. To do so, it offers a variety of events, from social to academic settings and anything in between. Our Aims: 1. To connect & unite students interested or involved in the discipline of Civil Engineering. 2. To support Civil Engineering students to achieve their academic & professional goals. 3. To promote the discipline of Civil Engineering on & off campus.




Facebook: DundeeComputingSociety

Our email is and people can follow us on Facebook at ‘Dundee University Conservative & Unionist Association’.

The Dundee University Computing Society is a must for any students interested in computers and programming. We host a number of events ranging from workshops, where experts provide in depth knowledge on interesting and cutting edge technologies, through to our social events such as the duck and duckling nights(parent/child). The Quackathon gives you the opportunity to show off your skills and compete in several challenges for prizes; our annual ball gives you a chance to celebrate the year with awards, a formal dinner and more!


Dundee University’s Conservative and Unionist Association (DUCUA) is one of the most active political groups on campus. This society provides an outlet for conservatives, unionists and all-round politicos from across the city to network and build quality friendships. We welcome all matriculated students of the university and are constantly on the lookout for new members to join our inclusive, yet still tight-knit, group. Joining this society provides many unique opportunities for those interested in current affairs; our strong links with Conservative Associations both locally and across Scotland mean we’re able to connect our members with many of Holyrood’s most prominent and promising, as well as other like-minded students from across the country. Alongside our extensive political activity, which includes hosting guest speakers and campaigning on local issues, we hold regular social events, during which we have a drink (or two) and chat about anything and everything. Previous and current members have gone on from our society to work in various political capacities, including as MPs and MSPs. Get in touch, you won’t be disappointed!

COSPLAY Email: Facebook: Dundee University Cosplay Society So you may be thinking, what is cosplay? Cosplay is when you dress up as a character of your choice, ranging from games, anime to movies. If you are interested in cosplay, anime, manga or gaming then this is the place for you! We host a variety of competitions and events, and have regular meetups where we discuss about anime and cosplays or just have a casual gaming or movie night.

CREATIVE WRITING SOCIETY We welcome anyone who has an interest in writing, whether you plan to write the next best-selling novel, enjoy dabbling in poetry, want to create your own screenplay, or just like making up stories. Whether you study creative writing or not, we are a network of various writers who aim to provide a relaxed environment within which individuals can share their work, feel motivated and inspired to write, build connections with other writers, and have some fun! The society tends to meet for a mixture of writing workshops, talks from guests in various fields, informal chats about all things writing related, and of course, social events.

Our society gathers members to help each other learn and make costumes and have a general banter about anime or games. You do not have to cosplay to take part in our events; so feel free to join the society!




Email: Facebook: Dundeeuniversitycyclingsociety

Facebook: DundeeUniversityDebatingSociety

The Cycling Society will organise social and leisurely cycling trips to surrounding areas such as Broughty Ferry, the Tentsmuir Forest or St. Andrews, along scenic bike trails and even further afield when we get funding! Rides will usually take place on Sunday and will involve a stop at a cafe half way through the trip. Sign up if you want to go on a cycling trip with other students and enjoy Dundee’s nature and surroundings! (If you don’t have your own bike don’t worry! You can hire one at EBS Cycle Centre and get the Cycling Society discount!)


WHO WE AREAs the name suggests, we are a society primarily dedicated to practicing and promoting the skills of debating. However, while the thought of competitive debating naturally conjures up associations with politics and law, we are far from a society for only ‘one kind of student’. Rather, our debates cover a range of topics as diverse as our student membership, and we are always looking for new voices to join the group. WHAT WE DOFirstly, we offer competitive training sessions weekly; this is an incredibly supportive arena for all levels of ability. Secondly, we host public debates on array of thought-provoking topics where debaters can hone their skills and our lovely audience can participate― inevitably, after each of these events we have our weekly social (read: end up in the pub). And finally, every member of the society has the opportunity to capitalise on their newfound skills and attend competitions at other Universities around the country.



Facebook group: D.I.G (Dundee Indoor Gardening) Instagram Page: dundeeindoorgarding

Facebook: drivedundeeracing Instagram: @drivedundee

DIG is a gardening society with our own little garden on campus. We regularly meet in the garden to grow fruit and vegetables, learn new skills and create habitats for wildlife. To create a productive, biodiverse and beautiful garden.

DRIVE is the Universities Formula Student racing team. Formula Student is a global challenge involving students from multiple disciplines designing, building and racing a single seater race-car. Any student is welcome to join with roles in design, workshop, social media, business, film and more all available. There are multiple events around the world and the team’s goal for the next year is to build a car to take to the event at Silverstone in July. Come along to our stand at the fresher’s fayre to talk to the team and try out our race simulator.

As well as our own garden we help students grow house plants and herbs for cooking. We welcome anybody willing to get their hands dirty from beginners to the experienced horticulturalists.




Email: Website:, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram: @dunteasociety

Facebook: DundeeUniversityEducateTheKids

Did you know that tea comes from a plant called camellia sinensis? Or that in addition to your good old breakfast brew, you also get green tea, white tea, yellow tea, oolong…? Teas can help you sleep; keep you awake; taste better without milk; need brewed at 80°C and not 100°C - many teas are actually not tea at all!? If this information makes you intrigued rather than distressed, then boy do we have the society for you! DunTea is a friendly, chilled-out place for drinking tea with friends, discovering new flavours and leaving the stresses of uni-life behind. We source teas from around the world - and brew them especially for you to drink up every second Wednesday evening. We theme our events from Halloween to Fireworks to Valentines to Holi and we’ve loads planned to keep you entertained. Why not give DUSA Best New Society 2016/17 a chai?

The University of Dundee Educate the Kids Society was founded to raise funds for the charity run by a retired Scottish couple who set up a school and orphanage in Kenya. Through bucketing, bake sales, a Disney Pub Quiz and a sponsored Ben Nevis Trek, the society raised around fantastic £2,500, resulting in the society being nominated for Best New Society and a committee member awarded Volunteer of the Year at the 2016 President’s Dinner. At the beginning of the year 300 mothers queued to register their children at the schools, but there were only 80 places. This resulted in the majority being turned away. Now is a great time to join the society, as the Singing Children of Africa (students of the schools who tour the UK performing concerts to raise money) are coming to Dundee in September and we have some fabulous ideas lined up for them for people to get involved with and share their ideas! Like us on Facebook to keep up to date with the society and get involved!


