Sandeen Genetics

Sale Staff:
Jered Shipman, Auctioneer 806-983-7226
Tom Rooney, Special Assignment 515-491-6025
Dalton Lundy, Consultant 502-727-6898
Thomas Lundy, Consultant 502-471-0354
Kelvin Jorgensen, Consultant 402-366-9475
Mike Marlow, Consultant 405-880-0108
John Peterson, Consultant 402-873-2224
Buddy Roberston, Consultant 580-747-7000
Joe Seale, Consultant 936-201-8272
Kendall Bremer, Consultant 641-799-4911
John Sachau, Consultant 712-267-2200
Matt McFarlane, Consultant 916-803-3113
Austin Brandt, Midwest Marketer 712-621-1829
Shane Ryan, Midwest Marketer 309-371-7490 Dr. Dewy Nibe, Sale Vet 641-777-9881
Sale Location:
Sandeen Sale Facility at Sandeen Farms. Physical Address: 3261 Monroe-Wapello Rd Blakesburg, Iowa 52536
Area Motels (20 minutes from sale site):
Hampton Inn, Ottumwa, IA 641-814-8888
Holiday Inn Express, Ottumwa, IA 641-814-4500
Fairfield Inn, Ottumwa, IA 641-682-0000
Please consider this your personal invitation to join us for the 13th Annual “Buildin’ A Brand” production sale. This year will mark 23 years of having bred heifer production sales, which began in 2000 with Brad Hook and the “No Bull” Bred Female sale. Through all of these years, what we find to be most astonishing and humbling, is just how many customers and friends have attended and bought from many or most of these sales, and yet every year we are gratified to be greeted with more new fac es along the way. We certainly appreciate the loyalty and enjoy the feedback and success stories from those that have purchased our genetics over the years. We are also grateful to each and every one of you for taking the time out of your extremely hectic schedules to come and evaluate our program! We fully understand that there are a multitude of other places that you could purchase your needs from. Our hope is that you find the genetics represented here, offer an opportunity for you to add value to your operation from a program that stands behind its product 100%
More than two decades ago we recognized, what we felt, was a need in the Simmental gene-pool for a more efficiently constructed yet maternal oriented type female. A cow that would function and produce at an exceptional level under real world environmental factors. With this in mind we made a commitment to concentrate solely on producing and marketing highly maternal bred females, rather than fixating on the show heifer market as many respectable breeders have chosen to do. We appre ciate the fact that our unwavering commitment to producing highly efficient, functional cattle that are productive, fertile, and long lasting, is able to be utilized outside of our operation. We concentrate very hard on building up from cow families that have these inherent traits deeply embedded in their heri tage. It leads to a much higher degree of consistency in the success of generational progression. To fur ther enhance our genetics we have been working diligently to isolate particular outliers within our gene pool that will consistently allow an advantage for the customers that require further growth and perfor mance without effectively sacrificing that invaluable efficiency and capaciously big bodied design that we demand in order to produce cows that thrive on forage alone, without additional supplementation. Most importantly we want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that helps us throughout the year. We are incredibly blessed with family, friends, and neighbors that work around here as needed. Many of you adjust your schedules at a moment’s notice to come help. Also, brother Eric for stopping whatever he’s working on, to get whatever I’ve broke, back up and running. We really, truly appreciate all that you do and could not do it without you! I’m not sure how to express just how truly grateful we are for all that our wives do for us. They cook all the meals for the crews that work around here, while raising the kids/grandkids and keep everything else in line (including us at times). We could not and would not do it without you!
Thank you all for 20 plus years of allowing us to do what we love, and God Bless!
