Interaction Design and the impacts

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Interaction Design


Du Tai HUYNH s3307958 Methods in Design Research and Practice lecture : Robert Eales DAte of submission: 15 Oct 2014


Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice



Identify field of practice Case studies Practioners and design organizations







Methodology and strategies





Mobile Ethnography











Flat-pack furniture community website



Social network detractor app



Reflective Journal



Learning Testimonial






Task2:Design Practice Method

Task 3: Design Proposals

Task 1

Review of a Field of Practice

Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

The evolution of technology has increased dramatically over the century. This has led to the increased amounts of time that people interact with these devices. Additionally, human needs have risen and more complicated. Therefore, interaction design is created to answer it. This has led to the increased amount of time that people interact with these devices. This essay will discuss the development of interaction design and how it influences to society.

Identify field of practice Interaction Design is the way people interact with technologies such as computer systems; device applications. The purpose of interaction design is to connect computer hardware and software. It means to build a positive relationship of human and technology. These days the power of computer technology has created many ways of operate and communicate between users and devices. (Interaction Design Basics, 2014).It presents the framework and characteristics of products and services

through the systems’ communication and functions; also lets designers recognize people needs, business goals and technological capacities ( Wroblewski, 2006). Interaction design is the general name of the design which is applied User Experience (U/X) or User interface (U/I). There are three case studies that help to understand about interaction design fields.

(Source: Image by Ewan Watt)

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Case study 1: Squarespace

Case study 2: MEASURE DHS

Squarespace is a website builder that helps people customize their website with the use of tools. It has always focused on the user interface and how to make the brand feel personable and more user friendly. The Squarespace website sees user experience

MEASURE DHS is a survey application on smart device developed by Adobe Phonegap which presents many data categories in the world. . The development of this app has started by a project named Demography and Heath Survey (DHS) in 1984. It has collected and disseminated 300 surveys ‘data at households from 90 countries around the Earth. This information includes population, health; HIV and nutrition which help to manage formulate policy as well as plan, observation and evaluate the health impact. Because of the useful from this project, MEASURE DHS was continued funded by US Agency for International

(Source: Squarespace. Image by unknown)

as high priority because of a variety of user needs including user-focused strategy, analysis and the design perspectives. They have applied three types of methods into their website structure. First, they have to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the specific devices and how it impacts on customers views. Secondly, Squarespace uses personas to match their products to a wide range of customers. Finally, they approaches high tech features to the website such as online payment and social gadgets (CO.LABS, 2014).

Development and implemented experienced data collection by ICF International. It is important not only to data but also to user interface in general. Therefore, Adobe Phonegap collaborated with Blue Raster to help accessible the thousands of participants. According to co-founder Blue Raster – Michael, an organization will not survive without high-performance of smart device applications today and tomorrow. Therefore, the application develop tea built up rapidly and cost-effectively launches a complex, GIS data visualization app across iOS and Android devices, as well as Windows phones moving forward. MEASURE DHS allows user access to data on Wi-Fi or mobile date 4G modes; and running in different devices. It also delivers a high-performance web and mobile user experience inside an intuitive user interface of flat design style. (Big data on small screens, 2013)

(Source: Phonegap Image by unknown)

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Case study 3: Arduino Thirdly, Arduino is another example of an open-source platform program for creating personal interaction projects. To run Arduino projects, users need a physical circuit board connected to a computer and Arduino code editor software. It is designed to be uncomplicated to use without being an expert programmer ( What is an Arduino?, 2014). Nowadays, Arduino is the most popular program in interactive design for both amateur and advanced users for projects of all sizes. For example, Arduino has been used to make robots, controllers

and various sensory gadgets. Compared to other micro controller platforms, Arduino is quite affordable. The software can run on all the operating systems including Windows, Macintosh OSX and Linux. Furthermore, there is an open-source run by experienced programmers to assist users’ coding projects (ARDUINO).