ENGINEERING SOCIETY Welcome to the Engineering Society! Our society focuses on bringing fun and life to the School of Engineering, while trying to merge years of study together through various social and academic events. These events in the past have included spectacular nights out, ceilidhs, as well as engineering based outings and team projects such as robot wars. The society represents all students within the School of Engineering and anybody can join DUES, regardless of course studying. With a packed agenda for the years ahead, our goal is to take the stress away from your course or just escape from the library for a while. If you have any queries or are interested in joining our society, please head over to our Facebook page for more info.�

FEMINIST SOCIETY Email: Facebook: Dundee University Feminist Society Dundee Uni Fem Doc (closed group) We are an Intersectional Feminist Society, open to students of all gender identities, ethnicities, abilities/disabilities, ages and sexualities. We fight against the patriarchy and its systemic misogyny. We campaign for equal opportunities and equal rights on issues relating to gender inequality and discrimination. Our events include regular social gatherings, film screenings, workshops, debates, and collaborations with like-minded societies.

Kind Regards. Alastair Main


FUZE BEYOND BORDERS Email: our facebook is: Fuze beyond borders dundee Fuze Beyond Borders is a charity-based society who fundraise in order to send aid to refugee camps in France, our main concern being those who have been displaced from the Dunkirk Grande-Synthe camp. We hold fundraising events throughout the year to be able to send donations to our main division in London. Our biggest aim for this year is to organize a trip with University of Dundee students to the camp itself. If you enjoy pub crawls, vintage sales and baking for a good cause then this is the society for you. Like our page at ‘Fuze Beyond Borders Dundee’ on facebook to keep up to date with all of our events.

GEOGRAPHY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SOCIETY (G.E.S.S) Facebook: Geography and Environmental Science Society – University of Dundee Instagram/Twitter: @GESS_Dundee Email: The Geography and Environmental Science Society at Dundee University welcomes anyone who has an interest in anything geographical! We organise a range of events, from DUSA record setting Pub Quizzes, Pub Crawls and our main event of the year, the GESS Ball! This will be our fourth year in collaboration with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society where we can attend their events held at the university for free! Come along to our Beach-Bar Olympics in Liar Bar at the Freshers Week Beach Party to meet the society and other new students, play some games and win some prizes! Meet us at the Freshers Fayre to find out more about us and our first event of the year later in September: Adoption Night! Love from your GESS Society




Twitter: Facebook:

Facebook: Dundee University Guide Dogs Society Instagram: dugds Email:

We are here to promote the Green ideology on campus, guided by the principles of ecology, equality, radical democracy, peace and most importantly, fun. In the past, we have organised trips to Faslane to join in the protest of the Trident nuclear weapons. We have also had trips to Edinburgh to join the demonstration for the Climate March, as well as tours of the Scottish Parliament and lunch with Green MSPs. On campus we hosted a debate between Dundee candidates in the general election as well as a collection for local food banks. The coming years will be a very important as we hope to keep momentum going for the Greens and help in any way we can.

WARNING the following promo contains cute puppy material which some doggo enthusiasts may find overwhelming. Love puppies? Want to add some volunteering and fundraising charm to your CV? Then Dundee University Guide Dogs Society is pawfect for you! Over the past few years, this small but successful society has raised over ÂŁ3000 for the guide dog charity, which has enabled us to name and sponsor our very own Guide dog puppy! We hold many exciting fundraising events such as pub quizzes and ceilidhs throughout the year as well as organizing some puppy therapy sessions during those stressful exam times. All our members are offered the chance to visit Forfar Guide Dog training centre to see the dogs in action and find how the money that we raise helps the charity. So, what are you waiting for? Join the barkside today and help make a pawsitive impact on campus!




Facebook Group: Dundeehellenic Facebook Page: Dundeehellenicsociety

Facebook: @HispanicSocietyUoD

The Hellenic society aims to bring together the Greeks and Cypriots of Dundee but also any other university student who is interested in having fun in a way that only Greeks know! “Opa!” Everyone is welcome to join as the events have more international character. Get to know the music, culture and food of Greece and Cyprus and you won’t regret it. The Hellenic society works as a big family that any student would like, especially if away from home. It’s time to bring a little Mediterranean sun to our own sunniest place in Scotland!

Salsa, tequila, corazón, ¡muy bueno!… It might summarise the Hispanic Society, but we are much more. We are a young society whose purpose is to promote the Hispanic culture and spanish language in a friendly environment. Among our activities, we have the legendary Salsa classes (where you can become a great latin dancer and showing off at Latin Heat) and Charlas (talks, a great opportunity to learn spanish or just meeting people). This year we plan on having food tastings and a trip to Spain. We also have our own radio show, at JAM Dundee, in which we combine latin music, good banter and great guests (you could be one of those!). Do not forget to tune in! But you might ask, ‘do I need to be hispanic or know Spanish to join you?’ Not at all! So do not hesitate and have fun with us.




Email: Facebook: Dundee-University History-Society Twitter: @UoDHisSo

Website: Email: Facebook: DundeeHumSoc

“History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul” Within the History Society we welcome everyone who shares passion for history, yet who also want to enjoy a thriving student social life. We have done a range of activities in the past - from visiting famous castles and landmarks, to pub crawls, ghost tours, city walks and our end of year ball. We will offer these events and more in the coming year.

Since its recent resurrection in 2016, our society has continued to grow and take on new life. Highlights include its role in supporting the ‘Save the Humanities at UoD’ Campaign last year and organising the first student-led Humanities Undergraduate Conference at Dundee University featuring undergrad speakers from across Scotland. Issue 3 of our very own academic journal is set for publication in the new semester; we accept essays from all humanities students in any subject or year of study. Outside of academics, HumSoc will be bringing back our Family Ties programme (HumaniTies) for a second year. We also aim to provide more joint-society trips events and trips such as our joint history-HumSoc trip to Dunnottar Castle earlier this year. More casual events, such as our weekly pub meet-ups in the Braes, are also a good chance for new members and our committee to relax and chat.

