3 February 2021
EARS a great idea! Writer & Photographer Toni Younghusband
reyton’s sanctuary for retired and rescued donkeys has launched an ‘adoption’ scheme for animal lovers looking for an unusual gift.
EARS Donkey Sanctuary, which is located about 10km outside Greyton and is home to 22 rescues, is inviting members of the public to put their name to a donkey for as little as R1 200 a year (R100 per month) for which they will receive a personalised EARS adoption certificate with a photo of their donkey and a newsletter every quarter updating them on their donkey’s latest adventures. Prospective adoptees are encouraged to visit the Sanctuary to choose their donkey, though if this is not physically possible the Sanctuary will choose one on their behalf. Donkey ‘parents’ are encouraged to visit their donkeys as often as they like. The EARS donkeys are a wonderful mixture of personalities, colours and temperaments and they absolutely love visitors. There’s Granddaddy Pedro, the oldest resident at 35; Leila who was found as a foal injured and alone at the side of a road; Cocoa and Milo who were rescued from a horror slaughter auction in the Northern Cape; Lilli and Tonio who were
rescued injured and emaciated while pulling a cart; beautiful Ruth and her daughter Anna who carry those classic ‘crucifix’ markings on their backs... and so many others. All of these donkeys have had rough beginnings – abuse, overwork, neglect, cruelty – but the Sanctuary offers them love, safety, plenty to eat and the assurance that they will never be worked again. “The past year has been a challenging one for many non-profit organisations who have been unable to plan and embark on the usual fundraising events. Adopting a donkey is a valuable way of contributing to the running costs of the Sanctuary and ensuring that the EARS donkeys are kept in the style to which they have become accustomed,” said Sanctuary founder Jo Sedgwick. “You can also ‘adopt’ a donkey on someone else’s behalf – a grandchild, a friend, an animal lover who deserves that extra special something and we’ll put the adoption certificate in their name.” The Sanctuary relies entirely on donor funding. All adoption fees are ploughed back into the Sanctuary to care for its residents. If you would like more info about the adoption scheme or would like to adopt, email Jo at jo@greytondonkeysanctuary.co.za.
ABOVE: Anna, Ruth and Toby are just three of the adorable donkeys that were rescued from abuse or overwork and now live in retirement at the EARS Sanctuary.
LEFT: EARS founder Jo Sedgwick gives Henry a cuddle.