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Get Lucky

F in a l Ye a r P r oje c t 2 0 1 6 Diploma of Experience & Product Design SP Design School

INTRODUCTION This 15 weeks final year project explores the intangible meanings, notions and experiences of luck. Luck, as a universal concept, is embedded in almost all races, religions and nationalities. Defined by the Wikipedia, luck is “a purposeless, unpredictable and uncontrollable force that shapes events favorably or unfavorably for an individual, group or cause�. Yet, whether is it good luck, bad luck or no luck, these are values we hold in our lives, shaped by the culture, customs, religion, race and nationality we are subjected to. The approach of this project is to challenge students to read and research widely, capturing and understanding the various rituals, beliefs, behaviours, activities, objects and elements associated with the notion of luck. From the casinos, to astronomy, to numbers, to cultural rituals, students were challenged to look into a wide variety of relevant themes for inspirations. Students then translate their understanding into tangible objects that appropriately captures and expresses the emotional engagements and sensorial experiences of luck. Time to get lucky! - Winston Chai Design Studio Lead


Co nte nts i ntro d u cti o n Winston Chai


astro logy as lu ck Syamimi Mokhsin


ex pe r i e n ce o f Lu ck i n th e cas i n o Teo JunHui


s m o ke as lu ck Gladys Toh


n u m b e rs as lu ck Teo Hui Wen


th e g low o f lu ck Goh Jee Yan


Trav e lli n g w ith lu ck Chen Dan


a nti ci pati o n i n a n ex pe r i e n ce o f lu ck Siti Nabilah Rosli


Lu ck i s b e i n g h o pe fu l Phyllis Gan


Lu ck i s A Cha n ce Berlyn Chua


wate r o f lu ck Vivien Foo


fi s h es as a sy m bo l o f lu ck Teo Yan Yan






astrology as luck Syamimi Mokhsin

Since early times, humans have looked up to the sky and made many observations from the stars above. In different parts of the world, they have their own sets of beliefs and myths about the stars and constellation. Some used their observations to determine the course of seasons for their agriculture. For others, it is used as a form of divination from the gods to predict future events. Astrologers study these planets and stars in motion and derive divinations. They believe the movements of these celestial objects influences time and since we are part of the universe according to our birth, the relation between the stars and us are interrelated. The planets’ rulings, zodiac signs, constellations and their meanings are the results of the rich history of astrology. The word “zodiac” means animals and is usually referred to as the twelve constellations through which the sun travels. Each zodiac sign predicts his or her future, from an account of their character and circumstances based on the relative positions of these stars and planets at the time of the person’s birth. For example, at one point of time, a person is said to be lucky as the planet Jupiter, in which it rules luck, is in favour with his birth date. Horoscope affects the way people go through their daily lives. It affects their moods and mindsets, be it positive or negative. There are various aspects involved, such as careers, relationships, and happiness. For example, a person received a bad reading for the day, his mindset would be – “something bad will eventually happen,” or “I’m not going to make it through today because my horoscope says so.” On the contrary, a good reading gives a person a mood boost. His efficiency will be better as he expects no bad luck. Early astrologers used many kinds of tools such as the telescope to observe the sky. With that, they mapped out the stars and could make predictions of their future positions. Telescope uses concave and convex lenses to create visual magnification, which allows the observer to have a closer study of the movement of the stars. Today, advanced technologies, such as the Hubble Telescope, allow us to look beyond stars and into other galaxies. Complex computer systems are created that calculates future positions of these celestial objects. In our everyday lives, Astrology is still more commonly used as a form of entertainment. Today it is common to find zodiac readings in the weekend leisure columns of newspapers and lifestyle magazines. It is a tool of self-assurance for an individual to depend on. It is just a matter of how far a person decides to take it.