Whether or not you study History, we invite everyone who enjoys learning something new and interesting , who also want to make their university life much more remarkable.


ICE SKATING SOCIETY Email: Facebook @iceskatedundee Ever wanted to get in to ice-skating? Already a fan? Dundee has a great ice rink with a fantastic student discount, so now is the time to get involved with the sport. Everyone is welcome, whatever your ability or experience on the ice! We have weekly lessons which are subsidised by the club for its members and skate night sessions. Membership is ÂŁ5 a semester

INDIAN SOCIETY Namaste Dundee! The University of Dundee Indian Society aims to bring the Indian students and the broader South Asian community together. We aspire to create a home away from home; spread and showcase different aspects of our culture; and make everyone’s University years one of the best times of their lives. We collaborate with other societies and off campus organisations to build a vibrant, cross-cultural relationship. This society is open to anyone and everyone interested in Indian culture and festivals. We are truly an international society with members from all over the world. Leaving home for a new country is a nerve-wracking experience, so, our aim is to make this transition easier. We organize many events, which allow everyone to meet new people such as Bollywood Club Nights, Diwali, Holi and many more. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to keep in touch. We hope to see you at our events and all the very best in your journey at the University!




Instagram: @dundeeindosoc

E-mail: Facebook link: internationalstudentsocietydundeeuniversity

The Dundee Indonesian Society (Dundee Indosoc) is a society that consist of students with the interest in Indonesian culture. The objective of this society is to accomodate the interest of its members in spreading the awareness, appreciation and preservation of Indonesia culture and heritage with friendly environment that reflects Indonesian spirit. We are planning to have an annual event that carried the diversity of Indonesia into University of Dundee and also the city of Dundee. Moreover, we hope that the Dundee Indosoc would facilitate the cultural exchange regarding Indonesia to other nationalities as part of our responsibility as citizen of the world.

International Society is one of the biggest societies at University of Dundee and was awarded as The Best Society Award 2015/16. Every year we are meeting people from different countries who share their experience with us. In return, we are connecting students through various events over the year showing them traditions and cultures from around the world. ISOC is organizing various events throughout the year such as, Trip to Highlands & Scotland, Treasure Hunt, Open Stage Night, Around the World, Halloween Carving Pumpkin Competition, Nutella Day, International Food Festival, Ice Skating trips, Christmas lights event, BBQ and many others. We have members from different parts of the world, so feel free to join our society. You can contact us on Facebook or E-mail.




website: Facebook: Uodinvestmentsociety Email:

Facebook: dundeeuniislam Email:

Thinking about a career in finance or investment? Well, join Dundee’s premier investment society! Founded in 2016 by two passionate students with the support of a strong and hard-working committee. Our focus is to instill financial brilliance in all our members from any degree background. We run workshops and lectures every week and by providing the right knowledge and developing key skills, you can realise and achieve your career ambition. There is the chance to travel and network with top leaders in their fields from well-respected financial institutions. You also get to experience our famous socials! So join up!


DUIS is the oldest and largest Islamic society in the University and has won numerous awards in the past including the prestigious Dundee University Society of the Year Award 2007/2008 and Most Active Society Award 2008/2009. To strengthen the Islamic faith and promote the spirit of brotherhood/sisterhood among Muslims. To represent and to protect the interests, rights and general welfare of the Society Members. To foster harmony and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. As one of the most active student societies on campus, we aim to make your life at university more than a hunt for a degree. As Muslim students, we all have a responsibility upon us to pass on the true message of Islam and to act according to its teachings. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Pass on my teachings, even if just a verse”. Our activities range from study circles, lectures, sports tournaments, dinners, parties, comedy evenings, Islamic Awareness weeks, charities and doing events within the community, PLUS much much more!



Email: Facebook: DUKS – Dundee University Kink Society

Email: Facebook: Dundee Labour Students Twitter: @dundeelabstu

If you feel you’re a little bit more than vanilla, a kink veteran, or anywhere in between - DUKS wants you. With an emphasis on safe, sane, and consensual kink and fetish activities, we aim to provide a safe, inclusive, nonsexual space to discuss and learn, through social nights, workshops, and other events. We’re passionate about providing the option to be more involved in the larger local and national scene. We operate a strict confidentiality policy.

Dundee Labour Students is a society that aims to get students involved with the Labour Party. We campaign on campus and get involved with wider student-based political participation. Over the past few years, Dundee Labour Students has fought a campaign to win staff a living wage, achieved press coverage with STV and the Courier, as well as worked tirelessly on by elections up and down the country. With socials every two weeks, Dundee Labour students is a great society for like-minded people who want to get involved with politics and make friends along the way.




Are you passionate about dancing? Or do you have no idea what to do with your limbs on the dancefloor but you’re curious to know what is it like to be a coordinated human being? Or maybe you just want to try something new and meet cool people from all backgrounds? Then we’re just the society for you!

Facebook : Dundee University Law Society Twitter: @duls_1 Instagram: @duls2015 LinkedIn: Dundee University Law Society Email: Website:

We dance chacha, samba, rumba, jive, tango and waltz routines and always add some new fancy moves, too. No need to bring a partner – there are plenty of people to dance with. Except for weekly lessons, we also organize social events, such as nights out and a competition in the end of each semester. We have classes twice a week –beginner class on Monday and advanced class on Wednesday from 8 to 10 - both in the Mono. You can find us in our Facebook group “Dundee Latin Dancing and Social“.


Dundee University Law Society is run by students, for students. We put our members at the heart of all our thinking, evidenced through our wide selection of social and careers events throughout the year. Our social events are some of the highlights in our calendar, from our 120-person strong pub crawl, to the award winning two-night stay law ball. As well as social events, our aim is to equip our members with the skills and knowledge they need to enter the work force. In the past, we have partnered with international firms such as CMS Cameron McKenna and Pinsent Masons, to host events like Get That Traineeship and networking evenings. Overall, DULS’ priority is to enhance each one of our members’ law school experience, and we would love to see you become a part of the family.



