BEEFORE AND AFTER the decline of the honey bee
The Honeybee
-Prime Pollinators -Sustaining Argiculture -Ecological Relationships -Crop Diversity
They Help Sustain Life on Earth
MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF HONEY -Naturally filled with anti-bacterials and microbials -Riddled with vitamins -Reduces swelling, pain, rehydrates, prevents infection, speeds healing. -the darker the honey the better it works.
-Significant shortages since 2008 -Prices rising -Almond crops are being affected -Some success with rejuvenating the hives
Colony Collapse
What is CCD? -A syndrome caused by different factors in combination The key symptoms: -Adult bee population suddenly disappears without any accumulation of dead bees -bees aren’t returning to the hive -brood, queen, and only a small cluster of adults left in hive
What makes this bee disorder different from other diseases and disorders? -Brood aren’t being taken care of -The remaining cluster of adults won’t eat -Disappearing from the hive is uncharacteristic of bees
-15% of the colonies that died in the 2008/09 winter had symptoms of CCD -High levels of bacteria, viruses, and fungi found in dead bees -The combination of fungicides and miticides has a fatal interaction on bees -Some pesticides will kill larvae, but not adult bees -Higher temperatures reduce chances of infection -Supplemental protein improve in growth and survival -High-fructose corn syrup reduce immune responses
-Bees exposed to pesticides are getting lost -Bee colonies exposed to pesticides are smaller and the ratio of males to females is way off -The more pesticides bees are exposed to, the faster they die
-Be more knowledgeable about honey bees -Strict regulations regarding pesticide usage -Pollination Activites at current crops -Donations for new research -Raising global awareness ragarding the importance of pollenations and honey bees.
We must protect and conserve the honey bee They take part in an important Agriculture which is mutually beneficial to ecological relationships helping sustain life on the earth.
Feature, Julie EdgarWebMD. “Medicinal Uses of Honey: What the Research Shows.” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>.
“Honey Bees and Their Wondrous Products.” Honey Bees Wondrous Products. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <http://www.>.
Gili, Enrique. “Born to Bee Wild: How Feral Pollinators May Help Prevent Colony Collapse Disorder.” Grist. Grist, 9 May 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <>.
Thompson, Claire. “More Evidence Links Pesticides to Honeybee Losses.” Grist. Grist, 10 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <>.
CCD Steering Committee. “CCD Progress Report June 2011.” CCD Progress Report. USDA, June 2011. Web. 4 Sept. 2012. <>.