Sale Staff: Clint Hunter, Auctioneer 417-860-1624 Mike Sorensen, Livestock Plus 641-745-7949 Austin Brandt, Midwest Marketer 712-621-1829 Tom Rooney, Special Assignment 515-491-6025 Greg Miller, Consultant 608-778-8785 Jeremie Ruble, Consultant 406-581-7940 Nick Dwyer, Manager 309-337-6404 Bob Dwyer, Manager 309-337-1404 Online Bidding: Online bidding available at www.CCI.Live please login and register for a bidder number at least one hour prior to the sale. Area Motels (Muscatine, IA): Hampton Inn 563-264-3003 Best Western 563-316-7700 Early viewing: Cattle available for viewing prior to the sale at the sale site by appointment. Contact Ron Cox to view this set prior to sale week. Sale Management: Dwyer Cattle Services Bob Dwyer 309-337-1404 Nick Dwyer 309-337-6404 Online www.dwyercattle.com Saturday September 17, 2022 6:00 pm CST • Atalissa, IA Swing Shift Simmentals Ron Cox 319-631-3565 Sale Address: 2133 137th St. Atalissa IA 52720 Special Guests: Kitzerow Cattle Company Saint Charles, IA Todd Kitzerow Family 815-757-4448 Slater Farms Oquakwa, IL Bill Slater Family 309-371-8777 Danner Cattle Muscatine, IA Ben Danner Family 563-299-7078 Chad Claussen Atalissa, IA Chad Claussen Family 563-349-5089 Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 1 This will be a video auction so please come to the sale site early to inspect the cattle in the runs prior to the sale beginning.

At Swing Shift Simmentals we have been blessed to have a great group of repeat buyers over the years out of our bull pen and have sold our bulls privately for decades on a first come first serve basis. New this year we will offer up the first picks on our 2022 bull crop in this year’s sale and allow the winning bidder the first crack at our lineup of 2022 bulls. For our first sale we decided to bring in a great group of guest consignors to offer cattle in this sale along with our own. We are proud to call these consignors, friends. We look forward to offering their top end in this sale for years to come. We look forward to welcoming each of you to our new sale facility to check out the cattle. If you have any questions or would like to view this year’s set prior to sale day feel free to reach out for a tour. We’d love to hear from you.
Greetings friends and fellow cattlemen, Welcome to the First Annual Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale. We look forward to starting the first chapter of this sale with a tremendous lineup of cattle to offer each of you. While this is our first pro duction sale we’ve been raising Registered Simmental cattle since 1986 and have been marketing cattle all across the country ever since. As you read through this book we feel that we have assembled a set of cattle that we are very proud of and look forward to the cattle being offered being able to booster your bottom line for years to Overcome.theyears Swing Shift Simmentals has kept a keen eye on the needs of the commercial cattle men producing cattle who don’t melt when put into production and come with the added frame that’s need ed in today’s beef cattle business. The open heifers in this year’s sale are all halter broke, extremely gentle and are ready to go right into your show barn. The bred heifers have been developed on a low energy ration and have spent the summer out on grass to provide you with a female who won’t melt next summer when turned out into the pasture. The breds have been pregnancy examined multiple times so known breeding dates are available for the entire offering of bred cattle.
Bred Heifers were all pregnancy examined on 5/20/22 and again on 8/26/22.
Open Heifers were all given BoviShield Gold 5, Brucellosis Vaccination, Once PMH, Vision 7/Somnus w/spur, SolidBac Pinkeye, Dectomax.
Registration Papers: Please leave all transfer instructions with the sale clerks at the conclusion of the sale.
THANK YOU! Shift Simmentals
Terms & Conditions: Terms of sales will be cash, or good check with proper ID. All statements made from the auction block will take precedence over materials printed in this catalog. Cattle sell via the terms and con ditions set forth by the American Simmental Association.
Terms & Conditions...
Trucking: Assistance will be given in making shipment after the sale, but no risk will be assumed by the seller. Expenses incurred are the responsibility of the purchaser who should furnish instructions at the time of settlement.
Embryos: Guarantee one pregnancy per package on each lot of embryos sold, if work is done by certified embryologist. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.
The Swing
Accidents: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the buyers and those attending the sale, the seller, sale management, and all associated with the sale and its facility do not assume any responsibility for injury, theft, accident, or loss of property.
Production Sale Group Swing Shift Simmentals - Kitzerow Cattle Company - Slater Farms - Danner Cattle - Chad Claussen Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 2
Pregnancy Information: All of the bred females in this offering have been pregnancy checked and con firmed pregnant to the dates listed in this catalog. Buyers have 21 days to re-pregnancy check females pur chased in order to confirm these dates. Please contact seller as soon as possible if any issues are found.
Health: All animals will be eligible for interstate shipment unless otherwise announced. Health papers will be furnished for each animal over 6 months of age.