It’s been awhile since a member of the Donna tribe wasn’t Lot 1 in the Buildin’ a Brand production sales. This should lend to the understanding of the potential impact we believe this exceptional young individual has to offer the future of the Simmental gene pool. She is built the way we like them. Massively capacious in her ribcage with an angular design through her front one-third and that true wedge-shape that is evident in the most fertile and generative cow families. She derives from an abundantly produc tive line of cows we’ve developed here over the past two decades that are notorious for the added shape, dimension, and overall real-world performance they tend to offer. However, their most notable trait is the high degree of foot quality they consistently pass down through each generation. The top side of this pedigree is represented by a bull that has intrigued us for some time, Conley GCC Shocker C19. The Shocker sired cattle have been some of the most impressive in the past Griswold Sales. This is a bull that has also been praised highly by some of the more astute cattlemen that we do business with, as one that would make the type of good, functional, attractively designed cattle that we have always appreciated here. Since using him, we have certainly been extremely pleased with the results as one of our most consistently good sire groups, as a whole! When good cattle and consistency are so deeply ingrained in both sides of the lineage, it’s not by chance that the end result is of the quality of such a female as Sandeen Loaded Lady 2625. She undoubtedly has the necessary phenotypic attributes to run in the show ring, but we truly feel her greatest contribution will be as a breeding piece in the advancement of a progressive Simmental breeding operation.
Sandeen Donna 8386 has created quite a legacy for herself over the past decade. She has placed a multitude of high quality progeny into progressive seedstock operations across the nation, demonstrated by the collage of descendants represented below. Though we are now seeing her torch be passed on to these daughters and granddaughters, she will go down in history as the primordial member of the Donna tribe’s in fusion into the Simmental gene pool.
Study this female hard. She puts a lot of things together in one equation that are right and are good for our industry moving forward. Phenotypically she is very hard to fault and the longer you study her the more she is appreciated. There may be bigger, stouter heifers in this offering, but 1142 looks and acts like a lady. Additionally, she is well above satisfactory in terms of her numerical standpoint on paper. The genetic prepotency she will possess is afforded to her through her dam, the Sandeen Donna 8302 cow, who herself is backed by generations of unparalleled producers. Her sire, KCC1 Exclusive, is known for his innate ability to sire densely constructed, efficient cattle that are built right from the ground up. Sandeen Donna 1142 is arguably the next heir in succession to further progress the improvement of the historical Donna tribes contribution to the Purebred Simmental gene pool.
When Mike Henderson approached me about offering a flush opportunity on the $81,000 Sandeen Donna 1717 female that he and his family bought last year, I had absolutely no reservation. This female turned out to be one of the most popular and attention getting individuals we have ever had the honor to raise and market. She’s garnered quite a fan club in her time spent on the show circuit. Being described as “way out there” in terms of body capacity and lower one-third, with an incredibly elegant presence about her and an amazingly fluid stride relative to the tremendous amount of mass she carries. We’re extremely proud of the job the Henderson family has done campaigning this exquisite female in representation of the type and kind that we strive to produce at Sandeen Genetics. Sandeen Donna 1717 is currently bred and will conclude her show career this winter. She will calve in March and should be ready to perform her first IVF Cycle 30 days post calving. Please feel free to call Mike to discuss further details. Mike Henderson: 515-450-1066
Donna 8302 is quickly becoming one of the most prolific producers ever derived from the historical “Donna” family line. There were, undoubtedly, high expectations set when she topped the 2019 Buildin’ A Brand sale at $110,000. However, she has proven that by being so deeply ingrained, for generations, with those certain desirable genetic characteristics, she is unquestionably able to pass on the potency of these enhanced traits, as is evident by the impressive resume she has assembled to this point. 8302 has proven her production of highly marketable offspring is no less than what we had anticipated. In fact, she generated a grand total of $285,000 worth of progeny on her maiden voyage, in the 2021 Buildin’ A Brand Sale. Highlighted by the $140,000 Sandeen Donna 0747, a Fort Knox daughter selling to Eash Land & Livestock, IA; Sandeen Donna 1717, a Quantum Leap daughter selling to the Mike Hender son Family, IA; Sandeen Donna 1024, another Quantum Leap daughter, purchased by Ferguson Show Cattle, OH at $38,000; and a fall heifer cattle prospect, Sandeen Donna 1656 going to Grandview Cattle, IA for $18,000. We have likely just scratched the surface of what this impactful breed matron truly has to offer. 3 IVF Heifer Embryos per mating.
The Donna 8405 cow has again proven her ability to produce, what we consider, “just good cattle”. Cattle that are sound, functional, and have the necessary attributes to be a long lasting cow, yet have a bit more of a look that tends to draw your attention. This young prospect definitely fits that bill to a “T”. We would normally keep a female like this to help highlight the bred heifer division of the 2023 Buildin’ A Brand sale; however, with the Junior Nationals being held in Des Moines next summer, we felt it might be a good opportunity for the junior members to benefit if we offered a couple extra open show prospect this time.