The Dazzle Scope is a kaleidoscope that gives an magical experience of stargazing and at the same time it enables one to find your luck. Inspired by how astrologers use the telescopes to read and map out the stars, the Dazzle Scope is an unconventional yet fun way to get their horoscope. The Dazzle Scope has interchangeable ‘constellation caps’. After choosing the correct constellation cap and fixing it to the scope, the user has to twist the constellation cap, which creates the experience of stargazing. Just like how astrologers calculate the horoscope in accordance with birth dates and planet positions, the user will ‘calculate’ his horoscope with his birth date and the moment he is using the Dazzle Scope. For example, his birthdate is 1 January and the day is 12 January. The user takes the two dates and adds them up together. The number he gotten is the number of times he will need to twist the cap and finally stop to get his horoscope reading.


experience of luck in the casino Teo JunHui

Do you know everything in a casino is designed to make a gambler feel the experience of luck? Our five senses are triggered the moment we stepped into the casino from the eye catching visuals to the intricate table games and slot machine designs. One example is the floral carpet design, the bold patterns and bright colour of the carpet design refrains the gamblers from taking a break from their game and in order to keep them awake. In another study conducted among a group of people, lighting effects and combinations of music were tested. Results showed that; a combination of red lights and fast-tempo music made gamblers bet at a faster pace as compared to white lights with no or slow music. The winning emotions that could be found in a casino are; exhilaration and thrill. This is linked to the experience of luck in the casino. What really stood out for me among the rest of the other elements found in the casino is the sound produced during the interaction between the player and the slot machine. According to Brett Jackson, Director of Game Development from Bally Technologies is that by “Playing the slot machine gives the users an illusion of winning”. “Matching patterns and recognising patterns are the most pleasing thing that a human could do at a subconscious level” resulted from the random patterns of a slot machine. Therefore I am keen to extract the sound element that brings about the experience of luck in a casino and apply it into a tangible product that could be found in our daily lives. I find the sound of coins dropping onto a metal surface most captivating and thrilling that amplifies the experience of luck. Hence my design concept is to apply the joyous emotion of winning luck into a coin bank.


Jackpot is a coin bank that creates the fun experience of a slot machine. The user will be able to experience the sound of luck when a mountain of coins are compiled and tilted to a point where all of the coins will fall together. The sound of coins dropping will bring out the key experience of luck. The materials selected for Jackpot were designed with a slot machine in mind. Brass was selected as one of the key material to exude luxury, as seen on the gold trimmings of a slot machine and glass as it produces a very loud and clear sound when the coins hit against the glass surface.


Smoke as luck Gladys Toh

It was discovered two million years ago that mankind started burning objects for survival and for cultural rituals as a form of reassurance. There are many examples of burning objects to obtain luck such as burning incense in the Chinese culture and burning paper sculptures in Spain. Sage is one of the examples. The Native Americans conduct the ritual of smudging by burning the sage to get rid of bad luck. Smudging is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. When you light up the sage, smouldering smoke will be produced. Cast the sage in the air like a wand and let the smoke fill the room. Smudging offers various remedies for many physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental imbalances. The smoke is wispy and the way it flows in the air seems to be casting off the negative forces. As it floats in the air in an upward direction, the smoke gradually disappears, carrying your messages to the skies. The smoke is also a vehicle for the scent. The scent of the sage gives you a peace of mind and it diffuses positive energy. Perhaps those are the reasons behind the cultural tradition that makes people feel lucky. Beyond the traditions and cultural expressions that give people a sense of assurance, there are sensorial factors that could be the reasons why these experiences makes p eople feels lucky. Smoke is also often used as a magical expression in fantasy movies, whether it is casting spells in Harry Potter or summoning the genie in Aladdin. In the Disney version of Aladdin, when he is in need of help he will rub the lamp and POOF, out comes the genie which will grant him his wish and save him from distress. The huge puff of smoke along with the sparkles might represent a change of destiny or the visual appearance of a mystical power. There are some magical qualities about smoke that is so mysterious and enthralling. Thus, I would like to recreate this experience in our contemporary lifestyle.


I was inspired by the story of Aladdin. The experience of the poof of smoke in the movie triggers one to ask whether if it is real or just a hallucination. It is like the idea of encountering luck, you question yourself repeatedly, “Is this real, and am I really that lucky?� With the inspiration, I would like to design a humidifier that acts like a magic lamp. When you activate it, the humidifier will emit a poof of smoke-like vapours, together with the scent which will provides comfort and makes the user feel blessed. Perhaps in one of the puffs, a genie might appear and grant your wish!


