100 Fearless Women National Magazine

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Do it scared! The world's greatest inventors and businesspeople, failed many times. Miserably. But they believed in themselves and kept pushing: Get inspired by the stories of those who faced their fears and achieved greatness. Shut off and cut off toxic voices and influences around you. You can love them from a distance: Master the skill of setting healthy boundaries and preserving youremotionalwell-being.Createaplan/strategyandworkitout.Everyday:Gainpracticaltools forsettingachievablegoalsanddevelopingadailyroutinethatwillkeepyouontrack.



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You already know that "being fearless" doesn't mean having an absence of fear. Nope. It means you were scared,andyoudiditanyway.

Meet 100 women who have FACED FEAR DOWN and WALKED RIGHT ON into their destinies. They are not playing — and they don’t want to leave you stuck and frustrated. This national magazine was created to help women just like you leap forward, crushing fear. Soak up these women’s fierceness by reading their features, but most importantly, pay attention to how their mindset hadtoshiftsotheycouldeatfearforbreakfast.

Many studies show that women struggle more than men with fear and anxiety. The science points to the differences in brain chemistry and hormone fluctuations. Biology aside, you know that women tend to react differently to life events and have different coping mechanisms from men. We handle it differently. That’s why we need encouragement, especially from other womenwhohaveanovercomingmindsetaboutfear.

As a young girl, I lived in constant fear. I never knew when “the other shoe would drop,” meaning when my father, who suffered with the disease of alcoholism, would become even more violent and abusive, sending my mom, me, and my siblings running through the woods for our lives. I was already shy, this fearful environment certainlydidn’thelpwithdevelopingmyconfidence.

As I grew into adult life, I became an overachiever who played all strategies in my head before moving forward. This was my coping mechanism. I didn’t have to be fearfulifIvisitedallthepossiblescenariosandprepared myself to overcome and win at every turn. I wonder — doesthissoundlikeyou?BythetimeIreachedmy30s,I had a very successful career — but there was one problem.IwasnowsittingintheboardroomwithCEOs

and VPs and fear too often kept me from speaking up and being assertive. I was now running with the big dogs andhadtothinkonthefly.


One day I got tired — no, not just tired, but sick and tired — of being stuck on the wall. Internally, I was roaring: “NO MORE!” This Bible verse pierced me, twisted me, pounded me, and stood me up: “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6) It’s amazing how sixteen words can changeyourwholelife!

With these words shouting in my heart, I took my eyes off of people — horizontal thinking, or person-to-person focus.AndIbegantothinkvertically,me-to-Godfocus.

My new way of thinking: I am whom He says I am, and that is what matters. When I can meditate on His teachings and whom God says I am during my morning time with Him, I’m able to chew fear up and swallow it asIwalkintomyday.

It’s time for you to eat fear for breakfast, too. It’s time for you to roar, “NO MORE!”

The world is filled with successful women who refuse to allow their fear to hold them back. They get up every day and march toward greatness. These women aren’t any different from most women. They doubt themselves. They stay up worrying at night about their children, job, businesses, marriage, and money. And yep, they fear they’renotdoingthingsright.

Sound like you? Yeah, me, too. What makes them differentisthey’vedecidedtostarefeardowneveryday. They’ve learned that the very act of confronting and overcoming fears builds strength that keeps building until their foundation is rock solid. Not much can shake them. And now 100 of those fearless women are reachingbackforyou.Findyourselfintheirstories.




DPursuing Dreams and Inspiring Others to do the Same

r. Cheryl Wood is a renowned international keynote speaker,bestsellingauthor,andleadershipexpert.Asthe CEO of Global Speakers University, she equips entrepreneurs and leaders with the tools to communicate effectively and maximize their impact. Her passionfor pursuing dreams and empowering women globally has made her a go-to person for countless organizations, including NASA, Verizon, and the UnitedNations.

Dr. Cheryl Wood's inspiring journey began with a deep desire to break free from the limitations that others placed on her based on her background, education, and socioeconomic status. As she grew older and became a motherofthreechildren,shewasdeterminedtoproveto herself and others that she could achieve success on her own terms. With a passion for empowering women, Dr. Cheryl has spent the last decade helping women globally unleash the power of their voices and create economic independence through entrepreneurship. She is a renowned international keynote speaker, a two-time TEDxspeaker,atwenty-one-timebest-sellingauthor,and the CEO of Global Speakers University, where she trains and develops entrepreneurs and leaders to maximize theirimpactthrougheffectivecommunicationandpublic speaking. Her dedication and commitment have earned her numerous accolades, including the 2021 President's Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2019 GODSU HonoraryDoctorateofHumaneLetters.

Three Words that Define Dr. Cheryl: Driven, Passionate, Authentic

Dr. Cheryl is known for boldly taking big risks and defying the odds to create success on her own terms. She is equally known for her "lifting as we climb" approach to success, opening doors of opportunity for otherwomentosucceed.

A Pivotal Moment: Facing Fear to Host a Successful Event

One of Dr. Cheryl's most pivotal moments was when she hosted a large empowerment event for girls and women at a stadium in her own city/state. Despite initial fears about the event's success, she pushed through her fears and hosted the event, which was a massive success and madeasignificantimpactinhercommunity.

Dr. Cheryl's Advice: Run Toward Fear and Pursue What You Love

Dr.Cherylencouragesotherstoruntowardsfearinstead of away from it in order to reach their fullest potential. Pursuing what you love doing and doing it well is key to creatingthelifeyoudesire.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "Pursue the things you love doing and do them so well that people can't take their eyesoffyou."-MayaAngelou

Dr. Cheryl Wood's journey of pursuing her dreams and empowering women globally is an inspiration to all. Her fearlessnessanddedicationtosuccessonherownterms serve as a powerful reminder that with determination andpersistence,anythingispossible.



@cherylempowers /in/cherylempowers

@cherylempowers info@cherylwoodempowers.com




Don’t Allow Average to be Your Legacy

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson is a CEO, best-selling author, and speaker who has dedicated her life to serving others. She is the founding CEO of Matthew House, a nonprofit organization that provides food, shelter, and support services to the homeless in the Bronzeville area of Chicago. Dr. Sanja is also the CEO of Dr. Sanja Coaching & Consulting, where she helps visionaries create a lasting legacy through her coaching andmentoringprograms.

Three Words that Describe Dr. Sanja: Resilient, Committed, Confident

Dr. Sanja is known for her passion and philanthropist spirit, advocating for causes that are dear to her heart. She is a committed leader who is always willing to support others, especially women. Her leadership knows no bounds, as she serves as a founding pastor and apostolic leader for churches, women in ministry, marketplace,andpara-ministries.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

As a child, Dr. Sanja struggled with a speech impediment that made her fearful of public speaking. Educators told her she would not make it past high school or attend college, but she refused to let fear stop her from pursuing her dreams. She found courage by relying on her faith, encouraging herself, and learning to run towardherfearinsteadofawayfromit.

Dr. Sanja's Advice: Don't Allow Fear to Derail Your Dreams

Be intentional about your success and winning. Stop running from fear and start running toward fear. Allow your past failures to propel you to your next chapter. Shatter any barriers hindering your success, and never beafraid to disrupt the status quo because change isdisruptive.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "Don't allow average to be your legacy."

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson's resilience, commitment, and confidence have led her to become a successful entrepreneur,author,andadvocateforthehomelessand marginalized communities. She encourages others to crush mediocrity and overcome their fears to create a lastinglegacythatchangeslives.

info@omazingyou.com @srstinson @dr.sanjarickette in/dr-sanja
dr.sanja www.drsanja.com



Creating Your Own Reality

Tye Miles is a personal coach, personal brand strategist, metaphysician, best-selling author, and international speaker. She is the founder of Tye Miles International and serves as the COO of Media to Millions. Tye is passionate about women's empowerment, personal transformation, business development, and entrepreneurial success. She works with non-profit organizations, high-profile executives, entrepreneurs, and heart-centered leaders. Her expertise and experience have helped hundreds of women define and expresstheirbeauty,brilliance,andbeing-ness.


Your Own Reality," which provides students with the tools and strategies to manifest their dreams and goals. The course combines her expertise in personal coaching, metaphysics, and business development to provide a comprehensive approach to achieving success. Through the course, Tye empowers individuals to tap into their personal power and overcome limiting beliefs, allowing themtocreatethelifetheydesire.Hermissionistohelp people discover their purpose, build confidence, and take actiontowardachievingtheirgoals.

Three Words that Describe Tye: Passionate, Creative, Courageous

Tye once feared that she would die having lived a life that was not her own. She knew she was meant for more than just building a successful life motivated by proving to others that she was smart enough. Despite her fear of public failure and people calling her crazy for starting over with a new career, she decided to make some drastic changes in her life and business. After fifteen years as a successful hairstylist and salon owner, she sold her salon to further align her life and work with her passion for women's empowerment and entrepreneurship.

Tye's Advice: Fearless Pursuit of Your Dreams

Tye's advice to women is to be fearless in pursuing what they want, get comfortable with uncertainty, have faith in God and in themselves, take action, and stop allowing excuses, doubt, and negative self-talk to stop them. Tye believes that trust, support, and surrounding oneself with positive influences can help women become the best version of themselves. Her mantra is "I have the power to create my own reality. With every thought, belief,andaction,Iintentionallycreatemydreamlife."

thetyemiles /in/thetyemiles


Jamilla's Legacy: Minister, Motivational Speaker, Author, andWomen'sGroupFounder

Give ‘Em Something to Talk About!

eet Jamilla, a resilient woman whose life story embodies strength, determination, and unwavering faith. Born in Brooklyn, NY, she navigated the challenges of a transient childhood, moving between Brooklyn and Nashville, North Carolina. By 18, Jamilla had lost her grandparents, parents, and other close relatives, including a half-brother. This adversity, combined with her spiritual foundation in Christ and her time in the Army and National Guard, forged her into the formidable womansheistoday.

A Visionary Empowering Women: The Annual "Sister's Let's Giv'Em Something 2 Talk About Women's Empowerment!"

As an Event Visionary, Jamilla hosts a variety of annual events, but her most anticipated is the Annual "Sister's Let's Giv'Em Something 2 Talk About Women's Empowerment!" This powerful gathering brings together 300+ women of all backgrounds for networking, sisterhood, and candid conversations featuring keynote speakersandinfluentialpanelists.

The Driving Force: A Purpose-Driven Life

Jamilla's"why"isrootedinherfaithandhercommitment to ensuring that God's glory is seen through her life. Her purpose is to inspire transformation in others, ultimately helping them to live a more extraordinary life both spirituallyandnaturally.

Three Words That Define Jamilla Servant. Encourager. Fearless.