Facebook: Dundee University LGBT+ Society Email:

Email: Facebook : dundeelifescience (@DundeeLifeScience)

The Dundee University LGBT+ Society is a group devoted to raising awareness and promoting the wellbeing of gender and sexual minorities. Together with the Abertay society, we work to establish a safe, welcoming and above all fun LGBT+ community across Dundee and nationwide. Whether you fancy film screenings, bar socials, games nights, coffee mornings or fancy dress parties, we have a range of boozy and sober events planned for you enjoy, be you a friend of the Babadook himself or simply an ally looking to get better acquainted. We alternate between pub socials and coffee mornings each week, with special events planned throughout each semester.

Life Science doesn’t have to be all about lectures and labs – join the Dundee University Life Sciences Society and get involved in a mix of academic and social events. We work closely with the School of Life Sciences getting everyone involved in a vast array of events outside the classroom. We’ve expanded hugely becoming one of the largest societies at Dundee meaning it’s a very exciting time to join us! Events to look out for: • Our Annual Ball • Our Christmas pub quiz/crawl • Our famous Gaudie Night • Our Robert Burns Ceilidh A focal point of our society is ensuring all years interact and engage with one another through our academic family system – newcomers can choose to be assigned ‘parents’ who are students in the years above. Your parents can help with any coursework and with the social aspects of Uni life. We’ll see you all soon!




Facebook: liptheatrecompany Twitter: Liptheatreco Instagram: liptheatrecompany Website:

Email: Facebook: Making Dundee Home

For those who want to start their weeks with a bang, LIP Theatre Company is the place for you! LIP Theatre Company, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, is the University’s only student-run drama society. We give any student the chance to get involved in all areas of theatre: from writing and acting to costume and set design, regardless of past experience. We put on a number of plays through the year, which are a variety of different theatrical styles and genres; from Shakespeare to Panto, we have you covered. Joining LIP is a fantastic way to meet new people and with post-rehearsal drinks, huge pub crawls, after-show parties and an end of year ball, the social side of LIP is definitely not something to be missed. We meet every Monday during semester time from 7pm in Mono and everyone is welcome to join at any time.


Making Dundee Home is a fundraising society that tries to alleviate the struggles of homelessness. Throughout the year we will be holding various events such as bake sales, pub quizzes, and food and clothes drives to raise money for homeless projects and charities. We also help run a project with Dundee West Church called MDH Fridays, where we go over to the church to cook, eat, and chat with those who are homeless or facing homelessness. It’s a really rewarding experience and it’s a lot of fun! If you want to help fundraise or volunteer on Fridays, then contact us by email or find us on Facebook!



Email:, Facebook Public Page: University of Dundee Malaysian Society DUMAS Closed Group: University of Dundee Malaysian Society (DUMAS)

E-mail: Facebook: Marrow Dundee

Like our Page and request to join the group to stay updated with events and happenings! Malaysia is a tropical country that lies near the equator in South East Asia, and is well-known for its diversity in traditions and cultures. The University of Dundee Malaysian Society (DUMAS) aims to organize events year-round in conjunction with the many celebrations back home, such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, and Deepavali. We also aim to bring events organized by external bodies, such as summits and conferences, to the attention of Malaysian students in UoD. Whether you’re a Malaysian studying abroad wanting to combat homesickness, or someone looking to experience something new, join us and become part of a family away from home as we bond over fun and food!

We’ve found the cure for blood cancer. Pleased to meet you! Marrow Dundee is for anyone who wants to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Every 20 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with blood cancer and Marrow work to recruit potential lifesavers to the stem cell and bone marrow register. Our society, Marrow Dundee, work to raise awareness of the amazing work of Anthony Nolan. We run recruitment events all over campus, we help raise money to ensure every person that needs a matching stem cell donor has a chance at life and we have just a little bit of fun at our society socials and nights out. Join us as a volunteer today to help us continue our lifesaving work and continue to give those with blood cancer the greatest possible chance at life. Registered Charity No. 803716 / SC038827




Facebook: @DundeeUniversityMathsSociety As Dundee University Maths Society, our goal is to bring together those with an interest in mathematics. We provide academic help even if you are only struggling with a small aspect of mathematics on your course. However it’s not all academic! We host a wide variety of social events throughout the year ranging from pub crawls and pub quizzes to BBQs. Our highlight of the year is always our annual ceilidh ball which is attended by most society members and staff members from the maths department. As a member of our society you can choose to opt-in to our academic family system where you will be placed in a family with students from different year groups who can provide support and guidance throughout your university experience. So whether you are looking for academic help or the opportunity to meet new people from maths related disciplines then we are definitely the society for you!


Dundee Medical Technology Society (DMTS) serves as a platform for students with an interest in technology and its applications to collaborate and explore medical entrepreneurship and innovation. We plan to host a range of events such as hackathons, entrepreneurship workshops and start-up challenges aimed at developing initiatives to improve the experience for both healthcare professionals and patients. If you are interested to work together with healthcare professionals and students from various disciplines to develop innovative solutions such as mobile apps, websites or even a new approach to solving an existing problem, why not consider to join DMTS.



Facebook: UoDmentalhealth Twitter: @dumentalhealth Instagram: @dumentalhealth

Email: Facebook: Dundee Model United Nations Society

Hello, we are Dundee University’s Mental Health Society - it’s lovely to meet you! We set up lots of events in and around campus to promote general wellbeing and mental health positivity, and raise money for local mental health charities. From coffee hangs for a chance to chat and chill when things get hectic, to art therapy sessions (which in past have included tie-dying and dough therapy) there’s something here for everyone. We’re a approachable bunch, and when at times the stresses of life (uni and otherwise) can get a bit much, it’s always nice to have a friend.

Dundee Model United Nations is a society dedicated to simulating the united nations and other international bodies. Delegates represent countries as they discuss real world issue like water shortages and chemical weapons like the UN would. In the spirit of cooperation delegates will try to come together and solve these global crises. The society meets every week for debates and travels to weekend conferences in St. Andrews, Edinburgh and even to Paris and Nice. With weekly meetings, friendly socials and foreign trips what’s not to love about Dundee Model United Nations?