(Source: Image by unknown)

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Design practitioner 1 Alan Cooper Throughout the history of interaction design, there are many noticeable contributors who have dedicated their creativity to this field. Firstly, Alan Cooper is a pioneer of interaction design. He

(Source: wikipedia. Image by unknown)

used personas as a methodology to create high-innovation products. He looked at the software constructions in a critical manner. According to Copper first book “Visual basic”, he discussed the essential needs of users rather than how users should interact with the design process.

(Cooper, About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design, 1995). Dealing to a rapid developing software industry, he started consulting to help other design companies’ applications become more user-friendly. He emphasised on users’ needs initially by using design methodologies to interview and gauge their feelings during product usage. He first introduced a new interaction design methodology called Personas in 1999 (Cooper, The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity, 1999). It became very popular in the software industry because of the influence result. His genuine message delivered to business person to help them understand users’ goals and how to satisfy the customers which means building a business system as a priority duty. (Dubberly, 2001). Today, he is the President of Cooper, a dominant interaction design company that solves all the interaction design challenges it comes across, whilst also offering training courses in software design.

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Design practitioner 2: Johnathan Ive A senior president at Apple - Johnathan Ive had led to design the most Apple smart devices and especially iOS 7 operation. According to an American business magazine Fortune, if Steve Jobs established

(Source: wikipedia. Image by unknown)

and spread out Apple reputation, Ive built up them. Therefore, Apple became the most well-known company in the world today because of Ive contribution. As a senior vice president at Apple, he also provides leadership and direction for human interface. To succeed, Ive worked

for many design companies to accumulate experience and show his point of view of modern design. His designs used to be rejected because it was over the client’s budget and too modern. Therefore, Ive left his job to prove the idea. Then he started to work for Apple after creating the first PowerBook designs. Moving to Apple was the biggest change of his life and the design’s world. The first design was iMac before the appearance of a series of smart devices such as iPhone, iPod and iPad. At Apple, he proceeded to establish the “Apple Style” which is functionally clean, elegant and remarkable products (Arlidge, 2014). Not only is the physical design, Ive designed iOs7 operation running in the Apple devices. It totally turned out the aesthetic trend and has marked their own graphic style (Cohen, 2013).

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Design organization: Nintendo

(Source: wikipedia. Image by unknown)

Last but not least, Nintendo is the largest Japanese video game company who has been a major player in the technology and gaming industry since entering into electronics in 1970. While for years they dominated the market for virtual gaming, a rise in competition within the industry presented serious challenges for the company (Nintendo). They have designed a wide range of home and handle game consoles for 25 years such as Nintendo DS, Gameboy and Wii. Succeed in the portable game market is not a phenomenon by selling over 400 million products across the world in more than 30 years (Miller, 2014). The

reason is that Nintendo took the advantages from interaction design controller to prevent disease and educate children during playing time. With Wii, gamer controls their characters by using the Wii remote. It used a pointing device and detects movement in three dimensions through user’s gesture, unlike PlayStations from Sony or Xbox from Microsoft. This design is not only marking the technology in game industry but also requiring physical activity behaviour and health among the vast increasing obesity in the world (Matthew Plow, 2013).

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Methodologies of interaction design To create an outstanding result in interaction design, designers have to experience many essential stages to accumulate the knowledge and find out the best methodologies to apply it into their products. First of all, interaction designers will apply their research techniques to investigate the habits of users, the capabilities of the technology and the environment where it will be used. Secondly, they are going to brainstorming variety of possible concepts before chose the final design consequent to logical reasons such as vision and expected purposes. However, interaction designers need to create an alternative concept to solve some potential problems that may help to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the primary design. Thirdly, once the concept has solid development, they start to make first prototype to test the role of the product during users’ life, second prototype may be used to test ergonomics and aesthetics so the look and feel can be

accepted or refined and the third type of prototype is from testing implementation of the product. These prototypes are created to emphasize the product’s interactivity and also correct the issues instantly, in other words following exactly the right plans. Finally, the product will be manufactured after consumer testing. Depending on the result, the product can move forward, be sent back for changes or be totally demolished which means requiring to re-do those stages mentioned before. (Interaction Design, 2011)