Jamilla is known for her many roles as a minister of the gospel, a motivational speaker, a 3-time published author, an encouraging voice, a mother, a wife, and a loyal friend. She is also the founder of the women's group "Sisters, Let's Giv'em Something to Talk About," which meets monthly to empower women and change negativenarratives.

Overcoming Fear: A Pivotal Moment

Jamilla's life took a dramatic turn when she faced the difficult decision to end her first marriage of thirteen years. Left homeless and facing intense public scrutiny, Jamilla persevered, focusing on creating a better life for herself and her children. Through prayer, self-care, and guidance from wise counselors, she emerged as the "Well-ArmedWoman"sheistoday.

Advice for Women Facing Fear

Jamilla encourages women to confront their fears headon, reminding them that they are often their own worst critics. She advises them to replace negative thoughts with positivity and to surround themselves with positive influencestopropeltheirdreamsforward.

A Powerful Mantra: "Keep Givin' 'em Something to Talk About!"

This catchy affirmation serves as a reminder for Jamilla and others to continue making an impact, changing lives,andinspiringothersthroughtheirjourney.

www.JamillaSRobertson.com jamilla_s_robertson JamillaSRobertson-Johnson connect
M Jamilla




Rising from the Ashes

Sharon Arrindell, the ordained pastor, professional Christiancounselorandtherapist,couples'coach,prolific author, and international speaker, is the owner and CEO ofInspiredWholenessEnterprise.Sharonhasoverfifteen years of experience as a lecturer and is a proud member of the International Society of Female Professionals and thehonorssororityKappaDeltaPi.

Sharon's "Why" Ascends from the Ashes

Sharon found the strength to rebuild her life after losing her fashion business, home, and marriage in a short amount of time. Her aim, inspired by her personal experiences, is to assist others in rising from the ashes of their setbacks and guiding them to a position of wholeness.

Three Words That Define Sharon: Tenacious. Patient. Resilient.

Sharon is well-known for her ability to assist people in recognizing and navigating life's difficulties, rerouting fromdetours,andperseveringinthefaceofadversity.

Overcoming Obstacles and Fear: A Watershed Moment

Sharon'sjourneyhasnotbeenwithoutdifficulty.Sharon's endurance was tested when she lost her home and valuables in a hurricane in 1999, followed by a divorce that left her a single parent to two children and on the verge of homelessness. Sharon had yet another difficult phase in her life after her second marriage ended in divorceduetoherspouse'sdrugaddiction.

Sharon's faith remained strong throughout these trying times, and she overcame her worries. She is now happily married to her "dream guy," and the couple has a lovely blended family of five adult children and nine grandchildren. Sharon is living her best life, using her experiencestomotivateandinspireothers.

Sharon Arrindell's tale is a stunning monument to the tenacity and fortitude that each of us possesses. She continues to assist people to overcome their own issues and emerge stronger and more full as a Christian counselor,therapist,andspeaker.


dr-sharon-arrindell-420192168/ facebook.com/profile.php?id=1814994585






Empowering Women to Embrace Their Sparkle

JaimieCornellisapurposecoachandthefounderof JDM Women of Worth, an organization dedicated to empowering women to reclaim their confidence and adoptapositivemindset.Throughherwork,Jaimieaims tocreatealastinglegacyforherdescendantsandmake aglobalimpactonthelivesofwomeneverywhere.

Jaimie's Defining Qualities: Resilience, Determination, Empowerment

Three words that capture the essence of Jaimie's spirit are resilience, determination, and empowerment. These qualities drive her work as a mentor, trainer, and speakerandinspirethewomenshehelps.

A Pivotal Moment: Confronting Fear and Embracing Growth

Jaimie's journey as a mentor reached a critical point whenshedecidedtocommittoherroleandinvestinit financially.Thisdecisionforcedhertofaceherownfears and insecurities and gain clarity on her motivations for becoming a coach, speaker, and facilitator. Though this process was challenging and required her to confront pasttraumas,Jaimierecognizedthatitwasnecessaryto growandeffectivelyhelpothers.

Advice for Women Facing Fear: Harness Your Inner Strength

Jaimieacknowledgesthatfearisanaturalemotion,but she emphasizes that it doesn't have to control you. She encourages women to identify the root causes of their fears and develop a plan to address them. Practicing self-care,includinggettingenoughsleep,exercising,and engaging in activitiesthatnourishthesoul,isessentiaL

l for overcoming fear. Jaimie reminds women that they arestrong,capable,andamazing.

Jaimie's Mantra: "Be Amazing! Never let anyone dull or takeaway your sparkle!"

Jaimie's mantra serves as an empowering reminder to embrace your inner strength, celebrate your uniqueness, andneverletanyoneoranythingdiminishyourlight.

Jaimie Cornell's mission to empower women to reclaim their confidence and positive mindset serves as an inspiration to countless individuals. Through her resilience, determination, and focus on empowerment, Jaimie is making a lasting impact on the lives of women aroundtheworld.

JAIMIE www.jdmwow.com admin@jdmwow.com


Welldonemygoodandfaithfulservant.Youhavebeen faithfuloverafewthings,I’llmakeyourulerofmany. Comeenjoyyourmaster’shappiness.

Dr.AngelaHarden-Mack,awellnessexpertand women'sempowermentcoach,isdrivenbyher passionforempoweringotherstolivegreatlives. Knownforherfaith,dedication,andenthusiasm,she facedherownfearsafterherfather'suntimelydeath.




IcandoallthingsthroughChrist whichstrengthenethme.-Philippians4:13

YolandaKChurchwell,CEOofTheBusiness AssistanceGroup,ispassionateabouthelpingwomen entrepreneurscreatebackendsolutionsthatenable themtoscaletheirbusinessestonewheights.Witha mantrabasedonPhilippians4:13,Yolandaremains focusedonherfaithandhermissiontoempowerand upliftwomeninbusiness.



"TrustintheLordwithallyourheartandleannotonyour ownunderstanding;inallyourwaysacknowledgeHim andHewilldirectyourpaths"(Proverbs3:5-6).

Christina Hawkins, a market intelligence analyst, and community volunteer is known for her hardworking, kind, and professional nature Driven by a passion for helping others, she navigates challenges by trusting inherfaith.

chrstna.L. Hawkins@gmail.com



ChristianCook,authorandpublicspeaker,isknown forhercuriosity,creativity,andstrategicthinking. Facingherownfears,shesuccessfullytransitioned intoanentrepreneurialcareer.Christianadvises otherstounderstandtherootoftheirfearsandmove forwardwithfaith and perseverance.





A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear

Trailblazing Entrepreneur, Musician, and Advocate for Change

cynthia Walker is a multifaceted entrepreneur, musician, and speaker, driven to inspire and uplift others. As the owner of The Bensky Group, LLC, which focusesonrealestateinvestments,andHygieneHelpers, an agency supporting dental practitioners in the Central Savannah River Area, Cynthia has built a successful career. She is also an author and a change-provoking speaker, passionate about providing care for those with specialneedsandtheelderly.

Finding Direction Through Life's Challenges

Cynthia's "why" stems from her experiences growing up in a single-parent household, which led her to face emotionalchallenges.

Through her trials, she discovered detours and roundabouts that guided her in the right direction, ultimatelyfindingherpaththroughfaithinChrist.

Three Words that Define Cynthia: Resilient, Courageous, Overcomer

Cynthia is known for her resilience, courage, and ability to overcome adversity. These qualities have driven her success in various aspects of her life, from her professionalendeavorstoherpersonalachievements.

Cynthia's Claim to Fame: Musician and Advocate for Special Needs and Elderly Care

Cynthia is renowned for her musicianship, having made history as the first African American female trumpet player in the Atlanta Olympic Band in 1996. She is also recognized for her mobile dental care services, providing essential careto those with special needs and the

Cynthia has faced numerous challenges in her life, including returning to school as a single parent, starting a business, and deciding to marry again. However, the most significant challenge was choosing to share her story in a book and speaking on public platforms. Cynthia's ability to "do it afraid" propelled her to new heights and allowed her to inspire others through her journey.

Advice for Women Struggling with Fear: Trust and Unlearn

Cynthia'sadvicetowomengrapplingwithfearistotrust in God and remember that fear is a learned behavior. She believes that if fear can be learned, it can also be unlearned, allowing women to break free from its grasp andlivealifeofcourageanddetermination.

Cynthia's Favorite Mantra: "My time is my most valuable asset."

This mantra serves as a powerful reminder to make the most of every moment and prioritize what truly matters inlife.

Cynthia Walker's inspiring journey showcases her resilience, courage, and ability to overcome adversity. Through her entrepreneurial pursuits, music, and advocacy, she continues to make a positive impact on the lives of others, encouraging them to embrace their ownstrengthandtriumphoverlife'schallenges.

cynthia www.Hygienehelpers.online cynthia-walkerrdh @cynthia.walker2U @cynthiawalker @reapingaharvest connect


A Woman Driven by Love, Faith, and a Heart for the Elderly

LizHoop,ownerandCEOofHoopCaresLLC,asenior concierge business providing transportation and caregiver services, is an award-winning, multi-time internationalbest-sellingauthorwhofindshercallingin ministering to others. A dedicated member of Magnolia Springs Church, Liz serves her community through various leadership roles in multiple organizations. Her passion for the elderly, her tireless work ethic, and her unwavering faith have earned her numerous accolades andrecognition.

A Calling Rooted in Love and Compassion

For Liz, the motivation behind her work is simple: she lovespeopleandhasaspecialplaceinherheartforthe elderly.Shesawagreatneedforhercompany'sservices inhercommunity,andshebelievesthatGodopenedthe doorsforhertostepinandmakeadifference.Bringing a smile to someone's face through love and attention is whatbringsherimmensejoy.

Three Words that Describe Liz: Hardworking, Personable, Integrity

Liz is known for her strong work ethic, her personable naturethatmakesherapleasuretoworkwith,andher unyielding integrity. These qualities have helped her establish trust and build lasting relationships with her clientsandcolleagues.

Liz's Reputation: A Woman of Faith and Compassion

Liz is widely recognized for her love of God and her steadfastfaith.Sheisknownasawomanwhogenuinely cares for people, treating them with kindness and respect. Liz is also a confidante,someone others can

trust and turn to them for support, and she deeply valuesherfamilyandfriends.

A Pivotal Moment: Stepping Out in Faith

When Liz found herself without a job and facing closed doors, she realized it was time to step out in faith and do what she was meant to do: start her own business. Through Hoop Cares LLC, she discovered that God was guidinghertotherightclientsandemployeestoprovide thebestcaregivingservices.

Encouraged by a friend to "do it scared," Liz took the leapandhasneverlookedback.