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Insta for mentally positive memes, and to keep up to date with all our latest events. Hope to see you soon!


MOOTING SOCIETY Mooting is a legal debate in a courtroom setting. Two teams compete against each other to present arguments on specific points of law before a judge – it is the closest experience that a student can have whilst at university to appearing in court but mooting is beneficial in many areas other than advocacy. It may also help you to build confidence in public speaking, general research and presentation skills. The mooting society runs workshops for interested students to prepare them for our two annual mooting competitions with a chance to represent the University in external competitions across the UK. This is balanced with our range of social events throughout the year including the popular Winter Ball.


MUSIC SOCIETY Facebook: Dundee University Music Society Instagram: dundeeuniversitymusic Email: The Dundee University Music Society consists of five small groups which appeal to every kind of musical interest. We are one of the largest and most active societies on campus, we organise a wide variety of concerts and social events throughout the academic year. Our diverse range of groups include Big Band, Chamber Choir (auditioned), Choir (non-auditioned), Gospel Choir and Orchestra. Come along and join us to improve your musical skill, make new friends and get involved!



Email: Facebook: Dundee University The Muslim Message Society

Facebook: University of Dundee Nursing and Midwifery Society Attention all nursing students!

The Muslim Message Society (MMS) strives to deliver the pure teachings of Islam through the Quran, The Prophet and his holy progeny (Ahlulbayt). We put a lot of emphasis on having events and workshops that are open minded yet specific. We believe it is paramount to have events from which we can gain knowledge and learn key lessons. Last year, we collaborated with the University’s Christian Union to create an Interfaith Event on ‘How Distant is God?’ We had renowned speakers Sayed Aliabbas Razawi and Dr. Andy Bannister. Another event we had was on the Prophet Muhammad and his teachings, in line with current affairs. We also meet every Thursday in the prayer room to recite supplications, The Quran and simply to socialize. Join us this year as we have more events planned. Events that will trigger your critical thinking and build a growth mind-set.

Don’t miss the chance to join The Nursing and Midwifery society. We are here to help you through your time at the university. Different events take place throughout the year and give new students a chance to meet other more experienced nursing students, share experiences or simply find some time to unwind!




To get involved, please email us at, and to find out more about what we’re up to please like us on Facebook at

Facebook: Dundee OpSoc

One Water Dundee was founded in 2011 with the aim of bringing charity products to campus and local retailers. One Water is a Carbon Neutral bottled water from which 100% of profit is directed to clean water projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Over the past few years we have expanded to run regular fun and successful campaigns and events across campus to raise funds directly for the cause, and build awareness for water and sanitation issues worldwide. Membership of the society costs £1, and provides opportunities for students to gain valuable experience in sectors such as philanthropy, PR, management and business. We’re a friendly bunch and also hold socials, especially to celebrate another successful event!


Love acting, singing and dancing? OpSoc is a musical theatre society with an open cast chorus where everyone is welcome to join! As the longest running society on campus, OpSoc are regular performers with our latest being the successful ‘Witches of Eastwick’. We rehearse weekly as we strive towards our main show in March, with ‘9 to 5’ being OpSoc’s 2018 production. As well as our main show, at the end of Freshers’ Week we perform our weekend show, which this year is ‘High School Musical 2’. In addition to our shows we host a variety of concerts so there are many opportunities to perform! We also host great social events so you can be sure of a fantastically fun time with OpSoc! For more information about OpSoc, find us at the Freshers’ Fayre or visit our Facebook page ‘Dundee OpSoc’ and we look forward to seeing you in September!




Email: Facebook: Dupsdundee

Why do things exist? What is the best way to live? Do we have free will? What is philosophy and why is it relevant? Whether you are a Philosophy student or just interested in the subject, come along and discuss these questions and more at the Philosophy Society. With a program of regular visiting speakers, reading groups, and other thought provoking events, we have something to suit all lovers of wisdom. Come and investigate, explore, and mock the “Big Questions” that have fascinated humanity for far longer than we had the pens to write about them!

Photography is the art of capturing and preserving moments. But no longer do you need the latest DSLR to take a breath-taking picture: nowadays all mobile phones have built-in cameras. Photography can finally be enjoyed by everyone so, whatever your equipment, be sure to give it a go! Our society meets every Thursday at Dalhousie. Members can learn about all aspects of photography(including drone! and filming) from our experienced comrades and professional guests. When the session is over, we all head to our weekly social at the society’s sponsor pub to get free food and discounted drinks. The society organises regular trips, including visiting Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and a journey to Europe! Interested in photography? Check. Ready to learn more, with an awesome group of people? Check. Want to take part in amazing trips and events? Check. It’s time to visit the photography society; we can’t wait to meet you!




Email: Facebook: DundeeUniversityPhysicsSociety Twitter: @DUPhysicsSoc Instagram: @DUPhysicsSoc

Email: Twitter: @UoD_PolSoc Facebook: polishsocietydundee

Despite our name the Physics Society is not just for Physicists! As DUSA’s Society of the Year 2016-17 we really are the best society on campus! Our biggest highlights of the year include our camping trip, annual ball and annual trip abroad which was accredited DUSA’s Best Event of the Year 2016-17. The trip consists of a city break in Europe to experience a new culture, city and of course some Physics attractions. We run a huge variety of events all year round. From pub quizzes and crawls to BBQs and movie nights, with the occasional game of pub quidditch. This all kicks off with our inaugural challenge night: Newton’s Four Floors. We’re also here to help you through your degree offering study sessions every week. We really believe we have something for everyone. Think this sounds like a society for you? Join us!