numbers as luck Teo Hui Wen

Numbers in almost all cultures, have a significant and strong relevance to luck. For example, Number 13 is commonly known as an unlucky number while 7 is the lucky number. The relation of numbers to luck is especially so in the Chinese culture. Chinese relates numbers with luck base on homophones. The most common number that is related to bad luck is “4”. “4” is a dreaded number in Chinese superstition because it is homophonous with the Chinese word “死” “si” which means “death”. While “8”, pronounced as “ba” in Chinese, has a similar sound as “发” “fa” which means prosperity, wealth and fortune. Chinese have strong belief that their birthdates predetermined their life, destiny and fortune. Birthdates, or otherwise known as “生辰八字”(day, month, year and time) means Eight character in Chinese, where the fortune is calculated. The Bazi calculating came from a book called Yuan Hai Zi Ping (渊海子平) which is authorised by scholar Li Xu Zhong of Tang Dynasty (618-906). It was then practiced by Xu Zi Ping in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) which is based on the movement of the solar-system. It’s a traditional Chinese science to analyse a person’s destiny through a person’s birthdates, which Bazi enables us to predict the potential and mysteries of our lives. A deep understanding of your birth configuration provides a “guided” road map to your future, so that you can take appropriate steps to succeed in life. The calculation of birthdates will also define your element and through your element, you will be able to tell your destiny. There are five elements in total, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. The five elements in daily life were regarded as the foundation of everything in the universe and natural phenomena. They have their own characters and they can generate or destroy one other. Generating Interactions are like how Metal generates water; water nourishes wood; wood feeds fire; fire creates earth/ash; earth bears metal and Overcoming Interaction are Fire melts metal; metal chops wood; wood break up earth; earth absorbs water; water quenches fire. Chinese believe very much in fortune telling. Therefore they are willing to pay a substantial amount of money for the service of a fortune teller for their life’s prediction and pitfalls. It is also common in the Chinese culture that the birthdates of a new born baby is given to the fortune teller to determine their element as well as to determine an auspicious name.

co lo u r e d sto n es

‘Coloured Stones’ is a series of 5 different stone bracelets. The Stone of Gold (金石), Stone of Wood (木石), Stone of Water (水石), Stone of Fire (火石) and Stone of Earth (土石). The Stones are based on the Five elements (gold金, wood 木, water水, fire火, earth土) in Chinese tradition. The calculation of birthdates will define your element and through your element, you will be able to tell your destiny. It is common also in the Chinese culture that the birthdates of a new born baby is given to the fortune teller to determine their element and having to understand the baby’s element, parents or adults could buy Coloured Stones as a gift for baby to increase or balance out their elements. As if the elements are balance out among the person’s birthdates, he will enjoy good luck and bring honour to his family.


the glow of luck Goh Jee Yan The perception of luck and the divine can be experienced in many ways. Witnessing a rare sight is considered to be lucky, for example a shooting star, northern lights or a four-leaf clover. Embracing the sensation of soft wind sweeping across out bodies evokes a sense of well-being. Tinkles made by wind chimes may bring out a sense of blessing and calmness. The smell of incense can provide a sense of good luck and comfort. But many a times, luck is represented by light. Lighting effects can cast the experience of ‘luck’ or a sense of extraordinary. In Seoul, renowned Japanese designer, Tokujin Yoshioka had designed the Rainbow Church commissioned by MUSEUM. People. The museum’s mission is to take in a variety of artistic content and constantly seek to communicate with the artists or designers worldwide. The Rainbow Church is a glass wall made of 500 crystal prisms standing at eight-meter high. This creates a radiating visual experience due to the refractions and forms a beautiful spectrum spatially. Another exquisite example is at Mecenat Art Museum, Japan. NAF architect & design is in charge of this project and has decided to translate natural light through metric cut outs in the architect. Wind and natural light will be able to cast inside the exhibition allowing visitors to feel a subtle spiritual experience bestowing on them. Both of these places use light to project a sense of hopefulness by creating magical and glistening rays of light. Light not only aid our vision, but it gives off a brand new feeling. It can come in as a glow like a hero’s return, a single ray of light in pure darkness or a luminous orb that leads the path. In art history especially the Renaissance period, artists draw glowing halos and round orbits to depict the hero’s courage. Light is normally expressed in different forms for example, a sparkle, glow, beam or ray. There is always a positive and magical atmosphere when light is present. Light can be manipulated to stage the experience of luck and the divine.