Liz's Advice: Trust in God and Find Support

Liz encourages others to trust in God and rely on His guidance. She advises them to read His word and seek out those who have faced and overcome similar fears. Byaskingforhelpandlearningfromothers'experiences, onecanconquertheirownfears.

Liz's Favorite Affirmations:

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will upholdyouwithmyrighteousrighthand." -Isaiah41:10

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future andahope."-Jeremiah29:11

Liz Hoop's incredible journey shows her passion to serve others, her everlasting faith, and her desire to improve the lives of the elderly. Liz inspires others to overcome their anxieties and follow their dreams through her business,leadership,andwords.

liz connect


Transforming Trauma into a Healing Journey of Empowerment

Theresa Tulloch, an ordained elder, author, and educator, has experienced a remarkable transformation in her life. Having overcome childhood trauma and adversity, she now serves as an inspiring example of the poweroffaithanddivinepurpose.

Discovering Purpose Through Faith and Perseverance

Theresa's journey to her purpose began when she faced life-threatening circumstances, prompting her to call on Jesus for strength. His love and mercy instilled a newfound hope within her, leading her to commit to a life that glorifies God and encourages others to focus on Hisgoodness,regardlessoftheircircumstances.

Three Words that Describe Theresa: Worshipper, Encourager, Servant

Theresa's life is marked by her unwavering devotion to God, her ability to uplift and inspire others, and her commitment to serving both her community and thedivine.

Teaching and Ministering Beyond the Classroom

Known for her dedication to educating children, Theresa's passion for teaching extends beyond the classroom. She is called to teach God's word both inside andoutsidethechurch,servingasanintercessoryprayer leaderandmentortootherspiritualleaders.

A Journey from Fear to Fearlessness

In her book, The Call, Theresa shares her personal story of overcoming fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem through the power of faith.Hertransformation into a fearless

woman was fueled by embracing her identity in God and relyingonHispromisesforstrengthandguidance.

Theresa's Advice: Activate Your Faith

Theresa encourages others to activate their faith by stepping out of their comfort zones and placing their trust in God. By praying and expressing gratitude in advance, one can experience the transformative power offaith.

Her Favorite Affirmation: Romans 8:28

"All things work together for the good to them that love God,tothemwhoarecalledaccordingtoHispurpose."


Theresa Tulloch's incredible journey of healing and empowerment is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, and divine purpose. Through her work as an educator, spiritual leader, and author, she continues to inspire others to overcome their fears and embrace thefearlesslifeGodhascalledthemtolive.

connect www.theresatulloch.com @Theresa_tull theresa28Tulloch@yahoo.com


Empowering Women to Discover Their True Beauty

mber Krystal, also known as Thee Beauty Coach, has dedicated her life to helping individuals who have experienced trauma transform their lives, rediscover their true identities, and embrace their inner beauty.

Finding Purpose Through Personal Healing

Amber's passion for helping others was born out of her own journey toward healing and self-discovery She believes that many people are living as a false version of themselves due to the impact of trauma and brokenness, and her mission is to help others experience the joy of walking in their true identity.

Three Words that Describe Amber: Introvert, Inspirational, Empowering

Amber is known for her ability to provide wisdom, revelation, and knowledge while also drawing on her interests in movies, TV, films, and magazines. Her unique blend of inspiration and empowerment makes her an approachable and relatable coach.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing the Future

Amber faced her own fears when she decided to leave her marriage, worried about the judgment of others Through a period of self-discovery, she found her true worth, identity, and inner beauty, ultimately pushing past her fears and moving forward.

Advice for Others: Retrain Your Mind

Amber emphasizes that fear is an emotion that keeps people trapped in cognitive dissonance. To break free, she advises retraining the mind, body, soul, and spirit in a gradual process of self-discovery and transformation.

Amber's Mantra: Empowering Inner Beauty

"I'm on a mission to empower women to fulfill their true beauty from the inside out."

Amber Krystal's story of personal transformation and healing is a testament to the power of self-discovery and inner beauty As Thee Beauty Coach, she continues to inspire and empower others to turn their trauma into transformation, helping them to see their true worth and embrace their authentic selves.

c o n n e c t




m b e r
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CherylBoone,anentrepreneur,author,songwriter, andrecordingartist,strivestoinspireandmotivate womentoachievetheirgoalsandembracetheir talents.Knownforherdetermination,loyalty,and trustworthiness,Cherylencouragesotherstolet theirfaithbebiggerthantheirfears.




"Everydayisanotherchancetochangeyourdirection andbelieveintheimpossibilities!"

Dr.Josephine"Dr.Jo"Harris,arenownedmental healthprofessional,coach,andadvocate,focuseson helpingindividuals,especiallymilitaryspouses, overcomementalhealthchallengesandachieve personalandprofessionalgrowth.



SheilaReynoldsisalicensedprofessionalcounselorand ministerwhoempowerswomenover40intransitional seasonstorediscoverthemselvesandreignitetheir passionforlife.Throughannualevents,retreats,and spiritualcoaching,shecreatestransformativeexperiences forwomentoachievetheirdreamsandgoals.




"Empowermentthroughtruth,healing, resiliency,andpersonalgrowth."

Dr.YolandaJerryisaninternationalbest-sellingauthor, speaker,andfounderofYJEmpowermentSolutions,LLC, focusingonhelpingclientsovercomepasttraumasandachieve personalandprofessionalgrowth.AsaretiredAirForce veteran,directorofwomen'sministry,andrecipientofthe LifetimeAchievementAwardfromPresidentJoeBidenand Vice-PresidentKamalaHarris,heradvocacyworkspanslocal andnationalcommunities.


"PreachtheGospelatalltimes,andwhennecessaryuse words."-St.FrancisofAssisi.


A Fearless Fighter and Advocate for the Homeless

Leslie Ramon, the owner of Ramon Insurance, has facedsignificantchallengesinherlife,butherresilience and fearlessness have led her to a life of service and advocacy.FromherworkwithJubileeHavensandMakea

Wish Mississippi to her role as a certified peer support specialist, Leslie is dedicated to making a difference in thelivesofthoseinneed.

Finding Purpose in the Face of Adversity

Leslie's journey to advocacy began during a particularly challengingtimeinherlife.Afteradivorceandtheloss ofherjob,shestruggledtosupporthertwochildrenand maintain her sobriety. It wasn't until she attended an insurance community event at a local soup kitchen that sherealizedthepowerofhelpingothers.Thisexperience led her to take on leadership roles within various organizations, ultimately finding her passion for serving thehomelesspopulation.

Words that Describe Leslie: Fearless Mentality, Refuses to Fail, Fighter

Leslie is known for her unwavering commitment to fighting for what is right, advocating for the homeless, andalwaysputtingothers'needsbeforeherown.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Challenges

Atherlowestpoint,Lesliefaceddepressionandsuicidal thoughts. However, she made the decision to rise above her circumstances, demonstrating to her daughters the importance of being a fearless fighter. Since then, she has not looked back, and her resilience continues to inspireothers.

Advice for Overcoming Fear: Face It Head On

Leslie encourages others to never give up and to confront fear directly. By breathing through fear and facing it head-on, individuals can pursue their dreams withoutallowingfeartoholdthemback.

Leslie's Mantra: Mastering Fear "Fearlessnessisnottheabsenceoffear.

It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more timethanwefalldown."

Leslie Ramon's personal journey of overcoming fear and adversity has transformed her into a fierce advocate for the homeless and a champion for those in need. Her fearlessness, refusal to fail, and fighting spirit serve as an inspiration for others to face their own challenges andmakeapositiveimpactintheworld.

connect www.ramon-ins.com leslieRamonis 228.235.2567



From Pain to Peace, Empowering Others through Transformation

AngelAllenTownsend,CEOofConsciousLiving,Inc.,is an accomplished author, speaker, and transformational coach who has devoted her life to helping others overcome trauma and embrace a life of joy and abundance. As the founder of The Shero Collective, a consulting hypnotist, and a speaker on numerous platforms, Angel draws from her own experiences to inspireandupliftothers.

The Journey from Trauma to Transformation

Angel's passion for helping others stems from her own history of early childhood trauma, domestic and sexual violence, and substance abuse. Through her journey towards healing and peace, she realized that sharing her story could empower others to overcome their own challengesandlivealifefilledwithhopeandabundance.

Three Words that Describe Angel: Tenacious, Giver, Visionary Angelisknownforherabilitytospeaklifeintosituations and people, her love for writing, praying with and for others, and her passion for music, dancing, and roller skating. She is also recognized for her creativity and her collaborativeapproachtosupportingothers'projects.

Facing Fear and Embracing Vulnerability

When Angel decided to write her book, Healing Waters, she faced the fear of revealing deeply personal experiences that few people knew about. Despite her fear of how others might perceive her, she believed that sharing her story would lead to mental and emotional freedom and peace. Taking the leap and telling her story provedtobeatransformativeexperience.

Angel Allen Townsend's journey from pain to peace has inspired her to empower others to overcome their own traumas and live a life of abundance, hope, and joy. Her tenacity, generosity, and visionary spirit demonstrate the transformative power of facing fear and embracing vulnerability. Through her work as a transformational coach, author, and speaker, Angel continues to touch countlesslivesandfosterhopeandhealing.

angel connect healingwaters.peacefulwomanprosperouswoman.com Peaceful Woman Prosperous Woman Peaceful Woman
Woman angel@peacefulwomanprosperouswoman.com 708.808.0658



Embracing the Power of Self-Love and Authenticity: I am Enough

Crystal Scretching is an encourager, on-air host, public speaker, and author whose mission is to inspire others to love and accept themselves so they can live their best lives. As a passionate advocate for self-love and acceptance, Crystal serves audiences of women and young girls across the country, sharing her message throughherbooks,podcasts,andspeakingengagements.

Discovering Self-Worth and Empowering Others

After experiencing self-doubt and uncertainty, Crystal embarked on a journey to rediscover her worth and value. Realizing that she was always enough, she vowed tosharehermessagewithothers,helpingthemembrace theirtruthandcreatealifetheylove.

Three Words that Describe Crystal: Authentic, Compassionate, Resilient

Crystal is known for her big, curly hair and her uplifting mantra, "You are enough." She strives to be a friend who meetspeoplewheretheyare,seesthegoodinthem,and helpsgivevoicetotheirinnerknowing.

A Pivotal Moment: Speaking Up and Embracing Truth

Growing up as a people pleaser, Crystal once found herself in a situation where she had to ask for forgiveness from her church peers. This experience left her feeling betrayed and prompted her to use her voice and stand up for what she believed in. This decision led hertoembracehertruthandforgeherownpath.