Have you ever wondered what the famous pierogi taste like? Why we keep empty jars? Polish vodka anyone? Come to us and find out! Polish Society is an open and welcoming community for all students to get together and find out more about Poland and general Polishness. We want to familiarise students from all over the world with our distinctive culture and cuisine, including them in celebrating Polish traditions and national holidays, even when away from home. We host regular socials throughout the year, and some more associated with Polish traditions. And few of our most popular events include; The Welcome Back BBQ, Independence Day Fireworks, Mikołajki, Fat Thursday, and Truant’s Day Trip. Everybody is more than welcome to join our society and spend quality time by meeting new people, eating delicious Polish food and just having fun!




E-mail: Facebook: Dundee University Psychology Society


Welcome one and all! Whether you are a Psychology student, a Psychology enthusiast or looking for an eventful society to become a part of, this is the society for you! Not only will you make friends for life, you may improve your CV greatly with various opportunities and have the added benefits of access to free academic talks and discounts to all our annual events such as pub crawls, quizzes, our murder mystery, haunted house and comedy night! We’ll also be surprising you with other events and trips throughout the year. Don’t forget finishing off the year with our annual Psychology Ball!

Helping medical students with radiology and providing information into a career as a radiologist. Whether you are looking to pursue a career in radiology or you are just looking for handy hints with x’rays. The society promises to provide you with radiology revision help, insuring success in OSCEs, spot, written, and portfolio examinations. Radiology is a medical speciality that employs the use of imaging in both the diagnosis and treatment of disease visualised within the body. Why Join? • Free or discounted entry to all RadSoc events through the year • Radiology will appear in almost all medical professions - time to get practising! • Plenty of activities planned throughout the year to get involved in • We are friendly and fun!


REDEEMED CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (RCF) SOCIETY Email: Phone Number: +44 (0)7823923651 Facebook: RedeemedChristianFellowshipDundee The Redeemed Christian Fellowship (RCF) Society Dundee is a DUSA affiliated students’ society built around the objectives that include supporting members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and other Christians at the University of Dundee by helping them settle in and supporting them throughout their academic career. We also provide moral support through one-to-one coaching and combined tutorials, building future leaders through mentoring. But, above all, to help people get closer to God! During the meetings (every Thursday at 6pm in DUSA Meeting Room 2) members have the opportunity to meet with post-graduate students who offer further academic and moral assistance.

RISE: SOCIALIST SOCIETY Email: Facebook: @RISEDEE Twitter: @RISEDundeeUni Socialist Society is here to promote Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism in Dundee and beyond. Our brand of radical politics and fresh ideas seeks to challenge the establishment and provide an alternative to the status quo - whether it is protesting university cuts or surprising Donald Trump, is the place to be for students who want to be part of Scotland’s most exciting new movement. RISE is a feminist organisation and we support at least 50 per cent representation of women in public life, an area in which the University needs to greatly improve. Nominated for ‘Best New Society’ last year, we want to continue our growth and work with other progressive societies towards a more tolerant, safe and inclusive campus and work with other activists and trade unions to promote more of the same in the wider community. Look out for our newletter/zine which will be available @Freshers!




Email: Facebook: D.U.R.P.S Facebook Group: D.U.R.P.S Community

Facebook Group: SciFi and Fantasy Society Facebook Page: SciFi and Fantasy Society

We are Dundee’s roleplaying society. For the uninitiated, roleplaying essentially involves interacting with other players as though both of you are characters in a story – a story which players shape together with the aid of a game master (GM). At DURPS we offer two types of roleplaying: tabletop, which often involves rolling dice on a table, and LARP, which involves physically portraying the role complete with costumes and in-character sword fighting.

The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Society seeks to provide a fun space to meet new people who share a love of all things magical and futuristic. We host gettogethers, pub quizzes, board game nights and film screenings; if you have a specific idea then get in touch and we can try our best to organise something. Maybe you read the book or the comic, maybe you enjoyed the film or played the game – the SciFi and Fantasy Society hopes to appeal to all. Whether you just have a passing interest or would prefer to live in the Shire, we welcome you with open arms. Come along and make new friends! Our membership is £3 for the year, and we’re fairly low commitment so there’s still time to join other societies.

Players both new and old to roleplaying, or if you would just like to try it out, we run one-off games at the beginning of each semester. People with experience are even encouraged to try and pitch their own games! We run tabletop games on Monday and Thursday nights. We also run two LARPs: Korowyn and Thedas on most weekends, as well as a handful of special events throughout the year, Mega Zombicide included! Join us, we’re mad, but in a wonderful way!




Convenors: Kader Marshall and Ross Sheppard. Facebook: Dundee Uni Scottish Nationalists Twitter: @DUSNA_1

Email: Website:

Dundee University Scottish Nationalist Association is the branch of SNP students at the University of Dundee. DUSNA forms part of the student representation within the Scottish National Party (SNP) as well as representing the SNP on campus. With bigger membership than some political parties in Scotland, SNP students have been instrumental in promoting government policies such as the abolition of tuition fees for Scottish domicile student and influential in policies related to TIE education around Scottish schools. As part of DUSNA you can participate in shaping the growing political presence on campus by standing up for students and against austerity with visits to the Scottish Parliament every semester. However you choose to get involved, joining DUSNA is a great opportunity to help shape the Scotland we want to live in.


Ever thought of learning a genuine martial art that actually works in a real situation? If the answer is yes then come along and join the Self Defence Society! We train in MONO-CO on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6pm to 8pm. Tuesday’s class is primarily focussed on drills and conditioning and Thursdays centre on close quarter combat technique and mechanics. Over time, we like to encourage developing the use of ground work in a self-defence context and where appropriate defence against both short and long range, blunt and sharp weapons. We also hold regular weekend workshops and seminars with renowned teachers regarded as experts in their field. Bring jogging bottoms and a t-shirt if you want to join in, or just come along and watch, no fitness or experience necessary – beginners are more than welcome.

SEXPRESSION Instagram and twitter: @sexpressiondde


Sexpression: UK is a nationwide, student-led charity that runs informal and comprehensive sex and relationship classes in high schools across the country. After a year’s break, the Dundee branch is up and running again! Sexpression’s aim is to empower young people to make safe and informed decisions within their relationships: with classes touching on issues such as internet safety, consent, contraception and beyond. As a member of the Dundee branch your main role would be to go into schools and deliver this teaching. We provide full training and send people out in pairs to make sure everyone feels happy and confident about delivering classes. It’s a great way to gain teaching/volunteering experience as well as meet a group of friendly, open-minded people. We also plan to put on various social events within the society itself.