I’m not sure we’ve ever sold a female before that has done a more phenomenal job of doing ev erything right in such a short period of time. She had incredible performance in a sensibly size package from a very young age. Her build and design, combining power and elegance is unparalleled amongst her contemporaries. A Still photo can simply not do justice for her three-dimensional construction. She stands on a large correctly shaped foot and is stout in her skeletal build. She’s a wide muzzled, wide centered indi vidual that is still as feminine through her shoulder and neck as any female on the place. She also possesses the production-oriented traits that are necessary in order for the phenotypic attributes to matter at all. She settled A.I. first service for an early calf, then was IVF’d three times averaging 45.3 oocytes per aspiration as a yearling heifer. When John bought this one, I told him she would likely be the one to out-do the 8302 cow. And to this point, I’ve seen nothing in her performance that would lead me to believe otherwise. An awesome opportunity from Ferguson Show cattle, to acquire these genetics by two of the best sires ever to come through the Hartman program.
Donna 1405 is an intriguing individual with a lot to offer. An extremely gentle Purebred, baldy Broker daughter. Backed by the young lucrative producer, Sandeen Donna 8405, which blends the masterful pedigree of Lock N Load X Donna 8386. A stouter built, attractively designed specimen here that affirms our appreciation for the Broker X Lock N Load mating. Her January Lover Boy calf should be a knockout.
Sandeen Donna 1157
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U
Remington Lock n Load 54U Sandeen Donna 8405 Sandeen Donna 8386
A real solid pair of Purebred baldy’s. Both bred up to the great young Steenhoek sire, Double Up. With Donna 8405 as their dam and the legend ary Donna 8386 as Gran dam, you can bet the ranch that females like this will, undoubtedly, out-produce themselves.
Sandeen Donna 1074
2/10/21 • PB Simmental • ASA Pending • P • Tattoo 1074
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U
Remington Lock n Load 54U Sandeen Donna 8405 Sandeen Donna 8386
Lot 16
Sandeen Donna 1326
2/13/21 • PB Simmental • ASA Pending • P • Tattoo 1326
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U
Remington Lock n Load 54U Sandeen Donna 8405 Sandeen Donna 8386 CE BW WW YW Milk Stay API 9.3 1.7 71.7 101.9 17.5 11.0 115.4 Safe AI on 5/2 to FELT Perseverance
Lot 17 is a big, stout, massive individual. She may be a little short on ear, being born on a cold win ter’s night, but that certainly didn’t seem to hinder her performance. A purebred baldy Double Up heifer calf could sure be nice out of this one.
Donna 1326 prob ably most similarly mirrors her sale featuring sister, Donna 1249 (Lot 11). Both are definitely cut from the same mold. Just a truly awe some flush of females for those of us that appreciate “just good cattle”!
Sandeen Donna 1944
2/12/21 • PB Simmental • ASA Pending • P • Tattoo 1944
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U
Remington Lock n Load 54U Sandeen Donna 8405 Sandeen Donna 8386 CE BW WW YW Milk Stay API
9.3 1.7 71.7 101.9 17.5 11.0 115.4
Safe AI on 5/3 to WHF Double Up
A 1905 was the undisputed pick of the
Judging team this fall, and when
start studying this one, it’s not hard to see why. She is built right from the ground up. She’s wide pinned, level hipped and sleek fronted. Her neck comes up out of the top of her shoulder. She stands on a large foot with ample bone and when set into motion she moves with ease and flexibility. Especially, relative to the massive amount of the weight she carries around due to her extremely capacious center body cavity. It is no fluke that she is constructed this way and is of this caliber. She is derived from a cow family that has been developed with power and function in mind dating back over five decades. Sandeen Lady A 1905 is the first product brought fourth by her dam, Sandeen Donna 9905, who was the $53,000 sale highlight in the 2020 Buildin’ a Brand sale, being selected by Triple G livestock. A full sister to her dam also sold in that sale and commanded a purchase price of $71,000. The grandam of Lady A 1905, Sandeen Lady A 6761, sold for $48,000 in the 2017 Buildin’ a Brand sale. There is, undoubtedly “Power in the Blood” here!... And she will transmit it, only perhaps, in more so of a show heifer form than what her ancestors were programed to do.