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

Strategies of interaction design

Interaction design cannot accomplish without using two most well-known strategies such as User Experiences and User Interface. User Experience (UX) is a long process. From tracking user behaviour and emotion at the first time, UX brainstorms ideas to improve these personal aspects about using a particular product, system or service. The main goal is to improve the service or functions; and pleasures provided in integrate between customer and the product. (Gube, 2010). It presents consumers feeling when they are collaborating with a system such as a website, mobile application, software, devices. User Experience design is applied in to many other fields. For example, in audio engineering field, sound design is part

of interaction design. In industrial design, most of related products are controlling devices or ubiquitous computing which exists everywhere (Research Center for Educational Technology, 2006). According to the Informatics R&D Laboratory, the advantages of applying User Experience to the products or services is creating a durable customer believe and gaining more credits. Therefore, the company is not reliable on the customer consumption, documentation and training sessions. They also can reduce the development time, for instance, developers will do less work if the design is durable and has been approved and on the other hands, customers will run their task efficiently. User Interface is a describing the way people directs a device or an application. The fundamental characteristic is making a good user interface and producing a user-friendly experience that can acknowledge a natural and intuitive interaction between human

and products. (User Interface, 2009). In more details, physical or logical information is transferred from two different devices or systems, called an interface. For instance, User Interface on a computer exists on display, keyboard and mouse. There are two common types of user interfaces on the display: the command line interface (CLI), which contains text only such as MSDOS operation. Unlike the graphical user interface (GUI), this also includes images such as Microsoft windows or Mac OS X. (Graphical User Interface). Applying User Interface to a product or services has been recently become very advantageous for catching customer’s attention. There are some considerable reasons for this strategy among a large of successful business. Firstly, User Interface presents professional results and provides user-friendly atmosphere to the users. During the time using the products or services, it is comfortable for user and speed up their works. Secondly, it’s absolutely more attractive for nontechnical people in other words sufficient for all categories of customer.

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Task 1: Review of a Field of Practice

INTERACTION DESIGN Squarespace is a website builder that helps people customize their website with the use of tools.

Arduino is an open-source platform program for creating personal interaction projects

Interaction Design is the way people interact with technologies such as computer systems; device applications. The purpose of interaction is connecting computer hardware and software. It means to build a positive relationship of human and technology.



the way people directs a device or an application. The fundamental characteristic making a good user interface produces a user-friendly experience that can acknowledge a natural and intuitive interaction between human and products.

the process of build-up satisfaction and enjoyable from the customer by improves the service or functions and pleasure provided in integrate between customer and the product. It presents how user feel when they collaborating with a system such as a website, mobile application, software, devices.

Alan Cooper is a pioneer of interaction design consultancy by using the personas as a methodology to create high-innovation products

Nintendo is the largest Japanese video game comapny who has been a major player in the technology and gaming industry

• Industrial design : Controls , Physical Prototyping, Product design •Graphic design : Web, application desing or interface design. •Architecture : Interactive Environment •Audio Engineering: Sound design •Motion Design : Design simulation

Reseach Interaction designer

Evaluate Design

Flat design user interface is inspired from two-dimensional illustrations. It is a simple combination design between Bauhaus style and typographic style that focuses into elegant components, crisp edges and bright colors.


Solving problems


Jonathan Ive is a successful designer from Apple. He mainly designed most of apple smart device and especially iOs7 operation. He proceeded to establish the “Apple Style” which is functionally clean, elegant and remarkable products.