Crystal's Advice: Overcoming Fear and Moving into Love

Fear can cripple and confine us, but Crystal encourages others to push past it and embrace the freedom and peacethatawaitsontheotherside.Bymovingintolove, wecanliveourbestlivesandembraceourtrueselves.

Crystal's Mantra: "I am enough...

...More than enough. Even when I'm face down in the mud,especiallyinthosemoments,Iamenough."

It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more timethanwefalldown."

Crystal Scretching's message of self-love and authenticity has inspired countless individuals to recognize their worth and live their best lives. Through her work as an author, speaker, and on-air host, Crystal continuestoempowerotherstoembracetheirtruthand riseabovetheirfears.




Championing Women-Owned Small Businesses and Empowering Communities

Dr.DebraHamiltonFarleyisadedicatedadvocatefor economic development and entrepreneurship in her community. As the associate executive director and certified business analyst with the Hampton Roads Small Business Development Center, she helps both aspiring and existing entrepreneurs grow and succeed in their businesses. Her passion for supporting women-owned businesses and disadvantaged communities drives her to share vital resources and information to help them reach theirgoals.

Three Words that Describe Dr. Debra: Passionate, Respectful, Humble

Dr. Debra is known for her commitment to educating and supporting those looking to start a business in her area. Her wealth of knowledge and resources has made her a go-to person for small business owners seeking to take theirbusinessestothenextlevel.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Opportunity

When Dr. Debra was first asked to create events for sharing information in group settings, she had never done it before. Despite her initial fear, she took on the challenge, and it became a turning point in her career. Once she completed her first event, her fear subsided, and she continued to create more opportunities for communityengagement.

Dr. Debra's Advice: Trust in Faith and Just Do It

Pray, put your faith in God, believe in yourself, and take action. Dr. Debra encourages others to overcome their fears and pursue their dreams with unwavering determinationandconfidence.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "The first time someone shows youwhotheyare,believethem."-MayaAngelou ConnectwithDr.Debra:

Dr. Debra Hamilton Farley's dedication to empowering women-owned small businesses and supporting disadvantaged communities has made a significant impactintheHamptonRoadsarea.Herpassion,respect, andhumilityinspirecountlessindividualstopursuetheir dreamsandachievesuccess.

connect farleydebra67@gmail.com


""Embracetheunknown,speaktruthtopower,andmake yourmarkontheworld-becauseafearlesswomannever backsdownfromachallenge."

PamelaBerry-Johnsonisafearlesswomanwhohas dedicatedhercareertoamplifyingthevoicesofthosewho maynothavebeenheardotherwise.Herunwaveringpassion forjustice,storytelling,andadvocacy,coupledwithher expertiseincommunication,hasallowedhertopositively impactthelivesofcountlessindividualsandorganizations.




"Resisttheenemyandheandhistactics willfleefromyou.

RitaGreenisthefounderofGeauxFigCo.andco-founderof GeauxRabbit,bothmarketingfirmsthathelpothersturn theirbusinessideasandvisionsintodigitalmagic.Rita's fearlessnessstemsfromherstrongcommitmenttomaking adifferenceinhercommunityandherentrepreneurial spiritthroughdedicationtovariouscausesandherability toturnbusinessconceptsintoreality.



AngelynTreutelZeringue,presidentofSouthGroup InsuranceServices-GulfCoastandASTSolutions,Inc., isdrivenbyherpassionforhelpingothersand makingapositiveimpactontheirlives.Knownforher passion,innovation,andempoweringnature,Angelyn hasfacedchallengeshead-onandturnedtheminto opportunitiesforpersonalandprofessionalgrowth.



Alethia Tucker, CEO of Jolease Enterprises, LLC, is an internationally renowned keynote speaker, reinvention strategist, and best-selling author, whose influential voice has touched lives worldwide. By sharing her journey, she now coaches women who are ready to reinvent themselves and put their own needs first,helpingthemfindfulfillmentandhappiness.




Embracing Your True Self and Empowering Others

Laquisha Archangel is a multi-talented woman who has overcome numerous obstacles in her life. As a certified medical billing specialist, motivational speaker, dancer, singer-songwriter, content creator, teacher, and prayer warrior, she uses her experiences to inspire and uplift others. By practicing self-reflection and relying on her faith, Laquisha has transformed her struggles into a powerful message of hope and encouragement for those aroundher.

Three words that describe Laquisha: Radiant, Sanguine, Ingenious

Laquisha is known for her captivating voice, inspiring words, and exceptional dancing talent. Her influence on others has helped increase and establish their faith in ChristJesus.

A Pivotal Moment: Choosing Love and Self-Reflection

Throughout her life, Laquisha has faced challenges that could have easily changed her for the worse. However, after some self-reflection and soul-searching, she realized that she was not using her natural gifts and talents in the right ways. She turned to God to help her rediscover her true self and overcome her fears. Now, Laquisha is dedicated to reaching out and teaching othersthewaythroughChristJesus.

Her Mantra: See Yourself and Be Yourself

Laquisha's mantra, "See yourself and be yourself," emphasizes the importance of embracing one's true self and living life authentically. This powerful message encourages others to recognize their unique gifts and talents, which can then be used to uplift and inspire thosearoundthem.

Laquisha Archangel's journey of self-discovery and faith serves as an inspiring example for those looking to embrace their true selves and use their gifts to empower others. Her radiant, sanguine, and ingenious nature has helped her overcome life's challenges and, in turn,inspireotherstodothesame.


Laquisha Archangel



Laquisha Archangel

Laquisha Archangel



Refusing to Lose: An Inspiring Path to Success

Dr. Tashina Reeder, once feeling unlovable and unworthy, embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing, eventually recognizing her true identity as a queen fearfully and wonderfully made. Today, she is a renowned author, speaker, therapist, and wellness coach, helping others find their own path to healing and success.

What motivates Dr. Tashina:

Dr. Reeder's motivation stems from her own experiences with adversity, her desire to impact the lives of others positively, and her passion for creative freedom and legacybuilding.

Three words that describe Dr. Tashina: Resilient, Creative, Compassionate

Dr. Reeder is known for her determination, inspirational spirit, and her ability to empower others through her work.

A time when Dr. Tashina faced fear and challenges:

Battling with her speech impediment and the emotional trauma she experienced, Dr. Reeder overcame fear and insecurity by actively participating in her healing process and embracing her imperfections as a source of strength.

Her advice: Acknowledge your fears, seek support, challenge negative narratives, focus on your strengths, andalwaysbetruetoyourself.

Her favorite affirmations: "Give Yourself Grace" - Dr. Tashina Reeder, "An EmpoweredSoulHasNoLimits"-Dr.TashinaReeder, "I



Dr. Tashina Reeder has organized retreats, and workshops, created a talk show, launched a coaching business, been featured in prestigious magazines, spoken on global stages, and authored books. Currently, she is working on several literary projects, including her first Manifesting Her! Anthology, and participating as a co-authorinmultipleanthologies.


Dr. Reeder's first solo book, Manifesting Her!: 7 Strategies to Redefine Your Identity After Trauma, Build Big Confidence, & Cultivate Self-Love, has helped countless women on their journeys of self-discovery and personalgrowth.

Dr. Tashina Reeder recently hosted her first virtual summit, featuring seven speakers who shared their own storiesofresilienceandtriumph.

Dr. Tashina Reeder's journey serves as a powerful reminder that healing is possible, and with the right mindset and support, anyone can manifest their true potentialandlivealifeofsuccessandfulfillment.



No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent

Jennifer Gentile is an award-winning print journalist and contributing writer and editor for Gulf Coast Woman. Magazine. Her career in journalism has taken her across the country as an Air Force spouse, where she served mainly as a reporter on beats ranging from education to city hall to features. Despite being born with Turner Syndrome, a female-only genetic disorder, she graduated summa cum laude from journalism school and has been recognized with awards from Brown Publishing Company in Ohio and the North Carolina Press Association. One of her most treasured accolades is being named a Woman of Achievement finalist last yearbyLighthouseBusinessandProfessionalWomen.

Her "Why": A Love for Language and Words

Dr. Reeder's motivation stems from her own experiences with adversity, her desire to impact the lives of others positively, and her passion for creative freedom and legacybuilding.

Three words that describe Dr. Tashina:

Resilient, Creative, Compassionate

Jennifer's love for language and words stems from her childhood, where she relished the challenge of conveying complex thoughts, emotions, and experiences with words. She aspires to bring common sense and good judgment to challenging situations, often using her experience in newsrooms where she's learned to think andactfast.

aortic valve. As a patient with Turner Syndrome, a female-only genetic disorder that often leads to cardiac anomalies, Jennifer knew that the surgery was inevitable. However, the thought of having her chest opened up and her heart stopped for hours terrified her. Despite the fear and uncertainty, Jennifer pushed past herfearandunderwentthesurgery.

Her journey to recovery was long and arduous, but Jennifer's determination and courage helped her push through it. She worked tirelessly in cardiac rehab and even completed a 5K later that year, beating her previous time by 10 minutes. Although she will carry the physical and emotional scars from her experiences for the rest of her life, Jennifer embraces them as a symbol ofherstrengthandresilience.

Her Advice: Embrace Your Fear and Focus on What You Can Control

Jennifer's advice to other women struggling with fear is to embrace it and focus on what you can control. She believes that courage isn't the absence of fear, but the willingness to face it head-on. Rather than overwhelming yourself by focusing on the long road ahead, Jennifer suggests taking things one step at a time and concentrating on what's immediately in front of you. She also believes that the things that frighten youthemostareoftenthethingsmostworthdoing.

Jennifer Gentile's journey to overcoming fear and achieving success is a testament to her strength, resilience, and determination. Despite facing numerous challenges throughout her life, Jennifer has pushed past her fear and persevered. Her advice to embrace fear and focus on what you can control is a reminder that anyone can achieve their goals with hard work, determination, andawillingnesstofacetheirfears.

Three Words that Define Jennifer: Conscientious, Determined, Reliable

Jennifer has faced numerous challenges throughout her life, but one of the most difficult was when she received newsthatsheneededopen-heartsurgerytoreplaceher




Kindling Hope and Helping Young People Reach Their Full Potential

Terri Brinston is a dedicated Christian who is passionate about helping people achieve their goals in life. She is an RN, teacher, international motivational speaker, life coach, consultant, and author. Terri holds a Master of Arts in Education Administration and Community Leadership and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She is the CEO of M.S.N. Consulting Services, which ensures health needs are met in accordance with state and federal laws. She is also the CEO and founder of the Nurturing Wellness Group Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps students and young adults get clarity in life and plan for their future. Terri has almost two decades of experience teaching and consulting with schools,parents,andstudents.

