1 minute read

Local landscape architect receives award for Cape Agulhas Icon Project

Writer: Lizelle Henegan.

Landscape architect, Bernard Oberholzer, from Stanford received a merit award for Planning and Design from the Institute for Landscape Architecture in South Africa (ILASA).


The Institute confers the awards every two years. Oberholzer is a member of the Agulhas Icon Design Group (AIDG), who designed and supervised the Southernmost Tip of Africa Icon Project in the Agulhas National Park. Other Group members were: architect, Stephen Dugmore, two land artists, Strijdom van der Merwe and Simon Max Bannister, and a second landscape architect from Bredasdorp, Megan Anderson.

The icon consists of a giant sculpted relief map of Africa, built into the rugged coastline of Cape Agulhas where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. The map measures 18 metres in length and is possibly the largest existing map of Africa in the world.

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