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 3 1 SSS Cox Cow 114J 1/2 Simmental - 1/14/21 - ASA #: 4068741 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D CSPF Bentley Dallas DAMAR X194 Rosela CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 13.2 0.9 73.3 121.4 24.3 16.2 12.8 125.5 76.0 AI 5/15 to WHF Double Up A Remedy daughter of our Dallas donor who displays the added performance, power, and look this donor is cranking out in ET production. 114J is my type of female all day long. So powerful at the ground and carries that power all the way up to a big bold hip design. Love her capacity and structural correctness. This female sells safe AI to the exciting calving ease sire Double Up for quick success. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 1 Dallas 2 Dallas Heifer Embryos Each package will contain 3 embryos IVF Heifer Sexed A. W/C Bankroll 811D B. W/C Bet on Red CSPF Bentley Dallas DAMAR X194 Rosela CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 13.2 0.2 65.1 108.1 26.8 15.8 13.6 136.1 83.1 Bankroll #: 3187005 - Bet on Red #: 3808091 - Donor #: 3756637 Dallas is quickly becoming a cornerstone in our donor pen. This Red Angus female brings a different twist to our op eration producing cattle who can dual register as percentage Simmental as well as percentage Red Angus. As you can see by the Lots 3 & 4 females in this sale the Bankroll mating is a no miss option. We really feel that Bet on Red will produce at a high level as well. Guarantee one pregnancy per package if embryo work is done by a licensed embryologist. Swing Shift Simmentals Dallas Donor Schedule of Events Prior to September 15th Cattle Available for viewing by appointment September 15 & 16 Cattle Available for viewing at the sale site. September 17th 4:30 pm Dinner & Refreshments Served 6:00 pm Sale Begins

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 4 4 SSS Cox Cow 203K 1/2 Simmental - 1/18/22 - ASA #: 4084942 W/C Loaded Up 1119Y W/C Bankroll 811D Miss Werning KP 8543U CSPF Bentley Dallas Damar X194 Rosela A CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.6 0.9 73.3 109.9 25.0 13.4 13.3 128.6 76.4 Open Heifer 203K is the powerhouse Bankroll daughter in this flush to Dallas. You’ll love her added dimension, bold rib design, and added power at the ground. This January daughter has cow power written all over her and yet still maintains a cool look on the profile. This one won’t disappoint sale weekend. Swing Shift Simmentals 3 SSS Cox Cow 204K 1/2 Simmental - 3/2/22 - ASA #: 4084943 W/C Loaded Up 1119Y W/C Bankroll 811D Miss Werning KP 8543U CSPF Bentley Dallas Damar X194 Rosela A CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.6 0.9 73.3 109.9 25.0 13.4 13.3 128.6 76.4 Open Heifer A striking red baldy heifer who has the style and presence to compete at a high level. 204K is cocky necked, clean chested, and has the bone and foot work needed to run against some serious competition. Not to mention this female has a great disposition and is out of our Dallas donor who continues to produce at a high level. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 3 Lot 4 Dallas Donor

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 5 5 TK Champagne & Lace PB Simmental - 4/7/22 - ASA #: 4062584 HTP/SVF Duracell T52 HPF Quantum Leap Z952 RP/MP Right to Love TL Bottomline KFA Miss Margo F836 KFA/SAS Miss Macy CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 10.4 3.0 82.7 117.6 19.7 9.4 11.4 116.2 77.5 Open Heifer Here is a young heifer that I have admired since she was born. At the ground this heifer has an awe some set of feet and legs. Then to top it all off she has great shape to her rib cage and amazing muscle shape. This heifer is out of really nice Bottomline cow our son showed a few years ago from the Kimball family out of Wisconsin. If you decide to show her or make her a cow you will not be disappointed. Make sure to look this one up. Kitzerow Cattle Company 6 TK Pearl K01 3/4 Simmental - 1/25/22 - ASA #: 4037059 SS Ebonys Grandmaster WS A Step Up X27 WS Ms Macho U38 JASS/JS Optimizer 58X PCC Missie B8 ALL PVF Missie 932 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.9 1.3 66.9 100.3 20.4 8.9 14.3 103.7 64.1 Open Heifer Here is a real good baldy A Step Up heifer. This heifer is out of a cow that just continues to produce good cattle for us no matter what we have bred her to. This female has all the pieces to compete in the ring and a great cow once out of the ring. This female is long bod ied, sound, good fronted and is going to have great hair. Kitzerow Cattle Company Lot 5 Lot 6 Kitzerow Cattle Company