1831 is the absolute “Ground Sow” of this set! She comes with one of the most proven and pre dictable pedigrees we have ever offered. Her two full sisters topped the 2020 “Buildin’a Brand” bred heifer division at $71,000 and $53,000. One of which has already placed the stunning, lot 18 sale feature in this years “Buildin’ A Brand”. This is a very unique ¾ blood powerhouse, built and designed to make some purebreds that are truly unique to the industry. It’s just not that often that you come across a high percentage Simmental that has this much natural product along with an unsurpassed combination of fleshing ability and performance amongst her contemporaries. Yet she is still able to maintain an adequate angularity and at tractiveness through her front one-third. This will be an impactful addition to any progressive operation and will most likely make an impressive start to her resume with her first Double Up offspring she is currently carrying.
Full sister to the powerful lot 19 female as well as two of the high sell ing individuals in the 2020 Buildin’ A Brand Sale. Very potent and predictable ge netics coursing through her veins. 1668 is a well de signed, heavily constructed female in her own right. Bred to the immortal Lock Down for an early calf. 1747 is a maternal sister to many of the best fe males to ever come through this program. Sired by the great Kearns Cattle Co/ Bird Cattle Co. herd sire, KCC1 Exclusive. This first mating to Double Up could very well cover the tab here!
A rather unique pedigree on this percent age female, as her sire is a full brother to the $164,000 “Rita” show heifer that was marketed by RJ Cattle, SD and done so much winning for the Sullivan crew a few years ago. This one is a bit younger than her contem poraries, yet was still able to breed in a timely fashion with all the others. Excel lent fertility and productiv ity bred in here.
Big, stout, power fully constructed individu al here. This is one to raise powerhouse, scale crunch ing bulls! This cow family has been noted for it’s add ed growth and performance without sacrificing fleshing ability and fertility. 1323 seems to be living up to those ancestral standards.
This is one to build a cow line from! Study this female from the ground up. Then study her pedigree in the same fashion. She derives from a little different branch of the Donna family tree, but to anyone that has an appreciation for the maternal oriented sector of the Angus breed, her lineage is quite simply impeccable. Coleman Charlo x Coleman Donna 005 (N Bar Shadow X Coleman Donna 386) Then couple into the equation the number one sire in, in our mind, for producing the ultimate SimAngus base cow, W/C Lock N Load 1143Y. It is our belief that this is the starting for mula for breeding up to the most sought after and predictable Purebred Simmental.
donor cow potential!! 1507 has been just an incredible standout since she was a calf. I can only imagine what she will look like in production as a four-year-old! This is exactly the type and kind of female that has given 1143Y the reputation around here, as the undisputed sire of choice for producing the most exceptional SimAngus base cows, and this may well be the best one yet!! Backed by an impressive Gold Standard daughter, straight out of the highly acclaimed Griswold Angus herd. Her sire, GCC Gold Standard X615 is noted for generating those massively constructed, easy fleshing females that truly thrive in our country. This is without question, one of the most phenotypically impressive female in the offering, and I see no reason for her to breed any other way.
26 derives from the Tharpe Angus 225 cow family that has been employed at Sandeen Genetics for the past two and a half decades. Those that have followed our program for that long know the value we placed on those Tharpe Angus cows and the impact they had in jump starting our SimAngus Genetics. The original 225 cow probably produced more dollars’ worth of high qual ity bred females than any other of her time. Bring it forward to present day and this cow family is still doing an exceptional job. A full sib to 1225 sold to the Mosiman family of Kansas for $9,500 through the 2020 “Buildin’ A Brand” sale. She is currently raising exceptional show heifers for their online sales. This is a very nice individual backed by a high degree of historical value in our oper ation.
For anyone that has had an appreciation for the Ohlde Angus Cattle, as we have for a num ber of years, just imagine an OCC Anchor daughter with a blaze face and a bit more size. That is the ideal description of Sandeen Lady 1499. Extremely bold and robust through the center portion of her body with a prepossessing look that makes her easy to find. Exciting mating here; 1143Y x OCC Anchor bred to Double Up!