The Sign Language Society focus’ primarily on British Sign Language (BSL) and offers free lessons for those interested in learning introductory BSL. We’re a warm and friendly society hosting classes each week as well as a variety of social and fundraising events for the local Deaf Hub and other Deaf charities. So come along and learn something new, fun and helpful whilst meeting new people along the way!


SINGAPOREAN SOCIETY Whether you miss home, or you just want a taste of Singapore, come join our society and events! Our society organizes many events during the year to celebrate the Singapore spirit (e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year etc.) where you can mingle with other members and share stories over Singaporean food. We also have a line-up of exciting activities with many photo opportunities for the ‘gram. After all, how else better to bond with old and new friends over mouth-watering Singaporean dishes? If the above sounds like what you’re up for, look out for our booth at the Fresher’s Fayre. Alternatively, you can contact us at dundee.singsoc@ or join us at our Facebook page dundeesingsoc. Follow us at our Instagram account as well dundeesingsoc Hope to see you soon!


SOCIAL WORK ACTION NETWORK Email: Facebook: SocialWorkActionDundee Twitter: @SWAN_Dundee We are the Dundee branch of SWAN (Social Work Action Network), a radical, campaigning organisation of social care practitioners, students, service users, carers and academics. We are open to other disciples other than social care joining us and we encourage a wide variety to join because it means we can learn from a broad knowledge and experience base. We feel that there can and should be more awareness raised amongst the student body regarding the current international, national and local issues which impact on our society and contribute towards social injustice and the suppression of anti-oppressive and relationship based practice within the field.



Facebook: SPAD (student planning association dundee) Email: Instagram: @s_p_a_dundee

Email: Facebook page: DUSwingDance Facebook group: DundeeSwing

Student Planning association Dundee.

We want you to experience the wonder of Swing Dance all the way from “The Great Gatsby” to the days of Fred and Ginger. We teach from the basics, so you don’t need to bring a partner or have any previous dance experience or special clothes.

We are a small society and our focus is to connect planners both on undergraduate and postgraduate level and everyone that has an interest in shaping the built and natural environment. However, anyone is welcome to join. Our main goal is to connect people between the different years of the program and ultimately have a great time. During the last year we had multiple events such as pub quizzes, pub bingo and lectures hosted by the RTPI (royal town planning institute) known as chapter events which are great networking experiences along with being highly educational. With many more events to come this year! £1 joining fee.

Come and learn this partnered dance with us and discover the amazing worldwide community! The society encourages and promotes participation in workshops UKwide and abroad, where you’ll find the people and the teachers are just lovely. Your dancing will flourish in no time. Swing dance is a wonderfully inclusive society so no matter where you come from or what your story, you will be welcome here. Classes on Sunday afternoons 5-8pm




Facebook: TradSocDundee

Facebook: Dundee Uni Boob Team Instagram: @dundeeuniboobteam

If you play Scottish or Irish music, then Tradsoc is the right place for you! We get together every week and teach each other new tunes. We often drop by to pubs such as Speedwells and the George Orwell for music sessions (and free pints). When we are not at the pub by night, we are preparing for ceilidhs and gigs by day – particularly for the infamous Paddy’s Day which ultimately conquers most students. With a new committee, we hope to organise some competitions and more trips to attend festivals such as SUFF and Celtic Connections.

We are the Dundee Uni Boob Team. We’re working across campus to raise awareness of the breast cancer charity CoppaFeel! and to fundraise for them. We’ll be holding a host of amazing events across campus – from our glitter party to our Boob Brunch and everything in between! If you want to help spread awareness of checking your own boobs, make some new friends and even wear the giant boob costume, this could be the society for you! And when we’re not busy shouting about boob-checking, we’re fundraising to support the life-saving work that CoppaFeel! do. To keep up to date with our events, follow our social media! To find out more about CoppaFeel! check them out at




Facebook: DUVGS Twitter: @DUVGS Email:


The Video Games Society is your go to for all things gaming! Whether you’re a casual or hardcore gamer, there’s always something going on. Our usual meetings are at half 7 on Thursdays in Liar Bar, but we have events throughout the year, such as running tournaments at Dee-Con and our annual 24 hour LAN party, WASD. See you on the internet!

If you fancy a dram, a good conversation, and the opportunity to make some friends along the way, then the University of Dundee’s Whisky Society is for you. Dundee Whisky Society offers a place to enjoy and appreciate Scotland’s most treasured drink. This society is for anyone who would like to learn more about whisky or simply enjoy a good dram. We seek to provide our members with the information they need to confidently take part in tastings, without any pretention. We will be sampling whiskies from all of the regions in Scotland and will also be sampling whisky from across the globe. The possibility of distillery tours is also on the horizon. Although the Society is open to all, it is important to note that the legal drinking age of 18 still applies to our tastings. Send us an email if you would like any more information.




We are a network of students, professionals, academics, and researchers who support diversity in STEM. Motivated by our own experiences in the fields, we are passionate and enthusiastic to promote more diversity and equality in the STEM disciplines.

Ever wanted to try yoga or have been a yogi for many years? Come and join us for some yoga classes. We are a small society welcoming all levels of ability to join us on the mat to workout and relax. We have a variety of classes each week.

Our members aim to provide a strong network for underrepresented groups in STEM; inspire women to pursue careers in STEM fields; and support education progression throughout undergrad and further to stop the ‘leaking pipeline’.

Tuesday - 6pm till 7pm - DUSA Floor 5 Wednesday - 7pm till 8pm - DUSA Floor 5 Thursday - 6:30pm till 8pm - Dalhousie Drama Studio

Joining the Women in STEM society will provide a unique opportunity to network and form relationships with a large network of likeminded people by offering exciting social events and casual environment to socialise. We look forward to seeing you at the freshers’ fayre and at our many events throughout the year where we hope to find more individuals ready to help us bridge the gap in STEM. If you are interested in joining our society please send a request to join our Facebook group: UoD Women in STEM Society or e-mail s.n.anani@ for further details.


