Devil's Gazette Vol. 1 Issue 3

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DEVIL'S GAZETTE WELCOME BACK August 2016 The Dougherty Valley Key Club New sletter Volum e 1 || Issue 3

Table of Contents Presi dent's Blurb


New s Edi tor's Blurb


Old Busi ness || Sum m er Event Gallery


Com m i ttee Chai rs


Past Fundrai ser


Cheer of the Month


Upcom i ng Events


Check These Out!


Closi ng

Presi dent's Blurb Hello Dougherty Valley Key Clubbers, What's up what's up Dougherty Valley Key Clubbers! Hope your summer was amazi ng and regardless of what you have done over the summer, I hope we, as a club, can jump back ri ght i nto thi s new school year wi th a mi nd and heart focused on i mprovi ng our home, schools, and communi ti es. Wi th that sai d, amazi ng opportuni ti es such as Fall Rally North (a bi g fundrai ser for the Pedi atri c Trauma Program) and Regi on Trai ni ng Conference (trai ni ng on how to become better leaders i n our world) are comi ng up so be on the look out for that! As always, remember to attend events and meeti ngs and i f you have any questi ons, our board wi ll always be avai lable for you! Just shoot us a message and we wi ll gladly respond to i t as soon as possi ble! Thank you so much for bei ng acti ve and readi ng thi s newsletter! Hope you wi ll have an amazi ng day!

Burni ng wi th Servi ce, Andrew Chuang 2016-17 Club Presi dent

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

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News Edi tor's Blurb Hi Dougherty Valley Key Clubbers! School has begun and I hope your fi rst few week s of school have been goi ng swell! Some pretty great events are comi ng ri ght up our alley. I hope to see you guys at Fall Rally North, Regi on Trai ni ng Conference, and a ton of servi ce events thi s semester! For everyone joi ni ng Dougherty Valley Key Club, welcome! If you have some spare ti me please vi si t our websi te to learn more i nformati on on Key Club. I hope to see you guys at our fi rst meeti ng and at many servi ce events. Somethi ng comi ng up pretty soon i s our di vi si on's August DCM ! The DCM i s on August 27th from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Pleasanton's Ken M ercer Sports Park . I hope to see you there!

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

Burni ng wi th Servi ce, Jonathan Lum 2016-17 Club Bulleti n Edi tor

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U p c om

i n g Ke y Cl u b M aj or Ev en t s!

e c n e r e f n o C g

n i n i a r T n o i g 6 1 0 Re 2 2 1 t ober Oc

& 2n d ! t s 1 r e b o ct n c e on O e r e f n o C r ai n i n g T n o i g at i on ! e m R r r o i f e n i h t e r i ng ) f or m o u ar e h ol d h C 7 1 n & a i 9 iv Regi on u r LT G(V o t c a t n Co

Fal l Ral l y No Oct o r ber t h 22 Sav e th


e Da t e!

Old Busi ness Summer Events Gallery

June 2016

Taken By Sanjana Konduru

Relay For Li fe Balloons

June 2016

Taken By Sanjana Konduru

Thy & Vy at the Resi dent Fai r

August 2016

Taken By Jonathan Lum

Mt. Di ablo Pi cni c Area

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

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Commi ttee Chai rs Servi ce Projects

Vy Truong

M edi a and Communi cati ons

What Do They Do?

Emi ly Chueng

The Servi ce Projects Chai r helps fi nd local servi ce events and plan i ndi rect What Do They Do? servi ce events. They coordi nate w i th The Medi a and Com m uni cati ons Chai r volunteer coordi nators to fi nd volunteer helps create flyers to prom ote events. opportuni ti es for the club. The Chai r also com m uni cates w i th other m em bers and com m uni cates w i th the executi ve board on m em ber i ssues. They also m ai ntai n Dougherty Valley Key Club's soci al m edi a accounts.

Event Planni ng/Fundrai si ng

Thy Truong What Do They Do? The Event Planni ng/ Fundrai si ng Chai r plans i nter-club events as w ell as events i nvolvi ng other clubs. They also w ork w i th the Treasurer to create fundrai sers for the club.

Spi ri t

Ashna Vali a What Do They Do? The Spi ri t Chai r helps pum p of the club i n events and also creates spi ri t i tem s for the club. They educate m em bers on Key Club cheers as w ell as encourage m em bers to attend events.

Congratulati ons! Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

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Past Fundrai ser Back To School

T4 Fundrai ser

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

Inform ati on: When: August 15th 11AM-10PM Where: Bolli nger T4 Di scount: 10% Off Wi th Flyer Money Fundrai sed for PTP & MNT: $34

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Cheer Of The M onth FRN i s on i t's way and i t's ti me to learn another di vi si on cheer!

Flami ng Your Way! 2-6, 2-6 South! Flami ng?s what we?re all about! 2-6, 2-6 South! Flami ng?s what we?re all about! 2-6, 2-6 South! Flami ng?s what we?re all about!

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

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Upcomi ng Events Urban Farmers Servi ce Event: When: August 27th 10 AM - 1 PM Where: Contact Andrew Chuang for M ore Informati on

August DCM : When: August 27th 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Where: Pleasanton's Ken M ercer Sports Park

Catfi sh Open Water Swi m/Aquathalon: When: August 28th 6 AM - 10:30 AM Where: Contact Andrew Chuang for M ore Informati on

Fall Rally North: When: October 22nd ALL DAY Where: Si x Flag's Di scovery Ki ngdom M ore Informati on Wi ll Be Sent Out Soon

Regi on Trai ni ng Conference: When: October 1st - 2nd(OVERNIGHT) Where: Camp Jones Gulch YM CA Contact Andrew Chuang for M ore Informati on

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

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Check These Out! Ou r am azin g DIVISION edit or , Zoe Yao f r om Am ador Valley High Sch ool, h as m ade a f an t ast ic Au gu st n ew slet t er f or Division 26 Sou t h ! Ch eck it ou t below !

As w ell! Ou r am azin g CNH DISTRICT edit or , Ter yn Ngo, h as m ade an am azin g Au gu st n ew slet t er f or t h e Calif or n ia-Nevada-Haw aii Key Clu b Dist r ict ! Ch eck it ou t below !

Dougherty Valley Key Club Newsletter

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Thank You For Readi ng! From: The Dougherty Valley Key Club Executi ve Board Presi dent - Andrew Chuang

Secretary - Sahana Iyer

Vi ce Presi dent - Elai ne Ho

Treasurer - Sanjana Konduru

Vi ce Presi dent - Li lly M ei

Edi tor - Jonathan Lum

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