One of the very few daughters in the offering by the full brother to RJ/Sullivan’s $164,000 “Rita” female. This exceptional individual hap pens to go back to 1143Y and the very productive Jauer 465 cow. This was our neighbor girl, Kayden’s show heifer this past year and she decided to sell her so she could get an other one. Extremely gentle, well-constructed female bred to our resident calving ease specialist, Easy Out.
miss an op portunity to by on one of these 1143Y X Charlo fe males. They’ll develop into tremendous cows.
Every time I look at this female I see her mother, the Donna 8302 cow. She probably does most closely mirror her dam’s design and outline. Just further proof of the depth of quality that the 8302 donor consistently produces. A stouter, more densely constructed 8302 daughter that may exhib it a few more of the KCCI Exclusive traits. Excellent structure in this full sib to the impressive lot 2 female.
A full sister to the $81,000 Sandeen Donna 1717. This female is halter broke and extremely gentle. A loose structured female, built very similar to the popular show heifer design of today.
Donna 1856 is an other full sib to the $81,000 Donna 1717 from the 2020 Buildin’ A Brand sale. This one probably exhibits a more traditional “Donna” phenotype. I’m not satisfied with the photo we got on this one. It just simply does not do her justice. So be sure to look her up sale day.
Lot 38 is a moderate framed, ideal structured female with a royally bred pedigree. Her sire, the 949F bull, is a full sib to the $164,000 RJ/Sullivan “Rita” show heifer that won nearly everything a few years ago. Her dam, the Donna 829 cow, is a full sib to the $45,000 Sandeen Donna 8410 and the $32,500 Sandeen Donna 8109, both of which sold in the 2019 Buildin’ A Brand sale and are currently employed in the Sandeen and Associates Donor pro gram.
Red is the new black when it comes to the Simmen tal breed! TRCC Pandemic hit the gates running this spring being the high selling bull at the Embryos on Snow and be ing utilized on some of the top donors in the breed this spring. Here is your chance to put this sire’s service in your pasture. 6026D is backed by the great Sequoia Y770 female who produced Bank On It. If you’re serious about advancing your program bid right in on this opportunity! Recips are young Commercial Angus cows with good attitudes and udders. Cows weigh around 1200#’s.
W/C Miss Werning 6026D Pregnancies PB Simmental • Donor ASA 3354111 • Heifer Pregnancies A. TRCC Pandemic 1/18/23 B. TRCC Pandemic 1/18/23 W/C Bullseye 3046A W/C Miss Werning 6026D KS Miss Sequoia Y770
Sweet Emotion has been a cornerstone donor fe male for our program as well as Windy Ridge Simmen tals over the years. 42Z has been prized for producing cattle with added dimension, bone, and power. A Loaded Up x 42Z daughter is a $90K valued donor for Schaake’s and that female was a multi ple time Champion for them on the Show Circuit. We very rarely let these genetics leave the farm so be sure you are on hand to tie into an elite genetic package. The recip female will be on hand sale weekend and available for viewing!
HTP/SVF Duracell T52 CAJS Sweet Emotion 42Z JM Steel My Heart
Sweet Emotion Pregnancies PB Simmental • Donor ASA 2642574 • Heifer Pregnancy W/C Bankroll 811D W/C Fort Knox 609F K-Ler Dolly’s Queen 609
A unique twist to the norm here in our lone fall yearling entry. Donna 1021 is both bred and built very similar to some of the most successfully marketed cattle that the Speas Cattle crew have developed. This one’s dam is the Sandeen Donna 4232 cow. One of the all-time greatest females to ever go through the Buil din’ A Brand program. She was purchased by two of the most successful cattlemen within their respective fields, Bill Fulton, NE and Brandon Bird, TX. It was the combination of our high opinion of the 4232 cow and the fact that we had witnessed the Speas’ crew create their own highly sought-after product using very similar genetics, that caused me to advise our good friend and resident cowboy, Kyle Kirkpatrick to buy the embryos that produced this future breeding piece. Donna 1021 will sell approximately 40 days bred to Bet On Red, but not far enough along to guarantee.
Lot 47
Lots 46 & 47 are both a product of Sandeen Donna 6386, which is prob ably the most under-rated donor ever to go through our program. She may not be a cow that puts out a lot of glitz and glamor, but she puts out good functional cattle time and time again. That cow offers as much, in terms of fertility, fleshing ability, and udder quali ty, as perhaps any cow on the place. These daughters will do the same. Buy with confidence knowing you’re getting the kind of cow that will pay the bills and keep you in business.
