Bring on the Snow

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Bring on the Snow! /2014/01/14/bring-snow/ Dylan Cooper Posted in Start Marketing Online

Some of you may know by now that I love snow! Whilst many people are bemoaning the bad winter weather, I get all excited about the possibility of an escape to the mountains and the prospect of ski slopes covered in deep fresh powder. A ritual that I develop at this time of year is regularly checking into the snow reports and webcams on the Ski Club of Great Britain website. It’s so exciting to see what new snow has fallen or is going to fall, see it on the webcams and plan a resort to visit. Following on from the recent new year and goal setting theme, I realised this morning, (while longingly looking at the snow reports) that the pursuit of an annual pilgrimage to the alps is a strong motivator for me to make and save the money to do so. For me, this is a passion. It is much closer to a must for me than wanting or merely just a nice thing to do. I also realise that in pursuing the dream of an alpine winter break and the means to go, there are other benefits because everything throughout the year that requires the making or saving of money becomes easier as a side product of following a passion. So I reckon some good advice for generally making life easier financially is this: find and chase after your passions. If you always have a project in mind, actually more than a project, something you are really passionate about, something that you really must have the means to afford to do or have, then everything else requiring funds stand a good chance of benefiting or at least become more likely to happen in the way you want. As Tony Robbins says in Happy New You, if something is an absolute must for you, then you step up and raise your standards in order to achieve that. And an improvement in one area of life often means improvement in other areas. So it is about finding your musts. This is probably easier for some people than others. For some, their passions in life are obvious to them and everyone around them, for others, it may require a little more digging to find and acknowledge the things that really fire them up. Once that fire has been poked, prodded and really stoked up though, finding the motivation to work on it is not often a chore. It is also easier said than done to make and save money for a passion if your income is fixed. If you earn the same money, month in, month out, then the challenge is to cut back on non-essential spending, to fund the thing you are passionate about. A much better idea though, is to expand your means by finding a way to make additional income, beyond your main source. That way, you don’t have to cut back on other things in order to follow your passions. Take a look here for one of the best ways to do this online, in the exciting world of the digital economy. Once a secondary or even third or fourth stream of income is established, then doing what you want, when you want


starts to become a reality. No longer are we struggling to meet our family’s basic needs every month but we are dreaming about what we really want and care about in life and going for it! If this is the kind of situation you would like to get into, then I would thoroughly recommend watching this short video that shows you how to start on a journey to earning what you need in the new digital economy, to have and do what your heart desires in life. Watch out for posts on useful productivity tools in the coming days. To Your Success!



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