1 minute read

Botanical artists: conservation allies

Writer: Dr Anina Lee.


Over the years the Overstrand has been home to many supremely talented artists. And our fynbos has inspired many of them to render its splendour in artistic expression, none more than the band of talented botanical artists that call the Cape Whale Coast their home. Think of Margaret de Villiers, Vicki Thomas, Lynda de Wet and Barbara Pretorius.

Barbara Pretorius chatting to Karen McKerron at the opening of another local botanical artist, Margaret de Villiers’ exhibition at the FynArts Gallery earlier this year. PHOTO: Hedda Mittner

Whale Coast Conservation is therefore privileged to host Barbara Pretorius at its public talk on Tuesday 19 November at 17h30 at the Green House. The topic of her talk is “How Botanical Art can promote Ecological Conservation”.

Barbara’s talk will highlight the revival of botanical art around the world as a valuable ally in the conservation of vulnerable flora. Botanical gardens and scientific institutions are offering courses in botanical art and organising international exhibitions. In South Africa botanical art is promoted by SANBI (South African National Botanical Institute) and BAASA (Botanical Association of Artists of South Africa).

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 8)

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