This is a compass that is exciting to watch. The purpose of this magical item is to help in decision making. With a push of a button, the light will start running around leaving the user in anticipation. There are several layers of patterns and the different patterns allow for different options of random luck play.


travelling with luck Chen Dan

People are concern with safety during travelling. In 2014, there were 149 traffic accident fatalities and 7,791 cases of injuries due to accidents. Which means that on average there are about 22 cases of traffic accidents that happen on Singapore’s roads everyday. Hence, it is normal for people to be worried about their safety while travelling. Safety in travelling is also expressed in various cultures, where we often hear people wishing “good luck or bon voyage” before travel. In the Japanese culture, whenever people travel, they will say,“行って来ます (itte kimasu)” to their family members, which means “I am going out”. Then, their family members will reply, “いってらっし ゃい (itte rashai)” which means “bon voyage”. For the Chinese especially in China, they will affix a red square of paper with the writing “出入平安(chū rù píng ān)” on the door. This red square serves as an amulet, giving blessing for the people leaving their houses. When we travel to a foreign country, we wish to have a smooth journey and a safe flight. People carry amulet so as to get an assurance for their trip. Some examples of these situations are, parents wishing best of luck to their child, especially when their child is travelling alone, drivers hanging amulets in their car and people putting amulets in their wallets or keychains. These tangible items allow travellers to feel a sense of blessing and assurance.


Trinity Wrap is a wrap around blanket that incorporates neck support is designed for long haul travelling. Long haul travelling can be tiring and nerve wrecking for people, especially for travellers taking the economy cabin. Travellers usually equip themselves with neck pillows and blankets for physical comfort. A side pocket at the neck support contains a scent pouch, which gives out customised soothing scent providing a sense of familiarity and calm. At the inner back of Trinity Wrap, there is a small compartment that contains a small little flap that allows one to sew write well wishers on it. This is akin to one giving an amulet where the message of blessings and well wishes is expressed. Such intention is similar to one going to a religious place of worship to seek for an amulet. So when a traveller receives Trinity Wrap, it gives the person a sense of well wishing and good luck for their travelling.


anticipation in an experience of luck Siti Nabilah Rosli

When one is involved in a game of chance, there will be a mixture of feelings and emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, excitement, fear and other complex emotions. This concoctment of emotions is the complex feeling of anticipation. Anticipation is an intangible experience of luck. In most games of chance such as, spinning the wheel of fortune, turning the bingo cage, spinning the roulette and many more, the experience of anticipation is enhanced by sound effects. When one spin the wheel of fortune, it creates a rattling loud sound that enhances the experience of anticipation as people look at the spinning wheel. The key insights for experiential audio enhancement in game of chances are the duration and the loudness. For the time duration of the sound effects made from these games, it will last from 3 seconds to 7 seconds because the anticipation span of a person is short. There will be a change in volume from the start till the end of the audio effect paces the sense of anticipation. For example, from a low drone ascending to a high pitch volume gives a sense of anticipation that the results will be revealed. Hence, sound and audio effect plays a big part in the experience and sense of anticipation.


Spinning luck is a top that enhance the feeling of anticipation as it spins. It stages the experience of anticipation from the start till the end. Spinning luck is designed as a spinning vessel. When it spins without the sound, player will throw a small metal ball into the top and the ball will create a high pitch sound till it slows down.


luck is being hopeful Phyllis Gan

Luck is a hopeful emotion. Lucky occurrence often allows someone to feel hopeful, prompting one to make a wish. Chance occurances such as picking a four-leafed clover, dandelions, 11:11, shooting stars, stray eyelashes are considered lucky moments because these are times where people did not intentionally wait for, but just happen serendipitously. Wishing gives one hope because of the fact that there is this possibility of it happening. Culturally, there are moments where people make wishes. For example in Taiwan, people write their wish on a Wish lanterns, also known as 孔明灯 (Kŏng Míng Dēng), and let it fly away with the help of the heat from a fire. The floating lantern signifies that their wish would be more likely to come through as it drifts further away. Similarly, in Thailand, there’s a festival called Loy Krathong, where everyone will gather together to let go of lighted lotus candles and set them afloat on the river. Likewise, as the candle floats further away, the more likely the wish will be fulfilled. The visual experience of a drifting or floating object in the sky or the water brings about a hopeful emotion just like making a wish.