6/1 till 7/15/22 to W/C Lock n Load 1143Y
Sandeen Donna 6386 -
Fort Knox daugh ter tracing back to the leg endary Donna 8386. Very suitable set of E.P.D.’s and bred to the highly predict able Lover Boy for a January calf.
This one is obvi ously bred with the more “numbers oriented” herds in mind, but phenotypi cally she is quite hard to distinguish from the rest of the set. She’s a deep bod ied, easy fleshing individual that’s good in her structure and has done everything we’ve asked. One of the few in this offering bred to Doctors Orders. Lot 51
The only County O in the offering, tracing back to the Stop-N-Stare cow family developed in the Hilbrands herd. Raised by the Ver Ploeg Farms, she is halter broke and extremely gentle. This one has been really nice since she was a calf.
1849 is just a little bit nervous when she gets sorted off by herself, but she doesn’t seem to bother in a crowd. She certainly does exemplify “good cattle” from a phenotypic standpoint. Her dam is a full sister to the lot 27, Sandeen Lady 1499. Bred up early to Felt Per severance.
D170 was the heif er calf on 4016B when we purchased her at Werning’s for $40K. 4016B has been “A Highlight of embryo sales and prospects around the country.” A Pays to Believe sold high at The One Sale in Denver. A Sharper Image was at the top of our own sale in 2021. A+ udder, disposition, numbers all in one package. We flushed 4016B and have 3 daughters who are duplicates to this one in the herd. She comes with 2 bull calves by the exclusive se men syndicated KCC1 Coun tertime at side as a big time bonus!
12.5 118.8
at side by KCC1 Countertime #: 3123126.
sells open. Bull calf born 8/25/22.
Genetically she represtents the best of 3 worlds. Image 62A was select ed as Lot 1 out of the Great Lakes Bull sale and was se lected for his power and mass. Her dam 42TJZ is a Dream Catcher backed by our $20K valued Habanero/Northern Improvement Donor. A Bank roll just sold for $7500 in our Production Sale. A Loaded Up daughter brought $5500 in that same Production Sale. She comes with a Countertime bull at side. The KCC1 Countertime semen is not on the open mar ket and the only way to put his service into your program is to buy sons or daughters so get in early!
When Wheatland Man O War was first posted on Riley Lafrentz Facebook page, he hit me hard as one that we needed to look into utilizing in our program! With our full confidence in the bulls breeding potential, it seemed only reasonable that we line him up with, what is arguably the most generative Donna female currently in production, Sandeen Donna 8302. The females produced from this mating will most definitely be highlights in next year’s “Buildin’ A Brand” bred heifer division. However, we quite simply didn’t feel it was right to wait another year to offer choice of these phenotypically impressive, genetic mas terpieces. We feel there is true breeding value to be harnessed here with the freshest and most precisely blended genetics, which represent the decades of unwavering commitment to producing highly functional, production oriented seedstock. Selling choice on these two herd bull prospects, Lots 57 & 58.
J173 has been a standout since he hit the ground. A own son of the great Hartman sire Profit and backed by a tremen dous cow who is just getting ready to hit the donor pen. 6009D was Jared Shipman’s pick of the bred heifer pens at Werning Cattle Company the year she sold and was prized for her ultra correct design. You’ll love the look this bull brings to the pas ture as well as his added power.
has been a breeding bull since birth. This Pilgrim son has looked like a bull since day one coming with a tremendous amount of top shape, powerful hip, and a ultra correct design at the ground. This bull is big scro taled and stands on a well shaped hoof. He represents the only direct progeny of the great 8386 in this year’s offer ing and one who needs added to your pasture.
Black - Polled - Bull
This is probably the best half-blood bull we’ve ever raised. One of my personal favorites. If he wasn’t related to nearly every cow on the place, we’d be retaining him for our own use. Excel lent in his foot size and shape. Powerful and functional in his skeletal design. He’s deep bodied, easy fleshing, and tremendous in terms of performance and growth in a real-world setting. His dam, the 6281 cow, exemplifies perfectly why we love our Charlo cows. Easy fleshing, low maintenance cow that breeds first service every year, with a great udder and wean a heavy calf each fall. Keep every heifer out of this guy!