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 6 7 SSS Cox Cow 215K PB Simmental - 3/4/22 - ASA #: 4085122 Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U Mr HOC Broker SSS Cox Cow 724E Jarrs Miss Macho 23T CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 7.8 3.4 73.3 99.4 18.1 6.2 10.6 107.0 69.6 Open Heifer A purebred female by Relentless who goes back to our Macho 23T donor who we picked up from our good friend Doug Jarr. 23T has produced countless high sellers in the past for our program and multiple daugh ters who have been retained in the herd. You’ll love the bone and shear power this one brings to the table. Not to mention she has a great disposition. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 7 8 SSS Cox Cow 210K 3/4 Simmental - 3/2/22 - ASA #: 4084939 W/C United 956Y W/C Executive Order 8543B Miss Werning KP 8543U LLSF Pays to Believe SSS Cox Cow 74F SSS Cox Cow 454B CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.4 0.2 77.3 116.1 24.1 8.8 11.9 129.3 80.1 Open Heifer 210K is a cocky necked daughter of Executive Order who is simply stunning in the pen. This female is as sound as you can make one with the added foot, bone, and bold rib design to go with it. This female is younger than many of her contemporaries but when you study her lines and structure she may be one of the best sale weekend and beyond. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 8 9 SSS Cox Cow 201K 3/4 Simmental - 2/10/22 - ASA #: 4081327 W/C Executive Order W/C Double Down 5014E W/C Miss Werning 5014 Sandeen Crowd Pleaser SSS Cox Cow 201Z Jarrs Miss Macho 23T CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.4 1.2 65.2 91.4 25.0 11.2 11.0 102.8 64.2 Open Heifer This cool necked Double Down daughter goes back to the great 23T female from Jarr Cattle. Here’s a female who is long bodied, deep sided, and simply grabs attention when you walk in the pen. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 9 Simmental Open Heifers

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 7 10 SSS Cox Cow 211J PB Simmental - 12/6/21 - ASA #: 4084930 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D CCR Santa Fe 9349Z PLJ Miss Jenny 608E Cason’s Miss Silvia CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.6 1.7 76.4 120.5 19.9 11.5 15.1 123.9 73.2 Open Heifer A high growth daughter of the record setting SO Remedy. The Remedy semen is extremely rare and his daughters are setting the trend for the next generation of high end Simmental seed stock. Bid with confidence on this impressive December born female. Swing Shift Simmentals SO Remedy 7F 11 SSS Cox Cow 220K 3/4 Simmental - 1/4/22 - ASA #: 4084927 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D ACLL Fortune 393D SJF Holly Hoffman LLL Pride 7645 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.6 0.8 76.9 119.9 18.9 14.1 11.7 107.7 69.7 Open Heifer Here’s a Remedy female who goes back to a donor female for Bruhn Cattle that originated at Fran kenreider’s in Illinois. 220K is deep middled, sound structured, and extended through her front one-third. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 11 12 SSS Cox Cow 221K 3/4 Simmental - 1/6/22 - ASA #: 4084929 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D ACLL Fortune 393D SJF Holly Hoffman LLL Pride 7645 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.6 0.8 76.9 119.9 18.9 14.1 11.7 107.7 69.7 Open Heifer A full sibling to the Lot 11 female this Remedy female has that bold rib cage, added length of spine, and a structurally correct design. Her breeding is impeccable and her look reads power cow for years to come. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 12 SO Remedy Daughters

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 8 13 SSS Cox Cow 209K 1/2 Simmental - 1/8/22 - ASA #: 4084938 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D 360 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.3 0.7 71.9 114.6 21.7 13.9 13.1 118.7 71.2 Open Heifer 209K is an exciting daughter of Remedy who comes with the added power, bold rib design, and a great look through her front one-third. This female is as sound as you can make one and has an excellent dispo sition. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 13 15 SSS Cox Cow 208K 1/2 Simmental - 2/28/22 - ASA #: 4084936 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D 1006 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.2 0.2 68.8 110.6 22.1 14.5 14.0 119.5 69.5 Open Heifer This half-blood Remedy daughter is one I feel will make a high quality breeding piece. Really good in terms of her EPD data points being 0 on BW and over 110 on YW this is a female who puts it all together from a production standpoint. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 15 14 SSS COX COW 207K 1/2 Simmental - 1/4/22 - ASA #: 4084934 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D 222 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.6 1.4 74.2 116.7 21.6 13.2 13.7 124.2 74.1 Open Heifer This chromed up daughter of Remedy is sure to catch your attention. 207K is big footed, has the added bone, and bold design needed in production. This fe male ties high at the point of her shoulder and is sure to get some extra looks in the show ring. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 14 SO Remedy Daughters

