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This system provides the basis for decision support in three key areas; namely Talent, Structure and the Match between people and jobs. It generates a series of measures, ratios and indices. These include:
Workforce Analytics consolidates, into a management system, the data gathered from the individual tools in Global Profiling System.
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• Organisational Efficiency Index. Information M on the extent of gaps and overlaps in the at c h organisational structure generates an index that can be used for benchmarking and comparison internally or externally, • Succession Contingency Ratio. This identifies the depth of talent in the organisation, • Organisational Effectiveness Ratio. This identifies whether an organisation is effectively using its talent or whether it is overstretching/under-utilising its resources. nio at
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Workforce Analytics enables Risk Mitigation as the answers to key people and organisational questions tend to ‘fall out’ of the analysis.
©Global Profiling System
Talent The individual tools and methods in Global Profiling System: • Classify people according to a performance/ potential matrix, • Identify the likely risk that a person in a critical position will leave the organisation, • Identify successors. Outputs from these tools is captured on an integrated database and represented on a matrix in Workforce Analytics. This aggregated data produces diagrams and ratios that allow for internal comparisons to be made.
Individuals is at high risk of leaving Individuals is at medium risk of leaving Individuals is at low risk of leaving
Immediate successor identified Stress Point
©Global Profiling System
WORKFORCE ANALYTICS OVERVIEW Structure Capturing data on the reporting relationship of profiled jobs enables Workforce Analytics to identify the gaps and overlaps in the organisational structure. Generating specific job profiles along key spines of accountability provides a clear measure of structural efficiency. Director of Sales
General Sales Manager
Head of Sales Role Overlap/ Compression
Sales Account Manager
Branch Manager
Deputy Brand Manager Role Overlap/ Compression
Task Section Supervisor
Job compression occurs when more than one job along a spine of accountability is providing a similar core contribution. Where this occurs, accountability is likely to be diffuse. This means that the cascade from strategy to the undertaking of the fundamental work of the organisation is likely to be wasteful and inefficient
ŠGlobal Profiling System
WORKFORCE ANALYTICS OVERVIEW Match Global Profiling System is based on The Work Levels Taxonomy™. The Work Levels difference is this; by using detailed profiles that share a common language and the same dimensions the extent of the match between people and jobs is measured. Measuring the match between people and jobs through an integrated system provides a true picture of human capital. Having good people is important but it is the match to the jobs that they do that turns talent into value. By comparing the challenge of jobs with the capability of the person filling these on comparable scales it is possible to identify matches and gaps. The gap between job challenge and demonstrated capability can easily be measured by the respective use of Job Profiler and Person Profiler tools. Workforce Analytics provides up to date information on this gap analysis and provides indices and ratios on under-utilisation and over-stretch.
ŠGlobal Profiling System
WORKFORCE ANALYTICS OVERVIEW Risk Mitigation This involves assessing the demands of the external context (and the strategy to deal with this). Risk mitigation is aided by answering the following questions: Strategy • Is the strategy actually inline with the challenges and opportunities present in the market or operating conditions? Structure • Does the organisational structure enable or hinder the strategy? Individuals • Could the loss of job-holders in Stress Points severely impact the business? If so, how could the risks be reduced? • Are individuals matched to the roles undertaken? • What can be done to ensure the highest potential people or those occupying critical positions stay with the organisation? Talent Pool • What are the likely consequences of under-utilised or over-stretched resources? • Is there a bunching of talent with a number of people capable of working at a higher level where opportunities are limited? Could this lead to a loss of high potentials? • Does the Succession Contingency Index indicate that there is sufficient internal cover should a position become available? • Is their sufficient internal resource to meet the growth ambitions?
©Global Profiling System