Testing Assingment 1 HUYNH DU TAI

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Task 2

Design Practice methods

Task 2: DesignPractice Methods

Mobile Ethnography Ethnography is scientific research strategy which based on the observation of human behaviour and interaction with services or products such as interview and questionnaires (Marc Stickdorn, 2012). In term of word definition, “ethno” means human while “graphy” is about writing. Hence, mobile ethnography describes a process where researchers collect information from users by using communication devices. It is becoming a popular method because of the improvement of mobile phone technology (Survey Analytics, 2012). Mobile ethnography can guide researchers not only to get user information possibilities, but also receiving experiences and feedback. Mobile ethnography is convenience. It is used anywhere and at any time which allows people gather time, location and user-centred information. It may include the touch point where they interact with a particular service and document by using a combination of audio, text, photo or video.

For example, Surveswipe is an application on smart device which is used for collecting feedback from your customers, students, peers or any target group. As an user, they will complete a survey about what they think about the goods. Survey invitation will be sent to the smart devices from a product development team. Users will be encouraged to fill surveys to earn more points and they can claim their rewards. The more point they have, the greater the rewards. (How it works, 2014) Mobile Ethnography provides designer an inside view and ability to observe people lives. People will feel lost their privacy if creators inspect them. However, nowadays smart devices tend to be familiar with users; in other words, people believe their personal devices more than for foreigners. The main reason is people are willing to share their daily activities through smart devices. Therefore, applying this type of methodology in research is really efficient.

Priority Music is a reward event for loyal customers from mobile phone provider “The O2”. O2 users can get advantageous access when they come to this music festival such as VIP tickets, exclusive access to the lounge and priority seating. Therefore, The O2 collaborated with Ignite Research to create this productive application that allows O2 accompanies customers’ activities during their music festival. They used effective mobile ethnographic app that be able to help participants controlling their

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Task 2: Design Practice Methods

authentic music experiences in different ways. Moreover, The O2 also caught their experiences and emotions in all situations without clashing or influence while having a window to observe their realtime experiences. Finally, Priority Music experience received positive feedback from customers. It created a belief between The O2 development team and customer. From this event, they can use it as fundamental resources to design more enjoyable events. (Ignite Research, 2013) Link:

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Task 2: DesignPractice Methods

Role-playing In general, Roleplaying is an assumption of attitude, actions to help other people understanding the different point of view in a situation.In term of design, roleplaying is a performance or physically acting out scenarios when users interact with products or services. Then, it becomes a fundamental structure for user understand of the product or service through some of its functionalities (Role playing, 2009). There are two type of role playing such as face-to-face and online role playing. Taking the role of the user and acting out their interactions with a product or services can prompt more intuitive responses and help you to refine their designs. Roleplaying is particularly used for testing new concepts in three basic features such as the interaction between different groups, participations in many environments and variety of tools. (Service Design Tools, 2009). Moreover, roleplaying performs an intuitive interaction with a product. It’s essential for build-up a test of interaction design. It also finds out characteristics of

a products or services from the user or retailer activities. (designcouncil, 2011). From there, designer can solve the issues came from the role playing process, and create a confident for their goods. For instance, role playing is an important service design tool for IDEO in working with clients and customers. The roleplaying session focused into identify issues of interaction between participants’ activities and service, product clients. . Users will try to provide natural body movement or reaction in some of scenarios in a half or full day structured workshop. Finally, they received a large quantity and quality

of experience from 8 to 20 participants divided into 3 to 5 people per group. The workshop is well suited with the formal meeting to provide the best environment for running the session and capturing it. Role playing techniques make the process more experiential and creatively generative. Role playing is complimentary to traditional design techniques providing additional team dynamics and insights that bring the process and designs to another level of maintaining group purposes and understanding the ground context. (Simsarian, 2010) Online role-playing from RMIT university website is an e-learning strategy for students to learn and improve a range of skills including problem solving and ethics. Teacher can create a role playing game by setting up a structure modes such as tradition al role-play, fishbowl with a demonstrated role-play or interactive fishbowl role-play. They can require a number of students to engage in by playing as a service user, client or participants.