“Little Twinkle” is a mini sky lantern designed as a wishing gift. Like the iconic wish lantern, also known as 孔明灯 (Kŏng Míng Dēng), the receiver can write a message on this mini lantern, light the wick and see it float gently into the sky. This wishing gift brings out the hopeful emotion of feeling lucky as the receiver receives the gift and watches the lantern drift and float away.


Luck is A Chance Berlyn Chua

In life, chance occurs coincidentally without notice. Different situations produce different outcomes. A good outcome will provide a lucky experience, and vice versa. For instance, by striking a lottery or winning a luck draw are considered good outcomes, which one would feel lucky by chance. Also, in our daily life, missing a train ride or getting bird droppings landing on one’s head is considered unlucky. Although everyone will experience the good and the bad experiences of luck in any part of their lives, not everyone will experience the same type of chance consecutively. Some believe that when chance takes place, it is actually fated to happen in their life. Since, fate is something out of human’s control because it is a person’s destiny; events that happened are inevitable and unavoidable. Another perspective of chance is the probability of an outcome of a game. Throughout the game, the probability is being estimated. For example, games like blackjack, roulette wheel and certain board games involve actions like spinning, throwing and picking, creating a sense of anticipation and suspense. Anticipation usually takes place during the time of waiting, such as when the spinning drum is spinning, waiting for your next turn or when the die is still unsettled.


Flipping a coin is a common way to leave decisions to chance. Fate coin is designed as a deciding flip coin which creates a magical visualisation as it spins, heightening the visual experience of suspense as one waits for the coin to settle for one decision.


water as luck Vivien Foo

Water has a close relation to luck in many cultures and religion. It is often a metaphor or symbol to purge misfortune. In many cultures, water is used as part of ceremonies, festivals or rituals. In the Malay culture, during traditional wedding, there is the ‘bersanding’ ceremony where family members, friends and well-wisher would sprinkle flower petals and scented water on the palm of the couple so to give them blessings and well wishes. In Thailand, the Songkran festival involves the splashing of water on one another to wash off all misfortunes in the past year and thus welcoming a fresh start. Part of the Songkran festival includes “Rod Nam Dum Hua Tradition” which involves the pouring of scented water with flower petals on to the hands of the elderly or people they respect in hope to receive their blessing for the coming year. In Poland and Hungary, an Easter tradition involves the drenching of females with scented water (cheap cologne or perfume) as it is believed that water had a cleaning, healing and fertility-inducing effect. It is also a common practice for different cultures to use a flower bath. The flower bath is believed to be able to wash away bad luck and bring forth good luck. While in countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, there is the addition of kaffir lime in the flower bath. The scent of the kaffir lime is believed to scare away evil spirits. In several religions, water is a symbol of purity, a medium for cleaning ill fortune. In Buddhism, it is a common practice to cleanse oneself on the hands, face and feet with pomelo water after returning from a funeral. This is believed to wash away any bad luck and prevents bad spirits from following into one’s home. In Roman Catholic and Christianity, baptism is a common practice to wash away all their sins before having a fresh start. Anointing oil is added to the holy water during baptism to signal their having received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Water is a common element used for washing away bad luck and getting good luck. It helps one feel refreshed and awake, in preparation on a fresh new start. It also has a cooling feeling: this coolness helps one feel as though their bad luck has been purged and removed. Flowers also helps in enhancing the feeling of washing away bad luck, such as the flower bath where the petals would float on top of the water. Scents are also infused in the water to help enhance the experience. Water can present itself in many forms. From soaking, splashing, dripping or sprinkling, the various water forms can be manipulated to express and provide different experiential engagements in the different rituals and ceremonies. As water is a key element that represents life and is also used for cleaning in everyday life, it is clear to understand why people would worship water and have faith in the fact that water is the element that brings luck and purge bad fortune.

b lo s so m

Blossom is a face mist that evokes a sense of luck. Inspired by the various water rituals and festivals around the World, this lightly scented floral face mist provides the refreshing and awakening sensation of blessing, while helping one feels clean and fresh. Taking visual references from the Songkran festivals and flower baths, colourful mini flowers are encased within this bottled potion of blessing. The scent is concocted with the traditional flower bath in mind, infused with sweet floral notes from echinacea, chamomile, camellia sinensis, rose, elder flower, chrysanthemum and a hint of summer berries.