What Drives Terri:

Terri's life experiences have led her to become a healthcare and education industry leader. She struggled with reading for most of her grade-school years, but her dad's dying wish for her was to become a nurse. She embraced his suggestion and laid down her pride to become a registered nurse in 1997. Terri believes that schools teach many valuable skills, but the current system does not address all the aspects necessary for children to succeed and thrive in life. It is her great passiontofillthegapbetweeneducationandwellness.

Three Words that Describe Terri: Determined, Disciplined, Blessed

Terri is known for kindling hope and helping young peoplereachtheirfullpotential.

A fearful and challenging time for Terri:

Terri battled with COVID-19 and was in the hospital for over a month, on the ventilator for fifteen days. She returned home fragile and confused due to her memory loss, but a feeling of peace came upon her, and she trusted God to deliver her. She advises people to trust Godandbeinaction.

Her favorite affirmation: Philippians 4:13 I can do all thingsthroughChrist,whichstrengthenethme.

www.myschoolnure.co hello@myschoolnurse.co 734.992.7211


Serving Up Sweetness with a Purpose and Passion for Entrepreneurship

Katrina Long-Currie is a woman on a mission, inspired byhergrandparentsandtheirlegacyoffaith,family,and entrepreneurship. As the founder of I AM Candy and Things, she spreads love and joy through her hand-made, made-to-order gourmet pralines. Katrina's brand has become a global sensation, reaching customers worldwidethroughherwebsite,Amazon,andEtsystores.

Three Words that Describe Katrina: Servant Leader, Strategist, Visionary Katrinaisknownforhercommitmenttoencouragingand helping business owners to build their brand and reach. She is a servant leader who uses her influence, impact, and platform to uplift and empower others to achieve theirgoals.

A Pivotal Moment: Answering the Call to Business

Katrina faced her fears and challenges when she answered the call to start her business, I AM Candy and Things. She was fresh on the heels of her husband's recovery from a life-threatening illness and wrestled with the timing and unfavorable circumstances. However, Exodus 3:14 spoke to her heart, reminding her that God is with her, and she had the courage to answer thecall.

Katrina'sAdvice: RememberYourWhyandWaterWhatYouWanttoGrow

Remember your why and purpose in business. If you know where and who you are meant to serve, you have foundational truths that won't allow you to waver, halt any comparison spirits, or negative self-talk. Water and nourish those fundamental truths and starve those defeated thoughts, and the fear will flee. Katrina encouragesentrepreneurstoempowerthemselvesto

face their fears, learn, grow, and accomplish what their businessesneedinthatparticularseason.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "I am assured that God sent me; He is with me, and He will sustain and prosper this business."

Katrina Long-Currie's passion for entrepreneurship and her family's legacy of faith and hard work has led her to createasuccessfulbusinessthatspreadsloveandjoyto people worldwide. Her commitment to empowering and encouraging others to achieve their dreams is an inspirationtomany.

www.iamcandyandthings.com iamcandyandthings @iamcandyandthings @iamcandyandthings



Leading the Way in Digital Marketing and STEM Diversity

Yasha Sterling is a senior eChannel program manager at ComEd, where she manages millions of dollars in ad spending and business contracts annually. She is an expert in digital marketing, including email marketing, website design/development, and search marketing. Yasha's leadership and determination have led to multiple awards, including Operational Excellence, Customer Channels Leadership, and Women in Search by Conductor.

Why Yasha does what she does:

Yasha loves a challenge and was initially attracted to search marketing even with minimal experience. She went to work learning everything she could about SEO andpaidsearch,whichpaidoffintheend.

Three words that define Yasha: Determined, Courageous, Unstoppable

Yasha is a jack of all trades in digital marketing, with a wide range of expertise in email marketing, website design/development,andsearchmarketing.

A time when Yasha pushed past fear and overcame challenges:

When Yasha was first asked to lead the search program, she felt anxiety as she had never led a program before. However, she embraced the challenge, built out a successful process, and helped the company record growthinrevenue.

Her advice to others facing fear: Yashaencouragesotherstoconfronttheirfears,takethe timetoembraceit,andemergevictorious!

Her Mantra: Pray, focus, manifest, and hustle!

Yasha Sterling's leadership and determination in digital marketing and STEM diversity have led to significant success at ComEd. Her unwavering commitment to overcoming fear and embracing challenges inspires otherstopursuetheirdreamsandachievesuccess.


Yasha Sterling @yashasterling yashasterling



A Dreamer Who Transforms Lives with Passion, Courage, and Authenticity

Marie S. Hall is a visionary entrepreneur, educator, prophet, coach, transformational speaker, and author. As the CEO and founder of RubyMac Learning Academy, Myrtle Tree Publishing, and ConnectED, she is on a mission to educate, elevate, and empower people to live life on purpose and leave a lasting impact on the world. Herpersonalcommitmenttobeingofservicetoothersis evident in everything she does, and her passion for helpingpeopleisanintegralpartofherDNA.

Three Words that Define Marie: Passionate, Courageous, Dependable

Marie is known for her restorative nature, strategic thinking, and authentic approach to educating, elevating, and empowering people. Her ability to bring out the value that people have buried deep down inside themselves has helped countless individuals step into their power and leave an indelible imprint that is unique tothem.

A Pivotal Moment: Embracing Authenticity and Living on Purpose

For Marie, a pivotal moment in her life came during the pandemic when she realized that the only thing holding her back from achieving her dreams was fear. She decided to live her authentic self and be the person God had chosen her to be, and that meant stepping out on faith and releasing what God was incubating in the birthing chamber. Her decision to listen to God and live purposefully has been life-changing, and she has noregrets.

Marie's Advice: Do It Afraid and Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Affirmations

Marie's sage advice for women struggling with fear is to do it afraid. You have to get out of your head, stop sabotaging yourself, and take that leap of faith. Fear has nowheretogrowinyourlife,sostopwateringit.Allowit to die. Replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations, quotes, scriptures, and words that will affirmyouandbuildyouup.

Her Favorite Quote:

"At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Marie S. Hall's commitment to educating, elevating, and empoweringpeopletolivelifeonpurposeisatestament to her passion, courage, and authenticity. Her transformativeapproachtoeducation,entrepreneurship, and ministry has helped countless individuals leave an indelible imprint on the world and carve a legacy that willbearoundforthenextgeneration.



Marie S Boatwright

Marie S Boatwright

Marie Hall



Your Only Limitations are the Mental Ties that Bind

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a physician, author, and speaker dedicated to helping individuals achieve workrest balance and overcome burnout. As the CEO of Restorasis, she has helped countless companies and employees find the rest they need to live their best lives. Dr. Saundra's work has been recognized by numerous media outlets, including TED.com, where her talk on the seventypesofrestwasnamedthe#1GreatAdviceStory of2021.

Three Words that Describe Dr. Saundra: Compassionate, Courageous, Creative

Dr.Saundraisknownforherresearchontheseventypes of rest needed to achieve optimal productivity, happiness, and well-being. She is the author of several books, including Sacred Rest, which has helped over 250,000 people discover their personal rest deficits using her free assessment at RestQuiz.com. Dr. Saundra also hosts a podcast and radio show called I Choose My Best Life, where she shares advice on living fully, loving boldly,andrestingintentionally.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear to Share Her Message

Despite her fear of public speaking, Dr. Saundra felt a responsibility to share her research on rest and restorative practices with others. She overcame her fear by starting with small groups and allowing her audience to grow as her comfort level increased. Dr. Saundra now speaks on stages internationally and encourages others toembracefearasapartofinnovationandgrowth.

Dr. Saundra's Advice: Embrace Fear and Keep Making Forward Progress

Accept fear as a part of growth and celebrate the fact that you are being stretched. Dr. Saundra encourages others to keep making forward progress through the stretching season and not allow fear to become a place theydwellintoolong.

Her Favorite Affirmation:

"Your only limitations are the mental ties you allow to bind you." - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith's dedication to helping individuals find the rest they need to live their best lives has made a significant impact on countless lives. Her compassionate, courageous, and creative approach to overcoming fear and embracing growth is an inspiration tousall.

dr.saundra IChooseMyBestLife.com


DonnaIzzard,ahybridengineer,founderofUnstoppable BlackWoman,andten-timeAmazonbest-selling author,empowersBlackandBrownwomentoembrace theiruniquegiftsunapologetically.Overcoming homelessnesswhilepregnant,shechosetofightpast heranxietyandtrauma.




"TrustintheLordwithallyourheartandleannoton yourownunderstanding;inallyourways acknowledgeHim,andHewillmakeyourpaths straight.Proverbs3:5-6."

HannahLassiter,ayoungentrepreneurandfounderof MentorshipRevolution,hasmadeithermissionto supportherclientsthroughtutoring,mentorship,and lifecoachingservices.Inspiredbyherdeepspiritual andreligiousbeliefs,shestrivestohelpothers recognizetheiruniquecallingandpurpose.


"Whenyouknowwhoyouareandwhatyoucando, thereisnothingthatcanstopyou;youbecome unstoppable!"


Dr.KathyAmos,founderofBusinessEmpowered Mississippiandauthoroftwobest-sellingbooks, strivestostrengthenlocalcommunitiesbybridging thegapbetweenmarketplaceleadersandcommunity members.Sheisadedicatedtrailblazer,transformer, anddestinyhelper,whoempowersothersthrough education,compassion,andhonor.




Romans8:28,"AndweknowthatinallthingsGod worksforthegoodofthosewholoveHim,whohave beencalledaccordingtoHispurpose."

HannahBrindley,acertifiedlifecoachandfaithfueledbusinessmentor,helpswomenbuild successful,HolySpirit-ledbusinesseswithoutletting thembecomeidols.SheisthefounderofFaith-Fueled CoachAcademyandCalledtoCEOpodcastand community.




Fiery Trials Allow the Treasure to Emerge

Cynthia Williams is a retired Army veteran, full-time contractor for D.O.D., author, coach, counselor, and CEO of P-U-M-P-S (Pushing Up My Precious Sister). Her passion for helping women and girls overcome trauma and adversity is rooted in her own experiences of loss andpain.

Three Words that Describe Cynthia: Woman, Warrior, Worshipper

Cynthia is known for her resilience and ability to encourage others to push through life's trials and find their inner strength. Her organization P-U-M-P-S offers mentorship and life coaching to help women and girls discovertheirworthandreachtheirpotential.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Finding Confidence

Cynthia faced her fear of public speaking when she was unexpectedly asked to introduce her husband before he preached. With faith and prayer, she found the courage toovercomeherfearanddeliveraheartfeltintroduction. This pivotal moment helped her gain confidence and overcomeherfearofpublicspeaking.