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Task 2: Design Practice Methods

With a script and their role, students will perform theories and model to respond in a professional way. The purpose of this approach is to improve private and collaborate problem fixing. Moreover, it presents some visionary feedback and become an opportunity to practice those role-playing skills. The data base of roleplaying is provided by Fablui and Project ENrole. (Practicalities, 2014)

Link: php?id=3&id1=0&id2=7 dsof

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Task 2: DesignPractice Methods

Protot yping Prototyping is a variation of full scale models that can present user perform realistic functions by interacting with a quick model. It is a system development methodology used before product a final product (SEblogs , 2009). The most advantage of prototyping methodology is to decrease time and cost. It can achieve the specific requirements from designers. Firstly, the initial prototype doesn’t include all the major of program modules, data, input and output. However, it must contain the main functions of products. Secondly, because it is built up from inexpensive materials, developers will be able to change the concepts or idea to make it better without consideration (SEblogs , 2009). Another benefit of this methodology is to develop user involvement. It allows customer take part in the product, experience in a set up time and provide feedback to designers. The prototype presentation will prevent

understanding and communication issues. As a prototyping continues, a better version prototype will be created without issues and more closely to the ultimate functions. The process keeps running until the customers and designers all satisfy with the products. So when the prototyping process finishes, the prototype has become the final product. ( What is Prototype model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?, 2012)

balanced bucket and a pivot. Over many years, Monitor Sensors have created several types of rapid prototyping technologies and tested in different materials. Firstly, they prototyped three separated metal moulds and soldered them together then powder coated. However, it went to unexpected results such as inaccurate, cost money and time. After that, Monitor Design collaborated to Redeye On demand and they solved those problems immediately with FDM technology (RedEye, 2012). According in many presentations, they constructed a prototype from black ABS-M30 because of their characteristics such as strength, durability and appearance. Not only one prototype, they have been created more than 10 prototypes and they still brought out the best result in accurate during few weeks.

For instance, a bucket rain gauge has several components that can measure accurately the amount of rainfall. It lands in to a funnel of the rain gauge before dripping into two

An example of prototype methodology is Microsoft multi-touch mice. At Microsoft’s Labs, they do a variety of prototypes which explored the organic forms such as Cap

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Task 2: Design Practice Methods

mouse, Side mouse, FTIR mouse, Orb mouse and Arty mouse. All the forms aimed to reach the customer vision about mouse appearances and standard interface in that period. Moreover, they also want to add multi-touch control that matches with the mouse form as well. Therefore, Microsoft can expect the increasing of customer purchasing the mouse that always require high technology and good-look product in their working environment. Links: microsofts-insane-new-multi-touch-micedemoed-on-video/ h t t p : / / w w w. a r t c o r p . c o m / p r o t o t y p i n g _ sporting_ goods.html examples.html S_ Monitor.aspx

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Task 3

Project proposals

Task 3: Design Proposals

Flat package furniture website Keywords :

User experiences, interface, prototyping, furniture


Research question: - What is the purpose of this website? -How to design this website more attractive and affective? -What kinds of method will help administrator collect feedback from customers? - What strategy will provide result of the variety of new and old way of assemble? - How to explore design for different types of customer and environment such as office, home or outside?

Abstract/ summary Furniture Package is a community website in which designers are allowed to present their flat-package furniture. The main point of this website is to share the newest way of assemble. Then other designers are allowed to take those ideas to apply in their designs, in order to prototype that idea and provide feedback to the forum. It can be known as a user experience but the idea will be examined by other designers then customer before it’s going to be manufactured. The website will be designed to reach the standard of user interface, in other words, creating a user-friendly environment and professional website. The layout also supports creative user interactions for videos and features that can be tweaked and modified at any time. The design is consistent from desktop browsers down to mobile devices, multi-language, letting their products and idea go through. In addition, the website provided fully designed templates for their new e-commerce platform that ensured the look and feel

would be consistent when customers made online purchases. To maintain and improve the website services and functions, it always asks users take a survey every month.

