Advanced Design C David Zawko Portfolio

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Adding To the Water | Rayong, Thailand 04 Advanced Design C Jan Wampler


Adding To the Water | Rayong, Thailand 04 Advanced Design C Jan Wampler

[66] Adding To the Water Advanced Design C | Spring 2013 Professor Jan Wampler Dustin Merrit Tyler Morra David Zawko

The soul of the city lives within the strength of its social interactions and its physical adaptations to site. Our vision for the Tubma Reservoir Valley holds character to a city emerged in nature while embellishing Thai culture. The design scheme aims to connect the surrounding context of culture, new industry, and ecology while promoting the emergence of new intellectual, cultural, and commercial capital. The compositional process began with establishing a main spine, which organizes an articulation between the two ponds. Acting as a structure which feeds an active community; the spine becomes the primary pedestrian thoroughfare. Holding the highest intensity, the spine feeds arteries which hold further intimate spaces. The experience and life of the settlement lie within the interweaving of these spaces, opening to a series of public plazas, the most central of which holds ground from its adjacencies to and East Water tower.

Tubma Reservoir Construction

The Proposal

The reservoirs are currently under construction, following the East Water Groups engineer’s design. Our scheme Proposes rethinking the reservoir to accomidate for occupation of the perimeter.

Axial Spine West Reservoir City Center Plaza East Reservoir

Settlement Entry


The plan is organized radially to create a relationship to the horizon through view Corridors. The radius responds to The surrounding mountains that flank the west reservoir.


Adding to the Water

The Initial scheme focuses on bridging the the two land masses and creating a central plaza that initates perpendicular growth into the water.


Concept Diagram

The Spine [Street] is used to bridge the land and water, focusing the primary density on the interior of the settlement.

West Reservoir City Center Plaza East Reservoir


[74] The Space Between | Plaza Design

The Plaza

The East Water tower is one of the primary barriers enclosing the settlements main plaza. The tower is also is the tallest structure in the city and is recognizable landmark upon entering the settlement from the north or south.

East Water Tower East Reservoir City Center Plaza Recreational Park


Space Between Precedent Model

[76] Mapping Types


Adding to the Water 04



Drawing from our personal experience and anaylsis of the current Thai demographic we began to organise the settlement. The culture is known for the intensiity and use of “street�, this is something that our scheme celebrates. The thai marketplace has a sectional relationship to the street, a live work walk up typology is used thoughout the settlement to assist in creating a strong


CIty Plaza

The Plaza acts as multi-purposed place, highlighting prime elements of the city such as a destination which attempts to mimic the livelihood present in a city such as Bangkok.

[80] Central Plaza west Facade | City Center

Central Plaza west Facade | City Center

By applying knowledge gained from experiencing traditional Thai architecture, in reference to current technologies, culture, and materials; we can begin to suggest a new vernacular. The architectural ideas, within the urban scale of the city, focus on the ideas of transparency and breathability of the structure, in relation to shade and ventilation techniques of traditional Thai architecture. Our challenge became an effort of understanding a new aesthetic, as well as, a logistical issue of adapting small scale technologies to large scale building types. We have found that a number of these adaptations, from collecting water to ventilation, can encourage a more efficient way of living.

[82] Vernacular Study

Adding To The Water | Vernacular 04

Sustainability suggests longevity; capitalizing on natural systems, it applies not only to systems and infrastructure, but primarily to the spirit or image of the city. Adaptations to climate take place at the scale of the city and furthermore at the level of architecture.

The Aperture

The Apertures act as an instrument for light to move through. Numerous slits direct light below ground where it burst out, covering the interior. The vertical member also collects water where the sun can reflect its texture onto the stone cut walls. A total of six steel members puncture the ground

[84] Central Plaza

[86] The Public park

The Waters Edge

East Water Group has Requested that the project feature various forms of growth control for the settlement. Our scheme proposes surrounding the settlement with a network of botanical gardens and nature preserves to counter any unwanted growth. A series of landscape studies were performed to create a balance between the built and natural as the settlement disperses from its center. The folding landscape was introduced at the south entry as an architectural element that controls the water movement during the flood season. The landscape continues from the entry and moves through the nature preserves creating walking paths.

Photo Credit: Silayne Stock

Elevated Residences

The Temple access is located in the city center

[88] Plan and Section Composition

Surrounding botanical gardens and nature preserve

proposed pumping station located 30 Meters from main cross access bridge

Central Plaza recreation park

The Design must be sensitive to the drastic weather fluctuations between the monsoon and dry season.

Design in Flux

[90] Water Level Variation | Monsoon Season

Flood Season [monsoon]

Seasonal Fluctuations

The perspective studies show the fluctuation in the water table of the reservoirs. The structures surrounding the reservoirs are intentionally designed to flood during the monsoon season. A network of paths appear during this season to act as a water market.


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