Cynthia's Advice: Stare Down Fear with Faith

Confront your fear with faith in God, knowing that you don't face it alone. With faith and prayer, you can conquer fear and find the strength to push through life's challenges.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "The incredible pressures we face during life's hardships and fiery trials allow the hidden treasure within us to emerge." - The Daily DiamondInspirationJournal

Cynthia Williams' life experiences and dedication to helping women and girls overcome trauma and adversity have made a significant impact in her community. Her resilience, faith, and compassion inspire others to find theirinnerstrengthanddiscoverthediamondwithin.



P-U-M-P-S Pushing Up My Precious Sister coachcynthiapumps




Nurturing and Empowering Others through Real Estate and Sales Coaching

Sherry Seaman is a sales coach and real estate consultant who serves her clients by providing strategic solutions in marketing and real estate. Her passion for serving others and helping them achieve their goals has propelled her to build a successful career in both direct salesandrealestate.

Three Words that Describe Sherry: Nurturing, Genuine, God-filled

Sherry is known for her ability to get the job done and her genuine, authentic, and nurturing approach to serving her clients and building her team. Her positivity and encouragement inspire those around her to push throughtheirfearsandachievesuccess.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Divorce and Discovering Self-Worth

After a tough divorce in 2010, Sherry had to start her life over and prove to herself and others that she could do it. Through faith and determination, she was able to overcome her fears and discover her true worth, which allowed her to live and work without boundaries and achievegreatsuccess.

Sherry's Advice: Have Faith and Just Do It

Surround yourself with the right people who will encourage you, push you, and hold you accountable. Fear is nothing more than false evidence appearing real, and faith over fear wins every time. Trust in God and ask for Hisstrengthandguidance,andjustdoit.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "The answer isn't no; you just haven't given enough information or the right information yet. Keep digging, keep asking, keep uncovering, keep overcoming, and then know that a no sometimesmeansnotrightnow."

Sherry Seaman's passion for serving and nurturing others, combined with her determination and focus, has





Always Go the Extra Mile

Natalie Lavelock is a registered nurse, speaker, author, and founder of Natalie Lavelock Coaching & Consulting. She works with faith-based and purpose-driven coaches and speakers to create high-ticket coaching programs and online courses that give them the ability to serve more people and create lucrative income for theirbusiness.

Three Words that Describe Natalie: Woman of God, High-Achiever, Encourage

Natalie specializes in program development, quality improvement, professional education, and training in corporate healthcare. She has worked with speakers and coaches nationally and internationally to create six and seven-figure business incomes while positively changing thelivesofherclients.

A Pivotal Moment:

Embracing Fear and Trusting God

When Natalie left her job as a clinical nurse educator to start her consulting business, she was challenged by fear. But she knew she had to decide whether to trust God and take a leap of faith or continue serving the idols of man. Ultimately, she decided to trust God and take the leap, knowing that even if she fell, He would pick her backup.

Natalie's Advice: Embrace Fear and Use it to Catapult You Forward

While fear is a liar, it is not your enemy. Fear is a sign that you're moving toward a greater calling and a higher purpose. Once you learn to embrace the fear and use that energy to catapult you forward, you'll discover thingsyouneverthoughtpossible,andyou'llseeGod's

purpose and provision for your life manifest in greater andgreaterways!

HerFavoriteAffirmations: connect

natalie www.NatalieLavelock.com Natalie@NatalieLavelock.com @NatalieLavelock @natalielavelock in/natalie-lavelock-program-profit



Be Thankful for the Past, Excited About the Future

Dr. Rhonda M. Wood is a renowned mental health advocate and award-winning international keynote speaker. As the CEO of RMW Global Enterprises, she is dedicated to Helping Women Win from Within™ by empoweringthemtoreclaimtheirinnerpowerandreach their highest potential. With over thirty years of corporate experience, Rhonda is passionate about normalizing mental health conversations and eradicating stigmas through compassion, awareness, and acceptance.

Three Words that Describe Dr. Rhonda: Relentless, Resilient, Revolutionary

Rhonda's extensive expertise in mental health advocacy has earned her numerous recognitions, including a President Joseph R. Biden 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award, honorary doctorate degrees, and the United Nations Global Women of Distinction Award. She is a well-known fixture in her community and serves as a parentadvocatefortransitional-ageyouth.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear to Pursue Entrepreneurship

Fear of the unknown, failure, and what others thought of her were some of the biggest challenges Rhonda had to overcome when transitioning from a full-time job to entrepreneurship. By pushing through her fears and stepping out on faith, she found relief and success. Her courage has led her to become a model figure in mental healthadvocacyandwomen'sempowerment.

Rhonda encourages others to prioritize their mental health and to push through their fears to pursue their dreams. She advises to stay the course, be consistent, and never give up. Surround yourself with trailblazers and embrace, honor, and celebrate where you are while

www.DrRhondaMWood.com info@DrRhondaMWood.com @DrRhondaMWood @DrRhondaMWood in/DrRhondaMWood



Keep Going

Linda Green is a retired high school librarian, awardwinningauthor,playwright,andentrepreneur.Asacoach for reading bowl teams and speech contestants, she has received recognition for her dedication to education, including the Atlanta Braves/AT&T Excellence in Education Award and Best Districtwide Article Writer. Linda has written a memoir devotional in memory of her mother, "My Mama Done Told Me," and a children's book, "Gus the Bus Feels Better." Her passion for writing extends to helping clients write their personal minimemoirstories.

Three Words that Describe Linda: Creative, Resilient, Life-long Learner

Linda is known for her determination to never give up, even as a self-proclaimed "late bloomer." She believes that personal stories are essential and helps clients leavetheirlegacybywritingtheirownstories.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear

When Linda landed her dream job, she faced self-doubt andfear.Sheovercameitbytalkingtoherselfpositively, replacingfearfulthoughtswithcourageousverbiage,and taking action. This gave her the courage to succeed in herprofession.

Linda recommends taking action and doing what you fear first to overcome fear. This gives a sense of momentumandsatisfactiontowardachievingyourgoal.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "Don't watch the clock. Do whatitdoes.Keepgoing."-SamLevinson





Keep Going

Felicia Lucas is a trailblazer, inspiring others to live their best lives through her three businesses: His Glory Creations Publishing, His Glory Creations Christian Store, and Move to Your Best U Coaching Solutions. Her goal is to help others tap into the correct season of their livesandinspirethemtobesuccessful.

Three Words that Define Felicia: Trailblazer, Inspiring, Determined

Felicia is known for living her life out loud and inspiring others to move to their best selves. Her personal transformation of releasing over 145 pounds birthed her weight-lossbusiness,whichhasbeensuccessfulbecause shecanfullyidentifywithherclientswhohavestruggled withtheirweight.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Sharing Her Story

When Felicia first created a social media post concerning her first book, Make it Happen Moving Towards Your best U, she was afraid of what people would think about her and was frozen with fear. However, she moved forward and has not looked back, fearlessly sharing her transformation story in her latest book,TheReinventionofMe.

Felicia encourages others to do it even if they are shaking in their boots, especially if they know that they have been commissioned by God to do it. Her mantra is todoeverythinguntothegloryofGod.



His Glory Creations Publishing

Move to Your Best U Coaching Solutions

Coach Felicia Lucas

His Glory Creations Publishing





I Am God’s Handiwork

Geneva D. Ashley is a faith-based empowerment strategist, best-selling author, and president of MG Decree, LLC. Her mission is to help women identify and overcome personal drawbacks that hinder their growth, confidence, and achievements. Through her coaching services and various faith-based coaching platforms, including Her SHE Circle Academy and Stilettos Speak, Geneva empowers women to fulfill their purpose and leavetheirfragranceontheearthunapologetically.

Three Words that Describe Geneva: Driven, Genuine, Humble

Geneva is known for her visionary and authentic approach to empowerment. Her heart for God's people shinesthroughineverythingshedoes.

A Pivotal Moment: Trusting in God's Timing and Process

Genevafacedavalleyofdecisioninherministryandwas feeling unnerved about the aftermath that could have beencontroversial.However,trustinginGod'stimingand process, she pushed past the controversy and stood firm on her faith, ultimately emerging stronger and more focused.

Geneva's Advice: Identify the Fear and Speak Over Yourself

Geneva advises women facing fear to identify the factors that cause them to feel the most fearful. Then, theyshouldwritethemdown,prayoverthem,andspeak positively over themselves until the fear dissipates. She also recommends finding music that affirms positive attributes and speaks to faith and purpose to help shift mindset.


I am SHE is Geneva D Ashley

I am SHE is Geneva D Ashley

I am SHE is Geneva D Ashley




Keep It Moving!

Jeanett Martin is a pastor, evangelist, and chaplain withapassionforservingandencouragingothers.Asthe pastor of Life and Deliverance Ministries in Moss Point, Mississippi, she has spent over 30 years traveling as an evangelist and inspiring others to reach their full potentialinGod.

Why she does what she does: Jeanett's motivation is the calling of God on her life and herpassionforlovingandcaringforpeople.

Three words that define her: Bold, fearless, loyal.

What she is known for: Jeanett is known for being an encourager and helping people reach their full potential inGod.

A pivotal moment for Jeanett: In 1979, Jeanett was ordained with seven men by the United Free Will Baptist Association in Wilson, North Carolina. As the only woman in the group ordained at a time when women were not fully accepted in ministry, she faced fear and overcame it by focusing on what God was doing for her in that moment.

Heradvicetoothers: Stay focused on God's word and remember that He has given you power, love, and a sound mind, talk to God about your fears and ask for His help and pray without ceasing.





Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Dr. Valarie Harris is a visionary author, minister, certified life empowerment coach, and leadership consultant who is passionate about helping women leaders and entrepreneurs cultivate their brands and step up to the next level in their personal and professional development. With more than thirty-four years of experience in the public school system, Valarie understands the challenges and obstacles women face and uses her own experiences to encourage and inspire otherstomovepasthurtanddisappointment.

Three Words that Describe Dr. Valarie: Encourager, Equipper, Inspirer

Dr.Valarieisknownforherabilitytoempowerwomento embrace their passion, unlock their hidden potential, and walkinthepurposeGodpredestinedthemtopursue.She istheauthoroffourbooks,includingTheEffectofPrayer in the Life of a Leader, and the co-author of PEARLS. As the director and CEO of Stepping Out with Purpose, LLC, Valarie attracts those who authentically love serving individualswhoneedsupporttostepoutoftheircomfort zone.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Obstacles to Help Others

As a former alcoholic with an eating disorder, Valarie knows what it feels like to experience pain, rejection, fear, and a lack of confidence. Her experiences have equipped her to help others through various situations and to move past hurt to victory. Valarie's life experiences have been her best teacher, and she uses them to inspire and empower others to overcome obstaclesandsetbacks.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Valarie encourages other women to put on the whole armor of God daily to defeat the enemy's plan and embrace the





@talktimeval in/valarie-harris-1320131bb?