fishes as a symbol of luck Teo Yan Yan

Throughout history, fishes have been regarded as a symbol of luck in many countries and cultures, especially in the East Asia. This can be seen from relics in countries like Japan, Korea, China, and Thailand. Fish motifs can be found – whether painted or carved – on various materials, such as iron, jade, and porcelain. Koi, goldfish, arowana, and flowerhorn cichlid, are all seen as lucky fishes because of its colour, patterns, or behaviour. Fish representing luck can be traced back to as early as the 6th Century, when people started to notice the behaviour and characteristics of these fishes. One of the most prominent species of fish that symbolise ‘luck’ in Eastern Asia is the Cyprinus Carpio, also known as ‘koi’. Its significance come from its behaviour – swimming in pairs signifying unity and fidelity; swimming against currents signifying strength and determination; swimming freely signifies well-being, unbounded by limitations; fertility as shown by the speed and volume it breeds in. The movement of koi fishes is smooth and fluid, bringing tranquillity, as well as showing the well-being of the fishes – at peace. More specifically and commonly, these koi fishes are known as Nishikigoi – ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp. These nishikigoi are distinguished by their coloration. The change in colour is caused by mutation, and happens only to domesticated koi. Its colour determines the type of luck it brings. Taking the most commonly bred koi as examples, gold and silver koi represents wealth, riches, business success; cream with red patches – career success (red symbolising passion and love); black – life changes and transformation (used to represent the father of the family, having been through and successfully overcoming obstacles). One of the most common koi for love luck is the kuchibeni, a cream-colored koi with red patches that happen to fall around the lips, and looks like lipstick is applied on the koi’s lips. Another reason why koi is regarded as a luck symbol is due to its scales and whiskers – characteristics that one (in ancient times) would relate to with the dragon, which signifies royalty and bringer of fortune. Due to tradition, culture, and superstition, fishes are still figured prominently as a symbol of luck in East Asia.


Asians tend to bring charms, amulets, or talismans around with them, in hope of maximising their good luck (or ability to ward off evil). Inspired by the scales and colours of koi fished, the Koin Pouch is designed as a wealth charm that helps to bring fortune luck. When more money is put into the pouch, the scales become more prominent, showing more of the auspicious colours from the inner layer.



Studio Director Winston Chai Lecturer Diploma in Experience & Product Design


Photography Team

Berlyn Chua Teo JunHui Gladys Toh Teo Hui Wen Goh Jee Yan Chen Dan Siti Nabilah Phyllis Gan Syamimi Mokhsin Vivien Foo Teo Yan Yan

In-charge: Teo JunHui Chen Dan Teo Yan Yan

Exhibition Team In-charge: Phyllis Gan Berlyn Chua Goh Jee Yan

Publication Team In-charge: Gladys Toh Siti Nabilah Rosli


ac k n ow le d g e m e nts We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr Tham Heng Loong from FabLab Singapore Polytechnic & Jeff Teo from SP Design School for their kind efforts and assistance in helping us make this project possible. We are extremely grateful to our adjunct lecturers, Chen Weiyan & Jessica Wong for their generous feedbacks and support throughout our whole journey!

Singapore Polytechnic Design School Transform lives through the power of design. SP Design School offers you four design diplomas— Experience and Product Design, Games Design and Development, Interior Design and Visual Communication and Media Design —that will train you to do exactly that. Our diploma programmes are guaranteed to give you the best mix of skillstraining and creative ideation, academic rigour and imaginative exploration to help you succeed in your design career, as you learn the essential skills needed to succeed at your trade. You will gain crucial industry exposure through year-long design projects as well as the Industrial Training Programme. Our state-of-the-art facilities will optimise your learning experience.

Diploma in Experience and Product Design The future is in products and services that project an ‘experience’ beyond what they are – one that goes beyond form and function but also delivers an experience that engages, enlightens, and creates enjoyment. That’s where a product finds its meaning. Such is the approach taken by the Diploma in Experience and Product Design (DXPD) course. We aim to ignite the spark of genius in you, producing Experience and Product Designers that will create ‘moments’ of engagement between users and objects. You will be exposed to the many facets of experience design from the edible to the intangible; from spaces to services; from the user research to the designed solution.


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