A Pure Beef Machine that also offers “sleep all night” calving ease genetics. This one is big bodied, and easy flesh ing with great feet and an awe some dam backing him up. His dam, Blackbird 1547, is a great uddered, efficiently de signed cow that is one of the most consistent producers on the ranch. Every calf she has had, bull or heifer, has made the sale and sold in the $3,500 - $7,500 range. Another great option to keep the daughters.
This bull is a bit younger and greener but ge netically will be outstanding. This was the last calf raised by his phenomenal Jauer 465 dam at 17 years of age. Even at her advanced age she displayed a near flawless udder and tre mendous feet. His full sister was retained here, and is phe notypically about as perfect as you could draw a SimAngus cow. Again, put every daugh ter back into production.
In 2015 our long-time friend and ring man, Tom Rooney, brought the Speas’ crew to the Buildin’ A Brand sale for the first time. They were fresh out of the horse business and looking to break into the cattle industry. With Tom’s guidance and certain budget in mind, they were able to find an individual that suited their criteria. They purchased Sandeen Donna 4325 for $8,000. A Lock N Load X Sandeen Donna 8386 daughter that was a full sister to the $60,000 high seller that day. With the predictable genetics in hand, they began carving out their own niche in the industry by utilizing a slightly different sire selection to put their own twist on the Donna family line. One of their earliest successes was a stunning red baldy Profit daughter that came to be known as “Crystal Gayle”. She drew a tremendous amount of attention while being campaigned on the show circuit. However, her greatest achievements were attained once her donor career started. With her embryo packages and pregnancies being in high demand, they began their marketing venture, which to date had tallied in excess of $200,000 worth of genetics sold. Even the produce from those genetics sold have retailed quite well and gone on to achieve great things. In 2021 a Relentless daughter from an embryo purchase, commanded a $21,000 price tag through Dwyer’s Next Generation Foundation Female sale. That female was recently named Champion Purebred Simmental at the NILE show in Montana. Another daughter by Relentless, raised by Dwyer’s, was sold by Lucas John son of Illinois to the Welsh Family of Illinois. That female went on to be named Reserve Champion Purebred at the Illinois State Fair Open Show. With all the excitement that had been built by the “Crystal Gayle” cow, the Speas family decided to offer one half interest in her earlier this fall in the Next Generation Foundation Female Sale where the final gavel dropped at a figure of $70,000, being selected by the Kane Family of Illinois! Bringing the grand total of her earnings to $350,000 off of that original $8,000 investment from the Sandeen Genetics!
At Sandeen Genetics we pride our selves on being able to offer cattle to pro ducers at all price points during our Annual Sale. While some of our females are priced at points that leave them set for donor pro duction we will offer females and bulls at price points that will work for all levels of cattle production.
Last year over 70% of our sale sold from the $2,000 to $5,999 mark. Please make plans to join us Saturday December 10th to find a female or bull that will help propel your program to the next level!
Health: All animals will be eligible for interstate shipment unless otherwise announced. Health papers will be furnished for each animal over 6 months of age.
Embryos: Guarantee one pregnancy per package on each lot of embryos sold, if work is done by certified embryologist. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.
Terms & Conditions: Terms of sales will be cash, good check, or Mastercard or Visa payment. If a credit card is used a 3% service fee will be applied to purchase. All statements made from the auction block will take precedence over materials printed in this catalog. Cattle sell via the terms and conditions set forth by the American Simmental Association.
Registration Papers: Please leave all transfer instructions with the sale clerks at the conclusion of the sale.
Pregnancy Information: All of the bred females in this offering have been pregnancy checked and con firmed pregnant to the dates listed in this catalog. Buyers have 21 days to re-pregnancy check females pur chased in order to confirm these dates. Please contact seller as soon as possible if any issues are found.
Accidents: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the buyers and those attending the sale, the seller, sale management, and all associated with the sale and its facility do not assume any responsibility for injury, theft, accident, or loss of property.
Trucking: Assistance will be given in making shipment after the sale, but no risk will be assumed by the seller. Expenses incurred are the responsibility of the purchaser who should furnish instructions at the time of settlement.