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 9 17 SSS Cox Cow 214K 3/4 Simmental - 2/3/22 - ASA #: 4085121 W/C Double Down 5014 WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365 WHF Summer 365C SVF Steel Force S701 SSS Cox Cow 721E VDAR Forever Lady CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.3 1.0 66.7 92.8 18.8 8.4 11.8 98.9 61.3 Open Heifer - Homo Polled Here’s a Double Up daughter who is sure to find friends sale weekend. 214K is bold middled, good joint ed, and sound at the ground. This female has an excel lent disposition and would make a good first year show project and an even better cow. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 17 16 SSS Cox Cow 213K 3/4 Simmental - 1/14/22 - ASA #: 4084944 BF Special Consensus JT Volk Premonition 113E Triara She’s Got Style SC Pay The Price C11 Volk Cow F608 060 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.6 1.0 76.3 111.3 23.6 10.9 12.1 114.2 72.7 Open Heifer I bought a few cows last fall from Volk Livestock and this Premonition daughter is a result of one of those purchases. 213K has been a standout since birth com ing with a up-headed look, added capacity to her rib cage, and a powerful design at the ground. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 16 18 SSS Cox Cow 202K 1/2 Simmental - 2/2/22 - ASA #: 4084940 SVF Steel Force S701 GCC Whizard 125W Miss Chill 1829 Plainview Lutton E102 SSS Cox Cow 727E JDJ She’s All That 005K CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 10.1 1.2 59.9 90.1 20.2 10.1 8.3 97.9 61.6 Open Heifer Whizard daughters have continued to excel in production and his semen is currently approaching $200+ a straw due to limited availability. This half-blood breeding piece is one I could see making a high impact in Club Calf production. Added hair, power, and eye-ap peal. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 18 Simmental Open Heifers

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 10 21 SSS Cox Cow 212K 1/4 Simmental - 1/15/22 - ASA #: 4084945 Remington Lock n Load W/C Lock Down 206Z GCF Miss New Level Primetime KBSC Beasty Girl 063H ET BPCC Beautiful Girl CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.3 -0.1 71.9 110.8 18.4 12.4 7.1 110.7 73.8 Open Heifer 212K has been simply captivating all Spring and Summer. This Lock Down daughter is long necked, lev el topped, and has that three dimensional design. The Lock Down sire group makes excellent cattle in pro duction and we have sold several sons by this bull over the years. This female goes back to a Mainetainer cow which adds to her power and look. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 21 19 SSS COX COW 206K 1/2 Simmental - 1/20/22 - ASA #: 4084932 C&C McKinley 3000 Gateway Follow Me F163 Dunk-W Maxine HR 505 SVF Steel Force S701 SSS Cox Cow 850 VPF Priceless CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 7.5 2.8 68.8 102.2 12.2 7.8 8.8 100.4 65.9 Open Heifer A true standout in the show heifer division. This Follow Me daughter is awesome haired, big boned, and ties high out of her shoulder. If you’re looking for a per centage show heifer that can stand some serious com petition tie right into this high quality female. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 19 20 SSS Cox Cow 205K 1/2 Simmental - 1/28/22 - ASA #: 4084931 W/C Loaded Up 1119Y W/C Bankroll 811D Miss Werning KP 8543U Werner Flat Top 4136 KOCH Miss Blitz Faye 1812 KOCH Miss Blitz 1644 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 15.3 -1.1 76.2 118.6 23.3 11.6 13.3 138.7 81.3 Open Heifer - Homo Polled A baldy female with data points to support her performance. This female is negative on BW and over 118 on YW. You’ll appreciate this female’s added power, thick top, and cocky look on the profile. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 20 Simmental Open Heifers