Membership is £4.50 per semester or £9 double semester. Each class is £3. Mats are provided. We are planning lots of exciting new things for the coming year from workshops to a retreat. Email us at or join our Facebook page for updates or ask us a question! Looking forward to seeing you on the mat, Namaste.

YOUNG RESEARCHERS ASSOCIATION Facebook: Dundee University Young Researchers’ Association – DUYRA Twitter: @duyra1 Email: Dundee University Young Researchers Association is a student led research society created to encourage student research and bridge the gap between disciplines across the university. DUYRA members have the chance to create, plan and carry out their own independent research projects throughout the academic year. Members can practice the scientific research method, receive funding and present their project to an ethics committee. Completed projects are presented at our fantastic annual symposium where university accredited awards are given to members who have participated in a project. Members can also attend our weekly talks given by top members of staff and researchers from fields ranging from geography to philosophy. After each meeting, everyone has the chance to socialise and enjoy some free food provided by our local sponsor bar and grill. Come along and build your skills whilst having fun! Students from any field of study and year are welcome.


NOT FOUND THE RIGHT SOCIETY FOR YOU? Do not worry! I have your back! We already have plenty of societies getting ready to affiliate in the 1st Societies council in September‌ Come, speak with me and I will support you to set up your own thing that makes you have! We have a lot of societies that are affiliated but not running this year such as: And a few more‌ If you would like to take the first step and start running them again, just find me in my office or the Hive @DUSA Floor 4 Sofia Skeovfylaka Vice President of Student Activities


Alpha Iota Atheist Art Art and Design Bands BBQ, Baking and Coffee Society Business Management CHAS (Charity) Child Reach International Children of Rwanda COMMS-Mature Students Creative Cooking Diplomats Dundee in Action ENACTUS English English Lit and Film Film French Game Design Homed International Relations and Politics Juggling

Kenyan Orphan Project Life Magic Making Dundee Home Malaysian Music production Nordic Oxfam Pakistani Association People & Planet Performane Snormance Petroleum Engineers Philosophy Poetry Pool Salsa Save the Children Scottish Country Dancing Skill Share Sports Medicine SSEA Stop AIDS Stop the War Sufi Society Vegetarian & Vegan




DUSA MEDIA Tay Productions F











Tay Productions is your award-winning television station. The outlet produces content for students, by students along with running live streams on all the major events across campus. As a member of this growing society, you will have the chance to develop your skills as a filmmaker and start transforming your own ideas into high-quality videos. Whatever your interest is, from acting, news and current affairs to documentaries or experimental short films, we are the society for you. You can find us on Facebook ( and at our stall during the freshers’ fayre. Come and say hi to find more about us!











Magdalen GD
















The Magdalen is the university’s award-winning student magazine,and the heart of student journalism here on campus. With ten sections to write for, and dozens of designers, there are many ways to get involved. Our team is made up of people from across all year groups and we’re always looking for new contributors. We publish new issues every month of the academic year, as well as running several events and socials throughout both semesters. This year we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary, and look forward to providing the best of student journalism for many more years to come. Join us online at and












JAM is Dundee’s biggest student radio and is one quarter of the DUSA Media team. Through JAM Dundee students can run shows on their own or with co-presenters. If presenting is not your thing, then there are plenty of other ways to get involved including roles as writers, producers and tech co-ordinators. JAM Dundee also runs annual events such as a 55 hour marathon radio show and covers University events like the Student Elections and Varsity Games. Being part of the DUSA media team is the best way to gain media experience at Dundee University and is a great way to meet other students.









Fibre Like to write? Fancy boosting your CV? Fibre is the place for you! D




Fibre gives students a voice and a platform to share what they feel strongly about, so if you have opinions you’d like to share, then get in touch. Deadlines are flexible and set around your availability. Join the Digital Age, write for Fibre.



Fibre is DUSA Media’s digital outlet, hosting content created by studentsfor students. Whether you have strong opinions on the latest Marvel film (who doesn’t?), willing to get a taste of media industry orjusteager to write intriguing content to cover latest news that affect students at the University, then join in! URNAL



NIGHTLINE Nightline is a university support service run by students, for students. We aim to help students cope with anything they may be dealing with; nothing is too small. You can contact us through phone, instant messaging and email for a non-judgemental, non-directive, non-advisory and completely confidential listening ear. Also, if you’re interested in in helping others, developing your own skills and qualities and adding a little something to your CV, join us. However, Nightline is not just about helping other students, it’s also a family which offers a safe place for the volunteers. For more information you can contact Caitlin Thompson at You can also get more information or apply at or email (no previous experience is required as training will be provided). We also have a FB page where we post information and motivational materials @nightlinedundee so go follow us for updates!

ENQUIRY CENTRE Here to Help There are a range of services to help students make the most of life at the University of Dundee. If you are not sure where, what or who to ask –contact the ‘Enquiry Centre’; whether its University accommodation advice, careers guidance, money issues, study support, ‘Stay on Course’supportor general wellbeing matters, we can help or put you in touch with the appropriate service. We can also arrange Citizen Advice appointments on campus if required. We provide workshops, events and activities aimed at helping you develop the personal skills you need to gain the career you want when you graduate. For further information visit us at the Enquiry Centre, Campus Green. Telephone:01382 381900, 64

SPORTS UNION The Sports’ Union (SU) has a wide range and variety of sports teams. From Athletics and Archery right through to Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball, resulting in over 40 sports clubs to join. Many clubs are competitive, competing against British Universities (BUCS), Scottish Universities (SSS) and within local leagues. Some clubs are recreational but all clubs provide a sense of community which can really add to your university experience. During the year the SU holds events like the annual Blues and Colours ball and Campus sport - where you get to try a sport. If you are interested in finding out more about the sports clubs, the SU and the events we run throughout the year please check out the SU handbook, the SU facebook page and the SU website. There are so many clubs to join. I thoroughly encourage you to get involved – you won’t regret it! Alexandria Scott President of the Sports’ Union Email: Website: FB: sportsunion



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