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Task 3: Design Proposals

flat pack




furniture design

coding website brainstorm

Interaction design smart devices user experience prototyping methodologies and processes

Flatpack furniture community website

user-experiences (Testing)

launching problems solving

Design interface user-friendly envionment attractive professional technology features website

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Task 3: Design Proposals

Schedule Before starting to launch the website, the project needs to collaborate with some furniture designers who have experience about flat-packed products. They will provide some products which have been done or variety ways of assembling. (1 month) Creating basic website with ideas: exchange and selling design, discussion topic, testing topic, manufacture client, retail client,... ( 2 weeks ) Spreading the website around advertising ( 1 month) Collecting feedback from website survey ( 1 week ) Solving problems and enhancing better user interface design. Furniture Package website will land on the most effective approach in communicating design. Succinct, personable copy, engaging images and videos were some of the methods are used to create a visual narrative that present to participants.( 3 weeks) Time by time, the website will collect

feedback from users to maintain and develop.( 1 month ) Estimated time : 6 months

Budget This project is created an online community for designer exchange the idea and selling their designs. Firstly, it needs approximately $200 to create a basic website with a domain via a web builder The website will be advertised in many ways such as website, social networks, pamphlets. Design exhibitions, universities are best two places in which could be help the website becoming wellknown. ( $300) If the result was positive responded, I will contact with a graphic designer to coding a new website based on the previous version. ( $1500) Maintenance cost is $250 per month. News feeds of both your content (outgoing) and adding content to the site (incoming) $400 Contact forms and surveys $300 and up

Newsletters $400 – $900 Advertising integration (Google AdWords) $200 Photo gallery is free ( by myself ) Social media: Create and manage social media network profile such as Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn etc. $500–$2000 Estimated cost: Approximately $3000

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Task 3: Design Proposals

Related images

(Source: internet. Image by unknown)

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Task 3: Design Proposals

Social Net work Detractor Keywords: Social networks, detraction, , app developer, user interface, paper prototyping.

Research question: What are efficiency ways to stop over-using social networks? How to create the best user interface for this application? Will survey become a good way to get a customer feedback? How to balance your time between society and online ? How to encourage people concentrate into their real jobs instead of wasting time on social networks ? How to help social network disorders understand the priority works ?

Abstract: Social Network Detractor is a smart phone application that can help reducing time of using virtual communities. Basically, the app will be designed to measure the period of time or amount of data using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and more. The time will be set up by user and if it goes over, the smart phone will automatically disconnect internet. Therefore, the devices will only run its original function such as calling or using non-social network apps. Another function of this application is to remind user spend more time to finish their priority tasks. People can create a job list to do. The application will prevent user using social networks by block the internet or deactivated your accounts until their job list has been done. To apply those ideas in to the application, the team need to spent a lot of time to build up the user-friendly environment. The reason is that most people will become negative for first time using it before getting use to with it. Therefore, the application has to encourage and persuade them in

the effective ways. Develop team need to spend time to find out the good convincing replies and testing it before moving on to the user experience process.

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Task 3: Design Proposals

connection user-friendly

smart devices

Design interface


application entertainment connects



paper prototyping

develop basic app functions

social network online society


problem solving

mostly used addictive

testing on 50 social network disorders volunteers

disorder testing on 100 social network disorders volunteers

problem solving



user experience encourage

launching to application market

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Task 3: Design Proposals



1. Brainstorming the idea of the best way to stop over-using online social networks ( 1 - 2 weeks ) 2. Contact with application developer to discuss the idea and user interface layout for the application (1 week ) 3. Starting develop it and send out the app to around 50 volunteers who have social-network disorder ( 1 month ) 4. Ask them for feedback and problem when using the app, listen to the user experience ( 2 weeks ) 5. Contact with app developers to improve it such as application functions, user interface display, bug fixed. (2 weeks ) 6. Send it back to 100 social-network disorder volunteers including the old and new user ( 1 month ) 7. Solving problem if it still need improve ( 2 weeks ) 8. Start launching them to smart device application markets Estimated time: 5 months to officially introducing.