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 11 24 SSS High Rise 3/4 Simmental - 1/22/22 - ASA #: 4084925 TJ High Calibre 556B Conley High Rise F3 Conley Sheza Star D3 W/C Bankroll 811D BFJV Ms Bankroll H375 231NL CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.2 1.0 72.7 107.4 23.9 6.9 17.6 134.6 75.4 Show Steer With the Simmental Junior Nationals in Des Moines, IA this year here’s a steer that has the goods to get you into the backdrop. High Rise is cocky necked, big topped, and extra soft when set in motion. We’ve had a great track record over the years of breeding steers who put on the pounds with mul tiple winners at the Muscatine and Cedar County Fairs in the rate of gain Division. Swing Shift Simmentals No Pic 23 Clausen Monopoly Club Calf - March 2021 - Unregistered Heat Wave Monopoly WTR Ruth Medina Clausen Cow CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI Open Heifer A good haired, cocky necked heifer by Monopoly. This heifer is extra sound and has a calm disposition. Chad Clausen Monopoly 22 Clausen Ms Refresh Reg. Angus - March 2021 - AAA #: Pending Gambles Hot Rod Plum Creek Refresh 561A SH Miss Annie Lu 6087 Musgrave Foundation Clausen Foundation CED BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay $B $C Open Heifer A big outlined, deep sided daughter of Refresh. This female goes back to a really nice Musgrave Foundation daughter. Good genetics, good looking, and ready to run in the show ring. Check her out sale weekend. Chad Clausen Plum Creek Refresh AOB Open Heifers & Show Steer

25 Clausen County O 3/4 Simmental - March 2021 - ASA #: Pending W/C Loaded Up 1119Y GEFF County O Ruby NFF Rhythm 475B Mr HOC Broker Clausen Broker CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI Show Steer A really thick and bold steer by County O this guy will make an excellent breed steer. Chad Clausen GEFF County O 26 Clausen County O 1/2 Simmental - April 2021 - ASA #: Pending W/C Loaded Up 1119Y GEFF County O Ruby NFF Rhythm 475B Mucho Cervesa Clausen Broker CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI Show Steer A sound made Simmental breed steer with all the ex tras. This guy is thick, stout, and sound. This guy will play at the Simmental Junior Nationals to be held in Des Moines, Iowa next summer! Chad Clausen Show Steers

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 13 27 TK Adele J06 PB Simmental - 4/20/21 - ASA #: 3932583 SS Ebonys Grandmaster WS A Step Up X27 WS Ms Macho U38 JASS/JS Optimizer 58X PCC Missie B8 ALL PVF Missie 932 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.9 1.3 66.9 100.3 20.4 8.9 14.3 103.7 64.1 AI 4/20 to Rocking P Private Stock If you are looking for a really good bred female look no further. This female is out of our Adele cow family that has done nothing but produce great females for us. This lady is long bodied, sound and has a long neck on her. I think that the matting to Rocking P Private stock could really work on this female so don’t miss out. The heifer is also halter broke. Kitzerow Cattle Company 28 TK Yes Melt J07 PB Simmental - 3/20/21 - ASA #: 3932584 LLSF Uprising Z925 HILB Oracle C033R SS Babys Breath P035 FBFS Wheel Man 649W FBFS Yes Melt 146A FBFS Yes Melt 098Y CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.3 3.6 83.8 120.8 21.3 12.7 15.8 118.0 75.6 AI 5/24 to Rocking P Private Stock This Oracle heifer is going to make an awesome cow. This is one of those females that could live off of air, she has been an easy keeping female her entire life. With this girl’s rib shape and soundness, I think the future breeding options on this female are endless. This is a female that will not disap point. Kitzerow Cattle Company Lot 27 Lot 28 Spring Bred Heifers

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 14 31 SLTR Forever Lady 151J PB Simmental - 2/15/21 - ASA #: 4083272 CCR Anchor 9071B W/C Night Watch 84E Miss Werning KP 8543U Ruby’s Turnpike 771E SLTR Forever Lady 945G SLTR Forever Lady 704 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.7 -0.8 82.8 125.0 31.3 14.4 15.8 142.8 85.5 AI 4/3 to OMF Epic A genetic gem with the looks to match. This outcross purebred female ranks in the top 15% of the breed for BW, Milk, MWW, & DOC also top 25% of the breed for API, TI, CE, and CW. This moderate framed baldy is the first calf by 945G who will likely see time in the donor pen just like her mother 704 did before her. Bid right up on this striking baldy you’ll be hard pressed to find one who checks more boxes. Slater Farms Lot 31 29 TK Eminence J13 PB Simmental - 3/28/21 - ASA #: 3961786 Mr HOC Broker PAL/CLAC Meant to Be KLS Diamond W516 FBF1 Supremacy JSMF Eminence ESU59 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 9.5 3.2 70.5 94.8 19.6 6.7 16.5 111.5 66.0 AI 5/10 to Rocking P Private Stock Here is a really solid bred female. She is big footed, sound and good bodied. Eminence is out of a cow that has been really solid for us producing bulls and heifers over the years. Her dam has an awesome udder and a great set of feet and legs. Kitzerow Cattle Company Lot 29 30 Dwyer Sheeza Babe 153J PB Simmental - 1/15/21 - ASA #: 4083257 WBF Significant B132 Rubys Turnpike 771E Rubys Miss Cleo 240Z SVF/NJC Built Right Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Fantasy CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.9 3.2 77.6 123.9 28.3 9.3 15.3 113.8 70.7 AI 5/22 to FELT Perseverance Big time purebred female who checks all the boxes. This Turnpike daughter is big framed, high performing, and stands on a powerful hoof. Love the way this female ties high out of the point of her shoulder and her rugged powerful de sign. We have sold multiple full siblings to her the past few years who have averaged over $5K. Maternal powerhouse! Slater Farms Lot 30 Spring Bred Heifers

