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Towns gearing up for summer season

Writer: De Waal Steyn.

While the cool spring weather persists in the Overberg, our towns are readying themselves for a busy summer season, starting on 4 December when the school year officially ends.


“With the school holidays two weeks longer than last year, we are expecting a busier season this year, with occupancy levels at accommodation establishments in the order of 80% at the moment,” says Whale Coast Tourism Manager, Frieda Lloyd.

“In addition to the normal influx of South African visitors, the international arrivals forecast for the period October to December shows a 7.8% increase in bookings for the Overstrand. The increase in the Brazilian market is the most promising with an increase of 37.1%, with the United Kingdom second at 22%, then Germany at 6% and the Netherlands at 0.4%.

“Tourism offices and visitor information centres are also reporting an increase in walk-ins for the second consecutive month in over a year. In addition, the Whale Crier reports that he has most interaction with tourists from India, China, The Netherlands, France and Germany,” says Lloyd.

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