Pushing Past Fear of Success

Dr. Sandy Sanders is an award-winning social media influencer, podcast host, and creator of Coffee Conversations with Sandy and Friends, a weekly talking segment that hosts invited guests from around the globe who share their incredible stories. She is also a community advocate serving the homeless community andthoseaffectedbydomesticviolence.

Don't be too hard on yourself, there will always be a little fear, but dare to go after your dreams. Someone is waiting on you to share your story, skills, and God-given talent.

Her Favorite Affirmation: "I am making room in


Words that Define Sandy: Caring, Prayer Warrior, Humble

Sandy is known for her virtual podcasting and talk show hosting skills, providing authors, global speakers, and government officials the opportunity to share their incredible stories with an organic audience of over 10k viewersmonthlythroughBookTalkswithSandy.

A Pivotal Moment: Saying YES to Growth and Overcoming Fear

Sandy's pivotal moment was saying YES to her own growth professionally, spiritually, and emotionally, and no longer allowing herself to miss opportunities due to her educational level, financial level, or feelings of being around successful women. Sandy learned that pushing past her fears gave her the courage to enroll in classes, work on her finances, and attend events where she could contribute to the conversation. By overcoming her fears, Sandy is now able to lift up other women who are experiencingthesamefear.


dr.sandy www.ctrmedianetwork.com coffeeconversationwithsandy@gmail.com @coffeeconversationwithsandy


From Teenage Motherhood to Entrepreneurship and Ministry

Jacqueline M. Hall is an entrepreneur, minister, and Christian counselor. She is the owner and CEO of Je’Maries Closet LLC, Je’Maries Ministry, and Je’Marie The Fashion Stylist In addition to her business ventures, she works in retail management at the Beau Rivage Casino. She is a licensed and ordained evangelist and Christian counselor, as well as an ambassador for the KingdomofChrist.

Three Words that Define Jacqueline: Resilient, Overcomer, Confident

Jacqueline is known for encouraging, empowering, uplifting, motivating, and sharing the love of God with those around her. Her journey as a teenage mother and the challenges she faced along the way have given her the ability to relate to others who are struggling and empowerthemtopushpasttheirfears.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Finding Faith

Jacqueline's pivotal moment came when she was just 15 years old and had to tell her father, who was the commanding officer of the police department, that she was pregnant. Through tough love and discipline, her father helped her overcome her fear, and she found faith thathasremainedwithhereversince




Soul2Soul Inspirations


Ja To Go rem som c o n n e c t
j a c q u e l i n e



Embracing Purpose with Boldness and Courage

Constance Woulard is a 2023 Presidential Lifetime Award Honoree, Leadership Subject Matter Expert, 12x Best Selling Author, and global keynote speaker. Her passion for inspiring, educating, empowering, and elevating others has been the driving force behind her successfulcareer.

Three Words that Describe Constance: Authentic, Philanthropic, Confident

Constance is best known for her witty delivery of crucial facts and information. As a highly admired thought leader in her professional circle, she is committed to inspiringandempoweringwomentoachievetheirgoals.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence

In her early adult years, Constance was fearful of not being accepted by others due to her weight. However, she overcame that fear by confronting the underlying causes of her fear and facing them head-on with boldnessandcourage.

Constance's Advice: Trust Your Instincts and Trust God

Constance encourages women who are struggling with fear to move through life with the knowledge that God has provided them with the necessary tools and talents for success. She advises women to trust their instincts andtrustinGod'splan.



@anointed educator



Dr. Shelia Rivers, a mental health professional and trauma expert, is dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and healing through her holistic wellness program, Girl Get Your Life Together. Her passion for empowering others comes from her own experiences.




CeCe Shabazz is an accomplished creative director who is passionate about increasing representation for women, especially women of color, in the advertising industry. Her work aims to inspire and pave the way for young professionals, helping them realize their potential in the creative field.


"I am enough!"
"Don't focus so much on the struggles that you miss out on the gifts."


Dr. Aimee Clute, with over four decades of experience in full-time ministry, is known as the second woman to evangelize in Pakistan, leading 23,000 souls to Christ, and as a gospel artist with numerous albums. Co-pastoring River of Life Church for three decades, she focuses on empowering generations for Jesus.



“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”

is a 24-year retired Army Combat Veteran, International Keynote Speaker, 3x Bestselling Author, and the CEO of When She Rise, specializing in narcissistic abuse awareness, recovery, and victim prevention. Her experiences with toxic relationships led her to advocate for women's awareness and healing to protect future generations.

Ina Johnson Myers
"A woman who is going to do big things cannot let small things get to her."


Through Pain to Purpose

Lillian Harrison is a true force to be reckoned with. The founder of the Elevated Community Development Corporation, the Milford Armory Community and Service Center, and the Love HER Empowerment Boutique, as well as the Pastor of Elevated Ministries and the owner of QLC Construction, Lillian wears many hats. She is also the President of Independent Resources Inc. and a board member of several organizations, including the Delaware Botanical Gardens, Sussex County Economic Development Action Council, and the Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council. Lillian has overcome incredible hardships in her life, including homelessness, abuse, and sexual trauma, but she has turned her pain into a purpose and dedicated her life to helping others.

Three Words that Describe Lillian: Resilient, Tenacious, Creative

Lillian is known for being a go-getter and a knowledge broker. She imparts the wisdom she has gained through her trials to others, helping them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

A Pivotal Moment: Turning Defeat into Triumph

One pivotal moment for Lillian was when she found herself homeless and sleeping in her car after leaving an abusive relationship. She made a promise to her sons that they would never see this moment as a defeat but rather as a hurdle to overcome. Another pivotal moment was when Lillian found herself without a job or income and had to apply for food stamps to provide for her two small children. She started her first business to make sure they had a Christmas.

Lillian's advice to other women struggling with fear is to realize that they are bigger than anything they face and more capable than anything they come up against.




Building a Legacy through Financial Literacy and Positive Change

Sandra Brown is a woman with a purpose. As the CEO ofKingdomLivingFinancialSolutions,sheisonamission to empower individuals and families through financial literacy and credit repair. After experiencing extreme medical hardships with her husband and facing financial challenges, she discovered her calling to help others overcome their own obstacles and achieve restoration in allareasoftheirlives.

Three Words that Describe Sandra: Unstoppable, Committed, Consistent

Sandra is known for her commitment to inspiring and encouraging others to live from a place of purpose and love.Shedisruptspatternsthatcreatelimitationsandno longer serve individuals, empowering them to move forwardandcreatesomethinggreater.

A Pivotal Moment: Speaking at Wealthy Women Wednesday

Despite her insecurities and fear, Sandra was asked to speak at Wealthy Women Wednesday. With the encouragement of her mentor, she overcame her fear and spoke, receiving positive feedback and feeling encouragedherself.

Sandra's Advice: Do It Afraid

Sandra advises other women to do it afraid, to push past their fear and answer the call and mandate that they were created to fulfill in the earthly realm. She believes that everything individuals need is on the other side of fear,waitingforthemtostandupandclaimit.

Sandra's favorite affirmation is "restoration is possible in all things and you can come back from anything." She believes that individuals can achieve restoration in all areas of their lives, including their minds, bodies, souls, spirits,andfinances.


Sandra Thurmond Brown






From Mourning to Dancing: A Prophetic Prayer Coach's Journey

Angela Houston is a compassionate and empathic prayer coach who founded Mourning into Dancing Ministries. Her mission is to transform lives from mourning to gladness through the power of prayer and faith. As a gifted prayer warrior, seer, prophet, and coach, Angela inspires others to push past their fears andtrustinGod'splan.

Three Words that Describe Angela: Compassionate, Empathic, Warmhearted

Angela is known for her unwavering faith and dedication to helping others. Her ability to connect with people on a deep level and guide them towards healing and transformation has made her a beloved figure in her community.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Raising Three Girls Alone

When Angela found herself raising three girls on her own,sheturnedtoprayerandfaithforguidance.Despite her fear and uncertainty, she learned to trust in God's plan and stand strong, no matter what obstacles she faced.

Angela's Advice: Stand Strong in Your Faith

No matter what challenges you may face, remember to stand strong in your faith. God sees the beginning from theendandwillguideyouthroughanysituation.

HerFavoriteAffirmation:"Thenhebrokethroughand transformedallmywailingintoawhirlingdanceof ecstaticpraise!Hehastorntheveilandliftedfromme thesadheavinessofmourning.Hewrappedmeinthe glory-garmentsofgladness."-Psalm30:11TPT

Angela Houston's dedication to guiding others through prayer and faith has transformed countless lives. Her


Mourning into Dancing Ministries




Galvanizing Communities with Resilience, Mission, and Humility

Taja Cunningham is an accomplished science educator, researcher, and founder of Girls ARE & Boys CAN, a community-based organization that aims to provide opportunities for youth in under-served communities on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Taja is a native of Baton Rouge,Louisiana,andnowresidesinGautier,Mississippi. With over 16 years of experience in science education, she is passionate about developing STEM activities and curriculum and mentoring youth in urban and rural areas.

Taja's work in developing programs that encourage positive engagement and behavioral changes for youth hasmadeasignificantimpactinhercommunity.Shehas successfully secured funds to provide services to youth and families in under-served communities and searches for opportunities to introduce and engage youth in both traditionalandnon-traditionalopportunities.

abletomakethetriparealitybyensuringthatall necessaryfundingsourcescametogetherintime.

Step Out on Faith and Ignore the Dream Killers

Tajaencouragesotherwomenstrugglingwithfearto stepoutonfaithandignorethedreamkillers.

Three Words that Describe Taja: Resilient, Mission-Driven, Humble

Taja is known for her ability to galvanize youth and build strong relationships with her community. Her passion for creating opportunities for youth that are disenfranchised due to social or economic disadvantages is driven by her commitment to her great-grandmother's legacy, who was an educator, motivator, community organizer, and philanthropist that provided opportunities for youth that theyotherwisedidnothaveaccessto.

A Pivotal Moment: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Opportunity

Tajafacedasignificantchallengewhenshehadthe visiontotakeyouthfromtheMississippiGulfCoaston HBCUcollegetours.Sheovercameherfearsandwas



Girls ARE & Boys CAN



DeniseGoosby,anauthorandfounderofHealing SongMinistries,usesherwritingandsingingtobring comfortandencouragementtoothers.Facing challengessuchashomelessnessandfinancialloss, sheadviseswomenstrugglingwithfeartoprayand moveforward,trustingGod'sgreatnessintheir weakness.