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 15 32 SSS Cox Cow 10J 3/4 Simmental - 3/28/21 - ASA #: 3914057 Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U Sandeens Crowd Pleaser SSS Brilee 1Y Jarrs Miss Macho 23T CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.0 3.2 66.2 90.6 19.4 9.1 10.0 99.1 65.2 AI 5/10 to WHF Double Up A powerful granddaughter of the great 23T. The 23T female has laid the foundation for our program pro ducing sons and daughters who flat get the job done. This baldy is powerful footed, long and level in her build and sells safe AI to Double Up. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 32 33 SSS Cox Cow 109J 3/4 Simmental - 3/1/21 - ASA #: 4075610 Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U DJ Salute G509 Sandeen Lady 1022 K022 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 7.9 2.6 61.5 84.1 18.1 9.3 10.4 101.5 63.8 AI 4/30 to THSF Lover Boy 109J is a Relentless x a full sibling to Sandeen’s SOS. This cocky necked female is one to put on your short list sale weekend. She sells safe AI to Lover Boy. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 33 34 SSS Cox Cow 118J 3/4 Simmental - 3/27/21 - ASA #: 4068738 CNS Pays to Dream LLSF Pays to Believe ZU194 LLSF Ura Baby Doll Mr HOC Broker SSS Cox Cow 444B VDAR Forever Lady CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.3 2.6 72.1 105.3 21.5 7.1 12.4 105.5 68.3 AI 5/21 to THSF Lover Boy We’ve had a great track record over the years with Pays to Believe and continue to utilize his service year after year. This cocky necked P2B daughter goes back to an impressive half blood Broker cow. 118J sells safe AI to Lover Boy. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 34 Spring Bred Heifers

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 16 35 SSS Cox Cow 101J 1/2 Simmental - 1/8/21 - ASA #: 4075611 SVF Steel Force S701 Mr HOC Broker JM BF H25 Werner Flat Top 4136 KOCH Miss Blitz Faye 1812 KOCH Miss Blitz 1644 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.4 0.4 74.3 117.2 20.9 4.4 12.2 116.6 73.5 AI 3/22 to THSF Lover Boy Best advice I’ve ever been given was if you see someone sell a Broker daughter go ahead and buy it. 101J is a striking baldy who is deep sided, level topped, and sound at the ground. This female sells AI safe to Lover Boy for a quick return on investment. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 35 36 SSS Cox Cow 103J 1/2 Simmental - 2/12/21 - ASA #: 4075614 CNS Dream On L186 WAGR Driver 706T 3C Melody M668 BZ K2K Sure Deal 149 KOCH Fannie Fania 1836 1602 K2K Fannie 1602 S75 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.1 0.7 71.9 107.5 20.5 11.2 16.2 141.4 80.5 AI 3/25 to W/C Lock Down The Driver daughters make impressive cows in production and 103J should be no different. This female is extended fronted, has a picture perfect udder design, and a bold rib design. If you’re looking for a high impact female to add to your program look no further. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 36 37 SSS Cox Cow 110J 1/2 Simmental - 2/10/21 - ASA #: 4068739 CNS Dream On L186 WAGR Driver 706T 3C Melody M668 BZ GLF Leader 6427 GLFN Erica 0119 GLF Northern Erica 674 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 9.0 1.6 72.5 107.4 17.9 11.8 14.9 133.8 78.7 AI 3/31 to W/C Lock Down We’ve had a lot of success with these Driver daughters over the years, thus our continued use of this bull. 110J is a long necked, deep sided female who sells bred up for a half-blood calf by Lock Down. Regardless of the sex this calf will more than pay the way in your program. Swing Shift Simmentals WAGR Driver 706T Spring Bred Heifers