According to the research about cost to develop a mobile app, the average is approximately $6000 It could rise depend on the complexity or well-known brand app. However, as a design student, I can apply my ability in to some basic process such as paper brainstorming; explored idea and start write a basic interacting application. It could help me minimize budget. From here, I can find an average app developer to start build it up until I satisfy with the result. I would say my budget will not run too far 3000$.

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Related images

(Source: internet. Image by unknown)

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reflective journal 1.Case Study of interaction design The Protégé is a gas meter measuring tool designed by Bressler Group. The equipment is essential to design that’s simple to learn and use. Their users don’t have time to trouble-shoot device. The tool is created really simple which has 2 buttons calibrating controls and basic operation. The bright LCD screen is backlit and reflective with a high-contrast palette that’s viewable in many environments and from all angles. We steered clear of touchscreens because of users’ inability to interact with them while wearing bulky gloves. Especially, the gas measuring tool is applied some high technologies such as gas smoke sensor, visual alarms and the visual access to critical information that saves lives under all conditions. (Bressler Group, 2013).

2. Roleplaying and Service Roleplays can be happened all contexts or environments. It doesn’t have any specific field to apply in. Using Roleplaying is a tool to demonstrate to other people about what will happen or people reaction in a situation. Put yourself and partners in many characters in a situation and acting out. It can deliver information of the product or service function. (Service Design Tools, 2009) 3. Visual diagram related to field of practice

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4. Personal review of flat design Continuing on with the graphic trend flat design user interfaces, it was inspired from two-dimensional illustrations. It is a simple combination design between Bauhaus style and typographic style that presents elegant components, crisp edges and bright colours (TURNER, 2014). The first modern company applied this design is Microsoft - Window 8; Apple iOS and Google -Android followed up respectively. These days, it becomes popular in the graphic design market. Examples include websites or applications layout and operating systems. Designs with dark backgrounds

and bright colours are more attractive even if the design concept remains simple. It can deliver information faster and easier than other designs. (Clum, 2013). Enhancing user experiences on flat design layouts emphasises the fundamentals of design such as functional features. Therefore, designers can receive feedback from customers and make it more user-friendly. ( Why and How to Incorporate Flat Design into Your Website, 2014).

(Source: wikipedia. Image by unknown)

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learning testimonial Throughout all the tasks about field of practice, I learnt a lot of knowledge about interaction design. The reason of choosing it is that I want to explore another field of design which is the most well-known major at the moment and future. For the first few weeks, I spent a lot of time to research about the definitions, some best case studies and practioners. It helps interaction design become as the most important job and influence to another fields such as medication, multimedia and industrial design. After that, I explored into many types of methodologies that help interaction design achieving the best results. Finally, in the last few weeks of the course, I transferred that knowledge to two proposals. They are flat-packed furniture community website and social network detractor application which are applied user experience and design interface strategy. The course was really helpful but I had to over-come some of the challenge. Firstly, it was difficult to choose a field of practice

because there are a lot of interesting options that can lead you to another way. However, interaction design has a power of technologies and potentiality. Secondly, Interaction design also has a massive connection to society so I can understand the benefit of them. Thirdly, I have spent a lot of time to create proposals combining interaction design and furniture design. According to the course, I discovered that I’m interested into design user interface. It can help me improve the vision of userfriendly environment for my own website or some kind of paper works such as résumé and portfolio.

Critical personal opinions: Interaction design is a noticeable field from this decade to the future and I convince that we can’t measure how it’s influencing to our society. Because in ever. Throughout case studies mentioned before, I assume that interaction design will creates more invention to assist other fields such as engineering, industrial design and graphic design. It’s no doubt that technology has changed the world due to minimize the gap between users and devices by interaction design. In the other words, it is enhancing and improving human-technology interactions; also making the user experience more enjoyable to achieve their valuable purposes.

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