1 minute read

Going green with Chef Shane

Writer: Hedda Mittner.

Chef Shane Sauvage of La Pentola is as well known for his generous support of marine conservation as he is for his unique style of fusion cooking that keeps diners flocking to his restaurant on the waterfront, with its panoramic views across Walker Bay.


Partnering with environmental role players such as the Dyer Island Conservation Trust, White Shark Projects and Whale Coast Conservation, Shane has for several years actively participated in fund-raising and regularly hosts charity dinners. He has also been instrumental in driving the initiative to eliminate the use of plastic straws by restaurants in the Overstrand.

Chocolate fondant served with salted caramel ice cream.

Island-style salad with fresh papaya, basil leaves, pineapple and coconut, drizzled with lime and sesame oil and cajun-toasted sliced almonds

“Single-use plastic straws constitute only one item on the ever-growing list of single-use plastic litter items, which in turn contributes to the overwhelming problem of human beings simply producing too much waste for our planet, and especially our oceans, to cope with,” he says.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 12)

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