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 17 40 Dwyer/SFIS/DDM Donna 156J 3/4 Simmental - 3/15/21 - ASA #: 4083258 WBF Significant B132 Rubys Turnpike 771E Rubys Miss Cleo 240Z Meyer Ranch 734 Sandeen Donna 7386 Coleman Donna 386 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.7 1.5 75.3 118.5 28.6 10.5 13.1 108.2 70.7 AI 5/22 to FELT Perseverance A baldy daughter of the great Sandeen Donna 7386 this female offers up a outcross pedigree to the Dream On sire line. This long bodied female stands on a good hoof design and is built for the long haul. Check her out sale weekend. Slater Farms Sandeen Donna 7386 38 SLTR Lady Mainstay 085H 1/2 Simmental - 10/15/20 - ASA #: 4083261 THSF Lover Boy B33 LLSF Mainstay F361 LLSF Ura Baby Doll Ohern 6303 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.3 0.2 72.2 105.1 22.5 12.7 12.6 121.1 74.4 AI 4/11 to FELT Perseverance A deep sided easy fleshing daughter of our resident herd sire LLSF Mainstay who is a Lover Boy son and a mater nal sibling to LLSF Pays to Believe. You’ll love the rib design and added length of body this one brings to the table she is mated up in the hopes of a high quality baldy 3/4 blood by Perseverance.
A high performing big framed daughter of Mainstay. This female stands on a powerful hoof with added bone. You’ll appreciate this ones added frame, length of body, and structur al correctness. She’s 100% Safe AI to Perseverance.
Slater Farms Lot 38 39 SLTR Lady Mainstay 090H 1/2 Simmental - 9/15/20 - ASA #: 4083263 Lover Boy B33 LLSF Mainstay F361 LLSF Ura Baby Doll Ohern 2014 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.7 -0.1 71.3 103.7 22.7 12.7 12.6 121.9 74.3 AI 5/30 to FELT Perseverance
Slater Farms Lot 39
Spring Bred Heifers

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 18 41 SSS Cox Cow 112J 1/2 Simmental - 2/20/21 - ASA #: 4068740 C&C McKinley 3000 Gateway Follow Me F163 Dunk-W Maxine HR 505 Triple C Positive Power SSS Power Silk JDJ Black Silk 018J CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 6.1 3.7 75.8 116.9 13.3 10.4 10.9 102.6 69.5 AI 4/3 to W/C Lock Down This Follow Me daughter goes back to one of the most consistent producers in our program. Power Silk continues year after year to wean off one of our top calves. Here is a female with the added bone, depth of rib, and sound design you love to see. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 41 42 SSS Cox Cow 111J 3/4 Simmental - 3/1/21 - ASA #: 4081325 TJ Main Event 503B CDI Innovator 325D CDI Ms Shear Force 49 Sandeen Crowd Pleaser SSS Cox Cow 445B JDJ Shes All That 005K CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.3 2.1 73.2 111.4 24.3 8.2 12.2 114.8 72.6 AI 3/31 to W/C Night Watch Here’s an outcross female who blends a really cool look with added performance. 111J sells safe AI to Night Watch. Swing Shift Simmentals 43 SSS Cox Cow 107J 1/4 Simmental - 2/2/21 - ASA #: 4075609 Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Style 9303 Silveiras Elba 2520 WAGR Dream Catcher TJSC Dream Catcher 236Y 222 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 11.1 0.6 59.1 87.4 16.7 7.0 14.7 124.8 68.0 AI 5/9 & 5/31 to W/C Lock Down Here is a daughter of Style who goes back to a Dream Catcher female we acquired from Jones Show Cattle in Ohio. You’ll love her cocky look and added power. Swing Shift Simmentals 44 SSS Cox Cow 16J 1/2 Simmental - 2/5/21 - ASA #: 3958761 Remington Lock n Load W/C Lock Down 206Z GCF Miss New Level CSCX Bandwagon 513A SSS Cox Cow 848F 903 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 12.6 0.1 73.7 112.4 22.2 11.0 10.0 120.3 76.7 AI 5/10 to WHF Double Up Lock Down continues to make high impact daughters and sons for our program who come with an easy fleshing design. 16J sells safe AI to Double Up. Swing Shift Simmentals www.terraproco.com Spring Bred Heifers Thank you to Terra Products Company for providing the meal for this year’s sale!

