Scripting Final Assignment

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(0.25, 0)

(0.75, 0)


Test model of the hexagonal structure from the backside.

(0.37, 0.5)


(0.25, 1)

(0.62, 0.5)

(0.75, 1)


Coordinates used for created the hexagonal-pattern structure for each panel. Test model of the hexagonal structure from the front side.

This exercise was an attempt to create a structural pattern for the spa project early in the semester. The basic concept was already in place, but this exercise was less about form-finding than it was attempting to visualize what the underlying structure of a certain shape might be. A hexagonal pattern was employed as the member size needed to be minimized for them to be transported to the site. It was also selected for study on the basis that it is one of the most efficient uses of material.


PM After dark, the background color and text fill color reverse from white and black to black and white, respectively.

I heard you like clocks... so I put a clock on your clock. Humans perceive time as a linear entity. But time is actually more of a two-way street. It is a continuum, like space, that acts as a medium for things to exist and events to occur. In that sense it becomes an entity that fosters cyclical events and patterns. What would it mean to design a clock for this sort of a paradigm shift? How can we elucidate the true nature of time while acknowledging the way humans fundamentally experience it?


sec hr


This clock attempts to answer these questions by confronting the essential nature of human perception. The viewer is deliberately made aware that what they are looking at is a clock. However, it does not look like a typical clock, nor does it operate like one. The clock, by acknowledging change in time, more closely approaches a Medieval understanding of time, and by doing so calls into question the modern notion of time as a series of coordinates. CL : O : CK doesn’t tell time in a way that provides the user with a specific set of information; rather it helps the user realize the idea of time as a construct.


Rendering of one of the saunas, with the structural geometry from Grasshopper visible at right.




+ + +

+ Rendering of the steam bath.

My studio group took on the task of creating an exclusive spa on the rooftop of the Allianz skyscraper building in Berlin. For our project, we used Grasshopper for Rhino in a limited, but very specific, capacity. We were trying to achieve a structure that becomes denser in certain parts and more open in others to allow for controlled views, daylight, and ventilation. To that end, we took a surface that we had created in Maya, split it into 7 smaller surfaces based on the density we wished to achieve, and then used Grasshopper to create the vertical structural pipe bents and to vary their spacing. Additionally, we offset the surface to be flush with the outside edge of the structure to get a smooth appearance from the outside, while keeping all of the structure to the interior. Grasshopper & Rhino were also employed in a limited degree in various formfininding, evolutionary, and surface modification and refinement exercises throughout the project.


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