Making the Connections that Make the Difference
Making the connections that help you to: Increase productivity Reduce employee turnover Place best people in business critical roles Identify and manage risk
Risks and Consequences Unlike most other management disciplines, the management of people in many organisations lacks a clear and consistent measurement system. Where there are objective measurement systems, these typically treat jobs and people in completely different ways. It is as if jobs are measured in units of weight and people in terms of height.
Due to the lack of adequate measurement systems, HR processes and methods are often disjointed and, at worst, time-consuming hindrances to line-management.
As a result, the risks associated with selecting, developing, organising and rewarding people are often not adequately considered. The consequence of making a wrong senior appointment becomes all too obvious in time. What is less apparent is the risk to the shareprice of not having a direct connection between the strategic objectives and the organisation’s means of achieving these.
Dynamic Link
Dynamic Link addresses the gaps in the current approaches to people management by providing the equivalent of a ruler. This ‘ruler’ has a measurement scale that encompasses both people and jobs. Used in the right way, this simple device can have an almost revolutionary impact. Using the ruler, organisations can make vital links that result in cost reduction, improved effectiveness and risk management.
Using the Ruler Using the ruler together with our diagnostic tools and methods, Dynamic Link provides consultancy services including: Audit We identify whether talent pools are sufficient and flexible enough to meet growth ambitions, We identify whether there are gaps and overlaps in organisation structures, We identify whether the best people are in the business critical positions. Risk Assessment We identify the cost/benefit of continued operation ‘as-is’, We identify whether there is sufficient talent to meet an organisation’s growth ambitions, We identify whether management information systems provide the basis on which to make informed decisions that impact or depend upon people.
Our Resources Our capability is based on our having leading job and people classification systems and sophisticated yet easy to use diagnostic methods. Our resources also include consultants that have a proven track record in making a difference to organisations. A key aspect of our work is the way that we diagnose issues and identify opportunities. We have a highly appreciative approach allied to a rigorous diagnostic methodology. Through this we identify strengths, potential and hidden organisational capability rather than simply focusing on what is broken or missing.
Our Belief People working in jobs that they suit, in an effective structure and supportive culture, unlock their own potential and deliver remarkable performance.
Ivydene Winkfield Rd Ascot Berks SL5 7EX UK office: +44 (0) 1344 874999