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 19 45 SSS Cox Cow 104J 3/4 Simmental - 2/11/21 - ASA #: 4075608 LLSF Pays to Believe SSS Cox Bull 60F Ms SSS Show Stopper Silveiras Style 9303 SSS Cox Cow 84F SSS Cox Cow 507C CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 8.8 2.6 64.4 96.1 19.0 7.6 13.0 103.6 63.1 AI 3/25 to THSF Lover Boy Great grand dam was Champion Simmental at the Iowa Beef Expo, dam was Reserve Champion % Simmental at the Muscatine County Fair. 104J is deep ribbed, big footed, and has a picture perfect udder de sign. This female sells safe AI to Lover Boy. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 45 46 SSS Cox Cow 102J 1/2 Simmental - 3/2/21 - ASA #: 4075613 LLSF Pays to Believe SSS Cox Bull 60F Ms SSS Show Stopper 52 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 7.8 2.8 61.6 92.9 19.7 9.3 10.4 99.3 62.9 AI 4/15 to W/C Lock Down A star headed female by our cleanup sire 60F this cocky necked female is level topped, long spinned, and as sound as you can make one. She sells safe AI to Lock Down. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 46 47 SSS Cox Cow 117J 1/2 Simmental - 2/27/21 - ASA #: 4068737 LLSF Pays to Believe SSS Cox Bull 60F Ms SSS Show Stopper 287 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 7.9 2.7 62.4 93.8 19.9 9.5 10.8 100.8 63.5 AI 4/19 to THSF Lover Boy A cool necked, deep sided daughter of 60F. This bull has done a tremendous job in our program and this will be the first opportunity to tie into genetics out of this leading sire. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 47 Spring Bred Heifers

48 SSS Cox Cow 115J 1/2 Simmental - 3/2/21 - ASA #: 4068735 LLSF Pays to Believe SSS Cox Bull 60F Ms SSS Show Stopper 288 CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI 7.7 2.7 60.5 91.3 19.2 9.3 9.7 97.9 62.4 AI 4/19 to THSF Lover Boy A star headed daughter of 60F who is sure to find friends sale weekend. This female sells safe AI to Lover Boy. Swing Shift Simmentals Lot 48 51 Clausen I-80 Maine Cross - Spring 2021 - Unregistered Cowan’s Ali 4M GOET I-80 BPF Miley Monopoly Clausen Monopoly CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI AI 4/19 to THSF Lover Boy 50 Clausen 107 SimAngus - Spring 2021 - Unregistered Simmental Angus CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI AI 3/27 to THSF Lover Boy Chad Clausen Spring Bred Heifers 49 SSS Cox Cow 122J Maine Cross - Spring 2021 - Unregistered Monopoly LFCC Unstoppable LFCC Lady K 727T SimAngus CE BW WW YW Milk DOC Stay API TI AI 4/19 to W/C Lock Down Swing Shift Simmentals

Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Page 21 Spring Bred Heifers & Pick of 2022 Bull Calves 52 WHCC Foxy Roxi 171J Mainetainer - 4/19/21 - AMAA #: 525615 Daddy’s Money 55Z BBR FX May We All 6D MAC Shelby 302A Musgrave By Product 371 Ranch Hand AI 5/12 to Data Bank This May We All daughter was the Supreme Champi on Heifer at the Muscatine County Fair for Bailey Danner. Foxy is a true show stopper with all the extras. This female comes dead level across her top line, added depth of body from fore rib to flank, a picture perfect udder design, and an unmatched soft look to her rib cage. If your looking for a Mainetainer fe male to take your program to the next level look no further. Halter broke and safe AI to Data Bank it just doesn’t get much better!
53 Pick of 2022 SSS Bull Calf Crop
Choice of 1 or more bulls
Koberg 563-349-0702 & Danner Cattle
Lot 52 Past High Selling bull at the Iowa Beef Expo
We’ve been very fortunate over the decades to devel op a strong private treaty bull sale program. In the past we’ve offered up our bulls first come first serve as well as offered a few at the Iowa Beef Expo. This year we decided to offer each of you the chance to tie into pick of our 2022 bull calves in this auction. Winning bidder will be given the option to select as many bulls as he or she wishes out of our bull pen with the winning bid. Bulls can stay at Swing Shift Simmentals to be developed until May 1 of 2023 at no additional cost. Bulls are guaranteed to pass a BSE prior to new owner taking delivery. Payment on bull or bulls selected to be made following the auction. The 2022 bull calf crop will be located near the sale site and will be available to look at prior to the auction. Winning bidder will be asked to name how many bulls he or she wishes to choose during the auction and then give Ron Cox the tag numbers they would like within a week of the sale.
Swing Shift Simmentals

Saturday September 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Page 22 Notes... Schedule of Events Prior to September 15th Cattle Available for viewing by appointment September 15 & 16 Cattle Available for viewing at the sale site. September 17th 4:30 pm Dinner & Refreshments Served 6:00 pm Sale Begins