Psalms119:105:"Yourwordisalamptomyfeetand alighttomypath."

JaimeNorwood,adrivenandresourcefulrealtorwith Century21-BuschRealtyGroup,lefthersecurejobas alicensedsocialworkertopursueherdreamsof helpingpeopleachievehomeownershipandcreating undatedplannersfilledwithhelpfulfeatures. Balancinghercareerandfamily,shetrustsGodto guideherpath.



Kearn Crockett Cherry, a speaker, 22x #1 bestselling author, and award-winning businesswoman, is a female tycoon with over two decades of excellence in entrepreneurship, known as the "Butts in the Seats Queen" and the "Queen of Collaboration," who revolutionizes public speaking and business for women globally through her company KKonnections, conferences,andbest-sellingbooks.


Lisa A. Johnson, a gifted singer/songwriter, performer, and author, discovered her talents at a young age and has since won awards, performed at various events, released albums, and written a novel, driven by her love for ministry and her children while encouraging others to overcome their fears and embracetheirgifts.


Tiffany Bell, a nonprofit consultant, coach, author, and speaker, has over 25 years of experience in community outreach and leadership training and is dedicated to inspiring and equipping women to find their unique voice and purpose through her platform, Uncommon Courage, and her roles as co-director of SuccessWomen'sConference.


Yolanda M. Smith, Chief Branding Officer of Branding 4 Success, LLC, empowers teams and individuals to develop powerful personal brands for business growth and career advancement through professional development services, coaching programs,andonlineresources.



LeKeisha Taylor-Cotten, an award-winning gospel artist rooted in Mississippi Delta, has performed alongside renowned artists and launched her music ministry brand, LTC Ministries, while also founding theGulfCoastGospelMusicAwards.


Ty Fields is a dedicated advocate for vulnerable women and children, working tirelessly to create safe spaces and provide essential resources for their growth and development. By championing the idea that "women can do anything," Ty Fields continues to inspireandempowerthosearoundher.


Charlotte Terrell, a transformational coach, and speaker empowers individuals to rediscover their inner strength, peace, and happiness through effective communication, coping mechanisms, and confidence-building. Her mantra, "We are not human doings; we are human beings, so just be!" serves as a reminder to focus on personal growth and gratitude ratherthanconstantcomparisonandself-doubt.


Dr. Obioma Martin, a certified transformational facilitator, and TEDx speaker empowers individuals to overcome adversity and prioritize their well-being through coaching and self-care retreats. Her mantra is,"Believeinyourself."



Robin Killeen, founder, and president of WOWWomen of Wisdom, Inc., empowers women from all walks of life through her non-profit marketplace ministry.Herguidingprincipleis,"Loveoneanother."


Kathy Rogers, business coach, and life planner, is the VP of Marston Rogers Group and is dedicated to mentoring young entrepreneurs and supporting her community. Her mantra is, "Can't never could" and "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't,youareright."HenryFord


LaShaundra McCarty is a transformation speaker, and communications strategist who operates two businesses focused on personal branding, marketing, entrepreneurship, leadership, and workforce development. Her favorite affirmation is from Joshua 1:9b: Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neitherbethoudismayed:fortheLordthyGodiswith theewhithersoeverthougoest.”


Jessica Rankin, a former fisheries biologist, followed her heart to create her regulatory and training company, The Safe Food Culture, and became a lead coach and trainer at Magnetic Speaking. Her mantra is, “Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the templeoftheLORDisfinished.""1Chronicles28:20



Sharon Herbert, known as The Power RN, advocates for nurses' well-being and provides a safe space for them to share work-related stress. Sharon's mantra is "Jesus, take the wheel," which helps her release controlandfindpeaceindifficultsituations.


Dr. LaTracey McDonald, a publisher, and entrepreneur, founded Black Authors Rock to support Black and Brown authors on their journey to literary equality. She overcame fear and challenges by choosing to walk boldly and unapologetically, with her favorite affirmation being, "Well-behaved women rarelymakehistory."


Tamekia Green-Judge, an author and speaker, inspires people to hold onto hope through her personal testimony of overcoming a rare disease with unshakable faith. Her mantra reminds her and others, "AsImoveinblindfaith,myhopeisinGod."

Angela Williams, a children's librarian and divorce life coach for abuse survivors, strives to help women overcome the emotional aftermath of abusive marriages and rediscover their identities in Christ. Her mantra, inspired by Toby Mac, is, "God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling."




Deborah C. Anthony, a branding strategist and author-speaker-coach, left the corporate world to balance her work and family life, using her talents to help others expand their businesses. Her mantra is, "When your goals are linked to your passion, you becomeunstoppable."

Jonda Lowe, a financial expert with over 35 years of experience, has dedicated her career to transforming how people think about money. Jonda's mantra is, "If youknowtherules,youcanwinthegame!"


DeBo’rah Drayton-Ward, a reverend and tax specialist, has dedicated her life to supporting others in their spiritual and personal journeys and is committed to helping and encouraging those around her. DeBo’rah's mantra is, "I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power, and confidence of mind andofheart."

Renata Flot-Patterson, a seasoned entrepreneur in the events and entertainment industry, overcame tragedy to become a passionate advocate against domestic violence, encouraging others to stay focused and persevere; her favorite affirmation is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ Jesuswhostrengthensme."



Angie Juzang isabrandstrategist,author,speaker,andmarketing specialistwhoconsultsandcreatesnewcampaignstocreatecompany solutions.Angiemanagedanationalretailcompanyandsoldadvertisingfor atelevisionbroadcastaffiliatethroughoutherthirty-yearcareer.Sheis Mississippi'slargesthealthcaresystem'smarketingdirector.

Charmaine V. Rickette ispresidentandCEOofUncleRemusSaucyFried Chicken,foundedbyherparents,GusandMaryRickette,overfiftyyearsago.She hasbreathednewlifeintothelocal,family-ownedrestaurantconcept,buildinga sustainablebusinessthroughoperatingsystemupdates,astrongleadershipteam, andacommitmenttoemployeetrainingandengagement.

IncredibleOneEnterprises,LLC,amultimillion-dollarcoachingand consultingfirm,isledbyaward-winningbusinessgrowthspeakerand strategist Darnyelle Jervey Harmon.Darnyellehelpsherclientsleverage andbuildenterprisesthatservethemfinanciallyandspiritually.Darnyelle canhelpyougofromsix-figureyearstosix-figuremonthsbycombining mindset,messaging,marketing,sales,systems,andscalability.

Author,speaker,andleadershipinfluencer, Cynthia Cavanaugh holdsa master’sdegreeinleadership,isanadjunctprofessoratTrinityWestern University,andacertifiedlifecoach.TheauthorofUnlocked:5MythsHolding YourInfluenceCaptive,andseveralBiblestudies,sheisthefounderofWomen Emerge,whichhelpswomennetworkandcollaborateforglobalinfluence.

In2015,Boys&GirlsClubsoftheGulfCoastCEO Keva Scott, ED.S. She quicklyturnedaroundthefalteringorganizationusinghertwenty-threeyearsof nonprofitmanagementexperience.ShemanagesBaySt.Louis,PassChristian, Gulfport,D'Iberville,andBiloxi.ShehasledtheClubtorecordmembership, fundraising,andprogramimpact,benefitingthosewhoneeditmost.

FEARLESS HonoredtoMention

Dr. Nicole S. Mason, Esq. influencesministryandbusiness.Dr.Nicoleinspires womenleaderstosucceedontheirowntermsusinghervarioustalents.Shehelps otherwomenleadersacquirefearlessness,boldness,courage,andconfidencein theirpersonalandprofessionallife.Dr.Nicoleisaninternationalbest-selling author,attorney,executiveleadershipcoach,andevangelist.Successdependson herspirituality.Dr.Nicoleisanaturalencourager,andbeinginhercompanywill inspireyoutoperformyourcallingandbecomewhoyouweremeanttobe.

Entrepreneurshiphasbeenapartof Lori Gloyd'slifeforover20years,and sheiscurrentlytheownerandprincipalofSageChristianAcademyandLittle People'sChristianSchool,Inc.inGulfport,Mississippi.Sheconsidersworking withyoungpeopletoinstillChristianidealsinthemtobeher"missionarea."

Dr. Lydie Louis, Ph.D. Esq. taughtglobalentrepreneursbusinesslawforthe UN.ShekeynotedconferencesinGermany,CapeTown,Paris,andLondon.NYCtrainedlawyerandinstructor.ShesupervisedWallStreet.HerLondonTEDxTalk. TheWallStreetJournal,NewYorkTimes,USAToday,andothershavecovered Dr.Lydie.Dr.Lydie,chairmanofInPursuitMediaandEntrepreneurLegal Studios,providesintellectualpropertyplatformsforentrepreneurstomarket andprotecttheirassetstoten-timeincomeandglobalinfluence.

Jean Turner,author,speaker,certifiedholistichealthcoach,andCEOofTheSpiritofa WarriorLifeEnterprises,LLC,helpspeoplefindtheirinnerpowertoovercome,reclaim, andlivelifetothefullestasGodintended.Herhealthinitiativesincludepodcasts (HealthTalkw/CoachJean),self-care,non-fictionliterature,andmicroworkbooks.After thirtyyearsinnursing,Jeanmotivatesherpatientsandcustomerstotakecareoftheir health—body,mind,andspirit.

RumKitchen,afamily-friendlyWaveland,Mississippirestaurant,is managedby Starr Chapman.Starrrunsabusyrestaurantandfightsfor women'srights.SheorganizedWinningtheVote,acelebrationof100years ofwomen'srighttovote,andWomen,Wine&Wisdom,anexclusive meetingtodiscussissueswithstateelectedofficials.

internationalbest-sellingauthor andHRprofessional.SheisaPrayer WarriorwiththeNorthwoodChurch andWomenofWisdom(WOW).

FEARLESS HonoredtoMention
BeckyFarrellisapersonal injuryattorneyandownerand creatoratSheShells,LLC. of AndersonandOwneratJanice Anderson-CEO,MoruwaConsulting. Dr. Laticia Beatty is CEO & Founder at Speaklife with La'Ticia Nicole. TanyaMarieLewisisadigital illustrator,Christian writer/publisherandeventhost. LatrinaGravesMcCarty,M.Ed.,is abest-sellingauthor,educator, playwright,andspeaker. Dr.MarciaHunter,an experiencedpsychology professorandlifecoach withDEI-focusedtraining andbookauthorship. LisaMarlowWilsonisowner andfounderatRadiance Salon&Spa. SherryOwenisabroker/owner/ realtoratOwen&Co.,LLCReal Estate,aleadingreal-estate companyintheSouth.
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